#woof sorry this is chaotic
the-raging-tempest · 4 months
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@amatres I have quite a few thoughts. And I guess a lot of them hinge on what the context of it is! Also for the sake of it, I’ll be calling them cursed and if they aren’t I will leave it be. Sorry if that’s confusing because og Zrise is cursed but LMAO. (A follow up to Ama’s first question at got my brain turning)
So! I’ll go in order of your inquiry heheheh
Cursed Zrise and Cursed Lariel interacting would be … interesting. As @cassynite guessed in her reblog cursed Zrise would HATE to know his sister even handles her curse better, she’s more successful, more powerful, more detached and intellectual. Reinforcing that self hate. I think he’d be so resentful but on some level he’s also hate to see it happen to her. On some level he’d feel it’s better that he’s the one who suffers. Kind of a hatred for fate that him being cursed is better for others. Feeling as ineffectual as he does relieved. To see his sweet kind sister with such a capacity for evil… would be jarring. He’d hate it but believe ‘it’s better that I’m the one fucked over…’
Cursed Lariel would be detachedly amused at fate and slightly sad. She’d think how pathetic and sad her brother is. The brother she knows and does still love is nothing like this man. The curse did not empower him like it did her (in her mind). Mostly in her heart she would wonder if she should put him out of his misery. She’s not as miserable as him. The curse seems to really make him suffer.
I think both uncursed Lariel and Zrise would be so emotional over seeing the other. The version of the other that they always wanted to see again and yet… isn’t who they remember. A bitter sweet feeling… How they want to love and support their cursed deeply broken mirror. It would almost feel a betrayal to love this version. There is a grief there. This is who they could have been but aren’t.
On a lighter note. Outside of that strangeness they’d both be conscious of. Lariel would just sob and hug this version of her brother. To see him so happy and comfortable and not hating himself. She’d be moved to tears. Which would make him cry. To see her so open and vulnerable! That she does love him!
I think they’d want to spend time together (unlike their cursed counterparts) Zrise who would immediately get Lariel out of her shell. I can see all the mischief they’d get up to! Zrise who would want to show her the world and the places he wants to go. He’d be a little sad to know she’s still an atheist but not too sad. Lariel would think it’s charming he worships the Goddess of love. She’d he so happy about that actually. These two chaotic good goofballs would actually do such good in the world and I’m getting weepy thinking about it. They’d be very “it’s us against the world!” But with Lariel’s sweet and selfless kindness and Zrise’s active presence and determination to make places better… IM CRYING 💕💕😭💕💕
Lariel and Cursed Lariel… WOOF I think both of them would actually be in deep denial of the other. Not cursed Lariel would find it so hard to believe that she could be so cruel and indifferent of a world that she loves so…. I think it would reinforce her belief that she must not let what hurts her destroy her. That her loneliness must never take hold and twist her into something so cold. That she must reach out to others.
Cursed Lariel would resent and find her mirror pathetic. So desperate to not feel alone. Her need for someone else to tell her what to do and to feel whole. Is a weakness. Cursed Lariel needs no one. She believes she is stronger for it. It reinforces her belief that she is better off alone.
Zrise and Cursed Zrise… uncursed Zrise would be deeply disturbed by who he could become. But I think it would reinforce his feelings of how much he accepts where his weaknesses lie. His cursed version showing him what it’s like when those weakness are something he holds and uses against himself and the world. He’d be relieved he’s not that way but… would consider… could he have saved his sister if he had instead taken that burden from her….
Cursed Zrise… I think it would rip him apart honestly. To see himself. He’d take that in the worst way. He’d feel more helpless than ever. I think I can’t even describe how far that would cast him into despair. The unreachable… the unattainable… knowing on some level it is and isn’t all his fault. Like it’s the darkness of realizing you had the potential but failed in every conceivable way. Like yes the curse is to blame for some of it. But the dark reflection that all the choices he made… he could have made better… different ones…
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massivedrickhead · 1 year
and buddy makes six (1/1)
Pitchmas 2022
Words: 2316
Notes: Merry Pitchmas @chubby-maimaki, I’m your (replacement) secret santa! 
You asked for a chaotic Christmas with some funny moments. Wholesome isn’t usually my wheelhouse but I hope this ticked all the boxes you were after. Happy Holidays, I hope you enjoy this!
Read on AO3
Chaotic is the only word you could use to describe the Mitchell-Beale household at any given time, and on Christmas it was even more so.
And now that Beca and Chloe had finally caved - or rather Beca had finally caved - and gotten their three kids a dog, it was about to become so much worse.
“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Beca muttered, stepping through the back door of their home, a tiny Border Collie puppy held in her arms. He gave a small yap and wriggled, and Beca froze. “This is such a bad idea, they’re going to hear him."
“They can’t hear anything, the TV is turned up to 50 in there,” Chloe said, scratching the puppy behind his ears. “Hi handsome!” She cooed. “Go on, get him upstairs, the pen is all set up.”
Chloe gave her wife a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to the kids in the living room.
Beca crept upstairs with the wriggling puppy still in her arms.
“Something tells me I’m going to regret this,” she said. He responded by licking her cheek. “Gross.”
She opened her bedroom and placed the puppy in the pen that Chloe had set up for him.
“You’re gonna be good, right? No barking?”
He yapped in response.
“Dude, you’re gonna get us busted,” Beca said, scratching his ear. “It’s just for an hour until the kids go to bed, okay?” He rolled over onto his back, and Beca transitioned to rubbing his belly. “I guess you are pretty cute. The kids are gonna love you.”
She stayed a little while longer until he curled up in the blankets Chloe had put down and went to sleep. 
Beca crept out of the room and down the stairs, and then went to the front door.
She opened and closed it with a thud, and announced “I���m home!”
Three pairs of feet came pounding out of the living room.
“Mama!” Alexis, the youngest, said, arms outstretched so Beca could pick her up.
“Hi,” Beca said, grinning as she lifted up the two-year-old and sat her on her hip.
Callie, seven years old and their middle kid, was next to greet her, wrapping her arms around Beca’s other side.
Nathan, the oldest at almost thirteen, simply raised his hand in greeting. 
“You’re late,” Chloe said, trying to hide a smirk as she raised an eyebrow. She kissed Beca on the cheek. 
“I had a last-minute errand to run,” Beca replied.
“We had to start the movie without you,” Callie said, taking her mom’s hand and pulling her towards the living room.
“Oh no,” Beca said, with such heavy sarcasm that even Alexis picked up on it. “Whatever shall I do?”
“We could start over,” Chloe casually suggested.
“No, no,” Beca said, quickly. “It’s getting late and these kids need to be in bed before Santa comes.”
“Mom, Santa isn’t real-”
“-Really strict about bedtimes?” Beca said, cutting Nathan off and raising her eyebrows. “Actually he is.”
Nathan rolled his eyes but laughed.
“Hey, I’m the only member of this family that’s allowed to roll their eyes,” Beca said, sitting on the sofa beside him, Alexis still in her arms.
Chloe sat on Beca’s other side, and Callie climbed up onto Chloe’s lap. 
“I think we need a bigger sofa,” Beca said, as Alexis wriggled to get comfortable.
Just as Chloe was about to hit play on their paused movie, there was a very loud, very distinctive, bark.
Everyone froze.
“What was that?” Callie asked.
Chloe shrugged and hit play on the movie. “Probably came from outside.”
“It sounded like a dog,” Nathan said.
“There are dogs outside,” Beca said. “I’m sure Devon across the street just got one.”
“Doggy!” Alexis chimed in, helpfully. “Doggy, mama! Woof!”
“There’s no doggy, baby,” Beca said, kissing the top of her head. “Doggy outside.”
Chloe turned the TV up, hoping to disguise any more barks, until Alexis put her hands over her ears.
“Mommy loud!”
“Sorry,” Chloe said, dropping it back down.
Beca and Chloe exchanged a nervous glance.
Alexis was asleep in Beca’s arms by the time the movie had finished, and she carried her up to bed while Callie and Nathan helped Chloe set out milk and cookies for Santa.
She put Alexis in her crib, kissed her on the head, and switched on her baby monitor.
“Sweet dreams baby girl,” she said, softly, pulling the door shut behind her.
Beca stuck her head in her bedroom to check on the puppy, and his tail started wagging immediately as he let out another bark.
“Shh,” Beca said, quickly, hurrying into the bedroom. 
“Bec, come say goodnight to the kids,” Chloe called as she climbed the stairs.
“Dude, please be cool,” Beca said to the puppy, who cocked his head and yapped again. Beca sighed, quickly stroked his head, and then left her room. 
The kids reached the landing just as Beca shut her door behind her.
“What are you doing?” Nathan asked as Beca stood in front of the doorknob. 
“Nothing,” Beca said, quickly. 
“You’re acting sus.”
“I am not acting sus,” Beca replied. “I’m acting totally normal. Come hug your mother goodnight.”
Nathan rolled his eyes again but smiled as he gave Beca a hug. She gave him a kiss on the head and he groaned and wriggled out of her embrace.
“Gross,” he said. 
“Rude,” Beca replied. 
Chloe hugged and kissed him too.
“Please don’t stay up all night on TikTok,” she said. “Your sisters will wake you up early tomorrow.”
“Uh-huh,” he said. “Night Mom.”
“Goodnight,” Beca and Chloe said together.
“Night mama,” Callie said when Beca squeezed her into a hug.
“Goodnight sweetheart,” Beca replied, kissing her on the cheek. “You want a story tonight?”
Callie shook her head. “I wanna go to sleep so Santa can come.”
“Okay,” Beca said. “Sleep tight.”
Chloe walked Callie to her room, and Beca quickly retreated back into the bedroom.
When Chloe got back to their room, Beca was sitting in the pen she’d made for the puppy, with the dog on her lap.
“I thought you didn’t want a dog,” Chloe said, grinning.
“I don’t,” Beca said, smiling as he yawned and tipped backwards. “I think this is a terrible idea.”
“Mhm,” Chloe said, sitting on the bed and watching them. “We’ll have to put him in our bathroom tonight you know.”
Beca looked up at her. “By himself?”
Chloe laughed. “The kids will burst in here first thing, we don’t want them to see him.”
Beca frowned. “I’ll wake up early and put him in there tomorrow.”
“Oh my god, he already has you wrapped around his little… paw. I can’t say I’m surprised, it was the same as Nathan, Callie, and Alexis. You can’t resist a cute face.”
Beca laughed and shook her head. “Tell me about it. Why do you think I said yes when you asked me out?”
“And here I was thinking you just wanted to see me naked again,” Chloe said with a laugh.
“Well, yeah, that too,” Beca said. “Are the milk and cookies set out?”
“Yep,” Chloe said. “Plus a carrot for Rudolph.”
“I wonder if he wants some milk,” Beca asked, looking at the puppy. She looked at Chloe. “Can we give him that?”
“Not unless you want him to shit everywhere,” Chloe said. 
“So does that mean I have to drink it?” Beca asked, and Chloe rolled her eyes. “Okay, when did this family start doing that? The eye-rolling is my thing.”
“Ah ha,” Chloe said. “You invented eye-rolling babe.”
“And now sarcasm? Is nothing sacred?”
“Shut up,” Chloe said, laughing. “Bring him downstairs so he can pee and I’ll take care of the milk.”
Once the puppy had used the bathroom and Beca and Chloe had taken care of the milk and cookies, they both headed up to bed. All of their kids were sleeping soundly, and the puppy dozed off in his pile of blankets as soon as Beca put him down.
They climbed into bed and shared a quick goodnight kiss before settling down.
“I can’t believe we got a dog,” Beca mumbled as Chloe wrapped her arms around her waist. 
“I know,” Chloe said. “We’re crazy.”
“Bec,” Chloe said, her voice thick with sleep. “I can hear the kids.”
“They’re loud kids,” Beca replied. “We hear them constantly.”
“No,” Chloe said, stifling a yawn. “I mean they’re up. You need to hide the dog.”
“Already getting this dog is coming back to bite me in the ass,” Beca groaned.
“You’re the one who-”
“I know, I know,” Beca said, waving her off as she forced herself out of bed.
The puppy was still sleeping soundly, and Beca moved his pen as gently as she could into their en-suite and shut the door, just in time to hear the sound of a little fist rapping against their door.
Beca and Chloe looked at each other and saw their own tired smiles reflected back at them. 
“Come in,” Chloe said.
The doorknob turned and Callie burst into the room, climbing up onto her parents’ bed. 
“It’s Christmas!”
“Is it?” Beca asked. “No one told me.”
“Can we go downstairs?” Callie asked. “Please?”
“What do you think, Mommy?” Beca asked Chloe.
“Hmm, it might be too early,” Chloe said.
“But I’ve been awake for ages,” Callie moaned. “And Nathan said I had to wait but I can’t!”
“Okay,” Chloe said. “Go get Nathan, I’ll get Alexis.”
No sooner had Callie left the room did they hear a little yap coming from the bathroom.
“What was that?” Callie said, running back in.
“I sneezed,” Beca said, quickly.
Callie’s eyebrows pulled together as she stared at her Mom.
“I think I’m getting a cold,” Beca said, doing another fake sneeze.
“Bless you,” Chloe said, trying hard to sound sincere. “Go get Nathan,” Chloe said again to Callie, scared that the dog would bark again.
“I’ll get Alexis,” Chloe said, “we’ll all go down together and then you can come back up for him, okay?”
“Got it,” Beca said. “Who knew the hardest part about getting a dog would be hiding him from the kids.”
Chloe cocked her head. “You’ve never had a dog before, have you, babe?”
