#‘my father was gonna teach me but he never got the chance’ :(
smilesrobotlover · 1 year
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Ok you guys are gonna have to bear with me cuz I’m gonna ramble y’all’s ears off
Ok so for the first one… Link didn’t know that Linebeck was gonna stay with him right? He didn’t know if he was even from the same world. So when they all had to say goodbye, Link probably just accepted that Linebeck and Ciela were people he would have to say goodbye to again. And since he seems to always lose father figures it’s probably super hard for him to say goodbye to Linebeck. But he has to and he just has to move on with his life and UGH. He thinks that he can never find someone he can look up to but we all know what happens in the end and Linebeck does get to stay and GOSH DANG IT these characters kill me
And with the second one I’m gonna ramble some more under the cut regarding the Wind Fish and the ocean king
So I find it interesting how the ocean king was able to bring back everyone from Mercay to Link’s world. I mean, if you look at Spirit tracks, the people in that world were real and you can see some descendants in ST like with Jolene and the Anouki and stuff. So clearly they didn’t disappear along with Oshus and the spirits. So how come they were fine but the wind fish couldn’t have the same power with Koholint? I made that meme for the laughs but I honestly think that it’s the obvious answer. The Ocean King is just more powerful. I mean he’s the Ocean King, he probably has so much power that he was able to allow the people on Mercay and stuff to keep living in the Great sea. Or they were regular people who were sucked into Oshus’s dream. Who knows. But I think because Oshus is a king, he has more power than the Wind fish. It’s sad but that’s how it be I suppose. I thought that Linebeck was just a lucky one who made it out but no, the existence of characters in ST proves that Mercay was not the same case as Koholint. It’s just an interesting thing to think about
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brucewaynehater101 · 29 days
So one of my favorite tropes is Jason or Dick going "mine now" and adopting every bat kid to come after them, and turning Bruce into a father in legality only, a reluctant grandfather in reality
See the endnotes of both "Dynamic" by Cant_Smoke_Eggs and " bystander" by greeneyedfirework
And also the Crimelord Tim-Never-Robins AU is making me tear up rn so I'm just gonna kindly take the ideas of that AU and the Carrion Crows and and shove them all into a blender to—
Tim Drake's parents are as awful as they are in the Never-Robin verse but here he—to put things horrifically lightly—convinces himself out of it
Oh yes, what you're describing is abuse and it's wrong! What did you say about his parents? They do everything he agrees is abuse? No! You misunderstand, they aren't abusive they're . . .
When Jason dies and Tim blackmails his way into Robinhood, into making sure his last remaining light in this world lives and stays as via shining as he always sees him, he get's a proper excuse
Not that he could ever tell others of course
But it's just what he personally needed
How could my parents ever be abusive? Batman hardly ever remarks about them and sometimes he even trains me more painfully then whenever my parents are back home!
Thus goes his life until he comes across a girl and her ward
Or maybe baby brother is more appropriate
Introducing Cassandra Cain, League of Assassin's renegade extraordanaire
And who does she have with her? It's only Damian al Ghul, blood son of Talia and Brucie!
Yeah, some time during or after Jason's departure from the League, Cassandra by sheer chance got in the same room as Damian
A fucking child which horrified her, so she snatched that kid and dipped
Damian telling her stories about his father and big brother both from Gotham gave her a clear direction of where to head
Not that they tell Tim this, they've hardly met him
They tell Robin silly! Damian in particular is insistent that the vigilante introduce him to his father as he is the blood son
Tim—wanting to help Batman since his plate is full—says it will take some time but he knows someone who can give a place to stay, they can trust his verified associate
Thus is how the two move into the Drake Manor with Timothy Drake full-time
It's nice, he accommodates for their needs and teaches them whatever they don't know
Cassandra quickly clues in—and informs the latter—on Tim and Robin being one & the same
When Cassandra confronts Tim about this, he does his best to calmly (are you sure about that young boy?) justify himself
He recounts the rise of Batman, of the first Robin turned Nightwing, and the Second Robin until his death
Batman's grief would descend into him transforming his vigilantism into a suicide mission
And Gotham? Gotham may be a horrifically corrupt city now, but before Batman it was hell on earth
It was already slipping back into there, what with lifelong hospital bills, disabilities, and job loss being indiscriminately handed out left and right
Though, Batman's rogues weren't facing the brunt of his rage nearly as much as most desperate criminals he came across, just trying to survive
Thus, to keep Gotham from tumbling back into the days before Batman, and to keep the hero from killing himself (because saying 'get himself killed' is dishonest) he blackmailed himself into the Robin role to act as Bat's leash and caretaker
He realized he may have miscalculated when Cassandra's knuckles go bone white
Cassandra had several moments where she has second-thoughts about bringing Damian to his father, and now they're solidifying
She subsequently informs said baby brother that "holy shit, you're father is a monster" with stories what she learns about him, albeit mildly omitting the nastier details she doesn't want Damian to know at his young age
Doesn't help when they both notice the injuries Tim doesn't even get on patrol but training and he has to go to Agent A or himself for medical aid
Tim Drake always saw himself an exception to justice. His parent love him and he has a duty to Batman
Whe his parents come home he tells them about his new friends staying over for some time
After working it out with the two, they even have their identities legalized and nobody will bat an eye at their presence with Tim
The Drakes come home and one moment he's introducing his parents to his friends
The next he's closing an incinerator room's doors with a lockpick
How . . . ?
during Tim's blackout, Janet and Jack made some classist and other comments towards Damian and Cassandra, and since their legal identities are of orphans, and went as far as to threaten abuse knowing they'd get away with it
That caused something in Tim to break and finally do his parents in
Upon realizing what he's done, Tim is going to be pretty hysterical and grieving and when Cass ask's what's up he immediately breaks down
So yeah, Tim has to hide his parent's death and speedrun becoming secret CEO until he can become one publicly
Step number one? Get Cassandra and Damian adopted by the late Drakes and insert them into their wills
Cassandra and Damian stick with Tim because they care for him, he's also single handedly providing for them, plus they don't want to test their luck with Batman at all
Damian is having an identity crisis because he was taught to take pride in his blood but his father who's been hella hyped up has brutalized his new big brother repeatedly
Maybe Tim stumbles across Stephanie and Duke, and gets them adopted too
Maybe we have a Jason with less of his screws loose and he walks up to Tim and is like "where are you parents" "they're totally alive!" "Holy shit you're an orphan actively distancing yourself from the batman because he abused you *adopts him as son*" or maybe Dick Grayson fathers instead, idk
Or maybe Jason here is still willing to pull a Titans Tower idk
My brain is melting lol
Holy hell. I love this AU. Tim adopting his other family members is near and dear to me. He has the means to and has canonically made up fake family members. He can totally throw someone into his family legally (and technically illegally).
Have you seen Damian Drake? This kind of reminds me of that fic, but with Cass in it and the Drakes dead. For this AU, it would be precious if Damian starts to take pride in Tim's last name instead. That, or they could create a new one for the 3 of them (until Dick, Jason, Duke, and others join [Steph is always weird cause she dated Tim. It's similar to how Babs isn't legally considered family/siblings, but she's still part of the family]).
Damian thus has legal to claim to both Drake Industries and Wayne Enterprises (if he ever chooses to disclose his relation to Bruce). The best part of this is that Tim is building a large family by stealing them all from Bruce (cause fuck that man).
Also, Cass and Damian should interact more in fanwork. I'm so glad that you have them as such in this. Similar to Steph and Damian, I don't see that relationship as much which is sad. They have such great sibling bonds.
Two more thoughts: One, I love the characterization of Tim stepping back into his body to find he had murdered his parents and just rolling with it (besides the mandatory breakdown). He just figures it out cause it is what it is. Two, how old is Tim in this? Does he immediately become CEO or try to pretend his parents are still alive?
I'm also imagining Tim just gathering all these people, and he's not necessarily their leader/boss, but he does provide for them. He guides them and supports them. He's like a family mafia boss, but without any command or orders. The others are free to do as they please, but they tend to run decisions against each other
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spongek-squidge · 3 months
My Headcannons for which bachelor(ette) is the most intimidating on first meeting
90% self indulgent headcanons 10% canon, let me have my fun~
#1 Shane
We all expected this one
Gruff old alcoholic man is not a very trustworthy or comforting persona
Also he’s rude when first meeting people so that doesn’t helps
Only reason he doesn’t completely scare people off is cause he’s baby faced (this fact annoys him greatly)
#2 Sebastian
Emo boy who lives in his mums basement, smokes and owns a motorcycle?
He’s literally the kid everyone’s parents told them to avoid
No matter if you love that bad boy persona or not there’s still that intimidation around it, ya gotta admit!
#3 Haley
She’s very mean
Literally comes off as everyone’s Highschool bully when you first meet her
She’s also just intimidatingly pretty on top of that so…
Pretty much a tie with Sebastian tho, I only put her lower because pritty gurl
#4 Alex
He a buff mysoginstic boi!
He’s like chill when you meet him but the bias leaks off him like the sweat when he’s exercising in his bedroom
Literally just a highschool jock, you move into town and think Haley and Alex are gonna be the biggest asshat powercouple
In reality they’re just some confused queers with dual mummy and daddy issues
#5 Abigail
Goth gfs are inherently a bit intimidating ngl
Also she just has a lot of energy and an urge to fight, that’s a fairly intimating combination-
Also if she could drive a car she would have biggest road rage, she got those vibes about her
#6 Harvey
Okokok hear me out
Ik he’s a big sad wholesome man but he’s also a doctor and anyone who sticks with the education system that long is a bit intimidating ngl
Also he’s a very tall boi and if you combine that with my head canon of him being dad-shaped it can give off an unintentionally intimidating aura!
Also people just don’t like going to the doctors so that won’t help
#7 Leah
She works out and it shows
It’s hot af but also a bit intimidating ngl
But she’s too chill for that to put her further up the list so here she be!
#8 Elliott
He uses big person words that I don’t understand
Big people words intimidate me
Words are powerful
But also I could easily beat him in a fight so he’s lower down than Leah
#9 Maru
One of her favourite objects is radioactive ingots
Need I say more?
Most of her intimidation comes from Demetrius being an overprotective cockblock tho, so it’s not as much her as her father
#10 Emily
She gives off chill aunt/cousin vibes
However she is also high as a kite 24/7 and that level of zoned out can be a bit freaky, especially when she zones out staring at you
She’s fine tho, would never take drugs that make her act up in a negative way
#11 Sam
He is a golden retriever and you can tell from the second you meet him
Big smile constantly and no thoughts behind those eyes
Only intimidation he could ever possibly have is the skater boy stereotypes, but other then that he’s got no negative vibes whatsoever
#12 Penny
I’m sure we all saw this coming, but she’s really not intimidating at all
She’s a shy woman that just wants to teach kids and read her romance novels and I love that for her
If she needed to intimidate someone she’d have to summon her mum to do it for her, no chance she’s scaring anyone herself
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idkfitememate · 1 month
So anyway this is the newfound brain rot because I got to many ideas, not enough for a fic, but it’s gonna distract me from others so here we go lol-
(Also yeah Grandpa I’m in a manly mood)
Note from weeks later: Nah this bitch a fix tf-
“Tell me about my Дедушка*.”
Capitano looked down at the ginger with contempt. It was often now, since Dottore had let it slip - curse that bastard - that Tartaglia’s Grandfather was a Harbinger. Apparently the boy had been raised to think that great man was simply a lowly solider, not one of the most powerful men in Snezhnaya.
When he heard that, Capitano had never wanted to kill a family more.
They hid your legacy from their kids, how dare they keep living as thought they had any right!?-
He sighed.
The boy continued to bother the much larger man at any chance he got, borderline begging - or now was he? Maybe he crossed that line ages ago - the man to tell him anything about his grandfather.
War stories, tall tales, hell even DRINKING stories, the 11th would take any.
It wasn’t like his Grandfather wasn’t alive, Childe could leave the palace right now and go ask you, seeing as you lived with his family.
But what Childe wanted was to come home one day in a boisterous manner and shout at his parents:
But he held to much respect for both them and you, even if his father sent him off as thought sending his blood thirsty son to join the Fatui would do anything. It was like sending a polar bear to a penguins nest, he had no clue what his father was thinking.
No matter, because you were there, showing him moves and teaching him tricks and giving him tips. Though, he still felt a bit betrayed at the fact that you even hid the fact that you were one of the strongest men in Snezhnaya.
“You truly wish to know boy?” The sharp voice of his superior snapped Childe out of his head. A quick nod was enough to bring Capitano to a nearby chair and sit, Childe quickly following.
“He was brave, I can say that much… He was around before me and had made a name for himself long before I even dared touch the Fatui, let alone graced its ranks.”
Childe took in the information like a sponge, absorbing everything the man said.
“They called him Большой хищник Севера*, a powerful title I’m sure you can see. It is said that before his accident, he had not lost a single man in war or battle, but after, he only lost seven men, one of each nation.”
Childe looked on in wonder. Only seven men… in the entirety of his Harbinger career? He knew the Doctor could never account for that.
“Wait… his accident? Do you mean..?” “Yes, when he first received that scar across his face, marring it, that was the first time he lost a man, someone near and dear to him as I’ve heard. I was only then truly climbing the ranks when this happened… a pity. But he wore that scar, and his friend’s Vision, with pride.” Childe gaped.
“Wait, you mean to tell me that-“ “Yes, Tartaglia, that Vision he carries in his eye, as well as arm and ear, back and finger, even his heart, they all work. They are the last pieces of his closest comrades. He’d rather die than give them up, I’ve heard. Unfortunately the strain of using them forced him into retirement, but he comes when we call.”
Childe’s eyes widened as he screamed.
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Ajax looked on in awe at his Дедушка. The nearly ten foot tall giant of a man, with a full beard and furry body hair to boot had just pulled a huge fish out from beneath the ice sheet they currently stood on while ice-fishing, bare handed.
Your roaring laughter echoed through the tundra as you held the fish up proudly. You grabbed the then four year old and hoisted him onto your shoulder, that which he could fully sit on and still have some room. His hands latched onto the side of your face but that didn’t seem to phase you, as you continued your loud laughter. The cause of your laughter, being that the fish was the same size as Ajax.
Ajax’s entire body shook as you continued to laugh, giggles beginning to bubble up from his own mouth.
He watched as your Hydro themed earring bounced around as your body gyrated up and down from the mere force of your laughter. His laughter grew until the two of you were basically screaming out through the tundra.
You sighed and - while still chuckling - wrapped an arm around the boys waist and began walking back home. Of course, not before grabbing the bucket filled with other fish from your fishing trip.
Ajax didn’t want to say anything, on account of the fact that it would’ve been disrespectful of course, but your arm that was wrapped around him was bumpy and hard and cold, not unlike a certain place on your chest, though it was just super cold.
The arm was usually covered in more layers or a bunch or bandages wrapped around it to soften its shape and surface, but Ajax could still feel the sharp points and edges, though he never minded.
