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#tgif LIKERS!!!
I admit that I feel meh.
Outside of the #workout I'm about to get in, this weekend for me was going to be a work weekend. I know...#boo. But on the bright side...I was about to have some reading time on my hands.
Which brings me to ask...what are you #reading this weekend? This week as I rotate books, I've started on TJ Klune's book (first in a series) WOLFSONG. Given the subject of my forthcoming book HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES...aka gay romance...it was a given I wanted to read around a bit. Plus...WOLVES!!!! lol.
#whatyoureading #tjklune #wolfsong
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“You will find that most of the reasons you are afraid to do something are exactly the reasons why you should.”
— Bryant McGill (via nightlyquotes)
Love is all
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GOOD EVENING, LIKERS!!! Or shall I say...happy #fullmoon!!! Anyone dealing with the 'madness?'
Outside of that, how was the week shaping up? Let's #discuss, shall we?
EDITING. Odds and ends.
I finished my second look-through for HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. A #case for yay!!! lol! Tonight would see me double check something else. Then I would start a look-through of what the physical manuscript will look like.
Meanwhile...there was still the choice of covers. I think I've decided on one. However, I was going to look around for the next few days. And then...I do believe I will make my choice this weekend.
Fingers crossed.
TYPING. This week has been light so far. And I felt it would still be that way.
Or there might be a #book review on Goodreads in my future.
Again...fingers crossed.
WRITING. Mmmmm...#writing.
It's been in little parts. I hoped to make it back to the park today. To sit out there like I've been doing weekly. To sit and #write.
But the weather has not been as great as I've been liking when I wanted to sit and write. I also had some other things to work on this week. Life stuff. So alas.
Perhaps #Tomorrow would be a better day for it. But I definitely had some wiggle room for writing. So I gotta keep that muscle working.
Let's see how the week goes...
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GOOD AFTERNOON, LIKERS!!! How is #tuesday going for you?
Here it has been nice and sunny. In fact, it felt like a great idea for me to walk through the park after work. Yep. Just me. Beautiful #sun. And living out in life. But...let me not get ahead of myself. Because it was time again.
EDITING. Last week, the focus had been on HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. And it was all about the nitpicking. This week...was also more #nitpicking.
Another week that last week was about...and so was this week...was the #search for a cover.
So that's how editing was looking so far. Thankfully, I was also managing my time well. If anything, I had been looking forward to forward momentum. And that also thankfully has hit.
TYPING. My mind has been on my next blog today. I was really thinking about having my #blogs be more consistent. And I had a system for that. And this time around was me writing about shows/movies/etc. that I liked. However, the topic that was going to be in my next blog...was still in research mode.
So...grrr. Or so I thought.
I was at work today. And I was talking about shows that I've been slowly binging. Happy for my co-worker because she's been on me to get caught up on some of those shows for a while. And as I was being picked on...it hit me.
Here I was researching one show. But...I could be writing about one of the shows I was binging. And given the show had ended, I could see long term ideas for that show to write about as well.
The definition of a light bulb moment.
My co-worker got a good hug...#pounce. And I...saw I was in writer mode.
WRITING. Like I said earlier...beautiful sun.
It had been on my mind when I woke up this morning.
I enjoyed my writing sessions last week. In case you missed it, I've been working on a #horror WiP as I'm doing my finishing touches on HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. It was weird, but it kept my mind active. I did worry about my #muse a little bit. Especially after my last blog about #mirroring. I worried that there might be some...spectres around this WiP as well.
But...sometimes in order to get over a feeling...one had to give in to it.
So I woke up this morning with #writing on my mind. I had been missing being out in #nature. I got more aligned with myself that week, but I had little time to myself last week. And it showed.
But this morning...mmmmm...my mind was on writing. And my writing was on my mind.
I was happy to report that yay!!! I got my writing time in. And I got an idea about how to progress my story. I could not wait for my next session.
Even now...the story was on my mind. How would it go? Could I still write #atmosphere? How would my muse hit?
Guess it was time to find out...
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GOOD AFTERNOON, LIKERS!!! How has your #weekend been going? Or more important...what are you #reading this weekend?
Mine...on and off around bits of #piercebrown...has been Brandon Taylor's THE LAST AMERCIANS. Ironically, I stumbled on it when I went to #barnesandnoble to get the latest Pierce Brown's book. lol.
I'm not very far into this story of a group of #artists...but that main character Seamus...lol. Such an unlikeable know-it-all poet. Or...is he? I'm getting to some of his backstory, and there's more to meets the eye.
