#you know what would be even fucking FUNNIER but would never happen
vivitalks · 29 days
guys i genuinely don't know what to do. my quirky little destiel fic which was already far too long to begin with now has a second smaller fic nested inside of it and somehow the second smaller fic is the absolute crackfest of this supernatural/tazamnesty crossover where dean lowkey hooks up with barclay the bigfoot and i don't KNOW what to DO. do i cut the scene. do i post it separately. do i post it separately but ALSO leave it in the fic. do i just pretend like barclay is an OC i made up and all the references to the fictional town of kepler west virginia are incidental. WHAT IS THE MOVE HERE
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Tuvok/Chakotay and the melancholy romanticism of liking each other, maybe even loving each other - but loving an unreachable someone else more. 
#Tuvok/Chakotay is a noir-ish classy sadness to me most of the time even though I mostly draw them fucking around bc its funnier#and less embarrassing#these guys 1000% accidentally fall into what could be love - they don't know - but it's not on purpose#Tuvok doesn't really know what the feeling is...it's not what he feels for his wife (all encompasing - identities intertwined)#and it's not like what he felt for Jara(?) as a teenager - that passionfire type of infatuation#but he does....like him....in a more than friendship way...and in a deep way....#Meanwhile Chakotay's stressed about whether he actually likes Tuvok or if Tuvok is just the closest he can get to Janeway#and even if he DOES actually like him - is it fair for them both to get into a relationship when Chakotay's still in love with Janeway?#Is it worth it? And on the other hand - why deprive themselves of it just because of some crush that's never going to happen?#+ the added drama of Chakotay being betrayed by Tuvok in a BIG way and them having a history that turned out to be lies#I love complicated relationships#Chakotay and Tuvok having an intimate(not sexual) moment and Chakotay very quietly going:#When I do this - do you think of T'Pel?#(Would it hurt you if I did?)#...I don't know.#(Do you think of the Captain?)#......-he moves away from Tuvok and the moment passes-#tfw your friend turns out to be a spy and you become enemies and coworkers and best friends in-law <- bc Janeway#and then you kinda start to like him..................and then it deepens..........but you never forget that you are not THE loves#of each others eyes - and is that enough? Is that fine?
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rubydubydoo122 · 6 months
I saw someone say a while ago that Jason attacking Tim at Titans Tower was just Tim hallucinating bc he was feeling guilty about being Robin even though Jason's not dead. Which is great, amazing, I think the whole Titans Tower thing is Bonkers, but I think it would be so much funnier if Jason tried to Gaslight Tim into believing the Titans Tower incident never happened, not because he's like evil, he's just super embarassed about it. like Or Tim did actually hallucinate Jason at TT but thinks it was real, so when he tells Jason about it, Jason's so fucking confused, and Tim thinks Jason's Gaslighting him
Tim: Remember that time when you broke into Titans Tower and beat me half to death while wearing a Robin costume from party city
Jason: What? Tim, I know i'm crazy, but I'm not...Insane.
Tim, pulling down his collar: I literally have the scar to prove it
Jason: Bruce told me that was from Clayface pretending to be me, which, might I just say rude. Tim... are you ok? Did you hallucinate me attacking you? like, I know I've done that before, but...
Tim, frowning: I don't think I hallucinating. I was benched for a while after because I had to recover-
Jason: well, you were benched around the time I was dropping hints that I knew who Bruce was outside of Batman, he probably just benched you to keep you safe. You probably were working too many cases with too little sleep and your imagination started to run wild.
Tim: Are you gaslighting me?
Jason: Are you gaslighting me?
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
I love it when pre Original Trilogy era shows how much effort went into making the Death Star. It took decades, literal decades, and it took so much money and so many people and it was such a secretive thing and it’s staffed by millions because it’s the size of a small moon.
I cannot express how much all of the added information makes it so much funnier that Luke blew it up.
Luke destroys literally everything Palpatine built. He blows up the Death Star, which was referenced in universe as early as the second movie. He blew up the weapon of mass destruction twenty years in the making. And he blew it up pretty much directly after it’s first and only successful attack. It was operational for fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes that Palpatine had the thing he’d been building for longer than Luke has been alive, and Luke blows it up. First day retirement, but first hour retirement.
Luke convinces Darth Vader to turn back to the light side, a feat thought literally impossible by literally everybody. Sidious clearly doesn’t see Vader’s betrayal coming. Vader’s betrayal was not in his plans, nor was it something he was prepared for. Sidious is a powerful Force user with all four limbs while Vader is a man in the tin can Palpatine put him in. If Palpatine had seen Vader turning coming, he would not have allowed it to happen.
Luke literally should not even be alive. Palpatine almost definitely got Padme out of the way on purpose, and he almost certainly was trying for her unborn child as well (there was way too big of a risk that a cute liddol bebe would bring some humanity back to Anakin, and Palpatine did not want Anakin to have any humanity) Luke living is literally the first step in Palpatine’s ultimate downfall, especially once Vader finds out that Luke is his son. His very alive son. His son that is not dead, despite Palpatine claiming Anakin killed Padme. Implying that Anakin killed Padme and she posthumously gave birth. But, she didn’t give birth on Mustafar, which was the last place Anakin interacted with her. And once the mother dies, you have to get those fuckers out fast or they die too.
I imagine Darth Vader piecing all of this together is that meme with all the math floating around his head, because how could Padme have died by his hand and then given birth like two hours later?
Luke killing Palpatine is what ultimately leads to the dissolution of the Empire as an omnipotent entity. Luke killed the Empire. Luke spends a good amount of his adult life killing Empire remnants. We see that in the Mandalorian, since he’s so recognizable that Gideon immediately knows he’s fucked just by seeing an X-wing. We read it in Legends’ continuity, where Luke terrifies Imperials because he can walk into their changing room and stand in their for a minute and they don’t even notice.
Luke destroyed Palpatine’s life’s work. Everything Palpatine spent his whole life working towards, and Luke kills all of it. He blows up not one, but two Death Stars (he may not have pulled the trigger on the second Death Star, but without him, it never would have been destroyed). He convinces not one, but multiple Sith and Dark Jedi to return from the Dark Side. He is the only reason that Obi-Wan Kenobi, the biggest pain in Palpatine’s ass ever born, lives long enough to make it to the Death Star.
Palpatine went through so much effort. And just when he had finally won, when he finally had a weapon capable of destroying entire planets with a single blast, making it impossible for any planets or peoples to go against him, Luke shows up nineteen years late to the Jedi party with space Starbucks and a droid twice his age and almost singlehandedly destroys everything Palpatine ever had a hand in creating.
Luke manages to become even worse than Obi-Wan Kenobi, the ultimate thorn in the side of politicians, and Luke doesn’t even understand any politics. He wasn’t trained in diplomacy like Obi-Wan and Leia, no, he’s a farmboy who left home for the first time in his entire life, just this morning. And he is the one to destroy the Empire.
If they rewrote Star Wars and had it entirely from Palpatine’s perspective, Luke Skywalker would be his greatest foe. Luke Skywalker would be the final boss. Luke Skywalker is the antithesis of everything Palpatine believes in and he is the one character that Palpatine cannot predict. He isn’t as moldable as Anakin, he doesn’t respond to threats very well, he’s apparently impossible to kill via Force lightning (still the funniest scene of all times, the progression of Palpatine’s face falling and him looking like “what the fuck??? Is this kid rubber??? I’ve electrocuted him eight times???”), his unwavering faith in his father’s goodness makes Darth Vader want to be a better person, Luke Skywalker is the big bad of Palpatine’s story and—
There is nothing in this world that is funnier than someone’s biggest antagonist being Luke fucking Skywalker. Luke Skywalker, who saved the galaxy with the power of love and who shouldn’t exist, by Jedi rules and by Palpatine’s own attempts, and whose best friends are literally droids, which Palpatine canonically hates!
Everything about this is hilarious, this is the funniest thing in all of media, Palpatine loses absolutely everything to some backwater farmboy who fucking likes droids.
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usedpidemo · 4 months
Mistakes were made, but not you (Le sserafim Yunjin)
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“Why? Why weren’t you there? I needed you and you weren’t there!”
While Yunjin lashes out at you, grabbing at your shirt and using you as a proxy for the world and its ill-timed misfortunes, you can’t help but wonder if your presence would have changed the situation for the better.
Probably not. It’s one of those events that has to happen for character growth. 
Tonight is supposed to be a night of celebration—a commemoration to the achievements, accomplishments, and accolades of the past year. The numbers and statistics never lie. They love her work, they love her artistry. They love her for what she sells and what she represents. But truth be told, Huh Yunjin couldn’t care less about what they think.
Thunderous cheers and colorful lightsticks representing different fandoms brighten the arena as the five Le sserafim members climb up the stairs to claim their award. Minutes ago, they pulled off the performance of a lifetime—an eight minute masterclass that represents everything the group stands for. You could see the exhaustion in their faces; barely mustering the strength to smile and wave to the crowd shouting for them. 
For the most part, the acceptance speech is nothing notable. Going through the motions, thanking the fans, the staff, the company, promising to do better in the future—it’s about as cookie cutter as it gets. As Yunjin tries her hardest to keep her tears from falling while she talks, the other four can only focus on her with varying weary looks. Chaewon looks especially worried; it’s her responsibility and burden to look after every single one of them. 
From the audience’s viewpoint, it’s seen as a non-issue, but the five girls recognize deep down it’s anything but. The only noteworthy thing is how suddenly quick they are on their feet heading backstage. It’s funny how everyone chases fame: to be in the moment, the spotlight. It’s funnier, Yunjin thinks, that she’d rather be anywhere else.
Unfortunately for her and the other artists attending, they’d have to wait a little longer. There’s backstage interviews and other idol obligations to do before they are finally let go. It’s not even worth all that lost time—that one award they receive ends up being their lone win for the night.
Yunjin storms into your hotel room without a word with a fierce expression on her face. She doesn’t have to say it; she’s thankful she doesn’t have to spend another minute in front of the cameras, another minute being an idol—at least for the night.
In a sea of anger and auburn, Yunjin walks past you without acknowledging you at least once. She hastily drops off her purse on the coffee table before charging straight to her room and slamming the door. It’s easy to chalk up her frustrations on the monotony of the awards season—the countless hours of practice specifically for one event, the hours spent in the makeup room, the hours of interviews and fanservice—but you know she never acts like this. Rain or shine, hell or high water, she’ll walk around with a pleasant smile on her face.
Tonight simply isn’t one of those nights. You saw the whole ordeal happen in real time, and you’re already regretting the decision not to be there. At times, watching her on screen was tough. You can tell she was visibly uncomfortable, more clingy to her members than usual, when it’s normally the other way around. Admittedly, you have to give her props for holding herself back from crying when she has every right to. It’s a cold winter night, but that’s not the reason she’s trembling and shaking. It should be a night of celebration; instead, her sullen expression resembles the aftermath of complete, utter humiliation and defeat.
And it may as well be. You look through your phone; you find the messages from friends and acquaintances telling you the exact same thing; it might as well be considered spam. 
> Yo did you see what happened to Yunjin?
> Is Yunjin okay?!
> Yunjin fell! Fuck MNET!
> Don’t tell her but I actually laughed when she slipped XD hope she alright tho!
Of course you know. It’s all caught on camera and in living color for the whole world to see. Even if it was cut from the YouTube edit, which is highly unlikely, it’s already out there on the internet spreading like wildfire. Numerous reposts with tens of thousands of likes, multiple articles immediately written after the incident—her name and her moment will remain immortalized in K-pop history for all the wrong reasons. It has the internet making jokes, it has the internet writing thinkpieces, it has the internet creating needless fanwars—it has the internet buzzing. 
You want to throw your phone from where your room is located—all the way up on the 27th floor—and pray it lands directly on a hater’s head. 
Sure enough, when you try to enter her room, it’s locked shut. The door won’t budge. All this awkward, quiet tension between you is terrifying, and sleeping her feelings off isn’t going to help anyone, not during these trying times. She needs comfort right now more than anything else. 
You give the door a respectful knock, only to be met with silence. Trying again and again leads you nowhere. Calling her name does you zero favors. Each futile attempt cuts away at your heart, little by little. Yunjin would rather isolate herself from the world than open up to anyone with no exceptions. Obviously, you have nothing to do with what happened (that is on the production team more than anyone) but you bear the responsibility and burden of being Yunjin’s partner, always there for her during the good times and the bad.
Now is not the time to give up or sulk. She needs comfort and love more than anything. She needs a shoulder to cry on. She needs a special voice to reassure her that everything will be okay.
Rummaging through her purse, you find one of her countless hairpins. It’s the oldest trick in the book—one that she always used to get you with guaranteed success. Already bent and straightened, perfectly shaped for picking—it’s as if she wanted you to reach her. You remember the disaster that was teaching you how to pick locks; dozens destroyed, to the dismay of her apartment doors, but she knew you’d need it at some point, and tried to help you to the best of her ability.
The lock comes undone. It’s a miracle, but it’s short-lived. What welcomes you as you enter her bedroom turns your uncertainty into shock and utter disbelief.
It’s imagery you only see in nightmares. Her bedroom completely ravaged and in utter ruin. Pillows, clothes, and objects scattered throughout the room. Yunjin is curled up against the wall with a blanket draped over her, concealing everything but her eyes. Bloodshot red from spilling her heart out. Around her feet lay two opened half empty bottles of alcohol and a spilled over wine glass. It takes everything not to drop to your knees or yell out “fuck” from the depth of your lungs.
Instead, it only comes out as an airy whimper, with your throat choked up seeing the sorry state your girlfriend’s in.   
Every little step you take may as well be tiptoed. Carefully treading into uncharted territory, who knows what you’ll end up meeting. The next words you pick will be the most important ones you’ll ever say. It isn’t as simple as telling her everything will be fine—that mistakes happen, life moves on, and this will be a memory she can laugh at a few years from now. She believes she’s ruined not only her career, but also her members, when anyone with common sense thinks otherwise.
With a deep breath and a gulp of your throat, you run through all the options. You pray you make the best choice.
“Jen Jen,” you mumble, crouching down in front of her, frowning. Try as you might, you can’t bring yourself to smile. You reach your hand out to peek through the curtain; she aggressively slaps down your palm. It’s as dire as you believe it looks. She sees the world crashing down before her. 
Watching her cry and hide herself away plucks away at your heartstrings. You don’t want to see her looking this sorry, this deflated. If her members—the people she’s closest with—couldn’t get through her, then how much less can you? Even so, you have to keep trying. Not as a fan nor an acquaintance, but as her partner.
Again, you’ll have to pick your way through another lock. This time, her heart. And it’s more delicate than any physical door. 
She’s drowning in her tears to realize the tug on her wrists. Little by little, you pull them apart. Yunjin’s bloodshot eyes glare right into yours, but she does nothing. Slowly, you curl your arms around hers, reaching around her back. For a moment, she appears vulnerable. Open. You press yourself close to her—
And then she hits you square in the face. 
