#2020 lucky colors
snupy · 5 months
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2020!NQK as a lil kiddo 🫡 made this real quick since i can't sleep and i reread riot child recently 🥹
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aaand obviously we can't have kid nqk without yusuke so here he is, just getting holes burned into him all thanks to nqk lazer eyes 🫡 i was very tempted to draw him with a little cute bandaid but we all know nobody taking care of him 😭 though in hindsight i could have drawn it on since nqk gives him some anyways 🫠
oh well too late for that now, i'm off to bed!
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cains-eye-patch · 4 months
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Lil fnati oc! Might write/post more about them if I become more motivated >_>
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mayakern · 1 year
I can't believe the milk skirt is not popular enough to warrant a restock!! This is the very first skirt that caught my eye from your shop, and at the time I thought it's already discontinued!! I feel so lucky I was able to snag up one today! Do you have any other skirts you're surprised didn't perform as well as you expected?
the milk skirt WAS discontinued ages ago, we just found a few stragglers in the office. the OG milk skirt (blue hem) is from 2017 but the newer one is from just last year. the original version sold OK for a while, and then really poorly, and we were hoping maybe a new. more subtle version would sell better but we were wrong lol
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as for other designs that sadly didn't sell as well as i expected, there are quite a few!
the tea skirt in its multiple iterations. they are such slow sellers that devin has outlawed me from creating any new color variants of this design so it is dead forever. unless we find stragglers it will never be sold again. (OG cream and pink colors are from 2020, blue is from 2022)
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the monstera (2022) and moth (2020) skirts. the monstera skirt just suffered from being the 10th most popular design in a preorder poll that we picked 10 designs from. people liked it but prioritized buying other designs first so we never reprinted it. the moth skirt, idk, i made it as a companion piece to the bee skirt but i think because it's set on diamonds and not hexagons the moths end up too close together.
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the elephants skirt (2020). this one people were absolutely mad for when i was drawing the art and it just kind of sold OK. not awful, but not great.
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and the original spring color palette of the hiss from a rose skirt (2019). the other color palettes (black & red and winter) have done better, which is a good thing, but also im sad because i love the OG color palette. i think the original printing of it lacked some contrast that would give it more definition, and i've since reworked it to print better, but it sold so abysmally we haven't reprinted it since the changes were made. 😭
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the royalty skirt (2019). idk why y'all hated this one so much it's still cute
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there are a bunch more i could talk about too but i'm out of images so that's it for now.
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nasa · 2 years
NASA Photographers Share Their Favorite Photos of the SLS Moon Rocket
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NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket is on the launch pad at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida and in final preparations for the Artemis I mission to the Moon. Now that our Moon rocket is almost ready for its debut flight, we wanted to take a look back at some of the most liked photographs of our SLS rocket coming together over the years.
We asked NASA photographers to share their favorite photos of the SLS rocket for Artemis I at different phases of testing, manufacturing, and assembly. Here are their stories behind the photos:
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“On this day in March 2018, crews at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, transported the intertank structural test article off NASA’s Pegasus barge to the Load Test Annex test facility for qualification testing.” —Emmett Given, photographer, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
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“This is the liquid oxygen tank structural test article as it was moved from the Pegasus barge to the West Test Area at our Marshall Space Flight Center on July 9, 2019. The tank, which is structurally identical to its flight version, was subsequently placed in the test stand for structural testing several days later. I remember it being a blazing hot day!” —Fred Deaton, photographer, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
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“The large components of the SLS rocket’s core stage can make you forget that there are many hands-on tasks required to assemble a rocket, too. During the mating of the liquid hydrogen tank to the forward section of the rocket’s 212-foot-tall core stage in May 2019, technicians fastened 360 bolts to the circumference of the rocket. Images like this remind me of all the small parts that have to be installed with care, expertise, and precision to create one huge Moon rocket. Getting in close to capture the teammates that work tirelessly to make Artemis a success is one of the best parts of my job.” —Eric Bordelon, photographer, NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
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“An incredible amount of precision goes into building a rocket, including making sure that each of our SLS rocket’s four RS-25 engines is aligned and integrated into the core stage correctly. In this image from October 2019, I attempted to illustrate the teamwork and communication happening as technicians at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans do their part to help land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon through the Artemis missions. It’s rare to see the inside of a rocket – not as much for the NASA and Boeing engineers who manufacture and assemble a rocket stage!” —Jared Lyons, photographer, NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
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“When the fully assembled and completed core stage left the Michoud factory in January 2020, employees took a “family photo” to mark the moment. Crews transported the flight hardware to NASA’s Pegasus barge on Jan. 8 in preparation for the core stage Green Run test series at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. When I look at this photo, I am reminded of all of the hard work and countless hours the Michoud team put forth to build this next-generation Moon rocket. I am honored to be part of this family and to photograph historic moments like this for the Artemis program.” —Steven Seipel, MAF multimedia team lead, NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
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“This photo shows workers at Stennis prepare to lift the SLS core stage into the B-2 Test Stand for the SLS Green Run test series in the early morning hours of Jan. 22, 2020. I started shooting the lift operation around midnight. During a break in the action at about 5:30 a.m., I was driving my government vehicle to the SSC gas station to fuel up, when I saw the first light breaking in the East and knew it was going to be a nice sunrise. I turned around and hurried back to the test stand, sweating that I might run out of gas. Luckily, I didn’t run out and was lucky enough to catch a beautiful Mississippi sunrise in the background, too.” —Danny Nowlin, photographer, NASA’s Stennis Space Center
