#who's tired.... like it's not a competition... why can't i talk to my mom about simple things like this!?
cheekblush · 11 months
first day back from my vacation and i'm already crying bc of my brother and mom
#i really wonder what it's like to have a supportive loving and understanding family#it started bc of such a stupid reason but it escalated so quickly into a huge fight with my mom bc she has to make everything about herself#i really can't tell her anything that worries or upsets me bc she will always make it about herself and belittle me#like even if i tell her smth as simple as i'm tired she'll be like you have no right to be tired i work so much more than you i'm the one..#who's tired.... like it's not a competition... why can't i talk to my mom about simple things like this!?#i don't want to go into detail about what happened today but basically my brother only shows up when he needs smth & that really upsets me#i told my mom about it & that ended in a fight with me crying & her mocking me saying are you depressed again?#that hurt me so much bc i was su*cidal a couple of years ago like i really looked into ways how to do that & she just says smth like this..#so carelessly as if it's joke#i know i'm such a burden to my family bc with my big age i still need so much help but at least i'm still alive...#at least that's what i thought before but maybe things really would be better if i wasn't here at all#it would lift a lot of burden off my family's shoulders.. they shouldn't always have to accommodate me bc of my mental health issues#my dad does the most for me but he never openly complains even though i know i'm a huge inconvenience to him#he sometimes does say things like what will you do when i die though which also hurts me a lot#but i think he maybe appreciates more that i'm still here after everything i've been through.. idk though#i thought i calmed down but i'm crying again.. i haven't thought about all this in so long#maybe if i was at least a little helpful to my family but they do way more for me than i do for them..#maybe i really am just a selfish ungrateful bitch....#☁️
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beabeemu · 1 year
Just Us
Sakusa kiyoomi X reader
MSBY! Player sakusa. CEO reader, RICH reader, Timeskip! sakusa. Warnings: Cursing, hints of jealousy. FLUFF. Sakusa being a cutie patootie
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It's been over 2months since you two got engaged, and to say that it was hard to plan a whole wedding by yourself was an understatement. But not wanting to disappoint him, you didn’t complain, despite being busier then ever, you knew not to make him worry during their game, especially when he was in the middle of this year’s season. 
It seems as though your laundry list of things you needed to do never ended, and it was harder when everyone just HAD to have allergies to certain foods/j 
So having to come up with a menu that applies to everyone was hard. Plus the flowers, the seating, the venue, and 99+ more were tiring you so much that you found yourself getting buried in paperwork at your office, managing your own company wasn’t that easy either. 
But alas, your angel of an assistant was there to suffer with you, having to contact a million numbers just for some specific thing is hard to keep track of. 
Despite your life– as of– now being a living hell, at least you get an hour of happiness every day. It was when you and kiyoomi would call each other. There wasn’t a specific time  for your calls since your timelines were different, and  with him going from one country to another because of his competitions, he would often call and see you in various situations, doing work, feeding your guys cat, eating dinner (and he would buy his own so that you can eat together<3) or organizing you a hell of a wedding :) 
“Are you busy? I can call later if you want” 
“No, no, it's fine I needed to talk to you anyway” 
It was nighttime now, and you were in your home office, looking at the ginormous list of names that were *luckily* invited 
“Since when did know this many people? This list just keeps on going” 
“I dont know, ask my mom, she’s probably responsible for it” 
“Well, her son who she never expected to get married IS getting married so…” 
“Oh yeah?” he said teasingly 
I laughed at his reaction, I continued checking the list, my phone was on a stand in front of me, and he was in his bed laying down, it was probably late in his timeline cus it seemed that he was the only one awake. 
Then just like every night before I go to bed, I replay everything that happened when he proposed.
It was 1 week before he went off to a different country, his games had already started and now that they’d won, they’re gonna advance to the next round in a different country. 
And THIS was the last thing I expected 
He was down on one knee, holding a velvet box with a beautiful diamond ring. 
I said, he quickly slipped the ring on my finger and immediately hugged me, my feet living the ground. 
His logical explanation on why he proposed NOW was:
“Because I want that, when I get back we would just get married and then we’ll be off to our honeymoon with no distractions” 
Which was a pretty thought-out plan, to be honest. 
which leads us back to now. 
"What else is on your list?" 
"Well, starting from 1, I need to figure out the menu, I don't know whether to have a buffet or just make it all the same" 
"How about the buffet, so that they'll have options" 
"Yeah but there's the allergy thing we need to consider" 
"How about we have the people ask the waiters what's included in the food so that they'll just avoid the ones they can't eat" 
"I guess" 
"Or how about we just avoid them altogether? Let's just use ingredients that they can have and find alternatives for the ones that they can't have" 
"Yeah, I guess that could work, but I'm worried about the chef though… I might give them a hard time" 
"Babe, that's their job, whether they like it or not, they still need to consider other people's needs and conditions, have you already hired a chef?" 
"No not yet but Emma (her assistant)did send me a list of 5-star chef's all over the world, she organized them from the ones who offered their service and those who were available, she even added their prices, most of them are private chefs for celebrities. "
"Good. Send me the list and I'll take care of it. And do you have a list of food that some of the guests can't have?"
"Yesh it's right here- wait, did you say that you'll handle it?" 
"Yeah, I have a weekend off here so don't worry about it"
"But what about your training? It's fine I can handle this, It's my day off tomorrow so I'll probably finish it by then-"
"No, that's final. I know you're tired and you can't always be just thinking about me, you should take care of yourself too. I don't want you to get sick, you don't want me to fly back to Japan would you?" 
"It wouldn't be so bad…" I whispered, silently hoping that he'll hear it
"But not for the right reasons" he glared at me, he's not dropping this is he?
"Fine I'll send you the 2 lists later" 
"Good" I guess he was satisfied. But hey, at least I've got two things off my plate 
"Also send me the kinds of food that you want to include, ok?" 
"OK, I'll send you them now" 
I took a picture of everything and forwarded it to him 
"Wow, this is a big list of names" 
"Yeah, she wanted it to be full of information about them as much as possible, she even added some reviews of past works" 
"And are you sure that they are ALL available? "
"Yeah, Emma confirmed with them all last week, and she has them on standby now"
He just hummed and then yawned. I took that as a sign to end the call
"Hey, let's continue talking tomorrow, you look tired, I don't want my soon-to-be-husband sick." 
"Well we'll be sick together"
I laughed and we said our goodbyes 
Today was the day, I was finally gonna buy my wedding dress, and kiyoomi was gonna come home in one week, which means our wedding is near, we set our wedding 2 weeks after kiyoomi's arrival in japan, which was more than enough time for kiyoomi to finish everything that he needed to do for the wedding. 
I was most excited about kiyoomi coming home. 
My mom, my sister, kiyoomi’s mom, and Emma were with me to buy a wedding dress. 
Kiyoomi had insisted on me using his card, – black card–  and after a few minor arguments, I caved in. Plus who was I to deny him? Right? 
Maybe I can get him to use my card for his suit, I'll mention that to him later hehe
I had asked omi if he had any specific style that he wanted or at least liked me in, but he just told me that I can buy whatever I want… which wasn't that helpful tbh 
"Now come on dear, what kind of dress do you want?" My mom asked her eyes wandering off as we walked into a room that had a sea of white dresses. 
I've never really put much thought into this… I always just put that thought aside thinking that I'll just buy something that I like, but I didn't know that there was THIS much to choose from, we're gonna be here for a while….
"FINALLY" I half screamed in the dressing room as I looked at the dress that I was fitting, it was more than perfect. Not too big, just the right size. 
( I can't describe clothes that well… you can imagine any dress you want) 
But not only does it look pretty, but its price is also pretty too, with a lot of zeros too. Hehehdhehehdhe
Today was the day, my omi was coming home today, and my excitement was on the same level as a child. 
I Drove to the airport, and I was now waiting at the front of the arrivals lane. 
The wedding was still not finished, I still had a cake tasting I needed to attend. Maybe omi and I can do that together <3 
he should be out of there by now…
I checked my phone in case he messaged me something. Nothing.
Then I saw a few more people walk through and every person that walked past that lane made me anxious, just imagining it, seeing his handsome face walking towards me, after 2 months, he was finally here. He won't be an ocean away, he’ll only be a moment away. (comment if you get the reference heh heh) 
As more people passed, I was starting to wonder how many people were fitted in that plane….
Then I finally saw some familiar faces. 
“Y/N!” I saw a familiar orange-headed midget. I waved at him as he ran towards me, soon followed by bokuto, who followed Hinata’s screaming, who was soon followed by atsumu. They all ran toward me, which made me wonder where was their other teammate. 
As they ran towards me all at once, I had trouble seeing the person I came for. When they neared, I finally saw him, the love of my life. 
With a woman in his arms. 
I went silent, I’m not the kind of person who was to get jealous easily. But seeing HER hugging MY MAN before ME????????!?!??!!?!??! 
Ohh, oHH she must have a death wish, My excitement getting drained out of me I focused on the ones who chose to come to ME FIRST rather than some fan, and don’t even tell me shit like “It might be a relative” NO, I KNOW ALL HIS RELATIVES AND SHE IS NOT ONE OF THEM. 
“HEY! HEY!HEY, Here’s the bride-to-be, HERE is a gift, it’s from France” Bokuto said as he handed me an expensive-looking bag, I took it from him and hugged him, He hugged me back. A little bit too tight. But so fucking what. 
“You didn’t have to you know”
“Yeah, yeah just take it” atsumu and Hinata then shoved a paper bag similar to bokuto’s. I just shrugged and it seemed that they wouldn’t leave me alone if I don’t accept.
“Long time no see Y/N” I heard a voice say in front of me, I looked up and was faced with a familiar face, more precisely a former shiratorizawa player. 
“Wakatoshi…Hi, I’m glad that you accepted my invitation” 
“Yeah, didn’t have a reason not to so…”  
“Your presence is appreciated” I smiled at him, and he nodded and then said his goodbyes. I watched him walk away, just like that day…( If you haven't already noticed, Ushijima is your ex)
I was lost in thought that I didn’t notice my fiance walk towards me until I felt him reach for my hand. I snapped out of it as he pulled me close to him. 
“Hi, love…” I heard the others bid their goodbyes, now it was just the two of us. 
Everything seemed to disappear, my jealousy earlier? Gone. The slight trance I was in after seeing wakatoshi? Gone, the myriad of people walking around us, gone. It was just the two of us, and that was something that I could get used to. 
I wrapped my arms around him, something that I’d missed doing. 
“Are you nervous?” she handed me my bouquet. It was here, the day that Ive been planning for ws finally here, it was only mere minutes away. And kiyyomi was acros the room waiting for me, as he had always been. 
“Ready?” I nodded, then they opened the double doors revealing the beautifully decorated church, flowers covered the ceiling, and hundreds of pairs of eyes were on me, but mine were only on one. 
He smiled, something that doesn’t happen often but was always rewarding when it did. That’s why he only let’s me see it. 
As I reached him, with my father and mother on both my sides, my father handed me too him. He pulled me close,his lips met my temple, he held my hand, not wanting to let go. 
We did the ceremony, we said our vows, and it was finally here. 
“You may kiss the bride” 
He pulled me in and cheers roared behind us, but everything seemed mute, there was no one else in that church, just us. 
And from then on, it would always and forever be, Just US. 
your likes and reblogs are always appreciated!!!
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justastarholder · 9 months
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Gonna start putting whatever SH asks end up in my main blog's inbox over here.
If SH didn't go to the temple? Very good question. I think it REALLY depends on if they just refused or if they weren't permitted but I'm gonna work on the assumption that Eclipse doesn't know which of these it is- he'd assume the latter.
So Julian would have died. The man was on death's door and he would not have made it long enough for Eclipse to send for a different healer. This would make Eclipse hate Sun EVEN MORE.
After that, I think Eclipse would likely have started the war much sooner. He'd have made the decision that Sun is hiding the Star Holder because they can't use the star yet. YET. Which means if he wants Sun to surrender, he needs to move fast. (That's the mentality.)
On the other hand, Eclipse not meeting SH means SH doesn't get to go to the Luna Ceremony because Sun never realizes they need to be socialized. And Moon never prods Sun about why SH is so shy- the two just keep on believing that the poor darling is just awkward and never investigate the temple's treatment of SH.
So the Star Holder just keeps working. Getting weaker by the day as their connections to the other gods wither to nothing.
Here's a fun fact I've yet to reveal in story: Pluto has been praying for the Star Holder since their first conversation. It's the only tie SH has to any of the gods.
Now because Eclipse makes his first move early, Sun and Moon make the decision to move Pluto back to the forge much earlier. Pluto and SH didn't meet at the ceremony, but SH still meets her and Lunar.
And Lunar still threatens SH, but ultimately warms up to them because Pluto loves them so much. Since there's no Eclipse to be overly affectionate and stir up SH's butterflies, Lunar has no competition for SH's affection.
He's goofy and nice and although he's moody, he brings SH hope. He talks about his travels and dragons and the world SH desperately wishes to explore.
So of course they fall in love with him.
And since Lunar is under Sun's employ, Sun has no real issue with the two of them canoodling or what have you :)
Also Lunar probably would have killed Aurelia
Then there's Sun.
Eclipse is decimating his smaller temples. Leaving nothing but ash is his wake. He's lost his best friend and feels he has nothing else to lose. Sun is stressed. So stressed. So tired. His focus is entirely on getting Eclipse under control so he becomes less amiable with SH over time.
Moon is there to help, of course, but he's angry with Sun for letting Pluto go. And since Moon isn't friends with you, he doesn't receive the reassurance that she's not the monster he views her as. And since he has no reason to peer into any dreams, he never discovers that Sun is actually possessed.
So Afton does manage to gain control of Sun's body. And he uses this freedom to further his own plan- which I can't get into because that's not been revealed in the main story ^^'
In the end, I think it would be a much rougher time for everyone (except Lunar). <:( The story has a very VERY delicate balance and everything has been arranged just so for the best possible outcome... I wonder who could have planned all that? (Star Mom. The answer is Star Mom.)
At any rate, this was a fun question to answer, hope you enjoyed reading this!
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deldeldel90 · 5 months
3, 5, and 6? (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
3: all time favorite pairing: Isolee (Isolde x leelathae) ofc!! <33 
5: favorite platonic pairing: Lance & Blaine as of the current!!! aahstsjshsh can't stop posting about them,, they are so perfect and they just make my Brain EXPLODE. rant incoming but 
Blaine and Lance just have That Something to them, that contrast, that shared past, that angst and that comfort and just—can you imagine having an ally in the constant competition for your father’s love (for your own safety), having a baby brother to protect and care for, and you've never. Can you imagine being ripped from your mother's arms, and the air of your kingdom is so much colder than the womb, and then suddenly—a year later, you're one, you're one and your father has only held you once, one is such a lonely number—you’re joined by this cooing ray of sunshine? You're warm for the first time in your life. He wears blue, you wear red. You feel so much bigger than him, so much older. He's so loud, so talkative, so hyperactive—at first, you don't understand it. You're a brother, but, more importantly, you're his brother. “Every king needs a knight,” your father whispered to you when you were seven and he was six. He was five, before. You agree, but you can't ever see Lance being the one protecting you—it’s too dangerous out there, you've seen the gladiator battles Father has you go to. In your mind, he's still six when you turn eight. He's still six when you turn sixteen and are deemed old enough to pose shirtless in those tabloid magazines. He is not an enemy, not when he's distracting you from piano lessons or sneaking you away for an extra cookie. Can you imagine? 
Can you imagine being born into a family without love? You don't get why Mom doesn't let you hug her, or why Dad has you stuck in a room with people too big, talking in those condescending voices as they point to letters. You want to run, and you do—you run, you fence. You're really good at fencing. You want the people you love to smile. You never know why they don't—you’re happy, your grin always hurts, so wide it dimples your cheeks. Mom smiled at you during dinner, once! Blaine’s smiled at you, in that half-sacronic tired way, more times you can count. (You're not good at counting.) You wear blue, he wears red. Brothers, you think, as you follow him into Academy, wearing your uniform looser than his. He's the student body president, you copy off the answers of last night’s homework from your buddy and Blaine sniffs, but, hey, he tells you about how Mr. Dovecote is particularly partial to students who bring him those fancy chocolates from the Gingerbread Man’s Catchin’ candy shop in the local town. You read this picture book, once—Andre said it was a graphic novel—about these two skeleton brothers with red and blue. You think they're just like him and you. You like hanging with your friends more than your studies, you don't like to read that boring Shakesphere stuff, you learned to do keg stands at sixteen years old. His nose wrinkles in disdain when you told him that, but he never told Dad about it. You admire him and tease him at the same time. He's your brother, you'll follow him into the end of the earth but that doesn't mean you won't laugh your ass off the second he trips on a pebble. You are second-born, raised by Blaine’s watchful eye and the people around you’s guiding hands, and you're raised to believe yourself capable. Your brother is wary around your father and that means you can't kick your feet under the table, you can't be a second late. Over the years, you learn why he's so scared. Sometimes, you don't know why he protected you for so long. But you know. You know, even with your dumb all-muscle brain. Can you imagine? 
6: favorite headcanon: oohhh I have so many headcanons 😭😭 okay but My Favorite would be that Isolde was definitely in a band. you can't tell me she wasn't, and she was DEFINITELY a guitar player. 
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brightgnosis · 9 months
This morning was nice and cool so I made myself a cup of Tea and tried forcing myself to sit out in the Garden for a little bit. It ... Really didn't go as planned, honestly.
Wound up just trying to wrangle my Heirloom Tomatoes back into shape instead, to absolutely no avail; I will never make the mistake of growing a 6 foot tall indeterminate Heirloom variety without a cage ever again, I swear ... I'm really just about to yank the whole thing out.
It's got Blight anyways, and I was only growing it for the competition to begin with. I only got one or two off it before it got to hot and it stopped producing, and I wasn't too impressed with the texture, either; I like the Pink Brandywines my Husband's growing so much better. So I'm not sure it's worth keeping around and continuing to fight with.
Realized the Sweet Autumn Clematis is blooming after that, so I've gotta cut that back again soon.
Sad I still can't smell it after Covid- which sucks. I mean, it's invasive anyways. But at least the first time I got to smell it, and it smelled amazing, and so I got to enjoy it while trying to keep it from spreading ... Now, after Covid, it's just ... There ... Causing problems, trying to take over my bench (and my umbrella, and all the trees) and generally being toxic and unusable in any regard until I cut it back twice a year.
Also trimmed back some of the Chocolate Mint that's trying to escape its hanging pot, after that- as well as some Monarda I didn't realize was trying to escape the raised bed. Then I came back in.
I was tired of the smell of insect repellant and getting a headache by then. Plus the bench has a screw that's loose and kept stabbing me in the leg; I don't know where the tool is to fix it and it's a two person job anyways. I'll have to write it down as a fix-it task for the weekend when my Husband's off work.
I wouldn't say it was miserable ... But it definitely really wasn't the relaxing time that I'd wanted to have out there. It just wound up being a sad reminder of not only just how much I cannot do during Summer ... But also how much I want to be out of here, and back into my own house again.
In that regard: We were talking about the Farm properly last night, and apparently it's not even in a livable condition right now anyways; there's a lot of work that needs to be done to make it livable again. So much so that I don't even know if it's something we can afford to do in the first place- let alone something we're even capable of doing at all. And even if we did say yes and take it over, it'd literally take years to accomplish even the basics after all the neglect his Brother gave it for a decade or more.
Like ... How the heck do you put a Farm House back on its foundation - and what the frick is that going to cost to do ??? Not to mention multiple window replacements, re-roofing the whole thing, cleaning out the mountains of trash my Brother in Law left behind, and all the other stuff that needs to be done.
Granted, we're not struggling financially. We can make the bills we have, so long as we don't add more of them ... But how exactly are we supposed to afford all this? This isn't cheap work. This is serious repair work that requires actual professionals. Especially because I do not believe in the D-I-WHY generation for things like roofing, foundation resetting, and even windows; not if you want these repairs to be done right and to last properly.
I understand his mom wants it to remain in the family. I understand that my Husband and I are the only ones who care enough to make that happen- and make it happen right and with the respect it deserves; and that we want to do something similar to this anyways, with or without inheriting the Farm ... But I don't understand how his mother thinks we're actually capable of doing this.
This is Rich Idealistic White People Who Can Afford Lifelong Debt kind of shit. And we are not Rich Idealistic White People Who Can Afford Lifelong Debt. We are Impoverished Rural White Folk stock who absolutely deluded ourselves into thinking we'd finally achieved some semblance of money because we'd clawed our way up just enough in the last half generation that we could finally afford a house within town limits- and then apparently let the family farm go to Hell in a handbasket after the fact ... And there's a huge damned difference.
I was kind of on board yesterday, thinking "sure. I guess we could try it for 5 years and if it doesn't work we could just come back and live in the Basement again". But now I'm tearing my hair out about the idea ... I just don't know how on Earth it'd ever work to even address the basic issues.
I'm so tired.
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alongtidesoflight · 2 years
yk not to rant or anything but i'm tired of my sister and mother ignoring all of my advice while shoving their advice down my throat
and every time i do take their advice things go sideways
but if i do things my way they work out just fine
like i'm mad tired of them acting like i don't know jack shit when the opposite is proven to be true time and time again
point in case my sister told me not to water a calathea i bought as frequently as i did because "they don't need this much water" when the sticker on the plant said it does need that much water and she'd get passive aggressive each time she watched me water the plant so i stopped watering the plant as frequently and went by what she told me
and it died obviously, i'm talking yellowed dry leaves looking like a lost case
then she'd go on a rant to my mother about how bad i am with plants and that you can't hand me shit because i can't care for it, meanwhile i was nursing that calathea back to full bloom and come spring it was just as new
and my mom has this thing where she absolutely refuses to go by my advice because she "knows better", but her entire vegetable harvest this year turned out to be utter shit because she didn't want to replace the soil in her planters because "it's just soil they'll grow in any kinda soil" and then she has the audacity to give me a stingy jealousy competition kind of backhanded compliment about my plants having grown so much this year
yeah because i used the right kinda soil for them
and don't even get me started on my "i'll come running to you to repair my bike chain bc idk how to do it and don't want to get my hands greasy but don't you dare use the drill because that's a man's job yes i insist on it even though i've seen you competently use it countless times before" stepdad
like i'm tired it's such an endless circle of "you're too incompetent we won't take your advice whoops why did this work out for you and not for me i'm pissed about it now and i'll take it out on you" and "you don't fit my ideas of manliness so i will treat you like a delicate flower who should never work power tools even though you could easily repair the parts of my house that are falling into disrepair while i refuse to do any dirty jobs or necessary repairs myself but i will get pressed about the house coming apart because no one around here does anything about it"
what's up it's lunch time and i've been dealing with everyone's problems but my own while simultaneously being undermined for half a day and i'm just so ready for this day to end already
my dog died a couple days ago i'd just like a fucking breather once in a while yk
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042502 · 25 days
☆༉ — CHRIS STURNIOLO. The unwritten rule.
