htwings · 1 year
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my last hotwings art “guardian angel”
they’re so calm here
redraw of talented @nera-slush artwork
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paisleywraith · 1 year
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So they thought they'd target a retired hero's kids...only to find out their other parent isn't quite as retired.
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Was planning to write a fic in a Hazel’s kid’s POV about how there’s a young male who plays with them and looks after them. he feels cold but his voice is warm and filled with love. they can’t touch him. others can’t see him. but he’s there.
and then one day they tell their mother and she bursts into tears. 
now they’re sitting there listening to Uncle Percy tell stories about another Uncle of theirs - “the true one” - whom they had lost before they were even born.
But I’m crying again so basically I’m too wrecked to even think, let alone writing.
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lovepotionnumber5 · 3 months
had myself an ugly time rereading some good ol' 80s comics, which feature imho some of the most devastating pages in dc comics history. tl;dr, its after '85 crisis, meaning kara has died (dick giorlando you live up to your name) and has also been pretty much wiped from existence in very comics fashion. she doesn't appear in continuity from '85 crisis until 2001, i dont think--with one exception. christmas with the super-heros #2 (1989). my babygirl.
its not super complicated--each hero gets their own little story on how they spend their holiday, helping others (superman), feeling sad about robin (batman), let some rich guy pretend to be santa (hal and barry), and deadman possess a repo man to make him give money to the people he's hurt. he also sends some wine and presents to his old friends.
and he's lonely. no one can see him. what's the point? is misery the reward for his acts of good?
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and if they were going to do crisis.......
why the FUCK didnt they at least give us something like this.
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noir-renard · 1 year
Hey! I saw the sopa de fideo and figured: there must be some duck-shaped pasta for sopa, to add to the Yorick lore.
And there is:
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Oh my goodness, I LOVE!! Sopa de patito!! Jason would 100% buy this pasta and so would I tbh ❤️❤️❤️
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zal-cryptid · 1 year
could you do zauriel for dc characters?
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DC characters - Zauriel
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self-ships-ahoy · 8 months
Hello again I will not shut up about him I invite you to watch this scene it's not long and aaaaa
The way he speaks so gently to Adrian, reassuring him and inviting him to accept his help- and he doesn't do anything until Adrian says it's ok or try to manipulate or coerce him in any way. The way he softly smiles to this young boy (whom he doesn't know is his son from another world) and the music reflects his goodness and softness. The way he just seeks to bring out the best in everyone with his kamikos. They way he just wants to make a positive difference in the world... 🥺
The way I imagine him talking to me like this and inspiring me with his hope that he knows can be hard to hold on to... 😭😭😭
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"Everyone's sure is getting ready for the holidays, ey PJ?" Lucas leans next to PJ. Seems he's seen everybody get their decorations and presents all set for sure.
"Yeah. Everyone has got their own things to do in their respective worlds, Lucas." I said to the boy as we were exploring other worlds across the galaxy.
"I even had gotten some post cards from our friends too." I spoke showing some of them on my Gummiphone. One was from Marinette Dupain-Cheng and her friends from Miraculous Paris wishing Paint le Panda and Inky, his Miraculous alter-ego and prototype kwami the best.
And one was from Bartok the Magnificent spending time with his girlfriend, Betty Bat. "Merry Christmas from B-A-R-T-OK." And another from Charlie B. Barkin and Itchy Itchiford.
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byoldervine · 11 months
A Change Of Heart - An excerpt from the first draft of Unholy War
My scythe swings down at the Guardian, clashing against their spear. Just as I wanted. With a smirk concealed below my mask, I manoeuvre my scythe to hook the spear and wrench it from their gloved hands, discarding it across the pavement. The Guardian quickly backs up, their allies flocking over to defend them, but the flash of light behind us notifies us all that they’re too late
We turn, watching Angelus as he sends the final harpy back through the realm portal, a final screech escaping it as it returns to its home world. Angelus raises his wings, the white feathers shielding our charge as they go on their way, only lowering when the portal is closed once more
“Shall we wrap things up?” He suggests, golden helmet turning towards me. “We shall,” I return, pulling out a spell tag from my belt
“No, sto-!”
