#(i literally do have a line coming up very soon about an iv but the person wearing it is sedated
cuppatealove · 1 year
Merry Christmas, my lovelies. God bless you and yours today and in the year to come 😘
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poetryinsilence · 2 years
Noughts and Crosses - Jake "Hangman" Seresin x childhood friend!reader (part I)
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A/n: THIS SERIES CONTAINS SMUT AND PTSD/TRAUMA STUFF! No bullshit reader, like literally does not take Jake’s bullshit. Frenemies to lovers cuz why not🤷 So, so much cheese that’s pretty much a fondue. I've written this with the perspective of Jake rather than Hangman so expect a lot of raw emotion. Uh, strong language, character trauma/hurt but mostly, mostly fluff. No beta-read, I’m going in raw.
Synopsis: 4:45 pm. You saw him lay there, half alive and looking like a cartoon character that’s been rolling down a rugged slope and crashed at the bottom with a loud cymbal sound. With deep crimson cuts on his shabby face but still good-looking as a Greek god's statue. He was supported with a neck brace attached to his neck, arm plastered for his own stability and matching with a leg cast extended up his right limb. Chest heaves with each breath he takes from his life support and exhales with shivers of pain. Jake's eyelids strain open to peek at you hovering 3 feet away from him with a deep crease on your forehead. You grumble.
"What in the ever-loving fuck happened to you?"
Wc: 2,630
Part II part III part IV
Approximately an hour and a half ago, the rush of foot tapping was part of your daily segments at the animal shelter you ceaselessly worked for the past 4 years. Tending animals was your dream job. At least that's what you wanted to do from a very young age; running around with furry animals to your heart’s desire. And working at an animal shelter happens to be the closest thing to what you had in your mind, but with a greater purpose of finding them a forever home. It's much better than dealing with sporadic humans who barely understand English and the universal language of 'no'.
No, animals are much better than that. They're easy to teach and have mannerisms, and they will always be your friend. So, in what scenario could you be in to get yourself stuck in this sticky situation?
Several phone calls from an unknown number.
Though you should’ve known better not to answer phone numbers you are unfamiliar with. But no, you had to poke holes at your curiosity and answer some strange number displayed on the screen of your phone.
"Hello, is this y/n?"
"Yes, this is y/n speaking...who's this?"
"Hello ma'am, we're calling from the Naval Medical Centre about Jake Seresin. You were listed as his medical emergency contact. Unfortunately, ma'am, he's been—"
"Wait, wait, wait. Did you say Jake Seresin? And, emergency contact?!"
"Yes, ma'am. He got into an accident today in regards to his ejection from his aircraft. It is a protocol for us to contact his next of kin in case of emergencies."
"I'm sorry, did I catch that right? His next of kin? I'm sorry, but you must have got that wrong, I'm not related to him—"
"Ma'am I'm just following protocols, it states clearly here that you're the one to contact in case of emergencies. Could you please come down to the Naval Medical Centre—"
"No, I think you must have gotten something wrong. We haven't kept in contact for over 20 years. You should contact his family in Texas—"
"We'll see you soon ma'am" the line clicks.
"Wait!" you yell before retreating to a defeated sigh.
Out of the blue, a name you haven't heard of in years decided to pop back out from the depths of the Earth's crust, and one you are well familiar with. Jake Seresin. Your childhood 'friend'. More like terror. You were not given the option to become friends with him. It just so happens your mothers were lifelong friends long before you were born, yet somehow they thought 'wouldn't it be great to give birth at the same time and let our kids be friends like we were?' Sad to say, it was not great.
From the early stages of your life, you knew Jake was a prankster. The one that makes your life and the kids at school miserable. The things he does that made you wonder if he really was just Satan’s spawn reincarnated to Earth just to spite you.
So, why then, would you be getting into your shoddy, on the edge of breaking down Yugo 65 and ramming down traffic because of one shitty phone call?
The answer is: you don't know.
You got to the medical centre in just a little under 30 minutes, probably your personal best record in the first wave of the San Diego rush hour traffic and patted yourself on the back for that. Truth to be told, you were never really keen on hospitals; the antiseptic scent that stings your nose, the endless void of white glossed walls, and doctors rushing here and there with stoic faces. You could never decipher what is going on inside their mind.
The lady at the reception was nice to greet you with a sunny smile for your quickly-overturned shitty day. She had on her face one of those thick-rimmed glasses that pointed out into a cat-eye shape and paired with a brick red lipstick that complimented her sharp blue eyes. You quickly discern that she was not the same person that called you earlier, but still was well informed of your situation and directed you to your destined floor and room number.
Another reason why you did not like the hospital was that everything is treated like a maze, as though you were a hamster in one of those escape rooms, but they had a treat waiting for them at the end and yours…not so much. You ponder at the front door to the private room where your childhood friend may or may not lay in a squashed-up mush from his newly informed accident. The place card slot to the side of the frosted window had clean calligraphy written 'J. Seresin' in blue ink. You took a deep breath and pushed the door open.
The machinery beeped to greet your entrance as you see Jake, resting in a half-induced dream state, probably from the side effects of the morphine. He looks peaceful; older but briefly the same as you remember and much more muscular from all those navy trainings. It's hard to imagine he was once a scrawny kid with a missing tooth, running around your backyard with his bare feet.
The door opening must have woke Jake up as his hooded lids lifted with a heavy weight and peered at you, just hovering three feet away from his bed. He gave you his best but could only produce a weak smile. However, you frown in return, with heat burning from your stomach and billions of questions flying through your mind that condensed into one:
"What in the ever-loving fuck happened to you?"
That earned a croaky chuckle from him but swatted into a coughing fit. You glance to the side where a wash basin and empty glasses are placed, turning the tap on to watch it shoot out chilled water and bubbles as it fills the cup. Hand extended to offer the glass to Jake, his flimsy hand attempted to reach but the drug must’ve suppressed the ability of his movement. You sigh and gently press the glass to the cut-open lip. The water slowly trickles down his throat, gulp after gulp until it reaches the bottom. 
He weakly flashes a toothy grin at you. “Well, it’s good to see you too.” He said, in a raspy voice.
You never imagined this is how you would meet again after decades, him in a hospital bed, picking up pieces of himself to put it back together. You shook your head in dismay.
“No, it’s not good. This is how I see you again after all these years? Broken and frail?”
“Shit happens. It’s also part of the job.” He responded calmly.
“Then tell me, why the hell am I your emergency contact? Where is your family? You need to tell them. Not me.”
His breath quivers to suppress the pain before opening his mouth again, “You are the only one I know that lives nearby, plus, there is no point for them to fly all the way from Texas. It’s just a waste of time—“
“I don’t think it’s a waste of time if it’s a life or death situation. I’ll call your mother and inform her—“
“Don’t." he contended. "I don’t wanna make this a bigger deal than it already is. They don’t need to worry about me. I can handle myself.”
You opened your mouth to counter his response but held your tongue and swallow your words. The image of him in your mind was always etched as a tough kid who could handle anything on his own, and if he can’t, he’ll find a way. You grimaced and flopped into the chair next to him, his face is haggard with his dishevelled locks, the bags under his eyes drooping down towards the floor and blood drained from his pale face.
“So, what happened to you? The last I’ve heard, you were one of the best in your class since your mom won’t stop boasting about it. Tell me then, how did you end up like this?” Your brows raised unenthusiastically as you tried to minimise the sarcastic tone.
Jake’s face falters and recollects the moments that happened just mere hours ago. “Sometimes, even if you’re the best, you still can’t avoid accidents that are gonna happen.” He inhales, “bird strikes, those things are mostly unavoidable. But if you’re lucky, you could land the aircraft safely with one engine, and a couple of bruises but mostly unscathed,”
He blinks, “and in the off chance that your aircraft fails…you have to find the means to survive out of pure instinct." Something flashes in his eyes but you can't quite place what it was and before you know it, it’s gone.
Jake continues, "I blacked out mostly, only fragments of what happened. And to be honest, I still don't know what to feel. I remember...clutching myself as tightly as I could and pinching my nose before I hit the water. Then... everything went dark. Never thought the ocean could be so dark."
He shifted a little bit, groaning underneath the pain and squeezing his eyes shut to endure it. "You know, the only good thing that came out of that was the freezing cold numbing everything. I don't remember how I got to the surface, I don't remember being rescued, I just...have no recollection at all. The next time I woke up was here, surrounded by four white walls and listening to the doctor's run-down of my missing pieces."
"Then you showed up."
