#Alice gon
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nanaarchy · 4 months
guys i think im attached
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hamliet · 2 years
Daenerys Targaryen: The Romantic Hero
In which I dissect more thoughts on ASOIAF brought on by House of the Dragon and my reread of Fire & Blood, and in which I make the argument that, despite the flaws of HotD as a show and F&B as a novel, its pure existence backs up this main idea:
Daenerys Targaryen is not and will never be a villain. She's a goddamn romantic hero with a bittersweet--not tragic--ending. In the books. If we ever get the books.
Jon and Tyrion are also Romantic heroes, by the way.
Okay, sure, that's not exactly a new take. But what exactly do these terms mean?
Literary Tropes and Archetypes
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Obviously, when you're talking about something as subjective as literature (subjective in the sense that we all bring our outside baggage, experiences, and assumptions to our reading experience), you're going to get some variation on what terms mean. That's even without considering inherent linguistic shifts.
However, there are general consensuses of what these terms mean. I'm going off the general consensus.
So going forward, before I delve into analysis, let's look at the terms and how they are generally understood, and indeed understood in this meta.
Nihilism and cynicism: Nihilism at its philosophical core is not necessarily hopeless (positive nihilism does exist). However, the colloquial use of "nihilism" does mean hopeless and bleak, and even positive nihilism asserts that nothing exists with meaning, not even concepts like free will. What I'm working off here is the colloquial association of nihilism with grimdark cynicism. That's technically reductive for nihilism, so I'm going to use cynicism more for grimdark pessimism, but nihilism for the literal "nothing matters."
Tragedy: I wrote a long elaboration of what tragedy consists of for RWBY here. The basics apply to this meta, as well. Tragedy is usually not equivalent to nihilism, nor is it pessimistic. There are a million different variations, but the point is to stimulate grief and satisfaction (catharsis) in the audience.
Tragic Hero: Again, this differs depending on the type of tragedy you're writing. I'll just quote what I said in the RWBY piece:
Tragic heroes are great people. They are more than just their worst traits, and yet in the end we, the audience who have access to their complex legacy in ways most characters don’t, are left with the grief that comes with things ending in a sad way when they could have ended so triumphantly. 
In ASOIAF, I've argued before that Arianne and f!Aegon are classic tragic heroes, as is Stannis Baratheon.
Villain: An antagonistic character who, despite how sympathetic they may be, is always destined for destruction and for whom we don't see much other option. We're meant to root against them, unlike tragic heroes, in which we're meant to be torn at worst and rooting for in other sense.
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The perfect example here is Cersei Lannister. We care about Cersei, we can see why she became the way she is, but there's no hope for her. A tragic hero can admittedly become a villain (see: RWBY's Ironwood), but their crossing the line completely depends on framing.
Antagonist: A character who opposes the goal of a protagonist. They may be villains, but they are also fairly likely not to be, especially in a morally gray world like ASOIAF. The role is easily slipped in and out of.
Romantic Hero: A Romantic hero is a societal outcast who... yeah I'm just gonna quote Northrop Frye, a literary critic:
[The Romantic Hero is] placed outside the structure of civilization and therefore represents the force of physical nature, amoral or ruthless, yet with a sense of power, and often leadership, that society has impoverished itself by rejecting.
This is very clearly Jon, Dany, and Tyrion, far more so than the other three obvious protagonists (Sansa, Arya, and Bran). A bastard, an exile, a dwarf. All three are leaders with moral different than the society's they're raised in and society is poorer for it. Jon is the most Ned Stark-like of his siblings, but has been rejected. Dany is anti-slavery. Tyrion is practical and actually good at ruling unlike pretty much everyone else in King's Landing.
Of course, their rejection has all three heading for straight amoralism by the end of ADWD. Jon's already taken an infant from his mother, and the baby's probably going to die as a result. Plus, he is not gonna come back from the dead caring about duty anymore. Dany's embracing "fire and blood." Tyrion's full-on plotting savage revenge. When Dany lands on Westeros in The Winds of Winter, she's going to be a literal force of nature (fire).
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Romanticism: Romantic doesn't mean romance as in kiss kiss fall in love. I mean, it often does involve that, but when I say romanticism I'm referring to the literary movement. Romanticism focuses on the internal even more so than the external, on the individual development of a character. It focuses on free will, on beauty, which in some ways does indeed make it opposite to nihilism at its most technical. It suggests there is meaning to be found in our experiences and in the world beyond us, too.
A Song of Ice and Fire is a Romantic work. That's not debatable. Why? Well, George RR Martin has said it. Twice. At least.
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The human heart against itself is Romanticism at its core.
Also, Martin himself has insisted he is not a nihilist:
My worldview is anything but nihilistic. I was always intensely Romantic, even when I was too young to understand what that meant. But Romanticism has its dark side, as any Romantic soon discovers… which is where the melancholy comes in, I suppose.
I mean, that's explicit. There you go. Thanks George. Fight yourself and finish the books, I beg of you. The events in his story matter, therefore.
Deconstruction: This gets tricky because general consensus does actually differ more so than the other terms (besides maybe nihilism). It's literally defined as:
a philosophical or critical method which asserts that meanings, metaphysical constructs, and hierarchical oppositions (as between key terms in a philosophical or literary work) are always rendered unstable by their dependence on ultimately arbitrary signifiers
Deconstruction can mean the complete and utter decimation of a literary trope to show why what's good is bad and what's bad is good, actually.
