#yall the trouble i had writing this bc i just kept on GOING
epiphyllous · 2 years
Visitation Rights (Malleus/Reader) [2/3]
Malleus invites you over to help him celebrate Christmas, a human holiday. It is officially day 2 of visiting Briar Valley and you all finish up the decorations around the castle, while some things are revealed to those who are observant enough to notice. (Just how subtle do the two of you think you are, anyways?) word count: ~5.4k notes: malleus x reader, gender-neutral reader "you", pre-relationship, mutual pining, you celebrate Christmas with Diasomnia dorm!! lots and lots of fluff
[Part 1]
Turns out, Sebek was right. They did end up finishing the tree the next day.
After deliberating for so long the day before about the tree ornaments, it was only a matter of placing the chosen decor onto the tree. It goes without a hitch, despite the earlier hiccup of Sebek waking you up much too early to begin. You were tempted to sleep through Sebek’s loud reminders when Malleus popped his head into your room and asked you if you were ready. 
Suddenly, you found yourself more than willing.
As a result, it is only late morning when you all finish the tree, decked in all its ornamental glory that even the servants cannot help but stop by and admire its grandiosity. You ended up with a star known to guide lost travelers, a compass-like, golden star with its north and south prongs longer than the rest. You explain its history as much as you can with your limited knowledge, mildly embarrassed that the other three hang onto your words as though you were an expert. (You had researched it all the morning of, thankfully.)
“Great work, everyone,” Silver says, standing back with the rest of them to view the tree. 
“Hmph, of course it is magnificent,” Sebek huffs, crossing his arms proudly. “There cannot be anything below perfection when it is decorated in the Fairy Palace.” 
You briefly stop your admiration of the tree to glance over at Malleus, only to look back with a wide smile. The look of undisguised awe and fascination is unfamiliar but not unwelcomed on Malleus’s face. 
It’s a look that you’ve seen on a lot of people in the castle recently when they pass by. As opposed to whispers of gossip, it is more hushed tones of wonder that pass through the dining hall. It is endearing to you as it is to see Malleus like this, to have a palace full of fae just as curious as their prince. 
“Malleus,” you say, nudging him out of his reverie. “You want to go ask everyone if they want to put a decoration on the tree?”
He blinks, and you huff in laughter, wondering if he's still recovering from his mesmerization. “Everyone?”
“Yeah, they’re all staring at it. I figured they’d want to maybe contribute something?” You grin. “And next year round maybe they’ll be able to decorate it even without me here.”
 Instead of jumping on the prospect of future holiday celebrations, Malleus holds your gaze. “Will you not?” When you look at him in confusion, he repeats himself steadily, “Will you not be here next year to help with decorations?”
And despite the fact you have already known Malleus holds you in high esteem (Sebek still grumbles about this to you), that perhaps you are simply the most convenient guide for human holidays, you feel your heart rise to your throat. Oh, you think, your smile wobbly, he wants me to be here with him next year too.
“As long as you’ll have me,” you tell him. Giddy, your mouth runs without you, “And maybe I can invite you to my place for a celebration too.” 
The habitual words ‘if you want’ are left unsaid; one embarrassed look at Malleus is all you need to know that there is nothing he would want more. 
(You wonder if the excitement is because he’s been invited or if it’s because it’s an invitation from you.)
It’s optional, but with a first Christmas celebration, hanging up the garland is mandatory– at least for Sebek and Malleus. Lilia pops in and announces that they should ‘as the kids say, go big or go home!’ and like that, the majority vote is in. 
You and Silver can only watch in amusement when you see Sebek take out the garland from the many boxes like his life depends on it. You are sure that it does for Sebek, considering Malleus is impatiently attaching the garland onto the walls of the dining hall with magic. 
“You think we’ll use all of the garland?” You ask absently, adjusting the reindeers on the fireplace mantle with a tilt of your head. 
“I don’t doubt it,” Silver replies, ready to put the old man in the red and white suit– Santa, he has learned– onto the mantle as well. He thinks it might be his favorite decoration. 
(Little does he know, it is also Sebek’s and Malleus’. You are not surprised when you find out. “Oh, all the kids love Santa,” you tell them, waving your hand flippantly as though you did not compare them all to children. “He’s Father Christmas, you know?” 
Silver briefly imagines Lilia in a Santa-suit and then waves the thought away.)
“I think the mantle looks quite festive now,” he comments, watching you fluff out the garland with your hands. 
“I kind of wish it had more space for us to put even more decorations on there.” You sigh. “But I guess that would end up making it look gaudy.”
He huffs in amusement. “I’m sure master Malleus would not have minded.” 
“True!” You laugh, throwing your head back. “Malleus’d be excited with putting any type of decoration up. 
“Yes…” Silver says, trailing off as he looks behind you and sees a glimpse of his young master glancing back. When you follow his gaze, you turn around and snort when Malleus quickly looks away. 
“Mal,” you call out, pleasantly ignoring the way Sebek glares at you from afar at the lack of proper address. “You wanna put some garland over here too? The wall’s empty.” 
Pliantly, Malleus walks over to the two of you after a final flick of his hand to attach the garland alongside the long stairwell. “Would this garland do?” he asks, floating the long line of artificial dahlias above their heads. The both of you look up to gaze at them appraisingly. 
Personally, Silver finds that the pink flowers on this particular garland are ill-fitting for the holiday season, based on what has been strewn in the castle thus far. It certainly does look very pretty, he admits. He thinks it would finely decorate the fireplace when the holidays pass. Looking over at you wearing an oddly conflicting expression, he knows you must also feel the same.  
Where Silver would hesitate on finding the words, you do not. “I like it a lot, but it doesn’t really fit with the decor we put over here,” you say. Malleus only nods, and you continue, “Maybe something red? The ones with poinsettias or the-” You stop mid-sentence to laugh as the garland begins to gently fall onto you, wrapping around you like a particularly human-shaped Christmas tree. “I’ll hold onto these then,” you tell Malleus without skipping a beat, adjusting the flowers so they rest away from your face. The only indication that Malleus is doing this purposely is the tiny, playful smile on his face. 
Silver looks between the two of you, and there is an abrupt moment of clarity that leaves him inwardly stumbling. 
“Human! Are you done-?”
“Sebek, shall we see if father has cooked anything for our snacks today?” Silver says quickly, and he doesn’t even take the time to care for his slip-up regarding Lilia as he holds Sebek by the shoulder and tries to turn him around. Sebek does scowl at him and shrug off his hand, but the mention of defending all of them against Lilia’s cooking is enough of an alarm to stop him from advancing. 
You perk up at the change in conversation. “We have snacks today?” you ask hopefully, and Silver can make an educated guess what Malleus will ask of them. 
“Silver, Sebek,” Malleus tells them, albeit sternly, “if Lilia has not attempted to bake again today, try to see if the cooks are free to bring us anything.”
It is a testament to Lilia’s cooking that even you do not protest against this given mission– or at least, Sebek and Silver find it appropriate to view it as such.  
“Do you guys need help bringing it down?” You offer.
“No, it’s fine,” Silver replies. “Sebek and I should be more than enough to bring down a tray of something. Is there anything in particular you would want?” 
“Anything good.” You hum thoughtfully. “Maybe a drink or two? I’m getting a little thirsty, actually.” 
Silver nods at this request, and like always, Sebek turns away first, heading down the room to reach the kitchen before him. He doesn’t fret to catch up to Sebek, but the feeling of urgency is there. Still, at the doorway, Silver gives himself another glance back and watches the two left at the fireplace. 
Malleus listens to you with rapt attention as the both of you kneel down to dig through the boxes for a better-fitting garland. Silver notes that you have yet to take off the garland that Malleus deemed to decorate you with, and as you speak, Silver sees Malleus adjust a string of garland that falls onto your shoulder back onto your head. 
Malleus’ gaze never leaves you once. 
“Silver! What are you dawdling around for?” Sebek’s voice rings out loudly, and as a person with high volume as Sebek, it is hard to tell how far ahead he truly is from Silver. 
“I am coming,” Silver says in exasperation, tearing his eyes off of the other two in their own world. You have begun to point out the layout of your garland vision with Malleus hanging onto your every word. Silver thinks, as he walks besides Sebek, that perhaps this is the first time that he is early to realize something and makes internal bets on when Sebek will catch up to him. 
(Silver will never admit that he is a little self-satisfied that he may know something that Sebek does not. The rivalry is a two-way street, after all.) 
The poinsettia garland is a nice touch above the fireplace. Malleus knew it was the right decision to trust your judgment regarding the decor, though he thinks he has learned much in the past day or so. 
After all, you did look quite charming in the floral garland. 
Looking more closely at the fireplace mantle, Malleus can see various figures placed on top. He bends down slightly to view them. At the very left is Santa Claus, of his many names. Malleus finds the red and white suit as well as the rounded stomach and rosy cheeks rather endearing characteristics of what the children refer to as Father Christmas. 
Briefly, he wonders if Kris Kringle was ever a real person who now only exists as a myth for families to talk about each year. After all, it is not a matter of miracle to fly across the country on sled if the sled is imbued with magical properties like a broom, and reindeer are common enough in dense forests to train as familiars. Certainly, the possibility of one lone man to deliver presents for children throughout Twisted Wonderland is close to zero, but every good story has its embellishments.
“You said that children eventually outgrow stories about Father Christmas,” Malleus says, distantly hearing you rummage through another box. He hears you hum and continues, knowing he has a somewhat attentive audience. “When did you learn that Santa Claus did not, in fact, bring you presents late at night?”
Malleus hears you pause for a second before continuing with your search. “When I was six- seven?” You laugh, and Malleus hears you come closer. “I think I woke up for Christmas one day and just realized that my parents were the ones who wrapped the presents.” You shuffle next to him and he feels your hand brush against his shoulder. “It wasn’t that dramatic or anything. A little disappointing maybe, but I just accepted it. I got presents in the end anyhow.” 
“Presents?” Malleus echos, looking to you only to find that you are behind him again, searching for something. “What type of presents did you receive as a child?”
“Oh, you know,” he hears you say absently, “some toys, some clothes– the usual stuff.” You come back and laugh. “Now I just get money to buy stuff myself usually, unless I’m doing a gift exchange.” 
“I see…” Malleus looks back toward the tiny figurines and wonders if there is anything he can get for you in the short amount of time he has before the holiday. He thinks he knows you well enough to discern what would make a good present, but to procure one in a short time is an entirely different challenge. Perhaps an outing to the shops would be a good idea; Malleus can show you more of Briar Valley besides these castle walls, and he can find something to give you. He knows that you are unlikely to refuse a chance to explore, and it is with fondness whenever he thinks about your adventurous spirit, as contagious as it is. 
Malleus knows that you have begun to wrap something around his neck but pays it no mind. Your hands that delicately trace over his skin is of greater import, and he cannot remember what else he wanted to ask you until your hands have moved on. “And what of these reindeer?” He asks, “Do these have a story to them? Why do they number nine?” He picks up a reindeer with a red nose. “And why does he possess a different colored nose?”
Malleus jumps only slightly at the feeling of your hands on his horns. It takes deliberation, but he stays frighteningly still, attempting to be focused on the reindeer rather than your touch though it is distractingly pleasant. He never once thinks about telling you to stop, and besides, your movements seem purposeful. He’s not one to interrupt your focus or fun, even if you don't realize the significance of touching his horns. (He briefly wonders if he should tell you.)
“That’s Rudolph– he has a red nose to guide Santa’s sleigh on a foggy night,” You tell him. He feels your hand press against the base of his horns and he almost loses track of a vital part of the conversation. “There’s a song that goes with it too, you know.”
“Song?” Malleus perks up. “Do you remember how it goes?” He turns to look at you, only to have you gape at him as though you hadn’t meant to reveal that tidbit. 
“I- uhm, yeah,” you stammer. “Let me see if I remember it all… ‘You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen; Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. But do you recall,’” you sing, “‘the most famous reindeer of all…? Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose-’ and so on and so forth.” You clear your throat, embarrassed. “It’s a cute song. I still remember it even though it’s been years since I’ve sung it.” 
“You sounded lovely,” Malleus says, thinking that the bashful smile on your face is just as charming. The song is genuinely pleasant though… “Shall we have the others learn to sing it?” 
At this, you brighten, and Malleus knows you well enough to recognize the mischief in your smile. “That sounds fun! Let’s see if they’re willing to learn it though. It’s not too hard of a song.” 
“Yes, I wonder when they will return-” Malleus turns his head to look at the doorway leading to the kitchen when something falls off of his head with a ‘clack’ onto the floor. 
“Aw, Mal,” You say, laughing. You pick up the tree topper– one of the stars that they didn’t choose for the tree. “Your star fell off.” 
“My star?” Malleus blinks and comes back to himself. He puts his hand up to his neck and feels a strand of garland hang around it like a bushy scarf. He glances up at his horns, or at least tries to, to see a glimpse of the Christmas lights you wrapped around them. A star is attached to the end of his right horn and an ornament hangs precariously at the end of the other. 
He’s transfixed by the notion of it all. 
“I think I decorated you a little better,” you say to him teasingly. “The Christmas lights are a good touch but I couldn’t get them to light up without your magic.” 
“How interesting,” he says, amused. He briefly thinks about how Lilia would laugh his head off and Sebek would react (badly), but finds that the casual intimacy is worth more than words can describe. Also, he thinks, is this not now an inside joke between the two of you? The idea tickles him. 
He holds the end of the cord, and the lights light up. You clap your hands gleefully at the sight. “Here, let me take a picture so you can see…”
When Sebek, Silver, and Lilia return with snacks, Malleus finds it lucky that Silver was there to catch everything Sebek dropped when they open the door. You would have been devastated if you didn’t get to eat the pastries his chefs had made otherwise. As expected, Lilia took no time to pull out his phone and snap photos of him, gleefully saying how nice they would look in a scrapbook. (And to show to his grandmother, but that’s not something Malleus finds out until later, much to his chagrin.) 
You look over at them, beaming, unaware of the danger that is heading towards you. Silver, hands full as it is, immediately tries to do damage mitigation, and Sebek–
“Just what do you think you’re doing to the young master?!”
(Later, Malleus would receive a photo from Lilia commemorating the entire event. Lilia’s face half cut-off at the bottom of the picture, Malleus standing to the side, decorated to high heaven and looking bewildered, Silver balancing two platters precariously and more awake than he has ever been, and a blur of motion as Sebek runs towards you. Your look of abject horror terror is comical even as you turn to run from Sebek, and behind them all is the Christmas tree they all worked so hard to decorate. 
Malleus wonders if the photo can be printed out so he can keep it on his desk.)
Getting ready to go to the market for “Christmas shopping”, as per Malleus’ request, is a festive affair, considering the brawl that nearly broke out between you and Sebek. Though that is an exaggeration, Lilia thinks. It’s not as though the efforts of Silver to stop Sebek with Lilia’s presence would allow a real fight to happen. And that’s on top of the fact that Lilia knows that Sebek would never truly hurt you– and not just because he knows Malleus would be furious with him if he did but because, loathe as Sebek is to admit it, you are as much as his friend as you are to everyone else.
Though that was an understatement, no? Surely, there was at least one person you view as more than a friend. 
Lilia hides his smile behind a hand as he watches Malleus explain to you thoroughly about the history of Briar Valley (ft Sebek), and you hum and nod at the right places in between his words. Absently, but no less lovingly, you fix the hem of Malleus’ sweater from folding up. 
Lilia wonders, not if, but when the two of them will figure it out. 
“Alright, are we all ready to go?” Lilia says, smiling when all four of them turn to him simultaneously. (It seems his family will yet have another addition.) 
In the outskirts of Briar Valley live most of the populace. From modest cottages to cozy houses, fae and some very few humans live day-by-day surrounded by magic. Though the castle is separated by a moat and a few fields, the roads eventually lend way to a busy marketplace where people sell their wares and buy their necessities. They are all colorful buildings meant to catch the eye, and for you, that is exactly what they do. 
Lilia leads with a confidence most characteristic of him, nodding in acknowledgement to townsfolk who pass by. Sebek and Silver walk stoically on each of Malleus’ side, facing forward and looking as properly intimidating as guardsmen of the prince should be. Malleus follows a little behind Lilia in the center of the group, and it feels odd for you to be a part of this entourage, walking right next to him. As they pass by, the people bow down in proper greeting to Malleus, and for once, you aren't sure if the stares that follow them are reserved for the crown prince or for the human beside him.
