#[ honestly from time to time we would think about the two anon hate we received in June about our OSDD1 / Micah's DID ]
solarisgod · 10 months
Guys who love their system mates so much ( Micah and I )
#* quick warning of r slur mention and /neg psychotic word use in tags ///#[ ✨ : Micah and I are 🤝 🤝 🤝 ]#[ I just love my cluster so much they have really helped me a lot over since last year discovering them ]#[ especially Amor ; they're extremely supportive and loving and I just :( !!! ]#[ being a system / plural can be so draining and mentally chaotic but. ]#[ I'm extremely happy and grateful we exist and I have them with me... ]#[ and I am extremely thankful too to have supportive and accepting friends here towards our plurality ]#[ honestly from time to time we would think about the two anon hate we received in June about our OSDD1 / Micah's DID ]#[ telling us DID / OSDD aren't real ]#[ even calling us psychotic AND r slur it's so... ]#[ also had a lot of doubts and judgement from many ex mutuals who ghosted us last year ]#[ when I discovered my cluster and talked about my plurality experiences more ]#[ I am really happy to be openly plural ( online at least ). some plurals choose not to ]#[ and that's more than okay too ; but for me with some of my more active starmates' approval ]#[ we're content to be openly plural and as long as we're collectively happy and comfortable with that ; then that's all that matters ]#[ it is daunting to be openly plural and talk / share about anything relating to plurality ]#[ it's also incredibly lonely to be a plural in the rpc as we don't really know anyone atm who's a plural too I won't lie ]#[ but truly we're always most thankful for the support and acceptance from our friends here that make us feel safe and content to be so ]#[ anyways. just been deeply thinking about plurality and my cluster and Micah's system and loving us all that is all 💖 ]
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anadiasmount · 6 months
teach me how to forget - jude bellingham x reader.
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summary: this is mostly based on some lyrics from romeo santos songs. a not so girls trip but getting an unexpected call that leaves you thinking… i’ll leave it there *winks*
wc: 2.5k | masterlist | jude’s masterlist
psa 🗣️: was in the mood to write and this was a request i had received so anon here you go :p i love toxic jude and i shall write what the girlies want :ppppo
This time of year was a time filled with love and warmth. The Christmas lights, the decorations, the hot cocoa, the feeling of giving back, the feeling of security. While those thoughts remained in your head, you were constantly reminded how single and lonely you were, especially when you decided to take a trip with your girlfriends and their partners. 
They laughed, rejoiced, hugged, smiled, and had that look of love every time they stared at them, you felt left out and felt the urge to have what they have. It wasn't jealousy or anger, you felt more than happy for them, but now the idea of love began to make you mad. You had given everything to him, and you would do it again only under different circumstances. 
It was your first serious relationship, well you thought, after the last one you had in high school. Serious as in you thought it would be the man you’d marry. The day every little girl wished for, though when growing up you hated it, why give so much commitment? But unexpectedly with his lies and broken promises, he changed your opinion about marriage. He changed your opinion about love.
You once looked at him with adoration in his eyes, hugged his bicep in public to send a message to others, kissed his cheek first and then his lips when he visited you or saw him after some time apart, you would giggle at night when talking about your futures together, the warm feeling inside never leaving your chest as he held you close to him. The way his soft brown eyes bore into yours when he left you. 
But he was never yours, there wasn't ever a label or words said to claim him as yours.
You poured your heart to him, asking him, you needed to know the why, to get rid of the heavy and painful feeling in your heart, that felt like it was being stabbed each minute that passed by. Couldn't he see it? Why was it so hard for him to see how much you were willing and had already sacrificed to be with him? Was the love you gave him ever enough, all the kisses, cries, laughter? 
For the first time in your life, you felt something real, a love like in the movies, yet this was actuality. No more good night calls or texts, cuddles, sharing a bathroom to get ready, or his big t-shirts, exchanging looks across the room which ended in the two of you going home, or kisses knowing that they were forbidden. In the end, whatever happened it happened for a reason. 
As much as it hurt and brought misery, you were able to reconstruct yourself. You tried to convince yourself this would be a lesson for the future, a lesson that was learned the hard way as not only you lost your best friend but also your first love. Love can be cruel and painful, but in the end, it brings two souls together that are meant to be. 
“Are you good babes? You look uncomfortable,” your friend joked, earning a small laugh from you. “I'm okay, just feeling very much like a third wheel,” you said honestly and shrugged your shoulders. This trip was planned at the last minute, a girls' trip to be said, but that changed when their partner tagged along, as it was conveniently their only time off from work. 
While it angered you and almost made you not come, you realized they also needed this with them, you couldn't be that careless and selfish, though you would keep it in mind for next time. You also had wasted your money on the trip so there was no backing out, you needed a deserved break from your busy life in Spain. 
“I promise tonight is our night. They guys are going to fish overnight by the bay so we can head to the club and drink till there’s no tomorrow,” she said cheerfully, giving you a side hug before standing up and walking over to the closet where your clothes hung. “How is it going with that guy Joel?” she questioned pulling out a couple of outfits for you. 
You grimaced and shook your head, “I don't see him like that… he’s amazing don’t get me wrong, but he’s kinda boring? I don’t know, he is marrying for image and I want something way different. The dates were fun but in the end, he’s looking for one thing and I don’t want that, you know?” you explained while fidgeting with your rings that suddenly felt loose. 
“But at the same time, when I'm with him, all I can feel is happiness. When he isn't being cocky or serious he treats me well, buys me flowers, and showers me with love. I feel like it feels so wrong, but at the same time, he is always there for me. He has seen me at my worst and hasn't once judged me for it.”
Your friend raised her brow and handed you a tight navy blue dress, “I understand, just have fun. You're single, sexy, an amazing woman, and independent. When the time is right, that person will appear,” she kissed your head and urged you to change. “I expect you to be the drunkest, don't think of him, he isn't worth your tears pretty.” 
With that she walked off, leaving you standing still, was she referring to Joel or Jude? She was right, no feelings could change the new ones you felt. 
It ended up being the complete opposite, your friends were all drunk and sang loudly to an old rock song, while you laughed and took small sips from your third cranberry vodka. You would join in at times, but their wobbly bodies made it hard as they would cling to you for support. The drunk selfies and videos you all took made them giggle as you all took a ride back home. 
Jude saw it all. He was watching but from his home in Spain. He felt the cold and empty space next to him. He realized it was becoming too much for him, and he had to do something about it. But he always held back knowing it wasn't fair on your part. You deserved to be happy after all the pain he caused. But knowing he fully hasn't apologized was killing him. Or the fact the picture of you laughing with another man built a rubble of jealousy in his chest.
His thumbs always found their way to your contact, where he had your name next to a white heart, and the contact picture he took when you accompanied him to Germany. It all felt so familiar to him, reminding him of the good times you’d spent together, whether it was in his home, the beloved coffee shop, or the bookstore in downtown London you love dearly. Your smile, the personality he envied because you were perfect, so pure, your eyes that said the truth, and hands that built warmth when he held or felt them. 
He missed you terribly, longing to hear your voice or see you even if it was for a second. He caved in and dialed you, coming face to face with your smile that shined bright as he heard the phone dial.
“If you need anything please let me know,” you said to your friend, who drunkenly fell asleep on her bed. You quickly showered and changed into your pajamas, putting your hair into a messy bun and laying down on the queen-sized bed. You scrolled through the TV and ate your salty crisps. You hadn't heard your phone ring, but when you saw two missed calls from his number you let out a huge gasp and sat upright. 
Your hand dragged across your forehead, the familiar feeling of fear and uneasiness hitting you again in a huge wave. You bit your nails and dropped your phone taking a huge gulp of water as your throat became dry. 
Hey. I called and you didn't answer. Can you call? 
Give me a second, is everything okay?
No. I’d like to talk to you about something. Please just answer. 
Why would he call? What was so important that made him call you twice and send you a message? You soon would find out as you heard your phone buzz again. Your heart raced again, banging loudly in your chest, everything in the room around you was bright and colourful, the cold sheets now hot, the crisps being hard to swallow, and the vibration of your phone reminding you he was waiting. 
“H-h-hello?” you said shaky, hearing the relief on the other end. Jude on the other end felt nervous, his airpods put away as he brought his phone closer to his ear to hear your voice clearer, to feel you. “Y/n hi. Hi, uh, hi…” Jude chuckled anxiously, biting his lip, forgetting why he even called. “Did you need something?” you said in a low voice, whispering almost, as you muted the TV. 
“I wanted to know something…” 
“Which is?”
“I wanted to know if you remember our trip to Munich after the season ended last year,” he said slowly, voice deeper than what you were used to. How could you forget that trip? Were you kissed for the first time and promised to be at each other's side no matter what went on? A deal is a deal, a promise is a promise, but you weren't sure why he was recalling this exact moment. “What are you trying to get at?” you said instead of responding to his question. 
“Answer the question… Do you remember the trip and what happened?” he asked again, leaving you confused and tugging your sheets up. “Yes. Of course, I remember,” you caved in, shutting your eyes, and attempting to calm your nerves. “And what did we promise, that we’d be there for each other, no?” he said. 
“Things changed Jude. You changed things when you decided to leave and walk out. I can't promise you that, because what you did in the end was break them. You want me to be there for you? What about that time I begged for you to stay so we could work it out, and you did the opposite? To give you that promise I would have to trust your word again…” you deadpanned seriously, feeling the bubble of anger construct in your chest, your knuckles white as you control the feeling. 
“You can't trust me?” Jude said softly and hurt. He knew he had hurt you, but for you to tell it and show it to his face was the least thing he expected. “No? How could I, when in the end you proved me wrong?” you said, but Jude had caught you when you didn't voice it, the no being a question instead of an answer. If he was there with you, your eyes would tell him the truth. 
“Are you happy with him? Does he know how much I consider him my enemy for having what belonged to me, even if the one to blame is me? That I envy him for being able to make you smile even the slightest bit when it should be me?” Jude says, leaving you dumbfounded before realizing why he called. “I'm tired of your silly games. You couldn't maintain a serious thing with me, and you have the nerve to call me about-”
“I saw you laugh, I saw you cry. I lived next to you. The best and worst chapters of our novel. From our history. If you taught me to love, also teach me to forget what I feel because you are the woman I love and want. I learned to love beside you, you taught me to love, but you didn't teach me what was harmful, that love was harmful…” he said breathlessly, your chest rising up and down as he confessed his pure feelings. 
“I love you so much that I'm afraid to see you again. I only relive those old memories where you'd sit on my bed, a warm cup of coffee in your hand as you watched your soap operas. I still read your love letters, in the hope that one day you’ll come back to me. Who will heal this pain that you left inside me when you went away? Whoever invented love, should have given instructions to avoid suffering,” you couldn't believe what you were hearing. 
The tears coming down your cheeks, and your hand covering your mouth to hide the loud sobs. He heard them, as a tear glided on his cheek wanting nothing more than to be there with you. But the same distance that separated the two of you, was the same reason he couldn't hold or have you anymore. 
“Why tell me this now? Tell me you love me but showed otherwise. You say I taught you how to love, and hope one day I'll come back? Where was this when I needed to hear when I begged you, Jude? I probably looked stupid confessing my feelings while all this time you hid yours away. You weren't ready, I get that, but it's too late. I learned and I lost, and I can't go down that road with you again,” you croaked, sniffling and whipping the tears away. 
