#why don't i shave my head and show up bald
faggotmox · 2 months
Show You How To Do This
Fandom: All Elite Wrestling (AEW) Rating: Explicit Characters: Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, (background) Bryan Danielson, Wheeler Yuta, Blackpool Combat Club, BCC Relationships: Jon Moxley/Claudio Castagnoli, background BCC Polycule Summary: Claudio shaves Mox's head before their match in Mexico. Word Count: 1,847 Writer's Notes: Shout out to @di0brando for proof reading/editing. You're the best. Yes, I know Yuta wasn't there but I pretend the whole BCC travels together like a weird version of Stark Tower in Marvel.
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Show You How To Do This
"Damn it." Mox grunted as he dropped the clippers in his hand again, hunched over the hotel bathroom sink.
"You know," Claudio spoke up from the door that was supposed to be closed. "I could always help with that."
"Hey!" Mox glared at the reflection of his teammate. "I told everyone to stay the fuck out."
"I know." Claudio nodded along. "I got Bryan and Yuta to go for a run."
"You did?" Mox glanced behind the large man in his doorway.
"Yes, I did." Claudio crossed his arms over his chest. "Will you let me help you now?"
It wasn't that Mox was an insecure person, he didn't think his guys would suddenly think he was ugly without the little hair he kept. Mostly Mox just didn't like to change his appearance, and finally committing to the bald look was a pretty big change for him. Even if there wasn’t much hair left to remove. Mox knew he was sexy with or without hair, he just needed some time to adjust before everyone else got to see. He was the same with his tattoos as well, never telling people he was getting one and just letting himself adjust to it before the world got to have their opinion.
"…Sure." Mox let his shoulders slump. "It's the mirror. I can't figure out what way to go, you know?"
"Trust me, I know." Claudio smiled as he came further into the bathroom, letting the door close behind him despite being alone in the hotel. "Thank you for allowing me to help you."
"I should've just asked. I wanted to, but…" Mox gave a shrug.
"You do not like the change, I can understand that. You've never been keen on changing how you look." Claudio reiterated the thoughts that had flown through Mox's mind just moments before.
"You want me to sit or something?" Mox motioned to the closed toilet or the edge of the bath.
"No, it's alright. I'm tall enough." Claudio grinned at the annoyed look that got him. "I want to show you how to do this as well."
"Cool. Thanks." Mox smiled just a little into the mirror at Claudio.
It wasn't going to be a long process. Claudio started by explaining how the clippers worked before taking off all of Mox's fringe and then smoothing out the short fade. More hair fell away than Mox really expected as Claudio showed him which direction to run the clippers for the cleanest cut. The easy way Claudio fell into showing him made Mox feel more comfortable, more at ease. The large man had that effect on him more often than not.
The last of the length was cut away so Mox only had peach fuzz left.
"I'll get you an electric razor like mine to make this part easier, but…" Claudio couldn't help laughing at the fact Mox just had a safety razor. "You would have nicked yourself, darling."
"Shut up." Mox turned red. "I already did." He pointed to a little cut at the edge near his ear where he had clearly just tried and failed.
"Here. We'll use this instead." Claudio pulled out his dopp kit from near the sink to get out his straight razor and shaving cream.
"Have you been planning this?" Mox narrowed his eyes at the razor. "You don't cut your beard with a razor and you use the fancy waterproof one on your head in the shower."
"I may have noticed some things and decided to carry these around in case you asked for my help." Claudio at least looked abashed by being caught.
"Uh-huh." Mox turned to look directly up at Claudio. "You've been thinking about shaving me?"
"I-- you--" Claudio got flustered and had to look away.
"Is this the same reason why you talked Bryan and Wheeler into letting you groom their beards before shows, and do Bryan's braids?" Mox pressed himself slightly closer, even though there wasn't enough room.
"I simply know what I'm doing, and want to help." Claudio was turning a little red as Mox put his hand on the back of the larger man's neck.
"You always just wanna help, big guy." Mox's voice dropped slightly and Claudio pushed him up against the counter. "I think it's pretty hot when you do that shit."
"Jon…" Claudio sighed as he leaned into the other, his lips ghosting over Mox's ear as he tried to compose himself a little. "We need to finish."
"Think you can wait that long, Swiss?" Mox nipped at the underside of the chiseled jaw of Claudio.
"Stop trying to distract me." Claudio groaned as he worked to spin Mox back around.
"Fine, fine. Hurry up." Mox grumbled as he let himself be turned.
The shaving cream was applied lightly over Mox's head. The sensual feeling was a surprise to Mox. Maybe this was why Bryan and Yuta always seemed centered after Claudio groomed them. A shiver ran through Mox as he thought of it like that. Claudio was grooming them. The way Claudio made a lot of their gear, or at the very least tailored it, or how he always cooked for them, and helped them train. There was always a service Claudio provided them with an expert level of awareness.
"So, you always known you had a grooming fetish?" Mox held still but laughed at the incredulous look that earned him.
"Have you always known you were a brat?" Claudio shot back much to Mox's glee.
"Yeah, actually." Mox looked even more smug now as Claudio cleared the back of his head with slow, gentle, efficient strokes of the razor.
"Can you be patient for a few more minutes while I finish?" Claudio rolled his eyes as he moved onto the sides.
"Yes, daddy, I can." Mox's voice dripped sweet sarcasm.
"You're impossible."
The rest didn't take long. A few clean sweeps over the top. A couple touch ups. They were done. Mox blinked at himself in the mirror, reaching up to touch his scalp. It wasn't bad, he realized. It looked nice thanks to Claudio's careful touch. Mox had been terrified of obliterating part of his beard. There weren't any rough patches either. He let out a huge sigh of relief that he didn't realize he was holding in.
"You look good, Jon." Claudio smiled, leaning down to kiss the top of Mox's now-bald head.
"Thanks to you. I'd have missed patches and cut myself." Mox grinned as he rubbed along the side.
"You'll learn." Claudio nudged him.
"Maybe, but I'd rather you do it." Mox smiled at the excitement that got from Claudio.
"You're very sweet sometimes." Claudio took Mox by the hand and pulled him towards the shower. "I know you must be itchy."
"Fuck yeah, I'm itchy." Mox groaned dramatically as Claudio turned the shower on.
"Let's get you cleaned off." Claudio agreed.
They made quick work of what little clothes they had on before popping into the shower. Claudio was quick to press Mox up against the wall as the warm water cascaded down their bodies. The soft little moans Mox always made when he was being manhandled turned into full blown groans as Claudio worked two fingers into him. Thankfully, they kept a stash of lube in the shower. Claudio's teeth found the webbing of Mox's shoulder and neck and decided to leave some marks there. A claim of sorts.
"Fuck, fuck. Claudio, I swear to god, if you're teasing me--" Mox grunted as he pushed on the wall to add more pressure against Claudio's fingers.
"I'm not." Claudio mumbled against his skin as a third finger slipped in to make Mox howl. "Shh, relax."
"Can't fuckin' relax when you just spent thirty minutes grooming me and shit." Mox sighed again as Claudio slipped three fingers in and out of him. "God damn. That feels so fucking good, man."
"Jon." Claudio's warning tone, like he might snap if Mox kept it up. So of course Mox kept it up.
"You're fucking sexy as hell standing over me, shaving me and making sure I look good." Mox grinned to himself as he felt Claudio move his leg, making him put a foot up on the corner edge of the shower. "Fuck yeah."
"If you ever want your chest hair gone again…" Claudio wrapped an arm around Mox to run his fingers through said chest hair as the other hand lined himself up with Mox's hole and started to push in.
"Fuck!" Mox yelled out as he felt himself being filled.
There was almost no way to shut Mox up when he was really into something unless you gagged him. Considering it was the middle of the day in their hotel, Claudio decided not to care much, and started to thrust into the smaller man with a lot more force. The increased volume from Mox only spurred Claudio on, his thrusts staying annoyingly in rhythm when Mox tried to get him to speed up.
"Stay still." Claudio growled. "You'll slip."
"Fuck me harder then!" Mox had both hands trying to grip onto the unforgiving wall, face pressed against the cool tile as he was thoroughly fucked.
Claudio shifted his stance, using the tub walls to brace against as he focused on harder, more direct thrusts that made Mox go insane. The man was practically melting in Claudio's arms. They were both so close. Claudio could feel the urgent squeeze of Mox's inner walls. One of Mox's hands was grabbed and shoved between the wall and his body, signaling for him to start jerking himself off while Claudio held them up.
"Fuck, yes, keep going! That's it." Mox cried out and threw his head back as he came all over the shower wall with only a few tugs.
Claudio stilled, cursing to himself in his own language as he rode out Mox's orgasm with him. If he kept going he knew he'd come too, and he knew Mox loved being fucked after he got his. As Mox went boneless, Claudio shifted them to face the wall with the shower head, he pushed at Mox's shoulders until he bent over with his hands braced on the wall.
"Wider." Claudio pushed the other's legs apart until they were against the walls of the tub. "There. Hold on."
"To fuckin' what?"
Instead of answering, Claudio gripped Mox's hips and started to amp back up to a rough pace. The low whine from Mox set Claudio on edge as he sped up his thrusts. There was no holding back anymore as Claudio got closer and Mox got louder. Claudio finally came with a heavy moan, fully bottomed out in Mox, spilling into him as they both gasped heavy breathes.
"Fuck." Mox felt himself being pulled up to standing as the water ran down his front.
"Fuck." Claudio mumbled in agreement as he came down slowly. "Okay, we should actually wash up before the others get back.”
"Jeez. Give a guy a minute." Mox grunted as he found his footing in the shower.
"You never need a minute." Claudio scoffed.
