#when remus and sirius get together she curses a bit because she had a bet running for like three years
oxydiane · 2 years
12 year old sirius would scribble down “sirius potter” on his parchment instead of taking notes during transfiguration and mcgonagall snatched the thing from his desk exactly once. the one time it happens sirius looks so mortified she smiles and decides to incinerate the parchment on the spot before reprimanding him because she may have a soft spot for him but favouritism is out of question. things get a lot more interesting when years later she’s teaching slytherins and snatches a piece of parchment with “regulus potter” written on it.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Could we please have a prequel to the praise kink fic? Because i really want to know why were Sirius and Remus not together and what did Remus send him. I really need context
I was hoping somebody would ask for this!! The aforementioned fic is here for any curious souls (18+ please) and SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for spicy texts (not exactly nudes), and smutty feelings with nothing explicit
The bus went over a bump and Sirius winced as his shins knocked against the back of the seat in front of him, connecting with the metal brace inside. “Fuck.”
“You sure you don’t want to switch?” James asked next to him. Sirius glanced down at the veritable wall of gear and empty snack bags between them, then back to James in disbelief. He shrugged, then set his headphones back over his ears. “Worth a shot.”
“Merde,” Sirius hissed as a pothole nearly took off his kneecap. He gritted his teeth and readjusted, drawing his legs closer to his chest. I want to be home, he thought, allowing himself an internal moment to whine.
He checked his phone—not even ten in the morning. It was a Saturday, so Remus would probably just be rolling out of bed, still sleepy and soft with his hair sticking up like a disgruntled cat’s. Sirius sighed heavily and stared out the window at the small town rolling past in the distance; there was little he wouldn’t give to be back with him instead of on the way to a full week of conferences.
“Why did we have to win the Cup?” he grumbled.
James lifted one side of his headphones. “What?”
It wasn’t like they had had much time to themselves before that, either—Sirius’ schedule was packed with interviews that felt more like interrogations, and Remus had been running the PT department mostly by himself while Moody took a well-deserved vacation. They were dead on their feet every night, worked to the bone with little energy left to do more than cuddle and fall asleep. Still, Sirius was grateful for every second of it.
He waited ten more minutes before giving in.
New Message To: Re
Bonjour mon loup <3
There was no immediate response, which made sense, though he was a little bit disappointed. Sirius closed his eyes and tried to make himself relax; it would be at least another six hours before they arrived at their destination, and the bad weather gathering overhead didn’t bode well for quick travel.
His phone buzzed gently and he scrambled to answer. Don’t be Reg, don’t be Reg, don’t be Reg—
New Message From: Re
Morning love!
Thanks for the bagels <3
“Fuck yes,” Sirius said under his breath. The bagels had been a last-minute decision as he crept through the house in the early hours of the morning after carefully detaching himself from Remus with a final half-asleep farewell kiss. There was no guarantee he would remember breakfast with everything going on, so Sirius figured it was a safe bet to toast them and leave them on the countertop before heading out.
Message To: Re
Pas de problem
Sleep well?
Message From: Re
Missed you :(
Sirius rested his temple against the cold window with a soft sound. He hated leaving at different times, but that was just how their life worked at the moment.
Message To: Re
Missed you too <3
Three small dots appeared for a long moment before vanishing without a trace just as his heart rate began picking up. Where’d you go? he almost wondered aloud. Something bumped his arm and James raised a quizzical brow. “Loops,” Sirius said by way of explanation.
“I figured. He okay?”
“I think so? He just…disappeared on me.” Sirius was well-aware of how plaintive he sounded—James’ teasing smile was completely unnecessary.
“Aw, Cap,” he laughed, reaching over to mess with his beanie until Sirius slapped his hand away. “It’s alright, buddy, it’s just a couple days.”
Sirius jammed his hat back on his head and flicked James on the unprotected bit of his ear, making him yelp. “Fuck off, I know you’ll be a mess as soon as Lily FaceTimes with my godson.”
“He has a name, you know.”
“Sorry. You’ll be a mess as soon as she FaceTimes with Pocket Pots, who happens to be my godson.”
James rolled his eyes. “I regret giving you that title.”
“Nah, you don’t.”
As if on cue, his phone lit up again; Sirius ignored James’ snickering as he quickly unlocked it.
New Message From: Re
When will you be at the hotel?
“That’s it?” he muttered.
Message To: Re
That was a lot of typing for one sentence
6-7 hrs, if the weather holds
Message From: Re
Sorry lmao Reg came in for a bit
Just curious :) Keep me updated?
Message To: Re
Will do <3
Tell Reg he needs to wash his sheets. It’s been over a month.
A small thumbs-up emoji was his only answer, and he tried not to be too bummed. Remus liked having things to do; sitting there and texting Sirius while he slowly got further and further away was probably not his preferred way to spend a morning. With a sigh that was likely a bit too dramatic for the situation he was in, Sirius faced the window once more and buckled in for a long ride.
He chatted off and on with the others when they stopped for lunch, but everyone was exhausted from the combination of a packed week and an early morning. Even Talker stayed fairly quiet, and James kept his headphones on for most of the trip.
Sirius finally succumbed to his tiredness and put some music on, then dozed for an hour or three while they traveled through yet another field. A few halfhearted calls of “cows” made their way around the bus, though nobody seemed particularly enthused about being packed in with double the gear due to a broken storage compartment. Donuts and gas station coffee could only do so much.
“Just crossed the state border,” Arthur called from the front of the bus as Sirius tried to ignore the cramping in his thighs. Three hours. Just three more.
His music was interrupted by a soft jingle alert and he pulled his phone out, hoping against hope that Regulus hadn’t caused a fire anywhere. It was unlikely given the…well, everything about him, but with Sirius’ luck it could happen.
New Message From: Re
How far?
Message To: Re
About 3 hrs. Ran into some detours
Good day?
Remus remained silent on the other end and Sirius frowned. That was rather rude, and highly unusual. Between the two of them, Remus was the one who kept conversations going past the initial question to be answered.
Message From: Re
Attachment: 1 Image
Love you! Call me when you get there : )
Sirius opened the attachment and almost threw his phone in utter shock. Skin. Bare skin everywhere, its smooth edges broken up only by tight black fabric that may as well have been painted onto the curve of Remus’ ass. “Oh my god,” he whimpered, voice barely audible even to his own ears. It had been taken in their bedroom mirror; Remus looked over his shoulder, and Sirius caught the corner of a devious smirk on his lips. “Oh, you fucker.”
Message From: Re
Thoughts? They’re cozy
Message To: Re
Did you miss the part where I said three (3) hours
Message From: Re
Second one is a guessing game and u get a prize if u get it right : )
The second photograph was more zoomed-in than the first and Sirius wracked his brain, running through his mental catalogue of Remus’ body to figure out the answer. It did absolutely nothing to calm the situation in his pants.
He had no idea what the promised prize was, but anticipation made his hands shake slightly as he carefully scanned the picture. The shadows caught it at an odd angle—it wasn’t the steady slopes of his face or neck, nor was it the strong curve of a shoulder. Not enough freckles, either, he thought.
A lightbulb lit in the back of his mind.
Message To: Re
Right hip
Another thought connected half a second later.
Holy fuck you took them off
Is that my prize?
Remus Lupin I swear to god
Message From: Re
Christ you’re impatient, I was gone for like 2 mins
He chanced a look toward Pots, whose head lolled to the side as he snored.
Message To: Re
Hey quick question why are you like this
It’s a good thing Pots is out cold bc this bus is too small to hide anything
Message From: Re
Haha sux to be you
Sirius’ cheeks heated with a whole cocktail of different emotions as he furiously typed a response.
Message To: Re
‘Sux to be you’???
Are you 13 yrs old????
Message From: Re
Do you want your prize or not u horndog
Message To: Re
He took a deep breath through his nose and flexed his fingers.
Yes please
A simple smiley face—Sirius would never see those things the same—popped up, followed by an audio file. He triple-checked that his headphones were plugged in before tapping ‘play’ with an unsteady thumb.
His face went very, very hot before all the blood went straight to his groin and he closed his eyes, covering his mouth with his hand. Breathy sounds came through the heavy earphones, a little more crackly than they would be in-person; he heard Remus’ gasp catch in his throat and crossed his legs as best he could in the too-small seat, torn between thanking and cursing any higher power. He could practically see Remus’ face in his mind’s eye as the noises continued, intermixed with fragments of desperate words.
The file came to an end after what felt like the blink of an eye and a hundred years, and Sirius did not look away from the violently red seat cushion in front of him for a long moment as his brain came back online. He couldn’t remember the last time he was so turned on.
He took a few deep breaths, though it did nothing to erase the poorly-muffled whines that still rang between his ears like church bells. Sirius huffed and turned to grab his waterbottle out of his duffel, only to make direct eye contact with Finn across the aisle.
Sirius froze.
Finn grinned.
“Don’t you fucking dare,” he hissed, too low to wake James but just loud enough to carry over the four feet separating them. Finn’s smile widened. “Stop it. Stop it right now.”
“How’s Loops?”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“That good, huh?”
“O’Hara, I swear to god—”
“Oh, is Cap spilling secrets?” Kasey asked, poking his head over the back of the seat.
Finn opened his mouth, but the force of Sirius’ glare must have been enough to at least intimidate him a little, because he shook his head. The smug Cheshire grin remained. “Nah, just having a chat about our plans when we get home.”
Kasey groaned. “You’re a lucky man, O’Hara. Both your people get to come with you. Nat sent me a promise, like, twenty minutes ago and I can’t stop thinking about it. I won’t be available tonight from six to eight if anyone was wondering.”
“Did she really?” Finn looked back to Sirius, who bit the inside of his cheek and tried to keep his cool. Two and a half hours, and then he would be safe. Just two and a half more hours.
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An anonymous lover (Part 5)
Summary : Y/N sees Sirius Black running away after a particularly rough letter from his mother. She wants to cheer him up and decide to send him a letter, anymously, she knows how much he hates her house.
Warnings : Slytherin!Reader, female!reader, angst, arguing, not proof read
Word count : 2.2k
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - You're here - Part 6 - Part 7
English is not my first language, sorry if there is any mistakes
It is not possible. It is a mistake. He has dream of that moment so much, he is just imagining things now.
Sirius was in his dorm, laying down, looking at the stars on the canopy of his bed. He has stuck all the enveloppe he had receive decored with stars there, so he could see the sky before falling asleep, this had helped him to sleep better for the past few weeks.
But even the soothing looks of the stars could not help him calm his mind, he simply could not believe the person he was exchanging letters with, for now soon to be two months, was a slytherin. He knows her house shouldn’t be important, that no matter what she had helped him in so many ways, but he had developped such a hated for this house, he could simply not accept it.
He didn’t dare to compare the handwriting, fearing it would be indeed true, but after a few minutes he finally decided to look, he had to be sure, he couldn’t stay in the mystery like that for much longer.
He took the notes Y/N gave to him and the latest letter, the one he got today, it was a warming letter, she was talking about how she used to climb trees with her brother when she was a kid but never dared to go high, and how all the assignment was stressing her out and that writing to him helps her feeling better. Sirius felt like shit reading the lines.
He finally compare the two handwriting and threw his head back when they were the same. All the memories of the letter who were a source of joyed turned into a taste of disgust in the back of his tongue. What was before a blessing to be able to read those impossible lines became a curse. He hated it.
He hated how much of an impact her being a slytherin had on him, he didn’t want to deal with the emotion and decided to burry it deep inside of him. He didn’t copy the notes Y/N gave him and used Remus’ instead, he didn’t go to supper that evening, he didn’t respond to the letter like usual, and he didn’t sleep that night.
Y/N was a bit surprise to not have any letters from Sirius that night, she had not see him in the Great Hall either, that got her a bit worried. She tried to reassure herself, he did say he had difficulties with that specific potion so he was probably studying.
She laughed at that idea, she had never seen him study before, clever and smart Sirius. Always finding ways out of situation, always the right answer in class if he bothered participating. The two month were over soon she realised and he had still to find her. She felt a bit of dispointment but also a satisfaction of winning the bet. She blushed when she remembered Sirius had promised a date if he find her before. Would he still wants to ask her if the bet  was over ?
She thought for a moment, she hoped he would, she was still a bit scared to reveal herself, but she was confident everything would go alright if she did. After all, they had spend so much time sharing their hearts, it couldn’t desappear that easily, right ?
The next day she searched for him in the crowd and she felt her stomach flip, he looked livid, her first thought went to his mother, has she send another letter ? She felt so bad for him, she just wanted to hold him in her arms and tells him everything would be alright because he was capable of anything.
When their eyes met, Sirius quickly looked away, he didn’t want to see her, didn’t want to think of all the things happening in his head and she was only making things worse. Y/N didn’t know what to think of that, she decided to let him his space, he could always write to her if he needed her help.
But Y/N’s concern only got worse, it was Remus who gave her back her notes, and when she asked if Sirius was ok, he just nodded and said he will be alright. He completly ignore her in class, and wierdly enough he seemed to look at her way more often than before but always looked away when she noticed him.
She send a little message, a very short one, “Are you ok ? I’m worried”, all she was able to write down, she felt a weight in her stomach getting heavier every day and sharp glass in her throat forbbiding her to talk.
Those feeling only got worse when Sirius only responded with “I know who you are. Astronomy tower, 11PM, tomorrow” Y/N has never sweat that much in her entire life.
The walk from the dungeon to the astronomy tower was a long walk, and she was very careful to not get caught by anyone patrolling the corridors, she was trembling like a leaf in the wind. Each step getting heavier. But when she finally arrived, he was there, looking at the window, he turned to her when he heard someone enter.
For a solid second they just stand there, looking at eachother, not daring to say a word, but after a few moment it Y/N who spoke. “So... You know who I am”
“Yeah..”, his eyes looked in the void, he didn’t know what to do, he felt completly paralized. “Well.. What now ?” she didn’t dare to look a him either. “I don’t know”
Y/N froze for a moment, he didn’t know ? He is the one who asked her to come here ! After all they shared to one another, all the words exchanged, all those freaking kisses and hugs that’s all he had to say ? What for ? “Is it because I’m a slytherin ?”
Sirius didn’t answer for a moment but that spoke for itself, Y/N scoffed, tears running down her cheeks. “Of course” Sirius frowned “What do you mean by that ?”
“Of FUCKING course the great Sirius Black can’t deal with the fact he befriended a slytherin, how could have i been this stupid to think he could get over his own prejudice on a house he knows nothing about” Sirius stood from the window seat and walked to her visibly pissed “I know enough ‘bout yer stupid house to know t’s just a bunch a soon to be death eaters !”
Y/N open her mouth, completly shocked “Death eater ? Death. Eaters ? What do you even know about it ? Have you even try to talk to-” “Actually, yes, I did ! And mind ya all those I have talked to are nothing but monsters, so I prefer keep you and your kind away from me as much as possible”
Heavy tears were falling, how could he say that ? Her voice were cracking “Me and my kind ?! Do I look like a monster to you ?” Sirius opened and closed his mouth a few times “Maybe, yeah ! I know nothing about you !”
Y/N and Sirius froze, Professor McGonagall and prefect were standing at the door, arms crossed, a severe look on her face. “So ? I’m waiting”. Both the students were heads down, ashamed of being caught like four years old. It is Sirius who answered “Nothing Professor", she frowned when she saw the tears Y/N was quickly swipping away and her puffy eyes. “Well I am sure you will gladly do nothing at your detention tomorow after class”
“Yes Professor” have they replied in union, “Now, I believe you both know the way back to your dorm ? Go Miss Y/L/N, accompagny her Mister Collins, and it better not happen again” Y/N nod, unable to say another word and got out, following Collins. “Follow me Mister Black”, Sirius followed without a word.
After a few minutes, when they were starting to climb the moving stairs back to the Gryffindor commun room, she spoke, “I will not hide to you that I am quite desappointed Mister Black”, he frowned but before he could they anything, McGonagall added “I heard enough of your conversation to know what was happening, Mister Black” He felt his blood running out his face, probably leaving whiter than snow. “Professor I-”
“I don’t need your explainations, what you have said to Miss Y/L/N is simply intolarable, I thought better of you” Sirius was now red of shame, he didn’t know what to say, actually, he already regretted every words, he regretted them the second they have left his lips. “I can understand your disfavour toward the slytherin, I know your difficult relationship with your family and the fact they were all from this house, but I need you to understand that not all slytherin are bad people, the same way not all people who were from gryffindor turned out to be good people. Do you understand ?” Sirius nodded “I want you to think about it, goodnight Mister Black”
Sirius said goodbye and enter the common room before going to his shared dorm, he was not surprise to see that none of the marauders were sleeping. Sirius put the map he had used to sneek out in James drawer, his friend spoke “Where were you ?”
He didn’t answered at first, letting himself flopped on his bed, face first and groaning into his pillow. His friends looked at each other, worried, “Were you with a girl ?”, that only made him groaned louder. “C’mon, talk t’ us” said Remus, who stood up to sat beside his friend.
Sirius didn’t said anything for a moment, he was gnaw with guilt, he wanted all he said back, when he remember you crying his chest tighten, it was his fault if those tears were rolling down your cheek, if you were screaming at him, he had said such horrible thing to you but you didn’t said anything bad, you just observe a hard truth : this idiot could not go past his jugmental ass.
“The anonymous lover is Y/N”, all the marauders gasped together and hurried beside on his bed. “So ? What happenned ? You should be through the roof !” Sirius turned around, “I knew it for ‘ few days now”, James widen his eyes “ ‘nd you did tell us ?!”
Sirius grimaced “I know ! ‘m sorry ! ‘t just...” Remus frowned, something bad happened. “Pads, what have y’ done ?”, he simply put a pillow on his face, groaning and speaking intelligible words. “Wha’ ?”
“I TOLD HER SLYTHERIN WERE ABOMINATIONS !” they all sat there for a moment. James finally took the pillow from Sirius and hit him as hard as he possibly could with it “You. Are. An. I. DI. OT.”
“OUCH ! Yeah, YEAH ! I know, stop hitting me !” but he didn’t stop before a few more hit. He stop and catched back his breath. “I wouldn’t like to be you” said Peter, “Yeah, no shit Worm-” -another hit from James- “What do I do now ?!”
“Wha’ ? ‘cause you want her now ?” questionned Remus, he did not approve of his friend behavior, but he assumed that since he basicly called her a monster, he must not want to be with her. He observed his friend for a moment “C’mon, tell us everythin’ “
Sirius told them everything, from how he foud out, to what McGonagall had told him, passing by the horrible things he said to Y/N and him hiding his feelings away, getting interrupt occasionly by hit from James. But then he stopped, realising something horrible. “Oh no. Oh no no no no, I’M BECOMMING MY MOM !” He put his face in his hands. “I said such horrible things to her, she didn’t deserved any of it ! How do I make her feel better ?” He sounded desperate.
James put a hand on his friend’s shoulder “You gotta show her you really regret wha’ you said”
“Maybe some gifts ?” suggested Peter.
“Nah, first you have to deal with yer slytherin hate” said Remus.
Sirius frowned “What do you mean ?”
“If you want to date a slytherin, you have to deal with your irrational hate towards all of ‘hem”
“It’s not irrational ! I have perfectly good reas-” but he stopped mid-sentence, it was the argument with Y/N all over again, he sighed, he did need to deal with that.
“Let’s sleep, it’ll be better tomorow” said James who went to his own bed, the rest nodded and did the same.
Sirius put on some pyjamas and laid there for long minutes, thinking about why he hated slytherin so much, about his family, about Y/N. About the tears he caused, he wanted to punch himself for that, he swore that night that he will do anything to put a smile on her face and never see her cry again. He knew it will be hard but he will do anythign to deserve her fogiveness.
@blackpinkdolan  @jentaculargums @bruxa0007 @deathkat657 @theincredibledeadlyviper @bleh-bleh-blehs @whiskeypowder @edithsvoice @weasleybeb
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spiltscribbles · 3 years
The One Where No One Is Ready
~Notes: I’m reposting this because I deleted the series off of AO3 <3<3
Send Me A Friends Storyline/Prompt  |  A Reblog Means EVERYTHING!
