#yes i'm connecting all of these to ruby in some way
fidelissimi-moved · 1 year
@unbearablyindifferent said: ➹ + Alex Wolff
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send me a ➹ and a fc ;; i'll create a character on the spot !!!
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Name: Aaron Roth Occupation: IT tech, single father Status: Deceased
Not a lot of people would believe that Ruby wasn't joking when she said Lilith had a taste for baby flesh. An acquired taste over the millenia, was Ruby's guess, but that meant when she was hungry someone had to take one for the team and snatch a little one for the sacrifice. Ruby didn't enjoy being a baby snatcher, but she couldn't disobey Lilith or she'd be sent right back to hell, and she was already so far in her original mission that it was easier just to do her bidding and get it over with. Enter Aaron, and his brand new one month old baby girl. He wasn't really cut out to be a dad but when baby momma took off with her new boyfriend he wasn't left much choice. And he fought hard, to keep her safe, but let's face it... any demon would have the upper hand. When Ruby left he was nothing more than a stain on the floor (and walls, and windows) in his little girl's nursery, and Ruby bundled up the little one to deliver to Lilith before disappearing for longer stretches of time so she wouldn't have to do it again.
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dragon-kazansky · 15 days
Heart of the Dreaming
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Morpheus x Female Reader
Soulmate AU
You are the daughter of Rodrick Burgess. You find out about the "demon" in the basement and decide you want to see it. Things take an unexpected turn when your soulmate connection is made with the man you find down there. You are the one he has been waiting for, and you're being taken away from. Not for long. Dream will protect his soulmate.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Chapter Seven - Burgess curse
"You have to wake up."
You're not sure exactly what happened or who that man was, but you were afraid. Dream wasn't opening his eyes, and you didn't know what to do.
Matthew stood next to you, looking at you both. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the unconscious Dream.
"So, uh, I have to ask..." Matthew started. You glance at him, but only for the briefest of moments. "Are you two... close?"
"You seem kind of close."
"We're not." You curl up into a ball and take some deep breaths. You're not sure what's going to happen if he doesn't wake up.
"But he was worried about you."
"Look, Matthew... it's complicated. I'm his soulmate or whatever. It doesn't mean anything. The only reason he is tagging me alone is because of that. Once we're done here, I plan to leave. I don't know where I'll go, but I'll figure it out."
"You're not going to stay with him?" Matthew caws.
"Maybe you should."
You look down at the raven again. You're sat there talking to a bird waiting for the Sandman to wake up. Nothing is making sense, and everything is overwhelming. You just wanted to rest.
"Why don't you get some sleep. I'll keep watch," Matthew offers.
You feel like you would rather stay awake, but you csnt dent how tired you were starting to feel. Matthew seemed trustworthy, and after everything that's happened, you needed to trust in something. Maybe this was your new normal, after all.
After a few hours, Dream wakes. He opens his eyes slowly and takes a moment to gather his thoughts together. He remembers being in Hell and then coming to get his ruby. When he touched the ruby, he could tell something was wrong.
Morpheus pushes himself up with a soft groan. Matthew hops into view and looks up at him.
"Uh, my lord." Matthew bobs his head down into a bow. "We were worried about you."
Matthew turns his head and looks over at where you're sleeping. You're curled up against the wall. Dream gazes over at you. This is the quiest you've been since he rescued you.
Morpheus moved over to you quietly and took a moment to admire you. You're very pretty.
He thinks back to what you said to him. You dreamt of him when he was trapped. As you lay there in front of him now, he wondered what you dreamt about now.
He raised his hand toward you, feeling tempted to touch you gently, but you began to stir, and he took his hand back quickly.
You wake up and turn your eyes toward him. "You're awake!"
"Yes." He watches you push yourself up into a sitting position. He wanted to ask how you were doing but resisted. "The ruby?"
"Gone. There was a man. He came and took it. I don't think he saw us, but he's gone. I'm not sure where."
Morpheus looks at you. You had stayed by his side. You could have left at any point, but you didn't. That meant quite a lot to him, but he wasn't about to tell you that.
"I can find the ruby. It has been altered, but I'll be able to find it. Come." Morpheus leads the way out of the storage unit.
You get up by yourself and take a moment to look down at Matthew before following Morpheus out of the storage unit. You have no idea just how much time had passed while inside there. It took a while for Morpheus to wake again. You can tell he knows more of his power is gone. He is weaker than he was before. The ruby has robbed some more of his power at seemed.
You find yourself outside a diner. The place was in disarray. Something had clearly happened here. Morpheus glances at you and then steps inside. You follow him quietly.
People lay dead in the middle of the room.
You stand by the door as Morpheus approaches the man sitting at the counter alone.
"Hello." The man sighs. "I'm John. I'm glad you're here. The power has gone out. So there's no TV, and no one left to talk to."
"What is it you think you're doing?" Morpheus asks.
"Saving the world from its lies."
"The ruby wasn't made for that."
John gasps softly. "Oh, you're the Sandman. My mother was right. She said you'd be coming for it."
"You must return it to me so that I can repair the damage you have done." Morpheus tells him.
"I'm not giving it back to you, it's mine."
"It is harming you, John, and your world."
"It's revealing the truth," John says softly. "This is the truth of mankind."
"No. You're wrong. This is the truth of mankind."
Morpheus shows John how these people he killed lived their lives. What they did. What they dreamed about. How they lived. He took all of that away from them.
Kate dreams of running away where no one could find her. Garry dreams of proving his father wrong. Bette dreams of creating something that would matter to people. You feel sorry for all these people. Their hope had been taken from them.
"The ruby is hurting you, John." Morpheus says to him. "It has too much of my power within it. It stole more when I tried to use it."
"Then perhaps if I use it to steal the rest of your powers, I will be the King of Dreams." John says.
You frown.
"Your mother... what was her name?" You ask.
John's eyes turn to you. He looks like he only noticed you now. You don't think much of it as you watch him closely.
"Ethel." Dream answers for him.
"Your father..." You look at John. "My word..."
"Do I know you?" John asks.
"No. No, but I... I think I know you. Sort of." You tell him your name. "Rodrick was my father too. Though you didn't know him. I did. I lived in his house for many years."
"You don't look old enough," he comments, suspicious of your words.
"No. I suppose I don't." You glance down at yourself. You had almost forgotten you had long since stopped aging.
"Did he love you?"
You look up at him in slight shock. You didn't think he'd ask that. "No."
"I see." John takes a moment to look at you. Really look at you. "We are alike then."
"Are we?"
Dream is cautious of the other man. He doesn't quite like this conversation topic. This man could use you against him if he was clever about it. Dream didn't want to take any chances.
"I think so, yes." John nods.
"I don't want power," you tell him softly.
"I'm want to expose the lies."
"People turn a blind eye to the truth. They pretend not to see it and live in a fantasy just to make them feel better. Wouldn't the world be a better place of everyone was honest?"
"Honesty is important, but so are dreams. It is not for you to decide what people do and don't do." You look at him firmly and raise your hand up. "Give me the ruby."
"No." He shakes his head. "I know what you're trying to do. I won't let you."
You want to take a step closer to him, but Morpheus reaches out and grabs your wrist gently. He pulls you behind him gently.
"If you would rob a Dream lord of his power, you shall do so in his realm. In dreams."
Just like that, John is in the Dreaming. You have no idea where you are. You assume this is his realm. This is your first time here. Everything felt strange.
While John chases his past through dreams. Morpheus prepares to deal with him.
John comes to the throne room. "Is this your palace... Dream Lord? Is this your throne... King of Lies? Well, it's mine now!"
John raises the ruby in his hand. The palace begins to crumble. "Are you watching? Can you see me?" The palace continues to burn away. "Using your own powers to burn away your lies."
"You must stop." Morpheus appears with his helmet on. "It is not too late to save yourself."
"Oh, you think it's me that needs saving?" John says.
"Your father stole the ruby from me and cursed you with it."
"You mean he blessed me with it." John raises the ruby up again. "Your reign ended when my father captured you. Your kingdom is my birthright."
"No!" You shout, but he doesn't listen. John is killing Morpheus with the ruby.
"Your power resides within me."
Morpheus falls to the ground, curled up, unable to fight back. "How does it feel to know I hold your life in my hands?" John asks.
"You're hurting the dreamers," Morpheus says, grunting in pain.
You can not go to him. Morpheus has made it so. He didn't want you hurt at the hands of John Burgess.
"Well, it's time they woke up! Your life and your lies end now."
John crushes the ruby. Everything around him is gone. He did it. He killed the Sandman, or so he believes.
"Thank you, John."
John looks up to find himself looking up at the Dream Lord. He is standing on his palm, feeling so small compared to this Dream Lord.
"But I killed you."
Morpheus speaks. "You destroyed the ruby and released the power inside it. I would never have thought of that. I'd forgotten just how much of myself I had placed in the jewel."
"Are you going to kill me?" John asks.
"I could. Perhaps I will. But the dream stone was not made for mortals. And it came to you through no fault of your own. So, no, John. I will not kill you."
You stand in the throne room and gaze up at the large coloured windows. A lone throne sits at the top of a set of stairs. Dream stated he had to deal with John and that he would be back soon.
You turn with the sound of footsteps behind you and find Lucienne coming over to you, Matthew flying over her head and landing beside you.
"Welcome," she greets you.
She looks at you for a few moments, taking you in. This was her first time seeing you. She was curious about the woman fated to her king.
"Will he be long?" You ask softly.
Lucienne lifts her head up a little bit and town answers. "I don't think so."
"I see."
Silence fills the space between you both again. You're not sure what else to say to her. You just wanted to talk to Dream about what happens now. He has his tools.
"A room has been made for you," Lucienne tells you.
"A room?"
"Yes. Where you shall stay. If it is not to your liking, you can tell Lord Morpheus, I am certain he can change it to how you like."
You don't have the heart to tell her you don't intend to stay, but never the less you nod. Lucienne takes you to your room.
You enter the neatly decorated place. There's a bed, a dresser, a vanity table, and a chair next to a stained glass window.
"You can wait in here until his return," Lucienne suggests.
You say nothing and walk over to the bed, taking a seat on the night sky bedding. Lucienne looks at you once more before leaving you alone.
You sigh and lay back on the bed.
You had a feeling nothing in your life would ever be the same again.
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@permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 - @hopshusushi - @sloppyzengarden - @thecraziestcrayon -
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thought--bubble · 5 months
In Need Of An Heir Pt 4
Aemond (Canon Era) X (Baratheon! Reader)
Warnings Below
Word Count: 1,874
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In Need of an Heir Master List
Aemond (Canon Era) Master List
Full Master List
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings: mentions of forced marriage, Religious guilt.
Aemond watches you and Royce make a hasty exit from the dinner after being excused. As soon as the doors shut behind you, Aegon breaks out into a hearty laugh.
"I see you have charmed your betrothed brother. She seems truly smitten!"
Aemond looks straight at Aegon. Face stoic and cold. "So it seems." This just makes Aegon laugh harder.
"I'm sure that she is just nervous. A marriage is a big step. She is leaving her home and living somewhere new. With people she hardly knows, we would all do well to try and make her feel more comfortable. " Alicent looks at Aemond as she says this. Her usual way of asking him to do something without actually asking him.
His face remains still. There are a lot of things he will do if his mother so wishes. Going out of his way to make this girl comfortable is not one of them. Making people comfortable isn't something that he excels at, and he's self-aware.
He already has plans for the coming week. Ignore everyone and everything as much as possible. Train and attend councils as necessary and assist Criston, who is the current hand of the king, in keeping an ever watchful eye on Aegon, and that's it. Nowhere in that schedule is there room to spend time with this girl and make her comfortable. He will have to spend enough of his life with her. He should at least enjoy what time he has left.
So that is exactly what he does. The whole week goes by pretty quickly. His mother didn't bother him with much of the wedding plans, though she did ask him to meet with the jeweler to choose a necklace for his bride.
"Make sure to choose something special. This will be your first gift to her." She had said.
The jeweler has several necklaces laid out for Aemond to choose from. Most being beautiful rubies or emeralds. He spots a beautiful citrine necklace. He picks it up, turning the jewel between his fingers a few times. Maybe the yellow color will remind her of home. Make her more comfortable as his mother had suggested.
He holds the citrine necklace in his hand as he continues to peruse the other available choices when his eye stops on a beautiful sapphire necklace. His hand involuntarily passes over his eye patch.
"Make a connection" more words of wisdom from his mother.
He puts the citrine necklace down and picks up the sapphire. "This one," he rubs his thumb over the flat surface of the stone before handing it to the jeweler.
