#will i get drunk and watch spirited away later and probably cry (absolutely)
hotdogct · 1 year
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today is my last day at my barista job :’) 
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softomi · 3 years
now accepting boyfriend applications: intro to business
synopsis: it’s crazy how things can slip the mind, just like how you posted about wanting boyfriend applications but granted, you were drunk. It seemed like Akaashi had the upper hand; until a certain classmate intrudes your mind. 
series: now accepting boyfriend applications
previous: literature
next up: biology
series taglist: @kyomihann @chesley-cant-deal @bluearmufs @your-consulting-fangirl @itsmeaudrieee @winunk @aegiseterna @katelyns-stuff @mochipk @3rachachoo @kyuudere @sixthself @merakiulous-k​ @notsostraightweeb  
*bold means I wasn’t able to tag you*
general taglist: @graykageyama @tsumue @thesorebae @micasaessakusa @alouphen @waitforitillwritemywayout @chibichab @trifliz
“I’m almost positive that guy wasn’t your boyfriend.” Kuroo would know, he probably isn’t going to tell you that he’s familiar with Akaashi due to a mutual friend. Instead, he lifts his chin, “ex-boyfriend.” He corrects himself.
You bite the insides of your mouth, “No he was not.”
You’re back to an internal groan, now you were stuck with the next boyfriend candidate and it’s starting to feel like you’re speed dating.
“Business is all about—” It’s ten minutes into class and your professor enjoys beginning class with an inspirational quote which then smoothly leads into lecture. Only, today, it seems as though he’s taking forever to get to the point of the quote.
Like always, Kuroo remains fixated on the lecture. He was the type to never take notes, though his notebook was out, and his pen is twirling in his hand, you don’t think you’ve ever seen him write anything down. Yet he was somehow managing a ninety-eight percent in the class, what an intelligent prick.
“You good?” He’s mouthing to you and you’ve realized that you had been staring.
You nod in an attempt that he doesn’t catch how embarrassed you actually were to have been caught looking at him. Kuroo turns back to the lecture and now you’re staring down at your phone that is reaching sixty percent. You shamelessly pull up the pdf he had sent you.
“Are you reading my letter of intent?”
You lock your phone so fast; it almost falls on the floor. You’re only lucky that it falls off the desk and Kuroo’s reflexes quickly catch the cell. The action makes both of your desks squeak against the floor and everyone’s heads turn. Both you and Kuroo mutter apologies as he hands you back your phone.
“Cat got your tongue?” He’s stupidly smirking, and you’re tempted to kick him, “Did you read it?”
“No.” You say in a hushed voice, turning your eyes to the board trying to pay attention for once.
He, also, turns to look at the board. Chin resting on his palm, “What a shame.”
For the rest of the class period, he remains silent. He’s fixated on the professor’s lecture, but your mind is racing. Your leg is bouncing rapidly, fingers tapping against the desk, you’re itching to touch your phone but scared it’ll make Kuroo pull another move to talk to you.
The lecture drags, you want to go back to sleep, and you’re suddenly realizing that you’ve skipped breakfast and lunch. Your stomach growls, to you it sounds like a dinosaur’s roar but no one else in the room seems to have heard it. Once more it growls, making you lean your head on the desk with a heavy sigh. You were starving, suddenly aware that you’ve left your wallet at home, and you’ve neglected to add your card to your cell phone so now you’re contemplating skipping your biology lab or starving for the rest of the day.
Your head is laid on its side, giving you perfect view of Kuroo’s side profile. His bed hair looks soft and you’ve got to admit that his jawline is exquisite. He smirks, eyes looking at you from the side. You’d feel embarrassed but you’re hungrier even to the point of being angry.
The lecture drags on and at this point you think you might die from the way your stomach is crying.
“Are you hungry?” Kuroo asks after the fifth time your stomach as growled.
“Is it that obvious?”
Kuroo laughs lowly, “You sound like a car that won’t start.”
You take full offence, “Shut up.”
He was always like this, playful and poking jabs at you. He loved to banter with you and you’d be lying if you said that you didn’t like it. Talking with him was like talking to a childhood friend, it’s easy going and free spirited. Even when the two of you were studying for the first business exam, tucked in a hidden space on the second floor of the library; the studying was abandoned when he kept showing you funny scenes from an anime, resulting in you watching the anime on his tiny cell phone screen despite the both of you clearly having your laptops out.
Kuroo leans close to you, “Want to get out of here?”
“Right now?” You whisper, “We still have forty-five minutes left.”
Kuroo is shutting his notebook, “I’ll buy you lunch.”
You’re trying to hide your laughter as you and Kuroo slowly pack up to leave. Now the only thing was to try and leave without making the biggest scene. You’ve successfully stood, only drawing small attention as you’re headed for the door. Kuroo seems to struggle, as he picks up his bag, it knocks against the empty desk next to him, drawing full attention to himself and you. It’s deadly silent, you’re frozen at the door and Kuroo is rushing to you.
“Go!” Kuroo pushes you out of the class.
“That was so embarrassing!” The laughter coming from you makes you run out of breath, “How are we supposed to go back to class on Tuesday?”
“Why were you just standing at the door!” Kuroo is yelling yet laughing at the same time.
You slap his arm, “You’re the one who decided to announce that we were leaving in the middle of the lecture. God, the professor probably hates us now.”
You’ve reached the small café in the business department, it doesn’t have a lot of options, mostly cold sandwiches and packaged snacks. The café drinks are way too expensive and even the water bottle is pricey; way to go education.
“Get whatever you like, I’m paying.” His words are smooth and for a second you believe him.
His body turns away from you, pretending as though he’s looking at the drink menu, you can clearly see that he’s checking his wallet. His shoulders visibly deflate and while you fake trying to pick something from the prepackaged area, you watch as he checks his account balance on his cell phone. His head seems to fall back irritatingly. It’s cute, he was trying so hard, but the world was being too cruel on him.
“Kuroo?” You call him. He’s slowly turning, hoping that he doesn’t have to take back his words. You wave him over to show the cheapest sandwich possible, “Want to split it with me?”
“You could get something better?” Kuroo tries looking at the other options, “What about a coffee?”
He was too sweet. You’re smiling, “Nah. I drank a lot last night so I don’t think coffee will sit well in my stomach and I’ve been meaning to go on a diet so if you take half my sandwich, it’ll be like I’m starting early.”
He’s still adamant on wanting to buy you something more expensive, “You could literally get this sub, it’s more filling and what do you mean diet, you’re literally perfect right now.”
A heavy blush appears on your cheeks, you slap his shoulder, pushing him by his back, “Just share a sandwich with me idiot.”
“But the sub.”
You’re kicking him in the ass, “Mention the sub one more time Kuroo, I swear to god I’ll leave you high and dry right now.”
You settle on seats by the window, you’re opening the packaged sandwich and in an attempt to stay cheap, Kuroo secretly stole cups while you distracted the cashier and he was grabbing water from the fountain.
“So.” Kuroo starts, “You haven’t read my application yet?”
You almost choke on your dry sandwich, “Must we talk about that now.”
Kuroo raises a finger, “You know what, I’ll just read it to you now.”
He was dead serious, pulling out his phone to bring up his pdf form. He was the absolute worst, yet it’s absolutely hilarious the way he fixes his clothing as if preparing for an interview.
“I’ll start with my letter of intent.”
You’re already giggling, trying to hide behind your sandwich.
“I am writing this to inform you of my interest for the position of Boyfriend. I have been highly interested in this position ever since you asked me for a pencil and then returned it back to me a week later, not realizing that you had given me a different pencil. I knew I liked you because of how cute you looked apologizing for not returning the pencil earlier.”
You never thought you could smile so wide before until this moment. Kuroo mimics your smile, looking back down to his phone.
“I don’t have a lot to offer but I can say with confidence that I can beat you at Mario Kart. I’ve been practicing and honing my skills for this moment; I heard that boyfriends need to be good at Mario Kart and if I am accepted for this position, please don’t fall for my best friend because he is better than me at Mario Kart.”
You snort, laughter emitting from your lips. You were on the verge of tears at how funny this application was.
“Lastly, we have similar taste in anime so obviously the 2d world also ships us.”
You hum at the last sentence, “Obviously.” You roll your eyes.
He sets his cell phone down, he’s finished his sandwich by now, practically inhaled it and he watches you eat your last bite. It’s a comfortable silence, really, maybe you were so caught up in the friendship that you had never gotten to think about him in a relationship sense.
“If you think about it.” He’s staring, “This is basically our first date.”
You choke on your water, coughing loudly and he finds your reaction funny. He’s patting your back and you feel so bad that you’re basically spitting on him.
“Kuroo.” You begin.
“Ah.” He knows where this is going. He waves a hand around, “You don’t have to give me an answer. Just.” He pauses, “Just consider me in the future.”
“Is that y/n I see?”
Your expression falters the moment you hear the voice of your biology lab partner, “Atsumu? What are you doing here? Did you get lost?”
Atsumu chuckles, a hand over his heart at your jab, “So hurtful. My brother’s taking some business classes, I had to drop something off for him.” Atsumu makes eye contact with Kuroo, “Hope I’m not interrupting something.”
That was a lie, you can tell. His cheeky grin says that he was absolutely hoping that he was interrupting something. Kuroo seems to not mind, at least from what you can tell. But in his mind, it’s the same as when he had seen Akaashi; a competitor. Especially when you’re trying to shrug Atsumu’s arm off your shoulder, Atsumu pinched your cheek causing a tick to grow on your forehead.
“Kuroo Tetsuro.” He puts a hand out.
Atsumu smirks, gripping the male’s hand, “Miya Atsumu.”
There’s a strong way that they grip each other, their faces are smiling, but their grip is testing the other.
“Well.” Atsumu has a hand on the back of your seat, “We have biology in about fifteen minutes, we should probably head over there.” Atsumu grins to Kuroo, “We’re partners, I was hoping you could show me again how to use the microliter pipettes.”
“Again?” You eye him.
Atsumu has his hands in the air defensively, “It’s just so confusing. The lab manual doesn’t describe it well.” You miss the way he smirks from behind you, “And besides, I learn better with hands on education.”
Kuroo returns the smirk, “Your hand must hurt having to grow up teaching yourself.”
The sharp inhale of laughter you take when you’re drinking causes the water to come out your nose. You’re laughing, coughing, and your nose is burning. Kuroo is handing you napkins and Atsumu’s jaw clenches.
“I’m sorry.” You put a hand on Atsumu’s shoulder, “but that was really funny.” You pat his cheek when he pouts, “Let’s go, I’ll show you how to use the pipette before lab starts.” You turn to Kuroo, “I’ll see you later.”
Kuroo gives you a smile, “I’ll message you.”
Atsumu frowns, even as he walks away with you, he looks over his shoulder, chin lifted, attempting to display dominance even until the last moment.
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coreastories · 4 years
The Talk
Part 9 of Days and Nights of Forever
Tae-Eul had always wondered about something. 
And like everything else, the answer was so simple.
ON AO3 for kudos and download 
They pulled apart and tried not to breathe hard enough to be audible to the other people in the cinema. Thankfully, there was plenty of space for privacy.
It was one of those luxury theaters with real armchairs rather than bucket seats, and it had been so easy for him to maneuver her chair so that she was mostly in his and one moment he was tucking her against his side, the next, he was kissing her and gently biting her lower lip and tasting and laving the sweetness of her tongue and-- 
They both remembered they were in public when someone in the movie screamed. 
Gon took measured breaths and then the ridiculousness of kissing Tae-Eul while the movie showed someone getting mutilated hit him. His deep breaths turned into snorts of amusement he tried to rein in. 
Tae-Eul must have felt him shaking with suppressed laughter. She looked up at his face and hers immediately broke into a rueful grin. She bit her lip and tried not to laugh. 
She lost the battle, covered her face with both hands, and hid her giggling against his chest. 
When she was done, they carried on watching the movie-- people trapped in a train with violently hungry non-humans inside and outside--without any more carrying on except for playing with each other's fingers. 
On a quiet part, Tae-Eul looked up at him again from her position against him, hugging his arm and with their locked hands in her lap. He’d caught her doing these glances for most of the movie, but she always chose to continue watching instead of talking. 
But now the movie was being sentimental, and Tae-Eul had said she hated crying in a public theater, so Gon knew she was going to finally let out whatever was on her mind. 
The last time she’d done a similar ambush, they were in Joseon, with lanterns of wishes rising all around them toward the sky. He'd thought she was going to ask what he had wished for, but she had asked him what he loved about her. 
He had said, “Do you want me to list them all?” 
She had wrinkled her nose, and he’d pointed at that nose. “That is one of them.” (She had just rolled her eyes and later, back in the republic, he had shown her everything he loved about her). 
So now he met her eyes and wondered what was about to come out of those lips. 
“Did you practice with guys?”
Gon choked on air and his own spit and had to cough for a minute. Tae-Eul helpfully rubbed and patted his back. 
“Kissing. Or more. You were in the Naval Academy. You said I’m the only woman in your life.”
“There are women in the Naval Academy.” 
“Huh. So you had dated before?”
“No. It was the Naval Academy. No one had time to date." And because his head was still spinning at her first question, he said, “How can you ask that?” 
“What? That you dated before? It’s a valid ques--”
“No. That thing about practicing with guys.” 
“What’s wrong with it? People do that. Girls practice with girls. Boys with--” 
“You’ve done it?”
“No. I didn’t have any girl friends growing up. Not close enough anyway.”
Despite his discombobulation at Tae-Eul’s question, he found himself smiling ruefully. He still remembered-- and would always remember--little five-year-old Tae-Eul in her taekwondo uniform. Knowing what he now knew of her, he wasn’t surprised that she wouldn’t have fit in with girls-- well, regular girls. 
They were quite a pair. He hadn’t fit in either. He had his mates in crew, but that was it. He was still king, and he had been too busy to make any attempts to correct or broaden people’s first impressions of him. 
“Where did you go? Remembering your practice sessions?” Tae-Eul said impishly. The movie was back on its climactic march to the end, but apparently, they were no longer watching it. 
“I didn’t have ‘practice sessions.’ Of course I have no problem with it if that’s what people do, but it never appealed to me. And… I was lucky they respected my need for distance.” 
“What need for distance?” 
“I didn’t like people touching me.”
Tae-Eul sat up, but she kept hold of his hand. “What do you mean? You told me that before, the first time we met. I thought you were being prissy.”
He blinked. “Didn’t I tell you? There’s not much to tell. I didn’t like people touching me. You know, because of what Lee Lim did.”
She didn’t gasp in realization or anything dramatic like that. Her eyes just widened a fraction, and from the dim light of the cinema screen, Gon saw those eyes he loved so much shine expressively. 
Of course she didn’t know. She had always touched him, and he had always welcomed it. And his current valet and staff are years into the service. She had never seen him recoil from someone because no one else ever made an attempt to touch him like she does. When he did dodge Lady Noh when she had reached for him and his blood-stained face after that confrontation in Busan, Tae-Eul had been unconscious so she wouldn’t remember it. 
In this new timeline, he had no scar. But the memories--and the wounds to his spirit and mind-- remained. 
Tae-Eul looked at him another moment, then lifted her free hand and placed her palm against his neck, thumb stroking his jawline and her hand resting on his shoulder inside the collar of his shirt. “No one touched you like this?”
“No.” He debated on whether to elaborate that he couldn’t even wear a tie, but that might make her cry so he’d save that for later.
“No one kissed you before? You can kiss without touching.” 
He shook his head. “I couldn’t.” 
“But--” She pursed her lips. And Gon could feel his own beginning to grin. He had an idea where this was going.
“Both Seung-ah and Na-ri said if you could kiss so well, you had to have had practice.”
He grinned broadly even if she had stunned him a little again. “What? Both of them?” 
“And In-yeong too.” 
“Do you talk about us to everybody? Maybe the Prime Minister as well?”
Tae-Eul laughed. “Seo-ryeong said you probably kiss horribly and that’s why you wouldn’t kiss her.” 
“I hope you disabused her of that notion.” 
Tae-Eul nodded. She had that gleam in her eye when she was particularly vindictive or possessive, and she grinned. “Oh absolutely.” 
“So what?”
“Did you have practice? How do you-- how do you know how to-- why are you so-- Just tell me. You know what I’m trying to ask.” She slid her hand from his neck to his chest, slapping softly and glaring at his smug grin. He did know. He felt it every time she melted against him when he kissed her. 
He took a deep breath and told her the truth. The part of the truth that made him look good anyway, because those first few times when he had no idea what he was doing with her, he had felt like a fool. But he hadn’t really shamed himself, had he? “I’m just a quick study.” 
“I kissed you, and I learned what you liked every time I kissed you. I also… extensively… read about it, about everything. There are certain techniques you don’t want to mess up--” he licked his lips, and she understood what he meant and he grinned when her cheeks went pink-- “but everything else was you. Just taking note of what you like. You’re always so delightfully transparent when you like something.”
He saw her swallow and then she leaned away from him in that bravado she always put on whenever she was discomfited. And she was. He could see it in her eyes and her cheeks and her lips. 
“I don’t believe you,” she said, tilting her chin defiantly. “And listen to how you talk-- you talk like a-- like someone who knows how to talk.” 
She still held his hand because he had tightened his fingers around hers, but their hands were in the space between them now. 
Gon invaded that space and put his mouth next to her ear. 
“Of course I know how to talk. I’m a king. I was trained in diplomacy and the art of influence. But--” he kissed the shell of her ear. “Again, talking to you comes natural to me.” 
“Natural, my butt. Don’t sound so pleased with yourself. You’re a dork.”
“I’m a what?”
She was laughing now, cheeks still pink but recovering. “When I told the girls about your zero and one line, we all laughed.”
Gon pressed his lips together and it was his turn to lean back. 
“I’m surprised at you. I wouldn’t have thought you’d talk about that. Haven’t you evaded Seung-ah’s questions for months?” 
She looked at him disdainfully. “This is what women talk about when we’re not discussing ruling the world.” And then she pouted. “And they were drunk and I wasn’t and I felt like getting back at you.” 
That made him laugh. “All right, then.” 
She was grinning now. “Yeong thinks it’s ridiculous, too.”
“Oh you talked to him too, did you? You and In-yeong and Seung-ah and Yeong? And maybe Jangmi too? Did Yeong tell you the guys went to me for advice when we were in the Academy and then in the Navy?”
She made a disbelieving face. “Really? Advice for lines?”
“Advice for their women, if you must know. Why are you so surprised? I may not like people touching me but I’m not emotionally stunted. I can’t afford to be stunted anywhere. I am well-read. It’s all common sense, anyway. It’s just looking at the situation from the other’s point of view and trying to be considerate. I don’t understand how idiotic people can be about love. Either they’re really clueless or they already know what to do but they need validation or confirmation about it? It’s ridiculous--” 
He stopped ranting when he saw Tae-Eul’s grin turning into that smile he loved, the one where she tilted her head and just looked at him so fondly with a closed-mouthed smile. “You and I agree on that.” 
“We do?”
She nodded, and she went back to his side, hugging his arm again. “I had to give advice about love, too. The guys asked me because I’m a woman. And the girls asked me because I’m… like a man? And I’d never been in a relationship.” 
He ignored that bit about her being like a man. He knew damn well how untrue that statement was. “Well, you’re married now, so you’re in a good place to give advice.” 
“I feel like it doesn’t count.”
“Why doesn’t it count?”
“You’re too good. You never give me any problems.” 
She was looking at the screen as she said that, but she sneaked a peek at him. He showed her how much he loved her for saying that, smiling and laying a kiss on her own smile. She pushed him off before he made it too heated like earlier. 
He smiled and kissed her temple. “I love you. Why would I give you any problems?”
“Dork. But seriously, are you telling me no one has pursued you? No one who made you curious enough to try a kiss or anything else?” 
“Well, when I was 20, I went to Argentina. I met the president Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner--”
“What? She kissed you?!”