Their is T minus forty-five minutes until James is expected to enter the arena for this year’s Espy awards, where he— a longterm representative of the UK’s top athletes, with a social media following that can rival a B list celebrity’s— will be presenting the award for the best international football player, and rumor has it that Ludo fucking Bagman is going to win. This is a dream come true— more than that even! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!  And it was thanks to his mentor, Minerva McGonagall, that he even can do something that he’s dreamt of doing since his days playing in the child leagues as a lad. It’s going to be one of the best nights of his bloody life. So it only makes sense that his sodding best friends aren’t even taking this with an ounce of seriousness. In fact, instead of doing the decent thing and getting ready as efficiently as possible, those pricks are lounging over the breakfast table goading Sirius into drinking the fat from the icebox that Lily stored for whichever cooking masterpiece she is sure to whip up later this week. Not a one of them even showered.
Bloody blunders.
“Oi, Moons,” Sirius crows loudly, grinning wolfishly down at him with a glint in his steely eyes and a smirk on his face. “Promise if I chug this down you’ll give us a little kiss.”
James feels a migraine coming on.
“In your dreams Black,” Remus retorts,  wrinkling his nose disapprovingly, while Marlene only guffaws and James feels his head literally beginning to pulse with pure exasperation.
Absolute pricks..
“You gits, we’ve got less than an hour till we have to call the cabs. Will you all just get dressed for Christ’s sake.”
“No need for the snappy tone Prongs.” Sirius says with a cluck to his tongue.
“It’ll take us only a tick to get ready,” Remus says, waving him off airily. And James really regrets the fact that he’s moved in with Sirius now that James and Lily are in marital bliss. Sirius’s a bad influence on him, and James should’ve predicted as much.
“Besides, ’s not my fault your wife’s hogging the bathroom,” Marlene tacks on— having dashed over here after her shift at the same firm as James, still dressed in her slacks and leather jacket. 
“Well Marls, you don’t have to get your hair done now that you’ve chopped it off as short as your ears,” Lily defends herself as she steps out the aforementioned bathroom in James’s powder blue robe, thankfully her makeup is set and hair is pulled back into an artful bun and she’s as beautiful as ever. James can’t help but feel his insides go all goopy and his stomach begins to tumble every time she even looks his way, especially when she smiles that private little grin that she only uses on him.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph does he love her to his very core, tells her as much once kissing her softly amidst the groans of the other three. “You are my angel.”
“I know,” Lily preens, green eyes bright and dimples in full effect. “Now I’ve just got to pick out what to wear and we can go.”
James thanks her profusely before pivoting back around to Marlene, begs her to get on with it already.
“Alright, alright potter. God you men only like to rush, no time for foreplay.”
“I like foreplay,” Remus contends as he sits on the loveseat and begins flipping through a magazine Lily’s left laying around, which makes it so Sirius’s face goes wrecked and pale and very nearly makes the cup of fat in his hand fall to the ground— is only saved by James’s old footie reflexes.
“Get it the fuck together man,” James hisses with a glower. But then quickly amends, “But not tonight. Tonight just get dressed for fuck’s sake.” There is absolutely no time to deal with this melodrama between Sirius and Remus that basically amounts to heady glances and licked lips and sexual tension that’s frankly obscene.
Sirius swallows down, hard, and gives a perfunctory nod, but instead of walking across the hall to bloody change already, he only sits besides Remus and grins at him in a very scary, very intense way. James is almost convinced that poor Moony will end up naked and swaddled  in saran wrap— Dexter style— by the end of the night. But he can’t warn him considering that there’s a knock to the door and he finds Dorcas—
 beautiful and elegant in a pale yellow dress that contrasts in a lovely way against her dark brown skin— on the other side. “You look fantastic.” James breathes out, worshipingly.
“I know,” Dorcas beams as she struts in, helping herself to the pita crisps and hummus left out.  “But don’t let Marls hear you else she gets all pouty.”
“Do not!” Marlene yells from the loo, to which Dorcas only silently mouths, does so, over James’s shoulder to a snickering Sirius.
“Right, well seeing as the ladies are all accounted for, we’re just waiting for Wormtail and you berks,” he points angrily at the pair now arguing over the remote. 
“Don’t get your knickers in a twist, Minnie can be left waiting,” Sirius snorts.
“Our table is at the very front Pads! She’ll see us walking in late! And then they might give my slot to that prick Mulciber!”
“A travesty,” Sirius intones.
“He might be on to something Pads,” Remus points out.  “It takes an hour just for you to primp your hair.”
“Rome wasn’t built in a day Moony!”
“Are you implying that your hair is as extravagant as Rome? Because I think you might be seriously over estimating yourself.” Remus leers, and Sirius only gapes at the lip. God, if James has to watch them dancing around each other for another day he’s going to go rudding gray at the temples.
“You are a plonker Lupin!” Remus narrowly avoids Sirius’s punch aimed for his shoulder, and scurries off across the hall, Sirius’s gaze never leaving his arse all the while.
“That’s lewd,” Dorcas tells him.
“Pitiful from where I’m looking at it.” James snorts.
Sirius only glowers and tosses them the bird. “Come off it.”
“I bet you’d like to come off with’m.” Dorcas sneers, and James actually let’s himself laugh at the increasingly reddening face Sirius has just pulled in retort. Thankfully, none of his curses have a chance to spill out because of Peter strolling in— clad in a suit that’s a little short on the legs  and a little tight in the middle. But he looks presentable at least, which is more than what Sirius could say.
“What’s wrong Pete?” Dorcas asks him as she perches on the armrest of the sofa.
“What do you mean what’s wrong? He’s dressed. He’s brilliant!” James beams, clapping him on the shoulder, noticing a beat too late how Peter’s acting a bit dodgy— hands rinsing in front of him and eyes darting every which way.
“I messaged Marry.”
“Oh Pete.”
“Bloody hell.”
“Why the fuck would you do that!”
The three of them chorus in various tones of disappointment.
“She, erm. Well She posted this picture of her at home with her puppy and I saw a sweater.”
“A sweater?” Sirius repeats, wry as all get out.
“A man’s sweater I mean.”
Dorcas rolls her eyes at him now. “Sweaters don’t have genders Peter.”
“Well this one did!” Peter fumes indignantly. 
James raises his hands, as if he’s calming a spooked animal. “All right, all right. It was a man’s sweater. What did you message her bout it?”
Peter ducks his head once more, flushing pink. “I asked if her new boyfriend is as allergic to Pippa as I was.” Queue another round of discontent moaning.
“You bloody imbecile.” Sirius groans.
“It all just happened so quickly!”
“Things Sirius’s conquests say on their walk of shame for a thousand Alex,” Remus snickers as he steps back inside, fitted in an admittedly fetching, charcoal suit and a different colored tie in each of his hands. “Oh, you all look shifty.”
“Don’t ever criticize my shagging prowess again Lupin!”
“Peter made a mess of things with Marry,” Dorcas says before Sirius can get on one of his tangents.
“Oh Pete.” 
“It happened so quickly,” he tries to explain once more.
Remus only shakes his head and pats his shoulder agreeably. “Sure it did.”
“Well did she read it yet?” Dorcas asks.
“Erm, she was online when I sent her the snap.”
“Oh Peter,” they all groan.
“I need a minute.” He says before retreating to the balcony.
James checks his watch, exactly a half an hour until they all have to go. No time for Peter’s dramatics. Maybe tomorrow James’ll buy him a pint and let him cry over it but they really need to get on with things already.
“C’mon pads, get up.” Remus instructs, trying to tug him off the couch, to which Sirius only smirks.
“You forfeited when you got up Lupin.”
“Oi! I got up to get dressed so James wouldn’t go barmy on us!”
“And I thank you Remus my sweet.” James pipes in while handing Marlene her bag of clothes she had left by the table.
“Pshaw, doesn’t matter. You left it.”
“I left for like five bloody minutes you arse!” Remus shouts.
“So you agree then,” Sirius counters with a cocked brow. “You left it.”
James has to deftly pull Remus away before he pounces on him. “Padfoot don’t be a wanker and just get up and get dressed, won’t you.”
Sirius eyes them both before a look James can’t decipher passes across his face, leaving behind a grim determination. “Righto mates.” He leaps up right then, snatching the cushions up with him, and  swaggering off.
“Oi! What the hell Padfoot!”
“I gave you the seat Lupin.”
“But— But—“ Remus sputters. “You took the  cushions! That’s the entire ruddy essence of the seat!”
“That’s right Lupin!” Sirius glows with far too much smugness for the situation at hand. “I took your essence!”
Remus is left balking after him and James promptly chugs down a handful of Ibuprofen.
“All right boys?” Marlene asks as she strolls out the bathroom in her black dress and heals, pecking Dorcas hello..
“I’m going to murder Sirius bloody Black with my bare hands,” Remus answers, fists tight around his ties and his face scrunched up mulishly.
“I’ll help!” Dorcas crows, before beaming at Lily who’s just clambered in— half dressed with a shawl  in one hand and a different blouse entirely in the other.
“Do you guys reckon I should wear this with my purple pumps, or those new flats I got with a nice pair of slacks.”
“Lily, my love, the angel of my heart, the stars of my night,” James begins, a hand against his chest. “We’ve got twenty-seven minutes till we have to be downstairs.”
“Oh I know love, I just want to look nice for you and your big night,” she says poutingly, kisses his cheek before glancing over at the girls. “Wotcher Dorcas, you and Marlene look lovely.”
“I know,” Dorcas preens.”
“You’re in a jaunty mood?”
“She’s helping Lupin murder Black later tonight,” Marlene explains, lips curled with laughter. 
“Oh lovely.”
“I’ll show him essence,” Remus growls from where he’s still holding vigil to the shut door.
James rolls back his head now, eyes alone definitely not cutting it anymore. “Damn everything.”
“Oh Re you look so smart in that suit,” Lily crows, walking over to him, but begins to cluck her tongue. “But neither of those ties match.”
Sirius used the rest of my ties to use as a rope for his halloween costume last month.”
“Of course he did.”
“He’s dead Lily.”
Lily smooths back his hair dotingly. “Sure he is darling, now c’mon. James has got a wonderful velvet tie that would look ravishing with this fit.” Remus lets Lily drag him away while Still muttering about Sirius and essences and the god forsaken guillotine of all things.
“There’s a video!” Peter shouts as he rushes back inside— blonde hair mussed and cheeks reddening as bright as Lily’s hair.
“Bloody hell Peter!” Marlene scolds, hand pressed to her chest. “Don’t be a git and scare us like that.”
Peter only repeats the fact that there’s a video— of what? James does not know nor does he want to find out. God he just wants them to act mentally sound for one damn night.
“A video!”
“Settle yourself Peter,” Dorcas scolds, a hand on her hip and a scowl twisting her pretty face. James reckons that if she were his history teacher in secondary school he might’ve actually been scared enough not to fall asleep. “Now explain yourself.”
“Mary posted a video of Pippa rolling over and there was a bloke in the background laughing along!”
“You saw a random bloke?” Marlene asks.
“No but I heard’m! Clear as day.”
Dorcas sighs, clamping a hand over his shoulder in solace. “Eh, think logically Peter, you lot only split up a couple weeks ago. I seriously doubt Mary’s gone off and shagged someone else so soon.”
“But I heard’m! Maybe she finally realized she could do better.”
“Oh none of that bollocks Peter Pettigrew.” Marlene bellows, joining her girlfriend to stand in front of him now. “Oi, wasn’t she close with that younger brother of her’s?”
Before Marlene’ even finished asking the question, Peter’s worried expression melts away, brightening ten fold and beginning to  grin like an absolute lune. “Oi McKinnon! You bloody genius! Your right! It’s Marcus! It’s definitely Marcus!”
“Brilliant!” James hurriedly interjects, the time ticking down to only twenty minutes left. “It was obviously, certainly Marcus this entire time. Now why don’t you be a doll Peter and call us the cabs, I don’t want to risk not grabbing one in time. Especially in this miserable weather.”
Peter nods cheerily, picking up his mobile and idly noting that he’s begun to feel a bit peckish.
“There’s some fat in the fridge if you want,” Marlene calls after him, her snickering dining down once the front door to the flat swings open to a harried looking Sirius. James is about ready to row considering that the only notable differences seem to be the fact he’s no longer wearing his DR Martens and his hair’s even more disheveled than before.
“Where is Lupin!”
“Oi, Black! Not the bloody time for your little lovers quarrel.” James snaps.
“He took my pants!”
“Pardon?” Dorcas wheezes with pure delight.
“That sodding little slag stole my pants!”
“You stole my essence!” Remus bellows, storming back into the main room, shirtless and heated. James almost feels bad for Sirius who’s gone all flushed and blotchy at the sight.
“Remus! No, no, no! Why are you getting undressed! We want you all to be fully damn clothed!”
“Oh, that was my doing,” Lily pipes in, thankfully clad in a lovely, green number that brings out her eyes. “I thought that if Remus changed into one of your white undershirts that it’ll help accentuate  the purple tie.”
James really wishes he could stay properly angry at Lily for longer than a second at a time so that he can rebuke them for this little dress up game. But alas, he simply can not, so he’s only left to nod like a daft idiot at her explanation.
“And then I smelt rubbish and so I knew Sirius had returned.” Remus snarls.
“I smell like a fucking field of daisies!”
“Bet your trousers won’t smell that way after an entire  night pantsless,” Remus sneers, and James silently  reminds himself never to cross the scrappy bugger, (It’s always the quiet ones indeed).
“That’s not on Moony! I don’t want to have my bits out for show, everyone will be focussed on their magnificence over poor Jem and his little presenting gig.”
Heatedly, James tosses him the bird.
“Then give me back the essence!” Remus retorts caustically.
“Fine Lupin, you want to play it this way. Game on!” With one final, haughty harumph, Sirius dashes over to his own apartment and Remus only scoffs as he rounds back to the bedroom. 
“What does that even mean! Absolutely nothing that’s what! Damn arse!” Remus grumbles to himself, slamming the door shut after Lily follows, still barefoot herself.
Discretely, James checks his watch once more, feeling a looming sense of dread once realizing that there’s only fifteen minutes left until they have to be out the door.
“Hiya Marcus,” James swings his head up so quickly that he swears he’s got vertigo, but at least Dorcas and Marlene look just as concerned from where they’re also gawking at Peter. “I just wanted to see if you were in town— Oh yeah, yeah. I thought I heard you on the back of that last video Mary posted.”
“Hang up Pettigrew!” Marlene hisses, trying to grab for the phone and is elbowed out the way for her trouble.
“Oh yeah, she did block e after the whole snag with me running over her cat. But you know how it is, making a fake account— Oh, erm I didn’t think it was that weird really.”
“Hang up Peter!” James yells, feeling absolutely hopeless. “Hang up the damn mobile!”
“I know plenty of people who do that! No need to get all shirty!” Peter hisses at Marcus, the color slowly draining out of his face. “No, no you don’t need to tell Maz, ’s not that serious!”
“I need a bloody shot.” Dorcas moans.
“What’s happened?” Remus asks from where he and Lily stroll out the bedroom, fully dressed thank god and both glancing over at a sweating Peter with concern.
“Mary’s surely going to getting a restraining order,” Marlene says with no context, shrinking back when the flat’s door opens once more to Sirius.
“You mad wanker,” James breathes out, not even having enough wits about him to shout. Sirius is standing there, absolutely drowning in countless sweaters pulled up over one another and sweat pants over sweat pants.
“What the bloody hell are you doing!” Remus screams.
“You take my pants, and I wear all your clothes Lupin,” Sirius grins glowingly, eyes glinting with pure mischief.
“You’re going to stretch them all out you absolute beast!”
 “I’ve got to say Moons, your sweats are real comfortable without any pants, nice and soft.” Sirius does a forward lunge right then, wiggling around for good measure. So James really shouldn’t be surprised when Remus actually pounces, knocking him over to the ground.
“My money’s on Lupin, the scrappy bugger,” Marlene cackles.
“I can’t believe I did that,” Peter groans, slamming his head against the table, while Sirius and Remus continue to writhe on the ground like a pair of bloody mutts in heat.
“Get it together you plonkers! We need to leave in ten minutes!”
“He, oof, he took my essence!”
Sirius beams victoriously when he finally gets Remus beneath him and pulls up for breath, “You took my pants before I ever did that Lupin.” 
“Because you’re a insufferable  berk!” Remus hisses, wiggling around and canting forwards, both his and Sirius’s faces going suddenly red, and James shutters to think of what might’ve slid up against each other to elicit that response. Though his imagination is buoyed when Sirius suddenly rocks forwards in a very deliberate way, his head dipping down closer to Remus and it’s like instinct when their lips devour one another’s smolderingly, Remus’s hands fisted in Sirius’s hair, and Sirius’s own sliding around to cup his arse cheeks.
“Oh for bloody hell,” James snarls, absolutely fed up. He grabs the cup of discarded fat and pours it on the pair of them, making it so they both jump apart in a flash— panting breaths and flushed cheeked and both of the sporting obvious hard ons— even through the layers that Sirius has got on.
“You lot have got eight minutes and thirty five seconds to get it the bloody hell together, change into something respectable and then meet me downstairs,” James instructs, seething and brooking no arguments.  “Now disperse damn it!”
They end up fifteen minutes late, and McGonagall just gives James a cool glance above her flute of wine as they scramble to the table, but it’s fine, because James gets to shake Ludo Bagman’s hand and everything while up on stage— Even if Remus and Sirius make a conspicuous retreat to the gents the moment he sits back down and don’t meet up with everyone until after the ceremony ends.
James repeats, bloody blunders.
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idk-maybe-i-did-it · 3 years
hello! I was wondering -if u still take requests- if u could do an angsty Remus Lupin x reader where there's jealousy but it ends well? like the reader and remus get together in the end? if not its totally fine! have a wonderful day!
Remus Lupin x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Teeth-Rotting Fluff, caps-lock, non consented kiss
A/N: I know that I left it on sort of a cliffhanger and didn’t really finish it all like you would like it but I wrote most of it a few months ago and decided to finish it up today for the sake of getting it published so, I hope you like it still.
He looked at her as she walked near the door, he watched as he fluffed her hair, he watched as she glimpsed up and smiled at him. He leaned back on the hind legs of his chair to get a better view of her while she walked past and he watched in agony as he wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, he watched as he spun her and he watched as they dropped to the ground time after time.
Remus watched it all.
He watched all their ups and downs, he watched as he did other things, he watched as she cried and watched as their love depleted.
And he loathed it.
I know I let you down, I think about it all the time. We could’ve had it all, we could’ve had it all.
He watched as he squared her in between the wall, he watched as she slipped between the space between them and he watched as she waltzed up to him and wedged herself between him and Sirius. Remus smiled down at her and reached down to entwine their fingers as he used to.
Y/n smiled weakly back up at him and Remus didn’t fail to notice when she glanced back to see him smoother another girl with love on the other side of the hall as they passed.
Sirius smirked at Remus as they neared their black lake tree and when he sat down with her on the grass Sirius stood and shot a smile to a girl by the doors of the school.
“ Alas I must take my leave friends, I have business to attend to.”
Remus shot up from his seat on the ground and threw his hands up with false distress, crying out about how he promised to do work with him, before Sirius saluted and left off for the brunette girl by the doors.
A light tug at his hand was what made him drop back down. He glimpsed at her e/c irises and sighed, slumping back down and yanking his essay out in frustration.
Y/n frowned as she watched Remus scribble the words out on his parchment, a blush quickly forming on her face as she saw him glance up at her with an eyebrow raised.
She had always known the effects that that one tilted eyebrow could bring.
She had known for years.
The first time, when they had been in second year, it had happened was when James ran off for Lily and Peter ran off with Sirius somewhere. That left him with Y/n in the room on the floor. He had sighed back then as well, and pulled a book out, lounging against the floor while his back pressed against the wood of the beds frame.
Y/n had pulled her pillow and blanket over next to him and after a moment of thought she curled into his shoulder as she lay buried in the blanket. Remus’s only respond was to tilt his book towards her side more, allowing her to read with him.
She had soon given up on it and instead decided to pester him with questions about it because she had no clue who the fisherman and his friends were and wanted to find out for the part he was on had seemed quite interesting to her.
He had tilted his head to the side and cocked an eyebrow up at her after she asked if they could re-start the book. Remus smiled lightly at her reaction and simply threw a piece of chocolate towards her direction, directing for her to go back to sleep.
Now, sitting next him by the black lake, Y/n felt his eyes on her again and she looked up from her papers, curling slightly into herself at the knowing smirk on his face.
Remus tilted his head back at her, smirk still placidly placed on his face, and gave her a look that she could only refer to as wolffish, sly and fox like.