Or, it can mean the dismantling of tropes to get to what the core of the trope is, and decide whether or not that trope is worth affirming. As in, maybe as we unravel the various parts of a trope or genre, we uncover a stable foundation.
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Hunter x Hunter is a great example of this for shonen manga, as is Attack on Titan. Both ultimately affirm the main cores of friendship and love in shonen, but they do that through taking different angles to look at common tropes. For example, Gon's self-reliance is actually a trauma response that we're supposed to be horrified by as it destroys our plucky protagonist, and Eren becomes a villain protagonist but his core motives never change. He's always wanted to kill the enemy, every last one, from chapter one.
Tragic Heroes and House of the Dragon
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House of the Dragon has some interesting ideas, albeit its taking a very flawed approach to them (dare I say, a reactionary approach in which they're leaning too hard in the other direction from what GoT did and whitewashing their female characters... which makes them seem less human, not more so).
Still, despite its flaws, HOTD is carrying the tragic arc that Dany-villain theorists argue she'll have. Rhaenyra and Alicent both go mad, even if not in terms of mental illness, and Rhaenyra is determined to rule whatever the cost. Innocents pay the price. However, I see issues with this argument.
Repeating this arc with Daenerys in the main saga then is cynical and nihilistic, because it renders the entire existence of Fire & Blood pointless.
So then, why did Martin write Fire & Blood? Besides procrastinating on The Winds of Winter, anyways? Regardless of his intent, Rhaenyra's story is Daenerys's if she becomes a tragic hero (arguably a villain, but with a well-written fall from grace that makes her more tragic), give or take a century. Why tell the same story twice, the past story instead of the future?
Yeah, parallels are a thing in literature. I've even talked about how Daenerys does parallel Rhaenyra, and that's intentional. So does Stannis, so does Arianne, so does Cersei. But parallels are not 1=1 copies, or that becomes repetitive writing.
Unless Martin is trying to reinforce that nothing changes and nothing ever will (thanks, D&D, for your discussion of brothels as a priority in the very last five minutes of season 8!), so it doesn't even matter to try, there's got to be a reason for the parallel that isn't just lazy writing. Don't get me wrong, lazy writing exists even for the best of writers, but then why would you write Fire & Blood as a full story and go on to produce a story about it unless you're a cynical nihilist who truly, truly, truly hates women and thinks they can never, ever rule?
Female Leaders Bad: Misogyny in Fire and Blood
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Yes, admittedly George RR Martin has issues with how he writes women. There's some subtle sexism in his works. No doubt.
That said, he also seems largely aware of other aspects of misogyny in society, and particularly of societal misogyny driving tragedy. If he hadn't written Cersei's chapters in A Feast for Crows, we might have a different story, but he did write those. Cersei's a villain, but she's so undeniably human and complex in her chapters that we can't help but see her as a person and appreciate her, even if we still want her stopped.
What makes Cersei sympathetic is precisely that misogyny. We see how her father's expectations of Jaime and even Tyrion differ from his of her. She was sold off to the highest bidder, in essence, and subjected to Robert's humiliating and public affairs, marital r*pe, and abuse. Is it any wonder she sought comfort where she could find it? Any other man would have been caught and Cersei executed for betraying the king who's doing the same thing and in public, but her twin brother has plausible deniability for being close to her.
As much as Cersei's actions are "ew" at best, we feel for her. During her walk of shame, we're outraged on her behalf even if we know she's going to plot a revenge that will destroy innocents, and indeed that her ending up having to take that walk is a result of her scheming against an innocent sixteen year old girl (Margaery Tyrell).
Fire & Blood only expounds on the concept of misogyny ruining lives and the realm. Rhaena. Aerea. Rhaenys. Laena. All passed over for the throne on account of their sex, and noted to be upset by it.
In fact, Alysanne, one of the few queens who does maintain equal power with her husband, has her attempts to educate women and protect her daughters from being married off too young (and then dying in childbirth) thwarted, and this thwarting is framed as wrong. Throughout Alysanne and Jaeherys' reign, the question of letting females rule as queens is a major point of contention between Alysanne and Jaeherys. The treatment of female rulers as "lesser" is honestly one of the longest-running motifs in this story, and it's never once held up as positive or justified.
Of course, the most clear "misogyny bad" characters are Rhaenyra and Alicent.
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Alicent does everything the realm asks of a woman of good breeding, and she expects a reward for it: power and her legacy of her children sitting on the throne. Her legacy is literally only to arrange the power for the men in her life: her father, her husband, her sons.
And then you have Rhaenyra. She lives like a modern woman. She sleeps with whom she wants when she wants, and upon being forced into marriage with a gay man, lets him pursue men. She has a relationship in the books that is romantic/sexual with Laena as well as with Daemon. In other words, Rhaenyra has a consensual open marriage with poly elements. Laenor loves her sons as his; in fact, they are his, even if not in blood. Very modern indeed.
But society doesn't see it that way. Society, traditional, homophobic, and misogynistic, says Laenor's sons are bastards despite his loving and raising them. It says Rhaenyra pursuing her sexuality far less openly than certain past kings who sat on the Iron Throne makes her unfit. And the tragedy is that it does, but it shouldn't be this way. It's not her actions but her ignorance about how her actions will be perceived, her hubris in assuming she is exempt from society's strict rules for women.
