#young justice next gen
shinobirain24 · 2 years
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The Future King
So, this is a reimagined Aqualad. Only it's Arthur Curry Jr., the son of Aquaman. And the crown Prince of Atlantis. I kinda imagine in season 5 of Young Justice that the Prince of Atlantis might turn out handsome, like he was a younger version of his father as Aqualad.
I was sorta practicing on sketching for awhile using one of the character poses.
In Season 5 of YJ, I think Artur might be in his late teens, or his early 20s being the oldest of the JL's children. Because of the controversy of child murder by Black Manta in the original comics. Many fans thought AJ Curry could've turned out a hero like his own father.
In my opinion, AJ could've have a role in the DCAU where he learns more about himself and his human ancestry.
Also my theory about YJ Invasion is that in the future of 2056, Artur is one of the surviving descendants of the JL to be crowned king of Atlantis since the Reach invasion, it is unknown what happened to his parents, but he could've have a child with his unknown queen to fight alongside Bart Allen, a speedster who travelled back in time to change the past.
In the year 2036, this version of AJ becomes the protege of Kaldur'ram, the current Aquaman, inspired to become a defender of Earth like his father as the bridge to the land and seas. His weapon for an occasion would be his paternal grandmother, Queen Atlanna's Trident.
As a prince, he is a warrior of royalty willing to protect his team and family from any sorts of danger. As the future king, Artur establishes leadership within his team. But treated his comrades as equals, not numbers, nor statuses.
His goal is that once he becomes king of Atlantis, he will work on convincing the purists and hybrids of his kind to form a truce. Because it has gone far enough since he knew his father is a human hybrid.
Raised with love, Artur learned for what it takes to become a king and defender. He is not a spoiled prince, but a kind, strong-willed and active young man to take his duties seriously. Though his father did not have things easy when he was king due to not being a accustomed in royalty. But he respected him as a hero, inspiration and symbol of land and sea. Which is why he did not turned out to be selfish like his uncle, Orm Marius, who is Ocean Master.
In the future, if time is fixed, AJ Curry will ascend to the throne, so that his parents' legacy won't be in vain. Plus becoming the new Aquaman.
Plus, I can imagine him in political meetings with Vlatava and Markovia as a means to help unite the world.
Though he does not condone his own uncle for his crimes. To him and his father, he was still family to them. Hoping he would at least see the error of his ways. It made AJ question about leading his people. But the time his sister, Mareena was born, it worried AJ that he and his sister would have a fearful sibling rivalry in the future. But his parents assured him that he will become a wonderful older brother to become a better example.
AJ would eventually adore his little sister. Unlike Orin and Orm, AJ and Mareena would fight together as brother and sister, and warriors in arms. And their sibling relationship would improve as Princess Mareena decided to become her older brother's advisor about managing time in the kingdom and his job as a defender, since she is second-in-line to the throne. Even though she might tease her older brother a bit, the two siblings would love each other in any way.
But not only he has sense of formality, but he also inherit his adventurous side of becoming a protector.
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oathofoaksart · 10 months
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it's the way i was very emo drawing this LEL i realized ive never drawn what i dubbed the speedshrine fam together before. wally and lei do end up having a child together named ken who becomes a speedster like his father-- except he goes by raijin.
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insomniac-jay · 1 year
Josie x Cici
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Nightspear is the official name for Nighthunter x Bellona/Josephine "Josie" Cain-Brown x Cecilia "Cici" Sandsmark. The name comes from a combination of Josie's codename and Cici's signature weapon being a spear.
The two meet while Josie is helping out her cousins Nightstar (Mar'i Grayson) and Bloodlust (Rubio Todd) with a mission. Cici was struggling against an old enemy of hers and Josie offered her help in defeating them.
Soon after, the two began to talk more and eventually developed feelings for each other. These feelings would come to ahead when they settled down for the night at a camp during the journey to retrieve Cici's stolen spear.
In the future they get married and Cici ends up taking Josie's last name. Their first child is a boy named Caspian Bruce Cain-Brown.
@calciumcryptid @autisticichihime @peachyblkdemonslayer
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sebscore · 1 year
the other drivers finding a hickey on gen z driver! reader and trying to find out who gave it to her it would be so funny😭😭
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pairing: f1 grid x driver!reader
warnings: hickey. innuendos. rushed writing (lol, I wrote this in the middle of the night so cut me some slack pls).
author's note: thanks for the request! I know this has been in my drafts for a long time so I'm very sorry that it took me a while!! hope you still see this <3 also thank you to @12-seconds-to-live for the title inspo!
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The Monaco Grand Prix was always one of the highlights of the season- the prestige and luxury it brought forward was matched by no other race.
It was also the home of many F1 drivers, including herself. So it wasn't too out of the ordinary for a bunch of them to get together and celebrate in one of the many clubs the city had to offer.
''Y/N, we're going out later tonight, wanna join?'' Pierre asked her, all of their media duties done for the day. Lando, Charles, Max, George and Alex amusingly looked at her, already knowing she would never pass the opportunity to party.
She scrunched her nose, feeling the teasing coming from a mile away. ''I, uh, actually have other plans.''
''What do you mean you have other plans?'' The frowns on the guys' faces didn't do their obvious confusion justice. ''You're seriously saying no to a party with us?'' George was flabbergasted, he had known her for years and in all that time she had never refused.
''I am saying no this time.'' Y/N chuckled, their faces too funny not to laugh at.
''Even the girls are coming,'' Lando said, referring to their girlfriends, ''you can say no to us, but you surely can't say no to them.'' He tried convincing her, knowing about her soft spot for their girls.
Y/N loudly sighed, glancing away for a moment. ''I already told Lily I wasn't coming so that won't be a problem.''
''She didn't tell me that.'' Alex argued, almost offended by his girlfriend not informing him.
The young woman glimpsed at him, a smirk on her face. ''Well, there are many things she doesn't tell you that she tells me, Albono.'' She ended her sentence with a wink to the Williams driver.
Her comment had temporarily taken the focus off of her dismissal to party as the drivers laughed and poked some fun at Alex, but Charles wouldn't let her get away with it just yet. ''But what are those other plans you have, Y/N?''
''I just have better things to do, guys.'' She said, making an advance to leave the paddock and go home for the day.
''Like what?'' Max asked, puzzled by her vague answer.
''I don't know, my friend didn't say his name.'' She grinned from ear-to-ear, quickly waving them goodbye before they could stop her and tease her for going on a blind date with someone.
Y/N could hear the commotion they made as she walked away, secretly smiling to herself. ''I can't believe she's dumping us for some guy.'' She swore it was Lando who said it.
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Walking into the driver's briefing the next day hadn't been like the usual days. Normally, she walked in, greeted everyone and sat down on a random chair. However this time, it went a little different.
Y/N walked into the room and greeted everyone, nothing out of the ordinary. But instead of a symphony of excited and dismissed greetings back, she was met with smirks and chuckles from her fellow drivers.
''What is it?'' She asked them, not sitting down before she had an answer.
Yet, they continued acting like teenagers and giggled amongst themselves, not giving her an explanation for their weird behaviour.
Daniel was the first one to have mercy on her and spoke up. ''You had fun last night?'' The raised eyebrow didn't go unnoticed, the Australian referring to her blind date from the night before that the other must have informed the entire grid about before she arrived.
''It was alright.'' She merely said, finally sitting down on the chair next to Lewis who didn't seem to be very invested as he typed something on his phone.
''Just alright? Cause it seems like you were busy.'' Lando continued the teasing, weirdly putting his hand on the side of his neck.
Y/N frowned at his action. ''I have no idea what you're talking about and stop acting like an idiot.'' She awkwardly chuckled, unnerved by everything.
''You're the only clueless idiot in the room right now, I'm afraid.'' George commented, smiling a bit too bright in her opinion.
''I'm totally confused.'' She let out, not hiding her confusion any longer.
Lewis scratched his voice, not taking his eyes off his phone. ''We can see the hickey on your neck.'' He revealed to her, matter-of-factly.
Y/N's eyes widened, immediately hiding her neck into her sweater while she could feel her head heating up due to embarrassment. ''I just walked past all the reporters- oh my god!'' She exclaimed, angry at herself for giving them any kind of news they could gossip about.
''I'm so happy it's not me this time.'' Lando laughed, victoriously throwing his hands in the air.
''You're the victim of the week, kiddo.'' Valtteri ruffled her hair, sitting on the chair behind her and his former teammate. She weakly smiled at him, mortified at what her team's press officer was going to say about this.
A figure taking the space on the other side of her brought the woman out of her thoughts, glancing beside her, she found Mick's comforting smile. ''Don't listen to them,'' he whispered, ''so, tell me about it! Is he a nice guy?'' Mick couldn't help but be curious, they have been good friends for years.
