#. i am still a young justice main at heart but i will not get over this for at least a week. holy crap
un-pearable · 11 months
IKR i watched the movie and was also like "im not even a jason todd fan but now im really mad about his fanon. fuck"
MHM MHM MHM like i’m ALREADY incredibly annoying about it bc. well. comic collector. BUT NOW…… the combo punch of genuinely stunning animation and gut wrenching voice work and impeccable pacing is torturing me. in a good way but god i wish i could go back to not caring. i get it now. i get it now <- burdened with SO MANY EMOTIONS
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Hey remember that time I wrote a crossover oneshot for Young Justice TV and the og Teen Titans show? Yeah I forgot too
(it’s called It’s a Small World did i forget the title of my own oneshot pffft nooooo)
Anyway here’s the outtake with Kaldur
Word count: 1149
Garth turned to his friend, grinning widely. It had taken a week’s worth of pestering his companion to convince him to finally accompany him to the surface. He had unfortunately missed the main titans gathering - the party that stretched well past midnight - but had still agreed to visit in the days that followed. 
“Welcome to Titans tower!” Garth crowed, throwing out his hands as the doors to the common room slid open. 
There were still remnants of a party scattered around the room - the faint smell of chips and snacks clung to the air like leeches. The floor had yet to be rid of crumbs and juice stains - most of which was likely from the toddlers. There was a suspicious mark on the one-way window that could be anything from a handprint to slobber.
“Don’t mind the mess,” Garth smiled sheepishly, “The remaining Titans are meant to be pitching in the next few days to clean it all up. I promise, the base is usually… cleaner than this.”
“It is alright,” his Atlantean friend assured, “I am not adverse to the mess. In fact, it makes it… homely.”
“Well said, brother,” Garth grinned. They were not family by blood, but they had practically grown up under the same roof. “Come, now; I promised some of the Titans I’d introduce you!”
Robin yawned as he trudged into the common room. It had taken more than a few years to get to this point - where he allowed himself to let down his guard around his team, enough to start blending his Robin persona back into civilian clothing.
He still preferred wearing his Robin costume, an armour that had become like second skin. Currently, though, he was wearing a gag gift from Beast Boy - a red-and-yellow letter jacket that had been custom-made, replacing a school logo with his Robin symbol. “Titan” was written behind, with the number “01”.
It was stupid, and childish. He loved it.
A blur of yellow-red whizzed past him, and Robin held out his hand just in time for a cup of juice to be pressed into his palm. The blur went back and forth through the door behind them, sliding to a stop just as Robin stepped away and the door slid closed. 
“G’morning,” Kid Flash grinned, the cup of juice in his own hand already half-drained, “You look like you actually slept, for once. I’m surprised.”
“I know what sleep is, Kid,” Robin huffed, rolling his eyes under his mask, “It’s B who has trouble telling night from day. Serves him right for setting up his base in a cave.”
“Like your man-cave is much better,” Kid Flash snarked, and ducked under Robin’s half-hearted swing, “Dude, your room is literally a dump. Like, how do you even find anything in there?”
“I have my ways,” Robin grumbled. They ambled towards the kitchen area as the door behind them slid open once more.
“Kid Flash! Robin!” 
The two looked up to see Garth pacing cheerfully towards them. He stopped mid-pace, then turned and grabbed someone, dragging them out of the corridor. 
“There’s someone I want you guys to meet,” Garth grinned, hand still tugging his friend along by the arm. Robin assumed this was one of Garth’s Atlantean friends - he was wearing a turtleneck, a hoodie pulled low over his face.
“You didn’t mention you had some fishy friends,” Kid Flash teased. Robin resisted the urge to groan as he elbowed his long-time friend. 
“Ha-ha,” Garth deadpanned, “Very funny.” He turned back to his friend and said something in Atlantean. The person shrugged in response. 
“Alright,” Garth started, clearing his throat hesitantly. Robin tilted his head encouragingly, Kid Flash straightening from where he was leaning on the kitchen counter. 
“The reason I’ve never talked about this friend is because he’s been deep undercover for the last few years,” Garth stated quietly, “He was practically infiltrating the shark’s mouth, the right-hand man of the operation. He only finished his operation last month - with his help, Atlantis was able to bring into custody several of the higher-profile fugitives of Atlantis.”
Robin raised an eyebrow. “Your point?”
“Well,” Garth fumbled, “Look. My friend over here, he’s a great guy. I trust him with my life. I just wanted you to know that. Some of the Atlanteans, they… still don’t trust him. And I want to make it clear that I, as a Titan, trust him.”
Robin and Kid Flash exchanged stoic glances, before breaking into warm smiles. “We got it,” Robin assured, and addressed the still-hooded figure, “If Garth trusts you, then so do we.”
Robin moved forward then, as Garth stepped aside. “I’m Robin,” he said, offering his hand with a friendly smile, “Welcome to Titans tower.”
Garth’s friend clasped his arm in an Atlantean handshake, and Robin only had a moment to identify the man’s darker skin tone before a familiar voice had him freezing in place.
“Kaldur’ahm.” As he spoke, he flipped down his hoodie with his free hand. His smile was just on the side of smug, “It’s my honour to meet the leader of the Titans.”
Robin gawked, blinking dumbly at his old friend. When Kaldur made to pull away from the handshake, Robin snapped back to himself. He tightened his grip on his friend’s arm and pulled him forward, bringing his free arm up to trap the ex-Aqualad in a clumsy hug.
The sudden weight at their sides nearly unbalanced them, but Robin was too used to Kid Flash’s sudden appearances to truly be surprised. “Kaldur!” Wally babbled happily, “Kal, dude, what is up! It’s been fucking ages, you fishhead!”
“My apologies,” Kaldur chuckled fondly, “Indeed, it has been far too long. If I was able to, I would have come far earlier. As Garth said, it’s been scarcely a month since I’ve returned.”
“You’ve been free for a month and you still went and missed the party?” Wally whined, “Dude!”
“Lay off him, Kid,” Robin laughed, reluctantly releasing Kaldur from the hug. The three stepped away and grinned at each other for a moment, content to remain in the moment.
“It’s good to see you well, Kaldur,” Robin grinned, feeling the remnants of his younger, childish joy slipping through. 
“I feel the same.” Kaldur’s smile was smaller, but no less real. He glanced warmly between the two younger heroes, “It’s a shame that I’ve missed so much, but I’m all the more glad for how much both of you have grown, from when we last met.”
Behind them, a throat was cleared.
“Uhm,” Garth was blinking confusedly at their reunion, “I think I’m missing something?”
Kaldur smiled sheepishly, “Apologies, my brother. I befriended Robin and Kid Flash during my time spent on the surface.”
“During your time as Aqualad,” Garth realised, smacking his forehead, “Odin’s beard, I should’ve guessed! You knew who they were all along, didn’t you?”
Kaldur's answer was a smirk.
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Currently in a slump over GLTAS, I can’t stop watching it. It’s just perfection, I am blind to all flaws, of which there are none because it’s so good. The characters, gorgeous, including those added solely in the show (Razer, Aya). I’ve seen all too many shows where they try to add new characters to the universe by means of the show and it just doesn’t work. The character sticks out like a sore thumb and doesn’t quite mesh with the other characters. In GLTAS they’re integrated wonderfully. Razer seems like a beloved side character that was just never given the spotlight before (like Tomar-Re), and Aya is a loveable new character that actually brings something to the table. The first season is great with tons of twists and turns that actually add something to the story, unlike those stupid twists that can also happen where it’s predictable and/or completely out of left field.
I love Saintwalker’s little arc, it’s so good and he’s such a peaceful guy, and him helping against the Red Lanterns is a little predictable but it’s done in such a way that it’s satisfying. The whole bit where Razer teleports to Oa using his love for Aya destroyed me. I love their puppy love, budding relationship even though Razer is a complete idiot most of the time. I’d criticize Aya but she’s perfection, and also a robot who’s learning through experiences so I can’t really fault her for not understanding stuff because she’s asking and no one is giving her a straight answer.
Kiliwog is a gem, I’m not a fan of Hal, but I don’t think anyone is really is. He’s like a placeholder, textbook MC. My personal favourite Earthling lantern is John Stewart; probably because I grew up with him in JLTAS. Salaak and Tomar-Re are my favs and always will be and Razer and Aya have completely obliterated my brain in terms of love and the capacity of love. Like, the whole second season Razer is just trying to figure it all out, and trying his best to sort out his feelings and Aya is just being way too direct. I guess that’s the only criticism I can give about her, and even then I mean, it makes sense why she’s that way. But still he probably acted the way he did at times because she was being to straightforward and he wasn’t prepared with an answer because he hadn’t had time to think about it, which is obvious to the audience and despite this it’s still easy to dislike his actions because Aya is so wonderful.
The pacing is pretty steady despite it being a tad rushed in season 2, I believe because it was being cancelled (so sad R.I.P), and I wish the show had developed to the point of introducing the Indigo lanterns, and seeing more of Larfleeze, and seeing Sinestro become a yellow lantern, and seeing more of Razers journey. Because, ok, in Young Justice as happy as I am that there was a whole episode about Razer, it didn’t really add anything? Like yeah woohoo he’s a blue lantern, we already knew that was happening, yeah he’s still angry, no duh, he’s a living being, he has multiple emotions, yeah he’s a little bitch who wants to give up. That’s been his character since forever. Like it was a fun watch (more painful than fun it was so good to see him again my heart was hurting) but nothing much happened as far as him finding Aya, yk, the thing that becomes his big main goal. At the end he goes right back to it, probably because the writers didn’t want to do anything too drastic but still. Like progress, a rumour about her being somewhere? Anything? Just hope from a feeling, like okay whatever that’s pretty cool but a little unsatisfying to me.
Bless this show I hope it gets rebooted (as is started up again, not changed and destroyed like what happened to Teen Titans).
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Not a single book to be read...
I didn't read much this month. I started a few, read the Vanity Fair Hollywood issue, and a handful of Atlantic articles. But in the name of consistency, I wanted to do a monthly write-up.
Lover, Stalker, Killer got a lot of hype, and my initial reaction was positive as well.
The season finale of RHOP and part 1 of the reunion made the whole sleepy season worth it. Mia guaranteed her slot for next season (I hope) and solidified me as a fan! I just fear for the rest of the cast. This franchise was SO good! I'm sad to see litigious actions get in the way of what could be a good time. I can't even take a side because truly all parties are letting their pride get in the way of a lot of this series. I would like to explore the claims of colorism because at times I think the women -Candice and Wendy- take it too fair, and other times I think the others -Giselle, Robyn, Ashley- do get away with a lot that. But is that because of the color or their skin or because their better at being bitches? In fact, I would say Candice gets away with more bad behavior than anyone. Though, I do appreciate Candice bringing colorism up because whether I agree or disagree, it is an issue, and likely one she has to live through everyday. Who am I to minimize that? I think my concern is when it's used as a weapon against her cast. Don't get me wrong, I love the fighting. But there's a line where you eventually should want to empower each other, not sling insults.
I may have the harshest opinions about Lovely Bones. I remember the hype around that book and movie and it's been on my to-watch list for ages! I had such high hope with a young Saoirse Ronan, Stanley Tucci, Rachel Weisz, and crime drama with a touch of supernatural to boot! I also didn't hate that Mark Wahlberg was in it. He's a controversial guy, but I love a Boston accent. The moment stayed positive for 98% of this movie. And for those who have seen it (or read it; I'm not sure if the book follows the same ending), will hopefully understand how aggravating for our protagonist to steel a kiss rather than enact justice for herself and her family. I don't care that the villain got GOT eVeNtUaLlY. I guess I'll refrain from spoilers, but this ending was not it!
If you were a kid with cable between 1999 and 2010 and didn't watch Quiet on Set, what are you even doing? The best way I can describe this documentary is by steeling someone else's TikTok review unattributed: "These kids gave up their childhood, so we could have ours." My heart goes out to all children in show business. We see over and over again the damage it could cause, and we still can't seem to get it right.
I watched Schitt's Creek early on in the pandemic (as everyone seemed to do), but hadn't really rewatched it beyond memorable clips online. It was well worth the rewatch. In fact I would argue that the second go around was even better because there was no getting to know the characters. Honestly this show is so heartwarming and I envy the creators way of developing these characters. There growth over the 6 season is incredible. They never lose who they are at their core, but they become such lovable, fallible, people. We should all be so lucky.
Finally, Take Care of Maya was a fascinating watch. My main intrigue was the chronic disease the titular Maya suffered and that a ketamine comma in Mexico was the existing treatment. The ways in which our bodies can fail us is incredible -- how many times have I used "incredible" in this write-up? Note-to-self, expand my vocabulary. Of course the tragedy that this documentary reveals is a failure in yet another American system. In documentaries like this it makes me question if there will ever be a solution to these problems, though for my own mental health I try not to dwell on it outside of business hours (/s).
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ariasaxia · 1 year
Shikizakura: A Retrospective Love Letter to Tokusatsu Heroes
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Or: Shikizakura, from the eyes of a sleep-deprived tokusatsu nerd, writing up essays on his holiday at 4 AM. Slight spoilers ahead. Also available on Medium.