The female made quick work to smack their textbook upside his head before he burst into laughter and hooked an arm around her waist when she began to smack his chest with the book. He pulling her to the ground with him when he fell and tumbled down the hill, nearing the lake.
Remus glimpsed a rock from the corner of his eye and hooked onto it before they could fall into the lake, shoving his foot against another rock near and curling his friend inward to his chest before she could fumble into the murky waters mere inches away from where they lay panting. All the while he kept that same grin on his face.
She pressed her face into his now dirtied shirt and glimpsed up at the setting sun, a satisfied smile on her face.
The two sat together until she realized he had gotten mud and dirt up her stocking, when she tensed beneath his hand and began to growl, that was when he knew to run.
“ You Bloody Bastard!”
Later that night Remus had Lily return her bag and books and the finished homework Remus had done for her as payment.
Well, not complete payment, he still had to kick Sirius for shoving mud up her skirt.
It was Christmas now and they all sat on the floor in the space where the foot of the beds lay.
Peter was already asleep and James had left earlier on to grab hot chocolate, although he had been gone long enough to suggest he’d found more exiting company, and Sirius lay sprawled next to Peter on the floor, a trail of wrappers laying around their heads.
Remus had been lounging across the pillows they’d thrown down earlier that evening, reading his book, while Y/n shuffled around in the bathroom, pulling on one of Remus’s jumpers and a pair of stockings as she attempted to get comfortable for the night. If she knew the boys, which she did, then she would know well enough to know that as soon as James came back they’d really start to party.
She blew the candles out and opened the door, shutting it as she turned.
Remus glimpsed up at her from his book and smirked before returning to the pages of his book, pages that he’d surely lose interest in as soon as she dropped down next him.
“ Wanting to feel a bit breezy down there tonight hm?”
“ You know I could light your book on fire if I wanted.”
She looked down at him as she plopped on the sea of pillows beside him and a blush coated her cheeks as his head tilted and that same lazy grin coated his features, his eyes closed in serenity.
Remus tossed the book up onto his bed and crossed his arms behind his head, stretching out as his head landed in her lap.
His voice came out husky, filled with tiredness and love as he spoke, “ Mmm, go ahead and burn it. I stopped paying attention as soon as you walked in, you’re too hard to look away from sweetheart.”
Y/n smiled sadly at his comment and gently shook her head, running her hands through his hair.
For as long as she could remember, Remus had always been flirting with her, even when she dated Ben for those three years, he had only stopped when Ben walked in on them exchanging flirtatious comments while doing their homework. He’d beaten Remus bloody and wouldn’t stop until Y/n promised to keep away from him.
She stayed with Remus the rest of the night trying to apologize, trying to fix him back up.
And Y/n was okay with his flirtatious comments, it wasn’t like they had ever meant anything.
Oh how she wished they’d meant something.
Remus bit into an apple he’d stolen from Peter, starling Y/n from her trance.
“ So, are you and that Plaite guy a thing now? I hear he asked you out.”
She laughed lightly, a soft, careful thing and shook her head at the boy resting beneath her.
“ No, I rejected him…”
Y/n sighed and leant forward, crossing her arms overtop Remus’s chest, her head against it.
The boy cracked open his eyes and propped himself up. His eyebrows furrowed and he bit his lower lip in thought.
“ What’s wrong dove?”
Silence met his answer and his confusion only grew.
Remus was about to say something else when she replied.
“ Well there’s this guy I like, and me and him have been friends for a long time now see, and I really like him and I think he likes me too but…”
Y/n paused for a few moments and fidgeted with her fingers at the light growl Remus released.
“ What’s this guys name? I bet he’s that Ravenclaw kid you used to hang out with, OH, No I bet it’s that Jeremiah boy—“
“ Oh I never thought I’d see the day where Remus Lupin was jealous!”
Soft laughter filled the air and Remus found himself sitting up, a scowl on his face.
“ I’m not jealous!”
His words only further influenced her laughter and Remus snarled at her, a grin to his face, before he tackled Y/n to the ground more so than before. Y/n gasped as he straddled her hips and pinned her wrists above her head.
His breath fanned over her face and she could practically taste the chocolate on his tongue, a giddy smile to his face. Remus leant in closer and was about to say something when a frown crossed his love’s face.
“ I can hear James’s footsteps Remus.”
A blush quickly spread across his face and Remus rolled off of Y/n. He throw his fleece blanket at her and hopped up, pulling her to sit by the foot of James’s bed while he sat at the foot of his.
Y/n’s face was flushed as she wrapped the blanket that smelled much too like her friend around her shoulders and reached for a licorice wand.
She glimpsed over at Remus and instantly turned away, her already apple-red cheeks turning a darker shade.
“ So, tell me about this guy you like. Who is he, what’s he look like, do I know him?”
Y/n turned to him and smiled slyly at his poor attempt to hide his frustration at James and his flushed cheeks. Remus used his thumb to flick his kneecap.
“ Well, he ha—“
And James walked in.
And the others woke up.
He froze, the two bags in his hands finding their places by the pillow fort floor, and immediately dropped to his knees, shaking Y/n’s shoulders.
“ I. Need. Details. N/n. Now.”
Sirius rubbed his eyes and began to scoot towards Remus, blearily falling on the floor by his feet again. Peter grasped a pillow and chucked it at James’s head, curling back up in a ball with his empty pile of sweets.
And a pillow war commenced.
“ you never told me who that guy was.”
“ go to bed Remus, or Christmas won’t come.”
His arm looped around her waist, pulling her closer to his body if possible, and she fell back against his chest, her hair splaying across his torso as she curled into his embrace.
“ tell me something about him. even if it’s just his eye color.”
“ his name will be your present, Remus Lupin.”
James shook Y/n awake, pulling her off the floor and into a standing position, and threw a pair of clothes at her. Shoving her into the bathroom with a mischievous grin afterwards.
She dressed quickly and didn’t even make it three feet out of the door when James took hold of her again, throwing her figure over his shoulder and walking out of the room. She could feel the smirk on his face.
He finally stopped at the bottom of the stairs and she flew out of his grip, toppling onto a pile of bodies on the Common Room floor.
‘I think of the night in the park, it was getting dark and we stayed up for hours’
A groan came from beneath her and Y/n shot up immediately, throwing a fierce glare in James’s direction. Remus knew she would pummel him later.
Then James brought out pancakes.
“ Why do I put up with this James?” 
Remus turned his head and sighed, shoving a crumple cake in his mouth as he watched Y/n braid Sirius’s hair across the room. 
“ I mean, I love her James but she also, she really makes me hurt somtimes.” 
“ You put up with it because you don’t have enough guts to ask her out and you completely miss the hints she throws, especially the one from last night.”
Remus kicked James in the shin, resulting in a grunt from James.
Remus scowled, “ I do to have enough guts to ask her out.”
“ You turn into a woman on the full moon and you still don’t have the guts to ask her out.”
Remus shoved the sweets into James’s lap and swiftly walked over to where Y/n stood by Sirius. He wrapped an arm around her waist from behind and spun her around with a dip, kissing her.
When he pulled away, Y/n was smiling all giddy like and Remus had a cheesy grin on his face. In a low voice he asked, “ will you go out with me?”
“ Yes, I’ll go out with you. Especially seeing as you were jealous of yourself last night.”
Tag List:
• @17stalecupcakes
• @princessstoopid
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Warning for some blood and gore in this one
Chapter 145: Silver and Opals
Something constricted over his face, pinching his nose shut and clasping down too close to his mouth, the edges of it just below his eyes and on the curve of his jaw, something pointed digging just beneath his chin on one side.* He breathed in the dusty scent right onto his tongue, there was no natural lighting in the gloom for him to see what was happening.
"Guys!" Remus squeaked at once, his hands scrambling over nothing of value as he reached up to try pulling it off. "Guys!?" There was a muzzle on his face, somebody had slapped a muzzle back on him!
"Somebody get me out of this thing!" He was already howling like an animal, he could hear the desperation in his own voice and he didn't care as his skin pulled and stretched and it wouldn't come off! This was no cruel prank, even Sirius would never do something like this as a joke.
"Sirius!? James?! Help!" He couldn't even back away as whatever it was held him in place by his face, and there was screaming all around him now. He couldn't even tell if it was his own. "Padfoot! Prongs! Pete?! Somebody!"
He could still breathe, it was neither tightening nor loosening, but that was somehow worse as his eyes adjusted to nothing. He forced them to remain open. They were not in the dimly lit hospital! He'd rather black out than live like this though. There was nothing but blank wall in front of him, he couldn't feel a single one of them around him, his breath was hot and kept blasting right back into his mouth with no escape. "Sirius! Sirius!" His nails were scraping dangerously against the ridges of his eyes, determined to rip it off by any means necessary.
Peter wasn't sure if those cursed robes once thrown out of Grimmauld place had been sent here, or if they weren't one a kind, but he wasn't getting the air to ask as the material wrapped tight around his throat. He gasped and spluttered in disgust, hearing the shouts and cries around him, but instinctively tried to vanish with a little pop that thankfully worked. Scampering a few feet away to be sure as they fell back harmlessly to the rack, he changed back and yelled in fright, spinning on the spot with no idea where to begin.
Regulus was hanging onto the handle of a black cabinet and stumbling dangerously, about to fall into something that seemed to have no true back and no telling what it would do.
James had tried the same trick, but Prongs's hooves slid uselessly on the ground as it held tight, so he changed back and lashed his hand onto an already trembling case full of jewelry that was about to topple him as the black cord wound tighter up his leg and tried to continue pulling him back towards a dangerously whirling device that glinted of metal even in the non lighting. He tried desperately to go for his wand while being torn in two, but didn't seem to be making much progress.
Sirius couldn't dare try the same, wrestling with a panther that had him ruthlessly pinned to the ground by its claws digging into his chest. Only a hastily thrown up shield charm was keeping his neck safe, and the glistening fangs shoved his wand's barrier a little lower to the ground every time.
Remus was losing his shit, he hadn't even gone for his wand to get out of that thing keeping him in place, it was too dark for even his sharp eyes to see exactly what it was.
A splattering of blood suddenly came from above and he looked up to see Frank yelling as a broom slammed him repeatedly into the ceiling, he'd bet anything he was incapable of letting go. He couldn't even spot the other two to know the horrors they were in.
Lashing out his hand to grab the back of Regulus' robes, he verbally threw a spell wildly at James while issuing a silent apology. It worked as it should, the severing charm cut straight through down to the bone, releasing him and a howl of pain as Regulus got his feet back under him.
All Prongs seemed to notice was that he was free and he immediately took in the same situation. Feeling guilty as hell for prioritizing, but Remus was screaming his lungs out so he was definitely more alive than Longbottom not even doing that anymore, Peter turned to Regulus and said, "mind your head."
He needed no further instruction as he once again over extended his magic, shooting Regulus up to the ceiling with far too much vigor. His arms had come up to cover his head on instinct, so when he found himself next to Longbottom he reached over to yank him off without any further hesitation as Peter tried to lower them back to the ground. The broom fell to the floor with an innocent clatter now that its rider was free.
"No James!" Sirius called calmly and clearly from where he was still wrestling with the cursed item like it wasn't salivating to rip his head off, hands straining to keep his shield up on the thin wood, every muscle visible in his arms and covered in sweat, a small puddle of blood pooling along his sides from the rivulets of cuts because of those hind claws. "Get Remus out!"
Moony had stopped calling for help and was now just screaming incoherently. Heeding Sirius by instinct alone, he changed course and rushed over to slash his wand through the air like a whip as he cried, "relashio!"
It worked thankfully, the bony hand fell away, the fingers uncurling with an ugly crackling noise. Remus finally staggered back clutching at his mouth and gasping in relief. James put a tentative hand on his arm in case he still lashed out in fear, watching closely to see the bloody scratches under his eyes in case that thing had done any worse to him, but Remus turned and held onto his arm still fighting back tears, his knees shaking as he held painfully onto James' elbow while he got his breath back. The few salty ones that leaked out must have stung terribly as they mingled with the blood, but he didn't let go to brush them away.
Prongs tried to be as reassuring as he could while he started dragging Moony back towards a still struggling Sirius, still limping as heavily as Remus' weak appendages. Peter was by Sirius' side now, but none of the spells he used were working anywhere past causing stuffing to fly as the creature continued.
There was a terrible look on Wormtail's face for whatever he was about to blast next to get that thing away, and James desperately tried, "finite," first despite his friend trying to cut off circulation to his arm.
The mock animal went still, and then zapped back to a plush sized toy. The desperation was still in Peter's eyes as he went towards the back, but James seized him and pushed him towards Regulus hovering over an unconscious Frank. "Walk him through some healing charms Pete."
Sirius struggled to his feet but was managing it well enough, so James sorrowfully wrenched his arm free and transferred a still hyperventilating Moony to him, hating to turn his back on the pair as Sirius tried to follow but couldn't as Remus latched onto his back and Padfoot groaned in pain. James was already rushing to the back alone despite leaving a thick trail of blood.
The moment he stepped through the curtain he heard the problem and snapped back to Prongs, which thankfully saved his human ears from the tinkling trance of music holding Evans and Alice in place, blood already starting to dribble from inside their ears. Their eyes were wide and glassy, and he huffed in frustration he could see nothing to turn off. Perhaps an intruder alarm, or something irreparable had broken upon their landing.
He stepped farther in, turned clumsily on the spot, and began nudging the two gently out with his horns while trying to favor three legs. They started moving, thankfully, but slow stumbling steps that made his limb feel like he was trailing a log behind him now that the adrenaline was starting to wear off. He feared that numbness, it could not be a good thing.
As the two stepped back into the rest of the store, it visibly started to wear off, and he changed back, collapsing to the ground in cold flashes of pain, using what little breath he had left to cast a healing charm. He passed out before he could see the bone, muscles, tendons, and flesh knit back together.
Lily and Alice screamed in tandem at the sight before them, burning their already ringing ears. Alice vaulted over the counter like it wasn't there to get to Frank and Lily dropped to her knees in a puddle of Potter's blood. She pushed his pants leg aside and saw he'd reduced it down to a deep cut instead, still oozing.
"He okay?" Sirius demanded from above her, turning a bit gray but holding his wand steady, clearly ready to use it on him if he didn't pass out first. Once again his chest was desecrated by multiple scratch marks, Lupin hanging onto his arms for life, as he watched her every move like that was no hamper at all.
"I got the rest," she promised. "He'll live."
Sirius released an erratic laugh that terrified her as she got her arms under his limp form and began dragging him out of the darkening pool for her own sanity, only managing a few feet where the counter stopped before she sat down beside him in exhaustion, the six of them sizing each other up and just taking in their next precious breath.
"So, who wants to find the book?" Regulus whispered into the following silence.
Sirius' laughter increased, his arms going behind him to hold Lupin in place as his eyes stayed on Potter.
"Stop that," she scolded in exhaustion. He didn't until she got wearily to her feet and used shaking fingers to prod gently along his chest, causing him to hiss in pain and eyes to finally flinch onto her properly. He gently pushed her hand back and finally turned his wand on himself, but stopped quickly and put it away.
He hadn't managed to get them all, and her hands trembled terribly as she got the last few to close while trying desperately to ignore the nausea of seeing the blood flow while he watched her with a steadfast expression.
She tried to go around him to Lupin who was still shaking and gasping, but Sirius crowded him against the wall and tightened his grip with a reproachful look as he jabbed his head at Frank instead. Lupin was taller, she could see the damage under his eyes, his nose was swollen, red, and dripping blood, but he didn't seem an immediate concern as he kept his face tipped towards the ceiling and kept breathing, so that wasn't a fight she was going to pick as she did so.
Pettigrew had walked Regulus through it for the most part, oddly as she'd expect him to do it himself, but he'd only gotten the worst of it and Lily tried her best to help the rest through. She still worried they hadn't done enough when Frank still lay passed out and looked pleadingly back at Potter and Black, who weren't in a position to help anyone in their state.
With a mental slap, she reminded herself she could do this! She wasn't going to let Frank suffer brain damage now! Fumbling desperately with the straps of her bag, she knew for a fact she could do at least one quick potion to help any internal swelling go down. Her hands continued trembling though as she started crushing ingredients on the filthy floor, worried about contamination, her mind starting to fog over as she kept wondering what if she did it wrong, what if she made this worse too?
Alice took her hand, her own flew to her shining amber eyes. "What can I do?" She demanded.
Her first instinct was still to push her away, to not let her guard down now, she could do this herself; but Severus' biting insult flashed through her mind to stop her. She was more than just a mudblood, she did deserve to be here! She pushed the empty cauldron towards Alice and told her in a remarkably steady voice, "start filling this with water, slowly. Only a cup at a time, I'll tell you when to stop."
She still patiently went through every step in her mind before she did it to double check herself, but the potion came out the exact right color as she ladled out the first spoonful and gently eased it into his mouth.
Peter got the nicked Weasley's potion kit out of Alice's bag and went back over to Prongs, nearly tipping the entirety but one drop of that blood restorative into his mouth before wearily handing it to Sirius.
"Thanks," Padfoot did not sound like he meant that as he tapped it, took a sip of his own, and pocketed it, but Peter nodded all the same as he hovered awkwardly.
"I'm sorry," he told them sincerely, though he wasn't sure how much Remus was listening.
"You should be," Sirius clearly meant that, and Peter winced. "Hell Peter, you nearly cut his leg off, what were you-"
"Guys," James groaned from their feet. They glanced down to see he looked every color of awful, but he was blinking dazedly up at them.
Sirius tried to bend down on instinct so he didn't have to crane his neck so far, but Moony still refused to let go and Sirius was starting to look a little flustered as the realization kept hitting him he couldn't help both at once. He was far more angry at himself than he'd ever let anyone see. Only this damning fact had stopped him from telling Evans to back off in the first place.
James didn't seem to want much help anyways, pushing Peter's hands away until he was leaning comfortably against the wall so he could see every corner properly, but he still had no energy to use the most minor of spells. Even his voice came out rough, but kind as he looked at Peter and said, "thanks mate. Everyone's okay, that's the important part." Frank was starting to stir as well, and the girls were dabbing a bit of that potion as far into their own ears as they reasonably could.
"I am sorry," Peter still insisted, but James waved him off with a faint smile.
Sirius was done being nice though. "James didn't try to cut Remus' face off to-"
"He did good Sirius," James repeated firmly now, frowning up at him as best he could from the floor, but he knew Sirius could hear it at the very least. "Who knows what the hell anyone else would do, grab the book? Freeze up? Can't you just be grateful?"
Prongs really meant that, and Sirius watched him sadly as he realized he didn't feel the same. It was the principle of the matter, the instinctive magic he'd heard each of them use underneath Remus' pleas for help. There was a fracture now when he looked at Peter he decided he was done trying to fix for James' sake.
During those three weeks he hadn't been speaking to any of them, Peter had never crossed his mind. Going back to Grimmauld hadn't even crossed his mind, he'd considered living in the Forbidden Forest for the summer without a second thought to Regulus. Only because of all of this mess was he even making more of an effort to involve himself with him, but he'd spent every waking hour wishing he could talk to James again, trying to pretend Remus had just over reacted and would want to come talk to him any day now, forcing himself to respect Moony's wishes and not start the conversation.
He'd been in the wrong, and he knew that now, he still felt the guilt of those actions every time he looked at Remus. He'd done Peter wrong by viciously over reacting to this future, but he'd tried what he could to make amends for that. He didn't hate Peter or Regulus, but he was done trying to make it more.
"Sorry," Peter whispered one last time.
"Yeah, so am I," Sirius stated, but there was something wrong with the delivery. There was a sincerity in there that did not lean towards an apology Peter suddenly flat knew he didn't want to know the meaning of.
James swallowed at the following silence and said, "Maybe I'll try losing an eye next, get out of here looking like Moody!"
Sirius got a grudging laugh and played along like nothing had happened. "First Harry, now him, you trying to mimic everyone in this future mate?"
"Just the cool people," he grinned.
Peter sighed in relief when Regulus summoned the book to get them out of this place and went quickly back over to him. James watched him go with a deep ache of loss as he gingerly stepped over the thick blood still covering most of the floor.
"Silver and Opals," Regulus said clearly and more calmly than Sirius would have given him credit for, as traumatized as he still looked glancing around at every single thing and even the floorboards like they were still going to be attacked any moment inside the rest of Borgin and Burkes. He hadn't been able to see what Regulus survived, but guessed it as he particularly kept eyeing that black wardrobe.
