#(except that last one but jim hit him first so it isn’t his fault)
spirkbitch · 9 months
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them <3
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rohanrider3 · 4 years
Brace Yourselves, I have THOUGHTS on this guy
Okay so I just watched Wizards (Tales of Arcadia) and I, along with many other folks, adore one (1) wizard in particular--Hisirdoux Casperan, better known as Douxie. I’m sure you’ve seen the art, the posts, and, well, the internet lately.
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BUT HERE’S THE THING. One of the (many) reasons I love this guy. He’s not what one typically gets in a main character, AND he’s very different than other protagonists we’ve met in Arcadia. 
TLDR: Protective, kind-as-summer, ultimate “good older brother vibes��� wizard who simultaneously 1) doesn’t think much of himself, 2) tries his hardest, and 3) is actually SUPER FREAKING POWERFUL is unique and I love him for all those reasons and more!! (Details (and spoilers) below the cut)
1: He’s young, yes, but he’s extremely experienced. He looks 19, but is 919. As the first episode shows, he’s been doing his best to live a good life and master magic for NINE CENTURIES. All the while looking like a kid! Douxie lived through the fall of Camelot, has seen technology blossom and evolve, AND has seen countless people come and go, all the while completely on his own except for Archie.
2: He’s extremely humble. He’s apparently been working odd jobs FOR ALMOST A MILENNIUM--so he can work from the shadows to protect people from terrors they don’t even know about--and works hard AT ALL OF IT. Menial jobs AND demon-fighting. First episode, he clearly WANTS to use magic to clean up the cafe (and as a former customer service worker I would have sold my wisdom teeth for magic, LET ALONE magic clean-up help!) but he refrains from doing so, because he really took Merlin’s advice to heart.
(Side note: IMO, Merlin’s an ASS. But the advice he gives in the beginning of “Wizards”--along the lines of “Relying on magic alone isn’t enough, first you have to master how to live well and THEN you can master magic, hard work is extremely important and not to be skipped”--is good. AND DOUXIE STICKS WITH IT FOR OVER 900 YEARS. OF HIS OWN VOLITION. Merlin’s in a tomb, he hasn’t been glaring over Douxie’s shoulder all this time!) Which brings me to-
3) Douxie, although a hard worker, sincerely good guy, and all around badass wizard, doubts himself a LOT (thanks Merlin’s endless snarking and yelling.) BUT, instead of always fighting/planning to get Merlin to approve of him, Douxie instead focuses on doing the right thing. But it isn’t easy and Merlin’s dismissal of him/his ideas/Merlin’s constant disparaging put-downs hurts him. But he doesn’t let it stop him.
4) Douxie CARES. A LOT. He’s patient, kind, eager to help, works hard, and has protected humanity from horrors it didn’t even know about for CENTURIES. While he was still an apprentice, with no master, and no other magic users (that we’ve really seen) that could teach him more about his own magic or how to use it. The hedge wizards are cool, but we don’t get to see much of them and it looks like they’re more of a side society in Arcadia than something Douxie’s strictly a part of.
5) Douxie protects whoever he can whenever he can. To him, all life is precious, and he gives off major “is anyone else protecting this person or trying to make things better okay cool cool cool, I’m gonna try to do that as much as I can for as many as I can right now!” attitude. Which gives off major older sibling vibes to me. 
(To emphasize, he cares about EVERYONE. He’s distraught at the thought of Arthur’s death, HE’S the one who uses his magic to remind--not enchant, REMIND--Arthur and Morgana of their old love of the forest and of Gwen (apparently the glue that held their trio together) and how, each in their own way, they miss her and still love each other. HE’S the one who’s constantly checking the time continuum, and keeps trying to tell Merlin that it doesn’t have to be Arthur vs. Morgana. But Merlin outright pushes him aside/ignores him, and events take their course. Interesting note: Right during the big fight scene in the past with Arthur vs. Morgana, just before Arthur cuts off Morgana’s hand with Excaliber and she falls to her death, you’ll notice the time continuum is blue. Which means it’s fine. The future is good. Douxie could go back to his future no problem. BUT WHEN HE SEES MORGANA’S DEAD FORM as part of the repaired timeline, HE SHOUTS AND RUNS TOWARD THEM TO TRY AND STOP IT. Morgana being DEAD didn’t mess up the timeline. Excaliber being broken did. But Douxie was still trying to save Morgana AND Arthur, and only the blast of magic from their fight knocked him back. And he still grieves her death as one of the parts of his failure, even while Merlin pushes him aside and focuses on Arthur and Excaliber in the aftermath of the battle.
6) Does anyone else think Douxie has a major guilt complex/super messed up self esteem? Because Douxie tearfully shouting “I’m so sorry! This is all my fault!” to Merlin, AS DOUXIE’S OWN LIFE IS IN DANGER AFTER HE TRIED TO SAVE HIS FRIENDS and keep the Arcane Order from destroying the world...that hit hard. His life is on the line and (most likely) his last words are a plea for forgiveness to the Master that routinely dismissed him as an incompetent idiot and was more than happy to leave teenagers (!TEENAGERS!) who’d fought and risked everything to protect the world to die horribly at the hands of his enemies. Douxie--caring, kind-hearted, I-get-my-ass-rountinely-handed-to-me-but-always-get-up-again DOUXIE was the one who ran back to get Jim and Claire. Not Merlin. Merlin was *this close* to leaving to protect Nari for the greater good, and only reconsidered because Douxie had thrown himself into the fray (and despite his best efforts got thrown hard into a rock wall by The Green Knight. And then volleyball spiked into the (equally hard rock) floor and crushed by MindControlledTrollJim.
7) Douxie DOES NOT GIVE UP. Merlin writes Jim’s injuries off as hopeless and him as a lost cause, but Douxie relentlessly tries to figure out ways to fix things. Arthur and Morgana’s relationship, Jim’s injury/worsening curse, all the scenarios where they (it looks like) have to choose between saving their friends AND the world. He doesn’t just shrug and write off losses the way Merlin does. Douxie keeps throwing himself at problems and putting himself at risk to solve them.
8) He’s honest. (Certain Lad of Fortune bowl games aside ;) ) Merlin only told Jim the problem with the wound and left it at that. Douxie makes sure that Claire knows the reality of the situation and promises he’ll find a way to fix it. He knows their situation isn’t ideal, but he refuses to just shrug and leave things as they are. He’s more than willing to throw himself wholeheartedly into finding a way to fix things and refuses to let defeat stop him. Which leads me to, finally--
9) Douxie willingly, without flinching or making a big deal about it, walks into the jaws of death for his friends and the world. For Pete’s sake, he does it with a SMILE. He KNOWS getting his friends back is a long shot. He KNOWS the Arcane Order cannot get Nari AND the Seals, or else the world is doomed--AND he could easily have chosen to go on the run, with the Seals, for the rest of his life. His friends would have died (or worse), Nari would have been trapped with the Order for the rest of time, but the world (and Douxie) would have been safe. Why? The Order doesn’t know he has the seals. Merlin said they could be FOUND if his staff was destroyed, he didn’t say they were STORED there. (And yeah, I wanted Douxie to trick the Order with fake Seals too, but after some thought I’d argue that they’re ancient and powerful enough where they probably wouldn’t have been fooled by or chased after a fake.) Also, going on the run with inanimate objects your hunters don’t know you have and having the kind of magic Douxie does--he could have had a niiiiiice life. Maybe a little mobile, but arguably MUCH easier than constantly making sure a small forest spirit doesn’t get snatched up by her angry brethren. In any case--
Douxie’s plan included--and even hinged on--his willingness to die buying his friends and Nari time to escape. He BUILT IT INTO HIS PLAN. And that bravery, courage, and matter of fact heroism--along with that defiant smirk he gives the Order when they threaten to kill him--is why I love this guy so much. 
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beyondstupidityblog · 3 years
On March 13th 2021, two friends and I did what never could have imagined possible, I watched Freddy Got Fingered for the ninth time, and it will by no means be the last. I’m explaining this to you, dear reader, so you and I have an important understanding between us. You will be reading the ramblings of one whose brain has curdled like milk left out in the hot afternoon sun. Now that introductions are out of the way, let us begin.
Freddy Got Fingered is a 2001 Comedy starring and directed by Tom Green as the Non-Titular Gordon Brody; an aspiring animator who goes to California to realize his dream, only to be constantly crushed under the weight of his father’s expectations. Sounds tame at first, but what lies beneath the veneer of mediocrity is truly impressive. Completely bombed,  audiences hated it, and critics loathed it. Roger Ebert got angry, saying “it isn’t even below the bottom of the barrel” and “Green should be flipping burgers somewhere.”. “Tasteless”, “appalling”, “offensive”, “gross”, and “poo poo,” are just some of the things people have had to say about this film. Animal genitalia can be seen on screen for much longer than anyone could have expected, Tom Green swinging a baby akin to a morning-star with its umbilical cord, said umbilical cord being stolen and taped onto his stomach, gratuitous caning of a nymphomaniac paraplegic, and the dissection of a deer carcass. It is an abrasive experience that leaves a terrible taste in the mouths of those who mention it. Nonetheless, I love this movie. 
You ever see a contemporary art exhibit that has a piece that just looks like garbage somebody left out but in actuality is a tongue-and-cheek allusion to the pitiful state of modern art? That garbage is Freddy Got Fingered, and that exhibit is Hollywood. At face value it just seems like a poorly done film by a comedian trying to use his name to get a few butts in the seats before his irrelevancy arrives, but when scrutinized as a commentary of comedy films do the pieces start to fall into place. Tropes like the Protagonist being an unremarkable honkey, gross-out designed to get some cheap quick chuckles, side-characters who occupy the space solely for comedic relief, a shoe-horned romantic side-plot, and an equally as shoehorned in happy ending are all present in a mocking fashion. So many of these Hollywood schlockfests that this movie is paying homage to abuse tropes in some vain attempt to trick the audience into thinking they’re having a good time, when in reality it just reminds viewers of films that they’ve already watched before and could be enjoying instead. All of the awkward and uncomfortable scenes of gross-out and romance are purposeful, because nothing is quite as awkward and uncomfortable than a film disengaging the audience with its own mediocrity. “This is what it’s like to endure this trash!” Drunkenly screams Freddy Got Fingered atop the tallest piece of furniture in the room, while also exposing its genitals to keep you from getting too comfortable around it. Unlike the films it is parodying, its obsession with making a fool out of audiences rips them away from the comfort of the cinema, making them genuinely ask if it is worth wasting their time watching a film called Freddy Got Fingered. Even the title is an intentional slight, as it seems to be completely untethered to the actual plotline and is instead a reference to a seemingly inconsequential scene. But then again, that is the point of it all. Tom Green is an artist, and on his canvas is a portrait of Hollywood with all of the ugly little imperfections that cause a movie like this to be created. But this is just the meta-narrative of Freddy Got Fingered, something that you could find all over the internet. Why do I resonate with it so much, and what about it makes it so exceptional that led to this unhealthy fascination?
    Every instance that I’ve rewatched Freddy Got Fingered has always brought about a new side to it, and in the process leaves me craving for more. Gord is an interesting take on the average leading man. He is on the surface bland and inoffensive, made so in order to allow the majority of the audience to immediately identify with him, said group being 20-something skater guys with unrealistic expectations of themselves. Made especially ironic when after the introduction of Gord as an adept skateboarding rebel escaping from authority, he starts to show that in reality he is an unlikeable, bratty, entitled, and all around unpleasant person. Barely a scene passes before we see him masturbate a horse while exclaiming he is a farmer to his father who is not present, seemingly a crude gag but is in reality an insight into his low self worth caused by his imposter syndrome stemming from distant paternal relationship. I would like to remind you, dear reader, that I am still writing of Freddy Got Fingered, in case you were beginning to think I have lost my mind (The answer is yes by the way). All throughout the film Gordon Brody puts on masks for different situations, never allowing himself to be who he is. When infiltrating the Animation studio where he wishes to pitch his cartoons, he pretends to be a mailman to get past reception and then impersonates a police officer when the former stops being effective. Donning the visage of a British Bobby, he dashes into the restaurant where the man he is searching for, Mr. Wallace, is eating. Showing him his cartoons, Wallace is impressed with the potential they have, but says that they are incoherent and lack real substance. Upon rejection, Gord puts a pistol in his mouth before Wallace stops him and advises what he should do to improve. Gord was genuinely ready to blow his brains out the back of his skull if he wasn’t able to get his show greenlit, and it hit me in that moment that he isn’t just some random jackass, but a victim of detrimentally low self-esteem.
The origins of his complex are made apparent when he goes back home to Oregon and are reintroduced to his Family. We see that his father Jim, played by Rip Torn, is disappointed in his return and begins to sneer at him for his failure. This father and son dynamic always has tension in every scene from this point onwards. Gord, who just wants to be accepted for who he is and not judged by what the world expects him to be, is always at the receiving end of Jim’s wrath, who values his idea of a successful life over the happiness of his sons. From here it becomes little wonder why Gord is the way he is, all his life he was told that who he was is not good enough, he has to be what his father wants if he is to be considered worthy of not only love, but being treated with a modicum of dignity. Whenever Gord acts eccentric or divulges his interests to his father, they are met with either resentment supplemented by verbal assault, or physical violence. After a late-night skateboard outing to escape from his father’s wrath goes awry, he visits his convalescing friend in the hospital, whereupon he meets one of the more interesting characters in relation to Gord, the love interest Betty.   
A horny wheelchair bound temptress may not seem like it upon first glance, but Betty is actually the most interesting character out of the entire cast. She feels genuine, introduced as a bored receptionist flipping a coffee creamer idly. Gord immediately strikes up a conversation, whereupon he and the audience find out she has an interest in physics, and apparently an interest in him as well. Betty is strangely well written for what most considered at the time to be a crass sexual joke, so much so that she would actually be a better protagonist than him. She is everything Gord is not, she’s smart, funny, ambitious, and  kind to a fault. Even her side plot to create a rocket powered wheelchair makes for a much more unique plot than the one given. Even Gord reciprocates this sentiment in their meeting, lying that he is a stockbroker in an attempt to impress her. In fact, sectioning her off as just the dull protagonist's love interest is a jab at how women in these movies are only there to serve in the development for the male protagonist, just nothing more than their muse. Nonetheless, without this relationship the movie would lose a lot of its soul. Romantic chemistry in comedy films is always hit or miss, but Gord and Betty do seem to have it surprisingly. They’re both silly and impulsive, creatively driven to a fault, but just different enough to eek out the best and worst in them. Gord  thinks that what he wants to do with his life is wasteful, but Betty doesn’t. Now I don’t mean that she directly affirms that he is worthwhile like most poorly written love interests would, stroking their lover’s(and by extension the director’s) ego, rather she confronts him with her optimism. He asks if she would feel stupid and like a loser if her experiment failed. Taken aback at first, she questions why she would, relaying that her failures are just as important as her successes. Gord’s self-worth is directly tied to his ability to succeed, whereas Betty doesn’t need this affirmation. Their dialogue further cements how detrimental his father’s overbearingness was to his outlook, and how he is slowly beginning to realize how destructive that mindset is. 
At their dinner date, Jim sees Gord and Betty across the restaurant, then reveals that Gord was lying to both him and her about his office job while poking fun at her disability, leading to a father-son scuffle that throws the entire floor into utter chaos. Cops show up, Gord and Jim are detained, and Betty bails Gord out. Most mediocre comedies at this point would have the love interest be upset that her significant other lied to her, leading to him having to make things right to repair their relationship before the happy ending. Breaking the mold, Betty does not get angry with Gord even a smidgen, choosing to be understanding of his situation now that she caught a glimpse into his home-life. She just plain likes Gord, willing to put up with him more than she really should, but still chooses to look past his lies and self-destructive nature for who he truly is, someone who just wants to be accepted by the world around him. Someone just like her.
Right after that enaction of social terrorism performed by the Brody father and son duo, they decide it would be best to go to family therapy and assail the audience with what I fondly refer to it as, “The Scene.” “The Scene” is Freddy Got Fingered’s statement to the world, it is what instills a man with the impetus to rewatch a glorified stoner daydream for the ninth time and leave him wanting more! Gord accuses his father, in a final act of defiance, of molesting his younger brother Freddy. During the ensuing confusion Gord picks up a bust of Sigmund Freud and throws it into the glass window pane, allowing him to escape into the evening sun. The authorities take Freddy away and send him to The Home for Molested Children, and the family slowly unravels from then on. Besides the heavy handed metaphor of Freud’s theories being used as a way for Gord to escape his predicament while simultaneously discrediting them, “The Scene” also recontextualizes Freddy, innocuous of a character as he is, as Gord’s foil. He is in the movie very little but when he is it is to serve one of two purposes: To be compared to Gord, or to be treated as an object. During breakfast much earlier in the film after a fight between Gord and Jim, Freddy tries to explain to his brother that he should grow up. Gord, surprisingly, talks down to him and halts the conversation.
Gord: “He's driving me insane.”
Freddy: “No. No, you're driving him insane. You're older than me and you still live at home. I have a job, you know. I pay my own way.”
Gord: “You work in a bank. Should I be dazzled?”
Freddy: “Well, at least I don't live at home!”
Gord: “No, you live in a tiny shithole and you come here to eat for free.”
With these lines it is plain to see that despite Freddy’s idea of success directly lining up with his father’s, he is even more pitiful than Gord. What little we know of him is to show that his acquiescence to his father’s expectations has left him bereft of not only genuine personal success, but of dignity itself. When child protective services come to take him away, he is half naked, mouth agape, watching open heart surgery on television, a palpable indication of emptiness. He isn’t treated as an adult either, as his protests to the police fall on deaf ears as both them and the psychologist infantilize him. Why would Tom Green name this movie after a character like Freddy, whose lack of presence and characterization make him little more than an afterthought when looking back on the story? Or did I just answer my own question? Freddy is not a character because he is not allowed to be one, he is just too passive and accepting of his circumstances for him to stand out. All he can be is a doll that Jim uses to dress up as the perfect son, and this passiveness leads to Gord, the “failure,” to both pity and resent what he let himself become. That’s why Gord accuses their father of molesting him, after all he does narratively violate Freddy’s autonomy by consistently making decisions for him. Evidently enough, as soon as Gord dons a suit for a quick bit Jim is elated because he believes that his son finally gave in to his demands for him to get a job, because he is acting more like his obedient brother. In this sense Freddy is the most tragic member of the Brody clan, a literal manchild whose growth was stunted by overbearing guardians. When I think of him, a bonsai tree comes to mind. Sure, it looks healthy, but when you realize that it could have grown into a much bigger plant if it were not for its small pot, that realization of wasted potential comes with a tinge of melancholy.
I want to end this essay with a moral that I took away from Freddy Got Fingered, as strange enough as that sounds, and what it has to say about art as a whole. Put simply, this is a story about revenge. Despite and because of his Father’s harsh ways, Gord managed to take from the trauma he sustained throughout his life and sublimated it into his animation. Creation not only lets him heal, but also acts as retaliation against Jim once he becomes successful. So long as you have the drive to prove everyone’s doubts and admonishments wrong by persevering out of wicked spite, you will have the last laugh. Freddy Got Fingered is a story about revenge through artistic expression, and I think that is quite beautiful.
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
A Nightmare In A Dream (Part 4)
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Summary: Six months after reuniting with the Winchesters and her brother, things are going good for the reader. She and Dean are happily together and occasionally stay with her brother, Matty, and Sam, who has been getting him used to normal life. Life appears to be heading in a good direction when the past has a way of creeping up again and dropping a bombshell on them all...
Pairing: Serial Killer!Dean x reader
Square: AU!Dean
Word Count: 4,400ish
Warnings: mature (language, angst, death/murder, drugging/kidnapping, family drama)
A/N #1: This is a spin off of A Dream In A Nightmare and takes place ~6 months later. It’s recommended that fic is read prior to this one...
“Rise and shine boys,” you said with a yawn when you parked next to Sam’s truck around seven in the morning. Dean stirred in his seat, Dylan cracking his neck. He took off the shirt over his face and rubbed his eyes, blinking wearily a few times. The three of you got out, Sam stepping out onto the porch with a gun by his side.
“You guys in one piece?” he asked.
“Yeah, we’re good,” said Dean. Sam walked over and gave Dean and you each a hug before turning his gaze on Dylan. 
“You sure he’s not playing us?” asked Sam.
“We’re pretty-”
“Maggie, stop!” said Matty from inside as a giant blur of fur came rushing outside. The dog sat down and looked up at you, wagging her tail. Matty popped out and threw his head back. “Good girl.”
“Uh, Matty,” said Sam, Matty already pausing as he walked over to get the dog. He stared at Dylan, getting a small smile in return.
“Hey, rascal,” said Dylan. Dylan looked surprised when Matty ran over and hugged him tight. “Hey. It’s alright.”
“I thought…” he said with a shaky breath. He was crying and you squeezed your eyes shut. God, if Dylan was lying to you, it would destroy Matthew. When you opened them Dean was nudging your side.
“Look at Dylan,” he mumbled in your ear. It took a moment to realize that the loud crying wasn’t coming from Matty. Dylan had his head buried in your little brother’s shoulder, his back heaving. “When’s the last time he got a hug you think?”
“Eighteen years old,” you said. 
“I’m okay, Matty,” said Dylan, wiping his face off. “I’m just really happy to see you.”
“Are you gonna stay? Dylan can stay right?” he asked, looking over at the three of you. You nodded and they both smiled. “Oh! This is my dog, Maggie. I just got her. She’s really good at tricks. Remember we were gonna get one?”
“I remember,” said Dylan, giving her a few pets. “You’ll have to show me later. We had a long night.”
“Why don’t you head back to bed, Matty? It’s still early,” said Sam.
“Okay. You guys gonna be here when I wake up?” he asked.
“Yeah, we’ll be here,” you said. “You’re making breakfast later, alright?”
“Alright,” he said. He headed inside with the dog and shut the door the four of you going up to the chairs on the front porch.
“Still want to hurt him?” you asked. Dylan shook his head and took a deep breath. “He doesn’t ever need to know what you said.”
“Thank you,” he said. “He seems good.”
“He is,” you said. “Before I fall asleep, can we go over this?”
“Sammy, like we texted on the way up, Dylan has some information about Lewis, about what happened when we were kids,” said Dean.
“I looked into some stuff last night while you guys were driving,” said Sam. “Dylan, you can tell your piece first.”
“Lewis is a grade A piece of shit,” said Dylan. “We can all agree on that. But he was pushed into becoming one. Or should I say, he gave into being one due to circumstance. You knew Lewis as your neighbor, right? Younger guy with a lot of money, parents recently died?”
“Yeah,” said Dean, sitting back in his chair.
“All that is true. What you didn’t know is that Lewis was married. He had a daughter too. The parents, along with Lewis’ wife and daughter, all died in a car accident,” said Dylan.
“I mean, that’s sad and explains where the money came from but-” said Dean, Dylan shaking his head.
“Lewis earned some of his fortune through his parents passing, that part is true. But he made a lot of it another way. Working at Winchester Corp. Junior Vice President, reporting directly to John Winchester,” said Dylan.
“No Lewis ever was a member of the corporate board,” said Sam.
“Because Lewis isn’t his real name. He bought a new identity for himself. He changed his appearance, dyed his hair, lost weight. By the time your family met Lewis, John Winchester had no idea he was actually speaking to his former employee.”
“Who was he?” you asked. “Lewis.”
“He was Jim Hockley,” said Dylan.
“Wasn’t that the guy that drove drunk and killed his family?” said Sam. 
“You did your research, Sam. Yes, that’s what every paper, media outlet, even police report said. Except Jim was never in that car. John Winchester was. He got drunk at a corporate family party but you boys know your father. He could fool the best of them,” said Dylan.
“Dad didn’t have a drinking problem,” said Sam. Dean sighed and closed his eyes. “Not back then. After the attack, yeah, he did but-”
“Sammy, dad had problems. You were little but mom and dad fought about it. He pushed her once. I saw and pushed back. I never broke my two fingers on the swing set,” said Dean. “We just said that. It was a one time thing though and as soon as he realized he’d grabbed me too hard…”
“So dad was a drunk,” said Sam, scratching his head.