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“I like the symmetry in the video as it pushes toward the launch vehicle stage adapter. Teams at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, loaded the cone-shaped piece of flight hardware onto our Pegasus barge in July 2020 for delivery to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The one-point perspective puts the launch vehicle stage adapter at the center of attention, but, if you pay attention to the edges, you can see people working. It gives a sense of scale. This was the first time I got to walk around Pegasus and meet the crew that transport the deep space rocket hardware, too.” —Sam Lott, videographer, SLS Program at Marshall Space Flight Center
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“This was my first time photographing a test at our Stennis Space Center, and I wasn't sure what to expect. I have photographed big events like professional football games, but I wasn't prepared for the awesome power unleashed by the Space Launch System’s core stage and four RS-25 engines during the Green Run hot fire test. Watching the sound wave ripple across the tall grass toward us, feeling the shock wave of ignition throughout my whole body, seeing the smoke curling up into the blue sky with rainbows hanging from the plume; all of it was as unforgettable as watching a football player hoist a trophy into the air.” —Michael DeMocker, photographer, NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
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“When our SLS Moon rocket launches the agency’s Artemis I mission to the Moon, 10 CubeSats, or small satellites, are hitching a ride inside the rocket’s Orion stage adapter (OSA). BioSentinel is one of those CubeSats. BioSentinel’s microfluidics card, designed at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, will be used to study the impact of interplanetary space radiation on yeast. To me, this photo is a great combination of the scientific importance of Artemis I and the human touch of more than 100 engineers and scientists who have dedicated themselves to the mission over the years.” —Dominic Hart, photographer, NASA’s Ames Research Center
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“I was in the employee viewing area at Kennedy when the integrated SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft was rolled out to the launchpad for its wet dress rehearsal in March 2022. I really like this photo because the sun is shining on Artemis I like a spotlight. The giant doors of the Vehicle Assembly Building are the red curtain that opened up the stage -- and the spotlight is striking the SLS because it’s the star of the show making its way to the launchpad. I remember thinking how cool that NASA Worm logo looked as well, so I wanted to capture that. It was so big that I had to turn my camera sideways because the lens I had wasn’t big enough to capture the whole thing.” —Brandon Hancock, videographer, SLS Program at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
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“I made this image while SLS and Orion atop the mobile launcher were nearing the end of their four-mile trek to the pad on crawler-transporter 2 ahead of launch. Small groups of employees were filtering in and out of the parking lot by the pad gate to take in the sight of the rocket’s arrival. The “We Are Going!” banner affixed to the gate in the foreground bears the handwritten names of agency employees and contractors who have worked to get the rocket and spacecraft ready for the Artemis I flight test. As we enter the final days before launch, I am proud to have made my small contribution to documenting the historic rollout for this launch to the Moon.” —Joel Kowsky, photographer, NASA Headquarters
More Photo-worthy Moments to Come!
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NASA photographers will be on the ground covering the Artemis I launch. As they do, we’ll continue to share their photos on our official NASA channels.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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entrop-y · 5 months
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a brief analysis of ratings, complacency, and the future of the police procedural
looking at general trends across the seasons 1-15, airing in Criminal Minds initial 2005-2020 run, the trends in ratings*, while not drastic, do reflect a decline in quality as the seasons progressed.
In the earlier seasons, most episodes were generally well received, with 2-4 “stand out” episodes—typically multi part episodes or season finales—per season. Notably, the stand out episodes often strayed from the constraints of the procedural format that structures the majority of episodes of Criminal Minds.
As the seasons progress, the majority of episodes in a season are mediocre in the eyes of the audience, with a few episodes being received quite poorly (ratings below 7.0). This is especially obvious in seasons 10-14. When thinking about the future of Criminal Minds: Evolution, it’s important (and fun!) to think about what was successful and unsuccessful in the shows original run.
After season 5, but unequivocally after season 7, there was a noticeable decline in the quality of the writing, directing, and cinematography of Criminal Minds. The episodes felt increasingly fantastical—with storylines like evil twins, prince charming, and reid’s prison arc—making it difficult for audiences to suspend their disbelief. The early seasons focused on the profiling aspect of Criminal Minds, setting apart from other network police procedurals at the time. Criminal Minds felt smart and engaging, playing on real life cases and giving the viewer an insight into the unsub’s mind and the science* of profiling. In its infancy, the show did not rely on the gratuitous violence or drawn out take down scenes of the later seasons to keep viewers attention. Instead, Criminal Minds assumes its viewer is smart, immersing them in the word of profiling and building suspense by revealing the unsub to the viewer as the BAU identifies them.
As the show lost the elements that set it apart from similarly successful procedurals like NCIS or Law and Order, the episodes felt stale and unoriginal. This departure from its earlier premises created a bit of an identity crisis in the type of show Criminal Minds was.
There was also a notable decline in the direction and cinematography of the show. While the early seasons were admittedly rife with continuity errors and now dated editing, it was creative and ultimately, showed a degree of care and forethought that became lost in the later seasons. The yellow-grey color grading and uninteresting shots make the show less enjoyable. They are the opposite of inventive. The creativity and trials of the early seasons somewhere diminished, being replaced with an over reliance on the procedural format, becoming very formulaic.
This is particularly evident in season 10, which has generally low ratings and unmemorable episode, aside from “Mr. Scratch” dir. Matthew Grey Gubler. “Mr. Scratch” was so wildly different from all of the episodes of season ten, with writing and direction reminiscent of a full length horror film, it performed significantly better than the other episodes in its season. It demonstrated that criminal minds could still balance a fantastical premise with a genuinely terrifying unsub. Like earlier seasons, it also did not spell out the entire story for the audience from the beginning, instead highlighting Hotch as an unreliable narrator who under the influence of Scratch’s deliriant cannot decipher what is real.
As ratings slipped in seasons 13-15, the writers tried everything to keep audience’s attention. This included bringing back old unsubs (Lucky Strikes, Date Night) and the fan service disaster that was “Truth or Dare”. “Truth or Dare” reflected Criminal Minds’ inability to even make the interpersonal relationships between team members feel natural and realistic. The team bonding scenes became more frequent, but they felt unnatural in comparison to similar scenes (for example the bar scene in “The Big Game”).