Yunjin assaults you with a relentless barrage of fists, with one jab directly clocking your lips. They’re not the playful ones you’re used to. The kind that’s usually thrown after a serious argument, and you’ve only experienced a handful of squabbles. She sends you staggering back to the floor, violently screeching and attacking you. “Fuck you! Leave me alone!” she yells, punching you repeatedly with no sense of direction, only rage. You try to lift a hand in self-defense, only to be sent knocking down, to the point where you just give up and allow her to rip through you.
Looking into her eyes, having turned from grim to cruel, she looks as if you were there. As if you were the stage director. As if you were the one who pressed the button on the control panel. Her punches, aimless as they are, fucking hurt. You’re on the floor, defenseless, but you deserve it. You weren’t there when you should have been. The one award show you opt not to attend happens to be the one that ends up sideways. Of course she’ll pinpoint the cause back to you. That’s blind passion. That’s love.
She grabs you by the collar of your shirt, screaming right in your face, “Why? Why weren’t you there? I needed you and you weren’t there!” Angry as she is, you can tell she’s trying to restrain herself. She wants to humiliate you, but she also doesn’t want to smash your head through the marble floor. You have this ragged but innocent look on your face. The stubborn kind that would tell her that you won’t give up on her. That you’d happily take all the beating just to see her smile again. 
As it turns out, all she really needs is an outlet to air out her emotions. She has moved past her tears, and she has stopped beating you down, but everything else still remains. The glare. The dour frown. The fingers gripped to your collar. The room is silent, with the only sound filling the air is your low, airy hush of “Sorry.” Your hand rubs against her arm, conveying a message of reassurance that everything’s going to be okay.
Yunjin freezes. Unsure of how she feels, unsure of what to do. The moment stretches beyond the perception of time. You end up getting caught unprepared by what happens.
She doesn’t apologize for throwing you to the floor and verbally and physically assaulting you. You don’t really mind. A kiss is more than enough of an apology. Even more when it’s passionate, humming into your mouth before letting her tongue slip right between your lips, and her hands now pressed to your cheek. Lovemaking is how she speaks to you. Her lips do most of the talking. 
Her body does the rest.
Yunjin pushes you down to the floor. You watch her shed her leather jacket, in awe of her radiant beauty.  Her skin is porcelain, gleaming from the bedroom light. She’s a star, and shines like one. The reverence soon turns to amusement, mostly at how nonchalant she’s behaving. Minutes ago, she was hostile, out of control, threatening to turn you into a ruined mess. Instead, she’s about to leave you a ruined heap, but in a different way. 
She notices. She always does. Knows you like a book. She grins.
“You know I can’t be mad at you,” she says, lifting an eyebrow as she straddles on your lap. Smirking playfully, she’s making you double take and wonder if this was an elaborate ploy or if she was really upset. And if it’s the former, then you’d really feel betrayed and manipulated. “Sorry dear,” she adds, accompanied by a peck on your lips. “I know it’s not your fault nor mine, it’s just that we prepared so much and—”
“Don’t worry,” you interrupt, placing a hand on her bare shoulder, “I should have been there. I mean, what are the chances the one time I’m not there, this shit—”
“Shhh.” Yunjin plants a finger on your lips. “Babe shouldn’t worry about his Jen Jen’s performance. At least I looked cool falling, right?” she asks, both sweet and playful.
“Sure you did,” you chuckle, almost sucking on her fingertip as she points it directly at your lip. “Definitely the coolest fall I’ve ever seen. Will never be replicated. Ever. And I mean that.”
She laughs, heartily, even though she knows you’re flat out lying. “Yeah, because they won’t do stage designs like that ever again.” Then she kisses you again; she kisses you as if your lips are her lifeline. “I swear I’m gonna tell management not to do elevated stages when we go on tour!”
This is the Yunjin you know and love; the one that everyone knows her for. Laughs at her own jokes and her own mistakes, and smiles through it all. You’re amazed at how joined to the hip you both are when the cameras aren’t on. When you’re the only ones in the room—when she can truly be herself and not a fragmented version tailored to the public. You both have this special connection together that only you two can understand.
Her smile is so radiant, distracting even, that you recognize too little too late how tense you’re feeling.
“Jen Jen,” you tell her, looking down at her legs. She has a hand between her skirt, and her underwear is already partially down.
“What is it?”
“Can we take this somewhere else,” you tell her, flustered by your own request. There’s no skirting around the thought that you’d rather take her anywhere except for a cold floor in a messy bedroom. She hasn’t realized it yet, but you know Yunjin well; she would never let your imprints stick anywhere in her bedroom, hotel or her apartment, let alone make a mess. That, and for as much as you love the sight of her on top of you, you want to keep things on even footing—for now.
The expression she makes is priceless; it's all part of the charm. She rolls her eyes, scoffing at the thought, as if the very suggestion offends her. She takes a moment to let the notion sink in. “The audacity,” she thinks to herself, the idea seemingly harder to digest if anything else.
“You’re so unserious,” she comments, in the most blunt tone possible, it may as well be condescending. Her thighs press deeper into your jeans to further prove a point. If that’s what she wants., then you’re fine with that. It’s probably a better idea than yours, too. “You shitting me right now?”
“It couldn’t have hurt to ask.”
“Well it wouldn’t have hurt you to be here sooner,” she retorts, grinning, like those words are your biggest mistake. “Then maybe I would absolutely consider it.”
In reality, there’s nothing to consider, because you end up rolling on top of her after she first pounces on top of you. It’s how she usually greets you after a busy day: jumping straight into your arms, then it’s on to the bedroom.
But not tonight. You don’t make that far, just the table by the foyer, the chair she usually reads in, nearly tripping over the coffee table and landing somewhere more comfortable for you both in the living room. In your wake you leave behind a trail of clothes, yours and hers entangled together—mostly yours. It doesn’t take much to undress Yunjin when she’s dressed for the occasion, and by the time she’s halfway unbuttoning through your shirt, she’s on her knees, completely naked. 
She kisses you, leaves strawberry marked lips on your tummy, looking so wanton, so needy. Your eyes follow along as she continues down to your pants, before looking up to you with doe-eyed curiosity. She’s got an edge to her, they say, which really just means, “she’s really fucking hot.” Everything about her, from the attitude to the wardrobe screams fierce, someone who knows what they’re doing and doesn’t care about what others say. 
But behind closed doors, she’s more like the other girl you know. Someone she tends to look after. She looks vulnerable. It’s cute to watch her act like someone she’s not.
It’s impossible not to help yourself, to stroke your own ego, even at Yunjin’s expense. There’s no hiding that devilish grin; it’s way too obvious. Nodding, you brush your hand through her autumn colored locks as she undoes your jeans, reminding her who she really belongs to. 
“Fuck—oh God—” you moan, allowing Yunjin to do what she does best: use her lips to praise your cock. No preamble, no foreplay—just immediately taking you straight into her mouth. You were already hard, so it doesn’t take much effort for her to swallow you up. Both of you using your pent up frustration and impatience after weeks where it seemed as if you were worlds apart. 
Leaning back against the wall, you can only imagine how Yunjin looks taking it. Your hand firmly grips the back of her head, while she rubs her fingers along the length of your shaft. She forces out every curse and word of appreciation out of you with a deep tone, it’s almost concerning. 
“Slow down,” you mutter, knowing full well she won’t listen. Not for anything. Not for you. She wants this as much as you do. 
At first glance, it doesn’t really show—not in the playful, satisfied hums while she blows you nor in the slow, deliberate pump of her fingers around your base. It’s a little too leisurely for someone to act desperate. Then you peek through the curtain of sensory overload, and that’s when everything becomes clear. The furrow of her eyebrows, the fixated attention on your cock, the spread of spit and precum all over your erection. 
Maybe she does have a point after all.
She catches you staring, catches you slipping. Her eyes flutter open, then shut. In a flash, she goes from sipping on your cock to choking on it. Forcing you deep in her throat without your input. It leaves your head spinning, back at square one, with no control of Yunjin nor yourself, clinging your hands to the walls for support. 
“Jen Jen, shit—” you mouth, but it's near silent in comparison to the sloppy sound she makes gagging. It’s as if she’s laughing at you for looking so helpless against her.
The sensation of her slick mouth burns. Her ever increasing tempo and lack of care or comfort relentlessly pluck away at your resolve and restraint. Her eyes water as she violently pushes her own boundaries, her own limits. Stains gradually pile around her lips and chin, a mixture of her spit, seed, and lipstick. You have her hair wrapped around the print of your fingers, holding loose strands away from her gleaming face. Despite your best efforts, you aren’t able to see her beyond blurry little flashes and brief snapshots. Deep down, you’re set ablaze, with nothing to extinguish you. You look to the ceiling, to the side, anywhere but beneath you, trying to find some reprieve from the agony and tension pulling at your loins.
You end up finding it down there, where you want it the least.
Yunjin has you right where she wants you to be—tightly sealed between her strawberry lips as you helplessly cry out her name in a sea of curses and praise. Anticipating the moment you finally break, she zealously works around her gag reflex to keep you deep in her throat. It doesn’t help that she has your balls around her hand, rubbing away and humming in satisfaction at the big hot load that she’ll receive soon. At points, she’s pouting at the fact that you refuse to surrender yourself entirely to her, that you’re still fighting.
It’s a losing effort that ultimately delays the inevitable.
An echoed shout, a wide drop of your jaw, and right there, lightning strikes—you come undone. Yunjin welcomes you with an open mouth; your thick hot load spills down her throat without a single wasted drop. You’re left wide-eyed, shuddering, panting as your orgasm washes over you. Even so, she continues to squeeze away at your balls without remorse, pumping your cock to unload more cum down her thirsty, needy maw. 
Yunjin can’t hold in her delight and laughter after she licks your underside for any leftovers. You cushion back against the wall, your energy completely drained as she laps her lips and chin clean. Just like that, any remnant of what transpired hours ago, completely forgotten. It’s not a healthy coping mechanism—not in the slightest—but if it works, it works. 
That’s one department where Yunjin won’t let you down. 
“I wasn’t ready,” you huff, palming a hand on your thumping chest, cumbrously catching your breath. You mindlessly stare at the living room light, struggling to gather yourself. “Shit, Jen Jen, that was—”
“And we’re only getting started,” she interjects, quickly rising to her feet, pushing you upright. The grin on her face doubles down on the intent. “I’m not going to bed in a dour mood tonight, and you’re gonna help me feel better.”
God, she’s so damn good at this whole setting the mood thing.
You’re no different than anyone else, folding so easily as her fingers map out your body. Continuous circles around every part that belongs to her: from your hair, to your shoulders, arms, chest, down to your tummy, around your back, and everything else in between. Yunjin demands everything about you, her fiery gaze keeping you in tow. You’re tensing up, letting out these strained gasps, watching her watchful eyes dictate your every little move, reminding you who’s carrying the stick in the relationship.
She has you by the balls, quite literally—pumping you back to hardness—and she’s enjoying every moment of it. Teasing you with her flattering mien, she has every intention to leave you more tired and spent tonight than any day she’s worked in her life.
Then, a phone rings. It’s not the hotel landline, but from the pile around your legs. Suddenly, a lightbulb appears over Yunjin’s head, and the smirk on her lips is anything but subtle. 
“Would you look at that,” she teases, her grin growing an extra inch wider, and her ironclad grip loosens. Still, you have no room to breathe when she crouches down to dig your rumbling phone out of the pocket of your pants. She makes it a point to act shocked in response to the incoming caller, then shows her to you.
Kim Chaewon.
It’s an open secret within the group—how important of a piece she is between you two, the perfect reprieve and voice of reason when the other isn’t around. You’ve gotten tangled up with both Chaewon and Yunjin a few times, under the same guise of stress relief. In a way, they’ve grown closer together thanks to you. But the rather scornful frown she has tells you otherwise. As if she’s going to lose the one last thing keeping her head straight. Forget that Chaewon is respectful of your relationship; if she gets in the way between her and your dick, she’ll cut her down, and that goes for anyone else too, friendship be damned.
“Be a good boy and take care of the call, will you?” she asks, tone playful, handing the phone over to you. You have no say, other than to follow her command. In the process, you feel your groin tense up. You look down and find your cock sandwiched between her heavenly thighs, choking up from the new sensation of her creamy skin. 
When you try to look away, she redirects your eyes back to hers. Her palm meets your chin. Hard. She curls her lips, expressing disdain and reinforcing her control. There’s your first and last warning. 
You’ve never struggled so much just opening your own phone. It’s not that Yunjin just hacked into it; her imprints are everywhere. The very lockscreen is her kissing you, your face cropped out of frame and your homescreen is a candid photo of her more bold outfits.  If not for the texts from the other members and loved ones, you’d look like the creepiest, most obsessive stalker ever. You can feed tabloids and news outlets day-to-day information, down to the most intricate details. She’s a huge part of you, and it’s gonna eventually ruin you—
“Hurry up, dipshit.” 
Yunjin’s stern tone snaps you from your daze. Hard to maintain a steady head when she’s slowly choking you out and she’s thrusting your cock in and out of her legs, still sore from her blowjob and while you’re still reeling from your orgasm. She’s perfectly built for fucking for hours on end; you’re surprised you hasn’t caught on after so long.
“Hello?” Chaewon’s voice pulls your focus away, but only briefly. Almost instinctively, Yunjin’s legs press tighter against your hard cock in response. She raises her eyebrows, shaking her head, demanding you answer the call. No context clues, no verbal cues, just wing it. 
“He-ey, Chae.” Your voice comes out gruff, airy. A brief glimpse down and you find the growing stain on Yunjin’s thighs. Your cock entering and exiting the comfort of her legs. She doesn’t appear satisfied, not even a little. 
“Is Yunjin there with you? She’s been gone after we got back to our rooms. She's not been herself after—you know—and we’ve been trying to comfort her to no avail.”
“Yeah, she’s here with me—” you say, looking directly at her, and she nods, still stiff and sour. She leans forward, her tongue pressing against your skin, mumbling something incomprehensible on your neck. Somewhere along the lines of “If you tell her, I’m going to fucking kill you,” and she sounds like she means it.
Try to suppress your gasps and whine, you can’t hold yourself back. It affects your inflection, from gravelly and small to high-pitched and nasally. You’re one wrong move away from meeting disaster, and Yunjin is the one goading you to your own pitfall. She revels running you around in circles, leading you like sheep to a shepard. You can’t think straight from all this built up pressure. “She’s good! She’s doing just fine—”
Out of nowhere, she moans. Loud. Her tone is so obvious, it can’t be anyone but her. Any sort of illusion or pretense is immediately dashed, right then and there. You almost drop your phone, barely managing to save it with a glint of clarity.
You don’t hear from Chaewon for a bit, letting you indulge in Yunjin’s seductive motions. Your body is the perfect outlet for her pleasure: kissing and marking around her neck, her fingers tracing your arms to your chest, and your cock comfortably snug between her sculpted legs. You regain some semblance of control by pumping away between her warmth, but it’s hollow; she lets her thighs press down while you thrust quicker and quicker. At first, she’d been the one bringing all the friction, until your hips begin to glide involuntarily, the wetness dripping from her thighs and around your cock making the transition near-flawless. 
