#;;that's how superheroes learn to fly ( winn )
Hidden Lives ~ Winn Schott
Chapter 3 - Supergirl
"This is the D.E.O., the Department of Extranormal Operations," Hank spoke, turning Kara's attention to him. "We specialize in monitoring and neutralizing otherworldly threats. That means you."
Alex visibly flinched at his choice of words, her masks crumbling by the second. Hank motioned to the door, and Alex tried to help Kara sit up but again Kara shrugged her sister off. The three of them followed Hank to the door and down a long hall to the central room where Kara's pod was kept.
"Your ship." Hank gestured to the object, like a bored tour guide. "And others." He pointed to various ships visible through glass walls and on monitors. Kara's pod was still the only one they had positively identified.
Kara's gaze halted on one of the pods, sleek and slender with a coat of arms on the side. "That's a Daxamite ship." Disgust dripped from her voice.
Lily looked at Alex questioningly, hoping for an explanation. Alex just shrugged, clearly as confused as she was. Kara clearly refused to elaborate, untrusting of the three agents. Alex most of all...
Hank looked nonplussed, seeming unsurprised by her outburst. When it became clear that Kara wouldn't say anything else, he continued.
"We keep your ship here as a reminder of the day you crashed. It was actually you're arrival that showed us the need for this organization."
Kara blinked, speechless. Lily couldn't blame her, it was a lot to take in. Eventually regaining her wits, Kara said, "I don't understand. My cousin was here two dozen years before me."
Hank nodded. "He may have been the first, but you proved that there were more coming. A lot more in your case." Hank pressed a button on the vast array of computers and a photo of a familiar Kryptonian prison popped up. "When your ship escaped the phantom zone, you pulled Fort Rozz with you. Unleashing the worst convicts in the galaxy on Earth." He pressed another button and the mugshots they'd been able to retrieve from the prison's computer popped. "For over a decade they've stayed hidden. But in the last year, many have been emerging, making themselves known. They're planning something. We're just not sure what it is yet."
Kara gasped, the gears grinding in her head before she whirled on Alex. "Your plane! Your plane wasn't an accident. They must've been trying to kill you."
No one spoke. It was an avenue they'd considered. But there wasn't enough evidence, and at the end of the day, it didn't matter. The Fort Rozz escapees would be hunted down, either way, they were too dangerous to be loose on Earth.
"I can help you stop them," Kara was grasping at straws. Pleading for a chance to prove herself. Lily winced, painfully reminded of herself when she'd started at the DEO.
"Maybe—" Lily started, glancing at Hank, but he shut her down instantly.
"How?" He openly scoffed at Kara, "you couldn't even stop us from capturing you."
"I'm...still learning," Kara replied, her voice small.
"Look, Ms. Danvers. Our job is to keep people in the dark about alien life on Earth, and nothing says 'covert operation' like a flying woman in a red skirt."
Kara's temper had clearly been ignited, her next words were much stronger. "They know about my cousin, and they don't fear him." Kara was painfully naive. As Lily and Alex knew there would always be people who hated and feared things that were different.
Hank voiced what neither of them had the heart to say, "Plenty of people do, just not popular to admit it. You wanna help? Go back to getting someone's coffee."
Hank walked away leaving no room for discussion.
Alex immediately began to plead with her sister, "I know you're mad and you're hurt. I wanted to tell you every single day." She held out her hands placatingly trying to stem the coming flood of anger.
Lily moved off in the same direction Hank had, giving them the space they needed. She waited by the transport, just wanting this day to be over already.
Her phone buzzed.
Incoming call from Lena Luthor.
Lily picked up on the first ring. "Hey, Kiera."
Her sister laughed. "I missed that. You know you're the only one who calls me that."
"What can I say? I'm special."
They bantered back and forth lightly for a few minutes before her sister finally said why she was calling.
"I want to rebrand the family company."
Lily's breath hitched, memories of herself and her sister tied up in chairs while Lex wreaked havoc on their city flashed before her eyes.
"Lily?" Lena asked uncertainly.
She didn't answer at first, taking shuddering breaths as she reigned in her emotions.
"Why do you have to ask me? It's your company."
"Lily." Lena sighed. "I know that you don't want anything to do with the company and I don't blame you. But you still own half of it."
After Lex's arrest, with their father dead and their mother in the wind, the company had been divided between the two of them. Lily had promptly fled Metropolis and never come back. Choosing to ignore her newfound responsibility.
"I don't want it." She breathed to her sister, her voice small.
"I knew you'd say that. I had my lawyer draw up the papers to transfer ownership. You can look them over tonight."
Lily nodded. "Yeah. Ok."
"It really was nice talking to you." They'd talked only a few times since Lily had left. Never for very long and never about anything of much substance. This was the first deep conversation they'd had in years. Even if it had gone straight for the kill shot and brought up Lex and the company he'd dragged through the mud.
"You too, Kiera. If you ever take a break from your empire, come visit me." This single conversation had been enough to remind her how much she missed the only family she had left.
"Love you, Kóri." It was automatic, once upon a time, Kiera had said it to her every day. But this was the first time she'd said it since Lionel's funeral.
There was silence on both ends of the line.
"I love you too, Kiera." Lily hung up quickly.
She wiped a tear from her eyes choosing to focus on the happy memories that name generated.
Lily had been only five, but she remembered it clear as day. Lionel had just gotten back from work at his company. He'd pick her up as he came through the front door, swinging her around like a superhero as she giggled madly.
"How is my Kóri today?"
She'd made a face at the unfamiliar word. "Silly, my name is Lily." She had explained with all the seriousness a five-year-old could muster.
Lionel laughed, a great booming laugh that filled the room. "I know. Kóri is an old word, it means daughter. And every time I say it, I'm proud that you're my daughter."
She'd beamed up at him, as he spun her around once more before setting her on the ground.
But a five-year-old's emotions were fickle.
She shook her head petulantly as he set her down. "I don't like old stuff." She'd stuck her tongue out, hating the idea of anything remotely old.
"Is that right?" Lionel crouched down until he was eye level with her. "I guess you don't want your present then. It's really old."
She was scandalized at the thought of being cheated out of a present. "No." She shook her so fiercely that she almost fell over. "Gimme."
He pulled a small gold necklace out of his pocket. It glittered in the light, not looking nearly as old as he'd claimed. She reached out both hands, stretching on her tiptoes trying to grab it.
Lionel held it just out of reach. "What's the magic word?"
Lily pouted and Lionel almost caved. Finally, she said, slightly annoyed, "please."
He set the chain into her hands. It weighed more than she expected and she nearly dropped it. She looked at it with wonder, proud of the shiny object that was now hers.
"Promise me you'll always wear this." She'd been taken aback by his serious tone, even at five she'd sensed something was wrong.
So, she nodded seriously. "I promise."
Lionel smiled. "I love you so much." He kissed her forehead before moving on to his study.
She rubbed the pendant. The familiar grooves of the engraved lettering brought her comfort. "I promise, dad." She murmured, her words echoing across the years.
Alex arrived a few minutes later. Slightly out of breath, as though she'd been shouting. Lily opened her mouth to ask how things went with Kara, but something in Alex's expression made her old off. Besides, it wasn't hard to infer that Kara had been angry.
The ride back to the base in the city was even quieter than the ride coming here. An awkward silence stretched between the three of them.
Lily practically jumped out of the van when it finally parked in the garage. She headed straight for the locker room, not having the energy to change but also not willing to be in the DEO another second.
She stuffed her uniform into her locker, not bothering to fold it like she normally did. She slammed her locker shut. Her forehead rested against it for a moment, and she closed her eyes. Trying not to think of all the things that seemed to be crashing down around her today.
She was bone tired as she walked back home. And it was midnight and she had no patience to revel in the city's sights tonight. She knew the walk from the DEO to her building by heart, so she paid little attention to the sidewalk in front of her until she crashed into something and warm.
A cardigan.
And in that cardigan, Winn.
"Hey." It was all she could think of, the last thing she wanted right now was a conversation. Even with a nice guy, but she couldn't just say nothing after she'd crashed into him headfirst.
"Hi." He replied. He seemed just as distracted as she was. Glancing up and down the street as he spoke. "Great night for a walk isn't it." He rubbed the back of his neck, though it seemed more out of frustration than awkwardness.
She shrugged. "I wouldn't know. I got off work like five minutes ago."
He half-nodded. His gaze wandering again.
"What are you looking for?"
"Just a friend of mine. We were talking and now I can't get ahold of her. She's probably just at her apartment, but I thought I'd check." He waved casually, trying and failing to make it seem like no big deal.
Her stomach knotted, Kara. He's out here looking for her. Her worry was alleviated by the fact that Kara would most likely be home when Winn got there. She tried to keep her face lightly concerned. As though she wasn't one of the people responsible for kidnapping his friend.
"It's nice of you to check on her." She offered, trying to ease a bit of the tension on his face.
He nodded, trying to smile, but it came out forced.
They both moved to walk down the sidewalk in the direction they'd been going before.
"Uh, Winn." She called, making him turn. "Text me when you get home, so I can make sure you weren't killed or anything."
He nodded, a real smile ghosting his lips this time.
A couple of the city sights finally appealed to her as she continued walking. A bit of the crumbling weight she'd been carrying had eased.
She tried to keep awake for Winn's text, just to be sure nothing bad happened, but exhaustion eventually one out and she fell asleep.
She rolled out of bed late the next day. The alarm clock on her nightstand sleepily blinking, 10:37. She yawned widely, she happened slept that long in a while. Memories of Lex kept coming to the forefront, turning her nights restless and terror-filled.
She grabbed her phone from the nightstand, pleased to find a message from Winn waiting for her.
Winn: I'm fine, but my ghost would have been happy to join you for coff
Lily smiled at the half-finished last word, sleep had clearly caught up with him as he wrote. It warmed her heart that he'd still written even though he'd been dead tired. She shot a quick response.
Lily: Glad to hear it :)
She moved through the kitchen, taking her time, no need to rush on a Saturday. After turning the coffee maker on, she moved to counter. She sat down and booted up her laptop, prepared to look over the papers Kiera had sent the night before.
An unfamiliar logo greeted her as she pulled up the documents. She smiled at the name her sister had chosen, L-Corp. Getting as far away from the Luthor name as it could, was the best move the company could make.
She scanned the documents, trusting her sister not to throw in any confusing loopholes and crazy legal jargon. Satisfied, she signed the papers electronically, before sending them back. She fired a quick text to Kiera to let her know what she'd done.
Lily: Congrats on being the solo queen of L-Corp. I just sent the papers. I like the name :)
She'd just opened the fridge, her hand inches from the egg carton when there was a knock on the door.
"Coming." She shouted, setting the eggs on the counter. She grabbed sweatpants off the stool and shrugged them on.
"Hi," Alex said awkwardly.
"Hey." Lily had absolutely no idea what to say. Words were generally easy with Alex, but she was on rocky ground at the moment. She let Alex have the first word.
"I won't apologize for being mad, but I shouldn't have hit you, and I'm sorry for that. I...get it now. When I talked to Kara last night. We keep all these secrets in the name of our job, and sometimes people get hurt. You did it to me and I did it to Kara. I know you didn't do it to hurt me." Alex shifted uncertainly as she finished. Not sure what to do now that she'd finished.
"I was about to make pancakes." Lily opened the door wider, unspokenly inviting her friend inside.
"And cinnamon rolls?" Alex asked, her face lighting up.
Lily nodded and they both smiled. The awkwardness quickly dissipating as Alex stepped inside.
"I'll even let you use my blender to make your nasty vitamin drink." Alex laughed at her words. Now that Alex had tossed Lily a line, the words came much easier. Soon they were wrapped in conversation like nothing had changed.
"So tell me more about this cute guy you met the other day," Alex said. Reaching around Lily to steal a strawberry that she had chopped for the pancakes.
Lily smacked her hand away, no one got between her and strawberry pancakes. "There's not much to tell really. I ran into him again last night, we talked again. It was nice." Lily shrugged. About to skate around the how of her meeting with Winn, but she stopped. No more secrets.
"There's something I should tell you." Alex nodded, miraculously holding another strawberry. Lily rolled her eyes. "His name is Winn, and I met him because I was doing a threat assessment on Supergirl's allies." The name felt odd rolling off her tongue, Supergirl. Catco had coined the name that morning, other news stations jumping on the bandwagon. It suited her though, Alex clearly agreed, as she smiled at the word.
"So on your first meeting with prince charming, you lied your socks off?"
"Shut up." Lily brandished the chopping knife threateningly, but Alex only laughed. "How was I supposed to know he'd be so cute?"
"Stop it," Lily reprimanded, Alex had sneakily reached for another strawberry. "Keep that up and I won't make you cinnamon rolls."
Alex gasped, "you wouldn't dare."
"Then keep your hands off my strawberries." Lily moved the bowl to the far side of the corner before turning away to grab a skillet for the pancakes. "Go make your smoothie." Alex's hand paused inches away from the strawberry bowl and she pouted before sliding off the barstool.
"Fine, fine." Alex raised her hands in defeat. "Do you even have vegetables in this apartment?"
"I do." Lily looked offended. Alex rolled her eyes.
Alex opened the fridge, reaching for the plastic container with her name on it. Lily kept it there for Alex's smoothies like Alex kept a jar of coffee for Lily in her fridge.
Lily flicked on the radio and soon they were both jamming out as the small kitchen filled with the smells of breakfast.
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whythinktoomuch · 5 years
I know this is hella late but Supercorp - Hogwarts AU or The Good Place AU!
Kara opens her eyes and sees a sign that reads Welcome! Everything is fine, and she believes it.
Then a woman walks into the room, greets her with the most gracious smile, and says, “Hello Kara. My name is Lena. I’m the Architect. Come on in,” and Kara follows her without question. 
From Lena the Architect, Kara learns three very important things: 
1. She’s dead. 
2. There is indeed an afterlife. 
3. She’s in the Good Place. 
Lena shows her around the neighborhood. It’s beautiful, perpetually sunny, has a froyo place with flavors like Flying through the air like a bona fide superhero, and somehow already feels like home. 
“Wow! So, you designed this place, huh?” 
 “Apparently,” Lena says dryly, which is a weird reply, but Kara doesn’t really mind it. 
“What does it mean to work for the Good Place?” Kara asks. “Like, are you an angel? Is that why you look so…” She kinda just gestures up and down Lena’s general frame. 
Lena’s cheeks tinge a bit pink. “It.. doesn’t really work like that,” she says before quickly changing the subject. 
There’s an orientation for all the newcomers and they learn about all the various amenities that their new home has to offer, which apparently includes an omniscient super-computer-like humanoid named Brainy. 
Besides Kara, there are four other recent arrivals—Siobhan, Eve, Sam, and Mike—and they all seem nice enough. When they’re introducing themselves, Mike kinda glances around the group and jokes, “Four chicks and I’m the only guy here? Wow, this really is the Good Place!” 
After a brief pause, Kara offers a polite laugh because no one else would and she’s always tried to be a nice person. 
Absolutely delighted by the attention, Mike shoots her a wink & double finger guns, and that inspires an actual laugh because of how ridiculous it is. 
“All right, that’s enough,” Lena says, and Kara faces forward again. There’s a slight scowl to the Architect’s sharp features, all sense of good humor dropped along with her amiable tone. “As I was saying…” 
For the first time since she’s opened her eyes, Kara can’t help but frown. She tries to ignore the pins & needles now prickling in her lower belly, because something like anxiety wouldn’t exist in the Good Place. 
(Would it?)
You can’t curse in the Good Place. Kara finds that out when Siobhan’s complaining about it over perpetually overflowing coffee. Though everyone else is quick to agree and express similar grievances, Kara is somewhat surprised. 
“Really? You can’t? I haven’t noticed…” 
Siobhan rolls her eyes, plucks at Kara’s pink cardigan. “Well, of course you wouldn’t.” 
A couple of people at the table snicker and Kara just drops her gaze back down at her coffee and doesn’t say much else for the rest of the conversation.
Later that night, Kara decides to give it a shot. Alone, tucked away in her bed underneath two layers of blanket, she quietly mutters to herself, “… What a bench.” It makes her feel a little better.
“Hey, is that allowed?” Kara asks, addressing a couple of Lena’s aides, or more specifically, the joined hands swinging between them. “You can, like, date and stuff here?” 
“Hm? Oh. Yeah, totally,” Winn says. “We were actually soulmates during our first go here.” 
James abruptly clears his throat and gives Winn’s hand a firm tug, but Kara’s already latched on. 
“Soulmates,” she echoes. “Wait, so soulmates are real?” 
Winn and James exchange a look, let out near identical uhhhhhhhhhhhh-s. 
“Brainy!” Kara calls out, and he appears with a small bloop! “Are soulmates real?” 
“Interesting question with an impossible definitive answer,” Brainy says, steepling his fingers together. “I can tell you that soulmates as a concept does indeed exist in many cultures, including the ones that you and 221 other residents here were raised in.” 
Kara points at Winn and James. “Are they soulmates?” 
“Winn and James had been assigned as each other’s soulmates for the first iteration of this neighborhood and in 37 other reboot scenarios.” 
Kara blinks because she doesn’t really know what to make of that answer. “Uh… Okay. Do I have a soulmate?” 
“You were also assigned one, yes.” 
“Really? Are they here? In this neighborhood?” 
“Well, who is it?” Kara asks. 
James tries to cut in, “Wait, Brainy, I don’t really think—” But Brainy’s jaw unhinges and he emits the most awful blaring sound, which makes everyone in the vicinity clap their hands over their ears. 
“My apologies,” Brainy says, clearing his throat. “But I’m afraid that that particular piece of information has been deemed confidential by the People Upstairs.” 
“Jeez, okay, but can you at least tell me if—” Kara’s question is cut off by an encore of Brainy’s terrible siren, and she’s forced to cover her ears again. 
“Jeebers forking kites, Kara!” Siobhan shouts from down the block. “Stop forking asking him questions!” 
“All right, all right, jeez. I’m sorry!” 
But after that, Kara spends her days trying to bump into her soulmate. She visits all the local venues and chats up as many people as possible, and though everyone seems friendly enough, no one really gives her that wapow! that she’d dreamed about back when she was still alive. 
Then she literally runs into Mike as she’s leaving the library, sending her glasses and all her books flying about, and… what’s that if not a classic meet-cute? She asks him out for froyo and he accepts. 
About a week into their courtship, Kara’s out on a walk and she can’t help but overhear a couple of raised, distressed voices—a supposed anomaly in the Good Place. 
“—of course, they’re gonna end up together! After all, they dated in real life, didn’t they? It only makes sense!” 
“Miss Lena, I understand that you’re upset.” 
“I am not upset, Brainy. But the fact is, we wouldn’t even be in this mess in the first place if the real Architect could have just—”
Kara slips on a misplaced pebble and tumbles into the alleyway, and Brainy and Lena fall silent at once. 
“Kara, goodness,” Lena says, rushing over. “Are you all right?” 
 “Yup!” Kara jumps to her feet, holds out her palms. “And not a single scratch on these babies! Courtesy of the Good Place, I’m assuming?” 
 Lena’s gaze softens considerably, a warm smile settling over her lips as she looks at Kara. “Yes. Probably.”
The way Lena’s staring at her gives Kara goosebumps and a tingly warmth spreading throughout her chest. It drives her to reach out and touch her fingers to Lena’s knuckles. Lena’s breath catches in her throat, but she wordlessly gives up her hand to Kara’s own, letting their fingers zipper neatly together. It feels right. 
“Wapow,” Kara murmurs to herself, blinking down at their joined hands. She then shakes her head, fixes Lena with a tilted head and a confused stare. “So… what’s this about you not being the real Architect?” 
Lena balks, her fingers twitch against Kara’s, but she doesn’t let go. Instead, she sighs and drops her head. “Gosh forking gambit…” 
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ayurileopardsdream · 4 years
If you had told me sooner - Chapter 1
Description: What should have happened in the Fortress of Solitude when Lena told Kara she knew the Supergirl secret, Season 5 Episode 7. And then it immediately just gets off track. And then it turns into a musical. And then it finally gets gay.
Author’s note: This story is also posted on AO3. Only my discord friends saw this coming ahahahaha~
[Supergirl Season 5 episode 7 - when they’re fighting in the fortress of Solitude]
After Mxy happened with It’s a Super Life. Kara went back to that part, had to relive that horrible time all over again. The whole “If you forgive me, I’ll be there for you. If you work with Lex, I’ll stop you just as I would any other villain.” Yeah that? No. Don’t like that, didn’t happen. So onward with the gay.
Rating: T
Words: 5,550
Series: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Characters / Pairing: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Genre: romance, hurt & comfort, fluff, angst.
Link to the AO3 copy: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22971949/chapters/54915007
The universe says that some things cannot be fixed with hugs. Kara Zor-El Danvers believes otherwise. Standing there while Lena yelled at her and holding that bomb Myriad thing, all Kara did was contemplate her entire life, her entire friendship. You see when mxy was sending Kara back in time to try and find a point to properly confess to Lena, Kara realized that when everything went to hell, there is no better way to fix a fight than with a hug.
Lena was yelling that she wasn't a villain. That Kara should have told her and not deceived her like everyone else. That she thought they were best friends, Kara should have trusted her.
Kara knew what she had to do even if Lena didn't trust her or like her or care for her anymore.
Kara flew at Lena, knocking the Myriad bomb out of her hands, hugging her tightly but safely for her strength.
"Kara what- What are you doing?! Get off of me!" Lena yelled struggling to no avail to get the kryptonian off of her.
"No!" Kara yelled, surprising the upset Luthor.
"I know I hurt you! That I betrayed you, that I deceived you. I should have told you and I didn't! I didn't want to put you in harm's way and I couldn't find the right time! Don't you know how hard it is to not tell you things? The number one villain rule is to target the loved ones of a superhero! Someone could have, would have come after you and I know you can handle yourself but I couldn't risk it! Damnit Lena! I love you! More than a friend, than a best friend! You're the most important person in my whole life! I know you're upset but I'm not about to deceive you like everyone else in your life has! I'm sorry Lex told you first, but he told you to get between us, to ruin us and it worked! He's a villain! Taking my loved ones away!"
Pulling away, Kara was shaking, sniffling, crumbling. It was.. really sad.
"If you hate me... then fine. I can't change your mind. I'm so so sorry Lena... I won't ever bother you ever again." And with that, Kara turned to leave, too depressed to fly. She was literally walking out of the fortress of solitude. Leaving Lena there to stare in shock and disbelief at what she'd heard. Kara... loved her... and watching her leave like that, then looking at Myriad on the floor... something ached in her chest and it wasn't hate.
"Kara wait!"
