#(well i kinda am but that's more that her personality rubs me the wrong way so much of the time even tho i really enjoy her chapters)
navree · 1 year
Thouggts on alys? And alysmond
Oh God do I have thoughts on Alys and Alysmond, anon, you have no idea. Alys is likely going to become my second favorite character in the entire show the second she shows up (provided they don't screw her up) because I literally just love her so very much. And Alysmond is literally peak for me, they're my number one ship on this show.
I think Alys is a very interesting character. There's a lot about her that's shrouded in mystery in Fire&Blood, because she's not a Targaryen and she was only involved with the Targaryens for a very brief period of time, but even the stuff we do know lends itself towards a fascinating character. Alys as a character is a type of person we don't see a lot in stories in Westeros, particularly when it comes to points of view. She's a bastard, but unlike our other fave bastard, Mister Jon Snow, she's not treated nearly as well (not to say that Jon didn't suffer at Winterfell, he clearly did due to his bastard status and also the way Catelyn treated him). For one, she's a woman, which in general is cause for concern when living in Westeros, and for two, Lyonel treats her far worse than Ned treated Jon. Ned made Jon a part of his family, did treat him as his son, raised him as a brother to his trueborn children, and while he didn't do much when it came to Catelyn's shit of "oh he can't sit with us on Such and Such occasion because he's too bastardly" and "oh yeah no once you leave I'm gonna kick him out of the house at the ripe old age of fourteen unless he decides to join the cult border patrol that tells him to never have a family or a wife or kids and also has to fight ice zombies" he does still love Jon and care for him and look out for his emotional and physical wellbeing as best as he can. None of that seems to be present for Alys and Lyonel, by all counts he looked at his own daughter and made her a freaking servant! Sir that is your child! So Alys comes from this place of living amongst the privileged but being disprivileged in so many different ways, due to her birth status and her gender and her class, to say nothing of being an apparent old gods worshipper in a location of Westeros that was pretty firmly vested in the Seven.
I think Alys was very molded by her circumstances, that she's not just crafty and fiercely intelligent but also incredibly observant, that having been someone who would likely be in the "should be seen but not heard and even then barely seen" category of life, knows what to look for and how to use the information she can process to her advantage. I also think that Alys is a very neutral person, personality wise, very even keeled, given that we see her being the level head in several situations, like stopping Aemond from killing that messenger. Alys is gonna live her life to the best of her abilities and not feel too much about things, because having strong emotions about nonsense isn't really useful for surviving in the real world and as such doesn't serve. But she's still got her moments of softness. For one, we know that she had children prior to her son with Aemond, and also that all of them were stillborn, so that speaks to some intimacy with someone at some point, and, given that she's a "woods witch" and that people do have access to shit like moon tea in this world, a desire to at least have a family rather than just be firm on contraception. I also have a theory that she and Larys were actually close when they were younger (since I think she's around the same age as Harwin and Larys), due to their respective disadvantages drawing them close, the servant bastard daughter and the clubfooted second son. I like the idea of them hanging around in the forests around Harrenhal, Larys looking for special bugs and Alys wanting to gather fun herbs that she'd heard about to see what they do. I think that they're actually close, and that Larys probably does consider her the person he's closest to emotionally (my own pet theory is that he sent a warning to her about the fire at Harrenhal so that she'd be able to survive, and knowing she wouldn't stop it due to likely not having any sort of relationship with Harwin and her antipathy towards Lyonel and the way he treated her in childhood). I also do want to remark on just how smart Alys must be, to have survived in such a dangerous world for as long as she did, and to thrive. I picture her as someone who is oddly charismatic, charismatic enough to win over the people at Harrenhal in the absence of their actual liege, and keep herself alive. Harrenhal was taken by the Blacks first, and Daemon is not a very patient or understanding person, not to mention something of a raging misogynist, so it's entirely possible that the situation could have gone badly for her if she hadn't played it really well, which she clearly did, since Daemon let her live. She's smart and resourceful but also true to herself to the utmost degree, doesn't hide her magic or her old gods worship (which she likely took some sort of comfort in during her early years) and has made herself a survivor without losing any of her humanity in the process. She's so rich and layered, she has the potential to be the best character in the entire GOT/HOTD TV franchise.
As for Alysmond.........oh baby. It makes me fucking nuts. Even the way it starts off is so feral, given that Aemond basically wiped House Strong out in a single day and for some reason, the only person he didn't kill was Alys. We have absolutely zero clue why he did this; did she just not show him any fear? Did she appear apathetic enough about the deaths of the other Strongs that he thought it was interesting? Was there just something about her? Who knows, but from minute one there was something about Alys that jumped out to Aemond, and like vice versa. Again, Daemon took Harrenhal first, spent time there, and as Lyonel's only child in the castle, Alys would have likely engaged with him. But there's no record of them having an affair, and it's not because Daemon's a faithful family man who'd never dream of cheating on Rhaenyra; Alys is likely the one who just was not interested. But something about Alys and Aemond drew them to each other, and there's so much space to think about why. Aemond's had a much easier life than Alys, but that doesn't necessarily make it an easy life in and of itself, he's had to deal with the bullying and the being attacked and maimed and all the trials that came with his physical disability after losing an eye, to say nothing of the emotional issues he's had already that have only gotten worse by the time he's at Harrenhal (remember, his time at Harrenhal comes after Blood and Cheese happen as revenge for his "murder" of Lucerys and after Aegon names him regent after saving him at Rook's Rest, Aemond's got so much guilt and fear and self loathing and family issues wrapped up in him by the time he gets to Harrenhal it's a wonder he didn't explode). Having both had childhoods feeling disconnected from their families, albeit in a different ways, is a connection that they actually share, feeling like you're living on the margins of your society due to things outside your control is a connection that they share, even just feeling like they don't fit in and that they're wrong somehow is something they share, though Alys probably got over that a while ago while Aemond is still young and angsty. I also see Aemond as someone who's felt that he has to work for love, that it's conditional (I blame Viserys) and who feels that if he's not perfect, the people he cares about most, like his mother and his siblings, are going to stop loving him, and he's never had a relationship where he feels he can be himself with no reservations and whatever softness the other person is feeling won't go away. His relationship with Alys, even before it got physical/romantic, is likely the first time in his life where he's feeling like he doesn't need to strive for someone's love or affection. For Alys, Aemond's likely the first person who actually sees her as someone entirely herself. We know from Jon's ASOIAF chapters that part of the issue with a bastard growing up in the lord father's castle is that everyone they know sees them as "Lord X's bastard" first and foremost, even members of their family (like the way narration about Jon from other Stark kids have them refer to him as "bastard brother" even if they have a good relationship, like Arya or Bran). Everyone around Harrenhal, for her entire life, views Alys through the lens of "Lyonel's bastard daughter" and "Larys's bastard sister", and Aemond is probably the first person who doesn't, who just sees Alys Rivers as Alys Rivers, and even if she's less emotionally fragile that Aemond just through age and experience, that's still profound. I also like that there's a lot of room to play with how they went from just cohabitating Harrenhal to being out and out lovers. Aemond could tell her the truth about Luke, Alys could use some of her woods witch knowledge to help him with some chronic pain with his eye, there can be a moment where Vhagar lets Alys touch her in a sort of "Meemaw approves" thing. The possibilities to build up to them as a couple are endless and also extremely compelling. And romantic.
And once they become a couple, it's romantic as all Hell. For one, even with some of the power dynamics involved (Alys is technically a prisoner of war), it's still a pretty equal relationship. They listen to each other and their counsel, given that Aemond is willing to stay his hand when Alys stops him from killing that messenger, and that this does seem to be a relationship where they were both clearly enthusiastic and also able to trust each other, like Alys not being worried once Sabitha Frey takes her hostage after Aemond leaves. And the canon stuff is just...Aemond being so into Alys everyone can tell, being so besotted that he can't bear the thought of leaving her, having left Harrenhal and then doubling back, into enemy territory, to set an entire castle on fire just so that he can save her and get her back. The way that after that, he literally refuses to part with her, and they stay together until God's Eye, until the literal end, and the horrible doomed tragedy of the fact that they both likely knew that God's Eye was It, given that Alys has her old gods magic that helps her see the future and Ewan said that thing about Aemond having some sense of when and how and where he's gonna die, ugh the Tragical Romance. And I know there are people who are like "Aemond just dicking around Harrenhal and get a girlfriend while his family's in trouble makes no sense for his character" but like here's the thing. For one, he's not dicking around, he and Criston are in the Riverlands for a reason and they're doing shit, not to mention this happens pretty late in the game. For two, he can't go back and just retake King's Landing. Beyond the logistical nightmare, he needs to worry about his family. No one knows where Aegon even is, and most importantly, Rhaenyra does have hostages in King's Landing, Aemond's mother and Aemond's sister, that she can absolutely kill if Aemond's attempt to retake King's Landing isn't one hundred percent perfect on the first try. So him staying at Harrenhal and doing what he needs to do for the war out in the field is in fact in character, and if he happens to fall hopelessly and desperately and utterly in love with the hot goth witch in the meantime, that's just one of the perks. And it is love, I wholeheartedly believe they're in love. It's the coming back to Harrenhal that clinches it, if Aemond didn't really care, he wouldn't have done such a fast U-turn on Vhagar and gotten so vicious, but that's exactly what he did because maybe he can't save his family but he can save Alys, save their unborn child, allow himself to be well and truly happy for a little while longer. And if Alys didn't care, then she wouldn't have gone with him afterwards. She wouldn't have left Harrenhal with him, or stayed with him through their journey, or told him where to find Daemon, or even stayed to watch him die. Plus, I mean, the last thing Aemond ever does with two feet on solid Earth is kiss Alys goodbye, most romantic shit I've ever seen.
Her dragon. His lady. His Alys.
TL;DR I think Alys is going to be a top three character for me when she appears cuz she's already a top ten character for me in Fire&Blood, and Alysmond's relationship is literally so important to me it's the epitome to true love on this show no one else is even going to touch it.
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sturniolos-blog · 2 months
please do a prank where either mailo or ella tells reader to shut up to see matt’s reaction !
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Prank - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n oneshot
warnings - fluff? short
disclaimer: first person POV, Mailo is 8 and Ella is 10
I grab the vlog camera as I set it up, pressing record.
“Hello, guys! It’s me, Y/n Sturniolo. I haven’t recorded in a while but we are back for a prank on Matt.” I tell the camera, fixing my hair every couple of seconds.
“But today i’m not alone for this plan..” I trail off, trying to make it more dramatic. “Now introducing, Estrella and Mailo Sturniolo!” I introduce my kids as they walk into frame.
Mailo and Ella stand there awkwardly as they wave. I clear my throat, “Okay, well todays like prank i guess is the kids are just gonna tell Matt to shut up, to get his reaction. Tengo razón?”
Tengo razón: am i right?
“Sí, tú eres, mami.” Mailo says.
Si, tu eres, mami.: Yes, you are, mommy.
