#‘didn’t you say you’d always be by my side?’
lnfours · 3 days
* ✰. — birds of a feather | l.n
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summary: i’ll love you til the day that i die.
warnings: the result of the new billie eilish album being on repeat and me having this song stuck in my head, so this was born. fluff, fluff and more fluff bc i said so. slowly getting my creative juices back, so bear with me.
masterlist | soundtrack
you hadn’t been looking for anything when you had met lando. a freshly graduated student who finally had time to find interest in their personal life, rather then spend their time consumed with textbooks in front of them, trying to navigate your way through the chaotic mess of life.
but the moment the curly haired brit bumped into you in the paddock, sending your notes and fresh cup of coffee all over you and the ground, you were doomed. falling head first into the comforting chaos that was lando norris.
and you thanked your stars every morning when you woke up that you had been running late that day, or else you would’ve never met the sleeping boy next to you. wouldn’t have ever gotten the chance to get to know the sought after driver with a big heart and who loves with his whole soul.
you smiled to yourself, sitting in the bed and taking in the way he slept peacefully, not aware how pretty he looked in the morning sun as it peaked in through your blinds. his cheek pressed against the pillow, his lips slightly parted as he slept.
you couldn’t help but reach out and brush the stray curl away from his face, smiling softly as he stirred in his sleep at your touch. your silent way to keep going, your nails scratching at his scalp gently. a soft hum came from him, followed by the gorgeous sight of his green eyes shining up at you. his eyes fully adjusting to the brightness as he squinted, his hand reaching out to yours.
his voice was hoarse and sleep coated, but it never failed to send shivers down your spine. you scooted closer, letting him pull you into his side. your face nuzzled in his bare shoulder, his head laying on top of yours.
“we need to be up soon,” you said, poking his ribs gently, “your family’s coming to see the new house and have dinner, remember?”
he didn’t, actually. and if it wasn’t for you, he’d be certain he’d miss all of his meetings, call times, and hell, even sometimes the start of his races. thankfully, you were never far from him on the pitlane. the perks of working with sky, who he should really thank. he’d make a mental note to do it next race. right now, he was going to enjoy the peaceful month he got to spend with you. uninterrupted peace, free time. where you got to whatever you wanted, wherever you wanted.
he groaned, nuzzling his face into your hair. you laughed softly, “lando,”
“i like when you say my name,” he mumbled, “say it again.”
you chuckled, and in your best flirty tone you could muster up in the moment, you did, “lando,”
he pressed a soft kiss to the skin of your neck, right where your neck and collarbone met. his favorite spot to kiss whenever he teased you because he knew you were ticklish.
and as if on queue, you giggled, shoving his head from your neck, “stop it,”
“just five more minutes,” he pleaded, “with my girl, in our bed, that’s all i ask.”
you sighed, “fine, but not one second longer.”
he smiled, knowing he could always get you to fold. you hated to admit it, but you’d always cave for him. do whatever he wanted. he had you wrapped around his finger and you had him wrapped around yours. smitten for each other, young in love, whatever you wanted to call it, you were it.
“how’d you sleep?” you asked, finger tips tracing the lines in your mind that you drew with your fingers every morning. connecting the moles on his skin, from his shoulders to his chest and down to his sides. your own little routine you had incorporated, a habit you picked up after the first night you spent together a year and a half ago.
“good until you woke me up.”
“you love when i wake you up.”
“you’re right,” he mumbled, “getting to see that pretty face every morning is the highlight of my day.”
you chuckled, leaning up on your elbow, reaching around and grabbing his cheek into your hand. he smiled softly as you leaned down, pressing your lips to his.
he pulled away, a smile on his lips as they brushed against yours, “and your morning kisses, i love waking up to your lips on mine, or on my-“
you shook your head, laughing and covering his face with your pillow before pulling yourself out from the covers, “alright, time to get up!”
“that wasn’t five minutes!” he gasped, tossing your pillow your way softly, teasingly. you laughed, walking into the connected bathroom, calling back to him.
“long enough! you killed the romantic mood,”
“i’m only speaking my truth, baby,” he said, footsteps joining you in the bathroom, watching him lean against the doorway out of the corner of your eye, “is a man not allowed to speak his truth?��
you popped the toothbrush in your mouth, sending him a glare. he laughed, pressing a kiss to your head before grabbing his own toothbrush from his side of the sink. he joined you in brushing your teeth, wrapping an arm around your waist. you smiled softly, trying to ignore how good he looked. sweatpants loosely hanging around his waist, bare chest on full display, curls wild and in serious need of taming.
you two looked good together, and even though he wasn’t necessarily considered ‘tall’ he still stood a few inches above you. his green eyes met yours in the mirror, and he knew you were subtly checking him out. he sent you a wink and you rolled your eyes, laughing softly as you finished brushing your teeth.
he finished shortly after you, watching you as you rummaged around in your drawer. you pulled out the skincare he had seen you put on every morning and night, and even has put on for you after nights where you’ve had one too many vodka redbulls.
he leaned against the counter, watching you in the mirror as you rubbed the product into your skin, “can i have some?”
you giggled, moving to stand between his legs. you squeezed a little bit of the moisturizer onto your fingers, rubbing into his face. he grinned softly at your gentle touch, “that smells good.”
you nodded, “and it has sunscreen in it, it’s good for you.”
he motioned towards your drawer, “do you have any lip balm?”
you hummed, putting the tube back before grabbing the lip balm. you went to hand it to him but he raised an eyebrow at you. you sighed with a laugh, shaking your head.
“gimme,” you said, grabbing his chin and swiping the lip balm against his pursed lips. you couldn’t help but giggle again, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his lips when you were done, “there.”
he rubbed his lips together and hummed, “hmm, is that coconut?”
you nodded, “like it?”
he nodded, pulling you in closer by your waist, “love it.”
you grabbed his wrist, checking the time on his watch, “they’ll be here in an hour.”
“so what i’m hearing is-“
“no,” you shoved his shoulder with another laugh, “what im saying is that i need to run to the store and get flowers for the vase on the table.”
“who needs flowers,” he said, pressing a kiss to your chest, “when i could have you back in my bed, all to myself for a little while longer until i have to share you for the rest of the day.”
you ran a hand through his hair, his eyes looking up to meet yours, “as tempting as it sounds, i really do have to run to the store. plus, i have to get some stuff for dinner.”
he sighed dramatically, “okay,”
you walked into the closet, rummaging through his side and stealing one of his hoodies and fishing out a pair of sweatpants. a quick outfit to run a few last minute errands.
he had found his way to the kitchen, standing at the coffee pot. you pinched his side, kissing his shoulder. he turned his head and smiled, leaning down and kissing your head, “need anything while i’m out?”
“mm,” he hummed, “breakfast? i don’t feel like cooking.”
you laughed, “me either. i’ll pick up something.”
he nodded, smiling playfully, “i guess you can take my car.”
“oh i was going to,” you said, grabbing his key off the hook, “even without your permission.”
you laughed, blowing him a kiss, “i’ll be back. i love you.”
“i love you too.”
your trip to the store was quick, making it back within a half an hour, arms full of things as you carried everything inside, closing the door with your foot. you set everything on the counter, hanging the keys back on the hook.
“i’m back!”
“i’m in the bedroom!” his voice called back to you. you made your way down the hallway and into the bedroom, smiling as he held up two shirts in the mirror.
“which looks better?” he asked, holding both up against the pair of plaid pants he had picked out. you hummed, standing behind him and watching his reflection. his hair being perfectly styled and his cologne filling the room telling you he had been getting ready while you were gone.
you pointed to the white shirt, “that one.”
“you think?”
you nodded, watching him take it off the hanger and slipping it over his shoulders. you stepped in front of him, buttoning the buttons. purposefully leaving the top few open.
he rolled up the sleeves, sending you a look, “might as well have my whole shirt unbuttoned.”
“i wouldn’t complain.” you joked and he smiled, before quickly realizing your attire. you smile as he started pulling at the hem of his hoodie that sat on your frame.
“hey! this is mine.”
the baby blue hoodie looked better on you anyway, but he still liked to joke around with you, “i know.”
“come and get it then.” you shrugged, crossing your arms.
“oh, so now you’re in the mood?” he asked, “what was it? the buttons?”
you laughed as he wrapped his arms around your waist, “maybe.”
“you’re going to be the death of me.”
“you love me.” you smiled, his hands finding your warm, soft skin under his hoodie.
“damn right i do, baby. til the day i die.”
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eupheme · 1 day
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— yours, all yours
cooper howard/the ghoul x f!reader
rated e - 2.3k
tags: cooper pov, jealous and possessive!reader, sort-of alternate timeline (includes a fo4 character for fun), cooper is an ass, partners-with-benefits, mutual yearning, light angstintentional pushing/teasing, soft thoughts, kissing, oral sex, praise kink, biting and marking, come swallowing
a/n: @aliisa-jones left a sweet comment on mine, all mine that got stuck in my head, so this is a “what-if” situation that I whipped up today, with reader being the jealous one (with Coop & Nora on the other side)!
Cooper can’t help the little bark of a laugh when he realizes - disbelief woven into the sharp sound that spills from him.
Goddamn. His little wastelander might just be jealous.
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Cooper’s always been a perceptive man. Able to read people when it mattered - a real helping hand during his time in Hollywood.
Even more so now - gun drawn and ready before they’re even figuring their own conclusion. Twisting the situation to his benefit.
So he doesn’t know why it took him so damn long this time.
Two days to notice, after they picked up that Vaultie. Made from before - like he was - on her way to New Vegas.
A pinch of curiosity had plucked at him with her addition, but nothing more. Had been a rare indulgence to have someone understand all the shit he says, unable to help the occasional age-old idioms that have still lingered inside his mind.
But something about her had set you on edge. He’d thought you’d like her. Two peas in a pod, annoying the shit out of him with idle chatter during the long hours on the road.
You had bristled. Narrowed eyes and distrusting. Wondered if that’s the way he looked, half the time.
Wasn’t until you started to move, that he really noticed. Wandering closer than he’s used to. Finding reasons to pass by him, your ass pressing snug his front. Your pretty tits pushed up against his arm, leaning close to ask him something.
Pretty eyes blinking his way, hanging onto every word.
Riling him up.
Acting like a cat in heat. As if there were pink clouds of perfume drifting off you, spelling out “mine” as they settled over his clothes.
Funny, once he’s got it figured out.
Not sure how he missed it before.
The jealousy that oozes from you. His eyes going to yours each time that frown crosses your face.
Nora is a handsome woman. He’s got eyes, after all - yhey hadn’t rotted away like the rest of him. Can appreciate where she’s come from, deep down, though he’d never say it.
But he seen lots of good-looking people throughout his time walking this earth. And even back when he was just a man, that sort of thing never swayed him.
He’d buried old Cooper Howard some two hundred years ago. A mercy - tucking his corpse away deep in the labyrinth of his soul, as the Ghoul was reborn into rot and ruin.
A place he isn’t sure how to get to anymore, but sometimes there’s still bits of him that linger. Flowers sprouting up through concrete.
Loyal, perhaps, in spite of it all. When it suits him.
Besides, it's been a while since he’s tasted fruit so sweet. Biting down until you’re gushing against his tongue. Supposed he’s not looking to ruin a good thing.
But despite all that, he decides lets it all play out. Amused at the thought.
Seeing where it goes.
Let’s himself appear at-ease, when Nora slinks closer. A cocked brow bone at the low purr of her voice as they pick through an old house - clearing it for the night.
“You mod that yourself?” Her eyes drag slowly across him, down to the holster that rests at his hip, “Didn’t take you for a handyman, cowboy.”
“Sure did,” Cooper drawls - the shotgun slung across his back held loosely in his hand, as his eye scan the old dining room. “You pick up a few new things, out here.”
Had to, to survive. His clothes a patchwork of black thread, holding together ripped seams. Weapons had come next, not like he hadn’t had the time to learn.
“Can I see?”
She’s reaching for him, and he lets her. His eyes flicking towards you as she slips the gun from his holster, fingers curling around the grip.
“Modified MTs255,” He explains, as she turns it over in her hand. Purposeful in the way she moves - with the slow, admiring brush and stroke of fingers, “Changed it from a side-loader to a-"
“Top-break.” She muses with a nod, her shoulder brushing his as she flicks at the lever. A smirk, as she glances his way - her eyebrow lifting this time, “How’s she handle?”
There’s a soft lilt to her voice. Easy to pick up on - especially with the way she smiles, tongue caught between the white of her teeth.
“Oh, I’d say she handles just fine.” He lets the words turn sweet, smooth as honey as they leave his tongue.
You make a frustrated sound, then. A little whine in the back of your throat that he barely catches, before you’re turning sharply on your heel. Stomping off deeper into the house, and he can’t help the smirk that curls at the edges of his lips.
“See for yourself,” He's quick to excuses himself, leaving the gun in Nora's possession. Peeling away from the Vaultie, not sparing her a second glance. If she calls after him - he doesn’t hear it.
His steps purposely slow as he follows behind you. Letting you simmer.
You don’t notice as he slips in the doorway behind you. A head cocked in interest as you wrench open old cabinets. Breath heavy, a rough hiss between your teeth as your fingers clench into fists against the counter.
“That'd get you killed.” He comments, idly, “Runnin’ off like that.”
A little gasp as you whirl. Your hand doesn’t even twitch towards your gun, and he'd not sure if that annoys him. Or if he knows you knew it was him by the low rasp of his voice.
“Didn’t think you’d notice,” You sniff, head quick to turn away. Eager to break eye contact, arms crossing tightly over your chest.
A huff of a laugh rumbles in his chest, “Now what makes you say that, sweetheart?”
You blink at him, his spurs jangling as he closes the space. Hands pressing flat on either side of your hips, a flash of teeth as he waits.
“She-,”You huff - finger pointing accusatorily, “You let her-“
Another little sound, as your frown deepens, “Her hands were all over you, and you didn’t even care!”
It’s spat out. A kitten showing her claws, sharp little teeth bared.
Cooper lets his hips press against yours. Your hands brace against his chest, torn between pushing him away and yanking him closer.
“Takes two to tango, sweetheart.” He coos, but you just frown - not understanding.
Something in his favor. An admission you won’t get. That flicker of tenderness lost in the air.
He wonders if you’d still be angry, if you knew how long he roamed the wasteland without knowing the touch of another. That it would take more than a gun-laced innuendo to truly turn his head.
“‘Sides,” Cooper husks - finger tucking beneath your chin, “What are you goin’ to do about it?”
Needling at you. A thumb against a bruise, pressing until it stings.
Your jaw grits. Eyes searching his, fingernails pricking worn leather. Before they’re sliding up - fitting against his shoulder, around the back of his neck, as you tug him to meet you.
Pressing your lips against his. It’s possessive - an arch to your body as it curves. Tits pressed to his chest as your tongue flicks against his lower lip.
A rough groan as he parts them, as you seek more. He swallows your whine as his hands roam. Across the fat of your hip, squeezing. Fitting the curve of your waist. Palming at your breast as your hips roll against his.
Needy, in the way you gasp. Little panting breath as his head tilts. As he takes control - pressing you into the counter as he licks into your mouth.
He’s stayed away, since you picked up this new stray. Put away a lot of people, or put them in the ground. Not about to let someone use you against him.
It had him pent-up, too. Desire red-hot in his belly. Stiffening with the way you rock against him - a part of him craving the touch.
Easy then, to catch your hand. To drag it down, across the leather of his bandoiler, the heavy buckle of his belt. Pressing your palm flush against the heavy curve of his cock.
Rocking into the cup of your fingers, grinfing into your touch.
“That’s all you, sweetie.” He rasps, and you moan.
Pulling back to look down, as you trace how he strains. The heel of your palm pressing against his clothed, flushed tip, as a low growl rumbles in his throat.
Unable to hide his own need, as his tongue loosens a command.
“Why don’t you show me why I keep you ‘round.”
It’s cruel to word it that way. He’s been trying to scare you away for weeks. Knowing deep down that you’re meant for better things than him. His words now are untrue, even - he knows that.
But you do too, and you don’t care - a determination in your eyes, as they reluctantly pull up to his. Still caught on the evidence of his desire.
Fingers already fitting around his buckle - tugging.
“She might hear.” You breathe, though you don’t slow. Not until you’ve popped the button. Tugged at the zipper, a hitch in your breath as you draw him out.
He had found you tucked around the corner of the kitchen, close to an old pantry. The window behind peeking out into a long backyard. Facing towards a broken-down swing set, the grass overgrown with thick brush and weeds.
The evening sun casting blue and pink shadows, spilling over your shoulders. The room set deep against the far wall of the house.
No doors to hide behind in a kitchen like that, and you’re right - the sound might just happen to travel.
He grins, all teeth.
“Ain’t that what you want, darlin’?”
You inhale a breath.
Desire swirling in your eyes as they meet his. Sinking onto your knees without a second thought, tucked between his hips and the counter.
A small kindness, in the way his coat would block you from view, if someone were to come looking. Keeping the vision of you just for himself.
He’s biting out a curse as you take him into your mouth. The tight, wet heat as he presses against your tongue, no warning before he’s nudging against your throat.
His own hands scrape against the counter - resisting the urge to buck his hips, not wanting to gag you.
“Easy, now.” Cooper husks, something for both of you.
You hum in response - knees spreading wider. A slow bob of your head as you lick against the underside of his cock.
Eyes lifting until they’re on his. Wide and wanting as your head tips - drawing back to show how he rests against your tongue, glossy with spit.
There’s a deep throb in his core. A rattling groan as you leave him completely, your fist wrapping around his cock. Steady in the way your jerk him from base to tip, as your tongue dips down to trace against his sack.
“Fuck.” It’s bitten out, “Gotta make you jealous more often, sweetheart.”
You hum at the way he sees you so clearly. A soft suck against drawn-tight skin, before your head is turning - teeth sinking into the flesh at his hipbone.
He grunts, as his fingers jerk - clamping down against your shirt. Biting into your skin as you suck on ruined skin, the redden shade of his skin blooming darker.
Bucking into the pump of your fist, as his little wastelander marks him up. Marking a hickey along the curve of the stomach, then the meat of his thigh.
He relishes the sting. Letting you explore, as long as you keep touching him. The pleasure-pain blending into bliss as you stroke him.
There’s a tightening deep in his core, a tremor to his thighs. You go easily when he thumbs at your jaw - a soft whine buzzing in you throat that he can feel all the way down his shaft, when your lips close around him.
It has his cock jerking against his tongue.
You didn’t have memories of dirty films, the lewd magazines from before. Not knowing what it means to exaggerate pleasure for his benefit.
The need etched across your face is real - a hand dropping to nudge against your core. He’ll make up for this later, when the house is bathed in darkness. Spread you out across that dining room table he spotted, tasting what he did to you. Make you come on his cock, driving his point home.
Leaving you sticky and clenching around nothing for now. Always eager to make you learn a lesson.
“You're takin’ me so fuckin’ well.” He growls, and you shiver with the praise, “So good for me, aren’t you?”
You hum around him, your answer in the bob of your head. The sound of your fist and mouth is lewd, slick and loud. His own grunts and panting breath layering in, as everything winds tight.
Unable to help the buck of his hips, now. How expertly you work him, with none of that slow exploration when you’re alone.
Eyes focused on his face, watching what you do it him. Looking for the way his head tips back, the part of his lips.
He’s close. Can feel the way everything tightens up, that mounting pressure in his belly.
“Fuck, honey.” Cooper lets the name slip free, “‘Bout to fuckin’ come. You gonna be a good girl and swallow?”