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about. Everyone knows the rule, don't fall in love with your best friend's boyfriend.
a/n. This is the Chapter 1, I hope it sounds interesting to you. My first language is not English, you will read this under this warning. m.list!
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I liked him first, but it does not matter. I still like it, although that doesn't matter either or at least it's not supposed to.
Anna and Chris were kissing. Try not to pay attention, but when you're the only person in the room who's not with someone else, it's a hard thing to do. Besides, the movie Anna had chosen she had already seen.
More than once. 
Thirty-seven times, to be exact. 
I know it's a lot, but Anna really liked me, and it's better than what happens in my house, including services or news. and Not to mention the comedies from years ago. Dad's favorites, or mom's DVD's, made with images of her in different cooking competitions. Since he entered the "fabulous video cooking family", has been "studying" herself and other cooks via video, to see how she can "improve her prep work."
Yes, I have seen my mother chopping onions and then criticizing herself.
So you can see why I prefer to watch a movie and why, as of now, I'm on watch number thirty-seven of "boy meets girl," girl melts for the boy, boy falls in love with girl, boy gets cancer and dies while the girl is brave and only cries once, in the end, when the boy says, "I'll wait for you," and then dies.
I admit that I cried the first time I saw it. And the second. But by the third time, I started wondering about the girl's best friend, which appears at periodic intervals throughout the film to support the girl, usually providing ice cream and/or doing something stupid like hooking her skirt in the door and crying to get away.
Anyway, for the third time, I started wondering about the best friend. "Why does she have to be clumsy and absurd? Doesn't she get tired of showing support, and eating ice cream? Well, maybe not so much of the latter."
How does the best friend really live? She has to do something when she's not losing her skirt or saying: "Oh, you are so brave!" Until now, the best friend had been the substitute... At least in my mind: A secret heroin user. That was the week Chris called Anna to watch an Indian movie about the model who was skinny from heroin use and how everyone told her how beautiful she was until she died. I ended up going with them, because Anna said she wanted someone to talk to when the boring stuff hit.
But what I saw of the movie was great, I went back and watched it with my mom later. She said it was "depressing." But at least I could see the reality of the matter, she was: 
1. A spy (because hellooo, obviously she's awesome!).
2. A super heroine who is trying to save the world while maintaining her disguise as a mild-mannered clumsy girl (another obvious, but awesome point).
3. She is in love with the boy, they love each other behind his back, and they have secret meetings, when the girl is in one of her musical performances and the boy tells his best friend that he really loves her, but I don't want to hurt the girl, and the best friend agrees, because she is a really good person despite the fact that she is totally in love with her best friend's boyfriend.
This last one is, well, I try not to think about it, but I really do. I do it because I can see what happens in the movie, I mean, the best friend is a nice person. Actually, it is. 
She can't help because of the way she feels about the boy. She really can't. Trust me on this one. What could it be... Forget it. I am, I'm that girl who likes her friend's boyfriend. In the world of friendship, I'm horrible. Everyone knows this rule: "Never fall in love with your best friend's boyfriend."
I know, I do and I don't love Chris. He is Anna's boyfriend. She is crazy about him. If he moved his head a little, he could see them kissing. I know they're together, I know they're Anna and Chris now. 
I don't look at them, I don't need to remember that they are together and, besides, I know that if I look it will hurt a lot.
So I saw the movie. Maybe the best friend is a secret assassin from the future, and has come through time to make sure the evil scientist is stopped before he destroys humanity. 
Someone throws the sofa cushions on my head.
"Ada” What if I forget is what is going to happen next?
Anna laughs and makes me look back.
She smiles at me, her lips not next to Chris's any longer. 
"So, are you coming with us tonight or what?”
I pretend to stretch so I can look at the clock, it's only ten. It's also early to say I have to go home. I'm going to have to settle for a reason why I can't go with her.
"Can't. Mom wants me to get up at five in the morning to go shopping with her. She is doing further testing of how her recipes work in case she gets the call.”
"Why do they have to go?" Chris asks.
"My dad can't because of his hip, and she wants someone there to help her."
That is a lie, my mother doesn't need help when she is grocery shopping. She knows every grocery store within a fifty mile radius, like she knows the way to our house.
She knows where they produce and where they are stored to get the newest and best products, especially that stores are open late in case inspiration strikes you.
Mom is intensely and strongly focused on creating recipes. She enters cooking competitions all the time, and has always come in fourth place, which is kind of like the consolation prize in the kitchen. She says she's happy, but she's not.
Mom wants to win a contest finally. I know she does. She likes to cook, she likes to make recipes, but apparently she also enters each and every cooking competition there is. She keeps a very low profile, especially compared to some of the other "contestants" I've met, but I was there and it motivated her to keep going.
She's always felt that unity, I think. I mean, there's a reason I quickly learned to play "go fish" with dad and not with her when I was little I won at least a few times with dad. This year he sent them one and is now practicing twenty recipes to "cook with the fabulous family." This is a low number in the contested world, at least among fans, but Mom decided the key is to really focus on "a few dishes."
Dad and I have been eating for a while now because he wants to be ready for when my mom doesn't believe in "yes" when it comes to cooking competitions, she gets the call. Unfortunately all of this, and that's the problem with having a best friend who has known you since you were five. Twelve years of friendship means that Anna knows almost everything about me and my family. 
"She doesn't need you to go” Anna says. “She knows where everything is in every supermarket around here, and she never needs your help before shopping. She has a system and all that.”
But of course this doesn't help with the excuse at all.
"Maybe Ada doesn't want to go to the party" Chris says, looking at the framed photo of Anna that was hanging on the end of the wall. I took it last year, when I signed up for the photography course I thought it would be an easy "A". It was a tough "B", with a lot of bad photos on my part, but Anna's image is good.
She was sitting on the front steps, looking into the distance, and I was on the timer and running so fast that I accidentally managed to get into the engraving when I was running back to the camera to see if it was still working.
I messed up a little with the photo, but Anna almost shines in it, pushing from the blur that went after a ghostly glow.
“She wants to go,” Anna tells Chris, and then taps me with her foot. “I heard Rob might be there."
I shrug, Rob is in my English and chemistry classes, he's sweet.. He is also madly in love with Anna. However, unlike most boys who are madly in love with Anna, He knows he has no chance with her. So he's decided he loves me. Today at school he asked me if I was going to be at the party tonight, and I saw him start to ask Anna if she was coming too. She left me then I remembered that she has a boyfriend, I saw him reminding her that she was supposed to like me.
"Don't you think it's cute?" Anna asks me.
"He's fine" He is, he has eyes, a nose and a mouth and his hair doesn't look like it was cut by a lawn mower. His clothes aren't horrible, he doesn't smell or spit when he talks.
"Therefore, come with us. There's always room in Chris's car, I know. The whole school could fit in your car, which is fine! Brilliant!” She sets her eyes on me.
I smile, because there is always room in Chris's car. He drives a van, and Anna hates it. She wants Chris to get his parents a new car, and since then they started dating a little more six weeks ago.
"I like my car" this time Chris speaks.
I allow myself to look at him for a few seconds, taking a look at his dark hair, his bright, intense eyes.
"I can't go" they both look at me. “I mean, I can, but I'm really tired and I have to eat cheese cereal and corn and rice casserole for dinner again and my stomach hurts, I mean, it's the fourth night in a row I've had to eat it, so I'd rather go home.”
"Please," Anna asks.
"I'm too full of corn and rice to do anything fun."
"You're full, good" He shakes his head in denial and then lets out a sigh. “Alright, go home. You leave me and Chris and I go to the party.”
"Go have fun."
"We will" is coming. “I like it if you're there, I always like it if you're there,” he looked at Chris again, a quick glance one last time before I left.
He looks at me, for a second, a crazy second.
I stand up and smiled saying goodbye and good night. I walk to my car, thinking about what it will be like to sit next to him.
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જ⁀➴ taglis. @l34n @jetaimevous @jnkvivi @loveyoumatthewbernard @d1tzy-bl0nde @laxbabe131147 @slut4chriss @dontellaf1lms @surniolozzzprincess
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sunarintoes · 3 years
Pretty Setter Squad Boyfriend Headcanons
part one can be found here II wc: 2.4k II includes: kageyama, suga, kenma, akaashi, semi and oikawa II atsumu and shirabu 
rewriting because i cringe at the old hcs 😭
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✗ Kagggggsss
✗ The emotionally constipated blueberry <3 oh yeahh 😎
✗ Okay well first off he can barely process his emotions (*cough* evidently *cough*)
✗ When you two first started going out he was quite shy and unsure of what to do so you may have had to guide him a bit, but if youre equally shy then it just would have taken longer to get to where you are now; oh and if that was the case it probably took some random burst of energy/confidence from either one of you to make the first move. 
✗ He will buy you milk but uf you hate it (like me 🤢) he will buy you another drink - like juice :D
✗ I dont think he will be the most affectionate, it’s not his love language - and neither are words haHAH. His love language is most likely quality time and gift giving.
✗ He does like to cuddle though 😳
✗ In fact he really likes to :D his favourite is when youre sitting in his lap while he watches a volleyball game (at home - he hates pda). 
✗ This brings us to our next, short point. Kageyama absolutely despises pda, he just thinks its something meant for closed doors and he does not believe that he has to display his relationship for the whole world to ogle at. The most he will do is light hand holding - mostly just linking your pinkies though.
✗ When it comes to height he does not care if you're smaller or taller than him ← but bb, please don't tease him about his height if he’s shorter because he will blow a fuse.
✗ He alternates between small spoon and big spoon, kinda depending on his mood. 
✗ BOY O BOY does he get jealous. Uh please reign in your setter >:( 
✗ Its mostly due to the fact that he’s insecure about himself - he thinks you will leave him like everyone else (in middle school - yes, he is still traumatised from it.)
✗ When he does get jealous he might be snappy to the other person and glare at them or be snappy at you and glare at you. When this happens please give him space because he needs it to clear his head. When he feels better he will come up to you and hug you into his chest so that he can’t see your face and you cant see his, then he will mumble an apology.
✗ Ever since you two began to date he has practiced apologising and getting better at apologising, this is because his inability to admit to his own mistakes was a sour patch in your relationship that almost ended it but he really did not want to lose you so he sucked up his pride and worked on what he had to; of course you also worked in what you had to. God I love character development 😩
✗ Dates are mostly at home dates or dates revolving around volleyball. If you're not into volleyball, Kageyama would not date you, it's something he is so passionate about and loves with every breath he takes (like you) and he refuses to compromise one love for the other. 
✗ ooooh he likes arcade dates a well! He thrives in a competitive environment. If you're not competitive and don't want to compete against him then he’ll compete for you - against the machines lol. Of course you play as well! But i doubt youre as competitive as this blueberry, and if you are - well i guess at the end of the day youll both be stacked in tokens 🤠
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✗ Sugawara my beloved <33
✗ He. Is. So. Affectionate! 
✗ Mans loves skin on skin contact ykwim?
✗ He is down for pda and does not care what others think - only what you think <3. 
✗ I mean he might make out with you in public if you ask nicely 
✗ Dates are very fun with him, he’ll take you to cafes, to amusement parks, to carnivals, to movies and all the like. He’s a cliche lover and he’s proud of it.
✗ Your first kiss happened on New Years Eve/Day. The two of you sat on the roof of his house and watched as the fireworks lit up the starry sky of Miyagi and chanted the count down together. The second ‘one’ left your lips he grabbed your face (softly!!) and pulled you in to crash his lips against yours. 
✗ Suga loves to cuddle, preferably face to face because he just thinks you're the most beautiful person in the world. 
✗ He is not the most jealous person, he definitely does get jealous but never of strangers. It's more when his close friends or your close friends get a bit too comfortable if that makes sense? He normally plays it off with humour and messes around because he acknowledges that he is insecure and that it is most likely him thinking of the worst case scenario; however if he really does start to worry and get jealous then he will sit you down and talk about it with you. To him, communication is key. 
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✗ Ngl Kenma is definitely in my top 3 favourites. 
✗ I may or may not be a Kenma kinnie 😳🙈
✗ i love my non-toxic gamer boy <33 anywho: no matter what ANYONE says, kenma is definitely affectionate. In fact I'd say he’s one of the most affectionate boyfriends. As we all know, he is shy and introverted but he likes to hang around and spend time with people he likes. He also talks a lot to them. So I hc that he’s a bit of a chatterbox with you and it makes him really happy when you let him talk about a game or a theory he has. He’s a great listener so you can count on him to pay attention to what you say.
✗ if you didn't already have one, he bought you a switch. He loves video game dates especially when he can't see you in person (*cough* lockdown *cough*) 
✗ he loves when you sit on his lap when he plays video games. I know everyone talks about sitting on their partner’s lap as some sexual thing and yeah that can happen but most of the time he’s really soft with you and just enjoys being close to you. Loves when you cuddle into him while he plays so that he can place his head on yours or your shoulder. 
✗ i think he is a bit shy when it comes to kisses but definitely warms up after a while. He absolutely refuses to sleep if he doesnt get your goodnight kisses. He loves to kiss you on your nose and your cheeks the most. He loves when you kiss him on the forehead and the nose <3
✗ kenma is not one for pda, it's just not his vibe. He prefers intimacy and privacy; his relationship is not a movie for the world to watch and gawk at. Especially timeskip!kenma. Though that does not mean he wont ever show you skinship in public, occasionally he will softly hold your hand and maybe press a light kiss to your cheek. 
✗ in terms of jealousy, he is moderate. Kenma, as we all know, has incredible people reading skills, so he understands the situation pretty clearly and knows when you’re uncomfortable/what you think of the situation. Most of the time you can deal with the unwanted attention and he doesnt get jealous, but he does get insecure. He shows this by going quiet and looking away when you look at him, you can cure this by giving him hugs when you get home. 
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✗ Akaashi my beloved <3 he’s so pretty i can't even-
✗ ugh! Just imagine him in a dark/light academia aesthetic. 
✗ perfection. 
✗ akaashi is the sweetest most attentive boyfriend, he loves you to pieces and never fails to let you know. He tells you he loves you every morning and every night. He probably makes meals for you and leaves notes in that have a sweet comment like “i love you, you're the best <3” 
✗ he love back hugging you BUT also receiving back hugs 🥺✨
✗ akaashi is a booknerd and an introvert. Please cuddle up to him and let him read his book to you. 
✗ there are only 2 things that can restore his social battery: sleeping and you.
✗ which means he wants cuddles when he’s tired 😊
✗ he is not jealous. He just doesn't get jealous, maybe annoyed if the third party is being a bit too pushy and you're clearly uncomfortable, but he just never feels jealous. No matter how hard you may try to make him jealous (plz dont cause that's kinda toxic imo) he just won't feel that way.
✗ definitely the ‘mom/dad’ as he carries sinister, pads, bandaids → a whole first aid kit basically, everywhere. Bb must be prepared. 
✗ dates are so sweet with him, cute niche cafes and dimly lit libraries. Maybe the occasional abandoned building. He loves spending time with you, so really he's happiest whenever he’s with you; having coffee at McDonalds or a niche cafe won't change anything. 
✗ he’s hard to pinpoint for pda. I feel like he’s indifferent about it. He probably prefers to keep it indoors or to just small and sweet gestures (no making out in public sorry-). It definitely comes down to your preferences, if you don't like it then he won't and vice versa.
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✗ semi semi semi semi semi semi
✗ omg mr musician 
✗ he definitely plays guitar - lead guitar and bass guitar. 
✗ skilled fingies for sure 😗
✗ boy why are musicians so hot???? 😫😫😫💦💦
✗ he writes songs about you. Semsem has a bit of trouble saying exactly how he feels, so he writes it and sings it to you with a small little smile and eyes full of love. 
✗ off topic but Semu has the best music taste in haikyuu
✗ he loves hugs so much <33 please hug and cuddle with him 24/7
✗ very affectionate, he’s always touching you someway. Loves kissing your forehead. 
✗ he is jealous. Yeah definitely. He writes songs about being jealous 🗿 not that you mind of course ‘cause they're bangers. I think he might get snappy when he’s jealous, not directly at you but at the other person. He definitely gets a bit bitchy. Sometimes he acts that way to you so you've just gotta slap some sense into him. Say something like “what's your problem?” or “tell me what your problem is so i can help fix it.” ← that's probably the best thing to say. 
✗ afterwards he’ll just snuggle with you until he feels better. 
✗ he asks for your opinion about his songs all the time, please be honest (but also praise them if you like them lol)
✗ he takes you to niche spots he finds, like hidden concerts and stuff. Loves when you come to his gigs <3 oh and when you scream for him (in more ways than one). 
✗ dates are cute and fun. Mostly walking around together → carnivals, main street, farmers market. Those kind of things. 
✗ when it comes to pda he loves it. Loves being able to show the world who his s/o is. If you don't like it then he will tone it down and only do what you’re comfortable with. If you're also into pda then he will happily make out with you anywhere (you're one of THOSE couples 🤢 /j) 
✗ all round best boyfie <3
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✗ oikawa 😳 have i told y'all how much i love him? Oikawa is the best written character, no cap, he is so complex and real it's crazy. It's so fun to write about him because you can pick him apart, you know his flaws, his weaknesses, his nightmares but also his strengths and dreams. Anywho i'll stop ranting now but i just love writing for such a perfectly imperfect character-
✗ he puts up a cocky exterior but thats all false. He's as scared as you are, he's scared that you'll leave him like his exes because of how obsessed and focused he is on volleyball. However he is a changed man, he's learned to balance his priorities. If you ever feel like you're being sidelined please communicate with him. 
✗ he values communication above all else and wants nothing more in a partner than for them to also value communication.
✗ back to the point → if you feel insecure of your relationship and that volleyball is taking too much of his attention let him know. He will change that. To an extent → he may have an important game coming up which is why he is focusing more, but he will always find time for you. 
✗ he never forgets to text you good morning and good night. He also sends you wholesome memes and makes sure you're taking care of yourself - they're like reminders for him to also take care of himself. 
✗ he is both jealous and insecure. Everyone who gets too close to you or spends a lot of time with you, he is jealous of. Jealous because he wishes he could spend more time with you but he knows he can't - not without jeopardising his volleyball career. He's also insecure, because he knows you could just leave him for a more fulfilling, more attentive, more balanced relationship. You know that too, I mean, of course you could leave him but no one would be as good as him. No one could match up to your beautifully flawed boyfriend.
✗ he is affectionate, very, very affectionate. He loves you so much. And because he spends so much time on volleyball, anytime with you he's touching you - memorizing every dint, every curve, everything about you so that he won't ever forget. 
✗ Oikawa has trouble sleeping unless he's with you, he wants to sling to you in his sleep and be grounded and remember that he is loved and cherished and appreciated y'know?
✗ pda is not an issue for him. He doesn't care what anyone else says or thinks :P in this relationship the only opinions that matter are his and your’s. Tell him you're uncomfortable with something and he won't do it, and vice versa. But otherwise, like Semi, he won't mind having a good makeout session with you in the middle of the street ;)
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angellesword · 4 years
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Summary: You live in a world where people see in black and white. The solution to finally see the colors? It's simple. You need to meet your soulmate and look at him in the eyes, but what if the person bound to you is already contented with the monochromatic world? What if...Jeongguk, your soulmate, is already in love with someone else?
"A future without you is a world without color."
Genre: soulmate au, e2l, slow burn, angst, fluff, roommate au
Pairing: Artist!Jungkook x Lawyer!Reader
Word Count: 2.9k
Note: I just wanna dedicate this chapter to @jooniebugg coz your feedback in Your Eyes Tell (09) is <333 and it inspired me to write chapter 10! some lines in this update is my response to your comment heheh :*
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You were not in trouble, but Jeongguk was.
"Guk," Jimin let out a breath as he closed his eyes. "Slow down, okay? I can't understand what you're saying."
But Jeongguk couldn't do it. He was sobbing uncontrollably that Jimin literally had to tell him to breathe.
Jeongguk tried to follow the instruction of his best friend's boyfriend. Breathe. It should be easy, right? He only needed to stop thinking about you in able to breathe properly.
Unfortunately, it was difficult to get you out of his mind.
"You good?"
Your soulmate nodded even though Jimin couldn't see his face. They're currently talking over the phone. Jimin called him after finding out what happened during the trial.
It was all over the news. Countless of articles were published online. Most of them were unreliable and full of speculations.
Jimin gave up after reading one sentence. He knew he had to call you to know the truth—or at least the fragments of truth. Jimin wasn't really interested in the case; he was only interested to know what was up with you.
Were you alright?
Jimin found some of your decisions in life questionable, yet he didn't say anything. He remained tight-lipped when you told him about your entangled fate not only with Jeongguk, but also with your assistant and client.
Just like your soulmate, Jimin could not understand why you were trying to defend Kim Seokjin. Their reason was different though. Jeongguk's thoughts were selfish. Jimin, on the contrary, was plain curious.
Why were you so invested in this case?
Was it because of your stubborn nature? Jimin knew that once you set your mind into something, you wouldn't stop until you won.
Jimin only learned to accept your competitive side when he realized that you were raised this way.
You didn't choose to be like this. You were actually forced to be like this. This being the case, Jimin was only able to release an exhausted breath after Jeongguk told him what happened in the courtroom.
Some might say that you pushed too hard, but this didn't give Mrs. Kim the right to hurt you.
"It's my fault, hyung. I wasn't there to protect her." Jeongguk bit the inside of his cheek.