He leaves the room quickly after that, heading to his mother's chambers. She wanted to have a brief meeting with him before the wedding, which he has been putting off all week. Seeing as the wedding was tomorrow, he couldn't put it off any longer, so reluctantly, he makes the trip through the winding corridors to his mother's apartments.
As he rounds the corner, he spots your small frame. Hunched over arm outstretched on the wall, no doubt supporting your weight.
He can hear you groan out loud as he gets closer.
"Is everything alright, my lady?" He knows the true answer to this is an unequivocal no. You are being forced to marry him tomorrow after all.
When you turn and look at him, he doesn't see the fear he had seen at dinner. He can't quite place exactly what it is he sees. Your big eyes travel up and down his body.
He hates to be seen. Truly seen. Looked at gawked at like some sort of beast. What does she see? A man? A prince? A monster? He can't be sure, and it's that thought that terrifies him.
"Oh..... yes, my prince just l....... ummm big day tomorrow"
"Hmmm," he clicks his tongue as he observes you, as if trying to find any sort of sign that will tell him what it is you were thinking. What was really going on in your head.
"Are you due to visit my mother?"
"Oh no, just left her company, actually," he tries to think of some way to keep the conversation going. Maybe have a brief conversation before being wed in front of the gods.
His mind is blank and quickly gives up on this idea. "Very well then, I will keep you no longer." he walks towards his mother's door quickly and gently knocks on the door.
Never before has he wished for his mother to answer the door quickly the way he does in this moment.
You curtsy and walk off. He sees this out of the corner of his eye, but he keeps his head straightforward.
His mind is racing as he waits for his mother to answer the door, he hates not knowing things. He prides himself on knowing more than anyone else in the room. But with this. His marriage, his bride, he knows next to nothing.
Finally a chambermaid opens the door, before she has a chance to greet or curtsy Aemond walks briskly past her and into his mothers apartments.
"Mother..." his demeanor is cold but his mother knows him better than anyone. His cool facade never works on her.
"Sit Aemond, there are a few things i wish to discuss before tomorrow" she gestures to the chair directly across from her.
He sits down curling his fingers over the end of the armrest. Scratching briefly at the wood with his fingernails.
"so, as you know tomorrow you are to be married"
he sighs and looks up at the ceiling "I'm aware"
"I want to review the process, where you will stand all of those things...... but first, I want to speak to you regarding the wedding night."
He rolls his eye and shifts uncomfortably in his seat. "There is no need to discuss this mother, I know what is expected of me and will see it done"
"There is another person in this equation Aemond, I have been exactly where she is. I just mean to bring that to your attention. How you treat her on your wedding night may effect the way your entire marriage plays out. Mutual respect and care, gentleness and understanding. This isn't simply a duty to be done." She is looking at him with a solemn expression. "I just ask that you take this into consideration. That she will most likely be scared and as her husband it is part of your duty to make her feel safe"
he simply nods in understanding. Not wanting to discuss this topic any further.
"You will have some work to do in regards to showing her that you are in fact a decent man" she says this with some disdain. A tone she rarely uses when she speaks to him. A tone she uses when she talks about one particular subject. A subject he again would rather not discuss.
"Is that so? Have I already wronged her in some way?" He chuckles as he leans back in his chair. He knows exactly what his mother is referring to and it irritates him. he fancies himself a patient man though others may disagree. He does not however have any patience for being judged, right or wrong what he has done, the sins he has committed are between him and the gods and he will not explain himself to another person. That includes his mother and his soon to be wife.
"You had already made a promise to wed her and be a loyal dutiful husband when you..... took part in certain activities, so yes in a manner of speaking you have in fact wronged her in a way. But not just her. The gods of which you are about to stand in front of and be wed." She gives him that scalding look of disappointment he hates so much.
"I see" He hates that his mother is right. He prides himself on fulfilling his duties, keeping his oaths. "Well seeing as the ability to travel back in time escapes me, it seems she will have to make do."
"Just something to be mindful of" she says gently, and from there the conversation breaks out into the specifics of the wedding. Where to be and when, how the procession will take place who will do what.
Once his mother finally dismisses him he exits her apartments swiftly making his way back to his chambers. He intends to spend the rest of the day there. In his solitude, a book in hand, and that is exactly what he does. He has his supper alone in his chambers and lays down to rest much earlier than usual.
Though he is laying down sleep does not come. Tomorrow ever watchful eyes will be on him. The eyes of his mother, his brother, his bride, so many others, but most of all the gods.
The gods he knows he has no doubt disappointed. He is a kin slayer, a murderer, he has been lustful, violent, driven by revenge and hate, and now he is to stand before those same gods who's principles he has betrayed and ask them to bless the union of his marriage.
He can only hope his bride has enough goodness for the both of them.
When the morning finally comes he moves swiftly. This is what he is best at. Being given a duty to fulfill and seeing it done through to completion. He dawns some of his best attire makes his way down to the sept earlier than anticipated.
He enters the large hall of the Sept and runs his hand over the corners of the benches as he walks through. It is decorated beautifully as his mother no doubt commissioned. It seems so frivolous. To spend the money on such an affair when the common folk are suffering after the war. Especially those trying to rebuild in the Riverlands.
It needs to be done. So it will be done.
Aemond waits patiently while the others make their way to the Sept. The hall fills with people as he is directed to his post. His battle station. The voices that were filling the sept are being quieted as everyone makes their way to their assigned positions. Aemond stares ahead at the empty space where his bride will soon stand and waits.
He turns and nods his head only when his brother is carried in and placed at the front of the observers. his eyes on Aemond a lazy smile on his face.
After that he stares blankly ahead and waits for the sound of those big doors opening. The sound of his bride making her way to him.
When he hears the doors open he closes his eye and takes a deep breath, not turning his head but remaining forward facing.
it's not long before she is stationed before him. Her hair looks beautiful, her dress looks beautiful, but she looks frightened.
"she will most likely be scared and as her husband it is part of your duty to make her feel safe" his mothers words play through his head.
He gives her a small smile.
As with all of his duties he shall see this completed.
Part 5
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redjademilktea · 5 months
Marisha on 4SD today talking about Laudna (and Marisha herself) leaning into the darkness these last few episodes just brings me back to one of the really fascinating parts of Imogen and Laudna's post kiss conversation.
When talking about Laudna's desire to use Delilah to make herself stronger, Laudna says "maybe it's our destiny to harness it," regarding the powers both women have within them. While she may harbor some guilt over giving in ("I think I'm a bad person, Imogen"), she ultimately thinks embracing it is what she needs to/wants to do.
For Laudna, it gives that feeling of control she is so desperate for. She claims, for example, that they're playing Delilah's game by "her rules." Regardless of how real that control may actually be, she certainly *feels* that she is in control of the situation by utilizing that power. For someone who's been defined for so long by tragic circumstances that she had no agency in, gaining control over those circumstances - harnessing what they have presented her with - gives her just that. Control.
Contrast that with Imogen's "maybe it's our destiny to fight it." Imogen has spent the entire campaign thus far growing more and more comfortable with herself and her powers. To her, the powers are a part of her, but they ultimately don't define her entirely. Yes, being weird and having powers is "what makes [them] right," but that doesn't mean the nature of the source of that power and all its accompanying baggage needs to shape her. Her powers are hers, but *she* decides what they are to her, not myths, not legends, not rumors.
Imogen saying she "knows what's right" is her asserting that those connotations applied to her by other people don't control her. For Imogen, saying "maybe it's our destiny to fight it" reads more like her saying she wants to push back against letting outside forces define that power for her. Yes, Ruidus and Predathos are the source of her powers. Yes, they are a part of her. Yes, she feels a connection to them. But that doesn't mean they get to decide for her what she does with them.
So here, you have two completely different perspectives on how to reckon with the power/darkness both these women have within them, captured beautifully by two simple lines.
This has, of course, led to some interesting tension over the course of the past few episodes. Imogen was disgusted at the idea of Delilah "being here all the time." Laudna didn't want to stop Imogen if she joined the Ruby Vanguard on Ruidus because "what if that's what [she] really wanted to do?" Both of them don't really know how to handle the way the other is approaching this fundamental aspect of both themselves and their relationship.
There is, however, the all-important line after this exchange - Imogen saying, "Together either way."
I am so, so interested in how this is going to manifest as Imogen and Laudna seem to entrench themselves further into different approaches to their innate abilities. If they are going to be each other's tethers, what does it mean for them to be pulling in different directions? How will it shape their dynamic/their relationship?
Whichever direction it leads them though, I very much hope they hold fast to one thing - that they do it together.
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gabessquishytum · 2 months
Oh OG Warprize Hob Anon wherefore art thou..... I just thought it was time to show thanks and appreciation for one of the best AUs (imo) to come out of the Dreamling ship. Not a week goes by where I don't think about their writing, and spin headcanons and scenarios of my own in my head. One of the most underrated aspects of their writing I think is Dream's ruthlessness and cruelty in that AU, it's so rare to see Dream just be a toppy asshole all the way through, fellow fans seem to prefer to see him as an emotional bottom twink 😭. One of the rare AUs where Hob is allowed to be the sensitive wanton bottom all throughout 🤤🤤 Ohh OG Warprize Hob Anon, I miss your writing so much, I hope to see your writing grace this dashboard once more, especially with more dark Dream moments. For my fellow fans, I thought I'd do a small thing and compile all their asks here. I'm so sorry if this is sloppy, but I just copy-pasted these here.
Warprize Hob AU
Anonymous asked:
I don’t know where this came from?? Dubcon/noncon cw, or it’s kinky roleplay if you prefer that. But...
Hob fought bravely, a solider in the war of greater men. He even crossed blades with terror in all black, the Nightmare King himself once. They said it was better for a solider like him to die with honor than to be taken alive. But when the tide turned and Hob’s own sworn sovereign fell, all he wanted was to live. He laid down his blade, expecting to be taken into chains. But not chains like these.
He kneels, blindfolded, on the bed, naked other than pure gold bondage, thin chains that truss him everywhere. Gold binds his hands at his back. Gold cuffs secure his ankles, connected by a flimsy thread only put there so it could be snapped apart. Gold laces around his tits, catching in his chest hair. Gold threads between new ruby piercings in his nipples—still so sensitive that even the touch of silk sends bolts of pure heat through his body. Every time he twitches, he sees stars. Gold loops like garters around his thighs, connected to the glimmering chain around his hips. And gold ribbon cages his achingly hard cock and full balls.
Hob is so, so hard. He has been since they fed him sweet candied fruits laced with a magic that heated his blood until he was begging those faceless servants to please, please let him come. They didn’t. Instead, he was bathed and perfumed with jasmine oil brushed through his hair (everywhere). He was opened with gentle touches and generous oil, a marble plug nestled inside him, blessedly cool against his burning skin. He was left on the bed with a final chain connecting his collar to the bedframe.
His prick so hard in its confines, and the plug is not enough. He still feels terribly empty. Against his own will, he finds himself rocking back and forth, rubbing his thighs together, desperate for anything that might help him get pleasure where he needs it most.
Until with no warning, a hand touches his head. He stills. He thought he was alone. Strong, thin fingers brush down his face, linger on his lips. A gentle thumb pushes inside his mouth. Hob moans, body thrumming like a harp just to be touched so simply.
“Peace, my prize,” a deep voice, peaceful as slumber, murmurs. The blindfold is pulled down and Hob blinks blearily into the face of the Nightmare King himself. He smiles, confident and regal, and slim fingers caress his side, down to his ass, and push against the plug until it finally presses where Hob needs it. "I will give you what you crave.”
Mmmm yes!!!! I love this.
Hob as Dream’s chosen prize after his victory in battle? Oh yes, excellent. I particularly adore the idea of Hob being unknowingly fed some kind of aphrodisiac to make him needy - Dream wants him to be willing, so he will simply make sure that he has no choice but to be.
Also, the preparation... Hob would usually be utterly humiliated by such an act. It's so impersonal and degrading. But all he can think about is how much he wants to cum, so he spends the whole time whining and begging for more. By the time Dream gets to him, Hob is spreading his legs like a well trained whore who's never known anything different. He's nearly forgotten the battle and his instincts as a warrior, he just wants to be fucked. Anyone could come into the room and have him and Hob would just be grateful.
But he isn't for just anyone, oh no. He's the king’s prize, his spoils of war. He suckles desperately on Dream’s thumb, sticks his arse out temptingly and generally tries to make himself as tempting as possible. He aches, and his brain is fuzzy, the king is absolutely the most beautiful thing Hob has ever seen right now.
