#witchy vocab
viettna · 2 years
Tarot vs. Oracle Cards vs. Cartomancy
Cartomancy (umbrella) is divination with different types of cards in general
Tarot is a form of divination involving the random selection of cards from a specific system of symbols and meanings (That specific system being, ofc, tarot)
Lenormand is a different specific system of symbols and meanings
Cartomancy (specific) is divination with playing cards
Oracle/Oracle decks (umbrella) is basically any system outside of the specific major ones
In all of these, placement often guides meanings and different placement templates are called spreads 🙂
Let’s Practice!
Our main terms will be in bold and characteristics unique to it will be in italics.
I used Tarot and the Heirophant jumped out of the deck.
My favorite card in my Lenormand deck is the Ring.
I love to do cartomancy because playing cards are so accessible.
I love to use spreads that have placement spots for all form of cartomancy because I hate being limited to just one card system of meaningful symbols.
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pnwitch-of-west17 · 7 months
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grimmstar-grimmoire · 2 years
Glossary of Witchy Terms [**Updated**]
One who attends or assists in a ritual, service, or procession.
A person who is skilled in magic, witchcraft, or mysticism.
The assertion that something is true, it exists, and you believe in it. Affirmations are a powerful tool in witchcraft.
In many ways a precursor to modern chemistry, alchemy was generally considered to be the science of turning one thing into another thing through physical and chemical processes (in its literal interpretation) or refining something (like the soul) into a better or more perfect version (in its metaphorical usage).
A tradition of Wicca descended from the teachings of Alex Sanders, the "King of Witches."
The ritual workspace; a table, shelf, or other dedicated area where witches practice their craft. For some witches, altars can be a place of regular spells, rituals, and magical workings, for others, it is simply a sacred space where they place symbolic objects
An object which has been ascribed magical powers, or with which intentions have been set. A kind of ‘good luck charm’, carried with them. Often added to charm bags, spell bottles, or carried in the pocket or purse.
To smear or rub with oil
The two halves of a tarot deck; divided into Major and Minor; Major consists of 22 trumps while the minor consists of 56 suit cards.
Ancient or secret wisdom
Universal images and symbols commonly used to represent deities in forms that we can understand
A bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object use to sprinkle water before, during, or after a ritual for purification purposes
Astral Body
The astral body is the psychic or spirit form that we take on when astral traveling. Some describe it as the soul.
Astral Plane
A state of existence which you go to when astral projecting or doing astral magic. It is reached through altered states of consciousness where the* **astral body* is free from the material body.
Astral Travel
Also known as astral projection. It is where the soul leaves the body and enters the astral plane, where they can observe, encounter, and interact with spiritual beings and entities. Unlike an ‘out of body experience’, it involves an intentional effort to direct your soul from your body.
The study of the stars, constellations, zodiacs, and planets.
A ceremonial knife or blade which is used to channel and direct energy and cast protective circles. As the blade itself is not traditionally used for cutting, it is often beautiful, rather than functional. If the ritual, ceremony, or spell requires cutting, a different knife (or boline) is used.
An aura is a subtle energetic field that surrounds objects, places, and living things. It’s undetectable to the human eye, however some people train to be able to detect and ‘read’ auras.
Baby Witch
(Often considered derogatory) A new, inexperienced witch. It is advised to only use this label if it is self-applied, and a label you wish to use.
The traditional bonfire of the Sabbats, still used in many pagan celebrations
Magically send away or repel, especially negative energies or entities, from a person, home, or ritual area.
Ritual tool used to invoke directional energies, ring in the sunrise on a sabbat, stir up energies, or frighten away faeries and harmful spirits.
Also known as ‘May Eve’, ‘Beltaine’, ‘Bealtaine’, or ‘May Day’. Held on the 1st of May, and one of the eight sabbats, Beltane is an ancient fertility festival which marks the beginning of the planting cycle and ensures a bountiful harvest.
A traditional broomstick constructed of twigs tied to a sturdy pole. used to sweep clean a ritual space before practicing, though as this is more of a metaphorical cleaning, the besom usually does not touch the ground, but is used a few inches above ground. Small besoms are often used to clean the altar in much the same way.
To magically restrain
Birth Chart
Shows the positions and houses all the planets were in at the time you were born.
Black Magick
Refers to any magic which involves the use of negative energy or has the intent of malice or harm
The use of magic to benefit an object or being.
Also spelled bolline *or *bolleen. A boline is a white-handled knife which, unlike the athame, is used for practical work before, or during spells and rituals, such as cutting herbs, cords, wands, etc. or inscribing candles. The boline sometimes has a small, straight blade, but a crescent-shaped blade is not uncommon.
Book of Shadows
A book of instructions for rituals and spells, often also containing religious text, and personal thoughts, the Book of Shadows was at first associated with the Wiccan *religion. They are now widely used by witches of all religious paths. Unlike the *Grimoire, the Book of Shadows has more of a ‘journal’ quality, since it is often used for recording experiences and emotions, rather than just ingredients and instructions.
Burning Times
A reference to a period during the Middle Ages when many witches and non-witches were executed by the church or by public officials for supposedly practicing witchcraft
Cardinal Points
North, South, East, and West, often marked by candles of green, red, yellow, and blue.
Divination through the use of cards
A pot which was traditionally made of metal and used for cooking and boiling.
A heat-proof container used to burn incense; associated with element Air.
Ceremonial Magic
School or method of magical that places emphasis on long, complex rituals; often referred to as ritualism.
A drinking vessel intended for ceremonial drinking.
Chakras are the energy centers in the body, which are believed to be spinning disks that should be kept open and aligned for our spiritual and physical wellbeing. There are seven major chakras in the human body, as follows:
Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra
A New Age word for mediumship, channeling involves allowing a spirit entity to speak through the channeler. The process is virtually impossible to prove and therefore does not enjoy a particularly good reputation.
To infuse an object with personal power.
Charm Bag (Conjure Bag/Mojo Bag)
A bag filled with things which represent your intention. Typically, the pouch is filled with herbs, crystals, affirmations, amulets, etc. and then (depending on its intended use) kept in the home, on the altar, or carried with you.
