sierrashewrites · 4 months
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heeppy hoolida
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sierrashewrites · 6 months
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sierrashewrites · 8 months
If I could be a tree...
If only I could be a tree, wouldn't that be nice, you and me? Maybe a palm tree with sand at our feet a view of the sea living rent free. Yes it would be nice, to be a tree.
But I am just me, Where are you? I do not see. Losing bonds like leaves falling from a tree. Parts of me changed forever like a forest after a fire regrowth is painful but required ever changing despite my desperate pleas. It would be nice to be a tree, but how different would that life truly be?
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sierrashewrites · 11 months
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
The sadness never fades. Life continues to keep stacking it on. Losses so great I feel there must be a physical hole in my body.
I pat my chest, my shoulders, my throat, searching for the bullet, the puncture, until the heavy knowledge sets in and I realize where the pain is coming from.
Grieving. Growing. Evolving. Repeat. What doesn't kill us make us stronger? Then why do I feel weaker with each beat?
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
Trends Come and Go; an Eating Disorder is Forever
Written By: Sierra Adams Hashimee
Flashback to the year 2007. The year of the first iPhone, Tumblr has just launched, and the skinny epidemic floods Hollywood. Jessica Alba, Victoria Beckham, and “pre-thic” Rihanna were the body types we as a society reached to achieve. Pro-Ana or pro-anorexia support is easily accessible on Tumblr, celebrities flaunt their quick weight shed and in turn teenage girls and boys equate hunger to happiness. The National Eating Disorder Association states that 9% of the population is affected by an Eating Disorder. With most of these symptoms being active from ages 12-25, it is no wonder that Eating Disorders seem to be a typical part of growing up in the United States.
Now we’re back in the year 2022. Thick thighs and big butts were only the “hot trend” for a decade before the skinny era began to reemerge. Low rise jeans make a comeback, the Kardashian’s shed their BBL’s for petite physiques, and pro Ana has made a reappearance online in the form of cutesy diet challenges on tick tock. As we speed backwards in time towards the trend of collar bones and thigh gaps, I watch around me as everything feels all too familiar, like I have been down this dark road before.
In idolizing celebrities like Bella Hadid for existing while thin, are we creating a new generation of individuals who struggle with their appearance because for some reason it isn’t enough to just be how you were made? Squats or a procedure to get a large butt one year then starving yourself and chain-smoking cigarettes for a gaunt figure the next year; when will we stop letting trends decide our worth?
Eating Disorders come in all shapes and sizes. Symptoms may begin at age 13, but can stay with you for a lifetime. Failure to eat and provide the body with vitamins while it develops is detrimental. Growth, the digestive and nervous system, and the menstrual cycle are all severely affected when not nurtured.
What started as a community on Tumblr that posted aesthetically pleasing photos of thin girls, turned into shared tips on how to lose weight, turned into a lifetime mending a broken relationship with food. Simple acts like packing myself lunch or eating in a group were things I had to relearn properly in adulthood. Food does not and may not ever come naturally to me, and this is mostly due to my less than savory relationship with it during those formative years.
Our bodies are not a trend, it is the one and only vessel to get us through this lifetime, therefore we need to treat it with respect and thank it for everything it achieves. After all, if we are constantly trying to change ourselves to fit the tabloids, how can we be who we are truly meant to be?
We have seen this road before and some of us have wandered down it. Join me this time in lighting the other paths of self love and acceptance to show our youth that these are options.
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone. Call or text (800) 931-2237 for support, resource, and treatment options.
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
Blackwashing and "White people have no culture"
It's kinda (Actually incredibly) fucked up to blackwash someone else's culture for "muh diversity". Show me some African myths, show me how gorgeous and diverse the African Continent really is. It's a fabulous place with so many different cultures and ethnic groups. Nobody wants to see you blackwash European cultures. Do some fucking research and show me Bantu myths, show me Chopi Myths. Oh wait- You won't because you don't care about actual people who look like that. You could barely give less of a shit. If I said "Nilotic" to any of you, y'all'd think it was a fucking Pokemon.
