#why is aang on his back?! haha
ssreeder · 2 years
Will it be next chapter that my daughter comes back from the war?("war" uh, probably not the best metaphor to use in this case)
You know liab really gets dark, maybe Toph beating up some people for a change? The rest of the gaang can go drown in their existential angst on the side.
To demonstrate:
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Why do I have access to ibis paint? Goodnight.
First of all… the fact you did this on paint alone is super impressive!!
Secondly, hahahahahahahaha……. I’m sorry but Jet is my favorite and then aang because like YES hahaha….
I’ve been staring at this laughing because it’s so true and toph is the only one coming into liab with the same issues she had in canon but everyone around her is spiraling x10000.
Good luck toph haha.
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xkaidaxxxx · 2 months
Zuko x chubby reader
Mentions: body shaming, foul language, angst,aggression, lying, fluff?!
Simple! :) sorry for errors.
“You look very beautiful y/n.” Katara mentioned "Thanks. I decided it's time for a change." You replied. Katara's complement made you blush. Sokka was surprisingly good at cutting hair. He gave it layers and added braids that held your hair back. “ I agree with Katara” Mai spoke. You instantly felt horrible with the new hairstyle. Mai isn’t the one to express her feelings so that comment made you believe otherwise. Perhaps cutting your hair shouldn't have crossed your mind.
Aang noticed you playing with the charm bracelet you wore. It tells him a lot about how you feel. He noticed you'd touch a certain charm with the emotion you were feeling, such as anger, happiness, sadness, anxiety, etc.“Katara is right y/n. It suits you! Sokka did a great job.” He spoke. He had that nice big smile. “ New hair cut? Looks nice” Zuko said patting your back. You’ve been dating him for 4 months and you’re very thrilled about it. He’s very kind and romantic when alone with you.
The day went on by. Everyone was calm. You can hear the ocean tides and feel the wind blowing. “Tell her. I’m tired of hiding.” Mai said. Zuko rubbed his temples. “It’s not that simple Mai. I can’t dump her out of the blue.” He responded. You heard them. “You don’t even like her. Why did you agree on dating her?” Your tears slipped. You didn’t want to hear his answer. “Because…she’s saved me many times..and I felt bad. It looked like she was going to cry if I said no.That and how many guys do chubby girls date? Almost never. I’m giving her a little hope.” You cried silently. You felt sudden saddens and hate. Running towards the ocean Katara called out to you. “ Y/n we’re making lunch! Wanna come help?” You ignored her walking back and forth. The waves following your movement. You made a fist. Your anger was so out of control you created a storm. “ Hey! Y/n you created a problem here!” Sokka yelled as Aang used his air bending to keep the water from drenching them. “Sorry!” You took a few deep breathes calming away the storm and the crazy waves.
“What’s got you so upset?” Katara asked giving you a tight hug. “ I keep losing my arrows. Haha. I overreacted.” She knew you were lying. She’s your most trusted person. Katara understands your personality, sense of humor, and the way you just are. She whispered. “We can talk about it later.” You smiled and nodded. Lunch was yummy. Everyone’s stomach was content.
Another 3 months went by. All the same apparently Zuko still loves you and wants to spend was much time with you as possible. It was such bullshit. You heard him leave with Mai at midnight. You saw how they treated each other. The little things showed everything.
The ride on the ship was wild. Not because there was a storm or someone was throwing arrows,fire rocks or trying to drown you all. Simply because an argument started.
“ you have no right to be upset. I’ve known him longer. You don’t get it.” Mai said with a straight face. You couldn’t believe what she said. The fire nation is insane however a regular family took you in. You eventually met Zuko. “ Have no right to be upset!? Are you kidding me? Yeah, he was your childhood sweetheart or whatever but who followed behind him when he was exiled !? Me! Which one of us cared to help him emotionally? Me! I’ve given him all my love and support even if it meant I’d be killed on the spot for betraying the fire nation. You did nothing but hide underneath Azula’s shadow and power. Yeah, I have every right to be upset.” You replied tears falling down your cheeks. Everyone was witnessing this mess. You were smarter, stronger, and more reasonable than her. “Zuko out of all the mistakes you’ve made. Cheating on me is the worst one. I know I’m beautiful even if I’m skinny or not. Not many chubby girls get boyfriends you sure were right about that. You should’ve rejected me from the start because I don’t need your pity.” You spoke finally feeling relieved. You said everything you’ve been wanting to say. “You heard us that day? Why didn’t you confront us then?” Zuko asked looking Towards Mai and then at you. “I had hope that along the way you’d realize what you did was wrong and you’d fall in love with me. 3 months later it’s the same. Clearly, I was wrong. I’m done. I’m dumping your ass. I hope you feel guilty for body shaming and lying.” You replied holding onto Katara’s arm. You couldn’t help but do so. She’s your best friend since you’ve met her. “ One day there will be an amazing man who will fall in love with you. He’ll love everything about you.” Katara said. You smiled and hugged her. “ Awe!” Aang and Sokka said in unison.
Pt.2 is posted !!!
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vibee2001 · 1 year
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Why is Toph just sitting there amongst all this chaos so funny to me BAHAHHAH!
Not Aang running back to his seat, that's so cute haha
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harleyification · 1 year
Can I talk about Avatar for a second?? Lemme talk about ATLA/ALoK for a second.
Like, so, I have many, many...many....grievances and hangups about A:LoK. I have tried to watch it twice, and while the first season is okay, the second season made me so mad that I dropped it. Twice. I have not watched the third season or got to see Gays In Action in 4k, because I was that disappointed.
I remember a hell of a lot about ATLA...but I can barely remember anything about Korra. That’s mostly due to my disappointment, but the fact remains that I barely remember the show, after watching it twice, and it’s the latest installment. That being said, I remember one thing that stuck out to me most....
I am so, SO disappointed that they really just!! Made up this AMAZING concept of an Avatar counter-spirit, and they were just like!! “Oh yeah, his concepts are chaos and darkness, he’s EVIL, dudes.”
The one thing in the world that could possibly rival one as strong as the Avatar, would have been Another Avatar. They could’ve done something amazing with that!! They could finally have a balancing act!! A great leadup to this bigger enemy, with a twist at the end - like how ATLA did it with Ozai, with Aang refusing to kill him and instead taking away his bending!! The outcome wasn’t expected, but it still led to the same ending, with a better meaning behind it because it didn’t force Aang outside of his boundaries!! But...LoK didn’t have that. It was “Here’s this sketchy guy, we all Know he’s sketchy, but LOOK, THE TWIST IS THAT HE’S SKETCHY!! BUT ON A MORE EXTREME LEVEL!! Haha!!”