“Crees que papi va a estar enojado?” Ella asks as she looks at me.
Crees que papi va a estar enojado: Do you think daddy is going to be angry?
I shrug, “Un poco, pero he will get over it.” I laugh, as i rub Ella’s back.
Un poco, pero: a little bit, but
Ella nods before we hear a car pull in the driveway.
I gasp, “Okay, that must be Matt so come on guys downstairs. Vámonos, rápido!.” I say as we all rush downstairs, Ella and Mailo letting out fits of giggles.
Vámonos, rápido!: let’s go, quickly!
We make our way downstairs and i run into the kitchen, hiding the camera behind a cool book but getting a good view of the kitchen.
I hear Mailo and Ella continue giggling as they sit down at the kitchen table coloring.
I hear the front door open as i start making dinner. “I’m home!” Matt calls out as i hear his keys jingle.
“We’re in the kitchen, mi amor!” I call back, starting to put sauce into a pot on the stove.
mi amor: my love
Matt walks in the kitchen smiling, he comes over behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing the side of my face. “Hey, baby.” He mutters into my neck.
“Hey..” I smile, turning my head so i could kiss his lips quickly.
I then start focusing on dinner again and then Matt walks to the table, kissing Ella’s head then Mailo’s.
“No hello?” Matt jokes, examining Ella and Mailo’s drawings.
“Shut up, dad.” Ella says, laying her head on her arm that rested on the table.
“Excuse me?” Matt said, not knowing what to say to that.
I try my best not to laugh.
“You heard her, shut up, dad!” Mailo yells.
“Yeah, so that’s not gonna happen. I don’t know what’s wrong with you guys but you guys are not talking to me like that. Y/n, do you hear this?” Matt turns to me now.
“Be nice to your father, chicos.” Y/n says, shaking her head, going along with the prank.
chicos: guys
Ella shrugs and continues coloring as Mailo does the same, now not saying anything.
“Y/n, seriously? You’re not gonna say anything else?” Matt scoffs, looking at me.
“Matt, they probably didn’t mean it. Right, guys?” I ask the kids, stirring the sauce.
“I meant it.” Mailo shrugs.
“Me too!” Ella giggles.
I hold in my laugh as Matt’s face now gets red with anger, “Okay, both of you are in trouble. Can’t believe you would-”
“Matt!” I cut him off, making him look at me. “It’s a prank!” I laugh loudly, making the kids burst out laughing too.
“What?” He scoffs.
I double over as i hold my stomach, laughing as i point to the hidden camera. “We raised these kids better than that!” I calm down now.
“Gotcha, daddy!” Ella smiled cheekly.
“Yeah, dad, you kinda suck.” Mailo insulted.
Matt shook his head, “You guys are unbelievable.” He said as he let out a laugh.
umm hello? i missed you guys haven’t posted a fic in a while so here’s this sloppy one
how is everybody?
taglist: @sturniolosmind @novasturniolo03 @hearts4chriss @vinniehackerslefttoe @christhopersturniolo @mattybswife @streamermattsgf @sturnolio-luvs @sturnioloslurps @marlenafortuna @lovergirl4387 @sturniololovesss
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vmbrq · 11 months
okay so I was reading your post answering abt ethan being tied up and blindfolded and HOLY. SHIT. 👀
but honestly I wanna see more of dom ethan. don’t get me wrong I love sub ethan but I feel like a guy like him would absolutely DESTROY (im being dramatic LMAO) you. like this boy is strong asf and he would definitely use that to his advantage!!!
in person he would be sweet, chill and shy. probably stuttering around you and blushing H.E.A.V.I.L.Y. but once he got you alone…
he’d pin you down to the bed and whisper things into your ear, knowing the power he has over you.
i also feel like ethan COULD be into kink. idk it’s just a feeling I have abt him…
his arms. HIS ARMS. HIS ARMS ARE SO STRONG FOR WHAT? A dork like him has arms like that?!?!?!? man. i ain’t never wanted a guy so badly in my life…😭
I’m so embarrassed. 😭😭😭
literally don't be embarrassed because you and i are in the same boat LMAOO and there's just smth so interesting about exploring the potentials of both sides of his personality. bc the way he yanked anika up off the floor and onto her feet with one arm? oh my god????? he's so strong????
in public and in non-sexual situations, he's all about forehead kisses and linking pinkies and flushes pink and laughs when you compliment him bc he doesn't quite know how to react yet. but i am also frothing at the MOUTH at the thought of him flipping the script in private LIKE???? HELLO????
it may have taken him a while, but he'd already be aware of how your brain just kinda melts whenever he shows off his physique in any way, such as lifting heavy objects from your hands to carry them instead, carrying you whenever you're too tired to move or your feet hurt too badly to walk, or even when he idly rubs his hand over his opposite bicep when he's lost in thought or stretches his arms above his head.
mentions of smut under cut ; minors dni
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so when he finds out that it extends to the bedroom, he doesn't shy away from utilizing it every now and then. his physical prowess makes an appearance whenever you're burnt out or completely drained but still needing a release, the muscles in his shoulders and back flexing as he pins your body down or keeps your thighs pried apart so you can't escape the pleasure he gives you. all you have to do is let yourself go and give yourself over to him, and he'll make sure all you can do is lay there and take it.
but aside from that, tbh he would also do it just because he can. you honestly don't stand a chance against him in a competition of strength, but he thinks it's cute if you still try to squirm or push back against his grip to try to overpower him. he's heavy, pressing you right where he wants you, and you can't do anything about it. the little power trip emboldens him, and whether you've freely relinquished control or are still attempting to resist, he's talking. he rambles right in your ear, commenting on how well you're taking him and how pretty you look under him and how you want it so badly, he couldn't pull out even if he wanted to.
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justthatwwegirl · 2 months
(Idk, I'm always making imagines inspired by Laufey songs)
From The Start
(Grayson Waller x Female Reader)
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Summary: Y/N finally tells Grayson about her feelings for him and it goes in a way she didn't expect.
(Warnings: Shitty summary and kinda rushed ending, two idiots in love, some cursing, Liv and Austin being icons.)
Y/N sat on one of the crates, opening her water bottle as she had just finished her match.
Her and Dakota faced against eachother, Y/N coming out on top.
Just right as she was still drinking her water, there came the face she had wanted to see, the person who made her smile and blush till she felt like a high school girl with a crush.
"Y/N/N! Congrats on your match." Grayson had said, walking up to her with some food from catering and a vending machine before giving her a hug that she returned back.
"Thank you." Y/N said quietly. She ate the food very eagerly due to her hunger. Not eating before the show or during.
Her and Grayson had been good friends since their NXT days, Y/N falling for the Australian ever since they met and falling even more in love every day after.
The two had grown very close and cared for each other dearly.
Grayson was more outgoing and very much an extrovert. Y/N liked to keep to herself, didn't like going out and was more of an introvert.
"Hey, do you wanna order takeout when we get back to the hotel?" Grayson asked in his Australian accent, making Y/N go weak.
"Um, sure why not." Y/N said, keeping a cool composure.
Grayson smiled at her, making Y/N smiled back automatically, blushing just a little (or a lot).
Grayson had sat next to her, leaning to rest his head on her shoulder.
Y/N smiled and then leaned her head on his.
Just very friendly things...
"I like your gear." Y/N said making Grayson look down at his gear with a smile.
"T-thank you!" Grayson said in a stuttering mess, making Y/N concerned.
"You okay, Gray?" Y/N asked, using his nickname.
Before Grayson could answer, a familiar voice interrupted.
"Y/N!" Liv had said giving Y/N a big hug that Y/N returned.
"I saw your match and you did absolutely amazing!" Liv said making Y/N jump off the crate and slightly nod.
Liv looked at Grayson and at Y/N before holding her hands up. "Looks like I interrupted some time between you and your boyfriend, sorry!" Liv apologized making Y/N rub her face and making Grayson start smiling.
"I'll see you later, Grayson." Y/N said, looking like a red tomato and waved bye.
Grayson frowned a little but ultimately said bye as well.
"Okay, I didn't even do anything wrong, I said the truth." Liv said and Y/N crossed her arms.
"We're not dating! And as much as I would like that, you know he doesn't feel the same way." Y/N said and Liv looked at her confused.
"Y/N, you can't be serious right now." Liv said and Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
"I am. He doesn't like me back and that's fine. I don't wanna ruin years worth of friendship just because I have a crush on him." Y/N said with a frown.
"Girl. You do realize he feels the same right?" Liv asked, making Y/N shake her head.
"I can give you multiple reasons on why I think so!" Liv said before going on a rant making Y/N listen.
Even though Y/N acted like she wasn't interested. Deep deep down, she hoped Liv's reason were true.
"I hope you know that you talk about this man NONSTOP. Pretty much half of our messages is you talking about how much you love him and want him. Well, I'm here to tell you why you should shoot your shot BECAUSE HE LIKES YOU BACK!" Liv said in a frustrated tone making Y/N jump just a little.
"1, when me and Naomi are on the topic of you guys," "Wait you guys talk about us?" "Not important, anyways." Liv continues. "We both notice how much he listens to you when you talk. Not like how a normal guy listens like this man is INVESTED and he always looks at you with those fucking heart eyes." Liv says making Y/N confused.
"Number 2, who got you matching bracelets for your birthday, AND took you to the mall to go on a shopping spree, not minding how much money you spent?" Liv asked making Y/N look down.
"Gray." Y/N whispered. Liv smiled a she proved even more of her point.
"And who gave you matching bracelets in NXT which you are still wearing today?" Liv asked another question making Y/N scoff.
"Gray." Y/N answered once again, showing her wrist that showed the bracelet.
"You can stop this rant-" "I am not done until you say you will tell him." Liv stated making Y/N groan.
"He gets you food almost every day, he literally carried you everywhere when you injured your leg even though you had crunches, even Triple H thought you guys were dating, and then, this man lets you hold his man just because you're nervous-" "Fine, fine! I'll tell him." Y/N said in defeat making Liv jump and down in excitement.
"Yes! Oh my gosh, FINALLY!" Liv says jumping and down, clapping her hands.
"Alright, Liv, chill." Y/N says while Liv takes some breathes before finally calming down.
"It's that obvious?" Y/N asks, looking at Liv.
"Yes. It is that obvious. He even talks to Austin so much about you to the point where Austin calls you Grayson's girlfriend." Liv says making Y/N blush a little and smile.
"And according to Austin, Grayson doesn't correct him." Y/N looks up at Liv.
"Gosh, if you keep telling me this, I'll die of being too flustered." Y/N said before covering her face as she was blushing and smiling too hard.
"When you're not around, the man complains to Austin 24/7 about how much he missed you."
"You still have that?" Y/N pointed to the little wristband that she made for Grayson years ago.
"Yeah, I wear it everyday and pretty much everywhere." Grayson said, holding the door open for Y/N as they walked into the hotel.