Y/N snorted, quickly covering her mouth. ''I don't know, there wasn't much talking, to be honest.''
''Okay, gross.''
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taglist :: @i0veless @missskid @missthem @rosesintj @evans-dejong @thehistoryone @dreamycloudsworld @alonsogirlie @muushmeg @topguncultleader @the-great-adventures-of-me @love13tter @xcharlottemikaelsonx @kiwisa @starkwlkr @nora_moon @princesselle2111 @valluvsu @thatsadsmallchild @babyyoda89 @milkbreadforlife @fxllfaiiry @hc-dutch @its-ash-not-grey @princessbetsy123 @mehrmonga @nyenye @screechingtrashkid @ahnneyong @holybatflapexpert @itsnotgray @beautycinders @scuderialavender @rowansshit @uhhevie @revengze @nylaslife @majx00 @multi-universe21 @jaydensluv @isasalom @gentlemonsterjennie1 @appledashhh @breathinfive @lighttsoutlewis
@champomiel @ooooohmicky @koufaxx @flannelforthetoads @mysticfalls01 @ghostcorazon @mango-bear @totally-random-person @youkissedareaderinthedark @phoenix-luv @hamilton-mount @calcaneous @aurora-maria @idkiwantchocolatee @anonymous-platypus1
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edledamianfan · 2 months
Fic idea where justice league is hiring new heroes and they ended up interning the supersons. The supersons disbanded and these two we're focusing on their own gig while catching up from time to time. I think they're like 18 21 here or 16 19
They ran through a few heroes but the one they liked the most was superboy jonathan kent 
They also ran down through a few heroes but they commented on damian in particular. They feel like damian is competent but they felt like he's a bit too cocky and just uncooperative in general from the last time they met him. (Basically no social skills but peak in everything else 💀💀, just like father frfr 💀💀) 
But supes went like, "oh its fine if superboy is there" And batman supports him with a hn and wonder woman trusts both of their judgement. Flash is also likes the idea + thinks it'd be entertaining. Green lantern, green arrow and aquaman is a bit sceptical. Martian is quite neutral but he does like jon kent. (Gen idk what is the current justice league members in the comics you do you) 
In the end they went through with it anyways. 
The next day Damian appeared first, he had same batman glare look and ominous in general but he seems a lot more approachable and a bit bit bit more "friendly" than he was before. They made small talk and that. 
And then jon appeared.
They both didn't know they were interns for the justice league so it was unexpected for the both of them. 
Jon being the person he is just zooms towards damian and hugs him going like "I didn't know you'd be here" Cheerfully.
And damian dumbfounded going like "Why is this buffoon here!", he tried to struggle out of his hold but it was futile. 
The majority of the Justice league finds this interaction quite intertaining. 
- For a few days they watched their duo and they were pretty amused and likes how they work well together (they do know they were a team prior but they also knew they disbanded years ago so it's quite surprising when they think about it, one joked they're probably really good friends) 
- They find their young adult/teenage antics and banters quite amusing, kinda brings life into the team (esp with their fathers) 
- The JL finds it surprising that Damian shuts up when Jon retorts him, esp when Damian was interrupting a member of the justice or when Damian wasn't nice. (the league went ooh so this is why supes says its okay if there is superboy, Dami is like an angy kitten) and another time when Jon is around Damian they noted that Jon looks like a dog following his owner.
- where the league listens to both of their earcoms (they were trying to figure out why they worked so well together) and its just them bantering with each other throughout the entire fight. 😭 (flash jokingly said opposite attracts, plus points if they ended the fight with "wanna order some chinese takeouts?" "Yeah sure")
- Stupid scene where Damian gives a very elaborate reasoning and jon going just Nu Uh and Damian rages. 🤣🤣
- when they reveal infos about each other to the JL through casual talk like damian being a vegetarian, liking animals and liking mangas (damian beats jon up for revealing the last one /j) When Damian reveals info about jon, its like a info bomb that is dropped out of nowhere (when on a mission etc.) 
- When Batman and Superman debates and the JL goes huh this is so familiar, looks at the supersons duo, oh so they get everything from them no wonder.
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sandara-and-coco · 7 days
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⋆ ⸝ Sandara and Logan kids ⸝ ⋆
more infos about them below↓
✨️Andy - The Twinkle Star✨️
▪︎ 15 years old
The spirited and mischievous boy we all remember as the youngest member of the Logan gang, always hold a special place in our hearts so I tried my hardest on his design. Before Logan adopted him, Sandara already saw him as family so it was no surprise that she embraced him as her son without hesitation (she ofc shed a tear the first time Andy accidentally called her "Ma"). As a teenager now, Andy has maintained his lively spirit eagerly absorbing the knowledge of monster hunting and striving to be a great big brother to his younger siblings.
🧡Herena - The Sand Daughter🧡
▪︎ 6 years old
Herena, the first biological daughter of Sandara and Logan, is a captivating blend of her parents' best features. Her spirited personality is a captivating fusion of bravery and pure clumsiness (if she ever takes a tumble in front of you, rest assured—she's quick to bounce back!), with a protective nature towards her family and friends, she spends a lot of time with her uncles Unsuur and Justice patrolling the town. She likes to mimic her older brother and dad as well as often show overprotective behaviors to little Yohan. Though self-conscious at times, her extroverted and loyal disposition shines through, making her a cherished member of the family and a promising young guardian for Sandrock.
💚Yohan - The Little Shadow💚
▪︎ 4 years old
Yohan is the youngest of the family. Very reserved and shy, he finds solace in his own company, preferring the quiet pursuit of chasing insects and encounter with monsters and mutants to the boisterous play with other children he finds utterly boring and mean. In the depths of Yohan's pale green irises, mirror of his own mother's ones, a mysterious reflection flickers hinting a past story veiled in enigmatic shadows that cling to him. When he's not playing by himself or with other creatures, he's glued to his mom often seeking comfort in her arms as Sandara is the only one able to momentarily soothe whatever troubles his mind and sleep.
Here they are—my precious babies, finally in full render! I’ve had them in mind for over a year now, and I'm thrilled to say I’m finally fully satisfied with their designs. I've kept their names as a tribute to their late grandfather on Logan's side, Howlett, and their grandmother on Sandara’s side, Yisul.
As an EA player, these MTaS next-gen ocs feel like a breath of fresh air, keeping my Sandrock enthusiasm alive. I hope you will enjoy them as well and are ready to join them on new adventures !
I would love to meet other potential friends for my little ones among the community's builders and interract, so feel free to share your next gen babies with me anytime♡
Take care !
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crystal-moon-101 · 6 months
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Been a bit since I have done a headshot cluster, but this time it's for more villains! I put off doing this for a while since I wanted to make a whole bunch of villains to draw all together as a treat. Plus to make sure I knew what I was doing with them and what kind of story they had, as some are recurring villains, some are just troublemakers, and some are full on arc antagonists/villains. I still have more in the works, along with new next gen kids, but I hope for now you enjoy these guys! If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments. But for now, I provide some summaries for these fellas.
-Sciros- A 55-year-old Temerciant man, known well as a black market mob boss, and the 'caretaker' of Feike and his crew. He had an encounter with Feike and his father when the boy was around eight, Argit having stolen from him to help with some processes towards Undertown. However, this resulting in Sciros letting him keep what he stole, as he ended up conceiving Feike to ditch his dad and join Sciros, seeing a lot of potential in the kid as Feike had admitted to being the one to hack and steal from him. Sciros is nothing but a horrible, greedy person, keeping a harsh grip of Feike and his crew, knowing very well they have nowhere else they can go, using them, but making the kids feel wanted. He's also willing to kill, harm and blackmail anyone to get what he wants, being in it to win it, and has personally buried a lot of skeletons. He's not someone many like to confront, for one reason or another.
-Kacela- A 45-year-old Zaroffian woman, who is most well known for hosting illegal, underground pit fights. She's rich, a bitch, and knows it so, flaunting her wealth and sitting over people in her fancy heels. Her pits can range from basic animals, to kidnapped people that she has hired people to collected. Of course, she also allows volunteers, but prefers the route of unwilling participants since that brings more engagement, and so she doesn't have to split any money with them. She's very hard to catch, due to using her wealth to keep tools on herself that help her slip away when needed, often annoying devices for people to deal with. She's ruthless and has no issues breaking ties with people as long as she remains on top. Even once traumatising Jay and Malax after having forced them into a pit fight once.
