#you can tell I like doodling Tiny Guys
hamdoodlez · 8 months
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So uh, The Amazing Digital Circus, huh?
October 21st 2023
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clownsuu · 11 months
Ay. An offer; one doodle of lovelie for the price of answering my question 🦅
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Eh? Eh?— Anyways my question is; what’s an art tip you can give that really helped you? Anything special when drawing or do you just have a hand of god?
(Btw your one of my favorite artists and I love seeing your work homie, number 1 inspo fr. Keep on cookin 🦅💞)
WAHHH THEY LOOK SO SCRUNGLYYYY (despite his many, m a n y crimes)
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sescoups · 19 days
favorite coworker - choi vernon
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word count: ~5.3k (i'm so sorry)
summary: vernon is your favorite. he just gets you. of course you can't resist him - not that you would ever want to.
a/n: this is definitely NOT proofread, and i'm sorry. idk i just have the fattest crush on vernon, honestly i can't be held accountable
18+, MDNI!!! warnings under the cut <3
warnings: oral (m. receiving), making out, creepy old man (he doesn't do anything, he's just a creep), mention of vomit, lmk if i missed anything! <3
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“Wait so hang on, you mean to tell me you’ve never what..? Gone down on a guy?”
“Oh yell it out, why don’t you,” you groan, smacking your forehead into the counter. Thank fuck you just cleaned it.
Vernon is your coworker at the record store in the middle of the city. He’s super chill, does what he’s supposed to but doesn’t stress out or get pissy if you’re having a bad day and work slowly. He’s great. He’s just… a bit unaware of his surroundings, a lot of the time. You’re lucky only two people are in the store at the moment, or you would have simply passed away.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says, holding up his hands in a gesture of peace. “I just kinda can’t believe it? I mean, you’ve had sex for sure, right?”
“Yes, Vernon.” You roll your eyes and glare at an old man who is shamelessly looking you up and down. “I’ve had sex before. Just not a lot, I guess. And why is it so hard to believe?”
Had he been looking at your face, your raised eyebrow might have tipped him off to the fact that he should drop the topic and back off. Unfortunately, in typical Vernon fashion, he was doodling nonsense on a notepad, so he missed it completely.
“Well I mean, you’re hot,” he said before finally looking up at you. He started tapping his pen against the counter, leaning his weight on one hand against the counter. “You’re also pretty open about your life in general, so I just figured two plus two equals one, you know.”
“What the fu- Vernon. Think about what you just said.”
“Oh fuck. Yeah I deserved to fail math in high school.”
You burst into laughter at his words. This is exactly why you love Vernon, and why he’s your favorite coworker. You’re laughing so hard you barely manage to greet the new customer who just entered the store. Your coworker is smiling, satisfied with his ability to make you laugh.
The old man who is still eyeing you, now with extra focus on your boobs, comes up to the register just as you manage to sober up from your laughing fit. You clear your throat and turn to face him, giving him a tiny smile in the spirit of customer service. Apparently a mistake.
“Excuse me, sweetheart,” he starts, running his tongue over his front teeth in what you suspect is supposed to be a seduction attempt. “Would you mind maybe showing me some of the records you have in the back?”
The smile leaves your face immediately, and you’re about to absolutely emaciate him when Vernon cuts in to make sure you do not lose your job over some smarmy geezer.
“She cannot, sir. It’s store policy. Soz.”
You hold your snort in, but barely. The old man huffs and glares at the man next to you, crossing his arms over his chest. Honestly, you’re curious at this point. You’ve never seen Vernon handle confrontation - again, very chill dude - but you also know he is very protective over his friends.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” the old man says with an eye roll. “I was talking to the pretty young lady.”
His smile sends a shiver down your spine, and you take a deep breath. The old man watches your boobs rise and fall. Seriously, fuck this guy. You force the customer service smile back on your face because you actually really like and need this job, and decide this sack of shit isn’t worth it.
“He’s right, sir. It’s against store policy, and I’m currently on register duty. If there is a specific record you wish to see, we can look it up in the system.”
“I’ll keep looking for a while… in case you change your mind.”
The way he winks at you makes your blood boil, and it’s a wonder your teeth don’t crack from the pressure of your jaw. The man walks away, and so does Vernon. He can’t really kick the guy out unless he does something physical, so you don’t know what he’s trying to do. Soon, though, your confusion melts into amusement and glee as you watch your coworker follow the man around the store, loudly dissing his music taste whenever he picks up a record. He keeps walking just a little bit too close for comfort, and after about three minutes, the man gives up.
You take huge pleasure in the way the man skulks out, hands in his pockets and back hunched over as if he’s trying to get away from something - or someone. Returning to the register, Vernon grins to himself and resumes his doodling without a word. You shake your head in amazement before going to help the other two customers in the store.
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The next time you’re working with Vernon, you have the closing shift. Usually only one person is supposed to stay back after closing and clean up, but you just received a large shipment of vinyls that need to be sorted and placed into protective sleeves, so the two of you are working overtime together.
It’s a pretty slow shift, and the two of you pass the time by playing music for one another and guessing the artist and the title. You’re much better at it than he is, but only because you’re good at memorizing things; he has a far more varied music taste than you, and would easily have won had he remembered more than two song names and five artists. As per the terms of the game, the loser has to go out to get the dinner you preordered from a restaurant down the street. It’s not far, but it’s raining, so you’re glad to be exempt.
While your colleague is gone, you close out the register and sweep the floor so you only have the vinyl sorting left after you’ve eaten. The break room smells like wet dog and Doritos, so you bring two chairs out together with the foldable table that you’re going to use to sort the vinyls. Since no one is in the store anyway, you can people watch through the windows while you eat.
Vernon comes back in just as you finish setting up, soaking wet from the pouring rain. You coo at him when he shivers, and he shoots you a playful glare. He ends up holding his glare for all of two seconds before a wide smile stretches across his face.
“I left an extra shirt here at some point, do you think it smells like teenage boy?”
You escape the break room with two plates and some utensils in hand, laughing at his question and probably unfortunate fate.
“Because of the proximity to the break room? Probably. That shit is unavoidable.”
He grimaces before taking his jacket off, hanging it on a hook behind the register. He disappears to change while you plate the food, humming to yourself. You try not to think about how he’s probably half naked right now, and turn your attention to the fact that he most likely will smell atrocious to keep your head on straight.
You do love Vernon. He’s a great coworker, obviously, and he’s a great friend too, but that’s not really the full extent of it. You’ve been battling your crush on him for months now, because it’s pretty clear that he isn’t interested in you. Besides, if you ever did date, things would get awkward at work if you broke up. No, he is one of those people who should stay firmly at arm’s length. Unfortunately.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a loud bang, making you jump a good foot in the air.
“What the fuck, Nonnie?”
“Sorry,” he grimaces, checking that the door he managed to fling directly into the wall hadn’t done any damage. “I tripped.”
“Only you, Vern,” you sigh. “Well, food is ready to go. Let’s eat!”
The meal, consisting of some kimchi jjigae, rice and side salad, passes by in relative silence. You occasionally hum in content, and Vernon often slurps his jjigae really loudly which prompts you to giggle. He always looks glad to have amused you, and you need to look away often in order to control your emotions.
“Dude,” he groans after his third serving, “I’m so fucking full.”
“I’m not the one who got an order for five people, genius,” you groan back, your own stomach feeling like a water balloon. “So good though.”
“So good,” he nods earnestly.
You can’t stand to look at him like this; you need something to do with your hands. So you stand up and stretch, which actually does help the food settle in your stomach a bit. Your hair, tied in a bun to avoid getting any food in it, comes down to release some of the pressure on your scalp, and then you feel ready to get started.
“Take all the time you need, man, but I’m gonna start on the first box. I want to get home before dawn, if I can.”
He flashes you a thumbs up and slumps against the table to enter into a food coma. You scoff at him and shake your head before clearing the dishes from the table. Thank God you have a dishwasher in the break room.
You bring out the first box and start sorting it, referencing the list you have as you go to take inventory. It’s repetitive work, but it’s kind of soothing, too. You do your best to make the plastic of the vinyl coverings crinkle as little as possible, wanting Vernon to rest for as long as he needs to. Three servings of kimchi jjigae would make anyone drowsy.
The first sign that he is still alive comes ten minutes later when he starts drumming a random rhythm on the table. You snort when you recognize the rhythm, pausing with a vinyl halfway into its covering.
“You can’t drum the melody to Dun Dun Dance, Vernon.”
“I can do whatever I want,” he protests weakly, cheek still pressed firmly against the table surface. “But nicely done. What about this one?” He drums out another rhythm, and now that you know it’s a melody he’s following, you recognize it quicker.
“That’s Candy by H.O.T.”
“You gonna work or rest, bud?”
Vernon whines at your words and rolls his head to rest his forehead against the table instead. You wait patiently as he gathers the strength to sit up properly and kick a box of vinyls over to him when he seems more alive.
“Life isn’t fair,” he pouts, “I just did so much work eating all that food, and now I gotta do more?”
“It’s like that,” you agree absentmindedly, marking off a stack of vinyls on your list. “Can you turn on some music, please? The silence is creepy.”
He nods and connects his phone to the store speakers, choosing the playlist the two of you created together on a similar night of overtime. After that, the two of you slip into a rhythm together, unpacking vinyls, checking the list, and then putting them into a protective sleeve. It’s mostly silent aside from the music, and sometimes Vernon drums along to the beat on the table, but it’s comfortable. You kind of don’t mind spending a few hours like this.
When you’re two thirds through the stack of boxes, you both decide to take a break. Your saint of a colleague brews some coffee, and you hop onto the checkout counter to browse through your phone while your brain cells take a well-deserved rest.
“Bless you,” you say as you accept a mug full of coffee. “We’re making pretty good time today, eh?”
“Yeah,” he agrees, taking a sip and wincing at the scalding temperature. “We haven’t really been talking, so.”
“That jjigae really took you out, huh?”
“Oh yeah.”
You grin at him and blow gently over your coffee. It’s still too hot to drink, as evidenced by the steam rising from it, but the smell alone is kind of waking you up. Vernon grabs your attention by clearing his throat gently, and you turn to look at him. He’s fidgeting a bit with a pen left on the counter close to your thigh.
“I, uh… I wanted to say I’m sorry about that dude the other day. The creepy one. I probably should have kicked him out, but I didn’t know if I could…”
Your heart melted a little in your chest. It was obvious he had been carrying this around with him, mulling it over and worrying about it. About you. It was endearing, and dangerous for your heart. You bit your lip and placed your coffee mug on the counter next to you.
“It’s okay,” you say earnestly. “He sucked, and I was uncomfortable, but you still made him leave. I didn’t feel like I was in danger or anything, so don’t worry about it.”
“I just feel like it’s partially my fault, for kind of yelling about the fact that you’ve never sucked a dick before.” You’re incredibly grateful that you weren’t drinking coffee at that moment, because you definitely would have spat it out all over the floor. His bluntness never ceased to surprise you. It was unbearably adorable. “I should be more aware of my surroundings, especially when talking about something sensitive like that.”
“Well,” you start, pausing thoughtfully. “I don’t really think that man would have acted differently either way, to be honest with you. Men like that are just… like that. I also don’t really care who knows I’ve never given a blowjob before. It doesn’t matter, at the end of the day. I haven’t done it because I haven’t slept with anyone who’s dick I wanted to suck, and that’s all. I just wish I knew how sometimes, you know?”
He shuffles his weight around at your words, shifting from foot to foot. He’s still fumbling with the pen on the counter, but now his fingers are clumsier than usual. You glance up at his face only to find him staring into empty space in front of him. You figure you made him uncomfortable with your oversharing.
“Sorry. That was TMI.”
“No,” he answers quickly. “We share everything. I told you when I threw up on Seungkwan’s lap and cried because I felt bad, didn’t I?” You smile at the reminder and nod. He finally meets your eyes again. “I was just thinking, you know.”
“What about?”
Vernon’s mind is the most fascinating thing to you. The way he thinks is so out of the box and different, and so beautiful. He has shown you the lyrics he writes for his friend Jihoon sometimes, and they’re so poetic you find yourself turning them over in your mind for days afterward. And the best part about it is that he always answers you when you ask what’s going on inside his head. He grants you access to his thoughts and feelings, and it’s the greatest gift you’ve ever received.
“Well. I don’t know if this is going to come off as creepy or not,” he warns, “but I was thinking like… Maybe you should just get it over with.”
“Get what over with?” Your eyebrow rises as you ask the question, and his furrow in response.
“I just mean that you could know how to give a good blowjob, if you wanted to. You could just… pick someone to sleep with. And ask them to teach you. You know?”
“Nonnie,” you start, and your bewildered tone makes him shrink a little. “You really believe the best of people, don’t you?”
“Well- I mean yes, but I didn't mean you should just sleep with anyone. You could just pick someone you already know.”
His words give you pause. You have plenty of friends in possession of a penis, but the thought of sleeping with most of them feels kinda gross. The one exception is… Well, Vernon. And you sincerely doubt that he is offering himself up. So you do what you always do and make a joke to force your mind away from the thought of sucking on your friend’s dick until he cums for you.
“What, are you offering?”
“I mean, yeah,” he shrugs.
You stop breathing. He is actually, genuinely offering to teach you how to suck dick. More specifically, his dick. The one that has been the star of many of your more illicit fantasies. You want to say yes so badly, want to finally get the experience of being something more to him, but you also don’t want to get ahead of yourself. But…
The room is silent while you’re thinking. You feel his eyes on the side of your face, feel the way he’s cataloging every emotion that overtakes your features, and you swallow harshly. Your heart is beating out of your chest and your hands are shaking, and your brain is running a mile a minute with no end in sight.
Then Vernon places his hand on your thigh. His touch is warm but light, ready to pull away as soon as you want him to, but it’s enough to bring your soul back into your body and get a grasp on your thoughts and feelings. You bite your lower lip and breathe in deeply before letting it go. Yeah, you’re doing this.
“I uh, I’m going to need some guidance,” you say, and you almost miss the way your friend’s eyes widen at your words.
“O-Of course. And if you want to stop at any time, just like, tell me, yeah?”
You smile at the comfort his words bring you. “Yeah.”
There is silence once again, but this one is heavy with a different kind of tension. You both know what’s happening, but you don’t know what your next move should be. Technically, you should be working and saving any… other activities for your own free time, but you don’t think waiting is something you’re capable of at this point.
He is the one to make the first move, placing his half-empty mug on the counter and placing himself between your legs. His hands find a place on your waist, bunching the fabric of your shirt slightly. Sitting on the counter means you’re a little bit taller than he is, but you really don’t mind it. He holds your gaze for a few seconds before his left hand lifts to cup your face.
“Are you okay with kissing?” His voice is a bit deeper than normal, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t make heat pool between your legs. “I understand if not, but-”
You interrupt him with a gentle kiss. His lips are pillowy against yours, smooth and plump. You thank your past self for bullying him into using chapstick, because you can honestly say that this might be your favorite kiss ever.