You moan again, as you work him. Letting his hands guide you to the pace he needs. Lips glossy with spit, all but drooling as he uses you.
His breath coming short and harsh, until his teeth click sharply together. A rough groan before he’s bucking into your mouth, spilling against your tongue.
Your fist works him through it. A hand cupping his sack, gently squeezing as he throbs. Those eyes fixed greedily on his, soaking in every expression that flickers across his face.
Always good for him, and you both know it.
“Show me,” He husks, and you do - a ragged gasp as you pull of him, lips parting. The hinge of your jaw opening to show the way his come pools against the dip of your tongue.
“Fuckin’ christ,” It’s enough to have him ready to go again, if he could. “Go on, then. Swallow for me. Show me you’re mine.”
There’s the gulp as you swallow. Eyes blown wide with need as he hauls you to your feet. Your hand still drifting back to tuck around him - putting him back together, as your head tips towards his.
“Yours.” You breathe - the words hoarse as they slide from your used throat, just as you close the gap between you.
Another kiss. Softer now, though just as possessive. He can taste himself on your tongue. Always liked the way the two of you meld together.
Like it’s meant to be.
And maybe, he thinks -
Maybe a little part of him is yours, too.
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ahh thank you for reading! I always love a little cooper pov, it's such a fave to write!
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uzurakis · 1 day
coming to terms with gojo satoru. well, it’s not like you can escape from him, no?
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you slammed the bedroom door behind you as you barged in. feeling angry tears rise up in your eyes, you leaned against the door and tried to catch your breath. moments later, you hear a soft knock on the door. “hey, love, can we talk?” gojo’s voice is muffled but gentle.
no way, you say in your head. a little space won’t hurt for a while, right? “go away, satoru,” you snapped.
“aw, come on, don’t be like that,” he says, a teasing lilt in his voice. “i didn’t mean to upset you. i just love seeing you all riled up. it’s cute.”
“well, it’s not cute to me,” you retort, voice cracking slightly. “do you know how it feels to watch you ‘jokingly’ flirt with other women all the time?”
there’s a brief silence before gojo responds, sounding more serious. “i didn’t realize it hurt you that much. i just thought… i don’t know, it was harmless fun.”
“harmless fun?” you repeat, incredulous. “it doesn’t feel harmless to me, satoru. it feels like you don’t respect me or even our relationship.”
you hear a sigh from the other side of the door. “i’m really sorry, love. i never wanted to make you feel that way. i guess i just have a weird way of showing my affection.”
“oh, you think?” you say, a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
“open the door, love, pweasee,” gojo pleads, his tone lightening. “let me make it up to you. i promise, pinky promise. no more flirting with other women. just you and me, you hear me from behind there?”
you hesitate for a moment, then slowly unlock the door and open it. gojo is standing there, a mischievous smile on his face. his tall frame fills the doorway, and you have to tilt your head up slightly to meet his cerulean eyes. “hey,” he says softly.
“hey,” you reply, still feeling a bit hurt but willing to hear him out.
he steps closer, winking playfully. “you know, i never thought i’d see the day where you’d lock me out. do i really look that good when i’m flirting?”
“stop it,” you grumble, though the corner of your lips betrays a small smile. “stop making insufferable jokes, satoru.”
“i know, i know,” he says, holding up his hands in pretend surrender. “but you have to admit, it’s kind of fun seeing you all fired up. your jealous face is just so… cute.”
“not helping,” you warn, though your voice has softened.
he leans in, his breath warm against your ear. “you know i only have eyes for you, right? those other women don’t even come close to what we have.”
you sigh, leaning into his touch despite yourself. “you really need to find a better way to show your affection.”
“how about i start with this?” he pulls you into a hug, his arms wrapping around you securely. “i’m all yours, no flirting, i promise.”
“hmm,” you ponder, feeling the tension begin to melt away. “just… don’t do it again, alright?”
“scout’s honor,” he says, holding up three fingers in a mock salute, then immediately winking. gojo’s usual playful self shining through. “you were never a scout, satoru,” you say, finally smiling.
“details, details,” he dismisses, pulling you closer. “but seriously, i’m all yours.”
you wrap your arms around him, feeling the warmth and comfort you craved. “all mine,” you repeat softly, burying your face in his chest. “just remember that or i’ll seriously kill you.”
“always,” he murmurs into your hair. “and just for the record, i’m the luckiest guy in the world to have you.”
“flattery will get you everywhere, gojo satoru.” you tease back.
“good to know,” he laughs, giving you a gentle squeeze. “because i’m never letting you go.”
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chimielie · 2 days
“I really like this place,” Yachi says brightly, “the owner is really nice, and he doesn’t mind when I take ten minutes to decide what I want. Once I took twenty minutes and he actually just brought me food, like, decided for me, and at first I thought that was so nice! Then I got worried that maybe I should be upset that he didn’t let me choose, but then I remembered that I could just come here again so I wasn’t missing out on anything. The food was really good, anyway.”
You hover between the cool interior of the restaurant and the summer daylight as she speaks, unwilling to walk away even though she’s holding the door open and probably letting all the cold air out. With a short yelp, she realizes how long the two of you have been standing there and crosses inside. You stand behind her in the line behind the counter, shuffling forward as you read the posted menu.
“I think I’m gonna get the salmon,” you decide. “Hey, so how are things with that girl you’ve been seeing?”
“They’ve been good!” You’re about three people away from the counter, but the first one is line is like, a really huge guy with a booming voice who has been talking forever. Maybe he knows the cashier? “She’s really pretty, and she doesn’t mind or get impatient when I’m anxious. She also gets anxious!”
“That’s great?” You pat her on the shoulder. “I’m really happy for you, Yachi.”
“Me too,” she beams at you. “What about you? Have you met anyone?”
“No,” you snort. “I’m on the apps. So dating is basically a cesspool.” The giant guy who was ordering seems to be done now, but he’s still talking, being slowly dragged away by the elbow by a guy in a cardigan and glasses. You slide your phone out of your pocket and open your dating profile. “See?”
At that moment, your phone pings with a new notification.
Atsumu liked you!
He’s not… bad looking. If you saw him in real life, you’d probably hide behind a bench or something and stalk him with your eyes just so you could look at him as long as you wanted, actually.
He’s your age, a pro volleyball player, his hair dark where it’s been shaved short on the sides but dyed blond up top. He has a kind of sardonic, dead-eyed expression in all of his photos that you think is really funny.
My love language is… arguing in missionary.
You smother a laugh.
“He’s kind of cute!” Yachi peers at your phone. “Kind of scary…”
“Please, I could beat him up,” you laugh. “I don’t know, he’s fine, I guess.”
You swipe left. He’s hot, but definitely a fuckboy. You’ve reached the counter, anyway, and a pro athlete on the apps is like, so many red flags.
You look up at the cashier.
You look down at your phone and click undo. The profile reappears.
You look up at the cashier.
“Fine, you guess?” Scowls Atsumu, 23, (volley)baller. Or maybe not, considering his Onigiri Miya apron. “Welcome to Onigiri Miya, what can I get for ya. Geez.”
He talks in Kansai dialect, you note, which you’ve always thought is melodic. Pretty.
In real life, Atsumu is very pretty. His eyes have midtones of honey and amber that don’t show up on photo and give him a sparkling dimension that sort of detracts from his aura of evil. Even though he’s scowling at you, you want to ruffle his hair and bite his cheek.
“Um, I’ll have the salmon ball,” you say. “And, yeah. I guess.”
He scribbles so hard he breaks the tip of his pencil. With a grunt of disgust, he tosses both notepad and pencil over his shoulder.
“What, pro athlete not good enough for ya?” He points at Yachi, who squeaks. “And for ya?”
“What?” She says, looking terrified. You put a bracing hand on her shoulder.
“Your order,” he drawls.
“Oh! I don’t know.”
“Two salmon balls!” He yells to the back. “‘S on the house.”
“What?” Yachi gasps. “We couldn’t possibly—”
“You’re clearly not a professional athlete,” you say. “You’re a cashier.”
“This is charity work!” He snaps. “My teammate is right over there if ya need proof. I’m Miya Atsumu—this is my brother’s shop. I help him out on my off days.” He emphasizes his family name, underlining it on his apron with a finger.
That’s really sweet. You swoon a little inside, then shake yourself.
“You’re off every time this time this week?”
“Yeah, about,” he turns and bends over to grab his hastily discarded notepad. You do not make a secret of checking out his ass and quirk your lips into a smile when he turns back around, one he matches with reckless abandon. He has nice teeth, not perfectly straight, that imply that maybe he didn’t need braces growing up.
“Let me repay you for the meal,” you put a hand on the counter and lean across it, biting your lip, stomach singing with nerves. “Eight, next week?”
“Nah,” he shrugs you off, gestures for you to move along so he can get to the next customer in line. Your stomach drops, and so must your face. “Too far away. I’ll see ya this Friday for dinner.”
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The Look
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summary: its awards season. meaning glits, glam, and harry looking like a total snack at events.
word count: 8.8K (i got carried away 😬)
read time: 37 min
content warning ⚠️: D/s dynamics, MAJOR DADDY KINK, subspace, dom space, dd/lg (if you squint), (filthy) dirty talk, mild & sweet degradation, pet names (love, lovie, baby, baby girl, good girl, baby love), possessive!harry (if you squint), anal play (plugs), nipple clamps, light bondage (if you squint), spanking, paddling, (mention of flogging/ a flogger), fingering, ring kink (is this a thing? sure.), hand kink, light choking, manhandling (kind of), unprotected sex (and the mess that comes with it), (slight) hair pulling. If I messed something let me know!
a/n: I saw this picture of Rihanna looking at A$AP Rocky like she was about to suck the soul out of that man in front of all those people….and then I wrote this. and I'll do it again lol. Enjoy! 😉
You were bored, and beyond ready to go home. You hated award season, selfishly. You knew what it meant for Harry, and you were always so proud of him, and his accomplishments. But dammit did you hate all that came along with it. Dressing up and cameras, let alone the interviews. You’d only ever get a question or two thrown at you,but regardless, you were not built for it.
But Harry, he was a natural born star. He didn’t love the attention all of the time, but you knew him well enough to know that he did get a bit of a kick out of the attention. And he knew how to handle it far better than you ever could. It made you feel all the more guilty when all you wanted to do was stay home, cook a nice meal together and watch your shows. But you were nothing if not supportive, always taking one for the team, even if the team was just Harry. “It’s just a few hours,” you’d tell yourself. “Just a few hours and then I can have him all to myself the rest of the night.”And that’s what you told yourself, and that's how you ended up here, at some after party, in a dress, vacuum sealed to your body in heels that feel like stilts, and a little too tipsy from the free-flowing champagne.
Harry had just gotten off the small stage,giving a speech about…something. And while you were so proud of him, and how he commanded a room, you hadn’t heard a word he said. You were too busy gawking at your charming, devilishly handsome boyfriend.
Harry works his way through the crowd, eyes locked on you and dimples popped as he tries his best to make it to your side. He’s stopped a few times, gives some pleasantries before he’s by your side again, kissing your temple.
“You, alright?” he asks. You nod with a hum, looking up at him over your champagne flute.
“Why are you looking at me like that,” Harry smirks, wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you in. Harry knows the look, it's a look you only ever give him when you're in one of your moods. And it usually precedes you sucking the soul out of him.
“Like what?” you ask, earnestly.
“Right,” He chuckles, eyes looking down at your lip tucked between your teeth.
“What? I’m not looking at you like anything!” You defend, leaning up to kiss his cheek. And then it dawns on him.
You don’t even realize just how you’d been looking at him. All pout, and doe eyes, begging to be fucked and taken care of like you deserve.
“Nothing, honey.” He places a hand on your cheek smirking before leaning and kissing your forehead. “Let’s head out, hm? You look tired.”
“I’m fine! We can stay.” you lie, grateful that he’s suggested you head out early.
“Baby,” he says with a smile, but his tone is the one that makes your legs feel like Jell-O, “We’re going home. I did my obligation. I’ll go get the car. You meet me out front, after you’ve said your goodbye to everyone alright?” He asks, but it’s more like a demand.
You nod with a smile, finishing your drink. He kisses the top of your head, and you watch him make his exit.
“You sounded great up there, Har.” You smile reaching for his hand resting on the shift. He laces your fingers together, kissing by the back of your hand.
“Thanks, Baby Love.” he says with a gentle smile. He pulls up to a red light, looking over at you. “You looked gorgeous tonight baby.”
“You’ve said that already.” you giggle, feeling your cheeks warm up. You lean your head back against the headrest, nibbling at your bottom lip, “A few times actually.”
“And I meant it every time I said it. And I mean it now.” he smirks.
“You look good too.” you smirk.You reach your hand up to his hair at the name of his neck, playing with the curls there. “Your hair looks nice like this. It’s very 90’s Leo.” You giggle and he smirks.
“Yeah? ‘S that a good thing?”
“Mmhmm,” you nod, “and I like this.” You say reaching over tugging on the shirt he’s wearing. It’s a black semi sheer top, with some lace detail. It’s simple, but paired with the jewelry and the fact that you can see his tattoos peeking through…you were more than pleased with tonight's outfit.
“I thought you might.” He turns his head to kiss your palm that’s made it to his cheek, giving it two spongy kisses.
The light turns and his attention is back on the road, so you watch the side of his face instead. Watch his dimple poke as he smiles. “It was written all over your face.” He chuckles after a few moments.
“What was?” You ask brows furrowed
“Those filthy thoughts of yours.” You don’t say a word, just clear your throat, nibbling on your bottom lip and turning your head looking forward. Harry looks over, eyes boring into the side of your face with a smirk. “Tell me.”
“Tell you what?”
“Tell me what filthy thoughts were going on in that pretty head of yours. Hmm?”
“Noth-” you start.
“Don’t lie to me, you know what happens when you do.” You swallow thickly looking over at him. For the second time tonight he’s used that tone. That dominant tone that only ever comes out when you ///play/// together. And it’s got you feeling all out of sorts. You squeeze your thighs together trying to soothe the ache that's sprung up between your thighs. “Tell me.” He presses once more.
“Just….thinking about playing with your hair….while you’re between my legs.” you whisper nervously.
You’d been with Harry for a while now. And you've never been shy about discussing intimacy. But when he put on that voice, and with his hand heavy on your thigh, it always seemed to make you bashful.
“And?” he prompts. Harry knows there's more, there's always more with you. “My little minx” Harry always joked.
Really he just wanted to work you up. Get you as frustrated, and hot and bothered as he could, because he had plans for tonight. Harry was finally going to reward you for being such a good girl, for him. Not just tonight and stomaching yet another event, but for all of awards season. You’ve always hated the cameras and parties. You’ve hated sharing him with the world. Selfish yes, but he felt the same about you. He couldn’t fathom how you felt every year around this time when he had to be ‘Harry Styles’ and not just your Harry, being ‘on’ all the time and away from you. But, you’ve been so good, and he knows he hasn’t been as attentive as he should be these last few months, so he was finally going to give you all the attention he’s deprived from you lately. All the attention you’ve been too shy, or scared to ask for.
“Your rings.” you finally blurt out.
“What about them?”
“I was thinking….” you pause trying to figure out the least crude way to phrase it,“About feeling them on my ass. I like when you spank me with them, and I like feeling them when…when you finger me too. It's nice.”
“You want me to spank you baby?”Harry asks cautiously. You nod your head slowly. “Why?” he asks, brows furrowed, with only a bit of concern “Did you do something to earn you a spanking?”
You and Harry were no strangers to spanking, or playing rough. But they were usually only reserved for your punishments, or ‘punishments’ as you so dubbed them, as you quite liked the feeling of Harry’s hands on you.
“Maybe.” you purred.
Now he’s intrigued. This was about teasing you before you got home. But now? This was about playing the game. His favorite game, yours too. He snaps his head toward you as you approach another red light.
“Maybe?” he quips, “You either broke a rule, or you didn't, baby? Which is it?”
You take a moment, trying to figure out which way to play it, which way would get you what you wanted most. You could continue to play coy, could lie, or you could be honest.
You chose the latter.
“I did.” you coo, biting your bottom lip.
“Hmm,” He hums, leaning over the center console to get a better look at you. Your eyes were a bit glassy already, a look you only ever got when the two of you played. When you were feeling submissive. “And what rule would that be?”
You look down at his hand that found its way from your thigh to become tangled with yours, twirling the ‘H’ and ‘S’ rings on his fingers. “No panties.” You mumbled.
He heard you, but he really enjoyed making you repeat things, especially if he knew that you were a little embarrassed. “Louder baby. And look at me.” he demands softly.
“I’m not wearing any panties.”
“No?” He mocks. You shake your head as the light turns green. Harry smirks at you, before, slowly pressing the accelerator, eyes back to the road.
“Why would you do that, baby? Go to such an important event, a room full of people with no panties on?” he asks. He knows why, or at least he suspects. But he wants to hear you say it. Likes to tease you, yes, maybe humiliate you a little for being his perfect little slut.
“I was thinking about the last time. Last week and how we…snuck away.”
He smirks looking over at you, with lust filled eyes he lifts your hand to his lips and kisses the back of your hand again. He remembers it fondly, as one of the best quickies you’ve had. Definitely the riskiest you’ve ever been, and he’s not stopped thinking about it since. And apparently neither have you.
“You didn’t wear any panties so it would be easier for me to fuck you in the bathroom again? Is that it?” he probed.
“Yes,” you squeak.
Harry stops at another red light. Cursing the fact that it seems they’ve not made a single one on your ride back. He looks over at you, dimples out, eyes dark with lust. “You like being a slut in public baby?” You nod. Chewing on your bottom lip. He reaches up, and pulls it from your teeth, running his thumb over it. “Why didn’t you ask, hmm? You know how to ask for what you want?” You shrug and squeeze your thighs tighter together. Harry takes notice and presses further, “Instead you were looking at me like a cock drunk whore.” he tuts, “In front of all those people. If I saw it, you know everyone else did too. Don’t you,sweetheart?”
“I didn’t - I don’t know.” You pouts
“It’s okay baby.” he chuckles, “I’ll take care of you when we get home okay. We’re almost there.
“Yes Sir.” you say, with a dopey grin. The honorific just slipped out, before you realized. You may have been slightly embarrassed if it weren't for the promise of what’s to come later tonight.
“Good girl.” He praises, leaning over the consol. He kisses you once, twice, and then a third time before you hear honking behind you.
Harry pulls away from your kiss, seeing the lights turned. There’s another impatient honk before Harry pulls off muttering an “asshole” under his breath, looking in the rear view mirror. You look out your window. Trying to keep yourself from moving around too much as Harry’s hand rested on your thigh, lightly massaging it.
The ride is quiet for a while, as you try to focus on not squirming, and imagining what’s in store for the night before Harry speaks again, voice all rough and authority,“You are getting punished first. You know that, don’t you baby?”
You look at him and nod your head, “Mhmm.” you hum.
Once you’ve finally pulled into the drive at home, Harry has pretty much fully entered his own Dom space and you're slipping deeper and deeper by the second into subspace. When you enter the house, he stops you at the bottom of the stairs reaching for your hand to turn you around. He cradles your face in his hands, stroking your cheeks, “I’m gonna grab some things for the night, and lock up the rest of the house. I want you on the bed in position, in nothing but this,” he says playing with the gold pendant ‘H’ around your neck “and then we’ll start. Okay?.”
You smile up at him, a warm rush going through your body, and nod. “Words, please. And repeat the instructions, for me.” he encourages.
“Go upstairs, sit in a position with only my necklace.”
