#((Sadly i feel like she's done this XD))
lionlena · 11 months
1. New job, new problems... (PedroPascalxreader) - one shot
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Ok, so here's the first one shot of: one shots week. As I wrote, I was inspired by my problems, but don't take everything literally, because of course I changed some things, but generally yes, my new co-workers are mean bitches. But I've come to terms with it. At least instead of talking to them, I write ff xD
Summary: co-workers at your new job treat you badly. You try to hide it from your boyfriend, but even from a distance Pedro senses that something is wrong.
Warnings: little sad but later fluff and loving, caring Pedro
This can be considered as a continuation: ♡Just let it go…
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You were happy when you got a new job where you made more money. No matter how many times Pedro told that you could have his money. You felt bad about it and wanted to prove to him that you weren't with him for the money.
However, you soon found out that your new job was a nightmare. And it wasn't the job itself, because it was easy and fun for you. Your co-workers were the problem. You ended up in a three-person team consisting of all women, and you felt their hostility from the very beginning. They had trouble giving you the simplest of information, like where the bathroom is. They responded with annoyance to your every question. But you thought they'd get used to you over time. You were polite and tried to have little chats with them, but it was not effective because they ignored you. With each passing day, you felt worse and worse, and as if your misfortune wasn't enough, Pedro flew to the set in Morocco.
You sighed heavily as you sat alone at a table during your lunch break. You've been scrolling through the photos fans have taken of your boyfriend. It always made you feel a little better and made you forget everything for a moment. Your boyfriend looked pleased, though you could see he was tired. You wanted so much to hug him and make sure he was taking care of himself.
Of course, Pedro wanted you to go with him. At least for a few days, but you couldn't take free time from your new job so quickly. Another minus.
And of course, every time you spoke to him, you said everything was fine. You didn't want to worry him. You knew he should be focused on a movie set.
You were just looking at a photo of Pedro wearing a white t-shirt that was visibly wet at the bottom. You smiled and started to wonder what your beloved had done. Knowing him, he probably spilled something on himself. Pedro was so clumsy sometimes. But you loved it about him. You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even notice your co-workers walking past you. Their sudden giggles made you jump and almost drop your phone.
"Seriously Y/N," Jane said. "You'd better focus on your job, not on dreaming about some actor who doesn't even know you exist."
You had to bite your tongue not to say that unlike her, you work instead of filing your nails half the day.
"I don't know what these girls see in him," Michele said.
You perfectly saw how a few days earlier she was drooling at the monitor when she was reading an article about your boyfriend.
Before you could answer anything, they walked away laughing like crazy.
When you talked to Pedro in the evening, you could hardly keep your composure. He asked you several times if you were okay.
"Honey, you really do sound kind of weird," he said sadly.
"I'm really fine... I've had a busy day today and I think I'm having a migraine."
"My poor baby," he cooed. "Maybe you should lie down."
"That's what I'll do."
"Do you want me to talk to you on the phone until you fall asleep?"
You wanted to cry. Your boyfriend was so sweet and caring.
"Yes," you whispered.
You only felt worse for the next few days. Even during lunch, you didn't look at pictures with Pedro because your co-workers always sat at the table next to you. You were sure those bitches did it on purpose. It was ridiculous and you felt like you were in high school.
You started wondering if you should just start going out to some restaurant for lunch. You would have less time then, but you would gain peace of mind. Suddenly you heard some commotion behind you.
"Is that him? It's impossible," Michele murmured.
You turned around and your heart leaped. You couldn't believe your eyes. A smiling Pedro was walking towards you with a small bouquet of your favorite flowers. You couldn't take it any longer and ran over to him. He welcomed you with open arms and hugged you tightly. You pulled away from him after a while, to look into his eyes. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw the silly faces of these three bitches.
"What are you doing here?" you choked out.
"Did you really think I wouldn't sense something was wrong?" He stroked your cheek gently. "I'm back only for two days, but I hope it's enough."
You nodded and murmured, "I still have a few hours left at work."
"I know, but I couldn't wait to see you. I'll pick you up in the car so you don't have to take the subway back and we'll spend a wonderful evening together."
You blushed involuntarily, and he chuckled and whispered in your ear, "Yeah, I'm thinking about that too."
You shook your head and groaned as you realized you had to get back to work. You kissed Pedro on goodbye.
Suddenly your co-workers wanted to talk to you, but this time you ignored them. It was really sweet revenge.
Pedro has come for you as promised. On the way, he picked up food from your favorite restaurant. At home, he lit the candles and asked, "Dinner first, or bath first?"
You looked at him lovingly. "Dinner."
After you ate, he prepared an aromatic, warm bath for you. The tub was big enough for both of you to fit comfortably. You sat between his legs and rested your head on his chest. His big hands traced patterns on your breasts and belly. You finally felt relaxed. You closed your eyes and sighed heavily. You felt Pedro kiss you on the head. "My love, can you tell me what's been making you so sad lately?"
You nodded and squeezed his hand tightly. Though you tried to be calm, your voice trembled a few times as you told him about your job and how your co-workers treated you.
Pedro listened to you carefully, and at the end of your story, he hugged you tightly and kissed your shoulder.
"I'm so sorry babe. These stupid women should be glad to be working with someone as great as you." He placed a kiss on your shoulder again. "I know we've talked about this before, but you don't have to work. You know that. Why do I need money if I can't make the people I love happy?"
You smiled and squeezed his arm. "I know baby. But I want to go back there and watch those bitches die of jealousy because I have the most amazing and handsome boyfriend in the world."
Pedro chuckled and hugged you tighter. "Can this most amazing and handsome boy take you to bed and enjoy your body?"
"Yes!" you squeaked.
A week later, your boss appreciated your work and decided to transfer you to a new, more experienced team. Your new co-workers turned out to be very friendly and communicative. Enjoyed your job again. Though it was nice knowing you had a great boyfriend thanks to whom you don't have to work. And you don't have to worry about money.
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Taglist: @creedslove
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matan4il · 4 months
Hi friend! I was wondering if you had any favorite Israeli/Hebrew children's books! Also any fave Israeli musicians??
Hello, my lovely! :D How are you?
Ooooh, do I! Man, you're gonna regret asking me this. XD Sorry, not sorry... So shall we start with Israeli/Hebrew kids' books?
Anything by Yehuda Atlas (יהודה אטלס), but especially And That Kid is Me (והילד הזה הוא אני). Short humorous stories, written in rhymes, perfectly capturing how baffling the world can be for a kid, and how silly adults can seem, or just what things can sometimes feel like for a child. It's one of those books that work, funny and essential, 'coz it's so true. He just gets kids.
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Another one that I love, and am probably one of the few Israeli kids who even know this book, is Siamina and the Cats of Yemin Moshe (סיאמינה והחתולים של ימין משה) by Holocaust survivor Uri Orlev (אורי אורלב. He's more well known for his books about that period of time, which are also highly recommended, but I only dared read them when I was older). Jerusalem is known for its many stray cats, and the book is a love fest for cats and Jerusalem, with some historical sites becoming in the book the "homes" of the cats.
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David Gershtein, who crafted the engravings for the book, is a pretty popular Israeli artist, and you can find some of his creations all over the country, and even entire shops dedicated to his works.
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Last one ('coz I don't wanna burden you too much, but lemme know if you want more recs!) that I really loved as a kid, was Yael's House (הבית של יעל) by Miriam Rot (מרים רות). It was about a girl who has a home, but she wants a house that would be all her own. She tries all sorts of solutions, including taking over the space under the kitchen table... Not gonna lie, as a kid I was inspired to follow in her footsteps, but my parents were not impressed.
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Now, as for Israeli musicians! You have stumbled onto dangerous ground, my friend, since I'm a music addict, and in love with the Hebrew language, so songs in Hebrew are something I can go on about for freaking years...
I'll share with you the link to two unlisted playlists that I made on YouTube. One is of some of my fave Israeli songs (though I started it years ago, so sadly, I see some vids have been deleted or made private, and there are literally hundreds of songs on the list, meaning I'm not sure which ones are missing), but also with a few thrown in 'coz I think they're good for people who wanna know Israeli culture and popular Israeli songs, and the other is one that I started making with songs connected in different ways to the current war we're in. They're not all faves, but I thought they capture a moment in time, so I wanted to have them grouped together. I'm actually not done with either list, the latter I really just started not that long ago, so you can expect them to grow.
If we're talking specific Israeli musicians, I find it hard to answer, I think almost every singer or songwriter has at least one good song to offer, and likewise whenever I wanna name one, I feel like adding, "Except for this song... and that one..." No musician is great all the time. But I guess some of my faves (where I like more songs than I don't) include Ivri Lider, Berry Sakharof, Yehuda Poliker, Ran Danker, Harel Ska'at, Chanan ben Ari, Narkis, Eliad, Amir Dadon, Avraham Tal, Marina Maximilian, Achinoam Nini (Noa), Sheila Ferber, Gilad Segev, Ofra Chaza, Meni Berger, Yardena Arazi, Natan Goshen, Keren Peles, Izhar Ashdot, Nurit Galron, and the bands Beit Ha'bubot, Ha'Yehudim, Metropolin, Ethnix, Mashina and Synergia.
I was thinking I should add at least one of these vids to my reply, and for whatever reason, the one that started playing itself in my head (where there is always music) was a song first released in 1993, אדמה חמה (Hot Earth) by Shlomo Gronich and the Shva Choir (Sheba is the English pronunciation of Shva). I love this song, I think the vid was very cool for its time, and I'm still never gonna forgive the MTV viewers who gave it last place in a video music awards. The song incorporates Hebrew and Amharic, both Semitic languages, the latter being the language spoken by Ethiopian Jews. You can actually listen to the whole special album (inspired by the story of the Ethiopian Jewish community's journey to Israel) here.
But just for the fun of throwing in a gay themed song as well, here's התשמע קולי (Will You Hear My Voice), a love poem for a man, originally written by an Israeli poet called Rachel (full name: Rachel Bluwstein Sela), but it's performed here by only men, and no one changed the pronouns, which makes it a mlm song to me. It's so pretty and sad (Rachel is believed to have written the poem to a former lover, a man she even thought at one point she would marry, but WWI tears them apart and they never meet again. She wrote this poem, after getting the news that she's terminally ill), it fills my soul at the same time as it tugs on my heart.
I hope this helps! Sending so much love! xoxox
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ironbloodaika · 7 months
Happy Halloween 2023!
This is something long overdue. Even though I stopped posting my commissions on here that doesn't mean I've stopped getting them!
