#ANYWAY.....this is me rambling trying to convince myself to get up and go do game planning
troglobite · 9 months
oh right i have to actually plan for the game session that'll be on sunday
like i actually have to
make a plan
and mechanics
for combat
and other shit
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queenofmistresses · 2 months
If you haven't already written one x fem!reader fic with Colin with the "I miss you" scene from one of the teasers, could you do one then and have him call on her in a few days groveling or smth like that.
Anyway, no pressure to write it
A/N i’ve been fantasising about this since the teaser came out, absolutely I will write this thank you very much for the request!!
“The truth is, I miss you y/n.” He says, towering over me, it makes me scoff and roll my eyes. In truth, there is a part of me that wants to just give in and forget what happened, but the bigger -and more spiteful- part of me isn’t going to let that happen.
“You miss me but you would not court me is that correct?” I snap back, watching as it takes him by surprise and he looks at me confused. “I heard you at the end of last season, at my mama’s ball, saying you would never court Y/F/N.” Now he looks regretful but I’m taking none of it, I’ve had enough of being treated this way by him and the rest of the ton. “I am the laughing stock of entire ton no matter what lengths I take, it just never occurred to me that you, of all people, could be so cruel.” I practically snarl, something I never thought I was capable of, before turning and walking off to my carriage to take me back home.
I spent the next day as expected, waiting around for all of zero suitors to call on me. This season is shaping up to be just as the last, no prospects whatsoever. Looks like I will be a spinster as Cressida always said. I really had hoped to prove her wrong.
I didn’t even bother preparing myself for a potential suitor calling on me the day after, I knew it was pointless. I saw the lines of men pouring out of the houses surrounding mine, the most exciting part of my day was when breakfast was served. What? We have a great cook.
It’s the late afternoon now and I’m playing a game of chess with my papa, I’ve much improved recently and it looks like I might even win this time. Then I’m told I have a visitor, and my mama gets much too overexcited. I insist it is probably just a friend, a suitor would not come this late in the day surely?
Colin Bridgerton. Stood in my hall, looking like a puppy that’s been kicked rather brutally. Perhaps he feels like he has. He asks to take me to promenade and insists that he has brought his own chaperone. Honestly I think he’s acting rather strange. He had his opportunity to stop playing the pitying friend so why didn’t he take it? Why is he here?
He leads me to his carriage and, the gentleman he is, helps me inside. When we’re in the carriage I quickly realise that there is no chaperone. “I know how this looks but I swear I mean nothing untoward.” I level him with a glare, waiting for some kind of explanation for hiding wildly inappropriate behaviour. “I needed to talk to you in private and this was the only way. I- I need to apologise. I was wrong at your mama’s ball, I shouldn’t have been so cruel. It was unfair and- and it wasn’t because I think badly of you.” I raise an eyebrow, wanting to interrupt his ramblings but allowing him to continue. “I spent all of yesterday pacing around trying to figure out why I did it, why did I act that rash and respond the way I did. And I figured it out!” He looks at me almost excitedly. I gesture for him to continue.
“Go on then, why did you say what you did?” I ask flatly.
“Because they were right! Or at least I wanted them to be. Y/n I would be lucky if you allowed me to court you, I just had no idea that that was even what I wanted. The whole summer I was away I was consumed with thoughts of you. Every letter I wrote to you I prayed that you would respond, every day I didn’t receive a letter from you my heart would ache, and I had no idea as to why. Why it felt as though my very soul was missing you, needing you. I tried to ignore it, convincing myself I was merely homesick.” He scoffs at himself, he’s so far forward he’s barely on his seat anymore. “I have never wished to be home the way I have wished to be with you. You took over every part of my life, so much so it was inescapable, and truly, it became addictive.” He stares me dead in the eyes now and takes my hands in his. When did I stop breathing? “I know I have been cruel, I know I am not deserving of your forgiveness, let alone your love, but I beg you. I beg you take pity on me, let me try to make it up to you. I would give you the world if you asked for it, I would grovel at your feet in front of the entire ton if that is what you wished, you’ve become my reason to breathe, my reason to live, my everything. I could not carry on knowing I had hurt you so without paying penance for what I’ve done. Please, allow me to make it up to you.”
A pull in what air I can manage, trying to stop the tears streaming down my eyes. Even the most spiteful parts of my mind do not speak. Only a small part of my mind, one I have pressed down for many a year now whispers, ‘kiss him’. But I won’t, I won’t take that risk. What I do do though, is squeeze his hands gently. I try to muster up some kind of coherent sentence but I don’t think anyone could after that. I nod. “Okay.” He looks almost shocked, as if he didn’t just recite the most beautiful love confession I’ve ever heard to me. “Just, take it slow, okay?” I manage to get out.
He laughs, triumphantly, and squeezes my hand even tighter, thanking me far too much and swearing he will be the best suitor ever known. I believe him.
He does take me promenading, his mama chaperoning. It’s one of the nicest days I have. Now a part of me is really glad that the spiteful part of my mind couldn’t let it go.
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sazzujazzu · 1 month
Hello, as the days count down and the Bad Batch finale draws closer, may I show to the fine folks of tumblr my first Star Wars OC in 20 years, created thanks to this show? 😃
Too bad, I'm showing them anyway 😊 somberly chilling while listening to their bestie talk.
Please excuse the poor background (I got lazy) and half-finished Tech (I got sad)
there's, uh, a big mess of words under the image because I wanted to put into words the importance this show has for me, and I am bad at doing so.
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I want to get some thoughts off my chest, because I have no one in my day-to-day life who cares about the animated Star Wars shows, and especially the Bad Batch. (well, other than my mom, but I don't want to bore her with my rambling too much. she already banned star wars from me once, i won't let that happen again lol)
I can't stop thinking how much I don't want Bad Batch to end.
This show has been so dear to me. I can't remember the last time I've loved something this much.
Before the second season started, I had an artistic block that had lasted way too long. Anything I drew or wrote, mostly turned out a horrible mess after staring at a blank page for hours and hours, if I ever managed to create anything at all. For someone who tends to draw whenever their hands aren't otherwise busy (aka all the damn time), such a block weighed down on my mental health.
Well, then season two happened, and full-on gave me back my love for Star Wars, a love that had somewhat gone out over the last few years. Then, Plan 99 happened, and broke me because again my favorite character "died" (I'm in team Tech lives until I draw my last breath or until proven correct. That chocolate-eyed cutie-pie is alive nothing will convince me otherwise). Pretty much after finishing the episode and staring at a wall for another 30 minutes, I said "nope" and began writing.
I wrote for hours. I believe it's been well over a decade since I last wrote fanfiction, but here I was, creating a Star Wars oc, something I'd last done as a ten-year-old. And now, roughly a year later, I think I've written over a hundred pages of (very self-indulgent) fanfiction with the Batch, and with my oc that I've come to love.
And drawing, oh boy, have I been drawing!
(... Sure, I've mostly been drawing Tech, over and over again, to a point I once actually considered lying and saying "yeah that's my boyfriend haha!" to a man at my job last summer, when asked who it was that I was drawing for maybe fifth day in a row 😂 likely would've been a more acceptable excuse for someone my age. But, I mean... I just really love drawing him, not only because he is my favorite character of maybe all time, but because he is just so fun to draw! And most of all, at least I draw again!)
And it is all thanks to this wonderful show about a bunch of defective and effective copy-paste boys and their sister.
It's probably something many say, but I've always felt like a bit of an outsider. I've felt like I have no place; when I was a kid, my interests were very different from the other kids of [gender assigned at birth], and trying to play with them while inserting my own interests into the games, often didn't go so well. I was... kind of an odd child (although now, older and questionably wiser, knowing that I might actually be autistic, many things make more sense now. me kind of discovering this about myself is also partially thanks to Bad Batch)
Also, growing up trans/non-binary, while not even knowing what that is or having a word for it, didn't really do much to help with the feeling of "I'm different and an outsider because of it". Perhaps it was one more reason I fell in love with Clone Force 99, because I could see some of myself in them. Being different from the "regs".
I love this show, and these fictional people have become my family, and I am not ready to say goodbye to them.
Alright, weird pile of thoughts over. In case someone read all this, uh... thanks 😊
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sapphire-weapon · 10 months
I actually agree with you analysis with Aeon, because there is one thing that’s been bugging me this whole time about their “relationship”.
Leon states in Vendetta that he is tired of all the fighting, so much to the point to where he starts drinking. But what bothers me the most is that Ada in her shitty storyline is stealing samples to later trade as per orders of Wesker.
For me, it almost undermines Leon’s goal in the sense that the one thing he wants to end is being continued by the woman he is so in love with. Because of his love with her, he’s willing to turn a blind eye to her actions all because he loves her???
Leon’s character is being questioned. Which doesn’t make sense cause his whole thing is to save people but when the girl he loves is continuing the cycle that he wants to end, he just doesn’t care??? Like Leon was top of his class in the police academy, labeled as smart. But just because he sees a pretty girl his intelligence kind of just gets thrown out the window.
I like both characters, but i feel like their little cat and mouse game destroys both characters completely.
Anyway, sorry to ramble, keep up the analysis. i’m lovin’ it!
So, this has actually been my biggest source of frustration as a critic/analyst. Back when RE6 first came out, I was still heavy in the dwrp scene, and I played through the game with my buddy Seiko (who RPed the Chris to my Leon, at the time) and I just remember both of us at varying points being like "what the fuck is he doing??" "why is he so fucking stupid?? it's like he took all of Chris's stupid pills and he's like 'no it's my turn to give myself brain damage you already had your fun. B('"
And when we first beat Leon's campaign I just dropped my controller and leaned back and said, "Well. I guess Leon just became unplayable. So much for that shit. There goes five years of RP down the fuckin toilet. Thanks for nothing, Capcom." And Seiko had to be like "No, wait, hold on. We can figure this out." And eventually she was the one who finally realized and said: "It felt like his whole campaign was a cry for help."
And I have been trying to make that work ever since -- because it is the only way to make his character make sense, after a certain point.
It actually took me the better part of two years to fully form and crystallize my analysis of "Leon projects most of his trauma onto Ada because she's familiar and convenient -- and also it's a bit of sunk cost fallacy because he wasted so much of his life trying to chase her down, so he's forced to create and live in this delusion where he's convinced himself that she's working towards the greater good, even though he has absolutely no intellectual reason to think that considering the men she's worked for -- but he still has to force himself to buy into it because his entire sense of self has become wrapped up in all of this bullshit, and for him to confront and admit that he's been wrong about her all this time would literally cause his worldview to shatter and his mental health to completely unravel into nothing."
Because RE6, as it exists, is fucking nonsense. I already thought RE4 was pushing it, because I don't know how Leon could just... be okay with Ada working for Wesker. The only explanation is that he's become convinced that she's doing it for a good reason and is going to do the right thing -- even though he has absolutely no evidence for thinking that. A delusion is the only way for it to make sense, and RE6 kicks that into overdrive.
If you were to look at Leon and Ada's relationship and call it for what it was, the very uncomfortable truth that would shake out is that Leon himself is probably one of the greatest assets contributing to the perpetuation of bioterrorism research. He not just aids the US government in their cover-up stories and cleans up their messes for them, but he also actively aids Ada's efforts while she's working for guys like Albert goddamn Wesker.
If you look at it from that perspective, the grim reality is that the world might objectively be better off if Leon was to step down from his position, withdraw from the battlefield, or even off himself like he's always wanted to. He's not just a useful idiot like Chris was for the BSAA -- he is actively part of the problem.
And there's some part of Leon that knows that. But it goes against everything he claims to stand for.
And so, the only way to make sense of his actions is the explanation that his entire sense of self is wrapped up in this, and he's too deep in that hole to dig his way out now. He's aware, on some level, of the cognitive dissonance that's happening, and that's why he drinks.
So, it is very interesting to me that Ada has been MIA from the OG timeline since 6, and that Vendetta and Death Island made the move to have Chris and Jill officially move in as Leon's support system, when he didn't have one previously -- because, with the proper support system in place, it's possible that he can dig his way out of this hole.
But what will that mean for his relationship with Ada?
And so we look at the Remake series and see the foundation it's been laying...
And suddenly the horizon starts to look very, very dark for Aeon as a ship.
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philcoulsonismyhero · 11 months
I'm having a weird brain week because the old family shit has been stirred up, so I guess I'm rambling about it on here.
So (bear with me) I reinstalled my old LEGO HP games because I was getting bored of the superhero ones I've been playing and LEGO games are pretty much the only video games I can ever be bothered with, and hoo boy. (And I don't even mean the whole issue of 'the creator of this thing I still can't help but care about hates people like me now', I can mostly deal with that these days by just not putting any money anywhere near her direction and not engaging publicly with her work.)
Sometimes there's that one fictional character that was really important to you when a bunch of shit was going down in your life and so they end up intrinsically linked to that shit in your brain, and for me that's Lupin. Every time I go back to HP, I end up going back to obsessing over that guy, and more often than not it dredges up everything that I used him as a coping mechanism for. And this time it very much has.
Long story short-ish, I was 15 when my parents sat me and my sisters down and told us they were getting divorced. It was November, and that was the year that I was sitting my Highers, which at that point were the exams that your uni application would depend on the results of, i.e. the exams that at a private school obsessed with academic results you end up believing are going to determine the rest of your life. I was doing six, you're usually supposed to do a maximum of five, so I had no free periods and a reputation as Probably The Smartest Kid In My Year to uphold. So my parents told me they were getting divorced and I dealt with that by just putting my head down and Getting On With Things, because school was the thing I was good at, and had to be good at. (I got straight As, three subject prizes and Dux of School that year. Fuck you, circumstances.)
To be completely honest, despite the myriad of new stresses it caused, the divorce was kind of a relief because it had been inevitable. I have a very distinct memory of being quite a bit younger that 15 and standing in the kitchen by the doors through to the dining room and listening to my parents shouting at each other in there, and turning to my younger sisters and saying "This is going to end up in divorce." I can only remember a fraction of what went down in the years that led up to it, and not even half the reasons for them splitting up, but there was a lot of shouting when I was a young teen/pre-teen. I spent a couple of years being the shoulder that my mum cried on, and the person that my dad complained to about my mum, and I was about 13 and knew fuck-all about anything except for the fact that someone had to be the sensible one around here and try and mediate a bit. I was the oldest, the younger two shouldn't have to deal with All That, and the last thing we needed was anything or anyone introducing More Drama into the situation. I got bullied at school and I don't think I ever mentioned it to my parents. I do remember emailing one of those support services about the bullying, though, which I have to remind myself every time I think back and I'm like 'but it wasn't That Bad, was it?' I got deliberately tripped on the stairs once. Fortunately both of those assholes grew out of it in a year or two, and I finally stopped being in classes with one of them, although I never managed to get rid of the other guy. Trounced him in the final year physics exam, though, and boy did that feel good after years of "girls can't do physics".
Anyway. Being fifteen sucked, but I was good at school. And I was Sensible, and I didn't get into any of that Teen Drama that fiction and society both seemed convinced was inevitable, I did well in my exams, I didn't make a fuss about anything, I kept my head down and Got On With Things, and then two years into uni I crashed and burned dramatically because turns out I'm autistic and don't deal very well with new situations and never learned how to ask for help *jazz hands*
All this to say, 15 year old me took one look at Remus Lupin, designated Sensible Adult In The Room who was always the one helping other people and being Understanding and never complaining too much about his own situation despite everything always seeming to collapse around him and went ah. That one. That character would Understand. Plus, he was an adult who treated the teenagers with respect while also always being clearly aware that they were still kids and there were some things that they shouldn't have to deal with, and. I had emotions about that. I was never hugely interested in the fandom version of the guy as a teenager, I never got particularly invested in stories about teenagers because I never felt like one myself, but the adult version? He was the crutch that got me through Being Fifteen.
And now I'm 27 and most of the time I'm Fine but every so often (often in November, but not always) this stuff comes back to bite me and I look at all the characters that I care about the most and they're folks like Obi-Wan or Lupin or Hotch or Ironwood, people who are stuck being Sensible or In Charge or both and sometimes end up cracking under the weight of it all and it's like. Yeah. Yeah, I guess all that did fuck me up. And at least now I'm engaging more with characters who get to be angry about their situations. I'm still really bad about being angry about things, it's an emotion I really struggle to express because I associate it so much with a whole lot of shouting that just makes a mess and takes forever to actually achieve anything. I think I'm angry about a lot of things, but part of me is always like 'yeah, but what's The Point, it's not like getting angry now will change anything that happened'. So I just don't. I stall out before I get anywhere. But the characters that I write, both in fic and my own original stuff, are starting to get to Lose Their Shit. I'm getting a little better at secondhand catharsis. It's a baby step, but it's something.