This was ridiculous. Love? Kara? With her ? Lena Luthor. Lena Luthor . A super in love with a Luthor. 
Lena’s over-intelligent brain was going through everything, every little thing. Since they’d got here, no, their entire friendship. She was more than sane enough to go through their.. 2, 3 years of friendship, over-analyzing everything. And then, watching Kara’s sad, shaking, hunched form as she walked out of the Fortress of Solitude, and Lena’s cold, frozen, stone, locked iron heart unlocked, melted again. She could almost cry again, but for another reason. Guilt? Apology? At times like this, before... everything... she wanted to comfort Kara, hold her, rub her back, hug her, tell her it was okay, that everything was okay. But… she couldn’t. Not like this.
A few minutes of more thinking, honestly, regretfully, Lena put Myriad back where it belonged. She sighed with a clench of her fists, before finally turning and making her way out of the Fortress of Solitude, finding Kara actually sitting on the ground, well, ice, knees to her chest, crying. It broke Lena’s heart, but then she remembered everything else. Killing Lex Luthor for her. The secret she’d learned from the enemy. She couldn’t shake that. Regardless of Kara’s reasons.
She was broken from her thoughts with Kara looking up at her, tears streaming down her cheeks, eyes risen sadly but a little hopeful. Wanting to apologize again, but Lena held up a hand.
“I think we should be apart for some time. I really need to think about things.” She said in her serious Luthor voice, the one usually reserved for depressing, frustrating, irritation business matters.
Kara broke Lena’s heart yet again when she sniffled and nodded her head, crumpling her form if she could do so anymore. 
Giving an almost sympathetic sigh, Lena called for a pickup from her very discreet security, one of the few, very few good things that came from Lex. She would wipe the pilot’s mind of this place later from the mind control technology she'd gotten with that Martian's evil brother. Surprisingly enough, as the jet appeared, Lena went towards it, and upon ascending, in a soft voice she knew only Kara could hear, she looked back, not looking at her directly, and spoke.
“Kara, I’ll call you when I’m ready to talk.” And like that, the Luthor was gone, out of sight, headed back to her safe spaces in L-Corp, National City.
And another surprising thing, Kara watched her leave, disappear, and as the paragon she was...
Kara actually had a little hope.
It had been 4 days so far. Just 4 days.
Kara’s POV.
The first, Kara sad and moping, too depressed to move, watch tv, even touch her favorite ice cream, Alex and Nia came over to comfort her and make her feel better, practically having to shove Kara’s favorite potstickers down her throat because Kara refused to eat. Get out of bed. She was super deadweight and even though the women wanted to complain, they knew Kara was hurting badly, and they had to give her sympathy. Eyes droopy, down to the floor, they were surprised Kara kept her breathing up, she’d forgotten to breathe before. Unfortunately they had work so they couldn’t care for Kara long. Kara’s friends made the rounds, each visiting her, taking care of her. 
The second day Kara got around to caring for herself, just doing little things. Her heart, her whole body ached with sadness and her brain never quit once to torture her of the previous events. But at least she was mobile again. She managed to get a bit of food and water into her system without extra hands, but still, her body ached at the emotional loss of her bestest friend.
The third day, the world started to panic ridiculously, as it always did. Where was Supergirl? Why had she been missing? She was always seen around National City at least twice a day by someone, so where had the heroine gone? Of course the news started getting around. CatCo denied and refused anything about it, not having an opinion. Everyone there also knew of Kara’s absence, the excuse being she had a really bad cold and would miss a while, using her saved sick days even when working for Cat Grant. But alas, James, Winn, Lena… knew the truth about the situation, but they didn’t say anything. The guys didn’t speak a word to Lena about it, as it wasn’t their place.
The fourth day, Kara would joke to say the city was on fire because Supergirl didn’t come to put out the flames. At least the city’s fire and police departments were getting their exercise. Who cares! Supergirl deserved some time off. But trying to turn her super hearing off, Kara stared out the windows of her apartment, sighing sadly, wishing and waiting for the phone call she hoped for every day. But it didn’t come. She practically had her phone on full blast, scaring the daylights out of herself if someone else called her. But she swore it was worth it...
Lena’s POV
The dumbest 4 days of her life.
Burying herself in L-Corp work she’d put off with all the.. cringe.. Superhero work. Well, now was a good time as any to get caught up. She awkwardly remembered she was a lawyer before all cape-wearing hell broke loose. Oh well. 
Unlike Kara, Lena didn’t have too many friends... She got Brainy as a part-time assistant since her prized tech had sacrificed itself, and with that her original assistant too. Well... she should really get around to making friends at some point.
Her first day was quiet, lonely. Barely ate, kept up her hydration with a mix of water and alcohol. Which wasn’t too good either. But she was getting through paperwork. It was calm.
Day 2 was less so. More work, finally getting food since her stomach was torturing her. But alas, quiet again. She was determined to be busy, to not think too much. It had only been 2 days.
And then it were 3.
Day 3, she was more lax. Work pretty much done, Brainy being ordered by the very much alive Lex Luthor to keep his sister alive while she secluded herself with the disappointing contemplation of “pitiful friendships with worthless people, especially supers” Lex had said.
Lena decided to watch some tv after finishing her work, grumbling when it meant she didn’t have much to do now. Upon seeing the news, the regular channel her tv usually stayed on, there were worried reports about a “missing Supergirl.” Lena sighed, knowing it was probably because of their... fight. Knowing the Kara side of things, the blonde was probably holed up in her loft, crying and either only eating comfort foods, or nothing at all. The small part of humanity, Lena believed, almost felt bad. But no. Kara had betrayed her. Lied to her, deceived her for so long. She wouldn’t be changed. She was hurt. So she rolled her eyes at the tv, and the rest of the day she caught up on some Netflix, getting as comfortable as she could in the big modern office.
And Day 4 for Lena, she was bored. Still hurt. But now, because of her copious amounts of free time, she decided to see from a 3rd point of view, her memories. And thankfully she could remember each and every one clearly.
The longer she stayed in her head, reviewing everything, the more her heart sank. All the lies, all the secrets from Kara... all the nice things Kara did for her, the way Kara looked at her when she thought Lena wasn’t looking... A pit began to form in her stomach, slightly guilty. And because the contacts allowed her to morph imagination into reality... her mind went faster than she intended it to, because when she suddenly found herself pinning a certain superhero to her desk, both faces flush, Kara’s stomach against the cool glass and metal, and Lena leaned right up against her curves, gripping her hair and whispering something she couldn’t make out into the shell of the blonde’s ear, well... 
Lena immediately turned the contacts off, gasping for air with hands tightly gripping the chair’s arms. What the hell was that? Was she... with Kara... and they were... She shook her head dramatically, opting not to do that again. Damnit, now she felt cool under her dress. What the hell. Damnit. It was probably just an accident in her head, mind wandering a little too far being cooped up in this place for half a week. So she decided to go out, go home, get some sleep. And not have weird sexy dreams of mounting National City’s finest.
The days after that were long and dry. Supergirl eventually got back out, flying, helping, saving. She was on the news yet again and when reporters asked what happened to her, she said honestly, into the camera “I really hurt a friend. I didn’t mean to, but I did. So I’ve been trying to put things behind me, accept the fact that this probably broke our friendship, and if there was even a chance of anything more, that’s gone too. Sometimes things happen, and... you can’t fix it. You can apologize as much as you’d like, but in the end, the one who was hurt the most, it’s up to them. If they want to forgive you, or forget you. Whatever she chooses… I accept.” And then, as one super did, she took off to the next objective.
Lena occasionally saw a blue and red blur through the sky when she looked up, making her sigh, roll her eyes and look away. And upon turning on the news again, watching the interview, Lena grumbled, trying to rub the pink out of her face. Why was her heart racing. Why did her chest ache? She didn’t love Kara. Not like that. Jesus, get it together Lena. You were stone cold, an icy glacier.
So why.. Was stupid Kara Danvers… suddenly melting her heart?
“... And I don’t know why I keep having..” She paused, looking around the little restaurant her and Sam were at, as if feeling she was being watched because of course she was, but Lena sighed and rubbed her temples. “ Odd dreams of her.”
“Odd as in?”
“You know what I mean, do not make me say it out loud.” Lena growled, squinting her eyes as she tapped on the menu book in frustration.
“Have you maybe considered that you li-”
“No. I already told you what she did.”
“Lena.” Sam called, having serious eyes and hands on the other’s. “I know she hurt you, I’d be hurt too but you have to understand that when people have… abilities, they become a symbol. A big huge beacon that everyone can see, can follow, like a lighthouse. But sometimes, people get offended, threatened by such a beacon. It’s too bright, too helpful, too kind, whatever. They want to tear it down, hurt it. Destroy it. And if this beacon has anything it cares about, finding that care and tearing it down too, can ruin the lighthouse that much faster. She did it to really protect you. She wanted to tell you, and she just couldn’t find the right time, because what with your mother, and Lex, and Crisis, and even my.. Crazy super side... when was there a real opportunity to sit down, take a deep breath, and unbox another massive thing alongside all of that?”
Listening carefully, staring into Sam’s eyes, once Lena completely understood, she looked incredibly pissed off, which made Sam laugh right away.
“You know I hate it when you’re right.”
“Oh I know, and it’s hilarious. So what are you going to do?”
“Well first I’m going to drink a lot of red wine, get something to eat… and figure out how I feel about her.”
Giving another laugh, Sam patted Lena’s hands before pulling away. “So, you forgive her?”
“I... I guess. I’ll have to have a long, long talk with her.”
“So that’s an indefinite yes.”
Sigh. “I haven’t dated as much as everyone else, alright. I don’t even know how I’d approach this.”
Sam contemplated, while waving a waiter over, taking their orders and then going off. “Why don’t you call up a bunch of Kara’s friends, to get advice not just on her, but dating women in general. From what I hear, a lot of Kara’s friends are queer.”
Lena blinked, before groaning. Gosh. She would have, what, 4, 5 women making fun of her for being a grumpy Luthor with a crush on a super rather than a grudge. This was going to be great.
“We’re gonna need a whole bottle tonight, Sam.”
And so, the sun was in the middle of the sky, as 6 women sat in park benches all around. It was almost mortifying for Lena. Alex, Kara’s sister. Nia Noll, Kara’s super friend and ally within the not-so-newly-shapen CatCo. Then Sam, Lena’s one real friend, surprisingly enough. Then the worst of them. Well, worst for Lena’s conflicted mood. Alex had suggested and then carried through calling some more super friends for Lena to really get a good view and grip on the thoughts, lifestyle and feelings of actual queer women. Not that Alex wasn’t up to it, she just needed some more help. Sara Lance, and her adoring partner Ava Sharpe. Upon dating a super, Ava knew all about… everything. The two never kept secrets, so everyone was brought up to speed about the situation. 
“So, yes… I guess.. I’ve come around to put an end to the anger I have for Kara, but I just wanted some outside opinions on-” Lena began, before being cut off.
“Dating women.” Sara interrupted, with that little gay smirk.
Lena snapped her head with embarrassed fury towards Sara, before fixing her skirt as she did and huffing.
“I don’t love her. I just wanted some… advice on how to deal with her feelings.” Lena said matter-of-factly.
“Because you want to return them.” Sara said again, having a shit-eating grin on her face. Ava gave a little laugh, patting her lover’s arm, hand and shoulder.
“Lena it’s completely normal and natural to feel this way.” Ava assured her, and everyone gave cute little nods together.
“Yeah besides, with how much Kara talks about you, I’m surprised this is only happening now and not ages ago.” Nia added, with Alex giving a knowing smile.
“Gosh, how my sister finally accepted her feelings and would just drone on and on about how much she cared about you. It might come as a shock but she was really stressed out all the time, wanting to tell you her secret but knowing you were too busy with the Luthor stuff so she kept quiet, not wanting to bother you.”
Oh… wow. Lena swallowed, trying to ignore the continued growing guilt in her gut. Kara was so upset, so stressed out, about her secret, her own problems and life but she shoved it all down for Lena. For Lena… because Kara loved Lena, not just platonically, but romantically. Maybe even…
“No!” Lena shouted, standing from her bench, startling all the other women.
Then she sighed, releasing some of the tension that had been built in her system. 
“Gods... what’s the matter with me? You’d think a girl would learn...” 
Suddenly she started singing as the sun began to set, and all the other women looked at each other, smirking at themselves and then Lena.
“If there’s a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I’ve already won that..”
The brunette picked up a flower, twirling it in her fingers before tossing it away.
“No person’s worth the aggravation… that’s ancient history been there, done that.
The women began to stand, all in a row next to each other before they too began to sing at the forlorn Lena Luthor.
“Who’d you think you’re kidding? She’s the Earth and Heaven to you, try to keep it hidden, honey we can see right through ya,”
“Oh nooo!”
“Girl you can’t conceal it, we know how you’re feelin’, who you’re thinking of!” Sam picked up the flower Lena had tossed, eagerly waving it within Lena’s view but she swatted it away with her hand, pacing away slowly, eyes half-lidded before she continued singing.
“Ohhhh, no chance, no way, I won’t say it no no.”
“You swoon, you sigh, why deny it oh-oh.” The women sang, crowding Lena with big grins, but again the Luthor waved them off.
“It’s too cliche, I won’t say I’m in love.” She means, really? A Luthor and a Super? No way. It was impossible. Their kinds were enemies. There was no way she was in love with Kara. Regardless of how the other felt.
The other woman cooed and sung in the background, following Lena as the gorgeous sunset brushed her face. They moved through National City Park, Lena unconsciously moving to the city’s large hero statue. The women all smirked even more if they could, they knew better and would continue to argue.
“I thought my heart had learned its lesson” (from loving and trusting people close to her, that it was a mistake) “it feels so good when you start out... My head is screaming ‘Get a grip, girl!’ unless you’re dying to cry your heart out, ohhhh oh!” Lena sang out, even putting a hand on her chest with the other extended, spinning herself and twirling as she belted out the tune.
“You keep on denyin’ who you are and how you’re feelin’, and baby we’re not buying, hun we saw you hit the ceiling! Face it like a grownup, when’re you gonna own up that you’ve-”
“Got!” Sara sang out.
“Got,” Added Nia.
“Got it ba-ad!” They sang in unison, all facing Lena with pointed fingers at her.
Lena stared with a startled look, before sighing, turning away and running a hand through her head. “Woahhhhh.”
“No chance, no way, I won’t say it, no no.”
“Give up, give in-” they sang, as Lena suddenly found herself up against the large stone statue of National City’s own Supergirl, making a power pose. A goofy lovestruck grin was plastered on her face, imagining those strong arms embracing her, holding her with love like nothing else mattered.
“Check the grin, you’re in loooove.” Sam called out to her with a snarky smile, insisting in song that Lena was beyond head-over-heels for Kara Zor-El. 
Upon hearing such a call-out, her grin disappeared, she hopped down from the statue, and shook her arms away from her in an “Absolutely not!” fashion.
“This scene, won’t play. I won’t say I’m in loooooooooove-”
“You’re doing flips! Read our lips, YOU’RE IN LOVE!!”
“You’re way off base, I won’t say it,”
Almost giving into Lena’s boasting, they sang a line of agreement, shaking their heads in unison while Lena sang her line. “She won’t say in love..”
“Get off my case, I won’t say it!” Lena half-sang/half-growled, glaring at the background singers with eyes ablaze with… denial.
Then the group grinned and moved to sit Lena down on what felt like the lap of a second stone statue. Lena instinctively wrapping her arms around the neck of the oddly smaller stone superhero statue with her eyes closed, before glaring at the group again.
“Girl don’t be proud, it’s okay, you’re in loooove.” They sang again, Ava giving Lena the flower she’d previously picked and discarded, before all of them shrugging, waving goodbye, and walking together out of the park as they finished their background singing.
“Ohhhhh.... at least out loud…” Lena began, curling close to the statue, holding the flower against the statue’s neck, not realizing one of the arms had gone under her legs, and was lifting her into the air, 
“I won’t say I’m in.... loooooove…”
“Sha-la-la-la-la-la, hahhhh…” The women sighed and swooned as they left the scene, and once the song was over, Lena opened her eyes to get a grip on herself, before screaming in surprise more than terror upon seeing she was way in the air over the park, in the arms of none other than her supposed nemesis, Kara Zor-El.
“I suppose we should talk about things, huh…” She laughed awkwardly.
Lena insisted they go to Lena’s penthouse, the apartment building closest to L-Corp while still being away enough to separate Lena’s work from her private life, if she even had one.
Her place was so white, so pristine, so modern. Kara, in her Supergirl outfit, landed on Lena’s balcony, gently putting her down.
“Were you following me? Did you know I’d be out there?” Lena asked right away, crossing her arms from leaning against the doorframe, blocking Kara from really entering her home.
“No! I wasn’t! Alex texted me during your uh,”
“Musical escapades,” Lena offered, rolling her eyes.
“Right, uh, yeah she told me to come down, said it was a good time to talk to you.”
Jeez, the Danvers sure were a team.
“Your song was really lovely. I didn’t know you could sing so well.”
Lena gave a playful smirk, with those mischievous eyes. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Supergirl.” She teased, before her face went serious, and she turned away, chucking her head a little to the side to silently invite Kara in.
“Do you have spare clothes? It.. feels a bit weird seeing you like this.” Lena murmured, hugging her arms to her chest as she sat down on the white couch.
“Oh! Uh, I’ll get changed hold on-” Kara flew to her place as fast as she could, changed, and flew back in a simple light blue blouse and dark blue jeans. Lena offered her one of the comfy white chairs across from the couch. Awkwardly Kara sat down, wringing her hands or fiddling with her glasses as she did when she was nervous. Lena almost felt bad. Maybe just a bit.
With a sigh, Lena got comfy before looking at Kara, then she sighed a little again. Gosh... Kara was so beautiful. Wait hold on. They were here to talk. That was all.
“So.. Kara. If that's even your real name?”
Kara looked incredibly offended, her face painted with hurt at such a first question, but she answered kind of angry. “Really?” Kara pouted, crossing her arms.
Lena shrugged with a smile, one Kara loved so much. Upon seeing a smile growing on Kara’s face, she looked away before making eye-contact. The seriousness was going to come by.
“Tell me. Why didn’t you tell me?”
Kara looked guilty, looking down, giving that whole vibe as if someone kicked a puppy. “I... I don’t know… I just.. I could never find the right moment, and then..”
“And then I found out by myself.”
“Because I was busy with all my stress, and the labs, and Lex.”
Kara visibly cringed.
“Being a Luthor, and my mother, the office, having CatCo at one point..”
Kara nodded, eyes full of guilt, sorrow, as she kept agreeing. Whether it was just to acknowledge or she really was agreeing with everything, nobody really knew.
Lena sighed again, running her hands against her temples, this time her sigh felt guilty and Kara actually lifted her head when she felt it. “I was so busy with everything, stressed out, with all the drama and the danger, you were always there for me when you could be. When you weren’t saving the world, when you weren’t helping other people, when you weren’t being Supergirl.”
Kara winced again, as if taking a kick to her actual form. She tried her hardest not to tear up because she felt so bad. But then suddenly there was a shadow over her face, and felt something on her cheek, it wasn’t just the tear that ran down… there… was something else. She looked up a little to see a thumb, then a hand, then an arm, and… Lena was standing over her, looking sad. Sympathetic.
Lena knelt down to be a little lower in height then Kara because of the chair, but then she painfully dragged the glass table over and sat on it to sit directly in front of Kara, doing her best to have her hand sit on Kara’s face the whole time. Once she was sitting, her other hand went on the left armrest. She wiped at Kara’s face with her thumb, stroking her cheek, and looking into those big sad blue puppy eyes, she nodded, and was almost relieved to give Kara permission to give her pale hand soft kisses to the muscle below the thumb, and her palm.
Kara was almost overjoyed at the touching, Lena’s sad eyes meant something. She put a hand over Lena’s, placing very light kisses upon the thumb’s base, and the palm, sliding it a little off her face to kiss the center of her hand but just as soon put the hand back on her face, taking a deep breath with a laugh when she heard Lena chuckle. This hand was practically her lifeline right now.
Lena smiled through sad eyes, but then frowned and Kara looked horrified like she’d just run over Lena’s dog. Oh Rao, what had she done to upset Lena now?!
“So… you kept the secret from me to protect me. That’s the truth, right?”
Kara nodded frantically, still holding the hand but even more delicately like if she really held onto it, it might break or turn to dust.
“You were keeping me safe from the possibility that someone might realize you have someone you care about, they’ll try to use that care against you. Right?”
Again Kara nodded, this time tears began to pool in her eyes and she did her best to be quiet, keep them in, not make a sound despite how much a whimper wanted to escape.
“You wanted to keep me safe. You couldn’t tell me your secret because you were too worried about all the other stress I had going on, you knew that this secret would just add to the load. You wanted to, as my best friend, but just couldn’t find the time? You absolutely wanted to but it just never found a time to come up. That’s the most part, right?” Lena was putting it into much better words than Kara ever could, not just because she couldn’t form a single word through the shaky sobs right now.
Then suddenly Lena stood, taking her hand with her. She moved the table back to its original spot. She moved away from Kara, back to the sofa on the other side of the table. Kara looked horrified. She’d done it. She’d ruined everything. Their friendship was over. Lena was going to kick her out, work with Lex, become her enemy. Kara morphed her face into the saddest thing ever possible, then she put her glasses onto the table to cover her eyes and face with her hands as she still tried hard, but the sobs, the whimpers were causing her to shake, almost violently, until-
“Come here Kara.”
Her sobs, her whimpers, her crying froze, and she looked up at Lena, who still had half-lidded eyes, but a small smile on her face. With knees to her chest, one arm on the closest arm rest, the other arm was extended out, patting the seat next to her. C’mere, girl.
Kara hesitated, as if this was a trick, a trap. In case Lena didn’t mean it, that this was how it ended, but then-
“Kara, please come here.”
With superspeed, Kara sat next to Lena, causing a slightly powerful gust of wind to go through but not enough to topple or damage anything. She sat on the couch with her back straight, legs pressed together, hands on her lap like the good girl she was, until Lena put her own legs on the floor, and reached over to drag Kara onto her lap. Kara was confused but she didn’t dare resist. Lena pulled Kara onto her lap, and with a grunt she moved herself and Kara to the middle of the couch so Kara could actually sit on Lena’s lap and also stretch her legs. Then Lena pulled Kara to her chest, wrapped Kara’s arms around Lena’s sides, and kind of gently forced them into a slightly awkward hugging position. Once Kara understood, she moved around a bit to make herself more comfortable, and as soon as Lena spoke again, giving her permission, Kara did exactly as she was told.
