#you have NO IDEA how complete my life would be if she covers this BTW
mukuberry · 1 year
Ok assuming Mappi or anyone doesn't get Zombies, it's 100% a Muu trial 3 song and i will die on this hill. I mean "suck the honey" "the stitches are fake" "please don't look any closer" "I'm transforming- why don't you too?" "pain doesn't go away, tell me why"
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harmonysanreads · 3 months
Hi Harmony! I just noticed that your requests are open and I decided to drop by with a small request I thought about for weeks.
I was thinking about Arlecchino for a while, and it made me ponder of the concept of Arlecchino with a darling on a reincarnation AU. Maybe Arlecchino has met her darling at such an inconvenient time, and every time that it has happened, only she remembers their past lives.
It probably goes to the point that Arlecchino starts devising ways to be able to keep her darling safe, because each time they would meet, her darling gets into an accident... And it would seem that each time she tried, then it would simply fail. And it would push to a point where she resorts to one of the more not so morally good methods.
I don't know if this counts as a req. or a brainrot, but I offer you this idea because I think it could be interesting to think about sometimes. You're free to deny it btw if its typical, hard, or overall you can't write it <3 I completely understand if that's the case.
(p.s.: this is the one running @yxstxrdrxxm BAHAHAHAHAHA I'm sorry if I haven't replied to your message during OLC, I dont know how to talk to you w/o sounding really awkward </3 also!! hydration check! Anyways thats all, have fun with the idea + I hope you have a great day Harmony :D)
Pantomime Of The Night
yandere!arlecchino x reader
cw(s) : yandere, vampire!arlecchino, mentions of blood, murder, slight gore, non-consensual touching, unbalanced power dynamics
wc : 2.1k
a/n: omg hiii! would you believe me if I said I was just thinking about you before getting this ask? also please don't worry about my message! i had a hunch that you might be in a situation of sorts. thank you so so much for requesting arlecchino because i've been itching to write for her for a long time! i decided to go with vampire!arlecchino for this because i thought it'd suit the reincarnation theme well. i hope you enjoy it<3
lovely illustration based on this fic by a lovely person <3 (spoiler alert!)
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At the deepest hours of the night, even the innocent crackles of hearthfire sound as clamorous as gun-shots.
You're dazed by the flame's continuous dance until the aroma of freshly brewed tea reaches your senses and the servants have left. A sharp clank from Arlecchino's glass and the weight of her gaze prompt you to meet her eyes. The light from the fireplace casts shadows on the other half of her fair face, she seemed to have foregone her usual taught posture in favor of a relaxed one. One of her hands supports her cheek while the other holds the wine glass, the beverage within sloshes as the claw-like accessories on her fingers curl around the object.
Your side of the table is far more decorated, desserts that you've never even seen in your impoverished mortal life and that tea you've grown fond of over the course of your stay in her mansion sit appetizingly. All beckon you to feast, all seek to fan the flames of voracity and you offer but a thoughtless stare in return.
The master of the house seems to have noticed your lack of appetite as she finally breaks the stretched out silence, “These are all confectioneries of the highest quality from the town and as I recall, all of your favorites. But you give them no more than a blank stare... you've also not taken a sip from the tea. May I inquire why?”
The raspy tone of her observation has your arms covered in gooseflesh, though, you note she does not sound as confused as her words suggest. You can feel her onyx eyes gloss over every part of your person, inspecting and dissecting each and every visible clue. You swallow dryly, “It’s just that it's way too late in the night,”
“Yet you look as ready as ever to head out. Tell me, have you been anticipating my return, dearest?”
Arlecchino stares pointedly at your attire, likely referring to the traveling clothes you have on instead of the silk nightwear that she had gifted. Your shoulders tense unconsciously, there's something about the way she speaks at this instance that has your heartbeat crescendoing. The silver haired woman gives you a few more beats of anxiety, her talons scrape against the dainty glass.
“I’ve been informed that you have not eaten anything since yesterday.”
The words escape her painted lips easily, but they don't fail to send a jolt through your system. Throughout your stay, she'd never spoken to you like this, like you were one of her children who did not know better and decided to cross a line. That realization renders you further puzzled, you did nothing wrong to begin with, but her tone made you feel as though you were on the verge of doing so. You clear your parched throat and gather yourself to meet her eyes. This time, you do not allow yourself to wilt at the force of her burning stare.
“Arlecchino, I have something to tell you.”
The addressed woman straightens up at your sudden serious tone, her hand abandons the wine glass on the table and you inhale involuntarily at the scratches that now decorate the object, “I’m all ears, dearest.”
Your brows crease, as usual, Arlecchino is courteous, too courteous for someone who makes it obvious she's informed of something that she wasn't supposed to know. She's been like this ever since you and your travel-partner stepped foot in her ambiguous estate. Initially, you were touched by the hospitality she and her adopted children had shown you. Your greed lulled any arising suspicions, you neither questioned why she'd been so generous to a commoner with nothing more than fifty mora to their name nor did you bother to think about how she was affording all those gifts. You naïvely wished to believe in her kindness and that nothing was wrong about this house. But of course, self-woven deceptions last so long.
“Before you mistake me for being ungrateful, I did plan to inform you before leaving. Me and my friend are extremely thankful for the care your house has shown us, but we cannot stay in one place forever.”
“Why not?” you halt at her abrupt question but she follows up before you could even part your lips, “Have we lacked in any area to provide you with the adequate comfort? Have any of my children said something? If it's the latter, I'll apologize in their stead, they can be quite playful at times, I'm sure you understand.”
You stare dumbfounded at the sudden turn this conversation has taken, she wasn't supposed to behave like this. Why is she searching for a reason to make you stay when she should've been happy that a burden was about to be lifted off of her shoulders? Are all nobles this pushy?
“I—” you cut yourself off as the silver-haired woman leans in without warning, her shadow envelopes the delicacies laid out on the small table.
“Or… have you seen something?” she drawled.
You cannot hold back a flinch this time. A curse echoes in your mind at your stupidity, this was no ‘conversation’ to begin with ; this was yet another trap and you'd willingly played right into the palm of Arlecchino's hand. If there's one thing you've learned about this mysterious noblewoman, it is that she enjoys the process of dragging answers out of everyone. From the very beginning, she was aware of your scheme but, she chose to wear that mask of courtesy one more time and lured you out in the open, unguarded. If only your friend arrived to fetch you from your room at the right time, you wouldn't be in this messy situation.
Your eyes dart from her unblinking expression to the sharp accessories that adorn her gloved fingers and something about them forces you to reply quickly.
“No! I mean, you know that I'm a traveler, do you not? It's already been six months since we came to your estate, me and my friend were starting to.. crave that adventurous thrill—yes! We were starting to miss being on the road and decided to depart in the early morning.”
Once upon a time, your late mother had told you that some people in this world are like spiders. They're always at the centerpiece of their lair, leaving intricate translucent webs for unassuming prey to get tangled upon. Although the croaked warnings of your bedridden mother did not make much sense to the younger you, you understood now exactly what she meant.
“Incorrect. You were planning to escape with that friend of yours, weren't you?”
The hearthfire burns bright, shrouding Arlecchino's expression in shadows. The chilling octave of her voice defeats the warmth of the fireplace and has every muscle in your body stiffened. Escape? Her word choice never ceased to baffle you throughout this faux tea-party. She speaks as though you were her prisoner instead of a guest. She tilts her head and has the audacity to look betrayed as though you were a possession she held dear, and not a random human she decided to take pity upon.
Arlecchino runs a hand through her silvery hair with a sigh that actually indicates ennui and you bite back a scowl, “Honestly, I do not understand why you even befriended that thing. He's an obnoxious blabbermouth with a nose bigger than his brain. And he's loud, too. You've always preferred to mingle with level headed people with a sufficient intellectual capacity in the past and here you are, glaring at me as though—”
“Don’t speak like you know me!”
You pant after the force of that outburst, your voice ricochets across the walls of her room and further beyond. You open your mouth to continue but stop when you notice a strange flicker in the silver-haired woman's eyes. It's gone in a blink and is replaced with irritation just as quickly however.
“Oh, but I do know you. I know you better than you know yourself, in fact. I know that there are exactly 11 moles throughout your body, I know all your preferences and fears. Don't believe me? Did you really never stop to question how I managed to give you things that catered to your tastes? How I knew what you desired even before you did? Or were you so mesmerized by the words of that friend of yours to pay minimum attention?”
If the tone of a person's voice could kill, you'd be rotting in a ditch by now. You would've never believed someone could sound this malicious while not even raising their voice. You want nothing more than to shrink away but the adrenaline accumulated through your anger pushes you to keep digging your grave.
“And so what if that's exactly how it is? You have no right to have a say in who I choose to be ‘mesmerized’ by!”
A ‘ha!’ laden with disbelief escapes Arlecchino's lips. Fine silvery strands bounce at the mocking tilt of her head, “So what will you do now? Walk out of the gates with that waste of space like nothing happened?”
“Oh, you bet I will!” you fume, rising from the chair and turning on your heels. You barely take one step away from the table until the full weight of Arlecchino's malice crashes down on you and you remember something important.
“Arlecchino, where is my friend?”
The silver haired woman leisurely raises her wine glass at your stilted words, “In my glass.”
You swivel towards her, blinking several times as if to confirm you didn't mishear.
“Well, here and… probably in the stomachs of my pet vultures, excluding the carcass, that is. I'll admit, the taste is subpar compared to the trouble I went through. That thing kept on screaming until one of the vultures tore its heart out. Ugh, my ears are still ringing.”
Your wide eyes tremble towards the glass in her hand, the deep red liquid within sloshes to the direction of Arlecchino's hand ; paired with her words, your friend’s destiny becomes a no-brainer. All your wits abandon you in that instance and in a moment of sheer panic, you take a step back. Arlecchino promptly interferes with your plans, the door and windows close with no little sound and the table and your chair disappear without a trace—all in the snap of her fingers.
“What are you?”
You would've screamed if you didn't forget how to use your lungs. But then again, you doubt anyone would come to save you from her clutches even if you did. Your eyes connect to her onyx ones and in that moment, she appeared far less human than she'd been this whole encounter. Her pupils flash as two red xs and you feel an invisible pull tugging you to her side. The temptation dominates any coherent thoughts until you find yourself an arms length away from her seated self. Her claws dig into the flesh of your arm and yank you to her lap.
Free from the haze of that strange sensation, the first thing that permeates your senses is how cold Arlecchino's proximity is. Your palm meets her chest in a feeble attempt to push her away but all it does is stun you when you notice the absence of a heartbeat. You feel the sting of something sharp on your chin and waist, your eyes glance back and forth between the sources—dread pools in your stomach. Because of your closeness and the light from the fireplace, you're able to see that the sharp objects you'd mistaken for accessories are actually her nails and the gloves, her real skin.
Perhaps your trembling was so pitiful that Arlecchino could not help but soften her gaze, “Do you truly not recall?”
You look up at her, thoroughly perplexed. There's that previous glint in her eyes again but you've already accepted that understanding this woman was beyond you. One moment she accuses you as though you've been unfaithful, then she vividly describes how she murdered an innocent man and the next she looks almost… hurt?
“Recall what?”
The silver-haired woman’s red lips part and you gulp as unnaturally sharp fangs sneer at you. Albeit, she does not answer you and you wonder if you should get accustomed to playing mental gymnastics with her just to get a simple answer. Her talons let go of your waist and drag their up to your collarbone, creating a deliberate and irrepairable tear on your clothes. Her nails drum against your skin for three seconds before they latch onto your throat.
“Although, that'll no longer be an issue.”
She forces you to make eye-contact with a sharp tug on your chin, the color drains from your face as her cool breath washes against your skin. You open your mouth to say something, anything, but are quickly shushed as you feel her fangs sink into your lower lip.
“Because, we'll have ample time to get acquainted with each other starting from today.”
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sgiandubh · 1 month
Hi, I'm sister Anon. I'd like to say that I got into a controversy about Sam and Caitríona in an Outlander group a year ago precisely because I responded to someone who was saying it was impossible for them to be together and no one had ever caught them . I always use a pseudonym and gave the example of my sister( I said this was a friend btw) but I didn't go into details. However, let me say a few things: in his family only his mother and ONE sister knew about their relationship. In my family, my parents and I knew. Grandparents, uncles, brothers-in-law and nephews didn't know they were together, for them they were just close friends and work colleagues. The rest of the team at work was certainly suspicious, but nobody dared to say anything, because there is a secrecy clause in the contracts. During this period there were speculations of him with at least two models and some Instagram influencers and they laughed, because it gave them exactly the cover they wanted. Anyone who looked at his social media would see a single guy enjoying life, when in fact he was a committed and passionate guy, living a very beautiful love story.
Dear (returning) Sister Anon,
Thank you for coming back with more. I chose to publish your story since the very beginning, because it sounds completely legit. *urv can troll around all day long, now enrolling that 23 year old Brazilian fan/journalist/writer (who doesn't know the plural form of 'gentleman' is 'gentlemen', not 'gentlemans'), she could never prove anything else than people having lunch, not sex, in Kensington. But for her crowd, that is enough.
Also, the Brazilian girl could have been my daughter. And if she were, I would tell her that people questioning her (obviously doctored) story does not mean they hate her. It simply means we are older, less gullible and certainly able to tell when an immature woman is desperately looking for attention. She will probably understand that... in five years or so, but that is not my problem anymore.
I loved every single thing you shared with us. Drop by anytime, you will always be more than welcome. And you are completely right: social media is not real life. And how could it be? Would you read my blog, if I told you all there is to know about my bunions?
You wouldn't. You want me to tell you about business, legal, travel, foodie and obscure Baroque/Renaissance/classical music stuff, right?
Things like this (what I wanted to be last week's Sunday sounds, but hey - drama, drama), for example:
PS: one of my acquaintances, a rather popular singer, was at one time the lover of a high (very high) profile local politician - a brilliant guy (also a family friend of ours, btw). I had no idea and I kept on teasing her about singing at his party's events, until someone told me to stop, because it made her feel uneasy. The same person was always referring to the guy as 'Michael', when they were talking about him in public (the woman was really smitten, along with tens of thousands of others, nationwide). Michael, my foot and it ended up in the tabloids anyways.
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xoxo-mylove · 2 years
Doubts and Talks
(Bruce Wayne x Reader, Batmom!Reader x Dick Grayson)
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Word count: 3,322
Synopsis: Dick Grayson loves it here at the manor. His new mom and dad always make him happy and his new mom always gives him snuggles, but what happens when he lets the words and opinions of others jeopardize his happiness.
Warnings: Angst, Lots of angst, self-doubt, self insecurities, fake friendships, MAJOR bruce and Dick fluff to make up for the angst lol
(*A/N:  Sorry for the late update its been sooooooo long, This story took me forever to complete because while I was first writing it i was in love with the plot and I had so many ideas but halfway through I was so discouraged in my writing and gave up. I came back to the story tweaking it and while editing it I came up with more ideas and knew even if I didn't like how I wrote the story I wanted to post more Batmom!reader again. So bare with me with the shitty writing lol I hope you guys like it <3  but I want to write more of Al Ghul!reader one-shots so leave ideas in the asks please :)))) btw more stuff will be added in the master lists!! Coming soon ya’ll promise <3) if some don’t know this story is inspired by a piece of fan art i posted! Unfortunately i dont know the artist but please, please, please if any of you do please msg me and let me know so i could leave credits ;))
Dick Grayson was the happiest boy alive. He thinks it’s because of all the cookies he gets from Alfred.....Oh! Oh! AND AND all the snuggles he gets from his new mom and dad.
His new Mom and Dad. It was hard for him to call you and Bruce that but, you both made him feel better with your words and love you showed to him. He remembers when he called you mom for the first time, he remembers the look on your face and the bad feeling in his tummy when he felt happy about giving you that title.
But he also remembers running away and hiding from you. Becoming so consumed of guilt and crying for hours in his room. You ran after him after a while and told him all the things that made him feel better. 
“Calling me your mom dickie does not mean you're forgetting your mother. I know I didn’t personally know Mary honey, but I know that she was an extraordinary woman.” 
“You want to know why?” 
