Sorry guys, I’ve had writers block 😔 trying to snap out of it I promise!
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The brave little ghost
Bucky x reader
Chapter 8
Warnings - swearing, mention of violence
(( I know this may feel slow for those waiting for the Bucky parts, but I feel like I need to build certain things up first. If you’re enjoying this please give the post some love 😊 ))
You did eventually leave the shower. You got yourself dressed, your go to clothes at the moment was an over sized jumper of any kind, leggings and some mid calf length socks pulled up over the leggings. You’d been at the compound for around a month now. You felt more comfortable around the people there now, but sometimes you felt out of touch with the conversations going on around you. They would bring up old stories that you should remember, but your brain had been scrambled so often it was hard to piece the puzzles together.
You walked out of your room, down the hall to the main living area and through to the open plan kitchen. You were met with Tony sat at the table drinking coffee and reading articles on the holograms in front of him. He suddenly clicked it off, but not before you caught a glimpse of a masked man and long brown hair. You recognise him anywhere, it’s Winter.
“Morning Sweetie” He quickly greeted you, you smiled at him. You knew he was your dad but your brain still wouldn’t let you relax totally into the father daughter ways. It still felt like you had only just met a stranger.
“Hey Tony, what cha reading?” You asked with a smiley tone, while walking over to counter to pour yourself some coffee.
“Just some files work sent me” he tried to hide his flustered tone.
“Uh hu” you nodded, you didn’t take the conversation any further. Your feelings about Winter were rocky, on one hand he would protect you sometimes and the closest thing you had to a friend while in HYDRA. On the other hand he was as much a killer as you were.
“So therapy starts for you today” he said pointing at you with a click from his fingers at the same time.
“Ah yes, therapy… fixing everyone except for Tony Stark” you rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m sure there are things you went through in there that you need to talk about, and I’m not getting doctor therapy for dead parents… that’s what retail therapy is for” he smiled at you like only a billionaire could.
“I’ll remind myself of that one day.” You said walking off back to your room.
A knock at the door made you get up from your sofa, walking cautiously to the door.
“Who is it?” You said with a tone of warning.
“It’s Bruce, can you let me in?” He asked softly
You opened the door, he stood there in a button up shirt and brown pants. You were confused for a moment before realising you must have been late for your first therapy session.
“Oh shit therapy!” You went to run out of your room to make your way to the hospital part of the building. “Thank you for coming to get me, JARVIS can you let the therapist know I’m running a little late” but Bruce didn’t move out of the way.
“Y/n, I thought we could do our therapy sessions in your own room. Maybe you’d feel more comfortable opening up” he said calmly
“Oh you’re having therapy too? In my room? That’s a little weird but um…” you were so confused, but he cut you off with a small laugh.
“No, Tony thought you might be more comfortable speaking to someone you know. I’m not a real therapist, but I guess the main thing of therapy is getting it all out of your head” he held his hand out back towards you room, inviting you to turn around and go back inside.
You turned round, walking back to sit down on the couch and bringing your legs up to sit criss cross. Bruce shut the door behind himself and came to sit on the opposite end.
“So, what’s the first thing in your mind right now?” He asked.
“So that’s when I stabbed him in the head” you spoke quietly.
“And how did you feel in that moment?” Bruce asked, he’d been so calm through the whole session. You really started to trust him. You were telling him about your first mission.
“I felt like a robot, but that’s when the emotions started to slip in,” You confessed “I was proud for completing my mission, but I’d just killed someone.” You took a breathe. “I guess now I feel guilty, I shouldn’t have felt pride. My god I knew nothing about these people and I took away their future” tears started to build in your eyes.
He took your hand, which took you a little by surprise.
“You felt pride because that’s how they programmed you.” He was sincere with his words “but you feel guilty now because of who you actually are”
“I was a killing machine” the tears spilled over the edge, running down your cheeks.
“Machine is the key word there, that’s not who you are. That’s the brain washing” he squeezed you hands and something clicked in your brain.
You were crying, you had just broken up with your latest partner. You didn’t want to tell your dad just yet, he would have flown out in one of his suits and blasted the poor boy dead. You went to find Bruce, and he held you as you cried before squeezing your hands and asking “so what flavour ice cream are we getting” with a small smile.
“You’re the best, Uncle Bruce” you smiled at him.
