#whoever styled him is a genius
chaoticgarbageblog · 2 years
Do I need Poe Dameron funko pop to function as an adult in this cruel world ?
Have I just placed an order for it online?
And yes, it’s specifically this version of Poe.
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nuka-goblin · 3 months
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reference sheets for some of my Fallout ocs! may add more of them later, but for now these guys are my main faves :)
Bios under the cut
Baron: A Pre-War pilot in the US Air Force. He met @sawyingthroughthewasteland 's Sole, Sawyer, while at a Navy officer school. After being shot down over Alaska he signed up for an experimental 'super soldier' program and frozen. The freeze was only meant to last one month, but that was before the bombs fell.
200 years later, the Enclave finds him in one of their labs, unfreezes him, and takes him to Raven Rock to perform experiments on him. Then, when Hannah happened to Raven Rock, he fled to the Brotherhood of Steel. 10 years after that, the BoS sends an envoy to the Commonwealth to find out what happened to the Prydwen - turns out, Sawyer happened. Reunited once again, Baron leaves the BoS and marries Sawyer. These days, he pilots for the Minutemen.
Dee: Born to a nuclear physicist and a Nobel prize winning biochemist, three years after being sealed in Vault 76 along with some of the most brilliant minds in America. Unfortunately, as Dee grew it turned out she wasn't brilliant - at least, not compared to her peers, the genius children and prodigies in her Vault classes. Her parents had high hopes for her, even naming her after the Hindu concept of 'dharma,' but she rebelled against expectation at every opportunity. She despised her know-it-all peers, her overbearing family, and the shit attitudes of every privileged asshole in the Vault. The Wasteland and everyone in it turned out to be much more fun.
Hannah: Ever since she was a baby, Hannah was the sweetest person you'd have ever met. (We don't talk about the toddler years.) Her father raised her Christian like her mother, but her innate sense of right and wrong always overpowered her respect for rules, God, or the Overseer - and that got her into trouble. When the Overseer made a poor choice, hurt anyone, or even said anything unkind, Hannah made sure to let him know. Many people saw her as a troublemaker for that reason - especially Butch, who hated that she always tattled on him. But she was the apple of her father's eye, and she was just as intelligent and gifted in both science and medicine as him. This served her well in the Wasteland. She's a pacifist, a paragon of virtue, and yet the Wasteland has done its damnedest to break her. Someday, it'll succeed, but her friends will do their best to delay it.
Pascha: From birth, Pascha was told she was the Chosen One. Her grandmother passed when she was young, but she knew she had big shoes to fill. Luckily, that suited Pascha (or Paz, to her pals) just fine. She always liked the power and respect. That's not to say she didn't do plenty to earn it - she was never one to sit still. She was constantly improving herself, waiting for the day she got to prove that she really was the Chosen One. Once that day came, she was eager to be a hero; but it turned out that while being a legend came naturally, acting like a hero just wasn't her style.
Peggy: Raised in a big family on a brahmin farm near Redding, but a woman with more pre-War sensibilities, Peggy left home shortly after her beloved father was conscripted into the NCRA and sent to the Mojave front. She enlisted to follow him; although she had no combat skills whatsoever, it was discovered that she had a rare and unique skillset that made her an excellent... secretary! She maneuvered to get assigned as Colonel Hsu's personal aide, hoping to leverage her position to get her father sent back home, but her father isn't the only man she ends up caring for.
Snake Eyes: Six isn't sure who she used to be before, but she doesn't particularly care. Fueled by vengeance and greed, Six kills, pays off and betrays whoever she needs to in the service of Mr. House, all in the interest of enjoying the luxury, power and respect that comes with the job. She isn't always proud of what she's done, especially to her friends, but the caps, chems and sex that she's paid in helps keep her numb to herself while the Mojave languishes around her. She goes by Six, but most people call her Snake Eyes, owing to perhaps her one scarred eye, her capacity for betrayal, or maybe her supernatural luck. That said, only the very stupid or the very brave will call her that to her face.
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Spencer Reid Likes Your Music
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:Some mentions to songs I like or have listened to in the last month since writing this.
Hotchner said there would be a new team member for the BAU, he didn't say much more after that but to expect them today. Spencer carried his still-hot coffee in his hand and his other hand rested on the straps of his ever-present messenger bag. He didn't like change much and he felt curious about who would join, an ex-military, maybe a student in training, or another genius like himself. The possibilities flooded his brain with theories and percentages. It could be another guy, he thought worriedly. Spencer gets enough teasing as it is, he just hopes whoever joins won't be a bully.
Spencer opens the doors to Quantico, making small greetings as he goes to the elevator. he presses the button and waits, already knowing how long it will take to reach him, 14 seconds on the mark. When the elevator opens he enters it swiftly and someone else enters behind him.
A woman only a little shorter than him by maybe an inch, with long bangs that hide half her eyes. She is wearing an old, well-loved, Dale Earnheart t-shirt with flared blue jeans. The entire outfit seems too dressed down to belong in a government building while still suiting her so well.  But what is the most surprising is the loud, blaring, music from her earbuds.
"Too tired to sleep, good morning
And I'm too wired to heed the warning
That there's danger in the summer
The calm before the thunder
I'm an American cliché
Missing a girl in a French café
I say, "Goddamn, you're beautiful"
You blush and duck out of frame"     ~American Cliche by FINNEAS
The music is upbeat but the voice is monotonous and deep. It's not really Spencer's style but the tune is catchy and the way the woman taps her thigh tells him that it is something she enjoys. She notices his staring and raises her eyebrow making her bangs shift to reveal more of her eye. No gaudy fake lashes or swirling eyeliner, just plain hazel eyes that catch his breath.
They turn away from each other when the doors open to the floor Spencer gets off on. He's again surprised when she gets off behind him, Spencer expected the woman to get off on the floor above. She follows feet behind him, her music still clouding his ears, he glances back as he turns the corner into the bullpen and notices her steps are in time with the beat.
Again, Spencer doesn't expect much until she walks up to Hotchner's office and knocks three times on the door. The woman hurriedly pulls the earbuds out and stuffs them in her pockets before putting her arms behind her back and waiting.
Hotchner opens the door in surprise before greeting the woman and leading her into his office.
"That our new member?" JJ asks as she turns her head to Hotch's office.
"Guess so." Prentiss parrots.
Everyone waits for Hotch to come out with their suspected new member. "Team, meet your new member, Cosette, Nadine. She will be joining us on our case." Everyone moved to the conference room for debriefing and Spencer noticed she slipped an earbud back into her ear, although the music was turned down marginally to not be blasting. Despite Hotch and the new member being closest to the conference room, She did not enter the room until everyone was seated. She paused before deciding against sitting entirely and leaning against the back wall where she watched her new teammates through her bangs. Spencer being close enough to the back, could only faintly hear her music.
"Okay .... Blah - blah - blah. Case explanation or something." Hotch began with some help from Garcia. Emily Prentiss who was sitting near the middle of the table turned toward the new member during the case explanation. "Can you please take out your earbud and focus on the case."
Everyone turned toward the new member some with surprise and others with disappointment. She ducked her head sheepishly. "Sorry, Ma'am. Swear I was listenin'." She pulled her earbud out and stowed it in her pocket. "Was reading their lips," she mumbled while tucking her hair behind her ear.
Spencer picked up that she was nervous by the way she pulled at her ear after saying the last part. Everyone else noticed too and turned back around to continue the debriefing of the case.
"Wheels up in ten, Cosette, you can put it back in now," Hotch said turning to leave the conference room. The way Hotch said the last part was soft and with understanding.
"Got it, Boss!" Cosette chirped: It was the first glimpse into her personality, the team noted. The team noticed that while she did reach into her pocket, she did not pull out her earbud again. She frowned as if scolding herself.
JJ was the first to approach Cosette, "Got a to-go bag?" She asked.
"Yea- I mean Yes Ma'am!" Cosette quickly corrected. "Left it in the car, may I go get it?" She asked back sheepishly. JJ agreed and the newest member of the Bau quickly went to get her bag.
"She's looked really nervous, guys," Garcia said to the team.
"When she settles, she might have a very energetic personality." David Rossi added.
"I feel a little bad for calling her out. But she should know better than to listen to music during a debriefing." Prentiss commented.
"Maybe she had a reason. She took them out before going into Hotch's office."
The team gathers at the jet and all of them notice the newest members' apprehension. "You need to sit down for the plane to take off," JJ says soothingly to Cosette. JJ became the designated person to ask or tell the new member to do anything because of her background as a liaison. "Okie Dokie," Cosette responds back before scurrying to sit next to Spencer, again surprising the others.  She sits and quickly buckles herself while clenching the straps tightly.
"First time?" Derek Morgan jokes and Cosette's eyes widen comically when the plane begins shaking and lifting off. She doesn't respond immediately until the jet levels out more. "Not fond of planes or flying in general." She mutters.
Cosette then turns to Spencer, "Sorry for not asking first before sitting." She shivers, not from cold but from holding her muscles too tightly. "I'll move as soon as I can." She breathes deeply and seemingly calms. She moves again to take out her earbuds but doesn't. Instead, she begins tapping some unknown beat with her finger on her knee.
"What song is that?" Spencer asks.
"Frank Sinatra, Fly with me." She responds immediately.
"That's an oldie," Rossi says appreciatively. "What is your favorite song by him?"
"Girl from Ipanema or Blue Moon."
"A blue moon is not actually blue, the term actually refers to the rarity of the occurrence. A blue moon is when there are two full moons within a month. This falls some way short of the 365/366 days in a calendar year: therefore, roughly every two and a half years a 13th full moon is seen. The term was-" Spencer says smartly.
"Spencer." Morgan interjected before the doctor could say more.
Cosette turned left and right in confusion. "But it was interesting," she whined. "The term comes from the saying, The moon is blue, right? Because it means something is impossible?"
Spencer felt strangely warm in his face from the way she finished his thought, and the way she asked if she was right was like she was asking for more facts. He realized he may have stared too long and adjusted his tie, "Yeah, from the 16th century."
"Don't goad him on much or pretty boy will talk your ears off with facts," Morgan warns.
"So," Cosette responds bluntly. The others shake their heads while coming up with their own guesses as to when she would tell him to shut up. But that didn't happen, no matter how long-winded or obscure the fact was. When passengers were allowed to move about the cabin, most had expected her to get up and run but instead, she unbuckled and sat sideways to pay closer attention to him.
"Didn't you want to move?" Spencer asked between facts.
"Do ya want me to? I mean I can! I know you have a book and you may prefer it to talking." Cosette asked pulling on her ear. Now that he was paying more attention he noticed she had a small metal hoop in the upper half of her ear. It was actually the only piece of jewelry she was wearing. No ring, bracelet, or necklace. She ducked her head at his stare and her ears began to twitch. "I swear to Veritas that I'm listening, but I can't tell you what the last three facts were even if you held me at gunpoint." Seeing Dr. Reids' face shift, she quickly tried to say more to stop his disappointment. "It's not that I'm not listening! I really am!" She clenched her hand and began to scratch her palm. "Sometimes I can be staring right at someone but the words don't register. It's a disconnection between the sounds and words, Auditory Processing Disorder. I didn't wanna stop you because even if I wasn't really hearing words, your voice was really nice and kinda excited."
Rossi again speaks up from across the plane aisle. "If I may ask what caused the disorder?" He looks worried when she can't answer immediately.
"It was a head injury. The full story was that I was a kid and the plane I was on crashed. At the time I was listening to Come Fly With Me by Frank Sinatra. It's why I was tapping it earlier. Not to like crash the plane or anything but like how killers develop rituals. I play or tap the song when I'm nervous on a plane and it tells me that no matter what happens I'd be fine because I was back then." She scratches the back of her neck. "I've been told it doesn't make much sense."
"Actually that does make sense. You're associating the song with the crash and surviving it so you subconsciously tap the song. Most likely a coping mechanism to help you not panic in the event of another crash." Spencer said.
"In not as many words, yes." Cosette said before yawning. Spencer wouldn't admit it to anyone but himself but she reminded him of a cute gerbil when she yawned. "Maybe I should take a nap?" She asked herself quietly.
"We'll be in the air for another hour or two. A small nap wouldn't hurt. Actually napping for half an hour can improve productivity leaving you feeling rested but not drowsy." Spencer added. "This is due to your brain never entering REM sleep."