“It’s okay Kara. I forgive you. Let it all out. ”
And Kara did. She hugged Lena tight, not to hurt her, but a real genuine hug, and let out all her sobs onto Lena’s shirt. The brunette rolled her eyes but chuckled, rubbing Kara’s back and holding her close.
It was maybe an hour or two later. Poor puppy Kara had literally cried herself to sleep. And Lena seeing Kara without her glasses, she was definitely Supergirl. But wow had she cried a lot. And... wow... was she beautiful... Lena gently tucked a stray hair from Kara’s sleeping face, then leaned over to the table to get some very soft tissues, stroking them along Kara’s face, pressing a little roughly to wipe the dry tear streams, and any left over near her eyes. Then her stomach grumbled. She missed lunch and dinner. Thankfully she still had her phone on her so she ordered some food, enough for both of them if Kara woke up. And enough for breakfast. Thankfully she didn’t really need anything else till the delivery person arrived. And now back to Kara. Wow... she was so... so gorgeous... the gay in her wanted to place a kiss upon Kara’s sweet sleeping forehead… but the mature side of her knew she had to do something else.
Very carefully, Lena slid Kara’s slightly heavy body off of her to the other side of the couch, making her as comfy as Lena could. Giving her a pillow, covering her with a light blanket. Then… she did it. Lena leaned down, placing a soft kiss upon Kara’s forehead. Then admiring her sleeping face… wow. She would have and could have spent eternity watching that sleeping face, but thankfully, pizza was there. Lena went to pay, had a few slices as she put the boxes in her kitchen, and then watched a little bit of tv from her couch before wishing Kara a good night. Unbeknownst to them all, Kara smiled in her exhausted sleep. Finally, things were looking up for the most unpredictable pair of people.
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temmie-loony · 5 years
As usual, I love your most recent batch of headcanons. Do you happen to have any Karivarry kid headcanons from when they are younger?
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This kid is spoiled to the bone. 
Feel free to blame Oliver.
And Barry too but not too Oliver’s extent.
She knows she can sort of get away with things when her Pops is around.
With her Dad, not so much.
With her Mom? Ha, definitely not.
She got the hang of interdimensional travel before time travel.
Which was sort of a relief to Barry.
That was until she did eventually learn how to time travel.
But she doesn’t actually time travel.
Unless she really really needs to.
She prefers to travel to different universes.
She’s even gone fast enough to break into a whole different multiverse altogether.
At the age of fifteen, she found a world where Pokemon actually exists in the real world.
Cisco freaked out when Dawn just jumped out of a breach one day and holds out a Bulbasaur.
“You’re right! He is cute!”
After a stern lecture from Kara and Barry, Cisco (and Thea, Wally, Jesse, Iris, Felicity, Winn, William and Oliver) had to say goodbye to the little guy.
And to be honest, letting Dawn bring Bulbasaur back was one of the hardest things Barry had to do.
Having grown up to Barry playing the ukulele a lot, she knows how to play.
It’s her go-to instrument.
She has five ukuleles. 
One of each kind (yes, including the baritone) and an extra soprano just in case.
Her Kryptonian powers came first.
Which made Kara, Oliver and Barry think she wasn’t a meta, unlike what Caitlin said.
But then one day, the second after Oliver had just tucked her in, Dawn just vanished.
Oliver panicked. 
Which woke Kara up, which woke Barry up.
And they both panicked too.
Turns out Dawn had phased and went straight down into the living room.
“Okay. She’s a speedster.”
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Connor hated his glasses growing up.
He never really understood why he had to wear them because he can see things perfectly fine.
“Dummy, it’s so we don’t see through walls,” little Dawn would tell him.
“We can do that?”
So many years later, just when he’s about to graduate, Alex (with the help of Caitlin) had found out that Connor doesn’t actually have x-ray vision.
Connor had practically ripped the glasses off his face.
When Connor first met Liv West, he thought Liv was going to be just another annoying Dawn-type cousin or something.
Turns out, she’s actually cool.
Little bit of a brat, but it’s manageable.
Connor never wanted to be a superhero in the first place.
He wanted to be a detective like his Pawpaw Joe.
But then when he caught some guys talking about his sister in such a horrible way.
Ever since then he realized he can do so much more with his powers.
A shed once fell on his hand when he was young.
He was at a friend’s house when a his friend’s dad’s shed caved in and fell right on his right hand.
The family freaked out, of course.
They were even more freaked out by the fact that Connor said it didn’t even hurt.
When the parents called Kara, Kara insisted on taking him to her husband’s friend instead of going to the hospital.
Pretending his hand was broken for a month was a struggle.
He hated that he couldn’t play with the other kids during PE.
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William was already nearing his teenage years when he moved in with Oliver and, subsequently, Barry and Kara.
The first few months, it was obvious that he had a favorite.
It was Felicity. Felicity was his favorite.
She’s the reason he became so interested in computer sciences that it’s what he eventually pursued in college.
About a year after living with his dad and his whatevers, he exploded and let out all of his frustration.
It was mostly misguided anger about all the loss and confusion in his life thus far.
Oliver, Barry and Kara actually broke up for a while because Barry and Kara knew that William is Oliver’s number one priority.
And if William wanted them out, then so be it.
Barry and Kara hadn’t even really talked to Oliver. They just packed up their stuff in super speed and sped out, leaving their keys behind.
They wanted a clean break.
Instead, it left them all messy.
William eventually realized his mistake and called them back, saying he didn’t really mean any of it, that Dad’s drunk and he never drank this much before, and that he’s sorry.
He was once made to choose a favorite aunt (between Iris, Thea and Alex).
Out of sheer panic, he answered, “Felicity.”
“Oh yeah! Move over. This bitch won.”
He once shot Barry in the arm with an arrow.
Oliver tried teaching William archery.
He was pretty good as a beginner but when he started getting cocky, he let loose an arrow without really aiming.
The arrow flew and embedded itself right into Barry’s arm.
Barry was trying to keep Dawn from flying away; he hadn’t known there was a stray arrow heading straight for him.
William never really picked up a bow again.
Instead, he’s been relying on a taser gun made by STAR Labs and his hand-to-hand combat that’s barely passable by his Dad’s standards.
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fernwehbookworm · 4 years
Woke The F*ck Up- Chapter 23
April 26th, 2018
Instead of flying back to London, Lena books her and Kara first class tickets back to National City. Kara was probably the best distraction Lena could have right now. They were able to settle in the large chairs and have breakfast while everyone else was boarding. Kara quested a movie on their private viewing screens. Kara was shocked to learn Lena had never seen Fight Club. Kara excitedly started explaining the plot and then quoting lines along with the actors. About halfway through Lena leans over and whispers in the ear that Kara doesn't have the earbud in.
“Is this even realistic? I mean, who would start something like that? And then it just spirals into crazier and crazier things.”
Kara shifts slightly in her seat before clearing her throat. Nervously, she rubs her hand on her jeans and makes a face. Lena watches her fidget and raises an eyebrow at her and that seems to make Kara settle.
“I actually, may have, slightly, joined a Fight Club-like thing.” Kara says softly, not to be overheard by the wandering flight attendants or the other passengers.
“You what?!” Lena says a little too loudly, causing heads to turn.
“You what?” She whispers harshly.
“I...I was in a pretty dark place, Lee. I mean I know you didn’t cope with the break up well, and you know I started drinking. It was just something stupid I did. Most of the money I didn’t need for bills went to charities.” Kara pleads with Lena to understand. Lena sits there and stares blankly at the movie.
“You, the vigilante superhero, went to underground fight clubs, for money,” Lena says slowly. Kara bites her lip and nods.
“Wow… I mean… wow. I don’t really know what to say. That’s… wow. Were you good? I mean of course, you were good. I’m sorry, I don’t know what to do with this information.” Lena sits back in her sit and furrows her brow. Kara chuckles softly.
“I was very good. Undefeated, in fact. But Alex found out and flipped, then she dragged me to therapy and I never went back.”
“Aren’t you afraid of repercussions. I mean those things are like really illegal. The people who run them don’t like people just walking away.”
“Nah, I was careful. I always wore a mask. Not the Powergirl one. This one covered the lower half of my face like a ski mask.” Kara pops some more cashews in her mouth, relieved to get that off her chest.
“I never got jokes about airplane food. I mean I guess I never had it before you but this is great!” Kara pops some cut fruit in her mouth and hums contentedly.
“Darling, it’s first class. Of course, the food is good. Are we really just blowing past the illegal fight club?”
“There’s really not much else to say. I mean I did it, won a lot, then I quit. Did you need to talk about it more? Sorry, that wasn’t supposed to sound sarcastic. Really, if you need to talk about it more then please let me know. I just promised I wouldn’t keep secrets anymore so I thought you should know.”
“No, you’re right. I guess there really isn’t anything to talk about. It was just a shock I guess. And you’re sure no one will know?” “I’m positive.” Kara settles back in her seat to watch the end of her movie. Lena just stares blankly as she processes this new information. Somehow it all made sense in all the crazy that had become Lena’s life. Lena flags down the flight attendant for a whiskey and a pen and paper. She had to clear her head in the best way she knew how.
Once back on the ground it was easy for the pair to grab their carry-ons and Lena to rent a car. In no time they were at the nearest five-star hotel and Lena was checking in under an assumed name. Kara immediately crashes on the couch, complaining of jet lag, and Lena gathers some stuff to take a shower. By the time she finishes, Kara is snoring softly on the couch. Lena smiles softly at the sight before grabbing an extra blanket from the closet and draping it over Kara. The bed calls her away from the peaceful sight as her eyelids grow heavy.
The next thing Lena is aware of is Kara gently shaking her shoulder. She’s still dressed in the clothes from the day before. Lena peers at the alarm clock on the nightstand and groans as it reads four-fifteen.
“Hey, Lee. I’m going to take a Lift to the gym, I have to teach a class. Also, there is a tournament tonight that I have to finish getting ready. Just text me later.” Kara whispers softly. Lena can barely register the words but nods and grunts. She’s already falling back asleep when she thinks she feels Kara’s lips pressed to her forehead but she can’t even be sure or react before she’s deeply buried into sleep again.
Lena doesn't rouse until nearly eleven. Her new assistant had sent a personal shopper out to get Lena clothes for her and her impromptu trip after Lena had asked Eve to book the tickets. The sharp knocking woke her and she stumbled to the door to let the preppy blonde in. She dropped the arm full of bags while Lena went to grab cash to tip her.
“Is there workout clothes in there?” Lena asks.
“Yes, Miss Luthor. Miss Tessmacher mentioned that you have been frequenting The Power House when in National City.”
“Perfect. Thank you…”
“Haley” The woman supplies.
“Thank you, Haley. I’ll let you know if I need anything else.”
“Anything Miss Luthor. I am a huge fan.” Lena smiles and nods as she goes through her normal reactions to those statements.
“Thank you. Oh, but Haley, please don’t tell anyone I’m here.”
“Of course Miss Luthor, we all sign non-disclosures due to who we shop for.”
“Good to know.” Lena waits and her eyes flick from Haley to the door and back.
“Oh, right. Yes. Goodbye Miss Luthor. Let me know if you need anything.”
Haley disappears back out the door and Lena begins to sort through the clothing. Lena made a mental note to send another tip to the girl because she did a wonderful job. Lena sends a text off to Kara that she’s up and then begins to get dressed. She receives an enthusiastic reply to come to the gym when she's ready. Lena just laughs and shakes her head at the absurd amount of emojis, and how much she missed seeing them on her screen.
In twenty-five minutes Lena is walking in the front door to the Power House and it is chaos. Very few people are actually working out. Most stand in groups talking and laughing. It looks like the crowd is spilling out from The Box. Through the doors, Lena can glimpse a boxing ring set up.
“Hey Miss Luthor,” the girl at the desk says. Lena recognizes her from last time.
“Hi, Taylor. Where’s Kara?”
“I went ahead and checked you in and Coach K is through all that trying to get the tournament started. Good Luck.” Taylor waves Lena through the crowd and Lena groans. Taylor just laughs and then helps the next person check in.
Lena struggles through the growing crowd of hot, sweating bodies to reach The Box. It takes a good five minutes to reach the door and another five to reach Kara. She stands on a raised platform with a table and a giant bracket behind her, concentrating hard and sending her employees scattering to one task or another. Lena smiles as she watches Kara just be in her element. She also feels slightly aroused at the way Kara commands the chaos around her. Bright blue eyes lock on Lena and it steals her breath away. Then Kara smiles and Lena’s feet carry her forward.
“This is insane!” Lena yells over the chatter.
“Yeah! But it’s great! We hit our fundraising goal an hour ago and we haven't even started yet.” Kara shouts back.
“That’s great! But what is all this for? You never told me?”
“Oh, right!” Kara hops off the platform to stand next to Lena instead of leaning over her. Kara stands closer than normal so she doesn't have to shout but it makes Lena’s breathing a little shallow.
“This is an Ameture fighting tournament. We are raising money for a scholarship to send a student in need to college, full ride, to Nation City University. Winner still gets five-thousand dollars. We already made enough for the yet-to-be-determined student’s first year. That was the goal and now we have a head start on the second year. Tomorrow the applications open up and Winn and I will be working with a couple of admissions officers to sort through them.”
“Wow Kara, that is amazing!”
“I know, I am so pumped. The winner also gets a chance to fight me At the end. But now, I need to get things started. You can go sit with Winn if you want or in the bleachers. If your hungry there are concessions being sold in that corner. Enjoy the show.” Maybe it was adrenaline, or a lapse in judgment, or something, but Kara kissed Lena on the cheek before disappearing into the crowd and climbing into the ring, pulling a mic from her back pocket and turning it on. Lena is frozen in shock and she gets light headed as she forgets to breathe.
“Lena! Come on, have a seat. It’s one of the best in the house.” Winn calls to her from where he reclines in his own seat. Lena swallows hard and nods.
“Actually, I’m going to go grab a hat from Kara’s office. I’ll be right back.”  Lena weaves her way back through the crowd, Listening as Kara begins her announcements.
“Welcome Ladies and Gentleman and Everyone in between!” A loud roar makes Kara pause. Lena slips into the office and grabs one of the Power House ball caps Kara keeps in there and makes her way back after pulling it snug over her head.
“I would like to personally welcome you all to the Power House!” Another roar.
“Before I get us started, I want you to all know, we have reached this year's goal but please do not stop you from donating! We are want to continue to build this scholarship up!” Stamping feet join the cacophony of noise. Lena jumps up next to Winn on the scoreboard platform.
“Now, without further ado, our first match up! Okay, I’m sorry, a little further ado, just for the general public knowledge. There are no Men’s and Women’s categories today. Points are based on form and execution, not hits. Not knockouts. This is an educational gym and these are first time fighters. So please take it, easy folks, this is a charity event. Now our first fighters. Jumpin’ Judy in the red corner is squaring up against Slammin’ Sara in the blue. Let’s make some noise!” Kara grins so wide Lena thinks it must hurt. Kara leaves the ring and the referee takes her place and the two women take their corners. Kara takes a seat next to Lena.
“Don’t you have to judge or whatever?” Lena asks.
“Nah, see over there,” Kara points to a table on the other side of the room that Lena had missed, “Those are my four of my coaches. They are doing the scoring. I get too invested sometimes. Best if I don’t judge.”
The bell dings and cuts off any further conversation. Lena watches as Kara is immediately absorbed into the fight. Lena watches as her eyes focus intently and she sits forward. Kara is in her element. After one particular hit Kara turns to Len to share her excitement and sees the raven-haired woman staring at her.
“Nothing,” Lena shakes her head. “I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this. The more I learn about you the more I realize how shallow our relationship was.” Kara’s expression softens.
“We just had limitations before, that’s all. It’s like one of those Zero Entry pools. We walked in but didn’t get much past our knees before the whistle was blown for a break. Now we have a chance to actually go swimming when we’re ready.”
“Right. When We are ready.” Lena confirms, a cheer erupts and Kara refocuses on the match.
The rest of the day is filled with Kara cheering for both sides of every match, the noise becomes a constant buzz as Lena listens to Kara’s sideline coaching. Lena cheers with the crowd and makes idle chatter with Winn as Kara is constantly out of her seat to put out one fire or another.
“All right, this is the last match. Then I fight the winner. I need to go change but sit tight.” Kara bounces back over in giddy excitement that makes Lena smile.
“I’m not going anywhere,” Lena says in a voice just the right side of sultry. Kara blushes and nods before bouncing away again.
“So, when is the elephant in the room going to be addressed?” Winn asks.
“It’s been addressed, but we are just leaving it there for now. We are taking it slow this time.” The bell rings and the final match begins. Somehow the room grows even louder. All of it is hard to follow for Lena. Punches fly and most land in one shade or another. Both the competitors are on their fourth match and the weariness shows. Blocks are sluggish and the footwork looks less sure. But that is just the big stuff that Lena has picked up from hearing Kara talk all day. At the end of the three minutes, the bell rings and the final score is tallied. The judges tell the referee and Kara arrives back on stage, changed into an outfit similar to the one she wore in the first fight Lena watched. Lena’s breath catches at the sight of those abs and the pure confidence oozing off of her. Lena tries to subtly cross her legs to ease the feeling shooting through her. The ref holds up the hand of winner, a small but fierce woman named Addison. Kara had told Lena earlier that she was on the police force but loved coming here. Kara took ten percent off her membership every month, she did the same for the rest of the firemen and police who came here to work out.
“Congratulations Addison! You are today’s champion. Now, you can walk away now, or, take a thirty-minute break and take on me! If you get just one successful hit, you and a person of your choosing get a free year-long membership. What do you say?” Kara holds a hand out to Addison for her to shake, the woman takes it.
“You’re on Coach K.,” she says a little out of breath.
Lena resigns herself to at least another forty-five minutes sitting in a plastic chair, but then Kara is in front of her and pulls her away from the platform and Lena quickly forgets the small annoyance of discomfort. Kara laces her fingers in Lena’s and pulls her through the crowd and into her office.
“What are we doing?” Lena laughs.
“I need to warm up, and if I know you at all, you need some quiet.” Kara opens her secret entrance and descends down.
“Kara I’m fine. I am used to loud venues, you know.” Lena laughs but follows anyway.
“Yes, but then you like to hide in your dressing room until the ringing in your ears fades.”
Lena doesn't have a comeback for that. Except that it used to be accompanied by drinking and maybe something more to take the edge off. Instead this time she settles for grabbing water from Kara’s fridge and sitting at Winn’s central command and watching Kara. She starts with a series of stretching, reminding Lena just how flexible the Maiden of Might is. Kara seems oblivious to what she is doing to Lena and engages her in idle conversation.  
“So I was thinking we could go get dinner after this, maybe a movie. Something quite. I mean, I’m a social person but this has been a lot today. I just need to relax.”
“Um, yeah. Sure. Or order in and just watch a movie at my hotel? We can get that Chinese place you love and extra pot stickers.” Kara started to jog around the room.
“Sounds perfect.” Kara starts short sprints bending and touching each line of the five evenly spaced out on one side of the room before sprinting back to the first.
“Is this even a fair fight? I mean you are a professional.” Kara drops to do push-ups, sweat starting to bead on her skin. Lena takes a long drink of water.
“Hey, I’m not heartless, she’ll get her free membership. But it’s good publicity for the gym.” Kara grabs a jump rope and begins a fast-paced rhythm. Lena averts her eyes, this was doing nothing for the rational part of her brain saying to take things slow this time. Luckily, Kara hangs up the rope as Lena finishes the water.
“Ready?” Kara asks.
“Uh, yeah. If you are.”
“I was born Ready,” Kara says with a wink before gesturing for Lena to go back up the stairs.
Some of the crowd has dissipated but it’s still very crowded. People still make way for Kara as she approaches the ring. Lena resumes her perch next to Winn and Kara takes the mic into the ring.
“All right everybody! This is it! I encourage you to record this and share it with friends. This May be Atomic Addy’s debut fight! Here she is, the Winner of the First Annual Power House Power Racket! Atomic Addy!” The woman hops up next to Kara, still slightly flushed but mostly recovered from her previous fight.
Kara hands the mic off to one of her judges and shakes Addison’s hand before the separate to their corners. The referee counts them down before the bell rings.
Addison is wary of Kara, slowly shuffling forwards with her arms in a guard like Kara had taught her. Kara bounces from foot to foot and looks like she’s just talking to Addison, encouraging her, coaching her. But Lena can’t hear through the noise of the crowd. She does see phones held up as people record.
Addison throws one punch that Kara dodges with ease.  Kara says something and Addison squares her shoulders more.
Addison begins a quick series of punches, not going for power anymore, just a quick tap. Kara must have reminded her that she doesn't have to go for a knockout, just one hit. Kara dodges most and deflects the last. Kara takes a slow swing at the other woman’s head and she ducks it. Addison sends an uppercut towards Kara’s stomach but Kara jumps back enough to avoid it. The two women square off again. Kara says one more thing and Addison nods her head in confirmation of something. Lena thinks Kara says something like ‘Give it everything,’ but she can’t be sure. At least until Addison begins firing punch after punch at Kara, each faster than the last, Kara managing to block every one, until a block glances off her hand and hits her shoulder, spinning Kara away and too off balance to block the punch already following to hit her ribs. Kara is quick to recover, hardly phased by the impact, but both fighters still. It’s over. Addison stands painting, hands still up in a guard. Kara drops hers with a laugh and holds out a hand to shake. Addison grins and shakes it to the cheers of the room. As soon as the cheering stops the adrenaline of the day seems to fade and Lena is exhausted. She gets Kara’s attention and points to her office. Kara nods and Lena retreats there. She collapses in Kara’s leather rolling chair and sighs into the quiet.
After a few minutes, she calls the Chinese restaurant so that hopefully it won’t take it too long to get there after they leave, but she left instructions to leave it with the front desk just in case. After another ten minutes, Kara peeks in with a small smile, changed into sweats.
“Ready?” Kara asks.
“Yes, food is ordered.”
“Good, ride is out front.” Kara tosses Lena a helmet, which she just barely manages to catch.
“Don’t you have to clean up?” Lena asks, replacing her hat with the helmet.
“Nah, I promised Scott, Zach, Valerie, and Susan overtime pay to do the cleanup and next Friday off.”
“Oooo, look at you. Delegating like a champ.”
“Hey, I can afford it now. Which is something I don’t think I ever thought possible but between the gym and my art I can pay time and a half to my employees to clean up. And I can go eat food and hang out with my… friend.” Kara hesitates on the term but Lena decides to let it go. For now.
“Sounds great. I’m proud of how far you’ve come, even if you are still basically homeless.” Lena teases.
“Hey! I like it down there, and it is very convenient.” Kara holds the door open for Lena.
“I’m sure it is.” Lena lets Kara get on the bike then climbs on behind her.