“Thanks Uncle Bruce” the words slipped out of your mouth so easily before you even thought about them, you looked up at him through your tear soaked lashes.
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The brave little ghost
Chapter 7
Bucky x reader
Warnings - swearing, themes around SA
(( I’ve sadly been busy the last couple days with a wedding and work. This chapter does involve some themes of SA, although there is no graphic details. But those who know, know. Again any likes on this post are really appreciated ))
“ Ready to comply Phantom?” Sir asked.
“Yes Sir” you replied back, emotionless. You were stood on what seemed to be the bow of a mega yacht, dressed in an almost see through summer dress blowing gently in the breeze.
“Good, I have some clientele that we need your persuasion for” he grinned, like that cat that got the cream.
He held out his arm for you to link yours through, and as you did you turned to walk toward the main salon. Winter met you both as he kept watch outside the door. He looked at you with sadness in his eyes, he knew what was coming. You didn’t. You had been wiped with no memories of the times before.
“No! Don’t fucking touch me!” Your voiced screamed, but you were dreaming and these were memories.
You woke as a hand touched your shoulder, without thinking your muscle memory took over. You now realised as you flipped the man over and retrieved your knife from under your pillow that it was Steve.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Another primal scream coming from your throat before your brain caught up with what your eyes could see.
“It’s just me, I’m not going to hurt you.” He was almost playing dead, like you were a bear ready to defend herself. “It’s Steve.”
Your hair stuck to your skin, your breath deep and fast. The fight response kicked in hard while you were dreaming.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I…I” your voice trailed off, caught in your throat unlike the tears you tried to stop rolling down your cheek.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m here” Steve had caught your bad dreams a few times now. He didn’t know what you went through, but he had told you about his best friend, Bucky. He was captured by HYDRA during the war and that for the short time before he died he struggled with some nightmares from his time there.
You rolled over to the side of the bed while you sobbed. Steve just held you, letting you get out your emotions that so often you didn’t show anyone. Normally after your nightmares it allowed other memories in, like the ones that you and Steve were like brother and sister. Or the time you and Natasha drank 4 bottles of red wine in the kitchen.
When you woke Steve was already gone, that was the normal pattern. You’d have nightmares, Steve would comfort you back to sleep and then would disappear off. As far as you could tell no one else knew about your dreams and no one knew Steve was helping you through them.
You rise from your bed, walking out the door of your bedroom into your own personal living room and through to your bathroom. Warm showers still uncomfortable for you, reminding you of times when your only use was for those of clients. The cold showers reminded you of when your only use was for death of missions. You picked a cold shower this morning, not wanting to be reminded of last nights dream.
You stepped into the shower, shivering immediately from the icy cold water pricking your skin. You grabbed the soap and a wash cloth and began scrubbing your skin. You didn’t know how long you had been going at it, your skin now very red and in some very small places the top layer of skin coming off. You still didn’t feel clean. Tears escaped your eyes yet again.
You didn’t know if you’d ever feel clean again, neither from the hands of others or the blood you spilled from others yourself.
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The brave little Ghost
Chapter 6
Bucky x reader
(( please like the post if you enjoy the read 😊 So I guess this is going to be a slow burner story, I don’t want to rush too much and I want to try to get as much of the story in as possible. Do we think the reader will ever been the same as before the kidnapping? ))
Being pricked with needles was not your idea of fun, but the man called Bruce said it was necessary. He was kind, and had plenty of empathy to give you. Tony sat by your bed the whole time unless called to the hallway to whisper with the others, and as of right now that’s exactly what Bruce, Tony and Steve (as you now knew him) were doing.
“She’s been injected with what I believe is a slightly weaker version of the super solider serum” Bruce spoke in hushed tones, they believed you couldn’t hear them.
“So now she’s like the star spangled man here” Tony voice hushed but with a concerned tone.
“Well if you want to put it like that..” Bruce was cut off
“Two years. Two years away from us and this is what they do to her.” You could hear Tony’s voice pitch up and down with emotion.
Two years? Two years away from what? Two years seems like a long time but with each wipe to you it seemed like no time had past, you didn’t register the passing of months as most of the time you were wipe pretty frequently due to all the memory slips you had.
“Guys,” Steves voice concerned “if she’s had even the slightest amount of the serum, her senses will be enhanced.” He paused. “She can hear us”
“That’s true” you voice sprang from your throat, as if interrupting conversations wasn’t going to reward you with a beating.