The corner of your lip faintly tugs, reassuring him of your presence in comfortable silence, the years of disconnection from him dissolved the indifferences between you both and gained a new sense of admiration. For a moment, you did not recognise him. His vastly changed difference is no longer the same imprinted in your memories. He grew up in a blink of an eye and lived up to his beliefs.
"Alright, is there anything I could do for you? I know you did not put me as your emergency contact just for a simple catch-up. And, how the fuck did you even get my number?" the slight crease to your brows painted on your puzzled features as you interrogated Jake for a solid answer. The last time you've ever spoken to his mother was before you moved to San Diego, from then on your only real connection to her was through your own mother.
Jake's smirk brings you slight displeasure about what you're about to discover. "Perks of being in the navy," you shudder, "and also a bit of bribery." There it is. "And, yeah you're right. You're my emergency go-to because you're the only person I know outside of base. And also I need you to get me some toiletries. And possibly some clothes too cuz I am not going to wear my aviation suit leaving this building." He drafted up a fake smile that made you roll your eyes.
You retracted any comments about him being admirable. Every single cell in your body at this moment is having a hard time suppressing the thought of you wrapping your hands around that sprained neck of his and choking him out of his misery as you listen to the sound of his heart flatline through the machine. Oh, how melodic that would be.
"You, Seresin, are an asshole."
"Aw, I've missed you too." He beams, this time with a little bit more honesty, "But for now, stay. We've got a lot of catching up to do."
Week by week, you grew accustomed to the newly fixated schedule that you reluctantly signed up for; waking up at 8 am, commuting the highway in your matchbox car, taking care of your loving companions that you often wish would rule over the world someday; your colleagues' sympathy and understanding shed some weight off your skin as they let you off work early. Another set of traffic that made you wanna blow your brains out, browsing the men's section at the thrift store since you're not going to spend $50+ on Jake just because he's injured (hold for sympathetic aw's), and then visiting said injured pet that doesn't need your help as he's surrounded by medical professions.
You arrived at the hospital today at 4:30 pm, right on the dot, pushing open the door in hopes to find Jake lying lazily on the bed, with a men's health magazine in one hand and trying to scratch his nose with his broken one.
Instead, you find him at the foot of the bed dressed in an oversized grey hoodie and navy blue sweatpants you picked out for him, upright and packing his things in your duffle bag that was long forgotten at the far back of your closet, collecting dust.
"Hey, buddy! Great news! They told me I'm free to go home, but I still need to come back for physiotherapy and check-ups in the upcoming weeks." Jake rejoices, upholding himself underneath the weight of his crutches.
"That's...great!" you smiled, but feeling perplexed by the sudden info dropped at your doorstep, "So, that means you can go back to base now, right? Great, I'll drop you off." As you're about to turn and exit, Jake stops you with an undistinguishable noise.
"Yeeeeah, about that. Um," he rubs the back of his neck nervously and sucks in a breath of air. "I don't have a clear permission to station at the base yet. What they essentially said was for me to get better first before coming back. And even if I did have permission, I would get bored very fast since," He gestured to his casts. "But the funny thing is, I don't have a place to stay outside of the base, so I guess we're going to have to be roommates for a while."
The white noise grew hot in your surroundings. The statics pinched and sizzled your brain into a sheet of white paper as you could only stare into his fiendish grin. What did he just say? Roommates, wait no. No place to stay? Jake blinks, maintaining eye contact with your blank stares. "Yeah, I'm going to need you to ans—"
"No!" the anger burst from its volcanic rupture, bubbling at the pit of your stomach for the passing weeks, now all released at the face of this moment.
Jake stood idly, taken aback by your explosive reaction and your unbreakable glare that's keeping him on the spot. He huffs and shakes his head. "Why not?"
"Why not?" You scoffed, "Because, Seresin...You are forcing your way, without a plan, into every bit of my life like you used to and thinking that I would accept you with open arms. But, in reality, I don't know you. Not anymore."
"Then isn't this the perfect timing," Jake threw his hands up and motioned his finger between you and him. "We will have plenty of time to get acquainted again."
"Have you been listening to what I've just said?"
"Oh, what? You want me to be stranded on the streets like a lost dog?"
"That sounds like a good idea, maybe we should try that!"
The door abruptly busts open with a loud slam that caught you both off guard. You jumped, with your beating heart in your mouth. A woman dressed in blue scrubs, hands glued to her hips with eyes seeing red as she glowers at the both of you.
"Lieutenant, if you’re finished with packing. I'd suggest you leave accordingly before I call security."
You both awkwardly shuffle, picking up the duffle bag and usher yourselves out of the room with your head down as you mouth 'sorry' on your way out.
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prentissvest · 8 months
gut feeling part 2
same warnings as before, major mentions of death, blood, laceration to the throat and case talk, hospitals
not spell checked
reader x bau (platonic)
part 1
Everything went black. There were moments where I pulled all my strength together to peel my eyes open in a poor attempt to stay awake but it was no use, only really seeing bright lights and hearing the sirens get closer and closer to my location. Or Hotch telling me not to close my eyes and try to stay awake. But the pain is too much, I try to talk but it just comes out as a scorching gargle from the blood slowly filling my mouth. I knew it wouldn't be long, I know how this works. I don't have very long until my lungs fill with blood and I internally drown. Ive accepted the facts but I can't accept the people I'm going to be leaving behind.
Penelope, the first person who accepted me into the team with a bright smile and open arms, quite literally as she hugged me practically as I walked into the door of the bau. JJ and her boys, after a hard day the woman of the bau would go over to either JJ’s and Emilys and have a wine night, or babysitting the boys so JJ and Emily could have a date night. Emily and her witty humour, she knows how to lighten up any room after a hard day, Spencer, and his fun facts, and our games of chess or poker on the jet. Aaron and his kindness, he looks after all of us on the team no matter how big or small we all appreciate everything that he does. Derek and his protectiveness, yes that man can flirt but if anyone crosses a line over anyone on the team he is not afraid to stick up for all of us, he is truly our knight in shining armour, Rossi and his dinner nights with the team, he always gives a shoulder to lean on for each of us no matter what he is going through. 
We are like family and I don't know what I'd do without them. But in reality I'm not going to be the one without them, but they would be without me.. My consciousness begins to fade as I feel my body going limp. 
Hotch pov:
As soon as we had gotten into the ambulance I called the team, they deserve to know what is going on, Penelope is the first person who picks up, her happy voice quickly turns to horror as she drops the phone on the floor and runs to call the rest of the team. I know they will meet us at the hospital but I can only hope that yn will live long enough for them to see her again. I know its my fault, i had not properly surveyed the house, i should have known that it was two unsubs working together, yn and Reid had told us about the abnormalities in the other crime scenes but we brushed it off as the unsub was devolving and that it was nothing to worry about and an outlet  for us to bring them in but how we were wrong. 
I get pulled out of my thoughts by machines beeping at a much faster rate than before, the paramedics begin to perform CPR as we pull into the hospital. I tried to stay with her but I couldn't, deep down I knew that they would be doing everything that they could to help her.
The teams pov:
It wasn't long before we all got to the hospital, we were told where to take a seat and as we turned we saw hotch, head in hands with silent tears running down his face, none of us had ever seen hotch cry before, the stoic man wiped away his tears as the team got closer, “how is she” penelope asked mascara slowly falling down her face, “she got taken into surgery, and coded in the ambulance here.” Hotch said, trying to keep his composure. “How- how did this happen, i thought we had calculated this so well” JJ said quietly, “so did i, but there was another unsub, turns out that the things that Reid and yn found back at the other crime scene was not the unsub devolving but another unsub in training, i failed to properly search the house and yn now may not live due to my mistakes”
“Hotch no one blames you for what has happened to yn there is nothing that you could have done, none of us could have known that there was a second unsub” derek comforts hotch, they each know that there is nothing that they can do at the minuet so they each silently sit comforting each other. 
6 hours later..
Most of the team had fallen asleep by now but Emily couldn't, she had been pacing the halls for the past few hours and subconsciously biting her nails, she sees a doctor walking towards the group so she goes up to the doctor “are you yns family” “yes. Well we are her team” emily says scanning the doctors face hoping to find some sort of give away to how she is in the doctors face, the team had woken by now hearing emily speak but they all sit in suspense of hearing what is going to be said, “the laceration on her neck was very deep and she had lost a lot of blood, we have fixed the laceration but we are not sure as to if she will be able to speak once she wakes up” the doctor explains “so shes alive” penelope says tears cascading down her face with hope, “yes she is living, but she will need a lot of time and patience, we know that her vocal cords would have been affected so she should not try to talk once she had woken up, i will now take you to her room” 
we all anxiously get led to a room down a long hallway, quiet gasps are heard when we make it to the room, there she lay, bandaged around the  neck with leads and tubes covering her body. We each sit at the chairs surrounding her bed as the doctor speaks up once again “we hope that she will wake up within the next 3-5 days” we thank the doctor as he walks away. Penelope holds yns hand, the two have been extremely close since yn joined they very quickly had become inseparable so we all knew that this was hitting Garcia hard.