It’s a lot to take in– the scenery, the people (all who have pointy ears), the shops. The bustling noises of a thriving marketplace, the laughter of children running down the stalls, and the occasional clash and clang of kitchenware in cafes and restaurants surround you. A woodsmith holds your attention as he carves out a magnificent statue of a deer, and you have to have Silver gently guide you to the middle of the group when you begin to veer off track. 
“We’ll have plenty of time to go through the market, dear,” Lilia tells you, grinning as your face reddens in embarrassment. “Malleus, make sure our friend doesn’t wander off without us, alright?”
“Of course,” Malleus replies easily. He looks down at you with one of the smuggest smiles you have ever seen him direct towards you, and you can already feel your scowl rearing to show. “Shall we hold hands to make sure you don’t get separated, little one?”
And oh, if it weren’t for this situation, the prying eyes of the crowd, or Malleus’ self-satisfaction, you would have been more than happy to accept his offer. (If they were alone, there would have been no hesitation.) Instead, you quip back just as snarkily, with a grin matching his expression, “How about we all hold hands then so we don’t get split up?”
“Absolutely not!” is Sebek’s immediate response, the first in the entire trip since stepping into the marketplace for him to break character. Lilia, reliable as he is, hops on the chance to tease Sebek before he can turn on you with his hands on his hips. Lilia is even generous enough to add Silver to the count. He begins retelling a story about all of them in their youth, and it is worth the twinge of regret for turning Malleus down to see the other three have an array of mixed expressions ranging from a grimace to a look of resignation. 
You listen with rapt attention about the shenanigans Silver and Sebek have gotten into with their literal and metaphorical sticky hands, and the storytelling session becomes so animated that the both of them start to debate whether or not something really happened. If the townsfolk are surprised at the sudden change in dynamic of their royal entourage, you can’t tell– and you find that you are becoming less concerned about the stares in-between the laughter. 
Lilia guides you to a lovely restaurant with a nature theme, vines climbing across the restaurant walls and a canopy using the tree’s growth. He gleefully opens the door for all of you to enter, and like clockwork, your stomach growls.
Malleus persistently avoids Lilia’s knowing, somewhat pitying look as they settle into their seats at the restaurant. Knowing him, Malleus is sure to suffer another bout of teasing from Lilia, and on top of his most recent blunder– because yes, he actually did want to hold your hand– is enough to make him want to sulk the entire day away. 
As for why he wanted to hold your hand–well, is it not enough to know that he feels compelled to? As though it would somehow feel right to do so.
Still, he is careful not to let his dour mood linger; he can already see you give him a few discreet glances over to him in concern. Not that it lasts long; Lilia is deft at handling any situation at any cost, even if it means sharing some of the more embarrassing stories of Malleus’ life to distract you. Before long, you know about his appalling incident with a whole cake, and he is so thoroughly miffed at being reminded of his rather unfortunate emetic situation, it only feels proper to cross his arms as you coo at him. 
Malleus briefly remembers a stint when he was miffed for a total of two days (he thought it was only a few hours) when you had forgotten which gargoyle in the courtyard was his favorite. For once he would rather that you forget this particular detail about him, but knowing you, telling this to you would only make you remember it even more clearly. 
(Silver and Sebek are wise enough to not make a comment, having already been thoroughly put through the wringer with their childhood stories on the way here. That and the reminder of dessert makes Sebek turn mildly green to match his hair; some of the pastries earlier had Lilia’s mixed in with them.)
You and Lilia are still talking about it as Silver and Sebek wait inside to pay for the meal. Malleus almost wishes he remained sitting inside but of all days, he refuses to even entertain the thought that he may be left behind. Not that he would, he thinks, not with you here, tugging at his sleeve to have him follow or glancing ever so often back to make sure he is present.
"How long ago was this whole incident?" You ask, laughter still lingering in your voice.
Lilia waves, a smile constant on his face. "Oh, years and years ago."
"And here I was ready for you to say last year, Lilia," you tease, and Malleus only sighs.
"I was in my youth when that occurred," Malleus says, and he feels the familiar heat of embarrassment in his chest. He folds his arms with a frown. "Spare me the jabs from my inexperienced actions."
"I just think it's cute," you say, and Malleus doesn't think you realize what you’ve said as you continue to laugh. "You eating cake so good that you eat the entire thing then throw it all up afterwards because you didn't realize how much you actually ate."
"How the production of emesis is any way adorable is beyond me, truly."
"It's because it's you,” and his heart skips a beat again. You’re quick to continue, “And also because you're still afraid of it even now. How about eating just one slice at a time now?"
"I must pass on your offer.”
“Aww, not even a slice I make?”
At this, Malleus pauses and puts a thoughtful hand onto his chin. Eating sweets baked by you? “Well, perhaps that would be acceptable, though I fear making the same mistake.” He sees you open your mouth to respond, only to have you close it with an embarrassed smile. He is much too preoccupied with his thoughts to properly process that small exchange, wondering if it would be possible for them to produce food without Lilia altering it in some manner. 
“Lilia-” Malleus turns to Lilia, only to realize he is not there. He blinks once, bewildered.
“Lilia went inside the restaurant to check up on the other two. We could go follow him,” you say, though you begin to look around where the marketplace is, looking unlikely to be thinking of going anywhere but inside. “Or… we could just look around here?”
Malleus asks, “Is there anything that intrigues you?”
“Well, there was this one- oof!” You quickly step away from the main path, only a moment away from running into someone walking with a purpose. Like clockwork, a person exits the restaurant in the same direction as you, and you must swerve to avoid collision again. Unsure on how lucky you will be again, Malleus quickly takes your hand and guides you far from the afternoon rush hour to safety. 
Wordlessly, you hold onto him, following obediently in his steps as the two of you wait with the wall of vines as a backdrop. You watch as people pass them by, hands still linked. Malleus wonders if he should let go of you now that there is no need and loosens his grip in case you want to let go. 
“Did I ever tell you about the story when I was little?” you suddenly say, eyes flicking back and forth among people in the crowd. You start to swing your conjoined hands in tandem with the rhythm of your words, and Malleus finds that his heart wants to beat in sync.  
If you do not let go, then neither will he.
You begin your story and through it all, your hands fit into his. It is fascinating what he will notice just from a single connection with you. Malleus takes note of your little habits, like the way you unconsciously tighten your hand on his every now and then when you find something that excites you in the distance. 
You have always been a person of movement, gesticulating with your hands to emphasize your words, and holding hands with yours has not stopped you from doing so. Malleus lets you gesture with both of your hands, and it is a different type of delight to find his hand completely under your control as you lift it up in the air back and forth, never once intending to let it go. 
Of course, Malleus finds himself invested in your story– it is a given but also a choice; you have always been an entertaining storyteller, but he is always hungry to know more about what makes you who you are. It is new knowledge after years and years of studying every book in the castle, but it is knowledge he intends to hoard, for your words are worth more than liquid gold. 
Every once in a while, Malleus tests whether or not you will squeeze his hand back every time he does– and you have not failed to do so a single time. 
“Sorry for the wait,” Malleus hears Lilia say, and he hears Lilia’s voice before he sees him or the others exit the restaurant. He feels your hand drop away as you take a step closer to the entrance to greet them. “They kept insisting that we didn’t need to pay, but we made sure to say otherwise, isn’t that right, boys?” 
“You guys argued over this too?” You are quick to say, laughing when both Silver and Sebek huff in response. The conversation is quick to start up again with the three of them with Lilia not far behind them after he gives Malleus a knowing glance. 
“Let’s go shopping!” You exclaim, breaking up the narrowed look Sebek was giving Silver.
“Great idea,” Lilia chirps, wasting no time to grab a hold of the other two’s collars and pushing them in front of the lineup. “Let us go, men! Be prepared for a tour you won’t forget!” 
You can only huff affectionately as the other two take the request as seriously as they would any other official order. (Also, a little competitiveness never hurts.) You stay behind with Malleus, walking next to each other, though he notices that for every step he takes, you must take a half step more. 
He shortens his stride. 
“I forgot to say earlier, but there was one thing that really caught my eye,” you tell him, walking closer to him.
“And what is that?” Malleus does not expect the grin that you flash at him, full of the mischief and confidence that he adores. 
“A statue of you,” you say. You put a finger on your lips thoughtfully. “You think Sebek will buy it if he finds it?”
Malleus briefly imagines a wooden carving of his image as the topping of the Christmas tree and must admit that he finds that statement very, very likely. It is easy to start talking about whether or not it would be prudent to purchase the statue before Sebek does– and everything in-between. 
If there is one thing Malleus knows it is this: he will never tire of talking with you. The two of you walk together, close enough for your knuckles to brush up against each other, and Malleus wonders if he can be patient enough until the next time he can hold your hand again.
temporary tag list: @justgiulia
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savannahsdeath · 11 months
hii i have a little ellie request. so can we maybe have an enemies to lovers where reader and ellie “hate each other” but in reality ellie just wants to be with reader and she ends up using the strap roughly bc reader didn’t wanna confess after years? (sorry this seems long😭)
i absolutely love this idea omg??
part 2two
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! smut, 'enemies' to lovers, strap (r!receiving), mean!ellie kinda??, rough!ellie, reader is also mean at first !!
writers note: i love receiving requests like yall are so creative and idkk its just easier to write a req than my own idea🫣🫣 also this turned out to be longer than i expected (my longest fanfic yet!) but even the anon said it seems long so ig thats how its supposed to be🙏
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It was another PE lesson you hate so much. It wouldn't be that bad, if not the fact that you're in the same team with Ellie. Ellie fucking Williams.
She would get mad at you for every little mistake you made. You absolutely hated her.
You had to admit she was... pretty. Especially when she had the mix of mad and stern expression on her face. Sometimes you provoked her just to watch her insult every little thing about you she could but you didn't mind. You just sat there with a smirk, sometimes making a mockingly worried face to piss her off even more. Sometimes. Sometimes you weren't in mood for that and you'd actually get offended. Sometimes even hurt. But you couldn't really blame her, that's how it works.
This day, you were literally rescuing your team. Every point was because of you. Every 'that was close' situation was only 'close' because of you. But your luck, or whatever made you win, had to run out eventually. You missed one time.
"What happened? Got holes in your hands? Tired? Not so good anymore?" Ellie asked you with that mocking tone.
Everyone ignored your interaction - they knew what's starting and they didn't want to get involved in that.
"I've done pretty much everything for this team, and the only thing you do is complain, Williams." You said and you could feel your temper rising.
Ellie didn't hesitate to respond to that.
"Well at least I don't do a half-ass job like you. You're really so full of yourself, aren't you? Why not just give up and let someone actually capable take over, huh?" She barked sarcastically.
The other team members didn't even try to hide their excitement now, they just sat back and enjoyed the show, even the teacher was having a hard time holding back the grin on his face whenever Ellie came up with a new insult.
And now, there was no going back.
"Oh, I'm sorry Williams, did your precious little ego get hurt from that? Are my skills threatening your so-called pride? Well if you don't like it, suck it up." You shot back.
If this kept up, you were going to end up with another detention for sure. Everyone knew that you two were like oil and water, but nobody really expected you to get into a shouting match over PE class. Especially, not this early in the morning.
The teacher finally decided that it was enough trouble, and he stepped between the two.
"Ladies, settle down! If you can't figure out how to work well together in a simple PE session, then you'll need more than one detention to figure it out. Go sit down." He ordered, and you two sat down, next to each other.
As if following a silent order, all the other students just went about their business and pretended like nothing had happened.
"You should learn how to shut up sometimes." You said quietly, nervously playing with your fingers.
"You should stop thinking you're so damn important." She snapped back, completely ignoring your advice as she stared at you with the same icy cold look as before.
The teacher came over to the two of you and handed you a form, which you quickly read over. "Maybe it's rough but that's what you both deserve after arguing in every single class. And if that won't help... I don't know what will. Someone will check in on you from time to time, so don't even think about anything, understood?."
In short, the file was saying you'll have spent a month after school doing little school works, like cleaning the gym, with her. It was a frequent way of dealing with problematic students in your school.
You weren't even surprised - the teacher was right. Your little bickers were the main gossip topic and there was no way they'll go unnoticed.
Still, you couldn't help but frown.
"You've got to be kidding me." You muttered under your breath. Spending a month after school doing odd jobs with Ellie was literally the last thing you wanted to do. You knew there was some sort of punishment coming, but this was extreme.
Ellie overheard your muttering, and she rolled her eyes. "It's just a bunch of cleaning, what's wrong, can't handle a little hard work?" She mocked.
"And why are you so happy? Maybe you wished to spend more time with me?" You chuckled, finally looking up at her.
Ellie seemed caught off guard, but she quickly recomposed herself. "Who said I was happy? Sure, I'll love to see you grovel and scrub floors while I sit back and relax." She replied in a sarcastic tone.
You decided to press your advantage, and give Ellie a dose of her own medicine. "Aww, is someone actually admitting that they like spending time with me? I'm so honored." You said with an overdramatized fake fluster.
Ellie didn't even let you finish your sentence before she cut in with her usual sarcastic tone. "Pfff, don't get so ahead of yourself there." She chided. Even then, you could hear some slight annoyance in her voice.
Ellie may have been a jerk, but there was something about her you couldn't help but like. You couldn't explain it, but you liked this banter between the two of you.
Oh, who were you trying to lie to? You liked her. You were just good at hiding it.
You were just about to open your mouth to respond to Ellie's last snarky remark, when you were cut off again.
You both turned to see the teacher staring at the two of you. He sounded more annoyed than before, and you decided it was better to stop your feud before you got in any more trouble.
"You two are already going to spend a month together doing odd jobs. The last thing we need is for you to add another week to that sentence." He warned.
You wanted to say something back, but you decided to shut up before the teacher had to make it worse. You and Ellie just looked at each other for a couple of seconds, before you rolled your eyes and got up from your seat.
After a few more classes, the time of  fulfilling your penalty came. You sat down at the gym benches, waiting for Ellie. You waited, and waited, but no one came.
Ellie was faster than you with getting up. She smirked and said; "Well it's not like you actually had anything worth saying anyway, so it's easier for you." With that parting jab, she walked out of the gym.
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You expected something like that from her, so you stood up and a few minutes later you were standing in front of her room. You knocked to the door, patiently waiting for her to answer.
After a few moments, you heard footsteps, before the door finally opened. Ellie stood in front of you, her face as annoyed as ever.
"What do you want?" she grumbled, clearly not in the mood to be bothered right now.
"Uh, hello? We're supposed to be doing the clean-up, remember? You haven't forgotten, right?" You said, trying to stay as polite as you could.
She sighed and motioned for you to come in, clearly not ready to go just yet.
You slowly stepped into Ellie's room, your eyes taking in the decorations and mess. It was clear that this was Ellie's world, but you couldn't help but feel a slight curiosity towards her.
"So, why exactly weren't you at the gym?" You asked, finally breaking the tension. You didn't want her thinking you were here to start another argument.
"I had stuff to do." Was the terse response you were met with, nothing else.
"Yeah, of course." You rolled your eyes. "Your room could use some cleaning too."
Ellie smirked when your tone turned from polite to annoyed when she gave you her response, but you couldn't help but notice that she slightly recoiled when you mention how messy her room was. For someone with such a sharp tongue, she sure wasn't enjoying that same kind of treatment.
"Oh yeah? So maybe we should have you clean my room instead." She shot back.
"Actually, boarding school is still school, so that'd count too." You smirked, not so sarcastically anymore. You'd really rather stay in her room than running all over the building with a mop and dirty cloths.
Ellie raised one eyebrow at your reply, clearly not expecting you to just accept it without some kind of snarky remark or argument.
"Alright then." She replied simply, and she walked over to her bed and started to clear out the clutter. You couldn't really deny that her room was in a pretty messy state.
You explored the room, looking for something to start with.
Just then, near other scattered clothes, you saw feminine underwear. Clearly not hers.
"Um, Ellie..." You laughed. "Who's this?"
She walked up to you, not seeming surprised or embarrased at all. "I dunno. There's lots of girls visiting." She smirked.
You knew the smart thing to do would be just to drop the topic, but your curiosity got the best of you. Just who was Ellie Williams hanging out with?