“If you think I have replaced you, I haven't. As much as he makes me happy, you ruined that for me. I constantly picture you instead of him. I feel like a coward for leading on a good man, knowing that what I feel won't ever be enough or fair to him. I've tried Jude, i've tried to forget you without holding a grudge, but it's so hard when I love you this deeply,” you let out crying, yours and Jude’s heartbreaking every second that passed by. 
Jude couldn't stand it, the silence was killing him, suddenly spoke out and poured his heart out to you, your gut wrenching hearing him at the way he felt over the months that passed by. Pain clawed your hearts, chests heaving as you could feel the soulmate connection even from afar. His voice brings you a sense of calmness and relief. He felt the familiar feeling of home when he heard you laugh, slowly coming out of your protective shelf. 
“Without you, my life leads nowhere. But I took you for granted, and now I'm hanging from a rope. I know that you know I'll do whatever for your love, so tell me what I can do to call you mine again, baby?” Jude’s voice cracked, the pleading in his voice showing raw emotion.
“Come to me. I need you to prove your love to me and that it isn't for games.”
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
can you do a fluff with jake? where reader is his girlfriend and it’s there first video together?? tyyy
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Summary: Anon request - "can you do a fluff with jake? where reader is his girlfriend and it's there first video together?? tyyy"
Warnings: like two negative comments from viewers, nothing too extreme, other than that, pure fluff.
Word count: 861
This is short because I’m not as familiar with Jake like I am with Sam and Colby. But, if you give me a little to catch up, I’ll be back with a longer one shot request that I’ve already received for Jake specifically.
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
Jake has been your boyfriend for three, going on four months now. It’s been great. You’ve managed to keep it on the down low, just for a little bit until you both felt it was time to confirm the speculations of the fans.
You thought that doing it on a live video would be best, but you were still slightly nervous. You laugh slightly, thinking about the possible outcomes as you lean back in the chair.
Jake looks at you, laughing slightly as he looks back down at the camera in his hands, “Ya nervous or something?”
You shrug, “Kind of.”
He shakes his head, leaning over to peck your cheek, “They’ll like you.” He leans back, smiling, “How could they not?”
You smile, a slight heat rising in your cheeks, “Yeah, you’re right.”
“They already like you, love your channel.. if anything we’ll be labeled a power couple.” Jake laughs and you roll your eyes with a smile, “Mhm.”
He smirks as he goes live, “Hey guys, how’s it going?” He smiles and look over at you and back to the screen with a laugh, “Yes thats her.”
You lean forward, “Hey. It’s me, y/n.”
Without any hesitation, Jake points to you, “Also my girlfriend.” You look at me and he smiles like a kid in a candy store and you can’t help but smile, “Wow. Talk about a hard launch.”
He laughs and shrugs, “What can I say.”
You smile, shaking your head, “So then, this-“ you point to Jake, “- is my boyfriend.” He nods, “Yeah I am.” He leans in, kissing your cheek as he slides his hand to interlock his fingers with yours.
@/username1: I KNEW IT!
@/username2: HOW LONG!?
@/username3: How long has [yourshipname] been a thing!???
@/username4: Well that didn’t last long. I’m out.
@/username5: seriously. Yikes. This won’t last long.
You knew you could handle the hate comments that you were bound to receive at some point, but that didn’t matter. Anxiety took over, making your leg bounce up and down rapidly as you try not to overthink it.
Jake quickly notices, taking his hand from yours and laying his hand on your knee, “I don’t mean to brag or anything..” he glances over at you and back to the screen, “I personally think we’re super cute together.” He smirks, “But that’s just me.”
You smile, “Not just you, Jake.”
He laughs and reads the screen, “Tomorrow actually will be four months, so yeah.” He shrugs and looks at you, “This has honestly been the best four months of my life.”
You smile, your leg quickly coming to a stop, “Mine too.” You sigh taking his hand back into yours, “I honestly don’t think I’ve ever been happier with anyone.. like once I saw Jake.. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of him.”
He smiles and looks down, “Guys. Shes doing it again.”
“Doing what again!?” You look at him and he looks up, “Making me blush.”
You laugh, “Oh my god.” You push his shoulder, “Don’t do that” He pushes your shoulder back gently and laughs, “I had to. I had to.”
@/username6: I have been WAITING for this. I’ve had my suspicions for the longest time now!! Like what!!!
@/username7: screw anyone who doesn’t like these two together. They’re literally perfect for each other!!
@/username8: literal definition of made for each other.
You smile at the screen, looking over at Jake who’s reading the comments, “No literally. We clicked and it was just..” he sighs, “She still gives me butterflies.”
You nod, “Same. Same.” You laugh and lean forward, “Oh, babe. They want us to do a Q and A video.”
“You guys are going to like her more than me aren’t you?” He pretends to pout as the chat fills with a bunch of joking yeses, “really?” He pretends to cry and get up, “Fine. Thats it. She can have my channel, too.”
He gets up and walks a few steps away before turning around to come back to his seat, “I’m just joking.”
You laugh and shake your head, “I’m in love with an idiot.”
Jake looks at you, stunned because you haven’t dropped the L word yet, “You’re what?” He looks at the camera, “Did you guys hear that?!”
You cover your face, hiding your red cheeks, “Stop it!”
“No, no im sorry. The audience wants to hear what you said again.” Jake pokes your side, getting you to laugh.
You shoot your arms down, “Fine, fine. I said..” you lean into Jake, “I’m in love.. with an idiot.”
“Well this idiot is in love with you.” He smiles and kisses your cheek a few times.
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I know this was SUPER short, but bear with me and I’ll make up for it with a longer and more detailed one shot!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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whalesforhands · 11 months
Okay, digest your feelings series.. but reader and shoko are doing the pocky challenge and reader accidentally kissed shoko infront stsg?
Anyways already falling inlove w/ your stsg fics🫶🫶
hello my lovely first non-anon ♥️
honestly? stsg would NEVER allow shoko to kiss you. not when they’re watching, of course.
sure, they let her tease them a bit here and there using her shoko privilege, but if she tries to pull moves that will definitely make you fall for her even an increment more, absolutely not!
stag are possessive over what they think as theirs, and even if shoko is one of their closest (and only) friend, they can’t allow that. they just can’t.
but let’s say it’s something they let slip their sight. an indirect kiss. mwah
can we kiss? (shoko x reader, mention of gojo x reader x geto)
You stare at the can of tapioca juice Shoko held in her pretty hand.
It was a scene in some anime Gojo was showing to you. A cheesy romance depicting a lovesick boy with his love interest.
The girl had taken a few sips of the chilled drink during a hot, crowded summer festival, before offering it to him.
“N-no way! A-a-a-an i-i-i-indirect KISS?!”
A smile on her face as she watched the boy’s face erupt into a comical red, his nose spewing an exaggerated amount of blood for comic relief as the coveted can touched his lips.
You blinked. What’s so intimate about that?
Gojo watched your lack of reaction with interest. Sliding closer next to you before he held up his can of melon soda.
“Wanna try?”
You don’t think you’ve felt thirstier. You don’t even like the taste of tapioca juice. You just wanted to drink it from Ieiri’s can.
She notices your gaze, adamantly pinned to her half empty drink. She quirks a brow.
“I thought you hated this.”
You shudder at the way she drawls out her words, so elegant, so prim, so pretty.
Just like her.
(You like her too much, is what you decided.)
“I think I may change my mind if I tried it again.” You said it with an apparent shy lilt in your voice, your eyes still glued to the can that Ieiri’s precious lips touched.
(You now have a profound understanding of how that anime character felt.)
Ieiri, intrigued by your current behavior, decided to humour you.
“That so? I can go buy you one right now.”
No. You don’t want that!
“A-ah, I don’t think I have it in me to stomach a full can.” Your nervous gaze meets her own teasing one.
“Yours would- um, do perfectly fine! If you don’t mind that is!” Perhaps you sounded too anxious, too excited, but it felt as if she saw right through your plan.
She hummed in mock thought, before waggling a finger towards you in a ‘come hither’ motion.
You never got out of your desk so quick.
She held the drink out for you, moving it to the left. Then to the right. Up. Down.
(You were following the damn can like it was a delicious hamburger steak. What is wrong with you?!)
Shoko laughed, before simply placing it in your hand.
“Go nuts.” She had said, watching you with a grin on her face.
Your hands shook as you gripped the can as gently, as gingerly as possible, stare zeroed in on the imprint of her lip gloss on the edge of the can.
Before you knew it, your entranced state had taken a sip. The taste of tapioca that you had initially found odd had turned slightly sweet, a small hint of cherry on your tongue as it rests on the imprint of her lips.
You gulped down the remainder.
“It’s… Better than last time.” A smile on your face as your cheeks lit with a blush, staring down enchantedly at the can.
“I’m glad you liked it then.” Shoko was now giggling at your absolutely awestruck expression, sneaking a quick photo of you on her phone to show off to the two later.
Upon showing the SG duo the photo that Shoko had made her wallpaper, they had requested for it to be sent to them.
Shoko refused.
You started receiving random cans of tapioca juice from Geto all of a sudden.
“I don’t think I can finish all these…”
“Well… Wanna share?”
He figured it out after piecing together Gojo’s recollection of watching the anime with you, and from the way you looked at Ieiri’s drink.
You had rejected Gojo’s offer to drink his opened can of melon soda. It was left on his desk for so long you saw ants crawl inside.
