#((I got another fanart in the works based on the suggestions I received
karuuhnia · 5 months
May I suggest a Steve? (Deep rock)
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Well, only one space dwarf and it's the Steeve who's enjoying a treat, but I hope you're all okay with that lol.
This became more of a colour study, but I really like how the background turned out. Azure Weald is my favourite biome in DRG.
Please do not alter, repost/reupload or redistribute my artwork anywhere! (Reblogging is perfectly fine, of course.) 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Hey! This is a bizarre ask but hopefully a welcome one after *gestures at the destruction and fire*. I’m completely new to the Loki/thorki fandom, having essentially come in via the exit door by watching the Loki tv series first. I was honestly just watching it for junk value to have something in the background while I knit. However, when I realized that I didn’t understand anything by the middle of Ep. 1, I went back to watch Thor 1 so I could get what was going on. And HOLY SHIT I was utterly captivated by Loki’s character in the original movie, as well as by the Loki-Thor and Odin family dynamics. I’ve now watched through the films and have been increasingly disappointed by the portrayal of Loki (since Avengers 1 frankly) save a few glimmers of good characterization here and there.
I can’t believe that I’m getting myself into another queer coded (and now more than coded wtf) “villain” with a tragic backstory who’s done dirty by the fandom at large, but here we are! I’m also super into thorki because goddamn… they sure do have a Dynamic™.
So I guess my question is, what is actually good here? I feel like I’ve been trying to fight my way back to Kenneth Branagh!Loki, and have been largely unsuccessful within canon content. Do you have suggestions for a newcomer re: fics, fanart, and meta that actually treats Loki seriously? (and thorki as well?)
Hey! Welcome! Sorry about the mess *gestures at the garbage fire that is the TVA Show The Larry Show The "Loki" Show*
And this isn't a bizarre ask at all. It was really nice to receive actually! And yeah! I'm so glad you went back and watched the originals. The TV Show character is a completely new character played by the same actor who has nothing in common with the original character (who yes is absolutely fascinating and captivating and multilayered). Honestly I just think of the tv character as Larry, Loki's dumb lookalike cousin bc they have nothing in common lol. So glad the show led to you discovering good content...and thorki. And yeah Thor 2011 is amazing! It's so underrated. If you want meta relating to that and also just gushing about the film you can def check out my Thor 2011 tag.
My thorki tag of course has thorki stuff including art etc. I've also got an art tag which has both thorki and non-thorki works. If you want fic recs you can look in my fic rec tag which has a bunch of good stuff both thorki and gen.
Also here are some good thorki fics to start out with that I've really enjoyed. Most are ones I read early on when I just discovered the ship. Also @illwynd has a great thorki blog btw that you should def check out (and also their sideblog @throwbackthorki). Edit: I’ve also added some gen fic recs.
Thorki Fic Recs:
Chaos War by astolat (words: 34,203 | rating: E)
It was never easy to find Loki when he wanted to hide, but he wasn't doing a particularly good job of it at the moment. Probably he didn't think anyone from Asgard would be wasting their time hunting for him while the shining ones churned their way steadily through all the realm.
Loyalty at Any Price by seidrade (words: 22,663 | rating: E )
“This whole time, I’ve been searching the Nine Realms— alone— for answers to questions I barely know how to ask. I thought Heimdall at his watch, our father upon the throne, and most grievously… I thought you lost to me forever.” Thor’s resurgence of anger gives way to something like despair. He can’t tell whether he wants to pummel Loki into one giant bruise, or hold him and weep like a child.
When Thor returns to Asgard and exposes Loki’s deception, his demands for answers and Loki’s reluctance to give them soon bubble over into a cathartic confrontation.
Born to be Kings by Kadorienne (words: 66,618 | rating: T)
When the princes of Asgard made their ill-fated jaunt to Jotunheim, Odin arrived to fetch them before the frost giant grabbed Loki's arm. Odin was able to carry out his plan to make Loki his puppet king of Jotunheim. But how long will Loki remain an obedient puppet?
Yidrigar by epistolic (words: 5,174 | rating: M)
Sometimes I am envious, but never doubt that I love you.
The Heavy Crown by orphan_account (words: 10,024 | Rating: M )
Odin is dead. Loki must take up the mantle of King even as war threatens Asgard, Thor remains bereft of both Mjolnir and his immortality, and stress coupled with the knowledge of his heritage drives Loki to the brink.
No Common Thing by ravenbringslight (words: 8,283 | rating: E)
Loki follows Thor to a brothel and gets the shock of his life.
On the Eagle's Wings by illwynd (words: 2,975 | rating: T )
After Loki falls from the Bifrost, Thor begins to write him letters every day.
How long we were fooled by Ark (words: 28,227 | rating: E )
Loki is not a good man, he knows; there is something rotten in the core of him; and even a much better man might let Thor kiss him, since Thor still tastes of sizzling lightning, like gathering rain, like a desire so fierce and so awful to him that when released it could bring Asgard to its knees.
sunshine by thorvaenn (words: 18,257 | rating: E )
A post Infinity War fluffy piece.
Thor and Loki are among those who are trying to pick up the pieces, but must first fix each other.
Edit: And Some Gen Fic Recs too:
lose my idols to find my voice by Lise (words: 1,548 | rating: T)
This is no homecoming.
monstrare by Lise (words: 1,174 | T )
Loki is Asgard's second prince, brother to Thor, son of Odin and Frigga.
Isn't he?
farewell hope, and with hope farewell fear by Lise (words: 3,113 | rating: T)
Loki and the terrible, horrible, no good, very long delayed reckoning.
Five Times Loki Could Have Been A Villain by Kadorienne (words: 3,344 | rating: G | Character Death)
Five AUs where Loki is not a mere antagonist, but an actual villain.
He would have acted very differently.
When It Sings, When It Lies by dreamsthebirds (words: 14,145 | rating: G)
Thor AU, based on an awesome norsekink prompt for a scenario in which Heimdall doesn't open the Bifrost to Jotunheim, Odin doesn't ride to the rescue, and Loki is forced to take matters into his own hands.
Interdimensional journeys, shattering emotional revelations, and walking trees ensue.
Ichor in Violet by tirsynni (Words: 14,574 | rating: T)
When Thor learns that Loki can travel to other realms without Heimdall seeing, of course he convinces Loki to take them both to Jotunheim to hunt Frost Giants. There an accident unravels centuries of lies and threatens to unravel Loki, too.
The Sinking Feeling of Anticipation by JaggedCliffs (words: 8,624 | rating: G)
When Æsir come of age, they receive a gift from their parents, one meant to aid them in their adult lives. When a prince of Asgard comes of age, their gifts are not just for themselves, but for the realm.
Loki watched Thor receive Mjolnir at his coming of age ceremony – one of the greatest weapons in the realms, for one of its greatest warriors. Now, it's Loki's turn, and he knows Odin will grant him something just as magnificent.
Won't he?
Exsanguination by Lise (words: 8,610 | rating: G)
exsanguination /ex·san·gui·na·tion/ v.intr. To be drained of blood. (And all the rest.)
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Can't stop thinking about your Crawleigh drawing, its so compelling. I feel sad for him getting rained on all alone...has he been on earth alone all this time? Will you draw him again? Is there a way to learn more about his story?
OOOOOH you have no idea how delighted I am that I received this ask ! You just enabled me to drop all my Crawleigh feelings out in the open. Thank you so much for that. First of all, for those who might have missed it: here the fanart @yeoldehetalian​ is referring to (yes I’m showing it again because I love Crawleigh he’s so baby)
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If you are not aware: Crawleigh was the proto version of both Crowley and Aziraphale in Gaiman’s first draft of what was going to become Good Omens, a little piece of writing called William The Antichrist. After he sent it to Pratchett, the latest made the excellent suggestion to split Crawleigh into the two characters we’ve come to know and love. From memory, here is what we learn about Crawleigh in William The Antichrist: -is baby -not very good at being a demon -waited for the plumber a whole day -didn’t do any evil deeds because he was waiting for the plumber to arrive -the plumber never came and Crawleigh was really put out so he said nothing -saves all the neighbourhood cats from trees they get stuck in -can’t be mean to humans because well they are nice to him so ??? -has been tortured in Hell after the whole Atlantis debacle (which implies that he was the reason Atlantis sunk I guess) -drives a Citroën 2CV -doesn’t seem to really have any magical ability ?  Uh maybe there’s something else but I don’t remember. But you get the idea. He’s baby. In the picture below (yay ! new Crawleigh fanart !) you can see Crawleigh and his entourage of cats. I was conflicted on whether the rescued cats would take a liking to him or if they would be scared of his demonic aura, but I couldn’t bring myself to draw the Bad Cat Ending so, there, new headcanon: all the animals Crawleigh rescues take an immediate liking to him and their presence become an every day life nuisance. Kindness contains the seed of its own destruction lmao)
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The boy is gonna trip on the stripped cat, I can tell you that much. ANYWAYYYY.... Here comes the fun part where I dump all my Crawleigh thoughts. More below the cut!
So, considering how GO works with binomes and mirrors, I decided to back engineer WTA by removing the duos. Crawleigh is a mix of Crowley and Aziraphale; there are two other characters that are respectively a mix of Anathema and Newt and a mix of Tracy and Shadwell (not entirely sure what that would entail tbh; so far I’m imagining two female characters, and Anewthema is the most fleshed out. She’d be something like the descendant of both a witch and a witchfinder and would be very conflicted about her heritage, having troubles making sense of magic being a thing when she has raised rationnality to a degree that it has become a dogma. Or something like that. Anyway I think that’s a cool base.) Now about William himself, the Them and the mirrors. I thought, by removing the duos and therefore the mirrors, Crawleigh would end up trying to stop Armageddon all by himself. This means that one of the core themes of GO, the fact that people have to work together and every contribution, as little as it is, is never unsignificant, isn’t really applicable anymore. Because the theme has to be shared by all the protagonists. In GO, Adam can refuse to destroy the world because not only does he like the world, but also because he’s got a whole network of support. So I think, if Crawleigh ends up having to try stopping Armageddon on his own, that should be the link at the very least between him and William (I would have said between him and all the other main characters but let’s be honest: a story where none of the main characters interact together is not very appealing). And thus we get a story that isn’t about relying on support of other people but on doing the right thing and gaining self confidence and loving yourself even when all the odds are stacked against you and you don’t have anyone to really rely on. I would imagine Crawleigh beginning the story as an obedient (tho ultimately useless) demon with little backbone and regrets and no self confidence, and through the pressure of Armageddon, discovering a very strong and very good part of himself that would end up with him saying fuck to Hell and repairing his plumbery all by himself.  As for William, well, he would go along the same way. I don’t think he’d have the Them with him. At least not yet. Maybe he’s a little weird, has trouble making friends. Maybe the other kids at school make fun of him. Maybe there is this group of kids that seem cool but he’s too shy to approach them.  And I imagine after a pep talk from someone ( Anewthema probably ? After all Anathema is the one talking to Adam in GO so it’d be fitting ) William would realize that because his life sucks a little it’s not by destroying the world - a world that he actually loves ! he’s built up a fort in Hogback woods all by himself! he loves nature and animals! - tht it’s gonna get better. He won’t be able to make any friends if there is no one around to make friends with. (This adds the non neglectable bonus of making the Horsemen “friendship” offer all the more tempting to a young boy who has never really had any friends and is aching for it).  So ultimately, Crawleigh and William would be like “yes, I am weird. Yes, I am alone. Yes, it makes me suffer. No, I’m not gonna be a bastard because of it. Maybe it’ll get better, maybe it won’t, but I’m gonna do my darn best to take care of myself even if nobody else will”. So, it’s less cotton candy than GO, but I think it’s a great message to pass along. Self love, self discovery, self confidence, staying true to yourself even in dark times. Also the fact that being alone / single is not necessarily a bad thing, can be a choice and something you can live with very well. Crawleigh and / or another one of the main characters would end up like “I am actually fine like this”. And... that’s pretty much it. There, you’ve got all my thoughts and reasonning about, basically, how I would have decided to write the whole William The Antichrist novel lmao. I’m not gonna write it though. But if anyone feels inspired and want to give it a go based on my ideas, by all means. Feel free to borrow or to contact me if you want to brainstorm more ideas / make a collaboration.  Why not. I’ve got too many Crawleigh feels.