Eventually you both made it back to the house you shared with his family, and ducking under the doorframe quickly alerted the family of your presents.
“ГРАНДФАТЕР!!!!” Ajax’s two younger siblings - a third was on his way, Teucer would be his name - ran up to you jumping at your feet. You chuckled more and let their heads, greeting each.
“Tonia, Anthon, calm yourselves!! We were only gone a few hours hah hah!!” The two only cried out in joy louder, wrapping themselves around your legs. You stumbled for a moment before walking forward as if they weren’t there.
A man and a woman watched as you walked into the kitchen and subsequently the freezer - ironic considering where you lived - to drop off the fish before waltzing into the living room. You plopped down in the couch, first removing Ajax’s coat and then your own.
The two on your legs let go and smiled up at you, the man and woman - Ajax’s mom and dad - walked over a gave you smile, a hand landing on your shoulder.
Your smile widened.
Archons you fucking loved your family.
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Archons you fucking hated these enemies.
These fuckers from Natlan were resistant little fuckers. You chop off a hand and they’d still keep fighting.
You were growing annoyed after hours of fighting, blood drenching your uniform and absolutely caking your hair, something you knew would be a bitch to get out from experience.
Your right hand of the time, a Natlander by the name of Eztil, was beside you through the whole fight. He wielded large war hammer made of various precious metals and stones, as well as prettified wood; it swung through the skies, heating up the air as his Pyro vision burned bright. Much like you, his battle-hungry smile was long gone, replaced by annoyance as he squished another enemy beneath his hammer, blood spraying across his already bloody face.
“UGH! I’m getting bored nouehuepo*!! When are we going to be finished?? I am growing hungry and wish to challenge you to another eating contest after this!!” He shouted, completely ignoring the man running at him with a knife, whom was taken down by another Fatui member.
“I do not know приятель*. But let us continue until no other man stands but us!” And with that, you both continued swinging. You with your fists, sickles and hammers, him with his war hammer and bursts of flame.
Your movements were in sync, almost like a dance as you ravaged the battle field. You had each others back, making you both the most dangerous force on the battlefield.
If only it could’ve stayed that way.
It was a second. A second to look back at your friend to make a mental check.
Then you felt a searing sensation on the side of your face not looking at him. Eyes quickly looking back, a knife was embedded in your skin and a man had his foot on your chest. He smirked, then dragged the burning hot knife up, towards your eye, but before you could fully react.
Everything went white in that eye, then black.
Then, the most searing, burning, awful sensation you had ever felt.
Your scream silenced the battlefield as you bat the man away with the knife still embedded in your flesh, his body skipping across the land like a stone on a lake. Eztil’s eyes landed on you, which was just enough time for another attack.
“EZTIL!!!” You screamed.
A sword embedded itself through his chest. Both your eyes widened as your hand left the knife in your eye, reaching out to your now falling comrade.
You refused to cry, because he’d live.
That’s what you said to yourself as you rushed over to him, not minding your injury.
“Eztil, don’t you DARE fucking close your eyes, do you understand me?!?” Blood bubbles from his lips as his breathing slowed. A tear slipped from his eye as one of his hands pressed against your cheek.
“Nouehuepo… take it.” He whispered. Your gaze became confused as you stared at the dying man.
“What..?-“ “My vision. Take it. She shall be of service to… y-you.” He let out a harsh cough, his blood not staining your skin, making you flinch.
“No. It is yours приятель, I could never-“ “It is my last wish. Y-you wouldn’t deny a d-dying man his last wi-sh, would you?” You sighed, smiling at him.
“I don’t want you to die of enemy hands, so would you allow me to do the honors?” His grin widened, a glint in his eyes as he laughed, which quickly turned to hacking up his lungs.
“O-of co-urse!!” He smiled, and you smiled as well. Your hand flew up to the knife in your eye, and tore it out, not caring for the fountain of blood that squelched out. You also didn’t mind the large flap of skin that fell from your cheek, revealing the musculature of your face and your gums and teeth.
“Goodbye, my friend. May you find many fights in the afterlife to satisfy your bloodlust.” He grabbed your hand with the widest smile you’d ever seen in him.
“And ma-y I see you I-in that place!” Your hand came down onto his head, knife imbedding itself into his skull. Then, you raised your arm and planted the knife tainted with you and his blood now into his chest, striking his heart head on.
The light died from his eyes and his vision, but you quickly picked up the small red jewel which had been attached to his hair. Wiping it off, you leaned back and held your hand forward, before slamming the damned thing into your eye.
The battlefield suddenly felt as though it was atop a volcano itself, the air heating up and ash seemingly falling from the sky. You gripped your friend’s weapon, testing it in your hand and grip, swinging it slightly. Your hands pressed to your waist and your hand tilted to the sky, and finally, you laughed.
Your laughter shook the world, men falling in their asses as you showcased your joy. the air grew even hotter as the vision grew even brighter. Your entire body shook as the ear hammer in your hand heated up to a point where the metals were turning white in heat, though they didn’t melt.
You turned to your men, a wide smile on your face and tears, one trail of water and one of blood, streamed from your eyes.
You continued to laugh as you knocked down tens of hundreds of soldiers in one swipe, the sky nearly turning red at the mere sight of your bloodlust and rage.
That night would go down in history. The night the sky cried blood, the fall of a nation of soldiers, the day Natlan would forever regret.
‘The Night Man became a God”
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You stared at the bloodied Tartaglia- no. You stared at your grandson, Ajax’s bloodied form.
He only looked back at you.
“Well, Дедушка? Have I become a God?”
Holy shit this sucked the shit outta me-
This ain’t the best but I hope you enjoyed might go back and make another of these lmao-
Дедушка - Grandfather
Большой хищник Севера - The Great Predator of the North
nouehuepo - my friend
приятель - buddy
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
the best day with you today |janitor!eddie munson x teacher!reader|
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prompt: after the fostering and now adoption of oliver, eddie navigates life as a father. or the first time eddie is called "dad".
contains: life ruining fluffy angst. dad!eddie, mom!reader, mentions of past trauma, foster care, adoption, shitty parents, but really just cutesy fluff.
Wayne had been shocked to see them, Eddie and Oliver. Oliver in his sneakers and zip up hoodie, padding behind the older man up the stairs, sneaker clad steps against the creaking wood. He looked better since the first time he saw him, Wayne decided. A far cry from the scraggly, scared little thing with wide eyes that darted around the room at anything that he was when he first came. He looked more relaxed, confident- loved.
He'd looked so much like Eddie then. Looked so much like that same scared boy with a shaved head and nervous eyes that Wayne saw when Eddie'd first came to live with him. It made his heart twist with uncomfortable sympathy at the time, the parallels between the two. But now, Wayne was proud. The boy looked better- his grandson, officially.
Wayne had been there the day the judge announced the adoption, just shy of three weeks ago. Standing in the court room, lips pressed in a watery boasted smile, standing next to your parents, trying to hide his tears while Eddie beamed down at the young boy. You both looked so proud, so full of love. He knew the two of you would love Oliver the way he deserved, how a child should be loved and adored and doted on. It made his chest swell with pride, proud he’d raised such a good man. Wayne bragged on the two of you every chance he got, boasted to everyone about his grandson. Standing in grocery lines chatting to strangers- something he never did before- pulling a picture out of his wallet to show anyone who'd let him Ollie’s school pictures, laminated photos of them fishing, brag about his stellar report card.
"What're you two doin'?" Wayne grinned wide, lines around his eyes crinkling. The screen door to the trailer creaked loudly when he leaned against it. "Didn't know you were stoppin' by."
Eddie hugged his uncle briefly in greeting. "Hope we're not bothering you." He offered, but he knew they weren't. Wayne's small scoff assured him of that.
"You know you never bother me." Wayne shook his head. "'Specially not when you bring my favorite boy around." He grinned down at Oliver. "How you doin', Ollie? Gimme a hug, boy."
Oliver smiled back in greeting, throwing his arms around Wayne, a tight hug that only a child could give. Wayne was glad he was still small, still giving hugs. He was ten now, nearly eleven, growing more and more everyday.
"What brings you two over? Myrtle's comin' over in a few. We're gonna watch our program if ya like to stay." Wayne offered. Myrtle, from two trailers down, and Wayne had been in a casual fling for as long as you knew them. Eddie always shook his head when you asked him, shrugging and rolling his eyes at his uncle.
Oliver’s ears perked up at the mention of the older woman. He adored Myrtle, loved the records she played, and more importantly, that she made the best brownies in the world. She was always sneaking him a sweet treat, a tight lipped smile and a wink like it was a super secret.
"We came looking for a basketball." Eddie said with a nod, looking over at Oliver to confirm. "Ollie wants to try out for the fifth and sixth grade team, so we're going to practice."
Wayne hesitated, face falling for a moment, brows raising in question. "And you... you're gonna teach him, Ed?" He asked, brow lifted skeptically.
Wayne distinctly remembered when Eddie got the basketball, the last gift from his father. His father was fresh out of jail, for the fifth time, and Eddie was thirteen. He left Eddie a birthday gift, four months after his birthday, and it was a basketball. One he'd stole, no doubt, but given to Eddie as a 'heartfelt' gift. Eddie had tried to play, tried to learn, and Wayne had given it his best effort to teach him. He took him down to the courts by the trailer, but the boy could barely dribble, looking about as graceful as a bull in a china shop, open hand smacking the ball. The basketball had gone up that day and never gotten back out, sitting on the corner of Eddie's dresser in his room and collecting dust. Until today.
Eddie frowned, looking from Oliver back over to Wayne. "Yeah," He nodded, giving the younger boy a reassuring half smile. "We're going to go down to the school. Practice on the courts there." Eddie patted Ollie's head, rustling the curls underneath.
Wayne nodded, grinning down at the boy. "Well, that sounds like a big day." His brows raising in excitement, exaggerated for the younger boy. "Good thing you have your Daddy to teach ya, right, Ollie?"
Eddie felt his heart drop, squeezing in uncomfortable anticipation, craning down with a side eyed glare so hard it strained his eyes. His breath hitched, anticipating the rejection from Oliver, that soul crushing discard that would wreck Eddie. Ollie just nodded, unbothered by the term. They'd had Oliver in their care for a while now, he was in your class even before then, but Eddie was still hesitant about the titles.
Basketball in hand, wiping the thick layer of dust that covered it, Ollie and Eddie bounded back down the stairs, waving goodbye before setting off to the courts. Wayne watched them back out, head shaking in amusement at the two.
Eddie's heart hammered as they inched closer and closer to the school, sweaty palms he rubbed over the wheel in a tight grip. Oliver seemed unbothered, and he was glad, watching the boy in the rear view him along to his cassette, kicking his little Reeboks against the seat. Eddie’s stomach twisted, turned and lurched with bundles of nerves, the fear that he wouldn’t be able to fulfill what he was supposed to- that he’d let Oliver down.
His head clouded with judgement. He knew he wasn't the best for a basketball lesson, he should've asked Steve, but dammit if his selfish pride hadn't let him. When Oliver came to Eddie, expressing interest in trying out for the team, Eddie leaped at the opportunity. The thought of any other sharing the experience with him instead made his insides twist with jealousy.
So here he was, holding the rusty orange ball, awkward and unsure in his big hands, with the little boy in front of him, wide eyed and awaiting.
"Uh, you need to learn to dribble first. That would be a good place to start." Eddie nodded firmly, much less confidently than he should have. He paused then looked at Oliver. "Do you know how to dribble?"
Oliver shook his head, and Eddie's shoulders deflated slightly. "Right, right." He muttered, eyes flashing up quickly. "Not that that's a bad thing!" He replied frantically. "That's alright,, I mean, that’s why I-I'm here to teach you."
Eddie sounded sure enough, except, he wasn't entirely sure how to dribble. It couldn't be that hard, you just hit the ball and it bounces back up. "So, you take your hand and lay it kinda flat- like this," Eddie showed him, holding the ball in the other. "Then you just hit the ball hard, but not like too hard, just enough for it to come back up to you, like..."
Eddie dropped the basketball, other hand out in anticipation to smack it and show the dribble. The ball made a defeated thudding sound, the air sputtering out of it with a thick plop! before melting into the asphalt like putty, slouching with a collapse. Eddie frowned, picking the ball up, fingers pressing into the thick material of the ball, it felt squishy and molded to his touch. Eddie wasn't an expert by any means, but he was sure that wasn't supposed to happen.
Oliver titled his head to the side curiously, squinting when he looked up at Eddie. "I think it needs some air." He observed, in pure childlike obviousness.
Eddie let out a short huff, frustrated with himself, truthfully. Of course the ball was out of air. He hadn't touched the thing in well over twenty years.
"Yeah, I think you're right, buddy." Eddie nodded, lips pressing together in thought. He looked towards the school, patting his pockets. "I think there should be some in the gym closet. Maybe we could get one of those and use it?" Eddie suggested, fishing for his keys.
Oliver's eyes lit up in excitement, little sneakered feet bounding beside Eddie towards the school. "Can we get out the rolly chair things?" Oliver asked, grinning wide up at Eddie, bouncing on the rubber soled ends of his shoes. He was snaggletoothed, missing his front tooth after last weekend.
Eddie's heart melted. "Maybe. Only if Coach Bronski hasn't stacked them like a jackass again." He muttered, rolling his eyes in disdain for the elementary school coach. His eyes widened, looking down at Oliver, seeing the tiny smile on the boy’s face. "Don't say that word. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that." He said quickly.
Oliver giggled. "I won't."
Eddie grinned, squinting down at him playfully. "You better not. Your mom will kill me, buddy." Eddie groaned dramatically. His chest panged with a little jealousy, lips falling slightly when he pushed the key in.
Oliver had taken to calling you 'Mom' a few weeks ago, after Olivia was born. You'd cried when he did. Eddie was enthralled for you, he was, but he couldn't help but hurt a little for himself. It made him entirely too insecure for his own liking. He knew he shouldn't take it personally, that it was Oliver's pace of comfort and he would never do anything to pressure him. Yet he still felt consumed with fear, guilt, worries about why Oliver didn't feel comfortable with him yet to give him the title.
Eddie turned the lock, the bolt clicking loudly before it was unlocked. Eddie pushed the door open with a loud creak, letting the little boy scamped under his arm. Oliver's eyes were wide with wonder, looking around the empty gym that doubled as a cafeteria. The lunch tables were pushed into the wall, everything put away and lights dimmed for the weekend. Though he'd been in the school after hours, it was all still so exciting to the ten year old.
"Isn't it cool that you have a key to everywhere?" Oliver asked, eyes wide and shining up at Eddie.
"Yeah, 's pretty cool." Eddie grinned back down at him. "Sometimes it can be a lot of pressure. With great responsibility, though, Ollie." Eddie twirled his keys around.
Oliver giggled. "That's from Spider-Man." He said proudly, waiting for Eddie to open the door.