In some Pagan traditions, a “circle” refers to the people who gather for a ritual. When standing in a circle, all the participants are able to see each other, with no one member elevated over any other. This practice is often felt to encourage egalitarianism and community. At a ritual, a circle will be “cast” to provide a container for the energy to be raised and to denote a differentiation between the ritual space and everyday reality
Casting a circle is done to banish negative energy and create a sacred space in preparation for a spell or ritual, though it can also be cast unceremoniously to create a calm space for meditation or work
Cleansing an item or person is done to remove any excess lingering energies from previous rituals or that have been picked up unintentionally from going about one’s day.
Cone of Power
Psychic energy raised and focused by an individual or group mind to perform a specific task or to achieve a purpose
The act of consecrating is to purify and dedicate an object to a specific use. Usually witches consecrate new wands or tools to make them sacred
Sets of ideas, concepts, and beliefs about objects, sabbats, plants, animals, or colors.
A gathering of at least three witches who come together to practice witchcraft. Often (but not always) led by a High Priestess, a High Priest, or both. Covens will gather, usually in nature, to celebrate the sabbats, for rituals, initiations, etc..
Non-Wicca or non-Pagan (derogatory)
An abbreviation of ‘Witchcraft’, and is how many witches refer to their practice.
Crystal Elixir
Water that is infused with the energies from whatever type of water-safe crystal you choose to soak in it. The elixir can be used for drinking or for use in rituals.
Rocks and minerals which have different properties for uses in spells, rituals, and meditation.
Crystal Grid
A special geometric arrangement of crystals with a set intention. The grid is created to amplify the power of the crystals, and to combine the powers of multiple crystals towards one end goal.
Crystal Heading
An alternative or complementary therapy, crystal healing uses crystals to bring harmony and healing to the human body and mind. This is an energy-based therapy which draws on the unique vibration of each crystal to help us balance, and unblock, our own energy centers (chakras) in the body. Each crystal has its own unique vibration and energy; each cell in the human body also has its own energy, and when a crystal is brought close to the body, sensitive people can feel the energies from the crystal, and this can help to bring their own energy into balance.
Crystal Magic
All crystals have their own natural properties which you can draw on, which means they are excellent additions to charm bags, spell jars, etc.
A pronouncement of ill-fortune. Spoken words with the power to inflict harm. Unlike a spell intended to cause harm, a curse requires nothing other than intent and the spoken word. A witch’s energy and harmful intent combined with words, are all it takes to cast a curse.
A spirit or being below the Gods in power.
Ritual knife used to sever psychic bonds, cursing, initiating, and exorcising
Lowering the power level of psychic energy fields
A ritual in which a witch dedicates his- or herself to the craft and vows to study and learn all that is necessary to reach adeptship.
Levels of achievement in a particular tradition. Many traditions have three degrees.
A god or goddess
A personification of evil; an entity of an evil and destructive nature
Medieval science of studying demons.
Other accepted spellings: deasil / deiseal / deisal / deisul. This means clockwise/sunwise, and in witchcraft is used to attract, or bring things to you. For example, when stirring a love potion, you would stir it clockwise to attract love. If making an abundance charm bag, blend the contents clockwise to attract money, etc.
Dianic Pagans, taking their name from the Greek goddess Diana, honor only goddesses or the Goddess, never any gods. Most Dianic groups are women-only and grew out of the feminist movement.
The practice of seeking knowledge of the future, or the unknown, by using your own intuition and insight in order to translate the images, visions, or messages that come through your chosen divination tool. There is an art to divination, and it is true that many people seem to have a natural gift, but this is also something that can be mastered over time as you learn to tune into your intuition.
A technique of using a rod or pendulum to find underground water, minerals, or anything invisible; can be used to magically find a person, place, thing of element.
Dream Journal
A book to write down all the dreams you have. It’s done so you can decipher messages from your subconscious as a form of divination, or so that you familiarize yourself with your dreams in order to lucid dream or* astral project* easily
Before Europe was conquered by the Romans in the early centuries CE, members of the priestly elite of Ireland, Britain, and modern-day France were known as Druids. In their religious culture, groves of trees, bodies of water, and elevated landscapes were closely associated with various gods, goddesses, and spirits and became important sites for worship
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Everything here in our physical world is made up of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. And the fifth element, Spirit, is the binding force between all other elements, and between everything in existence. Witches work with the powers of these elements, and invoke their energy when practicing their magic.
A person with the ability to feel the mental and emotional state of another individual.
The state of being under a spell or another word for spell.
The equinoxes, which happen twice a year, are days when night and day are of equal duration. For many Pagans, these holidays signify balance. Although practices vary according to region and climate, many Pagans celebrate the birth of spring on March 21 (the spring equinox), while September 21 is a fall harvest festival (the autumn equinox).
A meeting of a coven of witches at a time other than one of the eight sabbats. Often these meetings are held once every moon cycle, often during the full moon, and incorporate healing work, psychic and magical training, moon rituals, etc. Solitary witches who take advantage of the moon phases will often refer to their moon magic or rituals as ‘esbats’.
Esoteric topics are usually, but not always, religious or spiritual in nature. If a topic is only studied or understood by a few people it is generally considered esoteric. Many occult topics are esoteric but not all and some esoteric traditions are occult in nature but certainly not all of them. “Esoteric” is generally discussed along with “mysticism”.
To call something out from within.
Familiars are a witch’s helpful, guardian spirit. Familiars may take the form of a pet, a spirit animal, or even an obliging non-physical entity. Not every witch has a familiar, and not all witches who have a familiar are aware of it.
The traditional sayings, stories, faerie tales, or cures with a particular locale.
A form of religious witchcraft, follows the writings and teachings of Gerald Gardner (1884–1964), which were published in England in the 1950s.
A book of spells, rituals, and instructions. Traditionally a Grimoire (unlike a* Book of Shadows*, which contains script about experiences, and emotions, and religious text) is a book containing only tried and trusted magical directions, spells, incantations, and invocations.