"Really? And how many of them leave a pair of underwear in your room as a souvenir?" You asked, trying to keep a straight face, but you couldn't help but be amused by the situation.
Ellie just laughed, and you couldn't help but grin at her confidence in that moment.
"If you're asking if I'm dating someone," Ellie said, looking at you with an amused expression, "then no. I wouldn't call it dating."
You knew Ellie was always too stubborn and proud to just admit it normally, so you decided to push her just a little bit further.
"So it's not just a single person then? What's it? A new girl every day?" you asked with a smirk, knowing you'd hit a nerve there.
The slight flicker of annoyance on Ellie's face told you that you'd hit the mark.
"So what if it is? Are you jealous?" She teased in response, just adding fuel to the fire.
Now, she had the smirk on her face, and you just knew you'll regret what you started.
"Not really. Everyone knows you fuck every girl in the school anyways. Well, almost every." You suggestively pointed at yourself. "That's honestly sad. You should focus on one person, don't you think?"
Ellie took this as a challenge, she just couldn't resist it when you made yourself the exception.
"Oh, you think you're a special case? How cute." She snickered, and you couldn't help but feel somewhat pleased with that response after how much you two had been annoying each other for the past month.
"What do you think, should I consider dating you? It seems like you're interested, isn't that why you keep sticking around?" She asked, looking at you, knowing very well what kind of effect her words were gonna have on you.
"Me? Interested? You're the one finding excuses to talk to me every day, even if it's just another argument!" You shook your head and looked down, trying to hide that your smirk turns into a honest smile.
You felt Ellie's eyes studying your face as you tried to hide your genuine happiness, you tried to play it off, but you knew that it wasn't working in your favor. You couldn't even deny it, because it was true, you were interested in Ellie. Maybe not at first, but after spending time together, you grew to like her, her arrogance, her wit, the snarky smile on her face... and her eyes.
"Oh, so you do care!" She quickly cut in, sensing your weakness as your smile grew.
"Come on, don't tell me you've been enjoying this little game of ours, haven't you? Don't you look forward to it every day? Don't you love the adrenaline that kicks in when you're about to say something that's bound to start an argument?" She asked, taking a step closer to you and lowering her voice.
You could almost see the sparks fly as the two of you stared at each other, both feeling the tension in the air. You were almost tempted to take her up on the offer, but your pride got the best of you.
"You're just full of yourself, aren't you? Thinking everybody craves that attention." You said after taking a deep breath.
Ellie just smiled and walked straight to you, getting up close and personal.
"Well, I know you want it. So stop putting up a facade and admit it."
"I'm not like these sluts you fuck, Williams." You said, trying to keep your voice steady and calm.
Ellie just smirked in response. "You're right, you're not like them. You're better than them. And maybe you are a little special, considering how much you manage to piss me off everyday." She took a step back and looked you up and down. "I kinda like it." She said, and you couldn't help but feel your heart rate go up a little when she said that.
You just stared back at Ellie, not really sure what else to say in this situation. Both of your egos were too big to give the other one satisfaction, and neither would be making the first move.
She finally spoke up; "Your turn to be honest now. Admit you're into me."
She was awfully close to you now, daring you to say something.
"Don't push it, Ellie." You told her confidently, and even though you really wanted to say it, your pride was holding you back from admitting it.
Ellie just smirked and moved even closer to you, until her face was just an inch away from yours. "Say it." She whispered.
You felt your heart pounding faster as you just looked at her, not able to break her stare.
You shook your head. "No way."
She just chuckled at your response. "I knew you'd say that. And now, I'm gonna make you say it yourself."
Before you could even comprehend what was happening, Ellie pulled you close, just enough to make your lips meet. You just stood there, completely stunned by how bold she was, but at the same time, the feeling of her lips against yours was so new and so good as well. You hadn't felt this type of rush before, and you didn't want it to end.
You couldn't stop yourself from letting out a gasp followed by a moan into the kiss, which made her even bolder.
"I'll show you how lucky those so-called by you sluts are." She whispered after pulling away from you, but not for long.
While Ellie's mouth aggresively covered yours, you felt her slowly pushing you towards the bed.
You were barely able to think now, as your adrenaline was pumping through your whole body. Your back hit the mattress, and Ellie continued to push you down as she climbed up onto the bed on top of you.
That's when it hit you.
You realized that your little feud with Ellie wasn't going to end after all, except this time you weren't fighting her.
Instead, you were just enjoying the moment with someone you could almost call a friend.
It felt like there was nothing else in the universe, just a rush of new sensations that you didn't want to end.
Ellie was the one in control now, as you felt her body pressing up against you, her lips pressing against yours, her hands moving around your body without hesitation. You weren't even thinking straight anymore, you just let her embrace you, letting her take control entirely.
You felt her break the kiss for a moment, just to whisper something in your ear. "Say it."
You knew what she wanted you to say, but you just couldn't bring yourself to do so.
Before you could answer, you felt her slowly undressing you. Her lips were tracing paths along your throat, not letting you let out a logical word from it - only little whimpers.
You felt every curve of her body as you felt her lips against your neck, every touch sending chills down your spine.
When you felt her hands move towards your pants, you felt your body respond in the only way you could.
You couldn't think of anything else but her embrace, her warm breath against your neck, and your body slowly being freed from clothing.
Ellie knew exactly how to push your buttons.
Before you could catch your breath, you were left shaking, as her hand slipped into your underwear, which was soon on the floor too. She was teasing your clit in almost painful slow way, watching you squirm.
"Speak up, babe." She whispered mockingly.
But you couldn't. Not because you didn't want, or because your ego didn't let you - you just couldn't. You even asked yourself 'What does this girl wants from me?' as you already forgotten her previous wish. You just weren't thinking straight.
"Come on, do this for me." She kept looking at you with overdramatic concern. You saw her fastening her belt and sliding of her jeans, revealing an obviously-way-too-big strap, which purple color didn't surprise you at all as you imagined it the same way in your dreams.
When you finally came back to your senses, you constructed a whole full sentence answer. But as soon as she saw you opening your mouth to speak up, she slid a few inches of her toy into your soaking cunt. Your planned reply quickly got replaced with another gasp.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" She smirked, her hips started thrusting. She had some sympathy for you, so she didn't make it too painful, but she wasn't also so merciful.
You cried out, at first clenching your thighs from surprise, but she was too strong for you to actually succeed.
You leaned your head back against the pillow, squeezing your eyes shut causing a few of your pathetic tears soak into the sheets.
She held your hips, so she won't miss your sensitive spot, but her grip was so hard you swore you can already see the bruises creating right beneath her fingers.
"Honestly, I'm really happy it ended like that. You have no idea how often I'd imagine you instead of some random girl. But it's good to have you really there." She chuckled, not slowing down but not speeding up either.
Your eyes opened wide at this confession. Before today, the nicest thing she said to you was 'what's wrong?', even though it was in an obviously mocking way. And know it turns out she liked you for a long time. Just like you liked her.
"W...Wh- What?" You managed to stutter out, leaning on your elbows to look at her before your vision turned blurry again so you fell back on the pillow.
"You didn't know?" She laughed. "I mean, you were always oblivious, so I shouldn't be shocked but... I thought it was clear." She was speaking slower than usual as every single word coming from her mouth was synced with the moves of her hips. While saying this simple thing, she pushed her strap into you at least twenty times. And she wasn't taking her time, oh, no. She was fast and rough, like you're just a sex toy without feelings. Did you mind? Hmmm...
When you started getting used to the size of her cock and your mind wasn't completely blank anymore, you remembered one important thing your PE teacher said. 'Someone will check in on you from time to time, so don't even think about anything.' None of you were either at the gym or putting up flyers around school. They're going to think you ditched it. Even though you'd rather get into more trouble than end whatever you were doing now, you felt you need to tell Ellie, just in case.
"El-s..." You moaned out and quickly realised it won't be easy.
"What is it?" She asked, seeming honestly interested in what you got to say. "Ready to admit you're absolutely obsessed with me?"
You clenched your fists, squeezing the bed sheets between your fingers.
"Th- no... We should..." You couldn't help but cry out again.
As soon as she heard the two keywords - 'we should' (and she hated when someone was telling her what to do, so that pissed her off) - she understood what you're trying to say.
"Behave? Fulfill our duties? Or...?" She chuckled.
You wanted to speak up, just to not feel so vulnerable as you really were. You only managed to mumble 'we' before one of her hands started rubbing your clit, just like at the start - painfully slow. The feeling made your thighs tense and move closer to each other, wanting to close the gap between them. But Ellie didn't let that happen as she quickly separated your legs.
Her hips also didn't stop moving, and all the sensations connected made you go silent again. Well, not silent - unable to speak. And that were two completely different things.
"I'd take that as a 'we should continue what we're doing right now'. Isn't that what you want?" Even though you're eyes were closed, you could feel her intense stare on you. Then, her mocking tone came back. "What is it with you being so quiet all of sudden? You spent a few of the past years yelling at me, and you can't even say a word now?"
"I ju-st..." You said but then she hit your g spot again, and again, and again... making you go silent.
Your stomach started feeling funny - probably because of how deep in it Ellie's strap was. At this point, you thought you can even feel it in your throat and that's what's blocking your words from coming out. But the funny feeling had a different origin - your release was getting awfully close, and it didn't go unnoticed.
"We're going to have lots of fun this month." She whispered, leaning in to stroke your cheek.
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fbfh · 2 years
you're mine (and I'm yours) - scott mccall x witch!mate!reader hcs
wc: 4k
genre: soulmate au sort of, lowkey a sabrina the teenage witch au (hilda and zelda are your aunts) bc I'm in my 90s witchy whimsigothic era,
summary: trying to balance your newly realized powers as a young witch with a social life and starting at a new school is a lot to handle, and you're thrown for a huge curveball when the hot werewolf on the lacrosse team forms a mate bond with you, dragging both of you into each others secret worlds
warnings: not proof read, some predator/prey dynamics bc scott is a literal werewolf, scott realizes he's being kind of creepy towards you but you can tell he's not human so you get it yk, you pass out bc you're a tad overwhelmed, scott is very posessive, scott is very clingy, scott is so fucking down bad for you, implied size difference (specifically he has bigass hands), astral projection/eavesdropping through dreams, awkward mate talk with Derek and Scott, mention of future conversations about ruts but otherwise sfw, your Aunt Hilda and Salem both make dog jokes at Scott but he takes them in stride, I think that's it??
song rec: we belong together - ritchie valens, wereowl - sj tucker, wolf bite - owl city, head over feet - alanis morissette, also here's an outfit but it's totally optional lmao
a/n: had this in the works for a while!! It spiraled out of control lol,, I was debating using this as an outline but it's already pretty long and I'm coming out of a slump so I'll take what I can get lol but if yall like this def expect more of scott x whimsigothic witch reader bc I have SO many ideas lol ALSO for your consideration chris flemming's take on witch summer, and scott introduces himself to you like skunk from a diy basement show ((also tagging people on the movie/tv show au tag list and the omegaverse tag list bc of the genre so if you don't know why you're getting tagged in a teen wolf fic that's why lol))
@yesv01 @almostjollypizza @fictionalcomforts @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @urmum-xoxo @raajali3 @paige-creates @lubsana @demirunner @almostjollypizza  @mystic-writings  @babiesimagines  @lizziebitch33 @jacksondeeznuts @hopefullhearts @justbookworm @Asunnyhunny @cowboylikekelsey
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You and your family have always been somewhat quiet, kept to yourselves
In spite of some family members more… flashy joie de vivre
And in spite of the fact that you’re all at least a little eccentric 
You really do try to keep to yourselves
You just want a chill, peaceful existence 
You’re not looking for trouble 
Do no harm take no shit kind of energy
A lot of this is due to the fact that almost everyone in your family are witches 
You have a cousin who’s a sorcerer that lives out in tallahassee 
But besides that
You’re pretty much all witches
Your mom and dad live in michigan, often visiting family in the hudson valley or up in northern new england 
Quiet places where no one will look too closely at private lowkey eccentric people 
Once your magic and clairvoyant powers started to develop on your 16th birthday, you move in with your two aunts in northern california
A small town called beacon hills
Everyone knew figuring out a balance between learning about your powers and heritage and maintaining a normal social life was going to be hard
Your aunts arranged a split schedule for you
You’d homeschool half the week to give you more time and freedom to learn your craft
And go to the public high school half the week 
Hybrid schooling isn’t exactly conventional, but nothing about your family really is
The school board apparently weren’t very pro on this but your aunts managed to convince them
So for the first half of the week, everything goes fine
You’re doing your homework as fast as you can and learning so much about your powers
You’ve been studying auras and energy reading
Once you get the hang of it, you find it’s hard to shut it off
The second half of the week surprisingly also goes okay
At first
Your first day at beacon hills high, you get a tour from a guy named Stiles who is either taking way too much or not enough adderall 
He seems a little sidetracked and you get the impression he has a lot going on outside of school
You’re also approached by a girl named Allison and her friend Lydia
Allison tells you that she’s somewhat new to beacon hills too, and you form a sort of bond over that
You wonder if she’s a fire sign, you immediately pick up on a strong warrior/fighter type of energy from her 
Lydia is really nice too, and you can tell she’s a lot smarter than she lets on
You pick up an unusual energy from Lydia, something tugging at your gut and poking the corners of your mind, but it doesn't feel threatening so you brush it off
You sense Stiles nearby and turn your head, seeing him talk with a lanky blonde dude
Your stomach drops 
There is something very weird about this guy 
You can feel a really distinct energy but you can't put it into words 
You squint, wondering what his name is
You're getting a lot of vowels, something sort of old, biblical??
Eventually your attention is pulled back to Allison 
"Were you staring at Isaac?"