Beca shook her head and Chloe laughed. She got up and gave her wife a kiss. “Merry Christmas, by the way.”
“Merry Christmas,” Beca replied, grinning.
Once all their kids had made it downstairs and were sitting in the living room by the tree, Beca excused herself.
“I think I left my phone upstairs,” she said. “Don’t start opening gifts without me.”
Callie groaned, at the thought of having to wait one more minute.
“Mommy presents?” Alexis asked, pointing at the wrapped gifts.
“Soon,” Chloe said. “When Mama comes back.”
“I can hear that sound again,” Nathan said, standing so he could look out of the window. “I can’t see any dogs out there.”
“Weird,” Chloe said, trying hard to hide her own excitement.
“Hey,” Beca said, poking her head in the door. “It looks like Santa left an extra gift upstairs for you guys.”
“What is it?” Callie asked.
Beca stepped into the room, the puppy held in her arms.
It took a moment for the kids to register what it was, but he soon wriggled, yawned, and let out another yappy bark.
“Oh my god!” Callie squealed. “Is he ours? Can we keep him?”
“Ah ha,” Beca said, smiling at the looks on her kids' faces. Even Nathan, who had been rapidly turning into a grumpy teen before their eyes, looked like a kid again, his eyes wide and mouth open.
“Now before everyone gets too loud and excited,” Chloe said, using her strict voice that was rarely heard. “We need you all to remember that he isn’t a toy. He’s a pet, a member of the family, and he’s going to be with us for, hopefully, a very long time. We treat him gently, and kindly, and we take care of him. We don’t pull or poke him, and when he doesn’t want to play, we leave him alone.”
“We’ll be gentle,” Callie said, practically vibrating with excitement as she reached up to pet him from where he was held in her Mom’s arms.
“Having a dog is a lot of work,” Beca said. “So we’ll all need to help out with cleaning up after him, training him, feeding him, and walking him. It’s a big responsibility.”
“We’ll help,” Callie said, quickly.
Beca looked at Nathan, who nodded. “We will,” he said. 
Beca crouched down and put the puppy on the floor.
“Hi puppy!” Callie said, trying to hold back as she stroked his little head. Beca could tell she wanted to pick him up and squeeze him, and she was proud that she was restraining herself.
Alexis wasn’t quite sure what to make of him, but when he sniffed her outstretched hand and licked it, she squealed and giggled. 
“Gentle,” Chloe said, as Alexis reached out to touch him again.
“Doggy!” Alexis replied. 
“What’s his name?” Callie asked.
“We don’t know yet,” Chloe said. “He’s a family dog, we should all help choose it.”
“He has a patch on his eye,” Callie said. “Like a pirate.”
“We could call him Patch?” Beca suggested.
“Patch,” Alexis repeated. “No Patch, Mama.”
“Okay,” Beca said, laughing.
“What about Spot?” Chloe said.
Callie shook her head. “He has patches, not spots.”
“We got him on Christmas,” Nathan said. “He should have a Christmassy name.”
“Oh!” Callie said. “We heard him bark when we were watching Elf! We should call him Buddy!”
Buddy replied with a yap.
“Yeah,” Nathan said, scratching him behind his ear, laughing as his leg started to twitch. “Buddy.”
“Can you say ‘Buddy’, Lexie?” Chloe asked Alexis.
“Buddy,” Alexis replied.
“Well I think that’s decided then,” Beca said. “Welcome to the family, Buddy.”
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arcxnumvitae · 4 months
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Sorry the text is so small! Under alignment it says Chaotic neutral on a good day and chaotic evil on a bad day. What to say about Zhaohui other than "woof." Woof.
Maybe it's a surprise that he's partial to receiving love letters and poetry but hey those are words of affirmation in a way too aren't they? I will say he has a preference for specifically East Asian poetry since it's a style he's more familiar with and likes better. Or like, the kind that uses few words to say a lot.
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
Happy Birthday Nebby!
@nebbychan, as per my favorite of the ideas that you presented, here is Dan and Tim trying to explain the chaos that happened during Dan’s promotion to Captain (as first seen in your story “One Wild Night”) to everyone at the Ball & Socket, with poor Kiya dying of laughter in the background. Hope you enjoy!
“Oh, come on, Dan! You gotta be making some of this up!”
“I swear this is all what really happened!” Dan said, crossing a skeletal finger over his breastplate. “Really and truly!”
“He’s telling the truth,” Canny Tim added loyally. “Not a single, er, embellished detail to be had! I was right there in the thick of it with him, and it was all that chaotic!”
“Yeah – in fact, Tim here saved Megwynne in one of his first major acts of heroism while I was up on the pirate ship!” Dan said, wrapping an arm around his friend. “Though he’ll have to tell you that part, I wasn’t around to see it.”
“Later, maybe,” Tim said through pink cheeks. “You were, ah, telling them about breaking the others out of their cell on the pirate ship?”
“Right, right – so I got my hands on Woden’s sword and set about busting the other heroes out!” Dan said, striking a dramatic pose. “I admit, I tried to use the sword to pick the lock first–”
“Why?” Kiya called behind him, the word almost lost in between snorts and giggles.
“Look, I’d already had probably more wine than was good for me, dealt with a drunken king, retrieved the main course of the meal from a hungry dog–” Woof! “–yes, we all know you enjoyed the boar, Lupo – had to stop an upset elephant dragon from burning down the castle, and figure out why a flying pirate ship was raiding the place on what was supposed to be my special day. I was not thinking clearly.”
“I don’t think any of us were,” Tim admitted, running his fingers through his hair. “It was really a most – exciting promotion ceremony.”
“The promotion was the least crazy part of it,” Bonejangles said, Lizzie giggling beside him. “Besides, you know, Dan coming within a couple of inches of ending up like Paul.”
“Yeah, good thing King Peregrine was willing to listen to me, drunk as he was. . .” Dan shook his skull. “Anyway, I figured out how to use the sword to burst apart the lock, then led all the other heroes up to the top deck–”
“You crawled up there!” Woden yelled from his table. “Wincin’ at every little squeak!”
“Hey, I was trying to get us up there unnoticed! Not my fault that the door burst open on the very last step! Nearly busted my nose!”
“And then when you did get above decks, after the rest of us had mopped up the guards, that one pirate scooped you up like it was nothing!”
“All right, but he quickly realized it wasn’t smart to swing around someone who was already feeling seasick,” Dan retorted, folding his arms.
Kiya laughed all the harder. “You throw up?”
“Aaaaall over him,” Dan confirmed, upper jaw flexing in a smirk somehow. “And then he threw me right in front of his captain!”
“Face-first,” Woden pointed out.
“Hey, I still got right back up and chopped his sword in half!”
“Only because you had my sword! Which was promptly stolen from you by that damn swinging pirate covered in sick.”
“A rare sentence, that,” Lizzie observed, causing Kiya to bonk her head against her table.
“You got it back! After I dumped the rest of the pirates off the ship!”
“Another accident!”
“It worked!”
“Everyone, please, let’s just tell the story and not argue about the details,” Tim said, holding up his hands.
“Yeah, before Kiya laughs herself unconscious,” Bonejangles observed, rolling his eye between sockets.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Kiya said, holding her stomach and gasping. “Just – oh dear, I thought our time in London was a mess!”
“Oh, you don’t know the half of it,” Dan said, chuckling. “In fact – we’re up to the ship crashing into the castle now, right Tim? Right after I’d finally freed the king and my poor dog. . .”
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windlion · 2 years
Malevolent podcast screamalong, ep 26
I was not expecting the update and just saw some frantic screaming in the tag so HOO BOY I am filled with foreboding.
Ohhh dear. Still in divorce mode, and the music is ominous AF. I was kind of betting that John would stop talking, too.
Arthur actually being sneaky, huh, shocking, (Hang on a second, does he class as a bard?!?! He does, doesn't he.)
"Larson isn't worth my humanity." DAMN good line.
Oh this is VERY good characterization, especially after the last ep being so chaotic. Arthur you goddamned hot mess.
Ooh that was squishy noises. And John are you *just* realizing that Arthur is suicidal? YES, YES I GUESS YOU ARE.
And Parker met him when he was in deep deep depression and alcoholism. Oh no. "Not about my. . ." *side-eyes* that did not sound like past, that sounded like present.
"Only a few months ago?" WOOF.
Ohhhh sorry, John, this is your first go at the Short Cut. And Arthur is actually being alarmingly competent.
"And nothing." (really matters~~~) *observes train wreck*
Is this the first time we hear violins??? AND THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME CRY, GODDAMNIT. That hit really hard in the depression feels.
Woooooo we all needed that. Arthur, John, and the entire goddamn audience. Thank you, Harlan Guthrie.
And it's been forever since they laughed. ;_; Fuck damn. That was SO GOOD.
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fanficimagery · 2 years
The Red Witch pt. 2
You can read part one HERE.
Daryl goes to the Red Witch for shelter during a storm when he asks if she can look for his long lost brother Rick.
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Words: 5.8K Author’s Note: You don’t have to read this one if you don’t want to. It’s a bit ‘meh’. I thought I was going somewhere with it and then I hit a block lol. I’m so sorry.
It's been raining for the past two days and, even though you're perfectly safe, you're wondering when it's going to finally be over. The previous day had just been a steady drizzle with thunder rumbling in the distance, but today there's flashes of lightning and booming thunder that makes you wince. And the wind! You're pretty sure the wind would have ripped off parts of your roof if you weren't magically holding down the fort.
You're trying to keep your mind off the chaotic storm outside by reading a book when you feel the wards around your property being breached. It's an aura you're familiar with that you feel passing through and you hurriedly get up to see which moronic friend of yours is traveling through this storm.
Staying just on the inside of your screen door, you squint to see through the rain where you can see someone walking. The person is wearing a poncho with its hood pulled up and a backpack on their back. And it isn't until you see Dog run up to their side do you realize who it is, and the closer they get it's easier to see the crossbow in hand.
The moron is Daryl Dixon.
You summon a towel and then wait until he gets closer, opening the screen door and hollering for him to hurry up and get inside. He rushes up the porch steps, snapping his fingers at Dog to prevent him from running inside your home. He sets his crossbow down, drops his bag, and pulls the poncho off over his head.
Daryl takes the towel, running it over his hair and drying his face.
"Kick off your shoes out here for now. Bathroom's down the hall and to the right. There's spare clothes in the closet. Change so we can wash what you have on now." He grunts, doing as he's been told and heading inside to where you point him to go. Then left alone with Dog, you sigh at the shivering canine. "Alright, Dog, this might feel a little weird, but you're not muddying up my place."
You raise your hand, slowly rotating at the wrist and letting a red mist envelop Dog. He whines, but you know you're not hurting him. You're just pulling all the mud and water from his fur which might feel a little uncomfortable for him. When done, you open the door and gesture him inside. Dog gives you a soft woof and then rushes inside, making a beeline for the couch.
By the time Daryl exits the bathroom in a fresh set of clothes, you've heated up some soup you had earlier that day. You show him the laundry room and let him throw his stuff in.
When Daryl joins you in the kitchen, you gesture to the steaming bowl of soup across from you. "Eat while you tell me what the hell you're doing out in this storm."
Daryl huffs as he takes a seat. "Been campin' for a couple weeks now." He spoons some soup into his mouth, only to take three more spoonful's. "Thought I could rough out this weather, but it got bad. I was closer to here than to Alexandria so I took a chance."
"Mhm. And why were you camping? We don't exactly live in a world where you can camp like you used to, Daryl."
He glances at you before glancing back down at his soup, eating a bit more. "I was lookin' for Rick."
"And who's Rick?" You frown as you try to recall the name. "I don't think I've met him."
Daryl shakes his head. "Rick was- is like my brother. We've been together since the beginnin'." The correction of the past tense makes you realize this is someone he hasn't seen in a while. "We had a problem with a herd a while back and to keep them from overrunnin' Alexandria, Rick blew up the bridge."
"Yeah. Yeah I think I remember that," you say. "Not the act itself or the person, but I remember hearing a loud boom one day. Wasn't my business to investigate though."
He nods his understanding. "I looked for his body all along the river, but I never found it. Found plenty of other dead, but never Rick."
"Was he too close to the explosion?" You wonder. "I hate to say it, but maybe there was nothing left to find." You wince as the words leave your mouth.
"Nah. We saw it happen. He flew backwards, but I don't know where he went from there. Some of the others mentioned hearing a helicopter, but that's- that's not possible. Is it?"
You shrug. "It could be. I've heard whispers of people taking over oil fields and making their own gas. But they're also the type of people you don't want to mess with."
Daryl sighs. "If there really was a helicopter, then the search zone could be states away in either direction." You smile sympathetically at him. He taps his spoon against the rim of the bowl and then he looks up at you. "Can you do a little magic," he says while wiggling the fingers on his other hand, "or somethin'? Try to find his location or if he's even alive?"
You hum in thought. "I don't know. It can be tricky given that I never met the man."
"Is there another way to find him?"
"Blood, but I would not subject either of his children to having their blood taken."
Daryl grunts as if in agreement. "Any other way?"
"Maybe?" You wince. "If you allow me to skim your memories of this Rick person, I can maybe get a feel for him and then cast a mental net to look for that same signature. You'll end up with a headache though."
"S'fine. I'm sure the kids would let us take a bit of their blood, but I don't want them knowin' what we're doin' in case he's not alive."
