#@ amelia hope you enjoy this. you’d better read the tags because I didn’t @ you in my tags for nothing
madzillus · 1 year
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Karl we miss ye buddy
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handmaid - 15
PAIRING: mob!sebastian stan x ingenue!reader
WARNINGS: age gap, sexual mentions
A/N:  hope you enjoy this chapter xxx
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    - I think we suffer from the same thing, then … Sir. - her lashes fluttered slowly and Sebastian wondered if time had stopped moving and she was perhaps the only person who held that control.
    - Fuck it. - his hands flew to the sides of her face, grabbing her close to him so he could connect his lips to hers. Y/N fell down onto he couch, losing balance at the sheer veracity of the kiss. He swiftly turned her around so she was laying on top of his chest. The kiss seemed endless and every time it felt like it ended, he would kiss her again some longer some shorter. Her hands slid up and down his blazer, stopping at the top so she could pull it off him and throw it somewhere in the living room.
As his hands climbed up her torso, reaching the bottom of her sweatshirt until the lift binged. Y/N’s heart stopped as she pushed him off her, eyes widening as she saw Gwen walk into the entrance followed by her newer bed acquisition. The heiress paid barely any attention to the two of them, instead grabbing her bag from the hook. 
     - Try to be back by 5, we have that cabaret meeting, remember? - Sebastian spoke up before Gwen could return to the lift. 
     - I’ve already told you that I won’t be caught dead in a cabaret. - she rolled her eyes, lowering her dark sunglasses to the bridge of her nose. - Ask Y/N to go, she probably has nothing to do. 
     - It’s not Y/N’s job to ...
     - It’s okay. - Y/N softly placed her hand on Sebastian’s shoulder, trying to diffuse the fight that was surely about to begin if he decided to speak back to Gwen. She guessed he didn’t know to what extent she always got what she wanted and so, she thought that maybe her long and thorough knowledge in avoiding blow outs with Gwen could help him. However, Sebastian calmed down due to her soft touch and not because she decided to avoid a fight. She seemed to have that effect on him. - I’ll just fill in for Gwen, I have the free night. 
    - Are we done? - she whined like a five year old before jumping back into the lift once Sebastian dismissed the situation. Once the lift doors closed and the arrows above blinked the down, Sebastian wrapped his hands around Y/N’s waist effectively pulling her from the couch onto his lap. 
    - Where were we? - he questioned, pushing the hair away from her face that had inevitably moved out of place during the heavy make out. Her cheeks heated up as she moved her head into the space between his neck and shoulder, inhaling the smell of bergamot and pepper of his cologne. Sebastian always seemed to smell good in an intoxicating way that made her want to wrap her whole being around the scent. - Cuddling works too. 
   - We can’t do this. You know we can’t do this. - there was really not much force or containment left in Y/N and characters she used to loathe for their infidelity suddenly became sympathetic in her mind. Suddenly Y/N understood Anna, Cecilia, Constance and their passions for it seemed that once your heart made a decision, your mind couldn’t really argue it. So there she was now, out of arguments, out of reasons not to be in his arms, wrapped in his aura. She had lost all the reasons. Why should she be allowed to give into her passions when Gwen herself constantly did despite her impending marriage? Why should Y/N always be in the right? Was there even something known as right or wrong or was everything shades of greyness? - One of us must have self control.
  - Well, angel ... I hope you’re not expecting me to be the prudent one because I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you. - Y/N pulled slightly back to look at his eyes. Eyes couldn’t lie as they were the window to the soul and the soul is too pure to be filled with lies. His eyes were softened, looking at her as if he had stated the most mundane fact in the whole entire universe, as if he had told her it was rainy outside, no big deal. - Besides, what she doesn’t know won’t kill her. 
   - Maybe you’re right. Maybe we ...
   - Mr Stan? - they were removed off their daizy daydream by a voice getting closer and closer. Yet, this time, none of them were fast enough or caring enough to separate from each other and as such Amelia walked in to her employer sat against the couch with one of his employees on his lap. Y/N cowered under her gaze, swearing mentally as Sebastian got up. - Your one o’clock meeting is here. 
   - Thank you, Amelia. - he cleared his throat before turning his head ever so slightly to look at Y/N. - I’ll see you tonight, angel. 
The handmaid nodded, bitting her lip as he left before her gaze shifted to Amelia who had a slightly hidden grin in her face, something she couldn’t exactly read. Was she gonna tell Gwen about the situation she had found? Was she gonna lecture her that the position was not something she should’ve been in with a married man? 
   - I must say, Miss Y/N, you’re quite the little box of surprises. 
   - Please don’t tell Gwen. - she rushed after her into the kitchen. - I know it’s wrong but I ... I really tried. 
   - Miss Y/N, it’s not up to me to judge your choices. Besides, I’ve always thought Mr. Stan needed a softer influence to get away from whatever manners his father taught him. 
   - But it’s wrong ... I’m such a bad person. - Y/N plopped down on one of the high chairs. - How would Gwen feel if she knew?
   - Well, how would you feel if it was someone else he was engaged to and not Miss Gwen? - Y/N rubbed her neck at the question. Was she only feeling bad because she knew Gwen ever since they were children? Would she have jumped into the affair without a thought? Was she that bad of a person. - People aren’t good or bad, Miss Y/N. No one is purely good and no one is purely bad.
   - I can’t explain an affair. Why would I do this? Her family raised me and could possibly kill me. How do I thank them? I kiss her husband to be in her home. Oh god, I’m a home wrecker ...
   - Now, now, Miss Y/N. You can’t be a home wrecker if those two never really wanted to be in a relationship. You can’t destroy something that isn’t there. 
Even with that Y/N spent the rest of the day wallowing in pity over feeling rather attracted to the mob boss. How could she not feel attracted to him? Not only did he appeal to her most primitive part but also to her modern side. Being next to him meant she was constantly protected, if no one dared to shot at him no one would shot at her. On the other side, he was absolutely stunning, well built and probably the nicest man she had ever met. True, she didn’t exactly know his mob persona but she didn’t exactly knew most of other mobsters business persona. 
She tried to busy her mind by considering what to wear to a cabaret. In the first place, she didn’t even knew that cabarets existed anymore and the only place she had ever heard about a cabaret had been the musical cabaret. What did people even wore to a cabaret? With that thought in mind she opened her wardrobe looked at the various dresses Gwen had handed out to her over the years. What was suitable to wear in a cabaret even? Did you dress like if you went to a nightclub? Maybe she should dress classically. Classic dresses were the most she had on her wardrobe due to Gwen having quite a few for cocktail parties and other high class gatherings but Y/N had always had a favourite one. It was an Elia Saab dress Gwen had gotten from one of her father’s associates. It was made of a short white sheer fabric which had been embroided with white flowers. It had always been one of Y/N’s favourites growing up as it reminded her of something a princess would wear, it was magical.
She grabbed the hanger of her wardrobe, pacing over to the bigger mirror with it. Once her reflection was seen in the mirror, she placed the hanger over her shoulder, playing with the fabric as she watched it in the mirror. It looked beautiful and the mere sight of it made her forget she was about to attend a business event with the man she was absolutely smitten with.
The time seemed to speed up faster and faster as Y/N gotten ready and before she knew it, it was time to go to the cabaret. Did she know what to expect? No. Was she nervous? Yes, but not entirely for the reason you’d expect her to be. She closed the door of her bedroom, face turned to the door.
   - You better not be trying to run away. - she moved her gaze from the door, noticing Sebastian at the end of the hallway. - Because it would be a pity not to show up to that meeting without such a little pretty thing like you on my arm. 
   - Am I your accessory now? 
   - Angel, anyone standing next to your is the accessory, not the other way around.