I've especially enjoyed getting Halloween commissions because those are really fun to conceive, order, and see made into reality. I've especially enjoyed getting them from Aeolus06 and he's never disappointed. Sadly due to me being between jobs I couldn't get any this year. :( That said I've decided to use this as an opportunity to show what I've got over the last few years and hopefully you'll love them as much as I do! :)
These first four are unique in that these were all from the same year (2020 to be exact). Since Aeo has a cool down period between commissions, I actually got these all done over a period of a few months. XD Took a lot of luck and prayer, but I got all the ideas I wanted done!
First one was probably the most complex, but was worth it because of how well it fit. Star, Marco, and Hekapoo from Star vs The Forces of Evil as AndrAIa, Matrix, and Older!AndrAIa from Reboot! Much like Matrix, Marco had a bit of age jumping that fit naturally (especially body types and eye scars). Plus Star and Hekapoo are shipped pretty hard with him so it was natural they dress as the different versions of Matrix's lady love.
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Also, Fun Fact: Marco's scar/prosthetic eye is on the wrong side compared to his costume, but I felt it was better to ignore it than have Aeo flip the entire costume. XD
Next up we had some classic hotties from Canada, Lindsay and Courtney. Everyone with a pulse will know I'm a Courtney fan, so I'm always eager to give her some love. And while I'm not AS big on Lindsay, she's a fun character and I have some friends who love her too so I didn't mind them sharing the spotlight.
Obviously the theme/inspiration behind this pics conception is the fact Lindsay and Courtney pack the biggest T and A on the island respectively, so they needed some costumes to illustrate that. Thus we got Courtney as everyone's fave lady wrestler Rainbow Mika from Street Fighter and Lindsay as the boxing cheerleader Tiffany Lords from Rival Schools. Both ladies who kick ass and look good doing it! Give these ladies some love folks!
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Another Fun Fact: This one took faster to do than I expected, mostly cause I didn't realize my refs were thigh high. In the end I feel it still looked good and didn't bother bringing it up. XD
Here's another cute couple and one I think deserves more love. Eclipsa Butterfly and Globgor are also from SVTFOE and honestly very sweet and adorable. While they're regarded as evil by less tolerant folk, they're honestly some of the sweetest characters you'll see on the show. I feel this is a nice contrast to their costumes, Sindel and Shao Kahn from Mortal Kombat. I went with the MK9 versions of their outfits since they were both modern and simple. Didn't wanna be THAT guy who commissions SUPER complicated outfits. I'm not a sadist! While later games would retcon Sindel into being just as evil as Shao (something thankfully corrected in MK1) I still feel this outfit and character works for Eclipsa, even if she and her hubby are as far from evil as you can get. XD
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Final pic of this year is another couples pic with Danny Fenton and Paulina Sanchez. I ship these two and take no shame in it. This was originally gonna just be Paulina as Phantom Girl from Legion of Superheroes since the name and colors matched Danny perfectly. But then I figured just having Paulina in costume wouldn't be fair, so I had him dress up as Timberwolf, since I recall them having a few moments in the cartoon. A cartoon, much like this pairing, is very underrated. XD
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Now to 2021! This was a fun crossover and and me deciding to avoid "themes" and combining two character pin-ups in one! Once again we have Hekapoo and this year she's dressed up as Otedamako. Who's that? Only my fave Monster of the Day from Sailor Moon! :3 To her side with have a humanoid Rarity showing off her darkside as Martha from Helluva Boss! This one came from the animated opening in G5 that had Rarity showing off some spiky teeth and a crazy look in her eyes. IMMEDIATELY brought Martha too mind. All and all, very happy with how these two came out!
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And now to the prior year of 2022. By this point Aeo started coloring the stream commissions and honestly, it was worth the price increase. Dude is a machine! If this one has a theme it's basically me taking the waifus of my close friends (Chill, Terrible, and Raccoon) and dressing them as other sexy waifus. From left to right we have Himiko Toga from My Hero Academia dressed as Harlequin, the Harley Quinn of the Gods and Monsters film. A very hot/underrated design for a VERY twisted take on the character. Toga makes it work! Front and center we have Wilhamena Mettle from OK K.O.! as Starfire, specifically the comic book version for obvious reasons. XD Finally we have Juri Han from Street Fighter dressed in the tight leathers of Penelope Spectra from Danny Phantom, specifically her second form. Lot of specifics in this piece. XD
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Final Fun Fact: Was tempted to have Wilhamena as Star Canary, the fusion of Starfire and Black Canary from the Batman/Superman comic. Very hot design. XD
And a bit of a bonus! I ended up really helping out a new friend on deviantART back in 2020 and got to get a bit of art as a thank you. Courtesy of XJKenny we have Meteora Butterfly, daughter of Eclipsa and Globgor as Mileena. Also her MK9 design, this not only works for Meteora herself given her story, but also matches up with her parents' costumes as well!
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Well that's everything I wanted to share this year! This has been a rough year for me personally and for the world as a whole. But I'm hoping we can turn things around a bit with what bit of the year we have left.
Happy Halloween everyone! Stay scared and stay safe! 👻 🎃
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mcytscienceside · 6 months
Some questions for the Purgatory Royal AU :D
(most of them will be Soulfire related, because I love Soulfire so so much)
• You said Eggs will be a part of it. What about new ones? Do you plan to include them as well?
• Is Tubbo in any way connected to Chayanne and Tallulah? Considering that I assume him and Phil are not close.
• Are they all human + angel Phil? Or their canonical species are still included?
• What’s Niki’s role in the Soulfire Kingdom?
• Are their kingdom/bases aesthetic similar to the Purgatory? I dont mean the whole mountains/jungles/etc bit, I mainly mean if their bases specifically influenced your visions and designs (does Soulfire still have the prettiest kingdom?))))))))
• Are Bagi and Bad friends?
• If it’s not too much, tell me about Tubbo’s dynamics with as many characters as you want. I love the idea of him as a young king just trying his best, and I adore most of the dynamics he has in canon, so I just want to hear more (especially for Blue Co-leaders and CritDuo)
SOULFIRE SWEEP!! HEHEH...once more this got away from me so have a read more XD
New eggs are planned to be introduced later on! I haven't decided how just yet but I feel like a lot of the newer eggs will make intresting dynamics with all the kingdoms still being mid-war with each other basically. Tubbo's not connected to the two here in this au, sadly, I'd love to have them meet but he's not their godfather. Though work with me here, non-canon to this au for rn, but Tubbo on a diplomatic mission and suddenly meeting these two kids not realizing their Phil's. Just acting like he does with any child and their instantly enamored by the young man. CANONICAL HYBRID AND SPECIESSS, I can't make any au even slive of life where everyone is human, it's not my speed. Everyone in this has some kinda weird hybrid traits or otherwise something special for me and me alone. Niki's role to me in much of the soulfire streams wasn't agriculture or fighting but in general she was very much a scout. I can see her being very stealthy and trying to stay hidden while spying or scouting ahead of any party. Oh yes!! bases definitely had an influence but since these kingdoms have been around for a long while it means they're a lot more developed in their aesthetics! Soulfire definitely still has that warm glow to it that the og base had. I need to draw like a small room from each of these kingdoms and how it would look! maybe the kings rooms? That might be fun! :D Bagi and Bad are friends, or well as close as you can get at first when a demon council member finds you flirting with his co-worker. He found out quickly that Bagi and Tina have a thing and has been an annoyance since but he did also vouch for bagi and the other half of ggn when they came for help from Soulfire. TUBBO TIME HEHE. Lets start with co-leaders! Bad def gets on tubbo's nerves at first, trying to 'assist' him as a new king, however the two regularly are on the same wavelength about issues. Though bad does sometimes go extreme in his methods...Bad also is the one to regularly train Tubbo and give him the latest gadgets for battle. Tina meanwhile is constantly updating Tubbo on whats going on in the internals of soulfire, she's his eyes and ears for the base, she's one of his right hands and he knows that if he asks her for something she will have it done as fast as she can. Tubbo and Etoiles where good friends, seeing as Etoiles was already close to Aypierre, the two of them have known each other for longer than Tubbo has been king. He looks up to Etoiles in certain things and has always enjoyed one upping the other king in other regards. They where the honorable fighters, the ones who always kept their morlas, they where the two who understood each other in battle. Their relationship however takes a huge hit when Etoiles joins Bolas, even if he's still the honorable fighter, Tubbo won't forgive him for what he did. Tubbo's relation to the other king, Phil, is far more...strange. Phil of course has a poor relationship with Soulfire but when it comes to Tubbo the angel seems to view him in a semi-positive light. Tubbo is young, stubborn, and full of life. He would do amazing things if not cooped up with soulfire. Phil will eventually extend a hand to Tubbo, to go the same way as GGN, to give everything up for the freedom he promises. Another relationship I really wanna explore for him is his relationship to Aypierre. Since I kinda wanna keep a semi-antagonistic vibe they have in canon but in the lighthearted way they have pranks and jabs. It's not until things get very scary that they start fighting but for the most part I want them to feel like real brothers. They will jab, tease, prank and yell at each other but in the end Aypierre will always want Tubbo to be safe and protected. Tubbo will also always want his brother safe and away from anymore accidents (we can't keep building robots!!) Hope this was good!! It def is long I have a lot of ideas for this !!!
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nowandthane · 5 months
7 snippets, 7 people
thank you @vakariansvixenand @stormikins for tagging me!! <3<3<3
no pressure tagging @xoshepard @poetikat @sweetmage (feel free to not read this it's all mass effect jsdhfg) @illusivesoul @westernlarch @sillyliterature @mxanigel @menacingmetal @grim-starling
These are all gonna be from Sarani's longfic because I'm not writing anything else atm. Mostly rough and unedited too so beware xD
cw for suicidal ideation in the last two
She turned to look at him, shocked at the outburst. His eyes were wet with tears that stubbornly refused to fall. He glared back at her, as if challenging her to defy him. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she thought that she really should. This was insubordination. But she felt so relieved that someone else was making the decisions that she just relented, turning to look back out into space in silence.
“How could I have left him behind?” she whispered, long minutes later. Her face was wet. Joker was quiet for long enough that she stopped expecting an answer — what could he have said, anyway? But he did answer.
“You were doing your job, Commander. I… I’m sorry.” And he really did sound sorry for her.
“This job fucking sucks.”
Finch sneered. “I can find a dozen Reds who’ll swear they saw you kill aliens for fun. Who’s going to believe you then?”
His grey eyes caught hers, and held them steadily. The world slowed down as she seriously considered whether he really did know. Even without proof, anyone who had known her then could put two and two together and figure out what she did — no one else could have done it. But no one ever cared before.
Now it was something they could use against her. And they were threatening to.
Was that was he was doing? His words saying one thing, but meaning another?