That makes sense
"Uh, yeah no, I just spaced out for a second…"
You get that bubbling feeling that something is coming really quickly
"Come on, we should get to class." You drag them away, walking in front of them
You're right once again, as Scott McCall rounds the corner looking for Stiles and Isaac
"Hey we need to-"
He cuts himself off, distracted by the scent he picked up
It's different from any other scent he's ever encountered 
It's sweet and electric, like the first sip of your favorite soda 
"Scott?" Stiles asks 
He picks it up again, this time on Stiles 
He leans closer, sniffing him like a bloodhound 
He shoves his nose in Stiles neck, then makes his way down his torso and over to his wrist as Stiles protests
Stiles’s scent immediately overwhelms the new one and Scott recoils
"Dude, don't do that in public!" He hisses, catching the strange looks from the students passing by them
"Or in private- or ever!" He corrects 
He looks back at Scott, whose pupils are super dilated 
"What… what was that?" Scott wonders regarding the intoxicating scent 
"Yeah, I was going to ask you the same thing," Stiles grumbles, thrown off by the odd (and almost intimate) gesture 
For the rest of the day, whenever he starts to clear his head, he'll catch that scent again, completely pulling his focus away
Meanwhile, you've found at least 3 people with that same weird energy as Isaac
It doesn't feel bad, not right away at least 
But it's really really strong 
It’s strange and overwhelming
Between how exhausted you are from all your magic lessons and how hard it was to keep your powers under control at school
AND the fact that you spent basically all day half blinded by people’s auras and energy 
You’re totally exhausted
And you don't have time to unpack that today
So naturally as soon as you start to sense that weird energy
Especially that one particularly strong source of it
You pivot and head the other way
You're sure Lydia and Allison must think you're crazy by now but they don't seem to be too phased
Much like with Stiles, you get the sense they’ve seen a lot of weirder shit
And your instincts are never wrong
You know, the whole psychic clairvoyant witch thing
So by the end of the day, you’ve avoided it thus far, and you start to head with Allison and Lydia to the parking lot
You stop suddenly,remembering you forgot your wand in your locker
There’s no way you can leave that at school, so you run back inside, telling them you’ll be right back
Meanwhile, Scott has spent all day chasing down every hint of that scent he possibly can
He’s about to give up when he smells it at the end of the hallway, just around the corner
He was on his way to lacrosse practice
But honestly he couldn’t care less about that right now
He starts running, desperate not to lose the scent again, or lose control
You tuck your wand somewhere safe, then you feel it seconds before it happens
The hair on the back of your neck stands up
Your stomach drops and you get that feeling that something is about to happen
And you feel the strong as fuck super intense energy barreling towards you 
A strong chill runs down your body
You turn around right as Scott pins you to your locker, eyes glowing red and as big as the moon, pulse racing
He’s breathing hard, fanning warm over your face
And god, the world shifts and everything makes sense
A shiver runs down his spine, and yours in tandem, and he has to physically hold himself back from kissing you everywhere, from pressing his face into your skin to breathe in your intoxicating scent
The logical part of his brain, the human part is screaming at him not to scare you, stop being weird, at least introduce himself and ask for your name
But the primal part, the wolf part, is too loud
He didn’t know he could feel so protective, so possessive over someone without knowing them
His wolf brain insists he does know you, you’re each other’s…
Each other’s…
That’s it
You’re each other’s
You’re his and he’s yours
God, he’s yours
And he is drawn to you
It’s like you shoved a bear trap in his chest and are pulling him closer and closer by the chain
And he’d let you
He wants you to
Fuck he wants to kiss you
At the same time, you’re trying not to fall over from the sudden force of emotions this guy is feeling for you
You can physically feel how badly he wants you
How much he desires you
Like you’re the only thing that matters
And fuck that weird energy is radiating off of him so close to you
It’s definitely not bad or malicious
You can tell that much
But it’s really really fucking powerful and needs to be treated carefully
The combination of all these things is making you kind of dizzy
And when you look at him
Really snap out of your thoughts and look at the guy pinning you against the wall
He’s hot
He’s really hot
His breath over your face in little puffs is hot
It’s all too much
You feel yourself start to fall
You pitch sideways into his arms, blacking out before you can say something or sit down
Scott catches you as you begin to slump against him
Everywhere you touch, he lights on fire
He holds you gently, nuzzling his face against you, finally allowing himself to bask in your addictive, intoxicating scent
You don’t respond to his touch, and he can sense your pulse slowing down
“Fuck!” he growls, snapping out of it and realizing you passed out
He sniffs you closer 
You smell okay, so it's probably nothing serious 
But he has to get you somewhere safe
Stiles’s voice echoes down the hall
“Scott!” he sees Scott clinging to your unconscious body, eyes glowing and teeth bared
A low growl emanates from his throat as a warning and Stiles freezes in his tracks
He doesn’t think Scott has ever growled at him like that
He barks at Stiles to stay away from you on instinct
A moment passes and you still haven’t woken up yet
He starts to worry
“We need to get to a doctor,” he mutters, suddenly charging past Stiles, with you still in his grip
Stiles chases after him, making a mental note to talk to him about how fucking weird he’s being right now
One very tense jeep ride to Deaton’s later, you’re laying on a table slightly too small for you as Scott rambles, explaining how you passed out
Deaton’s not exactly sure why he’s examining a human and not an animal or supernatural creature, but Scott is way too worked up for him to be hung up on details
Derek had somehow gotten wind of what happened, and is waiting for Deaton to confirm you’re okay so he can give Scott the lecture of a fucking life time
He got a panicked call from Scott’s stupid friend, and now he has to clean up another one of their messes
He’s so ready to yell at Scott, but the second he walks into the building, he smells it
His stomach drops
He runs into the back, throwing open the door, and is overwhelmed by the smell of the mate bond freshly formed between Scott, and you, who’s still lying unconscious
He tries to drag Scott out of the room to talk, but Scott refuses to leave your side, growling and snapping at him
“Okay,” Derek says, “I really didn’t think I was going to have to give you the talk so soon, but…” 
Stiles and Scott protest, while Deaton looks even more uncomfortable than he already had
“Not that talk!” Derek snaps, “...The mate talk.” 
“The mate talk?” Scott asks, “Like…” his words hang unspoken in the air
Derek nods
Using every ounce of willpower in him, Scott manages to tear himself away from your side to step out of the room and talk to Derek, but he insists on standing right outside the door so he can watch you through the window, Stiles following behind him
He’s barely able to pay attention to what Derek is saying
He’s so preoccupied with you
You look so vulnerable on that examination table
It’s not like he thinks Deaton wouldn’t take great care of you or anything, he just wishes he was there to make sure first hand that you’re okay
He doesn’t like that he’s not next to you right now
It brings on a heartache, a devotion he hasn’t ever felt before
“For fucks sake, Scott, pay attention!” Derek snaps, realizing he’s been spacing out
“I’m listening!” Scott counters, and tries to focus on what Derek is telling him
He’s glad Stiles is there to retain the information he’s missing 
It’s like his brain is a sponge that’s been soaking in a bucket full of you, it can’t hold on to anything else
He just wants you to be okay
In the depths of your sleep, you make a mental note to thank your aunts for giving you that book on astral projection (among many other witchy texts and spellbooks) for your birthday 
You flex your hands, feeling them tingling warm with magic, then wiggle your feet, tingling the same way
You continue to gently separate your astral form from your corporeal form, and the dream you had been  having shifts
You’re in what looks like the back office of a vet’s office, a guy in a lab coat stands near you looking concerned
Gently, slowly, you get up and creep towards the door
You watch a rugged looking man with dark hair, and that same energy, explain something seemingly important 
“For fucks sake Scott, pay attention!” 
You look over at Scott, who’s looking back at where you’re presumably still asleep in the back room, and the guy keeps explaining what’s going on
Mates are a rare connection, usually made by alphas, and it’s even more rare for an alpha to have a mate that’s not a werewolf, he tells Scott and Stiles
You look up at Scott
He’s a werewolf
And an alpha
That makes sense, you think, it confirms the feeling you’d had before but couldn’t put into words
With a fresh mate bond (which is what you have) being separated can be painful, and even fatal, so until this calms down you’re basically going to be joined at the hip
You’ll form a deep connection, possibly even some sort of telepathic bond, but most likely you’ll just need to spend enough time together, make sure you’re both doing okay
He’ll probably feel possessive and territorial over you, that’s normal, but it’s also important to keep those feelings in check
Scenting can help with that too
“There’s also the issue of, uh,” Derek looks around awkwardly
He knew he would need to explain ruts at some point, and now that Scott found his mate, he needs to tell him before he gets his first rut
But he feels like now is really not the time or place
“What?” Scott asks with a blank stare
He really has no idea what he’s getting into
“Come by my place this weekend, I’ll tell you then.” 
“Okay,” he says, clearly antsy, glancing back at you, “if that’s everything can I-”
“Fine,” Derek sighs, warning him not to scare you, “and don’t come on too strong!” 
Scott opens the door, rushing into the room
In an instant, you feel yourself getting pulled back to your body as the scene goes dark
You open your eyes, lying on the table, Scott right next to you
“Oh, you’re awake,” he says, breathing an obvious sigh of relief 
“I’m… Scott, by the way,” he beams down at you, utter adoration obvious on his face 
“I know,” you smile, turning to the others, “Can we have the room?” 
It’s more of a statement than a question, and Stiles, Derek, and Deaton awkwardly shuffle out
You’re sure Derek will be able to hear everything you’re saying with the whole werewolf hearing thing, so you choose your words carefully, wanting to keep at least some cards close to your chest
You know there’s not much you’ll be able to hide from him, what with you being mates and all, but you’d like to be a little strategic about how you break some of this to him
He’s still gazing at you, beyond enamored, and it’s like his whole world has shifted
His center of gravity no longer rests an inch below his navel, now it’s wherever you are, and he feels himself swirling and orbiting around you 
You’re the center of his universe
You take his much larger hand in yours and his chest squeezes as the breath is pulled from his lungs
He smiles again, he’s been doing that a lot more around you 
“I know you’re a werewolf,” you start slowly
His stomach drops
“But it’s okay, I’m not freaked out or anything. I actually have something kind of weird to tell you too, but,” your eyes flick over to the door, “I don’t think this is really the ideal time or place.”
“Okay,” he breathes, waiting for you to continue so he can hear more of your voice, sweeter than honey and as soothing as a cozy blanket
“I know we can’t really be far apart because of the whole…” you motion between you two, “mate thing, so if you want we can go back to my place and catch each other up a little?” 
He stares at you as you talk, focus split between your words and how wonderful it is to be around you, and a moment after you’re done he agrees
“Yeah, there’s probably a lot to talk about,” he says with a chuckle
On your way out to the car, you send an incoming spell to your aunts with a quick flick of your wand
It’s a simple spell that tells the recipient something’s coming, mixed with a little bit of the sender’s intention and sometimes a short message, so they can tell if it’s anything dangerous or not
The message you mutter under your breath is “big news, we’ll be home soon, get ready” 
You tuck your wand back into your boot as Scott opens the door of Stiles’ jeep for you, helping you in and buckling your seatbelt for you
Your heart flutters a little at the gesture
Stiles gives you both a ride since he had been your ride over, now under significantly less stress than he had been during your previous drive to Deaton’s clinic
Scott is glued to your side the whole time, radiating heat against you
You’re both sitting in the back, and Stiles grumbles something light hearted about Scott already ditching him for you
A while later, Stiles drops both of you off at your house
It looks slightly out of place in beacon hills, with its looming victorian frame and tall turret protruding into the otherwise clear sky
Various lawn decorations and ornaments made of heavy metals and deep jewel tones (all enchanted and serving a purpose) decorate the yard, kept company by the occasional gnome 
The inside, as Scott will soon find out, is decorated in a similar fashion
Deep, rich jewel tones with eclectic prints and patterns, heavy velvet drapes, and a lot of celestial imagery and detailing cover every room, with books and nicknacks tucked away anywhere there’s space for them
You can sense your aunts freaking out a little, catching a spell book flying across the room through the window
They’re not sure what kind of trouble you got in so soon, but they’re ready to do whatever needs to be done to help you out
You open the door, and everything stops in its tracks
Most of it was out of sight, but you see a few things that had been floating about drop to the floor or skitter to their place on a table in a way that your aunts hope is inconspicuous 
They pause in their tracks about to greet you, when they see Scott
Both of your aunts, and the black cat sitting on the couch in front of a soap opera playing quietly on tv all stare at him curiously
After a moment, aunt Zelda’s eyes go wide in understanding, and she nudges Hilda, who catches on as well as you greet each other
Aunt Zelda addresses you, happy that your home, “and who is this?” she asks, motioning towards Scott
You smile
“Aunt Hilda, Aunt Zelda, this is Scott. He’s my boyfriend,” you say
Scott almost feels dizzy
He really likes being called your boyfriend, much more than he thought he could
He wishes he could hear you say it again
“He’s a werewolf.” you state simply
Scott’s eyes flare, and he looks down at you, what the fuck, dude?? Written all over his face
“Oh,” your Aunt Zelda says, trying to sound surprised
“Is he?” Hilda says rhetorically 
“So, he’s already familiar with all kinds of magic and supernatural stuff. It’s nothing new.”
They let out a sigh of relief, and all the magic that had been ground to a halt flies back to life
A pot in the kitchen starts stirring itself, the items that had been flying around make their way back to their places on shelves and drawers, a broom in the hallway begins to sweep up by itself 
Scott is sure the shock is evident on his face and you giggle, sounding like music from the heavens 
“Scott, these are my aunts, Hilda and Zelda. They’re witches.”  
“Oh,” he says, nodding
That makes more sense
“And I am also a witch. So,” you turn between Scott and your aunts, taking out your wand and flicking it with a swish. The book on the table in front of them flips a few pages, and the letters rearrange themselves with a glimmer into the word mates. Their eyes widen in understanding. “Now that all the cards are on the table, Scott and I have some homework to do, so we’re going to catch up a little and take care of that.” 
“Sure,” Zelda says with a smile, “let us know if you need anything, Scott.” 
“Peanut butter is in the pantry, and I think we have some bone broth in the freezer if you want to-” Hilda says, starting to make a gnawing motion before Zelda smacks her arm
You’d expect nothing less, and you’re relieved as Scott chuckles at the dog jokes
You start to bring him through the living room past the couch to go up to your room and talk a little
You’re a witch
You have a wand and (presumably) spell books and can do literal magic 
Okay, he can totally handle that 
He’s dealt with weirder stuff 
Honestly, he can feel deep in his bones that nothing can pull him away from you
This is nothing more than a slight curve ball
And he actually thinks it’s really fucking cool
He’s processing what he’s seen since entering your house, and it makes sense, he thinks
He’s sure he can handle this, he doubts after all that there’s anything else in the world that could shock him
You pass by the couch, and he hears a deeper voice let out a petulant whine
He turns his head, seeing the black cat who’s been sitting on your couch the whole time
“Is he going to make the whole house smell like wet dog?” 
The cat just spoke
“Gag me.” he groans with a roll of his eyes
“Salem!” you exclaim, dragging Scott away
Okay, maybe that will take some getting used to 
“Sorry about him,” you say as trails after you up the stairs. Your voice is low and intimate, and he feels that deep connection to you again
Everything in him pulls him towards you, towards you warm embrace
Then you gently hold his arm to guide him into your room, flashing a sweet smile his way that makes his chest squeeze and his stomach flip
He’s sure he can handle anything as long as he has you
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uglypastels · 11 months
okay getting to the other stuff now that i’ve said my piece about the heart-wrenching cliffhanger you’re going to keep me up at night with lmao
- he was scared of losing her and was just gonna go be sad in his room by himself🥺
- even though he’s a good pirate (can’t believe i’m a pirate apologist now) he’s killed people before but what sits heaviest with him is that he’s hurt her!!! stfu that’s so pure
- as soon as he said to just call him eddie… oh babeyyy i knew shit was abt to go down in a sinful way. but no! poor eddie was blue balled, reader had a terrifying dream, and us (actual) readers were on the edge of our fucking seat
- the crew said they’d miss her!!
- hellfire shot first, right? (i kept getting interrupted trying to read that part so it’s fuzzy to me) WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE THE RED TAIL SANK I NEED THIS BACKSTORY OH MY GOD
CAN WE TALK ABT THE SMUT JFC. cause you rly fucking delivered on that
- ‘Really? The princess had thought of me, a filthy pirate?’ ‘I’m not a princess.’ You rolled your eyes playfully. ‘Out of all the things to dispute, you argue my words of affection?’
- ^fucking swooning over these lines
- ‘So you can be good for me.’
- ^this one too
- him admitting he lost his control due to jealousy!!! idec if it’s toxic (only cause this isn’t real life) jealous eddie is so hot
- as a tit (wo)man myself, i have to give my thanks for including boob stuff *chefs kiss*
more comments of after the smut cause i apparently have a million fucking thoughts abt this chapter i’m sorry😭
- they comforted each other after their nightmares that is so goddamn sweet im SICK
- ‘I had honesty considered just locking you away and keeping you forever, but I am a man of my word, am I not?’ HE SHOULD HAVE JUST KEPT HER THERE FOREVER. TURNED TF AROUND AND NEVER LOOKED BACK
- reader writing the ransom note and changing the whole story to try to spare eddie/hellfire was so smart oh my god u rly had me fooled that they weren’t gonna get in any trouble and be seen as fucking heroes or smth
- the comment abt him not having carpet fr cracked me up
- he read her mind and shut the idea of staying with him down:(( that son of a bitch (still love him tho)
- and he didn’t tie her hands tight so she could start swinging at any moment!! (c o m e o n reader…we’re fucking waiting! punch ur dad in the face!)
- ‘governor, i see we meet again’ again!!! AGAIN?!!?!
amazing fucking chapter. ur updates always make me so excited, and i’m eagerly waiting for more<333
Dont mind me just giddily giggling over all of this 🤭 but its really hard for me to reply bc i am just rereading your comments and kicking my feet with joy. You really know how to butter me up lmao and i wish i could write rn but i'll be at the beach the whole day so i will have to do with daydreams and the notes app- which, btw, do not ever again apologise for sharing your thoughts!! I as a professional attention whore absolutely thrive off of this so please do not stop
Well, ya know the title of the fic, and it is eddie so you know he's a sweetiepie at heart. He's just been through stuff (and yessss we will find out what. All questions will be answered i hope (unless people have questions to things i did not even consider but so far i dont think that has been the case???).
And listen, with [fan]fiction, there is no such thing as red flags 🫤🙄 only black ones with skulls on them 🏴‍☠️ and toxicity is what makes everything that extra bit spicy.
I am a bit sorry for blueballing yall at the beginning, but if i hadnt then we would not have gotten the rest of the chapter as it is now?? And that counts for something suuurely
plus, i tried to hold off on the smut as long as i could bc i really really do not like writing it, as much as i am an avid lover of it, which brings me to my next point of i really appreciate all the comments on the smut bc i honestly dont know what in doing most times and it was probably the main reason why it took so long to write this chapter because i just freeze up at the mention of genitalia lmao. My brain just becomes that cymbal monkey.