The outrage of the Guardians is cut off with coughing and spluttering when I cast the smokescreen, and Angelus uses his illusions to further conceal us as we make our escape. “Good work today,” he murmurs to me, sparing a slight glance my way. I raise a brow at this, but nod. “Hm. Same to you…”
We tuck ourselves away around a corner while we wait for the Guardians to leave, still invisible thanks to Angelus’ magic. At long last, after combing the area, they make their move, leaving us both sighing in relief. The illusion falls
All is silent for a moment or two as we take a breather from the fight. Then, briefly nodding to Angelus in goodbye, I move to scale the nearest fire escape - that is, until Angelus grabs my wrist. His touch is firm, but oddly gentle
“Can I… talk to you for a minute?”
His words are quiet. Unprovoking. I frown slightly, but slowly nod. “Uh, sure…”
He pulls on my wrist, knocking me off-balance into his chest, where he puts a hand on my shoulder to steady me. My eyes widen in surprise and my mouth opens to ask what the hell he thinks he’s doing, but before I can protest he drapes my arm around his shoulders. His own hand meets my waist, and suddenly our feet are carried off the ground as he beats those powerful wings of his
“Where are you-?”
“Just to the rooftop. Bit more private.”
He flies us up to the roof and lands, setting me down the moment it’s safe to do so, raising his hands in mock defence. I take a step away to put some distance between us
“What did you need to talk about, then?”
Angelus seems to consider for a moment, as if choosing his words carefully. His head tilts between me and the view of the city
“… I… I have to apologise. To you.”
I pause. This certainly wasn’t what I was expecting from Angelus of all people. He takes my silence as permission to continue
“Since that fight with the sand wraith, I just… I’ve treated you like crap, I won’t lie. I know that. Before you even knew me, I was already taking credit for your work, and you still came out just to protect me. And… I was just awful to you, wasn’t I?”
“… You were,” I agree, watching him closely. “So what’s changed here? You’ve gone from an insufferable asshole to self-aware in half a day.”
A sigh escapes Angelus at this, his weight shifting from one leg to the other. “… I thought I had reasons. I thought… I thought I knew who you were. And I didn’t want to put the person I thought you were at any risk. So… I thought I’d take the blame for the griffin to protect them.”
I blink. I hadn’t considered this. “… Who did you think I was?” I ask tentatively, but Angelus shakes his head. “Can’t really say. But that’s why I was being such a jerk. I thought… maybe if I acted like that… doing all the things she’d hate… she’d call it quits. Go home angry, but safe.”
He sighs again, sitting down on the edge of the roof. “But you kept coming back. And the more I tried to push you away, the more you stuck around. You’re so… stubborn… just like she can be.”
I sit beside him, waiting for him to continue. Just watching the stars over the city skyline. It all seems so peaceful. So quiet. As if there had never been a harpy in the streets only minutes prior
“… You’re not her.”
He sets a hand on my shoulder, making me look back at him
“You’re not her. I know that now. And… I’m sorry for treating you the way I have. That wasn’t fair to you. I’m supposed to be-… I want to be better than that. It’s more than just an obligation.”
I don’t know how to answer all this. I bite my lip, considering his words. But nothing comes to mind. Nothing appropriate for such sincere candor
“You don’t have to give me an answer,” Angelus assures, adjusting his helmet. “I know I… well. Frankly I don’t deserve much sympathy for the way I’ve treated you. But I hope you know I mean what I say now.”
“I do,” I nod slightly. “I know.”
“I’m glad.”
And just like that, it’s as if there’s nothing more to say. The silence settles into something of comfort, of understanding. And while I can’t say for certain that things are going to change between us… this feels like it could be the start of something better than our usual bickering and antagonising of one another
A feeling of protection from the chilly air surrounds me as Angelus wraps his wing around me, keeping me warm. I look to him, noticing how he’s staring off at the skyline still. Or is his mask simply not betraying the true focus of his eyes?
“You must be cold,” he notes calmly. “What with that costume of yours.”
I can’t help but to chuckle, and for once, I don’t mean it condescendingly. “Are you still on the costume?”
“Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great look for you - but is it practical? Not in the slightest.”
“Says the guy decked out like a tin can~”
“It’s armour,” he corrects. “Functional. Practical. We’re vigilantes, not models.”
“Yeah, well, your armour is shit.”
