#<-affirmations to keep from panicking
I may have a lil residual trauma from when mercedes had histoplasmosis
Harleys sick (probably a cold) but she hadn't moved from the chair in my moms office all day and hadn't been drinking water and it was reminding me too much of when mercedes got really bad and I had to drip water in her mouth with a syringe every 10 minutes to keep her hydrated
So I spent 30 minutes crying in the shower about it
Anyway she got up while I was showering and moved over to my room and just got done gulping down water so its good now
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And she has come for her after shower snuggles
She still clearly isn't feeling too good but if she hadn't come for her snuggles I'd be way more worried
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stevieschrodinger · 9 months
Part One of Rock Star Eddie and Baker Steve wrong number AU
Link to Part Two
Eddie's got dubious history with picture messages. Only a very small group of people have his number, considering he's the front man of a multimillion best selling metal band, he doesn't ever want his number to be public knowledge.
So yeah, picture message from and unknown number? Dubious.
Eddie's had enough dick and...vag...pics in his time that he, honestly, doesn't really want another. But when the picture is followed by a message, "were you thinking something like this?"
Well, Eddie's a curious guy. So, committing himself to the idea that this might be new number time, again, he opens the message.
To be confronted with a cake. A really fucking cool cake actually, it's got a car dashing around a muddy track on top with a big '5' in the middle. All of it looks edible, made out of...cake stuff. Eddie has no idea what it is, but it looks delicious.
"One layer chocolate, one layer red velvet? I can do any combination of flavours you want."
Well. Eddie isn't anything but impulsive and he was trying to figure out what the fuck to do for the 'quiet' celebration they were planning for going platinum. Again.
"I think you have the wrong number'" Eddie types, "but I definitely want to order a cake from you."
"Oh my god I'm so sorry, unsolicited cake pics are the worst 😉"
And Eddie can't help it, he laughs, and types back, "if I told you I wanted three tiers of the darkest, spookiest, cherry chocolate what would you come up with?"
It takes a couple of minutes, but Eddie's phone pings twice in quick succession, the first picture is of a spooky orange cake clearly Halloween themed, covered in ghosts and skeletons and stuff. The second is jet black and has a coffin on top that looks like it's leaking green corrosive stuff and Eddie nearly throws his phone in excitement. "That! The second one!"
"🤣 that's an old pic, I was just starting out then, but everything is edible, the green slime is made out of jello"
"Where are you based and can you make it for the 15th? I'll get a courier to collect."
"Sure thing, how many portions? And I need a deposit up front. I'll do chocolate ganache and cherry filling."
"Errr...like, 150? Maybe?"
Eddie sits and watches as the dots appear and disappear, appear and disappear, and then there's a pic.
It's a selfie of the most beautiful man he's ever seen. And he's standing in a kitchen, holding a cake pan. Suddenly Eddie's phone is ringing in his hand and he is panicking because beautiful man is calling him. "Hello?"
"Hey, man, it's Steve, the cake guy?". Eddie assumes he makes an affirmative noise because Steve keeps talking, "anyway, that cake pan I'm holding is literally the largest one I own, even if I did three tiers, no way will it cater that many, I'm a small business, you know, it's just me. I can recommend you some companies I know would do a great job."
But then, Eddie will never get to talk to beautiful man ever again, "what if you made like, three cakes?". He asks desperately.
There's a long beat of silence on the phone, "I mean, in theory, I mean, it might cost you more than-"
"I'll pay it. I'll pay double, for, inconvenience, or whatever-"
And oh no, beautiful man has the most beautiful laugh too. Eddie's fucked. He's so fucked.
"I'll raise you, two cakes and fifty muffins?" Steve laughs again, and Eddie laughs right along with him.
Steve grabs his phone when it pings, hoping for Eddie. It is Eddie. It's a selfie from the neck down, like always, Steve still doesn't know what the guy looks like, but Eddie's wearing a deep red shirt that he's clearly just dumped a whole cup of coffee down, "hope your days going better than mine, sweetheart,"
Steve sends back a selfie with a lump of uncooperative modelling fondant in the background, "that depends, can you tell what this is supposed to be?"
Steve's pretty sure it's wierd to talk to a customer every day, but he's started to find he's looking forward to Eddie's messages. Even when they turn flirty. Especially when they turn flirty, maybe.
And maybe it's not exactly professional that Steve's found a lot of reasons to call Eddie. He just, needs to get this right, and if Eddie wants chocolate covered cherries on the cupcakes, well, Steve needs to call him and check, right? Right.
Steve heads out into the lounge with flour on his nose and a mixing bowl under his arm, Dustin, Lucas and Max are sprawled on the couch, El lying on the floor. He can hear Mike and Will fucking around outside. He spoons up some cherry mixture, "hey will you try-"
Well. Rude. Steve looks to the interview they're watching on the TV. It's some metal band Steve vaguely recognises, and when the lead guy speaks...Steve has to sit down. Because that sounds a lot like-
"So, Eddie," the show host guy starts, and Steve's knees would go weak of he wasn't already sitting down. He's certain his stomach has left the building. "Seeing anyone?"
Eddie laughs, says no, but the band mate next to him makes a show of nudging Eddie and sharing a look.
The host picks up on it immediately, "so there is someone," Eddie's still shaking his head, but he's got a shy smile on his face that makes Steve feel like he's melting. "Come on Eddie, give us something."
"It's not a thing," Eddie flaps his hands, "don't make it a thing."
"Oh it's a thing alright," the audience laugh, "come on, give us something!"
Eddie looks uncomfortable for a second before shrugging, "they, uhm, they make the most amazing cakes you've ever seen."
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Bitch i shifted😭!
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So i know i'm late to talk about this but i shifted to a random reality 2 days ago (on monday) and it was really unexpected cause i was affirming these days that "i'm a master shifter and i Always wake up in a random reality when i fall asleep", and for Real it was a parallel reality to this one but with some changes.
The crazy thing is that it felt so Real and i was feeling everything (my hair, my Body, the floor..ect).
So here's the thing, i went studying (it was a tutoring lesson by the way) and it was so normal and everything was you know okay, but the next Time the teacher didn't Come but instead it was that kid who was studying with me at the tutoring lesson (he's a russian by the way), so he started talking russian and i was so fucking confused and i told the other kids "hey are yall understanding what he saying?" And they said "no", so that russian Guy started telling us (in english) that he will tutor us (that weird my Guy 🙄) so we all sat down and i was faced with this blondie Guy so we were having a really fun conversation and he began telling me things about that russian Guy like "you know that Guy isn't an ordinary person but he's a really strong soldier in russia and he's just 18 years old, he's here for a reason and i think he's searching for a girl to marry" i was like speechless cause that Guy was soo fucking HOT! He had icy blue eyes and black hair and a really good body, okay so then my conversation with the blondie ended, then that russian Guy started keeping eyes on me (that was weird 🤨), he approached me and showed me something that was like i think a product i don't know how to describe it but there was a code to it so i was like "oh! I need to write this code to keep it with me" ( i was interested cause i study electricity engineer in high school) and that mf started Panicking! He threaten me not to write it or else he will do something and i told him "well you Can check all my stuff and notebook" he started checking and he found nothing, then he move behind me and leaned in and told me "if i ever see you write that code i will [something i don't remember]" and girl i felt the pain and the force from his hand on my shoulder and i was Like (damn that Guy sure is strong 😳), okay so then i got up and i went Somewhere else and i started writing the code on my arm but then i heard him walking UP to me so i quickly erased the code from my arm and i acted like nothing happened.
But i don't remember how i came back here but here's the interesting thing.
When i woke up here i quickly wrote the code on a piece of paper then after two days and today exactly i decided to search for that code on the internet and bitch look what I FOUND!:
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"product details - Industry Mall - siemens russia" bitch what! 😱.
So i clicked on it and it showed me this:
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YALL I'M SHOCKED! do yall think the russian Guy panicked because of this? Because he didn't want me to know?.
If you know anything about this or you have any theory or opinions just let me know 🙏🏻😭.
Quick note: the blondie and the russian Guy i don't really know them nor they exist in my current reality and i don't really know their name.
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floydira · 6 months
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₊˚﹒✶﹒trolls headcanons .ᐟ
brozone, creek & king trollex with a reader going through a breakdown, overthinking and panicking and how they deal with them.
note ; I somehow(?) accidentally deleted the person's ask for this. I don't remember exactly what they asked word for word. (I'm down on my knees apologizing to you rn, I'm so sorry anon 🙏) so hopefully based on my memory this is at least close to what you asked for. I also hope this headcanon is to your liking.
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John Dory
erm. well. let's just say when it comes to dealing with other people's emotions, he's not really the best guy to depend on...
BUT considering he spent years by himself (and rhonda) with no other socialization, plus leaving his brothers behind and coming back to them after awhile out of conscious but seeing them nowhere to be found, he definitely felt lonely and HAD his own breakdowns before.
so he'd understand how you're feeling, or at least try to understand.
when he first saw you breaking down, his first instinct was to ask you questions "why are you breaking down?" "did something happen?"
if he doesn't get a reply from you, he'll respect your boundaries and not ask any further questions. he'll just focus on comforting you in the present, awkwardly patting your back and giving you words of affirmation that he thinks would work. like those motivational phrases or quotes online, maybe even those ones that facebook moms use.
if you do give a reply, he'll sit down next to you and hear you out. sipping a drink and lending his ears for you to vent. he'll keep quiet (internally, he's restraining himself from outing his own opinions on whatever you vented to him about).
In summary, he's a listener. If you let him voice his own opinions, he'll tell you his thoughts and views. more often than not, if he does give advice, it's probably best you don't actually follow them. I feel like he's bad at giving advice...
at least, he's got the spirit!
this troll has a wife and kids. I'm sure he's knowledgeable in comforting someone when they are breaking down or overthinks a lot.
if you're overthinking, he'll support you and keep you company but he's also honest that helps you actually evaluate your overthinking thoughts and not stress too much about them.
once you come to him looking vulnerable, he'll immediately try to soothe you by rubbing your back gently. yk like those back rubs that puts babies to sleep? yeah, he'll do that.
while he rubs your back, he urges you to take a deep breath and let it all out. so you do. unknowingly you ranted and ranted, every little detail spoken word to word. he just has that affect on people.
lets you know that what you're going through is valid.
once you're all done, he'll give you advice to ease you or if you're not looking for advice, he'll just comfort you until you feel better.
he literally is in a sad book club, he'll have the knowledge about it and how to deal with it. except...he's slightly bad at executing it.
he'll snap you out of overthinking by yelling positive stuff to you, that are actually...effective???
if you rant to him, he'll listen to you attentively and pat your head afterwards. it's just something natural that he does, honestly head pats are soothing ok.
if you're okay with physical touch, he'll caress your face while giving you actually reassuring words. (LIKE. have you SEEN him literally pinching and squishing branch's face when he first met him after 20 years?!) of course, it's effective, combined with his already nice vibe (I feel like he naturally has a healing presence, he's just a sweet little boring cutie)
his method of comforting you naturally makes you feel better. he doesn't have to try hard because just watching his body language and mannerisms are dorky enough that it'll make you smile. he's unknowingly comforting in a silly dorky way. even with how badly he persists to be a very "serious" guy.
he'll definitely give you a big warm hug after everything.
he's literally called the sensitive one. out of the brothers, he's definitely the one who understands you the most.
I don't think I even need to explain, you already know how perfect he is with dealing with stuff like that. like the time he talked to veneer about how his sister treats him and how he shouldn't let her be like that to him.
his face is full of worry if he sees you in a vulnerable state.
he literally gives the best hugs, it's canon, I know it's canon.
this emo mf knows exactly the right words to get you out of your vulnerable state for a while (bc the phrases he gives to others are probably what he wants to hear given to him).
he'll be really patient with you and help you with every step along the way even if you're having a hard time changing your bad traits.
he's also attentive at listening, he'll caress your hands with his thumb with a reassuring smile.
he'll be really sweet at tackling your situation and never makes you feel overwhelmed.
will cry with you tbh.
he's kind of helping himself when he helps you, because he's similar in a way.
branch was quite the panicker himself during the times when bergens ate trolls.
so he'd also know how to help you deal with it because he understands you.
he had to figure it out himself and was mostly alone to deal with his own vulnerability so he's happy to help you.
he'll look calm, composed and collected externally but even he, himself is slightly panicking on the inside. afraid that he'll let you down or he won't be of much help. don't worry though, he has it all put together after a bit.
If you're panicking, he'll help you focus, calm down and ease your hyperventilation.
"concentrate on your breathing, okay?"
once you've calmed down, he'll provide you with reassuring words.
he'll keep you company and stay with you until you feel composed enough to talk about it with him. he'll lend you an ear.
afterwards, he pats you on the shoulder and gives you advice that worked on him before.
as bad as he is, he's literally the best when it comes to relaxation. he has that zen-like wisdom, so he'll calm you down and help you relax if you're panicking or overthinking too much.
just like floyd, he also knows exactly what to say to reassure or cheer someone up.
he'll give you a more positive outlook on whatever happened to you so that you don't overthink it.
tbh his voice itself is enough to calm you down.
he encourages different methods and ways(that he knows of) to you that could help.
King Trollex
this sweet goober offers you all his emotional support.
he feels upset, if you're upset. he's all frowny when he sees you vulnerable.
"can I give you a hug?" ofc he asks for consent.
will hug you tightly (he thinks hugs are a remedy for everything, besides music), quiet sobs are heard as his face is smooshed against your chest. just like bruce, he'll also rub your back soothingly while hugging you.
Intertwines both of your hands and encourages you to put your thoughts into words so that he knows what's going on that head of yours that's overthinking a lot of stuff.
keeps eye contact with you as you rant to him.
"you can get through this." he'll say with his cute smile.
the most he can provide is listening and comfort. he wishes he could help you more.
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hoshifighting · 5 months
helloooe can u write svt reaction when yn uses the safeword plsss? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Seungcheol – he's the type who would realize way before you said anything. when his hips fucked you a little too hard, he noticed a subtle shift in your demeanor. a fleeting expression of discomfort flickered across your face, and his empathetic instincts immediately kicked in. without hesitation, he paused, his gaze searching your eyes for any sign of distress, In that vulnerable moment, you looked back at him, your eyes silently pleading. when the safeword left your lips, he immediately stopped, to place you in his arms, "sorry baby, are you okay?... are you sure?"
Jeonghan – when you uttered the safeword, without hesitation, he withdrew his fingers from you, ceasing his movements, he stepped back, creating a safe distance from you to gather your thoughts. "take all the time you need," he whispered, his voice a soothing melody. "we can slow down or stop if you want."
Joshua – his heart, attuned to the emotional subtleties, responded to your alert with immediate understanding. he withdrew with a gentle grace, creating a safe space for you to express your needs. the connection between you two extended beyond the physical. looking into your eyes, he offered a reassuring smile, he radiates empathy and acceptance. "it's okay," he whispered, "we can take a step back. let me know what you need."