The act of connecting spiritually and physically to the earth’s energy
Hag Stone
They are stones containing a naturally occurring hole; believed to provide protection against diseases and evil
Spanning many cultures and thousands of years, handfasting is an ancient ritual in which the hands of the couple wishing to pledge their union, are tied together with cords, ribbon, or lace, to symbolize the binding of two lives. A symbolic marriage ceremony which is popular among pagans and wiccans.
A fire place and the surrounding area; symbol of one's home.
Any of the beliefs, philosophies, practices, or tenets related or attributed to the fictional figure of Hermes Trismegistus. Core texts include the “Hermetic Corpus”, the “Emerald Tablet”, and “The Kybalion”. The first two are either lost, reconstructed, or fabricated and the latter was published under a pseudonym in the early 20th century.
A magic spell or charm which is intended to bring harm. To hex someone is to put them under a spell which will attract misfortune, ill health, or hardship.
High Priestess
Though this can vary depending on tradition, and coven, the leader of a coven is often referred to as the High Priestess. The High Priestess embodies intuition, creativity, and the divine feminine. Having dedicated their life to the Craft, studied, trained, and incorporated it into their everyday life, they will have earned this title and status. The High Priestess is a teacher, a leader, and a healer.
An altered state of consciousness where one's bodily and sensory control, suggestibility, and the ability to concentrate are increased
Also known as Imbolg, or Saint Brigid’s Day. One of the eight sabbats, Imbolc is a traditional festival, held on the 1st of February each year (in the Northern Hemisphere), which is about midway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It is celebrated on the 1st August in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a time for purification, cleansing, and planning.
Most Pagans believe that divinity is immanent, or present, in the physical world. Some Pagans believe that a single divine force is present in all things; others believe that all living and natural things have a soul or spirit. The Pagan belief that the human body is holy is connected to their belief in immanent divinity.
A spoken spell or charm intended to have an effect on a person or object. Incantations can be spoken words, in your own language charged with intent – or they can be a chanting of noises, or made-up words which have meaning and power known only to the witch casting the spell.
The ritual burning of herbs or oil during magical workings or rituals to better help the witch(es) attune with the goal of the working
The process of being introduced and admitted into a coven; usually done as a ritual.
To call in a higher power for help. This is usually calling on a spirit, deity, or the power of the elements for some kind of assistance, inspiration, or protection.
An unlucky or malevolent thing, person, or force. If someone or something is ‘jinxed’ it attracts misfortune. Unlike a hex, a jinx is more of an unintentional curse…it is thought that you jinx someone, or something accidentally.
The notion that any positive or negative energy which is put out into the world will return to the sender. Karma is known by some witches as the ‘rule of three’ or ‘threefold law’, stating that the karma which comes back is always three times as strong as the one that is initially released.
A kindred is a group of Heathens. This term emphasizes contemporary Heathen kinship with ancestral practitioners of Germanic and Northern European religious traditions. Although some Heathen groups believe it is important for Heathens to have Northern European ethnic heritage, many see kinship in spiritual terms and welcome practitioners of all ethnic backgrounds.
Also known as Lughnasadh. One of the eight sabbats, on the 1st of August, midway between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox, Lammas is the celebration of the first harvest; it is a time for giving thanks for abundance.
Also known as* Summer Solstice* or Midsummer. One of the eight sabbats, Litha celebrates the longest day and the shortest night of the year. This is a time of joy and celebration, as the sun is at the height of its power.
Lucid Dreaming
The state of active and conscious dreaming where you are able to control what is going on in your dreams.
Also known as the Autumn Equinox. Celebrated in September at the time when night and day, dark and light, are equal. Mabon celebrates the period of rest after the labor of harvest, and is a time to reap what you’ve sown and celebrate the fruits of your labor.
Magick with this spelling was first used in the 1600’s and is an early English spelling for ‘magic’ – it has more recently been adopted to differentiate stage magic and illusion, with the very real magic associated with witchcraft.
Magic Circle
An energy field that you surround yourself with before your magical workings begin. Some people also like to cast a magic circle before meditating. The circle provides protection since you cast it with the intent of positive energies only being allowed to enter. This means that when you open yourself up to energies, you are protected from negative ones. Not only this, but it contains and amplifies your own personal energies making your magic more powerful; the circle is almost like a cauldron for brewing up powerful energies!
Refers to the act of materializing your wants and goals by truly believing in their possibility.
The sounds used for as an associational device or to induce trance
The act of concentrated mindfulness, where you can still the mind and empty it of thought while doing nothing. It is done to relax and reach an altered state of consciousness.
The practice of being invested fully in whatever activity you are doing and not distracted by irrelevant thoughts.
Moon Magic
Magic associated with the moon. Working with the different moon phases is an important part of many witches’ practice.
Moon Water
Water which has been charged with the moon’s lunar energy.
A religious practice where the goal is a direct experience with God, a god, or gods.
The practice of working with the dead. Witches who practise necromancy magic do a lot of ancestral and spirit work and use divination tools like ouija boards. The practice is surrounded with the fascination of death. It is not considered black magic as it is not necessary to kill or inflict pain on living things to practise necromancy.
The study of the ‘hidden secrets’ of the universe. Typically refers to the paranormal, however, it also can be used as an umbrella term similar to ‘paganism’ for witchcraft, astrology, shamanism, divination and botany, to name a few.
An event or sign that is believed to foretell or foreshadow a good or bad future circumstance.
Also known as Eostre *or the Spring Equinox*. One of the eight sabbats, Ostara is a March celebration (typically celebrated on the Equinox, or the full moon thereafter) which celebrates balance, rebirth, and new beginnings. Ostara is a great time for purification spells, and spells for fresh starts, or new projects etc.
A person who holds religious beliefs outside of the mainstream religions. Pagans believe that nature is sacred; and they connect spiritually with the earth, observing the changing of the seasons and the natural cycles of birth, growth, and death. Many Pagans worship multiple Gods and Goddesses, and some worship only Mother Earth. Pagans do not necessarily all share the same beliefs and values as each other; they follow their own spiritual path, without feeling the need to conform.
