#with reunions and reconnections ill never have
soldier-poet-king · 2 years
Been haunted recently by a series of dreams where I reconnect with childhood/teen crushes and we become friends again and go from there and I'm just???? Why has this happened multiple times lately, esp with someone who I fairly certain is still single and was perhaps the kindest person I ever knew and tbh would still marry in a heartbeat and like. There is an Event Tomorrow that I already didn't want to go to but now I'm FOR SURE not going just to avoid the likelihood of running into them and all the mixed up bad complicated feelings it would cause. I will simply stay home in the basement and pretend I am not in the Agonies
#why is being in ur late 20s moving back to ur childhood home#the neighborhood that no one else ever left#and being there and being the only person to have left and returned#why is it literally the worst thing in the world#franposting#idk whats wrong with my sleeping brain bc bitch i dont want this.#even if it were possible. i cant extricate my affection for (redacted) from my tangled up mess#of a friend group from that time. theyre all still friends! that i havent spoken to in 7 yrs!! i cant do this#and yet i still think of G with fondness and love. i hope he is well#and i found out recently that M did have a crush on me in middle school#which is WILD bc i was an extremely ugly annoying kid#and he was popular and a hockey player#and we were tenuously in the same friend group. but on opposite ends#with the pretty white girls as mutual friends#we did at one point work at the same camp#i found this out tho bc my mother ran into his mother and she was asking after mr#me* and was like oh hows fran? M had such a crush on her#and im????? HELLO????#anyway. i want to stop thinking about romance but the brain demons have decided to plague every sleeping moment#with reunions and reconnections ill never have#and yet its like. you should message G. see what hes up to. if hes single#ik he went back to school his brother posted abt it#but his brother is popular and married and social (even i briefly had feelings for him)#but G was more awkward less conventionally pretty. but kinder. more lovely to me in every way#ugh ugh ugh ugh#weve run the gamut of my few longstanding crushes til age 18#whats next? the one serious crush i had on that coworker a few summers back??#oh she was perfect. lovely in every way imaginable and such a dear friend that year
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oreosmilkshakes · 2 years
Fatal Obsession
Pairing: Namor/K’uk’ulkan x mutant!reader
Fandom: Marvel- Black Panther Wakanda Forever
Word Count: 4,505
Warning(s): 18+, Dark Namor, !!MAJOR SPOILERS!! Violence, really dark themes, mentions of repeated non-consensual intercourse, forced pregnancy, yandere behaviour.
A/N: This is a requested fic and I really hope I tackled it well. The amount of research I did was craaaaazy and I really hoped I didn’t get anything wrong. Personally, I think the ending was terrible but other than that, please enjoy this fic with the cheesy title :0.
Taglist: @oyasumimosura​
Wakanda has been [Name]’s second home since she lost her brother. The pain became unbearable and unable to face the truth, she walked away from the Avengers to find peace and solitude. She met T’Challa on her journey, seeking help from the then prince on mending her emotions and her mind. Their friendship would escalate and he granted her safe isolation in Wakanda.
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Then came the Civil War. [Name] wanted to walk away. She really did. Even though her control over her powers were much better than her sister’s, she didn’t like using it offensively. Her reunion with Wanda eased her worries about her sister. The news was cruel but [Name] understood why they were as such. Wanda didn’t exactly have good control over her powers.
[Name] knew she owed T’Challa so much and more, especially for helping her get back up on her feet. Shuri has been another helping hand too and living Wakanda has been such an eye-opener.
Everything went well for so many years even after all that has happened.
But nothing lasts forever.
[Name] had planned to leave Wakanda for a bit, to seek out her and reconnect with her sister. Until she sensed something amiss with her friend.
T’Challa had a hand on the wall, hunched over and coughing.
“T’Challa? Are you alright?”
The King didn’t stop his coughs, wheezing as he turned to face the woman. He looked sickly. “[Name]-,” He choked out, dropping to the floor with a loud thud.
“T’Challa!” She screamed, running over to him. Her hands moved to his cheeks, cold sweat coated her palm. She could see specks of blood on his bottom lip and his pulse was frantic.
[Name] flicked her Kimoyo beads, calling for medical assistance.
“Please! We’re in the gym. Something is wrong with the King!” She cried. T’Challa coughed again, more blood splattered onto the floor. She moved a hand to his chest, her palm glowed red as she searched for the cause of his illness and what she found was so much worse than she had expected.
The doctors had rushed in with the hoverbed, carefully putting their King on it as the nurse guided the woman back.
[Name] watched, with teary eyes as her friend was taken away.
She visited T’Challa everyday with Shuri. The King laid on the bed, tubes connected to him along with the steady beat of his heart. Her heart clenched again, fearing deeply that she was going to lose T’Challa too.
[Name] held a bowl of soup, sitting closely to the King as his eyes glanced over to her
“T’Challa,” She leaned closely, slowly stirring the soup.
“[Name],” He smiled weakly and it pained her again. He looked nothing like he did the first time she met him. He was so thin and so sickly. She could only give him a weak smile.
She brought the spoon up to his lips as he slowly sipped on the warm liquid.
“How are you feeling?”
The King swallowed and she could see it was a struggle to do so. But, he smiled. “Never better,” He cleared his throat, inhaling deeply.
“Is Shuri back to her work?” [Name] nodded. “She hasn’t left her lab in days, still working with Griot and her lab techs to find a cure for you.  The Queen and I are worried about her..,” She mumbled.
At this, T’Challa frowned. This was the third time he has heard this reason. He has tried to stop Shuri and reason with her but she wouldn’t give up.
He was dying and that was it. It was the true reality.
[Name] kept feeding the King until he shook his head and she set the bowl away. He raised a hand up, she took it without a single word.
“You have grown up so much since the first time I saw you. You are so much stronger than you know,” He squeezed her hand, a bigger smile on his lips.
“I want you to promise me something,” “T’Challa, no-,” “Please, [Name]? Consider this my last few wishes before I join my ancestors,” He pleaded, locking eyes with the young woman. She swallowed, eyes faltering as she nodded.
“I want you to take care of Mother and Shuri for me. I want you to protect Wakanda and keep her people safe. And I want you to find your sister. I want you to-to go back out and find your sister. Can-,” T’Challa coughed a little, [Name]’s head snapped up.
“Can you do that for me?
“ T’Challa, please. I can’t leave you-” “Please, [Name]?” He breathed out heavily.
Her eyes could see just how serious the King is and could only nod.
“Okay..Okay..I’ll..I’ll do it,” She nodded. T’Challa released her hand, giving her a nod.
She thought she had time. Time to recollect herself and plan out her new journey of finding her sister. But…
[Name] made her way to Shuri’s lab. T’Challa had been relocated to her lab so the princess could work easier. Silence filled the air. It was thick and dreadful and she knew what was going on. She made her way down the stairs, listening to Shuri’s cries as the Queen hugged her child tightly.
[Name] dropped her bag, hands covering her mouth as hot tears pricked her eyes. Queen Ramonda looked up at her and [Name] knew she was staying strong for Shuri. Her own tears fell and the Queen extended her arm out. She didn’t hesitate to join in the hug, sobbing into the Queen’s shoulder at the loss of her best friend and brother figure.
So, here she stood, among the Wakandans and the elders, dressed in her funeral garment as Shuri wailed on her brother’s casket. [Name] looked away, letting her tears flow while M’Baku had a comforting arm on her shoulder. The royal ship took the casket away. [Name] was beginning to feel the weight of her new duty on her shoulders.
She has lost too much now.
However, T’Challa’s passing was hard but the hardest had yet to come. [Name]didn’t give up on finding Wanda. She met up with Wong, Stephen and the new girl, America. Her sister was hunting down the girl just so she could find her sons in other universes. Grief held onto her heart tightly and it held on even tighter upon realising the ending to their final fight.
“Wanda, please! Don’t do this. I can save you. Just-Just take my hand, sister. Please, I can’t lose you too,” [Name] had her hand stretched out but Wong and America were pulling her back. Wanda gave her a soft smile, shaking her head. “No, [Name]. I have to do this. You’ll learn to survive without me, malo jagnje. You’ll find someone who’ll love you and care for you, just as Pietro and I do,” Her sister wore her smile but [Name] knew the impending doom. The childhood nickname Wanda gave her ever since she was a young girl was like a stab to the heart. She watched helplessly, as the castle walls toppled on her. The portal closed and [Name] dropped to her knees, allowing the tears to flow freely while America held onto her in a comforting manner. [Name] was beyond exhausted, more than her body could take on. She just wanted to return to Wakanda and never to leave again. So, she did and didn’t return.
[Name] returned to Wakanda, to find them in shambles. Exhaustion was heavy on her bones. She had used too much power during the last fight and she needed rest.
But, new circumstances didn’t grant it.
Okoye had grabbed her, tears in her eyes.
“Okoye? What’s wrong? What-,” “Please, you have to find Shuri. She was taken,” The witch furrowed her brows, confusion clear on her face. “What?! What happened?” “I-,” Okoye swallowed, wiping her tears and regaining her strong composure once more.
“A week ago, Queen Mother and Shuri had an unexpected encounter with a..to crudely put it, a man who came from the water. He threatened the Queen and he demanded that an American scientist be handed over to him. There was a research ship in the middle of the Atlantic. They were there to search for Vibranium with a device made by this American scientist. Authorities found the ship adrift with nobody on board and they are blaming Wakanda for the attack on the ship,” Okoye paused.
[Name] noticed something was different about the General.
“Okoye, what happened to you? Where is your..spear?”
“The Queen demoted me for my carelessness. I..I was the reason the princess was taken away. Three days ago, I convinced the Queen to let me handle this American scientist with Shuri. American authorities were chasing us as we got to the extraction point. But we were ambushed by his warriors. They took away Shuri and Riri, [Name],”
The woman swallowed, absorbing the new information. Shuri was taken. Shuri was taken without her knowledge. Her jaw clenched, fist tightening.
“Where can I find her?” “I don’t know. But find Nakia. If I know the Queen, and I do, her next move will be to find Nakia to track Shuri down,”
Red swirled between the woman’s fingers.
“Sit tight, Okoye. I will get the princess back,”
[Name] adjusted the sleeve of her wetsuit, looking over at Nakia. Her eyes were planted on the holo-screen of her kimoyo beads. “She’s here. Griot, can you verify?”
“Affirmative,” The AI replied, a red dot blinking steadily. Nakia turned to [Name]. “Are you ready?” and she nodded.
The women held onto the aquatic vehicle as it was brought to the secret cave that led to Talokan. [Name] worried about Shuri’s wellbeing, on top of her piling exhaustion. She shook her head, fist clenched tightly. She failed to protect Shuri and the only way to make it up was to save the Princess and the scientist.
The darkness engulfed the duo, the only light emitting was from their aquatic vehicle. The radar read that they were getting closer and closer to Shuri’s position. The duo resurfaced, their helmet scanned the depths of the cave.
“Princess Shuri’s position is 500 metres to the right. There are two other beings with them,” Griot informed.
“I’ll take point. Cover our backs?” Nakia held up the rifle. “Go. I got it,”
The caves were well lit, glowworms hung from the ceiling of the caverns. Soon, they heard voices and [Name] recognised it to be Shuri’s. Nakia sneaked into the cave prison, knocking out the first guard with the back of her rifle and pointing it back to the other.
“Shuri!” [Name] ran to the woman, hugging the princess tightly before pulling away.
“We don’t have much time. We’re getting you out-,” The Talokanil maiden shoved Nakia’s rifle away and grabbed Riri, a knife to her neck. The maiden spoke in a harsh tone and judging by it, it was not friendly words. [Name] clenched her jaw, clenching her fist. A red glow curled around the maiden’s hostile hand, forcing the blade away from Riri’s neck. [Name] shoved the maiden back and Nakia took this opportunity to shoot her. Shuri grabbed Riri, keeping her close. The mutant woman felt her shoulders become heavier.
“Come on! We have to go! We don’t have much time until he returns,” Nakia urged the two women out, [Name] behind as they made their way to the aquatic vehicle.
Once resurfaced, [Name] felt something was wrong. The vibrations in the water were erratic. “He’s coming!” The royal ship hovered over the four women, transporting them up.
A spear shot out of the water, aimed at the ship.
“Look out!” [Name] screamed, using her magic to deflect the spear. Nakia, Riri and Shuri were safe in the ship. “Griot, get them out of here. Now! I will protect them,”
“Understood, [Name],”
A figure hovered over the water, a raging expression clear on his face. The ship flew off. Her kimoyo beads beeped. “[Name]! What are you trying to do?!” Shuri yelled.
“What I should have done. Protect you. Don’t worry about me. Just get to safety. I will handle him,” [Name] flexed her fingers, magic swirled between each digit. She ended the call and briefly, she could see Namor’s expression shift.
“Who are you? What are you?” [Name] questioned. Namor had his spear in hand, the metal glinting at the woman under the bright sun.
“My people call me K’uk’ulkan..But my enemies call me Namor. I am the firstborn son of Talokan and a mutant,”
A mutant? He was like her. [Name] was surprised, eyes widened at his words.
“You are like me..?”
The corner of Namor’s lips curled into a small smirk, head tilted down in a menacing way. “I am nothing like you,”
The battle shook the waters, eventually going back to land where unfortunately, the King had the upper hand this time. Each shot the woman took, Namor dodged it. However, she was not going to make this as easy as it seems. She used her magic to freeze the wings on his ankles, sending the King plummeting into the sand. He managed to catch himself, unable to move freely. Running to the King, she grabbed his spear that was stabbed into the sand and whipped the back of the spear on his face. The King growled, cutting his cheekbone with ease. His hand caught the spear and pulled the woman down, catching her by surprise. The magic around his ankles disappeared and he grabbed the woman’s armoured collar. [Name] was panting hard, pushing herself to the extreme limit. She had to escape his grasp. The woman gathered her strength, magic swirling her form and with a shout, the remaining of her magic pushed both of them apart. Namor’s eyes widened in shock, the force of the magic pushed him back far from the woman.
[Name] landed on the sand, struggling to stand back up. In the distance, Namor approached, spear in hand. His chest heaving, tired from their fight. He understood her power but he did not know the full extent of it. The King knew he had to get her in every way possible. The witch could be his greatest ally and a powerful Queen to his people. He could see the two of them ruling Talokan together, watching as the surface world burnt with their combined strength.
He wanted her
He needed her
The witch could hear her heart pounding in her chest, dragging herself back with a hand outstretched. Light red swirled between her fingers, clear indication that she was weakened and pushed to the limit. Namor shoved her hand down with the bottom of his spear, foot on her wrist. [Name] screamed in pain as he pushed down a little.