It had been an hour since you locked yourself in your room and Jeongguk wasn't sure whether to comfort you or to just leave you alone.
It felt like you preferred the latter option. Jimin told your soulmate that you weren't answering your phone, an obvious indication that you didn't want to talk to anyone. This was also the reason why Jimin decided to just call Jeongguk to know if you were okay.
You weren't.
It was weird, but Jeongguk was positive he could feel your heart breaking. If this was any other day, he was sure that he would simply ignore this, but something definitely changed. Jeongguk didn't know why, but he had this intense urge to embrace you—to make you feel better.
"But you can protect her now, Guk. It will be hard, but please..." Jimin begged your soulmate. He didn't want to burden Jeongguk; however, the latter was the only person who could comfort you right now.
As much as Jimin wanted to embrace you, he couldn't. He was in Busan, his hometown, at the moment. Jimin was processing some important documents because he's planning to ask Taehyung to marry him.
"W-What can I do to make her feel better?" Jeongguk stammered. He's nervous, but he's decided. He couldn't let you go through this alone. It hadn't even been a day, yet he already missed your goofy side.
"You're a smart boy, Jeon. You'll figure out what she wants."
What do you want?
Jeongguk's heart was recoiling once again. He realized that he never knew what you wanted since you were always catering what others wanted.
You were a people pleaser.
"But if nothing works, just call her parents." This was Jimin's last reminder before ending the call.
Your soulmate didn't understand why Jimin thought it would be a good idea to call your parents. Jeongguk was pretty sure he could bring the smile back on your face without the help of anyone. He just needed to make sure you were not in some kind trouble first.
Jeongguk opened your laptop to send an email to your boss and other clients, telling them that you were taking a break from work.
Jeongguk was tired by the end of the week. Jimin was right. It was difficult to help you get back on your feet, mainly because you weren't trying.
You stayed in bed most of the time, you barely touched your food, and he felt like you didn't even want to live.
You looked so unmotivated that in the end, Jeongguk decided to just message your parents and invite them to your apartment—this was the reason why he was in trouble.
"You can't just do this without consulting me, Jeongguk."
His scowl deepened when you called him using his given name. You only did this when you were serious or mad. In this case, he figured out that you were mad—or at least he thought you were mad. Your voice was rough, similar to the tone you used when you were inside the courtroom.
Jeongguk was scared.
He was scared to upset you again.
"But Jimin-hyung told me to call your parents!" He reasoned out. Blaming your best friend was the only way Jeongguk could think of so that he could finally escape your piercing glare.
It worked.
Your expression softened a bit, though this didn't mean that he wasn't in trouble anymore.
"Jeongguk," this time your voice sounded tired.
"Y-Yes?" He pretended like he was busy sweeping the floor. Everything needed to be perfect because your parents would be here shortly.
You already accepted your tragic fate. It was decided. You were going to meet your mother and father today.
Damn it.
"Why did you block Hoseok's number?"
You saw how Jeongguk froze after hearing your question. No doubt, he was guilty.
"I-I didn't do it!" He lied.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
"You're not a good liar..." Amusement was now dancing in your voice.
Jeongguk had been using your phone to respond to your prospective clients. These people just didn't know how to stop. They kept texting your personal number even though Jeongguk told them that you were on a leave.
Your phone didn't have a passcode that's why he was able to freely access it.
You didn't mind. In fact, you were grateful. He saved your career. If he didn't send a notice of leave to your boss, you were sure you're gonna get fired.
"I'm not lying!" His lips protruded into a sulky pout. "I didn't send those messages!"
"Huh." You arched your brow. "But I only asked why you blocked Hoseok. I didn't say you texted him using my number."
Jeongguk's eyes went wide.
He was instantly busted.
"H-He was spamming you with useless messages!"
"I don't think so," you shook your head as you read the conversation. His excuse just kept on getting worse.
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 "Wow. You're cold," you could imagine Hoseok's disbelief upon seeing the thumbs up emoji. It was actually apparent by your friend's response.
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 "Jeongguk..." You called his name again.
"What!?" Why was he getting annoyed?
"You don't want Hoseok to kiss me?"
Jeongguk looked like the emoji he sent to Hoseok.
"And why would I want that!?" His chest was heaving up and down. You couldn't see, but his face was as red as tomatoes.
You suddenly laughed, causing Jeongguk's heart to swell in joy. This was the first time he heard you laugh after weeks of getting used to your impassive face.
Were you finally moving on?
Jeongguk guessed you were. Your expression literally changed the moment your parents arrived.
You looked happy to see them—too happy that Jeongguk felt like he was only imagining your annoyed expression a short while ago.
Didn't you say you hated the fact that he invited your parents to your place?
You did say that. Unfortunately Jeongguk had no idea how much you hated talking to your mom.
You swore you loved her with all of your heart, though her principles were different from what you believed in. It was draining to pretend like you agree with her.
"So how's the case you've been handling, sweetheart?" Your mother's sweet smile made you cringe.
It hadn't been long since she pulled you inside your room to 'talk.'
Your parents had already met Jeongguk. As expected, they loved him. Your soulmate made it very easy to like him. Perhaps it was because of his eyes. Damn those big, doe eyes. It never failed to make your heart melt.
"Good." You walked towards your bedroom door. "Let's go back to the kitchen. I think Jeongguk prepared some desserts."
"Dessert could wait, dear." Your mom offered you another sickening smile. It was the kind of smile that told you to give up. She always had her way of making you follow what she wanted you to do.
"Come on, eomma." You laughed nervously as you told her that your soulmate was excited to let her try his yaksik, a popular dessert that your mom truly loved.
You didn't know how Jeongguk found out your mother's favorite dessert. You just knew that you were willing to eat dozens of yaksik just to get away from your mom. You didn't even care if your stomach was still full after eating the lunch your soulmate had cooked.
Your mom only shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't hear what you said.
"Tell me about the Kim's case." She demanded as she meticulously inspected your wardrobe.
Your heartbeat doubled.
It was easy to simply give into what she desired because you were certain that she wouldn't stop anyway.
Sadly you couldn't speak—not anymore. Not when you knew how all of this would go.
You wanted to move on from this nightmare on your own. All your life, you relied upon what your mother would say.
"You can't be sad over this. It's nothing compared to what I've been through!"
"Stop crying. You just think you're hurt. You're not."
"No. You can't. That shows weakness."
These were some of the things your mother would say whenever you encountered problems in life. She honed you to be this strong person who wasn't allowed to mope.
You remembered her telling you that it was insensitive of you to cry over little things when it was clear that so many people had it worse than you.
This was exactly why you didn't want to meet your mother today. She would force you to stop feeling bad about Seokjin's case since it was petty.
It was funny actually. People admired you for always ignoring the pain you felt.
You found this toxic. It felt like you were expected to be strong—making you feel like you should heal right away and not with your own pace. This was also the reason why you found it hard to open up to people, even if you were really close to that someone.
Your mother made you feel like there would always be some kind of adversary when it came to handling inconveniences in life. Sometimes you wished people would shut up and just listen. You didn't always need advice. What you wanted was for them to stop quantifying pain because people had different tolerance when it came to feeling what's painful and what's not.
"I think I lost," it took everything not to cry in front of her. At the end of the day, you were still afraid to be perceived as weak.
She had that much control over you.
"Why did you lose?" Her voice was stone cold.
Your response was automatic. You told her what happened during the trial in spite of telling yourself that you would never get swayed by her authoritarian nature anymore.
"You don’t have to answer. I know now why you lost." She crossed her arms as she shook her head at you.
"Didn't I tell you? You lost because you didn't acquire enough knowledge." She proceeded to tell you what you already knew.
Your mom always said that knowledge is power, but the word "knowledge" that was delicately tattooed on your Achilles heel said otherwise.
For you, knowledge is downfall. This was why you chose to have that word tattooed on your Achilles heel—a part of your body that symbolized fatal weakness.
You were working as an auditor before you decided to go to law school. You knew this field inside out and it came with a price. You helped a firm conceal fraudulent acts using your knowledge.
It was a dangerous thing. Your mom tolerated your unprofessionalism since she was a major stockholder in the said company. She actually pushed you to continue the misrepresentation; however, you were guilty.
You couldn't do it anymore. You couldn't use the power you acquired to fool people. Law school taught you to uphold justice, but you were blinded once again.
You failed to see the impact of your actions to Soobin, an innocent soul. Maybe your mother was right. You were bound to fail your law career. Maybe you should just go back to the corporate world and help billionaires to achieve their disgusting scheme.
"Sorry," you swallowed hard, looking straight into your mother's eyes. "I'll do better."
"You should be." She gritted her teeth as she continued to invalidate your emotions.
You wondered when the torture would stop. You just wanna lie in bed and sleep the pain away. Luckily Jeongguk came knocking on your door, saving you from your mother's poisonous words.
"Wait," Jeongguk stopped you from following your mom to the living room.
"What's wrong?" He cupped your face; worry was evident in his eyes. You looked like you were in pain.
Did your mother say something to you? Jeongguk wondered.
"Nothing." But you brushed him off before he could ask.
Jeongguk pursed his lips into a thin line. He swore something was wrong, but he didn't want to push it since it was clear that you were not in the mood to talk about it.
But he couldn't stay still knowing that you were bothered. This being the case, he went out of his way just to make you smile.
Jeongguk was being such a good boy. He kept on praising you in front your parents. He was also respectful towards them. His jokes were appropriate and he smiled so kindly at them.
His lingering touch on your wrist, waist, and shoulders didn't go unnoticed by you. It was like he was guarding you from any possible danger.
"What do you think about this, my sweet daughter?" Your father showed you his artwork with a proud smile.
You chuckled.
Jeongguk was teaching your father how to draw.
"You did great, Appa!" You weren't lying. He had done a good job sketching The Hulk.
"Really? What about the color? Do you like it?"
You nodded eagerly. It wouldn't hurt to lie, right?
"I like the shade of green that you used."
You were expecting your father to smile back because of your compliment. Sadly, he only stared at you blankly.
"What?"  A nervous giggle escaped your lips.
Your parents and even Jeongguk were making you feel awkward. Why were they looking at you like you were a poor, poor soul?
"This Hulk is color pink." Your father said softly, making your breathing hitch.
He was trying to show contrast. The Hulk was the personification of rage. He colored him pink because in your world, the mentioned color symbolized gentleness. He wanted you to see in his drawing that people should be gentle even though they're angry.
You ruined it.
They probably know by now that you were lying when you said earlier that you could see colors.
Why did you even lie?
Why couldn't you just tell them that Jeongguk wasn't in love with you?
"Ah," you scratched the back of your head. "Is it pink? Sorry, Appa. I'm still trying to learn colors."
Your lie was understandable. You told your parents that you met Jeongguk a few months ago. It was impossible to know all colors in a short period of time.
You knew you weren't a great liar, but damn. When you looked at Jeongguk, he was smiling as he mouthed, "it is okay," to you.
He was saying that you were doing well, that you didn't ruin what your father had been wishing for: he wanted you to be loved by your soulmate.
You felt like Jeongguk loved you.
You couldn't stop staring at your soulmate as he continued to smile brightly at you.
In this moment, you swore you could see the brown in his eyes.
Or so you thought.
You just couldn't have one peaceful day, could you?
"N-No..." Your voice broke, tears falling down on the sheet of paper you were holding.
Your parents already left. Jeongguk was kind enough to drive them back to their hotel.
You were alone in the house.
The paper in your hand was mocking you, telling you that you would forever be alone in this house.
TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP IN A CONTRACT TO SELL Vendee Jeon Jeongguk of  Room 13, Apartment X, Seoul, South Korea—you stopped reading the next words.
You couldn't believe it.
Jeon Jeongguk was going to leave you.
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issaxcharlie · 3 years
Pairing: Alive! Luke Patterson x Fem Reader
Summary: Inspired by Nickelodeon’s Spectacular! Luke Patterson needs the money for his bands demo, and miraculously, that same night he gets an offer to fix his problem. The catch? Rockstar boy has to join his school’s show choir and put up with their fearless Female Lead Singer. (don’t come here searching for accuracy remember it’s inspired by a movie)
Note: I had a lot of fun with this one, hope you like it! Oh and it’s a little long so keep it in mind +8k👀💜
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Say this is not her scene would be to fall short, but she has to make sacrifices to find greatness. The first thing she notices when she walks into the little club, is that it's packed. The people look excited and somewhat desperate and she doesn't blame them. The pamphlet marked they were supposed to start at 8:00 p.m. and it's already 8:40. She makes her way carefully until she finds a perfect place in the middle of the room.
The musicians take the stage visibly anxious, especially Alex who cannot stop moving his hands trying to probably calm himself down. Reggie and the rhythm guitarist take their positions. They look at each other one last time before beginning to play the enveloping sound of the pop-rock song. The bass line sounds insane and she hasn't heard Alex play drums in years, he’s exceptional. They could both play without their singer all night and she wouldn't mind.
The space in the center of the stage that belongs to who she came to see today, completely empty. The bassist seems about to take the first verse when Sunset Curve lead guitarist and vocalist Luke Patterson appears on stage.
She has seen him multiple times in the hallways laughing with her childhood best friend, Alex Mercer and her lab partner, Reggie Peters, but she has never spoken directly to him. Still, it's hard not to notice how handsome he is and how much of a charismatic personality he has.
“I'm living my life just the way I like, they say I get a little too loud. Try to push me in a box, over analyze. But I'm never gunna turn it down”
His voice is enchanting and mesmerizing, a sound that immediately reminds her of the best rockers in history and his movements and energy are electrifying. In seconds the entire audience is jumping and dancing to the beat.
“They say never and I say right now!” Y/N analyzes him excitedly. The passion with which he sings and plays his guitar reminds her of when she is on stage, although the two of them dedicate themselves to totally different things, their love for music is the same. She definitely has a lot of work to do to polish him and make him the perfect performer she needs, but if there's anyone who can accomplish the impossible, it's her.
“No one's gonna stop me tonight! Thank you, we are Sunset Curve, tell your friends!” The presentation ends and Sunset Curve leaves the stage. The girl moves quickly to catch up with them at the back of the club, but when she finally arrives, screams can be heard from two of the members of the band.
“I know you don’t like me, Bobby. But trying to sabotage the show by giving me the wrong time is just the most stupidest thing you've ever done!” The guitarist looks furious, his muscles are really tense and Y/N can't help staring at his biceps way more than she probably should.
"This fight of egos between the two of you has to stop, we can no longer continue to be in the middle." The bassist cries out, tired of all the bickering.
“You no longer have to, Reggie. It’s time to decide. The lousy rocker or me. Remember that the money for the demo is mine before choosing... I'm not sure Patterson's lyrics can compete without the money to record them.”
The guitarist looks down at the ground, a mixture of anger and sadness on his face. Alex and Reggie turn to see each other for a second and then position themselves on either side of Luke, no sign of doubt on their faces.
“We’ll find a way without you. Let’s see If you find one without us.” Reggie declared with a little smirk. Bobby grabs his stuff and gets into his truck without looking back, completely furious.
"Some things Bobby was angry about are true and you have to improve them. You are not a solo artist, you are part of a band." Alex points to Luke as soon as the truck is out of sight, but before he can respond the blonde intercepts the girl at the door.
“Y/N?” The three of them turn to see her, Reggie smiles at her while Luke looks pissed off.
“Hey guys, I came to talk to Luke.” Luke frowns in surprise while the other two gape for a few seconds.
"Really?” Y/N turns with a murderous face towards her friend, who puts his hands in his pockets and begins to walk. “...Okay. Meanwhile Reg and I are going to figure out how to get the drums in Luke's car."
"If you come for an autograph please be quick, I don't feel like socializing." The guitarist declares to the wind, not wanting to pay attention to the stranger who approaches him in the middle of the alley, no matter how cute she looks.
“I’m not a fan.” She confesses in a firm voice, trying to measure the situation.
"Oh, then I'll go. See you later beautiful." He's about to leave when her voice stops him.
“Patterson, come back here!” There's something about her tone that makes Luke suddenly interested. He turns to see her carefully, her chin is up, her shoulders back. Her lips are press together and her eyes look determined and he can't help but admit that the confidence she projects is really doing something to him.
“2 minutes, firecracker.”
“I’m Y/N Y/L.” Faced with no comment from the guitarist, she decides to continue. “I need a male lead singer for my group and I think you might be the perfect fit, after I'm done with you, of course."
He’s unable to believe what he hears. “A band? I think you know pretty well I'm already in one.”
“It’s not a band, it’s a group. THE group If I can say so myself. Spectacular!” She affirms with the first smile he sees her that night, and he can't believe it is possible that she can look even more beautiful.
"Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit with the spectacular thing? At least tell me the name or what kind of band is." She rolls her eyes and he chuckles in response, thinking it was adorable and hot at the same time.
“I already told you, Spectacular! It’s a show choir.”
“Is this a joke? Did Bobby sent you?”
“No and no. I know it’s not really your style, but I’m telling you I can make it work. I heard a bit of the conversation you had with the band, the prize of Nationals is 10,000 dollars. I'm willing to give you half for the demo, if we win, obviously. And I can assure you we will if you accept and do absolutely everything I say.”
“Firecracker, are you trying to tell me that all I have to do to raise the money is put on some stupid cowboy or tiger-print outfit and humiliate myself in front of an entire audience with my best jazz hands? Wow, sounds like a dream!” Maybe he got a bit too sarcastic, but meh, as pretty as she is, she's still a stranger.
“My name is Y/N, and I'm not appreciating your tone of voice.” By this moment the girl seems tired of the musician, who feels the frustration in her and tries to be more gentle.
“I- I’m sorry. Thanks for the offer, but I don't feel as desperate yet as to end my reputation in that way. I hope you find what you are looking for, but that’s just not me. I'm just a guitarist.” She nods, entwining her arms against her chest. He admires her for a few more seconds and turns to his car, where his friends are already waiting for him to help with the drums.
Before getting behind the wheel he turns to her one last time, but she is nowhere to be seen.
Fights between Luke and Bobby weren't new to the band. The big-headed attitude of both collided practically all the time and things had been getting worse in recent months with the more overconfident attitude of the guitarist, but they never imagined that they would end up in this situation.
The days go by and the boys are running out of time. They have to deliver the demo to the Orpheum offices in two months so that they can be taken into account for the great concert they will hold at the end of the year presenting the best new talents in the city. All they've heard from Bobby is that he's trying to build his own band but without much success. Still, he doesn’t fold his hands and continues to try on his own.
The three remaining members of Sunset Curve are in Alex's room lying on the floor with their instruments around trying to think of solutions, when Y/N's voice coming from outside refreshes the blonde's memory. “What did Y/N want to talk to you the other day?”
“Who?” Luke narrows his eyes in confusion.
“Y/N? The captain of the school’s show choir? She went to talk to you after Bobby left the band. Small, fire in her eyes, a lot of attitude.”
“OH, Firecracker! So that group is our school's choir? that's even worse. She tried to recruit me, even offered me the money for the demo if we win the competition in which they will participate.”
“What? She wants you in Spectacular? What did you said?” Alex heard that his friend's ex-boyfriend broke up with her and joined last year's national champions, but he never imagined that she would try to replace him with someone like Luke. Luke is distracted by a melody and doesn’t answer his friend's question.
"Why does your mom always leave her music on when she leaves to work?" The music is definitely not his style, they are always usually pop songs or even songs from musicals, but the singer's voice is one of the most beautiful he has ever heard so it never bothers him.
“It’s not her music, is Y/N.” Alex responds, wondering what the young woman is up to since she is never usually home at this hour.
“Who?” Alex's eyes widen, not able to believe his friend.
“Really? I already told you!” The guitarist tilts his head and shrugs. “Firecracker?”
“What does firecracker have to do with this?” Alex opens his balcony curtains and the silhouette of a young woman singing and dancing through her transparent pink ones comes to their visions.
“She’s so good bro, I thought it was a record too.” Reggie looks at her with a big smile as Alex rolls his eyes at Luke.
As soon as he sees her, the musician is in a trance, admiring the grace and energy with which she moves, wanting with all his might to remove the pink curtain that does not allow him to see her properly.
The song ends and a well-known melody begins to play with prominent bass and drums. “Guys, shut up! I’m trying to hear her sing.”
“It’s not us, man.” Reggie answers almost screaming with how loud the girl’s music is.
“What do you-” Luke turns around and sees his friends with their hands raised, the cables finally connecting in his brain. "She is listening our song?"
"Not just listening, she's also destroying your career, her vocals are amazing." The black-haired boy adds, smirking and running to connect his bass.
Luke excitedly opens the balcony window and sings the pre-chorus as loud as he can to get the singer's attention. “Call me in the morning to apologize, every little lie gives me butterflies.” She immediately turns around and smiles at the guitarist's cocky smile. She opens the curtain and the window and her sunset curve t-shirt is the first thing the band notices.
“Something in the way you're looking through my eyes, don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive.” Luke sings seductively towards her, each word fully dedicated to the woman in front of him.
Reggie accompanies them with his bass while Alex looks at his friends incredulously, an "Are you fucking kidding me." Comes out of the blonde almost like a whisper when he identifies the shirt that the girl wears as his.
Both sing the chorus together and the chemistry is unquestionable. Alex had never thought of this two together because at first glance they seem completely different, but thinking about it a little more deeply they couldn't be more similar. They are both passionate, headstrong, live for the stage, and are ridiculously talented and confident.
“Fight so dirty, but you love so sweet. Talk so pretty, but your heart got teeth. Late night devil, put your hands on me. And never, never, never ever let go.”
The performance between the duo is playful, driving, sexy and intense and Alex and Reggie can't help but feel like they're interrupting a private moment. As soon as the song ends, the girl moves closer to the window, blows them a kiss and closes it.
"Where did that woman come from?" Luke whispers as he tries to catch his breath. Nobody had enchanted him so much just by singing, well, nobody had enchanted him, period. But she’s definitely something.
“She has been my neighbor since we were 6 years old, we used to be best friends but we both drifted apart when we entered high school. She’s amazing, the best performer in the city.” Alex informs him and then Reggie adds his own piece of valuable information. “She’s my lab partner. Fun, smart, beautiful, the whole deal. A true gem.”
“Answering your question, I said no to her offer. But I guess the group of someone this rad can't be that bad. And we really need the money." The drummer purses his lips and nods. His friend definitely took the hook.