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tsunflowers · 2 years
so my plan for dealing with the harassment I’ve been receiving is to ignore them completely bc I truly do not give a shit about what they have to say. but I do think it could be helpful to kind of analyze their tactics bc they’ve done this to other people and may do it to more in the future
on thursday i got 5-10 anonymous messages either asking or accusing me of being friends with a pedophile and groomer and helping them find minors to target. I obviously haven’t done this and I don’t know who first claimed this or where. I also don’t know if it’s connected to the vitriol that appeared later but I’m inclined to think so bc both groups named a certain tumblr user (who I will not name bc they’ve been dealing with this for a while and probably just want to stay out of it). my impression of the anons in my ask at that time is that there were multiple people and some of them were sincerely worried that I was doing something nasty. i find this somewhat worrisome bc if that incident really is connected to the later harassment it means that the person who has been making what seems like hundreds of accounts just to call people cunts is capable of coming off as trustworthy and concealing the depths of their hateful behavior. looking at the situation as a whole it does feel like that was the first strike intended to destabilize me and turn people against me before the real harassment campaign began
for some reason they started by replying to my pinned post, adding over a hundred violent and hateful comments. I don’t think this was the best tactic bc it honestly took me a while to notice. I assume this started on friday but maybe it was thursday and I wasn’t paying attention to the replies on my pinned. when i turned off replies on friday they moved to my ask and I got probably between ten and twenty of the same awful messages. most of the comments were graphic rape and death threats, but a lot were also accusing me of being a terf
this is why I think the person or persons behind this are pretending to be trans women in order to make trans women look violent and unreasonable. I’ve deleted all the asks and replies bc fuck that shit but what I remember from some of them is stuff like “no one cares that you have a period every month, bleeder” (??) and “cissies like you will never be as beautiful as us real women.” I don’t know any trans women who would say stuff like that in actual rage. “normal women and cis women” has a layer of irony to it so i can only imagine it as a joke or being said to someone you know is a terf and will get super mad. it’s just not on the same level as the graphic violence being described in other comments. but if you’re a trans woman and you call cis women bleeders when you’re actually furious with them let me know
unlike the first wave of anonymous asks I suspect these comments came from a single person, or maybe two or three at most. the accounts had no posts and not even a bio so they were clearly made just for this purpose. which is really sad lmao. I didn’t notice much variation in typing style and they were universally against me. that’s why I think these hundreds of accounts were made by the same person or group, while i think the anons I received on thursday who had different typing styles and varied from already against me to just concerned and confused were more likely to be separate and sincere people
I’ve heard from another person that when someone who received similar harassment said they would abandon their blog they were suddenly swarmed by terfs trying to comfort them and saying look at what those awful trans women did to this innocent cis woman. obviously my suspicion is that those terfs are the same people making the accounts to spew hate speech and they just switched to a different set of accounts once the violence had its intended effect
unfortunately I don’t know what we can learn from this, other than that there are terfs targeting people in the tokusatsu fandom and they have it out for one person in particular who they sometimes name when harassing others. I don’t have any sense of who’s behind this bc they’ve spent the whole time hiding behind anons and burner accounts. it would be so much easier if I was getting hate from people’s actual accounts that i could simply block
also not talking about this is so hard for me bc I love complaining and posting about everything that passes through my head so I have to share one anecdote that I think is so funny. I posted a message i got from a url that was like takerutenkuujiiii that said “I hope you get female genital mutilation so you can experience the hurt you’ve caused others” and I said “he wouldn’t say that” and someone actually came to my inbox and called me “dumb” for saying that the famously kind and sweet protagonist of children’s show kamen rider ghost would not wish genital mutilation on anyone
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chicken-fifi · 2 months
BTS Reaction | Your Niece/Nephew is Possessive Over You
Pairing: BTS Members x Fem!Reader
Requested by anon: May I please request part 2 of bts headcanons? when they try to get close to their crush (like hug her, wrap their arms around her shoulder etc.) their crush's niece or nephew (18 month old) won't let them. The baby is really possessive of their aunt and doesn't like anyone touching her.
A/n: for once i feel like i'm a little bit ahead and being rather productive, but i sill feel very much behind on writing.... anyways i have a funny story to tell that connects to this request. we've all heard about my story thinking my cousin's pregnant wife was fat because she hadn't gone to the bathroom in days right (if not i will find the story later). well that cousin has a younger brother to whom my late aunt is a godparent. every year for my aunt's birthday he would give her a hug and every year my younger brother would fight him for it because he didn't like other people hugging my aunt. he was very jealous and possessive. little ramble, but reminded me of this little memory. happy reading! also for the sake of the this reaction, the situations take place short after the each member is introduced to the niece/nephew from the previous reactions which can be found on the main BTS masterlist.
Tunes: n/a
Initially your niece was very wary of Seokjin
Often eyeing him with a lot of suspicious
Especially when he was extremely close to you
It was your birthday when the little girl had first seen the strange man hug you
And while she had seen other people hug before
Something did not sit right with her about sharing her favorite aunt with someone else
She’s promptly separates the two of you giving him a very angry side eye
She’s come a long way we’ll say that
We a stubborn niece here
She refused to even acknowledge Yoongi’s presence for long time
Everytime he arrive to any family function she’d make a beeline to you, pulling you away from him
If she feels you’ve spent too much time him over her
You better believe she will feign some sadness or injury to get your attention
But lord forbid she see him hugging you
She’s quick to stop that without a single ounce of hesitation shouting ‘no’ at the top of her lungs
It’s kind of hard to believe he won her over in the end
This one honestly hurts me to think about
Hoseok also feels extremely upset about the fact that your nephew doesn’t like him one bit
He’d heard you talk so much about the boy and the aunt-nephew bond the two of you have this is so special to you
So naturally he gets excited to meet the boy he’s heard so much about
And that boy hates him
And he quite literally doesn’t know what to do with himself
With how important you’ve said he is to you
He’s afraid this is a deal breaker
If he’s near you and you’re nephew is present
He’s receiving the most judgemental and vaguely threatening stares from the boy
To think that boy would soon be clinging to him like a monkey
You niece loves many things that you love
Namjoon was originally not included in that list
Sharing you with him?
Not in a million years
She tries her hardest to keep you with her at all times
But remember she’s very intelligent
She knows you like him a lot
So she eventually caves and it’s for the better
Why didn’t she like him sooner!?
He gives her so much praise!
Jimin laughs at your nephew’s antics
He think it’s endearing that the little boy loves you so much
Even goes out of his way to get him riled up sometimes
But he doesn’t like it when the little guy screams anytime he goes near the two of you
It’s so cute
He’ll gladly get yelled at for the laughs
But he seriously needs to win the little guy over
And boy is he going to try everything he can think of
Silent hater
You nephew opts to simply cling to you while side eyeing Taehyung
Taehyung tries so hard to get the little guy to like him
And it’s so stranger that he doesn’t
He refused to leave the two of you alone in any room
Cockblock much?
He’ll gently push him away from you and take over any hugs and kisses
At some point though he does give in just a little bit
Your niece does like Jeongguk
A lot actually
But she doesn’t like him taking you away from her
When he’s around you give him all your attention and not her
She doesn’t like that so she tries to get the two of you separate
She clings to you like crazy and just stares at him and pushes him away when she feels he’s too close
She warms up the quickest out everyone else though
It’s really hard not to like her aunt’s cute boyfriend
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stormyoceans · 2 months
Do you think we're really going to get this, Monica? There are too many signs. although the plot is absolutely not new, but we get Jimmy in a medical gown, enemies to lovers, mountains again, the pursuit of the main character by bandits. is it possible that it will be filmed by Jojo? could today's mv be a future soundtrack? someone hurry up April so that at least one of these questions is answered.
okay, so, before answering you anon, let me just do a quick summary of the situation for people who may not be familiar with The Lore™
basically, before last twilight was announced during GMMTV 2023, the entire nomnom fandom was convinced that the show jimmysea were going to have with p’aof was an adaptation of the novel ทำนายทายทัพ by ดวินทร์
here’s the best synopsis translation i could find:
​​Indhu is a YouTuber and a fortune teller who never discloses his face to his viewers. He writes some articles on gypsy horoscope on the internet and in a few magazines. Even though someone wants him to do a fortune telling face-to-face, he always refuses. He avoids people since he has got a sixth sense and he doesn’t want to accidentally foresee someone’s fate. One day while doing a fortune telling for his close friend at her house, Indhu meets Thapfa, a doctor and his friend’s eldest brother. Thapfa is moody because his mother wants Indhu to do a fortune telling for him but he hates fortune tellers. Thapfa misbehaves against Indhu even though it’s their first-time meeting. Indhu is not happy with that. However, he foresees Thapfa’s fate that the man is going to face a deadly destiny in the near future. Thapfa has been harmed by someone several times after he had accidentally heard a secret about a man trying to kill his wife. He doesn’t recall the forecast he received from Indhu until Indhu sees him being attacked by a car. Indhu saves Thapfa from the accident and warns Thapfa that he might lose his life next time if he doesn’t do something to solve this issue. While the officers investigate the case and track down the suspects, Indhu’s friend asks him to allow her brother to temporarily stay at his weekend house in Mae Hong Son. Staying in the same house in cold weather and under the starry skies brings the two rivals, Indhu and Thapfa, closer. Without realizing, their relationship becomes closer and tighter as time goes by.
the main reasons nomnoms believed that this could happen were because this novel can be seen in bad buddy ep 12 and because way back in the days both jimmy and sea liked a tweet that compared them to the characters. in the end we got last twilight instead, even if recently, during the last twilight final episode event, jimmy said that he thought he was going to act in another project
the theory of jimmysea as inthu and thapfah has now resurfaced thanks to a frankly suspicious interaction between jimmysea and the last twilight admin while promoting the new MV:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
jimmy has also used the 🔮 emoji in one of his last mirror selfie with sea and apparently p’aof mentioned that for his next series he would go back to the mountains (i can’t find the source on this tho, sorry ;;;;;;)
SO BACK TO YOUR QUESTION ANON. HONESTLY AT THIS POINT ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE AND IDK WHAT TO THINK ANYMORE. the emojis p’jojo used to describe his new series don’t really match with this story, but then again, it’s not the first time p’aof and p’jojo switch projects. like you said there are starting to be a bit too many signs pointing to this actually happening at some point to just chuck everything to coincidence and i personally would LOVE to see jimmysea in these roles. it’s the ‘enemies’ to lovers grumpy/sunshine science vs spirituality pairing of my hopes and dreams!!!!!!
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lyranova · 2 months
Since you do the salty asks too, how about 2, 8, 13 (for Nozel and Nacht), 15, 21, 23 and 24 (for Black Clover)? Have a nice rest of Friday 🥰
Hiya Vilandel, i hope you’re doing well 🥰! Of course, I hope you enjoy and have a good rest of your Friday as well 😁💕!
2 Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?*
Hmm…I guess Asta x Yuno would be the main one, since I ship all the other OTPs as far as I am aware 🤔! Imo Yuno and Asta just work better as siblings, rivals, and best friends then as lovers. But if you like and ship them then I fully support you 🥰!
8 Have you received anon hate? What about?*
Yep I most certainly have unfortunately 😅. I have recived some anon hate from that very specific troll that shall remain nameless but who we’ve all encountered at one point or another. But I’ve also recived hate/dislike/dissappintment(?) for YuNeva and Neva in COTF (mainly because they wanted me to put Yuno x Mimosa together in that series), and then a random one from a anon about my headcanon for a Fire Force character which was really stupid 😆!
13 Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
Not sure if this is unpopular or not, but an opinion I have is that Yuno *needs* to struggle instead of being OP all the time. It won’t make him a bad/boring/or otherwise negative character, to me it would be like during the battle with Zenon. It would kind of show that, while he’s powerful, he still has a lot to learn and a lot of growth to show! But since we’re in the final arc I don’t think we’ll see that happen, which is a bit of a shame.
15 Unpopular opinion about the manga/show?
Hmm, that there are waaay too many battle and fight scenes. I get it, this is shounen which is all about battle after battle after battle. But…imo to make the manga and anime even better would be to show the quiet moments where we see the characters interacting and building up their friendships and relationships with each other like in the filler episodes of the anime! It would just make the series so much better, and would just be very nice to see!
21 What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Hm I enjoy crack ships, I even have a few myself such as MagLuck, Finral x Vanessa, Zora x Nebra, and Vanessa x Nozel to name a few! But to me, crack ships also have to make sense for me to enjoy them! For example; Magna x Luck makes sense to me, while I still prefer them as a Brotp, I have slowly come around to the idea of them romantically (thanks to my mutuals and followers 😆). They have a lot of chemistry together and you can see how much they love and care for one another! On the other side of that coin would be Zora x Nebra. The two have had no (?) scenes together, but I can see the “opposites attract” appeal in them (from their backgrounds, to their personalites, to even their color scheme)! While I don’t ship them as much anymore, I still enjoy them from time to time and see the appeal!
