#when you consider that i started this 8 weeks ago lol
navyinks · 23 days
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my exhibition submission for NMA's "Evolving Canvases: Art of Transformation". I chose to depict the myth of Apollo and Daphne; the original pose is inspired by Oona & Gage Brown's pair figure skating, and revised by referencing Bernini's sculpture.
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Artist notes, close ups and sketches below cut
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I learned a lot about composition and silhouetting from this piece. Of course, human anatomy is still a huge challenge for me. I really have to stop trying to paint human anatomy from imagination, it's hubris i tell you x'D
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look at my creepy little chuerbs lol xD i swear i used to be better at drawing babies x'D
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thanks for reading!!
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sen-ya · 1 month
Life After Master Post
Summary: Two years ago, a viral outbreak rose the dead. Considering how his life had gone up to this point, surgeon Trafalgar Law figured this might as well happen too. When a supply run into the nearby city gets intercepted by a seemingly reckless and impulsive former patient, the dependable routine Law had settled into in this new life shatters. He finds himself exposed — his body out in the infected landscape, his conscious clawing to define what he believes is right, his heart begrudgingly deciding to find a new home on his sleeve. Maybe there’s more than a virus roaming the new world that can bring a dead man back to life.
Content Warnings: Canon typical violence, zombies/body horror (but lbr I am not good at making scary things look scary)
Relationships: Luffy x Law
Update Schedule: New page every Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Page Count: [13 posted | 31 drawn]
Latest Update: [5/26/23] I got real caught up in doing summer of lawlu comics this week and this is the first week since the first week of April I haven't drawn new Life After pages and it feels weird 🙊
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[5/19/24] More Luffy backstory comin' this week! :^)
[5/12/24] Updating now so get myself on schedule to update on Sundays like I had been with my other comic master post!
[5/8/24] Thank you to everyone who's liked/reblogged/comment on the first few pages!! It means the world to me that anyone's reading my silly little comics.
[4/28/24] HULLO. It’s happeninnng. I’ve spent the last few weeks working on this comic, and I gotta make this post so I can start queuing pages & link this in them! This is the most like….legit? Comic endeavor I’ve undertaken perhaps….ever. I’m very nervous about committing to how long it will need to be lol. This story is dear to my heart — zombie content is kind of my very favorite. I’ve always found it to be a great backdrop for exploring themes like grief, coping with change, community, and learning to live again. It’ll be a long haul but I hope you’ll ride it out with me!! Tomorrow I’ll be posting the first two pages. After that a page will post every Monday/Wednesday/Friday. As of this post I’ve completed over 20 pages so that I have a good lead on what’s posting and continuing to write, so I’m hopeful that’s a cadence I’ll be able to maintain. I’ll update this post weekly to include the most recent pages the way I do with my main comics master post. All pages will be tagged 'Life After' and I'll tag any pages with zombies in them with 'zombie' for blacklisting etc.
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blackbirdie1234 · 5 months
The Strange Encounter
Paring: Embry Call x Reader!
Here is the link to part 2.
This is my first time writing a fan fic. If you guys like it let me know! I'm going to post part 2 very soon! Hope you enjoy :)
No warnings
Summary: You recently moved back to Forks after not being in the town since you were eight. When your old friend Jacob Black asks you to come to a party down at La Push you accept. What's the worst that could happen?
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It was a calm and cool fall day in Forks. You are helping your mom at the bookstore she owns. As you stock the shelves you look out the window and see a group of guys around your age walking. You recognize one of the faces "Oh my god, Mom is that Jacob Black?" you ask in shock. Your Mom comes over to you with a confused look on her face "Oh wow, yes it is honey" Your mom pauses for a moment and smiles "Well hasn't he grown" You look at her, she has a smug smile on her face "I almost didn't recognize him, he chopped all his hair off" you point out. "why don't you go out and say hello" your mom says with a grin. "I haven't seen him since I was 8 mom, he probably doesn't even recognize me, and take that smile off your face he definitely is not my type," you say as you both laugh, your mom walks away as you continue to stare out the window for a moment noticing a cute boy standing next to Jacob. You used to live in Forks when you were young and just recently moved back but you didn't have many friends besides Jacob, so you still consider yourself the new girl in town.
As you finish cleaning up the store you look down at your watch 6:00pm. "Oh shit, I gotta get going," you say to yourself. You grab your bag and your keys and lock up the store. From the distance you can hear a group of people laughing and talking loudly, you look up and see Jacob and his friends walking down the street coming towards you. You turn and start walking to your car not wanting to run into them, you aren't sure if Jacob remembers you and you can't decide if that's a good or a bad thing yet. As you are walking you hear your name being called 'Y/N?" you hear from behind you "shit" you think to yourself. You slowly turn around and see Jacob running up to you he has a big smile on his face and his thoughts are confirmed when you turn around "I knew it! I saw your mom coming out of the bookstore earlier and recognized her immediately, when did you get back in town?" he says with the smile still on his face you can see his friends in the distance talking amongst themselves, "Jacob, wow so good to see you" you say with an awkward smile "We moved back about a week ago, I figured your dad would have told you I'm pretty sure my dad and yours caught up a few days ago" you say with a bit of confusion "Yeah my dad and I haven't been talking much recently" Jacob says making the mood shift " Anyways your mom opened up a bookstore, that's so cool" He says obviously trying to change the topic "Yeah its always been a dream of hers so it's pretty nice we finally get to do it" you say smiling "Thats great, I'm really glad your back in town, hey my friends and I are planning on going down to La Push to have a bonfire, do you want to come? Maybe we can catch up?" he says looking at you eagerly. you hesitate for a moment thinking it over "Uh, yeah sure that sounds like fun" you say with a small smile "Great, come at any time we're heading out there in an hour" He says excitedly "Okay, I'll see you there" you say turning around and getting in your car not noticing the eyes on you as you drove away.
You're in your room getting ready, it's a chilly night so you throw on some jeans and a long-sleeved shirt with a zip-up jacket. After you finish getting ready you grab your keys and hop in your car. When you arrive at La Push you see the big fire in the sand and tons of people surrounding it. "Woah, I didn't think it would be that many people" you mumble to yourself, regretting saying yes. You get out of your car and see Jacob approaching "Hey! Glad you could make it, follow me" he says and you start walking together. He introduces you to a few people and you start talking with a guy named Quil, as you guys are talking another guy comes up to you. You realize it is the guy you saw earlier, as you make eye contact his face goes from smiling to completely awestruck. You stand there confused as he just stares at you for a moment before excusing himself and basically speed-walking to the house away from everyone. You turn and look at Quil confused "What's his problem" you ask genuinely Quil looks at you and tells you he will be right back before turning and walking to the house. You look around and lock eyes with Jacob, he walks over "What happened?" he asks me confused "I don't know, Quil and I were talking and then one of your friends walked up not even saying anything, and then ran to the house" a look of understanding crosses Jacobs face " I will be right back I promise" it seems like hours but it's more like a few minutes of sitting on one of the rocks watching the fire burn as everyone else is drinking and having a good time. You were about to stand and leave when Jacob came up to you "Hey, I'm sorry about that. He's just a little drunk don't worry about it. Everything is all good" Jacob says but you can tell something is off. Jacob still has the same lying face as he did when you were eight so you aren't easily convinced but decide to let it go. You and Jacob sit in awkward silence for a while until Quil comes back. "Hey, what are you guys talking about" Quil says in a much too cheery mood considering what just happened, "Nothing much, we're just enjoying the scenery" Jacob responds obviously trying to make it seem as though this isn't the weirdest interaction in the world. Out of the corner of your eye, you see someone walking up to you and turn your head, it is the same guy. "Hey guys" the man speaks to Jacob and Quil seeming perfectly fine now, with not even a hint of awkwardness, again acting like nothing happened. Suddenly, he turned to face you "I'm sorry about earlier, I don't know what got into me," he said a bit shy " I'm Embry, what's your name?" there was a spark in his eye as he spoke to you, like he already knew the answer, like he knew everything about you, like it was his life mission just to speak to you. "Don't worry about it, it happens," you say politely "My name is Y/N" his eyes perk up a bit at that. You don't know who he is and why he's acting so strangely but damn is he hot. Without your knowledge, Quil and Jacob left as you and Embry were talking. Now you were stuck, not that you minded having to talk to Embry, but something about him seemed off. "So I heard you just moved back here from (insert city/state name)?" Embry questioned "Yeah, My mom got her own bookstore and my dad got a new job that allows him to work from home so we decided to come back," you say as both of you start walking to a more secluded area of the beach "Are you happy to be back?" he says with a bit of hesitation, he's not trying to push any boundaries, it seems like he genuinely wants to get to know you "Yeah I'm pretty happy about it, I've always loved cold and rainy weather," you say making Embry laugh a bit "What?" you say looking at him with suspicion but a hint of amusement on your face "Nothing, nothing it's just not every day you hear someone actually enjoying that type of weather, it's my favorite too" he says blushing a bit as we come to a stop near the ocean. We've walked pretty far and we can only see the smoke from the fire rising above the rocks. "Y/N I need to tell you something," Embry says nervously.
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nozunhinged · 4 months
My Top 5 BL Kisses of Jan (& Feb) 24 + why
Okay, okayyyyy I'm doing this, no backing out. I offically accept that analyzing kisses takes up so much of my brainspace that I can write about it — so here it goes. I'M NOT HIDING ANYMORE BUT OWNING UP TO IT! (lol, chill)
Last year I complained that I didn't get a single perfect kiss since I started watching BL TV shows (until PhayaTharn turned up) and now we're not even a quarter into the new year and I already got FIVE I'm absolutely in AWE about!! FIVE!!
I don't know if it's the actors, directors or coaches who upped their game (probably all of them) but hot damn, all of these are beautiful.
And don't ask me why I'm into kiss-acting so much I have no fucking clue, my first guess is that it's an artform in itself to make this amazing, wonderful, intimate form of touching look as beautiful as it feels — bc let's be honest here, irl kissing rarely looks pretty no matter how great it is! So I think it's just dope when you can see this beauty translated on screen.
So I guess this is peak romance genre for me and with that being said, enough talking, lets get to the kissykissies!
5. TenPrem - Cooking Crush EP. 11
I have to be honest with you, I was a bit confused by the kissing in this show. The tippytoe kiss was cute as heck but we all saw how Off AND Gun awkwardly blinked because they probably had to stay like that for a looooong time. It took the whole magic out of the whole first-kiss-moment. Same with the forced in, reshot makeout-scenes. But the kiss in the kitchen? Looks like they FINALLY got to show what they got.
Ten gently pulling Prem closer, them smoothly moving against each other, Ten closing in even more, the slightly open-mouthed kiss with their lips perfectly caressing each other, Ten with a bit more force, Prem with a bit more heat resulting in the perfect mix...Loved it, mwah.
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4. PromNont - Playboyy EP. 12
They are my one Playboyy-couple where I'm like "if they don't end up married and running Playboyy together, starting the revolution of well-payed, insured and safe sex workers I'm gonna riot" even though I know this show will not end nicely for ANYONE.
Anyways, this kiss. Holy smokes they had so many good scenes but this one took the cake. Not just the sheer length of it (but still with perfect timing and breaks).
The slightest suck on Nonts upper lip, Prem literally making Nont sway, Nonts hidden desperation for Prom surfacing from his lips, them slowly but surely turning up the heat and last but not least, Prom grabbing Nonts face just to lean against him...UGH THEM!
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(I made those)
3. Myungha & Yeowoon - Love for Love's Sake EP 8
I know I'm not alone in how this show swept me off my feet and hit me right in the feels. But I've gotta say, this kiss hit completely different. Again they kissed for so long but not a single moment felt wasted. It felt like their whole story put in a single kiss. And — I mean that in the most loving and positive way possible — they kissed so amazingly gay. Do you know what I mean?!
