#why bother to do that when you know other fans won't be interested + won't engage with it
No, I have no interest in watching the remainder of Helluva Boss season two.
I can tolerate a bad adult cartoon, trust me, I've sat through plenty of godawful shows. But Helluva Boss is one of those rare shows that genuinely keeps finding new ways to piss me off.
It'd be one thing if the show was flawed but had some positive aspects to balance out those flaws, but it just doesn't.
Yeah, the animation is pretty, but so what? That doesn't change the fact that the writing is awful beyond belief.
And look, I'm not one of those guys who's all like "Ugh, this sucks. I could do better" because I understand that getting any project off the ground isn't a simple thing to achieve. It's a miracle that half the projects that get green lit see the light of day.
So no, I'm not "jealous" of Viv, I just think this show is terrible.
The fact that the entire narrative now revolves around Stolas is baffling. I get that shows evolve overtime, but having everything revolve around Stolas and his relationship with Blitzo kind of makes me wonder why Viv even bothered with the assassins for hire pitch.
But then again, Viv is constantly giving up on her main story premises in favor of ship teasing and fan service.
Remember when Hazbin Hotel was supposed to be about a hotel that sinners would go to to get redeemed? Because Viv doesn't!
Furthermore, unlike Hazbin Hotel, I don't think Helluva Boss' narrative could be salvaged by other writers. As we're two seasons in and the Stolas narrative doesn't leave much room for of an endgame.
All the villains are so cartoonishly evil and one note that it's tough to see any of them as a threat. There is never a point where you truly believe that Stolas and Blitzo won't end up together by the end and the series doesn't seem to be building up towards anything.
Oh, and for any Viv fan who's going to respond with the "Don't like it don't watch" argument in the comments and reblogs, I just want to say that you should apply that argument to all the shows and movies that you dislike.
It's easy to use that argument when it comes to defending shows you like from criticism, but we all know you don't do the same for the stuff you hate.
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eldritch-spouse · 2 months
Jayde falling into a parasocial relationship and an obsession with a late night radio hostess, when he's doing those night hours while everyone else in the sloth mansion is asleep or dozing off. Thinking that those messages are just for him in that seductive voice.
[Fem reader. Not full parasocial delusion yet, but it'll get there.]
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Everyone in Sloth "goes to bed" much earlier than in the other Rings. If you can even call it that, considering royals have the privilege to rot in their rooms all day -Honestly, Jayde doesn't know how they don't fuse to the mattress- Regardless, his point is that days are therefore much shorter, and his window to be productive is very small, enough so that he has to spend it running, so he can maximize results.
But it's worth it, he thinks to himself as he turns the corner to settle down at a small table in a balcony, because he gets to listen to your show without being bothered by anyone.
The view is nice too, he can listen to your sweet, lulling voice as he looks down onto the dimly lit streets of Sloth and pretends you're out there somewhere.
Jayde can't imagine you get many listeners at this hour, probably only people like him tune in, the residents of this Ring who aren't slothful or can't afford to rest at these hours. Besides, he's going to be real, not everyone likes hearing segments about the economy of Sloth. Jayde does, it's part of his job, and a greedy one's duty.
The imp lets himself curve on his seat, elbows on the table, head in his hands, a thin tail swatting while he waits for you to get done purring your introductions. He's really looking forward to tonight's show. You said you'd be doing something special a week ago, a personal Questions and Answers segment right at the end of the show.
Apparently, you've garnered a sizable portion of fans, something that seemed to baffle you when you mentioned it live -Which is puzzling to Jayde, you're clearly extremely charismatic, this was inevitable- And they're all very eager to learn more about their favorite radio host.
But honestly, they're a bit late to the party. Jayde is anything except lazy, so he already got his hands on the dough and figured out a good chunk of your personal information. Jayde knows your full name, your age, he's this close to pinpointing your residency here on Sloth, he's dug through a few of your pretty barren social media accounts to acquire one whole picture of you too.
Honestly, he wishes you had gone for a more modern alternative to radio. Not because he dislikes it, not at all- In fact, Jayde thinks you're passionate and unique to stick to such a traditional and well-loved medium. It feels... Intimate, even. It's just that it's so hard to gleam anything deeper about you when your presence online is so diminished.
He supposes this Q&A will come in handy.
Which is why he submitted more than a few questions for the occasion.
You won't mind that, right? If some of those questions happen to be a little bit more personal, than that's fine, right? After all, you're so down to Earth when you speak to your audience, so level, so close. Jayde thinks of you as an old friend that's always there when things are starting to head down the drain. He pictures you sitting next to him, with your endless wisdom and always updated views on the state of the world, and those pretty eyes. He imagines how they shine when your tone rises in excitement as you cover a particularly interesting topic.
And Jayde likes to think that maybe you'd be interested in knowing a few tidbits about Sloth. More exclusive things only someone in his position could give you...
Jayde could give you a lot of things, actually.
You're not struggling financially, he knows this, but you also can't afford some of the things he regularly helps himself to. He knows this because he's helped out your radio before, hefty amounts, under the pseudonym of "Viridis", which you lovingly call out to in thanks the next night. You respond to these quantities of money that are trivial to him like they're some kind of Lord-send.
And Jayde feels warm inside.
Because the imp knows he could have you starstruck with a few gifts he's thought of. Maybe one day you'll start accept donations through mail, or something similar... Lords, how he'd really love to meet you one day. He bets he can, if he words the request well enough when he reaches out with his next donation.
As for now, he's content to look at that one picture of you he managed to find while he listens to you get through your segments, enjoying his coffee.
" And now, well, I really can't put this off anymore, can I? I thought about doing a break before this, but I'd probably lose my nerve, hah. "
His posture straightens.
" So welcome everyone, to a very special segment! Tonight, I'll be answering all the questions you lovely folk have sent in throughout the week! And my, I have to admit I have quite the bulk of them sitting here on my inbox, hoo boy- Buckle up, it's about to get real embarrassing real fast. "
" But I'm committed to it, because I love you people, and I've gotten to know many of you during these nights, so why not give a little bit of myself in return? "
Jayde's chest feels warm, like it's melting.
" So don't ever say I never did anything nice for you... "
The first few questions unfurl, detailing mostly things Jayde already knew, though he's quick to scramble for his notepad when you talk about your favorite food, favorite movie genre and one of your hobbies. Precious information.
He's looking up how much it costs to maintain said hobby when you move on to the next one.
" Ah, this one here is funny. Someone asked- Would you ever date an imp? "
If Jayde's heart wasn't lodged tightly in his throat before, it is now.
He asked that one.
" Honestly, I don't see what the fuss in ranks is all about. People, we aren't living in medieval times anymore, where you have to marry the same race and the same rank, what would I care if my partner is an imp? I'm not even a demon, that doesn't matter to me! "
" So long as they make me happy, you know? Yeah, I'd date an imp. "
He laughs, damn near cackles on the balcony.
Jayde springs up from his seat and fists the air wildly, beaming in victory.
" YES! " He shouts, immediately remembering where he is and doing the walk of shame back to his seat.
It had been a concern tugging at his heart strings for a while, the thought of you rejecting him due to his rank. Now that that's not an issue, he almost feels overqualified.
Or maybe he's just high from that one little victory.
" I'll tell you more- I have a friend of mine who actually dated an imp for the longest time and they had such a good time together, she felt much safer than she did with some high-rankers who had tossed her eyes. "
" I don't know guys, I think people make way too much of a big deal about this. "
Yes. Yes, they do.
But you're not like them. Jayde knows you're so much better.
There's some silence from your part.
" Huh... There's a few of these. "
The greedy imp's smile wobbles. Yeah, Jayde might have overdone it with the romantic questions.
" What's your ideal date, someone asks- Hmm, well I can't really say I have a very defined idea in mind! Sometimes you get the best moments of your life in totally random circumstances, right? I guess, maybe,... "
Jayde readies his pen.
This Q&A thing is really useful, you should do these segments more often.
Tonight's really going to help when you two plan your first date.
He's asked enough questions that it just can't go wrong!
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batmanego · 1 year
one of the most common things i hear when trying to get people to read comics is that they're just not that into batman. which boggles my mind! not because i'm a huge batman fan -- which i am, but i can understand why people might not be interested in his comics -- but because it's insane to me that batman (or superman, or wonder woman, or any other dc superhero they've made a movie about) is people's default perception of dc superheroes.
there's a whole world out there! and if you're intimidated by the big superheroes, or uninterested in their stories, or even if you like them but you're looking for something different, this is the guide for you. without further ado, i present:
to nobody's surprise, doom patrol is first on my list of recommendations. it's a comic book about a group of disabled people who have been labeled freaks, weirdos, or otherwise undesirable by society, coming together to save a world that doesn't care about them because there has to be beauty in it somewhere.
good for: well, i'll let the introduction quote do the talking. “remember when all the other kids on the block had superman and batman as positive role modes? well, if you could only identify with a human brain in a metal body or a guy wrapped up in bandages, and if you grew up weird, welcome home. you’re among friends now.”
read doom patrol here. trigger warnings for: ableism, child sexual abuse, medical abuse, transphobia.
hellblazer is a 300 issue long comic book, mostly comprised of dogshit stories by dogshit writers. i am recommending it because i genuinely think the first 41 issues are art. please do not do as i did and read all of hellblazer. you won't survive the experience. ok? ok.
hellblazer is a comic about aging punk magician/occultist john constantine trying desperately to sort out his life in late 80s london while constantly being beset by poor life choices, poverty, and also lots and lots and lots and lots of demons.
good for: punks, anarchists, fans of the occult, enemies of aleister crowley, anyone who has a personal vendetta against margaret thatcher.
read hellblazer here, BUT STOP READING AFTER THE FIRST 41 ISSUES OK? trigger warnings for: literally almost everything you can imagine, but specifically discussions of child sexual abuse are prominent in the original sins run. also, it was written by a white man in the 80s, so it suffers from "white man in the 80s" syndrome.
