#yin spirit
Zhu Bajie's First Wife
In JTTW chapter eight, Zhu Bajie tells Guanyin that he inherited his cave from a mysterious figure:
It's called the Mountain of the Blessed Mound," said the fiendish creature, "and there is a cave in it by the name of Cloudy Paths. There was a Second Elder Sister Egg originally in the cave. She saw that I knew something of the martial art and therefore asked me to be the head of the family, following the so-called practice of "standing backward in the door." After less than a year, she died, leaving me to enjoy the possession of her entire cave (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 212). 叫做福陵山。山中有一洞,叫做雲棧洞。洞裡原有個卵二姐,他見我有些武藝,招我做了家長,又喚做倒蹅門。不上一年,他死了,將一洞的家當,盡歸我受用。
I'm surprised that I've forgotten this "Second Elder Sister Egg" (Luan erjie, 卵二姐) considering how many times that I've read JTTW.
Yu (Wu & Yu, 2012) confirms that Zhu and this figure were married, for the practice mentioned above is a "colloquialism of the Huai'an region, referring to a man living in the woman's house after marriage" (vol. 1, p. 517 n. 31). This means that Zhu had a wife prior to "Green Orchard" (Cui'lan, 翠蘭) from chapter 18.
I was interested in learning more about her and found this Baidu page. It mentions that the luan (卵, "egg") part of her name is actually a transcription error, for the original 1592 edition of JTTW shows a different but similar-looking character. I checked my own copy, and found that it reads Mao erjie (夘二姐, "Second Elder Sister Mao") (see the right side of page 105 here).
Like Baidu, Pleco notes that Mao is the fourth (of 12) earthly branches, which is associated with rabbits. Therefore, Zhu's first wife could have been a rabbit spirit. Can you imagine the kids? They would be a strange pig-rabbit hybrid, pretty much an aardvark.
The Baidu page also mentions that their pairing may be an allusion to yin-yang theory since the fourth earthly branch, Mao (夘/卯, rabbit), is associated with yin wood, while the 12th, Hai (亥, pig), is associated with yang wood (i.e. they complete each other). This kind of stuff is over my head, so I don't plan to delve into it further. But this page does give an overview of the stems and elements.
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On a related note, if we were to apply this yin-yang/earthly branch dating approach to Wukong, his partner would be a chicken! This is because the ninth earthly branch, Shen (申, monkey) is yang metal, while the 10th, You (酉, chicken) is yin metal.
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sayhoneysiren · 2 years
connecting to water spirit
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1. strengthen your intuition. stop looking for outside proof and trust yourself. listen to the callings of your heart. if it feels wrong, don’t do it. if it feels right, trust that. also, work with the cycles of the moon.
2. healing and transformation. do your shadow work. face your dark sides and accept all your flaws with unconditional love. cleanse your space, body and mind. talk with someone you trust or a therapist about your difficulties. journal your feelings out.
3. cleanse yourself with water. drink more water. take a salt baths. eat fruits. listen to the rain. take trips to visit lakes, rivers, waterfalls or the ocean.
4. embrace your emotions. don’t ignore your feelings or hold yourself back from crying. always give your emotions the attention and care they deserve.
5. be compassionate. listen more. learn to receive rightfully. allow others to be themselves without judging and allow yourself to be without self judgements.
6. rest. forget your responsibilities and take a break. indulge in doing nothing and just being. we’re called human beings after all.
7. be nurturing. be mothering to yourself and also spread that caring nature to others. talk about something you are passionate about. cook or bake and make a nourishing fulfilling meal. give gifts. find something to care for and pour your heart into (plants, animals, kids, skills)
8. go with the flow. don’t rush to make decisions. wait and let things unfold for themselves.
9. be artistic. start romanticizing your life. make everything around you aesthetically pleasing. listen to vibrant music. write yourself love letters. create endlessly. start daydreaming about every possibility.
10. indulge. reward yourself. eat your favorite foods. go shopping. watch your favorite tv show or movie. read a romantic books. etc.