“Yes, he was,” said Dylan. “Jim left this party to go do some work up in the office for a few hours. John took it upon himself to drive Jim’s company car and take his family home. He ended up driving straight into a pole. John in his inebriated state was fine. Jim’s parents and wife were killed on impact. The daughter, due to her grandparents protecting her in a split second, didn’t die. John sobered up quickly, the daughter crawled out the back, and in that moment, John realized his life was about to be over if there was a witness. So he grabbed a shard of broken glass and stabbed the only witness. John quickly got out of there, made his way back to the company, cleaned himself up and went back to the party. Twenty minutes later police came and arrested Jim on a slew of charges. He was drinking at the party too so he was easily over the legal limit. Jim didn’t understand any of this until his lawyer provided an autopsy report on his daughter. There was an inconsistency and Jim put it all together. He confronted John while out on bail and he all but admitted it. John had no remorse. Jim knew he couldn’t win the court case so he ran. He ran, changed his name, and set out to destroy John’s life. One child for another except Jim wasn’t going to be satisfied with just that. He wanted John to suffer and making his child suffer for the rest of their life seemed like a good compromise. It’s never been about you Dean. You were unlucky was all, just like Y/N was.”
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“Sam, Jim’s family. Look up a picture on your phone for me,” said Dylan. You turned your head, Sam going still after a moment. “Yeah. I know.”
“Y/N, you look just like her, the daughter,” said Sam, spinning the phone around. At first glance you would have thought that was you in the photo on the screen.
“He saw us out to dinner one night he said. It’s when his little plan all came together,” said Dylan.
“But last night, you said the stuff about the FBI and my dad hating Y/N,” said Dean.
“Dean, your father made so many of his millions running drug through the company. He traded that information for witness protection for him and Sam. You though, you your father made a deal with Lewis that day he attacked your family. He’d let Lewis have you if he left Sam alone. So you stayed out, on your own, the FBI gave protection for the information and by the time you took over the company again, the company was clean of any past indiscretions. You would have never known. The FBI never gave two shits about Lewis. As far as they were concerned, your family was attacked because of a drug deal gone wrong,” said Dylan.
“What about the hating me part?” you asked.
“Well...Lewis didn’t happen upon our family on his own. John saw us first, right after Lewis confronted him. He offered to tell Lewis who we were so he could have his daughter back if he left the Winchesters alone. Lewis came up with a different plan.”
“So you’re saying our dad killed Lewis’ parents, his wife, murdered a little girl who he could have saved, offered me to Lewis and offered up Y/N too all to save his own ass?” asked Dean.
“Unfortunately, yes,” said Dylan.
“Telling stories without permission?” said Lewis from out of nowhere. You jumped as he walked around the corner of the cabin, a large gun in his hand. “No one move.”
“I swear,” said Dylan, staring at you. “I didn’t-”
“Oh, I put a tracker in your back years ago,” said Lewis. “Wasn’t your fault. Sounds like the kiddos know the full story now. Here’s how this goes. Dean-”
“Shut the fuck up,” said Dean. He stood up and stepped down onto the grass, the rest of you following after. “Just shut the fuck up. I am sorry your family died you waste of human space, I am. No matter who you are and what you’ve done to all of us, they didn’t deserve that and especially a child. But we were kids too. All of us and Matty. You killed our moms. You killed their dad. You hurt all of us. You already got your fucking revenge. You have a problem with John, then fine but that is his problem. We never did a damn thing wrong and we’re done being afraid of you.”
Lewis looked back and forth a few times before his gaze fell on you.
“I’d be ashamed if you were my father,” you said. “I used to think you were evil. Now I know you’re just pathetic.”
“I’m too deep in this now,” said Lewis, aiming his gun. “I know you’re right. I’ve known you’re right for a very long time. So don’t move and none of you will even feel a thing.”
You heard a shot and Dean shoved you to the ground. He felt all over you but you weren’t hit. You sat up with him, Lewis laying on the ground, coughing up blood. To your left your saw Matty, holding a shotgun.
“Okay,” said Dylan rushing over when Matty went a little wide eyed. “It’s okay.”
“He was…” he said.
“I know. Let’s go put this back inside. Maybe Maggie can show me a few tricks now, huh?” said Dylan. “You got him covered?”
“Yeah. Take care of Matty,” you said, Dean walking over and picking up the gun Lewis had dropped. When they were out of view Dean cocked the gun, Lewis trying to take a deep breath.
“Go ahead. I deserve it,” coughed Lewis. Dean aimed the gun lower and shot him in the leg, Lewis groaning. “Kill me.”
“I give you about four minutes before you bleed out. I want you to enjoy every single one of those,” said Dean, putting the safety back on the gun. 
“Your father is a coward. He killed your family as much as I did. He wanted to give Sam and you both to me. He never cared for you. If he wanted to find me, he would have done it years ago,” he said.
“You kill bad people, Jim. You don’t hurt the innocent ones. When you don’t know the difference or just don’t care, that’s what makes you a monster. Don’t worry about my father. I’d be more concerned with where you’re going to wind up very, very soon.”
Lewis didn’t say anything more, just groaned a few times before he went quiet and still. 
“What do you want to do with him,” said Sam eventually. 
“I’ll take care of it. You don’t know how to clean up a body,” said Dean. “Y/N, go make sure your brothers are okay.”
“John offered my family up to slaughter,” you said.
“He lost any good will I had for him at murdering a little girl to save himself. We’ll figure out a plan for our dad. At least he’s not actively trying to kill us,” said Dean.
“But he wanted Lewis to catch us. He didn’t care, Dean,” said Sam.
“He’s not going to get off, Sammy. I think we have an answer right in front of us,” he said nodding towards Lewis. “Dad’s only cared about his own survival, right? He doesn’t know Lewis is dead. We get him to confess to the past murder, point the evidence towards Lewis’ death, get him caught in a trap.”
“It’d be easier to kill him,” mumbled Sam.
“Which is why we’re gonna talk about it in a little bit. Lewis just died. I need a minute, alright? Thank you,” said Dean. He walked off and over to a shed on the property, finding a tarp inside and tossing it over Lewis. He walked off around to the back of the cabin, leaving you and Sam to yourselves.
“Just because Lewis said that stuff to Dylan doesn’t make it true,” said Sam.
“You said you researched. Did you ever come across Jim Hockley?” you asked.
“It lines up with what Dylan said. Lewis was smart, he could have…” said Sam, rubbing the back of his neck. 
“Do you think your father is capable of something like that?” you asked.
“Sadly, yes,” said Sam.
“We don’t…” you said, Sam turning towards you.
“Could you kill Dylan if you had to?” he asked.
“If I had no other choice, I could,” you said. “To protect my family.”
“Does that include me and Dean?” he asked. You made a face and Sam smiled. “Stupid question.”
“I guess the question is, is John a threat to us?” you asked.
“I don’t think that’s the question, Y/N,” said Sam. “Dean said it himself. When you don’t care about hurting innocent people, that’s when you become a monster. We both know what Dean does to monsters.”
“I know. Come inside. I need some coffee,” you said. You went into the cabin, Dylan sitting on the couch with Matty, giving a quick smile that everything was alright. Sam veered off into the kitchen as you watched Dean sitting on the back porch step.
After you had two cups in hand, you went outside, taking a seat beside him.
“Thanks,” he said, taking a sip from the mug you handed him. “Those guys okay?”
“Yeah. The nightmare is over to them it seems,” you said.
“Still a nightmare,” said Dean. “That dream we had, living back home in town, marriage, kids, getting Matty a place nearby, Sam too...it was all just a stupid dream, wasn’t it.”
“Lewis is dead in the front yard. I’d think we should be celebrating.”
“My dad single-handedly destroyed your family. Your parents were murdered. Your brothers have been detained for well over a decade. You were forced to kill. How in the ever living fuck do you not hate me with every fiber of-”
You grabbed his face and kissed him, Dean surprised at first but slowly easing into it. You broke off and cupped his cheek, Dean’s green eyes staring straight into your own.
“I love you and I’m always going to love you, De. What John did is on him, not your or Sam or anyone else. You are still the person I know loves me and will protect me and gives my brothers a chance,” you said. You took his free hand in yours, Dean closing his eyes. “We are still going to have all of those things.”
“I don’t deserve you,” he said, opening his eyes and giving you a sad smile. 
“Yeah, you do. It’s almost over and then we can go live the rest of our lives safely,” you said.
“It’s already happening,” said Dean, rubbing his hand over his face. You cocked your head and he took a deep breath. “I called the old FBI touch point guy I had when I was a kid a few minutes ago. I told him my father reached out to me and was in trouble with something but wouldn’t say specifics. I told them where to meet my dad.”
“You know where your dad is?” you asked.
“Yeah. He didn’t know to be hiding from us so he didn’t,” said Dean.
“How does that solve anything?” you asked.
“Because my father is about to get into a shoot out with the FBI and he will not walk away from it,” said Dean.
“How do you know?” you asked. 
“Because I told them he said he murdered a little girl,” said Dean. “I told them he admitted to Hockley’s daughter murder. He’s too much of a coward to leave alive.”
“Are you sure that’ll work?”
“I’ll know in about an hour I suppose.”
Two Hours Later
“Lewis is officially disposed of and never to be seen again,” said Dean, washing up his hands as he came back inside the cabin. You were settled on the couches around the TV, watching the news coverage. “Is dad dead?”
“Shot himself,” said Sam. “They had the house covered and he started spewing nonsense from what they’re saying before he did it. He admitted to the accident and the girl apparently. I’m sure your PR department is having a field day with this.”
“They’re going to re-open the DWI case and Jim Hockley’s disappearance,” you said.
“You’re probably gonna have to give a statement,” said Sam.
“That’s fine,” said Dean. He took a seat beside you and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back into his chest. He kissed the top of your head and you looked up, Dean’s eyes a little red. 
“S’okay,” you whispered. “It’s done with, Dean.”
He tugged you up and you went back to one of the bedrooms, Dean leading you over to the bed to lay down. 
“You want to take a nap?” you asked.
“Want to be alone with you for a little while. I just got my dad killed. I don’t...I don’t know how to feel about that,” he said, laying back on the bed. You went with him, wrapping yourself all around him as he sighed. “I loved him and I’m not sure that he ever loved us. Even after knowing everything he did to us, got done to us...I don’t want to feel bad about what just happened but I do.”
“Dean, do you remember when you told me about that time your spilled your dad’s whiskey on him in his office? You were about nine, you said.”
“Do you remember telling me what your dad did when you ruined his suit pants? Your mom and Sam were out shopping. It was just you two. You remember how he punished you?”
“But they had to be $500 pants at least. They were expensive. The alcohol was probably another hundred,” said Dean.
“Are you saying that accidentally wasting six hundred dollars deserves a hand on a hot burner?” you said. Dean shook his head and closed his eyes. “You had to lie about how you got it too. Dean. Even before your father destroyed Jim Hockley’s life, he was an abusive drunk that hurt his own family. Who knows what more he would have done to you as you got older. I know you loved him and I want you to grieve if you need to. But just feel however you need to. Be upset about it, be happy. Just don’t feel guilty for whatever you need to feel.”
“I’m sorry I doubted you, when Lewis said that stuff over the radio,” he said.
“Did you doubt me? Or did you just think ‘no, she wouldn’t’ a lot?” you asked. He blinked and you shrugged. “You looked so confused. It was so obvious you were confused, De.”
“I just...I got overwhelmed,” said Dean. “It’s so rare I’m not in control that I don’t think I knew what to do.”
“This time you do,” you said, carding your fingers through his hair, Dean closing his eyes. “Be overwhelmed and fall apart, Dean. I’m right here.”
“Y/N, you have all your shit you’re going through too,” he said.
“I might fall apart too,” you said. “Just stay close and we’ll get through today like we have every other bad one.”
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you too, Dean.”
Three Weeks Later
“Matty! We’re gonna leave without you if you don’t hurry up,” said Dean from near the front door. You’d been back home in town for close to three weeks. Dean had given a statement about his father that was a lot angry but sad enough to make it clear John had been a lone wolf in his operations. Sam was officially alive again after a very long discussion with the FBI. Dylan had his new identity and was learning most days with Sam and Matty. Your brothers were making plans about what to do with themselves but it sounded like they were both interested in college at the moment. “Matthew!”
“I’m coming!” said Matty as he jogged down the hall from your old bedroom. He slipped on his sneakers and was out the front door before the rest of you, the five of you piling into Dean’s SUV.
“Should be about half hour. Hopefully we can avoid traffic,” said Dean.
“I want nachos,” said Matty. “And a hotdog. And a beer.”
“He is 21,” you said when Dean gave you a look.
“You don’t want that watered down crap. I mean, we’re gonna drink it, but were gonna get you an IPA later on, then you’ll see what beer is,” said Matty.
“How about a pale ale instead?” said Sam.
“Sammy. Lager,” said Dean.
“Matty how about a wine cooler? They taste like fruit juice,” you said.
“Oh, that sounds yummy,” said Matty.
“Maybe we can get some on the way home,” you said. Dean rolled his eyes but smiled, driving along with the radio on low. “Hey boys. Dean and I have something we want to tell you.”
“You’re getting engaged, finally,” said Sam.
“In the bahamas,” said Matty.
“On the not so secret vacation you have planned for all of us coming up,” said Dylan.
“How do you know about that?” you asked.
“You guys are kinda obvious when you’re up to something,” said Sam. “You sure you want Matty around a bunch of college aged girls? He’ll have to beat them off with a stick.”
“Me? No way. I’ve never even had a crush on a girl. Or kissed one,” said Matty.
“You’re cute and sweet. You wouldn’t have any trouble,” you said. “But yes, we’re going on vacation, spoil sports.”
“It’ll be a lot of fun,” said Dean. “And no, we’re not getting engaged.”
“We’re not?” you asked.
“Well it’s gonna be a surprise,” said Dean. “Don’t worry. It’ll come when it comes.”
“Alright, alright,” you said.
A little more than a half hour later you were parked, Sam walking ahead with the guys while you hung back with Dean.
“How you feeling today?” you asked as Dean grabbed a green cooler out of the back.
“Alright. I was watching the news this morning. For a split second, I felt bad for Jim Hockley. If dad hadn’t done those things and made him snap, he’d probably be CFO right now or something,” said Dean.
“I think Jim died a long, long time ago. A monster replaced him.”
“Do you ever think I snapped? Like after I accidentally killed that guy as a teenager and found out I liked it?” asked Dean, sitting down in the back area of the SUV.
“No. You never snapped. You never have,” you said.
“What makes you say that?”
“Because you know the difference about good and bad and how there is a gray area to all of it. You care about innocent people, you always have. You didn’t snap, Dean,” you said. “That’s what makes you good. You stop the monsters. You’re not one of them.”
“You doing okay today?” he asked.
“Yeah. Nervous about Matty but he looks like he’s doing good so far,” you said. “I guess we have to get used to normal is all.”
“Eh, normal for us,” said Dean, leaning back. He nodded across the way towards a group of guys tailgating. “One of them killed his wife for the insurance. Got away with it.”
“Dean. After vacation,” you said. He chuckled and nodded. “Want to go watch some football?”
“I would love to, sweetheart. I really would.”
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stellarcat52 · 4 years
Timeless blue chapter 5(edit)
Set my soul on fire. I fought writer’s block and still half-lost. It’s still kinda crappy but hey. Setting up comforting moments of Krel/Douxie in the next chapter which oh boy will take a while to figure out.
Hisirdoux had gotten Krel before getting the others, Krel was feeling somewhat better after what Hisirdoux believed was a night of rest. The prince had honestly been awake all night, something had been bugging him. He had been adding notes to the alchemy book until sunrise, trying not to focus on the strange feeling in his chest.
The group saw no difference in him, fatigue didn’t show, he didn’t bring it up, in fact he didn’t really talk to anyone but Hisirdoux. Douxie found this quite confusing while overhearing their whispers because Krel insisted on referring to both of them as Douxie.
Krel had to be asked personally to join them. Douxie almost asked Archie to steal the alchemy book that Krel was trying to use as an excuse to stay behind.
“Listen,” Krel stooped his grumbling, following behind Douxie on their way through the castle. “I... remember bits of what happened last night, with my past self and you. You’re not alone, and-“ Douxie fades off as Steve’s ramblings of monster trophies gets clearer.
The way there, and after setting up a campfire and such, Krel was mostly reading and marking down things still. Not even Merlin would be able to pry his focus away from it at this point.
“Do you really think Merlin’s plan will work?” Claire and Douxie were talking, on the opposite side of the small ship.
Douxie fumbled a bit with the time map. “We’ve run out of options, and my choices haven’t exactly been working recently.” Krel tensed nearby. “We cannot make any more mistakes. We’ll just have to trust Merlin this time.”
Claire sighs, “I just hope Jim made it out okay.”
Douxie responds with something that makes Steve laugh as they get closer to the cave entrance, and Krel was ready to hit himself. Douxie had apologized, Hisirdoux had helped him, and he was still blaming Douxie for bringing them to the past. Not because Douxie fought with him, not because Hisirdoux had originally bothered him, but because he was stuck in an unfamiliar place and time, and he blamed Douxie despite it not being the apprentice’s fault.
They had entered, while Merlin was speaking to Claire about shadow magic, Krel and Archie had very similar reactions to hearing what Steve’s swimsuit was.
“Blegh. Why does Aja like you?” Keel muttered, the first words he had spoken out loud during the trip itself.
Steve puffed or his chest. “I’m her blond oaf in shining armor. What’s not to like?”
“I could name a few.” Claire adds, rolling her eyes, but smiling.
“We’ve arrived.” Merlin announced.
Claire gasped in wonder. “The lady of the lake is real? I thought she was just a myth!”
“Oh, no. The lady of te lake is very much real.” Douxie pauses. “Though, only Merlin’s allowed to meet with her. Well... ‘Till now.”
“Because her power is beyond your comprehension.” Archie jumped up and flew around the cave. “It is from her waters I originally helped Arthur retrieve Excalibur.”
The group steps up to see a set of faced doors. Krel hangs back a little as Merlin takes the sword, and announces that he is to go inside alone. Krel zones out and tension fills the space void of his focus.
“I won’t just sit here without making things right!” Douxie knocks Krel out of his daze as Merlin opens the doors.
A blue hand lightly grabs the wizard’s shoulder. “Douxie.” Their eyes meet without anger or uncomfortable unsteadiness for the first time in a while. “Maybe this isn’t your place to fix things. Merlin knows what he’s doing, I’m sure it will be fine.”
Douxie pauses, and turns back to the doors well after they’ve closed. “Merlin’s magic is uncrackable, we won’t be able to get in now.” His tone isn’t accusing, not blaming Krel for holding him back, but just informing the others.
“Well,” Archie flies over and perched on Douxie’s other shoulder as Krel’s hand drops. “At least we won’t have to see Steve’s birthday suit.”
Douxie smiles and pets his familiar before the words “Too late” leave Steve’s lips. Archie extends a wing in front of Douxie’s eyes and covers his own. Krel decides not to turn around for a while, so he’s left facing Douxie, who eventually does look out from under Archie’s wing.
“Does this mean you don’t hate me?” Douxie still wasn’t looking up, probably due to the fact they didn’t know Steve was no longer in his birthday suit, but also because he didn’t want to meet Krel’s eyes again.
“I-“ Krel inhales. “I should’ve been the one to apologize. I was mad at you for something that you didn’t cause.”
“Oh.” Douxie glances up, but obviously doesn’t like what he sees behind Krel, which is Claire covering her eyes and quietly threatening Steve for good reason. “So.. we’re good now?” He extends a hand, which is met with a handshake.
They stand in silence for another few seconds before moving. Claire was now glaring at Steve, but his visual was no longer mentally scarring.
They set up a camp, starting a fire with help from Archie and wondering how long it would take for Merlin to get Excalibur fixed.
Krel found it amusing that Steve was attempting to talk the doors open. Merlin had used magic, the only one there with a chance of opening the doors was Douxie. The doors commentary ruined the entertainment by causing Steve to open up about his stress.
“Well he needs a therapist.” Krel commented.
Douxie and Claire start talking about shadow magic, it’s danger, and how they could use it to get inside. Krel was reading over his notes, and using the blank pages to write down what he was hearing from their talk.
He clicks back into the conversations as Douxie convinces Claire to try, not hiding the laughter the comment on not being a good student brought.
He watched Douxie walk Claire through the steps, the portal appearing, Claire disappearing, and as she returned a strange uneasiness lingered around her.
They got their way in, after Claire, Steve and Archie had entered, Douxie looked back to the akiridion. “You coming Krel?”
“Yeah.” Krel stepped in cautiously, grabbing onto Douxie as the darkness encased them both.
Douxie hopped out after the others, taking in as much of the new cavern as he could. Claire, Steve, and Archie seemed to be doing the same thing. Krel on the other hand, was not to be seen. Douxie felt his touch lingering on his arm, he glanced back to where the portal had been.
“Did we leave Krel behind?” Claire pointed out what Douxie had also noticed.
The wizard shook his head. “No. He grabbed onto me as we entered.”
The group was still looking around for Krel when the raft appeared, knocking eerily up against shore.
“Maybe Krel went back, changed his mind?” Claire suggested.
“Yeah, he probably chickened out because he knew he would just get in the way of me saving the day.”
Douxie didn’t see another positive theory, so he agreed. “We need to fix Excalibur.”
They step into the raft, although hesitant to do so without their blue friend.
Krel hadn’t meant to let go of Douxie, but this sensation of not being on earth was one unfamiliar to him. Every planet felt different to him, and where he was didn’t feel like anything. It was a void, it was terrifying.
It was what he imagined dying to be like. No form, but conscience ruled everything.
But there was form, rocks, asteroids maybe, moving around him. He could move, his body was no longer blue, but he could move. Ghostly gray limbs helped propel himself out of the paths of the boulders. He looked at his now-changed body, and saw a blue core inside his chest, as if he actually was a ghost.
Between the floating rocks, Morgana’s body, visibly darker than what Krel had seen of her while alive, was watched by an unfamiliar trollish figure. The figure did not notic Krel as he seems to speak to Morgana. His eyes didn’t even linger anywhere but the sorcerous’ corpse. However, Morgana’s unnaturally dark eyes were fixed on a spot beyond the closer rocks.
Keel floated away, propelling himself as if he were swimming in the direction Morgana had been staring. He glances back once to see three dots of color come into view, one green, one blue, and one red.
He continues fleeing.
Quickly, three figures come into view, each with their own colored tint, Douxie, Claire, and Archie.
The trio seemed to be fighting, Archie was breathing fire, Claire was holding onto something for stability, and Douxie was glowing, indicating magic. As Archie stopped, Douxie put his hands up, bearing a great weight with his magic, and threw something back at their attacker. Merlin and Steve entered his sight, landing on ground Krel could not see.
And then Claire and Douxie were talking, confusion and anger mixed between the two and an unseen entity. Douxie three Excalibur up, te sword having its own faint aura, and it was hit by magic, and flew out of view.
They were talking again, and then Excalibur returned, fully fixed, and glowing a very bright green.
Krel reached forwards, the group seemed to have finished their talking, and their fighting, and he saw them celebrating. Until one word firmly appeared on Douxie’s lips.
The akiridion couldn’t hear them in this void, but his name is something that resonates through his very core. Something everyone who has ever meant anything to him said. Not “the prince” “your highness” “king in waiting”, but Krel.
His fingers grazed Douxie’s arm, trying to communicate, “Hi, I’m right here” and being met with a set of almost-gold eyes meeting his.
The others of the group backed up, with an exception of Merlin, and he saw the glows of each person fade. A bubbling sensation covers his body, fading as te others start looking at him in wonder and confusion rather than fear.
Krel looked down, his arms and legs were less transparent, but his skin was still gray and he could still feel a strange presence in his core.
“Shadow magic.” Merlin grumbled.
“Magic? Magic!” Douxie’s eyes lit up, grinning as Krel let that sink in.
It wasn’t the magic Krel wanted, it was terrifying, it wasn’t like Douxie’s and he couldn’t control it like Claire.
It was still magic. “Lets go home, we can figure this out at the room.”
His unenthusiastic tone dimmed Douxie’s light, but the group agreed it was time to go back to Camelot.