“why?” he remembers asking with pouting lips and teary eyes. “because she raised the most brave, smart, and most kindest boy I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You don't understand how happy I am that you would ever call me mom, but I want you to know that there is nothing to feel guilty about or sad about, I know your mother would be happy that you’ve found people who care and love you as much as your father and she did. I love you baby.” 
He remembered feeling like a weight being lifted off his shoulders after your guy’s talk.
He didn't feel guilt consume his tummy when he called you mom anymore and that made him feel a lot better. He also remembers the first time he called Bruce dad, he never seen the man smile harder in his life! It was so COOL! Bruce even took him out for ice cream TWICE that week! You weren’t too happy about that though...... But disregarding that! Dick Grayson was a very very happy boy and it would take a lot to bring down his mood.
If only he knew what would happen when he went to school tomorrow.
Dick was having such a good dream. Alfred was feeding him all his favorite foods and deserts and his Mom was telling him nothing! It was heaven. Just as he was about to eat into another chocolate cake he feels his body being stirred awake, and just like that, his own paradise was gone and he opened his eyes to see you. 
“Honey it’s time to wake up.” he heard you say. He groaned and turned over on his stomach hoping that if he ignores you you’ll let him stay home. 
Just as he was gonna throw his cover over his eyes he hears you yell “Oh no you don’t mister!” and tortures him with tickles.
 “No! ah ha No!” *giggle*
“MOM!! St-” *giggle* 
“OKAY OKAY!” you stop your onslaught attack on him and instead choose to sit on the ground by his bed and laugh at him watching him catch his breath. He lets out a deep sigh and turns on his side to see you looking at him with those eyes. He immediately wants to go back to sleep. “Time to get ready honey. School time!”
 “UGHHH I don't want toooo!” he looks up at you with a pouty lip and faking his obviously phony tears “Can I please stay home mommy?” You let out a sigh and crouch down by his bed. Oh YEAH! It worked. 
He definitely didn’t think it would. 
“No.” he doesn't even have the chance to let out a gasp before his cover is being thrown off and he's in your arms in the air. He screaming and laughing, mostly complaining all the way down the stairs to kitchen where Alfred and Bruce are eating breakfast watching in amusement at his torture. 
You sit him down on the chair and kiss his cheek, even though he tries to dodge it and ruffle his hair. He watches you walk over to Dad and kiss his cheek and sit down digging into your breakfast.
Looking back in forth between the two of you and his dad he knew he couldn't let the topic of him staying home today go. He has to try ask Dad. He slowly gets off his chair and walks over to his chair. He notices his your eyes following him as he goes. “Dad” he looks at Bruce with that adorable face that he knows he has. You told him so. 
Bruce peers down at him over the newspaper “What’s up chum?” he puts down his newspaper and Dick knows he’s got him. “I want to stay home today.” 
“Oh yeah? Why's that?”
 “Well... If I stay home today then Alfred won’t have to pick me up from school, Instead Al could finally watch all his soaps on time!” 
“Master Dick!” ignoring Alfred’s embarrassed outburst “And I can keep mom company here so she isn't all alone while you got to work at WE” Dick knows his reasons are 110% reasonable, he knows his dad will say yes. The smug expression is clear on his face and it almost hurts Bruce to watch it fall almost.
 Dick swears he can hear an explosion going off five miles from here because WHAT! 
The shock is clear on his face because he hears his mom giggling. He whips his head towards you and gapes “MOM! stop laughing!” he can see your body shaking with laughter as you try to hide it. 
His attention is taken off of you when Bruce smooths his hair down and tilts his head towards him. “You can’t stay home bud.”
The world just ended he swears by it. 
“But why though?” he knows he’s being whiny but come on!
Bruce laughs at his obvious whiny tone and looks at you with a smile before turning back to face him. With a sympathetic look on his face he bends down to whisper something to Dick like he’s telling him a secret. 
“You know I would let you stay home if it wasn't for your mother” a cough interrupts their conversation and they both turn to see you glaring at Bruce with a blank expression on your face.
  Ahhh dad’s in trouble. Dad clears his throat and tries to smile at you and you just rolls your eyes and look at him. “And anyway hun I’m not going to be staying home today.” 
“Well, where are you going?” He asks confused, his mom almost never busy to hang out with him for entire day unless.......Oh. Oh, no, no, no!
“I’m going to work honey.” 
Dick knows the sadness on his face is evident because Bruce lays his hand on his back softly. “Yeah I'm having a meeting with the owners of the Gotham Theatre! They want me to help draw up some plans for a complete renovation. Doesn’t that sound exciting?”
You get really excited when you get these architect jobs (took me a while to learn how to say that word) 
You spend weeks drawing plans on that cool blue paper and creating sick model buildings on the computer in your study. Though he thinks it’s cool Dick doesn't really like when you get jobs because your always to busy to hangout with him, and between Dad going out all night for hours doing vigilante work (that he still won’t let me go out with him even though I know I'm ready!)
When you have a job you’re focused on Dick knows he won't see you for hours that day. 
“Sweetheart” You said sympathetically. You definitely noticed his face. You set your fork down on your plate and reached for his arms pulling him to your chest.
 “I know when I get jobs I get distracted with my work and trying to make it perfect but I promise you I'll manage my time better, okay?” Dick smiled at you because he knows that you’ll go through with it. “And all of us are going to a Gala this evening so I'll pick you up from school. Okay?” Dick could feel Dad’s eye roll from here. He hates those things, Dick particularly doesn't mind them! Especially because you like to brag about him and cmon, who doesn't love that! 
“Now that's over, I think someone needs to brush their teeth” you with a smile.
 You’re right Dick thinks.
 “Yeah Dad I wasn’t going to say anything but...” The loud giggles you two shared at Bruce’s annoyed face had Dick smiling the whole breakfast.
Driving to school with Alfred is always one of the best parts of Dick’s morning. He has this thing where he knows once he starts talking he can't really stop and he loves when Alfred gives him those small but big worded answers in his British accent.
It really just eggs him on.
 “I mean I definitely don’t mind being Sasha’s friend and everything, but one of my bestest friends; Micheal doesn't like Sasha and I don't want him to be mad when he sees me hanging out with her at lunch.” he explains to Alfred.
“Sounds like you have yourself stuck in a difficult position Master Dick”
 “I know, it’s so exhausting” It really is.
“Oh yes, very strenuous work you endure.” 
“Totally Al.” Dick definitely doesn't know what strenuous means, he’ll ask you about it later. 
Pulling up to school Dick sees his friends Micheal and Sean waiting for him by the entrance. “Goodbye Master Dick I wish you a good day.” Running out of the car and runing to his friends. Dick stops and quickly runs back to the car and peaks his head back in, “Bye Al! have a good day!” and closes it. 
Running up to his friends he can't help but notice them whispering to themselves while laughing. Though once Dick comes into view, they hurriedly stop whispering into each others ears. That uncomfortable feeling in his stomach starts brewing. “Hey! Guys what’s up?” he asks smiling.
 “Hey, Dick we were just talking about the Gala.... our parents have us going to tonight” his friend Sean says.
“Oh yeah, my mom was talking to me about it today.” 
“Oh your mom huh?” snickers broke out between the two of them.
Whats so funny? 
 “yeah my mom.” he says while staring Micheal. It seems like their staring contest with each other had gone on too long because Sean mentions class starting soon.
Walking into school with his friends was definitely awkward. They finally made it to Mrs. Ortiz’s classroom and sit down in their seats. Dick has never been more grateful for assigned seating more than today, he definitely didn't want to be by either of them at that moment.
Mrs. Ortiz’s insistent need to call role everyday is annoying but whatever, it’s her class. “Shayla Valdez?”
“Richard John Wayne?”
Once Dick brings down his hand he hear puffs of laughter and snickers breaking out behind him. Swiveling his head around to see Micheal and Sean whispering with another group of boys while looking at him.
 Dick feels his jaw clench and his skin grow hot. Turning his head back to the front he tries to get through the class while fuming in his seat. He definitely should of stayed home.
While walking down the hall to his next period Dick overhears Michael and Sean talking behind the corner with some other kid from his class. Slowing down his speed Dick hides behind the corner and decides to listen to their conversation 
“He should feel grateful!” He hears Michael speak with a nasty tone.
 “What do you mean grateful Mike?” A voice he recognizes as Bryan speaks 
“Living with Bruce and Y/N Wayne! You idiots, gods I feel bad for them. Taking in that charity case.”
 Charity case? Dick felt his stomach drop.
No, no, no, you and Bruce didn’t adopt him because they felt bad. They didn't adopt him out of pity. Right?
 Dick didn’t have much time to think about it before his friends started speaking again. “My mom was telling me that the only reason they adopted Dick was for the publicity. Oh woah me! My parents died, I need a new home! Please take care of me! The press eats it up and obviously Mr and Mrs. Wayne just use him because-” Dick didn't stick around for the rest. Feeling a stinging in his eyes. 
Stop crying!
 Stop being a baby!
He kept telling himself. Trying to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat. Dick could hear their laughs echoing of the hallways as he made his way quickly into his next class the long way, anything to avoid passing by them.
He just wanted go home.
Once school ended Dick was sitting down on the bench waiting for you and he can't help but let the words of his friends consume his mind while waiting for you to show up.
Am I a charity case? A publicity stunt? I mean it would make sense. A rich couple taking in a sad little orphan. Probably got them a lot of praise from the public. No, no, Dick, Y/N and Bruce are your Mom and Dad.
They love you and they don't feel that way.
They don't.
 Unfortunately the feeling in his stomach didn't go away. The hurtful words from his friends earlier definitely affected his mood. So much so that when he saw your car come to view he couldn't help but feel sad all over again. It can't be all fake. Can it? 
Getting into the car you definitely noticed something was wrong. “Hi baby! How was school?” you happily asked, turning your body around to see him. 
Dick tried to smile he really did. “It was good mom”
 He saw the concern in your eyes start to build quickly at his unusual answer. The question you always asked when you pick him up always sent Dick into a long rant about everything he did at school, all the things he learned, and who he talked too. Yeah, Dick didn't know how he was going to get away with this.
 It was your favorite part of your day-listening to him talk about his. Then later at dinner when Dick told Bruce all about his day. So when he didn't go on his normal but adorable recount of his day, you could say you were instantly worried.
“You alright honey?” you ask hoping for a truthful answer this time.
 “Im fine..Y/N” You know the shock was clear on your face and instant glaze clouding your eyes was obvious. Taking in a deep breath you silently nodded and drove the both of you home.
Dick knew he messed up when he called you Y/N instead of mom, its just if it was all fake you obviously wouldn't mind. He kept telling himself but a small part of him in that moment wanted to hurt you. 
But the look on your face when he called you Y/N instead of mom would be something that would stay with him forever.
The way your face completely turned expressionless and you just nodded at him. Not yelled, or cried. You just nodded. Like it hurt too much to say anything. Dick just sat silently the entire ride home, fighting back tears and feeling the guilt almost swallow him whole.
 Once you stopped the car and he saw you let out a sigh. And look up at him in your rearview, he bolted. Running out the car and towards the manor he headed straight to his room, ignoring your calls for him to come back.
He ran past Bruce, barley hearing him ask what was wrong.
Running up the stairs and slamming the door Dick flopped on his bed and cried. Cried because he was hurting and crying because he knew he hurt his mom. 
Dick doesn't know how long he was crying for, hours? or merely minutes. But it felt like he was there in his room sobbing for a long time. 
A knock at his door stops the thoughts running wild and knew for a fact it wasn’t you. That thought alone hurt him.
 You always knock twice and then Dick always answers. No, it wasn't you behind that door. Further proving he hurt your feelings so bad that you didn't even want to see him. 
He’s the worst kid ever. 
“Dick? Can I come in?” 
Oh no, Bruce was probably angry at him. Bruce is always angry at anybody who upsets you, he's seen it with crazy reporters to mean rich women at galas. The way he uses his batman stance and scary stare, Dick doesn't want him look at him like that. he doesn't think he can handle it. But he cant just leave him outside his door. He doesn't want another one of his parents to be sad because of him. 
“Yeah...you could come in” he says in a small voice.
The door opens and he sees Bruce’s head pop in catching his eyes. Dick feels like his heart is going to beat out of his chest because of how nervous he is.
Approaching his bed Dick could see Bruce is nervous. Not as nervous as him but nervous.
It seems like Bruce could sense his unease because he gives Dick a gentle smile and and brings him into a hug.
Dick could feel the tension leave his shoulders and the nerves leave his body as he slumps into Bruce’s arms. He feels an instant set of tears building up and lets them trail silently down his cheeks.
 It’s like Bruce already knew what crisis was going through his mind moments before “The reason your mom isn’t in here isn't because she's mad, okay? We want you to know that.” 
Dick just nods into Bruces arms, hoping that's enough of an answer for him.
“We just want to know whats wrong? Can you tell me?” Bruce asks concerned.
 Dick feels like those are such loaded questions. Can you tell me? Whats wrong? What does Dick even say? He’s sad because he heard his friends talk about how you and Bruce just use him as a publicity stunt and you don't really love him and he can't help but believe it? Yeah, that makes total sense. Bruce would probably just think he’s a crybaby. Or even worse, it be true and he can’t even give Dick any reassurance. 
Yeah, so much worse.
 His silence to Bruces question must have gone on too long because he feels himself being taken out of the embrace and sees Bruce kneeling on the ground in-front of him. Looking up at him with no more nervousness as before but a determined a gentle face. A face that Dick knows means Bruce is going to stay here until Dick tells him whats wrong. “Whats wrong Dick? I know your mother is usually the one that consoles but if anything, you could always talk to me.” 
Maybe it’s the fact that Dick has stopped his crying, but he decides to tell Bruce what happened.
Clearing his throat trying to speak without the obvious sadness peeking through,”Today at school I heard some of my......friends talking” he says peering up at Bruce’s face.
He nods at Dick asking him to continue.”They.....they were saying that the reason you and Y/N adopted me was because—” 
“because what chum?”
“because of publicity.”
They could hear a pin drop because of the sudden silence that spread between them. Bruce look like a fish out of water, opening and closing his mouth trying to think of something to say. It made Dick nervous because what if it was actually true and Dick caught him in the act?
No, he couldn't handle that being the truth. He needs Bruce to tell him that's not it.
Bruce has finally regained his ability to speak back because he softly but firmly grabs Dick’s face in his hands and looks him in the eye.
“I have never. Ever had the intention of adopting you because of the good publicity it may have received Dick. Your mother and I never adopted you or chose to take you in out of pity, good publicity, or charity. We adopted you because I knew what it was like.”
Dick is crying now and can feel them trailing down his cheeks. The relief he feels is all consuming. He almost hits himself out of anger for even thinking it was true. Thinking that you and Bruce could EVER do that to him or be that kind of people.
“You knew what is was like?”
Bruce smiles at him wiping the tears of his face, “The pain of loosing your parents is something we have in common kid. I adopted you because I knew what you needed. I knew the path you would have taken if Y/N or me weren't there. You would’ve ended up like me. I need you to understand that it wasn't out of pity or charity. Y/N and I love you. We love you so much. Your mother will tell you the same thing when you tell her what’s wrong. Okay?”
Dicks almost inconsolable at this point nods his head and smiles, before he feels guilt. Guilt for assuming and possibly insulting Bruce and you. And before he can even open his mouth to give an apology, Bruce just shakes his head and whispers it’s all right. Rubbing his back he whispers you have nothing to apologize for to me. Okay?
They spend the rest of the afternoon there, just sitting in each others presence. All the talking and explanations have been done and finished with and now they were just sitting together feeling each others comfort.
Dick knows he’ll have to speak to you soon and apologize for running out the car leaving you sad. But for right now he feels content with Bruce’s words and knows that he has nothing to be scared of. Because you and Bruce are his Mom and Dad. 
Nothing will ever change that. Especially not some immature, jealous, fake friendly rich boys. Dick really needs to find some new friends once he gets back to school. 
Hopefully Sasha!?
AHHHHHHH I hope you all enjoyed!!! i’m so glad i finally got this story out, it feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders <3 love you all lots!! Feedback is appreciated!