I don't think I'm going to write any of it because engaging to that degree with HP isn't something I want to do anymore, but I could write so much fanfic where Lupin gets to actually get mad about his situation. Where he gets to shout about all the shit he's been put through, all the friends he's lost and all the prejudice and injustice he's faced and how he's tired of being the calm and sensible one who helps everyone else and never gets any acknowledgement from those people about his own struggles. Some of it would be projecting, some of it would be just having an outside perspective on the story that he's in and the way it treated him and how it was bullshit and how that makes me mad because he Deserved Better. How his story ended up being about his own insecurities and how he should just get over them rather than the colossal injustice he'd faced his entire life and the fact that he shouldn't have to be just resigned to it, he should be allowed to get angry and to try and do something about it.
I don't think I'm going to write it, but thinking about it has helped a bit, even though thinking about Lupin was what landed me in the Brain Weird place in the first place. Sometimes you've just got to get angry on behalf of a fictional character because that way you can sidle up to getting angry on your own behalf. Try it out a bit. I don't know. I don't know if any of this is productive or just an exercise in being maudlin, but I guess I'm having the yearly breakdown about Family Shit a bit early this year and it probably doesn't hurt to dust off an old coping mechanism and see if it helps at all.
And at least this time I've gotten another original fiction idea out of it, so I guess that's something. I'll probably talk about that a bit soon, it's a fun one, and I'm slowly working out how to properly use it to get into the fact that to me werewolves are almost always a metaphor for repressed anger and being scared of the mess that you'll make if you let it out. They're a lot of things to a lot of people, but to me, thanks to Lupin and all the personal shit from my life that he got tangled up in, they're that.
And speaking of dealing with repressed anger, I should probably go and rewatch the scene from the penultimate Ted Lasso episode that absolutely wrecked me, which was the one where Ted finally has a proper go at his mum. Because I felt that one in my bones, although in my case it's my dad that I could do with repeatedly saying 'fuck you' to. Blargh. That was definitely the thing that primed me for the descent into Lupin nonsense, that's for sure. Fiction, man. It'll do things to you.
It's nearly 6 in the morning and I should probably attempt sleep, I guess. Thanks for reading if you got this far, this was just a brain dump because sometimes you just need to Put The Thing In Words, whether it's coherent or not, and throw it out into the void.
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kamiyugure · 7 months
Returning to Tumblr?
Something something I'm back and not 24 anymore!
It's been a while since I was really active on tumblr... well since I was active on like any site at all.
I've been sorta in limbo for a looooong time. Trying to figure out my life, trying to figure out work and money and mostly miserably failing at all of it. (I am hyper sensitive in a way that I've never really accepted until the like 3rd time I sank into a month-long depressive episode that lost me ANOTHER job... oops) Lately I've been trying to work at convincing myself to just say eff it and work on stuff that's mattered to me, like writing stories. My siblings are active on tumblr and one of them suggested that this is like... the SM to be active on and stuff because like... there's not as much horrible people as on other social media, or at least the general atmosphere on tumblr is generally LGBT+ positive and generally progressive. I've also been thinking about starting a blog or something that's oriented towards my whole trying to figure out what to do with my life. It's not just been money that's been leading me down upsetting paths, but also my mixture of feelings and plethora of interests. Making up fantasy stories is something that I just remember being a part of my life when I was a kid but I also just love a lot of different sorts of creative and/or problem solving things. There's a version of me inside that refuses to give up on the idea that there's a path where I don't have to abandon all these interests just to focus on one for the rest of my life. Like I think I've figured out that being a purely tech person might not work for me but I don't think I'd enjoy trying to go the opposite extreme. I just sorta wanna be creative and problem-solve-y and focus on making things that I wanna make... However selfish saying that sort of thing makes me feel. But also so much of the political, economic and ecological landscape right now angers me and a lot of my mental energy is spent trying to understand what I should or could do about any of it. Sometimes my mind can't STOP circling around "Everything is ruled by rich evil white supremacist idiots hellbent on creating huge swaths of mass human suffering and destroying the planet while they're at it." Look I'm rambling already! Anyway... I do figure that my siblings are right about Tumblr being one of the safer Social Media options for those who are more left leaning (and maybe particularly sensitive about certain things) so I'm thinking I might start getting a little more active again. BUT - I want to actually be a kind of creator, now. I think the tumblr I maintained during college was largely me just reblogging other posts and I dunno... kinda wanna make my own stuff more. I also still have side blogs that I don't know what to do with. One is body positivity focused, another was art focused (with 3 whole posts! woo!) and then there was like one that I made that was going to be focused on tabletop gaming but... I don't think I ever did anything for it besides make it.
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garina · 2 years
@kedreeva, I am concerned about what episode 8 is going to do to me, I'm not sure how much more invested I can possibly be... (can't wait 😉)
I did not want to stop watching here. The vans heading towards the Wheeler house was an evil evil cliffhanger.
But. I have rationed myself to two episodes a day. Bingewatching tends to have a negative effect on my mental health, so I am trying to be a responsible adult. Ha. So episode 6 ramblings...
The more we see of the monster, the less scary I find it. Obviously that's because it's the other side of the screen and not, you know, rushing towards me roaring.
We get to see Nancy's deductive skills in action this episode, which is cool. And her friendship and trust growing with Jonathan, which is also nice.
I'm getting the feeling that Dustin is getting fed up with being forced to be the sensible one. Well, as sensible as pre teen boys get, anyway.
Mike trying to convince Dustin that he is just as important to him as Lucas. Yes boys, talk about your feelings, it's so healthy!
El at the supermarket. You have a lot of people after you, hun, perhaps try being a little stealthier? The whole isolation tank thing is horrible, even before IT shows up.
More dying in all the fires for Brenner. Seriously. All. The. Fires.
You know, setting out definite boundaries and clear rules for relationships is always a good idea. Hooray for the Rules of the Party.
Lucas getting ready to find Will on his own was both badass and adorable. He seems to approach things as practically as he can, which explains why he needs actual proof of each new weird thing before he's willing to accept it. He's methodical and careful.
Attempted murder is a pretty big escalation there, Troy. He seems to be one of the few characters with no redeeming features at all. Even Brenner showed concern for the guy who he sent to his death, Tommy and Carol seem to be genuinely fond of each other, but Troy just seems to like hurting people.
I'm getting worried by how easily El is resorting to violence. Feels like it could backfire bigtime. But she is undeniably badass at the quarry.
Steve. Darling. If you thought before you acted/spoke, you might stop making stupid decisions that make you a jerk. Being angry with Nancy for lying to you is fine, what you did with it is not. Also being as cruel as possible to someone who has just lost their brother is both nasty and a very bad idea. Enjoy the bruises.
Joyce sees herself in Terry. Ridiculed, labelled as crazy, desperate for her child. That whole section was heartbreaking and part of me wanted to shake her sister, although I'm sure the last 12 years have been hell for her too, in a different way.
Ok, I am going to go and scream into the void for a bit, then try and switch gears and play a game for a bit. I shall shove more feels down your throats tomorrow.
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bagadew · 2 years
The Great Ace Attorney Playthrough: The Adventure of the Runaway Room (Part 2a)
Last Time: We stuck it to the Jury and snatched victory back from the jaws of defeat… only for things to start going wrong after an overcharging Beppo set our passenger theory up in flames! However, all was not lost! By simply calling Mr McGilded to the stand we were able to find out that we were right! …And that’s when the smoke bomb went off and I disappeared for a year…
Wow guys, it’s been a long time huh! Just over a year in-fact according to my notes. We’ve probably all learnt some things about ourselves during this time, for instance I’ve learnt that my kidney’s cant absorbed magnesium properly... which explains a lot. It turns out that your body and mind actually need vital salts to do a lot of things. Things like having the energy and brain capacity to play a lawyer simulator (to pick an example at random).
I’m now full of magnesium supplements, but while I’m getting back onto form and working out how much to take a day, I think I’ll be posting these once a week rather than my old schedule of: as soon as I can rattle them out. This way I won’t burn myself out!
Anyway, enough rambling on, let's play some Ace Attorney!
God it’s good to be back! I would say that I hope I’ve not lost my gameplaying skills, but looking at how many people I’ve falsely accused, I don’t think I had any.
Now, where were we… oh that’s right, evacuated from the courtroom because our client’s probably a murderer!
(I mean as I said, I’ve shot wrong before, so hopefully I’ve shot wrong again.)
What I really need to do though is talk to Mr McGilded. I’ve jumped the gun enough times this game I’d be happy to chalk my suspicions up to that...
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So, we didn’t get that much time out of the courtroom, which begs the question: why drop the smoke grenade at all? There’s not enough time to ‘find’ more evidence, and from what I could see he didn’t try and make a run for it. So what’s it done other than raise a big red flag over his head?
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I’ve got a hunch...
Ah. I think I know why the smoke grenade was let off now. And I’ll be honest it really doesn’t help in convincing me that Mr McGilded’s innocent.
We’d needed to produce the mysterious third party if we were going to get Mr McGilded off the hook. If Mr McGilded arranged for them to cause a scene and try and flee, they’d not only be found, but they’d have as good as confessed to the murder.
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Yep, it’s the mysterious third party.
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Yeah, there are a lot of things I want to ask him about too.
Oh, apparently he’s been summoned to the prosecutor's office.
Fucking typical, even out of the courtroom Barok still manages to be a massive inconvenience.
Also, what’s he doing there without me, his lawyer, anyway?
Wait, the third party’s in there too!
Again I feel like I, his defense attorney, should really be a part of this.
I have a terrible feeling she was bribed to be here...
I mean let’s face it, if anyone’s going to be susceptible to bribes it’s going to be the starving child who’s dependent on money to get her next meal.
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Is it the fact that our client clearly singled for what happened?
Because I’ll be honest Susato, that's what’s troubling me!
Ah no, it’s the fact the money for the passengers is all accounted for now we know about Beppo’s swindling ways.
I’m guessing she was a stowaway then, hiding in that space under the seat.
Either way, we’re not going to know what the hell is going on until the prosecution decides to throw us a bone.
Ah well, let’s go see what the hell is going on in there...
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She could definitely fit in the space under the seat. She looks about Mr McGilded’s height too, and she’s wearing a hat.
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So she might have military connections then.
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She’s not saying anything...
Her face is hidden, so I can’t work out if she’s just keeping her mouth shut, or if she’s too scared to speak.
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Yes, speak Mr McGilded, and please make what you have to say good enough to convince me I’ve gone on another wild goose chase.
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Please do.
So apparently, it connects to the events of the murder.
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(Yes Ryunosuke, call them out on their bullshit.)
Anyways, Mr McGilded fell asleep at the back of the omnibus, before being woken up by a thud and a scream. Opening his eyes, he found Mr Mason collapsed on the floor, so he popped him back on his seat and saw that the scream had come from a child, curled up and hidden away.
Well there’s a lot to unpack here.
Like why was Mr McGilded’s reaction to WAKING UP TO A BODY to calmly pop it back in its seat.
And was the kid curled up in on the seat, or was she under it?
Also why is there no blood on the floor?
You know what, let’s start with this baffling reaction to a corpse.
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Yeah that’s the right reaction.
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Not when there’s been a murder! When there’s been a murder, it’s just tampering with the scene of the crime!
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I can’t believe I’m with Barok on this one… I feel like I’ve reached a new low…
Remember when I addressed my dear client, whose case I (Ryunosuke) needed to win in order to be allowed to practice law? I said: Please prove me wrong, because I think you might have committed murder…
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Well he’s currently doing the opposite of that…
Ok, this might be interesting. He’s talking about finding out the ‘whys and wherefores’ before trying call someone. I wonder if he thought there was something more going on than: someone with little regard for human life wants Mr McGilded out of the way.
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My mistake! He’s just talking about the terrified 15 year old who was probably under the seat!
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(Yep, definitely under the seat.)
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Don’t worry Susato, I’ve already done it!
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That’s the right reaction!
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I fail to see what this has to do with you sitting a kid next to a still bleeding dead body! She was already hiding underneath a gore free seat! Why not use that one?!?
Anyway, putting aside my outrage and focusing on the case at hand: Mr McGilded then heard Mr Furst scream, because he’d looked down to see the scene we spent the last cross examination picking at. Like we guessed, it seems that he saw our teenage stowaway sitting next to the victim, rather than Mr Mason, while Mr McGilded was sat in the seat at the back, out of sight.
Well that clears everything up! …except for the fact that stowaway girl still hasn’t said anything.
We’re only minutes into the second part of this case, and I’ve still got a nasty feeling about Mr McGilded I just can’t shake.
(Editor's note: Oh my god I can send things from my switch to my iPad, this is going to save me SO MUCH WORK! Anyway, these are all screenshots of my own gameplay now.)
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I don’t think any of us did Ryunosuke. I thought I’d be getting a cheery romp of a third case to lift my spirits before things got serious… but that doesn’t look like it’ll going to happen does it.
(Also we might have to convict another terrified child!)
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Ok, that was quite funny!
Hmm, Susato’s talking about investigating the omnibus again. I think I’ve pressed everything we should need clarifying on so maybe I actually need to. Besides, I haven’t seen the insides in forever, and while I’ve re-read my other live-blogging posts as a refresher, it’s probably a good idea to reacquaint myself with the evidence.
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Ok, hold up… was that there before? I’m pretty sure the floor was spotless… but did I just not notice?
Like, I’m not a particularly observant person so perhaps… but something really doesn’t seem right here…
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Yep, it’s new.
Oh shit. This was the reasons for the smoke bomb wasn’t it?
It wouldn’t have been enough to just have the kid bolt and be caught suspiciously. Mr McGilded needed the courtroom to be evacuated so the kid he’s controlling (or maybe even he himself) could tamper with the evidence.
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Because it’s bad Ryunosuke…
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Oh crap, he’s cleaned out the compartment too.
Why though? There already seemed to be space in there for the child to fold themselves. Unless there’s something incriminating in there? Maybe that button from the victim’s jacket was in there after all?
Well, there’s bugger all we can do now, so let’s just fall back on the Ace Attorney trick of pressing everything we can...
Ok, we don’t seem to have got much out of the pressing, except to get Mr McGilded to clearly state that the omnibus was empty when he got on. I feel like we already knew that, but nevertheless, I’m sure his certainty will come back to help us later.
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Yes, let's move on and get to the good stuff!
Hern name is Gina Lestrade! A Sherlock Holmes name! If I remember rightly Lestrade’s was detective. I wonder if that’s the path Gina here will be on? Or maybe she’s connected to Herlock in some way?
Didn’t Sherlock Holmes have an urchin gang that helped him out sometimes? Maybe she does something similar for our Herlock?
Nope! She’s a pickpocket! Still, I suppose that doesn’t rule the second option out.
This does explain why she’s quite so good at holding her tongue though, especially in the face of the law.
(Also, it is very funny to watch her blank the Judge)
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Editor’s Note: Look my screenshots aren’t all going to be winners, OK? 
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Oh no, she’s not done a runner, she’s just showing off!
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Style Ryunosuke!
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F them up Gina!
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I love her!
Look, Kazuma’s dead, Hosonaga’s gone back to Japan, and I have no idea where Herlock is… Gina do you want this friendship bracelet I’ve made?
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It doesn’t hurt people much Ryunosuke!
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Oh my god she stole it from Herlock!
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These hijinks have gone on for too long, the Judge seems to say. Go back to facing hard truths and probably defending the wicked, he seems to say.
Well fine! But I’m not going to enjoy it… except I will definitely do that…
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(See, Gina gets me!)
So, it looks like the omnibuses were something of a regular haunt for Gina. Though apparently this time she got nothing from her efforts. I wonder if that’s because Mr McGilded was on top of her seat the whole time so she couldn’t get out?
Also, it was pitched black inside, and the sound of the body hitting the deck was loud enough and sudden enough to make her involuntarily scream.