One of the TV show's better decisions was to intercut Rhaenyra and Daemon's first almost-sex scene with Alicent and Viserys. Rhaenyra's pursuing what she wants. It's consensual. They're both into it, aware, and Daemon doesn't have power over her--in fact, that's the point. In Viserys and Alicent's scene, where they're married, Alicent so does not want to be there. Intercutting Daemon and Rhaenyra's passion with Alicent's misery reminds the audience that Rhaenyra doing this is not going to end well.
It's not fair. It's not right. It's tragic.
Tragic Heroes and Fantasy Deconstruction
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Okay, so now we're going to discuss fantasy tropes.
Let's start by addressing Martin's statements on fantasy and tropes. A lot of ASOIAF's tropes pull at least in part from exactly what most modern fantasies draw from: The Lord of the Rings, the same work Martin has said he wants to pull apart and explore what its ideals mean.
Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?
I think this quote gets grotesquely taken out of context, honestly. I really don't think this is Martin saying that he literally wants to explore tax policies or only what happens after someone becomes king. Instead, he's speaking of how he wants the reader to look between the lines, look at how a good person can be a terrible leader precisely because of the goodness (Robb Stark) while a more morally dark person can be a great leader (Tyrion). Martin's saying that his works are messy and ask the questions, not that he literally wants to destroy everything Tolkien upholds because he thinks it's bullshit or because he thinks good people can't be good rulers without going insane.
In other words, he wants to deconstruct it and examine what makes someone a good or a bad ruler, what makes someone a good or a bad fantasy hero. Which he then literally said:
The battle between good and evil is a legitimate theme for a fantasy (or for any work of fiction, for that matter), but in real life that battle is fought chiefly in the individual human heart. Too many contemporary fantasies take the easy way out by externalizing the struggle, so the heroic protagonists need only smite the evil minions of the dark power to win the day. And you can tell the evil minions, because they're inevitably ugly and they all wear black. I wanted to stand much of that on its head. In real life, the hardest aspect of the battle between good and evil is determining which is which.
Okay, yay. Now that's done. Let's look at some actual tropes.
What is Aragorn's? He's the long lost heir coming to claim their throne after their heroic mission. This is the most classic fantasy arc.
It's the same archetype both Daenerys and Aegon are based on.
I talked about this at length here, but in short: Aegon is the stereotype of this trope. But it's deconstructed. How?
Because while Aegon truly believes he's a long-lost prince come to claim his birthright, he's wrong. Being wrong doesn't make him a bad person. It doesn't make him a villain. It just makes him wrong.
This is a far more interesting and thematically rich development than Daenerys finding out she's not the real trope and getting mad about it. She's the one with dragons and she wasn't alone for years (Viserys).
Aegon embodies another trope, too: that of the long-lost secret prince/princess/hero who grew up not knowing that they were special. Think Harry Potter. Also think about Jon Snow, who is Rhaegar's actual son.
But rather than Jon Snow's heritage mattering to him because of a claim to the throne, Jon's heritage will likely matter far more for his internal self-perception. Romanticism, baby. That's what it's all about.
And then you have Arianne.
Arianne is the princess who wants to rule/fight and is righteously angry at sexism. This is another common fantasy trope (see, Eowyn). Daenerys is also this. However, Arianne finds out she's a pawn. Not so for Dany, who has to struggle and face abuse and numerous betrayals. This isn't to say Arianne doesn't struggle and that her pain isn't valid because it is, but Arianne is the more typical embodiment of these tropes. Daenerys is them pulled apart and looked at from new angles. Dany wants to be a savior when she rules, to set people free, not just because of her birthright (though that's a part of it for sure!) but because she knows what it's like to be bought and sold. Arianne wants to rule because of her birthright. Arianne's motives are far less internally explored; she just doesn't want to bow. Which is valid! But not quite up to Romantic standards.
Lastly, Arianne and Jon both have daddy issues, and I'm not talking about Rhaegar for Jon. Ned's his dad even if not in blood. The "my father's not whom I thought he was!" trope is present in both of them: literally for Jon, and for Arianne, in terms of Doran actually planning for a Targaryen restoration.
But again, Arianne's trope points outwards more than it does inward. Her goal is still simply to rule as queen. Aegon's is to restore the Targaryen dynasty. These are pretty typical goals for characters in fantasies. They're external.
Jon's goal, however, is to save people from the Others, the undead. Daenerys's goal is to save people from slavery. See how there's a difference?
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Plus, there's development towards both of Jon and Dany having to take long, hard looks inward in order to accomplish these goals. Now Jon's dead, temporarily. I'm pretty sure that's gonna give him a complex even though he won't be an Other when he's resurrected. Pretty likely she's going to end up killing a lot of people at King's Landing, even if she doesn't intend it to have as far-reaching of consequences as it does, to get her to consider who she is and who she wants to be.
The tragic irony of focusing on restoration and rule without considering what that means is that Arianne and Aegon are likely to go up in flames. Martin's not saying that these tropes are bad, but he is saying that they're shallow (the tropes not the characters) and don't fully capture the human heart against itself struggle. He's not wrong, either.
Hence, you already have characters whose desires to restore Targaryen rule and to be queen of the Seven Kingdoms gets them killed, even if they are good people who do not deserve what happens to them. Why repeat this with Daenerys? That doesn't offer us much of anything in terms of literary parallels.