There's just this level of love, care and happiness that only queer couples can convey. Sprinkled with a hint of tongue (I saw that Yeowoon 👀) — they absolutely nailed it.
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2. AlanJeff - Pit Babe EP. 11
The kiss that made me consider doing this post in the first place. I saw them and shouted THIS IS PERFECT just to realize that I did this a few weeks ago already and it made me spiral a little. In the best way possible because I felt truly blessed once again to have discovered the genre of BL in their golden era!
Because this right here is how you nail an open mouthed kiss my friends. Take notes BL producers. Put this in your textbooks! They both go at the same rythm (slow, careful but so, so loving JUST LIKE THEIR RELATIONSHIP UGH) and same level of touch so their lips caress each other perfectly. Furthermore, Alan knows exactly how to meet Jeff which is also a PERFECT EXTENSION OF HIS CHARACTER! Alan leads, Jeff follows but they meet perfectly and equally. TEN OUT OF TEN NO NOTES!
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1. PhayaTharn - The Sign EP. 9
I don't understand the meaning of the "Roman Empire"-thing but I think if I say they are mine, I am correct because they will be the end of me and that's what that means right? I may be biased AF but objectively speaking, this is just an insanely well acted-out scene, PERIOD! And we all know it's thanks to Billybabes out-of-this-world-chemistry!
Phayas desperation translated into this gorgeous lip-clash, so much yearning but softness at the same time but what really got to me was how Tharn immediately melted after their lips touched, how he immediately opened up to him and got completely overwhelmed by Phayas feelings. Chapeau to Babe for showing so much range in a single second. My favorite kiss of the whole series ❤️
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I also just realized all these kisses have one thing in common....hands on faces lol.
Well that was fun peeps, thanks if you made it until the end!
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morgana-larkin · 1 month
Alright peeps! So I took a look at the poll and saw that most of you wanted the second part of 'Don't Call Me That' the most so here it is! There's everything in this one, heartbreak, angst, smut and fluff. A bit of a rollercoaster so good luck!
On another note: I'm working on part 4 of 'Mine' as that was the second most voted on. I also realise the poll is still open for another 4 hours but idc, you can still vote though!
Don't Call Me That - Part 2
Warnings: Smut, angst, lots of fluff (Not in that specific order lol), happy ending
Words: 4.2k
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Melissa didn’t get any sleep last night. Everytime she closed her eyes, all she imagined was you kissing her, and nothing was on her mind except the thought of you saying you love her. You still love her, even after her breaking up with you.
Melissa walked into Abbott a little earlier, she needed extra caffeine considering she got 0 hours of sleep last night. She barely survived the day, not only from lack of sleep, but seeing you multiple times, and everytime all she thinks about is your lips on hers.
The next day she barely got any sleep, about 2 hours. The next day was the same. She thought that at least it was Friday and she could sleep in on Saturday. On Friday, everyone can clearly see the bags under her eyes as they’ve darkened over the week, and the way she can barely stay awake. Melissa thinks that it’s good her students have a test to do today and a book report coming up, and a couple other things she can get them to do instead of teaching.
At the end of the day, you go to walk to your car and you pass by Melissa’s classroom and you can see her asleep at her desk. You walk in and you see there’s no one else there, so you walk over to her and shake her a bit. “Melissa?” you say and she groans but doesn’t wake. “Melissa!” You just about yell and she opens her eyes but doesn’t move her head. You kneel down to her level and look at her. “Hey, saw you sleeping, you ok?” you ask her and she looks at you with the saddest eyes you’ve ever seen.
“Am I dreaming?” she asks you and you tilt your head.
“What makes you think you’re dreaming?” you ask her.
“Because you’re here, you wouldn’t talk to me otherwise. If I was awake then you would just avoid me because I’m an idiot.” she says and you look down and sigh.
“Ok, come on. I’ll drive you home and then you can continue dreaming ok?” you tell her and help guide her up from her chair. You take her purse with you and help guide her to your car, as well as buckle herself in as she didn’t have the strength to do it herself. “Why have you been so tired this week?” You ask as you get in the driver’s seat and start the car.
“Because I’m being haunted by my stupidity.” She says and you snort, you then back out of the parking spot and pull out of the parking lot.
“What stupidity have you done?” You ask her.
“Breaking up with my girlfriend, Y/n.” She tells you and you then realise she has no idea where she is and might still think she’s dreaming. You know you probably shouldn’t but this might be your chance to figure out what’s really going on with her.
“Why was that a stupid decision?”
“Because I still love her so much. All I think about when I try to sleep is her kissing me or her saying she loves me. I can’t do this anymore, I need her.” She says and a few tears slip. “I’ve barely slept these past 4 days, I probably got no more than 8 hours of sleep combined. I’ve barely eaten as well. I broke up with her 3 months ago and I was still able to sleep and eat, I don’t know what changed.” She says and you think about it, you should probably help her out.
“Do you feel guilty all of a sudden?” And she lets out an airy laugh.
“I’ve felt guilty ever since I thought I should break up with her?”
“Ok, so not that then. What about the fact that she told you she loves you?” You ask her and she doesn’t say anything. “Maybe you thought her feelings for you would disappear when you broke up with her cause you thought that she would just find someone else?” You tell her and she still doesn’t say anything. You thought maybe she fell asleep so you glance over at her and she’s still awake. “Melissa?” You say and she looks up at you. “Did you really break up with me because you thought I should be with someone else?” You ask her and she sighs.
“Ya.” she says and takes a deep breath. “I was holding you back from everything you’ve wanted so I let you go so I wouldn’t be in the way because I love you and I want you to be happy, even if I had to watch someone else make you happy and give you what you want.” she tells you and her eyes slowly close and she falls asleep.
The rest of the car ride, you think about what she said. You’re honestly surprised by what she said. She thought she was doing something selfless for you, but instead just ended up hurting you both, she never meant to hurt you so much. And now you see the toll it’s taken on her to stick to her decision to try and make you happy. She’s willing to sacrifice her happiness for yours, you never thought anyone would do that for you.
As soon as you pull into her driveway, you gently wake her up. “Come on Melissa, you’re home, we should gotta get you to your bed and you can sleep comfortably, ok?” You tell her and she nods. She unbuckles herself but can’t open the door fully so you do that for her. You unlock her door with her key and you help bring her inside. You set her keys and purse at the door and you close and lock her door while she attempts to take her shoes off. You end up helping her with her shoes when she falls down and you help her back up and to her room. She falls on the bed when you get there and then you tuck her in, you go to leave after but she grabs your arm and you turn to face her.
“Will you stay with me?” She asks softly and you sigh.
“Ok, but only until you fall asleep.” You tell her and she nods. You get on the bed but stay on the covers instead of under and she wraps an arm around you. You admit that you do miss this and you miss her and her craziness. You turn around to face her and she’s still awake and looking at you.
“I do want you back, y/n.” She tells you and strokes your hair.
“What’s stopping you?” You ask her and she yawns and is slowly closing her eyes.
“The fact that you won’t be happy with me.” She says and falls asleep. You stay looking at her stunned and go over everything she’s told you, thinking that you weren’t you or she was dreaming. You then slowly crawl out from her hold on you and you replace it with a pillow so she doesn’t wake up.
A few hours later Melissa wakes up. She opens her eyes and realises she’s in her bed and has no idea what happened this week that well as she’s been so tired that the whole week has been a blur. She looks at her phone and sees that it’s 5:43pm and it’s Friday. She gets out of bed and hears some noises downstairs, she then grabs her bat and carefully goes downstairs. She gets to the middle of the stair when she sees you on the couch watching tv and she tilts her head and stares for a few seconds. She then continues down the stairs and you look over at her and chuckle.
“Were you planning on hitting me with a bat? You were friendlier when you were falling in and out of consciousness.” You tease her and she looks confused. “Do you remember anything from the end of the day to how you got home?” You ask her and she stares at you then shakes her head. “I found you asleep at your desk and then I drove you home. If you want I can drive you to the school parking lot to get your car and then go home.” You tell her, you don’t want to scare her if what she said while on the verge of sleep was true.
“You drove me home?” She tells you and you nod. “W-why?”
“Because I want to make sure you didn’t fall asleep at the wheel or stay at school overnight.” You simply say. “I bet you’re hungry since you also haven’t been eating, so I made you some mac n’ cheese.” You tell her and you go and get it.
“How do you know I haven’t been eating?” She asks when you reappear with a bowl.
“Cause you told me.” You tell her when you hand it to her and sit back on the couch. “Come sit.” You say as you pat the couch cushion.
“I wouldn’t tell anyone that.” She tells you as she obeys and goes to sit beside you on the couch.
“Wow you really don’t remember anything you told me.” You say and she freezes as she was about to take a bite.
“What do you mean?” She asks and takes a bite of the food.
“I mean we had a whole conversation while you kept falling asleep. In your classroom, my car and here, at your house.”
“What did I tell you?” She asks and prepares for the worst.
“Now I don’t want you to get freaked out ok? Cause you had no idea where you were or who I really was.” You tell her and that makes her feel worse.
“Y/n. What did I tell you.”
“You told me that you still love and miss me and you want me back.” You say and her eyes go wide. “You also told me the whole reason you let me go.” You add and she drops her fork. “And why you haven’t been sleeping, and you confessed that you’ve also barely ate in the past 4 days.” You finish and she’s just staring at you. After about 10 seconds she gets up and walks to the kitchen with her mac n’ cheese and you follow after her. She puts the bowl on the counter without much thought and she puts her hands in her hair. “Melissa?” You say to get her attention and she turns around looking scared and concerned. “What’s going on with you?”
“With me? It’s the fact that you weren’t supposed to know anything that I told you.” She tells you and she’s breathing hard like she’s on the verge of either a breakdown or lots of tears.
“Why? Because I’m just supposed to be happy with someone else as you suffer?” You tell her.
“YES!” She shouts and then looks surprised when she catches up with what you told her and what she confessed. “Since I already told you then I might as well say it. All those things that you want, you won’t get with me. But you will with someone else, someone else who wants to get married, have a family with you, wants to go out and be young and stupid with you. I don’t want those things anymore, and yes I do love you very much and do want you back. But I’m willing to put aside my happiness, if it means you get everything you want.” She tells you and you burst into tears, she immediately wraps her arms around you and hugs you. Your knees buckle and she guides you both to the floor gently and she keeps her arms around you the whole time. When you get to the floor, you place your head on her chest and she brings a hand to your head and strokes it soothingly.
You slow your crying down and sniffle a few times before you speak. “I don’t deserve you. You’re willing to give me everything at the expense of your own happiness. I really don’t deserve you.” You tell her.
“No, it’s me who doesn’t deserve you. You have been the bestest friend to me for 2 years before we got together, and after we got together you have shown me the best of love and care that I could ever ask for.” She tells you, and you look up at her and immediately kiss her. She automatically kisses you back before she has time to think. Once her brain catches up to what she’s doing, she doesn’t have the willpower to pull away, she used it all trying to stay away from you. Before she can register what she’s doing, she leans forward, bringing you back until you hit the floor of the kitchen. You make out on the kitchen floor for a good minute until you both pull away for air and you look at each other. Melissa suddenly is aware of what she did and she gets up before you could stop her and she scurries to the living room, you run after her.
“Melissa, would you stop running away from me!” You tell her and she’s turned away from you with her head down.
“You should leave y/n.” Is all she says and you walk up to her and spin her around.
“If you want me to leave then tell me while looking at me.” You say and she raises her eyes to your face and she’s crying.
“I can’t.” She says and you put your hands on her cheeks and wipe the tears away.