"You didn't notice?" Grayson asked making Y/N shake her head.
"No, I thought you had lost it." Y/N said as they got to the counter, booking their room.
"Imagine if they give us the honeymoon room again." Grayson says, making Y/N let out a laugh.
"That was something." Y/N said, shaking her head in a smile as they went toward the elevator.
They entered the elevator, continuing their conversation.
She always made eye contact with him during conversations even though it made her super nervous. But she loved the way they looked and always smiled at least once during every conversation they had.
She always took his features into deep thought.
Just as they were talking, Y/N had remembered what she promised Liv and immediately groaned, rubbing her face.
"Y/N/N, you okay?" Grayson asked, putting his hand on her shoulder make her relax.
"Um yeah, but I kind of wanted to talk to you about something." Y/N said, facing her fears.
"What is it-" A loud sound had interrupted him, making Y/N and Grayson.
"What just happened?!" Y/N asked in a loud tone, looking around.
"Did the elevator get stuck?!" Grayson asked, also looking around.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now." Y/N said stressed, making her grab Grayson's hand.
Grayson held her hand, squeezing it and making them look at each other.
"It's going to be okay, they'll fix it." Grayson said, trying to calm her down even though he was terrible at it.
"You're right." Y/N said before taking some deep breathes but never letting go of his hand.
The two stood in silence. Still holding one another's hand.
Until Grayson broke the silence.
"What were you going to tell me?" He asked, squeezing her hand again as she looked at him.
"I'm going to try and tell you in the best way I can but you make me super nervous and I just-" Y/N paused.
"I just what?" Grayson asked quietly.
"I like you, more than a friend should." Y/N quickly blurted out.
"I've liked you from the start and the feeling has gotten stronger ever since and I understand if you don't feel the same or if you just wanna be friends I'm really sorry-" While Y/N rushed, before she could finish, she felt those soft lips she had always wanted to kiss against hers.
Y/N kissed him back immediately. Not wanting the moment to end ever.
Until Grayson had to pull away.
"Well, if that doesn't tell you that I feel the same way, I don't know what will." Grayson said in his accent that kept making her go weak.
"I'm still a little... shocked that you feel the same, didn't even realize." Y/N said.
"I thought I was being obvious, I kept dropping hints!" Grayson said making Y/N scrunch her eyebrows in confusion.
"I talk about you so much where Austin has to deal with it everyday. He calls you my girlfriend cause I always talk about you!" Grayson said.
'Well, Liv did tell me that.' Y/N thought.
"Everytime we were away, I always fell asleep on the phone with you and every time I see you, I feel like eyes turn into hearts." Grayson continues making Y/N blush.
"I tried giving you hints but I was too damn awkward." Y/N defended herself.
"You know how shy I am, Gray" Y/N says making Grayson smile and nod.
"I do, and every single time you opened up to me or revealed something about yourself, it gave me more reasons on why I love you." Y/N blushed even more at his statement before giving him a look.
"How long have you felt this way?" Y/N asked him.
"Since we met-" "I could have told you this whole time?!" Y/N shouted.
Grayson laughed and nodded before hugging Y/N.
She hugged back and looked up at him. He looked down at her with their eyes locking and leaned in.
He kissed her with such passion that it made her melt as she kissed him back.
She held onto him as the two continued to kiss but both of them didn't hear anything as they felt like they were in a different world when with one another.
And especially didn't hear the elevator door opening.
"OH MY GOSH!" Liv shouted, making Grayson and Y/N pull away, looking to see Liv and Austin standing next to each other.
"YOU OWE ME 50 BUCKS THEORY!" Liv shouted once again and Austin groaned.
"You guys couldn't have waited one more week?" Austin asked as he pulled a 50 dollar bill from his wallet, giving it to Liv as she danced in a celebration.
"I mean if it wasn't for Liv, I still would be dreaming my fantasies with him away." Y/N said making Grayson start blushing.
Grayson and Y/N stepped out of the elevator while Liv and Austin got in. Everyone said goodbye to eachother while the elevator closed and once again, Y/N and Grayson were alone again.
"Does this make us a couple?" Grayson asked and Y/N nodded her head.
"I hope so. I want to be your girlfriend." Y/N said with another smile as she kissed Grayson again.
"And I want to be your boyfriend." Grayson said, kissing her back while she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Then, we're together, Gray." She whispered and leaned in for another kiss which Grayson immediately obliged too.
The End ♡
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astonmartinii · 26 days
i saw this tag floating around and wanted to let yall get to know me better since i’ve been doing this a while and have only really spoken in the form of authors notes! also im not going to tag anyone so just do it if you wanna!
who is your favourite driver?
i think for anyone who has read anything i’ve ever written it’s probably a bit obvious but max verstappen! what can i say little me was told we’re supporting red bull and here was this little charmer (emphasis on little who let that child get into an F1 car)
do you have other favourite drivers?
also based on my writing you can probably tell that my top three are max, charles and oscar! however, i will also say that alex is a close fourth for me (he’s also very nice irl). also as for retired drivers i think the mamma mia series is a bit of a spoiler but i love jenson, seb and kimi
who is your least favourite driver?
i used to say i didn’t dislike anyone on the grid - that was a lie. i’ll still write for anyone within reason but you can also probably tell with how in detail the back and forth is on certain pieces that i am really not a fan of sainz, actually people who get yelled at while i write them would argue it’s more than “not really being a fan of” but i am fake and i have maintained that if i meet him at silverstone (which i very nearly did last year) ill tell him im his biggest fan! also not the biggest fan of like pierre he’s just kinda there for me and a wee bit too cringey ALSO what you may not be able to guess from how i write him… im not really a fan of lando! ive really, really tried especially after his win but he just kinda rubs me the wrong way (i was immediately proven right with the trump comments lol). people say i should pull for him cause he’s from bristol which is where i live but he’s from glastonbury babe - also ive done a few swimming competitions at the school he went to a WOAH baby has so much money.
do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?
i mostly pull for drivers but like i guess i like red bull? well i did. i love max so i would follow him everywhere but i did like red bull as well as a team (i like alex, danny and checo so that also helps) but this whole protection of christian horner shtick is really disappointing so id say im a driver person.
if you like teams, who do you pull for?
like i said red bull were the team id pick if i HAD to follow a team - i support chelsea so i cant handle even more disappointment if i followed ferrari and also i only like charles there and they’re the source of all of his misfortune so …
how long have you been into F1?
so my family has always been into F1, my cousin karts and my uncle is a mechanic and makes karts on the side but i had always been more into football cause i could actually go to that with my dad - and also for young me who didn’t know what the fuck a strategy was it seemed kinda boring. but i’d say from maybe 2016ish i started watching it more regularly (hence the max stanship). my mum loves it and her first love in the sport was mark webber which is why we like red bull. but yeah i remember watching max’s first win and was like MUM I WANT THAT ONE (and i have technically met him? idk we made eye contact when his taxi nearly ran over my foot)
what got you into F1?
my mum! i love her and she’s just as much a passionate fan (and hater when appropriate) so it’s a nice thing to do together - especially because me and my dad are season ticket holders at chelsea so spend a lot of time together doing that so this is like my sport time with my mum (along with the olympics that’s our shit we’re very excited for the swimming). so i guess it was being around her watching it and listening to her and my dad argue about it! my mum is an ardent seb supporter and my dad is like a twitter account away from being in teamLH so canada 2018 (2019?) was VERY entertaining. also my uncle loves it so he likes that im proper into it (like have a sports journalism degree) and so we always chat about it - he’s trying to recruit me into motogp next
do you enjoy fanfic/RPF?
i mean i’ve written so much i must love it. lol jokes i do enjoy it and i feel like it helps me like people more (case in point: when i was trying to make myself enjoy the lando win i just read my own fics of him LOL)
but also its something fun to do that’s also creative and has helped me make new friends from all over
how do you view new fans?
ugh i hate the hate new fans get like not everyone can be born into loving a sport? if anything the more people that watch and love the sport the more money it’ll make? idk this whole superiority complex some fans have is just so unneeded for the sport and we all know why is majorly directed at girls. i do fear that some of the new fan behaviours could border on worrying - waiting outside hotels and ambushing drivers is stalking actually!
but overall im always happy to have new people in a sport - a bigger community is always good and new fans bring new perspectives which is good as older fans may just be desensitised to “normal” things in the sport but new eyes can remind them - hey halos are the best thing to happen to F1 and red flags in heavy rain are necessary.
if you could take over as any team principal for any team who would it be and why?
i know i previously dunked on ferrari but there needs to be an intervention because my girly max already has three championships and i need charles to get at least one so i can die happy - then ill move to mclaren, kick zak brown up the ass get a piastri championship and bounce (honourary race with willams or whatever team alex is with cause i need all three 2019 rookies to be race winners)
are your friends and family into F1 as well?
i feel like my other answers answered this but yeah! i also recently reconnected with an old primary school friend who is also really into it. i went to a sports uni so basically everyone there liked it as well (which means me and a friend did trek to the F1 arcade at 4am to watch aus 23 where she had a public meltdown over sainz (i enjoyed it)). also ive made a couple friends through working at races!
are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?
i always am! i am a year out of uni and working from home with all my home friends still at uni after taking gap years so i am big time lonely so always feel free to slide into my messages!
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razorblade180 · 1 year
A Chat
Spoilers for V9 Ep6
With an exhausting day of revelations behind them, team RWBY spent the night in the hut of Jaune’s peaceful little village. Ruby sat at the table, Weiss found a nice spot on the floor with a humble bed spread, and the two new lovebirds found themselves sitting by the fire. Weiss genuinely was happy for Blake and Yang, if the foreseeable future was going to be this 24/7 then she might have to start finding ways to tune them out. She wasn’t even jealous! Just…okay, perhaps a little jealous, lonely more than anything.
Weiss:Are you going to sleep anytime soon? It’s getting late and that fire is bright.
Yang:Huh? Oh, hehe, our bad. I guess even here you need your beauty sleep.
Weiss:It’s just sleep at this point. Unlike everyone else here, I fell through a pit today.
Blake:Come to think of it…Yang we could’ve fallen today on that bridge.
Yang:I don’t know what you mean. I fell for you hard today.
Yang:Okay, okay. Lights out time. Blake and I were thinking about having a look around anyways. The stars look nice here.
Weiss:Are you really trying to convince me the two are you are going out to star gaze?
Ruby:What else is there to do here?
Blake:Exactly! Welp, let’s go Yang!
Yang:*red* Okay!
They put out the fire and ran off before Weiss could poke more holes in the blatant lie. Not that she wanted to hear the truth. She turned her head to see Ruby putting Little in her hood and also walking towards the door.
Weiss:And where are you off to?
Ruby:I’m tired but..not really sleepy. If that makes any sense. I might as well take a walk and enjoy the sky myself; clear my head a bit. Night Weiss.