The only thing that LoK managed to twist was the lore of the world, by expanding on the Avatar, how it came to be, and by introducing a spirit of EQUAL POWER to the Avatar. I love Wan’s and Raava’s story, that isn’t my problem with this twist. My problem lies in the fact that Vaatu was merely made to be the Evil Avatar Spirit, in a world where balance and equality mean everything. I think Vaatu being the spirit of Chaos and Darkness would’ve been so cool to explore, if the creators had time to explore him - because Chaos and Darkness aren’t evil, they’re nature. What is morality anyway to a spirit?? Why make an Evil Spirit?? Why not explore WHY Vaatu is the way he is rather than say he just is??
Does that mean that Tui and La are merely good and evil, then?? They’re supposed to represent Yin and Yang, quite literally. Is Tui, the moon, evil simply because they can only thrive in the darkness?? Is La evil, because the sea is unrestrained and takes innocent lives, being a chaotic force?? Shouldn’t Tui and La be CLOSE, or at least GRATEFUL to Vaatu for giving them the darkness they need to remain balanced?? I don’t know too much else about the spirit gods in Avatar, so idk if there’s a Spirit of the Night, but my point still stands - the moon can’t prosper without darkness, and the ocean needs the moon. How can that be constrained to an idea as simple as “evil”??
Was La in the wrong or the in the right for destroying those fire nation ships, for taking control of Aang, for taking Zuko’s crew away from him after their other half died??
I just think that the world of ATLA/ALoK would have been so much better if Vaatu wasn’t just...Evil Bad Guy Spirit. The balancing act would’ve been restored if there are two Avatars (and Raava should be seen as something that can become Too Much - too much light, too much serenity/complacency, too much order means that there’s no room for self-identity, chance, risk, and the ability to look inward. If Raava can go too far, but be held back by their Avatar, then why can’t the same be held for Vaatu??). For a world that says that balance and equality is the true guide to peace, it seems really, really desperate to keep only one Avatar.
Vaatu would have been an excellent twist, if he just wasn’t so one-sided, and if it was anyone else but goddamn Unalaq.
That being said, I think Tui, La, and Vaatu (and maybe Wan Shi Tong, that giant Owl bitch) would’ve been/should be Ride or Die.
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azure-firecracker · 2 months
ATLA Live Action Episode 6: Overall Thoughts.
I have mixed feelings about this one. It made the least changes from the original, which means I have nothing really to commend it on that the original didn’t already do, but at the same time, I don’t have anything to complain about either. In isolation, it is a very good episode of television. In isolation, it’s the best episode yet, but I have a harder time crediting it because most of the good stuff in here is from the original. Onto the specifics:
This episode continued the trend I don’t love of Aang being just a vessel for cliché heroic lines. I get that the show is supposed to have a more mature tone, and maybe some of Aang’s more childish traits wouldn’t have translated well, but they could have at least put SOMETHING interesting in there.
In terms of the Aang/Roku scene, I didn’t love it. I don’t like this “the avatar must not have friends” dilemma the show is pushing. It’s tired. We’ve seen it in every fantasy show. A variation of this could work as part of Aang’s work, but it doesn’t work as his central conflict. It’s too overdone.
Also, Katara wasn’t in this episode, so I couldn’t get annoyed at them for butchering her character. Definite plus.
Another plus was June! Didn’t love her flirting with Iroh but she was fun and entertaining. Arden Cho did a wonderful job. I hope they bring her back more, she’d be a great recurring fun character to have around.
I did love all the stuff with Zuko. I loved the juxtaposition between younger, idealistic, naive Zuko and current, hardened Zuko. Even though live action Zuko is softer than animated Zuko, this episode really did a good job of showing how he has been hardened by his experiences, relative to what he once was. I liked his conversation with Aang, and how the two clearly have a connection despite their circumstances. I generally like it when those types of stories are played out in a non-romantic context because it’s so rare. A lot of the lines between them were a bit cliché, but they worked (except for the line going right into the flashback where Aang was like “You can’t have always been this way. That one was a little heavy handed).
In terms of the flashback itself:
Younger Zuko seems softer and more naive than animated Zuko, which works with the way we see Zuko here. He had a lot of good lines, especially his line about giving the weak a chance. I know some people didn’t like that he fought back against Ozai in the Agni Kai, but to me it worked. It showed that he was still trying to please his father, and just how willing he was to sacrifice his morals to do it (though not willing enough for Ozai).
Speaking of Ozai, I find it interesting how he’s portrayed here. The original show portrayed him as very uncaring, willing to banish Zuko for disobedience but not really caring if he came back. Here it almost seems like he genuinely thinks this is good parenting, like he genuinely believes this will make Zuko stronger. Obviously he’s still horrible and abusive, but I actually think it works better than the original. It goes hand in hand with how he seems to really think he’s doing the right thing for the world with the FN (because newsflash…that’s what imperialism is!) A villain who really thinks they’re right is always more interesting than one who just wants power and is horrible. I think they could do interesting things with him and I’m intrigued.
Iroh was really sweet in this episode. I liked that he tried to stop Ozai from having the Agni Kai, and that he was with Zuko afterwards. It always puzzled me why he didn’t do that in the first place, and while Iroh having flaws makes sense (he should have flaws!) that particular flaw didn’t seem right, so I liked that addition.
And rounding out the fire family flashback (haha alliteration!) we have Azula. She didn’t really do anything here but the bangs were a great choice! I found it a bit weird that the camera kept zooming in on her expression during Zuko’s burning, but her expression was very neutral. It’s another change I like from the original. I think Azula smiling in the original works and is super interesting, but this show is clearly taking steps to make her more humanized right off the bat, which I appreciate as an Azula stan who has to deal with…many people who don’t see her as human. I’m not sure what to make of her expression, but I did notice that it’s the same one she used when Ozai burned the spy in episode 3 (good job Lizzy Yu!) It seems like a mix of fear and joy and detachment, like she’s trying to relish it but also she knows it could happen to her, but she doesn’t want to admit that, and also she just wants to detach from what’s happening. It can be interpreted in many ways!
One minor thing: I didn’t like that this Agni Kai was outside. The really dark, all red, fiery throne room looked a lot more menacing. And they literally already have that set! Having it outside made it look so much more mundane.
Back to the present:
Blue Spirit escape sequence was great! Again, basically torn from the original so no surprise there. I appreciate that they didn’t feel the need to change everything, and the mask looked great. I also loved Iroh’s last line about the mask being the real you. That’s a theme that could come back for a number of characters (Aang, Zuko, Katara, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee…) And I did get this spoiled, but the addition of Zuko’s crew being the 41st was great. Lovely. Super sweet. A wonderful way to pull at the heartstrings.
I’ll give this episode a 9/10. A very strong episode of television, but I can’t give it a 10 because the strongest stuff is plucked from the OG.
