purpleguitar · 8 months
what is it about this stage that makes directors think "ah this is where we show our protagonist is batshit insane"
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qopunicubic · 2 years
8.000+ offres d'emploi en cours France et à l'étranger • Rapide &amp; Gratuit • Temps plein, temporaire et à
l'ensemble des offres d'emplois sur la plateforme de recrutement. Esthéticien(ne) spa praticienne H/F - Savoie et Haute-Savoie, SaisonnierLes offres d'emploi. Spa Praticien(ne) (H/F) L'Esquisse Hotel &amp; Spa - Hôtel 5 étoiles (Colmar, France) Contrat : CDI
</p><br>, , , , .
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itstheghostofmypast · 2 months
Lime Milkshake
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Non-Idol Choi San x (f)Reader
Summary: Love is not a feeling that comes without a cost, a give-and-take relationship that flourishes if both ends of the line meet at a pleasant frequency. Choi San had yet to understand that concept, especially when he deemed himself to be unworthy of love, in all its forms.
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Word Count: 5.1k
Est Read Time: 25 minutes
Warnings: past relationship trauma, language, ghosting (it triggers me so yes)
Rating: PG-13
Networks: @cromernet @k-labels @san-network
Banner: @cafekitsune
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Fate had never been fair, not with anyone who ever dared to dance with it, and luck was often watching from the sidelines, that's exactly how he felt when he saw her walk in with another man that day, watching the way she laughed at something the stranger had said to her- whispered to her, leaning closer to her, who knew the girl he had given his heart to was busy fooling around with it. That day he had stomped out of the shop, making sure to walk past her, feeling her body tense up, breath hitch and eyes widen as she turned her head to face him, locking her panicked orbs with his cold, hard ones-, a look she had never been a victim to before. That was the last time he had seen her, spoken to her, responded to her texts or even made the effort to open the door.
The thing about love is that it leaves a mark, an imprint that one may either wear proudly or cover with shame. She wasn't the first person he had been with, no, he had been in a few other situationships- unfortunately, she wasn't a situationship, she was a relationship, much like his previous ex- the one who had cheated on him with his own best friend, ironically his best friend was unaware of the relationship. He never thought that one night he'd visit her apartment, to surprise her, a day before his birthday, that he wanted to celebrate with his lover, his Bora, his angel, and find none other than Jung Wooyoung with her on her bed. It took Wooyoung four days to force San out of his room and another six for him to actually communicate with him, Bora was already out of the story, someone who didn't even bother calling back San or trying to reach out to him. That day Wooyoung had seen his best friend implode, keeping it in more than his introverted self ever did before, he was shy by nature and was one to put up a strong front to match his physical presence (the current big mountainous one) the old Sannie was as fragile as his porcelain heart, the recent development however was the addition of his nonchalance followed by his tactic to ignore the situation. The younger man had practically broken into his apartment to talk to him, only to find him mindlessly scrolling on his phone, he sat beside him, trying to talk to him but what he had received was a step ahead of the silent treatment- it was as if he was invisible like he wasn't even there. To get a reaction when Wooyoung had snatched it out of his hand and flung it across the room, the man simply grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, mumbling to himself about some movie- it was only two hours in of him sitting with Wooyoung in silence when his head whipped in the direction of his friend, at the sound of a broken sob, he'd never seen Wooyoung cry, let alone sob like that. It was after that when the two finally talked it out, how Wooyoung explained how he never knew San was in a relationship with Bora, and perhaps San shouldn't have hidden his relationship with her if he truly loved her, even if she had asked for it, he should've at least kept him in the loop.
He did thus keep him in the loop, for one fine afternoon Wooyoung had received a text from San, while he was busy cleaning at home, 
"It's over, don't meet her anymore, she's just like her."
Her- two years had passed and she still haunted his best friend, keeping him awake at night until he met someone else, Wooyoung was glad he had, for once San had met someone different, someone who would pull out San from the bubble he hid in, she was honest but careful with her words which Wooyoung had noticed, the two had met at a 7-Eleven at midnight, buying a lime milkshake and bonding over how disgusting of a midnight snack that was- though San had told him how she had done most of the talking, even while he walked her home she was talking, they had exchanged numbers because she had suggested becoming "mid-night snack buddies"- initially Woo thought she meant that sexually, but ironically she didn't, there was no other implication, but honest words of sincerity, a range of snacks were exchanged and shared and slowly San had begun to fall again, only this time he knew his mountain of a friend would fall into her arms and she'd catch him. Or so he thought, the text itself was something that had scared him, as soon as he read it, he was quick to leave his home to his friend's side, only to find her at his door, crying and asking for his help. Initially, he had thought she was no different, just as San had suggested, but it occurred to him how Bora had never cried like this, never tried to fight for San- if she truly was different then she would try no matter what, which is why he had decided to stay out of the matter, only advising her to "Don't give up on him." San, at the realisation that this was Wooyoung's advice, was, to say the least, enraged. His now ex would be at his door all the time, he blocked her number and email address, and made sure she couldn't find him on social media, at one point she began to show up at his door, knocking, gently calling him out, "Sannie, please I- I don't know what I've done, but please listen to me or at least talk to me." He'd ignore her diligently, making sure to leave a message, of how he didn't want her, how she was like her, how she was no different and how he was not someone to play around with. This went on for months, five to be exact, not that he was counting, she came to his door whenever she knew he was home from work, gently knocking on the door, "Hey... it's me, I just wanna talk." "Sannie, please, please just tell me what I did wrong?" "I hope you're taking care of yourself..." "Hey...Wooyoung told me about her...I'm not her San, I'm not Bora-"That was the last time he had heard from her, that night, he had almost opened the door, instead opting to lean his forehead against it, listening to her laboured breathing, "I- I don't know why you think I'd ever do that to you...I don't even know what I did to trigger this- please San, I know you're there. I know you can hear me- everyone in this building thinks I'm insane, like I'm a lunatic- I don't care about that but San I- please don't ghost me like that, don't pretend I never existed....just open the door...if you won't I..." he had heard the way her voice had cracked, his own resolve had begun to crack as well, but when he closed his eyes to keep the waterworks at bay, the image that flashed in front of his eyes was not hers- it was of the one who did this to him, he was so distracted by the face of his ex that he had almost missed her final call, "I won't bother you anymore."
It wasn't fair how all he asked was for true love, yet he was given something bitter as this every time he received any, it was unfair how he'd still cling to the memories, onto the habits and the little activities, only to make himself feel better, to feel whole again. It wasn't fair how he was now climbing down the damp, slippery stairs, on his way to have a disgusting, cold, unworthy lime milkshake. It took him a while to come out of the habits he had developed with Bora, but now that he thinks about it, those comprised of usually pleasing his ex, it was different with her, she'd usually look for a middle ground. Scoffing to himself he stuffed his hands in his jacket, what did it matter, he hadn't heard from her since that night, he hadn't heard from her for almost a year, she was no different, at the end it was only-
His ears picked up a loud thump, followed by the sound of things clattering around, a pained cry had him focusing on a crouched figure, leaning against the wall almost at the base of the stairs- oh no, they must've slipped. Making his way quickly, but carefully down the remaining concrete steps he clicked his tongue at the figure, a woman, "Miss, are you okay?" He asked as she watched her gripping her ankle, and let out a shaky breath, she couldn't hear him. Moving closer he tapped her shoulder, "Miss, do you need.... help..." his words died down as his eyes locked with a familiar misty pair, which widened upon a sudden realisation. Honestly, she was quicker than him, shaking her head and mumbling an, "I'm fine", before trying to reach for her bag and its fallen contents hastily, not sparing him a glance.
Did she change her hair?
Did he change his hair?
Her mind raced with a thousand questions, but she didn't listen to any, quickly trying to stuff whatever she had dropped, back in her bag, her keys, her wallet, her perfume, and her…her phone? A gasp escaped her as she continued to frantically look around, hands slapping against the dimly lit stairs, cringing at the wet dirt that stuck to her palm.
He watched her silently, frozen in the spot as he tried to process what had just happened, how did he not notice her walking before him? He hadn't noticed anyone at all, why was she out at this hour? It was still drizzling a bit; it was cold and- since when did she wear wide-legged pants? Sandals in the rain? His ear picked up her little gasp, picking up her little "Where's my phone...", he saw the glint of the device on two steps below, making his way around her to go down quietly. 
She felt his gaze on her, somewhat humiliated, somewhat angry and truly upset. Why was he not helping her? Was he just going to stand there and watch? The San she knew wasn't like this, he was cold-hearted- she saw him crouch down to grab something, her phone- shit- the screen lit up, reflecting off his eyes that had widened for a split second before he closed them, letting out a sigh and locking the screen.
He picked up her phone, pushing the lock button to check the damage, only for his breath to hitch at the sight of her wallpaper, it was the first couple picture they had taken together, one she had coaxed him into after three months of being together;
"Don't worry, it won't have your face or mine." "I... how?" "Watch, just stop walking." She instructed as he stood still, still carrying her on his back, this was a habit that developed when she'd come to the store after leaving work way later than she had imagined, which is why walking back was a bother, so he had brought up this suggestion, "You're wearing trousers anyway." Regardless of how worried she was, he held her with ease, carrying her up the same steps they were now on.
This picture was a shadow of the two, with her on his back, this was the picture she had as her wallpaper when they were dating as well- a year ago. He walked over to her, looking at her face, trying to read through her turmoil, something twisting within him as she stared up at him for a split second before looking away, the familiar words ringing in his ears, "I'm not Bora." 
She looked away from his face, chewing on her lower lip, almost ashamed that he had caught her like this, that he had found out how she still hadn't moved on, as she tried to move her leg, only to wince, eying the reddened ankle swelling as the now tight strap of her sandal pressed against the skin. 
Crouching down he slipped her phone into her back before gently pulling it out of her hand, turning around before she could protest as he stood there, facing ahead, pondering for a moment, before sitting down on the step after hers, quietly waiting for her to understand the signal.
"I- I'm fine, I can walk-"
He sighed, turning around to look at her with a frown, "You can't walk."
"I don't need your help," she looked away, slowly trying to stand up as she braced herself for the pain, only for him to grab onto her arm and move it around his shoulder, manoeuvring so she had to cling onto him when he stood up at full height, arms wrapping around his neck as he hooked his arms under knees.
"No, you do need my help. You don't want my help." He sighed, as he slowly started making his way down the last step, walking down the pathway, ignoring how she let out a shaky breath, her fingers digging into his cotton shirt when he took a quick step, the jerk causing her to wince, making him mumble a small "Sorry."
"It's okay..." she whispered, her warm breath against his neck causing him to shiver, as he cleared his throat to distract himself, before asking her the real question, "Where were you headed?"
He stopped walking.
"I think you know why."
That's how the two found themselves sitting on the footpath, grimacing at the weird taste of the lime milkshake, watching the once-in-a-blue-moon car pass by, her bag in between them. She didn't know he had finished before her, but he had stood up and walked back inside the shop, causing her to turn her upper body to look at him walk inside, he'd grown prettier since the last time she saw him- well he was always pretty- she quickly turned back when he came outside with a paper bag in hand, trying to act casual, only that failed when he crouched down in front of her reaching for her ankle, "ITS OKAY-"
Clicking his tongue, he glanced up at her, narrowing his eyes when she cleared her throat, letting him have a look. Folding up the wide end of her pant leg he frowned, "This is bad..." he mumbled, undoing her sandal buckle with deft fingers, watching the imprint in the swollen, pink skin, "Since when did you where such pants?"
"I was trying something new." She sighed, placing the empty bottle of her shake next to her, reaching for her ankle, "I-I'll put some ice on it, it's fine."
"Why did you do it?"
His question caught her off guard, causing her to look at him all confused for a second, before pouting "Wear...sandals? Cause they matched-"
"Cheat on me."
"What?" She frowned, "I didn't cheat on you- San, I understand that lady hurt you, but I'm not her and if you weren't ready to move on, you should've said so." She scoffed, amused and angered by the fact that she had been crying each night for a man, who couldn't see past his ex, what was she? Some form of comfort cushion for him to use when he'd miss his ex?
"Then" he placed his hand on her ankle, gently massaging it, though he narrowed his eyes, glaring at her, a contrast between the way he looked at her and the way he was touching her ankle, "Who was that guy? At the cafe? You don't think I noticed how he was whispering to you?"
Reaching forward she slapped his hand, hard, only for her palm to hit her own ankle in the process, hissing in pain as she looked at him tear-eyed.
"OW- WHY WOULD YOU- ARE U MAD?" He yelled, pushing her hand away as he tenderly ran his thumb over the bluish skin, "Why would you hit your own bruise?" He sighed, before pulling out an ointment from the paper bag with his other hand, ignoring the way she was glaring at him, maybe she did lose her mind when they broke it off.
He had begun massaging the ointment on her ankle, not looking at her, though he could feel her glaring daggers at him, watching him work on her, and for some reason, though he didn't care, he didn't mind. It was as if the voice inside of him was berating him, scolding him for letting his insecurities get the best of him, pushing away the only person who had accepted to glue back the shattered pieces of his heart, promising to place in pieces of hers in the cracks that were left by missing pieces.
"I hate you." 
His hands paused, one holding her ankle and his other hand holding the gauze, not an ounce in him wanted to look at her, wanted to see the hurt that swirled in her eyes, her words hung in the air, still as the mist on a cold bitter morning, perhaps such as this one, it was already past midnight. Clearing his throat, he continued his work as if nothing had happened, not daring to look up at her. Once he was done, he inspected his work before standing up, ignoring how her head followed his movements, still looking up at him, as if waiting for an answer, though he had nothing to give her, she hadn’t answered his question as well, she had only rejected the accusation. He grabbed her sandals in one hand and slung her bag over his shoulder before turning around and crouching down once more, the expanse of his back at her view, making her scoff, but she slowly got on, mumbling an ‘I still hate you.’
He had been making his way up the steps when he began to feel her tighten her arms around his neck, ignoring her for a minute or two, maybe she was scared she’d fall, so he let it be. That is until it became a bit too difficult for him to breathe for which he wheezed out,
“I can’t breathe.”
She let out a small gasp, “Aww…really?” before her grip tightened causing him to stop on a step, coughing out her name.
“That’s how I felt EVERY NIGHT when you IGNORED ME!”
Her grip loosened to its usual strength as he coughed for air, one of his hands flat against the wall as he tried to steady himself, letting go of her uninjured leg, feeling it wrap around him, wiping away a bit of drool with the back of his hand he hissed in anger, “You still haven’t told me who he was? What do you take me for-
“WHAT?” turning his head to glare at her, he frowned as she leaned over his shoulder to glare back with the same intensity, the volume of their voices wasn’t helping either, if anyone were to see them they’d probably call the cops, though that didn’t stop him from finally blowing up, letting out everything he should have the first time she came over to apologise, “WHY?  WHY AM I THE IDIOT WHEN ALL I DID WAS WAIT FOR YOU AT THE CAFÉ LIKE YOU ASKED ME TO? AND THEN YOU BRING OVER SOME GUY AND-
Just like the previous statement she had bombarded him with, her words hung in the air around them once more, the only sound that was evident to the ear was their heavy breaths, though he could see the way her ears had turned pink, not from the cold nipping at her but the anger that he had caused to run through her veins, “I- I can’t believe you, you walked out on me, you never let me explain and- and all I wanted to do was to surprise you with an apartment we could share.” She sighed, slowly letting go of him, causing him to panic, though she pulled back holding the handrail, “Just give me my stuff, thanks for today, just pretend none of this happened, you’re good at that anyway.”