“Good girl.” He smirks, grabbing your chin and kissing you deeply. He pulls away, you chasing after his lips, “No,” he tuts playfully, “Upstairs. Go.” he nods behind you towards the stairs behind you. You turn, Harry giving a light tap to your ass as you scurry up the staircase.
You’re quick to rid yourself of the uncomfortable costume of ‘celebrity girlfriend’, stripping down to nothing other than the gold necklace as promised. You sit center of the bed on your calves, hands resting on your thighs as you wait for Harry to join you.
He does as per his routine, locking up the house, and grabbing a your nightly water bottle for when you wake in the middle of the night. He does the extra task of grabbing you a snack and a few extra water bottles for the night.
When he passes the threshold of your bedroom his heart skips a beat at the sight of you, naked in the center of your bed, kneeling so pretty for him. But he doesn’t let it show. In fact he ignores you, as he enters the room, not giving you anything more than a glance. Your eyes remained trained on him as he moved through the room.
First to his side of the bed, placing the items he’d brought up with him, before heading over to your dresser, taking off his watch, and setting it in the little dish there. But you note that his rings you love so much remain on. He saunters into your walk-in closet and stays there for far too long in your opinion. Taking his time to get into his unofficial uniform for nights like this. He emerges in nothing but the same pair of relaxed fit dark denim wash jeans, that hug in all the right places, and his rings. Your favorite small velvet red box in one hand. And a leather paddle in the other.
Finally, after waiting what feels like forever, Harry strides over to you, standing at the end of the bed, placing the box on the corner of it. It had only a few things in it by the sound of it, but you still were tingling with anticipation. Without saying a word he jesters for you to come closer to him, with his finger. You knee walk your way over, sitting back on your calves with your hands resting on your thighs. You look at him with a pout, and he smiles.
“Hi baby.”
“Daddy -” you whine, resisting the urge to reach out and touch him. You were already getting a punishment, you didn’t want to make it worse.
“Oh, Baby Love,” Harry coos, and you whimper just happy to finally have his attention on you. He cradles your face in his hands, and you lean into his touch. “I’m right here.” He strokes your cheeks with his thumb, and places kisses on your forehead, each cheek, tip of your nose, and finally your lips. You whine into the kiss, and attempt to deepen the kiss, but he pulls away with a tisk. “Nuh uh,no. Punishment, remember.” He smirks, hand traveling down to your neck, stroking the side of it with his thumb.
“Yes Daddy,” you pout.
He reaches over, taking the lid off the velvety box and you peek inside.Inside isn’t your entire collection,not by a long shot. The box is nothing more than the ‘goodie bag’ he makes, everytime you play. Picking up a few things from the big red chest from the back of your closet that held everything ropes, to plugs, to clamps, and lube.
Tonight seemed to be quite the selection, and your pussy was clenching at the sight of the items. You watch him lay a few things beside you. Some nipple clamps with a chain connecting the two. He loved to pull on those while he railed you, and a pink glass plug with a rose on the end, and lastly some lube.
He puts a finger under your chin forcing him to look up at him.
“You know why you're getting a punishment tonight?” he asks.
“Tell Daddy, then.”
“Because I didn’t wear any panties.” .
“And?” he probed, eyebrows quirked up.
“And I ….” your mouth opens and closes a few times, trying to get the words out, but nerves taking over.
“Go on,” he chuckles, amused. He loved watching you get all worked up. But seeing just how worked up you are without him hardly touching you had him realize just how badly you needed him.
“I didn’t ask for you to take care of me when I was needy….I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head kissing your cheek, “It’s okay baby. I’m not mad, but I still gotta punish you, okay?” You nod your head, lip tucked between your teeth, “And you know your words if it becomes too much?”
“Red or watermelon to stop, and yellow if I need you to slow down, or if I need to talk to you about something.” you say quietly, and he smiles proudly. .
“Good girl.” he praises, one hand on your neck, the other caressing your cheek, “And your color right now?”
“Green.” You rush out leaning into his touch.
“Very good baby.” He reaches down and picks up the nipple clamps, “We’re gonna start with these, okay?”
“Wait! You gasp, eyes wide.
“You, okay?”
“Yeah. I just - can I touch you. Please?” you asked, and Harry smirks.
“What do you mean baby?”
“Can I kiss you, please?” you whisper. He nods, a little taking hold of your hands, bringing your arms around his neck, as he rests his hands on your waist and kisses you. He allows the make out session for a while, your hands tangled in his hair, while he gropes your ass, and massages your tits, pulling at your nipples, preparing them for the clamps. You moan into the kiss, pushing your hips into his. He allows it once but the second time he pulls away from the kiss making you moan.
“That’s enough baby. Be good, you’re already getting punished, hm?”
“Okay.” you pout.
Harry picks up one of the clamps, leaning down sucking your right nipple into his mouth before he places the clamp. You hiss at the sensation and the combination of the look in your eye, and the sounds you make, make his cock twitch in his jeans. “Good?” he questions.
“Yes.” you sigh with a nod. He leans over to your left breasts, bringing it to his mouth and doing the same as he did with the left. Once the clamps were in place, he lightly pulled on the chain dangling in the center, enjoying the little noises that you make as Harry kisses back up your chest to your neck.
“Feelin’ okay, Lovie?”
“Mhmm” you hum. Harry could tell it was getting more difficult for you to find words, you were slipping further and further into subspace and he couldn’t be happier.
“Good.” he states with a smirk, “Good, baby.”
He sits down next to you on the edge of the bed and pats his thigh, “Across my lap,” He purrs, and you do as your told, laying across his lap, your nipples hard and clamped brushing against the softness of the duvet. The sensation made you whimper, and squirm in Harry’s lap.
Harry takes a handful of your ass, squeezing it in warning. “No squirming. You know the rules. Unless you want more spanks, be still.”
“Sorry, Daddy..” You mumble looking up at him over your shoulder.
“Good girl” with your eyes on him still he reaches to the other side of him getting a tube from the box and picking up the pink plug. “We’re doing your plug tonight, okay?” You nod, biting your lip.
The plug is a relatively new addition to your play time, but it was quickly becoming a favorite of yours, and Harry’s too. He knew how much you enjoyed it, and while so far none of this seemed to be much of a punishment, he had plans for you.
“Green.” you stuttered.
“Good. Head down, relax for me okay?” he commanded.
You rest your head on your folded hands in front of you, your head to the side as you take in a shaking breath feeling his hands massage your ass, before slipping a hand between your thighs.
“Messy already baby?”
“Sorry,” you whimper, a little embarrassed at just how wet you were already, from nothing more than nipple clamps, and making out.
“That’s okay,” he coos, “you can’t help it. Can you, baby?” He leans down, placing a kiss on your right cheek.
“No.” You shake your head, “It’s the clamps, and…you looked really good tonight.” you admit shyly.
“So did you, Baby Love.” he smiles, “too bad you were being naughty. I was going to reward you for being so patient the last few months,” he taunts as he rubs up and down your pussy with one hand, massaging your ass with the other. “But now I have to punish you.” He brings some of your wetness to your tighter hole with his thumb massaging the ring of muscle making you moan out. You grip the sheets to keep you from squirming.
He leans down, spitting right at the puckered hole making you cry out. He smears the saliva around slowly prodding at your hole with his thumb while his fingers danced over your leaking pussy.
He hears you moan but ignores it, continuing his work. “You know why I love punishing you baby?”
“Because…it means I get to play with this cute little ass of yours.” He punctuates the sentence with a light spank to your left cheek with his free hand, as he slipped his thumb into your tightest hole.
“Shhh baby. I’m right here.” he coos, his hand up your back, comfortingly gripping the back of your neck as he plays with your clit and hole. Pumping his thumb slowly. After feeling you clench around the digit a few times, and your pussy pulse, he removes his thumb, while continuing to rub up and down your folds. He reaches for the lube, opening it.
“This is gonna be a little cold, okay, baby?”
“Okay,” you murmur
He squeezed a rather large dollop onto your hole rubbing it around, before rubbing the pink glass plug up and down your hole.
“Relax for me, and breathe, okay.”
No matter how much you’ve thought you’ve trained your asshole, it was always a stretch. But when Harry did it, he always made sure you were comfortable and there wasn’t any discomfort.
As he slowly works the plug in. Just a bit. Then out again. Then in a little bit more than out. It was maddening. The teasing. You can’t help but squirm. Feeling his erection against you didn’t help either.
“Daddy.” You moan, and Harry spanked you once, but hard.
“Baby,” he warns. “I’m trying to be patient but you’re only going to make this punishment worse. Be good, okay? Take what I give you.”
You know you shouldn’t be enjoying this half as much as you are. This is a punishment, afterall. But he’s finally giving you the attention you’ve been craving for weeks, and you can’t help but to make your request anyway. “More, please.” you squeaked
“More?” He teases. All you wanted was to feel the stretch of the plug, but he was taking things so painfully slowly.“You want to be filled up, Baby Love?”
“Yes.” you moan, “please.”and you jump as another spank lands onto your ass. The mix of pain and pleasure was almost maddening as it was becoming more difficult to focus on coming up with words, as your whole body was a light with pleasure.
“Be patient.” Harry tuts, “We gotta work it in baby, you want Daddy’s cock in there one day don’t you?”
The thought alone makes you squirm, and whine in Harry’s lap.“Yes” you moan.
“Then we have to go slow. You can barely fit this little guy, how do you expect to take Daddy’s big cock without any practice?” He reaches up, tangling his fingers in the hair at the back of your head, forcing you to look at him. “Answer me baby”
“I don’t know.” you whimper, nibbling at your bottom lip.
You were deep into subspace now, and he knew answering was getting more and more difficult for you. All the more reason to tease you. Harry smiles devilishly, caressing your face, “I know baby. That’s okay. But I need you to take what I give you, and stop complaining. Or your spanking is going to be worse. Do you want the flogger?”
You actually wouldn’t mind the flogger. You loved the thud of the heavy leather strips striking your back, but you shake your head, deciding it’s in your best interest to do as Harry says.
“Alright then, if you want to be full you have to be patient.”
You lay your head back down on your folded hands, and let out a deep breath, closing your eyes in an attempt to focus on the feeling of the plug teasing your ass. It was only a few more in’s and out’s before your ass accepted the plug, sucking it in allowing you to let out a sigh of relief at the feeling of being so deliciously full.
“There you go sweetheart,” Harry smiles tapping the rose at the end of the plug, the vibrations it sent through you making you let out a deep groan. “What do we say?” he prompts, spanking each of your cheeks.
“Thank you, Daddy,” you whine.
He massages your ass for a moment before a hand travels back down to your folds. “Even messier now, baby.” He leans down kissing your ass, teeth sinking into the flesh. “Such a good fucking girl. And so pretty, all plugged up.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“You’re welcome baby.” Harry chuckled darkly. He picks up rubbing the smooth leather across each cheek very lightly tapping it on each one. Just to prepare you for the sensation.
“You remember the rules about the paddle?” Harry asks, running it over your ass lightly. You nod your head, looking over your shoulder at him, “Tell me.”
“Count each one, and say thank you after.” you
“Good girl.” He smiles proudly. “How many do you think you deserve?”
“Ummm -” you nibble on your lip, trying your hardest to think straight. “Ten?”
“That’s adorable, baby…You’re getting twenty.”
You groan, burrowing your face into the sheets. Squirming in his lap, earning another harsh spank.
“Twenty-five.” Harry amends sternly.
“Wha - why?!” you mumble
“Ten for not wearing panties. Ten for not telling me how needy your greedy little pussy was tonight. And five because you won’t stop squirming after I’ve already warned you twice, Lovie.”
You let out a little moan but nod your head. It seemed fair, but it was gonna push your limits, as it’s five more than you’ve ever done. But you could do it, and you’ll probably enjoy it more than you should.
“Got it?”
“Yes, Daddy.” you confirm.
“Good girl. What’s your color?”
“I’m Green.”
“Alright. I’m going to start, now okay?” Harry warns, and you give him a nod.
The first one lands on your right cheek hard. Harder than you anticipated, and it makes you cross your legs.
“One! Thank you.” you wince.
“No,no.” He says prying your legs open open again, landing a light spank onto your drenched folds. “Keep them open.” Harry warns, massaging the warmth of your cheek before giving you the next strike.
“Two. Thank you.”
The strikes continue just like that. The paddle makes contact, alternating between cheeks, you count and give thanks. While he massages between each one. Some come in quick succession. Some are spaced out, making you moan in anticipation. There’s no real pattern and it keeps you on edge in the best way.
“Twenty. Thank you sir” you whimper, looking over your shoulder. Hoping maybe he’d forget about the last five if he saw you. There’s a few tears now, not so much from the pain of the paddle, just…everything. With each strike of the paddle, the plug jiggles giving you a pleasure so deep you can’t describe. You're desperate and so floaty, deep in subspace and more than anything you just really want to cum!. You just want it to get to the reward part of the night. But you are a good girl, so you stayed still, took your punishment, opting for a tight grip on the sheets rather than squirming around in Harry’s lap.
“Good girl. Baby. You're doing such a good job taking your punishment. So good for me, baby.” He praises, soothing the warm skin with his large palm. “What’s your color?” He checks in, when he sees your eyes glass and teary.
“I’m still green,” you whisper
“Okay. Turn around, we’re almost done.”
He doles out the rest of your spanks quickly, not giving you much time to count. But you try your best anyway.
“Twenty five. Thank you sir.” you sigh, letting out a deep breath
“Good girl!” He praises. He tosses the paddle to the side, pulling you up to have you sitting in his lap, knees on either side of his hips. He places a hand protectively at the back of your neck making you look up at him. He’s smiling like an idiot, so proud of you and you can’t help but crack a smile just as proud of yourself for taking your punishment so well.
He nods between you towards his right thigh “Look at that baby.” you look down seeing a dark spot on his jeans. Your brows knit together, before your eyes meet Harry’s again, “That’s you, baby.”
“Oh.” you mumble a little embarrassed. “Sorry.” You whisper trying to bury yourself into his neck but he stops squeezing your cheeks together with one hand, forcing your eyes on his.
“Nothing to be sorry about. You just need Daddy to make the aching go away, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” you pout trying to grind your hips down into him, but Harry stops you, with a firm hand on your hip.
“Yeah, I know.” he takes the hand squishing your cheeks, snaking it down between the two of you pinching your already clamped nipple once before his fingers finally - finally make contact with your folds. You moan out. Resting your head on Harry’s shoulder, burying your face in his neck, as his hand travels up and down your folds, spreading your wetness.His free arm, secured around your waist, holding you upright.
Harry turns his head, lips pressed against your ear,“There you go baby. That feels so good hm? You like my fingers on your clit.” his fingers slow to a stop, not satisfied with your lack of response, subspace or not, “Talk to Daddy, Love.”
“Yes! So much. It’s so good -”
“Eyes on me,” he demanded, pulling your face out of his neck, trying your best to keep your eyes open, as he worked his magic on your clit. As soon as your eyes meet his, he sinks his middle finger inside. The coolness of his rings against your folds makes you shiver. He works it in for a moment before selfishly adding his ring finger into the mix. You both groan as your pussy greedily accepts a second finger. “Fuck baby, you’re suckin’ me in.” He leans forward sucking on your neck. Nibbling on your ear as he pumps faster. Curling them just right, “that feel good?”
“Mhmm. Oh, fuck,” you wine gripping ong his shoulder a hand in his hair tugging the way you know he likes. The way you’ve been craving all night.
You’re already so full. The plug was still firmly placed in ass, sitting heavy as you sat straddling him, his thumb working on your clit…it was almost too much! You were right on the edge of ecstasy when Harry inserted yet a third finger, methodically working on your G-spot.
“Shit! Daddy, I’m -” you cry out, looking down at his fingers going in and out of you, and the sight alone is enough to send you over the edge. Everything was catching up to you now, Harry’s fingers stuffing your pussy, the plug snug in your ass, the clamps tight on your nipples. You just needed one more thing.
“I want you to cum on my fingers baby,okay? Be good and show me how good it feels, and fucking come on my fingers.” The groan you let out is almost too raw, one of pure ecstasy. Then he says the thing that just about sends you over the edge. “Come on, my rings baby.”
“Daddy….” you whine,you were so close. So so close but you didn’t want it like this. You want to feel Harry. All of him. “No.” You whimper, causing him to pull away slightly, to get a good look at you.
“No? You don’t want to come baby? Since when does my greedy girl not want to cum?” He doesn’t slow his fingers, while his eyes bore into you. Not at all. They speed up, and curl them even more, stroking and prodigy at your G-spot, coaxing you closer and closer.
“Want….cock. Wanna cum on your cock.” You pout trying so hard not to come. And surprisingly you were doing a good job at it. You were historically terrible at holding your orgasms, but tonight seemed to be all about pushing your limits.
Harry smirks, leaning forward sucking your bottom lip in his mouth nibbling on it hard. He’s so hungry for you. Desperate almost. He has to see you come. He craves it.
“You will. Don’t worry.” He gives you another quick peck, “I’ll let you come on my cock. But you gotta give me what I want first. Okay? Gotta be good and come on my fingers first, then I’ll give you what you want.” You whine some more, leaning forward wrapping your arms around Harry tighter, still holding back. He can feel how tense you are, you’ve always been a stubborn girl, even when it’s not in your own best interests, it makes him smirk, a bit before he doubles his efforts on your clit.
“I promise. Baby Girl. Just let go. Show me your a good girl, come on.” He pulls you out of his neck again, hand on your cheek forcing you to look at him. “Let go. I got you. I got you-“ and just like that you're coming in a bright white light, ringing in your ears, and gushing all over Harry’s fingers, with those emerald eyes looking deep into your soul. He feels it too, feels your pussy convulses and gushes around his fingers. Your body tightens up before going completely lax in his lap. “Good fucking girl. There she is. Oh baby there you go so good for me.” You let out a groan unlike anything you’ve ever done before. Gripping at his hair and grinding down on his fingers and your pussy convulses and gushes, around his fingers.He slows them down before slowly withdrawing, tapping your clit softly a few times, for good measure. He brings his hands up to his lips, making a show of licking his fingers clean, before his hand goes back down between your legs, cupping your pussy, reveling in the feeling of it still pulsating with aftershocks as you try to catch your breath.
“Than-thank you Daddy” you hiccup. Kissing his neck.
“Your welcome, baby. You okay?” he asks, and you nod against his shoulder. “Look at me, please baby.” you do as you're told, though finding it difficult to keep your eyes open. “Good baby.” He leans forward kissing you, allowing you to taste yourself on his lips, and it drives you mad. “Hold onto me.” He demands sweetly. You adjust yourself, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist. Harry stands up and turns. Setting you back on your feet allows the back of your knees to hit the mattress.
“Lay back on the pillows, for me?” he asks sweetly, with a kiss on your forehead. You nod eagerly, crawling up on the bed, laying out knees bent and feet flat.
Harry’s cock twitches in his jeans at the sight of you. He knee walks his way up the bed. Laying on his stomach, his face level with your pussy, kissing down your thighs, making your breath hitch. You roll your hips up at his hot breath fanning over your wet sensitive lips and Harry smiles.
“Need something?” he chuckles. You open your mouth,closing it quickly, debating on if you want to reveal just how greedy you’re feeling. “Baby…” he prompts, and you give in.
“Mouth. Please?” you whisper, giving your best doe eyes.
“I thought you wanted my cock? Begged for it.”
“That too!” you rush out with a pout.
“I’m only teasing,Lovie,” Harry chuckles, “My greedy girl. Got my fingers now you want both my mouth and cock.” You cover your face, and attempt to close your legs, but fail. Harry kisses up your body, removing your hands from your face, placing a sloppy kiss to your cheek. “Don’t worry baby. I’m gonna give them to you. Punishment is all over. Now I just wanna play with my girl. Give you everything you want. Do you know why?”