Both Black boys had been in here on multiple occasions well enough they recognized the store now that their eyes had adjusted to the gloom and Evans had lit her wand tip for light. It glinted repeatedly off the metal fan still spinning lazily, the edges razor sharp as a blade and brushing a pleasant breeze across them all, its cord like a dead snake not stopping the movement. Sirius couldn't tear his eyes away from its progress, never ceasing the whole chapter.
Peter was back over here, so Regulus felt safe enough to keep his eyes mostly focused on Harry's speculation as he did a silent one of his own. They were all flinching away from the jewelry case and wondering if they were finally going to hear what Malfoy had bought from this very place, and who it was going to be used on.
Katie Bell, unintentionally, as she'd been the delivery but not the target before it went wrong. Regulus took in every detail he could even as terrifying as it was to describe the sequence of events. All of them spent a very long time checking every spot in here with only their eyes to make sure that necklace wasn't available now, and even still never looked at anything for too long in fear it would curse them next.
Sirius was still practically supporting all of his weight as Remus continued to lean into his back, hands holding tight to his upper arms as if restraining Sirius from doing something instead of himself, which was falling to the floor, face still turned away to breathe in freely even as his fingers held tight. Sirius had to fight the urge to offer him a piggyback ride his knees were still shaking so bad.
"Hey, Remus," Sirius forced his hands to stay in place at his side, letting Remus cling to him in whatever way he wanted in front of the others. Keeping his voice soft and gentle, if James heard he wasn't giving it much notice as he continued listening in worry as McGonagall was caught up to speed, and Malfoy's detention ruined his only suspect. "If you're so worried about being distant, then why not knock it off? Nobody's holding any of this against you."
It was maybe a little hysterical, the laugh that came out of him. That Sirius decided to try talking to him like nothing had happened in between.
Remus let his forehead rest against the back of his shoulder now, he couldn't smell the sweat and blood through his burning nose but he could feel it. Finally his lungs began to even out as he pressed a kiss where none could see as he soaked in his meaning. What Peter had done was the ultimate betrayal of this future and James was still trying to work with him. Ironically Sirius was also reassuring him of the fear Padfoot knew nothing about. Sirius wouldn't go anywhere even if Remus did confess his crush.
He was still reluctant to do so, traitorously letting his mind play him now that he could pretend this was going to last forever, there was nothing in these environments to stop him keeping Sirius to himself. He'd have to tell Sirius when they got back to school, he still knew himself well enough he might murder the first person who made a pass at Sirius in front of him, or Sirius himself, and not be able to explain himself. He had time to do that though, ages of this book left plus the next, and possibly even more if they kept cycling through Harry's life.
It was probably the delirium in him that suddenly found he never wanted it to end.
*If you would like to feel what Remus went through, pinch your nose with either hand using thumb and forefinger, the latter of which and middle finger will rest under your eye, while your ring finger and pinky would sit below your jaw digging in. Now imagine that as a skeleton holding on and not letting go while your other hand tries pulling that off.
The one inspiration I take from the movies, and it's that creepy thing. I cringe every time the scene's coming even though I know it is, and it just grabs Harry's wrist!
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sweeethinny · 4 years
The One - Chapter 1
Finding your soul mate is like entering a home you've been to - you'll recognize the furniture, the pictures on the wall, the books on the shelves, the things in the drawers: you are able to locate yourself in the dark if you need to - I’ll Give You The Sun (Jandy Nelson)
Because when Harry realizes that Ginny is The One, he needs to do something about it. Even if it is risky, because his godfather always alerts him; "What is a life without a little risk?"
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(this gif is obviously not mine. All credit to the wonderful creator)
a few days ago I was asked if Harry would have paid attention to Ginny before, if James and Lily were alive, and since then, I haven't stopped thinking about it. It will be a short fanfic, I believe, without many plots or anything, just a light story of teenage romance, there are already too many bad things in real life. In this story, Peter and the other marauders are not so close anymore, Sirius is married to a woman (sorry for the wolfstar) and Remus to Tonks. There is no Voldemort, so everyone is alive.
(just an introductory chapter, I swear it will have more action in the next few. the first is always difficult)
It was supposed to be another normal summer.
The one where Ron ends up going Harry’s home and the two of them venture into the Potter's big backyard, flying with their brooms and talking about everything and nothing, sometimes accompanied by Hermione, sometimes without her, having fun and doing things that teenagers from 15 years must do, that is; a lot of shameful things like hitting on girls and asking them out (not that they did that much, that one time at the Muggle ice cream shop had been traumatic enough). Then they would play Quidditch with Sirius and his father, and for a few days, Harry would take shelter in The Burrow, being pampered by Mrs. Weasley and laughing at anything stupid that the twins would do.
It was simple, without high expectations and feelings.
Until that day.
Harry had called Ron as usual, and then Ginny, because what would be the problem, right? Sirius was traveling with Hestia and they needed another player. But Harry did not foresee anything he would see next (because if he did, he might change things). Okay, Gin was wearing shorter shorts than he usually used to see, and yes, maybe at one time or another he would have looked at her breasts, because they were quite evident in her worn Harpy shirt, but it was so "innocent" that he didn't even consider big things, not wanting to dissect his own teenage mind.
At night, when the fours - Hermione had arrived a little later - were arranged on the two hammocks that hung in the garden trees (Harry with Ginny, and Ron with Mione) talking and laughing about any nonsense that came to mind, he caught himself admiring that redhead more deeply.
She was lying with her head on the other end, one leg dropped out just like his, but unable to touch the grass, while the other was stretched out beside him body, letting him see how white she was, with several small bruises on the knee, ankle and some on the thigh. Her skin looked too soft, a little red from the sun, but nothing too terrible to cause her pain, and there were freckles lost there, too. Not like on the face, but Harry was also lost in counting how many there were, most likely because he concentrated on how terribly sexy her thigh was
Her shirt had also gone up a bit, she was moving her arm towards another tree on her diagonal, something for Ron while they were talking, and that made the bar wander over her navel, which was very tempting. The skin there seemed much softer than the legs, with a little more freckled freckles, and he wondered how far they went up, or down. The shirt was bent because of its position and it made her breasts even more evident, and Harry had never seen one in real life, at least not one that wasn't covered by ashirt, but Ginny's looked incredible, and his palm itched with willingness to caress them.
He was crazy.
It was the sister of his best friend. His friend too - even if not that close - and as much as she liked him in her first year at Hogwarts, and turned incredibly red every time Harry was in the room, she was still Ginny!
''Dinner, kids!'' His mother shouted from the back door, saving him entirely from starting to talk any nonsense to dispel the redhead's mind.
That was just obvious observation that a teenager would do with any female body, it had no great meaning about it.
''Harry?'' His father's voice was low, a little lazy, standing in the middle of the stairs as he saw him in the kitchen, wandering in front of the cupboards, not knowing where to go. ''Is everything okay?''
''Yes, of course'' He barely looked at the man, crouching down to pick up the bundle of muggle snacks his mother had bought, feeling his stomach as empty as a punctured bag, even though he had eaten kidney pie and potatoes for dinner.
''Nightmare?'' Dad opened another cupboard, taking a cup and filling it with hot water
''No'' If the dream that left him with all his dirty pajama pants counted as a nightmare ... Harry snorted, opening the package and stuffing a handful of potatoes in his mouth, feeling ready to say everything his mind was working on since Ginny stepped into his house. A week ago...
Since when had she been so beautiful?
''Just hungry'' He pointed to the package, leaning against the counter and eating some more, not wanting to go back to the room so soon, a little afraid that if he might close his eyes again, he would feel his balls hurt again, while imagining the redhead wearing bikinis and laughing while jumping in the water and calling him with her finger.
''Your mother hears this and tomorrow she will make two pies just for you'' He laughed, stirring the tea and watching his son carefully. James didn't wear his glasses, but Harry bet he didn't even need to know that something was wrong ''Ginny plays well''
''Have you ever think to who shouldn't?’’ The boy sat on the bench, filling his mouth again, kind of to shut up and avoid talking too much
"Um ... what do you mean?’’ James pulled one of the chairs and sat there, across from him
''Not being the mother ... You know, thinking about someone ... Not thoughts ... friendly ... you know?’’ His voice sounded more nervous than he wanted, but Harry blamed the dream for that. ''Wants to know? Forget it'' But before he managed to get up, his voice, thick and without a hint of laziness, resonated through the kitchen
''Sit down, Harry'' And so he did, not wanting to test his father's patience when it was one in the morning ''Of course I already thought of other people not being your mother. In school days, of course. But until she accepted me for no seventh year, it was a long year.'' A playful smile crossed his face, and the boy winced as he imagined the younger father having these conflicts '’Is that Cho?'' Harry made a face
''She rejected me a few weeks before we took the train. She's dating that Diggory'' Dad nodded, drinking tea patiently ''I just asked why ... how do I stop thinking about a girl?’’ His cheeks flushed to the deepest red, and he was grateful for the little light in the room and his father's lack of glasses.
''If I had known how, I would have got rid of your mother's thoughts the instant she rejected me'' They both laughed softly ''I don't know Harry, why are you trying to get her out of your head? Is someone impossible?''
Was Ginny impossible? Bill was a really big guy, Charlie dealt with dragons for Merlin's sake, and Ron was his best friend ... But Ginny, just her, was already pretty scared in her own right, like that day that she cursed a Slytherin and he ran for almost the entire castle .. Harry should feared her more than her brothers.
''I don't know'' He admitted, playing with the package, mashing a potato or two, while thinking better ''It's just ... it's stupid'' He shrugged
''Well, she seems to have taken your sleep away and increased your hunger'' He pointed to the almost empty package ''It doesn't look very stupid to me .. Why don't you just ask her, just like you did with Cho?''
''I took a year and a half with her'' James laughed
''Try to take less time with this one, you won't have that much time to date in seventh grade'' The man blinked, giving a cheeky little smile
''Your dad told me you’re in trouble with girls'' Sirius commented as soon as he saw him, sitting on the living room sofa and tying his black hair up in a little bun
''Hello Sirius, I missed you too ... yes, we haven't seen each other in almost a month ... Was your trip good? .. Ah, my dad gossiped about this? I thought we were friends." The godfather laughed, raising his eyebrows and denying it while watching him."Just a few comments, nothing much "
''He said you're thinking about who you shouldn't'' Harry rolled his eyes, sighing as he tried to remember why he had asked for advice for the man who doesn't keep secrets.
''It's not that I shouldn't, it's just that it's not worth it'' He shrugged, pretending that he hadn't dreamed of her two nights ago, after swimming together in The Burrow
''How do you know? Have you asked her yet?''
''Of course not, do you think I'm crazy?’’ Sirius laughed, denying and ruffling his godson's hair
''You didn't take that from your father ... Harry, no you already have it ... ''
'' ..Yes, I need the humiliation''
''It may be'' He would prefer his godfather to deny it, as his mother would “You will never know if you don't ask. What if she is the only one? Will you miss a chance out of fear?''
''Aunt Hestia is making it too soft, I thought you would say that I need to know all the dark corners of Hogwarts'' The man rolled his eyes
''That's obvious, there are exceptional broom cabinets'' He blinked, while Harry laughed ''Talk to her, even if it is risky ... What is a life without a little risk?"
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ilove-cedricdiggory · 4 years
Remus Lupin and the Professor
Part 2 ❤️
I woke at the sound of my alarms, both magical and muggle. I wasn't really leaving anything about today up to the chance of tardiness.
Slipping on my clothes, feeling slightly strange not needing to put on my yellow hufflepuff robes and matching tie. I had woken slightly earlier than I'm sure I needed to, wanting to make sure that, if I forgot anything, I had plenty of time to fix it before classes started.
I quickly found myself in the Great Hall, moving to the teachers table - finding it already full of plenty of breakfast items. Sitting in my seat, I placed a few things on my own plate, enjoying that I could eat in a comfortable slow pace. I watched as the room slowly filled with students, the morning risers in a much better mood than the others.
"If I remember correctly, Miss. Smith, you were one of the sulky ones back in your day, were you not?" Minerva's voice filled my ears as i chuckled lightly, nodding my head slightly..
"You know, for a hufflepuff, you really aren't a morning person." Sirius' voice rang in my ears as my head laid on the table, attempting to get any more sleep before classes.
"Oh yeah, Siri. Hufflepuff discrimination. Not all of us are exactly the same you know. We do have characteristics and qualities that make us different." I mumbled out to him, glaring at him through a small hole in my eye.
"You know I'm only joking Ry. We know tons of hufflepuffs and you're the only one we let into our group. There has to be something special about you." He continued his teasing, eating a grape from his plate.
"You and I both know, the only reason you guys let me in the group is because Momma Potter would skin you each alive if she found out you guys were making me feel left out at school." James nodded his head at that one, but wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "Come on, you know I didn't have to be told by mom to hang out with you. You're practically my sister."
That part was true, just like my own statement. My parents lived next door to the Potters, but they were both gone quite frequently, leaving me with the Potters. I was a year younger than the Maurauders, meaning that James protected me a bit more, therefore meaning the others did too.
"Practically your sister? I'm wounded. Here I was, telling everyone James Potter was my brother but to you, I'm only practically. I'ma tell momma." I teased, pulling out a quill and spare parchment, acting as if I was writing to his mother.
.."Momma P, I am in deep distress as I write to you. James is going around telling everyone I'm basically a stranger to the family. I don't know what to - HEY! James Potter, give me my letter back!" I laughed as he quickly tore the note to shreds, glaring at me. "You're gonna get me a howler, you go sending her stuff like that. I treat you better than the boys, and that's saying something." I laughed, nodding my head in agreement.
After their first year together, James was always bragging about the other boys to anyone who would listen, especially to us. I had heard so much about them, I practically knew them as well as James. What he had failed to mention was how attractive one in particular was. Although I would ask a few questions if he had written home each day telling me just how attractive his roommate was. But, when the three other boys floo'd into our living room later that summer, I found myself dreaming about the Remus Lupin standing in next to the fire place, shaking his hair free of the black dust that littered it.
"I can't really say you're wrong. Although, I bet I can say that - out of the five of us, you'd prefer me and my sour morning mood in your morning class than any of the boys." I laughed, smiling at the older woman.
"Now, now, that's not true. I do believe I could put up with Mr. Lupin before I could your morning grouchness." My breath caught in my throat as I heard him step closer, hearing his name brought up.
"What about me?" His voice rang in my ears, shaking me at my core. I hadn't heard it in years, 5 years to be exact. It was deeper than it was the last time we spoke. It was almost as he had gained more control of himself, even his voice.
"I am just reminding our lovely Miss. Smith about her horrible morning mood back when you both were students." She smiled fondly at him and I, watching as Remus took the seat next to me now.
"I do believe you're right. She was a bit of a hassle in the mornings then, wasn't she." I closed my eyes, begging the tears to not slip from their home.
Clearing my throat, I forced a smile onto my face and looked at my old professor. "I am so sorry to cut this short, but I simply can't wait to get to my classroom to prepare for my first class. If you'll excuse me." I quickly stood, waking as normally as I could to the end of the table and out of the teachers door, turning to the side and taking a deep breath.
"Rylee." His voice rang through my ears again, causing me to stand as straight as I could. "Mr. Lupin." I greeted, keeping my eyes from his entire frame, not risking it. "Rylee, come on." His voice was soft, much like his voice on my own first day, only many years ago..
I had bid goodbye to the boys, following the rest of the first years onto the boats. I hated that I had to be separated from them, especially James. I hadn't been nervous like this in a few months, the last time being when I met the Maurauders for the first time. I was absolutely terrified of how I would be placed. I didn't want to let anyone down. My parents, the Potters, James, and all of the boys were happily placed in Gryffindor, keeping their legacies proud.
I, on the other hand, was fearing my placement. I knew none of them would be mad at me, no matter what house I was placed in,but my mind did so much damage on it's own - it didn't really matter what reassurance I got from my family, I thought they would hate me.
Being so caught up in my head, I didn't even realize we had already stepped foot into the castle. I was over thinking so much, I missed the view of Hogwarts from the boats. Cursing myself mentally, my feet followed the rest of the first years as we waited for the large doors to open to lead us into the room filled with so many others.
As I walked in, my eyes scanned the room, in desire need to see my brother. Soon, my eyes landed on the four boys, all of them waiving at me. I nervously waved back, smiling a tense smile.
Listening to name after name called, I chewed on the skin surrounding my nails, a terrible habit of mine I had for years now. Soon enough, I glanced around to see myself standing alone, looking up as the sorting hat screamed the house of the student before me, "RAVENCLAW!" Cheers were heard from the table littered with blue robes. The boy smiled widely, walking as quickly as he could to his seat.
"Rylee Smith." I took small, shaky steps to the stool, sitting down on it. Before the hat was placed on my head, I took one last look at the four boys sitting at Gryffindor's table.
"Ahh, ahh, you're quite the student." I heard ring through my head. I bit my lip, listening to it's voice. "You are a nervous one, aren't you." I furrowed my eyebrows at this - weren't all the first years as nervous as I? "Some were, some weren't. It changes with each student." He reads my mind, duh. "You're entire family in gryffindor, eh? I see a lot in you, I really do. You can be brave - but only when you need to be. Incredibly smart, I can tell. Your ambitions are set..hmm. But one thing shines true with you. Yes.. you're heart sits with your loyalty. It doesn't waver, not at all, I can tell. I haven't seen a heart like this, well, sense Helga herself." My eyes widened under the hat as I gulped nervously. But what about James? He would be so ashamed to be associated with anyone other than Gryffindor, and the rest of the Maurauders, I'm sure. "I see one house meant for you, a house I haven't seen one made for quite like this sense it's creator. One that I say shone even stronger with that statement. I'd be incredibly wrong if I didn't say..."
"HUFFLEPUFF!" Rang out through the room, vibrating with it's sound. The hat was taken off my head as I heard the cheers coming from the table of yellow. But, before I took a step to them, my feet were carrying me into the arms of my brother. "I'm so sorry, I really am. You must hate that I'm hufflepuff, you just must. All of you." I sniffed, hating that I let them all down.
"Hey, hey." I was pulled at arms length, listening to James speak. "Rylee, I don't hate you, none of us do." He spoke, looking down at me, "Right boys?" He didn't even have to look up before they were all nodding in agreement. "Ry, in all honesty, if you weren't put in hufflepuff, we'd have thought the hat would need a check up. You're the most loyal person we all know. Hufflepuff just got the best first year in the entire class, and that's all you." Remus was speaking now, having come out from behind James. His voice incredibly soft and caring. The three others nodded their head to agree, before James pulled me back into his arms.
"Now, if you don't go sit with your house so we can all eat, I think I might have to send mom a letter and tell her you're not eating." He laughed softly, kissing my forehead gently before pushing me softly towards my table. I nodded, waving at them slightly before moving to sit down in the spot saved for myself, greeting a few of the hufflepuff's.
"You've gotta give me a chance to talk, Ryle's." That nickname, that stupid, stupid nickname that almost had me coming undone before him. "Like I told Minerva, Mr. Lupin, I do need to prepare myself for my first class. I will see you around." I quickly side-stepped the man before rushing off to the Herbology space, scolding myself for letting the tears fall as I went.
I made myself presentable for each of my classes, attempting to ignore the fact that he was here, wanting to talk to me. I had shrugged him off for years. I had fought off speaking to him sense their funeral. I didn't speak much to him before then either, refusing to come round' James and Lily's house for holidays in fear that he would be there. I was family, but so was he. I could never and would never make James choose between the two of us, but I never made it awkward for us all either.
The day of their funeral was when I saw him again. He was standing there, his body looking far worse than every single one of the full moons combined. I knew mine was too. I wanted nothing more than to walk up to him and let us both find comfort in each other like we did so many times. It wasn't really sexual between the two of us, at least, we never had sex. I had wanted to wait until after school before I had sex. But, we always comforted each other in a way I used to think only soulmates could. But, it turned out, we were further away from soulmates as two could be. He showed me that.
At the end of my first day, I found myself walking to the kitchens, much like I did in my school days. There was one thing that would always be there to comfort me like none other - baking. I had been in the kitchen so many times as a student, many of the house elfs had grown to expect me many times a day. Only, back then, I wasn't just baking for the comfort of it, but to make most kids in Hogwarts my notorious Snickerdoodles.