And time to explain what was really happening to Krel, as he wasn’t quite sure.
Krel laughed at the description of the lady, “I would not call that a lady on this planet. Maybe on one I have not visited, but not here.”
“Yeah, how many planets have you visited?” Douxie and Krel stood next to each other, and although he was still off from the void, he was smiling as they talked in their own little world. They spent the trip talking, ignoring Claire, who was practicing making portals, and Steve’s wonderstruck protectiveness over his “monster trophy”.
Archie took perch on the edge of the boat instead of Douxie’s shoulder, he liked seeing his wizard happy, and did not want to ruin the moment.
Part four
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Mission Hill Review: Plan 9 From Mission Hill or I Married a Gay Man From Outer Space!
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Commission for @weirdkev27​. Hallowen Havoc marches on! For my first commission ever, I take a look at the cult classic mission hill’s final produced episode and one of it’s most loved. Kevin’s visit to an x rated movie pays off less with boobs and more with a friendship with his elderly gay neighbor and film buff wally and a new appreciation for cinema, only for this new friendship to nearly end over Kevin’s good natured attempt to spotlight Wally’s only film, the man from pluto. Gay spaceman, a touching gay love story, and a surprisingly likeable guy with a neckbeard insue. Spoilers and full recap FROM PLUTO, under the cut. 
Well this was a nice suprise. After the utterly draining process of my review of “Let’s Get Dangerous”, it was a nice suprise to find out one of my handful of fans had tried to comission me a while back and I hadn’t realized it, and I was happy to oblige him. I was even happier when I found out what his commission was: Plan 9 From Mission HIll, an episode i’d planned to cover for pride but got squeezed out due to how little i’d planned the month out in advance, a lesson I still REALLY need to learn. Regardless not only was it a nice, funny, and heartwarming ep to cover after the sheer amount of analysis and recapping the last one took, I realized it ended up fitting the spooky season, as there’s just as much fun to be had in truly fantastic horror movies like “Nightmare on Elm Street”, “Get Out”, “Child’s Play”, “Tales from the Hood” and “The Thing” as there is from so bad it’s great horror films like “House (The Japanese one), C.H.U.D. II: Bud The Chud, Terror Toons and House Shark. Seriously watch House Shark i’ts hilarious. Hell I fully plan on watching the Gary Busey film Hider in the House tomorrow. I mean it’s a film about hollywood’s favorite nutball  living in the walls and attic of someone’s house. What’s not to love? Maybe it might be entirely boring but that’s the risk you sometimes take to find so bad it’s gold filmaking. Plus cheeestastic films like these are the reason we have the classsic and incomprable mystery science theater 3000 and it’s succesor rifftrax. So while I need to watch more of them, I have a spot in my likely overtaxed heart for this kind of film, and as a result this episode resonated with me on rewatch in a way it didn’t the first time around, even if it was still my faviorite. 
Backing up a bit as usual I like to give my history with a show first time covering it: Mission HIll was one of a handful of shows picked up by Adult Swim in it’s early days. Since most of Adult Swim’s early originals were 11 minutes at a time when this was still a new and radical thing they were doing having 11 minute shows that weren’t sold as half hour pairs of 11 minute episodes, they likely needed more shows to fill up the air and clevelry simply bought the rights to several shows that had only had one season, along with Family Guy and Futurama which as history would bear out both made the shows into huge names in the animation industry but brought both back.. though in Family Guy’s case sometimes dead is better. Point is, several shows got a second life thanks to Cartoon Network if sadly not more seasons, with the sole exception of the utter classic Home Movies which I really need to talk about at some point, and thus are really more associated with Adult Swim than their original networks. Hell before doing this review I genuinely didn’t know what Mission HIll’s original networks. But now you know the framework this show came out in what IS Mission Hill anyway? 
MIssion Hill was a cartoon from the wonderful brains of Bill Oakely and Josh Weinstein, no relation to the MST3K one who due to this confusion now goes by J. Elvis Weinstein instead, who showran the simpsons and did some great episodes, my faviorte of there’s being $pringfield, aka the casino one. 
The show was about Andy, a 24 year old slacker whose happily lazing about after college in his loft with his friends Jim, a stoic but friendly stoner played by Brian Posehn, and Posey, a sensitive hippie. However when he goes to pickup his childhood dog he ends up with an unexpected roomate: His nerdy, sheltered and neurotic brother Kevin, who has a love of sci fi, a type a personality and a habit of going bling blong to focus when studying or just whenever. He’s also voiced by future robin and future psychopath claming to be robin Scott Mellinville. Also in the building are Carlos and Natalie, an unemployed artist and college professor and their baby Nameless.  I forgot they existed.  And of course saving the best for last we have the brother’s neighbors, and a very early gay couple for animated television Wally and Gus, played by the legendary Tom Kenny and Nick Jameson who hasn’t done much of note but does a great job anyway. Wally is a fastudious, Gus is angry and very brooklyn, but the two genuinely love each other, makeout frequently, with their first showing off the two as a gay couple, and are an adorable but very beliviable couple. It’s part of WHY I wanted to spotlight them. The late 90′s/early 2000′s, the show originally aired in 99 and into 2000 and aired on adult swim in the early 2000 for the curious, were not a great time to be gay in animation with most gay characters used as punchlines and hardly any queer stories. Not only that but just a year earlier will and grace had to have one overly camp chracter and one “regular” gay character in order to get made. Granted that show has it’s issues but still, the point stands having a gay couple that plays fairly realistically, is shown to both be sexually active and love each other and who’ve been together for decades was a hell of a step for a medium where Family Guy around the same time had a joke with the punchline “Whoa transvestite back off!” Granted Family Guy would do far worse to both the gay and trans communities, but we’ll get to that someday. Or sooner if you commission me, but I swear if you do I will pull a gary busey on your house. Point is not only is it INCREIDBLY forward for it’s time but it holds up even now. There’s a reason the creators are working on a spinoff/revivial focused on the two and a reason these two tend to be one of the most talked about elements of the show. That and frankly their hilarious having realistic banter.. and also having one episode where Gus has a knife in his head for a whole episode. It helps that this episode, their spotlight one and the last one produced, is also one fo the series best. So with all that build up let’s take a look shall we? 
We open with Kevin passing a theater showing x rated movies and are shown, over a bunch of times of him passing it him condeming it publicly but his tone clearly telegraphing the classic battle between a teenage boy and his dick. Dick wins and Kevin heads inside and gives us... this. 
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.... If you will excuse me, please enjoy the musical stylings of the late great Zorak while I go shower the “EeEEEEEEUUUUGGggggggHHHhhuuuuuuggghhhhhhhhewwwwuuuuugggghhhhggooooodddddddwwwyyyyyy” off me. 
God rest his soul. Okay i’m good now. Thankfully this isn’t an episode about Kevin getting addicted to x-rated theater, and they already did an episode about him masturbating. No really it actually had a good message as Kevin was so embarassed about the incident, he nearly let two other guys, granted not remotley good people who were stealing from there anyway, take the fall. Andy even ends up giving a great speech coming to his defense
“People, you mock this boy, but it's your fault he's here today. Your hypocrisy has made this boy a prisoner, terrified of his own sexuality. So much so that he'd rather send two relatively-innocent men to prison than admit he looks at pornography! He thinks his natural urges are filthy and perverted, and why? Because of your conspiracy of silence! Nobody dares admit the truth - that you're all just like him!”
IT’s a damn good moment and a good message. That sadly is still relevant as America still views sex as worse than violence for some weird reason. At least he has the internet now. Anywho when Kevin goes to see what’s up he runs into Wally who explains the confusion: He’s just showing old “X-Rated films”. Now some of you are probably wondering “Wait non-porn films used to use that?” Or “Wait what’s an x-rating?” Well while I knew some films did used to do that I was honestly curious myself as to why it was retired and why porn films got to use it and took a quick hop to google to find out reading both the wikipedia article for the rating and this vulture article on the subject to get a slightly deeper look at it. 
It’s actually quite intresting as I genuinelly also didn’t know when the MPAA ratings started for films: When the rating’s board started in 1968 there were four raitings: G, GP (Later flipped to PG), R and X. X was the modern equivlent of today’s R really, and films like Last Tango in Paris, Midnight Cowboy and a Clockwork Orange, with Orange even having a poster up at the cinema in this episode and Midnight Cowboy being part of the plot very soon. We’ll get to that in the moment. Point is it allowed filmakers to push the envelope break barriers all that good stuff and makes me curious about those very films, which is a good thing as i’ll admit to not being exactly a film buff.  But as Kevin’s confusion here shows, eventually the porn industry took a hold of it, using the X as a way to get sex movies into regular cinemas and have an air of legitimacy, hence why Debbie Does Dallas was a mainstream hit.. and yes that’s an actual film that I only know about thanks to I Love the 70′s. If your wondering why the MPAA just couldn’t you know, tell them to know or why they didn’t take over other ratings it turns out for some weird reason why the G and R ratings were owned by them, and later PG , they forgot to trademark X and by the time they even thought of it it was too late. Hence terms like XXX rated and what not or the ungodly stupid XXX porn parodies. Just.. just give them actual names and slap “A porn parody” ont he end if you want to avoid a lawsuit.  Naturally the film industry struck back and X soon went from a way to have daring, interesting films.. to basically a threat by the MPAA that your film wouldn’t be carried by any major distributors if it had one, with Dawn of the Dead having to just go unrated just to get distributed. The 80′s brought the killing stroke: With the rise of big theater chains, mall theaters with restrictions I wasn’t aware of, and big home video outlets like blockbuster that didn’t carry porn, the x rating was well and truly dead and the MPAA lukewarmly added NC-17 which serves the same bullshit purpose as theaters still refuse to carry them and the MPAA still uses it for essenitally the same reason. Nothing changed! If your wondering why people sometimes have problems with the MPAA, yeah there’s your answer, as they could’ve campaigned harder for NC-17 but clearly enjoyed having a raiting to hold over films heads. 
So yeah if you don’t know, know you know bud, let’s move on. So yeah Wally explains the confusion and decides to educate Kevin on film by showing him Midnight Cowboy, with John Voight “Before his head looked like a radish” and Dustin Hoffman. Also Andy brings up Sphere.. a film I also know nothing about. Hang on... checking Letterboxd and okay. It’s a Dustin Hoffman starring Sci-Fi film about a research team investigating a mysterious sphere at the bottom of the sea. Huh.. I prefer Cube myself but to each his own.  But once Kevin clams up he really enjoys it. Will grant the episode lays it on a tad thick, with Kevin comparing the film to , of all things, Armageddon. I mean I get MIcheal Bay is a good metric for crowd pleasing schlock but still, even nerds have standards. My standards aren’t very high at times mind as I still want to watch this sometime today. 
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But I still think even awkward teens have better standards. Then again one of my faviorite films at the time was Saving Silverman which while I can’t hate it due to nostalgia , having watched it from 5th grade well into my teens, I can see was not very good. Though it did have R. Lee Ermy being both really funny and turning out to be gay so that was awesome. 
And he does make a good point that heroes like Ratzzo Rizzo don’t go well on Taco Bell cups.. though it also feels weird to me in 2020 where while not big sellers films with deep stories and unlikeable heroes are some of the biggest on tv and one of them was one of the greatest animated series of the last decade, so things must’ve been pretty damn bleak in 1999. The two also run into Gus who wants dinner and a fight ensues between the couple about the fact Gus owns a restraunt, could just bring his lunch etc. It’s hilarious and as I said I like how they feel like a couple you’d meet in real life. Sadly I don’t have an elderly gay couple in my neighborhood but here’s hoping. Or maybe i’ll be the neighborhoods wally when I grow up who knows. Also Tom Kenny’s delivery is great. 
Kevin later relays his fun day to his loftmates, with Andy expressing genuine suprise at Wally’s job and love of art house cinema, as none of them knew what he actually did. Andy’s genuinely shocked and mildly appalled they’ve lived near Wally for so long but having no idea what he does.. but really I had a sweet old lady, Delores who lived next to me for almost my entire life before she moved to be closer to her family, visited her house frequently pet her cats, went to her house after school at one point.. and I cannot tell you what he did, so it’s incredibly relatable. However in a scene that’s both hilarious but also really, really sweet, the three relate that they do know him well and due to being neighbors after all and know Gus and Wally’s morning routine: They wake up at 8, Wally brews the Coffee, Gus reads him the funnies, then they shower together while singing college fight songs, and then, with Jim saying this part so picture it in Brian Posehn’s voice please you won’t regret it, argue or have gay sex and then it’s off to work. It’s really sweet, both in showing off their well worn dynamic with each other, and the fact that the loftmates really DO know these two even if they dont’ know everything and they are close in their own way. Kevin can only give out a “Hm” in response... which is probably the closest he can get to saying touche without breaking into nerdy giggles. 
Cue the good times montage as Wally introduces Kevin to Ingmar Bergman, who I have heard of even if i’ve never seen any of them, and some director I never heard of who made old timey comedies apparently. IT’s a really nice sequence. Kevin also shows 2001: A Space Oddesy to his friends, who are bored to tears by it while Kevin’s enraptured. Which I would say was another heavy-handed swipe at late 90′s cinema but being a teen myself who had mostly watched things like Star Wars, I did not gel with 2001 and need to rematch it at some point, so I totally relate to his friends utter boredom and confusion with it given it’s rep. It’s a visually stunning film. I will however stand by not liking Star Trek: The Motion Picture, as that film TRIES to be 2001 but is instead just really, REALLY boring. 
But naturally things can be entirely good natured bonding between an elderly gay man and , as Wally puts it in the best line of the episode “The son god never wanted me to have”, as Kevin notices a film coming up that Wally apparently made, and looks to star gus. Wally panics and shoos his young protégé away... which yeah he could’ve just you know told him he doesn’t like the film or anything else and prevented this episode but then we wouldn’t of seen the gay equilvent of plan 9 from outer space so fair enough. 
At the Gus’ Diner, the loftmates and their neighbors I mentioned earlier look over the poster, and we find out from Gus that that is him, and he starred in a movie.. and naturally Wally explained never showing it to his husband in the simplest way possible: By claming a shark ate it. You know while I watched the show I didn’t quite get it when I was younger and it’s probably why it took me decades to revisit it.. but I wish I had sooner this show is REALLY damn funny and i’m really looking forward to that spinoff with Wally and Gus. 
Wally continues to dodge Kevin, so Kevin, trying to find info about the film and it being lost, goes to the video store.. back when those existed. Something I have to give the show is honestly the use of vhs, visits to video stores, and the movies Kevin mentions are the only things that really date this film. While swapping another Dustin Hoffman film in proved impossible, it is plausible Kevin would see it streaming somewhere. and it’s easy enough to swap Armageddon for Rise of Skywalker given that film’s just as good.. Last Jedi was excellent though. Point is this story REALLY holds up, which is the sign of a good story: where even if some elements are stamped to the time, the story itself could easily be told again with few changes. It’s also why i’m not AGAINST Reboots, as my coverage of ducktales makes obvious: As long as stories can still be told or you can retell a story in a unique and intresting way, it’s fine to reuse something. I do think hollywood overdoes it, but I’ve never thought there was genuine harm in it or reviving old franchises. It’s all in how you do it.  But yeah while the local video store dosen’t help at all, Andy happens to know just the man for the job, though Jim and Posey nope out of going with them. Also something to note is the series animation: It’s animated like an old 30′s cartoon or a comic strip, modernized a bit in color and realisim, but still having comic strip stuff like shaking head lines, heat lines coming off coffee that sort of thing.  I really love it. 
Anyways the brothers head off to a funky out of the way video store, I wish there were more hole in the wall used media stores where I lived. We mostly have chains like Vintage Stock and Half-Priced Books, though I genuinely love both of those stores and VIntage Stock is the modern equilvent of places like blockbuster honestly. Anyway after Beardo confuses Kevin for an Employee kevin asks him about the man from pluto which Beardo reveals he knows about but is very rare and has few prints. I like Beardo.. he’s a neckbeard who seems more liable to complain abotu some reboot on the fact their rebooting it again rather than “gasp” women are involved. I prefer my neckbeards just a tad pretentious rather than you know, sexist, homophobic, deranged assholes with nothing better to do. I mean i’m still living at home and didn’t get out much before the pandemic either but you dont’ see me bitching every time a franchise gets a female lead. 
Anyway, Kevin is inspired by that and with help from everyone gets the word out about the film. As you’d expect though this can’t end well, as Wally tries avoiding the premire entirely (And we get a great bit where Jim happens to see him trying to flee down the fire escape and Wally’s expression is priceless) 
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Huh.. I bet that’s what Rob Reiner when North had it’s premire. As you can probably guess the showing dosen’t go well: The film itself is a hilarious combination of the day the earth stood still (the general plot as we’ll find out more in a second) and Plan 9 From Outer Space (A cheestatic no budget film with a hulking man brute who can’t act as the lead), and in catching the feel of a b-movie it’s utterly perfectly done. This film would go perfect on MST3K and the audience’s howls of laughter agrees with me. 
Wally however is utterly humiliated and doesn’t want to speak to Kevin which.. yeah is about the only issue I have with an otherwise marvelous episode. While I get Wally’s humiliation was Kevin’s fault.. Kevin GENUINELY meant well. While Kevin is book smart at his core he’s a dumb kid who didn’t know any better and didn’t realize Wally hated his film and it’s Wally’s own damn fault for not telling him.  Sure Kevin should’ve picked up the hint, but given the kid is oblivious and didn’t even know what an x raiting is it’s clear he’s not the sharpest crayon in the box when it comes to life experince. Wally had every opportunity to just explain his story but didn’t. And I put most of the blame on Wally when he’s you know, the adult. He’s a 60 or so year old man. He should know better. But it really doesn’t take away from the episode entirely.  But the loftmates clearly love the film and are quoting bits from it, with jim having a fishbowl on his head, when they run into Wally, though Wally is fine with them admitting it’s crap and he knows it is. We then get what REALLY makes the episode and really makes me primed for a spinoff: Wally and Gus’ backstory, which also makes it obvious the crew was probably going to use the two more had the series got another season. 
Anyways it was the 50′s, Archie Andrews was an average teen and not shredded both in muscle and by a bear that one time, Fonzie was out and about and eyying, and Wally was a first unit director given a shot as the studio asked him for a script having utter faith in him. HIs script was a day the earth stood still esque parable on the Cold War.. until he met Gus who, naturally for Gus, was outrunning a ton of police having stumbled on set and likely defeated them all bare handed because Gus is as incredible as the hulk and likely also comes back through a glowing green door when he dies.  So Wally made the tragic mistake of mixing his love life with his career, and lost both Kurt Douglas, who he bumped down from lead for Gus, and Charleton Hesston who just walked off and they got a dinkier stage and worse actors as a result. The resulting film ended Wally’s career but he was able to sell the rights to cinemas to make enough for them to start over in mission hill and buy the diner.. and at least they had each other. It’s a really great story that explains why it upsets Wally so much: This was his baby and while he dosen’t even for one second regret meeting gus or the life they’ve had, he regrets that his one film was a total trainwreck and goes off to the theater to mope as he plays his film for laughing crowds, as it was naturally held over. I mean when you get the next plan 9 from outer space, this was a bit before the room mind you, you hold onto that shit. 
Kevin, who heard the whole thing, goes to mope by watching what is likely a MIcheal Bay film, who was a target even then folks. Oh you poor poor fools you knew not how much worse it could get... i.e. robot testicles. Just.. robot testicles. And their MAKING A DELUXE MOVIE DEVISTATOR. Why. Just.. why who wanted this after that scene. He’s sworn off good movies as he feels he no longer deserves them. Andy however bluntly tells him to cut the pity party, while he’s moping his friend really needs him and when you love somebody, you put your pants on for them. When you love somebody you see it to the end, when you love somebody the conclusions forgone when you love somebody you put your big boy pants right onnnnn! ... I’ll put the song at the end. Point is Kevin goes to help his friend, and as Wally is moping in the projection booth and wonders what he was thinking Kevin tells him the obvious truth: He was thinking of how far he’d go.  “You taught me the best films are personal stories.. and this film is your valentine to Gus” While Wally starts to break a little, he does point out it doesn’t make it good.. but Kevin rightly counters that he’s not so sure of it. Wally sees the audience enjoying the film and goes down, with all of them carrying red light bulbs like the one gus has to show when he’s mad in the film. And Wally finally realizes waht I got to in the beginning: It doesn’t matter if a film’s good or bad, what matters is someone enjoys it. A film can be utterly terrible, and still be good. It can be a mess and still have merit. And Wally finally realizes it doesn’t matter if it’s the film he wanted, it’s the film he made for his future husband, it’s a film that brings laughter and sticks in people’s heads and really  brings them a godo time. It’s a film worth remembering and Wally finally accepts that and his film as his own.  Later that night Kevin and Wally exit the theater, with Wally no longer mad at him and the two still friends or as Wally puts it in the second best line of the episode “As close as an elderly gay man and a straight boy can be” Awwww. The two depart and we get a touching final scene as Wally comes home and finds a bottle of wine and a note from gus saying he has a suprise for him> Turns out Gus put on his old space helmet.. but fell asleep in it. So we get a really nice tender moment as Gus takes the  helmet off, smooches his husband on his bald head and smiles brightly as the episode ends.
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Final Thoughts on The Man From Pluto or I Married a Gay Man From Outer Space: Before you ask each episode had two titles for funzies, the first one to get past the censors and the second for fun and likely what they would’ve gone with if they could. As for this episode.. it’s spectacular. It holds up well even 20 years later, it’s touching, sweet and really damn funny and makes me want to rewatch the show as a whole again. I highly recommend seeking it out and hope mission hill is eventually made officially available somewhere. Till then you can find the whole series including this episode on YouTube and despite being the last one you could easily watch this one first if you want and it’s a decent enough intro to the show as a whole. I highly recommend it, an utter pleasure to watch.  If you liked this review, you can comission your own by PMing me on this very blog, just mention you want to do a comission and we can talk it out. As this review proves, it dosen’t have to be a show i’ve done before or even one that’s remotely recent. Hell i’d gladly do Fonz and The Happy Days gang, the animated happy days spinoff that’s like dr. who but with the Fonz. Yes really. Whatever you want i’ll do it as long as it’s not porn for just 5 bucks an episode and 10 for a movie. YOu can also join my patreon, and for 2 dollars a month get acess to my discord (that i’ll start once I get patreons) and once I get enough patreons exclusive polls or 10 bucks for all of that and a review of your choice each month. You can find said patreon right here. And even 1 buck a month would be apricated if you can spare it and if not simply reblog this and share it around.  You can also follow this blog for weekly ducktales, loud house and amphibia coverage as they come out.  I’d also personally thank WeirdKev27 for both being a long time fan of this blog and for the comission. 
Until we meet again say safe, wear a mask, check your atttic for Gary Busey and happy Halloween! Play us out Mr Heere!
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lizthirose · 3 years
My personal Supernatural coda
Yes, I am sad. Yes, I am frustrated.
But if I think about where it comes from, I realize: It’s in parts my own fault. Because I hang on to meta, read and write it, like the next fan. I let me give it hope, let it reassure me that what we want, what I want, what will become the truth, canon. 
But I want you to understand one thing:
All fanfic, metas, theories and interpretations are NOT the reality.
If were are right with what we think, think to see, we are lucky. But it rarely ever has something to do with what the writers of a show actually intended. 
You know, back in school I hated literature class because of said interpretations. I hated that teachers and literature professors always wanted to see some 20 layers of meaning behind every single word. Because, well, there is not.
Writing, for the most part, then and now, is just sitting down and doing it. Creating a story that flows, putting words and ideas out as fast as your mind provides them without missing something good or important. It is not considering every word carefully, every theme and picture, and how it can be a call-back to some tiny thing that has happened years prior.
Maybe it’s what we do in fanfic, all these little nudges and winks, because we have the time, and we love that one or the other reader will squeal in recognition. But professional writers, especially those for TV shows, rarely ever have that time. Oftentimes, they will not even have this thorough and profound knowledge of even the smallest things; even less when a show has been running for as long as SPN has. 