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aenslem · 4 years
Hey guys, I will take some of your time here by writing about this particular Star Trek gifs reposter that’s been brought to my attention, but first let me provide some links explaining what reposting is and why it is bad. See posts here and here. A lot of gif makers and other content creators have faced reposters since tumblr exists and I myself wrote a lot of posts about it, but those sum it up well.
Recently I was notified by @ansonmountdaily that there is a massive reposter who’s been going through tumblr stealing thousands of Star Trek gif sets over the course of at least three years, and reposting them on their Instagram and Twitter accounts glojo3798 and GlojoCuscuhing, 99.99% of the time without giving credit to the original gif makers on tumblr, which come from every Star Trek fandom (TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, Discovery and Picard) See list by AnsonMountDaily at the bottom of the post for a sampling of gif makers that have been targeted. The purpose of this post is to let people know their work has been reposted offsite without credit. It is not meant to attack the reposter in any way.
This individual has reposted 7000+ gif sets for which they’ve received thousands of views and likes from their 4100+ Instagram and 1700+ Twitter followers. Reposts include gifs clearly watermarked with the gif makers’ names but conveniently re-cut by them to make the watermark on gifs harder to see. Glojo also has the habit of combining stolen gifs, creating a collage, changing the size and order of the gifs, putting additional text over the graphic, and sometimes even their own watermark on stolen edits (original), giving the impression they’re the creator of those works. To top it off, Glojo has turned other people’s gifs into “birthday gift” collages, tagging Star Trek actors’ Twitter/Instagram handles on the reposts, again making it seem as if the gifs were their creations.
Glojo knows where the gifs originate from because the captions on the reposts are often the same as on the tumblr posts, and on the rare occasion they do admit the gifs are not theirs, it’s done in a vague manner, in the style “credit to the owner” (“gif from tumblr”) which is not credit at all, it’s merely acknowledging the platform the gifs come from, when credit should be given to specific users.
Before AnsonMountDaily told me about the reposting I did not know about any of this and am pretty sure the gif makers on the list didn’t either. They have since been notified. Glojo was contacted via Instagram about giving credit more than once, only to block those users. I myself wrote to them (also commented) about it, but they were not even bothered to answer me, but still continued to repost my works after i wrote them.
I want to ask those who see Glojo’s reposts or already follow them on social media, to NOT like/follow reposters or give them views. Please encourage the content creator and not the thief. We know it can be difficult sometimes to recognize an account as a reposter, and that net etiquette about reposting and ”resharing” isn’t immediately clear to everyone browsing social media, which is why we’re alerting people about this particular case, and spreading the word to other graphics makers who have been affected.
If you respect content creators who provide you with fanart and gifs for your favorite fandom, if you appreciate the love and dedication and energy they put into their work, and don’t want them to lose interest in giffing (a skill that takes time to practice and learn, and a process that is longer and far more involved than non-gif makers tend to believe), do not encourage people like Glojo into stealing more because it is very upsetting. As a member of @startrekladies I had a hard time going back on posting there because a lot of Glojo’s stolen works originate from said blog or got reblogged by it. More than that, Glojo went through my old blog @spockemon and reposted 50+ edits and gifs, and even my Doctor Who gifs (original), and that’s just what I found from browsing their instagram a little, pretty sure if i scroll down to the end i could find more :/ which is very upsetting.
They reposted not only Star Trek gifs/edits, but also Doctor Who, Farscape, Stargate and Star Wars gifs.
We do hope that if they repost more they will give a credit to original creator, but as someone whose gifs and edits were reposted a lot and even re-edited and watermarked by glojo, i prefer them to not repost my works at all. Even if it is just a small screencap edit, I still put my time and effort into it and using it as a base for their work and even claiming as theirs is disrespectful.  The worst is - Glojo is not the only one who does this, there are more accounts stealing works from creators and getting praise for it, never mentioning that it is not their work. That is why my recent gifs are all watermarked. I put in my about page that if someone reposts my works outside tumblr at least give me credit, linking back to my tumblr, that is not much to ask and all the time I ask for the credit I get rude answers and get blocked. or no answer at all :/ I hope you will have better luck with it.
Feel free to reblog this post to help us spread the word, thank you! If your gifs have been reposted and you wish for them to be deleted, we suggest you either contact Glojo on their social media and politely request a removal (please, DO NOT harass or attack them!), or report the reposts to Twitter/Instagram.
Thank you very much for reading!
The following are gif makers’ names and examples of their gif sets that have been reposted on Glojo’s Instagram and/or Twitter that we can recognize. Please note this is just a small sampling of gifs Glojo has taken from each gif maker, there are many more, just like there are numerous other gif makers not covered on the list! (if you want to be removed from the list, contact me)
@anneboleyns: Janeway’s hair (repost)
@ansonmountdaily: Pike, Spock and Number One (repost + another), Ensign Spock (repost), Pike’s thruster suit (repost)
@bamfness: Saving the galaxy (repost), We are Borg (repost + another), Seven (repost)
@burnhamandtilly: Burnham outfits (repost + another + another), Sarek outfits (repost)
@carlithiel: Disease (repost), Infinite Regress (repost), The Thaw (repost), Seven (repost)
@claudiablacks: Intendant Kira (repost), Jadzia outfits (repost + another)
@cowboyjimkirk: Spock beanie (repost + another), Talos IV (repost)
@cuddlybitch via @picardsource: Clancy and Picard (repost + another), Locutus (repost), 218 warbirds (repost), Picard’s wine (repost + another), Airiam (repost)
@danvers-carols: Pike (repost)
@discovernow: Jet Reno (repost), Spock on the bridge (repost)
@e-ripley: Pike’s winter uniform (repost), Pike and Spock (repost)
@gatissed: Are we safe here (repost + another)
@gayparmak: Odo and Quark (repost)
@gayspockk via @picardsource: Raffi’s fave holo (repost + another)
@geordilaforges (@jane-foster): Troi (repost), Crusher (repost)
@haybalemaze: Enslave them (repost + another), Seven drinking (repost + another)
@indianajcnes: Pike (repost), Pike in the chair (repost)
@intergalacticexplorer: Number One as Admiral (repost)
@jeor: Pike’s traits (repost)
@leisylaura: Kate Mulgrew (repost)
@likefreedominspring: Pike and Georgiou (repost)
@lovely-trek: TOS happy cast (repost + another), Kirk and Tribbles (repost)
@marcygoomen: Kate Mulgrew’s Birthday (repost)
@mindmeld: I do love you (repost)
@mistressvera: Heads up (repost), We have to stop them (repost + another)
@myrcella: Beverly (repost), Beverly and Jean-Luc (repost)
@onaperduamedee: Georgiou (repost), Burnham white undershirt (repost)
@philippageorgiou: You had it coming (repost + another), Pike on the bridge (repost), Beverly (repost)
@readysteadytrek: The Voyage Home (repost)
@ssaalexblake: Sarek and Amanda (repost)
@startreksource: Pike (repost)
@static-warp-bubble: The Pikes (repost), The Ensign or Cadet (repost)
@toboldlyblahblahblah​: Tasha Yar (repost)
@whatelsecanwedonow: Hubris (repost), Romulan lives (repost), Shields up (repost)
@youmissedthewholeshow: Hit it (repost), Number One (repost)
and mine (@sopheirion): Pike and Spock (repost), Pike’s goodbye (repost), The Orville (repost) Rand and Uhura (repost), Original (repost), Kirk (repost) - and many other recent gifs of mine and not only from @startrekladies and @sci-fi-gifs.
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skrltwtch · 3 years
Prompt 1: Just like some people sleep-walk, you tend to paint or draw while in your transformed state because it calms you down. And apparently, people really like your art.
Prompt 2: A is a popular artist, and B messages them without thinking one day. They didn’t expect to become friends, and they definitely didn’t expect to become more. Person B just felt that connection between the two of them.
Prompt 3: A/Werewolf has a tendency to curl like a dog in front of the fireplace a lot (usually in their werewolf form, but it’s not uncommon for them to do it as a human). (Sources in master list)
Word count: 3,721 words
Genre: Fluff, romance, supernatural
I put up with the long commute to and fro between home and work for two reasons, and two reasons alone: the decent rent for a place with a picturesque view and that catered to my monthly needs, and the glut of time to catch up on my reading. And by ‘reading’, I meant ‘scrolling through the handful of social media feeds that survived my latest cull of shit that was taking up my time and storage space unnecessarily, and occasionally attempting (and failing) to pay attention to my Kindle’. Hey, at least I was aware I had a problem …?
Instagram was my first hit of the day. I flicked past images of makeup, friends in situations I wouldn’t be finding myself in anytime soon, and cute animals. The occasional meme and comic draw out an exhalation of air from my nostrils. I marvelled at artwork and photography, half wishing I were half as good as the people I followed and admired, half chiding myself for not practising either enough and losing interest quicker than I’d dropped money on new equipment in the name of my new endeavours. You could say one of my hobbies, the ones I’d been consistent about, was amassing gadgets obtained to indulge my whims and fancies.
My heart skipped a beat — or was it the pothole the bus went over? — when I came across a new post by George. I didn’t know him personally to refer to him by his first name like that, but hadn’t social media broken down boundaries between people, making them seem closer to each other than they really were? He was an illustrator whose work I chanced upon on Reddit a while back. His portfolio was a patchwork of subjects, often portraits, rendered mostly in traditional media like watercolour and oil paint. He sometimes shook things up with abstract, contemplative pieces. He had something for almost everyone. For me, it was his attractive, angular yet distinctive faces and statuesque figures, use of watercolour, and versatility: one piece could be superhero fanart, followed by a collection of moody, atmospheric paintings of the English landscape with some fantastical additions.
It also helped that he seemed to be a nice, chill person, and a handsome one at that, too, based on the smattering of pictures he had of himself on his feed. Please, let me imagine a world in which someone as ideal as him — or what I knew about him — wasn’t beholden to anyone for a moment.
His latest post was a drippy bust of a snarling wolf with full moons for eyes. The caption simply read: ‘Mood.’ I smirked as I hit the like button. Did I mention that he drew wolves a lot as well? Sometimes his wolves were feral; sometimes they were humanoid, but still wild. The latter featured heavily in his conceptual works, albeit as hazy, indistinct forms, like blurry photographs. In any case, I liked that he had a fondness for wolves and werewolves, as the constant presence of the full moon in art of the latter would suggest. Anyone who liked wolves was a-okay in my book. Anyone who liked werewolves was even more so. Because.
An interrupted connection between my brain and my reflexes led me to visit his profile. Instead of returning to my feed, my thumb gravitated toward the message button at the top of the screen. Not a single cell in my body resisted this turn of events despite the restored connection. Oh, what the hell. Why not? Like, what were the chances he’d read my message? He had tens of thousands of followers, a likely considerable chunk of them being bots aside. He must receive DMs every other minute. I’d be another sycophant in his sea of fans. Or he’d see my homely mug and locked profile, and he’d think I was driven to add to his never-ending count of unread messages simply out of misguided thirst.
The beauty of the Internet was that it made ‘out of sight, out of mind’ fairly easy to put into practice.
I got the following out of my system and into his inbox: ’Hi! Hope you’re doing well. I’ve been following your Instagram for a while, and your latest post just made me want to say your art is amazing. (I can totally identify with the sentiment behind it.) I especially love your more abstract pieces. There’s something so … raw about them. And I like that you seem to like wolves a lot, too. They’re beautiful animals, and your art really captures that about them. Anyway, keep up the great work! Take care.’
