3lizabee77 · 2 years
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
Heard this song for the first time today and was hit with the realization that I'm suppressing a lot of painful feelings.
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
Now on the 'gram
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
It hasn't even been the full two weeks, but it's proven to be too much, or rather, not enough. I had a bad feeling about being without my CG's regular contact for such a stretch of time and I communicated more than once my needs in order to manage without him. Those needs were not prioritized with the consistency worthy of our dynamic, so the dynamic has crumbled.
While we both agree we still mean a lot to each other and want to remain close, the roles of said dynamic have been dialed back. This, I feel, will allow us to continue our friendship without the pressure of meeting the expectations of those roles.
I am in a sense, grieving for what we had. But I have to honor myself and let go and focus on navigating the path forward.
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
Without the daily interaction with my CG, I feel untethered. It tells me I've used our relationship as a crutch or a band-aid if I slip into old habits while he's out of the picture for so long. There are other factors to consider, sure. Being ill pulled me out of my routine and I've been stressed out by playing catch up at work, a dental visit, psych assessments that are required to renew my pup's ESA status, learning the ropes at my other job. But doing with all of this without my caregiver has made me unsteady and vulnerable. I have got to redirect my focus on showing up for myself and being my own caregiver.
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
Feeling a little anxious about my dentist appointment tomorrow but listening to Sir read me a story during bath time was very soothing. Finishing the day with more Molang while I wait for my zarbees to kick in.
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
My Sir is away on vacation for 2 weeks and from the moment I was informed of his trip weeks and weeks ago I had been feeling anxious about it. To have access to him by text, phone, and video chat daily had become something I'd come to lean on and I was nervous about being without that lifeline to my caregiver.
I took the initiative and thought about what would make those 2 weeks more bearable and asked for it. Aside from assuring me that he would check in with me every day, he agreed to record some goodmorning/goodnight messages as well as bedtime stories (both sfw and nsfw).
So far I have gotten some cool pictures from his travels and check in messages. I haven't gotten any recordings yet and it's making me a little anxious. I have to remember that he is a whole world away and probably still getting his bearings. So I will try to do the big girl thing and be patient.
In the meantime, I have to seek out ways to feel less alone. Been listening to a lot of Rainy Day audios and watching Molang and giving my pup extra cuddles as I recover from illness. Once I have more energy I'll be able to engage in more activities to help distract me from feeling lonely or anxious.
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
When you're a sick little baby in a LDR.
UPDATE: on the road to recovery and as I prepare to head back to the workplace this morning, I reflect on the guilt I felt during those 3 days when I had to call in sick. I accept that it was unavoidable, but it was also unnecessary. Worrying that others may judge me or behave passive aggressively towards me for prioritizing my health is just the kind of stress that contributes to illness. Instead of guilt, I am choosing to be proud for taking time off from work to allow myself the time I needed to heal.
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
Tonight I started my weekly part time job as an information associate at the library and my head is ready to explode! I was so nervous, but once I was there I was excited. It's going to take me a few days to process the experience and a great deal of time to learn enough to be somewhat useful in the position. For tonight, I can be proud of myself for taking the steps I did to get here and getting through the first shift. And it's necessary to mention, the support of my Sir has been crucial throughout this process. I'm so lucky and grateful to have such an amazing CG in my life.
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
My vision board:
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
Just a reminder - to the right person, your wobbly bits are 🔥
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
Not even halfway through one of the worst weeks I've had in a while. It helps to know that everything is temporary, for better or worse.
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
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More than enough.
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
Almost bedtime...
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
Sometimes you just need to hit the pause button, for a whole day. And the world is just gonna have to be okay with that.
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
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3lizabee77 · 2 years
Thinking about some topics of contemplation as of late and have decided to devote some of my upcoming 3 day weekend to research some of the following. (This will probably include ordering some books, so yay!)
* Body confidence, self image, shame
* Wanting seggs but require emotional connection which feels impossible to establish with social anxiety
* Finding a platform on which to connect with peers to talk about DDlg/CGlg, littleness, subspace without being approached by men looking for a date (I'm looking at you f*tlife)
* Finding ethical 🌽 and seggs positive content to inspire and reassure
* Support and guidance for people new to ENM
If anyone has resource suggestions, please share!
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