Gon laughed. “No. Let me finish. We established trade. Anyway, she had this young aide-- by young I mean she was in her thirties-- and this woman tracked me down to my room at the embassy. I wasn’t there to sleep, I had a hotel, but they still gave me a room. I think the guards thought she had something for me from the president, and that’s what I thought as well--”
“Get on with it!”
Gon laughed. “She came in, gave me the key card to her room at my hotel, and that was it.” 
Tae-Eul looked at him disbelievingly. 
“Well, she couldn’t very well try anything because I had guards in the room with me.”
“Ugh. So did you go to her?”
“Of course not.” 
“But she made you curious? That was what I asked.”
“No, you asked if no one had pursued me, and aside from the Prime Minister, that aide fit the bill.”
“No one else? Didn’t you like anyone? You know, someone who had come to your room, and you sent the guards away or you already have before she even arrived.”
“Not really. That’s why JoGon was born. Didn’t Seung-ah tell you?”
He felt her shake with silent giggling against him. 
“What about you?” he asked. 
“What about me?” she said, without turning from the screen. 
“No dating? No previous kisses?”
“Please. I was pretty hard to impress. If I could flip them bodily to the ground, I lose all thoughts of wanting to kiss them if I even had any. And they always made me do that. It was like a rite of passage to those idiots to see if I can flip them.” 
Gon tried not to laugh, though he also felt a fraction of irritation that none of the idiots apparently saw Tae-Eul as a girl? As a woman? Maybe it was because of the clothes she’d grown up wearing? Idiots. Men were idiots who liked to pursue women whom they thought would easily worship them. 
But one did see Tae-Eul as a woman. One whose feelings apparently persisted despite the change in timelines. 
But Gon had learned not to think of him. 
So instead, he joked. “Whereas I’m pretty impressive, aren’t I?”
He was looking at her-- hadn’t stopped since this conversation began-- so he saw her sardonic expression, raising one eyebrow. “I could flip you to the ground so easily.”
He just laughed. “Not right now, you can’t. Although I wish you’d do it to Gong Shin. And let me be there to see it.” 
This time she did turn to look at him and glared at him without any real malice. The glare turned into another fond smile and she pressed their hands against her middle. It was still almost flat, but they both knew the little bean growing there. Growing healthily. 
They continued watching the movie just as the credits started to roll. 
Inspired by @di-elle’s post on whether or not Gon had dated before. This is my head canon of it. 
I had several inner debates over how to present this story-- but in the end I decided it had to be a talk between these two, not a story set in the Academy where I have to invent side characters we won’t really care about. Heh. That would have just made me lazy to write it. 
But this… this was finished so fast. Tae-Eul and Gon wanted to have this talk! 
Have I told you I love this fandom? Thanks, Dani!
(Oh, right, if anyone recognizes the movie, it’s a rerun in that luxury theater. These two didn’t travel back in time). 
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goodpeachtea · 4 years
𝐁𝐀𝐁𝐘, 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘪𝘥. (𝟎𝟐)
 Summary: People could say that Baby was crazy, so they could say that hell is more preferable than spending a day with her. Baby agreed. But no one could say that the girl was not a genius or that she was like everyone else. Baby Jones was special - yes, she could be a nicer special type, but anyway, special.
Couple: Spencer Reid x OC.
Words: 4.2K
Warnings: PTSD. Panic attack. Mentions of suicide, drugs, torture and kidnapping. Cigarettes. Under-age drinking.
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            (𝟎𝟐). 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖳𝖤𝖭𝖳𝖧 𝖠𝖭𝖭𝖨𝖵𝖤𝖱𝖲𝖠𝖱𝖸
   BABY’S CHRISTMAS WERE NEVER FORECASTED. This phenomenon happened because December 25th was not just what everyone celebrated as Christmas, but it was three more things: Baby Jones’ birthday, the anniversary of the death of her family, and the anniversary of the day she was kidnapped. Believe what you want, the little redhead has every right to enter a state of depression, anger and madness while it snows outside and normal children celebrate the date with their absolutely alive parents.
   That day for Jones was always a roller coaster of events. On the first anniversary of the-day-that-everything-went-wrong, in 1998, the 9-year-old, so young but so broken, tried to commit suicide. In the second, all the ideas that went through her head were homicide. In the fifth, Baby Jones caused a commotion and despair by fleeing the Sunshine Orphanage to visit 19 graves in Washington, covering 10 miles. In the ninth, Baby ended up in the emergency by alcohol intoxication.
   The Tenth Anniversary was the current one. Honestly, Baby was really committed to the (almost) promise she made to David Rossi. She was, really. If you asked her what happened that day, she wouldn’t be able to explain. Not because she was drunk, drugged or insane. She was none of those previous things - so I don’t lie, I will say that at least she was not at the apex of any of those things. Baby was just so sad that something needed to be done. And she did. Oh, she certainly did.
   Everything could have happened. Literally, everything. Nothing was a limit for Baby Jones, especially a Baby Jones at the peak of her grief. What happened was particularly unique. Of all the scenarios that the (now) short-haired redhead could imagine, she didn’t expect to end up handcuffed in the FBI building on Christmas Day.
DECEMBER 24TH, 2007.
   Baby hated snow. Don’t come up with all that magic, beauty and blah blah blah. For Baby, almost nothing was worse than Christmas Eve and everything that involved that day - the tree, decorations, snow, music and the hated Christmas spirit. The only Jones alive made a point of trying to bring everyone down with her in those days (she didn’t try very hard, but she didn’t pretend to be happy to cheer up the rest of the kids) and of course she couldn’t, because “Christmas is such an incredible time”. In December, she just wanted to die.
– You’re so boring, Baby! – Exclaimed Max, a 7-year-old boy who also lived in the Sunshine Orphanage, nudging the older one, who sighed deeply, concentrating all her strength so as not to strangle him. – You should help us decorate the Christmas tree, we never have something like this here. It’s fun, I promise! Stop being a killjoy!
– Max, have you heard of the phrase “fuck off”?
   Baby smiled when she saw the brat’s astonished face when he heard her swear, watching him run away from her and towards one of the women who took care of the children at the Orphanage. “Denise, Baby said a bad word again!”, he shouted as the redhead rolled her eyes and muttered “blabbermouth”. Denise, a blonde woman who loved all the control she could exercise over children, gave Jones a sharp look, who showed her tongue as a naughty child - and it’s very difficult to find differences between Baby and naughty children.
– Go straight to your room. Congratulations, you just lost your dinner!
   The almost 18-year-old teenager raised her eyebrows, holding the older woman’s disapproving look at her. She got up from the couch she was on, showing the middle finger to little Max, who was laughing at the girl’s misfortune. “If you want to eat breakfast, I advise you to improve this behavior, young lady!”, the blonde said, with an angry expression. Baby J. smiled fakely at the woman as she walked up the first few steps, watching the other narrow her eyes. The girl with golden red hair went up the stairs, mumbling “bitch” as she went to her room.
   Baby slammed the door of her room hard - not to provoke the controlling blonde downstairs, but out of pure tension that agonized her head and body. She locked it quickly, closing the windows and lowering the blind, knowing that even if she smoked the smell would dissipate and no one would bother her for hours on end (besides she herself). Bored, she looked around her, watching her room for something to do.
   The teenager with hair that reminded the dawn and freckles that were golden specks on her skin arched her eyebrows as she captured an idea from her brain about what to do to pass the time. She bit her lip, carefully locking the door, listening to the sounds of plates and cutlery downstairs. She knelt beside her bed, searching with her hands for the notebook that were taped to the wood of the furniture.
   The notebook was almost a diary for her. There, the most personal things in her life were sheltered. Written in angled and spaced handwriting, there were no emotional reports about Baby’s feelings or her complaints about her day-to-day life. Those paper sheets filled messily and with determination were all about the informations on the Jones Case that could take her to a closure.
   She glanced at the digital clock nearby, dinner time being 7 pm. Jones then looked at the black-lined notebook, prepared to read the information and theories she had already memorized backwards, hoping to get something new so that everything would be cleared up before the anniversary of her family’s death. The redhead flipped through the pages with frequently used marks, more and more aggressive as the time went, the realization slowly slapping her in the face that her hands were tied and she would not be able to solve the crime that defined her life - and the death of 19 people. Baby looked at her watch again, widening her eyes and punching the floor she was sitting in frustration, noting that it was already 11 pm and the whole house was quiet and dark.
   The teenager felt a little better when she realized that the little orphan Sophie was not going to sleep in the same room with her that night, the two women who took care of all 10 children who lived in the house knowing about Baby’s dangerous historic on Christmas Day and preventing a possible accident with the little girl. Jones got up from the cold floor, beginning to feel her heart stir and her fingers that did not want to stop moving as she paced. Baby thought again about her failure with her family, the tenth anniversary that she would not be able to resolve her inner demons and offer a worthy end for her relatives. She punched the door with an adrenaline rush, no longer caring whether the noise would bother the other habitants of the residence.
   Everyone knew the rules that were not spoken. That day, don’t mess with Jones. It doesn’t matter if you are only concerned about her health or if you want to cheer her up. No. Do not try.    The nightmare that was that day started with the fact that during the 24 hours she endured, no time she would be able to sleep. That’s how it started. Four red zeros on her alarm clock signaled that Baby Jones was doomed to misery for the next few moments. The redhead sighed, murmuring an ironic “happy birthday” to herself, blowing out the fire from the match she used to light a cigarette. She stared into nothingness, putting death between her lips and knowing that things were going to change - for better or for worse.    All that was needed was a brief glance. In a second, she was in her room smoking and trying not to cry. The next, Baby was back. Panic invaded her chest when she realized that she was lying on the floor, her eyes going to the clock hanging on the wall with a splash of blood: 20:11.    It’s amazing how a situation can change from one minute to the next. It’s amazing how the Jones family couldn’t be happier at 8:10 pm and a minute later they faced the worst moment of their life (or the end of it) face to face. And it all happened for Baby.    A shot was the first thing that warned the Jones that everything would go downhill. The immediately dead body of Mary Jones - Baby’s loving aunt - fell to the floor with a loud thump, screams being heard throughout the suburban home. Baby Jones went to the floor under the influence of her parents, Marie Ann and Thomas, who saw an armed shadow in front of the open door. At the same time, everything and nothing went through their minds, adrenaline and agony dominating their senses. They wanted to send their daughter run away from the house, while their eyes alternated among all their children: she, Amelie, Owen and little AJ, who was on the other side of the room, with no idea what was going on. But when they looked at Baby again, all they managed to pay attention to was the stranger behind her.
   The eight-year-old girl felt hands grabbing her as her parents screamed, asking for mercy. She struggled, feeling the hot tears on her face and the tightening the long, manicured nails on her skin, leaving marks because of the fight that had already been won. It was when his father advanced on the woman with black hair as the night that the second shot was heard, Baby feeling a pain she never felt before - and probably never will again - gasping and sinking in countless feelings. Little Jones sobbed, watching Marie Ann cry over her husband’s dead body.    Baby J.’s vision was blurred, everything was spinning and her screams of horror did not stop the situation, which happened in the blink of an eye. One, two, three, four shots. No way out. The little redhead couldn’t breathe and the strong, motherly grip of the woman who held her only made it worse. Baby saw three unknown men at her home and suddenly those three were almost all the males left. Giving up on struggling, Jones only managed to cry desperately when she saw her sister walking away in shock from Baby’s lifeless older brother, Owen. 
   Baby opened her eyes, feeling the damp on her face and the lump in her throat. She felt her chest rise and fall at an accelerated frequency and her head sinking into the pillow, gulping and scrambling up from the bed, drying the tears that seemed not to end. When trying to get up, the girl fell to the ground without even a resistance, feeling the tremor in her legs and hands. Jones put her hands on her chest, unable to breathe and panicking even more.
   So she just did what she needed to do. Baby cried. Panic spread throughout her body as she sobbed and searched for air, tears making everything worse. In fetal position, she clasped her hands tightly, not from physical pain but from mental pain, feeling her nails pierce the skin.
   Baby felt like she was going to die. “Maybe it’s better this way, maybe I have to give up,” she thought, her body softening and the feeling of something in her hand that was under the bed. The only Jones alive closed her eyes strongly and deeply regretted it, feeling the tightness in her heart get worse.
– Oh, my love, don’t cry.
   She felt the fingers running through her vivid hair, the tightness on her wrist and the tears in her eyes. “Please, let me out!”, she cried out with all her might, shifting and listening to the frustrated sigh of the man in front of her. “Why can’t you just be a good girl, huh? A good daughter? I love you, Baby, but… you’re just making things worse for you”, Jones ignored the man, who was still touching her hair affectionately, speaking tenderly.
– You are not my father and you never will be! You killed him and I hate you! – She yelled in the midst of tears, the scary Ryan Copper’s face tensing and his jaw clenching.
– I don’t accept this behavior under my roof! I struggle, I fight, I do everything to give you a great life and that’s what I get. – He squeezed the girl’s orange hair, pulling her face closer and staying millimeters away. – If this behavior does not improve by tomorrow morning, you will have serious problems, young lady. Honey, feel free. 
   Blue eyes blinked in fear, shifting her attention from the man who went from one extreme to the other in a snap of the fingers to the woman with black hair and a disturbing smile, a knife in one hand and a whip in the other. It was only Baby’s first day there, but she knew she wasn’t going to last long and maybe she would never leave that filthy, empty cellar again. Baby Jones heard the whip crack before she felt it burn on her skin.
   She opened her eyes, pulling what was under her bed into view. Baby felt the dust on the piece of photographic paper, smiling weakly and feeling the agitation in her chest lessen. She saw her parents hugging each other tightly, smiling at each other. Her mother, Marie Ann, had a big belly, sheltering who would become AJ in the future. The older brothers were on the floor, laughing and fighting over something and Baby was beside them, concentrated on a Rubik’s Cube.
   Her breathing was soon regulated and she bit her lip in a failed attempt to hold her tears, looking at that photo and soon holding it close to her chest. “I miss you”, Baby J. whispered so low that even she couldn’t hear herself. The girl spent about an hour in that position, crying and calming down, in a cycle, again and again. When she finally had the courage to get up, she felt dizzy, remembering the horrifying touches in her hair from one of the men who had kidnapped her. That affection seemed so real that it scared Baby more than anything. She felt a chill on her back, terror. The girl could feel everything even after 10 years. Those despicable hands in her hair, face, arm.
   Baby rushed to the bathroom, kneeled on the toilet coughing and throwing up. The day hadn’t even started and it was already one of the worst in Baby’s life (and that was a tough competition). The teen weakly got up, looking to herself in the mirror and just knowing what to do to repress that memories of the touches. Being a nervous wreck, she rushed to grab the scissors she always used to cut the hair of the other kids in the house - as lovely as this may seem (and it is), Baby make sure to threat the youngers with the sharp object, not wanting to be seem as a big sister. The tears were nearly stopping while cutting sloppily more than 10 inches of red hair, not caring by the mess she made on the sink or the length her hair was going to be. Jones didn’t really care for her hair, but made sure the pixie cut was acceptable.
– Booze. Yeah, I need booze. – The eighteen-year-old girl whispered, rubbing her eyes and preparing to be extremely silent.
   In a house with so many children - and one of them being the problematic Jones - the two women who lived there needed a little alcohol from time to time (having to hide for the same reason that they needed to have it). Baby grabbed her bag, making a grimace at the sound of a creak and snore as she opened her bedroom door, freezing for a moment, not wanting to be caught and punished. She went down the stairs carefully, kneeling on the floor and facing the last step when she reached the first floor. “Eureka!”, murmured a excited Baby, “or should I say “tequila!”?”.
   When she sneaked out of what they said was her home, it didn't take long for Baby to end up in the same spot of a few previous nights, when she got a call from the longtime acquaintance, David Rossi. This time, her brain didn't work the same way, especially after several sips of the alcohol in her hands. Baby Jones had her (not so) great idea when she was halfway through the bottle, getting dizzy when she got up quickly, totally excited about what she was going to do. Come on, she was already eighteen! Jones could do whatever she wanted, right?
   Baby J. took the first bus of the day out of Alexandria with the money she had saved, sitting away from the few other passengers and sipping from the bottle of tequila hidden in her bag from time to time. In a little over an hour, the young and not-so-innocent girl headed for her final destination.
– Excuse me! Good night, I want to visit David Rossi, if possible. – Baby said in her sweetest tone, winking her blue eyes at the receptionist.    The woman smirked, raising her eyebrows, not even bothering to look at Baby. It was not the rarest thing in the world for people to try to enter the FBI building and visit the famous author who was Rossi. "Agent Rossi is not expecting company and there's no autograph session going on now, child. You can go out that door," the brunette nodded the exit with her head as Baby Jones grimaced, determined to enter that building in Quantico. – You didn't understand, he knows me. – The 18-year-old explained, still trying to win over the receptionist, even though she suspected that the facade of being an innocent and kind child would not catch on. – Miss, please leave or I will call the security.    "Hey, now you're just being ... you know what? Nevermind! Call Rossi and say that Baby Jones has come to visit. Go, see for yourself, call!", Baby crossed her arms, almost tripping over her own feet as she leaned against the desk of the secretary who was beginning to have doubts if the girl was really just a fan. Reluctantly, the brunette, Miss Parker, picked up the phone and dialed the number of the Italian-American's office, staring at Jones with suspicion throughout the process. – Sir? Yes, there someone here that claims know you, her name is Baby Jones. Yes, Baby Jones, sir. – She seemed nervous about talking to David, looking at the floor constantly, looking up at the redhead with interest. – Of course, sir. Guard! – Hanging up the call, secretary Parker nodded to a large, menacing FBI security, Baby's eyes widening. – But I did not do anything! That jerk! Rossi didn't ...?
   “Follow Miss Jones up to the fifth floor", the older one said to the guard, who waved quickly, looking at the smaller one whose smile was growing on her face. Parker handed the girl an FBI visitor's badge, trying not to doubt David Rossi's sanity by letting the girl go up to the BAU upon hearing Baby exclaim "that's what I'm talking about!". 
   The eyes of serious security remained on the petit girl the entire time, noticing her strange behavior and trying to solve the mystery about whether that slight smell of alcohol he smelled was just an impression. The ride in the elevator was quick to the relief of Jones, who soon left the cubicle and smiled awkwardly at the man twice as tall. "I need... you know, go to the bathroom," Baby laughed embarrassed to the security (her acting skills were surprisingly good when it came to trick someone).
– Go to the end of the corridor and turn right, miss.
– Thank you very much. – Baby smiled and took quick, sloppy steps to the pointed direction, looking around and smirking to herself, noticing the calm movement of the building and no people around her.
   She read the signs on the doors, looking for a specific room, hoping that the seriously frightening security guard wouldn't come looking. Baby gave a slight "hooray" when she found what she came to, biting her lips when remembering that she needed to be silent, looking around and entering the agile room like a cat. The redhead clapped her hands excitedly when she saw a room full of files and a computer full of horrible cases that she would love to have a look at.
   Soon, Jones was digging through the numerous unresolved case documents, having already looked at the resolved case reports - she liked to deduce things about the suspect and then see if she got it right. She completely ignored the computer, knowing it would have a password and that her technological skills were not enough to hack the FBI. 
   Baby thanked for not being drunk enough to not know what she was doing, but to be a little more excited and happy than usual. Unfortunately, her current condition was not enough to pay much attention to the light noise the door made when it opened, only noticing the presence of someone else there when she heard a false cough, startling her.
– Miss, you are not an agent. – Said the handsome man, a little surprised by the situation and looking at the visitor's badge attached to the girl's black leather jacket.
– Huh, are you... sure?
– Yes, I’m sure. What are you doing here, miss?
– I think I getting myself in serious problems. – Baby laughed awkwardly, scratching her neck and seeing the badge with the name Grant Anderson on the clothes of the FBI agent who looked at her with extreme suspicion, prepared to solve that problem that was having an extremely strange girl accessing FBI files.