"Honestly, I always wanted to audition, I guess the three of us could try in, to support you obviously."
“Of course man, she sounded desperate when she asked, and if the shirt and song is any indication she is definitely a huge Sunset Curve fan. She tried to fool me by saying she wasn't a groupie, as if that was possible after seeing us perform.”
His friends leave the house and Alex plays on the drums the secret signal he had with the girl when they were younger, a minute later the girl appears in her window with an amusing smile, dressed in her classic blue pajamas.
“Really?” The drummer chuckled and his friend’s smile grows even bigger, a little laugh leaving her lips. “The shirt was a nice touch. A little much, but that idiot must have fallen for it completely. I want it back by the way.”
“You can see right through me. You know the invitation is open, right? I would love nothing more than to have you there.” He has known her his whole life, and realized early on that she was just trying to get his friend's attention to reconsider her offer by raising his ego, and he honestly doesn't mind. It's about time Luke met someone of his caliber. Perhaps her influence could do him good.
“I- thank you. I guess we’ll see. See you tomorrow.” She blows him a kiss and closes the window. Tomorrow sure is going to be an interesting day, Sunset Curve joins Spectacular.
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Having to face Spectacular! And telling them they still don't have a male lead singer who can compete against Damian was not easy. Her options are running out and she honestly doesn't know what to do to save them.
Damian on stage is the best, it pains her to admit that she has never seen anyone like him. At first she thought she could continue without him, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious that he is just impossible to replace.
Everyone continues to practice the routine, clearly discouraged after her bad news and it honestly breaks her heart. She knows how much the group means to everyone for different and personal reasons and she can't let them lose this. So whatever she has to do, she’ll do it so they can have the leader they deserve.
“I thought the children in the choir would have more energy, this is just sad, firecracker.” She hides her wide smile before turning to the owner of the voice, who is entering the auditorium with his best friends. Money really talks, otherwise she can't explain what would make him appear here.
“Dude, can you please play nice? This is important!” Reggie looks flustered and scolds Luke probably louder than he planned. The guitarist just ignores him and winks shamelessly at her. Seems her little plan from yesterday was successful, now she just has to play the situation in her favor.
“Mercer, Peters... Patterson. Can we help you with something?” The performer shows a perfect poker face, Spectacular continues to practice but they can't help but turn their attention to the rock band.
“I came to accept your proposal, but only If we can include Reggie and Alex in the deal. I guess as long as I’m in whatever I ask shouldn't be a problem." He crosses his arms and gives her a confident smile.
“I could actually do with a few more members, specially as talented as Reg and Alex. As for you, you've already turned down my offer Lucas, but if for some reason you don't graduate this year, make sure you audition the next one. Now, let’s start boys." Y/N moves within inches of Luke to gently close his open mouth with her index finger, and gives him a small wink before turning and taking the other two musicians each on each arm and pulling them closer to where the group is still practicing.
“Y/N, you can’t be serious.” The skilled singer continues to ignore him as she explains to her new members something Luke can't quite hear.
The musician frustrates and walks until he is directly in front of her. “Y/N” He groans.
“I'm not firecracker anymore? That is just sad.” Luke looks upset, but she's determined to not let him have what he wants after what he said at the club, so if he wants the money that bad he's going to have to prove it.
“I’m going to explain you something quickly so you can go and stop wasting my time. I’ve seen your band play, I know how good these two are at singing, which means I don't need you anymore, nor do I have to put up with your rockstar wannabee attitude. I need someone that I can connect with and have the chemistry that leaves everyone forgetting how to breathe, and after yesterday, I just don't think that's you.” Right now she is grateful to be such a good actress because yesterday's act melted her legs, even though they were separated by the balconies. This man is unreal, totally unfair.
"I do, I wouldn't be surprised if they kissed at any moment." The bassist whispers as Alex looks at him with an incredulous face, he just slowly shakes his head from side to side and continues to see the leader of their band and their new leader in a starting contest, is kind of an amusing sight since Luke is definitely not used to having to face someone like him.
“It’s like you said, you are just a guitarist. Thinking you could handle something like this was ridiculous of me. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a group to direct."
Y/N hopes she hasn't pushed the rockstar too much, but remains firm in her tactics and turns to the others to continue with the rehearsal. She signals them to put the most similar song to the Sunset Curve sound that she can remember at the moment to make Alex and Reggie feel more calm and to see if she finishes catching Luke’s interest, who still doesn’t move from where he is with his eyes fixed on her, which she takes as as a good sign.
The moment the song start, both sunset curve members smile, and Luke's voice is heard from behind. “So you're the girl, I heard the rumor.” He sounds powerful and captivating and immediately sets everyone's eyes on him. She doesn’t give him the luxury of turning to see him, but he is not going to give up and in a quick and agile movement he turns her by the hand.
“Why don't you break my heart, make it hurt so bad. Come on give it your best, nothing less, I insist, I want it just like that.” The girl should have thought more about her choice before asking for a song like this. Every word that comes out of the musician's mouth is addressed directly to her with an intensity in his eyes and movements that should be illegal.
She tries to get out of his way but he makes it pretty clear that he's not singing to prove himself to the group, he's doing it to prove something to her. Specifically, to prove her wrong.
“Stare me down, intimidate me. Oh baby please you'll never break me.” He comes dangerously close to her, basically inches apart, his eyes fixed on her lips and smiling flirtatiously as he sings, his eyes glinting mischievously.
She enters the song so as not to make him feel like she’s defeated and starts dancing with him to the rhythm, their movements matching effortlessly as they move across the stage.
She pulls herself back as far as she can, but Luke surprises everyone by doing a body roll on the floor, his arms looking more gorgeous than ever in that sleeveless shirt as they take the full weight of his body without any problem, his eyes never losing contact with hers. All the girls start to do small screams while Y/N's cheeks turn red at her thoughts. He slides on his knees towards her and gets up as he puts his foot on her to make her lose balance and catch her right at the end of the song.
“Why don’t you break my heart.” They've been in a trance since the song started and it's like it's just the two of them in the auditorium. Their lips are almost touching, neither willing to give up eye contact or move from their current position, until the applause and shouts of excitement bring them back to reality.
“I have chemistry with everybody that I sing with, firecracker.” He whispers to her lips before shifting the girl's full weight to his right arm to raise his left one to her face and carefully close her mouth with his finger, winking with a cocky smile before lifting her up.
Immediately everyone begins to advocate for him with all kinds of arguments that ranged from how sensual he was to how much of a presence he had on stage. Her best friend’s comment is the one that catches his attention the most. "You have even more chemistry with him than Damian, I didn't think it was possible." That definitely sounds interesting.
Y/N pretends to listen to her teammates before saying Luke can enter the group. The truth is that she knew from the first moment she saw him perform with Sunset Curve that he was a star, but this facet without the guitar and irradiating passion from his pores was something that left her speechless.
Still, she knew all the work that would go into preparing the band and it really was exhausting. For them to understand that they couldn't just sing like they do at the club, that there are rules to follow, dance steps they have to learn, facial expressions they have to master, notes they have to hit perfectly, wasn’t easy but they succeeded.
Along the way, she regained her bond with Alexander, her friendship with Reggie grew stronger, and each day she felt closer to Luke. She has been practicing a duet with him for weeks now, and the chemistry that they have set to burn the stage more than once. It was hard for her to ignore how the guitarist's hands feel on her thighs as he lifts her or the way he wraps himself around her, breathing softly down her neck or brushing his lips teasingly over her cheekbone. Both are very physical to show affection so small contacts such as hugs or caresses, as well as small kisses on the cheek or hand were very recurrent. They had also gone out multiple times alone and with their friends, from the cinema, the park, to see them play, to small parties at home, to midnight talks.
Reggie was the one who had her alone the most because they were lab partners, but no matter how hard the bassist tried to get information from the girl, he never succeeded. The truth is that not even she knows what is happening with the guitarist, she is for the first time in her life letting herself be carried away and enjoying the moment, and she’s loving it.
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Luke and Alex are in detention after the brown haired boy made a mess in the classroom by putting together a little concert with the help of the blonde, and as they die of boredom, his mind can’t help to go to her for the 14th time of the day. "How did she end up in the show choir?"
Alex is blank for a few seconds but analyzes the question and realizes who they are talking about. “Spectacular used to be the most important show choir in the country, led by her mother, may she rest in peace. Y/N always wanted to be a part of it and when she lost her, it became a goal. She suffered a lot to get to the perfect star we see today, especially because her father is rarely there since he works outside the country. She has practically had to face alone auditions, injuries, she had to learn to sew, comb her hair and put on makeup for the show, sing for hours her solos with no one to encourage her, without mention that the current director could not care less about the group and practically leaves all the work to her. That’s why she’s so be fearless, she kind of has to."
“I didn’t know.” The sight of Y/N as happy as ever with his mother when he took her home for lunch the week before appears in his memory. She looked radiant as she ate his mother's famous stew and listened to stories of little Luke as he gently stroked her thigh while songwriting with his other hand. When was the last time she got to experience something as homelike as that? Luke probably doesn’t want to know.
Alex's sad voice brings him back to the conversation.“I was supposed to be there, you know? At first I was. We were going to audition for Spectacular together, but that summer I met you and Sunset Curve was born, and I didn’t have the time anymore so I abandoned her. I knew how important it was for her to have me there, and I didn't even go to her audition. And do you know how many times she has reproached me? Not even one.”
Luke knows that Alex would never hurt her on purpose and that the situation was probably much more complicated than he expresses it, so he reassures him and lets him know that she loves him and is proud that he took his own path. As soon as the blonde calms down, he begins to tell him multiple stories about when he and the girl were kids, the songwriter takes out his journal and begins to add lyrics to the song he has been working on, more inspired than ever.
“You are falling so deeply for her, man. I’m happy for you both.” His friend comments to him while reading the verses written on the paper. He totally is.
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“Bowling, nice. I'm going to finish you off, Patterson.”
“As sexy as your confidence sounds, I'm not going to let you win.”
“I'm pretty sure you've never gone bowling.” Alex adds with furrowed eyebrows.
“Your point is, Mercer?” She wrinkles her nose and sticks out her tongue. Reggie chuckles amused.
"How can you be so sure that you are going to win?"
“Oh, my dear cute blonde. I’m good at everything.” She makes a slight remark on everything with her eyes fixed on the guitarist, who chokes while blushing.
She smiles cheekily at him and confidently steps into the room, Sunset Curve behind as Alex and Reggie tease Luke for being completely whipped.
Happiness doesn't last long when the first thing they see inside is Damian Miller along with a couple of his new teammates. The moment their eyes meet, Y/N seems to melt, but not in the good way.
Her firm and perfect posture now all bent as she embraces herself with her arms and tries with the strength that has left to hold her gaze at the person who took everything from her without much more than an empty sorry.
When she feels the guitarist at her side again, she unconsciously stretches her hand to intertwine her fingers with him, who tilts his head to see their hands together and then to see her face.
She is not doing it to make Damian jealous, but to feel supported. And when Luke realizes it, he can't help not feeling angry at the boy in from of them. In the month that he has been with her, he has never seen her doubt, fear, or believe anything less than that she is unstoppable. And today for the first time ever he sees her intimidaded, and the fact that it's because of a jerk like this makes it even worse.
He rubbs her hand to make her feel less anxious and when she turns to meet his eyes, he brings his index finger to her chin and winks at her, hoping she gets the message. She seems to do it because she immediately smiles playfully and begins to look more relaxed.
The guitarist is aware that Damian was his firecracker's first boyfriend, and he also knows how much he betrayed her love and trust. No matter how strong the woman is, her reaction is completely normal and valid, and that she has the confidence to be vulnerable and let him be there for her means a lot to him.
“Princess.” Damian whispers as he moves closer to her, his eyes fixed on Y/N and Luke's clasped hands.
“I’m not your princess, Y/L is just fine. Listen, Damian. I could pretend this is not uncomfortable and boring but, I don't want to. So yeah, excuse us.”
She pulls the hand that joins her to Luke to make him walk and Alex and Reggie follow behind them, looking at her ex boyfriend with little smiles of pride. Alex knows how much Damian turned off Y/N’s spark and seeing her put him in his place makes him feel so proud.
"So someone is going to teach me bowling or what?"
“I’ll do it baby, but another day. Today we came here with a different purpose.” Luke points to the large Rock the World machine located in a comfortable corner space.
“Of course, is always about music with you, eh Patterson?” She smirks, getting a little closer to him.
“Pretty much, but I can tell that attracts you, Y/L.” He wrinkles his nose, his lips parting slightly.
“Hell yeah it does.” he smirks, not at all expecting her to admit it so openly but he definitely should have seen it coming.
“Good thing I’m into dominant firecrackers then.”
“Could you stop flirting for a second and start playing? I have plans to destroy Alex and your daily session of sexual tension is not going to ruin it.”
Both smile at Reggie while Y/N takes the games microphone and Luke the guitar. The song that Y/N chooses is She’s so gone by Naomi Scott, and it goes without saying that the boys have never played it in their lives but they love a challenge.
The mastery with which the girl interprets the song makes a good number of people come to see the round, including her ex-boyfriend and his new friends.
“Here I am, this is me, and I'm stronger than you ever thought I'd be. Are you shocked? Are you mad? That you're missing out on who I really am.”
The singer sings the verse directly towards Damian, as his friends start pointing out and teasing him. Reggie goes over to tell Luke he thought he would join her, but the guitarist only replies, "I want to see her shine."
She gets carried away with the music and draws Luke to her, jumping and twirling to the beat of the music. The guitarist hyping her up every single second og the song. At the end the night was incredible, the four of them spent it singing, dancing and even bowling, which Y/N ended up dominating from the second round.
Luke thought that there would be no better time than that night to show her what he had been working on, so after saying goodbye to her he went to Alex’s where he had left his journal.
Before he can say goodbye to the blond, screams are heard from the house next door. “I wasn't trying to embarrass you, Damian!”
“No? So what were you doing shaking your hips against the rock boy?”
“I don't have to explain anything to you, but I think it's pretty obvious why I wanted to be against that body, have you seen it?” She says it playfully with her eyes fixed on the guitarist, who is walking with the blonde to her door, her eyes glinting wickedly in the dark. He chuckles, knowing it's the girl's way of reassure him and she smiles as she sees his expressions relax.
“Everything alright, firecracker?” Luke does not stand in front of her like a brave prince, he stops a meter from both of them and asks before intervening, and that makes her heart melt. Because he wants to hear her first, he trusts that she can take care of it and has the confidence to tell him if she needs help, which is also completely valid. And it's something she has to work on, know that there are also times when it's okay to trust someone. That you don't always have to carry the weight alone.
“Go away, punk. My girl and I are in the middle of something.” The three of them start laughing at the ex-boyfriend's intimidation attempt, who seems to get angrier with every laugh that comes out of their mouths.
“I’m fine baby, but you guys could show him the way out? I’m tired of his bullshit.” She asks the boy with a cute smile, and he would disintegrate over the nickname if her horrible ex-boyfriend and her best friend weren't there.
"Don't touch me, I’ll go. Right now the numbers are not working in my favor so we will fix this where it really matters, on stage. Let's see if this attempt at a singer can save you from total humiliation, because let's be honest Y/N, you are nothing without me."
The faces of both members of Sunset Curve begin to tense, Luke's fists completely white from how much he's clenching them. For her part, the singer, who is already used to that type of comments from her ex-boyfriend, only tells him "yes, yes, you're right. It was a pleasure Dami, never come back." while pushing him to the other side to make him go away.
The nickname comes off her tongue in the most natural way in the world, she doesn't even seem to notice it and Luke feels some annoyance hearing it. As if someone had hit him in the stomach. But immediately the discomfort goes away when the girl turns to them again with a big smile and runs to hug them excitedly.
“Thanks for coming to check me out, guys. Things can sometimes get out of control with him.”
"We will always be there for you when you need us, okay? I actually went into Alex's house to get something I wanted to show you but it's late, I’ll come back tomorrow." The blonde turns from his friend to the other, a tired smile appears on his lips as he passes Luke his journal to place his arm on his childhood friend and lean on her.
"No, don't go please. Damian was pretty mad and... I don't want to be alone." She can be very dramatic at times but the fear in her voice sounds sincere, and remembering the scream that brought them outside in the first place Alex imagines how scared she really was before seeing them show up and his heart clenches at the thought.
“O- Okay, sure.” He sounds nervous but the excitement is evident in the way his left leg keeps moving, just like when he's on stage.
“I do have to go in, you already know mom. Will you be alright with just Luke?” He already knows the answer from the girl's radiant gaze but it doesn't hurt to confirm. She hugs him tightly with her arms around his neck and whispers a "Yes, I love you but go away already." which makes the drummer laugh out loud while high-fiving his other friend goodbye.
The third wheel enters his house and finally they are alone. She smiles and takes him by the hand to enter the house. Luke takes a moment to admire it, everything is in place but there are several instruments throughout the living room. A keyboard on the couch, a guitar next to the TV, even a tambourine on the table.
"May l?" He walks over to the guitar and turns to see the girl nodding and pointing up the stairs for him to follow. Her room is quite similar to her style, white is the predominant color but there are many details in pink and gold, as well as multiple yellow lights giving a romantic tone to the room at midnight.
“Do you want to show me now?” she asks eagearly, with joined hands, closed eyes and pursed lips.
“Y- yeah... of course.” He sits on the rug and puts the guitar aside, then puts his notebook between his legs and when he finds the sheet he is looking for, he carefully tears it off. The girl looks at him adoringly, the happiness of having him with her making her heart beat louder in her chest. She sits across from him making sure to brush his legs and waits for him to speak.
“Here.” He looks nervous, his cheeks totally flushed as he avoids eye contact for the first time since they met.
Y/N takes the sheet in his hands and a huge warm smile appears on her face when he sees the guitarist's terrible lyrics. BRIGHT written and highlighted several times in the title.
“It’s for you.” Luke whispers while bringing his face closer to hers, making her shiver.
“You wrote me a song?” She doesn't know what to say. Since her mom, no one had done anything so beautiful, considerate, and selfless for her. Something so vulnerable and full of love.
“Don’t be mad, but Alex told me a little about how you ended up in show choir, your friendship with him, your mom.” He turns to see her looking for her reaction, she just nods to tell him it’s okay to continue. “A sweet story about a little girl with the voice of an angel who loved to sing love songs. And you know what was in my head all that night? That even though I've never written one, I would write millions of love songs for you.”
Some tears fall from the girl's face, she carefully places the lyrics on the guitar and throws herself on the guitarist, who falls in surprise against the carpet, making sure to grab her by the waist so that she falls safely on his chest. She rests her arms on either side of his head and brings her lips against Luke's, brushing them gently.
Luke doesn't move a muscle, not wanting to do something to make her uncomfortable, when he suddenly hears her talk. “And what about teeth? I mean is not the sweetest love story ever told but-”
The boy chuckles, Y/N's curious eyes a few inches away. “Alex wrote that one after his first breakup, Reggie and I did the melody.”
“Good. Guess we’ll have to start making some experiences to help you write all that songs.” At that moment she finally pushes her lips against his, both in a moment of euphoria at the taste of each other. She presses her body against him and he bites lightly with his teeth on her lower lip to shove his tongue against her mouth in response. Her little hands pulling his hair hard as his hands go down her butt. Both of them enjoying what they had been dreaming of for so long.
When the two finally separate they fall in a comfortable silence, she starts to admire his facial features, delicately running her fingers through his nose, his mouth, his cheekbones, until he interrumpts her. “I knew you want me from the beginning, I could see the lust in your eyes. Everything about the choir was a complex plan to get me under you.” Luke affirms with his best poker face, and sees clearly how her eyes fill with light while a pure laugh escapes from her now swollen lips.
“And as always, I achieved the goal. The hot local rockstar is sleeping on my bed tonight.” No matter how hard he tries, he can never catch her off guard and he always ends up being the one blushing. She kisses him softly before getting up and taking the song lyrics back. “Luke, do you mind if I sing a bit of the song?”
“Of course not, it's yours. I will accompany you with the guitar, from the pre-choir?”
She nods and begins to sing the words he wrote for her. “Life is a risk but I will take it, close my eyes and jump. Together I think that we can make it, come on, let's run.”
She is reading the choir as she sings and the urge to cry reappears. He's basically telling her that she no longer has to go on living life alone, that she can lean on him, she can trust him to fight by her side. That it can be us instead of I.
“And rise through the night, you and I, we will fight to shine together. Bright forever.”
As soon as they finish singing Luke puts the guitar aside and goes over to wipe the tears from the girl's face. “I know that at first glance it doesn't seem like a love song, but..."
“But it is. It’s perfect, thank you Luke.” She didn't know that someone other than her could make her feel so special, but he proved her wrong, again.
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The night before was like a dream. Y/N sleeping with his shirt while he wrapped her completely in his arms, singing softly in her ear and leaving little kisses on her neck every few verses until she fell asleep. At this point there is no way to deny how completely in love he is with her.
“Man, we need to talk.” His blonde friend wakes him up from his daydream and starts pulling him down the hall to an empty table in the cafeteria, where Reggie is already waiting for them.
They both sit down and Alex takes a deep breath as he plays with his fingers, trying to form coherent sentences with the words in his head. “Bobby called last night.” Luke's gaze instantly shifted to disgust, while Reggie looks quite shocked.
“So? What did he want?” Luke whispers, trying to sound disinterested.
“He sent some of our videos to an important person at Destiny Management and they are interested in the band. He said that if we comply with certain requests he will give the money for us to record the demo this Friday so that it’s ready for the appointment."
“And I guess you told him we don't need him or his money. What did he answer you? He cried?" the guitarist asks with an amused face, but his friends just look at each other.
“Don't you think we should think more about it? What happens if we don't win nationals? We’ll have lost something as sure as Bobby's deal for nothing."
“She’s my friend and I love her but I have to agree, Luke. As difficult as it is, our priority has to be Sunset Curve, not Spectacular"
“They are right, Luke.” All three look at the girl, as pale as If they had seen a ghost. “Spectacular is my dream, And I know I'd do anything for it. It would be unfair of me to get angry because you’re fighting for yours. Don't hesitate, if anyone can find a way out of this it's me.”