And just like that, Weiss was alone in the dark while being in another world. She hadn’t realized how lucky she was to find Blake and her friends soon after falling. A night here all by herself sounded awful, and yet Jaune had to endure that very thing for so long. How he managed was beyond her. Though Weiss asked for the fire to be extinguished for the sake of sleep, she wasn’t as ready for bed as she led on. Now she was left alone with her thoughts, which unfortunately immediately thought of Jaune the moment she pondered being here alone. It didn’t stop there however. Weiss turned her head to the closed door he slept behind.
Weiss:(I shouldn’t knock, I shouldn’t knock, I shouldn’t knock, I shouldn’t knock, I shouldn’t-)
Her hand was already on the doorknob and she gave the gentlest of knocks with her left hand. Maybe her team had rubbed off on her a little too much, because this is when a normal person would go back to minding their own business. Weiss slowly started opening the door to peek inside. If was already asleep then she’ll shut the door and leave.
As the door slowly cracked open enough, Weiss poked her head into the silently and had a mini heartache seeing Jaune sitting on the end of his bed looking right at her with just as much shock. Weiss’s face turned dark red. She was caught red handed.
Weiss:….*slowly closes door* (AAAAAAHHHHH!)
Jaune:Umm, did you something?
The door opens much faster this time. Just enough for Weiss to stand in the doorframe, stopping herself from fully intruding. Jaune had already taken off his armor and removed his shoes; even his ponytail was undone. Suddenly she felt a little anxious. Thank goodness he didn’t stand up to meet her.
Weiss:Uh, thought I should let you know everyone else has gone out for awhile to unwind.
Jaune:So I heard.
Weiss:Oh, were we being too loud? Sorry abo-
Jaune:No. It’s uhh, it’s alright. Quiet can get really annoying in its own right. The liveliness is refreshing hehe.
Weiss:I can imagine. Sooo I’m not really that tired yet either. Mind if I come in and we…chat for awhile?
Weiss:*red* What? There’s nothing wrong with that, if you want to; and… it kinda feels you want to, or am I imagining things? I mean wouldn’t a person on guard lock their door?
Jaune:Maybe doors don’t lock here?
Jaune:I got better at fighting, not denying. Weiss, don’t you think..I don’t know, this is a little-
Weiss:Jaune, you know me. Things might be…different currently, but what hasn’t changed is that I am doing things of my own choice and that I can beat you up if I have to.
Jaune:I…can’t argue that. Is this a good idea though?
Weiss:We’re just chatting. I doubt Blake and Yang are coming back soon and Ruby is gonna value the peace. As for me…*sighs* I..I don’t want to be alone and I can tell you want to either. Not anymore. So…I’m gonna walk in now, we’ll catch up and…see how that goes. Okay?
Her voice was shaky near the end. Not out of fear or anxious, but vulnerability. The same vulnerability that she saw in his eyes as he took a breath. Weiss took a single step, giving time for rejection, but no words were said. She took another step, and then another, slowly entering Jaune’s room; before shutting the rest of the world out and locking it away for a single night.
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bubuslutty · 1 year
Bambi with fangs
part 2, all parts
pairing: lumberjack! frank castle x (mutant) vampire fem!reader
word count: 2.6k
tags: attempted sa not from Frank tho obvs, typical Frank violence, mutants exist, (kinda) drug use and substance abuse, tell me if I missed anything
warning: attempted sa, violence (Frank beats the shit out of a bunch of people, no killing tho), blood
Summary: Frank wanted someone to bring a little bit of excitement to his boring yet peaceful life. Maybe someone who wasn't scared of anything, who could handle being with him and his bloody baggage of violence and death that he still has to drag around with him. But what he was not expecting, was to end with an armful of mutant, all fangy and pretty with blood running down her nose and chin.
a/n: I am NOT from the US, so I apologise in advance for using the wrong terms for things. I just want to write a fic of Frank having his own fangy gf okay??? even though he's a lumberjack, there's not much details abt his life here, but all of that will be explored in part 2, hopefully 🤞
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Frank took a deep breath, feeling his overworked muscles ache and joints snap. He rubbed his face and placed his hat on the counter, raising two fingers to order two beers.
Frank was alone by the bar as usual, straight out of work and tired as hell. He really should be home by now, showering, making himself something to eat and throwing himself in bed to get some hours in before he goes to work tomorrow. But he always finds himself in the grim bar in town, drinking until Josie refuses to give him any more beer and reminds him he has to drive home. 
Frank wonders why he keeps finding himself sitting at a stool, hunched over his drink and mulling over his boring yet peaceful life. Maybe he secretly yearns for something, or someone to disrupt his routine. To bring something along the way, be it a bit of excitement, love or even lust, Frank’s tired of lying to himself that he's just content living as a virgin lumberjack, even if he chose to live that way. 
There are people in town, both men and women who have expressed their interest in him. Frank always politely declined their advances, not because he found them undesirable, but simply because he was still a dangerous man, even if he ran as far as he could from his old life. He doesn’t have the heart to drag anyone in and one day wake up to death at his doorstep. If he wants to let someone in and let them be associated with him, Frank wants them to be capable of protecting themselves from anything. It’s all Frank asks for.
Over the music playing from the old jukebox, Frank heard the commotion near the toilets. He looked over his shoulder and saw multiple shadows casting over the wall, but no bodies as they were all behind the corner. Frank turned to Josie, who was serving some other clients and she didn’t seem like she heard anything, but neither did anyone else. 
Frank felt like he had to stand up and go see what was going on. And he did. Frank gulped down the rest of his second beer and wiped his lips with the back of his hand, grabbing his hat and placing a few bills on the counter. He quickly looked over his shoulder and turned over the dark corner leading to the toilets.
The first thing he saw was a group of men talking in hushed voices, well, they thought they were talking in hushed voices but Frank could hear their voices clearly.
“What do we do?”
“I think I saw her before, isn’t she famous?”
“What would a famous person do in our shithole of town, idiot?”
“She’s pretty, prettier than your girlfriend, huh?”
“Is she breathing? She looks out of it.”
Then he saw her, slumped on the floor against the wall, hair on her face, blood running her nose and staining her lips and chin. She was wearing a pink lace bralette under a cropped jean jacket, jean shorts with a belt and silver-heeled boots. The stranger was also wearing necklaces, bracelets and earrings, all glinting every time a car zoomed in front of the bar and the light rushed in through the windows.
Frank noticed the men shuffling closer and noticed the second their looks changed and body tensing up. His stomach would’ve dropped if he was anyone else but all Frank felt was a wave of violent disgust and he acted before his brain could catch up. 
“What are you doing?”
The men flinched and turned around, eyes wide at being caught red-handed.
“Oh, it’s just the weird guy who works for Marco.”
“Listen, man, this is none of your business.” 
Frank clenched his jaw, his index finger twitching and eyes glaring daggers at the disgusting men.
“Leave her alone.” Frank said, voice deep and gruff.
One of the men glared at Frank, “Look man, we clearly don’t want you here, so how about you get the fuck out of here?” 
“Hey, calm down.” Another guy said to his hostile friend, turning to Frank with raised hands, in mock peace.
“Or you can have a piece, how’s that?” He said, grinning and making Frank even more starving to punch the man’s face in until his own mother can’t recognise him.
“Get her inside.” Frank said, lifting his chin towards the men’s toilets and making them snicker.
As the men dragged her unconscious body inside, Frank grabbed his phone from his pocket and quickly sent a text before shoving it back in his pocket.
Me: it’s urgent
Me: walk down to Josie's and don’t tell May
When the men dragged her inside the toilets and closed the door, they placed her in a sitting position against the wall and then looked up at Frank expectantly.
Frank held eye contact with them as he slowly unbuckled his belt and they started snickering again but their snickers quickly died out when Frank started wrapping his belt around one of his knuckles.
“What are you doing?..”
Frank calmly washed his bloody hands in one of the sinks and glanced in the mirror, at the heap of bloody and unconscious men on the floor.
He turned to the woman and saw her move her fingers, struggling to open her eyes. Frank walked over and kneeled next to her, “Hey, can you open your eyes?”
The woman groaned and slowly opened her eyes, struggling to focus them on the man in front of her.
“Who are you?” She asked, voice rough.
“Frank. I’m Frank, and what's your name? Do you know where you are?” Frank asked, grabbing her arm when he saw he try pushing her body up from the floor.
“Careful, you’re drunk.” He reminded her, keeping a tight grip on her arm as she struggled to stand up straight.
“I’m not drunk.” She said, squinting her eyes at him and walking towards the door, trying and failing to grab the doorknob.
“Sure you’re not.” Frank muttered and twisted the doorknob open for her, and she started walking down the little corridor on wobbly legs, away from the toilets. 
He was about to ask about her name, or just escort her outside so she can get some fresh air and sober up, and hopefully call someone, a friend or family member to pick her up when she stopped dead in her tracks, falling back on Frank’s chest.
“Careful.” He grabbed her shoulders so she wouldn’t fall to the side and crack her head. 
But then he noticed her terrified face and frowned, “Are you okay?”
“No- Can you uh, look if there’s a man with blond hair and a beard? He’s tall- And he- Can you just check for me, please?” She pleaded and Frank nodded.
He kept a hold on one of her arms so she wouldn’t slip and die and he looked around the corner and there he was, the man she described accompanied by 3 other men as he spoke to Josie.
“Have you seen a girl around here? She’s about this tall and drives a pink car.” The man asked Josie who shook her head, “Sorry, haven’t seen anyone with that description.”
“Are you sure? Because we saw her car outside your bar?” 
Frank turned to look at the woman when he heard a gasp come out of her.
“That’s my car you’re talking about, asshole!” An old woman angrily said from the back of the bar, making her friends glare at the strange men.
The men looked at each other and thanked Josie before leaving the bar.
“I want to leave-” The woman choked out and Frank’s eyes widened when her body hunched over and she coughed violently, spitting blood at her feet.
“Hey, hey-” Frank held the woman’s body up when her knees gave out and her head rolled to the side, limbs limp and sweat breaking out of her flawless skin. 
Frank acted quickly and removed his flannel, wrapping it around her body and placing his hat on her head. His phone suddenly rang and he cursed under his breath, digging the device out of his pocket and holding it to his ear.
“Are you here? Meet me at the backdoors.” Frank said.
“Meet you at the- Frank what did you do?” A younger man said on the phone.
“Just meet me outside.” Frank said and hung up, ignoring the man’s protests over the phone.
Frank looked around and walked with the unconscious woman at his side, an arm wrapped around her waist while one of her arms was around his neck. He walked to the back of the bar, and luckily nobody saw them, then he pushed the backdoor with his shoulder.
The cold air of the night made him let out a shaky breath as soon as he stepped outside. Frank leaned against the wall, letting the woman’s weight rest on his side as he looked around.
“Frank, what did you do?” A scared voice suddenly asked.
It was a young man with big brown eyes and brown hair sticking from his beanie, staring at Frank and the unconscious woman with wide eyes.
