suugarbabe · 7 months
Forget Me Not (4)
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Word Count: 3k
Warning: fluff
an: not proofread; this is the LAST chapter, it's been fun writing this mini series as it started as just a prompt for a one shot, hope you've all enjoyed :)
Throughout breakfast you and Fred kept peeking at each other like teenagers with a secret. Hermione tried to engage you in some conversation but you found yourself increasingly distracted as Fred’s hand found solace on the inside of your thigh, rubbing soothing paths over your skin with his thumb. 
Once Molly allowed everyone to be finished eating, Fred grabbed your head, leading you outside and toward the garden. The motion caused a few eyebrow raises at the table, then eyes to land on George. Without looking up from his plate George simply stated, “They made out this morning.” Ron nearly choked on his breakfast sausage. 
Once in the garden, Fred led you to the old iron bench, fit with handmade cushions by Molly. When you both approached the bench Fred picked you up bridal, making you squeal. Fred turned you both around before sitting down on the bench, your legs bent over his lap. 
You couldn’t contain the smile that spread over your face and Fred took notice, “Is that how this usually goes, have we talked here before?” You nodded, looking away towards the flowers, “You…used to…” you trailed off. Fred cupped your cheek, turning you to face him, “I know, darling. I…when we came out here, I just…knew that I used to do it, that it would bring that smile to your face.” 
You couldn’t help yourself, too overcome with emotion, with love, that you did it before you could stop yourself, leaned in and…kissed him. To your delight there was no hesitation from Fred, his lips instantly responding to yours, seemingly melding together like they’ve done on countless occasions. 
It was slow, like Fred was trying to memorize your all over again, or remembering you. When your lungs were screaming at you, you finally pulled away, “Sorry, Freddie, I just-” Fred cut you off with a shake of your head, “S’okay, love. Trust me,” he gave you another quick peck on the lips, “I don’t mind one bit. Now tell me the story of how we met, when we started dating, would love to hear your perspective.”
You smiled, “Do you wanna hear how we met or when I first noticed you?” Fred quirked an eyebrow, “Are they two separate occasions, love?” You bit your lip, nodding. Fred smiled, pulling your bottom lip from your teeth, “Then tell me both, beautiful.” 
Fred smiled at how animated you spoke, how you talked about seeing him first in charms class, how he and George tried to confuse professor Flitwick by pretending to be each other. How you thought he was just so funny and you wanted so desperately to be friends with him. 
He was shocked that it took you another year before you finally approached him, as bold and confident as you seemed to him now. When you told the story about how you finally approached him, describing watching him and George trying to prank Filch he could recall what you were describing. He could remember leaning around the pillar, waiting on Filch’s reaction, and he could remember when it didn’t go as planned, the exploding potion not exploding. 
“So, after you and George horribly failed-”
Fred cut you off without thinking, eyes staring straight ahead like he was seeing it all over again in his head, “You came skipping down the hall, brilliant smile on your face. You told us that we obviously added the sneezewort too late, ‘if we remembered at all’. I was highly impressed, then asked you your name.” 
Your mouth hung open in shock, “Freddie, how did you…” Fred shook his head, laughing as he spoke, “Dunno just, you started talking about it and it all came rushing back. Merlin you were a little cutie back then weren’t you?” He teased you, poking your side. 
You grabbed his wrist, “Fred Gideon, do not.” Fred’s smile widened at your giggles, “Godric, I love that sound, don’t know how I ever forgot it. Now tell me how we started dating, maybe it’ll come back to me like the other story did. I’d really love to see how red your cheeks got when I finally made it official.” Fred planted a wet, sloppy kiss to your cheek, and you were a laughing mess again. 
“Okay, okay,” you laughed again, wiping his remaining spit from your cheek. “We were at the black lake,” when you started your story Fred closed his eyes. He wanted to try to picture the narrative you told, see if he was able to see what you were describing or if it was all a blur like every other time he tried to remember you alone. 
As you started speaking Fred saw the lake, could see the ripples in the water, could feel his arms wrapped around you and the weight of you against his chest, he smiled to himself. “We had been sitting out there for a few hours, you and George had somehow convinced a few first years that if they got close enough that the squid would try and pick them up and swing them around.
Fred smiled to himself, remembering telling a set of first years those exact words, then waiting to see if any of them would listen. As you spoke he started seeing it all, you scolding him and George for trying to trick them, you telling George to go tell the first years they were kidding. 