Junhui – you felt a subtle unease creeping in, and he noticed fast, his touch becoming more tender, until you managed to whisper the safeword, he'd caress your cheeks, "are you okay?" Jun inquired gently, his voice a soothing balm. "we can stop if you need to. your comfort is important."
Hoshi – his eyes would quickly turn from desire to worry, panicking "oh my god, oh my god baby, are you okay? w-what happened?" when you assured him, grateful for his spontaneity and understanding, you took a moment to collect your thoughts. probably finding him crying when you opened your eyes. hearing him sniffling sorry's in the crook of your neck.
Wonwoo – his eyes, analytical and perceptive, sought to decipher the discomfort in your eyes before you mutter the safe word, then he keeps you close, not going anywhere, so you know and feel that he's there with you. his face looking calm, but his eyes showing that he was really worried. "is everything okay? I'll wait until you feel better"
Woozi – he detected the shift immediately, his eyes widened, a rare display of genuine concern and surprise. in less than seconds, his was off you, his intense gaze scanning your form. "hey y/n, hey, hey, talk to me" and without waiting for a response, he gently shook your face, searching for reassurance in the nuances of your expression. with a nod, you affirmed your condition, and a subtle relief flickered in his eyes.
Minghao – however, as the Minghao's calm exterior processed the situation, a sense of desperation flickered in his eyes. your murmured safeword signaled a need for a pause, and he responded with immediate concern. the tranquil atmosphere shifted to one of quiet urgency as he blew air gently in your face, a plea for you to breathe. "hey, breathe," he murmured with a mixture of calm reassurance and subtle desperation. "take your time. I'm here."
Mingyu – you found yourself breathless, the weight of his embrace momentarily stifling. Mingyu lost in the moment, forgot the extent of his own size and strength. sensing your need for a pause, you mustered the safeword, and in an instant, his puppy-like eyes grew wide with concern. physically distancing himself from you, feared he might break you. his large frame seemed to shrink as he held back, his expressive eyes filled with tears. "i'm so sorry," he apologized, his voice carrying the weight of genuine concern. "are you okay? did i hurt you?"
Seokmin – definition of panic, when the word slipped your lips, you opened your eyes to find Seokmin now on the other side of the bedroom almost crying. realizing the impact of your words, you reached out with an outstretched hand, silently inviting him back into the bed. he, snapping out of his momentary panic, rushed to your side. his animated energy was momentarily replaced with a gentle presence as he sat beside you, his eyes searching yours for reassurance. "hey, are you okay?" he asked, he voice carrying a mix of worry and regret. "i didn't mean to... i just got carried away."
Seungkwan – he suddenly became caught in a loop of apologies, "i'm sorry baby, i'm sorry," he repeated, the urgency in his voice mirroring his internal panic. his steady demeanor gave way to a momentary loss of composure. Seungkwan didn't stop to take a breath, the weight of your well-being now his singular focus. you, sensing his growing panic, gently reached out to touch his arm, a small anchor in the storm of apologies. "it's okay," you reassured, your voice calm amidst his frantic apologies. "i just needed a pause."
Vernon – as you uttered the safeword, a subtle shift occurred, and though he tried to maintain an outward appearance of calm, the trembling of his hands betrayed an underlying concern. "i... i didn't expect... i'm sorry," he stammered "i want to help. what can i do?" you appreciated his genuine concern, and with a reassuring smile, you gently took his trembling hand. "it's okay. just being here is enough," you assured him.
Chan – this happened at the beginning of your relationship, you were still discovering what each other liked, you always talked a lot about sex, before even having it, agreeing to put a safeword. when the safeword escaped your lips in a moment of oversensitivity, he gently cradled you in his arms, repositioning you on his lap like a precious treasure. his touch was tender, his actions expressing a desire to cocoon you in a comforting embrace. leaning down, he pressed a sweet kiss on your forehead. "i've got you," he whispered, his voice a soothing melody. "are you okay? what do you need?" he thanked you for the previous conversations you had, so he could take care of you more calmly.
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maidragoste · 2 years
You Can Do It
Aegon II Targaryen x Reader (Daughter of Rhaenyra)
Summary: The twins are born. Aemond isn't by your side, but Aegon is.
Masterlist Serie
I still don't know when I'm going to finish writing chapter 5 but until then I'll leave you with this
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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"Aegon what are you doing here?" Alicent asked in surprise as the door to your chambers opens and her firstborn entered.
As soon as the king heard the news that your waters had already broken, he ran to your chambers. He didn't know why exactly but something inside him told him that he had to be by your side. And he was glad to listen to that small voice when he saw how the tension in your face softened at the sight of him.
"How are you feeling?" He asked walking up to you.
"I had better days, your grace" you replied with a small smile. It won't matter that you were sweaty and your belly was giant. to Aegon, you still looked beautiful.
You stopped your walk and leaned against the wall. The maester had told you to walk around the room until it was time for your baby to come out.
"My king, the birthing bed is no place for men," the maester said earning a glare from Aegon.
"I am the king and I can be where I please" he replied scathingly "Besides, I came to support my niece in the name of my brother"
Your eyes blinked away the tears that were forming at the mention of Aemond. You had the stupid hope that your husband would return for the birth of his child.
"Aegon, this could go on for hours," Alicent said trying to convince him to leave "I'm sure you have more important things to do"
"I'm sure the council can handle it for a couple of hours" the king affirmed "It doesn't matter, I'll stay by your side until you finish" he promised looking into your eyes.
"Thank you" you whispered thinking for a brief moment to hug him but you didn't.
And neither Alicent nor the maester said they bothered to try again to get the king to leave, not wanting to face his wrath. They were also sure that sooner or later Aegon would leave. Both of them were surprised when he took your hand and started walking with you around the room for over an hour.
Alicent was telling you stories from when your uncles were babies in an attempt to distract you from the pain when at one point you get a contraction so strong it almost makes you fall on the floor, if it wasn't for Aegon catching you. They both helped you get into bed as comfortably as possible. Aegon didn't take his eyes off your face as the maester lifted your nightgown to see if you could start thrusting yet.
"You can push now, princess" the old man announced.
You began to push, crying out in pain as you clung to both Aegon's hand and Alicent's. She looked at her son expecting him at any moment to get up and leave the room. But he never did, he stayed by your side without letting go of your hand, from time to time making a little grimace because of the strength with which you were holding him but he never complained. She noted how Aegon's lavender eyes conveyed pure concern and pain. He looked like he was suffering from seeing you suffer.
"Princess, you must keep pushing," the maester asked when you stopped.
"I can't," you said tiredly "I can't do it" you repeated ignoring the midwives' words of encouragement.
"Y/n, I swear that all this pain will be worth it when you have your baby in your arms," Alicent said brushing the hair from your face.
"No, I can't do it" you repeated shaking your head "They're going to have to cut me open to get the baby out" you panicked and started crying. You were scared, you wanted your mother by your side, you wanted her to tell you that everything would be okay. You didn't want to die yet, you wanted to see your mother and siblings again, you wanted to be there when Aemond came back and met your baby. But right now you didn't think you were capable of giving birth.
Aegon felt his heart break to see you in this state. You looked so hopeless. He couldn't bear to see you like this.
"Hey, hey, look at me, look at me" with his free hand he took your chin making you look at him "No one is going to open you" he promised, giving your hand a light squeeze, it was the only way he could show his support "I know you can do it. Do you hear me? You can do it. You're not alone" he could feel her mother's gaze but he didn't care, the only thing that mattered now was you "You have dragon blood in your veins. You are strong. You will beat the delivery bed "Your breathing calmed down and slowly the tears stopped flowing "Now I want you to push, you can lean on me, smash my hand and scream all you want but I need you to push" he smiled when you nodded.
Alicent couldn't help but be surprised and angry. A part of her was surprised by the softness in her firstborn's voice when speaking to you, she was grateful that he can comfort you but another part was furious with her son for being here, by your side when he was not together with Helaena when Jaehaerys and Jaehaera were born. Aegon was not there to calm his sister's fears.
Then you started to push again, you were sure that your screams should be heard throughout the castle but it didn't matter, today you would give birth. Aegon was right, you have the blood of the dragon and you weren't going to let the birthing bed kill you. You were going to live, you were going to see your baby grow, you'd be on your feet when Aemond got back and you'd introduce him to his child, and the both of you raise him together.
"I can already see the child's head, princess. Keep pushing" asked the maester and you did it. You had to make one last effort and you could already have your baby in your arms.
You kept pushing until you finally heard a cry from the baby. You were so relieved to hear that you let yourself lean against Aegon. He started stroking your back. You closed your eyes for a moment enjoying the sense of security and peace you felt. You smiled when you heard that he was a boy. You were about to ask for it so you could see it when you felt pain again making you groan, earning worried looks from your mother-in-law and brother-in-law.
"Princess, there is still another child" announced the maester surprised.
"Damn it Aemond. When I get back I won't let him touch me again" you said making the king laugh.
"Okay, princess, let's get this over with," Aegon said smiling and you couldn't help but smile back. You should hate him for stealing your mother's throne, but how could you hate him after he was by your side on the birthing bed? It was not his obligation, he was not your husband but he was still here, by your side, supporting you.
A couple more pushes and it didn't take long for another cry to be heard, this one much louder.
"Another boy, princess. Congratulations"
"Thank you all for being with me"
A few minutes later the midwives finished cleaning the children. They gave you one of your babies, Alicent was ready to take the other but the midwife gave it to the king.
Aegon didn't expect it but he took the baby without problems, it's not like it was the first time he had a child in his arms he was a father. He felt a lump begin to form in his throat as he remembered when he first lifted Jaehaerys. He decided to put those thoughts aside so as not to overshadow the happiness of the birth of your children.
"My little Aemon," you said looking tenderly at your son in your arms. You felt your heart full of love. Alicent was right. All the pain was worth seeing how she looked at you "I'm your mom" you smiled and left a kiss on her forehead. You still didn't want to let go but you could see your mother-in-law eager to pick up one of her grandchildren "Meet your grandmother" you gave her the baby.
Alicent was relieved to see that her grandson had Aemond's nose and violet eyes, which were darker than the king's. For a moment she had feared that Aegon's attitude was because they were actually his children.
"And what are you going to call this little guy?" Aegon asked as he rocked the baby. He already loved him, simply for being a part of you.
"Baelon" you replied with a smile feeling warmth seeing how he looked at your son "Now, I didn't want to interrupt your moment with your nephew but I would like to meet my son"
"I'm sorry" the king apologized with red cheeks before passing the boy to you.
"It's okay" you smiled at him before turning your full attention to your baby.
Alicent looked at the three of them and felt nauseated. You looked so happy as you spoke to Baelon and Aegon looked at you with such love, he had never seen that look in his eyes, the three of you quietly seemed like family. She felt sick when she realized her mistake when she denied the commitment between Helaena and Jacaerys and yours with Aegon. She remembered her firstborn complaining that he didn't want to marry his sister but you, that he loved you. She had thought it was a whim but now she could see it. Because only a man who truly loved you could look so happy while you carry another man's child. Any other man would be spiteful and jealous. But Aegon didn't, he loved you so much that he just wanted to see you well.
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hwanchaesong · 20 days
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┗🖋️ Mayhem, mayhem follows silence / Walks unto the middle a prince / Bringing luck out of fountains / In a vow of shielding the villains 📖
🎧: Taylor Swift - Guilty As Sin?
wc: 1.6k
genre & warnings: angst, sprinkle of fluff, smut, toxic & drunk psh, figure skater!psh, implied situationship, unprotected sex, fingering, cunnilingus, etc etc mdni
a/n: this is a part of The Tortured Poets Department series. if y'all want, you can read the other album inspired fics of other groups here.
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"What the fuck are you doing here?" you squint your eyes at the man in front of your door, basically disturbing your peace in the middle of the night.
"I missed you." he garbles, impaired speech due to the alcohol running in his system yet you clearly understood the three words that you have always wanted to hear from him, and you hate how much it affected you.
"Really? Sunghoon, after all the shit you gave me? That's all you have to say?" you scoffed, finding this situation ridiculous.
"But I do!" he yells, "I fucking missed you, Y/N! It's not the same without you!" his loud voice resonated throughout the area and you panicked, scared that the neighbors will sue you for his stupid noises when everybody is asleep.
"You sh- come here!" you dragged him inside your apartment, letting him stumble on the floor.
"Y/N, bab-"
"Stop calling me that!"
Anger pulses in you. How dare he storm in after all the crap he pulled on you?
He really had the audacity to show himself to you even when you made it transparent enough for him to read that you're done. You are so fucking done of dealing with him.
You love him, so so much, but he has done nothing but give you the worst delusions and fantasies that prove to be dangerous for your sanity. It kills you, shooting bullets in your brain and slicing your heart into pieces.
You've imagined yourself with a man who will treat you like a princess, not like you’re some kind of side chick.
You were diving too deep into your madness that you failed to keep an eye on Sunghoon's movements. Being a figure skater has its pros, one of them is that his sense of balance is still great even if his surroundings are swirling around, and that allows him to lurch into your direction with ease.
The bricks that you were using to build your walls seem to be fake, as it easily crumbled when his lips were placed on yours. A sudden, soft lipl ock that had your knees buckling.
It was a contrast to how he kissed you before. Full of lust and desire but now, why is it that his kiss feels like a warm blanket of love?
His hands tread on your hair, pushing it out of your face, his palms landing on your cheeks to gently caress it. His whispers of affirmation and assurance against your lips made your mind hazy.
Is it possible for alcohol intoxication to be passed down to another person by breathing into their mouths? Or is there any other explanation as to why you're suddenly hot, out of breath and your ability to think straight was crumpled.
"Y/N." Sunghoon cries your name out, and it's worrisome that he remembers the way into your own apartment even in his drunken stupor, guiding you into your bedroom.
"I really did miss you, lemme show you how much, hm?" he smiled and you gulped, don't you have any other way of halting these erroneous actions that will lead to remorse sooner or later?
Sunghoon kisses you again and your resolution tumbles down on the ground like how your body surrendered to his, ungracefully falling onto your bed.
You panted his name when he proceeded to kiss down your neck, lightly nibbling on the stretchy skin and trailing splotches of hickeys that you'll have trouble hiding for the next few days.
His hands went over to your clothed breast, feeling your nipples harden under his touch, his fingers tweaked on it. Thumb rolling over your nipple whilst he continues peppering your neck with kisses and bites.
When he has enough, he pulls your shirt up, revealing your bare chest to him. He moistened his lips, clearly enjoying the view.
"You're fucking gorgeous." he murmurs before delving into your tits, burying his face onto it and doing the honor of leaving his marks. He then popped a sensitive nub on his mouth, guzzling on it. His tongue circled around your areola, sucking on your nipple and tugging it using his teeth.