To be honest, as much as I love Gina, I’m not sure I believe that the noise of someone falling out of their seat would be enough to startle her. Perhaps she saw the crime being committed? But then either she’s lying about not being able to see anything, or she must have been able to lift the seat when he hit the floor (ergo, Mr McGilded wasn’t sat on it).
Either way my suspicion of Mr McGilded is definitely growing, and his smug, confident face up there isn’t exactly filling me with confidence.
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Come on Mangus, this is it! Endear me to you and show me literally anything that makes me feel better about defending you!
He’s not throwing her under the omnibus like I expected… and he’s actually using facts and reason to show her innocence.
Maybe there’s hope for my (Ryunosuke’s) future after all!
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Aaaand we’re looking at the compartment he almost certainly cleared out…
I still come back to asking why though.
Like I feel like Gina could curl herself into that space, and we couldn’t find any evidence among the stuff that was there.
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God I want to believe this. The problem is that I just don’t anymore. I really hope that this is just me crying wolf again, and that I’m going to have another beloved character I have to apologies to… but I really don’t think I am…
Also, if he is guilty where does that leave Ryunosuke?
He’s either going to have to let a guilty man who buys his way through life go free, probably convicting another innocent person in the process (I’d love to avoid another Adrian Andrews situation if I can)… or he’s going to have to find another bargain that will let him continue practicing law.
And he’s a Japanese immigrant, they aren’t just going to hand him one on a silver platter. Even if he is the main character, he’d probably end up stuck under someone’s thumb (Strongheart perhaps), or having to look for some back-door way in.
Either way it’s not going to be great for him.
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Anyway, we’ve convinced Juror Number 1 to change his verdict!
I mean given that a slight breeze changes this man’s standing, it’s nothing really to write home about…
But still. One step closer to victory!
Wait, she’s changing as well! But doesn’t that mean…
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Six for Six!
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(Well apart from the fact that there are still about a mile of questions, the killers still at large, and we feel nowhere near done…)
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Ok Barok let’s hear it.
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Look Barok, if you’re going to say he’s a cad, we already know that…
Also, to be frank you’re the last person who should be calling people out on that.
Ok, so he’s also noticed the mysterious case of the missing luggage.
I would be mad, but frankly I knew this was coming when I opened the omnibus and saw it had been tampered with.
So right now, frankly, I just want to find out what the hell this is all about!
I mean we’ve come to the same conclusion; I’ll give him that much.
And to think, only last session he was barely able to follow our chat about the bloody gloves!
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Now how do I answer this?
On one hand, I’ve played enough Ace Attorney to know that, ultimately, attempting to: conceal, mask, alter or hide from the truth, doesn’t end well. Especially when you’re a lawyer. It’s a bad time.
On the other hand, I (Ryunosuke) am a defence attorney. It’s my duty to defend my client in the best I can… but is the best way to lie though?
So, directly contradicting Barok is out, and anyway, if it comes down to my word against his… and let’s be honest here, I (Ryunosuke), the Japanese immigrant, am not going to win that one. I’ll just paint myself in a bad way and make everyone even more against me than they already are.
Maybe I could say I didn’t look though?
It’s less of a lie than flat out denying it (can they prove I did), and I wouldn’t be going directly against Judges favorite Barok, or my client…
I did look though…
Also, it’ll make me look incompetent.
… plus, I don’t think it’s a good idea and I don’t think we should do it…
Would Ryunosuke feel the same though?
I mean I am playing as him, so I’d like to act as he would.
Actually I just remembered the last case, and I think that he would. I also think that, unlike me he wouldn’t have hesitated as much.
Let’s do it!
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Oh dear, Mr McGilded isn’t happy. Perhaps we can style this out enough for him to convince Strongheart he should give us a job anyway?
(She said hopefully)
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And Barok’s, amazingly, not happy either.
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Ok Ryunosuke, here’s your time to talk about truth!
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Uhh… let’s try and inspire a bit more confidence Ryunosuke…
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Yeah alright, that’ll do it!
Barok finds it interesting. I think that means we passed.
Mr McGilded however…
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You know I thought the same thing myself.
(God I hope I haven’t screwed this up…)
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He’s putting the squeeze on us!
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Ryunosuke, you beautiful individual, there is SO MUCH THAT IS NOT RIGHT!
Oh Juror Number 5’s going to clear this up. I can’t believe he’s actually pulling his weight for once!
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I mean, he was swindling his customers, and you’re clearly drinking in court… all I’m saying is I wouldn’t put much faith in the responsibility of your coach company.
Oh, and he’s changed his verdict to guilty!
(I don’t even know if I’m being sarcastic now or not)
And there goes Juror Number 3 as well, closely followed by Number 4!
Oh, how quickly these people turn!
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And Ryunosuke is as fed up with them as I am!
Yeah, yeah Barok. We know. We dug ourselves away from victory and snatched defeat from it’s jaws. Let’s just get on with it shall we!
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The right thing? …Maybe?
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I mean I think we helped. Quite a lot actually.
Anyway, back to cross examination.
So, Gina says that after she heard the thud, the seat above her lightened up because Mr McGilded had got up sit Mr Mason on the seat opposite. Apparently she knows that’s what happened because she immediately lifted the seat up a little so she could have a peak. (Or a ‘butcher’s’ if you're speaking in Cockney Rhyming Slang!)
Unfortunately for her, her ‘butcher’s’ meant that Mr McGilded could spot her and dragged her out into the open.
She’s also saying that she cleared out the coach gear and crammed it in there before the omnibus set off. Which is clearly a lie because we saw it there earlier. But evidence is everything and we have no proof.
Also poor Ryunosuke is really struggling to keep up with the Cockney Rhyming Slang. Something deliberately designed to make it difficult for anyone not in the know to follow what you were saying.
Like he is literally doing everything in a second language, and now the person opposite him is literally peppering her sentences with criminal code. I’m struggling to remember what some of these words mean and I am Cockney, I live in London, I studied this at school!
What I’m trying to say is: Hang in their buddy! I believe in you!
(I am finding it quite funny though that reading Gina’s Cockney Accent is starting to make the Cockney notes of my accent bob back up to the surface. I mostly grew out of it when I was a kid, so it’s really weird reading a fictional person’s dialogue can spike it up!)
Anyway, Gina seems to be claustrophobic, which raises the question of why she was in there at all, especially if she was squeezed in there amongst the rope and brushes and all that. She says that it’s out of necessity, so maybe that’s all there is to it. Still, it might be something it’s worth remembering.
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Yeah… it definitely seems like I should remember it…
Anyway so let’s get back to how our dear client, Mr McGilded, dragged this child out of her hiding place, sat her next to a corpse, and then-THE CARRIAGE LURCHED THE CORPSE ON TOP OF HER!?!
That’s it! Gina I’m taking you into care! Please come and sit next to me and my other child Sebastian. He’s a good kid, please don’t pick on him.
Anyway, we’ve now accounted for the bloodied hands Mr Furst and Mr Fairplay saw from the roof. They must have looked down while she was being interrogated by Mr McGilded.
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Well that was nice of him wasn’t it!
And I’m sure you came along today, armed with a smoke bomb you dropped on his signal, because you wanted to pay him back for his kindness!
(If you can’t tell, I’m not buying it.)
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I think it’s this whole damn affair Ryunosuke.
Anyway, I’m pretty sure Gina talking about small, cramped spaces made Mr McGilded over there swallow a lung, so let’s hop on top of that.
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Sure you do.
Look, you clearly don’t relate to her enough to not use her. Which you are definitely doing. Like literally right now.
Yeah, this is exactly what he was trying on with us earlier.
(And Gina isn’t at all acting like she’s being steered.)
I’m going to be honest with you Ryunosuke, whatever she says will be 100% in Mr McGilded’s favour and probably contrived.
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Look at him standing smugly next to her… prick.
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I’ll be honest with you, I (me) have no idea what about her probably contrived statement is useful to us. But my god I’ve played enough Ace Attorneys to know the answer here!
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(Catch me, trying to look like I haven’t been doing that since we got here.)
Well let’s press the new statement while I try and work out what it’s about.
But if she didn’t, and we can get her to confirm this, then the only option is that he got onboard with Mr McGilded!
Which both suggests that Mr McGilded purposely met with the victim, and means that, what with Gina also saying he got on alone, there’s a massive contradiction in her testimony.
Basically she’s definitely lied about something.
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Get off my tailcoats van Zieks!
Anyway, now to simply present a picture of Mr Mason and I’m sure I can trust Ryunosuke to explain the rest.
GET THERE ASSESS RYUNOSUKE! (I knew I could count on you.)
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Thank you for that obvious lie Mr McGilded, it has now been stated before the court and will come back to bite you in the ass promptly.
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Well then, he should have said something before now shouldn’t he? Rather than expecting the defense to do the prosecutions job for him.
Wow that’s a silent rain of guilty there!
Editor’s note: and basically unscreenshotable, however I do it!
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… I feel like Juror Number 6 has seen and done some shit in her time…
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Ok Ryunosuke, only Juror Number 2 is left. Frankly it’s a miracle she hasn’t changed her verdict already. Given that she is almost certainly going this way, I suggest we get ready to demand another summation examination so we can sway these thickle fucks back!
(Pluss it means we get to push the Prosecution Shut Up button.)
Ok, I’m pretty sure Mr McGilded just said something racist, so he’s still finding ways to limbo under that low bar I keep readjusting for him.
Also Juror Number 3 is back licking his knife again, while saying concerning things about loving carnage. So that’s also happening now…
Well Juror Number 2 looks like she’s about to unsurprisingly change her stance to guilty, and frankly this time I don’t blame them. Mr McGilded’s own defence just fired cannonballs through this credibility.
Oh, ok! Ryunosuke seems to think we can win this back before we get to summation time.
Fair enough I suppose, we were barley granted the first one.
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Shut up Mr McGilded, can’t you see that I (Ryunosuke) am trying to wiggle you away from death now! Like fair enough it was me who put you there in the first place, but even so you need me to keep talking.
(Side not though, I find it curious that Mr McGilded doesn’t want me to pursue this line of enquiry even though the horse has well and truly bolted. Does he have some trick that will only work if they don’t know he got on with Mr Mason? Or does Gina’s lie actually revile more that I though?)
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We stop her! Nice one Ryunosuke!
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Wait, none of these options are ‘he came in with Mr McGilded’?
Well I guess Mr Mason and Gina could have entered the cabin together? He didn’t look very well off and he was in debt, so perhaps the two of them were in cahoots? Like Mr Mason pays the money and then Gina immediately lifts it back again?
Ok I’ll go for the first one!
Fine then! Let’s try another one!
Let’s see, I’ve crawled all over every inch of that cabin and I don’t think there was a secret way in. So maybe the point I’m supposed to be getting at is that he was already dead?
Perhaps it was him, not Gina who was under the seat? That might actually explain why Mr McGilded had the contents removed, perhaps he was worried it had traces of body on them, and perhaps he was right and that’s where we’ll find the missing button!
Ok number 3 it is!
(And also penalising me again, so now I only have three lives left!)
Ok, we’ll say there was another way in then.
I’ll be honest Ryunosuke you’re on your own with this one. I have no idea what your plan is.
Oh no, something new’s happening!
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Ok, let’s just relax and think this through.
We know it can’t be the door because the door never opened. We also know that it was the only door in the cabin’s four walls. Perhaps my under seat theory could come into that, but that’s not really a way into the cabin. In fact the only distinctive thing on this drawing that looks vaguely entrance like is the skylight.
I might be wrong, but for some reason I was under the impression that it couldn’t open?
Ah well, it’s literally the only idea I’ve got right now so I might as well go for it!
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Ooh, actually that’s a good point. I did think the sound of someone falling to the floor wouldn’t be enough to make someone like Gina scream, but the sound of a body falling through the roof is another matter entirely.
Oh yeah, they would have…
Well, I guess we should call them up as witnesses again. Maybe we’ll find something in their statements that’ll open up a new possibility?
(Though I can’t imagine what that could be)
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I don’t like this…
Ok, is this whole thing just a way for Mr McGilded to get rid of two clients who weren’t able to pay up, while being able to make himself out to look like the victim?
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They came back to the stand!
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Mr McGilded is loving this, and to be fair he isn’t the only one!
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I can’t believe I’m agreeing with Jack the Ripper here. Dark times everybody.
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Ok, so this is something all the jury want. Well good, they’re finally taking their roll seriously.
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Oh, neat voice acting!
Tes-ti-fy! Tes-ti-fy! Tes-ti-fy!
(Quick Ryunosuke, try and look like we weren’t also chanting)
Anyways, let's get cross examining!
Ok, so their statement (as I understand it), is that they were the only two people up on the roof deck, and definitely would have noticed if someone else had been there. They had absolutely no reason to kill Mr Mason, the skylight was shut the entire time they were there and they couldn’t have opened it. Also, they want proof.
Ignoring the request for proof for the moment, I could see them possibly missing Mr Mason if he was laying down on the seat in front. It was dark when they got on, and they would have been preoccupied with how cold it was up there… also the longer they spend up there the more I begin to feel that there’s some sort of romantic spark between the two of them. I’m definitely not going to bring that before the jury because they have already proven themselves to be true products of Victorian London, but I can’t be the only one who think that… right?
As for the proof they requested, I’ve got nothing and I’m probably going to have to guess wildly before the day is out.
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Juror Number 4 still pulling her weight I see.
Also, I’m pretty sure she’s not said anything hateful while she’s been up there, so my offer for a breakaway court still stands. We can gossip about the nature of the witness's relationship there if you’d like, but none of the others are allowed to come.
Anyway, my own feelings aside, Barok has apparently looked into them and they definitely didn’t know each other before today.
Much like Phoenix had to be beaten up, accused of murder and nearly killed to learn to not go with Murderers into a private room and tell them you have evidence against you; it’s taking a man like Mr McGilded to teach Ryunosuke what it is to be manipulated and played like a fiddle. It’s harsh, but really, it’s something Mr I’LL BE MY OWN DEFENCE ATTORNEY needs to learn.
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(Nothing to add here, I just enjoy this image)
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Ooh, Ryunosuke’s on the same theory that I am! Truly our hearts beat as one.
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I mean, I’m not sure that rules out the factor of darkness, but I suppose sleep is a good point to rule out.
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That’s London Baby!
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It is interesting that they knocked on the door though. I wonder if they saw Mr Mason inside?
They did!
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(Damn I wanted to see Mr Furst fully snap)
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Not the one I know.
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Well, Mr McGilded coughed up another lung at this statement, and while I’m hesitant to give him any more speaking room I probably should so he can inevitably trip himself up over his own words.
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Ok, not the best start…
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Don’t rise to it you idiot!
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Well, there you go Mr Fairplay. Wel done, you just gave yourself a motive.
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Yeah, what do you want to do with our single helpful witness?
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Don’t come for him and his bad hats!
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Yeah, he’s only an apprentice! I’m sure he’ll get better with time!
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Yeah, the customers like it probably! It’s modern probably!
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Wait what
Oh god, he has one of his hats!
I just thought he wasn’t doing to well so he’d patched it up himself!
(… Maybe Mr Furst should consider a new like of work after all…)
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Oh Mr Furst, your shining transparency and shining beacon of truth has come back to hit you in the face!
Up until two minutes ago I couldn’t picture Mr Furst being physically capable of quarrelling, but now that I’ve seen his dukes I’m a little more willing to believe it. (I don’t though, obviously.)
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Well at least he’s stopped talking now…
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Yeah, worrying isn’t it.
Wait, is the latch on the outside?!
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I’m pretty sure, now I’m looking for it, I can see it right there!
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(Is the out of context ace attorney blog still around? Because if so this is gold dust for it.)
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… Mr Furst… why are you telling us this?
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It sure is.
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… again Mr Furst... I don’t think we need to know this...
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I’m not really sure to be honest.
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Oh thank god there is a point!
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Well I think the problem here is that he was on the inside of the cabin, whereas (and I just went in to check), the latch looking thing is only on the outside. I.e. it can’t be opened from within.
Ok, I think I’ve pressed everything now, and from what Susato just said and Mr Fairplay’s demand for proof, I’m guessing I should be presenting evidence.
The only things I can think of though are the Ledger, which connects Mr Fairplay to the crime, and the Omnibus itself. I still can’t open the skylight, so I’ll go with the Ledger first.
Aaand be penalized for it!