What's funny is the "white people have no culture" thing, even if you assume they mean white Americans, it's still racist anyway because it puts white American cultural norms as the "default" setting of humanity while otherlng literally every other culture. Literally every human alive has a culture, that's how it works. American culture doesn't stop existing just because you're so entrenched in it you think it's the norm for humanity.
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
Thank you Kristin Fasy for opening your heart to write this vulnerable piece. As a child of a one-parent adoption with parents of a different race than myself; please know that I am truly thankful for the thoughtful questions you pose and for illuminating the ugly truths of healing the primal wound.
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
Why I Write.
The anxiety softens when I am writing. The chaotic world around me grows quiet. The madness is my comfort as I throw my words down on paper, not knowing where the next sentence is going to take me. Problem solving in real time as I pound on the keys thinking there is no answer when suddenly, it appears. These keys have seen the tears, the laughs, the blank stares as I reside into my mind before singing my melody.
In writing, I have found peace.
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
It’s the Holiday’s! Don’t be afraid to put your sweet aunt Sally in her place 🫶
Y’all so quick to sign a petition but stay so quiet during that one family members racist rants.
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
Trends Come and Go; an Eating Disorder is Forever
Written By: Sierra Adams Hashimee
Flashback to the year 2007. The year of the first iPhone, Tumblr has just launched, and the skinny epidemic floods Hollywood. Jessica Alba, Victoria Beckham, and "pre-thic" Rihanna were the body types we as a society reached to achieve. Pro-Ana or pro-anorexia support is easily accessible on Tumblr, celebrities flaunt their quick weight shed and in turn teenage girls and boys equate hunger to happiness. The National Eating Disorder Association states that 9% of the population is affected by an Eating Disorder. With most of these symptoms being active from ages 12-25, it is no wonder that Eating Disorders seem to be a typical part of growing up in the United States.
Now we're back in the year 2022. Thick thighs and big butts were only the "hot trend" for a decade before the skinny era began to reemerge. Low rise jeans make a comeback, the Kardashian's shed their BBL's for petite physiques, and pro Ana has made a reappearance online in the form of cutesy diet challenges on tick tock. As we speed backwards in time towards the trend of collar bones and thigh gaps, I watch around me as everything feels all too familiar, like I have been down this dark road before.
In idolizing celebrities like Bella Hadid for existing while thin, are we creating a new generation of individuals who struggle with their appearance because for some reason it isn't enough to just be how you were made? Squats or a procedure to get a large butt one year then starving yourself and chain-smoking cigarettes for a gaunt figure the next year; when will we stop letting trends decide our worth?
Eating Disorders come in all shapes and sizes. Symptoms may begin at age 13, but can stay with you for a lifetime. Failure to eat and provide the body with vitamins while it develops is detrimental. Growth, the digestive and nervous system, and the menstrual cycle are all severely affected when not nurtured.
What started as a community on Tumblr that posted aesthetically pleasing photos of thin girls, turned into shared tips on how to lose weight, turned into a lifetime mending a broken relationship with food. Simple acts like packing myself lunch or eating in a group were things I had to relearn properly in adulthood. Food does not and may not ever come naturally to me, and this is mostly due to my less than savory relationship with it during those formative years.
Our bodies are not a trend, it is the one and only vessel to get us through this lifetime, therefore we need to treat it with respect and thank it for everything it achieves. After all, if we are constantly trying to change ourselves to fit the tabloids, how can we be who we are truly meant to be?
We have seen this road before and some of us have wandered down it. Join me this time in lighting the other paths of self love and acceptance to show our youth that these are options.
If you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, you are not alone. Call or text (800) 931-2237 for support, resource, and treatment options.
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
How do u find the self control to go without eating for a long time?
It's not self control it was a unique brand of self loathing that made my life a living hell.
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sierrashewrites · 1 year
Do not let the Kardashians dictate what a perfect body is.
A skinny girl who sees right through this new “era”
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sierrashewrites · 2 years
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sierrashewrites · 2 years
One day our society will come to respect the sanitation worker if it is to survive, for the person who picks up our garbage is in the final analysis as significant as the physician, for if he doesn’t do his job, diseases are rampant. All labor has dignity.
The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr.
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