#And funny about it- of course
bedtimegiraffe · 25 days
Book 1 Healing Items
If you're like me and refuse to proceed with anything but perfect performance, you probably haven't seen these! Including an early glimpse at King Arlan being kind of a self-important ass.
Chapter 2
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Chapter 6
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Chapter 15
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(Not gonna lie, I really though we were going to get an option to take a drop of the potion or chug it. And you know my awful MC wanted to chug it.)
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suiheisen · 2 months
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you think YOU had a bad day at work?
bonus: sid shrieking "no!!!! NO!!!!!" loud enough to be heard in the stands and on camera
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egophiliac · 9 months
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just thinking about hair and faces
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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getting back into the untamed and i had a thought. / follow for more yllz babygirlism
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carlyraejepsans · 2 years
god grant me the serenity to ignore people who misread my blorbo, the courage to ignore people who misread my blorbo, the WISDOM to ignore people who misread my blorbo
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peoplesprincessgeorge · 4 months
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formula 1 + txt posts 4.0
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aalghul · 1 month
I think it’s really funny how Tim had at least one parent besides Bruce (who was not explicitly his parent for the longest time) for most of his time as Robin and yet nobody contests that he has been Bruce’s son, Dick’s brother, etc. since far before his actual adoption. But with Duke it’s a whole debate every time.
“Duke’s parents are still alive so it’s disrespectful” Tim’s stepmom was alive but unable to take care of Tim, when he was adopted by Bruce. Is it disrespectful to her to say Tim is Bruce’s son? Or does this argument only apply to Duke?
“Bruce didn’t adopt Duke, he was just his guardian” Do you know who else Bruce also didn’t adopt for his entire childhood? Or is Dick no longer Bruce’s son in any way whatsoever?
“Dick actually called Tim his brother” Jason’s included Duke as one of his brothers.
“Some people don’t like anything post-flashpoint” Those same people usually include Kate Kane.
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trek-tracks · 8 months
Starfleet Therapist: So what do we do when our ex won't speak to us
Kirk: Draft them out of retirement back into military service under my command
Starfleet therapist: nO
(this is a joke, obviously. Kirk would never go to therapy)
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inkskinned · 9 months
it mattered because when my brother asked me what if this is the happiest you'll ever be? the best you'll ever get? the thing i felt was fear, not peace. everybody thought you were so perfect for me. even i thought you were "helping me grow". i had to challenge every internal clock. make myself more thoughtful, more kind, more beautiful.
i told my therapist it was good because i like the changes i made and there's something so strong about saying i did that. the problem is that i can like the difference all i want, but i changed for you. something akin to getting your name tattooed, all my progress is stamped with fuck you.
it was the happiest i'd ever been and also the best i'd ever gotten. i would still get in the car and think what the fuck just happened.
#warm up#writeblr#i spent a lot of time picturing our future#how funny to think: in each version of our future#i was never myself#i was someone smarter kinder braver#better adept.#who could navigate the way you shouted and got angry at small things and never fucking believed the best of me#i would never be needy and you'd never get tired of me#people usually talk about how we picture people as being “fixable”. but i assumed i was the problem. my idyllic picture wasn't of you.#it was a version of me that wasn't ill. that needed no extra help. that could be your wife and happy#the fact i wasn't happy was because there is something so wrong inside me. it's always been that way. i convinced myself:#if i stay i can change. if i stay i can make it worth it. i can apologize and fix this. and make us both okay.#for the last year i've been thinking about how you blamed our whole breakup on me. how it was my fault for whatever thing.#and i agreed with you. because of course i did. you'd trained me to believe everything was my fault . that you wanted to love me and i made#it far too hard. that i was always finding ways to ''set you off'.#a few days ago while i was doing something else#i realized that while i was in crisis you told me to fuck off and find someone else to get help. and you never fucking apologized .#you said i made you do that because i wasn't being sensible. i had been crying too hard to speak clearly.#you said: you're doing this to manipulate me.#you forgave yourself for that. i had to forgive you without apology. you said you were right to react that way. and then you were SO#SO annoyed. any time i said: i feel like you aren't nice to me. it is hard to trust that you love me.#i don't think about you that much anymore. but these days when i do: all i can think is that im not sure u ever really understood kindness#you were the cruelest to the people closest to you. and most of the time. that meant it fell to me.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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I want you whipped into shape!
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Quackity: QSMP is a Minecraft server where people from all different parts of the world can join and talk to each other, 'cuz it has a live translator.
Larray: I love that! Is there gay people in there?
Quackity: Yes. [Laughs]
Larray: How many?
Larray: Now that's the real question!
Quackity: Well... Well you know what, I don't-
Larray: Quickly, quickly!
Quackity: [Laughs and stammers] I don't- I don't- I don't know! I haven't asked!
Larray: I find that fcking crazy!
Quackity: HOW'S THAT CRAZY?!
[ Full video ]
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tennessoui · 6 months
im sure this has been done soooo many times but gffa au where anakin goes to the jedi council and fesses up to being married and they immediately think he means to obi-wan and he thinks they understood that it's to padmé
("how old were you when you got married?" "Nineteen, just after I became a Jedi Knight. I wasn't a padawan anymore!"
"Consensual, was it? Feel pressured, did you?"
"Not at all! I had to do the convincing. I really begged, for like. an embarrassingly long amount of time. I wanted this marriage more than anything in the entire galaxy."
"Has this marriage affected your reasoning during the war?"
"no way! We have the same principles, fight for the same things. Now I'm just fighting to come home as well so we can be together again.")
and anakin doesn't realize this until obi-wan gets back from a mission, does his debrief with the council, and comes to anakin's quarters with the strangest look on his face. "padawan, why did six members of the Jedi Council just wish me congratulations on my nuptials? to. my. former. padawan."
and anakin is gobsmacked and goes about trying to set the record straight, but now no one believes that he isn't married to obi-wan. they think padmé has agreed to be the cover-up because obi-wan got pissy that anakin told the council before he felt ready.
and to top it all off, now anakin can't stop thinking about actually being married to his master. he hadn't realized that was an option?? but everyone's making some pretty strong cases for it......
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gncrezan · 8 months
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the established orion-romance dreams have gotten to me. what will my delusional visions reveal to me next <3
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dailycupofcreativitea · 7 months
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GT doesn't even need a parody it IS the parody XD
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blujaynoodles · 8 months
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if a satyr met a centaur would it look like this or like this
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weaverofink · 2 years
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POV you are adrien agreste and your father has just come out with a very controversial new fashion line for you to model for the fall season
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