The finale was an unsatisfying yet long overdue end to the Everett Lynch storyline, with the teams actions being overshadowed by Reid’s umpteenth near death experience—a sequence that for the first time since like season 4, was terribly impacted by the lack of Mandy Patinkin—making the entire episode feel disjointed.
The bad finale left especially pre covid viewers of Criminal Minds apprehensive at the prospect of a reboot/revival. It awkwardly fell somewhere in between being another soulless money-grab hollywood reboot devoid of its original spark, and an overdue “revival” more akin to a pause in filming because of the pandemic. Audiences also had to navigate “the paramount+ of it all”, which was more accurately a reflection of the lack of faith cbs executives had in this project. It being exclusive to their own streaming service made it perfectly low stakes.
Nevertheless, Criminal Minds: Evolution, was a success among audiences. The freedom of a limited series, as opposed to a procedural, meant the show got to be more experimental in its direction, which was refreshing. It was renewed quickly, and despite its flaws, seems to signify the possibility of a positive reception and legacy of the show.
*throughout this post, “ratings” refers only to the rating of an episode as listed on IMDb, not taking into account viewership and any other metrics CBS used to determine audience reception
**the phrase “the science of profiling” is used only for simplicity and to align with the language of the show; criminal profiling is pseudoscientific and should not hold any weight in the criminal justice system.
I hope you all enjoyed this analysis, it got a little out of hand but also did not even scratch the surface of what I could say about Criminal Minds from a media studies point of view. I would love to hear any and all thoughts people have, even if you disagree with me!!
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stormseattle · 13 days
Mentioned I was working on something, this isn't that. But here are some fun facts I found while digging through the WNBA website and doing far too much math!
Years of experience DO count years where a player played on hardship contracts, but NOT a year where a player played no minutes in the W.
The Wings have the most rookies of any current team with 5 (Jaelyn Brown, Lou Lopez Senechal, Jacy Sheldon, Stephanie Soares, and Sevgi Uzun)
To go along with that, the Wings have the least years of experience between all of their players---35 years between them. The Fever is second-last with 38.
The team with the MOST experience is the Sun with 71 years total (thanks to the vets that Alexis Morris wanted to 'hang it up')
The Sky have half of all 4th year players in the league currently
Alysha Clark is the only 12th year player, Courtney Vandersloot is the only 14th year player, DeWanna Bonner is the only 15th year player, and Diana Taurasi is of course the only 20th (!!) year player
Much more detailed info & stats (plus a couple of my observations) under the cut bc I don't need to be the WNBA color of the sky post
Most experienced player on each team:
Mercury: Diana Taurasi (19 years of experience)
Sun: DeWanna Bonner (14)
Liberty: Courtney Vandersloot (13)
Dream: Tina Charles (12)
Storm: Nneka Ogwumike (12)
Aces: Alysha Clark (11)
Lynx: Kayla McBride (10)
Sparks: Layshia Clarendon (10)
Mystics: Stefanie Dolson (10)
Wings: Natasha Howard (10)
Sky: Elizabeth Williams (9)
Fever: Damiras Dantas & Erica Wheeler (both 8)
Total Experience Years:
Storm: 56
Dream: 60
Sky : 46
Sun: 71
Fever: 38
Liberty: 52
Mystics: 48
Wings: 35
Aces: 65
Sparks: 46
Lynx: 45
Mercury: 65
Most of each experience group:
Most Rookies: Wings (5)
Most 2nd Year Players: Lynx (4)
Most 3rd Year Players: Dream, Fever, Mystics (3)
Most 4th Year Players: Sky (3)
Most 5th Year Players: Liberty, Wings (2)
Most 6th Year Players: Aces, Lynx (4)
Most 7th Year Players: Sky, Mystics, Sparks (2)
Most 8th Year Players: Dream, Sun, Liberty, Mystics (2)
Most 9th Year Players: Mercury (3)
Most 10th Year Players: Storm, Aces (2)
Number of players in each experience group:
Rooks: 20
2nd Year: 20
3rd Year: 16
4th Year: 6
5th Year: 8
6th Year: 18
7th Year: 12
8th Year: 9
9th Year: 12
10th Year: 7
11th Year: 6
12th Year: 1 (Alysha Clark)
13th Year: 2 (Nneka Ogwumike, Tina Charles)
14th Year: 1 (Courtney Vandersloot)
15th Year: 1 (DeWanna Bonner)
20th Year: 1 (Diana Taurasi)
I'm hypothesizing the drop for 4th year and 5th year players is because of COVID. It's interesting that there's the same number of 4th year players and 11th year players.
The Lucky Covid 4th Year WNBA Survivors:
Chennedy Carter (Sky)
Dana Evans (Sky)
Michaela Onyenwere (Sky)
DiJonai Carrington (Sun)
Temi Fagbenle* (Fever)
Aari McDonald (Sparks)
*Temi wasn't drafted in 2020 or 2021, but she does have 3 years of experience so she's part of this category. She was drafted 35th overall in the 2016 draft.
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legendaryskyscale · 1 month
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Decided to make a roster of Necros I currently have.
Long wall of text below explaining each Necro!
First is Saladbowld, my oldest Necro. I mainly use him for Fractals. He was created on Nov 20th, 2015 as a joke. I think I was talking about a sentient Caladbolg and made Saladbowld as kinda a gijinka. His initial design was very VERY different from his current look. I unfortunately do not have any screenshots of his baby years, but he used to have Caladbolg colors and the ponytail hairstyle. He was supposed to be a keyfarmer and I was supposed to delete him, but over the years I got too attached to him and now Saladbowld has a background concerning the Mad Realm. I used to use him for Labyrinth farming, but I've retired him from that.