“Melissa, I want to be with you. If being with you means that I don’t get married, have kids or go to the bar every now and then with you then so be it. Because I’m only wanting to marry the right person, and that person is you. So if I’m with you or not, I’m not getting married. I don’t need kids to feel fulfilled, or to be able to say I have a family. I mean we can always get a pet like a dog, but you’re all the family I need. And I can go to the bars with my friends and be young and stupid with them from time to time if I really want.” You tell her and she starts crying even more.
“You shouldn’t have to sacrifice everything just to be with me.”
“Melissa, it’s not a sacrifice if what I’m getting is a life with you.” You tell her and you kiss her. Melissa immediately pulls back and looks at you, her hands on your head.
“Are you sure? You have to be 100% sure y/n.” She tells you and you think it over for all of 2 seconds and you nod your head.
“I’m 100% sure, I want to be with you Melissa.” You tell her and she smiles.
“I want to be with you too.” She says and this time she goes to kiss you. The kiss deepens and you start putting your hands all over her and you think you want to touch her skin and she’s wearing too much clothes, so you put your hands under her shirt. Melissa immediately pulls her shirt off so you can touch her and you unclip her bra and take it off. She’s always been the dominant one but at this moment, all you want to do is kiss her all over, so you walk forward until her back hits a wall and you go down to her neck and kiss and suck all over and she’s gasping under you. You then travel down to her chest and leave kisses all over until you attach your mouth to her nipples and start to suck and lick them. 
She’s bucking her hips under you and you know she’s not far away from pulling all her clothes off herself and guiding you inside of her. You’re working on her second nipple when she pushes you off and guides you to your knees. You go immediately into submissive like always and you pull her pants and underwear off. Melissa leans back against the wall and spreads her legs a little further so you can put your mouth there.
You attach your mouth to her clit and she starts bucking her hips right away and you pin her to the wall. Her hands go to your hair and she’s gasping and moaning at your touch. “Oh god, Y/n, that feels so good baby.” She says and when you know she’s getting close, you pull away and stand up. You push your body into hers and immediately insert two fingers in her and put your thumb on her clit. “God Y/N, I missed you so much.” She says and kisses you. She’s so close as she starts shaking but she doesn’t pull away from your lips like she usually does, you aren’t complaining though, you missed her as well and you’re enjoying kissing her again.
She comes not long after she starts shaking but you don’t stop, you keep fingering her and circling her clit and she lets out a high pitched gasp. “Oh god baby, yes, omg, don’t stop.” She says as she pulls away from your lips and gives into the over sensitivity.
She comes again not too long after the first and then you withdraw your fingers and put them in your mouth to lick them. She looks at you as you lick your fingers and you moan and that’s when she takes action. She picks you up and brings you to the couch, you’re so glad that she decided to remove the plastic as this wouldn’t be comfortable. She put you so you’re sitting in the middle with your back resting on the back of the couch. She starts kissing and sucking your neck and pulls your shirt off. She unclips your bra and yanks it off  right after then immediately brings her mouth to a nipple. You’re moaning and gasping under her and she smiles as she’s so happy that she’s back with you, she’s fully aware of how lucky she is right now and she won’t take it for granted. She takes more time on your nipples then she usually does and your patience is running thin as you’re dripping wet and you have a strong ache between your legs. 
“Melissa, please, I need you inside of me, please.” You tell her and she pulls back from your chest and smiles at you. She gives a quick kiss on your lips then leaves a trail of kisses from your chest all the way to the top of your pants. She quickly removes your pants and underwear, spreads your legs, leaves a few kisses on each thigh and then attaches her mouth to your entrance. You gasp as soon as her hot wet tongue is where you need her the most and she starts moving her tongue all over your entrance before entering her tongue in you. You moan as she starts sliding her tongue in and out of you and you're holding onto her hair for dear life. You start grinding into her mouth to try and get more friction so you can come and for once she lets you keep doing it, normally she would pin you down when you start grinding. Even in the middle of amazing pleasure, that fact is not lost on you, you notice it immediately then start to think of everything else she’s done differently. 
She kept kissing you when she was about to come and even when she came, when she usually pulls away as you love to hear her when she comes. She let you keep fingering her after she came and it seemed like she needed it as well, she only lets you make her come once as she usually ends up grinding your thigh when fingering you as she loves to watch you and it turns her on. She spent more time on your nipples then she usually does, to the point that you begged her to continue, and now letting you grind against her mouth. You put it all together and came to the conclusion, she’s letting you do whatever you want and making sure you feel good as she feels guilty. You reluctantly pull her mouth away and she looks at you confused,
“What is it baby?” She asks and her lips and chin is covered in your juices.
“Stop doing things differently, you don’t have to feel guilty ok. I feel really special about why you did what you did. No one has ever been willing to sacrifice their own happiness for mine.” You tell her and she smiles shyly.
“Of course, I’d do anything for you.” She tells you and you lean in closer to her.
“Then stop fucking me differently and start being yourself again.” You tell her and something flickers in her eyes before she pushes your head back to lean on the back of the couch then dives down to your clit and starts licking and sucking on it. Your fingers are still in her hair and you start grinding against her again, but this time she does pin your hips down. Then she does something she’s never done before, she snakes her hands around your hips and hooks her hands on your ass then pulls you up a bit and that gives her a perfect angle with your clit and you gasp her name out as you come.
She then immediately comes up and positions herself so her clit is on your thigh and she slides a finger in you and you moan as she starts sliding it in and out of you slowly. She then adds two more fingers and starts going faster while her thumb is on your clit and she brings her mouth near your ear.
“Unfortunately the strap is upstairs and I don’t have the patience to go get it, so we’ll have to make do with my fingers.” she says then adds a fourth and you cry out.
“OH MY GOD!!” You cry out as she fills you up with her fingers then her mouth goes to your neck and so much pleasure is coursing through you right now and you feel like moving but her grinding on your thigh is preventing you from doing that. So you do something else that will help stabilise you, you put your hands on her boobs and squeeze them. You don’t feel like that’s enough so you wrap an arm around her back and pull her into you more.
“Ooo” She says as she’s caught off guard by your actions. You come again about 5 seconds later and she doesn’t stop, she just keeps going until you come again and again and then you pull her away.
“Melissa, I can’t take anymore.” You tell her and she nods and gently pulls each finger out at a time. 
“Sorry I got lost in the moment.” She tells you and you smile but your body is shaking from the amount of times you came. She notices and then goes to your side and brings you both to lay down while she cuddles you to give your body the chance to calm down. You turn around in her arms then nuzzle your head on her neck and chest and she holds you tighter. “It’s ok baby, I got you, and I don’t plan on going anywhere again.” She tells you and you only nod as you’re falling asleep. She notices that you fell asleep and she gently strokes your hair. “I promise I won’t leave you again.” She whispers to you. “I won’t make that mistake again.” She says and presses a kiss to your forehead.
*3 years later*
You and Melissa are both standing in front of the house as you unlock it then Melissa grabs your waist before you walk in and she pushes the door open.
“What are you doing Mel?” You ask her as you’re smiling at her and she smiles at you.
“Well shouldn’t I carry my bride across the threshold?” She asks you and then picks you up bridal style and you let out a small squeal and then she carries you inside then gently puts you down. She wraps her arms around your waist and you lean into her touch and she puts lays her chin on your shoulder. You both then hold out your left hands and smile at the ring on both your third finger.
Melissa kisses your neck and then your puppy comes running in and Kristen Marie running after her. You and Melissa decided to adopt a little puppy a few months ago and you both are really happy with your lives now. Melissa re-thought her decision about getting married and proposed to you a year and a half ago, much to your surprise. Then you both agreed on adopting a dog and Melissa named her Bella. Kristen Marie takes Bella out one more time before leaving her with you guys. 
“Are you still alright with the fact that we got married?” You ask her.
“Oh, it’s more than alright baby. Cause I got to marry you, my happily ever after.” She tells you and you both kiss.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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kiefbowl · 3 months
hi! do you have any advice for negotiating a higher salary? i think the job i was hired to do a few months ago deserves a better pay but idk how to go about asking for it
This is so spooky I was literally thinking about making a post about asking for more money this morning. you must have been listening to my thoughts lol
Yeah, I have some advice, but keep in mind that different companies and industries might have little quirks I'm not aware of, take these points as very broad advice you might want to adapt for your own personal situation:
If you company does any kind of raise schedule (as an example: every year on your anniversary you are entitled to a 1-3% raise based on performance) - if you're about 8-12 weeks until that time, try to hold out until after you get that raise. I only suggest this because almost all companies will tell you the raise you negotiated takes over as your new raise schedule, so this is really just to get more money in the long run. The 8-12 weeks benchmark is just a suggestion to try to keep your request to negotiate and your scheduled raise in different financial quarters, which might help.
Have a clear goal of what you're asking for. Clear doesn't mean "super specific" but it can. At minimum, have the number you're going to be asking for. What's probably better though is to have the number you're going to be asking for if nothing else changes, and what more you'd be willing to do for even more money than that.
Only answer questions that are asked, only provide information as needed. You can start the conversation by saying "I'm coming to you requesting a raise" and let them respond to that. You can say things like "My duties have expanded including xyz" and you can say things like "I think my skillset is valuable" and "I think I provide x value to the company because of y reasons," but don't just launch into a spiel about what you think you deserve without seeing how they react first.
Talk in numbers. Just get straight to the point when they ask how much. Have a number for the amount per year if salary/amount per hour if hourly, plus convert that number into the percentage raise it would be. Asking for 20% more is a big ask, you know what I'm saying? Even if it's fair on the market for you industry, if they're paying that low from the market it means it's built into their business plan and you might want to consider a different company. and if they set a precedent with giving you 20%, they don't have much to stand on when you go tell all your buddies and they start asking for 20%. And if that's the situation at your company, at that point, you might wanna consider just unionizing instead lol.
It's good to consider the other guy on the other side of the table when you're negotiating. People give you things you want if you're considerate of the things they want. Some things to keep in mind that might be on your boss's plate: annual budgets, quarterly budgets, hiring quotas, hiring freezes, established pay structures decided by powers that be way above them that they have no control over, the fact that they will have to take your request to their boss and/or HR to get approval...like speak intelligently to these concerns as best you can. And be in a quid pro quo mindset. The argument is either "I already do this incredibly valuable thing you don't want to lose so give me more money or I will stop doing this by going elsewhere" or "I will do even more incredible value you don't want to lose if you give me more money, or I will do nothing by going elsewhere." Focus on what do they get and what do they lose if you don't get what you want. Except in professional parlance :)
Have confidence that you have every right to just ask. You are not some shit covered indentured peasant speaking to your god appointed king. You are a human person who is allowed to have adult conversations with other adults. If you can keep that confidence of "I'm just an adult having a normal conversation" it'll keep you on track and not get swayed into whatever tangets your boss my hem and haw on. Short, sweet, and to the point as best as possible.
Your boss is probably not fantastic at negotiating because almost no one is. So don't even sweat it. Ambush them a little, be polite, lay it on the table, then ask them what's next. If they seem to be hesitant, weird, put off...you could read malicious evil intent into it, but they're probably just woefully under-prepared and might flail a bit as some distraction. Just be like "Well, we can table this and I'll follow up with you on Friday" if it really seems like they can't get nail down an answer, or if you know they have to talk to their higher up anyway.
You might just get it. It might be the easiest thing you've ever done. I've countered and gotten exactly what I've wanting in 0.005 seconds flat. That's always a bit bittersweet because you just know you could have asked for more lol. Your boss might already have numbers at the ready for when people ask for raises, they just need people to ask. If you're company is doing well and pulling in good revenue, you will probably have a very easy conversation. So go get 'em.
Most importantly, show them your switchblade have fun and just be yourself!!!