Turning around to look at her he watched her reach for her bag that he was still holding onto, only for him to pull away, biting his lip to hold back the flood of emotions, especially when she looked up at him all exhausted, “I really did think Wooyoung was right, that you’d give me a chance but- I, I don’t think you were ready for something new and-
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, catching her off guard, eyes widening at the way he looked down at his shoes, holding onto her purse like it was his own, or perhaps he was holding onto something that was hers, the only piece that was not taken away, much like the memories of her, of how she loved him through the darkest patches of his life, how she spent time peeling away each layer with delicate movements, how she spent most of her time trying to understand him, how she’d be there with her melody, trying to soothe his aching soul, only for him to toss her out when the voices inside became so loud he couldn’t hear her’s anymore.
“Yeah, I- Hey!” he almost lost his footing when she shoved him, staring at her in shock, for the love of God, they were still on the stairs, “Don’t do that,” he held onto her wrists when she almost shoved him again.
“Why? Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you tell me she hurt you like that, you- don’t you think I would’ve stayed with you? I love you- I- I helped you as much as I could and if I knew you needed professional help I would’ve stayed by your side- did I not love you enough for you to realise that?” her words cut through him, it was as if reality had come and punched him in the face for her, “What’s the point of being so tough of on the outside when you’re hurting on the inside, indirectly hurting everyone who chooses loves you…” He watched her sigh, her resolve breaking as she looked up at him, streaks of fresh tears painting her face, causing his breath to hitch at the sight- no, if he had opened the door on the first day he would’ve cracked, he would’ve crumbled at her feet and to think he didn’t, to think he had let her cry like this at his doorstep for so long, to have her break down, to lose a piece of her every night because he was too afraid to confront her, even though she had come to him, fate was not cruel to him, no, for once fate had pitied him, by sending him a form of compensation he was unworthy of, a form of love that he was unworthy of, for he was unworthy of her.
“I…” his head hung low, fingers tightening around her wrists as he let out a quiet sob, before he slowly sat down, the world around him spinning a bit too fast, though he did not know she had followed after, he didn’t even know when he started bawling his eyes out, his deafening cries were being muffled by her shoulder as she hugged him close, a soothing hand rubbed his back, though she never shushed him, never asked him to stop, in fact, it was as if she was encouraging him to continue crying, to let it all out. Soon his sobs turned into incoherent apologies, which morphed into hiccups of her name, squeezing her close to him as she pressed his face into her neck, whining and mumbling about- honestly, she couldn’t even understand him, she was just glad he had finally decided to let it out, to finally feel whatever he had barricaded away, whatever was stopping him from loving and feeling loved. He doesn’t know how long it took, but he’s sure it was after a solid twenty minutes when he finally peaked up at her, catching the way she gave him a small smile, only for him to whine and hide back in her neck, mumbling, “Do you still hate me?”
“I don’t hate you San, I just hate what you did to me.” She sighed, slowly peeling him off her as she cupped his face, taking note of his puffy eyes and red nose, her thumbs caressing the warm and wet skin below his eyes, “I don’t think I deserved to be punished for something I didn’t do.” He could only meekly nod at her statement, before sniffing and letting out a shaky breath, followed by another apology which she nodded at. Standing up he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, before he picked up her things once more, turning around so she could hop onto his back.
“I can slowly walk there, you know?” she asked only for him to shake his head, not even turning to look at her as he did so, just waiting for her to do as he asked, which she did thankfully.
The walk to her apartment was quiet, though not as tense as the walk to the store was, or before they finally fought, in fact, she felt quite better, she didn’t really know about him, but it had been a long time since she had felt this light as if the weight of the horrid world had been lifted of her shoulders. Ever so often, she’d hear him sniff, but that was all, halfway up the elevator ride to her apartment she felt him gripping her tighter, closer, though she did not say anything.
It was when she was at the door when she tried to move but he didn’t let go, instead stood there facing the door with her on his back, not saying a word or moving an inch.
“I can’t.”
“Can’t what?”
“I can’t lose you again.”
She sighed at his statement, before giving what was similar to a back hug, placing a kiss on his shoulder, slowly slipping out when he eased because of her antics. Limping over to the door she finally unlocked it, turning to look up at a dejected mountain of a man, holding onto her pink sandals in one hand, while on his shoulder clutched close to his body was her hot pink purse, if this wasn’t a serious moment she may have even laughed. Still, the sight of him standing there, like a kitten kicked in the rain had her gripping the doorknob, wondering what she should do next, was it worth the effort? Was giving him another chance worth the risk of the pain? All that therapy she had to go through when she decided to move on- but had she moved on? Well, she thought she did, until she met him again tonight until he began to carry her down the stairs, until she realised he too was going for that horrid drink, until he sat there quietly drinking it with her, until he began to treat her injury as if nothing had happened- perhaps a part of her did not want to move on, or was she waiting to see if he had moved on?
“I can’t just…forget everything San.” She finally gave into the rational part of her being, “I can’t help someone, who doesn’t want to help himself,” looking up at him she noticed the way his eyes had watered, his lower lip trembling, much like his shoulders, “I need to know if what I’m fighting for is worth it? Are we really worth it, Sannie?”
His ears picked up the little nickname, most people who were close to him would call him that, but when the name slipped off her tongue, his heart grew bigger three sizes, his heart grew braver three sizes, something ignited within his soul, his fingertips tingling with a new found sensation, his eyes met hers, eyes burning with a new found determination, a newfound realisation, “We are. I need to make it up to you, I want to make it up to you, I will make it up to you…” he paused, before taking a deep breath, “Only if you let me.”
She looked at him quietly, taking in his words, perhaps she had woken up someone who lay asleep for years, slowly losing himself within the broken shell of a man who walked aimlessly around the Earth claiming to be Choi San, perhaps this was the real Choi San, the one Wooyoung had told her to fight for, the one Wooyoung had told her would love her endlessly, would hold onto her tighter than she’d hold onto him, the one who was to bring down the galaxy and present it to her on his palm, all wrapped within his love and admiration for her.
“I have to go for talking therapy at 8 pm tomorrow.”
“We have to go for our talking therapy at 8 pm tomorrow.” With that he handed her the purse, leaning closer to the door before opening it and picking her up princess style, her sandals still hanging off his fingers as she scoffed, wrapping her arms around him, “You’re sleeping on the couch though.”
“As long as I still have a date with you tomorrow.”
“Again, it’s therapy.”
“Therapy dates can be our thing.” He smiled down at her, a genuine smile, a smile that she had barely seen, one that came with the dimples and the crinkle of his nose, his teeth peaking out at her, contagious enough for her to morph a similar smile, perhaps not as pretty as his, but for him, it was the brightest, most beautiful, most charming smile he had ever seen, the very sight he would long for each night, when his self-induced state of pity would subside and the kinder, selfless San would resurface, the one who had decided to set the same picture as his wallpaper as her own- that’s why he was so shocked to find out that even though the two hadn’t met for almost a year, or talked to each other, they somehow still happened to have the same wallpaper- guess fate really did know what she was doing, enough to have the two craving the disgusting, ungodly lime milkshake.
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Taglist: @edenesth @yessa-vie @the-kpop-simp @mlysalt @spooo00oky
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yumigguk · 25 days
HERETIC| jjk & kth (teaser)
pairing: jeon jungguk x reader; kim taehyung x reader
genre: angst, mature themes
warnings: vulgar language
category: teaser
summary: 𝘊𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘶𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺, 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘥𝘶𝘤𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 𝘢𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘶𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯. 𝘈𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘨𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘹𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘺, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯, 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘷𝘪𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵.
In the hushed atmosphere, '80s Italian music provides a soundtrack. Your hands carry the faint scent of a condom, the night of “love” imprinted in memory. A night full of tears, moans, and Jungkook's blind promises.
On your lips, there's a taste of early memories about him and you and conversations too profound for this passionate domain. The game feels too taboo. Alongside the Italian music, the violent voices of your friends resonate. You try to focus on what your friends are saying, but your mind jumps to him. You breathe heavily, struggling to remind yourself of him. It’s a monotonous time. It's cold. And you can't understand how the world around you isn't suffocating. He’s not in front of you, but you feel the tension between you two.
Jungkook is a fallen angel. Proud. Unsharing. But wanting to be shared. He's cruel. Merciless. He shatters you completely, and in the end, he smiles. He disrespects you. And you, pathetic, take everything eagerly. He's the god on a pedestal. Only his pleasure matters. You sell yourself until he no longer wants you. Jungkook or the Antichrist.
You light a cigarette and remember the late August night spent together. Undressed. Nude. A glass of wine in his hand. The thick smoke stuck to the ceiling. The rain had started. Strong. Even though it rained, it was suffocatingly hot. The ash fell nonchalantly on the floor, what if the rented Airbnb were to burn?. Or maybe he didn't even realize. A typical apartment furnished for the type of woman you were: a mistress. Are mistresses allowed to fall in love?
"Wouldn't you like us to be stuck in this moment forever?" One of his selfish questions.
"No, it's too hot," you reply shortly and harshly, knowing you're lying. Jungkook wanted to know any weakness.
You and Jungkook started everything as a game. You felt from the first moment that the tender gestures would be fatal to you. That they were part of his fucked-up game to collect yet another soul to destroy. Who are you to deny it? Jungkook was fierce, merciless, and aware of the power he had over you. He fooled you with sweet words and beautiful promises, maybe even unforgettable moments. Which meant nothing to him.
The relationship between you and him was vague. It never had coordinates. Lovers? Nothing to him? All you know is that he stole something from you. Consciousness. You don't realize time and space, but one thing is certain: he's married.
"Y/N?" your friend Bora calls out desperately for your approval. You sense she wants to leave home because she's already packing up.
The rain dissolves you, merging with the streets of Seoul, as if nothing animates you anymore. Would you wish for nostalgia to dissipate with a cigarette, merging seamlessly with the revived state? Yes. That’s how he deals with this. He smokes and doesn't let himself be animated by your feelings or anyone else's. He wants you. Tacitly. Without ever telling you. He wants you ruthlessly, mercilessly, as if his marriage meant nothing. Maybe it doesn't mean anything when you're together.
Arriving home, you reach for the phone and dial. Once again, you plunge into the void. You made a pact with the Antichrist, a decision impelled by your own fragrance that suffocated you, reminding you of him. You find yourself in decline: A notorious film, bitter passions of love.
"I'm coming over," that's what he says and hangs up.
Droplets of repetitive water. The ticking of the clock. You hear the entrance door, and your breath catches. Wet. Hungry. Desiring. Fire. It sets your body ablaze. Thirsty glances. You relish his nocturnal version, the one whispering for you to stop, both knowing he wants you more. You capture his lips gently; his tongue sharing the taste of tobacco. Impatiently, a little time passed, and he confesses that you've induced an erection (a noteworthy detail). You can't deny the chemistry. Boiling with anticipation, today his twisted pleasures give you a hard time.
"I'm sorry I fucked her." You break from the deadly kiss and lose yourself in emptiness. You don't want to look at him for fear that the passions of love would kill you.
You swallow hard. Heart as small as a flea. Short and chaotic breaths. Why is he apologizing? Your nose tickles, and your eyes try not to let tears escape. Suddenly, you understand nothing.
You've never understood anything. You've never understood who he truly is. Maybe he doesn't even know. Amnesias and confusions. The nullity of your own words.
"Wouldn't you like us to be stuck in this moment forever?" You laugh bitterly.
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mechaknight-98 · 5 months
Overwhelming Overtime (NSFW) FT: Sua
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She has no business being this needlessly hot
Your boss was both the best boss you ever had but also the worst. See when you started you had this quiet but strong boss named Kim Minji. Sure she was a bit spacey but when push came to shove she would shove back. She was a tough but extremely pleasant boss but he was promoted and in turn, chose Kim Bora (her right hand) as her successor.
You had met Kim Bora before in fact she was the one who hired you. She was a tiny little thing with a fire that drove her to win at all costs. When you interviewed her the thing that stood out most was the rapacious look she had. You thought it was because she hadn't eaten that day but as you got to know her and did a few projects with her you quickly learned that her intense appetite was all genuine. You were no slouch yourself you strived to lead the pack and often did with your out-of-the-box solutions and creative problem-solving skills. Kim Bora or Sua as she demanded to be called now was often reliant on you for not only your insights but also rigorous morale-boosting efforts. So much so she had you in her old position 4 months after you got hired, and a week before the first major audit of the quarter. The audit went well but it was after that when “Kim Bora” died and “Sua” took over completely.
The day after the Audit you got in early to work on a side project you had going on. You were off the clock obviously and needed a quiet space that wasn't your apartment you shared with several roommates. While you worked a co-worker and designated “office puppy” Yoohyeon walked in
“Well well well. Who do we have here? A hard-working Hound slaving away before his shift even starts?” Yoohyeon says to you. You look up from your project and smile admiring her short blue hair which she had dyed the previous week.
“I'm good Puppy and how about you?” you ask giving her your full attention.
“I'm tired. That audit took it out of me. It also didn't help that Gahyeon and Siyeon’s work all got corrupted at the last minute.” Yoohyeon laments. You console her reminding her it's over and that Bora and you finished it.
“Thanks, hound…hey where's Bora?” Yoohyeon asked as you and here usually come in around the same time.
“Oh, she’s at my place. We didn't finish work until 3:30 last night so she stayed the night since it was closer,” you explain. Yoohyeon smiled at you.
“I knew you were a hound but I'd never take you for a dog,” Yoohyeon says with a pleasant laugh
“What do you mean?”
Yooyheon gets shoulder to shoulder with you and nudges you“Taking her back to your place, after a stressful day of work. A little bit of Office romance in the air?” she questions. You shake your head and try to deny it but there's this pit inside you and in that pit, something has awoken as you think about your boss in some less-than-professional ways. Yoohyeon notices your laptop and asks what you are working on.
“Oh it's just a movie script,” you say which makes Yoohyeon’s eyes go wide
“Oh can I be in it?” she asks preciously. You say sure and she beams off happy. By the time you finish up the first draft of the last scene, your boss walks in. She walks over to the desk and leans in as normal.
“Hey, honey. How are you?” you hear Bora ask.
“I'm fine boss. Just wanted to get some quiet time in before work. Did you enjoy your breakfast?” Bora smiles tired and nods as she drags herself to her office. Her voice is Huskier than usual from fatigue and further awakens the pit inside of you that is currently imagining your cock stuffed down her…Wait did she just call you honey? you think to yourself. You're not allowed to think for too long as the work hustle and bustle starts. As you settle in you get a call from Bora.
“Dear, can you come into my office please?”
Instinctively you say sure thing baby without being able to stop yourself before it comes out.