The first night a few of the team went home, garcia and reid stayed as emily had offered to bring the clothes for the next day which they very gratefully accepted, in the hospital room there was a bathroom with a shower, the doctors knew that the team would want at least one person with yn all the time as they worked with the fbi they were not willing to take any chances. The next morning hotch had let the team know that they had the next week off so that they could be there when yn woke up, they each had to go home at some point but penelope had only gone home to shower and then drove back straight after, there was no way she was going to leave yn. So on the fourth day the day went as anyother, the team had decided that since Penelope isnt going home they should each go home and get a rest and shower which Penelope happily agreed to. Once the team had said their goodbyes and left for the night after checking with the doctors to see if there were any changes but they were met with the same answer that they had gotten for the past few days.
Penelope had been doing some research on how to wake people up faster from surgery and talking to them has been known to wake them up faster so she had decided to bring a book, for the past year penelope and yn have been reading the same book at the sametime so that they can compare notes and opinions on the book. As she began reading she felt tears begin to well up in her eyes, she held on to yns hand and cried “please wake up, it's not right without you here we need our yn back” 
Yn pov
A sharp pain shoots through my body as my eyes begin to open, everything is muffled and blurry but after a couple minutes I can begin to hear Penelope's voice, her hand in mine. I attempt to talk but even breathing is agony so I squeeze her hand. Her eyes shoot to mine “YN OMG YOUR AWAKE” i open my mouth but she stops me “nonono dont talk, i can get you paper if you'd like. I nod as penelope goes through her bag to pull out a sparkly pink notebook and pen. How long have I been out? “Four days” Penelope says with a saddened smile what time is it Pen “it's around two in the morning right now hun” thank you for being here Pen “no problem hunny” penelope says while pulling me into a hug while being very cautious of her injuries.
Penelope texts the team that i  had woken up and they wasted no time in getting to the hospital. The team enters the room with huge smiles on their faces and light tears in their eyes. I hope those are happy tears. I write in the notebook “of course they are, i'm so happy to see your awake yn” Emily says while pulling me into a hug. Aaron slowly walks over to me with a saddened look on his face “im so sorry” he says Hotch there is nothing that you could have done, none of us knew that there was two unsubs, i do not blame you in the slightest and i am extremely grateful that you were there to help me. Hotch pulls me into a hug and whispers a quite “i'm so glad your safe” the team catches me up on what i've missed and i smile, another day lived surrounded by the people i love, i rub my eyes tiredly as JJ says “you should get some sleep” while putting her hand on my shoulder. The team says their goodbyes with a smile on their faces but as they all leave penelope stays sat you should go home pen, get a good night sleep. “I'd sleep better here, knowing you're safe” I held her hand and lay down.
I close my eyes, everything went black, but i'm not scared because this time i know by the time i wake up ill be with the people i love.
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findafight · 9 months
i do want catws opinions!! so much!!! mcu cap am was one of my major interests for quite some time, so i am Very interested! tbh don't much care for the rest of the mcu all that much, like ive seen quite a few of the movies but absolutely far from all of them. and like tbh i cared the most about catfa & catws and then steve and his relationship with people, idk i just love his character so much, I've done some sort of analysis inside my head of his character, but it's been A While so i don't remember any of it in words, just vibes lol. also idk how i feel about cacw, it just sorta didn't feel like His story, it felt more like avengers 2.5 or smth.
also related to steve & peggy, i feel like the thing that makes their story stay so strong Is the missed opportunity, the longing for something that can never be. it's this thing that was on the brink of possibility, and where the potential was so big and tangible, and they both felt it, and then all of a sudden the possibility is gone, it's lost, forever. idk like i think steve going back in time to dance with peggy would be sweet, But, it just doesn't move me as much unless peggy also knows that the moment is a promise fullfilled and a dream that can never be, it's one more aching moment together and then it's goodbye. idk like i thought the scene in endgame when they danced was absolutely beautiful, but to me it is a dream, and to me it feels kinda disrespectful to all of them(steve peggy & bucky) to have steve go backwards, that's not him, maybe when he first woke up after the ice, if presented with the possibility he wouldn't be able to resist, but otherwise his character is LITERALLY about getting back up again!! and then also peggy had a life?? with someone else!! and she was happy with her life! he literally knows this, he talked to her when she was old! why would he disregard that?? and then why would he live the rest of his life knowing bucky is the winter soldier and then NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT????????? idk it's just like, when SO MUCH of steves story is so closely intertwined with bucky it just doesn't make any sense to leave him??
also while i am a romantic stucky believer, truly more than that i am a soulmates stucky believer! so the stobin tws au really really hit me in the feels yk.
Okay so. What makes CAWS so good, and one of the best mcu films, is that it uses superheroes not as a genre, but as a vehicle for a genre. Winter Soldier is a spy thriller. Arguably TFA also does this by being a war film? But WS embraces it. It's so clearly a spy thriller with a superhero setting! More superhero movies should have co-genre I think. It can be watched as a stand alone, with good solid introductions to characters, to the point that it's bascially the only mcu movie I've watched with my mother that she hasn't asked "who's that?" and why they were doing stuff. Basically every other one, besides the first in their series require prior knowledge of characters for most of the impact of them.
WS doesn't? We see Steve and Natasha have a friendly relationship, that steve's a supersoldier and also takes risks (no parachute), that they're some kind of soldiers, that there's some secret operations going on. We get this! Then we meet Sam and we see that Steve is also incredibly lonely, we see him at the Howling Commandos exhibit, and sure maybe it's hamfisted by focusing on bucky or whatever but that sets it up! we now who steve is, why he's lonely, and some of his values.
and even without TFA, as soon as the mask comes off, we know this is someone steve knows. When he insists on saving Bucky, he uses the line "even when I had nothing, I had Bucky" having watched tfa before just makes it hit harder.
I'm going to be real with you I've watched civil war once and was like "this is kinda stupid? very stupid" and then stopped really paying attention to most marvel movies.
oh yes so true about Steve and Peggy. It's compelling because the could have beens. If that had happened, but then steve went back to present, I would not be mad. It wouldn't be weirdly stealing someone else's life? Especially combined with the Agent Carter Tv series, Peggy has closure for Steve's death. Though it's still an ache, and she mourns and misses him, she's still living her life. She isn't caught up on him as a romantic interests. She has multiple (they should have given us more cartinelli tbh we were robbed in s2) in the series! She had a good, long, and happy life. Steve just dropping in sometime in the 40s(?) with the expectation of pursuing a romantic relationship with her would likely be a shock, and unwanted. They both would have changed from where they left off, both having mourned each other and their relationship. It wouldn't have worked! But to have him drop in. tell her "hey. I can't stay for long. I'm sorry it has to be this way. But I owe you a dance, and it's been killing me breaking a promise to my best girl." That!!! would have!! been! so sweet! A final goodbye for both of them. The final closure and fulfilled promise from oh so long ago.
Steve had spent at least ten years out of the ice before endgame. I just. How could they slide him back to what he would have done directly after being thawed? Like I don't think even lost sadman beginning of ws steve would have stayed back. He's changed and he can't go back to what things were. he keeps getting up, even when he shouldn't! That's what's endearing about Steve, his stubbornness, and his willingness to put himself on the line to protect people. That's why he was the first and only (official) American supersoldier. He carries on, even when it's almost unbearable for him to do so.
It's so... It felt cheap and insulting to him and Peggy and Bucky. Because you're correct!! It means Steve went back to nineteen fourty-whatever and chose not to do anything about the 80+ years of horrible things that happened in the world. Especially chose not to do anything when he knew exactly where Bucky, who he had previously jumped behind enemy lines with nothing but a wing a prayer and a shield to save, who he had defied governments for, who he's nearly died for multiple times, was??? how in the WORLD did the same screenwriters and directors who made one of the best marvel movies that highlighted and used their friendship in such a compelling way also write/direct that for them? how? valuing romance over any other kind of relationship I guess?
yeah I think what's compelling about stucky is that there is so much love there, that they've known each other for their whole lives, and will continue to be (or should be) a vast part of each other's worlds no matter what that relationship looks like. They're soulmates, whatever that looks like for them. and if it's romance then that romance is built upon the deep devoted friendship they have. That's everything about them. Everything is built on a sickly and scrappy kid who couldn't leave well enough alone and got pushed into the dirt by bullies he stood up to over, and over, and over again, and some charming schmuck who looked at him and thought "I'm gonna help him keep get back up". to the point where they broke over half a century of brain washing because of it.