3. WILDCATS (1999)
"FERRIS", some of you comic book knowers cry, "WILDCATS IS WILDSTORM NOT DC". to that i say Shut the fuck up DC acquired the rights to the wildstorm universe it's close e-fucking-nough.
wildcats 1999 is about cole cash (a conman and ex-special ops man), hadrian 7 (an alien robot posing as a human named jack marlowe), and noir (a bisexual ex-arms dealer from france who talks in the third person) picking up the pieces of the OLD wildcats team after they all found out they were soldiers in a war that ended before most of them were born and nobody bothered to tell them, and trying to 1) run a company and 2) save the world.
good for: people who hate the military, tacky sci-fi fans, anyone who wishes guys would suck more, anyone interested in the horrors of war.
read wildcats 1999 here.
"ferris i want to leave wildstorm" too fucking bad. we're talking about sleeper right now.
sleeper is about holden carver, an undercover agent in the world's largest underground crime organization/network, who gets stuck undercover when his handler (the only guy who knows he's undercover and not just a traitor) gets shot and put in a coma. it is about grappling with your own morality, losing faith in your ideals, and (like most wildstorm properties), how war is a pointless exercise in horror.
good for: fans of spy thrillers, evil women enjoyers, evil men enjoyers, anyone who has ever thought they could make someone worse, people who want bad things to happen to people in power.
read sleeper season 1 here, and then sleeper season 2 here. trigger warnings for pedophilia (the pedophile gets beat to death in issue 2), homophobia, and child abuse.
stop crying we're almost done with wildstorm. the authority is a comic book about 6 super-people (who are very loose parodies of the justice league) forming a self-described "anarchist cell" to operate against the wishes and outside the influence of earth's governments to defend the planet against extraterrestrial threats and handle human rights violations.
good for: political science fans, good sci-fi enjoyers, people who think batman and superman should have kissed instead of making a million movies, people in polyamorous six-ples.
read the authority here. trigger warning for "this writer probably shouldn't have written this asian nation like this", homophobia, sexual abuse.
hey, remember how i was talking about wildcats? imagine the same sort of themes of wildcats (the horrors of war, the effects of being in the military, american imperialism, what it means to be a hero or even a good person), and then apply them to the worst group of people you've ever had the displeasure of being in the same room as, and they all fucking hate each other. suicide squad is about a bunch of incarcerated villains being "recruited" (forced) into working hero-missions for the government, because nobody will miss them if they die.
good for: villain apologists, people who (in the immortal words of hack/slash) think "there just aren't enough big mean women in comics", and this guy:
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[ID: a comment on read comics online by “the king of anime” reading, “I want to give this a try would it be worth it”. end ID.]
read suicide squad here. trigger warning for, again "white man in the 80s syndrome", along with... probably pretty much everything else imaginable (it's been a while since i read this!)
7. STARMAN (1994)
starman is a story told with the drama of a theater production about jack knight, a late-20s to early-30s punk antiques dealer who gets the mantle of starman (a well-known superhero from the golden age) thrust upon him suddenly. it is a story about legacy, family duties, identity, and most importantly about being kind of a loser who gets shot at all the fucking time.
good for: sci-fi fans who are too proud to admit they also like fantasy, rock opera listeners, family disappointments, single fathers.
read starman here. trigger warning for sexual assault.
"ferris you said no batman" i did. i did not say no batman villains.
arkham city: the order of the world focuses on some of batman's lesser-known foes, and the fallout of arkham asylum collapsing. i can't really explain it more than that, but it is good and legitimately unnerving at times.
good for: horror fans, enemies of the psychiatric system, villain enjoyers, people who live in new york city.
read arkham city: the order of the world here.
9. THE SHADE (1997) and THE SHADE (2012)
hey, remember starman? want a series about the old immortal victorian man with an "ambiguous sexuality" from it? okay. the shade (1997) follows his origins: specifically, his long-standing beef with one specific family. the shade (2012) is a sort of cross-country whodunnit as the shade tries to track down who is trying (and failing) to murder him.
good for: bisexual enjoyers, dramatic theater kids, vampire fans, goths, people who would have fucked lord byron given the opportunity.
read the shade (1997) here, and the shade (2012) here.
10. METAL MEN (2007)
lastly (but not least), a comic featuring will magnus from doom patrol. metal men (2007) is... a complicated story. it's about robots? it's about being mentally ill. it's about a guy who is so divorced forever. it's about being a little loser guy. it's about time travel, and terrible relationships with your brother. it's hard to describe. but it's fun.
good for: bad sci-fi enjoyers, people who can understand the timeline of looper, robot fans, anyone who has ever been consumed by a desire to create.
read metal men (2007) here.
not included in this list because batman is there, i encourage everyone to have a look at the original justice league international series. it is a superhero comedy. it is silly and stupid and i love it.
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emojellyace08 · 9 months
Lookism Men x Female Reader "Their types on a woman" PART 4
Thanks for the request @chocolatemilk1221! You have already read my mind that I was going to do a Samuel and DG one. And yes, I'll make a part 5 and 6 of this (if possible). Genre: Fluff☁️and slight lime (not too explicit) Warnings: Mature themes
Samuel Seo (Seo Seon Geun)
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I honestly think that Samuel's not even into dating because he doesn't find anyone interesting (he's in love with himself bbg).
He probably had one night stands with anybody but he'll just forget or brush it off later on. That's it. (Headcannon: Samuel likes women who are a bit older than him (1 year age gap example)
Also doesn't like whiny and noisy girls. It annoys the hell out of him.
Samuel likes women who are matured in thinking but not too boring (just like Gun).
He also likes it when their someone hypes him up but not really like cheerleaders and obsessed fan girls who will scream his name from the top of their lungs. But if their gf believes in him on what's he's doing and genuinely showers him lots of compliments without sugar-coating it too much, he'll smirk at this feeling amused and good for himself. For example: "Your hair looks good today". or "You actually fight good". Compliments like this can soothe Samuel's inferiority complex so give him lots of positive comments about himself. He won't say too much or he'll just grin at you (he loves it so much).
And his ideal type is someone who will do anything to strive for success. A someone that is passionate about the things she loves doing can strike Samuel's attention. It makes him less feel alone since he himself is too obsessed with power. But you just wanting to do something for a living just to provide yourself can make him kind of confused with people like you. A woman with a normal lifestyle? It kind of bothers him a bit. Samuel is often surrounded with women who are either abusive, just cares about hooking up or is just plain boring for him (well except for the girls who work in the Big Deal street though he doesn't care much). But he can feel it when someone who's actually genuine and kind, so it can probably soften his tough interior. He also wonders why some women just don't care about money and power and just wants to go to the flow and live a normal life. (Like not that money is not important but y'know what I mean). It's probably because he never got to experience a loving family, so having a soft girlfriend can make him a bit relaxed and composed.
But you gotta keep this man calm since his emotions get in the way sometimes. He finds it annoying sometimes and he'll probably curse at you for minding other's business, but if he sees you cry or hurt it can make him feel guilty about the things he had said to you ( I don't really like this kind of attitude or condone emotional abuse). Samuel will try to make it up to you though like saying the word which he'll rarely say "Sorry". He's not the type to be apologetic to others even if he's being an asshole and knows that what he's doing is wrong, but seeing you being upset about him brings back his insecurities of about feeling like a failure. So he'll genuinely apologize to you (it may sound cold sometimes but you can feel it when he's actually sorry). Will cuddle and fuck on the bed with you especially on cold weathers. He's not really good with showing his love but as soon as he gets used to it, he'll even insist to kiss you on the cheek (in private of course). Will also beat the sh*t out of everyone who tries to mess with you.
If Samuel is a red flag, he needs a wifey who's a green flag. Getting into a relationship with Sammy is challenging since he's still adjusting from it. But opposites do attract after all.
James Lee/DG (Kang Dag Yeom)
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Another one who just don't give a damn about dating especially now that he's a K-Pop star. I headcannon that he doesn't have romantic experiences or relationships since he's too focused about taking down the Kings of First Gen. But he's more emotionally normal than the others (Gun, Goo, Samuel) that's why he's more affectionate.
DG likes women who are also matured regardless if they're younger or older than him (HE DOESN'T LIKE MINORS OKAY. For example just 1 or 2 years age gap). As we see, DG's mostly calm all the times. So having the same partner with a soft edge can make him peak his interest. You'll probably met him as his new identity and lucky for you if you're his manager. "Hello DG how you doing?" "Just fine I guess." Also likes it when their crush give him acts of service. For example giving him snacks (even if he's not initiating or asking you to go get him some), asking him if he's okay especially in long-timed travels, and just doing your job, protecting him and being polite with others can catch his attention.
If he really likes a woman, he would make it obvious but not in public though. Treating you with fancy gifts and dates and lowkey flirting with you just to see your reaction (if he really feels like you're a really good person and not just using him for money or for his looks). And if you like it, oh girl his playful attitude won't stop until you finally confess to him and the rest will be history. He also likes women who can be easily trusted. If you have build a strong connection with DG, he might tell you his problems that's been lingering his mind for a while. But if you break his trust, he'll just cut off his connection with you not caring if you're hurt (sorry it may sound rude but I feel like DG likes ghosting others who just shitted on him lol).
And if you met him before he's known as DG, you'll be really lucky if you're classmates with James. Not only because you have a handsome classmate, but also an award-stealer making fan girls drool over him.
Headcannon: James secretly likes competitive women. He's really amused how you still haven't given up to be on the top just to prove him that you can do better than what you're doing now. So just imagine being enemies with James but you and him actually have secret romantic feelings for one another (enemies to lovers trope). "I already beat you in poetry why won't you just give up?" "SHUT UP YOU JUST WON BECAUSE YOU'RE HOT!" "So you think I'm hot? Well, just admit it Y/N you're secretly cheering for me to be number one again". "SHUT THE FU-" But he doesn't like the super cocky ones either. He's not a fan of boastful people because he knows he can beat them without trying.