I know you killed her, but I won’t say it in front of them. As long as you do what I say, no one else will ever know.
Was that what was behind his words?
The image of her, of Nazia, crying and begging Shepard for forgiveness intruded on her mind. Her screams echoed in Shepard’s ears, her blood sticky on Shepard’s hands.
“Do you compare yourself to your old Captain a lot?” Garrus asked.
“Not really. Not anymore.” Shepard shook off the thoughts rattling in her head. “I know I have a screwed up moral compass. That’s just a result of my ‘upbringing’. But I don’t let that turn me into monster. I don’t want to cross any more lines, but I keep stumbling over them anyway.”
Garrus looked at her, his thoughts and emotions inscrutable. She was getting better with reading turians, but he seemed closed off to her at this moment. Silence became heavy in the air, and she did nothing to break it.
“I wonder…” Garrus finally mused, “if I killed Saren, would I be struggling with it now as you are about Finch? I don’t know what the answer to that is, and that — that kind of scares me. Am I a monster, Shepard?”
“No, Garrus.” She smiled at him a little sadly. “You’re not a monster.”
“Yet,” he said. “Don’t you ever think that it takes a monster to stop a monster?”
“Sometimes,” she answered. “Mostly, it feels like an excuse.”
Garrus nodded. “Why did you get so angry when he called you by your name?”
“How about a new name?”
“What’s wrong with Shepard?”
“No, not that. Don’t you want to change Jane?”
“What’s wrong with Jane?” She frowned.
“Well clearly the orphanage just named you that because they couldn’t be fucked to actually care about you. Don’t you want a name more fitting for who you are?”
“I don’t want any connection to the people who threw me away like I was trash,” she said curtly.
“It’s not about your parents,” Nazia insisted. “They suck, but you have a whole culture that you come from.”
“I know nothing about it.”
“So? Don’t you want to reclaim it?”
“Well, you clearly want me to.”
“Just think about it. It can be like… like a new start for you!”
Considering it. Maybe it is better, to have a new name, one untainted by the dirtiness of her beginning. And if Nazia was the one renaming her, so much the better. She was the one who made Shepard feel like a human. And if this was important to Zi, then it was important to her.
“You think you know me so well?” she asked, sneering. She regretted it almost immediately when the animation that had taken hold of Garrus abruptly left him. He had seemed more alive for a brief moment there, much more like the angrily passionate man who had argued with his superior at the Presidium, or the one in Dr. Michel’s clinic, ready to take on a group of thugs alone.
As his commanding officer, it didn’t feel good to have made one of her own people feel so small. But even outside of that, she felt bad because she did think he was a good person, just misguided. And this conversation they’d just had was their first real one. They had been getting to know each other.
He was turning to leave when she said, “Wait. I’m sorry.”
He turned back to her, expectant, but now that the apology had come out of her mouth, she floundered for what else to say.
“I was trying to compliment you,” Garrus pointed out, breaking the awkward silence. “Didn’t think you’d take it so badly.”
“Do you still want to die?” Shepard asked.
“Do you?” Thane returned.
She had to turn away. “Sometimes.”
Leaning against the viewing window, she turned her gaze on the drive core below — pulsing, powerful, dangerous. Peripherally, she noticed Thane standing and coming to her on silent feet, but she still couldn’t bring herself to look at him.
“I don’t.” His presence behind her felt like a weight she couldn’t shake off. “I agreed with you, once. That perhaps those of us who have died should stay dead.”
“You never really died,” she said.
“In all the ways that matter, I did.” He touched her shoulder, so softly that she barely felt it, except that there was no atom of her existence that could ever be unaware of him. “Will you not look at me, siha?”
The dream begins as it always does: with the fall. Falling through the nothingness of space, the alarms in her armour chiming as she gasped desperately for oxygen. There is a breach somewhere. Probably around her torso, where pain and warmth radiated.
She flailed helplessly, heat and hurt building. But it never did reach an unbearable point. They faded away as she fell, and with them went the burdens she carried. Her legs stopped kicking and her arms stopped reaching. She fell looking at the vastness of space, that blanket of mystery she had watched so often when she was stuck on Earth, so determined to get away.
And she did. The choices she was presented with had been unacceptable to her, and so she had found another way. She became more — made herself more. She had explored the galaxy, helped people, saved lives… She’d made a difference.
For better, not worse.
When she lost consciousness, it was without pain. Without worries. Peace was not something she had ever been familiar with, but she learned what it meant, right there at the end.
If only it really was the end.
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pixelatedraindrops · 2 months
Ok, so, this ask is based on the peacekeepers. How would they do with them being sick? I exclude Makoto from this because we know he overworks himself at times and all.
In addition if it were to be with Swank added to this, you can also take in Kuro (my oc) into the scenario if you like.
Sorry I can’t do OCs… But the Peacekeepers hmm let me see if I can make some stuff up (they’re not my favorite so this may be difficult) And yeah I’ve said plenty on Makoto already I get it xD (he’s my antagonist to target :3c)
Okay here’s what I have come up with~
Yomi Hellsmile:
The Absolute WORST patient.
He will complain CONSTANTLY.
With every sneeze or cough, his entire frame hurts and he curses every single time his head starts pounding
And whats with all these DAMN CHILLS?!
His sickbed is full of tissues and spilled cough syrup. And his blanket is a mess too (don’t ask)
If you take care of him, good luck. Most of the gestures will be refused or thrown back at your face.
Until his fever rises to the point he becomes needy and clingy. But even THEN he’ll still back in forth refusing the caretaking or accepting it. (MAKE UP YOUR MIND)
He hates liquid medicine and will only take pills.
Also he’s a little goldilocks with food and tea. If it’s too hot or cold, he will let you know aggressively. (His tongue is very sensitive)
And he may also deny it entirely and try to keep being a little devil making things hell for everyone, so you gotta drag him to the bed (even if he bites you)
Martina Electro
Being ill is but a minor inconvenience to her.
But how she wishes her beloved Director Yomi would come to care for her…
She’s the type that brushes the illness off continuing to work at times if it isn’t too bad.
She cannot disappoint Yomi after all…
Only to get much worse later.
Thankfully, she does know her limits.
She is fairly good at taking care of herself. (As well as of the other peacekeepers if they falter) She’s usually the one caring for them.
Usually wearing a comfortable robe sitting down with some warm tea and medicine so she can still do, some work. But she makes sure paces herself.
If she sneezes or coughs she tries to be as quiet as possible doing so.
She cannot bear to falter…or Director Yomi would be upset with her. (someone help this poor woman ;-;)
Seth Burroughs
A pure sopping wet cat.
If he’s ill, it’s the most pitiful thing you’ve ever seen.
He’s very prone to asthma attacks and at times the rain isn’t good for his health either.
His unhealthy demeanor really doesn’t help. If he catches even a small cold, it will grow to something FAR worse later
He loses his already barely audible voice and has to communicate with a whiteboard.
He also can have food sensitivity, so if you feed him the wrong thing…it will come back up.
Super frail so make sure to handle him like the delicate flower that he is.
He uses his megaphone to try communicating or calling people to help him or if he needs anything. But sadly, it usually breaks out in a coughing fit.
He’s the most prone to illness out of all of the peacekeepers.
Looking at flowers brings him peace so having a vase at his bedside does make him feel a little better.
Guillaume Hall
She is SUPER needy and whiny about it
And she works Dominic like a DOG to try to meet her every need. (Dominic cannot get sick)
She’s a bratty little princess who wants everything to be done right.
She still has her fortune telling gear at her bed and she still practices it despite her poor state.
Or she opens up her laptop and watches something “fun” to cheer herself up. (Horror movies or killing documentaries)
She always wants to eat something sweet. Sometimes sneaking candy under her bed.
She sleeps with multiple plushies.
Her voice gets super deep if she loses it due to illness.
Sometimes if she has a fever or feels chils, she gets a bit delirious and wants Dominic to come give her snuggles.
Until she falls asleep in his large weapon like arms with a smile on her face.
Swank Castonell
He’s similar to Yomi in being SUPER grumpy about being sick.
Only difference is, he is VERY demanding of whoever tends to him.
Ordering them around and forcing them to use “their” money to get anything rather than his own.
His appetite somehow gets higher when ill, and he craves a LOT more meat and booze than usual
But booze isn’t a good thing to drink when ill, so it has to be kept away from him
But then he yells about it. Until he eventually passes out.
His cigar also has to be confiscated. His cough is bad enough already.
He needs to be watched at all times to make sure his usual habits don’t make things worse for him.
Eventually he’ll conk out. But he needs to be in front of a large screen tv playing the most boring documentary you’ve ever seen.
I hope this is something !!
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 6 months
Saz and Elliot Big Post
Here's some Saz and Elliot stuff. I'm still fucking around with this. And I'm still iffy about this scene with Saz and Elliot. Been rewriting this off and on and am playing a dangerous game of using what I've written in my notebook as guidelines and not a draft XD. Let's go Fucked at Five. Note also I really like fucking around with the narration.
Tag list: @outpost51 @nanashi23 @winterandwords @jezifster @kk7-rbs @aether-wasteland-s @dumbthunder @manathen @the-void-writes @liv-is (Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist!) 
Elliot looked up at the bear morpher. Close enough to rest face first in Saz's chest. Careful to not hit her with the one antler staying strong. The other sadly tossed after the exhaustion of being taunted by the much larger deer morpher, Ian, for having it secured with tape. Keeping his face hidden in her hoodie he raised his arms to Saz's face.
"I gotta tell you how this is gonna work." Elliot squished Saz's face uncaring of the minor resistance, "So I gotta get a standing of how well you can handle yourself in a fight. And that's a perfect time to work on your morphing."
"So you're gonna beat on me? Wow. I know I'm sturdy but there's gotta be a better way." Saz rested her hand on top of Elliot's head mirth in her tone not yet bothering to push him off just yet.
"Love the enthusiasm." Elliot grinned against the fabric, joy flowing off of his sarcasm, "You basically joined a war effort. So you have to get used to it."
Saz starred off for a moment. Yeah she had done wrestling back when she was "human". But the bear morpher was conflicted. Fairly so. She shifted the focus back, with a suck of the teeth.
"How's fighting you supposed to help with my morphing?"
Elliot finally pulled away from her. Hair frazzled from the movement.
"A lot of people first morph in high stress situations. You know. Anger and fear can play a big part too." The deer morpher flinched a little catching onto the quick souring of Saz's mood, "Your's was a... Bit unnatural. But you should still be—"
Saz rolled her eyes, her closed fist hitting her chest, "I was drugged. Say it how it is. I was drugged with some mystery pill and I—"
The bear morpher sucked in a harsh breath and released it shakily. Interrupting herself. There was no need to recount what happened. She was drugged, she morphed for the first time ever, got tranqued, and almost killed. Almost? Her teeth sank into the throat of and her claws has to puncture some organs. There was so much blood. She could almsot remember how violently she reacted to the taste when she had returned to her human form.