Sebastian had always believed Y/N was probably the most beautiful woman he’d ever come to see in his whole life but the dress and jewellery always took her to a level that the mob boss didn’t think humanly possible. If he said he wasn’t rather prideful of parading her around as they walked into one of the cabarets he’d inherit from his father, he’d be lying. She still did not understand why out of all places he and his associates decided to have a meeting in a cabaret.
She was quickly introduced to most people before being sat by Sebastian’s left, a place that was usually reserved for either the wife or partner of a mob boss. Y/N had been used to setting the table back at the Forrests and that was something that had gotten engrained in her mind as Mr. Forrest took it particularly personal on keeping sitting etiquette. She wondered if Sebastian cared about it. Y/N soon realised that the meeting was about to become private as some of the associates got up. 
  - Stay here. - he mumbled against her ear. - I better not hear about you wandering around. 
  - Or what? - Sebastian was a controlling man and he was certain that Y/N’s natural born curiosity was something hard to keep in control. However, this was a mob spot and he didn’t want her wandering around. 
  - I’ll spank you, angel.
tag list: @lilya-petrichor @xoxohannahlee @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @nikkipea @madisonpillstrom @cevans98 @thelostallycat @sideeffectsofyou @anxiousdreamersworld​ @sarge-barnes-sir @captainchrisstan @lookiamtrying
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lycorogue · 3 years
Amelia and Trish🌺💐
Awww, yay! Someone sending me an ask from a list! 😍 I get these so rarely. This is such a fun treat! Thank you! (For anyone wondering, the “Soft OC Ask” master list can be found here.)
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
Funny enough, the answers to most of these questions more-or-less happened canonically within the X-Future roleplay, so these are fairly easy to answer. Since each question is actually a series of related questions, and this ask is for two of my OCs, this got a bit lengthy. You can read my reply below the break.
Lia: 🌺 When Lia was a toddler, her mother crocheted her a little stuffed Calcifer the flame from Howl’s Moving Castle. Lia still has this stuffed Calcifer and cuddles it whenever she’s super stressed or awakes from a nightmare. If she feels she’s failing at reaching her true potential with her powers or as a leader, she goes to the X-Men archives of her mother’s training and watches those. If anything, doing so makes her feel worse because it makes her feel even more inadequate and tears at her grief of not knowing what happened to her mom, but neither fact stops her from doing so. Alternatively, if she’s stressed about generic Teenage DramaTM, she usually storms off to be alone, literally burning off some steam as she rages with her powers once she knows she’s in a safe location where she won’t permanently damage anything. As a child, she would also come to her dad (who was literally never too far from her at any given time, thanks to his powers; he was the ultimate helicopter parent) if a situation was too big for her to handle by herself. As a teen, she tends to vent to either her then-boyfriend-now-ex-but-still-friend Chayse, or her roommate Willow, or her current boyfriend Ripley. If it’s something minor that she needs to work out, she’ll sneak off to dance; just to get the positive energy flowing again.
💐 As the “mom friend”, Lia is much better at playing nurse than being nursed. Although, she is a bit naïve when it comes to emotional/mental-health support. She tries, but usually falls a touch short when trying to help out in those matters. She’s much better at nursing physical illnesses or injuries because she can study the most effective ways to heal those. When she’s the one sick or injured, though? She gets antsy if she’s forced to rest up in bed, especially if she feels like it’s overly cautious for her to do so. Now, if she’s majorly sick or in pain, she will gladly hide under her covers and ignore the world exists. Anything short of “OMG, I’m dying”? And she’ll fight bedrest tooth and nail. Her father is the #1 person to care for her, but since attending the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, Jamie has allowed Lia’s roommate and friend Willow to take on the role of primary caregiver, with Lia’s boyfriend Ripley on stand-by to tag in. If neither of the teens are willing or able, though, Jamie will gladly jump back in to take care of Lia. Aside from being antsy and a bit whiny about being forced to stay in bed (if she’s feeling alright), Lia does accept being cared for fairly gracefully. She’ll comment it’s unneeded and that her caregivers should focus on “more important things” since she’s clearly “fine”, but will still gladly accept the soup, extra blankets, pillow fluffing, and so on. She’s a bit more grumbly if she’s recovering from an injury because she hates feeling helpless or weak in that regard.
Trish: 🌺 Trish HAAAAAAATES showing any kind of weakness AT. ALL. So she does NOT go to anyone for comfort when she’s feeling overly stressed or scared. The exception is MAAAAAAAAYBE Pyro if she is majorly shaken about something. She hates seeming weak and immature in front of Pyro, though (and hates adding to the father-daughter dynamic when she wants a lovers one instead), so there has to be something TRAUMATIZING to her before she goes to even him for comfort. Otherwise, she turns her fear into anger and rage. She’ll run the training obstacle courses to the point of exhaustion, just to give her mind something else to focus on, and something to aim her powers at. She overcomes fear by adding to the façade that she’s completely fearless. She allows adrenaline to completely over-ride her fear as she almost always goes for a “Fight” response. As for nightmares, she’ll usually calm herself down by playing with her butterfly knife; something else to focus on until she forgets the nightmare. She’ll also calm herself down with a shower, especially if she’s covered in sweat from the nightmare. She’ll chant to herself, “it’s not real. It wasn’t real. Ignore it” until the nightmare is forgotten or no longer intense enough for it to affect her.
💐 Trish is a TERRIBLE patient. She’s even more antsy and stubborn than Lia. Being sick or injured enough to be bedridden is a sign of weakness, and she CANNOT be weak for Pyro. The only time she’ll submit and actually listen to instructions to rest up is if Pyro himself tells her to do so. She’ll also gladly ravish the attention if Pyro is the one nursing her back to health. She’d even milk it, just to be doted on further by him. Otherwise, lord help the person playing caregiver. She will stubbornly battle them every step; again, only complying when Pyro tells her to behave. Once her roommate Nyssa was forced to play nursemaid when Trish was badly injured by a shrapnel blast. Trish was like an injured feral creature the whole time, snarling at Nys and trying to swat her away; claiming to be healed further than she was. Nyssa practically had to have Pyro there at every bandage changing to force Trish to accept the treatment. The major exception to all of this is a mutant vigilante Trish simply calls “Stranger” since he’s never given her his name. He was hunting down the anti-mutant terrorist group The Purifiers, and stumbled upon a few that were teaming up against Trish. He saved her, but she was still wary of him; attempting to leave him to the Purifiers so she could escape. When the escape plan failed, and he saved her a second time, she was more welcoming to him attempting to help patch her up (if nothing else, she didn’t want to worry Pyro by coming home injured again). They have since met up a couple of times to hunt down more Purifiers together; helping with Trish’s bloodlust and Stranger’s want of revenge against the Purifiers for murdering his whole family in front of him and leaving him for dead. They have an uneasy bond, and Trish wouldn’t go to him if she were sick, but if she were injured she might seek him out just so she had someone she trusted moderately to care for her without feeling like a burden on Pyro. As for Trish being the caregiver? HA! She is absolute trash at caring for anyone other than herself and Pyro. Exceptions being Stranger - she would tend his wounds as well so she didn’t lose her partner in these non-Brotherhood excursions - and anyone that Pyro asked her to care for. If it’s a request from Pyro, she’ll do the bare minimum to satisfy the request, and grumble about it the whole time. Even when caring for Stranger, she’d spend the whole time bitching at him for being so “careless” as to be injured in the first place (ignore that this also implies that she’s careless whenever she gets injured).  For Pyro, though? She’d go full on Florence Nightingale and dote on him every waking moment.
Okay! I think that’s everything! This was fun. Thank you so much for the ask. I hope you got to learn a bit more about my OCs.