“I hear the sarcasm but I’m ignoring it. I have potstickers on my mind.”
“Potstickers? I thought you said Kale.” Lena teases and Kara gasps.
“Don’t tease me, Lena. You ordered potstickers, right? Right?!” Lena just shrugs at Kara’s pleading.
“Maybe, maybe not. You’ll just have to see when we get there.”
“You better hold on then.”
Kara flicks down her visor and kicks the bike into gear. Lena squeals and tightens her arms around Kara’s center. She feels Kara chuckle as she weaves through the traffic.
“Yes, ma’am. I am sure. That is Andromeda. The fighting style matches the little footage we still have of her. Plus Kara Danvers has the background to do it.”
“Excellent. Miss Danvers needs to be taught a lesson. No one just walks away from my fight club.” Roulette sneers. Either the fighters left too broken to continue or moved up in her service. Personal bodyguards, hired hitman, escorts, and the like. Andromeda just disappearing after the amount of money she had taken was like spitting on Roulette's pride. It would not be tolerated.
“Find out where she lives, find out her routine. She will not be easy. Make sure all my best men are available for this.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The man nods his head and exits the room. Roulette settles in her padded chair in the dark back room of the fight club. Everything has to go perfect. Andromeda must be taken by surprise.
April 27th, 2018
Alex was nervous. Her palms were sweating and her stomach was fluttering. Her mouth was dry and she was very aware of her tongue and how it didn’t seem to quite fit between her teeth. She couldn’t believe the text message she received this morning. She paced for about half an hour thinking about how to respond and after responding she went for a very long run just to do something. The day had seemed to stretch out before her like an endless maw until just this moment as she stared at the handle of the bar door. Now the day seemed to collapse in on itself and shrink to the small point of the threshold.
Sam waited on the other side of that door. The woman Alex had a major crush on and hadn’t seen since Lena’s rescue. They did live on different continents and all. But they had texted and called their conversations always edged on the flirty side of suggestive. Well they had slept together once too. And that may be the problem. Alex knew what lay hidden under Sam’s expensive clothes. She had spent hours mapping out her skin with kisses and tracing patterns in a trail of goosebumps. Because Alex knew what that was like she couldn’t stop thinking about it. And she couldn’t stop thinking about why Sam was suddenly in National City.
With a deep breath, Alex squares her shoulders and runs a hand through her hair. She tucks her helmet under her arm and opens the door. Alex scans the room for the woman she came here to meet and finds her in a back corner booth, sipping red wine. As if feeling Alex’s eyes on her, Sam looks up. When their eyes lock, Alex’s breath catches. Then Sam’s lips curl softly in a small smile and Alex is gliding across the room to sit across from her.
“Hello, Alex,” Sam says as she slides into the booth.
“Hey, Sam.” Alex sets her helmet on the seat beside her.
“Aren’t you Danvers sisters a gay dream. With motorcycles and leather jackets. Makes me wonder what’s in the water of that small town you come from.” Sam sips her wine and Alex’s mouth goes dry. Thankfully she is saved from responding by a waitress asking for her drink.
“Whiskey, neat. Thanks.” Alex says and shrugs off Sam’s raised eyebrow.
“So what brings you back to National City?” Alex asks Sam.
“No small talk huh? Well, Ruby is at a two-week long summer camp and Lena was supposed to come home but I received a text yesterday that she had decided to come here instead after the trial. I figured I might as well use up some of my vacation time and come be with my best friend. I also thought I would stop in to see the woman I can’t seem to get out of my head.” Sam says very plainly as she shifts to cross her legs. Alex almost jumps at the feel of a foot stroking her calf under the table. Thankfully, the waitress drops of Alex’s whiskey just in time for her to take a big gulp of the burning liquid.
“Is Lena expecting you anytime soon?” Sam shakes her head slowly.
“No, she doesn't even know I’m here yet.”
“Want to get out of here?” Alex asks.
“Very much so.” Both women polish off their drinks and Alex leaves plenty of cash on the table before grabbing Sam’s hand and eagerly pulling her towards the exit, all her earlier nerves forgotten now that she knows Sam wants her too.
“I think I was too hard on the two of them. Especially Kara.” Sam whispers, her finger tracing patterns on Alex’s stomach, using her chest as a pillow. Alex has one arm wrapped around her while using the other to prop up her own head.
“What do you mean?” Alex feels Sam take a deep breath.
“Back before I met Kara, when she kept canceling on Lena, before we knew what she was doing, I said some not nice things to Lena. About Kara.” Sam pauses and Alex waits patiently for her to continue.
“I said that Kara was just using her for the fame and the free trips and then was bailing because she had her fill of it. I wasn’t supportive at all.” Alex is quite a moment.
“I don’t blame you. You hadn’t met Kara. All you saw was your friend being hurt, over and over. And with Lena’s fame, I’m sure there are probably plenty of people who would do just that. You had to protect her. Do you still feel that way?”
“A little I guess. I mean, I’ve met her now and she's like this ray of sunshine. But I still worry that she’ll build Lena up again to tear it all away again. Maybe its the mother in me. I don’t know. I want to support them. I do. But that doesn't stop the worrying.”
“I constantly worry about Kara. It never stops. She went to a dark place after everything with Lena. She’s had the darkness buried deep in her for a long time, since her parents, and then my dad, she buried it deep. Now I worry it’s too close to the surface. My only comfort is that they are doing it right this time. Taking it slow and getting help from Kara’s therapist.”
“That is true. But the way Lena has been talking, I think they will snap soon. Like pulling a rubber band further apart until it either breaks or springs back together. Hopefully, it’s the springing back together.” Sam’s hand has been slowly tracing lower and lower as she and Alex spoke, unaware of the fact until she feels Alex’s breath shorten and feels the soft tufts of hair just peeking out from the sheet.
“Can we...umm… stop talking about my sister now?” Alex swallows hard.
“Hmmm, thinking of ways we can spring together?” Sam teases. Alex rolls over and immediately begins to kiss her way downwards.
“You have no idea,” Alex growls out.
“Show me.”
April 28th, 2018
“Babe, hurry up! We are supposed to meet Kara and Lena in ten minutes!” Sam calls from the kitchen island, waiting for Alex to choose the right leather jacket to go with her all black outfit, something Sam had already teased her about.
“D-did you just call me babe?” Alex peeks her head out from her closet.
“Suppose I did. Is that a problem?”
“N-n-no. No, of course not. Just seems like a couple-y thing to do. Something maybe we should talk about?” Alex pulls a jacket from the closet and walks toward the woman who is looking fantastic in borrowed clothes.
“Maybe, but I also am not ready to have a conversation like that. But your reaction to ‘Babe’ is too good to pass up on.”
“Is it the same at how turned on I am to you in my shirt?”
“Probably.” Sam settles her arms on Alex’s shoulders as Alex’s settle on her hips. Alex leans in for a kiss, only to be stopped by a hand on her chest.
“We are going to be so late if I let you kiss me,” Sam whispers.
“Ugh, fine. But I will try and bring you home with me tonight.”
“Well, Miss Danvers, I don’t just go home with anyone.”
“Oh, you want to be wooed? I can woo. Us Danvers are natural charmers.”
“Now that, I can believe. Come on. Let’s go. Lena is going to kill me for being late.”
Lena did not kill Sam for being late. She was too engrossed in how Kara stood behind her, one hand on her hip, the other guiding her hand, as Kara showed her how to throw darts. Lena is trying to pay attention to Kara’s words, she really is, but Kara’s breath on the back of her neck raises goosebumps and makes Lena shiver.
“That was great!” Kara exclaims and a spattering of clapping pulls Lena’s attention away from the joy in Kara’s eyes.
“Well done, you just may be able to beat me next time.” Sam teases.
“Sam!” Lena rushes to hug her friend, Sam laughs and squeezes her back.
“It’s good to see you too Lena.”
“I’m so glad you came.”
“Me too.”
“Okay- you, me, shots.” Lena drags Sam towards the bar to catch up with her best friend. Tonight they had no worries about tomorrow and Lena was going to take advantage. Alex watches Sam walk away, eyes raking over her from head to toe. Kara nudges her.
“So Sam is in town.”
“And she’s been here since yesterday.”
“And didn’t text Lena until this afternoon.”
“And is wearing your clothes.”
“Kara… leave it be.”
“Leave what be? I’m just pointing out facts. And I haven't seen a grin that big since after your first date with Maggie.” Kara says innocently as she sips her club soda. Alex groans.
“Look, don’t make this a big deal. We are just enjoying each other's company. We still live on different continents.”
“I won’t. I won’t. I’m just glad you are doing something besides working.” Kara takes another sip before her eyes bulge out at Alex’s laugh, realizing what she said.
“Yup, doing something besides work. That is for sure.”
“Hey, you started it. Oh yes, Sam brought me alcohol.” Alex excitedly reaches for the glass in Sam’s hand and Sam deposits it in her hand with a kiss on the cheek. Sam ignores Lena eyeing the action and elbowing Kara in the process.
“Okay, so what’s the plan tonight?” Sam asks the table.
“Darts here, pool at the next bar, then the Karaoke bar.” Kara excitedly explains.
“Great, so I can be plenty drunk for karaoke,” Alex grumbles.
“Exactly.” Kara ignores her sister’s negativity.
“But not too drunk for after karaoke.” Sam whispers in Alex’s ear, sending shivers down her spine. Alex glances at her sister but Kara is already distracted again as she helps Lena at the dart board.
Kara may be the sober one tonight, but that would not stop her from singing the opening song to High School Musical as a duet with Lena, who was not so sober. But Kara was having a great time. Alex seemed to be having a better one as Kara tried to ignore where her sister’s and Sam’s hands were in the dark of their booth.
Now who'd have ever thought that
We'd both be here tonight
And the world looks so much brighter
With you by my side
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
I know it for real
This could be the start of something new
Kara saw Lena’s eye twinkling with happiness and what Kara distinctly remembers as lust. It makes Kara’s skin heat all over in a way she knows is not from the stage lights. Lena sings in perfect harmony with Kara and Kara is in awe of her talent, as always.
And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart
That it's the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you
And now looking in your eyes I feel in my heart
The start of something new (The start of something new)
The start of something new
A late night spattering of drunken applause follows their last note. The pair bounce back to the bar to get more drinks then back to the booth. Sam and Alex break apart from their lip lock to acknowledge Lena and Kara’s wonderful performance. They leave shortly after that and Kara does not ask questions. Lena finishes her drink before asking Kara to leave as well. Lena orders a Lift on the way to the door. The stand outside and a slight chill in the air makes Lena shiver.
“Oh, I left my jacket at the table,” Lena says as she rubs her arms.
“I’ll get it. Stay close to the door and don't get in the car before I get back. Can’t have you getting lost.” Kara teases as she guides Lena to lean against the wall next to the door, Kara glances up and sees the little red light on the security camera over the main entrance.
Kara wonders back inside towards the booth they had been sitting in. It’s already occupied by new patrons who hadn’t seen the jacket. Kara tries the bartender who directs her towards a back hallway where the manager's office is. She knocks but there is no answer so she tries the handle. It twists and opens. Lena’s jacket is hanging on the back of the chair and Kara steps inside to grab it when she feels a prick in her neck. Too late she registers the squeak of floorboards. Too late she notices the looming presence behind the door. Too late she turns to swing a punch at the person drugging her. Too late she sees the face that looks almost familiar before darkness descends.
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iminyourhandskara · 5 years
A Second Schott At Love - Final Chapter.
Kara almost jumped outside the elevator, clearly impatient to hear all about Eve’s version of the date night: obviously, she was a bit scared that she misread everything and that she wasn’t happy with how it went, but she wanted to be faithful in her match making abilities. “Oh, Eve isn’t here yet.” Kara whispered to herself, looking around the office. James’ staff reunion was about to begin, when the sound of Eve’s heels clicking on the floor echoed in Kara’s super-ears; she waved at her enthusiastically, perhaps a bit too much, but they couldn’t even get close because all the employees were now walking towards the boss’ office. “We’ll talk later.” Eve mouthed from a distance, and Kara replied with a thumb up.
 “Sooooo?”  Kara slid at Eve’s side. “How was it?” “It went really well.” She smiled, “I had a lot of fun.” “Aw, I knew it! Tell me everything.” “At the beginning, I was terrified because I don’t do small talk, but then I felt really comfortable and relaxed, we talked about our jobs, our lives in general, we both like blue, technology, books, Harry Potter specifically, and chicken nuggets.” Kara laughed, that was Winn in a nutshell. “But I have something to say, promise me you won’t get mad.” She suddenly felt alarmed, “Of course.” “The dinner was delicious and the restaurant was so nice and elegant, but..we were still hungry after eating there. So, we drove to Big Belly Burger right after.” “You had two dates in one night?!” Her voice went a little higher than the usual. “Shh, technically it was one big date, but I have to admit that the second part was even more fun, we ate a lot and I didn’t feel judged once. My cousin doesn’t even eat carbs in front of her dates, I have no idea of how she does that. Are..are you mad?” “No, it’s the complete opposite! I’m so happy for you two, especially after those previous dates, you deserve all the fun.” Eve smiled at her friend, “Thank you for arranging this.” “No problem, actually I apologize for not thinking about this before. So, are you gonna see each other again?” “Oh, yes, I forgot to mention we already exchanged numbers…and we texted a lot..and that might be the reason I was late today.” “Woaaah.” “I don’t even know how we managed to text until 5 AM. I haven’t felt this traumatized by my alarm clock since the college days.” “This definitely exceeded every expectation I had. Also, I should probably text Mike that if Winn isn’t replying to his calls, it’s because he’s still asleep. He should be up by lunchtime, though.” The two girls laughed again. “Like I said already, I’m extremely happy for you,” Kara said going in for a hug “but we should get to work, now.” “Right, do I look too disheveled?” “No, you’re perfect.” “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you one last thing..” “What is it?” “…I might’ve kissed him..” Her voice was lower than a whisper, Kara’s mouth was now agape. “Eve!!” “I could not help it, he was so sweet to me..” She was now as pink as her blouse. James called his assistant, she winked at Kara and then walked into the office.
 Mon-El was afraid that calling Winn so many times could’ve made his phone explode—it was his first smart phone  and he didn’t want to break it after just a few weeks, Kara would’ve definitely killed him. He was about to push the call button again, when he suddenly got a text from his girlfriend: “Winn is still asleep, he spent the entire night chatting with Eve ;), you’ll see him later at the DEO I think” “Oh, that explains it! So, does she like-like him?” “YESSS! We’ll talk about it later, are you going at the bar now?” “Yep, I’ll see you at the DEO as soon as I’m done L” “Ohhh..okay, I’ll see you later babe” “Later, babe!” Mon-El grinned at the screen, she called him babe again and he still couldn’t believe it.
 Mon-El and Kara arrived at the DEO and immediately noticed that Winn still wasn’t there. “That boy sleeps like a rock.” “I’m here! I’m here!! Mon-El, 75 calls? Seriously?” “Good morning, champion!” His friend joked, “About time. How long did you sleep?” “Less than you think.” Kara walked into their conversation, “Go straight to the point, how was the date?” Winn smiled gleefully, scratching the back of his head, “It was..awesome, honestly one of the best dates I’ve had, though the bar is pretty low. But I have to thank you, guys.” He chuckled. “Ah, don’t mention it..Eve told me you went to Big Belly Burger!” “Oh, yes, sorry about that.” “You don’t need to apologize, Winn, it’s great!” “What did you guys talk about all night? I can’t even hold real life conversations for that long.” Mon-El wondered. “Literally anything, it was like a third part to our date. It’s great that we share the same sense of humor, look, we sent each other memes.” Winn picked his phone from his pocket to show the two aliens the funny images: too bad Mon-El looked perplexed and highly confused, “You’ll get it one day, my friend.” Winn said with a pat on his back. “One day I’ll show you all the vines you need to know.” “Aren’t those in India? Or was it Africa? I can’t fly you there like Kara.” Winn covered his disappointed eyes with his palm, “Hey, is Eve a good kisser?” “Really good- She told you?!” “She’s good, from what I remem-“ Mon-El had just learned a new fact about his super girlfriend: apparently, she could throw flames with her gaze without heating up her eyes. “I shouldn’t have said that.” “Anyways..Kara?” Winn interrupted the awkward couple exchange. “Yes?” “Did you tell Alex yet?” “No, I didn—wait, you told him?” “Oops, yes. I forgot to mention it, we were so invested in this date that I completely removed that from my brain..I’m just gonna go to the bathroom before I mess up even more.” Kara bit her lower lip and then looked back at Winn, who despite his past crush for his best friend, was now looking at them with so much love and support, “Not that she needs more confirmations, because you know, Alex Danvers always knows everything, but you should tell her soon.” “Tell me what?” Silent as ever, she walked closer to the three friends. Kara and Mon-El became red as tomatoes, Winn just found the scene really funny, “Whatever it is, it can wait until later: there has been an attack near the fire station.” With a perfect timing, J’onn interrupted the big revelation. “Ahh, I think I’m gonna tell her tonight.” The girl of steel thought. “I guess I’m gonna have to hold my pee for a little longer.” The hero in the making sadly realized.
 Kara invited Alex to her place to eat some pizza and watch a movie, and of course, tell her the truth about her and Mon-El: now sitting on the couch, munching her slice, Kara interrupted the silence: “Hey Alex, I wanted to talk to you about something..” “Is everything okay?” “I know that the past weeks have been a wild rollercoaster, for both you and me, and we’ve talked about it on my Earth birthday, but then I told you things weren’t as easy as they seemed..” “Go straight to the point!” “I’m dating Mon-El!” “Oh, thank goodness. Finally!” She let out an exasperated sigh. “And I know about your bet with Winn, he owes you 30 dollars.” “So who else knows? Me, Winn, and?” “Eve. That’s it.” “Wasn’t she going out with Mon-El?” “Now she’s dating Winn.” “Okay, what? When did that happen?” “Well, we set them up this weekend.” “We?” “Me and Mon-El.” “Ahh, right. There’s already an ‘us’, I see.” Kara grinned, she was really happy she didn’t have to hide her relationship to the most important person in her life. “I’m so glad I finally told you.” “It didn’t take a lot to see the chemistry between you two, I’m glad you finally got together! You know I’ve been rooting for you.” “So am I obvious too?” She asked her big sister, referring to when she told her about his confession. “Eh..Sorry. But changing subject, how was it?” “How was what?” “The sex, Kara.” “Alex!!” She covered her face, red as the tomato sauce on the pizza and then she started giggling. “I’m taking that as a good sign.”
  6 months and 12 double dates later, the two couples were hanging out at Eve’s place for a game night: “Guys, can I please have your attention?” Winn called Mon-El and Kara “I wanted to tell you something, uhhh, it’s not really that much of a big deal to me because it doesn’t change much—“ “We’re moving in together!” Eve squealed excited, seeing that her boyfriend was now taking too long to reveal it to their friends. “Yes, we found a place that’s pretty close to the DEO and not too far from CatCo, however this little genius right here might have a new job soon..” “You’re leaving CatCo??” Kara seemed to dread her future days at work without her favorite colleague, her eyes went wide. “I sent my curriculum to the DEO.” Now both Mon-El and Kara were shocked and pale, thinking about what it would mean for their superheroes identities. Winn started talking to save the situation: “If you guys didn’t already know, my girl has an impressive brain and a even more incredible resume, even J’onn was impressed. And I know what you’re thinking about—“ “Your secret is safe with me.” Eve took Kara’s hands in hers. “And yours too, Mon-El.” She looked back at who she used to call ‘Mike’.
“He told you.” Kara’s voice was still a bit shaken. “Oh, no, no. I figured it out about a month ago, I only told Winn last week and he just confirmed my suspicions.” “You really are full of surprises.” Mon-El spoke, getting over the initial stupor. “Can I ask how?” “A few months ago, I found myself in the same place as Supergirl and she had just saved something or someone, anyways..I was looking at her hair and I was like ‘Wow, to get those waves you either use a  curling iron everyday or you keep your hair braided all the time, like Kara.’ And then I just connected the dots.” “Jeez, I’m starting to believe Alex when she says that glasses aren’t that good of a disguise.” Kara shook her head. “Well, then, if the secret is safe, I really hope the DEO hires you: we would be really lucky to have your brilliant mind in our team.” “Thank you so much, Mon-El. I have my fingers crossed.” “Let’s have a toast, to Eve!” Kara passed the beer bottles to everyone, who echoed her toast. “Cheers!”
Mon-El leaned in to whisper something to Winn: “Hey, are you sure you’re not going a little too fast? Moving in so soon?” “Haven’t you been living with Kara since you started dating, literally?” “Hey! It’s different! I was living at the DEO and it’s not a really comfortable living situation.” “Whatever..I know you’re concerned, but trust me when I say this..She’s different, my life has been different since I met her and I love her, truly. So I have no doubt in my mind.” Mon-El smiled, knowing exactly what he was feeling, “I trust you. For the record, if I’m not your best man next year, I’ll be really offended.” Winn laughed heartily, “Of course, of course.”
 Little did Mon-El know that it was exactly what was going to happen in a year. There was no other choice for Winn and Eve than to have him and Kara next to them at the altar; after all, none of that would’ve happened if it wasn’t for their best friends who let them give a second shot at love.
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supergirl-imagines · 6 years
Lena Luthor/you fic ch. 32
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“There you are!” 
The second you land on your window, you’re pulled in by your arms and subsequently down on top of Lena.  She doesn’t even wait until you’ve both stood back up before throwing her arms around your torso as tightly as she can.
“Whoa,” you shift quickly to take your weight off her and stand the both of you up.  It nearly seems as though you have to force her to release her embrace.  “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, I was worried about you,” she admits breathlessly.  “Kara called me and told me everything.  Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine,” you brushed her lingering hands off and rubbed the back of your neck.  A small bump reminded you of the new “equipment” Alex had outfitted you with.  For a few seconds, you could swear it was beeping softly inside your head.
“Y/N?  Hello?”
Lena’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts and you shake off the ringing in your ears.  
“Yeah, yeah.  I’m good.  Did you need anything else?”
Relief shifts to hurt in her expression and you bite your tongue, damning it for being so sharp all the time.
 “I…I just wanted to check in.  Are you sober?”
“I’m clean,” you sigh, “isn’t that enough?”
“I suppose.  If that’s what you need to do, will you at least come out and have a drink with me?”
You weigh the offer carefully, wondering just how likely it was for the night to descend into painful emotional chaos between the two of you.  Lena had been drinking more since the last time you saw her; you weren’t sure how you knew, but you did.  You weren’t sure what kind of drunk she would be in these circumstances.
“Is that even a good idea?”
“You can get annoyed all you want, but forgive me for not wanting you out of my sight.  I…I just don’t want to lose you again, Y/N.”