The bear morpher squeezed her eyes shut now clasping her hands together. She grit her teeth, squeezing her hands together as tight as she could.
The deer morpher moved in cautiously. He knew how easily he could make the situation worse.
Saz opened an eye looking down at Elliot.
"If it makes you feel any better the way I'm gonna piss you off will definitely replace all that other stuff." Elliot tried, offering what might just be true.
The bear morpher opened her other eye. A small snicker slipped past.
"Don't you already do that?"
Elliot laughed, "Glad you're feeling better asshole."
Saz hummed shortly, "I don't. Not really. But I'd rather not spiral in front of you."
Elliot huffed at that one, "We'll have to talk this out eventually. Especially if that's what's in the way of you morphing."
Saz slowly sat. Her arms outstretched behind her. Focusing on the subtle pull in her shoulders.
"Thought you said it was a stress response."
"And I said when you first morph, usually."
"So there's exceptions?"
"There's always exceptions."
Deer and bear stared at each other blankly. Bear sighed exasperated.
"So it's complicated and not set in stone. So what makes you so sure fighting is the way?"
"Two birds one stone Saz. You're more than welcome to find someone else. I'm not the best with this stuff." Elliot stated honestly.
"You're very lucky you're my best friend." Saz said unamused.
Elliot shot up a double thumbs up, "Get up. Guard up."
Saz groaned and stood. Arm in front of her face and an arm tucked in at her side. She grunted out a soft ready.
Elliot rolled his head around his neck. Already used to the uneven distribution of weight jutting out of his skull. He moved in quickly throwing a couple of punches to test Saz's block. Noting that it was solid but had a lot of gaps.
His fist lodged itself into her side. She staggered in the direction of his follow through. Grunting when his fist met her jaw. She hissed at the pain turning her back to him when she saw another punch coming.
He grinned a little glad to see he faked her out and went for the back of her knees sure she'd crumple. Saz stood strong, maybe a small shake in her next step. That wasn't important. She grinned this time. Turning around to face him, tackling him to the ground.
He briefly panicked. Laughing involuntarily when he felt Saz's hand cradle the back of his head. Sure to not let his skull hit the ground without some sort of cushion.
She moved quickly, sitting on his stomach. Elliot's laughs came out on wheezes. Gasping when her hand clasped his face. A pleased hum slipped past Saz's lips.
Elliot's remaining antler broke off. Saz moved off of him and hoped he wouldn't notice. Or wasn't as attached. Prepping for the next match.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 187 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: taking a bath.
Lol, that elevator music xD
HELEN: "So, where’s the old ball and chain?" Fucking Helen... Always talking about others in a degrading way... Also typical narcissistic behavior, pushing others down in order to feel like they’re better.
JON: "You hoped that by nudging us past his domain, Martin would still be there when I arrived… so I would have to pass through on my own. Apparently, you were right." HELEN: "I thought you said you weren’t going to look inside people’s heads?" JON: "I thought you said you weren’t people." HELEN: "Touché." JON: "Well, for what it’s worth, I have tried not to look inside you." By now Jon has seen enough of the Distortion's behavior as Helen, it has become easy to predict what she's up to.
HELEN: "… He’s still so new to all of this, caught up in ideas of justice and ‘solving’ things. Sure, he can wave away the theoretical idea of people suffering…" JON: "But if he sees it up close, he might try to get his boyfriend to smite you?" I feel like Jon likes the sound of that. His boyfriend.
JON: "I’m trying to ‘know’ if there’s another route I can take." HELEN: "And?" JON: "Turns out there is, actually. But it is rather full of spiders." Coincident? I think not!!! The Web wants Jon to pass on the Fears.
HELEN: "The tape recorder feels more, um… awake." Hmmm, I wonder in what sense... The tape recorders have already been very actively clicking themselves on (or appearing at all) in S4. Is it just because the Web is now in this world instead of lurking at the edges?
HELEN: "Even though I saved you from Michael." The Distortion saved itself from Michael. Suddenly putting itself clearly on the side of "I am not your friend" is not what the Distortion is about. Besides, if it had killed Jon, the "Wonderland" of an Eyepocalyse, which is oh so loved by the Distortion, would have been delayed.
JON: "I liked Helen." HELEN: "I am Helen." JON: "The real one." It is consistent for his character, but I find it funny that Jon seems to bond with people rather quickly. He knew Helen for 20 minutes. He knew Jordan for 20 minutes. 
JON: "True. But as you’ll recall, I was pretty paranoid myself at that point." HELEN: "So what? You saw yourself in her? A sad reflection? A possible future?" Hmmm, maybe it's the same with Jordan. He bonded with him over his experience with the Corruption.
HELEN: "Oh, Jon! This existence can be wonderful, if you just let it." JON: [Sadly] "I know." :( He could just give up. Resign himself to his role as Archivist... Reminds me of working in retail, for example. Other people get sent to ware house duty because they're too rude be around customers. While I have to do the dirty work with customers because I care too much about not being an asshole. Or like working in a team with the same pool of work load. Others put their feet up, after all the work gets done by the others. But I don't want to be someone like that. I don't think I could be someone like that... 
JON: "I see. How long have you been working with Elias?" HELEN: "I’m not." JON: [Faux-shocked] "Helen! Is that… a lie?" HELEN: "No! No, it’s not. I don’t know him. I’ve never even – Look, I’m happy here, all right?" Changing the subject, hehe... We know, that it was Elias who sent og!Helen to the Institute. Did he also suggest that Helen will probably be confused after her statement so there’s high chances of her finally walking through his door? Was it also Elias who sent Michael to Sasha, so they could find out to use CO2 extinguishers against Prentiss?
HELEN: "You are so difficult to like sometimes. I’ve been nothing but nice to you." JON: "Maybe that’s why I never trusted you." Ohhh, yes, I've talking about this in another post already. I'm super wary of people who are immediately over-the-top nice to me. That's very often a facade which hides a very ugly personality. (Also, that was a lie again. Helen threatened him in MAG 157, so not very nice. But very typical for that personality again. Stating untrue things in a beneficial and factual way, suggesting you should believe it.)
(STATEMENT) "Well, not a dead end. It’s a door that says ‘Honeymoon Suite’." HELEN: [Saucy] "Currently unoccupied…" (STATEMENT) "I turn to retrace my steps. I must have taken a wrong urn." HELEN: "Just in case you and Martin were looking for a room." Pfff, Helen is so pushy and nosy regarding things which are absolutely none of her business.  
"How long… How long has Alex been alone now? " Ha! Another character called Alex!
The sound of laughter during the statement. So mean...
"She’d love nothing more than to help me, although she does hate to see me check out, it’s always so hard on her when guests leave." Making you feel bad for a totally normal thing...
VICTIM: "I don’t know how long I’ve been here." JON: "Look. I’m so sorry –" VICTIM: "You’ve got to help me!" JON: [Angrily] "Don’t touch me!" It's a stressful situation, but you're always allowed to set boundaries. No one gets to touch you when you don't want to. Again, it's just a shitty situation all over like so many others in TMA. Also, especially understandable that it’s Jon who doesn’t want to be touched... So many have hurt him..
HELEN: "Oopsie. Not so easy, is it? Keeping up your humanity?" Oh yeah, and then making you feel bad for setting boundaries...
JON: "You’re dangerous because for all the torture and cruelty, you still somehow got us to think you’re our friend." Mentioned it in MAG 183 (I think?) already that I'm not sure, what's more dangerous. More straight up hostile Helen. Or fun Helen. The one that makes you laugh about all her little manipulative comments. Schrödinger’s douchebag: Come on, don't be like that, it was just a joke!
JON: "No, you are the question of “What lurks behind a smile?” Is a friendship true, or is it reaching out with hands that cut you?" Being wary of the people who are over-the-top friendly... JON: "And when one face finally stopped smiling, you just changed the face." Helen taking over from Michael.
HELEN: "Fine. So if that’s all true… why? Why would I do any of that? What’s my actual motive?" JON: "I don’t think you even have one. It’s just what you are." I have asked myself this question so many times. And I've come to the same conclusion. There is no grand motive behind that. Just doing it over and over again, torturing others, they like that. The feeling of being able to make a person so submissive, so obedient that they will do everything to stay your friend. It makes me sick... I have once asked one of my “Helens” if she knows that those things she did are horrible. She got all smug and said yes and that she likes it and is proud of it. Fucking hell..
JON: "I will end you." [SILENCE BUT FOR SOME CREAKING] JON: "What, nothing? No smirk? A laugh? I’ve got you rattled." HELEN: "I’m not scared of you." JON: "Helen… Was that… a lie?" Smug and badass Jon is back, yaaaaaaaaaay!
JON: "Urgh!" [A STRANGE SOUND RINGS OUT AS THE ARCHIVIST REAPPEARS IN THE WASTELAND] MARTIN: "Christ, Jon!" JON: [Groggy] "Oh, Martin! Good." MARTIN: "Wh– Wh-wh-what… What happened? Th-th-there was the hotel and then…" Hmmm, I like the headcanon that Martin saw (and heard) something in the sky shifting and and suddenly, like "the sky ate him" but in reverse, it spits out Jon and Martin catches him^^ The soundscaping suggests otherwise though. After "Christ Jon" and during "Oh, Martin! Good." there's rubble to be heard, like climbing over debris. And only after "What happened?" we hear fabric rustling. So sounds to me like Jon fell out of the sky in front of Martin, then gets up and they hug.
JON: "Do you? Want to mourn?" MARTIN: "… A bit, I guess. I-I mean, she was our friend. Sort of. A bit." It's okay to be upset losing a "friend" like this. After all, there most definitely were fun times too, if it was just awful, you probably wouldn't have become their friend, after all.
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river-muse · 5 months
Wall-of-text comment, coming right up!
Okay I think I forgot to mention this before, but I love the Mundus powerscaling you've settled on, and the story of Vergil running away after dmc3!
I think the dmc3 novel or smth gave fans the impression that a 'rested' dmc3 single twin could have defeated Mundus, which, while truly tragic as so much trouble could have been avoided, I think it's also very underwhelming. I guess you upscaled Mundus even higher than dmc1 Dante (30-smth yo) + DS Sparda? Anyway, I really love this. Mundus is a very dangerous and tangible threat, and it's a great pressure point on the twins to figure out their bullshit faster.