Vernon’s hand moves from your jaw to rake through your hair, and you moan a little when his fingers catch a little in the back. He responds by stepping even closer to you and sliding his entire arm around your back, your chest pressing against his deliciously. The only thought going through your mind is the fact that you are kissing your favorite coworker, and how you really, really want to bury his cock in your throat.
He chases after you when you pull away slightly to catch your breath, and you don’t even mind that the oxygen deprivation is making you dizzy. You slump against him a little when he tugs on your hair again, and you move to return the favor. As soon as you pull on the hair at the back of his neck, he forces himself to pull away and gulp down some air.
His eyes are glazed over, his lips slick with a mix of your and his saliva, and his chest is rising and falling where it’s pressed against yours. It's painfully attractive. He rasps out a quiet groan and leans his forehead against yours. You love the feeling of his harsh breaths hitting your face and answer back with your own.
You feel like you’re in a bubble, because the world around you feels muted and time feels like it has stopped moving. You wouldn’t be surprised if the earth had stopped spinning.
“Sorry,” he breathes. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and inhales your scent. “I just really wanted to do that.”
“Stop apologizing,” you respond, bringing your hand onto his head to scratch at his scalp. “I liked it. Maybe a bit too much.”
Your words bring a whine out of Vernon, and he squeezes you tighter. You’re still on top of the counter, but you can feel his bulge against the inside of your thigh. It twitches against you every time you tug at the ends of his hair, and it makes you smile.
One of your hands snakes down and cups him through his jeans. He reacts strongly despite the thick material separating you. His willingness to show you how good you make him feel make you fall for him all over again. As if he wasn’t already perfect enough.
“Y/N,” he gulps when you move your hand against him, “we’re taking this at your pace, and I can go as slowly as you want to, but I think I might go insane if I don’t get these pants off.”
You giggle breathlessly as you pull away from him, and he forces himself to take a step back from you. You lean back on your hands, your knees still spread from where he was standing previously. He’s distracted for a few seconds before he finally remembers to unbutton his jeans and tugs them down his legs.
The bulge had been apparent through the jeans, but you can truly tell how hard he is when they come off. The way he twitches in his boxers is so obvious you almost feel bad for him. You decide it’s time you follow through and receive your lesson.
You hop off the counter and slide onto your knees in front of him. It’s unfair how attractive he is even from this angle, you think, and slide your hands up his thighs. You’ve given handjobs before, so it’s not exactly your first time touching a dick, but the goal is different now. This time, your hands are just the warmup and not the main event. You’re just hoping you can bring him some sort of pleasure in spite of your inexperience.
“Tell me how to start,” you whisper up at him. He blinks a few times at the sight of you before sucking in a deep breath.
“Yeah,” he rasps. His throat is already dry with anticipation. “I uh, I mean everyone is different when it comes to this stuff, so uh-”
“Just teach me what you like, Nonnie.” Your hands are massaging his thighs, nails digging into his skin every now and then. Whenever they do, you can feel him shudder.
“O-Oh, okay,” he breathes, sounding broken already. “I prefer skipping the handjob first, I guess. I really l-like the feeling of licking, especially at the tip, and uh-” He is becoming redder by the second. “One step at a time. Uhm, start by removing my boxers.”
You nod obediently and slide your hands up to his lower tummy, watching the expressions of pleasure as they take over his face. You assume you will never get to do this again, so you do your best to burn it all into your mind for later use on lonely nights spent with your vibrator. He shudders again when your nails scratch his skin lightly. Your fingers curl around the hem of his underwear and tug.
His cock is beautiful. It’s pretty long, curving slightly towards his stomach, and the tip of it is a perfect shade of peach. Your mouth waters at the thought of getting to taste it, and you eye the drop of precum spilling from the tip. You gently shuffle closer, but he stops you.
“Sorry, you’re fine, I just need something to lean against,” he explains when you look at him in fear of having done something wrong. He maneuvers you both so that he’s leaning against the counter you were sitting on not five minutes ago, and you’re in front of him.
“What now, Nonnie?” you ask, his eyes shutting and chest expanding to accommodate a deep breath.
“You should probably just uh, stroke me a few times first. Then uhm, then you can do whatever you want.” You blink at him a few times, trying to indicate that he’s supposed to be teaching you how to do this. For once, he gets the hint. “Like I said, I uh, like licking. When you take me in you just have to make sure not to like, bite me. Other than that, you can take it at your own speed and depth - for your comfort, of course, but I’m also not picky.”
You admire the flush decorating his cheeks and neck. He looks so good like this, towering over you and looking at you like you hold the answer to his ultimate pleasure. You try to convince yourself that you do, that you will be able to listen and follow his guidance well enough that this will feel good for him. You decide that you will.
Raising your right hand, you grip him tightly in your fist. It makes him suck in a breath, and you feel the muscles in his thighs tense up. You pump him a few times, going slow and using his precum as lube. It’s not enough, of course, but you will move on soon.
“Fuck…” he heaves, leaning back onto the counter even more. He looks into your eyes and swears again. “Please, sweetheart, as soon as you’re ready, I-I want-”
You cut him off by pressing your tongue against the head of his dick. The flavor is salty and a little bit bitter, but it tastes like heaven. Your eyes briefly slip closed as you continue kitten-licking at his slit, and he lets out a winy moan. You open your eyes and look at him, only to find him with his head tilted back to look at the ceiling.
“How is this?” you pause to ask, continuing before he’s had time to answer.
“Good, baby,” Vernon answers through his labored breathing. “So, so good. Keep going, you’re doing great.”
The praise bolsters your confidence, and you give a long lick from his base to his tip. The motion makes him moan again, so you repeat it a few more times. In no time at all, his cock is covered in a mixture of your saliva and his own precum. You decide it’s time to try and take him in your mouth - both because you’ve teased him enough, but you’re also too impatient to wait anymore.
His tip breaches the heat of your mouth , and you find you have to open your jaw quite a bit to accommodate him. A punched out groan leaves him, and one of his hands comes down to tangle in your hair. When a strand of it falls in front of your face, he gathers your hair into a makeshift ponytail at the back of your head.
You love the weight of him on your tongue, and dare to sink down a bit lower. He hits the top of your mouth. You gag around him, and he gently pulls you off of him to check on you.
“You okay? You don’t have to keep going,” he reminds you. It only serves to make you more determined to make him cum down the back of your throat.
“What can I do better?” you ask while stroking him in your hand. You still want to improve.
“Honestly?” he wheezes, his hips jumping of their own accord. “You’re doing great.” You glare a bit at him, and he smiles down at you apologetically. “Sorry. But you are doing great. Maybe try sucking a bit more? Not just placing me in your mouth.”
You nod and sink right back down on him. His noises of pleasure are never-ending, and they only increase in volume as well as frequency once you properly suck around him. You bob up and down on him, his hand clenching in your hair as he’s doing his best not to fuck your throat. You’re making it pretty hard.
“Please, baby, I’m gonna fucking- Where do you want me to cum?”
His voice is hoarse and strained, and his grip on your hair has grown so tight it’s stinging your scalp. You savor the pain and rub your thighs together, mewling around him. You grip his ass and push deeper to signal for him to cum in your mouth, and it’s not a second too soon because he immediately spills his seed into you.
Vernon cums so much that some spills out onto your chin, but you diligently swallow what you can. He tries to keep his eyes on you, but his vision quite literally whites out as he reaches his high, so his eyes screw shut without his permission. You, on the other hand, couldn’t tear your gaze from him if you tried. He’s beautiful when he cums, his eyebrows scrunched in what almost looks like pain and his jaw slack in awe. His thighs tremble, and you’re glad he’s leaning against the counter so he doesn’t collapse onto the floor.
“Fuck, how are you so good at this,” he heaves out when his vision returns. You just smirk up at him, some of his cum still covering your chin and lips.
“I had a good teacher,” you tease back. Your voice is raspy after bobbing on his cock, and he finds it painfully attractive.
He notices the way you clench your thighs together and realizes you’re still on the floor. He’s quick to bend down and help you to your feet. As soon as you’re in front of him, he’s kissing you. He doesn’t care about the cum transferring from your chin to his, nor the fact that his softening dick is still out in the open; all he can think about is that he wants to pay you back for what you just did for him.
“Nonnie,” you breathe between kisses, and instead of pulling away it makes him kiss you harder, faster, deeper. He loves when you call him that. He reluctantly pulls away when you push gently against his chest, though. “We should finish the-”
“I need to eat you out, baby. Please, please let me.” His interruption surprises you, and so does his suggestion. He must see your confusion, because he quickly clears things up for you. “I want to, because I like you so much. I promise to ask you to be my girlfriend after this, but please, let me eat you out first.”
“Okay, but Nonnie-” you say, but he interrupts you with a passionate kiss as he mumbles thanks against your lips. “Nonnie.” He sighs and pulls away, resting his forehead against yours. He closes his eyes to stop himself from jumping you again, and you smile. “I’ll say yes right now. I want to be your girlfriend. Is that okay?”
He kisses you so deeply you lose track of where he starts and you end, but you’re just so glad to be kissing him again you probably couldn’t have figured it out anyway. You don’t talk much more that evening, and you definitely don’t get home before midnight, but at least you go home and fall into bed together. Maybe his inattentiveness was a blessing, after all.
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a/n: don't forget to like and reblog if you enjoyed this post! <3
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sharkorok · 5 months
ooo u want me so bad
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or…grumpy!enha being in luv w u
requested: nope
cw/genre: cursing, grumpy enhypen, fluff, humor, crack-ish, fem!reader, non-idol au, I wrote this during a zoom class, not proofread fuck it we ball, one joke about reader getting jumped?? anyways lmk if anything else should be tagged hehe
a/n: this was inspired by @macahoons grumpy enhypen texts that I just adored!!! Such a cute trope <3
-he’s the basketball team captain, always idly boasting about his talents and loves being first place
-the only exception is you.
-he will never admit it but he absolutely lets you win every time you find him at the basketball court and u challenge him to some dumb scoring game where u see how many baskets u each can get
-“OMG HI HEESEUNG!! :3” when u find him at the basketball court and he sighs but he’s trying not to scream at how cute u r lowkey
-ur all giggly when u keep beating him “hee r u even trying?” “I’m just having a bad day don’t even” like he isn’t completely distracted by the way you look when ur grinning at him
-“I think I can take ur place as basketball team captain!” “In ur dreams??” but he’d gladly give it up if you would keep smiling like that
-insists on walking you home from the court because “I’m not gonna be held responsible for you getting jumped”
-and the next time you catch him on the basketball court it happens all over again! <3
-you can’t even finish saying “I’m cold” before his jacket is over your shoulders and he’s scolding you for not being prepared
-sitting down and your skirt is riding up? his uniform blazer is over your lap and he’s shaking his head
-“what would you do without me??” “do you want your jacket back then , jay?” “…no”
-while it’s also because he cares about ur wellbeing, he also just really likes the sight of you wearing his clothes and you smelling like his cologne
-you literally walk into the room and he’s immediately “y/n you need to buy a thicker jacket you’re gonna get sick” not even a good morning or anything…
-“don’t tell people ur wearing my jacket I don’t want them to get the wrong idea 🙄” but lowkey he wouldn’t mind at all
-gets so (internally) giggly when u sink into his jacket because it’s chilly
-finds excuses u give u his clothes at this point …the tiniest piece of lint on ur shirt and he’s handing you his blazer
-“u can keep it ig”
-gets you tiny gifts and acts like he just randomly found them
-he totally went out of his way to find you two matching keychains but he doesn’t wanna admit that
-“y/n I just randomly found your favorite seasonal pastry. no big deal. don’t thank me.”
-BUT HE ALSO KEEPS EVERY GIFT U GET HIM OMGEEE, he has a whole area on his desk dedicated to notes, trinkets, stickers, if you drew on his paper he’ll tear the section off so he can keep it LOL
-will never admit that. to anyone. but gets pressed if you give gifts to anyone else because that’s his y/nnie!! giving HIS gifts to some rando!! D: the cruelty!!
-gets sooo dramatic if he doesn’t get at least a little doodle he’s texting you like you killed a man
-one time his friend asked if he could borrow a pencil and he was like yea man sure and then realizing it was a pencil YOU!! gave him he snatched it back so fast trust
-he’s so cutie patootie but internally…4 now…
-wishes he could get over himself and kiss you all over when you shyly present a little plush toy you won at a claw game he’s RAHHHHH !!!
-for now he’ll stick to “thanks 😒”
-he’s really protective over you me thinks
-but he’ll be really quiet about it, maybe a girl makes you upset and he sees and he’ll “accidentally” knock over her bottled water on her notes, a guy is talking shit about you and sunghoon is squaring up in the courtyard no questions asked
-“sunghoon u dont have to protect me” “it’s not about you” even though it’s totally about you and he will die defending your honor
-one time on your walk out of school a tree branch poked you and u were all like “oh owie : o” and he was following behind before GLARING the shit out of that tree branch…
-another time this guy made a degrading comment about you and sunghoon managed to find receipts on him cheating on his gf and posted it on the school newsletter…cuz he’s silly like that <3
-honestly it’s a little scary the lengths he’ll go for you and still refusing to admit he’s doing it for you
-he’s not really good at comforting you when you cry, so he’ll make sure to protect you from anything that could make you cry
-he’ll always listen to you
-if someone said “sunoo can u go grab me a drink from the vending machine” he looks at them like they’re insane but if YOU’RE asking??? he’s sprinting down the hallways
-“it’s literally just because ur lips get all chapped when your dehydrated don’t get an ego,” while he’s handing you like…water purified in Antarctica sourced from glaciers with a little paper umbrella
-even smaller things, he prioritizes your advice
-“guys should I have hot pot or panera for lunch?” and a rando will go, “panera!” and hes dead silent but you go “oh you should totally get hot pot!!” and he’s basically booking a reservation
-probably “accidentally” books a reservation for two and forces you to come since “it’s a waste of table space” if no one else does lol
-also if you don’t like someone he doesn’t like them either
-“sunoo are u friends with Ria?” “shes okay” “she said my makeup looked bad today :(“ and sunoo will act like he dgaf
-but next time you bring her up he scoffs and is all, “why even bother crying about her? she’s not worth your time and she’s annoying anyways” even though he’s never talked to this girl
-tldr ur word > anyone else
-always speaks highly of you
-never to your face but he’ll always defend you when necessary, or speak up for you, or just praise you LOL
-“y/n actually scored higher than you, so idk why you’re bragging so loud” to some rando kid talking about test scores lmao
-or “y/n doesn’t like that snack get her another” when your friends are debating how to surprise you
-ur name is always in his mouth but positively LMAO
-brushes it off if you take note of this and says “people are just exaggerating, I barely talk about you, don’t get it twisted >:T” but everyone knows he’ll take any chance he can get to praise you
-“y/n is better tho” and everyone’s like?? who asked??