“Peter, I swear this isn’t what it looks like.” Frank said, digging a hand in one of his pockets and taking out his keys and throwing them to Peter who caught them without looking.
“Can you get my truck and I’ll explain?” Frank said, still holding the woman upright.
“You have blood on your shirt.” Peter said, pointing at the drops of blood on Frank’s shirt, obviously not his.
“Peter, please.” Frank gritted through his teeth and the young man glared at him and turned around to go get his truck around.
“Are you going to explain to me who’s this woman? Is she unconscious? Dead? And why do you have blood on your shirt?” Peter asked from the driver’s seat while Frank was sitting on the passenger’s seat, supporting the woman’s weight on him, her legs over his thighs and head against his chest.
“I don’t know who she is. I found her unconscious at Josie’s near the toilets.” Frank told Peter.
“And the blood?” Peter asked, glancing at the woman on his friend’s lap.
“Bunch of assholes were going to take advantage of her.” Frank spit out and Peter tightened his hold on the steering wheel, clenching his jaw.
“Did you kill them?” Peter asked and Frank glanced at the young man.
And silence fell between them for long time before Peter asked, “Why are we taking her to your place and not to the police station?”
“Some people were looking after her. And we don’t know if she even wants to go to the cops in the first place.” Frank said making Peter nod in understanding.
When Peter parked the truck in front of Frank’s place, he ran to unlock the front door of Frank’s house and turned on the lights so the other could carry her inside. Luckily Frank lives next to the woods, far from the other houses so nobody saw them.
“Why do I feel like I’m doing something illegal? If I get in trouble, I’m telling May it’s all your fault.” Peter said, closing the door and taking off his beanie to run his hand through his brown hair.
“Can you get me a wet washcloth? She’s burning up.” Frank said and Peter walked to the kitchen while the strange woman was laying on the couch. Frank removed his flannel from around her body and threw it to the side, then her jean jacket in an attempt to cool her body down.
“Here.” Peter gave Frank the washcloth and watched Frank move her hair out of her face and gasped when he finally noticed the drying blood on her nose, lips and chin.
“What happened to her? That’s a lot of blood…” Peter said watching Frank wipe as much blood as he could with the washcloth, and then use the clean side to dab her forehead.
Frank then used his other hand to feel around her face, especially her nose. “It’s not broken… I can’t tell if she had a really bad nosebleed or if this blood is not even hers.” 
“Not hers? How can you get someone else’s blood in your nose?” Peter frowned at the man’s words and jumped when the woman suddenly opened her eyes.
The woman blinked up at the ceiling, and then abruptly sat up and hissed, holding her head in her hand. Frank and Peter watched her in silence as if as soon as they make a noise they’ll scare her like a frightened deer.
“Where- Where am I?” She hissed, looking around the room frantically, cheeks flushed with the fever and eyes watering with the onslaught of light.
“You’re in my house, remember me? Frank?” Frank spoke as gently as possible while Peter watched her with wide eyes.
The woman frowned in confusion before realisation finally dawned on her, “I remember you. You’re the guy who- who- ” She approached Frank and sniffed the air around him, eyes glancing down at the blood on his shirt. 
“You didn’t kill them.” She said with surprise.
Frank didn’t know what to say so he looked at Peter, who was even more confused and slightly scared than he was.
The strange woman stood up but her legs immediately wobbled and she almost fell face first but Peter luckily grabbed her.
“Take it slow, Bambi.” Frank scolded, hands hovering in the air.
However, the woman didn’t seem like she heard Frank and was looking up at Peter with wide eyes.
“You smell really nice.” She pointed out.
The woman stood up straight, well, as much as she could while using the couch as support.
“Uhm, sorry about that. I don’t know what’s wrong with me…” She quickly said, scratching her neck and breathing deeply.
“Look, you’re still drunk so sit down.” Frank sighed and stood up to drag her to sit down or she’ll fall, crack her head open and die in his living room.
“I’m not drunk.” She fiercely hissed at him and Frank’s eyes widened when he saw two unnaturally sharp canines glinting between her pink glossy lips.
“I think I’ve got a lethal dose of drugs in my system.” She muttered, scratching her neck and walking around the living room on still wobbly legs, looking for something to drink.
“Lethal dose of- Frank, we have to go to the hospital right now.” Peter said mildly terrified and very concerned.
“No! I don’t need to go to the hospital!” She shouted, whipping her head towards the two frozen men.
“You’re going to die.” Frank said.
“No, I won’t. Just tell me where’s your fridge.” She said.
“How are you so sure it’s not going to kill you? You can’t even walk straight.” Frank frowned and got up, walking over to his kitchen while Peter just stood there, gawking at her and the fangs he saw a couple of seconds ago.
“You haven’t figured it out yet? I’m a vampire, a type of mutant.” She said, bringing her fingers to pull her lip up and expose sharp canines.
Frank’s eyes widened and she scoffed, “Don’t look at me like that, he’s a mutant as well, this shouldn’t be news to you.” 
She walked up to him and nudged him to the side and started rummaging through the fridge.
“How did you?-” Peter looked mortified but also incredibly intrigued at the same time.
“Smelled you.” She quickly answered before completely inhaling a beer bottle seconds.
Frank watched her drink all of the beers in his fridge, one after the other without breaks to even breathe. When she drank all of them, she closed the fridge and held Frank by the shoulder, “Sorry about your beers, but gotta flush the drugs out of my system somehow.” 
“Who are you?” Peter managed to finally ask.
The woman looked at him and then glanced back at Frank’s perplexed face, “You can call me Bambi, for now.”
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tag list (pls ask to be added or removed): @awkwardalie @enretrogue @itwasthereaminuteago @snowkestrel
Here's also a small treat I found on Pinterest (LOOK AT JON'S BEARD WHAAAA)
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redr0sewrites · 1 month
i wanted to kinda talk about my opinion on some things related to Ana Huang and the romance genre in general- sorry for the rant!!!
finished king of sloth by ana huang and urgrhrgrhrhrh i actually really really enjoyed it!!!! (i say that ab everything i read tho tbh, i've just never been the type who criticizes the media i consume so PLEASE don't ever base ur opinions off of mine :)
my post isn't about the book specifically or even the author. i lowkey have a bone to pick and its NOT with ana huang or the book but moreso the reaction i've been noticing about the book (specifically from people who have been making fun of it and/or people who read it)! this isn't meant to start discourse or anything but i am open to polite discussion about some of the points im bringing up. this is generally focused around ana huang but also a lot of majority-feminine centric media has this same problem.
anyways, i'm gonna try to express how i feel as best i can without being rude or offensive ajshsjs-
it just lowkey irks me that sm people have been hating on ana huang now that she's getting attention, and since she's a romance writer, her fans and fanbase is mostly women and/or girls, (which is totally ok)!! however, i genuinely feel like this is just another barbie movie or sarah j mass or taylor swift scenario where the second something/someone that a lot of woman like starts to get publicity, people (mostly men) start excessively hating on it.
i have genuinely seen sm people dissing not only ana huang but her writing as well. now i don't know much about her as a person and i know that a lot of people are flawed so if she's genuinely done something wrong PLEASE lmk, i don't keep up w that stuff. and hey, maybe you just didn't like the book and thats ok too!!! its totally valid to not like something, but to make fun of an author and the people who enjoy her content just seems.. ehh.
a lot and i mean a LOT of people claim that she's only popular because of her smut but i actually enjoy her books more than just for the smutty/romance aspect. maybe that's just me, but i genuinely find it interesting and a lot of other people i know also enjoy it for the plot. and if u are reading for the smut that's ok as well, this is a totally safe space, and nobody should judge u on your reasons to read a book. the books are INTENDED to be fluffy and spicy and overall are just fictional romantic stories. they're smutty, funny books, not the bible. it shocks me how much people make fun of them.
i just keep seeing this trend of people negatively nitpicking anything and everything about authors and their writing ESPECIALLY when its romance and it just rubs me the wrong way. ive seen a LOT of people upset about huang including cameo's of her other characters in her latest book, and if you don't like those other characters so much then why... are u reading it??? THAT SOUNDS SO MEAN IM SORRY but its just so strange that people are upset about her including her own characters from her own series'?
its just disappointing that whenever someone or something becomes popular, there are always people who are just trying to be negative and diss it along with the people who enjoy it. i'm NOT making this post to be rude or offensive to people who genuinely don't like the author or the series, ur absolutely entitled to ur own opinion!!! however i have just seen this link SO MANY TIMES of people suddenly disliking something/someone bc a lot of woman seem to enjoy it and it just makes me a bit sad and disappointed.
(also side note can men stop hating on the romance genre and books they haven't even read? please??? can feminine people like anything anymore??? romance exists as such a successful genre bc the majority of readers are WOMEN who have to create fictional scenarios about being loved by seemingly "unachievable" men that are literally just doing the bare minimum. women fantasize about being treated with BASIC HUMAN RESPECT as though that isn't the standard, bc honestly, it isnt.)
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
I will get hate, but I don't want sydney anywhere near Spiderman 4, Im sorry. And before you guys start and accuse me of being jealous of Sydeny because she's in close proximity to Z, that's not the case. She can act, like her performance in immaculate was good. I hate her character as a person.
To me personally, that whole Glen Powell thing rubbed me off the wrong way. She was willing to do anything to get ppl to watch her mediocre film in the theatre. That's still so weird to me. Let Sydney work with the likes of Paul Mescal or any other yt male actor. She's so good acting as ppl say, I hope she works with Timothee lol. And this isn't me being jealous of any of Tom's female costars that aren't Z, I'm not. I can't stand Sydeny and that right-wing fanbase she brings. I'm sorry. ( I'm aware that that's not really her fault if she has fans who are right-wing and praise her for bringing "sexy back" to hollywood nut. She definitely encourages that level of support, in my opinion.)
I'd happily prefer to watch Bruna Marquezine, Madelyn Cline, or Tati Gabrielle be that character.
Yea, I get what you're saying Anon.
I mean, I don't really care either way tbh. Whatever is gonna happen is gonna happen. 🤷🏾‍♀️ If am actor lands a role (especially playing a major role like an antagonist to the main character), I figure it's because the person is a good actor and was the best fit for the role in the director's eyes.
All I know is that historically, who fans want to cast in certain roles almost NEVER happen lol 😆
Plus, I kinda think they're gonna go with another male villain 🤔 I haven't really heard anything from Sony or Marvel about introducing Black Cat. I've only been hearing that from the fans and fan blogs. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Bruna is really pretty, but I think Madelyn might physically fit what the character might look more like I'm the comics.
But acting and talent-wise?? Yea.... I'd root for Tati as well. She plays a bad girl really well.... plus, she has martial arts experience. 😏
For some reason, I don't get the impression that SM4 is doing this direction though.