The men walked through the door, almost delighted that you had spoken, while you sunk as far as you could into the bed.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to speak out of turn” you said eyes lowered to the ground, waiting at any moment to be dragged off the bed, beaten and then dragged to ‘that room’.
“Hey,” Steve said, “you’re not in trouble, we’re glad you spoke. You sounded a bit more like the old you, interrupting conversations all the time” he chuckled and crossed his arms.
“So, urm… do you guys know what a cheese burger is? The words have been floating around my head for a while, and I have no idea what it means” you still spoke quietly, something made you want to trust the men in front of you. You hoped your intuition didn’t let you down.
As soon as Tony heard the words ‘cheese burger’ hope flashed through his eyes, and he smiled.
“Oh hell yeah! J.A.R.V.I.S order us some cheese burgers, my little girls come back to us” he spoke to what seemed like nobody before a voice replied back.
“Done Sir, your cheese burgers will be here in 20minutes.”
Where the hell did that come from, you’re trying to peak around the men. You couldn’t sense an extra body and you hadn’t heard that voice before.
“Oh and welcome home Miss Stark” the same voice said again.
The hospital it seemed was in a tall skyscraper, but it was only one floor of it. They had uncuffed you from the bed and now you had travel up the building in a lift into what seemed like a living area. It felt familiar but you couldn’t place it, like the memories you had that you couldn’t make sense of.
A blonde women, Pepper, greeted you with a hug as you exited the lift. She’d visited you a couple times while you were in the hospital, the same worry and tired express was always on her face the same as Tony’s.
“Let’s get you into some comfier clothes” she said taking your hand with a smile, the scrubs you had been wearing seemed pretty comfortable compared to the combat suit you had been wearing before arriving here.
She lead you left and down the hall way from the lift. Passing several doors on the way, until she stopped at another door.
“We hadn’t changed it since you left, maybe it will help bring back some memories” she smiled softly at you.
She opened the door into a smaller living area with a sofa and tv mounted to the wall, dotted around the room you noticed were photographs. Missions? No, you were in these photos too.
One photo had you and the red head, Natasha, dressed in tight little dresses holding up drinks with laughter painted across your faces. Another was you and Steve making silly faces, another was a group photo of you, Natasha, Steve, Tony, Pepper and Bruce all wearing glasses in the shape of ‘2012’.
The last one that you had a really good look at was of you, Pepper and Tony. You had a cake in front of you with the numbers ‘21’ on it, Pepper kissing one side of your cheek while Tony kissed the other. Your eyes start to brim with tears, but the emotion you still cannot place or understand.
“So your bedroom is just through there,” Pepper pointed to the door at the back of the room, “and your walk in closet is to the left once you’re in there.” She was kind, and was one person who didn’t push you hard for memories.
You nod, “thank you” you replied, you paused for a moment. “What’s a walk in closet?”
Pepper smiled weakly, “I’ll show you.” She took you hand again pulling you to the room.
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The brave little ghost
Slow burner, Bucky x Stark!reader
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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The brave little ghost
Chapter 5
Bucky x reader
Warnings - violence
(( I couldn’t help but write another part, so two in one day it is. Please do like the post if you are enjoying it. ))
You woke up in what appeared to be a hospital room, blinking trying to adjust to the harsh light. You went to rub your eyes but your hands were stopped by the cuffs attaching you to the hospital bed you were on.
The man whose name you now knew as Tony was sat next to your bed.
“Hey sweetheart,” he said softly “don’t freak out we’re not going to hurt you.”
Your mind flashed back to the moments after he was sobbing into your hair.
“Who.. who are you?” Your voice showing a slightly amount of emotion that you couldn’t place.
“It’s me,” he pulled away slightly to look at you, his eyes wandering across your face as he stroked you hair, “it’s dad.” He searched for recognition in your face.
“But I don’t have a dad” you replied, eyes filled with suspicion. You just existed, you had no memory of before your wipe; or those that you did have you didn’t have meaning for. It was like those people in memories that flashed through had blank faces and the words they said didn’t make sense.
The words you said to him almost seemed like you had stabbed him instead.
“I’m going to make you better, I promise” and with that he pulled you back in tight.