-it’s endearing but he doesn’t even notice it, he just is proud of you in every shape and form and since he can’t really express it around you he has to project it anywhere else he can hehe
-“jungwon do you think my hair looks okay?” says hee, looking for an actual answer. “y/n’s hair is nicer” responds jungwon, not missing a beat.
-“did you guys know y/n got a 100? isn’t she smart? don’t tell her I said that.”
-does things for you without you asking and then acts like it’s a habit
-it is definitely not a habit for him to run out of his seat to pull out your chair for you, but he insists he literally does it for everyone (he doesnt)
-opens your capped drinks before handing them to you, stops you suddenly to tie your shoelaces, sends you photos of notes if you missed a day..
-“y/n you’d literally be hopeless without me” but he’d be hopeless if anyone else helped you because it’s his job!!
-it makes him feel special when he gets to do so many acts of service for you, for some reason he doesn’t mind running errands or whatnot, he’d much rather he be the one who does it than anyone else
-“y/n u forgot a hair tie today?? ur lucky I brought one” knowing damn well he brought it specifically for you ☹️☹️ cutie
-if the train is full you don’t even have to ask and he’ll let you take his seat “y/n you have weak legs, you need to sit”
-he secretly loves being someone you can rely on, no matter how much he denies it <3
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bug-bites · 9 months
thinking abt simon "ghost" "acts of service" riley
like in my head he isn't too fond of physical touch. he wont burst into tears and start crying and shaking if you hug him but its very much reserved for the very few people who are close to him. its not that he's scared of it or it makes him super uncomfortable, its just he has other ways of showing people he loves them!
he's the type of guy who when you're getting to know him, listens and remembers every detail you tell him, and makes mental notes of your dislikes and likes w/o you having to tell him.
he takes cold showers every day and when you ask him he just tells you "its better, wakes me up in the mornings" but its really because he knows you like taking hot showers from all the times he's walked into the washroom once you're done and noticed the mirror all fogged up from the steam. he just wants to make sure you dont run out of hot water
in a passing conversation you mention feeling a bit sick, maybe its the change in weather or your allergies acting up but you just really are hoping it isnt a cold. simon doesnt say much but later you find a small ziploc baggie of peeled orange slices with a sticky note with your name on on it
when you go out together and you're a little underdressed for the weather he notices the goosebumps on your arms and how you constantly are rubbing them with your hands, trying to subtly warm yourself from the friction. you dont do a good job however because he glances at you and lets out a small sigh
"what did i say before heading out" "bring a jumper..." you mumble in response "and what did you do?" he crosses his arms over his chest but he isn't mad or annoyed, not in the slightest "not bring a jumper"
it feels like you're on the verge of being lectured but simon just rolls his eyes and gestures you to follow him. you're lead to his car and he opens the trunk, tossing you a black zip up sweater. he's scolding you somewhat, saying that "this is why you're getting sick" and other nonsense and you're lucky he "forgot" to take that sweater out of the trunk or boot because hes bri'ish. you happily take it and put it on because you're not about to turn down a sweater when you're freezing also its from simon and it just looks so comfy! it's definitely big on you because lets face it, simon is built like an industrial freezer, but the material is soft and cozy, with the added bonus of smelling like him. you thank him for the sweater and carry on with your day, not thinking much of it. truth is, however, he always has that extra sweater in his car for you. makes sure its there before you two go anywhere, neatly folded and tucked into the back. he would never admit it though he's such a pussy
when asked about his little favours he does for you he constantly pulls excuses from his ass, saying its just a coincidence that he had those things or literally anything to hide that he goes out of his way to do it for you. he cares about you, he actually cares a lot about you but he's just a tiny bit embarrassed to admit it. he loves you so much but he doesn't want you to think he's like kicking his legs and giggling over the thought of you even though he probably has at some point but you dont need to know that
he thinks he's sooooo subtle and sneaky about it but when you fall asleep and you wake up with a sweater over top of you like a blanket that a) you are 100% sure doesn't belong to you and b) has "S. Riley" written in sharpie on the tag (with a tiny skull doodle next to it), theres no way in hell you can be oblivious to how much he cares about you.
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m-n-m-s · 10 months
Hello can you do Spider verse characters (separately) x Mute reader? please and thankyou!
ofc 🫶🏻
Spider-Squad x Mute! Reader
Includes: Miles (e1610), Gwen, Hobie, and Pavitr
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miles: red
gwen: pink
pavitr: orange
hobie: blue
you: green
all signs will be italicized!!
Miles Morales:
i feel like he would already know a little sign language like insomniac miles from a school course he picked up
not enough to be fluent but he knows a decent amount
but when he meets you?
when i tell you he is scrambling.
his hands are shaky when he signs to you, he forgets signs-
you get the idea
so he does the only reasonable thing: spending his free time practicing and learning more signs
he wanted to impress you a lil :( <3
definitely had to practice his signs right before he went to find you
Miles smiled sheepishly after he nearly ran into you. His hand was shaky (but he wasn't going to admit that) as he waved to you. "hey."
You smiled at him. "hi."
"what's your name?"
You fingerspelled your name for him, slowly. You gave him your sign name as well, watching as he tried to hide the way his face lit up (it didn't work). You felt your smile grow slightly.
"i'm miles."
after that initial meeting, you two would run into each other more often
sometimes stopping for a conversation when you weren't busy
you would hold back a grin whenever miles forgot a sign, eventually supplying it for him
he liked signing with you :)
the way you would always smile at him while he switched from talking to signing made his heart flutter <3
if you guys were busy, you'd flash him a little smile that made him damn near melt into a puddle
he gradually got better at sign language, thanks to you <3
definitely takes advantage of his knowledge to talk to you when he shouldn't be
You watched as Miles made a subtle face at the man talking. He discreetly turned to you. "do you think i can leave without him seeing me?" he signed, trying to keep it subtle.
You held back a smile and shook your head. "not with your stealth," you signed, a teasing look on your face. He made a mock-offended face and you hid your smile from the man talking with your hand.
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Gwen Stacy:
when she met you originally, she didn't know any sign language
but over time, she grew curious
she wanted to get to know you!!
so naturally, she waited until you two were in the same room and weren't supposed to be talking to each other
and she "discreetly" slipped you a little note
written in her charmingly rushed handwriting that made you smile <3
hey, how's your day going?
You smiled at the little doodle of a spider she had made after her sentence. You wrote a quick reply back, drawing a tiny heart at the end.
good, you?
The paper was slid back, and you watched as she smiled, her heart stuttering at the drawing.
you two became friends after that
she would randomly show up unannounced and just talk
you would smile and write your thoughts on a page and slide it to her
this was routine for a while
but little did you know, she was learning sign language in her free time
she wanted to surprise you <3
so after a few weeks of knowing each other (and gwen practicing in a mirror), she finally walked up to you again, asking you the same question she always did
"hey, how is your day going?"
You stood in shock for a moment before a grin stretches across your face. "you know sign language?"
Gwen nodded, her expression a little embarrassed. "i wanted to learn it, for you," she signed hesitantly, unaware of the fluttering that had begun in your stomach.
you two got even closer after that
it was easier for gwen to just pass a note back and forth, but she liked seeing how expressive you were when you signed
it made her happy to see you telling her about her day in the way you wanted to
and that made all those hours of learning worth it <3
"are you paying attention?" you signed, raising an eyebrow.
Gwen snapped out of her moment of just quietly watching you. Her hands fiddled with the edge of her sleeve before coming up with a response. "of course i'm paying attention!" she signed defensively, a little smile painted on her face.
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Hobie Brown:
definitely slipped you a little note within the first five minutes of seeing you
which was super random, since you had never met him before
you had seen him around, but still
so when he took the seat next to you and slid a little note over to you, you were
confused, to say the least
but he was interesting
and the little smile of his had you drawn in :)
hi, what's your name?
You looked at the paper, then at the man beside you. You quickly wrote back, sliding the paper back toward him with a smile slowly creeping onto your face.
[name], what's yours?
hobie. i like your name, it fits you :)
if that caused a little flutter in your stomach, you weren't going to admit it
after that, you two ran into each other more often
eventually, he asked you if you could teach him sign language
he had been doing some practice on his own time (<3) but he wanted you to help him (<3)
you agreed ofc making his day in the process
he was a fast learner
especially when it came to you :)
Hobie furrowed his brow, piercings glinting in the light, as he watched you sign.
"what is your name?" you signed patiently, waiting for him to either write the answer or sign back. You watched as his face suddenly lit up and he fingerspelled his name back.
You grinned at him, unaware of how the expression made a slight heat rise to his cheeks. He smiled back, ready for the next question.
there was a lot of that ngl
but once this man gets more comfortable signing?
it's fucking over
he's never shy about voicing his opinions, but he likes the smile you try to hide when he signs them to you and only you
someone talking and hobie doesn't like them?
he's signing to you some dumb shit about the situation
wants to talk to you when he isn't supposed to?
he's nudging your shoulder with his elbow and starting a conversation, not really caring that it's obvious
"what do you think would happen if i just walked out of the door right now?" Hobie signed, sighing a long-suffering sigh.
"either nothing or something," you signed back, biting back a smile as he huffed, a little smirk curving his lips.
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Pavitr Prabhakar:
you spotted him from across the room one day
and his energy was...infectious
he intrigued you in a good way
so you found yourself smiling when you sat next to him and slid a little slip of paper to him
hi, what's your name? i'm [name].
The boy beside you smiled at the paper and quickly wrote something back in his strangely neat handwriting. You watched as he slid it back to you, a smile playing on his lips.
i'm pavitr! :)
after that little moment, the two of you became friends
you liked his energy, his personality, his smile-
you get the idea
whenever you two hung out, you would always leave with a smile on your face :)
during one of these hangouts, you opened to door to find pavitr on the other side as usual
he grinned an adorable mischievous little grin as he walked in
the two of you sat on the floor like always
he was talking about something funny that happened while he was feeding the stray dogs
when he suddenly turned to you and started signing
"what did you think of the movie we watched last week?"
You sat there for a moment, a little grin appearing on your face. "it was good, but you know sign language?" you signed back, tilting your head slightly. Pavitr's heart fluttered, unknown to you.
yeah, turns out he was learning it in secret to surprise you (<3)
he was so proud of himself for picking it up so quickly for you :,)
and if the thought of him learning it on his own made you smile and your stomach do a little flip, well
that was no one's business
he already learned a lot, but you wanted to help him too (<3)
he gratefully accepted the help
he wanted to spend more time with you <3
"pavitr? are you even listening?" you signed with a huff, looking at the boy sitting on the couch in front of you. He snapped out of whatever daze he was in with a quick shake of the head.
"yeah, d-u-h," he signed back, nodding a few times with a convincing smile. You playfully narrowed your eyes at him before continuing, unaware of the fact that he wasn't watching what you were signing. He was watching you.
"whatever you say, spider."
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sorry for taking so long!!
hope this is alright :)
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xiaowhore · 2 years
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premise. in which you claim to be immune to the “bad boy” appeal but fall for his charms anyway.
includes. xiao, albedo, ayato, childe & scaramouche !
note. this is the product of watching too many c-dramas.
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xiao as the inconsiderate classmate who closes the door on you even when he notices you walking behind him towards the lecture hall. the guy who never replies when you try to talk to him, like he believes it to be a waste of breath, always ready to put on the headphones resting around his neck and ignore your endless rambling. (the seatmate who quietly places a book upright on your desk when you fall asleep, preventing the teacher from catching you in the act. the boy who sneakily leaves your favorite bread and milk on your desk when he overhears you telling your friends you forgot your packed lunch at home.)
albedo as the haughty honor student who peeks at your test scores and does a little smirk. the boy who draws you with tiny devil horns and pointy teeth in art class. he doesn't roll his eyes when you grab his pencil case to borrow his stationery, but he comes close to it. you can't even begin to imagine what he's going to do if you break anything so you panic when the eraser's wrapping comes off; the cardboard slips away, revealing a name written underneath in elegant scrawls—and to your surprise, it's yours. (back in middle school, everyone believed the person you like will return your love if you wrote their name on your eraser... and succeeded in using it all. it doesn't take a detective to know this doesn't actually work.) (the eraser is only a quarter of its original size now.)
ayato as the jerk who tugs on your hair whenever he sits behind you and nobody believes the tale because “he looks too nice to do that!” (he isn't a 9 year old who bullies the girl he likes, goes unsaid.) the intolerable distraction who takes the seat beside you when you're studying at the library just to bother you, toying with highlighters and doodling small hearts on your notebook. with each sneer he receives, the bigger his smile becomes. (he likes your attention. steals it when you're talking to someone else, demands it back when you try to ignore him.) (he found that you look cute when angry, too.)
childe as the asshole who laughs in your face when he catches you in your pajamas while throwing out the trash. the rich scion who brandishes his wealth in every opportunity, dressed in expensive clothes and switching gold watches every day. randomly invites you to hang out one day without providing further context and frowns at your plain clothes while you gawk at his pressed suit. (he brings you to the mall, forbidding you from checking the price tags. he scours the store for the perfect outfit, grinning in satisfaction when the makeover is finished. “you're my date for zhongli's party today, okay?” ???)
scaramouche as the tyrant who sits at your lunch table without asking because “i can sit wherever i want” and apparently you can't do anything about it. the bully who chucks paper airplanes to your head, writing down stupid notes you pass back and forth via balled up paper and getting scolded by the teacher when he catches the both of you fooling around. (when he notices someone staring at you for too long in class, he smacks their head with a crumpled piece of paper scribbled with “what the hell are you looking at?”)
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katz-chow · 7 months
100 letters just for me...
synopsis: distance makes the heart ache and yet, it still grows fonder. gets extremely harder when you're forced back a few decades and are forced to wait for the mail to come every morning. aka: what their letters are like.
a/n: there's certain homecoming aspects within it, just keep thinking about that lately with the US' descion to deploy soldiers to the Middle East, thank god there's only soldiers and not seamen or corpsmen just yet... i am getting worried though for my sake and my friends.
i also am very happy with my headcanons for their handwritings and how serious they are with these love letters too. i feel like i really did capture them.
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john price & his darling spouse his letters are short, usually a page; sometimes there's a back too. he really hates writing to you because somehow, he just can't tell you all the things he wants to, his hand just won't let him write it. gosh, his vows weren't even written out, just bullet points on a note card and him just rambling on. the paper always smells like cigar smoke and he somehow stains it with coffee by accident or spills water on it. you also think he uses his work memo pad to write these letters to you; the pages are yellow, thinned, and fuzzy at the edges
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johnny "soap" mactavish & his bonnie...and fiance to be? he always has his journal with him, so i think he straight up just writes in it with doodles, pressed flowers, and stickers that he finds in his stuff. loves when you put cute little stickers on your return letters and he feels bad when he doesn't have any on yours. he found these smileys at a gas station, and although it's not as cute as your cute animal ones, it really brightens up the bleak pages. he tears the page out slowly, sometimes a word gets torn off by accident. he folds the page up and puts it in the envelope along with some trinkets, like more pressed flowers or a paperclip heart or maybe even a postcard.