23 Unpopular character you love?
Hmm…i don’t know if I really have one in BC 🤔? Most of the characters I like tend to be popular because…I’m a boring person 😅? But I guess William? But tbh I don’t think he’s really unpopular, i know he is disliked because of the Elf Arc, but otherwise I think people like him. Maybe Fana? But again, I don’t know if she’s really unpopular…hm, I actually don’t think I have one…
Well looks like I’ll have to broaden my character horizons!
24 Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not?
I would recommend Black Clover for it’s characters, world building and lore (what little bit we get of it 😭), and for just how undderrated it is! I honestly think people don’t really give it much of a chance, and because it isn’t like other anime where it gives you all or most of the information at the beginning, they immediately drop it and call it boring/stupid/insert some other insult here (although the ones that complain about Asta’s shouting and say he’s annoying; i get it. While I personally didn’t find it bothersome, i know others that did, so that complaint is very valid to me!). Black Clover is very much a slow burn series, so you have to give it time and have a lot of patience imo!
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ryuichirou · 2 months
A couple of replies with fandom stuff, then a couple of twst replies.
irregardlessly-tish asked:
A friend message me "YOU FOLLOW THE LEVI X GRISHA PERSON" and I had no clue what they were talking about but then they showed me the two pictures you drew of Levi and Grisha lol. It made me laugh a lot. Then I helped them found the uncensor version of one of the drawings in your pixiv since the link to twitter seem to be broken (I'm a great friend I know/j). I guess you could say they are big fans of your rarepair work!
LEVI X GRISHA PERSON AAAHH 😭 It’s always so funny to learn how people are referring to us; I was the Zevi artist, the Shroudcest artist… For some reason, being a Guriri (wow Grisha’s and Levi’s shipname is cute, I completely forgot about it) artist feels like such a high honour lol Especially because I had no idea there was someone out there invested in this ship. Your friend’s taste is excellent. A huge thank you to them for enjoying our stuff, and a huge thank you to you for helping to find the uncensored version. You really are a great friend hehe.
It’s honestly a shame that even the pixiv version is still censored (albeit not cropped like the tumblr version), because you can’t really post uncensored stuff there… So now only a few people who had saved our snk smut back when it was posted on our now-deleted twitter have it :(
(it’s a bit embarrassing looking back at those sketches and seeing all the mistakes though, yikes)
Anonymous asked:
I want to shake antis by the shoulders and scream at them all the time cause I see them being sooo unhealthy with themselves, and I've BEEN there I know what they are doing and I know it is just going to get them hurt with the same train wreck I got myself in!!
It's the whole problem with black and white thinking where you go "people treat incest shippers like satan himself, so I cannot accidentally enjoy it or I would be evil incarnate too, and adopted/step is the same thing, so I cannot accidentally like that, and found family is basically the same as adopted, so I have to avoid that, and character A called character B his bro one time, so..." that thinking pattern does not have a stopping point!!!!!! It is so unhealthy!!!!!!!!
And then people realize they can't stop themselves from enjoying unhealthy ships, and instead of separating fiction from reality, they just excuse everything abusive about the ship like it is fine and normal behavior because they cannot accept themselves enjoying something that is remotely problematic. It is so much more likely to get people hurt than just enjoying the porn of some fake brothers fucking 😭
Anon! First of all, sorry for replying late; we received your ask about a week ago but I didn’t have enough time to properly address it. Second of all, thank you for talking about it and sharing your experience.
It’s just like you said; people really don’t want to get ridiculed or hated, especially younger people, therefore, they are afraid of liking stuff that is even slightly problematic. And for some of them, if they don’t want their so-called friends to suspect them loving problematic stuff, they’ll act even more aggressive than they should to overcompensate. I feel like when it comes to antis who talk about us specifically, the most vocal and persistent ones are those whose friends called them out for following my accounts or liking my drawings. And this is honestly both sad and pathetic at the same time; I cannot imagine how bad of a headspace this might be. I don’t pity them though lol
We always talk about it, but still: this is a game you can’t win because the rules are always changing. The only thing that never changes is that there is no nuance, once the crowd decide that the ship is bad, it’s bad. Starting out with the basics, age gaps and incest are bad, right? Right. But what if the characters aren’t canonically related but could be interpreted as brothers? Then it’s still bad, right? But what if they aren’t at all brotherly, but one of them expressed that they want to do bad things to the other? Sounds bad, right? And thus, the only type of dynamic that exists is a romanticised version of a perfect gay couple: they are equal in every way, they love each other, they are SUCH DORKS together who fit perfectly to any “redraw this as your ship” meme that’s the hottest thing these days, they don’t have arguments, they don’t have misunderstanding and rough moments. Their personalities, everything that made their relationship unique or interesting completely disappears and smoothes out, and after that it’s not even a ship, it’s just a nice blend that is perfect for consumption because it doesn’t irritate your teeth, your throat, or your stomach. It’s tasteless, it’s boring, it’s nothing, and it’s not about the characters, it’s about deciding which two characters are unproblematic enough to be transformed into blorbos, and if they have some problematic elements in-canon, it’s okay, we’ll just erase those because being unproblematic doesn’t really matter. What matters is to act in a way that doesn’t go against what the rest of them are doing, because otherwise you’re making people uncomfortable, and if they are uncomfortable with you, they feel morally correct for attacking you.
It’s never about characters. It’s always about control, about cliques, about bullying and making everyone afraid to have an actual opinion. It’s about instilling in people’s mind that attacking strangers on the internet makes you a cool person because you are simultaneously a rebel for being so ballsy and brave, and a saint for having moral standards so high that you can’t stomach bad things even if they are fictional.
Sometimes people just have different ships and that’s okay. Sometimes people don’t have any ships and don’t understand the shipping culture, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is to feel entitled to this control over the way others consume media and interact with it.
Because it makes the fandom experience boring at best and unbearable at worst.
Sorry, I digress lol What I wanted to say is that you are right, it messes with people’s brains. And it is much more unhealthy than fantasising about the things that are 100% fictional (which is, by the way, a huge part of their appeal).
Anonymous asked:
just wanted to say I love your content a lot, it's a breath of fresh air from all the anti content present in the fandom
You are very welcome, Anon! And thank you so much for your support <3 It means a lot to hear that our stuff is refreshing to you.
Anonymous asked:
Is Lilia sneezing on people on purpose, or is it a sneeze button for him?
(this is related to this post)
We’ll never know, Anon, it’s one of Lilia’s many mysteries…
Maybe it started out as a joke, but then he really began to sneeze on people every time his nose gets booped lol
Anonymous asked:
Where can I see the art for the new Shaftlands event?
I don’t think all of them are fully out yet, but people are pretty active on twitter, so simply looking up characters’ names is probably going to work!
Anonymous asked:
…Quick, someone bully Idia into sending nudes.
And be quick about it because Idia could also quickly change his mind and hack the recipient’s phone to delete the pictures!!
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outsiders-owen · 6 months
So sorry pastry voice. i didn't mean to steal the questions from everyone. i simply got excited. i understand if your upset however.
besides that, im glad i could leave a memorable impression on you Owen! i do talk a lot. but hey! I've got a lot to say!
must be because im a writer.
enough with the attention seeking exposition. I've got more questions! this time i'll spread them out though. don't want to overwhelm you more than i already have. im honestly surprised you manged to answer all of them. maybe demons have better hearing or something.
Ok so!
Apo, how did you feel when you received Owens letter? were you ever going to write a response?
What would it be about?....begging for forgiveness? more lies? an apology? or perhaps addressing that you didn't feel sorry. the fact your so ambiguous about it makes me really invested.
and Owen. are you sure you're fit to be all....power bearing right now? i mean obviously you're supposed to be Superior. but as much as i hate to admit it, you're not acting...healthy. you keep like....glitching out. in cretin responses. i've tried ignoring it but maybe you should talk to Gracie or Soup about it.
also on a similar note. sorry this might be mean but.
Owen. Why did you bring Apo to talk to us if all your going to do is cover and try to speak for him. its like you don't want him here. its like you don't want us to defend him. its like you....well....you'll see.
or maybe you wont. with the way things are looking now more voices seem to want you to....fix things.
I can't say im one of them. im only here for the story, and stories need conflicts.
oh my! i've said quite a lot haven't i? of course i still have more to say. i always do but! ill save it for another time. and watch as you two squabble over these messages.
One last thing however, Apo. you're in good hands. Owens is the strongest member of the clearing after all. No one can hurt you now.
-Salt voice :D
Oh, it's Salt Voice! Back for more, I see.
Oh my gosh, this is such a long- you've said so much- um- it's cool that you're a writer! What do you write about??
Wait... you're asking about Owen's letter.
I thought-
Let me answer their questions, yeah?
I was going to write a response to Owen's letter. I was going to tell him pretty much how I feel about the whole situation- that I'm sorry for lying to him and I hate how it destroyed our friendship, but that I would pull the lever again because someone was going to do it at some point, right? And better me to live with the guilt than any of the people that I care about.
I was going to apologize and ask Owen if we could keep up correspondence, and eventually, I was gonna convince him to get me out of that- that cell. Guess I didn't have to do that, though.
...Guess not. Um, Salt Voice, I'm- I'm perfectly healthy, I'm not- I'm fine! I keep telling you, it's f ff f finnneee eee e
That doesn't sound fine.
Apo, shut up! I can't- ugh. Glitching out? I don't- talk to Soup, I can talk to Soup, I trust Soup- does she deserve that? Does anyone deserve my trust?