If there was one cookie I prided myself on, it was my snickerdoodles. They came naturally to me, being as good as ever with my first batch of them. Once I had begun sharing them in my age, I had plenty of students requesting them from me - from all the houses.
Entering the kitchens, I was met with the eyes of the elfs that I had honestly grown to love. "Rylee! Rylee's back!" It had taken just about all seven years, but I had convinced most of them to use my first name.
"Hey guys, I've missed you!" I said, greeting most of them before they let me to the oven. "We know what you're here for. You help you's self." I laughed, nodding at them and pulling out the ingredients to make the cookies.
"Rylee, Rylee, please tell me you have another batch." One of my closer friends from Slytherin was following me to my next class, begging in my ear. "I told you I did, but I gave you some this morning Lux. I don't even know how you could go through them that quickly." I stated, looking up at him. It was only my third year, but I had grown to meet quite a few people through my cookies.
"Leave me alone, Lucius." I heard, turning in my spot to see the man picking on a girl with vibrant red hair, a girl through a specific set of four people I recognized quite quickly. I excused myself from Lux, watching in horror as he pulled out his wand. I found myself stepping in front of the girl, my own wand now in my hand as I glared at the fourth year.
"She said to leave her alone, Lucius." If there was one thing I would be more than happy to do, it's stand up to my friends..or strangers... "Ah, the hufflepuff. Lovely to see you, love. If you'd kindly move, I was speaking to a different readhead." I stood my ground, my eyes as sharp as I could make them. "Lucius, now." Lux had now moved to stand next to me, the look on his face sharper than I had seen on him.
This caused the man to lower his wand and scoff, rolling his eyes. I placed my hand on my friend's arm as a thanks, but quickly moved to check on the older girl. "I told you she was off limits." I heard from the boy before all my attention was on the girl.
"Are you okay? I'm sure you had that, but I can't stand it when he does that to people." I growled, reaching into my bag to pull put the batch of cookies I had told Lux about. "Here, have one, it helps." I placed a cookie in her hands, smiling as she took a small bite. "Who are you? Holy Merlin these are good." She took a bigger bite from the cookie, causing me to smile at her delight. "Oh, sorry, I'm Rylee." I said, smiling at the slightly taller woman.
Her eyes perked, widening at me. "You're the Rylee? Snickerdoodle, Potter next door living, Hufflepuff Rylee?" I flinched at the association, sighing but nodding at her. "That's me." I said softly. "James talks about you so much, all of the boys do. James is always bragging to us about these stinking cookies, saying how amazing they are and rubbing them in our face. I never believed him - none of us did, but merlin they are good. He goes on and on about how he misses them, and you." I kicked the ground, biting my cheek at that.
"He said you've been avoiding him sense your first year. He didn't know why though." I nodded again, looking at the girl. "Yeah, after I was put in Hufflepuff, I didn't think he would want to be associated with one, or the rest of the boys, so I left him alone. He didn't put up much of a fight so I thought he appreciated it. But, here, you take the rest of this batch. Give them to him, and the boys. Tell them I miss them, please." I whispered, smiling at her.
"Oh, shoot, Tan!" I said, stopping a girl in the hallway. "I'm sorry, Lily, but I've gotta ask her about her potions exam." I said my goodbye's quickly, thankful for the excuse, and rushed to the sixth year. "Did you do well? I remember you telling me about it when I dropped the cookies off."
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starlingcaine · 3 years
How I Imagine Jily’s First Kiss Pt. 2
October 31st, 1977
“Lily didn’t seem like she was doing okay,” he said. “I should probably go check on her.”
She pulled him back in, her long fingers roaming over his shoulders. “Why do you care?” Alexandra asked, eyeing him closely.
James looked back at her, tearing his eyes away from where he had caught Lily leaving. “What?”
She scowled. “You heard me. Why do you care?”
“What do you mean, Lexie? She’s my friend, why wouldn’t I care?”
Alexandra scoffed. “Bullshit, James. She’s not your friend.”
James pulled his head back a bit, creasing his brows. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. She,” Lexie eye’s flicked towards where Lily had been, “Is not just your friend. Come on, JJ.”
“What are you talking about, Lexie?”
She turned her head, voice laced with venom. “Seriously? You know what I’m talking about! She has feelings for you!”
James balked. “Alexandra, this is Lily we’re talking about. She does not-”
“Yes she does,” she replied firmly. “And if you can’t see that, then you are truly an idiot, James Potter.”
“Lexie, you’re being ridiculous. I’ve been trying with Lily for years, I would know if she had feelings for me-” James saw the way Lexie’s eyes narrowed, and immediately regretted saying that. Seriously, Potter? You’re telling your girlfriend you’ve been trying with Lily for years?
“Yea?” she questioned. “You would know, right? So you can go running back to her?” James shook his head, opening his mouth, but she scoffed. “Please, spare me. You would go back to her in a heartbeat, JJ. We all know everyone will always come second when it comes to Lily.” She closed her eyes tightly, turning her head from him.
“That’s not true!” he exclaimed, although he wasn’t very sure if he believed it himself. “Lily is my friend, Lexie, just like Moony and Sirius and Peter are.” The truth, plain and simple. Lily had been there for him when his father had died. She had always been his shining light when things got too dark. He would never abandon her when she needed him. Never. James shook his head. “You just don’t understand what we’ve been through-”
The brunette snapped her head back to him, eyes cold and angry. “I do understand that you would choose that mudblood over me!” James closed his mouth immediately, his stare darkening. Alexandra gasped to herself, gaping at him- “JJ, I’m-”
He simply reached up and removed her arms from around his neck, stepping out of her arms. She reached for him, but he pushed her arms down, folding his own in front of him. “You’re right, Alexandra,” he said. “I would always choose good people like Lily and Sirius and Remus and Peter over someone like you.”
“We’re done,” he said, and smiled cruelly. “Don’t worry, you can keep the quidditch jersey. I don’t want it back.”
He turned around, leaving the great hall. James could hear Alexandra calling after him, but he didn’t care. Never, in his entire life had he wanted to hex a girl so badly- scratch that, a person. He took a deep breath, his anger for Lily fading into protectiveness and concern.
He saw the look in her eye when she stormed out, and thought to himself, stupid stupid stupid. He shouldn’t have even bothered with Alexandra- just left her in the dust and gone after Lily. It’s what she deserved. Lily of all people never deserved to cry alone. And he wouldn’t let her be upset or angry or sad or lonely. Not while he was around.
Keep Lily safe.
Then James stopped in his tracks as a realization came to him- What if Alexandra was right?
No way. He scoffed at himself as he turned the corner to their dorm. Absolutely no way. Right?
He had loved Lily for so long… merlin, the possibility of her loving him back seemed-
Oh, Merlin.
Nope. No, no, never. James couldn’t even think about it much longer, lest he have a heart attack.
He arrived in front of their portrait, nervously pushing his hands through his hair before stepping through. He glanced around the small hallway, tapping his fingers against his thigh, watching Lily’s door. He absentmindedly wondered where Remus and Sirius were, having not seen them as he left- and knocked on the door.
“Lils?” he said, and noticed that the door was open. He pushed against it, entering her dorm space, glancing around. “Lily?”
James walked inside, about to call her name again- when he heard weak, slurred singing. Singing?
“Youu bet fape yup do do do,” the voice sang off key, “Cuz IIII needs a menn.” The voice broke into tears on the last line, and James frantically walked forward.
Lily was sprawled on the floor behind the couch, a carton of ice cream beside her, her hair now back to red and falling messily around her shoulders. She had mascara streaming down her pale skin in black lines, a frown on her full lips as she cried over the spoon of coffee ice cream in her mouth.
“Lils?” he asked gently, semi afraid to spook her off. “Are you alright?”
Lily glanced up, a weak smile forming on her lips. “Jaaaames!” she threw her arms up, the spoon flicking out of her mouth.
James knelt, offering his hand. “C’mon, let’s get you to bed, yea?”
She shook her head, grabbing the edge of the sofa. “I can get up on my own, see?” Lily heaved herself up clumsily. “I’m an independent woman!”
She got onto her feet, and James snickered as she immediately stumbled into his waiting arms. He caught her, holding her upright, her hands landing on his shoulders. “Yes, of course you are. Come now, this independent woman needs sleep.”
But Lily didn’t move forward. She only sighed, relaxing against him, laying her head against his chest. James felt his heart speed up, his cheeks flaming with color, and he prayed for mercy.
“Petals,” he tugged on her hair affectionately, “it’s late.” James tried to sound playful, but his voice came out hoarse, a whisper.
Lily lifted her head, her watery eyes crusted with mascara. She searched James’s face. Fuck, she’s beautiful. The most beautiful girl in the world. How can I ever look at anyone else?
Alexandra had definitely been right about one thing. He would go back to Lily in a heartbeat. 
“Oh, God,” she moaned, wiping her cheeks- which only made the matter of her smeared makeup worse.“I look a mess.”
James gave a breathless laugh, unable to take his eyes off her. “You look perfect,” he muttered aloud, and then nearly shit himself for not saying it in his bloody head. Maybe he was a little more drunk than he thought.
Lily’s frown only deepened, and she banged her forehead down on his chest, groaning. “You make this so hard.”
James tried to lift her chin and make her look at him, but she wasn’t having it. “Petals, what’s wrong? Did I do something?”
“Yes!” She looked up, her eyes brimming with tears, those tempting lips of hers wobbling. She even looks good crying, for fuck’s sake. “You’re my friend.” Lily’s voice broke on the last word. “And you have a girlfriend!”
James was not entirely sure what she was talking about, but he blurted,“I broke up with Alexandra.”
Her eyes widened. “What?”
“We’re erm… we’re not together anymore.”
“Because…” because she’s a nasty bitch, and nobody talks about my Lily that way and lives. “My heart just wasn’t in it.”
Lily brought her hand up tentatively from where it had been resting on his shoulder, brushing back a piece of hair that had fallen into his eyes. She sighed, pushing her fingers through his dark locks, and then gently tracing them over his brows, his cheekbones. James’s eyes closed, almost against his will.
“Oh James,” she breathed as her fingertips traveled over his bottom lip.
Her hand caressed his cheek, and his lashes fluttered. “Lily?” James wasn’t sure if his lungs were working correctly.
She was impossibly close. James noticed her feet were just barely touching the ground, actually- he was holding her up. Up high enough that Lily barely had to lift her chin to touch her lips to his.
James’s eyes flew open, and then immediately closed as she crushed her lips to his, whimpering softly, holding his face in her hands. He tightened his arm around her waist on instinct, one hand coming up to bury itself in her hair, cupping the back of her neck. She tasted like sweet berries and firewhisky, and James thought he might explode or die right there on the spot.
When Lily moaned, a breathless whine as she slid her tongue into his mouth, pushing forward with fervor, James was sure his soul left his body.
He thought he might never be able to stop. James cursed himself for stopping, but he knew he should because she’s drunk and this is the worst possible time to get caught up in the moment. So he pulled away gently, still breathless, his chest heaving, their lips still touching. He tightened his hand in her hair as her eyes opened, staring right at him. James pressed his forehead to hers.
“Lily,” he whispered, praying that this wasn't a dream. “My Lily.”
She only stared at him, her lips pink and a bit swollen, eyes wide and suddenly clear. James didn’t say a word, he simply picked her up, carried her to the open door of her bedroom, and set her atop the mattress.
He thought she might say something- but Lily already appeared to be falling asleep. James removed the clips from her hair, taking wipes off her nightstand and wiping away the cosmetics she had applied. He was sure Lily would not appreciate him undressing her, so James pulled the blankets over her body, kissed her forehead, and left.
When he got inside his dorm, James leaned against the wood roughly, touching his lips.
“Fuck,” he whispered.
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scaredbisexual · 3 years
Shells| Sirius Black
Pairings: Sirius Black x OC, Remus Lupin x OC, Lily Evans x James Potter
Words: 1199
Warnings: Foul language (as alwasy, lovelies)
Summary: "Platform 9 and ¾ was not unusually loud. There were young wizards and witches running around, greeting their friends, saying goodbye to their parents and so on, and so forth. Maisie wasn't really in the mood to observe someone else's happiness. She was more than ready to wallow in her self-pity during the whole train ride to Hogwarts, listen to some music and read a sappy novel, thank you very much."
Where Maisie Hoggan is a friendless, boyfriendless Gryffindor that needs some friends. The Marauders come to her rescue with Syrius Black at the forefront.#1 How it all started
Introduction or Where it all started
„Oh, that little piece of shit, don’t even think about him anymore Maisie, I mean it”, she heard through the phone. A very irritated and loud feminine voice continued to shout profanities under the address of nobody else but Gregory Wittens, Ravenclaw’s Quidditch team’s captain and Maisie’s boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend for two months then.
He’s been quite a good boyfriend, to be honest. She loved him, or at least she thought so, wasn’t so sure anymore about that actually. Well, it was all complicated, they dated for about three years, were inseparable, two peas in a pod, but then came their 5th year and something changed. His smile, always so shiny and full when directed at her, suddenly stopped meeting his eyes, he had more and more Quidditch practices, even though others did not seem to have to train as much. He started making up excuses, taking up new hobbies- I mean, the boy took up running in the morning, just to be able to get away from Maisie. A bit alarming, remembering that he hated jogging with his whole being, but she just shrugged it off as a way of coping with stress. After all they were getting older, more mature, having much more stuff to do, yadda yadda.
She was living in her little bubble, doing homework, hanging out with their shared friends, spending her nights in the library, never even doubting Greg’s alibis. And what a fool she was, huh?
One day, really close to the end of their 5th year, she chose not to go to the library at the same time she would always do that. Instead, a walk seemed to be a perfectly good idea. She walked and walked, listening to her favourite playlist, looking at the nature that surrounded her. It was all so beautiful, the birds, the trees, her boyfriend kissing another girl.
So yeah, that’s how it all went down, her Greg with some blonde, perfect witch with big boobs. Nice.
And there she was, talking about this for the 100th time, if not more, with the only friend that was still by her side. Clementine Green, the sole purpose of her life during that particular time. The girl that woke her up every day, listened to every little detail, lulled her to sleep and then did it all over again, sometimes multiple times a day if it was needed. What a shame that Clem was a Muggle, a girl with no magic abilities whatsoever, just her good friend ever since they were 5. All other friends, and she used to have quite a few, turned their backs on her after The Breakup, taking Greg’s side, even though she was obviously the victim.
“Well yeah, I know, but you know. He’s everywhere in this school, I bet I’m going to be seeing him every time I step into a classroom.”
“Then flip him off from me, please.” Clem answered. You could hear traffic sounds from her side, she clearly was using a phone booth. ‘That’s nice of her’ though Maisie. Not only did she find some time in her schedule to actually call her, she also remembered about Maisie going away to a “Boarding School in Scottland”-a little white lie- where she would for sure meet mister Douche Wittens.
“Yeah, okay. Listen, I got to go, the train will leave without me soon.” Maisie answered, playing with the phone’s cord. It was true, she was still on the Muggle side of London’s train station and the clock was ticking behind her, reminding the girl she was only minutes away from the most lonely and miserable year in Hogwarts.
“Sure, love you girl, write me, will you? And please, for God’s sake, make some new friends. Don’t be the weird lonely girl that walks around talking to herself.”
“Aye, aye Captain, will do.”
The girls said their goodbyes and she hung up, sighing deeply, and moving slowly but surely towards the gap between platforms 9 and 10.
The platform 9 and ¾ was not unusually loud. There were young wizards and witches running around, greeting their friends, saying goodbye to their parents and so on, and so forth. Maisie wasn’t really in the mood to observe someone else’s happiness. She was more than ready to wallow in her self-pity during the whole train ride to Hogwarts, listen to some music and read a sappy novel, thank you very much.
She was on her way to enter one of the compartments, when she bumped into somebody. She shook her head and started apologising, but before she could finish saying “Shit, sorry”, she recognised the person. Of course she did, she would recognise those sandy curls from the other side of England. The same went with his beautiful, deep blue eyes and a cheeky smile.
“Actually, not that sorry, bye.” She muttered, pushing past her ex-boyfriend. She cursed the platform, her parents for having her, Hogwarts because that’s where she met Greg, and everything else she could think about, in her head of course, and ran away before the boy could say something. She chose the first open compartment and was met by the sight of three people talking together animatedly, laughing, and eating some Muggle candy. She could do that, they seemed to be friendly.
“Hi, fancy adding one person to your conversation?” she asked, trying to sound the nicest she could.
“Oh, um…” on of the two boys sitting there said, more like uttered, nervously looking at his friends. “Sure.” He answered, not getting any negative feedback. He had curly, dark brown hair and was wearing an old, worn jacket with stiches here and there. “Name’s Remus, hi.”
“Maisie, nice to meet you.” Making friends was easy, she could do it, yeah, she just needed to talk with them about something she had the faintest idea about and get them to like her. Easy peasy. “And what are your names?”
A really pretty, ginger-haired girl with piercing green eyes and a whole lot of freckles smiled at her and extended her arm towards Maisie.
“Lily, and that guy is James, but I wouldn’t pay him too much attention if I were you, not worth it.” She said, smiling in a way that told Maisie she was joking. The boy she introduced was sleeping like a rock, hugging himself and snoring softly and Maisie chuckled.
“Well, seems like a real snore.” The girls giggled. Remus rolled his eyes and cracked half a smile.
“Damn, another one with dad humour, I like you, Maisie.” They laughed once again and started talking about this and that. She got to know that they all were from Gryffindor, just like she herself, and were in her year. Great news for Maisie. She patted herself on the back for picking the right place to start looking for new friends.
The rest of the train ride was incredibly nice, they all chatted and binged on some gummy bears and chocolate. Eventually James woke up and was a little bit startled to see her there, but quickly shook the initial shock off and joined the conversation.
This year didn’t have to be that bad for her, did it?
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5 Years. Part 3
Harry Potter AU
Pairings: Sirius Black x Reader 
Link to Chapter 2
Rating: M- smut
“I forgot how beautiful you were.”
Sirius said with a smirk as he ran a hand down your shoulder. You lay sprawled across his chest. Poking your head up, you smiled down at him. You wanted to spend the next, however long you could, just looking at Sirius’ face. All of the years apart was enough to make you want to memorize everything, in case the two of you were separated again.
“You’re such a tease.”
You said with a smile. Sirius took your hand in his to press a series of kisses to the inside of your wrist. He stopped the moment that he saw a huge scar.
“What happened here?”
You quickly pulled your hand away and shoved it under the pillow.
“Let's not talk about it.”
Sirius frowned. He had a feeling about what happened and he was not about to let it go.
“Did my mother do that?”
You pressed your lips together and nodded. Sirius rolled his eyes before automatically sitting up. He pulled you along with him as he looked down the expanse of your body.
“What else did she do to you?”
You sighed. This wasn’t the conversation that you really wanted to be having after making love for the first time in years.
“Sirius, can we not talk about this right now?”
He shook his head.
“No, we are talking about it. What did that vile toad of a woman do to you.”
“Sirius, she only got violent when she drank. Your mother is a raging alcoholic, did you know that?”
Sirius wanted to laugh. Everyone in his fucking family was an alcoholic...for good reason.
“Y/n, my family consists of functioning alcoholics. You aren’t answering my questions.”
“Fine, Sirius, I didn’t want to tell you because I don’t want you going back to Grimmauld Place to fight your mother or family. Yes, your mother was abusive. I was a week late giving birth to Juliet. She thought that it was a good idea to use the cruciatus curse on me until I went into labor. When I was in labor, there wasn’t any pain medicine allowed because I earned this by sleeping with you. The psycho wouldn’t even let me go to a hospital. She made me have the baby there. If it wasn’t for your aunt Druella showing up to help deliver Juliet, I probably would have died.”
Sirius didn’t say anything for a moment. He sat with his mouth open. He couldn’t talk due to shock. His mother actually used the cruciatus curse to make you go into labor. What kind of shit was that? What if she hurt Juliet in the process? Neither of you deserved that kind of pain!
“I’m going to kill her.”
He snapped. You shook your head.
“No, you are going to stay home and be a good father. You aren’t going to get yourself taken away from Juliet and me again. We need you. That is in the past. Before you go blaming yourself, it wasn’t your fault. I don’t blame you.”
Sirius put his face in his hands. This was the most heartbreaking news that could have possibly received. All that Sirius could think about was you on the floor of Grimmauld Place screaming for him and he had no idea.