You moaned his name wantonly and that spurred him to do more, to move faster, to fuck you until you're begging and writhing for him.
He hastily removed your shorts along with your underwear, tossing it haphazardly and his mouth waters at your glistening pussy.
It has been a while since he tasted you, but he bets on all his assets that you still and will always taste divine.
Snaking his body down and dipping a finger in your wetness once he comes face to face with your womanhood.
You squirmed at the intrusion, more so when he added another digit in. He seems to be playing with it. Feeling his fingers lather juices around your labia, then inserting it inside your hole, aimlessly pushing in and out and curling them out of the blue.
He saw your legs twitch, and he smirked devilishly when he removed his fingers, denying you of orgasm.
Your eyes went wide open, lifting your head up and glaring at him, only to be greeted with a sensual visual of him licking his fingers clean. A low satisfied hum coming out of him.
"Baby, you look mad." he sighs, and you roll your eyes at his feigned innocence.
"Sunghoon," you whined, your hand flying to his shoulders when he positioned himself on top of you after ridding his clothes, freeing himself from his own restraints, "do something. Please, Sunghoon."
How he loves the way his name comes out of your lovely mouth, melodious and relaxing. It soothes all his worries away and for a minute, he thinks that he's invincible from the problems that the world throws at him.
You always had that effect on him, and maybe that's the reason why Sunghoon can't seem to stay away from you. Maybe that is why he wants you all to himself, even if it's an opposition to reality.
"What do you want me to do, princess?" he purrs, rubbing his nose against yours while his lips are barely touching yours, allowing his breath to fan your face.
You whine out of contempt, but he won't budge. He needs to physically hear you say it. Beg for it more.
"C'mon, baby. Tell me." he urges, his cock sliding up and down your slit, covering it with your slick and it had you squirming.
Whenever his length comes up, it also makes you jolt, your clit being simulated by his actions. Although, it doesn't really help. It only adds to the burning desire for the man. Giving you a taste of what you can have but not fully feeding you of the dish that you need to eat.
"I w-want you to f-" your cheeks heat up, coloring you a shade of pink, and he finds you impossibly adorable.
You've done this with him a million times (an exaggeration), but the way you get shy under him never fails to turn him on even more.
"I'm listening." he mutters, the tip of his cock prodding at your entrance, his hands digging into the plush meat of your thighs.
You take a deep breath, swallowing the embarrassment, "I want you to fuck me. Please, Hoonie. Please do something I- Ah!"
You wailed when he entered you without any warning in one go, the intrusion surprising you as it had been a while since you had sex with someone. The last time was when, well, with Sunghoon.
"You know how to get to me, do you?" Sunghoon grits his teeth, the nickname that you accidentally slipped out made him go feral, snapping his hips into yours without letting you adjust first.
He's harsh, mean, and relentless— and you won't have it any other way.
You moan, hands making their way into his hair, treading through his jet black tresses and wiping the sweat from his forehead. A display of affection that did nothing but to make his heart race.
Vaguely, you felt his fingers draw lines on your upper thigh. Shapes? Letters? You couldn't catch up on what he was doing, especially when he kissed you hard while simultaneously hitting your deepest spot inside your leaking walls.
He mumbles against your bruised lips, "We have all night, baby. I'm not stopping until I'm satisfied."
It was rough, the way he manhandled you into different positions on your mattress. Merciless, when he cums into you before slamming back in, pushing his seed into your womb.
Your vision became pitch black during your session, and you can't help but wonder about the morning that is about to come.
A stray light passes through the curtains, seeping through your closed eyes and it stirred you awake.
Then you shoot up, remembering the events last night.
Sunghoon meeting with you, kissing your top lips rather messily, confessing the word that starts with 'M' and ends with an 'E'.
You peeked under your blanket. Completely clothed, you're clean, not sticky, yet the musky, alcoholic scent in your sheets tells you otherwise.
You shut your eyes tightly, salty tears threatening to fall as they form in the corner of your lids. Hands on your smooth hair, gripping it to the point where your scalp started to sting.
Are you imagining things? Have you finally gone insane?
You stand up from your bed, making your way into the mirror and there you see the love marks that he left.
That's a relief, you're not exactly crazy.
The labyrinth that you're solving is nowhere near close to finishing, and here you are, going back to zero.
Washing yourself in warm water, the remnants of last night flowing down the drain, it made you contemplate.
If he continues to torment you like this, how much would you last before the beauty of his terror finally makes you crack a dam?
Only one answer to that damned question.
Remain constant in choosing the false god that you worship until the heavens give you a sign that you’re guilty as sin whenever it comes to him.
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@shakalakaboomboo @ramenoil @slutforjeno @pshcomforts
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thehistoriccemetery · 4 months
Hi!!! Absolutely love your writing :)
Idk if you’re taking requests but if you are:
Been having a tough time lately, would it be possible to have the female companions (plus Aylin+Isobel) comforting Tav/Reader during a panic attack?
Thank youuuuuu sending you all the love and good vibes
BG3 Ladies Soothe a Panic Attack
I was honestly unsure I’d ever able to do this prompt justice, especially given how differently every person’s needs are in such a situation. But I felt inspired to give it a shot anyway! I hope it’s alright!
I also send good vibes and well wishes to all my fellow panic attack having soldiers.
In the spirit of trying to keep it vague, this one is pretty short. But without further ado, here’s Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Karlach, Minthara, Jaheira, and Isobel and Aylin!
Shadowheart knows all the clerical tips and tricks that are gonna get you through this you through this.
As soon as you’re in full blown panic she’s got an ice spell at her fingertips, placing her cold hands on your face especially around the eyes.
She kneels down next to you. “Alright love, I need you to breathe with me,” she commands, modeling the most effective breathing techniques.
She’s very soft, nearly whispering so you have to really focus on her in order to understand what she is saying.
She’s very liberal with her praise, telling you how good you’re doing with every breath you’re able to match.
When the panic subsides, she instructs you to rest. She’ll lay with you if you’d like, but you need to rest for at least a few minutes before proceeding with life as usual.
She brings you food and water, taking the opportunity to make sure you’re taking care of yourself in general. You have to eat and drink at least a little bit before she’ll let you go.
She also wants to have a little chat about the root of the issue. What are some of your triggers? What are some things that help you specifically?
Next time, she’s gonna be prepared.
Lae’zel is not the gentle type when it comes to these sorts of things, though it’s not something she’s entirely unfamiliar with.
When she sees the panic set in, she’s the first to pull you up to your feet and have you do jumping jacks or something.
While any observers might think she’s being heartless or unemphatic, the adrenaline actually works pretty well to pull you out of the panic fast.
She doesn’t make you feel embarrassed about it at all. She simply squeezes your arms and nods in understanding. It happens to the best of us.
Lae’zel is, shockingly, largely unfazed. You get the sense that she dealt with this before. Perhaps she even dealt with panic attacks herself in her youth.
She thinks it’s best to resume normal activities immediately, though she’ll secretly be keeping a special eye on you the rest of the day.
In seeing your unbridled panic, Karlach starts to get a little panicked herself.
She just doesn’t really have any experience with this sort of thing and is completely unsure of what to do.
Her first instinct is to hold you, but if you put up any sort of resistance at all she backs off immediately.
Whether you are in her arms or simply next to her, she whispering words of affirmation. But she’s unable to come up with much more than “it’s okay, soldier. It’s gonna be okay. You’ve got this.”
When you’re no longer gripped by panic, she’s still not entirely sure what to do. She’ll take your lead completely. Though she’s not entirely convinced that a simple “back to business” is the best course of action.
She’ll probably want to cuddle or at least hold your hand for a while just to make sure you’re truly alright. If she’s being honest, the ordeal gave her quite a scare. But she absolutely will not make this about her right now.
She’s going to be checking in on you pretty consistently over the next couple days. She may even get some pointers from Shadowheart on what to do if it ever happens again.
Minthara’s first priority is privacy and protection. Anyone who isn’t her isn’t allowed to come anywhere close to you. Not when you’re this vulnerable.
After everyone is gone and out of earshot, she asks “Would you like to be held?” She speaks with the same tone and cadence she’s always using. Nothing about her softens.
If you say yes, she’ll silently pull you into her arms, allowing you to sob and heave into her chest until you recover.
Pretty much anything you need is fair game. She will not stop you from clutching at her clothes or skin, even if you accidentally hurt her.
If you say no, she’ll simply sit next to you in silence, occupying herself with a silent menial task. She will allow you some space, but she will not leave you entirely alone.
Either way, anyone who values their life will stay away from you; she’ll make sure of it.
You expect her to lecture you about such a blatant display of weakness, but she doesn’t. And anyone who would dare even mention it will receive a glare that makes them think better of it.
Jaheira’s first tactic is similar to that of Lae’zel. She tries to get you moving until the endorphins help you overcome your panic.
It’s honestly frustrating how effective it is. The height of your panic subsides quicker than it ever has before.
She is, however, quite a bit gentler afterwards. She has questions. Is this a frequent occurrence? What triggers your panic? How can we avoid it in future?
When you express to her your concern about your anxiety making you a weak link, she is quick to shut down any doubt that you are less valuable for this.
She’s raised enough children to know it takes all sorts of strengths and weaknesses to round out a team. Even those on the softer side have their purpose.
She eventually convinces to start taking more days off, especially when the task at hand has a high likelihood to push you beyond your limits.
Isobel and Dame Aylin
Dame Aylin pulls you into her arms. Even if you struggle against it at first, she just holds you tightly against her chest and gently shushes your sobs.
Meanwhile, Isobel handles the situation very similarly to Shadowheart, bringing her clerical knowledge in to support you.
She strokes your face with cooled hands, not minding the way tears pour relentlessly down her hands. All while a strong Aylin gently kisses the crown of your head.
Aylin shields you from the world with her wings, only allowing Isobel close. Anyone else will receive a gentle yet firm “Begone.”
When it’s over, Isobel tells you to rest. She’ll probably insist prefer you came back to/stayed at camp with her for the rest of the day.
As loathe as you are to miss out on a day on adventuring, Isobel’s company makes for the best afternoon anyone could ask for.
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whispereons · 7 months
Oracle!Reader 1k Special
Masterlist - Part 1 of Main Series
Warning! This is imposter SAGAU yandere Genshin so expect blood and gore in this chapter.
Sunlight streams down as the birds caw and the faint smell of dew bothers your nose. Keeping your eyes closed you try to ignore it as you curl deeper into your spot. The blades of grass- 
Your eyes snap open as you sit up frantically. Towering trees and scattered rocks greet your panicked eyes as you stand up quickly. How the hell did you get here?!
A headache begins to form as memories of the night before come to mind. You vaguely recall exiting Genshin Impact after healing at the Anemo Statue of the Seven and walking in Wolvedom. The title screen came up before the doors of Celestia opened and… 
That’s it, nothing else could be recalled beyond that.
Looking around you take a step back for a wider view of the area when something is felt below you. Removing your foot and bending down you pick up the slightly trampled bag and examine it.
Nothing seemed wrong with it so there wasn’t any harm in taking it right? It was basically spotless if you ignore the dirty footprint so maybe it came with you? God you had no fucking clue.
With a sigh you sling it on and examine your surroundings a little closer. Something large and blue caught your eyes and you move a little closer to be sure of what you see.
Your breath catches in your throat at the sight of the familiar structure, something you were sure wouldn’t exist on Earth. Emitting a soft blue and hovering in the air was a teleport waypoint. 
This must be a dream, a lucid one considering how aware you are. To dream about Genshin out of all the media you’ve consumed is amazing luck. It doesn’t take much thought for you to remember where in Mondstadt this waypoint is.
Lush green grass with sparse shrubs and fallen trees farther away reminds you of the west side. There’s a faint cry of hilichurls even farther to your right is only a little bit worrisome.
There was the weapon domain near there that you recall being the biggest bullshit in history. At least until Dendro was officially released. But either way it basically confirmed that you were near Wolvendom.
And that was pretty close to Dawn Winery where you could travel the short easy path to Mondstadt City. Traveling across Wolvendom would be no problem since it was just a dream.
Turning your heel, you began your trek to the Anemo statue. 
Was there a chance that you could run into a wolf? Yeah but as long as you don't get close to Andrius, wasn't that a weird thought, you should be fine.
The lack of pain in your bruised foot and perfectly intact knuckles didn't even cross your mind. The idea of exploring this dream while you could filled your mind like a pleasant haze.
Finches hopped on ledges before flying off as you climbed up. It's not that high due to Mondstadt's easy terrain, it would be much harder if you dreamt of Liyue. Sumeru would have been your personal hell. But it's easy enough to hop down to the darker area of woods. 
Trunks lay on the ground with deep scratch marks clear. The high stone slopes that you dared not climb had similar marks to a larger degree. 
That was the telltale sign of Andrius lair being nearby. With a cautious glance to the right where the claw marks led, you continued going straight. A beckoning blue beam shined in that direction affirming your choice. 
Bushes decorated your path with berries, a rich purple color that caught your eye. Halting for a moment you crouch before it and reach out.
A rubbery small berry was rolled between your fingers as you carefully avoided the spikes. The Wolfhook berry that you farmed often in this area was a small joy you had at seeing it in your eyes. 
Without much thought you began to pick multiple Wolfhooks from the bush and drop them into your bag. You stood back up after picking the bush clean and continued walking.
Since going straight to the Archon statue didn't have a path you had to climb through the bushes. Leaves batted your face and you were sure a few were stuck in your hair too.
Not to mention the grass and dirt stains you had gained throughout the hike. Even still, you couldn't stop the beaming smile on your face. 
Reality was good and all but you would welcome any form of escapism that you could. To dream of Genshin and becoming a ‘protagonist’ of sorts is the most common form of it.
Well you weren't hoping to defeat dragons, fight hordes of enemies or be the nonverbal emotional support hero for every nation to lug their problems on. That would be no better than reality.
In the midst of your thoughts you mindlessly popped the first Wolfhook berry you picked into your mouth. 
Thinking back to the Archon quests you aren't the type of person to just accept bullshit easily. Like the way Ayaka just plainly guilt tripped and played on the travelers sense of justice was just- sweet?
The taste of sweet fruitiness is followed by a bitter aftertaste. In confusion you stop chewing and lick your lips. Hesitantly you swallow the berry and the sensation of something very real sliding down your throat has you taking a sharp breath.
It's real. Everything was real. The leftover bitter juice of the berry clinging to your teeth. Rough bark of the tree that you're leaning on in a whirlwind of emotions. 
Even the wolves glaring at you just a couple of feet away are real!
Tensing up at the sight of those predators you subtly pat your body. Other than the bag you had no means of defense. Running wasn't an option either, that would simply goad them into chasing you.
Taking a deep breath you keep your body on high alert and eyes on the pack. Visibly there are six but who knows how many are hiding in the shadows?
It would be best to assess how hostile the wolves in front of you are before worrying about any unconfirmed danger. With that thought in mind you stare at the largest wolf that hasn't let its eyes stray from you.
