vangoghcore · 3 years
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Full Moon
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fettfleisch · 2 years
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his chest smells like moss and i’m in love
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motherland · 3 years
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Witch Pride. #MotherlandFortSalem
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star-maiden · 4 years
Weekly Tarot Forecast
For the week of August 29th, 2020 - September 4th, 2020
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This is a weekly tarot reading by zodiac sign for the collective. Please use your sun, moon or rising sign to find the message that resonates most strongly for you. May these readings serve you well in the week ahead! 💜 
♈️ Aires - Strength Reversed: We are seeing a return of energy that was present around you near the beginning of August (strength reversed was pulled for aires in the weekly forecast for the week of the 8/10/20). Repeating cards mean that the message is amplified. Aires, in this coming week it will be very important for you to play close attention to where you are placing your energy. Take care to not allow yourself to fall into patterns. If something is not working out for you, don’t waste your energy. Try a different angle, or a new endeavor completely. You have so much inner strength, and sometimes that strength is best expressed by knowing when to walk away.
♉️ Taurus - 3 of Swords: There’s some dissonant energy around you this week. You may find that there are arguments or hurt feelings among your close relationships. You may even feel that a situation is hopeless, likely due to a situation or conversation you will experience with someone close to you. This could be a warning against gossip. Taurus, remember where your power is. You are resilient and practical in your approach. There is a lot of wisdom to be had in standing your ground. If you feel that your needs are not being met, say so plainly, but take care not to be argumentative. Do not engage in petty arguments or word games with others. They won’t get you anywhere, and will likely prolong the drama. A refusal to engage in the drama is response enough, and sends a powerful message.
♊️ Gemini - 3 of Wands: There is some really big, expansive energy brewing this week! If you have been working on a project, this is the week where things are going to start really taking off. If you are considering something. your prospects are looking pretty good. Stay focused on your end goal and keep moving forward, and you should see results. This card may also indicate an opportunity. If something pops up this week and you aren’t sure if its for you, this card tells you to go for it. Take advantage of what is being offered to you, but be prepared to move beyond your comfort zone. Growth and success are likely, but you’ll need to step beyond your current beliefs and self-held limitations.
♋️ Cancer - The Empress: A world of beauty, prosperity, happiness and indulgence in the senses are your themes for this week. Overall, you should have a fairly harmonious experience. To take advantage of this Empress energy, spend some time close to home. Focus on self-care and creating an environment of elegance and luxury in whatever capacity that means for you. You may find yourself greatly benefiting from taking time to appreciate all of the beauty around you. This is an important time to to reconnect with your inner empress. What are you being called to create? How can you stay with this energy until your work is done?
♌️ Leo - The Tower: This week brings some big changes. This could be an internal change, as old beliefs and paradigms crumble away, or it could be more literal. If the latter, you may find yourself standing in the ruins of something  that was once a major part of your life. Don’t be scared of this energy. It is not inherently negative, even if it may seem like a disaster on the surface. The message of the tower is an opportunity to rebuild, reform and create something that is truly in alignment with your spirit, passion and life path. This is your clean slate. You can go anywhere  and do anything you’d like from this point. What will you build in the tower’s place? Tower energy comes into our lives when we are ready to change. The possibilities for how your future will unfold are endless. How will you choose to move forward?
♍️ Virgo - 6 of Swords: This week, brings a dream-like and peaceful energy. Any conflicts, worries or fears that you may have previously experienced are starting to fall away. Their energy has dulled, and you are now moving toward a new sense of calm. Alternatively, if you have been experiencing any negative self-talk or distracting mind chatter, this card is telling you to let that go. It simply isn’t true, and you are ready to move away from that mindset. Take some time to relax this week, either through an activity you enjoy, or something more spiritual (like meditation, yoga or by practicing mindfulness). Relax into the moment. You don’t need to act right now. See where the current takes you.
♎️ Libra - 4 of Pentacles: The energy around you is very stable this week.You should be feeling pretty secure in areas related to the material world. This could be in relation to finances, personal safety or your home space. You have worked hard to make this stability a reality for yourself, but also take care not to hold too tightly. There is the possibility of letting things get stagnant. If you find yourself unwilling to budge or reach consensus with others, it may be time to consider a different perspective. If you find yourself feeling stuck or bored, let some new ideas in and see where the fresh outlook takes you. There’s no harm in at least considering new angles. You can choose to act on them (or not) when you are ready.
♏️ Scorpio - 4 of Wands: Your home life will be at the forefront this week, and the energy is looking very supportive and stable. Keep in mind that “home life” may be your family, your living space or even the people who are closest to you. I’m hearing very strongly that, for some of you, you will be experiencing this family-like energy with roommates. Overall, it’s a very positive energy. There is a very prominent sense of safety and feeling as though you belong. All heads are working together well, and things are running smooth. Take advantage of all this support and use it as an opportunity to rest and recharge. You’re in good hands.