And the story you've come up with for post-dmc3 Vergil is very true to him, or at least, I think it is very true for him. Vergil's been on the run from his issues for the last decade, and the ending of the last twin fight just showed him that...all that growth was still enough. His newly awakened little brother was able to defeat him, then what chance does he stand against Mundus? As painful as it looks, that defeat was be a significant blow to him, and Dante's attempts to help would not be able to remedy that, if anything they would only aggravate Vergil's wounds. So yeah, it makes total sense Vergil ran into the night one after that.
Birthday chapters commentary:
(regarding the notes at the beginning of the chapter - I Am Looking Forward To Seeing Your Older Nero)
My best guess is that Vergil was thinking of his 'hiding' habits and how they affected Nero, so, berating himself in front of his mom, before the beginning of the chapter. Then, Dante mentioning that Eva would be proud of Vergil's parenting (which she would) triggered him and he bolted.
Lemme just quickly say here that the frustration Dante feels when Vergil runs? So. Goddamn. Relatable. To. The. Reader.
Love the twins' strategy of constantly picking Nero up, adorable))) Also love that Nero came up to his uncle for the support there (I am weak for Uncle Dante), be clearly needed some support there to tell his dad. That entire scene is great and I love it. The moment Nero interprets Vergil leaving wrong is small but heartbreaking all the same.
The description of the uncle-nephew nap had me crackling in tears xDDD So accurate too!
The scene of Dante waking up automatically looking for a gun is another sneaky, yet powerful heartbreak. I guess he anticipated something like this before and started keeping his girls away when family visits occur? Also wonder why didn't Nero run and jump full speed on his newly-awakened uncle. Missed opportunity, birthday boy!
Twins almost starting another fight, but wrapping it and tossing it away just as quickly in front of Nero is definitely progress, and another prime example of 'forcing the dogs to lie'. Perfectly in sync, even if their actual opinion on the topic are opposites, and the question before them is in dire need of discussing.
Car space for legs being too short is just. Pure torture. All-too relatable, sadly. Poor bois, they did nothing to deserve this(
Nero&Dante teaming up in 'zebra is a horse' arguement is everything to me. Vergil was laughing at his favourite idiots, no doubt xD
My live reaction at little Nero trying to get Dante involved in zoo activities (follow your own advice for your brother, loser): 😭😭😭
Surprisingly accurate common zoo layout description! Very well done there.
"Lizards are not crying aside- [topic switch]" demons? Was that a Devil May Cry reference? What next, a fic Featuring Dante???
I love every single one animal interaction. Like, you could have easily glassed over those, they don't affect the plot or character interactions between each other. Yet, they are all so detailed and lively, I adore those. It's clear you've had a lot of experience with animals, OR your research is obsessively-crazy good. I bet both.
My live reaction at Nero holding hands with twins: 😭😭😭
"I can't Birthday Boy out of this one" - snorted out loud at this one xDDD I feel like the zebra debate is based on personal experience xD
UNCLE DANTE SHOULDER RIDE UNCLE DANTE SHOULDER RIDE UNCLE DANTE SHOULDER RIDE (Vergil absolutely got jealous, and it was his own fault)
Kyrie is a certified otter lover. Love Vergil's little queue to not bring her up and how quickly Dante adapts to his advice.
The plushie naming scene is precious.
Dante seeing that the gift for Nero is hand-wrapped by a clearly inexperienced Vergil is another sneaky little, but very powerful heartbreak. While Dante would make a truly awesome uncle, I also feel very strongly that he would be jealous of Nero. Dante was never enough for Vergil, but Nero had to just..appear and boom! almost-domesticated Vergil. (this is absolutely Dante's issues speaking and not what actually happened, I can also absolutely see the reverse of this happening - Nero being jealous of Dante's twin-telepathy with his father.
Vergil's little cake admission. OUCH. Bad Dante, you shouldn't deflect your closed-off brother's rare emotional moment, you should encourage those to happen more, Bad Dante, Bad.
Twins pool scene can solve all of reader's mental health problems, guaranteed. Precious. Soul-healing. Very touching.
(why was Vergil shaken after that shoulder pat?...my best guess is touch-starvation, but Nero should have been able to keep that one at bay I think...)
I'm enjoying this reread and note-taking very much)))
Ohhh you were CHEWING on this one I can see! For your guess on my knowledge of zoo layouts/animals- I grew up obsessively watching Animal Planet and have been to zoos and aquariums quite a lot before! I LOVE animals even if I don't have the skills/certifications/heart to work closely with them in a professional setting. When I was super little I'd been thinking about pursuing that as a career but set it down because I get way too attached to things. Besides my beloved massive american wirehair cat that roams my house like an overgrown baby I also keep a corn snake I've raised since he was younger than a month old.
Mundus! Yes! I wanted him to be an actual threat that's looming in the background of the narrative because let's be real that guy can create other demons wholesale on a whim and can- well- wait that's spoilers hold on I can't say that 💀 either way I wanted his presence to have actual weight to it rather than just seem like a little speedbump that the twins can take down without issue and have just been avoiding for no reason. He's got his own plans in motion that get hinted at in the narrative but not said outright. He's acting like a persistence predator in that respect. Strategically hunting at random points, cutting off escape routes, and keeping his quarry on edge so their capabilities diminish little by little until they get desperate and tired. :)
I'm not gonna lie I think you even picked up stuff in the narrative I HADN'T PLANNED but it all works so good!!! The case of the writer subconsciously pulling off genius narrative strikes again.
I'm in love with all of this I'm dipping you lowly(platonically) because while I'm going to keep being self-indulgent in this series until it's over it's so exciting to get interactions with it!! I spent a while worried that my method of situational characterization with this divergent AU would be off-putting to anyone else but you're proving me so wrong.
Also yes Older Nero in this AU is going to be fun! I have quite a lot of that content already written or planned. He grows up to have a very similar to canon personality with- a different flavor that you'll see as we progress in the series.
I have a fun question that doesn't need an answer, but is a little extra tidbit to think on because you've made my day:
If the official DMC team said once that Nero wouldn't be who he was without Kyrie- then what do you think Kyrie would be without Nero?
EDIT: No you know what I am NOT DONE TALKING!! I keep dwelling on how you noticed every single moment of action that reveal scars that haven't healed!! The one that still kills me is the description of how Vergil wrapped the gift because if it had been from his perspective we would have just seen him berating himself for not being able to do better but through Dante's eyes we see the MEANING behind the gesture and how significant it is.
Also the zebra argument was by far one of my best things and if I've had that hyper-specific argument before I don't remember but I have FEELINGS about it!
The pool scene. Oh, how soft it makes me feel. Writing it was such a nice breath of fresh air it makes my heart melt and was a sign that with time Vergil can heal and open back up to his family.
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theroundbartable · 4 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "theroundbartable "?
10 fics will be hard for me to do, since I'm very bad with names and I don't really.... Save any. I read, like, comment and move on.
Let's start with my name first. That's easier. Theroundbartable was a joke I made a couple years ago and I had it as the headline of my blog for a while when I was still Changelink23.
I'm not sure where it came from anymore... But I think it was kind of the basis for "connecting the dots". Which is a fanfiction I wrote that is about Gwaine and the knights making up stories about Merthur. It was their game to guess what Merlin was up to and gossip about Arthur's pining. And collectively, they'd make up the entire series on accident.
My idea then was that the knights gather in a bar, got really drunk and basically play DnD with the BBC Merlin storyline. So, the knights of the round table, but at a bar. And maybe that table was round. And maybe it was their regular seat and they called it the round bar table.
After Changelink outdid its purpose and I got really deep into the Merlin concepts, I decided my name should fit the theme. And what else am I doing here with you guys, other than exchange ideas about Merlin while half sounding on drugs? It's my idea of being part of this fandom, I think. All of us sitting at the round bar table and having fun with the series together.
Now, fanfics:
1. Dirty laundry by Gybslythe (Voltron)
It's just... It has sentimental value for me. The author put down the story because they were bullied, sadly. I just felt at home in that fanfiction because the places seemed so familiar to me and I caught the feeling. I could compare it with me visitung my godmother as a child and the described places were just the best moments of my entire childhood. Also the writing style is SOOO good! I mimicked it for a mock exam and that was my best English Exam during my A-levels.
2. Sadly I don't know the actual name of this one :/
Funnily enough, it was a Gravity falls fanfiction... And a Bill cipher x reader one at that, which is WILD that I ever read it. The Reader thing really repulses me. Lol. The thing is, it was very non intimate and the world building blew my mind. It started off with Bill realizing his existence and step by step, he'd give his knowledge to the one human that interested him and therefore lost his power. The reader, however, grew with the knowledge and in the end, wakes up as the entity Bill had been. Just, suddenly knowing she existed, no memories of ever being human. It was so well done and pulled at my philosophical brain, I built "Wired" off of it.
3. Not a story but a series...
Anything by CaffeinatedFlumadiddle. This is the series that made my Merlin writings what they are. I read these and they brought me SOOO much joy! I used to write really depressive stuff. Still do. But after reading these, I wanted to bring that joy, too. I really dug into my humor after that and it really changed how I see stories and even myself and became the foundation of what I focus on in dialogues.
4. From the grave to the cradle by larcluce
I admit it, I'm a bit biased for this one because I'm so proud of larluce for posting their first story after wanting ME to write it. As if I could have done it justice. It's so good for a first work and yeah... I'm very proud of them.
5. My soul has your claim, my soul is in flames
(Voltron) i'm currently reading that due to my online friend's suggestion and it's just... Maybe it's because I'm currently obsessed with it but it really is just that good. It's everything I want from a voltron fanfic :) obliviousness, pining, misunderstandings, and reassurance and Lance's death reveal. Like... Yeah. I'm a sucker for this story.
There are probably a lot more on my list but I'm REALLY bad at remembering stuff XD I remember when I stumble on them. I just listed the ones that are at the top of my head. Sorry it's not a full ten :/ I actually write more than I read too. When I start reading, my mind gets ideas and then I have to write them down and I somehow rarely finish fics over 100k words.
BuT wRiTinG tHEm iS fInE.
By the way, I haven't read "like the cycle of the year" yet. It's been on my list for a while but I haven't gotten around to it. I know it's a fandom favorite. But maybe that's what's putting me off. It'll probably make me feel inadequate after reading it and comparing it to my stuff and then I'll feel bad about my writing. Which would by both oddly motivating and off putting, lol.
As a little bonus, I'll just say what I'm currently working on/planning to work on for now.
1. second chances (Drarry)
I've been writing on that one for over a year. Which is the longest I ever spend on a fic and also the longest fic I've ever worked on in total and also the one I most edited. I'm writing it for my girlfriend. I feel like I'm getting closer to the end and I will post it once it's finished.
