#yes he overworks himself using his quirk
twpsyn-who · 2 years
General studies Steve who's quirk lets him make an invisible shield around people he touchs????? Like they wouldn't see or feel the shield but is there, all Steve needs to do it touch that person (it activates automatically).
It's durability depends on how many people do have a shield. If only one person does then is very fucking strong. Like it can protect someone from a nuclear bomb kind of strong. But it gets weaker the more people have it. Also it only lasts 8 hours- less if Steve is tired.
He can't use the shield on himself.
Also the only reason he enrolled at Yuuei was to support Robin who's in the hero course. They were planning to go as a duo : her going for the villains while he takes care of the rescue part.
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cosycafune · 24 days
katsuki bakugo has always fucking hated you. sure, it started after you were flirting with shoto todoroki, but it always started with the littlest things. but now, it’s time for you to greet him because eijiro kirishima is unavailable, leaving you to retire your last option: him. he hates you, so holding your tongue might hurt!
a synopsis of acts: nervousness, anger bursts, numbness, slight awkwardness, shouting, fear, comfort + potential more.
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Standing outside of Katsuki’s unattended to dorm, your feet lightly buckle at the reserved nature of the hall. Something earnest, longing and terrifying adheres to your ruffled mental edges. You know you should do this, as Eijiro is unavailable, but you fall lightly fearful at the unpredictability of Katsuki Bakugo.
After all, he would always refrain from attempting to greet you with a casual politeness — taunting you with seething, bubbling hatred. But, here you are now, shaking in front of his door with an uncurling fear.
Naturally, you were never really afraid of anything — but the layered nature of your history completely overwhelmed you. So much was left unsaid, undone, completely unbalanced and unethical. Everything within you bellowed to leave the explosion, quirk-yielding man alone — but it couldn’t be done by you.
Something greedy, selfish and horribly unattainable’s shifting you closer to knowing upon the vacancy of his front door.
“I-I can do this,” Encouraging yourself, holding a collecting demeanour, you diminish the roughness of your alleged fear.
A man could never scare you.
“If you’re there, Eijiro, at least have the guts to come in!” Katsuki’s muffled voice enables you to release a subtle flinch, listening to the arising nature of his ample footsteps.
“Why the fuck are you always shouting?” Mumbling to yourself, you cast yourself into awaiting for his presence — unsure of what your first words are accustomed to be.
To him.
“At least have the decency to knock—” Katsuki propels himself into spewing, only for the rest of his blabbering to fall short.
“—I’m not Eijiro!” Defensively matching his energy, you glance up at Katsuki with a detected might — your limbs planted with overworked tension.
“Why are you here, then?” Calming himself slightly, you listen to the curiosity in Katsuki’s tone — basking in the roughness of his intrigued gaze.
“Eijiro asked me to pick up something of mine from here, but I don’t have your number,” Knowing your dorm wasn’t too far away, you continue to spew your words as Katsuki gathers slithers of patience.
“I’m busy, right now,” Selfishly, Katsuki leans upon the frame of his dorm room, his thick brows stained with merciless irritation and mischief.
“I’ll just ask Shoto if he has a spare,” Gloom lightly adorns your facial characteristics as you inform him.
“Icy-hot? Hell nah,” Katsuki casts himself into passive-aggressively spewing, a dramatic array of bright booms falling from his angered finger tips.
“You always turn me away, so I’ll just ask him, B—”
“—Katsuki,” Softly, Katsuki corrects you — his wavering eyes burrowing into the vulnerability your glassy gaze mindlessly express.
“You want me to call you Katsuki, but you fucking hate me!” Casting out your pent up frustrations, your eyes increasingly amplify at the forbidden element of your words.
“Hate you?” Katsuki curls his brow with subtle amusement, seemingly enthralled by the occurring breaking point that adorns you.
“Yes,” Lulling the extensive mess of your forcefully painted emotions, you comfortably still, “You’ve hated me ever since I almost died using both my quirks and Shoto saved me.” With your quirk wisteria and moonlight, the environment you were settled within almost slaughtered you.
Your quirks are efficiently dangerous, but the invasiveness of the villains almost eradicated you — but Shoto saved you.
You know he wishes that it was him, hence why he bombarded you with mental abuse.
“I didn’t want to save you!” Katsuki loudly implies with falseness, his back steered away from you, gesturing for you to enter his room with his angered walk within the room.
The door’s parted just perfectly enough for you.
“Look at me and tell me that before I get my console and leave, Katsuki!” Angered with Katsuki’s reluctance, you steer your pleas towards his emotionally-charged physique.
“I fucking hate you!” Gasping at Katsuki’s proclaimed hatred, whilst his crazed eyes greet your own, you discover your throat growing barren and your surfacing tears a wavering force.
“I hate the way you’re with stupid icy-hot, flirting with him!” Katsuki’s eyes widen at his subconscious revelation, his fingers twitching with annoyance, “What does he have that I don’t?” Basking in Katsuki’s evolution, you are rendered stunned — wordless at his truth.
His truth. Truth.
“Maybe it’s because he doesn’t bully me and treats me with respect!” Altering your brows with an uncomfortable anger, you halt for breath, “I liked you, but you just bullied me for no reason!” Informing a shaken him, you steer nearer to him and slam upon his broad chest with a loathsome agenda.
“What do you want me to say?!” Ticked off by the loudness of your welcomed tone, Katsuki grasps both of your hands — bundling them together.
“That you’re fucking sorry, Bakugo!” Wailing, you breathlessly glimpse at Katsuki with yearning.
Attempting to pry outside of Katsuki’s stern grasp, your breathing hitches at the slight callousness of his fingers. Softness tints your jungle of a mind the moment Katsuki’s caramel aroma adorns your attentive nose, fondly accustoming you into lulling. Lulling with subtle confusion, your physique trembling as he glances into your eyes with structuring panic.
“Katsuki, before you piss me off!” Katsuki informs you, ignoring the desperation that tints your need for him to accept his liking towards you.
A liking he hones before jealousy consumed it erratically.
“Tell me you like me now or I’m leaving and you’ll never have the chance to speak to me!” Encouraging yourself to engage so vigorously, you speak with the means of a thousand unsolicited victims.
“I fucking like you! There!” Gently, you still yourself at Katsuki’s confession, your limbs adorned with numbness towards the beauty of Katsuki’s urge to be vulnerable.
“Can I get my console?” Teasing Katsuki, you observe him gasp at your dismissal, “I want to go to my room now, I’ll sent Eijiro next time since you shouted my ear off.” Smeared with triumphant, you cast yourself into closing nearer to Katsuki’s chest — pushing yourself into hugging him.
“Do you like me back?” Consumed by a furious tint of crimson, Katsuki’s blushing cheeks are admired by you.
He looked cute. He could have had this sooner if he let some of your kindness rub off of him.
“Hm, but if you weren’t an asshole, we could have done so much sooner,” Comfortably slotting yourself into Katsuki’s arms further, you listen to his heartbeat quicken at every vibrating word you spew.
“Can we play animal crossing together?” Katsuki cutely requests, his seething anger quelling — leading to a fluffy tiredness to replace his previous outburst.
“I don’t mind since Eijiro and Shoto aren’t in their dorms,” Feeling Katsuki tighten up at your bubbly sentence, you plaster yourself into coddling him — unwilling to cast yourself into letting go of him.
“Stop mentioning Icy-hot!” Katsuki lightly bellows, observing you gently chuckle — resulting in him comfortably soothing at your reassurance.
“It’s you I want, even if it hurt,” Spewing your drowsy statement, you mentally evolve — enamoured by Katsuki being reigned by you.
“This might hurt,” Katsuki smirks whilst his raspy voice adorns your ears, “You not getting your console back.” Charged, you furiously pinch him — listening to him gasp with powered annoyance.
“That’s what you—”
“I’ll get you,” Riled up, Katsuki speaks whilst you drift away from his chest — running towards his bed as he attempts to capture a fleeing you.
Katsuki Bakugo said it might hurt, but it didn’t feel like it.
do not copy my work, just appreciate it. vampiified, 2024. all rights are reserved, and the work is all mine.
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bakugokemkatsuki · 6 months
Izuku Midoriya (Deku) x Reader
**Pro Hero Era **Genre: Fluff **Warning(s): Cussing, use of nickname love for reader, reader size as being smaller mentioned once **Reader GN/Fem/M **Key: Talking; You, Izuku, "Bakugo"
Dating the number one pro came with a lot of responsibility. The news constantly had their eye on him on you on the relationship. They were looking for any reason to rip him to shreds but also any reason to boost him up. This was a lot to handle for one person and you tried to help him bare as much of the weight as possible, but you could only do so much. He was All Might’s successor, the new symbol of peace and justice. That was a lot to handle. This led to Deku making less and less time for you but more importantly less and less time for himself. He was pulling long hours working 12 to 14 hours a day 7 days a week. And if he wasn’t at the office, on a mission, or patrolling he was on call; ready to jump into action the second he was needed. After months of this you could see it was really taking a toll on him. His mental and emotional health were going down the drain. His physical health was starting to faulter as well. He had dark bags under his eyes and was covered in so many bruises and cuts from all the fights he had been in recently. His hair was always a mess, and he wasn’t eating nearly enough. You’d finally had enough, you were going to have a serious talk with him about all of this, tonight. You had tried to bring it up several times before, but he always assured you he was fine and brushed past it. You weren’t taking no for an answer today.