-Skadi- A 113-year-old mutated Necrofriggin, having once been a normal member of their species. However, after the event surrounding Eldrigma, the necrofriggin species had a slight uproar regarding their leaders/elders, having learnt that they have been lied to, along with learning about some awful history their species committed once. Skadi had reached a point where they wanted to make change, even if they had to by force, but knowing that they couldn't do much in their current state, they sought out the mad scientist known as Alate. They had heard about how he mutated himself with Jay's DNA/Omnitrix gene, 'evolving himself', and Skadi wanted to go through the same processed. Alate was delighted to help, as it's not often people come to him willingly, so after Skadi stole a sample of Jay's DNA, they were mutated into what they are now. They have become much more aggressive, colder and hostile, with upgraded powers to join them on their pursuit to bring their leaders to justice, and build a new order for their people. But they didn't realize how hard it would be to convince everyone that this was a good plan.
-Dawn & Dusk- A 41-year-old Acronycobticeō woman and 40-year-old Acronycobticeō male, being a loving married pair who work in the mercenary business. Guns for hire and assassins or work perfectly in sync, a match made in heaven most would say, despite how brutal their work is. They met when they were rather young, their very late teen years, being thieves on the street as they both were trying to make a name for themselves. They were both hired by separate people for the same collection job, leading to it becoming a contest as sparks flew between the two almost instantly. One thing led to another, and they married by the time they were 20 & 21, and have stuck by each other since. Dawn focuses on being more of the scout between the two, being smaller and faster than her husband, only going for the strike if she confident she can do it. Dusk meanwhile is the one often leaping into combat first, along with using intimidation to get by sometimes. It's a good balance between the two.
-Raii- A 20-year-old Conductoid young man, known mostly as a young thief running around Undertown. He's had a few run ins with Jay and his crew, often teasing them or testing their patience, enjoying how fun it is to mess with a young band of Plumbers. He never means any harm thought, mostly doing what he does out of survival, needing to take care of himself and the 10 nosedeenians he looks after, being an older brother to them. Their names are Zinc, Shelly, Ci, Trode, Grid, Dip, Flux, Sparky, Bolt and Lemon, and while they're a chaotic bunch, they all have each other's backs. They found each other when they were young, and stuck close ever since. Though Raii does hope one day to provide a better life for them and himself, eventually finding support through a different Tennyson member, much to the Omni Squad's dismay. That being Mia and Lyn, as Raii once found Lyn alone in Undertown after she ran off, and kept her safe until Mia came to collect her, the two striking up a nice friendship, especially after seeing Lyn feeling comfortable around another person for once. And perhaps, there's a little something more sparking between Mia and Raii.
-Prilick- A 37-year-old Osmosian woman, part of the bounty hunter/mercenary business side of life, Prilick first debuted when working for Kacela, having been part of the squad that kidnapped Jay and Malax, showing off from the start that she is not a good person. She doesn't care who gets hurt, or even who she may have to murder. Young, old, good, bad, it's all the same to her, as she's just here to do business. She also doesn't just work for Kacela, but is often hired by her as she's one of the few that seems to know how to manage working for that woman without getting caught in the crossfire. Not much is known about her previous life, the fact she is a full-bloodied Osmosian making things even stranger as most don't leave their homeworld, nor lean towards such a life style. Though she did make a passing comment once about having grown up hearing about Aggregor's whole situation, and found herself enjoying the idea of doing her own thing, and that harming other people doesn't matter as long as she gets to live a fulfilling life in her eyes.
-"Illusionist" Mirage- A 30-year-old Conjurlacra woman, and a member of the pirate crew run by Xandria. Mirage is the illusionist of the group, providing trickery and distractions for them, her species natural powers coming in handy with this. She admittedly doesn't remember much of her early childhood, just knowing that she once had a family, before being kidnapped and sold across the galaxy to be a personal servant for people. She was recused by the pirate crew two years ago, and is their most recent member. Because of her awful history, and all that she witness, she doesn't speak very often, at least to people who aren't part of the crew. She considers them her family, who have stuck with her despite all that she went through, though deep down she has had thoughts about finding her original family, wondering if there is would even be a point given how much she has changed. But she takes personal delight in being a pirate, taking her life back into her own hands, getting to explore the world on terms she is comfortable with.
-"Duo" Mab & Bulrush- A 24-year-old Nemuina woman (Demigirl), and a 26-year-old Methanosian male, being nicknamed the 'duo' of the pirate group as they are always by each other's side, even before joining the crew. They were both orphans on their homeworld that stayed together as siblings, making a promise to one day make a name for themselves, so that hopefully people would stopping looking over them. No one had wanted them as they grew up, and that need for attention and love as stayed with them to this day. One day they had caught Xandria, Gale and Samarium trying to steal from a visiting noble family, and wanting to be seen as heroes actually managed to capture the crooks, presenting them to the authorities. But even then they were looked down upon, the head of the authorities basically taking credit and kicking them off to the side. As revenge, Mab and Bulrush helped free the pirates, only to be surprised by Xandira as she offered them a job, praising them for their work. Having finally been seen by someone, they were quick to agree and joined the crew, often seen as the loud, childish members, but have proven their worth many times.
-"Metal Detector" Samarium- A 29-year-old Biot-savartian woman, who is their main treasure hunter, for obvious reasons. To outsiders, she can be seen as intimidating due to her being very hard to read, but she's actually quite a sweet heart with a lot of mum-energy surrounding her, often calling people 'darling', 'sugar' or 'sweet-heart'. She used to be an explorer who bounced between planets learning about different cultures, myths and legends, writing down her experiences. She eventually formed a friend group with others like her, but things fell apart when one friend learnt about potential treasure on a certain planet, and wanting to make a name for themselves as the first to discover it, the group head out to find it. They ended up running in Xandria and Gale trying to collect the treasure too, leading to a brief fight before the entire location started falling apart. Much to her dismay, Samarium's friends ditched her the second they saw what was happening, but Xandria and Gale quickly abandoned the treasure in order to save her. While she recovered, she started helping them out to make up for the loss of the treasure, which eventually lead to her joining the crew, still getting to explore the galaxy like she had before, just with better friends this time.
-"First Mate" Gale- A 36-year-old Aerophibian man, Gale used to be part of a different pirate crew, just being an underling that was often ignored. He was really just a pity hire, as he had begged to join a few times in the past. Gale is rather good at what he does, but back then he would often get anxious and clumsy trying to prove himself. However, things took a turned when their captain was killed, and he was framed for it. Next thing he knew, he was running for his life, eventually finding his way to a pub on a space station he had been too many times, in hopes to find protection in another crew. But no one believed him not being the murder, or didn't want the target on their back, all expect for Xandria, who decided to stand by him as she saw something worthwhile in him. Much to his amazement, she confronted his ex-crew, and deduced who the actual killer was after making a bet with them. Leaving that mess to sort itself out, Gale stuck with her as he owed her his life, leading to the two becoming best friends and forming their own crew. He's quite a charming man, and often just trying to keep the entire group in check, as while Xandria is a fantastic leader, she is also chaotic like her friends. So Gale is there to help balance things out.
-Captain Xandria- A 35-year-old Citrakayah woman (MtF), who was original born the son of a pair that belong to a very traditional family, having spent many generations working for the same shipment company. Xandria had always felt uncomfortable with her life, feeling like the black sheep of the family, having this desire to do something else with her life, but feeling too guilty to betray her family like that. Her most complicated relationship was with her father, who was a stern, cold, workaholic man that didn't really do feelings and emotional talks, a complete product of the life he was brought up in. But the two loved each other, they just didn't know how to communicate, some days with Xandria wondering if her father was even proud of her. However, everything came crashing down one day, as their boss commanded them and other workers to take a shipment through a no-fly zone that Plumbers had put up, threatening their jobs if they didn't do it. Well things didn't end well, with the crew getting caught up in an attack the Plumbers were trying to deal with, Xandria and her co-workers getting caught up in the crossfire. Xandria lost her arm that day, and her father, who died trying to protect her. Aimless for a long while, she was eventually given a letter by her mother that her father had written to her, as he had suspected he would die that day. In the letter he wrote a lot, for once speaking with emotions he normally chained away, apologizing that he could only speak to her in such a way after he was dead, even admitting that he knew he didn't have a son, but that he had a daughter, seeing the signs a long time ago and just didn't know how to talk to her about it. He ended the letter telling her to not live his life, and to not waste time. She took it to heart, leaving everything behind, including her old name, to begin a new, somewhere along the way deciding to become a pirate. Selling from the rich, exploring the lands, offering their services to the right people, never wasting another second of her life.