Now I have literally one life left, so it’s probably an idea to make sure I’ve saved now before I try the omnibus… aaand it’s a good thing I did because I was just penalised again!
Well let’s return to the last save and not do that then. Side note though, it’s a nice touch how all the Jurors have their own spoken Guilty!
Right, I have literally no idea what to do now, so I’m going to scrabble around with the evidence for a bit, and probably get guilty a bunch until something happens. Because that’s not very interesting to write or read, I think I’ll end this write up here for now and pick the next one up once I’ve figured it out. Till next time everybody!
13 notes · View notes
angelatmidnight1 · 2 years
hi friend, i hope you're doing well and also drinking a lot of water! I was playing apex the other day as horizon, and i got paired with another ash on trios, and when i tell you we were having a hectic game. Our other teammate DC'd early on, and even though we were on pubs, it felt like a ranked game, because we were constantly running low on supplies and we had to run for most of the time in order to stay alive. We also held our own to try and fight off hungry squads, and i must say, i was surprised at how great of a teammate my ash was. She stuck close to me, she'd revive and use her portal to get us out of a sticky situation, she'd push in with me, and in return, i tried to give her shields and even my secondary weapon once hers ran out of ammo. I haven't played Ash myself, so i understand that this might be out of character (i also haven't kept up with her lore a lot–), but basically after this game i guess i kind of got more comfortable with the idea of a Ler Ash that isn't as menacing or cold towards the reader? Like, sure, she's a bad scary robot and all, but maybe the reader isnt as intimidated by her as other legends may be, which kind of makes her have a bit of a soft spot for the reader. So she could still have her cold ash-like remarks whenever she tickles them, and in fact shethinks that tickling is kind of pointless and childish, but she'd still poke and prod anyway, finding it curious how the reader just allows it to happen/ doesn't reaaally try to run away. While she wouldn't be as eager to tickle the reader as wattson or mirage would, I'd like to think she also wouldn't push them beyond their limits, to the point where it becomes unenjoyable. Thoughts?
Anyway sorry for the ramble, and i hope you've been having a good summer so far! :D
So, I honestly see Ash as a more merciless ler compared to the other Legends. Not quite on Revenant’s level, but maybe not too far behind. I agree that she’d look at tickling as childish, but I also think she’d be the type to use it against her opponents and add it to the list of what makes humans weak and, by default, her strong. Because I think Ash is all about being a perfect combatant, and if there’s something she can do to bring her opponents down faster, then she’s all for it.
But characters can be multilayered, so I could be convinced that Ash isn’t brutal all the time with certain people. I just think that she’d have to view the person as someone who is worth her time, maybe someone who’s really good at fighting or is consistently practicing to improve. I think that’d be one of the few times where she wouldn’t push too far, because then she’d have someone worthy to train with. And that’d be reason enough to not totally wreck them 🙃
My summer’s been alright, kinda boring though. Right now I’m annoyed because every time I go to the dmv, there’s something I didn’t do or something I don’t have and I haven’t gotten anything done. I’ve realized that I’m not as patient as I thought I was 🤦🏾‍♀️ But yeah other than that, my summer has been okay.
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deaneybabyinc · 2 months
im going insane and i feel like im not real rn so im gonna ramble about my object crushes and various proclivities of mine
im into like base level objectum stuff the eroticism of the machine and whatnot. i think my favorite object attractions are bulky pcs (this laptop does nothing for me i need her to be thick) and sharp objects, i especially love craft supplies that i've bonded with. me and my box cutter are best friends i use her for every project. romantically i really enjoy an object who is there for me and is somewhat diy or battered, something with history you know. i like to think about the life the object has lived and how it still functions despite it. i really have a fun bond with my car. she was my grandmothers car and she has a lot of life in her. shes a 2012 white prius and i care for her a lot. my favorite white girl <3 i also am really into a lot of mathematical concepts i dont know how to explain it but i just think about them and their perfection and i love them. especially shape math like geometry and trigonometry really fascinate me. trigonometry is so hot man like that retro video of the angles of the triangle.... the panties hit the floor.
i rarely develop crushes outside of my specific niches but i do that a thing going on with my among us plushie which is so fucked for me like why did my brain decide on the among us plushie to develop this relationship with kinda fucked up. but their name is mungus and theyre a mungus of the mungus species and i saw them in the store and literally was attached immediately like i was like "okay i have seen you on this shelf and now i love you forever" and theyve hung out with me ever since. we had kind of a sexual fling but i kept getting embarrassed when i remembered that uh. thats a crewmate from the hit game amongus available on all platforms. they're yellow and have a leaf on their head. i love you mungus
i feel like i have been a lot more accepting of thoughts and feelings like this recently. i used to have such a complex about being sane which i think is normal when you have an extensive history of delusions and hallucinations that are really distressing and negative. and because i was so scared of going back to that place i completely rejected everything that wasnt objective reality. but like thats not the person i am. and its so difficult having a heart that falls in love with computers and kins passionately and wants to believe in gods and spirits and past lives and magic and having a brain that is so so scared and cannot let that become true. and i kept yearning for the good parts of being actively delusional. when i wasn't convinced that my room is covered in invisible spiders and i was burning alive and everything smelled like fresh meat, i sometimes felt important and connected with everything and like i knew who i was. which is maybe the only thing that kept me from completely falling apart during these times. the world was agonizing me but its for a reason, and i am so many people but theyre all me. every part of me from the ugly to the beautiful had a special spot. and yes im romanticising it all but its hard not to
anyways it all kinda flipped after i was hospitalized the last time. i lost who i was to precious sanity and to give myself credit ive re-created myself pretty well. but i feel like theres a hole in it. the self crumbled and ive been picking up pieces and trying to throw pieces away that i didnt want to fit in but you cant throw them away they always stay. all that to say i have been trying to reincorporate whimsy and have been doing an admittedly kind of shitty job lol
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theirprofoundbond · 1 year
hello! for the 2022 review questions, 18 and 23? :) thank you so much and hope you're well!!
Hey, Sam! When I saw your avatar in my inbox it made me go 😊 I’ve been away from tumblr for ages and it’s comforting to see familiar “faces.”
These questions actually stumped me for a bit! But after overthinking I came up with some (rambling) answers 😂
18. Share an excerpt from your favorite scene.
I wasn’t sure I’d find something I could share! Everything from this particular fic feels like it’ll give the game away, and I really love to try and surprise the reader (in good ways). Also, how is it that I don’t struggle with summaries at all, but ask me to choose an excerpt and suddenly my brain goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Like… I already wrote it. What’s the problem.
Anyway, here we go:
Castiel reaches for the only weapon he has: the whip. With the fall still encircling his wrist, he grips a short length of the whip between his hands, raising it just in time to block the next blow. The angel blade clashes with the chainmail and bounces off, a discordant vibration rattling through the disparate metals, through Castiel’s entire being.
Funny how scenes that almost make you lose your mind while writing them later get promoted to “favorite.”
23. How did you recharge between fics?
Does (mentally) holding your foot on the gas pedal while your brain car is stuck in mud, wheels spinning, and inside you’re screaming, “I HAVE TO KEEP GOING!!!” count as recharging?
I am bad at recharging! Like, I’ll disengage from writing and not open my documents and Notion, but it’s as if I can’t truly convince myself that I have permission to do that. (It doesn’t help that I think about my writing all the time.) But yeah, I always feel the “I should be making progress” itch (even though rationally I know that resting is part of the process, and necessary to making progress). This last year was especially tough because I desperately wanted to complete certain things and publish but I couldn’t.
I have found that the less time I spend on my computer when I know I’m not focusing on writing helps me disengage further. (Like… if you’re on your computer, the documents are lurking… and you can feel them wondering, accusingly, why you aren’t adding words to them.)
Maybe the bigger thing, though, is just… getting stuff done in other areas of my life. I find doing loads of laundry always helps to recenter me. But towards the end of 2022 Tom and I focused on household projects and tackling small to-dos we kept putting off. We finally put up bird feeders after almost a year of meaning to (and the birds were really pleased! So was a fat squirrel 😂). We ran errands and organized a bunch of stuff/rooms. I put a new screen protector on his phone, and he helped me install my big memo board in my study.
I think the key is to see something through to completion, no matter how small the thing is. I don’t know what writing feels like for you, but for me it is often hard, and very slow, and a lot of the time it feels like I’m clawing my way to the finish line. So starting tasks and finishing them, without having to feel like I’m fighting my way through them, is restorative in some way.
…I told you they were rambling answers!
Thank you for the ask 😊 And happy new year to you and your family! I'm wishing you the very best of luck with your 2023 writing goals ✨
(Here’s the 2022 in review ask game!)
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book: The Day You Knocked pairing: Joshua “Josh” McKnight & Ella Aldridge
“I think that’s my last round for the night,” Josh says, standing from the bean bag on the floor next to my chair. 
“Seriously? Just one more game, dude,” Kallie tries to convince, tossing his controller back to him. 
“Seriously Kal, I have a lot to do tomorrow,” He explains, standing and leaning against the wall, glancing down at me. “I’ll see you in class tomorrow?”
“Oh, definitely. I wouldn’t miss a Toussaint lecture,” I assure, smiling slightly and earning one in return. 
“I’ll see you all around,” He assures, pushing off towards the door, being followed by everyones goodbyes as they echo behind them, door closing. 
“Ella,” Liz speaks up, gaining my attention from the book in my lap. “Weren’t you going to give that back before he left?”
“Give what back?”
The look on her face reads Are you serious? but her lips say, “His sweatshirt. That you’re wearing. Right now.”
“Oh! I totally forgot!” I answer, glancing down at my chest as I unfold myself from my seat. “I’m going to go try to catch him.”
“You do that,” Kallie jests, shooing me from the room, me exiting with just socks on my feet, sweatshirt still on. Padding along, I can hear the elevator ding at the end of the hall, signaling it is just arriving. I jog a bit now, rounding the corner to an empty hall but a still open elevator, stepping into the open door to stop its closing. 
“Ella?” Josh’s low tone draws my eyes, an amused smile on his face as I notice him glance down to the reindeer on my socks. 
“Uh, you forgot your sweatshirt,” I tell, gesturing to the crew neck that’s still on my body.
“I didn’t forget it, I was just going to get it back another time,” He assures, running a hand through his hair. “You looked comfortable.”
“Oh, yeah, I was,” I admit, tugging the overly large sleeves over my hands. “But Liz reminded me I had it so I wanted to return it. I know it’s your only sweatshirt.”
“It’s not my only sweatshirt?” He denies, furrowing his brows. 
“Well how would I know when it’s the only thing you wear?”
“I- am not even going to argue with you on how wrong you are,” He denies, shaking his head. “So...?”
“Oh! Yes,” I exclaim, remembering why I am holding up the elevator.
“You should probably just step in here and ride upstairs, eventually someone will realize the elevator isn’t responding and will call maintenance,” He advices, tugging on the sleeve of the sweatshirt I’m fiddling with enough to pull me in. 
Why must my brain fly out the window every time it’s just us?
Instead of answering, I pull the sweatshirt over my head, leaving me only in my my cropped t-shirt and pajama pants. 
“Someone’s ready for Christmas,” He jest, eyeing the snowflakes on my pajama pants.”
“I- shut up, and take your sweatshirt,” I instruct, tossing it for him to catch, something he does easily. He just chuckles, shaking his head again. “Thank you for letting me borrow it.”
“It’s no problem, it looks better on you anyways.”
Was that flirting? He can’t be flirting with me. He has a girlfriend.
“What?” I ask.
“I said you looked better in it,” He admits once more, obviously not seeing the issue. 
He’s been like this for months. At first I didn’t notice it. 
That’s a lie. I absolutely did.
The intense, admittedly hot jealousy when he thought CJ was crushing on me. 
Walking me to my lab with our hands touching every time we moved. 
Everyone else pointing out things, like when Kallie told me that all he talks to her about at band is me, not his girlfriend, but me.
“Josh, can I ask you something?” He nods, and I take this as my go ahead. “What is going on here? You flirt with me, and you make me feel all fluttery which isn’t an experience I like because there is no scientific reasoning for it and -”
“And I don’t have a girlfriend,” He interrupts my rambling, taking the wind from my lungs. “Abigail and I broke up last week when we were home for Thanksgiving.”
“You, you what? I’m so sorry,” I apologize, knowing it must hurt. Nearly three years together and suddenly it’s all over. 
“You have nothing to be sorry- well maybe a small thing to be sorry for,” He explains.
“What does that mean?” I question, the elevator door dinging, signaling our arrival at the fifth floor. I step out of door, entering the hall that connects to his room. 
“It means,” He begins, following me out, “That your only reason to be sorry is the fact that you’re the reason we broke up.”
“I’m the what?” I question, stepping back quickly. This can not be happening. This is just a very vivid dream entirely fueled by my obsession with friends to lovers books. 
“You,” He begins, taking that step back towards me, “Ella Aldridge,” He begins again, this time taking my hands that were clicking away at my side. “Are the reason we broke up. I told her I was interested in someone else-” Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, “so I couldn’t be with her anymore.”
“Josh, you... you broke up with your girlfriend for me?” 
“Of course I did. I’ve been into you since biology last year, but then we lost touch and suddenly this year I’m half drunk and dropping Kallie off at your suite and there you are.”
“And there I was,” I agree, remembering the day well. “And there I was. Just on the other side of the door the day you knocked.”
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emerald-chaos · 3 years
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*gif not mine, credit goes to the owner*
I just want to take a moment to say thank you for the love on my last fic! It made my lil ole heart swell to see that peopled enjoyed it enough to leave a like or reblog.
This is just something special I had in my arsenal that I wrote for a friend a few months ago. I touched it up a bit and added a few things here and there. It all started when we were talking about how much we loved when Chris' accent got heavier after he'd been drinking, and well, I couldn't help myself lol. I hope you enjoy the fluff! xoxo
I apologize for any grammatical errors, I tried to proof-read but am also a little exhausted lol.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 2844
Warnings: I don't think there's anyway? Mentions of being drunk/drinking alcohol, cursing, and illusions to sexy times, but that's about it.
You hadn’t noticed how furiously your knee was bouncing up and down until the person sitting next to you on the subway got up to move seats once the train squealed to a stop. You sighed and ran your hands down the front of your thighs. Normally being a little late didn’t bother you as much, but tonight you were meeting him.
You flipped your wrist over to check your watch. 8:30pm. In all honesty, it had probably been only thirty seconds later than when you checked it the last time. Another deep sigh escaped from your lips as you started to become hyper aware of the train remaining still at the current stop. What could possibly be taking so long? You knew he wouldn’t care if you were running late, but the time the two of you had together already felt so minuscule. You wanted to capitalize on every second you could.
The train began moving again and you slumped back into your seat, feeling only a small amount of relief. It was becoming painfully apparent that you needed to try and relax. You could feel the sweat building up on your body, the sting on your palms from where your fingernails were pressing in with a vengeance moments ago, and you could hear your heart thumping in your ears. Your hand dug around in your purse for a few moments before finding the small case you were looking for. Opening it, you slipped your headphones into your ears and let your head rest on the window behind you as music intertwined with your thoughts.
Once upon a time, you made fun of people who decided to go to grad school. What kind of a clown would spend thousands of MORE dollars and go BACK to school?? Not to mention the stress of the assignments, the due dates - it was not for you...or so you thought.
Now here you are, a regular booboo the fool.
NYU’s graduate program for design and merchandising wasn’t necessarily part of your 5-year plan, but when the opportunity landed in front of you it was difficult to pass up. NYU was a school you had only dreamt of attending back in high school. When you were a senior in high school you were able to tour the campus and fell in love immediately. Hours upon hours were spent researching grants, scholarships, and all sorts of ways to try to make it happen. However, the dream ended as most teenage dreams do - crushed. There was no way you or your parents could afford the loans that it would surely wrack up to attend the out of state university, and there was no way you could ask your parents take on that kind of debt just so you could go to college. UMass was the way to go - close to home and familiar. Not to mention you were able to obtain several scholarships and grants that helped bring down the cost tremendously. Little did you know, boring ole UMass would bring you one of the most important things in your life.
Applying for graduate school wasn’t an easy decision and one you couldn’t really take all the credit for. A smile crept across your face as you reminisced on the night you nervously brought up the idea to your long-term boyfriend.
“I think you should do it,”
“I know, right?” you scoffed, “it’s insane, why would I do something so stup...wait, what? You do?”