You heard the jingle of his keys as he unlocked the door to the apartment. “Hey love, I’m home.” “I’m in the kitchen.” You were waiting. It was now or never. “Hey, love how was- “Izuku stopped mid-sentence as he entered the kitchen. You sat at the table waiting for him with a very serious look in your face. “Love, what’s wrong?” concern laced Izuku’s voice. “We need to talk. Please sit down.” He sat down visibly nervous. In ways you found it funny seeing the worlds new symbol of peace so afraid of you. I mean you were MUCH smaller than him and your quirk was in no means even comparable to his. “Izu we need to have a serious discussion.” “Love I’m sorry, whatever I did to upset you please, forgive me. You know I would never upset you on purp-“ You cut him off as you reached across the table to grab is hand. “Izu I’m not mad. I just want talk to you about work.” “Work?” “Yes Izu. Work. You keep avoiding me and saying your fine and your not and I will not accept that answer anymore. You are struggling. I can see it. The stress and pressure is really getting to you. From your hair to your eyes to the fact you don’t even eat dinner with me most nights anymore. I can see it in the way you fight, the way you present yourself, the way you act. I mean you come home shower sleep maybe 4-5 hours get up work out and go back to the office again. Your NOT taking care of yourself Izu. Seeing you like this hurts. I want to help you.” Izuku was silent for a moment. “Your right… I am struggling.” Tears start to form in the corners of his eyes as he speaks. “I was always taught to put others first and to be a symbol, a hero everyone could look up too. I was built to take All Might’s place, but it’s much harder than it seems.” “I know love, but if you don’t take care of yourself now, you won’t be here to take care of others later.” “Your right love, and I’m sorry. I have been neglectful to both you and myself. I will make it up to you.” “Izu. I understand. I know your busy being the worlds greatest hero.” “Thanks. I’m going to go call out tomorrow so we can spend the whole day relaxing.” “No need. I already made arrangements. Bakugo and Shoto are going to split taking over some extra work while you’re gone. The office gave you a whole week off. I wasn’t the only one who noticed you pushing yourself to much. Those two did as well. I believe Bakugo’s exact words were ‘Icyhot and I have got this covered. Get the damn nerd to take time off before he kills himself.’ Those two really care about you. As do I, so please spend the week with me?” “Sure my love. I’ll try to cut back some on hours when I go back as well.” “Thanks Izu. Now lets eat so we can go to bed.”
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nights-legacy · 11 months
Body Snatched - All Might (platonic)
Masterlist ~ MHA Masterlist ~ #2
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Body Snatched Masterlist
2839 words
Warnings: unwanted touching, attempted assault, language, violence, vague mention of injury (let me know please if any need added)
Life as the daughter of the Number 1 hero was difficult. Especially, because you didn't know who you could trust and who was only out there to use you. So when the one person you loved most outside your dad was used against you by someone who works for your father, you shut down. You think that no one should see you down and out so you try to keep up facades even with your father.
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Your best friend was the younger brother of Naomasa Tsukauchi, Akira. Since Detective Tsukauchi was close friends with your dad, you became friends with Akira, who was only a year older. You would think you could trust the people your dad works with but apparently not. A sidekick, Concussion, had accompanied your dad to UA and due to some foul play, was switched with Akira. Unfortunately, this sidekick had taken an unhealthy liking to you and was going to use this to his advantage.
I rubbed my neck, lowly groaning from the training session I helped my dad with for Class 1A. I heard someone walking up behind me. I looked to see my dad in his skinny form. He gave me a loving smile.
"I'm sorry for the rough training, Sweetie." He set a hand on my shoulder.
"It's alright. I'm kinda used to it by now. I mean, I survived my first year and it's only going to get worse right?" I laughed. He chuckled, nodding in agreement. "Plus, I have to make sure you are training Midoriya right and not overdoing it at the same time." I gave him a pointed look. He rolled his eyes but smiled.
"It's not all me! He tends to overwork himself! live immensely." We both laughed.
"It'll get better. It may get worse before it gets better but it'll get better." I gave him a side hug. He pulled me in tighter.
"Thanks Sweetie." He cradled my head. "You know I thought you were going to be upset with me for not choosing you for the successor."
"No, it's fine. I understand. I wasn't a right fit. It doesn't bother me. Midoriya is perfect for One for All."
"You sure?" He pulled back, looking at me unsure.
"Yes!" I chuckled. "You've told me the quirk chooses its users. You can't help who it chooses. It's nothing personal." He relaxed.
"Alright." We paused when someone out of sight called for him. He sighed before proofing into his All Might form. "I'll see you later. Dinner?"
"Yep. Bye!" I waved before running towards the 2nd year locker rooms. I took a quick shower before getting back into my uniform. The day was over but I didn't have any street clothes with me. I dug through my bag as I exited the locker room, looking for my phone. I groaned when I found it dead.
"Hey there, hottie." I looked up quickly to see Akira leaning against the opposite wall. He was smirking while looking me up and down.
"Akira. 3rd year locker rooms are that way." I moved in closer.
"Oh? Well, thank you for the directions. I'll be sure to remember that next time." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in. I chuckled.
"Sure you will." I kissed him. He smiled against my lips and kissed me back hungrily. I pulled away reluctantly. "Come on. Let's go to the spot."
"Yeah. Let's go." He pushed away from the wall, grabbing my hand. We walked quickly. We were about halfway across campus when he suddenly stumbled.
"Akira?" he grabbed his head, stumbling back into a wall. He was wincing in pain. "Akira! What's wrong?! Hey..."
"Shit..." I cupped his face while he seemed to be calming down. I checked him over, seeing if he had any visual wounds on the outside.
"Can you open your eyes for me?" He nodded and after a few seconds, he was able to pry his eyes open. They were hazed over for a moment before he blinked them clear. His pupils were almost shaking as his eyes refocused. "There we go. Just breathe."
"Ouch. That hurt." He groaned while I rubbed his temples.
"What was that?" I asked softly. He seemed to remember I was there and focused on me. He smiled and set a hand on my hip.
"Um, a sudden headache. I must have moved too quickly or overdid it in training. I'm alright." I let my hands fall to his shoulders.
"You sure?" I rubbed circles with my thumb on his neck.
"Yeah. I'm sure. Come here." He reached up, cupping the back of my neck before pulling me forward. He kissed me fiercely and sloppily. It was sudden and I couldn't keep up with his pace.
"Hey!" I pulled away. He tried to chase my lips but I pushed him back with a hand on his chest. "Not in the hallway, remember?" Confusion flashed in his eyes but was quickly replaced by excitement again.
"Right. Right." I chuckled before pulling him along. An alarm bell went off in the back of my head but I shook it off.
3rd POV
All Might was going over some performance reports for some students with Aizawa and Vlad King. He was just about to let his form change when his sidekick walked in. He took a big breath, holding on a little longer.
"There you are, Concussion. I thought you may have left for the day." All Might greeted. When he didn't get a reply, he looked up. Concussion was standing nervous and fidgety. "Something wrong?"
"Um, yeah there is." He said after a moment. All Might set down his papers to give him his full attention. The sleepy hero next to him even perked up.
"Okay. What is it lad?" Concussion took a moment to gather the right words.
"I'm not Concussion, Yagi-san." The two heroes shared a look. "I'm AkiraTsukauchi, Yagi-san."
"It's true. One moment, I was walking with Y/N down the hall and the next I was hit with a headache. I close my eyes for one second and when I was somewhere else in Concussion's body."
"So, you're saying that my sidekick, who I don't trust near my child due to his obsession with flirting with my child, is in your body with my child somewhere, alone? And Y/N doesn't know?" All Might asked. Concussion's head nodded. The smile dropped off of All Might's face. In a low, dark voice he asked, "Where?"
Akira was acting like an animal. As soon as we made it to the storeroom he was on me. He picked me up and sat me on a desk, wedging himself between my legs. There was barely any time before he was leaving marks on my neck.
"Hey, slow down." I chuckled. Hiking my leg over his hip, I leant my head to the side so he had more room. "Don't I get a turn? You're hogging your lips."
"Well, we can't have that can we?" He brought his face up to mine. The sound of his voice was off but I played it off as lust. As his lips met mine, I wrapped one arm around his neck while I trailed my other hand down to his tie. I youred it off before unbuttoning his shirt One handed.
"Damn. Always so hot." I said against his lips. I pulled back from the kiss only to push him away. He stumbled back and landed on his butt. I didn't let him even move before straddling his lap, hands roaming everywhere. I attacked my lips to his collarbone.
"Damn, darlin'. Impatient?" I froze as his words registered in my head. It wasn't just the words themselves, It was the nickname 'Darlin' and the accent drawl that went with it that definitely not Akira's normal voice . I pulled back slowly, removing my hands from him. There was only one person that fit both those bills. "What? Say somethin' wrong?"
"Yes, darlin'?" My blood went cold as his face paled in realization. "Fuck."
"You pervert!" I screamed. I scrambled off his lap and turned to run for my bag. I didn't get far when he grabbed my ankle and twisted, yanking me off my feet. There was a pop in my ankle, shooting pain up my leg. He crawled onto the back of my legs, grabbing my wrists. I felt Akira's tie being tied around my wrist. "Get off me!"
"No chance darlin. I have been wanting this ever since the first time I saw you in your dads office. I'm not lettin’ this chance go to feel you body fully." I grimaced as I struggled against the bonds.
"Disgusting piece of shit." I snapped. He turned me over and slapped me across the face. I glared at him and went to kick him but he pinned my legs down. He leant down and brushed his lips over my ear.
"Face it. You're stuck. No way out. So just let it happen." He whispered in my ear. His hand trailed my bare stomach and messed with the waistband of my bottoms. I started to struggle more as he tried to pull them down. He moved off me to pull them down and I took the chance. I kicked him broadside on the head. "Ah!"