“Because I deserve it.” you recite with a smile, like you’ve done so many times before.
“That’s right. You deserve,” Harry kisses your right right cheek, “all the praise,” he kisses your left cheek, “and all the orgasms,” he kisses the tip of your nose, “because your my Good Girl.” he smile before finally locking his lips to yours in a deep kiss, letting out a groan when you get brave and dip your tongue into his mouth.
It’s always been the simple things with Harry that gets to you the most. The way he dresses, how gentle he was with you. The way his lips felt on yours, the way they worked down your neck, not to mention the little noises he makes when you make out with him, and grind up into his hips. It all drove you wild. Just as much as it drove him mad. He craved you like you did him. It was almost like you fed off of one another, the neediness, the pure carnal want for one another. You were perfect together.
Slowly Harry pulls away, kissing down your body, nibbling playfully as he goes until he is situated back between your thighs. Harry reaches for one of your hands at your side, placing your hand in his hair, lacing the other with his. He kisses each thigh, before kissing the top of your mound. He taps on the plug reminding you it’s still there.
“Are you still okay with this in? It’s not uncomfortable?” he asks,and you shake your head.
“No.” you mumble, shaking your hand, “I like it. Feel full.”
“I know.” He leans in lightly kissing your clit. “You have the prettiest pussy baby. You know that? ‘S gorgeous. Could live right here. Between your beautiful thick thighs.”
You let out a whine rolling your hips up impatiently, and Harry jerks his head away, giving you a knowing look, “Sorry. I’ll be still I’m sorry.”
“Good girl.” Harry smiles, kissing your clit lightly once more before finally - finally delving in. Like a starved man, Harry is lapping at your folds up and down the length of your pussy before he sucks your clit into his mouth. Creating a light suction, almost pulsating it, and flicking over it gently with his tongue.
You were in complete bliss, with the way he was eating you out, you’d come in no time, much to Harry’s delight.
“Oh god -” you sigh out, gripping his hair tighter, pulling his face closer to you by the back of his head. “More - please.” If you weren’t feeling as amazing as you were you’d be embarrassed by how desperate you sound.
“That’s my girl!” He moans against you. “Take what you need,Love.” His free hand moves to the plug, slowly pulling it out a tad before pushing it back it fucking you with the toy. All while his mouth kept a vacuum seal around your pussy.
“Come on my tongue baby.” He encourages. “Come on baby. Show me how good it feels sweetheart.” He groans right into your pussy as you pull at his scalp, he shakes his head back and forth, the friction and vibration, driving you wild.
It’s filthy and messy and it feels unreal. Before you have a chance to savor the feeling, you're coming in a rush, the coil in your lower belly snapping as you come on Harry’s tongue as requested, body tingling from the sensation.
Harry brings his licks to a slow stop, giving your pussy one final peck, making you shiver. He kisses his way up your body, and you're quick to bring him right back up to your face tasting yourself on his lips.
“Good girl, lovie.” He growls against your lips, “Fuck.” He pins the hand that he’s kept intertwined with his above your head, taking a hold of your other one and doing the same. He works his way down your neck nibbling and sucking on your favorite spot.
When he finally finishes his assault on your neck, he looks down at you to see. Your eyes have gone glassy again, this time, with tears brimming your eyes. He always seems to manage to bring you to tears. It only happens when you’ve been particularly needed, and he makes you feel especially good, but he’s always proud of himself when he can make it happen.
“Oh baby,” He sighs, leaning his weight on your hips grinding into yours. “That felt so good didn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you nod.
“I know, baby. Your body’s just so sensitive, huh?” He punctuates it with a pull of the nipple clamp chain you’d nearly forgotten about..
“Yeah Daddy, so sensitive. It’s -I-”
“Shhh I know baby it’s a lot. I’m here tho okay. You're safe. Your okay.” He leans down, kissing you again, not as deep, trying to bring you back up a bit before he continues. He ends the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, rubbing his nose against yours. “What’s your color baby?” he asks.
“Green.” you smile at him, rolling your hips up into his.
“You still want to come on my cock?”
“Yes please Daddy please please please,” you beg, only a little embarrassed.
“Okay. I’ll give it to you. You’ve been so patient.” So have I. Harry thinks.
He lets your wrist go and they instantly tangle in his curls once more, forcing his lips down onto yours. You snake a hand down and attempt to fumble with the buckle of his jeans. “Off. Feel” you mumble between kisses.
“You wanna feel me against you?” he asks, and you nod your head fervently. You loved the feeling of being skin to skin with Harry, you’d never feel closer to him than when you were skin to skin. He manuvores his jeans down and you're happily met with the feeling of him pressed against your folds. Making you both groan out.
“That Better?” he smirks and you smile
“Much.” you smile. Harry reaches for the plug, and begins to tug at it. But you stop him with a whine in protest, “No. Wanna be full.”
“You wanna be fucked with the plug?” He double checks. But by the pout on your lips, he knows you mean it. “Filthy girl.” he smirks, “Alright. I’ll leave it okay?” He’s never fucked you with the plug in, the thought’s been floating around your head for a while, and with how needy you were, you figured tonight would be the perfect night to try.
Harry leans down kissing you with his hard leaking cock in one hand the other cradling your cheek in the other, as he runs the head up and down your folds a few times. He revels in the feeling for as long as you let him, before breaching just the tip inside of your pussy. It’s a tighter fit than usual with the plug still inside, and it takes both of you back. You gasp, a good gasp but he feels you tighten even more.
“Shhh baby relax,” he kisses you all over your face. “You gotta breathe for me, okay?” You nod and let out a breath as he slowly enters you, until he’s fully inside. “Oh good girl. Shit baby. You’re so full, huh?” He groans, kissing your cheek.
“Yeah you squeak oh, so. I’ve never -”
“I know, baby. Oh fuck. I’m just gonna stay like this till you tell me to move okay.” He says as he moves into your neck, kissing and nibbling at the skin there.
After a few moments of Harry sucking onto your neck, you begin to roll your hips up into his, grinding down on his cock, drawing out deep groans from the both of you. He takes it as a sign that you're ready, that you can take him and so he begins to rock his hips with deep shallow thrusts. It allows you to and you relish at the fullness of both Harry’s cock and the pink rose plug. The pleasure is almost too much, it’s got your whole body tingling, and warm.
“Good girl baby. Taking it so well. Fuck.” he growls, leaning his forhead on yours. He slowly draws his hip back further and further before diving back in.
“Harder.” you whine, and Harry grants your request, fucking you harder into the materss, holding onto your hips tight as he pounded into you.
“You feel so good baby, you know that? Do you know how good you make Daddy feel, baby?” he urges. “Your pussy’s like heaven to me baby.” He groans looking, with nothing but love and adoration.
“Gonna come Daddy!”
He picks up his pace, fucking you hard, and fast. The only thing in the room being heard is the sound of skin against wet skin, and your carnal moans. Your fingers in his hair, pulling at the strands as you get closer and closer to the edge once more, before your coming undone again, convulsing under him.
“Atta Girl! Good job baby,"Harry smiles, kissing you passionately, “give me one more.”
“Can’t,” you moan. You’re so sensitive, you feel amazing, but you have no idea how much more you can take. But as Harry grinds down into you, a hand snaking down to your clit, you can feel yourself, getting closer and closer. You don’t think you can stop it. “Can’t Daddy. I- oh god.” Your whole body was a light, as you felt your peak approaching again quickly, gripping onto Harry’s shoulders, holding him to you as you buried yourself in his neck.
“Yes you can,” Harry groans, “Can feel you squeezing me, your pussy’s begging for it. Come for me baby. Come on my cock, like you wanted to,” he caresses your face in one hand, getting your attention, your eyes open to look right at him, “Show me.”
You open your mouth trying to speak, but the words escape you, too wrapped up in the pleasure, But Harry, ever the attentive boyfriend, knows what you were trying to say. to speak but can’t get the words out but he knows what you were trying to say. “You can do it, Baby Girl. Come for me. Give me one more, and let Daddy fill up your pretty pussy. Give it to me baby, so I can give you your come.”
///Your/// come. Yours. That’s what does it for you. It’s what always does it for both of you. The ownership. Because he was just as much yours and you were his. Including orgasms. And just like that you come in a bright white light, ringing in your ears, and tears in your eyes. Loud, and hard, whining in Harry’s ear, writhing underneath him, holding onto him with all your might.
“Good fucking girl. Oh fuck. There you go.” He growls into your ear, before crashing his lips down to yours. “Fuck, baby. You’re going to make me come.”
“Please” you whine holding his face, looking at him deep in those emerald eyes. “ Give it to me, please.” And he’s a goner. Eyes rolled back, body tensing, and thrust going sloppy as he spurts white ropes, painting your walls. And you relish the feeling.
Harry collapses on top of you, burying his face into your neck, kissing and nibbling, giving you praise as you both tried to catch your breath. When he feels that your heart has stopped beating as fast, and he feels himself softening inside of you is when he decides it’s time to pull out. But you resist, tightening your legs around his hips, the hand that’s made its way into his hair tightening.
“Not yet please.” you request with a pout.
“Okay. Okay I’ll stay.” He whispers kissing across your collarbone. “Just a bit longer.”
After enough time has passed, Harry looks up at you, “You with me?” he asks. You hum, eyes closed dopey grin on your lips and he can tell that you’re still in that floaty place, maybe not as deep but you definitely weren’t fully present.
“Daddy…” you whine just above a whisper.
“S’ just Harry baby. Just me.” You pout. You didn’t want to be done, but a look at the clock on your nightstand tells you you've been at it for a while so you try and tell yourself to come back to earth. “You’re okay. I’m here. Hey look at me.” he urges, bringing a hand to your face, “Your safe okay. I’m gonna pull out now and take out the plug and then we’ll get all cleaned up okay?”
“Okay.” you smile. You whine when he pulls out but he soothes you with a kiss to your forehead and a promise of returning soon.
He’s back in a flash with a warm damp cloth and some tissues. “You still feelin’ a little floaty huh, baby?” He smirks as he cleans you up.
“That’s okay. Just let me take care of you okay?” you nod and he goes to work on cleaning the mess between your legs. “You did so well tonight baby. Took everything so well. You're my best girl, aren’t you?”
“That’s right. He reaches for the plug.
“You gotta relax for me. Gotta get this guy out of ya. Take a break out for me.” he instructs, taking it out slowly before placing it on the nightstand on the tissue. He kisses your inner thigh before kissing his way up your body. “Wrap around me.” he instructs, and you do as you're told, wrapping your arms around him, as he lifts you up and walks you to the bathroom, sitting you on the toilet. “Go on. You know the drill.” he chuckles when you look at him shyly. He turns to the bath, giving you privacy to pee, as he runs the bath. Adding all your smell, good scents and bubbles.
By the type you're all bathed, dried and back in bed, you seem much more like yourself.
“You feeling good?” He asks.
“So good.” you chuckle, “Thank you Harry. I really needed that.”
Harry laughs and kisses your temple, “I could tell. But you never have to thank me for giving you pleasure. It’s an honor to give it to you.”
You feel your face heat up, as you shake your head and burrow yourself into the softness of his chest.”
“Still. I- you always make me feel good and idk I want you to know I love you and I appreciate you making me feel good. Even when I’m getting punished.”
“Love you too, Baby Love.”
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✨masterlist✨∣ ✨yap & request box✨
162 notes · View notes
slttygeto · 12 hours
cw: fuckbuddy! hanma, fem! reader, fingering.
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“where are you going?” you almost don’t hear the question with how focused you are on getting your earring inside the damn hole—ugh. frustrated, you inhale sharply before glancing towards the man sitting on your bed through your vanity mirror. “I already said, a work dinner.”
“okay but where?”
hanma was annoying, he was persistent—but he wasn’t a partner. he wasn’t a lover, a boyfriend—whatever you’d call a man who wants to be in a committed relationship with you. it just wasn’t hanma, and you were okay with it!
you two were fuckbuddies who hung out more than either of you want to admit, you consoled each other with sex—doggy, against the wall, mating press, and sometimes when you were feeling generous you’d sit on the bed between his muscular thighs and play with his dick until he came on your face. before him, you would always hesitate to let a man eat your pussy or be face to face with it—hanma got rid of whatever shame you felt by making you grind your swollen clit against his nose.
you two were freaky sure, but outside of sex you knew not to ask too many questions about his personal life and so did he. so why was he persistent on knowing where you were going?
shuji’s eyes trail over the sight of your bare back, the dress you were wearing was…tempting. yeah, right it was just tempting! obviously it didn’t bother him that you were wearing such a revealing dress for a night out with your co-workers and he couldn’t come.
“none of your business, since did you get so curious?” and he didn’t know whether it was your attitude or your pretty lips saying it, or perhaps the way your manicured nails reached for the high heels or how your boobs were threatening to spill out of your dress—but he could feel something burning in the pit of his stomach.
people will think you don’t have anyone in your life, people won’t know that as soon as you come back to your place he’s going to ravish you, he was going to dig his fingers into your skin and leave bruises, he was going to make you squirt on his dick and have your thighs tremble around his head.
“it’s just that i’m gonna miss you,”
“i’m only gonna be gone for a few hours.” you say with a deadpan as you grab your purse.
“you don’t need a ride?” he sits up straight on your bed and his golden eyes follow your figure as you retreat to the bathroom to check your makeup again.
“nu-uh, a co-worker is gonna pick me up on her way.”
you don’t hear him creeping up behind you, screw him and his line of work. you are startled when you see his reflection in the mirror behind you, large hands squeezing your sides and his eyes shamelessly stare at your bare back and ass, the way the dress accentuates it is driving him crazy and you cannot deny that you were enjoying seeing him like this, so close to losing it.
“it’s the dress that I got you,” he points out, his hand caressing your bare back, a finger tracing your spine and when you arch away from him, his grip on your hip tightens and he brings you back roughly against his bulge.
“well, I like your taste in dresses,” you mumble, trying your best to hide how hot and bothered you were by his behavior. whatever it was painted on his face, whatever emotion he was displaying—you liked it.
“mhm, so do I.” a large hand smacks your ass cheek, and his eyes lock with yours through the mirror when you gasp loudly at the spank.
oh no.
oh no no no—you can’t.
“stop,” your hand grips his wrist. “stop it, I have to go.”
“I won’t take long.” his lips find your bare nape and you gasp again.
“no! you liar, I can’t— you’ll ruin my makeup!” you whine when his hand finds your neck and he squeezes it gently, fingers feeling your quickening pulse.
“I just wanna taste you,” his lips then fine your ear and he kisses you there as his other hand starts to make it its way under your dress.
he moves your panties to the side, and he laughs against your ear at how drenched you are. the hand around your neck keeps you in place, forces you to stare at him in the mirror and his expression as he finds your clit and teases it over its hood. his slender fingers then part your pussy lips with much ease and you can feel the tip of his middle and ring finger teasing your entrance.
“I have to go,” you whine out weakly and shuji hums, delivering a quick kiss to your hot cheek.
his fingers fuck you within an inch of your life, the force he uses has you jerking up with each thrust and your mouth falls open everytime the palm of his hand brushes against your clit. you were so fucking pretty, so pliable and all his—all his to fuck and finger like this, all his to ruin.
“oh my-oh my god,” you moan out loud, the hand that was on the sink holding onto his wrist. “oh fuck! shuji—!” he holds you as you cum all over his fingers, your hips jerking and voice going all high pitched as he finger fucks you through your orgasm. it’s a sight to see, your half lidded eyes, the fucked out look on your face and most importantly the cum that was coating his fingers.
shuji pulls out his fingers and brings them up to his lips, lewdly sucking and tasting the remnants of your orgasm before giving you a kiss to your forehead.
“there, didn’t ruin your makeup.”
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2024 © all works belong to @slttygeto. do not repost, translate or steal any of my works.
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167 notes · View notes
A Legacies Secret |2|
Pairing: Tara Carpenter x Reader
Summary: You just wanted a happy life with your girlfriend but then Ghostface attacks, revealing long thought to be buried family secrets.
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 2.9k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2
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You let out a sigh, finally clocking out for the night. It had been a busy night. To some it might seem weird for a bar to be so busy during the week but for some reason Woodsboro had a lot of alcoholics. You weren’t complaining though, they tipped pretty well and were the reason you could afford an apartment. If it weren’t for the tips, you would be living out of your car most likely, or more likely, unofficially, living with Tara when her mom wasn’t home, which was often.
After starting your car, you pulled out your phone, opening your messages with Tara. You hadn’t heard from her since your phone call earlier in the night. Tara knew you were at work, but she still had a habit of messaging you throughout your shift. You furrowed your brow, seeing all the messages you sent still showed that they had been delivered but hadn’t been read yet. You had an uneasy feeling, it wasn’t like Tara to not answer you, she always answered. You weren’t trying to panic though.
Y/N: Still good?
Y/N: Did you already fall asleep?
Y/N: Going to be a little later than expected
Y/N: On my way
You sent one last text, trying to calm your nerves. Everything was probably fine. Tara probably called over Amber or one of the others and they just got caught up watching movies. It wouldn’t be the first time you got to her place, and she was still up with one of her friends or all of them, watching movies. Sometimes you got to her place, and you shook your head at the sight of them all passed on the couch, popcorn bowl tipped over and mouths hung open as the movie continued to play.
Tara’s house wasn’t too far from your place of employment but when you turned down the street you were met with flashing lights and police cars lining the street. There were multiple cop cars parked outside of your girlfriend’s house. You slowly drove up, parking on the side of the street as you watched an officer pull out yellow police tape, taping off the front door.
As soon as you were parked you jumped out of the car, and ran across the yard, not caring about any of the police. You were under the first set of caution tape and halfway across the yard when strong arms wrapped around you, holding you back.
“You can’t be here,” a gruff voice said.
“No!” you screamed. “What happened?” you thrashed against the man, trying to get out of his hold.
“This is an active crime scene,” he said again when he finally put you down, on the other side of the yellow tape.
You stared up at the officer. He had his arms crossed, staring you down to make sure you didn’t try and rush past him again. You huffed, glaring at him. Despite knowing you’d fail you still lunged at the man, trying to get around the tape again. He was quick to grab you and keep you from passing.
“What part of active crime scene do you not understand?” he said, clearly irritated.
“What happened?” you asked again. You peered around the officer, your eyes darting all around the house, searching for any signs of Tara.
“Can’t say, it’s an active investigation.”
“Is Tara alright?”
“Kid, go home before I have you arrested.”
“This is my girlfriend’s house! I have to know if she’s alright. Is she okay?” Your breathing was becoming rapid. You weren’t sure if the fact that you couldn’t see Tara anywhere was a good sign or a bad one.
“Don’t make me arrest you.”
You were about to give the officer a piece of your mind when out of the corner of your eye you saw the sheriff. “Sheriff!” you yelled, directing your full attention to her. “Sheriff! Sheriff Hicks!”
“Kid, get out of here,” the officer got in your line of sight again.
“Sheriff!” You ducked under the police tape, avoiding the officers’ arms as he tried to grab you. “Sheriff!”
“Alright, that’s it.” The officer grabbed you, pushing you into the grass as he yanked your arms behind your back, handcuffing you.
“Sheriff Hicks!” you continued to yell as the officer hauled you to your feet and began to drag you to a cop car as you continued to fight against him. “Judy!” you let out in another desperate scream, finally gaining her attention.