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simon "ghost" riley & his lovie baby keeps his letters short and vague. it's really just a sign of life for your sake of mind. he's never been good with the sappy, romantic stuff. he writes early in the morning after him and price goes over the agenda for the day. he tries really hard to keep the paper pristine and hardly crumbled to make sure it looks good for you. he smears the pen ink sometimes. he'll write about the adventures that he's getting into, but he mainly focuses on his friends messing around while also mentioning about the terrorists he's killed that week.
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kyle "gaz" garrick & the chase for his lovebug my headcanon for kyle is that he loves bugs, especially beetles. it started when he was a kid and his dad told him that bugs are just tiny little souls and that humans have the capacity to be kind. so he loves bugs, especially his lovebug. he also loves stickers and know you love them too. it's a good change of the neutral color scheme of his environment, so he always keeps stickers on hand whenever he's deployed. i think he writes before he goes to bed because then he can fall asleep thinking about you
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phllip graves & his cowpoke phillip graves has a ranch somewhere, probably in texas. he has farmhands that help around the ranch, mostly gives you easy work like feeding and cooking while he takes the more tedious jobs like cleaning and maintenance around the land. he sits down and writes his letter whenever he feels a surge of feelings missing you. mostly it's in the evening but sometimes he writes them late at night. also the type of guy to surprise you, but within reason. doesn't want to overwhelm you, so he'll come home a few days before when he said he was gonna- things like that
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oneatlatime · 2 months
Sokka's Master
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Strange choice of master but we'll see where this goes.
The meteor shower animation is quite meditative. I wouldn't mind it as a screensaver.
How to describe something exceptional to your blind friend: "You've never not seen anything like this." It's amazing the quality put into even the tiniest of throwaway jokes.
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Are meteor strikes flammable?
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I love how whenever Sokka's disappointed he gets noodle arms. A surprisingly consistent characterisation.
Momo butt skate.
Iroh. The fuck?
ok. So he's playing a part for the guards. Why?
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Funny to think about, but as a former WWE character, Toph's probably had more hero worship than the Avatar.
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Lots to say about this! First, I stand corrected! i honestly thought that Sokka would be immune to this specific insecurity by virtue of him not being a bender. I was wrong! Second, I love how, as soon as Sokka expresses that he feels that he isn't as talented as the rest of them, the others respond by listing his actual, invaluable talents, without which the group would be completely at sea. They don't respond with "no you're perfect!" they respond with "no one can read a map like you can" and how he keeps their spirits up with jokes. They're not using false praise. They are using specific facts. I love that an episode that looks like it's going to deal with a character feeling down on themselves establishes from the get go that the character is invaluable, actually. So often, the 'low self esteem stock episode' puts the affirmation of the character's value at the end. Which means the viewer spends the whole episode being convinced that the character in question might actually be useless. Here, we're told from the start that the character is invaluable - the problem is that they do not perceive themselves to be so. Quite on the nose for a show that deals so much with identity.
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Validating Katara sweeps in and a) validates his feelings, while b) clearly explaining that his self-perception is not in line with how the others see him, which c) doesn't invalidate a) !!!!
Katara has such emotional intelligence when she chooses to use it.
Nuanced intelligent discussion of the complexities of emotions and self-perception in a Sokka episode I am so happy I am blessed the gods are shining on me today I'm sitting here twirling my hair and swinging my feet and doodling hearts on the corner of my journal
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btw that's the same face he makes when he says SUKI!!!
"Reinvigorate my battling" this boy. just. this boy.
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He lasted a lot longer than I would have with nun chucks.
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Aang the Happy Meal toy.
Some say that Halberd is still spinning today.
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Ladies and Gentlemen, I present: the 45 degree Sokka.
Some Foley artist had the time of their life with this weapons sequence.
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Why thank you for that exposition, Mr. Exposition. Now walk away and we'll never see you again.
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Toph does NOT move ONCE this whole scene and it's ever so slightly freaking me out.
Toph tells you she learned from Badgermoles and no one wants to discuss this further?!? We're going to gloss over that?
So this episode has a training montage theme.
Sokka goes freestyle on those door knockers.
That's one hell of a castle. Must be dark in there though. Tiny windows.
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Which explains the several hundred candles. This show. Set up with one hand; slam dunk with the other.
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This guy's reciting Sokka's s1 introduction on Kyoshi Island.
Sokka: Actually. I am a dumb. The Master: Sold.
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The face of someone who is definitely picking up what you're putting down.
It's been ages since I watched the episode, but is some of what the Master saying here about swords an echo of what Zuko says to the kid in Zuko Alone when he's decapitating sunflowers?
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A Sokka-less Gaang. Depressing and they know it.
The way Katara's voice actor says "oh everyone's a critic" is gold.
Multidisciplinary education vs. kid who's never been within a mile of the box he's being told to think outside of. Fight!
Yikes that was a meaty hit. Does Sokka have a nose left?
They're wearing beehives on their heads.
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Was Sokka always this short?
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The greens in this episode are such a delight.
The way he says "I'm finished!" Sounds like "Am finished" and you can actually hear the smiley emoji he throws in.
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He's good.
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What do they FEED him?
Sokka's voice actor had a great time this episode. All the voice actors had a great time actually.
Sokka invents the La Z Boy
Katara inadvertently invents a fandom war by attempting a joke.
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They're all so useless and it's wonderful.
That was all only one day? That's a lot of outfit changes for one day.
"You mess things up in a very special way." Compliment? Let's go with compliment.
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Sokka is so very Sokka this episode.
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A reason to live is coming!
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*thundering herds of shippers in the distance*
That's clever. The inciting incident gets smelted. Haven't seen that before.
This whole Iroh gets buff montage has been completely dialogue free on Iroh's part. Crazy levels of inner peace, that he'd doesn't need to snark back at the guard.
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Seriously. What are they FEEDING these children. Also how is that door that shiny.
Sokka really has it in for those door knockers.
Apropos of nothing, the clouds in this episode are all so yummy. All these soft slate colours and misty layers.
Meteoric iron is actually a thing, right?
Ok but aren't mold made swords crappy?
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I love how they managed to made a crafting montage where the character who does the least work is the one who looks like he's working the hardest.
"I saw a heart as strong as my garden decor"
"No it certainly wasn't your skills. You had none."
Creativity, versatility, intelligence, meat, sarcasm.
You've known him like two days and you can already tell he's more worthy than any man you've ever trained? Sounds like you had poor taste in students.
"No. This is my fight. Alone." Bro you are going to DIE. The first time you held a sword was two days ago. You might need the avatar on this one.
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Guard who never shuts up actually kind of has a point here. He's a dick about as usual, but it's entirely possible that the rank and file of the Fire Nation army view Iroh's actions as a betrayal. Does anyone remember in Star Wars movie number 7, or maybe 8, when that Trooper sees Finn after he's switched sides and yells "traitor!" and it's the best part of the movie? Yeah, like that.
This episode throws the concept of linear time out the window. In two days, Iroh gets swole and Sokka masters sword fighting.
Do you think Sokka's realised yet that this is his final exam?
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Yummy yummy clouds.
One in a million pocket sand shot.
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One in a million stick placement.
So this master is like a sword spirit or something. He can't be human. There's no way he could get the scabbard to fly on perfectly without seeing.
"Try Lee, There's a million Lees. There's a tea shop in Ba Sing Se that has a super cranky waiter called Lee."
This guy's just this side of committing treason and I love it.
I see this Master is a devotee of the 'Hakoda school of shoving outrageously over the top compliments into Sokka's thick skull in the hopes that 1% of them will stick.' I approve.
This last scene has gorgeous hills and skies but you'll have to take my word for it because I've hit the image limit.
Sokka's been inducted into the super secret boy band!!!
He saved space earth for Toph! He's so considerate! He's fuelling the ships!
Let's compromise and call it space dirt instead.
Final Thoughts
This episode every two minutes: Sokka, you are currently flawless and you're about to get better. Me: Yes. Yep. Yeah. Seconded. I concur.
I like it! It's great! It's 24 minutes of the writers and characters fangirling over Sokka! Of course I like it! It made me criminally overuse exclamation marks! What else can I say?
Hands down my favourite episode is Bato of the Water Tribe. For Sokka's story, this episode is Bato of the Water Tribe part 2. Of course I'm going to love it. This episode was lab grown specifically for me.
Now let's see if I can say something about this episode that isn't poorly disguised squealing.
I love how the characters respond to Sokka saying he's not special with an evidence-based refutation rather than blanket reassurance.
I love how shopping cheers up Sokka. I love how Katara knows that shopping will cheer him up. This must be something she's learned since the show started. I don't think there were malls in the South Pole. So Katara was paying attention when Sokka and Momo went through the bag saga.
I love how much the master is baffled yet impressed by Sokka. He seems almost charmed by this breath of fresh air. I think it's hilarious that, when Sokka first approaches him, he's expecting early season 1 Sokka. He'd better send Suki a thank you card.
I also really like "The way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation." It seems obvious to us, but in a world where there are weaponisable skills that are quite literally inseparable from the nations their wielders inhabit, it's probably something no one in the Gaang has ever heard before.
Obviously the episode is a little rushed - half hour kid's show and all that - but it's still pretty crazy that you can apparently impart a solid basic knowledge of swordplay in two days.
Toph going all tsundere is funny, and makes Aang and Katara unapologetically desperate for Sokka's company twice as funny as it already is. Toph's like "whatever" and the other two spent the day making a welcome home banner.
I love how Sokka's happiness is always so loud and shameless. It makes it contagious.
This episode highlights what Sokka's actual strengths are, by instructing him in what he thinks his strengths are. If that makes sense? Sokka is brain, which he's finally starting to realise by attending brawn lessons.
He's also heart, and I'll die on that hill.
Iroh getting swole was honestly just a thing that happened. No comment really, except it was interesting to have a reminder from the guard that a character we perceive as the good guy is currently perceived as the bad guy by everyone but us. When the Fire Nation does inevitably get defeated, a whole nation is going to have to reset their worldview and that will not be an easy process.
More like this please!
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Rollo ttsum headcanons? 👀
THIS REMINDS ME 😭 I saw a really cute doujin of Rollo + his aide and VP running into a Rollo Tsum and then deciding to take care of it for the day…
Curiouser and Curiouser…
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… It’s uncanny how closely the Tsum looks like Rollo. It even has a teeny-tiny ring (can that even be removed?????), a teeny-tint hat, and teeny-tiny dark circles under its eyes. Whoa, it even has a teeny-tiny handkerchief to hold to its nose when it feels totally disgusted! o.O
If you ask Rollo what his thoughts are on the Tsum, he’ll pull out the handkerchief and make a dismissive comment about how it’s such a meddlesome creature. (Rollo refuses to acknowledge that it is cute and that he’d fight anyone that hurt it, no matter how much he is pestered to confess.)
NBC Aide-kun and Vice President-kun instantly become massive fans of Tsum!Rollo--
Its early to rise!! Before your alarm clock can wake you up, Tsum!Rollo is already crawling on your face and bouncing on your stomach, indicating that you should wake up right now. (… The sun hasn’t even risen yet.)
Despite looking sleep-deprived, Tsum!Rollo has a lot of energy—most of it being dedicated to being mad of its far larger peers. Sometimes its anger is so great that it vibrates intensely and radiates warmth like a little portable heater.
It likes to crawl into the folds of Rollo’s hat and stand vigilant as a self-appointed lookout. He scolds it and tells it not to, but it doesn’t listen—it only listens to its own set of self-righteous morals.
Tsum!Rollo likes sitting around in quiet, peaceful places not doing anything in particular but soaking up the ambience. Be careful where you step in the Mirror Chamber or the library, you just might accidentally squish the poor little thing!!
For some reason, animals love bullying Tsum!Rollo. The pigeons chase it around, peck at it, and steal its hat for sport. Lucius hisses when Tsum!Rollo is close. Even the usually behaved Hearslabyul hedgehogs and flamingos push the lil' bean around. Something about Tsum!Rollo is just so... bulliable...
It likes flowers; Tsum!Rollo can be see waddling amongst them on sunny days. It has a fondness for red ones, sometimes picking them in its stubby little hands to pass off to Rollo. “I see that you can appreciate the finer things in life.” He accepts it with a small smile, but inside, he’s wearing a far more wicked grin.
Tsum!Rollo glares at other Tsums and people in general; it can’t talk, so it seems to stare judgmentally at others instead. If its SUPER upset, then it’ll approach with its tiny staff and smack you with it to demonstrate its anger.
The little guy’s so enthused about bells! Hand it a sleigh bell and Tsum!Rollo will happily (and aggressively) chime it all day. The incessant sound will be forever burned into your head.
It enjoys cleaning. Because Tsum!Rollo is so small, it can’t scrub down an entire room, but it sure as heck will try to!! It’ll ride its own little scrub brush around, giving the floors and dust a deep cleaning. If it's not careful, it’ll slip off and crash into the soapy bubbles, emerging as a fluffy white yeti. You can also find Tsum!Rollo polishing any metal it comes across and washing down stone statues (the gargoyles appreciate it).
Tsum!Rollo loves grapes! (Unfortunately, its size only allows for it to get full on a single one.) It hangs around like a dog begging for scraps as Rollo eats his lunch. When it comes down to the final grape, Rollo sighs and hands it over to the Tsum. It happily absorbs the orb right out of his fingers, leaving Rollo stunned and wondering how Tsums eat without a mouth. “It must be the devil’s design…”
It tries so hard to take notes using a quill. The feather, however, being as droopy as it is, keeps smacking Tsum!Rollo’s hat or face as it bobs up and down with each written letter. Tsum!Rollo preserves though—it wants to finish this doodle of a city on fire! (“… It has surprisingly violent thoughts,” Rollo notes. He quietly approves.)
Tsum!Rollo actively refuses to enter Diasomnia. If you try to take it to the mirror, it’ll squirm out of your grasp and dash away, hiding until it has emotionally cooled off.
If it spots Malleus in public, Tsum!Rollo puffs up like an aggressive cat and rushes to tackle him into submission. (The same goes for other boys that anger Tsum!Rollo enough, but most of his rage is dedicated to Malleus.)
When Tsum!Rollo uses his UM, it becomes a literal little fireball…!
Rollo uses his Tsum!self as a stress ball (which the Tsum doesn’t seem to mind for some reason). Sometimes it inflates to a much larger size and he buries his head into it to scream in frustration.
After a long day of shenanigans, Tsum!Rollo has tuckered itself out. It lulls off into a gentle sleep, swathed in the moon and the stars of Rollo’s full-sized handkerchief. “… Silly thing,” he murmurs, holding it close to his chest. “That you are able to live this burden-free existence is truly a blessing.”