Hehe i was really proud of that pirate/princess line. And the carpet one. Just gotta break up the heaviness sometimes ya know. And you just know these two have that kind of "deprication as love language" affair. Is that a even a thing? Well i made it a thing. Especially since its basically canon for this au that eddie has a major degradation kink.
In a perfect world, they would have been welcomed as heroes, but in a perfect world they also would never have kidnapped her so 🫠
And yes Again 😌
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Hello! Um hopefully this is ok but can you do a platonic poly relationship with tech reader and philza? And one day the reader comes over to there abode with a basket full of sweets and pastries (muffins bread ect-) also cottagecore quiet reader please she/they pronouns
Thank you! :D
(A/N): I’m back yall! Sorry I’ve been gone (in terms of writing/request doing) for so long, I just kinda lost motivation to write for a bit
Ok so you’re childhood best friends with Technoblade
You two met when you accidentally bumped into each other in the village by the sbi fam’s house
You were calmly along the cobblestone path when a cute dress in a store window caught your eye. You kept walking, but you were eyeing the dress as you walked by it. It was just your aesthetic: a vintage ruby red dress with laces tying the two sides together, a floused opening to the bottom of the dress, and puffy white sleeves. It looked like it was in your size too. It was absolutely perfect.
Just as you were about to walk into the store to check out the price, you bumped into someone and fell to the ground behind you. Looking up, you saw that the person that you bumped into was also on the ground looking at you. You saw that the boy was about your age with fair skin and long pastel pink hair tied into a messy ponytail. Peculiarly, he had small tusks poking out from his bottom lip, floppy pig ears on the top of his head, and crimson eyes. A piglin hybrid perhaps?
Feeling a small blush work it’s way onto your face, you quickly got up and held out a hand to the boy. “I am so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going! Are you okay? Here, let me help you up.” 
He looked at your hand for a bit before he grabbed it with his own and allowed you to haul him up to his feet. You looked him up and down scanning him for any injuries he might’ve gotten from the fall. Luckily, it didn’t look like he got hurt. The boy looked down at his feet and bent over to pick up the picnic basket and the few muffins that dropped out of it. Putting the muffins back in, he handed the basket back to you with a small smile and a blush of his own.
“It’s really no problem, I’m fine so it’s no harm done. Actually,” he chuckled awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck, “I wasn’t looking where I was going either. I got distracted by that sword in the window.” He pointed with a thumb over his shoulder at the armory shop next to the dress shop. In the window was a shining golden sword glimmering in the bright sunlight. If you squinted, you could see a sign that said that it had a high level fire aspect and looting enchantments. 
“Well, it looks really pretty. I don’t know much about swords, so maybe you could tell me about them? I’m (y/n),” you gave him a small smile and stuck out your hand once more. He shook it with a grin, “Technoblade.”
That was the start of a beautiful friendship with him and his family
You met Philza, his father
The avian was extremely excited and happy that his quietest son finally made a new friend
He treated you like you were his own daughter
You might as well be a part of the family with how much you came over to babysit Tommy or to just relax with Techno
You always bring over a basket of baked treats/pastries whenever you came over
Lemme just say, the family feasted and always fought over the last one
When you started to come over at least once a day for a bit with a basket full of sweets, Philza had to pull you aside and ask you to slow down a bit with the treats
“Hey (y/n) could I actually talk to you for a second?”
“Sure! Tech, I’ll be out in a sec.” The piglin hybrid curtly nodded and walked out the back door to the backyard. You smiled at Philza before you set the basket down onto the table and started to put the rolls onto a plate.
“I know it’s not much today, I didn’t have much time yesterday to bake.”
“That’s fine, but it’s not what I wanted to talk to you about.”
“Oh?” Internally, you began to panic slightly. Oh Ender, you didn’t do anything bad did you? You couldn’t think of anything you did wrong. In fact, you actively avoided any wrongdoing or talking to strangers. Oh no, were you accidentally rude to someone?
“You aren’t in trouble,” he smiled lightly when he saw you slump in relief, “I was just wondering why you always bring over baked things. Don’t get me wrong, they’re delicious and we really appreciate that you take the time to make us things, but we kinda have a little too much. Maybe slow down a bit with bringing them over?”
You felt an embarrassed blush spread across your face as you nodded and put all your focus into transferring the bread rolls over to the plate. “Sorry Phil, I just bake whenever I’m stressed or bored and I just have a lot left over after I give some to my family.”
“And that’s completely valid! Just maybe don’t bring over so much, breaking up the fights with Tommy, Wil, and Tech just gets a bit much at times,” he grinned and clapped a hand over your shoulder.
As the years passed, you and Techno only grew closer
You taught Techno how to do meticulous neat braids in his hair while in turn he taught you some self defense
Mans makes sure you can properly and efficiently wield a sword and shoot a bow and arrow 
Poor guy can’t lose another friend
When he moves to the tundra, he invites you to live with him but you reluctantly refuse
You had Tommy and Wilbur to look after in L’manberg
Being pissed at Schlatt when he exiles them
Following them into exile leaving behind shocked Manbergians 
They didn’t think you were capable of the screaming, let alone such profanity
Practically launching yourself at Techno when he agrees to helping Pogtopia
Him making sure that the withers don’t harm you, even going as far as hitting them and luring them away from you
Staying with Techno after L’manberg is reinstated under Tubbo’s rule
Starting to dislike leadership and governments in general after Tommy gets exiled (again)
Convincing Technoblade to let Tommy stay with you two
Absolutely hating governments when the Butcher Army places Philza under house arrest and rolls up to your guys’ house and takes Techno and Carl
They lock you in the house, but you pick the lock with the bobby pin you kept the bandana pinned to your hair with 
You follow them to L’manberg and break down when you see the anvils crashing down onto Techno
Screaming profanities at the Butcher Army and taking out your sword to attack them not noticing when Techno runs away safely
Philza watching everything from the balcony and cheering you on
You almost take away one of Fundy’s (whom you considered to be your nephew until the whole Butcher Army incident) lives before you feel a sword slice your arm and an arrow shooting its way through your thigh
Turning, you gave Tubbo and Ranboo the fiercest glare you could as you were standing over a half-dead Fundy with a sword dripping blood hanging at your side
You, the soft spoken and sweet one that gave everybody baked goods wherever you went, screaming profanities at the festival and the execution was scary enough, but this?
Absolute nightmare fuel, gonna stick in their minds for a long time
You attempt to fight them but you lose and end up with injuries too severe for you to continue fighting
Philza being the one to yell at you to go home to the tundra telling you that Techno’s alive bc of a totem of undying 
You felt kinda stupid after that, Technoblade never dies (you often half joked that he was immortal like Philza)
You limp home and get met with a bone crushing uncharacteristic hug from Techno
He patches you up after reassuring you that the blood on him wasn’t his (he tells you about the duel in great detail)
In turn you tell him about your 3 v 1 duel, feeling a bit dejected bc you ended up losing
Him being literally so proud of you for facing 3 people at once, but also scolding you slightly for going into it blindly
When Philza moves in, everything feels complete and fulfilled (at least to you)
You help Philza clean and dress his damaged wing
Also helping him do some physical therapy so that he could at least move it
Comforting him whenever he felt down about not being able to fly again
You invite him and Techno to cook with you and it surprisingly ends up better than you expected it to be
When Tommy betrays Techno, you and Philza end up being the only ones he could fully trust (later slowly adding Niki and Ranboo to the mix when The Syndicate is formed)
You are Harpocrates when The Syndicate is formed due to your quiet nature
Philza and Techno fully 100% supporting your decision of not wanting to reveal your identity
At the second meeting you show up with a full mask covering your face and the opposite of what you normally wore (more of a grunge type beat)
Only communicating in nods and writing at meetings, living up to your nickname
You never reveal your identity to Niki or Ranboo
Pleasant late night conversations around the fire with hot chocolate and your baked goods
Techno still lets you braid his hair (sometimes you even put flowers in it) from time to time
You braid Philza’s hair when it gets too long
Braid chains when yall get too bored? Hell yeah 
Ultimately, you three become a strong family unit (goals)
General taglist (comment if you want to be added):
@crybabyjabby  @izzybobizzy13  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @bunnyz-pxstel  @averytiredfanfictionwriter  @dcml04  @sparkling-gayyyy  @bbigbbrainn  @thaticecreambish  @kiinokochii  @satansphatass  @bxkubitch  @bxmentchildxx  @roxy3457  @montygator17  @feverish-dove  @the-fictionwriters-hairdo  @jichuuchaeng  @404rynnotfound  @luluwinchester  @laura--444  @the-cult-classic-bitch  @youngstarfishdinosaur
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raysofcrosby · 4 years
“𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘴. 𝘌𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺.” ━ 𝘋𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘥 𝘕𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘴, 𝘖𝘯𝘦 𝘋𝘢𝘺
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warning(s): cussing
word count: 4,282
authors note: i honestly didn’t know when i was going to get this done bc the writing process has been kind of slow, but my bff and i got vip pit tickets to two 5sos concerts in sept and i’ve literally been so happy that i finished writing!!! as always, thank yall for reading, commenting, liking and reblogging– it means a lot and i love you all for it. enjoy part 2 of my new series!! :)
*Boone's P.O.V*
He knew there was a catch.
There was always a fucking catch.
Never once in his life had he ever gone on a date and had it go well. There was always some twist whether at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the date. Hell, even with his ex-girlfriend shit never went right, yet he dated her for three years. Of course, those were three, extremely toxic, years where they spent more time arguing and trying to screw with the other's mind, rather than working on having a functional, loving relationship. Even his many one-night stands within the last year hadn't even ended up anywhere near normal. There was the girl who locked herself in his bathroom. The time he had to get Seth and Josh to bang on his apartment door pretending to be cops just to get a girl to leave. The last four years of his romantic part of life had been one hot mess after another– and he expected this dumb blind date that Josh had begged him to attend, wouldn't be any different.
But it was.
It was actually one of the best dates he had been on in YEARS and that fact alone was surprising to him, especially considering all it consisted of was sitting in a slightly busy coffee shop and chatting over hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls. There were no sexual innuendos he often experienced throughout and there definitely wasn't any post-date sex. Sitting there at the small table and just talking about the small things in life and never touching the subject of hockey or fame, was refreshing. It was the big breath of fresh air that he never knew he needed or wanted.
You were like the big break he'd been looking for and it killed him to think that he might actually have to thank Josh and Bailee for setting this up. He already saw it– the smirk on both of their faces when he told them how fun the date was and how he had already been thinking about asking you on another one. He needed to get to know you better, he wanted to figure out just what it was that separated you from the rest. The perfect date.
Until it wasn't.
Because the twist he'd been waiting for and was relieved that had never shown up, had been revealed the moment he walked you home. Only this time, shockingly, the twist wasn't some psycho act, refusal to leave or even a snarky attitude. Instead, it was a little girl wearing frozen pajamas.
At first, he wasn't even sure if she was just a figure of his imagination, if you had the wrong apartment or if you were babysitting for the girl who had just rushed down the hallway like it was on fire. But the moment that the word 'mommy' left the little girls' lips, it was like he was frozen...literally.
It was all a blur after that. He swore he could hear you say goodnight and something else, but his mind was so focused on the disappointment of the surprise, that he barely even heard you. He wasn't even sure if he looked away from the little girl. Hell, he barely even remembers what he said to you before disappearing down the hallway.
Disappointment and Anger, those were the two reactions he had been feeling since last night. Disappointment that the date he thought was perfect, of course, turned out to have a hidden surprise. And anger at Josh and Bailee for never even bothering to give him a heads up about it.
He pushed open the locker room door, immediately looking in the direction of Josh's locker to see it empty. "Man on a mission, Boone?" PLD joked, sitting up and resting his elbows on his knees.
"Where's Josh?" He asked, heading over to his locker and tossing his water bottle into his locker.
"Last I saw he was returning the heating pack," Zach replied, nodding his head in the direction from where Boone had just come in. "He should be back in a few."
No sooner than the words left his mouth, the locker room door swung open again and Josh strolled in, following behind Seth and Cam, the three of them laughing. He waited before Josh sat down in his cubby before storming over there, standing over him. It only took Josh a few seconds to realize that Boone was standing there and he raised an eyebrow and went to speak. But before Josh could even get out a word, he cut him off.
"A kid. She has a kid."
He watched the smile fall off of Josh's face before he cleared his throat and took a deep breath, exhaling soon after. "So you met Riley."
"Yeah, I met the child," Boone said, giving Josh a sarcastic smile. "Why the hell didn't you tell me she had a kid?"
"Uh, probably because it's not my business to tell?" Josh replied, rolling his eyes before bending down to finish getting dressed. "I'm surprised you even met her this soon. Y/N usually never gets to that point."
"Oh no, she didn't tell me about the kid. She got some phone call and I drove her home and walked her to the door and then some...blonde girl comes rushing out and leaves and before she could say anything that," he waves his hands nonchalantly before dropping them to his side. "child, throws up all over the floor."
"'That child'?" Seth laughs, raising his eyebrows as he plops down in his locker. "You know you sound like an ass right now, right?"
"Well excuse me for being real," Boone replied, rolling his eyes. "I don't think you understand how off guard this all was, Seth."
"What's so off-guard about it? I mean, think about it," He rolled up his rashguard sleeves and bent down to slip on his skates. "If you were in her position, most likely a single parent, would 'hey, I have a kid at home' be the first thing you'd talk about on a date with a random stranger? Especially if it's only the first date and it could or could not go anywhere?"
It was probably extremely visible at just how taken aback Boone was at his comment. He literally could feel himself step back at what Seth had said. And it wasn't any better when he looked at Josh for backup, only to see Josh raising his eyebrows with a 'he's not wrong' smile on his face. Boone sighed and glared at the two teammates. He knew they were right, that maybe, he was being just a little overdramatic. But after spending most of the night thinking that there was no dramatic twist and then finding out there was one– it was hard not to be understanding. Instead of further arguing, he huffed and walked over to his locker and started to get dressed for practice.
"Besides the surprise, how was the date?"
"Date?" Zach chimed in, looking over at Boone. "What was it this time? Did you have to sneak out of your apartment? Call building security?"
"Fake a vet call for your non-existent dog?" PLD laughed, gaining a few touches of laughter as well.
Boone rolled his eyes, tugging his rashguard over his head and pulling it down before giving them a sarcastic smile. "Haha, very funny you assholes." He grabbed his pads and sat down, bending over to put them on. "But no...it was really nice. We talked over drinks and it was cool."
"What kind of drinks are we talking about? Shots? Margaritas?"
"Hot Chocolate and Cinnamon rolls."
The silence was deafening from the group of guys as Boone stayed hunched over and putting on his pads. When he sat up, he was greeted to looks mixed with confusion and awe. "What?"
"Hot Chocolate and Cinnamon rolls?" Cam chimed in, shrugging his shoulders with a smile on his face. "Sounds kind of domestic to me, especially considering your...interesting past."
"Oh shut up you assholes, there's nothing domestic about hot chocolate and cinnamon rolls," Boone groaned, standing up and putting on his practice jersey. "You guys are just being–"
"Teammates, who are tired of your horrible taste in women?" Josh added in, continuing to tape his stick.
Boone had no answer because Josh was right. His history of hookups has proved to be very...troubling. That and the guys were too busy laughing for him to even give a clear answer. "Alright, alright, shut up all of you."
"Just tell me this," Seth said, standing up and pointing his water bottle at him. "At any time during the date, did the thought of inviting her over to your apartment to have dirty, first date sex, cross your mind?"
Boone sucked in his lips and kept his gaze on his stick, never losing focus as he taped it up. The silence around him was deafening, which alone told them his answer– and he realized it for the first time since last night. Not once, did he ever consider offering you to come over to his place for a drink and to have meaningless sex, just to send you off later that night or even the next morning Whereas, on his other dates, that was usually the offer within the first 15 minutes. That alone made him nervous about you. He hadn't felt that way on a date since his ex-girlfriend, and everyone knew how well that relationship turned out.
How was he sure that this was going to be any different? That you were going to be any different? Especially since you had a kid.