“Of course I do. This is something you love and that you’re passionate about. Do you know how many hours of my life were spent listening to you ramble about NYU?” he questioned with a grin.
“It will open up so many doors for you. We can make things work,” a chuckle escaped from those beautiful lips as he saw your dumbfounded expression. He wrapped his fingers around your waist and pulled you close, “What? Did you expect me to forbid it? Cmon, baby, what kind of guy do you take me for?”
You didn’t have a lot of wins in your life, but you did have Chris.
When you got accepted, he took off a week from work to drive you 3 and a half hours south to help get you settled and moved into your temporary new home. The two of you ate a disgusting amount of pizza, moved a ridiculous amount of heavy furniture in the middle of a summer heat wave, and enjoyed each other’s company before the long-distance thing would set in. Chris spent that week encouraging you every step of the way, talking you off the ledge when you were convinced you had made the wrong decision, and made sure to help you christen every possible surface of your new place in the most deliciously sinful way.
You bit your lip slightly at the thought and a warm feeling spread across your face. Chris was one of the most incredible people you had met in this world. Kind, caring, funny, intelligent, passionate, and god was he sexy. The connection the two of you had was scary at first, but now you just couldn’t imagine spending your life with anyone else.
The robotic voice came over the loud-speaker in the subway car and you were rudely ripped back to reality as it pulled into your stop. You hurriedly scooped up your bag and jogged off the train.
It had been a promise between the two of you when you moved that there would be equal effort when it came to visiting and keeping in contact while having good, open communication. Long distance was hard but the two of you were determined to make it work. FaceTime calls, hours upon hours of texting, and even as far as writing the occasional letter back and forth (because your boyfriend was a hopeless romantic and you loved it so much). This weekend was your turn to come home to visit, and of course your last class had to go longer than anticipated. Fuckin’ Tiffany and her stupid ass questions.
The muscles of your calves burned as you kept up your hurried pace, weaving through the crowds of people gathered on sidewalks outside of various clubs and restaurants. It was a weekend night and the Patriots were playing, which meant the city was more alive than usual. New York was it's own beast, but it was a different type of hustle and bustle. Nights like these made your heart ache for home - the thick Massachusetts accents, the rowdy voices of bar patrons arguing about the game, the hugs shared between family members as they parted after dinner, and the faint smell of nicotine and alcohol that hung in the air.
As the neon sign that hung in the pub window came in to view you felt your heart dip down into your stomach. Last weekend’s visit had to be cancelled due to some stuff coming up with Chris’ work and a surprise assignment for you, so you hadn’t seen your boyfriend in 2 weeks. With a deep breath you swung open the door and scanned the crowd for him. He told you that he would be there promptly at 7:15pm for pregame shenanigans with his friends - which actually translated to how many pitchers of beer could they suck down before kick off.
“Aw, come ON! That is such a bullshit call!”
You heard him before you saw him. Of course. A grin spread across your lips as you shook your head. The thought of leaving to avoid secondhand embarrassment crossed your mind briefly before you picked up your feet and made your way through the crowd toward the sound. A room full of people from New England and you would still recognize that voice anywhere.
Everyone else seemed to fade away as you saw the outline of the tall, dark haired man standing at the bar. The slight freckles that spattered the back of his neck, the Brady jersey that he spent WAY too much money customizing, and the signature backward ball cap were ingrained in your subconscious memory. Not to mention if you didn’t recognize his outline or his voice, you would definitely recognize that ass anywhere.
You loved how passionate he got about sports and the way his Boston accent seemed to get thicker with each beer he consumed. Growing up in the area, you wouldn't think the accent would send a tingle down your spine the way it does, but it was different - it was Chris. Not to mention the sparkle in his eye when he would watch his favorite team or the way he would get in to arguments whenever someone tried to say something negative about them. You loved your big, handsome, over-sized toddler man so damn much.
A light tap on his shoulder made him whip around, his slightly opened mouth from his interrupted conversation curved upwards into a wicked grin as he made the connection of who was finally standing in front of him.
“Hey there, handsome. I don’t see a ring on your finger. You single?” You grinned, feeling your entire body fill with warmth as Chris leaned back and grabbed his chest as he erupted in laughter.
“Nah, nah, nah, unfortunately for you I am taken” he responded as he snaked his arms around your waist, sliding his hands into your back pockets as he pulled you into his figure.
“That is too bad,” you tsk'd, running a finger down his toned bicep, “she’s one lucky girl.”
“I think I’m the lucky one,” he grinned. He leaned down to meet your lips in a kiss. You sighed into it, allowing your body to mold itself so perfectly into his. The taste of beer on his lips and the smell of his cologne was intoxicating - it was home. You immediately allowed him entrance as you felt his tongue glide along your bottom lip. Your body felt small in his strong grip and you couldn’t help but laugh a bit as he gave your ass a firm squeeze. Normally, this type of bold, public display of affection would make you cringe away but at this point you were lost in Chris that you had absolutely no shame. Each time the two of you embraced had always felt like the first. Your heart still fluttered and your knees still got weak, like you were a 16 year old being kissed for the first time.
In the middle of your reunion moment, however, something happened in the game that made the entire bar erupt in boo’s and curses. Chris lifted his lips from yours to look over his shoulder and inspect what he had missed. You laughed and shook your head as you pushed him back towards his friends and took a seat in the bar stool he had been standing behind initially. His large hands found a natural place on your shoulders. While his eyes remained glued on the TV he began applying a moderate amount of pressure to your neck and shoulders. You didn’t realize how much your body craved that touch, his touch, until you immediately melted back into him.
The bartender slid a beer in front of you with a wink and you mouthed your thanks. You felt a twinge in your heart as you looked around, taking in the atmosphere of the bar. This was a typical weekend night for the two of you whenever you were living together. Football, drinks, pub food, and friends. If it wasn’t this pub it was your living room, just a couple blocks away. You didn’t even mind that it was your first night back and you weren’t alone, spending it immediately wrapped up in your satin sheets. The atmosphere, the people - it was so warm and familiar that you really wouldn’t rather be doing anything else. Plus, being wrapped up together in the sheets was sure to follow.
“I missed you,” hummed a pair of lips as they placed a kiss on the shell of your ear. A shiver shot down your spine at the sensation of his warm breath fanning over your neck. You reached up a hand and connected it to the nape of his neck.
“I missed you too,” you replied, turning your head to plant a kiss on his stubbled cheek.
His arms changed position as he wrapped them in front of your shoulders and crossed them, resting his chin on the top of your head. Your hand absentmindedly rubbed his forearms as you nursed your beer and placed your focus onto the game for the first time tonight.
The laughter seemed to escape from your chest naturally and effortlessly the entire night, as it always had a habit of doing when Chris was around. The camaraderie between him and his buddies during a game was something you’d grown to enjoy over the years. Chris’ competitive nature and the way his jaw clenched when something wasn’t going the way he wanted was always kinda...hot. All of his friends were huge assholes, but in the best way. It was always entertaining to hear them jab at each other and do what they could to rile someone up. They were the life of every party you had ever attended and they had a way of making a boring night a lot more interesting.
Thankfully (for the integrity of the bar) the Pats won the game with a surprise touchdown in the last 30 seconds of the game. Chris, being the guy he is, bought a final round for his friends and a nearby group they had been going back and forth with all night. You couldn’t help but laugh as he drunkenly leaned across the counter and slurred his order to the bartender.
“I need a round for m’friends and for these assholes over here who thought Tom Brady was anything but a winner!” the group started yelling in protest and he simply waved them off and started sliding beers down the bar.
The group eventually moved to a bigger round top so everyone could shoot the shit and banter about the outcome of the game. You were tucked into Chris’ side, hands intertwined as he was passionately discussing the importance of Brady’s legacy with a stranger who made the mistake of stopping to talk to him. Your eyes followed the motion of your thumb as it traced small circles onto the back of his. Your other hand under your chin, holding up the weight of your head as your exhaustion started to catch up with you. Chris, although slightly drunk, picked up on your body language and raised your hand to his lips for a kiss.
“Alright, fellas,” he said as he stood up from his seat, pulling you up with him, “the lady and I are gonna call it a night. See you boys next weekend”.
“Chris, we don’t have to go,” you began to protest as he tucked his jacket around your shoulders.
“Mm, ‘course we do,” he replied with a soft smile, “you’re so tired, baby. I can see it in those beautiful eyes”.
You could feel your cheeks turn a light shade of pink as you rolled your eyes at his attempt at laying it on thick. After what felt like a proper 10 minute goodbye session, the group said their final goodbyes, hugs included, and you walked out of the pub hand in hand.
The walk home was filled with the sounds of cars passing by and conversation of what each other had missed in the week prior. Small talk typically felt like such a chore, but with Chris every conversation came naturally. Even when he had absolutely no idea what you were talking about, he would listen intently and ask all the questions as if it was the most interesting conversation in the world.
The lock on the apartment door clicked as you pushed it open and entered. You smiled as you stopped into the middle of the living room, taking in the home you missed so dearly. A soft tapping of toenails against the hardwood made your heart soar as you met the eyes of your sweet pup, Dodger. A squeal left your lips as you squatted down to give love to the sweet boy. Chris always made fun of you when you came home, saying that you always seemed to miss Dodger more than you did him and I mean, he wasn’t entirely wrong about that statement.
Once again lost in your own world, you didn’t even notice Chris leaned up against the wall watching you with a smile.
“Oh my god,” you gushed, standing up, “do you like...like me or something?”
Chris grinned as he crossed the room and caught your belt loop with his finger, pulling you into him slowly.
“Yeah,” his voice had dropped down an octave, “you could say that”.
“Mm,” your tongue swiped across your lower lip and you wrapped your arms around his neck, “care to show me how much?”
The look in his eyes made your core burn. The tension building between you two became too much to handle as you crashed your lips into his. The kisses were messy and you could feel the sense of urgency between you two. His beard scratched against the column of your throat with a delicious burn as he left wet kisses across your jaw and down the side of your neck. Chris’ hands found their way back into the ass pockets of your jeans as he started walking you back towards the direction of the bedroom.
Soon, there was a trail of clothes leading to your bedroom and you felt very sorry for your neighbors. It had been a long time, but Chris always had a way of welcoming you home.
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cevans16 · 3 years
I Don’t Hate You, I Like You
Summary: Sebastian seems to get along with everyone except you. Why is that?
You had the role as Tony’s best friend in the Avengers. You had been part of the MCU since the beginning of the franchise. You always got along with the cast, you were real-life best friends with Chris Evans however there was one exception, Sebastian. No matter what you asked him, he always seemed to only give you one word answers, you weren’t sure as to why since you had always been friendly to him. 
You guys were reuniting for the next installment of the Avengers. You had arrived earlier from your vacation in Australia with Chris Hemsworth and his family whom had invited you to their place in Byron Bay. You were looking for your best friend Chris Evans but had yet to find him however you did spot Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan. They were both alone conversing with each other, you decided to walk up to say hi, you noticed Sebastian was very talkative with Anthony until he saw you coming up to them. You honestly had enough with him always being quiet when you were around, you didn’t want it to be like this again when filming for the next months so you decided to confront him about it. 
“Hey Mackie!” you said pulling him in for a hug, “Hey how’s it going?!” he replied excitedly. 
“Good! I just came back from Australia, hey Sebastian” you said smiling up at him. He whispered a shy “Hi” to you while looking down and away from your eyes. 
“Soooooo I didn’t know THIS man actually talked” you said to Mackie referring to Sebastian. “What do you mean? He talks all the time!” Mackie said. 
“No I have to pull the words out of him when I try to talk to him” you chuckled, you saw Sebastian’s cheeks turn pink but you decided not to comment on it. 
“Well its because he’s my friend” Sebastian replied a little harsher than he intended to. You felt yourself gasp at his response, you didn’t understand why he had always been quiet with you but you didn’t know that he disliked you too. Mackie didn’t say anything, he himself was surprised at Sebastian’s remark to you. 
“I see, so it’s personal. No worries Sebastian, I guess not everyone can get along right” you said cutting him off when he tried to say something else. “Anyways have you guys seen Evans?” you said looking around for any sign of the Bostonian. Luckily he was coming up to you guys just in time to save you from the awkwardness. 
“Heyyyyyy, I’m glad you’re back, you wouldn’t believe the shit that happened to me while you were gone. What’s up guys” he said to you and the boys. 
“Tell me about it over snacks” you said instantly pulling him away with you to head towards the snack bar they had set up. 
“Fucking shit, what the fuck did I ever do to him” you said annoyed to Chris
“What are you talking about?” he asked you confused
“Sebastian, I thought he was shy but no. I basically asked him why he’s quiet with me and he said well Mackie is my friend in like a douche-y tone. I didn’t do shit to him” you rambled on to Chris while you stuffed your face with a chocolate bar. You noticed his lips curve up in a devilish grin. 
“What’s so funny?” you asked him
“You like him don’t you?” he asked. You didn’t like Sebastian, you couldn’t, especially with the way he was towards you. You did think he was a handsome guy and you always felt butterflies whenever you saw him. But no one could know that, not even your best friend. 
“Pfttt no he’s not....no” you said stumbling with your words. 
“Yeah that was convincing” he snorted. 
“Shut up Evans, you’re supposed to be on my side” you said defensively. 
“I am but as a best friend I can also tell you have a thing for him, maybe you should tell him” he said. 
“Oh fuck off, not after what he said to me five minutes ago....but I DON’T like him” you enunciated the last words. 
“You keep telling yourself that sweetheart” he smirked at you. You playfully smacked his shoulder. You turned to look where Sebastian was, he was in the same place you had left him and Mackie. He looked over at you, shyly smiling, you didn’t smile back but returned an eye roll. 
The Following Day
You were all cooped up in a van heading towards Jimmy Kimmel’s show. You were sited in between Evans and Hemsworth. The three of you together were chaos in the best way possible; very loud, slightly obnoxious, childish, but the cast wouldn’t have it any other way. The three of you were uncontrollably laughing about something dumb Evans had said, you were to the point of tears.
Sebastian was on the seat behind you next to Mackie. Mackie had noticed that Sebastian always stole glances your way but he never said anything until now. 
“You know maybe you should tell her how you feel” Mackie whispered to him
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” Sebastian said in his best way to sound nonchalant.
“You know EXACTLY what I am talking about” Mackie said motioning his head to your direction, “plus you should apologize for yesterday, that was a little fucked up” he said. Sebastian nodded his head in agreement, “I will apologize but that is it” he replied. Sebastian did like you, he liked you a lot but was afraid to overstep any boundaries. He hated that he always froze whenever you would try to talk with him and definitely hated himself for how he responded to you yesterday. He felt like an asshole when he saw the look on your face, he didn’t blame you. 
“Alright! So you are all going to play musical beers!” Jimmy Kimmel said, next explaining the game. You weren’t much of a beer person but loved to compete so you agreed to participate. 
“Okay so the final team is.....Chris Hemsworth, Robert, and (Y/N)” Kimmel said. 
Robert, Hemsy and you walked to form your group together.
“We’re going to win” Hemsy said excitedly
“You bet your ass” Robert replied. You were going to say something when you heard Evans taunting you, he was paired up with Sebastian and Mackie. You were really hoping that Evans wouldn’t mention anything about you to Sebastian but you weren’t entirely convinced. 
You were going around the circle dancing around when the music stopped, somehow Sebastian mixed up the rules and began to drink from a red solo cup. “Not yet Sebastian!!!” Jimmy yelled at him causing Sebastian to spit out his drink back into the cup, the audience yelled in disgust and laughter. You were laughing about it feeling sorry for the person who would have to drink it.
Ten minutes later it was down to your team and Evans team for the tie breaker. You were moonwalking back and forth when the music abruptly stopped, you realized where you had stopped in front of....Sebastian’s cup. You tried to play it off by slowly moving onto the next part of the circle but Chris Evans being Chris Evans made sure you had to drink it. 
“No, nooo sweetie stay where you are” Chris said to you laughing
You turned around for Hemsworth or Downey for any defense, they looked at you with puppy dog eyes hoping you would do it so you could win.
“Just take one for the team” Downey said
“Right since you’re not the one that’s ABOUT TO DRINK SEBASTIAN’S SPIT!” you said 
“We are ABOUT TO WIN (Y/N)” Downey yelled back
“FINE, YOU OWE ME” you yelled. The chaos with the situation was causing the audience to erupt in laughter and sympathy for your own situation.