James also likes women who are super responsible like finishing their homeworks on time. He will also feel when you're being burned out with studies (he's actually nice sometimes).
"Studying again?" James asked as he can clearly tell that you're stressed for the final exams. "It's none of your business" you replied bluntly which makes him smirk. "Of course it is" he replied back with a sassy tone on his voice making you close your text book. "You know what. Why the hell are you even talking to me? You're so fucking good at everything but you think that I would just hit on you because you're hot? Or you just like tormenting people so much that you can't fucking leave me alone?" you replied annoyingly making him question if he's hurting you. He likes teasing you not going to lie. And he's not sorry for ruining people's lives especially with other people who tries to bring him down. He knows he's the best at everything. Singing, dancing, martial arts, art, poetry and literature, mathematics, you name it. He always thought that women are just a waste of time and they only care about making themselves look pretty but you proved him wrong. When you do things with passion and care, you not giving up on your dreams not because you want to feel validated by others but to explore what you can do in life, it has always fascinated him. Pinning his down to the wooden desk, he leaned closer to you while you backed out and refusing to make eye contact making your stomach twist not because of disgust but because you're nervous. You secretly liked James for a while, you admit that he's hot but also because you idolized him for being a good student as much as you don't want to admit it. He inspires you to do better in life and doing your best even if sometimes it's not enough. And he likes you for being a wholesome person and not giving up despite when others try to bring you down. "You know what Y/N, as much as I hate to tell it to you, you have always fascinated me. Even when there are times when you can't win, why can't you just give up? It may sound rude but even when you're desperate for success sometimes, you just won't let others even myself bring you down. Most people can't handle me so seeing you resist makes you even more interesting". (And the rest is history ;) But! if you haven't met him for God knows for so long and him breaking up with you (because he doesn't want to involve you with his gangster life) and meeting him again in his new identity can be a little weird. Why does a pop star know you? Did he stalk your social accounts? "Hey who the hell are you?" you asked the hooded man who have been following you when you bought your snacks and groceries at the local family mart. "Relax, it's just me" you heard a familiar voice as he removes the hoodie that's been hiding his beautiful face. "James Lee?" "Yup it's been so long Y/N". he replied with a smile making you run into him hugging his taller form making him laugh as you rumbled why did he followed you without even introducing himself making you freaked out. "I just missed you. I was just buying some stuff too but then I noticed you. I can't remove my hood because of stalkers so I tried reaching out to you but you kept running away". He explained as you pulled his hoodie back down "Stalkers..." "Yup".
James like interesting, trust-worthy and nice women in general. But you gotta adjust from calling him DG because you don't want to expose his secrets ;)
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 10 months
Yandere! Theatre actor x gn! Technical team! reader
GOD I MISS WRITING Also, I'm going to put names now. It's going to be confusing if I only used pronouns (just for me though, dunno 'bout yall!) Yandere! artist name: Arlen Yandere! dragon name: Vincent TW: Your usual yandere stuff, suggestive tones.
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The actor lived for most of his life being praised for his talents. He's a talented man who can act, sing, and dance. He can memorize scripts as easy as breathing. He yearns for the spotlight, for the attention. He wants everyone's eyes on him.
Ignatius always heard of how stereotypical he was as a theatre kid, but he didn't care. All he wanted was to relish in the praises that was given to him as he entertained them with his genius. At first, he didn't care on who gives him attention. As long as he gets it, he's good. It was like his food and water, his sustenance, his reason to live. After all, being ignored by his parents all his life was enough of a reason to find attention from other people, right?
But his life shifted once he met you.
You're from the IT department in your University, then heard that the Theatre troupe needed a technical team asap. So you, with your friends, decided to apply for the job since it's extra credits and there's actually money from it. You're not one for theatrics, so plays didn't really interest you. You prefer movies really.
So because of this, you didn't give Ignatius the attention he wanted.
At first, Ignatius was okay with this. I mean, there's tons of people who can give him what he wants. He has a lot of loving and adoring fans after all.
But he's so bothered by the fact that you clapped a decibel or two lower than others, cheered softer than the others, and your eyes didn't shine with absolute adoration.
It was eating him alive.
Why was he so bothered by it? He wants to lash out at you, to shake your shoulders and to take you to the optometrist to get your eyes checked. Why weren't you cheering for him?!
You did, you absolutely did. But it's not enough for him. It's never enough.
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Lights blinding, music so profound as it pounded away at his ears. Then with an inhale of oxygen, he started to sing. Ignatius' voice reverberated around the stage and into the audiences' heart as he sang a ballad disguised as a lament. His character was singing of a life could have been outside of his boring life before he died, about a life where he was Monique Gibeau, a hooker with heart of black charcoal. Ignatius embodied the character so well that people felt sentimental about their own lives of what could have been. He was that good of an actor. Yet, Ignatius' eyes only zeroed on you as you made sure that the instrumental didn't go wrong, or the spotlight remained on him, or that the lights didn't suddenly go off.
He wanted your gaze on his body as he danced on stage seductively, acting like a lustful hooker who always have something eventful happening in their life. No, in that moment, he is one, and he's craving one person and one person only, like how he craves opium.
Yet that person won't give him the time of the day, and the thought made him shiver. In excitement? Anger? Who knows what's going on his mind as he swayed his hips and his singing voice hit a note he usually finds difficult, with ease. And then, your eyes met him.
He shivered once more, biting back a moan as he finished his piece. Everyone erupted in great applause, including you. Yet, still, a decibel or two lower.
When did Ignatius get this needy? He doesn't want your attention, he needs it. Desperately.
And as he let the pleasure of having your attention on him sink in, he swore he'll do anything to get you to cheer for him, and only him.
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I'm gonna do this right Show you I'm not moving
Your legs desperately pushed itself beyond its capabilities as you ran away. Your sweat marring your face as your heart pumped frantically. Your heartbeat overwhelmed you, but despite that, you can hear Ignatius' sweet voice sing a song from a recent role he got.
Wherever you go, I won't be far to follow Oh, I'm gonna love you so
Your loud breaths that your lungs produced from gulping air that it desperately needs echoed through the theatre hall. Your back was wet from sweat, and your front was wet with tears as you held back hiccups. You couldn't tell where Ignatius is at all. But your senses drank the affectionate words Ignatius is singing. It's supposed to be sweet, until you remembered how he killed half of the theatre troupe and landed half on the hospital from food poisoning.
It was a humble pie, deep dish even. To celebrate the new play they adapted. But they don't know he put an ungodly amount of Thallium in it. You didn't get to eat at all since you reasoned you were allergic to the pie. Of course Ignatius knew this. How could he not?
He needed to know who he was dealing with, of course. Whose attention he was desperate for.
You'll learn what I already know I love you means you're never, ever, ever getting rid of me
He didn't like it when you didn't praise him, or didn't fawn over him like others. He absolutely hated it when you're so amicable towards others. So he had to do whatever it takes to solo your attention. He was so desperate for it.
When did his desperation turned to love? Even if you ask Ignatius, he won't know the answer at all. When was the line blurred? He also doesn't know. Not like you can answer him when he's desperately chasing you with chloroform and rope in his hands.
You slumped down in the Technical booth up top the theatre. The key to the door was clutched tightly in your hand. Grazing the palm and cutting it. The blood trickled down to your arm, making a faded red stream as your other hand covered your trembling mouth.
You can try, oh, but I I love you means you're never, ever, ever getting rid of me
You suddenly got aware of how much of a bad idea it was to be locked up here in the booth. You have no exit, just the stairs that you swore creaked in all its metal glory. As if heavy footsteps stomped on it. He was close.
The door rattled for a bit, before it was kicked open. You screamed in terror as Ignatius obsessed eyes landed on yours. He grinned widely as he stalked towards you.
You cannot escape.
I can try, but I I love you means you're never, ever, ever getting rid of me
Just give him the attention he desperately needs.
You don't have a choice.
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Okay I just need to say that I knew I'd like this Tailstube as soon as I saw the thumbnail (after all, I am a Sonadails enjoyer, and Tails is literally in the middle of them in the thumbnail)
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But I think probably something that stood out the most to me when I watched it was just
The hints that Shadow and Tails have a relationship outside of Sonic??
The first thing that tipped me off to this was that not only did Tails convince Shadow to join in on his show, he also convinced him to stick around to its natural end?? You know, Shadow. The guy you can't force to do anything and frequently will just dip if he's bored or doesn't want to be there. But even while Sonic was annoying him and he made it clear he wanted the "interview" over with, he still never made a move to chaos control out of there because of any of this.
And the second thing that tipped me off was this:
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When Shadow is both confused and annoyed at Sonic, he chooses to complain to Tails about Sonic. And so Tails steps in to try to "explain" what Sonic meant by what he said (i.e he told Shadow something much nicer in the interest of getting them to be on better terms). The fact that he looks to Tails to complain to about Tails' own best friend and possibly even to explain that which he does not understand in a social context tells me just how highly he regards Tails. And since both Shadow and Sonic are being childish here, it's amusing to see Tails regarded as something closer to a trusted figure with more power here.
From an objective analysis standpoint, of course this means they have their own friendship. And this is a prospect I enjoy (The idea that Tails and Shadow are good friends)! It actually means a lot to me that Tails could form a frienship or bond with Shadow outside of the context of Sonic (in terms of who initiates it and for what reason it's initiated).
But, my friends, from a biased standpoint, I'm shipping trash. And to me this Tailstube was a fun show for Sonadails fans. Honestly, Tails staging this episode to get Sonic and Shadow to talk and "bury the hatchet", as well as how he acts during the show, read a lot to me personally like a guy trying to get his two boyfriends (who happen to be rivals) to get on better terms, if not just tolerate each other. I quite like the idea of Tails dating both of these idiots and just trying to get them to play nice when they're all together (although frankly I think the ideal scenario for Tails in my biased reading is that Sonic and Shadow get together as well).