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urfavnegronerd · 11 months
all right u obscene fucks some of you don't have a skincare-obsessed sister and it shows
alright so anyone who shaves their no no square is going to know what im talking about so just bare with me. some of us are too broke to afford a wax (i have eight dollars in my spending account rn), so here's what ur gonna do. everyone whos shaved that area has most definitely experienced irritation, ingrowns, bumps, and itchiness. this is not good, especially for those of us with a history of sh. that alone has triggered multiple relapses for me, cus why does my body itch? and then my brain spirals from there
if its been a while since u've shaved? no worries stink i didn't use to be regular either. if its been a while and you have a bit more hair, make sure to trim the area carefully, with a sanitized pair of scissors.
dry brush the area, you can get a dry brush at target, i got mine for five dollars
gently exfoliate the area, i use a home made one w sugar, oil, and dr bronners unscented soap. i use unscented because i have keratosis pilaris, eczema, and sensitive skin. use unscented soap, not no Japanese cherry blossom ass shit from bath and body works. do you want a yeast infection? unscented is the way to go.
get clean razor, i switch mine out every month or so. i use harrys because they're marketed towards men so a closer shave w more blades. before u do anything w the razor, run it under warm water, if the pressure in your showerhead changes switch it to the highest pressure and rinse the blade to get any gunk out of there
drop the shaving cream, the conditioner, whatever u use. drop it. switch for coconut oil instead, unscented as to not irritate the area.
at first go with the direction of hair growth, stopping to rinse the razor and the area every few strokes. then go side to side, and up and down.
as soon as ur finished rinse the area with freezing water as to close/tighten the pores!!
when ur out of the shower use either after shave, or witch hazel. i like to use aqua velva after shave, it smells nice, and also marketed towards a male audience so it actually fucking works. pour a little bit on a cotton round, wash rag, or toilet paper and apply it to the area. it'll sting a little bit, but that's the tightening and toning of the area, don't worry. for those of my afab friends do not put it in there. only on the skin outside of it!! no one wants a yeast infection, or a uti, we don't do that here. (however if you do get a uti or yeast infection, boric acid suppositories at target, azo cranberry tablets and apple cider vinegar tablets. do what you will with that. miasaurus on youtube has great videos on these topics, an ex-stripper and also incredibly funny) tend skin is also a great option but really expensive, when my parents were together my mom got my bald-headed ass daddy a big thing of tend skin for his birthday.
moisturize with unscented lotion, i use cetaphil on that area and coco butter everywhere else
in the showers following ur shave down there, use a salicylic acid face wash on that area. i use cerave because i got it cheap with ulta points, i would recommend cerave because it's formulated with ceramides to keep your skin barrier healthy as well as being unscented. salicylic acid is an acne medication that also helps prevent ingrown hair and itchiness.
moisturize moisturize moisturize!
repeat as necessary friends! go fuck that person bald down there. or don't, whatever floats ur boat. if you wanna be smooth down there (cus its fucking comforting), go be smooth if you wanna!
my mom or my older sister did not teach me this, so i had to figure out what works too embarrassed to ask for help.
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hozaloza · 5 months
SBG Trio Headcanons two (TW! SH)
Before I began, felt like saying a fair warning about my page. I'll probably mention some sensitive topics, so if you don't like topics such as Self-Harm or such, then I'd advise you to leave. (Obv I'll have the trigger warning, like right here, there will be some sensitive topics in this one)
Jasmine HCs: -She got into a lot of fights with people in like middle school. She would always have bruises on her body, and Thomas would always be the one to help patch her up.
-She was pretty self-conscious about her body around 8th grade, thinking she was too chubby. She got over it once the second semester started.
-She REFUSED to wear make-up before 8th grade. Once she started wearing it, she absolutely fell in love with it.
-She had hurt herself at some point, being tired of everything. Thomas and Ryan stuck by her side while she was going through this part of her life, keeping tabs of her to make sure she didn't do anything worse (she highly appreciated this)
-Loves teasing her friends (Like when Ryan shaved his head, she immediately starting making bald jokes) -Listens to 2010s music
-Has a soft spot for little children (She low-key--)
-Got her first tattoo at 17 (Was impatient and just got it at a flea market for 50 bucks, Thomas was so confused when she showed it off. "Your birthday was a week away, why didn't you wait??")
-Has a good poker face
-Cut her hair short out of frustration. Thomas helped make it look nice when he first saw her with the new haircut
-Would share her food with Thomas every time he was around
-Would steal the teacher jacket thing he wore and wear it every time she visited him
-Forced Thomas to match piercings with her (He ended up liking it)
-Committed arson once (Thomas obv covered for her)
That's all I remember. I'll do Thomas next 💪
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melloween-candie · 1 year
Genie [C.G]
Young Carl x Young Dying Fem Reader
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Carl was sent to a cancer camp. That's where you two met. Even though you guys just met, you both liked each other a lot. It was young love; however, Carl thought it would last forever- "I promise I'll do whatever it takes to make your dream come true."
A/n - I lowkey started dying when I thought of this concept. Like how did no one think of this yet!?!?! 😭☠️😩
Also, most, if not all, of the beginning part was from the show. Not to mention I had to fill in some plot holes using fake characters I made since Shameless didn't really give me much to work on.
[Here's a vivid description of all the fake characters]
Luther- Black, Sassy, Gay, and Taller than everyone, but not extremely tall Tony- Vocal cancer, Somewhat creepy, Weirdly innocent, Unsettling, and the Shortest one Amelia- Bone cancer, Thick, Loves food, and Kind Y/n- Lung cancer
Warning: SPOILERS, Toxic parenting, Lying, Bad language, Mention of homophobia, Faking a death, Mention of blood, Explosions
Note! If any of this makes you uncomfortable, DON'T READ THE STORY!
Word Count: 5,422
Shameless Masterlist
Fandom Masterlists
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***No one's Pov***
Frank stood in front of the Make-a-Wish foundation office with Hymie in a car seat. A lady walked outside the office to greet them.
"Oh, why hello! Can I help you?" The lady, who walked out of the office, asked.
"Why I hope so!" Frank shooked the lady's hand. "I'm Frank Gallagher, and may I start by saying thank you for all you do for our suffering little ones."
"Oh, why thank you, Mr. Gallagher."
"Well, this is my son Hymie. Poor thing was born with an extra chromosome through no fault of his own. Down Syndrome. It's a lifelong condition. It's irreversible."
"He's a beautiful boy." The lady said as she tickled him a bit. "Aren't you Hymie. Yes, you are!" She said in a baby voice.
"And believe it or not, he is already, at such a young age, an avid sports fan."
"Is that so?"
"He can watch a ball dribble up and down a court for hours!" Frank enthused, "Endlessly fascinated. His little face just lights up with joy. It would be so wonderful if he could see it all happen in real life."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Gallagher. I think you may be confused." She spoke. "Our organization works with dying children. Not children with downs."
"Oh, well, of course!" He spoke. "Of course. I know that!"
Frank started to fake cry. "It's my other child that's dying."
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" The lady grabbed a few tissues and gave them to Frank in hopes it would help him stop crying.
"Thank you." He spoke.
Time skip!~
"Cancer?" Carl looked at his father with slight worry. "How did I get cancer?"
"You must have caught it from Grammy, son." Said Frank. "If she had known she had the contagious kind... I don't think she would have spent so much time with you in the basement, cooking meth."
"Am I going to die?" Carl looked at his father with innocent eyes.
Frank turned around, kneeled down to Carl's eye level, and said, "I hope not. But right now, we have to fight and fight hard!"
He grabbed Carl's shoulders. "You ready to fight with me, Carl?"
Frank grabbed the shaver and turned it on.
"Why do we have to shave it?"
"Didn't you ever see any shows about cancer? Cancer people are always bald."
"Grammy wasn't bald-"
"Grammy hated life. She wanted to die." Frank interjected. "But you love life. And one of the most important ways you can fight cancer is to let the sun rays in through your skull."
And with that, lip walks in. "Why're you shaving Carl's head?"
"Lice," Frank stated.
"Since when do you... parent?" Lip asked.
"Since you dropped the ball." Frank spat. "The vermin were literally jumping off his scalp!”
"Make sure you wash his sheets, too, okay?"
"Do I look like a woman to you?" Frank spat, and with that, Lip left. 
"I have lice too?" Carl asked.
"Yes- yes, you do." Stated Frank.
"Fiona's gonna freak out-"
"No, Fiona isn't going to freak out because Fiona is not going to know. You're a man now, Carl. The cancer makes you a man. And as a man, it's your job to keep secrets from the women who love you."
Then Frank turned Carl around. When Carl saw his reflection in the mirror, he said, "Jez, I'm gonna look like a pen*s-"
"I'll get you a hat... I'll get you a hat," Frank said.
Time skip!~
Carl just finished packing for cancer camp. When he got down, Frank was sitting down with hymie.
"Now you listen, Carl. Your other siblings can't know you're going to a CANCER camp. Okay. Are you still someone I can trust in this family?"
"..." Carl stared softly. "Yes."
Eventually, Carl said his goodbyes to everyone thinking it was his last.
Ian, being a good brother, gave Carl his ROTC sleeping bag and some bug spray, and a switchblade. Of course, he lectured him not to use it on other campers. And with that, Frank took him to cancer camp.
Time skip!~
***Narrator's Pov***
Carl got on the bus and took a seat with no one on the other end. Tons of sick children were boarding as he just sat there staring out the window. Till someone sat next to him.
It was a girl- Or at least that's what he thinks you were. "Sup."
"Hi. I hope you don't mind- there were barely any seats left when I got on, and honestly, I'm glad I got to sit with you. I mean, compared to the others, some of them look like they can be carrying diseases."
You both snickered. "I'm Carl."
"Y/n." You shook his hand. "It's nice to meet you."
"So, what kind of cancer did you get?" Carl asked.
You looked at him questioningly- "Terminal. You?"
"Er... Is that the deadly kind?"
"Uhh- yeah?"
"That-" Carl shook his head knowingly.
You laughed. "Dude. Seriously?"
"What? Are you laughing at my cancer?!"
"You do know-? Everyone on this bus is only here because we are all on terminal." You looked at him as if he was dumb. "But anyways, what kind of cancer do you have?"
"Oh well ah... The contagious kind? I got it from my grammy."
You looked at him for a second…
"Right...?" You looked at him suspiciously. "Anyways- I have stage four lung cancer."
"Oh. Did you smoke too much?" Carl asked innocently.
"No." You shocked your head, staring off blankly. "Just genetics, I guess."
“Oh… Well, what’s with the staps?” 
“Huh- Oh, you mean my breathing tub… I… I don’t really like wearing them, but I have to wear them like 90% of the time. Ya know, so I won’t collapse on the floor and die from lack of oxygen.” You looked at him and then pointed at what your tubs were connected to. “It’s also why I carry this dang bookbag around all the time. It’s annoying, but it keeps me going.” 
A short time skip!~
***No one's Pov***
You guys were re-entering the bus for the fifth time throughout the trip, all because of a kid who couldn't hold in his bladder.
"Might as well kick him off," Carl muttered.
You laughed- "Dude, he has bladder cancer."
"To be honest, he's a pretty cool kid. Most of these guys are pretty cool. It's a shame we all aren't gonna live past our teen years. Most of us aren't even gonna see our teen years, but at least we're all going down together, right?"
"Uhh... right." 
"But hey- I have a question for ya." You turned your full body towards Carl. "If you could wish for one thing, what would it be?"
"Umm. I don't know- How about you?"
"Ha- a new set of lungs would be nice... but realistically, I'd like to be able to take everything back. All my regrets and, most importantly- all my time I spent in that damned hospital bed! Only to end up here!" Tears pricked your eyes, but you whipped them away. “But most of all-, I just wanna have a good time, ya know!” You smiled brightly at him. Almost sickeningly.
Time skip!~
You two finally arrived at the campsite.