I feel like Japanese superheroes have undergone a little bit of an… “identity crisis” over the past decade or so. Gone are the days of a simple “justice vs evil” type of story, you know? Taking a recent example, Avataro Sentai Donbrothers—the currently airing Sentai at the time of writing—centers around a group of five people who are put in situations where they are basically forced to work together... and one of them is an actual murderer! Or a murderous person, at the very least (about what you’d expect with Toshiki Inoue at the helm), but I digress. Its Rider counterpart, Kamen Rider Geats, takes after its predecessor Ryuki and features individual selfish wishes as the heroes’ primary motivation to fight each other. Meanwhile, the adult-oriented reboot Kamen Rider BLACK SUN is confused as to whether to portray its heroes as the voices of an oppressed minority or forces of anarchist terrorism—both wildly opposite ends of the spectrum. 
In the midst of all that chaos, sometimes I find myself turning to tokusatsu-adjacent anime and manga to get my fix of heroics. Sure, the last couple of years have been really good for the genre! I completely adore The Hero and the Former General, one of my favorite manga of all time. Tsuburaya-Trigger’s Gridman and Dynazenon were also fantastic, and the anime adaptation of Kamen Rider W’s Fuuto Tantei by Studio Kai was no doubt made with love towards both the original 2009 series and the manga source material. Still, there’s just something that’s missing with those entries—it tries to be more than what it is, at times, and usually ends up being less. 
Enter Shikizakura, a criminally underrated, howling breath of heroic fresh air to both mediums. Calling it “fresh” air is a bit ironic, because at heart, Shikizakura is a celebration of traditional tokusatsu heroics that’s strangely scarce nowadays. It’s shameless with its cliches, and plays everything completely straight—yet that’s exactly what makes Shikizakura so special. It is, at its core, a heartfelt love letter to tokusatsu superheroes as a whole. 
Shikizakura tells about Miwa Kakeru, a high school boy who suffers from survivor’s guilt. He finds himself roped in a series of accidents similar to the events that robbed him of his life 8 years ago. Eventually, he stumbles upon a demon-powered Yoroi suit of armor, and uses it to fight against other demons that threaten the peace in his city.
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Geez, I would not survive for longer than 5 seconds in this story’s setting.
It’s the classic “using the power of evil to fight evil” trope of Kamen Rider, combined with the team-centric story structure of Super Sentai. And as I have said before, it’s not shy about being a combination of those two things. Rather, Shikizakura is completely earnest with honoring its roots, and it’s no better represented than by the main character. Kakeru is someone who’s passionate about protecting everyone to the best of his ability. Generic heroic speech, for sure, but it’s passionately repeated constantly through the show with such an intensity that I just can’t help but be moved by it. Being young means there’s no looking back! Being in love means there’s no need for hesitation! And most of all, being a hero means fighting for the sake of others.
But Shikizakura doesn’t need scenes of its characters fighting against evil monsters to preach about heroism. Oddly enough, Episode 4 is the highlight of the entire series for me. There’s zero action, save for some minor highlights that are only a couple of seconds long. The entire episode is a series of flashback sequences used to explore Kakeru’s struggles with becoming the hero that he has always dreamed of, portrayed in a comedic slice-of-life manner. If this was a regular Super Sentai series, these would be the premise of some “filler” episodes that we’d get over the summer. 
The second half of the episode then takes a swerving turn. Through more flashback sequences, we get to see the aftermath of the incident that scarred Kakeru for life. We see his attempt at coping with the loss, how even the sight of a full moon is enough to trigger his trauma. Through it all, his sole savior is his adoptive brother Kippei, who gradually made him climb out of his shell and get over his past. And it was at this moment that Kakeru’s fascination for heroes grew—because to him, Kippei was his hero.
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“Anyone can be a hero” is the core message of Shikizakura, and also most classic tokusatsu series, I think. Showa Kamen Riders tend to have a group of children usually helping the main character, alongside their aged mentors. I used to find it weird, at first. Why involve innocent kids in your fight against an international bio-terrorist organization at all? But the point is that it doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, you can still do good for people around you. Cheesy, sure—but there’s a beauty hidden somewhere behind that idealism that I just can’t help but resonate with.
Still, that’s not to say Shikizakura is without intrigue. There are times where the hero falls and justice doesn’t prevail. Each of the side characters also have their own compelling issues and struggles. Some were done better than others, admittedly, but everything unraveled in a way that felt natural. The character moments, be it the humans or the demons, is where Shikizakura also excels with its earnestness. Speaking of, what do monsters in hero media even represent, anyway? Some shows make it clear that they represent boundless greed or hell, even foreign politics. In Shikizakura, the underlying theme is that the demons they fight are born from our innate, primal desire for death, to be saved from the pain that is life—something that a good amount of people can probably relate with. Good food for thought.
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I mentioned how Shikizakura is a celebration of tokusatsu earlier, and it also shows no restraints in that aspect, even poking fun at it sometimes. Episode 4 lampshaded a trend where the heroes suffer a Heroic BSOD and give up fighting until an external force pushes them back into the fray. It’s really reminiscent of Gen Urobuchi’s Kamen Rider Gaim, whose main character went through this for a grand total of two times throughout the series. There’s a lot of fun easter eggs like this sprinkled in each episode. 
In the end, I think I should reiterate that I don’t mean “old good, new bad” with what I say. Obviously some innovation is needed for a franchise to survive, especially one that has been running for as long as Rider or Sentai. Hell, the innovation itself is why I’m in love with Heisei-Reiwa era Kamen Rider specifically. Each season is so different from the last, even if there are similar traits at a glance. 
It’s just, you know, sometimes there’s nothing wrong with going back and being straightforward. Shikizakura is a genuinely earnest, honest, and pure superhero story—and again, that’s just something I can’t help but love.
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egypttower01 · 2 years
Searching Obituary Records Can Be The Ultimate Way To Find People
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Q: After years of dreaming about starting my own business, I finally took the plunge just a little over a last year. To say the least, my dream quickly became a nightmare. The business didn't do nearly as well as I had hoped. I ran out of money within six months and had to secure a second mortgage on my house just to keep things going. I've now closed enterprise and am still having a pile of bills that likely put me in personal bankruptcy. Certain mean to remove it on you, but rather than telling people how great having ones own business is regularly you should also warn them that starting a industry is not easy which will be devastating when things go poorly. Like the will, writing your own obituary moves you a measure closer to accepting extremely mortality. That also is a part of the travel experience. After you have the camp obit done you can update it from in order to time to reflect your setting.
Of all of the generosity shown by funeral service professionals to make certain of crisis, one funeral home and their employees be noticeable amongst discussions .. John Scalia, his Son-In-Law Kevin Moran together with their families have donated many funeral services free . The first was a Postal worker who told his 21 & 25 time. old daughters to go on ahead while he shut on the circuit breaker in house. They never saw their Dad again as the 20 ft .. tidal wave swept him away. He was found days later in the marsh home. When these two young women climbed to Scalia's funeral home, both Kevin and John immediately took good everything and provided their Dad with a dignified funeral at complimentary. Some exercises to assist your life's purpose can really help. Start by getting relaxed, and giving yourself serious amounts of find resolutions in your heart and mind. Let your imagination go free, and check out the people you admire. May be repaired work do they do? Even though you not be able to become another Oprah, any scaled down version, getting a specific associated with population is more something which could make you happy, as well as provide a wonderful service.
Currently with the assistance of autopsies, scientists have discovered that there are structures called plaques and tangles that maybe the culprits resulting in the problems. These plaques and tangles were found in the very first autopsy that Dr. Alzheimer did in 1906, although he called them by different names. Write down all within the highlights of the life and concentration on other parts that experience gained probably the most success. The actual your strongest memories? How can you continue with that success or develop new successes in your? Brainstorm ideas of the things success notice yourself in the future. Appreciate the successes you now have had within. During the funeral, there are different purposes that every type of floral arrangement serves. For instance, a casket spray is an arrangement that lies in control of the casket whereas standing sprays are supposed to stand next to the casket. We are putting the cart in front of my horse but. We need to slow down, and learn the main cause of death before rushing to "explain, what we can't explain". It is often a tragedy to the American justice system persons continually blame somebody for that which each and every understand. Jump off of the doctors back, and let the facts of this case unfold first. What exactly is it of the will be revealed suddenly. Wait for them before rushing to judgement.
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batfamtv · 3 years
i work for her
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summary: batmom meets the justice league
bruce wayne x fem!reader
word count: 1508
"Shall I fetch you some tea?"
You smiled from where you sat, and turned your chair to face Alfred, "Yes please. I don't know why I'm so tired already, I'm normally up and about at this time.”
Alfred chuckled knowingly, “Well, being a full-time wife of the Batman will wear one too eventually.” He walked to you, taking a peek at the numerous monitors you turned back to look at. “And it’s not even midnight yet.”
At the sound of the stone wall sliding open and elevator descending, you turned around to look. Alfred did too, but immediately turned to face you, about to inform you that he will be leaving you for a while to make some tea, but--
“Wow! This is awesome!”
Alfred did a double-take. You raised your brows. Bruce wasn’t alone. He was with the other metahumans, smiling tiredly with his cowl in his hand. “Brought some friends.”
While the other metahumans inspected the batcave, your husband was quick to approach you, giving you a warm smile. You reached from your seat to take his cowl and place it on the table, and bring your hand back to his, squeezing it lightly. “Missed you.”
His smile brightened, squeezing your hand back.
Alfred reached beside you to grab Bruce’s cowl, mumbling about making sure there was no damage to it.
You noticed the young, elated kid who was observing the batcave with fascination. This must be Barry Allen. Diana you’ve already met, but the rest not yet--at least, not personally. You’ve only gotten to know who they were from the research you helped conduct.
Bruce called to the others, “Everyone, this is Alfred and Y/N. I work for them.”
Diana approached you and Alfred, patting the latter in acknowledgment. You shuffled to get out of the chair you had curled into, but Diana quickly stopped you before you could get up, “No, Y/N. Stay.” She smiled at you.
“Thanks, Di,” you smiled back gratefully and with a nod, Diana excused herself. Victor Stone was walking behind Diana, only giving you and Alfred a stiff nod.
“Oh,” Alfred shared a nervous glance at you before following Victor again with his eyes. You lightly shook your head in amusement.
Barry Allen looked very excited to meet you and Alfred, raising both of his hands to wave at you, one hand waving at Alfred enthusiastically, and the other extending to wave at you. “Hi, Batman’s bosses!” You opened your mouth to correct him, but he was already gone in a flash.
Finally, Arthur Curry passed by you and Alfred, “This is badass guys,” before giving you a thumbs-up and following after the others.
Alfred looked so surprised seeing these many people in the batcave again after all this time. You grinned at him when he gave you a look, clearly showing his surprise. “Well, I’ll put on the tea. I was going to get Mistress Wayne and me some.”
“Great,” Bruce glanced at his new teammates, almost feeling a little awkward to see a lot of people occupying his batcave.
“I don’t know where we’re gonna find the cups,” Alfred replied, shrugging.
“Ooh, remember that tea set I got from Bludhaven? Those were nice,” you suggested. Alfred nodded, thinking, “I do, but wasn’t those destroyed when the Dami--”
“I think there’s enough left,” you told Alfred, “I’ll help you look.”
Alfred brought his hands up, gesturing for you to stop. “Please, Mistress Wayne, I got this. You can do me the favor of resting to revitalize yourself.”
You waved him off, rolling your eyes teasingly. “I’m fine, I just need some of your tea, Alfred.” He nodded appreciatively and excused himself.
Beside you, Bruce turned to look at you, moving from holding your hand to lean down to plant a quick kiss on your temple. You smiled and held his face, planting a small kiss on his cheek. “Alfred’s right, you should be resting.”
“I will,” you nodded, reassuring him. “I’ll have some tea and take a quick nap.”
“We might be leaving not too long after.”
“Then, I’ll see you off.” You smiled, caressing his cheek with your thumb. Bruce leaned into your touch, before glancing at the team and back to you again. You chuckled at how Bruce Wayne, the Batman, was subtly trying to excuse himself to return to his team, albeit reluctantly, “Go, silly! I’ll be here.” He gave you another kiss and walked over to the others.
On the team’s downtime, waiting for Victor to fix the aircraft, Bruce was watching you sleep, finding comfort in your relaxed face. Diana walked over to Bruce, nudging him, “You should take her upstairs to rest.”
“I would, but I know she’ll get mad.”
“How is she?”
Bruce sighed, “She’s tired all the time. I told her she should just rest, but she insists on helping us.” He smiled at Y/N lovingly, then scowled, as if remembering something unpleasant.
Diana furrowed her eyebrows, “What is it?”
“Uh…” he glanced at her, unsure whether he should divulge. He hadn’t told this to anyone outside the family, “I had a dream, like, I don’t know, almost like a premonition. It was the end of the world, and Barry Allen was right here,” he gestured to the spot Y/N was occupying, “and he said to me ‘Lois Lane is the key.’” He made a face, glancing at Diana, almost looking for advice on what this dream meant.
Diana shrugged half-heartedly, “She is… to Superman. Every heart has one.” She smiled, almost bittersweet, remembering hers. Bruce glanced to Y/N again, almost ready to agree with Diana and drop the conversation.
Despite that, however, he continued, “I think it’s something more. Something darker.” Worry was etched across his face. He hoped Diana was right. He hoped he was wrong.
A while later, you woke up from your nap to see the team and Alfred walking to the elevator. “Is it time to go already?”
Bruce looked at you guiltily, you looked so comfortable all curled up in the chair, he didn’t want to wake you. “Yeah, time to go.” He and Alfred, along with the others are on the platform now, ready to ascend to the top of the waterfall.
With a sigh, you rolled your neck and removed the blanket you buried yourself into. Bruce smiled when you waddle towards him.
Victor, Arthur, and Barry all shared the exact same looks, gawking at you and your pregnant belly. With one hand resting on top of your belly, you laughed at their shocked faces as the platform ascended.