Her admission makes you tense up and luckily, you’re able to stifle down whatever feelings are trying to escape from your subconscious.  
“Okay, I get it.  We can…we can just drink at your place.  You have a nicer view.”
Lena looks taken aback by your decision, but she recovers nicely.
“Absolutely.  Bring your own alcohol though.  I saw how much you had on the counter.”
“Do you want to drive there or should I fly us?” You fire back at her lightly.  You see how frightened she gets for a brief second at the notion of heights.
“I’ll drive myself, thank you.  You can either ride with me or do whatever you want.”
“I guess I’ll take the slow way.” 
Lena waits patiently as you gather up two bottles and slip on your shoes.  The whole routine feels so normal for you, even after all this time.  You’re forgetting you have powers and you’re forgetting you want to be high.
“So, tell me, how’s L-Corp doing lately?  Did you find a better assistant than me?”
“The company itself is thriving…but no, I didn’t find a better assistant.  You were surprisingly good at your fake job.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that compliment.” 
“Are you ready to go?”
“Yeah—wait,” you shove the bottles into her arms and focus on Kara’s voice in your ear.
“There’s a bank robbery on Fullston Street-“
“National City Mutual or Western Banking?”
“National City Mutual.”
“Got it, I’m on my way.”
“Y/N, what’s going on?”
“There’s a bank robbery going on downtown.  Just get in your car and meet me at your place.  It won’t take that long and I don’t want you there in case there’s gunfire.”
“Um, okay.  Just…just be careful, alright?”
“I don’t need to be careful, I’m bulletproof,” you scoff and run towards the window.  Thankfully, you’re still wearing your slime covered hoodie from earlier and can pull the hood up enough to obscure your features.  You do this during the few seconds of free falling you allow yourself to have before shooting up into the air.  Lena and everything else leaves your mind as you speed towards the bank.  Ironically enough, it was the bank you used and you weren’t about to let anyone touch the money you had practically sold your soul for.
“How’s it going?” you landed next to Kara beyond the circle of police barricades and waiting ambulances.
“I don’t know.  I haven’t been in yet.  I want this one to be all you.  And here,” she shoves a motorcycle helmet into your hands, “wear this.  Winn didn’t have time to finish your disguise.”
“Thanks,” you shove the helmet over your head and yank the hood out from underneath.  “Is this some kind of test or something?”
“Maybe.  It depends on how well you handle this.”
“Whatever,” you grumble and pull the face-shield on the helmet down.  “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
No one stops you as you walk towards the entrance to the bank.  Right before you reach the doors, bullets shatter the glass and bounce off your flesh.  They might tear holes in your shirt, but they feel like pieces of paper ricocheting off you.
“Slow down there,” you mutter before stepping through the jagged window holes.  “How about we just put our guns down and call it a day, gentlemen?  Did you kill anybody yet?”
You address the four men wearing ski masks and holding assault rifles.  One of them fires a few times at you in a confused attempt to stop you.  
“Look, if you really want a fight, I can give that to you.  But, you’ve got to let these nice folks go first.  Deal?”
The masked men look at each other, obviously unsure of what to do.  Finally, you take a step forward and one of them nods.
“Okay, okay.  Yeah, get them out of here,” the tallest man gestures with his gun towards the terrified civilians that are face down on the floor.  
“So, you’re the leader?” you address him while the others start hurrying hostages towards the door.  “Ever thought about moving your little crime operation to a city that isn’t swarming with superheroes?  Just a thought.”
“You don’t look like a superhero,” he grunts and shifts his gun.  “You look like some dumbass who lost their dirt bike and needs to learn to mind her own business.”
“You think I like having to run in here and shut down your little heist?  I have better things to do than let bullets bounce off of me and drag your dumb ass to jail.  You ever been to jail, buddy?”
“Nope.  And I’m not planning on going.”
Much to your dismay, he tilts the barrel of his gun up towards his head and closes his eyes.
“Whoa, no!” You close the distance between the two of you before he can even squeeze the trigger and grab the weapon from him.  “What the fuck, man?”
“I can’t go to prison; my life is over.”
“Did you kill anyone?”
“No, but-“
“Then you still have a chance to turn yourself around.  They aren’t going to give you a life sentence for a robbery, okay?  You’ll serve your time and as long as you keep your head on straight, you might come out with some sort of decent, normal life.  Just put in the work.”
You grab the man by the back of the neck and lead him towards the shattered doors.   
“The feds will round up the rest of your group.  I’ll take you out myself,” you tell him quietly.  You’re soon even more grateful for the helmet Kara loaned you, because when you step out onto the steps in front of the bank there are more cameras on you than you can count.  You toss the assault rifle to the nearest cop and hand off the robber to the next.  Reporters and authorities swarm around you; each of them rattling off their own string of similar questions.
“Ask blondie there; the one in the red cape.  She’s in charge of me.  If I ever fuck up, it’s all on her.”
The crowd around you disperses as some reporters flee to Supergirl while others run ahead to get a better shot of you taking off.  Cameras flash as you launch from the pavement up into the sky.  Once you’re well out of camera view, you pull off the helmet and make a sharp turn towards Lena’s apartment.  All of the action in the past few minutes has your heart racing and the adrenaline makes it hard to focus on all of the reasons you have to dread this evening alone with Lena.
“Hey,” you set your mediocre disguise down on her balcony and wave through the open door.  Lena is waiting on the couch with a glass of white wine.  The change in preference is small but noticeable to you; she always preferred red.  You begin to wonder what other little things could have changed in the year that you were gone.
“Do you have some spare clothes?  I can fly back home if I need to, but I really would love a shower.  I smell like…alien goo or whatever I got sprayed with earlier.”
“Oh, of course.  You can grab something from my dresser.  Your drinks are on the counter and I, well, they smell awful and I mixed the clear stuff with cranberry juice so you don’t have to chug what appears to be diesel fuel.”
“Thank you,” you chuckle easily and without a second thought.  She used to complain about you drinking straight vodka as well.  It’s hard to remember all that’s happened between the two of you when Lena’s around and in a good mood.  She keeps things light and her clever wit never seems to falter. 
You snag the drink she’s made you on your way to the master bathroom.  You’re far too sober after that brief intervention at the bank and that means your emotions and thoughts are sharp.  
Tonight can be easy, but only if you make it that way.  Getting a little liquored up should keep things from getting too serious.  You quickly snag a shirt and sweats from Lena’s dresser before locking yourself in the bathroom.
It’s a relief to down the drink and shed your messy clothes as you let the water warm up.  Lena’s bathroom is huge and there are mirrors on three of the walls, so there’s not exactly any way to escape your reflection.  It still catches you off guard sometimes; how healthy you look now.  What CADMUS did to you was something you would give back at a moment’s notice, but all of your transformations weren’t bad.  Your skin seemed to hold on to the sun’s glow more.  It hadn’t faded from the dark tan it became down in Mexico and the color helped to hide the scars across your now-impenetrable flesh.  You were toned as well, though the slight muscular gain did not even begin to reflect how strong you had actually gotten.  You simply looked healthier now, despite whatever you put in your body to cope.  
After a few minutes of quiet introspection, you step into the shower and begin to scrub the day from you.  The lingering smell of alien fluid disappears under the scent of Lena’s soaps and hair products.  The aroma is enough to bring back memories of what happened when you returned from the hospital with her that first night.  How you fell to the ground and sobbed as she held you.  The vulnerability of being so exposed; physically and emotionally.  It makes your chest tighten and you fumble to turn the water off as soon as the last bit of conditioner is rinsed from your hair.  You’re more than ready for another drink, which is why you scramble to pull the borrowed clothes on and wring your hair out once more.
“How was your shower?” Lena asks from the kitchen when she hears you fixing yourself another drink.  This one is at least 50% liquor and it tastes like poison.
“Relaxing,” you lie.  “Thanks for the clothes.  I smelled awful.”
“Well, I wasn’t going to say anything.”
“Very sweet of you.”
Lena laughs and drinks her wine as you settle on the far end of the couch.  The distance at which you’ve chosen to sit doesn’t go unnoticed by her and you can see that she’s a tad upset by it.  The way her lips purse when she takes another drink give it away immediately.
“You aren’t great at hiding your distaste for my company.”
“Lena,” you sigh and swallow a large drink, “you know I don’t want to…you know I can’t be…”
“Can’t be what?  Close to me?  Trusting?”
She slides across the cushions to be at your side and you avoid looking her in the eyes.  
“I do trust you, Lena.  I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.  And, to be honest, I need you if I’m going to stay clean.  I’m just trying to keep things from…accelerating.”
“I can’t help but believe that if you could, you’d fly halfway around the world and never come back.”
“Maybe I would leave, but I can’t.  And maybe I wouldn’t leave because I have a reason to stay again.”
You finally look at Lena and see the hope in her eyes.  It’s lively and desperate at the same time; swimming just below her irises.  You’re not quite sure who leans in first, but suddenly you’re kissing her and raising a shaky hand to rest against her cheek.  You half expect her to flinch away, remembering what your hands have done.  Lena leans into it instead.
“I love you, Lena,” you find yourself whispering against her still parted lips.  “I’m not going anywhere.  Just…don’t push me away again.”
“I won’t.”
Lena pressed her lips against yours again, this time with more intensity.  You can tell she wants more, maybe out of insecurity even.  Still, you’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t want her too.  Her fingers tangle in your wet hair and tug you towards her.  You’re wondering how much self-restraint you have left when she finally pulls back.
“Sorry, I know we’re taking things slow,” she mutters sheepishly.  The heat slowly begins to fade from your cheeks as she leans back and you clear your throat.  There’s some tense silence as you each grab your drinks and down them.
“Would you like another one?”
“Yes please,” you fumble to hand the equally flustered woman your empty glass and clasp your hands together.  When she returns less than a few minutes later, you gratefully take a sip of your new drink, only to find it’s so strong it makes your eyes water.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think that you were trying to get me drunk.”
“I figured that you’d complain if I didn’t make it strong enough.”
“Fair point,” you acknowledge and brace yourself before taking a much larger gulp.  You weren’t exactly opposed to the idea.
“Plus, if I get you drunk you’re more likely to spend the night here.”
“Now I know you’re getting drunk, since you just stupidly revealed that plan to me.  I’m not as golden-hearted as Kara; I’ll fly inebriated.”
“I know that,” the dark haired woman chuckles dryly, “but I’m more hoping that you’ll just want to stay.”
“You really seem like you’re trying to get me in bed, Ms. Luthor.”
Lena smiles at the title, knowing that you used to bring it out whenever you’d catch her trying to seduce you before.
“Just to sleep.  I liked waking up next to you again.”
“What was your favorite part?  My headache-induced freak out or when I tore my room apart looking for glasses.”
“Stop it,” Lena chastised lightly.  “I’m serious, Y/N.  When I opened my eyes and you were there…well, for a second I thought I might still be asleep.”
“I’ll stay,” you assure her as the alcohol starts to make your head swim.  You’d be lying if you tried to tell yourself that you didn’t want to fall asleep next to her.  In fact, you weren’t quite sure you’d be able to sleep much without her.  The booze probably wasn’t enough to keep the flashbacks at bay and if you woke up next to her, it wouldn’t take as long to get a hold on yourself.  
“Good,” Lena leaned in and kissed you again.  The circumstances felt so domestic and normal that it almost felt like the two of you were pretending to be someone you weren’t.  Then again, maybe you were pretending.
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iheartsupergirl · 6 years
The Weirdest and Wackiest Super Traps of Kara’s Career.
Spoilers for Supergirl ahoy.
The fact that Supergirl is apparently going to be encased in life-size action figure packaging by some unknown Toyman-related villain in the new episode airing April 16 has got me thinking about some of the most over-the-top traps of Supergirl’s superhero career.  Sure, sometimes villains just get really practical and build a cage made of unbreakable Nth metal, or lock Kara up beneath a red sun generator, but sometimes bad guys get creative in their attempts to impede or kill the Girl of Steel.
Ma and Pa Mon-El’s Blue Blob of Doom:
In the season 2 episode, ‘Star Crossed,’ Mon-El’s parents (surprise!) show up in a big alien spaceship and quickly end up in a fight with Supergirl. They fire a . . . force field? A bunch of alien goo? which envelops Supergirl and sends her plummeting to the ground.  
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How did Supergirl get out of this one!?
The big ball of whatever did stand up to a few super-punches, but Kara quickly busts her way out just before hitting the ground.
Supervillain Effectiveness Rating:
1/5 DOOMS! Not very effective. Apparently Rhea thought so too because she later turned to more effective methods when fighting Supergirl. Kryptonite daggers, the kryptonite in her own blood, brainwashing Superman into thinking Kara is Zod, you know, the usual.
Master Jailer’s Go-Go Gadget Chains
In the Season 1 episode ‘Truth, Justice, and the American Way,’ Supergirl is battling Master Jailer when he finally gets the upper hand by trussing up Kara in mid-air using the chain launcher things on his mechanical suit.
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How did Supergirl get out of this one!?
They must have been really strong chains, because Kara had to burn through them with her heat vision.
Supervillain Effectiveness Rating:
1.5/5 DOOMS! Not very effective. This only delayed Supergirl by a matter of seconds, but it did give Master Jailer time to kidnap Professor Whatshisface and escape. You know, the astronomy guy? I’m not looking it up. Master Jailer must have decided that elaborate chain traps weren’t worth the effort and later locked Kara in a cage with a red sun generator.
Toyman’s Quicksand Deathtrap
In the Season 1 episode ‘Childish Things,’ Supergirl tracks down Winn’s estranged father at one of his old toy factories. While trying to take him into custody, she lands on top of a giant novelty alphabet block. Toyman then springs a trap that causes Supergirl to get sucked down into a vat of quicksand.  The quicksand is apparently strong enough to prevent Supergirl from flying out and Toyman reveals that it’s laced with thermite, which means Kara’s heat vision would cause the whole factory to explode. This is a big problem because Kara believes Toyman has trapped a small child in a chest that is about to drop into a wood chipper. Toyman then pulls a classic villain move and simply leaves, assuming everything is going to go to plan.  
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How did Supergirl get out of this one!?
With flight and super-strength proving ineffective, it fell to good old freeze breath to save the day. After some struggling, Kara is able to freeze the quicksand and break free.
Supervillain Effectiveness Rating:
2.5/5 DOOMS! Actually somewhat effective, which seems implausible even using comic book logic. I am not sure why Kara didn’t simply fly up in the air the moment she felt the box give way beneath her, but I’ll give the show the benefit of the doubt and assume she was somehow pulled down into the trap. I think we also just have to accept that this was some really, really powerful quicksand. Toyman is a supervillain after all.
Biomax’s Swarm of Nanobots
In the season 2 episode ‘Ace Reporter,’ Lena’s ex-boyfriend Jack Spheer has invented a form of nanotechnology that can solve all of mankind’s medical problems. Yay? No, not yay, because it turns out it’s just a murderous swarm of nanobots that his corrupt corporate partner Beth Breen is using to take out whistleblowers. Early on, Kara has success against the nanobots using her freeze breath, but by the time Lena and Supergirl confront Breen and Spheer in his lab, the nanobots have learned and adapted.  The nanobot swarm captures Supergirl, pins her against a big metal cross, and begins to completely envelop her.
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How does Supergirl get out of this one!?
She doesn’t. Kara fights and struggles, but is unable to escape as she is nearly completely enveloped and presumably almost suffocated. Lena rescues her by beating the crap out of Beth Breen (yes!), sacrificing her ex (had to be done), and overriding the mainframe.
Supervillain Effectiveness Rating:
5/5 DOOMS! Extremely effective. It’s not clear what Kara would have done had Lena not been there. I normally don’t really like Kara needing to be rescued (see, the Earth-X crossover), but I thought it was fun that Lena got to save the day and rescue her girlfriend, er, I mean, her friend. Her regular platonic friend.  
Getting Kara into trouble is part of the drama at times, and I prefer when the writers get a little comic book-y and creative with it. I’m not a fan of Kara getting strapped to a table so Nazis can steal her organs, for example.
We’ll have to see how Kara deals with whatever over-the-top villainy Toyman or his new accomplice have in store for her.  
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Karamel fanfic: 3 pics on Kara’s phone (And under what circumstances they were taken)
(I've stalked Melissa's Instagram for this lol)
3. The one with the grasshopper taco.
It's a little over three months since Mon el crash landed on Earth, and the second week of her taking him under her wings. They've already been to her favorite ice cream parlors and tried out ribs from all her regular haunts, so they settle in for a quite evening at the alien bar.
"What do you wanna order?" Kara asks.
"I'm feeling adventurous today," says Mon el after staring at a particular page of the menu for way too long.
"Oh, no, no, no, no," she protests immediately. "You're not getting drunk again. The last time you did, I ended up having to fly you back home. While being drunk myself! I got drunk and flew! That is so wrong! Clark would be so disappointed if he knew!"
Mon el laughs. "Come on. It's not like you can bump into somebody while flying!"
"I can bump into birds! And bees! And kites!"
"What's a kite?" He asks curiously.
She smiles, and says, "I'll show you someday," before reverting back to her best possible stern face. "If you behave yourself and not drink."
"I wasn't thinking of drinking," he says earnestly. "I was actually thinking about ordering this." He points at an item with his finger, and Kara leans over from the opposite side of the table, trying to read the menu that's upside down for her.
He turns the menu in her direction, and her eyes widen when she finally finds out what he's thinking of eating. "Grasshopper taco? Seriously?"
Mon el shrugs. "Grasshoppers are a delicacy in the Stargate 6 system. I've always wanted to try them."
She keeps staring at him in disbelief. "I didn't even know grasshopper tacos were a thing."
He smiles. "Looks like you're still learning new things as well. Wanna try it?"
"No thanks," she answers quickly, suppressing a tiny shudder, "I don't eat insects." And I don't like insects, she's adds mentally. This is yet another aspect where she's so very human.
"Alright, suit yourself."
Thank Rao she doesn't order it. Just the look of it makes her want to barf.
Mon el, on the other hand, eats it with a wide grin on his face, like it's the most delicious thing he's ever had.
So she captures the moment on her phone's camera.
2.The one where she's a tree
It's been a very long day. Three rogue aliens, two muggings, a fire, a false bomb threat, and a very heated argument with Snapper Carr.
It's a relief to finally finish briefing John at the DEO, and the first thing she does when they get a moment to finally catch their breathe is take off her shoes.
"I'm never wearing heels again," Kara mumbles, caressing her calves with her left hand.
"Why did you wear those anyway?" Mon el wonders out loud.
Kara shrugs. "Gift from Ms. Grant. She said those would look good on me."
"She was right," he agrees, before lying flat on his back on the sofa with a heavy sigh, and she just rolls her eyes. "Hey, do you have your phone, babe? I need to check the score."
"Sure," she says, handing him the phone before plopping down on the other sofa with a thud, smiling to herself at how Mon el has grown so fond of an earthly sport.
She rests with her eyes closed and he curses under his breathe while watching the highlights of the game.
And then suddenly she's walking on the sofa with her shoes dangling from her hand.
Mon el can't help but laugh. "What are you doing?"
"I'm a tree," she says happily, pointing at the tree growing on the wall behind her. "See!"
It's the pure, silly moments like these that are the most precious.
So he captures it with the camera on her phone.
1. The one where her cape is caught in the wind
Crime fighting and taking selfies are like oil and water- try to mix them together, and you'll end up with the results of Mon el's first cooking attempt: disaster.
The first problem is the lack of a proper place in her superhero costume to keep her phone in- she tucked it in her boots once and ended up crushing it during a fight.
"I can keep it in the pocket compartment of my suit," Mon el had offered once, and she had declined purely out of disappointment in the fact that Winn made pockets for him but not for her.
"Do you carry your phone with you when we're out there fighting?" She had asked when the thought finally occurred to her.  
"Of course," he had answered with a raised eyebrow. "Why wouldn't I?"
That question was answered two days later when they were trying to quietly infiltrate their enemy's base and his phone had started blaring Lady Gaga's "Judas".
Carrying a phone to the battlefield has been strictly banned ever since, despite his promises to remember to put it on silent mode and not screw up next time.
"Hey Kara," Mon el asks casually one day when she's flying low and he's trying to see if he can jump high enough to catch her. "Can you keep a secret?"
Kara scoffs. "Can I keep a secret? Can I, Supergirl, woman with a secret identity, keep a secret?"
"Good point," he mumbles, before taking out his phone from his pocket.
"You brought your-" she stops mid-sentence in shock. "You promised! We're not- I can't even- Mon-el!"
He shrugs. "I'll get a good shot of you one of these days, I promise. You can add it to your articles about Supergirl at KatCo."
"You're going to get us killed one day," she announces dramatically, before dropping the subject.
An hour later, her cape is caught in the wind and she's making a face, and he takes a picture of the moment.
He sends it to all their friends and Winn photoshops a green screen behind her so it's ready to be meme-ed.
Needless to say, she tells on Mon-el to Jonn.
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emarasmoak · 7 years
Love/ hate letter to the Supergirl Writers from a Karamel shipper
I just want to say to the Supergirl writers that they are sadists and also genious. I hate and love them. This storyline pains me and amazes me.
The writers have given to us Karamells the most angsty storyline that I have suffered through my shipping life and this was after the season of fluff. Kara and Mon-El are killing me. I am heartbroken and I cannot stop thinking that the payoff is going to be so good. So so epic and heartbreaking.
I hate to watch Mon-El with Imra. I hate that I like Imra and I hope her to be an amazing superhero and friends with Kara. Just not yet because my baby Kara is hurting so much.
I love that they have given us so many clues in the writing so we know that he still loves her and that his love for her is epic. Imra takes the time to speak to Kara about his love. He keeps the necklace and tells her that he could never forget her. Mon-El tells Winn that he needs his help to prevent people and Kara being hurt. Saturn was in the sky of their shared dream.
I love that Kara is telling everyone again and again how immense her love for Mon-El is. I hate that she thinks that Mon-El doesn’t love her anymore (girl, you are blind, just saying). I hate that she has been suffering so much since Mon-El left. I am so scared that she is going to die at the end of the season and it pains me that she was so damaged after her battle with Reign.
I hate that Mon-El is hiding things from Kara and that the idiot is doing this to protect her and save the world. I hate that I think that his plan is dying to save the world and her and that this is the reason why he is keeping her at distance.
I love that Mon-El’s love for Kara is so epic and extra that he is the founder of a Legion of Superheroes that worships her and respects him as a leader. I love that he is now one of the most experienced superheroes in the Flarrowverse and also almost invulnerable and probably able to fly thanks to the Legion Ring.