So as good and believable and hopeful all those metas that were written in the past days, and over the years, may have been - they are just interpretations of people who are so involved in watching the show and hanging on to every last little hint of something they want to see, that it gives false hope.
And this is the result. A broken fandom. A fandom in mourning not because their favorite show has ended, but because it didn’t end the way we all expected solely because of meticulous meta. 
Once I thought that this show would end with both Sam and Dean dying and going into heaven in the last couple of minutes, and that would be it. Everyone who has seen the show however knows that so far heaven wasn’t a good place.
So did the writers. And they took the time to show us that heaven is a good place now. That it has changed; has been changed by Jack and by Cas. 
When you talk about last night’s episode, you have to look closely. You have to take into consideration that they only had some 42min, that they shot it during Covid, and that this is and always has been essentially a show about two brothers. No one negates the importance of Misha/Cas especially, or anyone else in general. They squeezed in a mention of Donna, they heavily implied that Jack and Cas are running heaven now and therefore that Cas IS back from the Empty, and if you ask me, that woman in the background may very well have been Eileen (why choose a black-haired woman when so far Sam’s significant girlfriends have been blond). They brought in Jim Beaver, who has not been any less important to that show.
And if we are interpreting, well, then I would almost go as far to say that they also sort of gave us Destiel. As I wrote in my fanfic from last night, my interpretation is that angels are supposed to stay in heaven now, because of Jack’s new rules, which is totally fine and long overdue. And he can’t make exceptions, not even for Cas. So bringing Dean to heaven is the logical step, because it’s the place they can be together. My headcanon definitely is that they are.
Last night I saw many tweets of people thanking the show and while not entirely happy, still praise it, including the ending. At first I was angry about that, but then it hit me - and I have in fact said that a few days back - the show is not made for us few here on Tumblr. There is a gigantic fandom out there, and we are only a small part. This show is not made for us - it is made for everyone. 
Did I want a happy shipper ending? Duh, of course. But it is not about what I want, or our Tumblr niche. It’s about serving everyone. Everyone who has ever watched the show, and still does.
You may say now that killing Dean, letting Sam live alone, isn’t serving us, who are a part of the fandom. Yes, maybe you are right.
A few years back, when I was last active in Tumblr, people were complaining about the codependency between the brothers. How unhealthy it was etc etc. Thinking about that, killing one off and letting the other live a full life doesn't seem so strange or wrong then. Saying that Sam wasn’t happy the rest of his life is not correct. He had a family, a son. Of course he was sad; he had lost his brother, and with him the one human being he had had the most intense relationship with for 15 years. If you are that close to someone, and go through literal hell, death and apocalypse, something none of us will ever be able to relate to, with them, you are bound to form a bond that goes beyond everything that is known to men, and it will naturally make you feel the loss even more acutely. But we didn’t see Sam give up, live out his days alone, or become reckless and suicidal. 
Yes, I wanted to see Sam and Eileen together, as well as Cas and Dean, all of them on Earth, all of them as a big family with the occasional visit from Jack, all of them living their lives to the fullest and happiest until they died of old age and reunited in heaven. 
But while Supernatural has always been about family, it never has been about cheesy soap stories. Drama has ever since the beginning a defining theme of this show. To me, this ending felt much more like Supernatural as anything that would have served us fans. Don’t get me wrong, the above mentioned I would have embraced wholeheartedly. Nevertheless I am able and willing to accept what we have been given as the more realistic story to be told by this show. 
And therefore, while sad and still crying a random tear or two, I am also strangely content. 
Listen, let me tell you this. I have been a TV show nerd for more than 20 years, which is the better part of my life. I have over a hundred shows on that list, and I have loved many of them fiercely and passionately. And I assure you -- not many ended the way I wanted them to. Some disappointed, some had a nice enough ending I could live with, even if it wasn’t perfect in my opinion. A handful were perfect (Farscape, The Mentalist, TVD come to mind).
What I need all of you to make peace with is the fact that at the end of the day, and no matter how much it has changed our lives, it is just a TV show, created and written to reach the biggest possible audience and earn a lot of people money. 
Let us all enjoy our perfect little meta, fan-fantasy world; that’s totally fine, and absolutely legitimate. But every once in a while, stop and remind yourself that this is not a gift to us, but commercial programming. 
The real world out there is not perfect, it never  will be. And as long as we remember that, we’ll find peace and happiness in what we are given. 
We are the Supernatural Family, after all - the greatest and most special fan community that has ever existed. Let us be proud of that - and let us be proud of the show that gave us that. 
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goldandbluesmiles · 4 years
Joker’s Killer
Chapter 1: What do we do now?
Summary: In the end, it’s not Batman that kills the Joker. It’s Bruce Wayne.
May 29, 1:19: Bruce Wayne walked into Arkham undetected by any security cameras or guards
May 29, 1:25: Bruce Wayne entered Joker's cell.
May 29, 1:35: A guard realized that the hysterical laughter and gurgling from the clown's cell weren't just for show.
May 29, 1:37: Bruce Wayne was found standing over Joker's body with a steel bar in his hand, Joker's head bashed in.
Note: This is an A/B/O fic though the only tropes that are focused on are the protective omega parent and bonding.
TW: Non-consensual bonding (It’s an a/b/o fic)
Chapter 2
No No No
Please Don't
"Little Birdie. You won't get away this time,"
Pain. Blood. Laughter. Hysterical cackling.
"Come on! Come on Little Birdie. Your turn. Take a bite!"
Pain. So much pain. Painpainpainpain.
Jason tumbled home, assaulted by his memories and barely keeping himself upright. How he got from the cafe to his safehouse without someone stopping him was a mystery but one that he was grateful for.
Once he got inside, Roy was there, helping him up and calming him down.
"Jesus Jay! What the fuck happened?"
And really, Jason couldn't blame for the shock in his tone. He had gone out to have a late lunch with Bruce and while they still had their disagreements, the two omegas rarely had any problems outside of their vigilante personas. And even those were small, resolved within an hour.
Jason should not be coming back from lunch this out of it, barely reeling in his scent of distress.
"Jason! Come on talk to me! Don't make me call the Bat,"
Jason took a shuddering breath at that and tried to talk, tried to get something around the clog out of his throat.
"He asked- the bite-he-he"
"And you told him about the bite?" murmured Roy, gently leading him to the couch
Jason nodded.
"Jason," said the alpha, voice low and soothing, "What did Bruce do?"
Jason tried to answer but dissolved into sobs just thinking of the blank look the older omega had gotten.
"He left, Roy! He just left," whimpered Jason, "I told him what that thing did to me and he just got up and left. Didn't even say anything! Why would he do that, Roy? How could he just leave?!"
Roy's arms tightened around him.
"He said, he promised- He's my dad, he's supposed to-supposed to- take care of me! He just left me there, Roy!"
Jason could smell he anger starting to come off of the alpha. Anyone else, Jason would be getting ready for a fight but this was different. Roy was the one alpha who's scent didn't make him run. Even Dick had to reign himself in around Jason, but not Roy. Roy was the one alpha Jason knew would never hurt him, knew his anger was for him and not at him.
"We're going to fix this. Remember the plan. Next time he comes out we'll kill him and you'll be free," said Roy and Jason sunk low into the promise, let the words wash over him and calm him down. They had a plan, they would fix this.
"And screw the Bat," added Roy
Yeah, screw the Bat.
Bruce didn't come back for dinner. Alfred was not particularly worried.
The only time the man felt compelled to come home was when Damian was there and the young boy was spending the weekend with his eldest brother. Timothy was also with his friends. With the house empty of any children and Bruce having been banned from the cave by Alred for a forced 'vacation of vigilantism' it wasn't a surprise that the Master had opted to stay out a little longer, maybe gallivanting around the city with Selina Kyle.
Good for them. They needed some time together. She was a good influenced on him.
He got the call at 6:38 PM.
"Hi, Alfred. It's Jim. I'm so sorry about this. If I had been told right away I would have called much earlier-"
"Commissioner, if you could please get to the point," said Alfred, dread rising in him
The man on the other end of the line took a deep breath.
"Bruce Wayne had been arrested for the murder of Jack Napier, otherwise known as Joker,"
Dick and Damian were the last to arrive at the manor.
"He really did it?" Dick asked Alfred as Cass whisked their little brother away
"So it would seem," said Alfred
"This has to be a mistake!" Damian yelled from the other room, "Father wouldn't do that! Batman doesn't kill!"
"Except it wasn't Batman that did it," said Stephanie, sounding almost regretful.
Dick decided to intervene before the whole thing blew up in everybody's faces.
"Look, guys," he said stepping into the room, "As far as Jim's told us and Barabra has confirmed, Bruce was found standing over Joker's body and there was no one else there,"
"So he really did it?" murmured Tim from where he was curled up with Cass.
"Where's Todd?" said Damian, swiftly directing his anger and confusion elsewhere, "I thought he would be here singing and dancing out of happiness,"
Dick looked over to Alfred who just shrugged.
"Master Bruce was supposed to meet Master Jason for lunch. I held off from informing him. I thought it might be a good idea to figure this out first,"
"Father was meeting him for lunch," said Damian, "Well obviously something happened!"
Dick sighed, "Damian-"
"Uh guys," said Stephanie, "Leslie says to turn on the TV,"
The TV in the room was turned on and the first thing that popped up was-
Billionaire Murders Joker in cold Blood
"Bruce Wayne-"
"The Joker had been-"
"Arkham inmate-"
"Shit," muttered Damian. No one scolded him about his language.
"What do we do?" murmured Tim
Dick took a deep breath. It was time to take charge. He could freak out later.
"Everyone chooses someone to call fro the league before we blow up with calls, then Alfred and I will talk to Jim. I'm gonna ask Barbara to go meet Bruce and I'm going to talk to Jason myself. He was the last one of us that talked to Bruce and considering everything, there is no way that's just a coincidence,"
As everyone started to disperse, Dick held Damian back.
"What?" said Damian
"I know this is scary and confusing-"
"Master Jason!"
Dick stopped and looked up to see Jason standing in the doorway. The first thing that registered was the smell. He reeked of an Omega in distress. The second thing Dick noticed was how dishevelled he looked. Hair sticking up, red nose, puffy unfocused eyes.
"Jason wait up!" someone called from behind Jason and Dick straightened as Roy came into view.
"I tried to get him to call first," said Roy, "But he got really worked up and Dick-"
"It's my fault," said Jason
"Jay we talked about this-"
"No!" said Jason, starting to tremble in Roy's arms, "It's all my fault, my fault, all my fault, my fault, my fault, my fault,"
Dick quickly moved toward his younger brother as Roy and Jason slid to the ground.
"Jay I'm gonna touch you," said Dick and when Jason nodded Dick carefully curled into the side Roy wasn't on.
"What do you mean it's all your fault?" asked Dick
"I told him," said Jason, "I told him about the bite. Joker's bite,"
Dick froze. He heard a soft gasp from where the rest of his siblings had also gathered back in the room.
"Jason," whispered Dick, devastation colouring his voice, "Jason, are you saying..."
Jason whimpered and tucked his head against Roy's chest.
"Jason," and that was Damian coming closer to them, "Jason can I sit with you?"
Damian kept his voice soft and low, almost childlike compared to his usual gruff and formal way of talking. When Jason sought out the voice, Dick realized what his little brother was doing. While the teenage omega wasn't a pup anymore he was still young enough to elicit a reaction from his oldest omega brother.
"Dami?" said Jason, eyes coming into focus for the first as he looked at his little brother
"I want to sit with you but the floor isn't very comfortable," said Damian, "Maybe we could move to the couch and maybe get some blankets to get warm?"
Jason blinked a few times and then nodded, making a small motion with his hands. Damian nodded and carefully tucked himself against Jason's front. As soon as Jason calmed down, the rest of the family leaped into action. This part they were all very good at. In less than five minutes the carpeted floor had been turned into a small nest with Jason in the middle and everybody else cuddling around him.
"Tell them," murmured Roy once everyone had settled down
Slowly, ever so slowly, Jason started telling the story of what had happened last time Joker had been apprehended. How Joker had taken him alone, and how the alpha had bitten him and then forced him to bite back.
"It was awful," muttered Jason, "He kept hitting me and hitting me and I didn't want to but there were other people in the room and I just-"
He choked off with a sob and Damian gently nuzzled his cheek.
"He made me bite him and bond. He made me-"
Jason stopped, crying too hard to continue.
"It's okay," said Tim, "It's okay,"
Jason just cried harder.
Dick knew the story from there. Bruce and he had dropped off Joker at Arkham. They had tried to get Jason back at the cave but Artemis and Roy had already been there and while none of the bats particularly liked their explosive way of doing things, they had to admit the Outlaws had Jason's back.
So they had let him go and then Jason had called them, saying he was fine but needed some time. That was three weeks ago and while they had stayed in communication via text, none of them had seen him.
Until Bruce today.
"I wasn't gonna tell Bruce," said Jason, once his sobs quieted down, "I wasn't gonna tell him but he saw the mark and he started teasing me about it and I just...snapped, telling him about the Joker-I still can't believe no one heard us and he got this weird look and then he just walked away and I was mad and hurt and dizzy and I-I should've-should've gon' af'er him. I should-"
Jason dissolves into sobs again and Dick could only rub his arm.
What else is he supposed to do?
It's late when he finally called Barbara.
"I don't know how to say it so I'm just gonna come out with it," said Barbara, "He did it, Dick. There's no other way around it. He used his training to get around the security system and he seems pretty out of it like he's on autopilot. Almost catatonic but he most definitely did it,"
Dick sighed, "Thanks Barbara,"
"Dick," she said quietly, "Do you need me to come over?"
Dick shook his head, looking to where Roy and Kori were sitting together at the other end of the cave, having left Jason to the rest of the family.
"No, I'm good," said Dick, "Your dad's gonna need you. We also need someone to deal with Wayne Enterprises and the Press and it's not gonna be us with the mental space everyone is in now. Coordinate with Lucius?"
"Yeah," said Barbara, "I'll get on it. Take care of yourself, Dick,"
"You too," said Dick and then hung up after a quick goodbye.
"So?" asked Roy as he went to sit near them
"He did it," murmured Dick, "He did it. God!"
It was only when Kori put her arms around him that he realized how badly he was shaking.
"Hush, Dick," said Kori as she pulled him close. Roy moved to his other side and gently started rubbing his back.
"We were going to kill him," Roy said after a while, "Me and Artemis. We had a plan. Next time Joker broke out, we would make sure he died, severe the bond. Artemis wanted to break into Arkham to do it but we decided it would be too much exposure,"
"But then Jason went to meet Bruce and..."
"He probably thought it was a sex mark," said Dick
Dick remembered when he had first started having sex. He had come down many times with a 'temporary' bite mark and Bruce had teased him every time he had seen it. Still did it sometimes.
"That makes sense," said Roy, "And then Jason told him the truth and he snapped,"
"Maybe he went into that state you speak of," said Kori, "When an Omega is protecting their pup,"
"Maybe," said Dick, too tired to even think of the logistics. Thank God for Alfred otherwise, he would still be up there comforting his siblings. It'll probably be his job to do it in the days, weeks, maybe even months to come but for now, he just need a minute, a little time to breathe, he needed-
He needed Bruce. Bruce would know what to do.
Except Bruce wasn't there.
"What are you going to do?" Roy asked in a soft voice
He didn't know. He had no idea what he was going to do.
And then finally, Dick let himself cry as Roy and Kori pulled him close.
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gingerpeachtae · 5 years
Concentric [1]
Words: 5.2k
Genres: fantasy!AU, angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, eventual smut (?)
Warnings: strangulation
Summary: You had been ready for the end of the semester. You had been ready to spend time away from your best friend, Jimin, and finally move on from the feelings you harbored. Yet, after your friend was forced to reveal a secret, you found yourself in a new world that was chock full of magic, war, and wonder. So, here you were, basically thrown into your own fantasy novel, with your best friend on one side, and six male warriors on the other.
A/N: OOF. I told ya’ll it would be up ASAP! Again, pls leave any love, advice, suggestions, etc! I hope you engoy :)
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“Look, I’m just saying that there’s no way Frodo would have ever reached Mordor without Sam.” You waved your arms in frustration. “Hell, Shrek wouldn’t have gotten Fiona, both away from the castle and as a wife, if it weren’t for Donkey.”
You kicked at a stray pebble on the edge of the path. “Sidekicks are just so underappreciated.”
You were currently in a passionate rant, which often tended to be about some pretty random things Today’s lucky subject was the mistreatment of sidekicks, but it could have easily been the folklore of the Chupacabra or deciding which movie adaption was more cringeworthy: Percy Jackson or Twilight. Your best friend sighed as you both made your way through the campus arboretum.
“Only you would be so wound up about something like this Y/N.” He grinned.
It was a cool, crisp April morning. The sun was just beginning to emerge, creating an ethereal light across the horizon. Droplets of dew clung to the grass next to the worn-in sidewalk, and the trees were plump with their newly grown leaves that painted pockets of shade against the ground. You smiled to yourself as you admired the beauty. You hated waking up early but watching the world slowly come to life as you walked to class almost made it worth it. Key word: almost.
“Oh, but my dear Jimin.” You moved the smile to his direction, nudging his shoulder playfully. “Just wait until you’re the sidekick. Then you won’t be as eager to mock them.”
Your friend just shook his head at you and chuckled, the action rumbling throughout his compact, bulky frame. He grabbed your arm and tugged you onward toward the business building.
“Come on. We’re going to be late if you keep yapping about random shit all morning.”
Your heart began going crazy, beating at a rapid pace like it was a goddamn EDM song. You mentally scolded yourself and told it to sit down and shut up. Fuck. You hated yourself for it. Jimin’s been your best friend since you were 10 years old. Ever since punching his sweet face after he tried to scare you with a spider he found lurking around during recess. You knocked him on his ass, and when he didn’t run to the teacher to tattle, you helped him fabricate the poorly detailed story of how he slipped on the wet metal of the playground and banged his face. You and Jimin have been inseparable from that day forward. And you’ve been in love with him since you were 17. Unfortunately, you know the feeling isn’t mutual. This wasn’t some friends to lovers fanfic misunderstanding either. This was reality and sometimes reality just sucks like that. You’ve watched him flirt, kiss, and date his fair share of girls throughout your time together, and not one has he ever looked at you with any romantic inkling. Why would he? There he goes with his muscular and flexible as hell body. Seriously, the only thing this boy does more than eat and nap is put in time at the studio. Paired with dark hair that prefers to be dyed a vibrant orange, plump limps that beg to be kissed, a strong nose, a cutting jaw line, and oh my god his eyes. Dark brown with flecks of amber light. Like an animated tiger’s eye gemstone. Don’t even get yourself started on the way they squish close when he smiles or laughs hard. God, you swear nobody else has eyes even clo-
You ran straight into the glass door.
“Shit!” You rubbed your forehead painfully. “What the hell Jimin!? Why didn’t you hold the damn door open?”
All you got in response was a choking sound as the boy tried to reply but couldn’t because of the laughter shaking his body. It caused his eyes to do the damn squishy thing. You quickly looked away so that you wouldn’t stare in blatant awe.
“Damn and you call me clumsy. It’s not my fault you weren’t paying attention,” he finally wheezed out as he doubled over from the laughter.
Geez that hurt. You thought while massaging your poor head.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’m fine thanks for asking.” You rolled your eyes and started walking once more after safely passing through the doorway.
Four flights of stairs later and the two of you arrived outside of your 8 AM lecture. Ah yes, nothing quite like accounting at 8 in the freaking morning.
“Seriously, who invented 8 AM classes? Because I would really like to have a word with him for this terrible contribution to society,” you huff, “and I say him because there’s no way a woman would do this to society. Actually, I want to have a word with whoever talked me into taking a goddamn 8 AM!”
“Y/N…” Jimin hesitated. “That would be me.”
Of course.
“Also, why the actual fuck are we taking an accounting course?” you continued to whine. “We’re dance majors!”
After completing the awkward, squeezing, tip-toed walk through the classroom aisles to two seats next to each other, you collapsed into your respective chair.
“Because you and I are both minoring in entrepreneurship and it’s a required course.”
Raising an eyebrow at his smartass response you proceeded to poke his bicep.
“Well you and I are going to have a little chat later about your negative influences.”
“Oh, please Might Y/N, spare me from your wrath!”
You snorted in response, earning a stare from the chap sitting to your left. You retaliated with a glare, warning the bugger not to fuck with you this early.
“Whatever. But you definitely owe me some ice cream Slim Jim.”
Jimin winked before turning his attention back to the front of the class. Feeling your cheeks grow warm, you placed your face in your hands to hide the betraying blush. You inwardly groaned, reminding yourself that the semester was almost done. Just four more weeks and you can spend some time away from Jimin. Just four more weeks until he went on his annual trip to stay with some distant relative in the middle of nowhere with no reception. Maybe this year you could finally let go of your hopeless, unrequited love while he was gone.
Ugh. Ew. The thought made you roll your eyes at yourself. You were such a fucking sap.
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“Ohhhhhhh my gosh.” You moaned as you licked the creamy deliciousness that trailed down the square indentations of the waffle cone.
After enduring the early class from hell, you and Jimin had separated ways for the rest of your classes for the day. Luckily, you didn’t have to withstand mindless lectures about debits and credits after 9:15.
“You are officially forgiven for making me take an 8 AM,” you informed Jimin. Although forgiven, you still side-eyed the cup which held his strawberry ice cream before continuing. “Except not getting a cone is a violation of ice cream law so…”
“Oh, come on! There is no such thing as ice cream law!” He threw his non-cup arm wide in defiance.
“There sure as fucking hell is! Thou shall never turn down ice cream and thou shall always choose a waffle cone. It’s first grade Slim Jim.”
“First I am disgusted you managed to throw in a SpongeBob reference. How do you always do that!? Second, I must simply agree to disagree. The cones get stale and leaky at the bottom. Plus, you get y/f/f ice cream, which is yucky, so I refuse to acknowledge your law.”
“Take that back! That’s like saying brownie edge pieces are better than the center pieces!”
“…But they are.”
All you could do was slowly turn and gape at your best friend in horror. It was quickly replaced with a scowl when he flicked your forehead.
Grumbling through your scowl, “Hey, so I need to hit the studio for a bit after this, but we’re still on for family dinner tonight right? I’m thinking of making that pulled pork mac and cheese you love.”
Jimin stiffened beside you and slowly let out a sigh, running a hand through his orange hair.
“Y/N, please don’t be mad, but I completely forgot about dinner and something else came up…” He awkwardly toyed with his ice cream.
“Seriously?” You weren’t mad. Just… disappointed. It was one of the last free nights you each had before finals and showcases started up. “You better not be cancelling on me for some girl you found at the bars last night.”
You murmured the last part in a low voice. Not like it wouldn’t have been the first time, though. He was constantly going out with girls he met, even if it sometimes meant leaving you behind. Not that you were salty about it. Or jealous. Nope. Not at all. But, you were his best friend, so it’s not like you could complain about it to him.
“No! No, it’s not a girl. I promise,” Jimin quickly retorted. “I just completely spaced on this project I have for K201. I have to meet up with my group to finish it, and tonight was the only night that worked with everyone.”
Well, at least it was a school excuse and not some bimbo. You thought as you popped the last bite of cone into your mouth.
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Sweat dripped down your forehead and into your eyes. It left a pleasant satisfactory sting as your equally sweaty forearm rose to wipe it away. Dancing was hard, it was strenuous, but you relished in it. You loved feeling the music gliding across your body, inviting and encouraging your movement. The burn of your muscles. The stretch of your limbs. The bass in your chest. It was utterly euphoric. You had been in the studio for two hours already, but being the perfectionist you were, you kept telling yourself “one more time.” The first had been six times ago. After wiping away more sweat that fell down your face, you reached over to restart the song just. One. More. Time. Taking a deep breath, you walked back to your starting place as the ticks counted down to the start of the track.
Inhale. Exhale. Go.
After running through the routine three more times, you felt satisfied enough with the day’s progress. Breathing heavily and dripping sweat, you could not wait to take an unnecessarily long and hot shower. Yes, you were aware that cold water was much better for your body, especially after exercise, but cold water was evil. Even during the summer months, you couldn’t resist standing under scalding water for a good 30 minutes. At least you would rinse off with cold water for like 20 seconds at the end. That had to count for something, right?