   Agent Anderson insisted on staying close to the girl, with his hand on her shoulder, with the suspicion that she would run away from there while he took her to the office of one of his bosses. Jones threw a smile and a wink at the security guard who escorted her to that floor, even though deep down she was a little afraid that the problem she created it would jeopardize her possible BAU spot.
   Two knocking on Aaron Hotchner's door was all it took for Baby Marie Jones to be in real trouble, walking in and facing a way-too-serious-looking man and a blonde lady. Unfortunately for the short-haired redhead, in that room there was not only the BAU Unit Chief but the all-powerful Section Chief, Erin Strauss. Anderson was afraid to say anything, the bosses' sharp eyes cutting him off, but he soon managed to announce the situation to both. "This girl was reading case documents, she was stealing some too," he explained, Baby looking at him ugly, opening her mouth in surprise. "I wasn't stealing! I was just... borrowing... for an undetermined period of time."
– What?! Handcuff her. How did she get in here? – Asked Strauss, squinting, irritated by the security breach, wondering if that child could be part of an illegal organization. Agent Hotchner, however, was looking at the girl with curiosity, finding her strangely familiar.
– She has a visitor’s badge. 
– What’s her name? 
– You know I’m right in front of you and you can ask me yourself, right? – Jones asked, her gaze going from Anderson to Strauss, who didn't have a very good expression.
   “What’s your name?”, the Section Chief of the BAU sighed, seeing the girl actually think to answer, looking to Aaron and remembering him. “Bring David Rossi here and we’ll answer all your questions!”, ordered the kid, seeing the two big bosses exchanging looks. 
– “We?”
– Yeah, me and him. Trust me, you are not going to regret it, this is gonna be super duper fun! – She smiled excitedly, seeing that the three people in the room were not understanding anything and were not sure how to act in the face of the unusual situation.
   “Why I’m not surprised that you caused that much of a problem in such a short period of time?”, asked David Rossi, drawing attention and sighing deeply to see what he was up to and how the next few hours would be somewhat unpleasant. Baby, lightly drunk and unfiltered, grinned when she saw the older man enter the room. “When I was told you were here I already knew that my day wouldn't go as planned, but you could have caused a minor problem, don't you think, Baby?”.
– Well, you can say whatever you want, but you must admit that's gonna be a damn good story to tell.
– Baby Marie Jones. – Murmured Hotch, finally remembering where he knew those red hair and striking eyes, seeing the girl do jazz hands, exclaiming “surprise!”. He couldn’t forget that case even if we wanted.
– Can somebody explain what is happening? – Asked Strauss, as Anderson left the room, closing the door and seeing the curious looks of the other BAU agents regarding that little meeting.
– So...!
– You! You don’t speak a word, miss. – David pointed his finger at the youngest, who took off her imaginary hat in a gesture of understanding, the sound of handcuffs filling the room, the girl laughing, but going quiet. – Erin, sit down, please. We have a lot to talk. Tell me, how do you fell about breaking some rules? 
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Can you tell us more about Reid and Bri? Like their dynamic and maybe how they got together??
Toby, have I mentioned lately that I appreciate you??? Yes, I can absolutely say more about them— I love Reid and Bri, and they’ve sort of become my token wholesome long-term M/F couple in this OC-verse. (I would say they’re the “token straights,” but since Reid is bi, that’s not even true. The actual token straights are Maggie and her boyfriend, but I haven’t introduced him yet, and he doesn’t even go to Kiersey, so... okay, anyway.)
Yes. Thank you. The Kiersey-verse means that I can elaborate on things I would’ve felt self-conscious talking about before, and for that I am very grateful.
Let’s hop under the cut and I’ll tell you how Reid and Bri met, and some stuff about their dynamic, et cetera. (And as a general note, you can always ask me anything about my OCs!)
SO. Reid and Bri. We’ve seen them together in a fic once, but it was this prologue, from Sp*ncer’s perspective, and poor Bri only got to say, like, one line. Reid on his own is someone we’ve seen a lot more extensively, at least in comparison to Bri. He’s become a heavy player in all things to do with Quinn’s freshman year theatre experience, but he’s also come up in other places now— like this ficlet where you get a glimpse into his friendship with Cole.
So there’s that. We know Reid. We know he has a girlfriend. I will now rewind back to their freshman year and tell you how they met.
First of all, Reid is from Wisconsin and Bri is from Missouri, which I guess isn’t crucial for you to know but just felt like information I should provide. They didn’t know each other before college, obviously. When they get to Kiersey, they don’t meet right away; I think they wind up meeting around halfway through the fall semester of their first year, or maybe even later than that?
The way they meet goes like this. I think the drama club likes hiring art students to help design their sets, and that year, for the fall production, they need a backdrop painted. Bri isn’t a theatre person in the strict sense of knowing much about drama, but she did help paint sets in high school because she was an art kid, and she had the drama teacher for English class, and probably got recruited. When she sees a flyer on campus advertising help wanted, and learns that they’ll pay her to do it, she signs up and winds up painting for them.
Reid is in the fall play that year, because he pretty much dives right into the drama club as soon as he’s on campus. Freshman Reid is a hilarious thing to imagine, because he wasn’t a leader yet but definitely still was a ham who loved to make people laugh and attract attention.
So Bri is painting the set onstage, with probably at least a few other people helping with sets, and Reid is headed into the theater to, I don’t know, pick something up or maybe just to mess around, and he comes into the house being super obnoxious (he’s probably singing something), and then—
Reid walking down the aisle in the theater: tonight the SUPER TROOPER lights are gonna find me SHINING LIKE THE SUN— (notices there are people onstage doing something) Oh, shit— sorry, Art Students!!!!!!!!
In the end, Reid goes up and starts obnoxiously interviewing the Art Students, and that is how he strikes up a conversation with Bri. He thinks she’s cute, and so he starts flirting, and he’s funny so she kind of digs it, and by the time someone chases him away because Reid they’re making the set and they need to concentrate, he’s dead set on seeking out this Art Student (yes, he did learn her name during that interaction) because she’s cute and he wants to keep talking to her.
He winds up showing up for the next set-making session, and by the end of that, he has her number. The rest, my friends, is history. They date all through college, and I told you about how he tries to break up with her during his angsty self-deprecation hours in their post-college life (if you’re confused, click here), but on their general dynamic.........
Reid loves Bri because she’s creative and compassionate and free-spirited, and Bri loves Reid because he’s authentic and caring and he makes her laugh. This is a broad over-simplification, but you get the picture. They’re very mutually supportive of each other— she goes to his theatre shows, and he goes to her art shows...... and yes, obviously there’s more to a relationship than supporting each other’s hobbies, but I think because they’re both art types, that’s an important thing for them.
Reid’s entire life is like, *Bri does something* THAT’S MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!
Anytime any minor inconvenience happens in my life, I keep saying, you know who wouldn’t treat me like this? Reid Burke. And it’s now a meme among certain individuals who shall remain anonymous in this post, but it’s true, because Reid is a really fantastic boyfriend. His number one mission in life is to make Bri smile, and he absolutely succeeds at it.
Bri feels a little like she needs to keep track of his chaos sometimes, and thus refers to watching Reid at parties as “boyfriend-sitting.” Drunk Reid is harmless; he goes from wanting to start a rave to wanting to do nothing but cuddle Bri and tell his friends he loves them in about three seconds flat.
Drunk Reid: I fucKING love you Jhiron
More sober Jhiron: fuck off
Drunk Reid: :’) he loves me too
Uhhhh......... what else. I can’t remember where I said this, but they wind up having three children. Reid definitely passes his sense of humor down to them. I cannot express how important laughter is as Reid’s love language.
Bri is straight, and we know that he’s bi. She’s a great ally. Also her parents hate him. LOL. They think he’s a bum who’s never going to get a job. It’s a good thing he proves them wrong.
Hm. At Kiersey, they get breakfast together every morning; it’s their thing, which is why you saw them having breakfast in the dining hall in that one Sp*ncer fic. Now don’t mind me while I cry imagining them cooking breakfast for their kids. Why am I emotional?
I can... write something with them, if there is demand for that? You guys know the drill; I’m always open to your ideas and suggestions. And also, thank you, Toby, for asking. I don’t really play favorites with characters, but Reid has a special place in my heart.
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alpha-bnha-boys · 5 years
AHH I LOVE YOU AND YOUR WORK SO MUCHH!! I’m glad request are open once again and I wanted to request for Midoriya, Todoroki, Shinsou, and Bakugou with the scenario of being drunk! Please and thank youuuuu
Hello my little love bug! I LOVE YOU TOO! And I’m so glad you like my work! (。’▽’。)♡ 
I just want to say that writing this was an absolute blast, and I couldn’t stop laughing as I wrote it! I actually made it last night (I actually had a few drinks myself, so I could get in the right mindset for it, of course), and edited it this morning! I wrote a scenario that involved all of them at a bar together- I hope that’s alright! And I hope you enjoy the tipsy boys and their shenanigans! o(^▽^)o
* Warning: Remember! Do not drink unless you are of legal drinking age! Being drunk seems fun, but it is not good to drink in excess 
 (yes I am a hypocrite).
* Disclaimer: This scenario is written assuming that all characters are of legal drinking age.
                     🍺 MIDORIYA 🍺
This kid has maybe been to one bar in his life, and that’s only if you count AppleBee’s. However, if he and his friends did go to one, he would probably would order a Mojito (he didn’t know what to get so he just went with the bartender’s recommendation and ended up liking it).
TOLERANCE: Slightly Low.
I mean, he can hold his alcohol well, he just can’t hold that much of it.
I mean this is Deku we are talking about.
He isn’t exactly going home and downin’ spirits on the regular.
KIND OF DRUNK: Emotional Rollercoaster Drunk
I don’t mean he’s crying the whole time, I mean: whatever his current state of mind is- it is amplified by the alcohol.
If he’s a little worried, then suddenly he’s in the utmost depths of anxiety and depression.
If he’s happy, then suddenly he’s the HAPPIEST man to have EVER lived EVER!
If he’s upset, then suddenly he’s READY TO THROW FUCKIN’ HANDS, PUNK.
Basically, he’s just all over the place.  
Midoriya: *happy as a spring-chicken*
[Friend]: Buddy! I’m glad you’re feeling better! You were so down a few minutes ago, what happened? Did you get some good news?
Midoriya: *very enthusiastic* Somebody told me the peanuts are free! 
[Friend]: Wha-? What do you mean?
[Friend]: *visibly confused*
                   🍺 TODOROKI 🍺
To Shouto, bars tend to be more of annoyance than anything else, so he tends not to go to them. However, he will go if invited. He would order a Long Island Iced Tea (the ‘give me a splash of everything’ drink).
Drinks at home regularly, but not excessively.
I mean, can you blame him? If I had Todoroki money I’d be splurging on some high quality booze too.  
Crown Royal? Grey Goose? CHILD’S PLAY. How about Remy Martin’s Cognac, Talisker Scotch-Whisky, or Rhetoric Orphan Barrel Straight Bourbon instead?
KIND OF DRUNK: Easy-Going Drunk
If he manages to drink enough to become intoxicated then you are in for a treat.
Because when Shouto is drunk, everything is interesting. Let’s talk about all the things (albeit a little slower than usual, and through slurs).
He wants to hear everything anyone has to say.
You want to talk about stag beetles for an hour? Shouto wants to listen to you talk about stag beetles for an hour.
Would be the one to start talking to the old guy at the bar, and intently listening to his life story.
Old guy: *goes on for an hour about his time in the war*
Shouto: So… what did you do? After the war ended?
Old guy: Well, it’s funny you should ask…
Old guy: *goes on for another hour*
Shouto: *completely content*
                    🍺 SHINSOU 🍺
He really doesn’t like bars, and will do everything in his power to avoid them. Bars are expensive and everyone is annoying. But if dragged to one by his friends, he will order a Black Russian.
Drinks at home regularly, but not excessively.
He likes to keep it simple by just adding vodka to whatever is in his fridge.
Orange juice and vodka, lemonade and vodka, RedBull and vodka, the possibilities are endless.
KIND OF DRUNK: The Cuttin’ Loose Drunk
If he gets drunk, he’s still himself, just more fun-loving and care-free.
“Everyone probably thinks I’m a villain” Shinsou turns into “Guys, there’s a cat outside!” Shinsou.
In addition, he is a bit gigglier than usual.
Drunk Kaminari trips and Shinsou just cracks the fuck up and doesn’t stop laughing for like 15 minutes.
Also, he kinda just wants to go do something fun (subconsciously still trying to get out of the bar).
Shinsou: *with hazy child-like excitement* Guys, we should go play mini-golf!
Everyone: *Proceeds to go play mini-golf for 5 FUCKING HOURS before finally getting their drunk asses through the course ONCE.*
                    🍺 BAKUGO 🍺
In his opinion, bars are stupid, but he does enjoy watching or participating in the fights. As you might have guessed, he would order a Bloody Mary, but he would also order Flaming Dr Pepper shots for everyone later on.
Doesn’t do a lot of drinking in his down time, but has done enough to have a standard tolerance.
Basically only really drinks at get-togethers or social events.
In his defense, it’s hard to drink much of anything when you’re yelling all the time.
KIND OF DRUNK: Force of Nature Drunk
Is an unstoppable force.
Takes bold and boisterous to a whole new level, saying whatever is on his mind (like he normally does, but with less hesitation, and without holding ANYTHING back).
Will say with unwavering sincerity whether or not he hates someone or loves them.
Also asks everyone to fight him, and gets frustrated when no one does.
Is the one that starts fights with inanimate objects.
Bakugo: *trying to square up, but swaying a little bit* YOU THINK YOU CAN IGNORE ME, BITCH!? YOU WANNA FUCKIN’ GO!?
The Bois: *half of them laughing their asses off, the other half dead serious* You tell that fountain statue, buddy! Kick its ass!
Bakugo: *Proceeds to power smash the fountain statue to smithereens*
I hope you all enjoyed the shit show, and that maybe it made you laugh! (*≧∀≦*) And I hope it was all you hoped it would be Anon! (*^v^*)
     xoxo,          Mama Smutsy  ✾(〜 ☌ω☌)〜✾
 ~ P.S. I am going to get to as many requests as humanly possible as efficiently as possible, so please don’t think that if I don’t respond right away that I’m not going to fill your request! MAMA WON’T LEAVE YOU HANGING (It just might take a while for her to get to it). Thank you all for your patience! ♡ ~
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kileyrose-2003 · 5 years
Dan Torrance x Daughter! Reader
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A/N: Hi lovelies. This imagine was requested by @iamstrangerthanfiction I hope you enjoy this hun and are having a good day!
Wendy Torrance was definitely not the proudest mother in the world when 16 year old Danny Torrance came home from school with the news of "You're going to be a grandma." From his ex girlfriend.
"So she's keeping the baby I take it?" Wendy hummed as she read her book on the sofa, cigarette in hand despite the news of her new found and fastly growing cancer.
"Actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about." Wendy looked at her son. "She doesn't want the baby."
"..if you have something you want to ask me or tell me Danny, just outright say it." She put the cigarette out, not wanting him to see her dismay.
"I told her I'd keep the baby." She slammed the book down on the sofa. "You did what?! Danny, how are you supposed to go to school or make a living for yourself? College is the big thing now."
"I know but mom, I didn't really plan on going to college and if I don't take the baby then she's going to go into foster care and I can't do that. It doesn't feel right."
Wendy sighed and patted the cushion next to her on the sofa. "Danny, come here." She hummed.
He sat down next to his mother and held her hand in his own. "You're sure you want to do this? You're fully ready to take care of this child?"
"Mom, I've never been more sure of anything. I know it'll be a little bit hard at first but I know I can do it."
"I just..look, you've been through alot of trauma. We've been through a lot of trauma and you've done really good the past couple of years with coping and I don't want you to lose that. I don't want you to end up like your father." Wendy tried to reason.
"I would never do that mom, I promise. You trust me, right?" Dan smiled at her. "You know I do Danny, but it's also my job to protect you. If you're sure this is what you want, then I'm with you every step of the way but I just don't want something bad to happen and have something happen to the child because that wouldn't be fair to them."
"I've got it mom, I promise." Dan was right, he did have it together for the first couple of years in your life.
He loved being a father to you. The day you were born was the happiest day of your life. He could still remember the warmth and excitement he felt the first time he held you. Your little hands gripped onto his shirt as you snuggled close to his chest in your sleep. A gesture of love from a completely new person that meant so much to him.
"She's beautiful." He told Wendy, memorizing every feature of your face from your long baby eyelashes to Y/c/h.
Wendy smiled and nodded. "What did Y/m/n decide to name her?" She thought you looked surreal, almost like a doll. "Y/n." He hummed softly and kissed the top of your head.
For the first 3 years of your life there was never a moment that Dan ever made you feel unloved. Even on the nights he had to work he always made sure even if you were asleep, he'd come in and kiss you good night or spend some time with you in the early morning hours before he had to go work, watching whatever cartoon it was that you liked but then he just changed.
Slowly but surely the smell of liquor would be on Dan's breath when he came in from work and the amount of goodnight kisses you recieved began to decrease.
"You need to control yourself." Wendy told him as she stood outside her bedroom, scolding her drunk son the same way she would her husband.
"She's three and she's starting to pick up on things and is like you with the weird radios." She was referring to yours and your father's shine.
"I'm sorry mom, I just can't handle it..what am I going to do when you're not hear to help me?" Dan looked tired between work and taking Wendy back and forth to Chemotherapy.
"Danny, we knew this was probably going to happen anyway. The world is a hospice full of fresh air. No matter what happens to me that little girl needs you. You're the only thing she's got. You understand?"
"Yeah mom..I understand." But he didn't and soon enough, he became an out of control alcoholic.
You had the mind set of an adult from the time you were about four years old and Dan hated it. You seen him do things that some people in their forties hadn't even seen.
He felt ashamed knowing that he was doing the same thing to you that his father did to him but he couldn't take it. Dan didn't want to be born like this. It wasn't his fault if he got his shine from lord knows who and how just nothing took it away besides the drink but the drink took him as well.
Your grandmother tried to make it as smooth as she could for you but it was hard. "Your father loves you." She told you as she laid in her bed, the black death flies hoarding over her face.
"What he has, whatever Dick called it, you have it too. Your daddy never tells me what he sees but I know it bothers him." She coughed slightly. "I think that's why he does what he does. It absolutely doesn't excuse him but he's got a lot on his shoulders, sweetie. So do you."
"I know Nana." You hummed softly and gently held her hand. You looked her in the eye despite the hoard of flies. "I just wanna help him feel better though.."
Wendy smiled at you, the flies on her hands began to slowly crawl up your face. "I know you do honey..and you will one day. You're such a sweet girl."
You smiled and gently hugged her, climbing up in bed next to her. "Thanks Nana. I love you." She kissed the top of your. "I love you too Y/n/n. I'm not going to be around much longer so you've got to keep an eye on your daddy for me.."
It was only 2 weeks later that Wendy died. Your father was actually home when it happened. Sleeping of a hangover from whatever liquor it was that decided to take him the previous night.
Your father didn't cry but you cried. You cried not only for the loss but also because you knew somewhere inside that things were going to get way worse before they got better.
You didn't go to the funeral and neither did your father. You could still remember him standing in your room, packing your bags quickly day of the funeral. It was one of the rare times he wasn't drunk in the early hours of the morning.
"Where are we going?" You asked softly, your long Y/c/h flowing down your shoulder in little pigtails that your cousin did for you the previous night.
"A little trip." He told you, throwing one of your pink dresses your grandmother sowed you into a large bag. "The front door is locked, right?"
You nodded. "Good, because we got to get out of here before Aunt Jackie gets back." He scrambled to find more of your possessions. "I can't lose you too..you're my sunshine."
The words hit you hard and you didn't know what to even say or think. Before you had time to fully process, your father threw you over his shoulder. Putting you and your possessions into the car. You buried your face into your little y/f/c blanket you had since you were a baby and sobbed.
Dan never wanted so much just to hold you and pepper your little cheeks in kisses and tell you everything was going to be okay but he also had that same gut feeling it wasn't.
