#*dumps crappy edits*
indigovigilance · 8 months
Angel Pinky Rings
I'm going to get strangely obsessed with finger jewelry for a moment.
Please do not ask Neil Gaiman to confirm or deny.
Before the Beginning, Aziraphale doesn't have a ring:
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...then after the Beginning, he does:
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...which he wears continuously for the rest of the story:
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Archangel Michael
doesn't have a ring in Book of Job:
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and then they do:
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Uriel does:
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...even Saraqael does:
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...and Sandolphon:
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...but not the Supreme Archangel
not in Book of Job:
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and neither before Armageddidn't:
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nor after:
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...and not the 37th Order Scrivener:
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Originally I thought the rings might denote rank, but Gabriel not having a ring throws a wrench in that.
Left vs. Right
Every angel that wears a ring wears it on their left hand (everyone except Saraqael wears it on their pinky, who wears it on their ring finger) except for Aziraphale, who consistently wears his pinky ring on his right hand. Furthermore, the style of each ring appears to be unique; we don't usually get a very good look at them (or at least I don't, I have kind of crappy hardware) but the differing styles seem to be meaningful to the individual. Putting it on the left may indicate that it has a negative connotation; the fact that Aziraphale's ring is on the right sets him apart.
Protecting the Ring
Additionally, all the angels that have rings, when they fold their hands, tend to cover up their ring-bearing hand, almost protectively:
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Semi-Rational Theory
The rings are vessels of memory: they are only worn by angels who have transgressed against God's will, and are worn forever after as a symbol of the covenant made between the Creator and the Servant. They dump the memories of their transgressions into the ring so that their minds are made clean, but carry the mark of their prior sin with them for the rest of time. Much like a rainbow, it serves as a promise that the transgressor will never transgress again. The angels protect it because, consciously or not, they know that this ring contains a part of themselves, and it is both precious and shameful.
Absolutely Irrational Theory
Aziraphale wears his ring on his right hand because it doesn't fit on his left. That's because it's not actually his ring; it is Angel!Crowley's, and he is keeping it safe for them. Crowley and/or Aziraphale might not even know anymore that that is what it is, but by some pact between them made before the Fall, it is in Aziraphale's stewardship to keep safe until such time as Crowley can safely have his memories restored.
Again: Please do not ask Neil Gaiman to confirm or deny.
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This bish is sus AF
If you would like to reblog, please reblog from this repost with additional content and references.
To read more of my original content on erasure theory:
Jimbriel, Satan, the Book of Life, and what it means for Crowley
The Erasure of Human!Metatron
Baraqiel and Azazel
or, my first and my most popular post to date:
A Nightingale Sang in 1941
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Adrienn Banai: The Rat Lover
I didn't want to post about any of this, but this person forced my hand.
I can't let this person run around on this hellsite anymore.
For those not in the know, this person harasses artists into drawing their husbando: a rat character named "Grey" from the children's series "Larva Island". Sometimes they also harass people into drawing Grey's grandpa, a female version of Grey named "Greyless", Grey wearing Roxanne's dress from "A Goofy Movie", and plenty of parodies of the opening scene of said movie. Like, they subjected one person to draw that same sequence with different characters like 6-7 times. And the "best" part? Sometimes they steal the poor victim's art to claim it as their own. And sometimes, they create edits of them WITHOUT CREDITING THE ORIGINAL ARTISTS. And when they do get caught, they apologize. A lot. But that's only a front to get respect again.
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Her husbando
And I was one of their unfortunate victims. This person is weird as all hell; they ship this rat with Pibby (a character that is canonically from a preschool show), Meilin Lee (A hecking 13 year old girl), and Adrienn themselves.
The rat, according to the user, is 15 while the female version of the rest, his girlfriend, is 12.
Adrienn themselves are either 17 or 19.
The fandoms they follow are: -Courage the Cowardly Dog -Friday Night Funkin -Learning with Pibby -Little Nightmares -Turning Red -Anything Disney related (Goofy mostly) -Steven Universe -Made in Abyss -Road to El Dorado -Eddsworld -Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -Super Mario series and, most importantly, Larva.
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She stole my artwork just to make crappy edits
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adrienn, flat out admitting that they steal art from people
It's already kind of weird enough, but then I did more digging on this person. They have a butt ton of accounts on a multitude of social media websites. They have a few on reddit, a few on wikia, one on vimeo, and a few on behance, of all places. They have a long history of harassing users, especially on reddit and wikia. They have the most accounts on Tumblr, with five (two of them are inactive.) The second biggest is wikia, with four. The earliest accounts were on DeviantArt, which makes a lot of sense. Oh, but it gets better. They have uncensored nsfw content on two tumblrs. This is from one of their accounts. I am not going to show you the image, but I'm going to show you the tags:
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I mean, I'm glad that they tagged it as "rule 34", but I'm more surprised about how tumblr didn't purge those posts or ban the user entirely. So, if you see someone with any of these accounts ask you to draw this rat, dump the ask and block em. Hell, even report them if you need to : https://adrienn-banai-09.tumblr.com/ (WARNING, NSFW CONTENT AHEAD) https://adriennbanai09.tumblr.com/ (Not as nsfw as the one above, but still, nsfw) https://andreabanai.tumblr.com/ https://adriennsposts.tumblr.com/ (currently active) https://adriennbanai-09.tumblr.com/ (currently inactive) https://adriennbanai-2022.tumblr.com They may also go by "zoltanbanai", so keep your eyes out.
