#[love of mine someday you will die]
bloodywonder1846 · 8 months
Idk how to explain it, but this little clip makes me think of the song I Will Follow You into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie.
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cho-fu-sa · 11 months
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I wept as people weep when they enter heaven,
in massive relief.
“The Race” by Sharon Olds
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kimwexlersponytail · 2 years
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The only thing that kept me going was knowing you were here.
#bcsedit#better call saul#mcwexler#jimmy x kim#kim wexler#jimmy mcgill#been seeing a lot of people saying that they don't deserve a happy ending after everything and though i get why that's being said#i disagree with the idea that they must be punished by the narrative in the form of an absolutely devastating end where they both die or#are broken down even further because they're Bad People and they Deserve It...their relationship is the heart of the show and#i don't believe that the writers spent over half a decade building this relationship up just to leave everything hanging in the balance#we can argue all day about jimmy and kim being Good or Bad but they love each other. they do. and bcs is a love story#do i believe that they're going to live happily ever after and get a fairytale ending? no of course not but i don't see a doom and gloom end#for them either. narratively speaking jimmy has been in prison all this time and who knows what kim has been up to all this time#i just don't think it would be narratively satisfying if the ending was about punishing them i really don't#i think it's going to be bittersweet for sure but there's no doubt in my mind that it'll be full of heart....#but god all of the takes about jimmy not deserving to meet up with kim in the gene timeline are just making me root for it even harder#and i really hope the world turns back to color the moment he sees her and idc how many people think it's cheesy <3#and you know what someday maybe they'll finally get their house.#mine
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cometchasr · 8 months
eepy cuddles: brought to you by me being tired as shit
"... so tired today..."
rax smiled, adorable ray of sunshine he was. "sure you dont have enough energy to kiss and cuddle?"
alex snorted. "never."
azhar collapsed onto their little pile of straw, bringing them both down with him. alex purred, relaxing. he let himself get absorbed into their snuggle pile.
azhar kissed him, and so did rax, and he smiled sleepily, leaning into them.
"love you."
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errorsystemfailure · 27 days
another tag dump (sorry)
blah blah blah
#i’ll see your heart and i’ll raise you mine | things about trick#an awful lot of running to do | things about the doctor#i could set the world on fire just to watch you come undone | things about theta#someone with your eyes might come in time to hold me like water or like a knife | private eyes tag#companionship is where you find it; so i take what i can get | things about arthur#when i close my eyes it looks the same as when i open them again | ford tag#three guns and one goes off; one’s empty; one’s not queue enough#life is for the alive my dear | things about mr todd#eminently practical and yet appropriate as always | mrs lovett tag#i know what’s best for me but i want you instead | harley tag#i’ll be good and i’ll love the world like i should; for all of the times i never could | john doe tag#make me feel like i am breathing | things about skulduggery#anything to make me feel alive; i’d rather be anything but ordinary | valkyrie tag#bleed just to know you're alive | damien tag#i know what’s right; i’m losing sight; i seek to understand me | things about bonnie#you’re in my head; it turns me red with love | bubbline tag#it’s true that the earth must die; but then the earth comes back to life and the sun must go on rising | persephone tag#where is the man with his arms outstretched to the woman he loves with nothing to lose | things about hades#i guess you’re out of luck; your dream just lost a dreamer | jason tag#try not to hate the light; someday we’ll try to walk upright | marceline tag#fgldfjhglkdgjfhkljgfd#fdlgjhlfdkhjklgjfhkljgflkjhkldfgjhldf#dfgkljhgkjlhjkgfdhkjgklhngjhdgf
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iateyourparents · 4 months
questions | c.b.
pairing: colby brock x fem!reader
summary: you decide to participate in tik tok trend.
warnings: just colby being perfect boyfriend, bad writing and grammar(i’m sorry, english isn’t my first language)
pictures are from pinterest :)
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“Hi baby!” you smiled widely at Colby when he sat next to you on a couch.
“Hi love.” you kissed him “How was recording?”
“Great, we captured so much.” he looked proud of himself.
“That’s great.” you kissed his cheek and then you remembered something “Are you tired? ‘Cause I wanted to record tik tok trend with you.”
“We can do it, I slept on the plane so I’m good.” he assured “But let me take a shower first.” he laughed and you nodded happily.
Some time later, Colby finally ended his shower and skincare so you positioned your phone in front of the couch so you could sit comfortably.
“Alright, what are we doing?” Colby asked with small smile when he saw you had a notebook prepared.
“You’ll see.” you smirked and started recording.
“Alright.” Colby whispered confused.
“Hi guys!” you smiled at the phone “So today I feel like starting an argument with Colby.” your smile widened and Colby looked confused at you.
“Woah?” he actually kind of looked like a kicked puppy “Great start.” you could see a small pout on his lips.
“Alright, I will ask you some questions and you have to answer them correctly, otherwise we will have an argument.” you explained to Colby.
“I don’t think I follow but alright.” he nodded slowly.
“If I would die, would you find someone else?” you looked at him expectantly.
“No, I’m a ghost hunter so I would just continue to date your ghost version?” he was careful with his words.
“That’s not what I expected to hear but you actually passed.” you smiled at him and he looked relieved “Alright, next question. I told you I’m sad, what do you do?”
“Buy you snacks and watch something with you.”
“Good.” you nodded “What’s your most prized possession?”
“You.” he looked confidently.
“Wrong.” you kept a straight face.
“I’m not a thing that someone can just have.” you shrugged.
“Well, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re mine.” you scoffed at that but couldn’t hide the small smile forming on your face.
“What are you afraid of?”
“That someday you’ll stop loving me.” he didn’t hesitate with this answer and you could feel your cheeks starting to heat.
“Aww love, I would never. But I guess it’s good answer.” you kissed his cheek and he smiled widely “I’m saying I don’t want to go to party with you, what are you doing?”
“I would make our own party at home with just us.”
“You’re too good at this.” you scoffed playfully and he laughed “Alright, last question.”
“Uff, I was starting to sweat.” he actually looked kinda relieved and you laughed.
“Who is always right in our relationship?”
“Easy, you.” he kissed your cheek.
“Well guys, what can I say. He passed and he deserves good amount of kisses.” you tossed your notebook to the side while looking at the camera with huge smile “I’m so proud of you, baby.”
“Yay!” Colby cheered silently “I want my kisses now.” he stopped recording and almost threw himself at you, attacking you with his lips.
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Starkid love song lyrics are honestly insane
"He is at once familiar and unknowable to the frightened girl he meets along the way, and to the girl's surprise, something in his eyes beckons her to know him and inspires her to say "I want to know your story."
"Take me back in time to love you. Take me back when we were lost. Lost in love and lost in feeling, without the cost."
"She is at once a comfort and a mystery, to the callow man she meets that fateful day."
"I want to know how you see me, and if it's the same as I see you. With the colours of love on your paintbrush, paint how you see me."
"A thousand and one nights with you is not enough to spend, so let's make ours a story with no end."
"I wish that she could hear her voice, the way that I do when I go to sleep at night, and dream my life away, but she's gone when I awake."
"Take me back when things were light. Light my heart and light my shadow, one more night. Cause I already lost it once, what I already won. I've lost too much now to care, but I know that something’s still there. I'll never let you go."
"Even though I was blind before, I've realized there is so much more. And it was always deep down in the core of me. I know it now. And even though it seems too much to take, there's a feeling I can't seem to shake. I feel like I am reading the signs, 'cause I know that I'm coming around."
"They say you can't feel, with a heart made of steel, but you can't say that steel ain't strong. Well if that's who you are, just a meaningless star in the sky, tell me what is the meaning of what I am feeling if you are the reason why? Now I may be dumb, but where I come from, folks say they're fine when I know that they're blue. But you don't know you the way I do."
"Are we crazy, or did we just taste something sweet? Not sure what to think, but you helped me to see. It's not the outside of things that make them good, that make them bad, that make them anything. All you need is just a taste to start something good."
"This body's not gonna last, the air is cold and thick. I'm losing my last remaining hope for us. My hands are tied in knots and I can't come home. I wanna die in your arms in the evening glow."