"We get it pretty boy." Morgan added and when Cosette turned around she saw that Derek Morgan was in fact trying to sleep. She nodded toward Spencer before leaning back in her seat and quickly falling asleep.
Weeks later at another case. The team get to the police station, Cosette has her earbuds in again, this time, no one on the team blinks at the faint music. Even Spencer moves closer to hear it as he wonders what it is.
Spencer notice's when they arrive to the police station and begin giving a profile like they always do. Cosette doesn't stand with them. As Gideon and Derek and Hotch all give words on the profile; Spencer watched her eyes bounce from one face to another as she reads lips. Even when a cop speaks up she sees it out the corner of her eye and turns her head toward them. She picked a place to stand that let her both see her teammates and the cops when they talk.
He's again surprised by her intellect when even she comes up with the killer before him. A strange feeling erupts in his chest when she brushes against him to get the papers to Hotchner. It's like his heart beat harder but it was pleasant. Something warm tingles in his chest as she fist bumps the air after they've caught the suspect.
The team had to get conjoined rooms for another case and while most of the team went out for dinner you decided to stay in the room and take advantage of the hot water. 
Spencer had also elected to stay with you not of your knowledge as he hears you begin to sing. And while he did enjoy hearing your music from time to time as it blasted through your earbuds, Spencer Reid found he liked hearing you sing even more as you belted the lyrics to another song he didn't know.
"I'm no James Dean
Heartthrob daydream
Bad hair, black jeans
Not cool suits me
Girls won't date me
Guys all hate me
Guess that must mean
I'm no James Dean
James Dean~
I'd got into Nirvana
And smoking marijuana
My first year in school
But you don't really wanna
Get busted by your momma
If you want to stay cool" ~ James Dean by the Wrecks.
Spencer hears through the open conjoining door as you get out of the shower. The song ends and you begin another while your shadow dances under the door with the steam.
"Please forgive my ugly I
Should've picked to be born more lovely I
Should've picked a face
That would've more easily won a place
For me in your heart rent-free
Please forgive my dimensions
I just should've designed myself for your bad intentions
I just should've picked a form
That would've made good mental porn
For all of your odd fantasies"
~ Ugly by Cloudfooter
While the lyrics were sad, you said them with a chirp. But Spencer finds himself not appreciating the song for how it made him feel. Even if he isn't the prettiest as he's been told by women and men alike. In a way he calls into question that maybe why he's viewed as ugly could be his need to give facts and explain things. Sometimes he can't help it really as it is just the way he thinks and sees the world. And while he does have some problems being complimented because he feels he doesn't deserve them he still wants to deserve them. In a way wanting to be praised.
"What're you thinking about so hard? I'd have thought ya went with the group for chow?" Cossette says from the foot of the bed startling him.
"Nothing." Spencer answers too fast.
"Uh huh. And I'm the queen." She says sarcastically. Spencer felt surprised to note that he liked her sarcastic comments. Few they were but still made him smile.
Cossette turns her back to the bed and falls back on it with a jump. She closes her eyes and curls up with a pillow. "Don't think too hard so late. Save the stressful thoughts for later."
"Do—do you think I'm pretty." Spencer asks.
Cossette opens one eye to examine him and Spencer thought he imagined it but her face does take on a redder hue but he simply explains it away with her having taken a hot shower.
"Honest truth? I think you're beyond pretty. I mean Derek is all macho and Hotchner has that stern vibe but you." Cossette pauses and closes her eyes again with a yawn. "Ya know, you're cute when you ramble those facts and you're damn near gorgeous when you wear those blazers. So yeah I think you're pretty. Where's this coming from? Did one of this cops say somethin'?"
"No I just."
"Do you doubt what I said was true?"
"No, but.."
"No butts. You're hot, pretty and gorgeous. Any bastard who tells you different is just jealous of you. For one you're kind and sweet. Super polite and well educated. You're easy to talk to and have a wonderful voice." The more she talked the quieter her voice got until Spencer looked over to see her sleeping.
"Spence! S-pence! Spencer!" Emily calls him a third time as he had been staring at Cossette'a empty desk after she left. And with her departure the buzzing of her music through her earbuds has also left him. It had only been a week since the last case and when Cossette had complimented him while also pushing away his fears. But in the process she also made him feel something strange. Unlike before the interaction, now whenever he had long conversations with her his eyes would unintentionally drift to her lips as she talked. And when she hummed or mumbled any song under her breath then he moved a little closer to hear. It was bad enough that he had even gotten a sharp grin from Morgan afterward.
During another case that was solved moderately swiftly the team still needed to stay in their hotel for the night (for sake of plot.) Spencer, who was awake as usual when all the other guys had already gone to sleep, heard as somewhere around four, one of the females left their room. Quietly he pokes his head to the conjoined door and notices Cossette isn't there in the bed with JJ. Standing, he slowly sneaks to the door. Not that he knows, his movement awakes Derek. He has to contain himself from telling the doctor to go get his girlfriend.
When Spencer finds her it's with her feet hanging over the edge of the pool. He hears her ragged breaths as she sings and mumbles through tears.
"Who gives a fuck about my nightmares?
'Cause I can barely focus when I'm like this
And lately, forty wings would be just priceless
I wrestle with myself and with my vices
But no one gives a fuck about my nightmares
But it's nothing you should worry yourself about (oh oh, oh oh)
It's nothing you should worry yourself about (oh oh, oh ohhh)
It's all a bit of fun until somebody gets hurt
I'll take it with a pinch of salt, another lesson learned"
~ nightmares by little life
"Is that how you really feel?" Spencer can't help himself from asking. He moves closer to her now still form as she tensed with his presence. Sitting beside her he lets one hand dip in the water. "I really hate cold water because on one of our cases a man kidnapped a boy and was going to drown him in a lake. I was the first one there so I had to swim out to save the boy while Derek and Hotch took care of the unsub. The water was cold like this." He says the last words with remorse. Could he not save the child?
"I just had a really bad nightmare," she shrugs her shoulders and wipes her eyes. "Wasn't about any case we had but, it was an unsub and he had this girl and I don't even know the girl but I swear to you it was happening on the front porch of my childhood home. He asks her if she wears hearing aids, maybe she's deaf or close to it. She says no and he said good, you won't be needing them. And then he screwed a bolt into the side of her head through her ear canal. I could hear her screaming, and then it changes and I'm the one being drilled into. I can't open my jaw or move my mouth because it it all hurts. My ear feels so hot like it's burning and there's something wet going down my neck. I can't breathe and then I wake up." She gives him a dry grin. "It's made no sense but it still freaked me out." She shakes her head again and her hair moves around her catching his eyes. She places her hands down against the edge of the pool and leans her head back to the stars. There weren't many due to how close they were to the city.
Spencer feels something bubble in his chest, like the feeling of drinking too much fizzy pop. Tentatively, scared, he gently places his hand over hers making her snap her head to him.
"What are you—?"
"Is it helping? 85% of adults have at minimum one nightmare a year. I'd...I'll be here if you have more." Spencer quirks a shy grin. Cossette smiles back and holds his hand before leaning against his shoulder.
The relationship between them became closer after that night.
Cossette walked out of the elevator into the bull pen with two coffees in hand while nodding her head to her music. She twirled around Spencer's desk before leaning against the corner with a bright smile. Spencer ducks his head with a smile as she sets the coffee down. "Crap ton of sugar, doll face." She says under her breath before turning and leaving with a skip away to see Penelope.
"What was that!" Derek asks with a laugh. "Ohhhh," Derek begins to raise his eyebrows up and down making Spencer fluster again.
"It's nothing."
"That didn't look like nothing," Rossi adds in passing while setting his things at his desk for the day. A soft smile melts the Italian man's face.
"Guys what's got everyone so smiley?" JJ asks as she too walks into the bull pen with folders in her hand.
"Pretty boy got coffee from his girlfriend. She made it just the way he likes it." Derek says the last part with more tease.
"She's not my girlfriend," Spencer reaches for the coffee and takes a sip with a soft smile.
"Not yet," Derek badgers.
It was only after a few more mornings like this that they began to go out on occasion. Spencer taking her to the book store when he found a book he thought she'd like.
"Don't expect me to read as fast as your Spence. This is— 300 pages in the least." Cossette smiled up at him.
"I don't expect you too but..." Spencer said sheepishly but she didn't let him finish.
"I'm just teasing, doc. At the very least I need an afternoon, hopefully we aren't called in when I get to the best part." She jests while gently holding the side of his vest. They hadn't progressed to holding hands yet. There was one time where she hooked her pinky around his. The innocent action made the boy genius flush and hide his face from her eyes.
"Hey Spence?"
"You should know something." She turned to stand in front of him. "You're pretty swell." She said in a mock English accent making Spencer crack a smile.
(Songs that will be included when this is finished. (This is reference for me but they’re good songs)
I’m beginning to see the light by ink spots.
Out of style by the Wrecks
Pumpkin the Regrettes
Old soul Saint motel
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sarcasticsra · 1 year
I cannot stress enough how much everyone should watch Starkid’s A VHS Christmas Carol if you haven’t seen it yet. It’s pretty short, only about 45 minutes, and it’s truly one of the best adaptations of A Christmas Carol that I’ve ever seen.
No, seriously. I think it has even surpassed The Muppets Christmas Carol for me. That has been my favorite Christmas movie since I was a child. My mom and sister and I used to watch it every Christmas Eve. I still love it dearly and it is an amazing adaptation that I’ll defend to my death, but you guys. You guys. A VHS Christmas Carol is just THAT GOOD.
It’s done in the style of 80s music/videos, which is delightful. It’s an opera, so it’s all sung through, which I love. And it’s so good!
Let me enumerate the ways. Spoilers to follow. (Can you spoil A Christmas Carol? Once a story becomes public domain does that exempt it from spoiling? Idk, lol. Spoilers for the show, anyway. Also for Avatar: The Last Airbender. …I promise there’s a path.)
1) Bah Humbug! - Song number one and it goes hard right from the start. It is everything an opening number should be. Dynamic, sets the tone, and an incredible fucking bop. The interactions between Scrooge and Fred and Scrooge and Bob are done so well, too. You so quickly get a sense of their characters. Obviously we know their characters because this is a story that has been told many a time before, but it does it so well that you would immediately get them even if you were an alien who had never in your existence been exposed to A Christmas Carol in any capacity. That’s impressive to me. It’s not relying on the familiarity of the story to do its character work.
2) 3 Spirits - I love the tone of this song. This is a Marley with true regret and pain who is absolutely pleading with Scrooge to take the chance he’s being given. It’s less “scared straight” and more, “I need you to understand this like you’ve never understood anything before.” Marley becomes a character in his own right as opposed to merely a backdrop for Scrooge to react to. That’s a theme with this adaptation. Characters who are pretty flat in a lot of adaptations seem so much more like real people in this one. Also, whoever decided to cast Meredith as Marley here is a fucking genius. She’s so goddamn talented and she really shines here. The emotion, the weight. Gah. Beautiful. The interplay between Marley and Scrooge is incredible as well; these are two insanely talented performers breathing a new life into tried and true characters, and you really feel the relationship between them.
3) I’m The Ghost - Christmas Past is so pointed and snarky and incredible, making Scrooge come to certain realizations. “Huh, little boy left all alone. Oh, your sister died so young. Didn’t she have a son though? Why are the employees so happy, this party didn’t cost much? Thinking of something? Okay, last stop, buckle up, it’s all your own doing.” I love it so much.
4) That Scrooge - You guys. You guys. They’ve done what I assumed was impossible. They’ve done what even the Muppets couldn’t. It’s a Scrooge-Belle breakup song that isn’t the most unbelievably boring and bland thing you’ve ever heard in your life. Belle is a fucking person! She has a personality! She’s very clearly stating her case, that he’s changed and she doesn’t like it and does he have anything to say? No? Okay, bye! THE EMOTION IN THIS SONG. Scrooge starts singing not just with her but to her! All the things he didn’t say before! And then he starts singing angrily about/at his past!self for being an idiot! You actually FEEL THINGS about this relationship. It was a deep love and losing it super fucked him up! I have never before seen Belle/Scrooge done as well as this one (1) song handles it.
5) Christmas Electricity - Get ready to have this song stuck in your head for ten thousand years. This song is, I believe, the standard classical definition of “a fuckin’ bop.” It’s so high energy and exciting, you really can understand how Scrooge gets so caught up in it himself. You also see more of Fred in this song and, again, he’s a person! He has specific motivations for why he keeps reaching out to Scrooge. Corey’s Fred is hands down one of the best performances of this character full stop. He took what is usually a bit, side character and made him a full human with understandable thoughts and feelings. They gave the Fred-Scrooge relationship such incredible emotional weight because of it. I think that’s one of my favorite aspects of this adaptation.