Then you started to describe how Fred started to actually ask you out, how nervous you felt when he said he wanted to ask you something, that you were hoping he would ask you to officially be his girlfriend but that you didn’t want to assume anything. Which looking back, Fred thought was just silly. From what he was starting to remember, he’s always been head over heels for you, always chasing you, wanting to be near you. 
When you started to recall the exact words Fred used, he cut you off, “I made you turn around so that you were facing me, so that I could look into your eyes when I asked. I still held your hands, because I felt like if we weren’t touching you were somehow going to disappear because there was no way I was that lucky for someone like you to even remotely feel the same towards me.
“I was so nervous that once I’d ask you’d say no, tell me I was crazy or something,” he opened his eyes to look at you, seeing tears brimming on yours, “but now I don’t know how I was ever crazy enough to forget. I looked at you, just like this, and I said, ‘Y/n, I don’t want to be your friend anymore, I don’t want to cuddle on the couches with you after class or watch you get hit on by other guys or contemplate going to Hogsmead with someone else. I want you to be mine, and only mine, so Y/n, would you please do me the honor of allowing me to call you my girlfriend.” 
You laughed, not believing he was able to recall his exact words, “and then you hit me, like really hard, y/n. Pretty sure you bruised my arm for a week.” You rolled your eyes at him, “Yeah well who starts that whole thing with ‘I don’t want to be your friend anymore’? I thought you were about to tell me you hated me!” 
It was Fred’s turn to laugh, “Oh, darling, I could never hate you. I can’t think of any feeling I have for you but love.” You rolled your eyes again, “Okay cheeseball.” Fred cupped your face, smirking, “I am a cheeseball, so give me a cheesy kiss.” And so you did, grabbing hold of the back of his neck and crashing your lips to his, breathing him in like he was oxygen and you’ve been deprived for months, because essentially you had. 
You knew you and Fred were getting carried away when you heard Ron coming up behind you, “Oi! If you two can stop snogging for ten minutes, mum has tea ready!” You pulled away, an unwavering smile plastered on your face. 
When you and Fred joined the others in the kitchen, he immediately started telling everyone what he remembered, how much better he felt and that he felt like he was going to be able to remember everything without much issues soon. 
And he was nearly right, except for one thing. Which is what led to the frustrating conversation he was having with George in their room while you took a nap on the couch. 
“Georgie, you’re absolutely sure I never told you how I was going to ask her?” Fred was lying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling and tugging on his hair. 
George just shook his head, “No, mate, m’sorry. Every time I asked you said that I was going to get too excited and tell her before you were ready.” 
Fred let out a frustrated sigh, “Well can you help me plan it this time then? I want it to be absolutely perfect, something neither of us could forget, no matter what happens.” 
His brother smiled, nodding his head, “Sure, Freddie. Anything.” 
Two weeks later, you’re giggling while holding Fred’s hands that were covering your eyes as you tried not to trip while he guided you to wherever you were going. “Almost, there, darling, promise. Just a little further,” Fred’s voice was gentle against the shell of your ear, but you could still hear the smile breaking out on his face, “and…we’re here.” 
When Fred finally removed his hands, all the breath left your lungs. The sight in front of you was one made for a muggle movie. Fred had enchanted fairy lights to hang around the garden, the flowers in it seemingly bloomed ten fold over night and now included your favorite flowers. 
In front of the bench you two usually shared together was a blanket, the one you had made him for your first Christmas together. During fall holiday you had asked Molly to teach you how to knit and she was more than happy to oblige. You had worked the next two months on making the blanket for him. You thought it had turned out shit, but Fred slept with it every night since the moment you gave it to him. 
Spread out on the blanket was an assortment of biscuits and a tea set in the middle. You turned towards Fred, lacing your fingers in his, “Did you bring me here for a tea party, Freddie?” You bit your lip to suppress your smirk from spreading. 
Fred lifted his hand that wasn’t in yours, pulling your bottom lip from your teeth before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips, “Thought we’d have a romantic evening cuppa, whadya think, lovie?” You nod, smiling, tugging Fred along with you toward the blanket before pulling him down with you as you sit. 
As you sit you both talk about your days, Fred telling you about new products he and George are thinking about developing for the joke shop. He’s eager to get your input, the last two weeks since your discussion in this very spot bringing back most of his memories. 
He couldn’t help the smile that spread over his face as you spoke, memories of you helping him and George when they first had ideas for their products back in school, you helping them market different ones to the girls versus the boys, always being strategic. He hoped that your observant manner didn’t ruined what he had actually planned for this little evening picnic. 