Jkr sucks, by the way. She'd probably hate the story which satisfies me greatly.
It's a time travel au, obviously, in which Drarry was a muggle therapist after the war. The magical world doesn't respond well to the idea of therapy but that's not Draco's concern even though it should be. He just wants to atone for his sins. Being thrown back in time gives him that chance... But it also awakens deep traumatic issues while he struggles to help the good side and betray his parents and friends in the meantime. It's very analytical of his character and he suffers a lot and it's a lot of fun to do.
2. Karak'nirir- the goddess of creation (Voltron)
A Lance centric Voltron fanfic in which he is gifted the power of a goddess. I'm trying to get back into world building and well... I just really love Lance XD
3. The clockroom (BBC Merlin)
... It's on hiatus... Again. It's so hard to find the time to work on it. But I will... At some point. Probably. I hate unfinished business.
4. ... I'll probably focus on the Merthur marriage concept next. In which Arthur tries to raise Merlin's status and has Merlin learn magic in order to defeat Emrys. Cause then Merlin would be druid king and they can get married XD i want to apply some stuff I'm currently learning through "my soul has your claim" and maybe that will change how I write in the long run, too.
5. .... I should be working on a book that's publishable. Maybe feedback from professional book sellers will help me improve my work also.
By the way... Having 4 wips kills my brain. I hate it. One fic at a time. That's how I work best. It's too much for me. I'm dying. I have no ideas how other people do it.
Thank you for the question, anon ^^ I hope I answered it well enough XD
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weirdcat1213 · 9 months
volume 13 oh fuck oh shit oh fuck lets go
chap 1:
-that panel with vash yelling and shooting at the sky its just...hes so done man, hes so tired
-legato dont
-fucking hell what did i just say
-damn, kinda feel bad for legato. cant he really have something knives? really?
-im sorry, like what legato is saying is really interesting but...is he mopping the floor with vash while thinking of his journey?
-"it would be shameful to not risk your life" PROJECTING MUCH???
-omg the 1st time i saw that one panel where hes white i fucking gasped so hard. i thought my baby was dead CUZ LOOK AT HIM
-like yo nightow that shit gives me nightmares to this day
-the fact that legato ISNT WRONG about vash just ruins my fucking day. my week. my life
-yknow ik we have said legato has never been his own person but in this moment (when he explains to vash the box) hes taking a decision for himself for once. he didnt have to give vash that advantage but he wants to prove his loyalty to knives, even when knives clearly said "i could not give less if a fuck." messed up choice, but his choice nonetheless
-im just gonna point out that vash doesnt think of wolfwood when he thinks of the gun ho guns and move on :)
chap 2:
-nightow honey IDK WHOS SAYING THAT
-oh ok thanks
-oh honey
-legato is being a dick but putting the gun in your mouth? metal
-idk whats happening rn
-VASH NO HES GETTING HIS russian doll?
-ok im gonna be honest...i dont remember if livio gets out of this one so when elendira says hell end up crucified....hmmm...pls no
-shes so sarcastic lmao
-also i kinda like livio having a lil bit of pride on his abilities, maybe cuz hes not like elendira being like "im powerful as fuck and you cant stop me."
chap 3:
-oh shit no warning? damn that IS gonna be rough
-legato dont-
-ah fuck, i cant believe youve done this
-yeah be paranoid bitch >:3
-"which one of us is best" personally i think vash but thats my bad, im a vash girlie <3
-oh legato...i sadly would say no. youre human therefore you cant live, according to him...anyway...
-"omg elendira youre so rude >:[" "BITCH WE'RE IN A FIGHT TO THE DEATH" xd
-"it just lifts my spirits ya see" :cccc livioooooooooo
-its not like i hated him before but im definitely enjoying his character way more now
chap 4:
-lets fucking go livio
-oh right.....oh no
-me: nightow what exactly is elendira-
nightow: shhh dont worry about it
-oh...oh thats hot actually
-legato pls leave my man aloneeeeeeeee
-omg theyre hereeeeeeeeeeeee
-"hes a very special person" he sure is <3
-something about vash hiding in the fog...hmmm idk it makes me sad
-oh, there he is
-fuck team humanity is getting their asses kicked
-and...there he comes
-ah shittttttttt
chap 5:
-oh damn
-well damn there he goes
-razlo gets it >:3
-oh damn those eyes
-oh shit oh fuck oh shit (shes right tho)
-me: ok nightow now i really want to know what elendira is-
nightow with a gun: i said dont worry about it :)
-oh yes queen you fucking go ily sm
-oh shit oh ok so he still has his head, right
-damn you could say thats was the...final nail...to the coffin....*ba dum tsss*
chap 6:
-good to see razlo experiencing the human emotion called fear, get humbled
-interesting that skill ISNT enough. like razlo was cocky cuz yeah hes powerful af not because he had won many fights before. so if skill isnt enough then what is
-something something my man refuses to be crucified, something something the power of change
-oh i love these kinds of combos sm (im not saying i think thats how happens irl, im just saying i enjoy it in fiction)
-aw :c
-you say that but youre bleeding queen
-razlo i kinda hate you cuz you killed him but no you cant leave now
-oh shit oh fuck no
chap 7:
-razlo and his methods were fucked, yes but its true that in the end it was to defend livio. in a world like that only razlo had his back
-..... :c
-geesus nightow, like thats junji ito kind of shit (imo)
-did it?????
-geesus christ thats a weapon
-.....im not really sure what just happened
-so is livio dead????
-oh shit i didnt...notice that....
-"and to him" STOP IT STOP IT
-my queen no :c rip :c you were gorgeous
chap 8:
-oh god livio
-oh shit he knowssss
-bro pls leave my man alone, hes so tired
-pls dont mention his powers can act as a shield cuz that reminds me of the last time he did that :c
-omg its livio the teenager
-hes ok its fine
-"psst...pssst....can you stfu" XDDD
-the chaos :c the destruction :c the russian doll :c
-stop iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
chap 9:
-damn legato, dont look cool while youre trying to kill my son
-legato stoooooooooooop
-funny enough until this point legato hasnt said anything about "breaking his spirit" so vash is just really feeling the choice coming at him, quickly, maybe too quickly
-wait whats happening?
-"he might be the key for communication" yeah...wouldnt that be nice
-"and you knives, i will never forgive you" get in line
-you just cant ask "what kind of person vash is" cuz you either get a 5 hour lecture or 2 hours of ugly crying
-"i believe in how he chose to live his life" while vash is in the same shape as wet paper
trimax meryl "i believe in how he chose to live his life"
🤝 98 wolfwood "i see, so thats how you live. thats how you choose to live"
the sadddest and maybe kinda stupid decision ever, but in the end imagine being able to choose that after so much trauma. imagine not giving yourself to hate and fear
-oh shit :0 he shot the little box
-go go go GO GO GO
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yan-snowcave · 1 year
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[Saw @cannibalsweetheart dropping this and I just had to use this to talk more about my beloved boy, Remor xD If you wanna do it then click here and it will bring you to the template!]
Casanova :
After meeting Casanova our dear Prince of Sloth fell head over heals for them. From the white fluffy hair, the hetrochromic eyes, cute braces and his overall casanova-like mask. It just ticked all of Remor's boxes and apparently he did the same to the Incubus.
Casanova is one of the few people where Remor can fully relax and not be worried of getting hurt, he even allowed Casanova to see what's underneath his Ram Skull mask.
He still keeps some secret from his beloved Incubus though, some things are better kept a secret. He hopes that if Nova ever finds out about it that he won't be angry at him.
Cyanide :
Remor's fear of anything medical related [Hospitals, medicine, nurses/doctors, pharmacies, ect.] Jumped over to Cyanide because of a mistake where the manufactur sold the wrong type of medicine. After waking up in pain and getting his right meds from Cyanide at the pharmacy the damdge had already been done. He still keeps everything civil around her but everyone can see how anxious and kinda paranoid he is of Cyanide handling his medicine. [He feels bad for fearing Cy, he knows it wasn't her fault but that dosen't stop his mind.]
Cyanide on the other hand has a more Platonic relationship with Remor, she felt sorry for what happend to him and understands that sadly she can't do anything about his fear other then pack the meds right in front of him. Even double or tripple checking that these were the right meds just to calm his mind.
She still has a small crush on the Skull wearing prince which she hides rather well. If he ever showed intrest or asked her out on a date she would accept and see where it goes from there.
Ketamine :
First time meeting Ketamine was a shitshow, between Remor rampaging around [Kicking Nova so hard in the dick that he thought he would loose it, a certain lemon-loving nurse usig Ketamine as a meat-shield as said Doctor tried to wrestle Remor onto the ground. Earning himself a few headbutts to the chest.] In the end the surgery went well and he apologized alot, even offering to buy him his favorite food as some compensation.
He accepted the offer [mostly to piss of Nova] and started to bound with the Sloth Prince. They mostly talked about their work, pets they kept and on rare occasions when Ketamine had a bit too much to drink, their families. Over time Remor formed a small crush on Ketamine that he's trying tonsupress since he already has Nova and isn't yet ready to ask him about a Poly-relationship with his co-worker.
Meanwhile Ketamine was annoyed with Remor at firdt, he hadn't had the best first impression but still he accepted his offer. After a few weeks of annoying Casanova with taking away Remor's time, he sorta bounded with said Sloth Prince. He stopped hanging out with him just for the purpose of annoying Nova and instead started to enjoy his company.
If anyone askes him tho he would say that they're an annoyance that just bringst him good alcohol and worms. The small crush he formed on the Sloth prince [thanks to his overall shyness and Nova's non-stop lovey dovey gushing about him.] Is something he's trying to drown out and then stomp it into a fine dust, before it can grow into anything more then small feelings.
Pestilence :
They made eye contact once and immediately decided that the other is now their best friend whom they will share a braincell with. They even made an agreement that if they are both in their 30's and non of them are married that they would get married for Tax Benefits.
Remor has platonically adopted Pesti into his family, it met his parents who immideantly fell in love with it and were very dissapointed when they couldn't officaly adopt it into the Pajira family. Promised it that if they find a way that they would contact it immediately.
Pesti is another person who saw Remor without his mask, it even has pics of them where he dosen't wear it. It keeps them in a very well hidden and password protected folder, when Remor learned it he pulled it into a bearhug and thanked it. He swears he didn't cry...Maybe a little...
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kiigeboi · 7 months
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First of all,man that intro was so cool!,i thought at first the guy who was escaping was phone guy but nah,and when i mean the cool part i mean the intro animation!,it sounds made up but the people in my screening of the movie started cheering and clapping (me included lol),it was just such a good yet important detail,like,shit,the peopl who made these movies at least know something abt the og games!