And Adrienn/Andrea, if you are reading this, I urge you to take a break from the internet and get some help. As I said multiple times, this behavior will not help you make friends. It will only make more enemies. I am an autistic just like you (probably. idk) and I really don't want to put you down like this, but you're already weirding a bunch of people out. Though you probably won't listen to me anyway, since apparently in your eyes the word "no" is just an unspoken "yes".
And please don't harass this person or send them death threats. Doing that just makes you a bad person.
I hope this is the last time I talk about this person, because I don't really have the time or the patience to deal with stupid bullcrap like this.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk. The clorox brain bleach is on the right side of the exits.
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shimmerloid-ai · 3 months
Introduction - What is VOCALOID?
Hello everyone, Shimmer here! This is my first post in this guide blog thingy. I thought it would be a good idea to explain what VOCALOID actually is before I jump into how to use the software. Otherwise, it would be like baking a cake without knowing what cakes are.
So, let’s start by addressing what VOCALOID is not.
VOCALOID is NOT an anime series. Although Hatsune Miku made cameos in "Dropkick on My Devil!", she never originated from an anime series because she is NOT an anime character.
Second, VOCALOIDs are not those crappy AI voice models. You know, those weird “voicebanks” where you can make Spongebob Squarepants sing "7 Rings" or have Cartman from South Park rap "INDUSTRY BABY"? Yeah, those are actually illegal renditions of celebrity voices without the knowledge of the voice actors/influencers/singers whose voices were used to make the models. You just put the models over an audio track, and boom. Lazy, illegal shit.
Finally, this is just common sense, but VOCALOID did not originate from Project Sekai! Colorful Stage! The Cryptonloids (Miku, Rin, Len, Luka, Kaito, and Meiko) have existed long before the game was released; VOCALOID 1 was released in 2004, while the money making machine was launched in Japan in 2020. That is a gap of sixteen years, and if you compare the time between Hatsune Miku V2's release and Project Sekai, we have another thirteen year difference there.
With that being said, what *is* VOCALOID?
The best definition I can give you is that it is a digital singing synthesizer. Basically, it is an instrument, but instead of piano notes, you get vocals.
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And no, *this* AKITO is not associated with the Akito Shinonome from Project Sekai.
To advertise this voicebanks and increase their appeal, Crypton, VSINGER, AH-Software Co., Internet Co. Ltd, and many other companies that make voicebanks for this software have cute or hot anime-style avatars designed for their box art. This was a great marketing scheme in my opinion, because wouldn't you be more inclined to purchasing something if it looks aesthetic, kawaii, or epic? Just look at GUMI's design!
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Alright, I have a feeling I may have bored most users who are reading this weird info-dump, so I am going to add one final, important point. Remember our wood analogy? Well, we have the workbench (VOCALOID), and the wood (the voicebank(s) of your choice). Making a desk for instance would be like making a cover of a song. But people can make the same kind of desk with an entirely different appearance or texture. Similarly, a lot of producers can make covers of the same song, but they can sound entirely different in regards to their pitch, tone, or melody. This aspect is known as "tuning".
Tuning is basically the process of editing the properties of a voicebank and the notes/lyrics they are singing to create a specific sound. People can tune the same song in different ways. For instance, listen to the original "Rolling Girl" by wowaka, and then these covers. They are all the same song, but tuned in entirely different ways.
Below is the original song:
And these are all covers:
Also yeah, that last cover is mine, it's my blog, I can promote my content if I want to)
I hope that just by listening to these you can see how tuning can vary from individual to individual. Its all a matter of how you control the parameters of the singer.
So yeah, I yapped enough so I'm gonna end this infodump right here. I'm not surprised if you guys are still confused, so I'm going to leave some helpful resources down below as these people are better at explaining shit than I am.
My next post will involve some common terminology used in the VOCALOID community, such as “VSQx”, or “pitchbending”.
Goodbye for now!
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yourmaidsp · 2 months
East Park ideas dump #3
(some sot contents)
–some East Park's SOT characters + weapon list:
Kyle = Liu Bei 刘备 (twin swords)
Stan = Guan Yu 关羽 (glaive)
Tolkien = Zhang Fei 张飞 (spear)
Wendy = Zhuge Liang 诸葛亮 (feathered fan + guzheng)
Cartman = Cao Cao 曹操 (sword)
Butters = Xiahou Dun 夏侯惇(long sword)
Kenny = Sun Quan 孙权 (six swords)
Jimmy = Lv Bu 吕布 (halberd)
Timmy = Zhao Yun 赵云 (spear)
Ike = Liu Shan 刘禅
Craig = Zhang Jiao 张角
Tweek = Meng Huo 孟获
Clyde = Sima Yi 司马懿
the Goths = Nanman crowds
(o boy I'll have hell of a ride designing these)
–The whole vibe of East Park would feel like this edit of early Chinese tiktok
- Butters might be super badass in this bc Xiahou Dun is well known for fighting fierce w only one eye.
- Also Wendy would craft delicate n powerful defense mecha (according to history) that almost scared Clyde to death.
Genuine, hilarious, absurd n absolutely beautiful.
ngl I really like this.
-Craig goes to work( to his temple) on a crappy cranked bicycle, his theme would be this:
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obeymekarasu · 1 month
Can you reference where the canon material is from? This would help a lot, and you wouldn’t have to always reply to those who ask where this info is located.