But you didn’t feel like going home just yet. You didn’t want to open the fridge and see the ingredients you were originally going to cook up before Jimin threw a curve ball into the evening’s plans. As you thought of the places you could go instead of your single bedroom apartment, you realized that you hadn’t been to the state park just outside of the town in a few weeks. With Spring in full swing, it had to be breathtaking at the moment. Since you were already sweaty and gross, you figured being so for a little longer wouldn’t kill you as you grabbed your keys and turned off the studio light before walking out the door.
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Twenty-seven minutes and a flash of your annual park pass later, you pulled into the first open spot you saw, which happened to be next to an ugly matte black Jeep Wrangler.
Geez, who paints their car matte and thinks it looks good? You ponder before whipping your eyes back to the vehicle.
Wait. Ugly matte black Jeep Wrangler?
You hope out of your car and slowly walk around to the Jeep. Positioning yourself beside the driver’s window, you peered through the tinted windows. There better not be a damn dreamcatcher…
“Slim Jim! I got you a present!” You excitedly hand over a small bag with unicorns adorning the side.
Jimin eagerly grabbed the gift, delighted with your choice of bag décor.
“I hope it’s a-”
“Dreamcatcher!” You interrupt singing as he removed the item from its magical paper prison.
“Um. Thanks Y/N, but you know I don’t really need this. I don’t get nightmares anymore,” he says as he lifts the delicate object higher to take a better look.
You punched him in the shoulder as he frowned at the white dreamcatcher in his hand.
“I wanted to get you something to hang from your rearview mirror that wasn’t so damn doom and gloom,” you explained as you gestured to his all black interior, “and it matches the one in my car! So, think of it as sort of a best friend necklace type thing.”
You hadn’t been sure if he would hang it up, but the next time you hoisted your y/h self into that black Jeep, it was proudly strung up above the dashboard. Where it still was as you currently looked through the window.
“Why the hell is Jimin here?”
You didn’t think he ever came here without you, because you basically had to drag him when you did. The guy loved the outdoors and every other park, but he had some weird aversion to this park in particular. Wouldn’t say why, though. You eventually just stopped asking when you were never given a straight answer. But, oh boy, were you going to be asking again today. With a groan of frustration and annoyance, you entered the hiking trail. Just wait until you find that boy, you were going to strangle him with your sweaty little hands.
You’d been walking for about thirty-five minutes before you found him. He wasn’t on the main trail, but on a side path that led to a small clearing. Not many people knew about it, but after you had stumbled upon it, you made sure to show it to Jimin the next you had dragged his ass out here.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
“-Shit.” The man of the hour cut off in the middle of whatever he had been saying to himself when he heard you.
“What the hell Jimin!? You cancel on me, have the audacity to lie about why, and then I find you out here doing… doing what exactly?”
Marching across the clearing, you stopped a few yards away from him. You crossed your arms and cocked an eyebrow, just daring him to try and make up a crappy excuse. At least he had the decency to look scared shitless at your approach.
His eyes began darting all over the clearing. His hand nervously raked through his hair, but he stayed silent.
You’d had enough. “Are you really just going to stand there and not say anything?”
“Y/N. Please. Please just go home,” he begged, his eyes still darting. “It’s not safe.”
“It’s not safe? I’m pretty sure tick season is over Jimin,” you scoffed. “Are you buying drugs or something? What’s going on with you?”
“I can’t explain. Just please go home,” Jimin continued to plead, “I don’t want you-”
His sentence was interrupted when a force suddenly seized your neck and thrust your body backwards, pinning it against a tree. The odd thing was that nothing had touched you.
“What the hell is this?” You managed to spit out to your friend, who was looking at you with wide, panicked eyes. Then the force around your neck
Out of the corner of your vision, you could see that Jimin was trying to reach you, but it seemed an unseen force held him at bay too. He kept shouting some gibberish that you couldn’t understand. Probably because you were currently getting, you know, choked to death.
Shit. Shit. Shit. It hit you that you were actually getting bloody choked, and not in the good way.
You tried gasping for breath, but the air was not reaching your lungs. Your head started spinning and darkness began to rim your vision, slowly invading more and more of your eyesight. Desperately, you attempted to rip away the force blocking your air. But when you brought your hands up to your throat, you registered a warm, solid substance. It felt like skin. Thoroughly freaked and near passing out, you continued trying to claw the force away, but it completely encompassed your throat and wasn’t budging. Oh my god. You were going to die because of a ghost. Hello? Welcome to death registration, what’s your cause of perishing? Casper the fucking Ghost.
Wait. Were those fingers? Your vision was almost entirely black by now. You could still faintly hear Jimin shouting over the thumping of your heart. If those were fingers, then there must be a hand, arm, and body, right? You released your grip on the supposed hand around your throat and instead reached out to find what it was attached to.
Fabric. More skin. Muscles. A man? You hope. Either way this should hurt like a bitch.
You were losing control over your body, but you weren’t done for yet. You were too much of a stubborn bitch for that. Kicking out with your leg, you located one of Casper’s appendages and sloppily found the other with another kick. Then, with what little energy you had left, you forced your right leg up as hard and high as you could manage. The sudden rush of air back into your lungs made you even more dizzy as whatever held you vanished. Collapsing to your knees, you coughed while trying to support yourself by gripping the tree trunk behind you. Suddenly, Jimin was kneeling beside you, repeatedly saying your name. You don’t know how he escaped his ghost, maybe a spiritual kick to the tender region too.
Caressing your hair, he murmured, “Hey, hey, it’s going to be okay.”
“I don’t feel okay,” was all you could mutter before your arms gave out and the world fell to black nothingness.
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Slowly, ever so slowly, you cracked open your eyes and saw Jimin’s worried face looking down at you. Your body felt like it was lagging behind your head, like when you kept moving the joystick forward during a video game, but the character decided to go sideways instead.
“You’re okay Y/N,” he reassured you, “you just passed out briefly.
You pushed yourself up onto your elbows, grunting as dirt and twigs scraped against them as you did so. It still seemed to be only the two of you within the clearing, but you knew something, someone was there. You could feel it. You know, beyond the whole thrown against a tree and strangled thing.
Gripping his arm, you looked your best friend dead in the eye. “Okay, you’re going to help me up, and then you’re going to explain to me what the hell just happened.”
After doing so, and hesitantly stepping away from you, he attempted to act nonchalant.
“You tripped on a tree root and hit your head.” He shrugged.
You stared at him because there was no way. That had to be bullshit. You decided to straight up say as much. A few seconds went by and neither of you said anything. Jimin suddenly cocked his head to the left and nodded. His hand reached out in the direction his apricot-colored head had tilted toward, and then something peculiar happened. A tiny, delicate flower petal appeared in his hand. It hadn’t floated in on the breeze or fallen from the trees above. The pink petal had just… appeared. Cupping the object in his hand, he walked directly in front of you and extended the hand that held the petal. Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not understanding what revelation that petal was supposed to bring.
Understanding your puzzlement, he explained that you apparently needed to place the petal on your tongue. You still had no reason as to why you needed to do that, but you still took the object gently out of his hand. Giving him a quizzical and skeptical glance, you proceeded to place the delicate pink petal inside your mouth. Expecting to have to gag on it as you swallowed, you were shocked when it simply dissolved on your tongue like powdered sugar. As soon as the last remnant disappeared you gasped as your vision went black. Stars erupted behind your eyes and the sounds of every living thing amplified to clarity. For a split-second, all you could see was that blinding galaxy. All you could hear was the stars twinkling and the rumbling of an endless, black expanse. You were fully alive, and you felt the world drifting by your fingertips. But the stars began to dim and dim and dim until your vision cleared. You blinked to regain yourself and stilled when you finally registered the clearing again. When you registered what was in the clearing.
You and Jimin were no longer alone.
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Six strangers stood within the clearing.
Six of the most gorgeous men you had ever seen. Beautiful, regal, and intimidating as hell. They each wore a variation of what seemed to be a mix of armor and camouflage as they easily blended in with the spring colors. You sharply inhaled as you noticed that their ears extended into long, delicate points. They looked like some kind of modern Legolas. If Legolas decided to cut his hair, dye it random colors, and give you an immediate lady boner.
Damn. You seriously needed to get laid.
You stared at them before tightly closing your bugging eyes, counting to ten, and re-opening them. Nope, still there. They gazed back, waiting to see what you would do.
“You-I-I’m tripping. I’m high and I’m tripping. Whatever you gave me is some new drug, right? Which first off, screw you because that’s pretty fucked up,” you stammered out to Jimin, “Or you hired these cosplayers to appear right after I ate that thing. Mhmm. Yup. That’s it. Good prank.”
You looked at your friend, desperate for reassurance that this was just a hallucination, or some weird joke. He only shot you a sad expression before shaking his head. In a stressed gesture, he drew a hand down his face then through his orange locks.
Eyes bugging out yet again, you returned your gaze to the strangers. You noticed that one of them had moved to go lay down against the base of a tree, his arm tucked underneath his mint-colored hair. Was the situation too boring for the lad? You couldn’t exactly agree with him. About half of the others had small smiles tugging at the corner of their mouths, yet they were not all relaxed. Some were too still, too stiff to possibly be relaxed. A couple took a more forward approach and had their hands resting upon their weapons, ready to draw.
Hold the door. Weapons!?
Double taking, you saw that, yes, your eyes were correct. They were all armed. Swords, daggers, bows, one of them even had a mace. But no guns. At least that you could see. One of them had his hand tapping the ruby hilt of the dagger strapped against his side. You could see two more blades crossed behind his back. His face was more steeled than the others. He did not look in the least bit pleased.
Another with striking pale-yellow eyes said something to Jimin, in a language you couldn’t understand, gesturing to you as he spoke. Even though you had no idea what language it was, you put two and two together and realized it was the “gibberish” Jimin had been speaking earlier. The yellow-eyed man seemed to be the tallest out of the group, and although he did not appear to be pissed at the current situation, it was clear that he did not find it ideal. Whatever your friend replied with had the ruby-hilt man glaring even harder. Much to your surprise, however, was that a man to his left broke out into a huge, boxy grin.
Talk about having absolutely no clue on what was going on.
Finally getting over your initial, paralyzing shock, you found your attitude starting to make an appearance. Done with being out of the loop, you glared back at the one who seemed to have an issue with you. His hand stopped tapping the ruby gemstone and instead gripped the handle hard, his entire body locking up from the pressure. You swore he glared even heavier too, if it were possible. You internally rolled your eyes. What a chump.
Jimin took a deep breath and gently released it before turning to face you.
“Y/N/, I know how this is going to sound, but please just- Just listen.”
You looked your best friend in the eye and nodded.
“I’m not human, not entirely,” he explained, running a hand through his hair again. A habit he did constantly, but this time your eyes locked on his ears.
Jimin had never had what a person would consider a normal, rounded ear. His were slightly pointed. Not to the extent of the six strangers surrounding you, but a gentle tip that went beyond that of a typical ear. You’d never given it much thought but would occasionally tease that he was a magical creature. As you looked at them now, you could see that even though they were not as extreme, they carried the same shape and elegance as the ears of the others in the clearing.
Seeing the wheels turning behind your eyes, he motioned to the others. “I’m half Saeni. I spend my summers in their realm.”
You were cut off by the man, no male you rethink since you were just told that they were not humans, that had spoken with Jimin earlier. He seemed to be getting impatient, his yellow eyes narrowing at you. Jimin rapidly fired back, gesturing to you over and over. God, you were getting tired of them talking about you like you weren’t there.
“Hey! Stop talking about me and not telling me what you’re saying. It’s super freaking annoying. And rude,” you declared as you crossed your arms with a huff.
Jimin whipped his head back to you in disbelief before he began chuckling. It was just such a you thing to do to already be over his big reveal and be demanding to be included in the conversation.
“Okay, okay.” He put his hands out in front of him as a peace offering. “So, they need my help, and um, need me to leave with them tomorrow.”
Um, excuse me. What?
He couldn’t just leave tomorrow. Damn looking forward to him going to his Aunt’s for the summer. He couldn’t just leave to go to this realm place out of nowhere.
“What about school? What about your Aunt’s for the summer… oh. Shit. There is no Aunt is there?”
Jimin only gave you a small, tight smile, his eyes filled with regret. Well, alrighty that answers that then. You took one deep breath, quickly deciding in your head before continuing. You still did not fully understand what was going on or what a Sinai? Saeni? Or whatever Jimin had said was, but you did know one thing for sure.
“I’m going with you,” you announced defiantly.
His eyes widened. “What!? No. No, you’re not. It’s not safe.”
“You could get killed,” he strained.
You simply shrugged. “To die will be an awfully great adventure. Plus, finals are going to kill me anyway so…” You mumbled the second sentence under your breath.
“Y/N/, this is serious. I mean it. You could really get hurt.”
A male appeared behind Jimin, the one with the boxy smile, and clapped him on the shoulder. You had been so caught up in the argument that you hadn’t even noticed him, and the others, moving. With him being up close, you could finally get a better look at his appearance. And damn, were you quite happy at that. He had grey, almost silver, hair that flopped against his forehead regardless of the thick headband that attempted to push it back. The band did lift the steel-colored locks enough to fully see his dark, prominent eyebrows and clear, sharp blue eyes. Hot damn. He was fucking beautiful. You also noted that he had a small mole on the tip of his nose, numerous silver hoop earrings, and a single, dangling feather earring that matched the arrows holstered on his back. While you were preoccupied admiring the specimen before you, the attractive male looked you up and down before smiling again and squeezing Jimin’s shoulder.
“For Exia’s sake, Chim. Just let her come. It’s not like you’re going to win an argument with a female like her.”
That snapped you out of your daze. A female like you? Slowly, you moved your gaze to Jimin then back to the male, ready to oh-so-kindly inquire as to what type of female you were. Just as you went to start yet another argument, you finally registered what he said. Or rather, you registered the fact that you had been able to understand him.
Your mouth dropped. “You know English?” You stupidly asked as if it hadn’t just been established that yes, he did know English.
“I do, but only sometimes.” He winked.
Ooo-kay. Like that answer made any sense.
He paused, tilting his head to the side before adding in a genuinely concerned tone, “Hey, you might want to close your mouth before you inhale bugs.”
You blinked your eyes twice in astonishment.
What the-,” you sputtered, “this is between Jimin and me, and…” you trailed off, again putting a hold on your outburst to look at your best friend.
“He called you Chim.”
He gave you another sad smile. “Park Jimin is my real name, don’t worry, but I had to go by another name over there for… reasons.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the glaring male turn his head to the side while snorting sarcastically. As you turned your head to him out of confusion for his reaction, you also saw Jimin give him a warning look before adding to his statement.
“Let’s just say that Chim is easier to go by.”
“Mmmm seems fake but okay,” you retorted, returning your attention back to your friend with a sigh.
With each minute that passed, it seemed like you knew your best friend less and less. How many secrets did he have? How could you even call yourselves “best friends” when he had seemingly lied to you since day one? You sighed once more, trying to wrap your head around it all. Although the entire situation was straight out of a goddamn fantasy book, you still trusted the person in front of you. Because this was Jimin. Your Jimin. Your Slim Jim. Even if he had avoided some things, he was still the boy that tried to scare you with a spider, he was still the person who has seen you at your worst, the person that was always there for you through breakups, injuries, and weak moments. He was still your best friend. And you wouldn’t abandon him.
You looked at him with determination. “I am going with you. Just tell me when you need me back here and what you need me to bring.”
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previous [prologue] --- next [2]
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Distant Shores: Chapter 1
Far into the waters of the Silver Sea, there was a small island nestled in its vastness. A band of Sifa gelfling called this island home, living on the land for many a trine. This place also served as a midway point for many sea fairing travelers who needed rest, repairs, and to restock their stores. The port was quiet, save for the gentle lapping of the waters against the ships’ bows. A small trail snaked its way from the port to a small village nearby. Warm lights shone brightly in the night as homes were preparing for slumber. One however was buzzing with tension.
A group of six gelfling was sitting around a fire pit, faces solemn. One of the gelfling looked pale and eyes glazed which was in stark contrast to his dark orange coat and fire red tricorn hat. Dolen let out a coarse cough, the gelfling woman sitting to his left resting a hand on him in concern. She looked similar to the coated gelfling, except her hair was copper orange while his was maroon laced with grey. He cleared his throat before pulling out a letter from a pocket. “You all know what this is,” Dolen said hoarsely. The others nodded in silence. He rested the letter on his lap. “I cannot make the journey to Cera-Na, not when I’m hacking and wheezing like a beached hooyim.” He let out a tired sigh, looking like a gentle breeze could easily knock the gelfling over.
No one spoke, the situation choking out any talk. The Omerya-Staba was docked at Cera-Na, indicating all Sifa must return. The old Sifan maudra had abdicated her throne and now her daughter would take her place. The elders must come to give their blessing to the new maudra as is tradition. But Dolen had fallen ill beforehand. It wasn’t life threatening, however it had prevented him from leaving his hut. The gelfling woman sitting next to him frowned. If she had to be the one to state the obvious, then so be it. “Someone has to go. If not, the rest of our clan will see this as a sign of disapproval.” Some of her peers nodded while others clenched their jaws. “What do you suppose we do,” asked a male gelfling sitting across from Dolen. His face was worn from traveling the harsh oceans. “The elders must go. Not even their right-wings can go in their place!” She glared at him, freckled face scrunched up. “I am not letting my father sail when he can hardly stand!”
“Enough,” barked Dolen. The outburst caused him to go into a fit of coughs.
The two gelfling closed their mouths. The male gelfling lowered his gaze. “I’m not suggesting Dolen goes…but who can?” The room fell silent once more, except for Dolen’s coughing. He spoke up when he regained his composure. “Liliah.” His daughter turned to him, resting a hand on his lap. “Yes?” The elder gazed at her, eyes stern. “You and Ekoi are right; someone has to go in my stead, someone who holds the same authority as me.”
He took Liliah’s hands into his own. “Ekoi cannot be my replacement. No one on our island can…except for one.” The woman’s heart was pounding against her chest, like the waves crashing against a beach. She swallowed, waiting for him to say the words she so desperately wanted to hear.
“You must go in my place.”
The room gasped. “B-But she isn’t an elder! She hasn’t even gone passed the Spirals,” said a gelfling. Liliah was about to snap at them but Dolen beat her to it. “She may not have the experience as the rest of you, but her boatmanship is impeccable! She did have two amazing mentors after all,” he added with a twinkle in his eye. Liliah smiled. It was good to see a glimmer of his old self. He then became serious again. Dolen took sip of water before addressing the group. “We need to be at Cera-Na in a unum. It will take half a week for us to make the Silver Splitter sea worthy and to prepare enough supplies for the trip.”
He looked to his daughter. “I suggest you study the maps, captain.” Even though there was pride in his voice, there was a quiver of apprehension. Liliah grew stoic, setting a slim hand over her heart. “I will. I won’t fail you.” She then turned to the rest of her band. “I won’t fail us. We will go to Cera-Na to give our blessing. Nothing will stop us, come hell or high water!” Her words moved the group, clapping and cheering ringing throughout the hut. Liliah gave them a large grin. She looked to Ekoi. “Will you help me, right-wing?” She leaned toward him, offering a hand. Without hesitation, he gripped the woman’s hand firmly. “Of course, captain.” Dolen nodded in approval.
He waved the group off. “Off with ya. You’ll all need your sleep, as do I. Pleasant dreams.” The rest of the gelfling bowed to him and then left. Only Liliah and Dolen remained. She helped her father up and led him to the bed in the far corner. He started to take off his coat. “You should rest too, my darling. You’ll have a busy day tomorrow.” She shook her head. “I need to make sure YOU go to bed first.” He huffed, setting his hat on a hook on the wall. “Oh how the tables have turned. Instead of me tucking you in it’s the other way around!” Liliah rolled her eyes before helping him to bed. “Good night, father.” She kissed his forehead. “Good night,” he said tiredly.
The woman then made her way to a curtain, pulling the fabric aside. She entered the room and sat on her bed, head buzzing with excitement. The Sifa couldn’t believe that her lifelong wish was finally coming true. She laid down, too elated to sleep.
Days had passed. News of Liliah’s departure spread like wildfire, leaving the island bursting with excitement and fear. The island gelfling were now busy on the Silver Splitter. Liliah was watching them from the dock, eyes shrewd. Her thick braids were swaying in the gentle breeze, bringing with it the smell of the sea. A few of her crew went passed her, whispering quietly to each other while giving her side way glances. Even though she couldn’t hear their words, she knew what they were.
The new captain didn’t address them. She wouldn’t let them get the better of her. Instead she closed her eyes to took it all in; the saltiness of the air, the squawking of migratory birds, and the noise of the waves hitting the ships.
“Captain Liliah.” She opened her eyes and turned, pearl earrings swishing as she did. Ekoi dipped his head to her. “We are almost ready to sail.” She nodded in approval. “Good. The sooner we leave the better. It would be embarrassing to be the last to show up.” Ekoi chuckled softly. “Yes, it would.” The two were silent for a moment. Liliah took a deep breath, trying to settle herself. “Is it normal to feel this nervous,” she asked Ekoi softly. The older man smiled. “It wouldn’t be normal if you weren’t.” She felt relieved. Ekoi patted her back, making sure to not hit her sapphire blue wings. “You’re not alone. You got a crew full of dedicated and well-seasoned members at your beckon call.”
She appreciated the reassurance, but there was a thought nagging at her brain. “It’s not that I don’t trust the crew’s capability…I’m worried they won’t accept me as their captain.” Ekoi eyes light up with surprise. The copper haired woman folded her hands. “I know there are those among the crew who think I am unfit to sail…in truth I don’t fault them for their doubt.” She didn’t dare look at Ekoi. She didn’t want to see him agreeing with her.
“Do you want to hear the advice some crazed gelfling told me once?” Liliah furrowed her eye brows, confused. “…Yes?” Ekoi gently rested his hands on her shoulders and forced her to look into his brown eyes. “You can learn all the wisdom in the world from stories and songs. But that doesn’t mean anything if you don’t see the world for yourself.” Liliah felt a lump form in her throat. She knew that saying all too well. She put her hands on Ekoi’s shoulders, squeezing them in thanks. He grinned warmly at the younger gelfling.
Liliah broke away from him, regaining composure. “We better board the ship. The wind is starting to rise.” She started to make her way to the Silver Splitter but was stopped by Ekoi. “Wait, we’re still waiting for our last member.” Liliah raised an eye brow, fists on her hips. “Who? Last time I checked our crew is on board.” Ekoi simply replied. “All but one. She should be here soon.” Before she could question him further, a rumbling came from the ground. Fear gripped Liliah like a clawed hand. “Is it an earthquake?!” Her right-wing on the other hand was calm and motionless.
Suddenly a burst of water shot upward, nearly hitting the docked ships. Liliah ducked, shielding her head with her arms as a roar erupted. “You can look now.” The gelfling opened her eyes, letting out an audible gasp. A behemoth of a sea creature was near the dock, easily eclipsing the sun from her view. Its back was covered in what appeared to be mountains. She willed her legs to move, but she was too frozen with fear. Ekoi only smiled when he saw the beast.
“Ah, she’s here.”
This is a spin off series of Bonds. This story is set before/during the events of the AU but will not effect the main story. Guess who finished Tides of the Dark Crystal?! I was planning this story before I read the book, but I wanted to make sure I at least read TotDC so I could get a feel for the characters. I'll be posting the second chapter soon after! I hope you like it! Liliah/Dolen/Ekoi (c) Me The Dark Crystal (c) Jim Henson/J. M. Lee  
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stydiaeverafter · 5 years
Something interesting...
I’ve been seeing a ton of theories about Rosa, and have my own as well. The one that’s the most compelling to me, is that Alex killed Rosa and those girls.
At first when I read that, I was appalled! He’s our little sweet cinnamon roll. But then I’ve begun to look a bit deeper... the writers said he goes through the biggest change. He was a skater boy punk. Full of life. Carefree. This probably really appealed to Michael and they started a relationship, not holding back. Full force.
I’m wondering if he partied a lot with Rosa, and drank away worries because of he stress of his father breathing down his neck.