“You fought well despite your weakened state,” He kneeled down, hand grabbing her neck. He lifted his foot off, easily picking the woman up by the throat. [Name] choked, fists slamming on the King’s arm.
“Perhaps with a bit more strength, you may have bested me. But perhaps that day is not today,” His hand squeezed her neck. [Name] wheezed. “P-Please..Mercy..Mercy,” She forced out, gripping the golden-green brace on his arm.
Namor leaned in. “You have failed your people, little witch. You belong to me now. If Wakanda wishes to have you back, they would be forced to meet my demands. But no matter. I am not interested in the scientist anymore. I just wish to seek vengeance on Wakanda,” He reached for the kimoyo beads, breaking the connection before throwing it away.
[Name] felt the world spin, struggling to breathe.
Her world turned black and as it did, Namor leaned in even closer.
“I will have my every way with you. I promise you,”
Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days and days turned to..[Name] didn’t know. She couldn’t grasp her surroundings, her body beyond weakened. Her world was a blur and she didn’t know what was happening. Her mind was blank.
Everyday was the same. She would wake up with her feeling cold, a thin cover to blanket her from external eyes. She could see the King briefly but then, it went dark again. She could feel something being forced down her throat each day by a maiden. It was sweet at first but then, the taste instantly turned bitter. A drug to tame the witch. After that, the mutant woman would be left alone.
She needed to feel pain to feel something.
She had to escape.
[Name] awakened once more, being met with silence. Namor was nowhere to be seen and she didn’t sense any guards outside. The woman pushed the blanket off, the cold wind bit her bare, naked body. She swung her legs off the bed, a soft whimper left her lips. She squeezed her eyes shut as she froze, feeling pain between her legs. The more she moved, the pain worsened. But that was enough to get [Name] to think straight.
This was the perfect chance!
[Name] moved on shaking legs, grabbing whatever garment she could find to put on. She shook her head, clearing the blur from her eyes. She didn’t recognise the cavern area she was in but she knew she was back in Talokan.
Tears pricked her eyes and they fell, leaning on a rock as she sobbed quietly.
“Sister..please..give me strength,” She whimpered, eyes closed shut as she gathered whatever strength she had left. A faint shade of red swirled on her hand, leading towards the way out.
[Name] wiped away her tears furiously, carefully following the wisp of red towards her freedom.
It was a bunch of twists and turns and with her magic, she got out of the water and back onto dry land. She had to contact Shuri..or someone from Wakanda.
[Name] wandered aimlessly until she heard voices. The sound of children giggling and locals going about their day. She emerged through the greens, leaning on the wooden hut.
“Por favor…ayúdame. Por favor…,” (Help me, please..help me) She begged, dropping to her knees. The locals surrounded immediately, moving to help this strange woman.
She lost consciousness once more, tired from everything that has been happening to her.
[Name] gained consciousness the next day, laid on a bed in a hut. It had others on the same bed too and could only conclude she was in their local hospital. She had some rest but the effects of the drugs were still strong. On the plus side, she could feel her magic was a little stronger than it was. She had to leave but not without thanking the locals for their hospitality. She could see their faces change as she left, knowing they wanted her to stay longer to ensure she was fully healed but time was not on [Name]’s side.
She had to go back to Wakanda.
Everything else was a blur and a breeze.
The beeping of the heart monitor woke [Name] up from her slumber. The light blinded her eyes as it slowly fluttered open, trying to adjust. She realised she was on a bed and the surroundings looked familiar. Turning her head, she was alone. But not for long because frantic footsteps rushed over to her and the witch recognised the form.
“S-Shuri?” “[Name],” The princess rushed over, hands on her best friend to check she was uninjured. The woman sat up instantly, wrapping her arms around the new Black Panther.
“We thought we lost you..[Name], you went missing for almost a whole month,” Shuri adjusted the bed so the witch could sit up with ease. [Name] felt hotness behind her eyes, tears threatening to flow again. “How..How did I get here?” She asked, glancing over to the cup of water on the nearby table. Shuri took the hint and took it.
“The border guards found you, [Name]. You were gone for a whole month and..and we thought you were dead! We sent out soldiers to find you but with the threat from Namor..,” Immediately, the woman froze as the princess trailed off.
“What happened after we escaped, [Name]?” Shuri asked, seriousness in her tone.
[Name] swallowed, looking up at her best friend.
“Our fight..it went horribly wrong. I thought I had it but my powers aren't as strong as they usually are. After what happened in Manhattan a-and losing Wanda and..,” She trailed off and Shuri understood immediately. “So much has happened, Shuri and I-I..I’m so tired. Namor..he..he bested me in the fight and took me to his empire. I tried to keep track of my time there but they fed me something. Everything became a blur and I kept passing out,”
Shuri felt her heartbreak. [Name] really didn’t know. She took the witch’s hand, lacing it together. “Do you..not remember anything about what happened in Talokan?” And the witch could only shake her head.
“Oh, [Name]..,” Shuri sniffled, pulling the woman in another tight hug. She pulled away first, eyes looking away and head tilted down. [Name] knew that look.
“What? I know that look, Shuri..”
The princess moved a hand to her kimoyo beads, and a pair of holo-screen emerged in front of the bed. It was the medical status of her body.
The witch took her time to read her stats. The drug was no longer in her system and her body was healing itself up at a steady pace.
Shuri swallowed. “Do you feel pain..here?” She gestured around her thigh and lower waist area. [Name] winced when she moved her legs a little, nodding.
“Oh, [Name]..I really don’t know how to tell you thi-,” “Just say it. Please? I..I can take it,”
Shuri swallowed again.
“You’re pregnant, [Name],”
[Name] froze, the grip on the cup loosen and it fell to the floor, shattering with a loud crash. The silence that came was deafening and she felt light-headed once more. Shuri’s words played on repeat.
She was pregnant..with a baby. With Namor’s baby. She was going to carry a baby.
Tears flowed freely, a hand moved to her abdomen. [Name] sobbed hard, head hung as the salty tears fell to the medical gown. Shuri wrapped her arms around the woman’s crying form, gently rubbing her back until she calmed. [Name] didn’t speak a word, her mind racing with so many thoughts. Did she want to keep the baby? If she did, where was she going to hide? Namor is going to search the world for her and he isn’t going to stop until he finds her and their child. Wakanda was not safe for her anymore.
This leaves with Kamar-Taj. She could ask Stephen for help and seek refuge whilst she goes through her new life.
[Name] wiped her tears and inhaled deeply, holding both of Shuri’s hands.
“Shuri..I want to keep the baby. But if I’m going to do so..I have to leave. He..He’s going to find me and I have to keep running to make sure he doesn’t catch me,”
Shuri’s eyes widened. “But..where are you going to go?” “Kamar-Taj. I’m going to Kamar-Taj. I-I can see refuge under Stephen Strange and Wong and hide from..from Namor. I’m sorry, Shuri. I’m so, so sorry,”
Shuri shook her head, gently squeezing the witch’s hand. “No, please. Don’t be sorry. I understand. I will help you from Wakanda and if you ever need anything, anything at all..,” Shuri removed her own kimoyo beads, slipping it on the witch’s wrist. “You know who to call,”
[Name] sniffled, adjusting the beads and nodded. The two shared another tight hug.
This wasn’t the end.
There was still so much to do after all.
[Name] smiled widely, a finger gently caressing the baby’s nose. Wrapped in a soft blanket, Rodavan slept peacefully. She sat on her bed, humming quietly while the baby slept. She knew she made the right decision to keep the baby because he was a miracle despite what had happened. Rodavan inherited so much of Namor’s looks. His nose, eyes and the pointed ears.
When [Name] got to Kamar-Taj, Wong was there to greet her. She told him everything he needed to know, holding back the darker information and Wong didn’t hesitate to grant her refuge. Her home was far from Kathmandu but a door connected her home to the sacred grounds. Wong had fortified the magic around her isolated home, ensuring both the mother and son were protected.
[Name] sat on the rocking chair on the porch of her home, leaning down to plant a kiss to the baby’s head. She was glad to find peace in Nepal, letting her guard down a little.
Soft rustling pulled [Name] out of her thoughts, head snapping up towards the trees surrounding her home. The sun would be setting soon.
The leaves rustled again. [Name] stood, clutching her baby closer to her chest as her heart raced. She was sensing potential danger but she didn’t know what it was. A twig snapped made the woman jump, hairs standing on end as she pushed her front door open. Leaves crunched behind her and that’s when [Name] knew something or someone was behind her among the trees.
Slowly, she turned towards the darkness. Her chest heaved quickly and Rodavan awoke, sensing his mother’s distress. His lower lip trembled and he started to cry.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay..Shh..,” [Name] swallowed, gently bouncing the baby while she still stared among the trees.
Then, she saw it.
She saw him.
Namor emerged from the darkness, Talokanil soldiers behind him with their weapons in hand. [Name] gasped, clutching her baby closer to her chest as he cried. He tilted his head back, inhaling deeply before returning his stare at her.
How did he find her?
This area was protected!
[Name] took a step back. And another. And another. All while keeping her eyes on the monster. Her fear was eating her up but she had to care for Rodavan. The Talokanil warriors had surrounded her home now. She shook her head frantically.
“You won’t get me or the child easily!” [Name] screamed, covering Rodavan’s face with the blanket.
Namor scoffed, a dark and dangerous smirk spread across his lips.
“We shall see about that, In yakunaj,” (my love)
With that, [Name] immediately ran towards the portal door as the water grenade struck the beam of the home, narrowly making her escape as the wood shattered and splintered behind her.
When she got to Kamar-Taj, the horrors she found were beyond anything she had seen. Fires spread from house to house, dead bodies littered the streets and the training grounds of the sacred land, the whole temple was left in nothing but debris. She forced back a choke, running towards safety.
No place was safe, [Name] knew this.
It was only a matter of time until she was found again.
After all, she was the source of the God’s dangerous obsession.
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aziraphales-library · 6 months
Hi there!! Hope you’re having a good day-
I was just wondering if you had any recs for some exes-to-lovers aziracrow fics??
Specifically any that are longer and multi-chapt, or maybe any that are human aus?? Any rating is fine.
Thanks a lot!
Check out our #reunion tag for loads more fics like this! Here are more to add to the collection...
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Crowley is having the comeback of a lifetime. He's been through rehab, he's playing arenas again and he's at the top of his game. Sure, he's burned some bridges along the way but everyone loves a second chance, right? He's not going to screw it up this time. Except, his new drummer Newt has contracted food poisoning and he can't afford to cancel his big show. Thankfully, Gabriel knows a guy who is very familiar with Crowley's ... body of work. And Crowley gets another second chance he never saw coming.
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Dark Literature by UnproblematicMe (E)
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~Mods N & D
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svntxnc · 1 year
This is for you
The story describes a reunion of two childhood friends who lost contact for a decade. reader attended a concert of her friend Mark, who had become a successful idol, and was surprised when he dedicated a song to her. After the concert, Mark arranged for reader,his mom and her mother to meet him backstage, allowing them to reconnect after all those years apart.
w/c: 1,959
warnings: none so far
a/n: idk if I'm making a second part lmao
It was a peaceful afternoon until you heard someone yell your name loudly “Y/N!” you looked to see who it was, it was mark, you waved at him as he walked up to you “wanna go to the court?” he said “sure but just make sure you wont hit me this time” you said jokingly “I swear I'm so much better now” he said as you both started walking towards the court.
a few moments of joking around made you both realize that you liked each other
at the court he was playing with the ball as you sat on one of the benches “you should play too, it’s really easy” he said as you rolled your eyes “don’t roll your eyes at me!” he said jokingly, “if you make one in ill play with you” you said, he chuckled and said “bet” as he was getting ready to dunk the ball he quickly said “Y/N this is for you!” as he threw the ball, you probably know by now that he didn’t get the ball in, you laughed loudly as he kept trying to shoot the ball “that was a warm up I swear” he said “whatever you say” you said.
“I wanna attend the SM auditions” mark said “go ahead” you added, “yea but I feel like I’ll miss my family, friends and all those things” he said “yeah but its more of a once in a lifetime thing if you do go though” you said “yeah but-” he was about to say something before you cut him and say “didn’t you say this was your dream? you should do it” you added “I’ll audition if you come with me to the place” he said while glaring at you “fine” you said
mark auditioned, and guess what, he’s a trainee now,
big time skip, like very big
It’s been a while since you’ve both spoken to each other as you both lost contact, he would sometimes ask his mom on how you were cause your mom’s were best friends, but for those times where he did his mom never really told him how you were and just teased him about it.
you recently saw that mark was going on tour and that he was going to your city.
you came home and checked your phone as your mom sent you a text saying “Marks mom is in the city, come over for dinner” you smiled seeing the text as you were happy that they were still friends, you quickly texted her back with a simple “okay”.
time skip bloop
you arrived at your moms house with flowers as a gift for the both of them, you knocked on the door as your mom opened it “hi honey” she said while taking your coat off and hanging it while marks mom walks towards the both of you, “hello” you said shyly as the three of you sat down at the dining table, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you Y/N, how are you” marks mom said “I’m doing good, just busy with school” you said, “aish this girl never goes out its irritating” your mom said as you sat there looking offended “so Y/N are you dating?” Mrs. lee said as you almost chocked on your own spit, both of them look at you concerned and curious “no, I just don’t have the time” you said with a grin on your face.
time skip again cause why not
“I was thinking of attending marks concert, but I don’t wanna go alone so can you both come with me” Mrs. lee said with a smile on her face, your mom gladly said yes and as you were about to say that u cant your mom stopped you saying “its one day off of school, your friends wont miss you that much” your mom said already knowing that you would say that you cant, “ill come with” you say with a defeated look.
[2011 march]
It was a peaceful afternoon until you heard someone yell your name loudly “Y/N!” you looked to see who it was, it was mark, you waved at him as he walked up to you “wanna go to the court?” he said “sure but just make sure you wont hit me this time” you said jokingly “I swear I'm so much better now” he said as you both started walking towards the court.
a few moments of joking around made you both realize that you liked each other
at the court he was playing with the ball as you sat on one of the benches “you should play too, it’s really easy” he said as you rolled your eyes “don’t roll your eyes at me!” he said jokingly, “if you make one in ill play with you” you said, he chuckled and said “bet” as he was getting ready to dunk the ball he quickly said “Y/N this is for you!” as he threw the ball, you probably know by now that he didn’t get the ball in, you laughed loudly as he kept trying to shoot the ball “that was a warm up I swear” he said “whatever you say” you said.