Judy was holding a clipboard, talking to another officer when she finally looked up, looking around to see who was yelling her name until her eyes finally landed on you. You didn’t need to be close to know she had let out a deep sigh and if she didn’t roll her eyes, she was definitely holding one in. Judy made her way across the lawn towards you. The officer was trying to push you in a cop car when she finally got over to you.
“It’s okay deputy,” Judy said. “I got this one.”
“Are you sure?” the deputy questioned. “She’s a wild one sheriff.” He narrowed his eyes at you, and you just scoffed at him.
“Yes, go help the others.” Judy watched as the deputy walked off before facing you again. “Turn around.”
“What happened?” you asked as you did as she asked. “Where’s Tara?” You kept trying to turn around, trying to look at Judy as she took the cuffs off your wrists.
“Where have you been?” Judy asked, ignoring your question.
You quickly turned around when you felt the handcuffs leave your wrists. You started rubbing your wrists, though it had only been a moment the jerk of a deputy had put the cuffs on pretty tight. “Is Tara, okay?” you asked again, searching Judy’s face for any clues. Judy was clearly being kinder, but you could tell she was in full on cop mode, something bad definitely happened.
“Where were you earlier tonight?”
She wasn’t answering your questions, she was actively ignoring all your questions actually. “Is she-” your voice cracked, cutting yourself off by trying to contain a sob, your mind immediately going to the worst.
“She’s alive,” Judy said softly, resting a hand on your shoulder.
You relaxed for the first time since pulling up to the house, letting out a relieved sigh. “What happened? Where is she?”
“She was attacked.” Your breathing started to become rapid, your heartbeat was the only thing you could focus on. “Where were you tonight?”
“Where is she? Is she okay?” your eyes darted around the scene, seeing police tape, officers, red and blue flashing lights, the front door wide open. There was no ambulance but there was also no Tara.
“She’s at the hospital. Probably in surgery by now.” You brought a hand to your mouth, trying to contain your sob. Tara was attacked. Tara was attacked bad enough to be rushed to the hospital and in need of surgery. You couldn’t begin to imagine who would ever even want to attack Tara, if this was some sort of break in gone wrong. “I really need you to answer my questions.”
“Can we do it at the hospital?” you asked, needing to be near her even if you couldn’t see her. “Please? Please?” you begged. Judy looked at you and finally gave a sympathetic nod. “Thank you,” you whispered, before following her to her police cruiser.
The ride to the hospital was the longest of your life even though the hospital was only a few minutes away. When you got there, you trailed behind the sheriff, suddenly nervous, terrified of the news you might be walking into. Judy guided you to a seat in the waiting room while she went to the front desk. Your eyes never left the sheriff, watching as she whispered to the nurse. When Judy finished her conversation, she took the seat across from you.
“She’s still in surgery,” Judy whispered softly. You buried your head in your hands. You should have been there. You should have been there with her. You jumped when you felt a hand rest on your knee. “I need to ask you some questions.” Judy rubbed your knee for comfort. “Okay?”
You nodded, lifting your head from your hands. You wiped at your eyes, wiping away the tears before they could begin to fall. You cleared your throat, straightening your back as you prepared for her questions. You knew she had a job to do. You knew she had to ask you questions simply because you were Tara’s girlfriend and that automatically made you a suspect if anything happened. You decided to focus on helping in any way you could and would try not to be offended or defensive about the questions she may have.
“Where were you between 9pm and 10pm?” Judy asked. She leaned back in her chair, pulling out her notepad but never losing her warmth.
“Work,” you rasped out. “I got there at five and was there until I got to Tara’s.”
“Will others be able to confirm this?”
You nodded. “Yeah, in fact my boss yelled at me for talking to Tara. There were customers throughout the night and some that were there my entire shift.”
Judy nodded, writing everything down in her notepad. “You talked to Tara?” her pen froze mid whatever she was writing.
“Yeah.” You scrunched your eyebrows not sure how that was relevant. “She called.”
“What time was that?”
“We were just starting to get busy so…” you tried to think back to just a few hours ago. You hadn’t really looked at the time and now there were a lot more pressing matters on your mind. “Probably just before nine thirty.” Judy sucked in a breath before dropping her eyes back down to her notepad, quickly scribbling down the new information. “Why?”
“What did you talk about?”
You scrunched your eyebrows again. “She was bored, she wanted me to entertain her.” You smiled thinking back to your conversation, back to when everything was normal. “We discussed the future, and I said I would come over when I got off.”
“Nothing was off?”
“Of course not,” you frowned. “Why? What don’t I know?”
Judy cleared her throat, trying to hide any of the emotions she might be feeling. “It seems Tara was texting Amber.” You tilted your head, you might not have liked Amber, but they were best friends, it wasn’t surprising Tara would text her if you couldn’t come over. “Someone cloned Ambers number to make it seem like Tara was talking to her, but they were using it to distract her. At the same time Tara answered an unknown number on the landline.” You blinked a few times, trying to clear your mind, trying to figure out what Judy was saying. “Based on the timeline it was minutes after you got off the phone with her.”
“What?” you whispered, your heart shattering. When you had talked to Tara, she had been okay, she had been safe. Maybe if you had stayed on the phone with her nothing would have happened, maybe you could have helped.
“What are you saying?” you shot to your feet, beginning to pace back and forth. “You’re saying someone toyed with her? Someone planned this?” you gripped your head, trying to make it make sense. “Why would someone do that? Who would do that? Who would want to hurt Tara?” you looked to Judy for answers, tears already threatening to fall.
“Tara was still conscious when my deputies got there,” Judy said slowly, keeping her voice even. “As she was being loaded into the ambulance, she said the person who attacked her was wearing a Ghostface mask.”
Your face paled. You lived in Woodsboro, of course you knew the story of Ghostface. You believe you saw the first movie a long time ago, but they weren’t really your thing, you honestly only watched horror movies when Tara did, and she wasn’t into Stab. You had never read any of the books either, they didn’t appeal to you. You heard the basics of the attacks though; you remembered seeing the 2011 killings on the news, you had been in sixth grade, and it was pretty big gossip at the time.
Despite your lack of knowledge there were two things you knew about Ghostface, two things all of them had in common. The victims of Ghostface were always connected to whoever was Ghostface or connected to his true target. That’s where you were lost, Tara wasn’t connected to anyone from the previous killings. Tara wasn’t connected to Sidney Prescott in anyway and she wasn’t connected to any of the past killers. Tara was chosen as this Ghostface’s first victim though, there had to be a reason.
“That doesn’t make any sense,” you whispered, slumping back down in the chair.
“I’ve only ever been through this once,” Judy said, pocketing her notepad. “From my experience though, I can say that it rarely does. There’s no logic to people like this.”
Before anything else could be said you caught sight of a white lab coat out of the corner of your eye. You shot to your feet again, turning to face the doctor as he approached. Judy followed, standing behind you and giving a comforting rub to your back as you waited for what the doctor had to say.
“How is she?” Judy asked.
“She lost a lot of blood,” the doctor said. “She was stabbed seven times.” You brought a hand to your mouth, trying to hold back the sob. “Once through the hand.” Your tears finally fell. “She also has a broken leg.”
“Will she be, okay?” you managed to ask, trying to control your sobs.
“It’ll take some time. A lot of rehab. But she’ll live.”
You nodded, letting out a shaky breath. Tara was alive and that’s all that mattered. “Can I see her?”
“Are you family?”
You scoffed. “I’m her girlfriend.” You knew it was hospital policy or whatever, but you would lose it if he didn’t let you in to see Tara for yourself.
“I’m sorry, visiting hours are over and only family is allowed to stay the night.”
You opened your mouth to argue with the man but stopped when you felt Judy’s arm leave your back, she stepped forward, so she was almost between you and the doctor. “Her mother is out of town,” Judy said softly. “She’s the closest thing the girl has. Surely you can make an exception doc.” The doctor didn’t look convinced, he looked like he was about to deny Judy as well. “Look, doctor, I get it’s your policy,” she smiled brightly. “But if you don’t let her into that room, she will be sleeping in your waiting room and harassing the nurses until she can get in.”
The doctor narrowed his eyes at Judy, but she just smiled sweetly at him. The doctor glanced at you, and you could only shrug and nod your head. It was true, you wouldn’t leave the hospital and you wouldn’t sleep until you could see Tara, therefore you would spend time annoying the nurses who probably had better things to do than listening to you.
“Fine,” the doctor said begrudgingly. “I’ll show you to her room.”
“Thank you,” you whispered to Judy.
Judy smiled, giving a small nod in return. “I have a deputy on the way, they’ll be outside Tara’s room until this bastard is caught.” You nodded, knowing that the guy who attacked Tara was still out there and would most likely come back, most Ghostface’s didn’t like when their victims lived. “I know I probably don’t have to say this but, don’t leave town.”
“Don’t worry,” you said. “I don’t intend to leave Tara’s side.”
“I figured,” Judy smiled at you, before taking her a seat again. “I’ll be right here until the deputy arrives.”
You gave her one last nod before following the doctor to Tara’s room. You knew she was alive, and you knew of her injuries, but your leg bounced the entire elevator ride. The doctor didn’t say anything as he led you through the empty halls until he finally came to a stop. He gestured to the door, and you whispered a small thank you to him as you rested your hand on the handle. You took a deep breath before pushing down on the handle and entered the room, quietly closing the door behind you.
Your eyes instantly filled with tears again as you saw the state of Tara. She was asleep, lying in the hospital bed. Her right leg was in a large boot and her left hand was all wrapped up; she even had an oxygen tube in her nose. You slowly moved to her bedside, looking down at your girlfriend, noticing how small she looked in the hospital bed.
You rested a hand on top of her head, running your fingers through her hair as you bent down giving her forehead a kiss. “I’m sorry,” you whispered into her hair. “I’m so sorry.”
You quickly wiped away your tears, making your way around to the other side of her bed. You took a seat, moving it closer to her bedside. You were on the side with her injured hand, meaning as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t hold it as you waited for her to wake up, but this side was the only side that gave you a full visual of the door. Tara already got attacked once when you weren’t with her, you wouldn’t let that happen again.
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honeylations · 13 hours
Prompt: your usually shy girlfriend wants to ask you to help her but your bad mood scares her off
Warnings/Notes: g!p Minjeong, subby Minjeong, riding, squirting, creampie, handjobs, blow jobs
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“H-Hah I’m s-so close…N-Need to cum..” Minjeong growled, stroking her cock faster and shutting her eyes tight when she could feel herself going to the edge.
She wished you were there stroking her instead. Kissing her until she made a mess on your hand.
She needed you.
“Oh my god just fucking kill me, will you!?”
“Wah!” Poor Minjeong jumped from the couch at your sudden dramatic entrance and how the slamming of the door pretty much shook the entire apartment.
You were too pent up with your rant that you didn’t see your girlfriend rushing to pull up her boxers and pants with a red face.
“What’s with the manager being up my ass all the fucking time?! I’m only one person and it’s not my fault other people in my damn group don’t even make up one brain cell! NOT EVEN ONE!”
Minjeong stood in between the gap that separated the living room and kitchen, watching you slam your purse on the counter and pacing back and forth.
Profanity after profanity left your lips and Minjeong could see the steam coming from your ears. Your girlfriend fiddled with the sleeves of her hoodie and cleared her throat to try and get your attention.
“H-Hi babe”
“Ugh and I don’t even get paid extra for doing most of that shitty work! I might as well quit on the spot and see him cry!”
Minjeong sealed her lips and couldn’t ignore the pain in her dick, begging to be touched.
You finished your rant with a click of your tongue and saw your girlfriend standing there in fear. “Shit, I’m sorry Jeongie. I didn’t mean to scream around like that, I’m just really over my shift today”
“It’s okay, babe. Wanna sit down and talk about it?”
Aw your baby was such a sweetheart.
“No no, we can do that later. I think a nap will fix it all”
Minjeong smiled and took your hand to lead you to your shared bedroom. Being in a relationship for so long, you two always slept half naked. You being in your panties and Jeongie in her boxers.
Something about the skin to skin contact was just so comforting.
Only issue is, Minjeong’s boner was still rock hard and you managed to miss it even when you finally got under the covers with her.
But your girlfriend wouldn’t let you cuddle.
“Baby? What’s wrong?” You questioned, making her even more nervous.
“Uh it’s nothing, really..”
“Puppy, whatever it is, spill it right now” You practically ordered, eyebrow twitching.
Minjeong huffed. “ihaveabonerandineedyoutohelpmecum”
Minjeong spun on her other side away from you and hugged the blanket over her head. “Haha nothing never mind! time to sleep goodnight I love you!”
Ripping the covers off your girlfriend, you made her lie on her back while you sat on her stomach. “Stop shying away pup. Tell me what you want”
“I’m gonna go get a drink of water—WAH!” Minjeong yelped at her wrists being pinned on each side of her head.
“Say it”
Your girlfriend’s pout almost made you fold but you clenched your jaw to not give in so easily.
“M-My dick is…uh very hard..”
“Uh huh…”
“A-And I n-need you to help me..cum”
You kissed her lips and smiled. “Now was that so hard?”
“Well yes! You stormed into the apartment like a mad woman!”
Now it was your turn to pout and huff. “I said I was sorry!”
Your girlfriend looked away. “You seemed really tired too so I didn’t want to bother—“
Minjeong went redder at your sudden move. “H-Hey!”
“Don’t you ever believe you’d bother me, okay pup?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Good. Now let me suck your dick”
Minjeong couldn’t even answer since you already yanked her pants and boxers off to start playing with her dick. She watched you with parted lips, panting at the sight of your small hands working itself up and down.
“You alright there, puppy?” You smiled into her neck as her head hung back in pleasure.
“Better than alright”
You kissed her slowly and got your tongue exploring Minjeong’s mouth which she moaned into. She would pause for a moment to watch you jerk her off faster, losing the strength to keep her eyes open.
“C-Can you please suck me off, baby? Pretty please” she whimpered while looking so deep into your eyes, you were able to see Minjeong well up tears.
“Of course, my love”
You lowered your head down and quickly sucked at your girlfriend’s leaking tip before taking her entirely inside. Her hands found comfort on your head that began to move, being one of the lucky people to not have a gag reflex.
You were able to deepthroat her so easily without a problem and Minjeong was in heaven every single time.
“Fuck. Oh fuck, Y/n-ie”
The vibration from your hum triggered your girlfriend’s hips to thrust, shocking her immediately. “N-No I’m sorry! A-Are you okay?”
Keeping her cock deep inside your throat, you gently caressed her hands on your head and she took it as the green light to do as she pleases.
Minjeong relaxes more and resumed her hip movement, tucking your hair behind your ears as she hissed out profanities.
“So so fucking good, Y/n-ie. I want to cum in your mouth. Can I pretty please?”
Another approved hum from you, and your girlfriend reacted with a punched out groan at the same time she fills your mouth with cum.
“Hah…so good…”
You sat up with pride after swallowing your personal favourite liquid snack, cleaning your mouth with a simple swipe from the back of your hand. Minjeong was still catching her breath when you hovered above her lap and held her still hard length at your soaked folds.
Minjeong doesn’t even remember seeing you remove your clothes because now here you were bouncing on her cock with your plush tits in her view. She kissed the flower tattoos across your collarbones before resting her lips on your right nipple, sucking gently as her hands held your hips.
She could almost touch the tips of her fingers together from how small your waist was, her middle fingers resting on your back dimples perfectly.
“Hah fuck! My Minjeongie is so good for letting me use her cock hm?” You managed to word out despite constantly impaling yourself onto her thick and long cock.
Minjeong nodded cutely and almost choked on her saliva when your cunt seemed to tighten around her more. “U-Use me all you want, Y/n-ie”
“Fuck, feels so fucking good, Jeongie! I’m so close, help me cum baby”
Your girlfriend didn’t need to be told twice. She planted her feet on the bed and wrapped you in her arms like a bear before destroying your pussy with repeatedly hard thrusts.
The bed was constantly being driven into the wall from how fast your girlfriend was going but who were you to complain? Her cock was kissing your cervix deliciously and you immediately became mush in Minjeong’s hands, crying and moaning into her neck to the point you even started to drool.
“Oh god yes yes yes that’s it, puppy! Gonna make me cum all over your big hard cock hm?”
Minjeong painted your neck with hickies. “Mhm want to make Y/n-ie cum!”
“Fuck you’re so good to me pup. Give me all of your cum okay? Want you to fill me until my pussy aches. Can you do that?”
Minjeong’s eyes rolled back at your words. “Hah..I’m cumming!”
“That’s it, baby! Fuck I’m gonna squirt!” You bit onto your girlfriend’s broad shoulder and shook in her arms as you sprayed clear liquid all over her cock, pelvis and even the sheets.
Minjeong continued thrusting until she emptied her balls inside your drenched cunt. “Holy shit…”
You pulled your ass up slowly as Minjeong’s cock fell limp and watched thick globs of semen rain from your pussy, moaning at the sight.
After taking a quick taste of her cum, you took the covers that you pushed off earlier and hugged it over you and Minjeong’s bodies, comfortably laying on top of your girlfriend.
Minjeong brushed your hair and was about to ask how you were until she heard slight snoring. You were knocked out quick. Smiling at the sight, your girlfriend sweetly kissed your head and fell asleep with you, reminding herself to give you a good shower once you woke up.
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euthymiya · 20 hours
Scandals Are Good for the Heart ft. Takami Keigo (Hawks)
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Synopsis: As his publicist, you’re supposed to be the one who gets Pro Hero Hawks out of scandals. Not in them. He doesn’t seem half as bothered by the headlines as you, though—in fact, he doesn’t seem bothered by them at all. He seems oddly thrilled
Contains: fem reader ; reader is keigo’s publicist ; takes place before all might’s retirement ; implied alcohol drinking ; implied sexual relations (there is no explicit content, though) ; getting together ; coworkers to fuck buddies to lovers ; reader has no quirk (or lack thereof) specified
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Despite his cheeky nature, Keigo is good at avoiding scandals. And you’re good at cleaning them up. It makes for a good, effortless duo. He stays out of trouble, and you’re an expert at cleaning up the few minimal slip ups he does occasionally make, and he gets to keep a pristine, popular public persona.
So what happens when both of you seem to have made a joint effort to making the biggest tabloid headline of the year?
“Yeesh,” he winces, eyeing the pictures with a grimace as you sit frozen in shock, “they got my bad side.”
“Your bad side?” You hiss, fighting the urge to throw your phone at him as you glare. Your phone is too costly to afford that, though, so you eye the stapler on his desk for a brief moment. “We’re photographed on every media outlet kissing as we leave together and you’re worried about your bad side?”
“Well, they got your good side so it’s easy for you to say,” he pouts, yelping as he dodges the stapler when you really do throw it. “It’s a compliment!”
“Hawks,” you grit, rubbing your temple as you take a deep breath. He’s good at avoiding messes, so you’ve never had trouble working with him, but that doesn’t mean his personality hasn’t gotten under your skin before. His nonchalance can be pretty infuriating at times. “This is serious.”
“Is it?” He teases, wriggling two busy brows as he leans back in his chair. “Care to enlighten me why?”
“Because now everyone will know that…that…”
“That what? We fuck? Technically, they don’t know that far just yet.”
“Keep your voice down,” you gasp, turning to look at his door to make sure there’s no receding footsteps close enough to hear him.
He chuckles, like this is all just an amusing little turn of events. Of course, for him, it must be. Scandals like these always blow over for the well-loved, popular heroes. People like you are simply the targets of ruthless fans, ripped apart by media. This isn’t a mess you can easily clean up for yourself—and who would hire you after this? Certainly no other respectable hero or agency. Why would anyone want a publicist who kisses their clients in such a scandalous manner in public? (And more importantly, why would they want a publicist who kisses their clients at all?)