6) Priceless - Here we see the Cratchits enjoying their Christmas with an incredibly sweet song about having little but feeling like they have a lot. I really like the way this song feels a bit cheesy (goes with the whole 80s vibe) but they also feel like a real family with some silliness and some sweetness and Bob’s wife having very strong opinions about Scrooge that he’s too polite for. Also “listen to this key change out of the bridge” goddamn just show off constantly how freaking talented this entire cast is, why don’t you.
7) The Final Ghost - I probably have too much to say about this song. It’s my favorite, which considering this entire show is pitch fucking perfect, is really saying a lot. Dylan Saunders is truly one of the most talented performers I’ve ever seen, and his Scrooge is so, so good. It really shines through here. His interactions with Christmas Future show him mirroring Bob from earlier (he has a line that’s almost an exact quote of a line from Bob in Bah Humbug!), correcting himself, and trying to be respectful/humble. Subtle displays of emotional growth even before he gets to the truly scary parts. The song is of course a darker tone, as is correct for this part of the narrative, perfectly setting up the finale song. We get Scrooge overhearing about a funeral no one cares about, the same man being robbed after death, and this death bringing actual happiness to people. Throughout it all so far Christmas Future only speaks in a wordless melody, as is apt. Scrooge asks for tenderness connected to death and is shown the Cratchits mourning Tiny Tim, which breaks him, and he asks who the dead man was from earlier. Still wordless, Christmas Future leads him to a cemetery, and that wordless melody perfectly transforms into an eerie, ethereal, “Ebenezer Scrooge.” The fucking amount of sheer EMOTION Dylan packs into Scrooge pleading for his soul, that he is changed, and the final bit of narration… fuck, you guys, it’s so good. I love all of the “scene” parts of this song so much. It all builds so perfectly.
7a) The narrator. - This isn’t a specific song, I just want to call out how excellent the narrator is through the whole show and how perfectly the narration ties the whole show together. It’s one of those things where it goes unnoticed because it’s so perfect, but if it were bad you would definitely notice. You need it to be there and understated or a lot a falls apart, but it can be such hard balance to strike. This show nails it.
8) Christmas Day - The finale! And what a finale it is! The energy is a perfect contrast to the song before it as Scrooge delights in being alive and having time to make things right. His joy is palpable as he goes about his day, buying Bob a huge turkey, making an incredible donation to the charity he blew off the day before, and showing up at Fred’s. Guys. This scene. Especially when I watch the live, but even sometimes just via the soundtrack, this scene just fucking perfectly, beautifully guts me. You know how in Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko has to go on his whole narrative arc to eventually join the right side, and along the way sort of betrays his Uncle Iroh, aka the only good father figure he’s ever had, because he’s a traumatized teenager, and eventually he meets back up with him and starts stumbling out an apology and Iroh just sweeps him up in a hug without a word, and you sob because it’s perfect? That is the energy present in this, what, 15-second scene, just this incredible emotional buildup and payoff accomplished in a scant 45-minute runtime. It’s truly wondrous. The finale, as all true finales should, calls back musically to previous character beats, and ends on the perfect bookend to the opening number. It’s just so, so immensely satisfying.
Tl;dr - this musical has made me feel more Christmas-y than I have in a long, long time, and I have listened to little else in terms of music since I watched it two weeks ago. (It was literally the only music I had listened to since then until right now, and that’s only because I’m in a van on a road trip to my sister-in-law’s for Christmas. While I would have been perfectly content to listen to this soundtrack on repeat for the entire 8-hour drive, I also recognize that the four other people in this van do not have my particular flavor of hyperfixated ADHD brain and probably would not appreciate that, heh. Thus I played it once and then other music. Compromise!)
But yes. Seriously. It’s so good. Gah. Go watch it!
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milksuu · 3 months
⌜modern!au!hwei x gn!reader⌟ ╰ ❝ A WORK OF ART ❞
❥ prompt: Hwei takes you on a date. But you're not really the 'artsy-fartsy' type. ❥ content/warnings: established relationship, fluff, suggestive language/themes ❥ word count: 668 an;; i swore i would write something for hwei when he came out. i have fulfilled my promise...to myself lol.
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"Tell me. When you gaze into this painting. What sort of feelings does it possess you with?"
"I'm possessed with the idea that someone spilled their coffee on it. And to cover it up, tried to wipe it away. But only smudged it around before deciding 'Ah, yes. This was an obvious intentionally stroke of genius. No one will suspect a thing.' And now, I'm feeling like I could go for a latte."
Hwei pauses, pinching his lips to side at your observation. He bows his head, as if coming to an inevitable conclusion. Which was, in fact, your glaring lack of an artistic eye. Still, he lifts a smile, not giving up on the idea that bringing you to a ritzy art gallery wasn't the worst idea he's ever had.
"Surely," he speaks low as to not disturb the other patrons busying themselves with the view, "you must have some inkling of emotion when you see it. Don't you?"
"Hwei," you finally turn, closing the galla pamphlet you were pressed to take. "You're asking an accountant what they think about art. Honestly, I'm more concerned about the price tag. In which case, I feel a sense of remorse for whoever plans to buy it. It's a blank canvas with a coffee stain."
"I'm beginning to think that you might lack just a fine hair of imagination." He bears a soft smile that washes away any nerve you have over his quip. He has a way of making his jests lighthearted and almost poetic. But that never meant he wasn't being truthful. Maybe that's what made him so dangerous to begin with. And that's what made you stall for a breath whenever you were with him.
Lifting an arm, he gestures for you to take it. You do, and allow him to escort you to whatever part of the gallery he wants to try and entertain you with. He's made a point to inspire you, and even mold you into someone who could potentially appreciate the crafts. He's put a lot of faith in potential. And that you could say, was not the most pragmatic way of going about things.
After a slow waltz to the next atrium, he brings you to stand before a chiseled, marble sculpture of a man. Carved with such expression and lines, it wouldn't surprise you if it started breathing. Quitely, you trace the statues body, down the the very detail of what was between his legs. By curve and size alone, you gather the artist didn't want this particular piece to be missed.
"It's giving me a sense of," you breathe in a refined breath for air, twirling a dramatic hand to the lower region. "Phallic."
You think Hwei will try to argue with you. Chastise you for your childish take on fine art. And possibly end the date early from sheer offense. Instead, he covers his mouth from his airy laughs.
"It seems you have a very good eye for these kinds of things. I knew I was dealing with an expert." A hint of amusement lightens the dark circles pressed beneath his sultry eyes. "I may or may not have have been thinking the same thing."
"My turn to ask the questions, then." You clear your throat, mimicking his ornate style of speech. 'Tell me. What sort of thoughts does it possess you with?'"
"I'm possessed with the thought"—he chuckles, closing the gap between your bodies. His lips mere inches away from yours. Whispering the last of his secret—"of how badly I want to kiss you right now."
"Really? In front of a Greek man's marbled penis, surrounded by a room full of voyeurs?" Your fingers take the fabric of his turtleneck, pressing him closer. "I would've never guessed this is what turns you on."
"Oh. You have absolutely no idea." Hwei concludes, quieting your breathy laughs with his lips. It blooms a cascade of warm tones in your chest, and you feel your cheeks bruise an intense hue of pink.
There's a time and place for when you would tell him.
That the way he makes you feel is your favorite work of art.
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yennefxr · 11 months
Why Vilgefortz threw himself off a cliff (ft. Girlboss Yennefer)
TWN based spoiler heavy Vilgefortz ramble about subterfuge, Aretuza's destruction and his ultimate frenemy Yennefer. 
If you ask yourself ‘Why did Vilgefortz do that?’ or ‘How could Yennefer do this?’ This one’s for you. 
Vilgefortz throwing himself off a cliff in season one to the pearl-clutching horror of Witcher fans was actually kind of genius. The greatest sorcerer on the Continent loses a sword fight to Cahir of all people and as a result Vilgefortz is written off as a thoughtless, useless and ineffectual villain. 
It’s too far of a stretch to consider the central antagonist of the saga may have an ulterior motive and that the fight’s victor was total misdirection.
Cahir was always going to walk away unscathed for two reasons:
Cahir doesn’t know it yet but they’re coworkers and it’ll reflect badly on Vilgefortz if he fillets him. 
Cahir is the only person that knows the true identity of Ciri and this is invaluable information to both Emhyr and Vilgefortz for their respective elder blood schemes.
The fight was subterfuge and the outcome never mattered, what did matter was that Yennefer was there to witness it. 
Vilgefortz’s behaviour is overtly theatrical during this scene - he dramatically flies in, he’s throwing swords about the place, he’s doing flips, Christ he even has a gimmick involving an endless supply of swords. He could have severed the mind connection with Yennefer at any point but it was imperative she witnessed this performance. Why? 
In S2 Vilgefortz has essentially fucked his way to the top. He’s not exactly subtle and there are clues to his true motives throughout all of his scenes. For example:
  He tells a Nilfgaardian soldier he can’t save him today because he’s Team Aretuza right now (a cute throwback to him bashing that Northern Kingdom soldier’s head in at the end of S1).
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He is openly conversing with Emhyr within Aretuza, most likely about elven baby slaughter.
And finally he is so obviously manipulating Tissaia that it’s almost criminal he didn’t look down the camera and wink. But I digress.
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Vilgefortz’s theatrics return during Cahir’s fake execution (because yet again Cahir was never at risk). Our attention is firmly on Yennefer and Cahir’s Bonnie-and-Clyde style escape and not on how every northern royal or high ranking member of Aretuza saw Vilgefortz hand that axe to Yennefer before she went full renegade. This may not seem significant but Cahir has now miraculously survived two near-death experiences and both times Yennefer and Vilgefortz have been at the helm. 
For Vilgefortz to put Cahir’s neck on the line he would need to know exactly what Yennefer intended but so far they’ve interacted for maybe five minutes at most. So how much does he know about Yen? 
During his introduction in S1 he knew exactly how to locate her, her romantic past with Istredd and the strength of her bond with Tissaia. Using the latter he expertly manipulates her back to Aretuza and onto the battlefield with a few clever words. 
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They strategised together at Sodden to coordinate the counterattack and in the process he let her take the lead, so he knows exactly how she operates in combat situations. 
By the end of season two he knows Yennefer is with Ciri and Geralt since he has been tracking Ciri from the moment she fled Cintra through Rience. He knows all about her family unit and what that means to her to have that connection. 
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Vilgefortz has clearly been studying Yennefer since before he appeared on screen, but if that isn’t a convincing enough argument, he’s also a mind reader. He’s so adept at it in the books that he’s frequently shown as bored waiting for characters like Geralt and Ciri to catch their thoughts up with his conversation. 
Whilst not yet confirmed in the show, an audition transcript posted back in May 2022 on RI alludes to Vilgefortz being far worse than just a mindreader: 
Voice 1: I can tell you that whoever did this has grand plans. It’s a mind-control enchantment. Anyone’s head would be a tangled mess.  Voice 2: Mind control? To what end? Voice 1: I don’t know. But it’s damned powerful. It has elements of sorcery, druidic magic and there’s even some ancient elven in this spell. That’s the other thing. The subject must be part elven. Maybe a couple of generations removed, but still. Voice 1: Who would have the power to do something like this? Voice 2: I don’t know anyone with the knowledge to do something like this. It would take lifetimes to acquire these all these skills, but whoever he is, he has a variety of interests.
This scene is now confirmed to take place during episode 3 of Season 3 with one of these voices being Geralt. 
Vilgefortz knows in S3 through his own studies of elder blood that Yennefer will need help tempering the chaos within Ciri and he knows exactly where she will turn. Straight back to Aretuza and her own maternal figure Tissaia with whom he has conveniently allied himself with both politically and romantically.
We've seen in the trailer that Geralt is less than enthused by this but Yennefer is adamant it's the best thing for Ciri.
Vilgefortz will actively defend and encourage Yennefer’s return to Aretuza despite her reputation across the Continent as a traitor, because Ciri will fall right in his lap. And whilst it seems strange for Vilgefortz to defend Yen he’s actually done it before in this deleted scene with Stregobor.
