#this man deleted so many YouTube comments that pointed out the inconsistencies and bias
mortispoxi · 3 months
Seeing Twitter users recommending the People Make Games documentary as a good way to get insight on the issue is so….
I know, I’m always extremely disappointed whenever I come across someone who thinks it’s the end all be all explanations regarding the Studio ZA/UM situation.
Recommending that video always comes with a heavy caveat from me that the person needs to stop around the 40 minute mark since the interviewer shows a very clear bias that’s unbecoming of a journalist.
Regardless, now that more people are finding out about these layoffs, which might take out members of the studio that have been there since the beginning, it could finally help smack some sense into those Twitter users that actually thought, FOR SOME REASON, Rostov, Kurvitz, and Hindpere were lying for shits and giggles rather than seeing what's ACTUALLY going on which is that the investors have a very obvious agenda against the real wronged party. Hopefully this'll also open their eyes to how the People Make Games video fed into this twisted narrative that Kurvitz was somehow at fault/responsible for the theft of his own IP, but that might be asking too much from their concrete brains. Here's hoping though!
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kob131 · 4 years
So the OP of that post just deleted their blog.
Before they claim I tried to harass them- 
I’mma gonna post the response I made to them and link to the original reblog to showcase I did NOTHING to make them reblog.
Well good thing I’m not one of the ones who do that.
Too bad you openly say ‘I am speaking for the RWDE Tag which is composed as individuals’ so what you specifically do doesn’t matter.
When I’m expressing my negative feelings and opinions I don’t expect them to listen, I am simply reaching out to those who are just as unhappy, that’s what the RWDE tag is for. Despite what you see on the vile slums of social networks, there are plenty of people who express their thoughts and feelings just to reach out to others and work out there problems
Actually the RWDE tag is for criticisms according to several members of the RWDE tag.
Or is about venting and nothing else? Lot of people love to claim that as well.
You want to proclaim a group is X? Make sure said group doesn’t give conflicting info.
Well not my shit pal. And the ones who I am speaking for are not either.
Too bad they disagree with you. Wanna try saying that to Soku or Dudeblade?
If that’s what they’re gonna say, then say it. Just do it in a way that accepts the reality that they probably won’t listen, and instead use that criticism as well what you liked about the show and create something new.
Can’t, get called egotistical and demanded to be booted if you do.
Same tag did that shit.
Good, because I don’t. In fact you and your ilk love to accuse us of doing that because your definition of threatening and demanding is so broad, and don’t act like you don’t do that, you do that.
“Hey don’t say stuff I don’t do! We can’t be held accountable as a group!”
“Fuck you, your people did this and I’ll hold you accountable as a group!”
Nice double standards you have there.
Tell me, how does one DO expresses their subjective criticism that acknowledges that its subjective and not fact? Please, I would LOVE to hear how its done.
“In my opinion”.
Oh ok, so it’s only okay when your kin do it.
A. Actively attacked RWBY fans.
And B. I call the individuals idiots for the reasons given in my posts.
Your assuming that I have a beef with Jaune, or that other dissenters do have a beef with Jaune as this rabid mob does we are in league with each other. You tend to assume what you want to prove in order to prove something else.  
‘They’re acting in a way I disagree with, they’re not True Scotsmen!’
You never clarified your group and you don’t make any exceptions on who you do consider ‘your side’. Considering the general way you referred to everything- You implied a general side.
Listen to me carefully
And. Who. I. Speak. For. Do. Not. Do. That.
Not me, not Psyga315, not rwde-rwby, not ironpines, not eight-of-penticles, not Adel Aka on Youtube, not us.
And yet I know at least two of those guys (Psyga315 and Eight-Of-Penticles) openly supported that shit. And Adel Aka CAUSED some of this.
Still ain’t buying it,
Well in my experience, RWDE hasn’t done that, and from my experience, there are just as many Stans of RWBY who have acted just as venomous as rabid shippers and those who side with RT seem silent about it. So it looks like we got dirt on both of us don’t we?
Considering I openly act as an individual and actively attack RWBY fans-
Nope, not really.
Also considering your personal experience means nothing outside an individual context-
You willing gave it up.
You could accept the fact that RWDE isn’t a hive mind and I won’t assume all RWBY fans are a hive-mind either.
But of course you sort seem to broaden the definition of “Threatening and Attacking the creators” to any form of dissent.
Too bad you don’t.
But you seem to have a VERY hard time to consider anyone’s experiences outside your own, don’t you?