"Surprisingly, no one died." You said out of nowhere. Carl looked at you, slightly worried. "Ha- me and some of my friends made a bet. We betted on whether some people would die on the bus ride or not. Surprisingly everyone lived."
"Speaking of which, you owe me!" Said Luther, one of the guys you made the bet with, also one of your friends.
“Yeah, I know- but what made you bet on them living anyways? You’re normally a pessimist.” You said questioningly.
“Correction- I’m a realist. And besides, any flat-blooded dumba*s would know there would be a doctor in any bus that was filled with cancer kids.”
"Yeah, alright. You don’t gotta be cruel. You made your point. Now what do you want?"
"Hmmm, let's, see?" Luther pretended like he was thinking, but in all honesty, he knew what he wanted. "A full makeup kit! Obviously!"
"Makeup?" Carl looked at him as if he was crazy. "Why? Ain't that for girls?"
Luther looked at him in disgust. "If I'm dying, I'ma die right! You won't be seeing me trippin'!" He did a sassy snap. "Gurl, you can't tell me you made friends with this homophobe-!"
"No, no, he isn't a homophobe, I swear. Or at least I don't think- look, that's not the point. The point is we ain't gonna let you die weak. We'll get you that makeup kit."
By that point, your whole friend group stood behind you, shaking their heads in agreement.
"Well, anyways, Carl. These are my friends- Luther, he's gay-"
"Obviously." He added.
"Right- anyways, Luther’s dying from blood cancer. Meanwhile, this guy here, Tony, he's not really a talker. He's dying from vocal cancer, so he mainly writes down what he says since most of us don't really know hand language- and lastly, Amelia. She has bone cancer. It's so bad to the point where she has to sit in a wheelchair 90% of the time-" You whispered the last part into Carl's ear.
Carl nodded in understanding.
"Yeah, yeah. Now that’s out of the way- what are you dying from?" Luther asked intriguingly.
"Umm- contagious cancer?" Carl wasn't really sure if he should have said that because now everyone was looking at him strangely…
Time skip!~
***Y/n's Pov***
Finally, you managed to get your bunk-mate paper. The list shows-
Cabin 3
Bedroom A
Y/n - Anmelia
Typical- we're dying, and they still don't care about spelling our names right. God, I hate this place already.
You took a second to get used to the area.
Seems like I'm the first one here-
You opened a door with the letter A on it. You found a small bedroom with a bunk bed, a closet, and a desk. Right across that room lies a door with the letter B on it. You opened it to find Tony and Luther-
"Oh, I'm glad to see that you're my bunkmates." You smiled.
"Oh really? I thought you'd be a bit disappointed that we ain't that little hunk you were talking to earlier~" Luther was sitting on the bed with his legs crossed, smirking at his comment.
“Luther, you don’t make sense… I mean, you were being kinda rude to Carl earlier, and now you’re calling him a ‘Hunk.’” Tony wrote it all down for Luther to read.
“Pff- Clearly, you're not gay, Tony.” Luther rolled his eyes. “but anyways, spill the tea, y/n!” 
"Huh?" You blushed. "Why would I be disappointed? Plus, what tea to begin with? I just met him!”
“Exactly! It’s said to be destiny for soulmates to meet in strange ways. I wouldn’t be surprised if that Carl of yours doesn’t actually have cancer.” Luther started giggling. “Wouldn’t that make an interesting love story- A girl dying from stage four cancer AND a GUY! Who mysteriously sneaks into a cancer camp bus WITHOUT EVEN HAVING ANY CANCER! It’s a real royal mystery if you ask me.” 
You just rolled your eyes at him as a loud CrEaKiNg noise interrupted you guys.
You all gathered in the hall to find Amilia entering the room. "Sorry- I, huff, huff... didn't think it would be- huff- such a struggle to get this- darn wheelchair up that small hill."
"Hey-" Luther said. "I offered to help you."
Tony tapped your shoulder; he showed you his notebook. "So will it just be the four of us tonight- or will you be inviting your little boyfriend over?" He had that oddly innocent face to him. As if he honestly believed that you and Carl were secretly dating. 
You blushed extremely.
"Oh god, NO! Why do you guys always do this- every time I meet someone new? You guys always think something’s up-"
RING, RING! - With that, a loud bell rang throughout camp. "That must be the lunch bell- we should hurry before they take all the good stuff!" Amelia said, holding up a pamphlet with a smile of eagerness. 
"Oh please-" Luther said sassily. "I doubt they'll actually serve us what they promised on that pamphlet."
Amelia just frowned at the thought.
Short-time skip!~
***No one's Pov***
The cafeteria was slightly small and somewhat dusty. You and your group of friends were standing in the lunch line.
"As expected-" Luther claimed. "The food is sloppy and... smelly." He clamped his nose closed as the lunch lady placed slop onto his tray… “Gee, thanks.” He said sarcastically. 
You sat down at an empty table that Luther clearly disapproved of. 
“What is it now.” You pinched your bridge.
“Oh, nothing,” Luther carefully sat down, clearly disgusted. “It’s not like cancer kids can die from dusty areas- let alone food poisoning…” He said, picking on his food. Which surprisingly moved… “Ew…”
Soon after, Tony rolled Amelia as Amelia held both their trays. You four sat there playing with your 'food'.
"What in the world is this supposed to be anyways?" You asked.
"Poison." Tony wrote.
Then right then and there, the red-headed camp lady walked by.
“Oh, poison? I promise you guys this isn’t poisoned.” The redhead smiled kindly.
That was all Amelia needed to hear for her to start chowing down. Though that didn’t please everyone. 
“Oh yeah? Well, what is it, then?” You saw Carl standing behind the redheaded camp leader. “Cause clearly it ain't nuggets. And if you think this is nuggets, then you must have some weird brain defect cause this isn’t the nuggets you guys promised us!”
The lady turned around at some point when Carl was talking; you just didn’t pay attention. 
"Ohh… Umm, well, you see, Carl, I know it’s not exactly what you guys were hoping for-, BUT I promise you it's reallyyy healthy, and it’ll help you guys in sooo many ways, so I suggest you eat it. All-”
“BULLSH*T” Carl dropped his tray of slop on the floor, causing it to splat. This caught the redhead off guard, and it was starting to become a scene.
“You listen here, redhead! I barely read- in fact, I HATE READING. And! I read this.” Carl pointed at the pamphlet he so rudely took from Amelia’s hands. Holding it up towards the redhead's face. “I read this! And right here! It says ‘on the first day of camp. The lunch will contain ve-gee-tables, Milk, Fruits, and NUG-GETS!’ Right here! Sooo where are the nuggets?!”
By that point, the redhead was leaning so far back she almost tripped. She grabbed a hold of the table and started speaking.
“W-well umm. You see… weee… can’t-” She seemed like she was struggling to let out what she was going to say next. “Give you guys nuggets-”
“WHA-” A hand quickly slapped onto Carl’s mouth, shutting him up.
“Let me finish.” The redhead looked into his eyes deeply. “I know you guys are disappointed about it, but during the bus ride, we learned that nuggets contain certain things that can cause kids’ cancers to become worse, and that isn’t our goal. I know this meal sucks, but it was short notice, and it was all we had.”
“You got to be kidding me…” Luther muttered.
“But don’t worry. Ice cream is still on the schedule!” The redhead smiled innocently. 
Carl just looked at her dumbfoundedly. As he backed up. Not knowing what to say next.
“Sigh~ As much as I love ice cream- I'd much rather have the nuggets you guys said we'd be having here in this pamphlet." Amelia sniffled as she rubbed her belly. Her plan was already empty… “Besides- I think I’m going to be sick-”
“Oh god!” And with that, the redhead quickly rolled Amelia toward the girl's bathroom. 
Time skip!~
"I still can’t believe that happened today during lunch," Y/n said.
"Yeah, I can still taste the aftertaste in my mouth," Amelia said sluggishly. “That goo mixed with my puke makes me wanna puke again.”
“Please don’t,” Luther quickly added. 
"Don't worry, guys- just cause the food's crap doesn't mean the activities will be." Tony wrote, smiling innocently.
"Yeah, well- I think you wrote it too soon..." Said Carl as all five of you stood in front of what appeared to be a campfire circle. 
Disappointment was written all over Carl’s face. 
"Omg- pleassse don't tell me they're going to force me to sit on that nasty plack of wood and sing kumbaya. I was already forced to sit at that disgusting lunch table today, and I’m by far sure If I sit down on that, I WILL die." Luther groaned.
You couldn’t help but snicker a little at Luther’s dramatic comment. 
Soon enough, Carl saw the red-haired lady once again. He then walks off towards her, with everyone following him behind. "Hey, you! What gives?!"
"Oh hey, Carl. We're just telling campground stories. Care to join?"
"No." He said bluntly. "What we want is to shoot sh*t? Where’s the rifle range?"
By that point, you stopped listening because Luther muttered to you- “Since when did we make him the leader…”
"BULLSH*T!" Carl yelled, catching both you and Luther’s attention once again. "First, we didn't get the nuggets, then the rifle range! The next thing you're going to tell me is that we can't have sprinkles on our ice cream!"
"Man, Carls really going at it." You muttered towards Luther. 
“For real… I kinda like it.” Luther shimmied his shoulder on yours as you both giggled.
"Look, I'm really sorry, Car-"
"NO! You know what you're doing, right? You're lying to DYING KIDS!"
By that point, the whole campground was looking at the scene Carl was causing.
"Gasp!" And with that- you just had a eureka moment. You gathered around your group "Guys! This is our chance! If we pressure her enough, she might actually give us what we want. I mean, just look at her. Clearly, she isn’t good with kids.” You all smirked evilly.
"Follow my lead." You muttered. 
"Yeah, this place is no DIFFERENT from the HOSPITAL!" You yelled. 
“Ohh, so we're adding fuel to the fire, I see…” Luther added. "In fact, it's quite WORST!" He yelled.
By that point, a whole group of campers was surrounding her, screaming and agreeing. 
"You might as well take us back to the hospital!" One cancer camper yelled.
“Yeah! At least they gave us comfy beds!” Added another.
“Not to mention- AIR CONDITIONING!” Screamed Luther.
"Alright- alright!" Yelled the redhead. "I can't promise to give any of you guys want you want, but I'll see if I can get at least something- like sprinkles..." She muttered the last part. Barely anyone heard. 
"GOOD!" Screamed the campers. 
With that, the redhead left. Leaving a huge bunch of campers to celebrate without supervision around a fire... 
"Dang, Carl." Said a mysterious voice.
"huh?" You turned around. To see a strange boy. "Hey Carl, Who's this?"
Carl turned around only to find his buddy. He smiled "Henley! Oh god, I thought you died!"
"Ha- Almost, but not yet. So who are all your new friends?"
"Oh well, this is Y/n. That's Luther. The one in the wheelchair is Amelia, and the one with the notebook is Tony."