No barring of teeth or pulled back ears. Good starting signs but those could change instantly. It didn't seem happy with your intrusion judging by its restless behavior and thumping of its tail.
The smaller wolves, probably females, didn't seem on guard either. That was the best sign as it meant no pups were around. You would be totally dead if that were the case.
With the chance of being mauled to death lower than you initially thought, you began to take small steps backwards. Whether you were heading in the direction of the Anemo statue or not didn't matter that much anymore.
It's ear twitched at your movements but it made no move to get up. Feeling the slightest bit relieved at that, you shuffle backwards a bit faster.
“Ugh! I fucking hate Mondstadt! Stupid useless hills and these god awful pollen make me sick!”
Freezing at the female voice and the wolf standing up in alert, you cringe at the sight of a purple figure stumbling out of the bushes. 
Right between you and the wolf. Maybe you should be happy that if it attacks it'll kill this idiot first.
Before you can bolt away and leave this, probably capable, woman to deal with the mess she stands up sighing in annoyance. 
Dusty green hair, a dark mask, and a recognizable bat-like hood made this situation 10x worse. A Cicin Mage just had to intercept the moment you tried to get away.
…Maybe if you run fast enough the wolves and the Cicin Mage could just keep each other busy.
“Oh, oh my Celestia! This-This isn't a dream right?!” The moment she faces you, she falls to her knees. Hands clasp she looks up at you, the mask she wears can't obscure the smile.
“The fuck?” The words slip out of automatically from the sheer bizarreness of the situation. She doesn't even seem to realize the pack of wolves behind her.
“Almighty Creator, I beg of you to forgive me for my insolent words just now. The foul words I spouted should never have irritated your ears.”
Did she literally not hear you curse just moments ago? Actually fuck that, what's more important is how she referred to you.
“Why are you calling me ‘Almighty Creator’ and would you get off the floor?” There's a pause as her smile falters before she stands up.
Was it cool to have an annoying early game enemy kneeling at your feet? Yeah. 
Did you want any passerby to misunderstand the situation as you being a Harbinger? Hell no.
“As you wish, your grace. But allow me to ask, is this some sort of test? A testimony to my faith in you?”
Clearly you had two options. Either lie and act the part of the Creator. Or deny it and risk the chance of her attacking you.
Things were still too vague for you to make a decision. Time to stall for time and information.
“I'm not here to answer your questions. Whatever I plan to do is up to me alone. So either answer my questions or scram.”
She's quiet and you want to curse the mask she wears. But you still catch the way her lips twitch downwards before she's smiling wide and bright.
“How silly of you, your grace. Playing dumb and tricking me like this is quite cruel. Don't worry I have something to match your type of jokes.”
Warning bells go off in your head as she takes steps closer towards you. Maybe it was the near mocking tone she used, or the belittling words but the malicious smile she wore was the most off-putting.
You needed to leave.
Taking a step back, your heel turns to sprint away but it was futile. Delusions wielding wild unpredictable elements would always overpower the weak and limited bodies of mortal capacity.
Her lamp glows in time with her teleport to your front. Her gloved one's grasp yours as a Cicin is summoned to her hand. 
Trying to yank your hands away only earns a painful jolt of electricity to flow through your hands. Gritting your teeth you resist any shameful urges to show your pain. Using this moment she basically slaps the Cicin into your hands.
Predictably the electro infused bat creature bites your palm forcing you to wretch your body away from the mage.
Holding your now bleeding palm, you bite your lip and cover the wound with your other hand. “Why the fuck did you do that?! I know Cicin Mages aren't the sanest people but for the love of-” Bright scarlett drops roll from your palm and splat onto the grass. 
The air seems to shift as her fingers twitch in place. As if hypnotized by your blood she continues to stare at it staining the grass. “Fuck this…” With that last mumble you turn around more than ready to ditch this situation when electro crackles behind you.
Any lingering hesitance was immediately killed and you bolted away from the area. Maniacal laughter follows you as the electro in the air surrounds you like a fog. She was right on your heel, you could sense it.
“Did you think you were slick? Pretending to be our god when you are nothing more than a human? Not even one with elemental powers, what a pitiful existence~”
She teleports in front of you with a lantern in hand that glows as Cicins are summoned to surround her. It’s more than enough time for your fist to connect with her face. Even if your raw strength wasn’t enough, the momentum you had from running gave you whatever strength was needed.
“Fuck off!” The yell is accompanied by her cry of pain as something inevitably gives away under your fist. She staggers backwards and glares at you angrily with tears escaping her mask.
“You rotten imposter! How could anyone, let alone I of all people believe you to be the Creator?!” The Cicins leave her side to chase after you as she twirls in place. 
Wolvedom’s environment of hulking trunks, shady areas and raised tree roots were cool in-game but in real life it was nothing more than a pain in the ass. The city is where you felt the most comfortable traversing but you did relatively well in dodging most of the terrain.
Didn’t stop the slight jolts of electro hitting you as the electro cicins were hot on your heels. All you could focus on was the steadily closer beam of blue of the Anemo statue. You would be near Dawn Winery where Diluc, who loathed the Fatui, could deal with this damn Cicin Mage.
But let’s be real, you should have known your luck would run out.
And that’s exactly what happened when you failed to vault over a tree root in time. Curling and rolling on the landing you avoided any severe injuries but the Cicins were too close to not take advantage of the opportunity.
Some continued to shoot electro at you from afar while most took to biting and tearing at your body. Limbs against the agile small bats were useless to swat them away with. It only got you more bites to suffer from.
Humming is heard getting clearer and it only serves to panic your already frazzled mind. With limbs becoming tingly and numb from the electricity, your hands grope the grass around you for something, anything-
Cool metal is felt and your fingers wrap around what you can and swing in a large arc. The long metal weapon works just as intended and flings a good chunk of them away. When your arc ends you can see a few bats stuck on the spikey end of the metal club that twitch and bleed. As if on cue, all the Cicins cower before fleeing.
The Cicin Mage skips over with her lantern glowing and crackling, her lips are pulled into a scowl as she yells at the retreating Cicins. “Get back here! The mist grass hasn’t been completely used up yet! How are you all already leaving?!”
Panting, you try to see past the blood in your vision to gauge how close she is to you. Quickly you use your arm to rub the blood off your face and by the time you pull it off, the mage is already beginning to float.
“You REALLY know how to work me up!” Crazed laughter erupts from her as the lantern glows one last time before shattering in her hands. It’s the catalyst for the electro shield to surround her and a strange symbol above her to begin shooting electricity.
Try as you may, your twitching muscles are slow from the Cicins attacks leaving you slow to get off the ground. She’s just about in reach, you can basically see your death about to play out.
In a flash a gray blur pounces on the Cicin Mage, it’s not hard to make out the pointed ears and furry coat. More wolves emerge from the shadows and follow the first wolf’s lead in attacking. The lightning manages to hit quite a few but with the multiple targets present, it switches too fast for any consistent damage.
“What the-?!” The mage yells in a mix of frustration and confusion. She can only try to float away from the horde in the shield. But the shield flickers and you can see the way her body trembles as the wolves surround her, awaiting for that flimsy shield to break.
And when it does, the bloodbath is horrific.
You’ve seen many people die, usually in painful ways. Thanks to your upbringing and line of work of course. But most of it was done with knives and guns, maybe the occasional poison if stealth was necessary. The sight of sharp teeth digging into screaming flesh was a new experience.
Blood stains the maws of the wolves and flies off to splat on your face. It’s still warm and the feeling of it sticking to your skin is nauseating. Her clothes are ripped as well as her limbs. It’s hard not to gag when you realize that they’re eating her.
The smell of iron gets stronger when all the wolves turn to you. Teeth bared showing strings of flesh clinging to their teeth. You can just barely make out shredded green hair, a half eaten arm and soulless eyes seeping out her mangled head.
Shakily you try and stand up, it’s not the best decision with all the pack staring at you but you could care less about that. Between the realization that everything is real, that you aren’t on Earth, and how you seem to resemble the ‘Creator’.
Nothing seems to make sense and you can only focus on escaping.
A teal symbol appears below the pack of wolves before wind shoots up, throwing the wolves into the air. You stare at the familiar symbol and the relief you feel is immense. 
The wolves hit the ground with a whimper before running away. The symbol fades as a figure floats down from far above you. 
Venti, the Anemo Archon disguised as his deceased friend, holds the Skyward Harp bow you equipped on him as he floats to the ground in front of you. Cream and teal green colors make up his signature bard outfit as he smiles at you.
Soft nearly girlish features look down at your bloodstained figure as mirth swirls in his teal eyes. With no danger present, the thrum of your heart slows down letting you smile crookedly at him.
“Thank you for the save. I was really about to die there…” Your words trail off at the Anemo infused arrow pointed at your face. 
“It’s my pleasure imposter.”
This has to be some sick joke. Once is an incident, twice is a coincidence but did you really want to deny it and risk the third being a pattern? Gulping you stare at Venti’s face, the smile he wears is now lined with something… sinister.
“What do you mean by imposter? I haven’t claimed to be anyone.” A giggle leaves him at your words but the arrow in your face is steady.
“You really are clueless huh? No one is just born with the Creator’s face yet you, a stranger that appeared from nowhere, are.” Frowning you try to make sense of his words. If you visibly looked like this ‘Creator’ then what made the Cicin Mage be sure that you aren’t?
“Just like that Fatui brat, I too believed you to be the Creator. But the more you spoke and the way you acted made me suspicious. I’ll give her some credit for thinking to cut you to see the color of your blood.”
The color? You glance down at your palm, it was bleeding red so was that abnormal for the Creator?
“Then again, if you did bleed gold I would have just immediately killed her for daring to harm our God.” The fuck?! You mean you’re about to die for being born with this face and not bleeding liquid gold?!
“What the fuck man, is it really that serious?” You knew those were the wrong words to say as the arrow comes close enough for you to feel the air whipping around it. His smile disappears and the dark glint in his eyes are more than enough for you to shut up.
“That serious? Oh what a pity it is to exist without knowledge of the Creator. Without even touching how they created every particle of energy, every drop of blood in our bodies and the vast gifts they gifted us I could still lecture you on their divinity. But I’ll keep it short and simple that even you can understand. They help poor outlanders who arrived here to find their sibling and even used that opportunity to take care of the nations they come across. Their touch extends from the most important events to the smallest tasks that even normal people wouldn’t bother with. How could we, how could I, not worship them?”
So this was a cult? It was the only viable explanation as to why both a Fatui member and an Archon like Barbatoes could agree on something. And by extension that means you must be the Creator.
The only one that could ‘control’ the outlander is you as the player. It would explain why you look ‘exactly’ like them, why Venti was wielding the bow you specifically put on him and even why you had appeared in this world with the bag.
But why the hell is there a condition about having gold blood attached to it?
“You seem to fully understand why I’m pointing this arrow at you. Then that means we can end this here and now-”
“Look Venti, I never fucking claimed to be the Creator. And isn’t this lecture hypocritical considering that you’re parading around in the body of your dead friend? I was born with this face, what’s your excuse?”
There’s a full stop with your words hanging out in the open. Like the slightest pressure on a tightrope leaving you to wonder whether you’ll stay balanced or fall off into the air. He blinks at you with a mix of emotions you can’t decipher.
A snort leaves him that evolves into a chuckle before turning into full blown laughter. His head is thrown back as the bow slants down, his laughter doesn’t put you at ease. He finally calms down as you wait patiently on the ground.
Running would be useless against the God of Wind.
“I have to admit, you make a very good point. I suppose the term imposter doesn’t suit you anymore. What is your name? If you have one of course.”
Seems your gamble paid off, Venti wasn’t the type to stay fixated on one rule or another. He’s flexible just like one would expect from the God of Freedom. Whether or not you would risk your name being known as the Creator’s is another risk.
“My name is Y/N.” You can’t offer more personal information than that. The only reason you gave up your name is due to his power to hear through the wind. There’s no telling when you could accidently slip up and have Venti hunt you down due to your lie.
“Well Y/N, it’s your lucky day today! I’ll let you live for succeeding in pointing out my ‘hypocrisy’ as you put it. Mind you, it’s definitely not on the same level. My friend is dead and not the Almighty Creator. But then again you didn’t claim to be the Creator either. In fact, I’m more interested to know how you even came to obtain that information while managing to be oblivious to our God’s presence…”
Well it certainly wasn’t your fault that Genshin fucking hid everything about this. But you needed a way to explain how you know so much while being oblivious to the ‘Creator’.
“I’m just a messenger blessed with visions of their journey.” The words are spoken solemnly but Venti seems intrigued either way.
“My sole purpose is to communicate words and feelings that the traveler couldn’t convey.” Venti frowns at that, and you know it’s not the best set up considering you didn’t even know about the creator a few hours ago. But Venti didn’t give up any super useful information to work with either.
“Oh really? That lets see some proof and maybe then I won’t kill you for claiming to be a servant of the Creator’s.”
“I’m well aware that the Creator hasn’t selected every vision holder to be used by them. Captain Eula for instance hasn’t ever been wielded unlike how often Chief Alchemist Albedo has been. That’s not counting the brief moments on special occasions.”
Venti stays silent at that but his eyes haven’t strayed from you. His dark braids and teal blue tips are gently swayed by the wind as he keeps a firm grip on his bow. 
“I recall on more than one occasion how often you would be wielded to group up enemies in combat. Both in the various regions and in the Spiral Abyss in the sea.”
He hums in contemplation at your words. A playful smile graces his face as he leans downwards to ask you. “All this sounds very nice and all but how does this explain your confusion to being mistaken as the creator?”
A pivotal question that decides your fate hangs in the air. There’s no stalling or distractions to help you out. Sheepishly smiling, you stare back at him as a sad tone coats your next words.
“In truth, I’ve never seen the Creator. For a long time I studied those visions as intangible feelings bloomed within me without reason. But one day I was spoken to in the sweetest whisper of how they longed to converse with their people.”
Closing your eyes and clasping your hands, you continued to speak with a wavering voice.
“I offered them myself to be used but I never received an answer. And now I woke up here with no memories of my past outside of the visions. It was only after you spoke about the Creator that I realized my God and your God are one in the same.”
Opening your eyes to smile widely up at the surprised expression on Venti’s face you finished your words.
“I truly am lucky to be blessed with a face so closely resembling the Creator’s. But you shouldn’t mistake me for the Creator. A mere oracle like me pales in comparison to the Creator of All.”
The bow disappears from his hands and he begins to clap. “That would earn you a standing ovation if this was done in front of a crowd!” He laughs but you don’t relax your body, that decision is proven right when his tone lowers dangerously.
“While your story makes sense, I can’t just trust you. Everything can be neatly resolved if I just believe you to be Celestia’s spy and kill you right now.”
An arrow flies past you, grazing your neck before you could even try to move away. 