You both were right. It got way worse as time went on. You bounced from place to place, never being able to keep friends or tell people where you lived because it was always changing and on the rare nights your father actually was home, you couldn't even enjoy his presence.
You were always cleaning up the aftermaths of his hangovers or driving yourself into the ground with all the worrying you did.
Sometimes he'd sleep so deeply from all the liquor you would think the alcohol actually caught up to him and he poisoned himself. Leaving you alone in the mess of the world.
The worst was the women he brought home with him at times. They smelled of liquor and drugs and never stayed long because as much as your father wanted to play house you never went for it.
You'd scream at him. A thirteen year old telling a twenty nine year old that he was wrong but Dan didn't want to hear it.
He'd always try to apologize. Either wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug and telling you he loved you over and over again or gave you things you didn't even think he had the money for to try and make it up to you but it didn't matter. The damage was too far done.
You were in a dark place all the time and dark things were attracted to you like a moth to a light.
Your shine grew and you slowly began to realize how dark and hungry the world was. People would eat you alive if they got the chance and the demons that visited you at night wanted too.
Wendy's spirit visited you ever so often as the years went to check in or give you some advice. The one night she visited, she found you standing above a suitcase, tears streaming down your face. You didn't look like a young girl. You looked tired and at the end of your rope.
"I guess I don't have to ask what you're doing then." She stated, her arms crossed as she watched you put what little you had into your bag.
"I'm sorry, Nana. I can't take it anymore." You stopped what you were doing and sat down on your small bed, not meeting her eyes.
"I can't do it anymore! Every day he just hurts me more and more and I don't want to be here when something does eventually happen to him because I won't be able to handle it.." You started sobbing and the ghost woman wrapped her arms around your tiny frame. Lacing her fingers through your knotted tresses.
"Do you at least have money to get somewhere?" She kissed the top of your head and sent soothing waves to you, trying to calm you.
"Yeah." You sniffled and nuzzled close to her. "I've been saving up for the past couple of months. I have a few hundred dollars. I don't know how far it'll get me but anything is better than here."
Wendy sighed and rubbed your back. "Just be careful please? There are people out there who eat what shine. Empty devils your dad was spared from but I don't know if you will be. Stay away from them. Can you promise me that Y/n?"
You nodded and looked up at her, yours tears starting to slow down in flow. "I promise Nana." She kissed your cheeks. "Good. You take care of yourself Y/n. You're a good person."
"I will. I love you Nana." You mumbled softly. "I love you too Y/n. I know you'll do what's right." When you looked up your grandmother was gone and you felt alone again.
You found the nearest bus and got on it with your suitcase in hand, taking it all the way up to New Hampshire where you found yourself in a tiny town called Anniston.
It looked so clean and nice and something just told you to get off there. You could smell the trees and salty waters from the nearby lakes and oceans. You were only there for a minute and you loved it.
Meanwhile as Dan came home to an empty apartment, aimlessly searching for you in places he thought you would be a middle age woman had already found you walking the streets and took you in. Saying "she knew your type."
She reminded you alot of your own grandmother from the way she spoke to how her tiny little apartment was set up.
She lived there by herself. Her husband, a mean old bastard, from what you could gather, died in the place a few years ago and her daughter, a pretty blonde girl with glowing blue eyes, ran off doing god knows what with god knows who when she was 15.
She wasn't as affectionate as your grandma was with you by all means but she treated you with respect and never asked questions about your past, which you liked. In her eyes, it was never her place to ask you at all and you never asked about hers in return.
She watched you grow from a skittish young girl to an independent woman and eventually graduate from high School and college with honors as y/c/m and everyone around you, including Wendy who's spirit you seen less and less of, was so proud of you.
For the first time in a while, you truly felt like everything was okay. Your shine became a gift. Not a curse. The demons that once haunted you didn't bother you anymore and you had a pen pal of sorts.
It started shortly before you entered college. You'd wake up in the morning and find little notes on the blackboard of your refrigerator or your dorm's window with smiley faces all over it or little messages telling you to have a good day and you'd write back every time. Signing 'Your friend Y/n.' You knew it couldn't of been someone messing with you because you lived by yourself in an honors dormitory at school and when you lived in the apartment, the woman you lived with never wrote anything on it.
You figured it was probably a random child around with the shine in the area. You did the same thing when you were little either accidentally writing things for your father to see with your shine or just plainly out of boredom. Having the shine made you feel lonely as a kid and you didn't want to have your little pen pal to grow up feeling the same way.
You didn't even know if she was 'little' anymore. She started writing to you right around when you turned 15 and you were 24 now so she had to be at least a preteen now.
It was a sunny Friday morning and you rolled out of bed like you normally would in that same sluggish, almost Frankenstein like way. You never were exactly a morning and even having the day off of work didn't make it any better.
You walked downstairs to the kitchen and giggled when you seen your dog sitting infront of the fridge confusedly. "It's been four years and you're still not used to it?" You asked aloud and gave him a gentle pet before reading today's message.
'I hope you have a good day today. I'm going to binge the next couple of episodes of RWBY after school and meet up with a friend. Had a rough night last night. Your friend, Abra.'
You picked up the piece of chalk. 'I'm sorry honey. You want to talk about it? And that sounds like fun! I'm probably going to go to the bookstore and get coffee. Your friend, Y/n.' You wrote back, putting a little heart below it and smiled.
You looked up at the clock and noticed it was past 11. "Well, better get a start on the day now then to start later.." You went go pour yourself a cup of coffee.
(They killed him.)
Your nearly tripped over your own two feet at the sound of your pen pals voice.
(Killed who, sweetie?)
(The Baseball Boy. It was the woman in the hat.)
Your blood ran cold as an image of a woman with startling beauty popped into your head. Her hands like bloody gloves and laughing at the poor little boy on the ground.
"Not real, not real.." You whispered aloud over and over but you knew she most definitely was. The blonde standing behind her tapped the hat woman's shoulder and she turned to look at your.
Your eyes went wide and she smiled at you graciously.
(Well, hi there!)
You dropped the pot of coffee and the hat woman was gone.
(Y/n? Are you okay?)
Your dog started freaking out and you shushed him. "Calm down, it okay." You started to pick up the glass with your hand.
(I don't know.)
(Can we meet after school?)
(I thought you were meeting with your friend.)
(I already did. I skipped school.)
(I'm sorry Y/n. I just need someone who believes me right now. He believed me but he wouldn't do anything about it.)
She almost sounded like she was about to cry.
(Okay..okay but just this once, alright?)
(Thank you! Thank you so much Y/n.)
(You're welcome honey. Be safe, okay? You have a ride home from wherever you're at right?)
(Yeah, I'm going to take the bus home.)
You automatically thought of your bus ride to Anniston right after you ran away and how some of the men of it creeped you out and you cringed.
(Stay where you are.)
(Because I'm going to drive to wherever you're at to see you and then I'm driving you home. Please until you're at least old enough to drive, do not take a public by yourself anywhere again.)
(Y/n, you really don't have to do that.)
(For my peace of mind, yes I most definitely do. You're in Frazier, right?)
The mental sonar in your head was pinging loudly like a fire alarm.
(Alright, I'll be there in about 30 minutes just stay there.)
You finished picking the glass of the ground and quickly grabbed your cars, running out the car. Not even caring if you were still in your PJs.
You put the key in the ignition and the engine roared loudly as you peeled out of the driveway.
"Well, aren't you in a rush?" You nearly swurved onto the other side of the road as you looked at the back seat of your car.
"Nana?" You looked at Wendy in shock and she smiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya but Dick said you'd need me."
"It's okay Nana..it's just been a while." You muttered, trying to focus on the road. She put her one hand on your shoulder and you instantly felt calmer.
"Thank you." She leaned forward and kissed your cheek. "You're welcome." Your eyes started to water a little bit. Wendy didn't look as worried anymore. She looked happy.
"Nana?" You asked softly. "Yeah honey?" She hummed. "Who's the woman in the hat?"
"She's an empty devil, like one's I told you about when you were younger. Why?" She eyed you gently.
"I seen her today." You responded. Wendy's grip on your shoulder tightened. "Stay away from Y/n. You and your father."
"Nana, I haven't seen dad in years." She wouldn't respond. "Just stay away from her!" The image of the baseball boy popped up in your head again and you screamed.
You pulled into the nearest spot you could find next to a sign that read 'Welcome to our Teenytown.' The ping in your head stopped but you felt tingly.
"She's around here somewhere." You muttered softly and carefully stepped out of the car. Looking all around you.
"Hi!" You jumped slightly and turned to this little preteen girl standing behind you. "..Abra?" You were bewildered. "That's me." She smiled and ran up to you, wrapping her arms around your middle. "It's so nice to meet you, Aunt Y/n!"
"..Nice to meet you too kiddo." You awkwardly patted her back and she giggled, but the laugh made you smile. The poor kid probably needed after what she seen last night. You knew you probably needed the hug.
She lead your over to a tiny park bench and you sat down next to her. "So what exactly is going on, kiddo?"
Abra recounted everything to you from the spoons at her birthday party all the way to The Baseball Boy.
"Wow..and you have another friend who knows all about this?" Abra nodded. "Yeah, Uncle Dan."
You immediately stiffened. "Uncle Dan?" You parroted. "Yeah, Uncle Dan. Y/n are you alright? You look a little upset."
"Yeah..I just..that's a name I haven't heard and seen in a long time." You reached inside your purse and grabbed a tissue.
Abra looked disappointed. "That's sad..he thinks about you alot."
"Does he? Tell me, is he healthy Abra?" Your voice began to shake and she nodded. "He thinks about you all the time and he misses you. Something about he blames himself but I didn't look at the far. It was bad enough I already peaked."
"Well, you tell Dan I'm very happy for him." You wiped your eyes off with the tissue and gave a tight lipped smile.
"Why don't you tell him yourself?" The question was innocent but you laughed coldly and shook your head. "He's not going to want to see me. Not after what I did." You hummed softly.
"That's not true and I know it. If he didn't want to see you he wouldn't be thinking about you all the time. What's the worst thing that could happen? He just doesn't answer his door?"
"Yeah.." You muttered. "I just don't want to get my hopes up."
'Because she doesn't understand what I meant by healthy and I see him drunk, that's going to be a whole other issue.' You thought to yourself.
"I promise. Nothing bad will happen. He just really misses you and wants you to come home."
You stared off into space at the sidewalk. "You know where he lives?"
A few minutes, Abra brought you inside an apartment complex on a tiny street corner. The building looked old but it was clean and way nicer than any of the other places you bounced around in growing up.
"His apartment is 4B." You turned to look at your little pen pal. "You're not coming with me?"
"No, Uncle Dan's friend lives here. I'm going to bug him for a ride home that way you don't have to drive me home."
You nodded and gave Abra a small hug. "Be safe, okay? And let me know you got home alright."
"I will, I promise." She gave you a small wave of dismissal and walked off to one of the other apartments in the building.
You took a deep breath and shakily made your way up the stairs. Setting your eye on 4B. You stood there for a few moments and looked at the before finally giving a small, hesitant knock.
What felt like an eternity later you could see the door knob jiggling and the old wooden door carefully opened.
"Can I help you mi-" Yours and your father's matching icy blue eyes met and you gave him a sheepish smile. "Hi dad.."
"H-hi Y/n." His eyes looked watery like he was about to cry. "Would you like to come in?" He offered and you nodded, taking a small step inside.
The apartment was tiny but it was clean and smelled nice. There wasn't a sign of alcohol anywhere. "You seem like you're doing well."
"Yeah..I am. I've been sober for about 8 years." He looked proud and so did you. "Good..I'm very happy for you."
"Yeah, it took a while but it did happen. When you left it kind of gave me an eye opener." You nodded solemnly.
"I missed you Y/n..alot." He rubbed the lower portion of his face and you bit your bottom lip. "I missed you too dad."
He held his arms open to you. "Can I give you a hug?" You nodded and very carefully walked towards him.
Your father wrapped his arms around you and you buried your head in his chest, melting into the warmth of the embrace.
His shirt smelled like fabric softener, a much more welcoming scent then you remembered from your childhood.
"I love you so much." Dan whispered and you started crying. "I-i love you too dad."
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry." You sobbed into your father's chest as he rocked back and forth in his arms.
"No Y/n, you have nothing to be sorry about. I pushed you away with my drinking and I was never there when you needed me. I was the fuck up." He continued to hold you close. Not believing you actually were standing there in his arms after all these years.
"I-i know but I hurt you and I feel awful for doing that because even as bad as it was I made you worry about me and you had stuff on your own plate.." You sniffled. "I don't deserve to be here."
He held your face in his hands, gently wiping your tears off with his thumbs. "Hey..hey. Don't say that. Because we both know that's not true."
(Even the times I screwed up and couldn't stand myself, I always wanted you. You were my sunshine.)
You nodded and breathed in, trying to calm yourself. "Okay..okay." He rubbed your back until you calmed down and afterwards sat next to you on the tiny sofa in his apartment, refusing to let go of your hand. Speaking in a hushed manner of the things you both seen and did in the gap of years you hadn't seen him.
"I seen her too, you know?" You looked up at him. "The Hat Woman?" You nodded. "She came to me today in my kitchen and waved to me..whatever they are. They're not human."
Dan said nothing and pulled you close to him. Kissing the top of your head. "Dad?" You looked up at him but didn't take your head off of his chest. "Yes sweetheart?"
"Do you think anything is going to happen to Abra?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know honey but as long we have each other we'll figure it out and she'll be okay. I promise. For now, all I know is I never want to let you go again. Especially with these sick fucks around."
He wrapped his arms around you in a bear hug you let out a content sigh, actually feeling at home for the first time in a while. "I love you dad."
Dan smiled softly, feeling the same way and kissed your cheeks. "I love you too sunshine. I'm so glad you're home.."
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modern reypoe 32? merry christmas rachel!
(TROS SPOILER ALERT: I politely but firmly reject any idea that Rey is Palpatine’s granddaughter and will be making her Jyn and Cassian’s adopted child in all fics forthwith, thank you very much)
christmas eve will find me, where the love light gleams 
“Rey,” the phone says, tucked into her ear as she navigates the absolute lunacy that is a big box store two days before Christmas. “I don’t know if I’m going to make it in time.”
Rey stops in her tracks, despite the flow of foot traffic around her. “What do you mean, you’re not going to make it?”
“I don’t know if I’m going to make it in time for Christmas,” Poe corrects on the other line, but he sounds tired and Rey can hear the shame threaded through in his tone. “It’s just absolute craziness over here. And my flight’s been delayed about two hours.”
Rey can feel her stomach start to sink, though she keeps moving. “Oh no.”
“Yeah.” A long, tired sigh on the other end. “Honey, I’m sorry.”
Rey takes a deep breath, shifts her bags on her arms. Her absolute refusal to use anything resembling a cart or a basket has been a long standing joke for years between them. 
“It’s okay.”
“It is,” she insists. “As long as you get here. I don’t like that you’re stuck in a big, miserable airport all by yourself, but as long as you come home, I can deal with that. Just…come home, alright?”
Another silence on the line for a bit. “Rey?”
“I’ll get there,” Poe sounds so utterly seriously, he might as well be taking vows. “I swear it, okay? I’ll come home.”
Rey swallows hard, feeling the prick and burn of tears in her eyes. “I know.”
Rey packs all her purchases in the trunk of her car, running through her mental list. She was supposed to have dinner with Poe, but seeing as how he might not make it…. Maybe she can invite Finn and Rose over, see if they’re free. Maybe even call home, see if the family was around. Cassian and Jyn would fuss and insist on seeing on what they could do to get Poe here on time, but not even her incredibly competent and scarily efficient parents could do anything about delayed flights. No, she’d be seeing them all tomorrow anyways, and she didn’t want to deal with the sad faces and sympathetic eyes.
Once she was in the car, she turned it on only to have the first song on the radio begin with, “I’ll be home for Christmas…you can count on me…”
“Oh come on,” Rey says aloud, staring helplessly at the dashboard. “Really?”
Last year–    
“Why is it so sad though?” Rey says as Bing Crosby croons through the speakers in the kitchen. “He’s singing about all these happy things but he sounds so sad.” 
“Well, he was singing it to troops who were overseas,” Poe says, carefully tossing the roasted vegetables that would soon go on the table. “So it’s really about comforting them and what they’d like to tell their families.”
Rey gives her head a little shake. “If I was away from my family, I’d want them to be happy. Not all sad and melancholy. It’s a nice song though,” she adds. “I’d just…sing it a bit more up-tempo.” 
“You would,” says Poe fondly and Rey grins at him as she steals a carrot out of the bowl. 
“Mija, are you sure you don’t want to come over?” 
Rey adjusts her phone so her father can better see her face. “Papi, we’ve been over this. I’m seeing you guys all tomorrow anyways, with the white elephant gift exchange and all. I really just want to have a quiet night in, before the craziness.”
“Your mother does have quite a few gifts ready to cause havoc,” her father agrees. The Christmas lights Rey helped him string up around the living room of her childhood home catch the silver threads in his hair. “You call us if you need anything, okay?”
Rey nods, trying to appear cheerful and upbeat. “I’ll probably watch Christmas movies and drink hot chocolate. The good kind, like you taught me.”
“Your mother and I will probably do the same,” her dad says with a smile. “Only she’ll insist on Die Hard after I make her cry with It’s a Wonderful Life.” 
“I do not cry!” Rey’s mom shouts from somewhere off camera. “It’s the booze your dad puts in the cocoa!”
“Sure it is, mi querida,” Cassian says tolerantly and he gives Rey a double blink, because after all these years, her dad still can’t wink with one eye. It’s still the cutest thing about him, to Rey’s mind. “See you tomorrow, mijita. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas,” she repeats and raises her voice so her mother can hear, “Merry Christmas, mama.”
“You too, sweetheart,” Jyn’s voice calls back and the call ends. 
Rey sets her phone down and sighs, rubbing her face. She loves her parents, really, deeply, truly loves them. But right now she just wants to sulk in her fluffy sherpa sweatshirt and cry at the Muppets Christmas Carol. The dinner she planned with Poe she put on hold. She’ll make it for him when he gets here. Even if it’s after Christmas, instead of tonight, like they planned…
“Feeling sorry for yourself stops now,” Rey says sternly, pulling out a mug for hot chocolate. “He’s on his way, he’ll get here when he gets here.”
All the stern talking-tos in the world don’t stop her from getting into her most snuggly, comfortable pajamas and creating a nest on the sofa, her movie set up and her cocoa in hand. 
About midway through A Christmas Carol as Scrooge discovers the joys of Christmas Present, something hits Rey’s window with a soft splatter. She jerks upright, staring at the window, her heart starting to pound. Another soft smack. Bits of snow go flying. 
Rey kicks her way out of her nest of blankets and scrambles to the window, yanking it open, only to duck a flying snowball over her head. “Oh shit,” she hears down below as she sticks her head out. 
Her boyfriend, more than half a day’s scruff on his truly ridiculous jaw, his curls a limp mess, looking like death warmed over, grins up at her exhaustedly. “Hey there, sunshine.”
Rey leans out of her window, so happy that if she fell out, she might start flying. “Why didn’t you call, you lunatic?”
“Because my phone gave up the ghost about an hour ago,” he replies. “Sunshine, I’m begging you, let me up. I can’t feel my toes.” 
Rey barely remembers to close her window as she flies to the door to the intercom, presses the button to open the front door below. She then whirls around her apartment in a frenzy, getting blankets, mugs for tea, extra pillows in case he’s so tired he falls asleep on the sofa. 
Her door knocks about a minute later and Rey runs to it, wrenches it open.
Poe is there, still grinning in that exhausted, punch drunk way he gets after traveling. “Spare a cup of sugar, neighbor?”