"It is." Eddie nodded. "You still liking Spider-Man?"
"Yeah." Oliver hummed. "I like Aqua-Man, too."
"Oh, don't tell me you're going over to the dark side with Uncle Dustin." Eddie groaned playfully. "You know Marvel is better than DC."
"I dunno." Oliver giggled with a shrug, purely boyish and sweet. Eddie’s heart squeezed in adoration. "I jus' like them both."
"That's alright. I'm just teasin' with ya." Eddie ruffled his locks with a smile. "As long as you don't start actin' like Dustin, we're good." He grinned at the laugh Oliver gave him.
Eddie fished the basketball out of the large big, giving it a few test bounces before the duo went back outside.
Eddie awkwardly showed Oliver how to dribble, the two moving around the red top courts outside with the grace of newborn fawns. Smacking hands, the boing! of the ball bouncing off the pavement while they chased it, hitting it at an uncomfortable angle.
"Run, run, Ollie!" Eddie laughed, clapping his hands with encouragement. "Just-Just dribble it- yeah! Yes! Just like that! Atta boy, look at you!" Jogging beside the younger boy, laughing gleefully while they smacked and chased the ball.
He knew this wasn't great 'coaching' on his part, but Oliver was having fun. Wide smile that crinkled his eyes and a laugh that rang through the open court. Eddie's own laugh joining in while the clambered back and forth, chasing the flyaway ball and bouncing it extra hard to see if it would go higher than the two of them. The two were positively silly running with the ball, but they were having fun.
Oliver rubbed his eyes, cheeks red and wind bitten from the outside, fighting a yawn while Eddie put the ball away. "You tired?" Eddie asked, small smile on his lips. He knew the answer, but the sleepy nod, bob of curls bouncing from the smaller boy shaking them made his heart warm, knuckling at his eyes.
Eddie patted his shoulder, hugging him to his side. "You did good today, Ollie." Eddie beamed proudly down at the boy- his son.
Truthfully, Eddie wasn't sure if Oliver did great or not, he's let Steve be the judge of that (he was the coach of the team after all), but he did know that they had fun. They'd laughed until their cheeks hurt, ran up and down the court until their sides ached with laughter.
Eddie's chest was warm, light and filled with content while Ollie grabbed his hand, an instant reaction when crossing the street towards the lot. He could hear your voice in his ears, “Look both ways, grab my hand.” Eddie could feel the hand in his, small and soft.
"I had a lot of fun." Ollie admitted, looking up at Eddie, eyes gleaming even in the gloomy sky. "Do you think we could do that again, Dad?"
Eddie's breath caught in his chest, strangled gasp that choked and sputtered out of his mouth. Heart lurching in his chest with surprise. His eyes widened, and he tried to will them to relax, knowing his reaction could scare Oliver. He was still fragile from his before home life, sudden reactions scared him still, sent him retreating and cowering.
"W-What?" Eddie stuttered, dumbly. He kicked himself for the reaction, wishing he would say something better than what he did. Especially when Oliver’s hand tensed in his.
"I-I liked dribbling on the court." Oliver muttered hesitantly, chin tucking to his chest, a sign of submission. Eddie's heart lurched in panic. "I'd like to do it again if-if you want to...with me. If you're not too busy with the baby or-or if you don't want to-"
"No." Eddie blurted, fiercer than he meant it to be. He cringed at himself, eyes shutting in irritation. Get it together, Munson.
"No, I mean, no I-I would never be too busy for you, Oliver, you know that." Eddie said sincerely, nodding down at the boy, rambling anxiously. "I just, uh, I- yeah, I had so much fun with you today too." Eddie admitted.
"Really?" Ollie asked, tilting his head to the side. "I thought you told Mom you didn't like sports and confor-forminin-"
"Conformity." Eddie snorted lightly with a grin. "I was just teasin' her. I just never had someone to play sports with me, but now I do, right? We can be sports...partners." Eddie was unsure of the word, but Oliver didn't seem to mind.
"Yeah," Oliver nodded. "Like-Like Aquaman and Aqualad." He grinned excitedly at the analogy.
Eddie let out an exaggerated breath of air, eyes rolling in playful dramatics. "Please, don't use your DC references around me."
Oliver giggled, pulling the handle of the car door open. He hung on the door for a moment, looking back at Eddie, tiny lips twisted in thought. "Spider-Man and Iron Man?" He offered, head tipping to the side.
Eddie grinned, dimples deep in his cheeks. "Better." He laughed, helping the boy into his booster seat.
Eddie got a little emotional seeing the base for Olivia's carrier next to Oliver's booster seat, one he was already about to outgrow before needing nothing at all. He'd never had a car seat or booster seat before coming to live with you and Eddie, carelessly strapping himself in before his mother would try to navigate home, usually too fucked up on whatever she's shot up her arms to see straight.
He'd been so little in your class, still small when he came into your care. A scrawny and malnourished little boy with dirty clothes that he tried to clean in the sink before school, usually coming into the classroom with his shirt still dripping, but he didn't want the other kids to tell him he smelled.
Now, he had a new wardrobe, Wayne and your parents spared no expense spoiling their new grandson, even before he was officially yours. He went to bed with a warm belly, clean sheets, clean skin, brushed teeth, and warm kisses. Oliver had flourished since then, not so bony anymore, a little taller; happier, loved.
Eddie secured the seat belt. "Maybe we should stop by the store and get a ball." Eddie suggested. "One that's not flat, if you want to play again."
Oliver nodded. "Yeah." He paused for a moment, little brows furrowed in thought. "Is-Is it ok if I call you Dad?" He asked, eyes shining up at Eddie's.
Eddie felt his breath hitch again, heart fluttering and beating so hard in his chest he thought it might shoot through his ribcage. "I-I mean, yeah." Eddie stuttered, frowning at himself dumbly. "Only if you want to, Ollie, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."
Oliver looked down at his feet, dangling and hitting the seat. "I-I think I want to call you Dad." Oliver admitted. "Because I call Mom, Mom, and-and you're my Dad like Mom's my Mom." His logic was simple, boyish, but it made Eddie's nose and throat burn, happy tears but emotional nonetheless.
"I think I'd like that too." Eddie agreed, jaw clenching to keep himself from crying. "I had a really great time with you today." Eddie reached down to hug the boy, a little awkward in the carseat but tight and full of love.
"Me too." Ollie smiled. "Thanks for teachin' me to dribble."
"No problem." Eddie pulled away, hands on the little boy's shoulders- his son's shoulders. "You're a natural, kid. Gonna be in the hall of fame."
Oliver laughed, but blushed at the praise. Eddie couldn't stop smiling, he was sure his cheeks were going to split open, but he couldn't help it.
Oliver bounded through the front door, kicking his little sneaker off in the pile by the bench, before running to find you.
Eddie could hear him in your bedroom, excitedly chattering about his day, showing you the new basketball. Shiny and new, still had the fresh rubber smell. You cooed back at him excitedly, smiling when he went to show Olivia, talking sweetly to her in her little bassinet.
"Hey," You greeted Eddie with a smile. "Good day? Heard dribbling lessons went great." You beamed.
Eddie nodded, sniffing slightly. "Yeah, yeah it was great. Amazing actually, he, uh," His eyes cut from Oliver and Olivia back to you. "He called me Dad today."
Your face melted with joy, a small gasp leaving your lips. You watched Eddie's eyes shine, watering, his lips press together in a tight line to keep his lips from quivering. "Oh, Ed," You coo, reaching your hand out instinctively to cradle his jaw.
You were so sweet like that, so kind. Nurturing and caring came so easy to you, Eddie was for certain you had to be some kind of saint, you were too perfect in every way. You wrapped your arms around Eddie's middle, squeezing him tight, feeling his arms wrap back around you.
Oliver continued to babble to Olivia, letting her grab onto his finger, gurgling spit and giving tiny baby cackles to her older brother when he'd talk to her. You'd been worried when the adoption process first started, and you had found out you were expecting, that it would mess things up, ruin what you'd built with Oliver. He'd been hesitant at first, more uneasy with the thought that you might replace him, but the second he met his little sister, he'd been completely wrapped around her tiny finger. Just like his daddy. Just like you.
You pressed your cheek to the soft fabric of Eddie's shirt, watching through glazed, love drunk eyes Oliver push Olivia's little bassinet, rocking her slowly. Eddie's hand ran up and down your back soothingly, pressing into the small of your back to pull your closer. It was everything you all could have wished for, your own little family.
for @wheels-of-despair bc I know this is your fave lil family <3
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maculategiraffe · 5 months
okay spoilers for the little girl who lives down the lane (1976) but here's what had happened: this little girl's dad was terminally ill and her estranged mom was abusive and her dad was worried that when he died she would either go back into the care of her abusive mom or into the foster system. so he was like okay honey listen. you're a smart girl, you got a good head on your shoulders. here's what we're gonna do. we lease a house, the rent's paid up for the next three years. I'll leave you a big pile of traveler's checks in a safe deposit box in the bank, joint account with both our names on it where you're authorized to make withdrawals. I'm going to check tide charts and then go drown myself in the sea so they'll never find my body. and you just pretend I'm still alive to everybody in town so they won't bother you for the next three years until you're old enough to (unclear. not need a legal guardian? I don't know what the emancipated minor laws were in 1976 but they keep saying three years like that's the magic timeframe so whatever. she is thirteen so I guess when she's sixteen she's officially a grownup). and if your mom comes sniffing around just put a spoonful of powder from this little jar in her tea and then read this textbook on home embalming. good? good. okay I love you I'm going into the sea now
which is all fine and good. now here are the dumbshit mistakes her stupid father made:
-chose, for the location of the house, a nosy small town where everybody knows everybody and everybody is all up in everybody's business all the time. it takes two seconds for the landlady to be like I never see you or your father at the market. I get he probably doesn't want her living in a big city (although, why? good public transport, good cultural opportunities, libraries, museums) but at least pick a place that has more than one grocery store
-chose, for the landlady, a nosy obnoxious anti-semitic old bitch who is on the school board and also has an adult son who is a known child molester. have like ONE conversation with the townspeople before you sign this three year lease. literally anyone in this town would tell you about this old bitch and her molester son if you gave them half a chance
-speaking of the school board why is part of the plan that your daughter doesn't go to school. sure she's super duper smart and special but aside from depriving her of a major source of automatic social support not going to school immediately makes her look suspicious and (depending on truancy laws in 1976) possibly puts her in the wrong side of the law. just let her go to school like a normal kid and then come home and teach herself quantum physics in the evenings
-doesn't teach her the slightest bit of common sense self defense. like if it was me I'd teach her to shoot and give her a nice little lightweight handgun of her own but if you don't like that idea then at least teach her to keep the door on the chain and not open the door after dark no matter who knocks. and for christ's sake warn her about halloween
-ya dingus
-come back out of the sea and explain yourself at once
-anyway little jodie foster is fantastic and so is her little manic pixie dream boyfriend and so is his check suited cop uncle. great movie but the father is a dingus
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 2 months
Forced Love II
John Wick x Reader
Summary: Arranged marriages aren't uncommon in the crime world but John Wick never expected to be forced into one with is boss' daughter.
Chapter Summary: The newlyweds get to know each other on their honeymoon.
Warning: Minimal use of Y/N, canon level violence, alcohol, sparring, jealous!john, misogyny, smut, embarrassment, mention of virginity, french people, privilege
Word count: 6.4k
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A few days later the newlyweds found themselves in Saint-Tropez for their honeymoon. “You’re on your honeymoon, not working. You should relax and enjoy your vacation,” Y/N told her husband, lounging on a beach chair. “They’ve got it,” she assured, sending glances to the armed guards that scattered the private villa. Despite her protests, both Viggo and John wanted her to be guarded on their honeymoon.
John smiled, “Respectfully, they’re here because I’m supposedly relaxing.”
“So you’re saying that if only you were looking out for me, it’d be the same as the ten of them currently guarding us?” she challenged.
He shrugged, not wanting to come off as too arrogant. “More or less, yeah.”
“Hmm,” she nodded, considering his words. “And what if I said I could handle myself and didn’t need you or anyone else to protect me?”
He couldn’t help but let out a chuckle at that. “No offense, but I watched you struggle with your carry on. You’re gonna need my protection.”
Fortunately she found his honesty funny. “Fair enough,” she chuckled. “Although, not totally my fault. My father refused to let me be trained. No strength training, no combat training, certainly no weapons training.”
John stared at her in bewilderment. “How does he expect you to run things one day if you can’t even shoot? Much less fight?”
That elicited a genuine laugh from her. “You think my father will let me run his empire? He always says ‘Fighting is not a woman’s place.’ He sure as hell won’t put me in charge. I mean, he’s happy to let me be the face of our family when he needs me to but it’s all going to go to my idiot of a brother. Iosef doesn’t know he’ll inherit it yet though. I think my father is using me to try to scare him into getting his shit together.”
“Still, you live in a dangerous world. You should know how to at least defend yourself.”
A smile crept onto her face as she sat up, swinging her legs off of the chair so now she could fully face the assassin. “So teach me,” she challenged. He sat up in return, a little surprised by her boldness. He had to admit, he had always thought of Viggo’s daughter as just a pretty face to do her father’s bidding. This determination to be independent was surprising. “Teach me how to fight. Or at the very least self-defense.”
“Okay,” John nodded. Finally, a vacation he could get behind. He stood up, taking her hand and leading her further onto the soft sand, away from the chairs. “Okay, first thing’s first. If you can run or hide, that’s always going to be your best bet. Chances are, anyone coming after you is going to be a lot bigger, stronger, and better trained.” She gave him an unimpressed look, having been lectured her entire life to run and hide. “Uh, but on to the real things: punches. So stance wide,” he acted as he spoke, showing her what he meant, “arms up. Make sure you don’t tuck your thumbs into your fist, that’s how you break your thumbs.” She nodded, copying his movements. “Now, you’re going to want to pivot on the ball of your back foot, angling your body towards your opponent as you throw the punch. That’ll give you some power.” She tried to follow his directions but it looked honestly pathetic. The fact that she was only wearing a bikini didn’t help that fact either. He couldn’t help but let out a light chuckle at her attempt. “Here, I’ll show you.”
He stepped around her, going behind her. “Get back into your original stance,” he directed. She complied as John stepped closer, his skin brushing against hers as he pressed his chest to her back, slotting their bodies together. He put his foot against her rear foot, his hands clasping her fists. “Okay,” he began, his lips pressed against her ear, eliciting a shiver down his spine. John held in his groan as her ass moved against his crotch, he just prayed he didn’t get hard as he stood so close to her. “Pick up the heel of your rear foot, standing on the ball of your foot.” She complied as John used his own foot to rotate hers, simultaneously moving her arm forward and forcing her body to rotate. Again she rubbed against him, making him realize he’d have to come up with a better way to teach her because he couldn’t be this distracted. “Uh that was good,” he said in a flustered voice, pulling away from her. “You think you got it?”