"I'm sure you can all guess what type of cancer we are all dying from." Said Luther as he whipped some blood off his lip.
"I can, but there'd be no point. We're all dying anyways."
“Well, that’s depressing…” Muttered Amelia sheepishly.
"Well, now that you're here. Wanna see if that lady actually made a difference?" Carl asked.
"Who? You mean Wendy?" Asked Henley. "I mean, sure, I guess." He put his hands in his pockets as the gang walked off, following Carl.
Time skip!~
"Hey! Is Wendy in here?" Carl asked.
You all gathered around a front desk in the camper's support bunker.
"Unfortunately, no. Camper Wendy is currently passing out ice cream."
"Ice cream? I thought they were going to do that tomorrow?" Asked Y/n.
"Yes, well, Wendy was really desperate to get something to change for some odd reason."
You all smirked at that very moment. 
"Well, where exactly can we find her?" Asked Luther deviously.
"Outside the cafeteria. There should be an ice cream stand there."
"Well, thank you, lady." Amelia bowed her head. Then rolled off to catch up to the rest of her team.
Small time skip!~
You and everyone else were walking up to the cafeteria. There you found an ice cream stand, just like the receptionist said. You guys walked closer to find Wendy running the stand.
"Ohh, hey guys! What's up? I know you guys really wanted something to change around here- and well, the camp leaders were really strict about, well… everything- BUT I at least managed to get ice cream day a day early. I hope this makes up for everything."
Carl grabbed a cup of Ice cream. It was a mixture of vanilla and chocolate. "Are these the only flavors you guys have?"
"umm, well, yes, unfortunately. But I can remove a flavor if you just want one of the two."
Carl sighed. "Do you at least have sprinkles?"
And with that, you already knew what was about to happen as Wendy’s face dropped. 
"Umm... No. I'm sorry." Wendy said with a pitied face. "I really tried, but they really didn't want us to have sprinkles..." When she was done speaking, she quickly closed her eyes tight, ready to be lectured once again. 
"BULLSH*T!" Carl yelled. He grabbed a hold of the stand. "Who said I can't have sprinkles on MY ice cream!"
"Carl, forget it," Y/n said. "Let's just go."
Truth be told, you just felt bad for Wendy, and if you actually let Carl yell at her- you were sure that you guys would have gotten those sprinkles.
Time skip!~
***Narrator's Pov***
It was currently nighttime. You all were surrounded by a campfire. The rest of the campers were sitting in a circle around another campfire.
You all sat in silence until Carl spoke.
***Carl's Pov***
"It ain't ending like this. I hope you guys know that." He looked at everyone. "We will get what we want! After all, this is a camp MADE for us."
"Yeah, but how are we gonna get a makeup kit? Plus, what does everyone else want anyways?" Asked Luther.
"I want sewing supplies." Said Amelia.
"Sewing supplies... Why?" Asked Carl.
"It's so she can fix her teddy bear." You answered.
"I want to see something explode!" Wrote Tony.
The room went quiet for a moment after that. 
“And here I thought you were the decent one-” You muttered.
"Carl already knows what I want." Said Henley.
"Well, I guess that leaves me; what I really want is not much… I just want to have fun." You looked at everyone. It turned silent for a moment.
“Really… Here I thought she’d be crazy too.” Said Henley with a strangely disappointing tone. 
“Wha-! Well, excuse me, but the hospital was a pretty big waste of my time, so- sorry if my wish isn’t as crazy or bizarre. I just wish I could take back all that pointless time and actually use it to make some awesome memories with the people I love!” 
Once again, an awkward silence came. 
“Well- I didn’t see that coming,” Luther said.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Let’s just move on, shall we?” Said Henley. "What's the plan?"
And with that, Carl signaled everyone to huddle up as he told his evil plan.
Time skip!~
"Uhhh... Are you sure this is going to work?" Henley asked.
"Just trust me on this." Said Carl as he stood on top of Amelia's wheelchair.
***Narrator's Pov***
At this very moment. Carl Gallagher was looking through Wendy's room. He gave Henley the signal.
Hanley ran up to Wendy's door. Knocking in fright. The door opened. "WENDY, COME QUICK! IT'S AMELIA!"
"Wha? What happened-" Henley grabbed her arm. Dragging her out of the room.
Thus leaving the door open for Carl to sneak in. And with that, Carl grabbed the first essential thing. A makeup kit.
Small time skip!~
"Well, I guess this will have to do." Said Luther. "It's a shame, though. Her color scheme only knows two colors." He said with a slight tone.
"Now that that's done... Who's next?" You asked.
Both Carl and Henley looked at each other, smirking evilly.
Time skip!~
The next day.
"YOU GOT TO BE-" You were so flustered. "N-NO! I'm NOT DOING THIS."
You, Carl, and Henley were all in the same room.
"Oh, come on, Y/n! He's dying~" Carl begged.
“Yeah, well, I’m dying too!” You covered your breasts, face still fully red. 
"Yeah, but you’re the only one with boobs. No offense to Ameilia, that is." Said Henley.
"NO WAY!" You turned around, grabbing the handle of the door. "Find yourselves a DIFFERENT GIRL!" You screamed, leaving.
Henley and Carl just looked at each other.
"Man- and I really liked her too…"
“Don’t worry, man. You weren’t the only one who was hoping to see her knockers.” Carl nodded, accepting defeat. 
Short-time skip!~
Carl once again was screaming at Wendy.
She was quite frightened at the sight she was seeing.
Henley was lying on the floor. His breath was barely visible, and he had his eyes closed.
"b-but... how can he even see..." Wendy was sweating now.
"JUST TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE!" Carl screamed even louder.
"Oh-oh..." Wendy's eyes started watering... She looked around... she took a big breath of air. 
"O-OK! I will... Let's just make this quick."
She quickly begins to undress her shirt. Ultimately revealing her knockers.
"Wow," Carl and Henley said at the same time.
"OH, MY GOD! WENDY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" The receptionist from earlier screamed.
"WOW... Where did she even come from." Henley laughed, and Carl joined in. 
Time skip!~
It was now the last day of camp. Carl managed to help make both Hanley's and Luther's dreams come true. Now all he has to do is finish Tony's, Amelia's, and Y/n's.
You all were currently eating lunch.
"Sooo. How are we gonna get those sewing supplies for Amelia?" You asked.
"It won't be easy, but I doubt anyone else has a plan." Said Hanley.
"So you have one." Questioned Luther.
"Here’s the idea." He started…
Time skip!~
"Why do I have to be the one to do this?!" Asked Carl.
"Because! You were the one who made a promise!" Stated Henley.  "Now, do it!"
***Narrator's Pov***
Carl grabbed his switchblade from his duffle bag and slit a nasty cut on his four arm.
"Ughh..." He grunts.
"Good. Now stay here. I'll get Wendy to take you to an infirmary. Be right back." Then Henley ran off.
"Make it quick!" Says Carl as he holds onto his wound.
"Man. It's really gushing." You said, poking his arm.
You giggled. 
Small time skip!~
"OH MY GOD, CARL! WHAT HAPPENED!" Wendy was clearly panicking.
She grabbed a hold of Carl. "Quickly, we gotta get you to the infirmary!”
"Oh wow! There’s an infirmary, yet we can't have a range here?!"
"Carl, please, not right now," Wendy begged.
"I still can't believe she wasn't kicked out of this camp after what she did..." Wrote tony as Wendy and Carl walked off.
Time skip!~
***Carl's Pov***
"Now. You should be fine... However, we will need to do more tests to make sure we didn't make anything else worse for you." Said the Doctor.
Yeah... no. I don't need this.
Once the doctor left. Carl got out of the hospital bed in search of the sewing kit the doctor used on him.
He ended up finding it. 
Still bloody, but it'll have to do.
He grabs it and then sneaks off.
Time skip!~
***Y/n's Pov***
"Where in the world did he go!" Screams a nurse in the background.
"Here you are, Amelia." Carl smiles as he hands the used-up kit.
"Ummm... It's still bloody..." Amelia whispered. Clearly, she was somewhat disgusted by this but was still grateful nonetheless. 
"Okay, whatever. We don't really have much time left. It's already 4. We're leaving this camp at 7... how are we going to manage, making Tony's wish come true along with y/n's?" Asked Henley.
"Simple," Carl said. "If Tony wants to see something blow up, then we’ll show him something…"
Carl once again had that evil smirk on his face as he walked toward the cafeteria. He stops mid-walk. He didn’t even turn around- “Come on, Tony. You want something to blow up, right?” 
Oh god, no... this can't be good.
Time skip!~
"RUNNNN! IT'S GONNA EXPLODE!" Screamed the head chef.
The whole cafeteria exploded as Carl and his crew sat back and watched.
Tony was in absolute awe…
"Ummm...Quick question- how did you two manage to do this!" You yelled.
Tony then wrote- "Let's just say oil and gasoline look a lot alike..." Tony and Carl both laughed right after.
Short-time skip!~
***Narrator's Pov***
Finally, the firefighters arrived at the scene. Along with some cops. A couple of investigators were interrogating the cooks along with the camp leaders. Meanwhile, the campers were forced to split up. Everyone was taken away back to the hospitals.
Carl smiled at everything he did. Even though he knew he'd never see any of them again, he at least knew he had granted them their wish.
"One last wish..." He muttered to himself, then ran off to find you. Only to see that you were being dragged into a cop car. He ran up towards you.
"Y/n!" He yelled. You looked up to see Carl for the very last time, standing in front of you with a sad expression. "They're not gonna take you to jail, are they?"
You burst out laughing after that. "What in the world- no Carl. They just ran out of room in the ambulance, and word is the bus broke down."
"Oh... Well, we still have time for your wis-"
Before Carl could say anything else- you kissed him. "My dream already came true. You made this whole camping experience worth my time. And for that, I thank you." You gave him a sweet smile. “And if you survive and those guys do too… if you ever see them again- DON’T tell them I told you that… Okay?” Your face was flushed red as Carl just stood there in disbelief. 
The cop then yelled, “Come on now. Get it. I’ll be done here shortly…” He then walks off again. 
And just when you were about to close the police door, Carl grabbed your hand. “Y/n, wait.”
“Yeah? What is it.” 
“I need to confess to you… about something.” 
You got out of the car again. “What is it, Carl?”
He took a deep breath and then- “I-”
Carl was clearly tongue-tied. 
“Carl, I have to go… So whatever you have to say, you gotta say it now.”
Carl’s eyes prickled with tears. Not a whole lot, but it was still there. This concerned you. 
“I- I wish tha- I wish that I was able to save you!” A tear dropped down his cheek. “I swear to you! I’ll never forget you!” He then ran off. 
“What a strange kid…” 
Small time skip later!~
Most of the camp stuff was already cleared out. Most of the kids already left whilst Y/n’s cop was still talking to a few others. 