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trueishcolours · 9 months
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trexvictorysounds · 5 months
Xiran Jay Zhao has changed my fantasy standards forever. The protagonist of Iron Widow, Wu Zetian, is beautifully unhinged and their sheer force of will is inspiring. The internal struggle of wanting to be a force of change and the brutal toll the current world circumstances have on their mental health is all too familiar to any non-man who has been involved in activism across time. I hear their screams of loss, longing, bitterness, anger, hatred, and determination beyond the page. I hear it in my soul. Iron Widow conquers hard real topics with the brutal honesty and ache I've hardly ever seen, let alone in a sci-fi fantasy romance novel.
Xiran Jay Zhao, thank you, you nonbinary icon.
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This is their official author photo btw 💖🐄💖
Link if you want to know how to support them with your book purchase:
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arisenreborn · 2 months
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all that you are is a promise to the world -
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i-can-not-art · 4 months
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phoenixcatch7 · 10 months
Why can't we have a batman is the spirit of Gotham au?
He already is, in meta, in character, in theming. Him and the joker. He is so very built upon what Gotham is made of, and Gotham builds from what he needs in turn, the setting of his story.
What if that is the reason he can take damage that would permanently ruin a physical career and come back? What if that's how he's managed to maintain his no-kill streak to such an extent? What if that's how he manages to maintain such high maintenance and all consuming identities?
For the heart and soul of a city containing all extremes, the richest nobility and the lowest of the poor, the cruellest villains and the most compassionate heroes, orphaned children and ancient lineages, a city rooted in fear and madness and grit-teeth determination and hard won kindness, what better choice could you find than Bruce Wayne?
But what if he wasn't alone in that? What if Gotham has sunk to such a low because its spirit is damaged and corrupted?
For the heart and soul of the cruellest city in the dc universe, the most unrelenting and uncaring, the one that practically laughs at your pain and suffering as you try to make it through another day, what better choice than the Joker?
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druh19 · 6 months
olá, você faria icons dos hero do mlbb?
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༝ Mlbb Icons |like and reblog if saved|
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yeyayeya · 7 months
Wait holy shit TGCF Season 2 is getting dubbed??
No fucking way
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wavyy-babyyy · 1 year
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chaotictoon · 1 year
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陰 Yin and Yang 陽
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euphorictruths · 1 year
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Deepest Night- Anthony Clarkson; 2020
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sayhoneysiren · 2 years
connecting to earth spirit
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1. be patient. take life one step at a time. realize there’s nothing to rush off to.
2. connect with your surroundings. spend more time in nature. sunbathe. walk barefoot in the soil and grass. hug a tree. watch the clouds. play with animals. have gratitude for earth’s abundant resources.
3. connect with yourself. build a healthy and stable relationship with your self-image (your body, mentality and emotional well-being).
4. enjoy your physical pleasures. stimulate your senses. admire your beauty. speak positive words. be sexually liberated. light incense and candles. eat fresh fruits and vegetables. drink warm tea. etc.
5. be observant. instead of reacting quickly or impulsively, stay calm. think before you speak. think before you act. plan before you do.
6. be disciplined. set realistic goals and follow through on them no matter what. adjust or re-plan if you need to, but never give up.
7. be responsible by organizing. create a routine or make a to-do list to stay on top on things. skin care routine, exercise routine, schoolwork/studying time, laundry, etc.
8. use your time wisely. learn about time management. this is important so that you can accomplish your goals without getting overwhelmed. it’s good to know your limit.
9. keep solid boundaries. allow nothing or no one to uproot you and walk all over you. stand your ground and speak your mind. face your demons.
10. spend time around loved ones. loved ones are those who truly understand you. you feel comfortable and at ease around them. you can always show your true self to them, without putting your guard up. keep them around.
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lovelydwyn · 8 months
The opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is not indifference. The opposite of love is fear.
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elvencantation · 2 years
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Snow Hound, with me.
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glorygalory · 20 days
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Heaven at dinner… #m
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