A weight of some kind attached to a chain or string which swings to give answers to questions. Using a pendulum is a form of dowsing, meaning you use your intuition and subconscious thoughts to understand what is happening in your life
The pentacle has long been used by witches as a symbol of protection; the points of the pentacle represent the five elements of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit…the five things essential to sustain life. The circle surrounding them contains and protects, and also connects the five points indicating that earth, air, fire, and spirit, are all connected.
A five-pointed star without the circle, a symbol of the elements.
A doll made to represent someone in order that you can cast spells on them, or aid them, through magic. Traditionally, these were often carved from natural materials such as roots, or branches, but in modern witchcraft they are more likely to be mindfully sewn from cloth and stuffed with herbs that relate to the intention of the witch creating them.
The four corners and/or watchtowers in a magical circle.
In divination, the person who ask questions of the reader
Rising Sign
Also known as the ascendant, refers to the zodiac sign that was ascending over the eastern horizon at the time and place you were born. It is described as the ‘mask’ of how we first come across when meeting new people or being in new situations
While a *spell *is a set of actions to bring about a desired result, a ritual, similarly, is a set of actions to bring about a desired result, but is more involved and tends to bring religious or spiritual beliefs into the magic; this can be done in many ways, such as calling on deities, chanting, dancing, etc.
Any spell can become a ritual, by incorporating your own personal spiritual practices.
Runes originated in 4th century Scandinavia as a divinatory alphabet. In Paganism, small stones printed with runes are employed for both divination and magic. Each character is said to have a special spiritual significance, particularly when drawn in response to a question or issue
A sabbat is one of the eight celebrations/festivals recognised and celebrated by wiccans and many (but not all) pagans and witches. Beliefs can vary regarding the precise timing of each celebration, depending on their own religious or spiritual beliefs, and based on distinctions such as lunar phase and geographic hemisphere.
Also known as* Hallowe’en*. One of the eight sabbats, Samhain (celebrated on the 31st of October) celebrates the thinning of the veil between our world and the spirit world. This is a time to celebrate and honor our ancestors and passed loved ones, and to communicate with them, leave offerings for them, and remember them.
An ancient form of divination, which involves gazing into a surface such as a crystal ball, a mirror, water, or flickering flames. There are no limits to how and where and with what tools, a person may scry; perhaps they stare into the darkness, or up at the clouds, for it to form any signs and symbols they can translate…The images seen by the diviner can be fleeting, hazy, or vague, but the intuition of the diviner helps them to discern and understand the scattered, fragmented images, and translate them into something tangible.
Shadow Work
The ‘shadow’ refers to the dark side of our personalities which we repress and overlook. It is the side of us that is wounded with past traumas and impulsive emotions such as envy, greed, rage and desire. Shadow work is the practice of facing those emotions and traumas head on to be able to heal properly and balance your life.
A person who has access to and influence over all kinds of spirits and they typically can enter into a state of trance during rituals, divination and healing so that they can interact with the spiritual realms. Shamanism originates from tribes and indigenous traditions.
A symbol used to represent a desired outcome. Commonly created by using lettering, and condensing the lettering down to a single symbol. Sigils are charged, during their creation, with the intent of the practitioner, or witch. This can then be used in magic; etched into candles, written in salt, or herbs, sewn into poppets or charm bags, the uses of sigils are only limited by our imagination.
To be naked, particularly during ritual magic. Some believe that clothing interferes with our ability to connect with nature, and therefore, magic is more powerful when performed naked, and fully able to connect with the elements.
Smoke Cleansing
Smoke cleansing involves burning, herbs, woods, incense, or resins in order to rid your space of negative or stagnant energies. There are several incenses, herbs, or resins you can use depending on your desired results
The use of incense or dried herb smoke to cleanse items or an area.
A solstice is the point in Earth's orbit when the sun is farthest from the equator, the opposite of equinox which is when the sun is the closest to the equator. The days are longer in summer solstice and shorter during the winter solstice and both take place on a different day for the southern and northern hemispheres
So mote it be
A common way of ending a spell or ritual. Meaning ‘so must it be’, or ‘so shall it be’. Often used at the end of a spell or ritual, for example, in candle magic, as the candle burns out; while making a charm bag, as the bag is tied shut; as the final words in a spoken spell, etc.
Sour Jar
Often used as a form of revenge or retribution, a sour jar is a jar created to literally sour someone’s life. It is a jar in which you place something to represent your target, a base of vinegar, and to this you can add other items to annoy and irritate such as chilli, thorns, etc.
Spiral Dance
A Pagan ritual dance that follows a snake-like coiling pattern. A line of dancers spirals into the center, back out, and back in again. Each dancer passes face to face with all the other participants; each member of the community is seen by all. The spiral dance is often danced as the culmination of the energy-raising part of a ritual.
A talisman is an object that brings luck or protection from harm and negative energies to the person who owns it.
Tarot cards are used for meditation and divination by some Pagans. Tarot cards are usually elaborately illustrated using symbols and images from Western mysticism. There are many possible ways to use Tarot decks, but Pagans often lay out elaborate spreads of cards to intuitively explore personal or spiritual questions, or they may draw a single card in the morning to gain insight about the day ahead.
Theban Alphabet
Or The Witches’ Alphabet, is a writing system which has been utilized by some to disguise their words so they cannot be read and understood by anyone unfamiliar with the script. The script can be used in the same way sigils would be used, or it can be used to write an entire* Book of Shadows*; though this would only be recommended if fluent in the script, or reading your own text could become problematic.
The philosophical study of religion, typically by believers.
Working with spirits and/or gods in a ritual fashion to elicit spiritual or material effects.
Triple Moon
Also known as the Triple Goddess. Representing the Maiden, Mother, and Crone, and honoring each stage of the female life cycle, the triple moon symbolizes the three, united.
A religion deriving from African polytheism. The word can also be used for dolls or puppets that are implied by popular media as used for harm or ill intent, however, that isn’t always the case.
Traditionally made of wood (but can also be made of metal, or rock, and is often set with gemstones and crystals), a wand is a rod used to channel and direct energy, and cast protective circles. Unlike an athame, a wand has a gentler energy, which is used to invite and encourage rather than to command.
Wicca is a religion which stems from pagan witchcraft. Not all witches are Wiccans and not all Wiccans practise witchcraft.