“Thanks, honey,” Bora said before hanging up the phone. You try to push down the feelings arising from the pit inside of you as you walk to her office. The pit had other plans though as your brain conjured lurid visions of you and Bora around the office until you got to her door. You see her and you going at it on Siyeon’s desk Bora screaming your name. Doggy at Gahyeon’s cubicle. Bora venting about how much of a little brat she was. Bora deepthroating you in Dami’s chair talking about how deep you are in her throat. It's disorienting and distracting but before you enter Bora’s office you breathe and calm yourself. You open the door to see Bora leaning back on her desk It is almost enough to send your body feral as you see not only her cleavage but also the way her pantsuit curves around her fit body. Your visions continue of her smothering your cock with her tits. Had you had less self-control you would have gotten on your knees and eaten her out before pounding her into oblivion and both of you pass out.
But instead, the words out of your mouth were “Yeah boss what's up?”
“We have a new hire and she should be coming in soon. I would like you who welcome her with me since you're my left hand.” her innocent reference to a previous inside joke had made you laugh and calmed the raging beast inside. You both sit in her office waiting for the new hire. Sue walks over to you and leans on you for a bit. She groaned before she said.
“Geez how did you still wake up so early today?” Bora asked. You shrug and respond “Not sure.” Bora smiles at you with admiration. Before hugging you.
“See that's what I love about you, honey. your persistence is unrelenting and inspiring.” the pet name reawakens the beast inside and you struggle to regain your composure. Until the door opens. In walks in a pretty blonde with bright eyes. She smiles and sits to the right of you across from Bora’s desk.
“Good morning Mrs Han,” Bora says. You nod as well as Mrs. Han sits next to you.
“This is my left-hand man Percival but we all call him Hound,” Bora says. Mrs Shin looks over at you confused.
“Each of us was given animal-related nicknames I got Hound after a particularly brusque interaction with a potential business partner”
Bora laughed and exposed the following, “you nearly bit his throat out when he attempted to forcefully couple with our little Fox Gahyeon”
Han’s eyes went wide as she remembered the story from two months ago about an office employee who broke the arm and several other bones of a CEO who was currently under investigation for multiple accounts of Misconduct. Mrs. Han laughed and said, “I heard about that. The article I read said it took 5 guards to stop you from killing him.” Mrs. Han teased
“I wasn't going to kill him,” you say
“Hound I know you're trying to not scare off the newbie but remember we are a primarily women-led office so I wanted her to know we have a hell of a guard dog helping who takes care of us,” Kim Bora explains. You shrug which makes Bora laugh. After that, Siyeon walks in and takes Mrs Han away, before she can. Bora asks you,” Hey honey can you pick up the food for today’s luncheon? The order will be ready at about noon.” you nod and walk out. When you get back to your desk you find that moment later Siyeon approaches
“What's going on between Sua and you?” she asks flatly.
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
Siyeon pointed to Sua’s office and said “Sua called you a bunch of pet names like babe and honey.”
“Oh good you heard it too, so I am not hallucinating that,” you say relieved you say half half-joking.
“Yeah, Handong asked me if you two were dating?” Siyeon asked confused. You shrug equally confused. Siyeon smiles at you and asks how you are handling it and why she's calling you that.
“Well, she stayed at my place after we got off last night since it was so late. As you know I live within walking distance from the office, but we didn't do anything but watch a movie and eat fried chicken. I got her some beer but I don't get why she's acting so different. I let her sleep in my bed sure but nothing happened because I slept on the couch.” you explain.
“I mean do you like her?” Siyeon asked
“Yes!” you explain “Too much to be exact” you add
Siyeon looks at you confused before saying “What do you mean?”
You sigh before answering “Well you have to promise me that you won't call HR on me.”
“Wait why?” Siyeon asks confused
“Just promise me and I'll explain.” you sigh again
“Okay. So ever since this morning when Yoohyeon came in and teased me about Bora and me. My mind has been racing and giving me visions of her and I “having a good time” all over the office.” you explain
Siyeon’s eyes go wide “Holy shit.” she exclaimed a bit too loud causing others to take notice. You tell those who looked over that you just shared a good recipe with her. You get suspicious looks all around but everyone eventually goes back to what they were doing.
“Oh, so you like her,” Siyeon affirms. You nod and she responds by asking, “What are you going to do about it?” you hesitate before you respond in a whisper
“Probably transfer departments, but hopefully it won't come to that.”
Not only did Sua come to work with more enticing attire but the pet names continued and her touch became increasingly more flirty. It was agonizing. It also didn't help that the work days got longer so your invites to her became more frequent. On the nights she stays she cuddles you relentlessly. On the off nights, she teases you all day with flirty touches and revealing outfits. Your only respite was your chats with Siyeon which would always end the same. “You should just fuck her and see what happens.” and your response would be. “Siyeon that's our boss. I can't do that” Siyeon would shrug and leave. Usually, after that Sua would call you in to start working.
Weeks go by the treatment gets better and worse. It became so flagrant that Dami asked you if Sua and you were dating. This is significant because Dami and you barely talked about anything besides work. That wasn't even the craziest part. You would think that with this unrelenting sexual tension between the two of you work productivity would be diminished and you'd be at each other's throats, but the exact opposite happened. All of your metrics/numbers were through the roof, and Sua and you were on fire. Spend almost every evening together after work going on cute dates all over town, but eventually, the guilt and overwhelming infatuation began to eat at you.
So You call in a favor with your friend Sakura who works in a different department. She gets you transferred in the nick of time because Sua’s advances grew more intense each day and the Beast inside grew more rapacious to indulge your hunger. That night before the schedule transferred Sua and you were working late on a massive project. Sua knew she and you were going to have to stay late so she brought a change of clothes. Her work out however was distracting you as it was a blue crop top with a black tie (which fueled several more fantasies and visions) However that wasn't the worst part. Every time Sua would stretch or lean into you the crop top would move and you get a major peek at her breasts. You are barely holding it together when the two of you finish up.
“Ah, I can't believe we finished all that,” Sua exclaimed you nodded quietly. She looks over to you her eyes Misty and sincere. So you tell her the truth… partially
“I feel stuck. Like I love working with y'all but I just need a change of scenery,” you say holding back the fact that for the last three weeks, you have had an erection that wouldn't go down no matter how many times you jack off at home because of her. Sua seems to take your words at face value and is saddened. You invite her to stay the night, which she takes. Your night with Sua is surprisingly chaste and comforting. The two of you go to a nearby steak house where you both eat and fight off fatigue. When the bill comes you pay for it as Sua has gone to sleep sitting upright. You smile at her cut expression. When it's time to leave you carry your passed-out boss back to your place. As you do you hear Sua say “I feel so safe in your arms honey.” it tears you up inside because your brain is full of images of groping her and having your way with her. When you get home you set her down on the bed and lock the door. You try to get to sleep but every time you close your eyes visions of her and you plague you. The most common being her riding you into orgasm after orgasm after orgasm till you were left raw and shaking under her tight lithe body. She mentioned how she was a dancer so you also would imagine all of her flexibility being put to use as you would pound into her through various positions. These dreams left you painfully erect and awake. You eventually do fall asleep however and can relax with Sua who eases on the sexy teasing the weekend she stays over.
As you work with Sakura and her team dubbed “le serrafim” due to the angel statute outside of the office you excel. Productivity goes up as you help the operations leader Chaewon whip the team into shape but you can't help but miss Sua. So on your first free lunch break, you visit your old office. on the way you stop at your and Sua’s favorite sandwich shop and get yours as well as hers. The Lady smiles at you and asks “Where's your work wife?” you explain to her that you had been transferred for fear of getting too close. the clerk nods and tells you life is too short to fight love so just go with it. You laugh as you head back to the office. The air is cold as you walk in. The remaining people working look at you with confusion. You ignore them and walk over to Sua’s office. You notice a distinct fragrance but you can't place it.
You open Sua’s door and are shocked at what you see she is wearing. It's a suit Jacket over a bralette and shorts.
“Aish why don't you ever knock?” Sua groans as she works on her laptop until she looks up to see you.
You tried to be good. You did but her outfit was too much for you not to let the beast out. You walk over to her and carefully set your food down before walking behind her desk and kissing her passionately. You pull her shorts down to see she wasn't wearing underwear. You fish out your cock and tell Sua.
“Do you have any idea what you do to me? You little minx.” Sua moans into your lips through a kiss before saying
“I know. I wanted you to take me. What stopped you?”
You roll your eyes at her, “You were my boss and I didn't want to get fired.” as you spoke you lower yourself down to her pussy. She smells exquisite. You take an experimental lick which causes Sua to buck her hips into you before she pulls your face back up.
“I don't need you to tease me. I need you to fuck me. We can do build-up later.” Sua demands. You acquiesce and align your cock with her folds and you plunge in. “Yes, baby yes.” Sua moans as you begin thrusting into her. As you do you vent your sexual frustrations to her.
“That whole last week before I transferred you left me with a boner I couldn't get rid of or sleep off. I'd be having these intense visions of fucking you all across the office,” you growl at her as you pound into her. You slip a hand under her bralette to learn she isn't wearing a bra either “You're such a slut.” you tease Sua. She arches her back as she leans into your body
“No, I just know what I want and how to get it.” Sua rejects
“Oh and what do you want?” you question
“You. Now shut up and cum in me. I need it.” Sua demands. You finally fully submit to her and the Beast inside as you plunge deeper into her pussy. She groans as your cock pierces her again and again.
“God you're so tight,” you say in between thrusts. Sua smiles at you deviously and says
“Wait till you fuck my ass then will talk about tight.” her words are so hot that you tumble into your orgasm blasting her womb with your seed. Sua moans as she comes all over your cock.
“Fuck you came so much,” Sua says as you drip out of her.
“Can you take the rest of the day off?” you ask. Now that you had a taste you needed more.
“Oh so now you're bold and brave. Where was all of this 4 months ago when I was practically throwing myself at you?” Sua demands
“Look I didn't want to assume anything, especially after that bozo tried to put the moves on Gayheon.”
“My hero.” Sua teases you before kissing you again.
“Sua you keep this up I'm going to fuck you all day in this office.”
“Ooh, I like the sound of that.” Sua purred.
“I don't think your employees will So I am going to ask again. Can you take the rest of the day off?” Sua looked at you with a focused and determined look before groaning.
“No, I can't. We have a big project coming up, but today is Friday so you can meet me after work.” you furrow your brows and nod. As the both of you get dressed and try to clean each other up.
“Also we are dating now officially,” you say which causes Sua’s sexy smile to turn into a bigger wholesome one, as you sit down and hand her the lunch you got her.
“Good. I'll see you tonight hound.” you nod and get back to work.
The rest of the day is cake for you now that you've removed that Sua-sized monkey off your back. A lot of the tension you felt washed away. The horny brain fog seemingly lifted and you powered through work with an intensity that impressed and scared Sakura. After work, she asked what had gotten into you
“My girlfriend,” you reply as you go home. Sakura's eyes go wide and smiles.
“Well, then you probably should get going!” Sakura asserts. You nod as you leave for your apartment. You order fried chicken as you wait for Sua to arrive. Two hours later Sua arrives with food at the same time the order arrives. You met Sua while picking up the chicken from the lobby. She smiled at you and walked with you to the elevator.
When entering your apartment Sua grinned happily, “Ah my home away from home.” she said as she sat on your couch. You set the food out for the two of you.
The air grows humid, as the anticipation builds. "So how was work?" you ask trying to resist the urge to pound her in that moment. Sua smiles and responds,
"No, you don't get to just be normal with me like you didn't fuck me in my office." Sua teased
"But babe you looked so hot." you protest
"I know I did, but that wild beast in you couldn't help himself and now you need to take responsibility for your actions. Do you have any idea how you left me so horny after lunch. I had to masturbate during one of my afternoon breaks something I never do because I kept thinking about your cock the rest of the day pounding me. Now you are going to come over here and fuck me. then we are going back to the table to eat." Sua says as she takes her sweatshirt off revealing she was wearing nothing underneath, but in all honesty her words had left you hard anyways. You walk over to her and strip which draws a wide smile out of your paramour. You draw your manhood out of your pants and plunge into her core. You start slowly hoping to not cum fast but Sua was having none of it.
“No enough of the foreplay fuck me like you mean it. I need your cum.” sua demanded so you oblige. As you take her from behind you smack her ass a couple of times before really pounding her. Sua moans. “Yes claim me as yours. Fuck your slutty pussy cum in me.” Seeing Sua so lost in her own pleasure sends you barreling to your own release. You feel her tighten as she screams and cums all over your cock. She then pushes you down and begins riding you.
“I love how you look under me. Maybe I should sound proof my office and take my cock whenever I need it.” the possesiveness in her voice was surprisingly hot to you. You keep pounding her relentlessly as Sua arches her back into you she says, “you like how my pussy takes you. You line how it just wraps around you to tight like a vice.” her words and tone prove to be to much and you cum into her again. You feel her body also reach it's peak as well. But the two of you keep going. Sua’s body is so enticing that you can't help yourself. So you keep pounding her. Sua moans in exctasy “yes keep going she encourages as you venture deeper into her folds. Sua groans in pleasure.
“You like that?” you ask aggressive. Sua moans in response letting you know all you need. Your hand reaches out to her clit where you gently rub and massage. Not used to the overwhelming sensation causes Sua to cum almost immediately. You follow her as well down the rabbit hole of pressure as your errection finally goes down. Sua is almost ready to mount you again but you hold the tiny woman back and put on enough clothes to eat the meal you paid quite a bit for. Sua laughs and gets dressed as well.
Sua jaunts over to your dining table and sits across from you ready to eat. She sits down and eats with you. out of habit, you hand her an ice-cold beer which she happily accepts. While you do so Sua asks some very serious questions.
“So how's the new job?” Sua asks shyly
“It's fine I love working with the Fimmies (the nickname of the department) Although I do miss working with y'all.”
“Yeah, it hasn't been the same in the office without you. I don't have my late-night partner in crime to do sand which runs, or joke partner to make those endless meetings go by faster.” Sua explains
“Well you've always been welcome here I mean I did give you the spare key,” you reply
“ I completely forgot about that.” Sua chuckled. The two of you ate a bit in silence until Sua gave you an intense look. You both got up and raced to each other. Your kiss was passionate and intense. As Sua explored your mouth with her tongue she would bite your lip. On your side, you were desperate to fuck her again and were stripping her to the best of your ability. You stared at her big pale tits desperate for a taste. Sua licked her lips as she stared at your bulge. You attack each other's bodies in a very mirrored sense. You devour her tits while she clutched your cock.
“Yes, baby suck my fat tits.” Sua lets out her voice made Husky, and raspy with intense lust brimming from her body.
When you were both naked Sua smiled, and you plunged into her suffocatingly tight pussy again
“God you're so hot taking my cock.” you exclaim to Sua who moans back
“You like how this tight slutty pussy takes your cock?” Sua moans
“Oh god yes I love how tight you are.” you compliment. It sends Sua wild
“I can't believe you kept this cock from me for almost a year. It fills me up so well” she yells. You bring your eyes up to hers and she engages in another lurid kiss. She is as desperate for this as you are. You paw at her tits now covered in a thin layer of sweat as claws at your face trying to kiss you deeper and deeper Sua grinds on your crotch hard before demanding, “Baby please cum for me I need it. I need you to cum for your slutty noona. I need you to fill me up.” her words and the suffocating tightness of her folds push you over the edge, but Sua is as relentless in pleasure as she is in business and keeps grinding you hoping to coax you into another session, but your body doesn't work like that and so you have to pry her off of you. Fueled by her insatiable appetite for you she gets down on her knees and begins to suck you off. You groan
“Fuck babe at least let's get to the bed first.” you groan out. Sua smiles then drags you (by cock) to the bedroom. After getting into the bedroom and locking the door she says the scariest and horniest thing you've ever heard
“I'm going to fuck you until your brain is mush. You are going to cum in all my holes and on my tits. When I'm done with you your balls’ contents will be all mine. So relax and let your noona drain you.”