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flwrshee · 9 months
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duo ﹒ jungwon x fmr genre fluff wc 05k warnings not proofread
jungwon is the shyest boyfriend ever im telling you
he will do anything and then blush like a little kid
but he loves to hold your hand
however this poor boy's cheeks are heated up and your just laughing at him
before you both started dating he would never openly show his love but he has gotten out of that habit a bit more after you two got together
he shows his love with acts of service
always seems to have the time to help you with any tiny little thing
folding the clothes? jungwon will help you
doing the dishes? jungwon will help you
cleaning the living room? jungwon will help you
though, this doesn't mean he doesn't want cuddles and kisses
he's a sucker for them, just a little timid when asking you
he'd slightly hint towards his lips or pout them until you notice
for hugs he would circle around you until you look at him
you just act oblivious for fun to see his reaction
but you give in anyway because you can't resist him
shows you more affection at home rather than outside
he yearns for your cuddles when he is at home
but you find how cute he is when he is outside, just holding your hand
he's bold when you two are together
gives you neck and shoulder kisses !!
especially while you are busy hugging him
he loves how easy you get tickled by them
do not get fooled by his innocent persona though
jealous boyfriend jungwon exists
he is possessive and clingy when he is jealous
will make sure that all the guys know that you are his
has his hand around your waist and kisses your cheek
bold jungwon in public is quite rare and your surprised yourself
calls you 'his love' and 'baby'
he is so cheesy it makes you laugh sometimes
"my love, can we play with maeumi today?"
"i love you so much baby"
"my love has the best hugs :D"
"does this look good baby?"
calls you more often than he texts you
especially when he has work aboard or when he cant see you as much as before
facetiming is a habit, you both even have a fixed time for it
cannot function without hearing your voice before he sleeps
its music for his ears ( his words not mine )
but when he can't call you he texts you
basically updates you on every little thing
just had the best ramen ever bae 😧
sends you selfies of himself and asks you for one
you both loves taking selfies together
pinterest couple confirmed
he loves to take pictures of you, has a whole photo album of you on his phone
draws funny doodles on them
cat ears and little messages around them are a must
and he records videos of you
he loves to make memories with you so he can rewatch them whenever he likes
when he's sad or upset so you can make him smile again
takes you out on the cutest dates ever
pottery, bowling, cafe hopping, flower picking or taking a stroll
he loves every moment with you
allows you to wear as many of his hoodies as you want
lets you just look through his wardrobe
he has the biggest most widest smile when you wear them
blushes at all the compliments he gets from you
the tips of his ears turn red and he starts feeling hot
but he would do anything just to hear them again
jungwon feels himself around you
he feels so free and giddy
its like all his worries have vanished into thin air
he's glad to the universe that he has found you
because never in a million years will he ask for more
© flwrshee
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farity · 1 year
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x you
Summary: College AU bar shenanigans
Warning: Smut
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You were surprised to see your friend at the bar.  He turned, the corner of his eye crinkling as he smiled at you.  He’d told you all about how he lost his eye when he was younger, then caught you Googling Lucerys Velaryon but stopped you before you could drive to his house and murder the little shit.
“He’s not worth it,” Aemond had said, adding that the bionic eye he had gotten was just fine by him.  
“That’s not the point,” you’d replied, “he cut your fucking eye out, Aemond, and didn’t even get a slap on the wrist.  If I ever run into him, I will take out one of his balls.”
Aemond had wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head.  “Ah, my guardian angel.”
“Not feeling very angelic about it,” you grumbled in response.  You felt protective of him, not just because of the eye and how his father had done nothing about it, but because from what he’d shared over the years, it seemed that other than his mom, his family his family didn’t appreciate him much.  He didn’t complain about it, but you’d gleaned bits of info here and there, and when his family made it to his high school graduation, you saw the dynamic up close and personal.
His father, first of all, didn’t even show up.  He was visiting his daughter from his first marriage, and couldn’t be bothered to see his son give the valedictorian speech.  His mother was proud and thrilled, taking a thousand pictures of Aemond.  His brother Aegon seemed bored, and maybe drunk, his younger brother Daeron was on his phone the whole time, and his sister Helaena spent the time with her headphones on, doodling on a little notebook.  Aemond had told you about her, he loved her dearly and she loved him back, but her autism made her spend most of her time in her own world.  
“Is this your girlfriend?  She’s very pretty, Aemond.”
You smiled, shaking your head at his sister, who was looking at you with a big smile on her face.  
“Hel, she is my friend, remember?”
“Picture of you both!” his mother said, and you stood next to him, both of you holding up your diplomas.
Dinner was an awkward affair, but you did your best to keep Aemond entertained, including throwing tiny rolled up bits of napkin at Aegon’s hair when he wasn’t looking.  
Now Aemond took a spot at the end of your bar, and you wondered what on earth had brought him in.
“What can I get you and why the hell are you here?”
Aemond laughed.  “I do get out sometimes,” he replied, scanning the board high up behind you.  “I don’t know, surprise me.  You know what I like.”
You nodded and turned to the row of bottles.  You did know what he liked.  And vice versa.  And sometimes, you did wonder, but the thought of wrecking the friendship, the relationship that was the most important to you, kept you from saying anything.  Neither of you had dated anyone in college, and the mere thought of going to bed with anyone made you wince.  
Anyone but Aemond.
You added a few ounces of this and that to your shaker, closed it and then tossed it behind your back, making it twirl in the air before catching it in your other hand.  The patrons began to clap and you laughed as you shook it a bit more before pouring it into a glass and adding a slice of orange as a garnish.  You placed it in front of Aemond and clasped your hands daintily in front of you.
“Drinks and a show,” he smiled, taking an experimental sip.  “Oh wow, this is amazing, what’s in it?”
“I’ll never tell,” you said saucily over your shoulder as you went to serve another guy.
* * * * * 
Aemond watched her walking away and smiled into his drink.
“Lucky man,” the guy next to him said.  Aemond met his eyes and the guy nodded towards the pretty bartender.  “How long you been together?”
“We’re not,” Aemond said, “just long time friends.”
The guy looked at him as if he had three heads.  “Uh-huh.”
A group of three guys came in, already drunk from the looks of them, and planted themselves at the other end of the bar.  Aemond watched as they began whispering among themselves, looking at his friend the whole time.  One of them leaned in, getting her attention and she turned to grab the pint glasses for their beers.  The guy who’d leaned in kept his eyes firmly on her ass the whole time and Aemond began to really, really dislike him.
“Want another?” she asked when she came over to check on Aemond.
He had a feeling a clear head would be the best choice given what he could see brewing at the other end of the bar.  “I’m good, thank you, those guys come here often?” he asked, nodding towards the group.
She rolled her eyes.  “Thank god, no, they’re not locals, they’ve been here a couple of times and they get so trashed and obnoxious.”  She smiled at him.  “I’m so glad you came in.  I feel like I’ve barely seen you this week.”  She squeezed his hand before going back to serve some more drinks and beers.
“Just friends, huh?”  The guy sitting next to him said, and when he saw Aemond give him an irritated look, he put his hands up in surrender.  “All I’m saying is, the way she looks at you, maybe you’re not as smart as you look, bro.”  The man left before Aemond could respond.
He’d thought about it.  Of course he’d thought about it.  She was sweet, funny, and had gone from a girl ready to throw a punch in his defense to someone he couldn’t imagine living without.  And she’d still throw a punch for him.  He’d felt a frisson of fear down his spine whenever he’d seen her laughing  with some other guy.  Was this it?  He’d ask himself.  Was this the one who’d capture her heart?  
It was inevitable, he thought, sooner or later she would find someone and he’d be happy for her and wish her the best.  
* * * * * 
You had kept tabs on Aemond for the past hour and his mood had definitely gone down in the last few minutes.  He kept stirring his empty cocktail glass and you wondered just what had happened.  The bar had emptied except for him and the three at the opposite end of the bar.
Speaking of them, they were getting on your last nerve.  Clearly, they thought you couldn’t hear them whispering about you, and as they got more and more drunk, their voices got louder and louder.  You wished Paul, the owner, were here, he was a great father figure who’d soon put those assbutts in their place.
“Hey honey, we want another round!”
You sighed, exasperated, because this wasn’t going to be pretty.
“Sorry, boys, you’ve all had enough.  I’ll close up your tab.”
“I want another fucking beer, I’m paying for it!”
You pointed to the sign on the wall.  
We reserve the right to refuse service to any patron for any reason. 
“What the fuck?  You just work here, honey, we pay your wages.”
You continued closing the tab on the computer, and it printed out the signature form.  “Here, sign this.”
“Fuck you, don’t you know who I am?”
“Someone who needs to sign this.”  You tapped on the printout and placed a pen next to it.
You were tracking Aemond’s movements out of the corner of your eye.  He’d stood quietly once you’d denied them more drinks, had slowly walked down the length of the bar, and was now standing, empty glass in hand, leaning against a pillar about ten feet away from the three assholes.
Asshole #1 grabbed the pen and threw it at your face.  He didn’t do any damage, you turned away and it hit the back of your head.  When you turned back around, he wasn’t there, and his two buddies were looking toward the floor, where you heard a sickening crunch.
You checked the last place Aemond had been and he was gone.  
Oh shit.
You went through the side door of the bar to find Aemond straddling Asshole #1, who was grabbing his nose and moaning in pain.  Aemond had his fist pulled back, clearly ready to strike again.
“Get out,” you shoved one of the other two out the door.  “You, get the fuck out of here.”  You pointed at the other one, who left without checking on his friend on the floor.
“Aemond, stop.”
He didn’t move, fist still ready.  “Are you hurt?”  His voice was full of a quiet rage you hadn’t heard before.
“No,” you placed a hand on his shoulder.  “I’m fine.  Come on.  He’s not worth it.”
Aemond stood, slowly, pulling the guy up with him.  “Don’t come back.  Ever,” he said before throwing him out the door.  He turned, and you held out your hand.  “What?” he asked.  
“I’m fine.”
“I didn’t ask if you were fine, Aemond.”  You kept your hand out until he placed his on it.  It looked worse than you’d figured, a bloody scratch that was still oozing, and various bruises on his pale skin.  “Let’s ice it.”
You wrapped some ice from the well in a bar towel and placed it gently on the back of his hand.  “I need to put some stuff on it, we don’t have it here.”
“I can clean it up at home.”
“You can, but you won’t, because you’ll get home and start checking the overseas markets and forget about your hand.”  You watched as he opened his mouth to reply but he realized you were right.  “Let me close the register.”
He grabbed the few stray bottles with his free hand to toss them in the bin, wiped down the bar while you closed up.
He drove the two blocks to your apartment.  Once inside you took out your first aid kit while he made himself at home.  He’d been at yours hundreds of times, studying, hanging out, or watching movies, but the sight of him kicking off his shoes and sitting down on your sofa warmed you.  There was an ease in your friendship, and the more you thought about it, the more you felt it had become a crutch, something you held on to so you wouldn’t have to go any further.
You opened the antibiotic gel, dabbed a little on his scratch.  “It’s stopped bleeding, which is good.  Let me get a bandage.”
“It’s fine, really,” he smiled up at you.  
You narrowed your eyes at him.  “When it gets infected and fills up with pus, do not come to me to take care of it.”
Aemond laughed.  “You love all those vet shows where they lance huge abscesses!”
You laughed along with him, but this time, it hurt.  Was this it?  Was this all you could have with him?  Until some girl with more guts than you came into his life and stole his heart?
“What is it?” he asked, aware of something going on in your head.
“Look, Aemond, uh, we’ve been friends for a long time, and I, uh, I just need to say something here.”
* * * * * 
This was it, Aemond thought.  Either she’d met someone or she was pissed off that he’d hit the guy.  She was steeling herself to say something and it just wasn’t going to be good.
“I’m sorry,” he interrupted, “I mean, I’m not sorry I hit that fucker, but I am sorry you’re upset.”
“Aren’t you angry?”
She looked at him.  “No, I’m not angry.  I mean, I’m angry at myself because I’m such a fucking moron, but no,” she cupped his cheek and brushed her thumb over his cheekbone, smiling at him.  “I’m not angry with you.  Thank you.  Which really makes this much more difficult.”
Nope, it’s not going to be good at all.
“We’ve been friends for a long time.”
“Good friends,” he interjected.  That had to count for something, didn’t it?
“Yeah, yeah,” she nodded.  “And in that time we’ve been through a lot, but sometimes, uh, things change, and change can be difficult, I mean, maybe only one person wants change and the other is just fine the way things are.”
The pool of dread forming in his stomach was growing colder with each second, with each word she spoke.  
She’s met someone.
She let out a long breath.  “Oof, okay, so I want you to know that however you want to take things is okay with me, I want you in my life no matter what.”
“I will take whatever you give me.  You’re the most important person in my life,” he said, “and whatever this guy means to you, I will respect-”
“I will respect your relationship, and-”
“Aemond, I fucking love you.”
He stared up at her, the knots in his belly refusing to unwind.  “As a friend,” he said quietly.
“That, too.”  She looked terrified, “but no, that’s not what I meant.”  She swallowed.  “I love you.  I’m in love with you.”
He hadn’t heard right.  He had missed a word somewhere.  Some key word that changed the meaning of everything she was telling him.
* * * * * 
Oh shit, your worst fears had come true.  Aemond was staring at you like you were speaking in a foreign language.
Fuck fuck fuck.
“And, uh, I get it, you don’t feel the same, and I am not going to push or anything.  I treasure our friendship, and every-”
He’d stood and wrapped one arm around your waist in the blink of an eye, cradling the back of your head with his hurt hand.  His mouth found yours as he turned, pressing you against the wall.  You gasped and he deepened the kiss, his lips soft and warm on yours.
Tangled up in each other you made your way to your room as he removed his jacket.  You pulled away, seeking reassurance in his gaze.  Aemond smiled softly at you, taking your face in his hands.  “I love you, too.”  He pressed his forehead against yours before you pulled him back down to kiss him again.
In your bedroom, you turned him around so he sat on the edge of the bed while you removed your sweater, while he stared up at you.  He whispered your name as you straddled him, clad now in your thin t-shirt and work shorts.  “I have dreamed of you,” he said before he slipped his hands under your shirt and began exploring.  
You had wanted those big hands on you for a long time, fantasized about those long, elegant fingers, and as he roamed higher up on your sides you raised your arms to let him pull the shirt off.  He was so warm against your skin, the heat of him making your head spin.  He slipped one bra strap off your shoulder, kissing the indentation left by the strap on your skin before rubbing his cheek against it.  “So very soft.”
He repeated the process on the other side while you reached back to undo the clasp.  “I’ve always loved how your skin smells,” he murmured against your neck before he cupped one breast in his hand.  He lowered his head to take the tip in his mouth, swirling his tongue around it.  You began to squirm and his hands went to your hips, keeping you still while he continued licking and suckling.  