Stregobor: There’s something unnatural in her Vilgefortz: And there’s something unnatural in how entrenched your protege is with Nilfgaard 
Vilgefortz could have commented on any of Stregobor’s antics but he deliberately chose to rebuke Istredd. Stregobor’s student and one time spy. It’s reminiscent of teachers arguing about their student’s behaviour. It’s small but Vilgefortz has planted that seed of connection between him and Yennefer and he has been doing so continuously. 
Stregobor is truly the boy who cried wolf after the Renfri debacle and as such the audience (and Aretuza) is totally unsympathetic to his protestations of a traitor being amongst them. He’s so adamant in his prejudice towards Yen that he blindly appeals to the real traitor, again emphasising how the lines between Yennefer and Vilgefortz are starting to blur. 
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Stregobor is the first to identify the connection but TWN has not been shy in making parallels between Yennefer and Vilgefortz:
In S1:
Yennefer is strapped into a chair and forcibly sterilised. This never happens in the books and it is voyuersticly grisly in the show. Vilgefortz straps women into chairs and forcibly removes their wombs as part of his elder blood experiments in the books.
Yennefer stands at the top of Sodden Hill and scorches the Earth below. In the books Vilgefortz’s last stand at Stygga invokes a similar image. 
In S2:
Yennefer is the hero of Sodden. In the books, Vilgefortz is the hero of Sodden. Though in the show they can't seem to make up their minds.
And the piece de resistance is that Yennefer hunts Ciri across the Continent to sacrifice her for magical powers. In the books, (you already know where this is going)it’s Vilgefortz. 
Yennefer and Vilgefortz themselves even acknowledge their shared calculating natures during a terse discussion of the political fallout after Sodden.  
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Possibly their most contentious connection is Tissaia.
Vilgefortz was justifiably criticised for being romantically involved with Tissaia but there’s zero consideration as to his motive entering that relationship. Putting aside Tissaia and Vilgefortz’s shared political aspirations and their similar ideology on what to do with girls who no longer serve their purpose (eelgate), we’re left with Yennefer. 
We know Vilgefortz has been manipulating both women and that he’s been watching them closely. He repeats Tissaia’s own words to Yennefer back to her like a mantra:
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But to what end? Vilgefortz has nothing but contempt towards Tissaia and Yennefer’s relationship, and later Yennefer and Ciri’s bond. This is all a projection of his horrific mommy issues (more on that later) but here's an example of his feelings towards motherhood taken from Lady of the Lake: 
“I would have given you a reason for your crippled excuse of a maternal instinct. Although you’re dry and sterile as a stone, you’d not only have a daughter, but a granddaughter too. Or at least an excuse for a granddaughter."
Aretuza is the perfect hunting ground for Vilgefortz to find victims for his elder blood experiments. Students that don’t ascend are callously discarded, and coupled with the fact the girls have only been sent there as they have zero place in society and their families want them gone, they now fit the profile of ‘perfect victim’. Nobody’s that won’t be missed. If S3 follows the books then when Vilgefortz and Tissaia take control over Aretuza Tissaia will be promoted to Arch-Mistress meaning her protection of the girls slips as her her attention shifts elsewhere. Now Vilgefortz can play.
However there was a moment in S1 that makes me think he’s been set up an opposing force to Tissaia’s maternal nature since the beginning:
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Vilgefortz has been snatching these girls from just beyond Tissaia’s reach. He is making a mockery of her role as rectoress and the motherly role she has adopted towards her girls. This has now been confirmed as true via RI.
What becomes of Vilgefortz’ victims is something Geralt will discover in S3 when he goes on the hunt for Rience’s master and discovers a grotesque monster consisting of girl body parts fused together by fire. Fun. 
Tissaia and Vilgefortz’s relationship was never simple - consider these motives and exactly why he is so intimately placed within Tissaia and Yen’s relationship. Vilgefortz has dug his claws deeps and intends to weaponise Tissaia’s demise against Yennefer to break her.
Now onto the coup, in a bid for redemption a politically motivated Yennefer will be directly responsible for organising the conclave of mages in S3. Whether she is directed to do so by Tissaia or Vilgefortz or through her own volition remains to be seen. We know there are ulterior motives regardless of who hosts.
 What’s particularly striking about this is that as Thanedd burns it completes Yennefer’s self fulfilling prophecy, as warned about over the seasons by Stregobor.
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Stregobor is adamant Yennefer will lead Thanedd to ruin and compares her alleged actions to that of Falka during her rebellion in S2. Anything to reclaim power. He insists history will repeat itself and likely foreshadows his own death at Thanedd:
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The question is will Stregobor uncover the true identity of Aretuza’s traitor or will he die clinging to the belief that Yennefer will betray them all?
Moving onto the aftermath of the Thanedd coup the tiny blink and you miss it interactions between Vilgefortz and Yen take form - the fight that never was, the power exchange in front of Kings, her return to Aretuza, and all the jarring similarities between them. Yen was never working with Nilfgaard, she was working with him. At least this is what Vilgefortz wants the Continent to believe and he’s been planting that seed since S1. Stregobor noticed it. The Northern Kings saw it. Geralt will see it. 
Now Yennefer is all alone and her relationships have been systematically destroyed. 
Aretuza is gone and Tissaia is dead. Geralt has only just forgiven Yen for trying to sacrifice Ciri in S2, what will his natural conclusion be when Yennefer takes them to Aretuza and lands them in front of Vilgefortz? The Lodge knows Yennefer is innocent but that doesn’t fit their narrative so her friends run with her being a traitor and are happy to let her die as one.
Yennefer is now on the run and the only path she has is directly back to Vilgefortz.
TWN may not delve as far into her isolation as the books did; there are hints that Geralt and Yennefer will face Vilgefortz together and honestly I would prefer that. Geralt’s acceptance that Yennefer betrayed him in the books never sat well with me so I would welcome that change in the show. 
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So why has Vilgefortz done this to Yen? We begin to understand when Vilgefortz tries to recruit Geralt during Time of Contempt; he beguiles him with philosophy, immortality and concerning ideologies regarding women but Geralt simply doesn’t bite, until Vilgefortz hits too close to home.
"And there at the end of the world, I met a woman. A sorceress". "Be careful", whispered the Witcher, and his eyes narrowed. "Be careful that the similarities you are so desperately searching for don’t lead you too far".
Geralt rejects all of Vilgefortz’s attempts to find common ground with him and alluding to Yennefer is a step too far. Vilgefortz denies this connection and goes onto discuss how his preternatural rage stems from his mother’s rejection, the callousness of the Brotherhood and then back to the sorceress once more. 
“I left her. Because she was promiscuous, arrogant, spiteful, unfeeling and cold. Because it was impossible to dominate her, and her domination of me was humiliating…I left her, because she was like my mother. I suddenly understood what I felt for her was not love at all…a perverse need for suffering and atonement. What I felt for that woman was hate.”
Vilgefortz’s reason for becoming a mage was hatred - he has nothing but contempt for women and the magical Chapter. Yennefer is the embodiment of that hatred, from her own cold and spiteful demeanour and later her selfless maternal quest to save Ciri, she is the perfect target for his rage. He wants her to suffer and be humiliated as he was. 
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Neither Vilgefortz or Yennefer were ever going to be satisfied sitting courtside at the beck and call of a King, in that respect and in many other ways they are similar. But their major difference is where that quest for power leads them and for Yennefer in TWN that leads her to attempting to sacrifice Ciri to regain what she lost. 
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Yennefer gains far more when she meets Ciri - she finds connection, she finds a daughter, she finds everything she has been searching for. Her desire for power pales in significance to the point she would sacrifice her own life to save Ciri’s. She becomes utterly selfless and in doing so distinguishes herself from the Lodge and the antagonist she has been paralleled against from the second he appeared on screen. This is the Yennefer that will be tortured by Vilgefortz for months, but she accepts this as long as she can keep Ciri safe.
 I don’t necessarily agree with Yen’s actions in S2 but they’re not unfounded. The issue is the fandom at large has been drawn to caricatures of these characters that are the very antithesis of who they are. For a fandom that loudly professes their commitment to complicated women Yennefer was relegated to a love interest in S2 remarkably quickly. Fuck her complexity, she’s holding hands with a man now, therefore who cares what she did to Ciri. Let her be a little evil.
 It’s just such a dull reductionist take on Yen. 
Vilgefortz falls victim to this too - there’s zero exploration or even expectation of a motive which is tragic as the antagonist of the saga. It’s unusual how little traction Mahesh Jadu gets as a villain considering tumblr’s obsession with them but I imagine once Vilgefortz interacts with Geralt perception will change as it did with Yennefer after interacting with Jaskier, Istredd after meeting Geralt and I can only imagine the reception Phillipa will receive after interacting with Jaskier too. Is it an unfortunate pattern or is it just a coincidence that these characters only get traction after being blessed with meeting the golden white men of the franchise? I digress.
Vilgefortz and Yennefer are complicated characters who make zero attempt to coddle the audience but what they do do is contextualise each other. They are what the other hates most, and yet they’re mirror images. They deserve more than being reduced to lazy tropes and love interests and hopefully in S3 more people give both Anya and Mahesh the opportunity to show the depth and intrigue their characters can bring to the Witcher. 
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who-dat-homeless · 8 months
people keep saying like "oh it would be sad if azicrow becomes human in the finally :( " or "oh it'd be sad if crowley rejects aziraphale" or " oh it'd be sad if they wipe aziraphale's memories and he forgets crowley"
And I can't fucking relate because looking at the story we've got so far I SEE ABSOLUTELY NO EVIDENCE THAT ANY OF THIS COULD HAPPEN EVEN THEORETICALLY.
oh they'd become humans -- thematically they are already humans. At the end of the season one crowley says that hell and heaven would start a war against humans and now both crowley and aziraphale are not demon and not angel but something grey, something in the middle, something that actually can decide their action and their future (which ahem ahem is how humans described by the aziraphale) there's absolutely no need to make them human's thematically because they're already are. The only reason I can think of for making them humans is to get a bittersweet emotion from the audience, BUT IT'S FOCKEN CHEAP and I really can not see Neil Gaiman going for this. The man is mad genius of tragedy and bittersweetness and he is because this tragedy always has a reason/theme.
oh crowley would reject aziraphale -- BABE HAVE YOU WATHCED THE SHOW??????? CROWLEY BREAKS UP WITH AZIRAPHALE EACH FIVE MINUTES FR FR AND THE NEXT SCENE IS HER STANDING ON HER KNEES WET SAD AND MISERABLE BEGGING AZIRAPHALE TO COME BACK. REALLY. For fuck's sake Crowley is the sensible little kitten that lingers to the stranger's pants leg hoping they will get at least a little bit of sympathy. He's optimistic at it's core. But also he's so FUCKING lonely.
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She literally drove Bentley slower TO GIVE AZIRAPHALE A CHANCE TO CATCH HER. Good god.
Yes, of course there'll be conflict and there'll be fights and misunderstanding yada yada yada BUT DEAR GOD the second aziraphale is hurt (even emotionally) crowley is here ready to fight god, satan and whoever there is, and then accept his angel back in a span of a second
oh they'll wipe aziraphale's memories -- let's start with that they couldn't even wipe off Gabriel's memories (he and beelzebup did, putting it into the fly, Metatron did not do it)
and now, aziraphale first -- knowing what to expect from heaven, second -- specifically going there to fix it and stop second coming HE WILL BE SO CAUTIOUS that I really can't see how the wiping can even occur
"oh the angels would catch him and torture and.." no. I mean I think they're capable but like. They're an extremely ass licking office workers, who prides their reputation and stupid brute force is not their style. Yes they kidnaped aziraphale(crowley) once but even that kidnaping was so sanitized and almost non violent that I hardly can imagine them getting into actions. I think that they wouldn't even chase aziraohale across the heaven because running is heaven is prohibited, so. Unless Aziraphale himself would want to wipe his memories.. I absolutely can't see it happening.
but y'know what is the only thought that does make me sad?
That there's a possibility that Crowley would accept Aziraphale back no questions asked
This is the real shit
Because Crowley already did that in the past. It's in his fucking character. Because he's optimistic, because he's lonely, because he already lost his friend once. Because he has it all, he can go back to hell become a respected demon, take back his cool brutalist flat, he's self-sufficient, he can be all by himself if he really wants but he can never shut this hole of lonliness in himself no matter what he does
In Crowley's eyes Aziraphale makes him complete. It's the lost part of her soul she was looking for so long.