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nicascurls · 19 days
I saw your post about the Chucky Twitter thing and I honestly think everything happening over there Is such bullshit. Shit like this Is why I deactivated my Twitter account a few years ago
As for the whole “Lexy automatically getting clean at rehab within a month” thing. I think that's very weird too because, as you said, rehab takes a lot longer than a damn month.
Hell, I literally have four Chucky OC's and I recently wrote In that one of them had a past addiction after his Mom died and then he was sent to Incarnate Lord at the start of his addiction. I literally wrote In that It took him a whole YEAR to get completely clean with the help of Nadine! And even then, he didn't go to rehab AND he had multiple relapses throughout that year. Hell, he still has Impulses to do so every now and again!
My whole point on this Is how Is It that I, someone who doesn't consider herself a professional writer and does roleplay and fanfiction for fun, can write a semi-more accurate depiction on how healing from addiction works rather than an older man who does consider himself a professional?
Right. I did end up ranting, and I didn't mean to, lol. I literally only lurk on Twitter for updates on the show since it's the quickest way for me.
And absolutely. I thought it seemed odd when it was mentioned in season two. I am by no means an expert, but it literally took me a quick Google search to find out that most programs last about 6-8 weeks and that isn't counting relapses or anything like that.
Like I said before, I don't expect the show to be completely serious. One of my favourite things about the franchise is the comedy, and that applies to the show as well. But if Don wants to add serious plots like Lexy's addiction, I think that does need to be treated seriously and properly researched.
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Petals (Roy!Sibling x Connor Roy)
Character/s: Connor, Shiv, Roman, Logan, Willa, Marcia
Word Count: 1,315
Requested: hello! is it okay if i request more roy baby sibling and connor? i’d like to see them asking connor to dance at shiv’s wedding (or maybe even at his wedding?)! thank you :) - anon
Requested: your younger roy sibling hcs have been rotting my brain recently and now im imagining 8 year old them making a drawing for connor's birthday that is them holding hands with big hearts and "wish you were my daddy" written in big kid letters (probably with spelling mistakes) and connor just like. sobbing when he reads it. i feel like hed be such a big father role to a significantly younger sibling (i personally imagine them and roman having a around 10 year gap, so thats probably like ~35 years of different between them and connor). and we all know what a shitty dad logan is/was, so i can see younger sibling calling connor after some big fight with logan and crying while begging him to pick them up and let them live with him and it breaks his heart cause logan would never let it happen and he tried but couldnt protect ken and shiv and rome and he just wishes he could at least protect his baby sib but he just cant and it kills him. anyway happy thursday thought haha roy family brainrot - @fromirkwood
Inspired By: Petals on the Moon by Wasia Project
Tag: @locke-writes
A/N: I know the second one wasn't exactly a request, but I couldn't get it out of my head!!! Big Bro Connor is my absolute favorite!! I hope this doesn't rot in your brain too long my love lol. I just couldn't get it out of my head, especially when it was combined with the other request!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Time is a thief, at least that’s what he thinks when he looks at you, spinning with your sister on the dance floor. Your smile is so bright, so wide, your cheeks flushed. You drank too much, no doubt it was Roman refilling your glass without your notice. The song picks up speed, picks up in joy, and you break out into laughter, you and Shivy. It’s as if you’re in your own world and only she’s in it. You spin and jump and sing along, your niece and nephew beside you and the bride. He hasn’t seen you this electric, this alive, so much like your old self, in weeks. Connor considered himself lucky to be able to watch, to bear witness. Just moments ago you were a baby, doodling with your thick crayons, mistakenly calling him Dad instead of Logan. Only recently had he learned that's who he was in your phone, Dad, that Logan was simply Logan. Years pass, but so little changes. He still had all your fathers day cards stashed away, hidden before your real father caught what you were doing. Stick figures, one tall, one small, hand in hand surrounded by flowers and butterflies and other bugs. Happy Fathers Day Connor. Your uppercase letters always slanted, crooked, his name spelled with one N instead of two. It wasn’t long until his figure started sprouting gray hair, graying far earlier than anyone else in the family, and yours grew taller every year. Connor feared you might have forgotten about him, that you were getting too old to need your eldest brother like your siblings had, but you proved him wrong after that night. 
You hadn’t even wanted to go to the wedding. It was so bad. Whatever was said and done remained a mystery. You wouldn’t tell him, tell anyone, just that it was bad. He’d gone with Willa to pick something out for you, knowing you left the house with nothing. You refused to try it on, to come out of the spare bedroom. It wasn’t until the day before when they were getting ready to leave, accepting that there was no way you were going, did you come out with your outfit packed. You weren’t going to miss Shiv's big day because of him, you declared, and it was settled. He couldn’t contain his excitement, grinning from ear to ear. Letting her down, letting him down, just because of your old man, it seemed like a cruel punishment. You sat beside him in the plane, his hand on your knee, trying to disregard the dread in your chest. They’d all heard about your big blow out, they all wanted to know, going to Connor first instead of you. You were the closest, you told him everything. When he had nothing to say, when all he could offer was a warning, it said something, something more than he was expecting: whatever happened got to you. It genuinely hurt you. They imagined the worst, unsure of what to do. He was at a loss, too. Your father could say and do as he pleased, you’d always been the best at ignoring him, especially when he was in one of his moods, but this time? This time was different. It stung more than all of the other fights you’d had with him, and there were some memorable ones. Never had you yelled back like that, never had you stormed out in a fury, never had you sobbed to your brother like that on the phone. This wasn’t the kind of thing that would go away on its own. It wouldn’t heal with time. 
He could almost forget the crack in your voice as he watched you now. That sad, crying child looked so different from the young adult on the dance floor. Eventually you came over to him, asking him to dance. As if on cue, a slower song came on. This was far different than the last time you danced together. You stood on his shoes, swaying, giggling that high pitched giggle, the one that made his heart melt. You were so little then, so tiny, he was scared to let go. Now you swayed on your own, your arms around him as if you’re scared he’ll flee, your face buried into his chest. Thank you for letting me stay with you. It came out mumbled, muffled, but he understood. Anytime, kiddo. You’re a pleasure to have. Your eyes were big when you looked up at him, as if trying to decipher if he was telling the truth or not. His smile, so reassuring, told you he meant it. I’m sorry about Pops. you shook your head, not wanting to hear his name, not wanting your brother to carry the guilt for him. If he was going to apologize you were going to hear it from him. Not anyone else. Connor spent the entire night putting distance between the two of you, becoming your human shield. Logan, it seemed, had completely forgotten about the whole ordeal, kissing Shiv, saying hello to your brothers, like nothing was amiss. They each shared a glance, all looking to Connor for help, for guidance, just like they had when they were little. He knew what he had to do. How bad was it, kiddo? He asks. Bad. It’s all you can say without upsetting yourself all over again. 
He called you his greatest failure. Spineless. A mistake. You don’t remember how it started, only that you were bleeding out on the floor before him and he refused to put the knife down. A plague to the Roy name, a curse, a bad seed. You never should have been born. A loser. Incompetent. He’s not sure where you came from, but you are certainly not his. You should be smarter, work harder, but instead you are nothing, you are nobody. No one has ever or will ever love you. It hits you so hard, so forcefully, it knocks the wind out of you. He means it, he means every word, but especially that. That’s what kills you, that’s what makes the tears slip down your cheeks. That’s not true, you try to spit back, but he’s not listening and you’re crying, and you’re proving him right. He keeps talking. You can’t hear it, though. You’re gone. You’ve retreated into yourself, so far back he cannot possibly get you. You stand there, unmoving, as he gets in your face. No one has or will ever love you. No one has or will ever love you. It plays on loop, again and again until you cannot breathe. Finally you back away, you run from him, slamming each door behind you. Marcia calls out to you, hearing what went down, but nothing can stop you. Through the busy sidewalks, sobbing uncontrollably, you call him. You can’t repeat what he said, you still can’t. You know that would make him furious, all of them, and it is not their burden to carry. A quiet fear has settled in the back of your mind: what if he’s right? 
If he knew, if Connor knew, he would have killed his father. No one said that to his baby, no one ever dared talk to you that way. But he doesn’t, and he never will. You have vowed to yourself that neither him nor your other siblings will know, for fear that they might agree with him. That they’ll show you he’s right. Instead they watch you carefully, ready to intervene should that be necessary. You hold on to him tight long after the song ends, not wanting to let go, to be alone with Logan's words. Connor doesn’t mind at all. He’s his happiest when his siblings need him, when you need him. He’ll always be there to rescue you. Always. It’s his job, you’re his greatest love. You all are.
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daniel-profeta · 1 year
top 10 songs of all time?
Changes everyday, but in no particular order some of my more consistent favorites are:
The front bottoms - Twin Sized Mattress
Car Seat headrest - Kimochi Warui *so many options here, but to pick one from this band...*
Tool - Lateralus
The Mountain Goats - Best Ever Death Metal Band Out of Denton
Phoebe Bridgers - I Know the End
Elliott Smith - King's Crossing
AJJ - People II The Reckoning
At this point I started to think harder about the songs that have meant the most to me throughout my life and as I've gotten older. For example, I like a lot of Bright Eyes songs more than First day, but that song has had way more impact on me. I play it all the time, the lyrics are permanently imprinted in my mind, and to me it's one of the most beautiful and vulnerable love songs ever written. With that in mind more and more "important" songs started coming to mind.
8. Alex G - Forever 9. Bright Eyes - First Day of My Life 10. Johnny Hobo - New Mexico Song
Now I have ten, that was easy.
I remembered that one Demarco song that makes me cry everytime I hear it. Got to include that. How many times have I listened to the Glow pt 2 during the summer? How could I leave off something from Porcupine Tree, the band that I once considered my favorite band of all time? So I kept going, through names and bands that I collect like emotional trophies, not wanting to leave anything out. They all mean so much, it's honestly pathetic. I used to hyperfixate on things like Zelda and Star Wars, then I found this shit and my brain chemistry has been altered ever since.
11. Mac Demarco - Moonlight on the River 12. Mitski - Texas Reznikoff 13. The Microphones - I Want the Wind to Blow 14. Pigeon Pit - Nights like These 15. Radiohead - Exit Music 16. The Crane Wives - Never Love an Anchor
Funny how quickly a song can feel like home. That Crane Wives song technically shouldn't even be here, I only heard it for the first time a few weeks ago. Yet maybe listening to it 30 times since qualifies it for consideration. Phoebe Bridgers has a lyric in one of her songs about wishing she had written something instead of the original artist, but she can't cause they said it first. So instead she'll learn their song and sing until the feverish inspired feeling fades away in a voyeuristic catharsis.
I think about that line constantly. Also quickly want to mention here that I'm more of an album guy. I try to listen to full records to try an experience the full piece of art the creator made. So while no song off The Downward Spiral is on my list of favorite songs, that was and is one of the most impactful albums to me as a teenager.
17. Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere but not Here 18. XTC - Dear God 19. Wilco _ I am trying to break your heart 20. NIN - Burn 21. Lucy Dacus - Night Shift 22. Haley Heynderickx - Oom Sha La La 23. Swans - New Mind
Swans was hard, because there were a few songs that meant a lot to me. But ultimately there wasn't one more visceral or frankly more evil sounding than New Mind. Love the themes, love the singing style, love the backing yells, love the industrial outro, love the faint organ, love everything about that damn song.
The list kept getting longer, and for each song I was writing a paragraph to explain my choice lol. After the first like 15 I decided to stop doing that for the sake of your eyes and for risk of sounding redundant. But a major thing I love about some of these songs are how inspirational they are. Twin Sized Mattress, Denton Metal Band, Story of an Artist, they all paint a picture of the type of person I want to be. The type of art I will always support. The thing I hope to one day inspire in other people.
When you punish a person for dreaming their dream don't expect them to thank or forgive you. The best ever death metal band out of Denton, will in time both outpace and outlive you.
