#wincest humor
dailywincestspam · 1 year
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💚🧡Yes, hello. Hi. It’s me, sicko here, pointing out that wincest shippers are the origin of slash in Supernatural. We know they’re brothers. And we are legion.😌🧡💚
Also, love that Dean comes around on wincest shippers in 5x09 and in 10x05😌🧡💚
5x09 “The Real Ghostbusters” Written by: Eric Kripke and Nancy Weiner
DEMIAN You're wrong you know.
DEAN (Turning back) Sorry?
DEMIAN About Supernatural. No offense but I'm not sure you get what the stories about.
DEAN (Smirking) Is that so.
DEMIAN All right. In real life, he sells stereo equipment. I fix copiers. Our lives suck. But to be Sam and Dean, to wake up every morning and save the world. To have a brother who would die for you. Well who wouldn't want that?
DEAN Maybe you got a point. You know, you two don't make a bad team yourselves. How do you know each other anyway?
BARNES Oh. Well, we met online. Supernatural chat room.
DEAN Oh. Well it must be nice to get out of your parent's basement. Make some friends.
DEMIAN We're more than friends.
He takes BARNES hand, they twine their fingers together.
DEMIAN We're partners.
BARNES drops his head onto DEMIAN's shoulder and they both grin at DEAN.
DEAN Oh. Wow. Ahem. Howdy partners.
DEAN leans against the Impala, lost in thought. He smiles slightly.
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SAM You ok?
DEAN Yeah, you know? I think I'm good.
[x] -source
10x05 “FanFiction” Written by: Robbie Thompson
DEAN : Why are they standing so close together ?
MARIE : Hum... Reasons.
DEAN : You know they're brothers, right ?
MARIE : Well, duh ! But... Subtext.
DEAN : Why don't you take some substeps back there, ladies ?
(Siobhan and Maggie look at Marie, confused, and awkwardly put some distance between them.)
DEAN : Alright, listen up, girls. Now, you're all here, because you love Supernatural.
ACTRESS!MARY : Actually, I was hoping we'd do Wicked.
DEAN : Yeah, that'd have been easier. I know I have expressed some differences of opinion, regarding this particular version of Supernatural. But tonight, it is all about Marie's vision. This is Marie's Supernatural. So, I want you to get out there, and I want you to stand as close as she wants you to,
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Dean: and I want you to put as much sub and add text, as you possibly can. There is no other road. No other way. No day, but today.
[x] -source
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steppesliver · 5 months
also thinking about that one scene in an early season three episode where dean sees his old friend and the friend is clearly with a prostitute but introduces her as his "sister" and seconds later as his "stepsister" and when the dude looks at sam, deans says "oh he is my brother". did dean think that through. did that guy think they were also fucking on that motel room with the mirror
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sticky-bros · 8 months
It's always “Wincesties DNI” and never, “Hey, Wincesties! It's been a while. You good? Still writing about those brothers having sex? Nice, nice.”
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kirathehyrulian · 1 year
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And the brothers and their car carfucked happily ever after.
For part 1 [click here]
For more edits [click here]
Technically it’s not the end of the week yet so I wanted to do this last idea. I’ll have to save the other ideas for next year.♥
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psychicsamlover · 1 year
sam & dean - everybody talks
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spnj2fanlw · 5 months
Chapters: 4/4 Fandom: Supernatural Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer Additional Tags: girl!Sam, Genderswap, curse, Curses, Caught in the Act, Incest, Sibling Incest, Wincest - Freeform, First Time, Loss of Virginity, sometimes a boy sam, early seasons, Cursed Summary:
Usually a girl!Sam and Dean have a complicated relationship. Chapters vary: angst, humor, romance.
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hebrokein30 · 9 months
"Come on"
"I don't think this is gonna--ouch, fuck!"
"You are supposed to direct me, man"
"I do! Follow my voice"
"What was that?"
"I said, you're just laying there looking pretty while I do the hard work. As usual."
"Direct me man. That kinda requires talking."
"Uhm so...uh. You think I'm pretty?"
"Dude, really? Not like...sexy, seductive, totally awesome?"
"More to the left-that's it.
You wanna know what I'm wearing?"
"Uh....the idea is to find that-"
"That Henley you like. The soft one. You know what else- a bit forward, to the right"
"Nothing else."
"Chrm. Yeah?"
"You're totally blushing"
"Yeah and uhm...damn, have you gotten bigger? HA, that's definitely a blush! Alllll the way down"
"Shut up"
"Make me"
"I will"
"You'll have to go more to the left for that.