“Wait, what? You’re very pregnant!” Barry exclaimed.
“I am!” You nodded excitedly, “I’m not due anytime soon, though. I’m just big.”
“Don’t you...I don’t know...Shouldn’t you file for maternity leave? You should be resting!” Barry replied, glancing at you and your tummy worriedly. With that, Alfred and Bruce both looked at you with the expression, “See? That’s what we’ve been trying to tell you.”
“Well, the Batman never rests…” you glance at your husband, “and neither does his wife.”
“Wife?” Barry was even more shocked. “I can’t believe Batman is married!” He glanced at Bruce before turning back to you, “Can I touch your belly?” Barry asked, looking like he was going to vibrate with excitement. You nodded, laughing lightly, “Sure, but the baby is sleeping, so no kicks.”
The platform ascended to the very top, the aircraft on top of you. You stared at it in disbelief, Bruce had tried for the longest time to fix it, and now it was here, fully operational. You turned to your husband, “You fixed it?”
Bruce shook his head, tilting his head to Victor. You turned to Victor, “You fixed it! Thank you!”
Victor nodded, “It wanted to fly. Flight is its nature.” Bruce nodded at him, grateful, “Yours too.”
Barry was still talking excitedly to your tummy, finally saying goodbye to the baby. He looked up at you and smiled, “Thank you!”
“Take care, Barry,” you smiled at him. Arthur turned to you, giving you a shaka sign before joining Barry to the aircraft.
Bruce turned to look at you and Alfred. You smiled at him, handing him his cowl. He took it gratefully, before turning to Alfred, “He’ll be here, Alfred. I know it.”
“What makes you so sure?” Alfred asked.
“Faith, Alfred. Faith.” Bruce smiled, looking back to you. “I’ll see you later, Y/N.”
“Will you be here by breakfast?” You asked him jokingly. He grinned and with a light shrug, replied, “Hopefully.”
You laughed, blowing him a kiss as the ramp closed in front of him.
Descending to the Batcave, you were met with an annoyed look on your son’s face, in his suit, wielding a katana. “They already left? I was supposed to come, Ummi!” He huffed, not mad at you but at his dad for leaving him behind.
You leaned down to kiss Damian’s temple, arm around him to guide him to the main house, “It’s a school night, sweetie. Maybe another time.”
a/n: I had a dream about batfleck and now simp mode is on overdrive
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kyojurouwu · 3 years
lee suho boyfriend headcanons.
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listen to love so fine by cha eunwoo.
˗ˋˏ author’s note ˎˊ˗
i shall ignore kdrama suho and it’s all about webtoon suho. it’s finally time for me to (hopefully) do him some justice when tb writers decided to make him...like that. i tried to focus on different things from seojun. hope you will enjoy it. feel free to talk to me about any headcanons! 
suho is all about nagging you about your health and studying, making it seem like he is harsh and blunt, but his eyes always soften after. sometimes he pushes too hard and it can hurt, but he realizes his mistakes early on and learns from them. he doesn’t make them twice, ever. 
since he is used to being alone, he still gets little spooked by incoming messages and calls. it always makes his heart melt when you call him just to tell him you wanted to hear his voice and that you are bringing some snacks while he studies. 
at first, he is little unsure about texting, is he bothering you? does this sound too bland? should he add some emojis? but he never uses them, so will you be creeped out? he is the king of overthinking for no reason. 
looks up so many date ideas and creates folders on his pc for them. and he learned the hard way about asking people on the internet for advice. 
suho does the whole gentleman shebang - opening doors, pulling out chairs, walking on the side closer to cars,... people look at him with heart eyes wherever you two are because he is so prince-like, but he is focused on you and ignores it. 
but suho is not all prim and proper, he knows how to tease once he is comfortable (and to ever date someone he has to be). 
since webtoon suho is taking cooking classes, imagine this. suho teaching you how to cook, him being all focused and explaining in simple terms and looking out for you so you don’t cut yourself, while you get dazed by the visuals and his calming voice. before you know he is looking at you and asking if you are listening (even though he already knows the real answer). “once more than, but i won’t repeat it again.” he says and steps behind you showing you how to safely cut the onion. (he knows it’s sort of a low blow, but he can’t help himself)
asking suho for pads or tampons is such a funny thing. he has a poker face throughout but inside his mind, there are sirens and alarms blaring. he agrees right away and listens tentatively for what to buy and comes back with the crazy amount and pink cheeks because the ladies in the there cooed at him and gave him tips (more than he bargained for). he has a hard time meeting your eyes for a few minutes. 
suho does a lot of things with a poker face but internally screaming. he had a whole plan for meeting your parents, but then your parents just decided to show up without calling you and he was severely underprepared with your pink frilly apron on and his bangs up because they’ve gotten too long. you had to jump in and save him, but he still has nightmares about it. 
suho enjoys all domestic vibes he can. since he didn’t get to enjoy them while he was young, he wants to have a fill of it now. if you sleep over he likes to braid your hair and play with it while you are watching movies together, bonus points if it puts you to sleep he melts inside and just carries you to bed and looks at you for a while, pushing the little hairs out of your face. (definitely teases you for drooling on his pillow in the morning, because he can be cute AND savage, it’s a package deal.)
your favorite thing is when suho gets so serious talking about ghosts or aliens and horoscopes. he throws scientific studies and numbers like it’s nothing and moves so animatedly. you zone out halfway through but keep on smiling at him like an idiot because he is just such a dorky nerd. (just for the fun of it sometimes you send him his daily horoscope and when it comes true suho gets huffy lol.)
he is big on forehead kisses and hair kisses. arm over your shoulder and soft smooch into your hair. doesn’t get embarrassed by pda (but he has limits - holding hands, pecks, hugs,... but no make-out sessions outside.) he is a private kinda guy. 
somehow he always knows what you need and has it prepared. be it notebooks, pens, sweets. he definitely stocks up on sweets for you but he doesn’t let you overeat ever. his main priority is your health. 
even though i say he is a softie for his lover, he doesn’t bend rules for his lover often. the sweets things is one of them. but he still changes throughout the relationship, before he was a lot harder on himself, but thanks to his significant other he learns to stop being his own worst enemy, he starts enjoying being more spontaneous and let loose.  
suho doesn’t date without thinking about the future. he wouldn’t waste time with someone he couldn’t see having a future. not that i’m saying he is thinking about marriage but … yes i am. this ties to the domesticity, when he feels like these everyday things feel so good and fun he can’t help it but feel fuzzy inside. he wants to be the best for you, he would never let himself become like his father. 
also imagine reading sessions. sitting on a couch, your legs over his lap and his hand resting on your knee, while you sneak peeks over your own book. this often leads to cuddle sessions where you talk about the books you read and fall asleep in each other’s arms. being lazy and letting time fly. 
living with him would be a dream because he never skips on doing chores but also always makes sure you don’t forget them either. (sometimes you wish he won’t remember to tell you, but he does EVERYTIME without fail. but there are times where you just don’t have the time and he does your half of chores as well without telling you, after you come back and panic about chores, he just pats your head and tells you not to worry about it.) 
i feel like since he has quite a bit of time, he would maybe consider having a pet (if you ask he can’t say no honestly). i think he would start off tame, with maybe a hamster and he would read up all about taking care of it. and seeing him playing with the hamster is truly a highlight, he even lectures it if it bites him or you (when he thinks you can’t hear him that’s it.)
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mrsalwayswrite · 3 years
Rage Like Ice (Sihtric x Reader)
This is my first time writing Sihtric, so let me know what y’all think!
Warnings: assault, attempted strangulation, aftermath of assault (I promise the assault itself is only brief)
Tag List: @happyveday​ @evelynshelby​
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  Thyra dabbed away the blood dripping from your split lip. You could see her wanting to say something but soon as she opened her mouth, something would flicker in her eyes and she would snap her mouth shut. 
 "Thyra… I am glad it was me. We don't need Beocca committing murder." You tried to both tease and soothe, even as you winced after you attempted to smile. 
 She smiled faintly but you could tell it was hollow. Her lips moved but her eyes remained sorrowful. "The gods were watching over us." She murmured in her gentle voice. 
 You nodded. Being the only two Dane women in Wintanceaster and both having been saved from different places by Uhtred and his men, you two had bonded. She had become the sister you never had. 
 "Sihtric may kill him though." Her fathomless eyes dropped down to the bruises forming around your throat then back up to meet your own. 
 "Shite. I need to cover it up."
 She stared, eyes trailing over your face and neck. Most likely realizing the improbability of hiding the evidence of the fight. "Let me see what I can do." She dropped the bloodied cloth onto the table next to you, then spun on her heel and walked towards the bedroom without another word. 
 Soon as she was out of sight, you dropped your head into your hands and exhaled like it would dismiss all the tension and frustration rolling around in your gut. Your throat was beginning to ache and talking made it worse, even as you tried to mask the pain. You did not need Thyra heaping anymore guilt onto herself. Especially when it was not her fault. 
 The afternoon had not gone according to plan. King Alfred had summoned Uhtred, Finan and Sihtric to talk about Dane raids. Of course, Beocca tagged along, most likely in an attempt to keep Uhtred in line. Osferth had said something about visiting the church to pray. So while the men were gone, Thyra and you planned on taking a leisurely stroll through the market, getting supplies for a special dinner and working on it together before the men returned. You knew the simple act of making a meal with female company was something she missed from her childhood with her mother, so you tried to do it every time you could. 
 Of course, fate had other plans. 
 On your walk, a Saxon man yelled 'Dane whores' at you two from his seat at a pub. When you two ignored him, arms locked together and you rolled your eyes… apparently that was the wrong action to take. He stumbled out of his seat, not quite drunk but certainly not sober, and followed like a stray cat, hissing and trying to be threatening. 
 What you did not expect was for him to sneak up from behind and shove you forcefully to the ground. It may have been the dismissive look you had given him or how you told him to 'just leave us alone, bastard', but he focused all his anger out on you. He shoved Thyra to the ground also, kicking away her basket, spilling all its content onto the ground. After hitting the ground, you rolled over, Sihtric's training forcing your body to move, to be ready. Before you could move further, the Saxon knelt over you, pinning you beneath him.
 Time blurred before your eyes, unable to vividly recall what happened next.  
 You remembered his hands around your throat, the weight of his body on your hips. You remembered Thyra screaming and trying to beat him off but he shoved her away again. You remembered trying to get him off, lungs shrieking, desperate for air. You remembered your mind demanding, pleading for escape. After all you had survived, after all you had endured… this could not be your end. You remembered in a last-ditch effort, grabbing the dagger you had strapped to your waist and in a Herculean attempt, stabbing him in the thigh with it. 
 Then, you escaped. 
 A crowd formed at the sight of the fight. Two men grabbed your attacker, restraining him as he snarled at you, blood dripping down his thigh. Thyra and you did not wait to see what happened next. She snagged your hand and you two raced back to her home. 
 Now, you could feel your hands shaking. You leaned back in the chair to look at them, laying in your lap. There were some droplets of blood on your skin. Either from you or him, you were not sure. 
 Your dagger was next to you on the table, cleaned off thanks to Thyra. A gift from Sihtric. When he gave it to you, he explained he hoped you never had to use it but wanted you to always have some kind of weapon on your person. Wessex was not Daneland but it still was not entirely safe. 
 This was the first time you had used it. 
 A commotion outside drew your gaze to the door just as it opened and those that you called family spilled in. Beocca led the way into his small home, grumbling and throwing glares at Uhtred and Finan, who were laughing. Osferth came next with a blush on his cheeks. Whatever they were teasing Beocca about, you doubted it was appropriate. Lastly, Sihtric walked in shaking his head. 
 Your heart thudded a rapid tattoo in your chest as your eyes met his. Those eyes that saw so much, that were clever and loyal and oh so trustworthy. A small smile lifted the corner of his mouth and with that, the air left your lungs faster than when you had been knocked to the ground. Even after all this time, he still left you breathless and giddy like a young girl with her first crush. 
 Most of all though, he made you feel safe and cherished. 
 Thyra stepped back into the main room, eyes wary and jumping from the men to you and back. She gripped a scarf in her hand but it was too late. 
 When Beocca started talking, you ripped your eyes from Sihtric, dropping your head to stare at your still trembling hands in your lap. 
 "Thyra, dear. Are you alright? We heard there was a fight in the market today."
 Before she could answer Beocca, Finan spoke, throwing himself onto a chair with a cheeky smirk. "Oh aye, we 'eard some fool started a fight with some whores and got stabbed. I'd love to find out who the whores were, perhaps see what other moves they have?" He wiggled his eyebrows making Uhtred chuckle. 
 You could not help sneaking a glance at Thyra, whose own concerned gaze met yours. Was that the story being told by those who witnessed it? 
 Then what you dreaded happened next.
 The sound of footfalls came towards you. You clasped your hands in my lap, hoping to stop the trembling, wishing there was a way to magic the bruises away. It was too late though. He knew. Somehow, he always knew when you were in trouble, or hurting or just needed him. 
 Sihtric stopped, standing right in front of you. You could see his legs and boots but you refused to look up. 
 "Look at me." He said softly, yet the command rang loudly in his words. You shook your head, tears gathering in your eyes. 
 With a tender touch that seemed counterintuitive to his warrior skills, he cupped your chin, lifting it gently. That intense gaze swept over your face, drawing answers without even asking you a question. His thumb touched your split lip, as if confirming what he was seeing was not an illusion. When those dark eyes moved lower, your breath caught in your throat. You witnessed the moment he saw the bruises on your throat. His eyes narrowed, jaw clenched, his body suddenly tense and wound up like a coil, but his touch remained soft on you.