Carl was sitting on top of a tall hill. He was able to see everything go down. He felt somewhat satisfied with it all. Yet he couldn’t help it. He knew it was gonna be the last time he’ll ever see you guys again. It was what made him feel so bittersweet. But at least he’ll always remember the days when he raised he*l with you guys. He then walks off toward a bus stop. 
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And there you have it, folks~ another story finished. (Finally, lol)
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drinkingbitterboy · 9 months
I recently boarded the milex train and have absorbed farrrr too much knowledge and love for them in about a year but one thing that I’m a bit confused about ( and this may be completely wrong, I’ve just seen it posted about/hinted at several times and can’t seem to work it out ) is why people seem to associate bald Alex with him having bad mental health/when he was at a bad point in his life?? And a few references to the show he did with miles at this time but how things seemed off?
Seeing as 80% of my intake comes from your blog I thought you’d be the right person to ask xD
Seriously tho, I love love your blog <3333
hi. first of all i am SO SORRY for the delay on answering i was going to reply and then i forgot!!!
so. the biggest part is of course that we know something happened after eycte with both miles and alex, indicated by everything from interviews talking about writer's block, the actual tbhc and cdg albums, them suddenly not hanging out constantly, etc.
and then you throw in the breakup with taylor. somewhere louise shows up, too. and i don't know the exact timing (though i'm p sure people have put it together) but because of how...acrimonious that breakup was and how questionable the lousie entrance was and how miles still doesn't like her... it's basically a perfect emotional storm.
people always associate the drastic head shaving with mental health desasters (see: britney) and that paired with him visibly losing weight and honestly acting a bit different on stage and out in public (there's some rough pics with louise and her friends....) it just feels even worse. and so.
regarding the show you're talking about: alex showed up to miles' solo gig at la cigale for standing next to me. imo it's not the complete disaster that it could be and that it somehow is made out to be. however if you're watching this performance, say, right after marathoning a bunch of tlsp gigs, it's awkward as hell. i don't particularly want to go into some analysis of body language bc i'm sure that's out here already, but that's really the gist of it.
does that all make sense? i've never been the most knowledgeable about all the drama and this is all as far as i recall. i hope this was at least a little helpful!
i am btw incredibly flattered by choosing my humble blog for like 80% of your milex intake. i hope that it's been an alright ride? and welcome aboard the kane train <3
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nervousron · 1 year
Chronological Lazlow Jones quotes and facts from Vice City, up to GTAV
22 year old radio intern Lazlow covers his eyes and hides in the corner when ladies enter the recording booth without their shirts
“Im 100% rebel. I got kicked out of school after the 12th grade, man” (for non-american readers, this would be university)
“Dont sell out. I never will”
“I am the master of darkness - that’s why my name’s Lazlow”
“Remember, Im going to be famous one day.”
Lazlow’s V-Rock Radio job application was sent in hand written calligraphy with a bouquet of flowers
Lazlow was in high school band
“I flunked school cuz im parkour”
He is pro gun and conservative
“How is that fair? I mean Im white, middle-class, very erudite -um, yknow, whatever that means- but people just respond badly to me, i don't understand it”
“-and you keep saying ‘im from the streets’, Yknow what dude? Everyone has a street in front of their house, that doesn't make you cool”
“Its kinda been a dream of mine to sleep with housewives…”
“I love your strap, you’re a great guy!”
Lazlow was tricked into joining the military briefly
Lazlow’s mom sent him to inversion and conversion therapy
“This is the west coast. I’m only into lesbians, man”
Lazlow breaking into tears when a caller continuously encourages Lazlow to shave his bush so his dick looks bigger
“Hanging upside down to sleep doesnt make you cool, or alternative. I know because I tried it”
A guy called in saying he moved from Hampshire and Lazlow told him his english was good and asked if it was hard getting used to the language
As of gta III Lazlow is married. As of IV he is divorced, balding, and has a mustache. His wife left him for his best friend after he brought home a heavily drugged woman for a threeway.
He used to look at his best friends dick when he was sleeping.
(About the Brittish)“I think they were speaking English before we were. I mean, the people here were speaking Cherokee and Shoshone.”
Lazlow gets upset when a man implies spanking kids is okay. He gets even more upset when he realizes the man doesn’t have kids and just wants to be spanked
“My father was strangely silent my whole childhood, which y’know, explains a lot”
“So you would MILK your grandmother like some kind of TEAR COW?”
Lazlow pushed a hotdog salesman’s head into a pot of boiled hot dog water and tried to drown him. This was a very cathartic experience for him.
“You stick your hand down a stripper's panties, yknow, and you discover a pair of balls. Well guess what baby? The bitch is back. But im not a bitch, Im a man. Uhh-”
Lazlow was regularly caught kissing men backstage at concerts in the 80s
Lazlow mentions its easier to spike women’s drinks with GHB in Liberty City than Vice City
“Go play sudoku and die peeing on yourself”
“You’re not my type. I prefer unconscious chicks or milfs with stretch marks”
Lazlow has tried blogging, being in porn, vinewood, working glory holes, and taking "facefulls of pills" to be happy.
“dude. Can you really not rub your junk and talk about schools. Dude. dude.”
“And you just wish that ONCE you could share a bed with someone who wouldnt get creeped out by the pictures of my ex wife on the nightstand”
“You can catch an STD! From a Him/Her!”
Lazlow bites strangers when he’s mad
“Im a RAGING heterosexual”
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Y’know, I’ve worn some panties. Its not weird if a chick asks you to do it. Then its hot”
He begs strangers on the street to watch him windmill his dick online.
“This mustache once got me laid. Yeah, Yeah.”
“Isnt there one where theres a cup and two girls…”
He accosts Fred Armisen in the street. Fred is somehow much worse than Lazlow.
“DUR DUR DUR text message. EL OH EL”
“You’ll NEVER get to experience the 80s”
“For once, Lazlow is not getting bummed. I’M doing the bumming”
in Episodes From Liberty City, Lazlow’s mother and step-father pay for his radio show and he lives in their home. He hates his step-dad and new step-sisters
“Im the g-spot of radio”
“I’m here to stay. Like the national debt. or syphilis.”
Lazlow’s brother is a tv producer
Lazlow promised $2 to a man to follow him down the street with a saxophone to set atmosphere for his radio show
“I’ve really gotta spread my scent right now. And by that, I mean pee”
Lazlow’s step-dad is a mortician
Lazlow is pro choice, but only because he doesnt want to be a hypocrite
Lazlow’s sister was supposedly kidnapped. He claims he did not personally murder her.
“Nicaragua. Which is a company that sells nicotine… water”
“Do have a second for gay rights?” “Okay, a second. Sometimes five minutes if I’m drunk and nobody’s looking”
Lazlow makes his intern follow him with a camera and pretend to be paparazzi. It backfires.
Lazlow got hairplugs some time between IV and V
Lazlow invented podcasting
“It’s not molesting if they’re ugly. Trust me, i’ve been doing it for years”
“Molesting is when they’re human and cant complain, or dont like peanut butter on their junk. Those sheep wouldnt have complained if they COULD have. They were loving it!”
Lazlow’s intern tells everyone at the gay bar that Laz wants to get railed by three guys. Lazlow, not understanding spanish, is very excited by the attention.
Lazlow knows space facts off the top of his head
Lazlow Wants to cum in zero G
He has a grandma fetish
Lazlow talks about his experience of getting pissed on by groups of strange men
Lazlow is "Left wing", but only because he doesnt want to be fired
Through tears “I dont understand valleys or clouds, it sounds like a nursery rhyme”
Lazlow told the press Michael "molested (him) into cutting his hair"
Lazlow got roofied at his Sex Addicts Anonymous meeting
Through tears “Tony? Can we hug? Please? You shouted at me a lot… And Tony? I dont think you can say ‘Gay Tony’ anymore, it’s not PC, the internet will go crazy”
Lazlow spins records at kids birthdays
“He wants me to beatbox, i’m gonna fuckin get LAAIIDDD”
“One more scandal will ruin me. I’m WOKE now”
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tervaneula · 11 months
Okay guess who was late to read ch.12 of NQK?! This loser! So let me tell you what i thought so far;
On the summary part when i read " splinter request something from F!leo " i remembered the picture where you showed bald F!mikey & i thought " bro were you gonna request older leo to shave his older version of younger brother because you can't?! Lol "
Then we go to where F!mikey get his hair trimmed like the old weed in somebody's lawn xD i was confused " bro why?! You said yo hair is gonna grow back! " until i realized he's doing what any ex after a break-up; throw the old & welcome new furniture for a new, fresh start.
But honestly he does look like a twin of mikey - that and his head looks like a Boling ball - making me wonder how long it will take for him to grew back and who's gonna style it.
When we reach the part of summary i kid you NOT, i felt F!leo on a spiritual level, like when your parents call for you, I FELT THAT!! Splinter starts rambling about how it's his fault for pushing responsibilities of leader to little leo and i remembered how most fic(s) pointed that out - not that am saying they're wrong, i agree with them - and i couldn't help but think " yeah i don't know if this was on purpose from writers because it says leo and raph should co-leadering.
Wonder if the show were to have more seasons wonder if they'll be back on the main plan or just keep leo leading.
NQK F!leo - and yes i put NQK there, sue me other writers - accepted the challenge/mission impossible/request.
And god when splinter said " call me dad " i felt leo would cry immediately on the spot, like you didn't write it but you also didn't need to because my mind imagined almost 7 foot (?) old man in his 40s crying to 3 inches rat/j/lh 😂
But again i would advise giving this old man a huge tissue bag if he's gonna cry every 30 minutes.💙
I laughed when F!leo said to little him " C'mere " i was like " bro are you talking to a teenager or a street cat?! 😂 " Little leo backing away and call him on the leader thing because he 'felt it in his bones' was related on another spiritual level because if i saw my parents talk about me i'd dip with every excuse in the world to NOT talk!
Then he asks him to 'talk' and go to dojo & i thought " soooo you're gonna whoop his ass as a way to talk? " but no, they really REALLY talk, F!leo ask questions and my mind goes " okay old man with babygirl energy, what's your game? " he ask about home, and i get giddy when little leo talk proudly about mikey & laugh at Donnie xD
I laughed at the " drill " part & how it took 2 seasons to upgrade it from beta to be finished. Then they go to shredder part & i thought " ohhhh! You're gonna remind little leo of how he was able to trick big mama but pull out 'at what cost?' Part " which - to be honest - was badass plan from leo but again... Worst communication ever.
F!leo cry in tears as he hugs little him & that when i thought; he made a mistake because he didn't want to be leader - which again i blame splinter, don't stop me people - and did what he thought would take his new role & get back to be support - which related because am 70/80% leo kinnie - but instead made a huge moos-take (badum-dass) that will probably stay - forever - his fault.