But that's just me. What #Areyoureading?
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GOOD AFTEROON, LIKERS!!! How you all enjoy that #eclipse? It was not as good here as it appeared to be back home in the South. Great pictures and videos though. :)
Still...yesterday was a pretty good day for me. If you missed it, I had a lot of things to work with on the HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES upload. And I took the ole #laptop out of the house and found a good #starbucks to get some working time in. And then it was off to the #pier well, I sat down and wrote. Now today has me at trusted #lestats for Round 2. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Otherwise known as EDITING, TYPING, and WRITING.
EDITING. So, so, soooo close.
I finally did the upload of HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. I had been nervous about it. But go forward I did. From there, I started looking over the conversion. And I spent yesterday sitting down with #mocha and seeing if I needed to fix anything.
It's funny. I have not looked over a book since DARKENED TABULA back in 2020. I knew Amazon had changed how they did formatting. So again...nervous. But...it came together nicely. I had learned some things since 2020 so it was fun to see me fix the various formatting issues. Fun, sun, and plenty to see. I figured that I would get to Chapter 20 and then call it a day.
I finished the complete look-through.
Today was about going back through it all again. I was going to be sure that I did not miss anything. Also...I was going to focus on cover looking.
So...pretty close to being finished with HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. #finally Very much so.
TYPING. Nothing much in terms of typing this week. I was still in the process of #researching for my next blog.
So nothing to see here. lol.
WRITING. Now...#writing on the other hand.
I was getting the time for it. What started as 10 minutes here and 10 minutes there has slowly blossomed into writing time again.
While I was sure that it was not going to be my next novel (I strongly felt that was going to Darkened Soul: The Breaking of Circles...(#spoiler alert!!! hehe), it was nice to be sitting down and writing again. And that it was #horror again...was still a rush. Moreso cuz I've been #binging a lot of horror movies lately. Would some that bleed into my #WiP? Time would tell.
That was how the week was looking.
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Update...wow. Already on Chapter 8 of looking over the #Amazon conversion of HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES.
Mostly #smooth with minor fixes so far. Which #ofcourse means my formatting was on point.
At this rate...I might be done with my first look-through by bedtime. Or at least by Chapter 20.
Onward and upward...
#thewritinglife #writingcommunity
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And then...#writing on the pier...#madonna in my ear...
#thewritinglife #writingcommunity
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The DARKENED series is on the sale #now on #AmazonUK.
The #whole series...Darkened Soul, Darkchilde, and Darkened Tabula...on #sale. Join Daniel, Ebony, and Aidan and the rest in a #futuristic world full of Nosferatu, witches, and other things as a prophecy hangs over #everything.
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DARKENED SOUL (BOOK 1): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Darkened-Soul-1-LaTorre-Mays-ebook/dp/B00Z67Q2EU?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qEGdm5HZr9DYmT9Tl4lAeot1jOyDvx1PJK_labMOSbk883yNQ6iDdPH5Jyyc2oXC7ckrWqUSXBNdyr6d-nOmOaOQTDwPNhnmCzLUCjzZ750nhAy5PToeoO7ftNYpl5nviimZ_oOR47uutwKXkJVLezG-6iHBBcJ17Q5900nkTb4._h0FloWEFjIMoxuYsyZ4g1ZvAg-Mh4p6SH-jDwY6vdw&dib_tag=AUTHOR
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DARKCHILDE (BOOK 2): Darkchilde: (Darkened Volume 2) eBook : Mays, LaTorre, at The Book Cover Shop, Karla Seydoux: Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store
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DARKENED TABULA (BOOK 3): https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08DMP47MK?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_2&storeType=ebooks
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GOOD EVENING, LIKERS!!! How are things going for you? I'm sitting here, thinking about the fact the #temperature is about to drop. Ugh. Because #mercuryretrograde wasn't crazy enough. SMH.
In case you missed it, over there on #AmazonUK, The DARKENED series was currently on sale. The books in the series (Darkened Soul, DARKCHILDE, and DARKENED TABULA) were at a discount. If you wanted to get into my stories and haven't yet for my people abroad...now's a good time. My wall was currently full of synopsis for all #three books. Links below.