I didn't make another Necro until May 31st, 2020, and that's when I created Somhanavir. Vir is based on one of my OCs from a story I was writing. His full name is Somhanavir Gabris von Hallow and he's a kind of mantid monster. He has no connections to anything in GW2 story/lorewise. I made Vir for WvW at the time when I was somewhat enjoying Scourge, and when Scourge was somewhat decent in zergs. These days, he's park at New Kaineng JP to collect my daily Jade Runestone.
Nov 27th, 2020 is when Lyikera was created. She was initially created to be a reincarnation of Trahearne after HoT. But now, her story ties in with being Aurene's half, literally being Aurene's twin sister as the two were born together when Mordremoth was vanquished. I still headcanon that she and Aurene both embody Trahearne thanks to Mordremoth's death when they absorbed the magic of the Jungle Elder Dragon. In my story, Trahearne was a part of that blast and now is a part of Lyikera and Aurene.
On Aug 21st, 2021 I created Belavalla. She doesn't have any deep lore, she was just my "Pale Reaper" who guides lost Sylvari back to the Dream. I headcanon that her face is unrecognized/incomprehensible to those not ready to return aka Not Dead Yet. But her face will appear as someone comforting to help ease dead Sylvari back to the Dream.
Mender Lunaria was created on Jun 23rd, 2022 as a companion toon to my Pale Reaver Solaria. My Lunaria was once a Sylvari who was unfortunately a victim and test subject to Ardjin. Ardjin successfully spliced her with a Melandru Stalker. Lunaria was one of the lucky experiments, as she retained her memories and escaped Ardjin's facility in Brisband to return to her Dearheart, Solaria.
Apr 22, 2023 is the creation of Oozwald. I'm prolly the only person in GW2 who's created an NPC clone based off the Inquest Technician who got turned into an Ooze in the Thaumanova Reactor Fractal lol. Oozwald is my bag opener.
Jul 4th, 2023 comes Fish Lich. It is a Fish that is a Lich. That's it. No story as of now.
And my latest, current fascination is Hass (Has Seen Things). Created on Feb 29th 2024, he was supposed to be a kobold, but during character creation I couldn't stop laughing at the max-size eyes on one of the Asura faces and that's how he came to be. He uh doesn't have a story. Yet.
And that, for now, are all my Necros. Thank you for taking the time to read this!
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ateez-himari · 1 year
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Stage Name: Himari (히마리) Birth Name: Min Himari (민 히마리) Korean Name: Min Ha-Yun (민 하윤) Nicknames: Sunshine, KQ's Princess, The Siren, Korea's Angel, White Swan, Hima/Hime, The Holy Maknae, God's Touch, Hand of Midas (w/ Yoongi)
Representative Animal: Tiger 🐯 MBTI Type: INFP Position(s): Lead vocalist, Sub-rapper, Producer, Maknae
Date of Birth: November 23, 2001 Birth Place: Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, Japan Association: Yeoheung Min Clan Family: Min Won-Shik (father, 1965-2012), Shinso Asuka (1970-2012), Min Hanzo (older brother), Adoptive Mother, Adoptive Father, Min Geum-Jae (adoptive older brother), Min Yoongi (adoptive older brother)
Blood Type: O Height: 157cm (5'2")
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・As of June 2024, Himari has 179 KOMCA credits
・Was the first 4th generation artist promoted to a full Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA) membership in 2022
・Joined JYPE in late 2014 to be part of girl group Twice but was deemed too young to debut after 10 months of training
・Was the first trainee to join Hongjoong at KQ Entertainment and the last to join ATEEZ - following survival show 'Last Qing'
・Became a producer during 'TREASURE EP.1: All to Zero' with credits on 'Stay', 'Twilight', 'Treasure' and 'My Way'
・Officially a part of ATEEZ's 'Demon Line' alongside Hongjoong, Seonghwa and San
・Made a special appearance on the 6th episode of MNet's show 'Good Girl', aired June 18 2020, to perform a cover of Dreamcatcher's 'Red Sun' against the cast.
・Made her acting debut in the K-Drama 'Hellbound' where she played the role of Jin Hee-Jeong. She then obtained the lead role in 'Where We Fall' alongside Yunho in September of 2023.
・She sang the OST 'Suzume' for the animated movie 'Suzume no Tojimari', 'Long Black Night' for K-Drama 'The Glory', 'Rewrite Me' for 'Where We Fall' and 'Blue' for 'The Killing Vote'
・Her fans are called 'Hirangies' which is a play on her representative animal called '호랑이' in Korean as well as her own name and '사랑' which means love.
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・Her hobbies are traditional ink painting as well as photography and she enjoys leaning how to reform clothes from Hongjoong.
・Loves Studio Ghibli movies, her favorite being Grave of the Fireflies, and K-Dramas, her favorites being Death's Game, The Glory & My Name.
・Aside from the many groups whose fandoms she is a part of, there are quite a few soloists she tends to fangirl over, those being: Gemini, Penomeco, DPR Live, Han Seung Woo, Woodz, pH-1 and Zico. During her room tour in a recent live several albums of B.A.P could be seen resting on a shelf and she admitted to being a BABY whose bias is rapper/leader & soloist Bang Yongguk, whose albums were also spotted in her room. She calls herself a lucky fangirl as she has filmed the 'Bouncy' challenge with him as well as Woodz and Penomeco.
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・Was diagnosed with anxiety around 6 months following the group's debut, then a major depressive episode in the beginning of 2021.
・Suffers from hearing loss on her right side following a car collision costing the life of her biological parents - subsequently leaving scars on that side of her body.
・Has stress induced nightmares, though not as frequent as earlier in her career.
・Fractured her left ribs during a rehearsal for the first stage of 'Kingdom: Legendary War' in February of 2021, then again during the shooting of the 'Guerilla' music video in 2022.
・Since contracting COVID during the quarantine period she has had breathing problems which have permanently weakened her cardio and cause frequent needs for an oxygen mask especially when fatigued. The condition still remains unknown.