You took a deep breath, grabbing the cup off the table, you turned to look Sebastian dead in his eyes and said “Cheers to your spit” before chugging it down quickly. Sebastian stood there frozen, one he felt bad that out of all people it was you, two he didn’t know why he was turned on by how you took it like a champ.
“It wasn’t that bad” you said chuckling, “WE WIN SUCKERS” you said slamming the cup towards Evans who was rolling his eyes even though he knew you would do it to win. 
You, Robert and Hemsworth jumped up and down in excitement for winning, they brought the three of you mini trophies that said ‘Champions of Musical Beers’.
“Yes! And I would love to nominate myself as MVP. It took blood, sweat and spit to win it” you joked. 
Once you were done with the show, you all collectively walked towards the nearest bar. You were deep in conversation with Robert about space shuttles while Evans and Mackie were grilling poor Sebastian about his crush on you. 
“He doesn’t like her, he lovvesss her” Evans taunted, giving Mackie and opportunity to join in, “And the plus side, she’ll drink your spit”
“Can you guys stop” Sebastian said laughing while he ran his hands through his long hair, “I’m in deep shit aren’t I?”, “YEP” Mackie and Evans replied in unison. They came up with a plan to get you and Sebastian alone. 
You walked inside the bar ordering your food while the rest of the cast grabbed a high-top table on the corner of the place. You thought they were there until you only saw Evans drinking the last of his beer there. 
“Where’s everyone else?” you asked looking around, Evans turned to you shrugging. You sat next to him, taking a batch of fries into your mouth, you had done the wrong thing in drinking two cocktails first rather than eating. 
“This is a cool place huh” Chris said taking his food from you, “Yeah it’s neat” you replied. About five minutes later you were finishing up your fries, Evans taking the occasional one when you noticed Sebastian was heading to your table. You rolled your eyes at the sight of him, he caught that. 
“Someone isn’t happy to see me” he commented once he was in front of you and Evans. 
“Mhmmm we’re not friends remember” you replied snarkily
Sebastian sighed, “Look about that I am so so-”
“Save the bullshit, we don’t have to get along. Where’s everyone else?” you asked. 
He shrugged, “Fuck I know, bathroom, upstairs drinking, some left”
“Well I am going to get another drink want one?” you asked Evans directly, he nodded at you. 
“Can I sit with you guys?” Sebastian asked, you looked at Chris who nodded, you shrugged and walked away heading back to the bar. While you waited for your drinks you looked around to see any sign of the rest of your group, no one in sight, where had they gone you asked yourself.
You came back with three drinks, one for you, one for Chris and one for Sebastian, you were annoyed with him but felt bad in not asking if he would like a drink. 
You passed the beers to Chris and Sebastian who politely thanked you and was surprised that you knew what he normally ordered. 
“I’m leaving back to the hotel” Chris abruptly said
“What, you just said you were having a good time here” you replied
“Nahhh I’m getting sleepy, here Sebs you can have my drink” Chris said pushing the beer over to him. He was about to get up from his seat when you grabbed his arm. 
“Wait for me” you said to Chris, you didn’t want to be alone with Sebastian. You didn’t catch Sebastian’s eyes open in panic that their plan was about to fail. 
“(Y/N) you still have your drink and Sebastian doesn’t like those so don’t think about passing it over to him” Chris said. 
You looked over to Chris and then Sebastian, you picked up your cocktail chugging it quickly before hopping off your seat when you toppled over.
“Whoah, one too many” Chris chuckled catching you in time
“Exactly, I will not be here any longer” you said 
“(Y/N), can I talk to you?” Sebastian spoke up loud enough for you to hear. 
“WHy you already said sorry remember” you said annoyed to him
“(Y/N) come on” Chris said in defense
“Why, he clearly doesn’t want to be my friend, so I’m not kissing his ass” you said even more annoyed. Chris looked you dead in the eyes, an expression he didn’t give you often but it basically said to not be an asshole.
“Fine, two minutes” you said to Sebastian
“After you” he said getting up from his seat
“I’ll wait for you outside” Chris said to you
You walked ahead of Sebastian towards the restrooms where it was a bit quieter and more private. You stopped to face him, he leaned on the wall fidgeting with the zipper on his jacket, not saying a word. The alcohol in your system had kicked in because you were feeling extra blunt. 
“Okay, here’s the thing Sebastian. I get along with everyone, I love to hang out with you guys, we work so much and it never feels exhausting. I tried to be your friend the moment I met you, what I did to you I have no fucking clue, but we are not in elementary or high school for you to be a dick to me” you said.
You calling Sebastian a dick irked him, that wasn’t him, he didn’t want you to think that about him.
“I’m not a dick, you’re not entirely nice to me” he said
“That’s bullshit, I tried to talk to you the most polite way. What you want me to get on my fucking knees and suck your dick?!” you said feeling yourself get agitated with him. 
“Uhhhh yes” he blurted out, oh shit he thought. 
“Excuse ME?! Fuck this” you said walking away from him. 
“(Y/N)! Fuck I’m sorry that’s not what I meant, yes I do, noooo, okay shut up for a second Sebastian” he started rambling following you out the bar. You quickly walked towards Chris who had in fact waited for you. The look he saw on your face wasn’t good, he knew he wouldn’t hear the end of it for doing this to you.
“He wants me to suck his fucking dick” you exasperated to Chris. Chris laughed at the comment but was confused to how the conversation went there. 
“(Y/N) stop please” you heard Sebastian say, “What?!” you yelled at him this time. 
“I don’t hate you....I like you. I thought you were fucking gorgeous the moment I met you but I don’t know why you make me so fucking nervous that I freeze, I’m afraid I am going to say the wrong shit like I just did two fucking seconds ago back there. I like you more than a friend and being a dick is not an excuse, I didn’t mean for yesterday to sound mean. I am so sorry and I hope you forgive me” he said exhaling loud at the end.
“Annnnnddd?” Chris added in
“Fuck.... and I hope you would like to go out on a date with me...please” Sebastian said to you more quietly and shy this time. 
“Let me try this first” you said walking to Sebastian, you pulled his face down to yours to kiss him. His lips were soft, the taste of alcohol and the smell of his cologne intoxicated you more than you already were. He kissed you back passionately, cupping his hands around your face, you guys fought over dominating each others tongue until you won by tugging his hair. 
“Uhmmmmm guys” you heard Chris pull you out of your intimate moment. You pulled back to look at him and realized the rest of the cast was there. 
“Well I fucking walked in to an amazing show” Robert joked.
You laughed, feeling yourself blush, you weren’t one for PDA. You turned to look at Sebastian who was blushing just the same. 
“So is that a yes on a date?” he asked you
“Definitely a yes, although I won’t suck your dick” you teased him. He gasped at you saying that out loud in front of the cast.
“Well YET” Lizzie said unexpectedly 
“Lizzie?!?!!” you yelled over to her
“Whatttt? You already drank his spit, swapped it with each other” she said shrugging. 
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
The boy with the reindeer clothes and captain america mask
You had fallen for Callahan the instant you first met him through bad boy halo’s Minecraft server. It was insane really out of all the guys and girls you could’ve fallen for you wound up falling for the faceless mute boy. I guess there was just something extra charming about how he was able to make you fall for him despite not showing his face or using his voice… It had been years since you had met him and the rest of the crew online and by now you had even met a few IRL! Still your heart aches for the one true person you wished to meet, you wished to hug, to hold, to kiss if he so wished… So all that being said after months of begging and convincing from your other friends to just get up the guts and ask… you finally did it…
You decided today would be the day you call Callahan and ask if he wants to meet up! Despite Callahan never talking he loved when you would call he always said your voice was very soothing and he’s even fell asleep to you talking away a few times.. You can always tell when he falls asleep because when he’s awake he keeps it saying that he’s typing but once he’s fallen asleep somehow it turns off fate or some magical power or maybe someone lives with him that you don’t know about, either way you don’t question it. It was like a silent understanding between the two of you to never question it whether be out of fear of somehow messing it up if you question it or if just simply neither of you cared enough to ask…
You take a deep breathe before clicking call… You anxiously await and within only two rings he picks up and quickly types in chat “hi, what’s up?” You gulp softly “Hi Calla well um I was actually calling because I well I have a question…” He types question marks and “okay? What is it?” You take another deep breathe your voice shaking as you finally say the words “Do you want to meet up with me?” You begin to ramble on about how he doesn’t have to show his face or anything but before you can barely mutter anything else out he types “yea sure I’m down when do you wanna do it? Do you want me to come to you or you come to me or what?” You blink a few times not believing the words you read
Your mind swirls wondering how he agreed to quickly and seems so calm when you felt as if your heart was gonna beat out of your chest… Little did you know he was actually feeling the same way and he had to retype the sentence a few times because his fingers were shaking so much he typoed quite a bit… You suddenly hear finger snapping and quickly are pulled back to reality making a small noise of alarm quickly looking at your computer screen you saw Callahan’s mic lit green and heard the quickest laugh before his mic was once again red… “Sorry I zoned out for a second there um I can come there if you don’t mind, I know it would be easier for you if I did”
Unbeknownst to you Callahan had a wide smile on his face as he silently cheered to himself before quickly typing that he would send you his address later and that he had to go! You laughed softly a bit from nerves of this actually happening and from imagining Callahan rushing around his house getting everything ready for your visit “okay sounds good I’ll see you later bye calla I L-“ you barely stopped yourself you had said it a few times before to him and honestly you said it almost all the time to your other friends but something about saying it to Callahan was different.. You didn’t like saying it not because you didn’t love him but because you couldn’t explain that how you said I love you to him and I love you to your other friends was different so you usually just refrained from saying it
Callahan laughed silently to himself quickly typing “I L- you too” his heart soared anytime you told him you loved him though he tried not to think much of it because you always said I love you to everyone else so it was just your thing right? Though it was painfully obvious you didn’t say it as much to him and that’s something he never understood and while it hurt like heck he could never bring himself to ask about it he was too scared he was too scared of being even more hurt so he just suffered in silence cherishing every time you told him you loved him even more each and every time you said it…
Once you ended the call with Callahan you quickly grabbed your phone FaceTiming Niki as you already begin packing.. Only a couple rings and she picks up “hi y/n! What’s up?!” You smile widely blushing brightly as you say “Well I may be taking a trip very soon…” she claps her hands together “really?! Where are you going?” You shrug softly finding your duffel bag “I don’t know yet” she turns her head at you curiously “what that makes no sense what do you-“ suddenly she stops a giant smile appearing on her face “YOU DID NOT” your smile widens as you nod excitedly “I DID I DID!” She screams happily “AAH Y/N I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!” You scream happily as well “AH THANK YOU” she excitedly says “YOU’RE WELCOME! So when are you leaving?” You throw your hands in the air “I don’t know probably within a week or two maybe?! We haven’t really discussed the details yet” she nodded softly “well let me know when you find them out!” You nodded back “I will I will! I’m gonna go ahead and get packed I’ll talk to you later love you!”
Callahan after ending call with y/n quickly grabbed his phone as he ran about tidying up. I began calling Dream and luckily within only a few rings he picked up “hello?” I quickly begin typing “DREAM” he laughs softly “what’s up calla?” I nearly bump into a wall as I’m typing but stop myself just before I hit it “Okay so I may have gotten asked by y/n if I would be okay with them coming out to meet me and I may have said yes…” Dream gasps softly and I can hear the smile in his voice as he speaks “What?! No way! I’m so happy for you guys! Finally! We’ve been trying to get you two to meet for years!” I roll my eyes light heartedly “I know I know so now you guys can finally stop nagging us” Dream laughs again “hey it was for your own goods okay? We’re just trying to help our friends be happy as they can be okay?” I smile to myself “yea yea whatever you say” he laughs more “Whaattt it’s true and you know it” I snicker to myself “maybe we’ll see, I’m gonna finish getting everything ready I’ll call you later okay?” I can hear his ever widening smile “Of course see you calla”
It was the next day and you were absolutely buzzing wishing you could tell chat the full story of why you weren’t gonna be able to stream next week but alas you and calla both wished to keep it very private in fact as far as you knew only Niki knew and as far as calla knew only Dream knew though you both suspected you had each more than likely had told someone neither of you knew for sure… anyways skip a bit and your stream has begun plenty of messages already asking what the title is about what does it mean and some being worried “Hello chat! Don’t worry don’t worry it’s nothing bad! It’s actually something really really good as to why I can’t stream!” Chat exploded asking millions of questions and others being relived that it was nothing bad, you laugh softly “Well I can’t spoil all the details as we wish to keep most of it private but I can’t stream next week because I’m meeting up with someone! Yes yes before you ask it’s someone you all know! Also again before you ask yes you can guess no I will not say if you got it right or not… at least not directly…”
Names come flying in like wild fire at first you’re seeing mainly Niki,Dream,Sapnap,even punz and bad but then you see one saying Callahan and you can’t stop the light blush that dusts your cheeks as you try to think of a way to discreetly let it be known someone guessed the right answer… Unable to think of one though you simply clap your hands and say “Okay guys someone guessed the right answer! I won’t say who and I won’t say details as I don’t wanna give it away but yes one of you guessed them!” And so of course chat lit up trying to figure out who the right answer was but alas they couldn’t figure it out, you laughed light heartedly at them and after that continued stream as normal just fiddling around the dream SMP setting up a few pranks and then deciding to build a little house with a small hint as to who you’re meeting with!
The house was simple it was made out of birch and dark oak and the small hint you used was you placed three flower pots on each of the widows.. in the first you placed a small red flower, in the second a small white one and in the final a small blue one.. You didn’t say anything about it being a hint you just placed the flowers and moved on doing a few more pranks. “Guys how do we prank Punz?” You giggled your body already erupted with butterflies knowing what Punz’s prank back to you would be “I already know he’s gonna get me back so badly but it’ll be worth it! I’m gonna replace all his pumpkins with melons!”
Chat explodes saying how thats such a simple but good prank and how punz will lose it and it’ll be so funny. You nod giggling “right right chat! So let’s get started shall we?” You begin and about ten minutes in suddenly calla shows up, you can’t help the excited smile on your face as you see Calla’s name pop up in game and you excitedly type “hi calla!” He types back “hi y/n!” You try to contain your ever growing smile “What’s up?” He says “Not much I’m watching your stream and saw you’re trying to prank punz so I decided to come help” You quickly nod now knowing he’s watching your stream you verbally say “Really?! I’d appreciate that so much thank you calla” He quickly says “Of course it’s not problem” and in no time he’s over there with you helping you replace all the pumpkins with watermelons, the job definitely gets done a lot quicker with calla there to help and it honestly is a lot more fun having calla there to bounce jokes off with you! In no time the job is done you quickly thank calla and tell him you’ll talk to him tomorrow and you end stream.
Before you go to bed you check your phone and see a text from calla “Hey so i forgot to ask earlier is that like our house or something? I noticed you made two bedrooms but you could always just make one and use the other to expand the work area if you want but if not it’s cool” You smile softly reading the text “I love the idea of expanding the room I’ll get on tomorrow off stream and fix it and yea it’s our little house… I hope you don’t mind I mean I just figured it’d be a nice little place ya know an extra place for each of us to keep things and to stay… I’m glad you got the flower hint, anyways I’ll work on it tomorrow I’m gonna try and get some sleep goodnight calla” A few minutes later a text pops up “Don’t worry I can always help and work on it besides there’s my own little hint that I wanna add as well so I’ll do it and I hope you sleep well goodnight can’t wait to see you next week” Your smile widens more as a your heart pounds “I can’t wait to see you either ❣️”
Throughout the rest of the week you only did two more streams and of course each one chat tried to get you or whoever happened to be on stream with you to spill who it was you were meeting with but no one you streamed with that week knew… besides calla of course! Chat didn’t believe them when they would say they didn’t know and it was honestly comical seeing them get so upset. It started with Sapnap and George and ended with Boomer and Punz.. Even after stream the duos had tried to get you to spill who you were meeting with but you refused to spill even to them, insisting they can wait just a few more days and though the four of them whined they settled and finally let you go.