 All the sounds of those around you vanished as he met your eyes once again. It was just him and you in this moment. 
 "Who did this to you?" 
 You flinched at the ice in his voice. Oh, this was far worse than anger. You knew of the anger that could burn through him, especially in battle. This though… the way frost practically coated his breath, the stillness that covered his body, the dead silence after his question. This was not the fire of anger so easily witnessed in others. No, this went beyond that. This was the icy depths of rage and fury. This was not something that would burn out after a quick fight. No, this lingered until the rage thawed away… only satisfied when the blood debt was paid. 
 He whispered your name, sweeping away a stray tear that escaped from your eye. "Who did this?"
 "Some drunk. It doesn't matter. We got away." You croaked out, your throat suddenly feeling swollen as if words and emotions were stuck there.
 He turned to the side, keeping his hand under your chin, baring your neck for all to see, and looked at Uhtred. "Lord… permission to hunt down this bastard and finish what he started."
 "Sihtric, no…" You whined but he ignored you. 
 Uhtred's eyes narrowed, flickering across your face and neck. "Shouldn't be that hard to hunt the bastard down. He'll be limping from a dagger to the leg."
 "Uhtred, Sihtric, no." Beocca moved to stand in front of the door. "We shall bring this matter before the king. Let him decide justice. You cannot commit murder."
 "It's not murder if I'm stopping him from attempting to kill her again!" Sihtric stated coldly, eyes narrowed, body almost vibrating in rage. "That's protection."
 "Sihtric, please, no." You clawed at him, trying to keep him with you. "Stay with me."
 Finan stood up, hands raised in an unnecessary show of surrender. "We'll find the bastard, Sihtric. We'll deal with him but not when ya eyes are seein' red, aye? Father Beocca and I can go to the king right now. Uhtred and Osferth can find that piece of shite. We won't let this happen again."
 "Please." You tried once again. At this point your voice was no more than a whisper, the dull ache transforming so it felt like someone was rubbing sandpaper against your throat. The adrenaline from earlier had drained and now exhaustion replaced it. All you wanted was for Sihtric to hold you, to stay and not race away on a man hunt for that damn drunk. "Please…. just stay with me."
 The Dane stared at you for several long moments, those dark eyes trailing a heat over your exposed skin. Finally, his hard gaze shifted to look at the men across the room. He gave a single nod, draining the tension in the room. Immediately everyone started moving, either to fulfill their duties or to escape from Sihtric's cold fury. 
 "Thyra, come with me." Beocca said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and escorting her outside. Finan and Osferth slipped out quickly with them. 
 Uhtred moved closer, eyes scanning over you. "Did he harm you anywhere else?"
 "No, lord."
 "We'll take care of this. One way or another." He said, but the last part he directed to Sihtric. You could see the understanding in Uhtred's eyes. If someone put their hands on Gisela like that, he would be out for blood…. and no one would be able to stop him. 
 "Thank you, lord." 
 After Sihtric's comment, Uhtred nodded once more to the pair of you then stormed out of the small home, presumably on his way to hunt down the man that hurt you. 
 Once alone, Sihtric whipped around, his hands cupped your face. The desperate fury and fear no longer hidden away on his face. "No one touches you. No one." He hissed out, a hand lightly trailing down your neck. 
 Many times before he had teasingly told you that the only thing to ever adorn your neck should be his lips. You had even stopped wearing any form of necklace because he would complain that it got in his way. Now seeing the bruises marring his favorite place to lavish his affection on you, you knew this only fueled his blood lust. 
 "I know. You taught me to protect myself and I did." You tried to soothe, your hands gripping the front of his tunic.  
 "I should have been there."
 "No, you were doing your duty. You were with Lord Uhtred." You paused. "This is not your fault."
 His voice dropped to a strained whisper. "I can't lose you."
 "You won't. The gods brought us together, they would not tear us apart like this."
 He pulled you against him, wrapping his arms around you and kissed the top of your head. With your head against his chest, you could feel the last of his icy rage thawed away as you sank into his embrace. 
 "I swear you're never leaving my side."
 You smiled, burrowing your head further against his chest. "I could think of worse places to be."
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hunxi-after-hours · 3 years
lol I am so glad someone else shares my salt about how much ZZS’s character got fucked over in the last few eps. and honestly a lot of what happened was OOC for WKX too, like you said their whole relationship is build on mutual trust and openness and then their whole ending is based on a series of pointless lies to each other??? why????
sdlfksjdlfkj I don’t want to like, bring negativity into what was a very joyous text for the first thirty-some episodes, but actually I am So Mad about what the final six episodes do to Zhou Zishu
throwing everything else below a cut, beware of SHL spoilers
so! so. let’s go back to episode fucking one of this show. we meet Zhou Zishu. he is a ball of angst wrapped up in the skin of a deadly assassin armored in the black cloak of a powerful commander of the prince of Jin’s secret police or whatever. the first thing he does is kill a good man. the next thing he does is pressure a young woman into drinking poison. the third thing he does is execute one of his loyal subordinates in a manner that may be mutually consensual but still horrific to witness.
so we’re like. oh shit. who is this dude. are we...supposed to like him? and then. and then Zhou Zishu walks into the imperial court and goes to his knees before his prince and his liege and asks to be relieved from service. no, he doesn’t ask--he forces the decision, because he has already taken the act of justice upon himself, and has been inflicting unspeakable pain and punishment on his body for, oh, the past fifteen months
and we go oh. Oh? because suddenly this person who seemed like a cold-blooded killer when we first met him is showing grief, and vulnerability, and guilt, and doubt. we find out that Zhou Zishu has done all of these horrible things in the name of loyalty, in the name of service, but even then, his conscience still speaks out too strongly against the supposedly noble project that he has taken uncountable lives for. so he takes, in his eyes, the only way out--he gifts himself a long and painful death. he carves the beginning of a slow torment into his bones. he goes to live out his last years in a haze of misery and alcohol.
that is where we start.
this is the first element of plot and characterization we’re introduced to--Zhou Zishu is the main character, and his emotional journey from resigned-to-impending-death to actually-I-want-to-live-because-now-I-have-people-I-would-live-for is one of the most powerfully moving parts of the entire show. look, I love Wen Kexing and his complex revenge plots and impeccable sense of style and flair for the dramatic and his quiet moments of vulnerability and care, but Zhou Zishu is the heart of the story, and I will die on this hill
so much of 《山河令》 is about two men who were ready to die for their crimes finding out that there are still things in the world they would live for. it is a story about the nature of forgiveness, especially self-forgiveness; it is about reaffirming the belief that, despite all the evil and darkness and despair in the world, life is beautiful and wonderful and still worth living
and up to episode 30 or so, Zhou Zishu’s journey is so goddamn compelling--he grudgingly gets drawn back into jianghu affairs. he is dragged--kicking and grumbling and rolling his eyes--into caring about other people, and letting other people care about him. he is talked back into wanting to live again. 
(he goes home)
Zhou Zishu is making strides on this journey of healing and self-acceptance and even the tentative beginnings of hope and joy, when his past comes back for him with knives and blood and teeth
and this? this was masterful. I loved the drama of Zhou Zishu walking out from the gates of his manor. his refusal to be cowed despite his capture. the knowing and willing sacrifice he makes to protect his newly-found loved ones. and his commitment to surviving, to doggedly hanging on long enough for Wen Kexing to ride in with the rescue. Zhou Zishu walks into imprisonment and certain torture with his head held high, knowing that he might not come out of this alive but his heart at ease because this is a sacrifice he is choosing to make, to defend and protect those he cares about
this is a sacrifice with meaning.
okay. jump forward to the end of episode 32, after Wen Kexing has swan dived off a goddamn cliff and Zhou Zishu jumped after him. I’m not going to get into my salt about Ye Baiyi right now (but trust me, I have it), but after Zhou Zishu wakes up again to find that Wen Kexing is still dead and everything still bitterly wrong, he returns to the cliff and goes nuclear. he writes a time limit into his body and, in a grief-fueled rage, makes the decision to avenge Wen Kexing with what little time he has left
and of course Wen Kexing isn’t dead; of course this was all an elaborate deception, and good for Wen Kexing--he gets very public closure! he gets to destroy Zhao Jing and chew out the rest of the jianghu for being hypocritical assholes! everyone is happy and drinking wine over dinner together!
except where does that fucking put Zhou Zishu, huh??? where does that put Zhou Zishu’s greatest sacrifice thus far??? it renders his actions utterly meaningless; it means he has hastened his death to no end
this rankles especially because remember? Zhou Zishu has only recently regained the will to live. and now he’s shortened his lifespan again for literally no reason
he’s quiet and upset at that celebratory dinner but he keeps it in; he doesn’t want to ruin the good mood--Wen Kexing seems genuinely happy for once--and then there is the wedding. There are so many good things happening for the people he loves, he doesn’t want to rain on their parade with, y’know, his impending death, which again, he accelerated for no goddamn reason because he wasn’t let in on Wen Kexing’s schemes
(look I don’t mind that Zhou Zishu was left out of the loop for whatever reasons you’d like, in-universe or dramatic--all I ask is that you deal with the emotional fall-out of that deception. so much of the relationship negotiation between Zhou Zishu and Wen Kexing revolves around trust and understanding; Zhou Zishu takes the first leap and trusts Wen Kexing with his true identity. Wen Kexing agonizes over his identity and backstory, and when it comes out in the messiest, ugliest way possible, Zhou Zishu is there for him)
anyway I’m like, okay with all of this convoluted plotting? as long as they address the fall-out of Zhou Zishu’s invisible sacrifices. but do they? nope. I mean, to be fair, a lot of shit goes down very suddenly (when I said that if there was a wedding it was going to be crashed because of genre logic I meant it as a JOKE--), so there are extenuating circumstances, I get it, but Zhou Zishu decides to take his remaining days and go do something noble. which is. idk how I feel about it thematically but whatever--the important thing is that he makes this choice
Zhou Zishu doesn’t really have many choices in his life, so I am very invested in the fact that he chooses to give up his life to do the right thing. it’s! his! choice! fucking! respect that! my dudes!
and then ??????? stuff happens, he and Wen Kexing are locked in an ice library, they do an experimental medical cultivational procedure (wow doesn’t that sound familiar) and we get the reveal when they’re halfway through and can’t stop that Wen Kexing knows that this procedure will kill him in the process of granting Zhou Zishu immortality and I’m--
what???? literally what???? the fuck???? Wen Kexing??? why??? would you do that???
Wen Kexing acknowledges that he is taking the selfish, cowardly way out--he would rather die bringing Zhou Zishu back to life than live without Zhou Zishu. and I’m like. sure. thanks. you acknowledged that. you went ahead and did it anyway. you didn’t just consign Zhou Zishu to living with the guilt of your life on his hands, you consigned him to an eternity of it
Wen?? Kexing???? a literal murder-suicide would have been kinder?????
whatever. whatever. the extra episode is like, a sloppy fix-it in the sense that it kind of handwaves everything and goes “they’re immortal and magic and living happily on an ice mountain together!” and that is literally the exact same move that the Harry Potter series pulls with its “nineteen years later all was well” and the Hunger Games film trilogy with “sunlit Katniss with a baby” and I’m like, thanks, you didn’t resolve shit, but they’re alive and bantering and fighting in front of this poor kid who just came here for some instruction and I’m just like--
where is the knock-down drag-out fight about the repercussions of their actions!!!! where is the yelling and the betrayal and the heightened emotions!!! where is Wen Kexing yelling “I couldn’t stand to lose you” and Zhou Zishu shouting back “do you think I could stand to lose you either????” where are these two disasters negotiating the absolute mess of the last four episodes??? where is it???
sdlfkjsk tl;dr they did Zhou Zishu dirty and I’m salty about it
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zaedniara · 2 years
I Am Dragon Review
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Rating: ★★★★★★★★  8/10 My Review: I give this the special diamond in the rough tag. It's not very often I find a movie or a show that really blows me away, but that's exactly what this movie did. I really enjoyed this movie a lot. There were so many aspects that were refreshing to see, and also rather rare to see. A few things for myself, the movie has been re-released with English voice acting, but the voices don't do the original story justice. So, for a reminder to my future self, please watch the 2015 version with subtitles. The visuals in this movie are very beautiful and the story feels unique to me, like something I haven't seen often. I enjoyed the romance a great deal between the two main characters because it wasn't raunchy or rushed, but rather it was slow and helped me develop a great deal of respect for their relationship. I'm also extremely happy with the male cast, they were all very attractive. Too often in movies or shows females are top quality, but the males standards are below sea level. The level of scenes dedicated to showing the male in less than covering clothing felt on equal par to the female, and further more it made scenes like her bathing or when she draped her exposed legs over the dragon's neck not seem degrading to her. It felt intimate and sexual in a way that I rarely see. As a female viewer I didn't cringe at the action or exposure, but just smiled feeling like it was really romantic and showed another piece of their relationship together. However, even with a high rating, there were still things that weren't great. The CGI was outstanding quality, but it did have certain parts that were a little awkward to watch, such as when Armand was making the flower petals fly. The female had certain scenes that...made her look way too young and she also was very skinny, as in a certain shot you can see her spine jetting out of her back which was gross to see. The female also feels a bit too brash to me, like she was in danger but at times it was hard to even feel that because she was rolling up her sleeves and throwing the punches no matter what came her way. Not to say that I don't enjoy a strong female, but I like a balance of realism in her actions too. Then there was the story part, where things felt...as though they were wrapped up a little fast. Like when the Armand suspected Miro and sent her off...it was interesting what he pieced together, but there was no lead up outside of that so it felt forced, like a way to just get her to leave. Then the ending when Miro declared she loved the dragon, it left a lot to be desired because we really didn't experience any suffering she felt of losing her love, it was just stated it in word format. Same thing with her father accepting his daughter following her heart, it felt like a wrap up, since he showed the opposite type of personality when she was complaining in the first opening scenes. And then, too, why on earth would he be accepting of his daughter going back with the dragon when this creature to his knowledge murdered countless virgin brides prior and tormented their people. It just could have been done much better, but I'm still okay with it because the movie did a good job having me care for the characters and I really like, and feel like they both deserved a happy ending. So, I'm a bit biased. What I'd love to see however, is squeal to this movie where we follow the story of their daughter who is half dragon and human. But, I am rambling now, so I will end this here and say that despite those loopholes, I still really really liked this movie a lot. 