Too overcome and impatient to waste time with witty banter, Rey drags him in, yanking at his jacket and scarf, trying to get rid of any unnecessary fabric. “Come on, come on, come on--”
“Sweetheart,” he protests a little raggedly, “the spirit is very willing but the flesh is a lot weaker than I’d like it to be--”
“You idiot, I’m trying to get you warm,” Rey says, dragging him to the sofa. “Get your mind out of the gutter.”
“But I like it there so much,” he says, lets himself collapse on the sofa. “Oh hey, the Muppets! I love the Muppets!”
“I know you do.” Efficiently, briskly, Rey kneels and strips off his shoes and socks. “Oh, your poor feet, they’re so cold and wet--”
Distracted, she looks up, right into his eyes, so solemn and serious. 
“I told you I’d get here,” Poe says softly. “Didn’t I?”
Blinking back tears of relief, of joy, Rey smiles at him, reaches up to touch his cheek. “You did. Welcome home, my love.” 
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lemoncakepanda · 5 years
Top 50 NaLu Anime Moments {Pt 3}
I am so sorry it took me so long to write this! This week has been a roller-coaster to me, especially since Tuesday. I got so busy, and every time I would log into tumblr, I would only look at my dashboard and have absolutely no energy left to write. Without any further delay, let me show you guys the rest of my top 50, and today we’re covering moments 30 through 21.
Part 2 can be found here.
30. “I’ll be lonely, you idiot!” (Ep 265).
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This moment still makes me so emotional. Like... i’ve said this before on my previous top 25 moments, so there’s nothing much to add, but I love this moment because it shows how much Lucy began to rely on Natsu. How much she needed his presence around her, despite always kicking him out and scolding him. And then to lose all that? Just like that? To be filled with such a huge sense of security, the certainty that someone will always be there for you, and to have that ensurance taken away from you? That must’ve hurt. That must’ve broken her heart and it’s no wonder she’s so upset with Natsu when he comes back (again, I get why Natsu had to leave and I’ve already given my thoughts on it, but I also get Lucy’s side) and must’ve stung extra harder bc she’d just lost Aquarius, something she also never thought would happen. But yeah, this is why I like this scene, despite it being sad. It was great character development for Lucy, showed the development in NaLu, and it also pushed the ship forward by giving if conflict and separation, which only resulted in bringing them closer in the future. Also, I also like how Natsu only left a note to Lucy and no one else. She really is his most precious person, along with Happy.
29. “Let’s save the tears for when we win.” (Ep 159).
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As a big sucker for moments where Natsu comforts Lucy, this one’s gotta be in the list. Despite being in a team of 5, despite her whole guild being there, only one person came to pick up Lucy and lift up her spirits and that was Natsu. It could’ve been anyone, really. Erza or Gray. But Mashima thought (and I agree) Natsu would make the most sense, because of how deep the NaLu relationship runs, to showcase how they’d grown even stronger since Tenrou Island, and it worked! Natsu, who’d once called Lucy useless to her face, coming up to her and telling her she was amazing, even though she lost? Lucy, who was always so annoyed with Natsu and his fighting, looking up to him with tears in her says saying “i’m all fired up”? That’s the kinda development we strive for.
28. “You’re Lucy of Fairy Tail, aren’t you?” (Ep 23).
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I swear, this ship makes me want to scream. And here we come back to a time when Natsu and Lucy were still growing as a team, and still didn’t know each other that well, but already had so much faith on one another. This, I feel, is the first time (after, you know, the tower jump) where it showed that they actually cared and understood each other, mostly Natsu, in this case. Everyone else told Lucy not to cry, not to blame herself because of what her father did, meanwhile, Natsu merely reminded her of who she was. Where she belonged to. And like Lucy said later in the arc, she believed her mother would want her to follow her heart and do what she wanted, and this was probably the first time someone other than Layla showed Lucy that her choice was hers to make, and hers only. Like i’ve said before, what Natsu said, what he did for her here, helped shape Lucy into the person she is today, as well as it’s what also helped Lucy to start relying more on Natsu emotionally, whereas she relied mostly on him physically, to protect her.
27. “Lucy!” (Ep 303).
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This moment... is much lower on my list here, whereas it was so high on the first one, but that’s mostly because my opinion has changed, as well as new moments have arrived that I loved much more, and some other moments too I now realize I took for granted, and took a high spot in my list. But nevertheless, it’s still a very special moment. And despite my problems with the animation, I have to admit that I like the desperation in Natsu’s eyes as he holds onto Lucy for dear life, after almost losing her (big sigh bc we know what happens a few eps later); and he even forgets about the other people around them: Mest, Brandish, even Happy! I like how she came first here to him, how he didn’t even hesitate before grabbing her. Now, how he came from that position to groping her boobs with all his might later, I can’t even explain, just... you know... Mashima.
26. Natsu and Lucy versus Jacob. (Ep 299).
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Listen, this... this is one of the funniest fights I’ve ever watched on anime. While I like the pacing better on the manga, I really liked the execution of it in the anime, and hearing Natsu and Lucy’s “dirty talk” was one of my dreams coming to life, lmao. Natsu and Lucy once again showing how great they are at teamwork, and why they work so damn well together, how their thoughts align and how their trust on each other plays a huge deal on their victory. Plus, hello, it’s this moment which gives Mavis the inspiration to defeat Zeref, so it’s an extra big moment, i’d say, despite being severely underrated. Still on topic, I liked how when Lucy was undressed in front of him, Natsu was like “how is this supposed to be hell?” and say what you want, but just because he didn’t blush didn’t mean he wasn’t enjoying that view.
25. “Thank you for protecting our future.” (Ep 187).
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Not really a NaLu NaLu moment, but still a very sweet NaLu moment. In case you don’t know (and for that reason, you should not be reading this list), the one in the picture is Future Lucy, and what makes this moment so special is that, even though that’s not present Lucy, it’s still his Lucy. He trusts her word completely and understand she effort she’s made, and all the horrors she’s been through, and he kneels down to the ground, craddles her head and presses his forehead to her, to express how grateful he is for what she’s done, and to show that he appreciates her, even if she’s not from his time. And this must’ve meant so much to this Lucy, because she lost her Natsu; she watched him die (the anime even does a little flashback), and she is back at the warmth and the softness only one person could give her, and she thought she’d never have that again. And then there he was, right in front of her, still the same man she’d always known. Still believing in her. Also, a small bonus: present Lucy is watching all this with a sweet smile and a soft blush on her cheeks.
24. “Don’t worry me like that.” (Ep 310).
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And now we’re back to me wanting to scream because of these, bc hey... look at this! How come these two f*ckers started a goddamn a relationship and not even realize it? Like, it’s not even possibly platonic at this point in the story! There’s no friendship that can explain this, especially when it’s purposely being parallel with Gruvia, a canon romantic ship, and especially because we know what led up to this moment. And then you have Lucy holding onto Natsu, so relieved that she found him and squeezing him closer to her, despite not knowing what happened to him or what he’d just done, and Natsu whispering her name, listening to her voice once again when he thought he’d never listen to it again, having her so close to him when he thought he’d lost her... and you want me to not ship that? You want to tell me that’s platonic? I can’t even. I literally can’t even. That’s all I have to say about this.
23. “I want a piggyback ride.” Drunk Lucy round 1. (OVA 4).
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While I love Lucy jumping on Natsu and wiggling her body onto his during the christmas ova, I have to admit this moment here has a special place in my heart, which makes it higher on the list. Maybe it’s because it was the first time we saw Lucy drunk, and was still a time when we started to really get NaLu moments, and Lucy’s feelings were still 50/50 to us, and then you get this, and Drunk Lucy is all f*cking over Natsu; she has hearts around her when she’s happy because she saw two Natsus, she makes him omelet (how? idk) and wants to feed it to him, is upset when she thinks he rejects it, wants him to make her purr... this alone should tell you a lot, is all touchy-feely with him, and basks in how warm he is, with her eyes closed. And Natsu, my boy... you coulda just run. You didn’t have to stay there and you didn’t have to obey her, lol. I bet he was freaked out because Lucy had never given him this much attention before, so he didn’t know how to deal with it. Always nice to see some Lucy > Natsu action, so let us all thank Mashima for the existence of Drunk Lucy, who makes this more possible than regular Lucy bc she lives in denial, lol.
22. “Beautiful”. (Ep 73).
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A classic moment, and one that is immensely loved within the NaLu fandom, and rightfully so! Not only is this the most beautiful tree i’ve seen in anime, but also gave so much more depth to Natsu and Lucy’s relationship, despite being a simple omake. I’ve mentioned this before, but after Phantom Lord arc, there was very little development on NaLu, and most of their scenes together were reapeats of things we’d seen before: them reuniting after the team is separated, working together to solve it, reuniting again, trusting each other, yada yada. Very nice, but still, mostly just friendship and nothing that really stood out. This moment here, where Natsu uproots a tree for Lucy just because she was sick and couldn’t come to see it, then putting it into a boat so it could float all the way over to the front of her house... can be seen as a platonic gesture, and probably was made with that intention on Natsu’s part, but the thing is, these kinda things only happen with them. Yes, Mashima could have given this moment for someone else like Erza or Mirajane, or even Wendy, who was new to the series and probably didn’t even know about this: so why didn’t he? The answer is quite easy, and y’all know it. Development. Growth. Natsu was upset Lucy couldn’t come and join them, didn’t even crack a smile during the whole festival, but he wanted Lucy to be able to, even if he didn’t get to see it. He wanted to make her happy. That’s very special of him, and I think there was already a little of romance there, he just didn’t know what it was, so he just followed his feelings and went for it. Okay, enough gushing and analysing, time to end this list.
21. “What do I look like to you?” round 1. (Fairy Tail: Dragon Cry).
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Please, don’t kill me for not having this on top 10, I wanted to put it there, because HELLO, LOOK AT THIS PICTURE, I NEED 911, I- HOW CAN THEY STAND SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER! MY BOYFRIEND SAW ME GIFFING THIS AND ASKED “IS HE TRYING TO KISS HER” AND I JUST FREAKED OUT, SOMEBODY SEDATE ME! Mashima, what were you trying to do with this? Were you trying to kill us? Like, why does Natsu want to know what he looks like to Lucy? And why he’s gotta stand so close to her that their noses are brushing, just to ask her this? AHSIAHSJJAOSJAAKA, I KNOW THE ANSWER, BUT I STILL NEED ANSWERS! Okay, I was able to calm down a little. I really truly love this moment (love dragon cry in general), and I love how Wendy interrupted them and knew immediately she’d walked into something intimate, the poor thing, lmao, I wish that was me. But really, this is just Natsu taking any excuses he can to stand super close to Lucy even when it doesn’t make sense, because we all know he’s just got it real bad for her.
Will try to post part 4 tomorrow, but no promises. My baby niece is staying over and she takes up all of my free time, lol.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Underneath The Mistletoe, Part 2 (Bianca/???) - Albatross
AN: second installment of Underneath The Mistletoe! This is probably gonna end up being 4 parts in total but we’ll see.
As Bianca drove off from Willam’s apartment, she placed her phone on speaker and called up Alyssa. She only had to wait through three rings before a voice on the other line picked up with a rather unamused, “Bitch.”
“Hey, Alyssa!-”
“No, no. Nuh-uh,” she interrupted in order to start a tirade that had been stewing all day, “Don’t you talk to me like you didn’t leave my house in absolute state last night! Y’all tryna drink me out of house and home and-”
“Hey, I wasn’t the only one! Raja-”
“You and Raja! You two were the ones that broke into my liquor cabinet-”
“No, we didn’t!” Bianca squeaked out as she attempted to defend herself. “It was unlocked!”
“You both spearheaded it!” Alyssa declared adamantly. “None of the others would’ve even found those bottles if it weren’t for you two snooping around!”
Hating that she was getting sidetracked by this unwanted argument, Bianca felt obligated to point out, “We weren’t snooping!”
But that only produced another loud tangent being screamed through the phone line as Alyssa ranted away. If the car hadn’t been steadily moving along through the busy streets, Bianca might have been inclined to bang her head on the steering wheel. After her eyes rolled for the umpteenth time and Alyssa’s scolding reached it’s eighth minute, Bianca just couldn’t take it anymore. Interrupting the rant much like a wrecking ball going through drywall, she relented, “Okay! Fuck! I’m sorry, alright? I’m sorry.”
To her surprise, Alyssa actually remained quiet as she waited for her to go on. At this point Bianca expected there to be more to her bitching but it seems she was willing to listen to what Bianca had to say. After knowing the other woman for so long, Bianca knew the best and quickest solution would be to remedy the situation. Though in this case it felt like more like a bribe than anything else.
But either way it was the right thing to do and had she not needed Alyssa’s help anyway, she likely would have done something similar eventually. Allowing a decent amount of shame and guilt to tint her voice, Bianca offered, “Listen…Can I make it up to you, buy you another bottle or two? Maybe that fruity shit you like?”
She couldn’t remember the brand at the moment but she had no doubt Alyssa knew which wine she was referring to. Expensive, flashy, and hardly worth the cost in Bianca’s opinion but it’d be worth it to soothe Alyssa’s anger and get the information she desperately wanted. 
But almost expectantly, Alyssa was playing hardball. She countered with a very firm, “…Four bottles.”
“Four?!?” Bianca screamed out in disbelief. That shit is pricey. She could practically hear her bank account crying in protest already. Alyssa, however, remained stubborn and brought up once again, “Excuse you, bitch. Did you see how much y’all drank last night? I can tell you right now, it was a helluva lot more than four bottles worth!”
“Ugh, fine!” She conceded, along with a mental note that Raja owes her for this. “But you gotta answer my questions.”
Joyful and smug at having been promised her favorite drink, Alyssa was all too happy to assist Bianca with her dilemma. As the hostess, she did try remain somewhat level-headed throughout the evening, more so than her roommate, and was able to recall a few names that she thought she remembered seeing towards the end of the get-together.
Running through her list, Bianca noted, “Right…so I missed…Shangie, Violet, and…”
“Nina,” Alyssa supplied absently, undoubtedly doing something else more engaging as she talked with Bianca.
Dreading the answer, Bianca began, “Which-”
“Oh, fuck me,” she muttered to herself. She could only imagine what kind of impression she left on one of her newest friends. There was a small hope that just maybe Nina wouldn’t remember any more of the night than she or Willam had…or at least that anything she might’ve done while drunk would not come back to haunt her later. After all, she really had hoped to get to know Nina better in the coming weeks and acting like a drunken, hot mess was not in her plan.
Breaking through Bianca’s wandering mind, Alyssa took to suspiciously asking her, “Now are you gonna tell me what this is about, Miss Thing?”
“Nope!” Bianca replied briskly, “Thanks, bye!”
“Bitch, my wine-”
“I’ll drop it off tomorrow,” she assured her and right as she ended the call, let out another teasing “Bye!”
As soon as she was sure she dropped the other line, Bianca let out a groan of frustration. If she knew she could keep it, she’d have promised herself anything that she’d never drink around friends again! But that’d be a very short-lived pledge and she knew it all too well. At least she got three more names she missed from Alyssa. Though she had a feeling that none of them were her mystery kisser.
Nina was far too tall, even if she were wearing flats that night, which seemed rather unlikely. As for Violet, Bianca couldn’t really see her getting drunk enough to make out with her and just vaguely she recalled seeing Violet with red lips earlier in the night…But Shangela…she was a possibility, though very unlikely.
As soon as Bianca got home, she confirmed that Shangie had been wearing green lipstick (thanks Instagram) but what kept Bianca from officially adding her to the list was simply because of Alyssa. 
Those two were close. 
And if Bianca had kissed Shangela, she doubted very much Alyssa would not already know about it, especially considering it would have happened in her house. So for now, Shangela will just remain in the back of her mind…Maybe if no one else pans out, she’ll reconsider but for now she has four other suspects to consider and first on her list is Dela.
Of the four, Dela seemed the most likely. Bianca had always felt comfortable and open around her. If something had happened between them last night, it would have just been for fun because of the stupid mistletoe. Bianca could see herself giving into Dela for a quick peck if she had bugged her long enough. After all, it was hard to say ‘no’ to someone so bubbly and friendly, particularly if she throws in one of those infectious smiles…Plus out of all the suspects that remained, she was probably the most sober and might actually remember what all had happened…not that that really said much with Bianca’s group of friends.
But following a short conversation with her that night, Bianca learned that Dela had actually gone home shortly after 2AM. Seems Jinkx had a little too much to drink so Dela took charge of ordering a Lyft ride for both of them. She actually made a quick joke that Jinkx was trying to kiss just about everyone she found near one of the clumps of mistletoe. One person that took her up on the offer was actually Willam, not that Bianca was much too surprised by that…Though now that she’s thought about it, that’s probably how Willam’s lipstick got smudged with red…
Well, one minor mystery solved. 
She thanked Dela for the information and crossed her off the list. They made plans to meet up well after the holidays but Bianca knew they’d probably see each sometime around New Year’s. Rumor had it that someone was thinking of hosting a party that night. Maybe Roxxxy, maybe not. But if not, they’ll probably find each other while bar-hopping.
For now, Bianca had to remove her from her mind and refocus on finding her mystery makeout partner. Her list already had two of the five original suspects crossed. Now who’s the next most likely? Bianca knew she’d have a chance to meet up Phi Phi in a few days, she could always ask her then but as for Trixie and Manila? Perhaps a text…or wait!
Bianca still had holiday gifts to deliver to her friends!
That was actually why she’d set up the dinner date with Phi Phi in the first place; to exchange gifts before Phi Phi left to go visit family across the country. Bianca could always use her delivery as an excuse to talk to the others…In fact, tomorrow would be perfect to visit Raja and Manila. She needs to pick up wine for Alyssa anyways, why not an extra bottle for Raja and then take it over to the couple?
And a little booze in her system might help soften the blow if Bianca had in fact kissed her girlfriend….
Dela: 🎶Guess who I just got a text from🎶
Mariah: Spill it baby!
Dela: Bianca…
Vanessa: Well?
Vanessa: Quit stalling and tell us the goss, girl! I got Netflix to binge!
Willam sat back and watched the conversation play out on the screen. Every so often she’d save a screenshot of a particularly hilarious comment or reaction.
‘For reference,’ she told herself. When the time comes to play all her cards.
Unsurprisingly, the wine and spirits shop was quite busy when Bianca decided to drop in. Whether it was purely holiday related or just because it was after work and people wanted to get a head start on happy hour was left up to debate…probably a mix of both. Either way, Bianca had to dodge person after person in order to navigate the aisles, not to mention the occasional basket hitting her as someone unexpectedly backed up or rushed past her. But she was successful in locating both Alyssa’s overpriced shit and a suitable potential peace offering for Raja.
Right before dropping off the bottles at Alyssa’s house, Bianca made sure to text Raja and ask if both she and Manila were at home. It took nearly the entire length of her visit with Alyssa to get a response back (50 long, exhausting minutes thanks to Alyssa’s inane chatter and Laganja chiming in every now and then) but once she had her confirmation, she excused herself using the very true, if somewhat exaggerated, reason that she had other gifts to deliver tonight.
Manila: Three guesses who’s coming over!
Manila: she’s on her way now
Raja: We’ll keep you updated with all the juicy details 😜
Manila: 🙄
Raja: 😘😘😘😘
Sharon: Ugh. Get a fucking room
Upon arriving at the girlfriends’ shared house, Bianca was greeted at the door by an immediate warm and a tad too tight hug from Manila. Not that this was anything unusual for the woman, she’d always been rather physical with her signs of affection. Raja welcomed her with a more brief embrace and relieved Bianca of the parcels she was carrying, particularly after spotting the wine bottle peeking out from the gift bag.
“You know me so well,” she complimented.
“Easiest person to shop for,” Bianca agreed. “Just pick up a bottle for you and a bottle for me.”
Once inside and settled down, Bianca let each of the women unwrap their real gifts as she watched and drank from the bottle Raja already had opened for the night. Raja’s present consisted of several odd little keys that they had found while out shopping together a few months ago. Each was unique, especially in regards to their handles. Immediately after spotting them, Raja had announced her desire to use the keys for some kind of new art project or perhaps even to make an accessory of some kind. She was entirely ready to purchase them on the spot except for one small detail; the antique store’s strict cash-only policy.