"I Uh..."
"Now don't be shy, Sammy"
"We're never getting a room this big again"
"You know what else big I'm getting tonight?"
"Oh my god"
"Shut up"
"Oh, you've actually made it to the bed I'm impr--mmmpf"
"I said. Shut up"
"Use something more effective to shut me up man. Your hand? Really? I mean it's big and all and that's real, I mean WOW but I'd rather like them where--mmmpf"
"Now.....wow, that was better"
"Yeah Sammy. You're learning. Very good"
"You're so annoying"
"You love it and you know what else you'd lo- ouch! Careful with the goods!"
"That's how"
"Excuse me?"
"You asked. This is how I'm gonna shut you up."
"Putting you on your belly. Like this..."
"And then....mouthing down your spine....just like this...."
"You know what you in that shirt does to me?"
"I Uh...I have an idea--oh shit"
"...that's right. Relax....and then I'm gonna- you're wet"
"I uhm. I thought that would--oof"
"Is Uh, chrm, is shoving me around and kissing the soul outta me part of your plan?"
"Only part. Spread."
"Jesus. Sam--Sammy"
"....did you just. Growl?"
"Dude, you totally growled."
"I didn't. Shut up."
"Here we go again, Dude, you're gonna have to be more creative than--oh, oh!there. Right there--Sammy!"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm here."
"We're so keeping the blindfold."
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Line:- 3
Either Sam is some kind of sex-god or Dean is maybe a little bit gay.
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dailywincestspam · 1 year
Zachariah: You know Sam and Dean Winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other, right?
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steppesliver · 5 months
the entire plot of supernatural is really just sam and dean taking turns to recreate this
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sticky-bros · 2 months
Providing the Winchesters with enrichment (pseudo-incestuous rituals that give them excuses to cradle each other's faces and tend to each other's wounds)
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kirathehyrulian · 1 year
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Sam’s asking for a friend. @carfuckerdean
For part 2 [click here]
For more edits [click here]
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wincestficsfix · 2 years
Casting a quick, guilty glance at the still-closed door, he slips his hand under his pillow, pulling out a worn black T-shirt from beneath it, lovingly folded.
Our Forever Starts Today by FallingIntoDivinity
Sam’s first two years at Stanford are pretty ordinary, if you disregard the part where he misses his brother so much that he keeps one of Dean’s old T-shirts under his pillow. At the beginning of junior year, though, Dean stops by unexpectedly after a hunt, then just…keeps dropping by, for one reason or another.
Now Sam’s got to deal with hiding his feelings for his (mercifully) oblivious brother, all his friends think Dean’s his boyfriend, he’s overdue on a paper and hasn't started studying for finals, there may or may not be a poltergeist in the basement rec room, and, oh yeah, Dean found that damn T-shirt he’s had under his pillow for close on three years now.
And he’d thought college life would be simple.
Quintessential Stanford Era pining
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samisadeangirl · 2 years
As part of the Fandom Boost Bingo, I’d like to post a recommendation for this series, Sequins by alexjanna91: 
Works: 3
Words: 47527
Relationships: Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Rating: Mature
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Raised Separately, Long-Lost/Secret Relatives, Cross-dressing, Drag Queens, Bottom Dean, Homophobia, Angst, Fluff, Humor
Sequins and Padded Bras Notwithstanding (12563 words):  All he’d wanted was a beer, but Sam hasn’t been able to take his eyes off that smoking hot drag queen who, according to the bartender, can hustle you out of your panties and will beat the shit out of you if you dare call him a girl.
Impala, Queen of the Highway (13393 words):  Being on the road and hunting with your long lost brother again after ten years is bound to be difficult. Sam just didn’t realize how difficult it could be when your brother is Dean Winchester and he likes to dress in drag, stand around half naked, and sing to disco.
Steers and Queers, A Winchester Family Reunion (21571 words):  For the first time in ten years Sam was going to see his father again. But of course things for the Winchester family can never be simple. No, between the Feds and the gay parade and the secrets revealed Sam’s pretty sure this is probably the weirdest family reunion in history.
All three stories are sweet, hot, and funny, but the last story, which includes a take on La Cage aux Folles/The Birdcage, is friggin’ HILARIOUS.  I hope y’all enjoy these!
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spnj2fanlw · 4 months
This is AWESOME! Baby is pink and Dean is pissed and hilarious!! 
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goodnight-sammy · 10 months
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