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・Her favorite color is white because she feels like it is elegant, which is why she chose it as her microphone color.
・Her birth name means 'Sun' and her Korean name means 'Beautiful Summer' , chosen because the sun symbolizes hope
・The youngest of her brothers, Hanzo, is the National South Korean Soccer Team's captain and currently contracted with the PSG after leaving the Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors at the end of 2023
・When speaking quickly or passionately about something she tends to slip back into satoori (Daegu dialect)
・A palm reader stated that it was both her and Seonghwa's first life, which is why they approach things with such excitement.
・She can play the Koto (Japanese stringed instrument).
・The members tend to refer to her as '우리 Hime' which means 'Our Princess' using the Japanese word for the title and is also a play on words with Himari's shortened name.
・While other members claim that Halazia has one of the easiest choreographies, she finds it to be one of the hardest songs to perform as she has to sing background vocals through nearly the entire song while keeping up with the steps.
・Loves to cook but often tends to be careless when it comes to the amount of spice she puts in. In addition to this, she loves beef and hates any seafood that has a shell.
・Her ideal type is someone warm hearted with a sense of humor and who can accept her care when they need it.
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icypantherwrites · 4 months
It is finished.
Words I wasn't sure I was ever going to be able to write, but at 11:51 pm last night they became reality.
Bottled Ocean is finished.
I am really, really proud of myself for being able to come back to this story. I started writing it in all the way back in May 2020 so it has been almost four years from start to finish and it's been a really long, bumpy road. So much has happened over those four years and the story went from a vibrant, engaged audience when it first published to, if I'm lucky, one or two engaged readers and maybe five reading it total. It's been really hard to put forth the energy into writing such a monster of a story (it is officially over 250,000 words long) knowing that there's no one there really to read it and even now I'll be lucky to have one or two engaged readers for it.
But it is done. My legacy after writing over 400 fanfictions in the last 7 years is not an incomplete story. It's something I can look back on and be proud of that I wrote that and as anyone knows, 250,000 words is not a small undertaking.
I had promised myself that if I went back to writing this I would finish the story before it began publishing again on Patreon (which resumes today) and then life hit. I had Covid the last two weeks and felt really terrible and dizzy and unable to focus. I thought writing fight scenes was hard, bah, writing fight scenes while you're distracted by the word 'sword' because it says 's-word' and going off on a tangent of swear words you think pirates would say while still trying to write a fight scene is hard. I kept going.
I reached yesterday morning and realized that I still had at least four chapters to write and I wasn't sure how I was going to do it and even if my deadline was self-imposed I was going to fail it.
I didn't.
Outside of taking breaks to walk the dog (it reached 42 here in Chicagoland and for this time of the year that's practically tropical) and guzzling down over half of a 2-liter of Dr. Pepper and trying to drink water in there too, I did it. I sat down, wrote my ass off, and a little over 16,000 words of the most pinnacle parts of the story as it all comes together and concludes I did it. I am exhausted and I honestly didn't even recall most of the final chapter so I went back and read it this morning and not to toot my horn but damn I'm a good writer, and I am just so relieved and happy it is done.
I am done too. My writing journey comes to an end with this story (I'll still for sure be posting on Patreon for the rest of 2024 though with my insane backlog and of course Bottled Ocean and some works on AO3 too) and I'm hanging up my keyboard. It has been a long seven years full of the good and the bad, the bright spots and the dark, but I can look back at this chapter of my life and see that I wrote over 3.2 million words worth of stories to share and I feel...
I feel content. And relieved and honestly my wrists are aching from pressing against my laptop all night, but I am happy. Thank you to all who came on this writing journey with me, who have been with me since As Color Fades Away posted in 2017 or stumbled across my works this year. It has been a life-changing seven years of writing.
I'll still be around here posting updates and hopefully, maybe, trying to get a few of y'all to bite at Bottled Ocean and join me in reading my final fanfiction, but this author is finally, finally finished and it is the start of a new adventure.
Thanks everyone ♥
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oftlunarialmoon · 5 months
20 Princess/Royal Themed Ideas - OFT Royals
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Ciao lovelies! Recently I’ve been finding joy in returning to my Princess Lifestyle! Which is kind of like Quaintrelle, but more royal themed. So, I wanted to make a new list of 20 Princess/Royal Themed Ideas! These ideas range from lifestyle ideas, writing prompts, video prompts, challenges, DIY ideas, beauty ideas, and more! All of these ideas are safe to do at home, and will hopefully make staying safe at home a little easier. (Repurposed for agere content 12/5/23, i originally wrote this post 5/20/2020 :-)
Let’s now get into this list, fellow Royals!
1.       Every Royal needs a Crown! Make yourself a crown, or maybe buy one. Or even turn a headband into a crown! You could even make yourself a more “subtle” and “undercover” crown by making a small crown hair pin or hair clip.
2.       On that note, why not go the extra nine yards and make a scepter? You could make yours look like a magic wand, or a traditional scepter, or even a magical girl item!
3.       Give yourself a royal spa day! Relax into a bath filled with bubbles and bath fizzes, or maybe bath salts, or maybe even use traditional beauty remedies. You could even use a face mask or a body scrub! Not to mention, be sure to moisturize your face! ^-^
4.       Write about your kingdom. What is it called? Who lives there with you? What are the people like? What is the terrain and the climate like? What is your currency? What languages are spoken there? What is the pop-culture like?
5.       Write about what it means to you to be a royal! What values should one have? What duties? How should one behave? (Looking for inspiration on this prompt? Check out OFT’s Royal Lessons!)
6.       Make a short look-book video of all your favorite Princess/Royal outfits! You can even center them around a theme like the season, colors, motifs, or more! If you’re camera-shy, make a capsule-wardrobe or mood board that reflects your royal style!
7.       Challenge yourself to cook or bake something new today! You could try out a traditional recipe or make up something new!