Raja just didn’t have enough cash on her at the time. Had she asked, Bianca certainly would have lent her the money that day but for whatever reason, Raja didn’t even seem to think of it. Perhaps she thought she’d just come back later and pick them up but it worked out better for Bianca either way. Shortly after departing Raja’s company, she circled back to buy the keys and only a day or two following that, she received a text from Raja complaining that the items were already gone from the shop.
The instant Raja recognized her gift, she let out an affectionate murmur of “Bitch” and pulled Bianca in for a proper hug. She fell into a distracted state, examining each one and undoubtedly forming a plan of what she wanted to do now that they were finally in her possession. Though she remained quiet and calm, Bianca could easily spot the sparkle in her eyes. The one she’d always get when she becomes absorbed in her artwork.
As Raja mulled over ideas, Bianca turned her attention back to Manila. She’d been planning Manila’s gift for quite awhile and took great pains in researching and finding just the right thing. 
Much earlier in the year, when the couple moved into their new house, one of Manila’s favorite bracelets broke. It had been a gift from Raja on their first anniversary; yellow gold twisted into a unique, almost braid-like appearance. Rubies accented some of the knots while diamond chips filled in the remainder.
Manila had been wearing the bracelet, as she did almost every other day, while the pair unpacked boxes and moved around their larger belongings. At some point during the process, the bracelet caught itself on a piece of furniture and one of the links snapped at its weakest point, sending a number of its neighboring pieces clattering to the floor. Manila had been heartbroken, she took it to the same jeweler it originally came from but the style had been discontinued several years prior; they had no additional links that could replace the broken one.
Knowing how much that bracelet meant to her, Bianca questioned a number of jewelry shops in both their city and others close by. After perhaps the tenth or eleventh call, she finally found someone who still retained a few extra links in their store’s repair department and with Raja’s help, she was able to sneak out the bracelet without Manila’s noticing. The work had been completed just three weeks prior and to both women’s amazement, Manila had yet to realize her bracelet was missing from her jewelry box.
But the instant she saw her prized bracelet gleaming back at her looking just like new, her eyes clouded with tears and she pulled in Bianca for another tight squeeze. She marveled at how amazing it looked, nothing could be seen to suggest it had ever been broken, and asked how she even managed to accomplish this. Bianca downplayed the effort, preferring not to get into too much detail but she made sure to cite Raja’s help as a main reason for why she’d been so successful in keeping this a secret.
In the end, she wasn’t sure how much Manila actually heard but that didn’t matter. All she cared about was that Manila loved her gift and if the stray tears falling down her cheek or admiring grin weren’t enough to convince her, the near bone-crunching hugs she kept receiving certainly got the point across.
They spent another hour or so chatting until the bottle of wine was nearly empty. It was only at this point that Bianca felt confident enough to ask the couple what they remembered of Alyssa’s party. Much to Bianca’s surprise they’d been a good bit more sober than she was but certain details seemed to have escaped them.
“So nothing exciting or, I don’t know, interesting, happened that you remember?” she probed, trying not to feel utterly let down or disappointed.
“Not really, it was pretty tame for us, all things considered,” Raja replied back with a fond, secretive smile before taking another sip. “No one got really wild or out of hand like we do on New Year’s. One of the few parties where no one even broke anything.”
“Right,” Bianca agreed slowly. She stalled for a moment then decided to try a subtle route one final time, “But you didn’t do anything after like, 2ish? That you can remember, I mean?”
Shrugging her shoulders, Raja wandered through her thoughts for a few seconds before recalling, “I was smoking with Laganja and Adore and that’s about it. Oh, and Alaska joined, too.”
“And I was talking with Nina and Phi Phi,” Manila chimed in. A considering look flashed across her face, as if she weren’t sure if were recalling the events correctly or not, but ultimately decided to mention, “…I think…you were with Shangela. Shangela and someone else. Maybe Katya?”
Perking back up, Bianca inquired earnestly, “Anything after that?”
The couple shared another perplexed glance with each other, like neither could entirely fill in the blanks, which was fair, but Bianca had a hope there still might be something they hadn’t mentioned yet. Unfortunately, as she soon found out, there was.
“We finished the joints and came back upstairs…,” Raja stated, taking another sip of her wine, and adding in, “I went off to find Manila and then…Adore and Laganja found you.”
Feeling her eyes roll out habit, Bianca let out an annoyed groan, “Ugh. Bet that conversation was thrilling. Glad I don’t remember that.”
Chuckling at the statement, Raja insisted, “You two were getting along, actually. You were all laughing at least. Adore put her feet in your lap at some point or tried to…I think you pushed them away and she fell off the couch.”
“Oh! And Alyssa caught Jinkx making out with someone!” Manila chirped away before breaking into a case of the giggles. “Dela took her home after that, I think.”
A reluctant smile stretched across Bianca’s lips but she couldn’t find it in her heart to be as amused by the situation as she normally would be. By now it was entirely clear that Bianca was fishing for information and that was a line of questioning she dreaded having to answer. Had the two not been privy to the group chat, they might have been more tactful…but in this case, they wanted to have a little fun too.
The pair exchanged a silent, meaningful look with one another as Bianca drained her glass and released a heavy sigh. Coming to a mutual agreement to pursue this further, Raja opted to be direct and ask outright why Bianca kept harping on the events of the party. Trying to remain aloof, Bianca didn’t answer the question right away. She played it off as a simple wondering of the party’s late night events.
No, as Raja anticipated, it took quite a bit of probing (as well as some gentle encouragement from Manila) before Bianca was ready to share anything…Though the copious amount of wine rushing through her system probably helped too. It was after draining one final glass that Bianca finally revealed some of the details of what she knew happened at the party…and who one of her potential suspects might be.
Raja laughed a little, because of course she would, and even Manila couldn’t help but to smile at the thought of just how off her reasoning was. Still, she did feel a bit of sympathy for Bianca’s confusion.
“And you’re sure I didn’t kiss you?”
Reaching over to take Bianca’s hand in hers, she assured her friend with a sympathetic smile, “Pretty sure, honey.”
This time the disappointment was clear on Bianca’s face but a small part of her was still skeptical. While it wouldn’t be ideal for her to have kissed one of her closest friend’s girlfriend, Bianca would have preferred Manila over her remaining suspects. It’d be a lot less messy after all.
As she tried to bring herself to accept this answer as it is, the couple next to her exchanged a few glances. It was the kind of nonverbal communication that only occurs between people that are exceptionally close, something Bianca was a little envious of. A darting of their eyes, a tilt to the head, a soft noise of questioning and finally a nod and grin of approval.
Bianca’s mind worked to unravel the meaning but in a second, it became clear. For just a few moments, her lips were connected with Manila’s and her eyes slid shut at the sensation. 
It was different from Willam’s, very different. 
Her tempo was relaxed and confident, so self-assured in what she was doing. It was almost like a meeting of the minds as they instantly fell into a matching pace…but there was absolutely no spark to it. If anything it was like each was just going through the motions and in some manner, that was even more of a let down than when she had kissed Willam. There had been some trace of passion or excitement with that kiss but here there was a stark lack of any emotions. Nothing like what she’d seen when Raja and Manila had kissed in front of her.
But that was just as well, she supposed. And now she had her answer for certain.
Pulling away, she conceded with a bittersweet smile, “Definitely not you.”
“Sorry, sweetie,” Manila murmured as she ran a consoling hand across Bianca’s back, “Hope you find out who it was, though.”
“Yeah…Me too.”
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readermagnifique · 5 years
Anne with an E Season 3 finale!
Good grief I am in LOVE!!!
I want to have a character on this show for the sole purpose of having a bisexual affair with Winnie Rose, no I am not taking constructive criticism at this time.
Josie Pye counting the hours until she can get away from all the whispers and snide comments that she is definitely still getting, and probably mostly from her parents broke my heart she deserves to fly they all do.
Ruby is still a little gem and I love her.
Shirbert Part I: They are so proud of each other, look at those cute grins.
Moody still holds the title of best awkward comments.
You poor dumb dumb babies I love you both.
Miss Stacy is the best you can't change my mind. Potato lightbulbs forever indeed.
"7 days until we spread out wings and soar" Tiny babies, we stan.
"It's your future, not theirs"
"It's not your future, it's ours!"
This next scene was heartbreaking.
The Barry's were getting better and I hate them again now.
Matthew Cuthbert you are a cute potato and your one (1) flaw in life is pushing people away to protect them. We stan.
Mummy Lacroix learning to be softer is what I am here for!
Shirbert Part II: Beautiful! Sublime! This letter was everything we've been wanting to hear since day 1. Also definitely breaking his promise to Winnie to not say ANYTHING about not being engaged for 2 weeks, but we'll let it slide because you're cute as a button, and the pen mention at the end was the cherry on top.
I honestly expected her to completely miss the fact that the letter was even there. Never expected her to rip it, and was even better when she ran around trying to find the pieces, and GOT IT COMPLETELY WRONG! You are the most adorable tiny human, and this had me shaking my head not knowing whether to be frustrated or laughing.
Diana being almost catatonic at the idea of her future broke me. It is not being talked about enough, this was heartbreaking.
"I can't fly"
"My poor Diana, they've clipped your wings" This was beautifully tragical, and so so sad. Dalila Bela was phenomenal in this whole episode - more on that later.
Marilla being the best Mum. She has grown so much and she is the sweetest. This whole episode she was a damn star! I love her! She's done a complete 180° from where she started, from big things like being kinder and more open with those she loves, to small things like making a dress with beautiful, most definitely expensive, blue velvet for her girl.
Elijah redemption arc - I love a redemption arc, and they are the hill I will die on thanking you. And Bash learning to forgive him and allow him into his daughter's life - this was inspired, thank you Moira!!!
Marilla talking the Barrys round to the idea of Diana's desire to control her own life not being a selfish one was beautifully done. Just her being careful and considerate as she has always been at her core.
Miss Stacy and Anne both giving beautiful presents to each other - and MISS STACY WRITING KINDRED SPIRITS ON THE FRAME WAS SPECTACULAR!!! And her conversation about happiness was so sweet and caring, and mentioning depression in her own way did anyone else notice this?
Marilla being so excited about letters of Anne's past, and putting Matthew straight, just like he did earlier in the series.
Matthew crying; I can't cope with it. End of discussion, couldn't deal. He's too sweet.
Elijah is going to be such a good big brother now he's doing his best.
Anne packing away her room; so beautifully filmed, and so bittersweet. She has loved this little room more than anywhere else, and it's lovely.
Jane and Josie are friends again? They're stood together in the line, and no snide comments. They smile to each other while the matron was talking. Was there a deleted scene or something? Can someone write their reconciliation as a one shot? I want to see Jane learn like Prissy exactly what her family is.
Anne is definitely going to learn sign language, I will place good money on those odds. Just you watch her.
Somehow the matron reminds me of the librarian in Monsters University?
Anne putting her necklace on the bed meant for Diana.
The girls being excited and giggling in pure delight with each other, dancing and carefree, away from the small minds of their town. Beautiful and inspirational, and most of it is down to Anne, you cannot change my mind.
Miss Stacy screaming in excitement for Gilbert going to Uni! His yelling with her!
Mummy Lacroix learning from her son to help him forgive his own stepson. Redemption arcs all around in the Lacroix farm.
Siblings united at last. Mary would have been the happiest woman to see this.
Can we all just appreciate that Cole has been at art school carefully studying and perfecting the Gay Artist Walk™ and he is doing so well? The hips. The hands. Look at that beautiful carefully learnt carelessly elegant flounce! That is Growth.
Jo calling Marilla Anne's mother and how happy it makes her.
Anne is the bravest of women, so strong, and all of those closest to her know this.
Cole and Jerry are the best brothers, you cannot prove this wrong.
Anne takes that moment to break apart on one that she trusts with her life, and one who she knows trusts her with his, and then just as quickly pulls herself back together again and carries on. She just needed that moment, and he knew to give it to her.
The cows are Pride and Prejudice and this is fantastic.
Matthew you adorable bean, and I cannot cope with you tearing up twice in one episode.
Anne with her dress, and gloves, and parasol. Mesmerising.
Mrs Thomas is hilarious.
"They were SCOTTISH!"
"He's DEAD! You know that." Cracking up laughing.
I want to know who Katie was? This is the second time she's been brought up. The imaginary friend who lives in glass cabinets. Other than that we know nothing, and I need to know more.
The book.
I want to have a character on this show for the sole purpose of having a bisexual affair with Winnie Rose, no I am not taking constructive criticism at this time.
I fully and completely believe that after they sorted out the fact that neither of them had any idea what the other was bloody talking about, Anne and Winnie are pen pals, and they're going to chat about Paris and Uni and become good mates. I am here for Anne's respect for other women, and you know for a fact that she has never said or thought a bad word about Winnie from day one, because none of it has ever been her fault. And Winnie has been understandably angry, but once she stops hurting over Gilbert (and has a bisexual affair with me that is definitely going to happen I swear) she will be happy to call Anne a friend, because she has always been loyal to her friends and never made a move on her man while he was hers, even when drunk and looking gorgeous after the exams.
The train. How amazing was every scene on this damn train. Diana going to Uni, hearing about Gilbert not going to Paris and not engaged, but also not going to queen's and definitely not sorting things her friend and this is unacceptable??? Her face??? Incredible!!!
Anne running in that dress is a vision.
Diana's face as she sits in the chair opposite Gilbert. And he smiles politely and has to do a double take because the FuRy??? Of this girl??? Phenomenal.
I am always here for whenever Anne has her hair down.
Diana going HARD for Anne. On a public train. Fully laying in to the smartest and dumbest boy in her class.
Diana is a wonder, all she needed was friendship with an unlikely redheaded orphan brat to unlock her imagination, and that redheaded orphan is the girl who has saved her from misery and drudgery and brought colour into her life, and she deserves so much better than the confusion Gilbert has been giving her this whole time and Diana is throwing EVERYTHING at him and I am here for this ride or die friendship!!!
This running montage was perfection, then the silence just as they saw each other. Majestic.
That gentle hand on her cheek, asking permission, then the kiss.
And then Anne Shirley Cuthbert does the most Anne Shirley Cuthbert thing and pinches herself to check it's real.
And Gilbert So-Smart-And-So-Dumb Blythe still had to check that she loves him as much as he loves her and both of these reactions are the most valid thing I have ever witnessed.
And that second kiss; Anne "If I wanted to kiss a boy, couldn't I just, kiss him?" Shirley Cuthbert going for it, I am here for it on every level, I hope it's within the correct timespan for visiting suitors, because you're definitely not in the parlour Anne!
Anne not even getting mad that he's leaving just after he kisses her, she is so understanding what a damn angel.
And Gilbert desperately trying to reassure her before he has to run off again. That hand kiss, I am swooning over their romantical notions, the pair of them!
"Can I still be your roommate?" Look at this baby, with her witty quips and dramatic entrances! I adore that Anne has found a home among people who are just as dramatic as she is.
Mr Barry redeaming himself somewhat - "Take the carriage! Run boy! Accomplish your dreams!" He's learning, it's all we can ask for. Maybe next season I'll begin to like you again.
That hop out of the carriage, the return of the flirty eyebrows, that kiss; Mr Blythe! Straight out of a romance novel! He knows how to put his romantical notions into action.
"I have follow up questions."
Marilla and Matthew running with the book! The book itself! Mummy Shirley had red hair!!! Baby Anne's First Picnic!!! "Their handwriting looks like mine." !!!
"You are a wish come true, I never knew I was making" Marilla tear my heart out why don't you?!?!
Dear Gilbert I look like my mother.
This was a phenomenal, perfect ending to this series, we were not only fed, but giving a ten course meal, thank you Moira!!! Only thing I could have wished for was more Jerry, because he is a tiny baby, and more ka'kwet. Also the brutal and gruesome death of Billy Andrews would have been a nice bonus, but I'm happy to wait until season 4 that is definitely going to happen.
Now just give me a character on this show for the sole purpose of having a bisexual affair with Winnie Rose. Jo and Gertie 2.0! Meeting in a Parisian bookshop! Yes please!!!
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dandeaix-oomph · 4 years
incomplete THEY FUCK IN THE COFFIN chapter 4: cooking/drunk
Day Thirty-Two.
Ogata wakes to Sugimoto kissing him on his shoulder.
“Get up,” Sugimoto whispers, his eyes glitter-pen gold in the dim light. “It’s snowing. First snow. Come watch it with me.”
Ogata doesn’t care. He pulls the blanket tighter around him. “I want to sleep.” 
“You can go back to sleep later.”
For a moment, Ogata thinks that he has successfully dismissed Sugimoto as the bed dips and lifts as Sugimoto slips away. Then Sugimoto’s shadow falls over him and Ogata is scooped out of bed, blanket and all.
Sugimoto’s grin is too fucking bright for the asscrack of dawn. “You can sleep if you want,” he taunts, carrying Ogata out into the living room. 
The couch is pushed up against the window; it seems Sugimoto has been prepared. He dumps Ogata onto the couch before sliding over the armrest, sliding the windows open as he hangs his arms out.
Cold, Ogata thinks, bundling himself up with the blanket. He hasn’t bothered putting on clothes after last night, what with Sugimoto acting as a human furnace beside him. “Winter sunrises are dreary,” he comments, leaning against Sugimoto. 
Sugimoto raises an arm and hooks it around Ogata’s shoulders. “But I like to watch the snowfall.”
“Hmm.” Nuzzles Sugimoto’s chest. It’s like a memory pillow. “No snow in space?”
“None at all. Only rain and hail and occasionally, flaming debris.”
Ogata snorts. “Flaming debris? Very creative.”
“I don’t know what’s up with that too.” He buries his nose in Ogata’s hair. Kisses his hairline. “Don’t worry, no one has ever been struck by it yet. It’s like those debris have eyes: they don’t strike people.”
“So they are… semi-sentient?”
“Who knows.” Sugimoto stares out of the window again. “As much as sacred sites have their spirits, I suppose.”
The mortality rate always goes up during the winter season, but Ogata thinks he can afford to take a break, just for a day.
He switches off his phone and leaves the closed sign on the door, and after turning up the heater, spends the morning sitting on the kitchen counter as Sugimoto tries to prepare them a meal - an attempt quickly abandoned after Sugimoto realises that Ogata has been stealing the sliced sashimi every time he looks away.
“Out,” Sugimoto commands, trying to shove Ogata out of the kitchen. “Or there’ll be no more gourmet dishes for you.”
“Who cares,” Ogata replies, and proceeds to stick his hands down under Sugimoto’s pants.
“You know,” Sugimoto mutters, after they ended up making out on the kitchen floor and leaving Ogata frustratingly hard, “there is something I want to show you.”
“Your dick anytime soon, I hope.”
“Wait, wai -” Sugimoto seizes Ogata’s wrists. “Give me just five minutes. You see what it is, then we’ll get to fucking on a proper bed, ok? Not the, the kitchen floor, we prepare food here, it’s unsanitary.”
“It’s not like any of us don’t swallow -”
“Later!” Sugimoto shouts frantically. Funny how Sugimoto still gets embarrassed about sex even after so long. “The garage first.”
“The garage? I thought I’m not allowed in until you’re done?” That rule is created after Ogata has ribbed him too hard and Sugimoto ended up sulking for the next two days. 
“I am done,” Sugimoto replies gravely. The statement lands with a thud, heavy with finality. “Mostly. I want you to take a look at it.”
Ogata is curious, but he is also achingly hard. “Must it be now?”
“It’ll only take five minutes,” Sugimoto stresses. 
Which is how they end up stumbling into the garage, Ogata still trying to nip at Sugimoto's ear while Sugimoto squirms and chuckles in equal measure.
“Hey, be serious now.” Sugimoto pecks him on his right temple before nudging Ogata around to face the coffin. “What do you think of it?”