“But, the duet...”
“I’ll just have to be the melody and the words. I’ll be fine, and honestly I'm so proud of you guys, I know you will be rock legends one day.” All three feel guilty but don't know what to say or do to make it right. She goes over to hug the drummer and the bassist who take her in their arms with all their strength, a “I’m so sorry” from the blonde accompanied by an “I know” from the girl can be heard. Then she stands in front of the guitarist and kisses his lips intensely, but breaking away painfully fast. The guys leave lovers alone for a moment of privacy.
“I believe in you, baby. You are destined to be a star, forget everything else, even me. Take the moment and knock them off their feet.” She kisses him lightly on the lips and walks a few steps back. “This month was the happiest of my life in a long time, thank you. Guess I’ll see you guys around.”
“Why do you sound like you are saying goodbye? And a horrible one? I thought you were good at everything.” Luke walks over to her again and places his hands on her cheeks, rubbing them gently. His voice is shaky and his eyes are glassy, she snorts at his sudden taunt, a little smile covered with the tears.
“Once everyone gets back to their own business, do you think you'll still have time for me? Alex is my damn neighbor, and we couldn't keep in touch.” And Luke gets it. She is used to being alone, to people not being permanent in her life. Neither her parents, nor her best friend, nor her boyfriend, nor anyone else has stayed. So this time to protect herself she decided that he too was going to leave, that it would be foolish to think that he of all possible people would stay.
“I‘m not letting you go baby, you're the only one I would let to boss me around.” The girl laughs when she remembers the millions of times she had to correct him and how he always ended up making her blush in some way, especially when they danced. She can't remember telling him but dancing with him has been the most special thing she has ever experienced. She danced with Damian for years and it never felt like the first time Luke put her long, strong hands on her waist and pulled her close to him. She can only hope to feel that way again one day.
“You are my one and only, firecracker. We’ll find a way, neither of us is a quitter.”
They say that actions are worth a thousand words, and Luke had definitely missed his first chance to show Y/N that he was serious about them by not getting in time to wish her good luck before she left with the group to the city of the competition, a few hours from there. He couldn't help but feel more miserable when he returned to the studio and found a small yellow sheet in his journal.
“You got this, rockstar. I have so much faith in you, so go make me proud. And I don’t want you feeling guilty, okay? I always want to see you shine, baby, no matter what. Your firecracker, Y/N.” Luke laughs softly, dazzled by her attempt to be sweet. If she trusts him so much, why doesn't he return the favor? She assured him they could win and when she says something, she follows through.
Why ruin his life with all of Bobby's ridiculous demands while ditching his girl in the process when he can go sing with her and do band things their way, without selling their soul to the devil. He sits on the couch thinking about what to say to the boys when they both rush in and pick him up, one from his feet and the other from his arms.
“What the hell are you two planning this time?” Luke sounds annoyed but does nothing to stop them from moving him, they throw him into the back of the car and he hits his head, getting him to kick them before they close the door.
"I'm not going to let her down again, I can’t."
"Yeah, and surely we can win, the number is spectacular... do you understand what I did there?”
Alex rolls his eyes and Luke smiles. They drive at full speed to Luke’s for him to take all his things and when he returns to the car, stands thoughtfully by the window.
“What are you doing?!” Alex is not having it, looks like a vein is going to burst from stress any second now.
“Do you think we’ll make it?” Questioned the guitarist, clearly nervous.
“If you stop asking stupid as fuck questions and get in the car, maybe.” Luke pouts but listens and finishes loading everything in the trunk.
The road is full of music to try to calm all the nerves, there was also plenty of time to rehearse the number over and over again, Luke analyzing in his mind every move he had to make, from time to time his bossy girl correcting him in his head. The only difficult thing was probably changing into the costumes, especially for Alex.
They arrive directly to register and the band turns pale when they hear the powerful and breathtaking voice of the singer who is playing her solo right now, a heavenly version of 'Never enough’. By the time they are ready to go, the main number has already started, the imposing woman in the very center of the stage with one of the boys of the group, who although does not have the voice of the guitarist, is making a good effort. Damian is on the other side, staring at her with a superiority smirk and Luke can't help but want to punch him.
“I never realized how anyone could make everything so right, I was so sad, you brought me back.” Alex quickly indicates to him how to enter the stage from the back, and Luke prepares to jump in time for the chorus, taking care of not being seen as he climbs the platform. The song is an old pop-rock song from the 80s, specifically chosen to make the guitarist's voice shine. He and his firecracker sat listening to music for hours until they finally found it, the girl's eyes shining with excitement as she imagined all she could do with the potential of the melody.
“You give me something to believe in, after all that we've been through.” He appears on the platform just in time, the lights and smoke coming out right in his grand entrance. Y/N turns immediately upon hearing her voice and he dances his way towards her.
“The love you give, it all comes back to you. You give me something to believe in, you can see the real me. And here with you is where I'm meant to be.” both singing together the remainder of the chorus and dancing to the beat. The biggest smile he has seen in his girl since he met her on her beautiful face. With that he feels satisfied with his decision, whatever happens, win or lose, it was worth it.
“And here we are together side by side, and nothing seems impossible tonight.” the duet between them is electrifying as always, he puts his hands on her thighs and lifts her with ease, both of them moving and enjoying themselves as if they were the only ones in the place. The dance ends as the first time they danced in the auditorium when he showed her that he was the right option, he holds her with one arm, their lips inches from touching but holding the magnetism back for a few more seconds until finally leave the stage.
As soon as they are backstage Y/N throws herself at Luke, wrapping her legs around his hips and devouring his lips with hers. “Someone missed me.” Luke whispers catching his breath.
"I can't believe you guys did this for me." Expressed the girl as she turns to see her other two friends, still wrapped around Luke who has her tightly held with his huge arms around her butt.
“We trust you as much as you trust us. We know that you will win, you worked like nobody for this moment.” Affirmed the blonde, giving her a small kiss on the forehead.
“I feel like I won already.” And she did. She won the trophy, the money for the demo, friends, and a ridiculously gorgeous rockstar who drove her crazy in more ways than one. All this years working hard were finally worth it... and Damian throwing a tantrum in the middle of the stage felt good too, not gonna lie.
“When are you going to ask me to be your boyfriend? As much as I love you more than anything, a man has to have some pride, you know? We've been together for like 5 months and I'm getting desperate.” They are both lying together on the girl's bed, their legs intertwined as he makes little circles with his fingers on his girl's stomach.
She raises her head resting her hand on his bare chest, her thoughts impossible to read. What are you talking about? I'm waiting for you to ask me!” He chuckles, prepared to tease her. “Bu-”she interrumpts him, pushing the hand that is resting on him to sit down. “Ba-”
“Wait a second, Lucas!” He bites his lip, he never liked being called by his name but for some reason it sounds incredibly sensual when she says it. “Yeah, baby?”
“D- did you say you love me?”
“I did, and I do. Everybody knows you've got me trapped in your claws.” He jokes to make her laugh, and he succeeds.
“I love you too, so much.”
“I know baby.” He winks teasingly at her. “Returning to the topic, you are the most bossy and confident person I have ever met, and you want to tell me that you were waiting for me to take the first step? Doesn’t sound like my firecracker. You literally pretended to be a sunset curve super fan to get my attention.”
"I totally did, I was awesome, first thing next day you were at the auditorium.” She says proud while Luke rolls his eyes with a smile. “But if it makes you feel better, I'm 100% a fan now, and...You are completely right, for once.”
She takes a deep breath, intertwining her fingers with his. “Lucas Patterson, I want you, if we're being honest, probably from the first time I saw you at that Sunset Curve gig we met at. You are annoying, cocky, passionate, and I love you with all my heart. Be my boyfriend... please.”
“There it is, that’s my girlfriend.” His eyes full of lust after hearing that she wanted him from the first night, he draws her closer to him to push his lips against hers, his girlfriend's tongue quickly dancing with his.
"Oh my god, we already talked about this, close the damn window, I don't want to hear it!” The blonde cries from his balcony, the couple can't help but laugh before joining their lips again.
Thank you for reading ✨
Taglist: @writerinlearning, @ghostofmgg @strangerthanfanfiction713 @thebloodthirstyvampress, @kinda-really-lost, @kcd15, @magnet-girl, @aliandthephantoms, @stxrkspidey, @pinkrockstar19, @s0uz4s, @shycupcakealissa @cookiebuba, @fangirlangioma, @sageellsworth05, @twist3dtinkerbell, @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve, @caitsymichelle13, @ifilwtmfc @luckylouiebug, @bibliophilewednesday, @totomoshi, @siennanoelle01, @lunashadow6955, @bookfrog247, @morganayennefertyrell, @kiss-themoongoodbye, @rachelle3musicals, @imsydneywalker, @really-dont-forget-it @agentstarkid @talksoprettyjjx @kaitieskidmore1 @lukeys-giggle @katie-navarro @crybabyddl @cocopuffs0211 @marvel-ousnesss @txrii @tuttigunner @dpaccione @justalittleweirdoo @mrstodorooki @averyharrypotterlife
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bangtanpromptsfics · 3 years
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dialogue prompt #9: “Cheer up it's Christmas Eve, sweetheart”
pairing: jimin x reader
genre: christmas au, brother's best friend au, fluff, childhood friends to lovers
word count: 3,412 (oh no)
warnings: reader is a lil sad but nothing angsty tho
summary: christmas was always an eager wait. less for the tree decorations, family dinner and the fuss of toddlers. more for your childhood best friend who you kissed under a mistletoe years back.
a/n: ahhh!!! I'm not completely satisfied with how this turned out to be. the inspiration was from a few christmas themed fics I read here and the movie ‘It's Christmas, Eve’. anyway this was my attempt though it's nowhere near christmas time. one of my personal goals is to celebrate a christmas like the west, the snow, the fuss and the commotion ;-;. Also I lost sense of time and space and this turned out to be 3k ;-;
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“Cheer up it's christmas eve, sweetheart”, your mother chimes as she pours brown batter into little cupcake moulds.
You simply smile at her, the festive mood not really getting to you because of exhaustion. Uni was tough, and enjoying this Christmas when you know you have tons of essays due in a few days was hammering inside your brain every now and then.
“Is that chocolate?”, you ask, leaning your tired body on the counter where she is at work.
“And orange”, she smiles, turning around to preheat the oven.
“Where's Jin”. Though you hated the routinely flicks against your forehead, the absence of your big brother felt weird.
“He went with Jimin to get the Christmas tree”.
The mention of Jimin brings a smile to your face. His soft features and captivating grin filling your head. If there was one of the few things you enjoyed coming back to your hometown for holidays, it's chocolate cupcakes your mom bakes and Jimin.
His family are friends with yours after all. You, Jin and Jimin attended the same school until college and other priorities in life drift you apart. Though the bond must have rusted a bit, you can't deny the fact that you still have that crush which started somewhere in middle school, on a chritmas eve like this when he kissed your cheeks shyly under the mistletoe. Your friends and family, and even Jimin himself must have seen it nothing more than platonic, but you still find yourself relieving the moment in your head however crazy it may sound.
Standing up straight, you decide to fix your bed hair and complete the skincare routine before the said duo drops.
“Mrs. Y/L/n...”, Jimin softly kicks the back door. He is carrying one end of a huge fir, and your brother on the other end, grunting from the freezing snow outside.
“Oh dear place it right there”, you mother is quick to her feet helping the boys and doing her usual commentary on how well the tree looked.
Jimin looks more handsome than ever, especially with his nose and cheeks dusted in scarlet from the cold. He looks really huggable in his fluffy sweaters and red beanie. Jin is busy commanding around so you choose to sit back, a very typical sibling energy and the size of decoration boxes and the tree itself not really appetizing to your will to find any strength.
“Hey Y/n!”, Jimin stares back at your eyes in a split moment which has your lashes fluttering suddenly. You probably look like you are carrying a disease and right now you become very hyper aware of that.
“You alright? You look tired”, he comments. You feel his eyes carefully studying the black under your eyes and worrying his mind because that's what he is like. He cares about everyone and everything, has a heart so soft it hurts to even think about it.
“Jet lag...”, you say, “I'll be fine”. You shoot a little thumbs up on his way to reassure.
“Why didn't Jin get the tree earlier? It's Christmas in a few hours”, you dodge the focus around you and walk near in an attempt to closely examine the tree for no reason other than feeling Jimin’s eyes a little too long on you.
Your brother gets visibly annoyed seeing you start a very unnecessary talk. So he is completely obliged to shoot back with, “Because you were in charge of Christmas decorations this year but your lazy ass flew down here only yesterday”.
“You know I was busy with Uni!”
“Whatever”, he shrugs, getting back to the box of tree decorations. You feel a little bad seeing yourself not being helpful during a festive season. It felt like you were procrastinating on your responsibilities as always.
“Um...is there any way I can help?”, you ask softly, earning a mischievous grin from Jin and your mom fills in the answer.
“We need more baubles. Also I missed out gifts for Aerum and June, so maybe you can get them”. Now this was already tiring and you were not lying earlier either, the jet lag was still choking you alive. You wonder if the huge pile of stars and glitters beside your foot aren't enough but then maybe it's true because this is the largest fir you ever saw for Christmas in your house. And speaking of the five year old notorious duo, your cousins-- Aerum and June, you have no other option than to step out into the butt numbing cold and get something for the sake of not getting your brains eaten.
While you stand there doing these calculations, Jimin puts a two and two and immediately suggests to tag along with you.
“That'd be great! Thanks sweetie”, your mom chimes, her fine lines of face gathering around her eyes while she does so and you catch her throwing a wink to your side and you pretend you never saw that.
“Thank you Jimin”, you smile in all honesty while he reciprocates the same.
“No problem. I'll get my car. Will you be ready in an hour? I think you just woke up”
“Uh...yeah”, you fake a laugh, “Yes I'll be ready in an hour”
Jimin still lives here in your hometown, attends a community college nearby and his house is just a few steps away from your own. You remember how you had the same analogy in your mind as well. You like living here. You like Jimin’s company. The lake Park and the annual ice skating competition in December and the bookstores and coffee shops at the outskirts of the town. And you can't seem to clearly remember when and where that feeling started to become foreign. Maybe it was a teenage quirk to explore the world that you are now a three hour flight away from all of this. It wasn't a deep regret, but seeing Jimin, it almost felt like it. It felt like you betrayed him. Because he seemed to be keeping his word to this day.
This year, it's a few degrees lower than what it usually is and you find yourself chattering your teeth together as you walk to Jimin’s house.
His footsteps rush to get the door as soon as you ring the doorbell and he greets with the same wide grin as if he hasn't just saw you an hour ago.
“Let's go?”, he asks immediately, getting house keys from his coat pocket and locking the front door before stepping out making you confused.
“There's no one home? Where are your parents?”
“Oh well didn't Mrs. Y/L/n tell you?”, he studies your features and gets his response so he continues “They went to New York this year for Christmas. It's some elder people thing I think...so I'll be spending Christmas this year with your family”
“Really!?”, you chime, and then immediately notice a very childish jump you did with tiny fists and all, feeling a little embarrassed at yourself, “Ah... uh I mean that's great”.
“Yeah”, he giggles, sounding like a twelve year old who is still waiting for his growth spurt, “Get in the car it's freezing in here”.
Since it's been six odd months you've spoken to Jimin, you figured it would would be strange and awkward to be with him, but his demeanor states otherwise. He could effortlessly begin conversations and build momentum with you and by the time you are at a thrift store, he is aware of the little gist of student life and the dramatically exaggerated history research paper still due.
“What are you getting for the twins?”, he asks, seeing you checking out the kids toys section with absolutely no idea and that's exactly what you reply to him.
“How about this puzzle?”, he brings a big jigsaw to your glance and you figure it's a great thing to have their little brains engaged and give yourself time to breathe.
“It's perfect!”, you add, immediately placing it your cart with a few decors you picked up from earlier aisles.
Jimin places an extra pack of Christmas candies in the cart, and you send him a questionable look knowing it's his way of bribing the kids coming this evening. He puts too much effort into people's happiness, something you wish you were capable of as well.
The shopping went smooth. It was therapeutic to get hot chocolate with extra marshmallows afterwards like he insisted followed by that very cliche movie scene where one of them develops a creme moustache and the other notices and dabs it off.
You want this moment to linger a little longer, but your whole family arrives in less than two hours and the decorations were due. If Jin doesn't have you in the next thirty minutes he might as well eat all the cupcakes your mom is baking as revenge.
“I had a great time”, Jimin states as he stops the car in front of your house, stealing the words from your mouth and warmth hugs your cheeks immediately.
“Me too. It's been long since we spent time with each other”
You hear a lone sigh with white fogs coming out of his plump lips while he does so, as if he were suddenly sad when you mentioned that.
“Are you okay?”
His grips tightens around the steering, “I've missed you”, he says, eyes meeting slowly. And as if he was suddenly pulled back to earth he conjures another sentence to not sound so vulnerable.
“I uh... It's just--”
“I've missed you too”
Even with the gear box painstakingly blocking the way, you throw your upper half towards his body anyways and you find him hugging you back. His hugs still feel the same from years back; safe and warm and filled with love.
If it wasn't for the constant reminder that your brother is probably plotting a murder against you, you would've stayed much longer in his embrace. Maybe the hug was a big straightforward for a bond still gradually blooming, but it didn't feel weird at all and when you pull back he is smiling down at you.
“I thought you two lovebirds flew off”, a very annoyed Jin states from above you. He is balancing himself on a chair to attach the mistletoe to the ceiling.
“Sorry hyung”, Jimin says. And somehow now you are getting super aware of the way your family is low key shipping you both. Not that it's an irritating thing of course though you seem to act like it. But you have no idea what's going on with Jimin, what if he said he missed you as your childhood friend? It's a lot difficult to segregate his priority of giving affection. He seems to be giving justice in terms of care for every living being he knows.
“The circus is on its way so I hope you both hurry with putting up everything together”, the voice above states, now lowering himself to ground after putting up the twig.
Three of you giggle at the mention of your family as a circus. Well in a way it definitely was. You have a bunch if uncles who crack awful jokes, a trait Jin himself as picked up from a tender age of ten. Then their wives and kids who share certainly the same braincells in comprehending things. You bet they'll ask you again about your major and your dating history once they walk in through that door amidst clearly stating everytime that you are a history major and yes still very single.
In the hallway there is a half decorated tree. A thread of fairly lights wrapped around the green and very few baubles hanging here and there.
“I'll put up the star and join you”, Jimin says, digging out a golden star from the carton. Though now he doesn't know why it was a good idea for him to announce that when both of you were almost the same height. He is just a few centimeters taller than you and the top of the fir is still very much way above your heads.
So with a chuckle you both figure Jin has to do it.
“This is your final year right?”, Jimin asks stepping closer to you. He seemed nervous about something. Or was it anxious?
“Yeah...”, his sweet tone was drawn almost like a whisper and you sense you should ask him further about what's wrong. But before you had to deal with a starter he continues,
“Are you planning to work in Chicago as well?”
“Sweetheart help me clean up the kitchen please”, your hear your mom's voice overpowering through the house. Which is good. Because you don't know what you are supposed to answer. It was as if he was almost hopeful that you'll choose your hometown all over again. But you aren't sure. So you take the opportunity to step away from the situation excusing yourself.
And while you are clearing the blobs of batter stuck on the counter, your mind is a haywire. What are you going to do? Though you know your whole family wants you to stay, it's still a foggy place to be in. Four years apart in another city as a college student has not provided much, except caffeine addiction and sleepless nights. Things were not even as fun as everyone told you.
A few steps away Jimin silently prays that you stay, because he had truly missed you. Even though you have outgrown from the eighteen year old shell as he had known, he finds himself actively choosing to be with you. Even when other things in life occupies his mind, there's an element of it which goes back to you.
“They are here!”. You groan silently, while your parents are throwing their hands in air, giggles and chatter fills in as your uncles and aunts and the taunting toddlers welcome themselves in.
“Y/n! You have grown so much!”, the older aunt comments, and you supply a manufactured smile to tag along. Other comments follow by soon, about how tired you are, gasps about not having a partner and future plans, all of which are not completely answerable at the moment but you manage to get through them all and finally excusing yourself back to the garage convincing there are more decor supplies in there.
Families are nice. They make festivals brighter and lives less lonely. But yours was just hard sometimes. Not that you completely loathed the people now fueling themselves off the cup cakes your mom bakes, you were just merely lost, still yet to come up with an answer to what your stance is after graduation.
“Hey...”. Jimin has joined you now which you notice feeling a warmth against your shoulder when he sits, with an extra scraf knowing the garage is still comparatively chilly than the house, “you okay?”.
“Yeah...I was just...thinking”
“Is this about earlier? I'm sorry if I made you anxious”, he quickly adds.
“No!...I mean yeah but, it's high time I find a ground with this. What are your plans?”
“I was thinking about teaching at Jefferson High”, he shifts rather uncomfortably. He is talking of the school in your town, your school, where you have lots of memories with Jimin, “You know...like we said during Junior year in high school?”
“I'm sorry Jimin”, you feel the guilt inside you growing, “I never kept my promises”.
“Hey...that's okay! Everyone changes. I just want you to be happy. I...I hope you are happy Y/n”, he reassures, taking your hand from your side and squeezing it between his soft palms.
“I don't know about that either...”
As much as you hated showcasing vulnerability to another person, you know Jimin is an exception. You had cried to him about everything during school days and he had never invalidated a single thing, even when you were visibly dramatic over a downpour during a family picnic when you were five.
Jimin is frozen on his seat as if he can't find the words. He was never good with words so instead he hugs you, a little longer than the last time till he is sure you have calmed down. Grateful for not ending up crying, you smile up at him and remind yourselves to get back inside to avoid suspicion, especially from the kids who take humiliating people as an important milestone to achieve.
When you enter back inside and get immediately surrounded by a million questions and chores thrown at you, you find your answer. Maybe your heart belongs back to everything your younger self had blabbered about. Not to mention, this fairly good reunion with your crush feels nice, though, he might still see it as platonic. Maybe he makes things less daunting.
By the way Jimin was owning everyone's heart in the house, it felt like he was family. Well in a way he is. But to put more clarity, he bought things together and his actions bought so much peace and love within everyone. Even the notorious twins listen carefully to him and help the uncles and aunts in the kitchen.