"That's what you get." I mumbled as I wiggled away.
"You bitch!" His glare was deadly, it was hitting harder since it was Akira's face.
"Stay away from me." I growled.
"Not a ch..."
"y/N!" The door burst open and we both turned to see my dad. I turned to Concussion to see him pale as a ghost.
"Fuck." He muttered. Aizawa and Concussion's body stormed in behind my dad. As they closed in on him, I was finally able to get the tie off my wrists. A rock settled in the pit of my stomach.
How could I let him deceive me? How could I let him get me like this? I thought to myself, beating myself up. I flinched as I heard Akira's voice yelling out disgusting things and profanities. I jumped when I heard someone kneal next to me. Glancing over, I saw my dad reaching for me. My stomach turned at the thought of him comforting me.
"I'm fine." I pushed my dad away, not being able to handle his worrying over me.
"Sweetie..." I got up, flinching as I put pressure on my hurt ankle. I turned away from him, wiping the tears from my face. I didn't want anyone to see me torn.
"They were all over me first!" I flinched at the exclamation.
"Only because I thought you were..." I went to yell back but just the sight of him and the thought who was actually behind those eyes cut me off, bile rising in my throat. I bit my lip, turning away. "I'm going to Recovery Girl..."
"You were enjoying it regard..."
"I suggest you stop talking, Concussion." I heard my dad say firmly.
A little while later, I sat on a bed in Recovery Girl's office. I had one knee held to my chest while my other leg was propped on a pillow with an ice pack on my ankle. My head was leaning on my knee, on the verge of dozing off.
"Sweetie..." I jumped from the sudden voice next to me. I lifted my head to see my dad. My eyes stung as tears tried to force their way up. I turned away, sucking in a sudden breath. "Oh darling."
"Don't." I forced the words out past the lump in my throat. I squeezed my eyes shut.
"Y/N, please look at me."
"No." I shook my head. He sighed before sitting next to me.
"Alright. At least listen to me." He set his hand on my shoulder. "Just because your All Might's child, doesn't mean you have to be strong and unaffected by everything that happens to you. You're also Toshinori Yagi's child, my child. My child who is allowed to be a scared kid. Someone who is allowed to break when they've been hurt badly."
"No buts. You don't always have to be the Number 1 hero's daughter. Let yourself not be okay. Sweetie, Please." The air around us was tense and I peaked over my shoulder at him. "It's okay to break, especially after that. Don't hold it all inside."
"Daddy!" The dam finally broke and I burst out in tears. I let him gather me in his arms as I broke down. He didn't try to shush me but consoled me as best he could.
"I should have fired him as soon as he even flirted with you. I should have...It won't happen again Sweetie. He will be arrested as soon as the two switch back."
"How did this even happen? Akira was with me!" I choked.
"Concussion struck a deal with a villian that used their quirk to switch the two. It didn't matter where either was at, as long as the villain had a personal item from both parties." The explanation made me cry more.
"So could there have been other times that it was Concussion and not Akira?"
"It could have happened but Concussion claims it was only this one time and Akira doesn't remember any occurrences like this." I blindly reached for the tissues on the nearby table. Dad reached over and plucked one for me. "Here you go."
"Thank you. That's good to know." I blew my nose while leaning against his chest. Even in his skinny form, dad was a tall man.
"Did he do anything to you?" There was an unspoken part to that question. I thought about how to answer.
"A little. Most everything happened before I realized it was Concussion." I tossed the tissue away.
"Like what?" I flinched not wanting to talk about it but I knew it was for the best.
"He slapped me and tied me up. He hurt my ankle too." I pointed to my propped ankle. "He was able to actually touch me before you came in."
"Thank god." He hugged me tight. I nodded slightly. "How did you realize it wasn't Akira?"
"His voice. I don't know if you noticed but even in Akira's body, he had his accent drawl. He also called me Darlin which Akira doesn't do because I don't like the nickname due to Concussion."
"Oh, I didn't notice. I guess I was seeing too much red to pay attention to that detail." He pet the back of my head as I finally started calming down. He got a phone call and I went to pull away but he didn't let go. "No it's alright. Hello?"
"Okay." I whispered as I stayed put. I tuned his and his conversation out, hearing him use his "business" voice as I called it. It always told me that he was on the phone for hero business or something similar.
"Thank you, Tsukauchi. I'll ask them if they want too." I perked up at the name. I pulled back as he hung up. I cocked my head in silent question. "The two were switched back and Concussion was taken into custody. Hero license revoked permanently."
"Okay." I looked down at my hands. "Akira?"
"He's okay but really upset. He feels responsible."
"Why? He didn't do anything, nor could he control what happened."
"Since it was his body, he feels like he played a part."
"Yeah, an unwilling one!" I exclaimed, wiping leftover  tears from my face. "Where is he? I want to talk to him."
"Slow down! He is with his brother right now. You need to sit and rest. You and both know you need time no matter how strong you are. You can see him soon but for now, rest." He took my hand. Taking a big breath, I agreed.
He got up to go talk to Recovery Girl for a few minutes. I noticed he had brought my bag with him and reached for it. I took out my phone and charger to plug it in, letting it charge for a moment before turning it on. Upon waking up, there was a text from Akira. I smiled and felt more tears come to my eyes, but happy ones this time.
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"Here." A water bottle was held out in front of my eyes. I looked up to see dad holding it out.
"Thanks." I set the phone aside before taking the bottle. I drank quietly for a minute.
"Everything will be okay." He said softly.
"I know." I smiled up at dad. He returned before a glint went through his eyes.
"Now, do we need to have a talk about why you and Akira had a "spot" you two disappeared too?" He used air quotes to enunciate the word. I blanched and he smirked. "Well?"
"Umm, well, you see...shit."
"Uh huh. That's what I thought." He turned around and I scrambled for my phone.
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Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @cl0verbby @keigos-baby-bird
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tortelette · 1 year
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Limbus Company! Meursault Headcanons:
"Manager, just tell me your orders and I will make it done.
This guy is a living example of a perfect employee: willing, obedient, does not complain, observant, and also efficient in his job.
He has a capability to do anything from corporate, housework, fieldwork, combat and many more.
And yes... even dancing. The reason he just never utter about it is to preserve his own dignity. This guy has his own standards.
He rarely changes emotions no matter where he goes. He is happy? Pokerface. Sad? Pokerface. Angry? Pokerface.
Trust me, it is difficult to make him furious. But if you did then get ready to meet the deepest scowl you ever seen in the face of the earth and the silent treatment.
He seems like he does not give a damn but he can be the most judgemental person you ever met yet he decides to close it off to not let it hinder his job.
He is an overthinker, already has a plan for himself on what he will do if there is no order given to him for his work.
Has a mental list of activities that he needs to do from when to sleep, when to eat, when to survey, and when to observe his colleagues.
He may seem like a normal person who you can converse with, but nope... he is not as different to those other weird colleagues of his.
Can have his own weird quirk when interacting with him, it is just that it is so rare to get it out from him so nobody knew what it is.
He may not look like it, but he is a bit of a messy eater at times especially with streetfood.
Has a high adaptive body clock and can be awake in the earliest or sleep at the latest time of the day. The shortest he slept might be around a couple of minutes due to him needed to overwork himself back then.
Prefers small talk, remember to not continue too much with the conversation with him because even a quiet person like him who save his breath can easily tire himself out in just speaking a couple of sentences.
Prefers the other person to talk a lot.
Hates explaining things that is already common sense. Or he just hates explaining in general.
Likes specific orders from those above him, that way he can do it even more efficiently than before.
Out of all the sinners in Limbus Company, he is the strongest in terms of physical strength. In his mental schedule, he has a time where he is exercising although no one knew where he is exercising.
His eyes are a bit sensitive to sunlight and his complexion even makes him get slightly irritated even when a drop of sunlight touch on it. His skin easily gets flushed from the light, that is how sensitive he is.
He likes reading and such, if no one is looking then he whips out a small book for him to read to pass the time. Some of these books are more about professional and academic books.
Highly profecient in mathematics, quick to use a scientific calculator.
He prefers interacting with quiet people and to those who can understand him.
Oftentimes, likes Don Quixote's energy during supremely silent rides in the bus. It gives him a bit of a change in phase around and familiarity that his colleagues are still with him.
He has no dreams whatsoever in his sleep.
Gets promoted a lot in every company he works at, give him a week to start and suddenly heard him getting promoted so he is not fazed about this since it is common.
The only way for him to be distracted is by giving him something solve. Either a Rubik's cube, a crossword puzzle, sudoku and more. He gets hyperfixated on those.
He doesn't say this to anyone but he loves spending a normal night with tea and some desserts with a chessboard that he plays alone. Bonus for him when you are a silent company for him to be with, what matters for him is the presence of people.
He is highly observant and has a photographic mind. If you want to just read terms and services just in case, give the paperwork to him and he will read it quickly in a fly.
Easily forgets events that is happening to his colleagues like birthdays, anniversaries, meetups, and reunions. He found no interest or reason to go there to send his regards.
The only time he can smile is that when he provides his service to others and saw how genuine, happy, and content they are from his work.
The only time where he can talk a lot is when he is reporting. Only that.
Sensitive on how people view him at times yet he trained himself to ignore them.
Although the lingering whisper of their voices still haunts him to this day.
He never forgets faces, so if you cross him then pray to god you were not in the back of his mind.
Can undergo high amounts of stress, yet when he is at his breaking point he would just rest and drink something to cool himself off.
The reason why he prefers using gauntlets as his main weapon is because he needs to use his own bare hands in case of any danger come to him unprepared when he has no weapon to aid him.
High talent in any form of martial arts. Can only learn by watching.