This is also not to mention the dynamics showcased here! Sonic and Tails as best friends, with Sonic assuming that he and Tails were gonna talk shit about Shadow behind his back, and Tails trying to get him to play nicer. Shadow and Tails as friends, with Tails trying to convince him why he and Sonic are in the perfect position to become friends and helping him out socially, and with Shadow choosing to do something he doesn't want to because of Tails, as well as looking to Tails to complain to when Sonic is annoying him or when he doesn't understand something. And then there's Sonic and Shadow. In short, their relationship in this episode reminded me a lot of the dynamic I plotted out for that Sonadow post I wrote up where the two just beat the crap out of each other. In slightly longer terms, I find interesting how Mr. Flynn maintained Sonic and Shadow's dynamic during SA2 (with Sonic bothering Shadow and trying to fight him, while Shadow is just annoyed that Sonic won't leave him alone) while also showing the audience that they are rivals. And in longer terms...Sonic was clearly seeking a fight during this episode. And the facial expression, the mocking, his tone of voice, it doesn’t really matter whether or not he actually dislikes Shadow and believes they could never be friends. He's trying to annoy Shadow and goad him into a fight because he wants to fight Shadow so badly it makes him look stupid. And we can tell by how he expresses his confusion to Tails that Shadow is just not getting this. To him Sonic is just being annoying and confusing. Sonic is targeting him specifically, and Shadow shoots back with his own words. And so it's also pointed that Shadow reciprocates/actually decides to fight Sonic when Sonic specifically challenges him. He doesn't respond to Sonic trying to goad him on, but when Sonic challenges him specifically he's much more interested in opposing him.
Anyways guys I love Shadow and Tails having a soft on the side relationship while Sonic flirts by convincing Shadow to fight him somehow😂💖
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thesongmachine · 4 months
Beowulf as a boyfriend headcanons? No pressure
Beowulf Boyfriend HC's
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Okay so Beowulf as a boyfriend sure is interesting- but like in a good way!
He's definitely a himbo but it's okay because you love him for it
Because he HATES indoor voices he's honestly always loud, so when he talks about you it's to the point where everyone around can hear it.
You try your best to get him to shut up but honestly you just can't-
Over time you get used to it and have grown to love it. (it always makes you super giddy hearing him say that stuff)
“Yeah, I have the most AWESOME S/O ever. I know I'm super lucky!” He says this at the top of his lungs with a grin on his face to whoever he was talking to . (it's just his normal voice.)
“Oh my gosh…” You say covering your red face feeling giddy.
When you guys went on your first few dates when he saw you his jaw actually dropped.
You were stunning!!! omfg
After you guys went out and he was taking you home he just went silent before blurting out compliments with a red face.
You two were walking home in silence, you had hoped you did nothing wrong because you actually really liked going out with him. He kept looking down at you with a red face but you didn't pick it up.
“Hey, you look hot tonight!-” He blurts out with an even redder face than before. “Oh wait… I mean you look super nice, uhm sorry!” He says with his usual loud voice, sheepishly. (Not wanting to mess anything up)
That night when he dropped you off he totally got a kiss from you. He almost couldn't breathe. He was actually so shocked that he was silent for the next few hours.
He honestly doesn't really care about (nor does he really get it) PDA like some people do.
He doesn't mind giving you kisses or holding your waist, hand, ect.
He doesn't know why some people give little to no affection in public, his whole mindset is like this: why do people not give their S/O love in public? It should be the same regardless of whether it is private or not.
NOW if you do like PDA then he's all for it. He would absolutely adore showering you with love while you're in public around others. He doesnt care in the slightest!
But if you're not a big fan of PDA then just let him know. He can totally tone it down. He respects that. (sometimes he will forget but can stop himself in time, obviously he won't leave his hand off your waist or arm, that's just him)
When you two start staying the night with each other just know this man will do ANYTHING for you.
Yes this means sacrificing his comfort for yours.
One time he was staying over at yours and you were right on top of him clinged around him.
Did he sleep last night? No. Was it worth it? Oh of course.
He's DEFINITELY a snorer. It's just a habit, as long as it doesn't bother you then he's good
NOW if you can cook omg just marry him atp
You're officially his spouse (even if you are just dating).
BUT if not it's okay, he  still loves you regardless, there are plenty of other traits of yours that he loves.
Speaking of getting married, when he introduces people to you he might let a “wifey/hubby” slip. (like i said even if your not dating he still will-)
Is the nickname corny, sure but in his mind your his wifey/hubby and nothing will change that
Overall 1000/10 boyfriend and we love him for that!!!! <3
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emilycollins00 · 2 months
Hiii I don't know if you would write it (it's okay if you don't) but to change the tone a bit, could you do a list of toxic traits/red flags of the troupes members? I saw it in another fandom and thought it would be interesting! love your stuff btw
Thank you for waiting love!! 💕 That said, hope you are still around aksdjkdn it's been a while.
I wasn’t sure if you meant in a relationship or just in general, so I went with the flow a bit and did whatever felt more suitable for each at the time (hence why some are longer)
Warning: I focused on showing bad traits and exploiting them so my apologies if any fan doesn’t like what I chose, don’t take it too much to heart!
A3! and their toxic traits
Sakuya – Conflict avoidance / Insecure
He struggles to voice what he wants because he’s afraid of upsetting others, this leads to Sakuya never deciding anything which can become kinda... vexing.
Of course, when there’s a fight he just doesn't wants to argue, and definitely avoids discussing certain topics. Not to say he’ll just apologize, but he will often try to find a solution (even if it doesn’t make much sense) to pretend it’s all good and everyone is content when in reality, no ones is.
Itaru – Childish / Half-assed
Has a tendency to talk about people behind their back when they do something that upsets him, instead of talking it out.
Sometimes going out with him feels like babysitting. He tends to complain if he’s in a place he didn’t want to be. It’s his day off and you two already saw one another three days ago, couldn’t he just have stayed at home?
Incredibly bad memory when it comes to remembering special occasions but try asking him when is the birthday of his favorite character… or maybe don’t.
Masumi – Overly intense / Tunnel focus
This boy’s downfall are relationships. Masumi has incredibly intense feelings – that’s no surprise, so when he finally falls the beginning is perfect, almost fairytale like.
But then he asks opinions about choosing a wedding venue. Asks about a having kids. When going to the store he even begins to look for baby clothes. First week gone and he’ll want to meet with in-laws. Want to move in together.
He loves so much that it’s overbearing and doesn’t realize how pressuring he is – how fast he’s willing to move everything. Still, what’s there to think? Their partner must want the same thing.
Chikage – Righteous / Emotionally Distant
Being with him, whether it’s in a romantic relationship or friendship, is emotionally draining.
While people pour everything they have into their relationships, Chikage, aside from the people from Mankai, won't even be half as invested. And all the time, patience, and effort that should've come from both parties is off unbalance which ofc turns into an eventual distance.
IF he’s ever confronted about it he sighs, because as expected, it now has become a tiring task for him. People know he’s usually like this. Why getting angry or bothered by his persona? It’s not like he was lying or anything to anyone.
Tsuzuru – Workaholic/ Untrustworthy
I think at first his relationships would be great. Tsuzuru does try to make time for friends/partners/family after all.
But sooner than later, he’s again cramped up with scriptwriting, uni, work... you name it.  People notice the pressure he’s under, so he’s usually proposed to take a break, to go with someone somewhere, but he just doesn’t listen. 
He will be apologetic “I’m so sorry, I have to complete this before the end of... “I forgot we were…” “I’ll make it up to you next time!” and it’s understandable, but he’s always like this.
If anyone insist too much, he might get irritated and snap, and if the person snaps back or leave he does realize how badly he messed up… but half the time, he won’t make a move. He’ll tell himself to talk it later.
Citron – Toxic Positivity / Overthinker
King of no one can be mad if we don’t focus on the issue? A little bit tactless given the situation as well.
And god bless him but while he takes notice if anyone is not feeling well, partner or not, he decides to be absolutely oblivious to their bad moods. If they want to talk about it he doesn’t get it either. Why is everyone upset about it, at least it’s over now!
Doesn’t like taking responsibility for his actions, making excuses to justify his behavior.
Tenma – Accusatory / Invasive
Always has something to say, no matter the argument – even if he's clearly the one in the wrong. Instead of working it out rationally, he shifts the blame away and pins it on the other person, guilt-tripping into thinking he's the one compromised.
If others were indeed wrong however, prepare for a non-stop nagging for days to come. If driven by his ego, this will escalate and in eeeevery conflict, this will be brought up.
In a relationship Tenma thinks he has the right to intervene in his partner’s personal affairs, meaning if they have something going on or someone they have a problem with, he’s going to lash out even if he was asked to leave it alone. What-? Why are you mad? You should be thanking him!
Muku – Pessimist / Passive
He want to know everything about everyone and in a relationship, his partner is always free to tell him about their problems… but that’s when troubles begin.
Overly sensitive, and when stresses he’s the type to blame himself in any situation which makes dealing with him kind of exhausting after a while.
That said, despite his kind self, Muku is overly passive in his communication. He often avoids direct confrontation, leading to unresolved issues which given his pessimistic nature as well have him tensed all the time awaiting when his actions might turn against him.
Since it really always his fault, you don’t have to remind him.
Misumi – Uncommunicative / Dismissive
Misumi, as many here, has a tendency to avoid confrontation and suppress his emotions, leading to communication barriers and unresolved issues in any type of relationship.
As it goes, this lack of communication prevents any relationship from progressing and resolving underlying issues, creating a stiff dynamic... at least from other people's view, since Misumi likes to get over things quickly and expects everyone to do the same. A little bit tactless in that sense.
This includes having a hard time taking the blame. He wants it to be on everyone. Even if it’s his fault, the closest anyone’s ever going to get is something like Mmm we all said and did things we shouldn’t, right? let’s try to move on!