I first thought that Mike was gonna be related to the FNAF 4 kid,like the normal lore is,i was a bit dissapointed that he wasn´t since i love fnaf 4 and michael afton so much,but its fine,mike and abbey´s scenes where so very cute
William Afton noticing Mike´s name had me at the edge of my seat,like,AAAAGH!,Is he gonna be his son or not?,sadly not but it´s okay anyways,people in my show were making shaggy jokes of course
Matpad!!!!,my boy,i didn´t recognize him at first but after i did i was so happy omg!!!,such a sweet cameo,still sad markiplier wasn´t able to appear this time but it´s okay!
Movie Mike is so sweet i love him :(((
Vanessa!,lots of people seemed surprised when she appeared!,she was an interesting addition to the movie ngl! Golden freddy part was kinda weird ngl,loved the movie but the 3rd act feels a tinyyyy bit off ngl!
AGH WILLIAM AFTON MENTIONED AND HIM BEING VANESSA´S DAD!!!???1!!?!?HELLO!!!?!??!'!?,LITERALLY AT THE CINEMA PEOPLE HEARING WILLIAM AFTON MENTIONED WENT "YESSS!!!!!,WOOOO!!!",THEN RIGHT AWAY MENTIONING IT´S HER DAD EVERYONE WENT,"WHAAAAAAAATTTT?????",It was so so funny!,yet and interesting twist,but i feel like it fits the lore,and should have seen it coming but didn´t expect it because of the og games lore!,such an interesting adittion,can´t wait what else they do if they do make more movies
The animatronics building that bed thingy idk how its called in english was a bit odd yet funny,during the abby scenes where were a lot of laughs and awwwww,a bit out of place for the movie but its a cute movie still and they still try to kill abby after so :p
The picture drawings being what the animatronics thought as true was confusing???,it was very weird to be honest,i feel like them thinking the guard is who killed them because of their suit makes more sense,idk why they went in that direction but eh
SPRINGLOCK SCENE??!!!??!?!?!?HELLO????????,I wasn´t expecting them to do it right away,i think it would have been a better scene if they showed the kids dragging away springtrap instead of the animatronics,kinda making it more similar to the fnaf 3 version you know!.yep i do feel it is quite rushed,and lowkey feel it should have been a bit more painful,but hey!!!!,he said the funny line and everyone in the cinema screamed,loved that
Someone behind me didn´t know who william afton was and said "OMG!,IT WAS THE GUY FROM THE START",and i found that so cute and funny loooool XD
8/10!!!,As a fnaf fan,and someone who had a special interests of it when younger,i loved it!!!! fuck ballon boy
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captain039 · 1 year
PART 5 He’s down on his knees
Jared Padalecki x reader
Warnings: sexual, smut, oral, light swearing, age gap, praise kink, dom/sub, bondage, public sex, talks about sex/kinks, first times, self-esteem issues, body issues, chubby reader Just real dirty unless I put feelings into it xD, mentions of injury
Just a random movie I’ll make up for this.
I also live for a gay best friend makeup artist
Last part <-
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You were quickly out of the hospital and struggling with your keys as you went to your car. Your hands shook and you cursed dropping them. You wiped away tears and bent down to get them, huffing as you finally unlocked your door. You went to get in but the door slammed shut making you flinch out the way and frown at whoever did it. Before you could give them a piece of your mind you noticed the bandaged foot and overly tall man in front of you. You glared, partly pissed from him leaving his bed with his bad foot, the other upset and betrayed from seeing what you saw.
“No” you said simply as he opened his mouth making him huff.
“No” you repeated when he tried again. He raised an eyebrow at you and you crossed your arms having a stare down with him. He sighed breaking eye contact hands on his hips as he leant to one side.
“Go back to the hospital! You’re gonna break it this time” you rolled your eyes as the man huffed again.
“Oh don’t huff at me I’m the one who should be-“ your words smooshed and mumbled as he pressed his lips to yours. Your body melted reacting instantly before your mind caught up and you slapped him. He stood shocked as did you apologising quickly.
“I didn’t-“ you gulped seeing Gen coming closer. You went to open your door but Jared stood in your way.
“Jared” you frowned annoyed by his childish behaviour.
“Will you shut up and listen?” He sighed and you blinked surprised.
“Gen read me very wrong” he said and Gen flushed embarrassed.
“I was, look I was thinking about you I got turned on” he was embarrassed now running a hand down his face.
“They put me on too many meds” he sighed looking tired now.
“I’m sorry” Gen said.
“I know you two were close I just didn’t realise how close, I like you Jared I do, but I didn’t know about this otherwise I wouldn’t have done anything” she looked guilty and now you felt guilty. You had too many emotions going on, trying to scramble them into correct places in your head.
“I just need to go home, well the hotel” you said opening your door again, Jared finally letting you as Gen said your name sadly.
“You two are good together” you whispered hoping into your car and smiling no matter how much it hurt.
“Excuse me” you muttered looking to Jared who got out the way of your car as did Gen. you gave a small wave ignoring the tears that threatened to spill as you pulled out of the car park. The poured as soon as you were out of the car park. You cried, hit the wheel a few times before finally getting to the hotel. You wiped your eyes tried to look like you hadn’t cried and headed inside. You said hello to the receptionist before heading to the elevator before your room.
You collapsed on your bed when you made it, crying your heart out as you texted your mum. You had told her what happened, minus a few things, a lot of things, you just said Jared kissed and confessed and she squealed on the phone like a high school girl. Your phone buzzed and you wiped your eyes seeing ‘mum’ and answered.
“Sweetie what happened?” She asked and you sniffled.
“Existence” you said feeling more tears as you rolled onto your back, putting the speaker on.
“Besides that” she sighed.
“Gen kissed him, they’re so good together though, I was too blind in my own love spell to see it” you felt the tears roll down the side of your face and onto your shirt.
“He hurt himself today and I just stood dumbly to caught up in panic while Gen just up and carried the giant to the car while I processed, I’m supposed to love him, take care of him and I can’t even do that” you cried.
“My darling girl” she sighed sadly.
“You’ve read it wrong, nobody’s Wonder Woman, Gen handled things differently so what? She said she didn’t realise and wouldn’t have done it, and Jared, well Jared sounds like a love sick puppy trust me” she said scoffing softly at the last part making you frown.
“He messages me” she said.
“Huh?” You said dumbly.
“You gave him my number remember?” She chuckled softly.
“Oh yeah, for emergency’s” you said.
“Yes well apparently this is his emergency” you could hear her roll her eyes.
“He’s asking me what you like to do so he can take you on dates, what to buy so he can get gifts, I’m not saying mother knows best, but I do” she said and you laughed at the last part.
“You’ve just been overloaded, when you’ve cried it out and slept go talk to him, you’re an adult remember?” She said and you smiled.
“Don’t remind me” you heard her chuckle softly.
“Thanks mum” you said throat sore.
“That’s why I’m here” she said making you roll your eyes and laugh.
“Now have a nap, remember to eat too! Some proper food ok?” She huffed.
“Yes mum” you shook your head slightly laughing.
“Good girl” she replied.
“I love you” she added.
“Love you too” you smiled.
“Alright well let me know how it goes, you go this ok? Love you have a good sleep” she made kiss noises.
“Bye mum” you laughed as she hung up.
She was right though, you were overloaded and needing to talk it out like an adult, after pizza and a nap. Tomorrow you’d message, for now you needed some sleep.
Notes: Idk if someone asked to be tagged for this I’m sorry🥲
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captainsspnanon · 8 months
C3E75 - reaction
WHAT an episode!!!
Starts off 'strong', what with the party trying to figure out how to get to a cave entrance....that turned out to be 150-200 feet away. XD AKA - like 30 seconds of walking, a minute if it's consider difficult terrain. Obviously it was more than that considering the vertical climb, but the reveal of the distance was very funny to me.
Honestly, the climb down the tunnel ended up being easier than I expected it to be! I was expecting a few more checks at least, but there were good tactics to get down.
I appreciate that Sam is using Message the way it's intended. I remember at the beginning of the campaign he used it to just send a feeling, rather than words. I think the latest 4SD may have helped him feel more comfortable with reusing things that previous PCs have done without feeling like he's stepping on their toes. I definitely don't think it was WRONG the way he was doing it before, but it's also good that he doesn't feel like he has to Do It Different, even if it makes things More Difficult.
The little fire creatures were so adorable, I can't wait to see the fanart of it! (My mom likened the voices and short lives with Spurt, RIP 11 days)
They got the shard of Rau'shan! Seems like the cast has a similar idea of having Fearne be the one to integrate the shard, but they've got a bit yet before they figure out how to do it (and especially how to awaken both of them).
I miss the more devastating consequences of lava/magma. Vax melted his foot after just a brief dip, meanwhile Ashton is absolutely fine after 18 seconds being fully submerged, same with Fearne even though she was only in for 6. I wonder if this was discussed out of game as feeling too punishing, but I would have loved to see some long term consequences for the trip, rather than just losing some clothes and briefly superheated skin.
I will admit, I do not understand at all why Ludinus is here. What does he need the shard for? The Hells are getting it because of Ashton backstory purposes, how does it tie in to the Ruidus stuff? Also why was Ludinus scrying on the party to begin with? Aside from at the initial combat, they really haven't done anything else to mess with his plans, right? This totally might just be a me thing of missing something obvious.
EPIC combat!!! Liam's turn with the pushing attacks deserved all the table energy it got, and the counterspell-off was PERFECT. (Side note, I'm a bit sad that I know the rules better now. Ludinus didn't need to roll at all for his counterspell, right? Because Laudna only cast at third level, so it should have instantly worked. BUT IT WAS STILL AN EPIC MOMENT even if I'm pretty sure it's against RAW)
also LOL Ashton's just fully Donald Ducking the combat XD I am also looking forwards to fanart of this.
I really appreciated the fact that the table was very tactics heavy with this combat, even if it didn't all play out the way they wanted. Actually, Travis seemed a bit off this entire episode - being a lot more against the first whole initial journey down the tunnel and into the cavern way more than expected, and then getting very upset once he realized he was trying to do two bonus actions. Nothing bad about this, but just off from him typical behavior.
The bit below is going to be a bit negative towards Taliesin, so only click if you want to read it. It definitely gets a bit discourse-y.
Sadly, this episode ended up hitting a lot of my personal pet peeves with Taliesin's play style. Please note that these are my PERSONAL SUBJECTIVE feelings, not some objective truth. They are play style aspects which very much clash with how I play, and so bother me even though I'm not the one playing at the table.