Soon, the room fills with the sound of her moans, till it becomes oh-so clear you’re fucking her. The call remains active, but you still hear nothing from Chaewon’s side. The phone in your hand is what’s holding you back, but even you feel your control slip away again; against Yunjin’s demand to pretend everything’s normal, when there’s nothing normal about the position you’re in. The only thing unusual is the fact that Chaewon isn’t there to watch, preferably while pleasuring herself.
“Shit, Yunjin, you feel so fucking good—” you sputter, clutching Yunjin’s nape as she curses and whines against your shoulder. Suddenly, you hear Chaewon again, but you’ve practically stopped caring. She’d understand.
“Yeah, well, I don’t blame her for going to you. I’d do the same right now, but I gotta take care of the girls as the leader.” Chaewon sounds so diplomatic about the matter, it’s almost surprising. “Just—” she pauses when Yunjin loudly kisses you, cooing and moaning about how big you are in the direction of your phone. “Please tell her to come back here by morning, all right?”
“Sure—thing.” Your tone jumps on the second word, as your cock hits a particularly deep stroke that teases the outline of her cunt. 
“Oh, and Kkura said hi, by the way.” 
You’re amazed at how understanding she is.
“Okay.” You look down and you see Yunjin adjust your cock around the entrance of her pussy with her hand, impatient and done with the teasing. All the possible replies to maintain normalcy and your best response ends up being a simple, hurried “Hi.”
You drop your phone right as Chaewon hangs up the call. Yunjin immediately kisses you straight in the lips, sliding her tongue between your lips. She lets out this strained whine when you grab her ass, lightly pushing her away. Miraculously, she doesn’t fight back or lash out. 
“Don’t you wanna cum right in my pussy?”
“No, Jen Jen. Let me finish right in your thighs.”  
Yunjin flashes this sad, deflated frown, but she ultimately concedes. She’s this multifaceted character only you might ever hope to understand. She's a perfectionist and wants things her way, but she’s also soft and vulnerable. You feel guilty making this rather huge request, but she reassures you by pressing your cock comfortably between her legs. Your worries soon disappear when the friction of her heat keeps your hips moving. The sight of your dick moving in-and-out keeps you preoccupied. 
Even she forgets about her disappointment too, hypnotized by the continuous rhythm of your cock. She pulls your head in, moans all these profanities of varying tones in your ear. The way you both pull each other’s bodies apart, your expressions twisting in pleasure, demanding more—you might as well be in bed, and not breaking your knees and backs against the living room wall. 
You’re not sure what’s going to break first—your legs, your back, your hips, or your cock.
“Oh—fuck—Yunjin,” you groan, losing yourself in her asphyxiating heat of her skin, on the verge of another climax. You have one hand marking her ass as you both grind into each other’s bodies. God, you’re both made for one another. Drowning in her tightness, you thrust deep between her legs. Same spot, same stroke, same result. You remember where and how well you’ve fucked her, it’s almost muscle memory to you. It drives Yunjin crazy. 
She senses your incoming orgasm and shouts. The need for you to cum isn’t a request, but a full demand. Something to be expected. Her voice hits those familiar high notes that aren’t far off from her usual recordings, and she firmly clings to you. As if you ever had any other thought than to finish on her pencilike legs. You let yourself succumb to the sensation, let all the pent up pressure set itself off while you bask in that delirious high.
The way Yunjin clenches her thighs around your cock, she may as well have snapped it off.
You both mirror each other’s expressions; eyes completely shut, jaw completely agape, resting in each other’s bodies. The only difference being that Yunjin is way, way louder than you. Your mind goes completely blank, with nothing but her name drawn out from the curve of your lips. Your back is aching; your knees are tingling, ready to fail at any time. Nothing registers for you except her voice, her endless moan that rings in your ear. It’s only after her legs involuntarily slacken their grip that you fall.
To the floor, that is.
And you stay down—a minute, maybe several, completely shaken up and your head still riding that high. Somewhere in limbo. One hand gripped to her waist, the other on her leg. You forget to breathe. Your brain doesn’t register the concept of exhaling, only taking in air. The world around you appears to pause completely. 
And then your phone beeps. Still dazed, you completely ignore it.
Yunjin brings you back to life. She has one hand gripped against the wall, the other on your hair—which you now just realize—gasping for much needed air. She can’t muster up the strength to open her eyes, so you assess the damage. It’s as disastrous as it looks: a huge splatter of cum around her legs, dripping down to her feet. To the floor. To your pants. 
You don’t say a word; you don’t really have anything meaningful or productive to add. The simple question of whether or not she feels better, but you know she’ll say it won’t be enough. That she wants your cum right in her pussy, no matter how spent or sore you are. Maybe you can quietly weave your way out of a nightlong bedroom session.
So you look at your phone, removing yourself from the situation. There’s two new messages, both from the same person—Chaewon. Nothing noteworthy, just the reminder to send Yunjin back early in the morning. The idol life never really stops.
Yunjin calls out to you, abruptly intercepting your attention. “Hey.”
You look up and find her looking down at the details, slowly gathering her bearings. She runs a finger on a sticky patch on her skin, then tastes your seed with her tongue. “What’s up?”
She ignores you for a moment to gather more cum to lap, then stares directly at you. “We should have done this in front of a mirror.”
You pause. It’s hard to believe Yunjin telling you this, when she’s been the biggest skeptic. She’d rather have it in bed, on the table—anywhere that won’t allow her to see herself. The uncanny image of a prim, desirable idol bent over while someone uses her.
With that in mind, you chuckle. “We do it all the time. Give it a break.” 
You both end up doing it anyway.
It’s two in the morning, and you vividly have Chaewon’s request at the back of your mind. The group’s flight back home is in six hours, and Yunjin has to be there with them for breakfast. It’s not like you’ll be away long term; she has three days-off after today. Days when you can spend all the time in the world together to your heart’s content. But fuck, Yunjin is so goddamn insatiable, she can’t go at least three hours without your cock somehow around her. You don’t end up getting sleep, because she’s so needy for your cock she can’t help but stroke it or blow it back to hardness. 
Your suggestion? A late night coffee run that ends in predictable fashion: you, fucking Yunjin from behind in the comfort of a cafe restroom. 
Yunjin’s outfit barely qualifies as casual; if anything, it’s her performance fit (a sports bra and a short skirt) from earlier, topped only by the leather jacket she went to your room with. Yet none of that matters when they’re pooled on the floor, with your hand squeezing her bare breast and the other pressed on her shapely ass. And there’s your hard cock, pounding away at her soaked cunt like it’s second nature—which it is—and it’s quite the motivating sight. Watching it appear and disappear in her pussy, hearing her hushed pleas, echoed cries, and every lewd sound in between.
The cafe across your hotel is completely empty, which is to be expected. You can count the number of working staff on one hand, and most of them are fast asleep or busy on their phone. You’re not making any excuses for fucking Yunjin at a place like this; you’re merely laying out the scene. 
You can blame Yunjin for your precarious position. Any attempt to make some small talk she makes it about you. About missing your cock so much, about how she wants you to fill her pussy up and make her feel better. As if two orgasms wasn’t enough. You wouldn’t be surprised if she asked you to fuck her right then and there, in front of the cafe where everyone can see. You end up agreeing to a compromise, but it’s merely delaying the inevitable. The door is locked shut, nobody’s around to hear, and no one really cares.
If only it were that simple.
“Fuck—so—fucking—big!” cries out Yunjin, as if you were in the privacy of your hotel room and not in front of a public restroom. She gives it to you again, praises you in both murmurs and screams, her hands glued on the edges of the sink, eyes fluttering open and closed with her jaw agape on the surface. It’s as filthy as you imagined, if not more. Only you can see the full extent of the damage you’re making, and it is breathtaking. 
She beckons you to fuck her harder, give her more, tells you not to stop. The idea never crosses your mind. When she yells and mewls, she’s making sure each one is louder than the last. You can tell she has nothing to lose. If she’s going down, she’ll drag you down with her. 
“You’re so fucking tight, Jen Jen,” you groan out, looking at your entangled bodies in the mirror, at her arched back, at the curvature of her ass, at your cock spearing her hard. You puncture each of your next three words with increasing emphasis. “So—fucking—tight.”
As the sex dissolves into deeper madness, so does your restraint. You’re fucking her through the sink, pounding away with reckless abandon, with zero care for comfort. Thoughtless, impulsive drops of ‘tight,’ ‘fuck,’ and even a single ‘slut’ bomb—words that can get you cancelled on-air. Yunjin shudders, letting out this drawn out ‘yes’ in response, as if admitting the truth—to your utter surprise (sarcasm). Her core clenches against your cock, stretching her out. So wet, so needy—
It’s a strange thing to believe, but this is Yunjin’s first orgasm of the night. Her lands lay flat on the sink, and her mouth lolls wide, screaming your name like you’re the most important person in the world. The intense heat, the suffocating pulse of her cunt, drowning your cock—
Fuck, it’s too much for your already aching cock. And her thighs and lips were brutal in their own right. 
Moments after hers, your very own climax follows. You’ve already struggled holding back twice; whatever amount of resolve you had left is non-existent. Moving from her chest at some point, the hand on her hair yanks harder. Pushing your hips as far as they can go, wishing your cock can somehow enter her womb—you ignore the possibility that you might be hurting her. 
‘Hurts so good’ exists for a reason.
The remnants of your orgasm continue to leave Yunjin in shambles. A brief look at the aftermath, and the first impression is that you didn’t fuck her hard enough. Your hot cum spilling from her splayed, ruined hole, her clothes on the other side of the restroom, and your pants receiving some of her hot slick. Yunjin remains bent on the sink, huffing through her own climax, your hand deeply imprinted on her ass, and marks, scratches, and rosy patches on her back—vestiges of hours gone by. 
You remain like this for a little while longer: cuddling up against her frame while she rests on the sink, softly kissing around her ear, brushing strands of loose red hair. She’s gorgeous, there’s no denying that. When she performs, when she’s being herself, when she’s getting pounded hard—but she looks best when she’s calm, when she’s at her softest, at her most vulnerable. When you’re all alone and you both have nothing to hide. At the end of the day, you both need each other. For everything.
You and Yunjin might as well be strangers. 
It’s as if the past seven hours happened in a different timeline. Both of you casually lounge in the still lifeless cafe, drinking the nonexistent traces of your iced coffee. You scroll through social media; Yunjin still dominates the trends and new reposts of the viral accident pop-up like they’re produced from a factory. She’s doing the same, reading through all the comments. Some memes, some praising her professionalism, some simply to get that verified ad revenue. 
This will be completely forgotten in a week. Yunjin’s career will come out unscathed. People move on. She will, too.
Yet you still remain awkward with her, completely undecided on the words that she really needs right now. She needs you more than just your body. 
“Jen Jen,” you whisper, before you freeze up at her anxious gaze. She waits for a follow-up, a sentence, anything. It never comes. 
She frowns. She’s not mad, only disappointed.
The sun begins to rise over the city, signaling the start of a new day. Knowing this, Yunjin adjusts her jacket and rises from her seat. You never told her once.
She walks through the door, and steps outside—but not before turning and taking one last concerned look at you. You quietly mouth ‘Love you,’ and surprisingly, she smiles. The Yunjin you know and love.
‘Love ya.’ 
(A/N: againsorryfornotpostingmuchlatelyohgodivebeensobusy—
Ginger/red hair Yunjin didn't grow on me at first. Then the Good Bones teaser dropped. The strut. The attitude. The fact they allowed her to walk around in her bra and panties. What the fuck. I've been so down bad for her lately, and so are you. Looking forward to their new music! Thank you for reading!)
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rukunas · 2 years
post inspired by this, also this is a complete self-insert bc i hate one of my roommates LMAOOO hope she never sees this…. completely unedited too i’m sorry
cw: bakugo is in his 20s + reader is in college, suggestive
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pro!hero bakugo always wonders why you don’t ever invite him back to your place.
well, to be fair, his place is amazing. even for just starting his agency, he gets a decent pay, and he put his first check into a penthouse that overlooks the whole city. crystal clear windows that go from the ceiling to the floor, more rooms than he can use— so of course, he randomly finds your things littered around everywhere. you probably like his place even more than him.
but he knows you have a place at your college campus. you’ve never invited him inside, though, always hurrying out the door whenever he picks you up. you’ve complained to him about one of your roommates once, but besides that, he knows nothing.
“what are you doing here?”
bakugo’s busy peering in over your head, trying to catch a glimpse of anything in your apartment. “brought you dinner. can i come in?”
it’s funny watching him, seeing how shocked he is at seeing how you live. “your kitchen is so small. how do ya fuckin’ cook in here?” “this painting isn’t bolted. do ya want it to kill ya?” and his reaction to your bedroom— “fucking hell. how do you have so much stuff?!”
it’s even funnier when he complains about the size of your twin bed as he rams into you.
“fuck.” he spits out angrily, sweat dripping down his brow as he curves his back to keep his frame above you and most importantly, on the damn bed. he gets why you like his place so much.
sleeping together afterwards is a whole other story. he takes up the whole bed—mind you, his feet hang off— and you’re left to lay on top of him, limbs all tangled up. (he honestly kind of likes it, but he’ll never admit it).
bakugo wakes up in the middle of the night to find you at your desk, typing away at some essay due tomorrow morning.
“come back in bed.”
“‘m almost finished. promise. just need to proofread and edit and… shit, what format do i need to use?”
bakugo sighs, lifting out of bed. “can i get water?”
“yeah, my brita is in the fridge. it’s blue and has my name on it.”
he’s standing in the glow of the fridge light, trying to figure out where the fuck your brita is, when someone shrieks.
“h-holy shit! you’re— you’re dynamight!” your roommate— the one you’ve said is annoying, always asks for my homework answers, never takes out the trash. “holy shit!”
“oh, um.” bakugo realizes too late that he’s only in his boxers. “yeah. do you know where my girl’s brita is? said it’s blue.”
her eyes bulge out of her head. “oh! i used it by accident.” she laughs awkwardly, grabbing it off the counter to hand it to him. “forgot to refill it though.”
bakugo feels his own blood boil. he recalls the time he lived with denki— the fucker would do the exact same thing. before he can open his mouth to spew out everything you’ve said about her, your face pops around the corner.
“hey, i finished. did you get water?”
“yeah.” he manages to pour in half a glass before the brita empties. he hands the glass to you. “drink this. i’ll refill it.”
“thanks, baby.” you try pecking his cheek, but he turns his head so that you reach his lips. he smirks into it, wrapping his arm around your waist but quickly realizes that he has an audience.
your roommate gapes at the two of you, jaw practically on the floor. “you didn’t tell me you’re dating dynamight.”