“Your family was decent to me though. They have all been really good to Juliet. In fact, they adore her. Druella babies her senseless. Andromeda is the same way...of course, that is outside of the family. She has helped me more than anyone.”
Sirius smiled at that. Of all people, he knew that he could count on Andromeda. Druella was a bit of a surprise. Sirius didn’t expect much out of his aunt.
“Regulus adores her too.”
You said, softly. Sirius looked up at his brother’s name.
“You would actually be proud of your brother. Regulus protected me from your mother a lot.”
Sirius sighed.
“I’m surprised that he actually did anything to step out against my mother.”
You quickly crawled on Sirius’ lap. At the moment, you wanted to get off of the topic of his family.
“We can be happy now.”
You said before pressing a kiss to his lips. Sirius’ eyes fluttered open as he wrapped his arms around you.
“We can be very happy.”
“Make love to me again?”
You requested. Sirius smiled. He could go for that request any time that you wanted.
“Lay on your side.”
He said, gently wiggling out from underneath you. You quickly lay on your side as Sirius’ hard body pressed against you from behind. He slipped his hand around your thigh and lifted your leg over his hip.
“I like this position. I can whisper things in your ear that makes you come without me touching you.”
You smiled, wrapping your arm around his as Sirius pushed back inside of you. The bad seemed to vanish as soon as his hips started moving.
“I’m never letting you go, love. My goddess…”
Sirius grunted in your ear as he increased his pace enough to cause your eyes to snap closed in ecstasy. He slowly let go of the breast that you were holding and brought his index finger to his mouth. You whimpered watching as Sirius sucked his finger for a moment before reaching between your legs to play with your clit.
“So tight, baby.”
Sirius moaned, letting his finger fall to your union. Feeling how wet his cock was from being inside of you was more than a turn on.
“Sirius quit playing around and come already.”
Sirius smirked and returned his mouth to your ear. He nibbled down on your earlobe earning a moan.
“Our quickies have always been quality. Come on, sugar.”
It took a final shove before you were falling apart in his arms. The sound of the door closing made the two of you freeze.
“Mummy! Daddy! I’m back! Uncle Remus where are they?”
The two of you froze like guilty children before Sirius’ eyes rolled to you.
“I guess sex anytime is postponed for a bit?”
You nodded as he pulled out of you with a wince.
“Unfortunately. We have a needy four-year-old who is about to be the no sex police. I’ll take care of you later.”
Sirius was quickly pulling his pants up and gave you a wink.
“She has to go to sleep sometime.”
(2 weeks later)
“Mummy! It's my birthday!”
Both Sirius and yourself groaned as the sound of little feet running down the hall woke the two of you up. Sirius looked down at his watch.
“She’s your kid. It's too early.”
You shook your head.
“Nope. She’s yours too, daddy.”
Sirius yawned, waiting for the bedroom door to fling open and Juliet to pounce on the bed. That had been the routine for the past few weeks and he wasn’t complaining. Even though he wasn’t a morning person, getting to see his daughter (even if it was 6 am when normal people should be sleeping) every day.
Keeping his hands off of you when Juliet was around was turning out to be harder than Sirius expected. It seemed like the moment that the two of you started to kiss Juliet would pop up. The night before, for example, Sirius had you in his arms for a quick snog session.
“When you kiss, where do you put your noses?”
Sirius had never dropped his hold on you so fast.
As soon as the door opened, you winced as Juliet landed on top of your feet.
“I know you are both awake. I heard talking.”
Juliet quickly crawled in between Sirius and yourself and laid down. She was quiet for a few moments giving the two of you the idea that she was going back to sleep.
“I’m still here and it's still my birthday.”
Sirius chuckled as Juliet turned and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Did you go tell your uncle Remus? I bet he would love to know.”
Juliet’s head popped up as she threw her leg over her father to slide out of the bed and run out of the room.
You slowly sat up with a rested yawn.
“Good idea. I might as well get up. I have a cake to fix.”
Sirius nodded, realizing any hope of sleeping in was now over. His mind went automatically to his mother. Sirius had been worried for the past two days about Walburga showing up on Juliet’s birthday.
Meanwhile, you had turned your attention back to Sirius. He was frowning as he pulled a shirt over his head.
“Are you worried about what I think that you are worried about?”
Sirius glanced in your direction.
“You know me well.”
You took a breath before turning and wrapping your arms around his waist. Sirius pressed a kiss to the top of your head before speaking again.
“She won’t show. She knows that I won’t play nice with her but my family is a bunch of idiots so...you never know.”
(A few hours later)
“Mummy, doorbell!”
Juliet yelled from the living room. Sirius’ eyes rolled up to yours. You hadn’t mentioned visitors. He had been just fine with the idea of spending Juliet’s birthday with just the two of you (and Remus).
“I don’t think you have to be ready to fight yet.”
You said, gently. The only people that you planned on dropping by were Andromeda, Druella, and maybe (if he was back in town) Regulus. That was going to be awkward enough if he did show up. You knew that Sirius still hadn’t really accepted the fact that his brother may actually be a good guy.
Putting down the spatula that you were holding, you tried to ignore Sirius’ scowl. You were trying to ignore the nagging feeling that you had about Sirius changing. He was still as funny as he was before but you could see subtle differences. Prison changes people...you thought sadly. Sirius would be no exception to that rule.
Opening the door, you smiled seeing Andromeda and Druella on the other side. Both women smiled before Andromeda wrapped her arms around you.
“Y/n! Sweetheart, you look so good!”
Juliet squealed, you turned as Sirius stepped in with the little girl in his arms. You knew without saying it that he was worried about the person on the other side of the door being Walburga.
Sirius sat the squirming child down as Andromeda knelt down to scoop Juliet up.
“Happy birthday, darling! Look at you! I think you have grown two wee little inches.”
“I did! Mummy measured me. Daddy got me a puppy..”
Andromeda smirked at the scowl that you were giving Sirius. Clearly, the two of you were not on the same page about that particular present.
“What did you name it?”
Juliet squeaked.
“Shall I go get him?”
Druella stepped in.
“Not until you give aunty her kiss.”
Andromeda held the little girl over to her mother so Juliet could press a kiss to the older woman’s cheek before sitting her down. Juliet took off up the stairs as Druella closed the door behind her.
“Such a darling little girl. Looks so much like her father and there he is.”
Sirius tensed up a bit as his aunt awkwardly kissed his cheek.
“Five years in that hell pit and you are still as handsome as you were before you were thrown in there. I’m glad that miserable little bastard that got you locked up is in there now.”
Sirius was busy looking at his aunt making sure that this actually was Druella.
“Uh, yeah...um...how are you?”
Druella smirked. She knew how uncomfortable Sirius had to be.
“Don’t worry, dear. Your dingbat mother isn’t with me. Walburga is a lot of things and a mother isn’t one of them. Y/n, I smell tea.”
“Come with me.”
When you had escorted the older woman into the kitchen, Andromeda met Sirius’ confused gaze.
“What the hell is going on around here?”
He asked as Andromeda hugged him.
“Mum is starting to see how crazy our family really is. She is out of the family like we are now. How are you?”
Sirius shrugged.
“I’m making it. I’m still getting used to everything again.”
Andromeda’s smile faded. This was what she worried about. She had been worried about how Azkaban would affect her favorite cousin. Andromeda pulled Sirius into another hug.
“At least you’re out and where you should be. Juliet is an adorable little girl. She reminds me a lot of you at that age just with Regulus’ curly hair.”
Andromeda was relieved when Sirius smiled. Sirius had to agree on that one. Juliet had her uncle’s wild curls.
“I just feel guilty that I have missed as much time as I did.”
Andromeda patted his shoulder.
“You’re here now. That’s what matters. So what’s the deal with this puppy?”
Sirius smirked. He knew that you weren’t thrilled about the puppy and that's what made the whole thing even more amusing.
“He’s less of a dog and more of a throw pillow. Its little white poof that’s small enough for Juliet to carry around. Poor thing is sexually confused because it's named Muffin.”
Druella stepped back into the room with her fourth cup of tea for the day.
“Handsome get in here. We need to catch up.”
(20 minutes later)
You sat beside Sirius as Druella held Juliet and her new puppy. The doorbell ringing again got your attention. Sirius leaned over to you with a frown.
“Here we go.”
The two of you stood up and went back into the living room with Juliet on your hills. Sirius quickly turned and picked her up before reaching for the door handle. If it was his mother, he was ready to hex her back to hell where she belonged.
When the door opened, he froze as he came eye to eye with Regulus. Sirius didn’t move for a moment as he stared at his brother for the first time in almost 6 years. Regulus was clearly as shocked to see Sirius.
He stuttered as Juliet started reaching out with a wide smile on her little face.
“Uncle Reggie!”
Sirius reluctantly let regulus take the little girl from him before backing up to where you stood. You sighed at the expression on his face. That wasn’t a Sirius Black happy face. That was more of a Sirius Black ready to fight face.
Andromeda motioned you back to her.
“Here we go.”
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fruitcoops · 3 years
If the requests are still open, I watched the try guys trying sexy alcohol video recently (The Try Guys Sexy Alcohol Taste Test is the name of the video) and I was laughing the whole time. I was thinking it would be really fun to have the team do it for a social media video if you wanted to write it! :)
I absolutely love the Try Guys and I’ve been watching their videos for years--thank you so much for suggesting this! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove and the link to the original video is here
TW for alcohol and lots of sexual references
“I’m so fucking excited for this video,” Finn said, drumming his hands on the table.
Remus gave him a disbelieving look. “You have the lowest alcohol tolerance on the entire team, Harzy. I’d be shocked if you were still awake by the end of this.”
“We’ll find out soon enough!” Marlene announced offscreen. “Do the intro and then we’ll get started.”
“Welcome back to Lion Pride, folks! I’m Finn O’Hara—”
“—and I’m Remus Lupin.”
“Dude, you said I could do the intro.”
“I can’t even say my own name?”
“Boys,” Marlene warned.
Finn cleared his throat and turned back to the camera with a bright smile. “Today we’re tasting sexy alcohol, even though I have no idea what that means!”
The video cut to a different table and James waved to the camera. “Hey, everyone! I’m James Potter, and I’m here today with our wonderful captain Sirius Black to taste test sexy alcohol!”
“What qualifies alcohol as sexy?” Sirius asked. “Is it supposed to turn you on, or something?”
“The names are sexy,” Marlene clarified. “Ready for the first one?”
A title card appeared with Drink 1: Sex on the Beach written in cursive letters.
“Sex on the beach!” Remus and Finn chorused, clinking their glasses together and taking a sip. Remus made a face, while Finn looked thoughtful as he smacked his lips.
“Why is it so sour?” Remus coughed, setting the drink down.
“You’re not a fan of sex on the beach?” Finn teased. “This is always the classy lady drink in movies. It’s not bad, actually.”
James’ face scrunched up as he drank and Sirius went through a whole range of emotions, then tried it again. “It’s not better the second time,” he said. “Just…weird.”
“Much like actual sex on the beach, it’s flat out uncomfortable.” James slid the glass out of reach.
“You’ve had sex on a beach?”
“Haven’t you?”
“No, sand gets everywhere even when I don’t strip down.”
“Ha! Loser.” The video transitioned right as Sirius reached over to smack the back of his head.
Drink 2: Buttery Nipple
“A fucking what?” Remus laughed, leaning toward the camera crew. Marlene repeated the name and he nodded slowly. “Okay, that’s what I thought you said.”
Finn sniffed the shot. “Is that butterscotch?”
“It is,” Marlene said.
“Rad. On three. One, two, three!”
They knocked their shots back at the same time and Remus raised his eyebrows as he swallowed. “That’s really not that bad. Best nipple I’ve ever tasted.”
“Very sweet, I like it,” Finn agreed around his grin.
A smile twitched at the corners of Remus’ mouth. “You like the buttery nipple?”
“I do like the buttery nipple,” Finn snorted, sending them both into peals of laughter.
James stared down at his shot glass, then turned to Sirius and opened his mouth; Sirius reached over and covered it with his palm. “Don’t say it.”
“But it really looks like—”
“I know.” Sirius bit his lip, sighed, and downed the shot. “Y’know, that’s actually pretty good.”
James rolled the empty glass between his fingers. “That would give me a wicked headache in the morning.”
“Oh, yeah, for sure.”
Drink 3: Suck, Bang, Blow
There was a brief pause as Remus and Finn shared a look. “I think that’s the wrong order,” Finn said after a moment.
Remus nodded. “Bang is generally last on the list if you’re doing it right.”
“It also implies that you’re not sucking on the last part, which is just bad blowjob etiquette.”
“Bottoms up.” Remus tapped the rim of their glasses together and took a sip—almost immediately, he spat it back out. “What in the unholy fuck is that?”
“My whole face is itching,” Finn coughed. “Holy shit, there’s so many different types of alcohol in there that is just tastes like straight-up sugar. I would order this at a bar if I was horny and sad and didn’t care who I went home with.”
“Yeah, this is what you get if you want something that’ll fuck you up.” Remus paused for a second, then covered his mouth with his hand. “You know who would drink this?”
“People who live in Florida.”
Finn’s whole face lit up and he dug around in his back pocket, dialing a quick number on his phone before putting it on speaker; it rang twice before connecting. “ ‘Sup, Finner Finner Chicken Dinner?”
Remus’ jaw dropped and Finn rested his forehead on the table. “Thanks for that,” he sighed. “We’re filming a video for Lion Pride right now.”
“Oh, sick!” the voice on the other end said. “Hey Lions!”
“Hi, Alex!” Marlene called.
“I just have a quick question,” Finn continued. “Have you ever heard of a drink called Suck, Bang, Blow?”
“Hell yeah, they’re super popular down here.”
“Called it!” Remus grinned and high-fived Finn. “Thanks, Hazard.”
“Why do you ask?”
“Because if anyone is going to have shitty alcohol, it’s you and your bouncy ice.”
Finn ended the call and put his phone away once again with a gleeful smile. “He’s never going to hear the end of that.”
Drink 4: Amber Moon
“That’s a lot of whiskey,” James said as a crewman handed them their drinks; Sirius whistled lowly and held it up to the light.
“Why are there red flakes in it?”
“Tabasco sauce,” Marlene said off screen.
James nudged Sirius with his elbow. “I bet I can drink this is ten seconds.”
“Do it in five or you’re a coward.”
“You’re on.” He cleared his throat, then tipped the glass back.
“One, two, three, four, five, six!” Sirius pumped his fists in the air with a whoop.
“You counted too fast!” James protested, giving the camera crew a desperate look. “Marley, he counted way too fast!”
“Looks like…” There was a brief moment of silence. “Five point three four seconds, Pots.”
“Fuck,” he muttered, setting the glass down. “It tasted horrible, by the way.”
The video cut to Remus and Finn, who were eyeing the drink suspiciously. “I’ll bite,” Remus said. “What’s the sexy name for a hot sauce and whiskey monstrosity?”
“Amber Moon.”
“That would be my stripper name,” the two said in unison, then turned to each other with identical gasps.
Drink 5: Blowjob Shot
Sirius looked deeply uncomfortable as he set the shot glass on his lap. “Don’t make this weird.”
“What? The part where I’m putting my face in your lap?” James asked with false innocence as a smile spread over his face.
“Merde,” Sirius muttered, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Just get it over with.”
“That’s a rude thing to say to someone who’s about to give you a blowjob.”
“You’re not giving me a blowjob.”
James raised his eyebrows and Sirius rolled his eyes, kicking him lightly. “Alright, alright. Do you want to go first?”
Sirius leaned forward, paused halfway down, then cursed under his breath and took the shot glass between his lips, knocking it back in a quick motion. James opened his mouth and the first bit of a fake moan slipped through before Sirius tackled him to the ground.
The video cut for a moment—when it returned, they were sitting in their chairs once again, and James looked incredibly smug as he rested his elbows on his thighs. “Ready, hot stuff?”
“You’re the worst person to have as a best friend.”
James didn’t hesitate before wrapping his mouth around the rim of the glass, then made a noise of panic when it didn’t go down his throat right away. His eyes went wide and he cupped his hand under his face, slapping Sirius’ knee with the other.
“Are you okay?” Sirius laughed. “Just—just knock it back, buddy, you can do it.”
James made a muffled sound and the camera crew started snickering off screen as the whipped cream smudged over his nose.
“His eyes are watering,” Sirius cackled. “Oh, this is karma in action. Is it too much? Spitters are quitters, Pots, you can—"
James glared at him, then choked slightly and spat the shot glass and all its contents onto Sirius’ chest. Dead silence fell over the studio, broken only by the steady drip of the liqueur on the paper below their table.
“Does anyone have a napkin?” Sirius asked after a moment, shaking his hands out.
“I am…so sorry,” James said as he wiped his lower lip.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know! It was doomed from the outset, I guess.” He wrinkled his nose. “I can feel it in my sinuses.”
Remus and Finn both downed their shots easily; neither struggled for more than half a second. They were both a little flushed from the alcohol and Finn hiccupped as they turned back to the camera.
“How did you do that so well?” Marlene asked, clearly amused.
“Frat,” Finn said at the same time Remus shrugged and said, “college.”
“Pots spat his all over Sirius.”
“It’s because he’s straight.” Finn hiccupped again and Remus burst out laughing.
Drink 6: Body Shot
“Who are we doing this off of?” James asked. All four men sat at the same table; Sirius had removed his flannel and James’ cheeks were pink from five—well, four and a half—drinks.
“Guess who, bitches!” Kasey grinned as he walked out from behind the backdrop, clad only in his Lions sweatpants. James, Finn, and Remus cheered while Sirius put his head in his hands. “Shit, Cap, you’re doing wonders for my self-esteem.”
“Is this a power imbalance?”
“I’m older than you, now move your elbows so I can lay down.”
The folding table creaked as Kasey laid on his back and all five of them froze for a second until Marlene emerged with salt, lime slices, and a bottle of clear alcohol under her arm. “Do you know how this works?”
Four nods answered her and she carefully poured the tequila into Kasey’s bellybutton—he jolted at the cold and some of it spilled down his sides. “Aw, man, now my pants are damp.”
“Where—” Remus cut himself off with a laugh as he took the salt. “Where do you want us to salt you, Bliz?”
“Wherever your heart desires.” They passed the container down the line, each sprinkling a pinch somewhere on Kasey’s bare chest. “Ready?”
Finn wrinkled his nose as he licked the salt, sipped some tequila, and quickly put the lime wedge in his mouth with a distressed sound. Remus was next, and he barely skimmed his mouth over Kasey’s belly button before shoving the lime between his teeth; James missed his mark completely because Kasey was still laughing, and Sirius got some of it up his nose on accident.
“You guys suck at this,” Kasey managed as he sat up, brushing the leftover salt off his front. “Jesus Christ, have any of you been to a party in your lives?”
All four exploded into indignant protesting and the video transitioned to a final slide. “Thanks for joking us today, Lions!” Marlene said in a voiceover. “Make sure to like and subscribe for more content.”
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geekybisexualwriter · 4 years
Dream(James Potter x gender neutral!Reader)
Pairings: James Potter x reader, (minor)Wolfstar
Words: 1746
Y/N = your name
Y/M/N = your middle name
Y/L/N = your last name
Y/F/I = your first initial
*Note: they are 16*
“Tellmetellmetellme-” James smirks at them.
“No, James.” Y/N sighs. The truth was, they had a massive crush on him for years, and Marlene let slip that they had a crush. Not ideal.
“But come onnnn…” James smirks at them, running a hand through his hair.
Y/N glares at him, blushing lightly. “I’m going to the library,” they say, standing up. “Anyone want to come?” 
Lily nods, standing up as well. “Yeah, I have a Transfiguration paper.”
Y/N smiles and they start walking out, not aware of the disappointed frown on James’ face as he watches them walk away from him.
After a few hours filled with writing furiously and internally(and outwardly) cursing certain professors, Y/N finally leaned back in their chair, watching the snow fall outside the window, smiling softly and letting their mind wander to a certain messy haired Gryffindor. Lily looks up from her book and smirks. “You thinking about him?”
Y/N jumps and almost falls out of their chair and stares at her, blushing. “Who?”
Lily chuckles. “You know.”
“I do not.”
Y/N blushes more, if possible. “What about him?”
“You like him.”
“Sure, as a friend.”
“And as a crush.”
Y/N sighs, too tired to fight it. “Fine. Yeah, I do. But I can’t tell him! He’d laugh and then tell me that he only sees me as a friend. Or tell me that we can’t even be friends-”
“No, he wouldn’t,” Lily says, cutting them off. “He wouldn’t do any of that.”