8.       Write about a historical figure that you look up to. What lessons can you learn from them? What do you admire most about them? Why are they important to you?
9.       Write about a celebrity or internet celebrity that you admire. What content do they create? What about them is so inspiring to you? Why do you admire them? What attributes do they portray that you look up to?
10.   Draw yourself in a royal self-portrait! It doesn’t have to be perfect. Think about how you view yourself (positively, I hope!). What aspects of yourself do you want to convey in this portrait? You could convey personality through what activity you’re doing in the drawing, or even through items your drawn self is holding!
11.   On that note, write about YOU! What activities do you like? What is your favorite thing about your personality? What causes are you passionate about? What attributes make you who you are? Self-exploration can help you lead yourself to a more self-aware and self-loving state!
12.   Take some time to learn about etiquette and write about something you learned. Why is it so important? What aspect of what you learned is relevant to the modern etiquette world? What aspects of what you learned might be outdated? When would you use the things you learned?
13.   Lucky 13 😊 Writing Prompt! What superstitions do you have, or what traditions do you uphold? Why are these important to you? What founded these beliefs?
14.   On that note, another writing prompt: take time to learn about a historical tradition of your choice. How was this tradition upheld in the past? Has it changed over time in any way? If so, why do you think it was modified? If not, why do you think it was preserved so well?
15.   Make a video where you try something from another era. This could be a recipe, tutorial, food dish, hobby, anything! If you are camera-shy, try something new from another era and write about your experience. What did you learn?
16.   Challenge time! Keep a dream journal for a full week (7 days). Did you discover anything new about your inner self? If you don’t dream, keep a journal of your sleep habits for a week. Have you noticed any patterns? Anything to improve or change? What about your current sleep habits is working well for you?
17.   Challenge time! Spend two weeks practicing a new skill. By the end of the two weeks, write a post or journal entry about or make a video demonstrating the skill you learned.  What did you choose to learn? How does this skill enhance your royal life?
18.   Write or make a video about something that you’re passionate about! Why does it excite you? Why do you like it so much? What cool facts could you share about this topic? How did you first get interested in it? Passion and interest are big parts of Royal life!
19.   Challenge time! Do something that is outside of your comfort zone (but still SAFE, okay?). Write about how you felt to push yourself out of your bubble. Was it enjoyable? Did you have fun? If not, what roadblocks do you think stopped you from having a good time? (Examples of this challenge include: cooking if one doesn’t like to cook, learning a new skill that’s high difficulty level, trying a new food, attending a virtual event, etc.)
20.   Give your space a royally good cleaning. If cleaning is bothersome to you, think about it as though you’re doing palace chores! Dress up, play some music, and daydream while you work! (Credit to Princess Skye for this idea, you should read her “Palace Chores” post!)
If you do any of these ideas, leave a comment on this post or tag us on Instagram, or use #OFTreaders on Instagram! I'd love to see your responses!
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psikonauti · 2 years
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Carlo D’Anselmi (American, b. 1991)
Aren't We Lucky, 2020
Ink and colored pencil on paper
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closet-of-nikki · 5 months
Tomorrow's update makes a lot of new suits available! Thanks to the Love Nikki Discord server for compiling all this info. This post will focus on all the new suits available for crafting. A separate post will showcase the new Wish Gate hell, Miracle Concert, so stay tuned!
Banquet of Elites/Snake Girls
An extremely popular event, the snake girls will be returning for crafting! This was a pick- and-choose event, so it is likely that you'll be able to freely craft any individual pieces you want.
Both of the suits cost a total of 1916 diamonds, and makeup is not included in either suit.
Recipes: Free from Time Diary.
Wavy Cloud Shadows
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While the beautiful white snake is eye-catching, the real star of this show is the background waterfall. Useful in a wide variety of competition themes and absolutely to die for if you're doing any kind of water theme, it's a unique and versatile piece that I personally can't wait to get.
This suit cost 960 dias to get on its debut.
Bamboo Shadow in Pond
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It's hard to compete with the white snake, but this green snake is pretty neat, and makes a good rest for any sitting posed Nikki.
This suit also cost 960 dias to get on the debut.
There's a whole bunch more suits coming out for crafting, including Ghost Gathering 2, more pics and details after the break!
Christmas Puppet Show
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This adorable Christmas themed suit cost 1680 diamonds on release. It was tiered, so it's likely to be tiered in crafting. If you want the stage, you'll have to craft the whole suit. Makeup is not included.
Recipes: Free from Time Diary.
Star Spirit
Next up, a pair of Easter themed suits! Makeup IS included with BOTH of these suits!
Recipes: Free from Time Diary.
Colorful Gift
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This suit cost 2040 diamonds on release, and was the first suit from its pair. Crafting this will likely be required for Spring Wonderland.
Spring Wonderland
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Spring Wonderland was the second suit available from its pair, tiered with Colorful Gift. It cost an additional 2760 dias after the first suit, for a total of 4800 dias spent.
Ghost Gathering 2/Nether Angel
This event is related to the Ghost Gathering hell with Miss Bone, but isn't a hell event itself. It's another two-suit, tiered event. It released in March 2020. Makeup IS included in BOTH suits!
Recipes: Free from Time Diary.
Nether Lotus Lantern
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This suit, usually just called Nether Lotus, cost 1992 diamonds on debut. It's intertwined with Soul Soother, which means you'll have to craft some of those pieces to finish Nether Lotus Lantern.
Soul Soother
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This suit is the second of its pair, so you likely will have to craft Nether Lotus Lantern first. It cost an additional 1296 diamonds after finishing Nether Lotus Lantern, for a total of 3288 diamonds spent. Fairly reasonable, especially if you like these suits!
Lucky New Year
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This was a welfare suit, so it's almost certainly going to be free to craft. It's cute, and that fan is a background piece, so it should be worth it if you have spare time! Makeup is not included.