“um… yeah.” you nod your head stiffly. “if you’re going to use my brita, can you at least fill it up?”
you tug bakugo’s arm to bring him back to your room, ignoring (but also basking in) the way your roommate still stands in utter shock.
the next morning, he finds himself on the carpet. he must have rolled off the bed in his sleep. his final straw.
so, he proposes you move in with him. it’s better if your place also happens to be his.
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thinkingrocks · 4 months
vox's life: headcannons
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im an electrical engineer and i have opinions on this character. moral of the story: don't fuck with CRT capacitors, shits scary
i have a lot of Vox thoughts, or Voughts, and i will be rambling about them at legnth under the cut.
TLDR: he invented zuckerberging. also i see his "canon" death date of 1950s and respectfully disagree. its way funnier if he died the year widespread television became a thing. the fruits of his labor were all for naught etc etc
1928: Vox was in college as an electrical engineer when the first ever live TV Demo happened, and I think he was immediately obsessed with it. Decided he'd do anything to work with TV. He and his friend/roommate at the time went full tilt into learning about TVs and working on them, and by the time they graduated, they had the beginnings of what would be a very profitable company.. together.
1930s: Out of the two of them, Vox has the better social skills(relative), so he's the one who talks to investors and handles that part of the business, though he still works on some tech. He decides he likes talking to people, marketing, manipulating, being a little showman. I like to think this ties into that one trivia fact that he likes watching commercials.
early 1940s: He starts wondering why he's splitting half of this company(HIS company) with some guy who can't even bother to attend business meetings. Tensions start rising, he starts using some of that handy manipulation skill he honed in business on his friends
1945: Tensions break. Through less than legitimate means, he steals the company out from under his partner. His partner threatens to go start his own, since he did the majority of the tech work. We can't have that. Vox doesn't kill him himself, imo, because he is kind of allergic to getting his hands dirty. He revs up that media training and uses it to create a smear campaign so brutal and widespread that his former partner offs himself. Problem solved
Late 1940s: Vox starts getting paranoid about people trying to steal his empire from him, funny that. He starts trying to do everything himself, because he doesn't trust anyone. Starts losing a lot of sleep, getting a little insane but its fine man. Don't worry about it.
1947: Sleep deprived, paranoid, and working on a final prototype model due soon, he electrocutes himself because you shouldn't fuck with CRT capacitors. Wakes up in hell with electricity powers and a CRT head because it's hilarious.
Alastor: Yeah we all know what we're here for. I don't think they ever met in life, but I definitely think Vox knew of him. Alastor was actively broadcasting during the 20s up until his death in 1933, and college student Vox I think listened to a lot of radio while studying and working. I also think in the later years, Alastor was never technically caught as a serial killer, but "hey I think that radio guy was that one killer, cuz he stopped broadcasting right after he stopped killing" was like one of those insane conspiracy statements you'd say to get a laugh at parties, but Vox always secretly kind of believed it, and was VERY vindicated in hell.
I am fully prepared for actual canon to contradict all of this but that's fine because it means they finally had to get season 2 out.
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jmvore · 7 months
forbidden (1) ➻ jjk
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‹ previous | next › ↳ SYNOPSIS › You never intended for any of this to happen! Thriving from the attention your step-daughter's boyfriend, you never meant for anything to go past the innocent flirting and soft-spoken comments. Jungkook, however, didn't think anything of it when he first met you but the more he got to know you, the more he knew he was falling. He knows this is wrong. You two shouldn't be sneaking around like this but once he finally gets a taste of what he truly desires, there was no turning back. › masterlist ‹
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1 › SUGAR BUDDY » RATING › 18+ [M I N O R S D O N O T I N T E R A C T] » GENRE(S) › smut, angst » AU › infidelity, (sort of) college, daughter's bf » PAIRING(S) › jeon jungkook x f!reader » SIDE PAIRING(S) › jeon jungkook x min yoonji, reader x (no name)male!oc » TYPE › SERIES | 5 chapter(s) » WORD(S) › 6.6k+ » CH. SYNOPSIS › You fall into bed with Jungkook. A mistake you will ultimately regret. » SMUT WARNING(S) › sub!jungkook, domme!reader, noona!reader, college!jk (doesn't matter tbh), cheating [on both sides cause 🤷🏽], reader has nipple piercings cause 🤷🏽, dub-con, premature ejaculation, somnophilia, possessive behavior, pussy fingering, dirty talk, sexual coercion, orgasm denial, male masturbation, unprotected s*x, reader has a tattoo, & fingering [I believe that's everything]. » ORIGINAL POST DATE › 06/30/2019 » RE-POSTED DATE › 11/05/23 » A/N › Thank you @/saradika for the divider(s)! Pictures are from Pinterest!
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It was a mistake for Jungkook to fall into this rabbit hole. 
The gentle smiles, the sincerity of your constant worrying, and the fact that you were someone he shouldn’t have found himself falling for.
Even your little ticks became engraved in his mind. It was a way for him to pinpoint how you were feeling in the moment. The way you’d pick at your arm when you were anxious to the way your giggles grew into fits of laughter the funnier you thought something was. 
Over time his infatuation grew deeper and stronger and with that came the depravity. The desperation to be near you became almost unbearable. 
To touch you.
To feel you.
He could go on and on but the truth is he has become obsessed with everything you did and the sad part?
You’re not even his. He’s ‘dating’ your step-daughter. He doesn't care about her. To him, she was disposable. The only really he's still here is because she's the only way to get to you. And you?
You have a… husband. A shitty one but you have one, nonetheless. He didn’t matter. The guy was a disposable piece of shit who did not deserve you.
Like his daughter.
Jungkook knew from the moment she introduced him to you that your husband does not deserve your kind soul. Your husband doesn’t deserve your love. 
To fuck you. 
Make love to you. 
He doesn’t fucking deserve you.
From the outside looking in, your husband doesn't seem to be treating you right and based on what he has heard from Yoonji. And if he’s being honest, Jungkook thinks he’s cheating too BUT that’s a discussion for another time. He notices the way you cringe away from that… filth . 
Did his touch feel tainted to you as well? Did it feel foreign? Or do you hate it as much as he hates him touching you?
Before meeting you, Jungkook had no idea what people meant when they said they were fated to meet someone. 
You weren’t the woman of his dreams or anything but there was the certain pull he had toward you. Your kindness, your unfiltered loving nature.
Jungkook doesn’t want you to give that love away.
You shouldn’t because that should belong to him. Right? 
If your husband knew the true reason why he was hanging around so much there would be so many issues. 
Good thing he doesn’t.
He tried to fight his ever growing feelings but it all came to a head the moment he stopped fighting his feelings. He saw you in a distinctive light because you were no longer just Yoonji’s stepmother. You were you. A woman he knew he would do anything and everything for. 
It’s another reason why he’s in your room kneeling by your marital bed without a care in the world. 
If anyone were to see him here in this moment, they would swear he had floating hearts swarming around his head as he gaze lovingly at your exhausted figure. 
Jungkook caresses the side of your face with the back of his hand and trails his fingers toward your dainty lips (which are currently in a pout). 
He goes soft in the way you subconsciously snuggle into his hand. 
He grins fondly.
He wants nothing more but to kiss you breathless. Show you how much better he is than that man. 
But alas…
All he can do is admire. 
Admire how beautiful you look dreaming away and currently unaware of how he’s eagerly admiring everything that is you in front of him. Your body, your face- nothing goes unnoticed.
It’s when he yanks the cover down, he groans. Almost a little too loud. 
Your body shudders from the sudden chill that runs through your body as you instinctively turn from laying on your side to your stomach. 
It’s then the clothes you're wearing catch his attention.
It’s not your usual sleepwear (he knows because he’s seen you walking around in clothes that are much tighter and scandalous )but Jungkook can appreciate it all the same. 
Ironically, you have a sleeping panda on your shirt with the words ‘ don’t bother me ’ stitched above it. A tiny crop top shirt you made into an off-the-shoulder shirt.  
The new position also gives him a very nice view of your ass. The gray booty shorts are riding up your ass because you move so much in your sleep. 
It also gives him a view of the pretty lotus flower on the back of your thigh that he’s come to love. The words ‘Always a lover, Never a fighter ’ are in cursive underneath it. 
He was amazed when you told him how and why you got it. The contrast of colors looks so pretty on your skin.
He runs his finger over it only to see your leg jerk in response. You’re so damn sensitive and loves it though, he knows he has to be careful. 
The last thing he wants is to wake you up. At least, not yet.
The more he watches you, the more his mouth waters. 
He wants to taste you but that would have to wait until your husband isn’t present. 
He probably wouldn’t be allowed in the house ever again if the two of you were caught and that’s something he doesn’t want to happen. 
Right now? 
Patience is a virtue.
Jungkook settles for your step-daughter for now. Despite the differences, he knows that if he holds out long enough, he will have his chance. He’ll make sure of it.
It doesn’t help that when he’s fucking her, he’s thinking of you. 
Your beautiful body. She doesn’t have breasts like yours. Your full lips. Your incredibly long, worshipable legs. Everything about you is to be worshiped like the Queen… the Goddess you are. 
He could go on and on about how he would take you apart piece by piece. He would make you feel and love him. He would make you want him. 
It will all happen in due time. 
For now, he’ll sit and wait for his chance to unravel everything. 
Just then Jungkook the moment the bed creaks under your husband's weight.
One opportunity occurs when your husband heads downstairs to get water.
He knows he should be in the guest room where you and Yoonji left him and he knows there’s no excuse for him to be in here but he couldn’t miss the chance to be next to you.
He gently moves you so you’re laid on your side and facing him. He climbs into your side of the bed, coming face to face as your breath tickles his neck. 
Looking at your face, you deserve so much better. You deserve him.
…And he’s prepared to give you all of him. He wants you to know that he’s right here and he’s not going anywhere. He would never do that to you. 
He shifts your leg over his hip and buries his face into your chest as his heart races at the thought of getting caught. Inhaling your natural scent mixed with the perfume you’re wearing, burning it into his memory.
As soon as he hears your husband is back, he shrinks into himself so he doesn’t get caught. Vibrating with the excitement of you being so close, he tries his best to hold still.
All he wants to do, however, is kiss you breathless. Caress your body like it deserves to be worshiped. 
Your body is so. fucking. warm. He can still lay with you like this all the time, watching you rest peacefully in his arms is a treat in itself. 
You look so stunning under the moonlight, he could have kissed you right then and there if every time he moved the bed didn’t squeak. 
He goes to kiss the top of your breast as the door creaks from your husband trying to quietly shut the door (albeit poorly).
Jungkook hopes he rolls over, falls back asleep and ignores the very visible lump next to his wife but instead, he feels a hand (that clearly isn’t yours or his) jerk you so your back is laid against your husband's chest. 
He even had the audacity to wrap his arm around your waist.
‘Fucking Dumb Ass…’ Jungkook grunts, hand twitching to peel his slimy hands off of you. Your hu- no, that filth doesn’t deserve to hold you. 
He doesn’t know if your husband has fallen asleep or not but he’s missing your warmth. 
Maybe if he knocks him out, it’ll get him to leave the two of you alone. 
(Just a thought). Jungkook shakes his head though the thought still lingers. 
Trust, if he could do it and get away with it, he would. 
He doesn’t want to rouse the man so he waits in hopes to hear his snoring soon.
Growing impatient the more he has to wait because this could be his only chance to get to touch you like he wants to. And… this ass hole is ruining it. 
It’s like he knows.
Maybe he does.
After waiting for damn near fifteen minutes, Jungkook takes another ten minutes to ensure dumb ass is asleep. 
He tears you away from your husband, wanting to push him completely off the bed but that would, more than likely, startle him awake. 
Instead, he replaces your husband’s arm with his own though he realizes he can’t move as much as he would like. As long as he can move his hand and arm, he’s fine. 
He starts to reach inside your shorts only to realize you're not wearing underwear. 
He entertains the thought of you knowing he was coming to bed with you and that you were readying yourself for him. 
Because you want him too… right?
He starts rubbing circles into your clit, hearing you gasp at the slight coldness of his touch. Your hips buck into his as if you know. Even so, he knows you don't realize it's him touching you. 
For all you know, your body thinks it’s your husband.
Oh, what he would give to be able to fuck you silly.
“Why couldn’t I have found you before you married him?” He ponders the ‘what if’, bypassing the fact that you were older than him. 
It didn’t matter though. He would still love you all the same. 
“I want you so bad I can taste it…” He picks up his pace, listening to you pant out moan after moan. 
You're clueless, unknowing of the boy who’s currently taking advantage of you. 
“So fucking hot…” He gently presses his lips to yours to test and see if you'll respond. 
His body shivers at how soft they were against him. 
He yanks the right side of your shirt down to expose your breast before gently taking your nipple into his mouth. 
You let out a faded whimper. Your mind thinks it’s your husband but in reality…
“So sweet, Noona.”
You blink awake, trying to figure out what's going on. It takes you a minute to realize it. 
As you try to wake up, your mind is in a state of disarray. 
You don’t realize who you’re looking at until you take in his wide eyes and boyish grin. Something is amiss.
You flinch but he’s quick to shush you with a kiss. The metal in his lip is cold against yours and for a second you fight with the idea of fighting him off of you. 
Remember he’s stronger than you are.
And the fact that you’re sure you would wake him up if you keep moving so much.
“What the hell are you doing?!” You grit through your teeth but he’s quick to place his hand over your mouth.
“I’m not gonna hurt you.” 
“I promise I won’t. Please don’t be scared, Noona.” 
He’s hesitant to lean into you but when you stop fighting, he starts to nuzzle his nose against your jaw. 
“I just want to lay with you.”
He can sense the panic written all over your face and the fact that your husband is behind you, doesn’t help either.
“W-Why?” You ask, head tilting as you’re completely bewildered at this. 
You don’t remember him ever showing you interest and even if he did. He’s dating Yoonji and you’re fucking married.
“It’s you.” You wither at his answer, unsure of what he means. 
“Why?” You speak so softly, you’re unsure if Jungkook heard you.
Jungkook, on the other hand, shakes his head and you know he’s not going to tell you what you want to know.
At least, not right now. (Even if he’s elated at the turn of events) because to have a taste of you would be the sweetest treat anyone can grant him.  
He leans closer to peck you on the lips again before smiling wider. 
“We can save that talk for another time though. You were close to cumming, no?”
“We shouldn’t.”
“Why? I wanna make you feel good. Please let me! I know he’s not taking care of you.” Your breath hitches the moment you feel his lips against your pulse point, a chill running straight through your spine. 
“Fuck-” You gasp, feeling his hand move over your stomach and down to the band of your shorts. He smiles at your resistance but he knows you won’t last much longer. “Jungkook… Wait.”
“Please don’t make me. I want you so fucking bad.”
“But what about-”
Jungkook moves away from you as if your words scorched the air around you. It’s only when you bring your hand to touch his cheek that you feel his jaw clench and unclench.
“He doesn’t matter. I can make you feel so much better.”
“Jungkook. You have to realize how ridiculous this is? You’re dating my daughter.”