Kumon – Overwhelming / Unattentive
He doesn’t even know he usually speaks over or interrupts others but definitely knows he has the need to protect their partner.
He’s so deluded into thinking he’s doing a good thing by pulling their partner away from the slightest danger. Sidewalk is too crowded? He’ll insist to walk on the busy road. Too hot today? Maybe it’s better to stay inside. He pulls everyone away every time he thinks they are close to getting hurt. At first it’s nice, but does become suffocating.
And if it's his partner tells him they don’t need his help, he’ll laugh before assisting anyway.
In general relations sometimes he will not stop even if you can’t keep up with him if he’s too excited. He’s just go go go all the time.
Kazunari – Liar / Dependant
On one hand Kazunari knows he can be completely honest with his partner, but he can’t differentiate between being honest in a way that supports a healthy relationship without… sometimes being honest in a way where he says something to hurt their feelings. So yeah, he sometimes lies.
He also involuntarily crosses boundaries (no consent in certain lives, photos uploaded…) and suffocates with constant attention. He struggles with trust issues too, constantly seeking validation from his partner or others to alleviate his insecurities.
This behavior in the end becomes draining if he’s in a relationship, as his partner feels trapped and unable to maintain their independence.
Yuki – Non-existent filter / Accusatory
During intense moments of blinding anger, Yuki jabs out everything he thinks without ever sugarcoating it, and there really isn't much to stop that.
Also maybe because while logical most of the time, he’s a bit short-tempered in certain situations (especially when stressed), so if provoked or at least he feels recriminated, he'll say some really hurtful things, insecurities that people took time to open up to with him.
If something goes wrong and he’s not in the fault he’s quick to complain as well. He already knew what was going to happen, so why did everyone insist on doing it? And why would anyone think he will sympathise afterwards? 
Banri – Expectations / Charge
Wants to be in charge of everything. Prone to micromanaging their partner while stubbornly refusing to ask for help even if it’s obvious,
He has so much going on that if anyone crosses him, romantic relationship or not, Banri will play with the “I will leave if you want”. Because he would leave and he wouldn’t even feel regretful.
Because of his good memory and capacities, he tends to wait for people to catch things quickly. He didn’t bring coffee to class and expects people to know that he drank it on the way because morning rehearsal was rough. He didn’t answer anyone’s text so he expected everyone to know that needs revision – to him, that stuff is easy. What? No one knew? He always does similar details for everyone – he shouldn’t have to say it out loud every time.
Specially his partner. They should know what he’s thinking in these moments. If they don’t, maybe they didn’t love him as much as they said.
Taichi – Jealous / Low self-esteem
This boy lacks confidence in himself and the relationship no matter the type.
Catches himself thinking how everyone is much better than him – and in a relationship he’s scared his partner would leave him for anyone. Makes sense. They are perfect and kind, he’s just... him.
Of course he would want to be with their partner all the time, very clingy and overly emotional when arguing with him or when they tell him off. Might have taken a look or two at his partner's notifications of messages. He felt bad after though, he promises!
Juza – Self-esteem / Walls
Usually clueless about what he’s doing wrong and can’t seem to know how much effort to put into a new relationship, romantic or not. It could be days of not talking with him or him not answering just because he didn’t know if it would feel abrasive.
So yeah, I wouldn’t say he’s blinded by his anxieties and worries but then again, it’s not like he’ll ever talk about it with anyone either.
In a relationship, Juza wouldn’t think they love him enough to stay if he reveals all his insecurities. In his eyes, his partner will leave him one day, he knows it. They are too good for someone like him.
Sakyo –  Rigid / Controlling
Exceedingly strict but only when it’s related to him. Like, he doesn’t pick up the phone during work time because that wouldn’t be professional of him, yet when he’s with others? He continues mentioning work-related stuff or leaves to take calls.
There’s also certain controlling behavior in his romantic relationships. While he may initially come across as caring and devoted, his need for control becomes evident as the relationship progresses, leading to feelings of suffocation and resentment.
When in a fight, Sakyo is rough with his words and has to have the last word no matter what. His anger also lasts for days and the silent treatment is a huge thing. Will act like nothing has happened after that.
Omi -  Low esteem / Unwillingness to commit
This man's steps on eggshells with relationships, romantic or not. Omi is terrified to let anyone in and see their eyes judging.
In a relationship he’s too scared to show how much he loves his partner and honestly that very own cautiousness, that unwillingness to fall, hurts more than he realizes.
Omi is also someone who never expresses complicated feelings, either. He might just need time, but never asks for any.
People are left feeling like they might only be in the relationship because he doesn’t want to hurt their feelings. When asked he hesitates, which hurts the most. He can’t seem to understand he needs to let himself go. This happens again and again because in the end, Omi decides that it’s best to not fall at all – he doesn’t need another scar.
Azami – Extreme / Overly guarded
Azami is prude but as he grows, he becomes not so… accepting.
He scoffs wherever he sees something he doesn’t approve, and if in a relationship their partner wants to hold his hand, he’ll rip it away and lecture them angrily about how it might look to others. You should know by now.
As such, he tends to be emotionally distant and closed-off in all relationships. He struggles and often avoids discussing his feelings or concerns.
This emotional guardedness creates insecurity in the relationships, as many feel like they are unable to connect with him on a deeper level. His reluctance to open up leads to communication misunderstandings as well.
Their partner or friends must not love him, that’s the only reason he can think of – but he won’t show his fear of that possibility.
Tsumugi – Distracted / People pleaser
This young man doesn’t make it on purpose, which is all the way down frustrating.
He will have periods of time where he’s attentive to everyone, and in a relationship his partner is his number one priority.
Others becomes overly focused on his own pursuits, leaving little time or energy for nurturing any type of relationship. When he notices, he becomes again hyper attentive, doing anything for the relationship to not deteriorate.
But since additionally Tsumugi struggles to communicate effectively about his emotions and decisions, this leads to more distance to grow.
Hisoka – Ghosting / Short-tempered
Honestly he doesn’t look into the care and delicacy relationships take. Doesn’t answer messages nor call and if he does it’s quick and short.
He’s sparse with his attention. No, he doesn’t want to go out, partner, friend, or whatever should stop asking. Also it’s becoming annoying. When in a fight, if he finds it’s not important, it will always seem like he doesn’t care about anything.
Hisoka won’t compromise either, he won’t be more attentive, he doesn’t want to be, that’s too much work. And if they try to force it? Then people just don’t get him and probably just want to change him.
People unwllingness to accept and understand who he is only proves to him that this specific relationship whatever people what to call it, wasn’t meant to be, so he shrugs it off.
Azuma – Façade / Bottling emotions
No matter what, he refuses to share information about himself and can’t keep everything equal, whether you are a friend or his partner.
If there’s a feeling like something is off, and anyone mentions it rather than admitting what’s on his mind he’ll simply say that it’s fine, that all is good and perfect, and then proceed to bury it even deeper within him.
Azuma keeps burying his feelings in and trying not to resent whatever is causing him like this more and more until one day something happens and his emotions erupt out of him and he’s crying or worse, leaves for some time.
If anyone wants to know where he’s been, well, good luck trying to figure it out.
Tasuku – Rough / Absent-minded
Prioritizes his own needs and desires above others, resulting in selfish and insensitive behavior. I can’t imagine Tasuku changing his routine to fit someone else in, lover or not.
To him it’s pretty straightforward If someone doesn’t fall into sync with him, that’s life and this relationship just wasn’t meant to be. What? Why should he change the time he goes to the gym – shouldn’t his partner just get up earlier if they want to eat breakfast with him?
Or with his friends, sure he gets along, but why should he alter the way his life is, and try to finish rehearsal earlier? He doesn’t get the reason to change and tends to avoid fighting, not just because of cutting contact, but because he doesn’t want to fight with anyone... he doesn’t have time for whatever it is.
Homare – Overly worried / Opinionated
By now everyone should know that he will not give you much space when there’s a problem. He will constantly be asking questions about it and little time does he tries to listen to all versions or if he even should intervene.
And holy molly does he intervene often enough.
Also Homare doesn't get mad almost never, but becomes incredibly distressed when something goes wrong.
He won't say anything when he's feeling like that though. It's hard for him to control his emotions during a difficult time period and usually needs to be comforted to calm down but becomes so difficult when it’s time to allow people into the real him.
Guy – Distant / Trust
If this man ever has any type of problem, most people, partner included, will never know.
It’s not that he’s actively trying to keep things away, but he has no way of knowing that he should be sharing certain things.
Everyone is held at arm’s length. His partner might think being his partner would make them close, but it always feels like he confides in his troupe more than them.
Guy doesn’t have a good example of what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like, so don’t expect him to do anything romantic unless anyone tells him so. He also doesn’t have a filter, meaning he’s brutally honest. No one should be surprised if he hurts feelings in his monotonous voice.
Hope you all enjoyed it, definitely interesting to think of them in these terms.
Have a wonderful day! 💕💕
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bitebitesnap · 8 months
Something that interests me sometimes conceptually is yanderes.
Now I'm not a fan of them. The obsession, the downright horror vibes-it just bothers me..sometimes. There had been a few times where it's actually been kind of interesting, though it's usually because it's not super involved with making the Reader useless or just prey to be hunted.
But that aside, it's not the point, I was thinking about something.
Goku as a yandere would be horrifying.
And I'm not talking about his power. Technically, Vegeta is within the same range so it's not like it's much different from him going on a rampage. No what I mean isn't so much strength. It's reason.
Let's say Goku takes in what happened with Frieza and puts it to heart. Let's say the anger, the rage of becoming a Super Saiyan boils through to his core and changes him at the root-but also not quite. He's still the silly, goofy sweetheart everyone knows....but not quite.
Being on Namek during it's destruction taught him that he can't just let people go as easily. Just because they could be good deep down doesn't mean anything. If they have the chance, remote as it is, to turn on any of them then it's game over no matter how powerful they are. Maybe they aren't a threat to him, but to everyone else they could be the worst thing alive.