DARKENED SOUL (BOOK 1): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Darkened-Soul-1-LaTorre-Mays-ebook/dp/B00Z67Q2EU?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.qEGdm5HZr9DYmT9Tl4lAeot1jOyDvx1PJK_labMOSbk883yNQ6iDdPH5Jyyc2oXC7ckrWqUSXBNdyr6d-nOmOaOQTDwPNhnmCzLUCjzZ750nhAy5PToeoO7ftNYpl5nviimZ_oOR47uutwKXkJVLezG-6iHBBcJ17Q5900nkTb4._h0FloWEFjIMoxuYsyZ4g1ZvAg-Mh4p6SH-jDwY6vdw&dib_tag=AUTHOR
DARKCHILDE (BOOK 2): https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01JGQ3ISE?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_1&storeType=ebooks
DARKENED TABULA (BOOK 3): https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08DMP47MK?notRedirectToSDP=1&ref_=dbs_mng_calw_2&storeType=ebooks
In any case, it's that time again!!! AKA EDITING, TYPING, and WRITING!!!
EDITING. This week had me still working on that final formatting sweep. Almost done with it in fact. And then...the upload.
So so #close. I still am very excited about HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. And dare I say it...nervous?
Meanwhile...the cover hunt #continues.
TYPING. Nothing going on this week. I was still researching what my next #blog was going to be about.
Perhaps another #goodreads book review. I did have a book in mind.
We would see.
WRITING. Life got in the way last week so my writing was little. It #might be little this week as well.
But...I have been writing. Usually in the #park. Just me, the trees, some joggers, and my pencil. I usually sat after work and just let the words try to flow.
The assignment...see if I can find the #horror in my writing again. To build up that atmosphere. It has been quite the rush.
To create...again...
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That moment when you #finally get to sit down and write.
God, that felt good.
#wip #horror
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GOOD MORNING, LIKERS!!! #also...HAPPY HUMP DAY!!! I hope now that #spring is here, the weather has started to get warmer for you.
And #speaking of warm...in case you missed the headsup yesterday...Amazon #uk was set to have my DARKENED series on sale next week. Darkened Soul, Darkchilde, and Darkened Tabula...#all at a discounted price. So...happy #Easter?
Now...how was the week shaping up? Well...let's see. Otherwise known as...EDITING, TYPING, and WRITING.
EDITING. Well...here we are.
It was the #final formatting sweep before the upload to Amazon for HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. After that, I double...okay triple check how the formatting looks on Amazon.
It had been a minute for me. 2020 to be exact. I suspect already that the ebook would be a problem versus the book. But...we'll see...
TYPING. In case you missed it as well, my blog was #live!!!
YES!!! The elusive blog was no longer elusive. And it could be viewed with my other blogs at: https://www.tumblr.com/someplace-that-is-else/745798287550021632/traces-of-you-part-the-second.
Meanwhile, my mind was already onto the next blog. On one hand, yay!!! On the other hand, that meant that I had a few ideas in my head. How to #decide...hmmm.
I would like to get my blogging back up to its own routine. At the least, once a month again. It made me wonder...how creative could my mind be? One way to find out for sure. lol.
I #always wanted to rotate. I usually rotated. A writer-based blog one week. A tv show related blog the next. And then back again. So I felt that I would be doing that again.
I even had a tv show in mind. It's been on my mind for a while. And with a surprisingly amount of time on my hands as of late, I definitely had the viewing #research time. But that was going to be a chore for the tv show blog.
#Or...a good challenge.
We would see.
PS. I also have another writer based blog on my mind. Perhaps a #continuation of my 'Traces of You' series that I've been posting.
Hmmm...gotta love the brain and how it works when it's on fire.
WRITING. I was #adamant last week that I would find writing time. I was going to write. But...alas.
I only have myself to blame. So many balls in the air. What could I expect? Well...for one...#better time management. And that I was seeing going on a lot this week. Thank you, Universe, for my manifestation. ;)
So today should also be the return of writing sessions in my life. I felt a bit nervous about that. To be honest. lol.
But I think that was because I have not sat down with myself and outline where I wanted the story to go. And I was scared of my muse. Just like I was with HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. Of course...same #muse. Also it has been a minute since I've touched on #horror...a genre I have been wanting to get back to.
So as I work today, I'll be mentally #plotting where I want the first few chapters to go. I'll be thinking about characters' motivation. I'll decide which prologue I like better cuz I have two. #suchawriter I would think about Ben (my main character)'s inner life.
In other words, letting the #wip breathe.
That's how this week was looking. :)
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'Traces of You: Part the Second'
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‘So what have you been up to?’