“I wanna attend the SM auditions” mark said “go ahead” you added, “yea but I feel like I’ll miss my family, friends and all those things” he said “yeah but its more of a once in a lifetime thing if you do go though” you said “yeah but-” he was about to say something before you cut him and say “didn’t you say this was your dream? you should do it” you added “I’ll audition if you come with me to the place” he said while glaring at you “fine” you said
mark auditioned, and guess what, he’s a trainee now,
big time skip, like very big
It’s been a while since you’ve both spoken to each other as you both lost contact, he would sometimes ask his mom on how you were cause your mom’s were best friends, but for those times where he did his mom never really told him how you were and just teased him about it.
you recently saw that mark was going on tour and that he was going to your city.
you came home and checked your phone as your mom sent you a text saying “Marks mom is in the city, come over for dinner” you smiled seeing the text as you were happy that they were still friends, you quickly texted her back with a simple “okay”.
time skip bloop
you arrived at your moms house with flowers as a gift for the both of them, you knocked on the door as your mom opened it “hi honey” she said while taking your coat off and hanging it while marks mom walks towards the both of you, “hello” you said shyly as the three of you sat down at the dining table, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you Y/N, how are you” marks mom said “I’m doing good, just busy with school” you said, “aish this girl never goes out its irritating” your mom said as you sat there looking offended “so Y/N are you dating?” Mrs. lee said as you almost chocked on your own spit, both of them look at you concerned and curious “no, I just don’t have the time” you said with a grin on your face as she said “I have a son you know”. as the three of you chuckled.
time skip again cause why not
“I was thinking of attending marks concert, but I don’t wanna go alone so can you both come with me” Mrs. lee said with a smile on her face, your mom gladly said yes and as you were about to say that u cant your mom stopped you saying “its one day off of school, your friends wont miss you that much” your mom said already knowing that you would say that you cant, “ill come with” you say with a defeated look.
time skip
you guys arrived at the venue, and while waiting for them to come out a fan next to you asked “who’s your bias?’ with a smile on their face so obviously excited for them to perform you chuckled before you said “I like all of them, what about you?” the fan smiled as she said “I bias mark! I just love everything he does” and you agreed with her, as a few moments went by and you guys were still talking and the screams kept getting louder and louder, and that’s when you knew it. you knew that he finally achieved his dream of becoming an idol who was beloved by many, but also as a person that was still loved and respected by many, you couldn’t imagine how proud his family and his members were of him, you, you already knew how proud you were of him the moment that he decided that he would attend the auditions.
they appeared on stage and the crowd yelled like there was no tomorrow, you could feel the excitement through your veins, and you liked that.
as they were going through the crowd and focusing the camera on people that they recognized, like family, friends and co-idols and just fans in general, the camera focused on Mrs. lee and you and your mom, which caused you to freeze in place as the fan that you were talking to earlier made fun of you.
as you were frozen marks heart skipped a beat, well because his mom was there and they were gonna perform in those damn glass boxes but because of you too, he always wondered what you’ve been up to, and he has the chance now, well after the concert technically.
after they greeted the fans they all went to their places and mark had an idea as the first song they were gonna perform was very dear to him, why? it was a song that he wrote about you.
as they were getting ready to say, mark says four words, four words that are very familiar to you, he says “this is for you” while looking at you before they all start singing as his members look at him in terror knowing that they’ll get an earful later because of him.
time skip
The concert is over, you and the girl exchanged numbers as you made a new friend! mark has wanted to talk to you three so he begged his manager to let you guys backstage, you asked your mom if you could go home now but she wouldn’t let her as she wanted you and your childhood friend to meet again.
as the three of you arrived backstage you felt as if the world was gonna collapse under you, so you told her that u were gonna go to the restroom.
as the two of them arrived there the members greeted them with their full energy while mark was so obviously looking for something, or someone, “she’s at the restroom” his mom said with a smile on her face, mark quickly said “who?” to try to defend himself, his mother said “don’t act dumb, I know who you’re looking for, I just wanna know why you want to find her” mark sighed in defeat as he said “well we grew up together and she was my best friend” “and I miss her too” he quickly added, “that’s all?” said your mom and members in chorus.
“well-” he said before he saw you walking past, everyone confused they look in the same direction he was looking at and well, shockingly enough, it was you.
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quasi-normalcy · 2 years
**My Thoughts on Picard, Season 2**
So here's an absolutely nuclear-hot Star Trek Picard take:
Picard should have died at the end of season one.
I'm serious. The whole series was supposed to be a character study on Jean-Luc; the first season, whatever problems you might have with it, *was* that. We got to see him go off on one last mission, reconnect with a few old friends, work through his regrets, and ultimately give his life to save innocent people with the highest stakes that we've ever seen in the franchise. That should have been it. I would still have been annoyed with some of the plotting decisions, and I would be salty at the absence of Dr. Crusher and Guinan, but you know, I could live with that. Maybe throw-in a postscript with Q showing up to personally escort Jean-Luc into death.
Then, in stead of having a second season, you could have a spin-off about La Sirena and its crew. You could even incorporate some of the same plot points into that series as we got in Picard season 2 (the Borg reformation in particular, which is a plot that I will absolutely defend unto death, I don't care what anyone else says).
But instead Picard gets resurrected in a Synth body. Now...I don't actually have the same visceral hatred of the plot point that a lot of people seem to. But the thing is that the show is supposed to be a character study; and they've already resolved Jean-Luc Picard's character arc. So how do they move forward with him as a protagonist?
Well, very much to my chagrin, their solution is to tack on an extra Bonus Level of traumatic backstory that has never before been mentioned or even hinted at, save perhaps in one single scene in a first season episode of TNG, and then, only if you squint. And so we decide that, instead of merely having had an unhappy childhood because he was a dreamer and his dad was a curmudgeonly, old-fashioned vintner, Jean-Luc's childhood was *literally a Gothic Victorian drawing-room drama, complete with a mentally ill mother who gets locked up in a room before dying a beautiful, poetic death by artistically arranged suicide*, and may I say, UGH! UGH! UGH!
Even worse, Jean-Luc, at very nearly a century old, has a sudden need to work through this trauma, which he has apparently borne in stoic silence through all of those decades of getting impaled and assimilated and tortured and having his family die in a fire; his therapists, I guess , just forgot to ask about it (A+ counselloring there, Deanna!).
And because the series is supposed to be, first and foremost, a character study, Picard working through this wholly ginned-up trauma has right of way over the actual *plot* of the season. Half the cast doesn't even get character arcs because the story needs to keep grinding to a screeching halt for Picard's introspective character moments. "We've got a Borg Queen loose in 21st century Los Angeles!" Oh, well, we'll deal with that after Jean-Luc wakes up from his full-episode Flashback Coma. "Q is dying!" What of? Who the hell knows, probably something from next season; back to Jean-Luc's mother. "The Borg Queen has teamed up with Dr. Soong and is trying to steal La Sirena!" Alright, let's settle this in a big action climax interspersed with random childhood flashbacks.
And it's *so* annoying, because the thing is, there are aspects of this season that I honestly really loved. Like, I alluded to it before, but I *ADORED* Jurati's character arc and how it resolved itself, and I think that it's the best development of the modern Trek era and *easily* the most interesting thing that has been done with the Borg since the first appearance of Hugh back in 1992. But I honestly don't know if I can defend it in the face of the bulk of this season, and I have this unpleasant feeling that they're just going to drop it like hot garbage going forward and never reference it again, as they seem to be going for the TNG Reunion Special format for season 3 and apparently Allison Pill is not coming back.
Anyways, the whole thing is deeply frustrating.
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TFW you realise that the Ace Attorney trilogy actually fits the model of the Heroine's Journey when you think about it. If Wrightworth wasn't canon enough...
HEROINE SEPARATES FROM THE FEMININE: PW: AA: Mia, Phoenix’ mentor and friend, dies in Case 1-2. He is made the de facto guardian of her sister, Maya Fey and has to help her clear her name. At this point he is no longer the protege of Mia, but a lawyer of his own right (pun).
IDENTIFICATION WITH THE MASCULINE & GATHERING OF ALLIES: PW: AA: Edgeworth is introduced soon after Mia’s death, and this is the first case where they go up against each other. While Phoenix was already a lawyer before this, from now on he has cemented his rivalry with Edgeworth. And his own career, outside of Mia’s shadow, has started. His “prescribed role” in this case could be the role of a protege/assistant to Mia, which ended prematurely.
ROAD/TRIALS AND MEETING OGRES & DRAGONS: PW: AA: Cases 1-2 and 1-3 are where Phoenix’ abilities are truly tested. 1-2 has him go against Redd White, a CEO of an information brokerage firm with a lot of connections and power. Edgeworth, his old childhood friend (and possible/eventual lover) is the prosecutor in this case and has no qualms with accusing Phoenix of the murder. Since he is still a novice lawyer, his abilities are also in question, thus very few people believe him. Edgeworth also is the prosecutor of Case 1-3, and he is a formidable challenge against Phoenix until eventually he decides to give him the win, and declare Vasquez as the culprit. This is also where Edgeworth reveals he might possibly have romantic feelings for Phoenix, and there is the implication they have a history with each other. Needless to say, being on the opposing counsel and having a turbulent history (and considering the place and time period, being both men), provides a great conflict for any potential relationship. Case 1-4 is where the biggest conflict happens. Edgeworth is accused of murder and the case is connected to the DL-6 incident of his childhood, when his father was murdered. Phoenix has to defend him, and this is where their backstory and childhood friendship is revealed. Phoenix has to forgive Edgeworth for his past misdeeds and make him come to his senses through his faith (and possible love). It is also where he has to face his strongest foe - Manfred von Karma, who is also Edgeworth’s abusive adopted father.
EXPERIENCING THE BOON OF SUCCESS: PW: AA: Manfred von Karma is revealed as the murderer of Gregory’s father and jailed. Edgeworth appears to have realised his misdeeds and his relationship with Phoenix is somewhat repaired. If Case 1-5 is included (which was cut from the anime), it would come somewhere between stage 3 and 4 as Edgeworth, while he is somewhat reformed, still faces distrust because of his past history of false evidence and other malpractices. Thus, as is, he cannot truly stay in his profession because of his bad reputation.
HEROINE AWAKENS TO FEELINGS OF SPIRITUAL ARIDITY/DEATH: JFA: Edgeworth leaves a fake suicide note and leaves for Germany, leaving Phoenix to go mad with grief as he is under the impression that he died. He takes up several cases (2-1 to 2-3) after this, and succeeds, but that success does not have the same impact as it would if Edgeworth had been present. He also has to deal with a new prosecutor - Franziska von Karma, Edgeworth’s adopted sister. And her tactics are much more belligerent, requiring him to be more on his guard. He spends most of JFA behaving like a bereaved lover, refusing to hear Edgeworth’s name, and not wanting to speak about his fate. Without Mia to guide him in these troubled times, he must deal with his turmoil on his own.
INITIATION & DESCENT TO THE GODDESS: JFA: Case 2-4 has Phoenix deal with a client that is truly guilty for the first time. This results in a crisis of everything he once knew and he has a dilemma as to whether he can defend a person like that. Edgeworth returns, and their reunion is harsh because Phoenix is hurt by what he considers a betrayal. Even though in the end, this client manages to get convicted even with a “not guilty” verdict (that too only with Franziska’s help), things will never go back to the way they were. Edgeworth still has to go back to Germany and take care of affairs there, leaving Phoenix alone again.
HEROINE URGENTLY YEARNS TO RECONNECT WITH THE FEMININE: T&T: Phoenix ends up being forced to reconnect with the “feminine” unwillingly when his new opposing prosecutor is Godot - Mia’s mentor and boyfriend who was presumed dead and comatose, and now blames Phoenix for Mia’s death. He is also forced to confront Iris - who resembles his deceitful and criminal ex-girlfriend, Dahlia Hawthorne. He has to get to the bottom of their history, and get closure with his past bloody relationship. However before he can do so, he sustains a dangerous injury. So Edgeworth has to take his place as the defence.
HEROINE HEALS THE MOTHER/DAUGHTER SPLIT: T&T (but this stage takes place after stage 8): Phoenix, through Edgeworth, discovers the truth about Iris and Dahlia. That Iris, while she was good intentioned, still manipulated Phoenix while under her sister’s pressure. He manages to confront and reform Godot - so now he gets over his grievances and befriends Phoenix.
HEROINE HEALS THE WOUNDED MASCULINE WITHIN: T&T (takes place before stage 8): The scene in the anime where Edgeworth and Phoenix meet in the hospital resolves most of their deep-seated issues, allowing them to develop a closer friendship and implied romantic relationship.
HEROINE INTEGRATES THE MASCULINE & FEMININE: Phoenix finally gets closure with Mia’s death and with Dahlia/Iris. While he acknowledges Iris was good at heart, they cannot have a relationship with each other because all said and done, Iris still manipulated him for Dahlia’s schemes. They part with no ill feelings towards each other. Meanwhile, his relationship with Edgeworth is completely healed and they both have established their careers and ambitions to pursue the truth.
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mamahersh · 3 years
The Road to Hell (is Paved with Good Intentions) Chapter 7
“Season 8 was well underway, and the server’s first conflict is bubbling just under the surface. But BDoubleO can’t worry about that right now because he has an Etho to find so they can work on the Horse Course together. However when Xisuma calls a surprise server meeting on behalf of EvilXisuma, BDubs gets his answers about where Etho’s been in the worst way possible.”
(CW: angst, mild torture)
Chapter rating: T
Nice long conclusion chapter to make up for the short one yesterday! From BDubs view, plus nHo hurt/comfort (emphasis on comfort)!
As in all the previous chapter posts, if you’ve enjoyed the ride I took direct inspiration from this oneshot on AO3! Please give them some love and appreciation.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6
It had taken days before Xisuma figured out what EX had done to the server that had caused the respawns to break in the way that it had, and how to fix it. However, figure it out and fix the problem he did, and with respawn mechanics back to normal, everyone who had died and respawned during the glitch was able to reset their health completely. And properly set their respawn points as well, since part of the glitch seemed to be that people’s respawns were being set as they were dying. But the biggest adjustment in the days after EX had caused havoc was trying to help Etho recover.
While Etho seemed relatively ok once he was able to talk again (his tongue and all his other lingering injuries were fully healed with the fixing of the respawn, though figuring out a way to get him to respawn was both more difficult and less difficult than BDubs had expected); BDubs was hearing from Iskall that all was still not right with the world. Normally, Hermits would let current season basemates/regional allies/faction mates do the heavy lifting of any emotional or mental stress that a particular Hermit experienced on the daily unless the Hermit asked for help from specific Hermits. But in this case, BDubs felt he should invite Etho to an nHo reunion/get-together. Even if Etho didn’t necessarily need the reunion, BDubs knew the rest of the nHo did. 