Adept at speaking English, Korean, French, Spanish, and German.
For some reason, he is the first person who will know on what happens on a district before news came out of it.
He is not well versed in making friendships, tends to be alone most of the time.
Autistic... but due to his composition, people believed that he is a focused workaholic.
He can sleep while sitting up on a chair, more likely... he can sleep anywhere.
An absolute realist (This is the religious part but man his new dialogues show how interesting he is in various capacities.)
He found Gregor's botched acting amusing.
Believes in ghosts and spirits, tends to be superstitious most of the time although he hid it well to others.
He makes a ton of logs about his daily life, in order to recollect and study his memories.
Has different penmanship, one time he can write like a doctor, then he can write like a calligrapher, then he can write like a normal person. Hence his signatures can be different from time to time.
Very smart in science and chemistry, once took part in creating an invention that can replace energy in the entire City to a more efficient one. But he never mentions what they are.
Can't understand emotions, he just really can't.
Really like training and studying, providing him these things and will be happy.
Never likes festivals, just like staying in home or in a nearby cafe to watch the cloudy sky.
He joined Limbus in hopes he can find the answer he was searching for in his life.
Likes to provide additional info even at the most useless object there is to mass.
He often likes the rain, gives him a settled mind when at least hearing the raindrops outside the bus.
Everyday he will give the manager a letter of what he did and what the other members are doing. Expect long ass paperwork from him.
"My work here is done, if you are satisfied with my output please take some rest while I keep watch."
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gentrychild · 1 year
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#me on the inside: !!!!!! this is the most amazing thing i have ever seen! i love it! i also want to shake you by the shoulders because i am
Mes billets vedette en 2022 :
*squints* Did the Twitter refugees somehow contaminated Tumblr with that blue mark business?
1 661 notes - publié le 10 novembre 2022
AU where, the day of the entrance exam, All Might loses the hair to a strong gust of wind right after explaining the condition to transfer One for All so Izuku hesites 0.02 seconds before biting All Might’s arm like a vampire.
1 918 notes - publié le 28 février 2022
I feel so sorry for the Twitter users who have just emigrated to Tumblr because when I saw the first Goncharov posts, I was confused for a few seconds before I checked the tag and nodded when I saw #unreality. I was “Ah yes, people are inventing stuff.” because all of Tumblr going insane on one specific thing is something I’m used to.
But I don’t think people who aren’t used to this strange environment are in any way prepared for that kind of craziness and oh boy, what a way to be introduced to Tumblr.
2 229 notes - publié le 21 novembre 2022
I already don’t like All Might bashing but nothing annoys me more than the specific brand of All Might bashing where All Might furiously discriminates against quirkless people.
When All Might tells Izuku that he doesn’t think someone without a quirk can be a hero? Most of his answer is about himself. He is the quirkless kid who became a hero and he is now horribly alone, depressed, has PTSD, too many organs lost in action and a husk of his former self while the pressure of being the number 1 hero is grinding down on him as he is losing more and more time to use his quirk every day while being extremely aware that criminality staying as low as it is fully depends on him being the number 1 hero.
When Izuku asked him if he could be a hero, All Might probably had a magnificent flashback to his whole life and couldn’t, in good conscience, tell someone so similar to him to follow the same path because of all the hardship he went through.
Izuku being the only one to help during the second Sludge villain attack didn’t make him realize that “Even someone without a quirk has the potential to be a hero!” but it made him remember what heroism really is about.
2 949 notes - publié le 21 mars 2022
Mon billet n°1 en 2022
Loid is such a funny character, the first time you are introduced to him he seems like a cool, suave, charismatic but also ruthless man who focuses only on his mission and the embodiment of every spy character troupe there is and he is! But also few chapters in and he's like "My daughter/wife doesn't like me 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i am a failure of a spy 😩😩😭😭😭😭" at like every minor inconvenience
Loid, who bought an entire library of parenting books right after getting Anya and who makes sure to arrange dates with Yor despite being overworked and who gets actually angry when people say bad things about her: "I am just doing this for the mission."
4 493 notes - publié le 22 mai 2022
Obtenez votre année 2022 en revue sur Tumblr →
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Overworking Isn’t Good
SUMMARY: What do you do when Katsuki, the person you love so, so much, shows signs of overworking  himself? What can you even do to help him? WORD COUNT: 700+
WARNINGS: Katsuki overworking, self-harm (just adding this in case) (he uses his quirk so uh-), you comforting Katsuki, Katsuki not thinking he’s strong enough (he’s so strong tho-)
A/N: This took me waaaay too long to finish- I kept getting distracted </3 Anyways, yes- this was a collab with @minsipie​ for their Ease the Pain Collab! (Yes I’m tryna finish all of my Collab stuff so I can start writing stuff for my own collab...) No because he’s my comfort character and deserves all the love- Katsuki deserves like, a couple forehead kisses. A/N PART 2: Also y’all, please don’t overwork yourself… It’s not good (I say this as I am currently doing a lot of things at once and slightly overworking myself-) BUT, I don’t want y’all getting exhausted. Take some time for yourself to just relax. <33 A/N PART 3: Originally posted here.
© kazumiwrites - All rights reserved; please do not steal, edit, copy, repost (etc) my work without my express permission.
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"How long has it been since you slept?"
Your eyes were filled with worry for Katsuki, frowning softly. "Seriously. What have you been doing?" You smacked his shoulder gently. "You look like you're about to collapse."
"...'S nothing, don't worry about me." A soft huff escaped the ash-blond male, not meeting your gaze. "'M fine, I promise."
You shook your head, disbelieving. "Oh, hush. That's clearly not true." You grabbed his arm, dragging him toward his bed. "Go. To. Sleep."
"But..." He mumbled, barely resisting your touch. He was pretty sleepy, anyway.
You sighed softly as you plopped down on the bed next to him. "Have you been sleeping much?" You asked, gently running a hand through his hair.
He grumbled softly as he laid down, leaning in to your touch. "...Suppose not. But, I have to train... I can't let Icy Hot beat me, or Deku..." He muttered, huffing a little. "I have to be the best, Number One in my class; otherwise, how'll I be a good hero...?"
You huffed a little, gently smacking his shoulder. "That's stupid. Of course you'll be a good hero. Look at Hawks, he's a good hero, and he's not number one, is he?"
"Yeah, but... I have to be number one, I have to beat all the extras-"
"Yes, yes, but you have to rest. If you don't rest, then your body would be too overworked, and that wouldn't be good, would it? Just take some time off. You're clearly exhausted."
"'M not..." He muttered, just leaning in to your touch as his eyes fluttered shut.
A few moments later, he fell asleep, you yawning a bit before wrapping your arms around him, laying next to him and nuzzling in to him. You soon drifted off as well, being a bit tired.
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A couple hours later, Katsuki stirred slightly. You were already awake, laying next to him on your stomach as you were on your computer. When you heard him stirring, you closed your computer before leaning next to him, pressing a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Feel better?" You asked softly, wrapping your arms around him.
The male nodded with a soft hum, relaxing ever so slightly at your touch. He leaned in to your touch even more, content. "Yeah... Thanks. You really don't need to worry about me, though."
"Oh really," you deadpanned, staring at him. "If I didn't worry, you'd overwork yourself until you passed out." You nudged him gently with a small sigh. "You're an idiot."
Katsuki grumbled softly, frowning a bit. "...'M not an idiot, [Y/N]." He huffed a little.
"Yes you are. I love you, though." You paused for a moment. "How exactly are you overworking yourself, though?"
"I'm not overworking myself." He huffed again at your stare, then pulled the sleeves of his hoodie up.
You hadn't really realized that he never wore short sleeves anymore; you had thought that he was just cold. Your eyes widened slightly as you saw the bruises on his raw skin, some that looked like it had been scratched off. "I... Katsuki."
"It's not what you think- I, I've been trying to be able to use my quirk more, and I was just using it on myself to make sure I was getting stronger..." He bit his lip lightly, cringing in on himself. He hated having you stare at him like this... It made him uneasy.
"So? You can't keep hurting yourself like this." You huffed softly, arms moving to gently wrap around the male. "It'll make you worse. I know you're trying to get stronger, I really do. But overworking yourself is like going one step forward and two steps back. Proper rest, as well as not overusing your quirk, will help you become better, I promise." You held him close, gently wrapping your arms around him. "So... Promise me you won't try to use your quirk as much, please..."
"...Whatever, you really don't need to worry so much. It's unnecessary." The male sighed. "But, fine, I won't. Or, I'll try not to, at least..." He grumbled softly. He really would do anything for you... Even this. Even stop doing a lot of his training just to appease you. His eyes softened a bit as he held you close, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. This was the one thing that comforted him, just having you here, and he wouldn't want anything else to change.
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gxdmade · 1 month
@lovehungered x
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“You should be asleep,”
This is met with a moment of confusion, brows knitting together as the snipper's gaze snaps to the window. The lightened color of the sky indicating the sun having barely rose above the horizon, certainly too early for Usopp to be up at this time normally. The scene is met with a guilty squint. Oh...Oops.
The cook seems to take mercy on him for the moment, not immediately sending him away without a response. Naturally, he went to reach for his little notebook, but it became abundantly clear that, for one, it wasn't on him at the moment. On top of this, his glasses, used to see anything up close with clarity, were on his desk somewhere. Lastly, he's reminded that his hands fucking hurt. Right. That's why he's here in the first place. "Ah- uh. Okay. Th-Thanks. I know y-y-you and Nami have some f-fancy stuff."