“Cap, go bring the jet round” he said, voice wavering again. With that the tall blonde man was off, moments later what you could only describe as a mini plane came to land where the helicopter once stood. The helicopter that took the only person who could understand what you had been through.
The women with red hair came over and gently places a hand on mans shoulder “All ready to go Tony?”
You guessed Tony was the strange man who was hugging you. He pulled back and wrapped his arm round your side instead, nodded then walked you both forward and up the ramp of the plane. You complied, this might be your ticket to find Winter.
The inside had two pilot seats at the front and the back was like a high tech open area with seats on either side. The red head and Cap, as Tony referred to him sat in the two pilot seats. Yourself, Tony and the bowman were strapped into the seats at the back.
Tony still had his arm around you, it all seemed so strange. Why would a man you’ve never met be crying and holding onto you.
Once in the air everyone had unbuckled, and it seemed like the adrenaline had calmed down for them. This was your moment to strike, you could hijack the plane and find Winter somehow.
Without hesitation you turn and punched Tony straight in the jaw, his head flys back, a broken nose for sure as the blood now poured out.
You swipe the legs from under the bowman as he stands up limping to restrain you. You’re up out of your seat ready to take on Cap and the red head. She’s too quick though, she’s up out of her seat facing you. You see her throw something at you and the next thing you know a shock runs through your body, you know this pain. You’re about to be wiped.
“I,” you stammer, memories from the plane coming back. You hadn’t been wiped. “You.. you didn’t wipe me”.
Tony looked at you confused. “Wipe you?”
You look at him, you felt emotions. You were confused by them, you wanted to hug him and you didn’t know why.
“There was an electric shock and then I was here, but I can still remember the before” your eyes shifted from each of his eyes back and forth.
He quickly put the puzzle pieces together. “They were shocking you there?” His fists curled, you could see the anger building and you couldn’t move anywhere to escape it. You tried to move as far away from him on the bed while still attached.
His features softened, his fists uncurled. “Oh baby girl I’m sorry, I’m not angry at you. Please don’t be scared.” He leaned forward in his chair, and sighed. He looked tired, like he needed to sleep for a life time. The worry was almost etched permanently into his skin.
“Where am I?” Your voice so meek and quiet.
“Home” he replied softly, taking the hand closest to him into his. Tears brimming from his eyes.
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The brave little ghost
Chapter 4
Bucky x reader
Warnings - Violence, swearing
((Hope you enjoy this next part and I hope it’s moving at the right pace for everyone. I’ve got so many ideas in my head and I’m trying hard to flesh it out a bit more. But for your reading pleasure here you go 😊 ))
The sirens ringing all around, red warning lights flash. Panic had set in around the base, bodies running fanatically down the halls ways.
You’re running, you have to guard Sir and make sure he gets to safety. It’s Winter’s mission too, but in this situation you have to always assume the other is already dead, and your mission is always priority.
Shooting is now blaring out around the base, you have no emotions you have to make sure Sir gets out safely.
You’re right around the corner from Sir’s office when you hear foot steps running down the hall behind you. You spin, pulling your knife from your thigh in the same motions. You’re now facing a middle aged man with a bow and arm, aimed at you.
He pauses, confusion in his face. “Holy shit, you’re aliv..” you cut him off, lunging at him with your knife aiming for his heart. He blocks you just as quick, using his bow to stop the knife getting any closer.
“Okay well I guess we are doing this now, no hello how you been?” His voice shocked. I guess anyone would be shocked being stabbed at by you.
You pop your arm back and in that motion throw your knife to your other hand, then going low and slicing at his lower leg. He collapses, you stand back up turning and running down the hall.
You reach Sir’s room as the door flys open, Winter is exiting using his arm as a shield for Sir.
“вертолет” Helicopter. The only word he says. You nod and take the rear, Sir now in the middle, both of you are human shields.
You’re all moving as quickly as you could, the mission must be completed or your life is worth nothing. You reach the Helicopter pad on the top of the base, ushering Sir onto it as quickly as you could. Winter was just stepping onto the helicopter as a blonde well built man with a shield burst through the roof doors.
“Go!” You screamed at Winter. His eyes misting over, even in your wiped brain you could see his emotions. He hadn’t wiped for a while you realised as the helicopter took off.
“Y/n” the blonde man called, shock in his voice except you hadn’t tried to stab him yet. He moves towards you carefully, like he’s trying not to spook a lion. Like any minute you might pounce and he would be eaten alive.