"You and I were meant to be something more than a faded memory."
"Now, i still have troubles. I trip and stumble trying to make sense of things sometimes.. And i look for reasons, but i don't need 'em. All i need is to look in your eyes."
"What if I tried something new, and opened up my arms to you? I know we don't always agree, but they need you as much as me. What if I could promise more, than what I gave to you before?"
"I never cared for stories until you entered mine, and now my only wish is that our plots may intertwine."
"You look just like an angel and all I do is pray, that someday you'll hear my song and understand that all along, there's something more that I'm trying to say."
"The universe is infinite, and it’s definite, there’s an alternate reality, where it’s only you and me. Take me back in time to love you. Hold me closer than before. Heal my heart and mend what's broken, to feel you once more."
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devildom-drabbles · 1 year
Snippet - Last Name
How would each of the demon brothers react to MC saying that they’ll give him their last name?
“There aren’t any demons or angels that have last names, right?” MC randomly questioned the demon brother they were spending time with.  “Why is that?”
The demon explained how the beings in the Devildom and Celestial Realm were given one-of-a-kind names to distinguish them from others, unlike how many humans can share the same (first) name.  As such, having a second name was unnecessary.  Titles were more common to further establish their individuality, such as “Morning Star” for Lucifer and “Jewel of the Heavens” for Asmodeus when the two of them were angels.
“Do you wish you had a last name?” MC inquired.
The demon was mostly indifferent on the matter, but he did mention how he particularly liked MC’s last name. 
“In that case, I’ll give you my last name someday,” MC remarked in a casual manner.
He opened his mouth to reply but paused upon realizing what MC might’ve been implying.  A human typically would only share their last name with someone else when they were getting married to that individual.
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Lucifer felt a surge of pride in his chest at the notion that MC intended to offer their last name (and their hand in marriage) to him alone.  Still, from how nonchalantly they had presented the notion, he had to make sure that both of them understood it in the same way. “You’re aware of what that would mean for us, right?” he asked them.  “It’s not something to take lightly, even if I’m not human.”  After watching MC nod their head confidently, a small grin tugged at Lucifer’s lips.  “Good.  Seeing as how you already belong to me, MC, it’s only natural that your last name would become mine, as well.  I look forward to when that day officially comes.”  (Time to start planning a real marriage proposal, Lucifer thought to himself.)
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Mammon managed to choke on his saliva when he pieced together what MC likely was implying, which, on the bright side, provided him with an excuse as to why his cheeks were flushed.  All the money and rare treasures in the Devildom could never compare to the value of having MC’s last name all to himself.  “Th-The Great Mammon accepts your gift!” he declared once he finished coughing.  “If you’re gonna give your last name to anyone, obviously it’s gonna be me.  That means no one else can have it, got it?  No changin’ your mind, either!  A-And...don’t take too long to hand it over to me, ‘cause I’m ready to take it anytime.”  (Well, first, Mammon just needed to narrow down the best ring to give MC from his secret growing collection.)
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Leviathan could've probably rattled off the long title of a human world anime that had a scene similar to this—that is, if he wasn’t currently short-circuiting in front of MC.  “Y-Y-Y-You’d give your l-l-last name to a gross shut-in otaku like m-me?!” he asked incredulously.  “You mean it?!  Are you sure?!”  Once MC reaffirmed their promise, Levi was certain he could die happy (but not right now!).  “Oh man, it feels like I just unlocked the highest ranking class in an RPG!  MC, I’ll wear your last name proudly and do everything I can to make sure you won’t regret choosing me to have it!  ...Uh, when I do get your last name, I mean.”  (Levi started focusing more on anime and game content that included marriage as references for how to be a good husband for MC in the future.)
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Satan was left dumbfounded for a moment as he processed what MC was telling him.  “So then, you’re saying...you want to marry me at some point, correct?” he bluntly questioned them.  MC confirmed his suspicion, which brought a light blush to his face coupled with a pleased smile.  Although there was no record of a demon and human ever marrying each other, he couldn’t deny that he also wanted this with MC.  “All right.  I’ll make your dream a reality, and in return, you’ll share your last name with me.  This means we’ll spend the rest of your days together, too.  Let’s build a love so strong it’ll be the envy of all romance novels and poetry.”  (Afterward, while he was researching human marriage customs, he suddenly wondered if the cats he wanted to adopt with MC would also acquire their last name.)
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Asmodeus squealed and bounced cheerfully in place before wrapping his arms around MC in a tight embrace.  Normally the concept of being permanently tied to someone would be unappealing to Asmo, but those qualms became nonexistent when it involved MC.  “I love you so much, MC!  I’ll make you the happiest human in all the three realms as Asmodeus [Last Name]!  Oh wow, my name was already gorgeous by itself, but with your last name added to it, it’s even better!  Come on, let’s get a pre-engagement photo together.  I can’t wait to brag to everyone on Devilgram about this.”  (Since MC already offered him their last name, Asmo decided that he’d be the one to get them an engagement ring.  But if MC buys him one, too, he certainly won’t complain.)
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Beelzebub’s eyes twinkled with pure joy at MC’s promise.  “Really?  I’d like that a lot, MC,” he told them.  His words may have been a bit of an understatement, considering MC’s declaration filled him with so much glee that it was enough to satisfy the seemingly endless void in his stomach.  He couldn’t hold back his wide grin as he took their hands in his own and continued, “When I have your last name, we can finally be our own family.  We’ll wake up together, make breakfast together, go out for lunch together, eat dinner together...  Oh, yeah, I guess we mostly do that already, but it’ll be even more special than it is now.  Hehe, I can’t wait.”  (Despite the frequent distractions of thinking about wedding cake, Beel did take active steps to ensure that he’d be able to actually receive their last name.)
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Belphegor perked up in surprise from MC’s words, the constant nagging urge to sleep vanishing in an instant.  He feared he may have accidentally dozed off mid-conversation and only dreamed of MC wanting him to have their last name.  Fortunately, the look on their face assured him that he had been awake, so his expression softened into genuine delight as he replied, “Okay, I like the sound of that.”  Rather than ending it there, his mischief (and inner excitement) got the better of him, causing him to add, “Although, if you’re planning to give your last name to me, then that also means I can take it anytime I want, right?  Even if it’s sooner than you expect?  Because I might just do that.”  (Belphie now had an unusually high level of motivation to take the next step in his relationship with MC.)
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istoleyoursk1n · 4 months
Hi can you do halsin Gale and Astarion with a very explicit and flirty paladin s/o who looks super stoic and serious please?
Like they’re there standing stoic and menacing and then whispers in their ear the dirtiest pick up line ever?
Like I think they’d have a funny reaction!
Feel free to refuse ofc! Thanks anyways!
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How would Halsin, Gale, and Astarion react to a paladin who looks stoic/strict only for them to be an explicit and flirty?
(Damn, reminds me of my PaladinLMAO)
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“Oh, darling, and just when I thought you were as dense as a brick wall. I never could have guessed that beneath all that was a cheeky little flirt. All that dirt coming out of such a filthy mouth, you ought to have someone clean it out for you, my sweet.”
He was the one being the flirty ass at first, hitting on you in every teasing way he could think of with the hopes that perhaps someday he’d get a reaction out of you for his own amusement.
You never seemed to comment on his “advances” at first, you remained as stern as usual with little but a side glance to offer.
Probably got personally offended each time his usual charms failed but he was persistent. More so because he wanted to prove that he could truly seduce even the most stoic of hearts.
He made it his personal mission to make you crack, but along the way, he may or may not have fallen for you. Regardless, the realization absolutely horrified him.
Perhaps he just has the worst luck ever or you finally started to begin your master plan of turning the tables against him but nevertheless, he wasn't prepared at all for what you had in store for him.
He was already taking quite the liking to you, so the moment you began whispering such depraved yet smooth words into his ear, he was shocked and speechless for the first time in years.
His mind was practically breaking apart as you laid out every filthy thing you had in mind. He truly couldn't tell if this was utterly fucked or if he was somehow into it.
You would be the sole reason a tint of color finally appears in his otherwise undead skin. The tint being a bright shade of red of course.