Those words could honestly save someone's life, it's crazy.
24. A Perfect Circle - Three Libras 25. Deftones - Rosemary 26. Frank Ocean - Ivy 27. November Suite - The Tower 28. Daniel Johnston - Story of an Artist 29. Sloppy Jane - Jesus and Your Living Room Floor 30. Big Thief - Not 31. Tyler the Creator - Boredom 32. Duster - The Landing 33. The Velvet Underground - Sunday Morning 34. The Voidz - Human Sadness 35 - 108. System of a Down - (every song) 109. Death Grips - Beware
Okay, threw these and now dozens more names are crowding my brain, and this incredibly pretentious post must come to an end. Long story short, I only have one song left to share, but each of these song has a very personal connection to me. Certain ones (like that tool song) actually changed the way I look at the world and helped me through dark periods of my life.
Many of them inspire me, some of them are just beautiful in a broken and real sorta way, and all of them feel human. The art represents something bigger than itself and the ambition knows no bounds. These songs changed my world for the better, and if you read this you are now obligated to listen to all of them.
I could ramble about music till the end of time:)
finally 110. 100 Gecs - Money Machine
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casquecest · 1 month
Thanks for inquiring after me, @forestdeath1 and @nodirectionhome-ao3 x
My middle name is my great-great grandparents' surname. They immigrated from Vevey, Vaud, Switzerland around 1850. My mum and one of my nieces also have it as a middle name, and if I ever have a kid -- regardless of gender -- they'll have it as well. I used to hate it when I was a kid because no one where I grew up could either spell or pronounce it correctly, but now I love it.
I don't know exactly. I know I got drunk and listened to Beethoven a few weeks ago, so it was probably then. I find it cathartic, and will do it on occasion just for that release.
I tend to be rather dry as opposed to sarcastic.
I'm reading this as asking which sports I've done in an official competitive setting outside of gym class, in which case, I've competed in: dance (ballet and tap); gymnastics; softball; basketball; orienteering; swimming; marathoning (and other road races); and I shoot pool. I, um, love sports.
Probably their hair and general countenance.
¿Por qué no los dos?
I like scary movies, I enjoy happy endings, but what I really can't resist is a tragedy.
I can dislocate my shoulders and belch on command. I've got a pretty good head for facts and figures and do pretty well at trivia. I also do well at karaoke and drawing, and just generally being a consummate badass 😎.
St Louis, Missouri, USA.
I love puzzles!! Crosswords are my favourite, and have been since my grandmother taught me how to do them when I was little, but I also love jigsaw puzzles, word puzzles, rebuses, cryptoquips, sudokus, etc. You name it, I probably want to solve it. I also love travelling (I pretty much just save my money to travel), drawing, reading, running my mouth, pool (like billiards, not like beach), and going to restaurants and playing critic (I do this with breweries as well, but not as often). I love trying new things. I'll get too bored otherwise. I also just like wandering around.
Not currently. Fishies would be relaxing. If I ever move to a larger place where I'd have space for a decent-sized tank, I'd look into having fish again.
I had some smartass answer in my head when I sat down to start answering these questions, but it's left me now. Trust me, it was terribly clever and witty.
History and Human Anatomy and Physiology. I also adored Geography in middle school (it wasn't offered as a class in my district past that point, which is a real shame).
As many others have said, I do not dream of labour. I just want to explore and be paid for it, lol. I did just apply for a job with a major airline, so, hopefully, that pans out as the position pays well enough and there are travel perks.
Being a pathologist would be wicked cool and suit me as well. Medical mysteries are just another puzzle.
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I call it slate.
I'm just going to tag a few people, but if you want to do this as well, consider yourself tagged =D
@tvnacity @thelighthousestale @wendibird @rodiniaorzetalthepenquin @mariekavanagh @artemisia-black @avocado-moon @ladymalchav @casinthegarden @sl-walker @padfootswhiskers
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mejomonster · 1 year
How did you learn Chinese, like did you use a specific program like Duolingo or did you take classes? How hard was it to read Priest's novels with where you were at in your language learning journey? I want to get back into learning (been wanting to since I watched The Untamed,) but I gave up about 8 months ago 😭
Hey ovo)/ so uh. That's a big question. I have a studyblr @rigelmejo so if you really want the full on journey lol its on there, steps i took and what I studied and progress and study tools I found and used and stuff I've linked for people.
For the shortest tip I can give you? Would be to check out the Heavenly Path site if you're interested in learning to read novels. You'll need to figure out your own way to study about 1000 common hanzi, basic grammar, and basic pronunciation (I link resources on rigelmejo), but after that point the Heavenly Path site has reading resources for graded reading, easier kids novels, easier manhua, webnovels by difficulty level, all the way up! So you can at that point just follow their recommendations and use reading tools they link (like Pleco and Readibu apps which I suggest you download asap - they include tools where you can click a chinese word when reading for translation and audio pronunciation and pinyin). So yeah at 1000 hanzi, just start reading from their suggestions! (Also consider downloading Bilibili Comics app as it has English and Chinese free manhua, so you can start reading manhua earlier, and youtube/viki.com learn mode and Any platforms with dual english/chinese subs and start trying to look up 1 word every 5 minutes or more as curious and practicing reading the chinese words in subs you've learned). I suggest you check out all pages on the Heavenly site, they link a ton of resources.
The short-ish version of what I did the first year I studied chinese? I fumbled a lot, read through an entire grammar guide summary in a few weeks here http://chinese-grammar.com/, watched some YouTube tone videos and went through a pronunciation guide here https://www.dong-chinese.com/learn/sounds/pinyin which took a week or two and I'd do it every few months, read through the book Learning Chinese Characters: (HSK Levels 1-3) A Revolutionary New Way to Learn the 800 Most Basic Chinese Characters by Tuttle publishing in about 2 months (I really liked their mnemonics to help me remember hanzi), started Ben Whatley memrise decks 1000 Chinese common words and 2000 common words (took about 2 weeks to finish one then I took a few months break then studied the other 1000, mainly focusing on studying new words and not reviewing until the last week if I had time - in retrospect I think learners would do better with the Chinese Spoonfed Anki deck but the memrise courses I used worked fine for me). I was watching cdramas as usual most weeks, English subs with the Chinese hardsubs on the video file like most youtube cdramas, with Google Translate app on my phone to look up a word every several minutes as curious. Once I was 3ish months in and learning the memrise Ben Whatley 2000 common chinese words, I read some Mandarin Companion graded readers in Pleco app then some more 300-600 word graded readers in Pleco. That gets me to like month 6ish. Then I started reading manhua and looking up words in pleco or Google translate when I needed to in order to grasp main idea overall (or was curious about a particular word). Kept reading graded readers in pleco.
Around month 8 I tried 天涯客 and 镇魂, both brutally hard. I was reading in Pleco in the Clipboard Reader (from websites) or the Reader tool (i bought it for like $20 dollars along with handwriting recognition, OCR, and expanded dictionaries). Mandarinspot.com has a good reading tool too that can add pinyin if you need it, and Readibu in some ways i prefer to Pleco depending on your particular reading needs on a given day. Tried a few easier webnovels, tried a pingxie fanfic 寒舍 which was hard but easier than priest novels (love that fanfic). I kept bouncing between webnovels then around month 10 天涯客 novels took about 1.5 hours to read through a chapter. At that point I brute force tried to read it or 寒舍 daily with 1 chapter a day, got 28 chapters in before i burned out with 天涯客 and 60ish chapters into 寒舍. It was about a year in. I cram studied 500 hanzi in some common hanzi deck with mnemonics I found on anki over a month, hoping if I improved vocab I'd read easier. I also was gradually trying to watch more cdrama with only chinese subs, around month 6 I finally watched Granting You a Dreamlike life full episodes with no eng subs (about 5-10 word lookups an episode), watched 15ish eps, then after that shows got less daunting to try watching.
A little over a year in Word of Honor came out and I watched it in chinese first because I was too impatient for eng subs. After that went decently I got braver about reading, tried Listening Reading Method (see @rigelmejo for those experiments), more stuff etc like extensive reading with no word lookups.
In retrospect I WISH I'd started with easier novels Heavenly Path recommended. However on the other hand? I've seen people who read their first cnovel with Pleco as early as 3-6 months in which blows my mind. So me picking hard novels to start isn't the Hardest thing in comparison lol. This past year (so at start of year 3 studying lol) I actually read like 10 things on Heavenly Paths easier recommendations and it helped immensely in filling in gaps in vocab and reading fluidity I had. So if you do pick a priest novel as your first novel and manage to chug through it without giving up, be aware "easier" novels may still have stuff you can learn later so don't rule them out as reading materials later on.
I've also seen people do literally no study except maybe some curious Google searches on hanzi or grammar or pronunciation, then brute force read novels in Readibu until they improved. A brutal way to do it but possible. (I really recommend at minimum learning hanzi are made of radicals though as it makes recognizing and remembering them so much easier).
I think the best thing I did for learning to read was just being Brave and Trying to read regularly. And it gradually got less hard.
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moonmagix24 · 6 months
My Thoughts on the PreCure Leaks (Along with Some Hopes)
Okay, so earlier I posted a TikTok on my thoughts on the PreCure leaks but the TikTok was obviously a bit rushed and I couldn't put all of my thoughts in a cohesive way. So, here's a more comprehensive list of my thoughts and feelings about the Wonderful PreCure! leaks. These leaks are the ones that were recently confirmed to be real by some preorder listings on toy sites. I won't say who revealed them for their privacy but it's pretty easy to find who.
Also, Toei, please don't come for me. It's your faults for letting the initial leaks happen. However, I do wish that these leaks came closer to the season release because in a way that would up the hype. Though, I can imagine some hype still being there with waiting for the designs for the items and plot.
Spoilers below the cut!
So, normally, leaks of the designs and merch usually would come out multiple weeks after the trademark was made for the season. The trademark was made on November 29 (in EST) and the leaks started coming out on December 3 (in EST). That's only a few days which is insanely fast lol. For Hirogaru Sky, we started getting the actual design leaks in January which was over a month after the trademark was issued.
So I was super skeptical with these images because that's insanely early. That was until today when I saw a post sharing that there was indeed preorder listings for some merch that confirmed the names which by extension confirms the leaks. It's crazy because the leaks happened a month earlier than normal. Normally, there might be talks of what the season could involve and everyone is waiting with anticipation for majority of the month of December until eventually some silhouettes are seen. At this point in the "leak season," the most we'd get would be names for the Cures and some toy preorders.
I was insanely floored upon seeing thing and yes, the listings seem to be legit. Before we go on, please know that these are my opinions, it's okay if you disagree or agree. Just don't get aggressive, for the love of God. (I doubt anyone would get aggressive because the PreCure fandom is mostly chill like that but since I'm basically new to using Tumblr for PreCure and other fandom since the last time I used this site for posting about fandom was years ago on deactivated accounts)
Ok, onto actual thoughts now!
I really like Cure Nyammy's design, as well as Cure Friendy's. Cure Wonderful's design needs to grow on me a little more because something about it just feels off.
Cure Nyammy probably has my favorite design out of them all.
Cure Lillian looks like one of those bootleg designs for Cure Spicy. Y'know like the ones you'd see on a bootleg toy. Though, I think it honestly might just be the hair and overall silhouette. Her design is--unsurprisingly--better than Spicy's in some aspects.
When will Toei finally give us a proper green cure instead of the teal/turquoise greens? The last time we had any form of green cure was back in 2019 with Cure Milky (though I thought she was a blue cure at first because of how blue her color palette was). It appears that Lillian will be like Cure Milky in that she looks more like a blue than Green. However, her color is supposed to be green judging by two of the purses putting a green heart next to her. She looks incredibly blue, though, but that can be brushed off as the photo quality because the photos aren't the best qualities. Last time we got a proper green cure was back in 2016 which was almost 8 years ago. Please don't make Felice the last proper green cure. We deserve more than just a few proper green cures.