“You didn’t even look at it,” Sugimoto protests, “honestly, Ogata. This is important to me. Did I do alright?”
“You’ve definitely passed at first glance, at least,” Ogata informs dryly, finally pulling away. “Fine. Let’s have a look then.”
Sugimoto clasps his hands nervously behind his back as Ogata circles the coffin. Ogata checks the seams and the edges. No problem there, as per usual.
The designs, however.
“It… is pretty good, actually.” Albeit rather simple. Nevertheless, it is a far cry from when Sugimoto first started out: Ogata likes the patterns that Sugimoto has etched on the corners instead of merely tolerating their mediocrity. That’s a first. “Although I wasn’t expecting something this minimalistic. Your drafts have been much more detailed.”
“About that.” Sugimoto scratches his neck. “I was hoping that you can finish it for me.”
That is unexpected. Absently, Ogata traces a spiral.  “I think you mentioned it before. Finishing touches, you called it.”
“I did. I wasn’t sure you remember.”
“Surprise,” Ogata answers flatly. “But the way you drafted around this space here...” He finally looks up. “This might as well be a blank canvas for me.”
“It is.” Sugimoto takes a step closer. Tentatively, he flattens his palm against the side of the coffin. “I reached the limits of my skills first, and then I ran out of ideas. I mean, you know what they say: grown-ups aren’t the most creative. Unless we fight to keep it, we will forget the fantasies of our childhood.
Ogata’s childhood has felt like a blanket made of lead, dragging him down until he manages to chip a hole in it so he can finally poke his head out and breathe. “Don’t say it like that’s a good thing.”
“But it can be,” Sugimoto insists. He ruffles Ogata’s hair, laughing when Ogata elbows him. “Just because you don’t throw them out, doesn’t mean that they’re all deadweights.”
“That’s sentimentality speaking.”
“Nothing wrong with that too. Without infusing anything with meaning, they’re all just items.” Sugimoto turns back to his coffin again. “But if you give it enough purpose… Remember how proud we used to be over some doodles when we’re kids? Sometimes, I feel like anything I create can come to life: grab a magic crayon. Draw an apple tree and a ferocious monster to guard it, and then a hot air balloon to fly you home.”
“Scribble a moon and your bedroom window around it, and then a cozy bed for you to sleep in.” Ogata taps on the edge. “And then they nail down the lid and burn you down into ashes at eight hundred degree celsius.”
“That took a morbid turn.”
“An absolute conversation killer,” Ogata agrees. “So are you done? Can we fuck now?”
“You said five min - stop grinning like that.” Ogata squishes Sugimoto’s cheeks with both hands. “I said stop it.”
Sugimoto puts an arm around Ogata’s waist. “You’re ridiculous.”
“No, I’m blue-balled.” Without hesitation, Ogata loops his arms around Sugimoto’s neck and jumps - Sugimoto’s hands dart out to grip Ogata by the thigh, but the suddenness of the movement has thrown off his balance, and Sugimoto staggers back, a leg kicking in the air, before he rights himself and tilts forward.
For a precarious moment, Ogata thinks that Sugimoto will end up dropping him; then Sugimoto has one hand flattened on his lower back and the other gripping the edge of the coffin.
Huh. A very convenient position. Ogata unhooks a leg. It thuds loudly at the base of the coffin.
“Please don’t do that again,” says Sugimoto.
Ogata quirks the end of his lips. “We’ll see.” Then, “Hey, a bed is a bed, right?”
Sugimoto looks aghast as he pats on the coffin. “This is a metaphor."
“You didn’t specify,” Ogata retorts smugly. “And isn’t it tradition to christen a new bed?”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes.” 
 "Ogata," Sugimoto pleads, "I've spent too long on this coffin to get any dubious stains on it."
"I know eight different ways to bleach out stains from wood."
"That's not -"
"Either you fuck me right now," Ogata interrupts, "or no sex for a week."
Sugimoto does not look impressed. “We both know that’s not going to happen.”
Now that’s not fair. Ogata may have been the one initiating sex more often, but he’s also a stubborn bastard. “Do you wanna bet?”
“I feel like I’ll lose either way,” Sugimoto confesses. Reluctantly, he lets Ogata pull him down, his body a comfortable weight on top as he tucks his arms under Ogata’s lower back.
Sugimoto buries his face against Ogata’s sternum. The tip of his ears are red. “Why do you always do this to me?”
Ogata curls his fingers into Sugimoto’s hair. “Do what?”
“You know what.” Sugimoto stares up at him, eyes accusing before they soften into something, something that Ogata does not want to name. “You’re a handful.”
(It’s insanity-inducing, the way that Sugimoto gazes up at him. It makes his breath stutter, his heart fluttering like those stupid butterflies when they struggle to free themselves from a spider’s web. Sugimoto can probably hear the way that his lungs hollow when Sugimoto smiles, so soft, so fucking tender, and what the hell is this, Ogata doesn’t -)
Ogata jerks Sugimoto’s head back, relaxing when those eyes squeeze shut. He’s going to make Sugimoto fucking cry. “Just shut up and fuck me, Sugimoto.”
“Don’t put it that way,” Sugimoto protests, his eyebrows knitting together even as his lips curl. He kisses Ogata on the left pec, over his heart, and rests his lips there. Badump, badump; the rhythm of human love and human lives. “I am fond of you.”
“Is that a confession I hear?”
“If you wish,” Sugimoto allows. “As I’ve said, It can be anything at all - I could be anything you want me to be, you know.”
Ogata grabs the baby hair at the base of Sugimoto’s skull and tugs until Sugimoto shifts again, a knee between Ogata’s thigh and his face so close that Ogata can barely feel the brush of chapped lips against his. “Can you?”
“Not anymore,” Sugimoto admits. “But once upon a time. Nevermore,” he continues, “unless it’s Neverland. But to visit you’ll need a vessel.” He laughs when Ogata raps his knuckles against the coffin. “Stop that, that joke has gone on long enough.”
Ogata grins. “Then make m -”
Sugimoto kisses him, soft as a rosebud, and so he concentrates on that. Concentrates on the pulse under his fingers, the heat, the flicker of the lashes when Sugimoto pauses to stare at him. 
Lovely, Ogata thinks before he can stop himself, and isn’t given the chance to berate his brain when Sugimoto starts tugging up Ogata’s sweater.
The hands are so hot against his sides, hot like tears, and they stream down to his hips to push down his pants to drip across his thighs and pool at his kidneys. Sugimoto’s mouth burns against his skin, and when he sucks around Ogata’s tit, Ogata feels a tremor rise from his bones, the earth rolling over in its slumber.
Kisses all the way down, cutting deep into his flesh - the thorns of rose vines, he thinks inbetween gasps, and wonders if it is worth the trouble to make Sugimoto run back upstairs for the lube. 
Sugimoto seems to have reached the same conclusion. “Don’t make me,” he begs, before mouthing at Ogata’s hipbone, as though that will drive his point in deeper. “Don’t spoil the mood.”
“You are the one spoiling the mood,” Ogata argues, jutting a knee up to nudge. Sugimoto kisses Ogata’s belly again, and that tickles, the muscles in his abdomen jumping before Ogata can pretend nonchalance. “Don’t do that.”
“Don’t do what?” Sugimoto has the widest smirk on his face as he rubs his chin above Ogata’s belly-button, the faintest shadow prickling the skin. “This doesn't feel good?”
“Of course not, you fucking tease -” Ogata curls upwards in a squirm that makes him feel more like a cooked prawn instead. “You -”
“Woah.” Sugimoto narrowly catches Ogata’s leg before it can kick him and fracture a bone, or something. Ogata almost wishes it can. “This is for making me do all the chores that you have been putting off for years.”
“You decide to outsource your labour for free, don’t complain.”
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 216: You’re a Good Man, Shinsou Hitoshi
Previously on BnHA: Deku calmed his emotions and activated Blackwhip a second time, this time On Purpose, and for a moment it looked like he was going to completely curb stomp poor Shinsou. But then he crumpled in pain and the quirk vanished, and he realized he wasn’t physically strong enough to use that quirk just yet. So instead he chased after Shinsou using good ol’ full cowl. Meanwhile Ochako captured Monoma, who taunted her about having one last ace up his sleeve. This turned out to be a Twin Impact shot he’d been saving to hit Deku with, and it worked pretty nicely, but unfortunately our boy Shinsou didn’t have enough experience yet to take full advantage of the resulting opening. Meanwhile Ochako went to bail out Mina and Mineta and took out not one but two more opponents singlehandedly like the fucking ninja she is. Mina took out the third with a raging uppercut, leaving Deku to wrangle Shinsou, thus securing 1-A’s total victory. Now all that remains to be seen is what kind of excuse Deku will come up with for his sudden new quirk, and whether or not Shinsou will be accepted into the hero course. We’re all rooting for you, kid.
Today on BnHA: The 5th set wraps up with a 4-0 victory for Team A, which also gives class A the overall victory over class B, having won 3 of the 5 matches. As 1-A celebrates, Shinsou broods. He was able to piece together that the exercise was a test for his potential transfer, but he feels like he didn’t accomplish enough. The teachers gather the two teams for the post-game analysis and are all “what the fuck, Midoriya.” Deku is all “I don’t know either,” and for some reason everyone just buys that and moves on with their lives. Deku credits Ochako and Shinsou with helping to save him, but Shinsou says he just did it to stop his team from losing. Aizawa chokes some sense into him and says that just because he’s not a perfect 100% self-sacrificing martyr all the time doesn’t mean he’s not worthy of being a hero. Everyone else chimes in and says that Shinsou did really good, and Vlad says that although they still need to make it official, it’s more than likely that Shinsou will be joining the hero course next year. Having settled all that, Aizawa asks Monoma if he can do him a favor and come with him to see Eri the next day.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 225, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so we’re opening with Shinsou’s perspective on those last few moments against Deku
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you’re telling me Izuku was spinning around over and over again in mid-air? he wasn’t just twisting the binding cloth around?? he himself was literally twirling at high speed? that’s what this panel was depicting?? the author of this series is drunk
ahhhhhh my poor exhausted lavender son
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welcome to shounen manga, friend. we only go forwards not back
ahhhhh fff dammit Shinsou
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and now we’re belatedly getting the hero names of the four class B kids waaaaaay after the fact
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(ETA: Exorcism of Emily Rose?? that’s what Viz’s translator speculated, anyway. idk I don’t watch horror movies so I don’t know what else it could be.)
I like the name “Mines” for Shouda though! his quirk kinda is like a landmine I guess. also this poor kid has seen better days Mina what did you do to him
anyways so poor Vlad is being forced to announce class 1-A’s perfect 4-0 victory for the second time in a row
haha check out Mina’s kung fu pose
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and Ochako’s peace sign. MVPs. I stan some motherfucking legends here I tell you what
oh lol it was Midnight that was doing the commentary since Vlad went with Aizawa and All Might
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I’m glad the kids’ petitioning paid off
so in the end class 1-A once again proved themselves against the unfortunate class 1-B who had all of the cool quirks but none of the luck
Midnight’s making the official announcement and everyone is cheering!
poor class B
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it’s not your fault, Manga. at least your team actually won, mainly thanks to you
ahhhh we’re cutting back to Shinsou and his face is hidden and he’s tugging at his scarf and hesitantly addressing Vlad and Aizawa
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he says this was also supposed to be his transfer exam. so he knew??
lol Vlad is asking Aizawa if he told him, but Shinsou says he basically just put two and two together even though he wasn’t 100% sure
“not to mention, I was the only one who participated in two matches” yeah that was certainly a big clue
lmao Vlad looks so impressed
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just how low are your standards dude
and now Aizawa is changing the topic and says it’s time for the teachers’ critiques! OH BOY THIS OUGHTA BE GOOD
Deku’s critique basically should just consist of “what the actual fuck Midoriya”
and like I said in the previous recap, Shinsou should get credit for his performance in the first battle as well as his save in this battle which showed he has the true spirit of a hero!
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so Aizawa’s asking what the principle is behind Deku’s new move since it’s so radically different from his established “super strength” quirk
and Deku’s just standing there nervously
Tokoyami and Kuroiro are bonding over their mutual admiration of how goth the new quirk is
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hmmmm how you wanna play this Deku
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so basically just be all “fuck if I know, this quirk only manifested for the first time eight months ago and it keeps surprising me with weird new shit. petition to rename it ‘mystery quirk’”
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sidestepping the question like a pro there Deku
so he says his power suddenly started overflowing and he couldn’t suppress it and it scared him, but that thanks to Shinsou and Ochako’s help it turned out all right
he says that if Shinsou hadn’t knocked him out he’s not sure what would have happened
and he’s turning to Shinsou now and explaining that he wasn’t bluffing earlier, and he’s thanking him
what the fuck Shinsou
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were you?? fooled me then
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noooo goddammit Mina not now!!
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oh sheesh lmao
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and now she’s nervously twiddling her fingers and smiling hesitantly and saying she’d rather do that than not do anything and regret it later
oh my gosh
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and holy shit but I want to take that picture of him smiling almost imperceptibly and fucking frame it
look at Ochako managing to completely deflect the attention away from Deku somehow. not only was she the MVP of the battle, but she just keeps saving his ass even afterward
holy shit
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anyway, so Shinsou says he just did what Ochako asked him to do
yeah, but you did it despite them being on the opposing team though!
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exactly. you knew it was the right course of action and you didn’t hesitate
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holy --
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lmao at Kaminari immediately breaking into a chant. methinks the mangaka is too self-aware
and well then, since Best Dad Aizawa Shouta has officially entered the ranks of parents who occasionally discipline their children via shocking comedic violence (consider also: All Might decking Deku at the beach a mere chapter before Mitsuki’s infamous introduction), maybe we can finally put that debate to rest. I think it’s pretty clear when Horikoshi is intentionally portraying abuse and when he’s just being over the top because this is a fictional story in a fictional world where not three pages ago there was a character with a literal comic book for a head
oh snap Aizawa
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in other words, it’s okay to be a little selfish. sometimes selfish is even needed. because he’s absolutely right, if you don’t take care of yourself as well you’ll fuck yourself over before long and then you won’t be able to save anyone
and also, at the end of the day, if you save everyone successfully and complete the mission, does it really make sense to stand around and argue whether or not your intentions were pure enough?
anyways needless to say I’m really digging this “nobody’s perfect” speech right here you guys
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(ETA: oh hey it’s Aizawa’s Mysterious Cloudy Friend, Shirakumo! probably. hey Shirakumo. what’s your fucking deal goddammit)
this is basically Aizawa’s version of All Might’s speech from chapter 120. I always love when the series metas about what it means to be a hero and what separates the great ones from everyone else. and we saw firsthand in Bakugou’s match just a few chapters ago the difference it makes when a hero is focused on both winning and rescuing
now Deku is complimenting Shinsou on all of his strategic moves like dropping those pipes down on him and trying to lead him back to where everyone else was to regain his advantage
oh my god you guys Deku is so passionate and generous with his praise, this is exactly the kind of thing Shinsou needed to hear though
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kinda getting that “a true hero doesn’t just save people, they save people’s hearts” vibe thing here on top of everything else
oh my god Deku
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what the fuck are you talking about, if anything you lean into this too much and you need to relax a little and take some of Aizawa’s advice to heart
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oh my god. the one hand clutching his scarf and the other one in a clenched fist. and that face. oh shit here come the feels
and I desperately need to know if this means next year as in January/next term, or next year as in when they move on to year 2
(ETA: Viz’s translation indicates it’ll happen in their second year of school.)
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(ETA: I love that both classes so clearly want him though. again, they’ve all collectively adopted him and I love it
also, class 1-A still has a traitor in their midst, so depending on when and how that all goes down, they may just end up having a vacancy, just saying...)
oh my god
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Mina this is why I want you to run for President. and Aizawa, she absolutely is right and he should be punished
loooool Monoma is trying!
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hang in there buddy
so getting back to that, I’m guessing what happened there was that he did take One for All the quirk, but not any of the stockpiled power within Izuku? because to get that it has to be willed to you by the previous owner. so basically he was trying to activate it, and it probably was working, but his version of the quirk was at OFA Prime levels. basically starting from scratch with no additional power stored up other than his own. and we all agree this is actually very fortunate for him and he’d be getting carted off to Recovery Girl right now if things had gone differently
does that not bother him, by the way? like, Ochako just figured he was “bluffing”, but Monoma knows he was actually trying to activate the quirk and nothing was happening. I wonder what he made of that. it seems like maybe he’s too caught up in the loss to class A to really think much on it just yet
(ETA: so apparently he knows enough about how his quirk works to have already figured this out, lol.)
whoa oh shit and I just read the last three panels and a ton of interesting stuff happened so quickly lol
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okay let’s break this down and then we’ll end the recap
(1) Deku is so fucking pure. middle of a battle and being attacked, and his only concern is that the quirk is gonna be too much for Monoma and badly injure him
(ETA: and can I just say, the other students could have used a little more of that concern though. the teachers too for that matter.)
(2) so I take this to mean Horikoshi is going to explain what happened, but for now I’m assuming my speculation is more or less near the mark. he definitely did take OFA because you could see the telltale red flashing pulsing shit happening with his skin. so it has nothing to do with Deku originally being quirkless; it’s the way that OFA as a quirk works
(3) Deku is super fucking lucky that no one started questioning what happened with his quirk again, what with Monoma bringing the subject back up
and lastly, (4) OH SHIT. is he gonna have Monoma copy Eri’s quirk to see if he can control it? lol we only just established how lucky he is to be alive after taking Deku’s quirk. what are you trying to do to this poor kid
though I am glad to see Aizawa being a logical dad who cares about his baby girl and is constantly thinking of ways in which to possibly help her out. ah well, hope nothing goes wrong there
and that’s it! on to the next chapter to hopefully see Bakugou and All Might grill Deku about WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED lol
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lostinsantacarla · 5 years
Part two (I can’t take complete credit for this. I threw an idea at my writing partner and she ran with it, creating this part of the chapter that’s simply amazing and completely Paul)
He woke up later than usual. His lady friend, one of his many friends with benefits, or in last night's case, "Make me your bitch, Paul!" had long since left for work, but not before providing him with money on the end table so he could buy some beer and cigarettes. However, he decided that using the money to score some high-quality weed from his favorite dealer sounded better.
Sure, the guy was a hunchback, walked with a lead foot, had one bug-eye, and smelled like garbage, but out of all the shady people Paul had bought pot from over the years, this guy had never steered him wrong. It was too bad the old fart was hardly around. For someone who hobbled about as he did, he was fast with his transactions and as soon as the exchange was finished, he was off like a thief in the night. Lucky for Paul, word on the street was that the weirdo was out and about tonight.
Sweet Mary Jane, here I come! His inner monologue announced as he threw on a pair of denim pants, that is, after he found them behind the bushes outside the apartment complex. He had had to run out buck naked, marathon sprinting, to retrieve them without being spotted. Talk about a wild romp of sex for his pants to get thrown out the window like that.
His look was further completed with a band shirt, seeing as one could never go wrong with Led Zeppelin, and black high tops. Then in the bathroom, in front of the mirror, he spent a good amount of time teasing his hair until it resembled a lion's mane; big, wild, and unkempt.
The girls loved his style and always gave compliments about how he looked like a rock star. His hair and his bigger than life personality had opened many doors of opportunity, which in turn led to free food, booze, and sex. He was exuberant and free spirited. Nothing and nobody could hold him back.
Once he was fixed up, the rock star was out the door with the money and made his way down the block. It was a quiet night and the sun had long since set in the horizon. The streets were lined with rundown apartment buildings and small houses, but visibility was somewhat poor since many of the streetlights had long since burned out, or were flickering their last light as he strolled beneath them. He could hear some of the bulbs buzzing and glanced up to see a couple of moths high above, fluttering around one of the dying lights. Needless to say, this part of the neighborhood wasn't the greatest, but it was an even thirty miles from Santa Carla, where the beaches and amusement park roared with life at all hours of the day and night. That was his destination, though he never complained about where he stayed in the moment, because it was a free roof over his head. It wasn't like his childhood home had been anything remotely close to resembling paradise either, but those were painful memories, pushed deep into the back of his mind. Occasionally they would pop up here and there, rearing their ugly heads, considering he was human after all.