"Ho-ly fucking shit," Seth scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "You need to ask her on another date."
"What?" He ripped off the tape and tossed his roll into the locker. "Why should I do that?"
"Because uh, she's normal?" Zach said, shrugging on his practice jersey.
"That," Seth chimed in, pointing at Zach before turning back to Boone. "And your other crazy hookups have cost me plenty of extra hours of sleep in the mornings. So she has a kid? What's the big deal?"
Boone just turned his back to them as he finished getting ready for practice, looking into his locker and making sure he had gone through his routine perfectly. When he grabbed his helmet and turned back to walk towards the locker room door, Josh was waiting there for him with a smile on his face. Boone sighed a defeating sigh and made his way over to his teammate, coming to a stop just beside him. "So?" Josh smiled, further making Boone just want to deck him in the face.
"What's her number?"
This was stupid.
He sighed, standing outside your apartment building with a hot chocolate and a cinnamon roll wrapped up from your date cafe in hand. As he looked up at the building, another thought crossed his mind.
This was also really fucking creepy.
He only dropped you off at your place once and now he was about to show up out of the blue, not even knowing if you were home. It was Saturday afternoon, so he kind of figured you'd be home– assuming you didn't have any plans. Josh said that he knew you didn't have plans with Bailee, but what if you had plans with other friends? Or another guy?
"Yep nope, this is a bad idea," he huffed, turning back away from your building and facing the street. "But, I was kind of an ass, so its at least worth a try."
When he turned back around, he came face to face with Bailee. She stood there with a raised eyebrow and a knowing smile. "Talking to yourself there, Boone?"
His eyes went wide when he realized that Bailee saw him here...outside of your apartment. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Just out...for a walk."
"Isn't time about time for your pre-game nap?" She walked down the apartment steps and looked around before smiling back at him. "And last time I checked, you lived about hm...10 minutes, in that direction."
He could feel his face heat up the longer that he stood there with her staring at him and his mouth open, unable to find an answer. He cleared his throat and held up his offerings to you. "I asked Josh for her number, he gave me her number and her address and I just thought that I'd–"
"Make-up for being a total douchebag for running off as you did?"
Ouch, he felt that one.
Oh, shit...he felt that– her snide comment...actually made him feel bad? He could only imagine how his quick exit last night had made you feel and for the first time in a long time...he actually cared. "I-"
"Listen, Josh and I didn't set you two up for the hell of it or just because we think it'd be cool that two of our friends are dating," she sighed, walking down all of the steps and coming to a stop in front of him. "We both care about you guys and the two of you are more similar than you think."
"Bails, I swear I didn't mean to run off like that I," he raised his arms in a lazy shrug and shook his head. "I just...it was weird? Scary? I don't know."
"Try being in her shoes, Jenner." She patted his shoulder and started to walk by him, digging in her purse for her keys. "But a word to the wise, I wouldn't go up there right now. She's in a pretty heated argument with her boss and only one is winning."
He could feel the disappointment weigh down on his shoulders as he looked at his hot chocolate and cinnamon roll. "Any chance you'd want this?"
"Nope, I've been doing this 30 day no sugar thing and I'm on day 29. So I politely decline your...delicious sweets. I'll see you tonight!" She pulled her keys out and started to walk down the street.
"Yeah, see you."
She unlocked her car as he walked up the few steps and sighed. "Boone, wait!" He turned to see her standing next to her car, looking all serious. "I love you for doing this because it means that you're well aware that you pulled a grade-A dick move last night. But I love Y/N more, she's my girl, my person...she has been since we were kids. So do not make me regret setting this up or so help me God I will not hesitate to kick your ass. Professional Hockey player or not."
He had to admit, Bailee could be intimidating as hell– all 5 foot 5 inches of her. He gave her a polite smile before jogging up the rest of the stares and finding his way to the elevator inside before she had a chance to run after him. When he got into the elevator and pressed your floor number, he felt perfectly fine...until the doors closed. Then, he realized that maybe this was a mistake.
Would you find it endearing that he brought you snacks?
Or just plain borderline stalkerish?
As soon as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, he knew that there was no turning back. He took a deep breath and sighed as he walked out of the elevator and down the hall to your apartment door.
He dug out his phone and opened his message from Josh
apartment 338A
He felt stupid, the fact that the quick thought of how it must be fate that the two of you be together because his jersey number just happened to be your apartment number. So just as quick as that thought came into his head, he pushed it out. As he came to a stop in front of your door, he contemplated knocking and engaging in conversation before hoping you'd invite him inside. But based on just how Bailee had said minutes earlier about your conversation with your boss, he thought that probably wasn't the best.
So instead, he'd leave a note.
Digging into his jacket pockets, he groaned as his hands were met with emptiness. Why he thought that he'd just happen to have a marker or even a pen with him, he didn't know. Though considering how many kids ask him for autographs on the street in his day-to-day life, he probably should start carrying one around. Defeated, he sighed and placed the hot chocolate and paper bag down in front of your door and knocked three times before making a break down the hallway. The boys would be chirping him with no mercy if they saw him right now, ducking behind a corner by the elevator, peeking around to see if you'd opened the door yet. When he heard the door open and then your voice, he quickly ducked behind the corner, scared of being seen. When he felt like it was safe to look, he slowly peeked back around to see you bending down and picking up his gift before walking back into your room.
He let out a breath he wasn't even aware that he had been holding before pressing the elevator button and walking into the opened doors. As the doors closed behind him, he dug his hands into his pockets and smiled, shaking his head.
Borderline stalkerish? Maybe. But it was worth it since he was more than positive that he had seen you smile as you acknowledged his gift.
As much as he shouldn't have done it, he spent the entire game wondering whether or not you had known if the surprise left at your doorstep was from him. To him, it was obvious that the gift could have only been from him, but how was he to know that Bailee never had the same order before and you thought she had come back and left it behind as a pick me up?
While he did spend the game with the lingering thought in the back of his mind, he was able to take out the unnecessary anger and disappointment he'd still been harboring inside, out on every Pittsburgh player that crossed his path. He wasn't necessarily still angry at Josh or even disappointed in you hiding your kid, but more along the lines that he was angry and disappointed in himself and honestly in fate in general.
How cruel could the world be to dangle a woman who seemed to be the one he could be serious about for the first time in a long time...and then throw in a twist?
If the two of you chose to actually move forward and date, how would the little girl factor in? What is he to her? Does he have to do anything? What comes along with dating a woman who already has a child?
Even after scoring two goals in their 6 to 2 win against their rival, he couldn't stop thinking about it. When he got back into the locker room and after all the press and pleasantries, he hoped to see something from you on his phone. That maybe you had figured out it was him who left the treats and you had asked Bailee for his number to send a text. But when he grabbed his phone, all he saw were football notifications, a text from his family group chat and girls sliding into his Instagram DMs. He was surprised when he answered the text and ignored the dm's, even rolling his eyes as he tossed his phone down and proceeded to get undressed.
He never turned down a DM, especially if it was from someone who he had already hooked up with prior. But for some odd reason, and he couldn't pinpoint it to any kind of feeling...he just didn't even bother with them.
When he was finished with his shower and got dressed back up into his suit, he saw that Josh was still waiting for him in his locker. They planned to go to the small bar down the street with Bailee and just have a drink or two to destress after the game– but when he saw his still empty phone, he didn't feel like going anymore.
"Ready? Bailee's waiting outside." Josh said, standing up and adjusting his suit jacket.
"Listen, about that–"
"Oh no, no way," Josh groaned, as the two of them walked out of the locker room. "There's no way you're ditching me."
"You're ditching drinks?" Josh and Boone both looked up to see Bailee walking over from her place against the wall with an amused smile on her face. "What? Suddenly you're not into a beer for destressing?"
Boone went to say something when the movement behind Bailee caught his eye. He first recognized your hair, the way you had it pulled out of your face– the same way you had worn it the night before. Then, he recognized your soft smile, which he was assuming to be your signature trait. And of course, and he couldn't help this, he definitely recognized the way that your jeans hugged your legs and waist. Then it dawned on him.
You were really here...at his game...standing directly in front of him.
"Hot chocolate?" He asked, mentally smacking himself in the face. He could have said anything, literally anything, like 'hey' or 'thanks for coming' but no...instead, he blurts out 'hot chocolate.'
He ignored Bailee's snicker as she moved towards Josh for a hug and only focused on you. He took notice of how his bumbled word caused you to blush and look down at your feet for only a second before you tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear. It was beautiful in a simple way.
"Thank you, for the hot chocolate and cinnamon roll." You smiled, finally looking at him. "I mean, I didn't get to enjoy it because a certain five-year-old said it was hers...but I appreciate the gesture. Though I am wondering how you disappeared down the hallway so fast."
"Dude...did you ding dong ditch her apartment?" Josh asked, nudging him in the arm.
"What?" Boone scoffed, suddenly feeling really embarrassed at the gesture he hoped that none of the guys would ever find out about. "Bailee said you were on the phone and I didn't want to disrupt you–"
"So you ran...down the hallway and hid?" Josh laughed, clapping Boone on the shoulder. "Please further tell this story at drinks, please."
"Actually, I can't go." You chimed in, sighing as you hugged your jacket close to you. "I've got housework to do and other stuff I need to finish over the weekend."
Boone was disappointed, there was no doubt about that. When he saw you here with Bailee, he was excited about getting to know you more over a beer or two. See how you were when you were carefree and in a fun environment. Plus, it meant he didn't have to be third-wheel with Bailee and Josh. It was a quick glimpse at Bailee when he saw her nudge her head in your direction and smile.
It was his chance.
"Same here actually," he said, patting Josh on the shoulder. "I'm feeling a little tired and I think extra sleep will be a better destresser than two beers."
"You guys suck." Josh pouted, rolling his eyes before looking at Bailee. "At least you're still with me right?"
"To the end babe," Bailee smiled, kissing him before grabbing his hand and turning to you and Boone. "Y/N came with me in the uber though...Boone, can you drive her home?"
"Absolutely, I wouldn't mind at all." He smiled, catching a glimpse of you giving Bailee a look he couldn't make out.
"Perfect, let's go."
Bailee had planned this– there was no doubt about it. She probably knew that you had no intention of going to the bar with them after the game. And since she saw Boone at your apartment to make amends earlier in the day, she knew that the moment you said you weren't going...he wouldn't either.
She was a mastermind.
When the four of you reached the parking garage and waved Bailee and Josh goodbye, he helped you into his car before walking around and getting in on the drivers' side. As soon as he got into the car, he took notice of the comfortable silence that settled between the two of you, and even how it stayed comfortable the moment the music came through his radio speakers.
He didn't know who was going to break the silence first, you or him. He could start by saying sorry about last night, that would be a good way to get the conversation going. But he wasn't even sure if you wanted to talk to him. After all, you never agreed to have him take you home. Coming up to a stoplight just outside of the arena, he turned to you to say something, only to see you already looking at him.
"Do you want to go get a hot chocolate or something? Maybe talk a little bit?"
He was shocked and flattered at the same time. Normally it was him making the first move, besides the initial move often being a girl reaching out to him in a DM. He saw the uncertainty flash across your face and he realized that he had been too lost in thought that he hadn't replied yet.
"Yeah," he cleared his throat, smiling at you. "I'd like that. But only if we get one of those chocolate croissant things."
You laughed and he felt a flutter in his chest as the soft sound echoed through his ears. "Deal."
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taurusjaehyun · 5 years
baby, good night // j.jh
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♦ Pairing: jaehyun x fem reader
♦ Other Members/ Characters: some nct/wayv members (mentioned)
♦ Genre: slight smut, fluff, non idol au, bf!Jaehyun, corporate lawyer!Jaehyun, domestic au
♦ Warnings: fluffff, nipple play, mutual masturbation, fingering, handjob, penetration but no actual sex, cock warming, no protection, cute sleepy Jaehyun uwu
♦ Word count: 3,193
♦ Story: Your boyfriend Jaehyun barely has time to relax due to work, but being in your arms and inside you are sure ways to give him comfort and strength.
Note: I told you guys I haven’t been writing bc of my depression and anxiety but I’ve been picking myself up and starting to write again. I have so many things to write and requests to do so hopefully, I get back in the zone again so I can write normally again. So anwyays,,,,, this isn’t proofread as always RIP me but I do hope yall enjoy it uwu <3 Also this is a thank you for the 700+ followers that I have now (I cant believe yall follow me lmaaaooo) Talk to me :)
“Honey, I’m home!” You hear your boyfriend shout from the living room, followed by the sound of the front door of your shared apartment being shut close.
 Jaehyun enters your shared bedroom and pauses at the doorway, giving you a cheeky smile as soon as he sees you like he always did, albeit Jaehyun looking a bit exhausted than usual. For the past few weeks, he had been going home at this time of night. It was already 9:30pm and normally, he wasn’t home this late but he was under a strict schedule as the company he was working for as a corporate lawyer was going to have a major merging with an American firm and an acquisition of a company in China so he had to stay over at the company for revising the by-laws and the contracts for each of the company’s employees. Even with a team of lawyers, it was still hard work. You made sure to keep in contact and remind him of his meals, of course.
 “Hey baby,” he smiles tiredly, making a bee line to your side of the bed and planting a kiss on your mouth that you eagerly return.
 “D’you eat dinner?” You mumble against his lips before pulling away to get back to the book you were reading.
 Jaehyun hums as he makes his way to his side of the bed now, “yeah, Jungwoo, Haechan and I grabbed dinner before we went home,” you nod at his words as you watch him put his briefcase on the ottoman by your bed, then pulls on his tie to loosen it before he removes his watch, setting it on the nightstand. “What about you baby?”
 You give him a smile that he reciprocates tiredly, “I already did babe. I cooked your favorite. We can eat the left overs for breakfast tomorrow.” He pumps his fist excitedly at your words, missing your cooking and eating with you. “Wash up then we’ll talk, you big baby.” You laugh as he makes his way to the bathroom excitedly, whistling to himself.
You come back to reading your book but you don’t miss the way Jaehyun’s shower was quiet. The two of you had bought a speaker that you specifically put in the master en suite as you both enjoyed playing music when you showered or soaked in the tub, especially together. Jaehyun even turned on some music when he takes his dump. So him being quiet usually mean he was upset, tired or both.
 After a while, Jaehyun comes back out from the bathroom in his usual sleep sweatpants, a towel wrapped around his head and nothing else. Wrapping your hair was a thing that you mainly did as you had long hair but now that his has been growing as well, he had adapted to it to make his hair dry faster, especially since he had trouble with his thick hair.
 He goes to his usual side of the bed, at the left and joins you under the sheets and presses himself against you, laying his head on your chest as he wraps his arms around your waist. You smile at this, patting his cheek lovingly and looking the way he smiles and relaxes into your touch.
 “You ok, babe?” You ask, folding the page on your book and putting it away on the nightstand, careful not to move too much. “Wanna talk about it?”
 Jaehyun groans and pouts, feeling the tiredness in his system. “Yeah,” he sighs, burying his face in the valley of your breasts. He speaks again, sounding tired but you couldn’t understand as his words were muffled.
 You chuckle, lifting his head and cupping his face. You could see the dark circles under his eyes and the tiredness in his face. “What was that?”
 “I said, Chief Lee is an asshole.” He sighs tiredly, pouting at you. You wish you could help him with whatever he was facing but you could only wish the merger and acquisition would be smooth sailing.
 You lean forward and peck his lips. “How about you let it out while I dry your hair?” You knew how he tends to sleep with his hair still wet because he was too tired these days to dry himself that he’d caught the sniffles because of it so the least you could do was help him in any way you could.
“Ok.” He smiles, sitting upright, facing away from you while you get on your knees behind him, and unwrapping the wet towel from his head. You could do it sitting down but he was too tall for you to reach up.
 You dry his hair as he tells you about ‘Chief Lee, the asshole’ that always seemed to overwork his team for some reason. Jaehyun was thankful he and his team were given the opportunities and the money was definitely a good plus, but they’ve barely had time to rest for the past few months.
 “Taeyong and Mark are real solid for doing twice as much, especially Mark since he just finished dealing with the government issues with the Dream team. And we kinda miss Sicheng too but I’m sure he’s busy with the China branch. He was put in the same team with Lucas, Kun and Ten. I heard the three new recruits in their team are amazing, too.” He sighs. “Good thing Jungwoo was added to the team before Sicheng transferred. It would’ve been hell without an extra hand.” Jaehyun sighs and you plant a kiss on his nape, running your hands through his now dried hair.