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thebeautyoffanfics · 1 month
sokka x zuko
a/n : i haven't written a character x character fic in forever LMAO like since middle school i think ..... but here we are !! i know atla isn't what anyone following me is here for , but i'm hyperfixating and zukka is one of those "haha wouldn't that be funny [oh god it's not a joke anymore]" things for me . so here's a semi-short + sweet + already probably done concept fic <3 warnings : none  word count : 840
Zuko sighed, his head aching with lack of sleep. This wasn't the first sleepless night he'd had-- far from it-- but it somehow felt so much more different. What did he have to do? Was Aang ready? How could the Avatar sleep when there was so much to be done? Sozin's Comet was like a poison hanging in the air, making him feel ill with anxiety.
The waves crashing on the shore were the only sound Zuko could hear past his heavy thoughts. Looking into the night sky, his eyes were first drawn to the sparkling speckle, barely bigger than other stars visible, yet clearly redder. If he thought too hard about it, he could almost feel the blazing heat from it, the power of 100 suns coursing through the firebending blood in his veins. It used to be such a powerful thought. Now he would have given up that power if it guaranteed the safety of this world. Of his friends.
Zuko sighed, an unwilling task, as if his body was trying to force him into relaxing. Wanting to find anything but that damned glow in the sky, his eyes moved to the moon, her light the opposite of the hot red. She offered a cool, relaxing tone; controlling the water, instead of fire. The waves only a few feet in front of him reached for her, following the pull she offered, only to fall back and try again. It reminded him of the two Water Tribe siblings he knew. Katara's practice, and the moves his uncle had shown him, the pushing and pulling of the waves. The shared determination of the siblings. Like the waves, constantly moving, trying again and again to reach the moon, they truly never stopped. Never gave up. Sokka even apparently had personal experience with the moon.
Despite finding himself lost in his thoughts, alongside his body fighting against his mind for rest, Zuko heard the quiet closing of the door behind him, and the footsteps that followed suit. Forcing his eyes from the waves, he turned, looking up at whoever had decided to interrupt his hazy spiraling.
The sight of the somewhat lanky, obviously sleepy, Water Tribe boy rung as ironic in Zuko's head-- his thoughts still having been lingering on Sokka. His hair was loose, falling around his face. The way it framed it, pairing with the moonlight, made Zuko's heart feel odd.
"What are you doing up?" Zuko questioned, turning back around.
"Woke up to pee, looked out the window and saw you sulking."
Zuko felt himself smile involuntarily, ignoring the confusion as to why something so small made his chest feel warmer, and instead firing his response. "I wasn't sulking."
"Okay? Then what were you doing staring into nothingness, outside, in the middle of the night, alone?"
"... Thinking, I guess. I couldn't really sleep."
Sokka took a moment, and Zuko began to wonder what he was thinking. Was he annoyed? "You can go back in," Zuko began, shutting his mouth when Sokka plopped down next to him, so close that their shoulders touched. This wasn't unusual-- Sokka was a close person, sitting close, talking close, and overall being more touchy than Zuko was used to-- but Zuko's tired heart skipped a beat, his face threatening to heat up.
"Welp, do you wanna talk about it?"
Though audibly exhausted, the annoyance Zuko was searching for in Sokka's tone was nowhere to be found. Instead, all he found was a genuine question, an offer with no obligation.
"Uh," Zuko hummed, wondering how to even begin his concerns, "maybe... I'm just nervous, I guess. It might be stupid, I mean, I'm not the one facing my dad. I just know how strong he is already, without even considering the comet. I'm worried if I've had Aang practice enough, or..."
Zuko couldn't help but trail off when a head landed on top of his shoulder. Dark brown strands of hair fell over Sokka's face, his eyes closed and expression relaxed.
"Keep talkin', I'm... I'm listening," Sokka mumbled, and Zuko knew he would have meant it if he wasn't actively falling asleep. On his shoulder.
Warmth settling comfortably in his chest, Zuko felt himself smiling again. "It's, uh... it's okay, buddy," He said. For a moment, things felt truly quiet. Peaceful. Sokka's weight on his shoulder seemed to simultaneously ground Zuko, and allow him to drift away, eyelids growing heavy. Finally, Zuko allowed his head to rest on top of Sokka's, butterflies dancing almost pleasantly in his stomach. With a comforting presence sleeping soundly on his shoulder, Zuko forgot for a moment about his concerns, drifting into a quiet sleep at last. In the morning they would wake up. Blushes and groggy condolences would be exchanged, and Zuko would put up with his anxieties once again. But, at the very least, he truly knew, and accepted, that he wasn't alone anymore. Maybe he never had been. It wouldn't fix everything, it wouldn't undo his actions, it wouldn't take permanent reminder of his father's rage off of his face or the ruins of the world, but it would offer hope. Undying, unbridled, and ready to prove itself.
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gollumsmygel · 7 months
I just finished all available episodes of ATLA on Netflix and I am upset that I have missed out on quite a lot since the episodes are incomplete for some reason. Missed the whole fight in Ba Sing Se, the legendary Toph metal bending scene, some Zuko stuff... the last season isn't even complete so I had to stop prematurely.
Anyway I find the characters, especially Zuko, so freaking hilarious.
So I first started watching the show back when I was a kid and I used to remember Zuko as a very serious character. I mean, he was out there to capture the avatar and restore his honor right? So serious stuff if you ask me. Anyway I started watching the show and I find him hilarious. Even the way the producers did him is hilarious. Like that one time he dodged Sokka's boomerang only to be hit on the back of his head. I do very much like how they captured angsty teenager on Zuko tho. I however feel very bad for Mai for having to deal with him because /sheesh/ couldn't be me. He was so confused and nothing made him happy. He's talking so sincerely to Iroh and when his uncle didn't response, he explodes haha.
Aang also. So much like a kid. A silly little boy blended with some monk wisdom here and there. With my adultish brain I sort of understand why he was so afraid of facing Ozai. Why the responsibility was so heavy on him. So I guess it's such a great detail since I never seem to see it on animes I've watched (dont come for me I said animes I've watched and I haven't watched okay pls thanks)
Also so cute how he mixed up Katara and "Katara" from the theater play. Also ugh their kissing scene episode was missing so I didn't get to watch it. Missed the whole invasion plan, in fact.
Now Toph, I've always loved Toph. Since I wad a kid. There's just something about a seemingly vulnerable, tiny little girl becoming the first person to bend metal. She's so cool, her humor is great 10/10 top tier. My ATLA experience wouldn't be the same without her. Also love how she has the cleanest bending form. No unnecessary movements at all.
Katara, also hilarious. I love how she has this charm that attracts all these guys but she's also easily swayed by them for some reason. Like with Jet and Zuko? You know she had a thing for them both. She trusts them then get bitten in the ass for it. And then yeah Aang who ended up being her endgame.
Sokka also has some charms but not as much as Katara ig? Anyway water tribe people are canon attractive people. What I love about Sokka is he really redeemed himself. Handling their schedule and reading maps? Very crucial for avatar and world-saving stuff.