As you glare into his eyes, you realize you should have seen this coming. 
The little touches when your husband wasn’t looking. 
How he’d hold you by your waist when you were alone (which was rare). 
The kiss your cheek (something you’re sure someone wouldn’t do unless they felt something for said person). 
The little remarks he made about how he would treat you if you were his. How he would love you, please you. 
You chose to ignore all of this, thinking it was an innocent crush. He wouldn’t dare do anything.
Oh, how wrong you were.
You weren’t going to lie, Jungkook was a handsome young man but that’s what he was. A young man. You felt wrong. As if you were taking advantage of him but that’s not the case. Right?
“He doesn’t touch you like this anymore. Does he?”
You clasp your lips together to contain the whine threatening to release, knowing you can’t move around too much if you don’t want to alert your husband to what's going on. 
Eyes closed, you take a deep breath. 
Not wanting to think about much of anything as he toys with you by playing with the hem of your shorts. 
He wants to dip his fingers inside. Your pussy was so warm as he felt you getting wetter the more he played with your clit. 
He can’t wait to fill you the way you deserve, your pretty walls stretching around his cock like it should. 
He hums, pulling your leg over his hip again. He’s loving this. 
Your eyes well up with unshed tears and your irritation running rampant because what the fuck? Why were you on the verge of crying? 
You don’t have to cheat but God, your body is screaming for you to let him take care of you like he wants to.
“You cry, Noona. I just wanna take care of you,” He mutters, placing his hand on your cheek to wipe the strays away. “I want to take care of you. I want you.” He bites his bottom lip before pulling you closer by your chin. “I know you want me too.”
Fuck! Why did he look so damn fine begging for it?
You take a soft breath to calm your nerves as the weight of his words hit you. It makes you feel sick to your stomach. 
“Jungkook. We can’t. You know we can’t… What about Yoonji?”
“Yoonji…” Jungkook scoffs the moment you frown, heart slamming against your chest as you want to know what the hell is going through his brain. You want to know what he’s thinking and why he’s being so damn bold all of a sudden. 
When you search his face for a crack in his facade, you don’t find one. 
“What about her?”
“She’s your girlfriend. You should be with her. N-”
“I can’t even think about being with her when you exist.” 
He presses his lips to yours again as your brain is processing what's currently happening. 
More like short circuiting.
The sensation of melting in his arms makes you pliant as he moves his lips against yours. It's hard to pinpoint your feelings.
The sensation of melting in his arms makes you pliant as he moves his lips against yours. It's hard to pinpoint your feelings
Your only awareness is the sensation of his lips against yours. You know you shouldn't kiss him back.
You should technically shove him off the bed but...
They feel so good against your own. He feels good. That you can't even deny your body the love it deserves.
A small spark grows the more you indulge in this fantasy. 
While you know it's definitely not right, the fact that he’s expressed how much he wants you makes you feel something you shouldn’t.
“Don’t fight it.”
He gazes into your eyes, enchanted with the way you hold back the whine within your throat. 
He wants to satisfy you but also obey your every word. 
He was willing to wait for the right time, wanting to make your first time with him special. 
A simple date or two. 
Getting you alone in his place or here in your home. 
Telling you everything you want to hear and more and getting you to dump your loser husband.
The more he saw you with him, the more he grew impatient. 
“You make this so hard for me,” He whispers against your lips, brushing away your tears before grasping your hand and bringing it down to his hardening cock. It’s straining against his sweats, begging to be let free. “In more ways than one.”
“You do this to me, Noona. I can’t even fuck her without thinking about being buried in you. It's hard not to scream your name while I’m cumming in her.” 
He ruts against your hand but you haven’t moved away either and you don’t even know why. 
And why were you getting so turned on by this? 
You’re supposed to be the adult here. 
You’re supposed to be the one to push him away, tell him no. 
Tell him how wrong this is. How fucked up it would be if either Yoonji or your husband found out.
B U T…
The thought of being touched by him and touching him was slowly clouding your judgment. 
It’s not as if you didn’t find him attractive. The moment he walked through the front door you found yourself eyeing him but you didn’t think he saw you. 
And at the end of the day, he was Yoonji’s boyfriend and you weren’t about to break up someone else's relationship. 
Even if you wanted a good fuck. 
You don’t even remember the last time you came while fucking your husband. He was losing his touch and well, you’ve been craving scratch that itch and you knew Jungkook was willing to give your body what it needed.
When Jungkook's hand travels underneath your shirt, his fingers caress your underbust and your brain completely malfunctions.
Your husband and Yoonji are long gone as he takes your bottom lip between his teeth to nip at it. 
“I can make you feel so good, Noona. I’ll be your good boy.” He whispers his promises against your lips before pressing his lips against yours again. “I can make you cum so good.”
Maybe it was the fact that you haven’t felt wanted in a while, especially by your husband in a very long time that made you want to give it. 
Or maybe it was the fact that you had this man in your bed claiming you were the one for him and that he didn’t need anyone else. 
You don’t know what it was that had you giving into his advances, you only knew that your resolve was breaking. 
And the crazy part? 
You should feel… something? Right? 
Anger. Remorse. Guilt at the fact you would be blatantly cheating on your husband while you’re lying in bed with him but right now, you feel nothing. 
And you don’t know if you would ever feel anything about it. 
Once you’re actively thinking about it you realize that maybe you have fallen out of love. But were you even in love in the first place?
Your husband barely looks at you anymore. 
You’ve tried everything you could think of to get that spark back but nothing has worked. 
You came to the conclusion that he wasn’t physically attracted to you anymore but understanding that fact hurts more than you let on. 
“Please let me touch you more, Noona?” It comes off as a question, pleading with you to give in. And you do, nodding as he’s quick to grab your waist to pull you on top of him. He caresses your bare thighs, his eyes twinkling at the sight of you straddling his hips. 
He’s dreamed of this moment and to have it come true, his heart is about to burst from the excitement.
He reaches up to pull you in for another kiss but you stop him with a finger to his lips. 
He groans. 
A little too loud for your liking but you know you have to be cautious. 
You don’t want to wake the grinch.
Though you can’t believe you’re even doing this but you allow yourself to forget. Even if it’s just for a moment. 
You forget the fact that this is your step-daughter’s boyfriend and the fact that they’ve been together for almost a year. 
You forget that you have a husband and that he’s currently present in your bed until-
“Y-Yeah? Yes, baby…?” Choking out a response, you get Jungkook to get out of the bed as you watch him blindly reach for you. You’re quicker to reach behind you to grab his hand, hoping he doesn’t wake in his quest to find you. 
“Why’re you awake?”
“Bathroom.” You chuckle, not to give away how nervous you are but he doesn’t seem to notice. He hums, pulling you to turn you around to face him so he can nuzzle his face into your breast.
“Go to sleep.”
“You too.” You clear your throat, feeling the bed dip knowing Jungkook is crawling back into it after you told him not to. You can hear your husband soft snoring, knowing he’s settling into his new position. 
(You were always amazed at how he was able to fall straight asleep).
You peel your body away from him to replace it with a pillow and wait, hoping to God he doesn’t reach over to figure out what the hell the two of you are getting up to. 
With a sigh of relief, he doesn't. 
You can breathe once he stops moving, taking the moment to shoo Jungkook out of the room. Only he doesn’t move.
“You need to go back to the guest room.” You push him toward the door but he still doesn’t budge, holding on to you tighter to prove his point.
“I’m not leaving without you.”
You sigh in frustration, knowing he is telling the truth. Nothing will stop him from having you, he's so close.
He matches your energy and calling your name the same way but you’re unamused and irritated.
You hadn't realized he switched spots, backing you into the bedroom door and squatting to pick you up. He wraps your legs around his waist and squishes you against the door with a loud thud.
You chastise him, harshly whispering for him to put you down but he doesn’t listen. 
Instead, he’s quick to open the do and carry you kicking and screaming out of the room. 
Not literally, of course. Although you realize that you've played right into his hands. 
You can feel the tension between the two of you as you bury your face into his neck. 
He knows you need some type of relief from the teasing he subjected you to earlier and he’s going to give it to you. His patience has run thin and so has yours.
Besides, you could do without your husband's mediocre performance.
“Jungkook…” You glance down but a heavy noise startles the both of you out of your reverie. He looks to see the light shining from Yoonji’s door. 
Of course, she would be awake. It’s like they’re doing everything in their power to make sure he doesn’t get his way. 
“Ju-” He cuts you off with a kiss, pushing you to hide in the bathroom as he tells you once he closes the door to make your way to the guest room. As you nod, you wonder if it really is worth the trouble but you are sopping wet and you need relief. 
Even if it's self-help.
Jungkook is growing impatient as he watches Yoonji from the door. He watches her move about in her room, making a mental note to give her something to help her sleep next time. He cracks the door enough for him to hear you walk by before getting to work to get her to go to bed.
You know you shouldn’t be listening but you can hear the desperation in her voice when she whines for him to stay. 
She even begs him to kiss her and for a second, you feel awful for what you’re literally about to do. 
You stop in your tracks, pausing at the guest bedroom as you contemplate going back to your bedroom and just masturbating. Sighing your resolve, you turn to head back only to run right into Jungkook.
“Are you okay?” It literally took him close to ten minutes to get her to stop complaining. What happened within that time frame? “What’s wrong, baby?”
“What?” Jungkook panics, frantically reaching for your wrist to grasp. “Stay. Please stay, Noona. C’mon”
He’s quick to pull you toward the guest room and shut the door, spin around to pick you up before laying you down on the bed. 
His hands caress everywhere he can as he worships your body. Particularly your thighs. He wouldn’t mind his head being crushed by them while he’s eating you out. 
And your legs… 
God, what he wouldn’t do to keep them wrapped tight along his waist. 
“You can’t leave. We were just getting started. Can I?”
Despite your protests, he’s already yanked your shorts down your legs and started climbing between them with a groan. 
He can’t wait to taste you but that will have to wait for another time.  
You on your back and spread out like a full-course meal, his brain turns to mush instantly. 
“Noona…” He mewls the instant he sinks into your warmth, nails digging into the bed as your walls tighten around his cock. God, why are you so damn tight? “So sweet. So perfect for me,” He whines. 
Moments after he bottoms out, you moan, biting against your knuckle to remain silent. The last thing you need is for them to figure out where you are, what you’re doing, and who you’re doing it with. 
Jungkook, however, holds onto you for dear life as he can feel you squeeze his cock, knowing if he moves…
He’s going to cum and he doesn’t want to do that. Not yet.
He wonders if you can feel the difference between him and your husband. Is he bigger? Thicker? Longer? He wants to know but he doesn’t want to seem insecure. (In which, he’s not. He just wants the validation).
“Fuck me...” 
Instantly, Jungkook begins to curse when you run your fingers through his hair as he meets your gaze. 
You can see the lust coursing through his eyes, knowing that this gaze was for you. 
He wanted you. And right here at this moment, he has you. 
“If I had known you’d feel this amazing I would have fucked you sooner. So fucking hot.”
“Yeah? You wanna move, baby boy? We don’t have much time.” Jungkook groans at the nickname as you glance toward the door worried one of them might waltz right in. 
You don’t feel like explaining why you’re tangled up with him and you definitely don't feel like getting yourself off. 
Call it selfish. 
You don’t care because right now you’re focused on the now and that’s cumming your brains out. 
“L-Let me savor this,” he complains but you know you don't have the time. 
As he grasps the sheets around your head to ground himself, you roll your hips back into his. He wasn’t ready for you to take charge though he can’t deny that he likes it. In the end, he subconsciously goes with the rhythm. 
“You can do that another time. C’mon.” You shove against his chest as Jungkook’s heart leaps against his chest at the thought of there being a next time. “Make me feel good, baby.”
Jungkook starts off slow, watching as his cock enters in and then out. His brain breaks into a frenzy as after a few minutes, his soft thrusts turn into harsh pounding. It’s almost unnatural with how his hips move.
“Slow down, baby…” 
Jungkook whines his distaste. However, from the way your nose is scrunched, he knows you’re not feeling as good as he knows he can make you feel. 
You look as if you were in more pain than pleasure.
And we can’t have that, now can we?
He reaches down to stroke your clit, seeing you squirm in his hold. The way you moan his name is one of the sexiest things he’s heard. 
Not even Yoonji can compare. 
He wonders if you’ll let him record them for later.
“D-Does it feel good, now?” He’s apologetic but nervous to ask because well, he doesn’t want to disappoint on his first time. 
“Angle your hips.”
He does as he’s told, holding onto your waist as he rocks harder. Going deeper than before. It makes you gasp, covering your mouth with your hands when he hits that spot that makes your toes curl. 
A soft mewl releases as he starts to fuck you good.
“You’re so big.” 
Jungkook’s hips stutter at the praise and only takes you seconds to realize the power your praises hold over him. 
You bite your lip as you hold his gaze, finger underneath his chin. 
For the life of him, he doesn’t know when the power dynamic changed but he’s so turned on, he doesn’t care. 
He fucking loves it. 
It’s so different from the sex that he has with Yoonji but it doesn’t change how he feels. If anything, it enhances it.
“Noona…” He tries to bury his face into your neck as you grip him by his hair to yank him back. “Fuck!”
“You like that?” You ask, pussy squeezing his cock as his eyes roll to the back of his head. “Hm?”
“Shhh.” You smirk at his desperation. “Quiet now. You don’t want to get caught, do you?”
“N-No. Oh, f-”
You stick your fingers in his mouth to feel him sucking on them, listening to him whimper in pleasure. 
As much as you want to continue, you know if you go too long your husband will get suspicious and there’s no doubt Yoonji will be looking for him once she wakes again. 
Plus if anyone were to walk by, they would think Jungkook was masturbating or something. They wouldn’t know that it was with you but wouldn’t that would be the surprise of the century.
“So good, baby. Fucking good…” He whines, pressing his lips to your neck as he continues to fuck you harder. 
“Y-Yes. I want you all the time, Noona.”
“Mmm, that sounds like a treat.” You moan, head falling back as you rock your hips up for him to go deeper. “That’s it, baby.” You chuckle, your walls giving him a soft squeeze. He whines at the feeling, begging you to let him cum as he grips the sheets next to your head. His eyes closed, panting in an almost feverishly feral way. “Tell me… How long have you been wanting me?”
“Since she first introduced me to you. Your husband doesn’t deserve you, Noona.”
Jungkook's hips grow sloppier as time goes on and with the way you’re pushing back, he knows he won’t be able to hold on much longer.
“I-I’m gonna cum,” He gasps, massaging your belly. He wants to knock you up so bad but… He knows he can’t, not until your stupid husband is out of the picture but just thinking about you walking around, pregnant with his child. Turns him on… 
“You’re so good for Noona, baby. You’re doing so well. Feels so good.” You grip Jungkook’s chin to stare him right in the eyes. “Cum for me, baby.”
It’s the lust filled fire that takes over your eyes, the way your pussy grips his cock and the way whisper some of the dirtiest shit he’s ever heard into his ear with that low, seductive voice of yours. 