Wiccan Rede
The Wiccan Rede refers to the basic ethical code ‘an it harm none, do what ye will’. There are several interpretations of it which are followed by many practitioners, not just Wiccans. It is considered advice rather than a rule or commandment
Anti-clockwise / counter-clockwise. Used in magic to banish. For example, if making a healing broth, you would stir it counter-clockwise to banish illness. If you were making a charm bag for ‘letting go’, you would blend the herbs counter-clockwise, etc.
Witches’ Bells
The ringing of bells has long been used to clear away stagnant and unwanted energy from the home. Witches bells are a cluster of bells, designed to hang on your door as a protective charm, and ring whenever anyone enters, ensuring whoever is paying you a visit doesn’t bring negative energy with them.
Witching Hour
A time of night when witches are at their most powerful and spirits are most active. This is considered to be the time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. There are different beliefs as to when exactly the witching hour is; some say midnight, and others believe it is around 3am.
A Chinese philosophical symbol representing the duality of life, and how seemingly opposite or juxtaposing forces are interconnected and can complement and balance each other out.
Also known as the* Winter Solstice*. One of the eight sabbats, celebrated in December. A time when the darkness gives way to the sun, and days start to get progressively longer, Yule is a celebration of rebirth, renewal, and the continuation of life. A perfect time for candle magic, rest, and self-care.
The Zodiac refers to the 12-star constellations that can be found along the paths of the sun, moon and planets. You have a zodiac sign for each planet which is determined by the position of the planet in accordance with the 12 constellations
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14carrotghoul · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
ahhh thank you so much for all the tags to @cha-melodius @myheartalivewrites @daisymae-12 @read-and-write- @indomitable-love @happiness-of-the-pursuit and @cultofsappho!! <3 I've been reading through all of your posts at work and I can finally respond!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
19 (with one of them being fanart)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Red white and royal blue
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Déjame Ver Cómo Es Que Floreces
Solo Déjame Estar Junto a Ti
Isn't She Lovely
Whataburger, Whatanight (this one surprised me lmao)
the sadness you carry, it hangs like a ghost 
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I used to get back within two days but with the boom of readers it turned more into a week because it got a bit overwhelming, but things seem to have slowed down in my stats and I'm hoping to go back to my usual response time! I love engaging with everyone that comments and have had the most lovely interactions <333
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably the sadness you carry, it hangs like a ghost because it literally ends right before Henry has his panic attack with Alex in the car
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think every other fic has a happy ending, but I make people cry with Dejame Ver the most! I wanna tally them up someday - get a percentage of that and the comments that I get in Spanish lol
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No *knocks on wood*
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Have written a scene in a WIP that's sitting dormant but am very self-conscious about it in general
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No crossovers!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No. I daydream about translating Dejame Ver but my Spanish is more conversational (LMAO I literally got into the funniest argument with a cashier on what escabeche meant yesterday so I would also have to unpack my regionalisms lol). I'd like to expand my vocab, especially through literature, if I ever took that on
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I think my writing process would drive a co-author nuts lmao
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
i have one that I've never mentioned that's a big canon divergence that makes it so alex and henry have even more beef but it's a slow burn and would basically have to be novel length. My attention has since wandered to shorter ideas, but it's one I'd like to share someday even if it means chopping it up
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I'm pretty good at writing friendships and how characters play off each other in banter. I am pretty proud of my dialogue! And I think my writing (when it's not angst) has a very welcoming and homey feeling.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel like my writing can be very literal and I could stop and smell the roses more when describing things haha I can click into that mode sometimes but other times I don't have the patience to be super descriptive. I think this also translates into pacing - just wanna get the show on the road lol
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
hehehehehe (love it)
I'm hoping to figure out footnotes for my next fic especially bc there's a lot of Aztec words/concepts that are niche and I don't want to pull readers out of the fic too much when they'd have to google things
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Either Twilight or Maximum Ride
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Dejame Ver is a pride and joy, and readers' reactions to it still make me all soft and mushyyyy. I've gotten a tiny bit jaded about it bc my family is now a shitshow BUT I try not to let that ruin it for me!
Witchy WIP is gonna be right up there because I feel like it is just an explosion of my creativity!!! I truly went fucking nuts writing it
Tagging @sherryvalli @kiwiana-writes @suseagull04 @cricketnationrise @historicallysam @xthelastknownsurvivorx and anyone else that would like to share more about themselves!
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leslie-redirects-here · 5 months
I love tarot, and I love learning about tarot with other people. I'm putting together a bunch of posts for absolute beginners (including things I wish someone had told me when I first got into tarot), which can be found under learning tarot.
If you have questions about tarot specifically or divination in general, or a particular subject you'd like me to post about, or something you'd like to talk with me about, send me an ask and I'll do what I can!
I also post tarot aesthetic pics.
I do not post anything created by AI (as all content in these content-generators is stolen). If you see something on my blog you think is AI, please send me an ask and let me know!
All the pics posted by this blog are free use (most are from pixabay and pexels), and are therefore available for any use that isn't monetized, including other aesthetic posts, moodboards, etc. Go nuts!
Posts reblogged from others will be tagged R.
Aesthetic pics can be found separated by subject; all aesthetic pics together are under (just guess) aesthetic.
Posts specific to the blog itself, including the full images I've used for my banner and icon, can be found under leslieblog.
Answered asks can be found under (surprising everyone) answered asks.
All posts created by me, regardless of content, are tagged op.
If you're looking for something that isn't in one of the regular tags (like a specific tarot card), you can go to the blog main page and use the search bar in the upper left.