“Yeah,” she agreed in an equally flustered voice. She couldn’t deny that every time he touched her, it set her skin on fire. He held her hand to help her onto the plane and that was all she could think about for the seven hour flight.
They continued on for hours until the assassin finally agreed to a sparring match. “If you’re sure you wanna do this,” he agreed hesitantly, getting into a fighting position. “I’ll go easy on you though.”
Y/N laughed, getting into a fighting position too. “If you were anyone else I’d tell you not to but I’d like to at least get one punch in.”
He returned her laugh before throwing out a soft punch. She dodged it easily, returning the favor. Although, her punch was for real but she was so inexperienced her body language was obvious. John dodged it, not letting her get in a victory that easily. He threw another, slightly harder punch which she dodged once again, but she took the opportunity to send a kick to his knee. It actually landed, driving John’s knees to the ground but he was up in no time, launching himself at his wife. He pulled her to the ground, making sure to cushion her fall in the process, but she broke free, scrambling to her feet. She threw another punch but rather than dodge it, John grabbed her wrist and spun her around, pulling her body his. As soon as his crotch made contact with her ass—again—he immediately regretted it. She took him secondary shock to throw an elbow into his cheek, freeing herself. John was proud but he was ready to be done, he had some… stuff to take care of. So as she was setting herself up to send another kick at him, the highly trained assassin simply scooped her up, throwing her over his shoulder.
“John!” she shrieked with laugher as he carried her into the water. He laughed as she began to beg for mercy, not wanting to be thrown in the still cool water. Once he waded in to his hips, he threw her off of his shoulder, dumping her into the water with a laugh. “John,” she cried again as soon she resurfaced. He was laughing so hard it gave her the opportunity to grab the neckline of his shirt, dragging his face into the water too. She laughed as he fell but as soon as he resurfaced, she realized her mistake.
John was on her quickly, scooping her up so her chest was pressed against his. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his hips, making him forget the fact that he was planning on throwing her back into the water. Their eyes locked and suddenly there were no guards watching them and they hadn’t been forced into this marriage.
As Y/N stared into her husband’s deep brown eyes, all she wanted was to kiss him. For real. Not a quick peck or the one forced on them on their wedding day, she wanted this one to mean something. But as she was working up the courage to do it, there was a shout from the beach. “Hey!” one of the guards shouted. “There’s a call from your father!”
John groaned, also having hoped to kiss her in that moment. If he had just manned up a second earlier, he could be kissing his wife right now. And he’d have a better idea of where he stood in her life. The woman in question turned back to face her husband, letting out a soft groan too. She hesitantly unwrapped her legs from his hips, standing on her own and reluctantly pulling her arms from around his neck. But John had to suppress a groan of pleasure as her hands still trailed down his chest before falling to her sides.
As they waded to shore, John sent a slight glare to the man holding out the phone. He looked mildly startled but otherwise didn’t react as he handed his charge the phone. She answered in Russian, only saying a few words before hanging up. She handed the phone back to the guard before turning to face her husband. “You want to just order dinner?” she suggested, tired and not wanting to get ready to go out.
“Sure,” he agreed. “I’ll find a place while you get cleaned up.”
After a much needed shower, the newlyweds were sat in the villa’s breakfast nook, eating takeout from a genuine French restaurant. “So, is it true that my father saw you kill three men with a pencil and that’s why he recruited you?”
He shrugged, afraid to scare off his wife. “More or less,” he agreed, taking a sip of bourbon. Before he could say anything else, she was downing her water and grabbing the bottle of bourbon. “You drink bourbon?” he asked skeptically.
She shrugged as she poured. “Don’t know. My dad caught me stealing a bottle of vodka was I was sixteen. He said that if I even tasted a drop of alcohol before I was ‘ready’—who the fuck knows when that is?—then he’d beat the liquor out of me. But we’re in France, he’s not here, and I’m now a married woman,” she said, making a toast towards her husband before taking a sip. John laughed as she made a face of disgust at the first sip. “Ugh, how do you drink this?”
“It’s an acquired taste,” he chuckled. “Let’s start you with something easier.” He called in one of the guards, telling him to get a bottle of champagne from the wine cellar. “So no alcohol until now?”
She confirmed with a nod. “Surprising, I know. Considering that my father is Russian.”
“Well I can believe it based on the fact that he didn’t want you to learn how to fight,” he said as the champagne and two glasses were brought over. The assassin smoothly grabbed the bottle, opening it like it was nothing before pouring each of them a glass. He held up his glass like he was giving a toast. “To new experiences.”
She returned his toast, taking a sip of the bubbly liquid. “This is way better,” she agreed, setting it next to her forgotten bourbon. She slid the shorter glass to the center of the table, leaving the option for John if he wanted it.
“So, what was it like to be raised by Viggo Tarasov?” John asked, trying to get to know his wife. Truthfully, he already knew a lot about her from both observing her at work and based on what the others said but he figured she’d be freaked out if he just started spouting facts off.
“Um actually I can’t really remember my father before the age of twelve. I was mostly raised by maids and tutors since my mom passed when I was young. But I spent my entire life in New York,” she shrugged. “Not much to tell when you’re homeschooled.” John nodded, he honestly had too much to tell but she wasn’t ready to hear about his past just yet. “But not much to complain about when your every want has been met. I hope you don’t think of me as some sort of brat,” she said shyly. She may not know a lot about John’s life but she could tell he’s been through more than his fair share.
“I don’t think you’re a brat,” he assured her. “Your brother however…?”
“Oh don’t even get me started on that idiot. He’s only my half-brother if you didn’t know.” John chuckled at her eagerness to separate herself from him.
About two hours later their plates had been cleared and the drinks were long gone. Y/N had managed to drink over half the bottle of champagne while John had drank nearly the entire bottle of bourbon. “So what are your tattoos?” Y/N finally asked. She had been itching for a clear look ever since she caught a glimpse of them on her wedding night.
“They’re uh… reminders,” John explained. “I can show them to you,” he offered, feeling emboldened by the liquor. His wife only nodded but that was all the confirmation he needed. He stood up, taking her hand before leading her upstairs to the master bedroom. When they had arrived, he insisted on her taking the master bedroom while he took one of the guest rooms.
Upon shutting the door, he took a deep breath before lifting his shirt over his head. He stood tensely, listening for a reaction. He only heard a soft exhale of breath as her footsteps came closer. Her fingers just barely ghosted the inked skin as she took in the top letters. “Fortis Fortuna Adiuvat,” she read. “Fortune favors the bold.” Her fingers then flitted up to the dog on his upper right shoulder. “Got in a little trouble when you were younger?” she guessed.
“A bit,” John chuckled. “How did you know what that meant?”
“I grew up around Russian mercenaries. You pick up on stuff,” she answered dismissively. “More trouble,” she said teasingly as her fingers found the fiery skull. Finally her fingers found the giant cross and praying hands. “Didn’t take you for a man of faith,” she mused.
John shrugged, turning to face his wife. She was taken slightly aback as she was greeted with her husband’s bare chest for the first time. He looked incredible, especially considering his age. “I don’t have faith in the traditional sense,” he answered, catching her attention. She looked up to see him staring at her intently. This was the moment, it was now or never.
She stood up on her toes, reaching John’s lips. He was taken slightly off guard but his arms were eagerly wrapped around her waist in a second. He bent more towards her, allowing him to deepen the kiss. He bit her lower lip softly, encouraging her to open her mouth. She did so, allowing his tongue to slip in gently, eliciting a soft moan from her. Suddenly he wasn’t thinking straight and he was pushing her towards the bed. She eagerly went along with it, tugging on his shirt to bring him down with her as she fell on her back onto her bed. His hands caught him so he didn’t crush her but he wrapped one arm around her waist, tugging her up towards the center of the bed so their feet were no longer hanging off.
As they continued to make out, John’s hand slipped up under her top, finding that his wife wasn’t wearing a bra. His fingers immediately began teasing her nipples, causing her to let out soft moans.
When he pulled away to take her top off, she took the opportunity to speak up. “John, wait. You should know something,” she began. He looked concerned and halted his movement, resting his hand on her stomach and placing his weight on his other arm so he could look at her fully. “I wanna do this. I really do,” she assured. She couldn’t possibly convey how much she wanted her husband right then. “But you should know… I’m a virgin,” she admitted almost shamefully.
Shit, was all that ran through John’s mind. He should have put that together given her lack of life experience but he hadn’t been thinking critically in his mildly inebriated state. He pulled further away from his wife, much to her dismay. “We shouldn’t do this right now then.”
“What?” was all she managed to choke out. She was married to him. Who was she supposed to lose her virginity to if not for him?
“I want you, believe me,” he tried to assure her. She couldn’t possibly comprehend how much willpower this was taking. “But you’re drunk—for the first time too,” he added. “You shouldn’t be losing your virginity drunk. I don’t want you to have any regrets.”
She didn’t even argue with him, too embarrassed to say anything. She just pulled her legs into her chest, clearly uncomfortable and feeling vulnerable. He felt bad, but he’d feel worse if she ever had any regrets about their first time together. So he just took his leave, frustrated with himself too.
At breakfast John tried to catch his wife’s eye but she refused to even look at him. Every time he spoke she’d either let out a noncommittal hum or outright ignore him. She only stayed in the kitchen long enough to eat her food before retreating upstairs to her room.
John had to admit he was hurt by her reclusion. He had done the right thing last night so why did he feel bad? The only reason he didn’t try to force her to get over last night was because he knew her behavior was a result of shame, not anger. She wasn’t lashing out at him because she didn’t get what she wanted, she was embarrassed. So he decided to give her space to cool off before giving her a fun night out.
Right before dinner time he finally knocked on the master bedroom’s door. After a moment it finally opened, revealing Y/N. She hadn’t even changed out of her pajamas today but as she answered, he could tell she was trying to pretend that nothing was wrong. “Hey. What’s up?”
“Get dressed,” he told her. “We have dinner reservations.”
“Oh John thank you, but I don’t-”
“No,” he cut her off. “I need to make up for last night. So we’re gonna have a fun night and get over this little rough patch,” he said in a light tone, trying not to come across like he was ordering her around.
“You don’t have to make up for anything,” she assured. “You did the right thing. It’s just a little embarrassing to be rejected by your own husband,” she let out an awkward laugh. “I’ll uh meet you downstairs in 15,” she said before shutting the door.
Before she stepped away to go get changed, she listened for John’s footsteps. Once she was sure he was gone she went to her suitcase, looking for something suitable to wear. She found a white sundress with blue floral patterns that reached mid-thigh. Putting it on, she paired it with sandals and natural makeup. Just before exiting the room she spotted her engagement and wedding rings. John had been wearing his wedding band the entire time they were married but she hadn’t worn hers since the wedding. She didn’t have anything against John or the marriage (really only against her father for forcing so many things on her) but she mostly just didn’t like wearing such a massive diamond. When she had brought up concerns that the ring could break, John just said he’d get her a new one like it was no big deal. So, seeing as it seemed like he wanted her to wear it, she put the rings on before heading downstairs. There, she found John sitting in the foyer wearing a suit.
When he saw her, he stood up, giving a genuine smile. The rings on her finger didn’t escape his notice, giving him hope she wouldn’t try to leave him. He reached out to take her hand but hesitated, remembering that her wounds were still fresh from their encounter last night.
She returned his smile, albeit a bit forced. The movement of his hand didn’t escape her notice either but she ignored it, walking past him towards the door. She opened it, walking out but still held the door open for him.
The pair strolled down the street, tension between them. All was forgiven on both parts but it was still incredibly awkward. To pass the time, Y/N looked around, spotting her guards popping up every once in a while. John was doing the same but rather than looking for guards, he was looking for threats that slipped through their security detail. Technically he wasn’t working. He was supposed to be relaxing on his honeymoon. But he had assumed the role of commander of the detail following him around. He knew about everything that was happening. Every single person that walked by their temporary home and every boat that passed by their private beach. John already found himself incredibly concerned for his wife’s safety. Sure, when he was tasked with watching her in the past he took his job seriously, but now she was more than a job.
“This is it,” John ended the silence as they reached a very busy restaurant. The heiress had honestly mistaken it for a club at first because of the line of people waiting to get in. “C’mon, we have reservations,” he said, answering her unasked question. He extended his hand, more confidently this time, which she took, following him up to the hostess’ stand.
“Hi, do you have a reservation?” she greeted.
“Yes, two for Wick.”
“Okay, I have you right here. Follow me, Mr. and Mrs. Wick,” she smiled. She led them through the crowded restaurant to a secluded table on the balcony, right over the water. “Enjoy,” she bid them as they sat.
“Mrs. Wick, haven’t heard that one yet,” Y/N said once the hostess left. It was a little unnerving hearing it for the first time.
John kept his cool facade but internally was freaking out. Did she not like his last name? Did she not want to be attached to him? Or did she just prefer to keep her own name? That’d be fine with him but they were already in such a delicate position right now and he didn’t want to make her anymore uncomfortable. Fortunately he didn’t have to say anything because the waiter came up to them.
“Bonjour, how are we this evening?” he asked the pair. The waiter honestly looked more like he was from California than France. He had tan skin and sunny blonde hair with beachy waves. As if he had spent every day of his life surfing.
“We’re good,” John answered, not missing the way the waiter’s gaze lingered on his wife’s chest. “We’ll take a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon.”
The waiter gave a strained smile. “Of course, sir. I’ll be right back.”
John turned to look back at his wife but she was staring down into the ocean, holding herself tightly. He could see the goosebumps starting to form on her arms from the breeze. “Cold?” he asked.
That seemed to snap her out of whatever daze she was in. “Hm? Oh no I'm fine,” she assured even though she was rubbing her arms. John wordlessly stood up, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around his wife. “Thanks,” she smiled sheepishly, pulling the jacket closer as John retook his seat.
“Of course. Wouldn’t want you freezing to death,” he joked. But honestly, he’d do anything to get more clothes on her and keep her out of that waiter’s gaze. Speaking of…
“Your Cabernet,” the waiter introduced as he set down the wine glasses. As he poured he finally took the chance to introduce himself. “My name is Theo and I’ll be your server today. Can I start you with any appetizers?” he asked, the entire time ignoring John’s presence.
“We’ll just start with Cervelle de Canut,” John answered, forcing the waiter’s attention to him.
Theo gave another forced smile. “Of course,” he agreed, leaving the couple again.
They returned to their slightly awkward silence, Y/N now unconsciously fiddling with her ring on top of the table. “Does it need to be resized?” John asked.
“Oh, no,” she answered, pulling her hands back to her lap. “Just not used to wearing such a big ring. I’m entirely convinced I'm going to lose it,” she said, staring at the 10 carat diamond. “And if that happens my father will murder me.”
“Why? He didn’t buy it.”
Her jaw dropped open at that admission. “John I-” she didn’t know what to say. “You shouldn’t have. This is way too expensive.”