But, if we want to talk about literary parallels, let's turn again to Fire & Blood, where there's another Princess Daenerys born to Jaeherys and Alysanne. She's described as a loving, kind child who adores her siblings, her parents, animals, and more. She dies of the Shivers, a disease that manifests through symptoms of cold that kill you. Gee, I wonder what that's foreshadowing. It's not like Dany's facing off with an army of the living embodiment of Cold and Ice... oh wait.
Dany's Tropes Deconstructed
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It's also true that as the Chosen One, Daenerys fulfills many villain tropes too. She's leading an outside force to invade a kingdom. She's also the daughter of a mad King who terrorized the land years before, come back to seek what is hers with fire and blood. The assumption seems to be that because she has these tropes, she must be a villain.
Listen, Martin does not play tropes straight. Ever.
Think about Sansa, and how her arc is dismantling her fairy tale simplistic ideas of what knights and chivalry and kings are like. However, Sansa maintains compassion at the core of her character in the books. She still loves. Martin's not saying that chivalry and believe in love are stupid little girl ideas. He's critiquing simplistic ideas, while showing that someone can maintain her compassion while being a shrewd politician. Through Sansa, we have cynical knights like Sandor learning how to become the courageous knights of old. That's idealistic more than anything else.
Why would Dany's supposed villain tropes be played straight? What if... the invading force is actually the saving force? I mean, I do think that Daenerys will do Bad Things in Westeros with her dragons and invading forces. But does that make her a villain?
"Everyone is the hero of their own story!" Well, sure. Yes. Very true. Martin even said this. That's not a novel idea, nor is it a terribly interesting deconstruction by itself. "Our hero is actually a villain" already exists in the series, because Martin has zero problem narrating through villains (see, Cersei).
What if that question is precisely what we're supposed to be asking: what makes a hero from a villain? What if the keyword from "everyone is their own hero" isn't the word that's never mentioned--villain--and instead "hero?" As in, the question is how someone can become a hero regardless of perception, rather than how readers' perceptions are actually warped?
In other words, the onus might be on the character's journey, not the reader's perception.
Bittersweet Romanticism
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Dany's motives have always been wanting to free people. That's a far cry from Arianne's desire to be queen and an even farer cry from Eren Jaeger's "I want to kill all the enemies." In Daenerys's first chapter, she thinks about how she wants to be home and safe, and how she wants to please people.
Dany giving her all to save the world after burning the people she wanted to help, and doing it knowing that she won't be remembered well except by those who loved her and she'll be thought of as a villain--what could be more heroic in the scheme of the world? To know you will gain absolutely nothing from saving the world, and to do it anyways?
Of course, people in King's Landing who think her a villain for their losses aren't going to be entirely wrong, either. It depends on perspective, indeed.
Still, this gets to the heart of what it means to be a hero in principle, and what makes a hero heroic. It's beautiful, haunting, and cathartic. It doesn't taunt the reader with what they didn't realize, but instead satisfies with Dany achieving her goals: to create a safe-ish world to live in, a world with freedom and possibilities.
Even if she won't be a hero in the eyes of history, she will be in her core, in her heart of hearts. The individual focus, the heart against itself--readers will be privileged to know her story of heroism, even if her world doesn't.
That's Romantic to a T. That sounds like Martin to me. And, it sounds peak "bittersweet," the word Martin used to describe the broad strokes of his planned ending.
There's an additional beautiful aspect here, in that Dany would comment on her ancestor's legacy. Let's not forget that Valyria was a slave society founded upon mass human sacrifice. Daenerys as a liberator who destroys not just slavery, but who leaves room for progress away from feudalism and who saves the world from the Others whose primary value is seeking to destroy human life and turning everyone into a mass army of corpses (sounds like extreme slavery to me)... that means she destroys her family's legacy in all the right ways.
It should burn. But Dany won't be Mirra Maz Duur tied to a pyre for the Starks to ignite like in the show. She'll be doing what she did at the beginning: lighting the pyre. Her beloved won't be lying in the flames to be consumed, but instead supporting her. And this time what emerges from death will be not dragons, but human life.
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killuaisaprincess · 2 months
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coreancitizen · 1 year
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"You try it first." "What?" "I'm not joking. I'm Alice in Wonderland right now. She eats weird pills and grows bigger and smaller and stuff. What if I eat this and die from poisoning or natural causes?" "Don't worry. You'll die from a beheading." "All right then. I'll enjoy the food."
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kitefreecss · 2 years
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gree-gon · 1 year
toriralcie 😝
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strong gf
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au-mashup-party · 11 months
Hey Bisstale Sans, I have a challenge for you, I dare you to steal your wifes stuff to get her reaction 😂
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rosekins621 · 2 years
Requests are open! Send some in
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kukikyu · 1 year
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A little something I made for Halloween👻🎃
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b-rainlet · 1 year
Green sibs wanting to have another sibling but doesn't want anyone touching their mother.
So they decide that it's their seed taking place in her womb but whose seed?🤭🤭
I am sorry but my first thought was pertaining Helaena. Like, are her and Aegon married? Does she have kids already? Because imagine Helaena's thoughts and feelings watching all her brothers fight over impregnating their Mother.
Alicent is a sweet girl who knows how to behave in front of nobles, who understands what she can do with the little power she possesses and how she has to rely on kindness to get what she wants (Sansa-coded <3) and then there's her only daughter, who sometimes cannot control what blurts out of her mouth, who's strange and off-putting and who Alicent has trouble connecting to.