You didn’t know who he was calling for, but assuming it was his backup you took a fighting stance, your knife firmly in your grip ready to fight for your life.
“I’m not going to hurt you Y/n” he put the shield on the ground and held his palms towards you.
You ran towards him, knife ready to sink into his skin. You tried to slice his stomach as you got close enough to him, he managed to push your arm away. He was as strong as Winter and you. You pushed the thought aside. You went in for another slice of his thigh, but his suit was too thick to get through.
You raised your knife over your head going for his shoulder.
He grabs your wrist and squeezes.
“Drop it” his voice deep and only loud enough for you to hear. Winter had done this once, you learned to not give up the knife so much so that he once crushed the bones in your wrist but with the help of the scientists here you healed within a couple of days.
You paused, and you suddenly realised you were surrounded by about 3 others. You were captured, but Sir and Winter got away. They were safe.
You let the knife clatter to the ground. The man let go of your wrist and you sunk to the ground, kneeling with your palms in your lap facing upwards. This was how you had to sit sometimes to have punishments inflicted when you hadn’t done good enough on a mission. This position ingrained into your mind.
You felt one of the people around you move closer, it wasn’t a person it looked a robot until it opened like a suit and another middle aged man with dark hair stepped out.
He was crying, coming towards you like you were the only thing in the world that mattered.
“Don’t get too close Tony, we don’t know what frame of mind she’s in” a women’s voice said
“She’s my fucking daughter, and she’s alive” the mans voice wobbled with emotions. The next thing you knew was his arms wrapped around you, pulling you up from the ground. His head on top of yours, he was crying you could feel the tear drops on the top of your head. He was stroking your hair. You were frozen with fear. You didn’t want to move. Any moment now they might strike and kill you.
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Next chapter will be posted tomorrow, an evening of drinking has ensued 🙈💕
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The brave little ghost
Chapter 3
Bucky x reader
Warnings - Violence
(( I never thought I’d enjoy writing before this, but I actually look forward to getting home from work to write these little chapters. I hope those that are reading this are enjoying it. Just a piece of my imagination down in text. ))
“Lilac, Damsel, seventeen” you were coming round suddenly aware of many bodies in the room.
“Ghost” your eyes flash open, your mind only filled with very few things
“What is your name” the man in front of you, you remember as Sir, asked.
“Phantom” you replied in a rehearsed manner.
“Who are you” he asked in a way that he didn’t seem sure of the answer you were going to give.
“HYDRA property” the rehearsed speech came through again.
Your memory was so fuzzy from all the times they had wiped you clean. Every now and then snippets would fall through and most of the time out of your mouth if you were around Winter. Sometimes he would immediately let the leaders know, but sometimes he would slip. This became almost unnerving, you are starting to learn to read the signs.
When he had a fresh wipe he was a robot, no emotions. Yet still somehow he remembered you, almost like you were the memory slipping through. When he hadn’t been to that room for a while he became softer towards you, and your conversations became hushed to hide away from prying ears.
You had left that room and made your way towards the training gym, informed that you were to train with The Winter Solider. A name you knew but with no emotions attached.
“здравствуй, маленькое привидение, готов повеселиться?” Hello little Ghost, ready for some fun? He asked with a hint of joy in his voice.
“Привет, Зима, готова почувствовать боль?” Hello Winter, ready to feel pain? Your voice robotic.
“Ты всегда немного оживлен после вайпа” you’re always a bit lively after wipe, he sighed. Looking slightly defeated before training had even begun.
You watch him take careful steps circling his prey. Listening to the sound of his steps and breathe.. he’s going to lunge… right.. now!
You jump to the side and in the same motion just as his body is inline with yours you slam a hard kick into his ribs, he stumbles ever so slightly before regaining himself. Next thing he tackles you into the wall as hard as he could, hitting your head hard against the wall.
A women with red hair, drinking wine in a kitchen. A memory slipped through.
You blinked pushing it away focusing on the task at hand, beat the man in front of you down till he couldn’t get up.
With him pinning you up against the wall by your waist he looked up at you, and you took that second to slam your head into his as hard as you can.
“You’re brave little ghost” it was a memory again, from another training session.
He loosened his grip for a second, and in that moment you sunk down between his arms and through his legs. Standing up behind him you pushed his body as hard as you could into the wall to create space.