To be honest, you don't even have to try. 
You don’t know what you do to him.
“Fuck!” Jungkook stops before he can, “No. No… Wait…” 
Jungkook’s firm in his answer, hooking his arms underneath your legs to bend them back further. He leans over your body, leaving you face to face as he grinds into you. 
You softly gasp, feeling him go deeper than he was before. 
Your eyes roll to the back of your head as Jungkook groans when your nails drag down his back. 
No doubt leaving red streaks in its wake. 
“Mark me, Noona.” Jungkook whines, “Let everyone know I’m yours.” 
He’s panting against your neck as he tries to hold on for much longer once you start to squeeze his dick harder. 
“I wanna make you cum first.”
“You think you deserve to make me cum?”  You’re even sassier than before and he fucking loves it. 
“I do. P-Please let me! I can show you, Noona.”
In a fit of giggles, you stroke your thumb against his lips and in return, he sucks it into his mouth. The sensation is incredibly hot and Jungkook can feel his cock throb at the feeling. 
“Ride me.” He says, blushing at the thought of watching in a very intimate state. “I-I can make you cum faster.” 
You push Jungkook onto his back, allowing him to pull you into his lap.
To him, the view is unimaginable. The way you breast hangs out of your top to the way your pussy sucks him right in as you lower yourself onto it. You toss your head back with a groan, hands stationed on his chest as his hands travel from your thighs to your ass.
“You’re so fucking perfect.”
“G-God you feels so fucking deep, baby.”
He holds his hand out to intertwine with yours and when you accept it, it makes him feel like he’s on cloud nine. Making love to you instead of a quick fuck that he just so happened to initiate.
“Use me.” 
You smirk, moving your hips with a newfound purpose. You want to give him what he wants. 
“Is that what you want?”
“Fucking yes! Please!” At this point, you’re sure the both of you can be heard but Jungkook seems to not care. It’s only when you hear a couple of timid knocks against the door that your eyes grow wide. 
You’re quick to place your hand over Jungkook’s mouth as he mirrors your expression. You can feel his heart drumming against his chest, whimpering when you try to get comfortable.
Of course, it’s Yoonji. You roll your eyes before leaning over to whisper in his ear.
“Answer her.”
“Are you awake?”
“I-um…” Jungkook had planned to play as if he was asleep but you forced him to answer. “I was falling asleep, actually.”
“Can I come in?”
You snarl, “Did you lock the door?”
“I t-think so.” Jungkook can’t remember. “I don’t remember. I’m so sorry.”
Usually, you would find him being shy so fucking adorable but right now, you can feel your orgasm simmering in the pit of your stomach and all you want to do is cum but you also want to strangle him too. 
The doorknob rattle and both of you release the breath you were holding.
“Fuck me.” You mouth to him as he widens his eyes. 
You're glad he understands quickly. You can’t help but love how desperate he is as he rocks his hips into you. God, he's so desperate for you. 
“If you can stay quiet, I’ll let you cum.” You say in his ear and he’s quick to nod. He can feel you as you swivel your hips and lean in to whisper, “If you’re quiet enough she’ll go away.”
Jungkook holds you tight by the waist, his nails digging into your bare skin. Your pussy feels warm and wet. His cock fits perfectly inside and he doesn’t want to move. 
You snap your fingers next to his ear as he blinks, coming back to his reality. 
“Focus,” You grunt, going back to rolling your hips again. You set the pace for him to get the both of you off quicker. He even helps by licking his finger and playing with your clit.
You moan a little too loud but catch yourself before it gets louder.
You don’t know if your step daughter is still standing outside and waiting. All you know is your body feels like it’s on fire and you’re so close. 
So, so close.
And by the way Jungkook’s cock is twitching, he’s ready too. With the shuffling of feet indicating that she’s gone back to her room, you keep riding him as he bites down on the blanket on the bed to control his moans. 
Anything to take his mind off of what is going to come next.
“I’m about to cum… “ He warns and all it takes is more praise, a weak clench of your walls, and a hand full of breasts to get him to fall over the edge. 
“Did you-”
Jungkook groans, “I-I didn’t mean to! You feel so… I- fuck… I’m sorry.” His chest heaves, glancing at you like a puppy who's been kicked. Puppy eyes on a hundred, he goes to grab your hand to hold but you shake him off to get up. “Just let me-”
“It’s alright, Jungkook.”
“But…” He pouts, “Y-You haven’t cum.”
“Sweetheart, it’s okay.” You lean over to kiss the corner of his lips but he soon turns his head to capture yours. The kiss is softer than it should be for the situation you’ve found yourself in and when you pull away, he frowns. You chuckle at his attitude. “Get some rest. I need to get back before he wakes up.”
“Please Noona? Let me finish you off. I promise I can. I ju-”
“Maybe next time.” Those are the last words you say before you get dressed and try to sneak back to your room.
As Jungkook lies back against the pillows, his brain goes into overdrive. He wonders when the next time will be. 
“I’ll be ready next time.” Jungkook smiles as his thoughts swirl in a dream world. 
Next time can’t come fast enough.
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springalwayscomes · 11 months
Closer (Teaser)
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Read Closer here
Plot: To have each other close is something that you both always wanted, in a way or another. It’s just that… close is not close enough anymore for Jungkook.
Pairing: Jungkook x Y/n
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Domestic, Humor, Friends to Lovers
Wordcount: 27k
Author’s Note: Hello! I hope you’ll like this little teaser, I will publish the story on the 16 of July. I loved writing this, it was an emotional rollercoaster and I honestly can’t wait to post it. I really hope that you’ll like it���
If you want to be tagged in my taglist to read this work when it will come out and my others please let me know under this post or here! Also, asks and messages are always welcome, I would like to speak with you all from time to time!💜
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Jungkook walked in on you using your vibrator as a microphone when you were nineteen, lipsynching as if your life depended on it. He had laughed so fucking loud that time that you still feel your ears grow red when you think about it. He has teased you for it from the moment it happened, still does it now.
Back then, it was so freaking hilarious he would bring it up every time you were too mad at him, to make you laugh it off and let go of the heavy atmosphere creating between you every time you used to fight as teenagers.
Five years afterwards, as of now, he still thinks about it from time to time. It makes him giggle when he’s in the middle of a meeting at work, when he has a stressful day, when he’s just laying in bed with his head empty. Usually, that would be the case. Now that you’re sitting on his couch with a bag of pop corns squished in your hands while the tv is playing though, is a new circumstance.
«What are you laughing at? You’re so loud» you wince at him, monotone and annoyed.
He licks his lips, shaking his head.
«Your vibrator still haunts me»
It takes you less than two seconds to realise what he’s talking about.
«You’re so annoying. Should I bring up the time you farted out loud in class too?»
«That’s not the same,» he laughs «I told you that I wasn’t feeling good but you insisted on going to class anyway»
«You didn’t go for three days straight-» you fight back, stopping yourself when the camera points on Park Seojun.
«Gosh, this man. I’m gonna marry him someday» you sigh dreamily. Jungkook snorts.
«Cause I was sick?» he opens the fridge.
«You drank with Jin the night before. You shouldn’t drink if you’re sick. Maybe that’s why you couldn’t hold it until class was over»
«You’re so noisy» he rummages through the shelves, finally finding the bowl of strawberries he was looking for.
«Want some?»
You quickly glance at him over the counter, pop corns stuffing your mouth full.
«No, thanks. I’m full with these»
He gets a spoon from the drawer, walking back to the sofa.
«The face you made when I walked in is still funnier than-»
«When you farted in front of the class?» you cut him off, trying to get some sense in his head.
«Hell, yeah» he laughs.
«You literally-»
«Okay, now stop!» you slap his ass before he gets a chance to sit down.
«Oh, yes keep going» he fakes a moan. You literally want to slap him hard enough to make him stop being an idiot, but you have to hold yourself back.
«Just shut up and let me see Park Seojun» you shake your head. Jungkook gets a spoonful of strawberries into his mouth, eyes falling on the screen and eyebrows pinched together.
It’s a Saturday, thanks God the both of you don’t work on weekends, so usually you both find yourself on the sofa, watching a movie or just messing around. You’ve known each other since you were sixteen, so to say that you’re pretty comfortable with each other is an understatement. Even when you first met him, the nineteen years old Jungkook never made you feel uneasy. You were inseparable. Best friends that used to sleep at each other’s place every three to four days because you were just used to it. It was natural, so natural that a lot of the people around you thought you were a couple. Back then, you would grimace and shake your head vividly, not even giving it a thought. Jungkook would laugh it off, heart beating loudly in his chest every time anyone made him imagine how it would’ve been.
«Do you still have it?» he asks, voice low as he stares at the screen.
«What?» you murmur. He doesn’t answer, his spoon scraping against the plastic of the bowl to get as much strawberries as he can into his mouth. He munches on them, gulping down and enjoying the sweet taste.
«That vibrator»
«Jungkook! What kind of question is that?» you stop the drama, his thigh getting hit by the remote.
«I was just asking!» he raises his hands as to make sure you understand he meant no harm, the bowl now sitting on his lap.
«Why would you ask that?» your tone makes his eyes smile first, as he always does. His eyes smile first, then his lips just follow.
«Why are you so sensitive about it? I won’t ask, but we both know you still use it» he gets up from the couch, getting to the sink to put the empty bawl inside.
«We say filthier things when we’re in bed!» he goes on from where he’s standing at. Your head is going to explode. It’s at times like this that you rethink about your life choices. From being sixteen and dumb, until you’re twenty four and ending up with sleeping with your best friend.
«In bed! Leave those for when we’re in bed!» you fight back, another pop corn getting shoved into your mouth.
«Okay,» he appears by your side «wanna go to bed so I can ask you?»
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fairyofshampgyu · 1 year
Now live ! Stream: 5
Genre: smut, camboy au, college au, crack
Pairing: camboy! Beomgyu x gn reader (afab when smut)
Warnings: camboy, sub! beomgyu, dom! reader, use of fleshlight, riding, nipple play, wow they finally fuck , cuddling, reader literally being a full on simp
Synopsis: Every Thursday night at 8pm, you tune into your favourite camboy: Angel313. What you don’t know is he even goes to the same uni as you, is in the same class as you and is Choi Beomgyu, the campus fuckboy but will you keep his secret?
Word count: 2.7k
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You travelled hurriedly to beomgyu’s dorm in the snowfall that seemed to progressively get worse, trying to make your way there faster so you wouldn’t have to be in it for that long.
You hated the feeling of snow all on you, clothes and body soggy and cold, it wasn’t very pleasant. Yes, snow was very pretty to look at from inside, watching as it carelessly and elegantly scattered the ground and watching the landscape being blanketed by it, making even the ugliest places look pretty, but being in snow when it fell down harshly and rapidly in excessive cold wind speeds was not pretty.
Finally, you make it into his building, climbing up all the stairs to the very top since the elevator still hadn’t been fixed yet, panting as you knocked on his door.
“Woah. What happened to you?”
“The snow. And your damned dorm being at the highest level for no reason.”
“Ah yeah we were supposed to be working on the music performance today weren’t we? Thought it would have been rain checked due to the weather. Or…should I say snow checked?” Beomgyu laughs at his own joke as you continue to stare at him unamused.
“Are you going to let me in?”
“Oh. Yeah.” He opens his door wide for you and you walk in, taking off your coat.
“Wow you have so much snow in your hair.” Beomgyu states, coming to softly stroke and pat your head of the little icy droplets, it takes you a back but you try your hardest to seem unaffected.
“You must be freezing! I’ll make us both hot chocolate.”
“Thanks beomgyu.”
And so, you work on your meeting together about the christmas performance. Whilst you’d gotten the music done and have had many practices now, there’s still lots to take into account and consideration such as lighting and decorations, how long everything had to be, where people will be playing, speeches, etc. You’re huddled there together for a good few hours discussing, planning and sorting things for it.
Just as your wrapping up, ready to go to your lecture together which was soon, both of you get alerted of the weather. A powerful blizzard taking place. Must stay inside. Everyone snowed in. Advised to not go out at all until it’s over which was predicted to last until the whole night. All lectures cancelled for the rest of the day.
Both of you stare up at each other, bewildered, only now hearing the wind howling and the snow hitting against the window extremely fast and powerfully. Whilst it was snowing crazy on the way to beomgyu’s place, you didn’t think or anticipate it to progress into a full blown snow storm. It’d be crazy to go out in that. But you’ve got to try and make it back home or you’re stuck.
You grab your coat and start putting it back on.
“Hey, where are you going? Are you mad? You can’t go out in that!”
“But I should probably go back home!”
“You might die bro! That’s not safe. You might die from like…hypothermia or... get blown away from the winds and then disappear and never be found!” Beomgyu dramaticises, “You should just stay at mine until it calms down.” The snow storm seems gradually get worser and even more severe as he carried on speaking, proving his point and you can hear the windows rattling from the sheer force.
You sigh, “Yeah i guess you’re right, it would be stupid to go out in that.” And he nods.
“Well, looks like we’re snowed in together. What should we do?”
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You watch a lot of movies together huddled cozily on his sofa, beomgyu’s commentary making it a lot more funnier and making the incredibly awful films slightly more bearable.
“What B rated Christmas film shall we watch next?” Beomgyu asks after you’re done finishing yet another one.
“Please! No more I need to take a break it’s actually hurting my head.”
He laughs at that, eyes wrinkling cutely and smile so pretty— “What should we do instead?…Y/n? Hello?”
You don’t process what he says at first, too busy lost in your improper thoughts about your partner next to you. “Huh? Oh! Ummm we could film another one of your streams if you want. Now’s good timing since we’re here and not like we can really go anywhere.”
“Yeah that’s true, let’s do it then.” Beomgyu says slightly timidly, still shy about streaming with you.
He gets out his toys and whatnot, you setting up the camera again and you choose the new flesh light both of you had acquired recently with the money from the streams, telling him to use that today since you know it would garner a lot of reactions.
Despite beomgyu being a camboy for quite a while, he’d never actually tried a flesh light properly before and the one you guys had purchased looked a bit too real to him, looking at it already made him kinda hard and also embarrassed.
Once you guys had set up everything and gotten ready for it, you pressed the button to go live and started recording.
Beomgyu sits, legs spread out and bent level to his chest, his pretty belly button piercing in view and his legs covered with his usual pretty thigh highs, taking the fleshlight and very slowly easing it down on tip, his mouth already agape from just that.
He brings the toy down and back up on his length, slowly sucking him in each time, hips rolling languidly into it as you watched in awe, also monitoring the comments who seemed to be in the same predicament as you.
His lip is caught between his teeth, trying to silence his continuous whimpers. He looked so out of it just from fucking into silicone, it drove you mad. He made it so hard just to sit and watch and carry on filming.
Beomgyu's pace grows unsteady, cock throbbing and jerking, getting delirious with each stroke of the now sticky toy, squirming in need whilst you watched him.