Actually...a shower is starting to sound more and more pleasant, the sharpshooter becoming gradually more aware of his current state. A shower, maybe a bath, a nap, if his mind would shut the fuck up long enough, some food- a lot of food-, hm... The blond getting closer drew him from his thoughts. He saw the polite warning in the other's eyes, and a small smile quirked at his lips. Ever the kindhearted man, never one to push boundaries or disrupt someone's comfort. (Unless you're a certain green-haired swordsman, but even then, Sanji's incredibly attentive to the man's needs.) A trait the entire crew treasured, regardless of anyone else's feedback. (Fuck Germa.)
His trust in the other is apparent in the way he gently pushes his hands forward into Sanji's, even if the following inspection did drag a few hisses and flinches. He tries to keep still, sensory overload be damned, and the cook's voice comes out with a tinge of annoyance. “I didn’t realise it could get this bad…”  Usopp winces, not at the aches, and looks off to the side. It's rarely intentional that he ends up like this. Overworking himself and inadvertently hurting himself. Bad habits are just hard to kick. (heh...kick...)
A petulant, whiney groan leaves Usopp that he fails to catch (Damn, he really must be drained...), eyes rolling. "B-but he's jus' g'nna get m-m-m-(sonovabitch-) mad at me for staying up a-again! It wasn't on- on purpose!" Another lecture from Chopper meant a possible one from Robin and Nami next. Word spreads fast on the ship, naturally.
“Hands aside, something bothering you? You're not usually up this late...”
A sigh. "Y-Yes and no. Like- it's noth'n detrim-m-mental, per se. Jus' tryin' to work on s-s-stuff and hittin' a wall." His palms scrubbed at his face repeatedly, a heavier sigh leaving the sniper.
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fleetwoodmoth · 6 months
How about 9, 10, 12 and 13
you can just let me have both of your ocs because they are both so neat <3
OHHH I'm so happy you said both because I've been itching to talk about Kita
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
Omen - You're a weapon, and weapons don't weep.
Omen was bought off her parents by the Commission once she exhibited her quirk, much like Hawks, and trained to be a weapon for them, and not as a hero. Like Lady Nagant she was supposed to be used to take out problematic individuals under the radar. But that did not happen. Omen ran away from the Commission at 17 and joined the League at 19.
Kita - I'm not afraid of the war you come to rage against my sins, I'm not okay, but I can try my best to just pretend. So will you wait me out? Or will you drown me out?
WOOF Kita has issues. He is terribly full of love and has suffered a lot of loss, his friends and lovers have died, and now he kinda spirals, and those who are left he feels like are watching him waiting for him to snap. He puts on a good natured exterior but on the inside the grief has driven him mad. He probably breaks into special grade level sorcerer simply because he no longer holds back because he finds no reason anymore.
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
Omen - I think it's kinda basic, but it would be really interesting to see her become a hero and what she might have done if she had been afforded the chance to do good with her powers.
Kita - I have so many for him, but a particularly interesting one for me is him leaving with Geto to start the cult together. He would go full tilt mad when Geto dies and become a special grade curse user which I think would be fun (extra angst points of Gojo having to kill both of the people he used to love)
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
Omen - Mmm yes and no, probably when it comes to wanting social interaction she self isolates hard, runs away, disappears for a few days. It was like pulling teeth to get her to just tell Dabi that she was feeling lonely so he could help.
Kita - HOO BOY IS HE. Self isolating when he needs comfort, overworking himself to a point he gets badly injured, drinking himself into a black out around death anniversaries. He's a sad boy who has shit coping mechanisms. I think the only healthy outlet he has is taking care of his cats, no matter what they are always well taken care of.
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
Omen - I think so, Omen can be kinda immature in the way that she didn't really have a childhood, I think we could bond over that.
Kita - Mmmm yes? I think so. He's just quiet and sad and I too am those things sometimes, I think tho we could bond over the trans experience.
Thank you thank you!! I love talking about my babies
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taiyakiiwrites · 2 years
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pairing(s): izuku midoriya x gn!reader
wc: 0.8k+ words
content: just some sappy relationship headcanons, literally nothing bad
notes: this is literally just me blabbering about every thought i have of this man, so don’t expect it to be too organized 💀 but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless, cause i had fun writing all of this
⇉ requests are open!! || main masterlist || rules
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fun fact: he used to learn about you with the excuse of being able to write about your skills in his notebook,, and still uses that excuse sometimes when he’s particularly shy, but it’s okay, we’ll work on it—
he’s a classic gentleman due to his mother: opening doors, pulling out chairs for you, giving you his jacket. he’s just so chivalrous and it is just adorable
midoriya works night and day on training and school, so you guys don’t go on the most “thrilling” dates since he doesn’t always have the energy. but they’re still fun!
you guys usually go to nearby cafes and parks, talking about anything and everything. izuku always has a lot on his mind, so don’t worry about not having a conversation topic
walks are a must!! he overworks himself a lot so you two agreed a while ago that if either of you are stressed out, one will always drag the other one outside to take a break from everything
plus, it’s nice to just go outside and hear the birds sing !!1!!
and yes, he will drag you to any showings of all might movies and ramble daily about what he knows about his favorite heroes
if you have any sort of fixation as well, whether a hero, hobby; or piece of media, feel free to rant about it to him as well and you guys can bounce thoughts off of each other
you two can bond through being nerds 💀
izuku’s training is really important to him—he needs to be the number 1 hero! but in the beginning, it was something that came in the way of quality time and your relationship. so how did you both solve this?
well, if you’re athletic, you two train together!! not only does your teamwork improve for school, but you learn so much about one another that you know exactly how to help each other
you two also constantly talk about how to improve your costumes or your moves
and if you’re not crazy athletic, don’t worry, i feel you ㅠㅠ so usually you just let him use you as a weight as he works out HSKJD
but as much as he’s a workaholic at times, you two goof off a lot together; it’s a big part of your relationship
a lot of times, he picks you up randomly and runs off with you, or you two bake something together and end up in a flour fight, or you two try to create a crazy combo power move with your quirks
midoriya also always makes sure you’re prepared for the day. he reminds you to bring an umbrella if the forecast says it’ll rain, gives you his extra hoodie when it’s chilly, and constantly sneaks bottles of water into your bag when you go out
if anything happened to you when he wasn’t around, he would go into a full-on panic, so he does his best to make it so you’re ready for anything for both of your sakes
keeps a polaroid of you and him in his phone case *:・゚✧ that is the sweetest thing anyone can do, and you cannot change my mind
izuku finds his motivation to become stronger through you! he wants to be able to protect the person he cares the most about if the time calls for it, but also because you’ve helped him so much before that he wants to give back
you’re the one that comforts him when he gets burnt out or upset, the one who gets him back up on his feet. you’re also his number 1 supporter, but you also remind him of his limits, and he could not be more grateful
and he’s your number 1 fan too! with any extracurricular activities you do or any hobbies you have, he is always there cheering you on—he believes that you can do anything
he puts a lot of trust in you. and i mean a lot.
if you asked him to do something risky, he would do it without hesitation, believing that you know what you’re doing. hell, even if it sounded like he would die, he would
he is a very dedicated man, let’s just say
but that’s the type of person he is !! once he trusts someone, it’s hard to change his mind about it
and at night, sometimes he gets nightmares that, due to his quirk, the LOV kidnaps you and tortures you... or worse.
those nights, he texts you the minute he wakes up and you two chat until he can fall asleep again
if you’re feeling risky, you sneak into his dorm and sleep beside him <33
tsuyu or mina have probably caught you once or twice, but they can keep a secret ;))
overall, you two have the sweetest damn relationship and izuku wouldn’t trade you for the world
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oofurixmas · 1 year
Sharing a hobby
To: Omer    From: Nyuuuuuko
Summary: “Photos?” Abe quirked his head in confusion, raising an eyebrow.
(Hi! I was your Oofuri Secret Santa! I hope you enjoy it! –Nyuuuuuko on AO3)
“Photos?” Abe quirked his head in confusion, raising an eyebrow.
“Y-Yeah…I’ve kind of always had a hobby of it…b-but don’t worry, Abe! It doesn’t get in the way of practicing!”
“You’d better not be spending every minute practicing regardless, I think you know how I feel about you overworking your arm.”
After a quick squeak, Mihashi backpedaled. “Y-Yeah! I like t-taking photos!”
“And you’re taking them at your cousin’s wedding?”
“Y-Yeah…I wanted to give her some sort of gift but I don’t really have any money…”
“Huh…” Abe grunted in interest, “are they any good?”
“Um-!” Mihashi fidgeted. What now?! He loved his photos, but he didn’t want to sound arrogant! “W-Well-! H-how about-! I…just…show…you…?”
“Sure.” Came the quick reply. A brief moment passed before he spoke up again. “Well? Go get it if you wanna show me.” 
Another tiny squeak before Mihashi jumped up and ran upstairs, reemerging a few seconds later with a worn camera bag. The camera he pulled out was a bit on the older side, but it was nice. Definitely capable of taking some pretty decent pictures. It was no flip-phone camera, that was for sure. After watching him fumble with the switch on the top and turn it on, he clicked a few buttons and started flicking through them. “T-These haven’t been edited yet, so they’re moreso half-done…” He mumbled, handing Abe the camera.
“You edit your photos?” He asked, taking the camera from calloused, boney hands into softer, larger ones. 
“Sometimes…I only really play with color and exposure, mostly…”
The photos themselves were beautiful, even without any editing. He could tell some had been taken around Nishiura’s campus, turning sights he’d see every day into a portrait that almost made him want to go back just to see if he could find it as beautiful as Mihashi had made it.
“How do you take these pictures?” He found himself asking. 