Recipes: Free from Time Diary.
All the suits after this point will be free to craft, but it's not known where the recipes will come from. There's a chance they'll be purchasable from the shop for gold.
Piggy Bun Shop
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This was a log-in event suit. Makeup is not included, but the tiny pig nose is.
Sweet Sniper
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This is a really cute log-in suit as well, and it's pretty similar to Heartbeat Punk which was an abyssal island suit available this past November. Definitely a low-key version, but very similar themes, and has a face accessory microphone! Makeup not included.
Sparkle of Stars
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Another free suit, this one for Nikki's birthday! I love it actually. This arrived in the mailbox, and makeup is included.
Rising Moon
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This is a makeup item that was a free mailbox gift. It should be free to craft, and it's a dark skin tone makeup!
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Makeup TLDR
Suits WITH makeup:
Colorful Gift
Spring Wonderland
Nether Lotus Lantern
Soul Soother
Sparkle of Stars (free)
Literally just makeup:
Rising Moon (free)
(As far as I can tell, this is also the only new dark skin tone makeup offered in this update.)
Suits WITHOUT makeup
Wavy Cloud Shadows
Bamboo Shadow in Pond
Christmas Puppet Show
Lucky New Year
Piggy Bun Shop (pig nose is a face item)
Sweet Sniper (microphone is a face item)
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crazylittlejester · 12 days
As a HS and MS GSA survivor, you are so lucky to have never had to interact with one 😭
In most GSAs I’ve been in (like 4/5) it’s a very 2020/SJW-esque environment. This also applies to middle school and is mostly post-lockdown effects, the type of people GSA attracts and also it’s your most developing years but something about the motto of “you are valid no matter what” seems to be the interpreted as “ok no matter what my behavior is it’s ok” 😭
Some of the things I (or friends) have had to deal with is stuff like:
-being told my chosen name is a trigger because it’s also another persons deadname, therefor I can’t use it
-being HEADCANNONED as a omnisexual nb transmasc (my friend is very much a cis gay male)
-being weirdly affectionate with other teachers in school because they “act gay”
-headcannoning male teachers WITH WIVES AND CHILDREN as drag queens
-being told the way I dress is a trigger (I wore a Sanrio theme outfit to school for PJ day)
-being told the way my friend dresses is cringey and problematic (she doesn’t wear alternative stuff, she wears color block tees and jeans)
TW: slight blood mention (skip italics)
-one person sent a video of a picture of another kid covered in their period blood in the groupchat because the person liked them??
In general it’s a very disliked group of kids who are often struggling or are neurodivergent and no one is actually teaching them to behave socially and instead they react inappropriately and violently to others 😭 which also sucks because it ruins the reputation for neurodivergent/queer/alternative kids who don’t behave like this and get roped in with them anyways
TLDR: lockdown kids who peaked in 2020 and never lived it down
that is actually insane, and something I literally can’t even comprehend. I’m not even used to people being able to be outwardly queer like, irl, without expecting punishment, because I’m used to there being consequences for my being gay. The reason my school didn’t have a GSA was because it was a religious cult and we were regularly told we had to repent for having queer thoughts, and any kids outted as queer were straight up expelled or sent to have one on ones with a priest so they could be ‘cured’. I was sent to the priest and a theology teacher a lot, but that’s just what happens when you keep getting outted as bisexual 💔
there’s gotta be a healthy medium out there somewhere 😭
also being HEADCANONED as an identity is INSANE, you’re a real person???????
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angelosearch · 2 months
Hooray Tumblr is letting me post this now!!
The following is a super intense, probably too personal essay about trying to process the overwhelmingly GOOD news that I got into grad school.
I wasn't sure about posting this, but ultimately, it is a story about never giving up, because you never know where you will be in a couple of years. So maybe this will help someone who is struggling with feelings of being trapped in their own lives.
It can get better, and it will.
I look at my life right now and I am so overwhelmed and grateful. I get to be creative every day. I am writing again. I am always learning new things about art and psychology. I have a lovely home and amazing husband and great dog that I cherish. I have met some incredible people that, now that they are in my life, I never want them to leave.
And now I have gotten into grad school.
It all seems impossibly fantastic and I wonder what I did to deserve this. There is also a part of me that is curious when I will mess it up, but in this big tangle of emotions I am feeling, I am trying not to dwell on those.
There is a cord of sentiment that is thicker and wrapped around the rest. Something that I can't put a name to, but it has a color the shade of something thankful. Every time I twirl it around my mind I start to tear up.
It is the feeling that I am living a life I never could have imagined in my darkest days and I am just... so so so happy I am still here for them.
In the winter of 2020, after a life-long battle with mental illness, I gave up. I didn't try to give up, I actually gave up. It is only by some kindness of the universe that I am still here to type this post.
Suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary question--but the problem is, when you spend a good portion of your life haunted by depression and trauma and a voice that tells you that you have nothing to offer the world, the question does not seem temporary. When I became unable to imagine an escape from a job that made me feel worthless, a chronic illness that put me in pain and left me in isolation, a blanket of guilt I could not shake, and a global tragedy with no end in sight, I took my own emergency exit. It was like jumping out of the window of a burning building on the 32 floor. I believed I would die either way, but the fall to the ground would require less suffering.
I was lucky enough to be caught on the way down - but I didn't feel lucky. They wanted to put me back in the building, and now the fire was hotter and had consumed my furniture.
I woke up in a very poorly run psych ward. So poorly run, my husband did not know where I had been taken for 18 hours after he called 911. I was given a roommate who was way too much like my mother, and I slowly became manic without the knowledge of the staff. They discharged me a few days before Christmas.