So he can't take that risk. Won't allow it to even take root.
He cuts off Gero before he can even release the other androids. Blasted to bits the minute he saw him. 19 went down too because he wasn't prepared to take the attack at full power.
Sure. A few buildings were destroyed, maybe a few people lost. But that's what the dragon balls are for right? And besides, he could feel the virus starting up so he had to act fast! Don't blame him for doing what needed to be done!
Cell is a surprise but not much more of a challenge either. Poor bastard barely got the chance to get away in his first form, and without the other two androids around to fuel his perfect form he had nothing else at all. Okay so some people got hurt in the fight but it's okay too! Dragon Balls, okay?
And without the Cell games, without his sacrifice...there's not much else to do now, is there? He's got nothing to fight, nothing to worry about. Sure he's got Piccolo and Vegeta so it's not like he's completely bored. Also, Gohan is getting seriously strong! He'd love to have a good spar against him when he gets older!
But....it doesnt'....feel quite right..
With nothing to fight, nothing is threatening his friends anymore. He should feel relieved, happy even.
So why does he feel like something is wrong..? Why does he feel anxious, afraid..almost like something is going to happen.
He kept a close watch on all of his friends, going so far as to intrude into their lives to make absolutely sure they were fine. He'd pop in at any point jsut to 'check in', he said, and when nothing was found and everything was fine he'd pop out. 'See?' He'd tell himself, 'Everything is fine. Don't worry about it!'
But he couldnt'...stop...
Simple check turned into hours long stalking. Stalking turned to obsessively watching over them at all hours, staying awake all night hopping between their homes. He couldn't count how many days and nights he'd been awake anymore. Only keeping track of when the sun rose and fell so he could go back to his home and watch over Gohan and you/Chi-Chi.
But it;s still not enough...! What was wrong!?
Then it happens. An inconspicuous little event that could have been missed by anyone had he not been so deranged by the need to keep an eye out for it.
A simple robbery. Not even a well planned out one, the robber had the bright idea to wander into Bulma's open window to steal a few pieces of her jewelry. It was so one-track and clearly idiotic that even she could have handled it.
But Goku was there. He saw it happen.
Poor bastard had no idea what was going on until he was several miles up in the air, dangling by his throat in the hands of a sleep deprived, wild-eyed Saiyan.
He knew of wars, petty battles between factions for something or another. Some part of him envied the rivalries humans could have with each other without running the risk of blowing up a planet. Being weaker, they had countless other's just like them to fight. No stagnation, always another challenge or threat right among their own.
Being himself, a Saiyan as powerful as he was, Goku never had to look down at them as a danger. His friends were strong, stronger than anyone like this little bug in his hands.
....Weren't they..?
His eyes harden, ignoring the squirming roach.
If they were...then why didnt Vegeta do anything to stop this attempt? Why didn't Yamcha?
Were there other infractions like this? Were they all ignoring it? Just letting it happen, right behind their backs where they could get stabbed just like he was when Frieza-
The crunch happens in the back of his head. His eyes watch the pest's neck flop over his fist but see nothing.
Quiet. It was quiet for the first time in a long, long while.
No noises catching his attention. No anxious energy driving him mad. No wild emotions left unchecked from exhaustion.
He was...calm.
Slowly he brings the body closer. The life force is long gone. No light blinks in the eyes. It's dead. Gone. No threat to anyone.
...Because of him..
And it clicks.
It doesn't matter if Vegeta didn;t get to him, he did. Yamcha wouldn't have fought anyways, he was a coward now and terrified of death.
But because he was here, he did. He caught the bastard. He ended the threat. He saved Bulma.
He saved her from something no one was looking for.
With everyone fresh out of a series of disasters centered mostly around the stars or his past, no one was focusing on the present. How could they? They'd been subjected to it for so long they'd grown numb to it by now. A simple robbery was nothing to them-less than nothing.
They were blind to an enemy they couldn't even think of anymore.
So he clenches the body's neck even tighter. Flesh engorges into a red mass in his palm but he ignores it. Even when the balloon bursts and crimson runs down his fingers. As meat squeezes out into and over his palm, the tongue forced out in a breathless gag.
He was their champion right? The strongest under the sun. The warrior who bested the worst of the universe, the tyrant Frieza, the android's maker, even the warrior built specifically to destroy him. He'd done it all. He'd do it a thousand times over if it meant protecting those he loved.
What was a few, measly little lives of a few bugs that dared to call themselves humans? Did their lives matter, even, if they dared to stoop so low as to be like the monsters he's conquered? Were they lives at all or simply dust under his heels?
The body is flung in a random direction. He doesn;'t care where it lands. His muscles are tight with renewed energy, mind clear and focused on a single, soul driven purpose.
He would protect everyone. He would destroy anything that got in his way. Be the wall between them and total destruction.
He was Son Goku the Saiyan, the warrior, Earth's mightiest protector. But if the Earth itself wanted to turn on anyone he cared about....
Then not even the Earth mattered to him anymore.
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laurfilijames · 3 months
All week I told myself that on Sunday, I was going to write all day.
I opened my laptop up for the first time in two weeks. I haven't written a word since I finished editing Expensive and tried for over an hour to work on my series Like My Dreams.
I thought about it all week and have been so eager to continue it, only the words won't come.
I know it's not for lack of passion or wanting to; I think about this story (and all the other ones) constantly.
I've been trying to deny some feelings for a while, or chalk it up to getting too much in my own head, but today it's come down heavier than ever and what is ultimately responsible for blocking my creativity and turning my love for my stories from thoughts into actual sentences.
I'm lonely.
I've never felt so alone.
The Charlie fandom seems to be relatively non existent, or just extremely quiet.
I have no space. No where I fit in.
I'm on the outskirts, trying to find a spot, constantly seeing if there is a way I can have a place for my ideas, stories, and even friendship, and have it hold some value to the others I'm around.
The more I post on here, the less I feel seen.
Engagement on this platform has reduced drastically across the board, and it's effecting so many artists.
It's not about numbers. I'm sure some of you are probably thinking "your last fic has over 100 notes". Yeah. It does. Almost all of those notes are likes, and more than half the reblogs are my own.
What I'm seeking is engagement. Conversation. A likeness and kinship started by a common interest that blooms into simple conversations and thoughts shared.
Comparison is a bitch. I see so many people living the Tumblr life I wish to have. Asks, comments, reblogs of teasers and moodboards for upcoming fics screaming of excitement and praise and how eager they are to read it. People dropping everything they're doing to read the latest chapter of their friend's new fic.
I realize the many reasons why I'm in a different position than they are, but lately it's been screaming at me louder than ever that I'm lacking something meaningful or whatever I'm doing on here isn't enough.
I've tried creating a buzz around my stories. I am aware that most of the time I write for unpopular characters with a smaller fan base, so I set the bar lower but am still left feeling inadequate even when I write for the popular ones. Whenever I've shared snippets of WIPs in hopes to gain some excitement from my readers, it falls short. Usually it'll inspire me to keep going, to write better than ever and make this next fic The Best One that makes me so happy and excited to get out. (For Charlie, I'll say, and write something I'm so unbelievably proud of) and then sometimes it makes me wonder if I should bother continuing at all.
I know I am not owed anything by anyone and no one is obligated to read or comment or anything of the sort, and I am beyond grateful for the comments and support I do receive, and the friendships I've made, old and new.
I'm not exactly sure what I'm getting at here, I just needed to write it down and "talk" it out.
I've been battling the decision to continue writing but not share it. I don't want that to happen, because as much as I write these stories for myself, a lot of the fun of it comes from being able to share it with all of you.
Nothing dramatic is happening. I'm not leaving, and I will be writing again because I'm not at all done with what I have to say about these characters, I just felt this needed to be said and already feel a little lighter by sharing it.
Write your stories, comment on your favourite fics, scream with your mutuals about a photo or gif that inspired something in you, tell your writer friends and writers you've never spoken to but love their stories just how much you do... I promise it makes more of an impact than you know. 💗
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genericpuff · 6 months
i know you said if you never mentioned a webtoon you either don't read it or don't have a strong opinion so sorry beforehand if this ask might be annoying, but im just curious if you have any opinion on remarried empress, specifically the whole uhhh extremely villified woman who happens to be a slave. its not the exact same as minthe but i do always see the parallels between them since both are oppressed and 'lower-class' women in opposition to the mary sue protagonist and the fans are just very classist when insulting them ('she doesn't know her place' etc etc) i kinda see RE as the korean version of LO coz they're both so popular and annoyingly everywhere/overhyped (tho i have to admit RE has better consistency with art and story). But i have a greater distaste for RE mostly coz the fans keep showing up in other webtoons comment sections lol
yeeeah the remarried empress is literally one of those exact webtoons that fits that category of "stuff I know is shit so I'm not gonna bother" LMAO I'm not a huge fan of royal family type dramas anyways, the genre just ain't for me (or I haven't found one that's connected with me yet) but I'm definitely not interested in reading a royal family drama that I know from the start I won't enjoy due to its writing LOL (I can appreciate why people like the ones that are written well though, again, a lot of them just aren't for me)
that said, there's a lot to support the theory that Rachel is trying to do some "royal family drama" thing with LO (especially with some of the language in the comic, like how Ares and Apollo will go off about Persephone's "pedigree"??? which is just such royal family "pure bloodline" eugenics crap tbh), but she's failing at it immensely because 1.) she's not good at writing drama, let alone royal family drama, and 2.) a lot of royal family dramas on Webtoons these days are also garbage so whatever she's taking inspiration from probably isn't high quality to begin with ( ;`ヘ´) Hades and Persephone definitely reek of "rich and powerful white couple who use their power to abuse the lower class" and they don't even have the benefit of having interesting character arcs, they're just boring and mean.
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emyluwinter · 2 years
There is a theory among fans that Rollo will be expelled and transferred to the NRC
Well, you understand that I can't help but beat this idea!