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haleyhunwritess · 1 year
Hiii!!! Could you write a 🤍 fic or drabble with dad!bucky and steve is seeing reader but bucky doesn’t know and they have an argument about something and bucky says something really hurtful so then steve goes to comfort her🥺🥺🥺🥺
🤍 drabble for dad!bucky and reader having an argument then steve comforting her because they're secretly dating
a/n: WAIT I LOVE THIS, also i'm sorry i've been trying to upload more for the celebration but i've been a bit busy with school :(( i'm gonna try to answer more this weekend hopefully (btw i love the ideas you guys send in) also i'm so sorry i keep making these longer than they need to be, you're all probably so sick of my writing at this point😭😭
𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐲’𝐬 𝟏𝐤 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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"You couldn’t behave just this once? You had to embarrass me infront of my colleagues," Bucky mumbled, as slumping down on the couch.
You recently started working with your father, as an intern of course. You were still in college but it was summer, and unfortunately your summer plans got cancelled. As a birthday present, your mum had bought a trip to Paris. Just for the two of you.
Unfortunately, before the end of the semester, she got into a car accident. When you got to the hospital, she was in surgery. You and Bucky waited there for hours. Steve came by to try to get you both to go home but neither of you moved. Finally, the doctor walked over to you guys. The pitiful look on his face already making you queasy as he said the words that changed your life in an instant. She passed away, she didn’t make it.
Bucky thought that maybe working with him this summer could help you take your mind off of things. At first, it was actually nice to have work as a distraction. But lately, the workload has been more than usual. It’s been tiring and hard but you’ve been trying your best. Today, however, someone else made a mistake and you got blamed for it. You tried to stand up for yourself but no one would listen to you. You looked to your dad for help but Bucky just shook his head and apologized on your behalf.
“I didn't even do anything! Why do you always have to argue with me" You yelled once again, as you threw your bag on the couch.
"I don’t want to argue with you, but you messed up and you need to learn how to take accountability for your actions!" Bucky yelled back, no longer caring about keeping his voice down.
You scoffed in response, "I wish Mom was still here, she wouldn't do this to me. She would stand up for me, she wouldn't believe some other kid over me."
"Fuck I wish she was here so she could see you right now, she'd be nothing but disappointed in you. Thank fucking god she's not here to see you like this, she'd be so fucking ashamed." Bucky instantly regretted what he said, but it was too late. The harsh words already left his mouth, and there was no taking them back now.
You both stood there like that until the sound of the front door pulled you out of your thoughts. You noticed Steve had walked in with takeout in his hand. You completely forgot he was coming over for dinner tonight. You looked back at Bucky before running upstairs to your room.
"Wait sweethear-" Bucky got cut off as you slammed your bedroom door shut. He quickly got up to follow you but Steve stopped him.
"Just let me go talk to her first.” Steve said, knowing you’d be too upset to see Bucky right now.
“I didn’t mean to say that… I just felt guilty when she said what she said…I didn’t mean to h-hurt her, fuck please just go check on her.” Bucky quickly wiped the tears away, knowing there was a chance you wouldn’t be able to forgive him for what he said.
Steve patted his back, before making his way upstairs to your room. His heart broke listening to the quiet sobs coming from your room. He lightly knocked on the door, “Angel, are you in here?”
“Go ‘way, don’t wanna talk…” You mumbled, putting the covers over your head.
“Come on, angel, you don’t have to talk it’s okay, I just wanna make sure you’re okay.” Steve waited for a few minutes, hoping you’ll let him in soon. He sighed before turning the doorknob, surprised to find it unlocked, and walking in.
He walked over to you, and sat down on the bed before carefully moving the blankets down. You looked up at him, with your tear-stained face, still sobbing quietly as you kept thinking about what Bucky said.
“Oh baby, look at you. All these tears don’t look good on my angel, come on let’s dry these up.” Steve carefully wiped away all your tears with his sleeve before pulling you closer to him to let you lay your head on his lap.
“H-he said that…” You couldn’t even finish the sentence. You wanted to tell Steve the harsh words you’d heard earlier. You didn't know that he already heard them as soon as he walked in. It took everything in him to not beat the shit out of Bucky at the time but he knew you needed him more though.
“Shh shh, it’s okay, he didn’t mean it. You know how much he loves you. He didn’t mean what he said, I promise. And I know for a fact that she’d be nothing but proud of you if she was still here.” He quickly shushed you, not wanting you to cry again. He tried his best to soothe you with his sweet words. It helped a little but you couldn’t help but wonder if Bucky was right. Would she be disappointed?
“Do you think she’d be disappointed in me? If she ever found out about us? Actually, do you think he’ll be disappointed in me if I ever told him about us?” You mumbled.
Steve thought about it for a second before replying, “Maybe at first, but I’m sure he'll come around. He'll will have to come around, angel, because I’m never letting you go.” He mumbled, burying his face in your neck, making you giggle a bit.
“I miss her alot…” You mumbled, as you could already feel the tears making their way back.
“I know, angel, I know. We all do…” Steve laid there with you until you fell asleep. Stroking your hair, and rubbing your back every now and then. All he wanted to do was take your pain away. You didn’t deserve to feel this way. You were his angel, all he wanted to do was protect you.
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bonebirds · 7 months
I don't normally do this and I honestly feel like it's... bad, somehow, but it's a pretty small circle here and idk, I just need some kind of validation or... something? Look I'm bad at this but I am really trying /o\ Everything is just fucked and internet hugs would be nice.
ignored my original request for medical leave in March
instead tried to PIP me in April (HR intervened and was like, why? All this employee's feedback is positive and they've never been an issue?)
ignored my request for medical leave in May
granted 2 weeks PTO for me to move in the summer but my director also included things like "you will never get benefits for medical issues" and "if you have to quit, I'll help you get a job somewhere else" (paraphrasing) but that if I kept asking for time off, I'd... be... in trouble, vaguely? I'm basically treated like he wants to fire me but alas, cannot :( He does promise to look into any employee emergency funds or help given everything outside of work sounds Bad. He never does.
I emailed HR in June to be like, "my doctor is advising I stop working because I am becoming physically ill from stress and can't function, I am having daily panic attacks logging into work, and btw, my manager has been emotionally manipulating me into working through this illness despite my doctor's documentation" and never heard back.
After I moved, in September they moved me to a team where they did not train me on anything, and my health continued to deteriorate until I just didn't show up for a week and my new manager actually helped get HR involved. I was at this point visibly in meetings losing my fucking mind and calling out former managers for driving this all.
work agrees to grant me paid medical leave but will get back to me about how much of my salary I'll collect on leave. I am given Sept 20-December 31 off.
They don't get back to me at all, and I collect a full month's salary in October. NB: we get paid once a month, at the end of it. This took 5-6 weeks of ignoring the process on their end.
9 days before being paid for November, I'm told I can burn the rest of whatever PTO I have but they will not be paying for this leave. They don't tell me how much that is.
undoing pretty much any and every progress I'd made on de-stressing and recovering from everything else, triggering a shingles attack, and I have zero savings, zero benefits, and zero fucking idea about what to do aside from try to fight for paid leave
I am putting this here mostly because it's too much to hold in my head all at once, ever, and I try to break the last 9 months down and just... like, my god? I showed up to work during all of that. I asked for more and more to do. I did the training and the meetings and the job, and... I am paying out of pocket for treatment because no one there gives a shit and everyone believes the manager I emailed HR about (since fired!***) because she never documented... anything.
So I look like I did nothing for a year and then just asked for leave to cover my ass.
*human trafficking**
**I'm not kidding and I'm really fucking tired of trying to kid about it or talk around it because just being like 'haha, life events" or "drama!" is vague enough I guess people are like "yeah I stress sometimes too" when it's more like "my organs were physically shutting down from stress and I had a complete nervous breakdown when I realized what was going on" :|
*** There's so many layers to this because we were friends before co-workers but she also spent months trying to keep me in a city where I was actually in danger and gaslighting me about helping with it all so she could keep me in the city, so, you know. That was going on too?
I'm not really looking for advice (I'm in the process of looking into what legal protections I have, don't worry) so much as... I don't know. This is fucked, right? This has just reached a level of fucked where I don't know how to keep trying. I was fighting for this job because if I could just pay off another, like, ten grand of debt I'll be okay enough to breathe a little, and I like the folks I work with and it's not a bad gig, and I quit a PhD for this place, and them paying this leave was literally going to be a saving grace I so needed, and...
If nothing else, like, I get to be mad about this, right? I'm trying so hard to actually let myself be mad without flinching from that feeling because it's like all or nothing, I am just defeated and crying and giving up or I am breathing fire and going for their jugular, and neither is practically helpful.
I don't know, man.
But yeah there you go, that's why I had to move accounts suddenly and lost, oh, 98% of my social circle earlier this year 😵‍💫
At least typing it all out and looking at it square in the face like that is, yeah. That's horrific treatment. And worth fighting. Even if it's just a few grand, or... something. I don't know. I'm just so fucking hollow all the time again. I was just so close to somewhere less precarious, emotionally and financially.
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it-tos · 14 days
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me or my ass? ✩ ˛˚ .
𝜗𝜚 synopsis: olivia asks her f/os a conflicting yet intriguing question
𝜗𝜚 notes ⦂ happy b-day post!! btw this was inspired by @/nymphiria's post with tokyo revengers character <33
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"ain't no way in hell you just asked me that question," yuuji pouted as his face was being covered with an avocado cream courtesy of his girlfriend, who was still waiting for his answer.
"well i did and i expect you to respond," olivia smirked. truth be told, she isn't bothered if yuuji picks one thing or the other, she just knows he'll have a hard time answering because he' trapped between picking two of his favourite things.
upon completing the face cream, yuuji continued to pout, but now in a pondering manner. the way his hair stuck up due to the facial headband made him look ten times cuter as he continued to pick his answer. olivia was his girlfriend and he loved her to death, but he felt the same about her ass too! this was a life or death situation for him outside of being a jujutsu sorcerer.
olivia could only smile and wait for his response once more, finding the situation to be more amusing that seeing her friends' reactions to her out of context things about tokyo revengers characters. it wasn't until yuuji laid his head on her thighs that she got her answer.
"your thighs," he said, making his girlfriend furrow her eyebrows. "it's the nearest thing to your ass and it's a part of you too."
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"excuse me?" was all chifuyu could mutter out as olivia crossed her arms, looking at him with the cockiest smile known to mankind. he was more surprised at how she asked him that question after he told her all about his day at the pet shop, trying to keep baji and kazutora from fighting again about god knows what.
"you heard me," olivia's ego boosted more from the conflicted look on his face. "it's totally no pressure or anything, but i do expect to hear the right answer."
chifuyu sighed, loosening his black tie, only adding more curiosity into his girlfriend's pretty mind. she knew that he wasn't a picky man, unless it came to two things that he wasn't interested in, but he had two of his favourite things that he would kill for. so olivia could only wait for his response.
however, other than picking her ass or herself, there was another thing that chifuyu adored, which he just so happened to lay his head between as she smiled down at him on her chest. "this your answer?" she asked in amusement.
a small 'yep' and shake of his head was all that came from chifuyu, who grew more comfortable between olivia's chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "don't get me wrong; i love your ass, but these pretty things are something you pull off perfectly."
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"your ass, no questions asked."
olivia became stumped, only looking at her boyfriend with nothing but utter surprise at how quick he answered that. it's almost as though he saw the question coming from a mile away (either that or he wanted to offend her, but she wasn't bothered by either option).
"chuuya, how could i not ask after you answered it as though there was red wine on the line?!"
"you're seriously comparing your ass to a bottle of wine?" the red head raised an eyebrow.
"not the point! i still want an explanation!" olivia huffed her cheeks out, clenching her fists in an attempt to look intimidating. her height (and according to chuuya, her cute face) let her down miserably.
leaning over, he cupped both her cheeks with a single hand, pulling her forward gently. "i like your ass because it isn't a little brat."
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as soon as she finished her question, tamaki immediately froze, his face turning bright red while shaking uncontrollably. despite having been dating for several months, he still isn't able to grow used to the out-of-context ideas or things that olivia does.
"tamaki?" she smiled up at him as if she were a saint. "you okay?" she knew he wasn't, but it doesn't hurt to tease here and there every while.
the third year continued to stand with the most constipated face ever. 'come on, amajiki, say something!' is what he kept repeating, but the question still swarmed around in his head as though it were some kind of terrible memory. then again, nothing about olivia was terrible; he loved her to death and he should give her an answer.
but alas, tamaki's nervousness grew the best of him, resulting in him resting his head on his girlfriend's shoulder to hide his face that looked as though it was going to explode from embarrassment. she smiled softly at him, kissing his temple while stroking his arms.
"tamaki, y'know you don't actually have to answer," she reassured in his ear. he nodded slowly, feeling her hands being placed on his cheeks to look at her in the eyes.
"i-i know," tamaki stuttered out, the redness still apparent on his face but was tinted down to a soft pink. "but i don't want you to think less of me if i-i don't choose. s-so... i-i pick you and only you."
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"all of you, of course!" bokuto answered in an instant, his usual smile beaming off his perfect face.
olivia huffed. "kotaro, that's not an option. i said pick between me or my ass," she raised an eyebrow.
"why do i have to choose? can't i love all of my pretty girlfriend?" he tilted his head, looking more like an owl than he already is.
once again, another sigh came out of olivia's mouth. bokuto is a loyal boy, everybody knows that, but he can be quite indecisive. not like olivia isn't guilty of that trait either, but at least she was able to lay out the pros and cons of whatever she was picking between.
bokuto wasn't like that and she wouldn't change that for the world, yet he thinks she's going to be offended by either option. in conclusion, she just asked this question for pure amusement.
suddenly, she felt her waist become entrapped by bokuto's beefy arms, pulling her in closer as he kissed her cheek repeatedly. "i know you don't care what i choose, but in the end, i'll choose all of you."
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lulamadison · 2 years
If you haven't used it already, Prompt 33.
Thank you 😀
Prompt 33: “You are such a nerd.”
“Are you crying?” Daniel asked, as he watched Johnny surreptitiously wipe his eyes when the credits started to roll.
“No,” Johnny said, turning away.
“It's OK if you are,” Daniel said, putting a hand on his back.
When Johnny moved in, their first night together, Daniel had suggested watching movie and pulled his DVD of Iron Man off the shelf.
“You ever seen this?” Daniel asked.
“Nah, is it good?”
“It's awesome, yeah,” Daniel said, as he opened the cover.
“As good as Iron Eagle?” Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow.
“You'll have to judge that for yourself,” Daniel replied as he put the disc into the player.
Johnny enjoyed the film, and was shocked when he heard that there was an entire series of 22 films, so it became their thing. Every Friday and Saturday night they'd have a six pack and watch a Marvel film, curled around each other on the couch.
“Johnny, are you OK?” Daniel asked.
Johnny turned around, his eyes wet, and he waved his arm angrily at the TV. “Why did Tony Stark have to die, man? He had a kid and he was happy! After 21 movies of him being drunk and miserable he was finally happy, and then he DIES?! What kind of bullshit is that?”
“Wow, you really liked him, huh?” Daniel said.
“He was my favourite, yeah,” Johnny said, sniffing. “He was better than that prick, Rogers. I thought he was the one who was gonna die.”
“Hey, now,” Daniel said, smiling as he held up a hand. “Captain America is my favourite, so don't go dissing him.”
“He would be your favourite, yeah,” Johnny said, rolling his eyes. “That asshole lied to Tony about how his parents were killed, he split up the Avengers, so it was his fault they lost, and everyone got snapped by Thanos. And he kissed Sharon Carter then went off to live with her Aunt Peggy in the past even though he knew she had a husband, and he didn't even tell Sam he was going to do it. The guy's a dick!”
“Wow,” Daniel laughed. “I had no idea you were such a nerd.”
Johnny visibly tensed at Daniel's side, blinking at him for a second then he looked away. He'd told Daniel so many times that he hated Kreese, that he wanted to wipe out every single thing he'd ever done, every mark he'd made on his life, yet he still kept coming back to his most basic of lessons.
“Johnny,” Daniel said softly. “It's OK to be a nerd. It's not a bad thing.”
Johnny let out a non-committal sound next to him, his back still stiff as a rod.