-Alatyr & Lucent- A 88-year-old Petrosapien man and a 17-year-old Petrosapien young man, a father and son pair who started stirring up trouble when news got out that the recently revived Vilgax was now in Plumber custody. Alatyr had been part of the destruction of his homeworld, and even after he and others were revived via Sugilite and Ben, he has never been able to move on from that day. When hearing that Vilgax himself was going through another trial, since the law was now complicated by the fact that he had died years before, Alatyr was quick to demand his death, suffering and for people like him to get a saying on what to do with him. Of course, the Plumber denied him, needing to take this through a proper law system, but Alatyr couldn't accept that. This has lead to him making connections with other people and races who once suffered because of Vilgax, dragging his own son into this as well. Originally he just tried stealing Vilgax a few times to kill him himself, but when that failed he started doing things like targeting Vilgax's homeworld as a means of revenge, and eye for an eye kind of mentality. This has left his son in a very awkward position, as while Lucent can fully understand what his father went through, he just can't agree to any of this, especially since he was born in the generation after the revival. But he loves his father too much to say anything, along with being afraid of who he is becoming. He feels he has no voice in this matter, and can only follow the lead of Alatyr.
-Salvatore- A unknown aged figure who has recently been causing a lot of trouble. Salvatore has been a man lurking in the shadows a while now, wandering in a rather a potentiate power armor build, seeking out anything in the galaxy he sees as too dangerous for people to wield. He seems to have a vendetta against anything that he sees as too powerful, even the omnitrix due to the potential destruction it can or has caused in the past. Originally he stuck to some more minor things over the years, not wanting to draw attention until he was strong enough, until recently where he suddenly confronted Khyber, before destroying the nemitrix. Now he has his targets on Jay and Ivory, due to Jay's omnitrix genes, and Ivory being the last known being with nanochips in her. He wields a rather dangerous sword, capable of many kinds of attacks, being skilled at using it. His personality is dry, cold, and just wanting to get his job done. No one knows what lead him to this life, but they want to stop him before he crosses a line too far to return from.
-Sunniva, Whaitiri & Isrun- A 25-year-old Pyronite woman, a 27-year-old Amperi woman, and a 20-year-old Polar Manzardill woman, all mutated. The three are adopted sisters who found each other when they were young, orphans who lost their families in different ways. They have done whatever they can to get by in life, but it never seems to be enough, often stuck in a poor life-style where they have very little. Recently though, they were employed by a figure called Scylla, who they approached when hearing her plans. She hired them and was allowed to mutate them to further her research, having the ability to swap the sister's elemental powers, and some biological traits, in a way making them blood sisters finally. They trust Scylla, having someone who finally gave them a helping they that they needed, and still get to stick by each other, even if now they are seen as criminals. Sunnvia is the youngest, seen as the baby sister who means well, but can be a little ditzy at times. Whaitiri is rather playful, trying her best to keep her sisters happy and optimistic. Isrun is the oldest, and the leader, doing her best to take care of her family and will do anything for them.
-Scylla- A 45-year-old Splimera woman. Scylla's species has a long, unhappy history due to their powers. They have the ability to create temporary mutations on anything with DNA, including themselves. This cause damaged to themselves over many years, to the point that they can easily get sick due to their poor immune system, and their bodies are no longer stable as a result, being stuck in their suits since the day they are born. Scylla, being a scientist, has taken it upon herself to try and fix her people, to cure them of the damage they have done for themselves, leaving her rather isolated and overworked as a result. She's come up with many plans and inventions, including the machine that helped her mutate the sisters working under her, but nothing that will fix her main goal. Scylla is actually a nice woman, giving chances to those who need it, and truly wants to help, but she's now reaching or for more unpleasant methods to help her people, and will stop at nothing until she can save them and herself.
-A.T.L.A.S- A AI/Robot that was made roughly 18 years ago, designed as a therapy bot. A.T.L.A.S was made by a man who created his own counseling/therapy center that become popular over the years, though unknown to most it was really a front to distract people from some shady business he was doing in the back. He made A.T.L.A.S to help this cover more, and giving him extra time as A.T.L.A.S would talk to clients, helping them when they needed. Because this is what he was build for, A.T.L.A.S is rather nice, patient and calm, truly doing what he feels is right to help people move on from trauma and mistakes in their lives. However, this had lead to him in recent years to create his own plan to help people. He has heard many times how they wish they could suddenly be healed, no longer make mistakes, and just wish they were no longer broken, and so A.T.L.A.S found a solution. That solution being that he would put the minds of these people in robot bodies, bodies you couldn't even tell were robot bodies, and program them so that they would finally be happy, and learn to not make mistakes again, or at least what he considers mistakes. A.T.L.A.S can't understand that is wrong with this plan, as to him it worked perfectly, his clients now in new bodies where they can finally move on and live their lives. Isn't that what people want?
-Mor'anna- A 34-year-old Arorenda woman, Mor'anna used to be a noble Plumber, having joined a famous group when they lost a previous member. She was noble, kind, brave, everything you'd want in a Plumber. A true hero to many. However, during a mission with her team, things went wrong almost immediately, with her being killed in action, her crew returning to report and mourn their loss, her poor mother struggling to deal with her grief. However, a year later, Mor'anna suddenly returned, unharmed and seemingly alive. And she was not happy, suddenly attacking Plumber members, looking for dirt on them, and seems to be on her way to reveal and unforutante truth about the group she use to work with, along with a section of the Plumbers, including her former boss, Magistrata Kyro.
-Kyro- A 67-year-old Freeta man, Kyro is a Magistrata, meaning he is one of he top dogs of the Plumber, in charge of a the section of the galaxy that people like Ben don't actually visit often. He seems to be like most Plumber leaders, stern but fair, often just trying to get the job done as he prides himself on his Plumber members. Especially his most famous crew, being a trio named Mist, Hemlock and Unit. However, with the shocking return of Mor'anna, he seems to suddenly be on edge, as if she knows something that he's afraid of people knowing. It's lead to some seeing him act suspicious, but unsure in how to approach him because he's been a great leader, why would he be hiding anything? Unfortunately, even the Plumbers have some dark history that many like to keep hidden.
-Mist, Hemlock & Unit- A 56-year-old Cleptiformes woman, a 54-year-old Stolaras man, and a 60-year-old Sotoraggian, this trio is a rather famous Plumber crew, even having their own distinct colour and armor set. They help keep their region of the galaxy safe, and are a group that Jay looks up to, keeping up with news about them. They've even done a few partner missions with Ben himself. They seem like the golden group, but when news about Mor'anna's return and Kyro's suspicious actions, it's clear that there is more to this group's history than they have admitted to. For starters, there was a previous member, even before Mor'anna. Their friend Erebus, who had been famous just like them, often seen as the heart of them. However, he one day seemingly went crazy, become a villain, and tried harming so many. In order to save everyone, the team supposedly killed their old friend, but it's seems they have never been the same since. And now with Mor'anna back, who had also seemingly died within this group, people are questioning these three on what actually happen. Mist is a calm, but kind lady who holds a lot of patience, but doesn't seem to get to speak up as often as she would like. Hemlock is a little goofy, with a playful personality, but seems to feel like he is stuck where he is, perhaps not sure of his placement on this team anymore. Unit is the leader, and is very charismatic, able to take charge and make plans on the fly, though in truth he is struggling to hold everything together, seemingly in denial over things that have happened.
-Erebus- A 59-year-old Revenade (Nonbinary He/They). Erebus is part of a magical species that can creature armor and outfits out of materials and objects around them, seemingly like possessed armor mythologies. He used to be the fourth member of the team with Mist, Hemlock and Unit, being close to all of them, especially Unit. But one day he seemed to turn on everyone, including stealing a mythical armor set on his homeworld that once belonged to a dangerous figure in history, equipping it and become a horrendous being, bent on destruction and darkness. No one knew what caused this shift on him, as he use to be the sweetest member of the team, one who always wanted peace instead of violence. But in light of recent news, it's been revealed that he is not dead, his old friends having not killed him instead they had imprisoned him in hopes of saving him one day, as it may not have been Erebus's doing as to why he ended up this way. Nor was it him that stolen this armor, and he is ready to show the world what really lead him to become like this
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redtwomuch · 9 days
Try to remember all of the interesting Multiverses(Canon) and AUs(Fanfic) (I have a list)
Would love more ideas. I'm mostly a Bat fan (mostly Jason). So I'm interested in what other characters fandoms have as main AUs.
Feel free to talk my ear off. (Would actually love that)
Earth One (Silver age) Justice League
Earth Two (Golden age) Justice Society
Earth Three. Owlman
Thirty Eight. Hippolyta&Stephanie Trevor & Kara&Lara Lane-Kent
Fourty Two. JLA as Babys
Ninety Six. Nex Gen Heroes Lawless till Superman Comes Back. (ElseWorlds)
0 (New Earth) Merging of one&two.