He just waved his hand dismissively, amused by her reaction. “I may not be as rich as your father but that doesn’t mean I can’t afford nice things.”
“I know that. I just… you don’t seem like the type to spend so much on material things. Especially a ring for a girl you barely know.”
“I wanted to,” he assured. “Remember, I already knew a lot about you from when I worked with you.”
“You mean when you were creeping in the shadows watching me?” she teased.
“You make me sound like a creep when you phrase it like that!” That got a genuine laugh from her. John couldn’t help but smile in response. He liked her laugh.
Their night continued smoothly for the most part. The pair was really clicking except for whenever that waiter came over. But John just tried to ignore him. As they were eating dessert, John got a call. He groaned, reluctant to let his date be cut short. But a glance at the caller id told him he had to get it. “Sorry,” he said to his wife as he answered the phone. “This is Wick,” he answered.
“John, we’ve got a minor situation,” Kirill’s voice came over the phone. “This guy tried to break into the house. He won’t say anything but I don’t think he’s associated with anyone dangerous.”
John sighed. “Give me a second,” he called into the phone. Pulling it away from his mouth, he looked at his wife. “This’ll just take a minute,” he assured her, getting up.
She nodded as he walked away, searching for some sense of privacy. Meanwhile, Theo had been watching the pair, waiting for the wife to be alone for a second. As John walked past him, he made a beeline for the secluded table. “Can I help you with anything else, madame?”
“Oh, no I'm alright. Just the cheque please.” But rather than go get the check or simply place it on the table, Theo sat in John’s seat. “Uh…”
“Are you okay?” he asked seriously. “You didn’t exactly look happy when you came in and I couldn’t help but notice that your husband is so much older.”
“Oh, well thank you for your concern but we’re perfectly fine,” she replied, maybe a bit more forceful than necessary.
“Are you sure? Because if you’re in trouble we can help you. There’s an American embassy right down the street.”
“I’m fine, seriously,” she assured. “My husband makes me very happy.”
Theo sat back, seemingly satisfied his customer wasn’t being trafficked but he still had one goal he wanted to accomplish. “I find it hard to believe an old man like him could satisfy such a pretty thing like you,” he flirted smugly. His tone went from genuine concern to arrogant flirting, like he was casually picking up a girl in a bar.
“Uh…” she had no idea what to say in this situation.
“C’mon, you can’t honestly be telling me that you’d rather fuck grandpa over me?”
As Y/N was looking around for help, she finally spotted John approaching and based on the murderous look on his face, he had heard what the waiter said.
“What’d you just call me?” he shouted, catching everyone’s attention and silencing the balcony.
Apparently Theo was stupid because he stood up to face the assassin. “You heard me old man. Although I’m surprised you can hear at all.”
John looked like he wanted to punch the boy but he restrained himself. Instead, he just walked around Theo to where his wife already stood, waiting for him. She took his hand, still wearing his jacket as they headed to the exit.
John angrily stormed out into the street but was stopped by a shout behind them. “Mr. Wick!” a slightly disheveled looking man called.
John looked back at the man who had stopped in the doorway. He turned back to his wife. “Go with Damien,” he nodded over to one of the guards standing on the curb nonchalantly. Sensing that this was about more than just a rude server, she complied, going to stand next to one of the many mercenaries that worked for her father. John walked back over to the owner, another member of the Russian mob who was all too familiar with the reputation of John Wick.
“I’m very sorry for what happened,” he apologized, shaking John’s hand. In it was a gold coin as gratitude for not causing a bigger scene. “I assure you that the boy will be dealt with properly. He didn’t know better.”
John didn’t say anything, just nodded and tucked the gold coin into his pocket as he went back to his wife. She took his hand once again as they headed back towards the villa. “Are you okay?” he asked as he stormed down the sidewalk.
“Yeah, are you?” she asked, concern lacing her voice. She spent her entire life around violent men but had never seen someone get this angry over something so small.
“I’m fine,” he insisted as they reached the house. He continued pulling her behind him, even once they got inside. But once they got inside the foyer, Y/N stopped walking.
“John what is the matter with you?” she asked. “Yeah he was being a dick but he was harmless.”
John took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. He didn’t want to admit out loud that he reacted so harshly because he was jealous. Because he is John Wick, The Boogeyman, Baba Yaga, and no one should ever even look twice at what’s his. So instead of admitting his feelings with words, he decided to show her. He marched right over to his wife, grasping her face and pressing a burning kiss to her lips. She immediately melted into his arms, now understanding what was going on.
His hands moved south, under her ass to her upper thighs. He tapped the back of her thighs, urging her to jump. She did, wrapping her legs around his waist so he could carry her upstairs. Upon reaching the master bedroom, their lips only parted so she could remove John’s shirt and tie. As she laid, sprawled out on the bed, looking slightly disheveled, the assassin took the moment to admire her. Her lip gloss was almost all gone, her hair messy, and the neckline of her dress had been pulled way down. He leaned down on the bed to kiss her again, this time much more gentle. As he kissed her sweetly, his hand crept up under her dress until he found her most intimate parts. Through her lace panties, John rubbed his fingers against her core until he found her clit, eliciting a moan from her lips. John only pulled away from her lips enough to say, “You like that, huh?” To which she only let out pathetic whimpers.
After toying with her for a few minutes, his hand moved up to the waistband of her panties, ripping them off her body. But once they were off, John couldn’t wait anymore, he just wanted his wife to feel good. So without warning, he fell to his knees in front of her, throwing her legs over his shoulders and lifting her skirt so he could reach her core. “So beautiful,” he murmured. “And so wet for me.” His face then moved closer to her core, kissing up her thighs as he went. She could already feel the coil in her stomach tightening in anticipation. John started with small licks to her clit and she nearly whined but she suppressed the noises. But when his tongue delved inside of her, she couldn’t take it anymore. She sat up, grasping her husband’s long hair. He let out a soft groan of pleasure as she grasped his hair, beginning to grind herself against his face, anxious for her own undoing. But when he returned his tongue to her clit and brought two fingers inside of her, pumping and curling them, the coil snapped and she came on his face.
“John,” she moaned, desperate.
“Yes?” he asked with a satisfied smirk on his face. She was still breathing heavily from her first orgasm, unable to answer. “You want me to fuck you?” he asked with a knowing smirk. She only nodded desperately. His smirk widened into a smile as he stood up, looming over his wife. She crawled further up the bed, bringing her body from the edge as she laid her head against the pillows. John stood, removing his trousers. His cock immediately springing up, already hard. He pulled a condom out of his pants pocked, putting it on before he then kneeled in between her legs on the bed, her pussy still dripping. He leaned over her body, kissing her, one of his hands finding her still clothed breast, rubbing circles around it, occasionally brushing over it. “Take it off,” he said in a gruff voice, going back to kissing her once he finished speaking. She didn’t have to be told twice, hands reaching down to pull the dress up. John helped her get it over her head, leaving her body bare to him for the first time. Sure, they had been close to each other before, but bare, they their bodies truly fit together like puzzle pieces.
She moaned, letting his mouth muffle the noise. John then moved from her lips, kissing down her neck, between the valley of her breasts, straight down her stomach, before kissing her clit again. He then moved back up, kissing her again so she could taste herself. “Are you ready,” he whispered, lips ghosting over hers. She nodded emphatically, brushing their noses together accidentally. “I need you to say it,” he insisted. He needed a full green light from her before he took her virginity.
“Yes John,” she breathed. “Fuck me, make me yours.” With another kiss John thrust himself inside of her, slow and gentle. He had to restrain himself from jackhammering her into the bed and abusing her pussy. She let out a moan too loud at the intrusion, her husband’s hand quickly clamping over her mouth to silence her. “Wouldn’t want the guards to know what I’m doing to you,” he grunted into her ear.
She just moaned softer, her fingers finding his back. One arm grasped where his neck connected to his shoulder, holding on for dear life. While the other arm was clutching his lower back, careful to avoid his tattoos, nails digging into the skin as she urged him to go faster. Fortunately, he got the message because he began to pick up the pace, soft groans filling her ears. Eventually he pulled away from her, going up on his knees, bringing her hips with him. She nearly screamed as he hit a new spot inside of her but his look kept her quiet. But when the coil snapped again and she came all over his cock, she bit her lip to keep her screams at bay. John continued fucking into her until his hips began to stutter and he came.
Once he finished, he pulled out of her, making her whine at the loss of his fullness. A smile crept on his face as he mode to lay on his side, his head propped on his arm. Meanwhile, she turned onto her side to face him. “God, that was… you were incredible.”
John chuckled, his free hand brushing the hair out of her face and leaning down to press a kiss to her forehead before his hand slid down to rest on her hip. “Not bad for an older guy?” he joked, now able to look back and laugh about the night’s earlier incident.
“You’re not old,” she insisted. “Sorry about your back,” she apologized, remembering how she had dug her nails in.
“Trust me, I’ve been through worse,” he assured, pressing another kiss to her forehead. He couldn’t get enough of her. “C’mon,” he said, getting up, “let’s get you cleaned up.” He led her to the ensuite bathroom, immediately pushing her to sit on the edge of the bathtub. He then wasted no time turning the shower on, letting it warm up quickly. As the water warmed up, John grabbed a washcloth, wetting it before bringing it over. He kneeled in front of his wife once again, gently nudging her legs apart so he could clean all the slick from between her thighs. She shivered as the cool cloth touched her hot skin, and she grasped his shoulder for stability.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
“Of course,” he returned with a soft smile. That night they just held each other, soaking in one another’s warmth.
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itsmebytch001 · 9 months
y/n sneaking and taking aarons car to learn how to drive bc he wont teach her (with a friend that knows how to) and getting caught? i was thinking earth 42 bc miles probably has a motorcycle to chase them down (bc instead of getting out n getting in trouble they jusr drive off full speed)
(I Love this one)
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You and Aaron were in a circle, when you asked him 'Dad can you teach me how to drive?' He would say 'yes' but weeks would pass and you still could not bee trusted behind the wheel, then when you would ask for lessons he would say no, because 'why should I pay for them when I could just teach you?' And when you pressed him to actually teach you, or for Miles too he would hit you with the 'We don't have time to teach you!'
So finally you had enough, enough of waiting for your Dad, or Miles to get off their ass and teach you, so you inlisted the help of Musa, her father had been vigilante on teaching her on driving since he was sick of shoeffering her places, drilling the road code into her like a second langue, and now that both Aaron and Miles had left the house, and the car you called her up for assistance.
Calling Musa Harada...
Musa: "hey"
Y/n: "Hi hi...so you know how you can drive?"
Mus: "Just about, yeah why you need going some place?"
Y/n: "No, not yet anyways I was just wondering if you'd be willing to teach me"
Musa: "Can't, Dad's off on buisnesse and took the car"
Y/n: " What about my Dad's car?"
Musa: "Your Dad's car?"
Y/n: "Yeah, who else?"
Musa: "Knowing how your Dad dotes that thing? If we took it out and even got one scratch I think he'd kill us both!"
Y/n: "Yeah...But if your even a half decent teaching I won't get any scratches and all will be fine!"
Musa: " But what if I'm a bad teacher and we crash?"
Y/n: "Are you a bad teacher?"
Musa: "I don't know Iv'e never teached anyone how to drive"
Y/n: "Well now's your chance!"
Musa: "...What's in it for me?"
Y/n: "$250 and Egyptian leftovers!"
Musa: "I'll be over in a hour!"
End of call...
And just as she said Musa was over by your window in a hour, letting her in as her long black hair whisked past your face she asked you...
Musa: "Where are my leftovers?"
Y/n: "In the kitchen damm"
So while Musa stuffed her face and her pockets while you sat beside her on the coach.
Musa: "So how are we getting in your Dad's car?"
You pulled out the shiny key and dangled it in front of her.
Y/n: "Swiped his keys"
Musa: "And he didn't notice? Odd"
Y/n: "I know right? I thought for sure he was gonna catch me but his mind's been else where"
Musa: "Why donsen't your Dad teach you?"
Y/n: "He keeps saying he will but I know he won't, it's a mix of him being busy, and not wanting to admit to himself I'm not a child"
Musa: "Look at you, little therapist"
Y/n: "I know right? You finished with your food?"
Musa: "yeah" She said wiping her lip and dusting herself off as you both made your way out the house and down the fire escape and into the neighbouring ally where at the end of the alley under a rouge tarp was Aarons vintage black Cadillac, his pride and joy after you of course that he had imported from Cuba that he had worked on and off for the past however many years.
Musa: "You sure you wanna do this?"
Y/n: "...Yeah"
Musa: "That sounded very unsure..." she said hands on hips and eye brow raised.
Y/n: "Yeah Yeah whatever"
And once you and Musa got into the car, turned on the engine and pulled out the alley she softly instructed you to press on the accelerator, only for the car to jolt forward once, stop entirley and then start again, only now it took over itself, speeding down the road at 70 an hour.
But your foot was already off the gas, your hands weren't even on the wheel but still car kept going straight so fast everything seemed a blur.
Y/n: "I HAVE!!" Musa looked over to see your feet weren't anywhere near the gas pedal.
But once you did the car simply kept going, faster and faster with Musa leaning over and swerving the wheel to avoid civillians both of you screaming hysterically as the car took a life of it's own only for Musa to take the wheel to avoid ant fatality's.
Musa: "MOVE!!" She screamed as she swerved the car out of the way of an old woman slowly being shuffled across the road, the war drifts around her while Musa pushes her legs in front of your's to try and stop the car pressing on the breaks only for it to keep going, pressing on the horn again and again to ward people off while you were squished into the window making room for Musa.
Needless to say your reckless driving caught the attention of the Police, you saw their red and blue lights in the side view mirrors and growingly large cars come closer as they sped closer. You heard there groaning siren and the sound of speaker came on.
PD NY Pull Over!!
Musa: "WERE TRYING!!" She screamed out the window obvioulsy not being heard as they continued to chase.
As the car made it's way down road and down under the bridge Musa while trying to avoid people had stuck several other cars thankfully not seriously hurting anyone.
Musa: "WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS CAR?!" She yelled pressing the break again and again while looking down at her feet.
Y/n: "Musa! Watch out!" Musa looked up to see she was around drive off a ten foot drop, but instead swerved the car into a bridge piller, finally bringing it to a stop, the air bags kick in while you both slammed your heads into the air cushions.
And so, while both concussed and deeply shaken you emergred from the reck alive and with your hands up...
While you and Musa sat in jail with ice packs for your swollen heads you apologized again and again to her for almost killing you both with Aarons strange car, you requested a phone call, meanwhile Aaron had just gotten home.
He opened the door where he would usually see you on the couch, or in your room but the house was empty, he called out for you.
Aaron: "Y/n...Ay Y/n you home...?" Only to be met with nothing.
Aaron picked up the phone with no caller id.
You are reciving a call from PDNY Brooklyn's 99th brough holding center from 'Y/n Davis' Press one to answer..
