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So proud to be his mum.
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My drawing
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Photo by me. At the park on the way to school. After the bipolar breakdown/fight with my brain to stay above water I made it out alive. Went to take my daughter to school...bought a load of shit I didn't need. I honestly feel sick of being in my own head my meds are ok but not perfect, what is hey? Noises seem louder today and I have a one and two year old and toys that make noise and kids tv... fuck. Today is going to be hard god I love them but it's just us til this evening and like every mum I just want a gin the size of my head and a large bar of chocolate. Can't do either as I gave up booze last June and I gave up chocolate for lent. Maybe I need to work more than one morning a week... oh wait I can't I have mum duty and the husband works full time Maybe I need a friend. Maybe I need some 🍆 lmao jk depakote has killed my sex drive. I'll just drink my 3920471900037 coffee of the morning ☕️ I promise my next post will be more chirpy... ok I can't promise 😂 Ps. Is I bad I'm letting the kids destroy the house just to enjoy the 1 second peace? ( will regret the cleaning job I'll have to endure after lol) Thanks for the rant Mrs R
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Happy st Patricia day
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Trying to stay while rocking teething baby so here's some of my work.... save me. Please send food. 😭
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So I'm currently sat in my bedroom (which is actually under the stairs) and trying to get two minutes peace from what has been a very long day. Mentally my bipolar has been a son of a bitch today, up, downs, hyper, sad, happy, excited, angry, it has jarred me today. It jars me everyday but today has been a head fuck. as the mother of the house you just plod through. Which I have. And I've manage to just about hit my fit bit goals and do a work out even though all I've wanted to do is binge eat chocolate( which I have given up for lent) I know I'm not important and I know nobody may read this. But if you are then thanks. It feels isolating like I'm a bit of a burden right now so just thinking out loud (is that what you call this? Lol) Also, this pic I took of my son and I think it's cool! A warn out mrs R
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some random photos my husband and I took outside our flat a few nights ago, FYI he has modelled before and he will promote brands! he is also a master vaper. he is the manager of a vape shop, he spends all his free time making vapes and watching videos learning tricks. which he's really good at.
I think he wishes I was more interested in that stuff. but ho hum lol 
mrs R
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wow, ok. so I've found out how to upload a photo YAY! so here’s my first photo post.. I love outdoor photography so I will upload a lot of it.
this was taken yesterday at the park, I love the sunshine and the peace and quiet. 
anyway, now I know how there will be lots of content from me!
Mrs R
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Hello. im lost.
here I am in the social media world, dropped on my ass. I don't know how to use Tumblr I don't know how to use my new MacBook and for some reason have lost my Instagram account!
I started Instagram to showcase my photos which I think are cool and now I can't get back in, luckily I have the photos so when I can work out how to post them I will.
I've decided social media is the way forward and I WILL learn how to use it to network. I am going to (once I work out how to use the fucker) post whatever I want heres a list 
1. photography
2. rants about lack of cake, or general moans about my 4 kids and husband
3. weight loss stuff! I have lost a shit ton of weight and I feel like sharing which leads me to....
4. the odd selfie ;) - this is self indulgent of me, but I rarely wear make up or bother to look nice so when I do I look ‘fleek’ lol.
5.stories... the great thing about being bipolar is I have wild ideas and my brain rarely shuts off. I need an outlet and even if nobody follows me this could well be it. 
so I'm going to learn to use this...I sound like Wilma fucking Flintstone but I swear I'm only 31!
if you can please feel free to give me feedback, tips on how to get started, and things I can do to get used to my macbook air. thanks folks!!!
now I guess I tag the hell out of this....
mrs R
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