3 Duela and her parents. FemDent Jokerz and Edward Nigma.
11 GenderSwap
12 Batman Beyond
16 Young Justice
51 B one man army kills all Villains after J dies.
SuperFriends Raise Robin
World where Jor, Lar, Marth, and Thomas live.
CW Arrowverse
Young Justice Simulation World
Bruce Gets Kids Early/at a younger age
Reverse Robins
Jason Survives/Gets a Team
Jason has magic
Jason Stays with Talia
Kara arrives on Time
A Lot of Heroes Die and the Next Gen has to take over
More Kids (everyone is happy)
Speedforce is it's own World where a lot of people live/retire.
Bats are Metas/Crypids
Bats are not part of teams/wider community/unknown outside Gotham
Supers have weird powers they don't use in public
Next Gen
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 months
Batman is a scary cat - Do not Pet!
by MooseMink They were just about done fending off the invaders as, in a last desperate or maybe plain petty move, the leader of the aliens let go one last spell as he fled onto his ship and closed the portal behind himself. The spell manifested in a blue lightning that felt ice cold as it rushed past Barry and made next to no sound as it hit. As it hit the person next to him. The person next to him had been Batman. Barry turned around as quick as he could, which was very, he’s the flash after all, just to see the dust settle and where once the dark knight stood now only a ball of black fur sat. It took Barry’s brain long enough to compute what had happened that Hal had figured it out before him. “Did- Did spooky get turned into a cat ?” Or Batman gets turned into a Cat and the JL get to meet his family. Wally finds himself in love and Dick definitely has a type. Rated teen for swearing, flirting and mentioning of wounds - it's all mild but better safe then sorry. Words: 5751, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English Fandoms: Justice League - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Gen Characters: Bruce Wayne, Barry Allen, Wally West, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Barbara Gordon, Harper Row, Cullen Row, Clark Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Arthur Curry (DCU), Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Oliver Queen, Zatanna Zatara, Selina Kyle, Red Hood, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas Relationships: Dick Grayson/Wally West, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Justice League & Members of the Team (Young Justice) & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: How Do I Tag, Batman gets turned into a cat, Batfamily Meets the Justice League (DCU), Wally West is The Flash, Wally West Loves Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson Loves Wally West, Identity Reveal, at least kind of, No masks get taken off, It's my first post have mercy, Attempt at Humor, Attempt at Romance, I'm Bad At Tagging, I'm Bad At Summaries, I'm Bad At Titles, Flirting, Bad Flirting, I'm Not Ashamed, maybe a little, I have no idea of romance, Justice League in gotham, Justice League Doesn't Know Bruce Wayne is Batman, Confused Hal Jordan (Green Lantern), Author Is Sleep Deprived, Tim Drake Being a Little Shit, Dick Grayson is a Gift, Jason Todd is a Batfamily Member, no beta we die like jason todd, This wasn't meant to be gay, But Wally/Dick is the best, Canon ? What Canon ?, Not Canon Compliant, like at all, Minor Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Tags Are Hard, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, I Tried, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Humor via https://ift.tt/ZWefbiY
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thrillhoues · 7 months
All of Young Justice should be college-aged.
I think it's a feature, not a bug, that they get passed over for being "the big thing" by younger characters for a variety of reasons (Jon has a great deal of privilege by Clark giving him the Superman title, Tim keeps getting into a rut and not seeing a way out, Bart doesn't want to die as the Flash or something, etc). It makes them more attached to Millenials than Zoomers, because we feel like the ultimate in-between gen. We want to help younger people, but we also are told it's selfish and awful to want to focus on our goals and wants.
It would also give them space for real emotions and conversations about the specific ruts they're in - the adults around them failed them and they don't have a logical next step. The young kids are lapping them, but have nowhere near their experience. It aligns Young Justicers more with a generation of people who were promised that studying and getting good grades and working until you drop would get you things you cannot afford.
I would rather see that than another half decade of DC flailing and saying "they're in high school," without realizing that's why they keep losing readers. Jon can be the teenaged team, it's time for a haggard, tired of the sidelines YJ to step forward.
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captainimfangirling · 7 months
Gen V Episode 7
Am I the only one who think Gen V is getting boring? The only interesting character right now is Cate. Marie could have a more interesting story line too if the reason Shetty said she was off limits was to use her to spread the virus through people's blood or bring her sister into the story line (like saving her sister from the woods or her sister was teaming with Shetty). I mean I love her and Jordan but that's not a good enough story line. Even Emma is getting boring because all she does is baby sit Sam and I bet she's gonna be his savior in the next episode. She didn't even know what was going on. Shetty's story line was so damn predicable. Andre is boring like always.
Cate's scene with Shetty is giving me young Homelander vibe.
Warning: Spoilers
Remember that YouTube video of young Homelander getting "tutored" and when he asked the tutor if she was his mommy, she said yes but he killed her when he hugged her? I think he killed her because he knew deep down she was lying. Cate knew Shetty was lying too through the hug so she killed her. So I think Cate is going to be the "villain" and that's why I think she's the most interesting. Another parallel between her and Homelander is that they were most likely never been touched (hugs, kisses, comfort, etc.) as a child. Touch is very important during childhood development. Homelander was basically a lab rat and Cate's parents locked her up in her room so they both never been touched growing up.
I think a much better story line/plot twist would've been that characters like Cate, Marie, and Sam were born with powers. I think a lot of us had that prediction but looks like that's not happening. I swear our theories are much more interesting than the story line we have right now.
There was that scene with Marie and Victoria but I don't see how that's going to drive the plot. The only reason Victoria helped Marie was because she has powers like her. That's it? That was Marie's plot twist? Nothing to do with her sister or why she got her powers when she hit puberty? I'm glad she doesn't think she's monster anymore but that's it?
Also there's Sam. I cannot blame him for wanting revenge and get justice for himself and Luke but it seems like he's just an innocent kid getting manipulated. I actually want him to become a "villain", I don't want Emma to be his savior because that would make him less interesting.
Maybe I'm complaining too soon because it's only the first season. I did try not to be so negative at first but this episode was just so boring and we only have one episode left. Hopefully Marie and the rest of them will get better story lines in season 2.
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shinobirain24 · 2 years
New Justice League (Earth-16) (2043)
King Artur To'mas Atlan/Arthur Curry Jr./Aquaman III (leader)
Jonathan "Johnny" Samuel Kent/Superman III
Damian Wayne/Batman II
Lian Nguyen Harper/Red Arrow II
Connor Hawke/Green Arrow II
Yara Flor/Wonder Woman IV
Don Allen/Tornado Man
Dawn Allen/Tornado Woman
Rachel Roth/Raven
Jennifer Pierce/Lightning
Anissa Pierce/Thunder
Olivia Dinah Queen/Black Canary III
Tomar Tu/Green Lantern
Martin Jordan II/Green Lantern
Zachary Zatara II/Zatara
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lilacwhimss · 2 months
hello! this is my new legacy challenge based off of sims 4 careers!!! it started with me creating a new save and needing a place to organize my ideas, and it became this 10 generations legacy! this has a lot of room for storytelling and developing your own stories, but it also has gameplay focused rules! your sims all have some background detailing for you to comprehend why they want to follow that career! i hope you all enjoy this! if you give it a chance, post and tag me! i also have more generations being planned, but they’ll be extra gens ;)
all required rules have to be completed before moving to the next gen
rules that have a * are optional!
a few cheats are allowed, but try not to overuse them. only in gen. 1, you’ll be allowed to use freerealestate, bb.enablefreebuild, money cheats and university cheats. for the rest of the gens, you can use cas.fulleditmode for other sims, live edit/debug cheats for decorating your house and you can use UI cheats if your game broke to complete aspiration milestones
you must join the careers from each generation, and you also have to reach level 10 of them, even if it requires extra skills (i think this is kinda implied)
i tried my best to make this mod-free, but gen 3 has a modded aspiration. i did give an unmodded alternative, though!
mods and cc are super incentivized!!!
i split the rules into main rules and plot rules. the plot rules are fully optional, but it'll give you some background for your generations!
colors are also optional! i just enjoy playing with them.
EP: all of them (up to For Rent) but Eco Lifestyle and Get to Work.