I have actively disregarded my own experiences for objective fact- That means nothing to me.
If there is an alternate tag besides RWDE I can use so I don’t get lumped in with this mob could you tell me? Because I will happily do it.
claiming you’re speaking as an individual and then using plural pronouns and terms
Not what I said and you know it. Don’t use plural terms and pronouns and saying you speak for a group you do not define.
In fact, if labeling yourself automatically makes you something, could I label myself as a professional fantasy novelist? Because I would love to magically become one by just labeling myself as one.
Too bad that’s not how that label works.
Dude, I’ve seen you been actively hoping against a gay ship in RWBY in the past, and when RWBY shifted gears from Black Sun to Bumbleby, you threw monkey boy right under the buss and sided with the Bumblebee Fans because you need to defend RT so badly.
What was that about assumptions again?
P.S. One of my followers hated me because they were a Bumbleby fan and I am THAT hated in their circles.
If that’s not sycophancy, I don’t know what it
You misspelled ‘consistency’.
In what way am I? Please quote me and dissect it, because just say-so isn’t gonna cut it.
Dude, I’ve seen you been actively hoping against a gay ship in RWBY in the past, and when RWBY shifted gears from Black Sun to Bumbleby, you threw monkey boy right under the buss and sided with the Bumblebee Fans because you need to defend RT so badly.
Make broad generalizations, never bring up evidence, never be specific as to make research hard, bring up a past event to sell to your audience-
How many SJWs have done this again?
Edit: Also deleting their blog and likely running away.
Because you decided RWDE was in league with the mob instead of discern them, you put all those in RWDE as bad, and those not in that tag as good and demand others to play by your rules.
That’s called and In-Group-Out-Group bias, or Us vs Them
You know, it shouldn’t be hard to make RWBY look worse than FMA. But like every example before hand, a RWBY critic manages to fuck up so badly they make RWBY look better afterwards. Which is I recommend they stop making comparisons- RWBY fans don’t need more bullshit to spread around with the critics shitting themselves and giving them ideas.
Yeah you make a real good example of that.
Also, you make this distinction between ‘RWDE’ and ‘the mob’ ... when the shit I have been listing have been said IN THE RWDE TAG. By popular members too.
Mary Mother of Jesus Christ, how many times I gotta tell you, the internet is a shitty place, we can call this shit out until the cows come home, they aren’t gonna stop.
The world is also a shitty place- That doesn’t mean we give up when people are being shitty. No excuse.
And you people are no different, Allow me to quote a YouTube commenter on Adel Aka’s video Monty’s Vision is irrelevant
“These people are trying to dismiss criticism my claiming they have the moral high ground. Most people won’t insult the work of a dead man and those that do will get shat on by the others who hold Monty as infallibly sacred. Its called a “Threat Narrative”. It works by reducing the: agency, willingness to harm and invulnerability of your side and do the reverse for the opposition. Watch as everyone rushes in to attack your opponent as if they are stomping on a puppy.”
Except that I don’t chew you people out through the moral high ground-
Almost always through factual fuck ups and hypocrisy.
Because they are using the SAME mythology of alienation, groupthink, and authoritarian bullying as they do, even though they hate to hear that. At best, they have command over composure and language, but it’s often used in a smarmy or condescending matter.
Sounds a lot like the RWDE tag (alienating the creators from positive feedback, attack anything that isn’t negative against RWBY and make it so the creators cannot do anything they don’t approve of).
I am speaking for the RWDE tag which is composed as individuals, because I am certain I am not the only one who feels this way, but of course you use the RWDE tag to ghettoize and marginalize us in your con-jobs to discredit us.
Group. Noun. “ a number of people or things that are located close together or are considered or classed together. “ Your talk of the RWDE tag falls under group.
But it’s not just feeling you use but numerous other things like assumed methods.
I don’t need to do any of that- Almost every single post of mine is structured around factual faults beyond any assumption of innocence or straight up hypocrisy, You do it to yourselves, like saying you speak for a specific group of people then a general group like the RWDE tag,
The people I have mentioned before and identified themselves with this tag have CALLED OUT that behavior
And yet you say you speak for the RWDE tag, a far BIGGER group than those people.
But you decide to affiliate us with them anyway because you want to discourage others from listening to us.
You say as the point of my reblog was to call out your inconsistency, nothing about your credibility with you making it about that. Especially since my posts usually tackle you guys on an INDIVIDUAL LEVEL.
Your not our boss, your not our father, your not the police. Quit acting like you are.
First Amendment pal
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