Tags Masterlist - common tags alphabetically
aesthetic | animals | answered asks | architecture | art | Aquarian tarot deck | autumn | bees | black | blue | candles | cats | cauldrons | chalices | coins | colored candles | colored smoke | court cards | cups | creatures | crystals | crystal balls | daily tarot | death | death decay disintegration desiccation | dogs | disability | dried herbs | dried flowers | flowers | gods and deities | green | Hellenic paganism | Hinduism | houseplants | incense | insects | jars | lava | learning tarot | leslieblog | lightning | major arcana | minor arcana | moon | mountains | mushrooms | nature | Norse paganism | op | owls | paganism | pentacles | pentagrams | plants | prayer | purple | queer | queer aesthetic | queer pride | rainbows | red | Rider-Waite tarot deck | rods | snow | sage | smoke | smoke cleansing | snakes | skulls | Slavic paganism | sun | sun worship | swords | tarot | tarot aesthetic | tarot cards | tarot vocab | trees | vocab | volcanoes | wands | worship | winter | witchy aesthetic | yellow
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linguafrencha · 2 years
witchy spanish vocab for spooky season
rompecabezas -> puzzle
hechicera -> sorceress
acuarela -> watercolor
arco -> arch
tinieblas -> darkness
ciudadela -> citadel
estanque -> pond
cenagoso-> muddy
pinar -> pine forest
sombrío -> shady
embrujado -> haunted
capilla -> chapel
tenebrosa -> scary
cirio -> candle
lúgubre -> gloomy
hiedra -> ivy
caserón -> mansion
ceniza -> ash
verja -> gate
oxidado -> rusty
musgo -> moss
siniestro -> sinister
advertencia -> warning
morboso -> morbid
gorrión -> sparrow
cautivar -> to captivate
desvanecerse -> to fade
trazar -> to trace
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theoryofmagick · 3 years
Magic vs Magick
It's that time of year again (apparently!)
Magic: This includes spellcasting, circle casting, imbuement, charging, and all activities related to the movement of energy to achieve a specific result - magic-making. Different Witches have different ways they like to describe their magic - whether it be the manipulation of energy alongside physical spell items, or performing a piece of folk magic according to oral tradition, magic is when the magic-user uses personal power, drawn power, and/or the power around them to affect change using non-mundane techniques, including those used in witchcraft.
Magick (with a K): This usually specifically refers to ceremonial magick, or High Magick. Whereas performing a candle ritual for protection is lower-case m magic, magic performed according to the rules and rituals of High Magick is denoted as Magick. You may already be using some of these practices in your witchly routine: The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is of High Magick, and many of my own Esbat traditions come from High Magick, such as formal circle casting with a wand. Many Witches take variations and cues from all types of magic, including High Magick/ceremonial magick, to use in their own personal tradition.
I use the magick with a K definition in my username a) because "theoryofmagic" was taken *cue laughter*, but more importantly b) my focus/understanding of, specifically, magical theory and spellcraft comes primarily from Western Esoterica and those very High Magick fundamentals.
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thetiedyedwitch · 4 years
Petition to rename "black magic", "dark magic" , and associated terms to something like "banefull magic" or "ill intent magic". I hate the 'white/light = good' and 'black/dark = bad' associations that currently exist. It's undoubtedly been expressed better many times, but those associations reenforce racist ideas. I'm still somewhat a baby witch, especially in terminology, and if anyone comes up with a more accurate term than "banefull magic" or "ill intent magic" please let me know! Please feel free to reblog and add your own (respectful) thoughts!
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criophorus · 3 years
a note on epithets*
In a recent reading, I found a surprising twist of vocabulary similar to the miasma-vs-lyma debate that went on here a year or so ago. And thus, I learned a new word.
According to this article (and those articles that it references), there is a convoluted difference between the term epithet when we speak of Greek religion and epiklesis.
To make a long story short, this is the difference: An epithet is a poetic title, whereas an epiklesis is a title for the purpose of invocation.
It’s not quite that clear cut-- the article explains that not everybody agrees on which is which, but it seems that, while there is no definitive consensus, opinion on terminology seems to at least learn the directly bolded above.
This isn’t as world-shattering as the miasma/lyma issue, but I think it’s an important piece of vocab given the debate between what is religious media and what is non-religious entertainment as well as for discussion of UPG.
source: HORNBLOWER, SIMON. “LYKOPHRON AND EPIGRAPHY: THE VALUE AND FUNCTION OF CULT EPITHETS IN THE ALEXANDRA.” The Classical Quarterly, vol. 64, no. 1, 2014, pp. 91–120. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/26546287. Accessed 9 Jan. 2021.
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ravenhexxx · 6 years
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Vocab and terms for us witches...slainte
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autel-luna · 6 years
Just a reminder
Altar = sacred space Alter = to change something
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gofod-alle-rymd · 7 years
Witchy Vocabulary
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Nouns Buch (nt) – book Besen (m) – broom Flasche (f) – bottle Fluch (m) – hex, curse Herd (m) – stove Heilkräfte (npl) – healing powers Hexe (f) – witch Kristall (m) – crystal Kraut (nt) – herb großer Kessel – cauldron Mond (m) – moon Omen (nt) - omen Ritual (nt) – ritual Topf (m) – pot Wachs (nt) – wax
Verbs aufbrühen – to brew (tea) brauen – to brew (beer) fliegen – to fly jdn/etw verhexen – to put a hex on sb/sth kommen und gehen – to wax and wane verfluchen – to curse vorhersagen – to predict zunehmen – to wane (moon)
Adjectives alt – old fremd, seltsam – strange heilend – healing herbal – kräuter geistig - spiritual kraftvoll – powerful magisch – magical moderne – modern persönlich – personal sanft – gentle schädlich – harmful
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petrxfxb · 2 years
german vocab
Deine Periode auf Deutsch
German Period Vocab
German Tooth Vocabulary
Ortsnamen - German Place Names
🌈 Rainbow Emoji - red
Beruf und Arbeit
Motivation Vocab
German - materials
Das Nähen - sewing
Insekten - German Vocabulary
Das Geschichte, -n - history
character traits
moods & feelings
Mein Reisegepäck - my luggage
Ozean Vokabelliste
Love Vocabulary
Advent and Christmas
New Years
Winter - German Vocabulary
Winter Vocabulary
Summer Nights
Spring Vocab
Spring Vocabulary
Space 2
Mother’s day
On the phone (German-English)
Hair styling
Die Medizin, -en - medicine
Organs in German
Human body
Simpsons Halloween Specials in German
Frankenstein vocab
witchy German terms
German Vocab: House + Furniture
at home
Household objects
Ice cream
Die Küche, -n -
🥕 Vegetables in German 🍅
Das Gemüse - vegetables
Vegetables part 1 / part 2 / part 3
Describing Fruit
German Vocabulary: Fruits
Das Obst - fruit
Fruit part 1 / part 2
Spices in German
German food list
Dietary requirements
Food and drink emojis
Plant Vocabulary
German Fish Vocabulary 🐠 Goat vocabulary - Ziegenvokabular Dog breeds vocabulary - Hunderassen Animals Animals animals Animal emojis
words with the prefix “ver-”
Expressing your opinion
Words to use instead of gehen / sagen Dinge beschreiben/Describing things
Ways to say “stuff” in German
10 German Slang Words
German, interesting insults
STFU in German
Giving directions
Expressing thanks
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detkayaga · 3 years
обо мне
Привет! Меня зовут джей. If you are reading this, I am shocked you stumbled across this tiny sideblog, and delighted. I am learning the very early basics of Russian as an adult student, utilizing a few books and Duolingo as my steps into learning my first-ever second language. I have a tiny bit of background in Spanish (took Spanish 1 + 2 for my degree path) but never really dedicated time to learning like I have for Russian. I have been an on-and-off student of Russian for longer than I’d like to admit, especially compared to how far I’ve gotten so far. This side blog is my attempt to collect memes, vocab lists, and practice.