Also, I’d like to note that Stranger is one of my husband’s OCs named Jack Knoife (yes, the name is a pun. Yes, Jack is Australian. Yes, Hubby leaned hard into the classic Marvel naming tropes)
Anyway, if anyone else wants to learn more about my OCs (or if you’d like to learn more, @doesnotloveyou ), feel free to drop me an ask. 😁
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steveshcrringtons · 5 years
paring(s): Jughead Jones x Amy Andrews
warning(s): uhhhh....none? Small angst I guess. 
Word count: far too long. 2314
Author’s Note: This is like the first thing that I’ve written for Amy like just her. It’s kind of crappy, but I just wanted to get something written down for her backstory since the only people that knew her backstory were myself and @spider--bae. So, here is Amy’s backstory with Jughead. 
tagging: @spider--bae @foxesandmagic
Age 4
It was a normal day at the park like any other. Amy and Archie were in the sandbox with Betty. They were the three amigos, and it was practically impossible to split up their trio. Amy had made friends with everyone at the park, but she chose to stick by the side of her brother and their neighbor. However, after a while, Amy noticed that there was one boy who was playing by himself in the sand. He wore a knitted hat on his head that was far too big. Amy hated to see anyone by themselves, and she always wanted to be friends with everyone, so she took it upon herself to befriend the dark haired boy.
“Hi, I’m Amy. Can I play wif you in the sand?” She questioned once she had waddled over to him.
He looked up at her, a confused look on his face before he shrugged, “Sure.”
Amy sat down beside him as she started to play with the sand, “Whas your name?”
“Jughead.” He was quiet in his response, clearly insecure about the nickname.
Amy’s eyes went wide as she looked over at him, “Das a really funny name. I like it!”
The boy smiled in relief that she liked his name. He was quiet, but while they played in the sand together, she did most of the talking for him, which he really appreciated.
“Would you like to come meet my brover?” Amy asked after a while.
Jughead pondered the decision for a moment before he nodded, causing Amy to smile as she jumped up from her spot and tugged on his hand. She pulled him over to the sandbox where there was another boy with red hair and a girl with blonde hair that looked at him when Amy came back.
“Dis is Jughead. Jughead is my new friend.” Amy introduced, “Jughead, meet my brover Archie, and our neighbor Betty.”
From that day forward, Jughead and Amy were practically inseparable. Every day they played together at the park, whether it be chasing each other around the playground, reading books together, or just playing in the sand together. They were the best of friends, never to be messed with.
Age 10
“We have to be quiet, Ames.” Jughead said, pushing the VHS into the player as they sat in front of the TV in her basement, “My dad says I’m not allowed to watch this scary of a movie yet. He says I’m too young.”
The two had decided it was a good idea to sneak down to Amy’s basement and watch It for the first time. Amy and Jughead hadn’t watched very many scary movies together yet, mostly just Goosebumps, so this was a huge step in their friendship.
“If my dad catches us, Juggie, we’re going to be in big trouble.” Amy stated.
Normally, Archie would be watching the movie with them, but lately he had decided he’d rather do more sportier activities. Whereas Amy and Jughead would rather read and watch scary movies together. Jughead pressed play on the player before he moved back to sit on the couch next to Amy.
Throughout the movie, the two stayed relatively quiet. There were a few moments where Amy hid behind a pillow and Jughead would hold her hand to get her through the scary part. It was nice, and Amy could feel her cheeks growing warm whenever he’d hold her hand.
However, one scene in the movie was enough that even Jughead holding her hand couldn’t stop her from screaming out in terror.
“Amy, shush, it’s okay! It’s just a movie.” Jughead assured as he hugged her.
“What the heck is going on down here?” Fred asked, rushing down the stairs. He noticed the movie playing on the screen, “Are you two watching It? That movie is way too scary for you two!”
He was quick to shut the movie off before he looked at Jughead and Amy. Both of them had guilty looks on their faces.
“You two were supposed to be asleep over an hour ago, and now I find that you’re watching a movie that I know you have been told you’re too young to watch. What do you have to say for yourselves?” He scolded.
“Sorry, Mr. Andrews.” Jughead said sadly.
“Sorry, Dad.” Amy responded at the same time.
“Amelia, you know better, you’ll be lucky if I don’t ground you.”
“Mr. Andrews, it’s not Amy’s fault. I begged her to watch the movie with me. We thought we could handle it.” Jughead admitted.
Fred paused for a moment before he crossed his arms, “Well, you two better not let it happen again. Now, both of you off to bed.” He stated, ushering the two children upstairs.
Amy went into her room, saying a quick goodnight to Jughead and her dad before she climbed into bed, waiting to fall asleep. She knew Jughead would be asleep in Archie’s room. Not feeling comfortable sleeping by herself, as she was still scared, she waited until she heard her father go into his bedroom before she climbed out of bed and walked down to Archie’s room. She slowly walked over to where she knew Jughead had set up his bed for the night and climbed under the covers next to him.
“Ames, what are you doing?” Jughead whispered so he didn’t wake up Archie.
“I’m too scared to sleep by myself, Juggie. What if Pennywise comes to me in a dream. Don’t let him get me, Jug.” She took a hold of his hand as she pleaded to him.
“I won’t let anything hurt you ever, Amy.” He replied before he gave her a small smile.
The two woke the next morning facing each other, still holding hands. It made both Amy and Jughead’s hearts speed up just the tiniest bit as they came to the realization.
Age 12
Lennon and Amy were quiet as they drank their milkshakes at Pop’s. The two had just finished their last day of seventh grade. It would also be Amy’s last day of school in Riverdale.
“Are you sure you don’t want to reconsider?” Lennon asked after a while.
Amy frowned and nodded, “I don’t want to leave my mom by herself, Lennon.”
“Have you told Jughead? He’s going to be so lost without you here.”
Amy felt her heartbeat speed up at Lennon’s question, “I’m going to tell him tonight when he comes over for movie night. He’ll be okay. He’s got you and Archie.”
“Neither of us are you.” Amy rolled her eyes lightly at the brunette’s words, “If you aren’t staying for me, you should be staying for him. Everyone knows how you feel about him.”
“Yeah, except him.”
“Alright, I’ve got the popcorn and candy. What movie are we watching?” Jughead asked as he sat down on the couch in the Andrews’ basement.
“The Princess Bride.” Amy replied with a grin causing Jughead to roll his eyes.
“You’re lucky I like you, Andrews.”
Amy’s heartbeat rapidly increased at his words, knowing that he didn’t mean them in a certain way other than he enjoyed her friendship, but one could have hope.
She grinned over at him before she picked up a handful of popcorn and started to eat them piece by piece after pressing play on the remote. She didn’t want to think about the fact that this was likely the last movie night she would be having with Jughead for a while. She knew it would only bring down her mood and that Jughead would definitely know that something was going on with her. She just decided to take it lowkey throughout the movie, so she could tell Jughead when it was over.
After about twenty minutes into the movie, Jughead reached up and grabbed the remote before he looked over at Amy,
“Alright out with it.” He stated. Amy gave him a confused look in response, “Normally you’d be reciting the movie word for word. What’s wrong?”
Amy hated that just that one thing meant that Jughead could read Amy like a damn book. He knew he so well it was scary sometimes.
“I was waiting until after the movie to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin everything, but I guess I have to tell you know.” She stated, turning her body so she was facing Jughead. She took a breath before she looked up at him, “My parents are splitting up, Juggie. My mom is moving to Chicago.”
“Oh, Ames, that’s awful I’m sorry.”
Amy held out her hand to stop him from speaking more, “I’m not done.” She paused before frowning, “I’m going with my mom, Jug.”
“To like help her move out there and stuff? Is Archie going?”
Amy could feel tears in the back of her throat as she shook her head, “No, Juggie. I’m moving out there with her. Archie is staying here.”
“What do you mean you’re moving out there? What about your dad and Archie? What about Lennon?” He paused as he frowned at her, “What about me?”