♐️ Sagittarius - Queen of Cups: This week, you may find yourself needing to connect with your emotions to make a choice or to see a situation in its entirety. If you encounter any difficulties, uncertainties or situations that require you to interact with others, be sure to source from within. Go deep, like the Queen of Cups, and listen to the ebb and flow of your emotions. No one knows them better than you, and you will have exceptional emotional clarity this week. Use that as your mantra. Tell yourself “I can clearly see and understand my emotions.” Let that be the light that guides you forward. Don’t try to rely solely on logic this week. A softer approach may be needed. You are strongly connected yo your inner wisdom this week. Breathe into the feeling. You’ve got this!
♑️ Capricorn - 8 of Wands: There is a lot of movement around you this week. This may be literal movement for some of you, such as travel or mobility in the work place. However, for many of you this card is referring to the movement of information. Messages are arriving and situations that were once shrouded in uncertainties are now becoming clear. Pay close attention to any signs or messages you receive this week, as they will contain important information for your benefit. If you have the opportunity to make a choice this week, do so immediately. This is not the time to be waiting around. If an opportunity presents itself, act on it. You don’t want to run the risk of missing out on something wonderful. At the same time, be sure to be sourcing your decisions on a foundation of clarity and understanding. Make sure you know what you’re doing. 8 of wands energy runs the risk of being scattered. Don’t go chasing after things willy nilly or you won’t get the results you are hoping for.
♒️ Aquarius - The Moon: This week, you may find yourself walking the delicate balance between the dream world and cold logic. You are deeply connected to your intuition this week, and that connection can be a great source of inspiration and guidance. However, it will be necessary for you to fact check at times. If something is making you react with fear, anxiety or worry, that is a sign to examine the matter a little more deeply. What is clouding your judgement? What preconceived notions or deeply held beliefs are influencing your reactions? Once you uncover the answers, the way forward will seem much more clear. Additionally, don’t allow fear to make decisions for you. You need to move beyond the literal, and get to the real heart of the matter. This may be done through questioning, soul searching or by simply being tenacious about a situation. 
♓️ Pisces - 6 of Cups: You may find yourself feeling nostalgic this week, or experiencing a deep longing for the way things used to be in the past. It is likely that these memories hold a deep sense of comfort and security for you. It’s alright to take comfort in them and to use them as a source of strength, but take care to not cling too much to the past. You may find that clinging too hard to the past will prevent you from moving forward. We all reminisce at times, but do not forget that your power resides in the present moment. For better or worse, we cannot change the past. It is in the present moment that you can determine where you life will lead you. Take action steps that align you with what you want to achieve.
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starstim · 4 years
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Witchy lilac 🔮🌙
xxx | xxx | xxx
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A thank you to witchblr
To all of you out there creating master lists and in-depth posts on the correspondences of herbs, essential oils, flowers, seashells and a thousand-and-one other things - THANK YOU!
I see your time, I see your effort, I see your dedication. And I am so grateful. To have all these resources available... as a beginner it’s already helped me so much. 
Peace, love and light to you all <3
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zabazakrzaka · 4 years
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myheartisthemoon · 4 years
I gave an offering to Persephone and Hades to make their parting a little easier, I hope. But I had a question while I was doing it and thought it would be fun to hear your answers. So here it is,
Would Hades want sugar in his tea? ☕️
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ex-blog-follow-link · 4 years
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Working on my new grimoire. I love this beautiful book so much!
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stillwitchinnkickin · 4 years
These are just some affirmations and positive stuff I've written down to think or say when I'm cleansing my house. 🏚️✨🏡
As we care for and nurture this house, not just it's physical structure but it's history, bones and entity. Let it care for and nurture us the same way and grant us untethered creativity and inspiration.
I share positivity with this house to let it's vibrations be free from unsupported judgement and negative ways of being.
Let these floors support us and our deepest desires and give us strength and foundation to uplift subconscious goals within.
May these walls give us a full willingness to communicate completely and honestly without fear of judgement.
And finally, let this home be a place of love and family. Let it be bright, open, and positive for us and everyone who passes its thresholds.
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vangoghcore · 3 years
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Flower magic
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
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fettfleisch · 2 years
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feel free to reblog
© Soeren Baptism
@soerenbaptism (instagram)
www soerenbaptism com for more
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motherland · 3 years
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And don't you forget it, Vice President Silver.
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Soo i want to be a witch, but guess what i don’t how to become one. It is I don’t know how to perform any rituals or what i need I’m not even good with  the basics could someone pls help. 
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willowsisterhood · 4 years
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Fluorite et quartz fumé (Fluorite and smoky quartz), dite "fluorite Laurent"
Les fluorite rouges sont très rares, celle-ci a été découverte en 2006 et baptisée Laurent par sn découvreur en hommage à son ancien compagnon de cordée. Elle possède des cristaux d'une taille remarquable. C'est le premier specimen d'histoire naturelle à avoir été classé "trésor national".
Red fluorites are very rare, it was discovered in 2006 and named Laurent by its discoverer in tribute to his former rope-partner. It has crystals of remarkable size. It is the first natural history specimen to have been classified as a "national treasure".
Aiguilles vertes, Haute Savoie, France
Visit my Etsy shop for more 😊 : https://www.etsy.com/fr/shop/WillowSisterhood
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alannaheavenly · 4 years
Connect me with on YouTube live tonight at 8:30pm ET. Ask questions and I'll channel information from your spirit guides.
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