An example would be the chapter lesson and number, chat room and name, the call title, or the devilgram.
// tldr: no, I like it this way and it works for me, limiting source requests to asks encourages ppl to interact with me, and prevents potential copycat OM lore accounts from stealing/benefitting too easily off my hard work. If you’d like to change the format then by all means create your own format.
Some rambling under the cut
//Answering this more completely , this account is supposed to be a “fun fact!” sort of account and not an encyclopedia. I only keep records because I claim everything I post is true and it is, so I have the receipts when asked.
Also let’s be real there are 600+ facts in the bot at the moment and counting, and although I have all of them in my own personal database, I would rather spend my energy adding new lore in the current format instead of having to go back and undertake the project of editing every single postable fact in the bot to the new format you’re suggesting. I haven’t even gotten to Nightbringer lore yet. I have SUCH a large backlog in OG alone and I have a bunch of events and DGs and etc still need to comb through.
The only thing I haven’t been keeping track of regarding location of lore is chat conversation names. But the conversation participants are in the screenshot. But otherwise I provide events, DGs, chapter location etc etc.
Also I *like* fetching facts for people. I’m the person who likes feeling useful and I get excited when people actually care about the lore enough to ask, even if I’ve pulled up the same lore piece for someone else before.
Dumping all my sources and hours of hard work into putting the source directly in the bot post is a waste of time for me, and it also allows people to copy and paste into a new bot too easily if they wanted to make another ObeyMe lore bot, therefore taking credit for my hard work and time invested. Which obviously would make me feel crappy.
So I don’t wanna.
And if you REALLY want to know lore facts you can still ask. People who are truly interested in the lore will go out of their way to ask me for sources, I won’t cater to people who don’t make at least minimum effort (demonstrating their active interest) since I’ve already put so much time and energy into this bot.
Hope you can understand where I’m coming from.
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roykiller07 · 3 months
crappy art dump bc i feel the need 2 establish me and my friendy's ocs on this platform bc im probs gonna end up posting about them a lot and i love them and i will make everybody on earth love them also
open for sillies :3
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darleneee!!!!!!! my silly this drawing does not do her justice but she is a 13 yr old lesbian (she/her) and 🔥suthern. she is thr coolest oc i have ever had any part in creating and her lore consumes my mind daily and i am gnawing at the bars of my enclosure containing myself from infodumping abt her and the rest of them all the time until the comic my bestie and me r making w them starts coming out but im posting this oc stuff here on purpose to motivate myself to actually draw it by summer so u guys will not be safe for long. shes a virgo 💖
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starria delaunchey my sweetie pie her design has actually developed a lot since this piece she has completely different hair now and all sorts of stuff i mean i dont think she even plays hockey anymore but the essence remains the same 💗she is ALSO a 13 yr old lesbian (she/they) and she and darlene r in a long term loving relationship so get ur starlene fanart started asap pwease and thank yew. if im gonna list the zodiac signs for all of them then starria is an aquarius.....
fun fact she is the oldest oc of all 4 she was the very first to ever be created !!
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matty! matisse! mat! he is stars half brother and they are bffs and he is the most peculiar fella on the planet and is lowkey my fav tied w syd but i practically never draw him bc i am like. intimidated and so bad at replicating what we actually want him to look like😞 i have no clue bleh but hes the one with the full torso and hes a sagittarius like meeee!!!!!! hes 13 too and a transmasc aroace with he him pronounce
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this is syd my stupid idiot i love her w all my heart.same thing as matty i have barely ever drawn her ever bc im like scared to but shes basically leonardo ninja turtle 2018 if he was mikey batman vs the tmnt edition and also donatello 2023 all at the same time (very normal points of reference yes). his only flaw is hes a libra
he is a 13 year old bigender bisexual (she/he) and also btw every single one of them is autistic because we can
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WE ALSO HAVE MIN!!!!!!! shes the best character but i have literally almost never drawn her ever let alone RECENTLY with a REMOTELY up to date design so the only information yall get about her is shes a cancer
the comic is called honeysuckle and/or cheriton creek bc we changed it recently but we still tend to refer to the overall project as honeysuckle so oh well deal w it
BE A FAN NOW (pointing gun)
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whatsnewalycat · 1 year
Can you tell me more about your writing process?
I’m literally enthralled by your writing and want to know everything about how you approach your ideas — once you get one, what are your next steps?
You’re phenomenal ❤️
Oh man ok let’s see. I apologize in advance for how long this is (I, too, don’t want to be this intense, I promise).
Once I get an idea that I’m stoked about, the extent to what I do next depends on if it’s a series or a one shot, but I’ll usually try to get a handle on the main characters involved. If it’s a one shot it’s almost entirely vibes, I stg, I just wing the characters and storyline, but follow the same kind of editing process as I do series chapters.
If it’s a series, I’ll make a folder for the series in my notes app, and a note for each main character and start writing down ideas for their main characteristics and backstories. This is usually when I make a Spotify playlist for the series.
Then I make a rough outline for the story based on these characters and the initial idea.
From there I can kind of tell what things I want to do more research into before starting writing. I’ll make a note for each of those things and dump anything I find helpful or interesting into the notes. Like… for Psychomanteum I have notes with: links to tabloid articles, excerpts from research papers on psychomanteums, quotes from this book on grief, excerpts from and links to articles on sexual grieving, etc etc.