I am 32 years old, non-binary, use she/they pronouns, and my main blog ( @magpieslocket ) is dedicated to witchy shit, tarot, and art. My academic history is a little of everything, undergrad BFA in Studio Art with a dash of Engineering by way of my Associate Degree. I am hoping to go back for more undergrad Engineering and maybe formalize my Russian education by taking a few semesters of it along side.
I am more than happy to talk, send me an ask.
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Vocab List/Grammar from My Blog Masterpost
if only i actually knew all these words
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these are not in any real order. please message me with any mistakes. last updated on 2020-10-07. 
ancient rome 
art/umění from @davna-minulost
Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki from @mediocrelanguagelearner
birthdays in czech from @multilingualpotato
bookish words from @smetanovarevoluce
Christmas words
city words from @monicas-langblr
the date and how to talk about it from @mediocrelanguagelearner
Fairy Tales from @zuzajic
fruits and veggies
grains and forest
grammar words from @thebenika
Harry Potter from @mediocrelanguagelearner
linking words from @davna-minulost
love from @multilingualpotato
months (with etymology) from @hangugo
politics from @mediocrelanguagelearner​
room vocab from @monicas-langblr
sleep vocab
space vocab from @diegoalvesisgod
study time from @thebenika 
counting from @zuzajic
another czech vocab masterpost from @mediocrelanguagelearner​
Miscellaneous Vocab
miscellaneous vocab
miscellaneous vocab #2
random a2/b1 from @bergerlanguages​
agotar, use of from @spanishskulduggery​
demonstratives from @lettreparfumee​
qué versus cuál from @spanishlandia​
use of quedar from @lucylangblr​
the imperfect from @lavenderwysteria​
todavía vs ya vs aún from @spanishboone​
Vocab Lists
ancient history from @thatwordofmine​
Ancient Rome
animals from @multilingualpotato​
animal adjacent words from @cadalengua​
August Polyglot Challenge 2019
August Polyglot Challenge 2018
beach vocab from @thatwordofmine​
BLM in spanish from @maeve--studies​
bookish vocab from @foxlanguages​
castle vocab from @thatwordofmine​
coffee vocab from @halo-bish​
coronavirus words from @katarina-languages​
Countries and nations from @leo-does-languages​
distracted vocab 
essay words from @polyglottraveler​
essay words again from @cadalengua​
European Geography from @study-early​
false friends with French from @thatwordofmine​
filler words from @estudioscaoticos​
i am a mess 
Lovely Vocab
menos, expressions with from @cadalengua​
my neighbor totoro from @trilingual-girl-carol​
ocean vocab from @spanishvoyage​
physical conditions from @gray-learns-languages​
science vocab from @fluentbygraduation​
sleep vocab 
Social Media from @adventures-in-iberia​
verbs with de from @langsandculture​
Miscellaneous Vocab
El Prisionero de Azkaban #1
El Prisionero de Azkaban #2
El Prisionero de Azkaban #3
El Prisionero de Azkaban #4
random useful words from @polyglotten​
random vocab from @cadalengua​
Vocabulario Misceláneo #1
Vocabulario Miscelaneo #2
Vocabulario de Investigación #1
Vocabulario de Investigación #2
Vocabulario de Investigación #3
random useful expressions from @aventuraslinguisticas​ 
masterpost from @fromirelandtokorea​
hobbies from @snubiwriteskorean​
self care vocab from @eplakaka-nnn​
duolingo vocab #1 from @languagessi​
duolingo vocab from @languagessi​
opinions, expressing your from @languagessi​
lockdown masterpost from @frenchy-french​
Vocab Lists
avoir expressions from @futurefrenchprof​
a1 words from @lovelybluepanda​
cant be assed from @marschuldigung​
Cat Vocab from @languagenerds-archive​
beauty vocab from @cause-french​
Daily Routine from @fausse-francaise​
diary writing phrases from @lucylangblr​
election (usa) from @fluencylevelfrench​
essay phrases from @sprachgoettin​
essay words from @polyglottraveler
faire le expressions from @frenchy-french​
false friends with english from @studystrivesucceed​
more false friends from @vangoghs-other-ear​
false friends with spanish from @thatwordofmine​
fantasy words from @jackalopiel​
filler words from @estudioscaoticos​
German words that never fail to trip me up from @languagebutter​
Harry Potter à L’École des Sorciers, Chapitre 1 from @mossandbooks​
lazy, i’m from @lucylangblr​
lgbt words from @une-boule-de-suif​
mean words in french from @lucylangblr​
quantity from @er-cryptid​
school vocab from @frenchaise​
small talk from @frenchaise​
social media from @adventures-in-iberia​
space vocab from @astronoray​
study vocab from @lucylangblr​
-yer verb study from @vangoghs-other-ear​
à and infinitives from @littlepolyglot​
de and infinitives from @littlepolyglot​
demonstratives from @lettreparfumee​
dr mrs vandertramp verbs from @lucylanguage​
encoure versus toujours from @frenchy-french
en versus dans from @frenchy-french
Prepositions: Au,  à la,  à l’, aux from @lucylanguage
Present Tense from @lucylangblr
where are we going from @vangoghs-other-ear
makeup from @thebeaujar​
masterpost from @athenastudying​
adjectives, a basic list from @crazy-languages
adverbs of time form @serpentainne-langblr
books and literature words from @marvelous-language
cozy words from @living-languages​
cute words from @wowmuchpolyglot​
forest words from @prepolyglot
free time from @semiotics-studies
German words that never fail to trip me up from @languagebutter
grammar words from @suplanguages
halloween from @hannahbeelanguages
i love you from @mayihelpyouwithgerman
immediately (Difficult German Synonyms) from @deutsian
language related words from @hannahbeelanguages
language words form @suplanguages
library vocab from @deutschedinge​
lovely vocab from @hannahbeelanguages
makeup from @thebeaujar
misc (with examples) from @languagepotato
presentation words from @semiotics-studies
rainy days from @talen-en-regendagen
sleep vocab from @talen-en-regendagen
social media from @adventures-in-iberia
self care vocab from @eplakaka-nnn
useful expressions from @urdulanguageclub
witchy vocab from @gofod-alle-rymd
nicht, where to put from @hannahbeelanguagesmiscellaneous
opinion, how to express from @marvelous-language
prepositions, intro to from @crazy-languages​
my neighbor totoro from @trilingual-girl-carol​
norwegian masterpost from @mylanguagesandme (taken from a duolingo comment)
guarani masterpost from @wonderful-language-sounds​
classical languages masterpost from @myth-boy​
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albanian-studies · 6 years
Witchy Albanian Vocab.