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comradekatara · 2 years
may i humbly request modern!gaang and being asked to write a piece of creative fiction for school? what would they write about? would they enjoy it? would it be any good? if anyone knows, it's you!
okay for the sake of limiting my potential scope i'm just gonna say that they all had to write a short story in prose for this hypothetical assignment (esp because i've already talked about them writing poetry and miscellaneous forms).
aang pens a very lovely and whimsical tale about a boy who goes exploring in a sunny wood and comes across various talking animals who say funny, charming, and sometimes deeply profound things about the nature of the world. think le petit prince meets winnie the pooh. it is a delightful read, but unfortunately his teacher thought it "needed more conflict." lame.
katara writes about a brave and valiant knight who goes off to slay a dragon to bring its head back as a trophy for his king, only to learn that the dragon was really just minding her own business, leading him to question everything he thought he knew about the monarchy, and ultimately beheading the king instead. her teacher deemed it "intriguing, but slightly concerning." (again, lame!!)
sokka writes a dark comedy about a horrible pathetic man who makes everyone around him miserable including himself because he refuses to adjust his insane principles even when presented with tangible evidence that contradicts his beliefs. at one point he commits a murder and gets away with it, leading his peers to argue that this character "needed to be punished more" by the narrative. sokka's just like "thanks... i'll keep that in mind."
toph writes a story about a girl who escapes a totalitarian society and goes to start an anarchist commune in the woods with other refugees. the fact that there are no rules and everyone does what they want is epic and she doesn't miss her old life at all even a little bit and they all live happily ever after the end. her teacher claims that "while her writing style is direct and incisive, the story ultimately lacks nuance."
zuko pens a tragic fairytale about an empress who loses all her children to various causes, and ultimately kills herself. the style is very poetic and beautiful, but the story itself is so unbelievably sad that his teacher is prompted to ask "what was the point of this" and also "do you need help i can recommend a good therapist if you need one"
suki writes a story about a lesbian pirate who starts an affair with a bisexual tavernkeeper who is cheating on her shitty husband right under his nose. one day the husband finds out and gets violent so they kill them and serve chunks of his flesh to stray alley cats. her friends really enjoy this story, but her teacher doesn't understand "why everything suki writes needs to have such an agenda."
mai writes a story about ghosts throughout time occupying a single house together, haunting each other, every temporality overlapping in a cacophony of grief. while coherent, it is very dense, and most of her classmates don't bother actually unpacking it, so they mostly just complain about the non-linear timeline being "too confusing." (lame of them!) her teacher loves it though.
ty lee writes a series of diary entries from the perspective of a teenage girl. at first she's just talking about stereotypical teenage girl stuff, like the boy she likes and the mean things her friends said at the mall, but then at some point the narrator begins to realize that she is in a story, and her diary entries get more introspective and frantic and meta as she is ultimately crushed under the weight of her own narrative. her teacher deems it "brilliant" and suggests submitting it to literary magazines for publication, to which ty lee responds "haha no thanks ^_^"
azula writes about an ubermensch who is able to valiantly resist the liberal indoctrination of the pathetic sjws who are triggered by his inner strength and sharp intelligence. it reads almost identically to sokka's story (except with a vastly different prose style), but unlike sokka's, it is completely sincere and not remotely a satire. unfortunate.
yue writes a story from the perspective of an electron that doesn't know that its entangled but can sometimes still feel that it is connected to something else across the universe when it spins. it is a brilliant, poignant story about star crossed love and the significance of relationality across the cosmos, that neither her teacher nor most of her peers understand because "it all sounds too sciencey."
jet writes a story about a "really cool" alpha male whose girlfriend unfairly dumps him after their wannabe sigma male acquaintance who was jealous of him because he loved his girlfriend gets him cancelled for having said faggot on twitter once 10 years ago, but it turns out said guy who steals his girlfriend is actually a terrible person who treats women like shit despite posturing as a feminist for clout. sokka reads it and is like "wow, this would actually be a really incisive critique of performative male allyship and how any kind of man can be equally toxic and entitled to the women in their lives... if not for the fact that it is CLEARLY ABOUT ME and JET SEEMS TO THINK THAT I TOLD KATARA TO DUMP HIM BECAUSE I WAS SECRETLY IN LOVE WITH MY SISTER??????"
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goodstuffexe · 3 months
Ughhhh I wish the Atla adaptation had more episodes, such a waste damn. Am currently at episode five and baffled at how many episode plots and characters they crammed into 3 & 4. This show and Hazbin Hotel badly needed more than 8, such a hustle. I get that the original had literally 20 episodes in season one and did meander a bit at times but especially Aang needed the development and it just added to the vibe of the show. They gave the time and moments these characters needed to progress and come into their arcs. I like what moments Sokka and Katara get and I also think the relationship between Iroh and Zuko is well done for the most part but Aang is lacking imo, something just feels kinda off about the kid and idk if it is the acting (tho no hate to Gordon Cormier, there are definitely also moments where he captures Aangs character really well) the dialog or the feared lack of Aangs positivity, or maybe all things combined. But I am still not done with the season so, let's keep watching.
spoilers for ep 5 below the cut
Also I am no fan of Sokka and Katara just roaming through the Spirit World with Aang, doesn't that undermine his connection to the spirit world as the avatar!?
So WHY was Wan Shi Tong there in a random forest lol. They spoiled the most creepy spirit in the whole show. Big nono
I rly like Azula's scenes they set her personality and mindset up well in the few moments she has with Ozai. I heard the last few episodes are better structured, so am excited for them
Also here is my live reaction to the rest of the episode haha:
- WOOW Hei Bai looks frikkin cool damn, I am actually pleasantly surprised with the animation.
- Omg the scenes with Katara and Sokka and their parents?!! My poor babies🥺 I might have shed a tear when I saw Sokka cry :')
- They showed the face stealer spirit too? (Cannot remember da name sorry) Damnnn that is kinda cringe, did they just trash the whole 'show emotions and I will take your face'-thing?
- WHY IS GYATSO THERE HUH and he is no illusion what
- Soo he's gonna make the drive-by to the Fire Nation by glider now? Lol
- Ooooh it's the transition to the masked spirit episode with Zhao okay I get it
-Ayayay they did mangle some past avatar stuff around, why was the reason for Aang to go to the Fire Temple and speak with Roku not adapted? He is such an important character as early as this. I bet he gets the info about the comet anyway lol (or maybe not and they really removed any trace of it in the first season like some stated in interviews)
I mean it's not that hard to shove the comet back a few years/months like they said they would, because the actors are gonna age with the show and STILL have Roku be the one who tells Aang now, right. Right?