“I can’t just let my mom go out there by herself. She’d be leaving her only two children.”
“And splitting up you and Archie is a better plan?!” He exclaimed, standing up as he started to pace around the basement.
Amy let him pace and come to terms with what she was telling him before he stopped and turned to her,
“When are you leaving?”
“Next week.”
“Next week?! You’re going to just drop this bomb on me and then leave?”
Amy frowned as she stood off the couch, hurrying over to him to comfort him. She went to reach out for his hand before he pulled away.
“Juggie, please don’t be mad at me.”
“Be mad at you? Ames, I’m devastated. You’re my best friend, and you’re moving to Chicago, and you just want me to deal with it and act like you mean nothing to me.” He shook his head as he frowned, “Sorry, I can’t do that.”
By now the tears were flowing down Amy’s face as she looked up at him, “I don’t know what else to do, Juggie.”
He sighed before he cupped her face in his hands as he looked down at her, “Stay, Ames. Stay here with your dad and Archie...stay here with me.”
“I can’t, Jughead. She’s my mom.”
That was when Amy noticed that Jughead was also crying. She had no idea that this would hit him so hard. She figured that he had Lennon and Archie and Betty, and he would be okay without her there. She could feel her heart breaking at the sight,
“I’m sorry.” She said softly as she pulled him in for a hug.
Age 12 - Goodbye
Amy sighed as she put her last suitcase in her mom’s car. She had already said goodbye to Lennon earlier that morning over egg sammies. There were definitely a lot of tears shed and promises to keep in touch no matter what. Amy had said goodbye to Archie when they packed up the car. Amy cried but Archie stayed strong. Lastly, Amy had said goodbye to her dad after Archie with a promise that she would call him that night when they arrived. Jughead had yet to show up, and Amy couldn’t stall anymore despite her best efforts.
She put her headphones on as she got in the car, ready to get this long drive over with. She waved to Archie and her dad as her mom pulled away from the house slowly. Amy felt like she was saying goodbye to her whole life, and yet she hadn’t even gotten to say goodbye to her whole world.
Amy looked in the side mirror as her mother drove down the street. After a moment, Amy saw something coming into view, causing her heartbeat to speed up as she recognized who it was.
“Mom, stop the car.” Amy stated as she looked over at her mom.
“Stop the car!”
Mary put her foot on the brake and slowed the car to a stop. Amy tugged off her seatbelt quickly before she got out, leaving the door open as she ran toward Jughead. He skidded his bike to a stop before getting off and rushing over to Amy, pulling her into a tight hug,
“I’m sorry I waited until the last minute. I was in denial that you were actually leaving.” He apologized instantly.
“I thought you weren’t going to say goodbye.”
“This isn’t goodbye, Ames. This is a see you later, because I refuse to believe that I will never see you again.”
The two pulled back slightly, looking at each other with small smiles. Jughead opened his mouth to speak before he closed it quickly, his smile turning to a frown.
“Amy, I…” He drifted off for a moment as he looked down at her.
Amy’s heart was beating a thousand beats a second as she waited for him to continue.
“Have a safe trip. Call me when you get there.” He finished.
Amy frowned as she felt her hopes fall and shatter before she put on a fake smile and nodded before hugging him tightly,
“I’ll see you later, Juggie.” She said before she pulled away and started to walk back to the car.
“Did he tell you his feelings for you?” Her mother asked when she got back in the car.
Amy felt a tear fall down her face as she shook her head, starting at the reflection of Jughead still in the side mirror,
“No. He told me to call him when we get there.” Amy replied quietly.
“I’m sorry, Honey.” Mary stated as she held her daughter’s hand in her own.
Amy sighed before she pulled her hand from her mother’s, putting her headphones back on,
“It’s fine. Let’s just get back on the road.”
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sapphicscholar · 5 years
Pride Month Prompts Day 12: Fairytale (Gen, background Sanvers and Supercat)
From this Pride Month Prompts post! I’m taking the opportunity to write some short fics for a variety of pairings that I haven’t written for as much, maybe at all. They won’t be going on AO3, so I’ll be sure to tag them all with #pride month prompts so you can find them later if you want.
Day 12: Fairytale
Pairing: Not relationship focused, but Alex of Sanvers babysitting for Supercat
“Alright, it’s almost bedtime. You know what that means, right?” Alex asked, her voice taking on the soft, higher-pitched quality that had made Winn trip in surprise in the little DEO hospital room when Kara had welcomed baby Amelia Astra Grant-Danvers—“You’ll always be a Zor-El too, even if we can’t put it on your official records”—into the world. Later, when she’d caught him trying to get a recording of her cooing to the baby in her arms, she’d turned to him and, voice still soft and sweet, whispered, “If you don’t put down that camera in the next two seconds, I’ll show you all the ways I can kill a man with my free hand and a rattle.” He’d run at that.
“Story time!” Amelia cried out, clapping her hands excitedly as she planted herself in Aunt Alex’s lap.
With the room bathed in a soft red glow, just enough to keep the little charge from accidentally killing her babysitter or hurting herself, Alex pulled out one of the many books from the shelves Kara had assembled but let Carter paint, which explained why they were covered in bright colors and cartoon-style action graphics and the House of El crest.
“Read that one last time.”
Alex let out a little huff of laughter, wondering how long the game would last this time.
After pulling out over a dozen books deemed “already read,” Alex gave up on her quest. “What if I tell you a story instead, huh? A nice fairytale.”
“My moms said I don’t need a prince to come rescue me.”
Alex bit her lower lip to keep from laughing when the girl was so serious, blinking up at Alex with those big blue eyes that no one could say no to. “They’re right. But I’m gonna tell you a different sort of fairytale.”
“Oh.” Amelia paused to consider it, forehead scrunching up in thought. “Okay.”
“Once upon a time, there was a beautiful lady—”
“This sounds like all the other ones.”
Alex pursed her lips in mock annoyance. “Maybe if you’d let me get to the end you’d find out it’s different!” She booped Amelia’s nose with her fingertip, grinning at the small laugh it pulled from her.
“Okay, okay.”
“So where were we? Right, once upon a time there was a beautiful lady with long, dark hair and dark brown eyes that lit up whenever she smiled. She lived in a sunny kingdom ruled over by…by a very powerful queen with green eyes and wavy blonde hair.” She peeked down, watching as Amelia’s brow furrowed the smallest bit.
“Like me!”
Alex smiled at her. “Just like you. But the kingdom was a good place to live. People were happy. Kids got to run around and play in the summer and learn all sorts of important things during the year. And dogs always got to sleep in real beds.”
“Did you know,” Amelia whispered, a giggle forcing its way through, “that Gertie slept in bed with my moms when you and Aunt Maggie went away?”
Alex’s eyebrows shot up. “Did she now?” Because as far as she’d heard, Cat most definitely did not allow dogs in her bed—certainly not 90-pound mutts like Gertrude that had a bad habit of finding their way up to the pillows in the middle of the night.
“Mhmm. Mommy took pictures when she came home.”
And oh now that was even better news if Kara hadn’t been the one to secretly airlift the dog into the bed. “Do you know where we could find these pictures?” Cat had a birthday coming up, and Alex would be damned if she didn’t get her a nice cake with a photo of her and Gertrude curled up together printed on the icing.
“Her phone. More story now!”
Maybe next sisters night… “Okay. So the kingdom was a good place generally. But there was a fair maiden who was beloved throughout the whole kingdom. Only she had been dating a total jerk—”
Amelia gasped. “You said a bad word!”
“Sorry, she was dating a mean prince from another kingdom who wasn’t good enough for her. And too many people were distracted and didn’t notice until it was too late.” Amelia’s eyes widened in fear. “He came from an evil family, and in their kingdom only a few people were happy. Everyone else had to work to keep them happy, but they didn’t get to enjoy anything for themselves.”