The Daughter who gets married to her older Brother as is tradition, but all her older brother can think and talk about is their Mother. They make love and it's clear Aegon is treating it as a chore to make their Mother proud. Helaena gets pregnant and Aegon only starts smiling once Alicent hugs him and tells him he did good.
There's her two younger brothers, Aemond and Daeron, but while Daeron spends the precious few days he has with his family trying to impress their Mother, trying to get as much attention from her as possible, Aemond - who's arguably Alicent's favourite and the one she connects to the most - never has to try at all. Alicent's thoughts are always with him, when he isn't there he's the first thing she asks about (and not in the weary way she asks after Aegon, afraid of the answer; she sounds almost distressed to not have him at her side, within her eyesight).
And where does that leave Helaena? Always alone, always an afterthought within her own family. She's loved, she knows, by her Children and by her Mother and by her Brothers, but it feels almost like a sort of duty to love.
She's loved because she's a Sister, she's loved for being a Daughter, but never for love's sake.
Now suddenly, her Brothers are arguing over their Mother and getting her with Child and none of them ever argued about her like that. She was never wanted like that, not even by the Brother she had to marry and she's too much of a dutiful wife to let her affections ever stray but it still leaves her bitter.
She is their Mother as much as their Brothers are, why do they forget?
Probably not the kinda answer you wanted but I couldn't help myself.
There are several ways I could see this go down:
Helaena dyes her hair darker to look more like their Mother and her Brothers suddenly have very confusing feelings regarding their Sister (which could totally blow up in her face the moment Aegon has sex with her and calls her Mother)
Helaena's been angsting in her head but the only reason the boys never fought about her like that is because Aegon called dips ages ago and Aemond is actually waiting for Aegon to give his okay to make love to Helaena (because he's a dweeb and can only 'make love')
She teams up with Daeron because Daeron also feels like an afterthought next to the perfect son and (arguably but not to me) Alicent's favourite son and Daeron knocks up Helaena while Aegon and Aemond are busy arguing over Alicent
Helaena does not knock her Mother up (obviously) but she's the one who beds their Mother first (and it's kinda harsh because Helaena has to work through some things)
Somebody else (and I am voting Larys or Otto for the creep factor and Ser Criston for the 'I am still only coming in second after my Mother' factor) takes advantage of Helaena's vulnerable state and impregnates her and the Green boys are so very mad about it but also cannot do much because that's on them.
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gonchillunchis · 2 years
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alice doodle
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modernday-jay · 2 years
okay but rdr2 au... alfred’s part of a rag tag team of outlaws who are led by arthur and oliver. arthur and oliver took alfred in when he was a young teenager and taught him all the ways of surviving in the wild wild west yeehaw (robbing stagecoachs and trains lol)
they also took in another young boy named allen, and together they form a bigger gang of outlaws. but the age of outlaws is starting to come to an end because of modernisation and arthur is NOT happy about it at all. things just get worse and worse, they’re making more enemies, authorities are after them, arthur’s strategies are getting sloppier and it’s obvious that he’s gonna lead the entire gang into a disaster... BUT... alfred and allen basically owe everything they’ve got to him so... drama lol
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madasacrow · 8 months
love how I have a tag for henchmen but not one for sidekicks lol
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hotseok · 2 years
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san myshuno pride : afternoon
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purple-babygirl · 2 months
in the far corner of the forest I
Pairings: Orc!Bucky Barnes x f!human!reader Word Count: 3,867 Summary: For the longest time, the kingdom has used Bucky as their number one fighter, forcing him to win their wars for them. The only thing he asked for in return after he was done was that they give him a wife, and they did. They handed him the orphan he picked on a silver platter; it wasn't like anyone would miss her. It would've been perfect if she actually wanted to be there though. Warnings: drugging, sort of kidnapping, crying, a lil dirty talk, nudity, unwanted intimate touching, forced/arranged marriage. 18+ content. A/N: I thought I'd start small and see what you guys think first before posting longer chapters. Please let me know your thoughts if you can and please enjoy xx💜💜
“Don’t be dead already, dammit.” She heard a low voice mutter as she regained her consciousness bit by bit.
Her body felt so weak, her mind so fuzzy. Her head felt heavy as she turned it to the side with a groan, slowly opening her eyes.
The room she was in looked warm and kind of homely. It was a large room that looked like it was both a living room and a bedroom, only illuminated by the light coming from the fireplace and a couple of storm lanterns hung around.
“Ah, finally awake! How ya feelin’?” The rough voice asked her, now sounding louder.
She’s never sat up faster than she did when she saw the strange man standing at the end of the large bed. 
Her vision went black for a second and her head hurt, but she fought to open her eyes, deeming it unsafe to close them with a strange man around.
Wait, was he even a man? Shit! Was that a metal arm on him?! He appeared to be wearing dog tags.
Has she been kidnapped? Arrested? But what for? She didn’t step into forbidden territory, did she?
“Are you—?”
“A real orc? Yeah.” He smirked confidently.
“And your arm…” she started, sitting herself up straighter as she cradled her head.
He only chuckled, feeding more wood to the fire warming them up.
“Is—is that—”
His smirk widened, “a real metal arm?”
She nodded.
The orc nodded back mockingly and her head was back to spinning.
She was alone, in an unfamiliar place, with a massive snow orc, who had a metal left arm.
It seemed surreal. She felt high; like she was dreaming or making everything she was seeing up in her head. Her mind must be doing an Alice-in-Wonderland bit on her.