Inspired from @noonymoon who made one for German. You can check that out here.
THE ELEMENTS / Elementet 
fire - zjarr
water - ujë
air - ajër
earth - tokë
spirit - shpirt
WITCHCRAFT / (no translation)
witch - shtrigë
magician - magjistar
wand - shkop magjik (lit. magic stick)
broom - fshesë
chalice - kupë
crystal - kristal
candle -qiri
cauldron - kazan
bell - zile
incense - temjan
potion - ilaç
charm - hajmali
amulet - hajmali (same term is used)
talisman - hajmali  (same term is used for all three) 
spell - magji, formulë magjike
curse/hex -mallkim
banishment - syrgjynosje, dëbim
divination - parashikim
fertility - fertilitet
fidelity - besnikëri
peace - paqe
protection - mbrojtje
destiny - fat
memory - kujtesë, memorie
contentment - kënaqësi
happiness - lumturi
enthusiasm - entuziazëm
awareness - ndërgjegjësim
friendship -  miqësi
admiration - admirim
acceptance - pranim
prosperity - begati
abundance - bollëk
health - shëndet
empathy - ndjeshmëri, empati, prekshmëri
harmony - harmoni
knowledge - njohuri
beauty - bukuri
courage - kurajë
healing - shërim
wisdom - mençuri
success - sukses
energy - energji
curiosity - kuriozitet
dreams - ëndrra
friends - miq
pets - kafshë shtëpiake
animals - kafshë
truth - e vërteta
trust - besim
goals - qëllimet, synimet
love - dashuri
luck - fat
joy - gëzim
aries - dashi
taurus - demi
gemini - binjakët
cancer - gaforrja
sagittarius - shigjetari
capricorn - bricjapi
aquarius - ujori
pisces - peshqit
leo - luani
virgo - virgjëresha
libra - peshorja
scorpio - akrepi
earth - Toka
sun - Dielli
moon - Hëna
mercury - Mërkuri
venus - Afërdita/Venusi
mars - Marsi
saturn - Saturni
uranus - Urani
neptune - Neptuni
pluto - Plutoni
hope - shpresë
euphoria - eufori
passion - pasion
compassion - dhembshuri
serenity - qetësi, kthjelltësi
freedom - liri
poetry - poezi
poet - poet
poem - poemë
poetic - poetik
writing - shkrim
writer - shkrimtar
artistic - artistik
art - art
(to) paint - pikturoj
(to) draw - vizatoj
drawing - vizatim
painting - pikturë
(to) photograph - fotografoj
fantasy - fantazi
imagination - imagjinatë
surreal - surreal
(to) create - krijoj
daisy - margaritë
peony - lulegjaku, bozhure
carnation - karafil
tulip - tulipan
sunflower - luledielli
gerbera - margaritë
orchid - orkide
iris - iris
lilac - jargavan
gardenia - gardeni
jasmine - jasemin
magnolia - manjolë
hyacinth - zymbyl
lily - zambak
poppy - lulekuqe
violet - vjollcë
wildflowers - lule fushe
petals - petale
thorns - gjemba
wolf / wolves - ujk/ujqër
owl - buf
bat - lakuriq nate
cat - mace
dog - qen
bird - zog
fish - peshk
rabbit - lepur
bear - ari
tiger - tigër
lion - luan
leopard - leopard
cheetah - gatopard
raccoon - rakun
otter - vidër
deer - dre
butterfly - flutur
moth - flutur nate
fox - dhelpër
raven - korb
frog - bretkosë
horse - kalë
forest - pyll
woodland - pyjor
earthy - tok
flame - flakë
bonfire - zjarr (i madh)
mother - nënë
nature - natyrë
cosmos - kozmos
universe - univers
stars - yje
moor - kënetë
WITCHY / (no translation)
enchanting - magjepsës
enchanted - i/e magjepsur
supernatural - mbinatyror/ i mbinatyrshëm
fairy - zanë
fairies - zana
elf - elf
unicorn - njëbrirësh
wish - dëshirë
wise - i mençur
celestial - qiellor, hyjnor
mythical - mitik
magical - magjik
(to) bewitch - magjeps
spiritual - spiritual
spirit - shpirt
soul - shpirt
soulmate - shpirt binjak
twin - binjak
psychic -psikik
sigil - sigil
seal - vulë
wax - dyll
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