And I so fucking afraid that she will give up her dignity, she'll repress her feelings and needs once again, she'll do the first step ONCE AGAIN, only to shut this ugly feeling deep inside that makes her want to disappear.
AND IT MAKES SENCE because then Aziraphale can see how desperate Crowley and how wrong he was to just pretend that everything is fine between them, and Crowley can be confronted about this really unhealthy behavior and so on and so on
and just the thought that it makes sense and that it's in character MAKES ME SO AFRAID and so sad...
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thebardisabird · 1 year
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Okay okay, I love this?! I have to make it a headcanon post though because I feel like a written out scenario would be chaotic and a little too hard to follow, so I hope that's okay! MATSUS CRASH A WEDDING LET'S GOOO, under the cut:
Leave it to Osomatsu to overhear some dude spill the details on his wedding at his bachelor party and make plans to crash the thing. Rounding up the buys, all six of them slip into the wedding venue unnoticed. Well none of them were invited, so wtf are they doing at this wedding?! Osomatsu
Immediately hits on the bridesmaids - he figures at least a few of them might be single and at least one is willing to have a one night stand, right? Right?! 
When that doesn’t work, it’s off to the bar (if there is one) to knock back whatever they’ve got. If there’s nothing to drink, he’ll move on to shooting his shot with cousins or even a widowed aunt if she’s halfway decent 
Ends up locking himself out of the venue at one point and has to literally climb the building to get back in (almost falls off twice on the way up).
Yes he brought his guitar, yes his suit is blue and yes he attempts to play Sugar by Maroon 5 because he saw the music video and thought that was a genius thing to do for a wedding.
Tanks the wine and cheese available for the guests and does his very best to strike conversation with whoever is nearby, swishing his glass as he does. 
Accidentally spills his drink on the bride and immediately runs off to the bathroom to hide for a half hour so that he can be sure no one saw or suspects him.
Has to corral his brothers for the most part and that’s why he’s here - or at least that’s what tells himself as he partakes in some of the pastries at the finger food buffet.
Does actually end up screaming at Osomatsu and apologizing to a number of women for his crassness. 
Bumps into one of the server girls by accident and she ends up dropping a bunch of silverware. He freaks out in a string of apologies and dips down to help her; the two share a movie moment as they kind of connect through eye contact, but that is instantly ruined by Osomatsu attempting to drunkenly play leapfrog with him. The server girl is never seen again after that. 
Has dipped his fingers in the wedding cake more than once because he’s astounded about how delicious the frosting is. 
Very much stands off in the corner otherwise, it’s already loud and crowded enough and he doesn’t want any part of it.
Alternatively, he ends up in the kitchen with the venue culinary staff, standing in for the head chef. He’s barking orders and cooking up a storm in his white coat - very much Gordon Ramsay style.
You’ll probably find him amongst the children at first, running around and playing tag or hide and seek. 
At one point ends up in the dance circle only for everyone to give him very weird looks at first because they have no idea who he is.
But as soon as he starts breakdancing and ends the routine with a headspin, the wedding guests go absolutely NUTS with cheers.
Is ALSO talking to the bridesmaids, but unlike his older brother, is super chill about it. 
Almost gets the opportunity to ask one of them out on a date until both Osomatsu and Choromatsu smack his phone into a cup of water, to which Todomatsu immediately has a meltdown.
Sits in the corner sobbing with his poor cell in a bowl of rice for the remainder of the reception.
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withoutcontxt · 1 year
Would you consider doing HCs for how VAT7K interacts with the Tangled crew?
(Absolutely love your hcs btw)
Oh boy, do I.
Tangled Crew loves their collective baby bro, and would die for him, but when he went off on a 2-3 year journey with almost NO COMMUNICATION back home. They are needless to say, very shocked when he, out of the blue, walks into the castle. And oh boy, he went through a life changing experience.
His hair is slightly singed, wearing clothing that he definitely didn’t own before (they were gone for 2-3 years, at some point team radical changed their clothing styles and now have similar looking clothes, still unique to them but similar), about 6 inches taller, with more friends (and a bf, but they don’t know that yet), no adult supervision, and without the very woman he went to go find . “Varian if you went on this journey to find, and if need to rescue, your mom, and bring her back. Where is she?” “Oh yeah, she turned into a demon and tried to kill us all. Don’t worry she’s gone now.” “She did what now?”
Varian did actually send letters, mainly to his dad, but most of them were intercepted by enemies or Don.
Rapunzel gets along well with Nuru, and before the younger girl has to go back to her kingdom they paint stars together and talk royal business.
Anytime Hugo and Eugene see each other, it is 👏 on 👏 sight. At least for the first week, after that Hugo keeps making piano jokes (that varian is giving him) and Eugene is tired.
Varian and Hugo both work as Royal Engineers and Librarians, with rotating days of who works where and what place is open for business.
Cass doesn’t trust any of Varian’s friends for the first 40 minutes she meets them, then Yong says hi to her and she’s like: Oh my god a child, must be protected at all costs.
Eugene is tired with a Hugo’s bs, but he makes a varian happy so it’s fine.
Rapunzel doesn’t understand any of the inside jokes any of them have. What’s this about Hugo’s mom once being apart of a gang?
Hugo and Varian REFUSE to tell them what actually happened in the library. The place is very important, useful, and they like their jobs there, but if Raps, Eugene, Cass, Quirin, Lance, or anyone else found out? Oh no, that place would be closed for good.
Raps likes Hugo, thinks he’s a good match for Varian. Unfortunately for her, and everyone else, she doesn’t know much about what happened in vat7k.
Since Varian’s letters never came, no one really knows what all happened during vat7k outside of team radical and few others.
Yong and Cass get along very well! Big sister and little brother vibes. They like to prank Varian, Eugene, and Hugo together.
Lance loves all of them equally <3 and will make favorite foods.
Hugo helps Eugene with teaching guards on how to catch thieves, since Eugene has been out of the game for a few years and it’s good to know what tricks are new and not.
When Varian comes back, Quirin absolutely starts telling his son more about his life. (I saw someone else have a hc like this but can’t find it, whoever came up with that is a genius)
Yong visits every month or two, and then proceeds to cause chaos with Varian and Hugo. After that, he knocks them both out so they can get some god forsaken sleep. The tangled crew have never been more grateful.
Nuru will also visit a lot (like Yong) and cause chaos with varigo.
If Nuru and Yong ever move into the castle, team radical would be thrilled. The tangled crew would only ever dread game night.
I have more headcannons, but their mainly varigo based. Otherwise this is all I can remember right now.
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kashimos-hajime · 2 years
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—𝟎𝟑 - 𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐮, 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭... 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲, 𝐢 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮
pairing: getou suguru x fem!reader
summary: anonymous musician, kogane, had been dropping non-hints of who they were since they first began releasing music to the students of tokyo metropolitan technical college nine months ago to the frustration of everyone ever.
getou suguru, long-time (arguably #1) fan and campus heartthrob with a reputation is determined to find out exactly who they are before he graduates, and he has no idea where to start. that is, until resident idiot and best friend and roommate, gojo satoru, points him in the direction of you, the musical genius behind kogane
word count: 3.4k
a/n: here is where it really begins, a follow-up to the previous chapter, it fills in the blanks of the messages. as always, leave some feedback/comments/reblogs! would love to read them :)
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[11:48 AM]
To say Getou Suguru is not a lover is not entirely true. He loves his friends—probably more than is healthy—and he loves his little sisters. He loves life in that he romanticizes most aspects of it; the way the sun shines, how green the leaves are, the sound of people. When he was a kid, he had crushes, and always did that thing kids do where they imagine a future with their science project partner.
But that Suguru grew up, and, now that Suguru is a stranger.
A stranger who might’ve been scarred a few too many times in the past. Maybe his hand has been bitten and burnt, and his mind is overtaken by memories. Whatever it is, all he knows is he’s not interested in getting into a relationship any time soon, and it’s not because he’s afraid. 
He just doesn’t want it anymore. 
It really is that simple.
“And when I stand in your way again… will you walk right by and pretend I was never by your side…”
Humming to the melody of the song flowing through his earbuds, he glances at his phone to check the time. It’s just him and Satoru for lunch today, with Shoko stuck in a lab she’s being forced to supervise for some of the first years, so he’s in no rush. Besides, his two hour gap means he can take his time to digest lunch for once. That, and research who he wants to pair up with for the graduation showcase at the end of the year. 
He’s never really mingled (in the proper sense) with the students majoring in music long enough to get a good idea of their personalities and production styles; half of him is crazy enough to find out who kogane is to see if he can partner up with her, but he knows that’s impossible. Without any way to discern who she is, it’d be a waste of his time. Even if he does itch to find out who owns that brain of hers.
Suguru sighs. Whatever. He’ll just pair up with whoever he sees first when they have that class to meet the roster. It’s not like other dancers know anyone in the music major, although he did hear Utahime found someone already, not sure who, but it isn’t any of his business.
Stopping by the vending machines, he pays for his iced coffee, waiting as it makes his drink. Freeing his hair from its bun, he runs his hand down his neck, massaging the muscle running into his shoulder. The morning had been long—waking up late, rushing to class just in time for a full three hour repetoire class.
“I wish we could’ve stayed in our playful cloud for just a bit longer…”
God, he needs an ice bath. 
Grabbing his coffee, he spots two others in line, and he gets out of the way just in case one of them recognizes him or something for fucking with their friend, which has happened more than once, heading out into the sunshine to see Satoru lounging at a table by himself. He’s got his lunch out, but he’s not eating, too busy texting whoever he’s entertaining.
“Good afternoon,” he says, sitting down with his coffee, and Satoru perks up, flashing his grin. 
“Hey. How was class?”
“Exhausting. You looked like you just rolled out of bed,” he observes, eyeing Satoru’s messy hair spiking out in all directions. “Did you remember to clear out the dishwasher before you leave?”
“Yeah.” Tossing his phone onto the table, he sits upright and eyes the coffee. Suguru nudges it towards his best friend before reaching into his backpack to retrieve his lunch.
“What is it?”
“Just a normal iced coffee. Not in the mood for anything fancy.” Cracking open his container of pasta salad, he eyes Satoru warily. “You didn’t make coffee at home?”
“Why did your parents even give us that espresso machine then?” he shoots back, stabbing a fork into the Tupperware and glancing into his food. It’s unappetizing despite his grumbling stomach, and he slouches into his body, grimacing. He’d been looking forward to this since last night. Why can’t he just eat it?
“To earn my forgiveness and convince me to come home for the winter,” Satoru answers, nudging the coffee back towards him. “What’s up with you? You texted that you missed breakfast.”
“I don’t know. I’ve lost my appetite.”
“Nearly impossible,” Satoru declares. “Did someone reject you on the way down here?”
“Nearly impossible,” Suguru mocks. Forcing himself to take a bite, his stomach roars greedily for more and he takes another forkful before taking a sip of his iced coffee. “i just feel gross.”
“Did you at least make any progress on that dance cover you want to post?”
“A tiny bit. I’m listening to it right now for ideas,” he says, gesturing at his ear.
“You’re hopeless when it comes to her, dude.” Satoru’s eyes trail over Suguru’s shoulder, and that’s the moment the latter decides to ignore his best friend, continuing with his journey of consumption. It tastes cold, which is something Suguru needs, and he scrolls his phone, catching up on what he’s missed since he’s been in class. He just wants his brain to shut off for a moment. “Hey, Suguru.”
Distracted: “Hm?” 
“You know Megumi?”
“Yeah.” Looking up from his phone, he can already see the kid’s scowl in his head and he tilts his head when he notes Satoru’s focus lays elsewhere. Waving his fork in front of his face, he moves his head into his best friend’s line of sight. “He’s that high school kid you tutor. What about him?” No answer. “Yo, Satoru. Are you even listening?”
Satoru raises his head, nearly rising from his seat, and his fingers hovering over his phone screen makes Suguru literally resist the urge to punch his best friend. If he invites a girl to sit down with them after the morning he’s had, he’ll have to be charged for murder. 
“Shut up for a second. I’m trying to see something.”
“You asked the question, dickhead. If she wants to sit with us, fine, but I’m getting up and leaving.”
Satoru’s eyebrows knit together, and Suguru, exasperated, follows his best friend’s gaze to see what’s caught his eye.
At a table pretty close to the one they’re sitting at, only two people are sitting there—a girl with a ponytail and glasses, leaning against another guy who’s searching up something on his phone. They seem pretty obviously together, and Suguru tries to hide a wry smile working its way onto his face.