Anyway my thoughts are all over the place, I will see tomorrow yaay
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jade-of-mourning · 2 months
hey! it’s your hopefully favorite anon again. genuinely thank you so much for responding to my asks and stuff. it’s so eloquently written and it feels like it’s actually mako’s grief in text form. that doesn’t really make sense but. reading that little cat blurb actually made me feel better. I cried. like. heavily. 😭
im glad you liked my goofy insane mentor-that-needs-a-mentor korra idea, even if you’re not going to use it. I actually had the thought while watching a video comparing korra and zuko. it’s not exactly a niche thought that ‘korra is aang’s successor and Zuko’s spiritual successor’ but then it struck me. zuko was the oldest member of the gaang (just a bit older than sokka, the former eldest) but he is still absolutely batshit reckless and insane so,,, what if i Korra’d it.
also,, triple threats,,, since I’ve already revealed that I like to fuck around with canon in every possible aspect. consider: au where bolin dies (this one came to me after seeing a video saying mako would probably… yk, himself, if Bo died) but instead of giving up or chasing whatever criminals got him/dedicating his life to helping other orphans/etc. he just. replaces zolt. and maybe he would have a zuko style redemption arc?? I’ve been listening to Brutus by The Buttress on loop too which has not been helping me escape. yk what would make the takeover even better? zolt has bolin killed to try and get a more firm grip on his chosen protégé (maybe even around the end of the events of republic city hustle) and mako finds out and just,,, absolutely bodies him. like some scraggly 15 y/o just fucking cold blood murders a crime syndicate boss and takes over and?? everyone’s like well ig he was bound to get there eventually. and there would be attempted takeovers obviously but this little fucker is like. nuh uh. you can have this as soon as I get bro back (never)
sorry I’ll stop going insane now. I think you should really listen to Brutus btw it is SO fire
hi snailon! (i'm going to call you that. snail + anon mashed together!) you're my only anon so you're my favorite by default,,, but you'd be my favorite even if you weren't! and it's lovely to hear that my writing has helped you <33 also sorry this took a day to respond to whoops
okay on the mentor!korra part — it is such a big brain idea that i might have to one day write an au on my au just for that alone LOL okay but korra is so zuko the same way mako is so katara!!! one day i'll talk about it i swear. the classic comparison of mako = zuko is just so Off and it bugs me haha it's really korra and it always has been. bryke is out there spreading false propaganda about their own show like wtf man
second, on the triple threats! see i was reading this and i was reminded of deerstalkerdeathfrisbee's the only thing we've ever organized is crime! (which is a BRILLIANT fic even if i don't really like wuko), except then your train of thought veered divergent so promptly that i was like. woah. woahhhh. i've always been partial for terrifying mobster boss!mako since reading this one a few years back and i wholeheartedly believe that if it weren't for bolin, mako could have very quickly devolved down a really bad path. i've seen it float around a lot of older posts, but to sum it up most succintly, mako made sure bolin survived and bolin made sure mako lived. and if bolin is gone? mako would not give two shits about trying to be a better person, and if bolin's death was of a tangible human person's doing… well. it would not end well for that person, let's say. that person being zolt would abolutely lead to mako promptly desecrating the man, and even if it wasn't a grab for power, i can totally see it proceeding to him actually becoming the teenage mob boss of the triple threats.
(ALSO STOP "this little fucker is like. nuh uh. you can have this as soon as I get bro back (never)" WHY ARE YOU SO FUNNY this is so sad i'm laughing so hard)
but really; mako is just such a guy of asinine stubborness to survive, with the single-minded goal to protect bolin. if there's no one left to protect, and if bolin didn't just succumb to the horrors of their circumstance but was rather brutally murdered as an attempt to control mako himself, that asinine stubborness to survive could very easily translate into cold-blooded violence, and would come with an unnerving facade of quiet apathy while he's really simmering on the edge of a really bad breakdown at any given moment. the guilt would also be endless, and mako would probably project the personal villain so hard on every single member of the triple threats in his general vicinity. working under this angry/guilty/repressed/violent teenager would actually be the most terrifying thing ever.
continuing your ask from last time because i realized i never addresssed this part —
I just had another brain worm sorry. so remember how I was talking about korra potentially being a guiding adult-ish figure in the avatar mako au. what if baby bending brothers. and either lin/tenzin/whoever or them and the other 2 krew members,, taking care of little gang monster and his brother,, and addressing some of the insane trauma and helping him heal and build a stable life,,,
i do love child acquisition, but for tiny feral children! mako and bolin really could've been the most unhinged trauma children of all time and i don't think that any adult on the show would actually be able to handle them as they were except probably pema. tenzin would try his best but i think that he would very easily get overwhelmed and a certain phase of mako would probably incessantly insult him with the deliberate intention to rile him up — and admittedly, tenzin has more of a temper than he'd like to admit, so i just think they'd be at odds a lot to an almost dangerous amount. (but ig i'm exploring that in the actual fic lol) i think mako as a kid would be considerably more abrasive than his is now and far more distrusting and paranoid, to an extent that i don't think that there are a lot of adults in lok that would be well equipped to handle that. (maybe kya? i could see both of them taking to kya actually. that would be funny. maybe i'll write kya into this au.) i do think that bolin could easily get all of them wrapped around his finger, lin grudgingly (and i think she'd be the sort to hold a reluctant affection for prickly loser boy mako).
also idk how i missed it initially but throwing teenaged korrasami into the mix makes it funny though. they would manage the pair of them so badly. (i'm sorry it is cute but i personally don't believe in babysitter!korra and definitely not babysitter!asami.) korra would be in a physical brawling session with mako the little punk ass bitch if asami looks away for one minute because bolin will not stop crying and mako is now trying to bite her head off because that's his little brother. bolin just thinks these two cool older girls are super neat and not at all demanding of his respect so he just incessantly says the most batshit insane things at them while mako is just like. hmm wealthy girl. i am full of anger at life i think i will project that onto you because to me you represent everything i hate about society, i've decided. meanwhile asami is just so confused because she's literally just being her sweet self and this random mobster street kid pema found won't stop giving her a look like he wants to fillet her
sorry none of this post makes any sense at all my head is OVERFLOWING i am UNHINGED thank you for enabling me once again <333 you'll never be a bother also yes i will go listen!
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ssreeder · 3 months
Hi pook 😢 ( sorry if u don’t like the nickname) but I’ve been reading your series and I am reading Into the Fire (chapter 8) and I’m just wondering why you made Sokka give in so easily when people tell him to control himself that’s not Zuko. Because I would imagine that he would be more stubborn and more focused on what he wants instead of being caring. Even though he’s a caring and kind person I feel like being in prison would make him more selfish and less understanding of other people if than makes sense 😭
Like it just aggravates me when I see Katara try to idk really baby him and control him a bit (not mentally) it just kind of annoys me. Because even though Sokka loves his Sister I feel like he shouldn’t listen to her for real.
But that’s just me because that’s my opinion coming from someone behind has anger issues/ gets angry easily 🤷‍♀️
I love love love this series btw!!!!