“I need to go,” she whispered, more to herself than the stranger, trying to get her feet on the ground but the soldier tutted at her and she froze.
“Not gon’ happen.” He walked closer, watching her cute, little face twist in confusion and fear.
“What?” she asked dumbly, her voice small and shaky.
“You’re not leaving.” He stood before her, huge arms crossed.
“Please, I- I didn’t mean to trespass. I swear. I barely even leave the orph—”
“What are you talking about?” He raised an eyebrow, his large hand getting closer to try and touch her forehead to see if the sleeping potion gave her a temperature.
She immediately flinched, dodging his touch as she started panicking inside. She took a couple of steps back as she tried to rearrange her thoughts, but she couldn’t.
“I— how did I get here?” she asked, her voice sounding way more scared than she had wanted.
“You’re my bride,” the orc informed her with another smile, tusks glinting, and if she wasn’t so terrified she might’ve thought that was a happy smile.
The previous events rushed back to her mind as she remembered her encounter with the orphanage manager just days ago. So the woman did end up giving her to the soldier as promised. She didn’t protect her from that terrible fate.
The woman who had raised her just so easily put her to sleep and let some savage stranger collect her as his trophy wife even after she'd begged her not to.
“Who did you think an orphan like you was gonna marry? A prince? This is not a fairytale kingdom! I’m doing you a favour.” She remembered the woman’s demeaning comment and how she mocked her in front of the rest of the girls.
“No, no.” She shook her head, tears pearling in her frightened eyes, “there must have been a mistake.”
“Oh, little human, quit whimpering. There’s been no mistake; you’re my mate.” His big thumb swiped across her chin. “I have you now and I’m never gonna let you go,” he told her with longing she didn’t understand.
His words made the dam collapse as she burst into tears, loud sobs tearing through her chest as she hunched over and cried.
This couldn’t be her fate. She knew she wasn’t the prettiest or the slimmest of girls out there, but she didn’t deserve this. She didn’t deserve to end up as a reward for some metal-armed monster. She was a good girl, she’s always been good. She deserved better.
Why did it have to be her that they offered? Why did it have to be anyone? Everyone knew what he was and who he was and they still handed her over like she meant nothing.
“Shush now, enough crying. I don’t like the sight of puffy eyes. Come on, you’re ruining our wedding night,” the orc said, his expression bored as he started to take his heavy sweater off.
She wished she hadn’t looked up at him.
He was big. Huge. What wedding night was he talking about? Was he trying to destroy her? End her?
“What are you doing?” She trembled as the words left her.
He raised a suggestive eyebrow and she chocked on a sob.
“No, no, please.” She shook her head again, crying harder.
“Stop. Crying,” he warned, grinding his teeth and she stopped her wailing at once, swallowing the lump stuck in her throat.
“Much better. Now get yourself out of these clothes,” the orc demanded, his fingers hooking themselves under the hem of her oversized, handed down pullover.
“Please don’t do this.” Her heart was hammering in her chest, her eyes frantically searching for an exit.
“You have one minute to be standing bare in front of me or I’m gonna have you find out what I do to those who make me repeat myself,” he seethed, his eyes hard as they pinned her in place.
“I— I’ve never…” she muttered, her face growing hotter as she fiddled her fingers, “please, I can’t.”
“Oh, you’ve never been fucked, little human?” He teased her, his smile bordering on a smug smirk.
She winced at his vulgar language but nodded, “I’ve never been with a man, in any way.”
Tears were back to her cheeks again at her humiliating confession. She knew it was her last hope and if he didn’t have mercy on her because of that then nothing was going to stop what he was about to do to her.
“Never?” He asked again, circling around her just to see her tremble under his starved gaze.
“Never,” she whispered, feeling as uncomfortable as never before.
“That’s okay. I’ll teach you all the tricks,” the orc chuckled, playing with her hair and she could all but sob again, "I'm only half orc after all".
Was that supposed to be comforting?!
It just made her sob harder.
“What did I say about crying?”
“Please let me go.” She begged, body shaking with her sobs.
“W—Why not? I’ll give you all I have if you let me out of here. Anything you want. Please.” She cried and pled although she knew she had nothing to give him.
“I have all I want right here.” He leaned forward to smell her hair, his huge arm squeezing her side almost gently.
If she wasn’t so terrified of what was to come next she would’ve seen the way he was looking at her like she was the most precious thing he has ever seen in his miserable life. Like she was an actual trophy that only he was lucky enough to win.
“40 seconds, little human,” he warned, his face scary and showing nothing but impatience and anger.
There was no way out of this, was there? The door was too far and even if she managed to get out, he would easily catch her and who knows what he’d do to her then. At least he’s asking ‘nicely’ for now. Nice enough for a rough snow orc with a metal arm.
Her hands couldn’t stop shaking as she grabbed her pullover and just stood there fiddling.
“Could— could you look the other way, please?” she pleaded, her eyes too ashamed to meet his.
The orc huffed before giving her his back and allowing her these few seconds of privacy.
He thought it was ridiculous though because he was going to turn around and see her anyway, but decided he’d try and be understanding just because it was her first night with him.
“You’re not wearing that many clothes,” he complained after a minute and she whimpered behind him.
He took it as his cue to turn around and when he did she was as naked as the day she was born, holding the large sweater to her chest, trying to cover up.
“Let me see you now, come on,” the orc cooed, licking his lips at the sight of what was exposed of her before slowly pulling the item of clothing out of her death grip.