You gulp as you watch Sua’s eyes narrow with such intense lust, and want that you begin to grow hard under her gaze alone. She licked her lips as she sashayed over to you. You laugh to yourself because you remember how Gahyeon did little animal cartoon signs she put on each of your doors based on how she saw each of you. Sua was the only one you think Gahyeon got incorrect she was not a warm Crow tit. She was a ravenous tigress and she was not going to be stopped from taking what she wanted. She gave an experimental lick of the right side of your rod and when she reached the top of your head she gave a probing Pierce of your slit. The sensation was insane your body felt on fire in both positive and negative reactions but Sua was a lot stronger than she looked leaving you at her mercy. She smiled watching you squirm as took you down her throat. She looked up at you with an evil smile that gave way to her malignant intent to drain you drier than Death Valley. The crazy part is some weird part of you likes it, and your body relented to her demands. Your dick grew harder in Sua’s mouth which made her smile even bigger as she inhaled more of you. When she came up for air she smiled before devouring your cock whole. The hungrier she became the harder you got for her creating a vicious cycle until you came down her throat. Sua’s eyes rolled into the back of her head as she swallowed your load. As she came from your still-hard clock she smiled before saying “One shot. one kill” You can't help but laugh at her goofy expression and attempt to be sexy.
“Ah, what?” she yells at you before smacking your thigh. The sexual tension bow having dissipated considerably left you with your close work friend whom you spent many hours with. She crawled up to you and smiled.
“I know this is early but God I love you,” you say to Sua which only makes her smile more.
“Well to me we've been dating since you let me in your house. We are just official now,” she says with self-assured confidence. You laugh as the both of you sit up.
“We should finish eating.” you propose. Sua nods, and the two of you get up and put on underwear so neither of you were sitting on cold metal with bare ass. Sua moves her chair close to your side while the two of you eat.
She gives you an inquisitive look before asking, “Hey how do you feel about food play? Or other kinks like that.”
You hesitate as you are pretty vanilla in your taste. Sua picks up on this and says “Don't worry I'll be with you the entire time.” She smiles at you in a way that’s reassuring before hugging you. You chuckle and Sua asks, “What’s so funny?”
“You go from cute to sexy at the drop of a hat. It’s jarring but also funny.” You answer and Sua smiles. The two of you finish your meal before getting up.
“You wanna finish that movie?” Sua asks. You nod as the two of move to your couch. The two of you sit comfortably and watch the end of Shin Ultraman. After the movie Sua stretched before yawning, You were so right that was a good movie and scratched that Avengers itch I'd been having."
"I know right? Plus you're in and out in a quick two hours max." You respond
"Yeah. Maybe next time I'll give Mask Rider a try." Sua said pleased. Her eyes narrow as she gets closer “we have one hole left.” she said hungrily before pulling both of underwear down. She gets on top and says “let me ride you baby.” before sinking her ripe ass on your manhood. You groan Sua’s eyes widen with rapture as she bathes in the adoration you give her as you paw at her breast trying to release the overwhelming sensation of her ass on your dick. She also revels in the dominance she has over you. “You like your tight little ass.” Sua says as she bounces on your cock while you massage her tits. You nod.
“Good because from now on this cock is always going to finish our sessions in this tight little ass.” you groan as Sua speaks. She loves watching you squirm under her. “I need an answer dear.” Sua says in a honeyed yet malicious tone. .you're trying to hold on but Sua demands your attention as she is trying her hardest to force another orgasm out of you.
“Babe stop trying to hold off and just let me wring you dry.” Sua teases as she rides you harder. Your moans serve as more fuel to her passion as she rides you determined to drain you. “Come on baby cum for me. Please cum for me.” Sua’s words make you explode inside of her which triggers her orgasm. Sua smiles before saying “not bad for my work husband. When she hops off your dick she laughs at your still hard dick. She smiles and wraps her tits arou d your cock. You scream as pleasure and pain blur and sends you into another orgasm. Sua gets up when your cock finally softens but it's not for long as she starts to rub your cum all over her tits. Your dick hardens once more and you put your foot down.
“Sua stop I can't cum any more.”
Sua mounts you and says “we’ll see about that.” you growl at her and slam your cock into her pussy. If she needs to drain you to get off then you would get your pleasure first. You thrust into her violently as Sua is enraptured. Her pussy squeezes you tight as your sensitive cock runs in and out. You groan as her body draws another orgasm out of you and sends her into another orgasm. Sua screams, “yes baby yes.” before the two of you pass out. When you come to you still feel a wet sensations around your cock. You jolt down and see Sua and you are still connected. You sigh and go back to sleep content and at peace with holding Sua tighter.
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tobiasdrake · 26 days
What is Goku's morality?
Goku has a good head on his shoulders usually. He has an innocent and "childlike" approach to morality in the sense that Goku doesn't have a complex or nuanced approach to right and wrong. He's just a compassionate person who likes it when people are happy and safe.
I do specify "usually", however. While Goku's moral compass is wound pretty well, he also has what Toriyama called the "poison" in his character: A deep-seated personal flaw that conflicts with his moral center, making for an interesting and nuanced protagonist rather than a one-dimensional paragon.
Pretty much from the get-go, as early as chapter 3, Goku and Bulma were being set up as moral foils to one another. Goku's purehearted innocence contrasted against Bulma's self-centered callousness.
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This is made explicit when Goku receives his Kintoun/Flying Nimbus, a metaphysical test of virtue that only someone who's pure of heart can ride. This serves as a litmus test for how we're meant to read various characters, in terms of their morality.
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PASS. Uh, this alter, at least.
And so on. In terms of morality, Goku takes a pretty simple position: He doesn't like it when people are being hurt or oppressed. That's it. That's all there is to it. Goku has a strong sense of compassion for others and while he doesn't go actively looking for wrongs to right, he can't look the other way when they land in front of him.
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Oh, you're being enslaved by a militant warlord? That's not nice. Goku's gonna go file a complaint. Stapled to the general's face.
He was just here to find a Dragon Ball but, as long as he's in the area, he might as well liberate an oppressed population. Goku loves to help others.
In fact, the RRA arc is a great demonstration of Goku's moral center, because he didn't have to go to war with the Red Ribbon Army. Goku finds what he's looking for about 2/3 of the way through.
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That's it. That's all he wanted. He's done. Goku's mission is complete; He can go home now. He has zero investment in any further conflict with Red Ribbon.
...until this happens.
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Bora's death sets in motion the events that will carry Goku through the rest of the arc: His rematch with Taopaipai, the siege of Red Ribbon HQ, and the Uranai Baba Tournament are all for the sake of this man, a man Goku's known for like ten minutes, who lost his life because he tried to protect Goku from Taopaipai.
Everything after this point is revenge for Bora and the utility of getting what Goku needs to make Dragon Ball's very first resurrection wish.
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Hiring Taopaipai was a mistake that turned Goku from a meddlesome interference into a vengeful nemesis gunning straight for their door.
This more or less remains Goku's relationship with the various ne'er-do-wells of Dragon Ball. He doesn't like when people get hurt, and he relishes opportunities to fuck up their oppressors.
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If you hurt people in front of Goku, he's gonna fuck you up.
If you hurt people he likes, may Enma-Daio have mercy on your soul.
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This is where Goku's "poison" comes into play. Goku is a moral person but it isn't morality that drives him. If he sees a mugging taking place (and understands what he's seeing) he'll go punch the mugger, to be sure. But he's not looking for muggers to punch.
Goku has heroic inclinations, but he is not a superhero. He's an athlete looking for good sport. A martial artist driven by a desire for self-improvement, always on the lookout for his next rival. This complicates the way he approaches the villains of the story.
What Goku wants, more than anything, is a rival who can keep pace with him. A chance to push his limits and test himself. It's at the end of the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai where we first see Goku's poison begin to push him into... questionable decision-making.
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The reincarnated Piccolo uses the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai as a chance to get revenge against Goku. This stops being a martial arts tournament once the poorly-aliased "Demon Junior" reveals his true identity.
Or, at least, it probably should have. But Goku is hellbent on taking the title of Strongest Under the Heavens even if the whole goddamn island is about to get leveled. To the bitter end, Goku refuses to let this stop being a sports competition.
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There is nothing on Earth more important than this.
The thing about Goku is that he's really good at mixing his morality with his poison.
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He gives Piccolo a Senzu to restore him to full strength after the match, then sends him on his way hoping Piccolo will come after him for revenge some day. He wants to use Piccolo as a motivator to keep pushing himself - An incredibly dangerous decision to make given that this man wants to kill him and conquer the world.
Goku makes the moral argument that they can't kill Piccolo without killing God, but as Krillin points out, this isn't a binary choice. They could have sealed Piccolo away with the Mafuba/Evil Containment Wave while he was lying helpless on the ground.
You know. Instead of giving him a Senzu and wishing him tremendous gains. This is Goku's poison in action. We see it again with Vegeta, where Goku even admits that he's being unbelievably self-serving by insisting on sparing Vegeta's life.
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We see his poison strike when he agrees with Vegeta to do nothing and allow the Androids to be created. Once again coming up with a moral angle to it, but only after his kneejerk reaction of wanting to fight.
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But it's easy to overlook because Goku's questionable decisions tend to work out for the best anyway. This poor man's been searching for years for a sinister archrival that will come after him like a Saturday Morning Cartoon villain, but they keep reforming.
Well, at least he got to have this.
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Good times.
Goku is a generally good man compromised by a desire for sportsmanship that sometimes inhibits his perspective of things. When he can, he tries to satisfy both his moral center and his poison.
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But sometimes his poison gets the better of him.
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Goku makes questionable choices when he gets his blood boiling with the rush of competition, even at times when he probably should be thinking about harm mitigation. Because that is a thing he cares about; He doesn't like it when people get hurt, and he'll go out of his way to help others in crisis.
But he can't help himself. He was born for the stage.
Which makes it fitting that Goku's journey ends with one final compromise between his moral center and his poison. Right at the very end of his journey, Goku finally manages to satisfy both.
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By relying on the karmic cycle itself, Goku destroys the monster that Majin Buu is while making a promise to fight each other again one day in a better life. The ultimate evolution of "No, let the bad guy go so I can fight him again."
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And a promise well-kept.
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minjiarchive · 2 months
“how many spanks was that?” | sua x fem!reader
back from break, tysm for the support and patience. thought a bora drabble would be a nice comeback 🥹 i was too lazy to add capitalization btw lol
warning / smut, dumbification, mommy kink, spanking, name use of puppy, and mistress for bora!
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“how many spanks was that?”
you couldn't seem to recall the last number you counted to and not even a bullshit excuse would save you. the number of spanks slip past your brain and you're more so focused on the stinging pain she causes with each slap. bora's strong, her small hands underestimating you and holding enough strength to have you whining (and cumming).
and if she wanted to, making you cry so prettily for her which is her favorite.
“i-i don't know, mommy.”
bora feels like giving more grace today, letting some things slide and slip up but still remembering her dominance and her place.
“aww, you dumb puppy...” she cooed, running her warm hands up your back until she reached your hair. bora yanks at it roughly, causing you to let out a gasp as she pulls you up.
she stops at your ear and leans in, “so ruined and spent for me that you can't even count?”
“i know my baby is smarter than that.”
you whimper at the praise, bora slowly pushing you back down onto the mattress while still having a tight grip on your hair. you aren't that ruined yet, just a little dumbfounded.
“please, it's so hard–” you protest but bora quickly silences you.
“it's not.”
she rubs one cheek to soothe the lingering pain from earlier and your eyes immediately shut, preparing yourself for another hard smack. but bora speaks, “i can be here all night spanking you.”
bora doesn't seem to budge and is very set on 20 spanks. there's no way you could get past her either, you wanted to cum so bad that you forgot to ask permission, which is the only thing bora doesn't take lightly.
“mommy's not letting you cum until you can count to 20 properly,” bora smiles when she feels your ass rubbing against her front, whimpering like a cute puppy for her.
you look back at her with as much desperation in your eyes, your silent way of saying “please.” but she doesn't pay any attention to it. bora pushes your face into the bedding, bending you over for another round, “be a good puppy, won't you?”
“yes, mistress.”
“good, now let's start from one.”
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deans-queen · 3 months
Romantic Getaway 🌊☀️
Characters: Jensen Ackles x Reader (Y/N) 
Plot: You (Reader) and Jensen go on a much needed vacation to Bora Bora to rekindle your love for each other. 
Inspired by the song: More by 5 Seconds of Summer (also including lyrics from …Ready For It by Taylor Swift)
Warnings: SMUT, p in v (wrap it up kids), oral (female & male receiving), skinny dipping, mature and sexual language.
special credit to my best friend for helping me with the smut
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Readers P.O.V. 
This past month has been super stressful. Jensen has been gone non-stop working on Supernatural and we’ve barely had any time together. And when we do, it’s usually in an argument. It wasn’t good for our relationship. I really wanted to talk to him about it but I couldn’t find the right words to express how I was feeling. I just know we needed to have a conversation. 
We’re speaking different tongues communicating 
Right through the bedroom wall 
And as we fall time is frozen 
I was in the living room sitting on the couch when I heard the door open. 
Jensen was walking in and he was on the phone. He seemed stressed. 
“Yeah, Jared I know. We’ll get the scene right. I gotta go.”
He hung up the phone and set it down on the counter. 
I got up and walked towards him. 
“Hey sweetie, how was your day?” 
“Long and exhausting, Jared and I are still working on this one scene and we can’t seem to get it down.”
“Ah,” I said. “Listen, there’s something I wanna talk to you about.” I said, while taking his hands. 
“Yeah, and I think I know what it is..” He said. 
“You do?”
“Yeah, we haven’t spent much time together and I'm so sorry about that babe. But I'm gonna make it up to you. I know I’ve been distracted with work but that's gonna change from now on.  I wanna get back to us because we used to have more.” 
Why does it feel like we're missin' out?
Like I'm standing behind the door
I just wanna get back to us 'cause we used to have more
He handed me two plane tickets, with a destination to Bora Bora on it. 
“Oh my God, Jensen! This is amazing, I can’t believe you did this for us!” I exclaimed, kissing his cheek. 
“Well believe it baby, now go pack your bags. We leave in an hour!” 
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When we got to Bora Bora, I couldn't believe my eyes. It was so beautiful and peaceful. The weather was warm but not too hot. Palm trees swayed in the clear blue sky. I couldn’t  believe Jensen did this for us. 
We got to our hotel and it was so beautiful. The room was huge, it had a King size bed with roses in the middle. A big master bathroom and to top it off, a balcony with a beautiful ocean view. 
We decided to change into our swimsuits and head to the beach. 
Jensen put on some swim trunks and I put on a sexy white bikini that showed off my body flawlessly. It also complimented my tanned skin.
When I walked out of the bathroom, Jensen was practically drooling. 