You told him you were thinking about applying to St. Mungo’s and Fred made a joke saying it would be perfect for you given how well you mended him after the battle. You pushed his shoulder, not being able to help joking that you “might have missed a few screws in his brain”. 
As you finished your tea, you could see Fred start to get nervous, start fidgeting with his hands and grabbing at his pocket. You sat up a little straighter, tucking your feet under you, “Y’alright, Freddie?” It wasn’t rare to see him like this since the battle, but they had become more scarce since he started remembering things. You were hoping you didn’t make him nervous with your plans, hoped that he knew you would always be with him no matter where life took the both of you. 
Fred nodded in answer to your question, “M’alright, lovie, just…I’ve been wanting to say something to you for a while now, s’just…I had forgotten because well… you know.” Fred let out a nervous laugh and you smiled, nodding for him to continue. “S’just, I’m a little nervous so bare with me, ‘kay?” 
Fred reached out to grab your hand and you gladly let him, giving his hand a light squeeze for encouragement. “I love you so much, darling. And…I’ll never forgive myself for ever forgetting how important you are to me. And I know it wasn’t technically my fault,” Fred held his hand up, smiling as he silently cut off what he was sure was going to be protests from you, which he was right, “but forgetting you and the love we shared was one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through.” 
“I don’t want you to ever have to go through something like that again, to ever have to doubt if I love you, if I want you in my life or if we’re going to be together because if I have my way, we’ll be together for the rest of our lives.” 
You smiled, trying to hide the tears that were brimming, “Oh, Freddie, I love you so much, I’m not going anywhere, you know that don’t you?” 
Fred nodded, “I know, darling. I know,” he lifted your hand that was in his, kissing your knuckles, “I just want to make it official if that’s alright with you.” Confusion was clearly written on your face for a moment, before it turned into pure shock as Fred got up to one knee, digging in his pocket.
Fred couldn’t help the slight smirk that appeared on his face as your reaction, as it was exactly what he was hoping for. As he opened the box from his pocket, displaying the most beautiful Ruby ring wrapped in gold accents, he had your full attention. 
“My darling love, Y/n. I have loved you since I’ve first known you, since that moment in the halls when you corrected me. I knew then, even at the age of twelve, that without you there’d always be something missing. You are meant for me, and I you; so much so that not even the darkest of curses can keep us from finding our love for one another again. I didn’t say your last name at the start because if you would do me the honors, nothing would make me a happier man than to get to call you Mrs. Weasley. So, Y/n, will you, erm, Merlin I’m so nervous,” he let out a small laugh, “Y/n will you marry me?” 
You couldn’t help but launch yourself into Fred’s lap, smashing your lips onto his with so much heated passion that his only immediate reaction was to giggle against your lips. You pulled back, kissing his lips over and over, “Yes,” kiss, “Yes, Freddie,” kiss, “a thousand million trillion times yes.” 
You leaned back enough for Fred to take the ring from the box and slide it on to your left hand. You couldn’t help the giddy giggle that left your lips as he did so. He held your face in his hands, thumbs tracing over your cheek bones as he spoke, “I love you so much.” 
At that moment fireworks started to explode above you, catching your attention. Beautiful colors of hearts and flowers along with yours and Fred’s initials and a cheesy “together forever” in fiery colors. Soon you weren’t alone, as George and Ron came barreling over the hedge toward the both of you. 
“We assumed the kissing meant she said yes,” Ron was grinning, eyebrows raised. You laughed out loud, “Yes, Ronald, you’re stuck with me forever.” You spoke as you held your left hand up and wiggled your fingers. 
George lifted you off his twin, engulfing you in a bone-crushing hug, “More like you’re stuck with me forever, Ducky. I’m so happy for you two.” “Thank you, Georgie. For everything.” You feld George nod, not needing to say anything more. 
The rest of the family came out, Harry and Hermione included, giving you both congratulations. As you spoke with Hermione and Ginny, the former spouting all the different ways she could start helping you plan, you peaked over their shoulders at Fred.
Fred held up a finger to his brothers, excusing himself before coming up to you, “Sorry, Gin, Mione, mind if I steal my Fiancee from you both for a moment?” They both smiled giddily, nodding their heads. 
“Fiancee, I’m definitely going to have to get used to that,” you spoke with a grin. Fred nodded along with you, dragging you back towards the burrow. “Where we going now, Freddie?” you asked curiously. Fred had a mischievous grin on his face, “Just going back to my room, thought maybe we could…celebrate?” he wiggled his eyebrows. 