He is again by your side, two cupcakes rests on his palms and you take it with a silent ‘thanks’.
Seeing no signs of him beginning a talk now, you think of coming up with something. Maybe a memoir from today? Or about how absolutely handsome he looks right now? Wait.
“They are under the kissing twig!”, Aerum screams like the house caught in fire, her sibling joining by the side to provoke the habit even more.
“It's called a mistletoe Aerum”, your aunt corrects before pasting a smug across her lips.
Nothing changed. They are the same people. Hyping you and Jimin to kiss just like when you were thirteen. If the factor of time is removed, this is the exact night. Both of you cemented to the flooring as if you forgot to exist.
Both of your necks snap together to the mistletoe Jin had attached to the ceiling earlier. And when you lower your gaze back, face gawks at each other eye to eye. It's the same. He has that blush, the shyness from years ago. It's going to be platonic. Yet again. And this moment will only ever be romantic and flowery in your head.
June was the first to squeak, and Aerum shuts her eyes the moment Jimin is leaning his mouth towards your lips. It was difficult to relax under the stares of many, but when he ghosts his mouth over your again and leans in for a second kiss, you are fixated on him. Hands holding each other, the plump of his lips so soft it felt like you were biting into a fluff of cloud.
Maybe he'll have an explanation to your family for this. Not like anyone in the audience was disappointed. Your mother was almost in tears? And Jin looked hardly surprised with any of this. As if it was all swell according to his plans.
“You both are so cute”, one of the aunts awes and your mother is quick by her side, completely agreeing to it.
“Jimin...”, you return your gaze to the equally flustered man who just kissed you and he sounded almost breathless,
“I'm sorry if this was wrong it ju--”
“I like you”, you immediately snap in and his face is a void for an instant. Fully processing the words, his eyes disappear when he grins, “I like you too...a lot”.
“Are you two dating?”, the twins haven't dropped the case yet, running to your feet to help their curious brains.
“Yes...”, Jimin responds, looking up at you for a reassurance, which you quickly supply with a nod, “Yes we are dating”.
When the kids are satisfied they go away snickering to themselves.
“I decided to stay”, you say.
“Really!?”, his disbelief was comical, yet wholesome considering how much he wished for this, “I'm...I'm so happy!”.
Giggling at him, this time you lean forward and peck the corner of his lips.
“You lovebirds better get a room”, Jin announces and thankfully not loud enough to catch everyone else's attention.
Usually Jin expects a punch to his arms from his sister, but he sees how grateful you are for his mistletoe decor. He leaves the couple, satisfied that there won't be any more ranting about how much Jimin likes you.
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Thank you so much for reading!! ♡♡
Original Content of ©bangtanpromptsfics
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seishirology · 3 years
Blue Lock Boys + Embarrassing things I've done/experienced these past two weeks
As a marching band student, these past two weeks I've had to compromise my sanity and every last drop of dignity I had just for the activities. As a coping mechanism this is what I've come up with includes ; blue lock 6 + bachira, isagi A/N ; yes I'm embarrassing and you'll probably feel second hand embarrassment from this. this is from july 26 - august 6 2021 masterlist
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alright first and foremost, I did not hesitate to attack any of my friends who talked to me. There was this time we were walking back to the classroom after practicing our drill, and a friend of mine came up and said hi. And I straight up came for him, which lowkey hurt his feelings but I apologized afterwards. I just know that when he gets tired he has no self control and will verbally attack you enough you make you cry at night. But the thing is that he won't apologize for it because he doesn't really care.
second, is that I was nicknamed 'tan lines' by one of my guy friends. I underestimated the sun these past weeks, I don't really need to put on sunscreen to prevent burns, but wherever I put on sunscreen always tanned really bad, which is funny because I didn't put sunscreen on my arms until later in the week and they're so much lighter than my legs which I put sunscreen on everyday. I just feel like Rin does the same thing where he cares for his skin, but he gets really bad tan lines wherever he puts on sunscreen.
Maybe it's just me, but I really really like spicy food. And the thing is that on tuesday someone's mom cook dinner for us, and she brought spicy paste. And being the spice addict that I am, I scraped a considerable amount onto my plate which she let me. And while I was eating, it wasn't spicy, and it just made my fried rice oily. I cried about it on the inside, which is ironic because they were all like "This is super spicy don't regret it." I feel like shidou is probably the type of person to not find spicy food spicy, and make fun of his peers who can't eat spicy food. Which I also did :p
So on thursday we had a chili cook-off. And I am one very picky eater, and I hate tomatoes so much, I literally can't eat pizza unless I wipe off the tomato sauce. So for dinner that day, I had peaches. Which was ironic because I thought I had grabbed oranges, but it was actually peaches. I just know shidou is secretly a very picky eater and probably complains about the amount of veggies in his food sometimes.
is it just me, or does anyone else get extrovert vibes from him?? Like lowkey I think he might be an introvert but honestly I don't really care too much about that. Anyways, this isn't something I really did, but one of our activities was paper plate awards, and our section leaders would give us paper plate awards. And ironically I got the award for being a social butterfly. But I didn't really talk to people unless I had to, if anything I avoided people unless I really had to. But of course I was quite loud with my friends so I guess that could be a reason why.
So I don't find this embarrassing, but it deserves to be put up here. So my one friend likes to call everyone "ba(b)e" unironically, and the thing is we're all posers. So we're in a like platonic and not romantic it's just playing relationship, and then she cheats on my with one of our friends. And so I call her a homewrecker, as a joke and she's assured me already I can call her that as a joke. Lmao I feel like Karasu is two in this one, like he calls his friends bae and homewrecker.
I feel like eita isn't as embarrassing as karasu, therefore he has a lot of self-preservation. So this one fits him well I think, so on thursday we had to do a lip sync competition. And it was embarrassing I didn't enjoy performing. And I feel like eita probably gets embarrassed whenever he hears the Phineas and Ferb song intro.
So um I signed up for marching band to march and not to do flag work. And I don't suck at flag work, but I'm not like great at it, anyways so we do colour-guard work in part three of our show. And the thing is, a few of my upperclassmen are in love with the flag work we're doing. So while we were inside practicing by marking time, they used their flutes as flags and it was really embarrassing. I didn't do it of course, but I judged them and I wanted to die right there because wow what the fuck.
He's a pacifist, and the funny thing is I'm not. I'm not one to fight unless I really need to because I have to get through high-school with a clean record. Anyways so there's a friend of mine who I used to be the same height as, and now he's taller than me. So he makes fun of my height all the time, and this isn't all that embarrassing for me, but I straight up attacked him but like not enough to hurt him. And I feel like Kenyu would totally attack someone if they really deserved it lmao, I just know he likes fighting on the inside.
During lunch one day, I told my friend who has blue eyes that people with blue eyes look at me weird. Maybe because a lot of them are caucasian and have bigger eyes, but they all look at me like that one miley cyrus picture. this one. And I feel like even though kenyu is a great person and everything every once in a while he does stuff like this out of pure observation.
I just know nagi is embarrassing. And anything I do will never compare, but this one time our activity was to play basketball or kickball. And I chose to sit out with a lot of my bandmates, and while we sat one of our upperclassmen played songs. And this song about west virginia came on, and only the caucasian students were singing so it was kinda ironic. And I was saying stuff like how west virginia looks like a turkey kinda and really it's just ugly. Like I'm 103% sure nagi has no filter and would say stuff like this.
So, we have this part in our show in the intro where we turn to the left and face the back field. But one of my friends ALWAYS turns to the right which pisses me off so bad and it gets on my nerves. I have to remind her, but a lot of the others like her so they constantly forgive her. And it sounds like I'm jealous but honestly I can't stand it when someone constantly does something wrong even after being told multiple times to TURN TO THE FUCKING LEFT NOT THE RIGHT anyways yes. I just know nagi rage quits sometimes but that is not an option at marching band.
Bachira is basically me at camp the whole time but different and louder. Anyways while it was raining outside we were inside for a snack break and to get away from the rain. And so I ate like three bowls of fruit, and it made my stomach hurt. Lmao I know bachira pulls shit like this.
While we were inside, we also cleaned the areas we used. This was before I ate three bowls of fruit, and I was super excited to go home, and I didn't think that we'd be playing out in the rain. And I was encouraging my friends to clean while I gave moral support. Like I just know bachira would bail out of helping others clean, but then again so does asahi :P
I constantly told people 'y'all stay safe, not me though' and made deez nuts jokes. And even though everyone but rin would make those jokes, I made some really good ones. And not just that even if it didn't make sense I still made a deez nuts joke. I just know bachira lives to make deez nuts jokes lmao.
so I have four shirts that have the same design and are all the same colour. And I just know isagi has four shirts with the same design. I just know it. Like unironically too. Yes I wore them all to band camp.
when I get serious, I get serious. Like when isagi is in a game he doesn't joke around and half-ass things. But there are times when I mess up, and I hit a trumpet player with my flute and I cringed so hard when I heard the metals collide and I apologized so much afterwards. If isagi ever marched this poor kid isn't gonna survive, his instrument's going to have so many dents.
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emf005 · 3 years
James Sirius Potter x Female! reader
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Warnings: Puberty, James being the cutest thing ever, pain, couple cuss words for pizzaz(Maybe)
“Oi! Y/L/N!” You smiled as you saw the one and only James Sirius Potter strutting up the hallway with his band of trouble makers behind him. Most of them were his family, but a few were unrelated family members(Very Very close friends.)
“Oi! Potter!” You called back teasingly.
“Having a bad hair day today?” He smirked, looking you up and down. You rolled your eyes and touched your crappily put in braid. It may have looked like it, but you weren’t having a bad hair day. You were just crap at doing hair.
“Nope. Having a hard time coming up with insults? Am I too perfect for the James Potter to insult me?” You joked. You always took the teasing light heartedly. You listened to this song over the summer called Sarcasm. It was pretty good. But one of the lines that stood out to you were “Sticks and stones can break my bones but anything you say will only fuel my lungs”. It wasn't like you let him get to you before this, but you had only rarely hit him back with a come back. Now, you always threw one back.
“Ha! Perfect? You? Those two words shouldn’t be in a sentence together, Y/L/N.”
“You’re right,” you nodded, leaving him confused. You strode off down the hall with a swing in your hips. “Perfect is too dull of a word to describe me, Sweetheart!” You called over your shoulder with a wink. You disappeared behind the corner as you heard his friends laughing.
They knew you were light hearted about it. You were actually pretty close with a few of them. But James was competitive in everything. And for some reason he had chosen you to be his muse for picking on. You didn’t know why, nor did you actually care. You always liked a bit of banter, especially around this time of the month. And no, you weren;t a werewolf (Though you would gladly take that over having your period)
See, all periods come with their… side effects. Hormones bounce crazily off the walls and make some moody. Some get cramps. Some get both. Some break out and others(A very few minority) just have it without anything to think about. You had it worse than anyone.
Cramps. That may have been all you got, but they were so bad that walking, breathing, talking, or even moving could be impossible. You were once nearly paralyzed for a whole week and a half. You only moved to go to the bathroom. Your mom had to actually feed you. You were a very active person, you can only imagine how insane that made you.
Madame Pomfrey, your great Grandmother and god mother because that woman is a queen, always took care of you during these times and often threw things at you because you weren’t taking good enough care of yourself. You loved the woman dearly, but wow could she yell at you.
You watched James and his crew head down to the quidditch pitch for practice while you skipped down to Hagrid's. You loved to play quidditch but never wanted to play on the team. You knew you weren’t good enough for that and you would rather have just messed around with some friends.
“Hey Hagrid!” You said happily and plopped down by a pumpkin. He turned around from tending his garden and smiled at you.
“ ‘ello, Y/N. How ‘er you today?”
“Alright I guess. How about you? Any new creatures come crawling around?”
“Not yet. But I suspect they’ll show up soon.”
“Need any help?”
“You know where the tools are.” You hopped up, but not too fast because.. Well.. you know, and grabbed a pair of gloves and shoved them in your pocket in case he let you tend to the Biting thorns again. You had a knack for everything Herbology and Magical creates. You were Professor Longbottom and Hargrid’s favorite student, you knew it. I mean, you definitely were, no doubt.
About three hours later you started to get a stabbing pain in your lower stomach, losing your breath for a moment.
“Hey, Hagrid, I think I’m going to clean up before dinner. I only have a few minutes and I doubt anyone wants to be sitting next to my smelly butt.” You laughed, the stabbing getting worse.
“I’ll see ya there, Y/N! Thanks fer tha help!”
“Anytime!” You jogged away from him and a relaxing Fang so you could visit your great gran. Well, she wasn’t technically related to you. She was a close friend of your grandmother’s. They had gone to school together and been (And still were) closer than sisters. You grew up with her and she had become very over protective of you.
You waltzed into the hospital wing with a smile on your face. You were used to the stabbing pains. You had a very high pain tolerance, I mean, you had to.
“Gran!” You yelled out, not even flinching when you felt another annoying stab.
Madame Pomfrey came walking over to you with her arms crossed over her chest.
“You haven’t come to see me all week. Does this mean that you have finally come to your senses?”
“Oh, you make such a big deal out of everything. I barely have felt anything so far, and plus it's only Wednesday, perhaps I was just busy.” She gave you a knowing look. She always knew. You didn’t know how, but she always did. “Well, anyhow, I was helping Hagrid and the stabs were a bit worse than normal. Got anything that’ll just subside that?”
“I have the potion you should've been taking since the beginning of the week, young lady.”
“It's nothing major, Gran. Just something small. I don’t need the whole nine yards.” She sighed. You were the only person who she would give into.
“Fine, but don't come crying to me when you are hurting so badly that you can't move.” She was about to walk away when the doors banged open. You two looked over and saw James and his crew walking in. Madame Pomfrey sighed. “What is it now, Mr. Potter?”
“Don’t know I-”
“Fell off your broom and landed wrong while you were trying to do some wicked trick. I know. Set him on the table. I’ll be there in a-”
“I have to take a shower, Madame Pomfrey. I’ll come back later. Feel better, James! Hi guys!” You waved at them all and jogged off, ignoring your gran calling after you. Oh, yeah, another thing about you. You really didn’t like attention. You also didn’t like the fact that there was someone in more need of help than you and you were getting the help first. James needed more help than you did, you would just come back later… You thought you would.
You had planned to go back after dinner, but you didn’t. A friend asked you with help on the Divination homework. You decided to go the next day. Asked to help first years. Friday? No. Dueling club and extra studying. Before you knew it, it was Saturday and you were in so much pain. But you just kept going.
You were headed down to the quidditch pitch to watch Lysander and a few of his buddies play against Albus and Scorpius and a few of their friends. It was just a scrimmage, nothing major, but they all liked to have an audience. And since they all knew and liked you, they asked if you wanted to join. What you didn’t count on was James being there.
“Well well well. Look who we got here?” You looked over to see James, alone, walking over to you.
“Hey, James.” You said a bit weakly and short of breath.
“You alright?” You just nodded. He seemed to get more concerned. “Are you sure? You don’t look so good?” You laughed.
“Yeah well, I have my good days and my bad ones,” you joked, thinking he was teasing you again. He wasn't.
“Y/N. Stop for a second.” You did and turned to him.
“Are you sure you're alright? You look really pale and tired.”
“I’m fine. I promise.” You smiled and continued down to the pitch with him besides you. That's when the worst one you have had in a while hit you with full force, knock every ounce of wind out of you.
You collapsed and held your stomach, trying to take deep breaths like you had taught yourself to do.
“Y/N!” You felt a hand on your back and another on your arm.” What's wrong? What happened?”
“N-nothing. I’m-Ah!” You collapsed completely to your knees. The throbbing hurt so bad. It was like someone was digging a knife in you and just twirling it around.
“Obviously something. What can I do?”
“Take-take me to-to Gran. Please.”
“Gran, who's Gran?”
“Sorry. Madam Pomfrey.” He nodded and helped you up, putting an arm around you to keep you up.
“You're explaining that to me later.” You laughed, which only made it worse. “Can you walk faster? You're getting paler by the second.”
“This is… as fast… as I can… go.”
“Here,” he moved in front of you and bent down. “Get on my beck, it’ll be faster, alright?”
“James you really don’t have-”
“I want to. Come on.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and he, carefully, hoisted you up. He quickly walked to the hospital wing, being cautious as to not bump you around too much. “Madame Pomfrey!” He yelled when he banged the doors open like he always does. A dramatic entrance for a dramatic boy. You heard the oh so familiar sigh.
“What did you do this time, James?” She walked around the corner and saw you on James' back, her eyes widened in horror and she quickly moved into action. “Put her down here,” she opened up a section and he set you down carefully. She quickly ran away and started to gather stuff. James stood beside your bed and stared at you oddly.
“What happened? You seemed fine the other day. Are you sick or-”
“I’m really fine, it's just.. Um… girl stuff?” His eyes widened in understanding (Not horror).
“OH! Oh Merlin, are you ok? What do you need, like literally anything?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“It's just cramps,” you shrugged, confused by his reactions. Normally anything under the topic of puberty or periods boys were off running. Even your own brothers.
“Not just cramps, young lady.” Your gran scolded and walked in, holding a bottle of the potion you were supposed to be taking. It really didn’t do much. And it tasted horrible. “These are getting worse as you get older.” You glanced at James.
“Ok. You don’t have to be talking about this with him here. No offence.” He just shrugged.
“You have to start taking this seriously!”
“Gran, I do! I was just busy!”
"You came in and then you left without taking it, telling me you would be back!”
“I got side tracked! And James was in more pain than I was!” Your voice was horse and it was getting harder to talk and breathe. She handed you the potion and you chugged it.
“You left because of me?” James asked. You swallowed the rest of the foul tasting liquid.
“You needed her attention. And then someone needed help on homework and it just” you coughed, making your stomach knot again. “Got out of hand.”
“Thank you for bringing her up, Mr. Potter. You can leave.”
“She needs her rest.”
“Tell the boys I’m sorry I missed the game.” He hesitated but nodded and left. Your Gran scolded you for a few moments before she left and told you to get some sleep, which you did.
The next day your friends visited you and you ignored the pains. They weren’t as bad as yesterday’s, but they were still pretty bad.
Soon they left and that just left you sitting hour after hour. You were still awake when it was one in the morning and you heard footsteps coming towards your bed. You figured it was your gran coming to check on you so you shut your eyes and pretended to be asleep.
They set something on the table and you opened your eyes seeing James.
“James?” He was startled and jumped a bit. He looked down at you with guilt on his face.
“Sorry,” He whispered. “Did I wake you?” You sat up slowly.
“No. I’ve been up. Kind of hard to sleep.” You moved over and motioned for him to sit, which he did.
“Cause of the…”
“Yep. You know, you’re a lot cooler with this stuff than a lot of boys your age are.”
“I never understood that. I mean, it's something that happens. Why do guys have to be so weird about it? Plus my little sister goes through it so…”
“That's right! Your sister’s Lily.”
“Yeah. She gets pretty bad cramps too, but not as bad as you, I think.”
“No one gets them as bad as me, which I’m grateful for.”
“So the potion doesn't really work?”
“Takes a bit of the edge off, but other than that? No.”
“I’m sorry.” You just shrugged and shifted. “Is there anything I can do to help?” You smiled.
“You’re sweet, James. But, I’m afraid not.”
“Well, I do know one thing I can do.”
“What?” He grabbed whatever he had sat on the bedside table and set it on your lap. It was a basket full of chocolates. Your eyes lit up at the sight.
“Holy Merlin! Where did you get all this?”
“I have my ways. I remember Lily said chocolate always makes her feel better so I figured it would help you too.”
“Wow. James! Thank you! Can I…”
“No. Absolutely not. I just brought it down here so that it can stare you in the face. You aren’t allowed to eat one piece of it.” You smirked at him and didn;t reach for a piece, just to see what he would do. “Oh my go, I was joking.” You laughed.
“I know I know!” You grabbed two pieces and handed one to him. He looked at it and then back up at you before taking it. You opened your piece quickly and bit into it. “Eat! Come on, you are stayen for a bit aren’t ya?”
“Why would you want me to?”
“Because you're my friend.”
“Why would you consider me that?”
“Because you helped me out a lot and you gave me food. We also talk all the time. Why? You don’t want to be friends?”
“I figured you wouldn’t want to be mine.”
“Because I’ve bullied you countless times.”
“That was just playful banter. I've seen you bully people. You were just teasing me.” He stared down at the candy.
“But still…”
“James, listen. I want to be your friend. If you don’t want to be mine I guess that's alright, but I've always wanted to be your friend.”
“Yeah. You seem really cool. And you are really nice. I've seen you with your siblings and your friends and have always been kinda jealous. I've never really had that," you shrugged and took another bite from your chocolate bar.
"You have all sorts of friends, though."
"Yeah but I'm kind of the replaceable friend. And then my family is a bucket load of insane. So I guess I’m sort of jealous. Like this.” you motioned to the chocolate and at him. “I have been having this happen since first year and my friends come in once to check on me unless they need help on something. I guess it's kind of childish, but-”
“No.” You looked at him, a bit shocked at his tone. “That's not childish at all! How are they your friends if you’re in pain and they don’t come to see you unless they need something?”
“James, it's not that big of a deal. I have a high pain tolerance and plus I have gran worrying over me.”
“Oh please explain that to me. You're her granddaughter?”
“Well, sort of. Great granddaughter, and honorary. Her and my grandma were as close as sisters when they went to Hogwarts and stayed that way throughout life. And when I lost my great gran and both my nans, she stepped up. Very over protective of me.” He smirked and leaned on his legs.
“I’d say. ‘Get out, Potter. I appreciate you bringing her up but I don’t want you here.” he mimicked her voice, and not too terribly. You started to laugh, making your stomach knot in protest. You groaned and fell back on your bed. “Oh! Sorry. Do you need another pillow? More blankets? Chocolate?” You smiled gratefully at him.
“No. Just gotta wait it out. Thank you though.” You smiled at him gratefully and you two talked until you fell asleep. He smiled, finding it odd how much he actually liked you. Every “conversation” he had he always enjoyed. Always enjoyed your banter in the halls and in class, but he had never actually talked to you before.