“I'm a nerd too, and you think I'm badass, right?” Daniel asked.
“Yeah, you're OK,” Johnny sighed. “You're definitely a bigger nerd than me though.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You had 22 Marvel films on DVD for a start,” Johnny said with a chuckle. “That's like king of the nerds, right there.”
As Johnny started to relax, Daniel pulled out his phone, and brought up a website. “Pick one.”
“What?” Johnny asked.
“Pick an Iron Man T Shirt,” Daniel said. “I want to buy one for you.”
Johnny looked down the page, and said, “I like that one.”
“Yeah, it's cool. Looks like a band T shirt,” Daniel said, as he jabbed at his phone screen. “And now it's yours.”
“Hey, look at that,” Johnny said, pointing at the phone. “They do Iron Man helmets on here that you can actually wear.”
“You want one?” Daniel asked.
“Don't you think it's a bit much?” Johnny asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Nah,” Daniel replied, as he added it the basket. “You'll look awesome wearing it stood next to me when I'm holding the Captain America Shield I'm about to buy myself.”
Here is the prompt list (Completed: 16, 20, 33, 65, 110, 118, and working on 132) drop me an ask with a number and I'll do my best :-D
(I actually love Captain America btw lol)
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lena-rambles · 1 year
Salut! So asking (💤 SLEEPING) for Aurore for the ask game is a little too on the nose, but I really want to know XD. Also (🎵 MUSIC NOTE) for her and for pippa (and for Erin if you're up to it) because I love asks about music and I know you have impeccable taste in music ^^
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
fair question for aurore lol
i would think that aurore has never had any trouble falling asleep due to the curse. it hasn't yet taken effect, but it still lingers in her, waiting until the right time. there are trace influences of it that worry her parents; this is one such example.
she doesn't need anything, really, to help her fall asleep. that being said, she enjoys and is comforted by her thick heavy blankets and sheer bed canopy. it makes her feel protected and safe.
🎵 MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
ooh yes!! thank you for this question!! glad you enjoy my taste in music :) i don't have a fantastic handle on aurore and pippa yet but i will do my best
i've spent the last couple days listening to my liked songs on spotify and adding entire albums to x's playlist. it's honestly been a great way to understand them in a different way.
btw even though their canon is in the fantasy limbo era, this question is all assuming they're in modern times
aurore —
aurore mostly enjoys either light whimsical songs or bright pop songs.
her playlist, ironically, has some disney songs, especially i see the light, for the first time in forever, and love is an open door. there's also indila's mini world album in her playlist. her favourite artists include cosmo sheldrake, the oh hellos, taylor swift, abba, and louane — i'd love to put more french artists but i don't know a lot 😥
a song that i associate with her is once upon a dream, which should surprise absolutely no one. it's where i got this entire series idea, the soulmate trope for aurore and pippa, and it's a sleeping beauty song. there are two versions specifically that i listen to: lana del rey's cover and tchaikovsky's original sleeping beauty orchestra piece.
pippa —
i feel like pippa's favourite artists are hozier, brandi carlile, maren morris, and zaz. they love anything with a beautiful voice and lyrics — a homage to how prince phillip was immediately drawn by aurora's voice in the disney movie. their music taste is also in more grounded? songs than aurore likes? i.e. cosmo sheldrake's music is quite whimsical and aurore loves it but pippa prefers hozier's solid style. if that makes sense.
some songs on their playlist are any jeremy zucker and chelsea cutler collabs, hozier's in a week, and pentatonix's say something.
the song i associate with them is etta james' at last:
at last my love has come along my lonely days are over and life is like a song
on a completely unrelated note, pippa totally read the ranger's apprentive over and over when they were younger. it's their comfort series well into new adulthood too.
erin —
erin's playlist has some softer/lighter music, like clairo and harry styles. lifehouse's entire no name face album is on there, too — both her taste and it's what her father listened to when she was younger. taylor swift's lover album is also on there because taylor has a flavour of music for everyone lol
a song i associate with her is i saw you in a dream by the japanese house — the version with the lowercase title — because i added it to my wip playlist immediately after hearing it for the first time. so i've always associated it with her, even if it doesn't completely match up anymore.
EDIT lol i forgot she canonically has a favourite song: woodland dance by radomir kafka. i wouldn't try to find it though; kafka is from one of vallera's neighboring countries and the song doesn't actually exist. though i imagine it with similar vibes to danse macabre or antonín dvořák's no. 2 dumka.
thanks for the questions! it took me,,, a while,,, to answer but i really enjoyed them :D
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levbolton · 1 year
It is I, anon from earlier today and I can now in confidence tell you that your fics have broken me down into nothingness.
Not only am I stupid and cannot read tags but I repeatedly let myself be comforted by your writing only to be hit with the sad truth at the end. You can’t keep getting away with this /j .Your style is so unique and I can feel the passion you have for the characters as you can see their inner turmoils on the writings. I love how you bring them to life
My personal favourite is Monologue (which is highly underrated btw). I love the dynamic between Fumi and Maki plus Fumi talking about her day made me smile so much. Then cane the gut wrenching feeling about Maki. Honestly you managed to balance the fluff with the angst out so well and I really adored it.
To conclude this annoying fan’s rambling, you are my favourite blue period writer and such a great storyteller. I know how you’ve stated that the fandom is quite inactive (cause it is) but your presence manages to be so outstanding to me. I don’t know why I was too nervous to follow now but I might as well write my letter of appreciation so it can be covered by the bots.
I hope you are able to continue doing what you love and have a great rest of day. 🙃
thanks op, kinda figured bcs i have emails from ao3 and your usernames match
personally 'monologue' is quite the lackluster for me, i wanted to use the concept, i think i wanted to make it about ytyt with yotasuke that would tell yatora about the summer festival only to reveal at the end that yatora was unconscious the whole time so yotasuke wasn't talking with anyone, i got the idea while working on 'a psychological take' (where i wrote already a summer festival so it felt unnecessary to do it again) and at the same time i wanted to write fumimaki (bcs there's literally nothing for this married couple, almost canon i'd say, more canon than ytyt), so i combined both, i was still in a phase where i wanted to kill all characters and make them suffer which i think i did a lot and now i just want to write them relax and be happy (writing depression is hard), so it's not really that original inside my head, but im glad at least someone else likes it (for me billy of tea was way more fun to think about)
tbh i've been thinking about moving on from blp for quite a few months already but i simply can't find something else to interest me the same way ytyt does, which sucks bcs if i don't write then no one will write stuff, rn i want to finish this fic i'm sorking on (i hope i get to 100k), then a oneshot about ytyt soulmates and another oneshot about miki and ayano only, then idk, i think it would be good to retire (not to be petty actually, but i did write 40% of the words in the yatoyota tag on ao3)
fandom isn't really only inactive, it is now a bit (i continuously try to collect blp fans here and on twt, the more the merrier), but i just felt ignored since the anime was airing, again maybe it was the bad timing bcs i started posting my first fic towards the end of the anime when people lost the interest bcs that adaptation is horrible, then in february yamaguchi had covid and from march to july it was complete hiatus and then the whole dj drama (which i'd lie if i said the mob mentality to drop it didn't affect me too although i was the one to uncover the doujinshis on my own weeks before it got to twitter, anyway my idea was: this isn't a piece of media i care about and i am already deeply in love with blue period so whatever, my respect for yamaguchi decreased and i got a passive aggressive attitude towards her until she posted the new year ytyt picture with bunnies this january, now i seriously don't care abt whatever else she drew - also damn i'm really side railing with this)
thanks again for your support, sorry for the long unnecessary text lmao, i have too much free time
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chicagosavant · 1 year
Dealing with a person who has some major unacknowledged personality disorder traits—of the narcissistic/border-line sort…
The absolute one-sided, self-centered perspective of reality—I see it in my patients so often, and I’ve glimpsed episodes in this particular friend over the years. But never to this extent, and so flipping disconnected from reality, where they accept absolutely no responsibility in their actions. And when the people who’ve tried to help them out mention their own particular commitments, or boundaries, regarding the situation that’s persisted longer than it was ever meant, bc of a lack of clarity in communication—that, I’ll admit both to parties sharing some responsibility (although, the BPP person certainly won’t…)—and the reactive hostile vindictiveness…omg. They’ve said their part, and we’ve said ours. Trying to reframe their actions in terms of the lack of clarity, and completely inaccurate portrayal of topics discussed is like trying to truth-sandwich an anti-Vaxer. It’s pointless, bc their version of realty is so self-absorbed, and detracts from any constructive trouble-shooting. Their poor dogs, who are the subject of this vague-post, where we’re (my partner and I) are trying to get our friend to get her damn (but actually very sweet, fairly low maintenance, but have literally been staying with us for 6 fucking months already) dogs, while our friend/ex-friend decided amid a mid-life crisis, they would up and drive 1/2 way cross-country to buffoo-NewMexico, thinking this was The Great Life ReSet—then, decided, literally after trying it for 6 wks in NewMexico-Life wasn’t happening quite as planned, and upped-n-hauled back to New-Fucking-England. En route, mentioning they needed a place to leave their dogs till they could get set up in a new apt.
Bad foresight on my part, not specifying a time-frame we were willing to watch them for (in the Midwest, btw—no where near NewEngland….). 6 months was not a part of this dialogue, till after they tell us they signed a lease on an apt, but the catch: “Oh surprise! They won’t let me have my dogs. So, as a favor to you guys, I told them I could only sign a 6 month lease bc I just couldn’t be away from my little shmoopies that long, for a full 12 months. So, it looks like you’ll be watching them into the spring (wtf??? That hadn’t been mentioned…)”. Btw, this friend is a working professional in healthcare, at a pretty cush teaching-hospital in NewEngland—not homeless/jobless/salaryless/or skilless—they can afford the $450-900 pops for their ketamine infusions, every 1-2x/month, but lament how hard-up they are financially, unable to afford a place that’ll let them have dogs. We’ve attempted to politely inquire as to any updates on her living situation a few times, in the last few weeks, especially as this 6 month lease is up in early April, and supposedly, her current landlords were considering letting her have her dogs, so she could finish out the coming 6 months on her lease. Or, bc—well, you know—finding a place, and moving and all that…also, well, we’re going out of country in early April, and we don’t want to be responsible for her dogs needing a boarder. And they’re not our dogs. She’s covered the cost of kibble (2 long-haired doxies, not that expensive anyway, but appreciated from our end), but we’ve done all the other doggy things you do when you’re not a turd, and you’re caring for fur-babies. However, We already postposed/wrote-off a few fall trips that had been in the works/planned bc of her sudden crisis-mode, and the changing goal-post of duration for which we were meant to be watching her dogs originally. So, bc we heard nothing in the last 2 months, in terms of time-frame, touching base on dates of when she’d be able to out to get her “shmoopies”, (for the record, we’d even floated the possibility of driving them out to her once she had a better idea what her plans were…), we sent an email mentioning upcoming dates that we were finally planning on going abroad to visit a friend (in 2 months, btw—about the time our friend was/is supposed to be out to get her dogs), and we were trying to figure out what game-plan was. She tells us she’s already put in for vacation, and only had a certain select number of days/dates, end of March into April, that she could be out, bc it was already approved by her employer, and there was nothing she could do to alter that, and if the dates didn’t work with our plans, well that was on us bc this is what we’d talked about in a conversation 2 months ago.
um, yeah, I don’t need to say here—this was not how that particular topic was mentioned 2 months ago. We’d batted around a general time-frame, with the understanding we’d be revisiting the dates more specifically around now, before anything was set in stone. We had no idea she’d already made plans—didn’t even know she was planning on staying with us, or she was intending to visit at that time. And proceeds to blame this whole situation on us…
Anyway—I have every sympathy for the shit-pie she keeps referring to in every-other paragraph, regarding her life-choice consequences in the last 5 years, and I hope she finds a place in her life, at some point, where she feels more in control of her circumstances. We’ve tried to help her, to the extent we were able, in the way she’d seemed to ask, but the rule of thumb with Narcissistic/BPersonalities is—the moment you mention you’re own commitments, or boundaries, they’ll come back at you, blaming you for failing every expectation of what they expect from a friend…
enough said—personal rant done…
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soggywarmpockets · 2 years
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I posted 9,059 times in 2022
That's 4,834 more posts than 2021!
589 posts created (7%)
8,470 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 356 of my posts in 2022
#izzy fits-in-your hands - 56 posts
#ofmd - 28 posts
#our flag means death - 26 posts
#food - 25 posts
#cw food - 25 posts
#food cw - 25 posts
#@you know who you are - 13 posts
#dracula daily - 8 posts
#dracula - 8 posts
#dracula with friends - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#anyway the reason my company installed these was to easily change prices without having to worry about printing tags and tags getting lost
My Top Posts in 2022:
Maybe I've ranted about this before but I absolutely love Stede and Ed's kiss in episode 9. It's perfectly imperfect, as it should be. It's impulsive. Neither of them had planned it. Ed delivered his confession so openly and honestly. He was so nervous about how Stede would react that he couldn't even look at him as he said "I reckon what makes Ed happy is you." And then he saw Stede start to smile and fumble for words and he didn't want there to be any confusion about exactly what he meant and he just went for it. And Stede was so caught off guard and stunned that at first he froze. But then he started kissing Ed back. Tiny, exploratory kisses. You can almost see him asking himself "Is this real? Am I allowed to have this?" And Ed gets encouraged by Stede kissing him back and moves closer and pulls him closer and puts his hand on Stede's face and corrects the angle of the kiss and everything is just so tender and it just melts my heart and then neither of them know what to do with their hands after the kiss. It's just so perfect, especially for two older people who really have no frame of reference for how to kiss someone that they love (well, we know Stede doesn't, at least, we really don't know much about Ed's past minus the "dalliances" with Calico Jack.) Ed obviously has a bit more experience with men and but but we don't know the extent of how involved they were or if there were any actual feelings or if he faced any sort of rejection or was hurt when he put his heart into something only to find out that the other person was only having fun, so he may he afraid of all of that again as well as not wanting to scare Stede off if this isn't what Stede wanted or expected. It's utterly perfect and acted so well.
328 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Ed's complete lack of reaction when Antoinette says "Well if you ever want to change careers, you can finger my dents anytime" is so telling. The rest of the room is screaming with laughter at how raunchy she has just been and he's like, chugging champagne. This man is gay-gay.
391 notes - Posted May 24, 2022
Waiting until Friday the 13th to announce when season 4 is dropping is so on-brand for What We Do in the Shadows, honestly.
1,478 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
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This is what I'll be calling it, btw.
2,274 notes - Posted May 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
If/when you have children please let them (as soon as they're able) pick the theme of their birthday parties.
The girl who used to do my hair let her toddler pick the theme of her 3rd birthday and she chose Target. Like, the store. So everything was red and white and covered in bullseyes and I'm just so full of joy looking at the pictures on Facebook right now because it is obvious that this little girl is having the time of her life and that her parents put so much love and creativity into making the decorations and cupcakes.
Children will come up with some of the best and most fascinating ideas if you let them.
67,258 notes - Posted September 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sisi-halloway · 3 years
Hi! I just recently read your “Liar” fic about Asra! Very well done btw! I loved it! But something that is bugging me is: what the hell was going on with Asra? LOL. It seems like he loves MC anyway, so what do you think was going on?
You know..... I think.... That was a huge plot hole on my end. I appreciate you looking into this for me and asking the hard questions! And honestly, you helped me get out of my writer's block? So thank you anon <3 I honestly just didn't think of that. So let's fix that shall we?
Part 2 of my fic Liar! Written as a Prologue.
Warnings: Heavy smut and Angst
A/N: I try to make all smut gender-neutral unless otherwise noted, but I'm not so experienced so if anyone has tips or something I can do better let me know, please! I want my writing to be inclusive for everyone to enjoy!
Something I Never Wanted to Be (Asra x Reader Smut and Angst)
*three weeks earlier*
"Mh, are you coming to bed Asra?"
You call to him as you undress, letting your clothes for the day slip from your shoulders and crepe onto the floor. You didn't notice, but Asra was watching you fondly in the reflection of one of the many mirrors in the upstairs of the shop. His eyes coasted down your body, appreciating your bare form more than he's ever cherished anything in his whole life. He bit his lip as he watched you walk to the basin of water and use magic to fill it. You waved your delicate hand over the ceramic and the twinkling sound of fresh dewdrops filled the air.