I could be wrong however. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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twdsfiction · 8 months
[Daryl x Girl Reader] (Ms Rulebreaker pt. 1)
Tw - fluff, mentions of death, thoughts. Mentions of weapons and takes place in season 6
I arrived in Alexandria a few months ago; I didn't really know much of the place, but the leader, Rick, was nice to me and my brother. Although I was new, I fit in great, and Tara was nice to me. Rosita was like a big sister, and Glenn and Maggie were basically parents. But there's one person I could never get a hold of: Daryl Dixon. He was always so intriguing to me because we were basically opposites. He was quiet, dark, mysterious, and always serious, and the only way you'll know he's near is if he allows you to. Kinda hot, if I were being honest. The only person he seemed to be open with was Carol. I am only 19 years old. She is very troublemaking, loves to joke and get under everyone's skin, never shuts up, and is never serious. Always stubborn, unless it was about my brother, so definitely a rulebreaker
I was in the shower, and after a long day of scavenging, I finally got out of the shower to hear my brother sobbing, "No! I want Mr. Snuggles!" I immediately put on my sleeping clothes, not caring that I'm only I was wearing a T-shirt with no bra and my purple panties as I walked out of her bathroom into my living room. One of the first things I saw was Carol closely stating, "If you go over that wall, kid, you're going to be one of the monsters! Mr. snuggles isn't real." I felt so much anger in her at that moment that I shouted at carol, "Hey, leave him alone!" I grabbed my little brother's arm and pulled him closer to me, and the calm asserted. "What happened?" Carol stated a slight annoyance, and she was still caring on her fake smile as if I were the rest of Alexandria's idiots who believed she was nice. "Well, your little brother was playing with one of the other kids, and his rhino went over the wall. And he wanted to get it. But Rick said no one outside the walls, due to the horde."
She looked down, but I knew how much that rhino meant to my brother, and Carol was right. I kneeled by him, trying to comfort him with my words as I whispered, "I'd get it back for you, okay? But if I don't know... I tried. Sometimes things get lost, ok?" he started to cry before running off to his room. As a big sister y/n felt bad, she had to tell him that. Daryl walked inside the house first. His eyes went to Carol, and as he stated her name, "Carol," the way he looked, I could tell something was wrong. 
Then his warm blue eyes looked at me. His eyes were on me longer than usual, and he nodded. And I smiled. "Daryl Dixon, come by to tell me you're a ninja who only comes out at night. "Because I already knew  that."He replied, "Nah, I came by to speak to Carol."And nice purple underwear." before a huge wave of embarrassment washes over me. I completely forgot I wasn't wearing hardly any clothing. He definitely checked me out more than once. Carol asserted. "I knew this was going to happen sooner or later; do not leave this house, she says as she rushes out. I yelled, "Wait!"What!" But the two left in a hurry. I was tired of Alexandria treating me differently because I was 19. I should've been out there with the adults. Y/n thought to herself. 
I turned to check on my brother in his room, but he was sobbing in bed. I felt so bad that there was nothing she could do. I sat on the twin bed beside him, rubbing his hair. "Hey, bud, are you okay?" was only 7, so he turns to me and replies, "No, now we have nothing left of mom," as his huge doe eyes sparkled with tears. I kissed his forehead and said, "Yes, we do; I'm going to go get it! You stay here, and if anyone asks, I'm asleep," he nodded. And then he stated, "Be safe." Before I left, I went to my room, put on a pair of black jeans with one of the white crop tops that I borrowed from Rosita, and the hair clips I always wear, which were black, with brown boots and an oversized jacket borrowed from Glenn.
As I snuck out the backdoor, I searched and looked to see the town basically empty. So I immediately ran to the gate, preparing to climb it. But then Daryl yells, "y/n, what the hell you doing?" I immediately tried to climb faster to get over the gate, but I heard four footsteps before I felt a hand on my waist. It was a warm feeling. He started pulling me from the gate onto my feet, and when it turned around, it was Daryl. Who angrily He scoffed, "You fucking crazy, it's a horde?" I couldn't help but stare at his eyes, and his cheekbones were amazing. I blinked, then I shouted, "Who cares, my brother Rhino is out there; he needs it, so how about you lighten up cupcake? i'd be back." Daryl stated, "All that over a bull." I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I asserted, "It's a rhino." As I picked up my bag off the ground, Daryl muffled, "Who cares? You're not going outside that gate!" I kicked Daryl's leg, causing him to fall into his buttocks as I started climbing fast on top of the gate. ", damnit, you're going to get yourself killed," Daryl yells. y/n! Get down!" and I looked down at the horde of walkers. Back to Daryl, there were three dozen of them, but I needed to get his rhino.
I jumped from the gate onto the ground and immediately started running to get his rhino. When a walker came from the side and jumped onto me, trying to claw into my neck with their dirty brown teeth, I struggled, but I got it off me by taking my pocket knife and jamming it into the side of its head. I hurried up and ran to his rhino by a tree, and then ran as far away from the horde as I could, reaching a spot in the middle of the woods. Thinking I was safe, I mean, it's clear. Before I knew it, another two were by me, and the whole horde was coming near me. I ran faster, but a rock caught my feet and ended up twisting my ankle. I screamed. But then, as one of the walkers reached my back, an arrow went flying through both of their heads. Daryl picks me up immediately and starts to run with me in his arms. I smiled sarcastically and said, "So you are a ninja?" He replied, "There's a shed near by, got supplies, and food, we'd hold up there before going back to Alexandria. And now, Ms. Rulebreaker. What have we learned??"I stuttered at how close we were. I mean, he was carrying me. "C-carry an arrow." He sits me back down on the ground as he states, "Only good girls get carried."
I shouted, "Fine, listen to you! I learned to listen to you." It took me all the courage to say that; i was pretty stubborn. I Was honest. He then picks her back up and adds, "Good girl."
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theteasetwrites · 9 months
The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon | S1E2 Thoughts
⚠️ SPOILERS AHEAD ⚠️ do not read below the cut unless you’re okay with spoilers
Positive Thoughts
The opening scenes in Paris at the start of the outbreak? Genuinely got my heart pumping and my adrenaline rushing. I was actually freaked out. I wish TWD would have shown the outbreak actually happening more than they did. It would've been really interesting to see how each character ended up at the quarry, going all the way back to season 1 of TWD, but that's irrelevant lol
Camerawork is crazy good??? I mean, I don't really know anything about cameras but I thought that there were some really cool dynamic shots, especially in the flashbacks.
Isabelle is growing on me a LOT. I am so glad she is turning out to be her own character so far. I mean, I don't completely trust her because I think she definitely has her own agenda (can't really blame her), but I like her character. She hasn't annoyed me once which is crazy because even DARYL has annoyed me a few times in this episode lol
I loved the little detail of Sylvie being at the abbey when Isabelle arrives with Lily. Just a cool little detail where we see a little bit of Sylvie's story, too
The entire concept of Laurent being born to a walker is cool as hell and idc what anyone says. I wonder if him being born to a walker actually has some kind of effect on him. Of course, my first thought goes to maybe he is immune or something, or he carries the cure to the virus in his blood. I am so excited to see how that pans out. Idc if it's "ripping off" TLOU (I don't think it is tbh)
Speaking of Laurent, I have a newfound appreciation for him. He's so cute and sweet, and I felt bad for him when the children were picking on him
Lou's group is SO COOL. I love that they're a little group of children who raised themselves. Kinda reminds me of Jocelyn's kids from season 9 of TWD, but less evil. MUCH less evil. Not evil at all, actually. They remind me of the Lost Boys from the movie Hook, which is based on Peter Pan. That dinner scene was especially reminiscent of that for me
Daryl being undercover as a priest LOLIONGJWKDS
Daryl has some amazing sassy/cute moments in this episode. I think my personal favorite is when he loudly slurps down the soup at the dinner table. I also loved the little detail of Daryl starting to eat before everyone else/before they said grace, signifying how Daryl doesn't really have good table manners (which I love). It's so cute when he starts saying the prayer with food already in his mouth lol
And Norman's acting in this episode was once again so good. There's a scene when they're watching the TV where the camera slowly zooms in on Daryl. His smile begins to fade and you can just see in his eyes how much he misses home, and how much he wishes he could be with his family, even Merle, who he is probably thinking about, too, since he used to watch the show with him.
That annoying American was slightly entertaining. Mostly annoying but slightly entertaining as well
Daryl and Laurent are very cute. I love how Daryl sort of relates to him in that they were both outcasts as children
Negative Thoughts
There are a few things Daryl does in this episode that rubbed me the wrong way just a tad bit. Of course I still love him but I just don't understand some of his decisions lol. Like when he let the mule go instead of just getting off his ass and taking out those walkers. He could've done it! Especially with the help of Isabelle and Sylvie. They probably could've taken out that herd without sacrificing the mule. Just kind of a stupid decision imo. Unnecessarily cruel too. I also didn't get why Daryl locked Lou in that shed. Kinda not cool? He could've just said, "hey, you stay back and I'll handle this." I didn't really see the point in having him do that :/ and he lies a lot to Lou and the kids in order to get what he wants. I mean, I get that he doesn't owe anything to these kids, but still... just seems a little callous. It's giving Carol vibes lol. They're basically making Daryl do things the way Carol does them—by lying, manipulating, and being cruel to children. I like Daryl because of his kindness, not this weird deceitfulness that he has going on suddenly. Again, I get that he is in a foreign place and these are all strangers to him so why should he care, but it just really doesn't seem like our Daryl. Other than that, I liked Daryl a lot in this episode, but there were just some little things I didn't vibe with
This episode did seem to veer away from the main plot quite a bit. I wonder if Lou's group will return later to help Daryl and the others in his group, or if they were just a one and done storyline. While I loved this little adventure, it did seem to not really add to the overall arc, and the little scene at the end with Codron walking around the abbey did seem a bit shoehorned just to remind us of the actual plot, but who knows?
Neither Positive Nor Negative Thoughts
So lets talk about the bed scene. Idk. I didn't hate it because I didn't see anything romantic there between Daryl and Isabelle, BUT it was a little like... can't you guys just have there be two beds lol. I really just think it's baiting, once again. I don't feel any romantic connection between them, and I don't think the show is necessarily trying to get that across to us, but I do think that they're like "well if people do think this is a romance, it will get them to continue watching the show and see if they get together!" So basically I think it's just a way to get people interested, but I don't think anything will happen. I think they will stay friends, otherwise it would be very awkward, at least from the way their relationship is so far
That's about all I have to say I think! Thanks for reading my thoughts. Hoping to get Chapter 2 of Begin Again out before the next episode, but no promises <3
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princessfanonanona · 2 years
A little birdy told me you were taking prompts💖💖
How about some Dad!danny related fluff 🥺💖
I am! Love you thank you 💜💜💜
Going to try and make this the fluffiest thing on the planet (idk how well I can write kidfics but challenge accepted I guess)
Danny slams his head against his locker.
“That kinda day?” Tucker asks from his left.
“That kinda month,” Danny slumps.
“It’s the second,” Sam says from his right.
“Yep,” Danny groans.