Is any of this worth it? I didn't- I brought Apo to talk to you guys s̸̡͎̣͔̙͇̖͔̋͑̅͌̍̇ơ̵̪̌͂͊̏̉̈́͊ ̴̧̢̘̹͚̼͖͌̔͂͌ỹ̵̯̬̮͉̫̇̔̅̈̓̌̅̃̐ȏ̵̢̞̰̬͐͌û̵̯͙̟̖̆͂̏ͅ ̶͖̬̹̩̘̠͚̝͎̈́̄w̶̨̨͉̥̲͔̲̱͚̺̻̘̲̱͚͆͐̐͗̕͠o̷̢̩̞̰͉̭͇̩̜͍̟̖̰͍̾̈͌͂ǘ̴̢̧͕̫̰͕͕̪̹̣̘̾̌̽̽̈́̈͝͝l̴͔͖̳͕͒͌̇̚͝d̸̛̮̻̗̗̰͂̀͗̅͌̎̃̏̊͝͠ͅn̷̛̯̳̫̟͕̯͉̽̚̕͜͝'̷̟̬͈̖̤̮̩̪͚̳͑͑̏̆̄̀̊̀͐̃̅̀̐̕ẗ̴̠͓͉͔̬̺̣̗̗̲̞̽ ̷̳͖̯̎̽̽̑̔͌͒͒͝͝͝ĺ̷̢̢̢̢̡̛̛̼͕̜̭̯̦̜͎͕͖͛̌̽͗́͒̋̈̎͑̅̉ĕ̷̡̳̺̖̱̪͕̭̥̥͖̳̈́̍̏̊́̑̽a̴͉̗͕͕͇̙̙̖̞̯͛̃v̶̛̯̪͈̞̯̑̓̓͋͛͐̅́̕̕ę̸̥̘̮͉̞̤̻͓̻̭͇̱̭̏̇̆̄͌͑̈̒̇̅̓̐̄̀͝ͅ ̷̨̡̛̘̯͎̦̈́̈́́͌̊͌̓̓̓̐͝m̷͖͉̔̄͆́͒̍e̵̡̳̗̲̠͎̞̯͍̋̔̒͂̈́̈̔̀̒̿̏̿̚̚͜, so you wouldn't get bored and abandon me and= I don't- I want him here- I think I do at least- I don't- I can't-
My brain's so jumbled up, everything's so jostled around, there's a voice that's not like you Voices, it's different, i̷̗͌̊̎́̓́̀̂͘͜͝͠͝ẗ̶̛͎͙͚̥̬͊̿̊̄̎͛̅̕͘ ̵͈̰̪̬̼̪̭̈́̽͑̈̐̋̉͗͗̚͘͜ͅs̸͇̩̜̞͙͕͉͉̬̠̪͎̝̯͛̇̂̎̈́̐̕̕ò̶̭͓̼̀̋̇̈̿̆̐̚͘u̸̧̫̻̬̮͙͖̞͒͗͛̽ǹ̵̢̡͇̹̝̟̀͠d̶̨̧̘̭̱͎̼͖͔̞̤̜̦̑͊͋͝s̵̡̧̛̮̩͇̖̈́̐̓̈͂̃̓̎̒͊̂̕͝ͅ ̷̧̞̳̜̬͔̖̖̘̩̗̩̯́͛̈́̀̎̀͋͋̈̔̏̇̑͘͜͝l̷̡̡̖̫̗̳̥̫̟̯͚̽ͅī̷͔̈́̔͗́͌k̵̳̮̣̟͇̱̺͍̪̬̖̳̞͗͛͊͆̿͜ȩ̴̧̹͎͚̯̬̱̱͍̣̜͓̹͒̈́ͅ ̵͙̲̖̮̘͚̟̰͈͇̻͍̦͐̃̅̉͌̀̈́͆̂̕͜͝͝m̸̦̖̬̦̂̈́̐̉͑̀̓͂͘ê̴͚͙̻͚̯͙͇͜
And I keep remembering stuff but then it's gone, it's gone in a flash and I don't know if that's good or bad because I always feel like throwing up after I remember. I don't- I can't-
S̸̡̢̨̨̛̱̩͔̳͕͈͈̰̦͕̘̞̰͉̼̀͛̽̄̍̆́̏̄̓͆̒̅̎̊͒̑̎̔̑̕̕̕͠H̸̢̨͇͔̮͎͇̲̝̬͕̗̙̠̘̺̺̻̟̘̬̀̈́͌̀́̔̿͛̅͋̂̑̄̒̓͐̒̚͝͠Ų̶̝͇̪̪̘̭̳͛͐͑̽̈̚̚T̶̡̛̲͚̣͙̉̇̾̐͑̈́̌̀͒̈́̅̽̌̕͝ ̵̡̧̗̬̱͖̥͍̙̲̎̈̾̔̀̂͜Ų̸̧̩̯̙͇̘̥̙̥̤̣̻̝̟̪̞͇̊͋̋̃̀̓͗̋̉̓̆̈́̄̔̄̍̈̉̊̕͜ͅͅP̸̛̦͚͎̪̯͙͇̬̙̥̺̟̗̝̣̉̔̔͗̀̄̿̀̏͆̂̈͐͊̉̾́́͐̽͘͘̕͝͝ͅ
No, no no nonononono- it's not you, it's not you, I can't- I can't- I can't do anything, it's all messed up, my head hurts-
Owen- okay, just let me- let me help you? You're yelling, man. People are going to come check on you and then I'm going to be found. Please quiet down a bit
Į̷̡̧̘͈͕̼͉̬͕̪̺̲̻̻̣̃̽̽̾̆̓̃͂̂̎̅̀̔̑̑́̚ ̵̡̤̲̥͈̖̾̂͐̂̌̍͋̽͂̓͛͆́̄̄͂́̌́̒͒͑͘̕͝͠͝C̶̡̡̲̳̮̬̦͇̣̹̞͈͓̱̳͉͈͒͆̈͐̾̆͜A̶̼̻̲̙̗̗̤̜͖̒̂̒͊̃̃̐̒̅̎̀N̷̨̛̞̦̳̩̰̬̩̥͇̠͔̦̗̪̙̳͇̘̺͐͂̒͊̂̈̿̂̂̀̈́͋̈̊͘͘̚͝͝͝͠ͅͅͅ"̵̗͚̯̼̯͇͖̬̫̲͕̞́̀̈́̔̀̄́͐̊́̽̌̂̚͝ͅͅŢ̵̨̨̛̻͓͕̻͈̦̲̘͈̬̳͉͎͕͖̰̤̌̀͊͐̉͂́͌͑̉̄͌̔̏̑̐́̋͛͌̊̈́͜͠
Owen, please.
i̶̢̜͕̮̩̯̿͐́̾̔̃͜͠ͅ ̴̡̲͈̱̤͕͕̟̗̪͈̜̭̭̦̰̱̱̼̳̓̈́̋͐̒͌͝c̶̢̯̲̝̩̱͈͈͒̾̽̂͋̾̍̒͋̀͗͋̆̆͜͝a̶̡̡̢̧̱̳̼̣̪͎͙̦̝̓̈́͂̍́͂̂̏́̈́͘n̴̛̛͚͖̰͙̂̒̍̉̐̏̿̔̈̈́̆̈́͝͠͝ţ̸̡̛͙̻̲̲͖̟̞̣̮͇͉̅̅́̓̏̃̎͜͝-̶͍̟̰̹̭̞͊̌̆͋͋̈́͊́̉̚̕͝ͅ
Owen, you're scaring me.
Are you okay now?
Yeah- shoot, I'm- I'm sorry, Apo- I...
You wanna go get some rest? We can talk about this in the morning?
I- okay. Sounds good.
I'll go back to my hole then?
You can just pull up a bed if you want. If you're not afraid of getting caught. I don't mind.
Yeah- yeah, sure, alright.
Goodnight, Owen!
I missed you so much.
Didn't quite catch that, sorry...?
...It doesn't matter.
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Being MSBY's Manager
Polyship with the MSBY Senior Members
(Featuring Inunaki, Meian, Thomas and Barnes)
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*Barnes isn't included in the team line up above so I added him because ILOVEHIM 🥰
Oriver Barnes, Adriah Thomas, Shugo Meian and Shion Inunaki x GN! Reader
Warnings: mentions of blood, YN gets hurt
A/N: This is an Anon request!
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
This is fine, I'm FINE
But once again, this isn't about me
*angerly stomps ground, kicking dirt and crossing arms* 😤😒
Just another day in Paradise YN
Did I say Paradise?
Oh my bad, I mean just another day in hell as MSBY'S Manager 😅
Honestly idk how you put up with it
First you deal with Bokuto and Hinata every single day
Literally you walk in and it starts
"Well if you wouldn't stop missing liners I'd set to ya more!"- Atsumu
Sakusa has yet another issue with the laundered jerseys
"YN the dry cleaners is slipping! I think it's time you find a new place"- Sakusa
Then there's the teeny tiny issue of dealing with the senior members
Which you also, coincidently, are dating 😬
Yep I said what I said-
Dating... all of them
As in libero Shion Inunaki
Brick house Shugo Meian
And resident trees Adriah Thomas and Oriver Barnes
Boy are you 5 a sight 😅
Your relationship didn't start out like most did
In fact, I fully believe those 4 fought over you at first
Like YN walked into the gym on their first day and it started-
"Hello there, I'm Meian Shugo, the captain and you must be YN. You are absolutely stunning"- he says, winking at you
Meanwhile, Barnes and Thomas are in the back rolling their eyes so hard they can see their brains 🙄
"Will you back off, you're scaring them! Hi I'm Inunaki Shio, the teams libero, it's so nice to meet you"- he says shaking your hand
Please Yn you haven't even met the feral children yet 🤚🏻
Barnes and Thomas come up, looming over you like freaking sky scrapers
"Wow you two are really tall!"- you say smiling up at them
"And you are so cute and tiny"- Barnes adds as you blush and smile
Please YN, do less ✋🏻😐
Suddenly the gates open, causing a wave of Bokuto and Hinata to erupt
Before the two crazies can even touch you, they are halted by the wall of MSBY seniors
"Back off you two, we just got this one, don't break them"- Barnes says
After some adjustment time, you start to get into a routine
Thomas and Barnes are always helping you set up the gym
Meian is always pulling you away for a "Captain/Manager meeting"
And Inunaki is always asking for you to stay late to help him with his receives
Please your time is so precious YN, everyone's scraping for an ounce of it
Meian, Barnes, Thomas and Inunaki are always giving each other death glares when one of them touches you
It could be as simple as one of them pushing your hair from your face and 👀
You develop a special relationship with all the boys, including the oldest idiots
You honestly aren't sure what you would do without them
It becomes even more difficult when they start asking you to spend time outside of the gym
Meian invites you for coffee
Inunaki is a lover of anime ✋🏻 *I'll die on this hill* and he loves bringing you to the local shops with him
Barnes is a frequent visitor of farmers markets and he invites you constantly
Thomas loves the movies and you guys go at least once a week
You truly love spending time with all of them
But you could never choose just one
I mean, big same YN 😅
So instead of choosing, you start to pull away from them
Because like that's gonna be SO EASY 😒
But like, if you can't choose one, choose none right?