After doing fun beach activities such as snorkeling, swimming with dolphins and playing together in the ocean we wanted to relax and just listen to the sound of the waves. We walked around and found this secluded area so we could experience some alone time together.
Island breeze and lights down low
No one has to know
In the middle of the night
In my dreams
You should see the things we do, baby
Jensen layed down a towel and I layed down right next to him. We got right down to business. Jensen grabbed my face with his strong hands and started making out with me, sucking on each other's tongues while rubbing his hands all over my body. 
He whispered “You want this baby?” 
I replied with “Yes Jensen, I do” I said breathlessly.  
“This bikini is very sexy but I’ve been wanting to take it off you all day.” He said while kissing my neck. 
He untied my bikini top carefully and slowly, being very sensual. My nipples were hard and glistening with sweat coming off my body. Jensen took my boobs in his hands, running his fingers around my nipples. He took his tongue and began sucking and flicking each one. I moaned and threw my head back in pleasure. He kissed down my belly button and  ripped off my bikini bottoms, untying the strings with his teeth. He then began to lick and suck on my pussy, making me moan and scream his name “Oh Jensen! Yes right there.” I said. Our hands intertwined while he was licking my pussy. At this point I told him to stop, I could no longer wait. I needed him now. I wanted him to stick his dick inside me.  He looked at me with his sexy smirk and decided to tease me. He pulled down his swim trunks and began rubbing his dick all over my clit, just barely putting it in and taking it out. I was getting sexually frustrated. He looked over at me and laughed. His green eyes glistened under the sunlight. 
“You’re so eager for me baby.” 
“Yes, I know Jensen.” I said, smirking at him. 
One last time he rubbed his dick on my clit super fast to the point I started to squirt. By then he stuck it in and we both started to moan. 
“Feel good baby?“He said while gazing at me. 
I said "Oh yes baby.” I grabbed onto his arms while he was thrusting inside me back and forth in missionary and within minutes he told me he was going to cum. 
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He pulled out and came all over my face, he said “Oh fuck baby I didn’t mean to cum all over your face“ he said chuckling.
“It’s okay I don’t mind.”
I was in shock because I actually enjoyed the thought of his delicious cream all over me. 
I kissed him and said while winking at him,  “Well I’ll be in the ocean when you’re ready for round two.”  
By then, the evening came around. A few minutes later we both ran and jumped into the ocean naked, the water was freezing but we didn’t care. I instantly jumped into his arms and he placed me right on his dick. I wrapped my legs around his body holding him tight while thrusting back and forth on his cock. He kept telling me “Don’t stop sweetie” with a cute giggle. 
I told him not to pull out, he smiled and said “Are you sure?” 
I said moaning, “Yes baby, I want you to fill my pussy up.” Within seconds I started to feel the warmth of his cum fill me up. We released our orgasms together while moaning in one another’s ears. We both looked up at one another, both smiling and giving each other a passionate kiss. 
We ended the evening by setting up a cute campfire, cuddling by the fire. 
This was the best romantic getaway ever! 
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Authors Note:
Hope you enjoyed this story!
Feel free to let me know what you think!
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callsigns-haze · 1 month
Short love: Chp 17
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Summary: The is about widowed father Bradley Bradshaw who enlists his brother-in-law Jake Seresin and childhood best friend Robert Floyd to help raise his three daughters, eldest Donna Jo Margaret (D.J for short), middle child Stephanie and youngest Michelle in his San Diego home. 
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Warning: Fluff, flirting
After a blissful honeymoon in Bora Bora, Jake and Y/n finally returned home to their bustling household. As they stepped through the door, arms laden with suitcases and bags filled with souvenirs and memories from their trip, they were greeted by the familiar sights and sounds of their family.
"Watch your step," Jake chuckled, maneuvering their luggage through the doorway as Y/n followed closely behind, a playful grin on her face.
"Home sweet home," Y/n sighed contentedly, taking in the familiar surroundings of their cozy abode.
Their arrival didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the gang. From the living room, they were greeted with cheers and applause as Bradley, Bob, and the three nieces rushed over to welcome them back.
"Hey, lovebirds! How was the honeymoon?" Bradley exclaimed, enveloping them both in a tight hug.
"It was incredible," Jake replied, a smile spreading across his face as he glanced at Y/n. "But it's good to be back."
Bob chimed in, "Did you bring us any souvenirs?"
Y/n chuckled, handing out small trinkets and gifts she had picked up during their travels. "Of course! We couldn't forget about you guys."
As they settled back into their routine, surrounded by the warmth and love of their family and friends, Jake and Y/n couldn't help but feel grateful for the wonderful journey they had shared together. With memories of their honeymoon still fresh in their minds and hearts, they knew that no matter where life took them, they would always have each other and the cherished bonds of their loved ones to come home to.
The lively symphony of laughter and chatter echoed through the bustling household as Michelle, the spirited and adorable three-year-old, barged into the kitchen with unbridled enthusiasm. Her tiny frame radiated determination as she declared with pint-sized authority, "Let me at him!"
Jake, always ready to indulge in the playful antics that came with being the fun uncle, swiftly dropped to one knee. A mischievous grin adorned his face as he teasingly called out, "Short stuff!"
The anticipation in the air heightened, and Michelle, with her bright eyes sparkling, wasted no time in responding, "Big guy!" In a burst of infectious energy, she propelled herself toward Jake, her little feet pattering against the floor.
As she reached him, Jake's strong and capable arms enveloped her in a warm embrace. Their laughter intertwined, creating a melody that resonated with the sheer delight of familial bonds. The heartwarming spectacle drew the attention of the rest of the family, who observed the enchanting exchange with smiles of affection. In this simple yet profound moment, the kitchen transformed into a haven of love, where the playful dynamics between uncle and niece added an extra layer of joy to the homecoming festivities.
With a mischievous glint in your eye, you lean your head over the staircase railing, letting out a playful shout up to DJ and Stephanie, who are likely engrossed in their own activities upstairs.
"Hey, you two! Guess who's back?" you call out, your voice carrying with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.
The sound of your voice echoes through the house, reaching the ears of DJ and Stephanie, who pause in their activities, their attention suddenly piqued by the announcement.
"Y/n and Jake are back!" you continue, unable to contain your excitement as you eagerly await their response.
Within moments, the sound of footsteps can be heard as DJ and Stephanie bound down the stairs, their faces lighting up with joy at the news of your return. The reunion is filled with hugs, laughter, and exclamations of delight as you and Jake are welcomed back into the fold with open arms.
As DJ and Stephanie make their way down the stairs, the anticipation builds with each echoing footfall. Finally, they reach the bottom, their faces alight with excitement and curiosity.
"Y/n! Jake!" they exclaim in unison, their voices filled with joy as they rush toward you.
You and Jake exchange amused glances, knowing that this kind of enthusiasm is reserved only for moments like these. As DJ and Stephanie reach the bottom of the stairs, they envelop you both in tight hugs, their excitement palpable.
"We missed you guys!" DJ exclaims, her voice brimming with sincerity as she pulls away, a bright smile gracing her face.
Stephanie chimes in, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "What did you bring us? Did you have fun on your trip?"
You and Jake share a knowing glance, prepared for the onslaught of questions and requests for souvenirs. But in this moment, surrounded by the warmth of your family's welcome, you couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness at being back home with the ones you love.
With a grin, you reach into one of the bags you've brought back from your trip, pulling out an array of colorful souvenirs and gifts for your family.
"For you, DJ," you say, handing her a seashell necklace that glimmers in the light, reminiscent of the beaches you visited.
"And for you, Stephanie," you continue, offering her a small wooden figurine carved with intricate designs, a memento of the local craftsmanship you admired during your travels.
Next, you turn to Michelle, whose eyes light up with excitement as you produce a stuffed turtle, complete with a bright Hawaiian shirt.
"And last but not least, Bob," you say, handing him a quirky bottle opener shaped like a palm tree, perfect for his next barbecue.
Finally, you turn to Bradley, offering him a traditional woven hat adorned with vibrant patterns, a symbol of the island culture you immersed yourself in.
As each gift is received with smiles and gratitude, you can't help but feel a sense of satisfaction knowing that you've brought a piece of your journey back home to share with your loved ones.
With a playful grin, Jake reaches into his bag and pulls out a tape labeled "The Great Adventure: Y/n and Jake's Hawaiian Escapade."
"We thought you might enjoy this," he says, passing the tape to DJ and Stephanie. "It's a little something we put together to remember our trip by."
DJ's eyes widen with excitement as she takes the tape, her fingers tracing over the label. "Wow, thanks, Jake! I can't wait to watch it!"
Stephanie nods eagerly in agreement, already envisioning the adventures captured on the tape.
You chuckle at Jake's comment, playfully adding, "Just the outside stuff, of course. Can't give away all our secrets."
With laughter filling the room, you and Jake exchange knowing glances, reveling in the joy of sharing your adventures with your family. As the tape is passed around, you can't help but feel grateful for the memories you've created and the bonds you've strengthened during your Hawaiian escapade.
Bob's entrance is met with surprised gasps and eager curiosity from everyone in the room. He presents the pile of tapes with a flourish, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
"Behold, the ultimate collection of memories!" he announces dramatically, waving the stack of tapes in the air.
As he distributes the tapes to each member of the family, excitement fills the room. Stephanie and DJ eagerly grab their respective copies, already envisioning the adventures they're about to relive.
"And what better way to start than with Bradley's pancake escapades?" Bob suggests with a grin, his enthusiasm contagious.
You and Jake exchange amused glances, recalling the chaotic but endearing moments of Bradley attempting to master the art of pancake-making.
With unanimous agreement, Bob pops the tape into the VCR, and soon the room is filled with laughter as the familiar scene of Bradley's pancake misadventures unfolds on the screen.
As the family settles in to enjoy the first of many recorded memories, you can't help but feel grateful for the love and laughter that fills your home, knowing that these tapes will be cherished for years to come.
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tshemea · 8 months
Mite won the poll, so here is some information about her!!
If you want to know more - you can ask me in the ask section!!
Her real name is Fagus and her undercover name is Mite
She is a Leafwing/Hivewing hybrid
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She is a member of a rebel group that is active on Pantala
(so I thought about my characters and I think this story is an AU and I'll have some of the original story changed)
There are several more members of this group (for example, Bora, that you've seen in the previous poll. Also later in the story Meridian has to work with this group for a while)
As a hybrid, Mite has a lot more features of a Hivewing, rather than a Leafwing. This is a perfect opportunity for her to work as an undercover agent among Hivewings and gather information for the group
She has very weak poison in her teeth. But when she lashes with her tail it leaves a strong stinging feeling. So she uses her tail as her main weapon in combat
About her family: Mite's mother is a leafwing and her father is a hivewing. Her parents work in the same rebel group as her, but on other territories, so they don't see each other much often. But she still loves them
(also I can sey that she prefers Leafwings over Hivewings)
As for her character: she is brave and strong-willed. Very caring and ready to threw herself in the middle of the battle to save those in need or dragons she care about
I think that's all for now!!
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bangtanhoneys · 7 months
Bangtan Baby: Namjooning
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Later, when Bora is a teenager and is asked what is one of her favourite memories of her uncles, she’ll often bring up the memory she had as a very young child with Uncle Joon. She was about three or four years old and had been left with Uncle Joon while her parents went on their honeymoon. Well, not left completely - she had been left in the care of her grandparents with her uncles on babysitting duties. 
One of the uncles had been chosen for said babysitting duties and had taken his niece out for a nice walk around the Seoul Forest Park. It was a cool winter day so he had wrapped Bora up and settled her on his strong shoulders, two managers and a bodyguard following behind. Namjoon was masked up but ARMY knew any member of BTS just from their walk. 
He decided on the trek which would lead them around the lake and would take about an hour, enough time to wear Bora out and enough time to give her enough nature for the day. She was a very inquisitive child, asking questions about everything and everything and Uncle Joon would always be her go-to. He used to read to her as a baby and that had continued through to now. 
“Uncle Joon,” a quiet voice came from at the top of his head.
“Yes, Bora?”
“Why do trees grow so tall?”
Namjoon glanced towards the native Korean trees that lined the path. The small talk behind them of the HYBE team didn’t deter Bora from her question and even for her young age she knew why there needed to be a team of people always with them. 
“Well, trees need sunlight. So if there are big brother trees who are tall, little sister tree can’t get enough sunlight so she has to grow and grow until she is tall enough to get the sunlight. Then once she gets the sunlight she can go and multiply.”
He felt tiny hands tighten on the beanie hat on top of his head. 
“So when do I become tall like uncles?”
“Don’t worry Bora, you’ll catch up to us soon.”
There was a pause and then a soft giggle that always warmed their hearts. “Okay, Uncle Joon. Just wait for me.”
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phenomenalgirl9 · 1 year
Taehyung x Reader: Stand down
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Summary: All you wanted was to keep on your job as an agent and fend for your child. But, a certain fellow agent made it difficult for you. However, fate has different plans.
A/n: Been holding onto this for sometime now
Wc: 5.7k (ish)
You've worked under Mr. Bang for almost 20 years now, ever since he found you fleeing through the streets of Daegu when you were 13, trying to run away from child care services. He took you in, he treated you as his own. He helped you learn self defense, then weapons. He fed you, clothed you, nurtured you and made you his most prized agent, he never made it seem like he did a favor on you. He was the person whom you'd consider as a father. He was there for you and he trusted you. He was there for you even when you got pregnant and decided to keep the baby. You're little baby girl Bora, he loved her to pieces and called her Grandpa.
When you got back to work after your pregnancy, (he gave you a 6 months leave after pregnancy, he gave it to all his female agents) and you were looking for babysitters who could be trusted he offered to look after her while you worked, it's not like either of you had any other family to turn to anyway.
If you had to say you were one of the best agents of Bangtan, one would call you guys hired goons but you all are hireable agents. The other best agent being your mortal rival Kim Taehyung. The sassy bitch so thinks he's so good at everything. "Now, now, don't fight, it wasn't either of your faults. The one who is to blame here is the person who gave false intel. I'll send in an agent to it, you both go back" Mr. Bang said. You walked to the nursery he had set up for Bora and found the girl sleeping. You picked her up and exited through the back door and kept her in the back seat and were near the driver's door when you heard footsteps and your hand hovered over your gun, before putting it back down.
"What do you want?" You asked bitterly. "What's with the venom in your voice? Anyway, the next time Mr. Bang appoints you and I in the same unit, ask him not to" he said glaring at you. "Why me? Don't you have a mouth of your own?" You taunted him. You want to get into the car and just drive off but you can't, he would see Bora the moment you opened the door, he can't right now cause the windows are all tinted. Actually nobody knows about her, you, Mr. Bang and your best friend Jungkook, considering that would be for the best for safety reasons.
"Fine. Whatever" he said and walked to a different direction. Dumb man, you muttered as you got inside the care and dived away. It's not like any one can be excluded from the team. The team alpha of Bangtan, Jungkook, Jimin, Taehyung and you, Mr. Bang's most trusted agents. You reached your apartment and punched in the numbers and set the sleeping Bora down on her bed and decided to get fresh and check schedules.
Tomorrow you had a special mission, an assassination, after a long time. You checked the blue prints and the plan that Seokjin sent you. You sighed and heard your phone ring, "Namjoon. Ssup?" you said,
-Yeah. I think we should assign 3 more people to your squad, it'll help and ensure the safe escape, incase Plan A goes cheese.