It had been a minute since I’ve seen Hayley, one of my favorite female bartenders. We always had a great time. And good taste in music. And just like me, she was part of the San Diego hustle, running around with multiple jobs. Since she was always on the go, it was nice to see her out for a change.
Usually, we would get caught up on what was going on in our lives. We might discuss what music concerts were going on. There was also the latest bar gossip. And most importantly, I had mentioned that I was buckling down to finish up HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES.
After making it past the point where I usually got Writer’s Block whenever I worked on my forthcoming novel, I now had a new problem. A recurring one problem that could maybe get me to a point where I stopped writing again. And what was that problem?
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In my last blog (Someplace That is... Else — 'Traces of You: Part the First' (tumblr.com) ), I mentioned that I had written a plot twist for the characters of friends Shaun and Trey. And as I wrote the aftermath, the words that I found coming out of the characters’ mouths felt awfully familiar. Of course, they did. They echoed what appeared to be going on in my current life. And that…made me put the pencil down quickly.
Or as I called it above…mirroring.
Mirroring was when you were working on something. And that something just so happened to be like what was going on around you at that moment. For me, it always made me question what was going on.
This happened when I was working on DARKCHILDE. What was central to that novel was the relationship between the main character Ebony and love interest Nicholas. I felt that I’ve done a good job setting it up in DARKNED SOUL. But in the process of deepening their ‘will-they/won’t-they’ relationship in the novel, there was a scene that was totally plot that shined a light on their relationship issues.
It was in the introduction of the character Antonio. One of the oldest Nosferatu in my series. And he was also insane. And I showed, don’t tell, his insanity. From the eccentric vibe of his apartment to his appearance to his interactions between him, Nicholas, and old friend Titania and other minor characters central to the plot, the readers got to see Antonio’s insanity on full display. Part of the main plot was who was after Ebony. And Antonio tried to narrow down suspects. In his test to figure out who…he dropped some truth about Ebony and Nicholas. And those truths felt eerily familiar in terms of a relationship I was going through at the time. I immediately jumped out of the scene.
That was nothing compared to DARKENED SOUL: JONATHAN’S TALE though. Fun fact…originally JONATHAN’S TALE was going to be the main novella in my short story collection DARKENED SOUL: PIECES OF A DARKENED PUZZLE. However, it took on a life of its own.
That was part of the reason I wanted to do a story on the vibe I felt from enigmatic Jonathan in DARKENED SOUL. I had no idea how much vibe and life was there. Jonathan being a quiet lover of books. Jonathan and his relationship with his father. Jonathan’s feelings about love and Ursula. There were so many moments where I had to pause because it felt…familiar. I wondered…was this a character that I was writing…or was it me? One scene involving Jonathan and his father had me in tears…right before a work meeting. It brought up feelings I thought I had overcome with my deceased father. Guess not.
And now there I was again with HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. It was happening again with Shaun, Trey, and the plot twist.
I managed to continue to write. That was good for me because that meant there was no Writer’s Block to worry about. It definitely gave the back half of the novel some momentum. Meanwhile, their other friends Eugene and Omar had a nice subplot going on.
BUT? HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES was supposed to be about the pitfalls of an interracial relationship. It was also about the bounds of black friendships. What I did not expect was to find my main character with not one love interest, but TWO. And given the qualities of the two guys, I found myself as indecisive as Shaun over who he should be with. Also…the qualities in the guys…was VERY familiar.
I was friends with someone. We were associates at one point. Always discussing life. We became good friends after the pandemic. Nothing like death hanging over you to make a person love the connections around them. I was no difference. He told me about his problems. And he watched me stubble through potential relationships.
And then…it got complicated.
Let’s say my friend turned out to not be immune to my charms. And I was oblivious to that fact. Until I wasn’t. It got to a point where I could no longer deal with it. Too many questions. Like how people would see us if we were to get together. Questions like was our differences even possible to manage because we both had our own beliefs that we carried around and were constantly changing. Questions like…was he worth the risk or wait?
As if seeing some of these questions being worked on with Shaun and his love interests weren’t enough, I started to notice the dialogue was getting pointed. Almost as if my characters wanted me to make up my mind about my own life. Not unlike what happened with DARKCHILDE and DARKENED SOUL: JONATHAN’S TALE.
And with all those questions whirling around in my head, it came as no surprise when it happened.
I couldn’t finish my novel. Shaun couldn’t pick between his love interests. And I…couldn’t decide on the ending.