After this I go back to the characters and flesh them out a little more. I’ll look at lists of characteristics, make sims (seriously), watch the source material for PP characters, look at character archetypes, and think of people I know IRL for inspiration. Then once I think I know them, I revisit the outline and tweak it accordingly.
When I’m ready to start writing a chapter, which i dont start to do for honestly like… months after the initial idea, I’ll make an outline for each of the scenes I want and start trying to write them. I’ll just kind of word vomit out my ideas and try my hardest not to deal w the parts i think are crappy right away (which is hard because, despite what a chaotic mess I am, I am a fucking perfectionist). Most of the time I end up either not strictly sticking to the outline or writing alternative scenes, too, because idk sometimes it feels like the characters wouldn’t do that??? And I like to have options?
Once i write all the scenes, I take a break for at least a day, then back in and reread and tweak things like, I don’t know, one million fucking times 😂 I end up rewriting a lot of pieces and fleshing things out when I do this though.
When I mostly like it and cut out all the things I don’t want (I always save these scraps in a separate doc because I might want to use some stuff later), I smoke some weed, read a bunch of poetry, put on my playlist, and edit it again. If I ever refer to “the stoned edit” this is it lol. I always end up adding a lot more sensory details and better explaining emotions when I do this.
Then I read It once or twice more for spelling, grammar, formatting, fine tooth comb stuff. I’ll usually post it and immediately find some errors anyway 🥰 but what can ya do lol.
AHHHHH hopefully this helps and isnt Just like… me blabbing on about useless shit 😂
OH ALSO! The book “consider this” by chuck palahniuk has been super helpful for me as far as writing tips and stuff. I’ve listened to that audiobook like... four times because I can’t remember shit ever lmfaooo It’s always helpful imo. I also really like to listen to audiobooks of horror novels and find them inspiring because they’re usually so visceral and engrossing.
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tryingtowritestuff24 · 3 months
Too much info dump UPDATE
[After lovely feedback <3 I have edited the part I uploaded to what is now below. Let me know if it's still cohesive)
Lifting his glass with a forced smile to the handsome bartender, Jackson sighed. What a terrific birthday this was turning into. A beating from his father in the morning, crying and solitude until dinner time, and now he was drinking alone at his favourite bar whilst his former friends were partying loudly in the VIP area. This fallout was so petty but once Queen Ginny had decided you couldn’t sit with her, there was no going back; he couldn’t really imagine a way this night could get worse.
When he’d taken those first big boy steps into the fashion industry as a stylist, he’d had so many big plans and aspirations; moving out of his abusive family home into a cute Manhattan apartment, working his way up the ranks until he was finally a designer, marrying the most handsome man in New York City, and being happy. However, everything had all gone decidedly tits up very early on.
The pay for his services was well below what he had expected for the incredible work he offered. When he had finally saved up enough to buy a crappy little place to live, he realised that, if he left, who would look after Carlos? Carlos was the baby of the family, despite being nearly eighteen, but Jackson was the one who cared for him. Jackson had made the tough decision to stay put until Carlos was old enough to move with him. On the dating front, he didn’t even want to bother; every man he met on Grindr turned out to be an asshole. There was only one man in New York Jackson would even consider marrying and like that was ever going to happen.
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halloweenthief · 1 year
Deadly Valentine
2023 December edit: This is still centered on Valentine's day, I wanted to share it again because hey guess who got dumped, I rewrote some parts but overall still the same - End of the edit
I wrote this in the same way I write my own books or fanfics, so yeah, It may look weird?
This is an au where Streber didn’t survived to Bob
This is also the first fic(?) I post in Tumblr, it may look crappy but I tried to make it good enough
TW: Commented death, commented murder
A long, loud beeping sound echoed in Kevin’s room, it didn't matter, Kevin was already awake
It's hard to get used to sleep alone once you’re already used to sleep with someone else, to wake up and see the face of your loved one
Well, he still doesn’t have time to, it’s Valentine’s Day, obviously the Candy Club had to be open, and since they weren’t giving free candy he would at least get more money than he did on halloween
It’s been 5 months since the accident happened, 5 months since that sick fuck killed his boyfriend, 5 months and he wasn’t able to move on
He didn’t even had time to mourn
God, he hated Halloween even more
And he was just about to start hating Valentine’s Day as well, even if he didn’t had a free day, he could always take dinner with Streber, or watch movies, anything
There’s nothing now
Better to go to work, if he’s lucky enough there won’t be a lot of annoying costumers
Maybe the spooky kids won’t ever appear today to drive him nuts
Oh what a day it would be...
He heard the sound of door opening, sadly, it wasn’t a normal costumer
The day was surprisingly calm, a lot of kids coming to buy candys for gifts, either for friends, familys or partners
Must be nice, at least other people was going to enjoy Valentine’s day, but it was still hard to see couples being so lovey-dovey knowing he won't get the chance to do that anymore
—… Here we go —Kevin sighed as he saw Skid and Pump entering the store, he didn’t have the energy to do anything
— Hi Kevin!
—Two candy cans please!
—Are you two kids going to pay this time at least?
—I’m not in the mood for this  —He reached for the candy cans and gave it to them— Just get out
Ah, they forgot there’s no free candy on Valentine’s day, only discounts
Pump tried to search for money on his pockets, there’s no money on his pockets, he’s just trying to pretend there is
—Thanks Kevin!