(That's the way you guys talk cause Mr. Bang says saying the 'F' word is unlucky)
I was thinking the same thing, okay I'll text them.
-Just call them
Why don't you do it then?
-Fine. Be careful, okay?
Yeah Joon.
And you hung up.
"Mama~" you heard Bora call you running to where you were sitting. "Yes bubba?" You said eyes still on the blue prints, when you heard silence and looked at her. She just stood there, with her hands in the air. You smiled at her antics and picked her up and placed her on your lap and repeated "yes bubba?". "Does it hurt?" She asked, pointing at the drying wound on your cheek. "nope, it's okay, it's healing" you said amused at your child's concern. "Wah. Grandpa said Mama is strong. She will always protect Bora '' she said. "Grandpa is right. Mama will always protect Bora." You said, patting her head. At this Bora stepped down off your lap and ran to her room. You shook your head and went back to look through the papers. When you heard her come back, with a..... Lightsaber? "Bora where-" before you could answer.
"From now, Bora will also proteck Mama!" She said, A pan on her head and towel tied around her neck. And you knew where this was coming from. Yet you asked "Bora? Where did you get the lightsaber?"
"Uncle Kookie" she said with a wide smile and you shook your head and smiled.
The next morning you, dropped Bora at Mr. Bang's and went to the Bangtan house. "Jungkook, did all 8 of them report?" you asked as you took the tab from his hand and made sure the last moment arrangements were okay. One by one the agents piled in, and you set off for your destination, Taehyung's van hot in pursuit.
As you reached, you two made no eye contact. Jungkook and his assistant Jimin, nod at each other, and the two squads sneak inside the building through two pathways. As your group sneaked directly in, Taehyung's squad took the Fire exit route.
"Something's wrong" you said as soon as you and your squad reached the floor. "Why, the blueprints match," Jungkook said. "The guards," Taehyung said through the intercom.
"Shit! They know! Retrea-" Y/n was interrupted but the sound of a bullet going off.
"Incoming!" You screamed, and everyone jumped to get cover. "GET INTO THE LIFTs NOW!" Taehyung exclaimed as he jumped in through the fire exit. By then you were actively shooting the attackers hidden among the pillars.
"Y/n!" Jungkook screamed, as a bullet straight hit your arm, you turned the direction and shot two shots towards the rascal who hit you and he dropped.
Taehyung and Jungkook rushed to your side as Jimin guarded and kept shooting as the four of you walked into the elevator. "Y/n are you fine?!" Jungkook exclaimed. He asked as you were wearing a black shirt and the blood blotch can't be seen. You let out a shaky breath and suddenly all your phones started buzzing like crazy. Jimin pulled him out and was stunned. "The base is under attack," he said. "FUCK! THIS WAS ALL A SET UP" Taehyung screamed. You all immediately rushed out "Taehyung take Y/n!" You looked at Taehyung and he nodded at you, as the two of you climbed onto his motorbike.
Neither of you uttered a word, the base was at a secluded part and you were on a different side of the city. "FUCK FUCK FUCK" was all your mind can think. Mr Bang and Bora, you prayed they both were safe. Most of the agents were out for work today, only the basic security team were there. This means it was planned, it's an assassination. You tried your best to not let your worst thoughts intrude your mind.
As soon as you and Tae reach the gate, you find it open wide. The security all on the ground. You ran your way inside and shouted "Mr Bang! MR BANG!" You screamed as you passed finding most of the security shot. You were trembling by the time you reached the door to Mr Bang's room. You never noticed Taehyung and Jungkook who were already behind you. Jungkook pushed you aside and unlocked his guns safety and pushed the door open to only freeze on spot. You rushed in behind him to see, Mr Bang on the floor. A shot on his forehead and one on his chest. You stood there stunt tears stinging your eyes, you frantically ran out of the room, as Taehyung and Jungkook rushed to check if there was any chance he was alive, just if-
You ran towards the nursery and shouted "Bora!" But, didn't get an answer. Your hands were shaking as more tears spilled your eyes. "Bora! BORA!!" you cried out loud. Taehyung surprised at your sudden outburst of the unfamiliar. "Ahjussi!! Bora!!" You cried tears running out in streams as you crashed onto your knees. "Y/n" Taehyung held your shoulder and didn't know what to say or ask when Jungkook screamed "Y/n!!! Y/n, in here! Quick!!"
Y/n stood up and ran and found Jungkook sticking his ear on the wall behind Mr Bang's chair and desk. Mr Bang's secret chamber! You thought and rushed to the opposite wall and opened the starry night painting revealing the keypad. You put in the password and the door slid open. "Bo-bora?" Jungkook asked in a low-soft voice. "Uncle Kookie!" Bora called and Jungkook walked in, and in the queue you rushed in and picked your baby girl in your arms, kissing her cheek. "Bora bubba, are you okay?" You asked in tears. "Yes mama~" she said, wiping your eyes. You didn't see it but Taehyung's (who was standing and watching you hug a child and Jungkook patting the kid's head) eyes went wide.
"Bubba you go home with Uncle Kookie, mama will join you in a while" you said, patting her head and looking at Jungkook. He nodded his head and picked up Bora, covering her eyes and walking out. By then the rest of the hit team were there. Namjoon, Jin, Jimin, Hoseok (who was busy on another assignment that night), And Taehyung watched in awe as they saw Jungkook carry a child outside the room, through the fire exit. They got more confused when she shouted "Bye mama" and they all looked at you for answers.
"She's my daughter," you said. And you watched all of their eyes go wide, and you added "Just mine". You didn't notice, but Taehyung seemed to take a sigh of relief. "When you went to Seoul 4 years ago and stayed for 2 years. Was it-" Hoseok was hesitating to ask. "Yes. I was pregnant, but I was also setting up the small office there. Helped Mr Bang's nephew and all. I didn't want anyone to know. Only Jungkook knew and of course Mr Bang knew too" you explained. "You did what you thought was the best. Don't worry, now we'll all be more aware and careful" Namjoon said and you walked and dropped beside Mr Bang's now lifeless body. "Mr Bang? I'm so sorry and thankful to you" you managed to let out and broke down, the 5 others came to their knees beside and behind you. "Thank you for saving me all those years ago, you were the closest person I had to a father. Thank you for teaching me everything. Thank you for supporting me, for saving my baby. Mr Bang! How will I repay you" you said and completely broke down. Someone immediately embraced you, you were too grieved to notice, it was Taehyung who jumped and hugged you. Hoseok and Jin patted you head and back, as they all wiped their tears. He was a fatherly figure to all of you, he took all of you in at certain times of your lives.
"Y/n! Jimin! Mr Bang!" A sound came from outside, and a pale cat-like man came running to the door frame, you all looked as he entered the room and went paler. You stood up and walked to him and embraced him. The last piece of the hit team, the one who handled all and every legal matter of bangtan, Min Yoongi. "I can't believe he's gone" he just said.
"I will find whoever did this" You said, leaving the embrace and wiping your eyes. "We're with you," Seokjin said.
"I-I have his will" Yoongi revealed "We need to go through that as soon as things are sorted here".
"His nephew is already on the way," you said. The room was silent in your apartment, it was a rare sight to see all of you in one place and the place to be silent. Come to think of it, this was the first time the others ever came to your house you all always met at Mr Bang's but staying there became too much. Everyone just sat there staring at a distance, except Yoongi and Namjoon, one was working with papers and the other was on his laptop, these workaholics and their dumb coping mechanisms, you thought. Soon you received a text and you texted back to your floor. You whispered to Jungkook who was sitting beside you to open the door. "Y/n" your name sounded from a voice coming from the door, the voice had a different accent, which became clear as he uttered "oh my god, are you guys okay??"
"Chris!" You said, standing up and he opened his arms inviting you into them. "I couldn't protect him, Chris! I'm so sorry!" You said sobbing again. "It's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself" Chris said, stroking your head. Only Jin noticed the way Taehyung gritted his teeth and tightened his fists. "Where are the others?" You asked as you let go. "I brought Minho and Jisung with me, the others are minding the office there, but they can come for any emergency alert, I have full plans ready for all that. But, where is Bora?" Chris asked. "She's sleeping in the room" Jungkook said and he nodded. "I wish we would be meeting under different circumstances but anyways, this is our hit team" you said introducing everyone, one by one, "guys this is Christopher Bang, Mr Bang's nephew" you said.
"Now that everybody is here, it's time to read the will" Yoongi said. And eveyone nodded and took a seat. "First the assets he had alot, he left 2% teach for the Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook and Myself. 35% to Y/n, 35% to Chris and the rest 16% to Bora" he said and you eyes went wide, "She can access 3% of it when she's 15, 6% went she starts college and the rest after she's 22" Yoongi added. "Now, the gang will be a bit reorganized. Y/n will be replaced by Taehyung as the chief agent. Chris will remain the head of the Seoul office and expand it and Y/n will sit as the head now. As his-" Yoongi stopped to take a breath, "As his daughter, his heir"you covered your mouth in shock. You were sure Chris would be the head, you looked at him and he was looking at you, his eyes seemed proud. "You deserve it, Y/n-ah" Jungkook said, shaking you. "Now, we find who-" Jimin started but was interrupted by Namjoon saying "Found it!". Everyone jumped at his sudden outburst. "What happened Joon?" Jin asked. "I got the coordinates of the IP that leaked out our information," Namjoon said, turning the screen. Taehyung immediately put them in his phone and said. "It's somewhere in Gyeonggi-do," he said. "Send it to me, I'll ask my men to go there and bring him here" Chris said. Taehyung looked at you but you nodded at him. "You all rest, you all look too tired, especially Y/n" Chris said and Jin nodded. "Lets spread out in the room and Y/n go to bed" he said. "I'll join Bora in her room. A few of you take my room and others get blankets and adjust here" you said. You really were tired, with a last hug Chris went to check on the mansion as the rest found places to settle.
You received a call, it was hardly 7 in the morning "Yeah?" You answered "okay" you replied and woke yourself up. You called Jungkook and put him on Bora duty as you contemplated whom to call, as if on cue Taehyung got up from the couch. "I'll go" he just said, "Fine" you muttered, as you couldn't help but notice his chiseled abs that he was covering up by doing his buttons. You mentally scolded yourself for that. The whole ride was silent. As soon as you reached you saw a very known face on the ground. "YOU!" you screamed and rushed up the stairs and kicked the man on the chest as he rolled back with a scream.
"We found these with him," Felix said, pointing at a laptop that Namjoon is currently on. "When did you get here?" You asked. "A few minutes before you" you nodded and said "Get him on the chair" and put your hair in a bun. As if mechanically Felix and Jisung picked the bound man up and dragged him to the free chair and placed him on it. You walked behind Namjoon and asked him what he found only for him to say that it was all encrypted and the code isn't hackable.
You strided off to the man and pulled him by his hair to face him upwards. "WHAT. IS. THE. CODE. Park?" only for him to laugh, showing his bloody teeth, probably received from Chris or Felix. "Answer her" Taehyung said and pinched his ear, both of you held strong as the man struggled and screamed. "Chris" you called and signaled him. Taehyung and Chris now hit and pinched the man questioning him. As you called Felix behind Namjoon. "Did he have anything else around him? Any scanner?" You asked. And Felix shook his head a No. "Y/n! His fingers" Namjoon suddenly said and you looked at the Laptop to find a fingerprint scanner. "Boys bring him here" you said and they tried one by one and it did open. "You can't kill me. Else you won't get the fingerprint. It's encoded on every level with my thumb and it is needed multiple times" he said and cracked up and a gun went off. Everyone looked at you and then at the silent man, who is now quite dead with a bullet on his forehead "Thank you for the information". "Y/n?" Chris, Namjoon and Taehyung said at the same time. "Felix. Chop off that bastard's finger and store it in the freezer, take a print of it first though. Namjoon, decode that damn thing. I gotta get my daughter ready for school" you said and walked off, getting an agent to drive you home.
"She killed him?" Namjoon uttered after you left. "She's never hit any vitals of anyone who hasn't attacked her" Taehyung said, finally letting the dead corpse down as Chris did the same. All shocked at the fact that you killed someone and didn't even blink.
As your car went Park's words ran on your mind 'information is always sellable on the market as long as you can buy it' he had said to Felix when he asked who bought him off. You closed your eyes and breathed in and out. "You're almost home, Bora mustn't see you like that".
You walked to your apartment and walked in to find Bora playing with Jungkook and Jimin, as Jin and Hoseok were cooking in the kitchen. You walk in and you find him packing lunch in Bora's lunch box.
"Mama!" Bora ran to you and hugged your legs. You patted your daughter's head and said "Bubba lets get you ready for school" you told her and she started blabbering, making you smile. "You know, uncle Jimin and uncle Hobi are so fun. Uncle Jin made yummy lunch for Bora" she went on, happy to meet new uncles. You felt happy that she had more people in her life, but at what cost, is what you thought. When you went back to the mansion with Junkook, Jimin, Hoseok, Jin and the food, you found Felix sleeping on the couch and Taehyung, Chris and Namjoon huddled in front of that laptop screen. "What did you find?" you asked them. "What the fuck! Who killed JYP?" Hoseok exclaimed as soon as he entered the room. "I did, he cheated us. Call some agents and get this removed" you said. "On it" Jimin said and walked out. "The Chois" is what Taehyung utter when he looked up. Your blood started boiling, the Chois had a contract with Mr Bang to not interfere with the affairs of bangtan. “These RASCALS” you said “Jungook, call the alpha team” as you started leaving the room while bringing out your gun and checking it. “Y/n! No” Chris and Taehyung said at the same time. “Are you crazy!” Chris said. “You will get yourself killed! What about Bora? Us? Think of what’s at stake before you act up. “Ah! FUCK!” you cursed and sat down on the top step of the stairs, hand on your head. FInally letting it all out, letting the tears fall. “Mr Bang. How could I let this happen” Jungkook and Hoseok rushed to hug you from both sides. You felt another weight on your back and it's probably Jimin. “He loved all of us so much. He loved Bora so much. SHe was asking if she could play with Grandpa today! What will I tell her?!” you sobbed, tears flowed endlessly. All the others were crying by then. “Let's take them down,” Taehyung said, finally coming in front of you and wiping away your tears. You looked up at him, his eyes wet but he had a look of determination in his face. There was no facade in that look, no ego, no sarcasm, it’s like it's a complete different Kim Taehyung. “We are all in this together” he said. “And you are boss” Chris said from behind “You’re supposed to lead us and take care of us and we’ll protect you and each other and Bora” He added and you nodded your head. You looked around at all these people along with the once working around the house, these are your people now. “Let’s do this,” you said.
Mr Band’s funeral was held three days after he died, it was closed off, only the rituals and the agents. You were introduced to them as their new leader.