“Things happen,” he shrugs, eyeing you with that smug, smooth little grin of his. Such an asshole, you want to spit the insult at him, but instead, you grip the armrest of your chair to keep from throwing anything else at his head.
“You’re not worried about this at all? What will the commission say?” You insist. He hums, tapping his chin lightly in thought before he looks back at you—he looks positively enthused.
“They’ll say we’ll have to make it look believable for at least a bit so people don’t get a bad image of me. Don’t you think so?”
“So that’s your solution,” you sputter, looking at him in disbelief. “We keep up an act?”
You don’t know how you got here.
Well, really, you do—you just didn’t think it’d escalate to this. Going out for drinks with Keigo and a few other people in the agency isn’t really out of the ordinary. What is out of the ordinary is one day waking up in his bed, wrapped up in his arms (and wings) as he snores into the back of your neck. Your clothes are strewn across the floor, and there’s a dull ache of soreness in your body that tells you something very telling about your activities the previous night.
You were drunk, you’d reasoned that day. Drunk and unaware of what you both were doing and made a bad decision or two. It’s nothing you can’t fix—you simply just never have to do it again.
But you do it again. And again. And again. What’s worse? You do it completely sober the next few times. Sometimes in risky and shameless places that you don’t even want to sit and remember. You’ve both always been good about hiding it, though. No one has ever suspected you—and if they have, they seem to know to keep their mouths shut about it because nothing close to any rumors or evidence has ever been leaked.
Until now, at least. One sloppy night of drinking again has led you both to this predicament. And you’re not quite sure how to dig yourselves out of this one—you’ve never been the cause of a scandal before, let alone done damage control to save yourself.
Keigo doesn’t look half as troubled as you. He doesn’t look troubled at all, in fact—he looks bright and thrilled by the whole of it.
“Who says it has to be an act?” He slowly grins at you, wider, cheekier, a little softer. A loose feather comes towards you, you can see it from the corner of your eye. It gently traces over your jawline before grazing your cheek, making you huff as your face feels hot.
“If this is your way of asking someone out, I can see why you’ve never had a relationship scandal before this. You’re awful at romance.”
“That’s harsh,” he pouts, “I’m being very vulnerable here.”
“Yeah, totally,” you snort.
Finally, he rises from his chair, slowly walking around his desk before making his way over to you. His hands grab yours, and you think he’ll pull you to stand to meet his—instead, he kneels down to meet you.
“Can we stop doing that thing we do?” He asks quietly, oddly vulnerable this time.
You let out a shaky breath, swallowing as you stare down at your joined hands. “What thing?” You ask quietly.
“The one where we get really close one moment and pretend like nothing happened the next? It’s getting to me. Might hurt my performance, even. Can’t have that as a top hero.”
“Guess not,” you smile gently, huffing a soft, breathy laugh. “I wouldn’t want that blood on your hands if you messed up.”
“Our hands,” he corrects, “since it’s partly on you, too.”
“Definitely just yours,” you tease, plucking one hand out of his to poke his lip as he pouts again. “So…”
“So…?” He prods, waiting for you to finish.
“So we’re really doing this?”
“Is that a yes?” He brightens, feathers ruffling slightly in excitement.
He’s so precious sometimes, you forget the horrors of his job. The risks and dangers he faces. It’s not easy, you think, being with someone who does something so unpredictable for a living. So much uncharted territories you’re not sure you want to chart.
But then you meet his eyes, honey and earth swirling in two big, hopeful circles. Something rattles in your ribcage, aching to be freed, shaking at the cage that is your bones.
“This isn’t a good idea,” you whisper. His lips are already leaning closer and closer.
He hums, murmuring a nonchalant, “can’t be harder than some of the fights I’ve won. I’m still standing.”
“That doesn’t help,” you scowl.
He chuckles, leaning in and pressing a soft, delicate kiss to your lips. Hesitant, even—like he’s giving you room to pull away if you wanted.
The problem is you never can. Not even it comes to him.
“Keigo,” you sigh softly, using his given name in a rare moment. He tells it to you drunk one night. He tells you bits and pieces a lot of the time he’s drunk—his childhood and his training. His past and his story.
There’s a lot more you want to know. A lot more you can’t know unless you take a brave, bold step past the line you never dared cross.
“Yeah?” He humbles, lips still hovering over yours.
“You’re going to make me the nations most hated person among the ladies.”
He laughs, bright and thrilled. Something oddly gleeful and innocent that doesn’t get to come from him often.
“I’ll protect you,” he winks, “I’m a top hero, after all.”
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You can’t suppress the grin on your face when Keigo bursts into your office, staring at you bewildered.
“Hi baby,” you grin.
He shoots you a betrayed glare, narrowing his eyes as he mumbles, “don’t hi baby me. What is this?”
“It’s a picture,” you pretend to carefully study the photo on his screen as he turns his phone to face you, “of you. Surely you know what your own face looks like, Keigo.”
“I know it’s a picture of me, but my point is why did you post it?”
“To make things official?” You raise a brow, looking at him like it’s obvious. He huffs, slumping onto the chair across from your desk as he glowers. “You asked me to.”
“Yeah, so you decided to post a picture of me drooling in my sleep?”
“Hey, but look! I got your good side!” You point out enthusiastically, giving him an innocent smile.
It’s a dangerous smile. Keigo is too weak to keep his angry facade up as soon as you shoot him that look, deflating as he rubs his temples.
“You couldn’t have picked a more flattering picture?”
“I think you look rather cute,” you tease, humming as you grab his hand across the table, rubbing over his knuckles. He grumbles, looking away as he tries his best to hide the red flush that blooms across his cheeks.
“This is the worst. You’re supposed to improve my image, you know.”
“I am,” you gasp in defense, “I’m making you look sweet and adorable. The people will love it. Now go get back to work and stop distracting me from mine.”
“Can’t you please delete it and post something else—”
“See you later! Mwah!”
You wave him away with a blown kiss, and he stares at you miserably before sighing in defeat, slinking out of your office with a glum look at you over his shoulder.
You wink as your eyes meet briefly—and there’s a lot more pictures you’re hope he’s prepared to have of himself published.
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I have not watched or read bnha in over a year so have mercy on me I am still remembering/figuring out how to characterize hawks but. What I do have figured out is. I want to ****** *** **** ***** ** *** 😇
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waldau · 10 hours
Saw your are open for requests, since you write wonwoo soooo soooo well, maybe a little drabble or headcanon about reader and wonwoo first time sleeping (not having sex, just purely fluff cuddle and sleep) together would be good in this rainy season here in my tropical country.
Btw SEATED for the longer fics😁
cuddles — jeon wonwoo | 1,450 words | fluff
TROPICAL COUNTRY ANON MY SINCEREST APOLOGIES I STILL HOPE IT'S RAINING WHERE YOU ARE. i love the rains and i'm sorry i didn't get inspired in time to write something that i like, but i really hope you see this!
gender neutral reader. warnings: reader is a bit unsettled by the sound of thunder (not actually self-projection for once).
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“do you have to go?” wonwoo asks as you search for the remote to pause the movie, credits rolling on the screen.
you stare at him, trying to come up with a response. more specifically, you’re wondering if he’s implying what you think he’s implying. “i mean…isn’t it late? and don’t i always leave around this time?”
“you do,” he says, leaning over you to take out the remote that’s wedged between two cushions, and you swear your heart skips a beat. “but you could change that.”
“are you…asking…”
“it’s raining, too,” he says, a hopeful smile on his face. “if you really want to leave, i can drop you home, but i think i’d really like it if you…stayed.”
and that’s how you find yourself by wonwoo’s side in his bathroom, holding a spare toothbrush he handed you as he brushes his teeth. you’re vaguely aware that toothpaste is dripping down your brush and onto your hand as you watch him through the mirror, while also considering the fact that is way too domestic to be doing with someone you’ve been dating for two months.
but you can’t stop thinking about how…soft he looks. his hair is wept back from his forehead, no longer neatly styled like it had been earlier in the day, but still making him look very handsome. he’s wearing an oversized hoodie with sweatpants. you can’t help but wonder what you’ll look like, wearing it.
the thought immediately flusters you so much that you look anywhere but at him, and yet you can see him glance at you through the mirror now.
“want to tell me what you were thinking about?”
you refuse to grace his question with an answer and hurry up with your routine, skin feeling a bit cooler when you’re done washing your face. you pat it dry with the towel wonwoo’s given you, and when you turn around, there’s a shirt and a pair of sweatpants sitting on the counter.
even though it’s just basic decency, making sure you don’t go to sleep in your jeans tonight, it’s still thrilling to see his clothes being perfectly oversized on you. you step out of the bathroom a bit nervously, not having heard any sound from him in the past minute. but wonwoo’s lying on the bed, looking at his phone. when he sees you, there’s a smile on his face. he rolls to his side and watches you shut the door and come over to where he’s resting.
“what is it?” you ask, a little self-conscious. you’re not yet used to the — for lack of a better word — adoring gazes he gives you whenever he sees you. he’s verbal with his affection, too, always letting you know how good he thinks you look, or how happy he is that you’re spending your time with him, but he’s even better with his actions. which is what makes you think this is one of those moments.
“nothing,” he says, putting his phone on the stand.
“then why were you looking at me like that?” you ask, sitting down on the bed and swinging your legs over so that you’re comfortably settled.
“you just…you look really good in my clothes.”
it takes everything in you not to turn and hide your face in the pillow at that. you’re still not used to how blunt he is, and how he means every word he says to you. you’d known this about him before you started dating him, but now that you’re actually dating him, you’re getting to see a side of him you didn’t know existed.
“yeah? maybe i should wear your hoodie, then,” you tease instead.
“i hope you do,” he says, putting his glasses away and getting under the covers, motioning for you to do the same. you swear your brain has short-circuited as you get underneath the covers as well. his covers are as warm as the ones you have at home, and you remember he mentioned he runs cold. same as you, then.
you lie there for a minute or two, getting used to each other’s proximity, before wonwoo speaks up.
“tell me if this is okay,” he says, before inching closer and resting a large hand on your stomach. you can feel your breath catch as his hand inches its way around your waist and pulls you a bit closer. “sweetheart?”
“mhm? i’m fine.” you are fine, but your poor heart isn’t.
“good. i don’t want to do anything you don’t want me to.”
as much as you appreciate how respectful he’s being, part of you wishes he was a bit less cautious. you’re okay with him. you trust him, and he knows it.
“i’m not made of glass, wonwoo,” you say, looking up at him from where you’re resting.
wonwoo takes in a breath and then pulls you into himself, letting your head rest on his chest. it’s only then that you realize his heart is beating fast, probably as fast as yours.
“are you nervous right now?”
“how couldn’t i be? i have such a pretty person in my arms.”
you actually gasp and smack his chest at that. he only laughs — that deep, rumble-like laugh that made you like him so much. “aren’t we supposed to be sleeping? trying to, at least?”
“i’m finding it hard to sleep with you here.”
“…oh,” you say, happiness deflating a bit. “see, i told you—”
“no!” he exclaims, scrambling away enough to look you in the eyes. “i meant— i want to keep talking to you, but i also want to sleep, and it’s unlucky that we can’t do both at the same time.”
your heart flutters at that. “that’s…i wish we could do that, too.”
“good,” he says, settling back down. “then that’s what we’re going to do.” he adjusts the covers so that you’re resting comfortably. you do want to keep the conversation going, but wonwoo is perfectly warm, and the rain outside sounds like pleasant white noise that is lulling you deeper into tiredness.
“do you like the rain?” you ask, hand resting on his chest, gently tracing abstract patterns. like the ones you doodle when you’re on phone calls with him.
when he doesn’t reply for a while, you think you’ve spoken too softly, but then you feel the rumble in his chest as he speaks. “i do. i love how green it gets outside. and i love how it smells, too.”
you want to say the same, but a sudden boom of thunder makes you freeze and grip his hoodie rather tightly.
“sweetheart?” wonwoo asks instantly, concern palpable in his voice. “are you okay?”
“it’s nothing,” you say, but even you know it’s a lie when you don’t let go of the death grip you have on his hoodie.
it’s not even lightning. it’s somewhat of a stupid thing to be afraid of, yet you can’t help but feel helpless when the thunder booms again, louder than it did the first time.
“is it…the thunder? the sound of it? i promise i won’t judge you, sweetheart.”
you sigh. “it’s just…i’m not very fond of thunder. i don’t like how loud it gets. i’m not scared, really, i just don’t like the way it…”
“startles you?”
you nod, not wanting to look at him. you wonder what he’s thinking.
“that’s perfectly fine,” wonwoo says, voice soft as he pulls you closer into himself till his arms engulf your upper body and you’re surrounded only by him and his calm breathing, his warmth that’s currently your anchor. “i used to be scared of dogs because i got bitten once. but i’ve got seol now. you’ve seen her, haven’t you?”
you have. wonwoo’s shown you pictures of his dog back home, and she’s the most adorable thing you’ve seen.
“you’re not any weaker for not liking thunderstorms, you know. everyone has their thing. don’t worry about it when you’re with me. i can’t make it go away, but i can make sure you’re not too scared, okay?”
“are you always this romantic?”
you can feel more than hear wonwoo’s chuckle as it rumbles through his chest. you’ve never felt as safe as you do now, in a thunderstorm. you burrow yourself more into his hold, loving how his arm comes to wrap around your waist.
“sleep well,” he says.
“i—” love you, you want to say, but the words catch in your throat. you mean them with your entirety, even if they might be a bit premature. “you too. i’m so glad i’m here,” you say instead, leaning up to peck his cheek.
wonwoo kisses your head, arm tightening around you. “i’m so glad you’re here, too.”
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taglist: @bookyeom @wootify @strnsvt @cloudycaramel @thepoopdokyeomtouched
@minnieminshi @nonononranghaee @hrts4hanniehae @viewvuu @bewoyewo
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irisintheafterglow · 2 days
to tell you is too scary (so I'll just say something else)
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ now playing: lizzy mcalpine - "pancakes for dinner"
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summary: nightmares don't usually translate to reality, but you call sakusa for the first time in years. just to be safe.
wc: 1k
cw/tags: gn!reader and post-timeskip!sakusa, nightmare about a plane crash but nothing descriptive, angst/comfort with happy ending, childhood friends to lovers (??), dialogue-driven, he hates everyone but you
note: yayy first @ficsforgaza gift post for @froggiewonder17 !! i tried out a different layout for the top section of this post, lmk if y'all like it! thank you again for donating to help palestinian families, i hope you like this :)) my f4g masterpost can be found here!
likes, reblogs, and replies are appreciated!
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Your thumb trembles over the call button next to his contact, hovering and waiting for some unseen force to make you stop. Your hand keeps shaking, no matter how hard you try to stop it; the ravaged skin of your cuticles is stained with dried blood from your constant picking and scratching. Dread crashes again in a wave and you find yourself trapped under the water, gasping for air that wasn’t being inhaled. With a knot in your lungs, instinct takes over and taps your phone. 
The three ascending notes of the phone dialing his number sound far away and you unexpectedly heave out a choked sob. He’d probably changed his number or deleted yours. Maybe he would simply glance at the unknown caller ID and ignore it entirely, returning to his drink with all his teammates at the bar. You didn’t know him anymore. 
You didn’t know him anymore. 
Your palm slams onto the red circle and you curl into as tight of a ball as you can muster, disappearing into the corner of your bedroom. It’s stupid, calling him because of the first night terror you’d had in a decade. When you were kids, he was always your first call when your eyes flew open. I’m with you, I’ve got you, he said. He guided you when adrenaline turned into anxiety, when the void outside your window was unfathomably dark. He’d stay until your breathing evened into a sleeping rhythm and wouldn’t hang up until your phone died or you woke up the next morning. He was there every time you were drowning, and your soul didn’t know what to do without its safety ring except sink, 
and sink, 
and sink…
CALLER ID: Kiyoomi💛💚
You stare at your phone screen illuminating the blankets like a beacon. Blinking once, then twice, you wait for it to disappear like a hallucination or a trick of your psyche. It doesn’t, and when you have half the mind to reach for your phone, the screen disappears. You’d missed the call. Maybe it was a trick of the mind? 
(1) MISSED CALL - Kiyoomi💛💚
CALLER ID: Kiyoomi💛💚
You’re faster this time, snatching your phone from the covers and swiping the “answer call” button to the side. It’s quiet on the other end of the line for a moment, but he’s there. He always was, wasn’t he?
“Hey,” he says gently. There’s faint noise in the background of where he is, sounds of conversations and telecom announcements. Even with the sound of rolling wheels, he’s still clear. “You called.” Fifty minutes away, Kiyoomi imagines you nodding in the silence, maybe wiping a stray tear with the corner of your fitted sheet. “You’re safe?” You hum a shaky mhmm, still unable to force out any words. He murmurs your name, coaxing you out of your tight ball. “I need to hear you say it.”
“I’m safe,” you reply after a breath. Based on your voice alone, he could tell the night terror happened no more than five minutes before you called. “I just–I’m sorry if I–”
“I’m here if you want to talk about it,” he reassures you, immediately shooting Atsumu a withering glare when he tries to dance up to Kiyoomi’s less busy part of the airport. The MSBY team’s international flight was canceled an hour ago, but he was still trying to figure out if he wanted to stay with his teammates at a closer hotel. The present situation felt, literally and metaphorically, like you were calling him home. 
“There was a plane,” you say in a broken whisper. He strains to hear your crackling voice and shakes his head adamantly when Bokuto and Hinata try to join Atsumu’s antics. Now was not the time to fuck around with him. “You were on it, and something went wrong, and it–There was an accident and…I just had to watch it happen. I had to watch it happen and I couldn’t do anything.” Your voice cracks and trails off, making Kiyoomi’s chest twist like a wrung towel. Your friendship was strained after Kiyoomi’s second Nationals, fading completely until there was nothing left when you graduated except photobooth strips from third grade. He kept your number, though, in case something like this ever happened. In case you needed him again or he needed you, he never decided.
“Are you–are you home right now?” Another broken mhmm. “Can I see you?”
“You’re not overseas?”
“I was supposed to be, as of an hour ago,” he admits, running an exasperated hand through his curls and straightening his track jacket collar. A flash of light catches the corner of his eye. Cameras, cameras, cameras, always. He clicks his tongue disapprovingly, continuing, “But, the flight got delayed and ultimately canceled because of maintenance issues. We’re probably gonna have to postpone the game.”
“I’m sorry, Omi.” You hear him shrug in that indifferent manner that always seemed to come down when he was with you. All his walls, actually, came down when he was with you. 
“I don’t care, honestly. My question still stands.” He swallows thickly, begging you to say yes for both of your sakes. When his phone showed your contact photo for the seven seconds you called, it awakened grief in him he thought he’d buried years ago. By all accounts, Sakusa Kiyoomi desperately missed you. “I can be there in an hour. I’ll take a car, I don’t care how much it costs.” 
“It’s–it’s fine, you really should stay with your team and rest,” you mutter, always the selfless one worrying about his well-being. You were too good to him, letting him cancel plans for training camps and tournaments, always letting him go. “I don’t want you missing another flight if it comes up.” 
Too bad that, when it came to you, Kiyoomi had decided long ago he’d always be selfish. 
“Say you need me and I will be there.” You don’t hesitate. 
“I need you here, Omi,” you murmur. He’s gone in seconds–mind, body, and soul. His body acted instinctually, running on nothing else but the sole purpose of getting home to you. With a wad of cash and an Olympic athlete’s intellect calculating the fastest way to reach you, he vows that you would never need to say you needed him again.