Little leo saw an example of it & tho he doesn't want the role it doesn't mean he can't take it slowly, they do have time thanks to the 3 hamatos - and jones we i won't forget them - from future, so proposing to start as co-leading with raph was a great step.
All in all, i thank you very much for the time you took out of your life to write this amazing ch. 12 of NQK🩷 and i won't lie when i say am excited for the future of this Fic🩷🩷🩷
AAAAHHHH MY FRIEND YOU HAVE DONE IT AGAIN,,, thank you for this magnificent review!!!!! Absolutely no losers here omg you're so good and precious and please never let yourself think otherwise.
I've read this ask so many times and boy it's so great to hear all these thoughts of yours. Best thing ever 11/10 would write again to get to read even a fraction of this dedication again.
The teenager vs. street cat comparison was hilarious jahsdg THAT'S REALLY HOW IT FELT LMAO
Thank you so much for taking the time to read the chapter and comment so extensively, I'm so grateful!! I'm absolutely tickled and also very excited for the future, so I'm really happy to hear that <333
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gate4043 · 6 months
This was the first outfit I wore out of the house.
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I was terrified. Wearing an old blue shirt I've had for years that was kinda girly but you can't really see it, it was more for me and for my confidence, a black pinafore dress, stockings, and you can't see them but just my white cheap kmart sneakers. I was also wearing breast forms (I think D cup ones) I'd bought off amazon and a shitty Bonds bra that had managed to keep them in place. I hadn't shaved my arms in a while, so I was afraid to take off the jacket. You can't see it, but my bald spot had gotten really bad, which I thankfully didn't notice until I got home.
It was a Saturday. My mum and stepdad would get back from holiday the next day, so I only had that day to do it. But it was late in the day by the time I'd actually mustered up the courage and put together an outfit. My car was parked out on the lawn, and our neighbours talked a lot with my parents and the neighbour across the street was pretty nosey and watched us a lot. I had zipped up my jacket and put on a pair of jeans so that I could drive my car into the driveway, go back inside and take my pants off, then hop back in the car and go to the only shop that was open at 9:30 something on a Saturday that people wouldn't recognise me at.
It did go wrong a little. The part of the garage that opens up to the back was a little ajar, which meant the dog ran through and out into the front yard. I panicked, pulled back into the driveway, and then ran around to the front door and desperately called him in.
I drove to the shop panicking the entire time. It was amazing, and it was scary as shit to be doing it, I assuredly accidentally broke some traffic rules out of sheer nervousness. Rolled up to the shop. Worst experience I've ever had out in public. Everyone stared. Got called a freak by a passerby whispering under his breath, to this day that's the only time that's ever fucking happened. Got inside, bunch of stares and misgendering from old cis white dudes, and everyone else in the shop was actually really lovely. Clocked the checkout as kinda queer, they were super nice about everything, headed home, freaked the fuck out.
Here I am fourteen months later in May of this year
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So that's just under six months on E at the time. Went out to a friend's first year E anniversary, it was wild, there were multiple people being held by their partners with leads, there was a person in crazy makeup and a top hat and boot heels and they explained to me where they got their hat, I got to sit in a cute girl's lap and snuggle, it was great.
I wanna talk about confidence
When I was in the closet, when I was finally starting to come out, I was doing a lot more than I'd ever done before. I'd gotten clothes from my brother's fiancée, then girlfriend, which fit me, and I'd dress up around the house and run around with the lights off upstairs because the neighbours on both the front and back of the house could see through into ours and again, they talked. All it would have taken is one dickhead blabbing and suddenly a shitstorm would've broke loose.
I have an awkward body for transitioning. What's worse, I could've prevented it because I've known I was trans for that long. Shoes won't fit me, don't even bother trying, my feet are fucking massive, even for guys. My shoulders are just wide. I know the jacket didn't help, but believe me, it wasn't as thick as it looks. I have a serious body hair problem which I hope to all fuck will get sorted out in some way with hormones, but I expect before long I'll be getting full body electrolysis, damn the expense.
This is why I'm showing this stuff, is because I was not confident, I was not the kind of trans person who posts a bunch of pictures of themselves to the internet and I'm still not that and I don't think I'll ever be that. Right now it's almost 2 AM, I haven't shaved all day, the toilet's clogged and I didn't want to sit down in the water so I was forced to stand up to pee because I was busting which made me feel dysphoric and gave me impostor syndrome at the same time and I have work tomorrow. But I know seeing a trans person I can relate to helps me whenever I'm feeling down, and I felt like sharing this.
It's okay to be a mess of a person, you don't have to be like the really fucking beautiful people I see on the internet all the time. You can be a goblin that struggles to achieve humanity, let alone gender presentation, and that doesn't change who you are on the inside and that doesn't mean that you can't do everything you wanna do and be everything you wanna be. Don't let it discourage you, you're awesome. You're always gonna be awesome. G'night.
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the-acid-pear · 6 months
I just had an honestly pretty fun dream. I was playing a game that was said to be overwatch but was in first person and looked more like GTA, with a city (it was similar to a place I've been irl in my city but I forgot the name 💪💪💪 it was just really sunny but really grey and busy, with tall builds and stuff) and similar missions. I was kinda RPING myself, I was being this sort of dramatic guy, I liked to think of myself as a classic vampire (white, beard, cape, long hair (also white), etc) but my model was that of a human body with a reindeer head which was pissing me off ngl.
I honestly don't remember the intro to my dream but I remember after my first mission the friend I was with introduced like 4 more guys or so and was like "hey try to tell me who these characters are" and I was like well I recognize Mei and was using my gun too zoom and when I moved on to the next I just fucking shot her in the head. I was standing on a building (them too, with a breach, I'd fly btw) so I hid behind the water tank head low like you'd do in a game to show shame. I then realized I'd just apologize in the game chat and I did but the girl didn't really care at all she was just like yo why tf did you shoot me?
After that awkward encounter (where btw there was also this massive bald guy w a huge beard and glowing eyes, I liked him) we went on to your first mission and I think I was still apologizing to the girl I shot because I said something like "I'm a pacifist" before going on to kill a guard in the place. It was a tunnel, all dirt and supports, with some rooms to the sides, almost like little prisons.
This was meant to be a stealth mission and I was handling it well; I killed the first guy without making a sound and then flew over to the second but when I reached the third I kinda lost speed and started fighting with him in a more compromised way (before it was a 1 shot kill). He was young black guy with a shaved head. By young I mean prob mid 20s to 30s, he was working as some law enforcement and was extremely experienced after all, having by the fact he'd not let me break his leg no matter how far over his head I tried to push it and also how he tried to shoot me.
As I was being utterly humiliated by this guy he told me "leave the bunker and go outside so you can see yourself lose the little fame and reputation you have left" and at first I thought of save scumming bc i thought it was a game over but I was like "maybe I'd play with this, for his arc" so ignoring the wellbeing of my companions I hauled ass to the entrance door when in exciting I was in third person seeing that ugly ass model and I started running around in confusion, sticking like half a torso taller than most other people (many have gotten off the bus and I mean MANY because I'd barely walk around) and not long after that people started shooting arrows at me. From the balconies, the neighbors like medieval archers threw cardboard arrows that literally stun locked me as a news reporter came closer to kind of mock me I guess.
I was so humiliated and angry I woke up -_-
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ctrlgrlblog · 8 months
𝐃𝐨𝐣𝐚 𝐂𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐭𝐩...
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Doja Cat was honestly seen as the next biggest star in the world in everyone’s eyes. We all need music in our lives but feel good music that artists like Taylor Swift, Beyoncé and even Rihanna gave us as the dominant IT Girls of the music industry in the way that they all had their own Genre and sound. Doja Cat came out with her 2019 album AMALA and everyone wasn’t really crazy about her album but just the one and only song that gave her ultimate buzz which was her song MOO!.
Even though she released the song in 2018 she added the one song that got her famous or even gave her a name on to her 2019 album AMALA. I Honestly remember the big buzz and the world overplaying the song and just thought that the song was pretty random at the time in the world. I felt like anything at that point any song that was praised by the majority could become a chart topper or the most viewed YouTube video. The first thing that really made me not like Doja Cat was when she literally had the whole world going nuts about her and liking her sound, Just to turn around and then say that she doesn't want the song to be the song associated with how she got her success. Forever ungrateful Doja Cat then went on and became almost the world's biggest pop icon while not even really caring about it at all. It seemed like she just wanted to get her music into the mainstream media to make money off of it and then later pursue what she really wanted to do which is just making music and doing weird things.
Doja literally became famous from YouTube and her own skills which means that the cat has earned her cookie, But loving drama and responding to trolls on the internet has to really be a waste of her time. If I had the money and success that Doja Cat has I wouldn't think twice about responding or even listening to a word anyone with less than me would say to me. I and everyone around the world who really grew up with her and followed her from the start felt that she was just doing too much by letting the internet make her into a crazy person.
From responding to trolls and having literal shit-talking sessions To shaving her eyebrows and bedazzling them To shaving her head pussy clean bald, To dating a dude who has apologized and even came out about predatory behavior and even rape accusations against himself. I can understand why Doja Cat shaved her skinny ass head because I don't think I could handle the stress of having to outperform in music and still get hate or backlash. People attacked her for being on chatrooms and saying some derogatory things and even the N-word and then occasionally blocking people whom she felt she wanted to remove and block. I hate how the world has turned into this big hate train of misinformation from people who are not qualified sources. When I heard about the Doja cat chatroom situation I honestly laughed because I think we've all done worse scandalous things in life. I like my men aged like cheese and with big balls that they can rub on my face like a lava lamp so I really don't give a fuck to judge Doja Cat for calling people porch monkeys on a Wednesday afternoon in a chat room.
I think that honestly, The fact that there is a Doja Cat wiki set up for her on the internet is really insane and just weird in a way because the fact that people are this obsessed in 2023 with celebrities and Hollywood is just weird and just something that shows that the world needs to have a mental reset on what is real and what isn't. holly wood is so fucking fake and full of lies and bullshit and free drugs. Doja Cat is a grown woman and is not some "got milk?" poster girl for you to learn from and watch her every move. I feel like people need to learn how to separate the art from the artist and just like the art that is produced because then it can be supported and curated and more prosperous. But when people start to glamourize someone and just throw the human parts out the window it gets creepy, like stalker creepy.
Doja Cat knows what she's doing with the attention and the constant rebuttals she has for the internet. Doja is a strong and hot fashionista and is honestly leading the fashion world with her quirky and fresh style that is random textures but slim fitting and altogether just a hot outfit. But she starts to use her platform that she has to do more harm than good I feel that she deserves to just be ignored. From her replying to people with grotesque tweets she's become just a joke and a cornball. She's kinda like that representation of why people can't stand mixed blk kids, Because they want everyone to always kiss their ass. Doja posting her picture of a shirt with an infamous Neo-Nazi is just something that makes people ultimately separate away from her and kinda just act like she doesn't exist.