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criminalmutantsins · 3 years
Top 10 Favorite Young Justice Characters
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10. Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle
Starting off the list is Blue Beetle. Young Justice introduced me to him, and I was hooked. He’s probably the most mellow and calming voice. His arc and relationship with Bart (friendship or not) were my favorite aspects of S2. They bounced off each other in every scene. I was very disappointed when Jaime and Bart were sidelined so much, and hope S4 changes this (particularly with Bart).
Jaime in the number 10 spot since he doesn’t really have much of a memorable personality. Still love him to bits though.
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        9. Will Harper/Red Arrow
Funny enough, I did not like Will. He was an asshole in S1; S2 kind of changed my mind about him but not enough since he didn’t appear as much. What really changed my mind was the episode “Private Security” (S3 Ep.4). I started looking back into Will’s storylines and, I have to admit, his is probably one of the best character development.
The first season had him unwillingly living a lie and betraying the people he cared for. In season 2 he was so consumed into finding the original Roy for five years, not even caring or focusing about his own life. I felt really bad for Will because he was probably going through an identity crisis and thought he couldn’t live his life without finding Arsenal. Probably felt guilty.
Seeing him living his own life and being happy with his daughter was so heartwarming. I smiled every time Will appeared in the latest season (totally ignoring the Will x Artemis fiasco), especially with Lian. I’m very proud of him.
I feel bad for putting him so low, yet I adore the next characters more.
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 8. Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
I have been a massive Beast Boy fan since Teen Titans so you probably can imagine how excited to see him. His origin story was unique and his brother-sister bond with M’gann was very sweet. It was pretty weird seeing how much younger Gar was than Dick, but I got used to it. I was bummed that Gar wasn’t in S2 as much; however, S3 truly made up for it. 
After watching Beast Boy being a great leader in S5 of Teen Titans, I wanted a leader-like and more mature version of him. Young Justice truly delivered with Gar being the leader of the Outsiders. It’s nice to see him treated with respect rather than as a joke because that was my biggest gripe with Teen Titans. Though it was weird seeing him not crack a joke at all.
Gar’s story with his mom was heartbreaking to see. I literally cried seeing his reaction to revisiting his trauma in S2 and S3; I just wanted to hug and tell him how awesome he is. My only complaint with Gar in S3 was that the Outsiders weren’t established until near the end of the season.
His voice actor being Greg Cipes also gives him extra points (He’s a chill guy and radiates BB energy).
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 7. Dick Grayson/Nightwing/ Robin I 
Sorry to all the hardcore Nightwing fans.
I love Dick (don’t get any ideas), but he doesn’t get enough development in the spotlight. One of the things I really wanted to see from him is his growth as a main leader, and his journey to becoming Nightwing. I was really bummed when these happened between the first two seasons.
To be honest, I don’t have as much to say about him other than straightforward qualities I enjoy about him.
1.His Voice (it’s so soothing)
2.His Personality (very charismatic)
3.Very Handsome (Probably in the top 3 my most handsome YJ Men list)
I put him higher than the others since he made a lot of contribution to the story and his new words (gotta love that aster!)
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6. Megan Morse/M’gann M’orzz/Miss Martian 
If I made this list during S1, M’gann would have probably been in my top 3 (maybe even No. 1), but S2 didn’t give her any brownie points.
I really liked S1 Miss Martian because of her kind heart, awkward girl next door personality. Her trouble fitting in the beginning reminded me of when I was going through a time in high school; seeing her having trouble as well helped me feel not so lonely. M’gann powers were (still are) my favorite since I am a big fan of mind-like powers. I would feel so powerful. Watching her identity crisis(?) arc was great too. I’ve had trouble feeling comfortable in my own skin as well as my social anxiety (I’m a mess) and I could understand how scared Megan was of her friends’ thoughts on her true form. 
Oh boy. Season 2 basically ruined her. Learning what she would do to enemies was terrifying to see and left me wondering what happened to Miss Martian that made her step this far. What she almost did to Superboy was almost unforgivable. You do not try to manipulate with your boyfriend’s mind when you guys have an argument! Shame on you M’gann. If Superboy hadn’t forgiven you then I wouldn’t have either.
Good thing S3 somewhat redeemed her. Her kind heart was noticeable again and she refused to do that mind trick again (thank god). Very excited for the Superboy and Miss Martian wedding! Please creators, I beg of you to not skip over it. I want to cry my eyes out in happiness!
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 5. Kaldur’ahm/Aquaman/Aqualad 
Now we’re in the top 5 with Aqualad (*ahem* Aquaman) starting it off.
Creating Kaldur was the best decision the creators ever did. I love him with all my heart!
He added diversity to the original team and was a great leader. S1 was not his breakout season, though the second season definitely was.
Kladur played the villain so well that he deserves an automatic Oscar. I never doubted that he was with the heroes, but he didn’t disappoint. My favorite part about Aqualad’s performance was when he rose from the ocean slowly like a cliché villain (he made it work), and the line he said right after he “killed” Artemis; it sent me chills. Love it! 
Pretty disappointed that he didn’t appear as much in S3. Very happy that he is a part of the LGBTQ+ community and is in a happy relationship. I’m a part of the community and loved that there was finally some representation in one of my favorite shows. Even so, I have to criticize how rushed and sidelined it was. I hope Kaldur and Wyynde’s relationship gets development.
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 4. Kon-El/Conner Kent/Superboy
Like Will, I did not like Superboy at first. Mainly angry and volatile characters were never really my cup of tea. I do understand why he was upset and felt bad for him; I just handle anger the direct opposite as him. My love for Conner started growing around the end of S1. He was very sweet towards Miss Martian (bless him for not caring about her appearance) and his anger was in control.
Season 2 pretty much switched my opinions on him and M’gann. It was awful what M’gann almost did to him. That scene with him being so sad that what she did ruined that special bond they had almost made me cry. I wanted to give him a hug. He grew so much too since I don’t think he would have handled the whole M’gann drama as well in S1. A lot of furniture would’ve been broken.
I gotta admit something. I almost put Conner near the bottom (maybe no. 7). A comment in a poll in Amino changed my mind. I wrote a poll asking other fans who did they prefer SB or MM. At that point I said SB, though I didn’t think much of it. Someone (specifically yjfangirl) responded “Superboy has the best development in the show.” This had me thinking about how far SB has gone. In the beginning, Conner was an angry guy who felt alone and rejected by the person who he was meant to emulate. Now he is happier and living for himself rather than to be the next Superman. He’s getting married people! A little detail I noticed when rewatching S3 was Superboy mentioning to new characters that they weren’t obligated to be a hero because of their abilities. I adored this! The main reason why Superboy was created to be Superman if the original ever died, and another one of Luthor’s puppets. But he strayed from that pressuring path and is doing his own thing. Conner doesn’t want other people to feel like he did. What an absolute pure soul.
Also, yjfangirl, first I want to say Hi (*waves*)! Then say thanks for writing that comment. It made me really think about the bigger picture with SB and my love for him as grown exponentially. You probably didn’t mean to do that, but I still want to thank you. 😊
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 3.Wally West/Kid Flash
We’re in the elites now.
I don’t know how to explain it, I just love Wally. He makes me laugh, and his character growth was great. At first, Wally was this cocky flirt who didn’t take the hero work as seriously. That changed in “Cold-hearted,” one of my favorite episodes in the series. This was when I really started seeing more of Wally than being this dumb flirt. It was great seeing him actually caring about helping people since I believed for a long time that he wanted to be a superhero to just have powers rather than actually protect others. The regret in his eyes when he thought his impulsive behavior killed Perdita helped me see who he really was- this somewhat arrogant speedster who had a kind heart. Episodes that can make me change my perspective on characters are truly special.
I was very upset that he wasn’t in S2 a lot. I understand why since he gave up the life, but I was still bummed. Seeing him being so loving and protective towards Artemis was amazing. Spitfire is my favorite ship and I will not give up on them. All I want is a happy ending! The penultimate episode of S3 was a hint that it will happen. Watching the S2 finale was heartbreaking, I cried watching him disappear, his love for Artemis being the last things he said. Artemis’ reaction did not(I just wanted to hug her). 
I have more to say, though I’m leaving it for another post. 😉
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 2.Bart Allen/Kid Flash II/Impulse
Picking between Bart and Wally for second place was tough. Took me a while to decide; I’ll talk about it later on.
The moment Bart made his appearance, I absolutely adored him. He is amazing and I live for his hyper, fun attitude. His arc and relationship with Jaime were my favorite aspects of S2. What can I say, their chemistry is great to see.
That scene when he was meeting the Flash family was so adorable. His excitement was infectious and spoiling his dad and aunt’s births was hilarious! I watch it occasionally whenever I need a good laugh or reason to smile.
Unlike most time travelers- at least the ones I’ve seen- Bart was very involved with what was going on and befriended his biggest enemy- evil and weirdly huge future Blue Beetle. He was pretty careful about disclosing very important information and took things very seriously. You never know if disclosing everything was the thing that brought the world to chaos.
What I found interesting was his choice on how to interact with everyone. He seemed pretty gloomy in the future, but decided to portray this cheerful, devil-may-care attitude to be more likable. I understood (still kind of do). I had terrible mental health issues and I pretended to be happy in front of loved ones because I thought they wouldn’t care about me anymore. Bart got some brownie points for that.
I was dissatisfied when his role was greatly reduced. I wanted the creators to go further with Bart by revealing his past and how it affected him. He was pretty much comedy relief. You couldn’t imagine how disappointed I was, especially with it involving my second favorite character. Season 4 better change that.
I know that you shouldn’t assume a character’s sexuality, yet I really hope Bart is gay. There needs to be more clear representation and Bart can be one of them. I’m also a Bluepulse and Bartuado shipper (fine with either one as long as Bart’s bond with each of them stays strong).
Anyway, I mentioned that I would explain why I chose Bart for 2nd place over Wally. It mostly stems from wishful thinking. I really want S4 to have Bart as a main character since I believe the future will be strong plot point in the season. Development could surely happen such as Bart opening up more about what he went through. Let all those feelings go.
I’m going to write an article on my hopes for S4 when a release date is announced. Bart and Wally will most definitely be talked about.
We are finally near the end!
And my No. 1 favorite character is…
Drumroll please!
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1.Artemis Crock/Tigress/Artemis
That’s right people!
Artemis Crock, original member of the Team and daughter of villains!
She is such an inspiration to anyone who wants to go their own past without their parents’ support.
It’s hard to describe how much I love Artemis. She’s brave, strong-willed, and a kind person. It’s crazy how great of a person she is after all the terrible things that happened to her. I look up to her because I don’t have a healthy relationship with my parents (verbal and mental abuse) and there are times I don’t feel strong enough to stand on my own. I want to carry the amount of strength Artemis has as my own.
After all that happened in S2, it was amazing to see Artemis come back to the team and train the new generation. It must have been hard to walk away from a safe, comfortable life for a chaotic, dangerous life. I admire that in everyone, but I hold more respect for Artemis since “the life” “killed” Wally. I wanted to hug her so bad.
She’s also one of the kindest people in the show, the events in S3 being the best example. When Zatanna was crying about her dad, Artemis was there to comfort her. It was so sweet! Roy and her also took in Halo and Terra like they were a part of the family; the archer treated them like the best big sister. That rainstorm scene was heartwarming to the core.
Wouldn’t Artemis be an amazing mother? Lian and her have a strong bond like a mother and daughter; I loved it, and Lian is in good hands with Roy and Artemis. Though Jade deserves a chance to be a mother. Artemis also seemed to enjoy taking care of those kids in that S1 episode. Wally too. You guys know what I’m guys insinuating. 😉
Get ready for some fanfics on that someday.
My favorite Artemis-centered episode was the second to last episode of S3. I was waiting for this episode centering around Artemis missing Wally and learning to move on. It was great yet heartbreaking. Nothing bad happened. That Will and Artemis kiss never happened. Everyone makes a mistake. No matter how terrible it was.
Anyway, seeing Artemis and Wally living their lives and having a baby gave me life, even if it was fake. It was a vision of the future. I will believe this until there is confirmation that Wally will not come back.
Did anyone else cry when Artemis was so desperate to, but Wally wouldn’t let that happen (the real Wally would do that)? They are a great example of a healthy relationship with all the love and support they have for each other. I want that.