He ventured off the main road and resorted to crossing through some dilapidated backyards, as it was a lot quicker to travel. These homes, while much smaller and closer in connection than the ones he'd passed earlier, were also abandoned with windows boarded up and walls marred with graffiti. He kept both hands in his pockets, one of which had a hold over a switchblade. It served as good protection, considering he was aware of the few guys he'd pissed off by sleeping with their girlfriends and then bragged about it later while high, and or drunk. They'd all wanted to beat the shit out of him, and they weren't shy about threatening out in the open. Fortunately, he was always one step ahead of them and like his favorite dealer, made sure never to stay in the same place for very long. Keeping off the main roads would ensure prying eyes weren't watching him.
Eventually he found himself headed towards the more industrial part of the town in search of the weirdo, where the lighting became scarce and dark alleys closed in on him. It was like he was wandering through a maze of brick walls and wooden fences, with garbage cans and discarded cargo boxes choking the walkways. Not a great place to get jumped, so he kept a steady pace and made sure to keep his eyes open.
As he prepared to go around a corner that led down a narrow channel of a one-way street, a high pitched, fearful sounding, "NO!" made him stop dead in his tracks. Instantly, he flattened against a set of steel bars over a foreign doorway, and peered around the corner with his mouth slightly parted in concern.
Just a few feet away, under the light of an abandoned two story building, he spotted a little blonde girl, probably no older than four years old, bawling her eyes out. Her cheeks were red and stained with tears. A middle-aged man with disheveled gray hair pulled back in a sloppy ponytail and wearing a white lab coat towered over the girl. He looked about ready to devour her like a hungry beast. His face was twisted and strained and he reached out to grab her with gnarled, crooked fingers. He barked at her, telling her that if she didn't stop crying any second, he was going to belt her.
"What the...?" Paul muttered under his breath. "hell is this?"
Suddenly the man had a firm grip over the back of the pink overalls the child wore, and was ready to hoist her off the ground. The kid was jerked back, and she let out a painful scream.
Normally, Paul wouldn't have given two shits about other people's problems. Aside from his drug buddies and faceless gal pals, he wasn't close enough with anyone to where he'd stick his neck out for them in a matter of life or death. The only person he looked out for at that point in time was numero uno. Yet the sight of a small, defenseless child about to be harmed by another adult brought one of those painful memories to the surface, no longer buried deep in his sub-consciousness. It reminded him all too much of his past, and of the many nights he'd been beaten black and blue by his step-dad with no one around to help him. Not even his mother, who knew what was happening, would dare lift a finger. Every time it happened, she looked the other way, afraid to interfere—not because she would get hit, but because she would lose the man's attention and he'd end up leaving her. The only way Paul was able to escape the nightmare was by staying out night after night, and only going home when he absolutely needed to. Before he turned sixteen, they kicked him out permanently after learning he had sold all his mother's precious jewelry, including her wedding ring, for quick cash. He was given the boot and ultimately his freedom.
"Fuck that," Paul hissed through clenched teeth as he sprang into action. No one had been there for him, but that didn't mean he couldn't help another little tike out. He bolted away from his hiding spot, and approached the stranger, using his arm to shove the older guy up against the wall. That in turn allowed him to yank the girl away from the weirdo's grasp, and set her down on her feet. She stumbled backwards and continued crying, but Paul ignored her as he became transfixed with the creep in front of him.
"What were you planning on doing with such a small fry, huh?" he asked, his blue eyes full of rage, yet at the same time he was somewhat... grinning? Yes, he was smiling. He liked frightening this asshole. "You don't look like nobody who would care about her. She sure as hell doesn't seem to like you."
"That is NONE of your business," the man hissed as he pushed Paul's arm away from him. "She will be property of—"
"Wrong answer!" Paul exclaimed as he stepped back, drew his switch blade, and stepped forward once more, shoving the tip dangerously close to the man's throat. "The kid wouldn't be screaming like that if she belonged to you or anybody associated with you. And 'property' you say? That ain't gonna be sitting right with the police now, is it?"
The last thing Paul wanted to do was go to the police. He'd already had more than a few run-ins with them for public intoxication, lewd behavior, and disturbing the peace. Assault and possession of a deadly weapon was not something he wanted to add to his record. Still, he wasn't about to let some asshole get away with hurting a defenseless kid. He wasn't that jaded.
The man's eyes bugged out at the sight of the weapon and he swallowed nervously, buying the bluff. He held up his hands, already breaking out into a cold sweat, and started stammering.
"A-A-All right. All right. Just… let me go. Let me go, please. I don't see why they need… need her so much anyhow. S-She doesn't look like anything special to me. I-I could always find another job at my age! I shouldn't be... be treated like this! No job is worth risking my life for!"
They? Paul raised a brow over his ramblings, but a couple things stood out to him. What kind of job was this creep into where the requirements involved wanting their employees to kidnap children? Was it some kind of secret sweat shop in China? Whatever. He moved back and closed the switch blade before sliding it back in his pocket, his eyes never wavering from the man in front of him. The girl had calmed down and was no longer crying, but squatting on the ground, her body pressed up against the building. She was whimpering and hiccupping with her back facing them. Other than looking terrified, she didn't appear hurt, much to Paul's relief.
"Now," Paul said with an upbeat expression, even though his tone betrayed the look, as it was dark and menacing. He slapped the man roughly across the chest with the back of his hand. "You aren't gonna rat on me to the police, are you? Let's face it, I know I'm a punk, but you don't look all too 'normal' yourself, bud. What's a mad scientist doing going after little girls? You some kinda pervert?"
"I am not!" the man blurted out, completely unnerved at this point. His hands trembled, and he swallowed the lump in his throat. "I don't like that sort of thing at all! And no! Can't get the police involved! I was just doing my job… I..."
In a blind panic, he was finally pushed away from Paul and broke free. Fearful for his life, his footsteps echoed across the alley until he disappeared, and silence once again took over.
Now Paul turned to the kid. He wasn't used to dealing with little ones, but he was still determined to make sure this one wasn't getting hurt by the likes of that jerk, or anyone else who could easily break her jaw. He was by no means a saint, but even he had his own code of ethics and morals.
Scratching at the faint stubble on his cheeks, he slowly approached her and carefully picked her up. She was small and weighed very little, and he couldn't help but think about his baby half-brother, as she was probably around the same age as him.
Ah, hell, stop thinking about any of that, he chided inward. You're on your own, Paulie boy. You've been on your own for a long ass time.
By the time he and the girl emerged out into the open, he saw how dark the skies had grown. He didn't wear a watch, but he noticed a small clock tower located on an island in the middle of an intersection that read the time. Not even two hours had passed since he left his friend's pad. There, in that part of town, the street lights were better maintained (as in, they worked), and not only that, but there were people walking around. Businesses were also open and operating, which meant it was a hell of a lot safer than the alleys.
He was surprised at how well behaved and quiet the girl was after saving her. She didn't even know him, but already showed trust in him as if she could read him. Either that or she was just scared out of her wits. The trust factor became more apparent, however, when she leaned against his chest. She was content, sucking her thumb while her eyelids drooped. The problem for Paul was that he wasn't sure where to go from there, so he sat down on the curb and gently placed her down beside him.
He tipped his chin and stared at his shoes, noticing a hole was starting to form near the toe, but the small girl didn't want to detach herself from his side, and ended up resting her small frame against his arm.
Crap, he'd suddenly become an unofficial babysitter for her.
Long as she isn't wailing like she was, I can deal with this, I think.
He rested his arms across his knees and cracked his knuckles as he stared across the street at nothing while his thoughts rolled around. What did that perv say about her being property? Total sicko. People got their rocks off in the nastiest ways. Just hope I didn't miss my dealer by playing hero...
"Serenity? Oh my god, there she is! Serenity!"
Glancing in the direction of the frantic voice, Paul spotted a desperate looking elderly couple hurrying over to where the two of them sat. Their eyes were not focused on him but what was next to him: the kid. No, not kid, Serenity.
Serenity was her name.
Pffft. As if he would retain that information for much longer after he killed his brain cells with some prime weed. Question was, were they just more weirdos coming after her? Just decked out in clever disguises rather than the mad scientist get up? What was so special about her anyway?
Fortunately, unlike with the first guy, Serenity did respond positively to the sound of the elderly female's voice by calling out, "Grandma...!"
She rubbed her eyes with her tiny fists and yawned.
Paul figured he would be tired too after getting kidnapped and harassed by some douchebag, if he were her age.
Not wanting to startle her any more, he collected her into his arms and got to his feet. By that point, the couple was upon them and the woman's arms were outstretched. With a shrug, he automatically surrendered Serenity over to her.
About damn time, he thought as the grandmother cradled Serenity close to her chest and kissed her face affectionately. Serenity responded by cuddling closer to her relative, but she did offer Paul one last look, as if silently wondering if he'd still be around later.
"Thank you so much," the elderly man said as he stood alongside his wife, looking very tired but relieved. The dude was sweating. He had to have been running around like a chicken with its head cut off looking for his granddaughter. He held out a thin hand for Paul to shake. "We don't know how we can ever repay you! We were about to call the police!"
Paul snorted and shoved both of his hands inside his pockets. "Keep a better eye on short stuff there," he admonished rather rudely. "Lil' missy may not be so lucky next time."
Without waiting for a response, he took off in the opposite direction, determined to get back to his own personal affairs. If he ended up meeting with his dealer, soon enough he'd be so damn high that he wouldn't have any memories of playing the hero in the first place.
Little Serenity was young enough to where she wouldn't remember almost being kidnapped. She'd be back to watching Sesame Street and Mister Rogers.
Sides, it's not like I'll ever see her again…
(If you’d like to check out her back story for Paul, you can find it here.)
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heytheredeann · 5 years
I know you love me from the other side
Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post Episode: s03e22 There's No Place Like Home, Character Death Fix, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, hugs everywhere, Everyone Is Drunk And/Or Crying.
Summary: The five people who visit Neal’s grave.
Notes:  I could have made this one canon compliant but. I mean. Nah. Also this is the song partially responsible for this, check it out and cry. If you look up 'self-indulgent' on the dictionary you'll find a link to this fic, and I regret absolutely nothing. Fair warning: since this takes into account the s3 finale, Emma/Hook is a thing, it's mentioned, but it's not seen in the best light (it's a not particularly meaningful series of hook-ups, basically) and they don't last. Also, for anyone wondering, I sort of have an explanation for what's going on with Neal: the exchange was "a life for a life", so the vault was meant to take him in Rumple's place. Except they are not in the Enchanted Forest anymore, so Neal kinda got "stuck" in between.
If he weren’t dead already, Neal would probably die of boredom sooner rather than later.
For all that talk that everybody does about heaven and people sitting on clouds and watching over the living, the Afterlife, at least for him, doesn’t really live up to the hype: he’s stuck by his grave, doing nothing all day but sitting around and trying yet again to walk more than ten feet away from the spot where they buried him.
He isn’t even sure how it happened: one minute he was dying – rather painfully, he might add – in Emma’s arms, and then he just woke up there, alone. He fully worked out that he must be some sort of spirit only when his dad came by to announce that he’d kill Zelena for him and no amount of yelling or shoving got him to be noticed.
Well, at least he and Belle are getting married. He hopes they are happy and it doesn’t all get blown to hell when – or if – she finds out about his little trick with the dagger.
Henry is the one who visits more frequently, every couple of days.
He always brings flowers, although he admittedly isn’t so sure if Neal even likes them, then he sits down and tells him about his day, how he’s doing, what everyone is up to.
Generally, Regina drives him, although she always waits in the car. Emma never showed up, and Neal can’t say that he’s surprised: she isn’t really the kind of person to come crying all over a grave.
That’s fine, Henry tells him that she’s doing okay: she and Killian are a thing now, apparently, and although Neal really does want her to be happy, the reminder always weirds him out a little – that’s technically his stepfather dating the mother of his son, come on – and it stings, half because he’s jealous and half because Henry clearly hates the whole thing.
When he sees Henry quickly walking up to him, Neal smiles slightly in relief, quietly greeting him even if he can’t hear.
“Hi, Dad,” Henry quickly says, kneeling down to change the flowers and then sitting on the ground, legs crossed and a wide smile plastered on his face.
[More on Ao3]
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mildsweetness · 6 years
MEZZO” Drabble 01
Wordcount: ~ 1400 words
Pairings: hint of TamaSou
Warnings: drunk Sougo, a bit of angst, probable OOCness
A/N: First drabble I wrote for these two, just was writing whatever I felt like to try to get a feel for their characters. Enjoy~
“Sou-chan… Come on, at least try to walk.”
Concerned blue eyes flickered over the older boy’s features. Sougo was slumped limply against Tamaki’s side, an arm slung over the other’s broad shoulders. His other arm hung uselessly, and if it hadn’t been for Tamaki’s strong hold on his waist, he almost certainly would’ve collapsed with how his legs just refused to cooperate.
It was scary, honestly, to see Sougo like this. Tamaki had seen him drunk before, at the vacation home on the mountain, but he hadn’t had to support the other then, or help him get back to a hotel. Now the always-responsible Sougo was flushed up to his ears, unable to even so much as stand with the amount of alcohol in his system. Tamaki cursed under his breath.
If it hadn’t been for that damn director, forcing Sougo to drink so much…
He hadn’t quite been aware of what was happening until Sougo had already been incapacitated. The events of the night were jumbled up in his head; even without drinking, the flurry of activity had confused Tamaki, and in the end, he’d let Sougo take care of things as always, keeping the director company at the head of the table. At some point he recalled the older man offering Sougo a drink, and when his partner had declined, he’d turned to Tamaki instead.
“Come on, kid, just one sip! ‘S nothing wrong with it!”
“D-Director, please. Tamaki-kun is underage.”
“Who cares? If I say it’s fine, it’s fine. Yeah?”
“… ‘M not really interested.”
“Oh come on! I’m offering you a drink, dammit! Just take it!”
“Ah… On second thought, I guess I’ll… have some after all. Just a bit.”
“Sougo-kun! That’s the spirit!”
Sougo’s sacrifice hadn’t been in vain. Once the director had gotten him drinking, he’d thoroughly ignored Tamaki for the rest of the night. Tamaki was grateful for that.
But looking at Sougo now, he couldn’t help the guilt that clawed at his stomach.
He grunted a little, adjusting his grip on the smaller man so he could fish their train passes out of his pocket. Sougo groaned, head rolling against Tamaki’s shoulder. When Tamaki looked at him, his lavender eyes were open, though clouded considerably, unfocused.
“We’re about to get on the train,” Tamaki told the other, voice considerably gentler than usual.
Sougo made a humming noise and squeezed his eyes shut. Suddenly he was looking a little green, and Tamaki’s suspicions were proven right seconds later when he tried weakly to pull away.
“Gonna be sick…”
It wasn’t pretty. Tamaki helped the other to the station’s restroom just in time, and hovered uselessly over Sougo as he emptied the contents of his stomach into the dirty toilet bowl. He tried not to watch lest he be sick himself, but kept a hand on Sougo’s back the whole time, rubbing soft, soothing circles. “Come on, Sou-chan. You’re okay… You’re okay.” He was trying to reassure himself, as well.
It’d only been a few weeks since Sougo had collapsed and been rushed to the hospital in an ambulance. That time was my fault, too. Tamaki didn’t know much about alcohol poisoning, but he prayed to god that he didn’t have to take the other to the hospital again. He bit down hard on his lip as Sougo heaved.
I have to be… more responsible. For Sou-chan’s sake…
When Sougo had finished, he fell back weakly into Tamaki’s waiting arms. He looked like absolute hell, and Tamaki took a moment to help him clean up in the bathroom before guiding the drunk man onto the crowded train. It was late, but it was the weekend, and Tamaki held Sougo close, glaring at anyone who dared give the two of them judgmental looks. It wasn’t Sougo’s fault he was like this, eyes closed and burning up where he rested his head against Tamaki’s chest.
It was more physical contact than Sougo would ever have been comfortable with when sober. No matter how Tamaki tried to cling to the other and sneak into his bed at night, Sougo had always put icy walls up when it came to letting others touch him. Now he clung to Tamaki’s shirt like a lifeline, and Tamaki supported him with both arms, not caring how it might’ve looked to outside eyes.
Throwing up seemed to help for a little while, and Sougo was halfway lucid when they arrived at the hotel, blinking sluggishly at their surroundings. In the elevator, he stepped away from Tamaki and leaned his head instead against the cool, glass wall.
“… ‘M sorry,” he mumbled, words slurring as his eyes slipped shut.
Tamaki looked at him incredulously. “… Hah?”
“Sorry. ‘M sorry ‘bout this…”
Tamaki felt his stomach drop then, when he noticed tears gathering in Sougo’s long lashes, one escaping to slide down his cheek. He didn’t understand what the other was apologizing for, and he had no idea how to respond as Sougo hiccupped and pressed a sleeve against his face. His brow knit as a mixture of emotions rushed through him; anger at the director, concern for Sougo, irritation at himself for not handling the situation more responsibly.
He should’ve looked out for his partner better…
Now Sougo was crying. Tamaki had never seen the other cry, and though he knew it was just the alcohol making Sougo emotional, he still hated it. Biting down hard on his lip, he stepped close again to put a hand hesitantly on the other’s shoulder. Sougo flinched.
“… W-What the heck are you apologizin’ for? Sou-chan didn’t do anything wrong… It’s… It’s my fault…”
Sougo looked at him, but didn’t reply. He was slipping…
The elevator arrived at their floor with a ding, and Tamaki helped the other to their room, supporting almost all of his weight again. He remembered vaguely how happy and giddy Sougo had been when he’d first gotten drunk. He’d been playful, and reckless, singing in the restaurant and clamoring for Tamaki’s phone when the younger had tried to record it. It’d been completely unlike him. And it’d been nice.
But then he’d drank too much, egged on by the director, who’d kept buying him more and more drinks. And now he was absolutely miserable.
Tamaki let him down gently on the bed as soon as they entered, eyes widening with some alarm at the way Sougo simply slumped to lie on his side. Tamaki grumbled a little, trying not to seem too distraught lest he make the other more upset. “C’mon, take your shoes off at least…”
In the end he ended up doing almost everything for the other, removing his shoes and socks, and his coat. He hesitated for a minute as his hands passed over the buttons on Sougo’s shirt. But… wouldn’t he be more comfortable in more sleep-appropriate clothes? He flushed a little bit.
“S-Sorry, Sou-chan…”
He wasn’t sure if the other really heard him, but Sougo at least didn’t resist as Tamaki helped him out of his collared shirt and into the first t-shirt he could find. It happened to be Tamaki’s—Ou-sama Pudding—but hopefully the older boy wouldn’t care.
Finally, when he had Sougo situated under the covers, Tamaki stepped back with a tired, worried sigh. For a moment then, he just gazed at the other, searched his face for any sign of discomfort and watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. Sougo finally seemed comfortable, though, features relaxing a bit as he rolled over onto his side and snuggled more securely into the covers. He let out a little huff, lips parting as he seemed to slip into sleep.
Despite it all, Tamaki smiled a bit.
He thought Sougo was cute. Not just in appearance, but in the way he acted sometimes, too. That was nothing new to Tamaki, but usually whenever he started to think this way, they’d have some sort of argument that left a bad taste in Tamaki’s mouth, and the fancy would pass as soon as it’d come. Still. It kept coming back. And seeing the other like this tonight had… made Tamaki think a little bit. About what he wanted to do for the other.
He’d apologize first thing tomorrow, even though he knew Sougo wouldn’t think it was his fault, and make sure he didn’t have to so much as lift a finger to help pack. It was the least Tamaki could do.
And, he decided, if he ever saw that director again…
He’d punch the bastard’s lights out. Guaranteed.
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