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hey lets talk about chapter 3 of cookie run odyssey
bc theres some things i need people to realize
spoilers. clearly.
1. The Custard Family Line
 as soon as Fuck Face McGee said that his brother served the vanilla king things immediately fell into place.
custard (adult) isnt custard iii’s father but his uncle. thus making custard iii and clotted cream adopted cousins, not brothers. i find it interesting that they took that turn, i was expecting custard to be c the 3′s dad and him having to deal with the fact that he doesnt know where is youngest is but this is cool too. 
also Custard running away not only from the ancients but also from the battle itself just bc he doesnt want to get consequence’d? fuck that shit and fuck him for being a bitchass coward. hope karmas hunting you down ya loser.
2. Captain Caviar is Quite Literally the Best
this is true bc he is. i liked him from the start and was very happy to not have been betrayed by him. not only was he the first to actively speak against hiding mille-feuille and canelè’s actions but he wasted no time calling out the blatant racism and classism going on in the republic. as a matter of fact as i was watching that scene something important dawned on me:
the ocean cookies were on that land first, yet only 2 out of 9 elders are ocean cookies.
now how in the world did that happen?! how did they get Christopher Columbus’d so hard that the native cookies have the smaller collective voice in the convocation?? not to mention that at the same time i realized that it also fully processed that most of the Lower City residents are sea based cookies. from seaweed cookie herself to the merchants having tentacle hair. hell id even go so far as to say that espresso cookie managed to get a leg up in opportunity partially due to the fact that he is not an ocean cookie despite coming from the Lower City.
but that part of captain caviar absolutely tearing into the other elders, (custard specifically) made me love him even more. he didnt back down for a moment and he spoke nothing but the truth and that needs to happen more in media. make minority characters in power use their power to call out the bs!
3. for the most part, Everyone Changed for The Better
and have something to look forward for. i dont wanna call it a happy ending but most of the important cast got development. 
financier cookie is gonna do some self-discovery type of stuff and honestly? good for her. she spent all of this story being the bodyguard. being a trained paladin who only does as order tells. but now i feel like shes allowing herself to essentially have a personality! shes asking what and why and thats great! what is the celestial light? why did it choose her to be a paladin? i hope we see her again and get to see her be less mechanical and more natural.
wildberry and crunchy chip also got development not so much individually but more so, they developed each other! (bee who you arreee) wildberry started out as the token stoic, quiet type bodyguard and crunchy chip is feral beyond belief but then they start hanging out, they start talking, they do a tourist thing and wildberry buys crunchy a pie, hell they even fight alongside each other with no hesitation, crunchy gets so worried when he saw wildberrys gauntlet with no body wearing it and later wildberry doesnt even think twice about carrying crunchy AND his wolf during the battle (for yourr priiideee) its clear that their time in the republic has made them both more social and trusting of each other. (it was also very fruity)
even madeleine got some development which surprised me.i dont madeleine cookie, i love the rest of his family tho. ive never liked the arrogant, self absorbed, head-too-far-up-his-own-ass type of characters but the fact that madeleine learned how to start seeing a different kind of right from wrong, different from what he was trained, and it ended with him wanting to see more the world so he can learn more? it felt like he had gained actual purpose and its fantastic, they made madeleine cookie learn to have a purpose and i wish him the best.
thats p much what i wanted to say bc i dont see too many other saying this
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pissfizz · 9 months
beams you. hello zip my swaggy friend zip i also have to say you def have piqued my interest and am curious to what animorphs is abt !! ive always known abt the books but im very curious :]c
ramble as much as you want i am listening
OK SO. Animorphs is simply put, a war story. A sci-fi war story about child soldiers. Pretty much, there’s a bunch of alien races and one of them is called the yeerks. The yeerks are gross little slugs that crawl in your ear and take control of your body. They have successfully taken over many species, such as the taxxons (who are willing hosts) and the hork-bajir (unwilling hosts). They have now moved on to humans, and taking over earth. The andalites, another alien species, are trying to stop them. One andalite crash lands on earth in an abandoned construction site one night before five 13 year old kids, Jake, Rachel, marco, Tobias, and Cassie. He gives them the ability to morph into any animal they can touch, a technology created by andalites, and begs for them to help stop the yeerks. The andalites will not be reaching earth soon enough to stop them. Then the yeerks come down and eat him alive. So these five kids experiment with their powers before realizing like. This is worse than they ever could’ve imagined. It’s important to note that morphing gives you a two hour time limit. If you’re in something else’s shape for longer than that, you’re stuck, forever. Almost immediately, the character Tobias (my favorite btw but that’s irrelevant) gets permanently trapped in the body of a red tailed hawk and loses his morphing powers. He’s like… a cautionary tale for the other kids but his own plot line revolves a lot around like. What is humanity and who am I and who do I want to be? There’s a lot of deep themes such as the exploration of trauma, child soldiers who are forced to fight in a war, morality and the willingness to do bad things, and how there is no true good and bad guys in war, among many other things. But it’s also buck fucking wild like there’s a race of pacifistic android dogs, and they time travel and kill Hitler at one point, Rachel has an allergic reaction to crocodile DNA and has to like vomit it up, the yeerks get high off maple ginger oatmeal, god is a twitch streaming goose, and so much more.
Overall amazing fucking book series, I won’t spoil anything for those of you who want to read it, but it’s so so good. Keep in mind that despite the content it IS intended for elementary schoolers so the writing is fairly easy and simple and the humor can sometimes be a bit immature but honestly it adds to sending home that these are literal CHILDREN and. Yeah. It’s really good. All the books are legally free online by permission of the author herself and if anyone wants the link I will gladly give it ushsjsgsjsh.
Those of you who do read it tell me EVERYTHING
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theres a girl :( she's in the year up from me but in the way that means that she's graduating in a few months. ive liked her for over a year now 😭 but i didnt say anything abt it last year cause it felt like a hallway crush and i expected it to die out. i also havent liked anyone, ever, before her so i thought maybe i was just trying to like someone? but alas it's been way to long to consider it a hallway crush anymore and weve actually become really good friends !!! im not the type to force ppl to come out so i havent asked if she was gay/bi/pan/etc and i doubt i ever will but i think she might be 😊 recently weve been flirting? i think? like i said its my first time flirting w someone but even my friends say that it seems like she's flirting back 🙏 recently we've been very... touchy... like hand holding, romantic gestures, resting heads on shoulders, whisper things in my ear, move the hair out your face kinda thing and people have been asking me if we're a couple (resulting in my face flushing and me stuttering out a "no were just friends") and now i really wanna see if im just imagining things. only problem is shes moving far after graduation and i feel like whether or not she says yes, theres not really any good outcome... i dont want to date for a few months only, i want a lasting relationship and i dont think i can get that from her even if she feels the same... so im just enjoying my time for now but im really stuck on what i should do
Literally in the middle of a lecture, I figured out how to respond to your ask, but I forgot it as soon as the lecture ended. I think I remember now, so I’ll try my best in responding.
Asking someone if they’re lgbt+ isn’t necessarily outing them. Especially if you ask it super casually in conversation, saying something along the lines of, “hey, I never asked, and I hate making these sorts of assumptions, but are you lgbt+ (or specify bi, les, etc.)? And no worries if you don’t feel comfortable answering.”
About the graduation thing, that really sucks and is a really difficult situation. If you (without knowing where she’s going to study) plan on studying at a Uni/college close to where she’s going, then maybe consider taking the risk and finding out her orientation and feelings. If not, I’m not sure. It’s difficult because you want a lasting relationship.
I’m obviously not all-knowing, so If anyone else has advice 🙏
But I do wish the very best for you Anon ♡
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hideerie · 6 months
some reflections (taken from my journal)...
21/10/23 -- i've officially been at uni for 5 weeks now.
it still hasn't quite hit me that i am a uni student now, let alone a med student. for some reason my brain thinks it's still ok to "wing it" and get through each week with as little effort as possible, just the bare minimum (- something you'd never expect a med student to admit publicly on studyblr).
i'm enjoying this new city and have been exploring whenever i have free time. sometimes it feels like i teleported into the world of pinterest (or the aesthetic sides of tumblr).
however, one thing that is still very much there is:
imposter syndrome.
i kind of knew i'd have imposter syndrome once i start uni but i didn't realise how much it can affect you. thankfully, i've talked to people about it from the get-go which definitely helped, but perhaps it was too soon to overshare like that. oh well, it helped me make friends? + i realised that literally everyone around me felt the exact same, so i think that helped all of us. we're all in the same boat after all, it's important to remember that.