“Yeah, I guess you might be right, he wouldn’t laugh, he would just tell me that we will only ever be friends.” Y/N nods thoughtfully and disappointed. “I mean, he’s basically in love with you.”
Lily shakes her head, laughing. “James was never in love with me.”
“But he asks you out literally all the time.”
“‘All the time?’ When was the last time that he flirted with me?”
Y/N opens up their mouth to answer, but then realizes they don’t know. 
Lily nods. “See? And he only loved the idea of me, not me myself. But you know who he does love romantically?”
Y/N shakes their head.
They laugh. “No way. He only loves me as a friend, like he’s done since forever.”
Lily smirks. “You’ve never really seen the way he looks at you, have you? He looks at you like you’re his entire world. Which you are.”
“He’s looked at Sirius the same way.”
Lily sighs. “There really will be no way to convince you, will there?” 
Y/N shrugs. “Nope.”
“Mr. Potter, you will be paired up with… Y/L/N.” Professor McGonagall announces and then continues with the rest of the partners.
12-year-old James frowns in disappointment, he really wanted to be with Sirius or Lily or Remus. He’d even be ok with Peter. He looked over at his future partner, who was yawning slightly and looking at him, a bit intrigued.
The first thought he had when he first saw them? ‘They’re actually really cute.’ But he liked Lily. He didn’t like them. He didn’t even know them. But he still smiled and walked over. “Hi there, I’m James Fleamont Potter, the star chaser for the best team in school. And you are?”
Y/N looks up and grins at him, chuckling a little. “I’m Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N, the star of not giving a crap about that.” They hold out their hand to shake and James takes it, laughing.
“Oh, I like you already.”
The scene of the two hands shaking swirls around, goes out of focus, and settles on the sight of leaves falling down from trees outside of Honeydukes.
Chatter and laughter float through the air. That was definitely one of his favorite sounds, but over it all, 13-year-old James loved the sound of one voice in particular, who was gushing over their new chocolate frog card.
 “I got an Agrippa card! Can you believe it, James? It’s like, the most famous and hard to get one! (Author’s note: I dunno if this is true)” Y/N grins excitedly.
He shakes himself out of his stupor and shakes his head. “Nope! Maybe it’s a fake and you’re tricking me.”
Y/N laughs. “Come on. If one of us is going to trick the other into thinking they have a rare card, it would definitely be you.”
“Or maybe you’re trying to convince that to be the case to throw me off!” James exclaims triumphantly, grinning.
Y/N rolls their eyes. “Oh Merlin. I can not believe how jealous you are.”
“I’m not jealous!”
“Uh huh.”
“I hate you.”
“Nah, you looooove me.”
James laughs and shoves them lightly, ignoring the light blush that blossomed for some reason. “As if.”
The sound of laughter fades out and the sound of a page turning fades in.
“Come on James, we gotta finish this.” 14-year-old Y/N sighs. 
“But Minnie absolutely LOVES me, I’m sure she’ll give me an extension.” James laughs.
Y/N glares at him. “Well, I gotta finish this. Quit distracting me.”
“But I’m boooored!” James sighs dramatically. 
“Go bother Sirius then.”
“He’s bothering slash flirting with Remus.”
“Ok, then go bother Peter.”
“He’s eating somewhere, and he looks slightly scary whenever he does that.”
“Then go bother Lily, ask her out, or whatever.” Y/N frowns, not wanting to ask that but also really needing to finish this deadline.
“She’s with Snivellis.” James wrinkles his nose. Partially, that was a lie, he probably definitely would have still bothered her even if Snape was around. 
Y/N sighs and looks at him. “Give me twenty minutes.”
James grins. “Yes! You’re the best, I love you!” 
Y/N blushes darkly. “Um, as a friend though right?”
James nods, blushing as much if not more than them. “Y-yeah, of course. Obviously.” He chuckles nervously.
Y/N nods as well, disappointed but determined not to show it.
The disappointed look in Y/N’s eyes disappears and an excited look replaces it.
“That’s amazing! I knew it!” 15-year-old Y/N grins at Remus and Sirius, who are holding hands and grinning as well. “Not to mention…” Y/N looks at James, a smirk on their face. 
James groans and fishes out ten galleons from his wallet. “Couldn’t you guys be oblivious cowards for another year?” He hands them to Y/N, grumbling under his breath.
Sirius chuckles. “Now it’s your turn.”
Y/N looks at him, confused. “What do you mean?”
Sirius gives her a look. “Come on. We all know.”
They shake their head. “Nope. I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
Sirius sighs. “The fact that you two idiots are deeply in love with each other and won’t admit it.”
James and Y/N’s eyes widen and they’re cheeks are immediately colored in a deep red. They both stutter, trying to think of a witty comeback while Remus and Sirius laugh.
“Well, that certainly shut them up.” Remus snickers.
Finally, Y/N and James regain their speaking ability.
“James is madly in love with Lily, not me.” Y/N protests
“Yeah!” James agrees, not bothering to mention his heart wasn’t really in it anymore when he asked ‘Evans’ out. 
“Uh huh.” Sirius and Remus say in unison
“I knew it,” James mutters. “I knew that when people got together, they would become telepathic. Y/N, we should get together just for the pranks.”
Y/N forces a laugh out, struggling to ignore the pain that that comment caused her. “Yeah, that’s actually not a terrible thought.”
The dream fades to black
James wakes with a start, smiling to himself, thinking of one person. The person who he cared about the most.
He goes through the motions of waking up(taking a shower, brushing his teeth, etc.) with a grin.
Sirius smirks. “What’s got you so happy?”
“I’m a man in love, Padfoot.”
“So you and Y/N finally confessed to each other>”
“No… not yet anyway. I’m planning on doing it later today.”
“Ah. Mind if I make a few bets? I mean, I already did, but I lost some so I’m going to make some more.”
“Yeah, sure- wait what?”
Y/N was sitting in McGonagall’s class, taking notes every so often when they feel a pair of eyes watching them. They turn around to see a smirking James Potter, looking at them with an intensity that made them blush fiercely. They frown and take out a small piece of parchment.
Why are you staring at me? Are you planning something?
They throw the letter at James who catches it and opens it up with a grin. He immediately starts writing back.
Yeah, I’m planning something. You caught me. 
Love, J
Y/N blushes slightly at the use of ‘love’ right before he signed his name, but shakes it off. ‘Just a friend…’ They remind themselves.
Well? What are you planning? Also, you still haven’t answered my first question.
Meet me after the rest of the classes today. I promise I’ll explain everything.
Love, J
P.S. You look nice today.
‘Ok, now he’s being an asshole. Making me all flustered just so he can make fun of me later…’ Y/N sighs and picks up her quill.
Fine. Tree by the Black Lake?
Can’t wait.
Love, J.
Hours later, after begrudgingly making a mental note to complete a History of Magic essay, Y/N makes their way to the Black Lake, to the tree where James is resting against, smiling softly.
“Y/N,” he looks up and his eyes brighten. “Hey. I missed you.”
“We just saw each other like a few hours ago.”  They chuckle.
“I know, but still,” James says, completely serious for once in his life.
Y/N blushes and sits down. “So. Care to explain why you were making me flustered? Was it just another one of your pranks so that you could make fun of me?” Y/N looks at him, eyes with a hint of anger and hurt.
James’ eyes widen. “No! Of course not! I’d never do that to you.”
“Then why were you?!” 
“Because I’m definitely in love with you!” 
Y/N was about to have a comeback but then hears it. “R-really?”
“Yeah. I think I have for a while, but I only just now realizes it this morning.” He confesses. “But you probably don’t like me back, I can go-” He moves to stand up
“No, wait! I-I’m definitely in love with you too.” Y/N gives him a smile.
James sits back down and kisses them. “I’m so happy.”
“Me too.”
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Sirius Black and Lily Evans Headcannons
Sirius Black and Lily Evans were best friends from the beginning and no one can change my mind. 
I’m talking RIGHT from the beginning. Sure, Sirius hated Snape and was a bit of a jerk to him, but Sirius also defended Lily when Malfoy called her a Mudblood. 
Sirius and Lily agreed to be friends. It was more of a negotiation at first. Sirius was allowed to hate Snape, if Lily could hate James (he was arrogant and kept proposing marriage and she found him rather obnoxious). Sirius agreed not to prank/hex/maim/or otherwise harm Snape unless Snape did something to provoke it. 
Despite the initial negotiation phase, Lily and Sirius were as thick as thieves by the end of the first year. 
Of course, they bonded over their mutually shitty familial situations. Lily also tells Sirius about Snape, whom she loves as a dear friend, but sees him changing when he’s around Malfoy and the other Slytherins. She’s terrified he’s going down a road that’ll lead only to darkness. Sirius listens and, though it never changes his opinions on Snape, he can’t help but see the parallels in his relationship with Regulus. 
Sirius is constantly terrified that she’ll be a target for being his friend and a Muggle-born, if his parents or Malfoy or the other Death-Eaters-To-Be find out about their friendship. 
Lily proves he needn’t fear for her safety when she puts a hex on the Carrow twins for calling her Mudblood that leaves them in the hospital wing for days. 
Lily figured out Remus was a werewolf about halfway through first year. So, when Sirius goes with Remus to tell Lily in second year, after the Marauders all found out, they’re surprised to find she already knows.
Immediately after this, Lily and Sirius march into Madam Pomfrey’s office and ask to begin Healer training, so that they can help Remus after the full moon. They’re the two youngest Healer candidates in Hogwarts’s history.  
Remus and Lily have a slight competition between them, on who can introduce pure-blood pariah, Sirius Black, to the best works in Muggle literature. They find out quickly that Sirius Black loves romances, but not romances in the conventional sense. He classifies Frankenstein, the Illiad, and Beowulf as romances, and he has a damn good argument for doing so that he will share with anyone who’ll listen. 
Lily effectively wins the literature contest when, in fourth year, she brings a stack of Petunia’s erotica novels. (Sirius is particularly fond of the werewolf romances, but he won’t admit to reading them under any circumstances and will maintain to his dying day that he’s a classy guy who only indulges in classical literature.)
Remus retaliates by a brand new Introduce-Sirius-Black-to-Muggle-Music competition. Remus brings David Bowie, the Beatles, and early Led Zeppelin records one Christmas and the three of them listen for hours. 
Lily also wins this competition by introducing Sirius to Queen. Sirius hears “Bohemian Rhapsody” and immediately professes his undying love for Freddy Mercury. 
James, the poor lovesick soul, is helplessly confused by Sirius’s friendship with Lily. He keeps asking Sirius if he’s snogging Evans, which, obviously he’s not. Once James realizes Sirius’s feelings for her are strictly platonic, thank you very much, he starts pestering Sirius to put in a good word with her. 
Sirius, because he’s a good mate and loves James, does so, at every available opportunity. But, instead of discussing things like James’s unquestioned bravery or dashing good looks, he sticks to more practical positive attributes like, “Did you know, Evans, that of all of the Marauders, James can stick the most Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans up his nose? A fine specimen, that James Potter.”
Lily, however, finds this far more endearing than tales of James’s bravery. 
In fourth year, when Sirius proposes this whole Animagus thing, the first person he goes to is Lily Evans, because she’s the smartest. She declines participating, because she’s got enough against her with her blood status and all that she can’t go randomly breaking the law, but she helps the Marauders with research the whole way through. 
Padfoot will often sneak up into the girls dorms late at night - because, hello, turns out being an Animagus is a gaping loophole in the magic of the girls’ staircase - and sit on Lily’s bed for hours, just talking about their respective tragedies (Snape and Regulus) and, more and more frequently, Lily’s growing affection for one James Potter. 
(Sirius, on strict orders from Lily, never tells James about this little loophole in the staircase magic.)
When the Prank happens and Sirius, in a moment of absolute fucking horror, realizes what he’s done, and, more specifically, who he almost killed, immediately runs to find Lily Evans. She has no idea what’s going on, but he runs up to her in a panic and says, “Whatever happens, whatever they tell you, whatever Snape tells you, this was NOT Remus’s fault. It was mine. Hate me all you want, never speak to me again, I don’t care, but don’t you dare blame any of this on Remus. It’s my fault.”
She doesn’t, of course, blame it on Remus. When Sirius is heartbroken and a little drunk, because none of the Marauders will speak to him, Lily finds him and lets him cry. He tells her why he did what he did (Regulus, Death Eaters, killing Dark Creatures, Snape threatening to turn Remus in, etc.) She listens and just lets him cry, then goes and has a strict talk with James about how the Marauders are not to cut Sirius out for this. He made a mistake. Grow a pair and learn to forgive him.
They, of course,  forgive him. 
In sixth year, Lily receives a letter saying that Petunia and Vernon are getting married and, as much as Petunia would prefer Lily not be at the ceremony, their parents demanded it, so she’d better bring a date. As Lily is no longer speaking to Snape and she figures asking James to a wedding would get to his head, she asks Sirius. 
All through the ceremony, Petunia degrades Lily at every opportunity. Her hair is an obnoxious color and can’t you dye that or something? What about those freckles? Lily’s dress is hideous and really meant for someone with a bit more in the bust region, etc. At the end of it, Lily is almost in tears, so Sirius shifts into Padfoot, marches right up to Petunia, and pisses on her wedding dress. This cheers Lily up considerably, and they make a hasty exit.
Seventh year, Sirius starts a betting pool with Remus and Peter on when James and Lily will finally get together, but Remus and Peter decide he’s not fit to participate on such a gamble, because he has insider information. 
Somehow, Sirius manages to get in on the James-and-Lily bet between the staff members and WINS, down to the fucking minute. The Marauders all bow to Sirius’s brilliance when Dumbledore walks up to Sirius at breakfast and forks over ten Galleons. 
The night of graduation, Remus confesses to Sirius that he’s been in love with him for a long time. Sirius, of course, had been completely oblivious to this, and after a long talk with Remus, he has a bit of a crisis. Not about being gay - he’s always known he swings that way - but because this is REMUS. 
So, he Apparates over to James and Lily’s, kicks James out, and has a long talk with Lily. She makes him realize how far he’d go for Remus, without question, and that, duh, you moron, you’re in love with him too. 
Sirius goes back to Remus and... Well, long story short, Lily wins the Order of the Phoenix’s Sirius-and-Remus bet down to the fucking minute. 
During the First War, Sirius and Lily work at St. Mungo’s as junior Healer’s. Lily works in the Potions ward and Sirius mostly works with counter-curses, Dark Magic, and, when it comes up, injuries from Magical Creatures. 
Lily’s parents are killed in a car accident, weeks before her wedding. She’s devastated, and not quite convinced that it wasn’t Death Eater interference, but she also really wants to marry James, so she refuses to delay the ceremony. 
Minutes before the ceremony, she corners Sirius in her dress, and asks him to walk her down the aisle. “I was yours first and I love you, Siri. It’s only fitting you give me away.”
Sirius cries the entire way down the aisle. 
I’ll probably add more later. I love these two. I’ve had these in my head forever and I’ve incorporated quite a few into my ongoing fic, The Boy Who Killed God, if you want to check that out. 
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remywrites5 · 5 years
When you have the chance, could you perhaps write some jegulus?
           James was ready. He was absolutely ready. He watched the clock counting down like it was New Year’s Eve. His heart was thrumming in his chest, threatening to break out. Sirius, Remus and Peter had offered to stay up with him but James had waved them off. In case things went sour, he wanted to be able to hide away from his friends. Besides, this felt very personal.
           James was finally going to get his name.
           He stared at the blank space on his wrist, holding his breath. Please be Evans, please be Evans, he begged whatever entity that had made it that you got your soulmate’s name on your wrist on your sixteenth birthday.  He could only hope he would be as lucky as his friends, Sirius getting Remus’ name and hiding it from all of them (except totally spilling the beans to James one night after too much firewhiskey) for months until Remus got his name and proved they were a match.
           His tiny bedside clock sounded so loud as the big hand moved closer to the twelve. A second before and his wrist began to itch in anticipation of the name there. His eyes kept glancing between the clock and his wrist, feeling his brow break out into a nervous sweat. He held his breath as it became March 27th.
           The scrawling name appeared on his arm as if someone were writing their name there. He didn’t even have to wait for the second name to know exactly who he had on his arm.
           “You’ve got to be shitting me!”
           “James, come on!” Sirius said, grabbing James’ arm. “Why won’t you just tell me who it is?”
           James huffed out a breath. “Because it’s stupid,” he reasoned even as he pulled his sleeve a little lower to hide the name.
           “Mate, it’s your soulmate!” Sirius reasoned, smiling at James encouragingly. “None of us will care who it is.”
           That’s what you think, James thought bitterly.
           “Look, Sirius, not all of us get our best mates as our soulmates,” James said, crossing his arms over his chest, his name now tucked away safely against his side, hidden from view.
           “Aww, is that the problem, Prongs?” Sirius asked teasingly, reaching up and ruffling James’ hair. “Are you sad it wasn’t me?”
           James smacked his hand away. “Just forget about it, alright? I don’t even really believe in that whole soulmate nonsense anyway.” James began walking towards the dungeons and Potions, hoping to get there quickly and not have to talk anymore about this.
           “Bet you would’ve it had been Evans on your wrist,” Sirius said, following after him, never one to be easily dissuaded by anything.
           “How do you know it’s not?” James asked, trying to keep the disappointment out of his tone.
           “Because if it was you would have been waving your wrist in her face until she agreed to go on a date with you.”
           James had to admit he had a point. He had been so ready to prove Lily wrong and show her that they were meant for each other. It turned out the universe had different plans for them. Fuck the universe.
           “Wotcher, Reg,” Sirius said, greeting his brother as he appeared from the Slytherin common room.
           James felt his entire body go stock-still. He stared at Regulus and his breathing went shallow. The lettering on his wrist felt like it was burning. The urge to reach out and touch Regulus was so strong that James had to clamp his hands down by his sides.
           Regulus looked him over as if he were strange, which – fair enough, and then nodded at his brother. As Reg walked away, James felt like there was an invisible string tying them together, growing taut as Reg made his way up the stone steps.
           Fine, maybe the universe had a point.
           James was going insane and he had to tell someone. It didn’t help that Regulus’ birthday was a whole bloody year away, and it wasn’t as if James could just go up to him and be like “hey, I guess we’re soulmates, wanna snog?” It also didn’t help that he had begun having extremely vivid dreams involving one Regulus Black.
           He couldn’t tell Sirius, for obvious reasons, and he couldn’t tell Peter because if Sirius found out Peter knew he’d get it out of him within an hour. That left Remus as his only option and he at least knew Remus could keep a secret. He just hoped Remus could keep a secret from his soulmate because James really didn’t want Sirius to know.
           “Everything okay, James?” Remus asked kindly as James led him to the secret passage behind the one-eyed-witch. “Is this an unplanned trip to Honeydukes or do you just want somewhere to talk?
           “Talk,” James croaked out. “You can’t tell anyone what I’m about to show you, okay? Not Sirius, not Peter, not anyone. Do you promise?
           “I promise,” Remus said, his mouth pressed into a thin line. James knew Remus didn’t like keeping things from Sirius but he wouldn’t break his promise.
           James sighed and rolled up his sleeve, holding it up so Remus could see. Remus pulled out his wand and did lumos to be able to see. As soon as he read the name, he gasped.
           “Yeah,” James said, tugging his sleeve down. “You can see why I don’t want Sirius to know.”
           Remus chewed his bottom lip. “I don’t know, James. It’s your soulmate. I think Sirius would be supportive.”
           James shook his head emphatically. “Not a word to him, you promised. Fuck, this is a nightmare. I’ve never even spoken to the guy! Well, except to curse him and those other Slytherin tosspots. What am I going to do Moony?”
           Remus gave James a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. “Maybe talk to him?”
           James looked back at him helplessly. He’d rather go ten rounds with the Whomping Willow.
           James could do this. He was a Gryffindor for Merlin’s sake. He could talk to Regulus. His wrist itched as he made his way over to Regulus before the Gryffindor versus Slytherin Quidditch match. He was standing in a circle with a few of his team mates and they all stopped talking when James approached them. “Oi, Potter, you looking to get sent to the infirmary?” Avery asked with a smirk, beating his bat against his hand threateningly.
           “Might as well, we’re going to crush you lot today anyway,” Rosier added, elbowing Regulus.
           “Have you got a moment?” James asked, ignoring the others and just looking at Regulus.