So we fast forward and it’s Monday you leave tomorrow so you’re finishing last minute packing and waiting for Karl to come over so you can give him your spare keys because he so graciously agreed to watch your cats! Also so he can just hang out with you a bit before you have to leave and can drive you to the airport! You’re just about to start triple checking that you have everything when you hear a knock at your door. Your cats look at your curiously but don’t bother following see you rush to the door and open it to see a ever beaming Karl! He quickly rushes in hugging you tightly making you giggle as you hug him just as tightly “hi Karl!” He giggles softly “hi y/n!” After a few minutes you break apart and he quickly shuts your door. “Soooo since I’m watching your cats do I get to know where you’re going and who you’re seeing?”
You shake your head laughing softly “Sorry but no you’ll find out when everyone else does! I will say I’m going somewhere I’ve never been before” He tilts his head curiously trying to think “hmm I don’t know there’s a lot of places you’ve never been like you have yet to go to the UK, you have yet to go to like any of the states uhmm are you meeting someone you’ve never met?! Is it Sam?! Oh my gosh it’s Sam isn’t it?! You’ve never been to Texas and you’ve never met Sam!” You shake your head “Good guess good guess and while I would love to go meet Sam it is not Sam..” he pouts slightly “hmm well I don’t know there’s so many other guesses I could make” You smile and roll your eyes softly “Well instead of guessing where I’m going how about you help me double check that I have everything okay?”
He nods smiling softly “okay sounds good!” So for the rest of the night you and Karl double and triple check your bags and then just chill out watching your friends streams and posting pictures together! You both laugh at the fans freaking out over the random content of you two and laugh even more at them freaking out over karl with your cats. Two of your cats loved Karl but they love everyone so it wasn’t surprising but your third isn’t too fond of him but she’s not too fond of anyone, still Dream is convinced when he comes to visit you that she’ll love him and Karl is convinced that spending this week visiting them he’ll be able to make her love him. You’re not confident of either of those things happening but it makes you happy to see them so confident and happy so who are you to destroy their happiness.
Another small time skip and suddenly it’s Tuesday afternoon and time for you to leave, after spending an extra few minutes telling your cats goodbye and promising you’ll be back soon and that they know karl and he’ll take amazing care of them. Karl finally manages to pull you out the door and suddenly it’s all becoming more real than ever… It’s so real you’re frozen in place just standing outside your door, Karl locks your door for you and helps you sit on the ground outside your door rubbing your back “it’s okay everything is gonna be fine, we’re gonna get you to the airport the plane ride is gonna be your smoothest ever and when you get there they’re gonna be there waiting for you smiling widely and with open arms ready to give you the biggest and best hug you’ve ever had apart from my hugs” you nod and then giggle softly both because of how you don’t believe at all his statement of them being there waiting and smiling with open arms and also at his joke “Thank you Karl you’re the best you know that right?” He smiles softly squeezing your shoulder reasssuringly before smiling hopefully “so much the best that you’ll tell me who you’re meeting?” You giggle rolling your eyes “nooo not that much the best but I can give you another hint” he nods “okay okay go on!”
“Okay so I’ve never met them, I’ve never been to the place they live and they’ve been on my stream within the past month” Karl hummed in thought able to rule out, Sapnap, Dream, Alex, and Boomer… That still left way too many people so he shrugged “I don’t know I guess I’ll have to wait like everyone else” You smile softly “Well I can also say at least one person knows, I don’t know if the person I’m meeting told anyone but I assume they told at least one person so hehe” He gasps in mock offense “you told someone?! And that someone wasn’t me?! I’m so wounded!” You laugh at his dramatics “yes yes I did, it’s not that I don’t trust you obviously I do but it was just this certain person for some reason came to mind first but I wanted and still want to tell you as well but the person I’m meeting with wants to keep it very private for right now” he smiles softly hugging you gently “it’s okay don’t worry about it I’m happy for you okay? Now let’s get you to that airport!”
So now you were off! In no time you managed to make it to the airport and you had to admit it was kinda hard to leave Karl, you didn’t get to see him often as you would like.. He was always busy with mr beast and his own projects and you weren’t one to go out much so while you were frequently invited to be in mr beast videos you rarely agreed to them.. Karl sighs softly as he helps you get your bags, he sets them down beside you and hugs you tightly pressing a kiss to the top of your head “Be safe okay? Text me when you land” You hug him back even tighter and nod softly “I will don’t worry, I love you” after a few moments he lets you go “I love you too” Soon enough it was time to board the plane, the plane ride went fairly smooth only one crying toddler who luckily fell asleep and little turbulence and when getting your bags you even ran into a few fans who you gladly took pictures with and who tried light heartedly to get you to spill who you were meeting with to which you simply laughed and gave them a few extra wrist bands you kept with you and gave them to them as you said sorry that you weren’t able to tell them.
Today was finally the day! I rushed to finish getting ready knowing y/n should be arriving to the airport in no time and just as I finished getting ready and grabbed my keys my phone began ringing I quickly picked up and smiled brightly hearing y/n’s voice “hi calla! I just made it to the airport and got my bags! Are you here?” I quickly typed “not yet I’m leaving now I should be there in like thirty! I’m sorry I’m running a little late I couldn’t find the last piece of my outfit” They laughed softly and I blushed softly holding back my own laugh at how infectious theirs was “It’s okay i understand it’s a big thing so the outfit needs to be just right haha I’ll see you soon okay?” Though they can’t see it I nod excitedly as I respond “Yes see you soon can’t wait!” With that I hang up and make my way out the door, soon enough I’ve made it to the car and after what feels like forever but it’s really maybe forty five minutes at most I’ve finally made it to the airport! I take a deep breathe closing my eyes and opening them moments later..
I quickly put on my captain America mask, my light up red nose and raise my hood… Was I embarrassed? Yes definitely, was the chance of making y/n laugh and ensuring they would recognize me worth it? There’s no doubt it’s worth it… Another deep breathe and I manage to get myself into the airport and I begin scanning for y/n and within a few minutes I spot them! I quickly wave at them smiling widely and they break into a smile before trying to contain their laughter, I make my way over to them and press my nose to make it light up and thats when the dam breaks and they’re ever so melodious laughter rings through my ears…There’s something different about it this time though it sounds even better, it feels even more special, it makes me heart soar more than ever before. I find it hard to contain my own laughter a very small snicker escaping causing me to blush and quickly cover my mouth..
You’re practically doubled over in laughter in the middle of the airport but you don’t care you’re with Callahan and everything just feels so right… A few moments pass and you finally collect yourself, you boop his light up nose, he squints his eyes a bit and then pulls the nose off placing it gently on your own. You smile softly at him and start to stand on your tip toes to ensure you can reach his nose but then stop yourself realizing this isn’t Karl or Dream or even Sapnap this Callahan we’ve never met before you can’t just kiss his nose, or grab his hand as we walk or hug him.. He looks at you curiously and you simply play it off “You have a very nice nose” Your eyes widen realizing how that sounds “wait wait I mean this nose not your nose I mean not not that your nose is bad it’s a great nose I just ugh forget it let’s just go so if I embarrass myself anymore at least we’ll be alone”
He smirks softly nodding and holding a hand out for one of my bags, you hand it to him and smile and his smirk turns to a smile as he slings the bag over his shoulder and then holds his hand out again… You’re confused at first and go to push the handle of your wheely bag into his hand but he shakes his head and grabs your hand clasping your hands together.. You blush a light pink smiling happily as you walk off hands swinging softly, you don’t speak until you’ve made it to his car and he signs that you can choose the music. You smile softly connecting your phone to his Bluetooth and deciding to do a mix of new boy bands you liked and nostalgic songs.. You start with love song by why don’t we, you tap your hand to the beat humming a long at first but then softly singing… Callahan sneaks small glances at you smiling brightly seeing you beginning to let yourself loose.. Next comes this love by maroon five your eyes widen as you hear a tapping and then humming as you’re singing, you smile widely as you look to Callahan and see him jamming out! He notices you looking and blushes and stops but you shake your head and giggle “Don’t stop it’s okay I like it maybe we can harmonize together” He smiles a bit and nods, you begin singing again and he taps to the beat and then begins humming once more and in no time you’re harmonizing.. The song ends and you glance at each other wide smiles on your faces and light pink hues dusting your cheeks… You begin to just let a random playlist play different songs ranging from toxic by Britney Spears to The right stuff by new kids on the block plays but then hey Stephen by Taylor swift pops up and suddenly the lyrics come flooding into your mind and you blush brightly quickly skipping it, it’s too early to be playing that, it’s too early to be thinking of Callahan like that and making it so obvious… Luckily for you just before the lyrics really start you’ve made it to Callahan’s house..
Calla quickly hops out and helps you grab one of your bags his other hand grabbing your free one as he leads you to his door.. As you step inside you glance around smiling it’s very clean and simple sure it definitely looks lived in despite what you can see by the bag of trash calla forgot to take out the cleaning supplies he forgot to put back under the cabinet it looks lived in but in a very good way in a comforting way.. You’re not scared you’re gonna ruin anything or like you’re gonna mess anything up “Calla it’s beautiful” He smiles sheepishly as he signs “It’s not much but it’s home here come here and I’ll show you your room and then show you around” You nod and allow him to continue holding your hand as he takes you to your room, once you reach your room he lets go and sets your bag on the bed and you roll your other bag beside it and you nearly shiver at first… Not because the room is cold but your hand is cold and empty feeling like you’ve been outside playing in snow without gloves on so now your hand is freezing but yet feels empty not having the cold snow in it anymore…
He signs “I’ll uh let you settle in and when you’re done you can come out to the living room and we can order pizza or something and watch some tv” You nod and smile softly “Thanks that sounds great” he nods and leaves and so you begin unpacking and as you’re unpacking you get a call it’s from Niki, you smile widely and excitedly as you pick up “Hi Niki!” She smiles excitedly waving “Hi y/n! How’s everything going?!” You sigh in happiness and content as you say “It’s going great ihihi ehe I don’t know if he would like for me to say this but he showed up at the airport dressed like his minecraft skin!” She giggles “No way?! So you still haven’t even seen his face?” Your eyes widen as you suddenly realize “You’re right I haven’t, well I haven’t seen his whole face and I haven’t even seen his hair” Her eyes widen as she says “Is he ever gonna show you his face or what’s going on with that?” You shrug softly grabbing your phone as you finish unpacking “I don’t know honestly? I’m not gonna rush him into doing anything ya know? I mean I know at some point he’s probably gonna take the mask off and he has to take the reindeer onesie off sometime” she nods “Oh yea no no I wasn’t trying to pressure him or anything I was just genuinely curious,so what are you gonna do for your first night and where’s calla’s room compared to yours?” You smile and blush a bit “We’re gonna order pizza and watch tv and his room his just down the hall from mine there’s a bathroom in between our rooms” she wiggles an eyebrow teasingly “So are you gonna cuddle during the tv watching?” You roll your eyes light heartedly “No probably not I don’t wanna make him uncomfortable but then again I don’t know.. maybe… because well…” you pause blushing more hiding your face in your hands as you try and wipe the absolutely love sick look off your face but you’re unable to, Niki’s smile can’t get any wider as she excitedly asks “What what what because what?!” You bite your lip a bit and then take a small breathe before saying “Well he grabbed one of my bags when he met me at the airport and he held his hand out so I thought he wanted my other bag but he shook his head grabbed my hand and held it… and when we were walking to his car his kept holding my hand and when we got to his place he did it again and he actually didn’t let go until he let go so I could unpack…. And you know it’s weird.. my hand has felt cold ever since he let go…” Her eyes soften and she coos softly “Aweee y/n that’s so cute! Maybe you can hold hands when watching tv or something then I’m sure he wouldn’t mind” You nod “maybe maybe I don’t know I’m just so nervous to mess up I mean we’re friends we’re not anything else and this is our first time meeting and as far as I know his first time meeting any of us so I just want it to be good” she nods “Don’t overthink! It’s good you wanna take it slow and it’s good that you’re being cautious and concerned about his needs and comfort but don’t forget your own needs and comfort okay?” You smile thankfully at her “I won’t I won’t! I’m gonna go now I don’t wanna keep him waiting any longer, I love you thank you for everything” she smiles lovingly at you “Of course darling I love you too I’m always here day or night whatever you need whenever you need it bye have a good time” you nod “I will! Bye!”
So with that the call ends and you change into some simple pajama pants and a t-shirt before heading to the living room.. Your eyes widen a bit and seeing the back of Callahan’s head seeing his shortish brunette hair, but then you smirk to yourself a bit seeing he’s stood distracted looking through the TV for a decent movie or TV show… You sneak behind him and poke his sides! He jumps and lets out a small squeak whipping around to face you with wide eyes before his eyes narrow and he playfully smirks at you but then smiles mischievously… “Ohoho mahhannn that was sohoho gohohohod” You were lost in giggles but then saw his face and looked at him and began backing up nervously “Calla… whatever you’re planning d-don’t…” He pauses faking as if he’s thought before shaking his head no and quickly running at you, grabbing you and carrying you to the couch! You squeal in surprise giggles already tumbling out “EEP CALLA Nohohoho!” He tosses you gently onto the couch and carefully sits on your waist straddling you, you cover your face whining softly “Callahahaaaaa” You hear him snicker and you squeak and flinch feeling his hands shoot towards your sides even though they never touched you… You heard a very small laugh and your smile widened as you peeked out from behind your hands and Calla was smiling widely at you lost in thought it seemed…You smirked a bit and poked his stomach and he jumped covering his stomach before his eyes lit again with mischief and his hands darted towards your sides… This time though making contact! His fingers began curiously poking at your sides and he couldn’t help the delighted smile on his face as you squirm back and forth between his poking fingers, soon pokes turn to scribbles and scribbles to squeezes and you’re left laughing your heart out gasping for breathe but you wouldn’t have it any other way… Suddenly a knock is heard interrupting your laughter as Calla pauses and you both realize the pizza is here! Calla swiftly hops off you and runs to the door to pay before you can even manage to collect yourself enough to stand, let alone make it to the door.
Calla already knew all your favorite toppings seeing as you shared most of the same favorite toppings, he came back to the living room carrying two big pizza boxes, a medium box and a very small box… You went to the kitchen and began grabbing you and Calla drinks and plates and by the time you got back Calla already had everything ready to serve and had on the aristocats! You smile fondly at him setting your drinks down as your hand instinctively in a way gently cups his face as you run your thumb along it, he shivers slightly at the coldness of your hand and you giggle “sorry I forgot my hand would be cold, anyways you didn’t have to turn this on we could’ve watched whatever you wanted to” he shrugs softly before his hand comes to cup yours pushing it further against his face as his other hand signs “No you’re the guest so you get first movie choice and since I already know all your favorites and you’ve been talking about wanting to watch this one for weeks we’re watching this one okay?” You smile slightly wider as you nod “Okay whatever you say Calla, I’m not some kind of royalty though so don’t treat me like it okay? I’m just y/n I’m nothing special” even though you may not have necessarily meant to sound so self deprecating or depressing it still hurt Callahan deeply to hear you talk about yourself like that he sighed quietly as he gently removed your hand from his face and in a gentle movement cupped your face with both his hands as he closed his eyes for a few moments before opening them again he did not expect this to happen so soon but he’s gonna follow his gut… He shakily open his mouth saying “y/n p-p-please don’t t-talk a-about yourself like that… you’re even better than royalty honestly… You’re one of the best things to ever happen to me in my entire life and I’ll forever be grateful for you and I… well I… I hope you feel the same… Can I um? Am I allowed to? Is it okay if I?….”