With her last album Scarlet just came out it was received very well and a lot of people still loved the music but didn't care much for the artist. I feel that she posted the neo-nazi picture and thought she was hot and cool for a day as if she was the Paris Hilton pop culture icon at that moment. Honestly, She looked pathetic. You can just tell from the makeup and shaved eyebrow diamond that she doesn't really have an identity of who she was before Doja Cat and just thinks that she's this phenomenon of a superstar, She's ashy and just a cornball attention whore and I feel that she just makes it hard for people to want to listen to her because she's always doing something just kinda stupid and her replies are just like giving out that she probably grew up in a suburban setting and thinks that she's so clever and just a cool girl and it comes on as if she thinks shes better than the people that helped her career.
I think that attention is needed in order to stay in the limelight, Maybe Doja just doesn't care if it's good or bad because she knows that there is a big want in music for her. She knows that there is no one who could sound like her or change up their style and get away with versatile sounds like she can. Drake has tried the versatility route with his Jamaican accent, British Accent, and Canadian squeaky accent and he has never been able to win over people with his different versatile sounds.
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gnattyplayssims · 1 day
1963 Pt1 - On the Roof
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It was a rainy day near the end of fall and Ava was sitting outside the bar trying to kick raindrops. That was how Nikolas found her when he showed up that afternoon. She smiled and waved but didn't stop swinging her legs as he came to sit beside her.
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"Hey kiddo you out here all by yourself?"
"Yeah." They fell silent for a moment watching the rain fall. "Where's your mom?"
"On the roof."
"Can I go up?"
"Sure can I watch?"
"If you disturb her during her 'personal time' you must have a death wish. I wanna watch."
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Nikolas gave Ava a few Simoleons to buy some candy up the street instead and climbed the stairs to the roof. Despite Ava's warning, he was not prepared for what he found. "Sofia?" She didn't answer and he knelt next to her taking note of the level of juice in the bottle. "Sof?"
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Finally she turned to him, a desperate look in her eyes that sent a shiver through him. "Heeeey Nik!"
"You cut your hair."
"Yeah." His words seemed to sober her just a bit. "I'm sure you hate it."
"No of course not."
"Sometimes it easier, right." Her voice broke and he nodded
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He took her face in his hands. "I liked it better long."
She took a shaky breath. "If you shave all your hair off I'll throw this bottle at your bald head."
He let out a sharp laugh, "Then don't force my hand. You have no idea how much I worry about you."
"But you left."
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"You told me to get off your roof."
She lifted the bottle to her mouth and took another big gulp. "I didn't mean it. I...I was angry. I didn't mean for you to stay away."
"I know. I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner."
"My mom hates it...she says I look like a boy."
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"Watcher! Has she even looked at you..." He trailed off catching himself before he strayed too far.
"It's fine. It's better this way. I don't want to be beautiful anymore. Beauty is what started all this. If I had been ugly...maybe..."
"No Sof, don't you dare go there."
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"Then why? Why did all this happen to me? Am I really only good for my body? I'm clearly too stupid to recognize when I'm being used. Even you couldn't keep your hands off me."
"That's not fair. You kissed me."
"But you enjoyed it didn't you?"
She hiccuped tearfully.
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He sat next to her. "Just because I liked it doesn't mean I expect anything from you. I just want you to be happy. To know your own mind."
She was silent for a moment. "I don't know if I've ever had my own mind."
He chuckled, "You did once. It's still buried in there somewhere"
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"I don't know how to find it."
"Well for one...maybe stop with this."
He reached for the bottle but she jerked it away from him. "What are you doing?!"
"Come on Sof. You don't need this."
"Yes I do! I don't want to feel any of it!"
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"How are you going to heal if you're numbing it. That's not how healing works."
"Maybe I don't want to heal! Maybe I like being miserable! Get off me!"
Her words struck him hard. Had she said those words to others...and been ignored? He tried to back up but it was too late
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He fell on top of her, her face so close he could feel her breath on his face. She looked up at him with a juiced grin. "I knew you wanted more"
"Stop it." He jumped up quickly grabbing her wrists to pull her up. "We're not doing this. I told you not to twist it and I meant it."
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She frowned as he lifted her to her feet and she stumbled, too drunk to stand. "I can't"
"Then I'll have to carry you."
She didn't protest but when he picked her up her mind rebelled, spiralling through undesirable scenes...a pool, Don naked, Magnus pressing her against a mirror
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She cried out "No put me down! I'll be good!"
What was she even saying? "Sofia you have to stop or I'll drop you on the stairs." She was breathing hard by the time he cleared the landing but he hadn't dropped her. He wrapped another arm around her securely. "We're almost there."
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She remembered how Don had jostled her as he climbed the stairs, curseing at her and eventually thrown her on a chair...she didn't want to think of the rest. Nik held her securely and spoke to her softly as he lay her gently on the bed. Slowly, her breathing steadied.
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"You okay?" She nodded but there were tears in her eyes and her breathing was still too fast. "I'm sorry. I'm not sure what I did, but I'm sorry."
"It wasn't your fault. I'm just broken."
His eyes scanned the room as she lay down. "What happened?"
"I burned them."
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"You burned the pictures of Ava?"
"I don't want to remember anymore. Not Mathias, not Don, not...Jameson." She breathed his name in a whisper. It was the first time it had passed through her lips.
"And us?"
Tears welled in her eyes. "I thought you weren't coming back."
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He took her face between his fingers, "You can't lose me that easily." She tensed her breathing becoming rapid again and he let go of her face. "Damn what did I do?"
"Nothing, it's fine."
"No I did something."
"I just don't like when you touch my face like that."
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He nodded, "I was trying to be funny"
"I know, I can't control what my mind is going to do"
He smiled a little. "What?"
"I knew she was still buried in there. I see her when you speak your mind like this. I see her in the way you love your kids cause you're a damn good mother."
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He took her hand gently in his, pressing his fingers against her wrist, feeling her heartbeat steady as he spoke, "Cause that's who you are Sofia. You're kind and passionate and determined, and full of dreams. You lost your way...but I know you can find it again."
1963 Pt2 - Return to the Carnival
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diaryofme98 · 24 days
Journal Entry #1
I made this blog because I am exhausted of venting on Sumone. I don't want to talk to Fabian directly and be called retarded again but I do want a space to discuss what happened which he can access on his own terms. I am not sure why I want to give him more access to my life. I suppose because we are bonded by what happened in June. I know he saw everything I texted that fake number because of the Ryan thing with the finch app. I know he silently views whatever I give him. I know he stalks me as badly as I stalk him, probably more. I imagine it pissed him off to lose access to my Instagram. And why shouldn't he? The man should have some consequence for stalking me in June.
It is difficult to talk about all of this and express it. I thought in June I was venting to someone safe and in reality Fabian was using everything I told him against me. I'm sure he will use these posts against me too. And it is weird how I don't see... I don't see it as a problem. I never see information as a problem. I want to cut his access to the parts of my life I don't want him viewing. (My Instagram.) But if he wants to view the remnants of the damage from June, so be it. He's welcome to do so.
I need to find a therapist. When I turned 26 I lost my old therapist due to my insurance changing. I need to find a therapist to talk about all of this to. I believe if he did come out here on June from a motorcycle he did so with the intentions of mentally disturbing me. Why would he disguise himself? Why have "his head shaved?" It only makes sense he did this because he wanted to make me believe it was a hallucination. But he can't let it go, either. He weaponizes it. That much is clear from his Instagram. Fabian weaponizes what he did to hurt me. A part of him wants a part of me to remember. Otherwise he would let it go.
I could believe with one or two posts he simply wanted to show off his motorcycle. However. He has been doing this in an obvious pattern and it is displayed through a reaction of what I do. When I mentioned on Sumone him posting about the motorcycle bothers me he did more frequently and switched to videos. He obviously does not want to let it go, either. It is getting closer to the anniversary of June too. I write because I've always written all my life. It is what I know to do. I can document my experiences and use that to help myself. Obviously I can not take any action against Fabian because of being born with schizophrenia. But I can make timelines, I can write down how I felt, I can document my experiences. I know he is a frequent TikTok user. He might have got the idea to leave me the pink index card from tiktok. Because I see videos on there of people being left sweet anonymous cards from people. But in the context of what he did, it isn't sweet. It's hardly even anonymous. It is another ridiculous show of power. A part of me wonders if by documenting my experiences I am not letting it go properly. However, it only happened last year. And I haven't even been able to process it correctly till now because for so long I denied it was real and called it a hallucination.
My hallucinations visually have existed, sure. I have had those. But they have been different. They didn't have so much build up. Before I saw him on a motorcycle, I heard him. He made sure I heard him. When I mistook it for a car he corrected me. He left burn out marks outside Walmart (although that could be someone else.) And the card is another anomaly. I've never had a hallucination with so much placement in reality. I haven't had a visual hallucination so long, so substantial. I remember the glare Fabian gave me. He glared at me like his glare alone could deliver my Death.
The bald cap "shaved head" mess is another thing meant to throw me off and disturb me. I am not sure why I would hallucinate Fabian with his head shaved specifically. Out of my visual hallucinations I've had:
a poster changed so it showed the words 'INCEST'
grins on people's faces that felt evil and malicious
maybe a sign on the back of a girl
These ones were a disruption of reality. They were something small added to an overall larger picture that was really there. However, with the Fabian hallucination, the hallucination with him was the entire thing grounded in reality. He wore a backpack, he had an orange bright colored shirt on (and why wear a bright colored shirt if not to get my attention?), and he made sure to glare at me. The hallucination interacted with me in a way none of my other visual hallucinations have. It feels like a glitch in reality, but it feels real. It just feels like someone doing something strange and weird out of nowhere. As if I was defending my dissertation for a Master's or phD and one of the professors suddenly stripped naked and danced on the table. It would be REAL. But it would be STRANGE. And that is what seeing Fabian in that context was. It was STRANGE. His shaved head was STRANGE. I think back to the photo I saw of Fabian with his head shaved. It is true it does look a little like June, but it does not look entirely like June. It is hard to forget his glare overall. I think about the possibility that I saw someone else that day. And my mind hallucinated a different face. But again, I go back to remembering that glare. I believe he wanted me to remember I'm not sure what creating this diary overall will do. There is a chance Fabian will not even look at it. But given he's stalked everything else, maybe he will. It probably isn't in the format he likes most. I'm not directly texting a fake number. I'm not updating about my day 24/7. I'm healthy. I'm coherent. I'm not rambling on about having telepathy. So I don't know if he will really keep up to date with these blog posts or dismiss them as being boring and not reacting enough. That's fine if I'm boring. At the end of the day I'm just another human being. I'm someone who may have been terribly, terribly fucked with while I was having psychosis. If Fabian did show up on a motorcycle that day... God, he made my psychosis a 100 times worse. I never would have ran away to AVDA if he hadn't done that. I never would have ended up in such a dangerous situation. I only ran to AVDA because I saw him on a motorcycle.