“I’ll stay true to my word and let you live. Feel free to roam my region and claim to be the oracle. I will not stop you but don’t expect me to let you spread false information either.” Your blood is warm as your bloody palm presses on the burning wound in hopes of slowing the bleeding.
“But if I ever hear or find out about you using those blessed features to mimic or claim to be the creator. I will end you.”
The eyes of Barbetos stare you down as wind whips around his body. You could see that it was Barbatoes watching you instead of Venti.
“I’ll hunt you down across the nations and string up your body for the Genesis Cathedral to see.” With those last lingering words, the wind becomes a barrier as a symbol glows on the ground.
You close your eyes instinctively in response to the harsh wind and open them to the sight of a bloody clearing instead.
A weary sigh leaves you before you collapse backwards onto the grass. The sun that shines above you is your only guiding light now that the beacon of blue spelt out pain instead of hope.
The events that you had just gone through make your head spin. Your fingers slid up your face and carefully traced your bloody features. 
The Cicin Mage’s bloody mask lays on the ground just a few feet away. 
It’s just a temporary measure you tell yourself as you slide the uncomfortable and unfitting mask on. Just until you can find a way to cover your face properly.
The sight of the Barbatoes statue that glows in your presence is almost nauseating. The blood from that event still sticks to you despite how much you rubbed on it. To your surprise the Statue heals your injuries and leaves you feeling more refreshed than before.
The metal club you hold in your dominant hand seems to weigh less too.
You cast a wary glance towards Dawn Winery before looking at the faint outline of Mondstadt city. There’s no way you could go to Dawn Winery wearing a Fatui mask, Diluc would actually kill you. But could you go to the city wearing this mask in strange bloody clothing either?
Even Springvale seemed like a bad place to travel to in this state.
With a groan you readjust the mask and turn slowly to survey the area. The outline of smoke rising catches your attention. Out of all your options, this was your best bet.
You creeped closer to the smoke's origin and arrived at the edge of a small cliff. Looking down you could see three figures sitting around a campfire. Deciding to lay low for the time being you flatten yourself on the ground with a clear view of the camp.
A purple and black clothed blonde, silver hair poking out of a dark gray hooded figure, and finally a pale haired person that was definitely burning the food. Just those aspects make it clear that you accidentally stumbled on Fischl, Razor and Bennett.
Thoughts of what you went through earlier with Venti come to mind as your finger brushes against the healed skin where Venti left his ‘warning’. 
Patiently you watch the trio as they struggle to eat the burnt food. The sun has already begun to set and you think through different plans on how to obtain a change of appearance from the group. The bushes on the opposite side of the camp shake, catching your attention.
From your vantage point, you can clearly make out some treasure hoarders shuffling closer to the camp. Biting your lip, you debate whether to reveal yourself to warn the trio or not. Teal eyes flash in the back of your mind solidifying your choice in not getting involved.
Instead you watch as Razor suddenly stands up and sniffs the air, his greatsword materialized into his hands. Fischl and Bennett stand up in hurry as they look around. Oz, Fischl’s companion manifested by electro is summoned too.
It was pretty entertaining to watch the hoarders freeze in place at the commotion. Razor stalks around the camp on edge as Fischl commands Oz, he obeys by soaring on the border. Bennett to his credit tries to simply sit back down on the lod, more than well aware of his extreme unluckiness.
Except it breaks beneath him making him fall flat onto the ground and get scratched up from the broken pieces. Most likely worried, Razor and Fischl move closer to Bennett as he stands up laughing sheepishly.
Even from far away you can hear his bright sunny voice ring out. “Don’t worry I’m okay!-” The barrel that he uses to help himself up just so happens to be a pyro slime barrel that explodes at the contact. 
Cringing you watch Bennett fly through the air and land on the hilichurl structures crushing them. The dust settles and the now exposed treasure hoarders look at FIschl and Razor with that signature ‘deer in headlights’ expression. 
The camp goes into chaos to say the least.
The hoarders attack first as Fischl and Razor meet them halfway only using physical attacks. Probably due to the fact that Bennett was on fire and frantically trying to put out the small fire growing around him.
A hoarder slinking in the back of the group raises a vial, the plum colored clothing he wears makes it clear what kind of potion he was about to throw. And just as you were already anticipating, he threw the electro potion in Bennetts direction looking like a direct hit.
A direct hit at the second pyro slime barrel just inches away from Bennett.
The resounding explosion was at least double the previous one as smoke and dust covered the area. You can’t see much as you rub your eyes but there’s a loud thud of something hitting the cooking pot and a follow-up of more smaller scale explosions.
It all calms down as Razor and Fischl cough out the remaining smoke, they’re surprisingly unharmed in the center as Bennett and the hoarders lay passed out. Bennett’s ashy hair is slickened with blood and his mildly charred body catch the duo’s immediate attention.
You can’t help but feel slightly worried at the sight, head trauma was no joke. Perhaps it was your distracted thoughts but you didn’t even realize how close you moved to the edge until ruby red eyes met with yours.
Fischl is shaking Bennett trying to wake him up but you can’t look away from Razor’s red eyes staring into yours. 
“Wolf der kleinen worte! Do thou not grasp our ill-fated companions condition?! Quicken thou sloth paced soles and support our misfortunate companion!”
Razor breaks the staring contest to look at Fischl with a pinched expression. “I-I don't know.”
To his credit he does get closer but immediately stops when Fischl or rather Amy yells in frustration.
“Just help me carry Bennett to Springvale!” Razor rushes to Bennetts side and supports most of Bennetts weight. He seems to have completely forgotten about you thankfully.
“Um Mein Fräulein , I believe we have a-'' Oz begins as he returns to the frantic Fischl's side. She's quick to snap at him too. “Silence Oz! Matters unrelated to the wretched and uncouth incident that our companion is suffering from can be properly dealt with at the hour of dark deception.”
You almost feel bad for the crow if he would just stop giving you those damn pointed looks. Just to push his buttons in return, you bring your hand up to wave at him.
His grumpiness at your actions is visible but useless as he's forced to follow Fischl and Razor who rush toward Springvale.
Meticulously you watch their figures get farther and shrouded by the forage before quickly descending from your hiding spot.
Once you land at the now ruined camp, you reach down to the first treasure hoarder and rip off his mask. Discarding the Cicin mask you place the flimsy cloth mask on with a sigh of relief.
The ill fitting and hard mask of the Cicin was not something you wanted to wear longer than needed. Readjusting the thin mask you frown. It seemed this one wasn't much better…
Taking a good long look around you note how the majority of the headers had masks on. The clothes they're wearing are mostly intact and clean too…
Without a shred of guilt or sympathy you stood in the camp wearing new clothes and a reinforced mask covering most of your lower face. Your bag is full of similar clothing, leftover masks, weapons, a meager amount of mora and vials of elemental energy that would no doubt sell for a good amount of mora.
Luck finally shined down on you when one of the treasure hoarders groaned as he sat up. Your blood-stained metal club's spikes glistened in the rising moonlight as you smiled down at him.
“Hey, let's make this quick. Long story short I'm going to need you to answer my questions with every lingering integrity you have or else this club will bludgeon your head like a pinata!”
Whether he knew what a pinata was or not didn't matter. The fear flickering in his eyes only spurred you to grin wider.
You left Mondstadts gates with slumped shoulders and drained morale. It's been a few days since you woke up in Mondstadt and today you finally had everything set up to live in a different nation.
The perfect layers of a backstory of being an ex treasure hoarder turned adventurer. An oracle to the acolytes who sensed your divinity. So far only Venti has heard about your outlander status.
You intended to keep it that way.
Venti stayed true to his words and never tried to out you in any way. But you just couldn't feel comfortable enough to live in Mondstadt long term, especially with Ventis increasing clinginess. 
It was a strange development and he wasn't the only one to display those tendencies but you couldn't keep putting yourself under this stress.
At least in a different nation, you might only have to fear accidentally running into an acolyte. But other than that you would be relatively set for life.
Those encouraging thoughts of the future caused you to stroll with a pep in your step. If you kept up this pace, you'll be passing Dawn Winery before noon.
“Ughh, please…” The hoarse voice of a man is is close by but all you can feel is dread. You don't see him, nor do you look for him. You did NOT want to get caught up in someone else's problem. You had enough of your own to worry about.
That plan is thrown out the window when a weak hand grasps your ankle. Looking down your eyes trail over the pale hand to the bleeding body it belongs to. Yanking yourself out of the deathly tight grip you stare warily at the man.
“Please, your grace, I need your help. I need your mercy…” That title made your heart skip a beat as you glared down at the man.
Did he know? How could he when you sewed so many of their shitty masks to make the durable one you wear now?
Red and pink froth bubbles out of his mouth as he coughs pathetically. His whole body is pale and thin, very unlike the first and only set of treasure hoarders you saw when you first transmigrated.
“I beg of you, show me mercy!” Grimacing at his wails you look around to make sure no one is around. When you look back down at him, you can finally see the injuries he wore.
A long gash down his chest, deep and maggot infested to boot. Legs mangled and oozing something that smells like death itself. Then there's his face, if you can even call it that, burned to hell and back.
With no eyelids, you stare back into his glazed ones as he mumbles endlessly. All you can hear him mutter is pleading for mercy and death. 
Seems like he can't actually see you, but would Venti take it the same way? Gritting your teeth you try to move around the dying man when his eyes latch onto your clothes.
“Ha…HAHA!” He laughs hysterically letting his chewed tongue hang out. Repulsed, you stop and glare down at him in confusion.
“Running is useless for us! HAHAHA- THE COLD ALWAYS COMES WITH THE WIND!” Without any warning his laughs become sobs as his hands grope the grass. “They were right! We should have listened to them… Treasure Hoarders like us can't survive in Mondstadt…”
“Ex-treasure hoarder.” You correct automatically more then used to doing so in the city.
Shaking your head with a groan you turn around. Why were you still here with this soon to be corpse?! You had other places to be and better things to do then get caught due to this guy.
Danger. Your body feels an immense sense of danger that has you throwing yourself to the side in an instant. A wave of cold breezes past you at the same time causing frost to grow on the side of your torso.
Seems you were right about Teyvat sending you some sort of signals in these situations. But the way your head hit the ground sent your mind into a haze. 
Teyvat sends another warning but the dizziness hasn't subsided enough for you to even move. It would have been useless anyway as the next elemental attack is too broad for you to dodge. Hydro washes over your body before a lighter Cryo attack mixes in.
Now frozen in place attached to the ground, you can't even see who even attacked you. Hands pry you off the ground and flip you over.
Colors and shapes wooz together until the only thing your sight can process is two things. A cryo vision and hydro vision glow before a bag is thrown over your head effectively blocking your vision.
Panic and fear hit you like a ton of bricks at the realization as you're lifted into the air. Flailing your body as much as you can frozen you angrily yell even with the slurring.
“Put me dwown! Lwet me gwo!”
The kidnappers ignore your screams and curses as they leave the area. Judging by the crack you heard, you're sure the treasure hoarder was already put out of his misery.
You're not sure how long it's been since you've been kidnapped. The cryo that drips off your body has mostly melted away now replaced by rope but you've long lost the energy needed to get away.
After being kidnapped by those two vision holders, Kaeya, Rosaria, Barbara, Mona, Mika so many possibilities since they can just travel(this will be in different font), you were handed off to other people. They must have handed you off at least 4 times and any sense of where the fuck you are has been lost. 
But the sounds of nature and the faint smell of grass have dropped off. Now replaced by the sound of your captors boots hitting stone pavement. A building, an underground one considering the lack of sunlight and faint color of flames that you pass by. 
The bag over your head was annoying but relatively useless if they wanted to keep you completely blind. The only thing you truly lamented is your bound hands. If they were free you could bring up the screen and blindly teleport to the few waypoints you unlocked.
And even if that didn't work, you could just use one of the characters to fight through all the enemies before making your escape-
Your thoughts are cut off by the creaking of a door being swung open. Abruptly you're pushed down into a chair and more ropes are bound tying you to the chair.
When the bag is torn off you're mildly surprised by the completely white room. The only pop of color you could see is the blurry things behind the people in front of you.
Eyes struggling to focus after being cut off for so long you squint at them in front of you. 
“You must be the latest person to join our reform program. How lucky you are!”
Something about that happy go lucky tone made your stomach churn. It was eerily reminiscent of when Venti went on that spiel about the ‘Creator’.
Clarity is regained and you frown suspiciously at the two people in front of you. 
The man on the left stands in pure white clothing with a black suit underneath that barely pokes out. A cassock if you remember correctly. His short blonde hair and facial features are somewhat familiar.
The woman on the right matches his perfect posture with the same outfit. Again her brown hair in that braid laying over her shoulder gives you an even stronger sense of recognition.
But the smiles they wear are identical and eerie in the most utopian way you can imagine. Adding in their earlier words about being part of the ‘reform’ program makes it clear that this is some cultish shit.
“Extremely lucky considering that they get to witness first hand how we, who were once in their position, are going to help them reform first hand!”
…If that wasn't ominous then you didn't know what was.
Simultaneously they speak with wide smiles and eyes gleaming in a way you can't trust.
“Welcome sinner to the Genesis Cathedral.”
Maybe that alone wouldn't be too big of a deal. Escaping from the depths of a cult was hard but you had powers from being the Creator.
It was the gold weapons faintly stained with blood in the background that sent chills down your spine.
Guess who forgot to post it last night? Sorry everyone but I do hope you enjoy this admittedly long special. It was a lot of fun to write! [Guess who had to spend an extra 10 minutes fixing shit when Tumblr forced me to exit without saving it?] My characterization of Venti is quite different then how most of the SAGAU fics have him (that I read). Mostly cause I feel everyone only sees the SAGAU and his God of Freedom is lost in the mix. It's not super bad but it does feel like a shame. I was enjoying making the camp go to hell with Bennett as his unluckiness is a easy plot device lol. But he is one of my fav characters so no surprise there. The next chapter and onwards will be for the main series as again this was just a 'what if' au. Again this was fun and a nice change of pace but at the end of the day- I have a whole document draft detailing the general events (and certain twists) of the main plot. Thank you all for the support, likes, reblogs (yes I read your tags <3), and comments! Taglist is always open for more, it's kinda like growing a conga line if I had to make a comparison lol
Taglist: If your username is in italics, that means I couldn't tag you! It's going to be in this format from now on since Tumblr has a text limit per paragraph.