Dark Mirror chooses a dorm for Rollo. Flamme suddenly raises her hand to attract attention.
-Mr. Director Crowley, can I choose a dorm on my own?
-Oh, that's tradition,Flamme. The Dark Mirror chooses a suitable dormitory for you. - Crowley answered, taken aback, looking at the young man.
Suddenly, a dark mirror interrupts all the voices in the hall.
Deuce cursed softly as he stood next to Ace. "Damn it!Not to us!!"
-It seems that this guy will not be very well received in any dorm - Grimm grinned sitting on Yuu's shoulder.
-Yeaaah…it won't be easy for him at first. But on the other hand, Heartslabyul with rules will be a more similar place to NBC for him..
-I would prefer to stay in Ramshackle. -Rollo announces very sharply, already anticipating his life with the Prefect.
Everyone in the audience gasps with surprise and confusion. Why would a magician suddenly choose this dorm?!
-WHAT THE HELL?! -Grimm shouted in disbelief. ***
Yuu tries to convince Rollo not to go to their dorm.
-Mr. Flamme, please think carefully. Ramshackle is definitely not a place where anyone in their right mind would want to go…At least…look at Heartslabyul. Yes, there are strict rules, but there is a more comfortable atmosphere for you.
-Yeah..Deuce is already dreaming of breaking head if he even takes a step towards them… - Grimm snorted softly, looking apprehensively at the former president of the school board.
-Grimm, you're definitely not helping me…
-I heard, Prefect, that you spoke about your hostel as "Exceptional", so I was very interested in this position. "To be an exception to all possible rules and procedures"
-That is, it does not bother you at all that you will have to live with freshmen, one of whom is a fire-eared cat with fire, and the second person does not have magic from another world… ***
Under heavy negotiations, Rollo was still allowed to stay in Ramshackle, much to Yuu's regret. Now they really need to be a prefect. In addition, for a high school student…not the best arrangement for them.
-Mr. Flamme…before we go inside…I ask you to gather all your courage. Because I know how you definitely… um…..interested? In cleanliness….Ramshackle definitely won't fit your taste on any point…
-Oh, I'm sure you're completely exaggerating.
-Ooooooooooh, if only it were so….
Yuu shows Ramshackle. Still in a dilapidated state. With a lot of cobwebs and mold. But definitely in a better way than when Yuu and Grimm came for the first time.
-HAVE MERCY ON THE RIGHTEOUS JUDGE?!WHAT IS THIS PLACE?! - Rollo is horrified to notice every inch of dust around him and… mold on the ceiling?!Because the roof is leaking?!And there's still some weed growing in the walls somewhere?
-I warned you, didn't I? ***
First-year students are interested in Yuu how everything went in the evening in a video chat.
Yuu dejectedly and extremely awkwardly lowers his head.
-He fainted…..
All - ???
Yuu covers his face with his hands and exhales heavily.
-He felt so bad from the sight of the dorm that he fainted….the nurse said he was in shock.
The first-year students are quietly choking with laughter, and really do not want to pour salt on Yuu's wound.
Epel biting her lip so as not to burst out laughing. - Well……he deserved it.
Yuu rubs the bridge of his nose tiredly. - Deuce, please warn Riddle that he may ask tomorrow morning to live on a full basis as a student of your dorm…
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Bpp how have you been handling chapter2? Do you get bored or lose interest in Bts in hiatus? Do the solo rollouts not bother you? Please be honest I really want to know you true opinion.
Hi Anon,
Chapter 2 has been rough for you, hasn’t it? At least, based on your ask it sounds like it’s been. Tangentially, did you enjoy yourself this past weekend?
I’ve said this before, but if you ever feel like it’s a chore to remain plugged into BTS or stan culture, please step back. Don’t feel guilty about detaching if you no longer find joy in it. Move on to another hobby or another group if that’s where you’re at. BTS has fans, don’t worry. Don’t feel any obligation to stick around if Chapter 2 isn’t serving you what you want. You can check back in 2026 when the guys are together, or move beyond them completely.
That said, personally, I wonder how you can even ask me this question. Like, what else has Chapter 2 been but a trip? Lollapalooza, Balming Tiger collab, World Cup, Jungkook’s birthday video for Jimin, Indigo collabs, Set Me Free Pt 2, Promise on Spotify, On The Street, D-DAY tour, Yoonmin live, etc.
It’s been a blast. The music is easily some of the best globally this year and last. To illustrate:
The song I just listened to is Baseline by j-hope.
It's like a drug for me.
I don't think you understand.
I get high... off their music. Like, I don't know why you think two years of irregular releases without their full promotion of that music, will change my underlying sentiment. BTS scratches an itch few other artists can reach for me.
[ The sentiment? BTS is one of the best musicians of my generation. They make music that actually slaps. Any day of the week. Any genre they touch. It's prime good music. ]
Let me walk you through my playlist for the last half hour:
J-hope - Baseline
Baseline is the sauciest hiphop joint out of Korea, ever. J-hope is undeniably one of the most skilled and versatile rappers out of Asia. Point. Blank. Period.
RM, Tablo - All Day
RM's vocals in All Day render me a stupid mess. He's sooooooo... he's kinda nasty. I mean, it's big, he's kinda messy with it, but he ultimately knows how to use it, and he knows you know that he knows. All of this I deduced from his articulation and delivery on All Day. Tablo too, that tease, matched Joon's energy seamlessly. No further comment.
RM, Mahalia, Benny Blanco - Closer
Namjoon created a masterpiece with Indigo. It's an atrocity that many people won't admit it. Really. Indigo is the album of 2022 (Hurt by NewJeans being the song of the year, and JITB at Lollapalooza 2022 by j-hope the concert experience of the year.) Closer is an impeccably produced song. I mean it's almost disgusting how smooth the production, arrangement, instrumentation, etc on that song is.
Jimin - Alone
The cold clarity in his lyrics. How raw and honest he is, in such a well produced track... people need to show this song more respect.
RM - Change Pt 2.
The only song that rivals how brilliant and badass this one is, is Set Me Free Pt 2 by Jimin.
Agust D - D-DAY
The entirety of D-DAY album still has me in a vice grip, but something about D-DAY the song, rips to the core. How he manages to slip something rock anthemic into the epic call to arms he made that song into... Yoongi is in a league of one.
And to drive home the point, listen to him on HUH?!
Agust D, j-hope - HUH?!
Still the best song on the album. Undeniably. I mean, if you don't black out when this song comes on are you even alive? /gen. No matter where I am, what I'm doing, I could be exiting my company's underground garage, loading laundry, whatever... no matter what I'm doing, when this song comes on I feel my brain short circuit. It's like a mental reset. I suddenly feel so alert and primed with tension I could kill a person if I felt like it. The grandmas scared about what rap does to teens... songs like HUH?!, really do flip a switch in people's heads. They're right to worry because that's what the genre, drill - the gritty, ominous, and violent contemporary expression of rap - that's what it's made to do. And Yoongi showed an effortless mastery of it in HUH?!
Agust D - tour medley
I hope people who weren't able to see Agust D in person, were at least able to see him in the livestreamed concerts. Many times since I saw him in California, I've come back to some fancams from his earliest days of the tour. This one by rogrog is a favourite. Yoongi is a master of his craft who loves to show off his virtuosity. And in his D-DAY tour, that's what he does.
j-hope, J. Cole - On The Street
Jung Hoseok just casually produced this timeless classic and dipped to the military. No fuss. No sweat. No excuses. He just did the thing, had J. Cole spit some of the sickest bars of his career on that song, then said, "see you later."
Things like this are why he's my bias.
He's a consummate professional.
Unpopular opinion, but I have no real issues with their solo roll-outs. I'm not unsatisfied with too much and frankly, I'm so greedy for new music I wouldn't mind another cluttered roll-out. I hope Joon's music follows soon after JK's because God knows I'm not sure I can stand the wait much longer. Joon makes a lot of 'BTS-style' music and so whatever he drops will serve as the perfect complement to Seven / JJK1. And Vmin will likely drop new music in the next year as well.
Chapter 2 has been kind of a blast.
That's my "true opinion", Anon.
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tumblezwei · 6 months
I'm gonna make a kind of pretentious rant rn bc I saw a post I didn't like so bear with me
So like, there's this post I saw. it starts out with "finally figured out exactly what it is about the 'stop complaining about the lack of women in shonen anime, if you want stories with strong and interesting female characters shojo is right there' argument that bothers me so much" and then it says this
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I'll be honest, the biggest annoyance here is calling shoujo and shounen "genres." And to me that just shows that even though OP seems to get the actual intention behind the above statement, they still have some fundamental biases against shoujo that makes them think all it has to offer is "girl stuff."
Like, look at the comparisons they give. Princess Tutu and Madoka (which isn't even confirmed a shoujo) vs Naruto and MHA. Ask literally any shoujo fan for a rec that compares to Naruto and I can guarantee you neither of those above will be the first to cross their minds. Because surprise surprise! Shoujo does, in fact, contain as much deep, complex, and interesting stuff as shounen! And that even includes action! I can give you so many examples of a shoujo being mistaken for a shounen (cough Banana Fish cough) or a shounen mistaken for a shoujo (cough Horimiya cough) because demographics are not defined borders. You can't just say that of course someone who likes action/adventure won't like the Girl Stuff. It's a reductive view of what female-centered media can be in and of itself.
But like, I get it. As someone who also grew up with traditionally masculine interests, it can be annoying to hear people say that you should try the Girl things for Girls. But I'm gonna be real here, you just straight up aren't going to get good female representation in your traditionally masculine interests unless you also show support for the traditionally feminine. Which leads into this addition to that post:
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Like that's the thing about this. It's all well and good to say that boys deserve good female characters. They absolutely do and we should continue to advocate for such, but that sentiment rings so hollow when those good female characters already exist and y'all just don't want to touch them. I get that you don't want good rep for some random series, you want it for Naruto, for One Piece, for Demon Slayer. But I am stressing so much that the reason shoujo fans are so insistent that you try these other series out is because that's how you show that you want it.