2 weeks ago, the opening line in my journal was all about "information overload, [...] many new experiences in such little time" but now i feel like uni is already quite... underwhelming? i've grown used to this life already; i call my flat "home" and thinking about going back to my actual HOME home feels strange.
i'm glad i've settled in (i think?) but with that comes comfort, which in turns makes the old bad habits resurface again; sleeping late 🡢 waking up late 🡢 barely making it to lectures on time (so much for trying to be early and making a good impression...) and mainly, letting work pile up because i'm too "busy" scrolling on social media, yikes.
at least i've kept my good habit of journaling. regular reflection is important in medicine so it's nice that ive been doing it for years already. if you're an aspiring medic i definitely recommend getting into the habit of journaling in preparation for uni, if not for your own mental wellbeing.
tldr; uni's going well but i havent been focusing on academia as much as i should be. advice for people starting uni: don't let your work pile up, especially online lectures - it's very easy to lose track of it all and ending up overwhelmed. also, join societies - helps with making friends and networking!
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Our Infinity of Stars (pt. 3)
Here's part three of one of the stories I’m working on! Hope u guys (the literal like three people who read the first two parts lol) are liking it so far!!
Again, dms are open for any thoughts, edits, critiques, etc. or if you want to be tagged in future additions that will come soon!
Love y'all sm!!
“It would be faster to swim.” Roxto complained from behind me. Turning, I raised a brow. 
“You don’t think we can run faster than you? Sure, you have a thick tail and arms that make you faster in the water, but can you keep up in a race?” I smirked as Ralak tried to stop us, but I shoved past him and started a line. “First one to the water wins.”
The Sullys and I were on one side of the trail that opens to the beach, the Metkayina group on the other. Tuk was positioned between us, counting down until the start, Rina and Tsireya at the water’s edge to see who won fair and square. 
“3… 2… 1… GO!” Tuk’s voice cried as we bounded off. In seconds, the lanky limbs each of us from the forest possessed propelled us forwards, Neteyam and Ateyo in the lead with me right on their heels, Lo’ak and Kiri head to head a step behind me, and all the metkayina trailing us, widened eyed as we darted off into the waves.
As we were a few meters away from the water, I put on a burst of speed and shot past the twins, grinning at their gasps and heavier footfalls on my tail. I gave one last leap pushing me past Rina and Tsireya, just barely before the twins.
By the time the Metkayinas caught up, I was already taunting the Sullys about my speed. “This man has not the size or the endurance, nor the genetics to win. It's physically impossible for this little man to win. If only I weren’t so much better than you, then maybe you’d have a chance.”
At Neteyam’s protests I laughed. “Oh, it’s ok. I know it must be very hard for you to clean my dust off, I’m sure somebody will clean it off for you. Maybe someone from your fanclub back home.” I smirked at Neteyam’s dumbfounded expression, “Give it up, old man. You can't fight evolution. I was built for speed.”
“I’m only a month older than you! Did you really have to quote ‘Rocky IV’ to me?”
“Aw, the first thing you say and it’s just proving how superior I am. I was a month younger than you when I completed my iknimaya. Guess I’ve always been leaving you in my du-” I gasped as Neteyam threw me over his shoulder, wading into the deeper water. “Let me down you evil boy! Don’t you dare even think about throwing me in!” I protested, lightly hitting his back in a futile effort to get him to let me down. 
He swung my body around as if I were a mere ragdoll,“I mean, if you really want me to let go.” He dropped his arms from under me and I was plunged into the water. When I resurfaced, he had his head thrown back in laughter.
I swung a leg around and knocked his feet out from under him. Now it was my turn to laugh as he surfaced, a cloud of sand getting kicked up as we started to splash each other. The rest of the group ran in, joining in our little battle until it was a full-on war. 
“This is not what we are supposed to be doing! Get out of the water now, I don’t have time to mess around like this.” The infuriating voice of Ralak rang out from the shoreline, and with a final splash I stood up and trudged up to shore. 
Ralak roughly grabbed my arm and dragged me out of earshot from the group. I shot a look backwards to tell them I was fine as I wrenched my arm from his grip. “I can walk perfectly fine, thank you. Don’t act like some barbarian.”
“I’m the barbarian? Please, with the way you act around those people, I’m practically generations ahead of you. At least I act like an adult.”
“Those people are the first family I ever had. They raised me and my siblings after our mother left. They comforted me after my father died. I wasn't even going to come here, but they told me to go, to be with my blood family. You have had a stick up your ass since the moment they got here, nobody made you agree to help. Ninat and the rest of the girls other than Tsireya backed out. A few of the guys too.”
“So I should just leave? Is that what you want?” Ralak snarled, leaning down in my face.
I pinned my ears further and hissed back at him, “I would prefer it that way. Come back if you ever grow up and learn to live with the fact that I don't want you, and I never will.”
Panting, we stood there for a second as my words sunk in. I turned away, leaving him standing there with my anger as I went back to the group.
“Will Ralak be joining us?” ‘Rina carefully asked.
“Not in the foreseeable future.” I replied evenly, not letting my residual anger at his childish behavior further affect me.
“Okay. Let’s see how good you guys are at holding your breaths.” ‘Rina turned to the group as Tsireya demonstrated, then everyone paired off to work off of Tsireya’s tips.
I caught Neteyam’s eye and gestured a few meters away from the rest of the group, where the shade of the trees spilled into the shallow water.
After we had been practicing for some time, Neteyam had caught on quickly, we were sharing some fruits from the nearby trees in the shade, our legs dipping into the water.
“Is everything okay? That conversation looked tense.” Neteyam asked quietly as we ate, practically the first words he’d said to me since my argument with Ralak.
“Yes, Ralak’s just being unreasonably irritable.” At Neteyam’s raised brow, I sighed before continuing to explain. “I turned down his courting offer a few weeks ago. He seems to think it was personal, just to make him angry or that I was playing hard to get. It wasn’t anything like that, for the record, but he had been trying to flirt and get me to rethink before you guys arrived, and now just has a stick up his ass.”
Neteyam chuckled, dipping his head as a silence fell over us. He looked up at me, almost whispering, “I never apologized for the things I said to you before you left.”
Shaking my head I grabbed his arm. “There is nothing to apologize for. Truly. Both of us were upset and hurtful things. I didn’t mean all of it, and I don’t hold anything you said against you. It’s in the past, and we’re past it now.”
Nodding his agreement, Neteyam changed the subject. “I didn’t expect it to be so beautiful here. It’s so different from the forest, but peaceful and beautiful all the same.”
I took a breath to respond, but Tuk came bounding over, pulling Neteyam away to show him some shell or stone she had gathered. I opted to stay against the tree, stretching my legs out in front of me as I was plunged in that last conversation we had shared before I left.
Neteyam’s footsteps stormed into my hut. “You aren’t staying. I won’t allow it.” He snapped from the entrance of my hut.
I whipped around, narrowing my eyes at him, “Oh, then I guess I have to stay. If the great Neteyam, golden boy of the Omatikaya commands it, who am I to disobey?”
“Don’t call me that.” He snapped.
I calmed my voice, straightening I said, “I am not going.”
“She is your blood, your family.”
“She’s not my family.” My ears pinned to my head.
“Then who is?”
“My siblings, your parents, Kiri, Lo’ak, Tuk, Ateyo. You.”
“We are not related to you.”
“So now it’s the Sullys versus my siblings and I? Family does not have to be by blood. ‘The blood of the covenant runs thicker than the water of the womb.’ That’s what you told me, isn’t it? That day when we ran off after our iknimaya.”
“We aren’t talking about this. I don’t want to talk about family.”
I raised my voice, “How can we not talk about family when family’s all that we’ve got?” I snarled out. I took a breath, realizing my voice had shifted into Eywa’s song. “Everything that I’ve gone through you’ve promised to be standing there by my side.”.
His voice turned cold, emotionless, at my outburst. “I don’t want you here anymore.” without another word he turned and strode out. I stopped unpacking my things, throwing everything back into the basket.
“Fine then! Be like that, see if I care. I won’t stop you.” I shouted at his retreating form. He didn’t turn. A single tear opened the floodgates as it was followed by many more until they had carved rivers into the soft skin of my cheeks. “You broke your promise. What happened to ‘I’ll always be here,’ where did that go?” I said aloud as if he could hear it. “How can you leave me?”
I wiped my tears, bringing my belongings to strap to Syura’s large back, saying my goodbyes to the Sully family, chancing a glance around before settling on Neytiri’s downturned mouth as she shook her head in a silent apology.