“Aemond,” you breathed out, threading your hands through his hair.  Each swipe of his tongue sent a spike of pleasure between your legs, and as you rocked against him, you felt him getting harder.  “Come here, please.”
He obliged, crawling up until you could yank his shirt off.  God, he was gorgeous. You’d dreamed of sliding your hands all over his chest, his shoulders, feeling the muscles in his back under your fingers, and now you explored every inch you could.  You reached down to the waistband of his jeans and felt him shiver as your fingertips began working the button and zipper.  
“Fuck,” he muttered.
You stopped immediately.  “What is it?  Do you not want to-”
“Yes, of course I want to.  I don’t have any condoms on me.”
You reached up, pushing his hair out of his eyes.  “Aemond.  You’re clean, I’m clean, and I’m on birth control.  We’re good.”
He grabbed your hand, kissing your knuckles.  “Are you sure?”
“Aemond, I swear to god-”
“Okay, okay, making sure,” he leaned down to kiss you as he shoved the rest of his clothing down his legs.  “Your turn,” he said as he began undoing the fastening on your shorts.  You let him pull them and your underwear off, now wishing you’d worn something fancier, lacier, smaller.  
* * * * * 
Aemond thought there was no more beautiful sight than the one before him.  He’d gone from despair to utter joy and now she was looking up at him like he was the world to her.  He kissed her again and again, to reassure himself this was real, this was happening, and when she reached down and began stroking him, he nearly came on the spot.  
“I want you inside me,” she whispered.  Jesus.  She was going to fucking kill him, but he’d die a happy man.  He guided himself between her legs and began pushing.  She was wet and hot and her hips were pulsing up, taking him deeper each time.  
He tried to take it slow, ruthlessly containing the desire to snap his hips so that he was fully inside her.  She was making little whimpering sounds and he would cut his own throat before he hurt her.  Slowly he filled her, and when he pulled his hips back, she moaned, wrapping her legs around him.
He couldn’t help himself, sinking inside her again, the feel of her a lure he couldn’t resist.  “God, yes,” he murmured, driving faster.  She reached up to kiss him, her hips rolling to meet his every thrust.  He felt her nails sink into his shoulders, and she whimpered again.  “Aemond, I’m- “ she managed before he felt her start clenching around him.  She let her head fall back on the pillow, swooning as the pleasure swirled inside her.  He let go, his resolve shot to hell as he let the orgasm overtake him, too.
* * * * * 
You felt Aemond pull you to his side so he wouldn’t crush you.  That had been the most amazing sexual experience of your life.  His heart was racing beneath your palm as he cradled you against him.  
“Are you cold?” he asked, nuzzling your cheek.
You shook your head, safe and happy in his arms.  “Will you stay with me?”
You felt him smile.  “As long as you’ll have me.”
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sadesluvr · 4 months
Hiii!! When you feel like it could you write some michael afton relationship hc's? Would be nice to have him back a little🤗 Have a great day or night whenever you're reading this and take your time🫶
A/N: TYYY Nonnie for this sweet ask, I really do miss him :') This ask made me so nostalgic for TNP....Love you and thanks for the kind message!!🥰
Some of these are fem! Reader coded, but mostly gender neutral. One mention of drug (weed) use. Based in the 80’s, like game lore:
When you first start dating, he hides you from his family, only ever telling Henry about you. He hates his dad, and although he isn’t ashamed of you he doesn’t want to show you off to Elizabeth and Evan just in case they get too attached (mommy issues…)
Tells Henry everything - the good, the bad (his worries, not yours), the in between…He’s basically Mike’s advisor at this point and poor Henry is clueless
Michael is definitely hot headed and arrogant at times, so he’s going to flaunt you around school (insecurities be damned).
LOVES walking/biking with you EVERYWHERE, and often gets lost whilst spending time with you. He once forgot to open the front door (he wasn’t even HOME) from Liz and Evan when they came off the schoolbus….Not a great day in the Afton household after that
Doodling on your skin with his pens, pretending to tatt you up
Doodling on EVERYTHING you own, and zoning out in class whilst he draws you on his assignments
Doesn’t have a lot of money, but is very scrappy and can still show you a good time on dates. He might be banned from certain outlets, but it's worth it
Makes the most of carnivals/fairs!! They’re cheap and once he’s taken his siblings (if Henry hasn’t already), will treat you. He’ll pay for all the rides, wins you toys and buys you food :3
Sneaking out to meet him, or him coming through your window because your parents “don’t agree” with his lifestyle. Those are the times he wants to spend the night, just laying with you on your bed until you fall asleep. He can’t stay because his siblings need him :’( 
Isn’t the greatest at physical affection, but lets his guard down when he’s high. It’s then when he’s at his most vulnerable (he sometimes cries) and is open for a cuddle
Can be a bit of a perv, especially when sneaking through your window or being alone in a car, but it’s all funny. He’ll never force you to do anything, but he’ll make a lot of dirty jokes and innuendos
Sharing his Walkman with you is his ultimate act of love. Don’t take it lightly
SO protective of you, it’s insane. He’s gotten into verbal and physical fights with anyone disrespects you, and detentions won’t stop him
Patching up his wounds, either from the fights he’s gotten into or just general reckless shit. He pretends that he’s a tough guy but he really isn’t
He lets you experiment with his hair - just as long as you don’t shave it all off. He may never forgive you....
Exploiting the pizzeria’s benefits, whenever and wherever he can. He’ll spend hours trying to impress you in the arcade (free tokens), and gives you unlimited pizza as long as his dad doesn’t clock on
Feeling like a tiny family if and when he decides to introduce you to Elizabeth and Evan. Whether you last as a couple or not, you make them all happy and he doesn’t want to lose that
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h0nology · 1 year
For The Cameras (Part 2)
sorry, this took so long guys, had a lot going on. hope you enjoy!
read part one here
warnings: fluff, angst, crying, slight bullying, kissing, cussing
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It’s been one month since that night in Pedro’s suite, and it’s never been brought up after that. But you could tell it was on his mind as much as it was on yours. He was inviting you out more, not just as his assistant either. You’ve had a few casual dinner dates, the other week you two went out for sushi, and now the two of are walking the streets of New York looking for a nice place to get coffee.
You were always worried about paparazzi catching you two out together, and how the media would make it look. But your just his assistant, that’s all you are. To their eyes at least.
“Oh, look. Perfect.” Pedro snaps you out your thoughts, pointing to a little coffee shop up ahead.
You decide to push your thoughts to the side, smiling at him as you two approached the shop. He held the door open for you and you made your way inside, the smell of coffee beans and fresh pastries taking over your nose. You two approached the counter, where the young girl working there didn’t even realize the two of you were standing there, too busy chatting with her coworker.
“Excuse us.” You say politely.
Her head whips towards you, then the man next to you. You watched as her gaze softened and her eyes grew wider as she looked at Pedro.
“H-hi, sorry, what can I get for you?” She continues to look at Pedro.
“You know what you’re getting?” Pedro looks over at you, “Uh yea…I’ll take the iced chai latte and a cheese Danish.” You tell her.
“And for you, sir?”
You know she was just some crazed teenage fan but you couldn’t help but cringe at her, you wanted to roll your eyes and walk away but then you’d be the childish one here. After Pedro ordered and paid, you two looked around for somewhere to sit.
“Want to sit outside?” Pedro asks.
Was that really the best idea? No, but you really didn’t want to deal with that girl anymore. You shook your head, following Pedro outside where you two sat alone.
“Okay, so, you have a meeting on the fourteenth and after that you have a fitting for the—”
Pedro placed his hand over your notebook, “I don’t want to talk about that. I just want to talk. To you, not my assistant.”
“But I spent a lot of time organizing this.” You frown slightly, Pedro removes his hand and looks at the neat handwriting, with some doodles here and there.
“I know, and I appreciate that.” He placed his hand over yours, “But I want to talk about you.”
You slowly close your notebook, sliding it back in your bag. You didn’t stay up past midnight for nothing, he was reading those pages in that notebook eventually.
“Okay, what do you want to know?” You shrug.
“What is it that you like to do during your free time?"
“Funny of you to assume that I get free time.” You slightly laugh.
“Oh whatever, yeah right!” Pedro laughs, waving you off, “I am not that hard to work for!”
You join in on the laughter, “I don’t know…you can be sassy sometimes.”
“Sassy?!” He was genuinely in shock.
“Yes!” You argued back, the laughing taking over, “Get this, get that. Did you do this?” You mocked him.
“I don’t sound like that!”
“You do!—”
“Here’s your latte and Danish.” The cashier from earlier appeared out of nowhere, “And here’s your coffee, sir. Enjoy!” She smiles before scurrying off.
“I don’t get how you drink that.” You cringe, shaking your head, “It’s good!” He defends, “Try it!”
“I’ll be up for three days if I even take a sip of that.”
“Cmon, you know you want to.” He says and before your even able to respond, he’s holding his cup up to your lips.
Against your will, you take a tiny sip of the absurdly strong coffee.
“Yeah, that’s disgusting.” You stick your tongue out, trying to get the taste out of your mouth.
“You just like that overly sweet shit.” Pedro mugs your chai, “Yes, yes I do.” You take a sip from your overly sweet shit.
“Back to the question though...”
“I don’t do much.” You shrug, “Watch a movie, read a book…crotchet.”
“You sound like a old lady.”
“Okay, that’s enough, old man.” You playfully rolled your eyes at him.
The two of you talked for a couple hours after that, enjoying the company and the New York breeze. You were finally able to go over Pedro’s schedule with him after damn near begging him to let you pull out your notebook.
“How are you going to stop me from doing my job?”
“You’re not working right now.” Pedro shrugs, slight smile on his face.
“I am always working, Mr. Sassy.”
Once the two of you had wrapped up your coffee date, you were walking the streets of New York again, you really didn’t know where your destination was, but you enjoyed just being there with him. The walk didn’t last long, you two ending up at a random park that wasn’t too packed. You sat on the bench, by the pond, watching the ducks go in and out the water.
You sat in a comfortable silence, the sounds of nature doing most of the talking. You hated to be one of those people, but you couldn’t help but pull out your phone, beginning to scroll through social media. Your timeline was the same as usual, boring, until something caught your eye. As you scrolled through your explore page you couldn’t help but click on the picture of you and Pedro that had been taken hours ago! How were they so quick?! Where were they even at? You knew sitting outside was risky but you didn’t even see anyone with a camera!
“Pedro and mystery woman out today in New York!”
fan1: not a mystery woman, just his assistant!
fan2: that’s just his assistant
fan3: looks like a date to me
You couldn’t help but to look through the comments, making your stomach turn and your mouth twist. Just his assistant. That’s all you were. You knew you shouldn’t have, but you continued to scroll through the familiar posts. And sure enough, there it was, the girl from the coffee shop. She had snuck a picture of you and Pedro from inside the shop.
“pedro came into my job today!!! his assistant was kinda rude but pedro was a sweetheart as usual I love him sm 😭🥹”
Your eyebrows furrow, “How was I rude?” You whisper.
“What?” Pedro asked, still looking at the pond ahead of him before turning to you since you didn’t answer, “What? What are you looking at?” He tries to peek at your phone.
You turn off your phone, “I don’t know what this is, or what we have going on. But to them, to the public I’ll always just be your assistant. That’s all I am.”
“No.” Pedro sighs, “That’s not all you are. You’re not just my assistant, you mean way more than that to me.”
“They don’t know that, Pedro!” You turn and look at him, “Does it matter if they know? You and I know that.” He says.
“Do I?!” You stood from the bend, “Pedro I’m not going to continue to do this if I’m just going to remain hidden away! I-” Your voice started to crack, “I can’t, I can’t just be your little secret.” You cry.
Oh, there's no way you're standing here crying in the middle of the park right now you thought to yourself. Pedro sat there, looking for something to say, anything to say but he knew anything he said right now wouldn’t help at all, so he remained silent. His heart breaking at the sight of you crying. How could such a perfect day be ruined?
You sat there and watched him sit in silence, waiting for his response but he had nothing.
“Right.” You sniffed, grabbing your bag off the bench before storming off, Pedro calling and following after you.
You remember that day like it was yesterday. Pedro had followed you throughout the whole park, up until you got in a cab. That was a month ago. Of course, you had to see him, which actually sucked but you kept it professional. You did your job and went home. That was it. That’s how it was, until Pedro decided that he was inviting you and the rest of the team to yet another event.
You got annoyed even thinking about it. Having to deal with him, Veronica and a whole bunch of press, cameras and social media. It made you sick, you just wanted to get it over with.
“The car will be here in ten minutes.”
“Could you help me tie this?” Pedro asks as he struggled with the tie he was putting on, “Ask your girlfriend.” You muttered.
You knew what he was trying to do, you knew. You had seen this man tie his own tie thousands of times.
“I’m asking you.”
Your mind told you no. No, just leave the room and wait for him in the lobby. But your feet had failed you, reluctantly (but really eagerly) walking over towards him. He had a toothpick in his mouth for some reason, eyes burning into your skin as you tied the tie.
What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing?! You thought to yourself.
“You look gorgeous.” Pedro’s eyes scan over you, all you had worn was another black dress. This one was a baby doll dress, a bit longer than the other one and it had one sleeve.
You had tried a little more this time. Doing more with your makeup, you had found the time to purchase some not so mediocre accessories and you had did something different with your hair.
“I’ll meet you in the lobby, Mr. Pascal.” You finish up with his tie, grabbing your things you had put down and walking out the door.
You scolded yourself as you walked through the halls, why would you do that? Give into him like that, so easily. I mean, who wouldn’t?
You shrugged your thoughts off, standing in the lobby waiting for Pedro and Veronica to appear. You haven’t even seen her at all today, you roll your eyes, hoping she was ready because you didn’t want to be late.
The elevator dinged and to your surprise, out came Pedro without Veronica clinging onto his arm.
“Are you ready?” Pedro looks at you, then eventually the rest of his little entourage.
“Where is Veronica, Mr. Pascal?” You roll your eyes over towards his, “She’s meeting us at the venue.” He says, “Now, shall we?”
You look at his hand that he held out, waiting for you to grab it, but instead you put your hand on the small of his back, guiding him towards the door.
“I’m not going out until you say it.”
You wanted to throw a tantrum like a child, this man was working your last nerve. And for what? Because he wouldn’t admit that you were just his assistant, his little secret!
“Remember, big smiles, big smiles. And breathe.” You reluctantly had said, gaining a smile from Pedro as he pushed the door open.
As soon as he stepped outside the cameras began to flick and the fans started to scream, you walked out behind him, having to stop every time he did to talk with a fan.
“We need to be at the venue in fifteen minutes.” You whispered, not wanting to keep that rude label that had been put on you.
“Let’s just pose for a photo and be on our way.”