I love that in the middle of all this angst we still see glimpses of the Karamel magic. Them remembering their dates or drunk Kara. How do you dare to remind us that Mon-El learned to make a mean club soda for her?
I hate that Imra looks like a Karamel shipper and is adorable, and that she is probably manipulating my boy, with his permission and probably under his orders. I love that Imra doesn’t seem to think that Kara and Mon-El should be apart so she is trying to help. I hate that I think that Mon-El and Kara are stronger together (El Mayarah) but the idiots do not get it yet.
I hate that we haven’t seen Mon-El’s supersuit yet. I love that we have seen his hand with the Flight Ring. I love that we are going to get the Legion. I am scared but also interested in the dynamics that we are going to get once Brainiac is awake.
I love that Mon-El has returned from the future looking hot as hell. Hello, beard and muscles. We are going to need more training scenes and also can we get a shirtless one, please? With Kara?
I live for the moment when Kara realizes that Mon-El loves her as much as she does and he lets himself love her with all his heart again. I know that when they finally confess their feelings for each other and kiss like if the world would end and their souls would burn if they don’t kiss is going to be the most satisfying moment of my shipping life. And we know that their sexytimes are going to be literally Earth-shattering. I can’t imagine how happy we are going to be when they start dating again and being happy together again.
I fear that my baby Kara who has suffered enough for several lifetimes is going to sacrifice herself to save the world and that my boy Mon-El who has also been devastated for years when he lost the love of his life and everyone that cared about him is going to be there crying to the skies with her dead body in his arms. And we will cry with them.
And I think that they probably will use the comics Legion resurrection ritual that requires six legionnaires because the Legion ship has six pods. And in the ritual someone has to die and if they are resurrecting Kara I’m pretty sure that Mon-El will want to be that person.
I love that Kara and Mon-El are destined to be together and we will get to watch it. Someday. Probably after several seasons with a lot of angst and fluff but will get a marriage with all the Flarrowverse heroes and the Legion members. And probably Daxtonian children.
So the Supergirl writers wanted us Karamells hooked? It worked with me. You have given me all the feels. I hate you and I love you. Please keep the good work. I want more of this. Rao help me.
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Masterlist (Updated March 2nd 2021)
Superhero Imagines 
Imagine Thor coming home to find you curled up in his cape
Imagine Coming Out to Thor (Platonic) 
Imagine Thor using you to get Loki to do things (Platonic)
Imagine Thor trying to set you up with Loki(Platonic)
Imagine Thor Braiding Your Hair
Imagine Being able to lift Thor’s Hammer
Imagine Thor catching you and Loki
Imagine Trying to get Tony to go to bed
Imagine Tony being your mentor 
Imagine Tony comforting you...
Imagine Finding Out Loki is still alive
Imagine Loki walking in and seeing you in his armor
Imagine Loki telling you stories of his childhood 
Imagine Loki comforting you after a nightmare
Reacting to you dying(Loki)
Imagine Loki Asking You To Rule With Him
Imagine Loki giving you a hickey
Imagine showing Bucky Disney movies 
Imagine watching the Disney Movies with Steve and Bucky 
Imagine Bucky watching you train
Imagine Natasha teaching you to defend yourself
Imagine Natasha braiding your hair
Imagine Clint teaching you archery
Imagine calming Bruce down after Hulking out
Imagine Peter revealing that he is Spider-Man to you
Imagine Peter Showing off for you
Imagine Getting thrown into Miles’ universe
Imagine watching the Disney Movies with Steve and Bucky 
Imagine Catching a glimpse of Steve’s art book
Imagine Dressing up like a Pin up girl
Imagine Throwing Steve’s shield
Imagine cuddles with Bucky
Venom/Eddie Brock
Imagine Venom giving Eddie dating advise for you 
Imagine Eddie telling you about Venom
Captain Marvel
Imagine Training With Captain Marvel
Doctor Strange
Imagine Strange Teaching you Magic
Imagine patching up Matt’s wounds 
Imagine meeting matt
Jessica Jones
Imagine Being neighbors with Jessica
Darcy Lewis
Imagine Darcy sharing her snacks
Jimmy Woo
Imagine Jimmy Woo bringing you coffee
Imagine Jimmy showing off his card tricks
Harry Potter/Fantastic beasts and where to find them
Imagine Draco in love with you and keeps trying to get your attention
Imagine The Trio finding out you’re dating Draco  
Imagine Meeting Draco in the Astronomy Tower at night
Imagine Accidentally wearing Draco’s tie 
Imagine Draco staying during break to be with you
   Imagine Newt introducing you to his creatures
  Imagine Helping Newt out with his creatures 
Imagine Thanksgiving with Newt
Weasley Twins                                                                                              
Imagine being able to tell the Weasley twins apart
Imagine the twins fighting over who gets to take the Yule ball
Imagine playing a prank with the Weasley Twins
Imagine finding out that Remus is a werewolf 
Imagine taking care of Remus
Harry Potter
Imagine being caught out after curfew (Harry) 
Imagine Accidentally wearing Harry’s Tie
Sirius Black
Imagine Sirius Letting you Braid his Hair
Attack on Titans
Imagine Levi protecting you from a titan
Imagine Levi using punishments as an excuse to be close to you 
Imagine Levi comforting while you’re dying
Imagine Levi Making You Clean His Room
Imagine Levi Taking Care of you while You’re injured
Imagine Erik and Charles trying to impress you
Imagine Charles helping you control your power 
Imagine Erik and Charles trying to impress you
Imagine Being able to outrun Quicksilver
    Imagine trying to flirt with Rogue
  Imagine finding out Rogue can touch you 
Star Trek
Imagine Spock realizing he likes you
Hobbit/Lord of the rings
Imagine Thranduil flirting with you when the group arrives and Thorin gets defensive
Imagine Thranduil letting you ride his elk
Imagine Thranduil not being able to find you after battle 
Watching the snow fall with Thranduil 
Imagine Thranduil being sassy with Thorin over you
Imagine Drinking with Thranduil
Imagine Going to Thranduil’s Room 
Imagine sitting on Thranduil’s    Throne
Imagine Being Self-Conscious and Thranduil Comforting you 
Imagine Waking Up With Thranduil
Imagine Bathing With Thranduil 
Imagine Thranduil seeing you all dressed up
Imagine Getting injured with saving Thranduil
Imagine Thranduil giving you a hickey
Imagine Kili helping you with training
Imagine Fili and Kili calling you aunt
Imagine Fili and Kili stumbling across you in the bath
Imagine Sleeping next to Fili and Kili
Imagine you thinking you’re not good enough for Thorin 
Imagine Thorin seeing you all dressed up
Imagine getting caught staring 
Imagine Thorin accidentally catching you in the bath
Imagine Aragorn Confessing his feelings 
Imagine Aragorn Reuniting with you
Imagine Getting your first Pokémon 
  Imagine Adam seeing you at a ball and dancing with you
Imagine Shooting arrows with Merida 
Doctor Who
   Imagine Becoming The Doctor’s companion
Imagine Hanging out with the Gallagher Household
Imagine Being involved with a Gallagher plan
Walking Dead
Imagine Rick saving you from walkers 
Assassin’s Creed                                                                                              
Imagine Learning to be an assassin 
DC Comics
Wonder Woman                                                                                              
Imagine meeting Diana for the first time 
I’m from Gotham (Superman)
Imagine Meeting Clack at the Daily Planet
Imagine Aquaman Saving you from Drowning
Imagine taking care of the Batfam after a patrol (Platonic)
Imagine going on a takeout run with the Batfam (Platonic)
Imagine Damian calling you his sibling (platonic) 
Imagine Damian training you (platonic)
Bruce Wayne
Imagine Bruce showing you off at a gala
The Flash
Team Flash
Imagine Making Cookies with Team Flash(Platonic)
Imagine Falling asleep at S.T.A.R. Labs(Platonic)
Imagine Karaoke with Team Flash (Platonic)
Imagine Team Flash teasing you about a hickey
Barry Allen
Imagine Racing With Barry
Imagine Barry being excited you’re a speedster
Imagine Barry comforting you while you’re injured
Leonard Snart
Imagine Enjoying Hot Cocoa With Snart
Imagine Being Snart’s Younger Sister and You and Ray Are Dating
Imagine Len passing his cold gun to you
Imagine Len giving you his coat
Lisa Snart
Imagine Lisa teasing you during a robbery 
Killer Frost/Caitlin Snow
Imagine having a snow day with Killer Frost
Imagine Killer Frost asking you out
Imagine Caitlin taking care of you
Cisco Ramon
Imagine Surprising Cisco on Halloween
Imagine Getting Cisco to go to Bed
Imagine Movie Marathon With Cisco
Harrison Wells (Earth 2)
Imagine Having a Crush on Harrison Wells....
Imagine Fighting with Harrison
Imagine working with Harrison
Imagine Harrison bringing you coffee
Imagine Harrison Patching you up
Imagine Distracting Harry from work
Eobard Thawne
Imagine Eobard Meeting You
Wally West 
Imagine Wally Teasing You
H.R. Wells
Imagine H.R. asking you out
Nash Wells
Imagine Nash catching you staring
Oliver Queen
Imagine Getting into A Fight with Oliver
Imagine Oliver Protecting You in Battle
Imagine being Oliver’s sister (Platonic)
Imagine Oliver teaching you archery 
Imagine Oliver being your brother
Mia Smoak 
Imagine Training With Mia Smoak
Imagine Distracting Mia
Legends of Tomorrow 
Imagine Doing Karaoke With the Legends(Platonic)
Imagine Decorating the Waverider with the Legends(Platonic)
Imagine Being part of the Legends’ book club(Platonic)
Imagine Being late to a meeting (Platonic)
Imagine Hugs from the Legends (Platonic)
Ray Palmer
Imagine Being Snart’s Younger Sister and You and Ray Are Dating
Imagine Slow Dancing with Ray
Imagine Watching Movies With Nate and Ray(Platonic)
Nate Heywood
Imagine Nerding out with Nate over History
Imagine Watching Movies With Nate and Ray
Imagine Drinking With Charlie
Imagine the Legends teasing you about your crush on Charlie   
Imagine Taking the Jumpship for a joy ride with Charlie
Imagine realizing the song Charlie is singing is about you
John Constantine
Imagine Constantine Flirting With You
Imagine Stealing Constantine’s Jacket
Mick Rory
Imagine Have a Crush on Mick Rory
Imagine Mick Trying To Comfort You after a tough day(Platonic)
Imagine Mick Protecting You
Imagine Being Mick’s Younger Sister and flirting with Constantine
Imagine Finding out about Mick’s books(Platonic)
Imagine Len and Mick try to cheer you up
Imagine Mick taking care of you while you’re drunk (Platonic)
Imagine Letting Zari Give You A Makeover
Lena Luthor
Imagine Flirting with Lena Luthor
Imagine Lena Protecting You
Kara Danvers
Imagine Cuddles With Kara
Imagine Kara Taking you Flying
Imagine Kara Taking Care of you While You’re Sick
Imagine Lazy Day with Kara
Imagine Soft kisses with Kara
Imagine Finding out Kara is Supergirl
Imagine waiting for Kara to come home
Imagine Dancing with Kara
Winn Schott
Imagine Stealing Winn’s sweaters and wearing them around the office
Jason Todd
Imagine Dating Jason and Meeting The Titans
Imagine Getting Into Trouble With Jason
Imagine Gar and Jason showing off
Donna Troy
Imagine Donna being teased about her crush on you
Dick Grayson
Taking a bubble bath with Dick Grayson would include...
Imagine Watching Dick Train
Birds of Prey
Harley Quinn
Imagine Helping Harley
Imagine Having a Crush On Helena and Harley Teasing you about it 
Imagine Harley trying to set you up
Imagine Harley Helping you with Gymnastics 
Imagine Helping Harley burn Joker’s stuff
Dinah Lance (Black Canary)
Imagine Listening to Dinah sing...
Kate Kane
Imagine Kate Stopping To See You First...
Imagine finding out Kate is batwoman
Imagine giving kate a hug
Mary Hamilton
Imagine Meeting Mary at her clinic 
Alice/Beth Kane
Imagine Alice flirting with you
Young JSA
Imagine Pumpkin Carving with the JSA(Platonic)
Imagine Pat patching you up  (Platonic) 
Imagine Pat learning you are a Vigilante (Platonic)
Imagine Being Courtney’s older sibling (Platonic)
Imagine finding out Rick is a superhero
Imagine Meeting Crowley for the first time
Star Wars
Imagine Getting to show Rey other worlds
Poe Drameon 
Imagine Poe Taking You Flying
Imagine bringing Aizawa something during class 
Stranger Things 
Imagine Billy Hitting on You...
Imagine Billy Teaching You How to Swim 
Imagine Going to The Fair with Robin and Steve
Imagine Going to The Fair with Robin and Steve
Kingdom Hearts
Imagine Finding out you’re a Keyblade Wielder
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia
Imagine tending to Geralt’s wounds
Imagine Geralt Rescuing You
Imagine Jaskier catching the two of you
Imagine being Jaskier’s sister
Imagine teasing Geralt
Imagine Watching the snow fall with Geralt
Imagine Yennefer Trying to Seduce You
Imagine Yennefer asking you to dance 
Imagine Jaskier Singing to You
Imagine you and Jaskier compete to annoy Geralt
Imagine Stealing Jaskier’s lute
Imagine Telling Jaskier your pregnant
Imagine Women awwing over you and Jaskier
Prodigal Son
Malcolm Bright
Imagine Taking Care of Sunshine For Malcolm
Game of Thrones
Jon Snow
Imagine Jon Confessing to You
Video games
Lara Croft
Imagine Tending to Lara’s wounds
Imagine Jill reuniting with you
Imagine Jill and you working together 
Sonny Carisi
Imagine lazy morning cuddles with Sonny
Umbrella Academy
Imagine Being the one to patch the Hargreeves up(Platonic)
Imagine Vanya teaching you violin
Imagine Klaus braiding you hair
Imagine getting coffee with Five
Longer Imagines
Guardians of the Galaxy 
Being raised by Yondu would include... (Platonic)
Meeting Charles Xavier would include
Back to Life
Barry Allen
Celebrating Christmas with...
Harry Potter Universe
The Flash
Mistletoe (Flash)
Imagine Your First Kiss... (Flash)
Imagine Your First Kiss (Flash) Cont.
Dick Grayson
Lazy Mornings
Drunken Accidents
Mia Smoak
Left to lose 
Jordan taking an interest in you would include
The Witcher
Geralt of Rivia 
A Caring Witcher
The Song of You
Legends of tomorrow
Mother Hen
106 notes · View notes
debbielouocean · 7 years
A prompt, if I may? :) To celebrate Catco's 20th anniversary, Supergirl agrees to a televised interview with Cat Grant. It's a smash in the ratings, of course, and some viewers notice the chemistry and sexual tension...which leads to some angst and feelings being revealed. :)
“Like forty percent of these comments are about you staring at Cat with heart eyes,” Winn said, scrolling through Youtube comments in the middle of the DEO. “I mean, they aren’t wrong.”
“Winn!” Kara hissed, leaning over him and closing out of the page before J’onn caught him goofing off at work again. He’d already been given several stern talking to’s about it. A pout formed on her face and she crossed her arms over her crest. “I do not stare at Cat.”
“Everyone stares at Cat.” Maggie piped in, leaning back in the chair beside Winn at the console. “You are not an exception.”
“You’re not even supposed to be here,” Kara said, pointing at her threateningly. “You’re supposed to be at work.”
“I can’t believe we’re even wasting time talking about the ‘heart eyes’ comments,” Maggie said, pretending to ignore Kara completely. “Cat spent half the interview trying to act like she wasn’t ready to climb Kara like a tree.”
“I can’t hear you,” Kara muttered, walking away from the two newest annoyances in her life. Not that she could really get away from it; it seemed everyone had something to say about the interview she’d volunteered to give Cat after she’d helped save everyone from the Daxamite invasion. It seemed about the only way she could really thank her for coming back just in time. And it had actually went really well. People had loved it, she hadn’t given away too many secrets about herself or her work at the DEO, and she hadn’t completely embarrassed herself. Or, that’s what she’d thought before people start dissecting every single detail of her interaction with Cat.
“Where are you going?” Alex asked her as she stalked out of the DEO. “And what’s with the attitude?”
“Go ask your girlfriend,” Kara muttered, shaking Alex off and heading out the door. Alex walked up to the main console, where Winn and Maggie were whispering and giggling like children.
“What the hell are you two laughing about?”
“Someone on the internet is writing lesbian erotica about your sister,” Maggie said through her laughter. “It’s absolute gold.”
“I don’t think I needed to know that.” Alex started to walk away, before turning back around, confused. “Wait, about my sister and who? Please tell me you aren’t reading it.”
Kara actually walked down the street. In her supersuit. People moved out of the way pretty quickly. She wasn’t entirely certain where she was going, but it felt important to at least look like she had some sort of plan and hadn’t just walked out in embarrassment.
“Do you think she’s walk-of-shaming it home from Cat Grant’s house?” Some guy on the other side of the street whispered to his friend under his breath. His friend laughed, nudging him with his shoulder when he saw Kara look over at them.
“It’s two in the afternoon,” Kara muttered, glaring. She pushed up off the pavement, flying away from the omnipresent background conversations of the city that had become increasingly gossipy over the past few days. She circled the city a few times, trying to figure out if she should just go home, until she heard Cat laughing on her penthouse balcony and the decision of where to go was made for her.
Cat was on the phone, curled up in one of her fancy patio chairs with her knees pulled up to her chest. Kara’s heart nearly leapt out of her chest at the sight of the Queen of All Media in a t-shirt and capri sweatpants, lounging on her home balcony on a Sunday afternoon. The bright feeling that bloomed inside her at seeing Cat so relaxed and happy was tainted by the gossip, and Kara forced herself to stop staring.
Cat heard her land, looking up from her phone call with a smile on her face.
“I’ve got to go, I’ve got a guest. I’ll call you back.” Cat ended the call, motioning for Kara to sit across from her in the other chair. “No alien invasions to stave off today?”
“Not yet,” Kara said, looking up to the sky, remembering the disaster they’d had to put up with just two short weeks before. Mon-el was up there somewhere, too, frozen and nearly dead in the Phantom Zone. Kara honestly felt bad for him, even though he’d done this to himself with his recklessness and arrogance. But she shook the thoughts of her own years in solitude out of her head, folding herself into the other patio chair, her cape draped over the back of it. “It’s been pretty quiet, recently. I think all the usual suspects are just relieved they aren’t currently enslaved by Daxamites.”
“Must be nice for you to have some time off,” Cat said, sitting her phone down on the table beside her. “It’s not good for you to overwork yourself, you know.”
“You’re doing a pretty good job of not overworking yourself.” Kara motioned around to the set-up Cat had put together on her balcony. A fully stocked mini-bar, a new television on the far wall, and several pairs of sunglasses on the table beside her.
“I’ve learned the benefits of being outside.” Cat smiled, leaning back in her chair and throwing her legs out onto the coffee table in front of her. She stretched out her toes, showing off fading flip flop tan lines. “Especially if it means I get surprise visits from superheros.”
“Are there other superheros or just me?”
“Jealous, Supergirl?” Cat asked, raising her eyebrows and cocking her head to the side. “If you’ve been paying any attention to the tabloids, you should know that I’ve only got eyes for you.”
Kara blushed, turning back to look out over the city and avoid looking Cat in the eyes. That ridiculous little smirk was going to be the death of her, one of these days.  “God, I’ve been dealing with those jokes all day. When do you think they’re gonna let up?”
“It depends entirely on whether or not you keep landing on my balcony in broad daylight,” Cat said. “You’re not really helping yourself if you want those rumors put to rest.”
“I just wanted to talk to you. I didn’t really think it through.” Kara looked around, suddenly realizing how many windows were facing the balcony they were sitting on. “Sorry.”
“Oh please, this is a vast improvement from that month everyone became convinced I was sleeping with Dennis Quaid. He’s not even my type.” Cat waved off Kara’s apology, her eyes dropping to Kara’s legs before quickly flicking back up to her face. Kara didn’t miss the look or the implication, but she wasn’t sure what to do with them, either. The thought that she was being messed with irritated her to no end.
“I didn’t come here to be teased,” Kara said, her cheeks burning. She ground her teeth together, angry at being humiliated by Cat, by someone she trusted. It was bad enough that Winn and Maggie didn’t know when to take a hint, this was too much.
Cat looked taken aback. She defensively held her hands out in front of her, shaking her head. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, Kara. I wasn’t trying to tease you.”  
Kara stiffened as Cat reached out and put her hand on her knee. She pulled away, scrunching into the corner of the chair.
“Then what the hell are you trying to do, Cat? Because I’m really sick of being treated like an idiot,” Kara snapped, letting all of her anger out on the woman in front of her. Her anger at Alex, for ignoring her for so long. At Lillian, for trying on multiple occasions to ruin her life. At that idiot she’d wasted so much of her time on, who’d spoken to her as if she barely had a third grade education. At the whole world right now, for daring to poke their noses into her business and laugh about it.
“Dammit, Kara, I was trying to flirt with you!” Cat yelled back, standing up and pacing around the back of her chair in frustration. “But I guess the thought of the two of us is so unthinkable that you’d rather snap at me than just let me down easy!”
Kara blinked at her, frozen with a deer in the headlights look on her face. “You were what? But why?”
“Because, as I have said in the past, you are talented and smart and kind and probably one of the most attractive women I’ve ever encountered,” Cat said, her tone implying that it should have been obvious.
“I don’t think you’ve ever said that last part before,” Kara squeaked, still trying to process what Cat was angrily admitting. Cat seemed to deflate a bit in front of her, sighing and letting some of her own anger at being misinterpreted slip away.
“I shouldn’t have said it at all,” Cat said, leaning forward against the back of her chair and staring at the ground in a very un-Cat-like manner. “You’re not interested and it’s foolish of me to make things awkward between us with all this talk of feelings.”  The accompanying dismissive hand gesture made Cat’s opinion of those ‘feelings’ rather clear. She looked back up at Kara “I’m sure there’s somewhere else for you to be, isn’t there?”
“I thought you were teasing me about my insanely obvious crush on you,” Kara blurted out, ignoring the dismissal. It was Cat’s turn to stare, narrowing her eyes in disbelief.
“I assure you, it was not obvious.” Cat crossed her arms and stood up straight, a look of contemplation crossing her features. “Maybe it was… earlier. But then you went after Olsen. And my son. Which, by the way, I have very strange feelings about with this revelation. And that disaster of a white boy-”
“Because you’re so out of my league!” Kara said, snorting in amusement at the turn the evening had taken. “It’s not like I was gonna go up to you and- and ask you out! You’re Cat freaking Grant! And my boss! And I’m just… nobody!”