And you don't want to hurt the team, so you start withdrawing from them
They instantly notice and hate it
Meian and Inunaki invite you places
"Uhhh sorry guys, I can't today"- you say walling away to avoid any weird interactions
You arrive earlier everyday to set up so you can avoid spending so much time with Barnes and Thomas
"Oh its all good guys! I got the gym set up myself"- you say running away as quickly as you can
Please they are all so confused and hurt YN 😔
But so are you 🥲
So one day, our 4 big bbys have had enough
"I'm sick of YN ignoring us!"- Inunaki says
"We need to confront them"- Barnes adds
"Alright let's go"- Meian says standing up as the four of them head to the gym
As they approach, they hear your laugher radiate from the gym
They literally RUN to see what the hell is going on
They see you smiling and laughing with Bokuto, Hinata, Atsumu and Sakusa
our big bbys are FUMING
"Hey YN watch me!"- Bokuto says as he hits a liner
"YN would rather watch me"- Hinata says as he pulls of his new quick with Atsumu
"I'm watching all of you"- you say as everyone looks on
Meian, Inunaki, Thomas and Barnes are about to say something when it happens
"YN look out!"- Sakusa yells as one of Bokutos cross court shots slams down, hitting you right in the face
Everything stops
"HOLY CRAP YN"- Meian says yelling as the guys take off running towards you
There is blood everywhere
Bokuto hit you right in the face
"OH MY GOD YN IM SO FREAKING SORRY"- Bokuto says as you pull your hands away from your face
Your eyes are watering and your nose is bleeding bad
"Come on baby let's get your cleaned up"- Barnes says grabbing you in his arms and hauling you away
Thomas, Meian and Inunaki follow
Bokuto tries to come but Meian glares daggers at him 😬
In the office, Inunaki helps clean your nose up as Thomas returns with an ice pack
"Yn are you ok?"- Meian says ad your eyes begin to well with tears again
"YN what's wrong?"- Thomas asks
"I-I'm so sorry!"- you cry out as the guys look at you confused
"YN, does this have something to do with why you've been ignoring us?"- Barnes adds
You nod your head
"I can't choose between you. I like you all and I don't want to hurt the team at all. So I've been staying away from you all"- you say, more tears falling
Barnes, Thomas, Inunaki and Meian all look at each other
Meian sighs "we all like you too YN and we don't want you to have to choose"
"So don't choose"- Thomas says
You look at him 🤨
"What do you mean?"- you asks
"Date all of us for a while. We can see how it goes"- Inunaki says
"Like a Poly relationship?"- you ask
"Sure! I mean we already spend a ridiculous amount of time together"- Barnes says
"Yeah and we can all still spend time alone with you"- Meian says
You 👉🏻🥺🥺🥺 really
Please all these boys smile at you and you legit die 💀
Back in the gym, there's pure chaos
Bokuto is lying face down on the floor
Bby thinks he killed you and ended his career in MSBY
When he sees you, he comes barreling at you
Brace yourself YN
Oh I forgot, no need ☺️
"Touch YN again and I'll personally see to it that you never play professional volleyball again"- Meian says stopping Bokuto
"Shugo knock it off! Bokuto I'm ok bby! It wasn't your fault"- you say as Bokuto stands there
Bokuto 👉🏻👁👄👁 uhh yeah ok-
"Listen up idiots, YN is now officially dating me, Barnes, Thomas and Inunaki. Mess with them and deal with us. Got it?"- Meian says as Bokuto, Sakusa, Atsumu and Hinata nodd
You 👉🏻😐🙄 really-
After that, your life settles into a chaotic routine
You spend your days practicing with your boys and your nights at home with them
Let's just say you should probably make sure you fridge is constantly full as well ad your cabinets YN 😅
Life is pretty interesting for you
But then again, it would be dating the MSBY Seniors 🥰
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 months
hey, so would it be okay for this to just be read and not answered? i want to respect everyone's privacy.
so, i used to be in your old discord you now privated and that's totaly fine! whatever makes u most comfy! i kinda put two and two together with the person u were talking about on here and someone who left that discord like 2 weeks ago. IF its the same person im thinking of, then they are currently being harassed, called a c*nt, delusional, anon is asking for usernames of people, which they refuse to give and dont want to speak about the situation further (they honestly arent even talking about it and seem to be moved on? idk what anon is on about). essentially a very similar message to yours of dont harass anyone or ask questions further, we both will move on etc i saw it and your message that hate wont be tolerated and i really hope whoever the anon is isnt sending you hate either... it's a weird situation and idk what to do other than bring it to attention, even tho i know you want to move on and heal from this person, i also feel strongly about cyberbullying and people who are nosy and want to get involved for no reason. i just wish healing for everyone involved<3 anyway, that's all and i hope that you are doing well regardless! im wishing you a lovely day or night mwah<3
No, anons haven’t sent me any hate at all, this is actually fucking disgusting. Maybe I haven’t gotten the hate yet? Either way I’m assuming it’s someone from my old server or someone sending them hate just to cause more drama between the two of us.
So big announcement, if you’re sending hate to anyone on my behalf, I want you to fucking show yourself. I want you to apologize. I already asked everyone to not send any hate to anyone, it’s not hard at all to do.
I made a mistake making it public(though I did not mention their name once on tumblr), and this is a very harsh lesson to learn. I have the person that’s receiving this hate blocked or I would personally apologize to them, but if they see this, that’s not what I wanted at all. If you find out who is sending you the hate you can contact me and I’ll make sure they get reported. You can also report anonymous messages, and it should still affect their account! I did this in the past and it got someone’s account who was bullying me taken down.
I never mentioned the persons name publicly but I did vent about them in my discord after the big falling out because I was so frustrated. I didn’t want more people to know who they were after I calmed down so I kicked everyone I didn’t trust.
If someone I trusted did this, it breaks my fucking heart. This is not what we do, this shouldn’t be tolerated by anyone. Idc what anyone did in this situation, she didn’t do anything worthy of receiving hate. No one should get that kind of shit. No one.
I would have hoped people had some common fucking decency. This literally pissed me tf off.
It’s a big lesson, even if you think you can trust people with information, you always have to be careful. That’s why I made a whole new server with no drama and no vents or anything to prevent this. It’s partially my fault, even if I didn’t say their username on my tumblr I did say it in my discord server. At the time it only had around 20ish people, but soon after I posted in vent I made the vent channel private and kicked 10 people, the unprivated the vent channel after. Before we had a falling out I didn’t mention them at all, and it should have stayed that way.
I haven’t checked their account since I blocked them, but they should be able to block the anonymous accounts. I’m pretty sure it blocks alts as well? Because when I block someone at least I’m unable to see the account on my alt. Idk about being blocked though. Sorry I don’t usually try to go to someone’s account after I’ve been blocked.
I’d recommend turning off anons for a while, it’s what I did after the fallout because I was afraid of getting bad anonymous asks as well. And at the time before I turned it off I did receive a few nasty asks about me being dramatic etc, but I didn’t really give it much thought.
People enjoy drama and stirring the pot. I think I’ll also turn off anon and limit my messages to people I follow only for a bit just to be safe 😭
If you send anyone hate on my behalf, you are scum. I don’t tolerate bullies, that situation has been over with for nearly a week now, and we both moved on. There’s no reason to send hate to anyone.
I’m sorry, in the future I’ll be more mindful of who I vent to. It’s just not okay, I thought I could trust my server of FULLY GROWN ADULTS to act like adults should, but clearly fucking not. I’m not only disappointed, but also angry and upset.
If you think sending someone hate on my behalf helps me at all, you’re wrong. All it does it hurt others and cause more problems for me. This has brought back all the stress of the situation when I felt like I finally moved on from it.
I’m sorry, again, it’s my fault for trusting the wrong people. I’ll keep my venting between my closest friends from now on. This is just not acceptable behavior, who the fuck sends someone anonymous hate over INTERNET DRAMA? Go outside, touch some grass, interact with someone in the real world!
I offer all of my apologies to the person affected. Not mentioning their name, but I really hope this message clears everything up. I don’t want anyone sending ANYONE hate.
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jellybeanium124 · 20 days
Hi, Australian Jew here.
Sending this anonymously because I'm not openly Jewish on Tumblr, however I am considering doing so in the short-term.
I'm sorry to bother you but I wanted to ask you a few questions, if you're open to it (feel free to ignore this if so). Just so you know, I'm asking the same questions of the Jewish bloggers I follow who post regularly - both those who blog about the current Israel/Palestine situation, and those who identify as Jewish but post mainly fandom/other content.
Do you or have you receive/d abuse for being Jewish, or for your stance on the war? If so, how often? How do you respond to any hateful messages? Do you post them publicly or answer them privately? How much would you say your mental health is/has been affected by any messages, or by the content you see on your feed? Have you developed any strategies for handling social media during this time?
Thank you for reading. :-)
I've received maybe half a dozen antisemitic hate anons since 10/7. I wanna say maybe 2 or 3 between june 7, 2020 (when I created this blog) and oct 7, 2023. I think I've posted the hate anons publicly once or twice, but after that I just screenshotted, blocked them, and sent them to one of my jewish friends for mocking. honestly they didn't bother me that much. a lot of them were low effort. nobody even threatened to kill me. the terfs put more effort into harassing me and I'm not even trans. frankly the antisemites need to step up their game.
while the messages haven't hurt me... yeah... the war in general has affected me. I've lost a lot of faith in the strength of my relationships with goyim. several of them have left me. every time I post about the war I'm certain I'm going to lose another friend, and that hurts. it's been a little nerve-wracking discussing it with my irl goyische friends, but to my massive relief all of them are normal about the situation. however, about a month ago, me and a friend of 15 years got into a small tiff about it, and when they went radio silent all day, visions of them hating me filled my head and I had to send a super annoying socially anxious text to make sure they don't hate me now. thank gd they do not. I love them deeply and want them to be in my life for as long as we live. we still have to come up with a gender-neutral alternative to aunt/uncle for my kids to call them someday. if they decided to cut me off that would've been the last straw for a mental breakdown, actually.
sometimes it gets really tough to see this stuff on my dash. I've gotten better at just filtering out all the blocked posts that pass me by. to be perfectly, 100% honest with you, if tumblr didn't allow me to block content so thoroughly and I had to see every single post about the war put onto my dash... I would've left tumblr months ago. or just unfollowed 95% of the people I follow. I could not handle that. I'm sorry. this war did upset me enough to the point where I decided to take a two-day break from tumblr (I... have a problem... you all know how much time I spend here...). I've lost a close friend on tumblr of several years that made me cry. as for other social media? I only look at two people's instagram stories these days. one of my friends, who posts her outfits daily and basically nothing else, and con o'neill. I don't trust anyone else not to put stuff that will upset me in front of my eyes. I've unfollowed a couple of people on instagram because I can't block stuff as thoroughly there. I'm also just... not on ig that much.
the past several months have also made me deeply disillusioned with the state of the left. why should I care about unrelated leftist movements when I know all of my comrades there would turn on me in a millisecond if they knew that I thought israel should keep existing even though it's done horrible things? it's turned me off of activism... seeing these "pro-palestine" protests quickly turn into "harass jews" protests and the way these college students discuss these issues, fetishizing palestinian pain and not knowing a single thing about it, is just... it makes it all feel so fake and hollow. these privileged college kids are comparing themselves to gazans and I'm supposed to believe they actually care about gazans and don't just want to feel like righteous heroes? these people verbally and physically harass jews and I'm supposed to believe they're the good guys? I don't like feeling this way. I wish I didn't feel this way. but right now the only political action I give a shit about is voting. I'm gonna vote. I'm always gonna vote. but why on earth would I get involved with people who say "punch nazis" until nazis are on their side and increase their numbers then suddenly it's all "uwu nazis are hard to get rid of 🥺?"
I understand why you're hiding your jewishness. I've started hiding it too. I stopped wearing my magen david on october 13th. I recently had my first paid film gig (yay for that at least), and whenever I was telling a story that involved my jewishness in some way, I bent the truth to go around that tidbit and told no one. someone asked if I was irish. I answered I was eastern european. a year ago I would've said I was jewish without a second thought.
I'm tired. I want the war to end. I want there to be a peace deal. I want innocent civilians to stop dying and be safe.
I don't think I'm brave, or anything. I'm a safe lil american thousands of miles away. I don't know what palestinians and israelis are living through right now. my pain is a single molecule of sand compared to the pain people actually affected by this war have gone through. all I want is for people to listen to us. I don't speak up to be brave, I speak up because knowing a jew is the only inoculation against the hatred spreading through the pro-palestine movement. because if you know me, then jews aren't foreign. noa's a jew. noa's my friend. noa likes billy joel. noa writes silly incorrect quote posts. noa's a person. she's not some scary unknown. she's my friend.
I wish people still wanted to be my friend.