“Even the kids?”
“Even the kids.”
“And the puppies?”
“Um… I don’t know if they had puppies. But probably them too.”
“Yeah. And so that king and queen showed up to the good kingdom to take back their son, the prince. Only the prince decided he didn’t want to go, so the king and queen came back with their whole army to take over the good kingdom and make it another evil kingdom!”
“What did the good queen do?”
Alex had to fight back a laugh at the memory. “Well, she called out to the evil queen and told her she wasn’t a real queen at all—not if she would let her people be so unhappy and try to take over another kingdom for no reason.”
“Did she win?”
“Well, not at first. The evil queen was so angry, so she sent people to go get the good queen.”
“Oh no!”
“It’s okay, though! Because the fair maiden, who was secretly kind of like a knight…or something, went to save her life.” And that’s how two weeks later Alex stumbled into a scene in Kara’s apartment she’d never wanted to see. But Amelia didn’t need to know about how her two moms reconnected. “But while they were busy, the evil queen had sent all of her soldiers into the kingdom to take over. Luckily, that beautiful lady from the beginning with the perfect smile? Well, she was kind of like a knight too, and so she got her sword and kept dozens of the evil soldiers away so that the innocent people could escape.”
“Did she get hurt?”
“Nope. Want to know why?”
Leaning forward, Alex lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “Because she knew that the lady she loved was waiting for her on the other side of the kingdom.”
“Who’s that lady?”
“She was one of the soldiers who was working with the queen and the fair maiden.”
“Oh! Are all the soldiers girls in the good kingdom?”
“Not all of them, but the best ones,” Alex answered with a wink. “But things seemed really bad for a while. The queen had lost her castle, and she was forced to wait in a dark little tavern with some of her best soldiers and the knight and the fair maiden while they came up with a plan to reclaim the kingdom from the bad guys.” Alex’s brow furrowed for a moment as she tried to find the right analogy for a positron cannon. “They found out about a big… sword. A sword that could make all the bad guys run away.”
“Where was the sword?”
“It was hidden away in a fortress that had been taken over by the bad guys. But luckily the beautiful knight and her soldier found a way to sneak in to get it. Only then the fair maiden cried out for everyone to stop.”
“Because she found out that the evil queen had the prince and one of the good kingdom’s, uh, magicians with her. And if they used the sword, they would disappear forever too.”
“Hold on.” One of Amelia’s hands landed on top of Alex’s, stopping her gesticulating. “Isn’t the prince evil too?”
Considering her words carefully, Alex explained: “Well, the fair maiden has a really, really big heart. That’s why everyone loves her. And she told everyone that there was good in the prince too, even if it was buried deep, deep down. Plus, the magician was one of her best friends in the whole wide world.”
“Ohh. I wouldn’t want to hurt my best friend either.” She nodded her head with a level of self-certainty that was so reminiscent of Cat that Alex had to stifle a laugh.
“Probably a good idea. So instead the fair maiden put herself in grave danger to go rescue the prince and the magician. She almost didn’t make it, but at the last minute, with some help from those people who loved her so much, she managed.”
“And then she used the big sword?”
Rubbing at the back of her neck, Alex ducked her head. “The big sword sort of disappeared. It was a little like magic, so it only worked for a certain period of time.”
Amelia clambered further into Alex’s lap. “Oh no! What happened to the good kingdom?”
“The queen urged all of her people to keep hoping, to fight back and make sure the evil soldiers knew that the people weren’t going to back down so easily. Everyone was still very scared, though, because they didn’t know how they were going to win when the evil soldiers were so much stronger than almost everyone but the fair maiden. So for a long while there was a lot of fighting, and many people were hurt, but the queen kept faith alive while the fair maiden worked with the magician to come up with a potion that was fine for everyone in the good kingdom but made everyone from the evil kingdom very sick.”
“What about the prince?”
“Him too. So he thanked the fair maiden for her help, but then he left to go try to make the evil kingdom better.”
“Did it work?”
Figuring a partial lie was better here Alex shrugged her shoulders. “The good kingdom never heard from them ever again, but don’t you believe that people can work to change things for the better?”
After a moment, Amelia nodded enthusiastically. “Mom says that we need to make sure everyone knows the truth.”
“That’s probably a good idea.”
“What happened to the kingdom? Was everyone okay?”
“Well, it took a lot of time and teamwork to rebuild the kingdom. Lots of buildings had fallen down, and the paths between cities had been cut off. But everyone came together to help make the kingdom the wonderful place it was, and the queen even returned to her castle for good after a long trip away.”
“Where did she go?”
“All sorts of places. She visited so many of the other kingdoms and made friends with the rulers of a lot of places. But when the evil kingdom attacked, she realized that she needed to be back at her home with the people who loved her. In fact, lots of people realized how important love was after the battle. Soon enough, the beautiful, brave knight married the soldier, and the queen married the fair maiden, and everyone lived happily ever after.”
Amelia paused to consider it. “That was better than lotsa fairytales. Not as good as Frog and Toad, but maybe if you made it a book it would be.”
“Oh yeah?”
Amelia nodded. “Carter can draw the pictures for you. He ill’strates all my stories. Did you know he did that?” She pointed at her colorful bookcases.
“I did. And did you know your Mommy is also a very good artist?”
Alex fixed her with a stern look; she’d been put on strict orders not to let Amelia keep up the sassiness that had started to rear its head. Alex had arched an eyebrow at the instructions, insisting that she had no idea where Amelia could possibly have learned sass from, earning herself a patented eye roll from Cat.
“Sorry.” The word was stretched out into many, long syllables. “Yes, I already knew that.”
“Maybe one day we could all work together on drawing the story.”
“Tonight?” Amelia asked, eyes shining with excitement.
“It’s almost bedtime, and your moms are gonna be out late for Carter’s celebration dinner”—he’d managed to earn acceptance letters from 6 of the 8 colleges he’d applied to, plus a scholarship or two to boot—“but maybe you and I could try to draw one scene before bed. How’s that sound?”
“Can we draw the good queen against the evil queen?”
“Sure thing, kiddo.”
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Missed Connections ~ Steve Rogers x Reader College! AU (Part 7/7)
A/N: Hello my lovelies. So it’s here. The end of the story. I just want to thank you all for reading and commenting and reblogging and liking and everything. I have loved writing this particular story. I hope you enjoy the ending. It’s a little something to wrap up. There will also be an epilogue posted some time this week. All that being said, I really really love these two dorks, so if you have questions about them or things you want my headcanons for send them to me please!! I’d love to answer them (this goes for all of my stories BTW)
Anyways thank you thank you thank you! Enjoy! 
Summary: Reader and Steve have some alone time after the dance
Characters/Pairings: Steve x Reader, the others are mentioned 
Rating: T for language 
Warnings: none really 
Word Count: 1154
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Epilogue  
There was some mutual chastising for meddling and the subsequent payback, but overall everyone was just happy to see you and Steve together. Conversation was soon set aside in favor of dancing. Your group was large enough to form a small mosh pit and somehow managed to push you and Steve to the center.  
As the night wound down, everyone was directed out onto the balcony for the surprise finale. Steve moved to follow the rest of your friends but you stopped him. When he shot you a questioning look and gestured towards the crowd of people, you simply shook your head and winked before dragging him towards the back exit.
“Y/n, where are we going? We’re gonna miss it.”
“No. we’re about to have the best seat in the house,” you smirked knowing he had no idea what the surprise was. “Come on.”
Once you were outside you led him down the dirt pathway and over the bridge to the docks. You pulled off your heels and tucked your legs under you, trailing your fingers against the rough wood. He hesitated for a moment before following suit, sitting cross-legged beside you.
“What are we doing out here? What’s the surprise?”