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Another day, another appearance at Lestat’s.
I had grown tired of being stuck. So what else could I do but write. So I figured a change of scenery might get me to come to some conclusion on how I wanted HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES to end. And goodness knows Lestat’s had good coffee.
But…nope. A few times I even got teary-eyed writing. While it was building to a head nicely, Shaun still couldn’t make up his mind. Neither could his author. Some days were better than others.
And I couldn’t help but wonder why? Was it really that hard for me because of the characters, or was it hard because it was mirroring my own life?
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I thought about that Ryan Reynolds article often. I mentioned it, the one he did with Best Life. His talk about happiness as he was raising up through the acting ranks. And what kept resonating to me was so small, but so significant.
Happiness is a choice. It was a choice that most people did not make.
I didn’t want to be like most people. And I knew how much HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES was important to me. From the years I’ve been working on it. To hearing my deceased friend Mr. Moore in my head, always encouraging me. To my father who had also passed, wanting me to be doing what I dreamt of doing. To see the look on my bartender friend Matt’s face when he saw the ‘passion project’ was done…and in his hands…SIGNED.
I haven’t finished a book since 2020. And what I wanted to be doing was writing. That was what was going to make me happy. So…wasn’t it time to be done? Wasn’t it time to be happy?
So…I made my choice.
Same time tomorrow?
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Pure and utter chaos.
That was how I described the climax and closing chapters of HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. Rebuttals. Debates. Catfights. Fashion. The Hamptons. You would have thought it was the Real Housewives of Miami, not a gay novel. Hehe.
But then…there it was again. The very thing that I was avoiding. The ending.
I felt that I had set it up well enough. Shaun had had a moment with both of his love interests. Readers got to see the interaction. The chemistry. But the real question persisted…who would Shaun pick?
Hmm…good question. And as I sat in Lestat’s, I did not know what to say. My current personal situation blended into both love interests. Should Shaun take Offer 1 with all of its complications, or should he go for Offer 2 which would be a sure bet though it was not without its own complications? Who would make him happy? How could he choose? If his author could not pick in his current life, what were the odds that the character would pick any better?
Ryan Reynolds’s words came back to me again. So as I sat in Lestat’s, I asked myself…what would Shaun want to make him happy. After some shade, a lickback, and a run out with tears, I wrote what Shaun’s choice was. I also got to write words, I never thought I would get to.
The end.
Would readers like it? I was not sure. I was sure that I would get interesting responses. As for the traces of me in my novel…well…it was a given that that would show up in my work. I thought there were some lessons to learn from it. But as long as I trusted my intuition, it was all good.
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#writing #ryanreynolds #menshealth #mirroring #mirror #sandiego #shadowself #happiness #choices #blog #ending #rhom #lestats #passionproject #paths #inspiration
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GOOD EVENING, LIKERS!!! So everyone having as good a day as #me?
At the moment, the sun was out. My window was open as I let that fresh air in. Much needed since I was winding down my #workout.
Meanwhile, I had books on sale this week. DARKCHILDE and Darkened Soul: WITCH'S ABYSS. In light of St. Patrick's Day, I wanted to slide in my favorite redheaded witch character Aidan. So the books having to do with some of his story (DARKENED SOUL: PIECES OF A DARKENED PUZZLE being the other) were on sale for #99cents this week.
For DARKCHILDE: https://www.amazon.com/Darkchilde-Darkened-2-LaTorre-Mays-ebook/dp/B01JGQ3ISE?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PUu-Uhc9NpcJe1-yDBs5vhcIR6PvFmHj3hDXbhOi_CuYDoFLlsle0e0Gsa9krfbvXhEuQG3cbtR-exu3h-auh7OL-lisMkLJy94tiPby5ysnhAy5PToeoO7ftNYpl5nviimZ_oOR47uutwKXkJVLezG-6iHBBcJ17Q5900nkTb4.3IJ38YKUfkixXhZR0-l7gjavC7r5vbFasboxkDYDeMQ&dib_tag=AUTHOR
For DARKENED SOUL: WITCH'S ABYSS: https://www.amazon.com/Darkened-Soul-Witchs-Darkchilde-Epilogue-ebook/dp/B07HRH2V5Z?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PUu-Uhc9NpcJe1-yDBs5vhcIR6PvFmHj3hDXbhOi_CuYDoFLlsle0e0Gsa9krfbvXhEuQG3cbtR-exu3h-auh7OL-lisMkLJy94tiPby5ysnhAy5PToeoO7ftNYpl5nviimZ_oOR47uutwKXkJVLezG-6iHBBcJ17Q5900nkTb4.3IJ38YKUfkixXhZR0-l7gjavC7r5vbFasboxkDYDeMQ&dib_tag=AUTHOR
This week was looking good with good vibes and quite a lot for me to do so it was time for...EDITING, TYPING, and WRITING.