She stood there shivering from both cold and fear, shyness gnawing at her insides as the brute’s eyes skimmed down every nude inch of her.
Hell, she was beautiful. Goddesses had nothing on his bride.
“Now why would you hide such beauty from me, hmm?” He bit his lip, taking her hand in his larger one, “come here.”
She choked on another whimper as he forced her closer to his body. She could feel the heat radiating off of his chest and it made her shiver more.
The orc’s rough palms massaged her arms before settling on her bare hips, holding her close to him.
“The name’s Bucky, just so you know what to scream,” he whispered in her ear, softly kissing the spot behind her earlobe.
He felt her tense in his hold and tried to ignore the way it made him feel.
“Please,” she tried one more time but swallowed the rest of her words when Bucky’s face showed irritation.
“I’m sure I can make you cry and beg just fine, little human. Stop wasting both outside of bed,” he told her, his voice firm and authoritative, making her wipe her tears away at once.
“Speaking of the bed, go lay down for me, will you, sweet thing?”
His soft tone scared her more than his harsh one and she didn’t know what was real. It still felt like a nightmare that she would wake up from any moment.
Every muscle in her body was taut, tense with anxiety. Her face burned with disgrace from being exposed like this for the first time in her life and not willingly either.
This wasn’t how her first time was supposed to be. She shouldn’t be forced into it, let alone with an enormous half orc who had no feelings for her and neither she for him.
She desperately wanted to cry it out, but squeezed her eyes shut before she could so Bucky wouldn’t scold her again.
He climbed on top of her, caging her legs between his as his muscly arms framed her head, supporting himself up.
It might’ve been her mind trying to calm her down, but she didn’t think she saw Bucky looking at her with lust. She was expecting to see nothing in his eyes but hunger, like a ravenous beast would look at a piece of meat, but instead she could see… admiration?
Bucky wanted to kiss her but thought against it and pressed his lips to her cheek instead, letting them travel down to her jaw so he could reach her neck.
“Please go easy on me,” she whispered her plea when she felt Bucky’s ‘thing’ poke around her naked thighs.
He was big. So big.
Even if she had had sex before this night, she knew no man could have been enough preparation for the size she was making him out to be.
Bucky didn’t reply, letting his lips kiss and suck on her neck and when he pressed them to her pulse point, he felt like shit about himself.
Her heart was beating like crazy, pounding so hard it must’ve hurt inside her chest.
She didn’t want it at all. She was clearly scared and if her heart was hammering like that he could only feel bad for making her do this.
Bucky pulled away to look at her, her eyes were shut tight, her body trembling still and her fists closed up by her sides as she desperately tried to regulate her breathing.
He let his hand touch her tummy and she quivered but didn’t try to move away. He kissed between her breasts and she whimpered in fear, quickly biting her lip after.
Bucky took a deep breath before gliding his hand up her leg, watching as she her teeth almost drew blood from her lower lip as she bit down hard to prevent herself from crying, panting through her nose.
When he reached her inner thighs she was digging her fingernails in her palms so hard she was sure she’d hurt herself.
Bucky tried to be gentle as he slowly slipped a thick finger up further to touch the cut of her.
She whimpered again but Bucky didn’t stop, dipping the tip of his finger in just a little bit to feel her. He could see her trying so hard not to close her legs as her thighs shook and she started nearly gasping, her eyes still tightly closed.
Bucky swiped his finger between her lips and she was dry as a desert.
She wasn’t wet for him at all. She wasn’t anything but petrified. Nothing about her told him that she wanted this.
Bucky took his hand away and sat back, letting out a sigh as he ran his big hand through his hair.
He didn’t care what the humans of the kingdom thought about him, he knew he wasn’t actually a monster. He thought he could do it even if she didn’t want it, but he couldn’t. He thought it was enough if he wanted and knew how to do it, but it wasn’t.
He knew he didn’t need love to make babies, nor did he need her agreement. But Bucky just couldn’t hurt her, not like that.
He could get her wet enough with his tongue, but he couldn’t find it in himself to force her into this, not on their first night and not in a million years.
He couldn’t set her up for a war she would lose with her own body when her heart and mind wanted nothing to do with him. He knew how big he was; he knew it would be torture for her if she didn’t want it.
Bucky hated that she looked so scared of him. He didn’t want to scare her further. Maybe at first he'd found it amusing, but for some reason that wasn’t the case anymore.
The way she was hiccupping and trembling under him was anything but a turn on.
He couldn’t go through with this.
“Get dressed,” Bucky said as he got up from the bed, pulling his own pants up his thick thighs, ignoring his hard cock.
“W-what?” She opened her eyes, her eyelashes wet with unshed tears as she stared at him blankly.
Was she imagining this?
“Now, before I change my mind.” He really didn’t like repeating himself.
“O-okay! Thank you.” She hated that he made her stutter so much.
Bucky gave her his back, putting his own sweater back on and she got up quickly, nearly stumbling off the bed as she reached for her underwear and slipped it on. Her pullover was next and when her head was through, she noticed Bucky standing by the door, watching her.
She went to grab her shoes but Bucky’s chuckle stopped her.
“What are you doing?” he asked, making her unsure again.
“Getting my shoes?”
“I can see you. Why?”
“So— uh.. so you could take me back?”
“Take you back where exactly?” He folded his arms again and she felt nervous as she swallowed, coming to learn that this was probably not a good sign.