“What, you know her or something?” he jokes, but Satoru quickly shushes him again, gesturing to his phone. Picking it up, he frowns as a text pops up in the group chat and when he looks up at Satoru to find a sly glint in his eyes, he can’t help but think that the upsetting feeling in his stomach is taking the shape of whatever Satoru is thinking.
No coffee. No coffee. You can’t be running on coffee.
At least, that’s what Toge keeps signing to himself as he thinks about the rest of his schedule. You watch, smiling to yourself as you offer to take the bag containing their food they’d picked up from a Chinese place on campus, but he moves his hand away, brow furrowed in concentration.
“Toge, you know it’s fine to take a sip and just slowly wean yourself off right,” you tease, but he only shoots you a look, and you sigh, adjusting the grip you have on your laptop bag. “Decaf, then. I’ll pay and it’ll be me doing my part on your road to recovery.”
Toge rolls his eyes but leads the way to the vending machines, and you fish out your wallet as he pulls out his phone to text the group chat. A guy bends over to grab his drink and moves on before you shuffle forward to the keypad. You find the decaf iced coffee at the very bottom, inputting the number before swiping your card, watching as the machine chugs out a cold cup of decaf, the stream filling the silence. You watch the screen displaying the progress before remembering their destination.
“Does anyone else want anything?” you ask, glancing over your shoulder as the machine beeps. Toge shakes his head. You retrieve the drink just as your phone buzzes in your back pocket, and you return your wallet to your bag, grabbing your phone. You’re sure it’s going to be just the group chat as all of your social media accounts for kogane are muted, but you’re surprised when it’s a preview for an email from the head of the music program.
Quickly pocketing your phone again and jotting down a mental note to check your emails as soon as you get a free chance, you and Toge begin to continue their walk to the outdoor area Yuuta told them about. The sun’s still strong, and you squint against its golden rays as they walk by the tall windows of the hall that takes them past the bookstore.
It’s hitting the glass just right that it refracts a rainbow, and you step through each beam, hand fishing through your bag for your notebook containing the scribbles you reference for songwriting. Juggling the spine with the decaf clutched in your palm, you write down what you can in the moment before slipping it back into your bag, and you continue on your way through the cafeteria. Toge signs for the door, and you nod, following him.
Outside, there are students milling around the lawn, more sitting on the sun-warmed steps. Stone tables underneath an overhang filled with more students seem to be your destination based on Yuuta’s text. You and Toge cut through the stream of students as soon as you spot a dark ponytail gleaming in the sunlight slanting into their shade.
Finding your seat next to Maki, you let your bag slip off your shoulder, dropping your phone onto the table as Toge slides in across from her, and she looks up from where Yuuta is showing something on his phone to toss a greeting their way. Popping your other earbud out, you slide it back into your charging case and grab your water bottle from your bag instead as Toge sets down their lunches. 
He smiles, signing back a quick “No worries” before taking the decaf off your hands. 
“How was class?” Yuuta asks, and you shrug noncommittally. Maki takes his phone from him to watch the video and he surrenders it instantly to her. It’s so habitual it makes you grin. Picking up his chopsticks again, the poor guy fights back a yawn as you open your takeout. You and Toge had walked to the Chinese restaurant after your respective classes to grab boxes of fried noodles as a treat, and at this moment, your stomach cannot thank you enough after you skipped breakfast. 
“They finally mentioned the end of year project, but I still don’t know what it is,” you say as an offer to break the silence. “The prof sent an email, but I have a new assignment to focus on so I haven’t gotten around to it.” 
“Is it that one about the apple and the tree and whatever? Metaphors… something about meaning behind everyday objects,” Maki says, handing Yuuta’s phone back to him and straightening up to focus on her own meal that’s mostly gone besides the remaining apple slices. Picking one up, she points it at you. “You better not be slacking off because you promised you’d come to Yuuta’s showcase on Saturday.”
“Of course I’m going.” Pulling apart your wooden chopsticks, you begin to eat. “It’s just a paper and a photo. It’ll be done Friday.”
“Homework on a Friday night. Just when I thought you guys couldn’t be more boring,” a new voice interrupts and Maki’s shoulders go stiff as two shadows fall over their table. Your eyes slip away from Yuuta to find a pair of guys standing at their table, grins slinging off their faces. They’re mostly unfamiliar to you, but you could recognize that white hair anywhere.
“Gojo,” Maki greets stiffly, glancing up at the standing man with the bright shock of white hair. Gojo tilts his head to peer over his sunglasses and you don’t resist the urge to let your eyebrows shoot up to your hairline as Toge starts on his decaf iced coffee, sticking his metal straw in and taking a loud slurp. “Can I help you?”
“Thank you so much for asking, but actually, I’m here for someone else.” Blue eyes meet yours, and you frown. “You.”
“Yes. And, actually, you can’t help me, but you can help my friend here,” and Gojo gestures to the tall man beside him. Your eyes drift to the friend, and you realize it’s the one who’d been listening to your new song, dancing to the beat as he tried to familiarize himself to the chorus. You blink, not quite sure what to say. His dark hair is hanging freely, most of it pushed over his broad shoulders, and he smiles at you despite the warm blush painting his face. 
“What does he want?” Yuuta asks cautiously. Standing, you feel a hand immediately grab your wrist, and you look down at Maki.
“She’s not sleeping with either of you,” your friend says emphatically.
“That’s not what’s always on our mind, Maki,” Gojo says sourly, tossing a glare in her direction before allowing his grin to grow again. “Getou Suguru, meet… you.” He sweeps an arm grandly, before frowning inquisitively, squinting at you. “What’s your name again?”
“Shut up,” the other guy says, and your eyes dart to him. His eyes, dark but fond, roll before he meets your gaze. “Ignore him. My name is Getou Suguru. I’m a fourth year dance major.”
“Good for you,” you say, and his eyebrows shoot up, squinting as a smile curves his lips. “What do you want?”
“So you know who I am?”
“She didn’t until I told her,” Maki derides under her breath. 
“That’s not the point. I know who you are,” you insist, “but I dunno what you want from me.”
“I want to be your partner.”
The blood drains from your face and an icicle of dread spears into your heart. “Huh?”
Toge drops his decaf coffee with a clack with an appalled expression and Gojo Satoru laughs.
“Would that be so horrible?” Suguru asks, nonplussed, and you try to rearrange your expression into something more acceptable. “I’m an excellent dancer. It’s not like I won’t do whatever you compose justice.”
“Dancer?” you repeat, confused. “What on earth are you talking about?”
“You’re a music major, aren’t you?”
“What about it?”
“Aren’t senior music majors in charge of the grad showcase?” asks Getou, frowning, and suddenly, it clicks in your head. The email from the head of the music program. The year-end project.
Oh, for the fucking love of god.
“You didn’t think I was asking you out, did you?”
“For a second, I did.” And your heart had skipped a few frantic beats for it. You have no interest in getting with someone with the reputation of Getou Suguru, which, though you only learned of it recently, you can believe. His dark hair hangs freely around his face, and his eyes are piercing, set in a smooth face edged with a sharp jaw and sly lips. He’s got the voice of a charmer, and a body of a dancer, all lean lines and corded muscle, and you’re not surprised if Getou Suguru pulls.
You’ve seen this guy before, with a different name and a different face, and it makes you smirk. Meanwhile, Getou Suguru’s face drops and you raise an eyebrow.
“I know how to ask people out, and I’d never even date you,” he says, appalled, and you can’t help but be a little offended as he shakes his head rapidly, dark hair flying around his face. “You’re not my type.”
“Well, thank God for that,” you retort wryly, crossing your arms over your chest. “I don’t exactly know you. How do I know I want to pair up with you for a big project like this?”
“Well, I can show you my skills and you can show me yours?” he asks, taking out his phone, and you run it over in your head. You don’t have a set partner yet, and this does save you the trouble of going out to find one during the forced meet and greet in the near future.  He glances at you through his bang, and you meet his eyes, frowning lightly. “Give me your number. I’ll text you.”
“Sure.” Handing him your own phone, you take his. It’s a black one, with a clear phone case, and you can feel the heat of his hand lingering in the rubber as you input your contact info before giving it back to him just in time to see him fucking with your emojis by putting a dancing man beside his name. You fight back a smile. 
“What are you doing?”
“I’m a dance guy,” he informs. “That’s how you know who I am.”
“I don’t know any other Getou Sugurus,” you say.
“Good. I don’t want you to know other Getou Sugurus. I want it to stay that way.”
“Why? Because I’ll find out they’re better than you?” You sit down. He arches an eyebrow and you turn off your phone, setting it down on the table. Mechanically, you manage to plaster on a smile and look up at Getou. “Thanks for your number. I’ll text you about a time I’m free and we can touch base or something about a real partnership sometime later?”
“Cool. Excited to work with you.” He turns to head back to his table, and in your head, you can’t help but think of the nerves biting at the tips of your fingers. Your heart, still pounding like thunder in your chest, wants to leap out of your body. What is up with you, Getou Suguru? And why did you single me out?
“Don’t take offense to what he said, by the way,” Gojo says before he returns to his table. Your eyes flit from the back of Getou’s retreating figure to blue eyes that are already keenly watching you and your frown grows deeper. Maki’s hand rests on your clenched fist on the table, and you force yourself to let your fingers go lax. “Suguru doesn’t date just anyone. Suguru doesn’t date, period.”
“Great,” you mutter sarcastically. “My dreams have been crushed and I’m inconsolable.” 
Gojo only laughs, the retreating sound of him filling the silence as you look at your friends and just blink. They don’t say anything except stare back at you, and you look at your phone blankly, at the group chat open on the unlocked screen.
“I’m surprised he chose you and not a guy,” Toge signs beside you, brow furrowed.
“Maybe he wants to make you his next target,” Maki mutters resentfully.
Yuuta sets a hand on Maki’s hand, and she scowls at her, but he only curls his fingers over her hand in a solid grip. “But you heard him. She’s not his type.”
“That doesn’t mean anything to guys like him,” Maki insists, grabbing tighter onto Yuuta’s fingers as she turns to him. Your hand feels cold without her calloused palm atop your knuckles. “Guys like him go for anyone who looks at them long enough.”
Toge’s hand on your shoulder squeezes and it’s like your heart restarts. A rickety machine that whines to life. Yuuta’s voice again. “(Name), are you okay?”
Your fingers move over the screen, and you press send before you can even comprehend it, staring blankly at ten minutes ago when you were not in the position you are in now. At the table, your three friends glance at their respective phones when each one buzzes.
Because deep down, you already know your answer. You’ve seen Getou Suguru dance to a song you’ve composed, and he doesn’t even know it’s you. 
And he’s perfect. He’s, frankly, excellent, and you’d be a fucking idiot to say no to him coming up to you for his grad showcase. 
The problem is, you know Maki’s right, too. Now that you’ve seen and spoken to him, you know that he’s definitely gotten enough people under him just be existing in their space that he’s used to it, and you’re no one.
You’re no one, and he’s someone. A big someone. Someone with a capital ’s’.
Fuck me, you think. Every girl is about to hate my fucking guts. Fuck me. I’m fucked and I can’t help but say yes to it.
tags: @thelameless @lucyrocks86​ @kentospet @id-rather-be-an-outsider​
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imagine-creative · 6 months
Not an ask, but something more …interesting.
Weeks of dedicated practice will pay off tonight, one last check in the mirror. Her hair styled just like the character, her costume prim and ready for display. One last check on her ballet slippers…yes she was ready! She took her place, sneaking a glance she spotted Eclipse. Sporting his first costume, she watched as Sun and Moon finished prepping their first costumes before taking their positions.
The curtain raised…it was time to bring wonderland to life!
Moon [caterpiller] she often watched him practice but to see the full dance on display…it was the essence of hypnotic. His movements like water, effortless and smooth.
Sun [Mad Hatter] whoever thought to mark the mad hatter dance into a tap dancing routine was genius. Sun took on this role with such gusto, goofy and energetic he filled the part of the hatter with utter perfection
Eclispe [the knave] ….what to say then utter beauty, the duet between the two of them was pure magic.
Oh I love it :) you're an amazing writer! if I may can I make art? i'm dealing with a sick rattle snake at the moment so it may be awhile but i would love to bring this to life!
