#zA Thoughts
zenosanalytic · 7 months
Kiriona has ALLOT of reasons to be pissed when she shows up in Nona the Ninth as many TLT fan-writers have already pointed out but one thing that just occurred to me:
Given the way she woke up she must have been SUPER PISSED, Specifically, at Palamedes and Camilla for letting this FUCKING IMPOSTER run around KISSING PEOPLE with Harrow's body all willy-nilly XD Like:
My Treacherous Midnight Haggette does not PLAY Like this HOW DARE YOU?!?!?!? XD XD
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princeyam · 3 months
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good luck
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bu11er7ly · 4 months
You can always be thinner,
look better 🎀
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verdantmeadows · 3 months
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oohxi · 2 months
x: ,,Chcesz sie spotkać/ wyjsc gdzies razem?”
ja:😨😧😬(jeszcze nie schudlam)(nmg z takim wygladem wyjsc z domu)(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)
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mortispoxi · 4 months
Seeing Twitter users recommending the People Make Games documentary as a good way to get insight on the issue is so….
I know, I’m always extremely disappointed whenever I come across someone who thinks it’s the end all be all explanations regarding the Studio ZA/UM situation.
Recommending that video always comes with a heavy caveat from me that the person needs to stop around the 40 minute mark since the interviewer shows a very clear bias that’s unbecoming of a journalist.
Regardless, now that more people are finding out about these layoffs, which might take out members of the studio that have been there since the beginning, it could finally help smack some sense into those Twitter users that actually thought, FOR SOME REASON, Rostov, Kurvitz, and Hindpere were lying for shits and giggles rather than seeing what's ACTUALLY going on which is that the investors have a very obvious agenda against the real wronged party. Hopefully this'll also open their eyes to how the People Make Games video fed into this twisted narrative that Kurvitz was somehow at fault/responsible for the theft of his own IP, but that might be asking too much from their concrete brains. Here's hoping though!
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agentc0rn · 3 months
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Pax in Terra
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ede917 · 3 months
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quibbs126 · 3 months
So apparently Pokémon Presents told us we’re getting a new Legends game based in Kalos, rather than anything about Gen 5 remakes
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And you know honestly, I’m cool with that, I think I prefer that. Kalos got barely any attention even in its own generation, not even getting a rerelease/sequel, which all the generations before and even the one after it got (Gen 8 and 9 didn’t get that, but they got DLC which basically acts as an addition to the story, which still applies here). Not to mention we know Kalos has lore from ancient times, and we’re probably gonna see it now in this game, which is really cool
Like yeah, I’m pretty sure Kalos isn’t seen as one of the best regions, but it’s finally getting more attention from Game Freak, and I’m happy to see that
Also I think BDSP has shattered my faith in Pokémon remakes, so I’m kind of glad Gen 5 isn’t getting one. They’ll probably save it for Gen 10 if we’re being honest
Edit: wait I just looked at more info (I didn’t see the Presents, I had class, but I just saw the news), this might take place in a futuristic Kalos? I don’t really know, but just then take what I predict about it with a grain of salt
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zenosanalytic · 3 months
One of the really interesting/instructive things about VR finally getting to a place where it operates more or less like scifi always envisioned it(relatively lightweight headsets; hand controls) has been finding out that it's actually Shit for information processing. Like: Great for entertainment applications apparently(I've never used it tbf and I'm not currently interested in doing so), seeing HUGE use for just, like, Hanging Out online in improbable spaces, but from everything I've heard/read it's not only clunky and slow for navigating/organizing/processing information, but that whole Thing of "grabbing" and moving stuff around, resizing it and the like, seems to make some people really nauseous.
So, while VR's THERE now, we're probably not going to see VR interfaces taking over internet use anytime soon, cuz it turns out that terminal computers are just Functionally Better -faster, more legible, more comfortable to use- at navigating, organizing, and manipulating data. So like: it seems like we'll definitely have a future of Randos hanging out in impossible cyberbars wearing infinitely creative bodies, but coders will still be out Here, typing away at mechanical keyboards plugged into towers :p
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emojula · 3 months
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Ja pierdolę kurwa, dostałam nowe leki od psychiatry, które podobno miały nie zwiększać apetytu, a tu doszłam ponownie do swojej najwyższej wagi w życiu, czuje się okropnie, dlaczego jestem taka obrzydliwą świnią, jeszcze niedawno na najdłuższym fast w moim życiu doszłam prawie do 4 z przodu i chuj z tego no ale cóż nie będę się nad sobą użalać, a to mój plan na przyszły tydzień
poniedziałek: fast
wtorek: 250 kcal
środa: 280 kcal
czwartek: 300 kcal
piątek: 300 kcal
sobota: 300 kcal
niedziela: 300 kcal
Nie chcę już robić dwutygodniowych fast, bo podczas szkoły jest to u mnie nie do przetrwania. Powinnam powiedzieć chudej nocy motylki, ale w tym przypadku to grubej nocy ulane świnie nie bądźcie tacy jak ja.
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zagrubosc · 2 years
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joycemessier · 1 year
everyone wake up PMG released a disco elysium investigation video
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melonthesprigatito · 3 months
Pokémon Legends: Z-A is really out there making me dive back into certain character hyperfixations from my earliest Pokémon fandom days. I haven't thought about these people in nearly a decade
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The vintage blorbos are resurfacing
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melissavillove · 3 months
I'm seen alot of emet In legend AZ and while that would be so ccool. It's highly unlikely.
See pokemon likes its formulas. Keep doing something slightly diferent to keep it fresh. If we are gonna have another time traveler that get stuck before us. It's gonna follow the same pattern has ingo.
My idea for the pattern is, Someone who isn't a main plot character, i havent play black or white but im sure the train duo arent main plot charactes. A person who is connected deeply with someone else who will miss them dearly in their own time, like Emmett. and someone from the next generation, legends arceus takes places in sinoh while ingo is from unova, so if AZ is kalos, then our new time traveler has to be from alola.
I did play sun and moon so I'm familiar with the story. I did a Google search to refresh my memory. Unfortunately there are not alot of interesting side characters that dont connect to the main plot. But still i did my quick research and here are my options from posible Alola natives than get stuck in pass kalos.
Lillie or gladion
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Another sibling duo, their story was sweet and heartbreaking so why not add more. wishes just reconnect after who knows how long and then for one of them to disappear to an unknown world without any memory would be so sad. Bonus points if we get to see a more confident Lillie helping the urban development of lumious city, or a more scare gladion been terrified of megas, yet wishes to learn more about how to bond with pokemons.
Nanu or Acerola
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Nanu acts all uncaring but he does love acerola has she is the only family he has left. On the flip side, Acerola loves his uncle and keeps looking up for him. Acerola js elude to be descentdant from a royalt family, which would fit perfectly if she gets send into a pass Paris inspired place, she can be a princess or a noble lady. Nanu did take care of team skull making sure they weren't too problematic, so he could be something like a protector or something.
Hala or Hau
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Self explanatory. Grampa loses grandkid or the other way arround. No idea what they could do in kalos though.
Plumeria or Guzman or kukui
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I'm putting them together cuase is the same concept. If Guzman loses either kukui or plumeria he act all tuff but he be heartbroken if he loses one of the few people he can call friends. On the other side, if Guzman disappeared just after starting to fix his life out, I'll destroy kukui and plumeria. Though again, no idea what they could be in pass kalos.
Burner or kukui
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Just. Couple angst. No more to say.
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tylkomniej · 18 days
i want to be just like you
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