Y/n: "Da-"
Aaron: "What have you done?"
Y/n: "Hiiii Dad...So you know how you wouldn't teach me to drive?"
Aaron: "Jesus christ Y/n..."
Y/n: "So me and Mus-"
Musa poked you in the back.
Musa: "Don't drag me into this"
Y/n: "But you were there!"
Musa: "This is your fault!"
Y/n: "Yeah yeah" You turned away from Musa and back to the phone.
Y/n: "Uhhh, So We took out the car..."
Aaron: "As in My Cadillac?"
Y/n: "Yeah...and we might have, I might have crashed it into a bridge pillar"
Aaron: "WHAT?! I..I Oh My God, are you okay, is Musa okay?"
Y/n: "Yeah were oka-"
Aaron: "Than WHAT were you THINKING?! You took out my car and crashed it? Did you break in?!!"
Y/n: "Nooo...I swiped your keys"
Aaron: "Oh my God...Y/n why WHY would you do that?! "
Y/n: "It's not my fault it crashed, it literally would not stop going!"
Aaron: "Y/n...I don't DRIVE that car because THE BREAKS DO NOT WORK!"
Y/n: "Yeah I figured that out! Why do you still have it?!"
Y/n: "Why would you collect a car?"
Aaron: "Where is it now?"
Y/n: "what?"
Aaron: "The CAR!"
Y/n: "Oh uh...I think it's been in pounded"
Aaron: "Oh My God...Oh my god Y/n I can't with you right now-"
Y/n: "But Da-"
Call ended
Musa: "So?"
Y/n: "He hanged up!"
Musa: "He hanged up?! So were stuck here?"
Y/n: "Yep"
Musa: "Oh my GOD!"
So for around half a hour later while you and Musa sat misreablley in the holding center the door opened for a police officer to reveal themselves.
Y/n Davis and Musa Harada?
Musa: "Yeah?"
Y/n: "Yeah?"
Your bail's been paid your free to go...
As so while you and Musa exited the holding cell you saw Miles leaning against the wall all none chalant.
Y/n: "MILES! Thank you SOSO much your paying our bail!"
Miles: "I didn't, Your Dad did, sent me to come get you, I think it's best if you stay at mine Y/n your Dad is pissed, Musa come on I'll drop you home"
Musa: "Oh...thanks Miles!"
Requets are open!
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eggman91 · 4 months
So feel free to delete this but I got this idea from this comic called “Miss Kitty and her Bodyguards” where a young child humanoid cat is the hero’s to a mafia group and is raised by the bodyguards who are protecting her. It’s a pretty good read so I suggest you give it a chance but anyway back to my request.
I was think of Atlas having a daughter before he died (you can choose if she was born before Atlas met Mitzi or if the daughter is their biological child) and she’s raised by the Lackadaisy crew.
Thank you for your time.
Nah fam it fine and anon I like this idea
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I’m going with the idea atlas had this child before he met Mitzi she would be like around Ivy age so I’m gonna just write their relationships because yeah also apologies this might be lazy
-atlas (your dad die lol)
you and your dad well, complicated you know he love you in his own way but he was a mix of distance and stoic probably because of all the booze empire, but he did pay for all your school and toys and stuff but still his death was hard but he did try to teach you some skills of his
(I feel like atlas, wouldn’t care about gender as long as you knew how to shoot a gun and run a business so he would’v try to teach both genders)
-Mitzi (your mom got it going on)
she just mom well you haven’t called her mom in a long time. Just Mitzi but when you first met she spoiled you alittle you never met your actual mom and well she became your strongest mother figure (one reason she liked you is she didn’t have to have a pregnancy to ruin her figure and especially if you’re like a girl )
but yeah but after atlas death you was one of her rock (well once she didn’t really use a lot but still) you learn lot of charisma from her even learning to play the ukulele
-Ivy (your “little” sister)
your sister from another mother and Father both of you grew up in the speakeasy. It was a little over there, so she was like your little sister, but little by little bit but you guys are thick is thieves and still are (if it male some people say you should dated, but that would’ve been weird) you’re a little overprotective of her but she a clever girl…
(if girl she would probably get you in to the more fashion sense buying clothes, for the both of you making me wear these flapper outfits and if boy the same but she get this pinstripe suits)
-viktor (uncle with big divorce, energy)
I’m just gonna do it again it’s the same with the IV but like there’s two IVs now you see the both of you like his metaphor children but to you he like your tall gruff slav uncle Ivy have a definite has a better relationship with him I guess but you understand him a bit
(like Ivy you learn some mechanical stuff from him )
-Mordecai ( estranged brother with big divorce energy)
well he like your older brother kind of he was more busy with Atlas (honestly made you a little jealous) but it was a OK acquaintance, but you did share a nice appreciation of crossword puzzles, to be honest you weren’t really close to him but he seems like he was an OK guy a serious weird OK guy your dad liked
but then he left after your dad death you don’t really have much feelings on him. Yeah, you were bit sad that he left but he kneecapped Viktor that oathbreaker
(he probably try to pass some more refined, intelligent words to you. Most of them went over your head, but some stuck)
-zib (your mess of a uncle and …..your mom ex)
oh boy this mess of a cat at he didn’t talk to you and try to ignore you didn’t know why but after you and Ivy shenanigans he open up a little more and more now he’s just zib you did play ukulele for the band from time to time when you was older he was just zib
then boom you found out he was your mom ex and your dad cucked him hard which was fucked up (he did teach you how to bum a cigarette )
-rocky and freckle
They’re both relatively new Rocky been here for a year and freckle only for a short while (also dating Ivy ) to be honest, you don’t mind honest….. anyway you rocky freckle and Ivy are the club main rumrunner now you know rocky better then freckle and freckles, a bit weird at least rocky is honest weird but freckle he has something in him those eyes when he get a gun
you sometime play with Rocky he with the violin you with the ukulele
(Sidenote rocky x Atlas daughter you alway thought rocky was cute in his own manic way he was one of your rock when Atlas died you cry on his shoulder and well you wouldn’t mind to date him )
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nightprompts · 2 years
&. 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  dialogue  prompts  taken  from  the  batman  (2022),  directed  by  matt  reeves.  feel  free  to  edit  and  change  as  you  seem  fit.  ) 
❛ two years of nights have turned me into a nocturnal animal. ❜
❛ it’s a big city. i can’t be everywhere. ❜
❛ fear is a tool. ❜
❛ the hell are you supposed to be? ❜
❛ i’m vengeance. ❜
❛ what does a liar do when he’s dead? he lies still. ❜
❛ happy fuckin’ halloween. ❜
❛ i wish i could say i’m making a difference, but i don’t know. ❜
❛ the city’s eating itself. maybe it’s beyond saving. but i have to try. ❜
❛ you’re becoming quite a celebrity. ❜
❛ have a shower. ❜
❛ if this continues, it won’t be long before you’ve nothing left. ❜
❛ if i can’t change things here, if i can’t have an effect, then i don’t care what happens to me. ❜
❛ you’re not my father. ❜
❛ some fresh berries there. ❜
❛ oh, this guy’s hilarious. ❜
❛ get out of here. you hear me? or that little suit’s gonna get all full of blood. ❜
❛ take it easy, sweetheart. ❜
❛ boy, you’re everything they say, ain’t ya? ❜
❛ you got a lot of cats. ❜
❛ i have a thing about strays. ❜
❛ you’re not safe here. ❜
❛ i can take care of myself. ❜
❛ hey, why am i starting to feel like a fish on a hook? ❜
❛ boy, you’re a real sweetheart. ❜
❛ look at me. ❜
❛ that’s one of the guys i got into it with the other night. looks like i broke his nose. ❜
❛ is bruce wayne making an actual appearance? ❜
❛ serial killers like to follow reactions to their crimes. ❜
❛ you have to keep up appearances. you’re still a wayne. ❜
❛ i’ve been trying to reach you. ❜
❛ i’m giving you a chance. no one ever gave me a chance. ❜
❛ it can be cruel poetic or blind. but when it’s denied, it’s violence you may find. ❜
❛ if you are justice, please do not lie. what is the price for your blind eye? ❜
❛ since your justice is so select, tell us which vermin you’re paid to protect. ❜
❛ is this how you get your kicks, hon? sneaking up on girls in the dark? ❜
❛ what the hell is this? good cop, batshit cop? ❜
❛ no habla español, fellas? ❜
❛ jesus. his next victim is bruce wayne. ❜
❛ wasn’t sure i’d see you again. ❜
❛ was it worth it? compromising yourself for money? ❜
❛ who are you under there? what are you hiding? are you just hideously scarred? ❜
❛ i told you, baby. i can take care of myself. ❜
❛ do you know who i am? ❜
❛ i could see the fear in your eyes, but i didn’t know how to help. ❜
❛ i could teach you how to fight, but i wasn’t equipped to take care of you. ❜
❛ you needed a father. and all you had was me. ❜
❛ i never thought i’d feel fear like that again. ❜
❛ come on, vengeance. let’s go kill that son of a bitch. ❜
❛ listen to me. don’t throw your life away. ❜
❛ don’t worry, honey. i got nine of ’em. ❜
❛ whatever i know, whatever i’ve done, it’s all going with me to my grave. ❜
❛ i just ordered a slice of pumpkin pie. ❜
❛ my life has been a cruel riddle i could not solve. ❜
❛ i know now what i must become. ❜
❛ if only you knew how long i’ve been waiting for this day. for this moment. ❜
❛ god. look at you. your mask is amazing. i wish you could’ve seen me in mine. ❜
❛ you and i both know i’m looking at the real you right now. ❜
❛ i told you, we’ve been doing this together. you’re a part of this. ❜
❛ we didn’t do anything together. ❜
❛ this is not how this was supposed to go! ❜
❛ oh, you’re really not as smart as i thought you were. ❜
❛ what’s black and blue and dead all over? you. ❜
❛ i can already see things will get worse before they get better. ❜
❛ people need hope. to know someone’s out there for them. ❜
❛ one day you’re on top, the next... you’re a clown. ❜
❛ gotham loves a comeback story. ❜
❛ riddle me this... the less of them you have, the more one is worth. ❜
❛ don’t you ever just say hello? ❜
❛ you know this place is never gonna change. ❜
❛ the bat and the cat. it’s got a nice ring. ❜
❛ take care of yourself. ❜
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pastriibunz · 1 month
A Girl, A Ghost, and A General
A SOTBAW AU in which three residents of the Black and White escape from the clutches of the Lords, and try to navigate life in the tiny town of Hatchetfield. [based on what my lovely mutual @raspberrysmoon is doing with Kai in the SOTBAW au!]
Uncle Mac - The little Lady in Black finally gets a new playmate after years of waiting.
My Best Friend Is Dead - Another playmate enters the scene, one that Kai strongly attaches to.
Lessons In Being Human - McNamara and Max, with their combined years of experience, try to teach Kai how to be human (a concept that, apparently, Kai doesn’t believe in).
My Papas And Me - After a LOT of convincing, Kai finally gets McNamara and Max to meet her five beloved Papas.
Papa Blinky’s Playroom - Kai, with some negging from Max and convincing from McNamara, sneaks into the room of Papa Blinky’s that she isn’t allowed in.
Humanization - Kai spirals into a depression, feeling more distant from her papas than ever. McNamara and Max offer some assistance.
Escapism - Kai decides that the gap between her and her papas is finally big enough for her to jump down. She isn’t going alone.
Welcome To Hatchetfield - The escapees make it out, heading into a tiny town called Hatchetfield. Kai finds it overwhelming.
A Thousand Eyes That Can’t See -  Blinky calls Kai home. That’s his job. He never expected to fail it.
The Singular Voice; An Eternal Silence - Pokey is never quiet. Yet, he can’t seem to make a sound.
Time Heals No Wounds; Space’s Void Comforts None - Toys aren’t fun when your favorite playmate isn’t there to play with you.
Rabid Hunger, Firey Rage - Wiggly isn’t the only lord who wants his wrath. With Kai gone, Nibbly’s teeth are bared.
A Monarchy, Fallen - He knew it was a terrible idea. He knew he should’ve killed her when he had the chance. Now, she’s killing him. Slowly, but surely.
A Crabby Barista And The Guy (Who Doesn’t Like Musicals) - Kai meets a duo in Hatchetfield, one that she connects to in an instant.
Bunker Brains - Revalations you can only come to when you’ve got a girl who’s been raised by five eldritch beings, a hardass general that said girl’s decided is her uncle, a dead vengeful ghost that’s her best friend, a man that’s so painfully average it’s almost shocking (who’s also been roped into being a father figure), and a crabby barista/mama bear all in one room.
The Gal Who Didn’t Like Musicals - Papa Pokey isn’t gonna hurt anyone else. Not on her watch.
Hexed - Families help eachother out. Even when they aren’t sure who you are anymore.
White Without Black - Our story isn’t over yet. Not by a long shot.
Home For The Holidays - Christmastime starts to roll around, and through the overstimulating confusion that comes with it for Kai, she starts to wish she was home.
BLACK FRIDAY - PART ONE: Uncle Tom And Toyzone - Emma decides to take her wacky found family to her brother in law’s for thanksgiving. After he decides to push babysitting duties onto Emma, she decides that he has to take Kai to the mall with him.
BLACK FRIDAY - PART TWO: The Banana And The Songbird - Hannah learns that her imaginary friend isn’t so imaginary. Kai learns that she isn’t so alone in her uniqueness.
BLACK FRIDAY - PART THREE: Papa And Baby - Kai was always a Papa’s Girl. But, seeing her favorite one now, she knows things have changed.
Nuke Me Not - It’s a race against the clock for General John McNamara to keep the town of Hatchetfield from getting nuked.
Family Bonding Time - Kai’s Uncle Bill decides to take his favorite niece to the very best (and only) amusement park in all of Hatchetfield: Watcher World! Kai, however, is not having any fun.
Camping In The Witchwood - Paul and Emma send Kai to Camp Idontwannabang to make some new friends. It was the cheapest option, okay?
The Bastard And The Baby - Tinky’s favorite toy reveals some information about his missing baby.
Resurrected, Somehow - The peace that settles over the family is soon disrupted by Max being revived. Kai and the boy are psyched, Paul and Emma, however, not so much.
The Nighthawks’ Nest - Paul and Emma decide it’s best to enroll Kai in Hatchetfield High. With some pushing, she convinces Max to (re)enroll too.
Max’s Redemption Arc - Max is happy to reclaim his throne as Hatchetfield High’s Literal Monster. But when Kai starts to mimic his attitude, Max realizes his behavior needs to change. Also, a prank at The Waylon and the movie Mean Girls is involved.
Me And My Papas - After some mayhem happens, Kai is forced to reunite with those who raised her.
A Sacrifice Through Tongues & Teeth - Kai knows what she has to do. She only wishes she had the proper time to say goodbye.