They had all been in various states of hysterics by the time they had gotten Etho out of the restraints and the death loop he had been locked in. BDubs had been the first person to breach the room, with Iskall and Beef right behind him. Beef had blocked up the water to stop the cycle as Iskall and a recently arrived Cleo began breaking restraints while BDubs clutched Etho’s freed hand (thinking back, he probably shouldn’t have. Etho’s hands had looked hardly better than the rest of his mangled flesh. He also wasn’t sure how they managed to get his wrists detached from the cuffs, as his arms and wrists were still solidly clipping into the restraints). Hypno had fiddled with the camera and looked over the speakers, before he managed to get everything deactivated and convinced the remaining Hermits to gather at Cleo and Joe’s base. By the time the Hermits were assembled at Joe and Cleo’s base, and Etho had been safely transported from the floating box, Doc was a hissing mess, Beef was greener than normal as his stress seemed to activate the alien transition, and BDubs had resorted to constantly checking his clock (a nervous habit he had picked up from 3rd Life, but the less he thought about that hell server the better). Etho had been quickly whisked away by Iskall to their shared base, but was just as quickly relocated to the Spawn Egg; as neither had wings, and Etho wasn’t nearly healthy enough to try and scale his own base in the sky. Plus, being at the Spawn Egg had the added benefit of easy access by the rest of the server so that other Hermits could stop by and check in on Etho’s progress while they all waited for Xisuma to fix the respawn mechanics. BDubs stopped by once while Etho was recovering. It was a little out of his way when trying to visit the Yes Wings Club, but figured he might as well since he hadn’t seen Etho since they had saved him 2 days before. 
Etho looked about what he had expected to be honest. Since they were worried about whether a normal respawn would register his tongue being gone as normal if they healed it properly with potions, the other Hermits had determined to wait on healing him till after he had properly respawned. That left him bedridden till the server was fixed though, which no one was happy with. BDubs was told later that supposedly Etho had understood during the few times he was lucid enough to listen to someone during that time. While he had been there though, Etho had been solidly asleep, Iskall asleep himself by Etho’s bedside. BDubs had taken a moment anyway to sit on Etho’s other side and just quietly talk to him about what he had been up to in the day or two since they had saved him. Iskall had come to briefly to see who had been talking, before settling back into his chair to rest.
BDubs had left pretty quickly, if he were being honest. Seeing Etho as vulnerable as he was left BDubs feeling a bit ill. After that, it had only been a day or two more of anxiously waiting for Xisuma to fix the server before they had been able to get the other Hermits respawned properly. (There had been several deaths during the time the respawns had been on the fritz, including a couple during the search from fall damage.) But when it came to Etho, they had tried to explain what needed to happen during one of the next times he was awake, but he had been becoming more unresponsive the longer he had been bedbound. So with heavy hearts, it had been decided that Etho needed to respawn as soon as they could decide a way to do so. After much debate between Iskall and Xisuma, it was decided that a quick anvil to the head would suffice.
It was told to BDubs later that Etho had respawned a few paces from the bed he had been sleeping in at Spawn looking incredibly confused and lost. It took close to a half hour to explain what had happened to him before him and Iskall went back to their shared base. And if Iskall was to be believed, it sounded like Etho hadn’t slept since the first night back. Which was almost a week ago. Not that many of the other Hermits were doing better. From the sounds of the grapevine, Mumbo still blamed himself for what had happened to Etho, and despite apologizing and promising Etho a cut of all his profits that season to make up for his decision (which he had been told Etho had forgiven Mumbo for and told Mumbo to keep the profits as he was just respecting Etho’s choice) he insisted on trying to find ways to make it up to an increasingly exasperated Etho. (Which BDubs noted was somewhat out of character, since Etho almost never missed a chance to keep someone in his debt and exploit them for his own projects). Other than Mumbo, Doc had been reported also to not have been sleeping as much, but instead he worked on his most recent engineering marvel. Beef had been throwing himself almost entirely into setting up his own shop outside the Derpcoin market to sell his own brand of non-evil cat food. BDubs knew that Beef was taking the whole: “Derpcoin is actually evil not even a meme” thing incredibly hard, since his whole thing this season had been going over to the dark-side as an alien (which BDubs still didn’t understand how that had started in the first place). BDubs himself was doing just fine thank you very much! Sure, he’d been struggling with sleeping at night himself (every time he closed his eyes he could see Etho strapped to that chair and drowning again), and yeah, he’d been trying to work on the shopping district by the mountain instead of the Horse Course (he had heard from Iskall that Etho had been working on something outside the base, and BDubs had a sneaking suspicion he knew at least one of the projects Etho’d been working on). But he definitely wasn’t nearly as bad as the other members of the old nHo. Definitely. He couldn’t lie to himself, they were all having a bad time. 
So, as BDubs was wont to do, he took things into his own hands and sent invitations to all the nHo members to come by his base for a get together. The date was set, and he visited every member in person leading up to the event to make sure they were coming, no excuses! (He knew it was particularly urgent as when he went to check on Etho, he finally found him sleeping in one of BDubs’ builds next to the horse course, and when he got Etho awake, he cracked exactly 0 height jokes until he tried to get Etho to come by later and it was a height joke every minute. The height jokes were BDubs’ way of figuring out how nicely Etho wanted to play. The less the better.)
But now the day had finally arrived, and BDubs welcomed each one of his friends into his base with open arms and a smile. First to arrive was Beef, seeing as he was closest. Then Doc. Then as BDubs was debating messaging Iskall to find Etho for him, the man himself showed up on BDubs’ doorstep. Everything went off without a hitch in the beginning. They all were able to reconnect and chat about bases and projects they were working on; Doc with his redstone magic he was getting from his friends on another server, Beef and his efforts to create a new kind of cat food, Etho and his many projects ranging from an inventory sorter to the horse course, and BDubs with his latest shop attempts in the Big Eye Crew shopping district. (It was good to see Etho making fun of BDubs’ attempts at making a redstone shop. Etho hadn’t heard of it yet, and it was a delight to see him light up while joking about what BDubs could possibly make with redstone that even someone like Grian couldn’t do themselves.)
It all comes crashing down when Etho asks Beef more about the cat food. Specifically what was wrong with the old cat food. 
Now Beef hadn’t expressly said that he had been working with EX for having a cat food stand at the Evil Emporium; but he had implied that his previous cat food flavor would be going on the back burner. What they all had assumed was that Etho at least generally knew most of the gossip on the server. But what BDubs should have guessed was that Etho had been very absent this season, and unless the current events were directly affecting his plans, he had never been one for being up to date on server events. So BDubs should have guessed that Etho asking about cat food would only end in a bittersweet ending.
“So Beefers, you said something about your cat food getting a new recipe… What happened with the old recipe? Not up to snuff?”
“I will have you know that all my cat food is premium and delicious, and I will not have you slandering it in this way,” replied an overdramatic Beef. 
The nHo chuckled at his antics before Etho came back with, “Well if it wasn’t the quality then what was it? Now you have me intrigued.”
Beef shrugged. “I just wanted a cat food to really call my own is all.”
Etho gave him a look. “Wouldn’t the other cat food be yours too?”
“Well…” Beef looked deeply conflicted. BDubs decided to say it for him. “He was working for the Evil Emporium since he started to change into… I guess it’s an alien?”
Etho stilled at the name, and the rest of the group held their breaths. “Ah,” he replied, suddenly tight as a bowstring.
“Which is why I’m making a new brand of cat food, one which I’ll be selling from a shop near my base for diamonds,” soothed Beef, trying his best to keep Etho away from bad memories.
“I can see why you changed brands then,” replied Etho through a forced calm. He was not subtle in the least however. Bdubs wondered if the hurt in Etho's eyes was from the idea that his closest friend had supported the monster that had hurt him, or the idea that his friend would completely change his plans for the season due to one off script incident? Bdubs had a feeling it was definitely the former.
(BDubs had asked Xisuma after all was said and done if he remembered anything leading up to them being in front of the screen at his base. X had said the last thing he had remembered before that was meeting up with EvilX to discuss business strategies before blacking out after their customary greetings. He explained it had happened before, but he had somehow never thought much of the memory gaps. However, he agreed with the rest of the Hermits that had talked with him about it that it was a problem that would need to be investigated because it sounded like mind control. And a player that could control the server admin was a force too powerful to allow free. Or at the very least, a player that needed to have some very hard limits as to what they could do placed upon them.)
“You know, Etho, have you been ok?” asked Doc hesitantly. BDubs hoped that Doc knew what he was doing, because Bdubs was definitely lost.
Etho looked a bit like a cornered animal at the moment as he looked between the 3 of them like they had betrayed him. “Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?”
Doc gave him a look that BDubs thought was completely justified. “Etho, you went through an incredibly traumatic experience only a week or so ago. It is completely fine if you aren't doing ok.”
Etho sighed. “And what would you even do if I wasn't ok?”
Doc gave a hissy whine and moved from where he had been situated to sit close beside Etho. “Well, we'd figure out what we can do to make it a little closer to being ok.” He looked down at his lap. “I know I've been struggling with sleep recently, so I understand at least if you aren't sleeping either.” Etho looked vaguely stricken.
“You were part of the group that was watching, weren't you?” BDubs watched as Etho began to close off. Doc just nodded miserably. “And the two of you?”
BDubs felt gutted, knowing that Etho either didn't remember him breaking in to save him and holding his hand; or was purposefully ignoring the memory. “I stopped you from drowning more by blocking up the source block...” muttered Beef, looking pretty hurt himself.
“I found your enclosure and got the search party together to come finish breaking you out; and was there next to Beef when he was saving you,” finished Bdubs, a bit more of the hurt shining through because he couldn't hold a poker face even if his life depended on it. But also, Etho needed to see that he wasn't alone, in a lot of ways.
Etho looked appropriately chastised, if also incredibly grateful. “Thank you, all of you.” He leaned lightly into Doc's shoulder; the most affection he would normally show to anyone. “I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you 3, so thank you. Thank you so much.” They all politely ignored the sniffling coming from behind the mask, though Beef situated himself on Etho’s other side, and BDubs decided to try and strategically place himself on the floor in front of Beef so that if Etho wanted to lean a leg against him, he could. BDubs was so tempted to drape himself over Etho’s legs, but he had a sneaking suspicion that Etho probably wouldn’t handle being immobile in a sitting position well for the foreseeable future. However he was vindicated when his hair was playfully ruffled by an Etho hand as the 4 of them devolved into just sitting with each other. 
BDubs should have guessed that Etho wouldn’t stay down long however, as Etho (after inconspicuously wiping the corners of his eyes dry) said, “so, who wants to help me prank the Boatem Crew?” BDubs could feel the devious smile creeping across his face.
“Now you’re speaking my language Canada boy!” Etho wheezed a quiet laugh above him. 
“You sure you want to be slinging that kind of slander at me short stuff?”
“SHORT STUFF?!?!” BDubs got up in a huff. “I’LL SHOW YOU SHORT STUFF, YOU DAMN BEAN POLE!” Beef, Etho, and Doc all burst into chuckles, leaning into the couch as they tried to get themselves under control. “YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY, DO YOU? Ooooooh, you are all playing a dangerous game!”
Etho and Doc proceeded to laugh harder, leaning against each other. “What are you going to do BDubs, bite our ankles?” asked Beef before breaking down laughing again. 
“I’LL BITE YOUR ANKLES JUST WATCH ME!” and with that, BDubs was all over Beef, trying to get a solid shoulder punch in, but being thwarted at every turn. A stray punch at Doc, and suddenly everyone but Etho was rolling around the floor trying to playfully murder each other. Etho wheezed in laughter at their antics, and expertly avoided getting added into their mischief by eventually hopping up a ladder to the next floor and watching from the opening.
Eventually they managed to settle down, and by the time they had gathered themselves enough, it was night time. BDubs, with a lighter heart than when he had let in all his friends earlier in the day, said goodbye to them with promises that if Etho really was serious about pranking the Boatem Crew, the nHo would be right by his side. They left one by one, first Doc (who complained that he was already behind schedule on his build), then Beef (who playfully recommended Etho come help him run his shop if he wasn’t too busy helping Iskall dye prismarine), and lastly Etho. But before Etho departed, he said, “you know, I already thanked you, but I feel I should do it again.” He met BDubs’ gaze. “Thank you so much for finding me. I don’t know how that would have ended if you hadn’t caught sight of that place”. 
BDubs was humbled by Etho’s gratitude, though he still replied with, “You’re my friend Etho, of course I would give it my all to find you. I’m just happy we were able to do so before it was too late. And if you ever need to get away from it all, it’s pretty nice out here once you get past all the big eyes.”
Etho wheezed a chuckle in response, a hidden smile brightening up the corners of his eyes. “Sure, I’ll keep that in mind. You take care of yourself now, you hear? I don’t want to be hearing of too many shenanigans from you, ok?”
BDubs laughed in response, and nodded. “Can do! And you do the same, ok?” He let the humor drain a bit, a more serious tone shining through. “If things get bad, please let someone know. Doc knows what happened, and he would be able to tell you who else was there that you could talk to if you needed it.”
Etho nodded. “Yeah, yeah. If it gets bad I always have Iskall and you guys.” Etho glanced at a clock in his inventory. “Looks like I should be off. If I start now, I should be able to get back before sunrise.” Etho waved goodbye as he turned to go.
“Stay safe! I’ll see you around then,” called out BDubs as he watched Etho quickly jog to the nearest source of water. Then, once acquired, he flew with the flick of his trident, starting his way back to the nether portal so as to make it back to his base safely.
BDubs went to bed that night content knowing that if Etho ever needed the help, he knew who he could reach out to.
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Trouble in Tithio
Very Short, The Shattered Castle, Headcanon Fanfic (Part 1 of [potential] 3)
🌹  🌹  🌹  
Part One
“So, King Jaron,” I cocked a brow.
Better that I understand Philip sooner rather than later. Then, expose his ill-intentioned ruse before he gets his grubby hands on my relationship and woos Imogen completely. I was vaguely aware of her disapproving frown as I held my unwavering stare into his eyes.
To his credit, no matter how menacing I attempted to appear, he rose to my challenge with the type of smug smile that made me want to reach across the table and squeeze the air out of him. “What about the King?”