He goes from being startled, angry, confused, flustered and then eventually hitting you right back with a little pick up line of his own once he’s finally calmed down.
Now both of you end up teasing and flirting with each other as sneakily as possible, both of you trying to outdo the other in terms of who could fluster whom the most.
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: ̗̀➛ GALE
“I…oh gods, love, you truly don't understand the things you do to this heart of mine. Of all the weaknesses I could have possibly gotten, you are one I’d welcome with open arms. I have stood proud amongst a Goddess but for you? I’d fall to my knees.”
He was slightly intimated by you at first by how stoic you appeared to be. You seemed like a person who’d prioritize business and work above all else, repelling anyone with nothing more than a glare.
He wasn't even sure how to approach you, he was already admiring you from afar but he feared that you would have never felt the same. Not when it felt as if your heart was locked within walls of stone.
He tried to shoot his shot once or twice, but they were always met with a few words of acknowledgment or even worse, a mere nod.
As much as he wished to simply move on from his utter fixation on you, he can't help but pine. You’re something he's grown to truly desire in ways he could hardly express.
However, one way or another, every little attraction he’s felt for you thus far is revealed by him. Completely exposing just how smitten he truly is by you and perhaps that single moment of true vulnerability is what finally made you snap.
Pull him close and abruptly whisper every depraved fantasy and dirty pickup line you've thought of just for him and he’d die. I mean, melting right then and there into a puddle of shame.
For a man who talks too much, he suddenly becomes oddly quiet, his eyes wide with a certain gleam of helplessness that makes him look all the more exposed to you.
For once in his life he’s stuttering his words, barely even able to hang onto a sentence without having to take a moment to breathe or silently whimper out in a mix of embarrassment, confusion, and frustration.
Dropping one of your pickup lines would be just enough to have this man in a chokehold. Truly. It’s one of the only ways to actually silence him.
He’s not one for pickup lines but he’d try his damn best to voice out his admiration for you similar to how a poet would describe their one and only muse. Through each sweet whisper, you dare utter, he falls deeper and deeper in love with you.
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: ̗̀➛ HALSIN
“My heart, I beg of you. Each word, each whisper, even the soft tingle of your breath against my skin- you are a walking temptation that I so longingly wish to taste. My blood runs wild when you are near and I fear what I may do to you if you if you continue on.”
He was hardly bothered by the fact that you seemed a tad bit uptight. He has met far too many people similar to you and he’s learned better than to judge someone based on appearances alone.
Doesn't change the fact that he was in fact attracted to you.
The thing is, he respects you too much to ever make a move. At least, not for a while. Most conversations you’d have with Halsin were of the friendly sort at first, prioritizing the mission at hand before anything else.
However, in truth, the way his eyes practically brightened and his breath ever so subtly quivered when you approached was something you could have slowly picked up on.
He eventually slides very discrete hints about his attraction toward you, simply testing the waters to see if you would reciprocate. However, he truly never expected you to actually take the bait.
Before he could even properly make a move on you, you were already whispering every one of your sweetly depraved desires into his ear, catching him completely off guard.
He knew that there must have been more beneath your hardened exterior but he would have never suspected this. But is he complaining? Absolutely not.
But do be careful when and where you decide to whisper such things to him because you may or may not be seconds away from being utterly ravished by one bear of a man against the nearest surface.
Do so in public spaces where it's safe to tease him, giving you the freedom to watch as his breath heaves and his voice breaks just by the smoothened words coming out of your dirty mouth.
Nevertheless, he’s absolutely obsessed with your little flirty remarks, said remarks being enough to fluster him instantaneously. All the lovers he had taken in his life and yet he had never met one who could madden him as much as you do.
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zenxvii · 5 months
character: go kyung-jun x fem!reader
kdrama: night has come
!!: thoughts are in italics
🫶🏻: childhood friends, protective go kyung-jun, friends to lovers
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y/n had just got out of her room walking around the halls. She wanted to get out of this hellhole as soon as se could, she couldn’t bear to see anymore of her classmates die.
Passing by rooms she knew where se exactly wanted to go. She had walked towards the cafe in the building not knowing all the trouble inside it.
- y/n pov
I had wandered through the halls and got closer to to the cafe. I heard lots of voices from there so I quickened my steps. There was lot of people standing there and in the middle there was Hyun-Ho fighting with Kyung-Jun.
“What the fuck is going on.” I whispered to myself noticing it didn’t catch anyones ears.
Kyung-Jun had roughly pushed Hyun-Ho and he slammed against the wall. “Alright! Isn’t this enough now!” I said strongly and went to push Kyung-Jun away from the other man.
“You stay here.” I told him and went to help Hyun-Ho up. “You okay?” I asked him as I helped him up. He nodded at me and gave me a smile.
I could feel Kyung-Juns burning a hole onto me head, but I didn’t mind it. “I don’t get it. Why do you guys have to fight at a time like this.” I breathed out and shook my head.
“y/n’s right.” Our class president agreed with me. “We should go now.” He continued and mentioned that we should go downstairs and meet everyone in there.
I watched them leave and Kyung-Jun slumped on a chair and kicked the table. I sighed and exited the cafe and went to a girls bathroom to look for a medkit.
Once I returned to the cafe I saw Jin-ha and Seung-Bin also sitting around the table. “You idiots.” I said and their gazes turned to me. I sat on a chair next to Kyung-Jun and gently pulled his chin between my fingers.
“Why do you start fights.” I asked him and started to clean his wounds. He didn’t answer but hissed each time the wound pained him. I just sighed and cleaned his wounds.
After cleaning his wounds I turned to Jin-Ha who was on next chair next to me. “Head this way.” I told him and he turned his head to me. I started to clean his wounds but then someone yanked my hand back.
“He can clean his own wounds.” Kyung-Jun told me but I didn’t listen and yanked my hand back. “Don’t get in my nerves now. I bet you guy started the fight but let me help out a little.” I said and turned my attention back to Jin-ha.
I don’t get why was Kyung-Jun like this. When we were young he wasn’t violent he was kind. I miss the old him who wouldn’t just throw fists around. But I do love this Kyung-Jun, he treats me well. I’ve tried to told him to stop fighting but he still hasn’t, maybe someday.
Kyung-Jun had stayed silent as I cleaned the duo’s wounds. “All done. Now stop doing unnecessary shit like this, you’ll just draw suspicious to your way.” I said and shook my head and the trio just stayed silent not matching my gaze.
“Let’s go then.” I told then and got up. Jin-Ha and Seung-Bin got up as well but Kyung-Jun just sat there. “You two go ahead.” He told them and they just obeyed and left. Leaving me and my cranky boyfriend in the cafe.
“What is-“ “Do you love me?” I started to ask but got cut off by Kyung-Juns question. Do I love him? Of course I do.
“Of course I do. You know it.” I told him snd walked up to him. “It didn’t seem so.” He said and made eye contact. “What do you mean “it didn’t seen so’” I quoted him “Why did you go at Hyun-Ho first when I’m your loved.” He said and that’s when I knew what was up.
“Are you jealous?” I teased him and he sighed. “Of course. That jock freak has liked you for a long time now.” He said face turning into anger. Huhhh?? Hyun-Ho likes me?? Well damn.
“We both know I only love you.” I said and sat down next to him taking his hand onto mine and squeezing it a bit. “I love you.” I told him again.
He gave me s faint smile before standing up and pulling me into a hug. “I’ll make sure we get both out of here. Together.” He reassured me. And I nodded to his chest.
Few nights later
We were at a swimming pool looking around. I felt like it was pointless but I didn’t give up, I believed Yoon-Seo she was one of my best friends.
I was all the way back almost other side of the room and I heard people talking bit then I thought I saw something in the water.
I crouched down and tried to look again, but I couldn’t see anything anymore. Weird. I tried to look around with my hand and putted it in the water moving it around a bit.
Nothing. I started to get up but then felt a strong tug and I was face first in the water. I gasped and water filled my lungs as I tried to swim back to the surface. I got back to the surface and started coughing and saw Kyung-Jun and everyone else running to the side I was on.
“y/n!” He screamed as he reached me and extended his hand. “I’m okay..” I said and tried to grab his hand but then something tugged me again and I was underwater unable to swim back up.