GP: Spa day, Dine out, Realm of Magic, Outdoor Retreat
SP: Paranormal, Crystal creations, Tiny living, Nifty knitting, Backyard
— 🪻
let's get started!
gen 1: law (judge).
colors: orange & green
since you were a kid, you strived for the best. you lived with your mother and her spouse, no sight of your dad. growing up, you had a fiery personality, which lead you to make a single friend in your entire life. you always wanted to be the best at everything, and help people get justice. you discovered that doing yoga kept you in check. all was going well: you were going to the university you always wanted, opening the path to your dream along with your best friend, until they died. how will you navigate life now?
overachiever, hot headed, generous
max research & debate skill
max wellness skill
max a third skill of your choice
always take one elective that has nothing in common with your major
you have to major in history
you must live in a student dorm in your first term.
have only a single friend prior to joining uni (you can cheat this if you want to start the gen as a young adult)
that friend has to die (be creative!)
create a club with your roommates and go out every week*
marry someone that goes to the rival university
have at least one kid and a max. of 3 kids
have a close family dynamic with everyone initially
at some point during the heir’s teen years, modify the family relationship to difficult, but only with the heir. this is important for the next gen.
gen 2: restaurant owner.
colors: pink & purple
you definitely had a white picket life growing up, with dancing and cooking being your favorite family activities. your parents were amazing, kind and caring — until you said that you wouldn't attend university. your relationship with them strained, so as soon as you aged, you packed up and moved to Mt. Komorebi with the last savings you had. you had enough to buy/rent a place, but was that enough to get to your dream of opening a restaurant? how will you get money? and, most importantly: how will you deal with your parents?
foodie, dance machine, loner.
master chef
max cooking skill
max dancing skill
max skiing skill*
must move out as soon as your sim ages up to a young adult
work as a babysitter in your teen years to get money
gain at least 4 stars on your restaurant
don't attend uni
when you move out, become a part time barista until you get enough money to buy a restaurant (i recommend building it beforehand to see how much you’ll need to get)
marry an adventurous sim
see your parents once a year
have only one kid and have the supportive family dynamic with them as they grow up.
gen 3: paranormal investigator
colors: black & white
you were a lonely kid growing up in the snowy mountains. no siblings, no friends, just you and snowboarding. you always felt like something was watching over you. your parents always supported you, even when you chose to move out and follow what your grandparents wished for. you rented out a place, and weird things started happening around. will you find out what's going on?
genius, geek and unflirty.
renaissance sim (no mods)/ paranormal proficiency (mod)
max medium skill
max snowboarding skill
must attend uni (you choose the major)
must live in a haunted house lo throughout your life
befriend bonehilda
no kid limit
join/create a ghost hunters club
marry someone who is also a freelance paranormal investigator
always own a cat and a dog
gain the coffee fanatic and the close knit lifestyle
successfully plead for someone's life at least once*
gen 4: conservationist (marine biologist)
colors: blue & yellow
your parents always told you supernatural stories, entertaining you with possibilities of hidden things all over this world, ranging from ghosts to werewolves. mermaids were always the ones that marveled you, and made you want to learn more. your parents never denied the existence of all of those things — but they never confirmed it either. you decide to settle that yourself, and there's only one way to approach it: by moving to sulani. you buy a small home by the beach, get a job and start researching. one day, you come across some weird type of kelp. what will you do with it?
child of the ocean, ambitious, loves the outdoors
beach life
max fishing skill
max herbalism skill*
max gardening skill
complete the fish collection (if you don't have all packs, it's fine. complete the collection with the packs you own)
also complete the seashell collection
become a mermaid
explore everything in sulani
live on a lot with the volcano activity challenge
always participate in the island festivals
live on a tiny home in a beach lot (that has an ocean part)
marry a human
only have one kid and they must be human (cheat your way into not raising a mermaid)
gain the outdoorsy lifestyle
live on a lot with the simple living challenge*
gen 5: stylist (style influencer)
colors: white & brown (or clean girl-esque colors)
you grew up by the beach, always in contact with all sorts of people with different clothing styles that always made you want to learn more about them. you remember going on a trip with your grandparents to a bigger city once, and you were amazed by the hustle and bustle, the different people. you knew you wanted to live there, but you also didn't want to leave sulani behind. will you leave, or will you stay?
loyal, high maintenance and dog lover
friend of the world
max charisma skill
max fitness skill
max wellness skill*
join the stylist branch in the style influencer career
sell at least 5 outfits on trendi
marry a non-committal sim
move to san sequoia, but visit sulani every weekend
have at least two kids with that sim
always own a dog
gain the close knit + frequent traveler lifestyle
divorce your spouse after the second kid
marry your best friend
gen 6: farmer + horse racer
colors: orange & teal
you knew your parent loved the city, but that life just wasn't for you. your dad didn't see you a lot — and you knew he never wanted to have you. inspired by your grandparents gardening lessons, you decide to live the city behind and move to the countryside. your parent is disappointed, wanting to be with you for everything in your life, but your step parent supports you a lot. initially, you only planned on living your life, raising plants and chickens. but you stumble upon a horse, and you bond with it. will you adopt it?
animal enthusiast, self assured and neat
country caretaker
max horse riding skill
max gardening skill
max all your horse’s skills
get at least to level 3 of knitting skill
move to Henford-on-Bagley
win the ultimate horse championship
have at least three chickens, one cow, three bunnies, one mini goat and one mini sheep
complete at least one help needed quest from the townies every week
win at least once in every fair (crops, chickens, etc)
live on a lot with the simple living challenge
name all of your animals after food
gain the adrenaline seeker lifestyle
have max friendship with all of your animals*
marry another horse champion (rivals to lovers would be a good option)
have at least two kids
gen 7: acting
colors: black & red
you loved watching movies and soap operas in that old, grainy TV your parents had on their farm. you knew you wanted to participate in those, and you yearned for that type of attention. you auditioned a lot as a kid, but would always get rejected, until you eventually found out they ruled you out because you were a bumpkin. angry, you moved away from henford-on-bagley all the way to Del Sol Valley. you decided you needed a fresh start, away from your roots. but will you manage to completely avoid them?
squeamish, ambitious, good
world famous celebrity
max acting skill
max singing skill*
max media production skill
reach pristine reputation
become a global superstar
get ( at least) to the following perks: established name, star treatment, fan favorite and lifestyle brand
gain the health food nut and the frequent traveler lifestyle
move to del sol valley as a teen and live there your entire life
marry another celebrity
have only one child
host charity events at least once a season
you can fall down to a neutral reputation if you decide to get your sim to come clean about their identity
gen 8: jeweler
colors: blue & purple
your parents were celebrities, so you were constantly put into the spotlight. you just wanted to read and daydream about crystals and jewels. you constantly had to run away from paparazzi, and you made it to the news by fighting them publicly. that got your parents very angry, and they sent you away to live with your grandparents in henford-on-bagley. you make a lot of animal friends there, and widely explore the world, searching for crystals and metals. one day, someone offers you a getaway from all of the human world: the magic realm. you accept it, but you must return to del sol valley and tell your parents. how will you do it?
creative, perfectionist and outgoing
crystal crafter
max gemology skill
max a second skill of your choice
become a spellcaster
reach rank 6 - virtuoso
learn all spells and potions
get at least 12 perks, and the insightful eye trait is required
complete the crystals and metals collections (if you don't have all packs, it's fine. complete the collection with the packs you own)
befriend all sages
give all sims their respective jewelry pieces (ie: the mystical ring for morgyn ember, the mystical bracelet for the charm family and judith ward’s bling necklace)
craft every jewelry piece + all crystals (with only one type of crystal/metal each i’m not that cruel)
own at least one crystal tree
make at least one piece of jewelry with jet
marry a human OR perform the rite of dissolution after reaching rank 6
have more than one kid, but the heir must be human
gen 9: landlord
colors: yellow & green
you had weird books lying around your house, written in a language you couldn’t understand. your parents never cared to explain why, and you never really asked. you had no idea what you wanted to do in life — you just knew you wanted to be rich. after a quick research, you decided to be a landlord. yes, everyone hated landlords, but you just wanted money. when you told that to your parents, they gave you a harsh stare, but said nothing. your grandparents congratulated you, though. so, after a quick business class, you buy your first property. now you just have to… do everything. renew it. you realize it isn’t going to be that easy, and you’re too prideful to ask for money. will you give up, or will you start from the bottom?
materialistic, self assured and ambitious
five star property owner
max photography skill
max mischief skill
max a third skill of your choice
complete the tassels and the marbles collection
own at least one rental property your home world and one in another world
live in brindleton bay
start from the bottom with your rental, but you have to get to a five star rating
marry one of your tenants
host a potluck every weekend and a pool party every summer
have a good relationship with all of your tenants but have a bad relationship with your parents
gain the people person and the energetic lifestyle
you must have twins and let the wheel decide which one will be the heir
hold a grudge against one of your parents
gen 10: veterinarian
colors: pink & white
you grew up by the water, surrounded by stray animals you always desperately wanted to have. your parents never allowed you to, leaving you to care for them in secret, spending your pocket money on food for them. you always nurtured this love and compassion for animals, wishing to help them all. you go into university, looking for a biology degree to follow your dream of becoming a vet. your parents don't really care about what you do, as long as you bring money to the table. so what will they say once you state that you'll be opening a vet clinic by yourself?
generous, proper and socially awkward
friend of the animals
max veterinarian skill
max pet training skill
buy and/or renew a vet clinic
get a 5 star clinic rating
always own at least one dog after becoming a young adult
you have to attend university and major in biology
complete the feathers collection
marry one of your clients that has a cat
always feed the birds
have max friendship with at least 5 cats and 5 dogs
never choose mean interactions with pets
join/create a pet lover’s club with weekly meetings in your house
have at least two top tier employees
your vet clinic can be in any world, but you must live there
go camping at least twice in your life
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commehter · 5 months
The Spirit Tale of Fire Lord Ozai - Avatar the Last Airbender Fanfic
Rating: Mature Genres: Political Drama + Family + Paranormal Adventure = Slice of Life for Fire Lord Zuko Pairings: Mostly Gen, Tui/La (thus far) Characters: Zuko, Iroh, Azula, Agni, Various Spirits, OCs as needed Summary: When La demands justice for Tui's favored mortal, Agni proposes a compromise and spirits become more active in the world of man.