@vvyeislazzy, @nikqi, @the-dumber-scaramouche, @etherisy, @yourlocalstranger123, @ra404, @iruiji, @goldenglow149, @haru-tofuu, @lsleepysimpl, @bebobeboben, @yuyuzi-ling, @amidst-the-tempest, @resident-cryptid, @mxd1zzy, @mochicurls21, @nervouseaglelover, @thedevioussmirk, @yumuramma, @kwqsla, @undecidingfate, @ehjane, @game-savvy, @akiramirae, @liansh3ng, @fluffy-koalala, @formacoon, @sxftiebee, @khxii-i, @ursinaw, @chuuya-brainrot, @sweetbills, @kazuchaos, @snowfoxnix, @bluebelony, @shellofthewell, @pencil-of-ashes, @ghostlyintervention, @taiformaifoe, @goaudduck, @carminerin, @maddysflowers, @zenith-of-all-zenith, @crazydreamcat, @leafanonsforest, @grimreapersscythe, @leylanx, @sapphireknown, @help-whatdoimakemyusername
@zhonglisfruityass, @mer0n37, @victoria1676, @mochinessss, @sinnful-darling, @emilymikado, @pix-stuff, @esthelily, @luxie963, @emmbny, @millienolife @kbar1013, @xxblackroses623xx, @chxrlxtteee, @aludicpoet, @yandematic, @atrcclovsxoxo, @0lshadyl0, @esthelily, @t-rex-red, @ck123, @steadybreadbluebird, @118gremlin, @stratonia, @time-shardz, @farelady-fate, @valeriele3, @francisnyx, @byakuren100, @waveto-earth, @flyingpansaurus, @silverstarred, @iamapotatoe, @ghosthii, @beloveddroplet, @uchihaeirin, @ibelieveinsleep, @idk098, @thefirstonetoeverlikemeback, @toramune, @haaaaaades, @horologiumwise
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celestialxmiku · 1 month
•°❦𖹭𝐒𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐚𝐩 ꒰NSFW + FLUFF꒱!𖹭❦°•
Author's note: I'll make the side characters as soon as possible. I sometimes like to update this and the period headcanons. Also,GENDER NEUTRAL READER SUPREMACY !1!1!1!1!1
Featuring: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬
Tags: Fluff,Lime,and Smut
Word count: 1889
─────── ꒰ ✿ ꒱ ───────
✿- Bit startled by you and your courage,but he's beyond delighted.
• Plays music while you sit on his lap,you might even drink tea with him. If you're not clumsy.
• You also help him with paperwork. You'll probably fall asleep (force him to sleep,MC! You got this!!!).
• Strokes you hair,and kisses your neck from the back,he might distract.
• Speaking of distracting people,if he takes a quick breath from paperwork (like blinking and signing),it might be longer than usual,he has a stunning human right on him.
• Thinks you're the absolute cutest when you throw your arms on his shoulders• His hot breath makes it all the more calmer and relaxing there
• Might rest his chin on your shoulders.
• Grabs your hip with his spare hand and squeezes it softly.
• Cute lil neck kisses.• "Hey,Luci,I finished this..." he realises he's been staring at you. "Have you been staring at me?" You giggled and kissed his cheek.
❦- Now, on a more unholy note (ya'll need christ/j),he'd probably kiss your neck,not letting you make a sound.
• He'll bite your neck and whisper dirty shit in your ears.
• He'll probably suck and/or lick on your nipples.
• He also likes degradation,but also praise. "Aren't you such a little slut for my cock? But that lewd face you make for me is so cute. My little slut."
• He especially degrades when he's slamming his cock into your ass (if you're a women,your tight little cunt).•
It'll be even worse if you tease him and try to get off. He'll make you grind on him even harder.
• Make take off your clothes and make you ride him. Then keep his cock warm for him? He might give you a special treat after that.
─────── ꒰ ✿ ꒱ ───────
✿- This cute motherfucker was so startled when you just ploped your but on his lap.
• He panicked for a second,you decided to get off,until he stopped you. He gently grabbed your wrist. "Wait...can ya, please stay? Just for a bit? It's not like I want ya to be here! You'd be honoured to.." You didn't let him finish. You sat on his lap once more and kissed him,whispering words of affirmation into his ears.
• He buried his face into your chest,almost wanting to kiss it.
• You like to watch movies on his lap. You pepper his face with kisses while the blush on his face is more red than Lord Diavolo's hair. He hides his smile (good thing,he would put the sun to SHAME!!!).
• Gets so flustered when you turn to face him. Even more when you kiss him and put your arms around his shoulders.
• Please do this in front of his brothers. Do it for cute Mammon and his voice actor.
❦- You ride his thigh,creating friction for yourself. He makes you beg for his cock. "Ple-please Ma-mm. Ngh!" He'll deny you his cock.
• He just loves how he makes you squirm in his lap,it makes his ego even bigger than it already is.
• "Oi...getting so worked up over the great Mammon. I haven't even touched ya." And even more dirty talk.
• You make him so wet when you kiss him so roughly and get on top of him in bed,grinding on him in an even rougher manner then when you were on his lap. He thinks it's so hot.
─────── ꒰ ✿ ꒱ ───────
• You had been spending your day with the other brothers. They had so many things to do. Shopping with Asmo,gambling with Mammon,reading with Satan,and helping Lucifer. And sleeping with Belphie didn't help you at all. Meanwhile,Levi was gaming alone again. You were supposed to be gaming with him. You weren't giving him enough attention. So you came to Levi,exhausted. You sat next to him.
• "Hey,Levi..." he didn't answer,he looked annoyed. You cuddled up to him. He blushed,but he attempted to look irritated. Despite the fact you were way too tired,you decided to ask him what's wrong,being the loving partner you are. "Levi...? What's wrong?" Apparently he was giving you the silent treatment. "Levi. Give me attention." You sleepily protested. "I want to hug you. Please give me kisses." He opened his mouth. "Really? I'm surprised you don't want kisses from Mammon." Despite the fact he sounded annoyed and mad,you could hear a tinge of sadness in his voice. "What?" Before he could talk,you sat on his lap and kissed him. "You're my boyfriend. I lo..LEVI???"
• Levi faints.
• He barely heard your last words before going unconscious.
• Ugh,he's so baby girl.
• But,once he regains consciousness,he's so flustered. Poor baby doesn't know what to do!
• He hugs you and buries his face into your chest.
• He "accidentally" wrapped his tail around you.
• He's so happy when you're laying your head on his chest while you two watch anime or game,and when he wraps his tail around you,he's as close to you as he possibly could be. He's been to heaven,but by god,this so much better.
• Levi is getting the love he deserves, but if MC is overly affectionate and giving him all the hugs and kisses in a different way,weeeeeel
❦-"M-MC..." his controller is on the floor. "Shh,love." You decided to tease him by grinding against his cock. "M-MC! F-fuck! Please!" He wrapped his tail around you.• You shushed. You lightly degraded him. "Yucky otaku. Don't talk when I don't tell you to." You took off his shirt and licked his nipples. "Beg for it." "M-MC! N- ngh!" "Use your words." To be continued :D
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• Satan was reading a book,as usual,and you wanted attention,so you brought in hot cocoa for him after taking a sip of yours. You handed it to him and held yours. "Thank you,de..." Then you plopped yourself on his lap and layed your head on his chest,and put your hand on his chest.
• He questioned your actions,being the logical person he is. You explained that you thought his lap looked comfy. He chuckled for a moment,then went back to reading. With a smile on his face.
• He makes sure you're as close to him as possible. He pulls you to him. If questioned,he will say,"I want you to be warm and comfortable,love.
• Satan also wraps his tail around you. But he tries to be careful since his tail is basically armour. But occasionally,his tail might brush against your face.
• Kisses your head.
• Loves it when you read together on his lap. He feels like a true gentleman.
❦- Alright,onto nsfw. If he feels like teasing you,he might try to overestimulate,he might tease you and force you to read out loud while he has his dick in your ass (or cunt). He might even get on top of you and slam and pound himself into you.
• Rough sex real with Satan real.
• He leaves scratches on you and cherishes the scratches that you made.
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• While he is the sin of Lust,he loves romantic things! Haha,trick statement,you should've known that.
• But moving on from my pet peeve of people making Asmo horny and only horny,he is absolutely delighted!
• Honestly,you're both surprised you weren't in his lap sooner.
• He playfully asks you what you're planning,but he's very much enjoying himself.
• He wraps his arms around your waist cause he wants to hug your back.
• If you like makeup,he puts it on you while you're facing him. He would like you to put makeup on him,even if you aren't good.
• Will leave lipstick marks on your face and more.
• Honestly, everywhere. Lips,cheeks,hands,chest,don't you dare make a foot joke.
• Will play with your hair.
❦- He has a long tongue,and he will use it. Your nipples will he wet,and so will your sex.
• Likes it if you push yourself on top of him,while being the power bottom he is.
• Either praise him or degrade him,he just wants your lustful touch.
• "MC,hun... please touch me. I'm all yours."
─────── ꒰ ✿ ꒱ ───────
• You had just brought him food,a burger. But while you were giving it to him,you noticed your lap. It was so big and empty... better to snatch it before anyone else does!
• He thanks you,and as soon as you sit in his lap,his arms instinctly hug your waist. He makes sure to hug you tightly. He can't lose another person. Don't die.
• God,I love him.
• Feeds you food. He tries his best not to leave crumbs on you.
• You have whole-ass picnics on his lap. No,actually,you sat on his lap when you two were having a picnic. Probably with the brothers.
• Keeps you warm.
• He rocks you on his lap.• Face him and kiss him,please.
❦- I headcanon Beel as asexual,and I think it would take a bit more to rile him up. So,I think you would have to praise him a bit and maybe tell him you want to sleep with him.
• He blushes and kisses you,using his tongue to explore every part of your mouth. He'll lick and suck your nipples.
• He'll grind onto your sex.
• Three words: soft dom Beel.
─────── ꒰ ✿ ꒱ ───────
• "MC." He lazily called your name out. "Come here." You knew he was going to pull you in for cuddling,so decided to help him. You sat on his lap. He paused for a moment,not speaking. Then, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you closer. His sleeves were covering most of his hands,so it was a cute sight. "More. This is nice." His lazy way of saying,"Do this more."
• He'll find a way to sleep,he always does.
• Takes a nap on your shoulder
• He loves it when you lay your head on his chest or his shoulders.
• HUG THE PLUSHIES WHILE YOUR SITTING ON HIS LAP!!! Those plushies are basically your children. He will use that against his brothers.
• "Well,we have children,so...haha losers."
• Draws and/or sews with you if you'd like that.
• Nuzzles his face into your neck.
• This is just a new type of cuddling for him, to be honest.• Once eat chocolate chip muffins with you on his lap.
❦- He tells you to be even louder to make sure everyone hears who's human you are.
• Kisses and sucks the sweet spot on your neck,leaving marks.
• He doesn't let your orgasm release until he says so,if you release before he tells you,then there might be a punishment.• He's more than happy when you ride him
─────── ꒰ ✿ ꒱ ───────
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vesora · 1 year
all you got to do is sit there and look pretty: loa edition
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DISCLAIMER: this was written before a series of realisations, the main point still stands but the subconscious mind does not exist. it is simply awareness. let go and let god.
one thing i have noticed, even in myself, is that we have this need to keep doing something. i need to keep affirming, i need to keep forcing myself into a state, i need to keep focusing on my thoughts or else it won’t manifest. all these thoughts have a common link, a fear of not manifesting, or rather, the 3D not conforming. 
it’s not our fault. we have been primed to think this way. work this hard and you’ll get (x). this is not the way it’s supposed to be. with the law, we break free. 
i need you to know that it’s okay if you’re consciously not thinking from your desire all the time. it’s okay that you don’t feel okay with entering another state if this one is too traumatic for you. relax and know the you on the outside, does not manifest.
who manifests then?
our inner self; our subconscious mind. our subconscious mind is us, but unlike our conscious selves, it is also the Universal Mind, meaning it knows all, it has all knowledge and power stored inside it. our job is to give the subconscious mind a job. as the conscious mind, we hold the key to decide to let what the subcon should manifest and not. we are the guard, we don’t manifest. 
all we really have to do is be still and let God, and by God i do not mean some external being, i mean our subconscious mind; our true self. letting go and detaching doesn’t mean you will stop caring about what you’re manifesting, it simply means that you know that the subconscious will handle it for you. because the subconscious IS you, it’s a robot that only listens to YOUR command. it cannot be influenced by any other force. 
for the past few days, when i made the unfavourable circumstances post, i was feeling so incredibly awful. i felt i had no reason to live, because i thought me as the conscious sora, was responsible for changing my life. while that is true to an extent, all i have to do is give an order. i told my subconscious mind that night to fix everything for me because i was tired and the next day, all the things that were causing me distress got solved. the next day i had an even better day, because the subconscious really fixed the things causing me stress. life was peaceful again.
it was then i realised that i have been too attached with doing things right, when all i had to do was sit there and look pretty while my subconscious does the work. 
another success happened just now! my browser froze and i didnt save this post. i panicked for a second then i was like “sora you just wrote a post about your subcon fixing things”; so i told my subcon “hey man fix this pls” and it did! lol browser is back to normal which is how ur seeing this post rn
what if my subconscious doesn’t listen?
anything that happens regarding these things is a direct reflection of you. inner creates outer, not the other way around. so, any failure is not because the technique failed, it’s because you haven’t changed self yet. and what changes self? persistence. you must keep persisting because the subconcious HAS NO CHOICE but to listen to you. if it ‘doesn’t’, DON’T ACCEPT IT. 
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And He said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves; for a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him? And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee. I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth. And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Luke 11:5-9
in this verse that neville also referenced, we can see that the man did not give up. in fact, importunity means: the act of making intrusions, being unrelenting, consistent. unrelenting, he never took no for an answer. he kept going and going and going until the man decided to give him bread. do not take no for an answer. do not settle. even if the door seems shut, you will ALWAYS be the key to open it; there is no other choice. keep telling your subconscious mind that you are rich, you are beautiful, you are everything and your subconscious mind will have no choice but to reflect that onto the 3D because that is its job.
excerpt from power of awareness:
“THERE ARE three principal characters in this quotation, you and the two friends mentioned.
The first friend is a desired state of consciousness .
The second friend is a desire seeking fulfillment.
Three is the symbol of wholeness, completion.
Loaves symbolize substance.
The shut door symbolizes the senses which separate the seen from the unseen.
Children in bed means ideas that are dormant.
Inability to rise means a desired state of consciousness cannot rise to you, you must rise to it.
Importunity means demanding persistency, a kind of brazen impudence.
Ask, seek, and knock mean assuming the consciousness of already having what you desire.
Thus the scriptures tell you that you must persist in rising to (assuming) the consciousness of your wish already being fulfilled. The promise is definite that if you are shameless in your impudence in assuming that you already have that which your senses deny, it shall be given unto you – your desire shall be attained.”
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alfredosauce50 · 1 month
Parent headcanons: Alfred, Allen, Matt, & Mathias
When it comes to the trials of adulthood, they have their own ways of getting on top. But parenting is what really puts them to the test. Starting a family and being one of the sole carers for another person will shine a light on the best and worst parts of them.