Not to mention his cock is perfect - the most perfect Hob has ever had inside him. It's as though his body has been molded perfectly for the king’s cock. He's not sure if he's ever cum so many times in his life.
When he comes back to himself several hours later, sweating and sticky and aching... he knows that he should be angry and hurt. He should get up from the beautiful bed and find some way to escape. But. He's tired, and hungry. The bed is comfortable, and the king is staring at him with sparkling black eyes.
He rolls over. Cum trickles gently down his thighs. The king holds out his hand, one of those candied fruits held between his long pale fingers.
Hob opens his mouth.
Anonymous asked:
Hiii I’m the originally war prize hob anon, lured back because I was blown away by how you and everyone else responded to the idea! Amazing work, go team.
Here’s more. (It’s so long. I’m sorry)
At first, Hob was confined to the bed chamber, a decoration, a pretty thing—and so rarely has Hob ever considered himself pretty. Pretty was for swallow-boned young men and women with smooth thighs. Pretty was not him, full bodied and furred. He has always pleased his lovers, they have found him handsome. But most have expected him to take charge and take care of them, not to—to—
Submit with spread legs and open mouth. To tempt. To eat sweet aphrodisiacs from those long, pale fingers until he’s begging to feel them for inside him. Sweet humiliation.
The king wants this. They pass long nights pounding Hob’s pride to shreds. He learns to beg under the king’s cock, his cruel mouth, and the touch of those inhuman eyes. Even sober, he only has to think of the king and his body floods with hot want. But still. Hob doesn’t understand.
“Why me?” He dared ask the first week, the king with a hand fisted in his hair, thrusting into him so deep and slow, Hob could feel it in his throat.
The king paused. A cool hand trailed down Hob’s back. Gathered the chains that pooled at his back, the ones he hadn’t yet snapped in his fervor. “I am interested.”
Hob meant to press him, even at the risk of his own peril, but the king slammed back into him and every thought vanished.
And then Hob is brought out of the bed and taken to kneel at the throne during the days too, chained to the king’s hand. At first, Hob assumes he is meant to be a symbol of the king’s power. Or a toy to warm the king’s cock when the duties of court grow dull. (Hob is both.)
But then comes a night when the king ponders battle plans for his next great war. And he turns to Hob.
“My general suggested we surge ahead and meet the enemy at their own gate. You rolled your eyes.” The king looks at Hob as if he is peeling the layers of muscle and bone away, finding the heart of him. And Hob realizes that all day, the king had noticed him listening. Not always—sometimes the king prefers to see him squirm, prefers to press the heavy gold plug into his hole and watch Hob strain for hours to keep it in, only to fail. During those hours, Hob had not heard a thing.
But when the king had allowed Hob to rest his head against his solid thigh, Hob had listened. And he had been seen doing it.
“Your enemy will expect a frontal attack. A show of strength. For you are a strong king. Respectfully, that’s a brave way to kill many of your own men.”
“Hmm.” The king says nothing else. He beckons until Hob kneels again at his side, the bowl of candied fruits, as always, sitting on the table. The king plucks one up and offers it to Hob.
“My lord,” Hob breathes. “Why do you care what I think?”
Hands brush through his hair. “Eat,” the king murmurs.
This king wants something. He waits for something. Hob cannot work out what. Yet.
He eats.
Assfggjkl og warprize anon!!!!!!
I am so taken with Hob’s thoughtfulness, his curiosity. His fearlessness. And I think that Dream is rapidly becoming besotted with these things too.
Hob isn't scared of him. No matter how ruthless and harsh he is, no matter which way Dream forces Hob to bend, he always springs back up with those curious eyes, wanting to know what's next. Dream suspects that he doesn't need the aphrodisiacs at all - that Hob would be willing to spread himself out in any arrangement of Dream’s choosing. But Dream is afraid of rejection, and Hob enjoys the lustful oblivion just a little bit too much to ask for a change.
Hob is clever and capable and good with his hands. When Dream comes to him wounded from some accident or skirmish, Hob knows exactly how to bind the flesh carefully but firmly. He rests his head in Dream’s lap after, like a beloved pet hound. His breathing is so soothing, Dream even manages to fall asleep. He wakes up and Hob is already between his legs, ready and waiting to be choked on the king’s cock as usual.
Dream fucks him instead, as ferocious as ever but this time with a purpose. Hob is his prize and the world ought to know about it. From now on, he'll have Hob smelling of his cum, always. He'll have him littered with bite marks and bruises. He'll keep Hob close, make sure the end of his gold leash is always within reach. He'll bring Hob to the battlefield, if he must.
A creature as magnificent as Hob must be treated as he deserves. And Dream alone can give him what he needs.
Anonymous asked:
War prize hob anon, here!!! I am loving the responses to this idea! So many amazing brilliant takes, love to see it.
The talk of whether Hob would escape or stay and be spoiled inspired me (glorious takes on both sides) so I drabbled on the subject…
It takes time. Trust. And a letter opener left unattended.
That night, Hob slides quietly as he can out of the silk sheets. He sits astride the sleeping king, his face turned toward the moon, his neck a deceptive swan’s curve. And Hob raises the blade to it.
One slice. And he is free.
It does not matter, he tells himself, that he has never been fucked so well. That the king is kind to him, relatively. He could take Hob with violence and pain or share him. Instead he feeds Hob fruits to heat his blood so that every time he plunders his body, with fingers, tongue and cock, Hob welcomes him.
Even the humiliations and hurts of his new service are given a sweet edge. The way he was spanked for misbehaving, hard and brutal, until his skin was red and tender. Followed by a hot tongue in his ass. The way he was made to kneel for hours and hold the king’s cock in his mouth. Followed by servants massaging the aches from his body and tending to his bad knee. (Yet another reason Hob is a poor choice for a prize.) In the king’s service, Hob might hurt. But he rewards him with such care…lavishes attention on him until Hob cannot come any more.
No. Hob has to do this. He must escape. He has his pride. This is just pleasure. Nothing more.
“Well?” The king’s voice interrupts his turmoil. Oh gods. He is awake. He surges up, knocking the blade from his grip. A hand clamps on his thigh, another on his wrist and he is rolled on his back, away from the blade. The chain between his wrists, once wide to allow him movement, slithers shorter until the cuffs kiss, and the collar tightens just enough to threaten his breathing. For all his battle prowess, struggling it gets him nowhere but squirming and pinned. The nightmare king settles over Hob like a dragon on top of its hoard. He stares unblinkingly down at him.
“You could not do it,” comes that deep whisper. Hob stills. “You are a well-trained solider yet for nearly five minutes you sat with a blade at my neck and did not make your move. Why?”
Hob swallows. A hot open mouthed kiss blooms just under his jaw, followed by the press of teeth. Even without the candied fruit his body sings for this man. What is happening to him?
“My pet. My prize. You must already face great consequences for this disobedience,” the king says. “I may not let you come for weeks. Answer me or it will be months.”
“I had to try. I had to—I don’t understand.” It isn’t the first time he has asked, pled, begged to know. “I’m at my wits end. Please. Why me?”
Fingers slip between them to tease at his hole and Hob resists the powerful, heady urge to submit and grind against him. For as long as he can before his resolve crumbles into lust. It will not be long. It never is.
The king gives the same maddening answer he always gives. The only one, whispered against his lips. “I am interested.”
Og warprize hob anon…… i hope you know that you’ve created a beautiful monster and we’re all horny about it. i hope you also know that your words are beautiful and your prose is delightful. it’s a pleasure to read.
Oh but the turmoil Hob goes through. There’s nothing that the king can do to soothe the way his mind is twisting and turning, bouncing between loyalty to himself and some mad, misplaced loyalty to this nightmare of man. What does Hob owe Dream, really? His life? What kind of life is this?
He could set himself free. He thinks he’s almost worked it out. He could take away the one think the king seems to want. He could make himself… dull. Boring, predictable. Uninteresting.
He thinks about long, thin fingers running down his spine and soothing the perpetual ache at the small of his back. Warm salve on his knee, applied at the king’s own orders. His body rigid and sweating in the night from some bad dream, suddenly embraced by cool arms. A kiss on his brow in the early morning. He’s been so greedy for those things, has coveted them and gloried in them. How can he live without them now?
Worse: what would the nightmare king do with a broken toy? Hob doesn’t want to find out.
He bounces in Dream’s lap with renewed fervor when he’s finally allowed the privilege of taking the king’s cock again. But there’s a heat behind his eyes, a kind of determination that he’d thought long dead and gone. He’ll find some way to win this game, this strange warped little battle. His own feelings be damned, Hob will not be broken. Even a king must have some chink in his armor, somewhere.
Dream raises a delicate eyebrow and almost, almost smiles. Pulls his prize closer by his golden leash.
Anonymous asked:
Hiiii warprize anon here! Glad to see people are still warprizing hob, I think it’s good for him. Truly, anons, you are doing glorious work with that AU.
I wanted to write dark obsessive dream next in all his dubcon glory next but no one cooperated? Have some less porny character introspection instead ig…
It’s amazing how little it takes for a grown man to become used to being a pet. As weeks stretch into months, Hob revels, just a little. In the lustful linger of eyes on his body. In the quirk of that cruel mouth when Hob pleases the king. The eager stirring of his cock even before he eats aphrodisiacs. Even his punishments—even the hot lash of the whip—begins to feel like sacrilegious worship. Gasping for breath, holding his thighs spread as the king buries himself in his body certainly is. In the blackest and most honest hours of the night, Hob knows the truth. He is starting to like it.
That’s the danger of the king’s service.
Hour by orgasmic hour, the king is twisting himself into Hob’s mind and body like a key carving out its own lock. He demands Hob’s submission, his pleasure and his desire for his own. But how many people had the king had in such a way? How many prizes have knelt, and learned to live at his pleasure? And where are they now? Abandoned surely, replaced. Hob is the chalice the king sips from now but he is one of dozens, maybe even hundreds. The king might have taken a prize from every battle won.
Hob is…not special.
He kneels on his cushion, waiting for the king who has stepped from the throne room, and reminds himself.
Footsteps approach and stop just behind him. Always, when the king is away, a guard is assigned to keep a close eye for Hob’s protection, though none are allowed to take his chains in their grip. Not unless Hob runs. Daring, the guard plucks at the chain between his nipples until it swings against Hob’s chest. He holds his breath.
“How’s it going?” A voice drawls. “Knees a little tired?”
Hob glances at the door for the absent king before raising his head. The guard above him smirks like he knows a joke and Hob is the punchline.
“Yes, rather,” Hob replies. “Even with the cushion.”
“His majesty seems to like that,” he muses.
Corinthian. That is his name. He’d heard the king give him orders with iron in his voice. The way one talked to a guard dog who wasn’t trusted. A creature who couldn’t be taught to fear the whip.
“You’d know better than me.” Hob meets his eye as best he can through the man’s dark glasses. He is very handsome, golden and strong. Perhaps this is the answer. Perhaps prizes who lose their luster are given other ways to serve.
Corinthian tilts his head. Hob feels his eyes trace down the marks the king left. Lurid love bites at his throat and faint fingertip bruises on his hips. “I really don’t. Suppose I’m not his type.”
“Surely you’ve seen the others then.” Hob replies. He keeps his hands folded where they’re bound at the small of his back.
“Other … prizes?” Corinthian’s grin only grows. “Sweetheart, no. You’re the first.”
Hon stares but senses no lie. “Can’t be.“
“Picking a prize always been his right but he’s never felt the need to use it until now. Until you.” The man leans closer, dangerously into his space. Hob feels him breathing, he’s so close. “I’ve heard the sounds he pulls from you at night. He must have years of pent up energy.”
Hob’s throat is dry. Something fragile, winged and stupid flutters in his chest. But before he has to think of a reply, Corinthian snaps back to a respectful distance an instant before the doors swing open, and the king sweeps in. He climbs the stairs, slinks back to claim his throne. Hob is still reeling when his cool hand finds his chin and tilts his head up.
“You did not move,” the king says. It is not a question but an expectation.
Hob shakes his head. For a long moment his eyes glitter down on him, simply watching. Then fingers card through his hair and he is guided to rest his head against his king’s knee.
Lying face down on the floor after reading this tbh. Like. What can I say? What can I add?
Knowing that he's the only one is a further kind of beautiful torture for Hob, because once again he's asking himself over and over again: why? Why him, above anyone else? There's a part of him in agony over his imprisonment, the curtailing of his freedoms, the fact that his mind and body are no longer his own. Then there's the part of him who wants to know why, so he can be good. He needs to know how he can keep the favour that he has miraculously obtained.