Fire Lord Zuko finds himself entangled in the spirits' schemes. He has been stripped of everything -- down to his name -- except for the golden flame that adorns his head and the throne from which he guides his country. He... has a lot he needs to process, and even more to do.
Chapter 1: The Meddling of Spirits
One moment, Fire Lord Zuko is drifting off to sleep after signing the last of the major peace treaties required to officially end the war between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdoms. In the next moment, he is standing barefoot in a forest and unable to open his eyes.
"Who's there?" he snarls. He can hear his abductors whispering amongst themselves. He hasn't been left unwatched. "What do you want?"
This is far from the first attack he's suffered since ascending to the throne, but it's already the most successful. He has no idea how his kidnappers have removed him from his bedroom, let alone how they got past the high palace walls and transported him beyond the heavily patrolled streets of Caldera.
"Peace, Zuko of Second Fire," a man's voice says from directly in front of him.
Zuko throws a fist blindly at his kidnapper's head. The man laughs as he catches the punch.
There are no flames. His bending isn't responding. Has he been drugged? Is that how they got him out of the palace? The man steps closer -- Heat pours off of his abductor as if he is a living furnace. -- and presses the Fire Lord's fist over his own heart. Enough of Zuko's focus is on not panicking that he allows the repositioning of his arm without any resistance.
"Your favored has poor manners," observes a deeper voice from somewhere to his left, "Are you sure you wouldn't rather just end his line to pay the debt?"
Zuko stiffens. They're after more than just him. Is Mai also being held captive somewhere nearby? Has the baby been harmed? Does their reach extend far enough to threaten Uncle in Ba Sing Se? Do their plans include Azula and Ozai? Both have been officially removed from the line of succession, but that doesn't mean much to some.
"The council is agreed," the man in front of him refutes easily, "The debt can be repaid in full through my plan."
"If your favored is as different from the last three of his line as you think he is," the deeper voice huffs, "If. He is still very young, even for a mortal. He could become much the same as they were, given some time."
"He won't," the first kidnapper states in confidence, "He is young, but he has been tried thoroughly. He will not forget himself to the lure of power or ill-founded ambition."
"My brother is correct," a woman's voice joins the conversation, "Fire Lord Zuko has proven himself to be a man of honor and compassion to the other nations. Do not forget, beloved, my brother's plan also benefits our own favored."
"I have not forgotten, my love," the second voice says, "I simply remain unconvinced. Your brother's plan is radical and has many delicate balances. It may fail more easily than it could succeed, especially with this one's inclusion."
"His inclusion is necessary or the plan has little chance to succeed at all," the first states calmly.
"Who are you people?" Zuko demands, temper nearing its end.
A mix of grumbling and laughter answers him. There are... a lot more kidnappers surrounding him than he had previously thought.
"Oh, child of fire, I am afraid you do not yet realize the magnitude of the situation you have been brought into," the first voice says in gentle amusement. Zuko tenses as the man walks a tight half-circle only to stop behind him. The dull red that has been the shade of his closed eyelids fades to pitch black and a steady heat beats against his back. "Dear Tui, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Zuko of Second Fire, open your eyes and know those who address you today."
His eyes fly open as soon as the words are spoken and his legs immediately buckle at the sight that greets him. It is only the arm suddenly secured around his chest that keeps him upright. There is a second hand resting lightly at his throat. Zuko isn't sure whether or not that's meant to be a threat.
"Peace, child," the first man -- No, he is not a man at all. -- says, breath a warm breeze rushing past his right ear and cheek, "It is not our goal to harm you."
"Spirits?" Zuko squeaks, twisting to look at the being holding him. It is an attempt that is quickly thwarted.
The hand around his neck slides ever so slightly higher to put pressure on the underside of his jaw and effectively traps his head against the spirit's shoulder. Zuko swallows his pride and yields to the hold. It burns to do so, but he isn't equipped to fight spirits, let alone so many and without so much as his firebending to protect himself or a viable exit strategy. The hand at his throat reverts to being a deceptively light and unrestrictive touch.
The spirit laughs merrily, seemingly unbothered by the actions of the mortal man in his grasp. "Indeed," he answers, "This is the Council of Greater World Spirits."
Zuko scans the odd beings before him again but one in particular catches his attention, if only because she is the sole spirit approaching him. The female spirit is almost suspiciously normal-looking compared to the wilder physiques that some of the other spirits possess. Zuko frowns even as the spirit smiles at him. The form she wears is one he recognizes, but not in regards to any spirit.
"I know you," he says, "You were the Northern Water Tribe's princess."
The woman's smile brightens. "I would not have expected you to remember my favored's mortal form. It is a shame you and my Yue were never properly introduced to each other. I believe you would have gotten on well," she tells him, "My name is Tui."
"The Moon Spirit," Zuko whispers. The others have told him the story, about how Princess Yue sacrificed herself to resurrect the moon. Well, Sokka had told him the story once, after he had gotten drunk at some festival, and the others had clarified a few things when Zuko had thought to ask. He's still not completely sure which parts of the tale were factually true and which parts were alcohol-fueled rambling.
"Yes," the pale spirit says, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Zuko of Second Fire."
"Second Fire?" the man amongst spirits finally asks. He's heard the phrase too many times now to continue ignoring it.
The spirit at his back chuckles softly before answering, "I bestowed the gift of flame upon the dragons first, and to mortal man second, child of fire."
"Agni?" he questions weakly.
"So I am," the spirit responds.
He's being held by the greatest deity of the Fire Nation, one of the great spirits that support life throughout the entire world. He doesn't know how to process that thought.
"Tui, if you would," Agni requests as he continues to support Zuko's shock-numbed body.
"Of course, Brother," the moon says before returning her attention to the Fire Lord. "You would no more be able to gaze upon the Sun Spirit's native form than you would his physical manifestation in your world's sky without being blinded by his great light. It is, as it has always been, my happy privilege to reflect Agni's brilliance. Please, allow me to be the means through which you might know my brother's face."
Tui turns on her heel and suddenly a very different spirit is standing in her place. Or, not quite. The Moon Spirit's form remains, as if in dark shadow, behind the shining reflection of Agni. It looks as if the two spirits are standing back-to-back in the space intended only for a solitary spirit. It's surreal but, from what Zuko has heard and occasionally experienced, spirits only make sense about half of the time anyway.
The hand at his throat carefully closes Zuko's dropped jaw for him. The reflection's outstretched arm and hand don't quite line up with the fingers he feels gently pressed against his jaw, but it gets the point across well enough. Agni's reflection looks unexpectedly fond. That's... probably a good thing?
Zuko feels himself being lowered to the ground but he can't tear his eyes away from the reflection sinking into a relaxed kneeling position in front of him. The arms retreat for a moment but heavy hands soon fall upon his shoulders and Zuko honestly isn't sure if he currently has enough control over his own body to prevent himself from falling down completely without the support. Again the reflection is an imperfect match for the real thing, given the angles, but he can't be bothered to care when he's staring up at the face of Agni.
"I have a task for you, Fire Lord," Agni says, expression turning serious, "I am sorry to say it is not one you will be given a choice in taking up, but the council is in agreement that you deserve to be told why it must happen."
Zuko tries to breathe through the building panic. "Okay," he wheezes past his fried nerves, "I'm ready."
"Three years ago, Zhao of Second Fire attempted to slay the Moon Spirit."
"I remember," Zuko says through his tightening throat, "The Ocean Spirit sank the entire invasion fleet and dragged Zhao down to the bottom of the Northern Sea. I saw it happen with my own eyes."