The big news
He has the most normal reaction out of the four. Panic, acceptance, then excitement, he’s finally moving onto the final stages of adulthood and achieving his lifelong dream. Being a suburban dad and getting that white picket fence. It’s not just about liking kids, Alfred is rather traditional when it comes to his values; he has always romanticized the American dream. He already has a good job, all he needs is to make it happen.
“Fuuuuuck,” He whispers, eyes wide as he rakes his hands through his hair. He stands there for a few minutes, staring into space as you watch him tensely for his reaction. “We’re ready to be parents, right?”
He will freak out. Planned or unplanned, he’s not mentally prepared to be a father. He doesn’t think he’s good enough, but knows deep down he has to be. That’s what really scares him. If he needs to improve himself, it’s now or never. So after a week of panicking and catastrophizing, he’s ready to give himself a second chance — even if it’s for someone else. But his selflessness is key to his perseverance, and eventual success.
“I fucked up,” He squeezes you like a lifeline. It was the only conclusion he could come to after hours of talking about it, the only thing he could ever truly understand. “I fucked up. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
He’ll be over the moon. He’s gonna be even more excited than you, but that’s kinda given when he doesn’t have to carry the baby and deliver it. Point is, Mathias is very family-oriented, so don’t expect anything less. He’s the most self-affirmed a person can be too, so he’s always ready to move onto the next stage in life. His nurturing character and openness to change will help you immensely in periods of stress and uncertainty.
“I’m so happy that I could cry,” He whispers with his head on your tummy. He’s half-awake after burning out from his own excitement, but his spirit is still in the right place. “We’re finally gonna have a family.”
Letting you into his life was already a miracle, and now he’s gonna be a dad? This is a human being that he’ll have to be responsible for, not something he can simply tap out of and run away from. Matt is driven by his interests, solitude, and above all else, his freedom. A baby would take away all of those things, and he’s so troubled by it that he disappears for a few weeks. He comes home to a slap, but it’s well-deserved.
“Are you gonna keep hitting me, or are you gonna let me go to my shed?” He sighs, closing his eyes as you keep wailing on him. And he just takes it, absorbing every strike that was your burning love for him.
“Why, so you can keep—” You shove him harshly so that he actually stumbles back. “—hiding from me?”
“No, I’m gonna build a crib and make some toys.”
Parenting style
He’s everything you’d expect from a new parent. Freaking out over the little things, screaming when they do something new, burning out after weeks of sleep deprivation, etc. He isn’t perfect, and you’re gonna have to work with him like any other partner, but before you know it, the house is filled with photo frames. He’s your best friend, and sometimes before your partner, so he has a hard time giving and taking. But it’s also why you two will stick together through thick and thin.
Alfred eventually evolves into the archetype of fathers. He takes the backseat and tells his kids, ‘I don’t know, go ask your mother,’ or even gets in trouble for doing stupid things like leaving the toilet seat up. When you just finished yelling at the kids, he comes to them later and goes, ‘someone’s in a bad mood today,’ when he’s just glad it wasn’t him. But when it’s something really serious, he flips like a switch and takes the lead. When that happens, there’s no talking him down.
“Alright gang, ready to get the show on the road?” Alfred rubs his hands together excitedly before he starts the car. “When we get there, I want everyone to be on their best behavior. I’m already on thin ice.”
He has high expectations for his kids. Ever since they popped out, he’s been giving them the best of the best, like nice clothes, family trips, sports leagues, and dance. He also wants them to go to a prestigious university in the future and to do all the things he might have missed out on. Cue the ‘that’s your dream, not mine, dad!’ Alfred can be hard on his children when it comes to success, so you need to remind him they’ve got minds of their own and are not carbon copies of him.
He says he prefers sons until he gets a daughter. Alfred is an absolute sweetheart to his girls, and is way more lenient with them than his boys. He doesn’t mean to play favorites, but it’s just how he’s wired. However, it also means being quite strict and protective when they get to that age. No drinking and no sleepovers with boys present. Men are all animals according to him. But dad, aren’t you a man? Exactly! He’s the pioneer of ‘anything you do to my daughter, I do to you.’
He tried his absolute best to prepare, but it starts off a disaster. What can go wrong will go wrong. The baby gets sick, you’re away on urgent family business, so he needs to do it all without you. Allen stays in hospital with the baby overnight, and slowly, but surely, they get better. He ends up neglecting himself to put his child’s needs first, and by the time you get back, he’s burning up with a fever. But the baby is perfectly content and sleeping soundly in the crib because of him.
He wants the best for his family, even if it means sacrificing everything he has. He understands his limits, but there’s nothing he won’t do to make sure his kid gets every opportunity he never had. Sports, college, you name it. If everybody in class has branded sneakers, he’ll buy a pair just so they don’t feel left out. He’s always proud of his baby, and if anybody tried to bully them, they’ll have to answer to him. Allen sees the best of him in his child, but usually fails to see it in himself.
“You can have my egg. I’m not hungry, baby.” Allen says, sliding his plate to his little girl. He knows that you won’t be back with the groceries for an hour or so, and no kids are going hungry on his watch.
Allen doesn’t think there’s a particular way of parenting because no one child is the same. So long as they do their homework, get out under the sun, and have a good attitude, the rest is to be decided. If his child needs extra support, he’ll give it to them, and if they need a reality check, he’ll give that to them too. He reminds them how hard life can be without stability, so they should take their future seriously, but at the same time, he’s always gonna be there to give them a home.
Nobody would mess with his kids after one look at him. He’s an ex-marine without the ‘ex.’ His daughter will have trouble finding a boyfriend to begin with because of him, and when she finally does, they’re gonna have to gain his respect to be trusted with looking after his little girl. If his son ever gets into a fight, he’ll ask if he won then whoop his ass later. And in the principle’s office, he’s giving the other kid the worst stink-eye ever. He’s the dad that could beat up the other dads.
He’s a total natural; all is well when the baby is in his care. He may be all over the place, but when he really cares about something, he’s in a constant state of hyper focus. The baby will always be clean, well-fed, and happy, so don’t worry about a thing. There’s also no such thing as 50/50 with Mathias. He knows that there will be times when one person has to take the lead. It’s not in his nature to keep track of who’s giving and taking the most. He’s too mature for that.
It’s like experiencing a second childhood for him. Reading picture books, fairytales, playing with legos, or going to places he went to as a kid, he treats parenthood as a chance to relive his best memories and love every second of it. He will never miss a parent event, performance, and appointment. His dedication makes him very perceptive of his child, so he always knows what to do or say to cheer them up. As they grow up, they maintain a very close relationship to him.
“We wanna go to Legoland!”
“You mean, you wanna go to Legoland,” You laugh at him, “I heard you talking to Bjorn about it last night.”
“That’s so he can make an informed decision, of course,” Mathias grins, not showing a hint of shame as he shuffles over with his phone on the home page of the Legoland site. “So I take that it’s decided?”
He’s a great parent, but he’s by no means strict. All he wants is for them to have a fighting chance in the world, like doing a job that they enjoy. He’s great at communicating with his kids and has a lot of compassion, which takes them a long way. He’s never had to discipline them besides setting boundaries and occasionally grounding them. You rule the home with a firmer hand, and maybe that’s why your kids respect you more but treat him more like a friend than a parent sometimes.
Mathias doesn’t bat an eye when his kids first start dating. He’s always been quite liberal, so he just tells them to be careful about the birds and the bees, then to talk to him if things get testy. The one thing he’ll do is to ensure they have high standards. Love is life’s reward, not something to cry yourself to sleep about. Eventually, he’ll invite their date over for dinner, and as it turns out, he’d be a great father in law. He’s very welcoming and treats any future Densens like one of his own.
He’s a trial-by-error, improvise as you go along kinda dad. He hasn’t put much thought into the trials of childcare, but he always works things out in his own way. If the bub keeps crying because they don’t want to be bottle-fed by him, he will cover his face with a picture of you. Easy-peasy. If they’re crawling around the bed, he will use them as a mousepad as he scrolls on his laptop. That way, he gets some leisure time while making sure they don’t actually go anywhere.
Matt is the opposite to a helicopter parent. When his kid trips and face plants into the ground, he doesn’t react. The trick is to not acknowledge it, because only then will they cry. He isn’t afraid to let them explore the world and gain their own agency. It’s good for them, he says. Some part of you thinks he just wants them to grow up quicker so he doesn’t have to take care of them anymore, but there’s always those special little moments.
“How about I teach you how to drive the truck?” Matt asks, walking back home with the family.
“He’s eleven.” You remark.
“Is that a problem?”
He’s all about the family business. If his children don’t want to go fishing and logging with him, fine, but if they show even the slightest bit of interest, he’s bought. Matt will be more than eager to show them the ropes. He takes them on camping trips to show them the beauty of the great outdoors, and the humility it takes to be apart of it. The art of it all is there’s no problem can’t be solved, and even a rugged man like him can be domesticated by the right person.
If his daughter got a boyfriend, he’d be waiting at home with a shotgun. Matt will then play it off like he just got back from a hunting trip. He’s the type to use silent intimidation, and it works like a charm. If not, he’ll tell jerks to get off his lawn even though he doesn’t have one, and when they ask what lawn, he’ll just say “all of it.” What he means is to get out of his sight and the woods, which is the lawn he’s talking about. (Ha!) On the flip side, he’s nice to girls his son brings home.
Losing the spark
He has a tendency to let himself go when he gets comfortable. This usually happens when his first kid reaches their teenage years and he can afford to sit back now that they can do their own thing. He’s established a stable family unit, but he takes that for granted and gets a little lazy. As a result, he packs on a few pounds and tries less in the relationship. He’s not as attractive as he used to be, and you’re having more petty arguments.
“Why do I feel like you hate me?” He watches you mop the kitchen after you told him to do it. Only he delayed it to sit around on his phone and eat crisps. Even then, he still has the nerve to be upset about it.
“I don’t hate you, I’m just annoyed at you.”
“But you’re annoyed with me everyday.”
Losing the spark? Not on his watch! He never stops trying, ever, and keeps chasing you like when he first started dating you. His stability doesn’t come from money, it comes from you. You’re his rock, and nothing else matters so long as you’re here. He’s the epitome of ‘you know how daddy is about mommy,’ and he’s proud of it. He also takes great care of his body, and with his good genes, he practically ages backwards.
“You better wear that button-down shirt tonight, Al. A tank top isn’t gonna cut it,” You tell him.
“You callin’ me a deadbeat?” He questions.
“No, but you dress like one.”
“I thought you liked my clothes, babe.”
“I do, but the teachers won’t.”
“True that.” He fixes his collar in front of a mirror. He peers at his reflection, marveling at how well he cleaned up. A dress shirt and belt? He’s practically unrecognizable — until he grins, that is. “Still got it.”
He’s always gonna be young at heart, so his spirit never dies. His love for you is as constant as a river, and he’s not afraid of putting on a show for the kids to the point they get a little disgusted. (Ew!) He doesn’t think he’d ever be too old for romance, and his good faith shows up in how gracefully he ages. He might occasionally grow out a thick beard, and when he shaves it off, he looks devastating close to when he was younger.
“Are we ever gonna be alone again?” He mumbles, pouting. His thirtieth birthday is coming up, but he hasn’t changed a bit, save for the more pronounced smile lines around his mouth. “I need some love too.”
“We will, Mat. I just don’t feel comfortable leaving the baby alone right now,” You shake your head.
“We could call Amy and have a date night.”
“I don’t know, Mat.”
“I’ll shave off my beard.”
“You wouldn’t say no to me without a beard.”
The longer he’s with you, the harder he loves. His feelings don’t change when things get hard, or as time passes. They just get stronger. In that same breath, he also ages like wine. In the end, he ends up being the bigger romantic. He used to be a lone wolf, and he thought he was okay with it, but now that he has you, he can’t imagine his life without you. To think you actually stuck around and gave him a chance, he’ll never forget that.
“Wanna go back inside and do it?” He mutters.
“You’re disgusting, Matt.” You walk inside without sparing him a single glance. No matter how old he gets, he’ll always have a mouth on him. No matter how old you get, you’ll always forgive him for it.
“Is that a no?”
“Make me dinner and let me think about it.”
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mikrokcsmos · 1 year
Night Changes
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synopsis; in which you and your idol boyfriend have a serious conversation during a car ride where the end destination will change your life forever.
pairing; idol!jungkook x non-idol!reader
genre; angst, fluff, humor, drabble, idol au
warnings; mild angst in the form of reader being insecure, and reader having a minor panic attack, but dw cause koo is here to kiss it all better 🥹
rating; PG-13
w/c; 1,042
a/n; LOOK AT THOSE ARMS. ok bye.
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A tattooed hand caresses your inner thigh lovingly, thumb rubbing soothing circles in hopes of calming your nerves.
It helps, a little.
Your hand lands above his, head lolling onto your boyfriend’s shoulder who then lays his head lightly upon yours. No words are said.
When you tilt your head up to look at Jungkook, you see his eyes are already on yours. The streetlights that pass along the street are your only source of light in the darkness of the backseat of the unmarked, black SUV you’re both currently sitting in.
Each time the light passes, you’re able to glimpse at the perfection of his face, and you wonder exactly how you got so lucky to be in this position. His eyes soften the longer he looks at you, voice barely above a whisper as he fills the silence.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
You chew on your bottom lip nervously, something he immediately brings his thumb up to gently pry your lips open and stop you from doing. You lightly nip at his fingertip, and he chuckles, but it doesn’t keep the worried frown from forming on his usually cheerful face.
“You shouldn’t frown, koo. You’ll gain wrinkles.”
He gives you a deadpanned look, and you suck in a breath, before exhaling slowly. A bump in the road that causes the car to jolt harshly, makes his grip on your thigh tighten considerably. Your nerves skyrocket.
He notices your body become stiff, it only fuels his worries.
“They’re going to love you. You have nothing to be afraid of, y/n. You’re perfect.”
“And you, my dear, are biased.”
He tsks, shaking his head defiantly.
“So what if I am? Y/N, the boys love you, the team loves you, my parents already want to adopt you–,” you snort at that, fully aware of just how much his parents want you two to get married in the future and give them ‘precious grand babies’.
“They don’t want me, they want my womb.”
He scrunches his nose in disgust, but doesn’t deny it at all. It makes you laugh out loud, a genuine smile appearing on your face for the first time since you left his apartment — climbing into the backseat of this car, the resounding slam of the car door shutting behind you affirming the choice you both decided on only a few days prior.
“What if they don’t like me though?”
He squeezes your hand reassuringly, about to open his mouth and spew countless reasons why ARMY would adore you – that is, until the driver disrupts your conversation to let you know you’ll be arriving at your destination in five minutes.
He can visibly see the panicked look on your face, feel the way your chest begins to rise and fall rapidly. Realizing you’re on the verge of having a panic attack, he thinks quickly, the only solution on his mind being one thing.
Letting go of your thigh, he shifts positions in his seat to angle his body towards you, both hands coming up to cup your cheeks and crash his lips against yours.