You went to step out his way as he turned to face the cameras, but he had grabbed you before you could, snaking his hand around your waist as he pulled you closer to him. Not wanting to cause a scene, you awkwardly smile, looking every and which way. After a few photos, you walked to the car together, Pedro helping you in before he had got in himself.
“What are you doing?!” You whisper yelled, not wanting to get the attention of the others in the car.
Pedro shrugs, “Taking a picture.”
You roll your eyes, turning your body to look outside the window. You didn’t even give your regular speech like you did before all of his events, the stubbornness in you wouldn’t let you. You just wanted to get tonight over with.
The ride there was short, pulling up to the little red carpet that had been set up. You all got out the car, making your way over towards the carpet. Trina, Veronica’s assistant had texted you while you were in the car letting you know that they would be a little late, meaning Pedro had to walk the carpet alone.
“Give me your stuff.” You held your hands out to Pedro, and he hands you his phone and a few other things, “Veronica is running late, you have to walk alone.”
“Walk alone?”
“That’s what I just said.” You sarcastically smile, “Walk it again when she gets here, that simple.”
Pedro went to say something, but you pushed him towards the carpet, people starting to swarm him already. You stayed behind, watching from a distance as he posed for pictures and eventually got pulled to the side for a interview. That was your cue to make your way towards him, knowing how some of these interviewers could be.
“Hey!” Veronica’s voice calls out behind you, part of you wanted to keep walking but you knew she’d just keep calling you.
You turn to face her, the beauty queen walking up to you in a silk yellow gown.
“I don’t know what little game you’re playing—”
“Whoa.” You stop her, “Wh-what are you talking about?”
“Don’t play dumb with me! I saw those pictures of the two of you. If you ever even think about coming between me and Pedro, I’ll make sure you won’t hear the end of it.” She threatened, stepping a little closer to you, “I’ll have you labeled as a home wrecker!” She spat.
“You g—”
“What the hell are you even talking about?” Pedro’s voice says from behind you, startling you both.
He steps in between the two of you, “What are you? Crazy? We aren’t in a fucking relationship, Veronica.”
“Pedro, we have an image to protect.” Veronica argues.
“An image?” He laughs, “This isn’t real, Veronica! What we have isn’t real! It never has been, and it never will be, okay? This is all a part of a stupid contract!” He throws his hands up in frustration, “A piece of paper!” He yells.
His voice had gotten the attention of a few people, but they seemed to ignore it.
“Okay let’s just remember where we’re at, guys.” You say.
“I don’t care.” Pedro says, “If I ever catch you talking to her like that again, I will not hesitate to put a end to this and let the world know why we’re really together.”
You had never seen him so mad before. You hate to admit it, but it was really kind of hot.
“Okay…um, let’s just take a breather. You two can walk the carpet—” You began to speak.
“No, I’m ready to go.” Pedro shook his head.
“Pedro!” Veronica scolds.
“No, I’m not doing this tonight.” He shook his head once again, “Come on.” He grabs your hand, leading you over towards the car.
“Mr. Pascal!” You called out, “Stop calling me that.” He warned as he opened the car door.
You climb inside and he shuts the door, making his way over tow the other side. What is going on? Why is everything happening so fast?
“Do you know where we’re going?” The driver asks.
“Back to the hotel.” You say questionably.
Pedro gets in on his side and slams the door as the driver takes off.
“Why would you do that?!” You slightly yell, “And we’re just going to leave the others here? We c—”
Before you could finish your sentence, his hands were cuffing your face and his lips were on yours. Bolts of electricity jumped throughout your body, you melt into him as he kissed you so gently yet so passionately and needfully. He pulled you over towards him, lips leaving from your lips to kiss on your exposed neck.
Neck kisses were your weakness.
“Pedro.” You softly moan.
His lips continue to suck on your neck, obviously not caring where the two of you were at. The kiss grew more needy over time, you had completely forgotten why you weren’t even talking to him an hour ago.
“P-Pedro, we can’t.” You moaned, “We can’t.”
“You don’t understand how badly I want you.” He says into your ear.
“We’ve already been over this, Pedro.” You stop him from kissing on you, “I can’t be your little secret.”
You two eventually parted from each other, smoothing out your dress as the driver pulled up to the hotel. You thanked and apologized to the driver as you got out, Pedro following behind you.
“You’re not.” Pedro says behind you, but you continue to walk, pushing the button for the elevator.
“Listen to me.” He steps in front of you, “You’re not just a little secret, you’re so much more than that.”
“Pedro.” You stop him, getting onto the elevator that has already had people on it.
He comes in after you, quietly greeting the couple already in the elevator. He stood next to you, damn near biting his tongue as you impatiently waited for your floor. Of course, he followed after you when you got off.
“You don’t understand. Ever since I first met you, since I’ve laid my eyes on you…It’s always been you. I’ve always wanted you, and only you. I just didn’t say anything, because of the stupid contract I have with Veronica…” He sighs, “You’re not a secret, I’ll tell the whole world right now—”
“You can’t do that, Pedro.” You shake your head, “It’ll ruin both of our reputations and—”
You wished he could. You wish you didn’t care so much about what the media thought and said, that you two could be together freely.
“I don’t care about that! I don’t! I don’t care about the social media and the press, what people say! I care about you.”
Your heart yearned for his touch, for his lips to be on yours again, to be held by him. But you can’t, it’s not right.
“Goodnight, Pedro.”
reader getting on yall nerves?? part 3???
tags: @still-wanna-be-corrupted @kittenlittle24 @marchai @aestheticangel612 @southernbe @quinnsgrapejuice @writerrinthedarksblog @brittmb115 @oberynslady @ghostofjoharvelle
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egginfroggin · 2 months
Emmet is transported to Hisui.
He became five or six years old.
When he comes back, Ingo learns that he will now become a father.
Extremely late answer, sorry, Anon.
I feel that Arceus would get punched by a very irate Subway Boss in that scenario, I love it.
This has spawned many words in the master document, as my brain has decided to positively gnaw on this idea, and alas, nothing is finished yet, so have a bit of worldbuilding and some drawings in the meantime.
Worldbuilding and close-ups under the cut, and please click on the images for better quality.
And again, thank you so much for the ask, Anon, this was really fun! ^^
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Pencil sketches:
first doodle of the Little Guy
height comparisons to further emphasize the "Little" part of the Little Guy
a) Akari and Rei making the mistake of turning their backs on Emmet for 0.5 seconds as he notices something off-camera b) the twins continuing to talk, oblivious to Emmet's act of absconding c) the twins turning around to talk to their teeny charge d) swift baseball bat of Realization at the Emmet-shaped absence in their immediate vicinity
Pen sketches (part of a page of sketches that were otherwise unrelated, hence the numbering):
3. a very happy lil man, despite the oversized hat 4. he skrungle scribble 5. who's he looking at? who knows
Digital art:
Emmet craves violence. Akari and Rei are used to this (featuring: probably the best expressions I've ever drawn)
he's a bit older now, but still smaller than his evolved starter; Typhlosion can tell his soul is older, but he is physically small, so she abuses his lack of height to shower him in affection
an internal mess of conflicting instincts, thoughts, and emotional maturity, but Arceus's plan is set in motion, and there's nothing Emmet can do about it
Emmet got shrunk on his way to Hisui, due to the Rift's distorted power affecting him on the way out; he lands on Prelude Beach, drowning in his Depot Agent uniform now that he is teeny tiny
Arceus, panicking a little bit, communicates more directly with Emmet, urging him along on his mission
Emmet's memories are messed up, and his conduct is an odd combination of a child and an adult. By which I mean he can be disconcertingly clever and mature, but also the poutiest little guy with a habit of crying
Young age plus being overwhelmed plus stress equals one mute boi; this does not change his penchant for causing Problems
Jubilife is a lot more lenient with him because of how young he is, but Laventon, Cyllene, and Kamado suspect that he isn't supposed to be like this due to how he was found
Emmet is in an awkward position as far as finding living conditions go, being too odd for most parents to want to take in but also much too young to live on his own
Akari and Rei are assigned babysitters. Let the stressing and development of gray hairs commence
Emmet is Perfectly Behaved and causes no Problems at all, of course, why would he? Why would he?
(He bolts for the gates the moment Akari opens the door in the morning) (Ress caught him)
After sending Emmet home, Arceus shortly feels a distinct feeling of being in danger
After finding out that his brother has been shrunk and not fixed, Ingo fixes metaphorical (and perhaps literal) crosshairs on the back of Arceus's head
Arceus may be in danger
Close-ups of the digital art:
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(Program used for the digital sketches: Krita; time taken: about 90 minutes)
Thank you for reading all of this! I hope you have a wonderful, blessed day. :>
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crazychaoticizzy · 1 year
Pretty Portraits
What happens when you, Kugisaki and Itadori find that Fushiguro left his journal behind?
WARNINGS: none. just pure fluff. maybe a tiny bit of angst if you squint really hard.
Word Count: 4.6k
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You were just about to leave the booth, only to pause at the sight of a black notebook waiting on the seat. You recognized it at Fushiguro's journal, and when you flipped the cover to see the name written on the inside your suspicions were proved to be correct.
"Hey, Fushiguro forgot his notebook," you said to Itadori and Kugisaki. They both looked away from whatever they were doing, eyeing the notebook in your hands. "Do you guys remember where he said he was going?"
"Uhh, I don't think he actually said where he was going," Itadori said. "If we don't run into him in the school hallways, then we can just leave it in his room."
"Or." Kugisaki drew out the word, sidling up next to you. "We could take a little look inside. See what kind of a person Fushiguro really is."
"Isn't that an invasion of privacy?" Itadori asked.
"Not if he doesn't know."
"I don't think that's how that works," you pointed out.
"Come on, it'd just be a little peek. Besides, he's most likely a really boring person. He probably takes notes on techniques and how he can improve himself. If anything, this will be a learning experience for us if we decide to look through it.”
Kugisaki was right, there was nothing embarrassing in there. You know because you asked one day when he seemed especially invested in his journal. He showed you pages full of notes for different classes and a couple small doodles in the corner. Despite knowing this, you still didn’t want to look through it because you didn’t want to invade his personal belongings.
You shook your head, holding it out to Itadori. “No, I still don’t want to look through it.”
Kugisaki shrugged, taking it from Itadori’s hand and sitting back down in the booth the three of you had just left. She opened it, flipping past the first page, the one with Fushiguro’s name on it. “Okay. Then I’ll look through it and you two can just so happen to look through my shoulder.”
Damn loopholes, you thought. In all honesty, you were curious about what Fushiguro had added since you last saw the contents of the journal.
Despite your better judgement, you sat down beside Kugisaki.
It was just as you had expected, notes about Fushiguro’s classes for a good chunk of the journal. When Kugisaki got tired of staring at Fushiguro’s neat handwriting, she let out a breath and closed it, opening it again to a random page.
More writing, but this page was accompanied by a portrait that looked eerily familiar. The name of the person drawn was on the top of your tongue when Itadori suddenly said something.
”Hey, that kinda looks like Y/n, don’t you think?”
You were way off. You were going to say it looked like a fictional character you had told Fushiguro about a while ago.
”Oh my gosh, this is a letter!” Kugisaki exclaimed. “Hold on it starts in the middle of it on this page.”
Kugisaki flipped back a couple pages, finding that the letter was longer than anticipated. She found the beginning, a grand three pages front and back away from the drawing, and started quietly reading.
”’Y/n, I doubt I’ll ever give this to you or say anything about this, but just know that this is for you.’ Holy shit is this a love letter?”
”Wow.” Itadori stared at the page in awe. “I didn’t think he’d actually write it.” He took the book from Kugisaki’s grasp, flipping through a couple pages.
”You knew about this and didn’t think to tell me?” Kugisaki yelled. She was shushed by a nearby waiter, and she quieted down.
”Fushiguro asked me not to tell anyone, so I didn’t.” Itadori shrugged. “He told me forever ago about this, said he wanted to give it to you when he finished it, but I guess he never did because look at the date.”
He pointed to the corner of the page, where the written date was almost exactly four months ago.
”Damn,” Kugisaki said. “He must have been super inspired about something to write this. Listen, he quoted a couple books. ‘You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.’ God damn, he really used that Pride and Prejudice quote.”
Itadori continued flipping through the pages, now laying the notebook flat on the table for the three of them to see it.
there were multiple pages filled with drawings of you. The pages filled with notes from class were almost completely gone, being replaced by your portraits and short writings accompanied by this reminded me of them to the side.
You stared as they continued flipping through the pages, watching as the drawings improved. The last one was of your side profile, laughing as you held a straw to your lips, about to drink from it. You realized it was from today, and softly ran your fingers over the drawing.
So that’s what he was doing this whole time.
Since that was the last page with anything on it, Itadori closed it and slid it across the table back to you. You didn’t move to touch it, only continued to stare at it.
”Y/n? You okay there?”
You nodded in the general direction of Itadori, moving your hand to grab the black journal. “Yeah. Uh, I’ll take this back to Fushiguro, if you don’t mind. I know you two are busy later anyways.”
Neither of them objected. You assumed this was a situation where they both knew something you didn’t and were most likely over the moon that Fushiguro was finally going somewhere.
You may not be the smartest, but you could definitely piece things together when you’re given enough. You were still unsure, though, so you didn’t want to confront him about it right away.
Your knuckles rapped against the wood of Fushiguro’s door, and you gently tapped your fingers against the surface of the black notebook in your hands as you waited for him to answer.
The noise of the door unlocking and opening threw you off guard. It was such a stark contrast to the quiet hallway, and your thoughts had drifted elsewhere completely.
You noticed that Fushiguro stood a little bit straighter when he saw it was you. You briefly wondered if he always did that, or if he only did it for you.
You pushed the thought from your mind not wanting to think about it now.
You took in what he was wearing—gray sweatpants and a black sweater. He looked like he was about to go to bed. It was still early, but you couldn’t blame him. Despite them being your best friends, hanging out with Kugisaki and Itadori could get tiring.
”Uhm, you left this at the booth earlier,” you awkwardly said, holding out the journal to him. “I wanted to bring it back.”
He gently took it from your grasp. “Thanks.”
He didn’t close the door. Instead, he tossed the book to his bed and stepped further outside his room, leaning against the doorframe.
”Where else did you guys go? After I left, I mean,” he said.
”Oh, we just kind of walked around Tokyo for a bit,” you replied. You hid your hands behind your back, playing with your fingers. “We went into a bookstore but didn’t buy anything. We kind of lost Kugisaki and Itadori was summoned by Gojo.”
Fushiguro nodded thoughtfully, putting his hands in his pockets.
You wanted to ask about the drawings in the journal before he continued talking, but you weren’t sure how to bring it up without making it blatantly obvious that you had gone through it. You decided to take a shot, letting your inner self decide what you said.
”Uhm, it fell and I saw some of your drawings,” you said. “Your notebook, I mean. They were really good. I didn’t know you liked doing that.”