He wanted to be touched so bad. He needed you to touch him. He couldn't take it, fucking himself pathetically with just a toy whilst you're right there. He wants you to fuck him. He needs it at this point.
Beomgyu looks straight at you with half lidded eyes, whining and looking at you so seductively, "Wish it was your pussy I was fucking-h-hah...ah."
You know he's just talking to the fans but you can't help imagining he was begging you instead. "Want you to fuck me. I need it please-ahh" Beomgyu hopes you'd get the hint and just come over and fuck him already, whilst also trying to be discrete about it, not wanting to give himself away too much.
You look away, going to the comments, feeling embarrassed about your thoughts and beomgyu suddenly whines incredibly loud, brows furrowing. "Please!!", looking straight into your eyes.
You can't take it anymore. You walk over to him, stilling his movements of the fleshlight and his eyes widen, stumbling over his words. He didn’t think it’d actually work. You move the fleshlight on his dick with your own hands over his, twisting it around and he gasps, looking up at you pleadingly.
“You want to get fucked?” He nods his head continuously. “But you’re a virg-”
“-Please! I want it!”
“Are you sure?” He nods again and breathes out a yes but you still search his eyes for any uncertainty.
When you don’t find any, you remove the fleshlight off him, straddling his hips, taking off your own clothes. You jerk his dick a couple times and then as gently as you can, place his dick to your entrance, slowly sinking on his tip, making his head throw back with a groan before sitting on his whole length, he lets a loud strangled moan at that, “O-oh god…”
You slowly ride him, beomgyu’s mouth in an ‘o’ shape the whole time. He’s fucked himself countless of times before and he never thought actually getting fucked would be much different or would feel that great like some people say but he can confirm that it in fact does feel that great. He didn’t think it would feel this good. He can’t stop moaning and you’re not even remotely going fast.
You can’t believe you’re actually fucking Angel. Like, you’re actually fucking him right now. It’s even better than how you imagined countless times, his reactions so fucking pretty. You used to just watch him from a small screen not knowing who he was and now you’re making him so pussy drunk, eyes rolling to the back of his head, intoxicated and so fucked out from just slowly rolling your hips on his, the first person to fuck him and make him feel like this.
You quicken your pace, hitting a bit deeper and he moans, burying his face in your neck, trembling and drooling. You can hear numerous pings going off every second from people sending in tips. You bet the viewers are going insane right now.
“Y/n, I think-I think I’m gonna cum already…” Beomgyu whimpers, eyes so glazed up, lost in the pleasure and then you feel him suddenly cum inside you with a broken mewl. “Ahh…I-I’m sorry y/n, I’m sorry…!” Beomgyu sniffles, face flushed pink, tears brimming his eyes, so embarrassed from already cumming so fast.
You keep bouncing on his spent dick, ruffling his hair, “it’s okay, baby. You’re doing so good for me. Think you can cum again?”
His eyes widening at the name and praise and you move to gently play with his nipples, body jerking up in response, someone else touching his nipples making him even more sensitive than he usually is, pretty sounds coming out of his mouth none stop as if he’s a drone, cries accelerating and elevating in pitch whilst you fucked him dumb.
“Cum, baby.” So he does again, muffling his screams by burying his face in your neck again, one of his hand coming to claw at your back, shuddering and spilling his release, cumming hard from being fucked for the first time, whole body flushed and glistening, eyes shut and eyebrows still furrowed, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he pants. So, so, so fucking pretty.
You go back to get the camera, zooming in and filming a close up for the viewers of his ‘just fucked and came’ face, beomgyu still delirious and softly groaning and panting, brows still knitted even afterwards.
You check to see how much you guys made and you gasp. It was double the amount even on the days he makes the most money. It was a fuck ton of money.
You go back to beomgyu to see if he’s doing good and it seems like he’s recovering from his high. “Look how much we made.” You show him the tips and even beomgyu gasps.
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Once you both had taken it in turns to shower, beomgyu lends you some of his clothes. When you’d agreed to stay at beomgyu’s place until the snow storm calmed down, you didn’t fully realise that would mean staying over night with him even though it literally said it was expected to carry on exactly the same as it was during the night.
And now here you were in his bedroom. It was quite a nice bedroom, you had been in before but you never fully took in the sight of the room, fairy lights strewn across the room, record player, his multiple guitars on one side with band posters and numerous bear plushies on his bed.
"Where are your spare pillows and blankets? I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“I don’t have any spare pillows or blankets. Also I can’t just let my guest sleep on the floor!”
“Then what?”
“We’ll sleep on the bed together. It’s big enough. And you literally just fucked me so I don’t think it really matters.”
He is right about that so you both head to the bed, throwing off some of the plushies except for one which he keeps to the side and you lie down on the left whilst he lies down on the right.
“Good night y/n~”
You can feel his body presence near you. It kinda makes you feel uneasy for some reason. It’s definitely not because you find him really attractive or anything. You don’t find him attractive.
It’s extremely cold due to the blizzard, you’d think being in the bed with covers on you would keep you warm but you’re absolutely fucking freezing.
“Am I the only one completely shivering here?” Beomgyu turns to face you, also cold.
“No you’re not the only one. Do you not have the heating on or something?”
“It’s broken. They still haven’t fixed it.”
“Seriously what’s wrong with your building?”
“I have no idea…You know what this means y/n...? A grin slowly appearing on his face.
“We have to cuddle…or we might actually die…” Beomgyu wiggles his eyebrows.
“We’re not cuddling.”
“We’re both freezing! It totally calls for it! This is literally the only one bed trope in real life.”
“You didn’t just say that…”
“We’re living our wattpad moment right now. Don’t you wanna cuddle with your love interest?” Beomgyu makes a kissy face at you and you put your hand to shield him from whatever he was doing, used to his flirty antics by now.
"You'd never be my love interest." It's not that you didn't want to but you're sure your heart would literally give out if you did.
Beomgyu gasps, "How can you say that when I'm so handsome?"
"That's a very generous word to describe yourself."
"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that and that the offer still stands. This is a LIFE or DEATH situation. We will freeze to death. And die. DIE. "
Well it was very cold. You sigh, "Fine. Come here."
"What? No, you come here."
"I want to be big spoon though!"
"So do I!" You narrow your eyes at him and he does the same.
"Well, we both can't obviously be the big spoon." Beomgyu gives you a deadpan look.
So you both settle for both of you coming in to hug each other, you arms around his waist, his around yours, his head resting snuggly on your shoulder with a content smile. You instantly felt warmer, beomgyu so warm and so close. You were freaking out to say the least but you tried your hardest to seem casual about it all.
“Beomgyu, how did the rumour of you being a fuckboy come about anyway?” You ask, not wanting to go to sleep just yet.
“I don’t know because I can be quite flirty. And there was also this guy that I used to be good friends with and his chick was like in love with me and one time she just randomly kissed me at a party and he got mad at me, saying I was trying to steal his girl even though I literally did nothing and he knew that but then he just started beating me up! And told everyone I was a girlfriend stealer and a fuckboy. We stopped being friends. He still carried on dating that girl, she broke up with him a few months ago though.”
“Yeah. It kinda sucks to be honest because people either hate me for no actual reason or people at parties just think I’m an easy fuck and only want to fuck me.” Beomgyu pouts.
“Why were you a virgin for so long?”
“Because everyone thought I was like really good at sex if I was a fuckboy so every time I was close to fucking someone I’d just get really nervous they’d think I was super amazing and I couldn’t tell them I was a virgin so I’d just back out.”
“How come you let me?”
“Because we’re close friends! And you know and I didn’t feel like that with you.”
“We’re close…?” Your eyes widen.
“What?! I’m offended you don’t think the same. We’re literally cuddling right now. And we work and hang out together all the time?!”
To be honest, you thought guys were more like acquaintances. You were just working on the performance and helping him with his business, but for him to call you a close friend made you kinda warm and fuzzy inside. You wanted to be Beomgyu’s friend. He was cool actually.
Please actually reblog !!!!!! and comment !!!! if you like the fic. It’s really appreciated tysm !<3🙏💕😊 It’s discouraging when fics have such little reblogs 🤨👎Feedback is always appreciated it makes me happy :)
A/n: I love how I said idk when this chapter would be out and then ends up posting it the next day 😍😍 Also I’m sorry if this is lowkey bad I had no idea what was going on I am sorry
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gabessquishytum · 21 days
Alpha Dream is an alien prince from a race with a/b/o dynamics, and is part of a delegation negotiating a treaty with Earth. It’s decided that the treaty would be sealed with a marriage with Dream, and he requests that his human betrothed be a male omega if possible, please.
Except humans are still normal humans with no such dynamics, and none of the human delegation understands what that means (either omegaverse never developed as a fanfic trope in this universe, or somehow absolutely none of the humans present have ever been to that part of the internet).
Both the aliens and the humans present are falling for the species-centric perspective of “they look enough like us that they surely must fuck like us”, so thanks to only responding with a couple of euphemistic explanations that don’t translate well to any of the human languages being used (unbeknownst to the aliens), the humans end up believing that a male omega is just “a male who bottoms”.
Weird to just blatantly ask for that, but it’s probably a cultural thing, and thankfully they do happen to have a betrothal candidate who fits that description.
Hob Gadling doesn’t get a ton of time to really get to know his alien fiancé, but what they do get is enough that both of them are pleased enough with the match, and they’re definitely both looking forward to consummating the marriage on their wedding night.
Cut to the wedding night in question, when the clothes finally come off.
If male omegas of Dream’s species are meant to have any kind of vagina, then the night probably stops there in favor of serious conversations and clearing up of misunderstandings. However, I think it’d be funnier to keep the misunderstandings going, so let’s suppose that the alien male omegas have all their business up the ass 😁
Hob and Dream get right down to business exploring each other’s bodies, and are having a grand time doing so. But when Dream gets to Hob’s hole, he doesn’t find any trace of slick there. Unexpected, but it’s not unheard of for some omegas to need a little extra stimulation to get wet, even if they appear to be enjoying themselves. With the help of a little lube for just such a situation, Dream is quite happy to spend the extra time and effort getting his new mate wet and loose.
(Hob wasn’t expecting his new husband to be so committed to fingering and eating him out, particularly since he had specifically asked for a husband who likes to be fucked, but Dream is so good at it you won’t hear him complaining (though he would like to get that alien dick inside him at least once tonight, if he can somehow manage to pull his alien husband’s face away from his ass at some point—Dream’s already made him come from this once, but doesn’t seem ready to move on from there))
Dream is starting to grow concerned. He wants so badly to please his new mate, but despite his clear enjoyment of Dream’s attentions Hob still doesn’t produce any slick. Even when he comes, the only real response comes from his cock and nothing from his ass. Dream dearly wants to properly mate his lovely and responsive alien omega, but if he tries fucking that pretty little hole with it as naturally dry as it is, it might be uncomfortable or even painful for Hob, which is simply unacceptable! Maybe human omegas require more orgasms first…?
At some point, one of them will finally call for a timeout to ask what the deal is, and they finally have a chance to talk and realize the misapprehensions they were both under about how biologically similar their species’ are. Thankfully this doesn’t really change how much they both want to make the marriage work for themselves as much as for the treaty, though Dream does have new worries about potentially hurting Hob by knotting an ass that wasn’t made for it. Hob though is stubborn, horny, besotted, and willing to try anything at least once, so they’ll probably work that out somehow without many issues.
YESSS alien omegaverse!!! I honestly really like the idea of Hob being an avid omegaverse-reader before his marriage to Dream, so he actually starts to have suspicions about Dream having a secondary sex, but he doesn't want to say anything in case he's wrong... when Dream finally gets a chance to explain his biology, Hob is like "Hang on a second!" and digs out his favourite omegaverse romance novel to show him. Dream is relieved to discover that Hob DOES know what he's talking about... its even a little gratifying to know that his husband gets off on the whole concept of Dream’s basic biology.
So the only problem is that Hob isn't designed to take a knot - which means he'll have to practice. That means waiting and training his hole and his inside muscles to stretch and relax gradually. He doesn't really want to wait. But Dream is very insistent. He's going to keep on rimming Hob’s lovely little hole just as much as he was before, but he'll now also be inserting toys which can swell and train him to take a knot someday.
Hob shyly asks if Dream is disappointed that he isn't a proper omega like he wanted. But Dream firmly explains that he's fallen for Hob, not his genitals, and that there's no one else he'd rather be married to. Sex with Hob is already amazing (now Dream understands that he is pleasing his husband and getting him sufficiently aroused, phew) and he's sure it will only get better as their marriage goes onwards. Especially because Hob is proving himself a natural when it comes to training his hole. He's really, really looking forward to getting fucked, and it even shows in his body - he may not be an omega, but he's so fucking ready to be knotted by his alpha. One of these days Dream is gonna wake up to a very enthusiastic husband riding his knot, and he'll be very glad that he married a resilient, stubborn, gorgeous human.
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girlwithwolftatoo · 11 months
Can I request jumpscaring or attempting to jump scare the moon boys? I think if you actually succeeded in jumpscaring Jake he would be proud of you but like so upset with himself for getting jumpscared
For some reason I enjoy jumpscaring as a joke. Some people find it not innofensive enough but bah...
Moon boys + reader jumpscaring them
Steven Grant:
How dare you to scare the sweetest boyTM? Besides that, maybe jumping from behind the statue of Sobek, who reminds him of a certain crocodile lady would be enough...
It works... perhaps better than you expected. Poor Steven literally jumps and he's so freaked out he makes the Mr Knight suit appear.
"Oh no no Steven, take that off!" you rush him before someone sees him. He'll stare at you during some seconds, figuring out what just happened.
Steven has a very strict rule about jokes, he's not a big fan of pranks since he considers them a socially accepted manner to bully people. But, well, it was you who did it, so he's not as bothered as he would.
"Wasn't funny (Y/N)" he nags you, but will recover soon and, in fact, he's smiling just to let you know he forgives you.
Jake Lockley:
Usually he's the one that scares you. There's a hint of pleasure in making you gasp anytime he approaches from behind and wraps your arms around you (there was this time he gagged you with a hand before getting in an alley for a very intense make out session), so he considers you an innocent little butterfly...
Well he shouldn't have underestimated you, because when you finally got him, he went so wild he shouted without embarrasment "¡AY CABRÓN, CHINGA TU MADRE!" (a very flexible expression that can be roughly understood as "Holy shit my fucking God!")
You come out, laughing at his face, not believing something that simple would actually work. Once he sees this was only you, he shouts some more spanglish phrases to show how affected he was ("Chingado, bonita, almost crapped myself!")
But he laughs too. He's, as you said, proud and surprise to finding you can be really mean, in a playful manner, towards him.
Anyways, don't think you'll come clean. He'll make sure you... pay for your little game. But don't worry, Jake knows how to make you scream... and not just by horror.
Marc Spector:
This man has enough traumas for a couple of lives, and maybe playing a joke like this to him isn't easy. Luckily, he's full of surprises, and you managed not only to get a weak and harmless spot to play with him, but also to prepare it in such a way he would never suspect it.