"True." A moment of silence falls between you and then you ask, "So when do you wanna-"
"Oh. Okay." You chuckle as Daryl bashfully tries to hide behind his hair from how eager he sounded. "Um, let's move this to the living room. I'll sit on the sofa and you can sit on the floor in front of me so I'll have easier access to your head. And if I pass out, well then I'll be on the sofa already and you can just leave me there."
He tenses. "You're gonna pass out?"
"I don't know. I've never done it like this before."
Daryl seems a bit reluctant then, but he eventually caves. He really wants to find Rick. So after cleaning up after yourselves, and leaving a bit of food in a bowl on the floor for Dog, Daryl follows you into the living room. You grab the cushion from the armchair and drop it on the floor in front of the spot on the sofa you then take a seat on.
Getting comfortable, you say, "I'm not sure how long this is going to take. It can be minutes or hours. If you need a break, squeeze my wrist a few times to bring me out."
"Got it."
Daryl takes a seat on the cushion and you give him a moment to get comfortable. Once he gives you the okay, you place your hands an inch away on either side of his head. "Inhale, exhale, and think of Rick."
You gently push your magic into Daryl, closing your eyes and willing yourself to see his memories. Rick and Daryl had a rocky start, but the relationship evolved to friendship and then took on a more familial bond. They'd been through good times and terrible times, and through it all they always had each other's back.
You take your time studying memory after memory of Rick Grimes, trying to get a feel for the man's aura in hopes of familiarizing yourself with him so it'll be easier to search for his consciousness.
You're not sure how long you've been immersed in Daryl's memories when you feel a squeeze to your right wrist. It takes you a moment to pull yourself out and when you do, you sway in your seat. "Whoa.."
Daryl turns around, eying you curiously. "You good?"
"Mhm. Just.. just give me a moment," you say. You inhale and then exhale deeply, trying to center yourself. "Got a bit of a head rush."
You see Daryl get up, letting your head fall into the palms of your hands before rubbing at your temples. A moment later and there's a gruff, "Here."
Looking up, you take the offered glass of water from your friend. "Thanks."
"You get what you need?" He asks as you sip the cool water.
"Yeah. I think I can find him if he's still alive. Just give it a minute for everything in my head to sort itself out."
You get up to stretch your legs, realizing the storm has calmed and it's no longer daytime. You head to the library afterwards, looking through maps and pulling a few. Then heading back out to the living room, you set them down on the coffee table. "I figured we'd start with a map of the US and then scour the book of maps of every state. I have a feeling if your friend's alive, he ain't in Virginia no more."
Daryl sighs. "Yeah. Me too."
You settle down on your knees in front of the map of the united states, smoothing your hands over it. You then grab a pencil, holding the tip centimeters from the map and then let the pencil move around over every state. Then closing your eyes, you think of Rick Grimes and let your magic take over.
Your hand moves back and forth in a nonsensical pattern. A handful of seconds later and your hand jerks the pencil to land on the state of Wyoming. Your eyes snap open and you look at Daryl. "He's alive."
"And he's in.. Wyoming?"
"Yeah. Now just to find out where in Wyoming." You grab a book that's full of maps of every state, flipping to the state in question.
Again you let the pencil hover, moving your hand in a figure eight motion over the map. It takes you a little longer to get an exact location, but when you do Daryl is already there hovering over the map across from you.
"Jackson, Wyoming?"
"Looks like."
He sighs. "This could take weeks, months even. Roads could be blocked, there could be herds we don't know about, and there's no tellin' about the livin'. Not all of us kept our humanity."
"That's all very true," you concede as you look up at him. "Or I could just, you know.." you wiggle your fingers, red wisps of magic dancing around your fingertips.
"You wanna come?"
"Duh. Knowing you, you don't want to tell the others about this. Not until you have your friend back, alive and well."
"Well yeah."
"Then you need back-up. And a portal to get you to and from."
Daryl paces across from you, thumbnail tucked between his teeth as he thinks. "I need a couple of weapons, but raiding the armory at Alexandria would be too suspicious."
You slowly smirk at him. "Is that all?" Standing up, you gesture for him to follow you. You lead him down into the basement, flicking on a light along the way. "Haven't you figured it out by now, Dixon? You're in Wonderland here. Anything you need, I have it already or I can make it." Then walking over to a large locker, you unlock it and swing open the doors. "When the unsavory come looking for trouble, I send them on their way. But not before stripping them of their weapons."
Daryl scoffs, stepping forward to look at the various rifles and handguns. "Bullets?" You tap a drawer with the tip of your shoe and he opens it, huffing. "All that's missin' is some more arrows."
"Easily duplicated. Anything else?"
"No." He shakes his head. "I guess not." He then glances over his shoulder at you. "So when are we doin' this?"
"Tomorrow? I need to see if I can mentally latch onto him again and then take a look at his surroundings. We're fucked if we go in there blind."
"Fair enough."
"There's a duffel bag down here somewhere. Pack a bag if you think you need it and then meet me upstairs. We're gonna get your brother back, Daryl."
An unknown flash of emotion flitters across his face and he gulps. "Thank you."
You reach forward and squeeze his arm. "Don't mention it."
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The next morning, you and Daryl are anxious balls of energy. You're pretty confident you're going to find and get Rick back, but it's only the two of you against a small army. You had told Daryl all about what you were seemingly walking into- a secluded little town surrounded by mountains. Whoever these people who had Rick were, they were heavily armed and patrolled the town frequently.
Both of you were unsure about what time to portal over, neither of you wanting to be there too early or too late in hopes of finding Rick wandering about. So knowing that Wyoming was two hours behind you, you opted to wait until eight your time so it'll be six Rick's time.
Daryl makes sure the weapons he plans to take won't misfire and you duplicate his arrows so he'll have plenty to use. You make some lunch just to keep yourself busy and then make sure that Daryl doesn't want to take anyone else. He doesn't, but you just had to make absolutely sure.
When it's time for you to go, you realize Daryl looks weighed down with the bag of guns and his quiver full of arrows- or bolts as he continues to correct you. So you take the bag of guns, settle the strap across your chest and take a moment to get used to the weight of the weapons. Then once ready, Daryl gives you a nod to let you know he's ready as well.
Standing in the foyer of your house, you roll your shoulders and crack your neck. "Moment of truth," you mumble. And with your hands clasped in front of you, you pull them apart and watch as a portal opens, the other side showing the back of a building. You and Daryl step through at the same time, you looking left and he looking right.
The two of you are behind a building, nothing but lush fields behind you and mountains behind that. You sigh with relief, but the next words out of Daryl's mouth make you tense all over again.
"I think we should split up."
"Uh, the fuck we should."
He snorts. "We'll cover more ground that way."
"We'll also be more vulnerable that way, Daryl. I don't like it."
"You've got your magic and I got my crossbow. We'll be fine."
You groan and mimic throttling him. "Goddammit, Dixon. If you die, I'm gonna bring you back and then kill you myself."
"Fair enough." His lips twitch. "Don't die."
"Don't die," you mock him before turning around and creeping through the space between two buildings. "Jesus Christ. Why did I ever think he was cute?"
You keep your footsteps light, ducking behind barrels and wooden carts. You peek around corners, looking for any signs of life and that familiar face of Rick Grimes you've familiarized yourself with in just a few short hours. The community itself is up and running, giving you a western vibe with the horses being tied up to a few posts in front of a few buildings. It's almost like Alexandria with the one major difference being the men in all black tactical gear patrolling the streets atop of horses and a rifle across their lap. Some people might have been in this town of their own free will, but others obviously weren't.
The hunt for Rick is going as good as it's going to get without being detected, and then the gunfire starts. You mentally curse yourself for jinxing the rescue mission and jog out from between two buildings. The men on horses are rushing towards one spot, so they're not expecting to suddenly have their arms constricted to their sides before being flung off their horses.
A gunshot hits the post next to you and you whirl around, hands glowing red as a wave of energy wafts off of you and speeds towards the culprit. Regular civilians start arming themselves and you frown when women and children hide in doorways, trying to get a peek of what's going on.
"Get back inside!" You yell at them, not wanting to chance them getting hit in the crossfire.
The guards have gathered their wits about them, shouting at each other to focus on the freak. You smirk, manifest a shield at your back before turning your back on the armed civilians. You focus on the guards, wrapping your magic around their weapons and ripping them from their hands to toss out of reach. You then hold them in place with one hand, using your other to manipulate some rope to bind the men.
There's more gunfire off in the distance, though not as much, but you still figure Daryl could use a hand. Bullets are still pinging off the shield of your back that you pay no attention to, but as you jog around the corner of a building the barrel of a gun is pointed directly in your face by none other than Rick Grimes himself.
Your hands immediately go up in surrender as he tilts his head at you. "What are you?"
"A friend, Rick."
His expression hardens and he pulls the hammer back on his gun. "How do you know my name?"
"We have lots of mutual friends. One of them couldn't stop looking for you so he asked me to help," you say as you slowly lower your hands so they're at your sides.
Rick shakes his head, his aim lowering to your chest. The gunfire ceases and you hear rushing footfalls coming up behind you, but you don't dare turn around unless you want to risk Rick putting a bullet in your back. A hand suddenly slips into your left one and then you're gently being tucked behind the shoulder of a familiar gruff redneck.
"Rick," Daryl's voice nearly cracks. "Lower your gun. YN's with me."
The fact that Daryl still has a hold of your hand nearly makes you swoon, but you pay attention to Rick's wavering aim.
"Daryl?" Finally the gun falls to Rick's side and Daryl rushes forward.
The two men embrace and you can't help but smile as Rick gets a little emotional. They share a hushed conversation and you avert your gaze to prevent them from thinking you're trying to eavesdrop. However, their little reunion is cut short as a gunshot rings out yet again. You jerk and whirl around, a red shield manifesting in front of you as Rick and Daryl come up on either side of you to return fire.
The guards have cut themselves free and retrieved their weapons, and they're taking aim at all three of you. The boys take care of those that they can, but there are others whose tactical gear is doing its job to protect them. That's when it's your turn to shine, dropping your shield and wrapping those left standing in red energy and knocking them out.
The entire town goes quiet and when you exhale in relief, you stumble back with sudden exhaustion. "Whoa.." You catch yourself on the wall of a building, closing your eyes when a bout of dizziness overcomes you.
"YN? You good?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."
"You don't look fine."
You manage to flash a smile, cracking an eye open. "Gee. That's something every girl wants to hear, Dixon."
Rick snorts as Daryl rolls his eyes, but still he steps forward and gestures to your abdomen. "You're bleedin'."
Glancing down, you frown at the wet patch towards the right side of your abdomen. Frowning, you lift your shirt and swallow thickly when blood gushes from the wound. "Oh."
"Shit. YN, portal us back. We need to get home now."
You gulp and attempt to concentrate, touching your fingertips on both hands together. As you slowly pull them apart, they spark red and you whine when a portal flickers in and out. Rick and Daryl keep watch, making sure no one sneaks up on any of you. When they have to fire off a few rounds, Daryl urges you to hurry.
Finally a portal opens and you're quick to grab onto the backs of their shirts, dragging them through.
You stumble into your living room, Dog barking his greeting upon seeing Daryl. The portal closes, and you fall on hands and knees.
"Hey, hey, hey." Rick kneels at your side, taking the bag off your back and putting it aside as he urges you to lay down while shoving a couch pillow under your head.
Daryl rushes elsewhere, opening and slamming cabinets until he finds what he's looking for. He finds what he needs and you see it's your first aid kit.
"Here. Stop the bleedin'," he says while tossing some gauze to Rick. Rick takes the gauze, pressing it on your wound and chastising you when you squirm. "Is it a through and through?"
Rick grunts as he turns you on your side and you curse at him, apologizing a moment later. "Nope."
"Don't say shit," you say, shaking as your adrenaline finally wanes. "That means this is bad."
"Can you stay with her?" Daryl asks Rick. "We need Rosita. She's Alexandria's new medical go-to."
"Yeah. 'Course."
"Might take me a bit-"
"Goddammit, Dixon." On the floor, you raise your hands together until your fingers start sparking. "Ten minutes. You'll have ten minutes to get Rosita and whatever she needs before I open the portal again to bring you back." A portal opens right before him and he looks into the lobby of the medical house at Alexandria. "Be there in that room in ten."
Daryl nods and right before he steps through, Rick calls out, "Don't bring the kids. Not yet."
Glancing over his shoulder, Daryl nods and you let the portal dissipate.
You sigh and let your hands fall back down. Rick looks down at you. "You wanna move to the couch or a bed or somethin'?"
"Maybe the guest room?" You wonder. "I don't wanna bloody my own bed."
He huffs in amusement. "Fine."
As he goes to help you up, pain shoots through your abdomen and you hiss. "Or maybe the floor? The floor's good too."
He chuckles this time and helps you get comfortable on the floor once more. Then as he gets more gauze to pack it against your wound, you can't help but watch him and realize how handsome he is. He has a lot more gray in his hair than Daryl's memory let on, but it suits him perfectly well.
"So how did you meet my family? And just how did Daryl convince you to partake in his rescue mission?"
You shakily smile at Rick. "Their community was on the verge of s-starvation," you tell him, mentally regretting your words when you see him tense. "Alexandria and it's people were apparently targeted by some people wearing the faces of the dead, and the community was practically in r-ruins. Negan led them to me."
"He still alive?"
"Unfortunately." Rick cracks a grin and you return the gesture. "I, uh, I helped your people when the kids were mentioned. Then I remade Alexandria when I saw the state it was in."
"Remade?" You wiggle your fingers at him and understanding flashes across his expression. "Right. How is it that you can do that, by the way?"