I exited Instagram, not caring about the rest of my feed anymore and not wanting to feel like I was stalking my notifications for something that’d never come. My phone buzzed with several notifications as I went down my Reddit homepage. I swiped away the banners with green icons that pelted the top of my screen. Those could wait. What couldn’t were the banners stating that I had a new message and a new follower request from —
‘Oh, my God!’ I said, loudly enough for me to hear my own voice above my music (the chorus of Walk the Moon’s ‘Shut Up and Dance’ at half of maximum volume, so … loud). Not one soul on this lightly populated bus acknowledged my exclamation — not even the woman sitting next to me. (Come on, lady, the front was mostly empty.) Thank God for technology making hermits of us all. Or my sudden outburst paled in comparison to the shit that could happen and had happened on public transport. When you took long journeys as I did every day, you’d see some real shit in due time, too.
I launched Instagram for the second time this morning (stop judging, Screen Time) and the first time ever with trembling hands. The notifications were real. I approved his request first. My mind raced to recollect anything on my profile that might make him regret his decision to let my piddling photos of food, myself, my cat, and random junk take up precious space on his feed. Nope, couldn’t think about that now, because I was now staring at an actual, honest-to-God message from George:
’Hey! Thanks for reaching out, and thank you for your kind comments. They mean a lot to me, especially what you said about my experimental stuff and wolves. They are stunning creatures, aren’t they? And yeah, I drew that last picture after a particularly rough night. You could call it a self-portrait of sorts, I suppose.’
I snorted. Change the fur colour and make the eyes normal, and it was a portrait of myself every full moon. Okay, not something I could tell someone I just met, let alone a popular artist on the Internet …
Before I could recover from the shock that my inbox held an actual, honest-to-God message from George Holden (that was his last name — the oxygen made it to my brain for me to remember that he had his last name on his profile), he sent another one: ’Anyway, how are you? I took a look at your profile, and it looks like we have quite a number of things in common.’
What, really? No way. Was it the lashings of sweet treats I subjected my stomach to every weekend? The horror and science fiction titles, celebrity memoirs, and comics, sometimes paired with an iced coffee at either a café I put down roots for the afternoon or the one-bedroom house in Waltham Forest I called home, I showcased to put forth some form of air of intellectualism? The cross-stitch projects featuring memes and popular culture icons? His profile was quite barren of anything that could provide insight into what else he enjoyed doing besides his art. Which, hey, was perfectly fine: no one was obligated to share their personal life online.
I replied, ’I’m fine, thank you. I’m on my way to work. Favourite part of my day, really. And really? Like what?’
Most of my notifications that day were from him.
I was a bustling hub of activity in my seat: A sip of my drink. A shake of my knee. A lift of my phone. A turn of my neck. A shift of my weight from one butt cheek to the other. I was certain I was generating enough electricity to power a lightbulb in five-second intervals. I couldn’t help it. I was so, so excited — and so, so nervous. This was my and George’s first time meeting each other in person. There’d be no screen between us. Actually, what difference would that make? We’d been talking to each other for months, either through text or video calls, the latter more common in the weeks leading up to today. We’d seen each other even on our ‘I’ll put on a clean shirt, brush my hair, and hope for the best’ days. What could either one of us do in person that would irrevocably alter our friendship for the worse? Well …
The sound of someone entering the café stopped me from starting on a list of things that I could do to fuck things up. I looked up, probably the seventh time I did so in the last ten minutes. This was on me. I grossly overestimated the amount of time it’d take me to get somewhere as usual; a natural by-product of living far from the city. Seventh — probably — time was the charm: it was George — and right on the dot, too. His punctuality added to his attractiveness, which had already gone through the roof and was heading straight into the stratosphere. I bit my lip to suppress any unfortunate exclamations. He was a friend, Evelyn … just a friend, and I had no illusions otherwise.
I called out to him. He waved at me and joined me at the table I picked out for us. And the second our eyes met, devoid of any barrier between us, everything about him — and everything about us — clicked.
He was just like me.
And I was just like him.
And he was as astonished about it as I was, going by the long silence that passed between us, a first since we got to know each other.
‘Hi! Oh, my God, it’s so good to finally meet you!’ I said with a grin to break the tension. He broke out into a smile, his posture relaxing. Success. Should I go in for a handshake? No, that’d be too stuffy for a months-old friendship. A hug? No, that’d be too intimate for a months-old friendship, and an online one, too, no less. Was it obvious this was my first time meeting someone I met online?
‘It’s good to meet you, too,’ he said, his expression of cheer unabating. ‘I’m going to get myself a drink first, and then we can shoot the shit.’ His smile turned into a grin. ‘Do you want anything? My treat,’ he added as he spotted me reaching for my wallet.
‘I was thinking a red velvet muffin, please.’ I didn’t know why I didn’t get one earlier. ‘Thank you.’
‘No problem. I’ll be right back.’
As he left, my nerves turned into happiness that I met another werewolf. It was rare to meet other werewolves just about anywhere. What were the odds that two werewolves, one of whom was Internet-famous, would become friends because the other one had a brain fart one morning to send a message to the Internet-famous one? You couldn’t make this shit up. In all the years I’d been a werewolf, George was the first one I knew. I didn’t even know the one that turned me. I got bitten one night, and that was my life changed forever. I figured everything out on my own — I had to. And my puny social network of werewolves made sense: this wasn’t exactly the kind of thing anyone would advertise about themselves.
Once George settled down and courtesies were out of the way, the first thing out of his mouth was ‘I never thought I’d meet another one like me’.
I moved my chair closer to him so that we could speak at length about what we were without the fear of being overheard. ‘Me neither.’ Then it hit me, and I quickly said, ‘It’s fine if you don’t want to talk about it, though.’ Personally, I was okay with what I was. No existential dread here, contrary to what one might expect of a werewolf. It happened. I learnt to manage it in a way that made it not have any kind of significant impact on my life. I refused to let it define me. And honestly, I lived for particularly bad days that coincided with full moons.
‘Are you kidding me?’ His face lit up with boyish glee. ‘I’ve been waiting for this day for so long! As in, us meeting up in person for the first time and me getting to know another werewolf. Two birds, one stone: the only kind of killing I endorse. And I’m so fucking chuffed it’s you. I always felt like I could talk to you about anything, and now that really, really means anything.’ It was his turn to be able to power a light bulb, but in twenty-second intervals this time.
‘Same. How were you turned?’
‘I was bitten during a camping trip with friends a couple of years back. You?’
‘Secondary school. I was walking home from the library.’
‘Shit, that was some time ago, huh?’
‘Almost half my life a werewolf.’
‘Do you know the werewolf that did it?’
‘Nope. How about you?’
He shook his head. ‘Nah. Kind of sucks, doesn’t it, that you’ll never get to know the person who’s changed your life so … deeply? They won’t remember either that they turned someone. If only having kids was like that, yeah? Absolutely no sense of responsibility whatsoever.’ He gave his teaspoon a lazy twirl, causing a faint plume of milk to rise and sink into the dark, bittersweet depths from whence it came. ‘I struggled with what I’d become the first couple of months. The transformations were one thing.’ Oh, yeah. ‘I felt … grotesque. God, the amount of self-pity, like, why was I the only one who had to go through this every month when there were four other guys ripe for the picking? So, I decided to start incorporating wolves in my art to get to know and reclaim that part of me. I didn’t want to see it as something ugly. I mean, you get to experience a kind of rebirth every month. That’s extraordinary if you think about it. And I told myself that like myself, the wolf didn’t ask to be born. Ha, ha. Millennial humour. Anyway. Then the most miraculous thing happened one full moon: I woke up next to a coherent painting that wasn’t there the night before.’
‘Oh, my God.’
‘Right? My more artsy stuff? The ones I hate coming up with captions for? Almost all done while I was transformed. I’d started some of my art — bet you can’t guess which one — on full moons, too, and I finished them after I changed back. It’s as if the wolf knew we were now cool with each other.’ He took a big chunk out of his apple crumble and jammed it into his mouth. ‘Sorry if that sounded like spiritual woo-woo. I’ve been wanting to tell someone about this forever.’ Crumbs fell out of his mouth as he spoke. ‘Shit, I’m such an’ — he shot me an impish look as he swallowed — ‘animal, aren’t I? Fuck, I can make stupid references like that now, and someone would get it!’
I laughed. He was such a dork. ‘It’s not “spiritual woo-woo”. It’s amazing. How is that even possible?’
‘I have no idea.’ He held out his hands in front of him. ‘So thankful we get to keep our hands and not have them turn into paws.’ He waggled his thumbs. ‘Fuck, yeah, opposable thumbs. And I want to say it’s like when artists get high and make stuff. I do know artists who do that, and hey, no judgment. To them, I do the same thing, too.’
‘And here I am, feeling accomplished whenever I make it through another full moon without waking up in a trashed place. Seriously, that’s amazing.’
‘I think that’s what’s keeping me from losing it while transformed. I was surprised people liked those pieces when I started posting them, considering they’re such far departures from what I usually post.’
‘That explains why they’re so … visceral.’
‘Yeah? I figure you’d appreciate them even more now.’ He smirked. ‘And you know, no one really talks about my wolf art, and especially my werewolf pieces. Maybe if I didn’t make them blurry and made them more explicit …’ Oh, he’d get a different breed of followers altogether. ‘But that’s fine. I don’t want my lycanthropy to define me and my work. It’s just a part of who I am.’
‘My turn to say something possibly corny: I like your wolf art because … they make me feel seen, because they’re drawn by you.’
He put a hand on his chest. ‘That’s not corny. I’m happy my art makes you feel that way. You know I don’t care about the likes or comments. It just so happens I like drawing things that make me get likes and comments.’ He pushed his plate toward me and motioned at me with his fork to try some of his apple crumble. I obliged him. ‘Did you ever suspect anything? Not that, you know, I purposely drew wolves and werewolves as a kind of signal for other werewolves to pick up on. That’d be giving me way too much credit.’
‘No, I just thought you like wolves a lot.’
‘Same here. What you said about wolves being beautiful creatures when you messaged me the first time … that made me feel something, too.’
‘Then I’m very glad we got to be friends,’ I said. Born from the same blip in brain activity that set us on this path, my hand found itself on top of his. His touch had a pleasant, almost familiar heat to it.
‘Me too.’ He turned his hand over and clasped mine.
‘I have an idea,’ I said, mostly to distract myself from how right this felt. ‘Do you want to meet on the next full moon?’
‘Sure. I can’t wait to see what kind of inspiration will strike with another werewolf around.’
‘Your place, then?’
He nodded. ‘Unless you’re cool with me possibly trashing your place with paint and stuff. That hasn’t happened before, but who knows? What if wolf-me doesn’t like change?’
I stared at him in disbelief.
‘I can’t help it. You have no idea what kind of beast this has unleashed. Oops.’
We sat and talked in the café the entire afternoon; we took turns treating each other to food and drinks to justify our occupancy. Our conversation moved on to other topics besides the one special, biggest thing we had in common. Just like we didn’t want it to define who we were as people, we made a promise to each other, and we did so over a strawberry custard tart, that we wouldn’t let it become the foundation of our friendship from this point on. It’d be unfair to the moments we shared before this. We were friends because we cared about each other, we brought out the best in each other, we could truly be ourselves around each other, and, honestly, I didn’t think anyone else would have the patience for his goofy in-jokes.
I lay in front of the fireplace, rejoicing in the warmth it offered on this cool night, while George was working on his newest painting. Since getting to know each other in these forms, we’d been able to exercise better control. For me, that meant greater peace of mind; for him, that meant a more refined grasp of his artistic sensibilities. As with much about our condition, we didn’t question this. What could possibly be a drawback of us spending more time in each other’s company? I now understood why animals curled up by a fire was a common sight in media and real life, too. Wait, what if this, and not George’s presence, was what I’d been missing all my life?
My tail wagging like a fiend when I felt his breath on my skin begged to differ. I licked his face. He gently parted my lips and slid his tongue onto mine. Our tongues engaged each other in a playful scuffle; the fire crackling in the background could only dream of coming close to causing the rise in temperature in the pit of my stomach. The tussle between our tongues didn’t get to turn into something more: he’d had a long night. I nuzzled him to convey reassurance. He lay down beside me and wrapped his arms around me, his hold firm yet tender. We fell asleep like this, keeping each other warm long even after the fire had died out.