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yurimother · 3 years
LGBTQ Comic Review - Amongst Us Book 1
A masterful combination of comedy, subtle romance, and incredible sensuality
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I make no attempts to hide my complete admiration and infatuation with Shilin Huang's Yuri webcomic Amongst Us. The slice of life AU featuring reimagined versions of the lead characters from fantasy series Carciphona as a lesbian couple has held a special place in my heart for a long time. I named the series one of the best Yuri works of the past one-hundred years, can frequently be found lurking in the author's Twitch streams, and even have a wall in my office dedicated to the artwork of the main couple (or I did before my office became a remote classroom). So, when a Kickstarter by Shilin and Hiveworks Comics launched promising a print version of the work, I was eager to support it financially and promote it with my humble platform. The Kickstarter took place in March, and books were initially estimated for release in May of 2020. However, as you have probably realized by the dates alone, the world went very South around this time. A combination of disruptions from the COVID-19 pandemic, a healthy amount of bad luck, and what I am inclined to believe, for various reasons, was some awful mismanagement by Hiveworks led to numerous delays. Indeed, by the time the book finally shipped, I had moved, so my copy arrived a little later as it had to be forwarded. But, at the end of this frustrating and anticipation-building event, I finally have the volume in my hands, and it was worth the wait. While I adore the webcomic, this gorgeous print volume completely enthralls me. The book is absolutely the preferred way to read this spectacular comic.
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Before getting into the exquisite details of Amongst Us Book 1: Soulmates, I need to take a minute to praise how well this book is put together. The paperback binding is thick and features amazing spot glass that sparkles in the light. This feature only accentuates the fantastic and bright the cover illustration of main characters Veloce and Blackbird loving holding each other is. The back cover has a simpler but more imaginative illustration of the two flying through the sky, and the character's expressions tell you everything you need to know about this fantastic, odd couple. There are a few things you will notice upon opening the volume. The first is how well Amongst Us made the challenging transition from vertical webcomic to the page. The assembly and paneling are fantastic and clear, and chapters feature stylized illustrations and title cards. You will then see the inside cover, a powerful display that perfectly contrasts the front's glowing and tender love. Finally, there is Shilin's presents moving forward and dedication, where she lovingly dedicates the book to her partner, Kristen.
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I assure you, as good as the book's presentation and assembly is, the contents within are even better. Amongst Us follows Veloce and Blackbird's bombastic relationship. The two women are eccentric and striking musicians in their early twenties, and I swear you will never forget them. The slice of life storylines are, per the genre's definition, mundane and include events like shopping at the mall, riding the train, and having lunch with a friend. The charming simplicity of the story serves well to the reactions of the characters. Shilin effortlessly transitions from adorable moments of affection to explosive and hilarious comedy and irresistible and delightful moments of sexual tension; Veloce's neck and jawline alone could topple a monarchy. Often, slice of life works can become dull or repetitive, but these stories and the frequent changes in tone help the reader stay engaged and excited.
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Putting slice of life aside for a moment, it is also important to note that Amongst Us is also has an interesting place within the Yuri genre, or "Girl's Love/GL" as it is often called in webcomic circles (originally an analogous term of Boy's Love). Webcomics have often been a bit more adventurous with their storylines and styles than Japanese manga. While the genre rose to popularity in the space thanks to digital manhwa and manhua, some (not all) of the Yuri tropes did not carry over between the similar mediums. Many modern webcomics and webtoons take their inspiration more from manhwa and manhua GL, which has developed its own canon and tropes over the years. However, even for a webcomic, Shilin's work feels somewhat divorced from most other worlds of Yuri. This first volume exists mainly against the Yuri genre's expectations. However, the next book, which flashes back to the couple's origin, undoubtedly is more in line with convention, for better or worse. It feels like the author decided to screw the norms and write a work that she would enjoy, and I am so glad that she did. Veloce and Blackbird are young adults, out of school in an established relationship with no drama. This (sadly) unconventional setting is made all the more irregular because of just how distinctive, and unwonted Blackbird and Veloce are.
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Blackbird and Veloce, originally from the fantasy world of Carciphona, take on a new life, literally, in this wonderful modern reimagining and homage. You do not need to be a fan of the original work to enjoy their bizarre and larger-than-life personalities. Indeed, when I read Amongst Us online for the first time, I had not ever even heard of Carciphona. Veloce is the quieter and more stoic of the two, although she is not afraid of showing a more relatable and human side as she reacts to Blackbirds wild antics. Veloce's (not)straight man approach is hilariously sobering. But, her best moments are in those when she lets loose a little bit, like when she is rendered drooling by the promise of her favorite smoothie or in her stoic yet alluring flirtations with Blackbird, only to get close enough to steal a healthy chomp of ice cream.
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Blackbird, on her part, is completely insane. She continuously pulls of wild antics like jumping on Veloce to surprise her or singing an especially threatening song after a glorious battle over lunch. However, she is perfectly capable of showing her love and admiration for Veloce in her own cheeky way. However, true to form, each softer or more personal moment between the two is often immediately and perfectly juxtaposed with comedy, with the apparent exception of the book's touching and thoughtful finale. Veloce and Blackbird will both more than please readers individually, but you will fall in love with them as a couple. I must have read this at least a few dozen times between the webtoon and the book, and I am just as enchanted as ever by their loud and unapologetic love.
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The ordinary misadventures of Blackbird and Veloce are accompanied by genuinely astounding artwork. No, that statement does not do Shilin's illustrations justice. Veloce and Blackbird lead from the page thanks to stunning, full-color illustrations that detail every moment of hilarity. Every movement from the slightest smirk to the over-the-top dramatizations of regular events thoughtfully and beautifully sprawl across the pages and invite you to stare for hours. Shilin is the only person possible who could make something as simple as someone softly singing Happy Birthday so epic and sultry. Speaking of which, my goddess of Yuri is this work titillating. No, there are no gratuitous scenes, but just the characters leaning over each other or touching the other's chin makes my hands shake. My only small complaint is that some early chapters show their age slightly with noticeably lower quality linework and flatter colors than the dazzling and dynamic work demonstrated towards the end. Still, even on its worst day, Amongst Us looks better than most of its peers and the entirety of its many inferiors.
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Amongst Us is nearly the perfect work. It has a uniquely compelling and mirth-inducing way of displaying a young yet very unordinary couple's everyday life. Its characters, from design to personality, are instantly memorable and striking. Despite being ready to rip each other's heads off at the drop of a hat, or rather because of it, Blackbird and Veloce feel the perfect and natural couple we so rarely witness. Shilin's masterful combination of comedy, subtle romance, and incredible sensuality is astounding. This book is worth it for the outstanding and vibrant artwork alone, but its combination with excellent writing create a sonorous and majestic modern romance unlike any other. I believe that Shilin has created something genuinely special here, and I can confidently say that out of the hundreds of webcomics I have read, this one is the pinnacle of its kind and my absolute favorite.
You can purchase Amongst Us book 1: Soulmates exclusively on Shilin's online shop and read the webcomic now for free on Twitter, Webtoon and Tumblr​ @okolnir​.
Ratings: Story – 9 Characters – 10 Art – 10 LGBTQ – 8 Sexual Content – 5 Final – 10
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angstmongertina · 3 years
The Vision of Lachesis
Spoilers for Artem’s Entwined Fates SSR card story! Also, warning for angst and implied/mentioned character death, because I can only write so much fluff before things get angsty.
I had this idea almost as soon as I played the Entwined Fates card story because I am a sucker for outside POV fics, though the idea for the last scene came later lol. Incidentally, if you want to skip the angst, just stop before the little warning I put in there. Everything before it should be perfectly fluffy.
Cross-posted to AO3.
In his years living at Cloudbreak Temple, Master Lu has already seen many visitors pass through its gate, all with various different hopes and dreams and stories filling their souls. He has seen everyone, from new babies to old grandmothers, from shy young couples to blissful newlyweds and bickering old spouses. And still, the pair he spies entering the temple catch his attention.
He is, as is always the case during the busy festival days, pulled in all directions at once, guiding petitioners through the rituals of prayer and interpreting fortune, but even so, he cannot help but keep an eye on them. A man in front, tall and middle-aged, wearing a solemn expression that does not quite suit the laugh lines on his face, and a boy, not yet fully grown and quiet, shying away slightly from the noise and bustle around him but watching the proceedings with a bright, piercing gaze. The man says something, a gentle hand clapping the boy’s shoulder in a warm, fatherly gesture that brings a faint smile to the small face, before they dive into the crowd, and he turns his attention back to the couple before him.
Thankfully, they do not comment on his preoccupation and he puts the others out of mind as he helps them determine their fortunes.
The next time he sees the pair, they are with old Master Wang, which comes as no great surprise to him. Although Cloudbreak Temple may be most well-known for petitions to the star of wisdom, they accommodate many types of prayers, and while the boy may be of the age where success in learning and exams is important, one glance at the youthful face is enough to tell him that the boy has both intelligence and diligence to spare, and furthermore, a concrete attitude that would likely dismiss the thought of appealing to prayers for school out of hand. No, there is no need for prayers for success. But for safety, on the other hand…
He moves a little closer, still not yet so close as to be truly spying, but near enough to get a better look at the pair. The man is dressed casually, long brown hair pulled out of his face, and stands almost at a slouch, but the eyes that observe the world around him through thin-rimmed glasses are far from relaxed. Instead, their grey depths are cautious, sharp, clearly accustomed to seeking out the truth behind every person, every choice and interaction. It is only when they fall on the young man beside him do they soften with affection and concern. A man of action, of justice and strong morals, though perhaps of some impetuousness and with a fragility under it all.
A man, in short, who likely puts himself into the path of danger for the good of the people around him, but who also might shatter should he be pushed to the brink, should the lives of those he cares about be on the line.
And the boy…
Master Lu frowns, brushing a thoughtful hand over his chin and the faint beginnings of a thick beard as the man ruffles the boy’s hair and he looks up at his companion with a small but adoring smile.
The boy still has a whole entire life in store for him, of that he is certain. And one that will no doubt intersect with the temple again.
When the couple steps through the gates of the temple, the man sheltering the girl beside him from the crowds, he notices them immediately. Though many years have passed, he has learned to trust his instincts, even beyond what his mind may tell him, and his gut recognizes the man long before his eyes do. The boy has grown, of course, in the ensuing two decades, but the bright intelligence, the thoughtfulness and care, all harken back to the shy child of so long ago.
But rather than his old friend and mentor, this time, the man brings with him a companion of his own. At first glance, she is just as bright-eyed and curious as he once was, though perhaps with more anxiety than he had, focusing immensely on the tasks before her. And the way he watches her…
Before he knows it, he is approaching the pair, standing at a table for the star of wisdom, and offers his assistance. He sees her attention flit away as her partner leaves for his own prayer, following him through the crowd with her eyes and her mind; though she appears to be unaware of it herself, her partner knows, and he knows, that even apart, their hearts, their very lives themselves, are irrevocably entwined, two souls pulled together by an inescapable gravity that he had not seen in decades, if ever.
He cannot help his curiosity about them, about this pair that seems to confirm the very existence of fate itself. These two lawyers, partners, these two halves of a single whole, that the universe has brought together, in an act of perfect balance.
Their marriage fortunes, an offer he makes that is part personal interest, part guiding hand, come as a surprise, though perhaps it should not have been wholly unexpected. He has never been wrong before, not about the couples who have captured his attention, but this…
This is less of a gentle nudge from fate and more of a flashing neon sign.
She reacts to her fortune tag first and he cannot help but smile at the curiosity, at the innocence, in her eyes. “I cannot keep my heart, as it longs to be with you…” A straightforward fortune, as befitting the girl who watches her partner with subconscious adoration, who still does not see his unconditional tenderness, who still does not understand her own constant preoccupation, for what they are. In time, she will realize.
But her partner…
He knows from the moment he sees the man’s face that the meaning of his own fortune is not lost on him. “It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” And it is fitting for him, for the way he turns away from this, his hesitant heart, cautiously hopeful for a sign that the undying flame he carries will not be snuffed out, bruised from this heavy blow from fate, determined to carry its burden alone, to push his feelings aside and pretend that all is well, as he has always done.
It is a cautionary tale, this particular fortune, and he can say nothing, can only look on in weighty silence, as its recipient takes his companion and continues down his ill-fated and forewarned path.
Or, at least, attempts to, but for the efforts of the girl by his side. He does not listen to the conversation not meant for his ears but he does not need to, not when her thoughts are written clear across her face, not when she tugs her partner back to hear his explanation.
Not when she, despite being still oblivious to the depth of their connection, to the direction of her heart, immediately moves to petition, to help, to find some way of reversing the luck, propelled by outward concern and hidden affection.
He gives them directions both to the wishing tree and for the method to improve one’s luck and watches as she leaps at each opportunity, apparently unaware of the implications, in her quest to lessen her companion’s misfortune. But the man, now wearing a near constant smile of stunned helplessness, knows, even if he cannot, or perhaps more likely, will not, let himself, discern the cause of her concern.
Not even when it involves her suggesting that they bind their fortunes together on the wishing tree.
He chuckles, running his fingers over his beard as he watches them, their gentle discussion and animated features, both conveying so much to the world that they are too close, too farsighted, to see. But in this moment, it is not his place to say anything, to interfere any further, and so he doesn’t. Fate has already shown her own interest in their future, one that they have accepted and furthered, without, apparently, even realizing it.
Ah, to be young and in love.
Waving off their thanks, he watches as they leave before shaking his head and letting out the full-bellied laugh that he has been holding back since he first met them. In all of his years working at the temple, he has never been wrong before, and he is certain that he will not be wrong this time.