You smacked his shoulder, “Fred Gideon, you dirty minded man.” Fred couldn’t help but laugh, “C’mon now, lovie. Let’s go christen our new titles, hmm?”
taglist: @Words-are-cheap @l0ulistens @reallysparklychaos @df841 @rhahghbs @delfonicstheme-blog @marvelsbitchh @slytherclaw @football1921 @marvelpotter
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risibledeer · 2 months
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BOO - did that make u jump?
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i will never understand how people have the heart to hate Jason even after they found out that his Ambrosia tastes like fucking sawdust. Ambrosia being tasty is like one single happy thing a demigod can have despite their tragic lives, because it reminds them of the home they once had, but lost. And Jason doesn't even have that, he doesn't even have a home to lose in the first place.
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explodingstarlight · 10 months
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mom said it's my turn to make fanart of @somerandomdudelmao 's ol' wizard
i can't express how many times I listened to this song on loop while drawing
andddd a bonus close-up & a version with wraps that I totally didn't forget to add before now haha,,
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choccy-milky · 8 days
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clora teaching her doggy some restraint 💞🐶
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bookdivareads · 2 years
Book Showcase: FORGET ME by Lisa Sherman
Read an #excerpt from FORGET ME, book 1 of the "Forget Me Not" series by @LisaShermWrites, published by @svpublishing. #fiction #mystery #suspense #bookshowcase #bookexcerpt @booksforwardpr
Forget Me, Forget Me Not Book 1, by Lisa ShermanISBN: 9781645407362 (paperback)ISBN: 9781645407355 (ebook)ASIN: B0B8QQ91KT (Kindle edition)Publisher: Speaking Volumes LLC.Release Date: August 22, 2022Genre: Fiction | Mystery/Suspense How can you know who you really are if you can’t remember your past? Wanda Dellas is living someone else’s life: that’s the sense she’s had since a mysterious…
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 2 months
My biggest flex will always be how I knew Neil was the more feral and dangerous one than Andrew this whole time even before tsc and seeing the entire fandom freaked out makes me want to kiss and hug Nora and just thank her for finally finally showing everyone and I’m not just crazy
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cowboylikemorgan · 2 months
Andor really proved that some things are universal:
* Cereal
* Chinese takeaway boxes
* beach party vibes
* your parents being disappointed in you
* the prison industrial complex
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coconuts-are-mammals · 9 months
gays, claim your "I survived the summer of 2023" tokens here
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jimmysea · 1 year
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suugarbabe · 9 months
Forget Me Not (3)
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[Chapter 3]
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Word count: 2150
Warning: angst, fluff
an: the loooong awaited part 3! Sorry it took me so long, life got in the way and I was a little lost in my writers brain but i'm baaaack and it's gonna get juicier and better :)))))
Your body jolted, seemingly flinching at the action of Fred slamming his fist down on the table. You know he didn’t mean it on purpose, you knew this whole ordeal was harder on him than it was on any of you, but you couldn’t help feeling a little selfish at the fact that he still couldn’t remember anything significant about you. 
After the intimate moment you had with him on the couch, holding him on your chest like you used to, tracing your fingers in his hair to help soothe him and calm him down that day, you thought that maybe he would start remembering. Maybe having a moment so similar to one you’ve had time and time again would trigger something in his brain. 
However it seemed like the more time he spent with you the more frustrated he got. He got a headache everytime you were near him, every time you tried talking with him or tried to reminisce with George about the fun you guys had while at school. Fred could remember the exact scenario, remember everything he did and even George’s responses, but he couldn’t see you in any memory. 
He said it was like there was a blurry figure when he tried to picture it, and then his chest started to feel tight and his head started to pound. You could tell when it started to happen. He would close his eyes, pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh deeply. Then he would slam his hand or fist down on the table, push his seat back harshly and leave the room. 
It always left you feeling terrible. Terrible because you didn’t know how to help him. Terrible because you were the one causing him pain. Not on purpose, but it was clearly memories of you that were making him have these physical reactions. You wanted to comfort him, wanted to take him out into the garden like you’ve done hundreds of times and sit on the bench together, talking about everything frustrating and letting each other vent, it was your special spot. But you couldn’t. It would only cause things to get worse. 
So when you heard Fred and George talking and your name get slipped into the conversation, you sat on the stairs, mouth covered by the sleeve of your jumper to help conceal your presence. 
“I just don’t understand it, Georgie,” you heard the strain in Fred’s voice and you could feel your heart breaking. “Why can’t I remember her? Everyone keeps telling me how important she was to me. Merlin, she was apparently my bloody girlfriend! And if that’s true why hasn’t she told me that?” 