And Dream? He never gives answers. If Hob even dared to ask more than a small, sobbed "why me?" in the midst of some blissful torture, Dream wouldn't bother to answer. Hob thinks that the king likes him kept ignorant and confused. It's another way to keep him in line. He's always dancing on a knife's edge, wondering whether the king will eventually toss him aside - never knowing if he's truly safe.
So he'd better be as good as he can. Never give Dream a reason to throw him away. But he will slip up eventually - its only a matter of time...
Anonymous asked:
As requested, here’s some warprize!hob being punished by dark!dream for bad behavior. Also… thanks panickingstudent2’s last ask for some very specific inspo!
The king chains him up by his wrists. No gold cuffs with velvet interiors here. Not for this. This is punishment, work fit for dungeons, cold and deep as his king’s displeasure. Hob is already delirious from too much candied fruit. The cage has been cruelly clenched around his hot, aching cock for days now but he needs to be fucked, he needs it, he needs it.
“Mercy,” he begs but it won’t do him any good. He’s been begging for days, his cock and balls hot and aching.
Fury is divine on the nightmare king’s face. Other kings would simply kill him. Leave his body for the ravens. But Hob’s king will not let him go.
“I would have you obey me,” the king says. Fingers brush against his hole and don’t even push in where Hob yearns for them despite himself. He cants his hips back weakly, but the fingers go away. “But if I must bring you low again and again, I will. And I will enjoy it every time.”
He steps back. And the whip snaps through the air and white-hot fire flashes across Hob’s back.
Wet agony blooms across his shoulders and bloodred welts.
“You know why I must do this,” the king says. “You know why it is my pleasure to do this.”
The whip lashes again and again, fire licking across his skin. It doesn’t stop when Hob screams. Or when he sobs. When it’s done, his entire back glows like an ember. The king faces him, eyes black holes in his pale, sharp face. He places a cool hand on Hob’s back and he presses into the soothing touch, whining like a newborn babe.
“Please, I’m sorry, please, pleasepleaseplase,” he breathes. The king twists him around until the cuffs pull tight. He drags the plug from his hole, and finally buries himself to the hilt in his ass. Hob wails. Hands tangle in his chest hair and pull him flush against his king, as he plunges in and out at a ruinous pace. Being finally filled is sweeter relief than when the whip stopped.
“Say you are mine,” the king says. Once he was quiet, and constrained whenever he touched Hob and this is why—the need in his voice is barely bridled. Hob is not the only desperate one. “Say it.” The king bites, sudden and sharp at Hob’s earlobe.
“I’m yours—Morpheus!” His head snaps back as his body thunders through a cruel, dry orgasm. He doesn’t hear the king’s soft gasp against his ear, or register the name he’s cried. He’s in pain, from his cock to his shoulders—yet Hob floats. Perhaps he could fly.
Love, Warprize Anon
Hnnnggg. I am. Deeply obsessed with this. I love it when you drop these beautiful snippets for us!!! Hob calling the king by his name in the middle of a punishment/orgasm? Talk about a mind-fuck. Poor thing, he's truly terrified.
But it isn't just fear, is it? It would be so much simpler if he could say that he's scared and be done with it. So much easier to handle that emotion. What he feels is more that fear. He's grown attached to the king, longs for him when they're apart and fears him when they're together. When he tries to imagine a life away from his capture, he can't even manage it anymore. It's impossible to see beyond the king, who looms so large in Hob’s thoughts all the time. He's obsessed, addicted, terrified, longing to be taken and horrified by the idea all the same.
All he knows is that his king has power over him that he will probably never comprehend. Perhaps its time to surrender and acknowledge that he's lost. He no longer belongs to himself. He belongs to Morpheus.
-Love Yan Anon <3
Aww, hey Yan Anon!!! It's nice to hear from you. And thank you for highlighting OG Warprize Anon and their incredible work (you're a trooper for scrolling through and copy/pasting everything, seriously). Warprize au has definitely been a big hit, as it rightly should be, and it's great to look back on how it all started. Hopefully OG Warprize Anon is out there doing great and knowing that they inspired many, many people.
Hopefully we'll see more content for the Dark Dream enjoyers out there. I certainly lean towards a mean toppy Dream myself, although I'm not immune to Obliterating That Twink either. There's room for everyone in the fandom - and don't forget to leave comments for your favourite authors as Yan Anon has here. It's a great way to encourage your faves to write more of the stuff that you love!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 7 months
Team RWBY investigates Rumors of a Figure appearing during Grimm attacks and disappearing immediately after, locals claim they were wearing the armor of Nicholas Schnee.
Weiss: Normally I'd say something about how this should be left to the professionals-
Yang: But it's your Grandad?
Weiss: Well- Yes, but also we dealt with a lot of stuff in our first year at Beacon, so this is really par for the Course.
Ruby: Yep! I hope JNPR does well on their own investigation.
Blake: Ren did seem to be acting weird whenever the Archer was brought up.
Yang: I mean, they're obviously connected somehow. Two rando's show up, kick Grimm ass, and disappear without a trace? At around the same time?
Ruby: Hey, We are gonna talk about what we see here with JNPR, so we'd better pay attention to our own mission.
Blake: Right!
Weiss: Of course!
Yang: ... So where do we begin?
Blake: Why are there so many Grimm! This is ridiculous!
Yang: And I thought the Breach was bad!
Ruby: Hey! Keep your chins up and eyes forward! Focus on staying alive and keeping civilians safe, that ghost should show up at some point
Weiss: Easier- Said than- It feels like they're focusing on- AAAH!
A Massive Ursa brought it's claws down on Weiss, too quickly for her to block. She flinched, preparing for the pain of being slashed.
It never came.
Her grandfather's armor was grappling the beast, throwing it to the ground before stabbing through it. The figure extended it's hand, Summoning Glyphs sprouting all across the ground, bringing Ice-White Grimm that devoured the attacking monsters.
And, just as quickly as it began the fight was over.
Weiss: ...
Ruby: WEISS! WEISS! Are yooooouuuu .... Uhm. Hi? We have a few questions for you?
???: ...
Yang: Not much of a talker, huh? Can you sign, or can you write?
???: *Steps closer to RWBY, studying Weiss and Ruby in particular*
Blake: Sir, that's close enough.
???: *Stops*
???: You look just like your mothers when they were your ages. Thank you for upholding our name's legacy. You've made me proud, Weiss.
The figure then dissolved, pooling in to a silvery puddle that wound it's way across the ground faster than any of the team could keep pace with.
Yang: HEY!
Ruby: GET BACK HERE! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN! AH! Come on! really!
Blake: ... Weiss? you alright?
Weiss: ... That was my grandfather. I- I know it was. That was his voice, his fighting style, that- that- I know that was him.
Yang: Are you saying we've seen a ghost Weiss?
Weiss: Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.
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spahhzy · 3 months
Yang walked toward Jaune, who just looked at the relic.
Yang: Hey- what's gotten into you? Didn't you hear what Penny said? It's fake!
Yang then snatched it out of Jaune's hands and looked at it.
Jaune: That's mine!
Yang rolled her eyes.
Yang: Fine. Fetch.
She said before tossing it over her shoulders. The fake relic hit the ground multiple times before stopping at the edge of the bridge. Jaune immediately chased after it to collect it but stopped seeing as someone else already grabbing it.
Jaune: Cinder...
The group all turned around to see a Seer holding the relic.
Cinder: This is the key... which will help grant access to the true relic hidden between worlds.
Penny: Give it back!
Penny tried to take the relic back from the Seer but was too late as Jaune watched, transfixed, as Cinder flew up into the air using her maiden powers while holding said relic.
Cinder: At last-the time has come!
Suddenly, a tear in the sky manifested as Grimm began pouring out of the tear.
Penny: Grimm!?
Cinder looked down at them with a smirk as Jaune pushed past Penny.
Jaune: No... Cinder.
Cinder floated back down, and as soon as her feet touched the other half of the broken bridge, black roots and branches began spawing out of nowhere, all spiraling and extending out to different ways but all connecting one end to another.
Ruby ran up right next to Penny, who also looked ahead as the Seer just stood at the other end of the bridge.
Cinder outstretched her hand to Jaune.
Cinder: I'm waiting, Jaune.
And suddenly, materializing in her hand was the relic.
Ruby and Penny looked on at Jaune, who stood at the edge of the bridge, began to walk forward as if not under his own control.
Jaune continued his slow walk across the vine as Ruby and Penny tried calling out to him but to no avail.
Meanwhile, Weiss, Yang, Nora, Ren, and Blake were all fighting the Grimm that had just spawned. Nora and Ren could only watch helpless as their leader walked to the Seer, unable to do anything.
Finally, Jaune made it to the other side, and when he did, Cinder let the relic fall from her hands, dropping near Jaune, who, like someone possessed, dove to his knees and picked it up, staring at it and holding it gently.
Cinder: Rise, Jaune.
Cinder stood before him again, her hand once more out stretched, waiting for him to hand her the relic.
Cinder: Bring it to me.
Jaune, like a puppy, stood back up and began walking to Cinder, his hand holding out to give Cinder the relic, or he would have if he wasn't tackled from behind by Ruby the relic falling out of his hands and onto the ground, just enough distance for Penny to run up from behind and pick it up.
Jaune distraught looked at Penny with a pleading look.
Jaune: Penny, please!
Jaune reached out to her but was stopped by Ruby, who was trying to hold him down.
Ruby: Jaune! Snap out of it!
Cinder: Yes, Jaune. Snap out of it.
Jaune just looked at Cinder, then he shoved away Ruby to the ground before getting back on his feet and looking at Penny.
Penny clutched the relic to her chest as she looked at Jaune in his eyes, pupils shrunken down and glazed over as if he wasn't their like It was someone else entirely.
Penny shook her head.
Penny: I'm sorry, friend-jaune, but I can't let you have this.
Penny began to run away on one of the branches or tried to as she was stopped by some small Grimm flying around her, preventing her from going any further.
Cinder leaned into Jaune's ear.
Cinder: If she won't give it to us. We must take it from her.
Like a dog given orders, Jaune's pupil expanded, and he began to move to Penny. Ruby tried to intervene but was pushed back by more Grimm.
Ruby: Jaune! Stop!
But her words had done nothing, Jaune began shambling towards Penny, head swaying side to side in his run, almost like he was a puppet.
Penny, seeing this, used one of her swords to swipe away at the small Grimm stopping her. She took off further down the big root as Jaune began to laugh, which unsettled her.
Jaune: Penny!
Penny looked behind her to see Jaune slowly catching up to her. She was ready to run again, but more Grimm got in her way.
Jaune: Let's talk!
Penny just swiped away at the Grimm again before running away again.
Jaune continued his pace as he laughed once more.
Jaune: I need it...
Penny continued to run, and Jaune just followed her.
Jaune: Penny...
Penny continued to run, adamant on not giving Jaune the Relic.
Jaune: Give it to me...please?
The way he said it was so cold, Penny kept running, but she was beginning to run out of ground.
Jaune: You can trust me!
Jaune: Let's save the world together.
Penny, to her horror, had nowhere else to go. She reached a dead end.
Jaune: Penny~
Jaune was a few feet away from her, holding his hand out to her.
Jaune: The relic, Penny.
Penny gasped as she saw the Seer behind Jaune.
Penny looked at the relic in her hand before looking back at Jaune.
Penny: Whatever happens, friend-Jaune. I'm here for you.
The relic then floats from her hands and into Jaune's awaiting one, it falls into his hands as he looks at Penny.
Jaune: Thank you.
Turning his back to her, he saw Cinder behind him waiting and like a puppy begin called back by their master Jaune ran up to her, presenting the relic to her once more, Cinder took it from him as Jaune had a smile on his face, Jaune then heard Penny struggling as Grimm swarmed all around her.
Jaune turned around, and suddenly memories began appearing in his head.
Jaune: Penny!
Jaune then sprinted toward her, ready to rescue her as Cinder just held her smile.
Penny: Jaune!
Penny smiled, seeing that Jaune had returned to normal but distracted herself as she was pushed off the edge by one of the Grimm.
Jaune dove and caught her outstretched hand to where she was now dangling over the edge.
Penny looked up and saw Jaune struggling to hold on, then she saw her, Cinder. She was floating again, holding the relic in one hand and a fireball in her Grimm one.
She smiled at them before shooting at the root, thus causing it to snap and break, the action making Jaune and Penny plummet to the ground below.
Cinder smirked at her work, but there was still so much to be done.
Cinder: Hurry up, Jaune.