Because he’d say he needed you instead.
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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munsonsmixtapes · 2 days
rockstar!Eddie x fem!roadie!reader
cw: suggestive language
You helped Eddie put his guitar around his neck as he prepared to go onstage. He watched you such a bright smile on his face, thinking about just how lucky he was to have you. You were always there for him no matter what for whatever he needed and he couldn’t have been more grateful for that.
He leaned forward to press a kiss to your temple, pulling back just in time to see the shy look on your face. The two of you had just started dating and wanted to keep everything on the down low since you weren’t entirely okay with going public.
Eddie had really been enjoying his time with you and even liked that you were keeping your relationship a secret. He found all of the sneaking around hot and loved bringing you to his hotel room every night so you could get tangled up in his sheets after you left whatever bar you had gone to that night to unwinds from the show.
You finished up fixing his guitar and strap then pulled away, Eddie getting in a kiss to your lips before you got away completely. You smiled shyly at him and he his heart warmed as you looked up at him, your eyes filling with so much affection.
“You’re going to be amazing,” you assured him as you fixed his hair, making sure that it was messy just like he liked it.
“How’d you know I was nervous?” His eyebrows pinched together in confusion.
“You’re always nervous, Ed. But everyone is going to love you and I’m going to be right here watching you the entire time.” You were always going to be his number one fan until your last dying breath. You were going to be right there every performance, cheering him on or singing along to the songs.
“You’ve always got my back.” You always did, no matter what. Eddie could come to you with anything and you’d help him to the best of your ability every time.
“Always.” You pressed a kiss to his cheek and he smiled at you once you pulled away, feeling hearts forming in his eyes.
“Drinks tonight?” You didn’t know why you were asking. You always got drinks after every show. It was a tradition.
“Of course. And your room after that.” You twirled one of his curls around one of your fingers, biting down on your bottom lip as you did so.
“Babe, you can’t give me a hard on before going on stage.”
“Maybe we can have a quickie before you go on?” You knew exactly what to say to make him crazy and if he wasn’t about to go on stage, he definitely would have taken you up on your offer.
“As amazing as that sounds, I can’t. But believe me, as soon as this is over, I’m gonna rock your world.” He pulled you in for one more kiss then headed out onto the stage, followed by the other members that other roadies helped out.
The crowded erupted in cheers as Eddie came to view and he ate it up as he started the first song. You loved standing right there, watching from the side of the stage as your boyfriend performed. You loved watching him to what he was best as and admired how much he loved doing it.
And Eddie did love it, almost as much as he loved you. You always came first because if all of the fame and money went away, he knew you’d be right there to support him. Right there on the sidelines cheering him on in whatever he wanted to do.
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beskarandblasters · 2 days
Clipped Wings
Tow Truck Driver!Ezra x F!Reader
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Main Masterlist | Ezra Masterlist
Summary: After being led astray by your friends, you’re stranded out in the woods with a flat tire. But when you can’t afford to pay the tow truck driver, he offers an alternative method of payment.
Word count: 2k
Warnings: modern AU, Ezra has both arms, reader is able-bodied, dubious consent, oral sex (M receiving), semi public sex, vaginal sex, pull out method, cum eating, praise kink, pet names (birdie), no use of y/n
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You should’ve known this was a bad idea. Your “friends” always fuck you over. You should’ve known this party was a front the second you turned onto this dirt road. There’s nothing around for miles, just trees and the stars above. You glance at your phone– barely any service, and contemplate calling your friend, Becca, again. It’d require you to swallow your pride, to beg for the real address, to reveal how desperate you are to fit in. 
You just don’t have it in you. 
Fuck it. 
But when you put your car in reverse and back down the road, it doesn’t… feel right. You glance out the rearview mirror. You didn’t hit anything. But a beeping sound from the dash catches your attention, along with a flashing yellow signal– Low tire pressure. \
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You hastily leave the car and search for which tire it could be. It’s worse than you anticipated. Your back tire on the passenger side is flat. And now your car is completely undrivable. You don’t have a spare or a patch kit in your trunk either. You can already hear your dad’s words ringing through your head; You know better. Be prepared. 
God, you feel like a fucking idiot. 
You dash back to the front of your car, reaching for your phone in the center console. As fast as your fingers will type, you search tow trucks in the area, hoping for one not too far from wherever the fuck you are. You click on the first place that comes up– Green’s Towing Company, praying your phone’s signal doesn’t drop mid-call. 
“Green’s Towing Company, how may I be of service?” a man’s southern drawl says over the receiver. 
“Yes, hello. My car has a flat tire and I’m stranded.”
“And you ain’t got no spare? Or a patch kit?”
Now’s not the time for a fucking lecture. 
“Nope. It’s your lucky night.”
The man chuckles and says, “Boy you’re in a pickle, aren’t ya? Where are you located?”
You pull the phone away from your ear to look at the address Becca texted you, reading it back to him. 
“Oh, you’re quite a ways out. I’m afraid it’ll take me some time to get to you.”
“Oh… How long?”
He sighs and says, “Probably a good hour or so. I just have to gas up my truck before I leave, birdie. Are you safe? Are you alone?”
“...Yes, I’m alone.”
“Stay in your car and wait for me, birdie. Be there as soon as I can.”
He called you that nickname twice now. You don’t even know this guy.
“Okay. Bye,” you say, hanging up the phone and groaning. What a fucking disaster this is. But you do what he says, sitting in your car until he can reach you. He had such a peculiar accent, and you spend the next hour thinking about him, where he could be from, and what he looks like. Maybe he’ll be cute. God, now’s not the time for a fucking meet cute. 
You grab your phone and block Becca’s number, truly fed up with her shit ever the stunt she pulled tonight. You’d rather be friendless rather than friends with a bunch of fakes. 
A red light in your mirror startles you, causing you to jolt and look up from your phone. It’s the tow truck, backing up to your car. You get out and shut the door, waiting for the man to come and greet you. It’s an emerald green truck with the words Green’s Towing Company painted on the door in a yellow font. But seeing the truck makes you remember one important detail– You never asked what the price would be. 
“What do we have here? A wounded little birdie?” the man says. That fucking nickname again. He walks over to you and gestures to the pathetic remnants of your tire. Upon seeing him, you find that your suspicions are correct. He is cute– messy brown hair with a strange blond patch on the right side of his forehead, brown eyes, and a magnetic smile, his face illuminated with red from the brake lights. 
You shrug, unsure of how to respond to that. 
“Looks like somebody clipped your wings…” he says, crouching down to look at your tire. 
“I guess?”
He looks up at you and says, “Where are my manners? I never introduced myself. The name’s Ezra.”
He stands and extends his hand out, offering a handshake. You give him your hand reluctantly, finding him a little offputting for reasons you don’t understand. You tell him your name and he repeats it to him a couple of times. 
“Well let’s get this show on the road, birdie,” he says, starting to walk back to his truck. 
He turns and raises an eyebrow, waiting for you to continue.
“I never… asked how much this is going to be.”
“Where do you need to be towed to?”
“Um, my dealership, and then I need to be dropped off back home.”
You give him the addresses for both and he does some mental math, muttering under his breath before coming up with a price. 
“About three hundred or so.”
Fuck. You didn’t budget for this at all. God, this is a fucking mess. 
“Is there a problem, birdie?”
“I, um, didn’t think it was going to be that much…”
“Oh, I see. You’re in quite the predicament here.”
“I’m sorry for wasting your time. I can call someone else.”
“Hang on now. You’re not gonna find someone else with fair prices like me.”
“No. Plus, I can’t leave you out here alone for Kevva knows how long, birdie. Precious little things such as yourself can’t be left unattended.”
“What do I do?” you plead, feeling the tears welling up in your eyes. 
“Hey now, don’t get distressed. We can work this out.” 
He takes a step towards you, placing his hands on your shoulders. An unsettling smirk graces his face and you can’t help the feeling like you’re not going to be able to say no to whatever he offers you. 
“With that pretty little mouth of yours.”
Your heart sinks to your stomach. Somehow you knew he was going to suggest something like this. You could say no. You could call another tow. But you think about what he said about the others’ pricing, your phone’s weak reception, and what time it must be already. 
It can’t be that bad. You’re attracted to him already. And besides… What other choice do you really have? 
“Okay,” you say, closing your eyes as a single tear rolls down your cheek. He wipes it away with his thumb, telling you, “Good girl. Let’s head to the front of the car, birdie.”
He lets go of you and walks to the front of your car, leaning against the hood as he takes his cock out of his worn-out, earth-toned pants. You follow him and fall to your knees, sinking ever so slightly into the dirt beneath you. He strokes his already hard cock, pre-cum beaded up at the tip. 
“Be a good girl, birdie,” he reminds you. 
You look up at him, opening your mouth and taking his cock inside. He curses under his breath, reaching a hand out to caress your cheek. You swirl your tongue in between the tip of his cock and his foreskin, wrapping your hand around the base. You keep your eyes on him, watching for his reaction and making sure you’re doing a good job. Saliva mixed with his pre-cum slides down his shaft, making his blowjob wetter and sloppier by the second. The surrounding area is filled with the sounds of the forest, Ezra’s strained moans, and the wet squelching sounds of your mouth. 
“Shit, birdie, that mouth feels heavenly,” he praises, voice dripping with arousal. 
You hum into him, sending a vibration down his shaft. He shivers in response, head thrown back in pleasure, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down in his throat. You take your other hand and cup his balls, bobbing your head up and down as you work to send him over the edge. He tastes salty, with an undertone of sweat, but you’re not complaining. His forehead shines under the moonlight, stray curls sticking to his skin. He lets out another mangled groan, letting you know he’s close. You keep your tongue flat against the underside of his cock, sucking in your cheeks and going faster. 
“Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.”
Just when you think he could cum, he stops, gripping either side of your face. He pulls his cock out of your mouth and you look at him with a puzzle expression. 
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No, no. Quite the opposite,” he pants. 
“Then why did you stop?”
“My sweet girl,” he smirks, brushing his calloused thumb over your cheek. “To reward you.”
You freeze, waiting for further instructions. He slides out from in front of the car, taking a place behind you instead. 
“Stand up for me, birdie.”
You stand from the ground, goosebumps pricking your skin in anticipation of what he’ll do next. 
“And bend over for me like a good girl.”
You bend over the hood of your car, cool metal pressed against your cheek. He hikes up your skirt, taking a moment to cup your ass with his large hand. 
“You’re absolutely ravishing, birdie,” he says, pulling your panties to the side. 
Your cheeks heat up at his praise but soon enough it feels like your whole body is set aflame as his cock enters you. Your breath gets caught in your throat as you adjust to his size, writhing against the hood of your car. He grabs onto your waist, railing into you at an unforgivable speed. The force of his hips slamming into you has you moaning and whining, getting ready for the undeniably large orgasm you’ll have. 
“So wet. So pretty. So perfect,” he praises, gripping your waist tighter. 
But at this point, you’re well past complete sentences, only responding in the form of a whimper. 
“No, no. Use your words.”
“It feels so fucking good,” you whine in between labored breaths. 
“That’s right, birdie. Tell me how good my cock feels.”
“Mmm, it’s so big, Ezra,” your voice high pitched as your orgasm draws near. 
“Say my name as you cum,” he commands. 
“Fuck, Ezra. I’m gonna cum,” you cry out, coming undone around his cock. 
He fucks you through your high, stars in your vision joining the ones in the night sky. Your moans ripped through the stillness of the forest, cunt clenching and releasing him erratically. 
“Good girl,” he praises, holding off his orgasm for as long as he can before pulling out and painting your ass with his release. “Shit,” he sighs. 
His hand slides over your ass, collecting his spend. “Turn around.” You face him, taking note of the wild look in his eyes. “Open.” You open your mouth and take his fingers in your mouth, licking the cum off of them. You put on a show for him, sucking obscenely as he praises, “Such an angel, birdie.”
He cups your chin, brushing his thumb against your soft skin as he sighs. Your exhaustion hits you all at once and your eyelids flutter close. 
“Wait for me in the truck, birdie. I’ll get this hooked up.”
“Okay,” you sigh. He squeezes your chin one last time before letting go. 
You walk away and open his truck door, hopping in the passenger seat. You lean against the chilled window. With your breath fogging up the glass, you begin to drift off to sleep as you recount the night’s events. But you can’t help but wonder… What the fuck just happened? 
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Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics
Mood board: @pr0ximamidnight
Beta readers: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin & @pedgito
Dividers: @saradika-graphics
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mggsv · 2 days
p. jimin x black!f reader || (18+) || reblogs would be appreciated!! <3
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warnings: smut !, squirting, reader is a bit on the more thicker side (but still can be read in any way that you like!), pussy eating, whiny Jimin, dirty talk
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You didn’t talk much. It wasn’t a huge thing for you- or better yet, it wasn’t huge when it came to talking to people you didn’t know. Those close to you got many, many words. Strangers? Not a thing. You’d rather sell a leg. You didn’t speak unless spoken to, it’s respectful.
You’ve just always been a quiet girl. Even when you met your favorite celebrities. All seven of them standing there, smiling at your small group of people. A group trip for college, you’re a dance major. It was only a matter of time before meeting them but this early in your career is insane. The nerves you felt, looking up at them to see them already staring back at you.
It was even worse with Jimin between your legs, your thick thighs being held, one being on his shoulder. “Cmon…still won’t say a thing?” You look down at him nervously, shying away behind your crochet sleeve.
“It’s hot.” you swallow, feeling the tip of his tongue kiss your clit. He hums softly, head lifting up just a bit to stare at you. He was so fucking scary at times. “…Jimin-“
“I love it when you talk.” He dips back in like nothing happened. Moaning softly, you feel the spit roll off his tongue onto your leaking cunt. “My pretty girl..” he muttered into your heat. You gasp quietly, biting down on your lip. His thumb rubbed small circles onto your thighs to calm you. He ate you out slowly, savoring every taste of you- every drop of cum that leaked from your wet cunt.
You trembled. Your hands holding onto the yarn of your sleeves. You whine softly- quietly, but Jimin heard just enough of you. How breathless you sound when you call his name. It wasn’t a secret he was experienced…some people seemed to think the opposite. You knew better though. “Fuck-“ you gasp, crying out. It was embarrassing, a silent moaner like yourself croaking the second Jimin’s fingers laid on you.
A fucking mess he made out of you. Sloppily eating your cunt, tongue flicking inside of you. You shut your eyes, feeling your body heat up- or maybe you were hot to begin with. Sweat bedding your forehead, hands finding a way to Jimin’s hair. You rutted against his plump lips, small whines of “Jimin please…” absentmindedly slipping as you came. You held him in place, wet cunt squeezing around whatever you could. Still, his tongue flicked over your sensitive clit while you rode out your orgasm on his face.
You couldn’t breathe. You felt his touch on the hand in his hair. Too tight, you figured. You release him, hand soothing over the spot. He sits up, erection obvious in the shorts he wore.
“Shit..” He chuckles. He looks over your form, biting his lip on how vulnerable you looked. You glance up at him, spreading your legs wider. Your glistening pussy on display. “Sweet girl..shall I fuck you now? Or are we still playing the quiet game? I mean you lost and everything-“ He licks the slick off his lips, tugging the shorts down to let his cock spring free. Tip pink and leaking. If you weren’t spread out for him you’d kick his hip from his little comments.
Every part of him was just so cute. His body leans over yours almost perfectly, part from the kisses he littered on your neck, up your face, to your lips.
“You alright?” he murmurs softly to you, tucking his face into your neck. “Need a break baby?” You found yourself lifting your legs just a bit.
“..I’m okay..just put it in.” You turn your head a bit, kissing the side of his hair. You shut your eyes once again, Jimin’s cock slipping between your folds. You moan loudly, aching clit throbbing. Every inch of him being sucked in, how you waited and waited..he was such a fucking tease but you loved it. Jimin shudders above you, a small whine leaving his lips as he drew his hips back.
“Oh fuck-“ You roll your hips in sync with his. The thick head of his cock disappearing further with each thrust. Whining softly, your mouth falls open. Jimin speeding up his pace. Your body so sensitive every inch of you felt on fire- every bit on edge. Your legs shook, he held them almost instantly to steady himself. Repeated hard thrusts fucking into your gushing cunt. “Ah- hah…J-Jimin-!” You felt your orgasm near.
Cock twitching inside of you, he slowed down. His moans becoming louder, pants heavier, his eyes fluttering. A whiny moan tearing from his throat as he looked down at you. Sweat covering his chest, balls slapping against your ass. Aside from the wet sounds coming from your bodies connecting, Jimin was going crazy. He started mumbling, gasping when your hole tightened around him.
“..gonna fuck this pussy..gonna cum inside you s’much baby…takin’ me so well so good fuck-“
You came with a silent scream, your body trembling, toes curled as you held onto the man with everything left in you. He groans, eyes fluttering shut as he tucked his face into your shoulder. Hips rolling into you to ride out his orgasm. Jimin panted above you, a small chuckle leaving his lips while he kissed below your ear
Of course that was only the first round..he’d be filling you up more before you know it.
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Writing prompt (It’s silly)
- They sit down and TALK (while cuddling maybe). Stede explains what happened that night, and Ed explains what happened that day (was it at daytime? I don’t remember. But it’s izzy’s confrontation. That turned depressed ed into Kraken (and also depressed) ed )
““You don’t have to tell me or anything- I just- I’d just like to know what happened. The night you…”
Abandoned me was left unsaid”
They thank each other for being sincere at the end, ed feeling particularly guilty for leaving the crew at an island and throwing Lucius overboard.
I just want them to sort it out, to know the full story. Stede to tell ed he ended up faking his own dead in the most dramatic way possible to be back with him. And Ed to tell stede how it was when he first went back to the revenge, just curled up on bed and crying
I love heavy dialogue fanfics, sue me
LOVED this one! It wound up being one of my personal favorite fics I wrote for my birthday! <3
“Was it the kiss?”
Stede paused, his fingers stilling in Ed’s hair. He might’ve been close to drifting off, before Ed had to open his mouth. “Hm?”
Ed had to take a moment, push down the urge to leave this conversation for an easier time. They were trying to get past that. Talk it through as a crew of two, Stede was saying. And Ed had been thinking about this all fucking day, ever since Stede woke him up with a smiling kiss.
“I, uh,” he said, humming softly when Stede’s fingers started right back up in his hair. They’d taken to going to bed a full hour early, lately, just so they could cuddle and chat, and Ed never felt safer than he did just like this, his head pillowed on Stede’s chest. They could talk. He would be okay. “I was just wondering. Y’know, that day. Was it the kiss that made you panic?”
“Ah,” Stede said softly. “No. No, Ed, I promise it wasn’t the kiss. I loved the kiss.”
“Okay,” Ed mumbled.
Stede offered no further elaboration, instead moving his hand down to scritch lightly through Ed’s beard in a very obvious ploy to distract him. That could be the hard part about talking it through as a crew of two. Stede was a slippery motherfucker.
Tough luck. Ed could multitask.
He nuzzled into Stede’s hand, eyes closing at the feeling of Stede’s fingers in his beard. “You don’t have to tell me or anything. I just - I’d just like to know what happened. The night you…”
He trailed off. Hadn’t quite thought through where that sentence was going to go, distracted by Stede’s lovely fingers lovingly brushing along his jaw, and the last part, the abandoned me, hung heavy in the air.