Just as he turned his attention to the sky above the opposite bank where you were pointing, the first round of fireworks lit up the night.
“Wow,” he breathed out quietly.
You glanced over when you heard him moving around beside you.
“Where are you going?” you asked, surprised to see him getting to his feet.
“Just making myself more comfortable,” he grinned moving behind you.
His hands settled on your waist, pulling you closer so you could rest your head on his shoulder and lace your fingers over his.
“Ooh. I like this much better,” you admitted.
“Thought you might,” he rumbled in your ear, making you giggle.
You stayed cuddled like that long after the last sparks faded from the sky.
“You know, I’m really glad you posted that missed connection,” you murmured turning to smile at him. “Otherwise I’d still be avoiding eye contact and giggling every time you walked by.”
He looked a little surprised by your confession. .
“You were giggling because of me?”
“Oh yeah. Every time. I have zero poker face, so the second I would see you coming I would get this big dopey grin and look at the ground because I was flustered and I thought you would think I was a dork. But once you’d passed I couldn’t get rid of the nervous giddy feeling so I’d end up giggling.”
“I thought you were just always happy,” he admitted, “When I wrote that confession, I didn’t really think you’d even know who posted it, but I figured asking you to smile my way was an easy way to find out if you had even noticed me.”
“Notice you? I was looking for you as soon as I started classes.”
The words slipped out before your brain could shut you up and you quickly pressed your lips together. You toyed with his tie as you leaned against his leg, mortified.
“Does that mean you remembered me from your orientation?”
Your eyes flew to his in surprise.
“How did you know that?”
He offered you a crooked smile as he stroked your cheek.
“Because I remember you of course. I had seen you early on day one but you weren’t in my group so I didn’t see you for the rest of the day. But then you came down to the dance floor at the party that night and your friend asked me to teach you both the SHIELD shuffle. I did but then you went to get your free t-shirt and I had to switch assignments with somebody else before I got the chance to actually talk to you.”
You could feel the broad grin stretching across your face.
“I assumed you met so many people that summer, you’d never remember me.”
“I couldn’t forget you.”
His hand slid from your cheek to cup the back of your neck and you pulled him closer by his tie. You both moved slowly, savoring the moment before your lips finally met. The kiss was soft but exciting and Steve pulled you entirely onto his lap as you tangled your fingers in his hair, clutching yourself even closer.
You stayed on the docks for a few hours, talking and kissing. When you simply couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore Steve insisted on going back to the dorm.
Yawning, you pulled your ID from your purse and swiped it at the station outside the security desk. You offered them a sleepy smile as you showed them the ID and Steve did the same before wrapping his arm around your waist. You leaned your head against his shoulder, and sighed happily.
As you walked past the dining hall, you realized two things: one, late night was still open and two you were starving. Steve took one look at your face and steered you inside.
“Why don’t you find us a seat and I’ll go get us food.”
“Sounds good,” you sighed.
He kissed your cheek and hurried into line for food. As you scanned the room for an open booth you could cuddle up in, you heard Sam call your name.  
Looking over, you found your friends piled into the long booth, smirking at you. They had clearly been there since the party ended because they were all still dressed up and waggling their eyebrows at you.
You were sure you looked a mess – your dress was rumpled, your heels were dangling from your fingers, and Steve’s suit jacket was draped around your shoulders. You knew what they were thinking, and on some level you felt you should be embarrassed, but the truth was you couldn’t find it in you to care.
With false reluctance you joined them, sliding in next to Bucky at the end of the booth.
“Hey, doll,” he grinned. “Where’d you disappear to? You missed the fireworks.”
“I think she was busy making fireworks of her own,” Tony grinned.
You rolled your eyes in response, turning away as you answered your phone.
“Hey you.”
“Hey, where’d you end up sitting?”
“Follow the sounds of the obnoxious people,” you smirked at them but shrieked when Bucky poked you in the ribs.  
“Oh so you found our friends,” he joked.
“Exactly. Big booth on the far wall.”
“I see you.”
You looked up and saw Steve walking towards you and as he smiled at you, you couldn’t help but think back on the night all those months ago when you first read his missed connection. That one missed connection had turned into a half dozen new friendships and you couldn’t be happier. And as he slid in next to you and wrapped his arm around your waist your smile grew. You could get used to this.  
A/N: So there it is. In case any of you were wondering when they first saw each other. I hope you enjoyed this! As I said there will be an epilogue, but also any headcanons/burning questions you have send them my way! Thank you again for all your love and support. It means everything to me. 
I also have a ton of ideas that I’m currently fleshing out so I plan on posting an update on all those soon so stay tuned. 
Thank you my lovelies! 
xoxo Naynay
Missed Connections Tag List @lovethroughthemiles @lamia-maizat @trashcanfullofdork @angry-chipmunk @sukeraa @toastmaster94 @ajduurikscjsja @wordlesscaptain @hurricane--amelia
Steve/Chris Tag List @isaxhorror @peachykeen3502
Marvel Tag List @hdthdthdt   @sophiatomlinson23 @misty-panther @supermusicallee
Permanent Tag List @iamwarrenspeace @jayzayy @bexboo616 @neoqueen306 @santheweird @rowenaravencalw @buckitybarnes @prxttybirdz @the-marvel-dc-peasant @samwinchxtr @broitsmydick @ailynalonso15 @nyxveracity @queenoftrash97 @walkingtravesty97
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knittingknerdy · 7 years
Bluebird- chapter 5
Prompt/Summary: This is fic number 12 for @mrs-squirrel-chester‘s album challenge.  You know the boys before they go off to war.  And this is the end.  I hope you enjoyed the trip
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: some curse words, time travel
Word Count: 1446
Author’s Note:   I TOLD YOU I’D MAKE IT BETTER!!!
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5
Bluebird Video
Album Challenge Master List
Tumblr media
The redhead, Natasha, had dropped off some clothes for you.  They felt a bit awkward, but they fit.  You gazed at yourself in the mirror, marveling at how different you looked.  You look almost like you belong here.  
That thought spoils your mood.  You wanted more than anything to stay here, stay with Bucky.  You don’t have much left in your old life, your family was small and now all gone.  But here, you could have a second chance. Bucky refuses to help, but maybe Tony and Howard can.  It takes you a while, but you find them in a lab working away on the transporter.  You note, to yourself this time, how similar they act.  In fact, Howard looks exactly like he does when he hasn’t slept.  Since they hadn’t noticed you, you backtracked to the kitchen, grabbing two coffees and a small bag of pastries.  
Tony and Howard don’t even notice you enter the room the second time.  You set the coffee and food down on a clean surface near them before clearing your throat.  It takes a few tries before Tony looks up, followed by Howard.  
“Coffee,” you ask with a smile and all the charm you can muster.  This plan has to work since you don’t have a backup.  
Howard moves first, greedily taking a cup and rummaging through the bag for a pastry.  You pick up the second cup and hold it out to Tony.  He contemplates your offering for a moment before taking the cup with a smile.  
“You’re not bad at this assistant thing.  Need a job?” Tony smiles, but his offering doesn’t feel like a joke.  
You huff out a laugh when you realize that he’s probably already worked out why you’re here and what you want.  
“I might have to take you up on that offer.  But for now, I’d like to know if I can see my file.  The one that you said was ‘suspicious.’”  
He grabs a thin folder from a table behind him and tosses it on the table next to you.  
“Thought you might appreciate it printed out.  I know how much trouble your boys had with all this newfangled technology.”
You pick it up with a smile, confirming your suspicions about Tony.  
“I couldn’t find anything, and that says something.  Maybe some fresh eyes will help.” You nod at Tony as you flip through the file.  It is really sparse.  Nothing much of note until you get to the last page.  It is a letter from Peggy confirming your MIA status.  