“Well…” Mihashi switched back to photo taking mode on the camera and looked around for something to take a picture of. “I guess we can just use these books as an example…” He gestured to the pile of untouched books that Hanai had mentioned during their study session at his house. A gentle layer of dust covered them, reflecting the gentle light of the window whenever agitated. 
“The lighting in this shot isn’t too bad, but maybe I could make it better real quick…” Mihashi’s eyes glazed over in focus. Abe was a bit shocked. It was really similar to the look Tajima gave when he was doing something baseball related. Suddenly very serious and very confident. The shorter moved a small desk lamp around, trying a few angles and deciding on placing it to the side of the pile. 
“Alright, now for the camera settings. I want a low f-stop so that can work to my advantage–”
“Hold on, what’s an F-stop?”
“...and then the ISO can be set pretty low, though I do want a bit of a higher shutter speed, so I guess I’ll have to–”
Finally, the pitcher squeaked and flinched out of his extremely focused mindset. “Y-Yes, Abe-!”
“I was asking you a question! I don’t know what any of that means!”
“Um…f-stop is…t-the amount of light let in through t-the lens…” 
Abe sat through Mihashi quietly explaining the different functions of the camera as the dirty blonde started resetting them all. Eventually, he kneeled in front of the desk. “Alright…” He waved his hand a bit so some of the dust would kick up and Abe heard the lens snap. He watched Mihashi sit up and start examining the picture he took. “...Well, it’s not perfect, but something like that.” 
“How did you learn all about this, anyway? I had no idea you were so…” So what, he thought, capable?
“My dad always loved taking pictures when I was younger, he showed me all I know…this is his old camera, actually. He always sends me pictures from his business trips.
“Well, uh…that’s really…” Abe bit back a sigh. He hated lowering his guard to compliment people.
“I know, I’m sorry–”
“Incredible, Mihashi.”
“I said they’re incredible. You should keep taking pictures.”
No one had ever said something like that to Mihashi before. Then again, he never really shared this hobby with anyone. Abe had to stifle a laugh at the happy fidgeting from the shorter.
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hellflcmes · 1 year
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Sense  and  other  specific  headcanons
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What  does  your  muse  smell  like  ? He smells like a campfire. One that has been going for a few hours and has developed that rich smokey smell. His natural scent increases a bit depending on how much he has used his quirk. If he’s been working or just finished a work out there is the underline scent of sweat but usually the smokey smell covers it up. When it comes to colognes Enji prefers to more woodsy-smelling ones, usually something like sandalwood. Though he would only wear such a thing if he’s going out with friends or a partner or to some social event.
What  do  your  muse’s  hands  feel  like ?  His are rough and calloused. From training and working so much, he’s roughed them up over the years. He doesn’t do much in terms of trying to take care of them. Now that he’s on the path of redemption, he sort of sees them as a small reminder of what he’s done. Hence his lack of care for how his hands are.
What  does  your  muse  usually  eat  in  a  day ? Not much for someone his size actually. He’s a workaholic and usually, his focus is on that rather than taking care of himself. When he does either remember to eat then it’s usually something quick. The only time he will take the time to eat is if someone sits him down and makes him something. It does sort of depend on who it is. He will always make the time to sit down and eat anything Fuyumi makes him. If he’s with a partner who cooks then he will put in the same effort. For example, he will always make sure to get the box lunch Do makes him. He also knows if he doesn’t eat it then his tiny wife will most likely deadlift him out of spite.
Does  your  muse  have  a  good  singing  voice ?  No, he doesn’t and don’t even try to get him to. The guy will either just give you his typical grump scowl or literally leave the room.
Does  your  muse  have  any  bad  habits  or  nervous  ticks ? May not seem like a bad habit, but if something is going wrong then Enji just locks himself in his gym and works out all of his negative feelings. He can spend hours in there and it doesn’t matter if he had just gotten off of his shift of hero work. This is why it can be foreseen as a bad habit. Enji can literally overwork his muscles and tire himself out where dragging himself to bed takes a great deal of effort. It’s something he’s working on and it actually becomes a little easier for him to deal with if he has a caring partner.
What  does  your  muse  usually  look  like/wear ? Outside of his hero costume, Enji tends to wear plain casual wear. Usually, they’re all well made, possibly from a high-end fashion designer, but never anything flashy. Due to his size, both in height and bulk, he tends to struggle a little with finding things that fit him and look good. Most of the time he will rely on someone, usually Fuyumi, to tell him if he looks alright. If he’s with someone and they wish to dress him up then he’s willing to go along with it simply because he believes their tastes are better than his. This is especially true for his verse where he’s married to Do. He actually enjoys that she wants to wear matching outfits
Is  your  muse  affectionate  ?  How  so  ?  Surprisingly yes he is affectionate. He tends to show it in more private moments. He is trying to be more affectionate with his kids, mostly Fuyumi, as he does better with showing his feelings than using words. Though he’s more prone to be affectionate with a partner than his kids. Yet again, he doesn’t usually do PDA but he will do small things like small touches here and there, standing close to his partner, and even brief hand-holding. But at home, he becomes a big snuggler. There is a reason why Do has nicknamed him Teddybear.
What  position  does  your  muse  sleep  in ?  Whatever position he lays down in is the position he will wake up in. Enji doesn't tend to move that much during the night. He is a light sleeper; the smallest sound will wake him up, and usually, he prefers positions he can easily get out of bed from. However, if he has a partner then he will usually just situate himself to their preferences. Do loves to sleep on top of him so he’s gotten used to sleeping on his back and with her sprawled on his chest. Enji actually struggles to fall asleep if she's not on top of him after a certain point.
Could  you  hear  your  muse  in  the  hallway  from  another  room  ?  Sort of. He’s a big guy so being stealthy isn’t exactly something that comes naturally to him. He does try his best to be quiet but he could possibly be heard in a hallway if someone listens closely as he moves about. Unless truly angered, Enji doesn’t raise his voice. If he does outside of his emotions then it stays on the battlefield.
tagged by: @hatecharred , @strawberrywings , @multianime (Thank you all for tagging me!) tagging: anyone who wishes to do it u w u
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I posted 988 times in 2022
That's 985 more posts than 2021!
25 posts created (3%)
963 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 185 of my posts in 2022
#dabi - 14 posts
#dabihawks - 7 posts
#bnha - 5 posts
#mha - 5 posts
#hawks - 5 posts
#hawks bnha - 4 posts
#hawks mha - 4 posts
#keigo takami - 4 posts
#takami keigo - 3 posts
#headcanon - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 129 characters
#i had to wear a heart monitor for a school thing and i got so anxious it was already above the 140 bpm mark saying 'hey sit down'
My Top Posts in 2022:
Hawks but with a velociraptor quirk - or a velociraptor shifter, even:
He's already known to be a 'raptor bird', but uh oh mutant puberty gave him some extra things to work with, but he needs time tame his instincts.
Also works as Dragon quirk / dragon shifter AU
21 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
A short DabiHawks drabble.
"Do those hurt? They look like they do," Hawks prodded as they continued walking down the street, hands in pockets as Dabi glowered at any lowlife who came near them.
"You get used to them," He replied simply, touching one of the staples - he really couldn't register the pain any longer, which was probably bad, but he didn't have it in him to care.
"I have numbing stuff that works great if you want some," Hawks babbled, something about the Commission and being a priority.
"I don't know, does it work on your throat?"
"Because it must be sore from all the dick you've been sucking." He flicked the butt of his cigarette into a dumpster, letting it light on fire for a brief instant before extinguishing.
"Wanna find out?" Dabi startled as Hawks huskily asked, leaning over him very suddenly and making him feel small with the pair of wings that were now shielding him from vision.
"Relax, I'm joking. I used to be one of those kinda agents, if you get my drift. Not my sorta thing."
"Good," Dabi snapped, face flushed furiously.
26 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Headcanon that Keigo has hyperesthesia:
He feels everything x10 the normal extent of everyone else, including why he feels his wings and feathers so much
Sounds are so loud to him that they can become painful
He has chronic pain due to how sensitive his nerves are to every little thing (i.e, digging his nails into his palm? It fucking HURTS, not even breaking the skin. You know how pimples are super painful? Multiply that by at least 5.)
This includes constantly feeling his lungs expand, heartbeat, the hair on his arms, legs, etc.
If he's anything like me, he also has cardiophobia, so he constantly has to distract himself (see, overworking 24/7)
Also has insomnia
Trouble eating because of focusing on his stomach too much and consequentially makes himself sick from worry
Experiences emotion stronger than most people
Lots of sensory overloads
Tends to hyperventilate / self regulate breathing a bit too much
Higher pain tolerance than the average person but only because everything hurts so much
Had to comb his skin to desensitize (Yes, a plastic comb on your arms and legs etc., I had to do this as well)
HATES scratchy materials, but also hates velvet because it's too soft
Am I self projecting now that I know what I have is hyperesthesia? Yes, but it makes SENSE, y'all!
27 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Hawks' fatal flaw is one that shouldn't be considered a flaw in the first place -
He cares too much about the people he's fighting.
He didn't want to kill Twice, never did, but had a metaphorical leash on him the whole time with the HPSC breathing down his neck.
Now that they're gone, he's said he's free of his shackles. That Horikoshi claimed that he'd be seen as some kind of beacon of hope (don't have the source on hand).
But I worry he'll try to stomp down his emotions after Dabi pointed out that he slipped up because he felt bad for Twice.