“To the orphanage? I mean, you’re letting me go, right?” She sounded so hopeful, he hated it.
“No.” His definitive answer shattered her hopes.
“What? Why not?” She started to tear up again and Bucky found himself turning his eyes away from her distressed ones.
“You’re my wife, that’s why.”
“But it isn’t supposed to be me! Marry someone else!” She screamed, tears streaming down her face.
“But it’s you I have here. I don’t want anyone else. You’re my mate now.”
Mate? What was he talking about?! They didn’t know each other! And she wasn’t an animal!
“But you’re not mine!”
“I will never let you go and that’s the end of it.” Bucky’s growl shut her right up.
She stared at him in horror and maybe even contempt, but Bucky didn’t care.
“But you said get dressed,” she cried out her disappointment because she really thought he had had mercy on her and was letting her go, but it seemed like he only decided to postpone her torture instead.
“Don’t try to leave because I’ll find you anyway and if I don’t, well, you’d probably be eaten,” he told her, ignoring her comment before grabbing his axe and a lamp.
“Where are you going?” She wiped her nose with the back of her hand.
She might hate him but that didn’t mean she wanted him to leave her alone in the middle of nowhere.
“Gonna go get some more wood to get us through the night. There’s food and water in the kitchen.” She nodded and he opened the door and stepped out.
“B-Bucky?” It was the first time she said his name since the night started and the orc had no idea his name could sound so sweet.
“Thank you anyway,” she said, her hushed tone grateful yet laced with sadness.
Bucky only nodded before shutting the door behind him, locking it from the outside.
Bucky found himself slamming his axe down on the wood more vigorously than usual. He had a lot inside of him and it had to be released. He couldn’t stop thinking about the way she cried and bit back sobs at his touch.
What’s happened to him? Bucky loved nothing more than scaring these pretentious humans of the kingdom! He found incomparable joy in the way they would cower down before his intense gaze whenever he would growl or flex his left arm. He had no problem talking them down, taunting them or even threatening them. So why on earth was it so difficult for him to continue to be like that to her?!
Why did he care so much all of sudden?! Why was it so hard for him to continue to be hard on her?! She seemed like someone who would follow orders just fine. Why didn’t he give her some?
Bucky picked her because she caught his eye. Because he deserved her. He deserved a bride and a family after all that he’d lost while fighting the kingdom’s people’s fights for them. It was the least they could gift him in return. A woman, a new life.
Another growl left Bucky’s chest as he slammed his axe down again.
He couldn’t go back to the cottage with a hard cock. He only had so much control. He needed to get it all out now.
This was going to be hard.
She continued to cry after Bucky was gone. She wasn’t really thankful he didn’t rape her when he could have, she just didn’t want to fall under his wrath had she tried to argue further.
She was always so scared, of everyone and everything. Always bending to the storm and never fighting back. And look where that had gotten her…. A cast out orc’s wife.
Was that really how her fate was drawn? Was that what was meant for her after so many lonely years in the orphanage?
Her thoughts were cut off by the sound of the key turning followed by the cottage’s door being kicked.
She swallowed the rest of her whimpers as she watched Bucky’s arms enter first, a bunch of cut wood in them.
He was so strong. She was sure he could crush her skull with his bare hands if he wanted to. The thought alone sent yet another shiver down her spine.
Bucky kicked the door closed before walking to the fireplace and setting the wood pieces beside it. He put some inside to keep the fire alive before getting up and looking at her with a look she couldn’t pin down.
“Have you been sitting here the whole time?” Bucky asked her upon noticing how she was curled up on the floor next to the bed, her face streaked with dried tears and her nose and lips swollen.
“Y-yes.” Her voice was hoarse from the constant sobbing.
“You didn’t eat anything?”
She shook her head and Bucky sighed loudly.
He walked to the kitchen and she could hear a fridge being opened. Then a match was lit and something metal sat down on the stove.
A few minutes later Bucky was coming out of his kitchen with a large glass of warm milk. He looked at her as he put the glass on the table.
“I put honey in there to help soothe your throat.”
“I- I don’t want to. Thank y—”
“Come here and drink your milk.” One glare and she was scrambling to the only seat on the table before the steaming glass.
“Don’t leave one single drop in there,” he told her before walking to the wooden closet in the corner.
Bucky got himself something clean and comfy to wear as well as a towel.
“I’m gonna go clean up,” he informed her in case she needed to go to the bathroom but she only nodded so he went on his way.
She watched the door to the bathroom shut and let out the breath she was holding before standing up.
Walking around the room, she found a stack of papers on the smaller table by the window. One was their marriage certificate that she hasn’t even gotten the choice whether or not to sign. She thought about throwing it in the fire, but it would likely cause her more problems than she would want to handle at the moment. Under it was what looked like a contract that they made this orc sign. Her chest tightened and tears pricked her eyes again.
It wasn’t enough that they gave her to a stranger, but they’d handed her out to an exiled orc, signing contracts to close their deal of selling her. What had she done to anyone to ever deserve this?
The room was suddenly too quiet when she looked around again. The milk before her looked tempting and she was hungry, but the door looked better and she was entrapped.
She slowly walked closer as she could hear water running inside the bathroom and when she twisted the handle, the door opened. Just like that. Bucky had forgotten to lock it and now was her chance.
The thunder cracked outside once more as if in warning, but she didn’t pay it any mind. It was now or never.
Part II
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