The two pat him consolingly on his back.
“Lay it on us, we can handle it,” Tucker says.
There’s a beat of silence before Danny sighs a gust of air frosting his locker. “You know how I was in the Zone yesterday?”
“Daddy!” a high pitched voice squeals from down the hall. The entire population of students turning to the voice.
A small child darts amongst the sea of bodies, a mop of pink hair standing bright against dark skin.
“Jay!” Danny exclaims in surprise. He bends down just in time to catch the child who flings themselves into his arms.
“Daddy?” Sam and Tucker echo.
“What are you doing here?” Danny asks them.
“Missed you,” they say, burying their head into his shoulder.
“Uh, Danny?” Sam lays a hand on his shoulder.
“This is Jellyblue,” Danny starts when Dash spots them.
"Fentina??" He calls, eyes wide. "The fuck is that."
"A child, you know? Small young people? A little older than a baby?" Danny quips.
"I know what a child is but tha-" Jellyblue turns in Danny's arms to look up at Dash with big brown eyes. "-at's actually adorable. Hello little guy."
The trio blink. Sam and Tucker exchanging faces behind Danny as Jellyblue smiles big. They have a missing front tooth.
"Ma name's Jellyblue! Am from the Zone!" Jellyblue declares.
Kwan smiles back, leaning down to be eye level with them. "That's cool! What's it like there?"
"Lonely and then dad found me and now am not lonely no more!" Jellyblue says, hugging Danny.
"Uh, why was a kid in the Zone to begin with?" Sam asks.
"I think they fell through a transient portal," Danny says.
"Daddy, daddy, daddy-" Jellyblue fists Danny's shirt and tugs.
"Yes, yes, yes, what is it?" Danny bounces Jellyblue making them squeal in delight.
"Why aren't there any floating cars no more?" They ask.
Danny and co blink.
"Floating cars?" Dash repeats.
"Yeah! I remember 'fore everything was green 'n purple, every body drove flying cars."
"What year do you think it is, Jellyblue?" Tucker asks.
At this point the entire hallway of students is silent.
"Well that explains that." Danny half laughs.
"My planet was esploded-" Jellyblue makes a big motion with their hands. "Mommy said to find the [garbled] king, and I found you!"
"King of losers, you mean," Dash crows with laughter.
"Knock it off, Dash," Danny rolls his eyes hefting Jellyblue a little higher in his arms.
"Danny!" Jazz’s voice calls over the din of students. She pushes her way through the crowd, "I'm so sorry, I took my eyes off them for one minute and- oh you found them."
"Sorry Jazz, Jay followed me to school," Danny says.
"Daddy daddy daddy-" Jellyblue shakes Danny's shirt again.
"Yes yes yes, what's wrong, bud?" He rubs a thumb on Jellyblue's cheek, wiping away his tears.
"You're not a loser! Your cool! Why is he being mean?" Jellyblue wails.
"Oh Jellyblue," Danny puts a hand on the back of his head to pull him into a tight hug, "It's okay, that's just how Dash shows affection."
"I do not!?!" Dash squeaks.
"Being mean is..." Jellyblue sniffs.
"Still being mean," Danny says. "Don't be like Dash, he's just confused."
"I am not confused, Fentina!" Dash half shouts, half squeaks, which doing his best impression of a cooked lobster.
"You know, it’s a natural physiological phenomenon for a person to be embarrassed about feelings they don’t fully understand and it often leads to an avoidance of the deeper introspection that-" Dash holds up his hand in Jazz’s face, cutting her off.
"Yeah, I'm going to stop the talking textbook there-"
"-good luck with the kid Fentoe-nail," he says before turning to walk away. "What're you losers looking at? Scram!"
The crowd disperses leaving the trio plus Jazz and Jellyblue alone.
"You know the entire school will know about him-"
"Sorry, about them by the end of first period." Sam says.
"Wanna bet the whole school knows before it starts?" Tucker asks, fiddling with his PDA.
Sam squints at him, "...no. I don't think I will."
"What's the plan, little brother?" Jazz asks, pulling Jellyblue from him.
Jellyblue goes easily, smooshing their face into Jazz’s shoulder.
"Not to be that person, but their hair is pink," Tucker says glancing up.
"Their name is Jellyblue?"
Jellyblue lifts their head, hair turning periwinkle purple, and skin shifting to something more green. They blink, bright blue eyes shining.
"Only you Danny, only you," Sam pats Danny consolingly.
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daddyboyhalo · 2 months
Hey! I saw your post where you expressed how you were feeling these days, and I want to give you all my support. I agree that this is a very difficult time, being this involved in something and it being turn around in just a few days, changing everything about it... Personally I struggle a lot with the fact that the other streamers, and mostly communities, are kinda "allowed" in a sense to just continue as it was? It might not be very clear but in a lot of discord servers and all people are not AT ALL up to date to the admins stuff, and are just enjoying their daily qsmp stream. I'm not blaming anyone, every streamer takes the matter how he wished, and playing doesn't mean working on things, but I guess it feels a little unfair in a sense? like Phil saying Chay and Tallulah admins are well and waiting to come back stings a little after seeing pomme and dapper leave :( It's hard to feel happy for this when you have the short end of the stick I guess
And the French might be a little too forceful on the ccs ; they are obviously not ready to talk about it, and waiting to talk to Q, but bagh and antoine still said that they watched the awards. I am quite uncomfortable with everyone assuming they will just leave when most of them didn't even had time to look more into the matter, Antoine being on holidays, baghera on her dance show, and etoiles having health related issues... I'm just afraid that it will put pressure on them while the other ccs are kinda free to not talk about it you know?
But yes, I personally try to focus on my uni work, to go out a little, to watch other content. For me the hardest is definitely the fact that all of this happened while etoiles had to take a break. I'm very happy that he's doing it, since he needed it. But since he is my main streamer since a few years, going from having him in the background for hours and hours to nothing during now three weeks was hard, especially in a time when I wanted to change my mind. I kinda felt like an orphan lmao, and hearing that he a was going to the hospital every day, still made me sad despite it making me happy that he was getting treatment. He wanted to come back soon but a said he had a relapse in his health two days ago :( My only wish right now is to see him get better, and stream when he'll feel well ! But yes it's rubbing me the wrong way that ppl are assuming "etoiles will boycott, he'll do this, that" when the guy is really not well, the qsmp is not is priority at all these days...
Sorry for the long text, but your feelings spoke to me and I also felt the need to vent a little, sometimes it's better than just keeping things for yourself, you are free to ignore this!
Hope it'll get better for everyone <3
aw anon no worries, i’m glad you were able to vent here!! ; ; sorry for the late response, i’ve been incredibly busy, but: i agree, i really don’t like when people put expectations and pressure on a cc to take a specific action, ie boycott, especially when they’re going through it outside of the server. it might be that people just don’t realize, because i actually didn’t quite know how etoiles was feeling and struggling since i haven’t been keeping up with his streams for awhile and don’t really use twitter, so i wasn’t aware until i looked into it more. i really wish the best for etoiles and can imagine how that feels with him being your main streamer!! ; ; the person who’s comforted you so much without even realizing it is struggling, and that’s not a good feeling. but i’m glad you’ve been focusing on uni and getting out, focusing on other content, because those are all important coping mechanisms and can make it just a bit less painful! you have my full support too!
and yeah, it really does short when we get the short end of the stick here; i was both comforted that chayanne and tallulah’s admins are doing well and just… i’m not sure of the right word, but bitter knowing that some people were treated well and others weren’t? i also worry with that being the only perspective some people get that they’ll assume that must mean everything is fine when it’s not true. honestly, i wish i was just a casual viewer for example watching qsmp with no knowledge of what’s going on and that my enjoyment could just continue as normal, but instead the burden of knowledge and loss stings and aches so badly. it gets to be business as usual for some but for others it’s this horrible loss and grief, and it causes such a dissonance—“like, do you guys not see the dead and dying on the floor? am i going crazy? why are you walking straight through them?”. don’t mind my own rambling, but yeah anon, we’re in this together :(
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wannaseewhatshangin · 10 months
OMGGG hey tysm💕💕 I absolutely loved the James fic !:) and I’m glad you enjoyed the idea <33333 Okok I have another idea for you hope it’s not too lame!!
Basically rusty James and reader have known each other for quite some time, they met through mutual friend and since then he’s been head over heels for her, but she’s too oblivious to his flirtatious antics. To his dismay though she’s been asked out by some random guy on a date where she either was stood up for or maybe he was being such a prick to her that in both ways she storms out wherever they were. On her way back home she comes across James, who sees her all messed up, frustrated and in tears obviously confused and concerned. And in the end he makes it up for her by taking her on short cute date (of your opinion) and later on probably finds the guy who did all the damage and beats him up lololol
Of course bby! (I LOVE YOUR REQUESTS FR also i'm not putting a date scene for rusty in this because I'm bad at good dates and not ending them like I'm the most traumatized person ever.)
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﹛♛﹜But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain.
You walked over to the lunch table, setting your bag down next to Rusty's.
"Oh hey Y/n. What's up?" One of his friends asked you, patting your back. To which you just smiled and said "Nothin much"
Rusty looked at you quietly before returning back to his lunch.
"Oh Rusty guess what. I got asked out yesterday." You smiled brightly, very proud of your accomplishment.
He nearly choked on his food as he looked at you.
"You serious, man? Who? You finally found someone other than me? The man of your dreams?" He said, pretending he didn't believe you as a joke. Only deep down he didn't feel so good. He felt sick and wanted to lay on the floor until the ground swallowed him whole.
"Mac westen" You said with a smug smile, sitting on top of the table.
He felt as if someone grabbed his heart and threw it on the floor right next to him.
"Oh. That's cool I guess. Congrats." He said, not really delivering good energy, which you just brushed off.
Rusty walked you home like he always did, only this time he wasn't talking with a boastful voice. In fact, he barely even spoke.
You gave him a hug, like normal as your arrived at your house. Rusty wanted to cry knowing that he would have to share these hugs with someone else.
"Whats wrong, Rusty?" You asked sweetly as he hugged tighter.
"Nothin'. Just givin' you a good luck hug." He lied right through his teeth. But you didn't have to know that.
You smiled before walking into your house, immediately getting ready for your date. Rusty walked to his house, thinking "When did I let her slip through my fingers?" and "Why can't it be me?" but he knew the answers to both questions. He supposed that maybe he just wasn't your kinda guy and just wanted someone more stable. Or that maybe he could offer you way more than he ever could.
You slipped into a white slip dress and a pair of white heels that had little diamonds on them. You did your hair and makeup, wanting to look absolutely perfect.
Once you were done, you walked to the place where he said the two of you would meet. The diner.
You saw him in the last booth, sitting by himself as he looked at the menu. You walked his way and sat down in front of him, putting your purse on the right side of you. He smirked slightly and took in your figure. You blushed and looked down.
"So uh. What are we doin' tonight?" You spoke quietly.