"Yes, I'll be right there!" He said back, perpetrating like he was doing something important... well he was. Admiring you like this was one of his favorite pastimes.
He appreciated the bends of your body as you leaned down and splashed some cool water behind your ears and onto your neck. You sighed as that cool water slid over your skin and dripped down your chest and waist. It felt so good, almost like bliss.
It was only the heat of the Vesuvian summers that made you question if living here was the best long-term idea. Everything else you were satisfied with. Your shop was perfect, your friends and family were nearby, and you had the love of your life right here. Nothing could be better... so maybe a little heat was not so bad.
When you were done, you slipped on a thin linen dressing to sleep in. Sleeping naked would be nice, but in this heat, you wouldn't have it. Asra was disappointed when you covered yourself, seeing as he could never get enough of you, it couldn't be helped. He walks into the bedroom and smiles at you softly.
When you see Asra, your heart just lights up. Your smile emits the warmth of a thousand suns and your eyes twinkle with the light of a thousand stars. Your stomach erupts in a hurricane of butterflies, fluttering every which way, threatening to carry you with it. The feeling was unmatched. Nobody could ever make you feel so complete.
Faust slithered into bed with you as Asra took the opportunity to wash up before bed. He removed his shirt and his pants and ran cool water over himself a few times. He lightly smeared the beads of water onto his golden skin with those nimble fingers of his. You leaned back against the pillows, Faust spiraling up your ankle, places little snakey kisses on your calf. You appreciate the work of art that was your love and lover. A little spark of desire lit up your core and radiated heat through the rest of your body. This heat, you didn't quite mind.
"Asra..." You mumble his name with supple lips while you delicately drape Faust in your arms like pretzel dough. She was relaxed and happy in your arms, but sadly she'd have to find another place very soon. You gave her a few kisses as you watched your lover turn to you at the mention of his name.
"Don't bother with the bedclothes?"
Asra's eyes widened at your needy purr, his stomach doing a flip. He shook his head slightly, a small bashful smile crossing his lips. He should be used to it by now, but sometimes you caught him off guard. It was perfect how in sync you two were. He wanted you, you wanted him. And there hasn't been a single hiccup in that chemistry since the day he brought you back to him.
You were meant to be together.
You tell Faust to run along, petting her head gently.
"Give us some privacy, please?" You ask politely.
She nods and gives you two a look that should be illegal coming from such a sweet pet. She seemed to know enough to understand that what was about to happen was none of her business. She slid out of the room, underneath the door. Hopefully, she didn't stay too close... these walls weren't soundproof.
Asra chuckles as he approaches the bed, grabbing your hand and kissing up your arm as he draws closer. He moves the sleeves of your night clothes with his nose as warm breath swirls onto your skin. You sigh with anticipation as he puts a knee onto the edge of the soft mattress. "So... we were thinking the same thing?"
You bite your lip in a sultry fashion as you let him begin his spell of body worship to you.
"Of course? Aren't we always, my love?"
Asra's hands slide up past your elbows, cupping your shoulders as his lips place light kisses upon the sensitive skin of your neck. The smooching sounds echoed against the walls of your small bedroom, making the heat in your core intensify. Asra's hands wasted no time in gathering the fabric at your waist, pulling it up, over your head until it was gone. Here you were, nude and bare for him to behold. Asra felt himself twitch with the mere thoughts of what was to follow.
"Mh... this is always my favorite part...." He nearly lets a moan slip from his parted mouth as he takes in every line of your body. every ridge, every fold that there might be, every shade and soft color, every perfect feature. Asra ran a hand along your stomach, the fine hairs there clinging to his damp hands. You hum with pleasure as he slides his hand to your thigh, pulling your warm legs apart so he can fit a knee between them as he leans over you.
Your hands find his chest as you sit up tall to meet his lips. You smile against them as you rub circles on Asra's nipples with your thumbs.
"Your favorite part might have to be cut short," you murmur seductively. "You won't make me wait, will you?"
Asra leans into the crook of your neck, breathing softly on your skin as he kisses up behind your ear. The vibrations of his dreamy voice were the final straw that broke any restraint you might've been holding onto. You could feel your scalp tighten as he whispered right against your inner conch:
"Depends on how much you beg?"
It wasn't long this that you had Asra flat on his back in bed, his white mop of hair resting back against the pillows. You crawled up and straddled his thigh, letting your fingers skim along the surface of his toned abdomen. You grin, settling down comfortably. There was a mischievous hint in your smile, one that Asra didn't mind one bit.
"I don't think I will be the one begging tonight?"
With one wave of your fingers, Asra's hands were bound by unseen magic, tying his wrists to the wooden headboard of your bed. He rattled the bindings a bit, a faint celestial chime the only indication of the spell. The magician was surprised at what you had come up with to spice things up. Normally the roles would be reversed, but you wanted to treat him tonight. You did know him best, which meant you knew exactly how to please him.
"Ah... The binding spell, if my memory serves me well..."
He had taught you this trick a long time ago, before the plague. You didn't exactly remember what for, but you remembered what it was like for Asra's magic to hold you fast and secure in fetters you didn't want to escape. You remember the sensation and a feeling that strong was easy to replicate and impossible to forget.
You lean closer to his mouth, your hand traveling down his body to grab the hardening length between his thighs. Asra's amethyst eyes smiled as you took charge, his lips pulling be joined with yours. You denied him the satisfaction, only long enough to say one thing.
"It does... but not as well as I do."
You lean forward to place a gentle kiss on Asra's lips before beginning to massage his length. You rub him in a rhythmic manner that coaxed little sighs from his mouth. You pause only for a second to let a spherule of saliva fall from your mouth into your palm. Your sultry eyes never left Asra's as the string of glistening clear liquid dripped slowly from your mouth rendering him speechless. He thought you were the most beautiful picture of sensuality at that moment, and he felt as if his body wanted you more desperately than he'd ever had before.
The warm sensation of your gentle hand smearing slickness all over Asra's girth was mesmerizing to him. A low groan sounded in his throat as you tightened your grip and began pumping his length with more fervor. Squelching sounds filled the air as you continued to pump your hand around him. You watched as his tip peeked out from your hand with each motion, clear liquid slipping out from his opening. You adored how pink he was becoming, both in his cheeks and on his sex. You smiled at him innocently, watching his eyes flutter open and closed with indulgence.
"Do you like that... does it feel good?" You ask.
You take to moving your hips lazily on his thigh, rubbing yourself onto his smooth skin. You had begun to leak your own desire and it was killing Asra to feel it on his skin, not being able to touch or taste you, his hands being bound and all.
"Y-yes... Yes, it feels so... ah... yes (y/n)."
You took in the sight of him, all hot and bothered because of your touch. Asra's toes curled into the bedsheets, and he thrust his hips up into your hand to further the friction between you. You didn't stop until you figured he was stiff enough to hold inside you.
"You want to be inside me, hm?" You ask this as you place your knees on either side of his hips, positioning him right above your entrance.
Asra's chest was heaving as he stared at you above him. He nods so quickly, not able to form words.
You didn't keep him waiting long. You lowered your hips slowly, using his tip to paint moisture on your entrance, smearing his arousal on your tightness. A soft moan left your lips as you used him to stretch yourself. You paused, spitting more into your hand and smearing the lubrication over your opening. The noise was so wet, you joined Asra in breathing heavily as you sink down on him, feeling him push you open. You went slowly, but steadily, and you didn't stop until he was buried inside.
"(Y/n).... ah..." Asra struggled to speak, so you shushed him lightly by putting your finger to his lips. You closed your eyes as you savored the feeling of him taking up space inside you. You could feel every contour and every ridge of his girth, as it slid against your walls. You clenched around him to hold him there, warranting a groan from your partner.
"You're so tight... so tight (y/n)..."
You were trying to take your time, but Asra was making this hard for you. You wanted nothing more than to satisfy him quickly and satisfy yourself. Your body demanded it.
"Yeah? I am? Do you like it? Do you like how tight I am?"
Your words were drowned out by his sounds of pleasure as you began to move gently. Up and down you went, in rhythmic motion, squeezing him tight between you. It sounded so pleasant but also so lewd as you slid him out of your tightness, only his tip remaining inside you, just to squeeze him back inside you again. You couldn't control your moans, which grew from soft sighs to needy mewls. You put your hands on his chest for leverage as you quickened your pace. You could already feel your orgasm building slowly.
"Yes, (y/n)... yes I love it so much... you know how much I love it."
Asra managed to open his eyes to watch his length disappear again and again inside you. You bounced quickly, and he could see the little stripes of glistening wetness coating his skin every time. The sight was nearly too much for him. He put his head back and just enjoyed the sound, enjoyed the feeling of your tight hole, urging him to fill it up.
By this time, you were struggling to keep your submissive nature suppressed. You were mumbled his name softly, holding on to the sides of his torso, your thumbs caressing his ribs. You were bouncing so fast it was hard to control your power. You came down harder and harder, bottoming him out inside you. Your rear made such lewd applause as it slapped against his lap again and again. Your hair was beginning to stick to your forehead, which shone with effort. Asra opened his eyes to look at you. He could tell you were nearing your orgasm. He could feel it in his gut. He could feel it in the way you whimpered. He could feel it in the way you desperately screwed your eyes shut as you called his name.
"Asra... oh Asra... mh... yeah, yeah... yeah. Oh yeah... mh.. baby..."
You encouraged you gently, struggling to hold his own against you. We wanted to feel you tighten on him first, to feel you spill out onto him before he filled you up with his come.
"Come on, (y/n)... come on... you're almost there, yeah? Come all over me? Come for me? Yeah? Yeah?"
You had just enough sense left in your mind to release Asra's bindings so he could wrap his arms around you. At the height of your bounce, he managed to slip out of you. His length was soaked by now, making a wet noise as it slapped onto his thigh. You hugged him close and he wasted no time, wrapping his fingers around his sticky cock and pushing it back inside you.
"Ooh...ahhh... gods... Asraaaa..." You let this out in long, needy whines, feeling his familiarity again. He was deeper this time as he helped you slide down on his pulsing cock, making sure to angle you so that he was stretching you more. His fingers gripped into the flesh of your ass, holding you tightly. He rocked his hips so he could reach deeper, further back into your tightness to the spot that made your moans go hollow.
Asra touched his forehead to yours, your noses only centimeters apart. You were sharing each other's hot breath, and as the two of you panted it created a humid cloud that swathed your faces. His eyes were open, staring thoughtfully into yours as you felt these final moments of tension come to a close. All it took was a few words from him to send you over the edge. He spoke to you in a light voice, like you would speak to a baby. The most gentle tone coated the ends of his sentences like sweet honey to your ears.
"We'll come together? Yeah? You want me to come with you?"
You nod desperately. You felt your orgasm in the form of heat in your lower core. Asra wraps his arms around her middle and squeezes you as tight as he can. You began to spill uncontrollably all over Asra calling out to him in a jumble of words you were too overwhelmed to make intelligible. In the same moment, Asra released inside you, adding warmth between your shaking legs. He placed soft kisses to your shoulder as he slowly fucked you through your climax.
He was as fluid as water as he moved his hips to gently thrust inside you and you were as light as a feather on top. The whole world seemed to fall away and Asra overtook your senses. Your body felt like it was on the ocean, blissful and quiet as the sun went down on your orgasm. You were riding the wave-like movements of his hips like the gentle sea foam spilling between your legs. You and Asra hugged each other for a long time after that, placing soft kisses on each other's damp and glowing skin.
"I love you, (y/n)..." Asra whispered into your neck.
You could barely hear him over your raging heartbeat, but you managed to breathlessly murmur back to him, moving the hair out of his eyes.
"I love you too, Asra... Forever."
Asra awoke in a dreamland. One he would later recognize as being the magical realm. This wasn't particularly a shock. This happened sometimes after the two of you would make love. Your magics would be heightened and your energies would be joined. If one of you were to make a journey to the magical realm, the tether between you would tug until the other was close behind.
He seemed to be in Nopal, right outside of the cottage where you two had seen so many comforting nights together. Yet...
Something about this didn't feel so comforting this time.
He called out for you, hoping you would be nearby. He had to find you. He would feel a lot better if you were by his side.
Asra shaded his eyes a peered out to the clearing not too far away. He heard laughing from under the large acacia tree there, and a silhouette that allowed relief well up in his middle. It was you. So you had followed him.
Asra chuckled at his worry that seemed all too childish now. You were fine. You were laughing and playing underneath that tree, something surrounding you. They flitted about this way and that, but he couldn't decipher them quite yet. Butterflies?
Asra squinted closer. They were looking more like ladybugs, now. They swirled in a cloud around you, tickling your hands and face and neck. But something about this... it didn't feel right.
A sinking realization made Asra's mouth run dry. Those ladybugs... they were blood red. They were bigger than ladybugs should be. And the noise... the noise was something he had buried in the back of his mind, hoping to forget. How could he be so naive? Nausea overtook Asra's senses as he realized that those insects... they were...
Plague Beetles.
Asra began sprinting toward you, calling your name to alert you of the danger. As he neared closer though, he horrifically realized that you already knew. You weren't laughing.
You were screaming.
The tall grasses parted in a path for Asra, but the clay dirt of Nopal quickly turned to bubbling tar. His feet adhered to the ground and it became harder to run to you, impossible. All he could do was watch as those beetles dove under your skin, wriggling their way up your arms as lumps of burning pyre. Helplessness had never been so unwelcome as Asra desperately attempted to claw his bare feet out of the sticky, black, metallic-smelling liquid. He actually didn't feel his own flesh burning from the steaming gunk. It was impossible to feel anything for himself as the love of his life was being torn apart from the inside within earshot. The nightmare had become reality when he heard your voice. Strained, dire, almost violent... it made his heart disappear.
"Asra! Asra help me! Please!
"Why aren't you coming to help me?"
Asra frantically dug at his ankles, trying to free himself only to save you. A sense of vertigo overcame him as the world began to spin. You were getting further and further away. It was like a shockwave of terror. The image of your tortured and twisted body was pushed back, over and over. A loud drum-like bass erupted like thunder through the air as you were getting smaller and smaller on the horizon. The only thing Asra could compare it to was the collective heartbeat of the damned, and the velocity of the movement caused his hair to stir in the wind. He was only allowed to blink a few times before you were out of sight, the drumming becoming deafening. There was nothing but ringing in his ears now, but your screams were forever etched into bloodcurdling memory.
An overwhelming presence makes itself known behind Asra, and he turns with a certain trepidation that he was beginning to become too familiar with. His breath was taken from his lips as he felt eeriness fill up his lungs at the sight of the cottage. It was not more than a few meters away. He had run for what seemed liked miles...
This fever dream had become some sort of heinous nightmare. A nightmare that seemed very, very real.
A compelling voice called to him. One he had thought was vanquished at your very hands.
"Don't you want to save them?"
The tar around Asra's evaporated like hell's rivers when he made the intent to move toward the presence. He was weak as he approached the cottage, which now had a sinister red fog coming out of its windows. The door slowly opened on its own as Asra hesitantly came forth, and the red fog leaked out like a miasma of misery. This could only be the work of one being.
The Devil.
"You were foolish to believe I could be defeated, magician..."
The voice was strangely brazen, and it sounded like screeching metal.
Asra balled up his fists as the cottage interior disintegrated into the ashen sand of the Devil's badlands. Scraggly black trees dotted the horizon between rifts in the plains: crevasses that were so deep, you'd die before you hit the bottom. Asra nearly crumbled beneath the suffocating pressure of the Devil's presence. even a skilled magician such as him was not strong enough to face that type of unlimited power alone.
And alone he was. He had not the faintest trace of where you could have gone. He was completely and utterly forsaken, save for the evil breathing down his neck.
"What have you done with (y/n)?" He called out to the sky, the Devil not showing his form quite yet. A chill raked down Asra's spine before the response, but somehow it burned like a brand.
"The question is what will you do?"
Asra had figured that the Devil was now exacting its revenge upon him. For cheating him, for deceiving him, for defeating him. There were so many questions in his mind as to how this could've happened, but none of it truly mattered now. He knew there was only one way out of this.