He stood up and pulled the blanket over you more so that your shoulders and arms were covered. He put the chocolate on the bedside table and brushed the wrappers off of the bed so that it wasn’t a mess when you woke up in the morning.
He then snuck out of the infirmary and back into his dorm room. James was surprised to see that his last thought before falling asleep was of you and hoping you felt better. He really hadn’t realized how much fun you were.
You weren’t in classes that day. Madame Pomfrey seemed to be punishing you and kept you in bed, bringing you meals from the great hall while you survived on James’ chocolate. You were reading over your notes when someone cleared their throat. You looked up, chocolate half in your mouth, to see James standing with a plate and his school bag.
“Hi James! Back already?” He laughed and sat down where he had sat the other day.
“You weren’t in class or the great hall. Wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“That's sweet. Thank you. I’m feeling lots better, but Gran won’t let me go to classes yet. She wants to monitor me and make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
He slid the plate of food and your face lit up. Sweets and meats, your favorite.
“Figured you would be hungry.”
“Starved! Yet again, thank you.”
“It's what friends do,” he said with a nod. You smiled happily. Friends. You had finally made it to friends with James Sirius Potter. “I also brought notes. In case you wanted to copy them.” He pulled his notes from his bag and handed them to you. You grabbed it and started to flip through the surprisingly clean and crisp notes. This boy took better notes than you do. That was unexpected.
“Thank you, James! I was a bit worried I was going to be overrun again.” He shrugged and stole a swipe of Mashed Potatoes off your plate. You smirked at him but didn’t say anything.
He sat and talked to you while you ate and then helped you with homework when you set your plate aside and started to work on notes.
“Here. Like this.” He moved next to you up by the head board and held your wrist, showing you the proper hand motions for DADA. You tried to focus on the correction and not your burning cheeks.
Damn hormones.
“There you go. Now try it without a helping hand.” You shoved him and laughed.
“That was terrible!” He smiled crookedly, fixing his glasses.
“Yeah, but you laughed.’ You bit your lip and shook your head.
“You, sir, are utterly ridiculous.”
“Oh, I’m sir now.” He joked, settling back by your feet. You kicked his leg lightly. “OW! OH MERLIN SHE KICKED ME! I THINK MY LEGS COMING OFF!” He fell to the ground dramatically causing you to burst out from laughter and your stomach to continue to knot up over and over, but you couldn’t stop. He was twitching dramatically on the ground like a dork.
Madam Pomfrey came over and tapped her foot agitatedly.
“This is no place for fooling around, Mr.Potter. Either stay and behave or leave.” She turned and cast you a glance before walking away. You two burst out laughing when you heard her door shut. He popped back up onto the bed.
“So, what have you been up to? I've caught you up on all you’ve missed.” You just shrugged.
“Studying. It's really all I can do. She won’t even let me stand up.”
“Well that's no fun. You haven’t even been outside?”
“Nope. Her one rule is stay in the bed. Not allowed to stand, unless it's to go to the bathroom, which has to be the one in this room.”
“Why so specific.”
“Second year I went to the restroom, on the fourth floor on the other side of the castle.” James chuckled and looked over his shoulder.
“Well, how about we make her get even more specific?”
“What did you have in mind?” He snuck over to where the wheel chairs were and rode it over. A wide grin spread across your face.
“Your carriage awaits.” You laughed and quickly hopped in. He then ran, pushing you in front of him. You two ran through the castle laughing like mad people.
“What's this?” Fred asked, a smirk on his face as he and Erinie Longbottom came out of the great hall.
“Never thought I’d see you two get along, let alone laughing.”
“Mischief is mischief.” James shrugged and stood up on the back of the wheelchair.
“Madame Pomfrey has forbidden me from walking.” You explained. “James just wanted to get me into some trouble.” Ernie looked at the wheel chair, a slow grin spreading on his face.
“Why don’t we all get into some trouble then.” He cast a spell on the wheels on the wheel chair before making three more appear. “Now, you can control it on your own and so can we.” He sat down in his and went zooming off. You, Fred, and James watched with smiles on your faces. They quickly sat into theirs and the three of you chased after Ernie. Who knew you would become such quick friends with James and that would leave you to get into a bit of mayhem with him.
You four raced down the halls but all stopped abruptly by a tapping of a foot. You all looked up to see Madame Pomfrey standing there with her arms folded across her chest. You swore under your breath.
“Madame Pomfrey!” Ernie squeaked and fell out of his chair. “Uh, we didn’t see you there?” You shook your head at the lame excuse.
“Madame Pomfrey I-”
“You, with me, now.” You sighed and rolled after her. Waving bye to the boys. They waved back and watched you go.
“So.” Fred said with a smirk on his face. “Finally come to your senses?”
“Shut up.” James muttered, feeling a bit guilty that you were the only one who got into trouble. It had been his idea after all.
“I told you that it wasn’t a smart idea to get out of your bed!” Your gran scolded as she wheeled you into the Hospital wing.
“Technically you said I wasn’t allowed to stand up unless it was to use the restroom. I was not standing up, I was sitting down. And what's the big deal? I’m fine! It's almost over anyhow!” She groaned in frustration. “Gran, I’m in 5th year. I think I can make decisions for myself now.” She looked at you for a moment before sighing.
“Alright. But, you have to promise me, when you start to get bad you will come straight-Oh!” You hugged her tight around the waist and she patted your head.
“Thank you, Gran.”
“Yes yes. And you should be careful around that Potter boy.”
“Which one?” You asked cheekily.
“Now don’t you get cheeky on my young lady. You know what I’m talking about. Don’t you go falling in love with him. I’ve actually had girls come in because they said that he broke their heart. Like his name sakes,” she shook her head and walked away leaving you thinking.
You wouldn’t get a crush on James, would you? I mean, sure he was tall and cute and a dork with an adorable personality that kind of made your heart flutter. But that didn’t mean you- You smacked your head.
“Dammit. How could I have let that happen?” You muttered to yourself. You silently cursed your gran. You had been blissfully unaware and now you were very much aware that you had a tiny crush on James Sirius Potter. This ought to go over well.
Over the years you had only grown closer to James and his friends. Mostly James though. It was rare not to see you two together. You both would jam pack your schedules so you would have each other in classes. You knew he did it because of your cramps and how you didn’t really discuss it with anybody or like to bring it up. So when they got too bad and you couldn’t go to classes he would bring you your notes and help you study, like you didn;t help each other study any how. But now, now it was all going to change. You had passed your last year at Hogwarts and were now lying on your couch in pain. You had taken the potion your gran had sent you but the potion had seemed to do less and less over the years while James had done more and more.
You had a pile of letters in the corner that he had sent you. You two had sent back and forth non-stop, both of you now having your own separate apartments that were, sadly, not very close to each other. Of course, you could just apparate to the others house but you wouldn’t really do that on a daily basis, sadly.
You had sent him a letter the other day and found it weird you hadn’t gotten one in response yet, but you weren;t the most important thing in his life, sadly. As you and James had grown more attached, your crush on him had grown and grown and grown. Being away from him for so long, This was your first month, and knowing that you weren’t going back on September first to see him and your other friends was killing you. How could people live without knowing if they would ever go back to Hogwarts? It may sound cheesy and a bit cliche, but it was and forever will be your home.
There was a knock on the door as another wave hit you and now you had to stand up and pretend you were alright. You looked at your empty chocolate bag, you really should’ve stocked up after the last time.
You opened the door and leaned heavily on it as you looked up into the familiar glass covered eyes.
“James!?” He beamed happily.
“Miss me that much? We’ve only been out of school for about a month.” You chuckled and shook your head.
“You’re such a dork. What are you doing here?” He held up a abox.
“Figured you would have forgotten to restock since Hogwarts, like you always do.”
“How do you remember these things? And why would you want to?” You opened the door and let him in. He strode in and looked around your apartment. He wasn’t familiar with it yet.He set it down on the kitchen counter and jumped up onto it to look around the place, nodding in approval.
“Nice place.”
“You say that everytime you come over.” You said sarcastically as you grabbed the jacket you had thrown on the floor after work. It caused your stomach to cramp and you were stuck for a second because you were trying to breathe.
“Ok, couch, now.” James said, grabbing your arms and leading you over to the couch, setting you down and taking your jacket.
“James, you really don’t have to-”
“Yeah I do. Stay.” He left your side and went to the box. “Did you take the potion?”
“Yeah. Did nothing as usual.” You whined, he sat back down and opened the box, pulling out two candy bars and handing you one, like he always did, and keeping one for himself.
“Sorry, kid.”
“I am like a week younger than you!”
“A month and a half,” he corrected. You glared and bit into your chocolate, making him laugh and look around your apartment until his eyes landed on a moving picture you had put up. It was from the first year you two became friends. He walked over to it and took it off the wall. “You still have this?” You smiled.
“Of course! That was the first Weasley Summer I had! It was the best summer of my life!” You laughed lightly smiling at the memory of James trying to get you on a broom. And then you had crashed into four trees until you semi-got the hang of that.
“Didn’t you get a concussion from that summer?”
“Don’t know, wouldn’t let anyone check.” You laughed, your stomach cramping again, but not as bad as usual. He smiled and hung it back on the wall. He sat back down next to you.
“How've you been, though? You always sound like you're doing great in your letters.”
“It's been alright. Adult life isn’t terrible and my job’s pretty fun. I've been thinking about getting a dog.”
“Really?” He asked excitedly.
“Yep, and I was going to name it Sirius.” His face turned disappointed.
“You know, I brought you chocolate, you can at least be a bit nicer to me.” you giggled.
“I’m joking, I'm joking. But yeah. I do want a dog.”
“Get lonely up here already?”
“Definitely. How are you? You seem like you are having a good time in your letters. Var hopping every weekend.”
“You can join us. We’d love to have you hang with us.” You shrugged.
“Well, definitely not this weekend.”
“No, definitely not. Though you look like you could use a bottle of fire whiskey.”
“I need two.” He laughed and put his arm around your shoulders, you rested your head on his shoulder.
“I felt ya there.”
The rest of the night, James hung out with you. Chocolate and talking and radio and, when you were feeling up to it, he made you dance with him because he’s the biggest jerk in the world.
It was now near midnight and you two were on the couch listening to old muggle records because why not. You were half asleep on James’ chest. He was playing with your hair and humming along to the song. It was a familiar position for you two. Madame Pomfrey had once caught you two like this, though James had been the only one awake. She had looked at him and then at you back in sixth year.
“Be careful there, Mr. Potter. I do not want her getting hurt.” And then she turned and left. He had planned on telling you that morning, but the thought that he would hurt you in any way had kept him from saying anything. But now… Now he couldn't help it. The smell of your shampoo and the way you smelt like chocolate and… and he couldn't help it. This had been the most fun he had had since Hogwarts had left out. All because he was with you.
“Y/N?” He whispered, just in case you were asleep. He knew how hard it was for you to actually fall asleep when you got these cramps.
You hummed in response. Half asleep, but not completely. He took a breath.
“Can I tell you a secret?”
You hummed again.
“I love you.” He didn’t get a response this time and thought you had fallen asleep. He was a bit relieved that you hadn’t heard. The other part was a bit disappointed.
“I-I love you.”
You sat up and looked him in the eye. He knew this look. You were trying to detect a lie, he let you look. And boy, did you take your time.
“You-You do?”
“I do. I get it if you don’t in return but I just had to-” You grabbed his collar and pressed his lips to your quickly. His eyes widened in surprise before he quickly kissed you back. You pulled apart and both of you were smiling messes.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You said, biting your lip.
“Seriously?” He pulled back from you with wide eyes. You nodded nervously. “How long?”
“The first time you helped me, I guess. And I wouldn’t have even realized it if Gran hadn’t said anything to me.”
“You’re joking.” You shook your head.” He kissed you again, taking you by surprise.
“Why? How long for you?”
“End of fifth. I was going to tell you in sixth but…”
“But what?” You looked at him. “James…”
“Your Gran scared me.”
“What did she do?” You sighed.
“James, I am too tired, what?”
“She just told me not to hurt you.” You frowned and looked at your hands.
“And you planned to?”
“No! No no no no.” He pulled your face up to his and smiled. “I was scared that I might. I got scared that I would be the reason you were in pain. I didn’t want that. I didn’t even want to think that I would be the reason for that. So, I thought it was better to not do anything but be there for you.” You stared at him for a moment and bit your lip, thinking over and being completely touched. And you believed him. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
“I-I was scared.” You rested your head on his shoulder to hide your face, embarrassed that your feelings had been reciprocated this whole time.
“Of what?”
You muttered something that he didn’t catch.
“Come on, I spilled my heart out to you, your turn.”
“That I’d lose the best friend I've ever had.” You muttered a bit louder. He heard this and couldn’t help the soft smile that spread across his face. He pulled you onto him and leaned against the arm of the sofa so you were on top of him. You looked at him, confused. You head was on his chest again and your eyes were fluttering shut again.
“You’re not going to lose me, Y/N.” He said with a smile. You smiled into his chest and wanted to say something but your mind was already powering down. You felt his lips press against your hair. “You won’t ever lose me. Good night, Y/N.” You murmured an incoherent goodnight, but he got the point and smiled before falling himself.
You woke up in the morning to smell the most wonderful smell you ever had smelt before… Bacon.
You groaned and sat up, a bit confused as to why you were smelling bacon. You thought it was just your mind at first and your mind wandered back to the dream you had had of James. You wished it were true. The kiss seemed so real, so perfect. You pushed yourself off the couch and your foot hit a box. Your eyes widened immediately. You opened it and saw a group of empty chocolate wrappers.
Oh no…
You turned around quickly and saw James’ back in your kitchen over the stove. Then you heard the sizzle of food cooking on your unused stove, since you were a wreck in the kitchen. ANd then you heard James’ humming. That wasn;t an illusion.
“James?” He turned around and smiled.
“About time you woke up. I thought you were dead for a little while there.” You pushed yourself off the couch and stumbled into the kitchen. “Coffee in the cup.” You looked down to a steaming cup.
“I’m not so convinced yet.” He chuckled and slid the food onto two separate plates handing one to you. “I didn’t even know that worked.” You muttered looking at the stove.
“Figured. You can’t cook to save your life.”
You threw a piece of bacon at him, which he gladly ate.
“Did you stay all night?” You asked half way through breakfast.
“I figured we should talk this morning.” You nodded and bit your lip. So it did happen.
“Right so we… kissed.”
“Yeah.” The silence turned awkward.
“Ok, I’m just going to say it, then. I don’t know how much you remember but everything I said, I meant. I really do like you, Y/N.” You bit your lip and smiled.
“I-I think I remember enough to know that I have told you the same. And I-I meant it to.”
“Really, James. I meant it all and I really do like you alot.” You smiled. And he let out a sigh and collapsed into his chair.
“That is a huge relief.”
“Tell me about it. So what do we do now? What happens?”
“I think I'll ask you out.”
“And I obviously would say yes.”
“And then we go to a… quidditch game?”
“And I’d buy the snacks after arguing with you about money.”
“Right. And then I would completely sweep you off your feet when I book the stadium for afterwards and teach you how to ride more.”
“Of course, unless I blow you away with my mad skills.” He beamed.
“Which is very possible with the way you ride.” You laughed.
“So when would this hypothetical date take place?”
“Saturday at six?”
“I think I could be there. If you were to ask me, of course.”
“Well maybe I’m getting there.”
“Maybe you should hurry up before we spend another three years without each other.”
“Y/N, would you go out with me?”
“Yes.” You said smiling. He returned your smile with a crooked one of his own.
“Then I’ll pick you up here, and I am buying the snacks.”
“James you are no-pop-James Potter you get back here!” You yelled to the open air laughing as your best friend-boyfriend- apperated from your apartment.
You bit your lip and leaned on your hand.
You got a date with the boy you loved. And who would’ve thought it would all be because of a terrible time dealing with cramps?
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stxleslyds · 3 years
Finally I have read part one of the Red Hood story in Batman: Urban Legends!
This story is very interesting, we start with the Red Hood looking for the people who are providing Gotham with a new drug. This drug “Cheerdrops” has been passed around for weeks at this point and it has had devastating results among it's users. If you know Jason you understand that drugs are a big issue for him and one that he treats very carefully and seriously. 
As he interrogates people he arrives to the building where one of the dealers of this drug is supposed to be, there he finds a horrific scene, a boy is desperately trying to wake up his mother who appears to have overdosed in her bed. Jason is quick to call an ambulance and get in contact with Oracle in order to find the boy's father who is (as he finds out later) the man that he was looking for. 
Jason sees this scene and can't help but compare it to the time he went through this situation with his mom all those years ago, so he takes the boy with him so he can take him to his father, who Jason is hoping is a good man that had to sell drugs in order to help his family.
That's basically the premise of this first part of the story but now i will write about my thoughts on the specifics of the story.
The story begins with Jason giving a speech about fear and how it's used, 
"Fear. Its a tool, it's his tool. I never really adopted it, maybe because he kept that fear all to himself." Then he continues with "Never had to rely on it, had to work harder to take out the bad guys, had to be...more direct." he finishes that thought with "Rubber Bullets. So that fear doesn't get turned around on me."
I for one really liked this Fear speech, it does really sum up what the Batman does, he relies on the Fear that he imposes on Gotham's criminals and such while Robin on the other hand was never meant to work with fear, which is true.
It did remind me of the speech that Alfred gave in issue #10 of Under the Red Hood about how Batman works with fear and Jason had some thoughts on it, here is some of it, 
"Master Jason had a condescending practice of referring to the costumed criminals elements as 'dress ups'. He also noted that such individuals did not fear the Batman the way street thugs and mafioso did. The 'dress ups' did not believe he was a monster." "...the boy did say something to me that chilled me to the bone...even then. 'They all know he won't kill them.'"
Anyway let's go back to the actual comic I am talking about...
Jason speaks from his position as Red Hood in current time and says that he uses rubber bullets in order to keep the Bat at bay, the fear that the Bat uses against other criminals cannot be used against him if he plays within the Bat's rules.
As he was doing that he was actually trying to get info about who is making the drug but all he was able to get was who was selling it to the person he was interrogating. This drug is dangerous and Jason has to work fast. 
Here is where we see the first flashback scene, we see Jason in the cave before he was able to go out as Robin and he is not to happy about it. The art is very beautiful but sadly in these panels i found my first problem with the context of Jason becoming Robin and how Zdarsky seems to set Jason's feelings on the first Robin.
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It seems that Zdarsky is going for the “Jason believed Dick was the perfect Robin and no matter what he did he would never be as good as him” route, which fine ok, that's your right but, is it really necessary? I must admit i am a little tired of this particular thing because i adore the fact that when Dick and Jason first met they were fine with one another (even if a little wary at the very start). And the whole competitive and “i will never be as good as X person” is really tiring in the Robin/Batfamily fandom.
That problem is not as significant as the next one though.
Jason not thinking that Robin was “badass”. Well this is not only a bad take but it's completely OOC for Jason, no matter how you see it. From his first appearance as Robin to the flashbacks in Winick's UtRH and even through both of Lobdell's runs Jason has always loved the concept and the mantle of Robin as a child. 
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Batman v1, #385.
So that whole take is wrong, i don't like it and also who on this or any universe would rather call themselves Batboy? Honestly i hope this is never brought up again or i will cry. ((((Also in this house Robin will always be the name that Mary gave Dick and then he used as his hero name so it hurts a lot more))))
Also at the end of this first flashback Jason discovers a room full of firearms and is obviously surprised because Batman hates those so he asks why he has them, B responds that he has to understand how they work for his detective work, but that's not all he says, he also says this “...Guns are a coward's weapon, and we will not be cowards.”
Alright Mr. Zdarsky i see the irony... i also see the Daredevil / Punisher thingie right there.
Anyway we are now back to the present where we see Batman seeing the effects of the drug in one of its victims, after saving that person he takes some samples of the drug. We also get to see two police officers with different views on the “masks”, that's a nice way to set the story after the Joker War and before the Magistrate. 
Back to Jason, he seems to be struggling, he can't find the people making/providing the drugs in Gotham and is also doubting his skills, he tells a man that if the information that he gave him is incorrect he “will find him” followed with another internal speech full of self doubt, “...sure thing Red Hood, right now you can't even find a street drug. Half of Gotham's teenagers could find it no problem. You never were the best detective.”
Alright, so Jason feels insecure about his skills now? First you have pre-Robin Jason not feeling like he could be able to keep up with the first Robin and now, Jason as a grown man has doubts about the skills that he has used for a long while now? I mean, press X for DOUBT because UtRH showed us how much of a badass and extremely skilled he is. This man planed everything in order to turn the Bat's world upside down (and this story has references to UtRH so it definitely happened) and now he feels like he is not that good? 
Shit. i know where this is going, first the insecurities that he has already worked out... I can see it coming, the next big thing will be Daddy issues. Wonderful i hate it and i hope i am wrong because those “issues” are more than resolved, i know that's the only trope DC throws at Jason but honestly how different will it be this time?
Fine, lets move on. Jason finds himself in one of the apartments and what he sees is horrifying. Lying on a bed there is a woman completely catatonic with a horrible smile on her face and right next to her a terrified little boy.
Here is the best take on Jason's character so far. 
Realizing that the child is scared of the situation and the masked man that just came into his home Jason takes off his mask and reassures the kid that he is there to help, it's quickly made obvious that the woman has overdosed on Cheerdrops, he makes sure to call an ambulance for her stating that she seems to be in a  drug-related coma.
Its important to note that Jason is doing this as he is having troubling thoughts about how much this scene reminds him of the time he was in this little boy's (Tyler) shoes. Its hard for him but he soon realizes that he needs to make sure Tyler is safe. 
He asks Tyler if he has another parent, he does and his name is Andy, after taking a look around the house Jason deduces that maybe the father is also taking drugs so if the police comes they will surely take Tyler and put him in the system, this idea is not one Jason is fond of so he calls Oracle, he asks if she can locate Tyler's dad's phone, when she asks about the kid Jason says that he will be the one keeping him safe.
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Now we find ourselves back with Batman where he is investigating the components of Cheerdrops, he finds out that the drug is a modified version of Scarecrow's fear gas that gives the victim a sense of extreme happiness instead of fear.