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I added your other ask too so I could respond to both! Hiiii hellooooo I don’t mind nicknames it’s actually nice because then I can keep anons apart haha
as for your comment about sokka I gotta say you’re probably the first person to tell me sokka isn’t angry enough haha. Which is fine because everyone’s allowed to have their own opinions, but my thoughts on LIAB angry sokka is his intelligence is often battling his emotions. I think sokka is smart enough to know he isn’t supposed to be lashing out at people the way he is or clinging to Zuko so tightly to where they both can’t breathe. i also think he is desperate to be back to his “old self” without actually wanting to be his old self. I do think he is fighting his path to healing every step of the way but even with all the time spent in prison he is still SOKKA. He cares for people he loves his family and he knows from watching his parents growing up what a healthy relationship looks like - his codependency to zuko is probably not it. I doubt it will change much, but when people tell him ‘you need to chill’ Sokka is very much like I FUCKING KNOW BUT I HAVE NO CHILL!!! NONE! ZERO CHILL.
but I can’t imagine sokka wanting to hurt anyone who doesn’t deserve it. Or fighting his friends and family to isolate himself anymore than he already is. I have learned that writing a more emotionally triggering fic does stir up emotions in people and causes them to project onto the characters a bit which is fine but everyone processing trauma differently. & sokka is doing it his own way just like zuko is.
Also…. This is a fanfic and I don’t know if people wanna read sokka being a raging asshole for 50k… so some of the realism in healing gets lost to word count because unfortunately I can’t spend years and 1000k helping these boys overcome their trauma so some of it has to be rushed a little for word count / plot purposes haha.
Liiiiiiisten here pooki-anon you come yell at me anytime about liab I’ll be right here to soak up every word! Thanks for the ask I’m glad you’re enjoying the series!!
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withgirl-sq · 2 years
Do you think Azula would have won Zuko if she'd been in a better mental state during sozin's comet? What do you think makes Katara stronger than Azula / made Katara have the upper hand during their fights?
It has been a hot minute since I rewatched atla. But I have been thinking about how Azula's perfectionism affects her bending & does it hold her back. I think it does. She also never got a next level teatcher like every member of the gaang got. + She was never influenced by other benders like every member of the gaang. The gaang members literally started using moves from other type of benders and I think the influence made all of them stronger
This is really interesting, thank you!
My take on this is that Azula actually doesn't have that much experience in real combat, there's obviously all of the fights in Book 2 but I think these would have been her first real fights outside of sparring? - [On a side note- would anyone have dared to defeat the princess during a sparring session?]. Before she was sent out to find Zuko and Iroh, her bending would have been reserved for impressing her father and other nobles, so was she really trained for combat in the way that the Gaang were? I'm not sure if there was ever any indication that there were plans to send her out to war?
She's obviously extremely talented, but just look how long her most powerful move takes to prepare? She only managed to hit Aang because he was doing his Avatar State spectacle which took even longer, but when could her lightning be useful in a fast-paced fight?
You're absolutely right about her perfectionism as well, she takes too long to consider things which is a detriment in most of her fights. I'm not sure if I'm recalling this correctly, but I'm sure that the only one-on-one encounter she won was with Zuko at the start of book 2 and even then she lost because of how long she took to create lightning giving Iroh the chance to push her into the water! I do think that this is why she always struggled so much in fights against Katara as water is such a freer element and she never has time to consider how to fight back before she's already lost the upper-hand.
I do believe in her usual mental state, however, she would have won the Final Agni Kai if they both stuck to the rules. There seems to be a lot of strict rules to the way these fights should work [And I'm not sure if we were ever shown an honourable one in the show now that I think about it?] but if she and Zuko were following these rules, I think that the fight would have been more of a test of firebending proficiency which Azula would obviously win.
If the fight were not an Agni Kai, though, I could see Zuko winning as he has gained the ability to be more free with his bending than she has?
Would love to hear other people's views on this because my interpretation may be off haha!
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
ok part 1 of lucas and bloodbending can be found here but let's talk some more about the ✨ethics✨ of bloodbending and lucas's inner turmoil with it.
in the aftermath of book three, i like to imagine we end up with a very destroyed hawkins (thanks spirits who attacked hawkins), el and will not doing super great after their interactions with brenner (and then el's spirit world fight with henry), and max comatose after her own encounter with henry (...i suppose it would actually be his physical form now since he's airbending and stuff, but i'll figure that out later).
lucas saved max's life, but he did so by using bloodbending. he reached into max's body, and he forced her heart to keep beating. it should've been a difficult decision, right? because all of his life, he's been taught about the horrors of bloodbending. it's illegal to bloodbend and for damn good reasons. lucas knows the history. he's heard about master katara's encounter bloodbending and how she campaigned to have it outlawed. he knows about avatar aang dealing with yakone, a notorious bloodbender who lived in republic city, and he knows about avatar korra and her struggles with amon taking people's bending away. lucas knows bloodbending is illegal for a reason. it's unethical to reach into someone else's body... to take control and to use your bending to exert your own power over another living being.
so, why doesn't he regret it?
he saved max's life, that's why. he saved max's life, and deep down, lucas knows she wouldn't have survived without him. that's exactly why he did it—why he chose to go against everything that he knows to be right and true and why he chose to save max instead. he couldn't let her die, even if it meant crossing a line he never ever wanted to cross. lucas doesn't regret it.
except, then... then will and el come back. (haha andi talk about willel with brenner in book 3 challenge. pretty sure i have an ask about that... i will get to it. soon.) and they're different. el looks like she did when they first met—her head shaved, her eyes haunted, her shoulders slumped with a weariness and an exhaustion she's usually better at hiding. and will, he looks like el too with his head shaved and that broken, scared look in his eyes, and with just an all around anxious presence—hardly anything like the kid lucas grew up with.
the party reunites, and they recap their experiences to each other, because what else can they do at this point? they have to be on the same page. they have to regroup.
and will and el tell their story first—how they'd left hawkins to find answers about will's spiritual connection and about how to restore el's bending. how they succeeded, but not without encountering (being taken by) brenner... the waterbender who held el captive and tortured her for her entire life before hawkins.
and lucas has to sit there and listen as the twins recall what brenner did to them—how he used a variation of the same technique that lucas had only used mere days ago on max. how he ripped away their control of themselves, how he violated them in a sense, how he used bloodbending as a means to an end—helping the twins to find answers—and succeeded.
and lucas just feels sick.
because he hasn't really felt guilt until now. maybe just a little bit, but... mostly tied to the fact that he felt powerful when he was bloodbending. when the moon was shining down on him and when he was tapping into its raw power and harnessing a part of his waterbending that he'd never touched before. lucas had felt powerful in that moment, and he had succeeded in doing what he set out to do: saving max's life.
what, then, makes him any better than brenner?
well... lucas saved a life, right? while brenner used his bending to harm lives? that must be the difference between the two, surely. and lucas wouldn't do that. he wouldn't hurt someone like el or like will. he wouldn't hurt anyone the way this monster did.
but then again...
just days before he saved max's life, lucas had sworn he would never bloodbend in his life.
so who's to say that he wouldn't someday hurt someone? who's to say that he wouldn't someday become just like brenner? is this what the allure of bloodbending does to people? has he already taken the first step down a slippery slope with an inevitable end?
and lucas just... doesn't have the answers to those questions.