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nescaveckwriter · 4 months
Stethoscopes & Triangles - Chapter Two ❤️🐞
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Sam Winchester x Reader
A/N: Awww !my bugsies, this is just soooo freaking cute, don't get me wrong!!!! I'm still a 'Dean girlie' but 'Sam' is growing on me🥹😱
Side Note: Thank you all for the love and support, I love each and everyone of y'all 🐞❤️🩷🥳
Warnings: Fluff, Hospital scene's, mentions of blood, if anything else, let me know!!!🐞🩷
'You put the boom-boom into my heart (ooh-ooh), you send my soul sky-high, when your lovin' starts, Jitterbug into my brain (yeah-yeah)'  her eyes flung open as the alarm went off, a smile crept onto her lips, tapping on Sam's chest with her fingertips to the beat, her voice fruity, when she starts singing with 'wham' ... 'wake me up before you go-go' ... She starts showering him with little kisses, "wake up, sleepyhead" a sleepy smile tugs at his mouth, his eyes soft as he looks at her beautiful face, "morning sweetie" without any warning he puts his hands on her hips, rolling her over so that he's hovering on top of her, she let's out a giggle, "morning babe".
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His lips brushes over hers, the kisses getting more passionate with every second passing, pulling a little back, to come up for air, breathy and with a teasing smile she asks "aren't we going for our morning jog babe?" A devilish grin, forms on his handsome face, "oh I can think of another way we can burn some calories" and with no further hesitation, he kisses her lips, tracing down to her neck, then towards her collar bone, her body reacts too his lips gracing her skin.
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Spending the better half off the morning in each other's arms, "I love you so much babe" her voice sweet.
"I love you too sweetie" he says placing a kiss at the crown of her head.
"I wish I could stay like this forever, your arms around me, hearing your heartbeat, but my shift is starting soon" saying with a half smile.
Glancing at the alarm clock his eyes widens, "oh shit, Hun, I'm late again!" He exclaims
"What?" Concern evident on her face
Teasing her, "it's your fault, don't act so innocent"
Pouting now! "How is it my fault"?
"Well it's your alluring beauty, that forces me to stay of course!" He mocks
Both of them burst into laughter as they get out of bed, while there busy getting ready for the day, they laugh and chat, like they do every morning. In the kitchen she makes the coffee, throwing some muesli and yogurt into 'to-go' bowls, as they will not have time to eat at home.
 Getting into Sam's car, driving her towards the subway train station, kissing each other goodbye, he drives off to his office, as she gets on the train, the hospital being on the opposite side of where they live, its just easier for her to commute this way.
Looking at the watch, what Amy gave him, for his birthday last year, engraved with, Love, Amy , cussing himself for walking into his office so late. 
''Morning Sir,'' the woman's voice sounded sugary
Confused expression on his face ''And you are?''
A smile on her, face, her almond eyes friendly ''I'm Ruby the temp standing in for Margie, while she's on maternity leave''
Scratching the back off his head ''Oh is it today already, I'm sorry, Hi, I'm Sam Winchester''
A giggle escapes her lips ''Its okay it looks like you had a busy morning''
''You have no idea, Miss? sorry your name? he questioned
''Oh, It's Ruby Jones'' her voice sweet
''Nice to meet you, Any messages?'' he asked
''Yes, two men called, a detective Novak, in connection with a case your working on, and another guy, he wanted to know how your doing, but didn't leave a name or contact details, sorry, would you like some coffee?'' she cheered
With a lifted brow, but with a smile, ''Thanks Ruby, I appreciate, I'm fine with the coffee for now, I'll howler if I need anything else''
''Alrighty Sir'' her voice rang
''Call me Sam'' he shouts as he walks into his office, closes the door behind him, glancing at the notes, his thoughts drifting off to the day he said he was going to college, off course his dad wasn't happy about, but nor was his older brother, Dean, at the time he thought it was because, he wanted to become a lawyer, as he gotten older, he realized, it wasn't the fact that he went to college, it was that he was leaving him behind, Dean has always taken care of him, when they were still little, his older brother carried him out of the house fire that took their mother's life, leaving their father bitter, and ever since that day, Dean swore he'll take care of him, but the day he moved to the city, to study, was like it broke something in their bond.
Every now and then he'll get a call from a man not leaving a name, but he knows its Dean, checking in on him, now and then, he'll wonder what Dean did with his life, of course he misses his big brother, but he has no way of getting in contact with him, and as for his father, he tried giving him a call on the first Christmas, but John was more bitter than ever, cussing Sam out from a side, the only thing he could make out of his dad's drunken slur, was that Dean has left him as well, but he had no information on were he is or what he's doing!
 The beeping sound on his phone, breaks his thoughts, 'Hey babe, have a great day, you've got this, I'm so proud of you, I love you' he loved getting texts from Amy, always telling him that, she's proud of him, and that she loves him, it gives him always that little extra nudge, to do better. Just quickly texting her back, 'Love you too babe, xoxo' before he dials, Detective Novak back.
As she walks in the big hospital doors, she reads Sam's text, she smiled, saying underneath her breath ''oh the love I have for that giant man'' walking towards the doctor's lounge, the charge nurse approaches her, her short platinum blonde hair, nicely styled with her longer side bangs, pinned behind her ears, making her high cheekbones more prominent, her olive-green eyes, sparkling and her full lips are turned upwards revealing a big smile, her voice sing-songs ''Hello Doctor Summers''
Her smile still evident on her face showing the dimples, ''Morning Nurse Brown, don't you look full of energy''
''You would be too Amy, George asked me last night to marry him'' she cheered, showing her the princess cut diamond ring on her slender finger.
Excitement in her voice, ''Ada that's amazing, congrats, I'm so happy for you'' pulling her into a celebratory hug. 
''Thank you, it was so romantic, tell you all about it over coffee'' she claimed
''Looking forward to it, Nurse almost Tucker'' she mocks
Only hearing the sing-song laughter as she walks towards the ER, thinking to herself, Ada Brown, is the only real friend she has in the whole hospital, for some reason, she's the only one who could see through her cold exterior, and even though she was reluctant letting a co-worker become a friend, Ada stuck by her side in the four years, she's been working here, and some where along the line, they became like sisters, of course the other staff, has no clue how the friendly outgoing nurse, can be friends with the cold doctor, but if anyone, tries to tell her about how cold and rude Amy is, she'll just shake her head, letting them know, ''you don't know her like I do''
Tying her hair up into a high ponytail, pinning her bangs back, so it doesn't fall in front of her eyes, as she works, reveals her delicate face. Walking out of doctor's lounge with her dark blue scrubs, hugging her hourglass figure, ready for whatever the day holds. As she walks towards the cafeteria for her fifth, espresso, her pager goes off, running towards the ER, ''Where do you need me Nurse Brown'' 
''Trauma Bay 3, Dr. Summers'' she expressed
''Got It'' she exclaimed, as she approached, grabbing a pair of medical gloves, observing a older man, eyes open, confused look on his face, her voice low and gently ''hello, I'm Dr. Summers, mind telling what happened''
The man's voice croaky ''I..I can't remember, I were driving and everything went dark''
A smile on her heart shaped lips, ''Okay well let's see what we can do for you'' her fingers gently runs over, the man's bushy brows, ''this is going to need stitches for sure'' holding her finger, ''follow my finger, from the right to the left please'' the man just whines in response, still confused. ''What's your name'' she questioned
''M..Mike, Mike Sanders'' he answered
''Well MR. Sanders, wish we met under other circumstances, but I'll tell you what, once we've done an x-ray to see in you have any fractures, we'll send you for a head CT, I'm also going to run some labs, to see, if we can spot the reason, why you blacked out behind the wheel okay, and then when you come back, we'll have a nice little chat, about how to make you better,'' saying with a assuring smile. 
''Sounds good Doc'' he expresses
Once she's done with the stitches, she asks the porters to take him for the other tests. Removing her gloves walking over to the nurses station, ''at least he didn't get to hurt in the car crash''
''Yeah, the medics just said, he slightly crashed into a tree, the bystanders said he went very slow,'' nurse Brown said.
 Before Amy could reply a man drenched in blood ran in, holding another man in his arms, unconscious, and bleeding from his neck, ''I need help now'' his rough voice demanded
Amy ran towards them, two others nurses went into the closest trauma bay, to be ready, for what Dr. Summers needs. The man placed the wounded man on the hospital bed, ''He's not breathing, no pulse'' she starts to resituate him, while the other nurse holds pressure on the bullet wound in his neck. The male Nurse let everyone know to stand back, as he places the defibrillator on his chest. 
After a few minutes, and no pulse or heart beat rhythm, Doctor Summer calls it. Walking out towards the man, distorted look on her face, her voice apologetic ''Sorry sir, unfortunately he didn't make it, his blood loss was just to severe.''
The man's face hardens his rough voice, almost screaming, ''No! You better save my brother, now!''
''Sir, I'm so sorry for your loss, but, there's nothing else, I can do'' her voice stern
The man glares at her, his eyes frighteningly dark, walking closer towards his brother, but then suddenly he turns around, pulling out a knife, grabbing the doctor from behind, ''save him now dammit'' he orders
Amy just stands there, her heart beating rapidly as she feels the blade's, sharp edges to her neck, piercing the skin, letting the red liquid seep through, barely breathing, scanning the room as everybody's eyes are glued on her, some shocked, some frightened and some even crying a little. He's warm breath sending shivers up her back, as he demands, they save his brother. In a small voice she tries to talk him down, but the security guard getting closer, upsets the man, making him... 
Chapter Three Here ;)
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ilwinsgarden · 4 months
My thoughts on and impressions of the latest Doctor Who specials and Power of the Doctor
So I finally watched everything so I've thought I could write it down here in case someone would like to read it and... whatever. So let's get into it, shall we?
I watched the Power of the Doctor as the last one (actually just now finished watching it) and I'm really glad I did it but I'll write about it at the end as well (or should I make a separate post?), so first the so-called anniversary specials. First of all, I wasn't happy about that thing with David Tennant (i.e. regenerating into David Tennant). Not that I'd think something like "this couldn't happen" or something like that (honestly with everything that did happen in Doctor Who so far, there's basically nothing that couldn't happen. It's just things that some people would like more and some less), it's just... not fair? Also it feels more like a special episode for Red Nose and not a regular one(s). Anyway, I still watched it (partly because of the fact that the Doctor became Disney princess and I happen to have Disney+ so I could watch Doctor Who as easily as snap of the fingers.) and I enjoyed it more than I expected. No, no excitement, no hopping in joy, but still generally enjoyed watching. However there still were things that bugged me like: -despite the Doctor looking like Tenth Doctor, everyone suddenly magically knew that it's regeneration after Thirteen. How?? -Donna said she forgot again everything that she knew from that TimeLord part in her, but she (and Rose as well) knew that the Doctor was a woman before. How? (by the way this whole thing that the part of Time Lord that was in Donna (and then Rose) all the years was still in connection with the Doctor somehow so it "knew" what was happening to the Doctor... eh. Doesn't sound right to me either, sorry). -moving to second special and Donna's shouting when Tardis abandoned them on the spaceship. (this is something I already complained about in a short post before) She remembered travelling with the Doctor, so she knew what could go wrong (everything) and how often (basically everytime), yet she insisted she would like to go in the Tardis and do the short trip and when something went wrong she immediately went crazy, shouting and demanding she has to go back home. Seriously, Donna? %/ - I mentioned earlier that regenerating Thirteen back into Tenth Doctor (sorry, he's just the same, he's not Fourteenth to me. It would make somewhat sense if he looked the same (except age obviously) but acted differently.) felt unfair to me and even more when he didn't regenerate but divided himself (and the Tardis), like... eh, no, not fair. Which brings us to the special with Celestial Toymaker. I was looking forward to it and curious because Celestial Toymaker is one of my favourite classic who stories so I was curious how he'd be in NuWho. I liked him (though I didn't quite get why he had that sort of a German accent??) and rather enjoyed the episode. Except for that "regeneration" thing at the end of course as I already said. Anyway the biggest complaint I would have about the specials is that for me they didn't feel like anniversary specials. Moreover 70th anniversary. Not even one of them.
Now probably a few words to the Christmas special and first look at the new Doctor. He seems good (like... good for the Doctor. As the Doctor. Doctor-y.) and I think I'll enjoy watching his episodes. As for Ruby... I'm not sure. She somehow seems very similar to other previous Doctor Who companions like Rose (Tyler) or Clara. You know, like... yes, it's a different actor and looks more or less different but somehow doesn't differ that much. I didn't think of it when watching, but when thought of it now I think I figured out why I wasn't excited about her. It's not that I didn't like her, I just... don't care about her. But we'll see when we see her (them both) in more episodes I guess? Probably.