I heard a splash and felt arms wrap around but my vision was blurry. I gasped for air when I was back up and started coughing hard.
I was in Kyung-Juns arms and Jun-Ha pulled me up as Kyung-Jun tried to lift me. I got on the floor still coughing and people gathered around me. Kyung-Jun basically jumped out of water and came to me.
“What happened?!”
“Are you alright!”
I was getting bombed with questions. “I..” I tried to speak but nothing came out. “Shut up!” Kyung-Jun shouted at everyone l. “Leave her be. She needs to rest!” He said and picked me up in a bridal style and started walk away.
“Message the plan then. Now I’m taking care of my woman.” He said and walked away leaving everyone behind.
He took me to a room and wrapped a towel around me. “I thought I was gonna die.” I told him and felt tears starting to form. “But you’re not. I don’t know what happened but from bow on I’ll protect you always.” He said and wrapped his arms around me.
What did tug y/n😨 Could it be the ghost..🥶
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pumpk1bun · 4 months
love of mine
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someday you will die
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but I’ll be close behind
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I’ll follow you into the dark
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sweetracha · 6 months
No thoughts only building snowmen with felix and then him getting grumpy bc yours looks cuter
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Do you Wanna Build a Snowman?
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"Lixie come on! You're going to catch a cold" you said as you rounded the corner in your new home.
"It'll all melt away! Hurry" Felix sounded like a little child worried about his double chocolate cookie crunch extreme scoop of ice cream.
Who could blame him though? Felix couldn't remember the last time he had seen snow. You mentioned how badly the streets would thick over with ice and be packed with white as far as the eye could see. To Felix, this could never be a bad thing. How could it be?
You ran through a mental checklist, ensuring you were both ready for the cold about to hit you. Sure, you were used to it by now but somedays the winter bites back. Felix on the other hand was ready to run out blind to his death, the Aussie would never survive without you.
Thick socks? Check.
Warm boots? Check.
Pants with leggings underneath? Double-check
Long sleeves? Check
Coats? Check and a matching check as Felix insisted you two had to have a matching set.
Gloves? Check much to Felix's complaining 
And finally, a hat to keep your head warm? Check!
When you opened the front door, Felix dashed out with excitement. You couldn’t help but laugh a bit at the pure joy on his face. He found the thickest pile of snow in the middle of your yard, where your garden used to be, and fell to his knees. You should have guessed the gloves would have been long forgotten by now as he feels the snow melt on his bare skin. There was no way to sneak up beside him as the unmistaken crunch of packed snow sounded from under your feet. You crouched next to him and took in all his beauty. It was his first life, wasn’t it?
“Lixie baby?” You asked softly, not wanting to disturb his fun. All you got back was a simple hum to acknowledge he was listening. “Do you want to build a snowman?” You thought he was about to die from how quickly he lit up.
“Yes! We could make a cute snow couple!” His mind went running with ideas.
“Pixie, have you ever built a snowman?”
“No but how hard could it be? Animal crossing taught me everything I need to know.”
Oh how wrong he was. Felix quickly realized he had put too much confidence in his ability to build a snow person. It wasn’t meant to be a competition but he decided himself to make it one. Then he looked over at yours, almost finished while he was barely started. 
Yours was perfectly round and white.
His was lumpy and had random mud stains all over.
Yours was perfectly proportional.
His head always ended up being bigger than the middle.
Yours had arms specifically grown by Mother Nature herself.
His looked as if a dog dragged them in.
Even the face on your snowman looked perfect! Brown buttons you stole out of the craft drawer, a little carrot nose from the fridge, little pebbles curved up into the biggest smile. You even broke off tiny flakes of bark to make the freckles on your snowman! 
Wait…freckles…on a snowman? Brown buttons, a big smile, a blue scarf, a matching hat, Felix’s missing gloves, and freckles.
“Y/n!” He didn’t know what to say so he decided to scream your name to get your attention. However, that backfired miserably as you fell straight on your butt onto the cold ground.
“Felix!” You yelled back. He ran as fast as he could to save you.
“I’m sorry…I just..your snowman…he is…” 
“He is you!” Felix swore the smile you shared could have cleared the skies. “Do you like him?”
“I LOVE HIM!!!” He got up close and personal to inspect every little detail. “How?”
“I’ve had some practice” He fell for your giggle every time.
“Mine looks so…sad” Just then the oversized head rolled off and smashed into pieces.
“Maybe I can help you? I bet we could make him a real find!” Felix liked this idea much more than the competition he was participating in.
“Gotta make Snowlix the perfect man!” Felix stated as if it was an indisputable fact.
“So snowbin, got it”
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The Sweetest Batch: @goblinracha @kaciidubs @channieandhisgoonsquad @comet-falls @ddyskz @jiminskies @j-onedrabbles @lixiesweetbrownie @marrivmel @caitlyn98s
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jungkit · 4 months
the one that got away...then came back
jungwon x f!reader ☆ first love ☆ childhood friends to lovers! ☆ wc. 1k ☆ warnings: none
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Jungwon was your first love. At the tender age of 10 you weren’t completely sure what love really was, but to you, in your eyes and mind, it was Jungwon.
You and Jungwon met at the age of 3 and had become attached at the hip.
You never went anywhere without Jungwon, Jungwon never went anywhere without you.
Growing up together there was never a dull moment.
You know that you and Jungwon are meant to be together.
There was no one else for you.
In Jungwon’s eyes, you were it for him.
Everyone saw it. Hell even your own parents saw it.
You knew there’d come a time where you could call Jungwon yours. It may not be now, but someday.
For now, you’re content with the way things are.
Except for one thing. There’s one thing you’ve wanted for a while, and you were hoping to get it.
You and Jungwon sat underneath your favorite tree. You call it 'your' spot. You carved both of your initials into it.
“If I asked you to do something for me, would you do it?” You asked, playing with a dandelion.
“I would do anything for you.”
“Then close your eyes.”
Jungwon looks at you confused but does as you say.
Seeing nothing but darkness, he feels you come closer to him, your breath hitting his face.
Then he feels your lips connect with his.
It’s quick, only lasting for a couple seconds, but after you part his eyes open in shock.
“You’re blushing,” you giggle, going back to your dandelion as if nothing happened.
“You…you kissed me!” Jungwon squeaks, a hand coming up to feel his lips.
“That I did. You said you’d do anything for me, that’s what I wanted.”
“Because I wanted my first kiss to be with someone I love and trust.”
Jungwon can feel his cheeks heating up even more than they already were.
“Oh…okay. Well, I’m glad mine was you too.”
You don't speak about it after that. But you notice that Jungwon becomes increasingly clingy as the days pass.
You thought that Jungwon would be beside you always, until that day he came to your door, crying.
“What’s wrong?” You ask him, pulling him in for a hug.
“My parents just told me we’re moving.”
You’re confused. “Like.. moving houses?”
“More like moving across the country.”
“What? Why!” You feel your own eyes begin to water, and before you know it, fat tears are rolling down your cheeks.
“They said my dad got a new job opportunity. We leave in a week.”
“For how long?”
“I don’t know, but I don’t wanna leave you.”
You pull Jungwon closer, hugging him tighter.
“I don’t want you to leave either.”
“Promise me, you’ll always be mine?” He asks, putting out his pinky finger.
You link it with yours, twisting them, “I’ll always be yours, and you’ll always be mine.”
You and Jungwon spent your last week together at all your favorite places. The arcade, the park under your tree, the ice cream shop.
As he sits in the back seat of his parents car, you begin to cry as he does the same.
You wave goodbye, him following as the car departs.
You stand there for a while, crying, sniffling as your parents hug you.
That was 8 years ago.
The first year apart, you guys kept in touch. Facetiming and texting everyday.
But that started dissipating to once a month.
Before you knew it, you and Jungwon had stopped talking completely.
You made other friends, people you’d call your ride or die, but Jungwon still lingered in the back of your mind. You wondered if you lingered in his.
Here you are, 18 years old starting college, still thinking about your childhood love.
You’re anxious walking on campus. Your friend Hanni beside you is the only thing keeping you somewhat calm.