“You are not nobody,” Cat said, suddenly serious. She stalked around the chair, leaning down into Kara’s space. “You are not nobody and I am specifically talking about Kara, not Supergirl. You, Kara Danvers, are incredibly important and anyone who dares to think otherwise-”
Kara closed the distance between them, cutting Cat off in the middle of what had promised to be a magnificent tirade by pressing her lips against Cat’s and pulling her down into the chair with a hand curling around her neck. Kissing Cat was warm and satisfying in a way kissing anyone else had never been. Cat’s hands were on her cheeks, soft and gentle in a direct contrast to the knee that Cat was accidentally pressing into Kara’s thigh.
“We’re going to have to put an end to those rumors about you and Supergirl,” Kara said as soon as Cat pulled away to resituate herself on Kara’s lap. “Unless you’d rather have the hero?”
“I thought I’d made my opinion on that perfectly clear, darling. As far as I’m concerned, Kara Danvers is more than ‘hero’ enough for me.”
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darlingpetao3 · 7 years
The Descendant Materialization (Barry Allen x Reader)
Rating: G
Summary: In a universe where you, the Reader, are National City’s very own Supergirl (and dating the ever-dashing Flash), a surprise arises when one of your descendants accidentally travels back in time to your present day…
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Pow! Boom! Shazzam!
Ok, you really had to stop making sound effects in your head when tripping up and disarming criminals. But what you find especially amusing was how confident these bank robbers had seemed in the beginning. Even when you dropped down in front of them with your suit’s family emblem staring back at them, they simply laughed. As if being Supergirl didn’t mean anything to them.
Well, maybe if the citizens of National City didn’t give you such a girly superhero name they wouldn’t find you so funny.
Bam! Pew! Who’s laughing now, boys?
The man with the duffle bag full of cash grabs a civilian woman and points his gun at her.
“Careful, girl scout! Or the broad gets it!” You put your hands up as if to say, whoa now.
“Okay, okay. Relax, be cool,” you try to calm him down. “Just hand over the nice lady.”
“And you’ll let me run?”
“Why not?”
“It’s just, that’s not really your thing.”
“Are we gonna talk about it all day or do you want to get a head start? Because you’ll need it.” Before the robber can think too much about it, he shoves the lady into you and makes a dash down the street. You know he won’t get very far.
Three… Two… One. A blur of red leaving yellow lighting trails darts by you, causing your hair to blow wildly. A smile curls on your lips. Taking a big leap, you land in front of the robber and his red-masked subduer.
“Well, Flash, fancy seeing you here,” you say in a voice coated with hints of an inside joke.
“Supergirl. What a pleasant surprise,” he replies. You look at the defeated crook.
“Told ya you’d need that head start.”
After the righteous takedown, you return home to your apartment in Midtown National City (in regular citizen clothes once again). Waiting in the elevator, you push your glasses up the bridge of your nose into place. When the elevator reaches your floor, you look down the hallway to see a male body leaning against your door checking his phone. You walk up to him and wrap your arms around him.
“Hi, Bare.” You kiss his cheek. He slides his phone into his back pocket and wraps you in his arms.
“Hey,” he grins. “You were great earlier.”
“Me? You’re the one who whizzed by and snatched the guy up!”
“But you giving him false hope of getting away? And saving that woman with your wit? Priceless!” You both laugh as you open the door to your loft apartment. Even though Barry has his own place on the other side of town, he still practically lives with you. Throwing yourself down on the couch, Barry follows suite and snuggles up next to you.
“I feel like I could eat the entirety of supplies from all the Big Belly Burgers in the city,” you say dramatically. Barry kisses the back of your head.
“I’ll go pick us up some grub,” he offers. “The usual?” You nod. “Be back in a flash!” Before you scoff at the bad pun, he has already returned with take-out bags.
“What? That was funny.”
You seriously have the best boyfriend.
As Barry unpacks the food, his and your phone start going off. You answer yours as you drool over the fast food spread out in front of you.
“(Y/N), you gotta get down here.” It’s Winn. “There’s something you have to see.” His tone is strange. Not quite urgent, but sort of weirded out.
“Winn, what’s going on? Is there trouble?” You shoot a look to Barry, on the phone with who you’re assuming is Cisco. It sounds like they’re having a similar conversation.
“Not trouble…”
“We’re on our way.”
You fly at top speed to the DEO. What could it be now? Another alien attack? More high-priority superhumans on the loose? Whatever it was, you were ready.
You arrive at the building the exact second Barry does. Damn. You thought you had him beat this time. The DEO crew all stands in a huddle at the other end of the room. You stride over to them.
“Hey!” you call out to them. “What’s going on?” All heads turn at the sound of your voice.
“You’ll never guess. Like ever,” Winn teases.
“What was the call about?” Barry asks, very confused by all the secret keeping.
“Dude, I know it’s way too early, but congratulations,” Cisco says patting him on the back. Barry and you share a WTF? glance.
“What-?” The gang’s huddle opens up and reveals a beautiful long legged girl, possibly in her late teens. Long hair, bright eyes. And when she lays eyes on you and Barry, the girl’s face lights up like a Christmas tree. She walks up to both of you and wraps her arms around you in a big group hug. This pretty teen kind of looks familiar, but you don’t know why. Who is this? Should I know her?
“You both look so young!” she squeals with joy.
“Sorry, um, who might you be, exactly?” you ask her.
“I’m Ellie. Ellie Allen. Your daughter!”
Okay, maybe you weren’t ready. If your expression is anything like Barry’s, you’re wide-eyed and mouth left agape. You look around at your friends for help, an explanation. Anything.
“Dibs on godfather!” yells Cisco.
Winn argues, “Hey, so not fair!”
“What’s Back to the Future?”
“Oh my God!” Cisco shouts. “Barry, (Y/N), you’ve already officially failed at becoming parents.”
“I think what Cisco is trying to say, Ellie, is that it’s not good for someone to know too much about their future,” Barry tries to explain. “And, no offence, you might be that ‘too much.‘”
“I’m sorry, Dad,” she apologizes. Whoa. That was a shock to the system. “When I ended up here, I didn’t know what to do. But then when I learned what year it was, I remembered you guys telling me you used to work for the DEO together when you were younger. So I came here.”
J'onn steps in with the question, “And how exactly did you come to be here in this time?”
“Training exercise gone wrong, apparently. See, my teammate slash rival has teleportation powers and I guess when she blasted them at me she overshot by many years.”
“What kind of training exercise are we talking about?” you ask. Ellie looks at you with so much awe and love. It completely blows your mind how much she looks like both you and Barry at once. Ellie giggles.
“Oh! I guess you wouldn’t know, yet! Watch this!” In a split second your daughter has left and returned, having placed a single flower in everyone’s hair (except for J'onn, who had one in his shirt pocket). You are even more stunned.
“You’re a Speedster,” you remark.
“That’s right!” Ellie says brightly. “Just like my old man. But don’t worry Mom, I have some of your awesome powers, too.” Her eyes grow red and the beams of light melt a potted plant in half, creating a mess.
“Clean up on aisle twelve!” Winn shouts enthusiastically.
“Yo, that’s dope,” Cisco admires.
“Anyway, as much as I’d like to live in this retro time, I need to get back. I just don’t know how to go about it…”
“I might know a guy,” Barry says. At that, you and him escort Ellie to the lower levels of the DEO where the company’s resident scientists, Harrison Wells and Caitlin Snow, run experiments, tests, and come up with new tech. The two heads in the room look up from their respective works.
“Barry, (Y/N),” Caitlin greets. “Who have you brought with you?”
“This is Ellie,” you introduce. “She’s our- our-”
“She’s our daughter,” Barry finishes. The room is silent.
“How is that possible?” Ellie goes on to fill Caitlin in on what happened. Harrison slowly approaches your daughter and extends a hand for her to shake.
“Harrison Wells. Pleasure to meet you, Ellie.” He examines her face, then Barry’s, then yours. “Truly remarkable,” he marvels at the time travelling anomaly that is your teenage daughter.
“We need to get her back to her time,” you say.
“Do you think you can help me?” Ellie asks. Harrison makes a thinking gesture with his index finger and thumb over his mouth.
“Absolutely,” he says. “But first, Miss Allen, if I have the permission of your parents, I’d like to run a few tests…”
For the next few days, the members of the DEO are bustling around with the new task of trying to send Ellie home. Especially Cisco, Caitlin, Wells, and Winn (or as you sometimes call them, C2W2). In the meantime, while the crew works on creating a sort of time portal, Ellie stays with you and Barry at your apartment. It is the most bizarre thing in the world to live with your daughter who isn’t technically even born yet. At first, it was awkward, no doubt. But after awhile, things started to smooth out. She really was an extraordinary girl. You and Barry were clearly going to be very lucky parents.
Towards the middle of the week, Ellie appears to be getting antsy, so you decide to take her along with you to CatCo. A sort of secret take-your-daughter-to-work-day, but of course, you introduce her as your cousin. You show her your latest article and she’s thrilled with your piece. She even mentions she has an interest in the field and was totally acing her writing class in school back in her time.
Atta girl!
After hearing about her CatCo experience with you, Barry wants in on the parent-daughter action and takes her to the National City Police Department to work a case the following day. You get to hear from Ellie later on about how cool it was surveying a crime scene.
“She’s got a great eye,” Barry praises.
“What a talent,” you agree. Ellie beams back at you both. But then her eyes flick to the TV and becomes distracted. What is she looking at…
It’s breaking news. A high-speed car chase on the freeway heading out of the city. Inside the vehicle? Thirty million dollars worth of jewelry. You and Barry stand up at the same time, tense.
“Ready to go, Bare?”
“I’m coming, too!” Ellie insists.
“No.” The word was said in unison.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” she protests.
“No, we’re not,” Barry says sternly. “You stay here.”
“Okay, well, I guess I’ll just…” Zip. She’s gone.
“Your daughter just disobeyed us!” you cry.
“Oh, so because she acted out, she’s my daughter,” Barry half jokes. “Let’s go.” Barry bolts away while you tear off your clothes to reveal your super-suit and fly out your window. Below you, Barry’s a red blur on the highway heading north-west. Keeping your top speed, you’re positive you can reach the speeding jewel thief before he reaches the city limits. Except… up ahead the police have the thief surrounded. He’s now in handcuffs! How-?
Ellie, that’s how.
You touch down on the ground just as she calls out to the thief, “Nice try, scumbag!” Barry shows up behind you and his hand finds your shoulder.
“She definitely picked up snarky comments and name-calling criminals from you.”
After about two weeks, you receive word that the DEO Labs team has finally finished the portal project. Something of this magnitude, you had expected it to take much longer than it did. Then again, the project was conducted by world genius Harrison Wells, so anything was possible with him at the helm. You knew Ellie had to get back home, but a part of you wished she wasn’t leaving already.
The portal hums the moment Cisco switches it on. Everyone groups together to say goodbye to your daughter, hugs and all. You hear Cisco reminding her to watch Spielberg’s time travelling adventure when she gets back. After Barry gets a little misty eyed saying his farewells, it’s your turn, and you hug Ellie tight in your arms. You aren’t sure what to say.
“Take care of yourself, my girl,” is what comes out.
“I will, Momma.” She lets go and addresses you and Barry one final time. “Dad, twelve year old me will beg for a puppy. All I ask is to just think about it. You have over twenty years to mull it over. And Mom- If, let’s just say, hypothetically in the future I happen to accidentally destroy your favourite vase. Go easy on me, please?” Ellie advances toward the portal, but not before giving the room a little wave.
“See you… later?” Her laugh that follows it almost makes you choke up.
You dreaded saying goodbye to Ellie. But you can’t wait to say hello to her again someday.
Anonymous Request: If you watch Supergirl and The Flash, would you mind doing an imagine where the reader is Supergirl and she and The Flash are a crime-fighting duo and are dating and know about each other’s secret identies, S.T.A.R. Labs doesn’t exist and Cisco, Caitlin, and Harrison Wells work with the DEO, and their daughter is a speedster from the future and she accidentally ran back in time while doing a training excerise with her team and the gang has to help her get back to her time?
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disregardcanon · 7 years
here’s some supergirl rewrites that i finally got around to doing. i might do more and post it to ao3 eventually, but i might not. this might be all i’ll ever get out
featuring: karolsen, alex the world’s greatest sister, man hell the secondary antagonist, fixes to duet, lena luthor and some fic tidbits
Kara and James are drifting apart as he becomes Guardian. Kara finds out that James is Guardian sometime between episodes 8 and 9, and becomes furious that he’s been putting himself in danger like this. This is what he’s putting strain on their relationship over, and it makes her so angry. He shouldn’t be risking himself like this. He isn’t bulletproof. He isn’t the one with laser eyes and the ability to fly and lift tanks.
Her rage only intensifies after Winn is harmed in the line of duty, and she breaks up with James for endangering himself and Winn. This throws a wrench in her relationships with both of them which is not resolved until the end of the season.
Alex gently suggests that Kara is being too hard on the both of them, and Kara admits that she’s just afraid of losing them and that James and Winn aren’t as “strong” as Alex so this ignites her fears further. Mon-El decides to start becoming a “hero” and Kara encourages this. He’s invincible, and should be doing this.
She doesn’t realize yet that she’s projecting onto him. She and James continue to fight, Winn continues to keep his distance from Kara because he’s declared himself “Team James” and Alex spends more time with Maggie than Kara, leaving Kara feeling isolated and flying into the arms of the man she’s trying to make more like the one she’s so afraid of losing. At least this one’s bulletproof, even if that thought only occurs in her subconscious.
Upon learning that Mon-El is the Prince of Daxam, Kara drops his ass. There’s a scuffle, Mon-El trying to get her to stay, and Kara leaves and goes to her apartment. Her apartment which Mon-El is already in.
“I still have a key, Kara,” Mon-El says.
“Of course,” Kara says, and she feels bile rising in her throat, “wonder how you got that.”
“We dated, remember?” he says with a wide grin, “had sex a few times, you gave me a key.”
“That’s over,” Kara says, crossing her arms over her chest, “give me the key, Mon-El.”
“The key.”
“You’re not thinking straight. You’re just mad because you found out I lied. Once you clear your head, everything will go back to normal.”
“We don’t have a normal, Mon-El. Whatever we had was built on lies.”
“What we have isn’t a lie, Kara. Don’t you still want this?”
“I wanted you to be a hero, which you’re clearly not.” The more she thinks about it, the more she realizes what she wanted. She wanted a bulletproof James.
“Kara-” he forcibly takes her hands and gets her to make eye contact, “- I am a hero. You made me a hero.”
“Heroes fight, Mon-El. They fight for what’s right, no matter the consequences. You just- you were prince of Daxam, and you owned slaves, and you let someone die to escape-”
“Kara, I’ve changed. I don’t support what my parents have done anymore-”
“No, Lena has changed.” Lena Luthor is someone she loves who rose from adversity and started trying to make the world a better place. Mon-El sat on his ass and didn’t become a hero until he decided he wanted to date Kara. The whole idea of it is making her sick.
“Lena looked at the shadow of what her family has done, and she said no. She said it was disgusting and she didn’t want any part of that. You never lifted a finger to help someone until I made you.”
“Kara, I help now. Isn’t that good enough?”
“No, it isn’t,” she says, “that might not make you a monster but- I just- I can’t date someone like that, Mon-El.”
“Oh, so now it’s all about you again. Saint Kara can’t sully herself being with a Daxamite.” Kara doesn’t dignify that with a response. Whenever Mon-El feels threatened, he insults her, makes her feel awful for pointing out his flaws. She won’t give into it this time.
He takes a step closer, and they’re almost touching.
“Come on Kara. I know you want me as much as I want you.”
“I don’t, Mon-El. I’m done with this.”
“You mean you’re done with us.” He looks angry, like a vein in his neck might actually pop.
“I’m done with you,” Kara says, “there’s no more us.” He grabs her round the waist and pulls her in, and forces a kiss on her. She pushes him off of her. Mon-El goes to grab her again, and Kara grabs his arm, pushing it behind him.
“I’m stronger than you,” Kara says, pushing his arm into a position that hurts, “and I said no.”  She lets go of him, and lets out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“Stop being such a bitch, Kara,” Mon-El says, “I apologized.”
“Get out of my house,” Kara says.
“Out! Or I will call in the entire team. Maybe you can take me, but J’onn? M’gann? Alex? I don’t think you want to take that chance.” Mon-El glares as he grabs his jacket off the couch. He runs his hand into the couch so hard that legs break and the couch itself falls to the ground.
He doesn’t seem phased by this. Then, he turns towards the door to leave, and stomps the entire way, so that she can hear his angry footsteps.
He opens the door, then turns back to face her, “You’ll regret this, Kara. I know you will.” Kara doesn’t grace that with a response.
“And when you apologize,” Mon-El says, “I expect you to grovel.” He steps through the doorway, and slams the door behind him. Kara doesn’t wait until she can’t hear his footsteps outside anymore. She goes to lock the door, and then falls down on her broken couch. She pulls out her phone. She needs Alex right now. She dials her sister.
“Oh thank Rao,” Kara says in relief, “Alex, I’m so glad to hear your voice.”
“Kara, are you alright?” Alex asks gently.
“Not really,” Kara admits, “could you please come over? I don’t want to be alone right now.”
“Yes, of course,” Alex says, “I’ll be right over. Do you need me to get anything?”
“Could you please bring potstickers? And some lead.”
“Yes, please,” Kara says, “I know you’re at the DEO. I bet they have some.”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll be right over.”
Kara turns on her tv, and starts up The Sound of Music.
Maria has just gotten done singing “I Have Confidence” when Kara hears the knock at her door. She feels better the moment that she hears it, and opens the door to greet her sister. She hugs her tightly, as tightly as she knows is comfortable for Alex, and waits longer than usual to let go.
“What happened?” Alex asks, looking at the broken couch.
“I broke up with Mon-El,” Kara says.
“And he did this?” Alex demands, “Kara, I’m so sorry. If I had any idea I would have…” Alex trails off, not sure what she would have done. Kara isn’t sure what it would have been either.
“Hey, let’s put some lead over the windows and doors,” Kara says. She doesn’t know if that will really make her safer, but she thinks it might. They spend about ten minutes adjusting that, and then they settle down on the couch with the potstickers. Alex sends her a serious look.
“If he ever comes near you again-”
“He isn’t worth it, Alex.”
“But you are, Kara.”
“Please, let’s just not talk about it,” Kara says. She doesn’t want to think about it. She just wants to watch The Sound of Music while eating potstickers and cuddling with her sister. That’s all she wants right now.
“Alright, Kara,” Alex says, “we’ll talk about that later.” Instead, they watch the musical together and eat Kara’s favorite food, and melt into their sisters’ night.
Kara and Alex go into the DEO the next morning, where they learn that Mon-El has joined up with his mother, his father has tragically died. (ain’t mariticide the greatest?) They’ve left earth, at least for the time being.
“Yeah,” Kara says, “I realized he was-”
“A complete pile of shit?” James suggests.
“I was going to say “not what I wanted”, but that works too.” James smiles at her, and it almost feels like what they used to have before she pushed him away. But he’s still in the Guardian gear, and there’s so much of a chasm after how she’d pushed him away that even if she were okay with him being Guardian, really okay with it, then doesn’t think that they could make it work.
“Thanks James,” Kara says. The prisoner that the DEO was dragging in gets out then.
“Supergirl,” he says, clapping his hands together, “just the girl I wanted to see.” He shoots a blast of light out of his hand.
“Get behind me,” James says, and no, Kara’s the one that’s bulletproof, he should get behind her. She gets in front of him, and shields him from the blast of light. Then she’s knocked out. James craddles her in his arms, and then he, J’onn and Alex bring Kara to Earth 1. Other than Alex and James being there, the Flash interactions are mainly the same.
“James” of course is the guy that “Iris” is macking on in the dream. Kara’s reactions are all well I like him and I’d like for him to be my boyfriend, but I treated him badly and don’t deserve him.
And Barry’s like wtf Kara you’re wonderful you deserve love with whoever this is. And Kara explains that she dumped him because he was a superhero and it worried her and she wanted him to stop and instead ended up trying to make a shit sack who had superpowers into a replacement for James and it all just went to shit. And Barry’s like okay so I understand why you feel that way, but also, you’re Kara and I love you. And also I’ve been terrible to my fiance and she’ll probably never take me back so we can be super sad friends.
They get to the The Reveal where the characters learn their lesson and Kara says.
“You want him to be a hero. You want him to brave. You’re just so afraid of losing him that it’s clouded your vision and blinded you to the great man he’s become.” John Barrowman nods. Then he sings.
Then Barry and Kara both die and #trueloveskiss. James is really nervous about it because Kara broke up with him okay? Just because she isn’t with that shit sack anymore doesn’t mean that she automatically wants him. But he kisses her anyway because even if she’s angry it’s better than her being dead, and Kara wakes up kissing him and realizes that she is and she looks up with him with love in her eyes.
“James?” She doesn’t stop looking up at him.
“Nice to see you, Kara.” Kara knows that right now isn’t the time to have their conversation, so she waits until
“James, can we talk once we get back to our earth?” James nods. Team Flash does most of the talking as she and the rest of the team get ready to go back.
“We’ll give you two some space,” J’onn says. Alex gives her a thumbs up and a huge smile as she leaves them be.
“You kissed me,” Kara says.
“I’m sorry, Kara. I was just trying to save you-”
“Don’t apologize, James. I liked it.”
“You did?”
“Uh, yeah. It was my true love’s kiss, remember? Woke me up and everything.”
“It’s just-  you broke up with me.” James doesn’t sound bitter about this, not really. He just sounds confused about why Kara isn’t more angry.
“I was worried about you, James.”
“About the Guardian thing?”
“Yeah, I didn’t want you to get hurt. I just didn’t want you to be Guardian, superhero who risks life and limb. I just wanted you to be James.” She wanted him to be that sweet, brave guy with a camera that she fell in love with.
“Kara, I won’t give up Guardian. I care about you a lot, but I want to be a hero. I want to make a difference.” Kara smiles at him widely, and realizes what she should have all along. This beautiful man has always been a hero, and that’s why she loved him in the first place.
“And I want you to, I was just too afraid of losing you. Now I know that.” Kara bites her lip, and thinks about how to proceed.
“I really like you, James. If you give me another chance, I promise that I’ll be better. Guardian and Supergirl make a good pair, right?” James doesn’t say anything.
“What do you think?” She asks nervously.  James smiles.
“I took long enough making my mind up about you and Lucy, you stuck around for me. I don’t mind having to wait for you too. As long as we’re done waiting, right? We are done waiting, right?” Kara answers this with a kiss.