We wished each other a good morning with a kiss — no, two kisses, and we got ourselves ready for the day. As we were having breakfast, George piped up, ‘Do you want to see what I painted last night, love? I’m really proud of it, and I think you’d love it, too.’
I nodded excitedly, my mouth too full of scrambled egg to speak.
He returned as quickly as he’d left the table. His hands held on to a painting … of me curled up by the fire last night. The figure was the clearest, most detailed he’d ever done; the lighting was phenomenal. ‘It’s beautiful,’ I said, tearing up a little, frankly. ‘I love it. It’s going to look so good in our new place’, along with the recent paintings he’d made of a similar nature. He’d come so far from the gauzy forms that once populated his attempts at capturing his — our — condition on canvas.
‘Of course, when I have the most stunning model.’ He gave me a peck on the cheek. ‘I love you, my muse, my mate.’
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a-baleful-howl · 5 years
I’m about to go full-on petty mode. So if you don’t care about my personal gloating and back-patting, scroll on by lol
This post contains spoilers for episode 1 of season 8, and also spoilers for my fic The Lone Wolf Dies.
I recognize this post is really only for me. I’m a salty bitch.
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This is fanart the wonderful and lovely @cathcacen drew for me when I was at my lowest and receiving the most hate I’ve ever gotten for a fic. 
I ranted about it for a bit, deleted the worst of the flames I could off of FFN, and I haven’t actually been back to FFN since this all happened. Don't think I havent noticed the love and support I got from the JonsaFam, either. I very much appreciated it, and I know many people enjoyed my fic (and are begging me to finish it...).
Here’s some highlights of the comments I received on FFN accusing me of being “unrealistic” or of committing “character assassination” (sad thing is, these aren’t even the worst reviews I got):
“Arya would never let Sansa or the Northern Lords do that to Jon[...]This story is making Jon a bit of a wimp and Arya willing to betray him even though she loves him more than Sansa.” [saphirablue25 on chapter 1]
“Another story about Jonsa, and Anti-Dany, and pro-norte and pro-stark? these crap stories are becoming common since season 7.[...]and this kind of stories, without any artistic or literary value, just deserve to be vilified. is just another excuse to be myopic and criticize character without reason, especially when it is already something practically canon that Jon / Daenerys will be in the books too, as one producer of the HBO series said, who was told George Martin. waste of time.” [flayjunior15 on chapter 1]
“this story is rubbish, more crap without sense…” [guest on chapter 1]
“This is character assassination. Arya Stark would never betray Jon Snow; no matter what;[...]Of course now it’s a Jon and Sansa pairing ignoring everything that happened in season 7 b/c why not?[...] The leaps you Jonsa writers take to mischaracterize daenerys just b/c you’re not getting the ending you want in the show or the books is a little ridiculous. You can’t write a story that’s based on show-canon and then ignore all obstacles presented in said canon just to put your two favorite characters together. That’s not how good storytelling works.” [FanofLogic (lol) on chapter 1]
“I don't think Arya would ever betray Jon, it's just not plausible.[...]There are gaping plot holes, that need to be seriously addressed, the writing and the punctuation are fine, it’s well spaced and makes sense in a linear sense, but in terms of plot and story, it crumbles to dust before you even finish reading the chapter in its entirety.[...]I don’t want to stop you from writing, that’s not my intention, you just need to sit back and ask yourself, if it really makes sense.” [carpenoctem20 on chapter 1]
“Well, I read your story. It is sad really because your writing style is good and enjoyable but the stupidity of your character's actions[...]Too bad, your writing is promising but the story lacks logic…[...]Also, thank you for butchering Arya’s character - she is my favourite and you completely ruined her.” [malb901 on chapter 1]
“I realize that this story is an AU because our characters are written not how they are portray in television or books…” [GUEST VIII on chapter 1]
“If your goal was to write Arya completely out of character and Sansa as a short sighted idiot with the northern lords as her peanut gallery...then good job. Otherwise your characterization needs a lot of work.” [guest on chapter 1]
“Arya...well how she is written is so absurdly offbase from canon you would have been better off write my that part as an of to avoid having preconceived about the character.” [guest on chapter 1]
“What a load of complete garbage. So much character assassination across the board is an injustice to GRRM’s work!” [guest on chapter 1]
“Another junk Jonsa story, I see that many of these losers, are very salty, because their crackship (because that’s the Jonsa, a crack) shipwrecked last season.[...]The author of this story is another salty loser with no sense, just like all the Jonsa fans of this crack ship.[...] even Arya has a stronger relationship with Jon than with any member of her family, she would care less about the North, even threatening to kill the Northern Lord, if they hurt Jon. Only two idiots of Jonsa, defend this story.” [JonsaSucks on chapter 1]
“Highly questionable characterization and plot holes big enough to fly a dragon through...pass” [guest on chapter 2]
“With Arya, she's so OC in this that it would have made more sense to make her a new character. She would never choose Sansa over Jon.” [saphirablue25 on chapter 2]
“So disappointing! This story is a complete disservice to anyone who is not a blind Sansa worshiper.[...]The plot holes don't do you any favors either.” [Zmrzlina763 on chapter 3]
“Poorly written, plot holes, unrealistic” [guest on chapter 3]
“What a pile of crap. So many plot holes and character assassination. You should be ashamed to publish such garbage.” [guest on chapter 4]
“I hated this story...thought it was really ridiculous.” [guest on chapter 4]
“I would highly recommend rereading GRRM’s work as it’s obvious you are basing your characterizations on contrived reimaginings with no basis in the work you claim to be a fan of. Please do us all a favor and quit polluting the fandom with this nonsense.” [guest on chapter 4]
And finally, for the piece de resistance!
“Oh boy that story became retarded real quick” [guest on chapter 1]
Now, I might be biased but my brain kept pointing out similarities to the first episode of season 8 and my fic - which I never claimed to be writing what I thought was really going to happen, but that this what I wished in a best case scenario would, my interpretation of all the info we got from Season 7, and it was always only ever supposed to be a Jonsa one-shot but it kept growing.
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Now, one of the biggest complaints I got was “character assassination” - saying that the characters would never behave the way I wrote them to. This is mainly what I want to focus on as clearly the fic is not exactly the same as the episode - and I never expected it to be. Fanfic is fanfic for a reason. For one, Sansa and the North refuse Jon and Dany, and that's kind of the catalyst to everything else that happens in the fic. Thats a big change - so I’m not saying “My fic was exactly like the show!!” I just wanted to point out all the moments while watching the show I was like “See! I didn’t assassinate anyone’s character!” since that’s apparently a crime I was committing against all of fandom.
If you haven’t read the fic, I highly suggest you do since many of these quotes are small snippets taken from a bigger context.
All the text is from my fic, the pictures are the moments I thought were similar from the show.
Daenerys had chosen to forgo her dragons to mount a horse instead, as a show of equality and peace to the Northern people.
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The Hound, Sandor Clegane, rode beside them, seemingly reluctant to be there, in his own way.
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“Greetings,” she announced. “How gracious for you to meet us.” Though her words were not sweet - they never were - and she measured the air between the two parties cautiously.
“You’ve traveled very far,” Sansa responded, her horse shifting impatiently under her. Her voice did not waver, and it carried loud and clear across the void. “It would be rude of me to not turn you away personally.”
Daenerys remained silent.
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“We know no King, but the King in the North whose name is Stark.” Lyanna Mormont bellowed from her own steed. Her eyes were glowering, stern and furious. Not little Lyanna…
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“First the Wildlings, and now a foreign whore,” Lord Glover spat, his horse just as wide as he was. “You’re not a Northerner. You’re anything but.”
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He looked to Sansa for an answer. Surely Sansa would not leave him to the wolves. Yet she avoided his eye.
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“I missed you too, Jon…” she called back, and his heart knew that she meant it. “But Starks stick together. I know that now. What would Father think?” His heart broke. If only they knew…
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Jon had warned her. He knew before heading to Dragonstone that the Northerners were not likely to kneel to a foreign ruler. Sansa had said so herself many times. He resisted the urge to gloat, to remind the Dragon Queen of his words.
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“Sam?” he whispered. Surely he must be imagining it. Sam was here? In Winterfell? The round man came stumbling towards him, his arms waving madly by his sides to catch Jon's attention.[...] The two clasped each other in a strong embrace for a moment before Jon pulled back. [...] “Gilly?” Jon asked absently. “And the baby?” “They're fine!” Sam answered, finally with a dim smile. “They’re here.”
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Arya . Oh, Arya! She’s safe. He frantically grabbed her, sweeping his hands over her hair and face, feverishly kissing the top of her head, thanking the old gods that she was here. Thank the gods his little sister was alive. She had wrapped her arms so tightly around him he could barely breathe.
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“You leave him alone!” Arya barked, running swiftly down the hall towards them.
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“Don’t you understand what this means, Jon?” Sam insisted. “You’re the heir to the Iron Throne.”
Jon didn’t care about that. Not now. Suddenly everything he thought he knew was a lie. His father- no, his uncle... had lied to him his whole life. This meant that Daenerys was his aunt by blood. And Sansa was his…
He suddenly felt very ill.
[...]Everything tasted bitter to him now. Everything he had ever known was a lie, but oddly, it made sense. Eddard had gone south to save his sister and had returned with a child. It made sense. How - how - had he not seen it before?
[...]People die and stay dead. That was a fact. Unless he had believed more lies than the one his uncle had told him his whole life.
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He had traveled on horseback many times, but never alone. [...] When he drew nearer to Winterfell, the snow and winds were so strong he was forced to cover every inch of skin but his eyes.
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“You look like you’ve seen the seven hells.”
“You don’t look any better,” Sandor replied. Jaime tried to ignore the slight. It was true he was unshaven, unwashed and frozen to the bone.
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“It’s too late,” Bran interrupted. Jon’s blood ran cold at the words.
“What do you mean it’s too late?”
“The Wall is gone. Eastwatch is gone. There is a dragon that breathes blue fire.”
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Now, I’m not trying to say “I’m Nostradamus and I guessed the entire first episode.” No. That is absolutely not what I’m saying. I thought I made an informed guess into how the characters might react to the events in season 7 and amongst each other, and used my own opinions on the characterizations to write a story based around one thing: Jon realizing he loved Sansa because she died. Everything else was secondary to me. 
It’s only because I got such immediate and hostile push back to something I saw as obvious foreshadowing that made me feel so vindicated when the first episode had so many similarities to what I wrote. Anyone could have come up with these same lines as I did - because the evidence was there and the Jonsa fam was pointing it out the whole time. 
I just reallllly hate how fanfiction, especially in ASOIAF and on FFN, has the default accusation of “character assassination” to use when you just hate a story, when all fandom characterizations are just opinions. Only the author of the original source material can decry character assassination. Fanfiction is everyone’s personal choices when it comes to things like this, and it appears that a whole shitload of Dany Stans descended on my story, and instead of saying “I hate Jonsa and Dany can do no wrong” they personally attacked me for horrible writing - when in fact I was the one more on point than they were. I never expected Sansa and the North to literally turn Dany and Jon away at the gates - but thats why I wrote a fanfic about it. Because that was the only way I was going to see it told.
I was so upset by this (can’t you tell? lol) that seeing this episode really made me feel good and feel more proud in what I wrote. 
okay. rant over.
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This Week in Gundam Wing 14-20 April 2019
Here’s this week’s roundup!
Remember to give your content creators some love! And join in on the events at the bottom!
~Mod Hel
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Merchant Marines (Ch. 2) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18440453/chapters/43856074#workskin
Duo Maxwell/OC, Trowa Barton/Duo Maxwell, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton/Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton/Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Mike Howard, Lady Une, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei, Heero Yuy, Sally Po, Mariemaia Khushrenada, Relena Peacecraft, Dorothy Catalonia
AU, do I even need to add an angst tag at this point?, I'll add one anyway, Angst, Rebels, Wars, Civil wars, Une pissed off the wrong people, Trowa flirts, Duo is oblivious, and a disaster
Lady Une oversteps and the former Gundam Pilots run off to do their own thing. What could possibly go wrong?