           Regulus looked to be debating internally for a moment and then stepped through the circle of his friends to join James.
           “Oi Black, have you lost your mind?” Avery called out.
           “Make it quick,” Regulus said, crossing his arms over his chest. “If this is about Sirius…”
           “Actually,” James said, running his fingers through his hair. “It’s not. I just…I just…”
           “Spit it out, Potter,” Regulus said impatiently.
           James could barely think from the way his body was thrumming with energy from being so close to Regulus. His fingers twitched with the want to touch him. It was so bloody distracting that he’d forgotten everything he’d rehearsed to say. “Will you go to Hodsmeade with me this weekend?” he blurted out without thinking.
           Regulus stared at him as if he had just grown a third eyeball. “Why?” he asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. “So you can get me alone and hex me?”
           “No!” James said quickly, feeling a blush creeping up his neck. “I wouldn’t do that to you.”
           “Why, because I’m Sirius’ brother?”
           The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. It was like a slug crawling its way up his throat. He didn’t mean to say it, he really didn’t. “Because you’re my soulmate.”
           Regulus blinked a few times and then shook his head as if to clear it. “Wow, Potter, I knew you were low but this is a new level even for you.”
           “Wait, I –“ James reached for him but Regulus stepped back.
           “Stay the fuck away from me,” Regulus hissed, turning his back and retreating to his friends.
           James wasn’t sure but he could have sworn a few more bludgers flew at his head than usual that game and Regulus wasn’t even a beater. He clearly had told the Slytherin team to target James, not that it was that much different from the other games. Still, James couldn’t help taking it a bit personally after what he’d confessed to Regulus.
           Sirius tried his best to defend James, staying close to him and beating them away with his trained ease. “Jamie, what the fuck?” Sirius hollered over the sound of the crowd. “What did you do, promise a galleon to whichever Slytherin could knock you on your arse?”
           “I didn’t do anything!” James insisted, pushing his glasses up his nose.
           “Are you sure about that mate?” Sirius asked, batting another bludger away. “I’ve never seen Reg look so angry.”
           James found Regulus through the haze of the match, already on the tail of the Snitch. Sirius was right, Regulus looked extremely unhappy. James was so distracted watching him that he didn’t see the bludger sailing right for his face until it was too late. In one quick blow he was knocked off his broomstick and went sailing towards the ground. There was an uncomfortable lurch as someone, a professor most likely, slowed his fall and then everything went dark.
           James woke up to a lot of shouting, which really was not ideal, considering he’d just suffered a blow to the head. He tried to speak up to alert everyone that he was awake, but his eyes weren’t quite ready to open and his mouth was dry.
           “What is he even doing here?” Came Sirius’ unmistakable voice. “You’ve got a lot of nerve, little brother!”
           “I have as much right to be here as anyone,” a voice, Regulus’ voice, responded calmly. James only recognized it as Regulus because it made his stomach do little flips, which was honestly just fucking annoying at this point.
           “Really?” Sirius snorted. “After you nearly killed Jamie you think you can just come in here – “
           “Sirius,” Remus cut him off. “Just let him stay. He’s not hurting anyone.”
           “He hurt Jamie!” Sirius shot back accusingly. “He and his cronies put James in the infirmary. He wanted this to happen! Probably just some sick joke to get back at me!”
           “Not everything is about you!” Regulus shouted back.
           “Shut it!” James said hoarsely, finally finding his voice. The three of them turned to look at him and then rushed over to his side. “Someone get me a fucking glass of water.”
           Remus rushed off to get him the water, leaving James alone with the Black brothers. They were staring daggers at each other from opposite sides of James’ bed. “Sirius?” James said quietly.
           “What is it, Prongs?” he asked eagerly, shooting Reg a smug look. “What do you need?”
           “Can I have a moment alone with Reg?” James asked, glancing over a Regulus.
           Sirius’ mouth opened and shut a few times and he looked at James as if someone had used the Confundus charm on him because he had clearly lost it. “Fine,” he said, standing up straight. “I’ll go find Remus and help him get the water, shall I?”
           “Thanks Pads,” James said, smiling weakly at his best friend.
           Sirius skulked off, leaving just Regulus and James alone. James wondered if Regulus was feeling anything that he was, the sensation of being drawn together, an automatic pull towards the other person. He supposed not though, considering he hadn’t exactly felt that way about Reg before his name showed up on his arm.
           Regulus was looking James over pensively as if considering something. Gingerly, he slid his fingers over James’ wrist and pushed up his sleeve. “You weren’t lying,” he said quietly, tracing his own name written there.
           “I’m not as much of a bastard as you seem to think,” James informed him with a small smile. “And I know it’ll be another year before you know if we’re a match but –“
           “We’re a match,” Regulus said quietly, still not able to look James in the eye.
           “How do you know?” James asked, managing to sit up. Even with the movement, Regulus didn’t release his wrist.
           “When the bludger hit you and you started to fall, my heart started racing. I thought the damn thing was going to beat out of my chest. That’s never happened to me before.”
           “That doesn’t mean…”
           “I tried to catch you,” Regulus informed him quietly. “I was at the other end of the field and I was inches from the Snitch. I saw you fall and I couldn’t breathe for a moment. The second I could though I was racing after you. I didn’t even question it.”
           “Does that mean you didn’t catch the Snitch?” James asked hopefully. “Did we win?”
           “For fuck’s sake, Potter, is that all you can think about at a time like this?” Regulus snapped at him.
           James laughed and it forced him to get into a bit of a coughing fit. Sirius and Remus arrived with a glass of water, which James drank in almost one go.  Sirius kept looking at Regulus’ fingers, that were wrapped around James’ wrist, hiding the name written there from view. Sirius opened his mouth to say something but Remus touched his arm and led him away before he could.
           “How is this even going to work?” Reg asked quietly. “Even if we wanted it to –“
           “Do you want it to?” James asked softly.
           Regulus huffed out a breath. “Budge over,” he said, crawling in next to James on the bed. “If you tell anyone that we were cuddling, Potter, I’ll have worms coming out of your nose by lunchtime.”
           James chuckled and pulled Reg close. “You wouldn’t curse your innocent soulmate, would you, Reg?”
           “Innocent?” Reg said with a grin. “You haven’t been innocent a day in your life, Potter.”
           “I think, under the circumstances, you could call me James.”
           “Fine, James,” Regulus said, chewing the word as if it tasted strange on his tongue. James wasn’t sure but it felt a little bit like progress. “How’s your head.”
           “Better now,” he said, realizing that as soon as Reg got into the bed with him, his headache had disappeared. “Thanks, Reg.”
           “Thanks for what?” he asked, resting his head on James’ shoulder.
           “For being here,” James told him, resting his cheek on the top of Reg’s head.
           Reg chuckled. “Well, you’re easily pleased, aren’t you?”
           “Only when it comes to you.”
           James’ eyes slipped closed and his breathing evened out, Reg’s weight solid and comfortable next to him. Fine, you win universe, James thought as he drifted off to sleep.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
All in the Family
Chapter 25: Mudbloods and Murmurs
"Here," Sirius said at once shuffling out of the shadows behind the door, taking Remus' outstretched hand. Remus gave a little tug, whispering, "come here," and Sirius obliging straddled his lap on a bed, now the two were forehead to forehead.
It should have felt too intimate, they'd only had a chance to snog twice and both had been interrupted, they really hadn't explored much of anything for what they were doing to each other outside of even that, so this was quite the situation for the two to just be comfortably in each others arms. It was just that though, comfortable. All the emotions boiling inside Sirius now felt just slightly simmered, like steam finding its release in a teapot rather than all stewing up inside and blowing the top.
"Now tell me what's wrong," Remus whispered, their faces so close together their lips were already brushing.
"You've got enough to deal with Moony-" he tried to protest, unable to shake those fear-filled looks he continued to give every window, like the one they'd again had to glance anxiously through to check the phase of the moon on this new night.
"Doesn't matter, I'll still always hear what you've to say," Remus stated, their hands still clasped together growing painful from Remus' tightening. His other came up and hooked onto the back of his neck, fingers playing with the long black hair to make sure he couldn't back out.
Sirius breathed carefully, closing his eyes and finally feeling his heartbeat still as he whispered, "He laughed Remus! My first summer back, and the first thing he asked me was 'what's a mudblood?' I gave him hell for saying that word, telling him to never use it again because there was no such thing, we were all just people. He promised he wouldn't, said he'd never meant to offend me. Now, bloody five years later, and he laughs! It's my fault, I know it is, I should have been around him more, made sure he never, that I never let him-"
"Let him?" Remus cut in with a deep shake of his head. "Sirius no, don't do this to yourself. That boy in there may share your last name, but he is not your responsibility! He made his own choice, he's following his parents and told you to take a hike when you refused to do the same."
Like a damn bursting, Sirius then released a huge breath at finally saying this aloud. "I know that, it's just..." he trailed off without words for the disappointment he felt, like Regulus' fate was already sealed by this lone reaction.
It had only been the chapter title, his expression had been more surprise than true cruelty, but Sirius couldn't shake it! He'd strode away through the nearest door lest he do something he regret, like use an Unforgivable curse on his little brother. It was honestly a miracle he'd found one that opened.
There was a silence before Remus leaned forward, now pressing their lips together in a firm kiss. Sirius returned it at once, craving any kind of release from his own mind, cupping his own hand around Remus' neck to tilt his head back and exalting in the almost instant relief of not having to know anything, just feel how happy it made him to share this and now have the pleasure of taking his own life by however he wanted.
Daring shot through him, and his tongue began tracing lips, seeking entrance, and as always Remus was willing, opening his mouth and the two outright snogging right there in that room. Their tongues explored every bit of reach, teeth even clicking together with the intensity and then Remus' hand moved to Sirius' hip, sitting him down tighter upon his lap.
When Sirius' hair tickled his own nose beyond his own capability to think past it though, he leaned back and brushed it out of his face, still breathing as heavily as when Remus had entered, but now for a wholly other reason. "Guess I believe you now, about that kissing others thing."
Remus just gave a sly smile back, hand still resting comfortably on his waist as if it were the most natural thing in the world, his other trying to pull his face back down from inside his hair. "Glad you've admitted superiority on this."
"No, no," Sirius resisted, letting their faces lean back down but refusing those tantalizing inches now just for that.
An insistent knock on the door cut off whatever would have been said next.
"Hell Sirius, I'll make Regulus apologize if you lot would get out of there already! You think we're enjoying all these Lockharts gaping at us, it's getting creepy!"
"I'm going to kill Wormtail," Sirius pleasantly informed his seat mate as he glared at the door.
"I'll help you bury the body," Remus promised even as he gently got Sirius to get off of him.
With a little huff Sirius did get up and stomp to the door, but couldn't deny he did feel better as he opened it and glared down at Wormtail while pleasantly informing him, "I hope you heard that."
"What, more death threats against me? Sirius, if you carried out every one you've offered against the lot of us, you'd be in Azkaban for a killing spree."
"Me?" Sirius mock widened his eyes and placed his hand on his heart.
"You'll still be his first victim," Remus promised as he pushed the two out of his way so he could step back through.
It really was creepy, the Lockharts eyeing everyone of them from every available wall space of the room. The adjoining bedchamber they'd surely just been in likely still had more, if either of them had cared enough to look, though they'd been a bit occupied to even find a light.
Sirius was already tempted to go back in there and do so now just for something to do, anything would be better than looking anywhere about the room than at his kid brother who had already so deeply betrayed him he wasn't sure if he could ever look at him again. When Remus had read that, Lily had gasped with insulted surprise, and the rest of them had muttered words of distaste and backed away from Moony as if just being associated with such a word was damning. Not his kid brother though, of course not, he'd gone snickering away like a little idiot!
When had this become his reaction, who had instilled it in him? His parents, fellows at school? He'd already witnessed Regulus hanging out with several he shouldn't be, and rather than do anything to stop him, he'd only further chosen to ignore his brother, and was now kicking himself for such neglect. What if he'd tried harder, made some real attempts to push him in the right direction...
Sirius was so focused on when exactly his inattention had turned into missing such a large detail as this reaction would occur that he completely missed the first few bits about Harry avoiding attention from Lockhart and Colin, something he couldn't blame the kid for it if he had been listening.
Potter and Pettigrew were still exchanging looks, it was clear neither of them liked the fact that their friends kept wondering off to talk about their problem without consulting them, but Frank turned away from their tiff without concern to start investigating this room. He didn't at all buy into the fact a man claiming to be so successful couldn't handle pixies, or indeed would make such a stupid decision as releasing them into a classroom like that. Something was fishy about this one, and he wanted to know if there was any evidence in here of his lying, or something more.
Alice let Frank wander off muttering about falsities as she made her way over to Evans, who was muttering mutinously about this whole entire chapter being centered around Quidditch. Harry's captain had woken him at the crack of dawn, and now they were spending pages hearing of Harry falling asleep to some stupid methods to do with the game.
She may have actually enjoyed the game, except for the fact that when she'd gone to the ones in her first year Potter had taken the opportunity to try and regal her the entire time. This child's experience wasn't proving much better.
"That Colin kid is something," Alice happily offered as she joined her. "Bet he'll be the top photographer for the next Daily Prophet before he even graduates."
"I'm happy Harry's not encouraging him and mostly ignoring him," Lily's scowl lessened slightly while talking to her.
Both girls were admittedly distracted as Lupin announced the arrival of the Slytherin team at the Gryffindors practice, everyone was well aware they were only there to pick a fight.
Frank briefly looked up from Lockharts desk, finding it quite despicable Malfoy had managed to buy his way onto a house team like that, but quickly went back to his rummaging. He'd normally be appalled to the idea of going through a teacher's desk, but honestly he would have made an exception for this one even before his suspicions. This egocentric man needed someone putting a few pins in his life if this mess was any indication. The surface was covered in his plaques and trophies of awards, his Witch Weekly's Most Charming one at the very front and most highly polished. In the first two drawers he'd found nothing but quills and bottles of ink at a ready notice, the most ostentatious was a peacocks feather. In the next set he'd found hair care products and a wig he must test them on, a bottle of Ogdens old Fire-whisky, which he quickly put back away lest the Marauders get another hare up their butts for it, and finally nothing in the bottom one.
He'd just pulled out his wand to try a few spells and see if anything were hidden in this when the shouts of outrage echoed around, the Lockhart picture on the desk nearly fell off the broom he was riding and covered his ears. He looked to Alice first, who had her arm wrapped protectively around Evans' shoulders, then he really saw it wasn't so much protective as restraining. Her face was flushed red and she looked likely to murder someone, like Regulus, who looked more haughty than ever with all eyes on him.
Regulus held himself loose and proud just like he watched Sirius do all the time when bowing up for a fight, entirely unintentionally. He really couldn't understand what their problem was, as he insisted again, "it's just a laugh, stop taking everything so sensitive Sirius."
He could tell others around him were just as upset he'd laughed again when Malfoy had called that Granger girl a mudblood. His own parents had insisted it was the proper word to use on Muggleborns, and this was always the reaction amongst quite a few of the older Slytherins whenever they heard the word, so he'd thought it was just to be expected and Sirius was exaggerating everything like he always did. He wasn't as sure now, seeing all seven of them look at him like scum instead. He wasn't backing down though, and instead crossed his arms and stood there purposefully. He wasn't taking it back, he had no reason to, and the only one it should really offend was Evans, and she was such a prick to them all anyways he hardly considered it a loss.
James still had his wand out, tapping it restlessly against his hip and aching to throw a multitude of curses. The only thing stopping him was just how much he did look like Sirius right now, but it was a quickly dwindling insecurity, Sirius would never stoop so low to laugh at something like this. He'd just raised his wand when Moony chose that moment to keep going, his voice much harsher than usual, and it wasn't hoarseness from one of their nightly wanderings this time.
Now James and Sirius were the ones exchanging such heavy loaded looks, while Peter began edging around all three of his friends as if looking where to place himself in case of a fight. Remus was most certainly not happy about it, but was still of the opinion if Sirius was beating himself up already for Regulus just laughing at the word, Sirius would be in an even worse way if he actually snapped and attacked him, so he tried to persevere and keep a fight from happening.
Ron had attacked Malfoy in retaliation for his friend being called that, as he well should, Alice viciously thought as Lupin kept going around the tense silence. She was still thinking about doing the same for Evans, and was even more surprised Potter and Blacks own brother hadn't first. She had no idea what was holding them back, but it wasn't going to stop her if Regulus didn't fix that attitude in laughing about such a degrading word. She genuinely applauded Ron's use of slugs, wishing she knew that spell now.
Lily forced herself to turn away from that imp, patting Alice's hand in thanks but refusing to give any more acknowledgment to someone who could be so careless about such language as that Black. Least Potter had one thing going for him in that way, he'd clearly been moments away from making him apologize if his best mate wasn't hesitating on doing the same.
They were all grateful Ron was being dragged away from Malfoy before anything else could happen, even Regulus. He wasn't sure what he was supposed to be doing now that he had everyone in the room despising him for something he'd just thought was natural, especially as many pure-bloods were in this room. He wasn't that surprised at Potter and Black not getting the joke, but he at least would have hoped Longbottom and Smith would, and was now trying to examine in his head the differences between those two and others even outside of Slytherin who had laughed along before. He still managed to scoff in disgust at that oafs deceleration that marrying muggles had saved their species, of course they wouldn't have died out, pure-bloods always prevailed.
Lockhart popping up again to give advice to yet another round of advice to someone who obviously didn't need it had Frank again going back to his rummaging, bypassing the empty drawer for now and going carefully through all the surrounding paintings, only mildly paying attention to Ron explaining what had happened while at Hagrids. He found nothing of any more significance than Lockhart signing several of these as well, and errantly wondered if the man did them himself. He had to be good at something after all, and it clearly wasn't what he was boasting of in the fight against the Dark Arts.
Sirius finally drew his eyes away from Regulus glaring determinedly at them all, with no more of an idea what to do than when he'd first snickered at the beginning of the chapter. For the first time since his kid brother had been sorted into Slytherin though, he wanted one. He wasn't even sure to what degree, it seemed like a long lost battle to save the idiot from what their parents wanted of him, but Sirius still couldn't shake the feeling of failure Regulus had fallen so far already at the age of fourteen. Least McGonagall gave a nice, or terrible depending on viewpoint, distraction with that detention.
"I think our Head of House is trying to do your son in this year Prongs," he happily told him to try and put some attention back on himself. He'd need to find a bigger space to try and talk his friends into some ideas, he didn't want Regulus overhearing.
"I think it's the opposite, she might actually be trying to give him a treat, as obvious as Lockhart's taken a liking to him," James rolled his eyes back, though they were still sour and glaring to the door.
"What say you Pete?" He redirected. "Care to place a bet? Think someone's going to do Harry in again this year. I've now counted two teachers making a good go of it."
"You're awful," Wormtail pleasantly informed him.
"Oh, you're right," Sirius theatrically clapped a hand to his head. "It is three, I always forget about Snivellus!"
All four of them burst out laughing, to Lily's disgust, but their amusement was short lived. Lupin kept going through Lockhart's bloody useless detention, and she'd thought nothing could be worse than lines, when Harry heard something that had them all freezing in place.
It became so stiff and silent in the room you could hear a ghost breathing, but no whisper of the words echoed again through here. Frank sprinted back to the desk and double checked the time when Lockhart himself said what it was, and spoke so softly the others thought it a guttering of the candle for a moment, "well, it's the same time now. Must mean that whatever it is, isn't here now."
Lupin still had to fight hard several times to swallow around a dry throat and finish, Harry's doubt of hearing this not managing to trickle into a single one of them. They would not think so lightly of someone after this kid again, not after last year, and Sirius now felt callous for his own joke. Something was going on this year, Dobby had warned them, and this was the start to it.
Frank gave Regulus one last look of distaste as if he wanted to blame all this on him, he still seemed entirely careless about the whole thing, and went back to that last drawer.
One quick spell revealed Lockhart did have something at least mildly worth hiding in here, and another had a stack of papers appearing. Frank slowly peeled through them, but it only furthered his confusion to find interviews. The one on top featured someone from Armenia, and it was clearly only the last page of whatever they'd been talking about in regards to a werewolf, then the same man thanking Lockhart for sending an advanced copy of his book. Why would these be so poorly hidden, they didn't seem to mean a thing. As intensely focused as he was on these, he hardly registered the magnetic pull of being dragged away.
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