"Dunno. Been able to do it for as long as I can remember. And as for your question about followin' Daryl, how could I not? Your brother from another mother is seriously hot." Rick snorts. "He doesn't even know it. So unfair."
"I think you lost a little too much blood there.."
"YN. My name is YN."
"Well thanks for savin' me, YN. I'm Rick." You give him a brief smile before he says, "I think it's been about ten minutes. Ready to bring 'em back?"
You struggle opening the portal again, but soon enough it manifests. Rosita is the first one through, dropping to her knees while saying, "Welcome back, Rick. We'll hug it out after YN is in the clear."
Rick chuckles and stands, stepping back so Rosita can work on you. Daryl steps through next and your eyes are open long enough to see Carol and Maggie step through behind him before the portal dissipates on it's own. You can hear the tearful reunion going on and then Rosita's digging into your abdomen with some forceps to pull the bullet out.
You scream.. and then everything goes dark.
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When you can finally open your eyes, you feel absolutely lethargic. Any little movement sends a wave of pain crashing through you, the point of origin coming from your abdomen. You groan and the creaking of a chair alerts you to someone's presence.
"What are we going to do with you?" Carol lightly admonishes you. "If you're not magically exhausting yourself, you're getting shot."
"Don't lecture me. Lecture Daryl," you mumble. "He was going to drive by himself all the way to Wyoming."
"Mhm. Speaking of Daryl, he was awfully worried when you passed out. Care to explain any changes between the two of you?"
You grin at the white haired woman. "Always the gossip."
"I can't help it if you two are my favorite will they or won't they couple right now. Maggie's too."
"Well you can report back to Maggie that nothing has changed other than Daryl voluntarily holding my hand." Carol gasps and you crack a grin at her. "But it was just to pull me out of Rick's way since he was pointing a gun at me."
Her expression falls and she swats at your leg, making you chuckle. "You're not funny."
"Never said I was." You attempt to sit up, grimacing all the while. Carol helps you and you sigh tiredly. "Am I okay to shower?"
"Sponge bath, maybe. Rosita doesn't want you aggravating the wound."
"Think Daryl will volunteer to help?" She snorts. "Yeah, didn't think so," you mumble. Then glancing up at her face, you put on your best pleading expression. "Wanna give a girl a hand?"
She playfully rolls her eyes. "I'll help you undress. I'm sure you can stand under the spray, just don't worry about washing your hair or scrubbing your feet. Worry about cleaning off the blood."
"Sounds good."
You slowly make your way to the bathroom, turning the shower on to hot, but not as hot as you usually take it. When you're satisfied, Carol helps you undress so you can step behind the shower curtain. Then as you gently wash the blood off your abdomen and thighs, you ask her to get you a towel and new change of clothes.
Afterwards, as you're redressing, Carol tells you how Rosita borrowed a truck that was on your property so she could go back to Alexandria. Maggie, Daryl and Rick were downstairs making themselves at home, and they were anxious to see how you're doing.
Walking downstairs puts a little strain on your abdomen and you can't help the tiny whimpers that escape. Carol actually looks a bit worried when you finally make it to the bottom, but you wave off her worries and shuffle into the room where you hear the voices. And smell freshly cooked bacon.
"Look who's up," Carol says.
Immediately all eyes are on you and you bite back a grin when you see Daryl move to stand, but quickly aborts the action as he second guesses himself. Then when Rick moves to offer you his chair, you gesture for him to stop. "No, no. Sit," you tell him. "I need to stand."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive." You smile at him and then walk closer to the table, reaching for a couple slices of bacon. "I see you found the goods."
"Sorry," Maggie muses. "Rick hasn't had bacon in years and he got a little excited when he saw it in the fridge."
"Don't even worry about it." You look at Rick, offering him a reassuring smile. "I'm sure they caught you up about my situation here. I can spare some bacon." You lean against the counters, settling there as you stare at the group. "So what's the situation? You guys all look a little tense?"
You bite into your bacon, gaze darting between each individual.
Eventually, Rick sighs. "We're tryin' to figure out what our next step is. Those people who had me, they'll come lookin'. And when the woman who turned me over to them is alerted, she'll know where to start lookin'."
"So you think Alexandria's compromised?"
Rick shrugs. "We're not sure."
"I was thinkin' you could make Alexandria disappear like you do to this place," Daryl says.
"Yeah. That's no problem."
"Would it matter if this woman knows where Alexandria is?" Rick asks.
"Not really, but you do run the risk of her walking too close to the wards if she knows where she's going." You take a moment to think, nibbling on the bacon. "I can add a compulsion ward to make people turn around when they get too close, but then I'll have to be in Alexandria in case anyone wants to leave the perimeter and come back in."
"You'll have to be there for a couple of weeks," Carol says. "Just to make absolute sure no one comes looking."
"That's fine. I can portal back to check on the animals every day."
"Or," Maggie says, "we can have Nabila stay here with the children. If that's okay with you?" You shrug, seeing no problem. Nabila was a very kind woman. "I don't know about Rick, but I'll breathe a little easier with Hershel away from Alexandria in case we end up with another fight on our hands. She and the children can tend to the animals while also remaining hidden under your wards here."
Daryl grunts. "We'll have to keep Rick's return a secret from Judith. If she knows her dad's back, there's no gettin' her to stay here. She's too much like Michonne now to run away from a fight. Or her dad."
Rick huffs a laugh, no doubt thinking of his daughter and how much he's missed seeing her grow up.
"Well while you guys figure it out, I'm gonna go pack." You grimace at the thought of taking the stairs again and then finish the bacon in your hand.
As you push off the counter and start shuffling your way out of the kitchen, you startle at the grip on your elbow. You look up, surprised to see that it was Daryl who's decided to help you back up. You can hear muffled chortling, but you absolutely refuse to look at anyone else in the room because you'll break under their teasing stares.
You manage not to whimper in pain going up the stairs, but when you finally make it back to your room you can't help the relieved sigh.
"Are you sure you're up for this?" Daryl asks, eying you warily. "You ain't gonna exhaust yourself, are 'ya?"
"I'll be fine, Daryl," you say, smiling softly. "I'm just huffing and puffing right now because I'm moving around."
"You sure?"
You stare at him as he avoids your gaze, looking around your room and touching little items on your dresser. "Daryl, look at me." It takes him a moment, but he eventually turns to face you. "I'm going to be fine. I just probably need a few more hours of rest. I'll be better when I'm horizontal again."
He gives you a nod, hiding a bit behind his hair again. "You can have my room instead of tryin' to magic yourself furniture in one of the empty houses."
"Oh? And where are you going to be?"
"I can take the couch."
"Nope. If I'm taking your room, Dixon, you're gonna be in it with me." Daryl jerks in surprise, staring at you in disbelief. Slowly, your smirk falls. "You.. you do know I've been hitting on you every time I visit, right?" He gulps and shakes his head. "Oh my god. Daryl! You're like.. insanely attractive," you tell him.
Suddenly bashful, he says, "Stop."
"I'm serious. Carol hasn't said anything to you? She knows I have the hugest crush on you. Maggie too. And now I'm pretty sure Rick does too. I was pretty delirious when he asked me questions about you, I think."
"Now that you mention it, Judith did say somethin' weird to me."
You chuckle. "I might have told her to hook me up with her uncle Daryl." Surprisingly, Daryl chuckles at that. "To be fair, I didn't think she'd understand what that meant. Or that she'd actually tell you." He shakes his head in amusement. "But now that I've gone and made it awkward, I will politely refuse your room. I can bunk elsewhere."
Daryl starts glancing around, so you figure he's checked out of the conversation already. You still have to pack, so you focus on that and try to figure out how many outfits you're going to need. You head to the closet to find a duffel bag and then head to your dresser to start pulling out clothes.
"I don't mind sharin' my room if you still want that."
You freeze and then whirl around, immediately grimacing in pain. "Motherfucker!"
You hold onto your abdomen, breathing through the pain as Daryl rushes forward to check on you. You grasp onto his forearms as he crowds into your space, grinning when the pain recedes. "I knew you liked me back."
He huffs and, after making sure you didn't make yourself bleed, steps back. "How long do you think we can keep it from Carol?"
"The second that bedroom door closes with me and you behind it, it's game over. They're all going to know, Dixon."
"Nothin's gonna happen."
"Duh. I never kissed on a first date, much less slept with someone. The apocalypse hasn't changed that."
He tries to smother a smile, but you still see it. "We're just sleepin'."
"Mhm. For now."
He then sighs. "Carol and the others are gonna be so smug."
You look him up and down, making sure he realizes you're ogling him. "Maybe, but not as smug as I."
"You're annoyin'."
"I don't care. You like me back. That's all that matters."
"I never should have told 'ya."
"Too bad. No take backs, Dixon. Now come help me. I can't bend over and I need some shorts from the bottom drawer."
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bangtansmauyeondan · 2 years
MOONSTRUCK | Part 14 - Plus One (Images between text.)
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Pairing: Seokjin x Fem Reader | Namjoon x Fem Reader
Genre: F2L, social media au, soulmates au, office au, slow burn, fluff, implied smut, angst, slight crack, and drama. (Inspired by BTS - Moon)
Summary: You don’t know what the world looks like without Seokjin. Growing up in the same neighborhood, a low iron fence separating your family home and his, your lives have always been tangled up with each other. So much so, that after graduating college and securing your respective jobs, you decided to pack everything up and move to the same apartment building in the city— him, sharing a unit with his younger brother and his college bestfriend; you, sharing a unit with your younger brother and his equally chaotic bestfriend. Eternal neighbors thing, right? Or is that all there is to it?
A/N : I added the links throughout the story that will direct you the specific looks I’m going for. Please do not forget to check them out! :) ALSO Please forgive Yn in this one. We’ll be able to get into her head in the next few chapters. As always, if you want to be added on the taglist, just send me an Ask!🌙
Taglist: @bts-reveries @tan-dulset @persphonesorchid @joonjoonsmiles @jayhope88 @thatbangtanjagiya @anaceciliaxr @justinetingball @halesandy @yoongleskitten @onemanbandarmi @juju-227592 @ephyra1230 @somelazysundays @ygbubs @timelessruins @taestefully-in-luv
The club is electric tonight— it’s Saturday night after all. Music is blaring, people are dancing, lights are flashing, and the metallic rose gold jumpsuit you’re wearing makes you feel like you’re glowing. Yoongi offered his hand to you and you happily took it before he led you through the crowd to the bar. One of the bartenders spotted him and immediately tilted his head to the direction of two empty stools, almost hidden from plain view, conveniently situated where the bar meets the wall. Yoongi nodded at him in acknowledgment and led you to your spot.
“Wow, did you reserve these?” you teased.
Yoongi, flustered by the callout, chuckled at your question, “Ah… yes and no? This corner is used by the staff if they want to take a little breather and I just borrowed it for a bit,” he smiled. You both sat down and started scanning the drinks menu card handed to you by the bartender.
“Ah, one of the privileges of being a regular, I see…”
He laughed lightly, eyes creasing up into crescents before he swiveled to the side to face you. He looks good tonight, leaning onto the bar facing you, you’re able to take everything in— white name brand shirt underneath a black jacket, and slim fitting black trousers. The guy seems confident too, it’s apparent with the way he walks, talks, and addresses everyone around him. “Well, I guess you can call me a regular, given that I’m here every Monday.”
“Every Monday?” now you’re confused, “Most clubs are closed on Mondays, no?”
“I set up all their equipment, so as part of the business deal, I come in and do a routine check every week. You know, stuff like switching out cables, making sure that all of the subwoofers are—“
“… still woofing?” you blurted out jokingly and immediately regretted it! You haven’t even started ordering your drinks yet and Yoongi might think you’re already out of it. You could feel the warmth spread through your face and your neck, and you just knew you’re blushing in the shade Embarrassed Red 01. “Sorry!” you squealed, covering half of your face with the menu card.
To your surprise, he started laughing but probably because of your reaction than what you just said— the hands clapping, shoulders shaking, doubling over kind of laugh, “Embarrassing huh? That was witty though, I’ll give you that,” he nodded, quite impressed, “I didn’t think you’d be this funny, you were too quiet in the car.”
“Yeah, well. Sorry about that. I was in deep thought, thinking about 100 reasons why I got into a stranger’s car, but here we are…”
“Ouch!” Yoongi playfully clutched his chest. “Well, why don’t we start getting to know each other then?”
“Okay, but Rule #1– we will not talk about whatshisname, deal?” you offered up a hand.
“I don’t plan to anyway, so deal,” he took your hand for a firm handshake, “Why don’t you start by telling me why I had to rescue you from that posh party then?”
The Fresh Harvest Co. has several restaurants under their belt, and once a year, during their anniversary, they close down all their restaurants to give everyone, from the kitchen staff to the security team, a night to party like royalty. You're not normally the life of a party; an introvert per se. Jin is the same, but between you and him, he's the one who can easily adapt to functions like this; not to mention, this is their party, where everyone knows everybody.
Jin has told you it was a black tie event, and dressing up is not new to you, but since you're just attending as Jin's plus one, you did not feel the need to go the red carpet glam look route. You opted for a metallic rose gold jumpsuit and a pair of black glittered Louboutins. ou also accesorized with a single strand of pearl necklace, a pair of diamond stud earrings and a small clutch before giving yourself one final look in the mirror to check your low messy bun and your neutral make up. Jin had to stop his heart from jumping out of his chest when he saw you for the first time that evening.
“Ready?” you asked the dumbfounded Jin standing by your door, “What? Am I underdressed? Does it look bad?”