(more on lucas and bloodbending later!)
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princecosmosanon · 9 months
(i'm a different anon btw)
Haha! Zuko is already super jealous of the other characters Sokka hangs around. ;3 He definitely has his reasons for hanging back though. Hopefully you’ll get to know what they are sooner rather than later??
WHATTTT? he's jealous?? sorry but like THE AUDACITY! like he had ~ a week off ~ to spend time alone with sokka but he didn't even bother to show up and now sokka gets to spend some time with new friends and meet new people because of his new job as a consort and he's jealous?? if you're so jealous then go to your room at night.. bruh
you know how we say "he would not fucking say that" about fanfiction sometimes? your sokka is soo different than his canon counterpart but i always think you got his core personality so well. i'm like ohhh he would do that yeah.
could i ask you about other characters? we know katara's at home (god i recently reread the first chapters and her anger is so heart wrenching. she just loves her brother so much i hope they get to reunite in the flesh). aang is still in the ice i suppose. i hope katara's anger at the fire nation for taking one of her loved ones again breaks him free so he can give our girl a bison ride to caldera to see her brother. hope this doesn't come across as rude or telling u what to do but i think it would be hilarious to read toph in this setting. though i don't think they'd have time to be friends in this story. still i'd like her to give zuko a hard earthbending style slap (oh i know i'm gonna regret lashing at zuko i know... but for now he's a lil bitch). yue is alive, hopefully? so... not gonna lie i hope we get to see one or two people falling for our sokka so zuko can be more jealous lmao i need zuko to realize that sokka's a cute magnet for cute people (now i'm not suggesting cheating. that's awful haha... unless 👀👀)
thank you so much for sharing your work with us i'm so in love with it that i reread it aaaaaaaaalllllllll the time krhjdx
i hope life gets less busy so you get to rest and enjoy yourself. writing can wait you're more important, if you feel obligated to write (i know i do when it comes to my writing) take your time please we're here whenever you want to update 💗 i know i won't give up on this story and i'm sure others won't too.
have a nice day king 👑
Whoa, I am soooo late to responding to this!! I apologize! It came into my inbox around when my boss first went on paternity leave and work was exploding around me :x
But LMAO yeah, Zuko is very audacious in this fic. He has a very inflated idea of what’s “right” and “wrong” and for good reason! But it seriously does not mesh with Sokka’s.
Lol I’m glad you like my Sokka interpretation! <3 Part of why it works in Hearts on the Mend is due to it being a non-canon universe. Sokka is older, he’s wiser, he can keep his mouth shut a little easier, but he’s prolly at least 20% more petty than his canon counterpart. He’s mastered passive-aggressive sibling slights and he’s turning that knowledge on Zuko, all guns blazing. - That’s basically why I write him like I do. I find it easier than sassy child Sokka. I’m personally not as good as he is with snappy comebacks, but I can write petty well enough.
Regarding other characters… (spoilers hidden for those who want to not see them)
Katara will indeed see Sokka again in this fic! You can bet Zuko doesn’t get away from her wrath forever. ;)
Aang will also appear in this fic at some point! :3c any more spoilers with him would be telling, tho…
Toph… I haven’t considered in *this* fic, I’ll be honest. She may appear in the sequel fic I plan to write (yes, I already have plans to write more for these characters in this particular setting) but she’s tabled for now.
And does Sokka get more love interests??? Will cheating be involved?!?!? Who can say… no, lol, actually this fic won’t have Sokka cheat on Zuko. He’s not going to put his tribe into jeopardy for his own libido or comfort. But he might have some longing later…!
Thank you again for reading my fic. It’s a lovely story and I want to keep it going. It’s definitely not dead in the water until I say it is, and I do feel like I’ll get back to writing soon. I just can’t say for sure because I’m all scattered still.
Thank you again and again and again! Love and peace,
~Prince Cosmos Anon
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atla-suki · 2 years
it’s time.
why mako and katara are completely different characters and should stop being compared so much:
so, i see way too much comparison between mako and katara. like.. too much. and it always boggles me because aside from a few things, they’re really nothing alike.
keep reading under the cut !
let me point out their similarities:
- lack of parental figure/s
- a ‘comic relief’ brother
- second-hand clothing item from a dead parent
- romantic interest in the avatar
- strong benders, brave.
not many, right? mako and katara are largely different characters - from unique character traits to respective personalities to their purposes/roles in their respective stories. while they’re both main characters, the biggest difference lies in the fact that atla revolves around katara just as much as it does aang. what i mean is, without katara, atla is a COMPLETELY different show. without mako, LoK is still a relatively similar show (not that i’m saying he’s not important. he is. mako is so underrated stop trashing him sm. actually that’s another similarity - mako and katara both get overhated in the fandom. interesting..) ANYWAYS yeah katara is crucial to like 70% of everything that happens in atla. where aang is the protagonist, katara is the deuteragonist. where korra is the protagonist, mako…isn’t.. the deuteragonist. he’s a secondary character, sure, but not the deuteragonist. so straight off the bat they are completely different characters in terms of their place and significance in their respective stories. it seems unfair to compare them, no?
and that’s just the logical storytelling/plot side. when we look at their characterisations and personalities… again, NOTHING alike.
their differences include:
- mako is generally a pessimist; katara is in every way an optimist
- katara is in touch with her emotions and understands the emotions/feelings of others; mako.. not so much
- katara is a complex, well-written character with many layers; mako had many chances to be written better (ik that’s on the writers not on him but i’m including it anyways)
- katara’s motivation is the power to become a strong bender and a good person, to help the avatar bring balance back to the world; mako is a pro-bending athlete? i guess? he was a cop too bc they didn’t know what to do with him? idk
- mako is intelligent, quick on his feet, not one to trust easily, uses head above heart; katara lets her emotions dictate her actions (not always, but yk what i mean), sometimes too quick to trust, uses heart over head
more differences than similarities, you see? while their scenarios are kinda similar, they as characters are not. i’ve also seen the whole ‘they both raised their siblings’ shit… absolutely NOT??? mako was completely alone with bolin - he did it all. katara didn’t RAISE sokka, and even tho she was more maternal towards him it wasn’t something she was forced into the way mako was (lol that makes it sound like mako is bolin’s mother.. haha). similar scenarios, different situations.