There’s that Alex, and then military-follow-the-rules-Alex. How did it come to be??
I don’t know if it was drunk driving, or he was upset and was going crazy in the car (not sure if Michael was in the car or came to the scene later), but I bet Rosa, leaving Roswell to finally get help, swerved and hit a tree, which hit those other girls as well. Domino affect.
Well, this is just horrible...obviously. I’m guessing, just because there was nothing interesting about the other girl’s deaths, that sadly they were killed right on impact.
But Rosa was still alive.
I saw on another post by @space-malex , that Michael didn’t know he couldn’t heal. I think that’s true. And unintentionally killed Rosa and blames himself. That’s how he hurts his hand as well. Carina told us, it’s not a burn... but maybe using his powers in a way he’s not supposed to, messed up his hand, and that’s why it connects to Alex as well. They were together that night.
He then wanted it to make it look like Alex was never there. Of course Alex wouldn’t go for that, unless he was drunk and started blacking out. Maybe Michael called Isobel to mind-wipe Alex. And like she said last episode, it didn’t take his feelings for Michael away, but it changed his mind frame. She might’ve told him to clean up his act. Stop being such a punk, as well as forget about this night. And Michael was the genius... maybe going off to college. She probably got protective of her “brother”, and without Michael knowing, told Alex to leave town. I’m guessing she obviously didn’t know they were in love at that point. Thought they were friends and maybe Alex was a bad influence.
So then they leave the scene, not knowing that the handprint would show up later. Max “I was afraid of that.” Of course the government would snatch those files and hide the real story, which makes it look like the party girl was high or drunk and killed those girls. I really don’t think Alex was drunk or high, I think he was upset about something - maybe Michael told him the truth about being an alien, and said he didn’t know how it would work out between them after high school, and it freaked Alex out and made him really upset that he didn’t see the car.
Well, this shifts Alex’s mindframe so much, that he cleans up his act and enlists in the army... probably finally making his father happy. I think Michael is honestly so confused... he thought he’d just forget about that night. Maybe Max was there too that night, later with Isobel, and he inadvertently told her to send Alex away... maybe after Michael finds out the truth, and that’s why Michael is not okay with Max. Because Max forced Isobel to send Alex away and to change him so drastically. “Like you did 10 years ago.”
I wonder if before all this, Alex used to call Michael “Michael,” and after this, he calls him “Guerin.” That was the first shock to Michael. And then him maybe pushing Michael away and then leaving. That’s why Michael is so bitter about authoritative Alex, especially when in uniform. He’s so bitter but not at Alex, at the entire situation and what he’s lost. But then there’s scenes that show glimpses of who Alex probably was and longs to be still. That’s when we see Michael drop the act and fall to Alex’s knees. He’s so in love with THAT Alex. Not the mind-warped Alex who judges him constantly.
I think Alex leaving, made Michael hate the world... humanity. He started even harder trying to find a way home... because Alex until that point, was his home.. the only good thing in his sad life. In the meantime, he stopped giving a shit. Took a job to eat food and pay for alcohol, drank daily, got into fights, went to jail weekly, gave up any notion to college, and doesn’t get along with most people... especially Max. He knows it’s a sore subject for Isobel, but he thinks Max made her do it. And maybe she tried for his sake, to change what had been done... but Alex has already left. So maybe he forgave her.
I think this also explains why Michael is SO mad when Max heals Liz and tells her who he is. Maybe when Max found out back then that Michael didn’t want to keep his secret from Alex and he told him, that was another reason why he ordered Isobel to take Alex’s knowledge of that away. And that’s why Izzy tells Max basically if you tell Liz our secret, Michael will never forgive you. It isn’t for their sake, it’s for what he lost. It’s a constant reminder. Michael doesn’t hate Liz; he hates that Max made an exception for Liz but wouldn’t for Alex.
Michael still wants Alex to know everything. He kisses him in the middle of the reunion (probably hit so hard with nostalgia and longing), and wants Isobel to know about them. Alex still pulls away and let’s his dad get into his head. He doesn’t realize what Michael lost, truly, and that it was unintentionally his fault. I think this would all change if he could get some of his memories back from that night. He would fight for Michael and protect him. Just like Michael did for him that night.
When Malex talks outside the trailer about looking at him making him feel like it’s 17, I think that’s a glimmer of the mind warp fading slightly, and that he can’t understand why Michael looks away. It kills him. He still doesn’t really understand why he left... why he changed. When Maria said home could be a person, what if he used to tell Michael that? And Maria picked up on that (being psychic and all). I think that’s the most vulnerable we’ve seen Michael. It’s almost like he’s thinking “omg... there you are. I can finally see you again.”
The truth is, like Max loving Liz every single day that she had been gone, that’s how it was for Michael. He loves Alex more and more, but it hurts too damn much - that night and the loss of ten years, causes him actual pain. But he never looked away from Alex. Regardless of numbing hook ups and alcohol. Alex was ALWAYS on his mind. He doesn’t know if it’s a good idea to let Alex back into his life, for the truth might come out and he’ll want to tell Alex who he is again. He’s also scared once Alex finds out what happened that night, he’ll never speak to Michael again. That pain would probably kill Michael. But in that moment, staring in his lovers eyes... he couldn’t say no. Alex was all he’s ever wanted. Probably why he didn’t want him to leave his bed for days!!
It’s interesting that when Isobel tells Michael, “isn’t there anyone in the world you’d risk it all to save?” Wouldn’t she know that person would be Alex? Unless she still thinks they were just friends and not madly in love. She would probably feel wrecked if she truly knew. But I wonder if Max has figured it out, and that’s why he has patience with Michael. And does feel guilty.
I still wonder why Rosa pushed Max so angrily in that flashback. And how them seeing each other tied it all together. And her involvement with Jim Valenti.
Now that Kyle knows, the aliens think it’s just a matter of time. And Michael doesn’t want the truth coming out. He’d rather be thrown in a white room, then see the love of his life, rot in jail for the rest of his life. He’s taking the fall, for his family and for Alex.
I do think that the more they uncover the truth about that night, things are going to start coming back to Alex. It will unravel. Next week Kyle and Alex find a passage, and I think they’re going to figure out some things. I think this will slowly begin to open the door in Alex’s mind to a point where he’ll start to question everything he knows, himself and Michael.
The actors playing Malex said as the season continues, their love for each other gets deeper and tension rises. That it’s about to get really good. Alex will find out the truth, but I think they’ll fall more and more in love because of it.
Just a theory. I wonder if Liz could forgive them all for the lies, and if her relationship would ever be the same with Alex. Who knows. Sometimes I wonder if it’s a snowball affect and everyone thinks they had a part in that night, but it’s actually revealed there’s a big bad alien among them.
Anyway, long post. So many good theories out there! Go read them! This fandom is incredible. I cannot wait to see what happens with these characters, especially Malex.
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roseate7 · 5 years
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(just know that this isn't me at all saying 'calm down' or how to feel because holy shit, everyone deserves to feel some kind of fuckin way right now)
So there's a reason why I'll start off with this, I promise:
One of my concerns right now is that Gudbranson not bring any dirty ugly hits to a team that has taken care to try and clean that from the team since Matt Cooke. Sidney Crosby fights his own fights. Evgeni Malkin fights his own fights. Modern enforcers - and they hardly deserve the term - cause nothing but chaos and far too much damage.
The Pens don't need big hulking guys who punch hard and take penalties harder. They need defense that is quick with great vision. Which they have, but this season (and honestly last season as well) has seen all of them out injured too long to enjoy them. In their place there's been a rotating door of Rutherford choices who he only ends up shipping right back out again. The only choice he's held hard on is his worst one.
And that's where I'm going with this: the greatest enemy to the Pens is Jim Rutherford and there is absolutely no hiding or 'don't be dramatic' hand-waiving to be done anymore. Every failure this team has experienced since last season is sat squarely at his front door. The Pens as a team are not perfect but they are resilient and resourceful and have a core that's won multiple Cups together. Losses of course happen to this team sometimes but not the outright failures. The failures are in management.
But Jim is a rich old white hockey duffer, the most dangerous breed in the modern NHL. They control just about everything, they belong to a club that look out for each other above all else and they will honestly die without ever having to face consequences for their actions. You know how much I big up what Brendan Shanahan has been doing for hockey? He's considered a greenhorn. He's fifty years old, has a winning legacy that stretches throughout his entire playing career, and he's a  modern guy who can speak the language of the ancients. Yet he's still considered the young buck threatening the good old ways of hockey. We've literally got to fucking wait out the natural working-lives of guys like Rutherford to see them gone and proceed with a modern hockey that is more about playing hockey than the goonery seen from Philly last weekend that squeaked them a "win". A team like the Pens whose current dynasty has worked so hard to be more about skill and play than goons and enforcers are hamstrung by management that doesn't have the modern hockey sensibility to understand that approach and effectively keeps working against it with his trades.
As far as what this season still holds for the Pens, I'm not being remotely overly-optimistic when I say it ain't over til it's over.
- this season has been fucking chaotic across the league - every time a team (besides TBL) thinks they're up and in the clear, either a humiliating loss to a low-ranked team or a losing streak has them sliding face-first on concrete
- the superstars throughout the league are not all having their best seasons, so slumps for guys like Evgeni Malkin are far from isolated to the Pens and not all of the other guys come out of it ready to save entire games like Malkin has
- on the one hand that chaos is all a great sign of cap salary era truly coming into it's own by spreading talent more evenly across teams, but on the other it's made for extremely fraught fans on every team (except TBL)
- TBL are a juggernaut to be sure, but nip out a couple key players with injuries at this stage and honestly? shit could fall apart even for them - dented confidence was their achilles heel last year and this year's losses have proven that issue remains (which isn't unusual for consistently strong teams since getting used to wins makes losses sting all the more)
- the Pens have kept TBL on the run the three times they've met! and with no lucky breaks! quite the damn opposite considering that Jon Cooper cited how few errors TBL made to cost them their confidence in the Pens-winning game and the other two Pens losses to TBL were tight scores and solid games of hockey
- the stadium series farce (both the weather and the appalling play from the Flyers is in fact the Pens number one proof of quality: the refs were too chicken shit about Philly fans to make any calls against the home team, the Flyers saw that they were losing the entire game by the first and decided to crush the head and neck of the Pens' top two defensemen respectively, begged for time out and pulled their goalie in and out like a demented children's toy, and STILL had to rely on the fucking weather turning awful to squeak in one OT goal
So Pens' fans? Rest fully assured in the fact - bitter as it may taste - that the team is incredible. They've got management whose choices are actively working against theirs stability, their needs and their interests and they have been keeping the playoffs alive. This is without a doubt the worst hand they've been dealt in years - possibly a decade? - and the team is finding Ws and staying on the board regardless.
And trust me, while some teams flail around trying to point fingers but with no amount of changes making any lasting difference, Pens fans can point to one man and say 'this is your fault'. If he'd had his hands tied behind his back at multiple points along the way last season and this season, this team would be better off and that is salient fact-based truth that absolutely no one but Rutherford and Sullivan are trying to hide from anymore. I don't care if they're nice guys. Rutherford has a golden once-in-a-modern-hockey-lifetime dynasty held in his hands and he's mangling it for no reason. Take a fuckin tip from coach Scotty Midas Bowman: sometimes when you have more, you should do less.
Anyway, this playoffs are not ready to be called at this moment in time for the Pens (or indeed for most anyone) so for those who want to carry hope to the very end you're totally fair in doing so. The hope is absolutely still there. Equally if anyone wants to just put their playoffs hopes away in self-preservation, have a good old cry and channel their rage at Rutherford to at least get some enjoyment out of the coming games then go for it.
Everybody deals with this kind of sports insanity their own way. Use the X-Kit Mute functions, use blacklists, temporarily unfollow, vent like all hell or do what you need to cope with the madness.
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He’s got a contract til 2022 and a delusion of his own superiority and a complete lack of ability to admit he’s wrong (which he’s done before but apparently not anymore) so his intent definitely isn’t to intentionally tank them. 
The Pens have never been in the position for anyone to think management would pull a “Lose for Hughes” so no, this really is just a case of an old man valuing his own pride over all else. His petulant reaction to routine media questioning following JJ’s signing was a big sign and his reactions to criticisms - even sometimes too quickly for anyone to have yet formed any! - is consistent proof. He’s lashed out at everyone except the few players he knows he can’t possibly survive without but he’s never once criticized his biggest mistake. That says it all.
The one and only thing the Pens need to turn around is him. He is not Jason Botterill. All contracts can change and he is not worth wasting the latter years of the Crosby-Malkin era on.
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conways · 5 years
Humberfloob Real Estate. How can we make your dreams come true? What do you mean, you're leaving? You're a babysitter. Babysitters don't leave. They sit. Baby-leavers leave. I'm sorry. I really gotta go, Miss Walden. Well, I need to come home right away. All right. Thank you, Amy. Sorry. Attention, everyone! It's 9:02. Staff meeting! Staff meeting! Look alive, everyone! First I'd like to welcome aboard... our newest member of the Humberfloob family, Jim McFlinnagan! - Mr. Humberfloob, I wanted to thank you... Fired. I beg your pardon? Fired. B-But l... Fired! One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10! As you know, tonight is our bimonthly meet and greet" party. Tonight's host is... Joan Walden. This is where people can meet our real estate agents... in an informal, yet hygienic setting. Mr. Humberfloob, I have to get home to my kids. Ah, yes. Your children. Joan, let me make this perfectly clear. If your house is as messy as last time, you're fired! That's pretty clear, Mr. Humberfloob. Don't worry. I promise. My kids'll be on their best behavior. Great. Humberfloob Real Estate. How can we make your dreams come true? Please hold. If you leave Humberfloob's and turn left onto Main, three miles down you'll find Lipplapper Lane, a pleasant-enough street in a pleasant-enough way... where a neighbor greeted neighbor with a neighborly "Hey!" Hey! Hey! Here the hedges were hedged, the weeds were all weeded, and lawns were mowed daily, twice daily if needed. And at the end of this street, in a house like any other, something magical would happen... to a sister and her brother. Shh! Nevins! Stealth mode. Today's to-do list. Number one: Make to-do list. Number two: Practice coloring. Number three: Research graduate schools. Number four: Be spontaneous. Number five: Create lasting childhood memories. And number six: Amend will. What is he doing? Number 10: Make tomorrow's to-do list. Ladies and gentlemen! Nevins, your attention, please. You are about to witness the third most spectacular stunt... ever performed under this roof! Do you know how hard it's getting to tell people that we're related? Relax. I'll put everything back. And now, for the indoor stair luge! Indoor stair luge? I'll have to add this one to my list. Go have no fun somewhere else. It... is... showtime! Whoa! - Aah! - Yeah! - Oh, my word! Nevins! Nevins, come back! Hey, Mom. What's up? You are so lucky you didn't ruin this dress. Mom, I know you're angry, but there's something you need to know. This was all Sally's fault. Oh, really? And how, exactly, was it Sally's fault? Give me a minute. I'm workin' on it. Save it, Conrad. Why today? Why did you have to pick today to destroy the house? You know what's happening today. I tried to tell him, Mom. "Mom's throwing a very important party," I said. "All other important clients will be here." But he went right ahead and wrecked the house and let Nevins get away. Now, again, I hope you're going to ground him. Yes, Sally, for a week, but that's none of your business. A week? Come on. Two days. I asked you to do one thing today, Conrad... keep the house clean. Do you know how frustrating it is that you're always doing the exact opposite of what I say? Knock, knock, knock. Someone lose a dog? I found him next door... in my yard... again. You are a saint. And here I thought you were only dating me for my good looks. Lucky us. Larry Quinn is here. Hey-a, sport. Call me Lawrence. Okay? You rescued Nevins! Thanks, Lawrence! It was my pleasure, Sally. Anything for my little princess. Oh, I don't wanna be a princess. In a constitutional monarchy parliament has all the real power. I see. Okay, that's great. Uh, look, pal, be a sport. Why don't you go tidy up the living room. Okay...dude? I don't have to listen to you, Larry. Conrad, do what Lawrence says. Have you given some thought about the Wilhelm Academy? You mean the Colonel Wilhelm Military Academy for Troubled Youth? That's the one, Joan. I'm not sure it's right for Conrad. Oh, Joan, Joan. Joan, Joan, Joan. I have so much respect for you, Joan. Single mother, career woman, raising two children on your own, and still finding time to be the best darned real estate agent in town. I know how hard it is, Joan. It is hard. Oh... I know. And I know how hard you're trying. This is a once-in-a-lifetime proposition, and you must act now. The Colonel Wilhelm Military Academy for Troubled Youth... is what we call in the sales game a win-win scenario. A top-flight military school, and it's only... eight hours away. Oh, the phone. I heard what you said. I'm not going to military school, Larry. Look, buddy, I know I'm not your dad... and this is probably really strange for you... your neighbor's dating your mom. But here's the thing, son. Come here. I don't like you either. But I'm gonna marry your mom. And if it was up to me, you'd be at military school today. I'm not going to military school. Ohh! I think you're gonna love it. It's just like summer camp, except with brutal forced marches... and soul-crushing discipline. And one more thing... It's Lawrence, you snot-nosed son of a... wonderful woman who I'm absolutely crazy about! Oww! Gosh, I love children! Oh, Joan, I didn't see you there. Would you be a doll and help me bring up chairs from the basement? Nothing would give me more pleasure, Joan, but I do have to run. I have a very important sales conference downtown. Oh. Okay. - Well, I'll see you at the party tonight. - Sure. Mom, that guy's a total phony. You can't let Larry... It's Lawrence, Conrad. Kate's Catering. I'm here to do your party tonight. Oh, hi. Where's Kate? I'm Kate. Oh. Okay. Right this way, Kate. Mom, you've gotta listen to me... Quiet! Two weeks ago you said you would... I "specialed" it. See? Quiet! Nevins! I said quiet! Joan Walden Real Estate. Be it ever so humble, there's no place like Joan. This is Mr. Humberfloob. - Oh, hi, Mr. Humberfloob. - Joan, I need you to come back to the office. - Today? - Yes, Joan. - No problem? - No problem at all. Great! - What's going on, Mommy? Mommy has to go back to the office. Oh! I hope Mrs. Kwan can baby-sit. - Not Mrs. Kwan! Oh! Hi, Mrs. Kwan. Hi. I'm running late. Thanks for babysitting on such short notice. Mmm, yeah. Okay, Mrs. Kwan. Oh-oh-oh! I'll be back in a couple of hours. Hi. Conrad's grounded, so no video games. Sally? Last chance. If you wanna make cupcakes, I can take you to your friend Ginny's house. - Ginny's not my friend anymore. Last time we made cupcakes she wanted to be the head chef. I'm the head chef. What about Denise, then? She talked back to me, so I ordered her not to speak to me anymore. - And you don't like bossy? - I won't tolerate it. Right. Well, if you're both staying, remember the rules. Conrad: No playing ball in the house, no fighting, no answering the phone, "City morgue." Mommy, can't I have some rules? No chewing tobacco. Thanks, Mom. You have my word. And absolutely no one sets foot in the living room, or else. Or else what? You're gonna do what Larry said and send me to military school? Maybe if you'd just behave, I wouldn't have to consider military school. I wish I could trust you. I wish I had a different mom. Well, sometimes I wish the same thing. Mmm. Good luck with your meeting. Children, would you like to watch television with me? - We don't have to tell your mother. Taiwanese parliament. You tell them, Kwi-Chang! No more big government! Rip his heart out! Hit me! So they slumped in their chairs, too glum to complain, and to make matters worse, it started to rain. They sat in the house... on that cold, cold, wet day... with no fun to have... and no games to play. They could just stare out the window... or perhaps get a nap in, and hope that something, anything might happen. Quit bothering the fish. I know. Quit bothering the fish. Spit hand! Oh, gross! Get that away from me! Get it away! Then something went bump. - What was that? How that bump made them jump. I think it came from the closet. Conrad? Conrad. Come on, Conrad. You shouldn't scare people. You should've seen the look on your face. It was like you saw a monster... A monster? Where? That could've gone better. What was that? I don't know. Looked like a humongous cat. "Humongous"? I prefer the term "big-boned" or jolly." Now, what are we hiding from? That was a giant cat. But that's impossible, isn't it? It's entirely impossible. You know, I like this hiding place a lot better. They'll never find us here. Scream and run. And there they go. Who are you? Who? Me? Why, I'm the Cat in the Hat. There's no doubt about that. I'm a "super-fun-diferous" feline... who's here to make sure that you're... Meeline? Key lime? Turpentine? I got nothin'. I'm not so good with the rhyming. Not really, no. Look, I'm a cat that can talk. That should be enough for you people! I can talk! I'm a cat! Yes! Where did you come from? Hmm, how do I put this? When a mommy cat and a daddy cat love each other very much, they decide that... Oh, no, no, no, no. Where did you come from? My place! Where do you think? No, how did you get here? I drove! Look, I've been here two whole minutes, and no one has offered me a drink. Harrumph! - Sorry, Mr. Cat. Would you like some milk? - Milk? Ecch! No! Lactose intolerant. Gums up the works. Oy. You'll thank me later. Wipeout! - Hello! @@Yeah! Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Yee-hee-hee! Nice spread you got here. Homina-homina-homina-homina! Who is this? Ohh! That's my mom. Awkward, yeah. Yes, this place will do quite nicely, actually. Yeah. Although those drapes are a train wreck. And this is the lumpiest couch I ever sat on. Who is this dreadfully uncomfortable woman? Get off her. That's our babysitter. What the... Babysitter? You don't need one of those, do ya? Let me get this straight. You pay this woman... to sit on babies? That's disgusting! I'd do it for nothing! Hmm! Now, let's see what the old "phunometer" has to say. - "Phunometer"? - Yeah. It measures how fun you are. Hi. Huh? Ohh. Ah. Control freak. Yeah. Now you. Hi. How are ya? - Whoa! Oh. Tap it. Listen, kid, you can tap it with a hammer, it ain't gonna change. Just as I suspected. You guys are both out of whack. You're a control freak, and you're a rule-breaker. That'll be $700. Who's your insurance carrier? - So, what do we do? - Well, there are two treatments I'd recommend. One is a series of painful shots injected into your abdomen and kneecap. And the other... involves a musical number! @ Me-Me-Me-Meow @ How many shots? "How many shots?" Aren't you precious? Maestro! @ I know it is wet @ @ And the sun is not sunny @ @ But we can have lots of good fun that is funny @ @ It's fun to have fun @ @ But you got to know how @ Hair ball. @ I know lots of good tricks and I'll... @ Stop this right now! Huh? - Who said that? - Me! Remember? The fish? Came home in a Baggie, loved me for two weeks, and then nothing! - The fish is talking! - Well, sure, he can talk. But is he saying anything? No, not really. No. Hey, Socks, can it! This cat should not be here. He should not be about. He should not be here when your mother is out. Come on, kids! You gonna listen to him? He drinks where he pees! @There was this cat I knew back home where I was bred @ @ He never listened to a single thing his mother said @ @He never used the litter box He made a mess in the hall @ @That's why they sent him to a vet @ @To cut off both his ba... @ ba... ba... @ Boy, that wasn't fun, fun, fun @ @ He never learns You can have fun, fun, fun @ But less is more! @They may ship you off to school so rein it in a little @ @ We can't spell "fun" without "U" in the middle @ Human, this cat is currently in violation of... 17 of your mother's rules! City morgue! - Eighteen! - Ol! Ooh! @ You can juggle work and play but you have to know the way @ @ You can keep afloat a wish like the way I do this fish @ @ You can be a happy fella Someone throw me that umbrella @ @ And that rake, that cake Life's what you make it @ @ So have fun, fun, fun @ @ Go insane and have some fun, fun, fun @ @Just look at me Fun, fun, fun @ @ No more rain Look, it's the sun, sun, sun @ @ So can't you see I'm as happy as a clam I'm as fit as a fiddle @ @ Yeah, the dogs may bark about you @ @ And the purebred chaps may doubt you @ Getting motion sickness! Milk? Big mistake. @ But remember this You can't have fun without "U" @ I can't breathe! Ohh! Whoa! I knew that milk would come back to haunt me. Help! Help! @"U" in the middle @@ - Bravo, Cat. - Huh? These children are smart enough not to fall for your MTV-style flash... at the expense of content and moral values. That was wicked cool! Do it again! I'd love to, but Shamu is right... I really should be going. - No, don't go! - No, I should go. I should let you and the fish have all your fun conjugating verbs, cleaning your room, doing long division. No, you have to stay! All right, I'll stay. Oh, yeah! Yeah! But if I'm gonna stay, there's something I wanna show you. Something magical... and full of wonder. - It's called a contract. - You want us to sign this? - Just a formality, really. Yeah. - Who are they? Magical time-traveling elves. Yeah. Magic. Okay, they're my lawyers. Liability issues, litigious society, frivolous lawsuits. You understand. Basically, this contract guarantees you can have all the fun you want... and nothing beds ever gonna happen. - All the fun we want? - Uh-yeah! - Nothing bad will happen? - Uh-no! Come on, Sal, for once in your life try something spontaneous. It goes against my better instincts, but... fine. Beautiful. Initial here. And here. And here. Not here! Turn it over. This is nothing. Scratch this. Smell that! Terrific. Yadee-yadee-yadee. Sign the bottom. You're it! Okay, gimme five! Four. Let's get this party started! Uh-huh! Hey, check out this room! What now? Mom says we're not allowed in the living room today, or else. She's worried we'll mess up the couches by jumpin' on 'em or somethin' And she's right. You can't jump on these. Not like this. They need some adjustment. Yee-haw! Let's take a look under the hood. Yeah. Just doin' my job. Sorry. What have we got here? Whew. Here we go. It's oversized. That's unusual. Here it is. Down, Simba! Down, Simba! Get outta here! Spray me, would ya? You... - Thanks for the help. Back in a second. Who's your couch mechanic? You oughta call Mr. Catwrench. Oww! My fur! My fur! My fur! That oughta do it. Whoo! Come on, kids. I could use a little company. What about Mom's party? What about it? We signed the contract. Wha-hoo! Yeah! One cushion left, Sally. She'll never do it. She doesn't know how to have fun. Fun? Sally, you're better than fun. Fun is beneath you. Remember what your mother told you... No one sets foot in the living room... You know what? Let's just watch some flashbacks. Absolutely no one sets foot in the living room, or else. You're fired... fired... fired... fired... fired... fired... Fired... fired... fired... fired... And that's why... Oww! This is where they buried my brother! Yeah! Yippee! Oh, yeah! This is amazing! Like being in the circus! Yeah, but without those tortured animals... or drunken clowns that have hepatitis. See, kids, I told you we could have fun! The best thing is, no one will ever... know. Judas Priest! I can't believe what I'm seeing! Oh, Mr. Quinn, I was just telling Conrad to get off the couch. Bad, Conrad! Bad! Sally, baby, angel, princess, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, okay? Nobody likes a suck-up! Where's the cat? I don't know. Ohh! Good bread. What are you two lookin' at? Is there a cat in here? I'm gonna... You're gonna... I have to... Get out of here. See, kids, I told you. Stick with me, it'll all work out. Oh, no! Ohh! Little-known fact... cats always land on their tushy. - I thought they always landed on their feet. - Oh, sure, now you tell me. Harrumph! - So, kiddo, what do you want to do for fun? - I wanna make cupcakes! Cupcakes? Oh, yeah! To the kitchen! Live from the kitchen, the following is a paid commercial announcement for Astounding Products. Hi! Welcome to Astounding Products. I'm your host, the guy in the sweater who asks all the obvious questions. Now, here to tell us about his astounding product for making cupcakes, all the way from Cheshire, England, please welcome... Me! Hello! Now... Hello! I'm so excited! Do you love making cupcakes, but hate all the hard cupcake work? I know I do! Well, forget everything you know about making cupcakes... and say hello... to the amazing Kupkake-inator. - I'm so excited! Cupcake-a-what? Kupkake-inator! Oh, this amazing device can instantly make cupcakes... out of anything that you have in the kitchen. - Wait a minute. Did you say anything"? - Anything. Anything? Yes, anything. Anything? Anything. - Anything? - I'll get you, and it'll look like a bloody accident. - Anything. Now, take off the lid. You can put in, I don't know, a carton of eggs. What? How about a pack of hot dogs? That's incredible! Why not some ketchup? Yeah, why not? How about... I know what you're thinkin'. Even a fire extinguisher. There we go. Hmm? Now, close the lid and Bob's your flippin' uncle! What an astounding product! Oh, yeah! Open the drawer, Fill the patented Kupkake-inator tray, - Close the drawer, Then place it in a conventional oven. Delicious cupcakes are just minutes away. Did you just say "minutes away"? That's impossible! You're not just wrong, you're stupid. Now, wait just a minute... And you're ugly, just like your mum. Did you just call my mother ugly? Shut up! I mean it! I will end you! Um, Cat. Your tail. What about it? Oh, I see! I've chopped it off. That's interesting, because... Son of a bi... Look, I'm not saying we're going to sue. I'm just saying we have a case. We'll talk later. Ixnay, ixnay. Hi. Cat, is the oven supposed to be making that sound? Huh? Of course. That means they're almost done, Conrack. - Conrad. - That's what I said, Condor. - Cat! - Now, that's my name! Yep! They're done! Oh, man! There's nothing to worry about. I'm sure they still taste fine. Yecch! They're horrible! Who wants some? Come on, come on! Oh... my... cod. Ohh! Aah! Cat, you need to clean this mess up pronto. We have a contract. All right, I'll try. You don't try. You do. Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am. I'll be right back. Whoa! Hi. How are ya? Okay. Look. I'm a girl. Stop! That's... Mom's dress! This filthy thing? She was gonna wear that tonight, and you ruined it. Honey, it was ruined when she bought it. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I told you all this would happen! - But no one listens to a fish! - Oy. A dog goes "woof-woof" and everybody knows that little Timmy's trapped under a log. But a fish speaks in plain English... All right, everyone, let's just take a deep breath and calm down. You know who's gonna solve it? Me. I am. I will personally take care of everything. And I know just the guys to do it. In this box are two Things. I will show them to you. Two Things, and I call them Thing One and Thing Two. These Things will not bite you. They want to have fun. So without further ado, meet Thing Two and Thing One! @Ta-da @ Oh, yeah! Thing One, Conrad, Sally. Conrad, Sally, Thing One. Thing Two, Conrad, Sally. Conrad, Sally, Thing Two. Thing One, Thing Two. Thing Two, Thing One. Conrad, Sally. Sally, Conrad. I am the Cat. Don't belittle me. Ah, yes, of course. Thing Two would like to clarify that just because he wears the number two... does not imply in any way that he's inferior to Thing One. And all of the above. He says you may feel free to call him Thing "A," if you like. He will also accept Super Thing, Thing King, Kid Dynamite, Chocolate Thun-Da... or Ben. Ben! Thing One says he's Thing One for a reason, and some people should just get used to it. It's a Thing thing. You wouldn't understand. Okay, enough! You are quickly turning into one of my least favorite Things. Listen, Convex, you probably don't wanna do that. Why not? It's just a crate. This isn't just any old crate. It's the Trans-dimensional Transportolator. It's kinda like a doorway which leads from this world to my world. But it says, "Made in the Philippines." Yes, but not this Philippines. Look, now, I'm not usually a rules guy, but this is a biggie. No opening the crate. No lookee, no touchee. Got it? Mekka-dekka we should settle our differences. Things, front and center! Cool. All right, Things, I'm not paying you to stand around and look pretty. Here's Mom's dress. Oh! Mommy's dress! - What about the couch? - Which couch? The clean one, or the horribly stained one? Ho! Mekka-dekka don't worry! Incoming! Cat, they're wrecking the whole house! - Conrad, help! - Help yourself! Look at me! Come and get it! Whoa! Ooh, yeah! Whoa! That tickles! Geronimo! Mine, mine, mine! Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine! Ride 'em, cowboy! Yee-hee-hee! Ho-ho-ho! Whee! If this were my house, I'd be furious. Hey! Klondike! Do you have any idea what happened to the lock on this crate? - It's on Nevins's collar. - Nevins? Nevins? Nevins! Put the dog down! I said, put the dog down! Why won't they listen to me? Oh. I don't know if this helps, but the Things always do the opposite of what you say. Why do they always do the opposite? That's so annoying! Remind you of anyone, Conrad? Zinga! Zinga! Zinga! Blue! 41! Set! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hut! Hey, Thing, don't let go of that dog! Let go! Catch him... I mean, don't catch him! Well, this is just great, Conrad. The whole house is destroyed, the party is ruined, and now Nevins is gone. Sally, Kojak, that's nothing compared to what's gonna happen if we don't lock this crate. Take a look. It's already leaking. - It won't stay shut. - Not without the lock. Look, if we don't get that lock off of Nevins and put it back on this crate, we're gonna be staring down the business end of the mother of all messes. We've gotta go out and find Nevins. Impossible! Sally! There's only four hours till the party. The Fish is right. We should call Mom and tell her what happened. Look at this house! There's no way we could explain this to Mom. We gotta get Nevins back and lock the crate! We're staying and calling Mom. We're going and getting the dog. There is a third option. There is? Yes. It involves... murder! - That's your option? - No. But you guys both had options. I just wanted to have one too. Or did I? - Cat, you're not helping! - Come on. Let's go get that dog. Now, we just need a heavy, inanimate object to weigh down this crate. There. That oughta buy us some time. Come on, kids! Let's go, go, go! Identical sister Mitzy... That's right. - Yeah! What do you want now? Repo. You're repossessing my TV? I'm sure I made a payment. If it's about that bounced check, let me give you a credit card. That one's expired. Huh? Oh, come on! With the lock on his collar, Nevins kept running, unaware of his part... in the evil Quinn's cunning. Joan Walden Real Estate. Be it ever so humble, there's no... Oh, hi, Joan. The kids let the dog out again. You're kidding. Don't worry. I'll go get him, then we'll have a conversation vis-a-vis military school. I don't know. Conrad's like you, Lawrence. He's very... sensitive. Uh-huh. But I suppose it's something I should consider. I'll get the dog. I'll be right over. Okay, there's Nevins. Stay out of sight. I thought the moment needed something. Oh, what will become of us? Your mother will lose her job, and we'll have to... live on the street! I can't! Don't make me go... I don't know this world! It's dry! It's like... I can't... It's too... Fish! It's too much! Would you like to go back in the toilet? On second thought, it's such a beautiful day. Why spend it indoors? - Thank you! Okay, kids. Get out of my way. This fence is no match for my cat-like grace and reflexes. Here we go. Ow. Okay. Watch me fly, kids. Ow! I don't think the little girl's even trying. What about your cat-like... reflexes? What about showing a little effort, shrimp boat? Now, push! Whaa! All right, Nevins. Time to die. - Cat, you scared him away! Dirty hoe. I'm sorry, baby. I love you. Hmm. Come on, Cat! There he is! Happy birthday, Denise. Denise? Everyone I know is there. There's Ginny and Alan. How come Denise didn't invite me to her birthday? Don't worry. Lets just get Nevins and go. Okay, kids. Everyone outside! Aaah! Nevins. Cat, get down! They're gonna see you! Hide! Piata! Piata! Piata! Piata! Piata! Piata! Piata! - Everybody join in! It's breaking! Step out of my way. This cannot end well. - Piata! Piata! @I'm easy @ @Ah, ah, ah, ah @ @I'm easy like Sunday morning @@ Oh-ho-ho! Whoo! - Oh! Whoo-hoo! - I got an idea. Candy! Candy! No! Get back! Cat! I'll get you! I'd love to buy some. Hello, Mrs. Kwan. Its Joan Walden. I just called to check on the kids. Are they okay? Those aren't children. They're little angels. That's sweet. Well, all right, Mrs. Kwan. I'll be home as soon as I can. Bye-bye. Bye. All right, soldier. Our bogey is in range. Commence search and destroy. - What? - Search and rescue. I meant search and rescue. Come on! I can't believe I wasn't invited to that party. Hey! You're a lone wolf. Live alone, die alone. Yeah. - Can we please get the dog? Can we please get the dog? Can we please get the dog? Boo! Oh, no! Oh, man! Hello, Nevins. Good-bye, Conrad. Not so tough now, are you? We're dead. We're never gonna get that crate shut. And I'm getting shipped off to Colonel Von Kronk's School for Wayward Boys! Why don't we take my car? You have a car? Yeah, sure. Wow. That is so cool. That's just the dust cover. Here she is, the Super Luxurious Omnidirectional Whatchamajigger. Or S.L.O.W. For short. S.L.O.W.? Yeah, SLOW. It's better than the last name we had. Super Hydraulic Instantaneous Transporter. - Oh, you mean... - Ohh! Quick, to the SLOW. Buckle up, kids. We're on a mission to get that dog, and we will not rest until we find and destroy it. Rescue it! Rescue it! Of course I meant rescue it. Whatever. Remember, kids, there's nothing faster than SLOW. That's backwards! It makes no sense. Look at you! Argh! Okay, here we go. G.P. S... check. DVD, CD... check. Someone from Czechoslovakia is a... Czech. Siren! What are you... What... Siren? Let's go! Whoo-whoa-ho-ho! Hi there! How are you? Yeah! @ I'm sending Conrad away @ - Oh! Oh! Oh! I can't believe you whizzed on my taco! Wait till Joan gets a load of you! - There they are! - Red light, red light, red light, red light! Red light! - Someone else should drive. - All right. You win. Concrete, you drive. Are you serious? I don't know. A little voice inside of me is saying, "This is a bad idea," but I can barely hear that little voice... because an even louder little voice is screaming, "Let the 12-year-old drive!" Now, punch it! This is awesome! - I want to drive. - I think that's a great idea. Wait! Two people can't drive at the same time. You're right. We should all drive. - Cat! Where are the brakes? - I'll get them. I think there's something wrong with your brakes. When's the last time you had them checked? Bad brake! One-way street, one-way street, one-way street, one-way street! Hey, Rhode Island license plate. You never see those. Om. Om. Air bag. Standard. I think... I wet... my jar. Can we do that again? Hey, there he is! Oh, no! He's going into Mom's office! Come on, Cat! You know, Nevins, when Joan finds out you've escaped again, Conrad will be moving out, and I'll be moving in. We've gotta get Nevins and that lock back. What are we gonna do? Don't worry. I have three plans. Plan "A": "Mess up a perfectly clean house." Done that. Plan "B": "Cut your losses and ditch the kids." - That could work. - What about that one? Plan "C": "Trick Mom's boyfriend into handing over dog and lock." I don't know. I still like Plan "B." - Cat! - Okay, okay. Plan "C." Look at you. Argh! Excuse me, sir. I'd like you to sign my petition. Yeah. Get out of my way, you hippie freak. Are you aware of the senseless, wholesale slaughter... of the flatulating, acid-spitting Zumzizeroo? What will it take to get you out of my face? Just sign my petition... with this large, oversized pen that requires two hands. I see. - Will you hold my dog? - Yes! Okay, I have a problem with the word "dog." I don't use the "D" word per se 'cause I think it's really, really wrong. Yeah. But I will happily hold your Canine-American. - I'm more comfortable with that really, yeah. @ How much is that Canine-American in the window @ Cat! Come on! - Hey, what the... Go, go, go! Come back here! I'm on to you kids! - Nothing to see here. Keep moving! Go! Come on! Let's go. Ah, get in, get in! Come on, let's go. Get in! Hi, hi. Get in! Get in! Look out below! Oh! Sorry. Over there. Hey! Hey, hey! Hey, hey! Ohh! Oh! I got you! Here he comes! Cat! - Where's my hat? Oh! Go! Go, go! Go! Let's go! My tail, my tail. Come on, Cat! I'm walking here! Joan. Joan! - I think we lost him. - Not the pocket. Not the pocket! - We got the lock back. Now let's get home. - Relax, kid. I'm all over it. Hey. What's wrong? This. This is not my hat. I must have picked up the wrong hat back there. - So? - So... without my hat, I'm just your garden-variety six-foot-tall talking cat. Joan, your children are running around town like complete maniacs. Yes, they are. With some weird, hairy man in a big hat. Uh-huh. You're gonna believe everything I'm telling you once we get to your house, okay? Come on. We're doomed! We're dead. This is all my fault. I'm such an idiot. Why do I always have to do the opposite of what I'm supposed to? Wait a second. That's it! The opposite! Hey, Things! Don't help us! Do not show up and help us get home right now! - We're goin' on a road trip! - Larry's car? How'd you get so smart? So the race was on to get back home first. Hang on! We gotta beat Mom and Quinn home! But back at their home, things were just getting worse. There's Mom and Larry! Step on it, Joan. Go, go, go, go, go. Oh, Things, do not do anything to slow down my mom. Slow down Mom! Look, Joan, they don't beat them every day. Oh, great. I'm sorry, Off
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deliverydefresas · 6 years
masters of the scene
I know it’s been like, a century, but better late than never amirite? Happy birthday to this fic and thank you to everyone who’s still reading it. I love you all. 
I re-read it twice but honestly this probs has as many mistakes as if I hadn’t lmao. In case you don’t remember / have missed a part:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 + 6.5 | 7 | 8 | (this one will be considered 9.3 since there’s two more parts to be posted)
AU: Matteo Balsano is a famous singer who has been crushing on this one girl he saw every day behind a window many years ago, back when he first started recording his debut album and inspired his first big hit, Princesa. Luna Valente, professional Olympic skater turned actress is at a local (and very popular) talk show to promote her breakout movie. This is where it all starts.
When someone mentioned the words bachelorette party, Luna pictured women enjoying themselves, lots of bottles of alcohol, games that are fun after five drinks, and maybe a stripper or two. She, definitely, didn’t imagine herself in a corner, scared of facing the bride’s tantrum. No joke here, she’d seen Yam’s cousin crossing herself before she informed her they’d gotten the tablecloths they’d ordered for the wedding, a silent prayer to keep the already stressed bride calm. But, of course, the universe hated them and decided whoever oversaw the cloths, to pick the ‘wrong’ shade of red.
“I specifically asked for cadmium red, not this cheap ass lipstick red! Are you so fucking blind you can’t distinguish from two different colors? How can you be this incompetent?” She saw most of the people flinch at Yam’s tone; Luna felt for them, she too wanted to be anywhere else. “They are different colors! If you can’t tell one from the other why would you even offer them in your catalogue?!” As Yam continued to yell, Luna saw her friend’s mom apologizing for her daughter’s outburst, offering everyone another round of drinks, before dragging the blonde to another room to continue her call.  Jim sighed tiredly – poor girl had had to endure her best friend’s moods far longer than anyone in the room- slipping her margarita to Nina’s hand – not before emptying it all in a gulp-, as she hurriedly left to follow the screams.
“If I ever become this level of bridezilla, please slap my face with the tablecloth.” Luna told Nina, sipping on her mojito, silently laughing when they heard Yam cursing someone once more.
“Only if you return the favor.” Her best friend proposed, offering her glass of water to her, her duty as DD kept her alcohol free for the evening.
She happily clicked her glass with hers, sealing the deal. After both had sipped on them, Luna spoke again, “time really flew by. I still remember the day Yam came to lunch waving her hand on our faces because Ramiro had proposed, and now…” she sighed.
“She’s only days away from spending the rest of her life with the guy she loves...”
Luna snorted. “Or having a heart attack because another insignificant detail got messed up, whichever happens first.” Nina laughs with her for a moment, sipping the last of her drink before changing the subject.
“How’s the roller coming along?” her friend asks, as if she hadn’t spent most of the last three months inside the building with her.  
“Slow. Tiring. Hopefully great, though.”
“Still going over paperwork?”
She sighed, “yeah. Who knew buying a building and reconstructing it to open a skating rink was so laborious?”
Nina offered her a reassuring smile, extending her hand to squeeze hers in support. “You’re doing more than great, L. Soon your dreams will be a reality and all this work will be worth it.”
“I know, I know. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck, though.” Her best friend laughed.
“Don’t pretend you’re not the one who insisted on reviewing everything and every little step, Luna. You could have easily left it to your trusty lawyer and architect, but you didn’t and here you are now.”
Luna huffed out, “excuse me for wanting to make sure everything is perfect.” She knew Nina was only kidding, so she tried to make it sound like a joke; even if she only half-meant it. You couldn’t half-ass a business, you just couldn’t; not unless your goal with it was to end up broke and deep in debt.
“And it will be. It might take time, but it will.” Nina said reassuringly, not an ounce of hesitance in her voice.
“Thank you, N.” She sipped her mojito once more, “now, will you tell me what’s bothering you? You’ve been playing with your necklace since we got here, and I doubt it’s because of Yam getting on your nerves.” Then again, Luna at least had alcohol to sooth the yelling and bear the ridiculous games, Nina’s soberness surely was playing against her.
“I’ve got something to tell you and I’m not sure how you’re going to react, and  I don’t want you to get mad at me, so…”
“So you’re choosing not to tell me?” she frowned. She hated when people did that; after all, if they gave her a head up beforehand, she’d save herself the unpleasures of being surprised.
“No, no. I just- well I just wasn’t sure how to tell you. It’s kinda… it’s to do with a certain someone.”   Oh.
While Luna didn’t choose to avoid having Matteo as a topic of conversation, she purposefully didn’t bring him up, so, neither did Nina. Until now, apparently.
The fiasco at his apartment had been left unspoken after her plans with the Roller started to pan out. Partly because she didn’t have enough free time to do dwell on it, and partly because she still cringed whenever she reminded herself of what had happened with him. She’d still kept up with him through Delfi’s offhanded comments on their ‘lessons’, and – embarrassingly enough- through a couple magazines there and there. Not that she believed anything they’d written about him; she highly doubted he’d brought three lions to exhibit at a party in his apartment.
Point was, even if she didn’t particularly have the lady balls to talk to him again and call a truce, she still cared enough to make sure he was somewhat okay.
“Matteo isn’t Voldemort, Nina, you can say his name out loud and nothing will happen.” Nina gave her a sheepish smile.
“I know, but since we haven’t talked about him in a while I wanted to make sure it wasn’t a problem.”
“Well, it isn’t, so you can say whatever you have to.” Luna urged her, sipping her drink once more, her curiosity getting the best of her.
“So, you know how I said I’d asked Eric to be my date for the wedding?”
“Yeah, but then you said his grandma broke her hip, or something, and he cancelled on you.” She frowned, “did you ask Matteo to be your date?” Luna didn’t try to hide her surprise. Had her best friend reached out to him? Became close friends and didn’t tell her?
“No! No, no, no! I would never do that to you! I asked Gastón. You know, his best friend? We’ve talked from time to time and since I didn’t want to stay glued to Yam’s cousin more than necessary, I asked him if he could come. He said yes.”
Now she was confused. “Okay… is Matteo coming? Or why were you worried I’d react badly?”
“You’re not mad?” Nina asked timidly, as if she’d explode on her for this.
“No! Why would I? Matteo and I’s disaster is that – ours-, you can be friends with his best friend and invite him wherever, N. To get mad at you for having friends would be ridiculous; just like you thinking I’d get mad at you for this.”  
“Better safe than sorry, no?” Luna shook her head, letting out a small chuckle. Nina spoke again, “and the answer is no.” At her confused expression, she clarified, “he’s not coming. At least, I don’t think he is, neither Yam or Ramiro are in his circle, and you know Yam would tell you if she had invited him.”
“Yeah. I guess so.” Their conversation was cut as Yam, her mom, and Jim entered the room once again. The bride significantly happier, and her companions a lot more relieved.
The moment Yam’s words left her lips, she was glad she was on her third mojito.
“Who’s up for a round of ‘Pin The Macho on the Man’?!”
               Welcome to a whole new JaJazmin! I’m your host, the beautiful, incredible, gorgeous, amazing… Jazmín Carbajal-Gorjesi! Thank you, yes, thanks, I know all of you love me but let’s save some love for our guest tonight, alright?  She’s beauty, she’s grace, she could break your face in roller skating! Please welcome Olympic Medalist, and the star of your favorite sports movie, SHATTERED WINGS, the one, the only, the best of the bestest: SOL BENSON!-  
-          Thank you! What a lovely welcome, Jazmín, thank you for having me again.