Square One - The Girl, The Ghost, and The General are back to square one. Only now, they’re painfully aware of the reality.
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symphonic-scream · 1 month
I'm still gonna do proper au posts for all my AU's eventually but I'm in a certain mood and I follow that dopamine like a starving street dog
So. Here's every Makoto from every Arcana Swap I have.
It will be a long post, but I'm putting the bulk of the content under the cut, I know I clog tags sometimes and I apologize
Anyways. Feel free to talk to me about each of these, ask about the swaps as a whole, and offer suggestions! I enjoy interaction a lot
So. Every Makoto. Under the cut
0 - Fool Makoto (Learning to be Young) {P4}
This Makoto was raised strictly by an aunt after the death of her parents, and has since been kicked out of her home. So, she's reuniting with her older sister, who was kicked out for the same reason many years before. Makoto, during her time in Inaba, experiences what being a teenager is all about. She's only got that final year, but even mysterious murders won't keep her from truly living
Ft no rizz Makoto showing up and having every girl just. Fall for her. Epitome of autism swag meme thing. Has a polyquad in it
0 - Fool Makoto (Doomed Toxic Yuri Swap)
After being arrested for something she didn't do, Makoto is sent to live with her older sister in Tokyo while on parole. She intends to keep her head down so she can get into a good school still, but she can't douse the flames of righteous rage in her heart when she encounters injustice. That anger of hers is what landed her in Tokyo, and it'll be the spark that begins a rebellion in those around her
This one has Justice Haru. And they're in a doomed toxic Yuri. For those who need more than fluff in their lives
3 - Empress Makoto (ACAB swap)
Daughter of the police commissioner, Makoto has her whole future pre-determined for her. Her father has been changing, and won't listen to her about not wanting to follow in his footsteps. She wants to be a mechanic, but... If only she had a way to return home to the man she once knew...
In her confidant, she'd be dealing with grief, but also, reuniting with Devil Sae, and trying to fix her future, get out of the school her father set her up for, and into the courses she wants herself
4 - Emperor Makoto (Gender Thieves)
Second palace is Kobayakawa in this. Makoto is his perfect attack dog, kept under his thumb by promise of scholarships and recommendations. The others make Makoto see that she's being strung along, and she breaks free. And, mega rebels. Rebels so hard they throw out their gender. They/he Makoto. Grunge Makoto
Ft trans boy Haru, and MakoHaru are together from the start in this. A soft prep boyfriend who's scary with a bat and his grunge gruff partner who's scared of the dark
6 - Lovers Makoto (Morg Swap)
She graduated early, finished teachers college, and is doing her one year placement at a middle school. The principal is using blackmail to keep her complicit and silent, making her forget the reason she was so passionate about teaching in the first place
Ft Fool Morgana! It also has a Hermit Haru and Magician Joker, this one I'm real proud of
7 - Chariot Makoto (Chaos Swap)
A classic. In an attempt to stand up against Kamoshida and his abuse, Makoto got beat up, and framed for using physical force to get better grades. An outcast and feared by her peers, this is a punk Makoto all the way. If given the chance, she'd risk it all to save the other students, even after all they've done to her.
This one was my first one it's my favourite. It's also mostly silly goofy so
8 - Justice Makoto (Blood Moon Swap)
The darkest of these. Young, Makoto's mother dies. Her father, never in her life before, appears and informs her it was her fault, and demands she make up for it, following his orders, his little psychic assassin. She's filled with anger; at herself, her actions, her father, at those she's told to dispose of. She shakes with rage, a need to tear down everything around her, make everyone else feel how shitty her life was. Her public appearances as a junior detective are firm, and serious. Proper.
Plot includes the discovery that the Fool, Goro, and Makoto were twins. Separated after the death of their mother. A "what if", since in Makoto's arc they were sort of parallels almost?
9 - Hermit Makoto (Polygirls Swap)
This Makoto watched her parents die. A Good cop, an EMT, trying to help someone, when suddenly they, changed, and walked off of a bridge. She's believed it had something to do with her for a long time, but after she's saved from her own distorted heart, she comes to the conclusion that the "Black Mask" had them killed for planning to report a superior for taking bribes from Shido
This is the Fool Ann and Emperor Haru au where the three are gay and together and gay.
12 - Hanged Man Makoto (Age Swap Au)
Makoto, a former soldier, runs a seedy shop in Shibuya to afford her younger sister Sae's hockey fees. She's still carrying the mental and physical scars from her time in service, but will do anything for her younger sister, even if it means letting the cops do whatever to her so she won't get arrested again
This is adult confidant Thieves, so the main cast of this au are the adults, like Sojiro and Sae and Iwai. The Niijima sisters get along a bit better here
19 - Sun Makoto (Yaoi Swap) {I hate that name}
This. This is just an au where literally they're all guys and theys. Whether it's trans guys, NB, CIS, or demi, they're. All guys. So this is a guy Makoto, captain of the debate team at Shujin, who offers the fool speech lessons in exchange for understanding people better. Makoto wants people to stop being scared of him, and wants to stop fearing people at the same time
Ft Yaoi MakoHaru. It's. Man idk this is a crack au
- Faith Makoto (Uh. I don't have a name for this one)
Trans guy Makoto. Parents died the night he came out, complete accident. So, he's been living as a girl and denying it happened ever since. Only, Makoto is his chosen name. Whoever the Councilor is in this au will mess up and use his dead name and. Big moment
Most of my Makoto's aren't like. Goody. This one is. He'd totally want to be a lawyer. Sweater vest and ties. He's a little gentleman, though he does Aikido, and is gym buddies with Ryuji. Layers
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starry-blue-echoes · 9 months
Ho boy, this is a big one
I really wanted to tell you about this AU but It's kinda incomplete and I was scared that you might not like it and then I lost my chance when you closed the ask box. During that time I came with the courage to share this and with your ask box open again I finally can (and I've written so much that I almost tried rewriting but I will keep this version because I can't take it doing all from the start)
So prepare yourself, this is going to be long
But first, you might be asking yourself "Alice, what is this AU about anyway?" and I'm glad you asked! Basically the whole AU rotates around some of the Jojo moms I like the most or that I just wanted to see more about and my objective is that I pick them up and make them more relevant for the plot in some way by putting more of motherly love in there
Listen, I'm just a sucker for mothers in media and how much they can go for their children or family in general. It makes me happy and emotional
Ah! There's the name for the AU too! I'm still indecisive about that but I have two names that can work. "Mother Knows Best" or "What Would A Mother Not Do", but you still can give your two cents for a name, I don't mind!
Now let's start by going through parts
For Mary and Ida I had a bunch of different ideas, most of centered in them being ghosts and becoming friends and trying their hardest to make the plot not happen, but that could change a lot in the main story and I prefer to go mostly the same until the big changes can come. If you still like the ideia we can try and make a separate AU for this
Now Erina is we're things start getting interesting. She is not just a mother but a grandmother too and she lost both her husband and son, she will not lose her grandson too. And so, with the little that she learned from Jonathan and with a helping hand from Speedwagon, she teaches Josehp. She teaches him in basics of Hamon, she teaches him other ways to protect himself, she teaches tricks and ways to get the upper hand, she teaches how to defend himself, when to get in the middle of the fire and when he needs to call for help. And in a way she teaches herself too. Because even when she gets older she stills want to protect Joseph, she stills wants to be strong, for him and for herself
And maybe, just maybe, when Joseph has to go to Air Supplena she thinks if this is the moment that she let's him go or if she should... but she's old now, right? Not the same woman she was years ago. But she stills knows the same tricks and ways, she's still smart, if not more now. And she loves her grandson so much and fears what will happen to him now that he will be so far from home, going against who knows what
And after a lot of thinking she decides. No matter what happens she wants to be by his side. Even if she can't do much, even if she dies, she will be there. For Joseph
(This is literally the first mom and it's already so long omg)
And there's Lisa Lisa too in here, but she was always more difficult for me because of her history and personality. But, not gonna lie, I always loved the idea that she really wanted, if not yearned, to get closer to her son but after she distanced herself and got colder with time she thought it wouldn't work out. Maybe she wrote letters though, letters that told that she was very busy and wasn't able to visit, that told small memories of when Joseph was just a baby, that told memories about his father, that told how much she loved him even then. And a letter that never got sent, about her insecurities and lack of courage to go after him and look him in the eye
And maybe when Joseph and Erina comes she gets that fear again. Because he's here and he's grown and she lost so much. But Erina is there, understands her fear and her hesitancy, and gives her a advice. It's better to tell now than never, make up for the years that you lost and help him, stay on his side. Now that's you chance for that. And so, with a heavy heart but a clean mind, she pulls Joseph for a lone talk. Maybe it turns alright or maybe not, but she knows now, that the least she can do is help him thrive and be on his side
After all is said and done Lisa Lisa still maintains her Hamon training, for herself and Joseph, just incase. And maybe she helps Erina a little, enough for her to live a little longer to see Joseph's marriage and meet little Holy. And even after she passes Lisa Lisa continues. She stills cold and stern, even as grandmother, but she teaches Holy anyway
Suzie teaches Holy about kindness and compassion, but to know her limits and when enough is enough, while Lisa Lisa teaches her about power and protection, but to know that to much strictness (or distance) can do more bad than good
And because of that Holy grows with a sharp mind and a heart of gold. Kind and gentle, but protective and fierce for her family
And so, when years later stands are introduced and Dio reappears again she puts all her knowledge through the years into play
This time she is less affected by her stand (courtesie of Lisa Lisa) and sure, sometimes she gets dizzy here and there and maybe a little feverish, but do you think this is going to stop her? No, far from it. She wants to help end this family curse and she wants to protect her family, so why not go? Her father can resist how much she wants, she will go. Sadly, she cannot stop Jotaro from coming, he is just as persistent as her and he wants to protect his mom just as much
And so they go. She may not be the strongest in the group but she's just as useful, with a stand and Hamon and her family on her side she feels invincible. And who knows? She might get some allies along the way (no this is not a excuse to have Hol and N'Doul on the group what are you talking about)
By the end of the part Dio dies and there's relief on her body, mind and soul. Her stand doesn't make her dizzy after hours of using anymore and maybe there's some scars here and there, but they're safe, they're fine and she's happy. So happy
But it doesn't end here! Tomoko may not be as connected at the family (on the start), but she's still a mother. A single mother trying her best to take care of her son and balance her life at the same time. A mother who knows how difficult it can be raising a little boy like Josuke and knows how difficult it's to him and her when everyone looks and whispers about them like they're not even there. Things get better with time but it still doesn't make her less protective of her son
Now here's the thing. Tomoko always knew that Josuke was special. Even before having a stand, when she saw the star birthmark on his tiny shoulder she had the felling that a lot would happen in Josuke's life. It took some time for something to happen, but she's was right
So when strange things started to happen after Josuke's illness, talking to himself, broken things getting fixed out of nowhere, weird questions about some imaginary friend (?), she just knows that he is hiding something and she's not just going to sit and watch. During a rainy weekend is when she decides to question him about it and really, she could wait for him to come talk to her about it but knowing her son he could never do that
And after a long talk (and a broken plate being fixed right before her eyes) she tells him "I believe you". Because really, how could she not? She had the truth right there and she was always going to believe her son. But Tomoko makes it clear that if he needs help or just want to talk about his new companion she is always going to be there for him
With time things became normal again, but sometimes it almost feels like she has two kids instead of one
Years after, when the plot of part 4 actually starts, you seriously think Tomoko will just stay on the sidelines and watch her son pass through all of this by himself? Of course not! She may not have a stand but she still can help in her own way
And maybe, just maybe, at some point in the plot, she could get hit by a stray arrow too. I'm not sure what kind of stand she could have, but thinking about the fact that she can be more helpful in the story and finally see and touch her not-so-second-son gives me immense joy
I did thought if Shinobu could be here too but I don't really have a solid idea for her. If you have something to give though I'm all ears
And I'm 100% sure that you're not going to expect this next one! But I don't judge you for that because the fandom don't exactly do much involving her when she was already dead before the plot, BUT I still think we could have a lot of potential with her
And so we have Donatella in part 5 and let me tell you, Esbee! This is the part I've been the most excited about!
So, for this to work Donatella has to survive her illness in some way, we don't need to specify how, just listen to me
For all we know, Donatella and Trish seemed to be very close. Close enough for Trish to be very similar to her in personality and tastes and she seemed to love her very much, even after her death. And the same can go for Donatella, when she discovered her illness the first thing she did was look for her old lover so Trish could at least have her father and not be alone in the world while still being young. So I can only imagine how much would change if she was still there
Maybe in here Donatella still got ill and looked for her old lover with not succes whatsoever. But she was able to get better this time and stopped looking for Solido Naso. She didn't get any type of progress anyway and it's better to continue her life with her daughter then continue looking for someone that might not even be in the country. She couldn't really know, it had been years since the last time she saw or talked to her lover
And everything was fine for a while, until two months later. The whole "you past lover is actually the leader of the biggest Italian mafia" caught her completely of guard. And this can mean many things
Knowing that she finally found her lover after so long makes her really happy but this felling is mostly crushed by all the other overwhelming feelings about the next revelations. There's shock, there's nervousness, there's fear. But above all there's that protectives that she always had since Trish was born and she knows that this is the most important feeling for her to focus. If the boss wants to see her and her daughter then she'll go but they'll be always together and if they even try in separating both of them, well, she learned some things while living by herself for so long
My favorite part in here is how the dynamics between Bucciarati's team and Trish change just because Donatella is present in the whole situation. Trish stays by her side because she trusts her mother and knows that if she has a plan for this then she'll follow
And I can only imagine how Donatella goes about the whole team, because really, most of them are still young. Like, there's literally a newbie that has the same age as her daughter! And really, she tries her best in not getting to attached to that little quirky group but there's always some slips here and there (and no, this not a excuse for her to interact with Giorno, not at all)
I didn't thought much about the rest of the part so let's go for the next one!
Now, I really don't have any ideas for Marina because I don't know how I could make her more prominent in the plot. The only thing that comes to mind is that she starts working with the Speedwagon Foundation from the outside? Because there's no way she can do something on the prison itself
I know that the relationship in the Kujo family might change because of Holy's (and Lisa Lisa if she still lives) influence on Jotaro and this can affect the way Marina can be used on the plot. Like, other than working with the Speedwagon Foundation she could contact the rest of the Joestar family for help
But really, this is basically what I have for her for now
And now we can finally get to the last three parts!
Now, I'm not going to lie, but I really didn't think much when making part 7 because most of the changes aren't going to affect the main plot that much. It's basically a part 1 situation again (ironic, isn't it?)
To be honest the only idea that comes to my mind is one that involves both Jhonny's and Diego's moms meeting eachoter but I don't know how
And there's the whole thing of Anne not standing up against George, as far as I know, and Diana (yes, I gave her the name Diana, I just think it's cool) dying long before both Diego and Jhonny meeting
That doesn't mean I don't like the idea of both of them meeting and Anne being able to help Diana, making both her and her son to live in better conditions, Jhonny and Diego becoming childhood friends and, if possible, prevent Nicholas death
But that's why AUs are thing, right?