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beautifulpersonpeach · 10 months
Hey BPP! I'm glad you're back and active! I liked what you had to say about how beautiful Jimin's voice and how you would love to hear more fun stuff from his voice. I wanted to push back on the idea that the way to do that would be to have less vocal training though. In reality, I think it's the hard work that Jimin has done in his vocal training and practice that has created the Jimin we see in front of us today.
I wanted to reference, for example, how Jimin sounds from years ago on this stage https://youtu.be/snjhQBs1oSw?t=388 starting at 6.20. I hear a voice that is untrained and cannot sustain the emotion he's trying to evoke, you can even hear him going to belt but deciding against it and dropping the note instead. It's no secret that Jimin has always had concerns about singing live and in videos like this I completely understand his concern. While his voice is beautiful and unique without control or training, it's not able to deliver the same experience on stage that it does in the studio.
I think because of his vocal training, because of the practice he's put in (6 hours a day prepping for face performances) every single Face performance was an eat. He was able to do the rapping growly part in set me free while still hitting the high notes. I don't think 2016 Jimin or 2018 Jimin could have done Tony Montana and then switched to Like Crazy within 5 minutes and nail the emotion and tone of each song without vocal training. In fact, I think all that you want and ask from Jimin, especially in live performances, comes from learning how to control his instrument, and to me, that's all vocal training is. While I do not think he should lose his unique tone of voice I don't think he could and I don't think that's what's happening in his training, I think whoever he's working with is unlocking different ways that Jimin can use his voice to take him to new heights. I think Yoongi put it best by saying Jimin is a genius of hard work. Jimin is beautiful and has a unique voice and kind spirit. But the absolute demon that he is on stage, to me, comes from his insatiable need to practice practice, practice, and his vocal training is a part of that.
Hi Anon,
Your link.
You've made very good points I didn't consider initially. Thanks for sharing your perspective. I will say though, my desire for Jimin to be more unrestrained vocally, even if the result isn't 'perfect', is more due to my style and taste preferences. For example, I love Rod Stewart's voice. One of my favourite songs by him is his rendition of Reason to Believe - originally by folk singer Tim Hardin. Hear Rod's vocals here:
Another example of a male singer who drives me gaga with his voice is Kurt Cobain. Hear him in Lithium.
And now hear Jimin in Ma City.
Jimin blows me away because he's able to give me that vocal effect I'm starved for in k-pop, a sound and vocal style I crave. That grit and candour. The only vocalist in the entirety of k-pop who gives me that every single time, is Jimin. While also being able to create feather-light vocal inflections, so delicate it feels like his voice can pass through you. He has such a beautiful, youthful tone too, under it all. I felt more of that grit in their earlier years, and even now sometimes, but in recent years he's emphasized control. There's a magic to watching him display so much skill in that aspect too. I too loved his music show performances and noted his precise vocal delivery every time. He did wonderfully. But, you know, I like the cracks.
Still, I know I'm probably in the minority, and you're right that it's healthy for him to lean on more vocal training.
Thanks for taking the time to send in that thought.
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calethelettuce · 8 months
SaSi Prinxiety Week 3/7: Console Conundrums
Prompt: Arcade
Tags: @prinxietyweek
Synopsis: Roman and Virgil head to the newly built arcade in The Imagination on a date. Unbeknownst to them, Remus paid the area a little visit. The two set off to clean up (but not really) Forbidden Creativity's mess (and maybe see if they can play a game of Pacman together after).
Characters: Remus, Roman, Virgil
Relationships: Romantic Prinxiety
TW: Swearing, Remus existing
Virgil’s usual routine of sleeping until 3PM was interrupted by an awfully obnoxious knock at his door. He ignored it the first time, burrowing farther into his blanket fortress. As the annoying noise continued, this time faster and much louder, he heard someone call to him from outside.
“Virgil! My dark and stormy knight, it’s time to wake up!”
Virgil groaned. It was only 11! Far too early. “Screw off, Princey! Come back in four hours!”
“No sir! You, my lovely emo, have been requested!”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “Whoever it is can wait!”
He heard footsteps while he and Roman stood there, yelling at each other through the door. He heard Roman mutter an apology to someone, before he continued, saying, “As your boyfriend, I am requesting access by knocking, however asserting my authority by coming in anyway!”
Virgil put a pillow over his head and screamed into a second one as Roman pulled open the door.
“Go away already!”
Roman sat down at the foot of Virgil’s bed, crossing his legs. “Too much extra work.”
“What the hell do you want, Princey?” Virgil eventually picked up his head, putting the pillow back into his spot as he partially sat up, hair even messier than normal. “You’re kinda interrupting me.”
Roman beamed at him, cupping the purple-clad side’s cheek with a hand. “You’re adorable when you’re mad at me.” He teased, winking, “But I’m here to invite you to something!”
Virgil gave him the most annoyed expression he could muster at the time. “Gee, wonderful. I’ll do it later.” He flopped back down, throwing a blanket over his head.
Roman laughed at the action, moving closer. “Come on, Virge, please?”
Virgil kicked him in the side.
“Ow! What the heck?!”
Virgil stifled a giggle. “Deserved.”
“Yes, but OW!”
Virgil was not happy to be awake. Roman led him down the sidewalk of their neighborhood in The Imagination, the prince talking excitedly about a new project he had just finished.
“I think you’ll like it! It has that one game where you have to cross the street!”
Virgil gave him a look. “It’s literally called Crossy Road, genius. Even Logan, who probably has never even touched a mobile game, knows that.”
“Whatever, it’s still there!”
“Yeah, but do you have DDR?”
“Of course I do! Patton and Janus requested it!”
“Project Diva?”
Roman paused. “Is that the Miku game?”
“No shit.”
“Uh…” he paused, snapping his fingers. A small spark emitted from his fingers. “Yes! It is most definitely there!”
"I'm gonna pretend like I didn't just watch you summon it." Virgil shoved his hands in his pockets, walking next to Roman. "I'm gonna kick your ass at Pacman though."
"I didn't take you for a gaming type," Roman mentioned, placing an arm around Virgil's shoulders, "I thought you were more of a .. well-"
"Someone who doesn't do much?" Virgil finished his sentence for him. "Yeah, I know. I like horror games the most."
"It matches your dark and dreary soul!"
As the sides talked, they neared the small, retro-style building. A large, neon sign out front read "Pixel Palace". Virgil wasn't surprised at the name.
"Something doesn't look right." Roman jogged over to the door, inspecting it. "Somebody was here."
Virgil peered in through the windows and curtains, squinting and trying to see as best he could. He certainly could sense something in there, but what? "Didn't you have the doors locked?" he questioned, tapping at the glass, "Who could have gotten in?"
Virgil turned to face the Prince. "So you're telling me that you didn't lock the doors?"
"It's an arcade! I shouldn't need to lock the doors! The only person I wouldn't trust is-" Roman stopped, thinking. "Remus."
Virgil raised his eyebrows. "Let's go in and get that idiot out of here then."
Roman pulled open the door, shouting, "I swear to god, Remus, if you're in here without permission I'm gonna fight you and win!"
A loud, annoying cackle came from the corner near a large claw machine.
Shattered glass and broken wires littered the entrance. The shards crunched under their shoes as they entered.
“I’m gonna kill him- REMUS!”
Virgil pulled his hood up, splitting up from Roman as he walked the opposite way. He wandered through the rows of broken arcade cabinets, noticing only one machine still working: The Project Diva Future Tone machine. He silently celebrated, opting to sit by it and watch the loading screen. He got bored within a few seconds and headed to the back wall to view the claw machines.
Most of them looked intact enough to use, he decided.
There were only a couple of them, most filled with random plushies, though one caught his eye. It was full of plushies of the sides themselves, even including Janus and Remus. He raised an eyebrow, heading toward it. This one was left untouched, the glass shiny a fingerprint-less.
“Weird.” He summoned a quarter, slotting it into the machine. The timer lit up, signaling the start. He played that machine for a while, trying to grab the biggest plushie (which happened to be a Roman plushie, though that didn’t surprise him much). He could hear the twins bickering behind him, but he kept feeding quarters into the machine as he kept going.
$6.25 later, he managed to get a good grab with the claw, picking up plushie Roman by the torso. The claw dropped the plush into the receiver tunnel. Virgil reached down as pulled the plushie up, admiring the seam work and the little details on the outfit. He hugged it to his chest, turned around, and went to find Roman.
By the sound of the shouting match and the evil cackling from Remus, he assumed they were by the prize counter.
“I banned you last week, you trashy fiend!”
“I do what I want to, Pissy!” Remus tossed his morningstar into the air. It got stuck in the ceiling, sending debris into the atmosphere.
Roman held back an annoyed scream. “Please just leave. Virgil and I-“
“Virgey’s here too?!” Remus’ smiled widened. “Oh this gonna be so much more fun!”
Oh shit. Virgil hopped up onto the top of a machine, deciding to stay up there for a while. He observed the twins quietly from his perch, sitting cross-legged on the metal platform. He cradled the plush in his arms.
“You go near him and I’ll kick your butt.”
Remus faked a hurt look. “Do you promise?”
“Shut up, you clown!”
“Awh, thanks!” Remus checked his watch, and by watch that meant the badly outlined sharpie watch he had drawn on himself out of pure boredom earlier. “Mm, actually I have to go and bother Jan-Jan!” He dropped a bomb into the middle of the floor, sinking out. “BYEEEEE!”
And The Duke was gone, the only evidence he was there being the unarmed bomb and the wreckage of the arcade.
Roman groaned, pulling the morningstar out of the ceiling. “Virgil, dear, you can come out now!” He wiped the debris out of his eyes as he made the weapon disappear.
Virgil stayed put up on his arcade pedestal, playing on his phone. It had just so happened that he was texting Patton at the time.
V: I'm bored
Popstar: hi bored, I'm dad! 😃
V: nice
Popstar: I thought you and Roman were doing something?
V: busy yelling at Remus
Popstar: I told those two to stop fighting :(
Popstar: Oh! Before I forget, I wanted to try out this brownie recipe later!
V: ill help later ig if roman ever decides to let me go back to my house
V: oh shit gtg see ya later
"Are you okay up there?" Roman peered up at him from the floor. "How did you even get that high?"
"Fight or flight reflexes." Virgil shrugged, petting the top of his plushie's head.
Roman noticed the plush, and his face turned a bright red. "Say, where did you get that, Scaramore?"
"Claw machine in the corner." The emo gestured to the corner, where the large metal box stood. "It was the biggest one in there. Spent a fuckton of money on it."
"Oh! I can help with that!" Roman summoned a 10 dollar bill. "Here!"
Virgil leaned down to grab it from him, not realizing how close he really was to the edge of his little platform. "oH SHI-"
And he fell right off the console.
He shrieked as he toppled towards the ground. Luckily for him (and his bones), Roman was standing right under him and caught him almost right away. The prince side stumbled back a little at the sudden weight change, carrying the purple-clad side bridal style.
"Woah there, Hot Topic! You almost just took a tumble!"
Virgil let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "I'm clumsy as fuck, dude."
"Oh, that's okay!" Roman kissed Virgil on the forehead and handed him the money the emo nearly died to get. "I love you anyway."
"I uh... Appreciate the catch. Thanks I guess." Virgil's eyeshadow turned a deep purple. He noticed his plushie was missing. "Hey, where'd your plushie doppelganger go?"
Roman looked around, noticing the plushie by his feet. "Oh! Your plush companion is down here!"
"Oh, cool. Can you put me down?"
Virgil glared up at him. "Really? Are you, the mighty prince Roman, getting jealous over a plushie?"
"No!" The prince avoided Virgil's gaze.
"Liar." He smirked up at Roman. "You just want my attention, don't you?"
Roman scoffed. "Not true!" he paused for a moment. "..okay maybe."
"You're such a suck up, Princey." Virgil kissed him on the cheek.
"I know that!"
"Stop lying to yourself, you're going to summon Janus on accident. " Virgil watched as Roman faked a look of betrayal. "Actually though can you put me down-"
"Oh! Yes, I can." Roman gently set Virgil down onto his feet. "There you go, Gerard Gay."
"Awesome." Virgil picked up his plush, gesturing for the real Roman to follow him. "Here, let's go back to that claw machine. If you're gonna get that jealous over a plushie, I'll just go win you one."
Roman followed behind him. "I'm going to win this plushie all by myself!" he decided, putting his hands on his hips.
"You do you, hon." Virgil slotted the bill into the machine, the play token amount on the little LED screen lighting up. "I want to see if I can get another plushie, actually. Specifically Janus' because I want to dropkick it down a flight of stairs."