I had been hypomanic before, but I never had a word for it. When I was crying at the sunset that night and feeling so energetic and happy (and telling the funniest jokes I had ever told, from my skewed perspective), I just thought I was happy to be alive. But I didn't sleep. I couldn't sleep. My pressured speech and grandiose ideas scared my husband and I ended up in psych ward #2 (a much nicer one). I had to spend one night in the ER screaming and hallucinating, believing my heart would give out before I'd fall asleep, before I got there, though.
They called it "manic psychosis." I called it "the darkest timeline."
On Christmas eve, I was given the gift of a new diagnosis: bipolar disorder. I was too unstable to know what that meant or to conceptualize that the burning building was crumbling in some parts.
On the day I was discharged, I slept very little and was extremely lethargic. I had trouble moving and my assigned counselor had to prop me up to help me to his office. I don't know why they discharged me when I had to be taken downstairs in a wheelchair, but they did.
I was in urgent care not 24 hours later when I could no longer walk or sit up, and I even had trouble speaking. A nice EMT, who I remember had a name that included two US presidents, though I don't recall which, took me to my third hospital in two weeks. By time I made it to my room, I had trouble swallowing and was put on a liquid diet.
It is hard to say what the worst part of this terrifying saga was. However, laying in that hospital bed with no ability to regulate my body temperature, stuck awake and unable to move with relentless, restless, manic energy, without so much as the relief of distraction from the picture on the tiny hospital TV because I didn't have my glasses, was excruciating in ways I still have trouble coming to terms with. I watched a lot of basketball, I think, by the squeaky sounds of the shoes.
After being assaulted by a frustrated nurse on New Year's Eve, I laid in my hospital bed wishing for the release of sleep while hospital staff hooted and hollered distantly for the ball drop. 2021 had begun and I was in the darkest place I had ever been.
When I could eat by myself again and manageably push around a walker, I was discharged on a rainy January day. No one could say for sure why my strange, temporary paralysis happened. Could have been the benzos I had taken too many of. Could have been the adjustment to the Lithium that would chase away the mania. Most likely, it was the sloppy transition off of Effexor at the first psych ward.
I was finally back in my burning building. I was fired from my job as soon as I had the strength to hold a phone. I had to explain and apologize to friends and family who were stunned and afraid of my actions. And then January 6th happened. In a few days, I would have to start physical therapy and a Partial Hospitalization Program (group therapy school).
I looked at my disintegrating surroundings and thought they expect me to fight for this? Why? I wished I had been successful in my attempt but I had only succeeded in making my life harder.
I guess those who cheered me on could see the possibility of my happiness and success, but I had a lot of trouble catching a glimpse. I went to another psych ward at the beginning of 2022 and ended up in a residential care facility for Halloween and Thanksgiving that year. I had two different jobs, both I ended up quitting for treatment. I tried group therapy and different therapists. I switched medications countless times and even tried Ketamine therapy for a while. Up until April of 2023 (when I started EMDR) or so, it really all felt hopeless, but for some reason, I fought for the unknowable just beyond the horizon. I kept asking for help.
And now I am here, and I can't believe all of this almost didn't happen.
I look around my office and see pieces of art I would have never created. I would have missed concerts and weddings and road trips. There is so much music I would have never listened to! I would have never rediscovered my childhood passions and learned how to be myself. I would never have met some very important people in my life.
It almost never happened, but I was given a second chance.
I have so many feelings right now, some good, some bad. I am excited. I am anxious. I wonder if I can handle the challenge and I fear my bragging or arrogance. But the biggest feeling is my desire to go back in time and hold a version of myself that couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel and kept walking anyway.
Now we get to chase our dreams, and teach other people to hold on like you did.
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april-is · 1 year
April 4, 2023: I Know Someone, Mary Oliver
I Know Someone Mary Oliver
I know someone who kisses the way a flower opens, but more rapidly. Flowers are sweet. They have short, beatific lives. They offer much pleasure. There is nothing in the world that can be said against them. Sad, isn’t it, that all they can kiss is the air. Yes, yes! We are the lucky ones.
Today’s poem in...
2022: I’m Going Back to Minnesota Where Sadness Makes Sense, Danez Smith 2021: In the Morning, Before Anything Bad Happens, Molly Brodak 2020: Interesting Times, Mark Jarman 2019: The accident has occurred, Margaret Atwood 2018: Little snail, Anonymous 2017: Poem for My Son in the Car, Jennifer K. Sweeney 2016: Postcard to Baudelaire, Thomas Lux 2015: What The Dead Tell Us About Charon, Ferryman Of The Dead, Brett Ortler 2014: The Trees, Philip Larkin 2013: A Small, Soul-Colored Thing, Paisley Rekdal 2012: Last Supper, Charles Wright 2011: I Said to Poetry, Alice Walker 2010: Disgraceland, Mary Karr 2009: What To Say To A Bear, Ionna Warwick 2008: In The City of Light, Larry Levis 2007: the mockingbird, Charles Bukowski 2006: Part of Eve’s Discussion, Marie Howe 2005: I thank You God for most this amazing, e.e. cummings
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comfymon · 5 months
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my hobonichi for 2024
i'm jumping back into using a hobonichi as my planner for the year. the last time I used a hobonichi was the hobonichi a6 techo for 2020...you can imagine how that went.
when i traveled to japan in 2023, I was determined to visit the hobonichi store. i visited the one in kyoto (tobichi kyoto). it was a small store, and i was in there for a good 20 minutes trying to pick out a planner.
i ended picking the a6 day free. having the techo made me feel pressured to fill each day, so I wanted something that didn't feel as stressful to maintain.
so far, it has been fun and easygoing. i definitely enjoy not having the pressure, I can fill it out when I want.
i thought i would share how i decorated the front and back of my hobonichi!
some info on decorations:
can't go wrong with stickers from mini super sticker club :)
the blue color card is from a workshop I did with lucky risograph
my name in katakana
some stickers from tobichi kyoto
bts jin photocards lol, collected from a birthday event (the gaming one spoke to me on a personal level)
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