The first day of the festival dawns early and bright, with that telltale warmth that foretells another hot August day. Even before the temple is open for visitors, anticipation hums through the air, the faint buzz as everyone prepares for the inevitable rush of petitioners.
Standing before the steps to the main temple, Master Lu looks out over the entire grounds with a smile. While the outside world has changed drastically in the past decades, within the temple, it is like being transported back in time; the same old tables from years past have already been set up, and the decorations, while not entirely the exact same as those used in centuries past, have all been remade in the original style.
In the fast-paced and ever-changing world, it is almost a sanctuary from time itself, where the tags of decades of visitors remain for an eternity and the history and traditions of the ancestors are preserved for future generations.
Well, at least in some ways more than others, if the influx of technology, and not just from forgetful visitors, is any indication.
He shakes his head, chuckling at his own preoccupation as he dodges young Master Zhao, juggling his attention between the pile of fortunes carried in his arms and the phone jammed under his ear. Clearly, he has begun to get overly sentimental in his old age.
Alas, yet another reminder of the inevitability of the passage of time.
The entry of visitors, a veritable tsunami of petitioners all looking to arrive early, interrupts his thoughts and he turns his attention to them, casting an experienced eye over the crowd. As usual, the vast majority make a beeline straight for the table for the star of wisdom, drawn as ever to the promise of good scores and success. Young couples make their way to the table for marriage fortunes, fresh-eyed and smitten with each other. And others still filter towards the other tables, for peace and wealth and…
And safety.
He spots the small family almost as soon as they pass through the gates, though they are admittedly hard to miss. The man and woman walk arm in arm, slow and cautious against the crush of the people around them, his form shifting to act as a barrier to shield her against the worst of the crowd. The height of the man alone would have been enough to catch his attention, but it is accentuated by the tiny pigtailed girl riding on his shoulders, adding another head to their overall height. From her perch, she looks around with bright, curious eyes, a small hand pointing towards the main temple, and him.
Even across the distance, he can see the surprise and recognition flicker in the bright blue eyes that meet his, and he would not have been able to hide his grin even if he had tried. As it is, though, he does not try, instead stepping forward to meet them with a greeting.
“I don’t know if you remember us, but…”
He shakes his head, waving off the woman’s comment with a laugh. “I do.”
And of course he does. How could he not? They have matured, naturally, settling into one combined force rather than two beings still tumbling in each other’s orbits; her hair is longer now, pulled into a neat bun, and his more disheveled than he’s ever seen under the ministrations of toddler hands; but the same spirit, the same keen eyes and entwined fates, shine out from the pair, unique amongst the crowd of other visitors.
He grins. “Of course I do. After all, it’s not every day I draw two fortunes quite so complementary, and even more rare to have them be hung up together on the wishing tree like that.”
At that, she laughs as well, her cheeks reddening slightly, and pauses to shake her bangs out of her face. “Yes, well, you were right, and it all worked out in the end.” She turns to her husband with a playful look, elbowing him gently in the ribs. “Even if it did take the better part of another year.”
“That is on you just as much as it is on me. After all, it took you just as long to realize,” the man retorts, though, to his amusement, his ears flush a faint red, which only deepens when their daughter points them out in a chipper voice, one loud enough that several visitors nearby turn to glance at them.
From the mouth of babes…
“What brings you back? Not just to check on your old tags, no?”
Shooting him a grateful look for the subject change, the man shakes his head, a faint smile curling the edges of his mouth. “No, though it is an added bonus. We’ve come for a new prayer for safety.”
His wife nudges him again, though gentler this time, and with less vigor. “Two, remember?”
He laughs openly, an expression that makes him look years younger, as he drops a hand to the gentle swell of her abdomen. “It may be a little early for that, still. I think he at least needs to have an official name first.”
She wrinkles her nose at him before laughing in turn. “Fine, fine. We will just have to come back again in a year or two.”
“Of course. Anything for you.”
A comically dramatic wince flashes across the man’s face when his daughter leans over, her voice projecting with unerring precision directly into his ear, and his wife is left hiding her amusement with some difficulty.
“Too loud, baobei.”
The bright blue eyes widen in distress. “Sorry, Daddy!”
He chuckles, reaching up to clasp her small fist in his hand. “It’s okay, baobei. What is it?”
Squirming from her perch on his shoulders, she points towards the back of the temple, where a few decorated branches of the wishing tree can be seen hanging over the roof. “Big tree! ‘S pretty! Go see?”
He shakes his head. “Later, maybe. First we have to—”
“No! Go see!” She leans over until she is hanging directly in front of his eyes. “Daddy, please?”
The man glances at his wife, who shrugs, mouthing the word “softie” while still wearing that same huge grin, and he finds that he has to struggle to choke back his laugh before anyone notices.
Given the soft snort that reaches his ears, he only partly succeeds.
“All right, then. Let’s go. We can come back for a prayer of safety”—the man glances back down at his wife, a faint but wondering smile dancing on his lips—“or even two, later.” With a solemn expression, the man offers him a deep, respectful nod, one that he is not quick enough to wave away. “Thank you, Master.”
Laughing, he waves at the trio, watching as they slowly weave their way through the crowd towards the back of the temple. Even across that distance, he can feel the affection and respect they hold for each other, can see the connection they share, which have managed to catch his attention time and time again.
When they finally move out of sight, he turns back to the temple and the flood of other guests, making a mental note to keep an eye out for the little family in future years. Maybe he can take a small break from drawing marriage fortunes in favor of overseeing prayers for safety for a few years…
The sky is still dark with storm clouds when they first dare venture back outside to examine the state of the temple. In some ways, it is almost a miracle; despite the weeks of heavy storms, accompanied by shrieking gales and large hail, Cloudbreak Temple and its inhabitants have been mostly unharmed, save for superficial damages, just in time for the summer festival. Still, the mood is quiet, solemn, as everyone sets to work, clearing away the fallen branches, discarding the broken shingles, and making room for the stations as best they can in the limited time they have.
Wandering over the grounds, Master Lu shakes his head. Summer storms are not uncommon in the mountains, but even in the many decades that he has spent at Cloudbreak Temple, he has never seen a storm like that one, lightning seeming to rent the sky in two and thunder shaking the foundations of the temple itself, where there was naught to do but to stay indoors and safe. They were truly fortunate that nobody was injured and that most of the damages can be repaired.
Unfortunately, not all of the temple has remained quite so intact.
Stopping at the edge of the courtyard, he sighs, casting his gaze over the mess. It does not come as a complete surprise, given the lashing of the rain or the howling of the wind, but that does not change the sorrow he feels at the destruction that greets his eyes. Where there was once a majestic, venerable camphor tree is now a tired, wizened old thing, bowing under its own weight in the weak hints of daylight. Fortune tags lay strewn amongst the branches that had once held them aloft, once vivid symbols of the future now simply dark red and brown patches against muddy green, that he has to pick his way around as he wanders further in, taking in all of the damage.
But there is no time to clean up the mess, not in his old age and with everything else that will be happening for the day, and the visitors will understand, have to understand. He shakes his head, feeling all of his many years pressing down on his shoulders, almost as though he is fighting the weight of all the fallen wishes themselves.
“Master Lu?”
He looks up at the familiar voice and smiles. Master Chen, arms full of red cords, stands in the entryway of the courtyard, his bright eyes filled with concern, and he suddenly finds himself wondering when they all got so young.
“What is it? Do you need my help with anything?”
The boy shakes his head. “No, we are almost finished. There are enough of us to finish and handle the visitors, since there likely will not be many so soon after the storm. If you want, I could help clean this area…”
He shakes his head again, this time with a more genuine smile. “No, you go on. They’ll be needing you in the main temple, I’m sure. I can work here.”
“Are you sure?”
Chen nods, putting the new cords on the nearby table before giving him a small, formal bow. “Thank you. Then I leave this to you.”
He waves the kid away, chuckling slightly as he watches him turn and walk back to the main temple before turning his attention back to the courtyard and the scattered fortunes, the remembrances of years, or decades even, of hopes and dreams.
With another heavy sigh, he squats down, tossing some fallen branches aside before picking up the wooden fortune at his feet. It is old, the carved text worn down by the elements, and he runs his fingers over the inscription, a brief statement on the virtues of hard work. A student had hung it there, once upon a time, and he closes his eyes for a moment, hoping that they achieved their goals, before tucking it into his robes and continuing forward.
In some ways, it is almost a walk down memory lane. Prayers to the star of wisdom from students that have long since graduated, who may even be teachers and professors now. Prayers for safety for people who have moved beyond that point, who may have even already passed. Marriage fortunes, ones that he helped distribute and interpret, for young couples that are now parents or even grandparents of their own…
He stumbles to a stop, staring down at the ground by his feet. Lying in the grass, so hidden by mud that he almost missed them, are two wooden cards. Their surfaces are almost entirely obscured by the dirt, but he still recognizes them instantly, the pair of fortunes so opposite to each other, so perfectly complementary. Held to the branch and each other by a red cord that has split and frayed under the years, no doubt hastened by the tempest.
Heaving another sigh, he leans over and…
Caught off-guard he snaps upright, turning around with a polite refusal on the tip of his tongue, but his instincts, ever reliable, stay his reply as the appearance of the visitor sinks in.
Dressed in dark, muted colors, he is easy to overlook, blending into his surroundings, into any crowd, with little effort. His face is drawn, haggard, lines of exhaustion etched into his skin, making him look years older, while his dark hair is disheveled, streaked with gray. Altogether, the man in the entryway, tired and worn, is almost unrecognizable from the young, joyous father of his memory. In just the few years since he last visited, he has aged a decade, his strong, confident form now frail, once bright azure eyes now dimmed, haunted.
And the man approaches, moving forward with slow, hesitant steps, eyes fixed on the tags he holds in his hand.
“That… Is that…?”
The voice nearly breaks around those few words, hoarse and almost inaudible, but he doesn’t need to hear the rest of the question, doesn’t need an explanation to know what the man wants, to know what must have happened.
Closing his eyes, he bows his head. “Yes. It is. They must have fallen during the storm.”
He hears a labored, shuddering breath, one that makes his own chest tighten in sympathy. “I… May I?”
“Of course.” He steps forward, gently placing the tags into his outstretched hands, watching as trembling fingers brush over the faded markings, the broken cord, as the pale face twists with fresh pain. “I…” He clears his throat. “I’m sorry.”
“Me too.”
They both turn at the same time, where a small girl stands in the entryway of the courtyard, holding the hand of an older woman as she cradles a bundle in her other arm. Pulling free of the restraining grasp, she runs forward to join them, grabbing her father’s free hand. “Daddy?”
Something resembling a smile tugs at the corners of the man’s lips as he squats to his daughter’s eye level. “What is it, baobei?”
“Are you sad?”
The sound that leaves the man’s throat is more of a rasp than a chuckle, but neither of them seem to notice. “Yes.” He wraps an arm around the girl, lifting her into the air as he stands back up. “Yes, I am.”
To his surprise, the girl only nods solemnly before looking at the tags in his hand. “What is that?”
The man sighs, holding it up so she can examine it more closely, running her small fingers over the wood as he wipes away the mud. “Mama and I came here years ago and hung it up when we were here. Before you were even born.”
“Oh. It’s pretty.” A slight frown on her face, she studies the fortunes and the cord linking them before raising her gaze. “Do you miss Mama?”
He has to shift his gaze away as the smile on the man’s face crumbles, turning his attention back to the mess of branches and fortune tags, but even so, he cannot escape hearing the slight hitch in the quiet voice. “Every day.”
She sniffles, wrapping her arms around his neck and burying her face against his shoulder. “Me too.”
“Anthea!” The older woman reaches them, her face a mix of concern and frustration, and he can’t help but turn his attention back to the family. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think she would be so quick.”
The man shakes his head as she reaches for the girl, instead shifting her position in his arms. “It’s fine, Ma. Besides, you have enough on your hands. And you’ve done more than enough for us now.”
“Ma.” The man closes his eyes, gently shaking his head, before meeting her gaze with a determination that even he can feel, that makes him tear his gaze away once more, feeling vaguely like he is eavesdropping. “It’s okay. I’m okay. I…” A sigh that hangs in the air between them. “I need to do this. For her. But thank you for… for everything. And…”
A hand suddenly appears in his vision and he looks up to find the man before him, standing up straighter with a mix of sorrow and resolve dancing on his features. “I don’t know if you remember me, but…”
He shakes his head. “I do. Still.”
“Of course.” A small but genuine smile cracks his mouth as the man draws a deep breath. “I… I remember you said once that fortunes should be returned to the temple once they’ve come true and…” He swallows once, hard. “Can you put these back for me?”
“Yes, certainly.” He reaches for them, hand closing back around the fortunes that the man holds out.
Two little wooden tags have never felt so heavy in his palm before.
For a moment, the man stares at them, as though in his hands, in these fragile pieces of wood, he carries all the weight of the world, before tearing his gaze away to meet his. “Thank you.”
Oddly enough, when he opens his mouth, he finds a sudden lump in his throat and instead of trying to speak, he only inclines his head, but it is enough. The man smiles again, a soft, ephemeral expression, before turning and walking away, still carrying his daughter while his mother paces alongside him with his son in her arms.
As he watches them leave, he brushes his thumb over the worn fortunes he cradles, gently tracing the text that he still remembers like it had been drawn yesterday.
It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.
Leaving the courtyard, he silently enters the main temple, ignoring the questioning looks from his fellow masters and visitors alike as he sets the tag, still tied to its partner with muddy red cord, down amongst the various other fortunes of years past, and sits back on his heels, reading it over one last time.