“What do you think of him?” If I could manipulate him into singing my praises, then perhaps Imogen would remember which of the two of us was really the finer option.
“Bit young in my opinion.” He smirked at her, trying to win her approval, and I clenched my fist beneath the table. He’d have to try harder than that. But then, Imogen dissolved into giggles, slapping his arm lightly.
I glanced at Tobias who sat, equally perplexed, widening his eyes with a tilt of his head, signalling to me to keep trying. I was grateful that he was here, at least someone was on my side today.
“Well, aren’t we the same age as him?”
Philip tore his gaze from Imogen, licking his lips. “Sorry?”
If that childhood priest who constantly reminded me to curb my temper saw me just now, he would have prayed to the saints. For I considered burying his interloper alive. I replied through gritted teeth and a tight smile, “I said. Aren’t we the same age as the King?”
“Yes, but in my experience, those spoiled early on act like snobby children even at our age.”
“Children don’t win wars or liberate whole countries.” I snarled.
He stood with little more than a dismissive shrug, “Frankly, if I were King, I believe I’d do a better job than him. And, a word of advice.”
As if I needed his counsel.
“Don’t aspire to something you’ll never attain,” he glanced at Imogen long enough for me to recognise the true meaning of his words. That conceited halfwit. Philip offered his hand to her which she took with a smile.
After they left, I turned to a stunned Tobias and muttered, “Kill me.”
He nodded.
🌹  🌹  🌹  
Synopsis: Tracking down the Prozarian Army was hard enough, now Jaron is faced with a far more distressing dilemma. Having stopped in Tithio, Imogen's hometown, Jaron witnessed the reunion of mother and daughter, while adopting the identity of Sage again. He didn't expect Imogen to also reconnect with a man-boy set on winning her heart. Imogen is still angry at Jaron, so will Phillip succeed?
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anoray · 3 years
Yes, it’s been a while since the release of the SW sequel trilogy, so I’m not sure why I didn’t share these meandering thoughts at an earlier time. I guess my mind has been ever so slowly stewing on it, stirred occasionally whenever other people’s opinions of TFA, TLJ and TROS cross my dash, especially regarding the whole Rey/Ben/Kylo/Finn thing.  
As I am neither a Reylo nor an anti-Reylo, I objectively understand those SW fans who have a negative response to how things turned out between Rey and Finn. The ST certainly has some issues in that key character arcs, as well as the overall storyline, were not plotted out sufficiently in advance (or were not adhered to if they were), which clearly made it difficult for the variety of creative teams to maintain a consistent narrative throughout. This lack of creative cohesiveness caused certain aspects of the story and the characters’ journeys to feel like misfires when their arcs spun out in off kilter directions from what was set up in the previous film. The end result is three films that tend to undermine each other at times when they should flow together smoothly as a trilogy.
In regards to Rey, Ben/Kylo, and Finn, I do not view any of these three within the trope of a romantic love triangle. In TFA, the dynamic between Rey and Finn came across to me as very much like Luke and Leia (aka Jedi brother/sister) and I never expected them to be romantically involved. If they had become involved in that way in the later films, that would have been totally fine and fun, but what actually disappointed me about TLJ and TROS was that they did not explore and build on Finn as a budding Force sensitive even though it was clearly hinted at by Maz and other incidences in TFA. As many have already suggested, Finn’s journey in the ST would have been far better served in TLJ and TROS by focusing on his discovery of how to connect with the Force to defeat Phasma and help free fellow stormtroopers who were stolen as children and brainwashed by the New Order. 
As for Rey and Ben/Kylo, the true essence of their relationship comes across to me as spiritual, not romantic. We are told in TROS that they are two halves of one soul, a dyad in the Force. This is why they can connect the way they do across space/time and explains how Rey became so amplified in the Force after she and Kylo encountered each other. As such, Rey and Ben/Kylo represent a single soul engaged in an all out war with its own Light and Dark, each half struggling desperately for dominance until solace and reunion are achieved through balance. This torn soul’s constant inner battle manifests on the surface via the physical and verbal conflicts between Kylo and Rey until each half of the soul gradually accepts and forgives the worst of their combined Dark via the compassion of their combined Light. It is only after the two halves finally heal into one whole soul, that it can reconnect with all the Jedi/Light in the Force to balance the Dark of the Emperor/Sith. In other words, I don’t view Rey as being debased and reduced to “saving her abuser” the way some interpret their relationship. To me, she is dedicated to saving the one soul she and Ben/Kylo both share because she senses that is the will of the Force. 
Unfortunately, a muddled build up to this revelation of Rey/Ben/Kylo’s dyad dynamic in the previous two films makes it all too easy to see how the significance of their spiritual relationship gets completely buried beneath the surface of an ill-fated romance, problematic or otherwise. 
To sum up my take on the ST, I feel the trilogy’s main storyline with Rey tried hard to conclude the constant battle between Light and Dark, a conflict which had been represented by the Skywalkers and Palpatine in the PT and OT. By the time of TFA, the Force had now manifested itself into a single soul, one literally divided between the Skywalkers (Ben/Kylo) and Palpatine (Rey). The story could certainly have been told better, but I did find it interesting that it seemed like the Force wanted to test this divided soul to see if it would consume itself with hatred/Dark or heal and balance itself with unconditional love/LIght. 
Like every SW fan out there, I have my own wish list of  things I wanted done differently during these nine films (not to mention the various TV series), but I try to focus on appreciating the countless parts that I love just the way they are. Great fanfic fixits help a lot when I can’t ;)  In the end, I’m just glad SW is still alive and kicking, and that maybe someday I’ll get to watch the newest SW release with future grandchildren yet to be (may the Force be willing).
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wujificrec · 4 years
Genre Highlight: LWJ’s POV
Cursed by Feynite
PG |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 2.8k | Notes: angst, family, grief/mourning, Lan Sizhui, Lan Jingyi, fluff
The Lan Clan is cursed with Love at First Sight.
Ashes of Winter by joannjoann
PG |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 1.6k | Notes: Love at first sight, pining Wangji, angst, cursed, 13 years
Usually, the calmest and most silent ones keep the strongest feelings. Lan WangJi in particular, feels more strongly than anyone could ever compare.
A glance into what Lan WangJi's went through shortly after Wei WuXian's death. He lost one life but found another.
you are the you who has dyed my lifetime red by Quixiote
PG |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 4.7k | Notes:flower symbolism, pining, angst, fluff, love confession, 13 years
Summary: Lan Wangji was born with a gift.
Red Thread by Aki_no_hikari
PG |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 1.7k | Notes: Soulmates AU, different first meeting, red string of fate, fluff, pre-canon
Summary: There were many reasons why a cultivator might never join their fated person, although that did not stop many from embarking in years-long searches for the person that was their other half, the one that would understand them and accept them, flaws and all. Others stumbled upon their fated person… sometimes quite literally. Lan Wangji happened to be one of the later.
The Adventures of Lan WangJi - Erotic Art by kitkat2010
NC-17 |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 2k | Notes: 13 years, Lan Zhan masturbating
Summary: A few years after Wei Wuxian's death, Lan WangJi goes to buy Emperor's Smile and erotic art books.
Return to Gusu with Me by EstelweNadia
G |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | Multi-Chapter: 5.5k | Notes: Fix-it (kinda), angst, friendship, friends to lovers, slow burn, what-if, canon-divergent 
MDZS from Lan Wangji's POV. (ep 15 and ch 69 onwards) He would do whatever it takes, even if it meant laying his soul bare, for Wei Ying to come back with him. Chapter 1: Episode 15 - Beautiful Tranquillity Chapter 2: Episode 15 part 2- Honest Confession Chapter 3: Chapter 69 - Departure Part 1
just one minute more by dandelion_san
G |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 1k | Notes: Post-canon, fluff, sappy, cuddling & snuggling
Summary: In the hours while Wei Wuxian is still asleep, Lan Wangji struggles to get out of bed.
Sometimes when it's cold by taotrooper
PG |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 1.1k | Notes: 13 years, post-WWX death, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, cuddling & snuggling, scars
Summary: The scars on Lan Wangji's back still hurt during the winter.
growing pains by luchiden
G |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 3k | Notes: Kid fic, 13 years, Lan Sizhui, post-WWZ death, angst, mourning/grief
Summary: For Lan Wangji the world begins and ends with Wei Wuxian.
i went looking for love (and found you, you, you) by GeneralPo
NC-17 |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 6.5k | Notes: Alternating POV, non-linear narrative, post-canon, smut, angst
In defiance of every celebrated scripture of common sense upheld since the establishment of the orthodox sects, Wei Wuxian returns to the world of the living, thirteen years gone and somehow no less brilliant than before. ------- Before they are truly beautiful, they break; together, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian pick up the pieces of a conversation left behind thirteen years ago, reconnecting them to the feelings they share today.
等一不归人 by FateTrash
G |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 722 words | Notes: pining, character study, 13 years, post-WWX death
Summary: Thirteen years. He's been a fool for thirteen years.
a bout of teenage rebellion a few years behind schedule by bosbie
G |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 1.9k | Notes: pining, fluff, introspection on LWJ’s part
Lan WangJi sneaks away from a night-hunt (and his brother) and arrives at YiLing to finally make peace with this ill-fated love. That does not happen. Wei WuXian shines too brightly for him to let go.
won't by then_came_thee
G |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 921 words | Notes: Wangji introspection, 13 years, post-WWX death, mourning/grief, pining
Lan WangJi sneaks away from a night-hunt (and his brother) and arrives at YiLing to finally make peace with this ill-fated love. That does not happen. Wei WuXian shines too brightly for him to let go.
yearning by wolframvonbielefeld (maknaeline)
PG |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-shot: 7.5k | Notes: Wangji character study, 13 years, post-WWX death, Lan Sizhui, angst, hurt/comfort, suicidal thoughts, depression, happy ending
Thirteen years I have spent without you, Wei Ying, but my yearning has been fruitful.
Your - our son has grown up well.
Family by Quiet_crash
G |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | Multi-chapter: 47.1k | Notes: (unfinished), time travel, fix-it fic, 
The truth of the matter was that when it came to taking care of people and their problems, both he and Wei Ying were of one mind. However, whereas Lan Wangji was taught to care for himself as much as other people, Wei Ying, from early age, was taught that him having needs was burdensome. He disregarded his own pain with frightening ease and offered up evey part of himself for others to use with no reservation.
Thus, Lan Wangji made sure that his husband's needs were never overlooked, his hurts never unadressed.
So it was that when they purified an ancient temple and its goddess benevolently offered them each a wish in return, Wei Ying asked for his family: for Jiang Cheng to never have lost his parents and his core, for Jiang Yanli to never have lost her husband and her own life because of him; Lan Zhan asked for Wei Ying.
The Price of Old Wishes by SoManyJacks
NC-17 |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | Multi-Chapter: 67.8k | Notes: Canon-divergent, LWJ POV, angst, depression, hurt/comfort, slow burn, happy ending, smut, sharing a bed
With Lan SiZhui almost grown, Lan WangJi began to question if there was much else to live for. Then an old wish came true, but at what cost? Or, a retelling of the events of the novel from the perspective of Lan WangJi.
I Dreamed Of You At Nighttime. by cherryburlesque
M |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-Shot: 7.3k | Notes: Canon-divergent, Yiling Patriach, Sunshot campaign, angst, happy ending, character study, getting together
A confrontation after a tense war meeting, and kisses stolen on a bridge in the dark.
Lan Wangji had long since accepted the fact that he had no sense when it came to Wei Wuxian. His vision always narrowed down to one singular point, and everything else was secondary, including the rules of his own clan.
He’d come to terms with that knowledge months ago, when he broke the rules Lan by being outside the Cloud Recesses at night, playing Inquiry for the upteenth time in the hope of an answer.
The long road home by dea_liberty
M |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-Shot: 9.1k | Notes: Post-canon, family, happy ending, feelings, marriage, angst, 13 years
Lan Wangji doesn’t watch as Wei Ying walks away with half his soul, while Lan Wangji walks away with a paper man, infused with a little bit of Wei Ying’s spiritual energy, tucked in flat against his chest like it can replace half of his heart.
In the aftermath of everything, they weave their way through the past and the present, and towards the future they'll make together.
Finally, Lan Wangji finds his way home.
breathing gym by victortor
G |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-Shot: 2.9k | Notes: Canon-compliant, LWJ POV, panic-attacks
Lan Wangji, in a pause.
At the rendezvous point, after capturing the perpetrator responsible for the rumors of Xinglu Ridge, Lan Wangji waits for Wei Wuxian to return.
After the Drought by Aki_no_hikari
G |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-Shot: 4.1k | Notes: Canon-divergent, Yiling Wei Sect, family, fluff, angst, happy ending, LWJ POV
Point of divergence: chapter75, lwj stays to eat that night… and seeing that they need him, he stays the next day and the next...
Driven by feelings and morals, Lan Wangji leaves the Cloud Recesses and his family behind. Fourteen years of hardship later, he comes back as a father and leader.
asymptotic by chinxe
PG |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | Multi-Chapter: 26.7k | Notes: Canon-divergent, angst, happy ending, slow burn, misunderstandings, pining, LWJ POV
The members of the Lan Clan have never been particularly well-known for their good judgement when it comes to matters of the heart.
Which is why it should come as a surprise to no one when Lan Wangji falls in love with an actual ghost.
Looking at You Always, All Ways by Keysmashed
PG |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | Multi-Chapter: 29.1k | Notes: Canon-divergent, time travel, fix-it fic, fluff, angst, happy ending, LWJ POV
Lan Wangji thought it was just a dream but the pain of being pierced in the chest by his own sword, by his own self whose appearance was taller and older was too real. The ground under his feet disappeared and he fell, and fell, and continued falling until a voice he thought he would never hear again broke his fall and suddenly, he was no longer falling. It was the voice he had so dearly missed.
Wei Ying's voice.
----A Time Travel Fix-It where Lan Wangji goes back in time to his first fateful encounter with Wei Wuxian for a chance to rewrite history.
Why Didn't You Say? by preciousbunnynoiz
PG |  Lan Zhan/Wei Ying | One-Shot: 2.5k | Notes: Canon-divergent, fluff, angst, happy ending, love confessions, inquiry, 13 years, Lan Sizhui
“Father? One of the other boys said that using the guqin you could...speak to the dead.”
Lan WangJi had wondered when this would happen.
A-Yuan asks Lan WangJi to help him speak to someone who he barely remembers and that triggers a reunion and also confessions and confusions.
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chainofclovers · 3 years
whatta ya gotta rig? the parent trap!