Asra's stomach threatened to turn inside out as he thought of the consequences. It could be very likely that he may never see you again, but the only thing he cared about was your safety. If it was between you and him, he would choose you every time. There was no questioning that.
"What is it that you want?" Asra growled his demand, but he suddenly felt very small as the Devil's shrewd laugh echoed about the arid realm. It wasn't possible, but Asra's mouth still ran drier.
"I want to destroy the petty 'love' that you used to defeat me..." There was a long pause that took Asra's stomach far far away from the rest of his body.
"I want to see you suffer."
Asra closed his eyes and uttered a numb prayer to whatever Arcana would dare take mercy on him. He wasn't surprised when nobody answered. He ignored the tears rolling down his face as he thought of you. He begged for your forgiveness for what he was about to do, which he would only come to find out would be the worst thing he could ever imagine doing to you.
"What must I do?" His voice was barely enough to disturb the air in front of his lips. The very same lips you had kissed so soon before this. How did things go so detrimentally awry?
"You must give them up and become what they hate the most."
Asra knew what this was. This was something he had been before, but it was to protect you. Everything he had ever done was to protect you. But even if he told you that now, you wouldn't believe him. Because in order to save you, Asra had to become what he had never wanted to be:
A liar.
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donald4spiderman · 3 years
Ok hear me out. Spencer is dating Reader and she’s always hated that she’s been more chubby/curvy. And one night in the middle of a case she calls him crying and Spencer just gets really soft and calms her down after a bad nightmare. And his heart breaks cause his loving girlfriend hates her body. So Spencer plans this elaborate date and proposes maybe? You can decide if the team have met her or not. I’d like it to be the original team but if you wanna combine the original and new teams together that’s cool too!
no bc my body image issues have been rampant lately so this is personal as hell to me. I work out a lot and i’m fit but i’ve never been SKINNY like i have thick legs and muscular arms andnnfnfjndjnffn so this is personal.
I modified this a bit but it’s still the same premises hope you like it! ***BTW IN THIS UNIVERSE THE S3-7 CAST EXISTS FOR THE ENTIRE SHOW— SO THE LATER SEASONS HAVE MORGAN AND HOTCH.
also sorry this is a long
TW: body image issues, discussions of food & weight, insecurity, crying, kissing
WC: 1.5k
You know, pragmatically, that you have nothing to worry about. Spencer chose you. And for the past four years, Spencer has worshipped you every day— again and again. He is the most loving, considerate, and tender partner you could ever wish for. He is near perfection.
You’ve met Spencer's friends many times. You’re not close with either of your parents, so the team of profilers welcomed you into their arms with grace and care. Each and every one of them is beautifully amazing and exceptionally brilliant.
Spencer‘s friends are not only badass, but they’re also gorgeous. JJ, Emily, and Garcia are national treasures— so visually stunning it’s almost sickening.
You knew he used to have a crush on JJ way before he met you. You’ve also heard the tale of Lila Archer, the celebrity actress who made out with your boyfriend in a pool. Spencer’s had an eventful life, full of beautiful, sweet, magnificent women— so why does he choose you?
You view yourself as bland in comparison. What do you have to offer Spencer that he can’t find elsewhere? You don’t have toned abs, slim hips, and slender arms. You’re not striking in any way.
Spencer calls you every night when he’s away on a case. He’s never missed a call, even when he got shot in the neck and kidnapped by a murderous cult. He’s reliable and consistent, and that eases your worries a little bit.
It’s eleven pm in D.C. and your phone rings right as your getting in bed.
“Hi, my love,” Spencer says breathily, his voice slightly muffled by the phone. He’s away in Ohio for a case.
“Hey.” You reply, the sweetness in his voice soured by your mood. “How’s the case going?”
“Good. JJ and I are about to pass out in our beds— we’re so tired.”
You can’t help the way your face drops. “Oh. Well, get rest.”
Your about to hang up before he interjects. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Why?” You know better than to lie to your boyfriend, who happens to be an expert on human behavior.
“Okay, I know a lie when I hear one. (Y/N), baby, what’s wrong?” He pleads.
You can’t help the tear that rolls down your cheek. “God, I’m sorry. I just miss you so much. You always know what to do when I’m feeling like shit.”
Spencer knows how much you struggle with self and bodily acceptance. He hates the world for making you feel anything less than incredible, both inside and out.
“I miss you too, so much, (Y/N).” His voice is thick as if he’s going to start crying too. “I love you so much, so fucking much. You have no idea how beautiful and amazing you are.”
“I don’t deserve you.”
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.” He laughs through a sob that wrecks his body. “You deserve everything in this world. I promise to give you everything you’ve ever wanted. You are the love of my life.”
You wipe the tears from underneath your eyes. “Sorry for keeping you up. You must be tired.”
“Never, if it means I get to talk to you.”
“I love you, Spencer.”
“I love you too, (Y/N). More than you’ll ever know.”
Spencer wakes up the next day with a newfound determination. The team solves the case as fast as possible, and by the end of the night, they’ve boarded the jet back home.
Spencer has more than enough hours to think about you and how much you mean to him. Hotch is seated directly across from him, rereading the case files.
“Hotch?” The wiser man looks up from his files, raising an eyebrow.
Spencer pauses for a moment. Maybe he’d be better asking Morgan or JJ for advice, considering Hotch’s tragic circumstances regarding Haley.
But no one loves like Hotch does-- sincerely, passionately-- stronger than anything else in the world. Spencer decides there’s no one better to ask.
“How uh did you know that Haley was the one?”
Hotch’s eyes soften for a bit. He clears his throat. “I knew since the day I met her that I would love her for the rest of my life unconditionally. She makes me complete. Do you feel that (Y/N) makes you complete?”
He already knows why Spencer is asking for his advice, steering the conversation in that direction.
“Yes. She’s my world.” Spencer whispers.
“Then it’s simple, really. Love doesn’t need to be complicated and precise. It’s what you do with it that matters.”
“I want to marry her, Hotch. I want to be with her for the rest of my life.”
Hotch smiles, “Then do it.”
Spencer feels the rush of excitement as he gathers everyone on the jet, including the prior sleeping passengers, filling them in on his big plans.
“I need all of your guys’ help.”
There’s a firm knock on your door at four in the morning. You know it isn’t Spencer because he has a key, but who could it be?
You take a cautious look out of your peephole to find Penelope, Emily, and JJ outside.
“What are you guys doing here?” You yawn. “For god's sake, it’s four am.”
“We know, and we’re sorry.” Penelope smiles.
“Is Spencer alright?” You ask, wondering if things suddenly went wrong during the case.
But by the joyous look on their face, you know nothing somber occurred.
“Spencer’s completely fine. But, we need to you to get changed and come with us. FBI’s orders.” JJ chuckles.
You change into warmer clothes in minutes, and the BAU ladies usher you into Emily’s car as fast as possible.
“So, no ones gonna tell me what’s going on?”
They shake their heads, “We’re just... running a quick errand.”
After a few more minutes of driving, Emily parks on the side of a dimly lit street.
“I need you to put this on.” She says, holding up a blindfold.
“Are you guys gonna murder me?” You joke, slipping the fabric over your eyes with little resistance.
“Quite the opposite, actually.” You don’t have time to think about what Penelope means before you’re being yanked out of the car.
You walk, guided by JJ, for four minutes. The grass beneath you crushes below your boots, and the hushed whispers of Emily and Penelope behind you do nothing to calm your nerves.
“Okay,” JJ says, halting to a stop. “You can take off your blindfold now.”
You hesitantly slip the blindfold off, revealing a brightly lit table in the middle of a secluded field. Morgan, Hotch, and Rossi are standing off to the sides.
Suddenly, Spencer emerges from behind a tree, dusting the leaves and dirt off his adorable sweater.
“Hi?” You laugh, utterly confused by this situation. “What’s going on?”
His hands are shaking, and he has to swallow a few times before he can speak. “I-I uh got y-you apple pie— uh your favorite.”
Spencer walks you towards the table, where a small slice of warm pie sits lonely on the table.
“Y-you should um... eat it.” He urges, pointing at the knife and fork next to it.
You glance around, trying to gauge the emotions of everyone around you, but fail. Stupid profilers and their poker faces.
Your fork cuts into the heavenly smelling pie, and you scoop up a bite into your mouth.
“It’s... good? I’ll pretty much eat any pie you give me, Spencer.”
He smiles, “I know that. But t-this is a special pie.”
“You should t-take a closer look— at the pie.”
You inspect the dessert, completely puzzled until a glinting piece of silver catches your eye. Spencer notices the shock in your face and catches the plate that almost falls out of your hand.
Morgan hands him a napkin, and when Spencer pulls an apple-covered ring from the slice of pie, you almost faint.
“No way.” You gasp; tears spring to your eyes as Spencer wipes the ring clean.
He holds it tightly between two fingers, bending to kneel on one knee.
“(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), I knew from the moment I met you that you were the most special woman I’d have the pleasure of meeting. A month later, you asked me out for our first date, and I couldn’t believe that someone as gorgeous and amazing as you would settle for someone like me.” You scoff at his humility.
“I spend every moment loving every part of you, (Y/N). None of my love will ever stop— ever. I promise to share my heart with you until the very end. There is absolutely no one I would rather be bonded to for the rest of my life. You are better than my dream girl because you’re real. You’re here, and you chose to love me every day— the good, the bad, and the ugly. (Y/N), will you do me the honor and great privilege of allowing me to become your husband?” You silently sob.
“Please say yes.” Spencer smiles.
“Yes!” You exclaim, pulling him up to hug him. “How could I say anything but!”
The dam breaks, and the entire team begins to cry as you and Spencer share a passionate kiss, almost collapsing down onto the grass from the sheer force of your love. He slips the ring onto your finger; it belongs there.
“I choose you, (Y/N).” He repeats.
“I choose you, Spencer, always.” You whisper into the crook of his neck.
Nothing’s ever felt so right.
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫
pairing: leo valdez x child of iris!reader
requested?: yes!
translation: full of color
warnings: uhh, mentions of mental health and ?? maybe some typos lmao
category: headcanons, fluff, best friends to lovers
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though, leo saw you around camp often, you caught interest in him before he caught interest in you
i mean, he literally couldn't miss you because your outfits were always bright, whether it was a combination of colors or monochromatic
you and your siblings actually look like a rainbow threw up on you guys, and it's honestly iconic
no one at camp can not notice the children of iris, especially when they're in a herd
one day, you were sitting alone at a picnic table near the lake, and you found yourself drawing him in your sketchbook
you sketched a portrait of him while he spoke to piper at a table nearby
you've always found the floppy curls and how his brightest smiles always look a little manic to be adorable
when you sketched his portrait in your notebook, you didn’t intend for him ever to see it
until a couple of weeks later in the arts and crafts center, leo passed by and caught sight of a new project you were working on
he stopped in his tracks to compliment your drawing
since you were nowhere near done with it, you couldn’t admire the piece as much as he was
but his enthusiasm was so endearing
he politely asked if he could see more, and you didn’t hesitate to slide over your sketchbook
he noticed a lot of your drawings were scenery and people at camp; especially your siblings
he stumbled across a detailed sketch of a woman and her child sitting in a bus
“wow… who’s this?”
“oh, I don’t know. It was just a little girl I saw on the train with her mother.”
“so you just drew her?”
you never realized how weird your habit of drawing random people was until he had asked
you giggled nervously, quick to explain yourself, “I tend to draw people or things that I find beautiful. I wanted to capture how calm and happy she was with her child ‘cause at the time, I was stressed and angry. Watching and drawing her made me calm.”
leo nodded, a faint smile on his lips before looking back down at the drawing. “that’s really cool,” he complimented, and you shifted in your seat, suddenly shy.
And then it hit you
you were so willing to show leo all your works that you had completely forgotten that his portrait was in that book
your pulse thumped loud in your ears, mind racing to figure out a way to take away your sketchbook before he could see it
you ended up spending so long thinking of what to do that he arrived on the page in no time
right before he could see the drawing in its entirety, you slammed the book closed and snatched it
leo’s startled expression turned into a mischievous smirk
“was that me?”
you froze in your place; a squeaky sound escaped your throat in your embarrassment
leo’s brown eyes sparkled as he leaned into you, your gaze fixed on his, “y/n, you think I’m beautiful?”
^^ that was you in your head btw
leo laughed, amused at your attempt to deny it
“then why did you snatch it away?” he raises an eyebrow before reaching over quickly to grab the sketchbook back
you didn't pull it out of his reach fast enough, leo getting a grip on one side
the two of you pull it back and forth, leo laughing at you as you continued to deny what he saw
though you were incredibly embarrassed, you couldn't contain the laughter bubbling in your chest
gods, of course, this would happen to me, you thought
he got it out of your grip, and you sighed in defeat, watching him flip to the page of him and piper
he was quiet, studying the picture for a second before giving you that playful smirk
“you think I’m beautiful?” he asked again
you playfully rolled your eyes, “it was more piper than you.”
your tone was sarcastic, only fueling leo’s banter with you
“oh really?” he chuckled to himself, “but i’m the only one colored in.”
you were silent at his observation before scoffing, “whatever.”
leo only laughed as you take the book away from him
“don’t you have somewhere to be, fire boy?” you asked and nudged his shoulder
the glint in your eyes made him smile, and he shrugged, “i guess i do. i'll see you around."
you nodded, too shy to do anything else, and he walked off
after that, leo took it upon himself to talk to you every day
leo teased you about the drawing all the time, and he found the way you would play along to be funny
before you both fell in love, you were close friends
you had such an optimistic point of view about life, and it was pretty contagious
somehow when leo was in the dumps about something, you always knew what to say
you were just so easy to talk to, and because of this, your friendship just grew naturally
your first kiss was towards the end of summer
leo invited you to hang out with him in bunker nine at, specifically, 6 pm
you teasingly asked if it was a date, and you remember the way he tensed up a bit
with a mumble, he asked, "what if it is?"
from the tone in his voice, you knew he wasn’t joking
in fact, his tone was hesitant, a part of him was expecting you to reject him
then the heavy pit in his stomach turned light when you smiled and said, "then I'm down."
the grin leo gave you made your heart flutter like crazy
your first date consisted of eating snacks and watching a movie on one of those portable DVD players
You picked up on the tension between you and him, and noticed the opportunities for a kiss kept passing
it was until Leo walked you to your cabin that night did you have a moment of boldness and asked, "so are you going to kiss me or?"
leo's eyes widen in surprise before his face broke out in the familiar smirk he gives when he flirts with you
you rolled your eyes playfully and grabbed the front of his shirt, pulling him into you
your first kiss was sweet and soft; a little awkward
his hands hovered over your sides for a second, not sure what to do with them until he decided to rest them on your waist
it was the perfect way to mark the beginning of your relationship
since you guys are both broke teenagers, you got creative with date nights
you came up with the idea of paint splattering with him
you guys got canvases, covered the walls and floors with plastic to make sure you didn't dirty them
then you filled water balloons with paint and just threw them
despite you guys singing and dancing around in the midst of it, the canvases came out so good
and to commemorate the beginning of your relationship, you hung them up side by side in bunker nine, and when you guys get a place together, you hang them up in the hallway of your apartment
leo is a huge gift giver; as i’ve said before in my “how he shows he loves you” headcanons
he’s made you a lot of things; canvases, jewelry, little trinkets with scrap metal
one of your favorite gifts from him is a suncatcher with rainbow quartz
you fell in love with it and when you move in together, you make sure to hang it up in the kitchen with the bunch of other suncatchers that he’s made you
i love the idea that you would attempt to bring more color in his wardrobe
a lot of his clothes are muted in color; you don’t mind it but you were interested to see what he’d look like in a colorful outfit like yours
To say the least, he was not that enthusiastic and maybe, you shouldn’t have put him in a monochromatic orange outfit but… you still thought he looked cute
leo thought he looked like a traffic cone though so it didn’t stick
it’s okay because you like him the way he is anyways
another thing is that you guys are super supportive of each other and leo loves just how you manage to lift his mood
once leo was having a bad mental health week
you guys were sitting under a tree, looking out at the water
his head laid on your shoulder and small sniffles came from the other
it hurt to see him like this and you wished you could do more to make him feel better
then you had the greatest idea to make a rainbow for him
so you did
leo was so stunned when he saw the rainbow form over the lake
he looked at you surprised and when you admitted to making the rainbow for him, the emotion on his face was indescribable
and then you laughed and held him when he started crying because he said it was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for him
another time, you insisted that meditation would be good for him
he literally sat down for like 3 minutes with his eyes closed before he was itching to get up and do something
even when he was sitting down, he was still bouncing his legs and fidgeting
so that fell through too but you still helped him in other ways and he’s so grateful for your optimism and bubbly personality
leo always says that you bring color to everything; literally and figuratively
one of the things you bring color to is his life
and he’s constantly reminding you of this; that his world just feels brighter now that you’re around
and it’s literal too
since you painted the walls of bunker nine a bright orange
he asked you why orange, and you told him because orange encourages productivity, creativity, and most importantly, optimism
it may have also reminded you of the orange outfit you put him into
anyways, you told him that it hurt you to see him get down in the dumps, and you insisted there was no way he could be sad in a bright orange room
needless to say, you were kinda right
masterlists taglist: @nct127bee @minamisulemisa @yanfeisluvr @cartocns @slytherclaw-kitten @idk-bye-no @percysbluehairbrush @Hermioneswifeee @quteez @drayshadow @ashookykooky @anything-forourmoony @loverstyless @yelenabel0vaswife @ohmydamgods @jordannfields @amy-writes-blog @muted-mayham @dreamerball @earthtokace @thehighladyofday @lala-llama123 @tootsdoll @slytherindaughterofposeidon0 @black-rose-29 @somekidnamedkai @possiblylostchasecousin @hamdehlesmis @cami05sworld @does-anyone-hear-me @sol-the-salmon
if your username is bolded that means i can’t tag you ! you probably have your visibility settings on!