30 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Props to Horikoshi to making the sluttiest, queerest rivalry ever and then making them absolutely ruin each other
105 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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touyaz · 3 years
your last breeding fic with hawks had me deeply thinking of hawks and a reader who is like a grade school teacher or teacher assistant!!! like can you imagine
pairing hawks | takami keigo x fem reader
word count 2,325
notes holy shit i completely misread this as my breeding fic reminded u of your grade teacher and i was so concerned💀 ANYWAY.. yes !!! this dynamic… absolute gold. teachers make birdman go brr 😈 this got way out of hand & is more a scenario than hcs but it was so fun to write! enjoy <3
WARNINGS dubcon (the sex is consensual, but the breeding kink aspect is iffy on the reader's behalf), hawks is a little dark/ creepy, smut, breeding kink, unprotected sex, vag sex, creampie. reader is called miss, ma and girl, but no pronouns are used.
hawks is an in-and-out kind of guy. he'll stop villains as quickly as possible and move on before you can even blink, leaving his sidekicks and the police to deal with all the formalities and boring work. he doesn't stick around after a takedown, he'll brush off any injuries he gets, he's not a big fan of the cameras and questions, and most days he's too overworked and tired to deal with the crazed fans that want to snap a picture with him.
it's a different story that fateful day he meets you. a couple of villains have stormed into a museum, holding civilians hostage while they loot the artifacts there. it's a dangerous situation with so many people at risk, but it’s nothing the winged hero can't handle, orchestrating his feathers to capture the villains in anti-quirk cuffs from a safe distance. he does a quick look-over to ensure that everyone's safe, and he's just about to jet off to the next crime scene when he sees you, quivering in fear, crouching beside some children.
his heart stops in his chest when he sees the way you embrace as many as you can, the way they cling to you so desperately. oh, you poor thing. you look so shaky, so terrified, and what kind of hero would he be if he didn't ease your worries? he swoops down from his perch, greeting a few civilians and telling them they're all safe now, until he reaches you.
he can see the way the children wipe away their tears and put smiles on their faces for him, and aren't you just a darling, telling them that there's nothing to worry about now that a pro hero is here.
he plays his part as the triumphant hero well, cheering and praising the kids for being so strong, listening to the way they gush at how amazing his wings are. and, sure, he's facing the little tots, but his mind is focused on you — the way you flatten stray hairs, adjust the hem of your blouse, check your phone. he doesn't even realise that there’s another teacher here until some vile man puts his hands on your shoulders, asking if you're okay.
you're perfect, he thinks, when you stumble away from the hand on you, rubbing the nape of your neck as you reply. then, both of you are grouping with the kids and hawks takes the chance to speak to you.
"hey, you alright, dove?" he asks, flashing that award-winning smile of his, enjoying the way your eyes widen a little in shock.
"yes— yes, we're fine, thank you so much for saving us, hawks."
"just doing my job, miss…?"
you fill him in with your name, and it sounds so much more sultry — like something better whispered between lovers at night than in a public museum with children around — when it's rolling off his tongue as he repeats after you.
"got some brave kids with you, don't you?" he says, grinning at the way one boy shyly tucks himself beside your leg. "school trip, i'm guessing?"
"yeah, we're, um, learning the history of quirks."
just before hawks can reply, a few more kids join, and you crouch down to listen to them speak (and maybe, just maybe, hawks' eyes flit down to the curve of your ass, but you're none the wiser to his lusty gaze).
"maybe you should ask mr hawks," you say — and, god, don't you sound adorable speaking so softly to the children, calling him mr hawks and all, teaching them a little respect. he can already tell you’d make a fine parent, listening to your childrens’ woes (plural, definitely, he’s always wanted a big family), teaching them right from wrong and making sure they’re good kids — pretty like their ma, heroic like their dad.
"mr hawks, can we please, please, get a picture with you?" one of the girls says, and how can he resist the doe eyes and the nervous smile you have on your face.
"of course, kid." you take out your phone and call all the children back in so you can get a group shot, but hawks is quick to pull you back by the wrist when you start to walk away so you can take the photo. "none of that, dove, can't have the teacher missing from the pic, now can we, kids?"
and, whatever the hero says, goes. the kids immediately agree that you have to be in the photo.
"excuse me, sir, mind taking the photo for us?" hawks knows that that's another teacher, or your assistant, but no one ever says no to a hero, so it's easy to get the other man to distance himself as you all crowd together.
hawks makes sure you're right next to him, with the children scattered on either of your sides. he slips a hand around your hip, dismissing the way you look at him curiously with a quick, "smile for the camera, babe!"
the picture is perfect. the two of you are right in the middle, looking like a happy couple with his arm around you, and a lovely smile on your face. even better is the sight of the kids surrounding you both, like some massive, mix-matched family. it's so strange, this feeling festering in him, to want that with you; to see a kid — his kid — on your hip, to rest his chin on your shoulder when you're swaying a babe to sleep, to listen to you baby-talk to his child, little coos and quiet giggles filling the room. just give him a time and he'll be ready and willing to fill you up with a whole class of kids.
it doesn't take long for his sidekicks to enter the building, and, normally, by this time, hawks would have long since left the area, but he can't bring himself to part from you so soon. he asks for your number so you can send him the picture of you two, and then he says that it's protocol for him to meet up with witnesses later for reports of the event, and, well, what reason do you have to not believe him?
he texts you whenever he can after that. a message about how pretty you look in the picture, another checking up on you and the kids — god, doesn't that sound like a dream come true. you and his kids — and another asking if you're free on friday to go over what happened.
he invites you over to the agency, so it seems more believable, and you seem prepared to answer his questions about what you saw before he arrived. sure, you had gone over this with the police, but he needed to make sure the paperwork and whatnot were all in place — the boring side of hero work, he claims with a dramatic groan.
you look gorgeous in your knit sweater and blue jeans, trousers hugging your thighs so well, he wants to dig into your skin, squeeze the plump flesh until you're bruising with his love. it's easy to convince you to stay for lunch — "come on, let me treat you for coming all the way out here for me" — and he orders something expensive, something that has you sweetly gasping when it's delivered to his office ("oh, hawks, please you really shouldn't have." but how can he stop himself from showering you in all he's worth?).
you don't even realise how quickly time is flying by and you're still in his office, chattering about the work the kids have been up to, how you plan to kick back and relax this weekend. you don't notice his hand on your hip, soothingly rubbing circles, encouraging you to ramble on and on, and when you let slip that your shoulders have been aching lately, well, isn't this just a golden opportunity for him?
"come on, dove, i'm pretty talented with my hands."
you don't miss the innuendo, nor are you unaware of how the light in his eyes is lost to a flourishing darkness, but who wouldn't turn into a flushed fool beneath such a charming hero's gaze? you're so compliant for him, letting him turn you and knead at your shoulders, at the base of your neck as he whispers to you. "right here, babe? like this?"
"y-yeah, feels really good…"
he hums, quiet, gentle, but no less seductive than his wandering hands that slowly trail down your arm. his breath is warm on your neck from how close he is, and you can feel the heat from his chest on your back as he murmurs into your ear. "you're so tense, baby, gotta loosen you up and make you feel good."
you're so lost to the way his nose grazes along the side of your neck, his lips following in its wake with the most tender kisses, that you don't realise his hands have moved to massage your hips until they gradually migrate upwards, fondling your breasts through your clothes. you're too far gone now, arching into his caresses, sighing his name as he enjoys the weight of them in his palms.
you don't even know what he's saying, too busy moving your hand back to palm at his cock to focus on his muttering. "god, baby, can't wait to see these fucking grow, wanna see them leaking with your milk."
before you know it, you're completely bare before him, lying back and watching as he pushes his pants down and his rock-hard cock springs up, slapping against his abdomen.
a condom is the last thing on either of your minds — you're too lust drunk, begging for him to fuck you, and he's just giving you what you want, pretty girl, don't worry, he'll stuff you to the brim until you're dripping.
he's got the tightest grip on your body as he bottoms out, claws sinking into your plush hips as he revels in the tight feel of your cunt around him. he can't hold himself back for long, losing all self-control in favour of pounding into you with reckless abandon, carving your silky, pliant walls to the shape of his cock, so you can only ever get pleasure from his cock, so he's the only man you'll ever be creaming for.
"fuck, baby, been thinking about your pretty pussy since i met you. gonna fill you up real good till you're leaking for days," he rasps, mouthing around your nipples, latching onto the pert bud and sucking until faint marks bloom all around them.
his words are going in one ear and out the other, lost beneath your cries and pleas when his thumb moves to swipe at your pearl, circling it in steady motions.
you're trembling beneath him, little pants of his name escaping you, as he croons, "been aching thinking about stuffing you full of my load, seeing you swell all pretty with my kid — fucking hips are made for it, shit—! you want that, too, don't you, pretty bird? bet you want a little babe of your own, yeah? fuck, baby, don't worry, don't worry, i'll give you what you want, i'll give it to you, gonna, fuck— gonna fuck a kid right into you, baby, promise."
his pace is relentless, unyielding, as he pistons his hips into you, deeper and deeper until the blunt tip is kissing your womb with each thrust. his lewd words barely filter in your mind, but the animalistic growls that follow each sentence spark across your nerves, sending you into a burgeoning fire. you don't even know what you're agreeing to, mindlessly nodding your head, mewling a pathetic little "yeah, yeah, hawks, want it so bad, please," and what kind of hero would he be if he didn't give you what you wanted? what you were practically begging him for?