The Parent Trap except it never happens because it would be highly unethical to hide the existence of half of one’s family from a child
The Parent Trap except the parents are so ill-suited for each other that they have to explain to the twins that they’ll never get back together--and they really mean it
The Parent Trap except both parents are secretly gay and enter a same-gender partnership following their divorce. They never reconnect because they’re afraid the other will find out the real reason for the separation. When their twin daughters meet at summer camp, the secrets start to unravel. The truth comes out at the inevitable reunion, and a new era of self-acceptance and queer community begins!
The Parent Trap except the entire movie is about Hecky, and I mean the entire movie
The Parent Trap except the girls aren’t twins and everyone is very confused...what’s up with their creepily similar faces?!
The Parent Trap except Maggie and Mitch have been in touch the entire time; they’re just morally-deficient people who didn’t feel like co-parenting identical twins
The Parent Trap except Maureen O’Hara seduces Vicki because she’s chaotic neutral and everyone feels genuinely betrayed
The Parent Trap 2: There Were a Lot More Mountain Lions Up Here Than We Thought
The Parent Trap 2: Don’t Bring Your Kids on Your Honeymoon
The Parent Trap 2: The Family Therapy Sessions
The Parent Trap 2: Lost in New York
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metawish · 3 years
Family x Hunter: My mini analysis about family relationships in HxH
I am a HUGE sucker for found family troupes and family-oriented stories. There just aren't enough stories to explore the nature of those relationships and how influencial they can be to our development as people. For those of us who's primary relationships are our families, we're left out of the dialouge.
So imagine my surprise when Hunter x Hunter ended up being the anime I can't stop thinking about precisely because of the MULTIPLE family relationships and psudorelationships that happen throughout the plot. Imagine my double surprise when it turns out those family relationships are prioritized and emphasized in the anime over others like the all too popular friendship.
Written for the Carnival of Aro’s Jan 2021 Theme: Stories
Take the premise as a starting point. Gon decides to become a hunter, not because it's cool or because he wants to find some rare cool thing he's never seen before. No, instead, he wants to become a hunter to get closer to his absent father. The ENTIRE show only happens because Gon is driven by a desire to connect with and forge a relationship with his father. I think I can safely say that the family aspect of Hunter x Hunter is embeded into it's core.
Then take a look at the reasons the other main four choose to become hunters. Kurapika is hoping to avenge the massacur of his family clan, a clan that does not interact with the outside world. His entire character arc and development is based on this goal of seeking revenge.
Killua is at the Hunter exam because he heard it was easy. But then we learn, he left home because he wants to REJECT his family obligation to take up the family business.
"Okay, fair," I hear you all say, "but what about Leorio? He just wants money."
Let me help you connect the dots here. First, he claims he wants to become a hunter because of the money. Then we learn he wants to use that money to become a doctor and then provide free medical treatment for those who cannot afford it. THEN we learn that this motivation STEMS from a childhood incident where a best friend of his ended up dying from a treatable illness because he couldn't afford the medical treatment neccessary. Leorio decided then that he did not want anyone else to experience that, tried to go at it the normal way, and realized that it would be nearly impossible for him to afford it. Any average person might end up giving up on this dream, but Leorio was so dedicated to his goal that he ended up training to become a hunter, a physically and mentally strenuous task. JUST so he can get access to more money.
If anything, Leorio's the one who's most motivated by platonic relationships! While Kurapika,Gon, and Killua's motivations are based on obligations to family, Leorio's motivation is only suggested. It isn't like this friend is still alive and Leorio is obligated to save him. No one but Leorio is beholden to the completion of his mission. The strength in that bond has to be strong for him to go to the lengths he did.
Gon's arc goes from becoming a hunter to finding his dad. Kurapika disappears from the story precisely because he is off getting revenge. Killua's development as a character entirely rests in the way he navigates between his family, with entire plots surrounding the Zoldyks. Leorio reenters the narrative JUST to show how deeply he cares for Gon and Killua, and serves as a nice foil to Ging, Gon's father.
I physically cried during Killua's final arc, when he apologized to his youngest sister, asking for her forgiveness after being a "bad big brother." Killua went from essentially running away from home rejecting his family, to asking for forgiveness from a cherished family member. And the nuance inbetween! Freeing himself from his oldest brother's mind control. Finding common ground with his father that, at least in the anime, never gets used against him. Rejecting the family business without rejecting the family. While it still feels incomplete, the joy at seeing him reconnect with a family member and promise to always be together forever made the little shrivelled starved heart of mine swell satisfied.
Killua is a perfect example of the story focusing on his family relationships over his friendships, or at the very least, implying that those family relationships are more important than those with his friend. Does Killua leverage the fact that he made a pact with his dad to never abandon a friend? Yeah. But the fact is that he still went to his family for help.
In the last episode, he tells Gon, his first and only friend, that they have to part ways since he has to protect his little sister. He even says that she comes first before Gon. After struggling to understand if Gon is as committed to him as Killua was to him, he finds closure in his little sister's dedication and wholesome affection. (When he asks Alluka if he was the only one in the whole world that loved her, would that be enough, her response was that she couldn't stop smiling. Because the answer was yes. And perhaps, it was also a question for Killua. Is Alluka's love for him enough?)
And Leorio. LEORIO. As I said, he disappears from the narrative, largely because his mission and Gon's are not the same. But when Gon is out of commission, Leorio comes back into play. The PLOT is affected by this decision and MOVES because if this. Leorio was simply trying to find a way to help his friend, and decides to publically ask his father where he is during such a critical time. Leorio's emotions at Ging's lack thereof ends up putting him in the spotlight, a spotlight he uses every time to seek answers for Gon and to reaffirm his commitment to saving Gon. As much as I HATED the slowmotion, the reunion between Leorio and Gon after Gon's been healed was felt deep in my SOUL. Contrast that QUITE LITERALLY with Ging's reaction and we have the potential for some major character development and storytelling about what a family relationship really is about.
Do we have to earn those familiar relationships? Are we expected to commit to people who are not committed to us simply because they are blood? Can we reject them? Is Killua's reject of his oldest brother over their younger sister a conflict that cannot be solved? Can we form them with strangers? Who is more of a stranger to Gon; his absent dad or the guy he met on a ship headed to an exam? Are we obligated to our family duties like Killua and the family business or Kurapika and his life destroying hunt to avenge his dead family?
Kurapika's story felt a little flat, which is a shame because there is so much potential to explore! The struggle to avenge his clan stems not from his clan, but from his own trauma and pain. His family was ripped right under him, leaving him no one to rely on. Instead of form new relationships, he rots along with his family. In a sense, his disappearance from the narrative represents his character regression, fading from existance like his family.
From a family taken away, to a father who was never there in the first place. Gon's story feels incomplete. Feels a bit like Gon's growth as a character is secondary to the advancement of the plot. Feels like sweeping major issues under the metaphorical rug and calling it a fun show. This man never once visited his son. When leaving a recording for his son, he flat out told Gon he did not want to see him at all. During his time in the hospital, never once did he visit. Sure, we see him remain confident that Gon is alright, but is this confidence misplaced? Is this even true confidence in a person he's never met before? I feel like I am missing a giant piece of the puzzle explaining why Gon, a 12 year old boy who had no male figure in his life, easily accepts Ging.
Let's not forget how Gon didn't even WANT to learn more about his birth mother, a mystery that we will never solve. Just another example of trying to answer what family means. Mito is an aunt, but to Gon, Mito is his mother. (Yet Ging can still be his father? Why not Leorio? A far more deserving man of any affection whatsoever.)
How the story should go. After meeting up with Ging, he continues to go on an adventure with him. As they travel through the far more dangerous continent, Gon faces death multiple times. All this while Ging continues without regard for his safety. Gon reflects, thinking back to his friend Killua, who would attack Gon if it was to protect him. Who called him the sun. Back to Leorio, who hugged Gon like he mattered. Who said he was sorry for not being there for him. As they continue on, he reflects on who really matters. A call for help from his friends. Does he answer the call or remain by his father's side?
What makes a familiar relationship? Blood? Obligation? Depth of affection? Trust? Who makes or breaks those ties? How much do we grow from those relationships?
Hunter x Hunter exceeds my expectations, but also fails to live up to the story it sets itself up to be. I never thought I'd see such an incredible character development that centers on family. I hoped for something on the Ging & Gon front, perhaps as a means of exploring my own thoughts on the matter. Sorely disappointed. I think about this anime often because there is still much left to the imagination. A story unfinished. Perhaps that's what makes it a good story; especially one that decides to kick the standard and focus on a relationship that all of us have dealt with, but many of us overlook.
Is this show good? Debatable. What isn't debatable is how important family is to the plot and character development of the show. Maybe, in an alternative world somewhere, there is a satisfying ending where Gon acknowledges his own family trauma. He realizes how important his friends are, maybe seeing them more as his own family. Kurapika's revenge slowly fizzles out, instead replaced by the need to protect what's still alive. Killua resolves his family issues while remaining true to himself and Leorio adopts Gon.
Maybe the real family is the one we make along the way.
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evakuality · 3 years
Druck, s5 episode 10 - belated thoughts and overall season impressions
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I really like that Nora is still being shown with her symptoms here.  She’s reconnecting with people, and letting people know things about what’s happening, but that doesn’t magically fix everything.  And it’s good that she takes the chance to talk to them a little bit about everything.  It does feel a bit sudden in a lot of ways - she was just anxious about telling the therapist all this stuff and being labeled crazy (I assume - that’s certainly the vibe she gave off) and now she’s super happy to tell the girls all this stuff.  I’m happy that she wants to and feels like she can, but it also feels quite quick.  But that’s the nature of something like this, I guess.  Everything needs to be resolved now.  The whole business with the merch is weird too, with the way she just goes ‘yeah sure, I’m emotionally numb so I’ll draw lots and lots of pictures on lots of things.’  Again, the girls are nice about it, but I guess she feels a bit guilty because it was her who stuffed it up so it feels like there’s some pressure there, even if they don’t mean it.  And ugh, poor Ava when Kieu My turned up - I mean I get that most of this group don’t necessarily know how bad the whole thing was for her but it feels really weird that the focus is on Fatou’s nerves here rather than actually dealing with some of the bigger and more serious stuff that’s floating around with this.  I know it was more the others, but we know from later that this was pretty shitty for Ava.  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - I really hope the bullying gets addressed properly and not swept under the table.  The fact that Nora is still happy to be around these people after her experiences with Constantin and Ismail makes me wary.  But I do still have hope that all this will be worked through.  If they are combining the squads (and it looks like they are), then they can’t have this unresolved, not when it’s such a big thing for Ava (and should have affected Nora more if she hadn’t been so numb to everything).
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I understand why they have this scene with Kiki about being allowed to stay in the flat by themselves, and I think it’s goods that they deal with all of that (the way Kiki came running as soon as she felt she was needed - it’s not good for her, as they all seem to realise and I’m glad everyone is getting to do what’s working best for them), but it felt very rushed (I suspect I may say that a lot about this episode - it’s all stuff that needs to happen and it’s already quite long, but it feels too fast for me).  And the same with Nora’s comments about therapy.  She says she quite likes it and wants to continue and yet we didn’t see that.  What we saw was a very closed off and belligerent Nora who was only just starting to thaw in that session.  And yes she has a reason to make it all seem more cheerful than she really feels, but it’s still very abrupt as a change.  This is probably the only time I haven’t found a scene with this family compelling and that’s a bit of a shame.
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And another rushed moment.  There was a lot shoved into this one clip (Josh, merch, a bullying session, a concert we never heard of til now, a random half-baked apology from Constantin) - for some reason, the show thinks Ismail and Constantin still need to be assholes for no reason.  I mean, clearly it’s designed to show that Kieu My is ‘better’ than they are because she engages and is willing to do ‘12 year old stuff’, but again, if we’re connecting these two squads then this sort of stuff has to stop.  I know I get worked up about this, but it really bugs me.  This behaviour is childish and I’m finding it boring to watch.  Even the apology from Constantin (which does seem sincere) isn’t enough to balance how stupid this ongoing behaviour is.  Hopefully they deal more with that later too and don’t just drop it.  My other take away from this: Nora has to draw 76 things already????  This is going to take forever and I have no idea how she’s going to manage that alongside her classwork.
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Oh, I love this little mis-matched table and chair thing they have going on.  It’s so cute and I feel like it really perfectly fits them and their vibes, you know?  This whole friendsgiving idea is so cute and I love that they took what Ava was saying and tried to do something nice for her.  They really are a sweet group of kids.  And her face when she saw it is just ... perfect.  Ugh, when am I getting my Ava season?????  This little conversation between Nora and Josh is very good, too.  You can feel him trying and how hard it is for them both.  I do wish they had dragged this part out a bit longer, either pushing the original break up to earlier in the season or by spreading this into another one, but I like that they’re showing this part.  It IS awkward and difficult to be friends with someone you have feelings for and good on Josh for saying that he just can’t do it.  It hurts and it’s hard, but honesty really is key.  And that, for me, is the biggest thing Nora has had to learn this season.  You can’t hide behind a face and expect things to be okay.  So all these moments of honesty that she’s facing and dealing with, those are so important to her growth.  And then we end with the girls supporting each other which I also really love.  They are all super adorable!
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This last clip is also nice.  I still think this sudden ‘live concert’ coming out of nowhere in this last episode is a bit rushed, but the execution is cool.  Ava and Fatou are adorable together and I need a lot more of them singing.  I’m not 100% feeling the thing with Josh and Nora, which is kind of ironic, but it is cute.  I just wish this had all been given more time.  In fact these are the things I wish had more space: the Cash Queens reunion/reconciliation (it needed more conversation/discussion), the Constantin/Ismail/Kieu My stuff being dealt with in more depth (though hopefully this is coming), the Machwitz siblings deciding to live together and Kiki being okay with it (that one needed another clip or two, I think), and the Josh/Nora reconciliation.  Some things have been done really well.  I do think Nora’s mental health was done well, and I liked that it makes clear in this episode that she isn’t totally well and doesn’t expect to be in the near future.  Having said that, I’m not a huge fan of the ‘minute by minute’ idea being moved here.  In some ways it works (this is about a mental illness, after all, and so it fits in that way), but in others ... that’s so iconic for a specific situation and this doesn’t fit in with that one.  Even needed it in a very specific way, and Nora needs something, sure, but I don’t think quite nails her specific needs and I wish they had thought it through for her a little more thoroughly.