He rubbed his hand on your thigh. You weren't that phased because Rusty did that all the time when he was nervous or angry. But you were quite uncomfortable for it to be someone else touching you but you pushed the thoughts away and looked at him with a smile.
"Well I was planning on eating and then I can take you back to my place." He spoke as his hand rested on your knee.
You looked at your menu, feeling like he was staring holes into your body.
"Yeah I suppose that I am a bit hungry." You said, ignoring his last suggestion about taking you back to his place. You were honestly scared of what his intentions were.
He nodded before a waitress came up to take your order.
"Hello Darlings what would you like?" Her voice instantly made you smile brightly.
He stared at her figure longer than he had yours, and you were relieved. But you felt sorry for her as well, seeing her uncomfortable expression.
"Um. I would like the steak, Ma'am." You said, trying to distract her from him so she wasn't so uncomfortable anymore.
She nodded, writing your order down, looking at him for his order.
She took his order after a few attempts of him trying to touch her and swoon her with his words.
You almost felt like getting up and going home. This was your first date ever and it was going horrible.
He gripped your thigh under the table, surely leaving nail marks. You winced slightly.
"Ow. What the hell?" You exclaimed, kicking your feet.
His hand only went higher and higher, headed under your dress before you push him away and getting up hurriedly,
"Look. Uh, I don't think this is gonna work. You are being a major asshole. And I don't like the way you are touching me. You are hitting on the waitress and trying to slip your hand up my dress. And I'm sure you left a mark on my leg- yep there it is." You said crying, pointing to it.
He rolled his eyes, throwing his menu at you.
"Yeah whatever bitch. I was only trying to get you in bed anyway." He said walking out the door without paying for his food.
You sobbed at the table, leaving a tip for the waitress and also for the food.
You took your heels off and walked out the door. You had mascara stains running down your cheeks and you couldn't believe you didn't see the signs. You just wished you would've picked the right person.
You cried all the way to the bar, sitting outsid
Your thoughts were cut off by someone running into your foot, you said sorry before looking up and meeting with familiar brown eyes.
"Hey doll. You alright?" He asked, wiping your tears as he looked at you in a panic manner.
It was Rusty. You didn't wanna see him. Not saying that you didn't wanna be around him or anything. But not now. You knew he would throw a fit.
He sat down next to you, rubbing your thigh gently, making you pull away.
And it was weird to him because he was used to doing this to calm not only him but it calmed you down as well.
"Doll did he try to touch you or somethin'? He said angrily, before seeing the marks on your thigh.
He stood up, his hand covering his mouth as he tried to keep his cool.
He muttered under his breath about "Killing that bastard." and "Messin' with my girl."
"Rusty it's okay. It just didn't end well and it's fin-"
He didn't even let you finish before kicking something, the tin can rolling onto the parking lot.
"Look doll. You uh, don't need that jerk and you know what? I'm gonna take you out, okay?" He said, putting a piece of hair behind your ear.
You looked at him confused before laughing.
"Rusty James, you know that dates are for people that are in love- or somethin' like that I guess."
Mac definitely didn't feel that way towards you and you regretted even giving him the benefit of the doubt.
"Yeah, I know doll. That..That's what I'm trying to say I guess. And uh, it's fine if you don't want to, we can just go out for a coke just as good old friends." He smiled nervously.
He seemed tuff on the outside but on the inside he was burning up and felt like he was waiting for forever to hear your answer.
"No no. I like that first one, Rusty." You said as you smiled back at him.
"I love you doll." He said before kissing your cheek, pulling out off of the bench and walked down the street with an arm over your shoulder.
(I HOPE YOU LIKE IT LOVEEEE <3 I love when you send in requests it makes my days so much better
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winns-stuff · 2 years
I’m gonna be completely and utterly biased when I say that I am 100% a Tori defender. Yep, I said it and I’m gonna stand with it. Listen, do I think it’s wrong that he just assumed the worst about Persephone around the time and spread rumors about her? Yeah 100% I don’t support him with that he’s on his own there, but what I mean by defending him is really understanding why he assumed so much in the first place. I get where he’s coming from besides the rumors.
Basically, we all know about LO and it’s constant harassment and disregard for employees/workers. There’s multiple times in this comic where a god has used their title to intimidate and even insult beings who “stand in their way” or become an obstacle for them. The way everyone lets it slide is kinda disheartening for me because it feels like what happens in real life too, hard working employees of various stores, restaurants, retail centers, etc. get either harassed, berated, insulted, and even mistreated on the job either by their employers or the customers themselves. This is literally JUST like how LO treats people who work middle class and I’m only saying middle class because that’s the dynamic that LO itself has set up for its world.
Knowing this though, you can also see why there’s some gods (Hera, Hades, Aphrodite, etc) who think lowly of the nymphs and other beings who are forced to work for them and be at their every call. I’m not saying all nymphs and other mythical beings are just plain workers obviously but the ones who are seem to always get overlooked or verbally abused or insulted by those they have to serve. The gods I’ve named have the nerve and absolute gaul to really talk so much incredible shit about these beings almost all the time and interact with them with such terrible intent, it’s genuinely angering how they just blatantly mistreat them and Rachel herself continues to use these themes and implicate them with every single interaction we see between them. I understand that they’re gods and the beings are not but you do not get respect with fear and I know that Rachel is probably trying to show us how respected the gods are but this honestly isn’t the best way to go for me personally.
But again, knowing how the gods treat beings like Tori on the daily it makes sense that he believed that Persephone was also someone just like them. She was around Hades and I’m pretty sure everyone knows of his terrible behavior and inappropriate work ethic so he probably believed that she reflected things such as that. That’s really all I excuse him for because I know he was doing his job but the rumors were completely unnecessary and mean spirited.
I wish though, instead of Hades impulsively pulling out his eye and being creepy and possessive. I say this because around the time he did that she was still his employee and they barely hit the talking stage, it’s weird that he got so attached and obsessive with her without actually knowing her that well and stuff like that is not healthy having someone literally almost kill for you even though you’ve known them for a couple of days shouldn’t be something we romanticize or even want in our lives. But instead of Hades making a life changing decision for Persephone I would’ve much rather either a conversation between them that led to him taking the newspapers down or Persephone handle it her own way. It’s unnecessary that Hades feels the need to do everything for Persephone, it’s not exactly showing that he respects her opinion or judgement.
But this whole exchange really rubbed me the wrong way and made me really dislike Persephone even more. Technically you’ve got your revenge and at the hospital I guess you already made amends of some sort, no need to literally drag a dead dog on a leash just do the account stuff and leave. I know this was her best attempt at standing up for herself and all but really it just makes me roll my eyes because for so long she never had half of the balls to say anything to any of the gods who’ve wronged her in a real way. Persephone always seems to do this thing where she unleashes hell to someone who’s already suffering and plays the victim, she never lashes out on anyone who genuinely deserves it and she basically turns a blind eye to them. She only punishes those she doesn’t think are worthy of her forgiveness even when there’s so many people she keeps around her who deserve it far more, those people are just used as jokes and gags but let a nymph or any being talk bad about Persephone and she’ll literally ruin their life.
All I’m saying is that if she can harass Tori at his work and intimidate him, I better see absolute fucking hellfire to anyone, and I mean anyone who does something worse. Because I’m tired of this shift of energy to some characters and not to others, it doesn’t make her seem like she’s badass just sorta like a cowardly bully in my eyes.
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godteri-takk · 8 months
I hate that i cant remember names of other peeps oc SORRY
But u have coral? It think so
To them 2, 6, 9, 18, 37, 43
And to Kation: 12, 15, 18, 24,
Anddd to u
Coral: A, B, J
Kation A, B, J as well
Oh wow this is a LOT! This'll be so fun to answer thank you :D theres art too! Image:desc in ALT
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Coral (she/he)
2: How easy is it for them to laugh?
Laughter doesn't always come easy to him, and for long he was ashamed of her laughter. It's a snorty laugh in short quick puffs, I think it's really cute! She feels comfortable laughing around close friends tho, especially late at night after a long hang-out with candy and music :)
6: Do they consider laws flexible or immovable?
She want to be rebellious but in his heart, he thinks they're immovable.
9: Do they swear? First swear word?
He started swearing only after he'd Fallen, and the first one was shit xD
18: What embarrasses them?
Being wrong, wearing clothes he's not comfortable with, not having control over his body, showing people his vent-art, stuttering, being judged, being messy, a lot of things honestly.
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37: Do they have a system to remember things?
She ties the thing she need to remember to a visual picture. For example, if needing to remember how to spell the word "carpet" she'll imagine a little kitty in a car. Car-pet.
43: how would they explain their sexuality?
Ooooh that could've been a post on its own tbh. No! I'll keep it brief! Coral is objectum. He's aroace when it comes to people. His beloved objects, his partners, are Boy! the bunny plushie, Rey the computer, Sugar the flip-phone and Stellar the chain. They're depicted in both the ref-sheets :) So the main type of objects he's attracted to are plushies, technology, chains and sometimes buildings :) But you know, just as with other sexualities, she's not attracted to EVERY object tn these categories, just as lesbians aren't attracted to ALL girls.
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Kation (hen/she/it)
12: How do they deal with a itch in a spot they can't reach? (Thats so spesific what XD)
Can only imagine that being its back. Use a stick or rub its back against something like a corner, a tree, the couch, anything
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15: How do they speak?
She talks on the spot and use a lot of slang and some swear-words, she's quite outspoken and its emotions affect their tone a lot. Its voice is kinda deep and rough/ragged, with a growl hiding just under the surface of the voice.
18: what embarrasses them?
Failing in things hen thought hen was good at, sharing vulnerable feelings, admitting flaws, being considered weak or mean
24: Are they comfortable talking about sex? With whom?
Kation is very confident in its sexuality and is comfortable with talking about it with anyone who wants to! It's just a casual topic to her.
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To Me!
A: What am I excited about these characters?
About Kation I love its design and powers and personality, I love to draw hen and Imagine hen in all kinds of scenarios, how hen interact with others, anything. Designing outfits for both Kation and Coral is super fun, about Coral i love his emotional life, her facial expressions, that she's objectum, his past, his inner conflicts and problems and worries.
B: what inspired me to create them?
Kation was created because I needed a main character in my comic. Hen is a fat, nonbinary demon cus those are all things i think we should see more in media. Well... mostly the first 2, there's a lot of demons lol. But i think those 3 things is a great combo! Coral, as first depicted here, I just drew him cus I wanted to redraw the album photo for Replicas Redux by Gary Numan (with Are 'Friends' Electric? in mind). But I didn't want to draw the guy himself so i just switched him out w a demon i designed on a whim. I liked her design a lot and decided to add her to the lore of the comic i made, and make him Kations best friend, soon with lore of his own!
Question J was only for fandom OCs it seems so ... yeah :)
Wow this was fun!!! Thank you so much I hope it was interesting, either way i now have a cool post with lots of OC lore n stuff!
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