Here we get confirmation of when in the timeline this story occurs, which is after the events of Infinite Frontier (where there was an attack on Arkham and many patients/prisoners were killed or escaped).
B suggests to Oracle that maybe Crane didn't die there and that he might be behind this drug, he will be on the job right away! To this Oracle is like well shit, so she tells B that Jason is also working this case...and here comes a funny yet confusing interaction. 
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Barbara says “I know you two aren't exactly friends right now but...” before she finishes Batman interrupts her by saying “He is a killer Barbara. I will do this alone.”
OH BOY is this interaction confusing! First of all may i point out how different this conversation is from the one in Three Jokers where the roles were basically reversed??? Please tell me that i am not the only one who finds that funny! Anyway that story doesn't matter here, but Red Hood Outlaw from Rebirth does, right?
Here is the thing, the last person that Jason “killed” in rebirth was Penguin and he actually didn't do it, he had him trapped in a panic room in his own Casino. Batman already beat the living shit out of Jason in RHatO #25 for it...and some time has passed, B surely found out that Jason didn't kill Penguin by now, i mean isn't he like the best detective to ever detective in the history of the universe??
Not only that but Jason has been using rubber bullets for a while and even at the start he mentions that, he basically implies that he is playing by the Bat's rules to keep him off his back. Maybe B hasn't let go of the duffel bag full of heads or any of the shitty people Jason killed during UtRH??? If B still holds that against Jason then why would he try to make Jason part of his Bat clan at the beginning of RHatO Rebirth? 
Maybe he still thinks that Jason killed the penguin...but even then isn't B working with Harley and Ghost-Maker? You know, people who have killed? Why is Jason different? Did Jason kill someone recently that we don't know about? Jason only kills a very distinct set of people (that are very not nice) so i guess i don't see the logic...
Anyway second flashback, and this time we have a look at what was going on in the Batcave with B and Alfred during the events of UtRH! Nothing that wasn't explored in UtRH is said here but we do see Alfred explicitly telling Bruce how much they failed Jason. There is a heavy insinuation that the fact that Batman keeps sending the Joker to Arkham only for him to escape and kill more people actually makes B responsible for those deaths and i love that. Thank you. 
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Back to Jason and Tyler we get to see some very adorable scenes between the two. Jason gives the lower half of his mask to Tyler to protect his identity like a superhero and we have a really sweet moment in which Tyler chooses the Blue Hood as his name because he likes the colour blue (same Tyler).
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After he leaves Tyler in a place where he will be safe he goes to the building where Andy should be and let me tell you the more Jason sees the less hopeful he becomes about Andy being just one of the people selling the drug... He does some shooting and incapacitating and then follows the man that is trying to escape and here is when shit hits the fan. 
Andy is a disgusting human being. He hates Tyler's mother and doesn't care that she might be dead and the piece of shit hates his son so much that he gave a barely 10 year old drugs. 
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If you think that this leads to Jason being a little more like his UtRH self, you know the guy that said that people who gave drugs to kids will get killed without a thought...yeah that's not happening, here comes the guilt!
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I get it he just killed a man, but, did you read what that man said?
Anyway that's how the first part of this story ends. 
The story is good. it has things that don't make much sense but i think it's because Zdarsky is a Batman fan and not a Red Hood fan in the sense that he doesnt know much about Jason's character and that this is his first ever DC work.
I cant wait to see where this story goes, while i hope “unresolved daddy issues” doesn't become a theme yet again in a Red Hood story i believe it's where we are headed. I will keep on reading because i am invested in Jason and Tyler's relationship and what is going to happen now that Jason killed Andy.
Let me know what you thought about the issue and my post if you want! Bye!
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Ocean Eyes - Part 12
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A/N - Finally an update!! i promise to not leave it as long for the next part.
Please like/comment/reblog, it gives me incentive to write quicker if i know people are actually enjoying my madness 💕
"You okay?" Chris asked suddenly making me jump, i thought he was asleep! He was currently wrapped around me acting as the big spoon.
"Jesus christ! You scared the crap outta me!" I chuckled quietly feeling stupid that he made me jump so bad.
"Sorry dahlin" he chuckled close to my ear "but are you okay?".
"Yeah just can't sleep, I've got so much going through my head i can't switch off"
"Its not because you're in here with me is it?"
"No of course not, this is actually just what i needed. I've missed laying in your arms...." I had caved and agreed to stay in Chris's room tonight, no funny business just sleeping. I felt Chris smile before pressing a kiss to my neck.
"I've missed this too. So what exactly is it keeping you awake beautiful? Talk to me..."
"Honestly? The whole thing with Brian.... how did he find me here??".
"I have no idea, but its very creepy!.... then again we shouldn't really be surprised, he had a habit of always knowing where you were. I got bad vibes off that guy the second i saw him".
We had called the police to report Brian but they couldn't do much about it as he technically hadn't done anything wrong, they said to call them again if we saw him around anymore.
"I don't understand why he's doing this! Its not like i led him on or anything, I've never shown that man any interest. I barely even talk to the guy!"
"He's clearly unstable"
"It scares me Chris...."
"Hey, i won't let him hurt you.... i already warned him to stay away...." Chris said through gritted teeth.
"It doesn't matter...."
I turned in his arms so i was now facing him "yes it does, what do you mean you warned him to stay away?"
"The day Scott and I came to get you and Mason to bring you here, you remember how he kept going on about where you were going and when you were coming back....then he asked you to dinner?"
"Oh yeah, you kinda snapped"
"Yeah.....I told him nicely to stay away from my family, that you were unavailable and uninterested.... that he should move on. I said if i found out he was harassing you still id make his life hell" he looked a little sheepish as he confessed to what had been said between the two of them.
"Well I'm guessing he didn't like to be told to stay away huh?"
"Apparently not. But lets not worry about  him right now, you need to sleep"
"Ive been trying...."
"Come here" Chris said and rolled onto his back pulling me close until i was laying with my head on his chest, his hand stroking up and down my back. Back strokes were my weakness and he knew it! "You'll be asleep in no time" he mumbled pressing a kiss to the top of my head. And he was right, with the steady thumping of his heart and his fingers stroking my back i was a goner.
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I woke up alone, the bed already cold meaning Chris had been gone for a while. I reached for my phone on the bedside cabinet, it was nearly 10am!! I quickly got up and headed to the bathroom to pee and check how bad i looked. Once i was done i headed downstairs to find Chris, Mason and Scott.
"Hey" Chris smiled at me as i entered the kitchen, he was sat at the dining room table in front of his laptop.
"Hey, why didn't you wake me up?"
"You looked too peaceful, besides you didn't get to sleep til late"
I nodded walking over to kiss him "thank you" i smiled running my hand over his bearded jaw "you're the best".
Chris pulled me down into his lap and deepened the kiss until i had to pull back enough to catch my breath and we both laughed.
"Where's Mason?"
"Walking Dodger with Scott, i gave him breakfast and helped him get dressed before they left"
"He wasn't any trouble was he?"
"Not at all. He's like the best behaved kid I've ever met"
"He has his moments don't be fooled" i chuckled thinking back to some tantrums id witnessed over the years.
"I don't believe you, that kid is an angel"
"You just wait and see Evans" i laughed before getting up and walking into the kitchen so i could get a coffee and some toast.
"So um, I've got to do an online interview tonight with Jimmy Fallon" Chris followed me into the kitchen.
"Okay" i nodded.
"I just thought id let you know i'll have to disappear for a while"
"Thats fine, Mason will probably be in bed by then and i'll just stay in the living room watching a movie with Scott"
"Now i feel left out" he pouted.
Later that day we all went outback and played some Wiffle Ball to pass the time, Chris and Scott getting competitive again.
"Mom I'm tired" Mason said wrapping his arms around my waist and cuddling up against me.
"You wanna go take a nap before dinner buddy?"
"Come on then" i picked him up and he rested his head on my shoulder "guys Mason needs a nap, i think you've worn him out"
"I think i need a nap too!" Scott laughed.
"Well I'm gonna make a start on dinner, you have time for a nap if you wanna"
Walking back up to the house i started struggling with Mason, he was getting too big for me to carry around now! My baby was growing up too fast!
"You want me to take him?" Chris suddenly asked, i nodded and come to a stop before passing a sleeping Mason over to Chris.
"Thanks, he's getting heavy" i said sadly.
"No problem"
"I hate that he's getting too big for me to carry him when he's tired"
"I know but its okay, I'm here to help now"
"Who's gonna carry me? Im exhausted!" Scott added making us laugh quietly so we didn't wake Mason.
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The evening flew by, we all had dinner then sat and watched Toy Story with Mason. When it came to bedtime Mason insisted that Chris read him a story and of course he couldn't say no. Once he was asleep Chris headed to his office to get ready for his interview while Scott and I headed to the living room to find a movie to watch.
"Sooooo....." Scott said dragging it out to sound scandalous as he wiggled his eyebrows at me.
"What?.... don't you what me Missy! I know you spent the night with Chris! So come on spill the tea sister!"
"You're ridiculous you know that?" I rolled my eyes at him and laughed at how comical he looked right now.
"Like i care" he shrugged "come on! Tell me what happened"
"Sorry to disappoint but nothing happened we just slept"
"Are you serious?"
"Yeah, we're taking things slow"
"And who's decision was that?"
"We both said we don't wanna rush it"
"But you suggested it right?..... hey I'm not judging you for that" he quickly added when he saw me look away sadly.
"You're scared you're gonna get hurt again aren't you?"
"Wouldn't you be? I just wanna make sure we're gonna be okay, that its more than just sex. We were always good at that, the emotional stuff.... not so much"
We were halfway through the movie when Chris rushed in asking Scott to join him for a game that Jimmy Fallon wanted them to do.
"Really? I can't just leave Y/N on her own....."
"Go i'll be fine" i chuckled.
"Sorry dahlin, i hate leaving you on your own.... we wont be long though 15/20 minutes tops.
"Go do what you gotta do, I'm fine here watching this" i nodded to the TV.
While they were off doing the interview
I texted my mom and Hannah to check in, they were doing good all things considered. I quickly settled back in to watch the rest of the movie but was interrupted again by multiple message alerts on my phone. I looked to see it was Hannah blowing up my phone.
When i opened the thread i gasped, my heart was racing so fast.... i felt sick as my eyes landed on one thing in particular....... the headline!
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba @rosalynshields
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave @jakiki94 @torntaltos @my-dearest-agent @ms-betsy-fangirl
If your name is crossed out i couldnt tag you.
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castleofclouds · 3 years
7 Days A Week.
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Genre ; Fluff, Friendship, Slice of life, Drama.
Warnings ; possible of fourth wall breakers ( for the comedy purpose ) I dunno cringe maybe? Some cursing.
Summary ; A Story about You and Your 7 dorks ( possible another nct unit )
Part 2 ; Importance.
It's not a new news about how your boys are a totally heartthrob.
I mean, do you ever see them? You are not blind, of course you notice it.
But sometimes it's becoming too devastated actually, like do you ever imagined how bothersome is their admirers?
Let's talk about Karen.
No, not that.
Choi Hyena, basically Karen in a human form.
She chased every each one of your boy, even the minor one, well technically Jisung is a 20 years old and adult but you don't think he's old enough to be near her.
"Jisungie.." She called, Jisung who are walking right next to you stopped abruptly, he knows what's coming but he doesn't want to admit it.
Not gonna lie, Hyena is pretty.
She's totally would be a perfect girl if she got a bit of calmness within her.
".. Hmm do I know you?" Jisung said, completely irritated.
"How can you forget about me? I'm your partner in algebra class back when we still in high school!" She yelped clinging to his arm like a snake would do.
Jisung being the socially awkward he is trying his best to make Hyena grip loosened.
But he can't be harsh, he doesn't want to seem impolite, he wants to be a great person, and want to leave that impression on someone heart, unfortunately it's Hyena.
That is until he finally gave up and see you with his puppy eyes, giving you a signal to make Hyena go.
You sighed.
"Hyena, can you please leave him? He feels uncomfortable." You entreat.
They are in college Hyena acting is too much, she's like a girl who are desperate for affection, and she needs all the spotlight that she can get.
She loosened her grip on Jisung arm, Jisung went straight hiding behind you, his hand holding your arm tight like a child.
"You should calm down a little bit, and do you see? We are not a high school student anymore." You explained, she scoffed.
"You are just jealous because you don't want your boys liking me more than you." She stated.
Tired of her drama you left, with Jisung still having his arm cling to your left arm, you looked down, giving him an expression of 'she's gone now'
"No, what if she's still here? You will never know!"
You sighed leaving the babie do whatever he wants with your hands.
You go to your class, in which Jisung didn't attend, he give you last goodbye
That's more like a hug, and a pray for your luck because he knows how Miss Lucy can be a little headache.
You sit right next to Chenle, after he offered you an empty seat right next to him.
"What happened?" He asked, judging by your long face expression.
Hearing her name making him shiver, the fact that girl ever become his crush back in middle school.
"Yeah, I'm not going to questioned it any further." He commented.
The class taking a lot of your time and your energy, luckily Chenle bought a chocolate, he give you one when he saw you looked like an undead monster.
Not actually, but you literally are dying.
Math is difficult, but due to your major in college, you take it, same reason as Chenle that boy will become the future CEO of a really famous Entertainment Company, so he needs to know how to be sly.
"I hate math." You stated.
"Aren't we all? I mean who likes math?" Chenle responded.
The both of you sit at the usual table the 8 of you mostly hang in cafeteria, waiting for the 6 other showing the back of their head and shining faces.
This time, not Hyena but another girl approaching the both of you.
"Hey.." She greeted, she almost sit when Chenle give a warning about how the seat is already taken.
"Oh.. I'm sorry, btw can I talk with you for a moment Chenle?" The girl asked while playing with her own dress nervously.
"Sure, what do you want to talk about?"
Her eyes are sparkling hearing the answer, the thing that she's had been dyings wanting to talk about and had been bugging her this whole semester.
But she stopped when she saw you sitting there with your chocolate muffins stuffed onto your mouth literally savoring the taste of greatest chocolate ever.
"Do you mind?" She asked you, looking straight to you with annoyance on her face.
"Owh sorry!" You said, taking your muffins away with you to sit at another table that you found, you sit right next to Jungwoo who are flustered by the sudden entrance.
"Can I sit in here? I need to eat while sitting." You asked their permission.
"Aren't you usually sit with them?" Jaehyun asked, you point towards the girl and Chenle who are talking about something.
"Must have been annoying, I mean all you want was to enjoy your muffins how dare they interrupted your free time?" Ten scoffed, you don't know the reason behind his grudge, from your perspective Chenle is a social butterfly completely different from someone you know, he can have and making mew friends any time he sees someone who had potential and criteria.
That's another reason why you befriended him, he's kind and a totally sweetheart.
"Nah, she just want to talk, beside I love sitting here, you guys want some? I have a lot." You offered them a whole bag of muffins.
They gladly take it.
NctU is a band, your friends Mark and Haechan are a part of it, even they have other subgroups like WayV and Nct127.
The groups filled with fun people, Jungwoo, Jaehyun and Ten is one of the member, they are your seniors to!
They knew how you love your time with your friends, but sometimes some girls and some guys just can't leave them alone, so you always ended up hanging out with one of the band members.
Johnny is your best friend from the group and probably one of the best senior ever in your university.
But sadly he still have class so he can't be present at the time, you sit there talking about some stuff with them.
"So I told my mom that I would love to have more muffins." You explained eagerly how you can have a muffins everyday as your dessert.
Thanks to your mother, who are best friend with Jaemin mother, who are very kind and already take you as her own daughter, sometimes she makes you muffins, she said you can take any cake or cupcake as much as you want, she doesn't mind.
"This is why I want to have a rich friend." Jaehyun commented, Ten rolling his eyes hearing it.
"Maybe instead of searching for it, you can be one of it?" Ten said, but then Jaehyun argued back then they starting a debate competition.
You and Jungwoo just seeing the mess unfold, it's a normal day in your college, so you never really mind of it, like you knew how chaotic it can be if Renjun and Haechan meet each other.
The next thing you know, they are already at each other throat, strangled each other, even choking each other if one of them aren't done yet they start throwing fist.
It's Renjun instinct, you to sometimes bickering with Haechan, that boy just love to get a fist up his throat.
So yeah..
"You want to order a strawberry smoothie?" Jungwoo asked, you nodded he then went straight to the counter to order it.
Jaemin are finally finished his class, he went straight to the cafeteria, accompanied by Jeno, Haechan and Renjun that he met at the corridor.
He then saw you at Nct127 table, it's unusual, for you to be ended up there, but then he saw the reason, there's another girl at their usual table.
"Hello Chenle." He went straight to him, ready to scold Chenle for leaving you alone.
Haechan, Jeno and Renjun already stuffed their ears with an earphone bud.
They knew what coming, and they don't want to hear Jaemin ultrasonic nagging skill.
He glance at the girl, she smile innocently.
"I'm sorry who are you?" He start with his enrage expression, he folded his hand and put it in front of his chest, his chin are slightly up.
"Hmm.. I'm Jimin?" She said, absolutely oblivious what's coming for her.
"Well Jimin, I'm Jaemin, I'm sorry but what could be the problem you had or business with Chenle?"
"I want to talk to him, am I not allowed?"
"You are allowed of course but for what reason is it?"
"I just want to talk with him?"
Jaemin sighed, he put the colliding both of his palm making a wish gesture pointing it towards an empty seat right next to Chenle, where you were supposed to sit.
"I'm sorry but where is YN?"
She pointed at Nct127 table, you waved happily.
"See? She's happy there, now can you leave me alone? I want to talk with Chenle only." She gabble.
"Well I'm sorry miss, you are at my seat, and YN is a part of this seat, why can't she be here? She doesn't need to talk with you, and pretty sure she wasn't interested in any of your story so don't worry about eaves dropping." He complained.
"I just want to talk with Chenle only, and only him, doesn't need that friend of yours called YN or anything." She talked back, Chenle is taken aback by the sudden outburst.
"Why? Your friends is fun to, why don't you hang out with them?" Jaemin asked patiently, he doesn't like the way Jimin sudden blabbering.
"Because.. They're boring? Who likes to be friend with them anyway." She said, without much thought.
Boom, Jaemin was right, and he's filled with rage, how can Jimin act like that isn't important.
"Wait what?" Chenle finally speak up, noticing how obnoxious she is.
"What? I'm right, wasn't I?" She said again.
"No you weren't."
Her friends seeing that unfold, they felt betrayed, they knew it will come, but still they befriended her.
"Ooh.. Tea." Haechan mumble, whispering to himself.
She saw it, her friends leaving her, she followed them while angrily stomping her feet to the ground.
"You guys can sit.." Chenle talk again after some long minute of silence, offered an empty seat right next to him.
But Jaemin having enough of it.
"Today, at YN house, we need to discuss about something."
Chenle gulped in nervousness, he know if he's going to get scolded, after they are done with college.
A few hours later.
Everyone was done with their classes, cramped their way, sitting down at YN living room, no one are brave enough to speak even Haechan, everyone know how scary Jaemin can be.
"Nana?" Mark called, Jaemin focus move slowly towards him, and glared.
"Okay, I want to talk to you guys about what's importance, I knew we can have friend outside of our group I knew it, but we can't just ignored the other other one and turn blind eye to the other." Jaemin said giving his piece of mind.
"Wait who's ignoring who?" Jisung asked getting everyone attention, the boy doesn't know anything and out of nowhere there's a discussion.
"One of us, are too busy talking too the other and forget that we shouldn't have left the other on hanging."
"What do you mean? I'm not leaving her, I would never!" Chenle declares, Jisung who finally getting the hang of the situation became silent.
"I guess it's not Chenle fault." Jeno said backing Chenle's back.
"Are you sure? He looked very happy though talking with that beautiful girl." Renjun said sarcastically.
"Yeah, you should see how sad YN was." Haechan argued.
"Come on guys, it's not a big problem." You said.
Everyone went silent, how can you be so fine of it? It's a big thing, and yet you don't mind of it even just a bit?
"I mean, she's just asking me if she can have a talk with Lele, so I just nodded and leave, it's not like we must always hanging with only our group of friends, do you guys realize how we can still be friends without having to hang out and giving time for each other 24/7? No right? We can befriended anybody talk to anybody instead of making a fuss about some of us are being ignorant with the other I prefer to not having any discussion about things like this."
Chenle who heard that sobbing, he stand and make his way to sit next to you while pushing haechan out of his way, then hugging you tight.
"You know how I always say I love you? I love you more today." He said while still hugging you tightly, everyone who heard your smart brain cells argument are crying to.
Even Mark, he give you a thumbs up for your great understanding, you don't understand what's happening but you guess they are just being a great friend, they care for you and never want you to feel left out, Jaemin smiles, Jeno laugh it off, Renjun eyes becomes soft, he hugged Jisung who are waiting for your hug, but Chenle doesn't want to leave you your side he's so busy hanging around you like a baby koala.
They care so much for you they don't want you felt lonely and left out.
You are glad they are your friend, there's nothing that can describe this warm feeling you felt right now.
It's much better, even though you still feel sad about Jimin's friends, you just hope they can make up with each other or at least trying to make Jimin apologize for the misunderstood.
Any other way, you loved your friends you hope the bond between the 8 of you are getting stronger day by day.
May I get my hug to?
Dang it.
Narrator felt attacked once again, then leave the room, your living room are just full by the sight of you and your friends hugging each other and Haechan who are bothering the shit out of Renjun.
The next thing you know Renjun and Haechan are playing the tag game, if Haechan get caught he's dead.
Chenle and Renjun already make up, they become buddy-buddy again, everyone are happy again, the big TV are showing the we bare bears.
Who cares if you are 20 or anything, cartoon is great, besides there are no specific age to watch a cartoon.
One day is done, narrator are waiting for the tray to pull down.
But it's never come. Heck.
Previous / Next.
A/N ;
This is trash thank you 😃
I dunno, it's just weird, but I need to upload it anyway, I'm short in ideas, I was thinking to write something but my hands don't want to make me do it 😒
This is cringe too.. I don't know? There's a lot of wasteful humor, I know how the drama is just too much but I'm desperate for some drama to unfold.
Anyway, thank you for all the like :" I just want to say how much I feel appreciated :" I love you guys thank you soo much.
Tag ;
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