The sudden kiss takes your breath away momentarily, and you allow yourself to indulge in the moment, reciprocating the kiss with a fervor. What starts out as a fiery kiss, gradually dims to a few light pecks as he finally pulls away from you, still keeping his grip on your face as he gazes into your eyes with nothing but pure love and adoration.
His lip ring seems on the verge of popping out with how wide his smile is, and you can’t stop yourself from mimicking it to the best of your ability. Leaning his forehead against yours he counts quietly backwards from ten.
As soon as he hits one, your breathing becomes normal once again, body sagging with relief as you melt into his hold. His hands drop to encase you in a warm embrace, him murmuring sweet nothings into your hair and promises of a lovely time.
The car rolls to a silent stop, the murmuring of the crowd that lines the path you’ll be taking reaches your ears from the outside and for a moment Jungkook thinks you might get cold feet, but then — the next time he sees your face it’s full of confidence and acceptance for what’s about to happen.
“Are you ready?” He does his best not to sound too excited, but the way he fidgets in his seat restlessly let’s you know exactly how much he’s been anticipating what’s to come in mere seconds.
How much not only your relationship would change, but your life as well.
With a nod of confirmation from you, he knocks on the car window with three consecutive taps of his knuckles.
The chauffeur opens the door.
Jungkook steps out first, smoothing down his outfit and turning to extend his hand for you to take. The crowd buzzes with excitement on who he’s waiting for, questions being shouted out in quick succession all around. He pays them no mind, however, his only focus being on you.
You would be lying if you said that you didn’t hesitate or have second thoughts in that moment, a million scenarios running through your mind of how the night could turn out if you choose to take the leap and step out of the safety of the car and it’s darkness.
It’s anonymity.
But, as you look into his beautiful brown eyes, you realize what your choice will be. With one last deep exhale, you lay your hand on top of his and remember the words he whispered not even minutes ago and use them to propel you forward and allow him to guide you out of the car with graceful ease.
Standing next to him you’re poised with charm and elegance. There’s an immediate loud uproar coming from reporters and fans alike once they get a good look at you two together, his arm wrapped securely around your waist as he steers you both down the long, red carpet. Thousands of camera shutters click, and lights flash, though your gaze never falters from his.
‘—but there’s nothing to be afraid of,
cause even when the night changes,
it will never change me and you.’
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louscartridge · 4 months
HIII omg youre like the only active person writing for Henry Danger and i would like to request dating headcanons with Henry!! (x female reader please!)
A/N- omg no fr it makes me so upset that there's so little fanfics (especially good ones💀) for the danger verse😭
CW- ngl these are kinda halfassed and writen on like 3 hours of sleep, not proof read (only spell checked), physical touch, the L bomb, angst, death, and suggestive if you do the squintiest squint, thats it??
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❥ his love language is physical touch and words of affirmation. fight me.
❥ hes gives kinda golden retriever bf vibes, but not like overly or whatever yk??
❥i feel like for your first date, he might want to try hard and do something nice or whatever, especially if you guys weren't friends before hand, but he prefers to just stay home with you and hang out.
❥ i feel like he said 'i love you' first tbh.
you were in (yet another) life or death situation, and he was like kinda panicking. he was getting annoyed with how slow shwoz was working to try and save you or whatever, and he started ranting and somewhere in the rant he ended up saying he loves to, however you heard him say it.
once you were very much so alive and ok, you said it back to him.
❥you'll never miss the chance to sleepover at henrys house. ever. even if you guys have had an argument that same day, or the day before. then however, instead of sleeping in the same bed as him, you'll sleep on the couch that up in the corner of his room.
❥ at first piper definitely tells you that you can do better 💀
❥ you know about his past minor loyalty issues, but he quickly gains absolutely all of your trust once he finds out that you were overthinking it.
❥jasper lowkey be your hype man ngl
❥i wouldn't necessarily say that gift giving is one of his love languages, but if its yours or you want something, hell have absolutely no issue in getting you whatever it is.
❥ when you guys first started dating, you would sneak through his window at night all the time, or after school. one time tho, henrys dad ended up catching you. surprisingly tho, he wasent really upset. he was just like "omg this is awesome this is like the most 'rebellious' teenage activity we've ever gotten out of him" and after stifly waving at you he just walked away.
❥ henry stutters alot when you make him nervous. (which by the way is quite easy to do)
❥ he pays attention to the little stuff just as much as you do tbh.
❥ i feel like he'd make forts with you 😭 he likes making them at night tho, cause then they have less of a chance of getting ruined by his sister. plus, then you guys can go to sleep in them.
❥ catches your hand from a high five so you end up holding hands.
❥ whenever he get jealous, for the most part hes chill. he knows you'll be good on your own, but hell keep a close eye out just incase.
❥ hes pretty protective tho. once again, he knows you can handle yourself, but sometimes people are so rude to you and it makes him mad. however, he tries to keep his composure for everyone sake, and embarrassment.
❥ i feel like hed want to play with your hair?? like you guys would be laying so your back was facing him, and you just feel him start to play with your hair. you could tell he started to attempt to braid it. "henry stop you're gonna make it all tangled" "you want me to make it all tangled?"
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wonwoosstuff · 5 months
Drabble: Bf! Wonwoo x gf! Reader
Synopsis: You go on vacation with your boyfriend Wonwoo. Both of you are scared of flights. Still, Wonwoo decides to put on a brave front just for the sake of his girlfriend.
Genre: fluff, Wonwoo being the sweetest boyfriend ever, comfort, words of affirmation/ encouragement, pet names
A/N: I’m scared of airplanes, flying and everything that has the word “air” in it. So I started to write about flying with Wonu. Enjoy!
At the bustling terminal, the air was charged with the excitement of travelers getting on board. You looked at Wonwoo who was busy with checking all of his belongings just to distract himself from the fact that he’s about to board a plane.
A melodic voice echoed through the terminal speakers, announcing, "All passengers for Flight A302 from Incheon to Paris may approach the departure gate at terminal 6." The anticipation heightened, and the flow of passengers began to surge towards the designated gate.
You gently touched Wonwoo's arm, offering a reassuring smile. "Hey, we've got this. It's just a few hours in the air, and then we'll be strolling along the Seine."
Wonwoo managed a faint smile, his eyes betraying a mix of nervousness and gratitude. You knew your boyfriend wasn’t fond of flying planes — just like you— however he still managed to keep the nervousness to himself—unlike you did.
As the crowd inched forward, you both joined the stream of travelers, the promise of a Parisian adventure overshadowed momentarily by the challenges of the impending flight.
Glancing at you, he knew he had to put on a brave face for your sake. After entering the plane you settled into your seat, the anticipation of the flight looming large.
“Love, pass me your luggage please” Wonwoo said while stretching his arm out. You passed your heavy little suitcase to your boyfriend making him lift it up and putting it unhesitatingly in the Storage room over your seats.
"Can you believe we're flying to Paris? It's like a dream!" You exclaimed excitedly while your boyfriend took a seat next to you. Luckily nobody was sitting beside you.
Wonwoo managed a smile, his anxiety masked by composure. "Yeah, it's incredible. A dream come true."
“Ugh, I wish could teleport to my dream destinations. I hate flying so much. It scares me to death.” You muttered. Wonwoo heard your statement after all and quietly nodded in agreement.
Slowly after the plane took off you felt uneasy about it and found yourself clutching onto Wonwoo’s arm. Wonwoo, sensing your discomfort, chuckled softly because of your reaction and caressed your hand.
“Wonwoo, I hate it so much.” you admitted almost squeezing the veins out of your boyfriend’s arms.
With a tender kiss planted to your temple he whispered: “it’s okay, baby. I’m right beside you. Whatever happens I’ll be with you, okay?”
You replied with a soft hum. You felt a little bit better because of your boyfriend’s reassuring words and voice.
Little did you know that Wonwoo’s heart raced with every moment of the flight.
Feeling his nice smell and warmth, you started to get sleepy. You leaned on his shoulder, and he gently patted your head with his other hand.
As hours passed, a sudden turbulence jolted you awake, the unexpected movement disrupting the serene rest you found nestled against your boyfriend's shoulder. You panicked slightly gripping the armrest under your arm. Wonwoo, determined to uphold his act, maintained a serene exterior, gently squeezing your hand.
"Just a little turbulence, nothing to worry about." comforted by his words and demeanor, you gradually relaxed. As the plane descended over Paris, the City of Lights came into view.
"We made it! I can hardly believe we're in Paris!" you exclaimed, the excitement evident in your voice.
"We did," Wonwoo replied with a fond smile. "And you were incredibly brave. I'm so proud of you, love." He planted a tender peck on your lips, and together, you both gazed out of the window. Wonwoo's grip on your hands remained tight to comfort your air anxiety.
As the plane taxied to the gate at Charles de Gaulle Airport, anticipation bubbled within you. The thought of exploring Paris, with its iconic landmarks and romantic streets, fueled a sense of ecstasy. In addition you get to experience and explore the city with the love of your life which made you feel even more happy and forget about the flight anxiety you had experienced eight hours ago.
Once off the plane, you navigated through the bustling airport, the promise of adventure echoing in the air. At the baggage claim, your eyes lit up as you spotted your luggage making its way toward you on the carousel.
"Here it comes," Wonwoo remarked, a smile playing on his lips. He helped you retrieve the suitcases, and as you both stood there, luggage in tow, the reality of being in Paris sunk in.
"Now, let's go make some special memories in this beautiful city, okay?" Wonwoo said, offering his hand as an invitation to leave the exit together with the love of his life.
I wonder what it’s like to travel with Wonwoo. Must be probably nice…
I guess I’ll have to watch Nanatour to find out hihi
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vixialuvs · 5 months
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୨୧. pairing - choi yeonjun x reader
୨୧. summary - yeonjun fucks you backstage after his concert lol
୨୧. CW - smut, reader being jealous, praise, degradation, oral (f&m rec), doggystyle, marking, dom!yeonjun, sub!fem!reader, mirror sex(?)
you love yeonjun, and you know how desirable he is.. girls are constantly fawning over him and it makes you somewhat bitter and upset, even though he constantly reassures you your the only girl he has eyes for. its really worse when you come to txts concerts, he always gets you front row spots at barricade but his fan girls are always trying to push you around, trying to take your spot. this is exactly what is happening now, a ton of girls in “i ♡ yeonjun” shirts trying to shove you out of the way. your holding onto the barricade for dear life, getting a bit panicked. yeonjun suddenly comes over to your section and tells the girls to leave you alone and stop shoving you, and then sings to you from his spot on stage, reaching out to hold your hand while he does.
after the concert, you make your way backstage with security surrounding you, protecting you from the pushing fans. you try to find yeonjuns dressing room and it takes you a little while but eventually you come to a door with his name on it. you knock softly, murmuring his name and he opens it quickly and pulls you inside. “y/n.. oh.. im so sorry for how they treated you out there baby. are you okay? are you hurt?” he sets you down on the couch in the room and pulls you onto his lap, staring at you with worried eyes. you reassure him with a light smile, telling him he doesnt need to worry and your fine. you squirm a little on his lap, beginning to get a bit shy. he catches onto this and begins to smirk.
“let me make it up to you, yeah angel?” he affirms, his hand beginning to wander, slipping under your skirt teasingly to rub your inner thigh. “but- but junnie.. we’re.. someone could see!” you weakly protest, trying to push away the fact you want this just as bad as him. he begins to kiss down your neck, muttering against your soft skin. “well you’ll just have to be quiet, wont you, sweet girl.” he responds with a stupid smirk on his face, picking you up and setting you down onto the vanity in the room, parting your thighs and lowering himself down onto his knees infront of you, flipping up your skirt. “your so wet already baby, so excited for me, aren’t you? my pretty slut..” his words make you moan, loving the mix of praise and degradation.
arousal courses through your veins and you squirm as you lift up your hips so he can pull off your panties, trying to be quiet so none of the other boys will hear. suddenly yeonjun delivers a teasing lick to your clit, causing you to let out a muffled whimper, and he shushes you, speaking against your pussy which makes you jolt. “if you make a sound i’ll stop and won’t let you cum.” you shake your head, pleading. “i’ll be quiet… let me cum junnie..” you softly beg for him, and he begins to suckle on your clit, pressing his fingers against your hole teasingly. he pushes his middle and ring inside and begins to pull them in and out, feeling your tight walls clenching around his digits, still paying attention to your clit with his tongue. his fingers get faster and you have to clasp a hand over your mouth to keep silent. you feel your orgasm impending and tug on yeonjuns hair to let him know, causing him to pick up the pace. “that’s right, cum on my tongue.. that’s a good girl.. doing so well for me my beautiful whore..” his praise makes you cream all over his face and he just licks it up.
“jun.. wanna please you too..” you get up off the vanity, legs wobbly from the orgasm you just had, kneeling down infront of him and pushing him to sit in the vanity chair, fumbling with his jeans. you pull his jeans and boxers down at the same time, revealing his dick to you, which immediately rests against his stomach from how hard he is. you lean forward and kiss the tip, hands on his milky white thighs, before taking as much of him as you can in your mouth and bobbing your head up and down. his fingers entangle in your hair as he begins to guide your mouth up and down his cock, letting out the hottest groans and whimpers. “such a good slut.. lettin me fuck your mouth like this. you look so pretty, angel. wanna cum all over your tits.” he moans and his head tilts back, his grip on your hair tightening but not enough to hurt as you pick up the pace, using one of your hands to pull down your low cut top to reveal your boobs so he can cum on them when he’s ready. his body begins to shake and he pulls his cock out of your mouth, cum shooting all over your soft boobs, you just sitting there like a good girl and taking it all.
you affectionately nuzzle your head against his thigh until he picks you up to stand on your feet and bends you over the vanity. you can see him standing behind you in the mirror and feel his cock slapping against your ass. slowly he lines himself up with your entrance and pushes inside with a groan. he leans forward and kisses your shoulder, beginning to mark you up, leaving dark hickies wherever his lips can reach all the while he thrusts into you. your moans are escaping, your hand unable to silence them. “junnie.. feels so good.. can’t take much more.. m’ sensitive..” you whine out, tears forming from the pleasure.
his hand sneakily trails down to your clit and begins to vigorously rub it, smirking as he pounds into you from behind, feeling your walls tighten and loosen around his cock. it’s reaching your cervix at this point and causes you to mewl loudly. “shh, you can take it sweet thing. come on.. i’m gonna cum soon..” he coos into your ear. “those girls don’t mean anything to me.. your the only one i want. i don’t love anyone but you. i don’t wanna fuck anyone but you.” he rubs your waist, pulling you back and forth on his cock. he lets out a groan into your back shoulder and his hips stutter before you feel cum painting your walls white. you let out a soft moan and cum as well. he pulls out of you, breathing heavily and turns you over to kiss him. “don’t think this is over yet. when we get to the hotel room i’m gonna fuck you until you can’t walk.”
@vixialuvs . don’t steal my work!
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