Overall, I like the episode.  My biggest issue with this episode is that it’s trying to do so much in such a short time.  Every clip has so much packed into it that nothing really feels like it has time to breathe.  I assume there’s a reason why they’re sticking to 10 episodes, but I wish that either they didn’t have to or that they had paced things more evenly through the season.  The great strength of Skam and Druck is, I feel, that everything is allowed to be paced as it needs to be.  That things happen in a way that gives weight and meaning to lives in a way that isn’t dramatic and isn’t overwrought, but which shows truths about people and their lives.  That this episode hasn’t been able to do that in the same way is a shame.  It’s the ending; it should be the strongest one.  Having said that, I think the friendsgiving clip manages to do exactly that and I love it for it.  It is my favourite clip of this episode and one of my favourites of the season.  This probably feels negative and like all I’m doing is criticising the episode and the season, but that’s not true at all.  
Overall I really enjoyed this season, particularly the sibling dynamics and getting to know the new girls.  It has its flaws, but so do my absolute favourite seasons, and I think it’s a really nice entry into a new gen and some new characters.  The mental illness plot was good to see and I really liked some of the decisions they made around showing its build up and how it affected Nora.  The lighting chosen, the framing, some of the shots they chose - it all built that part up very well.  And while the resolution to it did feel a bit rushed, I do like the acknowledgement that it’s still part of Nora and she’s going to be dealing with it into the future.  And while I’m not on board with Kieu My being the love interest until and unless they address the bullying properly, I do like that we have plots already brewing for next season.  Ava is clearly not cool with it (that whole ‘you deserve better than her’ thing she said to Fatou), and Fatou was clearly thinking she had a chance until the Freindsgiving business and so things are set up for the new season.  It’s a really decent intro to the new era, and solidly sets up characters while telling a story that is good and even compelling in places.
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Pairing: Clark Kent x Reader
Word Count: 1,683
Warning: Swearing, Making out
Summary: When Tom falls ill, his estranged son comes back into the reader's life bringing more than she bargained for.
Buy me a coffee
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Leaning against your shut apartment door, you closed your eyes letting out a deep breath. It had been a long day at the diner, with many rude customers. Tossing your bag onto the floor, you made your way to the couch, laying across it. Pulling your phone out, you began looking through your notifications. There was a voicemail from Tom Curry.
As you listened to it, you picked up your purse before you made your way back out of your apartment. Starting your beat up pickup truck, you began driving to Tom’s house. It was 11:30pm. Tom was friends with your parents when they were still alive, which resulted in you and Arthur becoming best friends. He had been acting strange as of late, but you knew not to pressure him knowing he would tell you in his own time. 
The message that Tom had left you, made your heart beat more rapid. You spent most of the drive worrying about what could be wrong. When Arthur's mother died, it took a huge toll on him and his father. Your relationship was simply platonic, although many people thought you were together due to your closeness.
Flinging open the car door, you had barely put it in park before you jumped out of the truck.
“Tom?” You called frantically. “Tom?”
Your frantic feelings coming through when you knocked on the door. It was rapid and firm. 
“Tom!” You called again. “It’s Y/N! Open up!”
Still no answer. Fear began coursing through your veins. Letting out a sigh, you kicked the door open, debris flying. 
“Tom?” You called cautiously entering his house. An odd feeling overwhelming you.
Slowing entering the house further, you glanced around the house. Stepping through the threshold for the kitchen you saw him lying on the floor motionless.
“Tom!” You shrieked, quickly kneeling beside him. Pulling out your phone you were about to call 911, before you remembered it would be at least ten minutes before they got to you. Grabbing one of his arms you hoisted him up, getting him into the truck. Exceeding the normal speed limit, it was a few minutes before you arrived at the hospital. Hosting him up again, you trudged through the emergency room. 
“Someone please help!” You called. 
A group of nurses quickly surrounding you, taking Tom and placing him on a hospital bed.
Watching them take Tom into a room, you quickly made your way back to your truck parking it somewhere safe. Making your way back towards the ER, you pulled your phone out calling Arthur. 
It was only a matter of minutes before Arthur, Clark and Bruce, showed up at the ER.
“How’s he doing?” Arthur questioned handing you a cup of coffee.
Taking a sip of the coffee, you shrugged. “I don’t know. They haven’t come out with any updates yet.”
Glancing at the clock it read 1:30am.
“It only takes your father getting hurt for you to come by and see him.” You spat raising an eyebrow. 
Huffing you shook your head. “Save it. I’m not the one that you need to explain that to.”
Frowning he glanced at his shoes. “I...I…”
“I don’t care about your excuses, Arthur.” You snapped glaring at him. “Tom deserved better.” 
“He had you.” He reasoned. “You were there to take care of him.”
“That’s your justification for running away and leaving him?” Your voice filled with anger. Challenging him, you took steps forward stopping until you were mere inches apart. “What a pathetic excuse you have, Arthur.” 
A firm hand grabbed your elbow, pulling you away from Arthur. “Simmer down here children.” A deep voice sounded.
“Don’t touch me.” You spat, heat coursing through your veins, rising in your cheeks. Your heart beating rapidly. The lights around the waiting room, bursting causing small embers to fall as the burst. The electric lines outdoors near the room doing the same.
Grounding yourself, your chest began rising and falling at a rapid pace. Glancing at the men before you, they were staring at you with widened eyes. Grabbing your purse, you swiftly making your way down the hall. As you made your way through the halls, it dawned on you that you were still in your waitress uniform.
“Y/N!” Arthur called behind you. 
Shaking your head, you didn’t care to stop. 
A few months had gone by since you had last seen Arthur. It killed you everyday since then that you weren’t able to reconnect with your best friend, seeing as how close you were to rekindling the relationship. It had almost been like old times, him bringing you coffee, being your rock during a drastic time.
It was one of your rare days off, you were cleaning around your apartment. A firm knock echoed through your apartment, causing fear to wash over you. You weren’t expecting anyone to come over. 
Opening the door, you were face to face with one of the men from the night at the ER. 
“Y/N?” His deep voice questioned. “I’m a friend of Arthur’s. My name’s Bruce.” 
Allowing him in, you began brewing coffee for the both of you.
“What can I help you with Bruce?” You asked, leaning against the counter not meeting his gaze. 
“It’s about Arthur.” He began hope filling his voice.
Letting out a huff you shook your head. “I don’t know what you think I can help with.” You stated crossing your arms, sending a glare towards the man. “I’m not his keeper. Nor am I his friend.”
After, Bruce left you with some food for thought, you began chewing on it. Arthur was one of your best friends, could you really just walk away from him? 
Bruce had offered you a spot in the Justice League seeing what you had done in the ER waiting room. Graciously you declined, not wanting to be involved with things you couldn’t handle.
The news of Tom’s death was felt around the world. Holding a wake for him, you were filled with an anxious feeling. Anxiously waiting to see if Arthur came or not. Hours began to pass, as your hope began to felter. Letting out a sigh, everyone had come and gone leaving you with the duty of cleaning up the space and the trash.
“Am I too late?” Arthur’s voice rang through the hall. 
Tears began pooling in your eyes as relief washed over you. Turning around, you were surprised to see everyone in the Justice League standing beside him. 
“No.” You muttered, swiftly walking towards him. “Never too late.” You threw your arms around him, pulling him as close as possible towards you. The warmth of his hug, comforted you. 
“I’m sorry.” He muttered into your shoulder. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here when you both needed me. I’m sorry-”
Pulling away from him, you rested your hands on his biceps. “None of that.” You spoke in a firm tone. “You’re here now and that’s all that matters.” You smiled, gazing at each other.
Arthur introduced you to the rest of the team. They were very understanding and welcoming towards you. 
“Let’s go to the bar.” Arthur spoke. 
Frowning, your gaze fell to the floor. “I...I don’t know.”
“I’m not taking no for an answer Y/N. Come on.”
The night coming to a close, you were a little more tispy than you were used to. Clark had insisted he escort you home.
“Why’d you walk me home, Clark?” You asked curtly.
“I..I don’t know.” He frowned slightly, not expecting your question.
You hummed in response. “You’ve never talked to me yet somehow you are always around me.” Raising an eyebrow at him, you turned toward him slightly.
Letting up on him, the rest of the walk was in an awkward silence. 
Arriving at your building, you were facing each other. Rocking back and forth slightly, you gazed at the ground in front of you. 
“Do you want to come up?” 
“If you’re okay with that.” 
Giggling slightly, you nodded leading him upstairs. 
Changing into something more comfortable, you gazed at Clark in the middle of your living room still in a tux. Since meeting, you both had been prancing around your feelings between you for quite some-time. You failed to realize you were leaning against your doorframe, gawking at Clark.
“Like what you see?” He smirked, questioning in a teasing tone. 
You hummed in response, biting your bottom lip. Clark was in front of you in a split second. One of his hands resting comfortably on your hip while the other brought his thumb up to your lip, pulling it from your teeth. Gazing into your eyes, he slowly leaned forward nuzzling his nose against yours. His soft lips touching yours in hesitation. Bringing your hands up to his hair, they locked themselves behind his head holding him to you. His tongue darted out tracing the crevices of your lip before you allowed him into your mouth. Both of your tongues prodding and licking against each other. Taking in a sharp breath, he began leading you to your bed. Your knees hitting the edge of the bed before you pulled Clark onto your bed with you. Making himself comfortable above you. His soft lips trailing along the column of your throat earning a gasp from you when he began sucking and biting in his wake. 
“Guys!” Victor boomed walking into your apartment. 
“We know you’re here!” Barry spoke. 
“Figured we could do some team building!” Arthur added.
Letting out a sigh, Clark placed a chaste kiss to your lips before standing up, pulling you with him.
Stepping into the living room, the three men dropped their gazes to you.
“We weren’t interrupting something were we?” Arthur spoke in a gruff voice. 
Clearing your throat, you spoke. “No, not at all.” You shook your head.
“Umm.” Barry started. “Are you sure? Cause Clark has some lipstick on his face and collar-”
Victor elbowed him roughly, causing him to cough.
“What’re you guys doing here?” You asked, swiftly changing the subject. 
“Movie Night!” The three of them replied in unison.
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vulpesmellifera · 5 years
Fics I Read & Loved: May 2019
The April list is here.
I love coming up with these lists, but June and July were filled with lots of my own writing! So this one is very late, lol. Working on June’s list now. 
You get the 2019 list (Johnlock and Mystrade), and the 2018 list (so much Johnlock), plus a few Hannigram fics at the end. Don’t be surprised if you see a few Good Omens fics in next month’s list!
Sherlock Fic Recs for May 2019
Just a Cuppa by green_violin_bow. Mystrade. Explicit. 3,880 words. Exhausted after a case that required participation from both of them, Greg and Mycroft end up sharing a bed...I mean, seriously, what could happen?
The Old Familiar Sting by songlin. Johnlock. Teen. 2,961 words. Sherlock doesn’t want John to realize he’s autistic. 
That Teenage Feeling by akitsuko. Johnlock. Explicit. 12,397 words. John decides to try and set Sherlock up with a date. But when he sees a man flirt with Sherlock, he’s seized with jealousy. The jealousy is delicious.
In For a Pint by MissMilquetoast. Johnlock. Teen. 9,840 words. Sherlock, Greg, and Molly try to get John out in the dating game after Mary’s death. John doesn’t exactly appreciate it, and surprises them all.
Star Child by bookjunkiecat. Mystrade. Teen. 1,261 words. Mycroft is an unlikely candidate for a tattoo. But it means a lot to him. Turns out someone else he knows can appreciate it, too.
Winter in London by Waid. Johnlock. Not Rated. 45,112 words. Victorian AU and rape recovery fic. Holmes is knocked out and Watson deals with the last stages of a case. He tries to hide what happened from his friend. 
Welcome Home, John by slashscribe. Johnlock. Gen. 5,504 words. John returns to 221B a broken man. Sherlock is very considerate - a little too considerate. John begins thinking he might not be the only broken man.
Hurts and Comforts by Lavender_and_Vanilla. Mystrade. Not Rated. 2,112 words. Adorable ficlets - five in all! The last chapter is distinctly a sickfic, the others are all hurt/comfort, just a little something to touch your heart and make you smile.
Recovery by Tammany. Mystrade. Gen. 3,350 words. Mycroft suffers an assassination attempt that leaves him unsteady and in pain. Lestrade is a natural caretaker. Lovely short story.
Coffee, Lies, and Cheesecake by siriusblue. Mystrade. Teen. 1,516 words. Adorable coffee shop AU wherein Mycroft finds a nice, quiet coffee shop with a handsome barista. But the silver haired barista is not all he seems!
Barter System by brbsoulnomming. Johnlock. Explicit. 6,982 words. This one is sooo sweet. A touch of angst, too, but it’s perfect. Sherlock and John start a bartering system with their clothes. 
A Bit of Indulgence by beltainefaerie. Johnlock. Not Rated. 3,364 words. One of my favorite tropes! John and Sherlock run into an old army buddy of John’s while on a case at Pride.
Tempting by bookjunkiecat. Mystrade. Mature. 1,602 words. Smut and doughnuts, this is good!
Seize the Day by siriusblue. Mystrade. 1,664 words. Mycroft is a human rights lawyer having a bad day at work. Greg is a cute barista.
A Model Patient by EventHorizon. Mystrade. Teen. 1,800 words. A most humorous story of a government official’s illness and his model patient behavior.
The Golden Egg by bookjunkiecat. Johnlock. Mature. 4,259 words. Having John and Watson is all he could ever ask for. Things come to a head after an Easter egg hunt at Aunt Harry’s.
Shining Tigers by Tammany. Mystrade. Explicit. 2,428 words. Mycroft and Greg are mature men who get on with each other. It seems only natural for a comfortable courtship to unfold.
I Do by bookjunkiecat. Mystrade. Teen. 1,102 words. Greg starts having doubts the night before the wedding. Mycroft learns why.
A Little Bit of Irritation by thecount. Mystrade. Not Rated. 11,789 words. Sherlock dives off of a building. Greg is in trouble with the Met. Mycroft sets it right, and then, they find themselves getting closer, though it’s not easy.
Taking Care by Mice. Mystrade. Gen. 1,497 words. Greg comforts Mycroft directly after he events at Sherrinford.
The Hand of Friendship by Topicabo. Mystrade. Teen. 3,925 words. Sweet, sweet story (with just a teensy bit of angst) of a close friendship that tips into something more.
Mystrade Goes Grocery Shopping by Lavender_and_Vanilla. Mystrade. Gen. 1,659 words. Hahaha, Greg makes Mycroft go shopping. Cute little fic wherein Mycroft realizes there might be something to this suggestion.