—Oh! What are you gonna do today?
—For the spooky Valentine’s day!
—You two just add “Spooky” to everything, don’t you?
—Because it is Spooky!
—So? —Skid returned to the first question
Pump sounded really proud about that
They were getting really annoying today, why aren’t they gone yet? Don't they have anything else to do
—I’m working, that’s what I’m doing, now go
—Huh, I could’ve sworn you… You really aren’t doing anything today? —At least Skid was confused, he was pretty sure he heard Kevin mentioning having a partner at least once
He never got to meet him tho, at least that’s what he thought
—Yes, I’m pretty sure
—Mom bought me some lollipops
The kids looked at each other and shrugged
Skid took out a lollipop from his pocket and offered it to Kevin
—You already had candy? And yet you came for more?
—I wanted a Candy Can!
—The lollipops are for sharing
Kevin took the lollipop, it was one of those heart shaped ones with a pink packing, it had a cheesy message on the back, it was hard to read
—… Thanks kids
—Your welcome Kevin!
—Let’s go to the forest! —The kids got out of the Candy Store with the cans, heading out to the forest, they're really loud when they're running
It wasn’t really safe but at this point Kevin knew that he could do little to nothing to stop them
At least there wasn’t any kind of weird shit today
At least he got a lollipop
At least Valentine wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been...
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somuchyoudontknow · 10 months
It looks like it’s the same resort Chelsea and friends are staying.
I just think it is really weird that we get little to nothing from them for like 6 months (posting on SM) and now they just post everyday?
Is it over and now she is allowed to be shown on SM without Chris PR Team? 😂
Or (PLEASE PLEASE NO) it’s actually her bachelorette party/vacation and that’s why Chelsea and friends were there? (RANDOM THOUGHT)
I mean were they even there at the same time?
A bachelorette party without a ring? They are trolling and we are falling for it.
Chris' circle go on vacations on his expense. If the trip was arranged by their teams, why wouldn't they love to go? Just asking, I might be wrong but there is a lot to unravel.
We will see what's coming. If they recorded some content and might be dumped when Chris comes back online or we get some pap pics from Bermuda, it will still show it was all planned. We saw Jesal following Justin. We saw the dump from Chelsea which was clearly compiled very meticulously and we know it takes time to compile such things. It seemed done by professionals. The music, the editing. It was not like Justin posting crappy vids and photos.
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westanallthegays · 2 years
Writing 101 with your favorite queer (EDITED)
Writing is h a r d .
If you think writing is easy, then I'm going to ask you if you've ever WRITTEN A STORY BEFORE because clearly, you're oblivious af.
Writing isn't just w r i t i n g a s t o r y, it's late nights trying to figure out how the fuck to write this moment, it's sleep deprivation to puzzle this character over, it's scribbling ideas down, it's questioning whether your writing is GOOD or not and whether anyone would actually want to read it, it's staring at your google doc or word doc and thinking, "Is this worth it? Maybe I should just quit ahead of time."
It's so many things, but it's not fucking EASY.
Which is why I'm writing this post for y'all. Let's be clear, I don't know everything about writing. I'm in progress, still trying to figure shit out, but I thought I might share what I've learned with you through a very, very painful process.
So ✨here we go✨
One of the things about writing is that everyone has different methods. Here's mine. Use it or not. It's up to you.
I know a lot of people who don't plan their writing out are gonna be screaming at me, but I've found out that having at least a basic plan, if not the simplest plan EVER formed by just a few bullet points really helps.
I'll give you an example (which is miraculous themed because I'm pretty sure everyone at least KNOWS what miraculous is)
Marinette goes to school
Alya gushes to her about this "cool new girl" that has arrived
Marinette reaches school and discovers the new girl is Lila Rossi
shenanigans ensue. Adrien is the only one who isn't clueless. Lie la is a bitch, as usual (what is new?)
Okay, this example was pretty crappy, but you get the idea. It doesn't even have to be an exact copy of what's gonna happen in your story, just the general idea and a few more plot points. Doing this when I'm bored, whether in my sketchbook or on a google doc, really helps. For one, I can just write down a bunch of shitty ideas and later go through them and decide which ones are the least crappy to put in my fanfic.
I'm a planning person, but I don't go super crazy when planning out a chapter. I've heard of some people creating the most intricate plans EVER for their story, and well, sorry, but that just DOESN'T work for me. This method is a lot more simpler, and it's not totally crazy.
Also, if you're writing a story based on a tv show or book series(*cough percy jackson *cough) Then I find it INCREDIBLY helpful to write down a list of all of the minor characters i want to include in my story, because let's be real, I'm pretty sure I'd forget after like a day.
And I've read too many stories with only the main characters and there being like one mention of a minor character. (*cough GROVER *cough)
So spare your innocent readers (not really) and use this method.
Welp, that's it! I'm sorry this ran on for so long guys, I had a lot to say and wanted to elaborate on it enough so that it made sense. If you actually read through this shit pile of a post, then TYSM IT REALLY MEANS A LOT.
Stay safe, don't fall into a deep, dark hole of depression that you can't get out of, and I'll see ya later~
Hi guys! It's been a few months since I stepped into the world of tumblr and wrote this post. After that i kinda forgot about tumblr with the existential crisis that is school and basic stress, so ....sorry bout that.