I turned and mounted Syura, taking off after my brother to let ‘Rina and Ateyo say their final goodbyes.
I reminisced on the memories before rising to my feet with a small sigh.
I joined Rina where she watched the twins and Tuk running around in the water.
“Hey, princess! Get over here!”
Rolling my eyes, I stood, disregarding the butterflies his old nickname shook from me, “Why, golden boy? So you can dunk me in the water again?”
“Princess?” Tsireya asked from her spot a few feet away, hands splayed across a very flustered Lo’ak’s chest, clearly hiding behind a thin disguise of trying to teach him proper breathing techniques while trying to crop a feel.
“In my father’s native tongue, my nickname ‘Rani’ means queen.” I motioned my chin to where Neteyam was standing, “Goldie over there started calling me princess when he found that out. He claimed that-”
“That you hadn’t passed your iknimaya yet, so you technically weren’t a queen yet. Plus, you’d have to marry a king.” He winked at me from where he had run over out of the water. “You tell that story to everyone.”
I fluttered my eyelashes at him. “Maybe because it’s so sweet and you wooed me with it. You also offered yourself up as tribute for a king for me to marry if I remember correctly.” I placed a hand on his broad chest. “I almost agreed too.”
Neteyam was practically drooling as I smirked from under my half-closed eyelids, leaning inches away from him and letting the long strings of my seashell-studded top brush over his skin. “Don’t get too flustered,” I patted his cheek as I strolled past him towards where Tuk had found more shells. At this rate she’d have enough for a new top. “You wouldn’t want the women of the Metkayina clan to know how to get past your guard, Golden Boy.” I shouted over my shoulder.
“You and your emerald eyes, princess. You have got to stop doing that.” Neteyam purred as he caught up to me. 
I splashed some water at him, “C’mon. I’ll teach you how to swim better.”
“I know how to swim!” He replied, handing over his heart. “And it wounds me that you imply I don’t.”
“Oh no! Do you want me to kiss it better?”
“I wouldn’t mind it, no.” he grabbed my waist and pulled me flush against him.
“Oh, stop it. You’re the worst.”
“Am I really?”
“Yes. I hate you.”
“Ah, but you haven't pushed me away yet.” I shoved against his chest. “Looks like someone is going soft on me.”
“Am not!” I used our argument that we had playfully used since we were children.
Neteyam grinned, remembering our old joke. “Are too!”
“At least I know how to swim!” I shot back, pushing Neteyam into the water.
He twisted and grabbed me as he fell, pulling me along with him. We both surfaced, laughing.
 “Mess with the bull and you get the horns, darling.” He breathed in my ear.
I laughed as I pushed him away, “Yeah, whatever. Now are we going swimming or not?”
He smirked down at me, “Lead the way, princess.”
I made sure to splash him a little more than necessary as I dove off the sandbar.
As we swam in the reef, I kept a close eye on him, surfacing less often than I thought I would’ve needed to. After I voiced this thought to Neteyam as we were floating on the surface, a slow grin spread across his face. “So I am a good swimmer then?”
I tilted my head, “I didn’t quite say that.”
“It’s ok, I’ll take the compliment.”
A Cheshire grin overtook my features, “How about a bet?”
A matching smile appeared on Neteyam’s features, “What kind of a bet?”
“If you can beat me back to the beach, I’ll admit you’re a halfway decent swimmer,” I held up a hand at the beginning of his protest, “To the entire clan.”
He mulled it over. “You can only use your arms. No kicking.” He held out a hand.
“Good that you still remember to never agree to a deal with me the way I lay it out.” I commented, grasping his larger hand in mine in a gesture Jakesuli had taught us. A handshake.
An excited grin dancing across his lips, Neteyam counted down. I rolled my shoulders as I prepared to swim as fast as I possibly could. I lowered into the water, and, my ankles glued together, I blasted forward with the first few strokes pulling me ahead.
I heard Neteyam splashing loudly on my heels, yet I slowed to save my energy for the last stretch. On the beach I heard as the group noticed our race, and started cheering, they must be placing bets. I mulled as I continued on my mad dash towards shore.
I felt as Neteyam’s splashes splattered across my back, he was catching up now. I glanced up towards shore, and realized we were maybe 50 feet away. Smirking, I put my everything into getting back, and I heard Neteyam do the same. We were almost neck and neck, and I had to squeeze my legs together to keep from kicking, arms burning at the strain of pulling the water out of my way to move forward.
Tsireya and Aonung had made a makeshift finish line, and with a final push, I crossed it a moment before Neteyam.
Cheers erupted, and Neteyam and I both were panting, huge grins dancing across our lips. The group surrounded me, grilling me for details on the race, on the bet they knew we must have made. I was suddenly hoisted into the air on top of broad shoulders.
“Do I at least get credit for giving you a run for your money?” Neteyam tilted his head back to look at me. 
I made a big deal about contemplating his question,tapping a finger on my chin. “Sure, why not. ‘Gave me a run for my money in a race’ is good enough, I guess.”
Rolling his eyes, Neteyam dropped me into the waist-deep surf, and everyone, including myself, were rolling with laughter as I came back up. 
Clutching a stitch in her side, Tsireya sputtered out, “okay, we should actually train now.”
Agreeing, everyone dove into the waves to test out their new skills and get some pointers on their swimming forms.
I swam next to Tuk, helping her gain new skills in the water. “Here, you want to have your hands like this,” I demonstrated, helping mold her hands into the correct position. “And pull the water out of your way. THen use your legs to help push you forwards.”
Her brow furrowed in concentration, Tuk followed my instructions, grinning up at me as I praised her.
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daisyvisions · 8 months
I can assure you, you've still got it! If it's any indication, your works really have me slipping between lanes 😅
You have my full permission to do what you will with it - I'm glad you liked the idea. I've been in my Juyeon era lately and he is just ridiculously gorgeous so I just needed to put it out there. I think it might just be Lee-line acting up or something because why did I have jealousy scenarios in my head for them.
Anyways, I really hope you get a break soon. I think I understand where you're coming from and just how mentally draining it can be. Honestly, if you have to go out of your way to be active on here or it's pressuring, don't hesitate to step back! I'm sure people will understand after all your health (mentally, physically, emotionally, etc.) is important and this is just meant to be for fun. Also, just in case no one has told you, your best in every capacity is amazing and very much appreciated. And even if your best one day is a little less than your best another, or if you feel like you're not at your best, it's still fucking incredible. (Sorry if this felt long or unnecessary, it just felt like an important reminder)
As for me, things have been alright, I think - neither bad nor good.
Take care, Daisy!!
oh you're def going into you're Lee line era for sure if you're coming up with those kinds of ideas ksdjnfsdkjnf and dont worry! when I get the chance to write it I'll make sure to give your idea justice 💕
and thank you huhu needed to hear this kind of advice esp with what ive been feeling about myself lately you're an angel ily 🥺 hope you've been taking care babes! again my ask is always open for literally anything!! hehe
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hinar3dx · 9 months
APSJDNFNWJFJEJX OK SO IVE JUST CAUGHT UP ON TEAM HARMONY (Turns out I didn’t read up to chapter 23 like I thought I did-) AND THE NEWEST CHAPTER TOO AND- O M G ? ? ? ? ?
First off: It was literal PERFECTION- frickin Itachi and Hinata are so CUTE and I love the way they interact!!! (Her noticing Itachi’s attractiveness was a nice add on!!!)
Itahina is literally my weak spot, every time y’all write it I feel a piece of myself m e l t ! i feel like this little scene might lead to conflict later down the line between Hinata and Sasuke though. He already feels second best to Itachi, and like his replacement, so how will he react once (if) he finds out about these little meet ups? speaking of conflicts- Naruto’s sadness/anger at the announcement made me feel for him like- i can’t- the way Sasuke handles it is kinda annoying like- HE WAS GONNA LEAVE HIM OUT OF SUNRISE WATCHING??? NAH-
Also! I’m very curious about Minato and what he’s doing about what Hinata told him about Itachi and Danzo. It’s definitely something important, and I know he’s doing an investigation, but it just feels like he’s not gonna be able to do much unless he gets something concrete, something he can chase. Which brings to mind, why didn’t Hinata tell him about the arm? Even though Itachi told her not to, would it not be helpful for her to throw Minato a bone and tell him?
And Sai sneaking around Hinata!!!! Danzo better watch out before dismissing her so easily, but what exactly will Sai be doing? What’s his mission? and the C-rank from hell!!! How will Team Kakashi handle Zabuza and Haku? Assuming y’all are following the canon timeline and will have that be their first c-rank! I’m really curious to see where everything will go!
i hope your hiatus treats y’all well! I shall patiently await the next chapter.