And now I finally got to Thirteenth's regeneration story - Power of the Doctor. I finally gained courage today to watch it (because I love Thirteen, I don't want to see her go, right?) and I'm really, really glad that I watched it after all the specials, because this - to me - felt much more like an anniversary special than all the Tenant specials together. I didn't like to see Thirteen go but otherwise, I LOVED it. Of course I knew there's gonna be Ace and Tegan but didn't know how much. And I didn't avoid spoilers so I caught there's gonna be more "old familiar faces" but didn't search for the details and also partly forgot about it. So seeing the previous old Doctors made me smile (and drop a tear), seeing Tegan and Ace in action was so brilliant, and that therapeutic session at the end? Top-notch. Can we have a spin-off out of this? However that anniversary feeling wasn't because of seeing all the old familiar faces, but how it was put in the story and how it all was done and just... it was great and wonderful and I really really loved it.
And that's probably all I wanted to say. If you read the whole thing, congratulations and you're welcome to leave a comment... no? OK, never mind. Good night! (it's 22.27 here)
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strqyr · 1 year
based on the opening, the next episode is likely to take team rwby to the glowy mushroom acre, but considering the blacksmith is also in the town in the opening and we have yet to meet them, either they're going to have to go back through the town first, or ruby ends up there after they're done with mushrooms.
so, ignoring the blacksmith for now, i took the remaining unseen scenes from the teaser and the trailer, and will now attempt to group them together in a way that makes sense:
1. still in the red grass, green sky acre, ruby catches up with the curious cat, and they get him to lead them to the tree after some riddles or something.
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2. the large structure looks to be a market place of sorts, where the bird-in-clothes and, more importantly, the rusted knight on a jackalope appear. the jabberwalker also seems to make an appearance, which probably leads to yang fighting it.
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tiny wby are not visible in the first picture, but they weren't visible in all shot in the last episode either, so who knows if they've already found fix or not. i'm leaning towards 'yes' bc of, well, yang looking normal sized compared to the jabberwalker, plus there's this screenshot of weiss that i just realized is probably of her on top of the structure, next to the lotus flower:
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3. that leaves only these five shots from the glowy mushroom acre, and since in some of the wby are still very much tiny, could happen before the marketplace scene.
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if the three-eyed bug is also connected to the smoky realm where ruby meets her younger self—again, the opening certainly hints towards it—, then this would also get grouped together here:
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question is how they go from a three-eyed bug in a pile of leaves to their hut, whether the place ruby is walking in is also their hut or not, when exactly wby become normal sized again, and whether this happen before or after the market place.
besides these, what remains is another five screenshots that based on the lightning all happen at the blacksmith's place, four of the cloudy area with rope bridges, and that one shot of salem with what looks to be the jabberwalker's body.
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lunatriense · 8 months
Fluffy Pyrruby camping trip, for @puppet-limbo
"Really? This is your first time?"
Pyrrha saw herself blush in silver eyes wide with shock. "I'm afraid so." She turned her gaze to the little pile of gear in the back of the borrowed truck they'd brought into the woods so that she might avoid Ruby's incredulous stare.
"But… you were so good in the forest! You seemed right at home!"
"Yes, well…" she picked up the packed tent and turned to face Ruby once more. "I can fight in the woods well enough, but that's quite a bit different from camping, much less wilderness survival."
"Well… yeah, okay, but what about the leaves then?" Ruby tilted her head, looking up to Pyrrha as they crossed paths before hefting a little bundle of firewood. "Every time we go out, you always pick up a new leaf."
Pyrrha chuckled and looked back over her shoulder. "I find them quite beautiful. Wouldn't you agree?"
"Sure, they're really pretty, but usually only outdoorsy people do stuff like that."
"Perhaps. Nevertheless, I'm very much a city girl." With a few gestures of her hand to direct her Semblance, Pyrrha quickly assembled the tent.
"How many kinds of leaf can you find in cities?"
Pyrrha smiled and slowly shook her head. "It isn't about how many kinds, it's about the memories they represent. I've collected dozens of maple leaves alone from the Argus city park, each one a little different. Oaks and birches, too. They remind me of good things," she hesitated briefly, her voice falling a little, "and some not so good things that bear remembering even so."
"Oh." Ruby dropped the firewood and knelt down to begin making a little pit. "Kinda like the spent casings I keep, then."
"Very much so, I should think." Her cheer restored, Pyrrha knelt beside Ruby to help.
"That's cool. Do you have a favourite?"
"Several. Some from home, that maple from the Forever Fall, a laurel from my first championship," she glanced to Ruby from the corner of her eye, her smile gaining that playful edge it sometimes did. "A few rose petals…"
"Rose petals?" Ruby turned to face Pyrrha, tilting her head quizzically. "Those aren't exactly leaves though, are they?"
"Not exactly."
"Then why-?" Ruby's eyes widened as she made the connection. "O-oh!" Now it was her turn to blush.
Pyrrha couldn't keep a soft giggle from passing her lips. "Those might just be my very favourite, in fact."
Ruby's blush deepened, and she reflexively pulled her hood up. Her voice came tiny, the way a cartoon mouse's might. "Be… cause of me?"
"Because of you." Pyrrha reached over into Ruby's hood to caress her cheek. "But don't worry; you will always be my very favourite Rose."
Ruby looked about like a rose just now. "Dinner! We, uh… we should have dinner. Y'know, before the sun sets." She shot to her feet like a rocket and quick-stepped to the truck.
Pyrrha giggled again, just watching her momentarily. Gods, but she was just so adorable. She still got so flustered, even months after they'd officially been dating. And it was her that initiated things! An adoring smile spread over Pyrrha's features. To be honest, she was still terribly flattered to know her little Rose had been harbouring a crush on her since initiation.
Ruby returned with the ingredients for a simple stew which she presently began preparing, fidgeting all the while. Pyrrha sighed softly; she'd better give Ruby a little space to calm down before she hurt herself. She stood and stepped over to her girlfriend, cautiously stopping Ruby's knife with her Semblance. "I'll go fetch some water." She leaned down to give Ruby a soft kiss on the cheek before taking a pair of pails from the truck; judging by her little squeak and jump, it was a good thing Pyrrha thought about the knife.
Their chosen campsite wasn't far from a stream, but Pyrrha took her time to admire the woods and tuck a few interesting-looking leaves into her sash. Once she supposed Ruby had likely composed herself, Pyrrha crouched by the stream to fill up the pails and headed back, but as she drew near the campsite a sharp crack and lower crunch froze her blood in her veins.
Grimm? Out here, so far from civilisation? What if Ruby was still flustered and didn't notice in time? With a quick application of her Semblance, Pyrrha crushed the pails together into a pair of makeshift short swords and quickened her pace, head turning this way and that in search of the Grimm. Until she heard Ruby shriek, that is; she set off into a sprint before the sound had finished ringing in her ears.
Please be alright… you have to be alright!!
It took only seconds for Pyrrha to burst from the treeline into the little clearing where they'd chosen to make camp. "RUBY!!" Pyrrha cried urgently, halfway to the truck gate where her lover had been working before she registered what she was seeing. Ruby wasn't there, but rather past the truck at the far edge of the clearing staring at Pyrrha with wide eyes. Just past her, and also staring, were a mother deer — or elk? Pyrrha never could tell — and her young fawn, the latter frozen in mid-bite with a carrot hanging from its mouth.
"Pyrrha? Uhh… are you… is everything okay??"
Ruby's awkward but unfrightened tone, paired with the looks she was getting from all three of her watchers, set Pyrrha's face afire.
"I…yes, I'm fine…" she lied, her heart thundering in her ears and hands shaking with adrenaline sans outlet. "Are you alright?"
"Yyyyyeah… I was just feeding my new friend here." Ruby briefly glanced to the deer, then back to Pyrrha. "Are you sure? I don't remember you having those." Her eyes flicked to the pails-turned-swords.
"I thought…" Pyrrha swallowed the lump in her throat and took a deep breath to try and calm herself. "I heard Grimm in the forest, and then you screamed and I…" She felt wetness building in her eyes. "I thought…" She dropped her swords and darted over to Ruby — the deer leapt back warily — scooping her up in a tight embrace to which Ruby responded with a surprised squeak. "I thought I'd lost you…" Pyrrha's voice quavered and she buried her face in the crook of Ruby's neck.
Ruby squirmed momentarily, then stilled and hugged Pyrrha back. When her much-bigger girlfriend didn't relax her hold, she tapped Pyrrha's shoulder several times in rapid succession and croaked out, "Can't breathe!"
Pyrrha gave a little start and set Ruby down. "I'm sorry!"
Ruby gasped for breath for a few seconds, leaning forward and bracing herself on her knees as she did so. She shook her head emphatically. "Sorry… didn't mean… to scare you." She took a long, even deeper breath and straightened. "Don't worry… there's no Grimm here. That was just these guys." She swept her arm back to the deer — rather, where they'd been; there was no sign of them now.
Pyrrha's face remained crimson, but she didn't care. Ruby was safe, that's all that mattered.
Ruby looked back to where she'd been feeding the deer, then to the ruined pails, then back to Pyrrha. "You really are a city girl."
A relieved yet strained laugh burst from Pyrrha's throat and she nodded vehemently. "I told you."
"Well that's okay." Ruby smiled up to her, half-stepping closer and rising up on her tiptoes to give her a quick kiss. "Why don't we go get the water together? I think there's an old thermos behind the seat."
Her heart rate finally not too far off normal, Pyrrha smiled and nodded. "Yes, please."
Ruby's smile grew just a touch as she returned the nod, then hopped over to the truck's cabin and dug around momentarily, coming up with a victorious cheer and holding aloft a banged-up thermos. Stepping back over, she took Pyrrha's hand with interlocked fingers and the two of them set off into the trees amid deep shadows cast by the now-fiery sunlight.
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pkmnprideflags · 3 months
Everything We Know About the Protags' and Rivals' Families
Their mother is probably the Pokémom we know the least about. She only ever talks about worrying for her child, and doesn't seem to have any hobbies or anything noteworthy about her. I'm glad that the later games have started giving the moms more personality.
As for their dad, the only reference to him is in the Celadon Department Store. Upon looking at one of the TVs, the protag will say, "A sports game! Dad'll like that!" So we know that their father is a fan of sports, and has enough of a connection with their child for them to know that.
Blue Oak
Of course, he has a grandfather (er, what was his name again?), and that grandfather has a cousin named Samson who lives in Alola. He also has an older sister, Daisy, who has allegedly competed in Pokémon Contests in the past according to a Pokémon Journal in the Sevii Islands. This means she must have traveled to either Hoenn or Sinnoh at some point, probably during her childhood or adolescence. We know nothing about Blue & Daisy's parents.
Ethan/Kris/Lyra (as protag)
This Pokémom still doesn't have much going on outside of talking to other women in town and apparently enjoying cooking, but she does at least assist by managing her child's money. In retrospect, an eleven-year-old in real life probably should not be trusted with all that money, so good idea. Too bad she also seems irresponsible with money, buying things with her child's money without asking them. Sometimes those purchases are helpful, sometimes they're not. Either way, you should get permission first, ma'am.
As far as I can remember, their father is never mentioned.
Ethan/Lyra (as friend)
They live with their father in New Bark Town; as far as I know, their mother is never mentioned. Their grandparents are the Day Care Couple that lives south of Goldenrod City.
We all know by now that Silver's father is Giovanni. According to the Celebi event, father and son parted ways three years before GSC on Route 22, with Giovanni heading towards the Pokémon League and Silver heading back, presumably to Viridian. If we assume that he is the standard protag/rival age of 11, then he seperated from Giovanni at the age of eight. When he shows up in New Bark Town, he lowkey seems to be homeless. I'm not sure how an eight-year-old without Pokémon would have made it over to Johto alone. The most likely people to help him would be Team Rocket, but he's stubborn enough that he'd probably reject their help. Did he climb through or trek around Mt. Silver?
Despite the many fan theories, the identity of Silver's mother has never been discussed in the games.
May/Brendan (as protag)
A protagonist with two visible parents?! Impossible. But yes, Norman and his wife are still together. In Ruby and Sapphire, your mother specifically mentions that your family moved from Johto; curiously though, that dialogue was changed in Emerald to just say "another region." Later in B2W2's World Tournament, Norman specifically says he is from Olivine City.
The only references to their parents' lives before comes in ORAS, when the mother mentions that she and Norman watched the Litleonids the last time they occurred. Awwww.