“I found these blueprints of their mansion,” Jin said and spread them out. “But we need someone to check if it's credible,” He said. “Let's send in two agents to check it out and we need the maintenance schedules of their house and locations of other safe houses” You said. “Let's put Hobi and Jisung on a look out. We'll know the people who visit regularly and will have the element of surprise. Thanks to Minho who has been his bodyguard undetected, we have so much information on him” Taehyung said, noting these down on the white board. In a white shirt that opens 2 buttons from the collar, messy hair, one hand stuck into the trouser and specs. He looked godly okay, and you couldn’t help but notice that. He suddenly looked towards you and your eyes met, a small smile enlightened his face and it reached yours too, this wasn’t the first time this happened. “So, we're ready with the plan apart from the authenticity of the blueprint, its not very essential but it's safer, we’ll see to that and Jin’s on Bora duty today, and we have a meeting with a dealer” Chris said. “I’m off then” Jin said as he winked and walked away and you shook your head. The boys adore your daughter, she also adores her, uncle Joonie, Jinie, Yooni, Hobi, Jiminie and Tata, she already loved Kookie.
You, Taehyung and Chris went to meet your arms dealer and struck new deals. Well you bought some more stuff than arms. Yes you bought off information, thanks to Taehyung. A few business and client meetings and you were done for the day.
“Y/n, I’ll drop you home, you didn’t bring your car right?” Chris said. “You don’t have to worry. How is on my way I’ll just drop her” Taehyung said and grabbed your hand as he started walking towards his motorbike. “Taehyung!” you whisper yelled. But he didn’t say a word. He picked up one of the helmets and put it on your head and secured it, then put his own and started the bike, and waited for you to mount it, the moment you did and held onto his shoulders he drove off.
“Will you say something?” You finally said, not being able to take in the silence. “He can’t hit on you” he said. “Sorry what?” you said. “I said, he isn’t allowed to hit on you. Only I can do that!” he grumbled. “What’s wrong with you?” you asked but he stayed silent, you didn’t even notice you were reaching your alley and he stopped the bike in front of your house and the two of you climbed down. “Do you like him?” he finally asked. “Whom? Chris?” you asked and Taehyung nodded. “Lord! NO!” you denied, “Then don’t let him flirt with you” Taehyung said. “What why? It doesn’t do any harm” you said smiling only to stop when you noticed his eyes, dark and deep, you averted your eyes and were about to walk away. “But it does! It harms and hurts me! Y/n, for the past few days I have been painfully obvious. Not like I wasn’t before that. Can you stop running and look at me” he said, grabbing your arm and pulling you to himself "Please, stop pushing me away" he almost sounded like he'd break any moment.
"Mama~ Tata~" a sound came running towards you two (literally) and hugged Taehyung's legs. "Bora!" He lighted up instantly and picked her up and walked inside giving you one last look and you stood there dumbfounded. "Ssup?" Jin said and eas about to follow them but stopped to look at you. "What? Never been rejected by your own blood?" Jin asked jokingly. You still stood there and Jin started to worry "Y/n? What's wrong?"
"Jin, can I talk to you?" you asked and he nodded standing in front of you, giving you his full attention.
The two of you settled on a bench in the nearby park.
"Taehyung, he-" you stopped, you still couldn't say it. "Don't tell me he grew balls and confessed to you" Jin said being his normal self but you looked at him in shock. "Wait really??" He got excited, "Wait, I thought you liked him too, why are you in tears?" he asked. You didn't even notice you were crying until he said "I don't know, if this was before then it wouldn't have been a matter. But now? I can't jump into things I have Bora" you said. "Did you see how she jumped Taehyung before you? She was literally talking about you and how. That's mostly all she talks about, and a little bit about Kookie and us. She adores him." Jin said. "And that's what I am afraid of. What if he decides he can't do it?" You said. "You've seen Taehyung grow up Y/n. He never talks without thinking, and he's loved you for so long, ALL OF YOU, then and now, all this time. He loves Bora too, you should see the way he looks at you both" Jin said, patting your head. "Now, let's go back, I'll cook something for all-" he was interrupted by the sound of his phone. …. "What? Fuck!" Jin said and looked at you "Okay!"
"Y/N quickly get your car and meet Taehyung at the alley behind your building. Quick!" Jin said and you stood up and ran, thank god for Mr Bang made it your habit to always wear shoes in which you can run. You rushed into your parking lot and pulled out of it as fast as you could and rushed to the back alley. You noticed Taehyung walking towards the car and opened the door for him as he jumped inside and said "Drive Drive"
"Where is Bora?!" You asked and then got shocked to see his arm shot and bleeding. "She's with Jin Hyung. Drive quick" he said, and you did, you drove towards the mansion , "Not towards the mansion, if someone follows me, then they'll reach the mansion and Bora too" He said. You turned the car towards the Gyeongsan safe house.
"Will you be okay?" You asked. "It's not deep, the bullet just scratched me" he said and you shook your head. The sound of your phone broke the silence. "Receive it" you said, Taehyung put it on speaker. "Y/n! The Chois are running away, we'll miss our chance and we need to empty the mansion as well. What do I do" he said. And you harshly stopped the car. "Fuck!" You curse "wait" think Y/n, Think. "Get the plan into motion right now, call all agents and go full offense, send Bora to Seoul with Jin and Felix"
"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked, "What other choice do we have if we need to stop him from going and the attacks, we have to. What if Minho gets into trouble? We need to do this. Now, Chris do it" you said, determinedly. "Ok boss, you both need to stay safe. Minho told me you have a tail" he warned. "Okay. You all be safe" you said, almost reaching the house and pulling inside the forest. You then helped Taehyung out and the two of you made your way through the forest. "There's someone following us, I just feel it" you said, and looked behind scanning the trees. You brought out your gun and took off the safety lock. "You stay here" you said. "Y/n you can't do that, get back" Taehyung barked. "I need to protect you. I can't lead people to the safe house" you whispered, Taehyung saw the determination in your eyes. He held your hand and pulled you to him, crashing his lips to yours, "come back to me safely, Bora would be waiting" He said as he pulled away. Your mind went black for a moment but you nodded. You had to protect him, and you will.
You slowly crept towards the trees where you heard the sounds, one, two and three, there were three people, you had enough bullets but taking on three would be a bit difficult until, you heard Taehyung shoot a shot loudly. Why did this dummy take off his silencer? You thought, but then you realised. They all were distracted. You aimed and hit the one closest to you on the head and he deopped, two and down. Suddenly the last one looked back and pinted his gun at you, you were in his close range "fuck!" You cursed and were about to run to take cover, but the man dropped, showing a huffing Taehyung behind him.
"I told you to not move!" You said as you ran and hugged him. "I hate you" you said as he held you tight with his unhurt arm. The two of you made your way towards the safe house.
You cleaned his wound and bandaged it. You had received word that Jin and Felix had left safely and the mission is on noe you wait. You couldn't help but notice how chiselled his body was, you won't say you never imagined how his body would be like below those button up shirts. You now realise that the comments you thought were sarcastic, he actually made them to get a reaction from you. His comments you took to be teasing were actually him flirting. "A picture would last longer" he said, with a smirk, making you realize that you were indeed staring. You wanted to run that smirk off his face and so you did the most intrusive thing that came to your mind. "Really?" You taunted, as you started unbuttoning your shirt, slowly one by one, you noticed him gulo and his eyes following every move of yours. You finally took it off and placed it on the counter and slowly walked towards him. He felt like a deer caught in the headlights, unlike the deers it excited him.
You walk towards him in a tank top and jeans, damn his luck. You stood in front of him and fisted his hair, turning his face above towards you and kissed him roughly. You let him know all you feelings through that one kiss. How you've been in love with him for so long, how his words always got to you, how you felt hurt and hooked up with someone when he had declared that he was dating someone else. How you felt now, with all these pent up feelings. He immediately held your waist and brought you down on his lap. Your hair roamed his bare body and flicked his nippled as he moaned inside your mouth. You locked your hands behind him and hugged him as you made out. Tae pulled away and attacked your neck. "You mine" he growled as he hit a specific place that made you moan and he made sure to leave marks. Soon you tank top came off, as Taehyung went in awe seeing you. "You're so beautiful" he whispered as he dove to kiss you.
You heard your phone ring and sat up, a heavy arm still on your waist.
"It's done, the Leader is down, we've set a meeting with his three sons to discuss the new terms of business" Chris said. "Oh my god. Thank god, everyone is safe right?" You asked. "Yeah a few are hurt but nothing much" he sent forces to attack us, but thanks to your timely response we evaded them and found him on time." He said and you laughed, you finally hung up sayung you see them all at Yoongi's the next day.
7 months later
"Mama~" Bora asked, "Yes Bubba" you d
Said, still planning out the business on the table with Namjoon and Hoseok as Tae and Jungkook played with Bora on the ground. "Can Tata stay with Bora and Mama always?" she asked you. "Always" Taehyung beat you to it and pulled Bora in a hug and said, patting her head. "Tata will always be there for Mama and Bora".
Later that night, you went in to switch off the lights in Bora's room, when you find Taehyung sleeping beside her, a story book in hand. You smiled at the two, the two most important people of your life, whom you'd protect at all cost.
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call-me-eds · 11 months
Written for the July @steddiemicrofic prompt ‘Pool’
WC: 442 | Rating: G | CW: none
“We’ll pool all of our money together and buy plane tickets to everywhere we’ve ever wanted to go, it’ll be amazing!”
Eddie had only enough money to his name for bus fare and a six-pack, but the sentiment was nice.
It was always nice when these private ramblings started. Eddie could go on and on about the establishment ruining the youth or how capitalism makes sure the poor stay poor and the rich get richer to anyone in hearing range, but he would only grant his deepest desires to Steve, and would barely even look at him when he did. The lack of eye contact didn’t take away from the intimacy, because they were always wrapped up in one another.
They were laying on the hood of Steve’s BMW, Eddie between his legs with his head on Steve’s chest. The moon barely lit their scene, and they were happy to stay hidden. Moments between just the two of them were far and few between.
“And where are we going to go first?” Steve asked, tipping his head back to exhale smoke from his dessert of Marlboros and Eddie.
“Bora Bora,” Eddie answered with such expediency it made Steve wonder if he had missed all of the obvious signs that his boyfriend wanted to go halfway across the world.
“What?” he asked, only halting his fingers scratching Eddie’s scalp for a moment.
Steve knew that Eddie hadn’t been outside of Indiana more than a handful of times in his life, so the urge to travel to unknown lands must have been strong.
Well, for all Eddie did for Steve, Steve would take him anywhere he wanted. It wasn’t hard to envision and immediately become obsessed with the thought of traipsing across Europe with Eddie. Steve would carry both of their backpacks, Eddie would obviously want to have his acoustic guitar strapped across his back to play as they had a picnic in front of the Eiffel tower.
He would have to leave it in the hotel room, though, when Steve took him on a gondola ride through Venice, and the world’s most romantic dinner in Madrid. Their dinners now were sweet enough to cause cavities, but adding the foreign excitement would make it all the better. Maybe even perfect. Certainly nice enough for him to drop to one knee…
Wherever they went, for however long, Steve give Eddie the best vacation of his life. To do that, though, he had better tune back in to the countries Eddie was rattling off.
“We can do Croatia, too. Basically anywhere that I get to see you in a speedo.”
Yeah, that made much more sense.
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yamcha-thelonewolf · 5 months
🫂Toriyama forgets, Yamcha doesn't!
This time I want us to relax a little bit. My last analysis, The Heart's Savior, was very challenging both for me who wrote it and for you who read it, so now it is only fair to lighten the load.
In a poll, I asked you whether you would prefer to know more about Yamcha's life as a fighter or as an ordinary earthling, and if you remember, the second choice won. So here I am analyzing a little trivia that has nothing to do with battles. Well... Sort of! Martial arts still has something to do with it, but it only serves as a background. In fact, I will tell you about an extremely strong friendship, not because the bond is actually intense but because it goes against the narrative choices of Toriyama and Toei Animation. Believe me, guys, this analysis could maintain the connection with a character we hear little about now. Lastly, just because I know it's a kind of topic that many people like, I'm going to talk somewhat about one of Yamcha's many looks.
Let's be clear, this is just my theory, it's quite silly, but at least it might make you smile a little... Well, I hope so!
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Before we begin, it seems only fair to warn that the following is likely to be coincidental. Dragon Ball has never dwelled on details, at least not the ones I care about, so it is highly likely that this topic is meaningless. But... What if it doesn't? Assuming Yamcha has a life of his own in this show, talking about it might be worthwhile... Because it would once again show what a beautiful person he is in everyday life.
So... Let's get started!
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Don't worry, I told you. I am not going to talk about Yamcha as a fighter, but as I had anticipated it is necessary to understand how incredible he is as a normal earthling.
We are at the end of the Fortuneteller Baba Arc. Goku has finally found out where the last dragon ball is and so sets off with Upa to resurrect his father Bora. Meanwhile, Yamcha and the others await their friend's return at Baba's palace. It is during this wait that Yamcha reflects at length on his own life and he finally decides to ask Muten to make him his pupil.
A new orange Gi is definitely needed!
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Freeze! It is not the Turtle School uniform that I want to talk about. Let's go back for a moment... A few hours before the 22nd Tournament begins.
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Alright! We've got it!
We are on the plane bound for Papaya Island. Bruce Lee Yamcha has completed his training under Muten, and with this proud pretty face he lets us know that we are going to see some good things. He also seems more mature. He is in his 20s. Guys, many things could be said about this drawing, but in this case I will simply dwell on his outfit. This is the first time we have seen Yamcha in such an elegant look. We were used to seeing him in martial artist outfits or otherwise with looks more suited to his wild nature, so this is a very nice surprise. For a change, he looks great. I mean, you can dress and style him any way you like: Yamcha has the incredible power to be charming in any way. Yes, even with that bowl hair from DBZ...
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Jeez, I love him. Let's go back to our outfit now.
Some will remember it for sure, but for those who do not know I want to let you show that this dress has its own origin.
One more step back now.
We are in the 21st Tournament Arc. Yamcha is in town with Bulma and he's training on his own. Muten's only pupils are Goku and Krillin. Many people do not pay attention to it, but if these two boys managed to get into the Turtle School it is because of a character who unfortunately met a brutal end in the show: Lunch.
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The deal is clear: If Goku and Krillin can find a nice girl to stay at the Kame House, then Muten can train them. It is the only way to access. So we can safely say that if Goku has become so strong, it is also thanks to Lunch. Fortunately, she is found in her quiet form, but soon her secret would come out...
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...Whatever! Goku and Krillin can finally train under Muten. Well, there really would be so much to say about Lunch. She is a character who deserves a lot. She should not have disappeared at all after the great contribution she made to Goku and Krillin. Not only that. She even defeated some Red Ribbon soldiers, she helped Yamcha defeat some criminals because he had a broken leg, in a filler she saves Goku from an attempted "kidnapping," and among many other things she allowed to find front row seats during tournaments! Seriously, she would deserve a separate post.
If we look at Lunch as a function of the protagonist, it is undeniable that she was the mother Goku never had. At least in her good personality.
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The same of course applies to Krillin. Let's think it through. She cooked for them, cuddled them before bed, and who knows how many other mother hen things she did. Goku definitely lacked such a figure, so this is also why I consider Lunch an important character in his growth. If Bulma is more like an older sister, Lunch is definitely his mommy. Have you noticed that? Every person Goku meets represents a family member. It's extremely cute.
Be that as it may, as proof that Lunch is a real mom to the two pupils, she decides to give them a nice gift at the end of their training.
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Tadaaan! Okay, I admit that Goku and Krillin are really funny dressed like this. They look like two little gangsters, something like Joe Pesci and Robert De Niro as kids, but that's okay. Lunch sewed these outfits for them, and that's what matters. It was done with love.