“No no… you look beautiful, Yn. I don’t think I’ve seen you wear this before.”
“That’s because the last semi-formal event we attended together was prom. You don’t look bad yourself, Chef Kim.” Of course, that’s an understatement. Jin is wearing a cream suit with a metallic bronze inner shirt that matches the material of your jumpsuit. He has his hair slicked back, revealing his forehead, and you love that lone strand of hair that falls just above his eyebrow.
“Ha, they don’t call me Worldwide Handsome for nothing…” he mused.
“Well, let’s go then, Worldwide Handsome. You don’t want to keep the ladies waiting. I’m sure they would all flock over to you when we get there,” you winked at him before you sashayed your way down the hallway, and out of the building.
And flock over, they did. There were a lot of guests at the event, raging from prominent names in the food business, to the media, influencers, and bloggers. Jin, being one of the chefs that are responsible for catapulting their restaurant chains into where they are now, was being pulled left and right to meet people. You were standing alone by the cocktail table reserved for him when you heard a female voice from behind you, calling your name.
“Miyoung! Hi. I thought you’re out of the country!” Of course, she’d be here. Miyoung has made a name for herself as the Simon Cowell of the food industry. Her reviews are always heard, and newcomers to the business would go to great lengths, to the point of changing up their whole menu, just to impress her.
“Well, I’m back! I have two projects here in the next few weeks, so… Oh wait, where’s Jin?”
“He’s over there,” you pointed at Jin talking to the CEO over flutes of champagne. You did not miss the way Miyoung’s eyes twinkled when she saw him.
“I gotta go over to scold him, why is he leaving his date standing all alone here?” she cocked her eyebrow at you and scrunched up her nose like she’s talking to a toddler.
“Oh, not his date! Just a plus one. Go on, talk to him. He probably doesn’t know you’re here.”
“Alright then! Nice to see you again, Yn,” she kissed the air beside your cheek and made her way over to Jin.
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“… and she had no idea I was right behind her!”
“Do you know the people she’s talking with?” Yoongi asked as he swirled around his Smokehead in the glass, interest suddenly piqued. He’s also keeping tabs on how much Vodka Coke you’ve had in the past hour.
“No,” you toyed with the straw before taking a small sip. “I just heard one of them ask Miyoung if she knew who Jin’s date is, and that’s exactly what she said,” you cleared your throat and waved your hand dismissively, imitating Miyoung and in a mocking voice, repeated what she said, “Oh her? She’s not his date. Jin would never date her, she’s a real bore! She’s just his friend— always the plus one, but never the date!” Yoongi shook his head, disbelief apparent on his features that a grown woman would be petty enough to say that behind another woman’s back. “I’m a real bore, aren’t I?” he was taken aback by the glassy eyes that stared at him and before he knew it, he was already reaching out to cover your hand in his.
“Hey, don’t say that…”
“I am, Yoongi. It’s probably why your bestie left me. I’m boooorrrrinnnggg~” you slurred and hung your head low. Yoongi counted the glasses in front of you: 2 empty and 1 half empty.
“Hey,” he crouched down to get his face leveled with yours, “I thought we’re not gonna talk about whatshisname, hmn?”
You smiled sheepishly and he hated himself for finding it cute. Before Namjoon left, he asked him if he could check on you from time to time, and Yoongi was adamant that he didn’t want to do anything with Namjoon’s “mess” and that he should already leave you alone. But that chance encounter at the coffee shop made him feel a certain way about you, and just knew that he wanted to reach out.
“Okay, I’ll tell you what. Let’s get out of here—“
“Ooh, Min Yoongi, I’m not that kind of girl!” you teased and slapped him playfully on his chest. His face turned a few shades redder but you didn’t miss his gummy smile and the way he scratched the back of his neck. “I’m kidding! Where are we going?”
“Believe me, anyone would be honored to be with you like that. But I don’t really like taking advantage of women,” he winked, “I only had 1 glass of whiskey and you’ve had a few of these already," he lifted one of the glasses in front of you, "What do you say, let’s sober up with some fastfood? Then I’ll drop you off in one piece.”
“Fastfood sounds nice, leggo!” you jumped off the stool and Yoongi had to steady you, before taking your hand to lead you outside.
Twenty minutes had passed since Jin started scouring the event hall to look for you before he ran up to the security desk and asked to see the footage from the security camera. He saw with his own two eyes how a guy he doesn't recognize helped you into the passenger seat of a black SUV. His palms started sweating thinking about various worst-case scenarios, but he also noted how you willingly got into the car and seemed to be waiting for it in the first place. He was 10 seconds away from hurling his guts out when he said his goodbyes to the party host and went home. But instead of heading straight to his apartment, he headed to yours. Weekends mean that the rowdy younger boys are out and about, so he did not hesistate to use his spare keys to let himself inside your apartment. He shrugged off his jacket and slumped down on your sofa leaning his head back against the backrest of the couch. He briefly closed his eyes to will the thoughts raging in his mind to stop. Where are you? Why did you suddenly leave? Why aren't you answering his texts and his calls?
Another forty-five minutes had passed when he heard you stumble inside your apartment, clearly tipsy judging by the off-key humming and the little dance after you made sure that the door was locked. He's fuming. He wanted answers. He wanted to grab you by the shoulders and give you a good shake because what the hell were you thinking?
"What the hell are you doing in my apartment?" you beat him to it. He was also taken aback by the tone of voice you used on him.
"Why did you leave the party?" he kept his eyes glued to you as you removed your shoes and took off your jewelry. "Why did you leave the party without telling me?"
"Well," a dopey smile graced your lips, "I went on a date with Yoongi."
"With WHO?" Jin stood up and stuffed his hands in his pocket as he walked closer to you. "Who's Yoongi? And the last time I checked, you were already my date to the party," his mind was racing and you could tell by how his eyebrows furrowed- a mixed of confusion and anger.
"Nuh-no-no, Seokjinnie," you wiggled your forefinger in front of his face. "Not your date. Just your boring plus one," you scoffed.
"What are you saying? No, don't answer that. Who's Yoongi?" hand on his hip, he stared at you intently and you didn't miss the way his jaw clenched out of frustration.
"Yoongi is Namjoon's friend." You said simply and Seokjin just wanted nothing more than to wipe the stupid smile off your face. "I like him, he's nice."
Jin was incredulous and could not believe what he's hearing from you. "How drunk are you? Did this Yoongi guy drop you off? Why were you on a date with your ex's friend? Yn, are you crazy? Do you even know this guy well?" he ran his fingers through his hair and the way it fluffed back into his head almost made you swoon. Damn, your best friend is gorgeous... and that's all he is, right? Your best friend. So you had to put on a brave face and distract yourself by avoiding his avalanche of questions first.
"WHOA WHOA... The last time I checked, I'm in my 30s and you're not my dad."
"You don't know him well, do you?" Busted.
"I do!" You lied to his face. "He fixed my ukulele and we've been texting!"
"Seriously, Yn?! That ukulele wasn't even yours! Are you listening to yourself? How much have you had?" he came closer to sniff around your face and your breath hitched. He's too close, you could feel his warm breath against your jaw. Maybe it's the alcohol talking but while his face is merely inches away from you, you wanted nothing more than to feel his luscious lips against yours. So before you lose all your senses and pull your bestfriend into a searing kiss, you pushed him away.
"Fine! Okay, I don't know him that well yet, but Yoongi is a gentleman and he is different!" you're flustered and irritated already, you felt something warm course through your body- the effect of alcohol plus the effect of Jin being near.
"HOW? How can you tell he is different when you don't know him that well?" he's staring up at the ceiling now, probably praying for patience from all the gods and goddesses he could think of.
"I JUST KNOW!" You sighed exasperatedly. "Namjoon is different, Yoongi is different, you are different!"
"Damn right, I am different!" you flinched when Jin raised his voice; it almost echoed into your empty apartment, "I am different because I am not like the string of guys you dated that are a bunch of good-for-nothing assholes, and now you're getting yourself involved with yet another one again," he stepped closer to you, "So yes, Yn. I am different because I am not an asshole."
"EXCUSE ME?! Well you're clearly acting like one right now!" you challenged him.
"Because. I'm trying. To knock. SOME SENSE. Into your head!"
"Seokjin, stop yelling at me! You don't even know Yoongi!" you yelled back. "You know what," you grabbed his jacket off of the armrest of your couch and shoved it at him, "Go home. I think you're crossing the line here."
"Well you know what I think?" he stepped closer getting eye-level with you, "I think you're selfish, pathetic, and desperate," he said through gritted teeth.
You were stunned. You were stunned by the words that came out of Seokjin's mouth and even more stunned by the sound that your hand has made against his cheek.
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tare-anime · 2 years
3. A flower for Mom…..? (AO3)
Prompt: “You don’t have to do this alone.”
“Ugh, Bond!! Stop it!!” Anya moved all her tools out of Bond’s range of chaotic wagging tail.
“You should help me arrange this stuff, not scatter them around,” she berated her best friend.
The dog’s ears became flat as he tried to pick several pieces of craft and put them near Anya’s feet. 
“You think that part would go here?” The pink-haired girl tried to slide the protruding part of the green crafting board into the hole at the side of the yellow one. 
“Maybe a little push?” She looked at Bond who only tilted his head. 
Anya shrugged, “Okay, let's just try.” She then pushed the parts together, and…. 
“Oh, no!!” 
The green board was split into two. 
Bond pushed another piece towards her. 
“Bond, I don’t think this would fit in place either,” She started to sound frustrated. Glancing at the clock, she got even more panicked, “Oh no! Look at the time! Mama is going to be home soon! What do we do?!”
Bond’s ears perked up, as he waddled to Anya’s room, and soon returned with paper glue. 
Green eyes lit up. “Of course!! We can always glue it down! Smart Bond!”
“WOOF!!” Bond wagged his tail. 
“Okay, we got maybe ten minutes or so to turn this into a beautiful flower! Let’s get going, Bond!”
Together, the little kid and dog executed their plan in high spirits.
Yor trudged her way home.
Today had been such a tiring day for her. 
Not only did Mr. Barnes give her loads of paperwork, but her “clients” had also given her troubles.
All she wanted now was to sip some hot relaxing tea, and perhaps have a hot shower, and maybe lay down for a while before Anya came home.
Opening the door to her apartment, she stopped in her tracks.
“Anya?” She was astonished to see that her daughter had already got home before her. 
“Did you get dismissed early from school?” She hurriedly shed her coat. “Why didn’t you call me?”
When Anya did not answer back and just stayed hunched near the table in the living room, she got even more worried. All her weariness evaporated immediately.
“Anya, dear. Are you alright?”
The mother hurriedly came to the child’s side. And only then did she see the mess of colorful crafting boards splayed in front of her.
Blinking her eyes, Yor asked, “Oh dear, what’s going on here?”
Sniffling, Anya answered her with teary eyes, “I’m sorry, Ma….”
Yor caressed her flocks gently, “Whatever for??”
“I wanted to give you something for mother’s day,” she sniffed, “And I was trying to make you these yellow roses. From this special crafting kit that I asked Becky to buy for me. But… But….” 
Yor’s heart melted. She hugged her daughter and kissed the top of her head, “Awww….. That’s so sweet of you…”
“It was all ruined. I failed,” Anya looked down at her hands that were glued together, and sniffed some more, “I’m sorry….”
“Well, I won’t consider this ‘failed’ just yet,” Yor gave her daughter a warm smile, “It’s only  unfinished.”
Anya wiped her eyes, “What do you mean? I don’t have any craft  paper that has not been ruined.”
Yor chuckled and pulled her daughter up to a stand. “It doesn’t mean we cannot arrange these papers into other kinds of flowers.” 
Anya puzzledly looked at her mother and said, “But Mama, I don’t have it in me to arrange even a simple crafting kit….”
Leading her daughter to the bathroom, Yor said, “You don’t have to do this alone, you know?”
“But what’s the meaning of giving you the gift, if I don’t make it myself?”
“The intention itself is already a wonderful gift for me,” Yor smiled, “Besides, the act of arranging the craft by incorporating our ideas in it, will be fun too. And to be able to spend the time together could be considered as another gift, don’t you think?”
Green eyes widened in realization, “Oh! I never thought of that!”
The mother chuckled, “Of course, after we remove that glue from your hand.”
After cleaning Anya’s hand, the mother-daughter duo returned to their living room and started to make new flowers from the crafting papers they salvaged, while their dog watched them happily.
Loid entered the apartment late that night.
When he opened the apartment door, he saw Yor getting out of Anya’s room, which meant unfortunately he’d missed tucking Anya to bed tonight.
“I’m home!”
“Welcome home, Loid. Do you want to eat something?”
“No, but just a hot cup of tea, if you don’t mind?”
“Of course not,” Yor answered with a smile, and then she went to the kitchen to boil some water. 
Shedding his coat and dropping his suitcase, the man trudged to their dining room, “Anya’s asleep already?”
“She was really tired after our crafting time,” his wife giggled from the kitchen window.
Loid raised his brows, and Yor elaborated, “She tried to make me a gift, and we ended up making it together.”
“Ah…. I see…. And what did you guys make?” 
“That!” Yor pointed proudly at the craft near their family photo.
The father’s brow furrowed. He closed in on it in inspection; it looked like a green upside-down trophy, with uneven yellow points jutting out, almost like a star, on top of it. 
He tried his best to be polite though. “Uuhh… it’s interesting…. Is it a…. Christmas tree?”
Yor laughed as she placed their cups of tea on the table, “It’s a sunflower.”
“Ah! I’m sorry, I thought that…..”