And Howard wears his bermuda shorts.
Eldritch Holiday (Creature of the Night) (Ch. 15) https://archiveofourown.org/works/17802668/chapters/43841089?view_adult=true
Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy, Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Original Female Character(s)
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei
Horror, Body Horror, Occult, Comedy, Eventual Romance, Post-Break Up
Riko doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to the Gundams. Duo disagrees.
Ok kid... It’s a pancake http://offspringchick29.tumblr.com/post/184219226590/ok-kid-its-a-pancake
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Original Characters
Heero takes to Facebook to show the world what he goes through on a Saturday morning with one of his very picky sons and a pancake.
You woke me because your socks came off? http://offspringchick29.tumblr.com/post/184219639565/you-woke-me-because-your-socks-came-off
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Original Characters
Duo suggests something Heero could do when the kids are teenagers to get back at them for waking him at 4am for stupid reasons. Heero lets Duo know that very same reason happened that morning. Well... The socks were a cover for the real reason.
Legos, the bane of the feet of a dad http://offspringchick29.tumblr.com/post/184285952100/legos-the-bane-of-the-feet-of-a-dad
Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Wufei Chang, Original Character
Duo posts what he thinks is an innocent meme about being a single dad. Doesn’t realise it bites him in the backside because of Legos.
WIP: Peacekeeper https://ransomedbard.tumblr.com/post/184306798288/wip-peacekeeper
At the age of 39, Quatre has grown the Winner Corporation into one of the Earth Sphere’s most powerful businesses.  His life is entirely centered - some would say consumed - by his work, until an unexpected request from Dorothy shatters his routine.
A Stagnation of Love (rewrite) (Ch. 77) https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10433322/77/A-Stagnation-of-Love-rewrite
Genre: Romance/Angst Rated: M Character: Duo M., Heero Y.
Duo Maxwell has been stuck his entire life. With an abusive father, a mother who doesn’t even realize he exists, severely bullied at school, and hiding his sexuality, he has given up all hope for a better life. When he falls in love with his bully’s boyfriend, he needs to make a choice about his future. Will he continue to let himself be abused, or will he fight back?
Hall of Cranes (Ch. 6) https://archiveofourown.org/works/18304061/chapters/43747843
Trowa Barton/Quatre Raberba Winner, Chang Wufei/Duo Maxwell
Chang Wufei, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell
Alternate Universe, Palace drama
Wufei, Crown Prince of the Chang'seo Dynasty, must find a consort before his ascension. His chamberlain Barton is anxious that he should marry to secure his throne and the love of his people. But the only woman Wufei likes enough isn't quite what she seems to be. Meanwhile, Duo is in completely over his head in this palace intrigue.
The curious case of Vayeate and Mercurius https://tatakau-monotachi.tumblr.com/post/184266048422/the-curious-case-of-vayeate-and-mercurius
Meta Essay
Crossover Idea https://terrablaze514.tumblr.com/post/184275532332/happy-birthday-3-hope-your-day-is-filled-with
Just a Birthday special (posted April 18th) in response to an interesting question. It's a short Gundam Wing/Black Panther crossover. There's no title for it.
Rated T (or lower); hinted Relena x Dorothy, 6x9; no warnings in sight. Also starring Wakandans and mentions of Avengers and Preventers.
Duo Maxwell
Head Canons:
Playing Bride and Groom ‘Keep Away’
Trowa’s Gay, discussion.
@lemontrash, @helmistress, @seitou, @doctormegalomania, @incorrectgundamwingquotes, @robo-rad, @sweethoneysempai, @gwkimmy, @softnocturne, @terrablaze514
Treize being a father/dad.
@vegalume, @godofalleyeteeth, @paleghostinthecorner, @outofworkshinigami
Duo & Quatre
Duo & Trowa
Trowa, Heero, & Duo
Zechs, Duo, & Everyone Else
Duo, WuFei, & Trowa
Dorothy & Trowa to Quatre
Duo & WuFei
WuFei & Heero
Quatre & Rashid
Quatre & Heero
Heero & Duo
GW & Sumizawa
Heero & Duo
Trowa and Coffee
Added Commentary by @gundaaamn
Calendar Events:
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Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, April 26th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/184318224372/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-april
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If anyone has ideas for prompts, PLEASE send them in! Our ask box is always open.
In Need of Summery Prompts https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/184265772053/alright-wingers-weve-got-prompts-queued-up
Summer of Zechs 2019 https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/183734829321/summer-of-zechs-2019
Come vote for a month to host it in and send in prompts!
Month Vote Count https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/183825139256/votes
Voting for what month will be open until the end of the month, then it’s time for PROMPTS!
Here’s the Pillowfort discussion.
Gundam Wing Mini Bang Theme Suggestions
Food https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/184020447910/food-d
Based off of Official Art https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/184266136185/another-prompt-idea-for-consideration-and-voting
Unorthodox Undercover Work https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/184334667155/if-you-are-still-looking-for-theme-how-about
Gundam Wing Mini Bang https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/183830183720/mini-bang
Let us know if you’d like to participate and if you’d like it to have a theme!
Mini Bang Logistics https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/183847883850/mini-bang-logistics
Mini Bang Q&A https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/184002246410/q-a-mini-bang
Mini Bang Logistics Part 2 https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/184002543210/mini-bang-logistics-continued
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yukithesnowman314 · 5 years
“Be your true mind.” -Revelations: Persona Japanese tagline.
Starring into the screen of the gaming P.C. I brought off my friend during the 2018 Holiday season, I noticed that there was something missing: A wallpaper – a good one.  I was using fanart of Yugiri from Zombieland Saga as a placeholder until I could find wallpaper that I wouldn’t mind always seeing. Don’t get me wrong: Zombieland Saga is an awesome anime and  Yugiri is best undead girl, but I needed something better. A wallpaper to serve as a reminder to do whatever the fuck I want to do throughout the year 2019
I hooked up an old external hard drive containing over ten years’ worth of anime and manga fanart, screenshots, manga panels, and memes; most of them were  perfect to use as wallpaper, but I desire one that would be my mantra for 2019.  As I browsed through the drive, there was a certain image with a manga panel snapshot that spoke to my soul.  It was of Kyoko from Puella Magi Madoka Magica with a pocky stick in her mouth offering a box full of them to somebody off-screen.  As she chew on the snack, she says the following:
“Who cares what anyone else thinks? It’s your life – do whatever you want to do. That’s the right way to live.”
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There was no hesitation.  Instantly, that became my wallpaper; vowing to never change it until January 1st, 2020.  Throughout my life (until I got into my 20s), I was concern about what others thought about me.  Wanting to not offend my friends, family members,  and bosses (surprising, right?); I followed their suggestions, putting my own thoughts to the side.
I believed that if I put myself first, it would paint me as a hard-headed selfish asshole. I should had been an asshole.
“To be quiet and do as you’re told, that’s the cowardly choice.”
-Gearless Joe, Megalo Box
Go to church because the rest of the family were going; despite the fact I’m secretly don’t follow religion. Enroll in a community college my parents wanted me to go; regardless if I wanted to go to one outside the Midwest (my home region). Hang out with friends even though I actually wanted to stay and relax at home.  Go into work on my off day when I knew I wanted to tell my boss to fuck off.
Deep within my soul, my “easy-going” public persona was clashing with my true feelings. I truly didn’t want to do what people told me to do, but I didn’t have the balls to admit it.
This went on until I turned 23.
I dropped out of college. Smartest move of my life.  I stopped going to church. I don’t need Jesus to be a good person. I ignored my boss’s phone calls for me to come into work.  He got the point soon after.   I cut off friends who didn’t respect the fact I didn’t feel like hanging out with them when I was tired. They were fake friends – I didn’t need them around.
It was liberating.
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Soon after I selected the image of Kyoko as my wallpaper, I got a reminder from My Anime List that Mob Pyscho 100 Season 2 was starting soon.  Fitting.  Mob (the hero of the Mob Pyscho 100 series) is a kid who decided to follow his own path in life; as opposed to listen to others people’s suggestions for his life.  For example: when the supernatural club at his school tried to get him to join (because of his psychic powers), he rejected their offer. He joined the athletic club instead to build muscle.
The anime is one of the ultimate showcases of being your true self. But, Mob may have appeared to have forgotten about this.
Wanting to impress his crush Tsubomi, Ichi (who catches Mob sneaking a peek at Tsubomi) comes up with a plan for Mob to court her attention: Have him run for the recently vacant student council president position (it was a ploy for Ichi to have Mob gain popularity so she could have him as the new leader of the recently dismantled (LOL) cult). She even went as far as writing a speech for Mob, in her own words.  Despite not caring for school politics and social structure, Mob agrees to Ichi’s self-centered plot – reluctantly.
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And by reluctantly, I mean that Mob completely froze during his speech. On stage. In front of the entire student body – his crush in the crowd included.
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It’s goofy that a guy like Mob, who was always dead set on doing his own thing, decided to follow the path of another person. Sure, it was to impress his crush, but the plot wasn’t from his own driven nature and ideas.  Despite the public embarrassment, Mob “won” the heart of a female classmate: Emi.  She was “impressed” by his courage to stand on stage in front of the school, which spurred her into confessing her “feelings” to him. The two started dating soon after.
Obviously, their relationship is rooted in compete bullshit.
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When Emi asks what type of work he does, Mob is about to tell her about his supernatural works and adventures but feared that she’d be creep out.  He comes up with  a bold-face lie; claiming he works for a bookstore. This excites Emi as she’s an active and avid reader and is writing her own novel.  She even offers Mob to read it, which he agrees to.
Later on, as Mob reads Emi’s novel, she confronts him. She asks why he still walks her home from school after  he rejected her. Furthermore, she reveals that she knew Mob was going back to his club after he had walked her back home; thinking that Mob was afraid that he would upset her if he stop.
She also makes the connection that Mob only ran for class president because somebody told him to do it, since it was clear that he didn’t write his own speech. Then she bluntly asks if he has trouble making up his own mind and following his own feelings, which Mob confirms.
Finally, she reveals a secret about herself: She too struggles with being her own person – like Mob himself. She only asked Mob out on a dare and was pressured by her “friends” to do so (based on Mob’s pitiful performance during the elections). She was scared of being rejected and seen as a laughing stock by her “friends”, so she followed through with their cruel prank.
They agree to end their “relationship and part ways soon after – only to meet up again.
The “friends” Emi worked hard to impress and not offend? They weren’t truly her friends.
Emi regroups with her friends after receiving a text message from them.   She decides to show her “friends” the novel that she was working on.  One girl snatches it from her hands and started to laugh and belittle her work along with the rest.  Another girl, while trying to hold in her laughter, ask Emi if she was being serious about it.  Emi (clearly upset and defensive), gives off a weak chuckle and replies she was only doing it for fun. The girls starts to laugh cruelly as they destroy her novel.
  Emi became the thing she feared the most: a laughing stock among her friends. Not because she didn’t “date” Mob, but because she had a passion for writing. If they were truly her friends, not only would they not pressured her into dating Mob (something she never wanted to do), they would have encouraged her to keep writing.
As Mob walks back home, he sees the girls destroying Emi’s novel. He confronts them, telling them how wrong they were to do that to her and her hard work.  He starts collecting the pieces off the ground. Confused, yet feeling appreciated, Emi helps Mob out and her fake friends leave the duo to be.  The two try their best to recover the novel but the reminding pieces are blown into the wind. Emi gets discourage and decides that they should call the novel a total lost.
At this point, Mob decides to be honest with Emi (as she did with him) and reveal his true self: The fact that he’s a gifted esper. He uses his powers to completely restore the torn novel; which impresses Emi (as well as Tsubomi – who was watching the events from afar). Perhaps it was because that Emi was honest with Mob about her feelings, fears, and insecurities that led Mob into helping her. Maybe Mob was happy that he knew somebody who too was scared to be their true self and wanted to help them.
Regardless, at the end of the episode, both Mob and Emi was able to embrace who they truly are without fear.
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I believe there’s a lesson to be learned from the first episode of season two of Mob Pyscho 100 2.
