killerqueen201 · 4 years
Home (Pan)
My new flash fiction/short story is now up on my blog! https://rachel201writes.wordpress.com/2020/07/19/home-pan/ Excerpt:
Garret had a problem. Normally when he had a problem, he’d go pray at the temple of Fyni, Goddess of Revenge, and the issue went away. It didn’t seem to matter that the God-Mark curling around his right bicep depicted actors upon a stage, marking him as a follower of Naimi, the Goddess of Art and Music.
He wasn’t sure why Naimi didn’t seem to care that when he was in trouble he prayed to a different god. Or rather, he prayed to the unseen figure that could only hear him when he prayed to Fyni.
He knew it wasn’t the Goddess speaking to him. The voice was decidedly male, low and smooth. He’d heard it more than once call him a mortal, which told him it was probably one of Fyni’s servants, a caeles.
Of course, that was also odd. Few caeles had been seen in the last 60 years. No one seemed to know what had happened, but where at least one at all times had occupied each God’s temple, now they were silent.
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
The Harvester
My latest short story is now up on my blog! Check it out!
Year 6435 AC Zalfari, Wirrowwir’s Capital Just outside the city walls
The boy was easy enough for Shael to find. His body mangled, bones broken, lifeless eyes staring out at the crowd of people who had gathered to mourn.
But she wasn’t here for his body. No, she was here for his soul.
The little boy’s spirit was sitting on the ground, about 10 steps away from his body. Shoulders shook in silent sobs but the moment he noticed Shael’s approach he snapped his head up to look at her.
He couldn’t have been more than six and the caeles felt her heart give a sympathetic tug, he was so young.
“No!” He cried, “I don’t want to go! Not without my daddy!”
Read the rest here.
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
@kaitie85386 this is me lol
I mean I SAY I love the ‘Enemies to Lovers’ trope but what I really MEAN is that I love the
‘Enemies to Resentful Allies In A Time Of Crisis to Grudging Mutual Respect to Growing Fondness Concealed By Snark to Hurtful Betrayal to Slow Reconciliation With A Greater Understanding Of Each Other to Strange But Solid Friendship to Unexpected Feelings In A Time Of Crisis to Denying Their Feelings While Growing Closer As Friends to Epiphanies Of Love In The Worst Possible Circumstances to Mutual Pining to Unbearable Sexual Tension to Lovers’
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
Oh oops, there goes my heart.
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Just One Father’s Day
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
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In Bloom by Rachel Cooper
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
Year 6501 AC, Month 9, Day 23 Celestial Realm, Outside Ellua, Goddess of Nature’s village
On Tomir’s worst days, he slowed down his reactions just a bit and wondered if one of the caeles would finally take him out. He hoped they would. He wondered if he’d lose his other eye to them as well.
On good days, he pushed himself. Made it a point to see how much damage he could inflict. It didn’t matter that the caeles had once been his kin. After all, they’d turned their backs on him and his, first. All because Tomir and many others were servants to gods who’d rebelled against the Creator.
It was a bad day. Cuts and injuries accumulated as the battle waged on in a field outside of the Goddess of Nature’s village. It was the army of Xania, Goddess of Treachery, of which he was a part, against Ellua, the Goddess of Nature’s army.
It felt so routine to Tomir, celestials were hard to kill. Since it was the gods sending their servants to fight, none of the battles really meant anything. The only use was for the gods to hold these fights like petty victories over one another’s heads. 60 years of this with no end in sight had Tomir tired and frustrated.
The only thing that soothed his soul was that his little brother was safe in the mortal realm, away from the fighting. Even if Tomir disapproved of the choice Malik had made, taking a mortal wife, he was still relieved his brother was happy.
Through the cacophony of the battle, Tomir heard it.  A high-pitched wail that chilled him to the bone. It seemed everyone else could hear the noise as well, because all fighting around him had ceased. Caeles and relictus alike were looking for the source of the noise that was piercing their eardrums.
Then the earth started to shake, pitching the combatants to the ground. A cracking noise like the sound of a whip split the air as the wailing continued and Tomir watched, horrified, as the earth opened up 30 metres to his right. The celestials nearby who’d been thrown to the ground were dragged into the hole. Their screams made Tomir shiver in a way battle never had.
Another crack sounded and another hole opened in the earth close by, swallowing more people, caeles and relictus alike. Three more cracks opened around the battlefield that had everyone scrambling to move away from the areas.
Then the wailing stopped.
Continue reading here!
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
Pain For Freedom
Year 6504 AC Village of Paham, Kingdom of Krogia In a cave on the coast
Adrella stilled her trembling hands and tried to regain control of her breathing. She stared at the god-mark on her right, little finger. Blue, outlines of fish curled around the digit, marking her as Sido’s. He was the God of the Sea and he’d claimed her, owned her since the day she was born. She could worship no other god. Sure, he’d granted her a boon, as if her very soul could be bought. It was a stupid, worthless boon, as well. She could speak with fish.