Roman held back a snicker at that statement. "I'll go after you, then."
It only took two turns this time for Virgil to be able to grab a small Janus plushie. He took it out of the prize receiver, holding it by the end of the cape. "It's cuter than our Janus."
Roman fully laughed at that one. "Don't let him hear you say that!"
"Or else what? He's gonna self care me to death?" Virgil rolled his eyes playfully and set Plush Janus next to Plush Roman. "Your turn, Princey."
Roman rolled up his sleeves, striding over to the claw machine. "Watch me do this in one go!" he boasted proudly, readying the console.
Quick note here, it did not take him one try.
A few minutes (and an extra 10 bucks) later, Roman held up his prize in triumph. "I did it!"
Virgil smiled at him as he looked up from his phone. "Good for you."
Roman held up Plushie Virgil next to him. "Look, now there's two emos!"
Virgil rolled his eyes. "You're hilarious."
"I've been taking lessons from Patton!"
The princely side walked over to another machine: a broken Pacman machine. With a wave of his hand, the console renewed itself and was playable. He turned back to Virgil with a smirk. "Who's going first?"
Virgil smirked back and cracked his knuckles. "Oh honey, you're going down."
What the heck this took me freaking ages-
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organicfirewood · 1 month
The Tortured Poet's Department (Katie's Version)
basically i'm liveblogging this as i listen. talking into the void; this is more for me to reflect back onto than a genuine critique of the album.
Most excited for: "Florida!!!" "Down Bad" & "WALOL?"
I'm hoping that this album will sonically resemble folklore and evermore... more acoustic, stripped-back, and raw. I'm still wondering about the "✌️" imagery and how that'll play into the album... maybe feeling two-faced or double-crossed?
Fortnight (feat. Post Malone) - ok... rehab. uh oh. swifties have been calling her a drunk for a while... but nobody ever took it seriously. this must be about a rebound... i don't want to say MH. ugh i loooove how this sounds. like a more sober midnights. no pun intended... sorry. post malone was honestly such a genius move for this song- his voice sounds very youthful paired with hers... hopeful.
2. The Tortured Poets Department - YESSS 80's into!!! god i love this instrumental so far. (I use a typewriter!!!) holy fuck nooooo this has the charlie puth lyric. more wedding references.
3. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys - ok. that charlie puth lyric left a bad taste in my mouth im trying to recover. i like that her vocal tone is a little darker here- would lower register apply for this? "he only runs because he loves me" real af i get you, queen. love that we've graduated to only having sandcastles instead of fortresses. these lyrics are also very ex-best-friend-coded... im projecting.
4. Down Bad - funkyyy okay. aww dun-dun-dun-dun! i wonder what mr kelce thought of all of this... oh, to be a fly on every single wall. yeah i like this one a lot. somehow also very 1989(tv ftv) coded. this sounds like denial into anger if we're still talking about the stages of grief. "like i lost my twin" is like "twin fire signs." i think she keeps seeing herself in her partners and feels abandoned when things don't work out.
5. So Long, London - ok intro eatssss down! this sounds like a driving-on-the-highway-song. i like how "talky" this is. it's very theatrical. this gives the sense that they (taylor and whoever this may be about) may have bonded over their sadness and the other party got upset when she started to heal. also, another reference to altars, but that may strictly be a religious metaphor.
6. But Daddy I Love Him - the intros are great. love the acoustic sounds. i really like this one a lot... this is a lot more whimsical and could almost fit on a Speak Now-style record. yeah, this is fantastic. such a quintessential Taylor Swift song. i'm terrified of how literally people (millennials on tiktok) are going to take this.
7. Fresh Out The Slammer - YUHHHH these intros!! ugh god i love a western motif. this is beautiful. this might be my favorite so far. i can't help but wonder what "time" she did. rehab, like previously alluded to? a rebound? a tortuous relationship? the period in a public career where one is constantly criticized and scrutinized? another ring mention.
8. Florida!!! (feat. Florence + The Machine) - huh. weed and babies. awesome! i agree, florida is one hell of a drug. "cheating husband..." uhokok. ok yes swamp imagery! yes southern/florida gothic! what shitstorm happened in texas? taylor please eliminate the urban sprawl in florida it'll give you more room to bury bodies!! pleaseee.
9. Guilty as Sin? - again. great intros. uh oh. is it just me, or does this sound like a 1975 song?? i like the production regardless. "we've already done it in my head" again real af. this song is real af. this is like limerence... these lyrics are kinda pushing the envelope, no? for taylor's standards, anyway.
10. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? - another western-esque motif. we are scared of you taylor, i promise. contained scandal... oh? is this the cheating allegation??? this bridge was legitimately chilling. her reputation era was only a scratch on the surface. i think she needs a legitimate full-blown villain era (as a treat). i'm scared for track 13.
11. I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) - moooore western motifs. yuh okay i like this one. more texas. what happened in texas? did anything happen in texas or is it just a placeholder? the vocals on this one are like velvet. "GOOD BOY"???? and the references to angels??? please. please. thank you, taylor.
12. loml - sigh. im not ready for this one. "better safe than starry-eyed" is a fabulous lyric. i can't wait to see that on fan merch everywhere. another reference to marriage. this is very reminiscent of "you're losing me." more rings and cradles. christ. loss of my life! loml.
13. I Can Do It With a Broken Heart - im not ready i dont think. the intro, again, is great. sounds like setting up the tour. i hope that this album was therapeutic for her. yesss i love this one actually. i love when artists do the sarcastic happy-sad trope. taylor, please know that 90% of the eras tour crowds was and is sympathetic; we were only cheering for you, not for what you do. yes key change! yes i love this one!
14. The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived - jehovah's witnesses mentioned. just wanting to know why is so incredibly valid and a universal truth, i think. this one left me with a pit in my stomach.
15. The Alchemy - chemicals... hospitals... i hope she writes an autobiography one day. touchdown! so this is a travis-era song? i like the sound design of this one.
16. Clara Bow - nooo im not ready. stevie nicks reference!! :) i don't think she's exactly regretting her fame, but certainly re-evaluating it here. we (media, society, swifties) need to leave her alone, please.
I hope that the creation of this album was cathartic for her; it feels intensely personal. I don't like speculating about her life, yet so many of these songs are extremely context-dependent. Most of all, I hope that she gets the healing she needs. She's such an important figure for so many people; more people want the best for her than don't. It's been very clear for a while that she's been suffering. Everyone breaks at some point... I keep seeing The Tower in my mind.
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leafy-m · 2 years
alizayd for character opinion bingo 🧍🏽‍♀️
Thank you! 💖
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Alizayd al Qahtani is the fucking best. There is no contest. He's empathetic, he's a sass machine, he's got a backbone made of righteous steel, he's a nerd raised to be a jock and was the best zulfiqari of his generation through sheer determination. He's the smartest (and tallest) man in the room that loves to help people and is also an oblivious social loser. He's a math genius and an economic wizard that outsmarted the Royal Treasury's best accountants as a teenager to secretly fund and make the Tanzeem's illegal transactions untraceable, and *During a Recession* got a millennia-old decrepit hospital to be completely rebuilt and functional in like 6 months. He also actually listens to people, and did possibly the most romantic thing in the series by building Nahri her private Cairo-themed office. He's self-sacrificing and self-denying to a fault and all he wants to do is fix things (and swim, and read), and he perfectly fits into soldier life and civilian life.
My man has the best character arc of the trilogy as he learns and grows past his early prejudice and indecision while sharpening his best traits. He is constantly reevaluating himself and his actions while still holding on to what matters to him, like his faith and his idealism that Daevabad can be improved. Even in the depths of his bitterness or grief, he always returns to trying to do the right thing, and not holding unrelated people responsible for the actions of others. He has the best motivational speeches in the series. His great grandpa is a crocodile and their scenes together are hilarious.
My man Alizayd has some Lord of the Rings: Return of the King-level epicness, in how he is descended from both Zaydi al Qahtani and the marid-blessed Armah. Zaydi, who rallied the djinn world against the genocidal Nahids and overthrew them to take Daevabad 1400 years earlier; and his ally Armah who commanded the marid to help take the city and Suleiman's Ring, and made the ultimate sacrifice by staying allied with the djinn. Ali is constantly compared to Zaydi in City of Brass and Kingdom of Copper, but there's this steady transfer of similarities to Armah in Kingdom of Copper and Empire of Gold, until Ali is truly representing both sides combined as he aids Nahri and a global army that he put together in three days to once again take back Daevabad from a genocidal Nahid. The man is a fucking legend, and with any other author or director it would unquestionably be at the forefront of the story. Instead it hides in background details foe readers to piece together, like it's barely worth mentioning.
This is because my man Ali also has the self-confidence/self-esteem of a shy beetle hiding six feet under the earth, and the author's subtle/vague writing style and inability to stand up for what she's trying to say when people misunderstand has created... how do I word this... A lot of wiggle room for bullshit?
Ali gets dragged a lot for being self-righteous and a fanatic, because characters that are threatened by him in the book call him that, and readers parrot it without any consideration or critical thought. Is it self-righteous to be against slavery? Or to create personal boundaries regarding drinking and premarital sex? Is it fanaticism when he argues against corruption, or practices his religion *in a completely normal way?* I dare say no! But Ali is both black and muslim, so he gets a shit load of shit from every corner, and with the author unable to really clear things up and too cowardly to even admit that Ali is her favorite character without immediately asking everyone to forget she said that (Oops. Also: no), it makes me very, very concerned for whoever ends up playing Ali in the Netflix show. Because if past is any pretext, he's definitely not gonna get paid enough for all the harassment he'll face. And if the author can't stand up for her characters and book themes now, how will she do it when the audience is much, much bigger and louder? :/
As much as I love Ali and his countless parallels with Nahri, and have a thousand headcanons for him (and a thousand fic & art ideas/wips), the series itself (or rather how it undid all its narrative themes in the end to appease loud fans who never understood what the series was trying to say in the first place, along with the author's blindspots regarding the Nahids/Daevas), has made me incredibly bitter. 🙃 I am someone who worships canon encyclopedically and remembers everything, and have come to the unfortunate realization that I cannot in good health ever read this series again.
So my beloved blorbo Ali exists for me in a weird dimension that I cannot really interact with anymore. Made worse because I still desperately want to see fandom stuff, but then also viciously tear apart everything I find. 💀
Idk how to end this. Thanks for the ask! ☺️
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Hi! Please could I get one of the ship things w one of the male outsiders characters? Thank you :) if it's not open feel free to delete this btw!!
I'm brunette w/ a very shaggy mullet, and gray eyes + freckles. I'm very much a nerd tbh! I'm really into movies, but like, the technicalities of them + the minor details of them and I could ramble about it forever to whoever will listen to me + I love rambling about all of my interests!! I also really like to read! Ill read pretty much anything w a pretty writing style or that seems interesting to me but I also love very stereotypically nerdy stuff like arcade games, superheroes, comics, ect. I also really like to draw (or rather just doodle) and I like to draw on ppl I'm close to's hands as a way to show my affection!!
As for my personality I am very very awkward around ppl I don't know thanks to my pretty bad social anxiety but the moment I'm comfortable w someone all that awkwardness goes away + I literally never shut up!! I ramble about movies so so much and it annoys everyone around me + i'm rlly confident around the ppl I rlly love. My love language is physical touch and I'm affectionate because of this + I love to give and receive affection because I'm touch starved.
Your Outsiders Ship: Sodapop Curtis 
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Explanation: I think he really digs you’re kind of geeky personality and would absolutely listen to any rants that you had about literally anything and he would listen to it so intently and then probably talk to Darry and Ponyboy theories you had and be like dude my partners actually such a genius he won’t believe what they said about x and y and then eventually his family is like OK can you please shut up about Y/n. I think socially you guys would contrast perfectly together because he could do a lot of the talking for you as he’s a social butterfly and you could just sit in the corner with your thumbs up awkwardly in front of your chest and it would be great. I think he would just die. If you ever drew something of him he would just like be so flattered and so honored he would probably like hang it up somewhere and just absolutely love it anyway I think he would yeah absolutely just love that. And then proceeded to brag to his brother about how cool you are. I personally think soda pop is a very touchy-feely guy so he would absolutely love cuddling and snuggling with you and constantly holding you in someway or another. I actually kind of think he’s clingy especially after Sandy I think if he’s standing near you, he needs to be touching you in some way. Yall are CUTE 💚💚
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