-Your Obedient Reader
To my Obedient Reader,
There will definitely be some issues that will come to a boiling point by the time we hit the Search for Tsunade arc! In fact, it's something we're VERY excited to write and post up for our readers. I know what direction I want it to go in, but I have to let it write itself out when we get to it <3
As for how Sasuke handles Naruto's emotions, it's a bit heartless but he does have to think about it politically rather than emotionally. Still, he is also just a kid who is now officially engaged to the girl he's super into so he wants alone time. But I totally get it!
There's a lot that Hinata can't reveal to Minato outright, even though they're both aware of who her "source" is. With the arm, Itachi wants to be sure and have more information than just the arm. He wants to give Minato the how and who is helping so he'll have more to go on in the future. I hope that makes sense <3
Sai's mission is the one he is still working on when you meet him in Shippudden canonically! I should've made that one a bit more clear, sorry!
The Land of Waves arc is going to go mostly the same as in canon, so hopefully, it won't be too boring or even disappointing. There will be differences that account for how strong they currently are as well as having a Byakugan on the team this time around though!
Honestly, this hiatus was meant to also help me get my butt into gear so I can finish writing the rest of part one before giving birth, but I've mostly just been crocheting and sleeping and nesting! Hopefully, I can get more done soon!
Thank you so much for your asks! They make our day <3 Every time I show them to R3DX, he gets pretty proud (especially since this is his first time delving into fanfiction), so that's always nice to see. I hope I was able to clear some things up!
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philtstone · 2 years
What's the favorite line you've written where you said everyone should go crazy for this?
1) this reply is so late im so sorry 2) im assuming this is bc of that post i reblogged thank u for calling me out fslkjdflsd
just kidding. this is a bit of a tricky question because i think sometimes it's less a line and more a moment or sequence -- writer friends, do you feel that too? or a parallel. and it's very hard to identify a favourite because im proud of different moments for different reasons and over the years ive definitely become a better writer, so stuff i thought was The Everyone Goes Nuts Moment in old fanfics doesnt necessarily hold up to the test of time (i.e. slightly more mature writer phil) anymore. also, fundamentally, i am an indecisive little person.
that being said. of my more recent things, i have 3.
first, from the last chapter of hopeful. [meme voice] for personal reasons, i still have a lot of feelings abt this line and think everyone else should too:
"You know I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.”
Sam’s laugh is huffed and brittle. “Draggin’ you outta there was quite literally the least I could do.”
“No,” says Bucky. “I mean before.” Sam frowns at the carpet, and Bucky adds, “You get that, right? You get that you saved my life.”
second, which is not a line but a moment, from the last chapter of summertime. i still love this scene and sometimes read it for myself when im feeling tender hearted:
“I love you,” Sarah says, so loudly that the words reverberate in her own ears. 
Bucky comes to a full halt and stares at her. 
“I love you,” she says again, and feels her voice hitch. “I love you. I am in love with you, James Buchanan Barnes.” 
All she can see is shock, freezing his expression in place, widening his eyes. A delicate sort of tremble, disbelief that’s being forced roughly into belief, is taking place just behind his eyes. His mouth stays just a little bit open. Bucky is very often bad at receiving personal compliments, and she is sure this is not so different. Maybe even more difficult to truly know.
“Are you hearing me?” she says. “I need you to hear me, James. I love you. I love you, I love you –” 
Two stray, untouched tears slip from his lash line and fall simply down his grimy cheeks, into his beard. His jaw is trembling. She knows he can hear her, she knows – 
because for me, this was the crux of the fic -- the way each of them had to witness proof of other person's love in a slightly different way to really believe it, hear it, even though they were both clearly wanting that future from the beginning of the fic, just unsure of their own place in it.
and, finally, the third is from my most recent fic home again, which really is a line and ive been thinking about it for months lol:
He lets out a humourless laugh. Looks up. “What. You thinking of following Captain America into the jaws of death one last time?”
For a long moment, Sam thinks he must’ve said the wrong thing; Bucky’s face ripples as though caught in an ache, a sudden, startled expression. Almost as soon as it comes, it goes, though. It turns into something gentle that Sam doesn’t fully understand.
for obvious reasons.
but also, in the context of the full fic, i worked very hard to make it both the kind of line that is earned and the kind of line that is a sudden, unexpected surprise. and of course, then there is the payoff of bucky's answer, slightly different now to reflect his differentness, but still essentially his answer, immediately after.
thank u again for the ask! <3
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roughentumble · 2 years
if you had to write a werewolf Jaskier fic, what would the plot be?
hmmmmmm...... hadnt really thought about it before, let me really chew on my options...
you could crib off the werewolf quest in the witcher 1. jaskier gets turned, and geralt tries everything, everything to break his curse, every folk remedy he can get his hands on with any reports of even marginal success. but when they all fail, and signs show that the curse is getting worse, that soon it wont be able to be broken at all, in a last ditch effort geralt searches for someone to deliver him true love's kiss. oooo you could even have it where he drags jaskier all the way to the countess de stael, only to be heartbroken when it doesnt work, jaskier is still cursed. but then jaskier confesses that it isnt her, he hasnt ever loved her-- loved ANYONE-- the way he loves geralt, and they kiss, and come morning they find the curse miraculously broken! the thing that saves him an act of pure love from a witcher(which he happily turns into the climax of the stunning ballad he writes based off the events of the tale, written as proof that witchers do in fact have feelings)
it also depends on how AU-y i'd get with it, since witcher werewolves can totally be reasonable even in wolf form... but those tend to be werewolves that are born to it, and the curse-afflicted ones almost always go violent when they turn! which makes "jaskier gets turned and learns to live with it" type stories kind of walking a fine line, where even if he's rational now, there's always the fear that someday he wont be anymore. and unless im labeling it an AU, i probably wouldnt want to stick my toes outside that bit of lore. i think it's a neat little bit or worldbuilding
hmm. wait. no. im thinking of a concept that could be neat but doesnt have a lot of form yet, but if it's using witcher canon then i would have to ignore all the lore i just said i didnt want to ignore 😅 BUT i dont think ive seen a story where the kaer morhen witchers are a literal wolfpack..... who then, perhaps inadvertantly, turn jaskier. i could see there being a whole fic of lil jaskier the baby wolf getting adopted into the family by virtue of being turned(and perhaps being geralt's mate 💕👉👈). especially if the fic touched on jaskier's homelife as a rather bad one. and now he's got all these complicated feelings, because his life and his body have been changed forever, but he also now has a home and a family who support and accept him, and a man who is very clearly head over heels for him, and he's never felt the freedom he feels when he runs through the woods at night, wind in his fur.
i imagine them as still witchers, or at least in a very witchery sort of role, in this AU, so perhaps lycanthropy is a quirk of their mutations?? jaskier would be the runt of the pack no matter what though. he's built for speed, not fighting.