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Seeing her satisfied like a loving mommy getting excited for her kids going to school for the first time always moved me. Although in this case the destination is the tournament, the meaning is the same: Lunch gave importance to their big day by honoring it with this outfit as awkward as adorable.
Well, friends. Now that the puzzle is almost complete, we can go back to our boy! As I said at the beginning, Yamcha begs Muten to make him his third pupil. Once inside the school, it doesn't take long to realize that for all of his three years of training he has been dealing with Lunch as well.
It should be mentioned, however, that the two had actually met for the first time during the Red Ribbon Arc, when everyone leaves to help Goku.
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This is the first real moment when they meet. Lunch is in her "evil" form, but a little later Yamcha will also make the acquaintance of her good side.
This meant that during these three years he also cohabited with Lunch, who must surely have cooked for him as well. I think it's a really interesting detail. Unfortunately, we don't know what has happened during these three years, but I would like to point out that this is the first time Yamcha has dealt so closely with a girl other than Bulma. Imagining that he is still very shy with girls, I have no doubt that he has been embarrassed many times in being so near to her. Stop!, I'm not saying he had feelings for her, but she is still a pretty girl, most of the time very naive as well as sensual, so I wouldn't be surprised if Lunch made Yamcha blush without even meaning to. By the way, it would be interesting to analyze Bulma's feelings in this situation, since she has visited Yamcha several times. I don't think she was ever jealous of Lunch, but she may have punched her boyfriend in the head a few times anyway just because.
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...They were so cute...
Okay, now the topic is clear, isn't it? The bond between Yamcha and Lunch is one of the least explored things in Dragon Ball. There is no point in talking about it because it leads nowhere, but believe me, for an earthlings fan it is worth discussing.
First, let's start by saying that this is a different relationship from that she had with the other two pupils. If with Goku and Krillin Lunch was able to act like a caring mother, the same cannot be said for Yamcha. Yamcha is not a child like them. He is almost the same age as Lunch, so the relationship must be absolutely equal: they are two friends. Nothing more, nothing less. This does not mean that Lunch took less care of Yamcha. Surely she must have avoided giving him a good-night kiss and things like that, that is.
As for her second personality, it becomes more complicated. We will never know whether "Bad" Lunch felt attracted to Yamcha. We know she loves wild guys and Yamcha certainly is, but I don't think she was that disloyal to her friend Bulma. In short: I am convinced that there was never any sexual attraction between Lunch and Yamcha. They have always been two great friends, proving that friendship between boys and girls can exist.
So... Maternal or not, one thing is certain: when the big day comes again, Lunch gives her gift to Yamcha too.
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I don't know how many of you have thought about this. I'm sure I'm not the first one who has thought about it, but geez... It's a detail that has always excited me for no real reason. Perhaps because it is one of those details that indirectly deepens the relationships between Dragon Ball characters, which are unfortunately poorly told.
I mean, try to think of the scene!
Yamcha at that time was not really the type of guy to wear stuff like that. He has lived for many years in the desert, where it is not necessary to wear fancy clothes because the only priority is to survive. Yet in the desert, we don't know how, he also learned good manners, especially with girls. I'm sure he did everything possible not to disappoint Lunch's expectations. Yamcha has always been like that. In order to please others he has often sacrificed himself, so I think something like that happened in this case as well. Let's try to put ourselves in his shoes. He may be gentle and all, he surely must have thanked Lunch for this, but how much he must have cringed wearing this?
It is a bit like putting a bow tie on a wild wolf...
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This is precisely how I imagine him: deeply embarrassed and on the verge of sinking underground. "Boy, I feel so ridiculous!"
Don't worry, silly, it actually fits you much better than you think. I don't believe anyone found him as funny as Goku and Krillin were the first time they wore that thing. Anyway, I assume that this is why we don't see himwith that Al Capone hat. "Hell, I can accept the dress... but spare me that thing!!"
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Here you can see Yamcha now comfortable in his elegant look and Lunch by his side totally unaware that she was the one who sewed it for him. By the way, I think it's superficial to say this but... It's really nice that she handmade this dress for Yamcha. I mean, his body is much bigger than Goku and Krillin's. She must have struggled a lot! It's a proof to how much she loved Yamcha, too.
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Come on, look at her! Here Lunch is as worried as everyone about Yamcha's condition after Tenshinhan broke his leg. The way she addresses him does indeed have something maternal about it, but it mainly shows that she has become attached to him over those three years.
She is so precious...
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...even when she is about to kill Yamcha and Bulma in one shot.
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Gosh, I love her! It is so nice that everyone has learned to accept Lunch as she is. Yamcha is like that. He always accepted his friends, no matter how they are, he is always there for them and always took care of them. I am convinced that he loved Lunch as he loves everyone else.
So... the topic could end here, but it is not like me to conclude so trivially. I like to go beyond the impossible, in fact even this time I want to extend the whole situation.
The real point of the topic is another.
Unfortunately, Lunch's fate is the most horrible of all. In truth, I don't know which is worse between being forgotten and being ridiculed throughout the show. Let's just say that neither Lunch nor Yamcha were lucky. They also have that in common, besides the fact that both are very close to Tien. I would call it the trio of outcasts. However, if we at least know what happens to Yamcha during DBZ, we know nothing about Lunch. The last time we see her is in a bar, completely drunk because Tien is dead. Another appearance, which is really brief, is during the Buu Saga, when she gives her energy to Goku. I consider these two scenes to be frighteningly sad because in both cases we see her alone and that hurts me a lot. It is as if she has lost contact with her friends. After all, she could not even return to the Kame House because it was now inhabited by Krillin, Android 18 and their daughter. There was no place for her anymore. This hurt even more, because we really don't know what happened to her. Finally, she appears without ever saying anything in the OVA Dragon Ball: Yo! Son Goku and His Friends Return!!
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This is quite consoling, but it is not enough. Her presence is highly unnecessary. I think she was thrown into the rabble just to actually pay homage to those who were Goku's friends, but what's the point if she doesn't even say a word? She certainly deserved more since she had been forgotten for almost two decades.
Whatever... Thank goodness Yamcha exists!
He is seriously the hero we do not deserve.
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Well yes, Yamcha may be the one who partly solves this great riddle:
...What ever happened to Lunch all this time?
The truth is that there are no answers. Everyone can imagine what they want. One can think that she stayed with Tien (although DBS has ruled out this possibility for the umpteenth time), one can think that she opened a food truck or that she came to visit Muten sometimes. I personally believe that she has not completely lost contact with her friends. At least, not with Yamcha. I mean, we've seen how Yamcha is not the type to quit. When it comes to loving someone, Yamcha is always in the front row. This makes me believe that he has not stopped seeing Lunch. He is too loyal to forget a person who has done so much for him. Plus, if we add that Yamcha was left alone at one point in the story, it makes even more sense that he spends his time with an equally "lonely" friend. I imagine Yamcha as a very nostalgic guy. It would be unthinkable for him to exclude such an important memory as Lunch from his life.
At least, that's how it is for me. Until now I didn't know it for sure, but a few days ago I had an epiphany. That's when I realized that maybe Lunch is still there, we just don't see her.
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Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might, 1990.
Did you notice anything?
Oh god yes, it's that damn gangster outfit again. I mean, the dress sewn by Lunch. Although it is difficult to identify the timeline of this film, it is still clear that we are in a context far away from OG Dragon Ball. At first I anticipated that all this might just be a coincidence, but personally I like to believe that there is much more behind it. Assuming that indeed it is the dress made by Lunch, we need to consider one thing: it can never be that one she gave him for the 22nd Tournament. It would be really old, plus I don't think it would be able to hold up Yamcha's new body. He's now in his 30s, he has not only grown taller but also added a lot of muscle mass. It is practically impossible for him to have been able to wear it. So... Maybe Yamcha asked Lunch to renew that old dress? Think about it, it makes sense to me. Yamcha is also very cheap. Being a former thief, he knows the value of money well and knows that it is easier to lose it than to find it. He is really funny, but also very cute.
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The money accumulated through baseball certainly does not change his stingy nature, that's why it is not strange to think that he turned to Lunch. Of course, also as a matter of affection. I think Yamcha is a guy who is very attached to things, especially if there are a lot of good memories behind them.
I mean, something could have happened like, "Hi Lunchie, how are you? Long time no see, it took me so long to find you! Let me guess, you're hiding from the cops, right?" and then... "Anyway, I wanted to ask you a favor. Going through my closet, I found that fancy dress you had sewn for me for the Tournament. Do you remember? Here it is. I tried to wear it but I only gained a hole in my pants. I'll let you guess where. So... Could you fix it for your bestie?"... So she would say: "Are you kidding, Yamcha? There's no way I'm going to fix that! I'll definitely sew you a new one!"
If so, we could assume that they are still in contact! It would really comfort me to know that Lunch is still part of the gang, even if we don't see her. Yamcha in this case could seriously be the link, simply because he is brought up to be.
That would be great.
I want to believe it.
After all...
...Toriyama may forget his characters, but Yamcha will never forget his friends.
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Thank you!!
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vex91 · 10 months
Chapter 20: Moment
3rd's POV
It was already past 7 PM when Yena's car pulled up in front of NMIXX's dorm. Despite it still being bright outside the rain made it hard to see much so everyone except Yuqi decided to stay in the car. Yena's finger was tapping rhythmically to the played song followed by Bora's humming, Eunbi and Yuri showed each other different silly memes, laughing while Yuqi stood outside with her eyes closed. Surprisingly the rain didn't bothered her that much that day, instead it brought her peace.
It wasn't long later when Yuqi opened her eyes at the sound of your voice. The chatters of your friends long forgotten as she fully focused on you. The last time she saw you, you were a mess because of Chaewon and now you looked quite... better but it was still obvious that you were hurt. Everytime she saw you like that Yuqi had to hold herself back from storming into the Le Sserafim's dorm to confront both Chaewon and Yunjin. Both of them hurt you deeply and she couldn't understand how you could even consider ever going back to Yunjin, if she was you then she would never.
But that was the thing. You weren't her, you were Y/N and sometimes Yuqi thought that you were too good for this world.
She hated how nice you were because it made people more willing to use and hurt you and Yuqi couldn't stand that. That's why she took on the role of someone strong who will be there for you and protect you from that and she already failed twice, she wouldn't be able to look herself in the face if she was to fail for the third time. Yuqi didn't trusted Yunjin, she was sure that you getting back together with her would result in you getting hurt again and she wanted to prevent that but she didn't wanted to control your life.
She had to respect every decision that you'll take and try to protect you without controling you.
She watched you as you struggled to carry all the stuff that Yena and Bora made you bring, with a small chuckle the older girl walked up to you and took some of the stuff before helping you carry them to the car "Thank you unnie" You gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and a smile before turning your attention to Yena who honked loudly to hurry both of you up, not noticing the way Yuqi's breath hitched when she felt your lips on her cheek and the way her hand touched the spot "Hurry up guys, I want to pick some food up before going to Bora unnie's house" Rolling her eyes Yuqi opened the door for you and got in after you.
"What do you guys want to eat?" Bora asked while taking out her phone to also look for some food options. After contemplating about it for a while and calming down Yena's and Yuri's little argument, all of you decided to just buy some tteokbokki on the way to Bora's apartment. For the whole ride you mostly listened to music, at some point you shared your headphones with Yuqi and listened to songs that she recommended.
At Bora's house you all sat down to eat some tteokbokki that you bought earlier. Just like Bora said earlier, Minji and Siyeon stopped by to see you, ate some food with you and after talking for a bit they left to meet up with Gahyeon at Handong's house. The night was going well and soon you all found yourselves relaxing in your own ways. Yena and Bora played Mario Kart with Yuri watching them. Eunbi was looking at her social media while sometimes looking up to see how they played while you layed down on the couch, head laying on Yuqi's lap while she played with your hair as you both talked about her last album promotions.
The time you spend with the girls was always peaceful, you could always just relax and forget about your group's schedules and responsibilities. You felt safe with them.
When Yuqi noticed that you weren't answering her anymore, she looked down to see you sleeping. A smile appeared on her face as she took her hoodie from next to her and covered you with it so you weren't cold. Soon your phone lighten up showing Chaewon name on it. Scoffing Yuqi rejected the call and put your phone on the table far from you both before looking back at you. With a smile she continued playing with your hair, closing her eyes and fully taking in the moment.
Moment that she probably won't be able to experience much.
Moment when she could pretend that you were hers.
Summary: Chaewon getting a lover was a shocking but happy news to everyone at Le Sserafim's dorm, until the news came out to the public and Yunjin found out that it was her ex-girlfriend, Kwon Y/N.
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steampunkforever · 2 months
Every now and then I play a game in my head called "How would you win 9/11?" Not in the Mark Wahlberg sort of way but from the perspective of "if I were not a neocon ghoul, how would I handle this and avoid/postpone the sandbox forever war?"
Hard mode: Bin Laden has to still escape the battle of Tora Bora alive.
Extreme mode: you still have to invade Iraq at the behest of Reagan Era advisors still mad about Iran 30 years ago.
Easy mode I would just play the PR machine hard with the launch of Enduring Freedom. Like Panama, I'd hit hard and all at once with a coordinated force. The American people would need blood quick, and looking like a strong president is imperative for your first term, especially after such a hit to the American Ego.
Definitely approving the Ranger battalion's deployment to Tora Bora is the best path here, but the key is to pull out just as fast as we went in once we get our guy. Keep it feeling fresh, like Panama or Desert Storm. Afghanistan frankly has very little advantages for any army (according to most imperialist conquests of the area) so leave the government to the people that live there. The important part is that Americans feel that NYC has been avenged.
Hard mode means you don't get Bin Laden til 2011 as per current day, and therefore need to do a bit more cleanup during enduring freedom. Frankly my methodology here isn't much different than the current US anti-terror doctrine of airstrikes and deploying elite squads for night raids.
When you're fighting an asymmetrical war, using small units and remote explosions to hit key points (putting the "terrorism" in "counterterrorism") and match guerrilla fighters both costs less and beats the bad publicity of shipping corpses not old enough to drink home in flag wrapped caskets.
A low-impact campaign (read: less of a full on occupation) like this with US logistical support (and the input of people who're actually experts in Afghan geopolitics) would hopefully allow the US to avoid the protracted war with the insurgency that lasted literally 20 years and ended with the Taliban stronger than ever. Give it a couple years, call it a success, and hunt down the big guy until you get him in 2011.
Extreme mode isn't ideal (We shouldn't have been in iraq) but putting Bremer in control was really the nail in the coffin. I would demote him to janitor and find someone who understood the situation instead. Why build a highway next to an existing road? The obvious way to rebuild a country you bombed into fine gravel is to take advantage of the infrastructure you left behind.
I personally would've avoided treating Ba'athism like we could just denazify iraq, and rather pull key leadership and left the rest relatively intact so as to better rebuild the country. Allowing the military to remain standing (and in fact work as a method of reconstruction) and set up a client state that could keep Iran on its toes, sort of like how Iraq was before Desert Storm. Which still wouldn't be ideal but at least we'd significantly lower the chances of outright spawning ISIS through American cultural and administrative incompetence. There are no good imperialist wars but there are ways to not completely bungle it too.
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