The lesson?  Put yourself first, be honest with who you are, and never fear about what others may think about you. Once you can do all that, you have truly become free.  People may call you selfish or self-centered for being you, but in reality, humans are selfish by nature. Some humans are braver with their selfish nature than others.  If somebody complains about your egocentric nature , don’t take it personal. They more than likely are projecting their anger of not having the courage to be selfish.
Right now, there are people who are completely unhappy with their lives. Why? Because they were controlled into following somebody else’s path. They never had the courage to stray off the path that wasn’t design for them. There are doctors, lawyers, and dentists in those positions who are completely miserable because they decided to listen to their parents’ wishes. They feared to bring “shame” to their family and enter a career field they hate.  If only they would have follow their heart instead, perhaps they wouldn’t be miserable.
Remember this: You have the freedom to be your own person. It’s your life. Who cares if anyone gets upset?
“Your life is your own, ok? It’s OK to run away! If you’re capable of it, it won’t be a mistake.” -The Mob Choir
“Who cares what anyone else thinks? It’s your life – do whatever you want to do. That’s the right way to live.” -Kyoko, Puella Magi Madoka Magica “Be your true mind.” -Revelations: Persona Japanese tagline. Starring into the screen of the gaming P.C. I brought off my friend during the 2018 Holiday season, I noticed that there was something missing: A wallpaper – a good one. 
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animatical-fandoms · 5 years
Upcoming Fanart Info!
I finished my @kwamiswaps week art a few minutes ago, and boy let me tell you, it took forever. It’s just tagged and put in my queue for each day (I think each is scheduled for like 9-10 AM or something my time? So a few things to note about each character if y’all are interested, I have basic info below the cut about each swap and my basic headcanons about it. 
If I tagged you below the cut, it means I used your existing au as inspiration for some of my designs in the coming week, and I wanted to credit you as inspiration before my queue catches up! 
Adrien - Okay just, whatever happens in canon, all that I ask is that Adrien calls Mari “Chaton”/”Kitty” it will warm my dead, dead heart understand? 
Alya - basically my personal design for @lunian‘s Ladybird AU. It’s awesome, go read their comics and stuff! I just like Alya’s Rena cape thing, so I went for ladybug wings - Fennette will be a thing too for Trixx’s day!
Nino - The fact of the matter is in this AU, Mari was like Nino is the responsible level-headed person of this friend group he’d make the best superhero and gives him the ladybug miraculous. He and Chat!Adrien are the best of friends, and Adrien lowkey crushes on him almost as bad as Mari!Ladybug. 
Chloe - yeah, my interpretation of the wonderful @zoe-oneesama‘s Scarlet Lady AU. My version of Marigold will get featured, too :)
Luka - Plain and simple, Master Fu showed up a few years earlier, and ran into this kindhearted musician before Mari. TBH Luka is one of my faves, so he’s going to show up for the majority of the week because I loved playing around with designs for him
Felix - He doesn’t get cursed with bad luck, but with a kwami that insists he be responsible and help poor Lady Noir (Bridgette) break her curse. He’s gentler, kinder as a bug than as Felix, always happy to help others and to calm akuma victims after a fight. He’s drawn to Lady Noir, ever melancholy and mysterious, and lets himself loose with an edge against Bridgette because that’s how he’s always been. 
Marinette - Again, based off of the canon leaked art. I just really, really hope she’ll call Adrien some version of My Lady, and make at least one cat pun, either unintentionally or specifically for Adrien’s benefit so he can squeal over it. 
Alya - Instead of Master Fu picking Adrien, he asks New Ladybug who she would like by her side. Obviously Alya is the first choice, and she’s ecstatic to be a superhero, keeping the Ladyblog focused on Ladybug because, you know, she can’t record herself. Nino and Adrien crush HARD on the new superheroes, and while that frustrates Mari, Alya is absolutely delighted. 
Nino - Adrien pulls a Marinette, afraid that he’ll get caught since he’s under so much scrutiny as a model with a ton of visibility, and though it physically pains him to not fulfill his magical girl dreams, he knows Nino would be an amazing hero. Nino takes it in stride, and he and Mari!Ladybug are the bros to end all bros. Alya, crushing on Chat!Nino, creates both the Ladyblog and another blog dedicated to Nino’s alter ego. His thought? Best girlfriend ever. 
Chloe - I don’t really know how this would happen unless Adrien did the above, but with Chloe, thinking her confidence would be an asset?  Mari as Ladybug would be irritated by Mistress Noir, but it becomes a series of growing moments for Chloe, because she gets to see what a destructive force she really can be on people’s lives and gets better at the Friend Thing. 
Luka - My boy omg this one was fun to draw. So 
Bridgette - Reverse PV like Luka’s - Bridgette thought her luck was bad enough with her being unable to speak at a normal pace and pitch in front of her crush, not to mention her clumsiness makes her look like a fool in front of him during their dance classes. Now she’s cursed with a tiny god of destruction and a Perfect Superhero Partner - well, at least her clumsiness disappears when she’s Lady Noir. A shadow to Lordbug’s light. She knows it’s as hopeless to try and break her curse with him as it is to get together with Felix, so she just stands aside as his protector. 
Marinette - See the Ladybird AU with Alya; I couldn’t help myself!
Adrien - In the world where Alya is Chat and Mari is Ladybug, the two need help against the multiplying twins, same as before. Except Mari goes to lonely Adrien who she knows would be amazing.
Nino - The above babysitting disaster happens to be Nino’s little cousin, Chris, rather than Alya’s sisters, so Mari offers the fox miraculous to him. He and Adrien get to be bros for all sides of the mask. Alya makes an entirely new blog dedicated to the new fox. 
Chloe - I really don’t know how she would get her hands on the fox, unless she made like Queen Bee and stole it, which I suppose is plausible. Maybe I can do way better than Lila because I won’t be faking it kind of thing?
Luka - He probably would get this if another akuma was the reason they needed the Fox - maybe if Fu gave it to Ladybug while his mom was akumatized and he was worried about everyone’s safety. 
Felix - He was free of the Black Cat’s curse, and the miraculous could no longer be his. It got passed to Adrien through Fu without him knowing, and as soon as he sees his little brother vaulting across the city in a catsuit (without stripper boots, what the hell Plagg why did you make me suffer this way) he storms up to Fu’s place and says give me the fox those are children my god and becomes Mentor #1 to the new Chat and Ladybug. Naturally, no one catches on that he’s himself. He’s a professional at this secret identity thing. 
Marinette - In the world where Nino and Adrien are Ladybug and Chat respectively, Alya has been chosen as the fox. During Anansi, though, she’s captured - so Nino’s like omg Marinette could be the turtle and Marinette, upon receiving it, is having major panic mode set in, but you know, she does her best. Adrien takes a look at her protecting them and is like omg my Lady, a la Alya knowing exactly who Carapace was, but he keeps it to himself, and becomes more comfortable and flirty with Mari. 
Adrien - Don’t know if this fits in with any of the others . . . but probably Chat!Chloe verse, and Marinette is like please can you be my partner forever
Alya - Instead of her getting kidnapped during Anansi, it’s Nino, since Nora had a beef with him being too girly. She totally saves him and fangirls over being a superhero and he just knows. 
Chloe - How did this happen? I’m not even sure. But her being on the defensive is so out of character that I can’t even begin to rationalize it. 
Luka - Both Alya and Nino are unavailable during Anansi, so Marinette is like, Luka was super helpful on the boat and is super nice let’s do this. 
Bridgette - Fox!Felix verse - she sees her boyfriend, who was once Chat, as a fox teaching the two bb heroes the ropes. She goes to Fu, stands in the door with her eyebrow raised.  Fu had meant for her to succeed him as guardian anyway, and she takes up a job at his place so he can still hang out with Wayzz. She becomes Mentor #2 and is basically Mulan in fighting style - totally unexpected strategies. (It’s her fault that identity reveals happen, idk how, but it is)
Marinette - Marigold from the Lady Scarlet universe!
Adrien - From the universe where Chloe ends up as Chat, Marinette is super protective of this sunshine bee boy
Alya - Marinette actually? Gets the Bee Miraculous to Alya instead of losing it to Chloe?
Nino - Mari’s mind goes to Nino instead of Alya when the Bee is needed, and she makes it to him. 
Alix - After seeing her do so awesome with Reverser, Marinette turns to Alix for help as the Bee. 
Max - well, I don’t have too much of a headcanon for him, but kwamiswaps did a fanfic, so that’’s what this design is for! (I did little suspender stripes without meaning to omg I really do like how it turned out)
Marinette - I suppose in this AU, the Peacock wasn’t damaged, just disappeared - and, while visiting Adrien for a study session, she ends up with a new bird friend. 
Adrien - He inherits it from his mom okay??? Like, Fu has it and knows and is like your mother would have wanted you to have this. And this pisses off Hawkmoth to no end because he thinks whoever stole it is Definitely Not Adrien and is disgracing his wife’s name and just more angst than I expected for this Bird Boy (which, of course, makes the running gag that he’s allergic to feathers hilarious - Dusuu does make him sneeze if they get in his face, but when he transforms he doesn’t have his allergy. 
Alya - Swap the Peacock for the Fox - let’s just say Hawkmoth had a direct source to mess with Lila. Instead of illusions on the night the twins start multiplying, she creates a summoned creature to lure them all together. 
Nino - The Peacock was damaged still, but Nino was willing to risk that to save his girlfriend and the city. 
Chloe - Somehow, since the Mayor was friends with Gabriel and his wife, he ended up in possession of the Peacock before Gabriel knew what it was. Chloe gets her hands on it relatively at the same time she would have gotten the Bee and is just as Extra. 
Jagged - Who knows? It was necessary to make this once it was suggested. Let it happen. He deserves to be a flashy birb.
Marinette - Mayura is the main villain in this universe, and Emilie is comatose because of a damaged Ladybug Miraculous. Adrien is still Chat, but he makes “my wings” and “my little butterfly” comments rather than “My Lady”. Gabriel has Nathalie generally doing his dirty work, and he calls Emilie his lady. It’s very sad and angsty. Mari uses her friends’ best qualities to fight against the beasts Mayura creates. 
Adrien - He’s been Chat for some time, but now Gabriel has been revealed to him and Mari, and he gets really, really angry, and steals the miraculous as Adrien. This is a Problem. Plagg is concerned Adrien is getting too angry to deal with powers of destruction full-time, so Adrien brings him to Fu and alternates between Plagg and Nooroo, and he confronts Gabriel a lot as the Butterfly because betrayal reasons. Ladybug is concerned, but she trusts him and that’s what gets him through. 
Nino - He is So Supportive of his friends, okay? He gets chosen as the Butterfly holder when, say, Bridgette has the Turtle and they manage to take it from Hawkmoth but still need help getting the Peacock or some other stolen one. 
Chloe - Okay, this version of Chloe does not get a redemption arc, like, ever - she’s Hawkmoth. Straight up.  She starts every akuma purposefully, becomes a villain, etc.  Don’t ask why; I don’t know - attention? I prefer Redeemed!Chloe, but I feel like she’d totally be past saving as this particular supervillain. 
Kagami - She’s a fencer, the Butterfly has a sword/cane, it’s a match! Adrien gets to pick some new holders in my personal headcanon. Let’s say while the Mouse and Snake go to Mari and Luka, they get the Butterfly so Adrien chooses Kagami because she tried to help him and she wouldn’t let her emotions get in the way when she chooses people with her powers. (I didn’t like my original Alya design for the butterfly, so we get Kagami instead!)
Felix - Brother!AU. He was Chat Noir when he was younger, has been abroad with Bridgette, and comes home to see the canon situation. He is Not Fooled by Adrien, Mari, anyone - he’s been there, and he has distance of not knowing most of the people involved, so he gets very, very, angry. He knows his father is Hawkmoth. So he steals the butterfly and sides with Ladybug and Chat Noir, who are both thankful but confused at this new Butterfly who’s So Angry - Adrien doesn’t figure it out, but he comforts Felix without meaning to and Felix is so touched. Felix eventually reveals that he knows who the previous Hawkmoth and the current (insert villain name) is - Gabriel Agreste. Obviously disbelief and angst, but he reveals himself and is like I am the last person to want Gabriel to be a supervillain so yeah and Agreste brotherly bonding and HawkDad butt-kicking and there. 