“Because, like,” Ed went on, desperate to fill the silence, “if it was something I did, then I’m kinda scared I might repeat it -”
That was it. Fuckin’ bulls-eye. Getting Stede to open up could be like pulling teeth, but if he realized that his silence was making Ed suffer…
“No,” Stede gasped, reaching his other hand away to land on Ed’s side. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and like this, Stede’s hand always rested protectively over the cluster of scars on his tummy. “No, Ed, sweetheart, you didn’t do anything.”
Ed hummed softly, invitingly.
“I don’t want to make excuses,” Stede whispered, his eyes wide in the dark of their bedroom.
“No excuses, but I just want an explanation,” Ed said.
“Well…” Stede let his head flop back against the pillows. “Honestly, Ed, if I’d been woken up, I probably would’ve been there, but -”
“Wait, back up,” Ed said, resting his hand over Stede’s on his tummy. “If you’d been woken up? What do you mean if? I had a guy -”
Stede let his eyes close, like he didn’t want to watch Ed’s face. “That guy never woke me up, Ed,” he admitted, his voice a near-whisper. “It was Badminton -”
“The admiral?” Ed frowned. “What would he - shit, Stede, did he hurt you?”
Stede grimaced.
Ed sat bolt upright in bed, looking down at Stede in shock. “Did he -”
“It’s alright, sweet pea.” Stede sat up, too, taking Ed’s hand, putting it on his chest so he could feel his heartbeat. “Think he was a little pissed. About the whole thing with me killing his brother. He was so worked up, marched me out there at gunpoint -”
“What the shit,” Ed whispered.
“It’s okay,” Stede hurried to say, “because he tripped. Shot himself right in the eye. He was really drunk.”
“Stede, holy fucking shit,” Ed whispered, bringing his hands up to cup Stede’s face, just feel for himself that he was alright. “That’s fucking - shit! You could’ve died!”
Stede frowned, like he was digesting that.
“Oh my God, Ed,” he near-shouted, then. “I could’ve died!”
“Are you just now realizing that?”
“It’s the first time it’s really - fucking sunk in, thanks,” Stede snipped, shaking his head at the cieling. “Holy shit, I almost missed out on…all of this!”
Ed rubbed Stede’s back, trying to help ground him. Thankfully, Stede seemed a bit pissed more than truly rattled, and just mumbled about how Badminton really should’ve been kicked off the base acting like that before he was able to get to him, and…
Was Ed happy that Stede had been held at gunpoint? No. Fuck no. He wished he could bring Badminton back from the dead so he could shoot him personally. But…it was nice to know the context. He didn’t think he’d ever actually been angry with Stede, but it was still easier to swallow the whole thing knowing that Stede had been through something that would’ve made anyone panic.
It meant that it hadn’t been Ed’s fault.
Which led him directly to - 
“Hey, Stede,” Ed realized, shaking Stede’s shoulder. “Do you think what happened with me was your fault?”
Stede paused in the middle of his tirade about poor guard management at the barracks (“really, there was no reason he should’ve been able to march out a registered academy member at gunpoint without us being stopped by some authority”), and he blinked at Ed a bit blankly. “Uh,” he said, “yes?”
“Alright, that’s what I was afraid of.” Ed squirmed a bit. “Can you hold me for this?”
They repositioned, moving Ed between Stede’s legs so he could lay with Stede’s arms around his back and his head resting on Stede’s wonderful soft tits. The world was better from this vantage point.
“You really don’t have to get into any of it,” Stede told him, resting a hand on Ed’s cheek.
Ed nuzzled into his palm. “I want to,” he said, a bit surprised by how much he meant it. “You don’t deserve to think it was your fault. Just like…”
“Just like how you didn’t deserve to think me not showing up was your fault,” Stede finished with a smile, encouraging.
Ed took a deep breath.
“So,” he began, haltingly, “you know what happened when I got back to the ship?”
Stede frowned. “You pushed Lucius?”
Ed let out a little frustrated huff of a breath. “No, man. I mean, I was upset, but I was okay. I cried a lot, made a blanket fort. Slept in your robes because they smelled like you. I wrote some lyrics. I sang for the crew. I was feeling so much better. I thought they were gonna support me, in not wanting to be pirates anymore.”
Stede’s frown was deepening, a confused line popping out between his eyebrows.
“It’s not an excuse,” Ed hurried to say. “But Izzy, y’know, I said I wanted everyone to call me Edward, and then Izzy came in and told me he should’ve let the English kill me, and he said death was better than how I was acting, and he yelled at me until I tried to choke him - just to get him to stop, I swear - and then he said that was me, the violence was me, and he told me I better watch my fuckin’ step.”
He was rambling, a bit, because Stede had gotten very still and very quiet.
“Stede?” Ed prompted, nudging him a little.
“You’re telling me,” Stede said, his voice quivering with an anger Ed was a bit thrilled to realize wasn’t directed at him, “that he did that and I mourned his death? I let everyone blame you for what happened with his leg? Fuck, Ed, I would've shot him in both legs my fucking self, if I'd known! I just let him walk around my ship and -”
“Hey, hey, babe!” Ed rested his chin on Stede’s chest. “It’s okay, he got better -”
“Holy shit.” Stede dragged a hand over his eyes. “You had to interact with him - he came into our bedroom and opened the curtains on us in bed, after he did that to you.”
Ed frowned. “That’s - it’s okay, he was just being Izzy.”
“It’s not okay!” Stede shook his head emphatically. “You must’ve felt so unsafe -”
“I didn’t,” Ed promised. “I didn’t, because you were there.”
Stede let his breath out, long and slow.
“It doesn’t excuse what I did,” Ed mumbled, deciding to play with Stede’s chest hair instead of meet his eyes any longer. “And I feel awful for the crew. I shouldn’t have pushed Lucius. It wasn’t right, to take it out on them.”
Stede, apparently, had not moved on. “If I were you, I would've eaten his toes myself, just to really drive home the point.”
Ed snorted. “Babe.”
“I’m serious, Ed.” Stede held Ed’s face, making him meet his eyes. “Be sorry for the crew all you want. They’re okay. But you did not deserve that - do you think Buttons can bring people back from the dead? I’d like to have a word with someone.”
“Stede.” Ed let his body relax, curling around Stede’s. “Y’know, I wasn’t planning on giving you visions of bloodlust.”
Stede huffed. “You deserve the bloodlust.”
That was an idea, that Ed was worthy of the protection. Ed tabled it for later.
“Anyway,” he said, forging bravely ahead, “the point was - it wasn’t your fault.”
Stede blinked. Looked at him. Blinked again. 
“Oh,” he said, then. “I mean, it didn’t help -”
“Did not help, no.”
“But it wasn’t…” Stede nodded. “It wasn’t all me.”
“Wasn’t primarily you. Wouldn’t have happened at all if it had been just you.”
“Huh,” Stede said. “That’s…good to know.”
It was. It was good to know that it hadn’t been Ed’s fault, for Stede to know that it hadn’t been his.
“Life’s a dick,” Ed shrugged, figuring that was really the best way to sum it all up. “Hey, uh, if you don’t mind me asking - how did you leave Barbados? If you went back to your wife?”
“Oh!” Stede cuddled Ed close, his face breaking out into a smile. “Ed, you would’ve loved it! It was amazing - so, it all started when my ex-wife tried to stab me in the earhole with a skewer…”
Ed laughed and gasped through Stede’s story, and something in him felt quiet, for the first time in a long time. He still thought he had more amends to make. He still felt awful for the crew. But the whole world felt lighter.
Ed snuggled close to his boyfriend, and the world felt easy.
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queenpiranhadon · 8 hours
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A/N: okay NOW two more chapters left lol because chapter seven is turning into a pain to write 😭 Luckily school's out for the summer so I have more time to write :) TY @cashmoneyyysstuff MY ICON ILY Here's the masterlist!
Warning(s): Cursing, reader is the daughter of Aizawa, Shinso and Eri are biological siblings, reader is 20 years old, reader befriends Kaminari and Sero, Reader uses "Cattus" as her alias, reader's nicknames are Cactus, Cattus and Cat, reader's down bad LMAO, war, reader gets hurt, blood, reader wears a bra, bad war descriptions lol what do you expect from me, reader is AFAB and female, bakugou finds out 😀���, ANGST, reader goes home, family reunion, Aizawa gets sick from grief, PTSD, KATSUKI'S NOT SEXIST I PROMISE
Pairing(s): Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜱɪx: Cattus
Time seemed to stop.  
The red color of his eyes, such a warm color, turned so cold. 
“Y-Yer a fuckin girl?!” he spat, aghast, disgust clouding his features, he turns away, refusing to look at you. 
You couldn’t even more, nor speak. 
How could you have been so careless? 
Bakugou lets out an irritated snarl and looks back at you briefly. 
“If the others find out, you’ll be killed.” he says, tone icy and filled with venom. Your heart drops.  
“Get changed and get out.” He cuts you off, not wanting to hear what you had to say. “Now I don’t owe you anything.” 
He exits the tent swiftly, as if he couldn’t even stand to be in the same room as you. 
You were given a horse, and nothing else, leaving without saying farewell to your friends. They would be informed that you had died, and that your body was being disposed of.  
It gave you an icky feeling, faking your death- which was weird, considering you left your family in a similar manner.  
As far as they knew, you might as well be dead.  
Would they be happy to see you? 
The same thought had plagued your mind for days now, yet you never imagined they would come to reality so soon. Your heart sinks with the realization that as of now, you basically let down everyone you knew.  
A tear slips down your cheek, from your discharge, and from that loathing look in Bakugou’s eyes.  
Stupid feelings.  
You knew it would end badly when you found yourself falling for the captain, but just the acknowledgment wasn’t enough to prepare you for the pain brought on by your heart being ripped in half, only for those halves to be shattered beyond repair. 
It was moronic of you to even be feeling these things, just as it was to crush on your superior like you were a schoolgirl and not a warrior.  
But at least now, you didn’t have to pretend.  
You weren’t going to lie, you were going to miss Genken, Denki, and Hanta.  
But now, you were Y/N. And though you were yourself again, there was no doubt Cattus would still be a part of you.  
He always was, you reckoned.  
Cattus was the fiery side of you that defended his (?) friends when they needed protection. He was the side of you that took charge and cared for your family when they couldn’t take care of themselves. Cattus was a warrior. 
And you were too.  
Tightening your grip on the reins, you will your horse to go faster, riding into the night, returning home to your family for the first time in months.  
You found yourself staring at the border of your village after 5 days of travel, the sun setting and your brain half asleep, running purely on adrenaline.  
It was lightly snowing, signs of winter’s presence, though the cold didn’t nip at your skin as much as it used to before. 
Pain didn’t feel the same anymore after what you’d been through.  
Your wound still stung, but you refused to acknowledge the pain- telling yourself you deserved it after everything. Is this how your dad felt after the war? You didn’t know. Though your situations were vastly different, one spending more time fighting than the other, and one almost convicted of a war crime, you knew that the pain was all the same.  
But right now, you didn’t feel pain.  
Instead, anxiety clawed at your heart, dismounting your steed to let it graze freely among the nearby fields, where other horses resided nearby. He would be fine living there with his new friends.  
You walk along the streets of the village you grew up in. You’d one been gone for 7 months now, and yet it felt so foreign to walk down the cobbled streets you walked across so long ago. When you find your home, a pang of sadness washes through you- it looked so empty and lifeless now. You missed you family dearly during the past few months, and yet you refused to acknowledge the feelings because they were a sign of weakness. 
But here you were now, a truckload of emotions crashing into you as you walk up the steps to your porch, the same steps you sat on when you had the conversation that started all of this. The wood creaked under your feet, a sound so familiar and so wrong at the same time. 
So much had changed over time- it was hard to feel like yourself again.  
You gingerly placed your hand on the doorknob, feeling the bumps, ridges and crevices you memorized, your pounding heart was deafening as you sucked in a shaky breath and finally opened the door.  
It was quiet. There wasn’t a buzz of the happiness and joy that you always felt in your home, instead it felt null and void.  
The first thing you notice is the figure sleeping on the couch.  
Your younger brother looked exhausted, the dark circles he usually sported were now so prominent that it was unhealthy. He was skinnier, and a little taller, your heart ached to know that he wasn’t eating well and that he had grown up and you weren’t there to see him.  
Making your way over to him, you brush his hair out of his face softly, only for him to startle and jolt upright, freezing as his lavender eyes widened it realization that it was you.  
He slowly brings a hand to cup your cheek before patting the rest of your body, as if to ensure you were genuinely there.  
“Y/N...” he croaks, tears spilling from his eyes. “Is it really you...?” 
You want to sob, he sounded so broken, so helpless, guilt threatening to consume your every being. Tears slip from your eyes as you nod, letting out a choked laugh as he encircles you in his arms, whispering “You’re home... you’re finally home...” more so to himself than to you, as if to ground him. 
You and Hitoshi end up falling asleep on the floor that day, and you numbly allow him to redress your wounds and receive an ear load of yelling and scolding from your actions the next morning. He isn’t furious as you expected, however, he was extremely worried though.  
“W-What happened while I was gone...” you murmur, refusing to look at him as you sit on the side of your bed.  
“It’s...been a lot...” he sighs, telling you to get comfortable as he fills you in.  
Hitoshi had slept in the living room every night, in hopes that you would come home. At first, he slept on the porch, but Eri insisted he sleep inside saying that he was only harming himself. It was true, as he had gotten a nasty cold the next morning, leaving the ticked off 9-year-old to take care of him.  
Eri was upset with your departure, rarely going out after you left and taking up the chores you did to maintain the household, even though Hitoshi insisted he could do it. She slept in your bed every night after that and was currently sleeping as you and your brother were catching up. 
Your father, however, was a different case. He fell apart after you left, never talked, never ate – Hitoshi was terrified and had asked Hizashi for help, the usually humorous blonde now deadly serious as he and your father had gotten into a terrible argument. The only thing your brother was able to hear was “I lost my wife; I can’t lose my daughter too.” 
You sobbed uncontrollably as Hitoshi held you again, resenting yourself for the pain you caused your family, and resenting yourself for the hateful vermillion stare that you were sure would haunt you for the rest of your life.  
Though scalding tears burned through your skin, it didn’t hurt to cry as much as it used to. They didn’t feel suffocating, instead they felt liberating as you finally unloaded months of negative bottled up emotions.  
Your family was safe, thanks to you, and you were going to make sure it stayed that way.  
Eri wakes up a few hours later, her red eyes lacked their usual luster until they noticed you, the nine-year-old ran up to you and hugged you tight, her tears bleeding into your clothes.  
“Y/N...?!” she gasps in surprise, burying her face into your chest, inhaling deeply as if to memorize the way you smelled. Usually, it would have been weird, and uncomfortable considering you hadn’t showered in a week, but you allowed it, stroking her hair comfortingly, as a few more tears escape your eyes and roll down your face.  
“M’not going anywhere Banana.” you whisper, and she snorts and punches your arm weakly.  
“You know I hate that name.” 
You stayed like that for a while, before letting each other, drinking in each other’s appearance.  
“You look terrible.” she quips and you can’t help the laugh that erupts from your mouth.  
Eri and Hitoshi look at you in surprise – the you that they knew was more reserved, but they had to admit, they liked to see you let go more. You looked happier, and your joy was always contagious.  
Your siblings usher you into the washroom to finally shower, saying you smelled like shit (not really- if Hitoshi cursed in front of Eri you probably would’ve whipped out your sword) and you roll your eyes at their antics.  
You look into the cracked mirror on the way and get a good look at yourself- the first time you had to liberty to do so before you left.  
You truly didn’t look like Y/N anymore, you knew that much. But you didn’t feel like Cattus either. It was the strangest feeling, feeling like two people and neither at the same time. You sigh, dismissing it- knowing that maintaining another identity for so long would clearly have its side effects, but it was still uncomfortable to deal with.  
You were Y/N. But better. And happier with yourself.  
When you finally exit the shower, looking and feeling more like you, clean and in fresh clothes, a thought strikes you.  
“Hey... Toshi...?” You murmur, approaching the purplenette. “Where’s Dad?” 
Hitoshi looks away from you momentarily, before looking at you with sadness in his eyes. “He’s staying at Chiyo’s. Ever since you left, he hasn’t been eating well, and he’s been bedridden for a while. Hizashi says that he isn’t really stable for us to visit him.” 
You don’t listen to the last part- slipping on some random pair of shoes and bolting out of the house before heading over to Chiyo’s home.  
Your heart raced, in sync with your footsteps, one after the other.  
Your mind was even faster however- thoughts of worry and anxiety so strong you felt like you couldn’t breathe.  
Was your father okay? 
Was he mad at you? 
What if he doesn’t make it? It would be all your fault. 
As soon as your mind comes across the thought, your legs move impossibly fast, racing all the way across town until you reach the apocarthy center, also where Chiyo lived, and where she treated those in unstable conditions.  
You knock rapidly on the door, hearing a faint “I'm coming I'm coming...your generation is so energetic these days...”, the few seconds it takes Chiyo to open the door feel like a millennia each- as soon as the door opens, you see the small older lady look at you in surprise, but you pay no mind, slipping past her immediately and running down the hallway, turning the corner to find the room where Chiyo let her long term patients stay.  
And yet, you can’t bring your shaky hand to twist the doorknob and open the door. 
You feel terrible, knowing that any caring daughter should rush in immediately, but guilt wracks your mind, and your heart.  
You feel a hand on your shoulder and look down to see Chiyo looking up at you which a solemn look on her face.  
“He’ll want to see you, Y/N” she says softly, and you swallow thickly and nod.  
Twisting the knob, you finally push open the door and see your father sitting on a bed by the window. Turning his head, he sighs, “Chiyo, I told you I don-” he stops talking once he sees you. 
“Y/N.” he whispers, his voice shook and his eyes were wide.  
He was frailer than he was the last time you saw him, his skin that you always complained made him look half dead was now sallow and sickly. 
You walk over to him slowly and kneel in front of his bed, taking the man by surprise.  
“I’m sorry.” you sob, letting all the guilt and sorrow you felt wash over you. “I know I shouldn’t have left but I couldn’t just let you die.” 
You hear a small laugh and look up to see your father smiling while wiping incessant tears from his face.  
“Come, my warrior.” he says warmly. “You have made me proud.” 
It’s been a month since you returned home- news of the war spread through the village.  
You’d hear about the famed War Dragon and how he valiantly led his troop into battle, without losing a single soldier. It relieved you to hear it, knowing that Denki and Hanta were alive and well – but you still missed them.  
You reunited with Izuku and Ochako, both extremely worried but overjoyed to see you, nonetheless. Ejiro was still fighting for his country, and you missed him, worry bubbling in your stomach at the thought of getting hurt, but you trusted him. Ejiro was strong, and brave, no doubt a courageous soldier- he would come home.  
It was almost like everything was back to normal, but it wasn’t. 
You still jumped at everything, scraping a chair, someone’s limp brushing against yours, even a voice disrupting the silence, everything set you off.  
Eri was significantly more mature now, no longer the bubbly and hyper girl you knew, now more reserved and calmer. She reminded you of yourself, the knowledge was painful, but you were glad to see she retained her voracious appetite and distaste for bananas.  
Your father was recovering slowly, as you were now working overtime to stuff both him and Hitoshi with the food and nutrients, they needed to be healthy again. After you left, they deteriorated both physically and mentally, and so you decided to help them in any way you could.  
You tried your best to forget about the battle in the Chira Woods after that, but something just didn’t add up. 
How did the enemy know you were planning to ambush them? 
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Taglist: @andysdrafts @starieq @nemisimp @missa-archdevilme @coquettefoxxy
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@noodleryworld @yui-aya @ashiblossom @rv19 @wheezdostuff
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@kksmush @sagejin @cax-per @kit-katsukii @l-bozo-l
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