She snorted, such a “precious” gift. She'd grown up in a small fishing village and every day all she heard were screams echoing across the water. She could barely bring herself to eat because the cries of the fish would ring in her ears, making her want to vomit.
She’d made the mistake of trying to talk to the fish before.She’d been so eager to make use of this boon when she was a small girl. She’d waded into the water and waited until a beautiful, rainbow colored fish had approached her. It told her all sorts of secrets and even led her to a place where it had seen a beautiful shell, almost completely covered by sand. This experience jhad cemented for her that it was really a curse, disguised as a blessing.
So, she had decided to sever her connection with Sido, turn her back from him.
Continue reading here!
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
Letter to Abella
Before recorded time Realm of the Gods In a valley outside of Zevax’s village
Dear Abella,
You have been gone only mere days and yet, I feel your absence more strongly with every passing moment. Your mother has not stopped weeping since I told the Creator his orders had been followed. Your father has locked himself away in his castle and will see no one. The other gods are quiet, unsure of how to react to your death.
I think the gift you gave me has shocked everyone. It is a gift I will treasure for the rest of my life, something to carry with me always. 
The others will no longer meet my eyes, I believe out of fear. The Creator allowed me to keep the sword and Nillioth gave me a new title, The Headtaker. It is a crass name but I do not care. They all can think what they like of me. I know what you wanted and I completed your last request, no matter how much it pained me to do so.
I do not know where your soul has gone. But I often wish I could follow. The Creator claims he does not know as well. I am not sure I believe him. After all, he allowed all of this to happen. I would like to believe that you are looking down at me from the stars. It is a place so out of reach even the Creator could not follow. You may be safe and happy there. It comforts me when the pain threatens to overwhelm.
I will miss you forever. We are not permitted to speak your name, I assume so the Creator's failure will not be remembered. Yet, I will not let you be forgotten. Your sacrifice will not be in vain.
Your friend, Canaan.
Read more of my writing here!
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
Year 6429 AC Heartfair, Aiova's Capital Temple District
It wasn't that Ryfon had never heard music before. As a caeles who'd lived for over 300 years, he was familiar with all sorts of art and performance. The issue was that nothing he'd experienced ever moved him. He just didn't care for or about any of it. He believed himself to be practical. Beauty was fleeting and while he could commend the mortals for being so imaginative, it all served no purpose to him.
He was a servant of Fyni, Goddess of Revenge, in charge of watching over one of her larger temples. He hadn't been thrilled with the position even though it was considered a privilege. A lifetime watching over mortals he couldn't give less of a shit about. The mortals were the creations of the gods who now barely cared about them, bored of their toys. Why should he have to clean up their messes? It was insulting.
The part that made it worse, in his opinion, was that Fyni had sent him to the Kingdom of Aiova, known across the mortal world for its exuberant atmosphere and culture. It was a place saturated with bright (and garish) colors. Every building and other surface was painted with shapes, symbols, and art. Everything with seemingly no connection to anything else. There was no cohesion to the city, unless the lack of order was, in itself, considered a style. He seriously doubted it.
There was always music filling the air and while Ryfon figured it must sound nice to others, none of it ever sounded like more than discordant noise to him. None of it ever resonated within his chest or made him want to listen. Not strings, not drums, not singing could make him care about their music and by extension, their lives.
Continue reading here!
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
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Abandoned to Time by Rachel Cooper
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
The Betrayer
Only once I’ve been close to atonement,
When I was with her.
And still,
In the end
I betrayed her.
I’d so hoped I’d end up the good guy
The one who wins,
Who celebrates,
Who saves,
And yet we can’t fight nature
Or was it nurture?
I guess it doesn’t really matter
Now she’s gone,
So are the rest of them.
With nothing left to cleanse my soul
I wait.
Check out my writing here!
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
Knowledge & Necromancy Snippet #1
“Silas!” Aron barked, “Are you even listening to me?”
“Not really,” Silas said with a shrug, desperately attempting to keep the bile down.
Aron smacked him upside his head, “Listen to me, you performed necromancy.  At night.  In the middle of the woods.  Do you understand what you’ve done?”
Aron slammed his hands down on the table, “Silas!”
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
My new review while I draw badly of Harry Potter: Wizards Unite is now live! Give it a watch!
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
My newest video game review on Pokemon Sword and Shield!
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
Reviewing Video Games While I Draw Badly
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I finally did it.  Months of thinking about this and being too nervous and insecure about everything I do, I uploaded my first game review for the series I’m starting called ‘Reviewing While I Draw Badly’.  The show were I review video games and draw things from them, badly.  My first review is for the puzzle game Stray Cat Doors.  The Pokemon Sword and Shield review will be up tomorrow.  If you’re interested, please consider checking it out!
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
Remember, if they’re barefoot, most people are potential D20s.
As such, replace all rolls with an impromptu knife-throwing act. The number of fingers and toes the person has left afterwards is what you’ve rolled!
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killerqueen201 · 4 years
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i made a typo and it gave me a bad idea
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