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bunnykawa · 4 years
i’m better than you! (oikawa x f. reader)
summary: If there was one thing Oikawa hated more than geniuses, it was your boyfriend.
a/n: thought about oikawa with a glock and it had me feeling some type of way. so here’s 6.2k words of what’s been in my head. also if you love iwa-chan, i’m deeply sorry. (btw someone replied to my last fic saying they were gonna move to the states with iwa-chan and...yeah that was funny cs this was sitting my drafts) 
warnings: 18+, yandere themes, implied character death, mentions of blood/gore, GUNPLAY!!, violence, noncon/dubcon/rape, little bit of exhibitionism?, mentions of cheating, brief mentions of stalking, abusive language/cursing
Oikawa didn’t know when it started.
It could’ve been the first time he ever saw you in school, so quiet and shy, with a pink tinge across your face when you glanced in his direction. Or it could’ve been the first time you spoke to him, with a little tremble to your lips as you struggled to form the right words that would leave a lasting impression. Maybe it was when he started noticing you were always attending his volleyball games, cheering on your school with a big stupid grin on your face.
Or maybe it was a mixture of all these little moments that made Oikawa feel what he felt. It didn’t matter what started it. All Oikawa really knew was that he was so in love with you. 
You ended up spending so much time together and blossoming such a beautiful friendship that others didn't expect to happen. It was a dream for him—seeing you smile and laugh, not caring about how you looked. And when you would tease him, it would make him laugh rather than upset him. Yes, he loved you for that. He loves everything about you. From the way you fiddled with your fingers when you had nothing else to do to your weird outbursts when you get excited. You were nothing like the girls who threw themselves at him in hopes of getting his attention. 
Often times, after you would hang out, Oikawa would pull down his pants in the privacy of his bedroom and desperately fist his cock until thick spurts of white would shoot onto anything that he was able to steal from your room from all the times he came over to your house. A picture, a shirt, his favorite pair of panties that smelled so deliciously like you, one of your socks that he wrapped around his length as he fucked his hand—absolutely anything he got his hands on that once belonged to you—was enough to have him dizzy with lust, desire, and love.
You became everything to him. If he was ever able to hold you close with his own fingertips, he would be able to die happily. He would even suffice with just a sniff of your hair while you’re actually awake instead of when you’re dead asleep in the middle of the night and he sneaks into your room through the window you always forget to lock. You couldn’t know that, though. Not like he would have been able to make a move on you so soon to make you completely his anyway.
But he would do anything for you. You were his best friend after all.
So when for the first time ever in your close friendship, you suddenly show up to his house unannounced with tears running down your cheeks and shamelessly throwing yourself into his arms, Oikawa was frozen in place for a second. 
“He cheated on me, Tooru,” you sobbed into his chest. Oh...all he could do was hold you close, bring you inside, and kiss the top of your head lovingly as your shoulders shook.
“It’s okay, Princess. Let it all out. I’m here,” he cooed.
And, wow...you smelled so good when you were awake. So sweet and pure. Absolutely beautiful...
So why the fuck would he cheat on you? 
Oikawa was angry. He was so angry he could laugh at how incredulous the situation was to him. How could he willingly treat you like shit?
After letting him take you away so easily, so Oikawa was forced to resort to pretending that he wasn’t devastatingly in love with you. After being forced to trust him with your heart, convincing himself that he would never hurt you. After having to deal with the fact that every single moment that you shared with Oikawa, that made him fall so deeply for you, was also shared with him. After hearing you scream his name at every single volleyball game you ever attended instead of "Go Tooru!"
It was true—you really were nothing like Oikawa’s fangirls. You didn’t love Oikawa like the fangirls loved him. Never yearned for Oikawa like how his fangirls did. 
You loved Iwaizumi, the former ace of Seijoh and the target of most of Oikawa’s sets. And you broke poor Oikawa’s heart every single time he witnessed a loving moment between you and Iwaizumi. He didn’t understand. He was taller, maybe even more cuter, just so much better than Iwaizumi. So why didn’t you choose him?
That’s how you ended up here; shivering in fear on Iwaizumi’s bed as he sat on the swivel chair he usually kept in his bedroom. Iwaizumi's hands and feet were tied together and the ghost of a blue bruise was forming on his right eye. The rest of his face was slightly swollen and there was a smudge of dried blood under his nose. Whenever you glance up at him, he was staring down at his hands in guilt, shame, and maybe anger and pain. But he made no move to try to get out of his restraints. It was no use.
Can we talk? Come over soon.
You received that text from Iwaizumi's number, assuming it was him. Anxiety-ridden and curious, you came to Iwaizumi's house, wondering what he could possibly say after hurting you so bad. The door was unlocked so you let yourself in, but you didn't expect a shirtless Oikawa—your best friend ever since you met him—to be sitting on the couch looking as relaxed as ever with Iwaizumi's phone in his lap. The little dry splatters of crimson liquid that kissed his skin were easy to notice.
As he led you to Iwaizumi's bedroom, your heart was pounding. And when you saw Iwaizumi in such a disheveled state, you were frozen in fear. Oikawa forced you to sit down on the bed, and you would've started screaming for help—you could've, but a metal handle sticking out of Oikawa's pocket caught your eye.
"God, I fucking hate you. Ever since you got with (Y/N), you’ve made it so hard not to rip your skull apart.”
Oikawa was standing a few feet away from Iwaizumi. A million thoughts ran through your head and every single one of them was wondering how this happened.
When did your best friend become so violent?
And when the fuck did he own a gun?
"I know. I made a goddamn mistake," Iwaizumi grunts in pain, "It's over now. We're not together anymore so-...so you don't need to be doing this dumb shit."
Oikawa laughs loudly, "That's not the point, Iwa-chan! The point is you hurt her." He's clenching and unclenching his fists in anger.
"I said I fucking know!" Iwaizumi barks. He was breathing heavily, his chest was rising and falling deeply.
Oikawa's face forms into a deep scowl. Suddenly, he pulls the black pistol out of his pocket and strikes Iwaizumi's cheek with it, making him jerk his face to the side, before pressing it against his temple. Blood drips from the side of his mouth from the sudden impact.
"Tooru," you whimper. You were shaking so bad, trying hard to stay as calm as possible in case he would try to turn the gun on you. The sight of blood made you feel sick. This whole situation was disgusting.
"You're lucky I haven't blown your brains out for stealing my girl. But hurting her, too? I should fucking shoot you right now." Maybe Iwaizumi was scared, just like you. One pull of the trigger and he would be gone in an instant. But he also looked so furious, with his jaw clenched and his eyes ablaze.
"Then shoot me, Shittykawa. Fucking do it," Iwaizumi taunts him, "Let (Y/N) see how fucked up you are. Traumatize her."
Oikawa pulls away and presses the pistol underneath his own chin in thought, before he carelessly waves it around as if it was just a toy. Every single time he moved, you jumped in your seat and your heart beat eratically. He was unpredictable. "Fuck that, I don't wanna kill you in front of (Y/N) yet. I'd rather blow her back out than blow your brains out first."
His words send a fearful shiver down your spine and makes your skin crawl. You’ve never seen this side of him before—never even expected him to be like this.
Iwaizumi growls, "You're sick."
"I'm not sick, Iwa-chan. I'm doing what's right for my girl," he said firmly. He spun the weapon between his fingers.
"She's not 'your girl.' She was never your girl!" Oikawa and Iwaizumi continued to argue, as if one of them wasn't holding a gun capable of killing everyone in the room instantly. “If this is what you consider right, then you’re just a fucking psycho!”
Why did you have to be here? In between this mess?
You cover your face with the collar of your shirt, crying and trembling with your heart threatening to pound until it jumps out of your chest and leaves you dying. The thought of someone just... getting their life stolen in the hands of someone else right in front of you was destroying your mind. Somehow, even if this was all Oikawa's twisted idea, it felt like it was your fault. 
"Tooru, I don't wanna be h-here. I... I don't want you to kill him..." you hiccup through your tears. Without you noticing, he slowly walks towards you so that he's directly in front of you, watching you break down. “I wan-wanna go h-home.”
"Put the fucking gun down, dumbass," Iwaizumi warns him.
Looking up from your shirt and desperately brushing away the tears as they fell, you're faced with the muzzle of the barrel pointed straight at you, only a mere few inches away from your terrified face. Behind the pistol was, of course, the man you thought would always protect you.
"Oikawa," Iwaizumi snarled, "Don't you dare fucking hurt her. Are you crazy?"
"Shut up, Iwa-chan! Since when did you ever care about her like I do?" Oikawa snaps at him. You stay focused on the shiny barrel of the pistol.
You could die right now. Right in front of your ex boyfriend and your soon-to-be ex best friend. Bleeding with your brains on the mattress you once shared with the man you spent a whole year loving.
All because of Oikawa.
"Why, Tooru?" you ask in a cracked voice, struggling to swallow the lump in your throat.
Oikawa smiled at you, "I'm gonna make this right, okay? I won't hurt you. I just...follow what I say, okay, Princess?"
“I don’t-” you gulp hard, trying to find your voice, “I really don’t understand any of this. I-...I hate this. I don’t wanna die. Tooru, I’m so-...I-...nng?”
The muzzle is delicately pressed between your lips suddenly, nudging your soft lips apart and cutting you off mid-sentence. You inhale sharply as you stare into Oikawa’s brown eyes, surprised and terrified of his sudden action. It throws you off guard, your body going rigid at the thought of dying at this very second.
What would your parents do? Is anyone even gonna find you? Will Iwaizumi survive? Since when did Oikawa hate you so much that he wanted to stick a gun in your mouth?
Wait, what? 
The fear on your face is instantly replaced with bewilderment. Suck? What does he mean suck? You stare at each other, the confusion evident on your face, but Oikawa couldn’t stop smiling evilly. 
“Suck on it, Princess,” Oikawa coos. Is he being serious? Even Iwaizumi, ten feet away and tied up, is looking at him as if he was an alien.
“You heard what I said, (Y/N). I won’t hurt you if you listen to me.” When you don't move, he pulls the gun back only to cock it. Your breath hitches in your throat as he places it back on your lips. "Put those sweet lips around my pistol and suck on it. Make it pretty.”
“What the fuck?” breathes Iwaizumi, gawking at Oikawa’s odd demand. 
With the sound of Oikawa cocking the gun fresh in your mind, and fueling your desire to live, you hesitantly wrap your lips around the gun. You start sucking on it, flicking your tongue against the underside of the barrel and slowly bobbing your head around it as you maintain eye contact with Oikawa through your blurry vision. It wasn’t cold, surprisingly, but the feeling of the metal in your mouth made you wince. You’re squeezing your eyes shut, ignoring your tears and trying to think of the weapon as something else.
Oikawa says nothing, his gaze never leaving you while you take his gun as if it was his own cock. The only thing flashing through his mind is that this view is absolutely perfect. Your saliva leaves a thin coating on the barrel every time you pull your head back, just to nibble on the muzzle and swirl your tongue around it, only to let half of the barrel disappear into your mouth again—and it leaves a satisfied feeling in his lower stomach seeing you attempt to submit to him so you could live. 
Slowly, he starts pushing it deeper into your mouth, almost to the back of your throat, and you recoil before he can reach that point, grabbing onto his hand that was holding the gun with both of your weak hands. “Ah, ah, ah,” he tuts in a disappointed tone, “I wanna see you take in more, Princess.” Instantly, you force yourself to relax your throat to let him invade the rest of your mouth. You hold your breath as he hits the back. You’re still trying to bob your head along the weapon, relying on your nose to give you the air that you need.
There was something really fucked up about this whole situation. A red tint is flushed across your face when you glance over at your ex boyfriend, watching you intently. He’s disgusted, that’s for sure—but when you look up to make eye contact with Oikawa, he’s far from disgusted. And it’s easier to tell, because when you trail your gaze to his lower half...
He’s rock hard—bulging from beneath the fabric of his sweats, sweet smile on his perfect face, absolutely no shame in his erection from getting his pistol sucked.
Iwaizumi always knew he was fucking weird.
But there’s an odd, yet familiar sensation, in your lower stomach—a warmth that you know all too well that only happens when Iwaizumi touches you—that makes you clench your thighs and flutter your eyes shut. Looking up at Oikawa, there’s no doubt that he knows what you’re feeling. A small smirk finds its way across his lips. 
Iwaizumi didn't know you were fucking weird, either.
Yeah, that’s what’s fucked up about this situation. Why was this turning you on, too?
Oikawa suddenly pulls the gun away, leaving a thin string of saliva following your lips to the harsh metal for a second until it disconnects. He leans in, making you hold your breath, and his lips find yours.
Soft—that’s the first thing you think about when he connects your lips. “Kiss me back,” he murmurs. 
So, you do. He feels foreign to you, strange even, and you feel quite awkward kissing him when you never even thought about kissing him before. You were beyond flustered. Despite being in such a stressful situation...he’s gentle. The tip of his tongue trails along the opening of your lips. As a habit, you part your lips and allow him to enter your mouth. 
You’re still scared. Your heart is beating so fast. Your breathing is labored from the anxiety sitting heavily on your chest.  But Oikawa is strangely calm. In fact, if he wasn’t moving against your lips right now and lapping at your tongue with his, he’d be smiling and laughing at Iwaizumi’s face. I’m kissing your ex girlfriend!
And Iwaizumi couldn’t do anything except stare. 
You push your hands against his bare shoulders to pull away. “Tooru, stop it,” you gasp out, “Hajim- Iwaizumi is right there.” You didn’t want him to see you like this. You didn’t even wanna see him in the first place after coming home to find him with another girl.
With his face close to you, he harbors a blank expression. “So, would you rather...do something else?” You pause for a second, remembering that he has a gun that’s a few inches away from you, and you reluctantly nod your head. His expression changes—a small smirk and softer, relaxed eyes, an indication that he definitely has something else in mind. Regret starts to fog your mind, but you also can’t help but be curious.
“What are you planning, Shittykawa?” Iwaizumi asks in an irritated, strained tone. He even sounded a bit...jealous? Was he actually jealous? You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
Oikawa tilts his head to the side to shoot Iwaizumi an evil smirk.
“I’m gonna fuck your ex girlfriend, Iwa-chan. Right in front of you.”
You never thought you'd be in this position.
It's hard to fully take in the situation when you literally feel like you're about to pass out from anxiety and all you want is for everything to be calm. At least go back to the way it used to be or how it should be—spending the rest of your time with Oikawa while eating tubs of ice cream and watching movies until you pass out together.