And so it is.
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kurowrites · 4 years
Kiss prompt: 8 & 11 : ) If you like?
kassandraescobat said: #1 for the kiss prompt wangxian.
8. being unable to open their eyes for a few moments afterward
11. when one stops the kiss to whisper “I’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more
1. breaking the kiss to say something, staying so close that you’re murmuring into each other’s mouths
Lan Wangji was awake and had started to get ready for the day, sitting in front of a small bronze mirror to comb his hair, tie it up, and fix his hairpiece on top. It was quiet in the Jingshi, exactly as quiet as its name suggested. He had opened one of the blinds to the garden, letting in the lovely morning breeze and permitting him a beautiful view of the garden hung with morning mist, but he had been careful that no light reached the hidden corner where his bed was placed.
His husband was still asleep, as he so often was ere Lan Wangji woke him.
Lan Wangji sighed and tried not to think of the challenges of the day just yet. They had become more recently, meetings and petitions and negotiations that never seemed to end. He had accepted the position as Chief Cultivator, even though he could have lived his life without receiving that honour, and would have preferred to concentrate on matters he found more pressing.
Like his husband.
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian had been married half a year ago not out of their own volition, but because politics had demanded it. It had been a sensible strategy, too; both the Gusu Lan and the Yunmeng Jiang sects had been doing very well ever since their marriage. Wei Wuxian’s deep friendship with the Young Lady at Koi Tower and Sect Leader Wen Qing at the Nightless City had helped balance out the relationships between the individual clans, and ever since, the people had enjoyed a time of unprecedented peace and prosperity.
The same could not be said for their personal relationship. Lan Wangji was married to a man whom he mostly remembered as a mischievous teen of fifteen, a boy he’d always had difficulty getting along with. And the Wei Wuxian that he knew now, the Wei Wuxian he was married to, was neither mischievous nor was he a teenager, but an exceptionally smart adult that carefully held himself at a distance from Lan Wangji.
And, if Lan Wangji was honest, that hurt him.
Marrying Wei Wuxian had been a sacrifice for the sake of his sect, his family, and the cultivation world as a whole. He could not pretend that had not been the case.
And yet, deep in his heart he had irrationally hoped that there might be something that could be salvaged of their former relationship. Wei Wuxian had once called Lan Wangji his friend. Perhaps they could return to that.
That hope had been destroyed quickly.
Wei Wuxian shared his marital bed, and yet he felt more distant than ever. Lan Wangji awoke to Wei Wuxian’s soft sleeping face every morning, and yet it was not his.
Finishing his morning toilet and fixing the remaining pieces of his clothing with another quiet sigh, he steeled himself and walked over to the dimmest corner of the Jingshi, to their bed.
Quietly, he said, “Wei Ying, it is time to get up.”
A small sound came from the blankets, but they did not move like they usually would. Wei Wuxian did not emerge from them, a little pale from sleep, his hair tousled adorably, unbefitting of a man of twenty-five.
Lan Wangji waited for a moment. When nothing happened, he spoke up again.
“Wei Ying. Are you awake?”
“No,” came the muffled answer from the blankets. “Tell Lan Qiren I’m sick.”
Lan Wangji tried to suppress an exasperated sigh, but it was difficult. What a childish thing to do, to lie in order to avoid work!
“Wei Wuxian,” Lan Wangji said in a warning tone.
“Lan Wangji,” came the cold answer. “Leave me. I’ll be up in a little bit.”
If anyone asked him, Lan Wangji would be unable to explain what exactly irritated him so much about Wei Wuxian’s words, but irritated him they did. He felt terribly petty even as he was doing it, but before he knew it, he had been compelled to grab the blanket that Wei Wuxian had covered himself with, and ripped it away.
It was evidently an action that Wei Wuxian had not expected from Lan Wangji, since the blanket easily came off, falling to the floor in front of the bed.
It also exposed the ugly truth to Lan Wangji.
Wei Wuxian had not been stubborn. He had been crying.
“Wei Ying!” Lan Wangji exclaimed in shock.
“Ugh,” Wei Wuxian croaked, quickly wiping his eyes with his sleeves. “Just leave me alone for a moment. I’ll be ready on time.”
But Lan Wangji could not do that. How could he? Wei Wuxian had been left alone too often recently, always at the end of the list of priorities ever since his marriage and his public allegiance to Gusu Lan. So instead of leaving, Lan Wangji sat down on the edge of the bed.
Wei Wuxian turned away from him, hiding his tear-streaked face. It was useless to hide, however, for his shoulders still occasionally hitched with suppressed sobs.
Lan Wangji had the strong desire to lay his hand on Wei Wuxian’s back and soothe him, just like his mother had sometimes done to him as a child, but he was unsure whether such an action would be welcome at all.
“Was it my doing?” he asked, a little desperate.
“No, Hanguang-jun is an unparalleled beacon of virtue and justice, as usual,” was Wei Wuxian’s answer, but the words felt terribly bitter to Lan Wangji.
“I am also your husband,” Lan Wangji reminded him. “I have a duty to care for your wellbeing, too.”
That statement was responded to with a disparaging huff.
“Do you now?” Wei Wuxian asked, his voice still bitter.
“Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji said, pleading. He did not know what else to say. Of course he cared for Wei Wuxian’s wellbeing! He always had! Otherwise, he would never have been so strict with him during the Sunshot Campaign, trying to protect him from himself and everyone else.
But Wei Wuxian continued to give him the cold shoulder, his back stubbornly turned towards Lan Wangji.
“Wei Ying,” he tried again.
That elicited a sigh out of Wei Wuxian, and he finally turned around. His eyes were still full of tears, one of them slipping down his cheek as he sat up, and all Lan Wangji could do was try his best to keep his hands to himself.
“Will you hold me for a moment?” Wei Wuxian asked with the smallest voice that Lan Wangji had ever heard from him.
The ‘yes’ got stuck in his throat, but Lan Wangji had enough presence of mind to lift his arms, to be just inviting enough for Wei Wuxian to tip forwards, right into Lan Wangji’s embrace.
His face was hot, even through Lan Wangji’s robes, and his body shook lightly.
Not unlike a rabbit, Lan Wangji thought to himself as he enveloped Wei Wuxian in a hug, shamelessly burying his nose in Wei Wuxian’s hair. He held onto Wei Wuxian tightly, unwilling to ease his hold, afraid of what would happen if he let go. If Wei Wuxian would disappear, just as elusive as the morning mist outside his window.
They stayed like that for a moment, quiet and unmoving, until Wei Wuxian finally sighed.
“Sorry,” he said. “I was just being overly dramatic.”
Lan Wangji felt like that was not an accurate assessment of the situation, however. He knew there had been tension between them lately. He knew that their relationship was not as it could be. As it had been once, perhaps.
“I care,” he found himself saying. “Even if it is of no consequence.”
Wei Wuxian lifted his head and stared at Lan Wangji with wide, watery eyes.
“You make it very hard to keep my distance, you know.”
That gave Lan Wangji pause.
Distance? He thought in confusion. Why would Wei Ying need to keep his distance?
The next thing he knew were soft lips pressing against his own.
It was over after a moment.
Wei Wuxian drew back, averting his eyes. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have–”
It was easy to reel him back in. Lan Wangji’s arms were still around Wei Wuxian. It was easy to hold him close and chase after the sensation of these lips on his own, because it only meant not to hold himself back. This time, when they kissed again, Wei Wuxian’s arms found their way around Lan Wangji’s neck, holding him just as tight as Lan Wangji held Wei Wuxian.
When they finally parted for air, Lan Wangji pressed his forehead against Wei Wuxian’s, unwilling to let him go too far, and lightly swayed back and forth. He was unable to open his eyes, afraid of what he might find once he did. But Wei Wuxian didn’t push him away, didn’t try to escape, but kept holding onto Lan Wangji just as tightly.
A sigh dropped from his mouth.
“Very hard to keep my distance,” he murmured.
Lan Wangji opened his eyes to look at Wei Wuxian, still close enough that his mouth was right there, so very, very kissable. It was foolish to resist, when it was right there. So he kissed Wei Wuxian again.
Once, twice, three times.
If kisses were what his husband needed for his wellbeing, he thought to himself as he wiped the last tears out of the corners of Wei Wuxian’s now smiling eyes, then he would be willing to perform his duties very conscientiously.
“You know that everyone is waiting for Hanguang-jun in the main hall?” Wei Wuxian whispered into his mouth when they parted after another kiss. “They’ll be soo angry if we’re late.”
Lan Wangji decided to silence that protest with more soft kisses.
They could wait for once, he felt, while he brought his private affairs into order.
That was also an important political issue, after all.
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agentaletha · 3 years
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Tarisai has always longed for the warmth of a family. She was raised in isolation by a mysterious, often absent mother known only as The Lady. The Lady sends her to the capital of the global empire of Aritsar to compete with other children to be chosen as one of the Crown Prince’s Council of 11. If she’s picked, she’ll be joined with the other Council members through the Ray, a bond deeper than blood. That closeness is irresistible to Tarisai, who has always wanted to belong somewhere. But The Lady has other ideas, including a magical wish that Tarisai is compelled to obey: Kill the Crown Prince once she gains his trust. Tarisai won’t stand by and become someone’s pawn—but is she strong enough to choose a different path for herself? - Goodreads
Raybearer by Jordan Ifeuko, 2020 Amulet Books
Raybearer is a lovely young adult fantasy novel, the first in a two book series. I read a fair amount of YA, and a good amount of speculative fiction and still Raybearer felt new and exciting. In fact I’d say it’s probably my favorite YA I’ve read so far this year. The world building is unique with a wide variety of cultures (obviously influenced by certain real world countries but with enough departure to not feel just relabeled with fantasy names), interesting magic abilities, a sense of history, and an unusual system of government.
While stories of youths rebelling against oppressive regimes are YA’s bread and butter, this takes a deeper look at justice and inequality. I love that Tarisai’s goal for most of this first book is just to protect her friends and chosen family. There are so many that we don't really get to know all of them, but the ones we do know are perfect. While Tarisai has a strong sense of right and wrong (literally, she gets physical symptoms from injustice) the entire time, the book covers her journey from ignoring it, then trying to save individuals, to trying to affect the whole empire. But even when her purpose is to protect, she still sees systemic injustices and comes up with systemic solutions, wanting to fulfill her role as more than keeper of the status quo. This is a story that questions why things are the way they are and how the status quo is maintained, but also looks seriously at what can be done better in the future. The problem isn’t one bad person abusing their power, the problem is the system that supports and maintains inequalities. I appreciated that there are no scenery chewing villains here - everyone has understandable motives, from lashing out to hurt because they were hurt, to fear, and to how easy it is to dismiss injustices that happen to other people, in other places and justify that that’s just how it is, no point in trying to make a difference. Everyone is treated with compassion, even when they make bad decisions or react from their emotions, which they sometimes do.
I’m really looking forward to the second book! In the words of George Washington from Hamilton,”Winning is easy young man, governing’s harder.” I love seeing what happens next and I’m going to leave it there to not give any more away.
Spoilers ahead as I talk about representation
As for LGBTQIA representation, it’s there but fairly background. Same sex relationships aren’t stigmatized and it seems there’s a bit of an “everyone is bi” default, although all the main on-page romantic relationships are male/female. Gender roles vary by culture but don’t seem to be strictly delineated in the palace although gender does seem to be considered strictly binary. One of the 11 is gay and fairly flamboyant about it - he’s described as a “bleeding-heart poet” dreaming of handsome swains, but that’s about it. However, there is an asexual character and while he’s not the protagonist, he is one of the key players. A little less than halfway through the book, when she is an anointed member of his council, Tarisai asks the Prince to meet her privately at a known lovers’ meeting spot. He’s afraid she has the wrong idea and this is what he tells her:
 “There’s something I should tell you. I don’t...I don’t think I want sex. Ever. And I don’t mean with you, I mean - with anyone. Girls, boys. Anyone.” He stared at the leaves on the ground, smooth brow furrowing. “I mean, I’ve had crushes before. On you, on Jeet, and some of the others. I’ve just … never been interested in the sex part. Sometimes I wonder if I’m broken.”
You aren’t broken, protested the voice inside me. You’re the kindest, most loving person I know. Run. Live.
“But I’m crown prince,” he continued, grimacing, “and I have to have heirs someday, so… I guess - if I could choose anyone-”
The conversation ends there because Tarisai stabs him.
Ekundayo, or Dayo for short, is described as happy, naive, trusting, and having a “big fragile heart”. He is the Crown Prince, but he believes in the best of everyone. He’s well meaning but doesn’t always get it. They don’t have a word for asexual, but the author makes it clear by indicating that it’s all genders he’s not interested in and that he’s not aromantic as well. And the author includes the classic, “I wonder if I’m broken.” On the one hand, broken would go on my ace characters bingo sheet, but on the other, it’s a classic for a reason. Asexuality is already so much more visible than when I finally encountered it over ten years ago that maybe in another ten private wonderings about our brokenness will no longer resonate with the younger generations. I hope so. In the meantime, I already liked him as the soft-hearted prince and this made my heart go out to him. I love that Tarisai’s immediate reaction is “you’re not broken” although she doesn’t get the chance to say that out loud or even finish the conversation. I assume it will come up again in the next and final book. I really don’t know what’s going to happen next and I love that.
In summary, I loved Raybearer and I think it’s a good representation of an ace character that doesn’t fall prey to stereotypes (although I am keeping an eye on how often naive tends to show up) and I highly recommend it as a diverse thoughtful YA fantasy.
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