“Be excited! We’re finally starting college, we get to go to parties and have wild times.”
You chuckle, “The only wild times I’ll be having is in my dorm.”
Hanni pouts, “Come on, you should let loose, have fun while you can! Maybe find someone along the way.”
The thought of having someone has crossed your mind before, but it’s never been a priority for you.
“Don’t tell me you’re still hung up on that Jungwon guy.”
“I’m not hung up! And he’s not just some guy, he’s someone very important to me.”
“Even now?” Hanni asks, looking at you solemnly.
“Even now,” you confirm.
You and Hanni find a seat on a bench, going over your class schedules.
Thankfully you have 2 classes together, so you won’t be alone.
Hanni is looking around at other people in the courtyard when she gasps.
“Cute guy at 4 o'clock.”
You look and see a group of guys, hanging out at one table.
“Which one?”
Hanni points to one wearing a gray hoodie with loose, acid washed jeans.
You recognize that face, and before Hanni can stop you, you’re getting up and walking in that direction.
She calls out your name but you don’t hear her, focused on what’s in front of you.
In seconds, you’re behind the gray hoodie guy and his friends are all looking at you, confused.
You feel tears start to form, “l never thought I’d see you again.”
You see his form freeze before quickly turning to face you.
Before you know it, you’re being crushed in a tight hug.
You wrap your arms around Jungwon, squeezing him just as tight.
You stay like that for what feels like hours, but was in fact only a few minutes.
“Look at you,” Jungwon says, standing back to look you up and down, “My pretty girl. You don’t know how much I’ve missed you.”
“Not as much as I’ve missed you.”
Jungwon cups your face, “Just let me look at you.”
You blush profusely, “Jungwon, stop.”
“What? I can’t look at you? I can’t admire how beautiful you are?”
“I guess you can, if you let me admire how handsome you are.”
Now it’s his turn to blush.
“Can you do something for me?” He asks.
“Close your eyes.”
You do and soon feel his lips meeting yours.
It’s soft and slow.
You can faintly hear his friends whistling and clapping in the background.
When you separate, you’re both blushing up to your ears.
“You kissed me,” you say quietly, looking down at your shoes to avoid meeting his eyes.
“It was only right. I’d like to make up for lost time.”
“I’d like that too.”
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— ahhh my first post on my new account!! hopefully it’s not too bad, i’m kinda rusty 🥹😭
here’s to more in the near future!
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danieyells · 15 days
hey, can I ask for towa's lines? the flower boy is so cute and I love him so much
Towa is my favorite, I think! He's maybe second to Taiga. Maybe.
TOWA'S MIGHT BE A LITTLE FASTER SINCE HE CAN ONLY SPEAK AFTER 4PM. THAT MEANS HE HAS LESS LINES. But some of them are still. . .Towa's a bit of a trip sometimes. but that's why i love him.
Affinity 8:
"...It's going to rain again tomorrow. I'll go tell Haru."
aren't you the one who makes it rain. . .do you wanna talk about it. . . .
Affinity 10:
"Haru always goes off somewhere by himself around this time. He calls it "Grown-up R&R.""
Haru really treats them like they're his kids huh lmao. . . .
Affinity 15:
"Haru told me he's going patrolling again. I don't get it—they're all going to die someday anyway."
HARSH? Towa legit does not care about the wellbeing of these animals lmao. THE PLANTS WILL DIE TOO BUT YOU'RE STILL TAKING CARE OF THEM. . . .
Affinity 16:
"I wish that Wolfsbane would go away."
i would like to add that based on Ren's voicelines he does not just wish he would go away, he may be actively attempt to poison him to death.
"Towa keeps trying to make me drink some kind of rice porridge with weird flowers in it... "
considering he calls him "Wolfsbane" and fed the player a Dandelion it's fair to assume the flowers in the porridge are wolfsbane. . .which are poisonous. He just wants to be left alone with Haru. . .he's yandere, just not for the player lol not that we've seen so far anyway.
Affinity 17:
"You're going to bed already? But I want to talk more! Stay up with me!"
it's not like he gets the chance to talk much during the day, so i get why he says that.
Affinity 18:
"Boo! Heh heh Were you scared?"
Affinity 19:
"You can't sleep, Dandelion? Come over here, I'll cuddle you."
Affinity 20:
"Hm? Are you afraid of that carnivore? Don't worry—I'm the boss around here."
the beasts know not to fuck with Towa because Towa is Weather Incarnate and You Do Not Fuck With Nature.
Affinity 21:
"Dandelion, come here. Let's tell each other more love stories today."
'dandelion read me your fanfiction! i'll read you mine too, don't feel embarassed!'
Affinity 22:
"That tree on the hill over there says it's been waiting for a really long time. Can you hear it? It's crying again."
he speaks to plants! and plants speak back to him!! and the trees are sad. i wonder what it's been waiting for. . . . shit like this makes me think Towa is the spy, if it isn't Kaito. why can you talk to animals and plants and control weather to the point that animals are scared of you. why do you have such a strong lack of regard for the lives of others. why do you have perfect night vision. that's so much. it's a little suspicious.
Affinity 23:
"When you meet your soulmate, it feels like getting struck by lightning. Did you know that? Have you felt it, Dandelion?"
'you haven't? (sky darkens) would you like to?'
Affinity 24:
"Heh heh ♪ Are you tired, Dandelion? You're so weak. It's cute."
what. what does that mean. what is that attitude about. . .although we've kinda seen that Towa has a bit of a power complex before, so him thinking you're weak and cute and finding it charming and valuing how much stronger than you he is kinda tracks. . . . that or my guy likes the asshole boyfriend type trope in his romance stories.. that or he saw how much other people liked it and followed accordingly.
Affinity 25(max):
"Do you like me, Dandelion? Because I love you!"
"I love spring. It's when lots of flowers bloom. And did you know the Japanese word for spring is haru? Just like Haru's name!"
"This is a cherry blossom petal. It's for you! Look—they're sweet and yummy so I collected all these ones for my treasure box."
"Have you heard of cherry bombs before? Haru won't buy me any, so I'm looking for them on my own. If you see them blooming somewhere, could you tell me?"
this line feels a little more clear in japanese, if only because i didn't know what a cherry bomb is myself. Towa is asking for 'hanabi'--fireworks. 'hana' in 'hanabi' is Japanese for 'flower' so he thinks 'hanabi'/fireworks are a type of flower. Haru understandably doesn't trust Towa with fireworks, but likely doesn't realize what he wants is a flower. as for english, a cherry bomb is a type of firework! so it does work similarly, as in this case Towa is trying to plant what he likely assumes to be an anomalous fruit.
"Look, you can see the Milky Way tonight. Did you know Orihime and Hikoboshi can only meet once a year? I could never wait that long to see my soulmate."
Orihime and Hikoboshi are from a Japanese myth about the Vega and Altair stars! They're separated by the Milky Way and can only meet one day each year. This myth is celebrated in the holiday Tanbata.
"These leaves are really pretty, but they taste bad..."
oh bby don't eat the dying leaves. . . . .
"Iris went home because he said it's dangerous to stay out in the dark. I can still see fine though, even in the caves!"
Iris is Zenji, btw! Iris are also poison flowers, so he likely doesn't like Zenji much haha. Also apparently Towa has night vision. another sus point. am i gonna make a post about everything suspicious about Towa? probably. why's he have like seven powers???
"I told Coriander I wanted to play in the snow, but he said no. Is it really true that you'll die if you play outside on cold nights?"
Coriander is Kaito! I have no idea why he calls him that lol
"What? Are you cold, Dandelion? I'll cuddle you, so come outside and play with me!"
'hey is it true you'll die if you play out in the cold at night? do you wanna come di--uh play with me?'
His birthday:
"Yep, it's my birthday today! You want to give me a present? Okay, then tell me who you like!"
do you promise not to electrocute them
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday, Dandelion! I picked this Aphrodite Orchid for you from a secret spot. Say "ah"!"
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it's pretty! and named after a goddess of beauty! And sexual love.