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celticbotanart · 7 years
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SO I GOT THIS QUESTION ON MY SEA WITCH VIDEO, AND SINCE I’VE BEEN RECEIVING QUESTIONS LIKE THIS A LOT, I THOUGHT IT WOULD BE IMPORTANT TO SHARE MY ANSWERS HERE AS WELL. Question: " it's a shame how I want to be a an artist and I cant even draw this good and I don't even know or have all the tools... I just don't feel like I'm ever going to be an artist. Any tips?? how come I don't have all the tools?? I only have like 10... how many years have you be been drawing in paint tool sai??? I'm only 15, and did you take classes or are self-taught???? srry for a the questions ... I'm just trying to find hope and motivation 😔“ 
*** Well, first of all, that mentality  of "I'll never be a good artist" mindset has to go away. Being good at art is rarely about someone's natural skill and much more about years and years of practice. I didn't even dream I would be able to paint such a portrait when I was 15 myself (I am 27 now, so you can already see where I am going with this). So please, don't think it is "shameful" you can't draw like that yet when I didn't draw like that when I was your age, lol. Some teens can paint and draw insanely good - examples: Kiwi Byrd, Tamberella, Sara Teppes, they aren't teens anymore but they are currently like 19 or 20 and they've been posting art for years now. They are exceptions or they simply perceive/absorb art skills  differently, but you can see they are ALWAYS drawing and posting something, from a sketch to a full painting, they are always producing art, which of course, speeds their improvement a lot. I will ALWAYS show and link this to people, because more than anything I want to de-romanticize and un-mistify this idea that art is 1- easy (it is not, no matter what it may seem or how some people might be quicker to learn it, it is still hard to learn new tecniques and styles and to study art) and 2- that art is absolutely impossible to improve: THIS IS MY IMPROVEMENT MEME CHART THAT COVERS FROM 2003 to 2016.  As you can see, at your age I literally drew some anime-style characters and fanarts, most based out of something else (like the Amy Lee manga portrait, it was referenced on one of Amy's most famous promo pictures). I only started with digital art when I was sixteen and only got a tablet pen (a Wacom Bamboo Fun small) three years later when I was 19. Tools are helpful, but when you are a beginner, they don't really matter to be quite honest. I mastered watercolors  by constantly practicing with the cheapest, worst quality watercolors and nankin ink you can ever imagine from the age of 14. They were literally school / tools for children quality. That Amy Lee I mentioned earlier on my chart was all done with ballpoint pen. And to this day, ballpoint pens are one of my absolute favorite materials do draw with because they are cheap, simple and we can achieve awesome effects and textures with them. They were all done recently with only common ballpoint pens: 
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If your foundations aren't good in drawing, your art won't look good no matter how many tools you have and no matter how expensive they are, the art will still look bad. If you can make wonders with cheap-ass materials, you will be fine in any situation. If you have 10 tools (I guess they are commons stuff like pens, pencils, colored pencils?) you already have a very good start. I've been drawing on Paint Tool SAI since 2009, which means this year will be 8 years of using the software. 
This was literally my first attempt on Paint Tool SAI, in 2009:
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This was one of my latest paintings with the same software, made last month:
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On the other hand, I still use a Bamboo Pen small tablet, which is a good one but far from what you would call "the best" tablet; again, remember what I said up there - try to work with what you have in your hands. Sometimes upgrades will have to be necessary for you to improve, for example, you can't improve at playing the violin if your violin is a cheap/beginner violin because in that skill, the quality of the instrument counts a lot for the quality of sound you will get. Art supplies work more or less the same way, but unlike the violin, it is not a deal breaker if you have cheaper stuff or if the quality is inferior.  I've taken a few classes / attended a few fast courses because these are super expensive here in Brazil where I live. But I was once an apprentice of this dude who had a painting studio near where I live. It last only a few months, I had to stop attending due to many reasons, oil paintings not really being one of the easiest materials to deal with being one of them, BUT I still learned a great deal on traditional painting which I use to this very day on my digital art. Another tip would be exactly that - try watching traditional oil painting videos, they have great techniques and tips that can easily be applied on digital (my favorite is Andrew Tischler's channel, his videos are dynamic and his technique is insanely good). Observing old paintings that you might like also help a lot (my favorite painter is by far William Bouguereau, I've been observing his art since 2009, and I try to apply what I see in his works on mine). 
However, I would say I am mostly self taught - and by that I mean I read and watched a ridiculous amount of tutorials online, from deviantart and on youtube, and whenever I see a tutorial I stop to at least take a look. Don't judge tutorials by the quality of the art being presented in it, I've learned A LOT about SAI by reading tutorials and watching speedpaints on YT of what would be considered "bad anime art" or just "weaboo anime art". Since learning art can be tough and you can get really unmotivated and bored, draw whatever you want: fanarts, OC's, animals, landscapes, it doesnt matter as long as you like it. You can see on my improvement chart that 90% of stuff in there is fanart. It has its cons (for example, people can take the longest time to recognize your original art or not pay attention to it at all, like it still happens to me) but it definitely has its pros as well.  Also, I am very good at drawing faces and characters (hence this only took me 3h to paint, i've been painting faces since ever and they are one of my favorite things to paint), but I am extremely bad at drawing and painting backgrounds. They can come out looking nice, but I still can't paint just anything (for example, I can paint a forest decently, but I can't paint a city scape with buildings and such). My backgrounds are often very limited, simple and / or just suggested (like in my recent "Goblin" video, the forest behind him is only suggested, but it is enough to convey the message). I should practice more on BG's, but I don't lol. So don't be like me on that, haha. Long story short: - art is hard and takes a long time to learn and to improve, it is completely normal to take time to improve; - don't be fooled by the illusion of expensive art supplies = good art. Work with what you have at hands, try different tools and  supplies and see what suits you the best; - read read read read read tutorials and watch as many YT speedpaints and tutorials you can. Even if they are long, even if they seem they won't add you anything new or good. - draw a lot, and draw what you enjoy. I hope this was somehow helpful!
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summylise · 7 years
Erasing the Stigma: Fanfiction as Legitimate Form of Literature
Remember this post from a few weeks ago that got a ton of notes (which I am STOKED about)? Well...I just submitted the final draft!! I figured you guys would want to see what your responses amounted to so here it is!! If you’d like to share it with others (especially those who look down at fanfiction) go ahead!! I’d love to spread the word more~~
(Oh! and here is where you can access the original formatted with the works cited essay)
      Erasing the Stigma: Fanfiction as Legitimate Form of Literature
Two writers type on a desktop computer. One sits cross-legged in a dark room lit only by a single, smooth Mac surrounded by sheets of character references, thesauruses, dictionaries, and the occasional motivational quote. The other in a similar position but at their local Panera with nothing but their school laptop open to a few wikis, Thesaurus.com, and maybe some calming music. Both bite their lip as the words fail to transfer to screen. Both stress about the possible response to their pieces. A few hours later and they are ready to submit. The first contacts their agent who then contacts a few others. Days, weeks, months pass and the first writer still hasn’t heard back from their agent. The second author uploads their file as soon as they finish typing the last word, sometimes in an email to their beta (or their editor from the same fan-base), other times directly to the site. Days, weeks, months pass and the second author has already cranked out more chapters, received a handful of reviews, and has gained many followers. The difference? The second person uploaded theirs to Fanfiction.net and is looked down upon by most of society. There has often been a stigma associated with the term “fanfiction”, as if it was a disease or something others look down upon. Yet many see it as a creative outlet and something that allows them to fully express themselves in a way that formal writing or writing a physical book cannot. Some oppose the fact that fanfiction, stories written about video games, movies, television shows, etc., are forms of literature and say that reading and writing is not “real” reading or writing. They even may go as far to say that fanfics serve no outside purpose and has no content. While some stories may be lacking in the grammatical or logical correctness, fanfiction as a whole is in fact a valid form of literature, especially when compared to formal reading and writing.
In order to discuss fanfiction, it needs to be defined. Fanfics are stories that are written by fans of a certain form of entertainment (whether that be musicals, books, animes, television shows, movies, etc.)(Lammers and Marsh). Fanfic authors are not paid, do not expect anything in return (except for the occasional review or two), and write just because they like the show and have an appreciation for writing. The fanfic author, formerly known as epeolatryx on Tumblr, writes, “People don’t pay for fanfiction. Reviews are our currency. Thank yous pay for the effort we spend on the next one,” (Xambedo). Another difference comes in the form of creativity, or rather, starting with nothing versus starting with a pre-existing base. Instead of creating entirely new universes with brand new characters, fanfic authors use existing characters, settings, and plots from existing medias to generate their own stories. Some of these stories even become so popular that they end up published due to a uniqueness they had despite being based on something else. The After series by Anna Todd, a One Direction fanfic, began on Wattpad, a free, digital publishing service, and became a published novel that is going to be made into a movie (Contrera). Granted, Todd had to change the names of the band mates in order to avoid copyright infringement but this successful story still began as fanfiction. Other fanfictions include The Little Mermaid, The Lion King, Ella Enchanted, and many more that do not seem obvious to the naked eye. The only difference between stories on sites like Fanfiction.net and the ones listed above are that the second are considered “actual books” or “real reading” whereas the first are not. It all comes down to what makes up real literature.
Literature is defined as “any piece of writing that can claim that it has—in some way—artistic beauty” according to Richard Jewell, author of Experiencing the Humanities. However, he later states that items such as bullet points and grocery lists would not count as they are not artistic and are only meant to serve as lists rather than actual pieces. In his textbook, he states all of the qualities that make literature and claims that if a piece were to include those attributes, that it would be considered literature. Those three attributes are creative description, characters, and plot (Jewell). All of those are included in fanfiction which are just stories created using non-original characters. Based on these requirements, fanfiction would factually be regarded as literature. Not only does fanfiction count technically as literature, but the process is the same.
Fanfiction should also be viewed through a newer learning term known as the multiliteracy framework. Multiliteracies are forms of reading or writing that incorporate more than just a pen and an idea; they explain how different cultural mediums, forms of communication, and compositional variety come together to create a piece (Chandler-Olcott and Mahar 559). Three main branches of this framework can specifically be applied to fanfiction: multimodality, intertextuality, and hybridity.
Multimodality involves the “integration of various Designs such as visual, linguistic, and audio in one text…” (Chandler-Olcott and Mahar 561). In regards to fanfiction, authors often employ these three attributes in order to entertain their readers and make their story more enjoyable. In my experience as a fanfic writer and reader, we authors show pictures or fanarts that we have created or have had created for us, find music or sound effects to serve as the background to our stories, and alter their fonts to evoke a stronger meaning (such as italicizing thoughts). By doing so, we are incorporating many different elements into one to create a diverse and interesting final product.
The second concept is that of intertextuality. Intertextuality are the “relationships and references between and among texts. Fanfiction is the crossing of original ideas with those of pre-existing characters and features which, in a sense, is exactly what intertextuality is. The connection between two sources doesn’t have to be strictly between two written pieces; Chandler-Olcott and Mahar explain that it can also occur between fanfiction and reality. The authors describe a fanfic the girls they studied wrote that involved deep, psychological questions such as a woman’s place in the world and heterosexual relationships despite the girls still being in middle school. The authors say, “Viewing rhetorical moves like these from the perspective of the Multiliteracies framework helped us to appreciate how complicated, and even sophisticated, the girls’ fanfics often were,” (Chandler-Olcott and Mahar 563). The two fanfic authors were able to pull from different forms of “text” in order to create a unique and thought provoking piece by using the concept of intertextuality.