“Anya had so much fun when we made that together. And that’s what matters, right?” 
Loid chuckled and nodded, “Right.”
I will always hc Yor as sunflower :D
Flower themed fic: a Happy one, and a Sad one
Happy New Year 2022 everyone!
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foreverindreamlandd · 2 years
Hi! I'm a new Bucky Barnes stan and would love to start writing for him. Do you have any advice on writing for him?
I know a little bit about him: he was the Winter Solider for what? 70 years? He's Captain America's Best Friend. He's a stubborn asshole who probably just needs some love.
I was thinking of either doing an 80s! Bucky, Traveler!Bucky, or just Bucky falling in love with someone.
Thank you for your advice!!! <3
Hey! Welcome to the world of being a Bucky stan! We're happy to have you. :)
Lots to unpack here lol I'm going to try to do my best, but please understand that I am one person in a giant fandom so this is just my interpretation of the character Bucky. And I'm sorry but there is soooo much info on his history that my chaotic brain cannot list out right now lol. But I would recommend watching the Captain America movies and Falcon and the Winter Soldier!
In terms of him being a stubborn asshole who needs some love? Woof lol. I mean, yes? But no. I think he's someone who has had a really really really shitty 90 years of life, where everything he knew and everything he loved was ripped away from him as he was tortured and lost all control of his mind and body. What was left from that was a wall he put up not just because he wanted to protect himself from ever feeling pain again, but because he thought that after all the horrible things he did he was unworthy of love.
But the thing is, he is so desperate to give and receive love, so even though he acts like he doesn't want it, if you give him an ounce of love and affection he will cling to it, hungry for more.
What I love most about Bucky is that to me, he is a character who will love you no matter who you are or what you look like. Your plus size? More to love, also he's a super soldier so like it's not hard for him to pick you up or anything. Pimples on your face? That doesn't stop him from seeing your beautiful smile. Your deaf? He knows dozens of languages, sign language will be no problem. Mental illness? He'll be there to hold you when you're curled in a ball on the ground, and tell you it's okay when you wake up in the middle of the night from horrible traumatic nightmares.
Yes he's stubborn, yes he's grumpy, yes he scowls a lot, but when he smiles, he lights up the whole world. Bucky would do literally anything for those he loves, sometimes to a fault. Once you have his heart, you'll have it forever, till the end of the line.
Okay I hope this helps and sorry if it is super chaotic lollll
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petboymart · 3 years
CHERRY !!! HAPPY 100 BABY OMG 🥺💓 i deadass thought you had like 4k or something omg u deserve so many more followers 🥺
i’d like to participate in your petboy event hehe~
name: laine!!
pronouns/gender: friendly neighborhood enby who uses she/they pronouns !! {sometimes he/him, but mainly she/they}
physical description: um 🧍🏻‍♀️ i’m rlly bad at physical description so here are cute pics of me hehe ((lmfao the short hair is more recent!! but i also rlly liked the ones with my long hair🤧))
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personality description: i’ve been told A LOT that i’m intimidating & scary (gotta thank my raging rbf for tht) but i’m really a big softie 🥺 i’m not super affectionate, but when i’m ✨in love✨ i’m literally so clingy like i NEED physical attention 😩 i’m kind of blunt, like i don’t like sugar coating things for people & so i’m pretty straightforward & honest esp with the people i care about! i’m also the mom friend of the group :,) i have a hard time showing my emotions, but i’m very caring & nurturing!! despite all that, i can be super chaotic & playful~
petboy: puppy!! but it rlly doesn’t matter 🥰
likes: sweets, snuggles, music, dancing, going on nature walks, cooking & baking (even tho i’m not the best at it) & watching movies!!
dislikes: birds & large crowds :(
interests: ummm tbh anything in my likes pretty much applies to this!! i also love shopping & just being outside!! oh swimming too~ hmm & selfcare!
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congratulations !
you have been matched with:
puppyboy atsumu !
hes such a dumb ditz, but he loves how you pamper him !
you have spa days together and he adores when you do facemasks because afterwards you rub your hands all over his cheeks !
hes a big outside dork, and happily walks with you, so good.
hes super clingy too, literally clings to ur leg, don’t go out without him :( he loves you too much :(
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“tsumu ! how did you get so dirty ?!”
“woof arf wooooof !” ‘saw bird in back !! no want scare mama ! bird gone !’
“never mind that, c’mere it’s bath time”
“woof arf bark woof !” ‘bath bath ! pink bubble mama pink bubble !’
“you are so silly tsumie, but you’re my silly boy huh ?”
“arf arf arf !” ‘yup yup ! tsumie mama silly boy ! yup yup !”
“pff, you’re so cute !”
<< your new pup atsumu comes inside covered in dirt and mud, and you decide its time for a long awaited bath, scrubbing watermelon scented shampoo into his hair and rubbing behind his ears, washing the suds out as he steps out and shakes out his head, making you laugh as he sprays water all over the bathroom. >>
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For the overrated albums thing. Red is the most overrated for me simply bc it’s too all over the place and a hard listening experience even though Ik it’s supposed to embody the heartbroken person happy free confused lonely. The track list could’ve been reordered better and truthfully there’s only a handful of actually good songs, I’m sorry but it’s not Taylor’s best writing. She had way more mature writing on speak now and even debut. Red def doesn’t deserve the hype it gets, only ATW does. The vault songs on red tv are better than half the standard tracks from 2012 like why was starlight/girl at home/stay 3x ever released, those should’ve stayed in the vault. (This is rhetorical I don’t actually want an explanation bc Ik it’s probably just Scott wanted x,y, and z I do not care about that man.) Also I feel like if red was originally put out in 2022 by any other artist it’d be considered mid at best. It gets acclaim bc it’s Taylor’s album. This doesn’t mean that I don’t like red, I do as with all her albums but it’s not a top 5 and I can see why it lost it’s Grammy.
WOOF. This was a lot for me to read lol.
I do agree that RED's tracklist is chaotic - though I also know that you know that it was intentionally done that way because of said aforementioned happy free confused and lonely at the same time energy and the thesis of RED being wanting to explore the two emotional extremes that colour represented to Taylor when it came to love. But I acknowledge how the emotional ping ponging can be too much for people.
I also agree on the weaker aspects of "Starlight", "GAH", and "Stay x3" - but that's hardly half the standard tracklist.
To say that RED lacks mature songwriting imo is not accurate. The mere presence of "State of Grace", "Treacherous", "SBT", "The Lucky One", "The Last Time", "Holy Ground", "All Too Well", and "Begin Again" (which accounts for 8/16 aka actually half of the original RED [2012] standard tracklist but who is counting) - all refute that.
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brookheimer · 2 years
woof sorry about that guys i was going a little crazy about misunderstood chaotic neutral deranged female characters again
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despicablenotions · 2 years
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#to answer the question in the person i reblogged this from's tags: my big woof woof
My Top Posts in 2021
DC AU - Quackity/Reader/Punz - Prologue - The Good Doctor
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TW- Toxic relationship, mild mentions of torture, guns, manipulation, a literal insane asylum
Word count- 700 words, it's short because it's the prologue, chapter one will be quite a bit longer
Sorry for the wait beloveds.
Third Person POV
Doctor (Y/N) (L/N). One of the best psychiatrists at Arkham Asylum. And, unfortunately for her, one of the most naïve. One pudding cup and a handful of compliments from a one Alex Quackity, otherwise known as the Joker, and she was putty in his hands. Poor (Y/N).
She sat calmly in her office, with the infamous Clown Prince of Crime in a straight jacket across from her. He smiled sweetly at her and she smiled back. He looked around for a moment before leaning towards her and lower his voice so the guard outside the door wouldn't hear.
"Doc, you'd do anything for me right?" he asked quietly, locking eyes with the female. The corners of his lips turned down slightly, as though he had doubts. The girl nodded instantly, leaning forward.
"Anything, Mistah J. I promise." she said. This earned her a smile from the man and a low chuckle. He tilted his head upwards slightly. He let out a breath, like he was scared to ask for what he was about to request.
"I need a machine gun." he said, as though it were a simple thing. The girl froze slightly, blinking, repeating his words quietly. A machine gun? Was he planning to break out? She bit her lip before nodding. She could get him that. She would get him that.
Reader's POV
It was a few days after his request that I got Quackity what he'd asked me to get when the break out happened. I knew full well what I was doing when I gave him that gun. I knew it would mean him, and possibly other inmates, like Poison Oak and the Riddler, escaping. But nothing could have prepared me for his plans for me.
When I first heard the gunshots I smiled, knowing his plan was succeeding. But then when my office door was practically blown off it's hinges by a short brunette with a fierce glint in her orange eyes, well, can you blame me for being scared? Her eyes locked onto me and she moved further into the room and, behind her, a cocky grin on his face, was the Joker.
He held his arms out, laughing softly. "(Y/N), baby! Thank you, so so much, for your..." he pauses and lets out a noncommittal grunt "Contribution to my escape."
He strides over to me, grabbing my face roughly, smiling at me in a patronizing manner. "You've been so good for me. So... Loyal. You helped set me free... Why don't I return the favor?" he says before descending into chaotic laughter.
I can tell, just from the way he's laughing and the smirk on the brunette's face, whose eyes I could've sworn weren't blue a minute ago, that his idea of setting me free... I won't enjoy at all. And oh god, how right I was.
Next thing I know the short brunette is roughly strapping me to a table and shoving a belt in my mouth while Quackity is preparing some type of machine.
The next few hours are a blur. I vaguely remember asking him if he was going to kill me. He said he wasn't going to kill me, just hurt me. And hurt me he did. He used that machine to inflict unbearable pain on me for hours.
I can hear him laughing, saying things I can't process and making the brunette laugh. Everything starts to fade out, the world going black.
When I eventually come to, we're not at Arkham anymore. The brunette is gone and it's just me and Quackity. He grins brightly when he sees I'm awake. He moves over to me in quick strides, pulling me to my feet.
When I look around, I see we're on a platform, above vats of chemicals. The same chemicals, I assume, that made Quackity the way he is now.
He's talking to me, asking me questions, I don't... I can't process anything... He's asking if I'd die for him. "Yes." I say softly, blinking at him. He sighs "No no, that's too easy, would you.. live for me?" he asks and I repeat my previous answer.
And that's when he pushes me into the chemicals and everything goes black.
106 notes • Posted 2021-07-16 03:50:24 GMT
Time for a simpbur thought ive been having.
Simpbur is just, this "sweet" guy you work with at the office/fast food place/other job, imma write this blurb using fast food cause that's my job.
So, of course he's been there longer than you, Wil is a manager and, guess what, He's in charge of the schedules. The first time he sees you, he's instantly in love. He can't help but think about what you look like under that uniform. Damn health regulations for making them so conservative.
Anyways, he finds out your name and essentially takes you under his wing, showing you how to work the register, take orders and use the fryers and grills.
Always finding an excuse to touch you casually. Say to move past you or to get your attention. You don't mind, of course. He's very handsome and has been so sweet.
Your schedule starts slowly changing until you have the same shifts as him. Eventually, you decide you know him well enough and he gives you rides to and from work which slowly evolves into a out of work friendship where he'll come to your house and you'll go to his.
Of course, you never find the cameras he installs around the house, and if you do, its only one or two, not all of them. And you have no reason to suspect the sweet, kind man who's made your job so enjoyable.
Idk, I like this cause there's a power element here.
157 notes • Posted 2021-09-10 13:48:37 GMT
At First Glance: Simpbur x Reader - Masterlist
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Wilbur loved you from the moment he first tuned into one of your streams. He took one look and he knew, he had to have you. So, he did what any internet simp would, donated large sums of cash, stalked your socials. He even uprooted his entire life, switching schools and towns to be close to you, in hopes he might run into you.
Everything though, proved in vain when he couldn't seem to make contact despite his efforts. Or so he thought. One day, while out getting groceries, after losing hope, he bumps into you, literally.
At first glance, you get the strangest vibe from him. He's observant and a bit fluttery, like he'll run off an second but also... Something you can't identify. Something darker, something that piques your interest to the point that you decide to pursue a friendship with the stranger in hopes of discovering what it is.
Not at all according to Wilbur's plan, of course. This was not how he had planned to get close to you.
01 - A Regular Tuesday
02 - Beyond Power Of Speech - Coming Soon!
warnings: simpbur being like the creepiest dude, stalker behavior, simpbur x y/n, extreme slow burn, eventual smut, suggestive themes, surveillance cameras(because is it really simpbur without them?), a little bit of gaslighty behavior from simpbur, college au, simpbur is socially inept, anxiety attacks
taglist: @toiletwipes, @struggling-with-time, @thesuperdupernova, @lurkey-lurker, @reallydecaffeinatedcat, @primsi, @ghostburlovebot, @victreu, @serenitylolz, @boiled-onionrings
the taglist is open atm!
also, @/toiletwipes inspired me to write this so the layout is similar to theirs as a tribute :)
254 notes • Posted 2021-09-08 05:08:55 GMT
A Regular Tuesday - At First Glance 01
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warnings: Simpbur being creepy, mentions of anxiety, Simpbur having really sexual daydreams
He'd done everything. Everything he could think of except outright kidnapping you. He'd donated hundreds of dollars to your streams. He'd switched schools, slowly changed his schedule around so he was either in your class or in one next to it. He'd uprooted his whole life, to be close to you, and nothing he was doing had worked.
To say the tall male had given up hope was an understatement. He'd all but completely given up. He'd been debating all morning if coming out here had been a mistake, a desperate move on his part to be near you. To make you love him.