He turned to look you in the eye. “You’re brave little ghost”
You blink, but that was a memory. He’s said it again. Has he said it before? How many before’s were there?
You were angry now, emotion slipping through. His face looked ever so slightly proud, you hated that.
You ran at him, as you wound your fist back to sock him straight in the jaw. He grabs your wrist before it could land, you should’ve calculated this, you should’ve seen his movements coming. You’re slipping and you couldn’t let it show.
He pulls you close by your wrist, then as he lets go he lands a kick straight to your stomach sending you down landing on your back.
“Stay down little ghost” he warned
You watched him walk over to your body on the ground, and just as he gets close enough you swing your legs under his, swiping him out from under.
You pounce landing on top of his body, you grab your knife from it’s sheath on your thigh in the same movement and bring it to his throat.
“Stay down Winter” you glare at him.
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The brave little ghost
Chapter 2
Bucky x reader
Warnings: Violence
(( Thank you so much to those who read the last chapter. I honestly wasn’t expecting anyone to read it, let alone to actually like it. So thank you again ))
You were sat in some fancy modern room, so different from the cell and training rooms you were used to. In the middle of the room was the conference table, with four chairs either side of it and one at the top end. At the opposite end mounted up on the wall was a television, showing pictures of the two missions. A man and a women, around mid 30s. He was a brunette, she was blonde. Winter sat to your left.
No background information was given on the two missions, just brief information on where they would be in the next 24hrs. A motel on the outskirts of New York. This would be quick and easy.
“What is your mission Phantom?” The middled aged man, you come to refer to as sir, asked.
“To kill both missions, and nobody is to see me” you replied almost monotoned.
“Good, you’re a Phantom for a reason. To be unseen” he grinned.
“Yes Sir” you said automatically.
“You are both now active to complete your missions” he spoke confidently. With that you both stood up from your seats, the word active was used to mean from this moment you’re only reason to live, to breathe, was to complete your mission. Programmed into your system like you were a computer.
You and Winter sat in an unremarkable black car in the motel carpark, away from any lights using the shadows as your cover.
You both watch as the missions came into view, walking along almost hugging the wall to the motel. They were extra vigilant, heads on a constant swivel. You are amazed they don’t see you both or in fact the car. Once they were both inside their motel room, and a few seconds had passed for them to lock the door, you and Winter exited the car into the shadows that hid the car to begin with.
“после тебя, маленькое привидение, пора завершить свою миссию” after you little ghost, time to complete your mission, Winter spoke cold and harsh.
You advanced, crouching to avoid being seen through the windows you passed. When you arrived at the mission’s door you stood up tall and proud, smiling at the peep hole just incase they were looking out of it.
Seconds later you lifted your left foot up, and with what felt like minimal effort to you, kicked the door in. As the door flew in there was indeed a person behind the door, the man was now knocked out by the flying door throwing him into the opposite wall.
You turned immediately to your left to see the women crouched down under the window, trying to make herself as small as possible. You marched to her, your right hand grabbing her by the throat and pulled her up. Squeezing her wind pipes, you didn’t feel anything. Not happy, not sad, not angry. Just no emotion.
“Mr Pierce wants you to think of the wrongs you’ve done” you recited as you were told to the women, it was the last thing she heard before her wind pipe was crushed and she was lifeless.
Dropping her. You then turned and marched to the unconscious man, whispering the same sentence to him. Before taking your knife from your thigh holster and stabbing him through the temple of his head.
“очень креативно” very creative, Winter spoke from the doorway. You could sense the whole time he was stood there, watching assessing your capability.
“Mission complete” you spoke, wiping off the blood from your knife on the mans clothes then placing it back in your holster.
“Very good, Sir will be pleased.” He spoke with no tone to his voice.
You grabbed the door you had kicked in, and as you left the motel room you placed it in the door way. It wasn’t perfect but it would do till the bodies were discovered in the morning.
“ты использовал мою технологию?” Did you use my tech? You asked hopeful.
“да, камеры протираются. Это похоже на призрак” yes, cameras are wiped. It looks like a ghost, he spoke.
“Do you know what a cheese burger is?” The words fell from your mouth, you brain malfunctioned and a memory had slipped through. No pictures, just the word cheese burger.