He shaped a lot of how the rest of my year turned out prior to me finding the right medication. My psychosis got so much more fucked up and punishing because I saw him on a motorcycle.
I want to give Fabian the benefit of the doubt and say he didn't do it. I want to say I had another hallucination. Technically, my first ever hallucination visually. The problem is, however, I can't dismiss what he's doing on Instagram. It is a direct change in his behavior from how he posted things before. I just don't know what to think.
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nathank77 · 2 months
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8:18 p.m edited/added to
I kinda like these but they are only available at Avon. I got to call about the frame width since it's not on the site.
I wish it was at the Brass Mill Mall but obviously these are shiny silver frames and I'd prefer a number of other styles but they are cheaper.
I'm still going to the Brass Mill Mall Saturday by 5 p.m..
I feel like the best place to park is by Ihop and enter near the food court. I'm going to do a Google map view (I think it was discontinued) but if it wasn't I'm going to pick an ideal entrance.
Idk what to wear, I don't have much. I mean I'll wear jeans or shorts depending on the weather. Prob my Linkin Park t-shirt. It is still in good condition. As for a hoodie I may wear my Adidas navy blue one with stripes on the arm.
I will wear either my black Adidas high tops or my black and red ones or my black and gold ones depending on weather...
I will buzz my head not shave it, my bald spot will be highly noticeable.... I may shave it clean if I have time. Obviously I'll have my gauges on and idk what glasses yet. I'm thinking my Beau half frames.... but I may wear the Craigs, they'll be here by tomorrow but it depends on how they fit and how much of nerd I feel like I look like... lol
The idea of you showing up, makes me so happy but I'm scared you won't like what you see. I don't have nice clothes. If I could I'd wear a polo, jeans, and may be dress shoes.... but then I wouldn't be authentically me. I could do the dress shoes but not the polo.... it would be a funny combo with a t shirt or hoodie anyways.
I mean, you're so beautiful and I know we can't talk about tumblr or anything. I know we are going to run into eachother and start completely fresh, but I just want to be easily findable. I'll be wearing my silver guages. My black ones are mia at the moment. I don't have them...
I know we are starting as friends but I want you to think I look clean and nice. You're so gorgeous, please be a talker. I'm going to be star struck. I'm just going to stare at you and talk awkwardly and nervously.
I don't entirely expect you to be there, but I know I'm looking for the girl of my dreams. I know you're an almost 6 feet tall fox. And I'm going to be like super nerdy and awkward.
I know you're used to me talking a lot and I will once I stop being like omg I can't believe she's here... I'm hoping I see you before lens crafters, that's why I'm picking a different entrance. I may smoke a cigarette outside that entrance.
Don't be surprised if I can't talk and I just stare. It'll wear off. I won't faint but I'll be in shock.
I think that's the plan. I'll get there at 5 p.m, have a cigarette outside that entrance or near my car. I'll walk into the food court, and look around. Then I may go straight to lens crafters.... I don't exactly want to meet you at that store, cause I'm going to be a man on a mission, and talk to employees although I'd love to go there with you once the initial shock wears off and you can help me pick my frames. Then we can sit outside or at the food court and talk.
Idk. I don't entirely expect the girl of my dreams to show up, but if you do, star struck is the best description for how I'll act. I'm very awkward in person.
I'm only going to lens crafters. Other than the outside entrance and the food court. Otherwise if I don't see you once I finish my business at lens crafters which could take a hour if I actually find good frames, I'm going to leave.
I hope you're there. Please excuse how awkward I'll be and my attire. And my face and my height. I'll trim my beard cause something tells me you want me to keep it shorter idk why...
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the-unseen1 · 7 months
The Seeker and the mysterious Stranger (Part 1 of 7)
Part 1: That one strange guy who suddenly turned up, telling weird stories about mohawks
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Deep within a dark forest, the Seeker sits alone on a bench. He has been waiting there, since a very long time. His absent gaze, staring into the nothingness, is suddenly interrupted, as he hears a voice that seems familiar and unknown at the same time:
“I'm sorry for taking this long,” the mysterious stranger speaks with a calm voice.
“Do I happen to know you,” the Seeker asks confused. Their head remains unmoved.
“No,” the mysterious stranger chuckles. “But it's about time. Do you mind, if I sit right next to you?”
The Seeker keeps their stare undeterred. “I have reserved this spot for someone else. Find yourself a different bench.”
Despite the Seekers request, the mysterious stranger places himself next to them.
“...Why are you even asking, if you sit down anyway,” the annoyed Seeker sighs with a puzzled face.
The mysterious stranger clears his throat: “Have you ever heard the story of the sick man, searching for a healer with a Mohawk?”
“No... Like... What even is this question? And why are you still sitting here... Get the Fuck away from here...”
“There was a man who was suffering,” the mysterious stranger begins his monologue undeterred. “He longed for a cure, so he consulted an oracle. 'Look for the healer who wears a Mohawk hairstyle,' said the oracle. 'He alone will be able to heal you.'
So the Sick Man went out looking for the healer with the Mohawk. He visited every village, searched under every stone and behind every tree. But nowhere did he find the healer with the Mohawk. Years passed and one day he heard of a hermit on a mountain who could cure any disease. No one knew what he looked like and the Sick Man hoped the hermit wore a Mohawk. So he climbed the mountain and found the hermit in a lonely hut. When the sick man saw the hermit, he was disappointed because they turned out to be bald. The hermit asked the sick man why he had undertaken the arduous journey. The sick man told him about his suffering, about the oracle and his long search.
'I know where you will find the one who can heal you,' said the hermit. 'But my wisdom comes at a price. My head is bald and at night it gets cold up here. Donate me some of your hair and I will show you the way.' The sick man was willing to pay any price, so he allowed the hermit to cut his hair. The hermit shaved the patient's hair on the left and right sides. However he did not touch the hair in the middle. 'Now go to the fish pond over there,' spoke the hermit. 'There you will find the one who can heal you.'
The sick man could hardly wait. He ran to the pond and looked into the reflecting water. Finally, he found the one wearing a Mohawk.
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'Can you free me from my suffering?' he asked the fish in the water."
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The Seeker remains unmoved. “Ok... Very funny joke... Will you leave now?”
“Let me ask you, dear Seeker... How far did you ever get by waiting?”
For a moment the Seeker is lost in thought. When did they tell the stranger their name? They shake their head: “I'm waiting for a teacher, who will show me the path. So get lost... I don't have time for your silly shenanigans.”
Suddenly the mysterious stranger burst out in laughter. After noticing, that the Seeker doesn't join his laughter, his face turns serious: “Wait... You are actually serious, aren't you? I'm sorry to break it to you, but this teacher you are waiting for, will never come.”
“You can't know this for sure,” the Seeker argues offended. “My teacher could arrive any minute now.”
“Why do you need a teacher to lead you on your path,” the mysterious stranger questions. “It's your life, it's your path, it's your journey. Which teacher knows you so well, that they can navigate you?”
The Seeker grins condescendingly. “You can't fool me. I can see right through you. You will now be telling me, that you are the teacher, I have been waiting for. I am not falling for any of these tricks!”
The mysterious stranger smirks. “Ah, you got me all wrong. I don't want to be your teacher. I don't want to be your leader, your guru, your doctor, or your Mailman...”
“...Mailman?” The Seeker asks confused.
The stranger continues undeterred: “I have no interest whatsoever to play the role of your guide. I just simply want to be your friend. Two equals, who want to undertake the same journey. Walking side by side. Two friends, who share the same dreams, concerns and goals. Finding out the path together.”
“So you don't know the path either,” the Seeker concludes disappointed. “I'd rather continue sitting here, waiting until someone comes, who actually knows where to go.”
“Alright,” says the mysterious stranger. “I will wait here with you.”
“There's no need for you to stay here,” the Seeker urges with a nervous smile. “You go ahead. I'll be alright on my own. Nevertheless... I have enjoyed this 'interesting' conversation... Goodbye now.”
“Nah,” the stranger answers unmoved. “When your teacher appears, I'll get up... So while we are waiting here, do you want to hear another joke or should we rather discuss the fate of Humanities self-destructive patterns?”
For a short moment there is an awkward eye contact between the Seeker and the Stranger. Suddenly, the Seeker breaks the silence:
“...The fate of what....?!”
It was at exactly this moment, that the Seeker realized, that they were trapped.
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flawsfroot00 · 1 year
By: Elgen Ricaforte
I can truly relate to the saying "A grandfather is someone you can look up to no matter how tall you grow" because my grandfather is still as loving and caring as he was when I was a child. I consider him my second father because he takes care of me when my parents are not present. He looks after me when I'm sick and joins in on whatever I'm doing for fun. I don't mind staying with him because I feel at ease with him, and he never fails to entertain me. The time we spend with our families is priceless, so make the most of it. Here's how I spend my time with my grandfather.
Our neighborhood knows my grandfather as a skilled carpenter. When I was a child, I would occasionally accompany him to work at a building site and be in awe of what he accomplishes. I always follow him everywhere he goes, and that is when my passion in carpentry first emerged. I gradually acquired all the construction-related tools, and he showed me how to use them. He built the most of the houses in our area alone or with my meager aid in addition to his.
Besides being a skilled carpenter, he is also well-known for his excellent fishing at the port. I find it amazing that he hardly ever misses a day of fishing at the port. He sometimes takes me along, so I have to get up early because he departs right when the port opens at 5 a.m. My cousin occasionally joins us when he visits us on vacation, which makes it more enjoyable. My grandfather is a very talented fisherman, which motivated me to do my best as well. Surprisingly, with his help, I am getting better.
He also teaches me a lot of things at home, such as how to maintain our roof and walls and how to keep the front yard, backyard, and other areas of the house clean. Other than that, I always provide a helping hand without hesitation when he asks me to shave his hair. He frequently requests me to shave his head since he prefers to keep it bald and tells me a lot of stories as he does so. He shares stories with me about his Korean War veteran father. The bravery of his father, my great grandfather, and his entire unit, the 10th Battalion Combat Team, who initially supported the South Koreans during the North Korean invasion, never ceases to astound me as I listen to his stories.
The times I spent with him are precious that is why I treated them accordingly. I hope you too are doing the same because when an unexpected thing will happen you might regret it. I realised that we need to spend time with our grandparents because we dont know when they will leave us. I will try my best to do things that will make them proud of me. For that reason I am doing my best with my studies so that during my graduation they will accompany me to the stage to recieve my awards.
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221brownstone · 7 years
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opheliabits  #fbf to that moment @jonnylmiller & his kidneys were totally #zen ✌️ #om #ilovepuns @elementaryofficial #elementarycbs #elementary #flashbackfriday #nyc
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