Instead, you're shaking like a leaf while straddling his thighs, fully exposed, soft skin pressing against his. Oikawa is completely bare, too, and while you always admired his athletic ability and perfect body, you didn't wanna see him like this. Not at all. Especially when his finger is still lazily sitting on the trigger of his pistol with it still pointed towards you, challenging you to do something so he can pull it.
It's that mischievous glint in his eyes that make you tense up the most. You want to be angry. You have every right to be, you think, but it's so difficult.
You're trying to cover up your body with your arms, holding onto the small amount of pride you have left, but it's no use when Oikawa is constantly looking you up and down. At the same time, you're trying to avoid looking down—his cock was sitting upright, hard and pulsating and...bigger than you thought he would be.
Way bigger.
"You can give it a little lick, Princess. If it'll make it easy for you."
You bite your trembling lip, shaking your head side to side, "I don't...I don't feel like it, Tooru." Oikawa moves to place his free hand on your waist, trailing his finger tips up and down, goosebumps rising on your skin.
"Just try it, baby. I won't bite," he muses, "Or would you rather I-" He picks his gun up higher. That small, annoying smile seemed to never leave his face because he knew the power he had over you at this moment.
"No," you quickly interrupt him. A chuckle vibrates in his chest at your response.
"I think I need to take care of you first, hm?" Before you can disagree with him again, he's sitting up to grab your hips. He flips you both over so he's above you. He opens your legs and lifts them up so your thighs are pressing against your stomach, exposing everything to him. You’re embarrassed, covering your face with your hands. 
“Let’s see your face, Princess. Don’t hide,” he insists, “You’re so pretty. I wish I could’ve seen you like this sooner.” You have no choice but to let your hands fall from your face. Oikawa looks so happy. In the corner of the room, Iwaizumi is muttering something under his breath with a flushed, bruised, and bleeding face. 
Oikawa runs his fingers along the skin of the underside of your thighs before placing his palms on each. He was still holding onto the weapon. It’s pressing against one of your thighs. Why did everything feel so cold? 
You flinch when he leans down towards your heat to flatten his tongue and lick a stripe up your slit. Oikawa stifles a groan at the taste of you. This was what he wanted since the first time he met you—an opportunity to make you his. He wraps his lips around the little sensitive nub at the top of your cunt and sucks on it. 
“T-Tooru,” you softly whine in uneasiness. You’re not sure if Oikawa can hear the distaste dripping at your mouth, but he keeps sucking and lapping at you as if you were the last thing he would ever eat. “I really don’t like this, Tooru. This is so embarrassing...”
He looks up at you, locking eyes with you as you silently beg him to stop. He removes one of his hands from your thighs to probe at the entrance of your pussy with his thumb. Your heart drops to your stomach when you hear the familiar slick of your wetness and he spreads it around with the pad of his thumb. “You don’t seem to be that against it, (Y/N).” 
Of course you’d be wet—he’s licking and playing with your cunt. When would he understand that?
You gulp nervously, “I don’t want this, Tooru. Please.”
He hums to myself, seeming to be deep in thought as always, before he mutters, “Oh, I know what you want.” You’re confused for a second, but he moves his other hand to hold the pistol at your entrance and...what the fuck?
What the fuck?
“No! Tooru!” you gasp, moving to sit up. Oikawa quickly pushes you back down by your chest. He’s pushing the gun inside you, slowly, but surely—and you feel every single rough patch and texture on the barrel, breaking through the rings of your cunt. “No, no, no!” You’re trying to reach for him, to stop him before he continues, yet he’s able to hold you back with one arm and pushes the pistol inside your pulsing heat, stretching you with the hard metal. It’s an uncomfortable stretch because of how stiff it is. You can already feel the trigger guard pressing at your asshole from how much he filled you up.
You swear Iwaizumi whispers a “holy shit” from his place.
“This is what you wanted, hm? You wanted to get fucked by my pistol?” Oikawa coos in a sickeningly sweet tone. You’re shaking your head, bracing your arms against the bed sheets and chewing on your lip. No. This can’t be happening. “I saw how you reacted when I let you suck on it, Princess. Bet this sweet pussy was already dripping the second I put it in your mouth. I never knew you were so dirty.” He wanted to laugh. The view from between your legs was incredible. He’s glancing at Iwaizumi, who is trying very hard not to look.
“That’s not true!" you gasp. Oikawa continues to pump the gun in and out of you with slow and deliberate strokes. You hate that you feel every single ridge and dent. He leans down to give a few licks at your clit. You’re suppressing a moan in your throat, because this shouldn’t feel good. Every single time he snaps it back into you, you’re gasping for breath. The walls of your cunt are clenching around the thick barrel and it’s hot—you’re heating up from the unfamiliar object forcing its way inside you, forcing you to react. Forcing you to take it in even if your brain is screaming for mercy.
“I know you better than you know yourself,” Oikawa mutters, “You’ve been mine since the beginning. I just let him have you.” This time, you’re biting down on your fist as he continues his assault. This wasn’t the Oikawa you met and became best friends with; this was an absolute monster. Maybe this was who he was the whole entire time—a liar, a master manipulator, a delusional psychopath who couldn’t understand the chemicals behind truly loving someone. 
But that doesn’t matter right now because fuck—the consistent strokes of Oikawa fucking you with his pistol felt good. The tiny moans you’re letting out proves everything, even as you try to hold them back. It’s so hard to stop your hips from bucking against the hard metal, even harder to stop that stupid fire burning in your pelvis. God, you’re about to fucking explode.
It doesn’t feel good, you’re trying to convince yourself. This is assault. This is rape. This doesn’t feel good. You’re not turned on, you’re just terrified if he pulls the trigger—
“Let it out, baby. The gun’s still fully loaded,” he whispers against your lips with a smirk, suddenly lifting himself up to press his forehead against yours. His words were ringing loudly in your ears, reaching every single nerve in your body. You part your lips in shock, your legs are shaking violently against your chest, and your eyes are finally rolling back into your head. A loud moan erupts from your throat, high-pitched like a scream. Quickly, he connects your lips and forces his tongue inside.
It almost hurts with how tightly you’re clenching onto the gun still inside you. But it’s one of the best feelings that you’ve ever felt because you’re cumming. You’re actually cumming. Your pussy is hot with so much shame, but you’re still gushing juices, soaking Oikawa’s hand.
You’re cumming on a fucking gun.
The room is silent as you’re coming undone. Iwaizumi is dazed, obvious from the look on his face as he’s staring at the place between your legs and the wet spots soaking the sheets. Oikawa stands upright on his knees, and you notice that his pelvis is wet from your juices. How embarrassing. How utterly fucking embarrassing. He’s pulling the gun out of your cunt and raising it up to his face, examining how your cum is running down to the handle. 
Oh, that’s really satisfying. He could take a picture right now, but he didn’t want to waste anymore time. 
"Cumming just from my pistol?" Oikawa chuckled, "So fucking dirty. I love it. I could get you pregnant right now. Pump you up with my kids, would you like that?" 
“Fuck’s sake, Shittykawa. What the fuck is wrong with you?” Iwaizumi speaks up all of a sudden. Oikawa simply scoffs at the other man before pulling you closer to rest your thighs against his hips. 
You wheeze, completely out of breath, “No, Tooru. I’m done. I need to leave.” With the palms of your hands against the mattress, you weakly try to pull yourself up and away from Oikawa’s grasp. 
“I said I was gonna fuck you, didn’t I?” Oikawa hums, pulling you back against his hips and placing his tip at your entrance. You wanna move away, and you really try to by moving to scoot away from him, but you feel so weak. He’s still holding onto his disgustingly wet gun—wet from you. Has he even put it down at all? 
"I never break promises," Oikawa sighs, with a big smile on his face, "And you’re so beautiful, (Y/N). How did I ever stop myself before? I should've taken you even if that fucker was still with you."
You’re trying to protest. You’ve been trying all night, but Oikawa is so persistent with wanting his revenge—revenge that you never even wanted. But he’s also thinking that this is it—this is the stepping stone of becoming the object of your affection. Not Iwaizumi, the man you loved and who cheated on you. Not anyone else. Just your best friend.
His hands are gripping onto your hips as he arches your back for his hips to meet yours. It’s another uncomfortable stretch as he pushes passed the fleshy walls of your pussy with his throbbing cock. You’re already wet—he has no struggle sinking into your pussy—and the squelching sound your wetness makes and the sharp whine that you let out in response to his movements are music to his ears. 
“Fuck,” he moans, “You’re tight, Princess. I thought Iwa-chan was fucking this pussy every night before.” 
It seemed like Iwaizumi wasn’t in the room at first, even if you were hyper-aware of that fact and it made your whole body become flushed. If you could hear his thoughts right now, he would most definitely be thinking that this fucking sucks. There’s a crack in your voice when you let out a low moan at Oikawa finally sheathing you on his cock. 
“How is it? Bigger than Iwa-chan?” he teases you. He pulls back only to dive deeper into your wetness. The feeling of his cock sliding against your walls makes you tremble. You’re so sensitive from how he fucked you with his gun less than five minutes ago, it’s a surprise that you haven’t passed out from the extra simulation he’s giving you. 
“Shut up,” you groan, looking off to the side. When Oikawa is comfortably settled between your folds, he leans over you to brace his hands on either side of your head. Instinctively, you wrap your small hands around his biceps as he slides in and out of you, squeezing desperately. 
Oikawa cocks his head to the side. “You don’t want to admit it, huh?” He suddenly snaps his hips sharply against yours, jerking your whole body upwards. “You don’t need to say it. I know how you feel, anyway.” It fucking hurts. His cock is longer, thicker, and going deeper than his gun was.
“How would you even know how I feel, Tooru?” you ask in a shaky tone. The anxiety never seemed to go away. Maybe you kept quivering because of your new-found fear of the brown-haired man above you, or maybe it was because you can still feel Iwaizumi burning a hole through you—he probably realized how much he hated you because if it weren’t for you, he wouldn’t be sitting tied up in his own home witnessing his friend rail his ex girlfriend.
Oikawa knew, though, that it was because you couldn’t fight the way your nerves were responding to how he touched you.
“Because if you didn’t like this, you wouldn't be under me right now,” he says lowly. With his hands gripping the sheets next to your head, he forces you deeper into the mattress with his body weight. The gun next to your head would’ve made you nervous, but you were too focused on the way Oikawa’s cock was drilling into your pussy like he was trying to leave an imprint of himself there for you to remember forever.
Every time he thrusts into you with all his strength, you’re gasping and moaning, gripping onto his biceps that flexed so deliciously as he filled you up completely. Your body was betraying you, writhing beneath him, basically begging for him to give you more. To make you cum one more time from just his cock.
“You really think this is funny, Oikawa?” Iwaizumi growls. You tense up at the sound of his voice—the anger dripping in his tone. “Basically raping my ex girlfriend?”
“Yeah,” Oikawa purrs, “It’s so...satisfying.” He’s building up his pace, and pretty soon he’s pounding into you with such a force that you’re struggling to let out moans and end up up letting out breaths of air and whiny squeaks. “Especially since she likes it so much. Right, (Y/N)?” Your eyes are rolling back at the sensation—you’re not even trying to deny it at this point. No matter how fucked up or disgusting you look right now, you couldn’t escape Oikawa and you couldn’t stop your pussy from sucking in his cock hopelessly like he belonged inside you.
“I fucking hate you.”
The area on your pelvis is undeniably hot now. Sweat was appearing on your skin despite being fully naked and exposed to the cold air in Iwaizumi’s bedroom. Oikawa is consistently snapping his hips into yours while you’re trying to control your own hips from trying to buck into his. Trying to hold onto what little sanity you have left before you’re ultimately forced to let go on his veiny cock.
Oikawa is your best friend—was your best friend, you don’t even know anymore. Fuck, he’s evil, giving you a warm, welcoming smile with a gun laying next to your head and ravaging your insides at the same time. This isn’t normal. But damn did this feel so fucking good.
You’re crying now, the tears running down your cheeks in a steady stream. Fuck Iwaizumi. Fuck Oikawa’s gun. Fuck the insecurity, feelings of worthlessness, and guilt that you’ve had inside you for the past few weeks after your failed relationship, crying into Oikawa’s lap every single time. Fuck everything. 
Only his name is forming at your lips, accompanied by wails of pleasure. You’ve never felt like this before, not even with Iwaizumi, who you thought would be the only person making you cum until you’re stupid. 
“F-fuck, Tooru,” you manage to gasp out. All your muscles are clenching involuntarily. It only makes Oikawa groan, your pussy unbelievably squeezing even tighter around him, pulling him inside you.
“Are you okay, my baby? You gonna cum all over my cock?” 
Your head is spinning and you just want it to stop. All you’re thinking about is how roughly Oikawa is fucking into you and the pleasure he’s bringing in waves washing over you. He’s not even touching your clit—the base of his cock is just hitting your swollen nub every time he thrusts inside of you, letting tiny shocks run through you.
“This is my pussy now,” he growls, “I’m gonna fuck this. I’m gonna stretch out this little cunt every day and you’re gonna let me, right? You’re gonna let me fill you up with my cum, too?” 
Let go, every sensor in your body is screaming.
"C'mon, Princess. Tell me. Tell Iwa-chan how much you love my cock inside you. Tell us how much you wanna be filled with my cum," he grins as he shoves his length into you roughly. He nudges your head to the side and attaches his lips to the soft skin on your neck, sucking and biting at the area. You arch your back off the bed and you don't hold back anymore—you're chanting his name, finally, begging for him.
"Tooru-mmm, please," you plead, "Fuck me, please! I'm...I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum, Tooru!"
Then Oikawa lifts himself up, bracing himself on one of his arms before bringing his gun against your lips again. You don't hesitate to stick your tongue out, letting it in your mouth this time. God, he could fucking cum at the sight of you willingly sucking on his pistol, swirling your tongue over the metal surface. He won't shoot, he just wants to see you submitting to his gun and his cock like he's a king.
It's taking everything within you to not pass out from violently twitching and spasming on his cock, letting your juices squirt all over him once you open your mouth to cry loudly. His gun is still pressing into the base of your throat, so your scream drawls out into a choking noise. Oikawa is letting out a string of curse words—your juices are coating his skin and spraying all over his cock.
Your thighs feel so sore, and you're a sputtering mess as he pulls his gun away from you. It's covered in your saliva. Oikawa is lifting himself up, panting heavily, observing the erratic movement of your chest and the red flush of your body. He doesn't bother to pull out of your convulsing cunt. Why are you still trembling like that?
But it's okay. Oikawa is so happy, so pleased. You were such a good girl—he knows for sure that you finally accept him and want him.
“Hey, Iwa-chan!” Oikawa sang with delight in his tone to catch Iwaizumi's attention. Damn, you completely forgot he was still there.
Oikawa is finally upright on his knees, leaving you sweating on the bedsheets. Iwaizumi looked up, cringing in disgust and fueled with anger and envy from watching Shittykawa himself take your body so relentlessly as you were cumming beneath him. Oikawa lifts his arm, pointing the shiny metal weapon towards the other man in the room. He was still throbbing inside you, enjoying the feeling of you still twitching gently around his cock from your orgasm. With half-lidded eyes, you look up at him weakly, suddenly admiring his toned, muscular body and the sweat glistening on his abs. You're not sure if he came inside you, but the wetness escaping your hole and the feeling of his length twitching, too, is more than enough proof that he probably did.
"What do you want now, you fucking asshole?" Iwaizumi snarls.
The words that come out next are so snarky, filled with hate and arrogance. "Just wanted to let you know that I’m better than you," Oikawa sneers, "And I don't shoot blanks."
He finally pulls the trigger. The sound of a gunshot is piercing the air and Oikawa jerks slightly from the recoil. Then it's completely silent. Your thighs are still shaking, you’re still struggling to find your voice, and your brain seems to be focusing through the haziness. He leans down to give you the sweetest kiss, as if to say that everything will be okay now. The smell in the air was suddenly pungent—a mixture of sweat, sex, gun powder and...blood? Holy shit.  You're screaming now.
Holy shit, Oikawa.
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