He looked down at you sides ways, almost calculation what to say next. You knew what it meant when something slipped through. Back to that room. Back to the pain.
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The brave little Ghost
Chapter 1
Bucky x reader
Warnings - swearing
(( so this is the first ever time I’ve written anything, I read fan fiction for over 14years. And this as been in my head for a while and I wanted to put it down properly. Nobody may read this apart from me, but if someone is reading this, I hope you enjoy it ))
You struggled against unseen bodies. Black hood over your head so you couldn’t see and voices were muffled.
You’d been out for a run when a black unremarkable car pulled up next you, with your headphones in you hadn’t even noticed by the time the men had jumped out, threw the hood over your head, knocked you out and bundled you into the car.
Now you’re being dragged down some sort of corridor, too quickly for you to even try to use your legs to walk. It was cold. A sports bra and leggings are not the sort of clothes you wanted to be wearing right now, but you didn’t think you’d end up being kidnapped. For fuck sake you’re a Stark.
Being thrown down onto the chair the hood was torn off. The guards were locking you in place with cuffs around your wrists and legs.
“I hate to tell you but you’ve kidnapped the wrong fucking person” you spat angry aimed at all those in the room.
“Oh no Miss Stark, you’re just who we needed” a middle aged man said capturing your attention, you look his direction. You recognise him, he was definitely a part of S.H.E.I.L.D, but with your dad never wanting you to become apart of that world fully you didn’t know him well.
“I know you” you narrowed your eyes at him.
“Well,” he paused “not for long” he said grinning point at the machine above you. You follow his gaze. A halo of metal above you start to come down and cover part of your face, another part covering your arms.
Your last thought before the shock entered your body… they’ll find me, they’ll find me.
“Lilac” the word floated through your head
“Damsel” another bringing you back to the light
“Seventeen” you open your eyes slightly, the bright light hurt, head fuzzy.
“Ghost” your eyes automatic open and alert.
“What is your name?” The middle age man asked
“Phantom” you replied, almost robotically.
“Who are you?” He asked
“HYDRA property” you spoke, it was like you had rehearsed and knew every line off the page you hadn’t read.
“Good” he gleamed, “our project pet works, they won’t know what hit them” he said turning to the others in the room. You hadn’t noticed till now, but there were at least 10 soldiers in the room. Carrying rifles.
“Training start tomorrow, take her to the cell” his voice still showing the happiness spoken before.
Without thinking you were already up and walking, the soldiers walk in pairs with four in-front of you and four behind. Arriving at your cell, which somehow felt like home, you were locked inside. Single bed to the right hand side of the room, you sat on it waiting for your next instruction. Your clothes, somehow you knew they were different. But different from what? Hadn’t you always worn these leather pants and black shirt. But you can’t remember anything since before opening your eyes.
You tried to remember anything from before that moment. It made your head hurt. Who am I?
“давай, маленькое привидение” Come on little ghost, he spoke flipping his knife grinning at you.
You enjoyed training, because it meant you got to spend time with The winter solider. He seemed to connect to you, and it brought him calmness. This meant the leaders used you to get him to do what they wanted. You didn’t understand.
“почему бы тебе не приехать сюда зимой” why don’t you come here winter, you grinned back at him. “I’ll have that knife in no time” you laughed.
He walked at you almost charging, you moved too quickly to the side. Grabbing his metal arm, you flung yourself onto his back. Thighs wrapped around his neck, you squeezed as tight as you could. He was struggling to breathe, he tapped your thigh with his warm flesh hand. A signal to stop.
“No, that’s not how it works Winter.” No emotion in your voice. “Give me this knife”
He was going blue, but he didn’t want to give up. He purposefully throw hisself down on to his back, you were winded slightly. Your thighs went loose for a second, and an image flashed through mind as you hit your head… you were lead down on a sofa, laughing, legs resting over a man…. before your training kicked in again and your thighs squeezed again.
The knife was thrown from his hand up to you on the ground, and the moment you grabbed it with your hand your thighs released.
He coughed and splutter as he raised from between your legs, gaining his composer.
“ты в порядке?” Are you okay?, you whisper so the guards outside don’t hear.
“I’m fine Little Ghost” he said with a sigh “you’re ready for your first mission”
He didn’t seem happy about that, but you couldn’t understand why. This is what your trained for, so that you could help HYDRA with their better world they were building.
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