 You wrap your arms around him and plant a kiss on the top of his head, “Look on the brighter side, babe. After the successful merger, you can go back to relaxing. I know how much you love your job, babe. It’s hard but this is what you were made to do. I’m so proud of you.”
 Jaehyun holds your arms, sliding it down until he finds your fingers. He intertwines his fingers with yours and brings the back of your hand to his lips, kissing both hands. “Thank you, y/n. Thank you for always being there for me. I don’t know what I’ll do if I didn’t have you.” He sighs tiredly, eyes closed.
 “Of course, Jaehyun. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.” You kiss his cheek and he looks up at you and pulls you in for a kiss.
 God, he was so lucky to have you. He was so completely and irrevocably in love with you that he didn’t know himself how he could tell you that with words.
 You pull away when you feel his body limp a little and you’re sure he would fall asleep any minute now. “You can go to sleep if you want, love. I’ll hold you.” You peck his lips then his cheeks and he only nods, trying his best to receive your kisses. “You’re so cute.”
 He smiles at you, dimples at full display and you feel your heart skip a beat. How lucky were you to be at the receiving end of his genuine smiles.
 Jaehyun stacks the pillows and lies against it, reclined a little and moves to get himself comfortable while you quickly turn off the lights then slide yourself next to him, covering the both of you with the comforter. You lean in and he lifts his head so you could slip your arm behind his head and you pull his head closer to you with your free hand. His hands grips your thighs as he buries his face in your chest, taking in your scent that always manages to calms him down.
 You watch him relax into your touch, moaning a little when you start to run your hands through his thick tresses, your nails gently massaging his scalp and you feel him shiver at the action. You lean down and kiss his cheek, pulling him closer to you. It was like you were holding a big baby but you loved every minute of it.
 You start humming as you close your eyes, feeling the contentment and warmth from having Jaehyun in your arms like this. You only hoped that this would give him energy how you feel inspired and refreshed after just being in his arms when it was you who was down and exhausted.
 Suddenly, you feel Jaehyun planting kisses on your chest, as his thumb started to draw circles on the skin of your thigh. You feel him move his face and nudges your right nipple with the tip of his nose as he presses down lightly. He kept doing it until your nipple got hard. The hand on your thigh makes its way under your shirt, his fingers caressing the undersides of your breasts before it completely covers your left breast.
 He starts to suck on your nipple through your shirt. The material of the t-shirt you were wearing was thin and airy so needless to say, the material against your nipple was soaked with his spit. You didn’t mind, though. The way he was sucking on you was so slow and in a relaxed pace but you couldn’t help but get aroused with every suck of his mouth and the flick of his tongue on your pebbled nipple.
 You gasp when he lightly bites on your right nipple through as he squeezes your left breast harder than before. “Do you want me to take off my shirt?” You ask, your voice already a bit breathy. You could feel your pussy getting wet with every suction of his lips on your clothed nipple. You hold onto his arm, trying to steady yourself while you knew you weren’t physically gonna fall.
 Jaehyun makes a sound of approval and you pull away and take off his t-shirt that you wear to sleep and immediately come back to your previous position. With no time to waste, Jaehyun takes your right nipple in his mouth, sucking on the pebbled bud while his free hand is on your left breast, his fingers mimicking the way his tongue flicked against your nipple.
“You make me feel so good, Jae.” You moan, leaning down to plant a kiss on his cheek. “Do you wanna fuck me?”
 “‘M too tired.” He mumbles against your breast, your nipple still in his mouth. “Can I just put my cock in you? Warm me up.”
 You lick your lips and you nod. “Of course, baby. Are you hard?” You usually cock warmed him but he’s been too tired to even get hard and slip his cock inside you ever since he got busy.
 He pulls away from your nipple with a pop, “a little. Are you wet?” He asks, letting go of your left breast and glides his hand down your body. You spread your legs as his hand travels lower, sliding inside your underwear. “You’re so wet,” he chuckles lightly before latching on your left nipple this time.
 You hiss when his warm fingers touches your clit. “It’s because of you, baby.” He spends his time sucking on your left nipple before he unlatches and plants kisses up your neck and jaw before tilting your head down and finally slotting his lips against yours while he continued to gently wipe at your clit, gently dragging the tip of his finger against it.
 Your hands travels to the big bulge in his sweatpants as you moan in his mouth. You feel his cock twitch once your palm wraps around the length through the material. He moans this time when you rub the tip of his cock with your nails, the soft texture of his sweatpants making it more pleasurable for him.
 “Touch my cock, baby. Please.” Jaehyun pleads breathlessly against your lips. He starts to plant kisses on your jaw and neck before returning to sucking your nipples, alternating between the left and right. His thumb rubs at your clit this time, making you gasp with the pressure he applied as he rubbed, while the rest of his fingers finds your slit, playing with the wet juices your pussy produced for him.
 You moan at his ministrations, even when you bite your lip to try to control the need to moan louder than you already were. You run your hands down his taut abdomen, feeling the hard muscle under your touch and it turns you on how he’s so hard yet so soft everywhere. You loved his body. And especially his happy trail that you were currently tracing with your palm, feeling the hairs tickle your bare palm.
 Jaehyun lets out a long moan when you slip your hands down the front of his sweatpants, your fingers grazing his pubic hair and eventually reaching the base of his cock. It was harder than how you felt it earlier before.
 You wrap your hand around his cock and he starts to suck on your nipples harder but keeping the same slow pace, making you moan. “Baby, you’re so hard already.” You whisper against his ear as you pull your hand away and start to quickly push down the front of his sweatpants so you could fully touch him.
 He lifts his hips for you, mouth still attached to your nipples and his free hand still working on your pussy as you push down his sweatpants. His cock slaps up his navel as soon as the material is slipped down to below his ass. “Come on, touch me. Do it.”
 “You’ll get what you want,” you say to him as youu spit on your hand before slipping it back under the covers and grasping his hard cock in your hand, making him moan. Pre-cum was already gathering on the tip of his cock so you took your time on teasing the sensitive head so he could get wetter.
 You felt Jaehyun pull his hand from your pussy and out of your underwear and you whine at him. But as soon as you feel his slick covered hand on your hips and tugging at the band of your underwear, you sigh in relief. He violently pulls it off, making you laugh. “Calm down, babe,” you say as you lift your hips up so he could pull it down. You fold your knees so he could fully pull your underwear off.
 Jaehyun throws your panties behind him, uncaring of wherever it landed. “Just want you,” He says before he continues to suckle on your nipple, lifting your left leg and hooking it around his waist. His hand comes back between your legs and in no second, two of his fingers slip inside you easily. “Feels so nice and tight, babe.”
 Your body reacts by pulling his head closer to your chest as you moan, your grip around his cock involuntarily tightening at his actions. He moans against your tits and you feel the vibration, making you moan as well. God it felt so good. “Baby, get inside me please.” You whine lowly, loving the feeling of how his fingers stretches your pussy as you tug on his thick cock simultaneously, rubbing his head to spread his pre-cum on the rest of his shaft.
 Jaehyun pulls away from you and takes out his fingers from inside you instantly and starts to pull down his sweatpants so he could be buck naked as you were. “Come here,” he says as soon as his sweatpants were discarded. You follow his order, pressing your body close to him, leveling your crotch with his as you hook your leg over his thigh this time. His left arm was under you while your right arms was under his neck again, used as a pillow. He uses your slick on his fingers and smears it on his hard cock, easily tugging it up a few times.
 “You sure you can sleep like this? I can ride you.” You speak against his jaw as you start to peck kisses on his jaw as you reach down to rub your clit, making you twitch a little. “I know you’re tired. I can make you feel good.”
 “No baby, you already feel so good for me. I just wanna sleep like this. Do you want me to make you cum?” He asks, tiredness lacing in his voice even through his breathlessness. His voice was low normally but you loved how it got so deeper when he was sleepy or when he just woke up.
 You shake your head, “tomorrow. Wake up me with your cock instead.” You two were definitely generous each other with your orgasms so you let him do whatever he sees fit with you as long as he made you feel as good. But it was no doubt he’d give you everything and more. You capture his lips in a heated kiss as you press your pussy closer to him, grinding on the head of his cock that he held in his fist.
 “As you wish. Scoot up a little, sweetheart.” He smiles, speaking against your lips before pecking it again. He helps you by pushing you up, easily lifting you by the hips. “I’m going in,” he says against your skin and you nod, biting you bottom lip in anticipation.
 You close your eyes, feeling the thick head of his cock breach your wet slit and you tense as he slowly slips inside you. Your wetness made the slide easy but then again, his girth still made you wince from the feel of being stretched open. You bite your lip harder and grasp his arm to ground yourself and to ease the discomfort of his intrusion.
 “You’re so hot and tight, baby.” He moans as he slides in deeper until he was bottoming inside you. You swear you felt his dick twitch inside you as soon as the whole of his length was sheathed inside you. “You good, y/n?” He gives the tops of your chest gentle kisses before capturing your swollen nipple in his mouth again.
 You take deep breaths and let yourself relax, “I am, baby. Don’t worry about me.” You chuckle as you push his head closer to your chest, running your hands through his hair again, feeling his hands shift from your hips to your thighs, just rubbing at your skin, something he liked to do to you.
 You finally relax around his length and at the same time you physically feel his body go a bit limp and heavier. You could tell Jaehyun was falling into sleep as he would pause at sucking your nipple and would wake up a bit and suck on it again like a baby would and you found it endearing.
 “Good night. Love you.” He speaks when he awakens from his half sleeping state before suckling onto your nipples again, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you close but feeling it limp again after a few seconds.
 “Baby, good night.” You whisper against his cheek, kissing it. You eventually start to drift off to sleep too, feeling relaxed and good with the way he was steadily sucking on you and his thick cock filling you. “I love you more.”
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mx-sfthrs · 5 years
"we can't keep doing this"
"we're not just friends and you fucking know it"
a/n: i got the starter sentences from this post if u wanna use some !! no one asked for this i just felt like writing because i love me a good friends to lovers troupe and yall already heard me rant abt it but lowkey prob i love w my own best friend so yikes anyways there’s no other warnings besides it getting kind of suggestive but nothing explicitly sexual happens it’s just super hinted at lol also there’s no time on purpose bc this all happens over a span of two weeks so it felt weird to add a time
word count: 1.4k
[__:__] you've had feelings for your best friend changkyun for quite some time, but once you realized it you almost immediately pushed them down. he had never given you any indication that he had feelings for you, and your friendship meant too much to you to screw up with what you thought was some dumb crush.
you'd gotten pretty good at ignoring your feelings, enduring a couple of girlfriends on his end and even dating some other boys yourself.
right now though, both of you guys were single and changkyun had been especially clingy lately, making it your ‘dumb crush’ increasingly more difficult to control.
earlier this week he had asked if you were free on friday night
"yeah, why?"
"i don't know, i was thinking about it and we haven't had a sleepover in a while and... well, i guess i miss it - uh miss you... my place at 7?"
you agreed since you already said you were free, but you knew that the whole thing would make you uncomfortable. you’d probably end up hyper fixating on whatever movie or video game you guys were playing to avoid letting your mind wonder too much.
that friday night, you guys were halfway through some old comedy movie when changkyun slid next to you and pulled you into him
"hey" he put his arm around your shoulder "you good?"
you looked up at him and he just looked so... soft? sweet?
"huh?” your heart felt like it was on fire from beating so quickly “y-yeah. i’m fine, just tired”
you guys have snuggled before, that wasn't what was making you nervous. the genuinely sweet and concerned look on his face was what was making your heart flutter
"okay" smiled a sweet, closed mouth smile that you've never seen before "you just seem kind of off"
he took the string of your hoodie into the hand that was around your shoulder and started to twirl it around his fingers while he went back to focusing on the movie
the movie finished and he leaned forward to grab the remote and click to another movie while you checked your phone. when he leaned back he kissed your cheek, grabbing your attention before pulling you back into him
you looked up at him, desperately hoping your ears weren't too noticeably red, just to see him looking at the screen with a smirk on his face. you had no idea what game he was playing but at this point you thought it would be harmless to play along
so, you leaned over and kissed his jaw before leaning back down onto his chest
nights like these started to become a lot more frequent, and a lot more intimate. it was actually really nice to receive this kind of attention from changkyun, but you still had some uneasy feelings. both of you had yet to talk about any kind of feelings towards each other, and while you two had been showing a sickening amount of physical affection for two people who were just “best friends”, it seemed that it wasn’t enough for either of you to be completely candid about wanting to be more than friends
almost every night for the next two weeks, one of you spent the night at the other’s house, no matter what you guys had to do in the morning. you were almost always in each others arms, complimenting each other more, and giving soft, chaste kisses everywhere but the lips. during sleepovers you two would usually sleep in the same bed but now you would fall asleep holding hands or cuddled up together under the covers.
one night, changkyun had you and some friends over for a small party. he didn’t pay much attention to you and at first it didn’t bug you, until you over heard him talking to one of his friends
“...you’re crazy, dude” changkyun nonchalantly sipped his beer “we’re just friends”
“whatever you say man...” his friend teased
as soon as you heard him say that you avoided him for the rest of the night. you felt like you had been taken advantage of
after everyone had left, you stayed back like you’d promised him before the party. you were cleaning up in the kitchen when you heard him say his last goodbyes and close the door
he came up to you from behind and wrapped his arms around your waist. with his chest flush against your back and his chin on your shoulder, he started to kiss your neck
“hey, thanks for stay - “
you tried to wiggle out of his grip, unamused and not in the mood to receive any kind of affection from him
“woah... you okay?”
“we can’t keep doing this, changkyun” you turned around and tried not to get more upset than you already were “i can’t keep doing this”
he looked confused so you kept going
“listen, you’re my best friend and if it’s not obvious by now, i’m kind of maybe sort of a little bit in love with you and have been for quite some time now...” you looked down trying to blink back tears
“...and i guess i misread the situation or something, i don’t know but all of this - whatever this is - i don’t want it anymore. it’s too much. and maybe you’re fine with all of this while still being friends but it’s really messing me up so can we please just go back to how things were two weeks ago, before that night? before all of the snuggling and kisses and hand holding and whatever, just...please?” 
changkyun took both of your hands in his
“y/n?” he tried bending down to look at your eyes
your voice was barely audible “please don’t...”
“why? why do you think we’re just friends?”
your head snapped up at him “are you serious? don’t pretend like you don’t know what i’m talking about. i heard what you said tonight. i heard you say that we were just friends”
“wait, just - “
“no! do you have any idea how used that made me feel?? for two weeks now all of the feelings i’ve had for you actually made me happy and excited instead of scared and ashamed and i guess i should’ve been more upfront with what i wanted because - mmph”
he kissed you. 
he’d kissed you before but never on the lips and never like this. it was sudden, but deep and soft and full of well, feelings. the same feelings you had for him.
when you were starting to get dizzy you pulled away
“what the - “
“we’re more than just friends and you fucking know it”
now you were the one who was confused, so he continued to explain
“my friend was making some dumb joke about that video of me kissing jooheon on the cheek, y/n. do you really think i’d just play with you like that? that i’d use you? listen, i know that i’ve done some dumb things before, but i knew exactly what i was doing this time, and exactly who i was doing it to. it was never my intention to...”
he stepped closer to you as you lowered your head, inwardly scolding yourself for being scared away at the smallest sign of trouble
“...hey” he gently lifted your chin to get you to look at him
“i’m sorr - “
“no, y/n, i’m sorry. you’re right, i should’ve been more upfront” he tucked some of your hair behind your ears “i should’ve just told you that i was in love with you instead of just showing you”
he stepped closer and guided your hands around his waist
“but i promise” he kissed your forehead, “that i” your left temple “want” your right temple “to be” your nose “so much more” your left cheekbone “than just” your right cheekbone “your friend” your lips
“oh yeah?” you giggled against his mouth
“yeah” he said as he smiled and kissed you again
and this kiss seemed to be making up for lost time and hurt feelings because when it was over, thirty minutes had passed, you were on the counter, and both of your hair was an absolute mess
“so” you sighed “what do we do now?”
“well...” he took a step back a looked around the messy kitchen “we could clean all of this up, or ...”