Pebble by bookjunkiecat. Johnlock. Gen. 1,088 words. Holy fucking Christ, if this isn’t the cutest thing I’ve read recently.
What’s Warranted? by Lavender_and_Vanilla. Mystrade. Explicit. 1,285 words. Soft and sweet. Greg can’t find his warrant card, and he knows Mycroft must have stolen it in a bid for morning sex.
The Comfort of Touch by sanguisuga. Mystrade. Teen. 2,132 words. Greg comforts a touch-starved Mycroft after a grievous loss. Sweet and soft.
Can You See Me? by stripyjumpers. Johnlock. Teen. 10,139 words, John is going blind, and has no idea what to tell his flat mate. Beautiful little story.
Sherlock fics I loved in May 2018 are under the cut. So are the Hannigrams.
Sherlock Fic Recs from May 2018
Nature and Nurture by earlgreytea68. Johnlock. Mature. 203,273 words. I reread this recently, and it’s so fucking amusing. Mycroft leaves John and Sherlock with a clone baby. The new dynamic at 221B leads John to reconsidering where he stands with Sherlock. Post-Reichenbach. 
Full Disclosure by Itsallfine. Johnlock. Explicit. 7,032 words. John gets invited to a night out with army buddies and brings Sherlock along to try and deflect ridicule for showing up alone. Some things get said. 
Bridging the Ravine by SilentAuror. Johnlock. Explicit. 58,887 words. I think the Fake Relationship trope is my fave. John and Sherlock have to investigate a therapy centre for same-sex couples. Post-season four, so you know there’s a lot of drama!
Nothing to Make a Song About by emmagrant01. Johnlock. Explicit. 36,833 words. Sherlock lives a life without John for ten years after John breaks off their friendship when Sherlock returns. John gets divorced from Mary and returns to London. This is worth every reread.
Dawn Before the Rest of the World series by PoppyAlexander. Johnlock. Explicit. 65,164 words. This is sweet and John Watson is stupidly romantic while Sherlock is ridiculously buttoned up. Downton Abbey-esque.
Hitting the Water at Sixty Miles an Hour by what_alchemy. Johnlock. Explicit. 30,568 words. Hello Fake Relationship Trope, I love you. John, Sherlock, and Mycroft go gallivanting in Scotland for Mummy’s birthday. Sherlock told Mummy that he and John are engaged to get Mummy off his back about love and relationships. John goes along with it.
The Handler by saturn_in_retrograde. Johnlock. Explicit. 11,300 words. This one is hot. Alternate meeting - Sherlock is convalescing in the family home. John Watson shows up to apply for a job training dogs. 
Ghosting by johnwatso. Johnlock. Explicit. 22,590 words. John Watson has a tattoo that Sherlock knows he didn’t see before Reichenbach. He can’t help but obsess over it, forcing John’s hand and his own in exploring the nature of their relationship.
The Way to a Man’s Heart by SwissMiss. Johnlock. Teen. 21,273 words. John is living at Baker St after the death of Mary and the baby. Greg asks Sherlock to be his best man, which leads to tension between Sherlock and John. Then a connection to an old flame.
The Strait of Juan de Fuca by mightypog. Johnlock. Teen. 6,400 words. A gorgeous post-Reichenbach piece, where Sherlock takes John to Canada, and in the wilderness there, hopes to reconnect with his old friend and blogger.
Right Hand Man by SilentAuror. Johnlock. Johnlock. Explicit. 42,031 words. Mary and John get into a car accident that paralyzes John’s lower arm and hand. The baby is incoming, so Mary asks Sherlock to take care of John while she prepares for birth. 
A Very Sherlock Musical by flawedamythyst. Johnlock. Teen. 11,980 words. This one had me laughing. Sherlock won’t sing with anyone, and John is upset that Sherlock won’t sing their duet. 
If Equal Affection Cannot Be by blueink3. Johnlock. Explicit. 31,156 words. This is a beautiful story of estrangement and reunion, where Rosie is a pivotal character and Sherlock and John have many old feelings to deal with.
To Keep Quiet by Salambo06. Johnlock. Explicit. 11,091 words. The boys have been through a lot. Rosie and John come to stay temporarily at 221B Baker St. Beautifully told short story outlining their trials and tribulations after Mary and Culverton Smith.
What You’re Missing by kedgeree. Johnlock. Mature. 16,339 words. Sherlock is disdainful toward love, and John decides he needs to show him what he’s missing, and why that’s important. 
Through the Clouds by Mazarin221B. Johnlock. Explicit. 20,004 words. Sherlock surprises John with an early retirement, but he convinces John to join him in Sussex. What follows is a lovely story of two men getting together. 
A Diseased Fancy by J_Baillier. Johnlock. Mature. 85,088 words. Spooky, creepy, and awesome. Sherlock and John get complicated, and then Victor Trevor shows up. Shit gets weird. An awesome story. Did I say awesome already?
A Case for Domestic Propinquity by SilentAuror. Johnlock. Explicit. 32,308 words. Renovations are underway at Baker Street, and Sherlock is wondering how he can convince John to stay with Rosie. But there are a lot of truths to uncover.
Never (Turn Your Back to the Sea) by DiscordantWords. Johnlock. Explicit. 39,968 words. This is a fantastic story. Sherlock wants John to stay but John just visits with Rosie. Eurus is kind of a bitch, but she eventually gives Sherlock the key.
A Wizarding Barista’s Field Guide to Seducing a Muggle by paradigmfinch. Johnlock. Teen. 29,344 words. I mean, this is just one of the cutest things I’ve ever read. 
On the Losing Side by missselene. Johnlock. Explicit. 8,210 words. Sherlock and John stumble into a physical relationship, and they don’t talk about it.
Time on my hands by mildredandbobbin. Johnlock. Mature. 7,179 words. I love this one. Sherlock decides to go cottaging. John eventually finds out.
State of Flux by Atiki. Johnlock. Explicit. 24,655 words. Sherlock and John slide into a relationship without Sherlock really realizing. The couch scene is one of my favorite things in this.
Sussex by SilentAuror. Johnlock. Explicit. 26,640 words. Casefic and bed-sharing and post-Reichenbach, oh my!
The Moonlight and the Frost by CaitlinFairchild. Johnlock. Explicit. 77,349 words. Mycroft and Sherlock insist John goes back to Mary for his safety. Eventually, John has had enough of everyone else making decisions for him. 
Masters of Ink by IndyBaggins. Johnlock. Explicit. 67,482 words. What a great AU, and what angst! John and Sherlock are tattoo artists competing on a reality show. 
Recovery by mainegirlwrites. Johnlock. Mature. 26,935 words. Sherlock is attacked while on a case and is disfigured. John takes care of him.
A Fold in the Universe by darkest_bird. Johnlock. Explicit. 152,875 words. This is an interesting concept and a fun story. Alpha Sherlock and Omega John are in a relationship in one world. Sherlock and John are not. Somehow, John and Omega John swap worlds. 
Marriage of Inconvenience by fragile-teacup. Explicit. 3,563 words. Why do I love Hannibal and Will together so much? This short fic is and many other fics like it are part of the reason why. In this one, Hannibal is being deported! Will offers up a solution.
This Dangerous Game by MissDisoriental. Explicit. 270,260 words. This one is a fantastic historical AU set in London at the time of Jack the Ripper. Will is visiting from America and on the case. Hannibal is fascinated by this young, intelligent man.
Kindling by gleamingwholeanddeadly. Explicit. 1,769 words. Hannibal has a clingy patient. Will pretends to be his date at a social event where the patient will attend.
Prey by Miss_Lv. Explicit. 6,959 words. Hannibal meets Will in the woods. He comes to discover more about himself after violent and sexual interactions with the strange hermit.
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thescribblerqueen · 4 years
Fanfiction Project List Pt. 2
(Because I have no control over my brain)
A continuation of my Flash/Glee/Agents of Shield fic ideas. Click Here for Part 1!
Flash Age Reversal Fic
Status: Not Written
Tags: Gen Fic, Barry Allen & Joe West, Father/Son Relationship, age reversal, not a crack fic, sort of a character study on their relationship, tags tbd
Summary: Joe deals with his feels of resentment towards Henry Allen as Barry’s Biological Father and all the things he missed out on with Barry. Barry comes into contact with a meta that reverses peoples ages and has to wait several months for the effects to wear off.
Flash/Agents of Shield Foster Fic
Status: Not Written
Tags: Gen Fic, probably a one-shot?, Joe West & Iris West & Barry Allen & Skye/Daisy Johnson, Foster Family AU, Pre-winter soldier, Coma Barry, Tags TBD
Summary: One of Skye’s last foster families was the West family, Team Coulson looks into events after the particle accelerator explosion and she reconnects.
For the Hell of It
Fandom: Glee
Status: Chapter 2
Tags: KurtBastian, Former Klaine, Ugly klaine breakup, it’s not bashing but might not for klaine fans, enemies to friends to lovers speedrun,one-night stand, and they were roommates, Post-Season 5, Fake Marriage AU, Fake Marriage with Benefits, denial which might count it as slowburn, trust fund Sebastian, character illness, mentions of homophobia, Tags TBD
Summary: After breaking up with Blaine and calling off the wedding, Kurt is avoiding going back to his apartment after work because they still live together. While stressing over finding a new apartment with everyone moving out he runs into Sebastian and they catch up and hook up. Sebastian offers for him to be roommates afterwards to solve his problems. Turns out when they aren’t fighting over a guy they’re pretty compatible. Things get more complicated with they decide it would benefit them to get married legally for financial and other benefits.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29502675
Flash Westhallen Friends w/Benefits Fic
Status: Not Written
Tags: Westhallen, HalBarry,Westhawne, fake dating au, FWB, of course there’s smut it’s a FWB AU, angst, pining, jealousy, “unrequited love”
Summary: Barry made the stupid mistake of starting a “Friends with Benefits” pact with Iris and Eddie, who wanted to try somethings in the bedroom that Barry has experience with. He needs to get out of it before he gets hurt. His solution, fake date his old friend Hal Jordan who is also trying to avoid unrequited feelings. 
Glee/Flash KurtBastian Fake Dating AU
Status: Not Written
Tags: KurtBastian, Westhawne, Blaine/?, former Klaine, unrequited feelings, Sebastian is Barry Allen, Bisexual Barry Allen, fake dating au, future fic, tags TBD
Summary: Kurt moved to Central City after Blaine starts dating someone else, and runs into an old face. Unfortunately, Blaine ends up in Central and to avoid ending back up together he asks Barry to fake date him. Barry uses this quell any suspicions that he still has feelings for Iris.
Glee/Flash KurtBastian Coffee Shop AU
Status: Not Written
Tags: KurtBastian, starts as Klaine, Sebastian is Barry, technically a coffee shop AU, Post Season 3, canon divergence, mentions of assault/injuries, homophobia, Finn lives
Summary: Barry regrets choosing to work at Jitters during the summer instead of at the grocery store like Iris when Kurt Hummel, attending a theatre program in Central City, walks in and asks “Why does your name tag say Barry?”
Glee/Flash Time Travel AU
Status: Not Fully Plotted
Tags: Probably going to FlashVibe, Time Travel, Sebastian is Barry,???
Summary: Barry inexplicably ends up back in the past without his powers and attending Dalton Academy once again. 
Glee/Flash Young Flash
Status: Not Fully Plotted
Tags: Teen Barry, Everyone else is older, Barry and Wally are the same age, Sebastian is Barry, realistic coma, season 6 of Glee, Eobard burns down Dalton,???
Summary: Before his Senior Year ends, Barry is struck by lightning and is in a coma for nine months. When he returns to Dalton all of his friends have graduated but the New Directions are still around saving their old glee club.
Glee/Flash Sebklaine A/B/O Fic
Status: Revived, On Chapter 2, Not Published
Tags: Sebklaine,Klaine, Sebastian is Barry (as usual), a/b/o dynamic, slight freeform, and they were roommates, Alpha Blaine, Omega Kurt, Omega Barry, secret identity, insecurities, smut, heats, & ruts, unplanned pregnancy, summer fling with breakup, drama and angst, Tags TBD 
Summary: Barry ends up in Lima for his forensic internship and doesn’t expect to be renting the same house as Kurt and Blaine. And they only know him as Sebastian Smythe, so he has to pretend to be Sebastian again for the summer. It all goes down hill with an unexpected heat.
Glee/Flash Thallen 
Status: N/A
Summary: After Eddie’s death and then his dad’s, Barry takes a leave of absence from work and goes to his High School Reunion and spends time reconnecting with old friends. The team promised to call him if they needed him back, but they are completely unaware that at the same time, the time line is being altered in Central and leaving everyone outside of it unaffected.
Flash/Agents of Shield Daughter AU
Status: N/A
Tags: FitzSimmons, Multiverse, slight time travel, parents being the same age as their children, Deke is an alternate timeline son of Caitlin, slightly inspired by another fic but also I just think Caitlin and Jemma look alike 
Summary: FitzSimmons Daughter is taken from them as an infant and she ends up on Earth-1 as Caitlin Snow. When they finally track where she went Caitlin is already full grown despite that it’s only been a few months for them.
Flash/Agents of Shield Ward AU
Status: N/A
Tags: Multiverse, Redemption Arc, Post Hive, I might make this a Flash/Ward (Just as Warning), the speed force revived and fixed him then spit him out on Earth-1
Summary: After dying as Hive, Ward some how finds himself alive on another Earth rescued by Team Flash. He knows that whatever happened to changed him, because he can honestly feel emotions he’s never felt before including grief, regret, and disgust over his past actions. A brain scan shows him that he no longer has the chemical imbalance that made him a psychopath. Can he work towards redemption for himself?
Flash FlashVibe A/B/O
Status: N/A
Tags: FlashVibe, A/B/O, Flashpoint w/o Savitar, Miscarriage, mpreg, Hurt & Comfort
Summary: After the Flashpoint is set in stone, Barry experiences an unexpected miscarriage from a pregnancy he didn’t know about. Cisco isn’t speaking to him over Dante, so he can’t bear to tell him and makes Caitlin keep it a secret and he moves out of Cisco’s apartment. Eventually he finds out and they have to figure out how to move forward.
All my prompts that aren’t fully worked out enough for summaries:
Five Reasons Barry Allen Needs a Dog
Thallen A/B/O
Allenbert Harry Potter AU
SinghAllen (One-shot?)
Uncle Coulson AU (He’s Barry’s Uncle)
Glee/Flash Twin AU
One-Shots of Pre-Canon Joe West/Cecile Horton Dating/Being Married
Some sort of Nerd Polyamory FitzSimmons & Barry Allen
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