You’re very wel-… I mean, it’s an honor to have you back. But tell me, please, how’s retired life treating you?
                                It’s been pretty calm, really, which I think is what retirement is all about (*chuckles*), and like I’ve said, I never meant to leave the skating rink permanently, I’m just not competing anymore. I’ve achieved everything I’ve ever wanted, and I’m happy with how everything ended.
                  The days following your statement must have been crazy, weren’t they?
Yeah, a little. I never talked about my plans, or early retirement, so it’s partly my fault for dropping this on my fans so suddenly, whom I apologize to for hurting them with the news. They’ve been there for me in every step of the way, and I hope they continue with me for what’s to come.
               We’ll talk about that in a minute, but I have to ask - and I hope you don’t mind-, your name wasn’t the only one that resounded when the news hit.
               Correct me if I’m wrong but many people… concluded your decision wasn’t at all about you reaching your dreams and being done with competing. They assumed your rumored boyfriend – Matteo Balsano, for those who don’t know-, had asked you to quit for one reason or another.
Crazy, isn’t it? I worked, sweated and bled on my dreams for over a decade… you’d think that hard work would get more recognition without a rumored fling butting in.
               I’m sorry.
Don’t be. I want to make it clear though, that Matteo and I were never anything but friends. He’s a great guy, one of the best I’ve ever met, but we were nothing except platonic.
               There you have it folks: Soltteo were a no. What a shame for every of us who were rooting for you two…
(*chuckles*) Sorry to disappoint. But hey, at least a lucky girl can still get his heart.
               Think you can hook them up with him?
(*laughs*) I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Moving on, though, what’s next for Sol Benson? Got any plans yet?
“What are you watching?” His best friend flopped down on the bed next to him, grimacing as soon as he saw what was on the screen of his TV. “Again? This is what, the millionth time?”
“The re-run was on.” Matteo shrugged it off, dismissing its importance.  
“And you decided to watch it just because? You gotta stop this masochism, dude. It’s been three months, if you miss her so much-”
“It’s not like that, and you know it.” He didn’t miss her exactly.  After all, he didn’t have the chance to get to know her enough to do so. It was more of him occasionally wishing he had the guts to pick up his phone and apologize again until things weren’t… weird between them. Luna running away from him had left him with a permanent needle pinching his heart, and he was sure it wouldn’t leave until they resolved their… issue.
“Do you know that, though? ‘Cause honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had her words memorized by now.” Matteo turned the TV off, just as Luna initiated a round of quick questions with Jazmín, shaking his head at his best friend, whom had taken the liberty to spread out on his bed.
“Sorry to disappoint.” He huffed.
Gastón let out a sigh, as if he was tired of his denial. Which, in all fairness, so was he. “Are you in one of your weird moods? These short answers are kind of annoying, I want to talk to my best friend and feel like he’s actually here.”
“I’m sorry, my mind is just all over the place.” He offered him a smile, hoping Gastón could hear the sincerity in his voice. Matteo wasn’t giving him an attitude on purpose, he knew he was worried about him.  “And before you even ask, no, this isn’t about Luna. Delfi called me; my label wants to hear the songs I have so far. I guess I’m just nervous.”
“Why? I’ve heard some of them there and there, it’s sounding great, dude. I would even dare to say it’s your best so far. If anything, they should be nervous, they won’t know what hit them.”  
“Thanks, bro. But you know it’s different this time. A lot more… personal.” Out of all his albums, this one had to be the rawest. He wasn’t holding anything out this time, he wasn’t telling half-truths or hypothetic scenarios; whatever he was feeling, he wrote. He poured every single emotion into them. And it left him exposed, his heart naked to anyone who were listening.
He wasn’t playing it safe, dismissing the formula that had gave him a name in the industry. Now, his true self was on the spotlight, and he’d be lying if he didn’t admit it scared him.
“I’m telling you, they’d be crazy to reject them. I’ll pay for them to get checked by a doctor if they as little as insinuate it’s not the best thing they’ve heard in all their careers.” He had to laugh at this.
“Now I know it’s your bias talking.”
“Hey, I might be your best friend, but I’m not deaf, and I happen to have an excellent ear and taste for music.”
“Says the ABBA fan.”
Gastón gasped dramatically, sitting up quickly as he took his right hand to his heart. “How dare you! They’re amazing, and happen to have great, iconic songs! Here I am, bolstering you, like the great friend I am, and you dare to insult me and the greatest Swedish band of all time. Shame. On. You.”
Matteo threw him an amused look in return. “Well, consider me thankful. Anyways, did you want to tell me something?”
“What do you mean?”
Matteo arched his brows, as if it weren’t obvious. “You mean to tell me you just came into my room to ask me what I was watching on TV?”
“Uh, yeah?” When he gave him an ‘I don’t believe you for a second’ look, Gastón shrugged sheepishly. “Okay so I might have some news.” Matteo motioned for him to continue, “you know Ramiro Ponce and Yam Sánchez, right?”
“Well they’re getting married this weekend, and Nina invited me as her plus one. Her supposed date cancelled on her and since the groomsman that’s supposed to walk the isle with her freaks her out, she asked me to cover for him, so he doesn’t attach to her after the ceremony.”
“Dating her now, are you?” He couldn’t help but to tease him, even if he knew they were merely platonic. “So, you’re going out this weekend, cool. I can manage to be alone one evening, you know.”  
“It’s not like that and you know it.” Gastón threw his words back at him. “I’m telling you this in case you want me to rely a message on a certain someone, or something.”
Why was he friends with him again? “Sure. Can you tell the happy couple I say, ‘congratulations on getting contractually bound to each other’ for me?”
Gastón looked surprised at first, but as soon as he finished hearing his answer, he put on a blank face. “Sure. Well, if you want me to rely anything else to anyone else, you know where to find me.”
“Mhmm.” After that, Gastón left his room, huffing what sounded like ‘stubborn idiot’, which he was sure were his words.
Mindlessly, Matteo turned his TV on again, switching from cable to scroll on Netflix as soon as he noticed JaJazmín had ended. He was about to put play on a random movie when his phone rang. The name displayed on the screen took him off guard.
“What do you think of being my date to a wedding this Saturday?”
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iamvegorott · 6 years
Wilford’s animal shelter
Just a fluffy thing, i’m not very experienced in writing so i’m sorry if I suck, hope you like it 
The Iplier manor was always chaotic, but lately, there was a lot more tension in the air, and Wilford couldn’t quite put his finger on why. What he did know was that everyone in the house was too tense and too overworked. Even sweet innocent Bing was snapping at him. Something had to be done, and by the looks of it, Wilford was the one to do it.
He had to make a plan of action, he probably could take care of Yandere and Bim by sending them on a shopping spree, the Jims were easy too, not that they were stressed in the first place, but sending them on a day to Disneyland would give everyone a break from their hyper energy, Ed and Silver just needed a day of to relax, same could be said for King. But he had no idea what to do with the more stubborn ones.
He couldn’t think of anything he could say to Google or Dr. Iplier that would warrant anything less than a “Fuck off”, Dark and Host would just find ways to manipulate their way out of resting, and Bing was just too damn stubborn. And they called him a problematic ego.
Will was about to pour himself another drink and get ready for a long afternoon of thinking wend his phone started buzzing. He had a message from JJ, he took a second to feel guilty about not spending enough time with the ego, it was a small video, from the still image he could see JJ in his pajamas, how cute.
Wend he pressed play and he immediately cracked a smile. JJ waved and blew a kiss at the screen then turning the phone to show the others, all cuddled up on the couch in their PJs
“Hey is that for Bubbles?” the video zoomed in on Anti head resting on Chase’s lap Robbie Giggling on his chest at his little outburst
“Tell him since they are too good to hang out with us they are not invited to the slumber party”
“We did invite them, they all said they were busy” from Chase’s tone of voice Will could tell Anti wasn’t the only one pouting
“They are not invited to the next one then”
 JJ chose that time to end the video, waving and blowing a goodbye kiss once more. All of it was too precious even with the guilt Anti’s words made him fell, he replayed it, and then replay it again and again, they were all so soft, he felt himself start to relax. Wilford had a plan.
Getting the clothes was easy, the hard part was getting everyone on board, and pray the implies don’t kill him after this.
Surprisingly when he got to the Septiceyes house with the sweaters everyone was on board in seconds. They knew how much they needed a break, Will underestimated how much they cared.
“Are we sure me and Marvin can convince them, no pun intended but they do have an iron will” Chase was the only one not completely on board with the plan, not being sure if Google and Bing liked them enough to go along with the break idea
“Has Google ever told you 'no' to anything you insisted on?” Wilford had to get him on board and fast if they wanted to get this done
“Well no …. But I never asked him for anything unreasonable”
“Trust me, they will say yes, you two always made their “Love and protect” sensors go Haywire, they’ve gotten even worse since the whole baby fiasco. They will say yes.”
“Bubbles is right, use the nicknames, they won’t be able to say no” Anti quipped waving the paw imprints on the cuffs of his oversized hoodie “I’m pretty sure dark won’t say no to a nap either, he is a sucker for this cute shit”
“He is a sucker for cute shit as long as it has to do with you,” Wilford said grinning and he handed Anti a soft red choker with a small bell and bow on it. “Especially that, he is always saying we need to put a bell on you” 
Dr. Schennepleshetein adjusted his teal hoodie puling on the mouse ears and giving himself a look in the mirror, “Yap, this will do, how are we getting them here”
“It’s the 21st century, A mass text of course” Wilford hit sent and then turned to show the others.
I’m at the septics place come Quick, it’s an EMERGENCY  
“Isn’t that a little mean, they will be worried sick”
“Well dear doctor, it will get them here fast, and Trust me they won’t be complaining for long”
Unsurprisingly they didn’t have to wait long for a black cloud of smoke to appear revealing a very worried Darkiplier.
“What happened? Where is he? Is everyone okay?” It almost looked like slow-motion the way Dark’s eyes roamed the room making a double take worried turning into rage when Wilford came into his field of vision. “Wilford. What was the emergency?”
“This cuteness fest of course, we would have a big problem, if you weren’t here to see it” Wilford signaled anti to get the show on the road, a few more minutes and he would be toast.
Dark started walking towards Wilford ready to drag him by the ears back to the HQ wend he earned a small twinkling sound and a pair of soft lime green-clad arms wrapped around his midriff stopping him.
“Please don’t be mad at Bubblegum, we just wanted you to take a break,” He could fell the other’s pout, he was weak for that beautiful pouting face, and if the glance he took at the virus earlier was right he didn’t stand a chance at saying no to Anti. Wilford was a smart motherfucker.
“Anti honey I can’t, there is so much to do, We can fell something big is coming soon, we need to find ways to prepare for it” He refused to turn around and look at anti he knew as soon as he did it he was done, anti’s soft hands rubbing at his chest being enough to make him want to sleep.
The strain in his voice was telling Anti he was close to cracking, time to drive his point home.
“But Darky look the hoodie is so cute and comfortable, he even gave me a little bell see” as he turned Dark around he placed one sweater covered hand on his nape the other coming up to jingle the little bell on his choker. From the way dark’s eyes fixed on the bell he could tell he just needed one final push, so he let his head fall on dark’s shoulders, the hoodie’s cat ears tickling his lover’s neck “Please Dark I can’t sleep well without you, please take a nap with me”
Dark had no possible response to that besides scoping him up with a tired and distressed “Fine” giving a last dirty look at Wilford before disappearing once again in a cloud of black smoke. A silence came over the room as they left only broken by Wilford’s laugh:
“Now I’m curious to know who is going to show up next”
“Wil, you should stop joking, there is a chance they won’t even come. If they know Dark came to help already, they might not bother,” Wilford couldn’t help but cringe at Chase’s self-deprecating tone.
“Come on Chasey you don’t actually believe that, do you?” Marvin let a kiss fall on Chase’s head reassuring him.
Seconds later the 4 missing men came rushing in, not bothering to knock, out of breath once again worry evident in their features, stopping completely in their tracks wend their eyes looked on the colorful display, everyone except Bing, that marched ahead straight to Marvin and Chase checking them for injuries.
“Are you guys ok, Wil said there was an emergency what happened? Are you hurt?” stopping to look around “Is anyone hurt?!” “Wait are you dressed as house pets?”
Marvin was the first one to quip in the bright smile and cheery voice as if he didn’t know the horrible scenarios that must have gone through the search engine’s head on the way there.
“Wilford got them for us aren’t they cute, look the sweater paws have actual paws on them, isn’t that the cutest thing?”
“You both look adorable, But we were really worried Kitty, Googs almost drove us off the road on the way here” at that Marvin had the decency to look worried, making Bing incapable of controlling the urge that told him to hug both men to his chest “Don’t ever do that again ok ? So a black bunny and a white cat humm? Way to subvert the genre.” Petting their heads, the only thing could think about was how soft the fabric was and how much he wanted to bury himself in it and in the arms hugging and reassuring him.
“What the actual FUCK Wilford we were worried sick, Bing is right I could ha driven us off the road are you insane?” Google gripped Wilford’s shirt, not so easy to forgive and forget as his counterpart.
“To answer you completely truthfully. One-Yes I am clinically insane. And two-Did you know your bunny over there thought you weren’t actually coming? Maybe you should work on that.”
As he released Wilford booth Google’s and Bing’s features morphed once again into worry and sadness. Chase, on the other hand, didn’t think he could muster anything but shame.
“Is not that I think you guys don’t care, I know you guys care, I just thought that if you knew Will and Dark were here you wouldn’t feel like you needed to come too, They are strong, and so are we so if there was an actual threat we could— ” His word was cut short by Google coming to hug him.
“Is not that you think we don’t care it’s more than you think we don’t care enough to come to help you guys even if we don’t necessarily need to help ”Chase’s arms tighten around him , but he still pulled him away just enough to look him in the eyes and spoke softly once again “We knew Dark was on his way already, but we still came, cause even if you don’t need us to fight we will still be here to make sure you are ok.” and that was what made Chase break down.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean it, I’m so sorry Go” At the nickname Googles heart melted
 “We haven’t been the best either, we haven’t seen you guys in a wild, I can’t really blame Chase for thinking they wouldn’t be our first priority” Bing was right, they were the ones at fault in all of this, they haven’t spent time or talked apart from a few texts and most of them were the androids canceling Plans, no wonder Chase thought they didn’t care.
“Ok so here’s what we are going to do. Me and Bing are going to make it up to you guys. I’m going hug you and cuddle you so much that you will be sick of it I swear” he pinched the side of the rabbit costume making Chase giggle
“That’s my Boyfriend you Robo shit”
“Don’t think you can get away from my love and affection either you whiskered brat” making Chase and Bing giggle this time “Let’s go upstairs to your room, we have movies to watch and naps to Take. Oh and Wilford? Please don’t think I’m done with you” A shiver run down his spine at the android’s cold words, he didn’t expect to get this many retribution promises, they were all happy weren’t they.
“Booth the Host and the Doctor couldn’t help but be aware of their own neglect over the past month guilt filing their gut and has his boyfriend’s feelings were made public the good doctor decides to finally address the situation”
“Thanks for the help host” Henrik signed going to hold his lover’s face “Edward baby I’m so sorry, but you need a break , you need a nap , you need some cuddles, you need to shave ”rubbing his thumbs over Dr Impier’s stubble and planting a chaste kiss on his lips “You weren’t listening to me, I know Will’s method was a little mean but you weren’t listening to me and–”His ramble was cut short by the other man lips on his .
“I know, I get it. I’m sorry for putting you under that stress, let me make it up to you ”rubbing the blue round ears he kissed him again and whispered “My little mouse” before lifting his boyfriend just like Anti had been a few moments before and carried him upstairs.
“Despite the warming moment, the host still thought he needed an explanation from the men holding his harms at the moment”
“We are sorry, but it was the only way to get you to take a break , you are overusing your powers and it shows ”Jackie was the first one to speak the flaps of his flying squirrel hoodie moving as he spoke “Please, I got this great manga I wanted to read to you, it’s really sweet, Robbie has been practicing the sound effects, Show him, Robbie!”
“Kapow, Swoosh, KAbom ”Robbie put his best into recreating the sounds, making hand gestures and jumping up and down, stopping wend he eared Host start to laugh.
“After the flawless presentation the Host can only accept the request, after all , The Host has never had a story told to him by a flying squirrel and a sea turtle” Jackaboyman and Robbie high fived, dragging Host to the library were they already had a pillow nest prepared and snacks for all their storytelling needs.
“And the last one is gone” Wilford let out a sigh and turn to JJ that started gesturing at him.
“Am I the last one getting adopted from “Wilford’s animal shelter”? Well, no one in their right mind would adopt a pink bear” The pink ego chuckled and pulled JJ to him as he laid down on the living room couch.
“Like I said, I’m never in my right mind”
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the-bummer-set · 6 years
Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet Part 10
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Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5 /Part 6/ Part 7 /Part 8/ Part 9
Part 11
Paring: Steve Harrington x Reader
Synopsis: You’re Chief Hopper’s niece, called in from Philadelphia to help him out with Jane. You are finishing your senior year at Hawkins. This is what ensues…
Warnings: Swearing
It had been a week since the dance and you still didn't talk to Steve. You figured that you should give yourselves a little time to regroup and figure out what to do next. It was killing you though. You never felt like this about anyone, your hopes so high after what Hopper told you in the hospital, and how long you waited for Steve to admit it to you.  "Hey, so still not talking to Steve?" Jonathan asked as he leaned up against the locker adjacent to yours.  "No." You sighed.  "You know, I don't know the reason, but it probably isn't worth you guys fighting like this."  "I wouldn't really call it a fight." "Whatever it is, I'm sure he's hurting just as much as you are." "I doubt it Jonathan...." You closed your locker heaving your bag over your shoulder. "If he wants to talk to me, he will. I won't make the first move." You brushed past him making your way to class. ______________________________________________________________ "And what am I supposed to say to her Jonathan?" Steve questioned. "I don't know, I don't even know what happened." "Doesn't matter." "Okay, fine... but she told me that she won't make the first move. You need to do it or else lose her for good, she is going back to Philly after graduation. Then she might be gone for good." Steve sat there quietly, he knew that you would leave, that if you left, you wouldn't bother coming back. Not for anyone. Maybe if Jane was desperate or Hopper paid you, but most definitely not for him. He drummed his pen on his notebook, then began to write. ______________________________________________________________ Between 4th and 5th period you went back to your locker. Once it was opened, a note fluttered to the floor:
 Y/N,  I'm sorry. We need to talk about this. If you want to, meet me at the park at 7.  Steve.
 You slipped the note in your back pocket, grabbed your books and headed off to class. You tried to pay attention to the lecture but couldn't focus on anything but trying to make this right with Steve. Not that it was your fault. You huffed. No, this wasn't your fault. You scribbled down your own note, tucking it into his locker when the periods changed.
  Steve,  I'll be there. 7. Y/N ______________________________________________________________
You made it to the park at 6:45.. You made you way to the bench where you and Steve had your first kiss where he was already waiting for you.  "You're always early." He smiled softly.  "Being on time is simply being late."  You sat down beside him, somehow overcoming the urge to snuggle closer to him.  "I'm sorry." He spoke just above a whisper.  "I know." You responded. "I'm sorry too... I didn't even give you a chance to explain."  "No, you didn't. But, I would like the chance to."   You didn't speak, you simply nodded not looking up from your feet. "When I saw Nance and Jonathan dancing, I was confused with how I was feeling. I was jealous at first, I loved her. She was my first love. Then it hit me. When you saw me smiling at her, it wasn't because of me still loving her. It was because I was really able to completely let go of her. I love her, I do, but not like I used to. I was happy that someone was loving her and treating her well. I realized that she might have been my first love, but she wasn't going to be my last..." Steve stopped and looked over at you. You lifted your head to meet his eyes.  "But then you just came up to me and freaked out. Then you told me what Hopper told you, then you brought up your dream school and how you turned it down and it just knocked me off my fucking feet."  "Not my shining moment, I know." You sighed heavily.  "You asked me how much I loved you..."  "Yeah, I shouldn't have.."   "I didn't answer it." Steve ran a hand through his hair. "I didn't answer it because I was afraid to. I didn't know that you already knew. I didn't know that Hopper was going to tell you everything. I should have figured he would have. He was pretty pissed at the time, saying that if I loved you as much as I said I did that you wouldn't have been in that hospital room. That I wouldn't have been stupid enough to put you in that situation. Maybe he told you so you wouldn't blame me for what happened." He looked down at the scars on your hand. "Steve.. I..."  "I love you more than anything in this entire universe and that is one of the scariest things I have ever felt. You asked me how much I loved you? Enough that if you want to leave, I won't hold you back, but it would kill me every single day that I don't get to see your face or hear your voice. I love you enough that if you decided to stay, you would never have to question it ever again, because I would devote my whole life to loving you." He stifled a small laugh. "I sound absolutely fucking crazy don't I?" "Yeah, you do, but I know how you feel." He turned to face you. "I love you Steve Harrington. I love you more than I can even fathom and its scary and its crazy but it is absolutely amazing."  Steve cradled your face in his hands smiling at you before kissing your lips passionately. It took your breath away. For the month you waited for him to confess all of this to you, it didn't matter anymore. You were undoubtedly in love and nothing else mattered.   ______________________________________________________________
  In the three months since you and Steve made up you spent as much time together as possible between dates, game nights, and different adventures with the kids. Everything was going great, except for prom. Getting ready for prom wasn't an easy task.  You tried on multiple dresses while Hopper and Jane looked on. "I don't know, maybe I'll just re-wear the one I wore to the Valentines dance." You shrugged.  "You can't re-wear a dress to prom!" Jane yelled.  "I could have my mom ship me one." You retorted. "Who would know the difference?"  "I would. You would. He would." Jane answered as she walked around the dress section on the store.  "What about this one!?" She brought it over to you excitedly. It was beautiful. Black sweetheart bodice with a gold ruffled skirt. "It looks like something Madonna would wear!"  "If Madonna would wear it, it is a no." Hopper announced as he looked it over.  "Oh come on just let me try it on!" You begged.  "Fine, try it, but it will be a no."   You went into the dressing room and slipped it on. It fit like a dream, and even in its Madonna-esque vibe, it was sophisticated and modest. You walked out and Jane's jaw hit the floor.  "You look amazing!"  "Right?!" You two excitedly squealed about how perfect the dress really was. "What do you think Uncle Jim?" You twirled to show it off.  "It is nice, more modest that I thought. Man raising girls isn't easy at all." You smiled softly, knowing that he was missing his little girl. You remembered Sara, how she was only a few years younger than you. No one ever really brought her up, but you knew that he was thinking about how dress shopping would be with her there too.  "If that is the one you want, you can get it." He said reluctantly.
  The night of prom you slipped into your dress and heels before curling and hair spraying your hair. You looked amazing. You slipped on your heels and did a final swipe of lipstick before heading out into the living room.  "Okay this time we do have to take pictures. All of them!" Jane insisted.  You posed for all the pictures she could take laughing with her and enjoying yourself.  When Steve got there he marveled in the way you looked and allowed Jane to continue taking pictures. When she had her fill, and ran out of film, Steve escorted you out to his car. He opened the door for you kissing you softly before closing it. Once at the school you made your way inside. You spent the whole night dancing and having the time of your life.    During every slow song Steve would wrap his arms around you and twirl you around the dance floor. Tommy and Carol were crowned prom King and Queen. You were secretly relieved and while everyone watched them dance you and Steve ducked out of the gym to be alone.  "Do you want to get out of here?" Steve asked you.  "Yeah." You replied. "My feet are killing me."  He opened the car door for you again you got in and slipped off your heels.  He got in the drivers side then looked over at you. "Where should we go?"  "Take me somewhere we can see the stars...." You whispered before kissing him on the cheek.    It didn't take long to find a quiet spot in the vicinity of Hawkins, Indiana. A small clearing by a lake where the moon and stars seemed to go on forever. It was breathtaking.  "Look a shooting star!" You smiled pointing at it. Steve never took his eyes off of you.  "Make a wish." He spoke.    You closed your eyes and could feel his lips close to yours. You returned the kiss feeling pulses of electricity shooting through your veins. The whole atmosphere changed in the car. The feeling the air gets right before it storms......
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