You could hear George let out a sigh, “She is your girlfriend, Freddie, and you love her. So much, or at least you did. And she doesn’t want to make you feel like you have to be with her if you don’t remember.” 
Tears brimmed your eyes, what George said holding truth. You were so desperately in love with Fred, but you were not going to force his hand if he couldn’t remember the love he had for you or all the times and intimate moments you shared together. 
“It’s just, fucking bloody hell,” Fred slammed his fist against the table again, “Why does it physically fucking hurt when I think about her? Were we bad together Georgie? Was I terrible to her? Please tell me I wasn’t awful to her…she’s been so kind to me, even though I can’t remember a thing about her.
“She’s made me lunches, gotten me tea in the mornings, she even knows which jumpers are my favorite. What if I can’t remember anything about her because I was so terrible to her and I’m like, protecting myself from myself or something like that?” You could hear the wobble in Fred’s voice and you couldn’t stop the tears from silently falling down your cheeks.
“No, Freddie. No, no, you were amazing to her, so bloody good to her, and her you. Merlin you two had everything anyone would want, could almost finish each other’s sentences as well and me and you can. Honestly, Fred, you were talking about marrying her after the war was over…” 
You bit the thick of your sleeve, trying to conceal the gasping sob that was threatening to escape as you listened to the plans you had no idea were being made. Fred was planning to ask you to marry him…and now he could barely remember anything about you, let alone the relationship you had built together. 
You decided you’d heard enough, had hurt yourself enough eavesdropping, and tip-toed quietly to bed. You opened the door to Fred and George’s room as quietly as you could, hoping the sound of their own voices and the height you were at in the burrow was enough to conceal any creak the hinges might make. 
When you closed the door, you finally allowed yourself to cry, collapsing onto Fred’s bed. He had been sleeping on the couch lately and you had taken home in his room in his place. You pulled back the quilt, sliding underneath before pulling it back up to your chin. You buried your face into his pillow, it still smelled like him; vanilla and cinnamon. 
You must have fallen asleep while crying because the next thing you knew, the sun was peeking out from the curtains on the window. You stretched your arms out in front of you when you noticed something heavy slung around your waist. Your eyes shot open, seeing George completely zonked out in the bed across from you, meaning, “Freddie.” 
His name came out in almost a silent whisper. His grip on your waist tightened, pulling your back impossibly closer to his chest. One of his long legs was slotted between yours, entangling your lower limbs as he subconsciously buried his face in the crook of your neck. 
You’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss waking up like this, but it had been a while since you had done so and you were not about to move yet. You closed your eyes again, relishing in the feeling of Fred against you in a way that felt so much like home. His broad shoulders and larger figure meant that he essentially engulfed you in a heated cocoon of his body and you loved every second of it. 
When you heard George stirring across from you, you allowed yourself to open your eyes again. He was sitting up on the edge of his bed, hands resting on the bed beside his legs while the largest smirk was plastered on his freckled face, “Well, well, ducky. Don’t you two look cozy.” 
You held up your middle finger, whisper shouting at the twin across from you, “Sod off, will ya? I just don’t want to wake him yet, he seems to actually be sleeping peacefully for once.” George held up his hands in defense, “You’re gonna have to wake him soon, I can smell mum making breakfast and she’s probably wondering where he is anyway.” 
You sighed, slowly turning around in Fred’s hold as George left the room. When you finally managed to face him, Fred buried his head into your chest and pulled you closer, grabbing hold of the back of your knee and pulling it over his hip. You gasped slightly at the action, but didn’t make a move to pull away.
Light scratches to his scalp and the sound of your voice are what eventually pull Fred from his slumber. “Freddie, you’ve got to get up. Your mum’s making breakfast.” He groans, too comfortable in his current position to want to move, but he eventually pulls away from you, albeit very slowly. 
You expected him to shoot away from you once he noticed his position but instead he just leaned back slightly so he could properly look you in the eyes. His hand was at the curve of your lower back, your leg still hooked over his hip, “Good morning.” He greeted you with a voice thick of sleep and you swore you could melt on the spot. 
Realizing he was fully awake and speaking you went to move your leg off of him, but his hand shoots to your thigh, stopping your actions, “P-please don’t move yet, I haven’t been this comfortable since I’ve gotten home.” 