also picturing him waking up one day lamenting "nooooo im so hairy now look at my arms look at my chest ;A;" while geralt is in the corner like 👀
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lettersformiah · 2 years
9:37am, 7 jul
hey bubs. only two days of placement! lets go. in my head its friday but its not and im so sad about it. i was late again hehehe i always am though bc i have no sense of urgency bc its fucking school. only late by like a halfa (or technically an hour if you count acg) but yeah i woke up and was like non and then woke up at like 8:15? but yeah. got the 9:25 bus and the worker people who do the stop and go signs had to stop them so i could cross the road hehehe. they were very very nice. the construction, i learnt, is on a power line. dont know what happened there but hopefully it gets fixed soon. had glimpse of us stuck in ym head this morning so ive just been listening to it on repeat. i keep having to sign in at the office so mrs copley doesnt come for me about being truant hehe but how many times can i go there in a week and press the silly buttons about missing my bus or family or sleeping in. its literally a game to me to just fucking press whatever button i see first. getting out of french next period! or at least half of it because im gonna hang out with hannah. none of my friends know im here but theyve also stopped texting me asking where i am so im glad they are just like eh she will get here when she gets here. i dont know what to say to hannah. what do i talk about. i feel like i cant be as open with her as id liek and i know thats so detrimental but like,, ive never been good at being 100% honest with my counselors and stuff so! idk. maybe i just talk about internals and your parents and you obvs and then?? idk job stuff and my dad? and my sister. i dont know i guess i have a lot to say just as an update to my life. also! sorry for falling asleep last night bubba, i know you werent home and its a bit of a mb. its very very sweet of you to stay on call though bubba. makes me so happy :*] even tho rn joji is making me so sad bro like. :'[ oh! geo is actually due first week term 2 ^^ im happy about that bc then i can do it while i wait around for u to be done with uni. but yeah! the reliever :l told me that she wants as much as she can get from us tomorrow but to have all of it done over the holidays. which is nice for me bc then i can do the excellence stuff and get everything done. im so glad. i love mrs haggart sm hehehe shes a banging teacher fr and i hope i get her next year. bio will um be something. maybe he will say just to get it done by tomorrow which i can do all of it tn. and i can write my english! im so fucking happy with it. like smh and my writing isnt amazing by any means, but i found a nice system and sparknotes is like helping me so much so i owe my grade to them for deadass just giving me quotes and themes. i love the internet bro. imagine if i had to do it all from my own fucking brain. id be so pressed. but yeah! i dont know what the last two texts are gonna be but ill just search around sparknotes for some stuff and just randomly search novels ive read in my life. maybe i will actually do the maze runner, surely its on there yk? my nose is all sniffly bubba >:( the outside is pretty chilly and geo is warm as. the temperature difference being a bitch to my poor poor nose. so dog hehe but yeah! idk bubba. i love you! geo will be over in a second so this was just a teeny update on my morning and all that. i love you sm and thank u for everything. mwahmwhamwahwmah
talk soon
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0ssianic · 2 years
havent written much recently so im gonna talk about/summarize some of my wips because i can (this ended up as all FFXV based ones oops)
-Mermaid AU: mostly pulling from the little mermaid and various mermay fics ive read. noctis and regis are at cape caem on vacation and while playing on the shore, noctis falls into the water and is saved by mermaid!lunafreya. the two eventually keep meeting up and talking. some specific things to bond over include magic and being prince/princess. soon after, the two do some kind of spell that turns lunafreya human. noctis helps her back up to the house from the shore, but its difficult going for the two of them since a) luna doesn’t know how to use her legs yet (and for parts like this, i was thinking of incorporating og little mermaid stuff, like every step hurting) and b) helping luna aggrevates noctis’s old injury (as something i was trying to keep in line with canon).
dont really have more than this, but a possible second half of this would go like this: regis wakes up in the morning and when going to wake noctis up, also finds an unknown girl in noctis’s room. he tries to figure out who she is and whats shes doing here from noctis, but only gets the full answer from luna later. would mostly be regis trying to figure out what he’s supposed to do when he finds out she’s a mermaid princess (with magic!) who’s effectively just run away from home
-Fateswap AU: Noctis is the oracle and luna is the chosen king. main focus on noctis, ignis, and prompto. main “story” i have is noctis and ignis are plotting to escape their niflheim guards, of which prompto is one. the two put their plan into motion: noctis pretends to be sick, prompto goes to help/check out whats happening, and ignis disarms him. its right at that moment that prompto decides yes, he really does want to defect and can he go with them pretty please? ignis thinks its a bad idea, but noctis does agree. thats where i initially ended my outline, but i can see expanding it to include some roadtrip stuff, but its harder to find a solid stopping point after that
-Insomnia: started this one with “somnus couldn’t sleep” purely bc i find the irony amusing and i have fun writing hooks. then i had to work backwards with why he wasn’t able to sleep and it turned into one of my standard introspection oneshots. ends up more as a reflection on being in someone’s shadow/being expected to be like/just as good as an older sibling and deciding to do your own thing despite expectations/comparing yourself to others. this one partially arose because i was on an ardyn & somnus kick as seen in my next wip
-Somnus gets the ring: this one is a mix of gap-to-fill type of fanfic and wanting to do something with the high messengers (theres 24 messengers, but we only see a few of them. soo... [insert free real estate meme here]). I had fun coming up with a High Messenger OC for this, who i mostly based as being an opposite of gentiana in appearance and is dressed a bit like a roman soldier. i also sort of incorporate my HC that the gods/bahamut/messengers very rarely interact with the line of lucis and don’t tell them much when they do. this would be dialogue heavy which is where im getting stuck.
my current outline for the story goes like this: somnus realizes he’s in a dream and in front of him is the crystal and a soldier. somnus quickly realizes the man’s not human, but something divine. the messenger delivers what he’s supposed to say from bahamut and theres a bit of back and forth as somnus tries to pry more info out of him. somnus eventually accepts (almost a vow-ish type thing) and wakes up with the gem of the ring in his hand.
-regis, noctis, and the crystal: takes place when noctis is really little, before regis finds out he’s the chosen king. main thrust would be its cute, and a bonding moment as regis teaches noctis about the responsibility that comes with their (literal) god given powers. events would be: noctis has been slipping out of his room to sleep on the throne room steps (which i HC the throne room to be right above the crystal). regis takes this as a good opportunity to teach noctis about the crystal, their magic, and the duties the gods gave to them as the world waits for the chosen king. they go to see the crystal and noctis finds himself both drawn in and frightened by the crystal and the magic (his magic).
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ofmagiick · 8 months
pinned post and docs tba, but for now here's the html of the rules on my theme until i can get other admin stuff done:
SELECTIVITY / FOLLOWING - this is a selective blog for my sake, but honestly, if i can see us writing, i will follow back. i am mutuals only, though, and will have anxiety about sending you things if we aren’t, even if you’re cool. i'm iffy on doubles, just because i myself am very self-conscious. it’s a personal thing, chances are i thing your writing is fucking dope.
CROSSOVERS / OC MUSES - two words: fuck. yeah. star wars lends itself to crossovers hella well, we can figure this shit out in a hot second. plus, the galaxy is so vast and diverse, i want to explore more of this universe, as much as i can. as for ocs, y’all brave as fuck, and i love them. just have a rules/about page, and then we’re golden
RP ETIQUETTE - you know, don’t god mod, don’t randomly kill my muse (not saying you can’t, hell, please do, just im me first), don’t reblog threads you’re not a part of, don’t relog my hc posts. and have fun.
FORMATTING / ICONS - match me, don’t, dance the macarena before posting, i don’t give a fuck. i format how i want, when i want. my icons use citrus, by apocalypseresources
WRITING - kind of a slow writer, and easily distracted. poke me over ims after about two weeks, if i haven’t replied before then. not super here for rape/torture, but i have an odd like for eldritch and body horror...
GRAPHICS - all graphics on my blog are made by me/for me. give credit where credit is due. be nice. making shit is a lot harder than just throwing an image into photoshop and clicking buttons. people work hard on shit, and i will come for your knees if you don’t credit people, creators, artists, etc… i have baseball bats.
SHIPPING - fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah !! you come to me with a ship, and by the time i’ve finished processing the words, i’m already hella emotionally invested. crackships are my shit, so please don’t be scared. honestly, i’ll ship pretty much anything. probably even some sketchy shit by other’s standards. if that’s a problem, hasta la vista, and sorry i don’t cut it for you.
NSFW - i and my muse are 18+, my nsfw tag is literally ‘a girl’s got needs,’ let’s fuckin’ do this. i’ll write it, but not with minors. other, general nsfw topics might come up, due to the nature of AUs and canon events. i do try and tag as cw // or cw ment //, so please feel free to tell me things you need tagged.
PLOTTING - do it. done. if i don’t write down whatever idea i have quick enough, it will get yeeted from my head like a brick out the window fuckin adhd, so (with express permission from you) i’ll message at bizarre hours, probably. on the flip side, this is your express permission: i, lily, mun of ofmagiick, give you, [name], mun of [blog], permission to send me ims/ask with plot proposals. it’s signed and sealed as soon as you read this. no take-backsies. you gotta, now. :3c
MEMES - headcanon/ask my muse questions/etc, open to all. interaction-oriented, mutuals only. no reblog karma, but if you aren’t sending me something, reblog from the source, please
ACTIVITY - it can be spotty. i’m a full-time student, adhd mess. hit me up in ims with reminders or ping me on disco/in a server, its all cool.
MAINS / EXCLUSIVES - i'm okay with mains, you'll be my go-to version of a character, and the one i'm thinking of if mine mentions yours to someone else, but that's gonna be discussed beforehand. exclusives will have to be heavily, HEAVILY discussed, and likely will be way down the line if ever.
CALLOUTS - bitch, no. get that shit away from me. won’t post ‘em, won’t reblog ‘em. call me out if you want, i’ll screenshot it, print it out, and put it up on my wall to laugh at, and remember people are still wasting brainpower to be mad at me. if you have an issue with me, hit me up in ims/off anon, and we can talk like adults.
ABOUT THE MUN - what up it’s ya nerd lily with newest brainrot, this time sci-fi. pronouns are she/her or “hey you ditz”, i am legal to drink in the us and far beyond legal adult there, and i id as a goddamned fucking mess mutuals feel free to hmu for discord if you want it
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