Because again, it's perfectly acceptable to clamor for good rep in the series you already love, but by consuming nothing but shows/manga made for men, by men, with majority male casts, you are telling them that that's what you want.
A caveat: I'm not pointing at you the reader or OP specifically and saying "it's YOUR 🫵 fault shounen has poorly written women because you haven't read Fruits Basket," because it's obviously more complicated than just pure numbers. But it's frustrating to see people plead for y'all to diversify your reading portfolio only to get met with the brick wall non-solution of "well boys deserve good female characters too you know!!"
Like yeah! They do! We never said they didn't! But all saying that has done is plop us right back to where we started. What am I supposed to do with that? What am I supposed to do with any of this? As great as it would be for MHA to suddenly start treating it's female characters better, we both know that isn't happening. You gave us a problem and we're trying to offer a solution. So why are we the bad guys here just because you have preconceived notions of what shoujo is like compared to shounen?
And to add another caveat, it's ok to not like shoujosei stories people recommend! You don't have to like Basara or Yona or OHSHC or any other that you may have tried and dropped. I don't want it to sound like I'm guilt tripping people into being ashamed for not enjoying stuff they don't enjoy, but 9 times out of 10 the people pushing back with that kind of attitude haven't even tried. How do you even know you won't like the series we recommend if you don't even care enough to know that they aren't all one genre?
And I guess that's it. Like, at the end of the day you can do whatever you want, I just wanted to put my frustrations out there. Which is why I screenshotted this instead of rbing OP. I'm sure they want a lengthy argument just as much as I do (not at all).
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phyot · 2 years
Who r u again? ♡ 24. goodbyes
warning: maybe a bit angsty (not really)
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This is it. Your plane was now landing and the gates were opening. Your last night in lyiue. You're gonna miss it and you're sure of it. That's not even the main problem right now. It's a shame that you never get the chance to say goodbye to Xiao. Or get Hu Tao her car-money back.
You picked up your suitcase and started heading towards your gate. You enjoyed the almost empty airport but it was yet reminding you of your current situation.
Steps echo in your head, giving the fever dream vibe while you're slowly stepping toward the end. This moment was lasting forever.
Heavy footsteps caught your attention. Well not really. They were simply there, not loud enough to catch your interest. You didn't bother looking. Maybe you should have. It caught you by surprise. His arms wrapped around you and pulled you in for a tight hug.
"Please don't go"
"Xiao? What are you doing here-"
"I just wanted to say goodbye."
"Oh... Why tho"
"Isn't it obvious? You're leaving and we probably won't see each other again"
"Don't say that,"
You let go of your bag and hugged him back
"I wish you lived here name..."
"Me too xiao me too,"
You pulled him even closer, making sure there was no space left between you two. It was so warm you never wanted to let go. The hug brought you back to that one night when he held your hand on the bus. The feeling was so familiar.
You felt that way whenever you were around him. Whenever you hung out with him it made your head spin. Whenever he looked at you, smiled, or just was there. You fell so painfully hard for him. There are no words that would explain how deep your love for this guy is. And you hated it. The only thing you have will be taken away from you.
"The gate for flight 341100 will close in 5 minutes"
"I need to go now xiao"
You pulled away from him. Looked at him for the last time. Felt like this for the last time. Tearing your heart out would be easier than leaving him there.
You stood in line while he started heading out.
"Hey xiao,"
He turned around
"Remember that one time when you asked me if I liked you? Well I lied"
Last thing you said before the lady that was checking passports interrupted you.
You didn't catch his reaction and maybe it's better if you didn't. You just wanted him to know. But deep inside this tore him apart. He promised himself that he would never let anyone do this to him and here he was. Standing in the middle of an airport, looking her way even tho she's been gone for a long time.
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a/n: i hate writing chapters like this 🧍ANYWAY SORRY FOR GRAMMAR MISTAKES...
summary: [name] spends every summer since 9th grade at her best friend's house which is in another country. She also helps her in one of the local bubble tea shop. One day she met a random costumer and things started going uphill after that.
taglist is open!!
taglist: @mangobee @kazekonbini @cherbyti @minkoy @plinkuro @bubblyclouds @edenwrites @lazy-sanns @lucid404 @sukunasrealgf @venus-is-incorrect @wonderland-fan @dainsleif-when-playable @pooonyo @milza12 @stanshizuki @scaranaris-lil-niko @cotton-eee @roguebox @shirmxie @layla240 @lez-zuha @zannivrs @sashiette @itsyourgirlria @skimm0nzz @sunsethw4 @dazaisfavgf
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schneereggen · 3 months
Hello, I hope I haven't disturbed you, there is a topic that bothers me a lot, and since you are a writer yourself and have a very good analysis of how to write, I decided to ask you about it because maybe I am the one who is wrong. My question and problem is related to the current story of Seraph and its fandom. I don't know why, but I have the feeling that the author is trying to force Yu or the original Mikaela to be the hero of the story also forcing his ideals to be the right ones, in a way that questions all of its logic until now. For example, I remember during the war between Guren and Yu, when Yu forgave Guren, everyone was upset because of why he forgave him, but now, according to the title of this new chapter, which is forgiveness for everyone, the author has actually accepted that Guren, Mahiru, or Krul, for example, should forgive all the troubles Shikamaduji brought to them, and the interesting thing is that exactly the same people who had a problem with Yu's forgiveness of Guren, have now accepted it easily, and it doesn't seem to matter to them at all that Shikama made a thousand times worse disaster to Guren, Mahiru, Farid, Krul, and his friends in exchange of what they did to Yuu. Shikama brought it to them. What kind of stupid logic is this? Yu was nothing but a toy until a few chapters ago, and now he has completely changed his personality and turned into a complete genius who seems to have the right to choose for everyone. Whether Mahiru, Ferid, Guren, Krul, Shinya, Kureto, Shinoa, etc want to forgive Shikamaduji or not is not up to Yu. If God is bad in this story, Shikamadouji, who created humans and planned their whole lives from beginning to end, is not much different from God, and he is also bad because both of them performed and played exactly the same role just for different people They, Shikama and God, are two sides of the same coin so how can we just accept one is bad and the other is good? I am really tired. This story has no meaning, it's just a series of ideologies that the author is trying to forcefully feed us, and MikaYuu fans or not, it's better to say Mika fans praise it wherever it benefits them and wherever it harms them they are knocking I really don't know what to do anymore, this story doesn't feel the way it did in the beginning and it's very upsetting to me so I decided to ask you to see if I'm just overreacting or what I'm feeling is true.
Sorry for taking so long for the answer. How long has it been? I don't even remember. All the new chapters come and go every month without me remembering much.
First thank you :) I learned a lot about writing from an editor and it's always fun to project them on series.
So back to topic, you are valid anon. I also get the feeling that the story is forced - a lot. Though I don't know if I would say for me that Yuu is the problem here but he probably plays a bigger part in the current mess.
My biggest problems with the current arc are two things:
No stakes and no consequences
Events are happening without characters having a proper motivation
No stakes and no consequences
No stakes is simple, Yuu has nothing to lose. If he doesn't succeed nothing will happen or rather we don't know what will happen. So we don't care. This is the biggest issue that makes the story meaningless. There's no tension, no real goal.
Having Yuu as the main character, a guy with no brain and the naivety of a child isn't the best choice to begin with. Especially if he doesn't have a plan. So the problem with Yuu is that he doesn't have a clear goal, a plan and the story has to bend to his benefit so he won't get killed in all of this.
Events are happening without characters having a proper motivation
Second thing is that characters now do stuff for which they don't have a reason or a motivation. Characters do stuff because they have to do it. And in the end it doesn't line up. E.g. Why should Yuu now go to Saito? Why should Yuu forgive Guren at that moment? Why should anyone understand Shikama? There's no reason behind it, not even one that you can build yourself. And that feels wrong. The story had been good in the past because characters did what made sense according to their individual goals and beliefs. Now it's all over the place.
To me it's almost as if Kagami decided once how the story should go and now doesn't know anymore how to do it. How to get to the point he wanted the characters to be. And instead of reconsidering and rewriting, what you should do as an author if you notice your story don't line up anymore, he just proceeded to write events. The only thing that is narrative consistent atm are the single chapters in itself. But that's not enough to have an engaging story.
On top, the inconsistency breaks the suspension of disbelief for me. At the beginning of the story I wanted to believe that everything that was happening had a reason. And eventually I found the reasons. But now that the characters act inconsistent and not according to their motives I started to doubt everything that's happening before I get proof that it makes sense.
Considering this, it makes sense that you start to doubt the reason for the story and what it is all about. To be at least it doesn't seem that the story is heading towards forgiveness - even though it had been a bit too fluff in the past for my liking. But I at least feel that Shikama will be the last to be forgiven even though Saito felt empathy for him? Which doesn't make much sense. But Shikama is still the villain even though he has gotten a motivation and motivation isn't bad.
To sum up, for me the problem of the story isn't the forced ideology but the writing issues and that therefore the story doesn't know where it wants to go anymore. The true masterminds do nothing interesting and there's nothing the story is heading towards.
Seraph of the End had been so cool back then and it hurts me every time to see where it is now. There was no clear goal but it at least seemed as if Yuu had a chance to turn Mika back into a human. And he was a toy which wasn't bad because it was present in an interesting way.
So your feelings are right, the story became meaningless by now.
Last point the fandom, Well, yeah the Guren hate and Shikama glory in the fandom is tiring. Any mikayuu crumbs are good and everything that actually matters is not good enough. I don't know why it became like this but I have the feeling that most fans that were actually interested in the story already left the fandom. And now a lot of fans remained that are only interested in their ship. Though personally, I wouldn't want my ship if it was written badly. So I'm hoping we will slowly get some good story moments back that will actually feel genuine again because they make sense.
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