New Years:
"Haru told me that today's a special day in Japan. Are you happy, Dandelion?"
hey why don't you know what New Years Day is Towa. . .then again I guess Haru didn't notice it happened either. He just wants you to be happy!
Valentine's Day:
"I know what these are! They're Valentine's Day chocolates! They're Coriander's favorite food. You're giving them to me? Thanks...?"
Can he even eat chocolate considering he only eats plants. . .maybe you should've given him like. chocolate dipped rose petals. . . .
White Day:
"This is for you! It's a white rose! They only bloom in one special place on that mountain. It's for the chocolates you gave me."
Somehow he knows about White Day though! maybe he showed Haru or Ren the chocolates and they told him to make sure you got a return gift.
April Fool's Day:
"Haru's a dope! I hate liars! You won't lie to me, will you, Dandelion?"
Haru played a prank and Towa did NOT appreciate it huh. . .no jokes and no lies unless you wanna be given a poisonous flower. . . .
"Trick or treat! If you don't give me lots of delicious flowers, I'm going to play a trick on you! "
the trick is 'a storm large enough to flood your home :D'
"Heh heh ♪ Merry Christmas! I heard you're supposed to spend today with your soulmate! I can't wait!"
"Are you done yet? I hate waiting. Come play with me!"
"Where were you, Dandelion? I've been waiting here all this time. Come give me a sorry cuddle."
WHOO ALL DONE. I love him so much, he's just. . .he's actually kind of mean lmao! But I love that about him, he's so. . .he both is and is not what you expect. He's very childish but like. . .cruel in the way a child can be, sort of? I JUST. REALLY ENJOY HIS CHARACTER. He's such a loving sweetheart until something agitates him even a little bit lmao. . . .
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p0ssywhippedcream · 1 year
omg that apollo smut was just amazing!. could you do something angsty w him like he's gonna break up bc he fell for someone else (and obviously as a demigod you know that he's not sticking around forever) feel like crying omg
baby omg that's so fucking sad why would you do this to me
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"We have to talk." He's trying to be nice. He wants you to sit down and he wants to warm you some tea before he tells you.
You don't sit down, despite his obvious gestures to the sofa. In fact, you don't even let him in the door. You stand there with it open, arms crossed on your chest with an unreadable expression.
"No, we don't." Okay, well now you're being difficult. He wants to let you down easy and you're being so stubborn.
"Yes, Y/n, we do." He hasn't called you Y/n in two years. It's sweet girl, baby doll, my love, sunshine.
"I know." For a second he thinks you're agreeing, that you do have to talk until he sees the barely contained rage in your eyes. You know. You know where he's been.
He doesn't know what to say so he just stands there. His hands that are so used to wiping your tears twitch when one falls. He doesn't love you anymore but he's not a monster.
"Are you okay?" There's so much he's trying to ask. Will you be okay? How do you feel? How long have you known, the entire time? Do you hate him?
You nudge your apartment door with your foot and he looks inside. The sunflowers he'd given you are waving at him from the trash can.
You sighed and stepped outside. It wasn't a very bright day, the sun was hidden behind clouds that drizzled lazily. He didn't realize he was standing in soft rain until you joined him.
You took his hands, curled his fingers into his palms and held them as fists. "I know I'm not permanent, Apollo. Everything goes someday. You deserve happiness for the time you can have it. My comfort currently is that this lover isn't permanent either."
You were talking to him like he was human. A mortal to live and to die. Somebody to pass through life for 80 years at most and somebody expected to run out of time. His face must've given away his confusion, his eyebrows are arched, eyes wide and his mouth open.
"I will get over you," You continued, "I will find another person to love and we will love for a long time. I will be happy. But I can't have summer picnics anymore. I can't wake up early with a cup of earl gray in my hands and sit on my porch. I can't stand on the beach, watching you descend in the sky without remembering this. So much of the world is filled with you. And I hope someday when I watch you light it up with my lover's hand in mine, I won't ache to forget you."
You dropped his hands, yours came up to grab his face like you were going to kiss him. He wouldn't be averse to it, he closed his eyes and accepted your attention. Your forehead pressed against his and you just stood there, holding him and breathing.
You didn't kiss him. Your hands fell away and you walked back inside. The door closed behind you. You didn't even spare one last glance at him. He stood there on your porch. The light rain turned to weeping, the clouds full and betrayed. They wept all over him as he watched your door, waiting for a sign to leave.
He didn't love you anymore, he reminded himself. He stepped back and walked away from your home. As he stepped on the pebbles of your drive way, he looked back towards your home. He saw through your windows, you perched on your counter, nursing a cup of hot chocolate. He'd only ever known you to drink tea.
As he watched you swing your legs and kiss your mug, it hit him. You loved him like a man. He was human with you, no matter his occupation and shows of power, he was only the man you loved. You loved him humanly and you let him go the same way.
Apollo wouldn't be your greatest love, you were bound to draw in more people with your kind soul and gentle hands. But you were his, the only love that saw beyond his immortal curse.
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darkwolf989 · 2 months
Outside the Office Part Fifteen
Hi All! Maybe a trigger warning for Valentino being himself and Hell being Hell?
Enjoy and as always feedback is appreciated!!
When I woke up, my cheek was pressed firmly against the middle of his chest. Every inch of me tingled, and I pressed deeper into him as the fire in my belly restored itself. Under me, he stirred and let out a yawn. 
“Good morning, my princessa. How do you feel?” He asked sleepily as he ran his hand down my back. 
“Energized and refreshed, Ready for round two.” I said eagerly. I rolled over and pushed myself on top of him. I sank my hips against him. Under the sheet that separated us, I felt his cock harden. He sat up, any sleepness he had left vanished as he sprung to life. He interlaced his fingers with mine and before I could blink, I was pinned under him, blankets kicked aside. 
“Ready for round two, hm?” He growled as he kissed down my neck. 
Enthralled by the feeling of him against me, I almost missed  the surge of power that pulsed through the room. I missed covering myself with a blanket by seconds. Lucifer stood at the base of our bed, his arms crossed. The warm feeling of shame and embarrassment spread through me. He didn’t look surprised at our position, but he certainly didn’t look thrilled either. Valentino yanked the blanket over the two of us and I opened my mouth to tell Lucifer exactly where to go. 
Lucifer cut me off before I could say a word. “Whatever kinky shit you two are doing needs to wait, I need to see all four of you in the living room, now!” He snarled. “And by that I mean, get dressed in the next thirty seconds or someone will die. Literally.” 
With that he vanished. Valentino and I exchanged looks and quickly got ourselves dressed. 
“You know, someday, I’m going to be powerful enough to just drop into his fucking bedroom,” I grumbled. 
Valentino laughed and took my hand in his. Together we walked out to the living room where a sleepy looking Vox and Velvette also sat on the couch. Lucifer paced back and forth in the front of the room. He looked up when we entered. 
“Took you long enough. You’re going to want to sit for this. Vox, could you put it up on the screen for us?” Lucifer asked. 
Vox yawned and with a zap of electricity the screen lit up. Video footage of carnage and chaos, demons screaming as winged angel’s in masks descended upon the city, slashing everything that crossed their paths. Across the streets, bodies lay in heaps, crimson washing the streets. 
“This is footage from last night. As you can see, my negotiation with the angels didn’t exactly go as planned. They came down last night, at midnight, in droves and slaughtered everything in their sight for approximately four hours before ascending back to heaven. At my last count, eight hundred and sixty three demons perished.”
A horrified silence washed over us as we watched the scenes taken from the camera systems set up throughout hell. Men, women, children- anyone on the street was free for the pickings, slaughtered without thought purely for angelic delight.
“Pause. Right there.” Lucifer snapped.
Another zap of electricity froze a face on the screen. I sat up straighter and stood up, red energy collecting at my fingertips. I knew that face. 
“Fucking Adam,” I snarled. “That son of a bitch!” Around me, energy pulsed. Lucifer stepped closer to me and took both my hands in his. 
“Stop. Control yourself, or all you’ll do is destroy this lovely building. A building that kept you safe last night. Take a breath and sit down,” he pushed me back next to as he let go of my hands. He shot Valentino a look. “You. Keep her calm before she inadvertently causes me a host of inconveniences.” 