What the heck is "Friendy?" I'm praying to every higher power that it was just a typo like when they put "Cure Rhythem" instead of "Cure Rhythm" on the DX3 promo.
Nyammy is a cute name considering the origin of it being a common cat name in Japan. Think of it like naming her Cure Kitty or Cure Mimi. It also can be something like Cure Meowy.
Are we finally getting a white/silver haired PreCure after years?! I'm pretty sure that the last time we got a white or silver haired PreCure was Cure Moonlight which was almost 14 years ago. So, I'm pretty pumped about it.
I'm bummed that we're getting yet another compact for transformation. It's also the hundredth time we've had an item called [main part of season name] Pact... Though, it's good for collecting but I'd like for us to get another transformation watch or bracelet or they could do something original like with HUGtto's transformation device. The PreHeart was inventive because it sorta doubled as a phone and compact in design. (It also had a use outside of transforming or attacking)
A potentially unpopular opinion but I like Friendy's hair. I think she's the first time we've gotten a blond purple cure? And before someone says "Cure Finale is purple," let me point you to Toei stating that she's a gold cure.
Personally, I see both Wonderful and Friendy having sort of dog ear motifs with their hair? It's more obvious with Wonderful but I think the reason why both have some version of twintails or pigtails is to imitate dog ears.
It's pretty obvious that Nyammy and Lillian are supposed to represent cats.
It also appears that Toei is once again doing the team where there's two duos thing that Hirogaru Sky did. Not really a fan of it unless they can execute it well like they did for Hirogaru Sky.
Not a fan of yet another mirror pad. Hopefully they'll add some sort of fun twist to it such as it eventually doubling as a weapon.
Just a prediction but I think if there is a midseason, they'll be gold/yellow/orange. I'd like to see another duo like Amour and Ma Cherie, though... It would be really fun to have a yellow/gold/orange and red duo.
If there is a midseason, I hope that they aren't another dog or cat theme... Perhaps a fox theme?
Though, I don't really want a midseason because we have enough of them and it'd be nice to have a season like Smile or Splash Star in that regard.
At least the names are sorta fitting. Unlike Cure Spicy and Cure Earth. I'll never understand why they named the blue PreCure "Spicy" and I already explained the nonsense that is Cure Earth.
I kinda want the compacts to be used for their attacks. Not like Kira Kira A La Mode... Just they use them for their finishers like in HUGtto.
I think it'd be really funny if Cure Friendy was actually the lead cure but I doubt she will be LMAO
I am once again praying to every higher power that Toei does more with the theming of animals.
I just realized that this post is like an essay LMAO. I'm so sorry about infodumping about this but lately these leaks have been all I can think about and I had to get it out of my system. I am so sorry to whoever read this entire thing, all 5 paragraphs and 20 bullet points.
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slayerkitty · 5 months
15 people, 15 questions
Thanks for tagging me @dribs-and-drabbles, @befuddledcinnamonroll, and @rocketturtle4. I've been sick so I put this off a few days.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. However, my name was on the short list of names that they were considering for my sister, none of which were chosen, because she ended up being a girl and my mom didn't want to give her my name. She got a female version of the boy's name they had picked and my name was given to me when I was born and also a girl.
2. When was the last time you cried?
A couple of weeks ago? I think?
3. Do you have kids?
Yep, just the one. He's 16, sassy, sarcastic and wonderful.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Unless you count gym class, none, lol.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Hahahaha. The running joke in our house is that my son was raised on sarcasm.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
How they treat others.
7. What's your eye colour?
Green. However, when I was younger they were blue and for whatever bizarre reason they changed around when I was 12.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
It depends? Generally, I'll go for the happy ending every time, but I do like a good slasher flick now and then, for flavor.
9. Any talents?
I used to write and I generally think I was pretty good at it.
10. Where were you born?
England! My BFF likes to tease me because it's something I bring up, but I feel like it's one of the few interesting things about me, lol.
11. What are your hobbies?
Reading fic, watching shows (mostly BLs these days), playing the occasional video game.
12. Do you have any pets?
Not at the moment. We used to have four guinea pigs, but sadly they've all passed.
13. How tall are you?
5'7" (and 3/4)
14. What was your favourite subject in school?
English. I devoured books as a kid and started writing fanfic at 12! I didn't even have a computer or the internet then.
15. What is your dream job?
My entire life, it was to be a published author. Then that actually happened. I'd like to go back to it and I hope I will one day. I'd like to go back to writing anything, tbh. (Writing and I are on a 7 year break at the moment)
Not tagging anyone because most people I'd tag I think have probably done it already, but if you see this and you want to do it, consider yourself tagged and tag me in your post!
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golbrocklovely · 5 months
What's you opinion on the colby and mlp drama? I see some fans are mad at him for "breaking her heart", cause the poor girl was waiting around for 8 years in the hopes of him finally making her his girlfriend and he has the audacity to date another girl. For all we know they're never been in a committed relationship.Her fans should be encouraging her to finally getting over him and move on.
i've gotten an ask about this before, a week or so back. i was against commenting on it just bc i don't want to give mlp the time of day. but as things have slowly played out, via her and her fans… i don't really feel the need to stay silent on it.
there's a lot i'm probably gonna say, so this will most likely be a very long post lol
and to those of you that hate-read the shit i post - especially since you like mlp so much - i ask you kindly to read completely thru. i know that's a lot, but please consider doing it, especially before you send in an ask calling me a "dick rider" for colby just bc i don't immediately say he's a slut and a douchebag for breaking her heart :)
i'm gonna give the briefest of rundowns for those that don't know.
first off, if you want to know how i feel about mlp, here is an ask i answered a while ago detailing most (if not all) of the shit she has done over the years.
secondly tbh, i never understood her relationship with colby. sure, they were always weirdly flirty, seemingly in a will-they-won't-they type of thing. but her livestreams have painted an ENTIRELY different picture. one that paints her as a bit…. unhinged, imo. he doesn't look great either, but i'll get into it.
now, what has been happening recently: i pop in occasionally to her streams but for the most part i steer clear bc she annoys me too much. i have friends that tell me everything, plus you guys. but i have witnessed some stuff with my own two eyes. when she first started streaming, she was NONSTOP talking about colby. answered any and all questions about him, how they were super close, talked about adventure buddies, said all the good poems in her book are about him, even saying she was gonna have him on at some point soon. and she was gonna have him in videos soon as well.
as you have pointed out, anon, her fans are mad that he "broke her heart" but how that became "reality", so to speak, stems from this: her sister asked her what she was doing for nye, and mlp said she had no plans bc "no one asked her yet" to do anything. fast forward to after colby's bday, aka around the time the pics of him and m leaked, and suddenly mlp is not streaming.
the stream she did a couple days after colby's bday is a new level of crazy i haven't seen from her bc she just aired it ALL out. and even if she didn't do that, her fans with their big ass mouths on twitter, insta, and tiktok, have been doing it for her.
she explained to her chat that she just went thru a breakup, basically. that it was an eight/nine year long situationship that was on and off again…. interestingly, her and colby have been friends since 2015. which would be…. eight/nine years.
very clearly, she is talking about colby, without saying his name.
now, there was someone in chat that said something about situationships, someone else asked what a situationship is, and the person replied with "a sexual relationship but with no commitment" or something vaguely like that. mlp immediately said "oh that's not what i had."
………so, you're telling me that whatever went on between the two of them….. wasn't sexual…. at all??? maybe i don't understand what a situationship is then, bc i was under the impression that the SEX PART was kinda the whole point. otherwise…. you just kinda have a friendship. an emotional situationship is just not a thing lol
even tho she kept telling her chat "i can't talk about this", she just kept going. she said that la changes ppl, that she thought they were on the same page for years and then all of sudden things took a turn. she thought she knew him well bc she was so close to him for so long. she can't talk about it publicly bc it's "too obvious" and she has to stay offline bc it's all on social media (which really just… seals the deal that it's about colby lol). she said she cried in his face and he said nothing. she also, verbatim, said "it's like one week you're their everything and then the next they want to go party and be with crazy girls and i'm not crazy" which…. cmon girl. you might as well have said m's name atp.
now, with all of this out of the way… how do i personally feel about this, since my opinion is so valid lol jk
for years, mlp has made it her mission to plant the seeds thru out the fandom that her and colby were secretly dating behind the scenes. that they had something going on but "oh guys, i can't talk about it ;)", playing coy and never outright shutting down the rumors. i have literal ss from her fan accounts saying "you guys don't know the truth. of course colby would never tell the full story" and shit like that. these are fans that fully were in GROUP CHATS with her for years, listening to her every word. so it's very clear to me she was telling them directly what was going on.
or at least the good parts - that her and colby were a thing.
but colby CONSISTENTLY has said time and time again that he is single, that he is not looking for a gf, that he hasn't had one since 2016, that he hasn't met someone he wants to spend the rest of his life with. he has said all of that to us for YEARS. now, unless bts he was saying to mlp "oh baby, you know i'm just lying to the fans" that is the ONLY WAY he would be completely in the wrong here. regardless, colby has been seen publicly with girls so. many. times. mlp has been called out for liking edits making fun of said girls! she's also been rumored to be his guard dog, to loom over him, that he needs to "keep his bitch on a lease" - and the ppl who said this were the girls that were fucking with him. so she isn't in the dark that he is with other ppl.
and again, a situationship is NONCOMMITTAL. that means they aren't dedicated to each other. she herself has been with other guys, she admitted that. so why is it colby is the asshole here?
her fans are claiming that he flaked on her, that he chose m over her….. babes, that's not how this works. first off, again - noncommittal. these are the terms and conditions they BOTH agreed to. they have been playing this cat and mouse game since like 2016. nothing about their relationship has changed since then, let's be honest here. secondly, she literally said out loud "no one has asked me" aka COLBY DIDN'T MAKE PLANS WITH HER. so, he can't flake on someone he didn't make plans with. and this is no shade to mlp - but she doesn't drink, she doesn't party. colby for years has always been a partier. what exactly was he supposed to do with her on nye???? i'm not saying that to be mean. i say this as someone who is a wallflower, a stick in the mud, a prude, a straight-edge, ect ect. i haven't partied since i was in my early 20s. i get the lifestyle she has. i'm just saying realistically, of course he's not gonna want to hang out with her on one of the biggest nights to party.
now, all of this is not to say that she is the only one that did wrong in this situationship. colby should have said something long before now. but he liked that she emotionally supported him, he liked he could rely on her for his emotional needs to be fulfilled. he should have realized how deeply into him she was. he should have cut the chord long before things got to what they are today. but to bring it back to mlp, since this is about her mostly - she is 30. THIRTY. she has been playing this game since her early 20s. she knew what she signed up for. they haven't even had sex. with all that deep emotional bond shit they had going on - they never got intimate in that way. and clearly, she never had a problem with it. until now.
i think for the entirety of their relationship, mlp knew at the drop of a hat colby would come running to her - and vice versa. i think this is the ONE TIME he chose someone else over her. that, tied with the fact that she was making all these promises of him being in her content - videos, her documentary, streams - she NEEDED colby to say yes to all of this. and maybe he said yes, but then changed his mind. maybe he said he was too busy, and when she found out what he was busy with (hanging out with m on nye), it finally clicked that he was not into her like she was into him. even tho as a fan that has been obvious for years now.