You’re stuck in shock for a moment processing hearing his voice for the first time ever, it’s so nothing like you ever expected yet also somehow it fits him perfectly and you wouldn’t change it at all after finally recollecting yourself you nod and close the gap between your faces… Your lips connect and it’s almost like you feel a little explosion in your stomach like hundreds of mini fireworks went off…The fireworks increasing as he cups your face with both his hands…After a few more seconds you each break apart smiling at each other while blushing bright red… You look at Calla curiously “so um what does this mean?” He shrugs softly his voice a bit scratchy because it’s not used much at all “Well what do you want it to mean?” You shrug back “Well I mean I’d like it to mean something special… I’d like it to mean we’re a thing honestly but I don’t wanna rush you or rush things I mean this is our first time meeting this is literally my first night here and we’ve already kissed… Which I loved the kiss don’t get me wrong I loved it but I guess just for now it’ll be a kiss and nothing more? We’ll just give it the rest of my time here and see at the end of the week to see how we feel? And we’re definitely not going to tell anyone because it’ll make it all harder agreed?” He nodded laughing softly at the last bit “that sounds good and yes I definitely agree, um I know I like just started using my voice but can I go back to signing my throat is actually getting really sore” Your eyes soften as you nod “of course! Never feel like you have to talk to me okay? Don’t force yourself I’m just fine with us using sign to communicate though your voice is really nice to hear don’t feel pressured or insecure or anything I lo-I um… I…” His eyes widen a bit as his blush darkens and he signs “You what? Why do you almost never say you love me?” You sigh softly glancing away before staring at your lap “Because it’s not the same and I was scared… I didn’t wanna say it because when I say it to you I don’t mean it how I say it to everyone else and I just it didn’t feel right saying it to you so much and it being something completely different” He holds your hand gently rubbing his thumb on your palm making you giggle softly and his eyes soften as he uses his free hand to say “It’s okay I get it and I appreciate it now actually knowing why you didn’t say it and I lo- you too!” You smile and roll your eyes light heartedly squeezing his side “You’re such a nerd dude” he squeaks at the squeeze narrowing his eyes playfully and you smirk “You know I still haven’t gotten my revenge yet…” His eyes widen as he backs up and begins to try and stand as he signs “Y/N don’t do it…”
My eyes are widened as I’m backing up seeing the mischievous glint in y/n’s eyes as they say “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t” I sit for a moment trying think of one and just shrug, they snicker “Welp I don’t see or hear you giving me a good reason” With that they begin scribbling on my sides and despite my best efforts to hold back I can’t and I break into giggles that near soft laughter the closer to my ribs or hips they get! They definitely notice because soon after they move one hand to my hip squeezing and kneading as their other scribbles up and down and inbetween my ribs! I let out the most embarrassing squeal before falling into loud laughter! I attempt to squirm away from them but as they hit a couple particularly sensitive areas I actually fall off the couch sending us tumbling the two of us in an out of breathe heap on the floor.. We both groan softly and then giggle “Like the view? Cause I kinda like my view” They scoff and lightly slap my arm before getting off me and pulling me up, I pull them into a hug and they seem worried at first and tense maybe thinking I’m gonna tickle them again but they sigh contently as I fall gently back onto the couch with them keeping my hold on them as I press play on the movie… Y/n falls asleep about half way through the movie and I don’t have the heart to move them so I simply turned on another movie and soon fell asleep my own self..
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mrsmaybank · 3 years
My Little Sun - Spencer Reid x Reader
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 It could not be heaven because her actions, her sounds and her intentions were the opposite of sanctity and purity: they were sinful. So bad and so good that you could get the two confused.
A/N: Shiiit!!! Sorry this mediocrity took so long!!! Anyway, let me know if you want me to clear anything up and please let me know if you like it. Kisses <3
I had the right to be upset, but I knew I shouldn’t be. Hotch was right, I could not work the case nor was I in the state to. It was for my own good and maybe the sanity of the rest of the team. I was a mess. He “ordered” me to go get some sleep in the breakroom, knowing I would never agree to go home. But like always, I couldn’t sleep. That wasn’t unusual and my brain began me to torture me with a movie of my most recent memories. 
9 Days Ago 
Friday - 8:49 PM
“I waannt Thaiiii foooood!” Only she could make my heart melt while simultaneously whining and disagreeing with me. She tightened her grip on my hand, “Pretty, pretty please?”
“We had Thai last week.” I looked down at her as we continued walking down the streets. “And plus, you love the Greek place.” She pouted and continued to ramble about why Thai was so much better. Even complaining, her company was so comforting and calming that I was genuinely relaxed, despite the roars of taxi cabs and the indistinct chatter of drunk city goers. 
“Oh my god! Don’t look! Do not look left!” She skipped to my right, “Look-look at me!” I watched her skip around me and cling to my right arm before her little hands grabbed my face and pressed her mouth to mine. 
“Sweetheart,” I tried to get out of her grip but she cut me off by pressing her body to mine and continuing the frenzied kiss. As soon as she needed a breath, I spun in the other direction. “You’re a monster.” I grabbed her hand and we ran to it immediately. A life-size and functioning chess board under an array of colorful lanterns and vines. It was probably a contemporary art piece and I silently thanked whoever created it. I wrapped my arms around her as I excitedly admired it. “Why didn’t you want me to see this?” I whispered into the small of her neck. “Is it because I always beat you at chess?” 
She backed up from me offended, “You don’t always beat me!” 
I grabbed her once more, not liking the space between us. “If you took all of our games, looked at my wins and your losses, I’ve won 98% of the time.” 
“Yeah well…” she tiptoed and grazed her lips against mine, “I win 100% of the time.” I was confused, “At this.” She pressed her entire body to mine and finally kissed me.
“Don’t know,” 
“What you’re,”
“Starting little,”
She grabbed my hand and twirled herself around just to fall back onto me. I caught her, just like she knew I would. I trusted her and she trusted me, and that was the best feeling in the world. “I love you.” I said, still supporting all her weight. 
She stood upright and gave me a light kiss. “I love you so much Spencer.” 
I couldn’t see anything in the world but her. “I would do anything for you.” 
She perked up with a sneaky glint in her eye, “Would you eat Thai two weeks in a row?” She grinned. 
I sighed. She won. “Yeah,” I pushed the hair out of her face, “I would. Let’s go get some.” 
“If..” she rolled her eyes, “We play on the walk back.” I motioned to the board. “I’ll go easy on you.” 
“You’re on Dr. Reid.” she snarked back. 
8 Days Ago
Saturday - 2:31 PM
Saturday was one of those stereotypical rainy days where the world seemed slowed. The pitter patter of the raindrops and the light music of her favorite record created a symphony of other-worldly peace for me. I left our room, and there she was, my perfect girl sitting criss crossed at my desk. I perched over her, laying a sweet kiss on her cheek. 
“So..I was thinking macaroons…” she scrolled through different catering sites, “But cupcakes are a must too.” I watched her plan in adoration. Never in my life had I been so sure of anything. But I wanted to marry this girl and spend every last day of my life like this one and there was no question about it. It was that simple. 
“Spence?” she broke me out of my lovelorn daydreams of growing old together.
“Yeah?” I answered. 
“Chocolate or red velvet? There is one right answer.” her eyes narrowed. 
“Oh,” I knew exactly what she wanted me to say, “Red velvet. All the way.” 
“You really are a genius.” She teased and began to scribble ‘Red Velvet’ on the small notebook next to her. I looked at the list of random little things she’d written down in preparation for the day. It assured me she was just as infatuated with the idea of a future together as I was. I sighed, “Even your handwriting is cute.” 
“Duh..” she retorted and I rolled my eyes, “Can I read you the food list?” I gently lifted her off the desk seat, “You can read it to me on the couch maybe?” 
She nodded and grabbed her notebook. I sat first, and she took the opportunity to crawl in my lap. It’s like our bodies were made for each other because she just fit so perfectly there. 
“For the dessert table, hazelnut, pistachio and vanilla macaroons. From the French bakery in downtown. Obviously.  Red velvet cupcakes from that bakery JJ told me about. Remember the ones she ordered for her baby shower?” I nodded. “Those.”
“White chocolate macadamia nut cookies, and if I get my way..”
“You always do.” I teased. “Yeah, and don’t forget it.” she smiled, “Tiny little cheesecake squares.” 
“I’m glad we’re on the same page.” I said. “Of course! A lot of tiny desserts are waaay better than one big cake.” 
“And more sanitary.” It was her turn to sigh.
“Yes yes, and more sanitary.” She laid her head in my chest and closed her eyes.
 “I told Penelope we’d meet her at the restaurant at 3.” 
“But it’s raining!” I complained. Truthfully, I just didn’t want this moment to end. She gave me a look and I stopped my protests. “Y’know if we order an Uber instead of taking the metro, we might have time to take a nice…” her words purposely trailed, “Long...hot shower.” She didn’t really have to say much else, batting her eyelashes to give this heart wrenching illusion of innocence. I wasn't buying it. Then, being way too coy for her age, she ran her hands up my chest and flashed me a coquettish grin. It was textbook but, goddd. Her smile alone turned me on to an extent it shouldn’t. 
I let her off my lap and stood up instantly, grabbing her hand and leading her to our bathroom. “Now.”
7 Days Ago 
Sunday - 9:22 AM 
The view convinced me I had died and arrived in heaven. I had to be. Where else but heaven does an angel perch themselves on your lap? No, though. It wasn’t heaven. It could not be heaven because her actions, her sounds and her intentions were the opposite of sanctity and purity: they were sinful. So bad and so good that you could get the two confused. 
She kissed down my neck and I swore my heart would burst out of my chest. She paused and sat up to say “When was the last time we got a whole weekend together like this?” 
I rubbed her arms up and down, “I can’t even remember.” 
“Me neither.” She kind of sounded like she wanted to say something else, but I didn’t really care, kissing her open mouth and rocking my hips up to hers. She was panting by the time my hands met her chest. “Please,” she whined, “Daddy, please.” 
She had no idea what she was asking for but I did. So I gave it to her. 
I would give her anything. 
6 Days Ago 
Monday 7:02 AM 
“Bye baby.” I kissed her still bed-headed hair. 
“NOooo!” she tried to pull my satchel back into her mess of sheets. 
“I’m sorry.” I sat down on the edge of the bed next to her. She curled her head into my lap and I caressed her forehead. 
“You have class today.” I felt her twitch, “An important one. You should eat a good breakfast.” 
“I know.” she said sadly. I registered that the sadness was less about class, and more about the fact we both knew this was goodbye for at least a couple days. Time spent together was bliss and days apart were agonizing, regardless of how important both of our responsibilities were. 
“Hey, think about what a good weekend we had.” I gently reminded her. 
“I know but now you’re gonna be gone.” The pain in her voice brought me the kind of sorrow that you didn’t wish upon your worst enemy. 
“Not for too long, little girl.” I kissed her forehead again, “I promise.” 
She got up and sighed, “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.” 
I wish she wouldn’t do that, but I couldn’t blame her either. 
“I’m sorry.” She just shook her head. 
“Don’t be. Go save some lives Dr. Reid.” there was a gentle smile on her face as she said the words, “I’ll be right here when you get back.” I enveloped her in a hug with nothing but love, and she still couldn't resist teasing me, “Or maybe drunk at a Frat house, I don’t know.” 
My eyes went wide and the thought immediately gave me anxiety, “Please, do not. Do you know-” She shut me up with a kiss and I silently thanked her for it. “I love you Spencer. I’ll see you soon.” “I love you more.” I got up and headed for the door, “Sooner than later, okay?” 
She nodded, “Okay.” 
3 Days Ago 
Wednesday 2:10 AM 
I silently stepped through the apartment, relishing in the stillness that meant just maybe, my begging Y/N not to waste sleep over me had worked, but I still doubted it. Her listening to my instructions was like a solar eclipse: disappointingly rare. 
As soon as I made it to the bedroom though, I was pleasantly surprised. She was asleep, but not yet under the covers. Poor thing had tried to stay up, but couldn’t. As much as I wanted to instantly smother her in affection, I restrained myself only to admire the sight of her in nothing but underwear and a grey cardigan of mine. She’d only done a single button too, obscuring the direct view so her figure was just barely covered. It was incredibly attractive and she knew it.
I began to undress, trying to remain silent as I exchanged my tie and vest for pajama pants and the Caltech sweater on the dresser. I didn’t wear it much before she did. In fact, I’d only started wearing it because despite it being 5 sizes too big for her, she adored it. For the first couple months of knowing her, it was the only thing she slept in. And because of that, it smelled like her perfume. Nestling myself into bed next to her, I wrapped my hands around her waist and pulled her close, while trying to gently pull the sheets out from under her. 
“Get under the covers.” Her eyes fluttered open, “Spence...Spencer?” She smiled, “Spencer!” 
She buried herself impossibly closer to my chest, arms and legs wrapping around me like a…
“You’re like a panda.” I laughed. She giggled, “You’re bamboo.”
“Are you calling me a stick-skinny? That’s hurtful, y/n.” We laughed harder until I couldn’t stop myself from kissing her. The kisses were long and sweet as we both savored the reunion. She tugged on the sweater I wore, “Why are you wearing my sweatshirt?” I brushed some hair out of her face. “It was mine first.” She rolled her eyes, “Pff...did you even go to Caltech?” She was trying so hard to control laughter, “Poser.” 
She laughed as I’m sure despite silence from me she could hear my internal screaming. 
Her laughter finally ceased when my grip on her got looser and my eyes hung a little lower. “Sleepy?” she asked. 
I nodded and so did she, “Me too.” We got under the covers together. 
“Hold me.” she hummed. “Hotch give you guys the day off tomorrow?”
���Yeah, recuperation. The case was...rough.” 
“You guys catch the guy?” she asked. 
I nodded, “Yeah.” “That’s amazing Spence. You’re so amazing.” I held her tighter. 
“I love you.” I said. 
“I love you too. Now go to sleep.” And so I did. 
2 Days Ago 
Thursday 6:30 PM
“It did indeed. You’ve become my solnyshko moyo.”
“Tell me that’s Russian dirty talk.” She said with a grin.
“It’s better. It’s a term of endearment you’ve become the epitome of.”
“And what’s that Dr. Reid?” she giggled.
“My little sun. You’ve become my little sun. Following me around and bringing light and warmth.” She snuggled herself impossibly closer into my chest, wrapping one of her legs over mine.
“Except for your feet!” I shrieked at her freezing toes meeting mine.
“They’re not that cold you big baby!” she shouted.
I laughed and kissed her sweetly, “I am not the baby here.” I said.  
“Please,” she started until I interrupted her with a kiss, “If you’re not the baby,” I kissed her again, “That implies I’M the baby,” Kiss, “And I’m not a” Kiss.
“Shush baby.” I told her, but like always, she didn’t listen, instead sitting up to straddle me. My appreciation for her beauty was like how a prisoner appreciates freedom, and yet it was miniscule into what I found in her character. It blew my mind that a girl so perfect existed.
“Rarely do great virtue and beauty dwell together. Francesco Petrarch.” I started, my hands making their way onto her hips, “That makes you a rarity.”
“You’re spoiling me with nice words today Spencer.” “You’ve spoiled me. My frontal lobe is spoiled milk.” She laughed, wondering how I was going to manage to make this one romantic.
“That’s the part of the brain responsible for sensibility and logical thinking, and you, little girl, have positively ruined it. You make me stupid.”
“I ruined the genius Dr. Reid with the 187 IQ? Makes sense. I’m like, way smarter.”
“You are. So, so much smarter.”
“I want that in writing.” she poked my chest.
I pulled her down and kissed her forehead to whisper in her ear. “Not a chance.”
She pushed herself away and rolled her eyes at me like a bratty child does her nanny, and I continued, “ You’re smarter, but I’m more educated. I have more doctorates than you have years in university.”
I brushed the hair away from her perfect face, “You tired baby?”
She sighed and laid down, splaying herself on my chest, laying on me like I was the duvet. “Very.”
I held her impossibly close, breathing in her scent and counting every time her heart thumped, her bpm said she was relaxed. Oh god, I wanted her like this forever. Relaxed in my arms, where nothing could touch us but each other.
Present Day 
Sunday 11:45 PM
How did it all seem so incredibly long ago? The BAU break room couch was definitely not made for sleeping, and yet Hotch had insisted I come try to get some rest. What was the use? How was I supposed to rest knowing that Y/N was out there in so much danger? I couldn’t rest until we found her, everybody knew that. 
Morgan came rushing into the tiny room, “Garcia’s got a hit. Her father left her 3 of his commercial properties, one of which is an abandoned mall.” 
I wasn’t allowed to work on the profile, but this was, for lack of a better word, a clear trap. “Morgan, it can’t be that easy. We both know that.” 
“Kid, she’s having a psychotic break. Everything about this is disorganized. It wasn’t planned at all. It’s not that much of a stretch to say she’d go to a secluded place she figured we’d never find.”
“Was there a second stressor? JJ and I thought it might’ve been the proposal but…” 
“Reid, I’ll brief you in the car. Get your shit together and let’s go get Y/N.” 
Taglist: @slaterskaterslaterboi @frickin-bats @bxtchboy69​  @reidsbbg
@sassy-hades @jackiehollanderr @k-k0129 @spenceoffense​
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