“Settle, mi amore. I’m upset too, but nothing you do at this moment will fix this,” he said gently. “Logic, and emotion combined equal control. Remember?” 
I took a deep breath and slowly, the energy at my fingertips began to fizz out. 
Lucifer nodded in approval. “Good. Now, onto the next point. If we want to stop this, we need to figure something out fast, and Reader, you’re our best shot. Tell me everything you know about this Adam character. From what I could tell, he was their leader last night.” 
Oh where to begin? Adam, or as he called himself, “the original dick” was our Creator's first attempt at making a male specimen. When Eve took a bite of the apple of knowledge, offered to her by Lucifer, it caused them both to fall. Adamn, by default, ascended into heaven, free of sin because he never learned what sin was. He was the only being in that loophole. In addition, he was the leader of the group in heaven that rallied hard for the new order, and although I wasn’t sure, it wouldn’t surprise me if he had been the one who put the final knife into my father. He was a rotten, sexist, egotistical asshole who hit on me more than once and when I turned him down hard he told everyone in heaven that I put out for him. The wildfire that rumor caused was nothing short of a nightmare, and it took more than one invasive test to prove he was a lying rat. Of course, even when I was proven innocent, people still whispered. 
I wondered what they would think of me sleeping with Valentino?
I relayed this information as concisely and accurately as I could, sparing no detail. When I shared his personal attack towards me, Valentino sat up straighter, and his hand took mine. Silence again fell over our group. 
“Heaven is fucked up,” Valentino said finally.  “That might be true, but they have power we don’t. At least, at the moment. That could change, and that’s where you come in. Reader…” Lucifer said. He looked me in the eye. “I need you to
start forming soul contracts. I need you to collect as many souls as you possibly can between now and their next visit. As a fallen angel alone, I don’t have the power to beat them but you being half demon hold the key.” 
“How do you know this?”
He threw his hands up in exasperation. “Honestly? I don’t. It’s my best guess based on eons of knowledge. And it’s our only shot, otherwise I am out of ideas. The angels know they have the upper hand when it comes to power.” 
“Wait, Lucifer. You said they would come again. Do you know when that is? Did you and heaven come to any sort of agreement, or….”
Lucifer looked pained. “Six months. I bought us six months in between exterminations. And on that day, they can come and kill as many demons across as many rings as they desire within the span of four hours. I tried, my reader. But I would not give them the one thing they wanted.”
I felt my anger grow. “What could possibly be more important than saving your own people?”
His expression changed for the briefest of moments. “You.” 
Our eyes met. 
“Send me your contract for review once it’s written.” 
And with that he vanished. 
I looked at the three of them. Despite the panic I felt, they looked relatively calm. 
“Alrightly then I guess we’ll get you started collecting souls tonight,” Vox said nonchalantly. He yawned as he stood up and made his way into the kitchen. “I got here first so I’m making breakfast! What do you want?”
“Pancakes. Bacon. Coffee.” Velvette answered. 
“You got it!” Vox called back. 
From the living room, I could hear the sounds of pots and pans banging around. Inside, I felt sick. How could I possibly be hungry after watching the carnage on television? How could they possibly be so calm? 
“Nothing we do or say is going to change the past,” Velvette answered when I expressed my frustration. “And not eating won’t fix anything.” 
I considered her point but couldn’t shake the feeling that it wasn’t right. Either way, sitting here wasn’t going to help either. The need to move overcame me and I stood up, pacing behind the couch. 
Valentino watched me silently, a displeased expression on his face. 
“I have a question.” I asked after a few minutes of his eyes watching me. “How many souls can I collect in a day?”
Valentino stood up and wordlessly moved himself to the table, spinning his chair so that he was looking at me.  “There is technically no limit. But in taking ownership, you bind yourself to that soul and the promises you make. And doing so, especially the first few times, can be physically and emotionally exhausting. So I would limit yourself to one or two. We usually don’t do more than ten a night, right Vox? Vel? Any input?”
Velvette shrugged. “I’d rather go out every night and give myself time in between. That lets me make sure I’m carrying out the terms of the contract as I agreed, and ensure they are as well.” 
“And I’d rather go out a few times a week and come back with a couple of souls each time,” Vox called from the kitchen. “Traveling is a pain in the ass. I just want to get it done all at once.”
“You won’t be alone either, reader. I will guide you, Valenitno said gently, “If of course, you decide to do what Lucifer has asked.”
That was the question. As much as Lucifer had posed it as a requirement, at the end of the day the decision to collect souls was my own choice. Maybe a few months ago I would have scoffed at the idea and taken what I perceived to be the moral high road. But knowing what I know now, and in light of the amount of deaths that would take place if I didn’t, I could swallow the uncomfortableness of owning a soul if it meant a better outcome all around. 
“I will, I don’t see a better option and well…Velvette has shown me that offering a contract is the lesser of the two evils. Speaking of, do you have a contract I could use? Or well, anything I could offer them? Because let’s be honest, even with Lucifer being who he is, I’ve got nothing to provide for them.”
“You do…have things, mi amore. And talent,” Valentino said slowly. “Granted, it's more military based…what if we contracted these souls to be trained as you were- to battle for hell when needed?”
“Doesn’t Lucifer have his own army of demons?” I asked. 
Even from the kitchen, I could hear Vox let out a snort as he answered. “I mean, yeah. Sort of. But he only calls on it to handle things like riots and keep his citizens in line. It isn’t organized, like I assume the angels are.” He walked out of the kitchen and stood behind the couch where
Velvette sat. “What if we created a dual contract? One that required them to spend a day or two each week training with you, and required them to be called on to fight any battles that may arise? We can house any souls you acquire and take care of them- that isn’t an issue. We can also add in something about how during their off days they will be required to work for one of us. The language on this might be tricky, but since Lucifer is looking it over I’m sure it will be ironclad and ensure that you are in no way, shape or form held accountable.” He leaned over and pecked Velvette on the top of the head before he returned to the kitchen. 
“That feels a little tricky,” I said slowly, picking up the pace ever so slightly.  “And more than a little dishonest. Shouldn’t they know what they’re signing up for? The whole consent argument?” 
“I mean, mi amore, is it better to let them choose the fate of the sins? Or offer them a safe landing? At heart, what they do here doesn’t really matter. It’s more important to provide a better outcome for them where you can. And you can always say no,” Valentino replied. “The consent argument- I believe you’re referring to what my job entails- comes into play in a paragraph stating that we will come to a verbal agreement regarding their participation in my business. A verbal agreement that can be altered between the two parties as necessary.” He paused. “That isn’t the exact language of course, but the general idea. This way if I have an employee who requires an…unexpected rest period, we can verbally agree together on that, so no one breaks the contract.” 
I considered it. They had a point, and as  long as I was being upfront and honest with the souls I interacted with, and offered them the better of the two choices, I was still doing the right thing. 
“Come on you guys, enough of this discussion. I’ll write something up and send it to Lucifer later today. Once he approves it, we can go from there- but for now, breakfast is hot. Come eat.” Vox said as he carried two big platters to the table. 
I filled up my plate with pancakes and bacon and settled myself back on the couch. Velvette, ever so quick to change the channel, put on one of our mutually agreed upon shows. Valentino reached over and squeezed my hand gently, a silent reminder that he was there. I gave him a smile and set my fork down, leaning over a pressing a sticky maple syrup kiss on his lips. 
When breakfast finished, Valentino and I made our way back to his room. 
“Do you need to work today?” I asked as I sat on his bed. “If so, that's fine, I’ll go down and help Vox write the contracts.”
“I do, princessa,” he stripped his pajamas off and  walked over to me and bent down, pressing his lips to mine. “But first, let’s pick up where we left off, shall we?”
Ah fuck. The red hot feeling of desire bubbled up in me as he slowly undid the buttons on my pajamas. 
“God damn it, Valentino,” I groaned as he took his time with each unhook. 
“Oh, mi amore. Are you eager?” he asked teasingly. He bent over and in the span of a kiss, my shirt was undone and my pants tossed aside. 
“Eager is an understatement,” I said as I wrapped my arm around his neck. “I want you. Inside me. Now.”