Thank you to the two people who liked this post, it means a lot <3
As usual, your girl is here to give some more tips that i learned over those few months i was incognito.
2. Brain dump, second draft, third draft, fourth draft...
I dont know if yall have heard of the brain dump in writing. I recently found about it when despertely researching ways to improve my crappy writing. Basically, a brain dump is when you take all of your ideas and write them down on paper or a google doc or whatever you use. I thought it was a pretty good idea, but i kind of already told you guys this with my previous tip above.
MY version is that you do a brain dump but in the form of a really messy, chaotic first draft. Write whatever you want using the ideas you have, and you dont even have to put proper dialouge. I find that i obsesse way too much over dialogue, so with my brain dump, i just leave blank spaces where the dialogue should be and put that in the second draft, which is a much more organized version of the brain dump.
THAT WAY, you can have all of your ideas down and begin to edit them into a slightly better piece of artistic creativity. I haven't tried this out myself, so im not sure how reliable it is. if you want to try this out, drop a comment telling me how it went.
Im pretty sure that's it. There isn't much esle to say, and im sure yall are familar with the "first draft, second draft" concept thingie so i dont have to explain that bit.
Again, sorry about my long absence. I would promise to do this more often, but im pretty sure i wont be able to keep that promise, so . . .
anyways, have a great day and ill see you soon (hopefully!)
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latent-thoughts · 2 years
Oh hon!
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I am actually working on my stories, bit by bit (trying to claw my way out of crappy health issues). It's slow progress but progress. I've written like 12k words for Ravished by God, but it needs editing. Which I'm bad at. 😅
Got covid again, so I'm back in the dumps, because disoriented brain ain't good for writing 🤪. Hopefully I'll get back to it soon, in a few days.
I'm glad you found me here. 🤗🤗🤗
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agaytrashcan · 1 year
⚠️CW - SCARS⚠️
HELLO again 👀 Posting again before I disappear for another month But have this art dump (2/2) The first drawing is me experimenting with rendering and lighting it's a really iffy drawing of Connor but I had a blast drawing it so Then theres a quick doodle of Newt Scamander that I did during school because maths is boring as hell The third drawing is a pretty scuffed drawing of Mischa Bachinski from Ride the Cyclone because I adore that musical with a passion and Talia is such a good song Then we have CONNOR AGAIN because he's amazing and I am a strong believer that Connor and Hank deserved their own game where they just solved a bunch of crimes Then my two Hollow Knight drawings, one with my OCS (I made sprites for them because I was gonna make a really crappy fangame but that sadly didn't happen and the animations are a bit choppy) and my own HK inspired background design and the other I did in an art trade of the Mantis Lords (Which is such a fun fight btw one of my favourites honestly) Then the most recent drawing I am working on right now a WIP of Zuko that I am insanely proud of and I especially love the face rendering I ATE THAT though the scar is a tad scuffed Then finally a really old drawing of my ATLA OC Jaozah whose sparring with Xaoheng but I never actually got to doing the lineart of him and I might redraw this in the future
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ANYWAY HAVE THIS EDIT OF SHERLOCK because I am keeping the fandom alive and I love this show so much and I am obsessed with both Johnlock and Aroace Sherlock
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what this blog is for:
it is my bfw/crossover dedicated side side blog to the @jaaankiey blog.
why did you even make this:
bc i feel self conscious about filling my ao3/reg blog about this one specific project. imagine just following me one day and i suddenly warriorspost 80 times straight.
also this is prob where i get to lore dump about the characters specifically from the battle for warriors (BFW) perspective bc let's bffr bfw!hawkfrost and canon!hawkfrost are two very different cats. same goes for bfw!bottle and canon!bottle lol.
ok? what are the rules:
this is jus a casual blog lol but w mayb one or two house rules.
pleaase send bfw related asks to this blog. i will not get mad if n e one asks via my ao3 blog bc this is new and i havent posted much here yet but i will prob v nicely direct u here for the next time.
pls dont steal my art i made it extra crappy to make it not worth it but please 😭
thats it lol bye
what are you even talking about??
battle for warriors, a lame crossover between battle for dream island and warrior cats on ao3.
the series can be found here. it's recommended you read ships lost at sea first then the special edition work.
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noodle-edits · 6 years
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Olivia with Sumia’s feathers
Manakete!F!Robin (large body)
Manakete!M!Robin (medium body)
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
All Grown Up ~ JJK | 5
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✨ title: all grown up | series ✨ pairing: jungkook x f!reader | ✨ rating: R/18+ ~ minors dni ✨ genre/au: romance, fluff, angst, friends-to-lovers, humor, banter, smut, age gap, best friends little brother ✨ warnings: noona kink, older woman, younger man, kissing, oral (m,f), unprotected intercourse, significant age gap (9 years), confident Jungkook, cocky Jungkook, bratty Jungkook, crappy mom, but overall Jungkook is the sweetest, most romantic boy who's fallen in love | warnings for each chapter will vary ✨ author's notes: I won't be updating this series on Tumblr. This fic is inspired by the k-drama, Something in the Rain. ✨ author's notes 2: okay, so i do plan on editing the rest of this series! i just don't know when it'll be done. ✨ can also read on AO3 or Wattpad
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[ SERIES MASTERLIST ] prev | next ✨ slow dances can't lead to anything good
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✨ chapter five ~ late night outing | wc: 2.2k
It was getting late, but you hopped in the shower to rinse the day off of you. Your thoughts consuming every waking fiber of your being were beginning to eat away at you.