Now, we enter Jojolion and I have to say. There's not much that I can do in this part
Like, all the three characters I was planning something for (Mitsuba, Kaato and Holy) already have good roles in a way or I don't really know what to do about their fates in the story
There's nothing that comes to mind for Mitsuba, I think her story and role is good enough. I do have something for Kaato but I don't know how to put in the plot, you know, make it work in the plot. I just really wanted her to live in the end and if possibly, bond with Josuke. He might not be from that family from the start but the idea that they could interact with eachoter more in a positive way fills me with joy. And lastly there's Holy, another one who I don't know what to do about. It's true that me, you, the entire fandom, wanted her to live in the end and that her and Gappy could had more time together and yes, it would be awesome. I just don't know to make her live
In resume, there's not really nothing that I can add in here. If you have better ideas I'm all ears
And for last we have part 9 and God, how much I wanted to do something for Barbara. But because Jojolands is still in the early stages and Barbara hadn't had much screen time yet, there's nothing that I can do except wait until we have more of her
And that's basically it! The whole AU! I'm sorry if became confusing at some point, I didn't got back to proofread all of this and just, writed most of this in one go. But my objective was to show my thoughts bare and I think I reached that pretty well (and sorry, for the size of it too)
I hope you like it and that you can add your own ideas and that this ask doesn't get eaten by Tumblr! :D
I'm also a sucker for Good Moms Getting Spotlight And Being Able To Kick Ass, though you've covered so much that I honestly don't know what else to add
except for Jotaro: that does give me thoughts of him being EXTREMELY protective and he will throw down at any oppurtunity if given the chance, and it gives the Crusaders so much whiplash see how he treats his enemies vs how he treats Holly
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dutchforstrangers · 7 months
Sixteen minutes left - Taiora one-shot
For @taioraweek 2023 Day 3
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
A/N: This is me finally writing about Taichi secretly being more of a Ryan Evans kinda guy than a Troy Bolton. Just kidding. But for real, let Taichi be proudly in love with (high school) musicals. And openly teach it to his children. Also; hair braiding.
And Sora’s there too. Taking the kids to soccer and being the loud mother on the sideline that protects her little duck babies at all costs and will punch you in the face when you tackle one of hers, you’ve been warned. Adult!Taiora, taking place in my "About all the times" universe [x][x].
Rated T for sexual innuendo.
Summary: Akiko and her siblings are preparing for their upcoming school musical try-out and soccer game. Their parents however have their head in some other... "game"...
Day 3: Musical | Characters: Taichi Yagami x Sora Takenouchi, OC babies (POV) | Genre: Family | Rating: T | Wordcount: 1.177
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The three teenagers were sitting in a train in front of their father, Akiko comfortably sandwiched between her sister behind her and her younger brother in front between her legs. Her hands were putting the finishing touches on the braid she was braiding in her brother’s hair.
A relaxing atmosphere had colored the room, until her father suddenly interrupted it by speaking the important words:
“Okay, lightning round!”
Born with the level of competitiveness from both of their parents, all three kids were immediately highly alert.
“We start easy. ‘Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them show’,” Taichi dramatically spoke, earning him a laugh from Yua and an eyeroll -with a concealed grin- from Tatsuki.
“Ooh ooh! Let it go, Frozen!” Akiko answered way too enthusiastically.
“I’m gonna learn how to fly… HIGH!”
“Fame!” Yua quickly stole the answer before Akiko could answer it again. From there the two competitively took turns guessing the musical lyrics their father was throwing at them with thunder speed.
“I got chills, they’re multiplying,”
“That’s Grease! You’re the one that I want—”
“Ooh ooh oooohh!”
“I wanna know, can you show me?”
“I wanna know about these strangers like meeee. Tarzan! I love that musical.”
“I was lost till I heard the drums, then I found my way,”
“Ah, that’s Hairspray…”
“You can’t stop the beat!”
“I did not live until today…”
“Les Misèrables, one day moooooore,”
“Two more! It’s time to trust my instincts…”
“Close my eyes and leaaaaaaaapp!” Akiko, her father and Yua belted out together, followed by loud laughing.
“Dad, you said one more,” Tatsuki interrupted the laughs while trying to contain his own enthusiasm.
“Oh don’t worry Tsuki, this one is especially for you,” her father his index finger pointed at her brother, “tell me -one, two or three- in which High School Musical is my favorite Troy Bolton solo?”
Tatsuki thought deeply. Akiko and Yua impatiently looked at him with wide eyes waiting for the answer as if they were watching the most exciting movie ever.
“Hmm, that should be either two or three…” Tatsuki thought out loud.
Unfortunately however, he never got the chance to answer.
“Movie three of course,” their mother answered, arms crossed in front of her chest while she leant against the doorpost with her left shoulder. She smirked. “Do you kids have any idea how hard he cried at that Scream-song?”
“You will never let me live it down, do you?”
“Never. ‘I can’t choose, so confused, what’s it all mean? I want my own dream, so bad I’m gonna scream’, it was all just way too fitting. You silently cried like a little kid being scared of its own reflection in a funhouse mirror and you were losing it like that Troy Bolton guy, punching and kicking the air all dramatically. Still lives rent free in my memories.”
Akiko chuckled, trying to imagine her father in the role of Troy Bolton, wandering through a school that was spinning, being all confused, punching and kicking the air like a true American high school musical teenager.
She was definitely grateful for her father’s incredibly cheesy musical-loving side. He had been the one to teach Akiko and her siblings the wonders of musicals, musical movies and all the lyrics from his all-time favorite songs. He had inspired her to discover theater and today was the first try-out for the musical she and her brother Tatsuki played in. She was excited to say the least!
“Ssshh, that’s our secret,” Taichi said a bit shamefacedly as he stood up, patting Yua on the top of her head that way letting her know her hair was all set with braids for her upcoming important soccer game.
He walked towards Sora who was still standing in the opening of the bedroom door and once arrived at where she was, he playfully pushed her outside the opening and into the hallway. As her mother walked to the master bedroom next door, her father turned around before he followed his wife.
“We’re leaving in twenty. Make sure to be all braided by then!” He then shut the door behind him.
“Mom will always find a way to tease dad, no matter how narrow,” Yua grinned as she finished the braid in Akiko’s hair. Akiko let her head fall back into her neck to look up to her older sister to force her into leaving a peck on her forehead. Yua rolled her eyes, but gave Akiko the peck anyway.
“Are you ready for the big game?” Akiko asked while she returned her focus towards Tatsuki’s hair.
“I guess so,” Yua sounded a bit nervous, “I’m a bit sad dad won’t be there since he will have to go with you guys to help backstage during the tryout. And mom always gets way too loud which drives me insane.”
It was true, their mother had her moments once on the soccer field’s sideline. Even though it frustrated her sister, Akiko admired her mother being so passionate about her children and their hobbies or sports.
“It’s not that I’m not happy she’s there, I mean, she’s actually right most of the time. She’s just so unnecessarily noisy, and— wait…” Yua interrupted herself, one finger in front of her lips and one ear directed to the wall adjacent to the bedroom their parents were in.
Both Akiko and Tatsuki became quiet again, listening closely to what Yua had heard.
“Too far?” Came their mother’s muffled voice from the other side of the wall.
“Yes. And therefore I have to punish you,” was their father’s response.
“Ouch!” Tatsuki cried as Akiko in reaction to her father’s words pulled the strand of her brother’s hair in her hand a bit too hard.
“Oh? And what exactly is that punishment?” They could hear their mother tease back.
“That you have to wear your ‘soccer mom’ shirt to the game.”
“Fine by me. Then how about… I change into it… right now… in front of you…”
Yua’s ears turned bright red, mirroring Akiko’s cheeks, upon hearing their parents flirt like that, every pause between their mother’s words filled with sloppy kissing sounds.
“Please do. I mean…”
Another kiss.
Akiko covered Tatsuki’s ears, having a hunch about what was to come after looking at the clock and noticing how much time had gone by since their father had said they’d leave for the respective tryout and soccer game in twenty.
Exactly four minutes…
“… We have sixteen minutes left, better get it done. Sixteen more minutes, get ready, game on…”
“Right now I can hardly breath…”
“You can do it, just know that I believe~”
“And that’s all I really need…”
“Then come on~”
“Make me strong~”
“OKAY.” Yua cleared her throat, trying to cover up the squeals from both their parents and one certain bedroom-furniture-piece.
“W-I-L-D Wildcats. They’re really putting the now in ‘now or never’,” Tatsuki said with the smug face he inherited from his father, ears still covered by Akiko. Yet aware enough of what stageplay (or game) their parents were currently playing.
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bots-and-cons · 1 year
Yo! alright since the request is Open imma request a funny scenario or Headcanons with WheelJack about him having a crush on a human who is so good at musical instruments and WheelJack wanting to impress his crush lies that he is good at the piano which his human crush was shock and they invited him to their house which Wheeljack thought it's a date but sike! he needs to play to play the piano infront of them and of course the family of his crush (bet he gonna spam your reality while singing it horribly cus he never expected it) but yeah that's it byeeeee! 😅
(Also I like your writing alot!!!!)
I did HCs because I wanted to fit more stuff into this, it was fun to write too
•Jackie has always been super impressed with your ability to play so many instruments
•And when you ask if he can play anything, and if so, what can he play
•Wheeljack panics and just tells you he can play the piano, or at least a cybertronian equivalent
•He tells you he’s also played a normal piano in his holoform and he’s good at it
•He’s just lying more and more, and it’s all piling up but he can’t stop, because he wants to impress you
•You’re of course excited and want to hear him play, but you can’t exactly drag a piano to the base or anything
•So you invite him over your place to play and he agrees, even though he has no idea how to actually play
•For the next two days, he’s on youtube, looking at piano playing videos every chance he gets, because he knows he’s screwed
•Jackie even begs Miko to teach him to play, but Miko doesn’t play the piano so he’s out of luck
•Jackie decides he needs to fess up, but he just keeps putting it off until he finds himself standing by your front door, and it’s too late
•He’s in his holoform and when you come to open the door, you’re smiling and you invite him in
•Your mother thinks Jackie is very handsome, and your father gives him a bit of a glare and a firm handshake
•Jackie thought it’d just be him and you, but that doesn’t seem to be the case, because your whole family is there
•Jackie sort of forgets what he’s there for to he honest, until the dinner is over and you’re like “So now for the main event, Jackie here is going to play some piano for us”
•He freezes in his place, and he’s just staring at you
•You on the other hand have this mischievous grin on your face, and Jackie knows that you know, but you’re not gonna let it go because he dug himself into this hole
•Jackie, clears his throat and goes “How about I sing instead, my piano skills are pretty rusty”
•You’re like “Ooh nonono, you’re gonna play” and start pushing him towards the piano
•Jackie just grabs your shoulders and whispers like “Please don’t make me”
•You’re just grinning and after a moment, you turn to your family and go “It turns out Jackie has got to go, so you’re gonna hear him play some other time”
•Your whole family sighs and groans with disappointment, but you grab Jackie’s hand and the two of you go outside
•Jackie thanks you profusely for not making him make a fool out of himself, and you just tell him he’s a really bad liar
•Jackie just laughs and scratches the back of his neck awkwardly
•You tell him you hope he learned his lesson, and you kiss him on the cheek before saying goodbye
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piracytheorist · 9 months
I'm having a lot of feelings. I am okay but in general there's... feelings.
The school environment looked good. We have an introductory day on Monday and then we start lessons on Tuesday. The principal was very kind and helpful and she seemed super willing to help me adjust. It's also the first time that this school gets a teacher of my specific specialty and they actually looked happy I was there. So that's a very positive, welcoming environment. I also made a few acquaintances and specifically of people who seemed very helpful and offered good advice to us newbies.
My new landlady is very, very talkative and does not take a hint at all whenever I want to cut the discussion short and just go back into my new apartment. She lives right next door so I'll be meeting her often. But she's very helpful and she also gave me fresh eggs today. They (or a neighbor, I got a bit confused there) have chickens so there's a chance I'll be given fresh eggs all year long. Pretty neat.
On the other, terrible hand, my country has been suffering from floods lately and it's gotten me so down because there's so many losses and destruction. It's heartbreaking and I'm supposed to go teach on Tuesday like people from villages around my hometown didn't lose their lives, or houses, or livelihoods. Me and my family are safe but it's still very heartbreaking to think about.
On a smaller scale, this has impacted my moving plans because we literally can't drive back to pick up the rest of my stuff since the roads are closed due to the floods. I was counting on going back this weekend and picking up all that and helping clean out my previous apartment, but now I won't be able to make any contribution and will have to depend fully on my parents to clean it out. I have to stay here because my work will start officially, and I hate that I'll have to burden them with that. It's a very small apartment and most things are already packed, but still. They've already done so much and I just want to stop feeling like I'm being dependent on them; this only makes my feeling worse.
With that in mind, most of my teaching hours will be on my specialty and passion so I'm not freaking out for that (I mean I am, a little, it's still gonna be new students I don't know at all but it's what I love doing so that will help things roll) but I also had to add a few extra hours of other lessons to fill out my schedule. And that adds another layer of stress because even though they are very light lessons and not ones the students get exams on at the end of the school year, they're stuff I've never taught before (though they are music lessons, I don't actually have experience teaching those specific lessons). It is a big relief to be given the "light" lessons as a newbie (newbie both in schools in general and in this particular school in specific) and I have to give myself some leeway because no teacher is the absolute best on their first year. I have to relax and understand that I will screw up and it's going to be okay, and I won't destroy my students' academic progress by being a little clumsy in my teaching. That doesn't apply to my specialty class, though. I'm ready to give it my all for that because I have taught it before (though not in a public school under such circumstances) and it's a class I absolutely love and feel is my life's purpose, so for that I'm much more confident and less stressed. It's almost funny that something actually important for me is stressing me out so much less than something I'm not super interested in teaching. I just want to give my students a good learning experience.
So in summary, I want to have a good cry to burst it all out. But I'm stuck in an apartment with my father who's also fallen a little ill, so he's not going out and I'm forced to be with him all the time and also make sure he hydrates and eats and takes his meds, and with that there's simply no time to cry it out. And I don't want to just cry in front of him. I need to be alone in that because it's an outburst and the last thing I want is someone worrying over me for that. I just need to find a time and place to do it on my own and then I hope I can feel better. It's been a SUPER intense week, with a lot of ups and downs and stresses and new stuff to figure out. I need that time alone to cry and figure out my feelings.
So anyway hoping my first pay comes in time because hoo boy the moment I see the amount added in my bank account I'm calling my therapist to schedule an appointment, I need one so fucking hard.
It's going to be easier and better from now on. It's just that the path to there will be a little bumpy and uncertain.
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