May/Brendan (as rival)
They live with their parents, Professor and Mrs. Birch, in Littleroot Town. In Emerald only, they also have a younger brother. Prof. Birch seems to have a very close relationship with their child, though since they're often involved in fieldwork they may not get to see their mother much. Interestingly, Birch and Norman have supposedly been friends "since their school days." That means either Norman had gone to school in Hoenn before moving to Olivine, or Birch went to school in Johto.
We actually know a lot about Wally's family since it's part of the plot of RSE. He lives with his parents in Petalburg City, who are understandably protective of his health. He later moves to Verdanturf to live with his aunt, uncle, and cousin Wanda. Not much is known about them, other than that Wanda is romantically involved with a guy from Rustboro.
Lucas/Dawn (as protag)
They live in Twinleaf Town with their mother, the Contest star Johanna. She gets out of the house more, both for Contests and to observe her child's success in the Battle Zone.
There are two references to the player's father, and both occur in Platinum. Johanna says that her child reminds him of him and that the two of them "are so alike." Later when met at the Battle Frontier, Palmer will note that he was a friend and rival to their father, similar to how they are now with Barry. Notably, in a very early beta of Diamond & Pearl, the player's father was going to appear early in the game. I don't speak Japanese, but based on the screenshots I'm guessing he was going to be involved in the player's first Pokémon encounter.
Lucas/Dawn (as friend)
They live in Sandgem Town with their father, grandfather, and little sister. Their father works as an assistant to Professor Rowan; nothing about their mother is known. Their sister watches TV a lot, and therefore often hears about swarms occurring in Sinnoh.
He lives in Twinleaf Town with his mother, while his father Palmer works at the Sinnoh Battle Frontier. Both parents seem to care for their son, but I honestly can't remember them ever talking to or about each other, so I don't know what their relationship status is.
The Pokémom of Nuvema Town is said to have been a Trainer herself when she was younger. However, now she mostly stays at home, only departing to give the player the running shoes. In B2W2 she behaves similarly to Red's mother, saying she kind of wants to go out and find her child, but would feel bad if they stopped by while she was gone. Which makes me wonder: does her kid not still have their Xtransceiver? Why can't she just...call them like a normal person?
Their father is referenced by their mother when she says that they met each other on their own Pokémon journeys. Aw, young love. No hints to their current relationship status, though.
Cheren lives with his parents in Nuvema Town. I don't remember anything of note about them.
Bianca lives with her parents in Nuvema Town, and we all remember how her father acts at the beginning of the games. I don't recall her mother's reaction; apparently she was the one to tell him that Bianca made it to Nimbasa City, so maybe that indicates that Bianca trusts her slightly more.
This is definitely one of the cooler Pokémoms. She is an old friend of Professor Juniper, and used to work in Pokémon Centers (specifically implied to be the ones in Nimbasa and Mistralton). She's knowledgeable about the many locations in Unova, and supports her child by providing information.
Bulbapedia claims that there are references to their dad in the games, but a search of relevant pages has turned up no references.
Hugh lives with his mother, father, and younger sister in Aspertia City. His father has the sprite of a Black Belt, and his mother has the sprite of a Nursery Aide, which is a cute pairing. Hugh also mentions that he has a deceased grandfather, who caught his little sister's Purrloin. Hugh is very protective of his sister; overall this is a cute little family.
Calem/Serena (as protag)
They live with their mother, Grace, in Vaniville Town. The two recently moved to the town, but it's unclear if they are from another region entirely, or just a different town in Kalos. Regardless, Grace is known for being a Rhyhorn racer.
The only mention of the player's father is in a story Grace tells about one of her races. She lost control of her Rhyhorn at the finish line, where he was waiting, and she "sent him flying."
Calem/Serena (as rival)
They also live with their mother in Vaniville Town. It's mentioned that both of their parents are renowned Pokémon battlers, which is cool. Otherwise, their father is never mentioned.
Shauna & Tierno
Strangely, we know nothing about these two's families. Shauna seems to live in or near Vaniville Town since she hangs out there a lot, but she doesn't have a house there. Tierno hangs around Coumarine City a lot during postgame, so maybe he's supposed to be from there? But we know nothing about their family lives.
Trevor lives with his sister in Lumiose City. Apparently his mother and father are currently traveling the world to train their Pokémon. The world of this game series just seems very chill about family relations, and treats it as socially acceptable to leave your family to take a journey. I suppose they appreciate long-distance relationships or just don't value family that much.
They live with their mother on the outskirts of Hau'oli City. Their family was originally from the Kanto region, and the player's mother was once a renowned Meowth trainer, earning the nickname of the "Scratch Cat Girl." She's even seen at the end of the game battling the Masked Royal.
Apparently she is still married to the player's father, who still lives in Kanto. The two keep in touch by sending each other letters.
Hau lives with his grandfather Hala in Iki Town. He mentions his mother several times, saying he enjoys her cooking; she is not confirmed to be present in the games, but there is a female NPC randomly placed inside Hala's house that some assume to be Hau's mother. His father is traveling on a journey in another region (implied to be Kanto).
We all know this by now - used to live with Lusamine, Mohn, and Lillie; then Mohn disappeared, Gladion ran away with Type: Null, and Nebby teleported Lillie to Route 1. An Aether Paradise NPC also notes that Lusamine's father (so Gladion's grandfather) was a wealthy man who loved Pokémon, and he was the one who built the Foundation.
They live with their mother in Pallet Town. Like Red & Leaf's mother, this Pokémom doesn't have a whole lot going on. Bulbapedia says that they have a referenced father; I'm guessing it's that same dialogue in the Department Store from the other Gens.
Since he's no longer Professor Oak's grandson, Trace seems to only live with his sister. Perhaps another Trevor situation?
They seem to have always lived in Postwick with their mum. She doesn't have a whole lot going on, and the only reference to their father is the statement that the player's bag is a hand-me-down from him.
Hop lives in Postwick with his parents and grandparents, and Leon used to live there before going off to be a champion and whatnot.
Her parents are never mentioned; she seems to live with Piers.
Bede was apparently raised in an orphanage, so the identity of his parents are unknown.
Both as the protagonist and as the rival, their family situations are unknown.
As the protagonist, her family situation is unknown. As the rival, she mentions wanting to send a photo to her parents and brag about her work with the player in the Survey Corps.
They recently moved to Cabo Poco with their mother from a different region. It's implied they may be from Galar, as the mother has a Skwovet and uses the term "cuppa" when talking to Clavell. Their father is never mentioned.
Nemona's father, mother, and sister live in Cabo Poco. They moved to the Paldea region when Nemona was seven; their original region is unknown. Nemona's father is on the board of the Rotom Phone company, so they have a decent amount of wealth.
Because I'm a nerd, let's finish with some stats:
Characters confirmed to have both parents currently alive: 16 out of 34
Characters who live with both of their parents: 8 out of 34
Characters who live with their mother: 22 out of 34
Characters who live with their father: 12 out of 34
Characters with at least one living grandparent: 5 out of 34
Characters with siblings: 10 out of 32
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scaredpigeons · 5 months
excerpt from my upcoming neuvi fic, bc I'm excited. (Ft. Ningguang cuz she’s so hoootttttt)
(please read this with the knowledge that reader found out that neuvi was a dragon all on her own, resulting in supreme fluff and the deepening of their relationship. This excerpt takes place at a ball for neuvi’s birthday.)
She came to a stop in front of you, nodding at Neuvillette. 
“May I steal your lovely little assistant for this next dance?” Her voice even sounded rich, like she was someone incredibly important, incredibly powerful. 
Neuvillette tensed a bit, his hand still holding yours, bit he breathed, guiding you towards the golden woman. “By all means, enjoy yourselves.” 
“Good.” She took your hand, nodding to her companion. “Beidou, please entertain the Iudex, talk of trade or whatever strikes your fancy.” 
She pulled you along, guiding you into a new section of the dancefloor and immediately took up the position of the guiding role, pulling you this way and that, though very elegantly, and with practiced ease. 
“It’s lovely to finally meet the infamous little assistant.” She said, her ruby eyes glittering. 
You felt like you had a frog in your throat. “I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’m not sure who you are, miss.” 
“Ah,” she smiled. “You can call me Ningguang. I run some… business in liyue, and I'm hoping to better my connections with our neighbors by the sea, so to speak.” 
Ningguang… where had you heard that name before? 
“Ah, then I suppose I’m your gal,” you smiled, feeling a little more at ease. “Most trade negotiations come through me before they reach the Iudex.” 
“As I expected. I just wished to meet the person I would be sending my offers to, I would like to know who I’m in business with, you understand.” 
You nodded. “Of course, that’s completely understandable.”
”You're such a sweet little thing.” She smiled at you, and you still couldn't shake the feeling you knew her from somewhere. A woman with this aura of importance surely couldn't just be a merchant from liyue. 
You let your eyes roam past her shoulder, catching glimpses of her companion speaking with Neuvillette, laughing loudly at something he said and smacking the man on the shoulder in her amusement. 
He looked shocked, but was unmoving, a polite smile on his face. 
“So,” Ningguang said. “How long have you two been in love?”
You did trip this time, but she caught you, the sharps of her hand jewelry digging into your skin ever so slightly. 
“I beg your pardon?” You squeaked. 
She laughed, it was a rich and lucious melody you’d never heard in a laugh before. 
“Oh please, anyone with eyes can see the way he postures over you like a dog guarding a bone,” her gaze turned mischievous, then. “Or a dragon hoarding its treasure.” 
She must’ve felt the way you tensed, the slight quirk of your brow as she said it, because her eyes thinned with amusement, though you weren’t sure if it was on your behalf or at your expense. 
After finishing the dance in relative silence, the song ended, and she pulled you by your hand back towards Neuvillette and her companion, Beidou. 
She gave a dramatic bow at the waist, bringing your hand to her lips. “Thank you for indulging me, little one.” She pressed a kiss onto the white satin of your glove, her red lipstick only leaving the faintest of marks. “The information you gave me was most insightful.” 
You blushed intensely, not having the words to respond, so you just nodded, giving a light curtsy. 
“Congratulations, Monsieur, and Happy Birthday.” she said to Neuvillette. 
He bowed, very respectful. “Thank you, Lady Ningguang.” 
She dragged her companion away towards the drink table, and it suddenly hit you. 
“That was…” holy celestia. 
“Lady Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, yes.” Neuvillette sighed. 
“And you let me dance with her without a warning?!” You whisper-yelled. 
Neuvillette seemed to shake some unwanted emotions off, steadying himself with a heavy grip on his ornamental cane. “Lady Ningguang is not one to be denied such simple requests, and besides,” he looked down at you. “I thought you knew.” 
“Pardon me for not expecting to be asked to dance by the leader of a nation.” You grumbled slightly. 
Neuvillette laughed, short and quick before he covered it with a cough— clearing his throat. 
“And what is so amusing?” You looked up at him expectantly, a little taken aback at how open and soft his expression was. 
“She’s only the second leader of a nation to ask you for a dance, my dear. I had the privilege of being the first.” 
Your stomach did somersaults at his words, the tone of his voice, his eyes fluttering all across your exposed skin. You felt hot, so very hot. 
“What information did you give her?” Neuvillette asked, though it lacked an accusatory tone. 
“I didn’t really say anything to her,” you mumbled. “Though I think she suspects you to be a dragon.” 
He scoffed a little, voice low and teasing. “And I wonder what kind of woman would ever come to that conclusion, hmm?” 
Your stomach decided it was some sort of acrobat, and your thighs quivered. 
“Excuse me a moment, I’m going to get a drink.” You managed to squeak out. “Would you like one?” 
“Water, if you would.” 
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hyenahunt · 4 months
Rouge & Ruby: February's Situation - 2
Writer: Umeda Chitose
Season: Winter
Characters: Hiyori, Jun, Nagisa, Ibara
Proofreading: royalquintet (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Mirei (Adam) & hyenahunt (Eve)
Hiyori: I can't believe Jun and Ibara would leave us out of this, Nagisa-kun. This is a dire situation on our hands. How deeply upsetting it is for them to be hiding things from us...!
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Hiyori: Ahh, wasn't that fun! Getting to talk and sing together as the four of us is truly the best!
I gain a sense of fulfilment from working as Eden that I just can't get anywhere else... ♫
Jun: I thought we got some pretty good shots too, but you're crazy hyped about it, Ohii-san.
Hiyori: Well, that's because working as the four of us is just so fun, no?
So I simply wanted to do as much as possible. After all, we've had way too much separate work as Adam and Eve since the new year began!
Jun: I agree with you there, Ohii-san. I mean, I'll be doing location shooting with you both tomorrow and the day after that...
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Hiyori: What's that? Are you complaining about shooting with me?