Finally, hybridity is the creation of new ideas by picking and choosing specific parts of different mediums and combining them in a unique and sometimes never before seen way. Fanfics tend to grab from many different areas such as different genres and different story structures. When I go to publish a work of mine on Fanfiction.net, it prompts me to select two different genres before I can continue. Much like published books, fanfictions mix many genres together such as adventure, romance, comedy, etc. in order to create a successful and unique piece. However, fanfictions differ from books immensely when it comes to story structure. In fanfics, there tends to be a lack of an exposition or any explanation, description, or background of the story; the author jumps right in (Chandler-Olcott and Mahar 564). Fanfic authors choose to not add an exposition because they know that their audience knows almost everything about their characters: their physical attributes, their history, their personalities, their hopes and fears (Chandler-Olcott and Mahar 564). By neglecting to include an intro and picking multiple genres with which to base their stories on, fanfic authors rely very heavily on the concept of hybridity. Creating a hybrid of literature tends to have consequences, though not the ones that society may expect.
Fanfictions are a new branch of reading and writing that not only counts structurally, subjectively, and scholarly as a form of literature but also, much like its published counterparts, leaves an impression. In my survey of over two-hundred people, I found that around 53.59% of respondents had connected with new people they otherwise would not have met through fanfiction, whether it was reading or writing. This is due to the collaboration and connection with authors and readers via the follow, favorite, review or comment ability on Fanfiction.net that allows people to say how a certain chapter made them feel, make assumptions on future chapters, and offer suggestions for future chapters. Social media also plays a role in connecting readers and writers. On the popular social media site, Tumblr, many fanfic authors publish their stories in order to further spread their work across their fandoms (or domains in which fans from the same genre congregate). This allows the fan-base to actually contact the author on a more personal level rather than just via the comment section.
In addition, fanfiction affect the connection between each other but it also changes one’s reading and writing habits. Motoko Rich’s claim that student standardized reading scores have steadily declined due to online reading (Rich 1). However, measuring one’s aptitude for test taking does not translate to their inclination towards reading. A psychology professor at Michigan State, Linda A. Jackson, agrees when talking about the results of giving low income students internet access: “[The students] were kids who would typically not be reading in their free time… Once they’re on the Internet, they’re reading,” (qtd. in Rich). I have also found that fanfiction actually increases a reader's want to read by means of the survey I conducted. 75.95% of respondents say that they are more motivated to read fanfiction than actual books, which in turn makes it easier for them to read more.“Books are a big time commitment for something I might not like. With fanfiction, I get something I’m already familiar with and will know I’ll enjoy, and they’re much shorter,” said a respondent to my survey. This is because in published works, the author has to include an exposition where they describe the characters and setting. In fanfiction, since it’s based on a world that already exists, the readers already know what the characters and setting look like so the author can jump right into writing their story. Reading online not only increases one’s wish to read, but also improves their writing as well. According to the study done by Jayne C. Lammers and Valerie L. Marsh titled “Going Public”, the young author they had longitudinally studied said that fanfiction had allowed her to stay anonymous and therefore felt more willing to share her works with others than if they had known who she was (Lammers and Marsh 281). By being anonymous, fanfic authors are able to express themselves and produce pieces that they otherwise may not have shared which allows them to further grow as a writer. A fanfiction writer who took my survey said the following:
Real writing, to me, is writing that makes us grow both as readers and writers. When I first started writing, it was through fanfiction. I was horrid at first. But fanfiction gave me a supportive, eager community to be able to continue producing work and subsequently grow into the writer that I am today. Therefore, I can confidently say that fanfiction is a valid alternative to reading and writing.
With the practice of writing fanfiction and support of the community, this author was able to make a name for themselves and eventually grow into the writer as seen above. A writer that may either turn into a published author or a fanfiction author.
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ssminibang · 7 years
So… what exact is a Reverse Mini Bang?
Oh good, an easy one to start with!
A Reverse Mini Bang is basically a reverse of the “Big Bang” challenge, and on a smaller scale. Artists basically have free reign (within the theme of the Bang) to create a piece of fanart, which is then matched by the mods to participating Authors who have similar tastes and preferences. The Authors will then write a fic (3,500 words minimum) based on the artwork they’ve been assigned.
Which characters can be used?
As long as at least one Inner Senshi (i.e. Sailors Venus, Mercury, Mars and/or Jupiter) and at least one Shitennou (Kunzite, Zoisite, Jadeite and/or Nephrite) are featured in your art/fic then the sky’s the limit (ok, not quite, there are one or two itty, bitty limitations… see below for those). You’re also welcome to include as many of the other Sailor Moon characters in your work as you like.
Do I have to stick to traditional pairings?
There’s no obligation for the Senshi and the Shitennou to have any sort of romantic attachment to each other, but if you do choose to link them romantically, there’s also no obligation to match them into traditional pairings (e.g. Venus x Kunzite etc.) It is worth noting, however, that rare-ships might be a little harder to match up than the more popular ones, as welcome and fun as they might be (if it’s really what you’re inspired for, though, I’m sure we’ll be able to figure something out).
Basically, as long as you have one Senshi and one Shitennou in there, the rest is up to you!
Do we have to follow a certain canon?
As for which source material you can use, the choice is yours - 90s anime, Crystal, PGSM, the musicals, the manga… all are permitted. You’re also free to choose which timeline you’d like to set your work in: Silver Millennium, modern day or Crystal Tokyo. 
Setting your art/fic in Alternate Universes and Realities is also permitted but unfortunately, crossovers with other fandoms are not (as it might be too difficult to find a suitable artist/author match up), e.g. fanart and fics can be set in a fictional version of the Middle Ages, with the characters being members of an important political dynasty, but you can’t make Kunzite a secret Targaryan who challenges Cersei Lannister for the Iron Throne and rides Drogon into the sunset, burning all of Westeros as he goes.
Because this challenge is open to and inclusive of all Sailor Moon characters and ships (so long as there’s a Senshi and Shitennou present), we would like to remind all participants that absolutely no shipshaming or kinkshaming will be tolerated. Please respect each other and the all-inclusive tone of the Bang.
What’s the timeline?
Artist and Author sign-ups open: Tues 18 April 
Artist and Author sign-ups close: Mon 1 May 
Artist check-in: Mon 15 May 
Art drafts due: Mon 29 May 
Art drafts assigned to Authors: Thu 1 June Check-in for all participants: Fri 23 June 
Author check-in: Fri 21 July 
Posting period: Mon 14 August - Fri 18 August
Pinch Hitting posting period: Saturday 19 August - Sunday 20 August
How do I sign up?
Sign-up posts featuring a Google form will be posted on Wednesday 18 April 2017. You can sign up using your Tumblr or AO3 account, or any other platform you prefer, as long as we have a valid profile url and email address through which to contact you.
There will be one form for Artists and a separate one for Authors. Both Artist and Author sign-ups will close on Monday 1 May. 
Is there a limit to how many works I can submit?
There’s no limit to how many pieces of art or fics you can submit, but if you do intend to submit multiple pieces of art or fics, then you must email the mods BEFORE the sign-up deadline (Monday 1 May) to discuss the issue (ssrevmb at gmail dot com). 
Can I co-create my fanart with another Artist or my fic with another Author?
Sure! But please email us to let us know. You must also ensure your co-Artist and/or co-Author receives sufficient credit for their work.  
Can Artists/Authors choose their own counterparts in the Reverse Mini Bang?
Not this time, unfortunately… but if this thing takes off, then it’s definitely something we can look into in the future!
How will I be assigned an Artist/Author counterpart?
When filling out the Sign Up forms, you will be asked a series of questions about your preferences (this is for us as mods to get a general idea of who we can pair with who later on). Once all the artwork has been submitted (Monday 29 May), we will then match up Artists and Authors with similar tastes. 
Authors, please bare in mind that we might not be able to meet all of your requirements exactly, but we will do our very best. One of the main aims of the Reverse Mini Bang is to get Authors inspired by the work created by our talented Artists, so there’s a lot of creative freedom for all, with plenty of room for some good collaboration (and who knows, you might even make new friends!)
Can I sign up as both a Artist and an Author?
If that’s your jam, who are we to stop you?! Just fill in both the Artist and Author forms. 
Rules for Artists
Artists can begin working on their pieces from the moment they sign up.
Fanart can include (but is not limited to) drawn or painted artwork (both traditional and digital), comics, digital manipulations, fanvideos and fanmixes/playlists. Craft art is perfectly acceptable as long as the final piece can be photographed and submitted to us via email. If you have any other ideas for your artwork which has not been mentioned here, please email the mods at ssrevmb at gmail dot com.
As Artists, the point is to inspire your Author, so give them as much information as you can about your art and why you’ve chosen to create such work. Your work needs to capture their imagination - after all, they’re weaving a story out of the world you’ve created, so help them along! Collaboration is actively encouraged!
Art Submission Info
Submitted art files must be at least 400 by 600 pixels in size. Fanvids must be at least one minute in length. Fanmixes must contain at least 8 tracks as well as front and back cover art (minimum size 500 x 500 pixels). Links to the songs must be included with your submission.
Submitted artwork should be at least 70% done (art is to be completed entirely before the posting period of Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August), with enough detail that authors can clearly make out what’s going on in your picture.
Art submissions must be emailed to the mods at ssrevmb at gmail dot com by Monday 29 May along with the following information in the body of your email:
Artist username: Tumblr profile url: Email: Art number ?? of ??: (if submitting more than one) Artwork title: Rating: (G - NC17) Featured Characters: Sailor Moon Canon: (Manga / 90s Anime / Crystal / Musical / Hybrid) Timeline: (Silver Millennium / Modern Day / Crystal Tokyo / AU / AR) Highest fic rating: (G - NC17) Additional details/requests: (This is where you put all the details. What the artwork is about, what you’re hoping for the Author to use, what inspired you etc.) E.g.:
“Would love something with plenty of fluff and a hint of angst. I’ve got some headcanons and would love to brainstorm ideas with the Author.”
“I’m a total Venus x Kunzite shipper, but I have this secret love of Mercury x Kunzite. No gore please.”
“I had this super angsty reason why Nephrite’s glowering in this piece, but maybe you could come up with something specific? Or just interpret it how you like!”
“I just really wanted to see how Rei, Nephrite and Michiru would interact together, since they’re all sort of psychic.”
Place “Art Submission from [username]” in the subject line of your email.
NB: Art pieces created for this challenge are NOT TO BE POSTED ANYWHERE ELSE before the posting up before the Posting Period (Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August).
Rules for Authors
After the art work has been assigned on Thursday 1 June, Authors will have approximately 8 weeks (until the Posting Period: Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August) to write a story with a minimum of 3,500 words. There is no maximum word limit.
The fic must be original and related to the artwork assigned. Collaboration between Artists and Authors is actively encouraged. There is no obligation for your Artist to create additional art unless they wish to. Please work closely with your Artist to talk through interpretations of the artwork. Keep in mind that elements in the artwork need to be present in your story. If there is a pairing specifically shown or suggested, then that is the pairing you should focus on. We also encourage you to discuss any squicks before you start writing and to respect these throughout the event.
Where does all this glorious creativity get posted?
Authors will post their work to the SSRevMB Collection on AO3. If you don’t have an AO3 account yet, please make one at some point before the fic submission date. We will create and moderate the Collection, but control of the fic is entirely yours to upload, edit and delete.
Artists who do not have an AO3 account should send their Author the finished piece/give their Author the links to the fanmix or fanvid BEFORE the Posting Period (Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August), which can then be placed within the fic itself or in the notes section (with full credit to the Artist and any additional links the Artist requests).
Artists who do have AO3 accounts can post up their art on the official submission date allocated to them during the Posting Period (Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August) to their own account. The Author and Artist can then exchange links to their respective works for posting purposes.
Am I required to have an AO3 account?
Authors must have an AO3 account as they will be posting their own work to the Collection. We don’t require Artists to have an AO3 account, but we definitely encourage it.
Can I post up my art/fic anywhere else?
Until the date allocated to you during the Posting Period (Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August) please DO NOT post your artwork or fics anywhere else.
After your official submission date has passed, and once you have posted up your art/fic on AO3, then you are free to do as you like with your work!
Have a question left unanswered by the FAQ?
Any questions or issues can be addressed to the mods at ssrevmb at gmail dot com or by sending us an Ask.
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