He looked at you with shy eyes as you cupped his face with your hand, thumb tracing the apple of cheek, “Okay, Freddie.” He closed his eyes at your touch and you couldn’t help but trace the scar that was now prominent above his brow. The scar that represented the spell that took your Fred away from you, that erased you from his memory and left you and Fred in an emotional purgatory. 
You let yourself get lost in comfortability, lost in your emotions as you placed a gentle kiss to his forehead, right next to his scar. When you pulled back, his eyes fluttered open to meet yours. There was a silence between you, not uncomfortable but you could feel it getting thick. Fred’s eyes fell to your lips, then slowly trailed back up to meet your eyes. 
You stared at each other, not sure if he was going to make the move you were so desperate for. Your faces were so close, his lips right there. He cupped your cheek, the pad of his thumb tracing your lower lip, dragging downwards slightly. Your breath hitches in your throat as you notice him leaning towards you. Your impatience got the best of you and you finished closing the gap between you, slotting your lips with a passion you had missed for months. 
You weren’t sure if it was muscle memory, or if even in his forgetful state Fred was just as physically attracted to you but as soon as your lips met, it was like he couldn’t get your bodies close enough, his hand squeezing at the flesh of your thigh pulling you to straddle his lap as he turned to his back. 
His other had found the back of your neck, holding your body flush to his as your hands found ground on the mattress on either side of his head. It had been so long since you kissed your boyfriend that it felt like a first kiss, your stomach in swirling butterflies, heart pounding against your chest. 
Your lungs were burning but you didn’t want to pull away, the softness of his lips seemingly curing any emotional ailment you had been feeling the night before. When you finally pull away a slight whimper leaves Fred’s mouth, his hands settling on your hips as you sit on his lap.
“We’ve done that before, haven’t we?” Fred asks cheekily. You rake your teeth along your bottom lip, trying to suppress your smile, “Yes, Freddie. We’ve done that many times before.” 
His hands ran idly up and down your thighs, “Well I think we should do it again, might jog my memory, yannow?” 
You perked up a little, “Do you remember something, Freddie?” He shrugged his shoulders, “I remember that I really like kissing you, like love kissing you.” He laughed lightly, blocking your hand as you went to slap his chest, “C’mon, your mum’s making breakfast and we need to get down there. Any longer and she might think we’re doing dirty things.”
Fred wiggled his eyebrows, “Well we have done dirty things before, too, haven’t we?” This time you were successful in slapping his chest as you climbed off his lap. You smoothed out your pajamas and jumper as you answered him, “Yes, Freddie…we have done other things before. We’ve been…erm…were together for a long time.” 
Fred frowned slightly at your correction, “We’re still together, as far as I know I never broke up with you.” 
You shifted your weight on your feet, “Yeah, but you don’t exactly remember asking me out either.” Fred stood then, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and pulling you close, “Well maybe you can tell me all about it after breakfast, yeah?” 
You opened your mouth to respond before jumping slightly at the sound of a ‘pop’ and George appearing in the room. “Seems like every time I see you two you get cozier and cozier.” 
This time it was Fred who gave his brother the finger, “Don’t be jealous that you’re alone Georgie.” You had to cover your mouth to conceal your laughter, your heart soaring at your old Fred showing his joking nature. 
George waved him off, opening the bedroom door and walking downstairs. Fred grabbed your hand as he followed his twin, “C’mon, love. After breakfast we’ll go sit by the garden and you can tell me all about us, yeah? Garden seems like a beautiful and peaceful place to talk, it can be like our special spot.” 
Your heart was soaring, “Yeah, Freddie, our special spot.”
taglist: @words-are-cheap ; @l0ulistens ; @reallysparklychaos ; @df841 ; @rhahghbs ; @delfonicstheme-blog ; @marvelsbitch ; @slytherclaws ; @football1921
*if your name is bolded it would not let me tag you
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raticalshoez · 7 months
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"Back when you cared about me."
"I still care, Etho."
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marcirose · 1 year
Nobody understands Kingdom Hearts that well cause everybody compares it to shonen anime when it's actually a magical girl anime because it has:
-A protagonist who is an ordinary lad who got given a special power that could save the universe
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Teammates that the protagonist can lean on and who help the protagonist with said special power
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A love interest heavily involved in the plot that both motivates the protagonist and is motivated by the protagonist
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A monster of the week format that has its own standalone conflict that eventually leads to the next major plot point in the story
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Overarching themes about love and friendships and connections and identity
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gunsatthaphan · 4 months
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"I'm not afraid."
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fuckyeah-bears · 1 year
y’all never fucking appreciate polar bear sunday and it always pisses me the actual fuck off
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