and while i don't like mlp, i don't wish her harm. i don't wish her to be heart broken or sad. i know exactly what she is going thru. all of my dating experience has been unrequited love. i get it. trust me. however, you can't play innocent and naive. you knew what colby was doing all this time. and sure, he's a dick for not stopping this sooner. but you clearly knew what was up - YOU COULD HAVE LEFT. you had years, eight years in fact, to leave at any point. but you accepted what you could get, and you milked it for all it was worth. not to mention, but how did you expect him to want to be with you when you are in gcs with his minor fans talking about him constantly??? that man likes to keep things private, and you were basically shouting it from the rooftops.
not only that, but you played the fun game of shitting on any girl he was friends with or hooking up with. and only apologized when you got called out for it. and then tried to play the whole "i'm all for women supporting women" bs. let's be real honest, cards on the table - you only support women when you deem them as nonthreatening. the moment a woman is competition to you, especially in regards to getting attention from colby, you shit on them. bc you're scared. you're scared he will choose them over you.
also this doesn't even take into the fact that why would you want him to date you at this point when he has made it clear he doesn't like you like that? you want him to lie and pretend to be into you?
all of this being said, while i do have some sympathy for her, i also really don't. and the reason for it is bc she LIES. she egregiously lies, and has done it multiple times in her live streams (and obviously for years now).
here's two main ones, off the top of my head: one, she said she doesn't who corey scherer is…… besides the fact that apparently she has been in colby's life since basically corey was there, i find it hard to believe she doesn't know who he is. one reason is bc she used to go over to the old trap house. she 100% met him. and you know why i know this? reason number two, SHE IS IN THE BACKGROUND OF ONE OF COREY'S VIDEOS. she is there, sitting next colby. watching corey do something goofy for his vlog. why she would lie about this, idk.
two, and this is a bit of a weird one, she said she doesn't like zoos. she said bc she's vegan, zoos make her upset and cry and that she wants animals to be free or whatever. okay, hey, that's valid. and you might be like "how is this a lie?" well, back in september, when snc were in hot topic. she went with colby to said store. you know what they did after that (maybe even before)? THEY WENT TO A ZOO. i got the video clips of her giggling with colby over a capybara. the last time she seemingly hung out with him publicly was THEM GOING TO A ZOO. when she answered this question on stream, i was confused. bc she literally was just at a zoo with colby. so why lie??
she doesn't even benefit from lying about this shit. so what is the point?
and the reason why a lot of this deeply pisses me off is bc of how two faced these fans of hers (and colby's) are. in chat, she will have ppl kissing her ass, saying colby is a shitty guy. he's emo trash, he's a douche, they want beat the shit out of him from breaking her heart. he's a slut, and they even trash m. all that. but then, weirdly, on twitter and on xplrclub these same exact fans are begging, PLEADING, for colby to give them a crumb of attention. making edits of him, buying the merch, tagging him relentlessly. so… which is it? is he a dickhead, or is he this swell guy you want to have say your name in chat? pick a fucking lane.
okay. i'm done now :) lol
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iamarti00 · 6 months
Tav question game (Rosanna Maerdon)
Questions by -> @tolkien-fantasy
I got done with finals a few weeks ago and I'm bored so here we go 👍
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(Old Pic just to show her main clothes)
1.) Why did you pick the race you did for your tav?
Wood elves are my favorite subrace in general. I like their vibe. He'll.even one of my favorite fantasy characters is a wood elf lol.
2.) Why did you pick the class you did for your Tav?
I like being a rouge or any type of sneak related character archetype (even though I suck at it sometimes lol). I like the thief type character anyway (it's fun to.do I get get an excuse to steal stuff lol)
3.) What is your character's moral alignment?
Morally Gray. She had to learn that in the criminal world (or in any place 🤷🏻‍♀️) that nobody is good or evil, they are doing this because of their own desires. But she has a big heart lol.
4.) How did you choose your Tav's name, if you gave them a unique one?
First is was Maelynn Yavenguard but then I changed it Rosanna Yavenguard then Rosanna Maerdon because it just seemed to fit her more (I'm still working on her character design cause I'm indecisive) 😅
5.) What are your character's strongest and weakest stats (strength, charisma, etc)?
Strongest - Dexterity (17) and Intelligence (14)
Weakest - Wisdom (8 I think) and Strength (8)
6.) What is your Tav's origin story?
This I what I wrote so far for my tav. If u have any suggestions writing my tav plz let me know ☺️
- She grew up in the wilds of Faerûn with her mother and and 5 siblings (1 brother and 4 Sisters) and is the youngest in the family
- The members of her family are as followed: Gweneth is her mother, her father was named Mirran, Quiinn in the eldest brother, Janethwen the eldest sister, then Lorathana, then Eilxina, the Faewen
- Her family is poor and make a living by selling herb and ingredients for alchemy
- Her father died when she was young. After his death, her mother tells her stories about him like what he was like, what adventures he went on and how they met to cope with the loss
- When she was an "adolescent," she met a man named Zephy Nascient (went by the alias Gemini), a high elf thief who convinced her to in a life of crime (even though she's an outlander lol) and obviously said yes because she like to create mischief and chaos but also she thought that she could provide for her family
- Since her family might not approve of this (particularly her mother and 3 of her sisters) she kept it a secret
- They were as thick as thieves, they did everything together, steal stuff, did heists, and spent a lot of time together
- After spending time with Gemini, she immediately feel head over heals for him
- After she discovered he had feeling for they immediately started courting each other and got very intimate with each other
- After a while, the even started their own guild and partnered with people in the black market in Baulders Gate it evolved into a successful crime empire (most people in Baulders Gates have heard of it but never brilved it was real because they only have heard rumors)
- After a while though, his true colors began to show. He was a selfish person to begin with a and his narcissistic personality began to show. He was mentally abusive, possessive, manipulative, and told her she was nothing without him (aka narcissistic abuse)
- she had to endure his mental abuse and had to deal with his delusional rants but was in denial be cause he said that he loves her
- When she had enough of it, she framed him for a theft (that was considered to be quite valuable) and he was found guilty, but he was able to escape with a sense of revenge
- When she can to her home to visit her family, she found that her home and most her family was killed by a fire (which was caused by Gemini). Her eldest brother and one of her sisters, Faewen survived though.
- When she found this out she was devistaed and broke down in front of her remain family members
- - She told Quiinn Eilxina and Faewen her double lfe and how she was doing it for her family's survival. Quiinn didn't approve of this at first but accepted the fact that she told the truth. Faewen was kind of th same but quickly forgot that because her baby sister was in pain and has been dealing with a lot. Eilxina however scold her for lying an never approved of this... She abandoned her sister and and her remaining family...
- After that she started thieving on her own to support herself and her remaining family
- she became depressed and started to feel useless to the point she has injured herself a few times herself... (not going into it cause I don't want to trigger anyone) because she couldn't protect her family and couldn't stop the man she called her lover.....
- after that she started drinking and became a s*x addict so she could "feel something"
- When she reacted her adulthood, she created a new group in Baulders Gate that consisted of a female tiefling named Nerissa, a young human male named Sparrow, a middle aged man name Svfen, a male drow named Tazenghar Kilval, and a female halfling name Jemma Mae.
- after she reacted adulthood she though about what she went though and decided to fix herself. after that she learned how to cope with what she had to deal with and started to better herself mentally (though she still has habits of drinking and s*x) She started talking about her feelings more to her remaining family and her crew sometimes (the ones she trusts lol)
- She still has problems of self worth and confidence sometimes, but she has people that care about her and want her to be safe
7.) What was the most significant moment in your Tav's origin story?
I think it's her realizing that the way she coped with her before her adulthood (which is 100 in elf year I think 😅) was not healthy and made her worse. It's took her a very long time to do so (but still has those memories and urges from time to time). So she dedicated to helping others who have that same issue (which leads to a certain someone lol)
8.) What deity, if any, does your character worship?
None. Not a religious person
9.) What is your Tav's biggest priority or goal?
She doesn't have one (until she gets abducted by mindflayers) she a go with the flow kind of person
10.) If your Tav didn't become an adventurer, what else would they be doing?
If she didn't devote herself to a life a crime, she would have become an herbalist
11.) What is your Tav's most used weapon or spell?
Anything that's lightweight. Knives, daggers, shortswords. She can use a bow but prefers close combat.
12.) What is your Tav's favorite school of magic/weapon type?
Shortswords and daggers (she liked to combine a sword and dagger to dual wield)
13.) How does your Tav fight in a combat situation?
If she has to fight close up she will. If she has to fight within distance she will (even though she hates it). She s a team player when she gets confotable enough.
14.) Does your Tav know any other languages besides common?
Elvish obviously lol, Halfling (cause Jemma Mae taught her), and Sylvan. She can recognize infernal but can't read it.
15.) If your Tav could/does multiclass, what other class would they chose?
It's between bard an ranger... (Still need to figure out how to multiclass 😅)
16.) Which of the companions does your Tav trust most?
Gale probably
17.) Which of the companions does your Tav distrusts most?
If minthara was in the group then yeah she would distrust her.
18.) Who is your Tav's biggest rival?
19.) Who is your Tav romancing, if anyone?
Also Astarion (Rivals to Lovers Trope lol)
20.) If your romancing anyone, why did your Tav fall for them? And why did that character fall for your Tav?
When they met, they were at each other's throats (figuratively and literally). After they got to know each other, they realized that they have a somethings things in common. When Rosanna realized that there was more to Astarion than is looks, charm, and questionable morals (bascllay when she discovered that he was a massive dork lol) she started to fall in love with the vampire. His looks were an added bonus lol. When Astarion started to devele feeling for Rosanna (my headcanon is that he started to fall in love with her in that first romance scene without realizing it lol) oh boy he was terrified to the point where he was in denial (image him being a tsudere lol that would fit his character so much lmfao!!!!) But when she stode up for him in his decision (that certain scene with a certain drow...) he decided fuck it I'm accepting these feelings and confesses. After defeating cazador, he realizes "yep she's the one" lol.
21.) If you're romancing anyone, who fell first and who fell harder?
Astarion fell harder without realizing it at one point lol. Then he gets more close with her once he gets to know her. He also likes how fucking insane she can get lol.
22.) How does your Tav act around their crush?
Honestly is very chill about it. Will get flirty and straight forward from time to time but she doesn't overdue it.
23.) What is your Tav's favorite moment they've had with their lover?
When Astarion confessed and Rosanna was able to comfort him and hug him. She felt a true connection when that happened.
24.) What is your Tav attracted to? What are their turn-ons and turn-off?
She attracted to more than one gender (She's bi)
25.) Does your Tav have any biases against other classes or races?
She vibes with any race
She hate paladins tho....
26.) What is the most prominent color in your Tav's color scheme?
Black, red, brown, white, pink, teal
27.) What is there sense of humor like?
It's between light hearted and dark/vulgar
28.) What is Tav's guilty pleasure?
She likes collecting (stealing) gemstones because they are pretty.
29.) How easily offended are they? How do they act when offended?
It depends on what she thinks is offensive. If she gets offended, she'll be a smartass about it.
30.) How does your Tav react when someone insults their friend/partner?
If it ever comes to that, she ll either threaten to kick their ass or frame the for a crime.
31.) How does your Tav for different occasions, like very fancy situations?
She would love doing this lol. She would dress in a sexy fancy dress to show off her tattoos (and her breasts lol) and would put on jewelry with a few necklaces, bracelets, and earrings she likes. She would also have arm decor if she felt like it. She would also carry a dagger under her dress just in case anything got bad or ugly.
32.) How did your Tav get their scars, if they have any?
No scars. Just mental scars.
33.) What is your Tav's relationship with their family?
With her remaining family she very close with. Closer than ever since the fire.
34.) What is your Tav's opinion on nobility and authority?
On nobility - "I like them! They have good stuff to steal!"
On authority - "ugh I did to steal that it was just there get off my case" (she definitely stole something)
35.) How does your Tav react to wearing the Wavemother's robe? How do they react to their partner wearing it?