“or... i have about twelve other things in mind that are way more fun and involve far less clothes”
he looked at you with his hand stretched out with expecting eyes, waiting for an answer
“i think i like option two” you giggled as you let him pull you into his bedroom, and with that the mess in the kitchen was long forgotten
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emybain · 5 years
Renegades Mermaid AU Fic for MerMay:D
so im posting this on june 1st but only a few hours after may officially ended so this is still valid. I’ve been trying to write this fic for two weeks and have been changing up the outline and plot over and over. I came up with this plot literally like three hours ago so. yeah. the only things yall should know I guess are that the anarchists are merpeople and the renegades are humans. merpeople are considered dangerous bc of the anarchists, and the renegades were mostly former merpeople who chose to live on land. merpeople in this world have the power to go on land and have legs, but the longer they’re on land, the harder it is to change back into a merperson. I had a lot of backstory/information that I wont dump on yall bc it isn't necessary to this short fic soooo enjoy:)))
    Fighting a criminal for robbing a supermarket was not how Adrian wanted to spend his Saturday night.
    Things had been relatively quiet in Gatlon recently, so Adrian and his team figured that their patrol would be mostly uneventful, and hopefully, result in them being released early. Not that Adrian didn’t like patrol. It was just that it got boring when there wasn’t any actual crime.
    And while he was technically fighting crime now, it wasn’t wholly for a worthy cause. Who robs a supermarket close to midnight anyways?
    He supposed he should be treating the situation with more enthusiasm. After all, they were currently chasing the infamous Nightmare through Gatlon. She had shown up at a smaller supermarket and held the workers at gunpoint until she got what she needed. Adrian’s team had barely spotted her escaping the store after all getting messages from their communicator bands about her appearance.
    Nightmare had proven herself to be a tricky one. The Renegades had been chasing her for almost six months now, and she always managed to disappear before they could catch her. But now tonight. Adrian was determined to get her, corner her, arrest her. It wasn’t because he wanted the credit and fame for her capture. But she had already caused the Renegades and Gatlon enough trouble in the past six months. Her villainous ways had to come to an end. It was the right and just thing to do.
    Also she had embarrassed Sketch’s team more than once by beating them, despite being outnumbered.
But Adrian definitely didn’t hold personal grudges when it came to villains. That led to revenge, and he strived for justice. Two completely different things.
    “Where is she going?” Ruby shouted from behind Adrian. He could tell she was getting tired of running from the way her breathing got heavier and heavier.
    “I don’t know,” Adrian replied. He glanced around them, ahead of them. Nightmare was a good thirty feet away,     and she kept turning corners, which made gaining on her increasingly difficult.
    “Let’s split up.” Danna appeared beside him, her pulled back dreads whipping in every direction. “Ruby, Oscar, go left, since she likes turning that way; Adrian, you and I keep straight.” Their team did as she said, Oscar and Ruby leaving them, with Oscar trailing behind Ruby a good amount.
    Nightmare peaked over her shoulder at them, then, as Danna pointed out, turned left. A gust of wind, filled with salt, slowed Adrian down in realization. He regained his speed as quickly as he had lost it.
    “The ocean,” was all he managed to yell in Danna’s direction.
    “What?” He thought he saw Danna shaking her head in his peripheral vision. “Why the hell is she going to the ocean? Doesn’t she know it’s dangerous?”
    But they pursued her still, and soon, the concrete beneath them became sand, making running more difficult. Oscar and Ruby rushed over to them. They must’ve figured it out as well.
    Together, Adrian’s team chased Nightmare down the beach until she ran out of room to run, ending up on a long dock. The wind had increased, blowing sand up into their faces. Nightmare seemed unaffected by it, only acknowledging it when it blew her short hair in front of her face. She tucked the strands back into her hood.
    “It’s over, Nightmare.” Oscar leaned on his specialized crutches. “You have nowhere to run. Surrender to the Renegades.”
    “Or what?” Nightmare tilted her chin up, cocky. Her eyes glinted, as if she knew something they didn’t, and she was inwardly laughing because of it.
    “You’ll be arrested either way,” Adrian spoke up. He took a step closer to her on the dock. “But if you surrender, it’ll be much easier and your punishment will be lessened.”
Nightmare rolled her eyes. “I’m sure.” She looked behind her at the waves, then back at the Renegades. Her hand that wasn’t clutching a gun went to her neck. Adrian blinked, not sure if he was seeing things when her neck began to glow a soft green.
“What is that?” Danna demanded, positioning her feet defensively.
“None of your concern.” Nightmare winked at her. “Well, this was fun. We should do it again sometime, yeah?” she addressed toward the rest of the group. All four of them yelled and ran forward as she turned and dived into the water.
“I don’t see her.” Ruby got down on her knees and bent over the water, although it was too dark to see anything.
Danna cursed and hit Adrian on the arm. When he gave her a questioning look, she pointed ahead without saying anything, eyes transfixed on what was before her.
When Adrian and the others saw what she was pointing at, they cursed as well.
Far enough from the beach was a girl with short hair in the water, with bare shoulders and stuff that glimmered against the moonlight on her cheeks and neck. Adrian could only see her eyes, due to the darkness and distance between them. They stared at one another for a moment. Adrian knew those eyes anywhere.
The girl shook her head, as if coming out of a trance, and dove beneath the waves. Ruby gasped from beside him as a long tail rose up and quickly followed behind her.
Danna gulped. “We have to go to the Council immediately and tell them what we saw and what this means.”
“You think they’re going to care that Nightmare is a mermaid?” Oscar asked, eyebrows furrowed. “All that explains is how she’s been able to get away.”
“They’ll care,” Adrian assured his teammates, gulping. “Danna’s right. This confirms that Nightmare is an Anarchist.”
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roxvnnes-blog · 6 years
"if ashley fragipane gets to go by halsey, I get to go by nxa, end of."
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┈ did you read that latest viral gossip issue on ROXANNE BALINGER/ NXA?  she is one of my favorite R&B/NEO-SOUL artists. they’ve been releasing music for TWO YEARS now, but viral gossip has only been talking about them for the last YEAR. get this, i think i heard SHE HAD AN AFFAIR WITH HER PREVIOUS MANAGER. they’re known as the BITTERSWEET of the music industry, since they have a rep for being BOLD but BRUSQUE, but who knows. maybe that will change once they become #1.  ( KAYLA, 21, CST, SHE/HER. )
yo whats up its ur local garbage girl baby kay n this is 97.5 wabd with the test drive at five -- srs tho hey it meme, back at it with a fem muse. im hella excited to play and develop her as well as connect with all yall for her so lets get it on
originally from the cascade heights area of atlanta georgia. her parents were middle class & instilled work ethic into her during her early years
TW FOR DEATH/CAR CRASH  when she was 12 her parents were killed in a car accident and she went to live with her grandma because she was her only known living relative
it got rough bc she had to move across the city to lakewood heights to be with her grandma
a troubled Problem child, like her grandma rlly tried but she couldn’t keep roxanne on a leash at all. she was always getting into trouble at school and getting into fights.
by HS she was rlly an outcast, she always seemed like she was unhappy (which she was??) but she also thought nobody gave a fuck about her (still kinda does??) 
this was when she rlly started taking a liking to music. like, when she had nobody else around, she had her cds/tapes. she felt good when she listened to janet jackson, aaliyah, britney bitch (lily  👀 👀), lauryn hill, eartha kitt, macy gray, and ella fitzgerald like she just?? rlly?? loved??? music??
but she was 17 going on 18 had no skills, barely graduated hs and has like 1 friend probably sooo
while she was dancing she spent her free time writing/creating songs/lyrics
one night @ the club she asked a client if she could sing to him n he let her but he also told her she’d better stick to dancing lmao what a douche
she rlly wanted to be a music star tho because she felt like a lot of her songs were /realistic/ because they were truthful to her n figured ppl could #relate
so she had a small following on her soundcloud and did a little local show where she was discovered by her first manager. she was frank w/ roxanne and told her basically she wasn’t great but she had potential and if she could put in the work they could make her a big name in the industry
to sum it up, she worked day and night (literally, in the day on music in the studio and at night in the strip club) to get her EP out which gained her more traction (titled UR after it’s lead-off track) during this time she had an affair with her manager who was a married woman, but she rlly cared about roxy and roxy cared about her?? they kinda loved each other romantic stylez?? but it was still rlly ugly in the public eye so when she signed to the big label she parted ways w/ her old manager
now she’s living in LA, fortunate enough to be a full time musician with a highly anticipated debut album
extremely humble. she’s never showy or a braggart when it comes to things she does
still very confident tho. both in herself and in her music because she’s worked so hard on it
very tell-it-like-it is. she’s not one to lie for clout or partake in some bullshit just to make money, especially if it involves music.
very much doesnt care if u hate her, like?? she’s like cool? so what if u dont like me??? i’m not doing this for you anyway???
she’s not one to start any beef chicken or pork but if you badmouth her or drop her name then she will definitely know and she’ll definitely tell her honest opinion of u next time she’s asked n it might sound shady but it’s the Truth from her lips
hardly has a sense of commitment in romantic relationships but values friendship highly and would never betray a true friend
pansexual n very open about her sexuality, experiences, and lifestyle
not Mean but she is blunt and doesn’t like to play games w/ ppl eiether. her intention isn’t to hurt someones feelings but she also feels like ppl deserve honesty
believes in love bc her parents were madly in love and highkey she wants to have that for herself some day she just doesn’t rlly know if it’s in her cards right now???
v into the mystical
okay... so she’s actually named after her grandma. her full name is ethel roxanne balinger, but dO NOT call her ethel. literally it’s such a well kept secret that idk if anyone will ever know that’s her real first name??
she even had it legally changed to just ‘roxanne balinger’ after she got signed so u wont even catch her with an ID that reads ‘ethel’ on it.
seriously if u call her ethel bc somehow your character knows, she’ll punch them
i think?? that’s it right now???? this is already long asf??? but hmu if u wanna plot?? i dont have a connections page yet but im getting there lol
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starboundbane · 7 years
11 question meme
I try to be mysterious but I love taking about myself
Rules: Answer your set of questions and add 11 of your own
Tagged by: @butwewereanempire *winky face kiss emoji*
1. What is your fondest memory?
I’m not sure. I have some fond memories but most of them were tainted by these people later on hurting me or something bad happening.  Sometimes oddly graphic fond memories come up again though, like scenes in a movie. Pineapple juice with ice cubes with a girl from Ecuador that shared my name. Finding out that the bumblebees in my grandma’s garden went into a little hole in the ground. Having Renée sleeping at my place for the first time and us baking brownies together that we also had for breakfast on toast the next day. Valentine's day this year, me alone at 7am on my balcony in the thickest sweater with a giant mug of green tea, enjoying the cold. Sitting with Laura on the windowsill of her room on the 6th floor, loudly playing fuck-marry-kill at 2am. A night walk in our pajamas through the hotel park with Asia.  Sitting in this jazz café with a red haired boy that later on abandoned me.
2. What is the weirdest and/or dumbest thing you’ve done with your friends (or for them) 
All my friends are terribly weird and so am I, I don’t think anything we’ve ever done was normal. Helping a friend hide the fact that he was building a blunt in the supreme court, for example. The windowsill thing was definitely up there as well, considering the fact that we let ourselves fall backward, hoping that the bed was in the right place (it was). Walking barefoot through the lake and then lying on the gravel yelling “I AM THE SAND GUARDIAN, GUARDIAN OF THE SAND”. That one time i volunteered to pierce 2 girls’ ears in our room during the class trip, while one was half naked because a 3rd girl was dying her hair. I succeeded, they’re very happy with the results.
3. Villains or heroes or anything in between?
Listennn I love me a Good Hopeful Hero that just genuinely wants to do good and help people. Fuck yall, its not boring. But the rule of thumb for me is Anti Hero. I, for one, am an anti hero, and I love anti heroes.
4. What is your biggest pet peeve in any kind of writing
When the writers don’t care enough about the audience the actually make three dimensional, complex, unique, diverse characters. When beloved characters get dragged through the mud because it's easier to write them emotionally stunted, straight, and stereotypical. Amazing and creative plotline possibilities going to waste because million dollar studios are afraid to take risks. Overgoing and tbh insulting fans. I just,,,, care a lot about character writing and I don’t fucking get why you would purposefully do the exact opposite of what your loyal audience wants you to do.
5. What is your ideal aesthetic and what is your honest one?
Ideal: Black and white, dark blue dark red, lilac. Ravenclaw & Slytherin. Books about astrophysics, arched eyebrows behind glasses. Ambition and intelligence. Knives and flowers. Snowy mornings, the sound of your boots/heels hitting the ground when you step into a room with confidence. Holding all the power and knowing it. Plants and the song “Killer queen”. Elegance and oddity. Vampires and Aliens. Smiles through bloody teeth, bold fashion choices. “Okay, so i lied”, “The darker the night the brighter the stars”. Coffee shop dates with your friends, holding a face gently between your hands. Cold eyes turning soft for the right people, dancing with flowy clothes. Studying anything and everything, walking through the streets of a beautiful big city on your own. Shameless flirting and dangerous grins, smooth criminal as your theme song (and a lot more, i have a whole folder)
Honest: Similar, but also: Cold stares and clenched jaws. Purple circles under you eyes, looking into the night sky and sighing wistfully. Sitting alone in a room full of people. Melancholia and nostalgia while aggressively rejecting sentimentality. Planning 3 years ahead. Having no place that feels like home. A not really hidden meaning behind sentences, revealing itself only to those who listen closely enough to analyze the careful choice of words. Aching to live in fiction, or in the future. Staring at people who left you when they can’t see it, wondering why you couldn’t keep them. Telling people you work better alone, when in truth you simply always had to. Bruised knuckles, a poker face with tear-shot eyes.
6. Best breakfast you ever had?
Me and my dad driving to the city to eat in this amazing breakfast restaurant and then walking around the city until noon. I just,,, love that shit.
7. Whats the book you’d like to read but hasn’t been written yet like?
I.. honestly don’t have a good answer to that yet. Maybe sometime later
8. We all have A Type. Whats yours?
Dating wise? I’m somehow into gingers. As a professional bisexual, i must say I prefer boys with light hair, and for girls, i don’t really have a preference. Outside of gender, i must say i like people who are rather the opposite of me. I like sunshines, kind people with big smiles. But i’m also into power-couples, so be my sunshine but also kick somebody’s ass with me. For fictional characters? I honestly don’t know, some characters just draw me in.
9. Out there, in some parallel universe where shit never happened, there is a better version of you - the person you’d like to be. What are they like?
Less troubled, less melancholic. Maybe not constantly abandoned. Not constantly doubting herself, always expecting people not to want her around. A better person, maybe living in the present for once, having a good life for more than 5 hours for once. But other than that I don’t like the idea of “fixing” my issues. They make me who I am. I don’t want to be fixed, i want to be helped
10. What would you get into an argument over?
Most things. I’m a very confrontational person, I let people know when i don’t agree with something, I’m honest about my opinions, and i have said opinions about pretty much everything.
11. 3 things you love when people do and 3 you absolutely hate
love:  - people being genuinely happy to see me - when you and the other person care about each others interests & passions and rant and debate for hours - when somebody stands out in the crowd due to dressing with a unique sense of fashion, and stands up for what and who they believe; Just generally people who light the whole room up when they walk in
hate: - “of course we’re friends!” *proceed to not give a shit about you* - people who ditch you as soon as shit gets complicated because they can’t handle people with problems - When people can’t stand the fact that you’re doing You and living the way you want to, but are also too afraid to tell you what their problem is
My set of questions
1. One fictional character you would like to date, and why
2. Whats an opinion you’re very passionate about at this very moment
3. What do you imagine happiness to be like?
4. If you were a character stereotype used in movies/ games/ books, which one would you be 
5. The aestethic of your favourite field of study
6. What personality traits make you fall in love 3 times quicker than usual
7. What would your ideal café look like?
8. What would be your ideal aesthetic and what is your HONEST one? (keeping this one bc its so good)
9. What’s the person /one of the people you wish you could’ve kept in your life like?
10. Whats a part of your personality that you don’t like to admit
11. What would your romantic relationship ideally be like?
@stevegrantrogers-buckybarnes @soft-raphael @butwewereanempire (if u wanna go again lmao) @schope-nah @an--asexual--assbutt and generally everyone who wants to do this
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