And, he'd failed. All his planning, for nothing. He couldn't find the courage to approach you. Not even just to walk past you. Every time he saw you he'd duck around the corner and watch you walk away or talk to a friend. He was pathetic.
He hated himself, refused to leave his dorm for days. He'd sat at his desk for hours at a time, watching your past streams, looking at the way your eyes sparkled as you giggled at the things chat said.
He watched the way you froze whenever he donated, his username, Lovejoy, spilling past your lips with a smile and between 6 and 13 thank you's. You were so beautiful when you were in shock.
So beautiful, thanking him, telling him you appreciated him. And yet, he couldn't have it to himself. God, and the moments where you'd beg a friend in a game for something, or not to kill you? Fuck how he wished you'd beg him. Beg for him.
He could picture you under him, tears in your pretty eyes as he hovered over you, begging him softly to fuck you. But no. Every time he got within ten feet of you he got panicky. His breathing speeding up until it was too fast for him to really be getting oxygen. He'd see you and his anxiety would sky rocket, bringing him so close to an attack.
And, that was what eventually brought him here, to today. Walking through the grocery store, his basket on one arm as he absent mindedly stocked up on TV dinners and snack foods he often saw you eating on campus. But he never could have guessed what came next.
A small, soft body crashed into him and he froze, staggering back. His eyes darted around for a moment before landing on the one who'd knocked into him. Oh god. Oh fuck. It was you. His eyes locked onto you and he found himself momentarily unable to speak. Until, that is, you opened your own mouth.
"I am SO sorry- I wasn't looking where I was going, how stupid of me, I know! Are you alright?" you spoke, the words spilling from your mouth in the familiar word vomit he'd noticed from when you'd get nervous on stream. He gave you a reassuring smile, shaking his head.
"I'm fine, don't worry about it." he said, surprisingly calm. He stood up a bit straighter, giving you a once over. Checking you out up close disguised as seeing if you were hurt. "Are you alright?" he asked.
You smiled a bit, waving him off. "I'm fine, I've bumped into walls and that didn't phase me." you joked. You looked at him a moment longer before something finally clicked. This tall fucker was in at least four of your classes. "You're... Wilbur, right? We have some classes together, don't we?"
His heart nearly stopped right then. Not only were you speaking to him, but you knew his name. Recognized his face. This wasn't at all according to plan, but maybe it was better? God he could hang out with you naturally now. Now it wouldn't be him forcing his way into your life!
"Hello? Anyone home up there?" your voice cut through his thoughts and he looked at you. He blushed fidgeting a bit. "Uh, yeah, I'm Wilbur... You're (y/n)... Right?" he replied, finally.
You gave the awkward boy a nod, smiling at him. God that smile, that fucking smile. All he wanted was to see that fucking smile before he wiped it off your face, bringing you to tears of overstimulation instead, fucking go-
"Wil?" your voice again, saying his name, cut through his thoughts a second time. He looked at you, blinking. "I- Uh, yeah?" he said, choking on his words slightly.
"I should get going, but we should hang out sometime. You're weird, but that's cool." you said, holding out your phone, unlocked and set for him to put in his number for you. God you were so trusting and sweet. He quickly put in his number and name, texting himself quickly before handing back your phone.
You smiled at him, waving a bit before heading off into the store to finish your shopping.
Though, that didn't stop him from following you home, discreetly, of course. Always careful not to get caught. Once he made sure you were safe, he went to his apartment and spent the rest of the night staring at his phone.
His phone that had your number in it.
taglist: @toiletwipes, @struggling-with-time, @thesuperdupernova, @lurkey-lurker, @reallydecaffeinatedcat, @primsi
264 notes • Posted 2021-09-23 03:49:34 GMT
So, this was originally a request for my good buddy @nsfw-giz that I took over for them :)
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Karl Jacobs - Slash Jay
CW: light smut, choking, somewhat subby Karl
Word count: 637, this feels like more of a drabble really
Proof read?: no because i'm tired
A/N: I do hope this is satisfactory, I write for Karl a lot in Google Docs but never post it because I feel I don't write him very well, but I really liked this request and wanted to try my hand at it. Thanks again Giz for the opportunity to get rid of some writer's block. <3
The two of you had been dating for almost a year now. Thanks to Karl joining the Dream SMP shortly after you did, and the two of you hitting it off so well. Karl always winning your Love or Hosts and vice versa. So it was no big surprise when you revealed your flirting wasn't a bit and you were actually dating.
It started as a joke, really. Karl constantly making little jokes about people choking him. Sometimes it was him quoting Corpse, other times it was him straight up telling people to choke him, as a joke of course. He never expected himself to be in bed, both of you half naked in just your shirts with you on top of him while he contemplated asking you to do it.
You were both already close to your climaxes but Karl couldn't help himself. He wanted you to choke him. And it wasn't a joke this time.
The fidgety male looked up at you, his iridescent eyes showing just how hesitant he was to speak up. He was dragging his fingers over your waist, drawing patterns into your skin. You looked at him, tilting your head in curiosity. You watched as he opened his mouth, then closed it again, as if debating with himself one last time if he wanted to go there.
"Is everything okay, bubs?" you ask him softly, ceasing the rolling motion of your hips to cup his cheek with your hand. He nods, leaning into your touch for a moment before taking a breath. He sighed softly, putting his hand over yours.
"Well, I was just... (Y/n), could you choke me?" he asked you hesitantly, and you froze. Sure, you'd thought about it. Especially since he made so many jokes about it. But you'd never really expected him to seriously ask you to do it.
You give him a small nod and slowly move your hand up to his throat, applying gently pressure. The sound Karl let out was music to your ears. Your face flushed almost as red as his and you applied a bit more pressure as you gently rolled your hips, earning another strangled moan from the fluffy haired man.
"(Y/n) please- Please, please." he begged softly. It wasn't really necessary, as you weren't actually denying him any pleasure but it still sent shivers down your spine. Hearing him beg so pretty, something about it just made you want to give in.
You rolled your hips again, ripping another moan from your boyfriend as his grip on your hips tightened slightly. You moaned softly, hand never leaving his throat, as you both got closer and closer to release. You rolling your hips mixed with his occasional bucking of his hips drove you both wild.
Karl's mind was numb. He never thought a joke he'd been making for so long would actually work out like this. He never realized just how good your hand around his throat would feel. As you squeezed his neck once more, ever so gently, Karl came into the condom with a soft cry, his pretty eyes rolling back in his skull.
You smiled softly, reaching your release not long after and collapsed next to him, whispering soft praises to the male. You traced gentle patterns on his still clothed chest with your fingers for a moment or two before sitting up to help him with the condom and clean up.
Eventually, you both lay in bed, cuddling each other sleepily when you finally spoke up. "So... I guess you can't put a slash jay after telling people to choke you." you joked tiredly, earning one of his classic high pitched giggles. He shook his head lightly and kissed the top of yours.
"Only with you." he said softly, just as sleep took you over.
314 notes • Posted 2021-08-14 02:17:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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yejiroh · 3 years
Heya! So i really really really like your works, so id like to request Tamaki x Reader, where his S/O is very good at like gaming?
She usually plays minecraft and fps games and shes extremely good at it. I’d really like a scenario where they play Valorant, a tactical shooting game just like overwatch and csgo, like usually tamaki plays with like mirio and some of his friends and one of them was busy so mirio decided to invite her to play and ends up carrying the team with an ace or two.      (P.s I dont usually request because i fear that i dont follow the rules properly, but i love love ur works :)  Happy New Year ! )
Authors note:
@plutostones​ Hi, how are ya? I just found this, so sorry for the wait. Also, I tagged you because you put this in as a submission, not an ask, so I didn’t know whether or not you’d get the memo. Anyways, thank you for requesting, and thank you for being a fan of my work-it means a lot.  I don’t play Valorant but from what your describing it sounds like Blitzbergade- which i do play. Sorry in adavance if this is not how the game goes, but i did do some research.
And to everyone wanting to request, the requests are open; just read the rules!
Because this was so late, I made it long.  
Suns Out Guns Out!
-PLATONIC- (kinda)
Word count: 2000+
Staring Tamaki Amajiki, Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, and of course, the lovely Y/n L/n!
Three monitors glared at Tamaki, the LED screens too bright for his poorly lit room. Discord, Twitch, and Valorant displayed, his fingers smashing the keyboard loudly, the familiar “clack, clack,clack” ringing in his ears.
It was routine, everyday after school, the five of them: Tamaki, Mirio, Nejire, Yuuyu, and Kirishima would open Valorant, Discord, and Twitch.
“Ah, dammit! Not again!”
“Mirio, calm down; it’s just a game.”
“I just can’t help but to get riled up- sorry.”
“Why are you so mad anyway?”
“This guy- Flippy2252- he keeps killing me every time I get back! And the worst part is, they never run! They just walk in and shoot everyone!”
Tamaki took off his headset, throwing it to the side. Mirio was never one to whine about losing, but having a 22-0  losing streak was pretty rough on anyone’s ego.  Looking at the left monitor, Twitch was going crazy. The live chat was full of onlookers and the 10 players were all at war, angry at Flippy2252 for not letting anyone else get a kill, or Flippy2252 killing people every time with no hesitation.
It was always Flippy2252.
All it took to beat Flippy was an upgrade of armour, right? But neither he, Mirio, Kirshima, nor Nejire had enough credits or was willing to get such an upgrade. They were fine as is. Yuuyu was fine to. Kind of. 
Sighing, Tamaki put the headset back on, holding the attached mic. “Mirio, where’d you go? I knew this game was  hard...let's just call it a night- we have a test tomorrow and the event.”
“Guys, about that, I can’t play tomorrow- I have a cousin coming over .”
Whining, Nejire’s voice piped through the headphones. “Really Kirishima? But tomorrow is what counts!” 
“I know, it’s not manly of me, and I’m sorry guys! But Bakubro said-”
“Bakugou? You’re leaving for your boyfriend, not your family!”
“What? No, He’s NOT my boyfriend! And my cousin IS coming over!”
“Wooow Kiri, I expect this from everyone but you!”
Tamaki looked at the screen, tuning his friends out. The match was over. They had lost.
Rushing up the stairs of the U.A. building, Tamaki and Mirio panted, having overslept and missing the train.
“Wooh! That was a good way to wake yourself up, right, Tamaki?”
“I-I guess. I’m tired now. We should have just not come since we’re this late.”
“Nonsense! We made it on time- hey there’s Y/n!”
Mirio waved a hand out to the person in question, calling out to her.
‘Hey, Y/n! You ready for the test?”
Y/n turned over, making quick eye contact with Tamaki before he covered his face. 
Looking back to Mirio, she gave a sweet smile, putting a fist in the air.
“I actually studied for this one, so heck yeah!” “Good to hear! Hopefully we all get good marks this time, yeah?”
Y/n nodded, looking at her phone-
“Is that a Valorant background?”
“Hm? Oh, yeah! I love that game!”
Mirio smiled. “What a coincidence-”he nudged Tamaki-”We do to! Say, are you any good?”
Y/n chuckled, waving her phone around.”I’d like to say I’m pre-tay good. What about you guys?”
“Well, we’re amazing, don’t get me wrong, there’s just always this one guy who just comes in, kills everyone, and leaves. You can’t even respawn in peace!”
Y/n’s chuckles turned into hollers, knowing exactly who they were talking about.  “Oh god- you mean that Flippy dude? They’re awseome!”
“Yeah, but they don’t give mercy for anything!”
“You’re not supposed to, it’s a gun game. Tell you what, give me your discords and I’ll help you guys. I’ve gotten a couple kills against the dude.”
Was this a blessing? They were just looking for someone! Mirio tooked Y/n’s hand, bowing down, and pretended to wipe a tear away. “M’lady, it would be an honor, for our time in war-”
“We were just looking for another player cause one of ours bailed.” Tamaki muttered, interuppting the poetic Mirio.
Clapping her hands, Y/n smiled again. “Great! Just put your tags in my phone and we can do the event today! Also, good luck on the tests!”
Y/n sat down, her computer moniters clocks all set to count the second. Hand on the mouse, she breathed in, watching, waiting.
5...4...3...2...1- She slammed the keys, logging into everything at once. A beep form one; a Discord call. 
“Hey Y/n! You ready?”
“Yeah. Who else is on the team, other then you and Tamaki?”
“Nejire and Yuuyuu.”
She looked at the moiters, nodding. Okay. There’s 10 seconds into the game, okay? We have 3 hours, 45 minutes, and now...37 seconds until the event is done. We split the prize between who got the most kills or who did the most.”
Just before she ended the call, Y/n quickly added. 
“And I’m Flippy2252.”
Tamaki spit his drink. Y/n was Flippy? No way! Slamming the keys, his avatar ran around the map. Now that he didn’t have to worry about Flippy killing him, he could actuallydo something! 
But the event was Capture The Flag, and he wasn’t too good at that. Running up a ramp, he spotted a red name, quickly shooting. But his sniper was no good.  Flippy-no, Y/n- ran up behind him, gunning down the red in her path. Soon she had the flag, and was running away.
“WOOOAHHH!” Mirio hollered through the headset. “I suddenly feel useless in a good way!”
What the heck?
“Mirio, that doesn’t make sense.”
“This  game is as good as ours!”
Tamaki looked at the Twitch Moniter, smiling.
‘Since when was Flippy on team blue?’
‘Who cares? They’re still kicking ass!’
‘If they’re not on red it’s not even worth watching.’
‘Shut yo bitch ass up, like the fuck you gon do? Its a game the fuck?’