quick detour: i just re-read those points above (the differences) and it sounds like i’m painting mako in a bad light. i am absolutely not. i love mako. i love katara. but i am also aware that mako is not as well-written as katara. it’s unfortunate but it’s also true.
ok back to my ramble. katara/aang and mako/korra are ALSO not the same. their dynamics are different, their roles in the story are different, their characterisations are different. their relationships are different. so their roles within said relationships are DIFFERENT. going off canon here, katara was always supportive of aang and clearly loved him. mako kinda liked korra and so they tried it out but it didn’t work. why? because mako and katara are different characters and so they are written as different characters. they’re INDIVIDUALS. they are not parallels. mako is not the next-gen katara. (he’s also not the next-gen zuko but i won’t go over that bc i WILL get tomatoes thrown at me). stop comparing them and their trauma. they are not the same.
katara lost her mother during a war. it was tragic, it was unfair, it was a direct act of hatred and done on purpose. mako happened to lose his parents at random. it was just as tragic, just as unfair, but DIFFERENT. katara had family left to help raise both her and sokka. mako was alone with his little brother. shit, he even joined a GANG to make sure they’d survive. i always felt like mako gave up more than katara (in their respective situations. they both still grew up too soon). but the thing is, i am ABLE make these distinctions between them. why? BECAUSE THEY’RE DIFFERENT AND SHOULD STOP BEING COMPARED SO MUCH.
give them the recognition they deserve as individuals. because they deserve it.
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northerngoshawk · 1 year
2022 Writing Year in Review
thank you @flameohotwife and @chocomd for the tag! great way to start a new year of writing is to look back 
1. Number of stories posted to Ao3: 15! most oneshots and drabbles, 1 that is a multichap still in the works
2. Word count this year: 75,791
3. Fandoms I wrote for: Avatar: The Last Airbender
4. Pairings: Aang/Katara
5. Stories with the most:
Kudos: i lost it all again (can you help me find it once more?), the second fic in my Katara-centric series
Bookmarks: dreamless dreams
Comment threads:  see the sky and sea (and remember me)
Word count: see the sky and sea (and remember me)
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why): there’s a lot, but i guess i will have to say dreamless dreams, my platonic zukaang fic, since i really don’t like Zuko that much lol. he’s definitely not my fav, esp because of fandom, so it was a surprise to write this, and i’ll admit i was a tad worried i would write him ooc because of my own bias. but surprisingly enough, i’ve been told the way i portrayed Zuko in this fic is very very in-character for him and serves as exploration that most fandom would avoid, and the platonic zukaang was also something i never thought i would write but seemed to execute well haha. overall, i guess i’m proud of this fic because it’s a concept that’s out of my comfort zone that i think i’ve executed pretty well, haha
7.   Work I’m least proud of (and why): protecting you, which is a prequel to  where we're meant to be. i had a kind of hard time writing this, and if i look back on it now, it just seems... cheesy, almost? idk it’s just Aang whump so maybe i just feel it’s a little senseless lol.
8.   Share or describe a favorite review you received: i think my favorite review this year was actually from @chocomd and pertained to dreamless dreams! choco managed to understand all the underlying parallels i wrote into the fic and gushed how much she loved the way i wrote the platonic zukaang 🥺 before her review, almost no one was kudos’ing the fic, so i was wracked with so much doubt that i wrote it well, and with her review, it really helped ease my worries of oocness for Zuko & Aang.
9.   A time when writing was really, really hard: while i was in school as a STEM major lol. that should be self-explanatory.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you: i already mentioned Zuko, but there’s actually two more characters i was surprised to write. one of them was Iroh from my Iroh & Lu Ten fic leaves let go (to fall from the vine). i never ever ever thought i would ever write Iroh, and he kind of intimidated me because he’s such a wise, complex character--there was no fathomable way i could write him well, or so i thought. i seemed to manage okay for this fic tho haha
the other character is Hakoda from my Hakoda Adopts Aang fic these sleepless nights we spend (waiting to come home). also a surprise because in canon, we don’t really see much of him on-screen, not to mention there’s a lack of interaction between him and Aang. again, never really thought i would ever write him, but here we are.
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
i have quite a few (and i’ve used them for other asks), so i’ll choose something a little different this time!
this excerpt is the ending section of going back, moving forward:
When Gyatso releases him and Aang finds himself at the doorstep of shadows, he only glances back one final time to see Gyatso nodding with approval, pride shining in his gray eyes.
(i will always wait for you)
When he finds himself walking down the dark hallway, he hears his friends, his family, all calling his name, all pleading with him to come back, come back, and he picks up the pace, rushing towards them.
(i'm coming, i'm coming)
When he sees the differently colored threads (green red navy cerulean) weaving their way towards him as the world falls away into darkness and shadows, he reaches for them, knowing that they're reaching out for him.
(i'm coming back for you)
When he wakes up in his friends' embrace, he lets himself melt into their love and worry and berating because they care, they care, and he almost can't believe he ever doubted it was the right thing to do.
(i'm here)
And when he grows and makes mistakes and matures and builds his own family and learns to live and laugh and love again, Aang finally understands what Gyatso meant all those years ago.
And it feels like coming home.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year: i definitely stepped out of my comfort zone a bit and wrote for characters i never thought i would write for haha. i’m also improving on describing scenery, especially as needed for my multichap lol
13. How do you hope to grow next year: to keep improving on describing scenery. i’m improving right now, but i still have ways to go. also to keep writing characters i never thought i’d write, step out of my comfort zone even more.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc): @chocomd. we found out we have very similar tastes in the kind of stories we want to read & write, and so she’s been a huge encouragement, especially in a fandom where our specfic tastes aren’t exactly common. her comments especially on see the sky and sea (and remember me) and her eagerness to see its conclusion is really the only reason why i’m still writing this fic.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year: not really? i mean i lost it all again (can you help me find it once more?) stems from my own feelings of assimilation and not knowing my own culture. other than that, there aren’t any i can think that are truly from my core self; every other fic is just my exploration of canon content or mirroring of things i never have personally experienced. all of my fics have some form of myself in them anyways tho, so
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers: don’t be afraid to experiment and break rules of syntax, so long as it makes sense for the themes of the fic. i find the fics i love reading/writing the most are the ones that experiment to reflect the themes of the fic, the state of the character’s mind, etc. (also you can use that as an excuse in case someone gets mad at you 😉)
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year: definitely hoping to finish see the sky and sea (and remember me) this new year, but with the way the climax is playing out and the limited time i have, it could take a while lol. depending on if i get that done, i’m also looking into my 5+1 Aang fic about loneliness, a Katara MCD fic, a Sokka-centric fic that deals with masculinity, and a 5+1 Zuko-centric fic that deals with Zuko beginning to understand the effects of imperialism on the little people.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read: @itsmoonpeaches @thinkingisadangerouspastime @justoceanmyth @shameaboutthedilettantism @kataangisforlovers and anyone else!
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