“Excuse me?!”
“Clunky as all hell,” I tease. “And real subtle, by the way; white and gold? What are you, a dress nobody can agree on the colour of?”
There’s a pause for a moment, followed by a confused; “What?”
“Oh, right; you’re not from here,” I brush it off with a dismissive wave of my hand. “Never mind. Just a thing.”
“… You’re very strange.”
“Yep, that’s what my therapist said.”
“Of course you’d need therapy.”
“I need it after just meeting you.”
“Alright, golden boy, wrap it up.”
Angelus chuckles and removes his wing from me before rising back to his feet. “Still as sensitive as ever, I see~”
“And you’re still just as much of a prick,” I retort, hoping my mask is doing a decent job of hiding my amused smile. “Are you heading off now?”
“I’ll have to be getting home before somebody notices I’m gone,” Angelus confirms. “I’ve used enough bad excuses already.”
“I feel you there,” I nod, sighing. “Gonna get my ass in trouble at this rate. I won’t keep you, then. Have a nice night.”
“You too,” he hums, wings spreading out before he takes off across the night sky. I watch him leave until he’s merely a speck of white amidst the darkness, hardly distinguishable from the surrounding stars
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the-nysh · 11 months
what if vash met kid shigaraki
🧐🧐🧐!!!!!! Oh he would have Noticed a neglected, suffering kid in need and would have done Something to step in and help. (bnha's complacent bystander effect would not apply to Vash here, nor would those boundaries on how far he goes to save.)
Cause have you seen the way Vash treats kids in the manga? The starving homeless girl he noticed? The entire Sand Steamer arc where Vash noticed Kaite stuck in a hard place and kept his word to 'take care of him' by providing proper food & shelter (among many other things)? And he went above & beyond even while deliriously concussed to help another teen rescue his mother. Like. He notices these things and steps in to help ease their pain/burdens in ways that barely anyone else would even bother or care to. (To a pointedly inhuman degree.) Kid Tenko would be no different; I would say Vash would definitely notice when no one else would. And the whole thing about Tenko traumatized by killing his whole family with the awakening of a power he couldn't control??? ahaha....now that's the kind of pain (both the loss and anger) Trimax Vash could also personally relate to and understand. :'))
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sylhea-raemi · 1 year
i've seen comments about airi not being the "true" savior because of makia reincarnated from earth which counts her as "from another world" which is kind of true, but ultimately false.
#because although makia and thor reincarnated from kazuha and tooru#their souls *aren't* originally from that world. only airi is.#makia and thor. kazuha and tooru. all of them are scarlet and black's reincarnations respectively who are from the world of maydare#the savior is said to be 'from another world' and as of now that applies to tanaka airi ONLY#we don't know about kanon that much but irc the hero was said to be from another world as well? i don't remember#anyway i really like that they didn't do a 'makia was the savior all along because she was from earth too!' but instead makia was a savior#in a way that isn't 'destined to save the world' but in a way that she manage to reach out to people's hearts and help them#as what airi said kazuha was like an angel that saved her#it was also accordung to her that makia is like the true main character in which she is. but savior =/= protagonist.#airi is still pretty much the savior in title and she's now acting on her part. she still have powers that of a savior.#she's still very much the vessel needed to eliminate harm. there's gonna be a great war not just between#hermedes vs ruschia & frezier and the rest of maydare's countries#but also between the 10 great magicians from history that came back once again..... i think. airi's role is gonna be essential for both.#airi plays an important part and not just her! gt9 as well! frey as a prince of ruschia and makia as a guardian and as the scarlet witch..#lapis as a (basically) military personnel and a twilight mage for frezier empire#and lastly nero as the hermedes empire's last royalty and as queen shatoma frezier's ally#all of them play an important role#gilbert also! not just as the prince that's basically handling every work in the castle because ulysses is lune ruschia's professor and#the white sage's reincarnation and frey who was stripped from every right he have as a prince— ahem! gilbert not just as a prince but also#as a guardian. oh and sir lionel the vice captain of the royal knights and a guardian ig there's nothing really remarkable about him aside#from those. and yeah thor since he's not just a guardian but also one of the big three magicians#genuinely why are the guardians so boring the only one that isnxt is makia granted cuz she's the mc but also airi those two are the only#enjoyable ones. gilbert is slowly growing on me tbh. who knows maybe sir lionel's gonna have an arc where i'd like him#thor i swear i don't hate you and i even liked you but you're never gonna outrank gt9 airi and even beatrice#sylhea talks maydare
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Bombardicus,ascended hearted
“the former hybrid dragon warrior has now became the holy and golden.