"I don't know what happened between the two of you but I'm pretty sure you could get him back..."
The words of your mother echoing throughout the bathroom. And it was stupid, but a part of you even considered contacting U-jin. You shook the thought from your head. Taking back someone who cheated? Someone who you felt like didn't even love you. Come on...you were better than that, you deserved better than him.
"Promise to not put myself down..."
Grinning to yourself as Jungkook's words came back to the forefront of your mind. Of course, his words were easier said than done. He wasn't the one who got dumped and cheated on. But it was a word of advice that you needed to work on for yourself.
Before stepping out from the warm steamy shower, you heard a notification bell go off. Drying yourself, you picked up the phone to check and see what it was, it read "Jungkook, 2 messages." You unlocked your phone to see a selfie of him with the message, "What are you doing?"
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10:22 PM I just got out of the shower and I'm about to head to bed. What's up?
JK 10:23 PM Ouh, shower huh? 😏 I'm bored.
10:33 PM Don't be gross. You're young. Go out and have some fun. Goooodnight Jungkook.
JK 10:35 PM Why don't you come with me?
You smiled and chuckled to yourself. This boy. You? Going out this late? Nah--.
10:37 PM I'm old and my back hurts. I think staying in bed and watching Netflix sounds better.
JK 10:39 PM I mean...we can Netflix and chill if you want to too 😉
10:40 PM I may be old but I know what the young kids are saying and no. Sorry Kook but you're Yuna's baby brother.
JK 10:42 PM Oh, come on. Come out with me, it'll be fun. I can make you feel young again. I'll make it worth your while and even buy you a drink.
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Before you knew it, you were wearing your strappy heels and getting ready to meet Jungkook at a bar. You couldn't believe you were out this late. It had been a while since you had gotten dressed up. You put on your black bodysuit and wide-leg pants and add a belt, a white clutch, and gold earrings. Your hair is tousled and wavy, and your makeup is minimal and fresh. You had to convince yourself that you were not getting dressed up for him. If you were to meet a handsome stranger at the bar, then at least you looked good, is what you told yourself.
Your phone reads eleven o'clock at night. It was definitely way past your bedtime. You covered your mouth as a yawn got the best of you. With one last glance at yourself in the mirror, you wondered if this whole get-up was too much for tonight. You're only getting one drink and going home, that's it. But you were sure that if Jungkook made any other suggestions tonight, you'd be foolish enough to say yes. It was hard to say no to that doe-eyed boy.
When you got to the bar, you didn't see Jungkook, so you sat down at the bar to grab a drink. The bartender asked what you would like, and you ordered a margarita on the rocks. As you sipped on your drink, you kept looking around to see if Jungkook had shown up yet but nothing.
"Is this seat taken?" a man asked.
You glanced in the direction of the voice. Beside you, stood a handsome man, with plush pink lips, and coiffed hair. He donned a white button down with a matching houndstooth vest and pants. You gulped and opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out.
He chuckled and smiled, then proceeded to repeat himself. "Is this seat taken?"
"Oh, nope nope. It's all yours."
"Thank you." He gave another delicious smile, as he sat down next to you. Sitting so close, you could smell the expensive cologne he was wearing.
"I'm Y/n." Bold of you to introduce yourself first. Could tonight be a good night for you?
"I'm Jin," he stated, holding his hand for you to shake it.
"It's nice to meet you."
Jin peered around you. "Are you here with anyone?"
"Yeah, I'm actually waiting for a friend. What about you?"
He nodded, while waving the bartender down. "I'm here with a friend too. He's performing tonight."
He? Oh...could it be possible that he swings the other way? Well...there goes your plan of chatting him up tonight.
"Oh, I didn't know they did that here," you said as you looked around, now noticing the crowd waiting for the next performer.
"Yeah, it's open mic night," he added. "My friend's a great singer."
The bartender finally made his way over. "What can I get for you guys?"
"Water, please."
You both smiled at each other and faced away from each other as you took a sip of your waters.
"Do you come here often?"
"What do you do for work?" you asked.
The pair of you spoke at the same time. Although he could swing the other way, his presence still made you flustered. He was absolutely breathtaking.
He laughed. "You go first."
"Ah, no. It's my first time here and to be honest, I don't go out often." He probably didn't need to know that much about you. "It's rare to see me out." So much for trying to impress someone by letting them know how much of a loser you were by not getting out.
"I see...so you're like a unicorn, beautiful and rare."
His comment made you blush. "Yeah I guess you could say that."
"And to answer your question, I work at Netmarble."
Oh? That's funny...Jungkook works there too.
"Huh, I have a friend that works there too. I wonder if you know him?"
A loud tap on the mic interrupted your conversation. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our next performer, Jeon Jungkook."
You turned around and found him on stage. He donned a black printed button down, paired with black jeans and black Chelsea boots. He looked nervous with one hand on the mic and the other in his pant pocket, but once he started singing, it subsided. The beautiful words escaping his lips seemed so effortless and natural to him. He enchanted you by the softness and confidence in his voice. The crowd began to simmer down and focus solely on him. When he finished, he received a standing ovation. You found yourself clapping and cheering alongside Jin.
He made his way through the crowd saying thank you to those who stopped him. When he finally reached you, he was grinning from ear to ear, excited to see you here. "Noona, you came. Wow, you--you look amazing." He managed to finally spit out what he wanted to say.