First - I rewatched the section to make sure I didn't miss something. Going down the tunnel, Marisha talks to Matt that she's using Spider Climb, rolls, and gets a bad result. Then Matt turns to Tal to get his number, Taliesin gives his idea of using rage and widening the tunnel (a great idea, don't get me wrong!), Marisha indicates that she's already climbing, and then Tal goes "I thought I was going first"
No. He didn't say before that he was going, I watched the second again! He saw Marisha go, get a bad roll, and then try to make it so that he actually went first so her bad roll wouldn't have impact. I've said this during my C2 rewatch for stuff with other players, including Liam, but if he wanted to go first, he should have interrupted at any point BEFORE Marisha announced her result of failing.
Second - Someone sees something, I think it was Orym with his 31 passive?, but Ashton/Taliesin is the one to react about seeing it. Matt even shut it down this time, making it clear that Ashton didn't see it. He's done this now every campaign, and I'm pretty sure multiple times. It just really hits me the wrong way.
Third - He has Ashton just stand up and go to the lava pool on his own without getting input or waiting for the other players. 100% fine! Everyone does this, and it's in character to do so. BUT then he's like 'i'm doing it, i'm just going off on my own and doing it! but if you wanna help! yeah i'm going off on my own no waiting but yes help me help me cast spells and benefits but i'm just going off of my own no waiting'. Yes, that is clearly exaggerated, but when players go off and do things on their own, I want them to be going off and doing things on their own! Multiple times in all three campaigns, a player will have their PC go off and do something, and usually the verbal conversation is "too late i'm doing it" or "can't stop me I already said it" or something to the equivalent. This? Honestly it doesn't feel like a PC going off and doing something on their own, it feels like Taliesin interrupting the stuff going on at the table and demanding front and center.
And the thing is that Taliesin has had MANY times in the campaigns where his PC has gone off and done something on his own WITHOUT this feeling! But just how it was portrayed here really got to me.
I recognize all of the above is personal nitpicks, and it is their table, and many people will disagree with me. But I just wanted to vent.
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laneynoir · 1 year
Fanfiction Trope MASH-UP
Kili and Tauriel: Baby Fic + Interrupted Declaration of Love 
This sounds impossible even for me, so I think I owe you an apology. XD Let it die in your Ask Box if it's too hard. Bahaha.
@sotwk Thank you so much 😊
Me the instant I noticed your ask:✨ I N S P I R A T I O N ✨
No really, thank you for being my first ever request Nanath 🤗
Word count: 1677
Kili Durinson, Prince of Erabor, beloved by his people, and Hero to half of Middle Earth, hates babys.
...well prehaps that was a bit dramatic. Kili, at this moment, harbors no significant love for this particular baby.
Sighing heavaly he glances down at the fuzzy red ball of fluff that is Bomburs child, the pebble really isn't a bad kid, usually, and he could hardly be blamed for teething, but really did he have to do it on the first night that Kili had free?
The prince had had plans After all. Perfect plans, he'd made sure of it. Nothing was going to go wrong.
Kili feels as if he can hear the Valar laughing at him.
He raises his eyes as the graceful form of his beloved ducks back into the room, oh that we could be somewhere else, without a baby. But Kili is an optimistic sort, he hasn't given up hope compleatly.
He's mostly just perturbed that the hour and a half of sitting with Bilbo has gone to waste. They had put so much thought into the plan, every detail ironed out, he'd even gone so far as to bribe Nori into using his spy network to get flowers.
But fate never wanted to give the poor prince a break.
A sneeze brings him back to the present and Kili makes a sympathetic face at the child, pointedly ignoring that his Royal Public Relations Tunic now has baby snot smeared accros the front. 
Kili is not above taking some pleasure from imagining Balin's face when he descovers this little fact.
Smiling softy as Tauriel begins humming an elven song, he chides himself for mentally complaining so heartily; after all, Bombour could not be blamed for his cousins untimely labor.
True to the costumes set forth at the fist births, all family members over the age of five, were to be near when a new relative was brought into the world, thus when Lady Elberdeth's water broke a half month early, no time could be spared to finding another caretaker for the one-year-old.
Bilbo would have done of course, as would any of the company, but sadly they all had prior engagements. Bussinous in Dale was what detained his family Thorin as king, Bilbo as consort, and Fili as crown prince, had all been called away to a meeting who's date had been agreed upon weeks prior.
Kili had been grumpy at them a mere five seconds when he'd caught Bilbo's dismayed expression and forgiven them all imeadiatly.
Bombour's tears of gratitude when Tauriel had offered to whatch ober the baby may have been a comtender twords that as well, and really no one could be upset at the large dwarf for long regardless of any circumstance.
The child's breathing slows to a steadier rythym as he desendes into sleep, though Kili notes that his mouth is still open, his nose compleatly blocked up.
When the Pebble is laid down in his parents' bed -head elevated- Kili alowed himself to collapse into a chair in the parlour. "I find myself exhausted." He is delighted when Tauriel rewards him with a sift version of her musical laugh.
"Indeed, I shall never say aught agaist the patience of dwarves, that master Bombour and his One have done this four time before" Kili winces in agreement, he find himself sure that he could never find the willpower for it.
And Kili has alot of willpower.
The evidence of which is sitting across from himself, looking like a painting as she reads a book. After all, his uncle is not oberly fond of elves, dealing with them was a chore, allowing one to live in his kingdom? Unthinkable.
Kili and been hard put to make the elven maids case, he blames it on Thorin's then wounds, and Bilbo's minesrations that the efforts had been successful at all.
Not to say it didn't take longer than he'd wished, in the end it had taken a total of nine arguments to convince his uncle, the last of which finally pushed his alowence.
"Uncle please!-"
"No! Kili! How many times must I reinforce this? I will not have an elf living within our halls, she has no reason.".
Kili resists the urge to rip his beard out. "Tauriel has been banished, was banished because of her efforts to assist us! Is that not reason enough? Were we not exiles of our own country so long, have you already forgotten?"
Thorin runs a hand through his hair, wincing at rhe pain the movment brings. "Kili..."
"No! It is no differant! She saved my life AND Fili's if you'll remember."
"I am not saying that we do not owe this elf a great deal," the king concedes, allowing a flash of hope to pass through Kili. "But that is not the same as allowing an outsider into our home."
Biting back his anoyance in what Killi feels is a great exhibition of maturity, he responds as calmly as he can manage, "Bilbo stays." Thorin's facial expression shifts rapidly at the mention of the Hobbit and Kili bites a smirk back. "His ears are rathrer pointed, are they not?"
"That is not-"
"Hmm, yes, they are. I supose you'll be packing him off as well? Cant have outsiders in our midst" Kili is being manipulative, he knows it, but he has grown tired of arguing with his uncle and is unashamed of using the poir burglar against his -obviously love struck- uncle.
Predictably, Thorin bristles instantly bristles. "Master Baggins has not been an outsider for quite some time-"
"And why not?" Kili's reprochfull frown is evident to his uncle, who in return sighs wearily.
"Has he not done more for our people than can ever be repaid? Treated us as his own, when we- I had done nothing to deserve such treatment?"
"Uncle you prove my point for me, you've yet to give Tauriel even the slightest chance, just as you once did Bilbo! You grew to regret that choice, would you repeat it here?"
Thorin raises an eyebrow. "I doubt that my feelings for this elf will ever mirror those I harbour for Bilbo?"
Kili's nose srunches at the mental image. "Mahal, no uncle. But what you feel for Bilbo I do for Tauriel." His words are quieter neer the end, this he had not told anyone so far, though he knew Fili suspected.
Thorin's eyes widen a fraction. "You mean to say-"
Kili grabs his hair in his own hands. "YES, uncle Thorin, I feel it, Tauriel is my one." When he raises his head Thorin sees the unshed tears in his eyes, "every hour I am away from her it pains me, worse the this accursed stab wound"
There were more words spoken after that, but Thorin was convinced, and spent the next few months urging Kili to confess to the elven maid.
Sterling himself, Kili reaches the desision, if Tauriel had any though of returning his feeling surely she would not refute to acknowledge them only because of the less than glamorous surounding-
"Kili are you well?"
The youngest Durin is yanked from his thoughts he the lovely voice of the Eleth. He blinks owlishly in response, confusion evident.
That beautiful laugh escapes from her lips again. "You've been staring at me for some time Kili, my guess would be around seven and a half minuets."
Kili grins sheepishly. "Apologies," Tauriel smiles her forgivness. "Only... I wish to tell you-" a cry picks up in the next room and both of them shoot to their feet, runing to the bext room.
After the child is clean, dry, and back asleep, Kili meanders to the kitchen, pleased to find a suitable snack to share with Tauriel.
This is of course, an innocent snack, not a tool of procrastination nor an excuse to be close to the elven maid. Not at all.
By the time the last of the pie has dissapreared, Kili has once again gathered his courage and speaks; "Tauriel I wish to-"
A thump is heard, Tauriel and Kili exchange glances before racing once again to the crying child's aid.
The child who seemingly had a death wish, as he had rolled off the bed and -being a rather plump child- had gotten stuck betwixt the bed and the wall.
Twenty minutes later he is back asleep and there is once again peace- but Kili has decided not to trust it and goes to open his mouth emidiatly, but is cut off before he can begin.
"Kili I wish to speak of a metter of great importance"
The tone in the elves voice sends a jolt of panic through the young dwarf and he swallows thickly before gesturing for Tauriel to continue, dreading what her words may be.
"I wish for you to know that I harbor romantic feeling for you, and should like very much if you would allow me to court you."
Kili stares a moment, then stares some more. Then he blinks three times in rapid succession.
Tauriel twists her hands nervously in her lap before withdrawing a small box from the flods of her tunic. Opening it allows Kili to see a beautifully crafted crafted pair of beads, each made of onyx with petrified wood inlaid.
Suddenly a near-hysterical laugh echoes throughout the room, and Kili is shocked to realise it has come from himself.
Slapping a hand over his mouth he reaches into his own pocket to withdraw a box similar to Tauriel's, opening it to reveal two beads of his own. Crafted from jade, they are made into the appearance of leaves.
To his relief Tauriel catches onto the irony of the situation, and begins to laugh as well. After a moment Kili calms himself enough to ask; "May I braid your hair Armariline?"
With a smile that makes Kili's heart sore, Tauriel nods. "If you will allow me the same honour?"
Kili agrees instantly, and moves to his love- right at a cry rings throughout the space once again.
ONCE AGAIN- thank you so much Nanath! I would have no courage to post this but I'm doing it anyway! (Seriously though, I saw this ask at 2:43 am, its now 3:21. No quality here)
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