"fuck, yeah!" he groans, winding his arms beneath your back and curling them over your shoulders so he can sink into you even further. until not a breath of air can pass between your bodies. until you forget where you begin and he ends. "you want my seed, baby? gonna let me knock you up, yeah? fuck, baby, i'm coming, i’m coming—!"
his knees are digging into the cushions of the sofa as he puts his all into the last few thrusts. obscene squelches resonate throughout the room, the smell of sex stifling the air with its heady arouma as he buries himself in you. spurts of cum paint your insides white and the feeling of a warm stickiness filling your womb sends you over the edge, hurtling into your own orgasm. your cunt clenches around him, keeping his sensitive cock deep in your hole so he can't pull out even if he wanted to.
his body is folded over yours, breath coming out in puffs over your sore tits as you both calm your racing hearts. his cock is still shoved inside you, not letting a single drop of his cum escape.
"hawks," you murmur, nudging at his shoulder until he lifts his head. "you're still, um…"
your eyes flicker down to where the two of you are joined together, to where your cum trickles out and smears along his thighs, dirtying the sofa beneath you. he smirks at the shy way you avert your eyes when he locks his darkened gaze on yours.
he hums, tipping his head back down to nip at the lobe of your ear, to suck a sweet little love bite at the edge of your jaw. "you didn't think we were done, did you, birdie?" his arms encircle your body and you moan when he grinds his pubic bone against your clit to push his cum even deeper into your cunt. "made a promise to you, baby, and i'm not stopping till i'm sure you're knocked up with my kid."
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kheta · 2 years
Percy Weasley was 19 and running an entire Ministry Department by himself (see doing literally everything for Crouch “Sr” and not getting a single complaint or disciplinary against him) as well as being errand boy number 1 for the Triwizard Tournament. 19. Fuck he might have been 18-19.
Man’s was intelligent and hardworking and Arthur demeaning that by saying Fudge ONLY chose him to spy on the family was so very wrong of him to do as a parent to an adult. He was treating an able, growing, intelligent teenager like an actual child and I’m still mad about that. I mean c’mon, actual children hate being treated like kids, why would a proud teenager sit back and take that sort of patronisation?
Like was Fudge using Percy? Probably. Did that make him any less capable of being a highly intelligent candidate for the position? Heck no. Percy might have been lacking in experience on years in comparison to other Ministry Workers, but he was also a competent Junior Secretary who deserved some recognition for his hard work. When I was 18-19 I would not be able to handle that work load. I spent those two years drunk at least 3 out of my 5 day uni weeks. I smoked through 2 packets of cigarettes a week and changed my degree twice. Percy might have abandoned his family, but he was also an overworked, under appreciated and constantly belittled character. And no one in his family liked him enough to try and understand his motives or character quirks.
In fact, his whole argument with his parents stemmed from him having an ego (which was rightfully earned tbh) and his parents (both of them) refusing to recognise and/or accept that he was grown with opinions that didn’t suit their own opinions, they called him naïve and a child without trying to understand his arguments or heaven forbid have a civil conversation with him to explain why he could be wrong. The whole argument can be summed up into ‘Percy you’re stupid for thinking your mediocre work deserves such a high promotion, you’re too young to really know the world of politics and you’re too grown up for us to need to explain why you’re wrong, you just are and if you want to be in this family you need to grow up and recognise that we your parents with more experience are right.’ And to a degree Molly and Arthur are correct. But neither of the two want to explain this to their son in any civil way. Arthur yells, Molly cries and the two let this huge lack of communication cause a rift in their relationship with their son for 3 whole years, while a war was looming.
At the end of the day, Percy was still a kid. Could he have reached out first? Obviously, 💯. But should he have? NO. He was a fucking child when he was kicked out by his father, still an angry and hurt child when his mother made her reconciliation attempt (through a gesture and not a conversation) like were the Weasley’s going through a lot during those years? Yes, they were, I won’t deny that. But they had also lived through a whole war before that and were grown adults with grown adult children. They should have tried harder, as adults, if they still wanted their child in their life (Arthur more than Molly but I mean— she really didn’t know her kid enough if she thought a gesture would sooth his wounded ego or even, affect him in any positive way)
Tldr; Percy was a kid kicked out of his family after making a very hasty, and stupid mistake. And that fact that he’s vilified for that makes me mad.
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obeythedemons · 2 years
Pranking Barbatos [Obey Me! Barbatos/MC]
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Note: Basically crack.
Obey Me! Masterlist
“Don’t you both get tired of pranking Lucifer?” MC sighed at both Satan and Belphie. They glanced at them with a quirked eyebrow.
“You’re right. We should direct our energy at someone else,” Satan muttered. “Lucifer would let his guard down if we picked another target.”
“We could practice different situations with someone else, too. It’d have to be someone that’s just as, if not more difficult to prank,” Belphie murmured. A smirk formed on both of their faces.
MC gulped, they paled. “You’re not talking about…?”
“Yes,” Satan started.
“We’re going to prank Barbatos.”
MC buried their face in the arms, groaning at the idea of tormenting the already overworked demon.
Satan strolled out of the kitchen. He glanced every which way, down every hall. He was in the clear. Sighing in relief, he chuckled to himself and relaxed as he went to meet with the rest of his brothers. He turned a corner.
“Hello, Satan,” Barbatos greeted him. The Avatar of Wrath jolted and leaped backward with a small yelp at the butler’s sudden appearance. The butler held up a bag of sugar. “I believe this is yours. I am certain that Lucifer would be very interested as to why you replaced the sugar with salt. Were you wanting to ruin Lord Diavolo’s dessert? Or perhaps you were wanting to sabotage the treats I was going to make MC?”
Satan felt a bead of sweat run down the back of his neck. The smile on Barbatos’s face was anything but kind.
Belphie and MC turned away from the wrathful demon screaming as he hung from the chandelier. Belphegor sighed and moved some hair out of his eye. “Looks like it’s you and me, MC.”
“Please stop this,” MC cried.
Belphegor slowly left the laundry room. His eyes darted back and forth. For once, he was wide awake and aware of his surroundings. Still, everything looked like he was in the clear. He wouldn’t allow himself to relax, that’s how Satan got caught. Quickly, he left the castle.
“I actually did it,” Belphegor sighed as he made it to his bedroom. With a sigh, he faceplanted onto the mattress and closed his eyes.
"Belphegor!” Lucifer’s voice boomed as the door to his room slammed open along with the slothful demon’s eyes. Belphegor sat up and looked at Lucifer, didn’t he just close his eyes for a nap. “Explain the meaning of this!” Lucifer held up a collared shirt. It was a faint pink instead of white.
“Is that your shirt?” Belphegor narrowed his eyes.
Lucifer’s eyebrows furrowed together angrily. “No, it is your shirt. Barbatos informed me that he saw you leaving the laundry room at Diavolo’s castle. Barbatos was helping all of us out by doing our laundry after we had to stay late. This is how you thank him?”
Belphegor gulped. “Did any of yours get in there?” He hoped Lucifer would say yes.
Lucifer smirked. “No. It was all yours and Satan’s.”
“Avenge us, MC!” Satan screamed at the top of his lungs. Belphegor yawned, not at all as animated as Satan.
MC shook their head. “I can’t prank Barbatos!”
“Do it!” Satan squirmed, thrashing his body back and forth. “Get vengeance! This isn’t about Lucifer anymore! This is about getting that always composed fucking demon! Make him break!”
MC looked down at the piece of paper with a piece of tape sticking up from it. They sighed at how stupid this prank was. They couldn’t stand the thought of properly pranking Barbatos. Sure, he was usually composed, but he was also Barbatos.
“MC!” Lucifer spoke, his tone stern. “What’s in your hands? Are you actually planning on pranking Barbatos?” MC whimpered, their face flushing. They held the paper out to Lucifer to read. With a sigh, Lucifer snapped the paper out of their hands. “Are you honestly planning on putting a Kick Me sign on him?” Lucifer asked as he scanned the paper. He paused and chuckled before handing it back to MC. “Go ahead.”
MC nodded and hurried past the eldest brother to the kitchen. They paused when they saw Barbatos at the counter. The surface was floured with a ball of dough. His sleeves were rolled up to protect them from the bits of flour covering his bare hands and arms as he kneaded through the bread dough. He glanced up at MC and smiled softly.
“Hello, MC,” Barbatos greeted. “What brings you here? Do you need a snack? If you’ll wait for just a moment, I can prepare something for you.”
“No, I’m okay,” MC spoke quietly as they made their way inside. “I was just wanting to come and visit with you.”
Barbatos’s eyes widened just a fraction, his cheeks flushed lightly. He chuckled as he worked to compose himself once more. “It makes me happy that you would go out of your way just to visit with me.”
MC walked with their hands behind their back as they approached him. They eyed the dough he was working on massaging. “You are my favorite demon,” MC admitted shyly. They stood next to him, leaning in close to him.
Barbatos let out another small laugh. “If you keep saying those things, MC, I’m afraid I may forget myself.”
MC leaned into his arm. They raised their arm around his back and placed the paper on his back. They glanced up at him with a small smile. “It’s true, though!”
Barbatos snapped as he grabbed their hand, tearing the paper from his back. He swung MC around and pinned them against the counter. He smirked and leaned in close to their shocked face. “Are you trying to prank me, MC?” He glanced at the paper MC clutched onto tightly. Slowly, he pried MC’s fingers off of the balled paper. He unraveled it while making sure MC wouldn’t escape.
"MC loves Barbatos…” Barbatos read quietly. His emerald eyes flickered up from the paper and to MC’s lips. “Is that true?” he breathed out while leaning closer. “Or is this a cruel prank? Something I wouldn’t have thought you capable of.”
“It’s true,” MC whispered. “You already know that.”
Barbatos chuckled and gently kissed MC. “I do.” He pulled away from MC, letting them have their freedom. He handed the paper back to MC. “Go on, I’ll let you “prank” me.” He went back to kneading the bread. He glanced at MC out of the corner of his eye. “Perhaps I’ll return the favor.”
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