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Thoughts about Sophies and Oralies relationship? What will happen? Are they going to be friends again? Will they become a mother-daughter duo?
I've been wanting to talk about this for a while so thank you for giving me a window anon! And ignore the fact that you asked this over a month ago in my eyes it has been merely a day
(and on a side note if I take a while to answer an ask please don't let that deter you from sending them! I promise I am incredibly honored with every ask I receive and am working on it slowly but surely)
Okay there is A LOT so I'm putting it under a cut
tl;dr: Both Sophie and Oralie messed up involving their relationship, but I think they're going to make up before the end of the series.
Sophie and Oralie's relationship is a really controversial topic everywhere in the fandom, and it's easy to understand why. From where I see it, the two main arguments are either "Sophie completely overreacted and Oralie was 100% in the right" or "Oralie's a jerk who ruined Sophie's life and Sophie had every right to get mad." (Obviously these are exaggerations, not calling anyone out in particular)
(LOL this reminds me of one time I made friends with like a 9-year-old girl -I think I was 16ish- who liked KOTLC, and I had Kenric and Oralie on my phone case at the time, so I showed her my case and she literally took my phone, punched the spot where Oralie was and walked away, never to speak to me about KOTLC again
Anyway back to the analysis)
But as I see it, neither of them was entirely in the right.
As someone who loves both Sophie and Oralie, I think it's a very complicated situation to which neither of them reacted the best way. In Sophie's defense, she did have every right to be upset, even angry. She'd known this woman for what, two years (ish??? I think?) at this point and never once had any indication that she was her biological mother. I would be very angry about that, and I have a stable family situation, unlike Sophie. Sophie's a teenager who's been through a lot of trauma, especially family-related trauma. She had every right to have the reaction she did.
And as much as I love Oralie, I can say without any hesitation that she had a bad reaction to Sophie finding out. There's more about why I think she reacted this way below, but she just kind of froze. Didn't really apologize, didn't explain, just went... hmm, might we say numb??? (*cough cough hint hint*) Not exactly a good way to convince your daughter that you care about her.
BUT I also think that Sophie's reaction to Oralie was a culmination of all of her frustration and anger about the whole situation. She deserved to be mad at Oralie, specifically, but she was also taking out a lot of her anger on Oralie. Because Oralie was a really easy person for her to take it out on. She 1) had been there all along and saw what Sophie went through, 2) had just participated in a highly emotional situation with Sophie in which she was encouraging Sophie to be honest and 3) didn't really fight back.
However, as justified as Sophie's original reaction was, I think she's purposefully holding onto her hatred at this point in the story. I'm not blaming her -I actually think this makes a lot of sense- but there have been many times when Oralie's cried or gotten emotional about Sophie/Kenric/whatnot (she's a very emotional person and I love her for it alright) and Sophie's gone like "sympathy what no I can't feel sympathy I'm reminding myself that I hate her". This is fascinating to me, how she's been betrayed so many times by people she cared about that she doesn't want to let herself believe that Oralie actually cares about her.
And then there's the whole thing about why Oralie reacted that way. She has actively shown how much she cares about Sophie at every opportunity she really could, so why did she not try to convince her daughter about how much she really loves her?
I think it boils down to two things: fear and being an Empath. If Kenric hadn't died, I honestly think that she would have told Sophie the truth much earlier in the series. But after he died, she was scared that she'd lose more people she loved, and purposefully tried to help Sophie while putting up more of a wall between them.
I think Mr. Forkle's death contributed to that as well. In the Nightfall-Flashback era, Oralie is in like two scenes in total. She'd lost one person she loved, and then watched Sophie lose someone she cared about. Oralie blamed herself a lot for Mr. Forkle's death, since he did die to protect her (their relationship is fascinating to me). After that, Oralie put up even more of a distance between herself and Sophie- not because she didn't care. Because she'd watched two people who she cared about die in horrible, violent ways, and the last thing she wanted was for that to happen to her daughter. It was easier to put distance between them, especially since the Council had just been targeted. If there wasn't an obvious relationship between them, the Neverseen wouldn't use Sophie to punish Oralie, as a Council member.
And then there's the fact that she's an Empath. It's obvious from her relationship with Kenric (especially *that scene* in Unlocked that I will never recover from) that she is a pro at hiding her emotions. As an Empath, she has to be. But my theory is that Empaths have to hide their emotions well, but over time, they forget how to use the emotions they've hidden- kind of like a minor version of what happened to Vespera.
I legitimately think that Oralie forgot how to care about Sophie- and not that she ever didn't care about Sophie, she just knew she couldn't actively show her support, so she tried to act more as a Councillor than she did as a mother. She's pushed that side of herself down for so long, not wanting anyone to find out that she's Sophie's mother because of the drastic repercussions that could have, that she's forgotten how to use it. She's used her Councillor guise to protect Sophie for so long that she forgot how to stop using it.
Oralie's helping Sophie with the caches and with finding out what Kenric hid, as emotionally painful as it was for her, is a strong sign that she is trying so hard to care. She's realizing that she can't be a Councillor and a mother at once, as much as she tried (WOAH Y'ALL the parallels to Shannon's own life :| projecting on her characters, she's just like us). That's why she had such a dramatic switch in Stellarlune. The personality swap, the outfit change, the secret office... it's all her trying so desperately to prove to Sophie that she's willing to stop being a Councillor to show her that she cares.
And Sophie still doesn't believe her. It makes sense under the circumstances, but I think both of them are going to regret this.
(subtly transitions into what's probably going to happen in the next book)
I think it's going to take the revelation of Oralie's secret for their relationship to actually heal. Whether Oralie's forced to reveal it herself, someone else reveals it, or it's discovered against her will, I am like 99.6% sure that it's going to be revealed to the world. There wouldn't be such drama around the whole "knowing your parent's identities could topple the world" thing if just that wasn't going to happen.
When Oralie's identity is revealed, Sophie's going to have to make a choice: To stand with her or against her. And I think she's going to stand with her. Because as angry as she is, Oralie is not her enemy. She's a flawed, broken person who's made both good and bad choices- just like Sophie herself. I think Sophie's matured enough by this point to realize that.
There's probably going to be an emotional scene where they make up- and a strong likelihood that this scene happens as Oralie is dying. I described in detail why I think she's going to die here so I won't explain it too much, but it would honestly be just like Shannon to make a super dramatic, emotional scene as Oralie is dying where they finally make up and end on a good note before she dies.
But as much as the angst-loving part of me would eat that up, I also think it would be amazing for them to become a girlboss mother-daughter duo and just like defeat Neverseen members together. I think between these two options, it depends on how late Oralie's identity is revealed. If it's late in the story, like right before the final battle or something, the first is more likely. However, if it occurs early in the final book(s) then I believe it's likely that they do have a good friendship for a while before the book ends.
If Oralie doesn't die, I think she and Sophie will remain friends. Sophie won't call her Mom, and Oralie won't be offended by that, but they'll still have a solid, deep relationship. I can picture Oralie being in the audience at her Foxfire graduation, the two of them having lunch together, Sophie taking her to the Forbidden Cities and showing her where she grew up. At that point, Oralie will likely have sacrificed something major for Sophie (probably her Councillor position) and Sophie will know that, even if she doesn't see her as a mother, Oralie really does care for her.
KOTLC is all about how your family isn't just who you're related to, it's who you choose. So how poetic would it be if it ended with Sophie and Oralie deciding what their relationship will be? They won't be mother and daughter, but they've bonded to have a beautiful friendship despite all the hardship and pain.
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away-ward · 11 months
This is the message from the Damon Torrance Hate anon. Below the cut is a message I received from someone who has less than favorable feelings (complete disdain, actually) for Damon Torrance.
If you are a fan and might find yourself upset over someone not loving your fav, read at your own risk. It literally opens with the disclaimer: "This is not a safe space for Damon Torrance or Kill Switch fan" so, uh. heed the warning.
Editing Note: Not as bad as I thought at first. It is long though. Edited with some added thoughts.
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I actually don't interact with fandom outside my blog or responding to select posts. I mean, I saw people hating on Em on goodreads and was immediately like "this is not the place for me" and promptly created a blog so that I could curate my experiences.
So...I guess this is the rest of the fandom, huh?
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(psst, the pizza boxes contain all my love for willemmy)
I don't know. I've always been partial to the "find people who like what you like and you'll have a great time" idea. And I think I've done a pretty good job so far.
These are the only PD books I've read, other than Punk 57 for obvious reasons. I have no interest in the others, so I can't relate on devouring PD's books. And honestly, I was bored with Kill Switch too. I was bored with Hideaway, and Corrupt my second time reading it. I almost didn't get to Nightfall (oh, what could have been. I could have saved myself all this DN brainrot...but alas, here we are).
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I don't know where you got the idea that having money and privilege equals competency... but that's very much not the case. In fact, I would argue the opposite? Doing without the things you need and not have access to tools creates creative problem solvers; people who aren't used to having excess tend to know how to get around that or learn how to deal without it.
Added Edit: Also, Winter went to a school for the blind for years. She didn't live with her abusive, non-accommodating family. They accommodated her by sending her to a school where she could dance and that would cater her disability. They also go her a guide dog when she came back, and tried to speak to the school about what she wore as part of the uniform because she didn't like it. She was just as privileged in that regard as the other wealthy people in the story. Her family may have been criminals who valued money above loyalty, who basically sold their daughter for financial security, thereby setting Winter apart as "different," but they didn't ignore her blindness. Arion grew up with a younger sister who got a lot of attention for her disability and being a victim of the Torrance Boy. She acted selfishly and stupidly, but it's easy to see how not being given a fair amount of attention after Winter fell might have given her a complex.
Either way, I didn't walk into DN thinking I was going to get a perfectly planned heist story with intelligent criminals, where you have to study their every word and move because you never know what's coming next. I would have loved it if that were the case, but it's not what I was expecting.
The horsemen in general have double standards. They see things from their point of view and only caring about what they want. I'm not sure if we're supposed to see this as character flaws, a result of their privilege, or if this is something we're suppose to ignore so that we can root for them. *shrugs* it's not really that deep, is it?
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What do you mean Michael and Rika got it together by Conclave? These two are a mess every day of their lives. As long as they're happy, I guess? I mean... Rika changed all their wedding plans at the last second to accommodate the multi-wedding party and Michael was just like 'yeah babe whatever you want' ? They don't ever talk about anything.
I have no thoughts on Rika being mayor at 22 other than it's dumb. I guess it's a good thing they live in a town that watched her grow up so she's the town's darling? Who's gonna vote against her, and risk the Torrance sibling's ire?
I'm not sure what character growth you're referring to. I haven't looked at Rika that hard. But I agree that the other characters needed a chance to shine. It should have been more balanced. Come on, PD, share the love. It can't be the Rika and Damon Show all the time.
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I always forget he's only have Russian. I really didn't like the surprise mom storyline. Half Russian, half Dutch South African.
I'm not sure if it's "fetish" with Russians or just a love of mafia stories? Because I see just as much for the Italians and Irish as I do for Russians...
The thing about Damon is that he has a valid excuse actually, let's go with "reason." He had a valid reason for the way he is. Between all four boys, I'd say that Damon and Kai are the only ones who can actually explain why they do the things they do.