‘Really? Language guys. they can read everything.’
‘they too  focused on the game’
‘Bro chilll you just lke their avatar’
People are weird. Walking into a building, he layed his avatar down. Just one more kill and they’d win the first round, and an Ace at that. 
1 minute left in the event, and Y/n still had the flag.
Tamaki followed, gunning down everyone chassing them and shooting at them. 
Capture the flag had never been so chaotic.
10 seconds in, they just had to get to their home base.
“Run Flippy run!”
A large VICTORY was displayed on theor teams screens, Y/n shreiking with laughter.
“That was so insane!”
“We actually won an event? FINALLY!”
Everyone was sreaming through the headsets, and once again Tamaki took it off, throwing it to the side.
Laying on his bed, he opened his phone, lookjng at a picture of Y/n.
She carried the team, and it was amazing to have won something again. 
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deadbiwrites · 4 years
hey! for the writer ask thing how about 5, 32, and 44?
Hey there!
5. Fanfic pet peeves:
Yes, I absolutely have a few and they range from reasonable to petty to chaotic. I try to give everything a fair shake, but my biggest ones are first or second person POV (I'm sorry I just can't do it), bad grammar/sentence structure, etc.
Oh, and a lack of conjunctions in dialogue. Real people use conjunctions, y'all.
32. Top three favorite jokes/lines:
Oh WOOF. Okay, uh, probably the gag with the jolly ranchers from Hallmark/Maggie Sawyers Guide. Like, that made me laugh aloud when I was writing it. The Lane sisters and Maggie Sawyer in general, but especially the initial description of Lucy in Hallmark ('five feet of chaotic energy').... Oh! And this one, from the upcoming final chapter of You, Me, Her (which is a superrojascorp polyam fic and it's ALMOST DONE Y'ALL!!)
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Honestly I try to make everything funny so...
44. Writing rant:
Okay, so, here's the thing about writing- every person is different. Their processes and methods are so individualized and so influenced by their own experiences and little tics and quirks.... it's amazing. Like, when I try to plan a story, I always get hung up on little details. But if I just let fly and see what happens, I can knock out 1,000 words in an hour. Everyone is so different, and there is no 'correct' way to be a writer except for TO WRITE, and that is honestly so comforting and such a cool thought to me. Like, we're all just people trying to tell stories the best way we know how, and that's just... so awesome. So awesome. So to my fellow writers out there (and the especially ones who think they aren't writers but still might have a story to tell), it doesn't matter how you write, what you do, whether your method is aesthetic or not. In the end, figure out what works best for you, do that thing, and fuck the haters (but not literally, because they don't deserve it. Figuratively fuck the haters).
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curewhimsy · 4 years
More Shiro-Sora things
I haven’t uploaded these tidbits to tumblr yet.
—Catchphrases— Iroha says “nyaa” at times SeeU has a habit of saying “meow” Dex says “woof” sometimes Nigaito’s verbal tic is “gyuu” Miki says “Chun chun!” A lot... to be cute. Haku tends to say “Uwaah!” A lot. Uta’s catchphrase is “Yare yare...” (“Good grief...”) Taya’s catchphrase is “Is that sou, desu ne?” (“Sou desu ne” is basically “Is that so?” in Japanese. I combined the two. —Quirky behavior— Lapis carries around a toy wand and pretends to cast spells. Anon is just... chaotic neutral, in the way Luana and Isadore (OCs) are. She does things like eating Lunchables in the bathtub at midnight in the dark to prove that Lunchables float. Why midnight, and why in the dark? Because she doesn’t want dust bunnies to see her boobs. She’s also a very skilled mime. Kanon is wacky, and chaotic good. Like Luana and Isadore (OCs) but in a different way than Anon. She’s the type of person to immediately press a random button she found that says “Do not press.” She likes to annoy people with sound effects from her slide-whistle. She also likes playing dramatic kazoo. She also has clown skills, like juggling, and the ability to ride a unicycle. Teto is like Fuuko (Clannad) Taya is smart and dignified but... very clumsy and naive as well. Uta is badass, but kind of “chaotic dumb” in certain ways. Sometimes she forgets to do her homework while doing her homework. Don’t ask. Taya loves sweets, and his favorite is strawberry shortcake. He is also a good pastry chef... Uta is horrible at cooking! She is so horrible, that she makes things mega-explode! She is so horrible, she needs Taya to cook for her just so she can get by! Gakupo has some pretty sick ninja skills, just saying. Miki sometimes slips into “animated mode,” where she begins to act like a cute shoujo anime protagonist. Miki also sometimes runs with bread in her mouth when she’s late for school. When Ruko was late for school, she ran to school with an entire plate of breakfast in her mouth! Taya gets completely drunk after just a few sips of alcohol... Haku sure can hold her alcohol. She can beat everyone in a drinking contest... Nigaito is endearingly moe. He likes drawing pictures. Miki sometimes lends him cute manga about hamsters, his favorite animal. Ruby likes starfish for some reason. She always assumes every star-shaped item is supposed to be a starfish... Taya’s recorded voice has a tendency to break headphones. Nobody knows exactly why. Ruko is a very big eater. Akari likes stars. Ruby likes starfish. Piko likes stargazing. Yukari likes star celebrities. Nigaito likes the Big Dango Family song. Ruby tries to convince him that starfish are cuter and proposes the Big Starfish Family. Taya and Momo get into a rather heated argument over whether strawberries or peaches are better. Uta asks herself why she’s surrounded by airheads. Uta buys Taya a strawberry Squishmallow for his birthday. In no time, Taya is able to think of a personality and an extensive backstory for his new plush friend... Uta is impressed. Yukari fakes being mysterious and sophisticated to impress IA. It doesn’t work. —Funny Moments brainstorm!— Group chemistry! Misunderstandings... One time Taya tried playing Uta’s violin instead of his usual cello. He played an earsplitting tune and ended up breaking the violin. Not only does it just break, it comically explodes into little pieces! 46 of them to be exact... Taya mistook one of Akaito’s spicy habanero peppers as a new type of strawberry. He ate it, and it was so spicy that he temporarily lost the ability to speak.
“He’s just standing there... menacingly!” -Len, talking to Rin, referring to Kaito “Why did you set me on fire, Uta? Why didn’t you just write your essay?” -Taya ”Qingxian, I used your clarinet to unclog the toilet...” -Taya ”I am the darkness, I am the edge! I got this bruise falling from the ledge! Oh yeah!” -Zatsune “My voice is just naturally bass-boosted, I guess.” -Akaito ”You make the bass drop in my heart! I want to be together, with you.” -Yuuma, to Mizuki, in front of... everyone ”People all look the same to me. They all have two eyes, a nose, a mouth, arms, and legs. But Taya... you’re different. I can tell your soul apart.” -Uta “Take my hand... I’ll take you to a place where miracles happen.” -Taya. He was practicing lines from a short play he wrote himself. This captures Uta’s heart... “Take my hand... I’ll take you to a place where miracles happen... Now, shall we go?” -Taya, this time for real. He is reaching his hand out to Uta. He is trying to comfort her after an emotional moment. Both of them are about to cry. This is right before he confesses his love to her at the top of a hill under the stars.
Random details- Taya is very polite, and selfless. He's always willing to do favors for people. He speaks in polite language. He bows at many occasions (Even in this universe that takes place in the USA, and not Japan.) He is humble as well. These may seem like quirks or obsessions as first, but it stems from his feeling of obligation to do things for people and "not be a burden," because he had friends and teachers who treated him like a burden before. When his anemia caused him to faint or miss classes, everyone treated him as a burden. When he starts hanging out with Uta, she comments on how he feels like a butler and tells him to loosen up, it's okay to be a bit more relaxed, and selfish even. Uta is pretty sarcastic, blunt, and sort of kuudere, so it'll be interesting to see her with the pure Taya Uta just lost her passion to depression, but that's touched on eventually/later She's all like "I hate life" but that's because of depression Taya tries to help out Uta and make her smile but... he ends up upsetting her... When Taya finds out how depressed Uta really is he starts crying for her and saying "I'm sorry..." and Uta is like "Why are you crying? Nothing is your fault..." And Taya apologizes again and says it's a habit that he feels responsible for his friend's sadness. Uta hugs him. "I haven't been able to cry for years, so I'm a bit jealous..." She says. "But... I still don't want you to cry though... I like to see your smile, ok?" Well I think the day Uta finally cries is when something bad happens to her but Taya comes and saves her and then confesses his love for her And then come the waterworks, from both of them! ——— There are magical moments where all 46 characters come together and do or create something. Such as a musical play. Do all 46 characters eventually become a gigantic group of friends? Imagine the 46 of them renting out an entire restaurant... and all taking turns performing karaoke! ——— List the backstories, secrets, sad hidden depth, tragedies, stories... and quirks! The quirks are how we grow to fall in love with these characters before we reveal the sadness. In the novel, it all ends happily... If it ever becomes a game, well... there would be a possible “good end” and possible “bad end”... ... Haku Yowane- Haku’s story is that she’s been lonely and insecure for most her entire life. Neru Akita- Neru’s story is that she has found herself alone and misunderstood for most of her days due to her temper. Miku Hatsune- Miku’s sincere, earnest dreams are crushed and she falls into a deep depression when she is diagnosed with an illness that will progressively damage her vocal chords. Miku never sang for selfish reasons. She sang out of love. She sang to connect others. She now compares herself to a caged bird, or one with broken wings. She wants to write a song about it... but she would rather have her final song be a happy tribute to all those who have helped her. Luka Megurine- Is Luka slowly fading away from this world somehow? Teto Kasane- Is Teto a spirit or something or other? Gumi- Gumi was bullied a lot since she was young, which traumatized her. Now people show her the tiniest bit of dislike, she panics or cries. Meiko Sakine- Meiko’s parents were neglectful, leaving her to have to mature on her own. Lapis Aoki- Is Lapis simply a wish fragment? Merli Aoki- Merli is still traumatized by the tragic death of her parents. Lily- Lily wants to change her image to someone more tame. She originally became a delinquent in middle school due to her parents’ constant fighting. IA- IA’s parents are divorced. It started after her mother had a miscarriage. She would’ve had a little sister named IO. Yukari Yuzuki- Yukari feels very insecure a lot... Uta Utane- Depressed, and doesn’t see much in life. Usually bored and glum. Once a bright girl with lots of dreams. Deep inside, she is passionate and caring, really… Can it be restored? Miku Zatsune- Insecure and hates Miku Hatsune for being more popular than her... Rin Kagamine- Rin has a mysterious connection to Len. Whenever Len is sick, Rin gets sick too. If Len were to die, Rin will suddenly die as well. Len Kagamine- Len has a mysterious connection to Rin. Whenever Rin is sick, Len gets sick too. If Rin were to die, Len will suddenly die as well. Kaito Shion- Kaito is actually an adopted child... not from this world... and doesn’t belong... Akaito Shion- Dell Honne- Dell is usually in a bad mood. He currently lives with a father who barely acknowledges him. He tends to keep it all inside, and he’s really just lonely and needs to find someone to vent to. Gakupo Kamui- Yuuma- Piko Utatane- Piko is a shy and compassionate person, but whenever he opens his mouth, he sounds very strict. He is bad at socializing and making friends, which leaves him quite lonely. On top of that, he is sickly and absent from school often. Piko wishes to make a friend. Mizuki- Nigaito Shion- He is sickly and is usually under the weather... Dex- Daina- Ruby- Taya Soune- Thinks of himself as a burden... Longya Yuezheng- His younger sister Ling nearly got into a tragic accident when they were younger, traumatizing Longya. Ling Yuezheng- She feels lonely that she doesn’t have many friends and is devoting her life to studying. Momo Momone- Is always passing out randomly... SeeU- Has a mysterious illness. Ruko Yokune- Ruko was always insecure about their height, six feet and two inches tall. They always wanted to be petite and feminine, but their body wouldn’t stop growing. Ritsu Namine- Ritsu used to be a bully. He remains to have a tsundere attitude... Deep inside, he has an earnest wish to apologize to everyone he ever hurt. Ruko is one of the few people who understands and knows this about Ritsu. In his childhood, he bullied Gumi for being a “coward.” Now he wants to apologize, but... Miki- Miki is too idealistic. She sees the world through rose-tinted lenses... but what happens when those lenses shatter? Aku Yamine- She wishes to have magic... she hates the state of the world. She hates evil, which is ironic... considering her name is pronounced like the Japanese word for evil. She wishes to cast out the darkness... which is ironic because her last name has the kanji for dark. Because of this, and because she tends to be a nuisance, Aku feels as if she is just a curse. Bruno- Bruno’s mother died when he was young. Clara- Clara was bullied a lot as a child. Iroha Nekomura- Yuu- Wil- Kyo- Akari Kizuna- Cheerful and sweet, and wants to make others smile… even though many heavy thoughts are hiding behind her own smile. Qingxian Mo- Being self-absorbed, Qingxian eventually begins to take advantage of Taya’s generosity and inclination to do favors. She may seem a somewhat spoiled brat, but she is lonely... Anon- Kanon- ——— College dorm antics... ——— Supernatural elements? Does the world have magical properties? How about the characters?
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All 46 characters mysteriously acquires a crystalline “star fragment” sometime during their journey. There are 46 pieces in total. Each character mysteriously acquires one when they are fulfilled. The fragment is from their heart. At a climax scene where all 46 are present, all the pieces are put together to form a beautiful kaleidoscopic star in 46 colors. This crystalline rainbow star can grant a grand wish, any wish... What will everyone agree will be their wish?
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