He also screams, but not as exxagerated as Jake and naturally not as freaked out as Steven. His scream is a short, sharp one, and you can see he turns back with an expression of disconcern and waste, as if he noticed quick this was just a joke and can't believe it.
While you come out of your hidden place, laughing, he stares at you with a silent "Are you for real?" glare, which makes the situation even funnier.
"Oh yeah, so funny, keep laughing" he grunts. He's not angry, it's just he considers this pranks as something childish and can't believe you, of any other person he knows, could take time to prepare this prank for him.
There's a chance he'll return you the favor, just to whisper in your ear after you screamed, "What, not so funny when it happens to you?" (all this while a mischiveous chuckle forms on his lips).
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thearcherprentiss · 1 year
Criminal Minds as things my friends have said pt. 2
Emily: "At my funeral I'm going to raise up out of the coffin and say 'you didn't think you'd get rid of me that easily, did you?'."
Hotch: "No you will not. I will double kill you if you do that."
(This one is way funnier in the context of Lauren)
Reid: "Why are there no freaking tortillas in this entire goshdarn kitchen?!"
Rossi: "Woah, watch your language there."
*Henry jabbering on about something*
Emily: "Sorry, I can't focus on what you're saying with all of that Cheeto powder on your face."
Emily: "WHAT? You try listening to someone talk when they're Donald Trump orange!"
JJ: "I'm not going to fight Derek, it's beneath me."
Morgan: "The only thing beneath you is some children. Not all of them though... get it? You're short."
JJ: "Derek, I'm literally 5'7"."
Morgan: "I don't like tomatoes."
Emily: "Do you like salsa?"
Morgan: "Yeah of course, who doesn't?"
Emily: "So what I'm hearing is you're a fucking liar?"
JJ: "What did everyone do this weekend?"
Reid: "I wrote a paper on the orbitofrontal cortex of the brain!"
Morgan: "I don't know how much longer I can defend you when you act like this."
Reid: "I wish we had food here like they do in Greece. It's so much better."
Morgan: "At least we still exist. Greece isn't even a country anymore."
Reid: "Yes it is? Do you actively say these things to make me worry about you, or are you just oblivious?"
JJ, eating a microwaveable macaroni cup: "Something is off about this..."
Hotch: "Did you check the expiration date?"
JJ, emotionlessly: "*checks* It expired last year. That would explain it. *takes another bite*"
Hotch: "???"
Tara: "I think I'm telepathic."
Matt: "Why do you say that?"
Tara: "Someone was tailgating me on my way here today, and I was like 'sir I will fuck you up' in my mind, and he stopped immediately."
Luke: "Woah, maybe you are telepathic."
Tara: " That or he saw me flip him off."
Matt, facepalming: "I- nope. Never mind."
Morgan: "Well?"
Rossi: "The dog was cute, but the video was weird."
Morgan: "Your face is weird!"
JJ: "Wow, did my son teach you that burn?"
*Emily glaring at JJ*
JJ: "Why are you looking at me like that? You've been doing it all day."
Emily: "I had a dream that you had sex with Morgan last night!"
JJ: "And you're mad at ME? I should be mad at YOU for conjuring that in your subconscious!"
Morgan, playing with the kids: "Touch your nose! Now touch your ears! Now touch your hair!"
Jack: "You don't have any hair."
Morgan: "Hotch... come get your son right now."
Emily: "I don't like that guy."
Luke: "What'd he do?"
Emily: "He gave himself the nickname 'possum', and while that's not outrightly bad, it's highly questionable."
*Reid comes in with a broken bone*
Morgan: "This wouldn't have happened if you'd had more milk as a kid."
Reid: "Morgan, I was allergic."
Morgan: "Dairy allergies are fake. Just produce lactase. It's not that hard."
Reid: "I am both impressed that you know what lactase is and offended that you think I would choose to not eat cheese."
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isa-ghost · 5 months
you have eggza headcanons perhaps? 👉👈
I will take any headcanons of course, I love your headcanon posts
Previous Sets:
Set 1
Set 2
Set 3
Set 4
Set 5
Set 6
MORE: Eggza Edition
Starting with two I made in previous sets:
When left to his own devices & off-duty as dad + not needed by any of the islanders for something serious, he let's loose. No more wise bad bitch crow man who's palpably emotionally damaged yet won't admit it. He's off the shits. You've seen Eggza. That's him de-stressing by fully indulging his favorite things: preparing necessities for survival & being an absolute wildcard.
When he heard someone on the island made up a rumor that Eggza is legit because Phil taste-tested a cookie out of curiosity, he took that and RAN. Yeah. He's egg sometimes. Who's his parent you ask? Well that's a secret (it's Rose).
Remember how I said he commits to bits super hard? Yeah. Eggza is his second biggest bit after the 4th Wall existentialism but it's quickly surpassing it to his biggest one
Genuinely he enjoys his Eggza time. Everyone knows they'll get nothing but task help out of him more or less, so they more or less leave him alone unless it's to say hi or a chance encounter.
Everyone finds him speaking with signs funny and endearing. Except Tubbo. But that's understandable, dyslexia go brr. Even though the fool sometimes forgets he can tts the signs. It's fine, he's most likely to derail Eggza's cookie grinding so it's better if Tubbo stays away doing Tubbo things
He's torn between the kids witnessing Eggza & never witnessing Eggza. He can't tell what's funnier or if he'd be embarrassed. They've heard stories from other eggs though
He has no interest in making himself Look like an egg. The sign usage is all he needs. And its funnier when you approach your grown ass man best friend Philza Minecraft only for him to look as wild as he did during Purgatory but without the Looks Like He's Dying Slowly part & refuse to talk to you verbally. The "what the fuck is happening here" is the best part of Eggza, if he starts LOOKING like an egg everyone will understand what's going on and that's lame
He bounces off everyone's energy. The more unhinged they are, the more unhinged he is. Unless he's harassing the baker. Then he fuels his own fuckery
The funny thing is he makes sure everyone thinks he's constantly this wild gremlin that only knows one thing: Grind. But really if no one's around while he's grinding, he's actually just straight up vibing. Got headphones in, blasting his jams, doin his work. In his lane, unbothered, flourishing.
I would sell my soul to see Eggza beat the ever-loving shit out of Purgatory workers it'd be so fucking funny holy shit
One of his favorite parts of going Eggza Mode is amusing his friends with the way he's just a nonverbal weirdo. Especially when he answers something they say by just dancing
If He's An Extra Silly Gremlin They'll Give Him Avocado Toast As A Treat
No one knows where he shoos his crows off to when he's Eggza. Or if it's some unspoken "ok time to scatter" rule as soon as he puts the gas mask on by the bakery. But they disperse and for a while, the other islanders can't shake the feeling of Phil seeming strangely bare for some reason. It's bc the murder is away
Tbh I bet even without the Hardcore dreams, he'd sleep a long time with how hard he works as Eggza
"Hard work," I say, as if most of the time Phil isn't just making mobs insatiable amounts of horny so everyone can give the baker what they're asking for (the awareness of this is half of why he's so unhinged as Eggza, it's too absurd & funny to him)
Calling back to another prev non-Eggza hc I made, he has less of a filter when he's not parenting or in peril. He has said some absolutely wild out of pocket shit on signs
If given the right kind of motivation, an islander could probably get Eggza to go feral and kill something or someone. Fit tosses him a stack of whatever arbitrary item Phil might find enticing enough atm & Phil is suddenly on a spree like he was with those bunnies that one time
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frociaggine · 7 months
@takiki16 tags on my post are too good not to be shared! The context is wild shit that legit happened in IRL football ⚽ that I need the Ted Lasso fandom to be aware of, because it'd make for excellent fic material:
the MANAGERS #the PERSONAL DRAMA#I KNOW that ted lasso is not designed to be an actual realistic show #I KNOW that this whole thing did in fact begin as a way to soft trap Americans into watching the Prem #to the point that JOSE FUCKING MOURINHO ACTUALLY HAD A PART IN THE ORIGINAL NBC AD #I do NOT want to change the vibe of the show at all #(but like…a dramedy about the EPL that REALLY wanted to roast some fuckers would perhaps…NOT look like ted lasso #if they wanted to start with the managers it would just be two middle aged idiots with BOILING beef #who had to be physically restrained from throwing hands every other game and have personally destroyed each others’ marriages
Okay WHO would Roy have managerial beef with. I vote Arteta. Actually as @elizabear suggests, it's funnier if it's one sided
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He would also instinctively dislike Rob Edwards of Luton because Jamie once said he's the hottest manager in the EPL. Roy's annoyed and he doesn't know why. (Rob Edwards is very hot)
For an example of managers throwing hands... the Tuchel/Conte handshake
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In fact here's a whole compilation of managers throwing hands.
Thank you for bringing up Mourinho! This is his ad, btw. "What do you WANT Ted?" lives in my mind rent-free
After much soul-searching I've decided Roy likes Mou a lot among all the managers he's played for. YES, he is a total cunt BUT
he's really fucking funny about it. Like, really.
he's never met a referee he didn't have beef with but most of all Anthony Taylor (as a Roma fan I have to agree with him on that)
the entire 2005 Chelsea team would've died for him. I've said this before, but there can't be a Frank Lampard in TL if Roy plays the box-to-box midfielder role, so this quote about Mourinho walking into Lampard naked in the shower to give him a pep talk? That's Roy. To me.
I can't even pick a quote among all the shit he's said about all the managers he's played against, but I especially enjoy when he used to be a bitch about Pep and Pep was like "I don't know her." It was like a one-sided crush dating back from their Barca days
#if they wanted it to be about the players the literal sky is the limit. WHATEVER the writers room can come up with#it cannot come CLOSE to the batshit drama that real Sockckckckcer Playahs have amongst each other#also intricate rituals. NOT ENOUGH INTRICATE RITUALS#when Jamie scored that free kick after getting permission to be a prick Dani should have kissed him with tongue
Here's some homoeroticism:
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#but TO COME BACK TO OP’S POINT ABOUT ACTUAL GAMEPLAY#I want to see Coach Roy get red carded and have to sit in the stands for the next game cursing and swearing
He'd get, like, 3 red cards a season MINIMUM. Mourinho who. Here's Klopp losing it a bit. Here's Pep being passive aggressive as fuck. Pochettino from 2 days ago. Also from last weekend: De Zerbi's "I don't like 80% of referees in England" he's so right for this.
Manager Roy would get himself red carded the week before Richmond play Chelsea away. Totally accidental. So he doesn't have to have a lil cry about it.
#I want to see what it would take to get Zoreaux sent off#and then they have to stick Bumbercatch in goal and it turns out he has some Hyper Specific Phobia about the situation#he manages to save the team but his coping mechanisms for dealing with Forcible Keeper Phobia make up the comedy B-plot of the episode#
I want CLUB RIVALRY. dunno where Richmond actually physically is but imagine if they had derbies#Ted has to be made to understand that no coach - for THIS game we will not stop till we see BLOOD#Richmond wins but bc they are playing away the home fans actively are tossing crap at them as they celebrate on the pitch#also the sprinklers come on and it’s a bus full of soaked greyhounds on the ride home
They're in West London! Maybe they just fucking hate Fulham. Or Brentford.
Actually, I've thought long and hard about Richmond's derby rivalries. Semi-canon sources say they have a bit of a West London rivalry with Brentford BUT to me it doesn't make much sense because Richmond are supposed to have been mid-table in the Prem for years, top-flight but mediocre. Brentford only made it to the Prem in 2021.
Actually, I've decided that Richmond kind of take the place of QPR for most of their history, except they didn't get relegated when QPR did. This is because 1) it'd be too many London-based clubs otherwise but, more importantly, 2) when Man City won their first title in 2012 with Agueeeeeero!!! that was against Richmond. It's funny, To Me.
Also you know Roy still fucking hates Newcastle from his Sunderland academy days. If his pundit career had lasted longer he'd be having top tier shithousery with Alan Shearer every week about it.
Anyway here's a whole youtube playlist about WILD derbies.
As an Italian I am legally obliged to SAY that if Suarez hadn't bitten Chiellini at the World Cup we would have gone past the group stage because Uruguay scored off a corner they won while Italy were all busy telling the ref that there was a fucking cannibal on the pitch. I don't forgive and I don't forget.
Anyway for context: cannibal Luis Suarez. He's a repeat offender. Someone at Richmond would think it was very funny
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veryajunice · 3 months
i couldn't watch the documentary without crying. my xuxi... i really don't know what to say, it hurts so much. literally he said that he wanted to die. what if it had happened? what if he had committed suicide? all the stupid creatures would have loved him and been sorry for him if that had happened, right? but after a incident like that, every single those cruel who caused it would have been an 'angel' and said things like "we love you, we are so sorry, we'll miss you etc." right? after it was all over, we would literally have lost someone because of the bullshit they said without knowing anything about the truth. like what happened to moonbin, to sulli, to jonghyun, to hara and to more innocent and beautiful people like them... you remember how they left us? yeah because of some human garbage saying bad things about them, causing them for nothing and bullying them for no reason. what if we had lost one more person again, how would you live with it? even one word you say can change someone's life in every way, you know? a word can make a person live or a word can cause their end...
he was a sunshine but they stole his brightness. he lost his precious smile since then, he looks so fucking tired. when he said he couldn't eat for a while or lost his hair, i couldn't help myself crying, i felt so bad for him. and maybe some people don't know that but every single thing he said he had been through during his hiatus like not getting out of bed or losing appetite etc. are literally major depression symptoms... and it's so sad to see that someone who has the brightest smile like him was in depression like for 6 months or maybe longer... guys, he is a HUMAN like me like you like us.
a fucking stupid sasaeng ruined his life and the most heartbreaking part is that people believed that bich not him and forced him to apologise for something he even hadn't done. and the funnier thing is the "company" haven't done any single thing about it, hah- ah sorry wait the company has done something, right?! yeah just have made him apologise to this shit again and again. even he himself exposed that person, yeah because our really thoughtful (!) company never takes action. so he had to get his life in order.
and the other heartbreaking thing is when he said "i really want to be with them". lucas has always been the sunshine of the group, the mood maker of the group, the giant baby of the group... he has been there for every single of them since the beginning. and actually he still is as we have seen even though the company tried so hard to not make him obvious with a mask and a beanie lol. but you know how nct members are important to him and how he is important to the members. i really don't know how they felt about this situation... especially every wayv member, mark, haechan, chenle, renjun, taeyong and jungwoo. they all couldn't say anything about it and forced to act like nothing happened. but at least it still makes me happy to see them together and supporting each other no matter what.
though everything has been hard, my baby is so strong. i'm so glad he opens his heart to us and sharing hard times he went through. maybe we failed to protect the most loving person, our sunshine but i'm sure he will get over every single bad thing. because he has his fans, his friends, his members... i hope everything will be better for him. he deserves the world. we still love you like the first day our little giant baby. i want to see you smiling brightly again. we care about you a lot, darling. we love you wong yukhei. and i'm looking forward to seeing your new activities! fighting my man!
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