Damon didn't just experience "abuse." He was neglected and experienced CSA and punished for things that weren't his fault, over an extended period of time. With no one to come to his aid until he forced Banks to stay with him. And the most truly unfortunate part of this is that there are far too many readers who can relate. Too many readers have gone through the exact same or similar enough experience and find comfort in Damon's inner thoughts. Not that they support all of his actions (I truly hope not), but maybe they understand where he's coming from and the journey he has to undergo to being a better person? Also, sometimes people just like fictional men who like to draw blood.
Now, all that is to say... I didn't find Damon any more interesting that the other guys. He wasn't more twisted or darker. Just a different shade of gray. For me at least. I wasn't here for the hype, having read the series long after it finished. I don't completely understand all of the Damon love either. I wasn't impressed, but I was sympathetic to his story. I liked him a lot more in the past scenes with Winter than most other parts of the series. But because he was such a wild card, I usually was paying attention to what he was doing. Was I overall entertained? No. but I was paying attention.
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I think a big part of this series was supposed to be "These men underestimate and don't appreciate women...except for the few that can keep up." Banks and Rika (and Emmy and Winter) are supposed to appear more competent than the boys sometimes. Otherwise it's just dumb, hot girls getting strung along by even dumber, hotter boys. And that's no fun. So yeah, of course Rika and Banks are going to pull the rug from under Damon sometimes.
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I'm not gonna pretend that if Damon had tracked down a brother in addition to Banks (come on, we know he probably has like at least ten siblings somewhere out there), that Gabriel would have chosen the male heir over Banks. Banks was a last resort and a way to piss Damon off. I can't remember if it worked or if Damon was happy to be rid of the responsibly. And honestly, Banks was happy to take it. She'd been underestimated her entire life and finally had the chance to do what she knew she could. I hope that Banks and Damon had a good long talk and he was happy for her.
But oh, Damon standing back and letting Banks kick ass? Love siblings who support each other. Can we at least agree on that?
Damon biding his time was weird. But I think that had a lot to do with the fact that the story was tied to only happening in October, so Damon had to simmer for a year between books. I think it might have been interesting if we had seen through the narrative that Damon had been making moves and October is just when it always came to a head because of the pressure of Devil's Night. But Damon has a tendency to go to extremes, so being overly dramatic (throwing an entire wedding to Arion to get access to Winter and her family's fortune) or being completely invisible does fit his MO. He's a drama queen, after all.
I would have loved if we'd gotten to see more of the relationship between the guys. If we knew how Damon's bond with Michael and with Kai worked, instead of only with Will. I think their friendship should have had more emphasis overall, since it was such a catalyst for events in Corrupt.
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I've never watched VD (and I'm not going to) so I have no idea how they compare. I know who you're talking about - just not the details of the character.
No worries. We'll crown you ruler of Damon Hater Nation. Here's your crown.
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Yeah, i didn't feel much towards Winter one way or another. On my part, I was mostly confused. It seemed like she liked to tempt and tease Damon and then convince herself she was innocent? But again, I haven't re-read Kill Switch so I don't remember very well.
But I will disagree with you on the Emmy front. Winter was immediately accepted by Rika because of their past relationship in school. Kai and Michael didn't have a problem with Rika bringing her into the group, and Will was all for using Winter to get to Damon, but did seem to genuinely like her as well.
Winter had the benefit of being the enemy of their enemy, until the Damon was no longer the enemy. And then they were all just friends, except for Winter and Damon, who were also lovers. At no point was Winter on the outside of the group or made of feel less than because of what she did to Damon (other than by Damon at his worse moments). Those boys, whether intended or not, tried to make Emory feel like she was the worst person for sticking up for family.
You bring up an interesting point about Alex. Unlike Banks, Winter, and Emory, she was in the books from the start. She got the chance to interact with every single character. So even though she not a main character, not even deserving of her own novella, we have plenty of interactions of her to pull from, and barely any from the other three girls with each other or other members of the group. That's really not fair.
I have no thoughts on the group sex scenes. I basically read DN for the character dynamics and wanting to know about the little nerd Will loved enough to commit several crimes for. I could do without them and it wouldn't change the story much for me.
Added Edit: I thought Winter was trying to comfort Will and herself from the trauma they just experienced together. I think Will went along with it because he finds comfort in sex. It could have been anyone and he would have been in the same spot. Damon was the one who put limits on their interaction because he has control issues and doesn't want anyone else to be "in" Winter, ever.
Beyond that, I have no thoughts on what it says about their characters.
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I haven't read ZA (zodiac academy, i think? I also won't be reading it).
So wait? You hate Alex but hate the way people treated Alex??? I have no idea what you mean, honestly, because one of my biggest gripes with NF was the scene where Alex was laying in a hospital bed while the boys made all sorts demands of Aydin because "Alex deserved it". like. Those boys very much did love Alex and consider her one of their own. Will didn't go after Martin until after he shot Alex. Because who did Will fight when it came down to it? Not Martin.
He picked Aydin.
He left Emory try and fight Martin.
So don't start with "the group doesn't love Alex." Because that is absolute nonsense.
And why did Emory have to stand there and watch them act that way in the hospital??? When they'd never said or did anything for her? They never even apologized!!!
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I mean...Alex said it was her job? At least he respects her right to claim it. Rika was always trying to get Alex to do something else, like she was still stuck on her friend wanting be a sex worker. I think Alex could have gotten any job she wanted (Rika could have hired her for literally anything; Alex worked at the dojo; she was helping Winter plan tours). The job she chose to introduce herself with was clearly a point of pride for Alex (healthy or not) and Damon acknowledge it was her right. Was he gross about it? yeah, probably. It's Damon, after all. but he didn't shy away from it. She owned it and he respected that.
The group/share scenes mostly went over my head.
Added Edit: I think I do understand what Anon was saying now. They hated Alex for being in everything and the way she treated Emory, but hated the way the Horsemen and occasionally the other women treated Alex as if she was disposable.
My only response to this is Alex made it her job to get close to powerful, wealthy men. She was also the only one unattached romantically in Conclave, so she wouldn't be "cheating" on anyone by preforming her "job."
For PD, I feel that Alex was whatever they needed her to be, and that's Alex's biggest failing as a character.
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Did Rika do that more than once? Must have missed it...
And I'm not sure if that scene was more about Damon than it was about Winter comforting Will. At that point, Damon and Will's friendship had been reestablished and Winter held some affection for Will as well. So similar to the Rika comforting Kai scene, Winter wanted to comfort Will and Damon just had to let that happen because he couldn't "control her" or tell her what do to. But he could control Will, so Will got the limits.
It was the exact same situation with Michael, Rika, and Kai. Michael couldn't impose his will on Rika anymore than Damon could with Winter. I have a lot of sarcastic thoughts about this scenario, mostly because it does conflict with Michael and Damon's characters up until that point, but PD needed it to happen so...
But that's what I meant when I said PD uses the same scenarios over and over again. What happened with Michael/Rika/Kai was the same as Damon/Winter/Will. And what happened with Will/Emmy/Alex/Aydin was the same thing that happened with Michael/Rika/Banks/Kai. It's the exact same situation, and even similar motivations, just with different faces.
I'm so tired.
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What do you mean they don't matter to Will? Everything Will did was for the family. Will was gone for over a year, and I'm sure he thought about home in that time. We come into the story with Emory, which is what consumes Will's thoughts from that point forward. The circumstance changed for Will but we didn't get to see the before, only the after.
Alex was shot by Martin while Will was fighting Aydin so Aydin couldn't get to Alex. And then Will threw Martin and himself off a cliff, nearly dying. Like...Will clearly cares too much sometimes.
Wait wait wait are you switching tracks of the Damon hate train? You know that any Damon sympathy is strictly forbidden in Damon Hate Nation! Do I have to revoke your crown????
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Why would Emmy need to make it look like she wanted nothing to do with him? In high school, she didn't want anything to do with him. After, they had that bond over you know...killing a person...And he was the only one who defended her (kinda). She didn't need to pretend to avoid him, and she didn't even really try to.
I mean, I think of all the boys, Will would have probably been the most likely to help Damon. But Damon wouldn't have let him. Mainly, he'd have to explain his abuse, which would tarnish Will's sunshine view of the world, and embarrass him. It might have changed the dynamics of their relationship, and Damon couldn't allow for that. But I think if Will wasn't out getting drunk, or was getting drunk in the cemetery instead of the bus, and had stumbled upon Damon, he probably would have helped. He's a ride or die kind dude.
I mean...overall, the guys do suck. They're also just not meant to be analyzed to this degree lol. I mean, I do with willemmy only because I want to write silly little stories about them. I really don't think this deeply about the rest of the series usually, unless I'm asked...
...and I certainly didn't intend to become any type of voice in this fandom.
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I...have no thoughts.
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Did you mention Em???? I mean yeah...Damon and Emory did have a deeper connection that Winter and Will!
Where were their moments? I want me some Damon and Emory non-spicy moments. The scene at the end wasn't enough.
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I guess they're over hyped but maybe I only feel that way because I think Willemmy isn't hyped enough?? and technically they're also just a bland white couple with a boring trope for a backdrop (I mean, rich popular jock and the scholarship nerd? GrumpyxSunshine? Golden retriever bf and black cat gf? who's never heard of that???)
I hope you rested after all that. Do you feel better having gotten it off your chest?? I sure hope so, that was a lot. It's okay. this is a safe space. deep breath in....and exhale.
It's okay. Damon Torrance can't hurt you.
You're fine. My day wasn't ruined. I don't consider myself a Damon hater and I was a little confused at the start (for some reason, I only get these messages right before I go to sleep so I'm half awake when I read them for the first time), but we got there in the end.
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If you have anything to say to me or the anon, all I ask is that we're respectful in the comments and replies. Thanks!! This is all meant in good fun (at least from my end).
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destinyc1020 · 11 months
Confession (since it’s happening right now): I genuinely dislike when you say “Tom will be fine”. Because you know damn well what he gets online and you’ve seen it for years and how much it’s been progressing for the past two years but you brush it off every single time with that sentence and 9/10 you accuse his fans of basically being dramatic, which I get a feeling that you have a personal problem with his fandom since that statement is not entirely true (and I think you know it). It is fine if you don’t care enough to discuss the hate he receives or if you don’t care about him that much anymore but what’s annoying is that you could just delete any asks regarding this matter and avoid it completely instead of just throwing this cold statement whenever any fans vents to you about him, however, you are very compassionate and understanding and willing to discuss any matter regarding other (your) favs. I mean we’ve seen yesterday how you worried about Z and the next ask was “Tom is rich he will be fine” even though both T and Z are rich. I think you like him and you are a fan but it’s pretty clear how you don’t carry the same energy. Which again it’s fine if you prefer one over the other or if you care more about other celebrities over Tom, that’s completely normal, but I think transparency would be appreciated here. Just so we know exactly where your coming from when you answer asks and if your the right blog to talk about certain topics. This is not meant to be hate to you just a confession I’ve been thinking of for a while.
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I'm not even gonna waste my keystrokes with responding this confession honestly.... cuz if you've been following me for years, then idk what else to say. If that's truly how you feel, then I can't change your mind. 🤷🏾‍♀️
All I'll say is, thank you for your confession Anon 😊 🙏🏾
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