Honestly she loves it. She jokes that she feels like "a sexy mermaid"
If Astarion would wear it, she would love it as well. (Use ur imagination lol)
36.) What is your Tav's favorite type.od environment? Like a tavern, a library, out ik the wilderness, underground, etc.
Honestly, she is ok with anywhere. She likes to explore. But if she were to chose it would be a tavern.
37.) What would your Tav's Zodiac sign be?
Honestly I'm not familiar with the in depth of Zodiac signs so Idk 😅🥲
38.) What is ther favorite season?
Spring. She likes flowers and loves to them bloom
39.) Where in the world does your Tav want to vist most?
Since she heard about Waterdeep from people (mostly Gale lol) she want to go there. Not because she want she the city of spenders but want to steal valuable things from the city of spenders.
40.) What is the biggest mistake your Tav ever made?
Rosanna regrets framing her ex for a crime that causes most of her family to die in a fire.
41.) What animal represents your Tav?
A cat. No exceptions
42.) What flower/tree/plant represents your Tav?
A red rose, a symbol of passion, strong emotions, desires, commitment, admiration, and courage.
43.) What does your Tav smell like?
Apple, cinnamon, rosemary, maple, citrus
44.) What song best represents your Tav?
Idontwannabeyouanymore by Billie Eilish
Ghosts by Ladytron
45.) What would be your Tav's favorite music genre?
Indie music
46.) What role would your Tav play in a highschool AU? (nerd, jock, bully, goth, etc)
The Rebel Trope.
She would drink/do drugs, get detention all the time, has tattoos, disobeys dress code, skips school/classes, etc.
47.) What is the most important item your Tav has?
She has a music box locket that her father was going to give to her for her 16th birthday but wasn't able to because he died when she was really young, so she kind of feels close to him in a way.
48.) Where does your Tav feel most at home?
With her newfound friends and lover
49.) What is your Tav's philosophy in life?
She has a few...
Do what is necessary to survive
If there something sitting there with no name on it, you can take it
Help others, no matter what
50.) Does your Tav think with their heart or their brain?
Honestly it depends on the situation and what mood she is in.
51.) What does your Tav want in their future? (Domestic bliss, more adventure, a family, etc)
Honestly she just wants to do something that will make her happy. Just go's with the flow.
52.) What is your Tav's worst fear?
She fears that she will go back to the way she is and don't want to be a burden or she fears that she will lose others close to her because of her actions.
53.) Is your Tav easily tricked or deceived?
She get srewed over by clients from time to time but that rarely happens because she study their body language to se if they're lying or not.
54.) If your Tav was granted to wish, what would it be?
That she could relive the moments and memories she made with her newfound friends when the events of the game take place.
55.) How does your Tav feel about keeping secrets, both their own and others?
It depends on who....
If it's her friends and lover, yeah she'll keep secrects
If its someone she hates, she won't keep and use it against them
56.) How does your Tav react to a love confession?
If it's someone she considers a friend, she'll awkwardly/calmly say why she's not good for them and that they will find someone better than her. (I came up with this little headcanons that she does this to Gale and he's upset at first but understands why)
If it's some she loves, she be head over heals (she still a lovesick teenager at times lol)
57.) What are your Tav's biggest insecurities?
- She's insecure about her mental health and she doesn't want to weigh people down
- She sometimes get insecure about her curvey body (big boob's and slightly larger hips) but accpects her body and shows it off lol
58.) What decision would your party have to make in order for Tav to consider splitting off the group?
If my Tav did something fucked up or serious, they would try to consider her to leave for herself and others.
59.) What is you Tav's favorite food?
Anything cake/bakery related. She love cinnamon rolls and pumpkin pie lmao.
60.) How generous is your Tav, especially to those they don't know?
She is willing to helps those in need struggling to survive, especially the poor. She grew up poor and was able to pick herself up so she's willing to do the same for others.
61.) If an evil character told your Tav that they wanted to change and help them, would they believe them?
No. Not a chance. She already did that once so she never doing that again.
62.) What meme describes your Tav best?
Tumblr media
This one lol
63.) What does your Tav want to be remembered by?
She wants to be remembered as this mysterious/ legend theif or anti-hero (Robinhood type thing lol)
64.) What Tarot Card best represents your Tav?
I feel like the wheel of fortune tarot card would best represent Rosanna
65.) What would be your Tav's major in college?
She would not have one cause she would have dropped out. But if she dis not drop out she would go into business.
66.) Does your Tav consider themselves as a hero, villain, victim, or something else?
Honestly, she doesn't care, she just wants to be herself (it's corny ik lol)
67.) How does your Tav at giving advice? How good are they following it themselves?
If it's with mental problems, she good at giving advice with that. If it's with other things, she can give morally questionable advice.
With herself, it's 50/50. Half the time she does half the time she doesn't.
68.) how does your Tav get along with each party member?
- Astarion -> It was rocky at first and they always had daggers each other's throats (figuratively and literally) . But after they got to know each other and confesse to each other they grew very close.
- Gale -> Definitely besties. Love to spend time with him (even though she grew end zoned him and felt bad...).
- Shadowheart -> Also besties. They don't she eye to eye on somethings at the beginning but when they got to know each other, the grew close.
- Karlach -> Truely admires her. Loves to talk to her and tell stories with each other. They Asli become besties at some point.
- Wyll -> They have a alright relationship. They don't see eye to eye on lost things (mainly moral choices) but do get along
- Lae'zel -> They were strangers at first but eventually grew to respect each other in the end
- Halsin -> respects and admires him a lot. She see him as a father figure (and he reminds her of her own father a bit)
- Jaheira -> Lots of respect for her. She loves sending tmr with her whether if it's a quick ch at or a hard battle. Rosanna sees her as a mother figure because she reminds her of her own mother. Loves being called cub and is shameless about it lol.
- Minsc -> She fins him interesting. Although she is concerned by the fact that he is able to understand a miniature giant space hamster that clearly
69.) What are your Tav's other hobbies?
- She likes collecting gemstones like I said before
- She Love to garden in her spare time
- Has a fascination with alchemy (because of her mother)
- Loves to collect alchemy ingredients
- She is good at calligraphy (even though she's not very artistic, just in letters lol)
- Loves to explore her sexuality (not explaining further)
- Loves to explore anywhere.
- Loves to get gifts for her friends and lover (don't ask where she got them from lol)
70.) Free spot : ask any question you like!
Well there's my essay on my Tav lmao. Ask me anything about my Tave through this post or somewhere else (if you want to)
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svttingz · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if you could do an Eddie Munson x Fem!reader where their in the reader ends up being one of the victims for vecnas curse and Eddie is trying to save her but it can either end up with it being a fail or him actually saving her but you can choose. If you can't do this, I understand. I just wanted to ask.
Summary: About a year after Vecna, Eddie witnessed it again, but will he save you?
A/N: the purple is Y/N in her Vecna trance. I don't know what song would save you guys but i know what song would save me so i used that you can pretend like it's a different song :)))))) I hope you enjoy it! Sorry it took so long ! it's so bad but whatever lol also i didn't proofread so-
You knock on the door of the Munson residence, expecting to find no one home since Wayne is working and tonights the end of Eddie's campaign. But Eddie told you to meet him at his trailer around 8 and it was currently 8. You were pulled out of your thoughts when the door opened, “Hey, Sweetheart,” Eddie says while engulfing you into a hug, “How are you feeling?” he asks after pulling away and allowing you to come inside
“I feel a little better” you say while walking inside, for the last few days you had been really sick. You had But all Eddie knew about was the headaches,nosebleeds, and nightmares.but he only knew about the headaches and nightmares because well, he witnessed it at your last sleepover.
“Sorry for the mess,” Eddie laughs, “the maid took the week off” he says while grabbing the remaining trash from the table. “It's alright.” you laugh, “i don't mind” you say with a smile. “So what was it that you needed, sweetheart?” Eddie asks while walking up to you and picking your hand up to give it a kiss. “I need some special K, i think it might help with my headaches” you say looking up at Eddie.
“you sure? The special K is REALLY strong” he says while looking into your eyes with a confused look on his face. “I'm sure” you say with a light smile. He gives the top of your hand another kiss and heads toward his bedroom. 
You and Eddie had been together about a month or two and this was the first time you asked him for drugs. Of course Eddie found it odd cause well you're a good kid but I mean he did them so he would be a hypocrite not to allow you to at least try some. He figured if you were gonna try them he’d rather start simple.
Suddenly you heard a clock chime, which was odd considering there was no sign of a grandfather clock in the house. You decide to take a look outside, just to check in case maybe Wayne was home or something, you didn't know honestly why you were looking outside but you looked. And before your eyes was… nothing. You were probably just getting paranoid, everything was probably fine.
“Eddie! Did you find it?” you ask. No response. “Eddie?” you ask a little louder. No response “Eds?” you ask as you start walking toward Eddie’s bedroom “Eddie?” you ask again. You started to hear a voice. Or voice’s, it was your parents' voices. “She needs to stay away from that boy, F/N” your mother says. you remembered this. Just before you went to bed last night you overheard your parents speaking about you and Eddie. “I agree, i don't want my little girl anywhere near that freak,” your father says.
 “Mom? Dad?” you ask, walking into Eddie’s room. And there stood your parents. Backs facing you. Where was eddie? Why were your parents in his room? Where’s Eddie? “Y/N, Go back to bed before something bad happens.” Your mom says, as her voice becomes distorted and turns to face you to reveal a skeleton-like face. You let out a scream as you turn to run. But you were no longer in Eddie’s Trailer. You were at your house.
“So fun fact, i actually found it after what felt like an hour” Eddie  laughs as he walks out of his bedroom. He looks up from the bag of special K in his hand to see you standing still with your eyes rolled back in your head. “Sweetheart!” Eddie says as he runs up to you, “Not again!” he yells. a year ago he saw the same thing with Chrissy Cunningham and all he remembered was how he couldn’t save her. But he was determined to save you. 
You stare at the hallway in front of you when all of the sudden you hear your parents start yelling, “OPEN THE DAMN DOOR Y/N WE KNOW WHAT YOU DID!” they yell. “NO GO AWAY! GO AWAY!” you yell back as you run down the stairs.
“Y/N, please wake up!” Eddie says as tears begin to fall, “Music, I need music!” Eddie says as he runs back to his bedroom. 
When you finally got downstairs you ran toward the door, but when u opened it there was boards hung up on the door, “No!, HELP! HELP ME PLEASE!” you scream banging on the door, “Y/N” a voice says
Eddie rummages through his room looking for your favorite song, “Come on, where is it?” Eddie says, starting to panic. Just as he was giving up on finding the song, he finally found it. “Gotcha” he says as he runs back into the living room.
after hearing your name thinking your parents had got to you, you turn to see him. Vecna. I mean that's the only person it could be, you remembered how Eddie described him, so it was him. Wait. Does that mean youre gonna die? But you've barely lived. You start trembling as you stare in disbelief at the creature in front of you as he begins walking closer. But before he could get to you, you heard it, ‘Pour Some Sugar On Me’ began playing, so before Vecna could take your life, you run toward the sound.
Your eyes open and you fall into Eddie’s arms, you begin panting as you grab onto Eddie, “it’s ok, sweetheart” he says as he gives your head a kiss and rubs your back. You begin to sob as you dig your head farther into Eddie’s chest. Just then the walkie talkie went off, “Eddie!” Dustin says. “We have a code red!” he says, with you still attached to him, Eddie walks over to the walkie talkie.  “We kinda have bigger problems right now, Dustin,” Eddie says, “What's going on?” Dustin asks, “he’s back.” Eddie says, his grip tightening on you. “Who?” Dustin says. You and Eddie look at each other as he says, “Vecna.”
requests are open <3
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