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necodrop-archive · 2 years
They don't know Eigen is a possessed stuffed animal and there's a living spirit in him
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oriontheriddle · 2 years
Papa Bear The True Saviour of both Farm and Jungle Animals🐻
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Papa Bear formerly Lachlan Andrew Ormerod aka Good Old Pa Bear is regarded as The True Saviour of both Farm and Jungle Animals . He is simply known as The Destroyer of Dragons because he hates Dragons (in most cases MediEvil Dragons form the planetoid Medievilonia) and Eliminator of Predators because he loathes Ferrets, Weasels, Raccoons, Wolves, Foxes and Coyotes. No matter the incredible odds or whatever situation Papa Bear will always triumph since he created not just all the inhabitants of the planet Pleasure Paradise along with it's two orbiting planetoids Mystic Jungle and Sunny Oasis respectively but every single monster or creature all throughout the far-off distant galaxy known as Galaxceus because he possesses the strongest magic in the whole planet Pleasure Paradise (if not all over Galaxceus) called ''Pigasus''. He has a fiercely protective guardian angel Jodie, who is a chubby but super-strong four hundred-pound thirty five-foot tall Pink Heavenly Whippet with huge angelic wings matching her short fur colour. She is now Queen of The Castle of Heaven aka The Heavenly Castle due to her obtaining most of the remaining Dragons Treasure aka Dragons Gold in the castle dungeons, thus making Papa Bear her servant. Together in the event of a crisis Papa Bear whips out his Pig Wand while Jodie whips out her Horse Wand before concocting a Stupidity Spell on their adversaries making their favourite animals (in most cases Elephants, Rhinos, Hippos, Monkeys, Giraffes and Vultures) highly intelligent but making the animals they despise (like Foxes, Raccoons, Ferrets, Weasels, Coyotes and Wolves) incredibly stupider. In addition to working part-time as his guardian angel-turned queen servant Papa Bear has a full time job as a dairy product delivery Bear for Georgette's Ice Cream and Yoghurt Co Factory. This is because Papa Bear once had his own farm on Pig Island after getting all the Animal Furries whom he and Jodie helped on their quest to help build it but he ends up losing the farm due to the shortage of Dragons Treasure, and after he finds The French Ice Cream Cow needs extra funds for her business so Papa Bear decides to give her his last remining Dragons Gold. In gratitude The French Ice Cream Cow offered the fat teddy-like Bear a career opportunity to which he gladly accepted. Following the grand opening of her business Georgette now owns Papa Bear's failing farm and gives the chubby Bear his job delivering boxfuls of her dairy products including her flavoured ice cream using a few of sentient Airmites formerly from the industrial planet Zephyr whom are now permanent denizens of Pleasure Paradise and now work as transportation. Papa Bear delivers Georgette's ice cream products all over each planet or asteroid throughout Galaxceus via casting a Teleportation Spell riding on one of the Airmites as transportation. He also brings his trusty Pig Wand as case of a MediEvil Dragon attack. Papa Bear occasionally visits his wise old mentor Porko the Dragon-hating Jungle Boar Shaman aka The Hogfather who has since moved to Pig Island next to The Heavenly Castle due to his original jungle hut getting burned down by Dragon Soldiers. With a lot of love, bravery, warmth, courage and a great big tummy Papa Bear is a Bear an entire far-off galaxy to explore🐻🐗🍌🥥🍍🌴🏝️
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unprocione · 2 years
if i ever did a dead by daylight verse for leon (very selective) personally i think i’d have him vanish later on in his story ngl bc i find it more interesting. maybe after re4 or re6, maybe not after either of those games are finished at all but maybe smack in the middle to really drive home the distress and displacement idk just a thought :)
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art credit: hollyoakhill
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Bless These Guardian Angels From My Hero Academia
~ Bendice a estos ángeles guardianes de My Hero Academia
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