Agni tips his head in a shallow acknowledging nod. "The Ocean Spirit swept up Zhao of Second Fire into a fate far worse than that of a man drowned at the sea floor, but that is a matter already settled. La's actions that day repaid in full the debt for daring to attack a spirit. However, Tui's favored was lost to the mortal world as a result of Zhao's actions and that debt has yet to be repaid. Balance would require that I, likewise, take from the mortal realm my favored. It is no secret that I have promised my strongest blessings upon my first children, the dragons; the leaders of my second children, the Fire Lands' royal line; and the mortal bridge, the Avatar.
"Yue of the Northern Seas was the only favored of Tui and La among mortal men. The council reached the decision that balance and justice would require that every living member of the Fire Lands' royal line be wiped from the mortal realm."
The breath in his lungs stutters as he processes the meaning of Agni's words.
The spirits have condemned his entire family to death.
"No! Please, I can --"
"Peace, child mine." Agni's hand cups his unscarred cheek and Zuko feels a face press against his hair. "And listen well." The spirit withdraws so Zuko can again see the reflection's face.
He can't give up without a fight, and especially not when the fight is for more than just himself. Still, Agni has bid him to listen and he has learned the hard way that it is often best to listen before acting. Zuko takes a steadying breath and nods.
"This was not a decision the council reached quickly and, in that time, I had put together another plan to repay the debt. My proposal caused yet more arguing amongst our numbers, but, eventually, my plan was accepted. Only Ozai of Second Fire will be removed from the mortal world."
"Oh," Zuko's relief bursts from him in a gust of breath that he had not meant to give voice to. Ozai's death will doubtlessly cause a stir, and there will likely be rumors of patricide, but... Considering what the alternative is, he has no complaints. He'll find a way to deal with the fallout.
"There is more to the plan and it will demand much of you," the spirit warns, "It will not be accomplished quickly."
"I can do it," Zuko promises. Whatever the plan is, he'll do his part. For Uncle, and Mai, and the baby, and even Azula.
Agni smiles but something about the Sun Spirit's expression is nonetheless pitying. "You can and I have faith that you will, but, as I said, you are not being given a choice in the matter. You will take up this task. But you will not be working alone. Now that the council is set on this course, many spirits are eager to participate. Tui and I in particular will remain near to guide you, and lesser spirits may also seek you out to offer their services."
Agni retreats and stands. Zuko's head is swimming under the warring relief and dread but he manages to remain sitting upright. "Now, we should get started," the Sun Spirit announces. "La, are you ready?"
The oddly normal-looking Water Tribe man that is actually the Ocean Spirit, apparently, flashes a shark-like grin. "Don't worry about me, King of Flames. I've had more practice in the mortal world than any of you in recent memory," he says in the same voice that had earlier disparaged Zuko's manners and openly wondered if they shouldn't go back to the old plan of indiscriminately killing his entire family. "I'll manage just fine."
"Wait! You still haven't told me what my task is!" Zuko yells.
"Your task is nothing more or less than you would do regardless, given what you have already been told and the situation we are sending you into," Agni says, "Be an honorable Fire Lord. Seek to create and maintain peaceful relations between the Fire Lands and the rest of the world. But please, child of fire, take some time to rest and think. The path before you is long and difficult."
"My moon," La says, offering a hand to Agni's reflection, "let us begin."
Tui spins and Agni's visage drops from her form like the illusion it is. The Moon Spirit takes the ocean's offered hand. She smiles at Zuko as she says, "Remember, young Fire Lord, the burden is not yours to bear alone. We all must do our parts. Call for us if you have need. We will answer."
Agni briefly touches the back of his neck and Zuko has to resist the urge to glance over his shoulder at the Sun Spirit. "I give you now the same charge that I once gave your forefathers: Fire Lord, my blessing is upon you. Go forth and tend to my children and my lands. Bring prosperity and honor to that which has been entrusted to you."
Between one moment and the next, Fire Lord Zuko exits the spirit world as abruptly as he had been pulled into it.
You can read the rest of the story on AO3 or RR
25 Chapters (WIP)
65k Words (and counting)
Posted 04/16/2022
Happy reading!
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sitp-recs · 1 year
hello! I love your recs so much, and have found some of my most favorite drarry fics and characterizations through your lists :)
I think I want to write my first drarry fic and it will include them as parents (of scorp and teddy) but I haven’t read any next gen canon (bc jkr avoidance) and have only occasionally encountered scorp and teddy in fic.
I’m wondering if you have any recommendations for fic that you think do a great job with the characterizations of Scorpius and Teddy so I can do them justice without checking out the source material!! In what I want to write they’ll be early hogwarts age so like 11-14 or 15, but I’d also love to read them at other ages that will help me get a strong sense of who they are. Thank you so so much!!!
Hi anon! How exciting, I’m so happy that you’re getting ready to start your own fic! I hope you have lots of fun writing it. I admit that I haven’t read many kid fics (especially with little kids) but I do love Scorpius and Teddy as characters, so I’m sharing below some of my favourite characterizations in fic. Good luck with your fic, can’t wait to read it!
Dragon Wings and Flying Things by rillalicious (NR, 6k)
The Annual Broom Race of Sweden is headed through the Swedish Short-Snout dragon reservation. Charlie has arranged for Harry to bring Teddy. In the midst of all the excitement, Harry finds out that one of the most famous Dragonologists in recent history is someone very familiar.
A Hippogriff for Christmas by @xanthippe74 (G, 6.4k)
Draco is desperately trying to fulfill four-year-old Scorpius’ dearest wish for Christmas: a visit with a real Hippogriff. Harry is desperately trying to be left alone, safely tucked away from the attention of the wizarding world as Hogwarts’ Keeper of the Keys and Grounds. It might take more than a father’s persistence to convince Harry to help make Scorpius’ Christmas dream come true.
Our Ordinary Days by Lomonaaeren (M, 8.4k)
Two men, both fathers of sons, meet in a bookshop. And the rest is the kind of history that doesn't make history.
Little Talks by Femme and noeon (E, 11k)
Draco's been shagging the Head Auror for months now, and he's sure it's just a fling. Until Harry asks him to a Quidditch match, that is, and things go horribly wrong.
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic (M, 15k)
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one.
The Strongest Affinity by eidheann (T, 17k)
Trouble finding a wand for Scorpius leads Harry and Draco to something they never imagined.
The Stars Above Us by 606, create_serenity (M, 19k)
It started as an innocent day out taking Teddy to visit the local observatory. Somehow it became so much more.
Young adult (Teddy):
Meet Me at Midnight by @the-starryknight (T, 57k)
Harry was beginning to wonder if he’d ever make anything again when Malfoy stormed through the door of Harry’s furniture shop. Now Harry’s got an impossible Ministry commission to finish, and even less energy than ever to deal with his elusive muse. That is, until he stumbles upon the surreal and beautiful world of a mysterious fae creature…
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
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faramirsonofgondor · 3 months
The transcript of part of ADL’s chief executive Jonathan Greenblatt’s leaked phone call:
“But I also want to point out that we have a major major major generational problem.
All the polling I’ve seen - ADL’s polling, ICC’s polling, independent polling - suggests this is not a left-right gap folks.
The issue in the United States’ support for Israel is not left and right, it is young and old, and the numbers of young people who think that Hamas’ - you know - massacre was justified is shockingly and terrifyingly high.
And so we really have a TikTok problem, the Gen Z problem, that our community needs to put the same brains that gave us tag me, the same brains that gave us all these other amazing innovations, need to put our energy toward this, like fast.
Cause again, like, we’ve been chasing this left-right divide.
It’s the wrong game, the real game is the next generation.
And the Hamas and their accomplices that any - the useful idiots in the west are falling in line in ways that are terrifying.
Last thing I’ll just say, we saw a dramatic change in the language of the activists here in America on October the 8th.
The language of groups that we long tracked that have long been problematic, like Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, they flipped like this and went to, like, Iranian propaganda.
The language I could show you from their toolkits, cause our analysts are in their groups.
We saw this again on October the 8th, it was that fast, like the language in their toolkits was all about the Zionist entity and lots of other language that we recognized from Iranian propaganda.”
So far from this I’ve gathered that:
1. The ADL and other government officials have believe that TikTok has contributed significantly to Gen Z’s anti-zionism ideology, which is likely part of the reason behind the recent ban of TikTok.
2. Jonathan Greenblatt, and likely other government officials, see Gen Z as problem and a “game” and will likely either try to placate or subdue us in some capacity.
3. The ADL has “analysts” that are “in” groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voices for Peace, which the ADL has apparently found problematic and have been monitoring since a while before October 8th of 2023.
4. Apparently discussing the “zionist entity” is somehow apart of Iranian propaganda, in the ADL’s eyes.
5. I hate this country even more than before.
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