Fushiguro’s eyes widened for a brief moment before he returned to his usual stoic expression. His face changed so fast you almost didn’t notice it, but the way he brought his hand up to scratch the side of his neck—one of his nervous ticks you had noticed—told you everything.
”Yeah, I picked it up a few months ago,” he replied. “I do it sometimes at the end of the day to wind down. It helps me relax.”
You nodded. You weren’t sure how to continue the conversation, but you still wanted to know if your suspicion about why he drew you so much was correct.
”Oh, that’s cool. Itadori saw the drawing and said it looked like me,” you decided to say.
”Did he now?” You had caught him with his pants down. He reached up to gently scratch his neck again. “Well, it might have been you. I draw you sometimes for practice. You have a pretty face for that.”
He paused at his own words, crossing his legs at the ankles. He hoped you didn’t notice his wording.
You did. And this time you were the one caught off guard.
”Thank you,” you said. “If that was a compliment. Thanks for saying I have a pretty face.”
He nodded once. “Yeah.”
Awkward silence ensued again. You weren’t sure how much longer you could beat around the bush for. This same routine had randomly started one day and continued almost daily for months. It was annoying, and you wanted it to end.
So you decided to take a leap of faith.
“Uhm, I actually brought that up because I think I know something, but I don’t want to jump to conclusions.”
An indirect leap of faith, but a leap of faith nonetheless.
Fushiguro was listening to you, you could tell because he was looking directly at you, into your eyes. It made you nervous, and you almost brushed off what you were about to say and walked away.
“So, I wanted to tell you my feelings first. And then you could decide how you feel about them. If you want to, that is.”
“Yeah, of course. Do you wanna come inside?” He motioned towards his room. “To get more comfortable, if you want.”
You nodded, following him in. “Sure.”
He gently closed the door behind you, leaving it open a crack before sitting on the bed with you. It was silent for a few moments before he motioned for you to speak.
You took a breath. “So, I’ve been debating telling you this for a while, I just haven’t. But with Kugisaki and Itadori earlier I decided that I should.” You paused for a moment, putting together the next sentence in your head before you said it. “I kind of like you. Like a lot.” You paused again, deciding that was all you needed to say and shrugging with your hands.
You seemed a lot cooler with this confession that you though you would be. You thought you would be a stuttering mess, trying to beat around the bush so much you wouldn’t even know what you were saying. But you didn’t, instead you feigned outward calmness, but you could feel your heart pounding violently against your chest.
Fushiguro’s eyebrows raised as he took in the information.
The action worried you, because he didn’t move for a few moments after that. You sat, waiting for his response. You almost apologized and excused yourself from his room, meaning to hide in your dorm for a couple days until you would be able to face him again, before he gave you a small smile. He stood up, sauntering over to his dresser and opening the top drawer.
When he closed it and turned around, he revealed a square of white paper and held it out to you. You took it, realizing it was an envelope.
“Open it.”
You did as Fushiguro said while he moved across the room, this time opening the bottom drawer of his desk and pulling out a stack of papers along with a small notebook.
You took the paper out of the envelope as he continued what he was doing, opening the folded sheet.
It was a letter. Addressed to you.
You started reading. It had a similar structure as the one you read from his journal earlier, using some of the same wordings and comparisons.
Fushiguro assumed his previous spot on the bed next to you, setting the papers and notebook down beside him. He watched intently as you read the letter, not saying a word as he took in your reaction to his written words.
You were speechless reading it. You didn’t know he could be so wordy and poetic. He never said much. You assumed that he was just a quiet person that didn’t have much to say. Someone that liked observing more than contributing to conversations.
Your assumptions were mostly correct. Except you didn’t realize he noticed or had this much to say. It shocked you, and you weren’t sure what kind of response would match his words.
You were genuinely shocked that he shared the same feelings. You assumed that the dry conversations between the two of you had started because he found out about you liking him. You thought he found that awkward.
But this letter, an explanation for all those awkward moments between the two of you.
Apparently he thought the same thing you did.
Your eyes quickly drifted over the words when you finished. You truly didn’t know what to say, and figured at least trying to form a response in your head would be best.
Your mind drew a blank on what to say. But you had to say something. You would see Fushiguro getting anxious for your response.
When you looked up to meet Fushiguro’s gaze, he was staring at you. You smiled at him, deciding to speak truthfully about what was going through your head.
“I don’t know what to say,” you whispered. “This is the most beautiful writing I’ve ever read. Do you really mean everything?”
“Every single word,” he responded. He handed you a piece of notebook paper from the top of the pile he had brought over. “This was my first drawing of you. I just did it without thought one day and continued. You’re really the only thing I draw.”
You gently took the paper from his grasp, looking it over, admiring the graphite lines, imagining the way his eyes might have followed his pencil, focused.
“Are all of these . . .” You motioned towards the stack of papers beside you, and Fushiguro nodded before you finished your question. “Wow . . .”
You were in awe, returning your gaze to the piece of notebook paper before looking at a couple more.
Fushiguro gently took the paper you held from your hand, putting it aside and taking both of your hands in his. He reached for your jaw, softly redirecting the way your head was turned so you looked directly into his eyes.
“I’ve liked you for a long time, Y/n. I want to be more than friends.” There was a small amount of fear in his eyes. He was terrified you would reject him, despite already knowing how you felt.
Your eyes were wide, your mouth slightly agape. He hadn’t even said anything monumentally heart-wrenching, but just the sound of his voice could leave you speechless.
“Do you really want that?” You quietly asked.
He nodded with complete confidence in his answer. “I do.”
You couldn’t help the smile that overcame your features as you gently squeezed his hand. “Okay. I want that too.”
He didn’t kiss you, and you didn’t kiss him. Not yet. It wasn’t the right moment, and he wanted it to be perfect. So he didn’t kiss you, even though he desperately wanted to. Wanted nothing more than to feel your lips against his, to run his hands through your hair.
Not yet, he told himself. He could wait just a little bit longer.
You and Fushiguro (you’re proud to call him Megumi now, even though you still get flustered when you say his name) had been dating for weeks. By now, the news of your relationship had spread to the other first years, who spent a short amount of time exchanging money before congratulating and bombarding the two of you with questions.
Tonight was the first night the two of you had alone since you had gotten together. Itadori and Kugisaki were out, and Gojo was currently over seas for a mission. You and your boyfriend spent the night in the middle of the training field on a couple blankets, snuggling as you stargazed. Though, you weren’t doing much stargazing, instead talking while he showed you his most recent portrait of you.
You were asleep in the drawing, your arm resting under your head as you gripped the blanket in your hands. You were embarrassed he had caught such a moment. He interlocked his pinky with yours, moving your hands from your face as he told you it was cute.
He left a soft kiss on your knuckle, pulling you to sit up with him as he grabbed his journal.
“Can you look at the sky for me?” he asked.
You obliged with a smile on your face, looking at the sky as you began counting stars.
Fushiguro had recently become more open when drawing you. He had asked you to pose for him more, occasionally gently nudging you into the exact position he wanted. He even sometimes did so in front of Itadori and Kugisaki without shame.
You listened as his pencil rubbed against the paper, enjoying the sound. You snuck a glance at him, turning your head to watch as his eyes followed his pencil along the page. Eventually he looked up at you, smiling before he put his hand under your chin, redirecting your gaze.
You apologized with a light chuckle. He continued his drawing, the sounds of his pencil returning. “You’re just so pretty when you draw,” you said.
You heard his pencil suddenly stop. You turned to look at him to find that he was already staring intently at you.
You peeked at the drawing in his notebook, noticing the vague background. “Oh, are you adding a background to this one?”
He moved his gaze to his lap. “Yeah, I like drawing you at night. The sky reminds me of you.”
“How so?”
He took your hand in his, rubbing his thumb along your knuckles. “Well, I realized that you weren’t the sun in my sky.” You raised your eyebrows at him. “I say that because I’ve only ever squinted angrily at the sun. I don’t do that with you. No, I stare at you in wonder and look away when you meet my eyes. I smile when I see you and watch your every action in awe of what you do. I want you to always be present. To be there to help me calm down because just seeing you lifts weight off my shoulders when I’m stressed. Before I met you it was the night sky that did that. It was the night sky that I wished would stay, that I wanted to see to help calm me down.”
Megumi Fushiguro was the only person in the world that could make you speechless, not knowing how to react. And he didn’t even know he was the only person that held this power.
You could feel your eyes burning with tears. He’s constantly moving the bar higher, constantly speaking his mind around you in the most beautiful, poetic way imaginable, constantly taking you by surprise with his words.
You feel bad for never having anything to say in response to him, but he understands how you feel. You usually find yourself replying to him with a tight hug, squeezing him as though if you let go he would disappear.
But tonight, you truly didn’t know what to do.
Watching as your hand moves to cover your mouth, your hand lightly squeezing his own, something in his brain decides that now is the right time. Now is the best time.
He takes a leap, moving his hand to cup your jaw as he gazes into your eyes. His eyes briefly flicker to your lips before he’s slowly leaning in, giving you a chance to reject him if you want.
You don’t reject him. You let him kiss you, freezing as his soft lips met yours. Your eyes were closed, but you didn’t know what to do.
He pulled away, a faint smile painting his lips. “You have to kiss me back, dummy.”
“Sorry,” you apologized. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
He hummed, leaning forward ever so slightly, his lips ghosting yours. “It’s okay.” He kisses you again. This time you kiss back, moving your hand to grip his bicep as if to pull him closer to you.
When you momentarily break the kiss he chases your lips, making you chuckle into the kiss.
“Megumi,” you whispered. He hummed, trying to reach your lips again, making you smile brightly. “Gumi, give me a second.”
He stopped, still holding your hand. “What happened?” Worry was laced in his voice, scared he had done something wrong.
“Nothing, just give me a second.”
You grabbed the notebook from his lap, moving the ribbon to mark the page he was drawing on, closing it and moving it to the side as you shifted closer to him, practically sitting in his lap. He tentatively placed his hands on your waist as you kissed him again, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to try and bring him even closer.
When the kiss broke, this time neither of you moving to kiss the other again, your foreheads rested together as you simply basked in each other’s presence.
He felt the overwhelming urge to say it, something he had been thinking about for a long time. He’s not sure what took possession of him, but the words, “I love you,” were slipping out of his mouth before he could even process it.
Your eyes snapped open, and you pulled away from him just a little bit. He did as well, bringing a hand to cover his face as he began apologizing profusely, saying that he didn’t mean to say that.
The smile that was slowly growing on your face fell. You knew that sometimes his thoughts got jumbled together, making it somewhat difficult to voice them. This had to be one of those situations, but hearing him say he didn’t mean it made your heart crack.
He seemed to realize his words, because he cut himself off, going into another tangent.
“No, that’s not what I mean. I do mean that, but I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” he admitted. “I don’t want to force you to jump into things too early. If you don’t feel the same way then don’t say it back. Tell me and I won’t say it again until you want me to, I promise.”
His words pulled at your heartstrings. All he wanted was to make sure you were comfortable with the relationship, but in the process he disregards his own feelings. It hurt you. You wanted him to be open, to allow himself to be vulnerable around you, even if it was just for a few minutes.
“Megumi, I want you to share your thoughts with me. It doesn’t matter what it is, if you want to tell me something then tell me. You won’t make me uncomfortable, I promise.” You leaned forward again, capturing him between your arms and squeezing him. “Because I love you, too. I have for a while. I want you to be comfortable with me. I want to be someone you can talk to, your rock. Please share things with me.”
You felt him wrap his arms around you, squeezing you with just as much force as you were. He rested his head in the crook of your neck, taking a deep breath. He loved the way you smelled—lavender, curtesy of the products Kugisaki had bought you for your birthday.
“I know your trying,” you said into his shoulder, “and I love that you’re letting your walls down for me. I’ll wait for you to open up for me, I don’t care how long it takes. I want to know everything about you, I want to love everything about you. Take as long as you need, I’ll still be here. I promise.”
The two of you stayed in your embrace. You felt your heart pounding in your ears as you awaited his reply, hoping you didn’t take it too far.
He gently kissed your collarbone, knocking both of you over so you laid on the blanket. You quietly yelped upon impact, not expecting the action.
“Thank you,” he said quietly. You smiled, readjusting your position so you faced him. You wrapped your arms around him, running your hands through his black hair.
“You smell so good,” he said suddenly, making you laugh. “I love the way you smell.”
You thanked him, feeling your eyes droop. You snapped them open, hoping to stay awake just a little longer, hoping you would be able to spend just a few more seconds with Fushiguro in this moment.
Alas, you fell asleep, but not before you quietly said, “I love you, Megumi,” into his hair.
He smiled at your words, repeating them before he realized you were already fast asleep. He grabbed a blanket from nearby, throwing it over the two of you as he admired your sleeping face before he dozed off as well.
You awoke the next morning to a blinding light being shone in your face, followed by the shutter of a camera. You groaned, opening your eyes and yawning before seeing what was happening.
It was no surprise when you saw Gojo, accompanied by Kugisaki and Itadori, standing above you and your still sleeping boyfriend.
“Oops, I forgot to turn off flash,” Gojo said.
You rolled your eyes before closing them again, resuming your previous sleeping position and closing your eyes. “Leave us alone,” you muttered.
You felt Fushiguro stir next to you, assuming he was awake when he let out an exasperated breath.
“See, we would leave you alone. However the second years need to train and you two love bugs are lying in the middle of the field.”
You groaned, forcing yourself to sit up along with Fushiguro. You shooed the other three away as you started picking up your things with your boyfriend, stacking the blankets and taking them from Fushiguro’s grasp as you stood. He followed suit, and the two of you ignored your classmates and teacher as you walked towards the dorms.
“We don’t have anything to do today, right?” you asked.
Fushiguro nodded. “It’s just a day off.”
You hummed in acknowledgment. “I think I’m just gonna go back to sleep, then.”
Fushiguro took hold of one of your hands, the one that wasn’t carrying the blankets. “Do you mind if I join you?”
You let out a fake, exaggerated gasp. “A boy in my dorm? How scandalous, don’t you think?” He chuckled, shaking his head slightly. “Of course you can. I’d love it if you did.”
He smiled at you, continuing the walk to your dorm. Upon entering, you plopped the blankets down in a random area o the floor, continuing to drag Fushiguro onto the bed and under your covers.
“Sorry, it’s kind of a mess,” you said as the two of you readjusted yourselves. “I’m normally the only one that comes in here.”
“It’s fine,” he whispered, kissing the crown of your head. “Just go to sleep.”
You nodded against his shoulder. “I love you.”
He smiled into your hair. “I love you, too.”
And the two of you would continue saying that. At every chance you got. You would never allow the other to forget that fact for as long as you lived.
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This was a late birthday present for one of my friends. Anyways as i was writing I was seriously debating turning the fic in a different direction and going down an angst route. I don’t know I might add a part two to this or something because I do have ideas.
Idk what do y’all think?
Also this was copy and pasted from my notes app so I apologize if it doesn’t look right 💀
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