A grin spread across my face as he pushed himself on top of me. “As you wish, my princessa.”
Two hours, one hot shower where I discovered the use for that tiled bench, and a visit to Velvette later, I walked into Valentino’s studio and took my place beside him. 
“Ah, welcome mi amore,” he said softly, reaching over and squeezing my hand before turning his attention back to his work. “Angel! Where the fuck are you?” 
I watched as Angel Dust strutted out of his dressing room and took his place on stage. Valentino looked at me apologetically, and gave my hand a gentle squeeze. By the time he turned his attention back to the stage his expression had hardened, and the cruelness Valentino kept hidden from me showed itself in full form. Roughly, he stood up and strode across the room. He grabbed Angel and pushed him into the chair before leaning down and pressing his lips against Angel’s.
As much as I knew Valentino didn’t want to, the entire thing turned my stomach. and instead, chose to look away and focused my attention instead on the employees that scurried around as quickly as they could. Finally, I heard the click of Valentino’s boots come closer and I gave the scene my attention once more. I watched as he lifted Angel Dust up onto the chair, Angel’s eyes red from a mix of the pleasure and the high. Valentino took his seat, observing carefully as the demons tied Angel upright. 
I watched as yet another violent scene unfolded, wincing with each slap and shout of pleasure that came from Angel. Not soon enough, Valentino called cut and sent the film to editing. 
“Come, princessa. Lunch time.” He stood up and stretched.
Both on and off the stage, demons scurried around moving set pieces. Angel himself stood up and offered me a toothy smile before he disappeared back behind the door to his dressing room. 
“I don’t think I will ever get used to the…cruelty.” I said once Valentino and I were safely in his office. I perched myself up on his desk and picked through the options housekeeping had brought in for lunch. 
“Part of my job is to provide satisfaction for those who require a certain type of emotion or imagery in order to feel pleasure,” Valentino said patiently. “You cannot judge anyone based on their needs. As long as no actual harm is done, and consent is appropriately acquired, there is no harm in allowing fantasy to come to life on the screen.” 
“I guess,” I said slowly, “but it's just so different from what we do.”
“Sweetheart, you’ve officially had sex twice in your life. We haven’t even explored other ways to make things fun, let alone all of the other…options your body has for me. You might find you like some of these kinks.” He reached over and chose a sandwich. He kissed me on the forehead and took his seat behind the desk. “So quit judging and choose something to eat, or I’ll make you.”
“Yes, Daddy..” I responded teasingly. Instantly, the vision of my father popped into my head and an icky feeling flooded through my body. I involuntarily made a face. “Okay, that one isn’t for me.”
“First of all, you’re not engaging in that kink in the correct context. And it’s fine if it isn’t for you, but you still don’t get to judge those who do enjoy that kink,” he replied. “Especially not in my studio. Understood?” 
“Yes Valentino,” I rolled my eyes and reached over, picking up the container of pasta salad. “Do you have a fork?”
He opened his desk drawer and rummaged around a bit before handing one to me. “Here,” he looked at my lunch choice with disapproval. “You can’t just eat carbs. You have to have some sort of protein too.”
“You know what I read online? Cum is an excellent source of protein.” I answered nonchalantly as I unwrapped the plastic utensil covering. 
His face went red and he coughed before he broke into a laugh. “Princessa. Where did you find time to read up on that?”
“I had plenty of time over the past few weeks. I learned a lot,” I leaned forward to kiss him and set my lunch aside. 
His lips met mine and he sat back. “Oh? Like what, mi amore? Do share your studies with me.” He pointed to the open container of pasta salad, “and eat while you do. I’m on a time limit here and therefore so are you.”
I groaned. “Valentino. I am trying to be sexy.”
“You do that effortlessly, my princessa. And as much as I would love to tame that dirty mouth of yours right this very second, you’re just going to have to wait until we get home. Now eat, before I make you.” 
“Oh? And how are you going to make me?”
He was on his feet and before I could react, he had me off the desk and against the wall, his body pressed against mine and one hand ever so lightly touched my throat. 
“V-val?” My voice cracked as I looked into his eyes. The sharpness I had seen earlier shone through.  
“You asked,” he breathed sharply into my ear. “And I’m answering. Now are you going to eat, or do I need to make you?”
Was it fear that flooded through me, or desire? In the moment, I couldn’t tell. It made me sick in the studio to watch him treat his employee’s like this but when it was me?  Part of me was turned on in a way I could have never expected. But another part, a slightly larger part of me felt afraid, genuinely afraid that he would hurt me. I felt myself tremble. 
“I-I’ll eat. I’m s-sorry.” I choked out after a few moments. 
His expression softened, “that’s my girl.” He kissed my cheek and removed his hand from my throat. He watched me carefully for a moment before he pulled me into his arms and kissed me gently. “Mi amore, did I frighten you?”
“Yes and no?” I answered as honestly as I could as I tried to sort through my feelings on what just happened. “Some stupid part of me thought that was sexy.” 
He kissed my forehead. “No part of you is stupid, my love. I proved my point- again. You cannot judge someone on what they like- especially if you don’t have any experience in the matter.” He lifted me up and popped me back up on the desk. He handed me my now unwrapped fork and the open container. “Now eat, before I make good on my promise.”
“You would never actually…hurt me though, would you?” I asked hesitantly. That would be the deciding factor- his dominance was sexy, but to be hurt by him was another thing entirely. I took a bite of my lunch and waited for him to answer. 
He shook his head vehemently.  “No. Mi amore, no. I would not. There are other ways to…convince you to follow my directions without inflicting punitive pain.” He took a bite and chewed thoroughly and then swallowed. “Though if that did turn you on- even a little- we should decide on a safeword now. So if we do get a little rough in the moment, we both have a clear cut way to stop if things get to be too much.” 
I gave him a quizzical look. “What is a safe word?”
He grinned. “Ah. Something my little researcher hasn’t discovered on her own? The idea is simple- if you say a key word while we are in the bedroom, I stop. Instantly and without hesitation. The safeword in my studio is Parakeet. Anytime one of my employees utters that word, everything that happens on set stops instantly and the employee is let out of any restraints they may be in.” He paused and opened a bottle of water. He took a sip before continuing. “That’s also why I keep a doctor on staff at all times. Sometimes, accidents and emergencies happen. In house treatment prevents embarrassment and long term injuries. Which in the long run, saves me money.” 
“But why wouldn’t you just stop when I tell you to stop?” I asked. “Isn’t that basic consent and respect?” 
He shook his head. “Not always. Some people like to feel as though they are being overpowered. And for them, continuing to engage in the act despite begging the other to stop is a pleasure in and of itself. A safeword is something that has nothing to do with the situation and is unlikely to come up in a typical dialogue. It clearly communicates that one revokes consent and the other is to stop immediately. To avoid any confusion, I avoid using our safework in any of my scripts so there is never any mistake. Any ideas for ours, my princessa?” 
“I…no. Honestly, no idea, none.” I took another bite and chewed thoughtfully. “Not a clue.” 
He grinned. “So talk it out with me. The goal is to bring attention to the fact that something isn’t right- and kill the mood, or the vibe. However you want to describe the heat of the moment. Some people use a stop light system of sorts- yelling yellow for getting close to needing to stop and red for actually revoking consent. Think about something that if you said- or even if I said- would stop you in your tracks. And of course, something that you would be comfortable shouting.” 
I looked at him blankly and hesitated as an idea slowly formed. “How about the word safe? Cause you make me feel safe…” 
He smiled. “Safe. A little generic, but I like it.” He leaned forward and kissed me gently. “If you ever feel uneasy, unsure or want to stop- just say the word “safe” baby girl. And I promise to stop right away. And the same goes for me.” 
“I can’t imagine you ever needing a safe word,” I said, tossing my now empty container in the trashcan next to his desk. 
He laughed, “I have some hard limits. We all do.” He stood up and tossed his own wrapper in the garbage. “Come on, I need to get back to work.”
I jumped off the desk and followed him out. I took my place beside him once again. The clock on the wall ticked three o’clock, and as much as Valentino was invested in his work, I had the distinct feeling that the next few hours would drag by.
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