Agent Y/N Y/LN has been confirmed as missing in action.  At this time, no further action is being taken.  Her work and home belongings have been placed in storage under her identification number.
Director Carter
You read the letter through several times before looking up at Tony with a questioning glance.  
“Friday can provide you directions and access to the storage facility, and anything else you need help with.”  Tony said with a smirk.  
“Friday?”  you ask.
You stare at the ceiling in bewilderment when a voice rings out.  “Yes, ma’am?”  
“Um, where can I find Bucky Barnes?”
With Friday’s help, you eventually find the gym.  
“Fuck,” he mutters when he spots you.
“You learned some bad habits in the army,” you scold.
“It’s Steve’s fault.”
“You always say it’s Steve’s fault.”
“It usually is.”
You huff out a laugh of agreement.  Quiet falls between the two of you because you don’t know how to ask the question you need to.  
“You look, you look like you belong here.”  Bucky breaks the quiet first.  His statement feels like he’s reading your mind.  
You look down at your clothes before smiling back up at Bucky.  “Actually, I need help with that.”
“What?” you question angrily. “You don’t want me here?”
“It’s not that. You heard Bruce.”
“So you do?” you interrupt.  “You want me to stay.”
Bucky hesitates.  “More than anything, Bluebird.  But-”
“That’s all I need,” You interrupt again. “But if this works, you have some apologizing to do.”   Before he can question or stop you, you turn and leave.  You follow Friday’s directions, and with only a few wrong turns and trying to get into the wrong building on the first try, you find the storage warehouse.  
You identify yourself, and thanks to Friday’s help, the guard lets you in.  The worker at the desk looks bored and startled when you walk up.  
“Hi!  I need box 4857210.”  You bite your lip nervously hoping it would work.  
“Right.”  He clumsily types in the number.  After a few seconds, the instrument beeps and he raises an eyebrow slightly.  “This is an old one.  It says you need a password.”
Your eyes widen in surprise.  “Oh, um.”  Your brain races through possibilities before settling on one with a small smile.  “Bluebird?”
He’s skeptical at your uncertainty, but he types in the password.  After a few moments, it beeps again.  “You can have a seat, they’ll bring it out in a few minutes.”  
You sigh with relief and wait impatiently.  The crate is smaller than you expected.  They leave it and unlock it for you.  The dust flies as you open the lid.  It actually contains quite a bit.  Pictures, clothing, and some smaller trinkets.  But you ignore it all for the envelope sitting on top.  Your hands shake slightly as you open the envelope and slide out the letter inside.  With a smile, you turn to the man.  
“Can this be delivered to my room?”  you ask.
He nods wearily as you close the crate.  
You were still nervous to drop this news in everyone’s laps.  Especially Bucky’s.  He said he wanted you to stay, but doubt began to pull at the edges of your confidence.  You should have known it would be Peggy who would erase your doubts.  You were rereading the letter over and over in the common room when she walked by.
“Has anyone mentioned that those clothes suit you?”  You turned as she spoke.  Peggy had chosen to stick with her uniform.  
“Not with those words, exactly.”  Your smile falters slightly when you think of Bucky’s reaction.  
“What do you have?” she asked.
“Oh,” you hand her the letter.  “It’s from you.”
Her eyebrows raise in surprise as she takes it.  Her mouth dropping open as she reads it.  You’ve managed to shake the unshakeable Peggy Carter.  Well, technically she wrote the letter, but you’d take a bit of the credit.
When she finished and looked up at you, her shocked expression grew into a large grin.  
“I know this has been stressful.  I have been so wrapped up in seeing Steve again, I haven’t been there for you at all.”  You tried to protest, but she cut you off.  “No, I at least had the chance of some closure with Steve.  You, on the other hand, never knew how he felt, how you felt, until it was too late.  I’m glad you’re going to get that chance.”  
“Chance for what?”  Peggy and you spun around at Steve’s question.
Peggy was quick to respond before you could and handed Steve the letter.  Smiling pointedly at Bucky, she said, “she’s staying.”
“What?!” Bucky snatches the letter from Steve before he can read it.  After a quick scan, Bucky looks up at you.  “Is this real?  What does this mean?”
“I found the letter in storage with my things.  No one else knew my identification number, but I did.  I think it means that I can stay.  That I’m meant to stay.”  You squeal with surprise when Bucky lifts you up and spins you around.  You’re dizzy when he finally sets you down.  “You’ve been kind of a jerk, you know?”  
“He’s always been a jerk,” Steve interjects.
Bucky glares at Steve over your shoulder.  “I don’t need your help right now, punk.”  
“Are you sure?” Steve asks.
“Steve,” Bucky threatens.  
“I’m just saying, I’ve been waiting on you to finally do this for a long time.”  
“Steve, how about we leave them alone?” Peggy coaxed, pulling Steve gently by the arm.  
Bucky smiles down at you.  “He’s right.  I had a million chances to do this, and I never did.  I’m sorry for that.  And I’m sorry that when life gave me another chance I didn’t grab it with both hands.  I just couldn’t get my hopes up and lose you all over again.  Can you ever forgive me, Bluebird?”  
You smile at Bucky, your Bucky. “I will,” his smile grows, “but for a price.”  
Bucky’s eyebrows raise. “And what’s that?” he asks.
“A kiss?”
“As many as you want, Bluebird.  As many as you want.”  Tag List:
Everything: @marvel-lucy @buckybarnesisalittleshit @pleasecallmecaptain @eyeofdionysus @nikkitia7 @geminiloveca @bovaria @imagine-assembling-the-avengers @escapee-21 @jarnesbrnes @Actuallyasguardian @avengermama @marvel-ash @marvelfanfichq   @theoneandonlysaucymo @sebbytrash @beccaanne814-blog @palaiasaurus64 @marvelfictrashcan @backpackfullofplums @redgillan @brighterlights @buckyywiththegoodhair @buckysberrie @heismyhunter @swtltlmrvlgrl @midnightloverslie @feelmyroarrrr @lillianfromaccounting  @darkchocolaterey @emilyevanston @mewsiex @winterbombyourface @mrshopkirk @hellomissmabel @okchris @Ailynalonso15 @fvckingbuckyandsteve @Sarahmatthews7 @always-an-evans-addict @weirdlyobsessedreader @lilasiannerd @lady-thor-foster @pcterpvrker
Bucky: @bionic-buckyb @whatsbetterthanfantasy @creideamhgradochas
Bluebird: @justasunflower   @grantsgorgeousgirl  @lobathenerd  @passiononfire @ssa-nightowl  @erinvanlyssel  @multifandom-slytherin @ballerinafairyprincess  @mizzzpink   @gallifreyansass  @mutherfuckinstarboy  @brittanymcsharry  @ani808  @spawn-of-the-devil  @itsagentromanoff  @awinterloveuniverse @jasura @calaofnoldor  @lovingllamareview  @buckys-baby   @mirkwood---princess  @iluvyewman-blog @captain-amelia-bradley @attentionseekingprincess   @katalina-from-hellbound  @smoothdogsgirl  @aesthetic-moondust @once-a-shervel @snuggleducky
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volklana · 7 years
What Do You Say When Words Are Not Enough? (Part Five)
Read Part Four Here:
Part Five:  It's You, It's You, It's All For You
The title of this chapter comes from this song and is from my dear Lana del Rey, the whole mood of this song encapsulates the mood of this chapter I think and I may have stolen a line from it!
Summary: Bucky broke your heart completely, and though you never thought you could love someone like that ever again, after Tony confesses he has carried feelings for you for a long time, could you find it in you to take another chance on love? Will Bucky let you?
Warnings: All the warnings that go with this series, mind your hearts!
Words: c. 1,529
You iced your hand, bitterly regretting your stupidity at punching the elevator wall.