He had never seen you like this before. You weren't the type of person to dress up and show off your body. And now that you thought about it, your outfit seemed like a bit too much for a night out. You felt a little embarrassed acting like this, acting like someone else. You were now regretting not bringing a jacket to help cover yourself up.
"Oh--I, uh threw this on." Ha. Liar. You changed your outfit several times, several. Making sure it was perfect before you left the house. Not sure who you were trying to impress.
Jin stood up behind Jungkook, intensely rubbing his shoulders. "Jungkookie, sometimes I still wonder why you're working at our company when you could be an idol. Don't you think he could be an idol?"
With a confused expression, Jungkook asked, "Hyung, do you guys know each other?" He was hoping to find out that Jin wasn't hitting on you while he was on stage.
"We met while I was waiting for you. And I didn't know you sang so well. Why didn't you ever tell me?"
Your compliment made him shy. He began rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "Ah you think so? I do it for fun."
"I'll take a wild guess and say you and Jin work together?"
Jungkook nodded. "He's my senior, hyung, and a pain in my ass."
"Yah! You're lucky we're not at work, otherwise--"
"Otherwise what?" Jungkook quipped. He knew he could get away with saying specific things to Jin without getting scolded. So he always took a chance with being a brat.
You chuckled at their bickering, reminding you of how annoying the two of you could be.
"Otherwise---I don't know--I'll write you up or something," Jin laughed. "Oh, and uh, Jungkook, can I talk to you over here for a second?" He turned to you. "We'll be one moment." Jin smiled and then tugged on Jungkook's shirt, pulling him in the opposite direction.
Jungkook motioned for you to stay. "We'll be right back." He continued smiling as Jin was pulling him away. It was hard to keep his eyes off of you. He could stare at you forever.
Jin pulled him into a dark corner, away from you and the crowds.
"What hyung?" He forcefully demanded, removing his arm from Jin's grasp. "I don't want to leave Noona by herself for too long."
"Why?" He cocked his head to the side. "Because someone might hit on her?"
Jungkook was silent.
Jin whispered, "Is that who I think it is?"
Jungkook shrugged. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Oh, don't play dumb with me."
Jungkook glanced in your direction and almost took a step forward, when he saw a man making his way towards you. But he stopped himself as he saw the man was only passing by. Then he turned his attention back to Jin. "Okay okay. Yes, that's the Noona I was hanging out with...my sister's best friend."
And so what if he invited you out? He thought it was a friendly gesture since it's been a minute since he last saw you. Despite only seeing you at dinner, then at your workplace. Okay, to be honest, he wanted to spend every waking moment finding out what you've been up to these last few years.
"YAH!--Why would you--"
"Shh! Hyung! Keep it down! She might hear you." He looked in your direction. Watching, as you continued to sip on your water, scrolling through your phone. Not noticing the quarrel happening between the pair of them.
"What do you think will happen tonight? Hmm?" Jin was practically whisper-yelling at him.
"Nothing. Absolutely nothing." Jungkook peered your way again, and you turned around, catching his smile. "I was bored, so I asked her to come to the bar. I thought it might be nice to hang out."
"You were bored?" Jin said mockingly. "I've done this before and you don't just ask any woman to go to the bar. You ask because you have something else in mind. And she's your sister's best friend! What if your sister finds out?"
"Hyung, get your mind out of the gutter. I asked her down here for drinks, that's it. Nothing more, I swear."
Jin scoffed, crossing his arms. "Keep telling yourself that. I'll be waiting for your call when this all goes south."
"Nothing is going south."
"Yeah yeah, nothing except your di--"
Jungkook brought his hand to cover up Jin's mouth to stop him from talking. "Thanks for coming hyung, but I think it's time you go home."
Jin swatted away his hand and gave him another dirty look, knowing exactly the intentions he had for you. "Don't say I didn't tell you so and don't come whining to me when something goes wrong."
You could see the two of them heading back, still bickering like siblings as they approached you. Jungkook took the seat next to you and Jin held onto the back of both of your chairs.
"Well, I'm going to head out. It's getting late. It was nice to meet you." He took your hand and pressed his lips against it. Jungkook glared at him. Jin smiled as he glanced at Jungkook, knowing he was  fuming inside.
His gesture took you by surprise. "Oh--It was nice to meet you too. I'll see you around?"
Jin slightly bowed, turning to make his way out.
"Wait---are you friends with Namjoon then?"
He turned back around. "Kim Namjoon? Yeah, I'm his best friend."
"Ah--so you must know Yuna then, Jungkook's sister? I'm actually her best friend," you smiled.
"Wow Jungkookie, what a small world. Why yes, I do know Yuna." Jin gave Jungkook a look but he turned away.
"Hyung," Jungkook stressed, "Shouldn't you be going? Don't you have an early morning at work tomorrow?
"Right right. Again, it was nice to meet you and I'm sure I'll be seeing more of you." Jin sent you a wink.
Jungkook stood up and patted Jin on his back to hurry him out. "See. You. Later. Hyung." Emphasizing every single word.
"Wow, what a small world indeed. Yuna was just talking about him too."
"What did she say?"
"She said if I needed a date for the wedding, she could set me up with him."
✨ previous chapter ~ on set
✨ next chapter ~ slow dances can't lead to anything good
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