EDITING. For me, the editing in question this week was going to be #Twofold.
On one side...it was going to be all about my blog. I was not able to get time to do my edit last weekend. That was okay however. I woke up this morning. And that was the #first thing that was on my mind. And I made time before work to start on it. Post-workout, I would spending the rest of the day working on. So #yay.
Meanwhile, it was time to start the #last series of edits for HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. Yes, the LAST. It was even more closer than before. And I was excited and scared.
Did I mention the time I've been clocking in the last few days cover looking?
it was coming #together. Again...at last.
TYPING. Other than changes on my blog, nothing planned for this week.
WRITING. Definitely going to be doing writing this week. I have been #letting my brain just think about some direction on what I wanted to work on. The goal...at least two writing sessions. Not to say there will not be more than that. As #authors, I was sure anyone reading knows we do not control our muse sometimes. ;)
So that was how the week was looking...
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GOOD AFTERNOON, LIKERS!!! Alas #stpatricksday2024 is done. However...I gotta a redhead for you. ;)
Let's talk about Aidan Hillworth...
Aidan is the second POV character in my novel DARKCHILDE. A witch tore between a normal life and his witch heritage. In a dystopian world. And #currently, most of the books involving his character are #now on sale this week.
DARKCHILDE and DARKENED SOUL: WITCH'S ABYSS...are on sale for 99 cents.
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DARKCHILDE: https://www.amazon.com/Darkchilde-Darkened-2-LaTorre-Mays-ebook/dp/B01JGQ3ISE?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PUu-Uhc9NpcJe1-yDBs5vhcIR6PvFmHj3hDXbhOi_CuYDoFLlsle0e0Gsa9krfbvXhEuQG3cbtR-exu3h-auh7OL-lisMkLJy94tiPby5ysnhAy5PToeoO7ftNYpl5nviimZ_oOR47uutwKXkJVLezG-6iHBBcJ17Q5900nkTb4.3IJ38YKUfkixXhZR0-l7gjavC7r5vbFasboxkDYDeMQ&dib_tag=AUTHOR
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DARKENED SOUL: WITCH'S ABYSS: https://www.amazon.com/Darkened-Soul-Witchs-Darkchilde-Epilogue-ebook/dp/B07HRH2V5Z?ref_=ast_author_dp&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.PUu-Uhc9NpcJe1-yDBs5vhcIR6PvFmHj3hDXbhOi_CuYDoFLlsle0e0Gsa9krfbvXhEuQG3cbtR-exu3h-auh7OL-lisMkLJy94tiPby5ysnhAy5PToeoO7ftNYpl5nviimZ_oOR47uutwKXkJVLezG-6iHBBcJ17Q5900nkTb4.3IJ38YKUfkixXhZR0-l7gjavC7r5vbFasboxkDYDeMQ&dib_tag=AUTHOR
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GOOD AFTERNOON, LIKERS!!! How are you doing? Last night was an interesting one. With the question being...eating #pizza too quickly or indigestion? Hmmm. And dozing off while I was working on formatting was :( .
And today has been the rare off-day from work. Good for this week. My clipboard got updated to reflect the #progress I've been making. But let's see what's going on?
Or as I call it...EDITING, TYPING, and WRITING!!!
EDITING. Well some good news to start off this week. I was happy to #report the second formatting sweep for HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES was DONE!!! YES!!! Another step in the right direction. Another step closer to publishing it. In fact, it felt like it might be closer than I thought. ;)
Now about that cover...
TYPING. And the good news keeps coming.
I was happy to report that the elusive blog was also DONE. I was going to give it an edit. And from there, I was #posting.
I had hoped to do it last weekend. But alas...lol. Things came up at work. Not to mention #rugby.
Look for it this coming weekend.
WRITING. Grrr. Which is how I felt about my writing time lately. lol.
So I'll be setting aside some time this week to get back to that. To get some flow going on. I #suspect that given how into my feelings I've been that something is going to pop up.
So that's how it's looking for me.
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So, so close.
So of course, I'm formatting.
#soon #howtheotherhalflives
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