What the hell was Tony doing? How could he have called Pepper of all people? How could you have gotten this whole situation so wrong?
All this time he had been telling you he loved you, and you had fallen in love with him, but he was willing to bow out of the race as soon as it got difficult?
You’d had no say in Bucky turning up but you had set him straight, you’d finished it for good, and you had been so sure that tonight was going to be the first night of the beginning of your life together with Tony.
Maybe he truly had meant what he said in the basement, maybe he did intend to cut his losses and run while he had the chance. That would make a grand total of two guys in your life who were willing to simply walk away from you without a second thought, and that was what hurt the most. You had fallen into the same trap, and ended up alone… again.
You couldn’t physically cry anymore, you’d sort of gone numb instead as you wrapped your hand with a bandage.
You rifled through your closet until you found the one thing you were looking for, Tony’s Black Sabbath shirt that he had given you the first night you had slept over at his, it only vaguely smelt like him still and you held it to your nose for a while before slipping off your top and replacing it with his, relishing in its softness and the memories it brought with it. 
You couldn’t remember falling asleep, you couldn’t even remember getting into bed but when you awoke at 3:17am to be precise you knew there wasn’t a hope in hell you would be able to get back to sleep.
Rising, you made your way to the kitchen and fumbled with the coffee maker until it gave you something not nearly strong enough to kill the headache you had developed but enough to take the edge off.
You made your way up to the balcony fully intending to wallow in the self-pity of everything that had happened today and enjoying the silence of the night.
Leaning against the railings you took small sips of your coffee and took some small comfort in the twinkling lights of the city, you felt rather than heard someone behind you and turning around slowly you saw a shattered looking Tony standing a few feet away from you.
His eyes flickered to the shirt you were wearing and an unreadable expression crossed his face.
“You said I could keep it,” your tone was hurt, defensive even and his eyes flew up to yours, as he shook his head, wordless, that wasn’t what he had meant at all, he was just honestly shocked that you would still want to wear his shirt now that Bucky was back in your life, and then his eyes flashed with hurt too.
“I need you to tell me what you came to my apartment to say,” his voice was quivering, he was bracing himself for the goodbye. He had to hear it from you, if he was going to lose you to Bucky he had to hear it from you as opposed to him.
“No,” you cried out with gritted teeth, “no you don’t get to do that to me.”
“Please y/n. I just need to hear you say it,” he was pleading with you, looking so close to tears that you turned bitterly away from him for a moment and took a huge intake of breath before turning around again, and, oh great tears were gathering in your eyes again, as you placed your cup down on the ground and took a few steps away from him.
“After I came to see you in the basement, I went to speak to Bucky,” you didn’t miss the way Tony looked as though he was bracing himself for a blow, “and I told him that we were over, that I didn’t want to be with him. I couldn’t be with him because I was in love with you. I told him I wanted to be with you. And I thought… I thought that was what you wanted, I thought maybe you had been pushing me away in the basement because you didn’t know where you stood with me. I came to tell you that I was yours, if you wanted me. But I can see now that I was wrong.”
“You weren’t!” he cried rushing towards you, “You weren’t wrong, y/n you weren’t wrong at all. You are all I ever wanted”
“Then why did you give up on me?” your voice seeping in so much hurt, it actually hurt him.
“Because he was right y/n. I could never compare to what you had with him. I could never compare to him and I thought deep down that you must still love him. How could you not? How could I ever compare to that? I knew it was only a matter of time before he came back for you because he would have been crazy not to, it’s why I haven’t been able to sleep these past few weeks, because I am so in love with you it kills me. It killed me knowing that he could just come back here and snatch you away and I convinced myself that if I just walked away, if I bowed out then it wouldn’t hurt so bad, but I was so wrong. It killed me to walk away from you. I love you. Really love you.”
“It was all you Tony. There was no competition for me. The feelings I had for Bucky were unresolved anger because I realised I wanted better. I wanted to be treated the way you treat me. I wanted you!”
He blinked rapidly, processing the information you were telling him and you felt your resolve melting, “You.. you chose me?” he stuttered and you nodded.
He moved forward and cupped the side of your face with one hand, and you leaned gently into his touch.
He wiped away a single tear that rolled down your cheek.
“And now it’s too late.” You cried and he shook his head.
“No, no it’s not. Not for us!”
“But Pepper!” you cried.
Tony smiled weakly, slowly piecing together why you were so upset. You thought he had called Pepper out of revenge, you thought he had done it to purposely hurt you. You thought they were getting back together.
“I would never do anything like that to you,” he told you honestly. “Pepper was there because Steve called her,” he heard you gasp as your eyes flashed with a new betrayal “He called her to see if she would talk some sense to me, apparently, she is ‘the only person who can knock sense into me’ Steve’s words not mine. Pepper and I are over, we’ve been over for years, there’s only one girl I love and I’m looking right at her.”
“And you were short with me because you thought I was coming to tell you we were over?”
“Yes,” he laughed in exasperation “We’ve had our wires completely crossed sweetheart.”
Maybe it was the relief of having him so close to you, maybe it was the relief of knowing you had completely misjudged the whole Pepper situation, or maybe it was just relief, period, but you started to laugh in disbelief and then it turned into genuine light-hearted laughter, and Tony followed suit, smiling even though his eyes were glistening.
“I love you,” you told him through your tears and he pulled you to him as he began to sway you gently, it felt like years since the last time he had done this with you and you collapsed into his touch.
“I love you,” he tried to speak but it came out broken, like his voice had gone out on him.
“It’s all for you,” you repeated against his shoulder and he continued to sway you gently.
  You couldn’t tell how long you stayed up on that balcony simply holding onto Tony, trying to reassure him with every touch, every kiss that you really were his.
No one was going to come along and snatch you and you felt a deep sense of empathy for what he had told you he had been going through.
You had felt for one night that someone was going to take him away from you and it had hurt like hell, he had been feeling this way for weeks and you could understand why he reacted the way he did when Bucky finally did turn up.
 But here you were together now for certain, no matter what adversities you had to get through Bucky’s return was certainly one that had been a hard fought battle but as Tony gently swayed you and you breathed in that scent that was so distinctly him, you were certain that this was where you belonged.
With him.
And whatever else life decided to throw at you, you would face it.
Tagging: @creideamhgradochas @sydsyd1874 @ifoundlove-x0vanessa0x @markandjackaremysuperheros @ravens-2nd-blog @knittingknerdy @shamvictoria11 @buckysberrie @assembletheimagines @jennifers-bread @dearthofequanimity @sneakingpixiejutsu @bovaria @fvckingavengers @angryschnauzer @beccaanne814-blog @wellthatsrandomkek @3brosangel @palaiasaurus64 @hellomissmabel @mitra-k-w @nikkitia7 @fantasticimpaladoctor @angel34jolly-blog @feelmyroarrrr @marvelingatthewonder @james-bionic-barnes @fabulous-dani @voidjillybean @candyrogers @sebseyesandbuckysthighs @pimpaladestiel @tinaferraldo @andhiseyesweregreen @frickin-bats @alwayssmilepretty @buckyywiththegoodhair  @pandarosita @iiharu-kunii  @givemethatgold @fandom-hoe101 @moreinfinite @lilasiannerd @buckyb-avengers @avengerofyourheart @flowercrownsandmetallicarms @littlemissglassgirl @mytasterpeculiar @angel34jolly-blog @movingonto-betterthings @captain-amelia-bradley@mizzzpink @dryerpet @puffedchoco @bigbadwolfhale @marvelgoateecollection @janvdyne @jaegers-and-kaijus @peoniesinmyhair @violeata @xxmusic13luverxx @pegausustheepic @itsagentromanoff @bellenuit45 @perrychastain @harrisbn  @s-acafst @fandom-writes  @challenge-accep-ted 
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