They enter episode 17 with Kara and James exploring their blossoming relationship again, falling into old habits and new. It shows them playing connect four and eating potstickers, getting into a playful fight with the pieces when Kara loses. Then it cuts to them taking down a bad guy together as Supergirl and Guardian.
“You know, this is much easier to do when you’re both together,” Winn says into their earpieces. Kara sighs. She’s so glad that she’s back on good terms with Winn too. She missed him so much during their fight. She got her boyfriend and her best friend back. It almost feels like things have gone back to normal.
Then the bounty hunters start coming after her. Alex notices that they aren’t trying to kill her. They’re obviously trying to take her alive. J’onn suspects that it’s Mon-El.
Kara confronts the problem and goes to meet with the Daxamites. Mon-El looks excited to see her, like nothing has changed between them.
“You’ve been trying to have me kidnapped.”
“Those are strong words, Kara. I just wanted to talk to you.” “You wanted to talk to me from the Daxamite ship circling my planet. The Daxamite ship that you live on.”
“Yes. I live on the Daxamite ship, because I’m a Daxamite, Kara. That seems to be your main problem with me.”
“My main problem right now is you trying to have me kidnapped!”
“I told the bounty hunters not to hurt you. I just wanted to get you to talk to me, parlay with my mother. I’m sure we can all work something out.”
“I’m Kryptonian, Mon-El. Your mother wants me dead.” Kara doesn’t have any idea what Rhea wants with earth, but it can’t be good.
“No, she just wants me happy. You make me happy, Kara.” She rolls her eyes.
“What would you do, when you got me on this ship? What would you do when the bounty hunters brought me?”
“Talk to you?”
“Well, I don’t know. I would have- I would have had you brought to me. Let them rough you up a little, so you were worried about who had taken you. But then you’d see me, and you’d be so grateful that it was me and that I was letting you go that you’d just be happy about it, you know? Then we could talk it out. Maybe you’d forgive me.” Kara feels like she might throw up.
“That’s revolting.” She doesn’t even have words to explain how fucked up that is, but it’s one of the most fucked up things she’s ever heard.
“I just wanted to see to you, Kara. You wouldn’t given me a chance if I asked. You were being headstrong. You gave me no other choice.” That’s so Mon-El, framing this as all her fault, him an innocent victim.
“Do you care about me?”
“Yes, Kara. I love you. How many times do I have to tell you that before it gets through your thick head?”
“Convince your mother to leave this planet alone. Then I’ll believe you.” Kara leaves, and Mon-El stands there, obviously contemplating it.
The next shot shows Mon-El is shown in full Daxam formalwear, walking down the halls of the ship with a purpose. He comes to the royal chamber to talk to his mother.
“I want you to leave this planet alone,” Mon-El says, “we can find another new Daxam.” What does it matter which planet they take over, as long as there are resources. As long as it has an atmosphere they can live in, food and water, and a population to enslave, the Daxamites will be alright. It doesn’t have to be earth. His mother can lay waste to any other planet and let him and Kara have this one.
“You’re doing this for the Kryptonian, I presume?” his mother asks, sitting cross legged in front of a magic mirror looking computer.
“Yes. Does it matter?”
“It does, son. Just watch.” Rhea turns her magic mirror looking tv to a security feed in Kara Danvers’s apartment. It shows Kara and James laughing together, and then kissing. Mon-El crosses his arms, frowning.
“That could have been any time before I came. He’s her ex.” His mother zooms out, and it shows that Kara and James are on a couch that’s fallen to the ground.
“I broke that,” he says, his eyes widening. Now he knows that this must be recent, if not actually a live feed.
“I know, son.”
“She went back to him,” Mon-El says, voice breaking. He can’t believe this. He’s been out of the picture less than two weeks and she’s already back with him. That slut.
“Do you still want to save the earth, son?” Mon-El has never cared for that planet. The only thing he ever wanted on it was Supergirl, and clearly, she doesn’t want him. Clearly she’ll never want him again, no matter what he does. Even though she promised to believe him if he got his mother to leave her precious earth alone.
“No,” he says, “I think I want to watch it burn.” Rhea smiles at him.
“Oh son, we need not be that drastic. We need the resources.” Mon-El frowns
“But Kara-”
“Kara Zor-El will burn for breaking your heart, I promise you that. We just don’t want to burn the whole planet along with her.” Mon-El nods. He understands the economics of that. A planet with resources is worth more than a planet burned to a crisp. Just as long as Kara pays, he doesn’t care what happens to the rest of it.
Episodes 18 and 19 happen almost the same
20 involves James trying to save kids and Kara being supportive, the invading force coming, and Rhea transporting Lena onto the ship.
21 involves Mon-El not being totally thrilled about the wedding but glad that it’s Lena because it will hurt Kara the most
“Why would this hurt Kara Danvers?” Lena asks.
“You don’t know, do you?” Mon-El says, and he starts to laugh.
“What? What are you laughing about?”
“Kara is Supergirl.”
“Kara is Supergirl?” Lena looks shocked and betrayed.
“Oh yes, and she didn’t even bother to tell you. You know, I bet that she was too afraid you’d turn out like your family to anyways. She never trusted me because I was a Daxamite.”
“You’re wrong. I bet that Kara never trusted you because you’re a dick.” Mon-El glares.
“You know, I might kill you if we weren’t engaged.” Lena sends him a winning smile.
“What a gallant prince you are-” Mon-El glares more, “-I can’t imagine why Kara didn’t trust you.”
“Bitch.” Lena doesn’t retort, but she knows that she had the more cutting remarks. More people have called her a bitch than she can count, and it doesn’t phase her anymore. But her own words obviously hit the mark with Mon-El. If only she knew how she felt about Kara at the moment.
The next major change is in 22. Kara beats Rhea in combat, but the woman doesn’t agree to leave the planet. They create the lead device to get the Daxamites off world.
Mon-El finds her as soon as they set it off.
“Kara,” Mon-El says, coughing, “Kara, please- I’m begging you-” “Get off my planet, Mon-El,” Kara says. Then she turns and leaves, hearing him cough behind her. She’s not sure if he got off the planet with his life or not, and she doesn’t care. Either way she’s rid of him and his mother and their invasion and all the pain they’ve brought into her life.
The whole gang is gathered at Kara’s place after the invasion. Kara has a new couch, and while the world outside still looks like there’s been a war, you can tell the war is over. They’re rebuilding now and things are getting better.
“Lena, please. I know you haven’t picked up the last ten times, but I can explain. Please, let me explain.” The voicemail tone dings, and Kara realizes that she’s left as long of a message as she can.
“She’ll call, Kara,” James says, “you just have to give her a little time to get used to it.”
“But what if I lost her?” Kara says, “she found out from Mon-El, he must have made me look like such a jerk-” James takes the phone, and sets it down at the end table.
“We saved the world. Let’s take a break.”
Maggie is over at the counter, listening to M’gann and J’onn recount tales of Mars. They all three look interested and nostalgic, and they’re drinking tall glasses of red wine. Alex and Winn are sitting on the floor arguing about what movie they should put in : Alex wants Independence Day while Winn wants Guardians of the Galaxy.
“Alright,” Kara says, allowing herself to fade into the happy social atmosphere. They did it. They won. She’s worried about Lena, but she shouldn’t let that override everything they’ve worked for. Kara curls up with James.
“I don’t care which one you guys put on, just one of them.” She just wants to bask in this glow. Things aren’t perfect, but they’re good enough for her to be happy about them.
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iminyourhandskara · 6 years
Pretending - Karamel One Shot.
There was only so much she could handle, even as a superhero; the past year was tough, to say the least, her skin got thicker, her heart more fragile yet it had endured so much, it was now covered in steel, hard like Kara's flesh. She could fight millions of enemies, get punched and kicked everyday, be exposed to kryptonite and other venoms, be tricked by illusions and strange dreamlike states, but this? She didn't know how to handle this. Mon-El. She didn't know what to do, how to talk to him,how to continue this farce, everything was far from okay but she had to keep her mask on.
She felt so comfortable with him, yet she couldn't stand being in the same room as him for more than a certain amount of time; his presence was deteriorating her inside. Sometimes, Kara wished that Mon-El just left once more, though she knew she couldn't live without him, not again.
She tried to understand those longing, often nostalgic and sad looks, she tried tounderstand the way his voice changed whenever he spoke to her, she tried to figure out what was really going on in his mind, when he smiled, when he laughed, when he sighed; it all looked so familiar she was afraid to read every sign in the wrong way.
“He's not the same Mon-El you fell in love with.” A voice inside of Kara's brain tried to whisper, “But I got to knowhim again this year.” Her heart tried to respond, “No, it's all fake, you've fallen for his memory, you're not in love with him. You don't even know him.” The ugly, ominous voice got too much to her, Kara had started to believe it was the truth.
Mon-El lived at the DEO again, but according to what Alex had said, he barely slept. He spent a lot of time sitting by himself in the conference room or just looking outside of the balcony, sometimes also flying over the city, just like Kara did: Mon-El looked lonely and disconnected, pensive and observing, looking at the cityscapes that surrounded him.
Kara wished she could have hugged him, but maybe it wasn't what he wanted, she wasn't what he wanted..maybe he wanted to go back to the 31st century. All she could do, was step to him and try to have a small talk.
It was exhausting to not know what he was thinking, she could only see his exterior, almost afraid to show any emotion: those days where she could understand him with just one look seemed so far away. Kara had started to accept it, Mon-El was just..a colleague: they were good partners on the battlefield and constantly learned from each other as heroes, but once that those suits were taken off, they were just friends. Yes. They were friends. Or at least, Kara was trying to convince herself they were: she had more practice in this game, she had already repeated that when he was still with Imra, but now the level got a little harder. 
Still, they weren't strangers, if she called Mon-El and asked for his help, she was sure he would've given it to her. But maybe she was lying to herself again: maybe that's why she was so distant from him and he didn't try to do anything about it..perhaps he didn't care anymore. He fell out of love years and years ago, why should he care about her? It was obvious that Mon-El was looking for a new beginning in the 21st century, the 31st century was still his home, though: it's not like he stayed.. for her.
That was the truth, and once she swallowed this bitter pill, it was easier to pretend that they had no history. She could force herself to reset everything and start all over, just like Mon-El had done. She was left alone with her thoughts, sitting on a chair in the conference room, her stare was blank and lost, until someone knocked on the door.
“This place has never been so quiet. You've been awfully quiet.” Winn entered the room and sat next to her. “Hey..Have I?”
“Oh, I...didn't notice. I guess I've been too focused on work.”
“Kara, please..there hasn't been any significant job to do in here for over a week now, and from what James has told me, nothing exciting happened at CatCo either. You know why you've been so..lost.”
“And why is that?”
Winn looked somewhere outside of the door, “You both look miserable. You and Mon-El, I mean.”
“He's been officially back here for a month now, what are you doing? Why are you barely talking to him?”
“I do talk to him!”
“Outside of superheroing business? Not so much.”
“How would you know?”
“Because he's terrified to open up, just like you. You're scared to be together in the same room for more than five minutes. He's always looking at his Legion ri-”
“He misses the 31st century.”
“And his necklace. Your necklace. Don't tell me you didn't notice.”
Kara's eyes opened widely, “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“He misses you, being with you..and you won't even let him come close to you. Look, I knowyou're scared of being hurt too..but I know he's in pain as much as you are. I didn't ask him, but it's clear to see.”
She swallowed, half of her wanted to deny this, but the other half wanted to jump in his arms and console him: had she been so foolish to preserve her heart from breaking that she forgot about the one beating one room away?
Winn got up from his seat and gave Kara a pat on the shoulder, “He's on the balcony, but I think he'll fly over the city in a few minutes. He looks very moody today.”
“Thank you, Winn.” She nodded: it was time to take the matter in her hands, even if she still didn't know how to take care of it.
“So, how are you?”
“I just asked how are you?”
“Why are you asking?” His arms rested on the balcony, his eyes avoided hers.
“We're friends.”
“No. We're not friends.”
“What are you talking about?”
Mon-El finally turned around, clearing his throat: “If we were friends, you'd invite me to game night with everyone else, you'd ask for my opinion on your new shirt, you'd text me, you would suggest new books and send me articles that interested you. You would call me and ask me if I wanted to see a new movie at the cinema, you would complain to me about how terribly dry is your job as a journalist right now and we would laugh about it while making popcorn, you would laugh with me about some of Winn’s ridiculous sweaters, you would joke and pretend to be mad when I joke about you. We're not friends. And you know that.”
“Stop it. Stop it, now.” She inhaled deeply, a burning fire started inside of her, she couldn't suppress it anymore, “I can't invite you over my place because everything reminds me of last year, when you were with me and I was happy, for once. I don't want to know your opinion on my clothes, or books, or movies because you would probably say something nice and I would lie to myself saying that you're still in love with me and everything is back to normal. How am I supposed to ask you to go out with me without having constant flashbacks to our dates? Gosh, I used to be so happy with you. I can't pretend, I can't pretend this is my normal routine when I know you're a few steps away. You carved yourself a space into my life, but now it's just a hole full of rubble. I pretend you're not here. I pretend you're just a shadow, a memory. Because if I told myself that you're so close to me, I could stop breathing and thinking clearly.”
Kara looked up into Mon-el's eyes, full of lust, anger, love, sadness, tiredness: he was dangerously close. “We're not friends.” He took a breath from her lips. They weren't friends. They weren't just friends. They weren't just lovers. They were two souls, destined to mend each other and blend into one another.
“Do you even want to be my friend?”
“You're the one who can't even keep a conversation with me.” Mon-El laughed bitterly, ”Of course I want to, I want to be part of your life, I will always want you to be a part of mine.” His tone got sadder as his sentence ended, a sad sigh made her eyes soften: Kara slowly realized how damaged both of them were inside.
“Alex told me you barely sleep and you're always wandering here at the DEO, from the conference room to here and then you fly away..I used to do the same, when you were gone. I know you're in your own bubble and don't want to hear anything from anyone, but listen to me at least: everyone is worried about you, I am worried, too. I'm sorry I haven't done enough to help you, but I want you to feel alright. I've been so busy curing my wounds that I didn't realize that you had way more than I did. Do you want to come to my place and spend a nice night in?”
Mon-El's eyes lit up, a soft smile on his face, “We could watch a movie, we could take some Chinese food, or cook, if you want to..What do you think?” Kara continued with a new, sweet voice.
“I would love that. But I'm the one cooking.”
“What do you wanna eat? I'll go grocery shopping with Winn today to pick everything up.”
“Anything you want, really.”
He nodded, walking away: “I'll see you tonight,  then. 8?”
They looked happy, for once.
When the time came, Kara was extremely nervous, overthinking the scenarios that varied from disastrous to wonderful: in the end she told herself that everything would have flowed naturally, they would've been comfortable with each other and maybe the night would've ended up surprisingly well. Mon-El arrived perfectly on time, his arms carrying a bunch of paper bags, his smile brighter than ever; “Hi!”
“Hi! So what did you buy?”
“It's a surprise..did you pick the movie?” In the moment he stepped inside, it was like both of them had traveled back in time or were in a dream, everything looked so normal.. her place didn't look empty anymore.
“Yeah, it's a comedy that came out last year but I couldn't get to watch it at the movies, but it's already on Netflix luckily.”
“Ooh, perfect. I'm gonna start working at the stove.”
“Need any help?”
The night went on and they just grew more comfortable with each other, any sort of awkwardness was gone, sometimes she would even lean into his shoulders and Mon-El would welcome her with a content sigh; what were they doing? Sparks were flying around them, their sadness had left and both of them realized how much they needed a night like this, to be with each other like this.
After the movie was over, Kara asked Mon-El if he wanted to help her clean the dishes: it was just another excuse to spend more time with him, she didn't want the magic of that night to disappear, Kara was afraid that in the moment he would've walked outside of her door, everything would've gone back to how it was a few hours before. They didn't dare to say a word until they were done, both thinking about what was coming next.
Suddenly, Mon-El turned around and grabbed Kara's hands in his: “I am not okay.” He looked into her eyes and then slowly lowered his gaze down her pink lips. “You asked how I was earlier, here's your answer.”
“Why?” She did the same thing, ending with a lip bite.
“Because I can't stand being so far from you, I can't stand knowing you're so close and broken as I am..and if I don't kiss you right now, I might go out of my mind.”
“Then what are you waiting for?”
“I wanna hear it from you. No more tiptoeing around.”
“You want me to ask you to kiss me?” Kara was playing with him.. and Mon-El knew it, he hated it but loved it at the same time. They finally smirked at each other.
“Your lips are so inviting.”
“Kiss me.” Mon-El smiled and picked Kara up in his arms; if their kiss could've talked, it would've said a single word: 'finally.’
Once they drifted apart to breathe, Mon-El lay Kara down on the bed: for a moment, they rested their foreheads together and he moved her hair from her neck kissing it gently.
They looked into each other's eyes, a whisper escaped Kara's mouth before meeting his lips again, “Don't let me go.”
“I won't.”
The honesty in his voice was reassuring enough to believe those two words: she trusted Mon-El and knew that, whatever threat would've arrived next, their love was stronger than that. It was something bigger and stronger than they were, it couldn't be described, it simply was their destiny: they were soulmates, they were made to find each other, always, through space and time.
i hope you guys enjoyed it! i cant believe i posted two one shots in two weeks. this one started so randomly as a drabble and then my friend begged me to continue..i hope i did a good job😅😅
let me know what you think in my inbox and reblogs, thank you for reading! ❤️❤️❤️
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’Well…I Guess That’s Your Exit’: What Supergirl Season 2 is Getting Wrong
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Another day. Another time for me and my co-worker to discuss the important stuff…you know…like Supergirl.
My co-worker loved, loved, LOVED the whole relationship between Kara and Mon-El. I rolled my eyes over it…mostly because the actor had done such a great job over on The Vampire Diaries as the murderous Kai. All I saw was Kai when I saw him. Not helping matters was the fact that the actor was kinda…one-note.
One thing that we could agree upon was that Season 2 had been a different beast than its first season on CBS. However, for the longest time we could not put our fingers on why. There were still storylines going on. There were romances all over the place. Dialogue still had its moments. What could it be?
Then…it came to me.
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At the start of the current season, there were a few things going on. The Kara/James relationship was brought to an abrupt (IMHO) stop. Cat Grant had a midlife crisis of sorts and left. Winn changed jobs, working full time at the D.E.O. Kara wanted to focus on ‘the Year of the Kara’ aka finding her place in the world. Oh…and Superman showed up.
But how has that worked out?
As I mentioned above, Kara embarked upon a new relationship with the alien Mon-El. Cat was still on ‘hiatus.’ Winn…was still Winn…but with alien girlfriend. ‘The Year of the Kara’ has pretty much gone up in smoke. Other than Kara losing her job for a minute, it has been all about Mon-El with…Guest Star Supergirl. And that simply took away from the show.
Speaking of being taken away, another thing that vanished was the team itself.
Was Team Supergirl still active? Why yes. Kara still went on patrol. So did James as new vigilante Guardian. Winn was still on laptop. Alex and Martian Manhunter were still with the D.E.O. with assist from Alex’s new girlfriend Maggie. So active for sure. However…they were for the most part all in different storylines for the most part.
Compare that to Season One. Usually there was a prisoner from Fort Rozz on the loose. Or there was some freak of nature. Alex, Kara, and Martian Manhunter would be on the case. Winn would be on the laptop as usual. Sometimes Cat would interact in that. A rapport was established. A dynamic that clearly grooved with the viewing audience.
And It was something that viewers got used to. However, Season Two did what too many shows/movies (recent examples:  The 100, arguably Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2) did after their first showing/season. Characters are separated into individual storylines. That would be fine except for the fact that the characters rarely came back together, affecting the dynamic/rapport that viewers were used to and loved.
Then there was Kara and her characterizations. Season One Kara was a hero in training. She made mistakes. She learned from it. She was capable and strong, but flawed. It was promising at the start of the current season. I was looking forward to seeing her personal life (re: CatCo stuff) develop now that she had a good grip on her professional (re: superadventures) life. Instead, Season Two Kara appeared to almost get her butt handled to her in fights without some help. And it appeared that the show was more about the adventures of Mon-El on Earth. Kara helped him adjust for sure.  She even fell for him.
However, what else was there for her to do? Where was her development? She was more than a super girlfriend. She was SUPERGIRL! You know…the MAIN CHARACTER. But…you wouldn’t know it if you had been watching this season.
Finally, Season Two was also missing the plot, too. And by plot, I meant a focal point.  Was Season Two about Mon-El and his secrets? Was it about Kara’s fight against the anti-alien group Cadmus? Was it about something with the President? What was Season Two about?
Meanwhile, Season One…for its flaws…had a clear plot. Supergirl had to learn about being a superhero as she proceeded to capture all the escaped prisoners from Fort Rozz. Meanwhile, her aunt was alive and planning something sinister called Myriad. Those two threads ran through the first season along with various subplots. However, it was clear what the season was about.
Season Two on the other hand…
What was going on?
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As of this writing, there were only a few episodes of Supergirl left before Season Two was over.
Thankfully, it appeared that the writers had found a way to right the ship for Season Two. They introduced a Trojan Horse named Queen Rhea played by Teri Hatcher.
Queen Rhea was Mon-El’s mother. She had traveled to Earth to find him and rebuilt their world Daxam. He would not leave due to his love of Kara. And that had driven Rhea mad. After killing her husband (Kevin Sorbo we hardly knew ya!), Rhea now plotted her revenge on Kara and Earth.
Rhea’s appearance gave the season what it was lacking: focus. There was the obvious conflict for Kara and Mon-El. From the reveal of his identity which was a secret to the fact that Rhea does not like Kara, there was trouble between them. And that trouble allowed the show to shift back to where it should be: focusing on SUPERGIRL with Mon-El supporting her.  There had already been a ‘getting the band back together’ vibe thanks to Rhea’s presence, allowing all the characters to interact and emphasizing their great rapport established in Season One. Finally, going by the promo for Episode 2.21, Rhea’s plot has resulted in converging the other Season Two plotlines from Cadmus (the enemy of my enemy) to the President’s deal. Nothing like unity to solidify direction.
It was a shame that it took most of a season to figure this out. Hopefully going forward into Season 3, Supergirl would remember this as they formed the arc for next season. Keep the focus on Kara, keep the dynamic of the team, and have a coherently planned plot, and you will be flying high.
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#supergirl #monel #karamel #season #one #seasonone #seasontwo #the100 #guardiansofthegalaxy #dynamic #rapport #kara #alex #catgrant #martianmanhunter #winn #jamesolsen #cw #thevampirediaries #cadmus #trojanhorse #terihatcher #kevinsorbo #president #plot
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