Jun: No, dude, I was just going along with what you said about having too much work in separate units?
Don't take it out on me just 'cause you're getting stressed out lately, 'kay~?
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Hiyori: Hmph, it's all on Ibara for filling up our schedules with nary a word of explanation!
I'm sure he's got something in mind, but he hasn't explained a thing to us, though? Terrible weather, the way things are going!
Nagisa: … Fufu. Hiyori-kun is saying the same thing I said.
Hiyori: Eh?
Nagisa: … On our way to the TV station, I also asked Ibara what plans he had.
Hiyori: Ooh, is that so? Heheh, no matter how far apart we are, Nagisa-kun, we truly have a telepathic connection... ♪
Nagisa: … Yes, it really is telepathy.
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Hiyori & Nagisa: … ☆ (they high five)
Jun: (whispers) Hey, c'mon. Our seniors started having a lil' gigglefest on their own, so what're you doing staying all silent, huh?
Ibara: (whispers) Oh no, I was simply warmly watching their beautiful friendship blossom… ♪⁠
Jun: That's a lie if I've ever heard one... It's 'cause you'll get dragged in if you say the wrong thing, so that's why you're just watching on, aren'tcha?
Ibara: I felt that it would have been insensitive of me to interrupt a conversation between His Highness and Jun, or between His Highness and His Excellency…
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Ibara: They also haven't directly demanded an explanation from me, I saw no reason to insert myself into the talk.
Hiyori: And I'll have you know that's absolutely unforgivable!
The only reason I haven't demanded anything yet is because I've held myself back while suspecting something is up. In fact, I've been bursting to ask for an explanation!
Ibara: … Even if you say that, it is quite distracting for you to say that whilst continuing to hold hands after that high five. But I suppose I appreciate the consideration.
Besides, I was waiting to explain after you demand it… or more like, I’m thinking of explaining it once I manage to create enough foundation for the plan.
If it were something that only I know, I would rather take my time and proceed at my own pace. It would be much more convenient for me to keep it to myself.
Nagisa: … But back in the car, you said you'd talk about it when Eden is gathered. We can't do it now?
Hiyori: You said that, did you? Well, out with it, then, now that you've got all four of us gathered here.
Ibara: Not that we cannot, just not here.
I can’t bring out confidential documents here, and we also can’t occupy the dressing room for too long. Not to mention, we haven’t even changed our clothes.
Nagisa: … That's fair. We should change our clothes first, Hiyori-kun.
Hiyori: Mmm, you're right. I certainly got carried away, but I can't stay in this outfit forever.
Jun: (In the middle of changing) ...Actually, I think I've got a pretty good guess of what Ibara's explanation gonna be.
Ibara: You do?
Jun: Yeah. It's probably related to Chocolat Fes, I think. Over the new year, he said he'd slowly share the details with us.
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Hiyori: ?
Ibara: … Ah, is it when we met on New Year’s? Now that you mention it, I do believe I said that.
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Nagisa: ?
Hiyori: What's that? I had no idea of this! Just when did the two of you start keeping secrets from us?
I can't believe Jun and Ibara would leave us out of this, Nagisa-kun. This is a dire situation on our hands. How deeply upsetting it is for them to be hiding things from us...!
Nagisa: … I don’t think they are trying to exclude us from it, but if Hiyori-kun feels sad, then so do I.
… Ibara, can you explain?
Ibara: (whispers) …This is your fault, Jun. I already tried to delay their curiosity so I can talk about it at a time that suits me.
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Jun: (whispers) Hey, you didn't try to hide it either, y'know? Don't pin all the blame on me, alright~?
Ibara: … Even if I’m asked to explain now, as I’ve said before, this is not a good place to talk about it.
I'lll set up a proper opportunity for us, so let's meet at the agency at a later date.
Nagisa: … It's fine as long as Ibara informs us of the schedule later. However, what I wanted to ask was what happened on New Year's.
Jun: Honestly, nothing special happened.
I went for a run on New Year's, and noticed that the lights on the eighteenth floor of the ES building were on.
I wondered what was up, and when I went to check it out, it turned out Ibara was working there. We just had a little chat after that.
Hiyori: You went training on the day after SS, hm? Jun-kun, you truly never change. That goes for you, too, Ibara — to think you were working on New Year's Day!
Nagisa: … I understand that both of you are very strict with yourselves, but I would prefer it if you both take a break, too.
Ibara: There is no need for concern, Your Excellency. I also take efforts to get proper rest, after all.
Jun: Or so he says, but he's been hammering away on his keyboard since New Year's.
...Ah, was it 'cause—
Filming for COMP started right after New Year's, so you've been slaving away at preparations since then?
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Hiyori: Ahh... It was a rather sudden shoot, and I did wonder just when you even made the preparations for it. So while the rest of the world was enjoying their New Year's break, you’ve been working behind the scenes, Ibara?
Jun: He did complain it was a pretty sloppy project, so it makes sense to me why he was so ready to give up his break for it.
Nagisa: … You were working on many things, Ibara. But there was also talk about "Chocolat Fes" right?
… Does it mean there is a connection between the preparations that are still underway and the state of my activities?
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Ibara: Argh, enough, too many questions! Whatever you may think of me, you are free to interpret things as you like.
Besides, I already said that I'll explain it all another day, alright? No more questions! No more!
Come on now, get changed quickly and leave this place immediately! I’ve already arranged the return car ride, so don't be too slow!
[ ☆ ]
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kiraoho · 5 months
The Church on Ruby Road and the importance of full systems in storytelling
I've studied math logic in uni, and a really helpful concept I've gotten from there was the properties of rulesets.
One of the more talked-about ones is consistency. If your ruleset is contradictory, anything can follow as a result.
Similarly, there's fullness. If your ruleset is missing some rules, it can be completed with *any* rule not contradicting the existing ones (for example you can complete geometry with Euclidean "You can only draw one line parallel to the given one" or Lobachevsky's "You can draw at least two" and they will work very differently). While more restricting, it still leaves an uncomfortable wiggle room.
But why is this important? After all, isn't it more exciting when anything can happen?
Well, yes and no. While it's great to throw your characters into new situations, it's important to understand the ground rules of the story -- what characters can and can't do. If the solution to the problem is "I just so happen to have a magic sword that solves this particular kind of problems" then it's not an engaging solution, is it? Tension comes from the lack of possibility for resolution, from not knowing, how the characters are gonna solve this. There's no tension if the solution can be pulled out of one's ass.
A great example of more-or-less full system is AtLA. We know waterbenders can control existing water, but can't create new one. This results in interesting premises like Katara sweating to generate some water or the possibility of bloodbending. The limitations of a character's abilities is precisely what makes problem solving engaging in the first place.
With that said, how the fuck is the luck/coincidence mechanic supposed to work in The Church on Ruby Road?
"Coincidence makes babies delicious" works great as a starting point. It's simple, it explains why the goblin target a particular baby and ties Ruby into the story.
But throughout the episode it gradually shifts to "Coincidence grants goblins power", except it's never explicitly shown? This is where fullness starts to break, because we're not given the details of how this manifests. A simple throwaway "It allows them to surf the time waves", for example, would've given a clear consequence -- pointing out the coincidences allows the goblins to steal baby Ruby.
Instead the episode goes for "bad vibes are happening" route. While it does a similar thing narratively, it robs the story of the tension because the viewer doesn't have a clear understanding of the consequences of failure.
The same goes for the bad luck mechanic. The story doesn't bother to connect it with the coincidence one, it just says they're linked. Do accidents create coincidence? Do goblins direct her life with accidents to create more coincidences? Except it doesn't seem to work this way, every hurdle we see her go through is either inconsequential in terms of her agency onward or just deadly.
Is it just mischief? Then why is accident-proofing the flat is a high priority? I have no idea what the Doctor and Ruby are doing or hoping to achieve in the scene and what would be the result of their success or failure in this.
I'm dreading the astrology era of the show, where any question can be dismissed with a handwave or an unsatisfying non-answer. Please let me be wrong on this one.
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hamliet · 1 year
Hi! Do you think RWBY as a story is inconsistent in tone? It is a criticism I keep seeing around? But what exactly means to have tonal inconsistency? Can you give me an example?
I'm actually surprised to read this. Maybe because I'm on the outskirts of the fandom, but I really would not have put "tonal inconsistency" in like, a top 10 list of things I thought people might label a flaw of RWBY's. It had honestly never occurred to me.
I'd actually call RWBY extremely tonally consistent, which is hard to maintain over 9 volumes and counting.
I'm curious if these posts elaborated at all about how or what makes it feel tonally inconsistent--are there examples? Because I can't think of one. Since I don't know, I'm going to have to speculate.
Is it about fairy tale stories dealing with death? Because every fairy tale deals with death; that's kind of the central core of the vast majority of fairy tales.
Is it because this volume certainly contained RWBY's darkest episode ever? Because it did, but the descent to the underworld and meeting with the goddess is a part of the heroine's journey. Stories always get darker before they get better. Plus, I don't see how anyone could think that the volume wouldn't get very dark considering we just tackled genocide and the sunshine character died.
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I also think that Volume 9 has been extremely clear since the first teaser way back in 2021 that it would deal with Ruby's mental health. The opening line is "you should never have been born." Ruby then has a literal panic attack. She faints in horror when she's told about her friend dying.
That's just episode 1.
I guess people might be thrown by the juxtaposition of simplified life, which is the essence of the Ever After, with a complex topic like mental health? But I actually think that's quite brilliant. When you're extremely mentally unwell, which I have been before, things do seem to paradoxically become simpler even as the complexity overwhelms you. Things can seem black and white. Good and bad. And you? You're bad.
Idk, no one's experience is exactly the same, but to me it rang honest. It's fine if others felt differently.
Was it about mixing humor and dark topics? But like most stories do that. I mean, going back to damn Shakespeare, at likes 45% of each of his tragedies are dick jokes. The Bard loved a dick joke. It did not even have to be a good dick joke for the Bard to love it and include it in literature to be read by billions. I mean, I'm slightly hyperbolizing about the percentages, but you literally have Hamlet lamenting about going insane and contemplating suicide in one of the most haunting soliloquies in the English language (Act 3 scene 1's "To Be or Not To Be..." ) and then making numerous dick jokes in the very next scene (Act 3 scene 2). Even when it's all gone to the grave (heh) in Act 5, Hamlet takes time to hold up a jester's skull and joke about "alas, poor Yorick."
Like, yes, there are jarring ways to incorporate humor with tragedy. I don't think RWBY is doing that, though. The last episode had some genuinely heartwarming moments of realization (the paper pleasers) and tension, and then we had Cat!Neo still being a complete cat and lolling about like "Oh HEY GUYS." (The cat is hilarious, and they've always been like this.)
The entirety of Volume 9 has dealt with grief. Even the fight with the Red Prince is the prince throwing a tantrum mingled with grief.
Idk, stories do generally progress. They go from good to bad to good to bad to worse to how is this even worser to okay there's some hope to catharsis. If you can't connect the dots and see the progression, that's tonal inconsistency. If you can, and you absolutely can with RWBY not just in Volume 9 but the entire show as a whole, then... it's not tonally inconsistent.
The theme of identity has been present from the beginning of the show. Ruby looking at a grave and hence dealing with grief is one of the founding images of the entire series. To fully explore death, characters generally have to potentially end up there at some point. That Ruby would wonder whether or not she should have been born is obvious from the first minute of this season. Her spiral has gotten worse and worse, but if you paid attention, you could see it happening.
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Again, the show began as a boarding school story with some pretty dark themes (abusive relationships, parental abandonment, parental death). That the darker stuff becomes explored more fully is pretty par for the course. Even like, again, Harry Potter gets progressively more dark. So do the Avengers movies. It's like, normal.
Idk, to me saying RWBY is tonally inconsistent for any of these reasons sounds like saying, I don't know, Othello is tonally inconsistent because the first scene has Othello and Desdemona standing up against bigotry for their love and their marriage is not annulled; therefore the play should end in the defeat of racism and love conquering all. Things change. The seeds of what will happen, the ugliness of racism and the limits of love and reality of misogyny are all present even in that opening scene, and unfortunately they consume the characters.
When I think tonal inconsistency, I think of, I don't know, the ending of Tokyo Ghoul, which thematically contradicted the entire 200+ chapters and 1.5 mangas leading up to it. Things that were framed as negative were suddenly framed as positive. I also think of BNHA, which, while I do think maintains its optimistic/hopeful superhero tone, does sometimes switch the framing and tone around certain characters (Hawks, Endeavor).
So yeah. RWBY has flaws for sure, but I just don't think this is one of them.
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